#!/usr/bin/env bash # This is an experimental installer script for MagicMirror² Remote-Control echo "" echo "Installation for the MagicMirror² Remote-Control module started!" echo "" echo "Notice: This script and the installed software is provided “as is”, without warranty of any kind, express or implied, including but not limited to the warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and noninfringement. In no event shall the authors or copyright holders be liable for any claim, damages or other liability, whether in an action of contract, tort or otherwise, arising from, out of or in connection with the software or the use or other dealings in the software." echo "" check_yes() { read -p ">>> $1 [y/N]? " -n 1 REPLY echo "" if [[ ! "$REPLY" =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]; then return 1 fi return 0 } check_no() { read -p ">>> $1 [Y/n]? " -n 1 REPLY echo "" if [[ $REPLY =~ ^[Nn]$ ]]; then return 1 fi return 0 } if check_yes "Continue?"; then echo "" else exit 0 fi # assume default install location MM_HOME=$HOME/MagicMirror MODULE_NAME=MMM-Remote-Control FORK=Jopyth # check if we are correct by searching for https://github.com/MichMich/MagicMirror in package.json TEST_STRING="\"url\": \"git+https://github.com/MichMich/MagicMirror.git\"" if grep -sq "$TEST_STRING" "$MM_HOME/package.json"; then # we found it echo -n "" else # assume we are in the correct directory MM_HOME=`pwd` if grep -sq "$TEST_STRING" "$MM_HOME/package.json"; then # found it again echo -n "" else echo "Could not find MagicMirror² installation directory." echo "Please start this script again from the MagicMirror directory." exit 1 fi fi if [ -d "$MM_HOME/modules/$MODULE_NAME" ] ; then # already installed echo "Directory $MM_HOME/modules/$MODULE_NAME already exists." echo "" cd "$MM_HOME/modules/$MODULE_NAME" BRANCH="$(git symbolic-ref HEAD 2>/dev/null)" || BRANCH="(unnamed branch)" # detached HEAD BRANCH=${BRANCH##refs/heads/} echo "You are currently on the $BRANCH branch." echo "" if [ "$BRANCH" == "master" ]; then if check_yes "Do you want to switch to the develop branch?"; then git checkout develop fi else if check_yes "Do you want to switch to the master branch?"; then git checkout master fi fi echo "" if check_no "Do you want to update your branch?"; then echo "" echo "Pulling changes..." git pull if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Could not pull successfully." exit 1; fi echo "" echo "Checking for new dependencies to install..." echo "" npm install if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Failed to install new dependencies." exit 1; fi echo "Done." echo "" echo "Update finished!" else echo "Already installed, not upgrading." fi else echo "MagicMirror² detected in: $MM_HOME" echo "" if check_yes "Is this correct and do you want to start installation?"; then echo "" echo "You can use either the master or the develop branch." echo "The develop branch contains more features, but is also more likely to cause errors or crashes." echo "This can be changed later by executing this script again, or using the git branch command." echo "" echo "By default the master branch will be installed." echo "" if check_yes "Do you want to install the develop branch instead?"; then BRANCH=develop else BRANCH=master fi cd "$MM_HOME/modules" echo "" echo "Cloning the repository on $BRANCH branch..." echo "" git clone https://github.com/$FORK/$MODULE_NAME.git -b $BRANCH if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Failed. Do you have an internet connection?" exit 1; fi cd $MODULE_NAME echo "" echo "Installing dependencies..." echo "" npm install if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Failed to install dependencies." exit 1; fi echo "Done." echo "" echo "Installation finished." else echo "Installation skipped." fi fi # Get an UUID to use as an API key NODE_BIN=$(which node) APIKEY=$($NODE_BIN -e 'console.log(require("uuid/v4")().replace(/-/g, ""));'); echo "" if check_no "Do you want to view instructions on how to configure the module?"; then echo "(1) Please add the following snippet into your modules array in your config.js:" echo -e "\033[33m -------------- copy below this line --------------" echo -e " {" echo -e " module: '$MODULE_NAME'", echo -e " // uncomment the following line to show the URL of the remote control on the mirror" echo -e " // position: 'bottom_left'", echo -e " // you can hide this module afterwards from the remote control itself" echo -e " config: {" echo -e "\033[31m apiKey: '$APIKEY'\033[33m" echo -e " }" echo -e " }," echo -e " -------------- copy above this line --------------\033[0m" echo "" echo "(2) Also you will need to change the address at which the server listens:" echo " Search for the following line in your config.js:" echo " address: \"localhost\"," echo " and change it to allow any device to contact your Mirror:" echo " address: \"\"," echo "" echo "(3) Make sure to add the IPs of your devices from which you want to access the Remote Control to the ipWhitelist array." echo " If for example have a phone with the IP address search for the following line:" echo " ipWhitelist: [\"\", \"::ffff:\", \"::1\"]," echo " and add your IP to the list:" echo " ipWhitelist: [\"\", \"::ffff:\", \"::1\", \"::ffff:\"]," echo " Alternatively, you can also add multiple devices with IPs such as 192.168.0.XXX:" echo " ipWhitelist: [\"\", \"::ffff:\", \"::1\", \"::ffff:\", \"\"]," echo "" if check_no "Got it?"; then echo "" else echo "" echo "Please have a look at the links below for help." echo "" fi else echo "" echo -e "\033[31mYou should also set an API key in your config section!\033[0m" echo " It's dangerous to go alone! Take this. " echo -e "\033[31m apiKey: '$APIKEY'\033[0m" echo " I made it just for you." echo "" fi echo "Have fun with the module, if you have any problems, please search for help on github or in the forum:" echo "" echo " Github : https://github.com/$FORK/$MODULE_NAME" echo " Forum : http://forum.magicmirror.builders" echo "" echo "Do not forget to restart your MagicMirror² to activate the module! Installation finished." echo "" exit 0