#!/bin/bash ############################################################## # opencontrail-kubernetes minion setup and provisioning script. # For more info, please refer to the following link # https://github.com/Juniper/contrail-kubernetes # # Author - Sanju Abraham -@asanju- OpenContrail-Kubernetes # ############################################################## set -x source /etc/contrail/opencontrail-rc readonly PROGNAME=$(basename "$0") runok="/etc/contrail/vrouter_prov_run.ok" ocver=$OPENCONTRAIL_TAG ockver=$OPENCONTRAIL_KUBERNETES_TAG OPENCONTRAIL_PUBLIC_SUBNET="${OPENCONTRAIL_PUBLIC_SUBNET:-}" NETWORK_PROVIDER_GATEWAY_ON_MINION="${NETWORK_PROVIDER_GATEWAY_ON_MINION:-false}" GCLOUD_NET_ADDR="${GCE_DEFAULT_IP_RANGE:-}" timestamp() { date } if [ ! -f /var/log/contrail/provision_minion.log ]; then mkdir -p /var/log/contrail touch /var/log/contrail/provision_minion.log fi log_error_msg() { msg=$1 echo "$(timestamp): ERROR: $msg" } log_warn_msg() { msg=$1 echo "$(timestamp): WARNING: $msg" } log_info_msg() { msg=$1 echo "$(timestamp): INFO: $msg" } log_info_msg "Start Provisioning VROUTER kernel module and agent in container" LOG_FILE=/var/log/contrail/provision_minion.log exec 2>&1 &> >(tee -a "$LOG_FILE") REDHAT="redhat" UBUNTU="ubuntu" VROUTER="vrouter" VHOST="vhost0" if [[ -z $ocver ]]; then ocver="R2.20" fi if [[ -z $ockver ]]; then ockver="master" fi hname=`hostname` function detect_os() { OS=`uname` OS_TYPE="none" if [ "${OS}" = "Linux" ]; then if [ -f /etc/redhat-release ]; then OS_TYPE="redhat" elif [ -f /etc/debian_version ]; then OS_TYPE="ubuntu" fi fi } function generate_rc() { flag=false rcfile="/etc/contrail/opencontrail-rc" rcdir=`dirname "$rcfile"` if [ ! -f "$rcdir" ]; then mkdir -p "$rcdir" fi if [[ -z $OPENCONTRAIL_CONTROLLER_IP ]]; then kube_api_port=$(cat /etc/default/kubelet | grep -o 'api-servers=[^;]*' | awk -F// '{print $2}' | awk '{print $1}') kube_api_server=$(echo $kube_api_port| awk -F':' '{print $1}') # Try to resolve if [[ -n $kube_api_server ]]; then OPENCONTRAIL_CONTROLLER_IP=$(host $kube_api_server | grep address | awk '{print $4}') elif [ -z "$kube_api_server" ]; then OPENCONTRAIL_CONTROLLER_IP=`hostname -i` else log_error_msg "Unable to resolve to contrail controller which is deployed on Kubernetes master" fi echo "OPENCONTRAIL_CONTROLLER_IP=$OPENCONTRAIL_CONTROLLER_IP" >> $rcfile fi if [[ -z $OPENCONTRAIL_VROUTER_INTF ]];then OPENCONTRAIL_VROUTER_INTF="eth0" echo "OPENCONTRAIL_VROUTER_INTF="eth0"" >> $rcfile flag=true fi if [[ "$flag" == true ]]; then source "$rcfile" fi MINION_OVERLAY_NET_IP=$(/sbin/ifconfig $OPENCONTRAIL_VROUTER_INTF | grep "inet addr" | awk -F: '{print $2}' | awk '{print $1}') if [ -z $MINION_OVERLAY_NET_IP ]; then # Check if vhost is already up with the IP MINION_OVERLAY_NET_IP=$(ip a | grep vhost0 | grep inet | awk -F/ '{print $1}' | awk '{print $2}') fi if [ -z $MINION_OVERLAY_NET_IP ]; then msg="Unable to get an IP address on the $OPENCONTRAIL_VROUTER_INTF or vhost0 interface. Please check the interface and IP address assignement and restart provision" log_error_msg "$msg" echo "$msg" exit fi } function prep_to_install() { if [ "$OS_TYPE" == $REDHAT ]; then yum update yum install -y libxml2-devel python-lxml sipcalc wget ethtool bridge-utils curl libxml2-utils \ host dnsutils tcpdump elif [ "$OS_TYPE" == $UBUNTU ]; then # in case of an interrupt during execution of apt-get apt-get update --fix-missing apt-get install -y -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confdef" -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confold" --force-yes libxml2-dev python-lxml sipcalc wget ethtool bridge-utils \ curl host libxml2-utils \ dnsutils tcpdump fi } function isGceVM() { if [ -f /var/run/google.onboot ]; then return 0 else return 1 fi } function getGceNetAddr() { if [ -z "$GCLOUD_NET_ADDR" ]; then GCLOUD_NET_ADDR=$(gcloud compute networks list | grep default | awk '{print $2}') fi echo $GCLOUD_NET_ADDR return 1 } function setup_vhost() { phy_itf=$(ip a |grep $MINION_OVERLAY_NET_IP | awk '{print $7}') if [ "$phy_itf" == $VHOST ]; then log_info_msg "MINION_OVERLAY_NET_IP is already on $VHOST. No change required on the this interface" return fi mask=$(ifconfig $phy_itf | grep -i '\(netmask\|mask\)' | awk '{print $4}' | cut -d ":" -f 2) if isGceVM ; then log_info_msg "Getting network address and mask for GCE VM" naddr=$(getGceNetAddr) mask=$(sipcalc $naddr | grep "Network mask" | head -n 1 | awk '{print $4}') fi mac=$(ifconfig $phy_itf | grep HWaddr | awk '{print $5}') def=$(ip route | grep $OPENCONTRAIL_VROUTER_INTF | grep -o default) defgw=$(ip route | grep $OPENCONTRAIL_VROUTER_INTF | grep $def | awk 'NR==1{print $3}') if [ "$OS_TYPE" == $REDHAT ]; then if [ "$phy_itf" != $VHOST ]; then intf="/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-$phy_itf" sed -i '/IPADDR/d' $intf sed -i '/NETMASK/d' $intf sed -i '/DNS/d' $intf grep -q 'NM_CONTROLLED=no' $intf || echo "NM_CONTROLLED=no" >> $intf # create and configure vhost0 touch /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-$VHOST ivhost0="/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-$VHOST" grep -q '#Contrail vhost0' $ivhost0 || echo "#Contrail vhost0" >> $ivhost0 grep -q 'DEVICE=vhost0' $ivhost0 || echo "DEVICE=vhost0" >> $ivhost0 grep -q 'DEVICETYPE=vhost' $ivhost0 || echo "DEVICETYPE=vhost" >> $ivhost0 grep -q 'ONBOOT=yes' $ivhost0 || echo "ONBOOT=yes" >> $ivhost0 grep -q 'BOOTPROTO=none' $ivhost0 || echo "BOOTPROTO=none" >> $ivhost0 grep -q 'IPV6INIT=no' $ivhost0 || echo "IPV6INIT=no" >> $ivhost0 grep -q 'USERCTL=yes' || echo "USERCTL=yes" >> $ivhost0 grep -q 'IPADDR=$MINION_OVERLAY_NET_IP' $ivhost0 || echo "IPADDR=$MINION_OVERLAY_NET_IP" >> $ivhost0 grep -q 'NETMASK=$mask' $ivhost0 || echo "NETMASK=$mask" >> $ivhost0 grep -q 'NM_CONTROLLED=no' $ivhost0 || echo "NM_CONTROLLED=no" >> $ivhost0 # move any routes on intf to vhost0 if [ -f /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/route-$phy_itf ]; then mv /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/route-$phy_itf /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/route-$VHOST sed -i 's/'$phy_itf'/'$VHOST'/g' /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/route-$VHOST fi if [ "$def" == "default" ]; then sed -i '/GATEWAY='$defgw'/d' $intf grep -q 'GATEWAY=$defgw' $ivhost0 || echo "GATEWAY=$defgw" >> $ivhost0 fi fi elif [ "$OS_TYPE" == $UBUNTU ]; then if [ "$phy_itf" != "$VHOST" ]; then itf="/etc/network/interfaces" rt=$(cat $itf | grep route |grep $phy_itf) rtv=$(sed "s/$phy_itf/$VHOST/g" <<<"$rt") if [ "$OPENCONTRAIL_VROUTER_INTF" == "eth0" ]; then grep -q "iface eth0 inet manual" $itf || sed -i 's/^iface eth0 inet.*/iface eth0 inet manual \n pre-up ifconfig eth0 up\n post-down ifconfig eth0 down/' $itf elif [ "$OPENCONTRAIL_VROUTER_INTF" == "eth1" ]; then grep -q "iface eth1 inet manual" $itf || sed -i 's/^iface eth1 inet.*/iface eth1 inet manual \n pre-up ifconfig eth1 up\n post-down ifconfig eth1 down/' $itf elif [ "$OPENCONTRAIL_VROUTER_INTF" == "bond0" ]; then grep -q "iface bond0 inet manual" $itf || sed -i 's/^iface bond0 inet.*/iface bond0 inet manual \n pre-up ifconfig bond0 up\n post-down ifconfig bond0 down/' $itf fi grep -vwE "(address $MINION_OVERLAY_NET_IP|netmask $mask)" $itf > /tmp/interface mv /tmp/interface $itf # create and configure vhost0 grep -q 'auto vhost0' $itf || echo "auto vhost0" >> $itf grep -q 'iface vhost0 inet static' $itf || echo "iface vhost0 inet static" >> $itf grep -q 'netmask $mask' $itf || echo " netmask $mask" >> $itf grep -q 'address $MINION_OVERLAY_NET_IP' $itf || echo " address $MINION_OVERLAY_NET_IP" >> $itf grep -q 'network_name application' $itf || echo " network_name application" >> $itf if [ "$def" == "default" ]; then sed -i '/gateway '$defgw'/d' $itf grep -q 'gateway $defgw' $itf || echo " gateway $defgw" >> $itf fi grep -q "$rtv" $itf || echo " $rtv" >> $itf fi fi } function stop_kube_svcs() { if [[ -n `pidof kube-proxy` ]]; then log_info_msg "Kube-proxy is running. Opencontrail does not use kube-proxy as it provides the function. Stoping it." `service kube-proxy stop` if [ "$OS_TYPE" == $UBUNTU ]; then `update-rc.d -f kube-proxy disable` `update-rc.d -f kube-proxy remove` else `chkconfig kube-proxy off` fi fi if [[ -n `pidof flanneld` ]]; then log_info_msg "flanneld is running. Opencontrail does not use flannel as it provides the function. Stoping it." service flanneld stop intf=$(ifconfig flannel | awk 'NR==1{print $1}') if [ $intf == "flannel0" ]; then `ifconfig $intf down` `ifdown $intf` if [ "$OS_TYPE" == $UBUNTU ]; then `update-rc.d -f flanneld disable` `update-rc.d -f flanneld remove` else `chkconfig flanneld off` fi fi fi } function update_vhost_pre_up() { preup="/etc/network/if-pre-up.d" ifup_file="$preup/ifup-vhost" if [ "$OS_TYPE" == $REDHAT ]; then preup="/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts" ifup_file="$preup/ifup-vhost" else # Make room for vrouter memory blocks in debian env sync echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches fi if [ -f "$ifup_file" ]; then rm -f "$ifup_file" fi wget -P $preup https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Juniper/contrail-kubernetes/$ockver/scripts/opencontrail-install/ifup-vhost `chmod +x $preup/ifup-vhost` } function prereq_vrouter_agent() { ii=$(dpkg -l |grep docker-engine | awk '{print $1}') if [ "$ii" != "ii" ]; then dpkg --remove --force-remove-reinstreq docker-engine dpkg --purge --force-all docker-engine apt-get remove --purge docker-engine -y fi if [[ "$OS_TYPE" == $REDHAT ]]; then docon=$(rpm -qa | grep docker) elif [[ "$OS_TYPE" == $UBUNTU ]]; then docon=$(dpkg -l | grep docker) fi docon=$(dpkg -l | grep docker) if [ -z "$docon" ]; then if [[ "$OS_TYPE" == $UBUNTU ]]; then apt-get update --fix-missing rm -rf /var/cache/docker-install/docker-engine* wget --directory-prefix=/var/cache/docker-install http://apt.dockerproject.org/repo/pool/main/d/docker-engine/docker-engine_1.11.2-0~wheezy_amd64.deb apt-get install -y libapparmor1 libltdl7 dpkg -i /var/cache/docker-install/docker-engine_1.11.2-0~wheezy_amd64.deb service docker restart fi fi } function vr_agent_conf_image_pull() { etcc="/etc/contrail" vra_file="$etcc/contrail-vrouter-agent.conf" if [ ! -f $etcc ]; then mkdir -p $etcc fi if [ -f "$vra_file" ]; then rm -f "$vra_file" fi wget -P $etcc https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Juniper/contrail-controller/$ocver/src/vnsw/agent/contrail-vrouter-agent.conf def=$(ip route | grep $OPENCONTRAIL_VROUTER_INTF | grep -o default) cidr=$(sipcalc $OPENCONTRAIL_VROUTER_INTF | grep "Network mask (bits)" | awk '{print $5}') if [ -z $cidr ]; then # check on vhost0 assuming its a rerun cidr=$(sipcalc $VHOST | grep "Network mask (bits)" | awk '{print $5}') fi if [ -z $cidr ]; then log_error_msg "Unable to get CIDR for networks on $OPENCONTRAIL_VROUTER_INTF and $VHOST. Please check interface and network and rerun" log_error_msg "Proceeding with CIDR unkown. Correct this issue by manually editing contrail-vrouter-agent.con for IP" fi vrac="$etcc/contrail-vrouter-agent.conf" via="via" ur="Usable range" if [ -f $vrac ]; then sed -i 's/# tunnel_type=/tunnel_type=MPLSoUDP/g' $vrac grep -q "server=$OPENCONTRAIL_CONTROLLER_IP" $vrac || sed -i "/CONTROL-NODE]/a server=$OPENCONTRAIL_CONTROLLER_IP" $vrac sed -i 's/# collectors='$OPENCONTRAIL_CONTROLLER_IP':8086/g' $vrac sed -i 's/# type=kvm/type=docker/g' $vrac sed -i 's/# control_network_ip=/control_network_ip='$MINION_OVERLAY_NET_IP'/g' $vrac sed -i 's/# name=vhost0/name=vhost0/g' $vrac sed -i 's,# ip=,ip='$MINION_OVERLAY_NET_IP/$cidr',g' $vrac if [ "$def" == "default" ]; then defgw=$(ip route | grep $OPENCONTRAIL_VROUTER_INTF | grep $def | awk 'NR==1{print $3}') else defgw=$(ip route | grep $OPENCONTRAIL_VROUTER_INTF | grep '$via' | awk 'NR==1{print $3}') fi if [ -z $defgw ]; then # assuming .1 is the gw for the range which is what kubernetes network provider # assigns. If found different we need to change it defgw=$(sipcalc $OPENCONTRAIL_VROUTER_INTF | grep '$ur' | awk '{print $4}') fi if [ -z $defgw ]; then # check IP on VHOST vip=$(ip a | grep $VHOST | grep inet | awk -F/ '{print $1}' | awk '{print $2}') if [ $vip == $MINION_OVERLAY_NET_IP ]; then defgw=$(ip route | grep $VHOST | grep $via | awk 'NR==1{print $3}') fi fi sed -i 's,# gateway=,gateway='$defgw',g' $vrac if isGceVM ; then grep -Fxq "subnet_hosts_resolvable=0" $vrac || sed -i '/# dhcp_relay_mode=/a subnet_hosts_resolvable=0' $vrac fi sed -i 's/# physical_interface=vnet0/physical_interface='$OPENCONTRAIL_VROUTER_INTF'/g' $vrac sed -i 's/compute_node_address = compute_node_address = /g' $vrac fi wget -P /tmp https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Juniper/contrail-kubernetes/$ockver/cluster/contrail-vrouter-agent.manifest vragentfile=/tmp/contrail-vrouter-agent.manifest vrimg=$(cat $vragentfile | grep image | awk -F, '{print $1}' | awk '{print $2}') docker_pull $vrimg } function docker_pull() { img=$1 (echo $img | xargs -n1 sudo docker pull) & pullpid=$! i=0 while true do dvrimg=$(docker images | grep -ow vrouter-agent) if [ ! -z "$dvrimg" ]; then break fi sleep 2 ((i++)) if [ $i -eq 12 ]; then if [ -d "/proc/${pullpid}" ]; then pkill -TERM -P $pullpid cnt=$(ps -ef|grep "docker pull" | grep vrouter-agent | wc -l) if [ $cnt -gt 1 ]; then log_info_msg "Restarting docker and retrying pull of $img" service docker restart fi fi # give time for docker to initialize sleep 60 log_info_msg "pulling of $img was not successful in the initial attempt." (echo $img | xargs -n1 sudo docker pull) & pullpid=$! i=0 fi done } function vr_agent_manifest_setup() { if [ ! -f /etc/kubernetes/manifests ]; then mkdir -p /etc/kubernetes/manifests fi vra_manifest="/etc/kubernetes/manifests/contrail-vrouter-agent.manifest" if [ -f "$vra_manifest" ]; then rm -f "$vra_manifest" fi # Wait for the control node to be up # check 60 times in 5 min cc='' ifmapup=false while true do cc=$(curl -s http://$OPENCONTRAIL_CONTROLLER_IP:8083/Snh_SandeshUVECacheReq?tname=NodeStatus | xmllint --format - | grep -ow "contrail-control") if [ ! -z $cc ]; then ifmapup=$(curl -s http://$OPENCONTRAIL_CONTROLLER_IP:8083/Snh_IFMapPeerServerInfoReq? | xmllint --format - | grep end_of_rib_computed | cut -d ">" -f2 | cut -d "<" -f1) fi if [ "$ifmapup" == true ]; then log_info_msg "IFMAP and Contrail-Control are up are ready for processing agent subscriptions" break fi sleep 3 done mv /tmp/contrail-vrouter-agent.manifest /etc/kubernetes/manifests } function ifup_vhost() { ifup $VHOST intf=$(vif --list | grep vhost | awk '{print $3}') if [[ "$intf" == $VHOST ]]; then log_info_msg "Vhost setup successfuly" else log_info_msg "Vhost setup - Error" fi } function routeconfig() { if isGceVM ; then #configure point to point route #asssuming the container is debian or ubuntu naddr=$(getGceNetAddr) defgw=$(ip route | grep default | awk '{print $3}') route add -host $defgw $VHOST route del -net $naddr dev $VHOST hostroute="up route add -host $defgw dev $VHOST" netdel="up route del -net $naddr dev $VHOST" grep -q 'up route add -host' /etc/network/interfaces || sed -i "/gateway/a \\\t$hostroute\n\t$netdel" /etc/network/interfaces fi } function verify_vhost_setup() { sleep 3 status=$(ping -c 1 -w 1 -W 1 -n $OPENCONTRAIL_CONTROLLER_IP | grep packet | awk '{print $6}' | cut -c1) if [ "$status" == 0 ]; then log_info_msg "Vrouter kernel module and network successfuly setup" else log_info_msg "Vrouter kernel module and network - Error" fi } # vrouter registering to API server should be in the vrouter # and not in the contrail control server. function provision_vrouter() { stderr="/tmp/stderr" host=`hostname -s` # check if contrail-api is up 60 times, for 5 mins vr='' for (( i=0; i<60; i++ )) do vr=$(curl -s http://$OPENCONTRAIL_CONTROLLER_IP:8082 | grep -ow "virtual-routers") if [ ! -z $vr ]; then break fi sleep 3 done curl -s -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8" -d '{"virtual-router": {"parent_type": "global-system-config", "fq_name": ["default-global-system-config", "'$host'" ], "display_name": "'$host'", "virtual_router_ip_address": "'$MINION_OVERLAY_NET_IP'", "name": "'$host'"}}' http://$OPENCONTRAIL_CONTROLLER_IP:8082/virtual-routers 2> >( cat <() > $stderr) err=$(cat $stderr) if [ -z "$err" ]; then log_info_msg "Provisioning of vrouter successful" else log_error_msg "Error in provisioning vrouter $err" log_info_msg "Provisioning vrouter failed. Please check contrail-api and network to api server. It could also a duplicate entry" fi } function cleanup() { if [ "$OS_TYPE" == $REDHAT ]; then yum remove -y libxml2-devel sipcalc python-setuptools python-pip elif [ "$OS_TYPE" == $UBUNTU ]; then apt-get remove -y libxml2-dev sipcalc python-setuptools python-pip fi } function verify_vrouter_agent() { lstn="LISTEN" estb="ESTABLISHED" vrlstn=false vrestb=false kernmodstat=false while true do vra_introspect_status=$(netstat -natp | grep 8085 | grep contrail-vr | awk '{print $6}') vra_api_status=$(netstat -natp | grep 9090 | grep contrail-vr | awk '{print $6}') vra_thrift_status=$(netstat -natp | grep 9091 | grep contrail-vr | awk '{print $6}') vra_ctrl_status=$(netstat -natp | grep 5269 | grep contrail-vr | awk '{print $6}') vra_coll_status=$(netstat -natp | grep 8086 | grep contrail-vr | awk '{print $6}') if [ "$vra_introspect_status" == $lstn ] && [ "$vra_api_status" == $lstn ] && [ "$vra_thrift_status" == $lstn ]; then vrlstn=true fi if [ "$vra_ctrl_status" == $estb ] && [ "$vra_coll_status" == $estb ]; then vrestb=true fi status=$(lsmod |grep vrouter | awk '{print $3}') if [ "$status" == 1 ]; then kernmodstat=true fi if [ "$vrlstn" == true ] && [ "$vrestb" == true ] && [ "$kernmodstat" == true ]; then log_info_msg "contrail-vrouter-agent is up and running" break else id=$(docker ps |grep contrail-vrouter-agent | grep -v pause | awk '{print $1}') if [[ -n $id ]]; then log_info_msg "contrail-vrouter-agent container up. Wait for additional time for agent to establish connections" else log_info_msg "contrail-vrouter-agent container is not up. Wait for additional time" fi sleep 3 fi done } # Discover and add containers to vrouter function discover_docc_addto_vrouter() { vrouter_agent=$(cat /etc/kubernetes/manifests/contrail-vrouter-agent.manifest | grep metadata | awk '{print $2}' | tr -d '{}",' | awk -F: '{print $2}') KUBE_PLUGIN=/usr/libexec/kubernetes/kubelet-plugins/net/exec/opencontrail/opencontrail CONTAINERS=$(docker ps | grep -v "/pause" | grep -v contrail | grep -v $vrouter_agent | awk '{print $1}' | grep -v CONTAINER) for i in $CONTAINERS; do NAME=$(docker inspect -f '{{.Name}}' $i) ID=$(docker inspect -f '{{.Id}}' $i) PODNAME=$(echo $NAME | awk '//{split($0, arr, "_"); print arr[3]}') NAMESPACE=$(echo $NAME | awk '//{split($0, arr, "_"); print arr[4]}') $KUBE_PLUGIN setup $NAMESPACE $PODNAME $ID done } function provision_virtual_gateway { if $PROVISION_CONTRAIL_VGW ; then vrac="/etc/contrail/contrail-vrouter-agent.conf" wget -q --directory-prefix=/etc/contrail https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Juniper/contrail-controller/R2.20/src/config/utils/provision_vgw_interface.py `sudo docker ps |\grep contrail-vrouter-agent | \grep -v pause | awk '{print "sudo docker exec -it " $1 " python /etc/contrail/provision_vgw_interface.py --oper create --interface vgw --subnets '$OPENCONTRAIL_PUBLIC_SUBNET' --routes --vrf default-domain:default-project:Public:Public"}'` # Setup virtual-gateway sed -i 's/# routing_instance=default-domain:admin:public:public$/routing_instance=default-domain:default-project:Public:Public/g' $vrac sed -i 's/# interface=vgw$/interface=vgw/g' $vrac PUBLIC_IP=$(echo $OPENCONTRAIL_PUBLIC_SUBNET | cut -d '/' -f 1) PUBLIC_LEN=$(echo $OPENCONTRAIL_PUBLIC_SUBNET | cut -d '/' -f 2) vgwipblk="'$PUBLIC_IP'\/'$PUBLIC_LEN'" sed -i 's/# ip_blocks=1\.1\.1\.1\/24$/ip_blocks='$PUBLIC_IP'\/'$PUBLIC_LEN'/g' $vrac sed -i "/GATEWAY-0/a routes=" $vrac fi } function persist_hostname() { if [ ! -f /etc/hostname ]; then echo "$hname" > /etc/hostname hostname $hname fi } function rpf_disable() { echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/all/rp_filter echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/$OPENCONTRAIL_VROUTER_INTF/rp_filter echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/$VHOST/rp_filter echo "net.ipv4.conf.all.rp_filter=0" >> /etc/sysctl.conf echo "net.ipv4.conf."$OPENCONTRAIL_VROUTER_INTF".rp_filter=0" >> /etc/sysctl.conf echo "net.ipv4.conf."$VHOST".rp_filter=0" >> /etc/sysctl.conf } function add_static_route() { itf="/etc/network/interfaces" if isGceVM ; then # Assuming the the default kubernetes container used is debain based # works only for debian / ubuntu ocpubgw=$(sipcalc $OPENCONTRAIL_PUBLIC_SUBNET | grep "Usable range" | awk '{print $6}') ocpubgwname=$(echo $ocpubgw | sed 's/\./-/g') ocpubmask=$(sipcalc $OPENCONTRAIL_PUBLIC_SUBNET | grep "Network mask" | head -n 1 | awk '{print $4}') zone=$(gcloud compute instances list | grep minion -A 1 | awk '{print $2}') srt=$(gcloud compute routes list | grep -ow ip-$ocpubgwname) if [ ! -z "$srt" ]; then gcloud compute routes delete ip-$ocpubgwname <<< "y y y " fi gcloud compute routes create ip-$ocpubgwname --next-hop-instance `hostname` --next-hop-instance-zone $zone --destination-range $OPENCONTRAIL_PUBLIC_SUBNET # create and configure vgw with static IP # vgw will act as the gateway for public subnet grep -q 'auto vgw' $itf || echo -e "\nauto vgw" >> $itf grep -q 'iface vgw inet static' $itf || echo "iface vgw inet static" >> $itf grep -q "address $ocpubgw" $itf || echo -e " address $ocpubgw\n netmask $ocpubmask" >> $itf /etc/init.d/networking restart fi # Since we have vgw plumbed by both gke and vrouter there will # 2 routes for the same prefix. It will not have any issue though. # just for keeping it clean, delete the duplicate route net=$(echo $OPENCONTRAIL_PUBLIC_SUBNET | cut -d "/" -f 1) dups=$(route -n | grep vgw | grep $net | wc -l) if [ $dups -gt 1 ]; then route delete -net $OPENCONTRAIL_PUBLIC_SUBNET dev vgw fi } function pmtu_discovery() { # This is as per RFC4821 echo "net.ipv4.tcp_mtu_probing = 1" >> /etc/sysctl.conf # making sure to persist it as sysctl has issues # in some cases echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_mtu_probing sysctl -p } function checksum_offload() { # This is to get disable checksum on the GCE VM running opencontrail ethtool --offload eth0 rx off tx off ethtool -K eth0 gso off } function main() { persist_hostname pmtu_discovery detect_os prereq_vrouter_agent prep_to_install generate_rc setup_vhost stop_kube_svcs update_vhost_pre_up vr_agent_conf_image_pull ifup_vhost routeconfig verify_vhost_setup vr_agent_manifest_setup provision_vrouter verify_vrouter_agent discover_docc_addto_vrouter rpf_disable if [ "$NETWORK_PROVIDER_GATEWAY_ON_MINION" == true ]; then vrhost=$(curl -s http://$OPENCONTRAIL_CONTROLLER_IP:8082/virtual-routers | python -c 'import sys, json; print json.load(sys.stdin)["virtual-routers"][0]["fq_name"][1]') if [ "$vrhost" == `hostname` ]; then provision_virtual_gateway add_static_route fi fi checksum_offload cleanup log_info_msg "Provisioning of opencontrail-vrouter kernel and opencontrail-vrouter agent is done." touch "$runok" } main