Taglog Installation Instructions Requirements ------------ Taglog requires TCL and TK - almost any version should do. It has been tested under Linux, Solaris and Windows NT and 95. It uses the clock tcl function present in tcl 8.2 - though I am not sure when it appeared - if the version of tcl is older than this then it uses the GNU date command (at present - although support for other forms of the command are intended for future releases) Some facilities use TCL8.3 features and this is the TCL version which has had the most thorough testing with taglog. If you do not have TCL on your computer you can download a version, for Unix or Windows from www.scriptics.com. This is a Free download. The taglog program is distributed as a gzipped tar archive. If you are on a Windows system you will need a program which can unpack the distribution. I have successfully used PowerArchiver - from www.powerarchiver.com or pkzip - from www.pkware.com. Powerarchiver used to be free, and is now shareware. If you have plenty of disk space - about 200Mb (and time for the download) you can install Cygwin for free. This is a full suite of free programs giving you many powerful Unix tools on your Windows PC. You can download Cygwin from http://sources.redhat.com/cygwin/ Installation for Unix (as a user) --------------------------------- Make sure you have TCL installed on your system. Unpack the downloaded tar.gz file into a temporary directory. Change directory into the directory which contains the unpacked taglog distribution. Enter the command 'wish src/install.tcl' The graphical installer will show you the directories where the files will be installed. Installation for Unix (as root) ------------------------------- Make sure you have TCL installed on your system. Unpack the downloaded tar.gz file into a temporary directory. Change directory into the directory which contains the unpacked taglog distribution. Enter the command 'tclsh src/install.tcl -system' The taglog file will be installed into /usr/lcoal/bin, the libraries into /usr/local/lib/taglog and the documentation into /usr/local/doc/taglog Installation for Windows ------------------------ Make sure yoy have tcl and an archive program which can unpack at tar.gz file. Unpack the distribution into a temporary directory, and execute the install.tcl script by clicking on its icon. You may want to make a shortcut to the taglog.tcl program and place it on your Windows desktop. Post install configuration for all platforms -------------------------------------------- By default the log files which taglog creates are stored in a directory called ~/diary. You can change the location of these files by using the File/Preferences option. If you want to use the built in mail facilities of the program you will have to set up the mail related fields in File/Preferences. Please report any problems with installation to john+taglog@paladyn.org, or create in issue in Github at https://github.com/JohnLines/taglog/issues