param( [alias("root")][string]$Script:installRoot=$null, [alias("python")][string]$Script:python=$null, [alias("branch")][string]$Script:branch="master", [alias("localdev")][string]$Script:localdev=$null ) [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = "SystemDefault, tls12, tls11" [version]$minPythonVersion = 3.6 $Script:PythonInstallDir = "C:\python36" if($env:PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE.contains("64")) { $Script:pythonUrl = "" } else { $Script:pythonUrl = "" } ##### $Script:pythonVersion = "0" function findPython([string] $name) { $py = (Get-Command $name -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) if ($py -and ($py | Get-Member Version) -and $py.Version -ge $minPythonVersion) { return $py.Source } return $null } function FetchPython() { switch($host.UI.PromptForChoice("Get python", "Do you want us to install python for you or do you want to manually specify the location of your python installation?", @("&Install Python", "&Specify Installation", "&Quit"), 0)) { 0 { $archive = "$Script:installRoot\download\{0}" -f ( $Script:pythonUrl.SubString($Script:pythonUrl.LastIndexOf("/")+1)) if(!(Test-Path -Path $archive)) { Write-Host "Downloading:" $Script:pythonUrl (new-object net.webclient).DownloadFile("$Script:pythonUrl", "$archive") } [string[]]$command = @("/quiet", "InstallAllUsers=0", "PrependPath=1", "TargetDir=`"$Script:PythonInstallDir`"", "AssociateFiles=0", "InstallLauncherAllUsers=0") Write-Host "$archive" $command & "$archive" $command $Script:python = "$Script:PythonInstallDir\python.exe" break } 1 { $Script:python = Read-Host -Prompt "Python Path" if(!($Script:python.EndsWith(".exe"))) { $Script:python = "$Script:python\python.exe" } TestAndFetchPython break } 2 { exit } } } function TestAndFetchPython() { if($Script:python) { if(($Script:python -split "\r\n").Length -eq 1) { Try { (& "$Script:python" "--version" 2>&1) -match "\d+\.\d+\.\d+" | Out-Null $Script:pythonVersion = $Matches[0] if([version]$Script:pythonVersion -ge $minPythonVersion) { return } Write-Host "We found $Script:python version $Script:pythonVersion which is to old." } Catch { Write-Host "We failed to determine your python version." } } else { Write-Host "We failed to determine your python version." } } else { Write-Host "We couldn't find python." } FetchPython } #################################################### # Start Write-Host "Start to boostrap Craft." function promptInstallRoot() { Write-Host "Where to you want us to install Craft" $Script:installRoot="C:\CraftRoot\" $Script:installRoot = if (($result = Read-Host "Craft install root: [$Script:installRoot]") -eq '') {$Script:installRoot} else {$result} } if (!$Script:installRoot) { promptInstallRoot } while(Test-Path -Path $Script:installRoot\*){ Write-Host "Directory $Script:installRoot already exists.`nChoose one of the options:" switch($ask=Read-Host "[Q] Quit installation `n[Y] Truncate directory: [$Script:installRoot] and continue installation in the same directory `n[N] Change directory path.`n(default is 'Q')") { "y" {rm $Script:installRoot\* -Force} "n" {promptInstallRoot} "q" {exit} } } mkdir $Script:installRoot -Force | Out-Null mkdir $Script:installRoot\download -Force | Out-Null if (!$Script:python) { $Script:python = findPython("python") if (!$Script:python) { $py = (Get-Command py -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).Name if ($py) { $Script:python = findPython(&$py -3 -c "import sys; print(sys.executable)") } if (!$Script:python) { $Script:python=(where.exe python 2>$null) } } TestAndFetchPython } &{ if ($Script:localdev) { Copy-Item "$Script:localdev\Setup\" -Dest "$Script:installRoot\download\" Write-Host "Copied local" } else { $url = "$Script:branch/setup/" Write-Host "Downloading:" $url (new-object net.webclient).DownloadFile("$url", "$Script:installRoot\download\") Start-Sleep -s 10 } [string[]]$command = @("$Script:installRoot\download\", "--prefix", "$Script:installRoot", "--branch", "$Script:branch") if ($Script:localdev) { [string[]]$command += @("--localDev", $Script:localdev) } Write-Host "$Script:python" $command & "$Script:python" $command cd $Script:installRoot }