1000 $config['processlist_refresh'] = 3000; $config['empty_db_before_restore'] = 0; $config['optimize_tables_beforedump'] = 0; $config['stop_with_error'] = 1; // For sending a mail after backup set send_mail to 1, otherless set to 0 $config['send_mail'] = 0; // Attach the backup 0=no 1=yes $config['send_mail_dump'] = 0; // set the recieve adress for the mail $config['email_recipient'] = ''; $config['email_recipient_cc'] = ''; // set the sender adress (the script) $config['email_sender'] = ''; //max. Size of Email-Attach, here 3 MB $config['email_maxsize1'] = 3; $config['email_maxsize2'] = 2; // FTP Server Configuration for Transfer $config['ftp_transfer'][0] = 0; $config['ftp_timeout'][0] = 30; $config['ftp_useSSL'][0] = 0; $config['ftp_mode'][0] = 0; $config['ftp_server'][0] = ''; // Adress of FTP-Server $config['ftp_port'][0] = '21'; // Port $config['ftp_user'][0] = ''; // Username $config['ftp_pass'][0] = ''; // Password $config['ftp_dir'][0] = ''; // Upload-Directory $config['ftp_transfer'][1] = 0; $config['ftp_timeout'][1] = 30; $config['ftp_useSSL'][1] = 0; $config['ftp_mode'][1] = 0; $config['ftp_server'][1] = ''; $config['ftp_port'][1] = '21'; $config['ftp_user'][1] = ''; $config['ftp_pass'][1] = ''; $config['ftp_dir'][1] = ''; $config['ftp_transfer'][2] = 0; $config['ftp_timeout'][2] = 30; $config['ftp_useSSL'][2] = 0; $config['ftp_mode'][2] = 0; $config['ftp_server'][2] = ''; $config['ftp_port'][2] = '21'; $config['ftp_user'][2] = ''; $config['ftp_pass'][2] = ''; $config['ftp_dir'][2] = ''; //Multipart 0=off 1=on $config['multi_part'] = 0; $config['multipartgroesse1'] = 1; $config['multipartgroesse2'] = 2; $config['multipart_groesse'] = 0; //Auto-Delete 0=off 1=on $config['auto_delete'] = 0; $config['max_backup_files'] = 3; //configuration file $config['cron_configurationfile'] = 'myoosdumper.conf.php'; //path to perl, for windows use e.g. C:perlbinperl.exe $config['cron_perlpath'] = '/usr/bin/perl'; //mailer use sendmail(1) or SMTP(0) $config['cron_use_sendmail'] = 1; //path to sendmail $sendmail_path = ini_get('sendmail_path'); $config['cron_sendmail'] = $sendmail_path > '' ? $sendmail_path : '/usr/lib/sendmail -t -oi -oem'; //adress of smtp-server $config['cron_smtp'] = 'localhost'; //smtp-port $config['cron_smtp_port'] = 25; $config['cron_extender'] = 0; $config['cron_compression'] = 1; $config['cron_printout'] = 1; $config['cron_completelog'] = 1; $config['cron_comment'] = ''; $config['multi_dump'] = 0; $config['logcompression'] = 1; $config['log_maxsize1'] = 1; $config['log_maxsize2'] = 2; $config['log_maxsize'] = 1048576;