<?php /** * SQL database management to be used by several providers at the same time. * * @author Josantonius <hello@josantonius.com> * @copyright 2017 - 2018 (c) Josantonius - PHP-Database * @license https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT - The MIT License (MIT) * @link https://github.com/Josantonius/PHP-Database * @since 1.0.0 */ namespace Josantonius\Database; use Josantonius\Database\Exception\DBException; /** * Database handler. */ class Database { /** * Database identifier. * * @since 1.1.6 * * @var mixed */ public static $id; /** * Database provider. * * @var object */ public $provider; /** * Last insert id of the last query. * * @var int */ public $lastInsertId; /** * Get number of rows affected of the last query. * * @var int */ public $rowCount; /** * Database settings. * * @var array */ public $settings; /** * Configurations for queries. * * @since 1.2.1 * * @var null|array */ private $items = [ 'on' => null, // array → db reference table (foreing) 'type' => null, // string → type of query 'data' => null, // array → columns and values 'table' => null, // string → database table name 'order' => null, // mixed → order clause 'charset' => null, // string → database charset 'limit' => null, // int → limit clause 'where' => null, // mixed → where clause 'engine' => null, // string → database engine 'result' => null, // string → result datatype: array|object|rows 'columns' => null, // mixed → columns 'foreing' => null, // array → foreing 'actions' => null, // array → action when delete/update (foreing) 'reference' => null, // array → references for foreing 'statements' => null, // array → prepared statements ]; /** * Database connection. * * @var array */ private static $conn; /** * Query. * * @var string */ private $query; /** * Query response. * * @var object */ private $response; /** * Database provider constructor. * * @param string $provider → name of provider class * @param string $host → database host * @param string $user → database user * @param string $name → database name * @param string $password → database password * @param array $settings → database options * @param array $settings['port'] → database port * @param array $settings['charset'] → database charset * * @throws DBException → if the provider class specified does not exist * @throws DBException → if could not connect to provider */ protected function __construct( $provider, $host, $user, $name, $password, $settings ) { $provider = "Josantonius\\Database\\Provider\\$provider"; if (! class_exists($provider)) { throw new DBException("The provider doesn't exist: $provider"); } $this->provider = new $provider; $this->provider->connect($host, $user, $name, $password, $settings); if (! $this->provider->isConnected()) { throw new DBException( "Could not connect to provider: $provider. " . $this->provider->getError() ); } $this->settings = $settings; } /** * Close connection to database. */ public function __destruct() { $this->provider->kill(); } /** * Get connection. * * Create a new if it doesn't exist or another provider is used. * * @param string $id → identifying name for the database * @param string $provider → name of provider class * @param string $host → database host * @param string $user → database user * @param string $name → database name * @param string $password → database password * @param array $settings → database options * @param string $settings['port'] → database port * @param string $settings['charset'] → database charset * * @return object → object with the connection */ public static function getConnection( $id, $provider = null, $host = null, $user = null, $name = null, $password = null, $settings = null ) { if (isset(self::$conn[self::$id = $id])) { return self::$conn[$id]; } return self::$conn[$id] = new self( $provider, $host, $user, $name, $password, $settings ); } /** * Process query and prepare it for the provider. * * @param string $query → query * @param array $statements → null by default or array for statements * * @param string $result → 'obj' → result as object * → 'array_num' → result as numeric array * → 'array_assoc' → result as associative array * → 'rows' → affected rows number * → 'id' → last insert id * * @throws DBException → invalid query type * * @return mixed → result as object, array, int... */ public function query($query, $statements = null, $result = 'obj') { $this->items['type'] = trim(explode(' ', $query)[0]); $this->query = $query; $this->items['result'] = $result; $this->items['statements'] = $statements; $types = '|SELECT|INSERT|UPDATE|DELETE|CREATE|TRUNCATE|DROP|USE|'; if (! strpos($types, $this->items['type'])) { throw new DBException( 'Unknown query type:' . $this->items['type'] ); } $this->implement(); return $this->getResponse(); } /** * Create table statement. * * @param array $data → column name and configuration for data types * * @return object */ public function create($data) { $this->items['type'] = 'CREATE'; $this->items['data'] = $data; return $this; } /** * Set foreing key. * * @since 1.1.2 * * @param string $id → column id * * @return object */ public function foreing($id) { $this->items['foreing'][] = $id; return $this; } /** * Set reference for foreing keys. * * @since 1.1.2 * * @param array $table → table name * * @return object */ public function reference($table) { $this->items['reference'][] = $table; return $this; } /** * Set database table name. * * @since 1.1.2 * * @param array $table → table name * * @return object */ public function on($table) { $this->items['on'][] = $table; return $this; } /** * Set actions when delete or update for foreing key. * * @since 1.1.2 * * @param string $action → action when delete or update * * @return object */ public function actions($action) { $this->items['actions'][] = $action; return $this; } /** * Set engine. * * @since 1.1.2 * * @param string $type → engine type * * @return object */ public function engine($type) { $this->items['engine'] = $type; return $this; } /** * Set charset. * * @since 1.1.2 * * @return object */ public function charset($type) { $this->items['charset'] = $type; return $this; } /** * Select statement. * * @param mixed $columns → column/s name * * @return object */ public function select($columns = '*') { $this->items['type'] = 'SELECT'; $this->items['columns'] = $columns; return $this; } /** * Insert into statement. * * @param array $data → column name and value * @param array $statements → null by default or array for statements * * @return object */ public function insert($data, $statements = null) { $this->items['type'] = 'INSERT'; $this->items['data'] = $data; $this->items['statements'] = $statements; return $this; } /** * Update statement. * * @param array $data → column name and value * @param array $statements → null by default or array for statements * * @return object */ public function update($data, $statements = null) { $this->items['type'] = 'UPDATE'; $this->items['data'] = $data; $this->items['statements'] = $statements; return $this; } /** * Replace a row in a table if it exists or insert a new row if not exist. * * @param array $data → column name and value * @param array $statements → null by default or array for statements * * @return object */ public function replace($data, $statements = null) { $this->items['type'] = 'REPLACE'; $this->items['data'] = $data; $this->items['statements'] = $statements; return $this; } /** * Delete statement. * * @return object */ public function delete() { $this->items['type'] = 'DELETE'; return $this; } /** * Truncate table statement. * * @return object */ public function truncate() { $this->items['type'] = 'TRUNCATE'; return $this; } /** * Drop table statement. * * @return object */ public function drop() { $this->items['type'] = 'DROP'; return $this; } /** * Set database table name. * * @param string $table → table name * * @return object */ public function in($table) { $this->items['table'] = $table; return $this; } /** * Set database table name. * * @param string $table → table name * * @return object */ public function table($table) { $this->items['table'] = $table; return $this; } /** * Set database table name. * * @param string $table → table name * * @return object */ public function from($table) { $this->items['table'] = $table; return $this; } /** * Where clauses. * * @param mixed $clauses → column name and value * @param array $statements → null by default or array for statements * * @return object */ public function where($clauses, $statements = null) { $this->items['where'] = $clauses; if (is_array($this->items['statements'])) { $this->items['statements'] = array_merge( $this->items['statements'], $statements ); } else { $this->items['statements'] = $statements; } return $this; } /** * Set SELECT order. * * @param string $type → query sort parameters * * @return object */ public function order($type) { $this->items['order'] = $type; return $this; } /** * Set SELECT limit. * * @param int $number → query limiting parameters * * @return object */ public function limit($number) { $this->items['limit'] = $number; return $this; } /** * Execute query. * * @param string $result → 'obj' → result as object * → 'array_num' → result as numeric array * → 'array_assoc' → result as associative array * → 'rows' → affected rows number * → 'id' → last insert id * * @return int → number of lines updated or 0 if not updated */ public function execute($result = 'obj') { $this->items['result'] = $result; $type = strtolower($this->items['type']); switch ($this->items['type']) { case 'SELECT': $params = [ $this->items['columns'], $this->items['table'], $this->items['where'], $this->items['order'], $this->items['limit'], $this->items['statements'], $this->items['result'], ]; break; case 'INSERT': $params = [ $this->items['table'], $this->items['data'], $this->items['statements'], ]; break; case 'UPDATE': $params = [ $this->items['table'], $this->items['data'], $this->items['statements'], $this->items['where'], ]; break; case 'REPLACE': $params = [ $this->items['table'], $this->items['data'], $this->items['statements'], ]; break; case 'DELETE': $params = [ $this->items['table'], $this->items['statements'], $this->items['where'], ]; break; case 'CREATE': $params = [ $this->items['table'], $this->items['data'], $this->items['foreing'], $this->items['reference'], $this->items['on'], $this->items['actions'], $this->items['engine'], $this->items['charset'], ]; break; case 'TRUNCATE': $params = [ $this->items['table'], ]; break; case 'DROP': $params = [ $this->items['table'], ]; break; } $provider = [$this->provider, $type]; $this->response = call_user_func_array($provider, $params); return $this->getResponse(); } /** * Query handler. * * @return object → returns query to be executed by provider class */ private function implement() { if (is_array($this->items['statements'])) { return $this->implementPrepareStatements(); } return $this->implementQuery(); } /** * Run query with prepared statements. */ private function implementPrepareStatements() { $this->response = $this->provider->statements( $this->query, $this->items['statements'] ); } /** * Run query without prepared statements. */ private function implementQuery() { $this->response = $this->provider->query( $this->query, $this->items['type'] ); } /** * Get response after executing the query. * * @throws DBException → error executing query * * @return mixed → result as object, array, int... */ private function getResponse() { $this->lastInsertId = $this->provider->lastInsertId(); $this->rowCount = $this->provider->rowCount($this->response); if (is_null($this->response)) { $this->reset(); throw new DBException( 'Error executing the query ' . $this->provider->getError() ); } $response = $this->fetchResponse(); $this->reset(); return $response; } /** * Process query as object or numeric or associative array. * * @return mixed|bool → results */ private function fetchResponse() { $type = $this->items['type']; if (strpos('|INSERT|UPDATE|DELETE|REPLACE|', $type)) { if ($this->items['result'] === 'id') { return $this->lastInsertId; } return $this->rowCount; } elseif ($type === 'SELECT') { if ($this->items['result'] !== 'rows') { return $this->provider->fetchResponse( $this->response, $this->items['result'] ); } if (is_object($this->response)) { return $this->provider->rowCount($this->response); } } return true; } /** * Reset query parameters. */ private function reset() { $this->items['columns'] = null; $this->items['table'] = null; $this->items['where'] = null; $this->items['order'] = null; $this->items['limit'] = null; $this->items['statements'] = null; $this->items['foreing'] = null; $this->items['reference'] = null; $this->items['on'] = null; $this->items['actions'] = null; $this->items['engine'] = null; $this->items['charset'] = null; } }