Changes to taglog. Version 0.2.7 Fixes to Periodic action feature. Version 0.2.6 Periodic Action feature - actions which re-activate Daily, Weekly, Monthly or Yearly Version 0.2.5 Fixes to URLs in Documentation for change from old domain to github hosting Version 0.2.4 Bug fix in taglog_action - rewrite actin_setup_fields to not need to upvar an array element Version 0.2.3 File/Open now resizes to handle multiple decades better. Project/Add has the ability to record the amount of time you expect to spend working on the project before it is complete. Project/Edit can now edit additional details of a project by clicking on the project name "Reports/Total Time for a Project" now reports the total expected time. The displayed time format is now set via Preferences (patch from Kirill) Version 0.2.2 There is now a History button on the action edit display, which allows a shortcut to display of the history of that action. Delegated actions can be have Active-after set on them and they will automatically become active after that time. Fix a bug in setupAutoId when entering an action and no project had been set. Version 0.2.1 Fix install.tcl to handle the Debian install New report - Active Actions Review. The subroutine dateRangeToLogfileList has moved from taglog to taglog_util, and the end date - if automatically generated - is the time the function is run, not that start of that day. If the Expected-Time or Expected start or end dates are revised then the original Expected-Time is preserved as Original-Expected-Time etc, so that Expected-Time etc can be used as the current value for these. New routine doReviseAction with most of the logic from doRevise, but decoupled from the History window. In system mode install.tcl sets the library files to world readable. Version 0.2.0 The installer now creates the directory into which the activities file will be copied if it does not already exist. Skeleton Internationalization files for French and Dutch are installed, though they are not yet usable. A new routine handleMidnight is called at midnight if the program is still running to switch to a new log file. This is still experimental. Initial support for Subtasks - they can be added from Add or Edit an action via the Add Subtask option. Fix a bug where if Add/Edit log was used to create a file for new day the headers were incorrect. Fix a bug where Add/Edit removed headers from existing files. New tag.tcl function 'tag findval [] returns the index into taglist of the entry where field == value. New tag.tcl function 'tag find [] which is like tagfindval, but for arbitrary tests as per tag extract. New utility facility Actions/Extra.../Update All Subtasks, manually updates the Subtask field in all actions. The preferences item showtime_spreadoverheads is now a selection, rather than boolean. It can be (at present) off, byweek, byday If debug is enabled in the preferences file the command File/Debug is available. This creates a window into which TCL commands can be entered for debugging purposes. e.g. 'global debug; puts "debug is $debug"' or 'source ./mainwin.tcl' The activeactions internal list now contains an index into allact. The setactionsmenu procedure has moved from the main taglog file into taglog_action.tcl The active action selector now moves subtasks into submenus (one level only) The code to automatically generate Action Ids is now in setupActionId Find taglog_help_en.tag when in local system install case (bug report and patch from Greg Simpson. There is the start of support for spreading overheads by day rather than by week - this is not yet complete. Version 0.1.57 The today action reminders are now read in on a restart. Projects which have been closed can be archived. Version 0.1.56 The preferences file ~/.taglog is sourced early to permit it to be used to store the location of the library files. The libsdir variable is preserved in the preferences. Make openNewLogFile only write the logentries if dealing with today. Version 0.1.55 Fix bug whereby the initial header was not written to the daily log file under some circumstances. The log view results window can be resized. Incorporate patched version of install.tcl from Michael Schlenker, with user interface improvements Version 0.1.54 Add monthly and annual summaries. The annual summaries can also be edited from the Open... menu. Version 0.1.53 install.tcl puts the activities file into a system location for the system type installs. The Day Summary is only saved once if you exit multiple times in a day. Log file viewing can show only the summary of the selected days. Todays summary can be edited without exiting the program. reorganise fillpreventries so it does not read from file, which is now done by readlogentries. In tag.tcl setorreplace now takes an optional extra argument as an end label for updating muliline entries. Version 0.1.52 Implement an immutable flag for projects. Update FirstDayOfWeek to match ISO 8601 definition of a week. A new tutorial section covers projects in more depth. Version 0.1.51 New toplevel menu entry Reports/Active and pending actions - generates a todo list (short cut to doing Actions/View and selecting Active, Pending and Sort by Priority) The Actions View Save As uses tk_getSaveFile The 'Today actions' are automatically updated when an action is added or changes state Version 0.1.50 New procedure in tag.tcl tag_entryVal, returns the value of an entry. taglog_getList in taglog_util.tcl uses allproj (new internal format of the projects information), rather than projects (old format) taglog_action.tcl uses taglog_getList to get the active projects. Take unneeded referenced to projects out of logEdit.tcl, mainwin.tcl taglog_init.tcl taglog_report.tcl now uses allproj rather than projects global array. taglog_projects using allproj rather than projects in initProjTimes, setupProjMenu,isbreak,isoverhead etc. Version 0.1.49 Fix a couple of bugs when trying to save information which does not exist. Check action titles before saving, also check activitiesfile for existence. Improve the tutorial section on actions, and on working with other systems. Version 0.1.48 The default_save_timebookings_file can be specified as a global variable in the taglog config file. The timebookings_file_format can be overridden, to force crlf line termination (for example) There is a new tutorial secion dealing with working with other systems. The totals handling has been tidied up within the showTimeBookings procedure to fix a bug in reporting on multiple weeks (thanks Patrice) Add /usr/share/taglog to the locations searched for help files Version 0.1.47 Add /usr/share/taglog to the locations searched for the library files. Tidy up format of the TimeBookings SaveAs report, removing unwanted spaces. Make the default file type .csv for TimeBookings SaveAs Version 0.1.46 Patch from Giuseppe Barisan to store activity types in a seperate file (called activities). There is a Save As option on the Time Bookings report. It saves the bookings information as Comma Seperated Value format. Note that this feature is new and the format of the file it saves to may change a little depending on feedback from users. Version 0.1.45 Check for tcl versions <8.2 and use slower file parsing method and no binary search for help. Version 0.1.44 taglog has a 'package require Tk' so it can be wrapped with sdx install.tcl has a new -vfs argument which builds a taglog.vfs Actions can have a Summary, which can be updated to reflect its current status. The update can be done by editing the action from within the Action/View and right click edit system, or by editing from within the Action/History display and then clicking Revise. Today actions in mainwin created in display_today_actions, ready to make this more flexible Right click in Action in the central Actions bar to edit the current action. Version 0.1.43 The Project Progress Report defaults to all projects if no project is specified. Total Time for a project report shows breakdown by activity - patch from Giuseppe Barisan The Project Progress Report can save its report as HTML Version 0.1.42 The help facility now uses sorted help files and a binary search. The projects in the 'Projects View' display are sorted before display to make it easier to find a particular project. Version 0.1.41 Rewrite 'tag readfile' in tag.tcl. Hopefully faster and uses less memory. Version 0.1.40 Updated German translations from Alexander Spanke The default for the week that time bookings starts is a preferences item. (You can default to last week or this week) Version 0.1.39 In the weekly time bookings report an absense of entries for Saturday or Sunday is not reported as an error. In taglog_report the firstDayOfWeek calculation separated into its own routine, and fixes off by two weeks bug. dateformat_tcl is now saved in preferences in addition to dateformat_view The summary of the day is now read in when the file is read in, so if you exit and restart the summary is preserved. The current project is first selection in the actions/add Projects selections Incorportate updated German translations and mc patches from Alexander Spanke Version 0.1.38 In the logedit window the description area expands if the window is resized. In action input Active after is now labeled as a date, so can be picked from a calendar widget. In the logedit window the Rate can be edited. In the logedit window the stack info is preserved. Fix a bug in adding actions where the language was not set to English Version 0.1.37 In taglog_init can choose the Data directory root with tk_chooseDirectory if tclversion >= 8.3 Cancel the wm protcol WM_DELETE_WINDOW at the start of doquit New action status - Delegated and field - Delegated-to Increase the size of the Projects URL field in Preferences The defaults for whether overheads are spread or not is a preferences item, and now defaults to true. Improvements to the rounding of times in the Time Bookings report. The time bookings report is more robust against weeks with no bookable time Version 0.1.36 Catch errors with start procedures. Sanity checks on the number of today actions and window sizes in prefs tag.tcl has a new subcommand 'tag readbuf' - like 'tag readfile' but it reads from a buffer. Can get projects list from a web server over http (Projects/Update) Some minor updates to the help (in English) New users automatically get the preferences page. Windows users now store files under USERPROFILE directory by default Projects in the Project selection menu are sorted so that those flagged as Active appear first in the list. Version 0.1.35 The 'builders are here' release Fix a bug in the setup of start_procs where it was possible to set it to a blank, but non empty string, which stopped taglog starting. New package taglog_stack, which provides an actions and projects stack - you can push your current action onto it and return to it when you are done. Added some general time management hints under the main help section. Bugfix for finding the help files under ~/lib/taglog Version 0.1.34 Fix installation on Windows to drives other than C: (patch from Ron Fox) From Actions/Extras you can archive actions which were completed or aborted more than a month ago. Note that if you have actions from a version of taglog which did not add a Completed-date then you will have to add this yourself by hand. The archived actions are stored in the data directory root with a name based on the year and month) New tutorial section on Preferences. Version 0.1.33 The location of the preferences file can be read from the commmand line. (taglog -c prefsfile) The data files can be read and written in locations under the data directory root - for example on a network drive. The procedures which are run at startup can be modified via the preferences, allowing the program to start with the main window iconified and the Projects View window opened. Create the document directory on installation if it does not exist. Version 0.1.32 Fix week 8 problem (and document the convoluted code so I dont tidy it up again) Version 0.1.31 Fix project times total initialisation bug. Saveprefs if we found projects in them, makes sure they are in the projects.tag file Tidy up Edit projects window a little - anchor the breaks label to the left and the active label to the right Display the native name of the prefs file in the title of the Edit Preferences window. Use trace to highlight the current project in Projects/View. Help overviews for the main window items. Version 0.1.30 The previous entries window is now marked as disabled for user text input. New maintenance program sort_taghelp - sorts taghelp entries. Projects can now be flagged as Active, in which case they always appear in the Time Bookings (Projects/View) window. The current project is highlighted in the Projects/View window. You can switch active projects from the Projects/View window by clicking on the project labels. Version 0.1.29 Time Bookings reports can be mailed. Fix bug in Weekly Time Bookings report intialisation (stopped working in 2002) Add a large number of translation fixes from Alexander Spenke Version 0.1.28 Bugfix for unix system installed version to locate help files Bugfix for failing to create an action when contacts is empty. Bugfix for Projects/edit with no projects Projects are now read from projects.tag, rather than from preferences Bugfix for Edit of old logs - labels for times wrong when langauge was english. New field Default-as can be entered in contacts, but it does not do anything yet, it is a placeholder for a future release. Version 0.1.27 New files logEdit.tcl and taglog_widgets.tcl replace tkCal.tcl and calUtil.tcl logEdit.tcl from Alexander Spanke replaces 'File/Add old' entry with greatly improved editing system for old log entries. New Unix system installation option - see INSTALL All modules are now invoked as packages. The display setup has been moved from taglog to mainwin.tcl Incorporate the following changes from Alexander Spanke - translation continued (de.msg) - autocompletion of text in entry widgets which are associated with taglog lists (list of projects, activities ...) - two new variables GL_autoComCase and GL_autoComMsec in taglog_init.tcl control the behaviour of the autocompletion - function "menu_create" modified, autocompletion can automatically started within that function (uses function taglog_getList) - the entry widget for project in the main window resize automatically to the length of the largest project name - new function taglog_getList in taglog_util.tcl provides one of the taglog lists (list of projects, activities ...) - new function taglog_getMaxMembLen in taglog_util.tcl provides the length of the largest name in a taglog list Update install.tcl to aid debian packaging. Add a very brief manual page for taglog. Version 0.1.26 Line up the labels in the Actions input/edit window Change actionInputWindow to allow it to be called several times simultaneously. The selector for the time bookings report now indicates the range of dates which have been selected - patch by Alexander Spanke Active actions are displayed in priority order for tcl version 8 Patch from Alexander Spanke to fix the totals display formatting in the time bookings report under Windows Initial support for message catalogs for tcl >=8.2 - Translations welcomed ! Fix bug in selector for File/Open Complete and Abort from the End button enabled. Log entry Id now contains the seconds value as well as hhmm Action sequences - with Next-action and Abort-action fields. Version 0.1.25 This release is decicated to those who died in the terrorist actions of 11th September 2001. No cause is furthered by the taking of innocent lives. Projects are saved as a tagged accountproject type (but also saved to the preferences file). They are still read from preferences now. New calendar widgets, contributed by Alexander Spanke-Meppen allow dates to be selected more easily - click on the calendar icons. Minor fixes to the English help file, and an updated German help. Fix install.tcl bug which did not install German help. Take out all references to array unset for tcl8.2 compatibility. Fix bug in editing actions which caused multiple actions to be offered up for edit. Version 0.1.24 taghelp can take an additional argument and this will be substituted for $1 in the help description. Help/About is now done through the help system. German help translation provided by Alexander Spanke-Meppen Minor help file fixes. Fix Time Bookings report for hh:mm format (was doing hh:mm:ss) The 'Select Log Files...' display has each decade on a new line An Id prefix can be set in preferences and will be prepended to Auto action Ids The projects in the actions view selector can be all projects or only active projects The titles of the actions at the top of the display can be selected from the actions which are active at startup. New tag.tcl command sort - returns a tagged list in sorted order Selected actions in Actions/View can be sorted by Priority before display The Action drop down list in the middle menu bar is sorted by priority Version 0.1.23 Additional fields in Contacts for notes, organisation Separators in Contacts listing Edit contacts by right click after a listing. Preferences settings for the sizes of the history and current frame Preferences setting for number of reminder actions to display (Above changes to allow taglog to occupy less screen space) Fixed SMTP init for Win32 systems (was trying to find a username from the environment) smtp tag attachments are now named noname.tag by default or given a name with the -attachname switch to the smtp send command. taglog_report no longer uses 'array unset' for tcl3.2 compatibility taglog_util and taglog_project split from main taglog file Log file listings (from File Open..) can be saved as html Version 0.1.22 The action input menu is now scrollable, for use in systems with small displays. Edit an action by right click from the Action/View display A little bit of the help translated with the aid of Fix a bug in logfilename2date which swapped US and European date formats The weekly timebookings by project report will do several weeks Version 0.1.21 Incorporate many patches from Greg A. Woods The root directory (defaulting to ~/diary) is now a preferences item. The date input and display format is a preferences item. (Not used everywhere yet) View Contacts started You can mail an action to someone instead of adding it to your own actions file Projects/Edit is now scrollable. Delete projects within Projects/Edit implemented Actions/View selections for expected dates improved. Version 0.1.20 The 'End' button in the cnetre panel now allows a Contact name and/or a Rate (such as Overtime) to be associated with a log entry. Log file entries can be searched on Contacts and Activities. Version 0.1.19 Fix 'millenium bug' in Weekly Time bookings by project. It had hard- wired date calculation which only worked for Year 2000. Remove many warnings reported by Frink, the static TCL checker found at Version 0.1.18 Help information extended to more areas. Edit Preferences command in the File menu. The start of a facility to manage contacts, initially as a helper for the Email-status-to action field. Version 0.1.17 There is the start of a context sensitive help system, potentially in multiple langauges - translators welcomed. Fixed a bug which prevented the start time of the first entry of the day from being adjusted via the Start button Minor improvements to install.tcl - it may work for Windows now You can right click (button 3) on a log entry in the previous entries window to edit it. Version 0.1.16 Can add old log entries, currently aimed at 'blocking in' whole days of leave, or working off site. The new entry is always appended to the log file - it does not sort them into chronological order. Implement the active_after facility which allows actions to be activated automatically after a given date and time. Changed the handling of actions so they are not read in on every change (but now reside in memory) Version 0.1.15 Time bookings displayed by Project Code instead of, or as well as project name now implemented Implemented a first pass at the time by activity report. The install.tcl script works for the case of Unix user install Version 0.1.14 Action related routines now in taglog_action.tcl The action ID is now taken from the project title plus a serial number, giving more meaningful action IDs, e.g. This_Project.1 not taglog.20000926 Added the ability to clear the current action. Dont save the description of a log entry if it is empty. Rudimentary mail support (in smtp.tcl) New Action field - Email-status-to - when the status of an action changes this address is notified. Totals in the Time Bookings report are now displayed in bold Version 0.1.13 History of an action can be saved to a file The expected time and expected completion date of an action can be revised from the action history menu. New tag.tcl routine update - update an entry in a tagged file New tag.tcl routine setorreplace - replace an item in an entry if it exists, or add it as an new item. Version 0.1.12 New tag.tcl routine - readselected (combines readfile and extract) Install.tcl does a basic install for limited cases, with no selection. Initialisation routines now in taglog_init.tcl Dont output a tab on the end of report lines in the time bookings report Total time for a project report now picks up project start and end dates The basics of 'History of an action' now work. Version 0.1.11 Internal routines now operate in seconds rather than minutes The view old logs display has the date of the entries as seperators Bug fixes to the logfilename2date routine, thanks to Bruce Gingery Add a menu for easier selection of typical priority values when adding an action Add a menu for easier selection of typical Expected-time values when adding an action. Menu item to allow a Closed Action to be Reactivated. The abiltity to add notes to an action when it changes state Report procedures are now in taglog_report.tcl Started a project progress report routine. Can select actions to view by their expected start or completed dates Version 0.1.10 Allow Actions for viewing to be selected from more than one file Version 0.1.9 More information in the total time for a project report Actions state change selections now scroll Spread overheads across other bookable projects Version 0.1.8 Report on time bookings for a project. (still with a couple of rough edges) Minor tutorial updates Version 0.1.7 Ability to display time bookings in decimal days Formatting impovements to Time Bookings display. Projects have a start and end date, set in Projects/Add and Edit Fix bug in Projects/Edit where flags could only be set, now can be unset as well. Projects which are past their end date do not appear in the list for booking time to. Version 0.1.6 Projects edit works for all fuctions except delete Difficulty setting in actions/add is now a button to select possilbe values New Actions menu items to abort pending or active actions Bugfix - 0.1.4 changes had the test for a breaks project the wrong way round Version 0.1.5 New menu items Actions/Complete and Actions/Activate move actions from active to completed and pending to acitve respectively Version 0.1.4 Each element of the projects list is now a list, first eleement is name, then action index, bookas, overheads flag, breaks flag Menu entry (probably temporary) Actions/Refresh Active - refresh the active actions list. (still have to edit actions file outside the program Version 0.1.3 Ability to select actions by priority Book time to actions as well as projects Select which actions fields are diplayed Start of ability to edit projects (not yet working) Tutorial extended. Ability to select log entries which contain some string Right click on the 'Next' button gives a next action menu Can enter a Difficulty field in Actions/add Version 0.1.2 tutorial.html started. Version 0.1.1 Weekly report of time bookings works (for year 2000 at least)