import QtQuick 2.9 import QtQuick.Controls 1.5 import QtQuick.Window 2.2 import MuseScore 3.0 import Qt.labs.settings 1.0 MuseScore { menuPath : "Plugins.Comments" version : "3.0" description : qsTr("This plugin adds comments to your score") //SL Removed plugin type as it's not really a dialog anymore and is causing two windows to be present on MAC //pluginType : "Dialog" //requiresScore: true // needs MuseScore > 2.0.3 Component.onCompleted : { if (mscoreMajorVersion >= 4) { title = qsTr("Comments") ; // thumbnailName = ".png"; // categoryCode = "some_category"; } } onRun : { curScore.startCmd() if (!curScore) { quit(); } else { window.visible = true } curScore.endCmd() } Window { id : window width : 400; minimumWidth : textLabel.width + 20 minimumHeight : textLabel.height + 100 height : 300 visible : false //SL Added variable to hold the score current to this plugin property var score : curScore //SL Added title so it is obvious which score the text will be added to title : {"MuseScore : " +} color : "gray" Settings { id : settings category : "plugin.comments.settings" property string metrics : "" } Label { id : textLabel wrapMode : Text.WordWrap text : qsTr("Add your comments") font.pointSize : 20 anchors.horizontalCenter : parent.horizontalCenter } Rectangle { id: textAreaRect : textLabel.bottom anchors.left : window.left anchors.right : window.right anchors.bottom : window.bottom anchors.fill : parent anchors.leftMargin : 5 anchors.rightMargin : 5 anchors.topMargin : textLabel.height + 5 anchors.bottomMargin : 5 color : "gray" radius : 2 TextArea { id : abcText anchors.centerIn : parent anchors.fill : parent font.pointSize : 12 backgroundVisible : false focus : true wrapMode : TextEdit.WrapAnywhere textFormat : TextEdit.PlainText //SL Changed from onPressed as in some circumstances the last key pressed was lost. Keys.onReleased : { if (event.key === Qt.Key_Escape) { window.close(); } else { curScore.setMetaTag("comments", abcText.text) } } Component.onCompleted : { if (curScore) text = curScore.metaTag("comments") } } Component.onCompleted : { if (curScore) { var metrics = settings.metrics; if (metrics) { metrics = JSON.parse(metrics); window.x = metrics.x; window.y = metrics.y; window.width = metrics.width; window.height = metrics.height; } } } } onClosing : { if (curScore) { var metrics = { x : window.x, y : window.y, width : window.width, height : window.height } curScore.setMetaTag("comments", abcText.text) settings.metrics = JSON.stringify(metrics); } quit() } //Added onActiveChanged so we can test if the score has been changed. onActiveChanged : { if (active) { if (score != curScore) { //Add new scorename to title window.title = "MuseScore : " +; //Update the new score text abcText.text = curScore.metaTag("comments"); abcText.cursorPosition = abcText.text.length; //Now working on the new score score = curScore; } } } } }