%d reply %d replies reply replies %d image %d images %d board %d boards %d type %d types %d filter %d filters %d site %d sites %1$d post hidden %1$d posts hidden %1$d post removed %1$d posts removed Cancel Cancel all Canceled Add Close Back OK Delete Undo Reset Done Create Do not Edit Remove Yes No Save Update Send Help Retry Apply Clear Resolve Success Unhandled error! Loading… Download Mark as my post Unmark as my post Reorder Move Download Read Delete Stop Start Export App settings Grant Search Archive Bookmarks Browse Settings Restart the app Restart the media viewer Later Already on the latest %1$s version. Install Download failed Failed to check for updates. Reason: %1$s.\n\nIf this error keeps appearing then you will have to update manually by using this url:\n%2$s. Reason: canceled Retry update Already updated %1$s was not updated yet. Tap \"retry\" to retry the install. Retry Failed to install update. Try to install it manually. Failed to install update. Reason: \'%1$s\' Storage permission required "Permission to access storage is required for installing the update. Re-enable this permission in the app settings if you permanently disabled it." %d seconds %d minutes %d hours hidden removed %1$dR %1$dI Pg %1$d %1$d files, %2$s %d new post %d new posts %d deleted post %d deleted posts Reload Bookmark View manually hidden/removed posts Preview in archive Open in archive Open in a browser Catalog album Load the rest of this composite catalog Open catalog/thread by any identifier Open media (image/video) by url Share View board archive View manually hidden/removed threads Open catalog page Go to post More options Allow image transparency Draw media content behind phone notch/system UI Search Catalog (grid) mode Catalog (stagger) mode Board mode Start thread download Stop thread download Copy link text Copy link value Show post options Import Light theme Import Light theme from clipboard Import Dark theme Import Dark theme from clipboard Export Light theme to file Export Light theme to clipboard Export Dark theme to file Export Dark theme to clipboard Reset Light theme Reset Dark theme Ignore system Day/Night mode Highlight my posts Highlight (You)s Highlight cross-thread replies Highlight deleted posts Highlight \"Hot\" posts NSFW mode Third eye settings Use scrolling text for thread title Thread scrollbar post highlight options Top Bottom Sort Dev menu Reply Open thread Copy full image url Copy image thumbnail url Copy original file name Copy server file name Copy file hash Filter posts with this image\'s hash Share file content Download file Download file (show options) Show image details Open in browser or external application Media search Share media url Share media content Cannot open this link: \'%1$s\'. Cannot be used in a composite catalog Bookmark every thread Cache every thread Bump order Reply count Image count Newest Oldest Latest reply Thread activity Search Search query Nothing found Nothing found by query \'%1$s\' Nothing to display. Make sure you added some sites/boards first. Open this link? Open this link in media viewer? Clicking \'Yes\' will open this link in the application\'s media viewer. Clicking \'No\' will attempt to open the link in another application. Clicking \'Cancel\' will close this dialog. No applications were found to open link \"%1$s\" No applications were found to open intent \"%1$s\" No applications were found to open link \"%1$s\" (%2$s) Select a file picker to open a file… Error Not found +%1$d Failed to download image (reason: %1$s) Failed to load image (reason: %1$s) Failed to load image thumbnail (reason: %1$s) Failed to load image tile (reason: %1$s) Failed to load gif (reason: %1$s) Failed to load video (reason: %1$s) Image not found Loading external audio… Failed to load image bg audio, error=\'%1$s\' Cannot load BG audio (\'%1$s\') because current media load settings do not allow doing that This action is not supported in media viewer HTTPS error HTTPS error (reason: %1$s) Error while trying to parse server response. Rejected by CloudFlare. Network error Auth error Forbidden error API parse error Server error. Status code: %1$d 404 not found Error while trying to update thread: Tap to refresh (Downloading) (Downloading stopped) (Downloaded) Loading in %1$ds Retry Open in archive Archived Closed Deleted Page This thread is now pinned This thread is no longer pinned This thread is now and View Please select a thread 😴 Nothing to show Add a site to begin browsing Enabled Enter filter RegEx pattern Enter any text to test the pattern Enter a note (Links will be clickable) Apply to replies Only apply to OP Notify when bookmarks created Apply to my own posts Apply to posts with empty comment Notify on new matched threads Filter type: Boards: Action: Highlight color: All currently added boards (%1$d) %1$d board(s) Regex is empty Test text is empty Undefined Pattern matches the test text! Pattern does not match the test text Filter pattern is empty Cannot compile filter pattern Cannot compile filter pattern, it\'s empty Identical filter already exists.\nExisting filter index=%1$d Filter type (%1$s) is not allowed in combination with watch filter action. Only COMMENT and/or SUBJECT types are allowed! Boards from archive sites are not allowed to be used with WATCH filters (Because they have endless catalogs). Found archive sites: \'%1$s\' Cannot use \'All currently added boards\' with WATCH filters. No filter type selected No boards selected Everything seems to be OK (Mode: %1$s) Toggle all Select %1$d board(s) Select what parts of a post this filter should try to match Watch filter and \"Check all boards\" combination warning Selecting \"Check all boards\" means that if you add more boards in the future, the filter will automatically be applied to those boards as well. \n\nSometimes this is a desired behavior (like when creating filters to hide/remove/highlight posts you will probably want those filters to automatically work on all boards you may or may not add in the future, so that you don\'t have to update filters every time you add new boards). On the other hand, this is very bad when combined with \"watch\" filters because, due to how they work, we have to execute a separate network request for each board (to download board\'s current thread list) which consumes battery and network traffic. So if you add 100 boards afterwards, then 100 requests will be executed on every filter watch update cycle. \n\nBe very careful when using the combination of watch filters together with \"check all boards\". I decided to allow this combination to work because it may be useful in some rare cases. This warning will be shown every time you create a watch filter so you don\'t forget about it. Filter watch filter was successfully created but filter watcher is disabled so nothing is going to happen. You need to enable filter watcher in the settings Pick color Selected %1$d filter(s) No filters created yet Additional filter options No pattern Pattern: Filter type: Boards: Action: Apply to replies: Only apply to OP: Apply to my own posts: Note: Total matched posts: (Show more) All currently added boards (%1$s) %1$d board(s) Filter help If the pattern matches, then the post can be hidden, removed, highlighted, or automatically bookmarked.

These filters are pattern based, and have three modes:

1. (MultipleWords) The pattern foo bar will match text that has any of the words in it. It will match foo or bar, but not foobar. Placing a * allows any character to be filled in: f*o will match both foo and foooo, but not foobar

2. (ExactSentence) Quoting your pattern with \" (like \"foo bar\") will match the text exactly. foo bar will match, but foo will not.

3. (Pattern) Regular expressions. /^>implying/ for example.
Supported regex flags:
Case insensitive flag (i): /^>ImPlYiNg/i
Multiline flag (m): /^>ImPlYiNg/m

Note that for country code filtering, troll country codes should be prepended with t_. To filter out all trolls flags on /pol/ you can use \/t_*\/ pattern with COUNTRY CODE filter type. In addition, a country code filter automatically implies the case insensitive flag for regex.

Make sure the mode is the one you want it to be. Sometimes you can make a mistake in the pattern which will result in using a different regex mode (Like when you expect to use a pattern mode but in the pattern status it says MultipleWords. Usually that means that you forgot to remove a space from the beginning or the end of a pattern. ]]>

Actions do the following:
Hide: Replace the post with a stub. You can tap it to un-hide it.
Highlight: A colored bar of your choosing will appear on the catalog/thread scrollbar.
Remove: Remove this post. It won\'t be visible at all.
Watch: If you have the filter watcher enabled, catalogs will be periodically checked based on your interval setting and any OP that matches the filter will be put into your bookmarks. Any catalogs loaded by the you navigating to them from the board select popup will also be checked.
Avoid watch: Works together with watch filters, the same interval settings apply. Allows exceptions in bookmark creation. Explicitly skips watching any matching OP that would otherwise be bookmarked by watch filters later in the filter order.

Enabled filters have priority from top to bottom. Filter precedence for actions is as follows:
1) Capcode or sticky
2) OP
3) Saved replies (your posts)
4) Tripcode
5) Name
6) Comment
7) ID
8) Subject
9) Country Code
10) Filename"]]>
Open regex101 Export filters Import filters Show filter help Importing filters warning Importing filters will overwrite your current filters (basically old filters will be deleted and new filters will be created). Do you want to import filters? Import Do not Filter import error. Reason: %1$s Filter export error. Reason: %1$s Enable all filters Disable all filters Address: %1$s Port: %1$s Type: %1$s Supported sites: %1$s Supported actions: %1$s Sort by bookmark creation time Sort by thread id Sort by unread replies Sort by unread posts Custom sort order Move not active bookmarks to bottom Move bookmarks with unread replies to top Bookmark views width when in grid mode (pixels). Media viewer gestures settings Top gesture action Bottom gesture action Close media viewer Save media Open album Disabled Image name options Use server file name Use original file name Duplicate resolution options Ask what to do Overwrite Skip Save as duplicate Root directory: Append site name Append board code Append thread id Append thread subject Additional directories (\'\\\' separated) Result path Override file name (without extension) Click HERE to set root directory Root directory is not set! File name is blank! Sub directories are not valid! Canceled: %1$s Check all Filter tripcode Filter name Filter poster ID Text copied to clipboard Quote Quote text Info Post info Show links Share Copy text Report Add to navigation history Hide Remove Web search Filter Posting is not supported for this site Posting is not supported in composite catalogs The end of the composite catalog has already been reached Reload unlimited/composite catalog manually to apply changes Thread hidden Thread removed Delete Name Options Flag Subject Creating a new thread Replying in a thread Submit Error posting:\n\n%s Unknown error while trying to post:\n\n%s Failed to process dvach anti-spam, reason: %1$s. Authentication required > Spoiler Code Eqn Math SJIS [sp] [c] [eqn] [math] [sjis] [b] [i] [u] [o] [st] You recently changed your proxy list and didn\'t restart the app. There is a possibility that the next post you make will use a wrong proxy or no proxy at all (that depends on what you\'ve changed). Restart the app to make sure everything works as expected. Flag: %1$s Captcha failure Solve captcha and post Attempt to post without captcha Post with captcha solver Post with passcode Captcha donation Would you like to donate your solved captchas to train a new model for captcha solver?\nYou can change this setting on the \'Experimental settings\' screen at any time.\n\nYou can find more info here:\nhttps://github.com/moffatman/chan/issues/144 Donate Do not Information Ban info Warning info Reply modes Ignore reply cooldowns Check if post was actually acknowledged by 4chan Comment change history cleared Loading flags… Reply layout Failed to decode media preview Reply is empty (no comment body, no files attached) Failed to prepare reply Failed to load data into reply Canceled by user File status READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission is required for this action! Initializing… Downloading… Decoding preview… Done… Failed to pick local file, error: %1$s Failed to pick remote file, error: %1$s Successfully picked local file Successfully picked remote file Enter remote media url Remote media url No media url was provided Provided string is not a url Error while enumerating files: \'%1$s\' Do you really want to delete this file? Successfully removed metadata from selected files Successfully changed checksum of selected files Attached media deleted Selected files deleted File name removed Spoiler flag updated Operation failed. Error: \'%1$s\' Clear cookies Too many files to display them all at once (%1$d out of %2$d max). Upload or delete some of them to display the rest. Delete this file Delete selected files Remove file name of selected files Remove metadata of selected files Change checksum of selected files Mark as spoiler Unmark as spoiler Select all files Unselect all files Removing metadata Changing checksum Updating selection SPLR Delete your post? Deleting post… Post deleted Only delete the image Error deleting post: %1$s Error deleting post: No information found that this post is yours Filters Select images (%1$d / %2$d) Please select images to download No suitable images to download were found (not inlined, not hidden) Report %1$s Don\'t keep activities warning It appears you have \'Don\'t keep activities\' developer setting enabled. This setting may cause lots of different problems such as not being able to pick any files via file pickers. You are not supposed to use it normally, it\'s mostly used for testing. Normally, when picking a file via a file picker, it should launch a new activity (which should work fine) but with this setting enabled, when launching a new activity, it will destroy the previous activity (which is the KurobaEx main activity) thus reloading everything. Similar problems will occur when using any Android feature that requires launching of a new activity (like file sharing/selecting directory location where downloaded files will be stored/etc). It is strongly recommended to disable this setting. This message won\'t be shown anymore. Settings Thread/Filter watchers, thread downloader Thread/Filter watcher, thread downloader settings. Sites Appearance Theme, layout, fonts, etc. Behavior Thread refresh, captcha, etc. Media Video, media loading, etc. Filters Import/Export Import/Export application backup file Security Proxy settings, etc. Caching Media cache/database cache Plugins Downloadable plugins Captcha solvers Automatic, paid, captcha solvers (For ReCaptcha only) ⚠ EXPERIMENTAL ⚠ These settings may become the reason of performance degradation/increased battery consumption or some other unexpected behavior. Use them at your own risk if you are really interested in the features they provide. Thread/filter watcher, thread downloader settings Thread watcher Enable thread watcher Watch bookmarks when app is in the foreground Enable background thread watcher Watch bookmarks when app is either in foreground or background Background update interval The interval between updates when the app is in the background Foreground update interval The interval between updates when the app is in the foreground Use adaptive interval for foreground watcher When turned on additional %1$d seconds will be added to foreground update interval for every 10 active bookmarks you have meaning the more active bookmarks you have the less often the bookmark updates will become (which is good for battery) %1$s (Option for testing. You are not supposed to see this) %1$s (Terrible for battery. Don\'t tell me I didn\'t warn you!) %1$s (More frequent updates, bad for battery) %1$s (Less frequent updates, good for battery) Reply notifications Notify when your posts are being replied to Use sound for reply notifications Last page notifications Notify when threads hit the last page Use sound for last page notifications Regarding background limitation of certain phone models… It appears that your phone model is one of the models with known problems related to app background execution limitations. If you ever notice that you have no notifications (even though they are supposed to be) when the app is in background, then check this link out for possible solutions:\n\n%1$s" Filter watcher Enable filter watcher Automatically bookmark threads that match regex patterns. Enabling this setting will make the watcher work in both foreground/background due to huge update intervals. Group filter watcher bookmarks by filter pattern When enabled, bookmarks created by filter watcher will be moved into bookmark groups where the filter pattern will be used as bookmark group name (Default behavior). When disabled, the bookmark group will be decided the same way as the bookmarks created manually (Bookmarked thread subject/comment will be matched against existing group matchers. If there is no group with matchers that match a bookmark the default group will be used) Filter watcher update interval The interval between updates Thread downloader Thread downloader update interval The interval between updates Download media on metered network Turning this setting off will disable thread media downloading when not connected to WiFi. Thread posts will still be downloaded. About Tap to check for updates Updates are disabled Report Report a problem/crash Find %1$s on GitHub Try KurobaExLite out! Feedback is needed. (Click to open Github page) View the source code, give feedback, submit bug reports Report tracker View reports sent via in-app reporting system Released under the GNU GPLv3 license Tap to see license Developer settings Appearance Appearance Theme Layout Layout mode Auto Use bottom navigation Disabling this setting will disable the bottom navigation view. All the menu items of the bottom navigation view will be moved into the drawer. Does nothing when SPLIT layout mode is used. Slide mode Phone mode Split mode Catalog mode columns count Album columns count Auto %1$d columns Never hide the toolbar Enable the reply button Bottom captcha Makes the JS captcha float to the bottom of the screen Disabling replaces the round button with a menu option Font size Post thumbnail size (percents) Post thumbnail scaling type Fit center Center crop Never show page number Never display the page number in the catalog Draggable scrollbars Enable draggable scrollbars for fast scrolling Reorder bottom navigation view buttons Disabled (Regular, non-draggable scrollbars) Scroll only when dragging thumb Scroll by clicking any point of track Show the full date on posts Use system locale for post date format By default English/US is used, if this setting is enabled then your system\'s locale will be used Draw background behind post thumbnails Show file info on posts Shift post comment to be to the left/right side of a thumbnail when possible Works the best when thumbnails are on the right side of the post Force shift post comment Post comment will always be shifted to the side of a thumbnail (Clover/Kuroba thumbnail style) Post multiple images compact mode When enabled, all posts with multiple images will only show the first image. Clicking it will show the rest. Images Text-only mode Remove images when in board and thread view Reveal text spoilers Makes the spoiler text appear tapped Make everyone Anonymous Sets everyone\'s name field to be \"Anonymous\" Always show \"Anonymous\" name Displays \"Anonymous\" rather than an empty field Hide IDs Catalog post alignment mode Thread post alignment mode Thumbnails to the left, post info to the right Thumbnails to the right, post info to the left Post links Parse Youtube titles and durations Replaces Youtube links with their titles and appends video duration\n\n%1$s Parse SoundCloud titles and durations Replaces SoundCloud links with their titles and appends video duration\n\n%1$s Parse Streamable titles and durations Replaces Streamable links with their titles and appends video duration\n\n%1$s Show the link along with video title and duration When disabled only the video title and duration will be shown Hide post thumbnails Replaces all post thumbnails with a special spoiler image. If you want to save on data, turn this on. An alternative to text-only mode. Remove image spoilers Always reveal spoiler thumbnails and images Auto reveal image spoilers Media viewer gesture settings Media viewer offscreen pages count (%1$d) Reorder media viewer buttons Launch auto page swiper One offscreen page (3 pages total) Two offscreen pages (5 pages total, may become laggy on some devices) High resolution cells Make the album view and card catalog images higher resolution by pre-rescaling full size images (⚠ May become the reason of freezes while scrolling catalog/thread/album on old devices ⚠) Colorize text selection cursors Some devices behave weirdly when text selection cursor colors are changed (for example on some xiaomi devices they become stretched vertically). Disabling this setting will make the text selection cursor use the default theme\'s color (which is gray) Custom user agent By default, currently installed WebView\'s user-agent is used for all requests (and for CloudFlare bypass). But it may not work in some situations. So if you experience problems with bypassing CloudFlare try changing this setting. Set it to empty string to use the WebView\'s user agent again. Donate solved captcha to train captcha solver Behavior General Clear all post hides Cleared all post hides Reply Bookmark thread on post Default post name Auto refresh threads Allow screens to be swiped away Works on screens like board archive/album/etc. Does not work on the thread screen! Use the other setting for the thread screen. Allow the thread screen to be swiped away When disabled you will be able to open the drawer by doing the drag to right gesture from any point of the screen (while in a thread) similar to how you can open the drawer when in catalog. Only works in PHONE/SLIDE layout mode. Ask before opening links Captcha Settings Captcha settings are per-site configurable. Tap for site setup. JS captcha cookies By inputting your desktop browser captcha cookies, captcha solving may become easier Restore last visited catalog upon app start Restore last visited thread upon app start Post Volume keys scroll content Tappable post title When enabled allows tapping post number (to reply) as well as tapping poster id/name/tripcode (to display posts by that id/name/tripcode) Make post links take whole available horizontal space When enabled makes clicking any kind of post link (including post replies) easier by extending it\'s area to take the whole available horizontal space. Disabling this setting will stop triggering link clicks when clicking seemingly empty post comment space. Mark unseen posts Adds a left-side label for every yet unseen post. Only shows unseen posts in threads. Mark already seen threads in the catalog Already seen (visited) threads will be marked with additional transparency Other Options Allow full sensor rotation Show copy apk dialog when downloading an update Every time you download a new update a dialog with suggestion to copy that apk to some other directory will be shown Android 10 gestures Android 10 gesture exclusion zones Adjust zones where Android 10 gestures will be disabled. \n\nYou will have to rotate your phone/tablet to set zones for different orientations. \nYou will have to restart the app for the changes to be applied! Reset exclusion zones All exclusion zones will be deleted; the app will be restarted Media Media cache size Media disk cache size The maximum size of all files stored in the cache before it gets cleaned up. Disk cache is used to reduce the amount of network requests to show media. It\'s also helpful when you have no internet connection or if a media was deleted from the server (you will be able to see it until it\' remove from the cache). Prefetch media disk cache size The same as above but it\'s only used when media prefetching setting is turned on. Since you are basically downloading media files and you hover over them you will need a more spacious cache. Percent of cached files to remove upon cleanup Percent of cached files that will be removed from the disk upon cache clean up. The higher this setting the more files will be removed at a time which may result in app having delays when viewing media (Because all access to the cache is blocked when clean up procedure is running). The media cache size setting may also affect this. On the other hand the clean up procedure will be executed with higher intervals. Enable automatic video-looping Start videos muted Mute headset videos Always reset videos to beginning Automatically swipe to next media after downloading it Pause players (video/audio) when app goes into background Enable sound posts Save location Save location was moved to a different place. You need to either long click any thumbnail and then click "Download image (Show options)" or long click the \"download\" icon in image viewer. Automatically load images Automatically load videos/sound posts Media loading Always Unmetered network only Never Enable media prefetching Loads all images or videos in a thread immediately. Uses it\'s own setting for the cache size which is greater than the regular cache size. (⚠ May become the reason of high battery/network traffic/disk consumption ⚠) Misc settings Always randomize picked files names Current timestamp in milliseconds will be used as the name of any picked file Mpv video player Use mpv video player When turned on mpv video player will be used to play videos instead of the ExoPlayer. When turned off ExoPlayer will be used. You need to install the libraries for it to work. Use mpv.conf Edit mpv.conf Mpv libraries status Downloading libraries Failure Success Failed to install mpv libraries! Error: \'%1$s\' Successfully installed mpv libraries! The app will now be restarted. Status: libraries are not installed or some libraries are missing or cannot be accessed. Click here to reinstall the libraries. Status: Failed to load mpv native libraries. Click here to reinstall the libraries.\nActual error: \'%1$s\' Status: libplayer.so version \'v%1$d\' is not the same as the version that this app supports \'v%2$d\'. This may lead to crashes or other bugs. It\'s strongly recommended to update the app and the libraries to the latest version. Status: libraries installed. Everything seems to be fine.\nlibplayer.so version: \'v%1$d\' Installed Missing Old mpv libraries were deleted. The app will now be restarted. Delete old mpv libraries Install mpv libraries from Github Install mpv libraries from local directory Local installation info Local mpv library installation is basically the same thing as simply moving pre-built .so files to \'%1$s\' directory. You will have to select a directory where the .so files are located. The libraries must have specific names because no renaming is being done on the libraries they are only moved from one directory to another. You can check out the existing pre-built libraries and how they are named in this repository: https://github.com/K1rakishou/KurobaEx-mpv-libs The libraries must be built for a specific ABI (Application binary interface). The ABIs this phones supports are: \'%2$s\'. If you attempt to load libraries built for an ABI not supported by your phone the application may crash. The instructions on how to build the libraries by yourself can be found in the main application Github repository. Cannot download and use pre-built libraries on FDroid builds because FDroid forbids doing that. You have to build and install them manually. Database summary Clear external link extra info table Clear seen posts table Trigger thread cleanup Trigger post cleanup Logs Copy Loading logs, please wait Error loading logs Check update apk version code For development only! When turned off you will always be suggested to install the apk update. Force low ram device This setting should only be used by old devices with less than ~2GB of memory (very approximate number because this heavily depends on the device). It will enable some additional optimizations and attempt to reduce the amount of memory that is used by memory caches. Additionally it will force media viewer view pager to only have 1 offscreen page instead of 2 (which should reduce OutOfMemory and other similar crashes). View logs Enable verbose logs Disable verbose logs Crash the app Clear \'%1$s\' disk cache %1$s cache: %2$s / %3$s Clear exoplayer cache Exoplayer cache: %1$s Clear thread downloader disk cache Clear cache Do not Clear thread downloader disk cache? This action will delete all downloaded media for all downloading/downloaded threads. Are you sure you want to do that? Currently: %1$s Reset thread open counter Crash on safe throw (ENABLED) Crash on safe throw (DISABLED) Simulate app updated Makes the app think it\'s updated to the latest version. This will be reset the next time you manually check for updates Simulate app not updated Makes the app think it\'s NOT updated to the latest version. This will be reset the next time you manually check for updates Auto theme switcher Toggles light/dark theme with a slight delay (5 seconds) ad infinitum (Or until app restart). Is used for dynamic themes testing. \n\nCurrent status: %1$s Fun things are fun Force 4chan birthday Force halloween Force Christmas Force New Year Security Main Proxy settings %1$d proxies enabled Force HTTPS urls Turning this setting on will forcibly convert all HTTP urls into HTTPS. Android starting with API 28 (Pie) doesn\'t allow cleartype communication by default so you won\'t be able to open HTTP urls and may want to covert them into HTTPS urls. 2captcha solver 2captcha solver url The app supports all services that implement 2captcha API including 2captcha.com itself 2captcha solver API key The API key that you get when registering an account. For 2captcha.com you need to use the \"customer mode\" key Validate Click to validate the settings and check the account balance Balance check result Experimental settings Allow OkHttp to use HTTP/2 protocol Allow OkHttp to use IPv6 Use DNS over HTTPS Disabling this setting may resolve issues with images not loading whatsoever in some rare cases. Try disabling this setting if images refuse to start loading. Cloudflare image preloading (4chan only) This option will be forcing Cloudflare to preload all currently visible images in a thread. No images will be downloaded on your phone and no additional traffic will be used. Only HEAD requests will be sent for every image in the thread which will force Cloudflare to cache those images. This SHOULD make subsequent image downloads way faster because you will be loading them from Cloudflare servers, not 4chan\'s. This feature works similar to how media prefetching works (you don\'t need to click anything, just scroll through the thread like you always do). Import/Export application backup Export backup file Export application database and other files that are used to persist application state into a zip file. Import backup file Restore application state from backup file. This is only supposed to work on the same application version or higher (downgrades are not supported). Import from Kuroba Import Bookmarks/Filters/Filters/Hidden posts and threads/Added sites and boards and some other stuff from Kuroba (the settings file must be exported on 4.13.X-release version of Kuroba, other versions probably won\'t work). Settings are not imported since they differ too much. You need to clear the app data beforehand. Copied to clipboard %1$s pass Token PIN Passcode Device authorized! Submit Logout Connection error Passcode info updated Failed to update passcode info " Go here to reset your PIN.

Don't have a 4chan Pass?
Tap here to learn more.

Sometimes you may want to post by solving a captcha (or by using a captcha solver) even though you have passcode.
To make that possible, this app supports different reply modes.
You can find them all by long-tapping the reply button in reply layout.
After logging in with a passcode, in order to actually use a passcode when posting, you will have to select reply mode \"Post with passcode\".
Otherwise you will still have to solve captchas.
If you ever log out or if the passcode expires you will have to change reply mode too. ]]> "
Themes Image quality: %1$d Theme gallery (%1$s themes) Loading themes… Failed to load themes No site found with siteDescriptor: %1$s Site %1$s is not active. It\'s either completely disabled or you need to activate it first No archives found to open %1$s. Check that you have enabled archives to open this thread. It is also possible that no archives support this site/board. No posts of the same poster found Only one post of the same poster found Reduce: %1$dx%2$d to %3$dx%4$d (%5$d%%) Could not apply new image options (error message is %1$s) Could not reencode image Change image checksum Fix EXIF orientation Remove metadata Re-encode Create sound media Re-encode image AS IS (%1$s) AS JPEG AS PNG Image quality: 100 Reduce: 0% Bookmarks Bookmarks (%1$d/%2$d) Selected %1$d bookmarks You haven\'t bookmarked any threads yet Nothing found by search query \"%1$s\" Prune inactive bookmarks Are you sure you want to prune all inactive bookmarks? Clear all bookmarks Set grid bookmark view width Are you sure you want to clear ALL bookmarks? Mark all bookmarks as seen and clear all notifications Create bookmark group Bookmark groups settings Restart filter watcher Prune Clear (Archive) (Watcher disabled) Are you sure you want to delete %1$d bookmarks? Filter watcher restarted. Wait 5–10 seconds for the threads to get updated Filter watches My posts Delete all saved posts Delete all saved posts? This action will delete ALL saved posts. You won\'t receive notifications for those posts anymore and they won\'t be marked as yours. Are you sure you want to continue? No sites loaded, this shouldn\'t happen No boards added Configure boards of %1$s Boards updated Board code is empty Sort boards alphabetically Delete all added boards No boards found Check all No boards found Sites Sites Configure %1$s Proxy setup You haven\'t added any proxies yet Failed to enable/disable proxy, error = %1$s Failed to delete proxies, error = %1$s Adding/Removing or updating proxies requires application restart Selected %1$d proxies Are you sure you want to delete %1$d proxies? Proxy editor Proxy address Proxy port Proxy type HTTP SOCKS Enable on sites Actions Failed to add proxy, make sure everything is correct New proxy added. Restart the app Proxy updated. Restart the app Proxy deleted. Restart the app Proxy address is not valid Proxy port is not valid Proxy type is not valid No sites selected No actions selected Enable for site requests (Posting/Captcha/Json fetching etc) Enable for media preview loading (Post thumbnails/bookmarks/tabs/etc thumbnails/site icons etc) Enable for full media loading Failed to persist new proxy, error = %1$s Failed to persist new proxy, unknown error see logs Global search No sites supporting search found Searching %1$s for \"%2$s\" %1$s \"%2$s\" found total: %3$d %1$s \"%2$s\" found total: unknown End of results Composite catalog App Setup Tap for site/board setup Enter catalog/thread identifier Thread id/board code/full catalog/thread/post url Enter media url Failed to convert \'%1$s\' to url The thread must belong to a board you are currently on, otherwise it won\'t be found Error parsing thread id, it should only contain numbers ThreadId must be positive and greater than 0 Enter page number Failed to convert \'%1$s\' into integer value %1$s whole chain %1$s future replies Hide post Remove post hide remove Would you like to %1$s the whole reply chain with future replies as well? Would you like to %1$s future replies to this post as well? Preparing Requesting data from the server Reading server response Processing %1$d filters Parsing %1$d posts Persisting %1$d posts Applying filters.\nHidden/Removed posts count: %1$d.\nPosts matched by filters count: %2$d Diffing new and old posts, applying results Done Restore posts Restored %1$d posts No hidden/removed posts found No hidden/removed threads found Select all Verify Use old\ncaptcha Reload Copy Solve Verify Failed to find captcha solution Reload captcha to apply the setting Use contrast background for slider captcha Remember captcha cookies for easy captcha Use captcha solver (If installed) Show captcha help Captcha help The captcha has already expired Verification is not required! Just click \"Verify\", it\'s free! There are three captcha types:\nHard one (with slider), easy one (without slider) and NOOP (the one where you don\'t need to do anything).\n\nTo solve the hard captcha you need to adjust the slider until symbols on the image become readable. Then you need to enter those symbols into the input. You can either drag the slider or drag the image itself (they both do the same action). You can click the image to show/hide the background image. This may or may not help you to try to guess the captcha without using the slider whatsoever. The colored background is drawn to add contrast between two images (Can be disabled in the captcha settings).\n\nIn case of easy captcha you only need to enter the text displayed on the image.\n\nCaptcha detects multiple accesses from the same IP (?) and may rate–limit them for some time (like 15-120+ seconds).\n\nUPD: Captcha has been updated. Now whenever you change the captcha cookie there is a time window (approximately 12-24 hours) when you will only be receiving slider captcha by the 4chan server. I don\'t know why exactly it was changed to be like this but I have a hunch it\'s to make ban-evaders\' life more difficult. After 12-24 hours pass, you should see easy/noop captcha again.\n\nYou can change the cookies manually (for example you may want to import them from the browser). Cookies are stored for 180 days afterwards they are automatically updated the next time you make a post. Captcha solver not installed See https://github.com/K1rakishou/4chanCaptchaSolver for more info Captcha solver versions mismatch! Expected \'%1$d\' (currently supported version) version but got \'%2$d\' (installed captcha solver version). You need to either update the captcha solver application or KurobaEx or both. See https://github.com/K1rakishou/4chanCaptchaSolver for more info You have to select at least one image (if you see a captcha that does not have any matching images, then it is probably a bug; fill an issue and use the old captcha) Verification is already in progress Captcha request is already in progress You are requesting captcha too fast URL copied to clipboard File name copied to clipboard File hash copied to clipboard Link text copied to clipboard Link value copied to clipboard Something is wrong with this file Enter post id to scroll to Navigation history is empty.\n\nOpen a board or a thread to add it here (Additionally, check drawer settings) Select Select all Delete selected Delete Pin/unpin Bookmark/unbookmark Show in bookmarks Pin/unpin selected Move last accessed thread/catalog to top Display bookmarked threads Track and display navigation history Show delete navigation history button Delete bookmark(s) when navigation history deleted Delete navigation history when bookmark(s) deleted Clear navigation history Clear navigation history? Pinned \'%1$s\' Pinned %1$d items Unpinned \'%1$s\' Unpinned %1$d items Deleted \'%1$s\' Deleted %1$d items Failed to pin or unpin Grid mode Grid mode Can\'t open this thread in a browser Can\'t share this thread Thread follow history has been cleared Failed to load thread Downloading archive threads You are trying to download a thread that is stored in third-party archive. Thread downloader periodically updates threads locally until it detects that a thread is closed, deleted or is not in the board catalog anymore. Since this is a third-party archive, neither of those conditions will ever be met. So archive threads will continue being downloaded pretty much forever. You will have to stop such downloads manually otherwise it will never stop and will continue to consume battery. The standard Lorem Ipsum passage, used since the 1500s "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum." Report an error/crash/other problem Issue number (to leave a comment): I have a problem with: Problem description: Attach logs No logs Send report Title cannot be empty! If description is empty, logs cannot be empty! Description cannot be empty! \"Attach logs\" option is checked, but logs are empty! Sent \;) Error while trying to send report: %1$s It\'s very recommended to attach link to a post/thread/image if the problem is with any of those so it\'s easier to reproduce and test! The more information you provide the better! Failed to open output file Failed to open theme file Failed to export theme: %1$s Failed to import theme: %1$s Failed to parse some fields! Check their correctness. Theme cannot be applied because it contains errors! You can use services such as https://jsonformatter.org/ to make sure the JSON is correct. Additionally check the colors. Bad theme name: \"%1$s\" Failed to reset theme You cannot import \"%1$s\" theme into \"%2$s\" theme slot Canceled: %1$s %1$s theme Light Dark More themes Theme \'%1$s\' set as %2$s theme Pick local file (show all file pickers) Pick remote file (by file url) Remote image search You have %1$d replies in %2$d thread(s) You have %1$d new replies in thread %2$d Reply from %1$d to post %2$d %1$d thread(s) hit last page Filter watcher matched %1$d filters with %2$d threads Filter watcher matched %1$d threads for pattern \'%2$s\' HSID SSID SID NID Save and apply Make sure to double check all parameters! (And symbols like periods) Enter the values. No need to prepend them with \"HSID=…\", \"SSID=…\" etc. JS Captcha cookies editor %1$s cookie is not set! Failed to parse cookies, re-enter them correctly! Apply themes Apply \"%1$s\" Review report files Review later Delete all report files Deleted %1$d report file(s) Sent %1$d report file(s) "Unable to go to board (site likely has dynamic boards). Add the board using the boards menu first." Archive for boards /%1$s/ is not enabled or does not exist Failed to find board with code /%1$s/ Copy apk? Would you like to store this apk? Couldn\'t convert uri (%1$s) into an ExternalFile Input apk file (%1$s) does not exist Output file (%1$s) does not exist Couldn\'t copy file contents from file (%1$s) into (%2$s) Apk successfully copied WebView is not installed Some part of WebViewChromium couldn\'t get initialized: (%1$s) Add new zone Left zone (Portrait orientation) Right zone (Portrait orientation) Left zone (Landscape orientation) Right zone (Landscape orientation) Wrong phone orientation, you need to rotate your phone 90 degrees to any side before using this option. Edit or remove zone? Zone removed. Restart the app for the changes to kick in. New exclusion zone added. Restart the app for the changes to kick in. Resolve duplicate images Select images that you want to retain. In case of selecting server image, the local duplicate will be overwritten with server image. In case of selecting local image, it will be left as is. In case of selecting duplicate image the image will be downloaded again from the server and a duplicate label will be appended to it\'s name (e.g. "image_(1).png") Server images Local images Duplicate images Out of disk space! Failed to access root directory!\nClick \"show settings\" and then check that it exists and you have access to it! Root directory is inaccessible Uri \'%1$s\' is not a directory Directory \'%1$s\' does not exist Show settings Navigate Resolve duplicates Downloading images No unresolved duplicate images were found Successfully finished downloading %1$d images Downloading %1$d/%2$d images Finished downloading %1$d images with errors Processing replies Processing %1$d replies You are probably banned You are probably warned Authentication required Dvach anti-spam script detected Unknown error /%1$s/ archive Local thread archive Local thread archive %1$d/%2$d Updating all threads, this may take some time Nothing to update Last thread update: OK Last thread update error: %1$s Selected %1$d threads This action will delete thread(s) with all downloaded posts and files. Are you sure you want to do that? Delete %1$s archived thread? Delete %1$d archived threads? ALL DOWNLOADING DOWNLOADED Posts: %1$d, Media: %2$d, Media on disk: %3$s Export threads Export thread media Exported %1$d / %2$d Delete %1$d saved post(s)? This action will delete saved posts and unmark replies as yours in threads. Are you sure you want to do that? Combine multiple boards into a single composite catalog.\n(Min: %1$d boards, Max: %2$d boards) Click to add a board Enter composite catalog name 1–%1$d characters, the exceeding characters will be chopped off Composite catalog Cannot use empty/blank composite catalog name Failed to create/update composite catalog. Reason: \'%1$s\' Successfully created/updated composite catalog Composite catalog with boards \'%1$s\' already exists! Add more boards or remove some. Configure composite catalogs No composite catalogs created yet Deleted \'%1$s\' Found: ??? Found: %1$d My posts Bookmarks New media share intent, processing… Share is already in progress Added %1$d new file(s) to reply file storage Failed to add new file(s), see logs for more info Media is not supported but you still can download it or open in browser. Media is not supported. Open album End reached Cannot save image because some info required by SimpleImageInfo is not present (image=\'%1$s\') Download thread media Thread media is stored on the internal storage.\n\nDirectory: %1$s Dvach anti-spam result: Canceled Dvach anti-spam result: Error %1$s Dvach anti-spam result: Success Successfully passed %1$s checks! You can now retry the last attempt. Failed to pass %1$s checks, reason: %2$s Failed to pass %1$s checks, reason: Canceled Firewall check %1$s for site %2$s is not supported Firewall bypass takes longer than expected. If a browser check seem to get stuck then make sure your system\'s time is correct and you don\'t have any self-signed certificates installed. Firewall bypass screen was automatically closed because it seem to got completely stuck. \'%1$s\' verification. Remote image search Current search instance Not an url Base url Create media with sound Successfully created sound post for file \'%1$s\' Failed to create sound post for file, error: \'%1$s\' Sound post creation canceled Attachment file name Replace existing sound? Selected media already has sound attached. Do you want to replace it with new one? Loading page %1$d Loading catalog \'%1$s\' Thread downloader is running. Thread downloader is currently running. Importing cannot be executed while thread downloader is downloading stuff because there may be conflicts. Wait until it\'s done processing threads and try again. Alternatively, you can clear the application data (because it will be cleared either way before importing backup). Export success! Backup export error! Backup export error!\nSee logs for more info!\nError: %1$s Import error: %1$s Import success! The app will be restarted once this dialog is closed Import from Kuroba error! Import from Kuroba error!\nSee logs for more info!\nError: %1$s Import from Kuroba success! HW SW Switching to software decoding Switching to hardware decoding Fast video decoding mode Failed to load mpv native libraries. Check whether the libraries are installed correctly or installed at all. The simplest way to do that is to fully reinstall them (Go to Settings -> Plugins -> Click \'Mpv libraries status\'). \n\n Actual error: \'%1$s\' Export downloaded thread media (Might make the backup file very large) Bookmark groups No groups created Select existing group Create new group Group \'%1$s\' has no matcher Enter bookmark group name (must be unique) Group will become visible after you add bookmarks into it Group with name \'%1$s\' already exists (groupId=\'%2$s\') Site name Board code Post subject Post comment Unknown matcher type (%1$s) Add matcher Select matcher Site name Board code Post subject Post comment Select matcher operator AND OR Enter matcher pattern Bookmark group matcher help Default group.
You can create new groups and move the bookmarks into them manually but there is also a new ability to automize this process: bookmark group matchers.
Note: only the newly created bookmarks are affected by the matchers. In other words, after a bookmark was created and moved into a group you can only move it manually to another group or delete it and then create again to trigger the bookmark matchers.
They work similar to how filters work but instead of having only one regex pattern that is then matched against post comment/subject/etc you can create up to 8 separate regex patterns and combine them with two operators: AND or OR.
The matchers can be applied to 4 different parts of a thread original post:

1. Site name.
2. Board code.
3. OP subject.
4. OP comment.

The syntax is very similar to filter pattern syntax.
By combining the matchers together you can create the following example bookmark groups:

- If you create a group with site name matcher /4chan/i, board code matcher /g/i using the AND operator then all bookmarks created on 4chan/g/ (and only there) will be moved into this group.
- If you create a group with post subject matcher /mjg/i, post comment matcher /mjg/i using the OR operator then all bookmarks with /mjg/ in OP subject or comment will be moved into this group.
- If you create a group with post subject matcher /vn/i with no other matchers then every bookmark on every site (on every board) will be moved into this group if it contains /vn/i in the thread subject.

The exception to this rule are the bookmarks created by filter watches. They will be moved into their own groups which are called by the matched filter\'s pattern.
When deleting a bookmark group all the bookmarks that are currently in that group will be moved into the Default group.

If you have multiple bookmark groups, when creating new bookmarks, they are processed by the bookmark group matchers in the order as seen in the Bookmark groups screen except for the Default group which is always processed last and basically always matches all the remaining bookmarks not matched by other matchers. In other words, the ordering matters. For example, if you create a matcher with the * regex and move it on the very top of the bookmark groups list, it will match all newly created bookmarks and they all will be moved into that group. All the matchers after that global matcher won\'t even have a chance to match anything.
CloudFlare clearance cookie Concurrent chunked file downloading Split file downloads into chunks and download them concurrently, when possible; makes loading times shorter when viewing them in the gallery. Determines the number of chunks to split files into. Site domain If a site supports multiple domains you can enter any of them which will be used from then on. Requires application restart for the changes to take effect. Last used captchaId cookie Cookie issued by the server after bypassing Lynxchan block Cookie issued by the server after solving Lynxchan Proof-of-work problem Ignore reply cooldowns When enabled, client-side reply cooldown check will be disabled Lynxchan Proof–of–work is required in order to post. This is an additional anti-spam check and is usually required when Tor/VPN/proxy detected. Proof-of-work is not supported by the application because you need to solve a complex problem which requires a lot of computation power and time when solved on PC (~30-40 minutes on Threadripper 2950X with 16 cores). You have to do that on PC and then use the resulting cookies on the phone for posting. To do that, open any thread and try to post. After solving the problem, you will need to copy the following 3 cookies: \'captchaid\', \'bypass\' and \'extraCookie\' into the current site settings. Tor / VPN / Proxy detected\nYou need a block bypass to post Regular captcha Captcha verification error: %1$s Captcha verification was not successful Block bypassed, now solve the regular captcha Report post Select report category Open in WebView Not supported Reported post \'%1$s\' No boards supporting search found for site \'%1$s\' No boards supporting search found for site \'%1$s\' with query \'%2$s\' Report post \'%1$s\' Enter report reason Report reason cannot be empty Sending report… Error: \'%1$s\' Import third eye settings Export third eye settings Failed to update third eye settings Enable ThirdEye Add site No sites added yet Image file name regex pattern API endpoint url Image full url json key Image preview url json key Image size json key Image width json key Image height json key Image tags json key Banned tags Image file name regex pattern (The pattern extracts the {key} parameter from the image file name which is then used in the API endpoint url) API endpoint url (Use {key} marker to specify where the key extracted by the regex pattern will be inserted, if not specified it\'s inserted at the end of the string) Image full url json key (Required to display full image) Image preview url json key (Required to display thumbnail) Image size json key (Optional. Will fetch and show image size) Image width json key (Optional. Will fetch and show image width) Image height json key (Optional. Will fetch and show image height) Image tags json key (Optional. Will fetch image tags to filter out images matching banned tags) Banned tags (Optional if \'Image tags json key\' is not set. Must be whitespace separated) The application has crashed! Crash message Crash stacktrace Last logs before the crash Additional information Copy formatted for Github Import backup Export backup Loading logs… No logs to display. Check log filtering levels. +Verbose logs +MPV logs Send crash report Open the issue tracker Restart the app Report copied to clipboard Hidden Removed Manually restored You are not allowed to do this Show loading indicator for prefetching images No settings were found by query \"%1$s\" Updater is disabled for dev builds Updater is disabled for F-Droid builds Changelog Doing heavy lifting, please wait… Decoding file preview, this may take some time Downloading file, this may take some time Enter image/video url Update passcode info Must be logged in Attached file info Android 10 Day/Night mode On Android 10 (and above) you may want to enable "Ignore system Day/Night mode" setting. Otherwise the app theme will be based on your system Day/Night mode which may seem as an unexpected behavior. No links found in post Click to select a board Selected board: /%1$s/ Post subject search query Post comment search query No boards supporting search found You have no filter watched threads here yet (They may be in the update process) The app will be restarted when exiting the settings screen Selected text is empty Catalog end reached End reached Failed to find post to scroll to (postNo=\'%1$d\') SSL error Api 33 (Android 13+) notifications permission Api 33 (Android 13+) requires applications to request for a permission to display notifications. Without this permission some application features may not work correctly (posting, media downloading, reply notifications, thread last page notifications, etc).\n\nYou can always enable this manually in Android OS application settings.