<?php /** * Library for handling routes. * * @author Josantonius - <hello@josantonius.com> * @copyright 2017 - 2019 (c) Josantonius - PHP-Router * @license https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT - The MIT License (MIT) * @link https://github.com/Josantonius/PHP-Router * @since 1.0.0 */ namespace Josantonius\Router; use Josantonius\Url\Url; use Josantonius\Router\Exception\RouterException; /** * Route handler. */ class Router { /** * Number of matching routes to run. * * @since 2.0.0 * * @var int */ private static $processingLimit = 1; /** * Array of routes. * * @var array */ private static $routes = []; /** * URI that is accessed. * * @var null */ private static $uri; /** * Set a route error callback. * * @since 2.0.0 * * @var array */ private static $routeErrorHook; /** * Before call route method callback. * * @since 2.0.0 * * @var array */ private static $beforeCallMethodHook; /** * Method name to use the singleton pattern and just create an instance. * * @var string */ private static $singletonMethod = 'getInstance'; /** * Set route patterns. * * @var array */ private static $patterns = [ ':any' => '[^/]+', ':word' => '[a-zA-Z]+', ':num' => '-?[0-9]+', ':all' => '.*', ':hex' => '[[:xdigit:]]+', ':uuidV4' => '\w{8}-\w{4}-\w{4}-\w{4}-\w{12}', ]; /** * Add route/s. */ public static function add(array $routes): bool { self::$routes = $routes; foreach (self::$routes as $index => &$route) { self::validateRequiredParams($route, $index); self::normalizeParams($route); } self::sortRoutes(); return true; } /** * Runs the callback/s for the given request. * * @return mixed → call method response */ public static function dispatch() { self::setUri(); $matches = self::getMatches(); foreach ($matches as $index) { $route = self::$routes[$index]; $class = $route['class']; $method = $route['method']; $params = $route['params']; self::runBeforeCallMethodHook($route); $response = self::callMethod($class, $method, $params); } return $response ?? self::runRouteErrorHook(); } /** * Set method name for use singleton pattern. * * @since 2.0.0 */ public static function setSingletonMethod(string $method): bool { self::$singletonMethod = $method; return true; } /** * Set route error hook. * * @since 2.0.0 */ public static function setRouteErrorHook($class, string $method): bool { self::$routeErrorHook = [ 'class' => $class, 'method' => $method ]; return true; } /** * Set before call method hook. * * @since 2.0.0 */ public static function setBeforeCallMethodHook($class, string $method): bool { self::$beforeCallMethodHook = [ 'class' => $class, 'method' => $method ]; return true; } /** * Set the number of routes to run. * * @since 2.0.0 */ public static function setProcessingLimit(int $value = 999): bool { self::$processingLimit = $value; return true; } /** * Get the number of routes to run. * * @since 2.0.0 */ public static function getProcessingLimit(): int { return self::$processingLimit; } /** * Set URI. * * @since 2.0.0 * * @uses string Url::getUriMethods → remove subdirectories & get methods * @uses string Url::setUrlParams → return url without url params * @uses string Url::addBackSlash → add backslash if it doesn't exist */ private static function setUri(): void { $uri = Url::setUrlParams(Url::getUriMethods()); self::$uri = Url::addBackSlash($uri); } /** * Validate the required parameters for the route. * * @since 2.0.0 * * @throws RouterException → if the required parameters for the route aren't received */ private static function validateRequiredParams(array $route, int $index): void { $required = array('name', 'path', 'class', 'method'); if (count(array_intersect_key(array_flip($required), $route)) !== 4) { throw new RouterException( "Route with index $index doesn't contain the required parameters: " . implode($required, ', ') . '.' ); } } /** * Normalize route parameters. * * @since 2.0.0 */ private static function normalizeParams(array &$route): void { $route['path'] = Url::addBackSlash($route['path']); $route['order'] = $route['order'] ?? 8; $route['params'] = $route['params'] ?? []; } /** * Sort routes. * * @since 2.0.0 */ private static function sortRoutes(): void { usort(self::$routes, function ($a, $b) { return $a['order'] <=> $b['order']; }); } /** * Get matches for the received route. * * @since 2.0.0 */ private static function getMatches(): array { $matches = array_keys(array_column(self::$routes, 'path'), self::$uri); if (self::getProcessingLimit() > count($matches)) { self::setRegexMatches($matches); } return array_slice($matches, 0, self::getProcessingLimit()); } /** * Set regular expression matches for the received route. * * @since 2.0.0 */ private static function setRegexMatches(array &$matches): void { $searches = array_keys(self::$patterns); $replaces = array_values(self::$patterns); foreach (self::$routes as $index => &$route) { if (self::getProcessingLimit() === count($matches)) { break; } if (self::hasRegexMatch($route, $searches, $replaces)) { self::setRouteParams($route, $searches); $matches[] = $index; } } } /** * Check if route is defined with regular expression. * * @since 2.0.0 */ private static function hasRegexMatch(array $route, array $searches, array $replaces): bool { $path = $route['path']; if (strpos($path, ':') !== false) { $path = str_replace($searches, $replaces, $path); return preg_match('#^' . $path . '$#', self::$uri, $matched); } return false; } /** * Extract the parameters from the route and save them. * * @since 2.0.0 */ private static function setRouteParams(array &$route, array $searches): void { $uriSegments = explode('/', trim(self::$uri, '/')); $pathSegments = explode('/', str_replace($searches, '', $route['path'])); $route['params'] = array_values(array_diff($uriSegments, $pathSegments)); } /** * Run route error hook. * * @since 2.0.0 * * @return callable|null */ private static function runRouteErrorHook() { return self::$routeErrorHook ? self::callMethod( self::$routeErrorHook['class'], self::$routeErrorHook['method'], [self::$uri] ) : null; } /** * Run before call method hook. * * @since 2.0.0 * * @return callable|null */ private static function runBeforeCallMethodHook(array $route) { return self::$beforeCallMethodHook ? self::callMethod( self::$beforeCallMethodHook['class'], self::$beforeCallMethodHook['method'], [$route] ) : null; } /** * Instantiate and call the method. * * By default it will look for the 'getInstance' method to use singleton * pattern and create a single instance of the class. If it doesn't * exist it'll create a new object. * * @since 2.0.0 * * @see setSingletonMethod() for change the singleton method name. * * @return callable|null */ private static function callMethod($class, string $method, array $params = []) { if (is_object($class)) { $instance = $class; } elseif (method_exists($class, self::$singletonMethod)) { $instance = call_user_func([$class, self::$singletonMethod]); } elseif (class_exists($class)) { $instance = new $class; } if (method_exists($instance ?? '', $method)) { return call_user_func_array([$instance, $method], $params); } return null; } }