import logging import os import requests import json import time from data.datasets import * class Api: api_key = '' api_url = '' def __init__(self, api_url : str, api_key : str = ''): if api_url.endswith(os.sep): self.api_url=api_url.rstrip(os.sep) else: self.api_url = api_url self.api_key = api_key def register_new_user(self): """ Funkce pro registraci nového uživatele """ headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json', "Accept": "application/json"} testname='testuser' + str(time.time()) user_data = { 'name': testname, 'email': testname + '@domain.tld', 'password': testname} r = + '/users?apiKey=' + self.api_key, headers = headers, data = json.dumps(user_data).encode()) if r.status_code == 201: json_data = r.json() self.api_key = json_data['apiKey'] time.sleep(5)'Registered user: ' + str(json_data['id'])) else: logging.error('User creation failed: ' + r.text) raise Exception('User creation failed.') def check_user_access(self): """ Funkce pro kontrolu pristupnosti API pomoci zadane URL a API klice """ r = requests.get(self.api_url + '/auth?apiKey=' + self.api_key) if r.status_code == 200:'API check: ' + self.api_url + '/auth?apiKey=' + self.api_key) else: logging.error('Invalid URL or API KEY!', [self.api_url, self.api_key]) raise Exception('Invalid URL or API KEY!', [self.api_url, self.api_key]) def create_datasource(self, dataset_name : str, dataset_fold : int, dataset_type : str): """ Funkce pro vytvoření nového datasource (STEP 1) :param dataset_name: str :param dataset_fold: int :param dataset_type: str :return: int """ file = get_filename(dataset_name, dataset_fold, dataset_type) if not os.path.isfile(file): logging.error('File not exists: ' + file) raise Exception("Dataset file not found: " + file) files = {("file", open(file, 'rb'))} datasource_id = -1 headers = {"Accept": "application/json"} for createI in range(0, 3): r = + '/datasources?separator=%2C&encoding=utf8&type=limited&apiKey=' + self.api_key, files=files, headers=headers) if r.status_code == 200 or r.status_code == 201: datasource_id = r.json()["id"] if datasource_id:"Dataset created (" + dataset_name + " " + str(dataset_fold) + " " + dataset_type + "): " + str(datasource_id)) return datasource_id else: if createI >= 2: raise Exception("Datasource creation failed: " + dataset_name + " " + str(dataset_fold) + " " + dataset_type) else:'Dataset creation failed, repeat it: ' + dataset_name + " " + str(dataset_fold) + " " + dataset_type) time.sleep(10) raise Exception('Miner creation failed') def create_miner(self, datasource_id : int, miner_name: str = "test miner"): """ Funkce pro vytvoreni mineru z existujiciho datasource (STEP 2) :param datasource_id: - str :param miner_name: str - jmeno mineru :return: str - ID mineru """ headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json', "Accept": "application/json"} json_data = {"name": miner_name + str(time.time()) , "type": "cloud", "datasourceId": datasource_id} json_data = json.dumps(json_data).encode() r = + "/miners?apiKey=" + self.api_key, headers=headers, data=json_data) miner_id = r.json()["id"]'Miner created: '+str(miner_id)) if not miner_id: raise Exception('Miner creation failed.') else: return miner_id def preprocess_fields_each_one(self, miner_id : int): attributes_map = {} headers = {"Accept": "application/json"} r = requests.get(self.api_url + '/miners/' + str(miner_id) + '?apiKey=' + self.api_key, headers = headers) if r.status_code != 200: raise Exception("Requested miner not found: " + str(miner_id)) datasource_id = r.json()['datasourceId'] r = requests.get(self.api_url + '/datasources/' + str(datasource_id) + '?apiKey=' + self.api_key, headers = headers) if r.status_code != 200: raise Exception("Datasource for miner " + str(miner_id) + " not found: " + str(datasource_id)) datasource_data = r.json() headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json', "Accept": "application/json"} for column in datasource_data['column']: #zpracujeme jednotlive sloupce json_data = {'miner':miner_id, 'name': column['name'], 'columnName': column['name'], 'specialPreprocessing': 'eachOne'} json_data = json.dumps(json_data).encode() r = + '/attributes?apiKey=' + self.api_key, headers = headers, data = json_data)'attribute creation: ' + column['name'] + ' - ' + str(r.status_code)) if r.status_code != 201: print(r.text) raise Exception("Attribute creation failed: miner_id=" + str(miner_id) + ", column=" + column['name'] + ', status=' + str(r.status_code)) attributes_map[column['name']] = r.json()['name'] return attributes_map def create_task(self, miner_id : int, attributes_map, target_column_name : str, max_rules_count : int = 80000, use_cba : bool = True, auto_conf_supp : bool = False, im_auto_conf_supp_max_rule_length : int = 5, im_conf : float = 0.5, im_supp : float = 0.01 , max_rule_length : int = 0): """ Funkce pro vytvoreni jednoduche data miningove ulohy na zaklade vstupnich parametru :param miner_id: :param attributes_map: :param target_column_name: :param max_rules_count: :param use_cba: :param auto_conf_supp: :param im_auto_conf_supp_max_rule_length: :param im_conf: :param im_supp: :param max_rule_length: max. pocet atributu v pravidle (0=automaticky) :return: """ headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json', "Accept": "application/json"} consequent = attributes_map[target_column_name] antecedent = [] for column_name in attributes_map: attribute_name = attributes_map[column_name] if attribute_name != consequent: antecedent.append({"attribute": attribute_name}) task_config = {"miner": miner_id, "name": "Test task", "limitHits": max_rules_count, "IMs": [], "specialIMs": [], "antecedent": antecedent, "consequent": [ { "attribute": consequent } ] } if auto_conf_supp: task_config['IMs'].append({"name": "AUTO_CONF_SUPP"}) if max_rule_length>0: task_config['IMs'].append({"name": "RULE_LENGTH", "value": max_rule_length}) else: task_config['IMs'].append({"name": "RULE_LENGTH", "value": im_auto_conf_supp_max_rule_length}) else: task_config['IMs'].append({"name": "CONF", "value": im_conf}) task_config['IMs'].append({"name": "SUPP", "value": im_supp}) if max_rule_length>0: task_config['IMs'].append({"name": "RULE_LENGTH", "value": max_rule_length}) if use_cba: task_config["specialIMs"].append({"name": "CBA"}) r = + "/tasks/simple?apiKey=" + self.api_key, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(task_config).encode())"create task response code:" + str(r.status_code)) try: task_id = r.json()["id"] return task_id except: raise Exception('Task creation failed') def run_task(self, task_id : str): """ Funkce pro vypocitani data-mininingove ulohy (STEP 5) :param task_id: str - ID jiz vytvorene ulohy """ headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json', "Accept": "application/json"} r = requests.get(self.api_url + "/tasks/" + str(task_id) + "/start?apiKey=" + self.api_key, headers=headers) if r.status_code > 400: raise Exception("Task creation failed. Please try to modify the task config or try it later.") # check status task r = requests.get(self.api_url + "/tasks/" + str(task_id) + "/start?apiKey=" + self.api_key, headers=headers) while True: time.sleep(1) # check state r = requests.get(self.api_url + "/tasks/" + str(task_id) + "/state?apiKey=" + self.api_key, headers=headers) task_state = r.json()"task " + str(task_id) + " --- state: " + task_state["state"] + ", import_state:" + task_state["importState"]) if task_state["state"] == "solved" and task_state["importState"] == "done":'Task solved: ' + str(task_id)) break if task_state["state"] == "failed" or task_state["state"] == "interrupted": raise Exception("Task run failed: " + str(task_id)) def run_scorer(self, task_id : str, test_datasource_id : str): """ Funkce pro spuštění scoreru :param task_id: :param test_datasource_id: :return: """ uri = self.api_url + "/evaluation/classification?scorer=easyMinerScorer&task=" + str(task_id) + "&datasource=" + str(test_datasource_id) + "&apiKey=" + self.api_key"evaluation uri:" + uri) r = requests.get(uri, headers={"Accept": "application/json"}) return r.json()