 * SQL database management to be used by several providers at the same time.
 * @author    Josantonius <hello@josantonius.com>
 * @copyright 2017 - 2018 (c) Josantonius - PHP-Database
 * @license   https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT - The MIT License (MIT)
 * @link      https://github.com/Josantonius/PHP-Database
 * @since     1.0.0
namespace Josantonius\Database\Provider;

 * PDO database provider.
class PDOprovider extends Provider
     * Database connection.
     * @param string $host                → database host
     * @param string $dbUser              → database user
     * @param string $dbName              → database name
     * @param string $pass                → database password
     * @param array  $settings            → database options
     * @param array  $settings['charset'] → database charset
     * @return object|null → returns the object with the connection or null
    public function connect($host, $dbUser, $dbName, $pass, $settings = [])
        try {
            $ifExists = (! isset($settings['charset']));

            $charset = $ifExists ? $settings['charset'] : 'utf8';

            $this->conn = new \PDO(
                'mysql:host=' . $host .
                ';dbname=' . $dbName .
                ';charset=' . $charset,

            $this->conn->exec('SET NAMES' . $charset);



            return $this->conn;
        } catch (\PDOException $e) {
            $this->error = $e->getMessage();

            return null;

     * Run database queries.
     * @param string $query → query
     * @return object|null → returns the object with the connection or null
    public function query($query, $type = '')
        try {
            if ($type === 'SELECT') {
                return $this->conn->query($query);

            return $this->conn->exec($query);
        } catch (\PDOException $e) {
            $this->error = $e->getMessage();

            return null;

     * Execute prepared queries.
     * @param string $query      → query
     * @param array  $statements → array with prepared parameters
     * @return object|null → returns the object with the connection or null
    public function statements($query, $statements)
        try {
            $query = $this->conn->prepare($query);

            foreach ($statements as $key => $value) {
                $param = $statements[$key][0];
                $value = $statements[$key][1];
                $ifExists = (isset($statements[$key][2]));
                $dataType = $ifExists ? $statements[$key][2] : false;

                switch ($dataType) {
                    case 'bool':
                    case 'boolean':
                        $query->bindValue($param, $value, \PDO::PARAM_BOOL);
                    case 'null':
                        $query->bindValue($param, $value, \PDO::PARAM_NULL);
                    case 'int':
                    case 'integer':
                        $query->bindValue($param, $value, \PDO::PARAM_INT);
                    case 'str':
                        $query->bindValue($param, $value, \PDO::PARAM_STR);
                    case false:
                        $query->bindValue($param, $value);


            return $query;
        } catch (\PDOException $e) {
            $this->error = $e->getMessage();

            return null;

     * Create table statement.
     * @param string $table     → table name
     * @param array  $data      → column name and configuration for data types
     * @param string $foreing   → foreing key column
     * @param array  $reference → column reference
     * @param string $on        → table reference
     * @param array  $actions   → actions when delete/update for foreing key
     * @param string $engine    → database engine
     * @param array  $charset   → database charset
     * @return int → 0
    public function create(
    ) {
        $index = '';
        $references = '';

        if (! is_null($foreing) &&
            ! is_null($reference) &&
            ! is_null($on) &&
            count($foreing) === count($on) &&
            count($reference) === count($foreing)
        ) {
            $count = count($foreing);

            for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
                $action = (isset($actions[$i])) ? $actions[$i] : $actions[0];

                $index .= ' INDEX (`' . $foreing[$i] . '`), ';

                $references .= 'CONSTRAINT FOREIGN KEY (`' . $foreing[$i] . '`) ' .
                    'REFERENCES ' . $on[$i] .
                    ' (`' . $reference[$i] . '`) ' . $action . ',';

        $query = 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `' . $table . '` (';

        foreach ($data as $column => $value) {
            $query .= $column . ' ' . $value . ', ';
        $engine = (! is_null($engine)) ? ' ENGINE=' . $engine : '';
        $charset = (! is_null($charset)) ? ' CHARSET=' . $charset : '';

        $query = $query . $index . $references;

        $query = rtrim(trim($query), ',') . ')' . $engine . ' ' . $charset;

        return $this->query($query);

     * Selec statement.
     * @param mixed  $columns    → column/s name
     * @param string $from       → table name
     * @param mixed  $where      → where clauses
     * @param mixed  $order      → query sort parameters
     * @param int    $limit      → query limiting parameters
     * @param array  $statements → array with prepared parameters
     * @return object → query response
    public function select($columns, $from, $where, $order, $limit, $statements)
        $query = 'SELECT ';
        $query .= (is_array($columns)) ? implode(', ', $columns) : $columns;
        $query .= ' FROM `' . $from . '` ';
        $query .= (! is_null($where)) ? ' WHERE ' : '';
        $query .= (is_string($where)) ? $where . ' ' : '';

        if (is_array($where)) {
            foreach ($where as $clause) {
                $query .= $clause . ' AND ';
            $query = rtrim(trim($query), 'AND');

        $query .= (! is_null($order)) ? ' ORDER BY ' : '';
        $query .= (is_string($order)) ? $order . ' ' : '';

        if (is_array($order)) {
            foreach ($order as $value) {
                $query .= $value . ', ';
            $query = rtrim(trim($query), ',');

        $query .= (! is_null($limit)) ? ' LIMIT ' : '';
        $query .= (is_int($limit)) ? $limit . ' ' : '';

        if (! is_null($statements) && is_array($statements)) {
            return $this->statements(trim($query), $statements);

        return $this->query(trim($query), 'SELECT');

     * Insert into statement.
     * @param string $table      → table name
     * @param array  $data       → column name and value
     * @param array  $statements → array with prepared parameters
     * @return object → query response
    public function insert($table, $data, $statements)
        $input = [
            'columns' => '',
            'values' => ''

        $query = 'INSERT INTO `' . $table . '` ';

        foreach ($data as $column => $value) {
            $input['columns'] .= $column . ', ';

            $value = (is_null($statements) && is_string($value)) ? "'$value'" : $value;

            $value = is_null($value) ? 'NULL' : $value;
            $value = is_bool($value) ? ($value ? 'true' : 'false') : $value;

            $input['values'] .= $value . ', ';

        $query .= '(' . rtrim(trim($input['columns']), ',') . ') ';

        $query .= 'VALUES (' . rtrim(trim($input['values']), ',') . ')';

        if (! is_null($statements) && is_array($statements)) {
            return $this->statements($query, $statements);

        return $this->query($query, 'INSERT');

     * Update statement.
     * @param string $table      → table name
     * @param array  $data       → column name and value
     * @param array  $statements → array with prepared parameters
     * @param mixed  $where      → where clauses
     * @return object → query response
    public function update($table, $data, $statements, $where)
        $query = 'UPDATE `' . $table . '`  SET ';

        foreach ($data as $column => $value) {
            $value = (is_null($statements) && is_string($value)) ? "'$value'" : $value;

            $value = is_null($value) ? 'NULL' : $value;
            $value = is_bool($value) ? ($value ? 'true' : 'false') : $value;

            $query .= $column . '=' . $value . ', ';

        $query = rtrim(trim($query), ',');

        $query .= (! is_null($where)) ? ' WHERE ' : '';

        $query .= (is_string($where)) ? $where . ' ' : '';

        if (is_array($where)) {
            foreach ($where as $clause) {
                $query .= $clause . ' AND ';
            $query = rtrim(trim($query), 'AND');

        if (! is_null($statements) && is_array($statements)) {
            return $this->statements($query, $statements);

        return $this->query($query, 'INSERT');

     * Replace a row in a table if it exists or insert a new row if not exist.
     * @param string $table      → table name
     * @param array  $data       → column name and value
     * @param array  $statements → array with prepared parameters
     * @return object → query response
    public function replace($table, $data, $statements)
        $columns = array_keys($data);
        $columnIdName = $columns[0];

        if (isset($statements[0][1]) && count($data) == count($statements)) {
            $id = $statements[0][1];
        } else {
            $id = array_shift($data);

        $where = $columnIdName . ' = ' . $id;

        $result = $this->select(

        if ($this->rowCount($result)) {
            return $this->update($table, $data, $statements, $where);

        return $this->insert($table, $data, $statements);

     * Delete statement.
     * @param string $table      → table name
     * @param array  $statements → array with prepared parameters
     * @param mixed  $where      → where clauses
     * @return object → query response
    public function delete($table, $statements, $where)
        $query = 'DELETE FROM `' . $table . '` ';

        $query .= (! is_null($where)) ? ' WHERE ' : '';

        $query .= (is_string($where)) ? $where . ' ' : '';

        if (is_array($where)) {
            foreach ($where as $clause) {
                $query .= $clause . ' AND ';

            $query = rtrim(trim($query), 'AND');

        if (! is_null($statements) && is_array($statements)) {
            return $this->statements($query, $statements);

        return $this->query($query, 'INSERT');

     * Truncate table statement.
     * @param string $table → table name
     * @return int → 0
    public function truncate($table)
        $query = 'TRUNCATE TABLE `' . $table . '`';

        return $this->query($query);

     * Drop table statement.
     * @param string $table → table name
     * @return int → 0
    public function drop($table)
        $query = 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `' . $table . '`';

        return $this->query($query);

     * Process query as object or numeric or associative array.
     * @param object $response → query result
     * @param string $result   → result as an object or array
     * @return object|array → object or array with results
    public function fetchResponse($response, $result)
        if ($result == 'obj') {
            return $response->fetchAll(\PDO::FETCH_OBJ);
        } elseif ($result == 'array_num') {
            return $response->fetchAll(\PDO::FETCH_NUM);
        } elseif ($result == 'array_assoc') {
            return $response->fetchAll(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);

     * Get the last id of the query object.
     * @return int → last row id modified or added
    public function lastInsertId()
        return (int) $this->conn->lastInsertId();

     * Get rows number.
     * @param object $response → query result
     * @return int → rows number in query object
    public function rowCount($response)
        if (is_object($response)) {
            return (int) $response->rowCount();

        return (int) $response;

     * Get errors.
     * @return string → get the message if there has been any error
    public function getError()
        return $this->error;

     * Check database connection state.
     * @return bool true|false → check the connection and return true or false
    public function isConnected()
        return ! is_null($this->conn);

     * Close/delete database connection.
    public function kill()
        $this->conn = null;