steam-headless josh5/steam-headless:latest host bash false Headless Steam Service Remote Game Streaming Server. Play your games either in the browser with audio or via Steam Link or Moonlight. Play from another Steam Client with Steam Remote Play. ## Features: - Steam Client configured for running on Linux with Proton - Moonlight compatible server for easy remote desktop streaming - One click installation of EmeDeck, Heroic and Lutris - Full video/audio noVNC web access to a Xfce4 Desktop - NVIDIA, AMD and Intel GPU support - Full controller support - Support for Flatpak and Appimage installation - Root access - Based on Debian Bookworm --- ## Notes: ### ADDITIONAL SOFTWARE: If you wish to install additional applications, you can generate a script inside the `~/init.d` directory ending with ".sh". This will be executed on the container startup. ### STORAGE PATHS: Everything that you wish to save in this container should be stored in the home directory or a docker container mount that you have specified. All files that are store outside your home directory are not persistent and will be wiped if there is an update of the container or you change something in the template. ### GAMES LIBRARY: It is recommended that you mount your games library to `/mnt/games/GameLibrary/SteamLibrary` and configure Steam to add that path. ### AUTO START APPLICATIONS: In this container, Steam is configured to automatically start. If you wish to add additional services to automatically start, add them under **Applications > Settings > Session and Startup** in the Web UI. ### NETWORK MODE: If you want to use the container as a Steam Remote Play (previously "In Home Streaming") host device you should set the **"Network Type:"** to *"Host"*. This is a requirement for controller hardware to work and to prevent traffic being routed through the internet since Steam thinks you are on a different network. ### NVIDIA GPU: To enable NVIDIA GPU support, ensure that you have installed the **Nvidia-Driver** plugin and add the *"--runtime='nvidia'"* parameter added to **"Extra Parameters:"** ### AMD GPU: To enable AMD GPU support, ensure that you have installed the **Radeon-TOP** plugin. ### AMD OR INTEL HW ACCELERATED VIDEO ENCODING: To enable support for VAAPI HW Accelerated Video Encoding, add the *"--device='/dev/dri'"* parameter added to **"Extra Parameters:"** ### USING HOST INPUT DEVICES: If you wish to connect a keyboard/mouse to this container, you should run it with the **"Privileged:"** flag "On". Likewise if you have issues with remote controllers, try toggling this on. ### USING HOST X SERVER: If your host is already running X, you can just use that. To do this, be sure to configure: - DISPLAY=:0 **(Variable)** - *Configures the sceen to use the primary display. Set this to whatever your host is using* - MODE=secondary **(Variable)** - *Configures the container to not start an X server of its own* - HOST_DBUS=true **(Variable)** - *Optional - Configures the container to use the host dbus process* - /run/dbus:/run/dbus:ro **(Mount)** - *Optional - Configures the container to use the host dbus process* NVIDIA AMD SteamOS SteamDeck Steam Deck EPIC Games UPlay EA Emulation Yuzu Citra Stream Play Moonlight Sunshine X11 Xorg GameServers: http://[IP]:[PORT:8083]/ --hostname='SteamHeadless' --add-host='SteamHeadless:' --restart='unless-stopped' --shm-size='2G' --ipc='host' -v '/tmp/.X11-unix/':'/tmp/.X11-unix/':'rw' -v '/tmp/tmp/pulse/':'/tmp/tmp/pulse/':'rw' --ulimit='nofile=1024:524288' --device='/dev/fuse' --device='/dev/uinput' --device-cgroup-rule='c 13:* rmw' --cap-add='NET_ADMIN' --cap-add='SYS_ADMIN' --cap-add='SYS_NICE' --security-opt='seccomp=unconfined' Support me on Patreon **Nvidia-Driver plugin** (nVidia Support) **Radeon-TOP plugin** (AMD Support) /mnt/user/appdata/steam-headless /mnt/user/Games password Pacific/Auckland en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8 vnc all all :55 primary 8083 false true