{ "data_format": 1, "project": { "name": "Prism (by Jungle Bus)", "description": "Prism is a tool to extract public transport data from OpenStreetMap, in geoCSV and GTFS format", "project_url": "https://github.com/Jungle-Bus/prism/", "icon_url": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Jungle-Bus/resources/master/logo/Logo_Jungle_Bus-Prism.png", "contact_name": "NoƩmie Lehuby", "contact_email": "noemie@junglebus.io" }, "tags": [{ "key": "type", "value": "route_master", "object_types": ["relation"], "description": "to select the public transport line objects. Used to create GTFS routes" }, { "key": "type", "value": "route", "object_types": ["relation"], "description": "to select the public transport route objects" }, { "key": "ref", "object_types": ["relation"], "description": "Extracted as the code of the public transport line. Used as route_short_name in the GTFS" }, { "key": "to", "object_types": ["relation"], "description": "Extracted as the destination of the public transport route. Used as trip_headsign in the GTFS" }, { "key": "from", "object_types": ["relation"], "description": "Extracted as the origin of the public transport route" }, { "key": "colour", "object_types": ["relation"], "description": "Extracted as the colour of the public transport line or route. Used as route_color in the GTFS" }, { "key": "vehicle:colour", "object_types": ["relation"], "description": "the colour of the public transport vehicle. Can be used as route_color in the GTFS" }, { "key": "operator", "object_types": ["relation"], "description": "Extracted as the name of the public transport operator. Used to create GTFS agencies" }, { "key": "network", "object_types": ["relation"], "description": "Extracted as the name of the public transport network. Can be used to create GTFS agencies" }, { "key": "route", "object_types": ["relation"], "description": "Extracted as the public transport mode of the route" }, { "key": "route_master", "object_types": ["relation"], "description": "Extracted as the public transport mode of the line. Used to compute the route_type in the GTFS" }, { "key": "charge", "object_types": ["relation"], "description": "Extracted as the price of the public transport line. Can be used to create GTFS fares" }, { "key": "interval", "object_types": ["relation"], "description": "Extracted as the main frequency of the public transport line. Used to define the trips, frequencies and stop_times in the GTFS" }, { "key": "duration", "object_types": ["relation"], "description": "Extracted as the travel time of the public transport route. Can be used to compute the stop_times in the GTFS" }, { "key": "interval:conditional", "object_types": ["relation"], "description": "Extracted as the exceptions to the main frequency. Used to define the frequencies and stop_times in the GTFS" }, { "key": "opening_hours", "object_types": ["relation"], "description": "Extracted as the operating hours of the public transport line. Used to define the trips, services and stop_times in the GTFS" } ] }