# Sublime Rails Migrations List A simple plugin to [Sublime Text 2](http://sublimetext.com/2) to quick navigate and switch between rails migrations ## Usage Use default shortcut (⌘+⇧+M) or command "Migrations list" in your command pallete (⌘+⇧+P) to show all your migrations: ![](http://cl.ly/image/1q1Z2F192d3D/Screen%20Shot%202012-12-24%20at%203.28.45%20PM.png) ![](http://cl.ly/image/0y310o1F0c0J/Screen%20Shot%202012-12-24%20at%203.29.10%20PM.png) ## Installation Install Rails Migration List from [package control](http://wbond.net/sublime_packages/package_control). Or fetch from github: git clone git://github.com/KELiON/RailsMigrationsList.git and place it in your packages directory.