Michaela Kümpel https://opendatacommons.org/licenses/by/1-0/ A user profile skeleton that can be used for various applications. To be imported into application ontologies where users are instatiated. Copyright (c) 2021 Michaela Kümpel This work is licensed under Open Data Commons Attribution License (ODC-BY 1.0 license). You are free: To share: To copy, distribute and use the database. To create: To produce works from the database. To adapt: To modify, transform and build upon the database. As long as you: Attribute: Attribute the work to the original authors. You must attribute any public use of the database, or works produced from the database. For any use or redistribution of the database, or works produced from it, you must make clear to others the license of the database and keep intact any notices on the original database. has age group has gender Kinder 10 bis unter 13 Jahre Kinder 13 bis unter 15 Jahre Jugendliche 15 bis unter 19 Jahre Erwachsene 19 bis unter 25 Jahre Erwachsene 25 bis unter 51 Jahre Erwachsene 51 bis unter 65 Jahre Kinder 7 bis unter 10 Jahre Age Group Altersgruppe Demographics Demographie divers diverse Female Weiblich Gender Geschlecht Male Männlich User