classRefl = new \ReflectionClass(get_class($this)); $arrAccept=array("array",'object',"xml"); //array of variable types that can be "forced" $this->bCollapsed = $bCollapsed; if(in_array($forceType, $arrAccept)) $this->{"varIs".ucfirst($forceType)}($var); else $this->checkType($var); } //get variable name public function getVariableName() { $arrBacktrace = debug_backtrace(); //possible 'included' functions $arrInclude = array("include","include_once","require","require_once"); //check for any included/required files. if found, get array of the last included file (they contain the right line numbers) for ($i=count($arrBacktrace)-1; $i>=0; $i--) { $arrCurrent = $arrBacktrace[$i]; if(array_key_exists("function", $arrCurrent) && (in_array($arrCurrent["function"], $arrInclude) || (0 != strcasecmp($arrCurrent["function"], $this->classRefl->getConstructor()->getName())))) continue; $arrFile = $arrCurrent; break; } if (isset($arrFile)) { $arrLines = file($arrFile["file"]); $code = $arrLines[($arrFile["line"]-1)]; //find call to dBug class preg_match('/\bnew\s+(?:'.preg_quote($this->classRefl->getNamespaceName()).'\\\\)?'.preg_quote($this->classRefl->getShortName()).'\s*\(\s*(.+)\s*\);/i', $code, $arrMatches); return isset($arrMatches[1])?$arrMatches[1]:'[multiline]'; } return ""; } public function initializeHeader(&$header) { if (!$this->bInitialized) { $header = $this->getVariableName() . " (" . $header . ")"; $this->bInitialized = true; } } /*! @name rendering functions used to make tables representing different variables */ //!@{ //!creates the main table header /*! @param string $type name of the style of the header cell @param string $header the text of the header cell @param integer $colspan colspan property for the header cell */ public function makeTableHeader($type, $header, $colspan=2) { $this->initializeHeader($header); $this->renderTableHeader($type, $header, $colspan); } //!draws the main table header /*! @param string $type name of the style of the header cell @param string $text the text of the header cell @param integer $colspan colspan property for the header cell */ public function renderTableHeader($type, $text, $colspan=0) { echo ''; } //!renders table of 2 cells in 1 row [type][value] /*! @param string $headerStyle name of the style of the header cell @param string $header the text of the header cell @param string $value the text of the value cell @param string $valueStyle name of the style of the value cell @param integer $colspan colspan property for the header cell */ public function renderPrimitiveType($headerStyle, $header, $value, $valueStyle=null, $colspan=0) { if(!$valueStyle)$valueStyle=$headerStyle; $this->initializeHeader($header); echo '
bCollapsed) ? 'style="font-style:italic" ' : '').'class="dBug_'.$type.'Header" '.($colspan?'colspan='.$colspan:'').' onClick="dBug_toggleTable(this)">'.$text.'
'; } //!creates the table row header /*! @param string $type name of the style of the key cell @param string $header the text of the key cell */ public function makeTDHeader($type, $header) { echo 'bCollapsed ? ' style="display:none"' : '').'> \n"; } //!@} //!prints error public function error($type) { $error='Error: Variable cannot be a'; // this just checks if the type starts with a vowel or "x" and displays either "a" or "an" if(in_array(substr($type, 0, 1), array('a','e','i','o','u','x'))) $error.='n'; return ($error.' '.$type.' type'); } //!check variable type andd process the value in right way public function checkType($var) { $type=gettype($var); switch ($type) { case 'resource': $this->varIsResource($var); break; case 'object': $this->varIsObject($var); break; case 'array': $this->varIsArray($var); break; case 'integer': case 'double': $this->varIsNumeric($var, $type); break; case 'NULL': $this->varIsNULL(); break; case 'boolean': $this->varIsBoolean($var); break; case 'string': $this->varIsString($var); break; default: $var=($var=='') ? '[empty string]' : $var; echo "
bCollapsed) ? 'style="font-style:italic" ' : '').'class="dBug_'.$headerStyle.'Header" '.($colspan?'colspan='.$colspan:'').' onClick="dBug_toggleRow(this)">' .$header. ' '.$value.'
'.$header.' '; } //!closes table row public function closeTDRow() { return "
\n"; break; } } /*! @name functions for rendering different types */ //!@{ //!renders NULL as red-pink rectangle public function varIsNULL() { $this->makeTableHeader('false', 'NULL'); echo ''; } //!renders numeric types : integers and doubles public function varIsNumeric($var, $type) { $this->renderPrimitiveType('numeric', $type, $var); echo ''; } /*! renders string either as primitive type (if it is short (less than $embeddedStringMaxLength chars) and contains of one line) or line-by-line (otherwise) */ public function varIsString(&$var) { if ($var=='') { $this->makeTableHeader('string', 'empty string'); echo ''; return; } $length=strlen($var); $nv=htmlspecialchars($var, ENT_QUOTES | ENT_SUBSTITUTE, ''); $lines=preg_split('/\R/u', $nv); $linesCount=count($lines); if ($linesCount==1 && $length<=static::$embeddedStringMaxLength) { $this->renderPrimitiveType('string', 'string ['.$length.']', $nv); } else { $this->makeTableHeader('string', 'string ('.$length.' chars @ '.$linesCount.' lines)'); foreach ($lines as $num=>$line) { $this->makeTDHeader('string', $num); echo($line==''?'[empty line]':$line); $this->closeTDRow('string'); } } echo ""; } //!renders boolean variable public function varIsBoolean(&$var) { $var?$this->renderPrimitiveType('boolean', 'boolean', 'TRUE', 'booleanTrue'):$this->renderPrimitiveType('boolean', 'boolean', 'FALSE', 'booleanFalse'); echo ''; } public function varIsArray(&$var) { $var_ser = serialize($var); array_push($this->arrHistory, $var_ser); $this->makeTableHeader('array', 'array'); if (is_array($var)) { foreach ($var as $key=>$value) { $this->makeTDHeader('array', $key); //check for recursion if (is_array($value)) { $var_ser = serialize($value); if (in_array($var_ser, $this->arrHistory, true)) { echo '*RECURSION*'; echo $this->closeTDRow(); continue; } } //if(in_array(gettype($value),$this->arrType)) $this->checkType($value); /*else { $value=(trim($value)=="") ? "[empty string]" : $value; echo $value; }*/ echo $this->closeTDRow(); } } else echo ''.$this->error('array').$this->closeTDRow(); array_pop($this->arrHistory); echo ''; } //! checks wheither variable is object of special type (using varIs*Object), and renders it if it is generic object public function varIsObject(&$var) { if($this->varIsSpecialObject($var))return 1; $var_ser = serialize($var); array_push($this->arrHistory, $var_ser); if (is_object($var)) { $this->makeTableHeader('object', 'object ( '.get_class($var).' )'); if (method_exists($var, '__toString')) { $str=$var->__toString(); if ($str!==null) { $this->makeTDHeader('string', '[string representation]'); $this->varIsString($str); echo $this->closeTDRow(); } } $arrObjVars=get_object_vars($var); foreach ($arrObjVars as $key=>$value) { //$value=(!is_object($value) && !is_array($value) && trim($value)=="") ? "[empty string]" : $value; $this->makeTDHeader('object', $key); //check for recursion if (is_object($value)||is_array($value)) { $var_ser = serialize($value); if (in_array($var_ser, $this->arrHistory, true)) { echo(is_object($value)) ? '*RECURSION* -> $'.get_class($value) : '*RECURSION*'; echo $this->closeTDRow(); continue; } } //if(in_array(gettype($value),$this->arrType)) $this->checkType($value); //else //echo $value; echo $this->closeTDRow(); } $arrObjMethods=get_class_methods(get_class($var)); foreach ($arrObjMethods as $key=>$value) { $this->makeTDHeader('object', $value); echo '[function]'.$this->closeTDRow(); } if ($var instanceof \Iterator) { foreach ($var as $key=>$value) { $this->makeTDHeader('array', $key); $this->checkType($value); echo $this->closeTDRow(); } } } else { $this->makeTableHeader('object', 'object'); echo ''.$this->error('object').$this->closeTDRow(); } array_pop($this->arrHistory); echo ''; } public function varIsSpecialObject(&$var) { if($this->varIsDBObject($var))return 1; if ($var instanceof \Exception) { $this->varIsException($var); return 1; } return 0; } //!shows info about different resources, uses customized rendering founctions when needed public function varIsResource($var) { $this->makeTableHeader('resourceC', 'resource', 1); echo "\n\n"; $restype=get_resource_type($var); switch ($restype) { case 'fbsql result': case 'mssql result': case 'msql query': case 'pgsql result': case 'sybase-db result': case 'sybase-ct result': case 'mysql result': $db=current(explode(' ', $restype)); $this->varIsDBResource($var, $db); break; case 'gd': $this->varIsGDResource($var); break; case 'xml': $this->varIsXmlResource($var); break; case 'curl': $this->varIsCurlEasyResource($var); break; /*case "curl_multi": $this->varIsCurlMultiResource($var); break;*/ default: echo $restype.$this->closeTDRow(); break; } echo $this->closeTDRow()."\n"; } //!@} /*! @name functions for rendering different resources */ //!@{ //!shows information about curl easy handles /*!simply iterates through handle info and displays everything which is not converted into false*/ public function varIsCurlEasyResource(&$var) { $this->makeTableHeader('resource', 'curl easy handle', 2); $info=curl_getinfo($var); foreach ($info as $name=>&$piece) { if ($piece) { $this->makeTDHeader('resource', $name); //echo $piece.$this->closeTDRow(); $this->checkType($piece); echo $this->closeTDRow(); } } unset($info); echo ''; } //!not implemented yet public function varIsCurlMultiResource(&$var) { } //!if variable is an image/gd resource type public function varIsGDResource(&$var) { $this->makeTableHeader('resource', 'gd', 2); $this->makeTDHeader('resource', 'Width'); $this->checkType(imagesx($var)); echo $this->closeTDRow(); $this->makeTDHeader('resource', 'Height'); $this->checkType(imagesy($var)); echo $this->closeTDRow(); $this->makeTDHeader('resource', 'Colors'); $this->checkType(imageistruecolor($var)?'TrueColor (16 777 216)':imagecolorstotal($var)); echo $this->closeTDRow(); $this->makeTDHeader('resource', 'Image'); ob_start(); imagepng($var); $img = ob_get_clean(); echo ''.$this->closeTDRow(); echo ''; } //!@} /*! @name database results rendering functions */ //!@{ //!renders either PDO or SQLite3 statement objects /*!@returns 1 if the object is DB object, 0 otherwise*/ public function varIsDBObject($var) { $structure=array(); $data=array(); $retres=false; if ($var instanceof \SQLite3Result) { //$var=clone $var; $dbtype=''; $count=$var->numColumns(); for ($i=0;$i<$count;$i++) { $structure[$i]=array(); $structure[$i][0]=$var->columnName($i); $structure[$i][1]=$var->columnType($i); } $var->reset(); while ($res=$var->fetchArray(SQLITE3_NUM)) { $data[]=$res; } $var->reset(); $dbtype='SQLite3'; unset($var); $this->renderDBData($dbtype, $structure, $data); $retres=true; } if ($var instanceof \PDOStatement) { //$var=clone $var; $count=$var->columnCount(); $col=null; for ($i=0;$i<$count;$i++) { //$col=$var->getColumnMeta(0); $col=$var->getColumnMeta($i); $structure[$i]=array(); $structure[$i][0]=$col['name']; $structure[$i][1]=(isset($col['driver:decl_type'])?(isset($col["len"])?"({$col["len"]})":'')."\n":'')."({$col["native_type"]})"; } unset($col); $data=$var->fetchAll(); $var->closeCursor(); $dbtype='PDOStatement'; unset($var); $this->renderDBData($dbtype, $structure, $data); $retres=true; } unset($dbtype); unset($data); unset($structure); return $retres; } //!renders database data /*! @param string $objectType type of the db, it is only the name of header now @param array $structure 'header' of the table - columns names and types @param array $data rows of sql request result */ public function renderDBData(&$objectType, &$structure, &$data) { $this->makeTableHeader('database', $objectType, count($structure)+1); echo ' '; foreach ($structure as $field) { echo ''.$field[0].""; } echo ''; if (empty($data)) { echo '[empty result]'; }else $i=0; foreach ($data as $row) { echo "\n"; echo ''.(++$i).''; for ($k=0;$k'.$fieldrow."\n"; } echo "\n"; } echo ''; } //!renders database resource (fetch result) into table or ... smth else public function varIsDBResource($var, $db='mysql') { if($db == 'pgsql') $db = 'pg'; if($db == 'sybase-db' || $db == 'sybase-ct') $db = 'sybase'; $arrFields = array('name','type','flags'); $numrows=call_user_func($db.'_num_rows', $var); $numfields=call_user_func($db.'_num_fields', $var); $this->makeTableHeader('database', $db.' result', $numfields+1); echo ' '; for ($i=0;$i<$numfields;$i++) { $field_header = ''; for ($j=0; $j'.$field_name.''; } echo ''; for ($i=0;$i<$numrows;$i++) { $row=call_user_func($db.'_fetch_array', $var, constant(strtoupper($db).'_ASSOC')); echo "\n"; echo ''.($i+1).''; for ($k=0;$k<$numfields;$k++) { $tempField=$field[$k]->name; $fieldrow=$row[($field[$k]->name)]; $fieldrow=($fieldrow=='') ? '[empty string]' : $fieldrow; echo ''.$fieldrow."\n"; } echo "\n"; } echo ''; if($numrows>0) call_user_func($db.'_data_seek', $var, 0); } //!@} /*! @name other special kinds of objects rendering functionality */ //!@{ //!array of properties of every exception to be rendered first public static $exceptionMainProps=array('message','code','file','line'); //!array of properties of Exception of not to be rendered public static $exceptionExcludedProps=array( //'xdebug_message', 'trace' ); //!function used to render exceptions /*! Renders exceptions : at first basic fields, then custom fields. Custom private and protected fields are rendered if reflection api is available */ public function varIsException(&$var) { $code=$var->getCode(); $this->makeTableHeader('Exception', get_class($var).' :: '.$code); foreach (static::$exceptionMainProps as &$pname) { $this->makeTDHeader('Exception', $pname); $this->checkType($var->{'get'.ucfirst($pname)}()); echo $this->closeTDRow(); } unset($pname); echo ''; if (extension_loaded('Reflection')) { $refl=new \ReflectionObject($var); $props=$refl->getProperties(\ReflectionProperty::IS_PROTECTED|\ReflectionProperty::IS_PRIVATE); foreach ($props as &$prop) { $pname=$prop->getName(); if(in_array($pname, static::$exceptionMainProps)||in_array($pname, static::$exceptionExcludedProps))continue; $this->makeTDHeader('Exception', $pname); $prop->setAccessible(true); $this->checkType($prop->getValue($var)); $prop->setAccessible(false); echo $this->closeTDRow(); } } foreach ($var as $key=>&$value) { if($key=='xdebug_message')continue; $this->makeTDHeader('Exception', $key); $this->checkType($value); echo $this->closeTDRow(); } echo ''; } //!@} /*! @name xml rendering functions */ //!@{ //!if variable is an xml type //!remember, that you must force type to xml to use this public function varIsXml($var) { $this->varIsXmlResource($var); } //!if variable is an xml resource type public function varIsXmlResource($var) { $xml_parser=xml_parser_create(); xml_parser_set_option($xml_parser, XML_OPTION_CASE_FOLDING, 0); xml_set_element_handler($xml_parser, array(&$this,'xmlStartElement'), array(&$this,'xmlEndElement')); xml_set_character_data_handler($xml_parser, array(&$this,'xmlCharacterData')); xml_set_default_handler($xml_parser, array(&$this,'xmlDefaultHandler')); $this->makeTableHeader('xml', 'xml document', 2); $this->makeTDHeader('xml', 'xmlRoot'); //attempt to open xml file $bFile=(!($fp=@fopen($var, 'r'))) ? false : true; //read xml file if ($bFile) { while($data=str_replace("\n", '', fread($fp, 4096))) $this->xmlParse($xml_parser, $data, feof($fp)); } //if xml is not a file, attempt to read it as a string else { if (!is_string($var)) { echo $this->error('xml').$this->closeTDRow()."\n"; return; } $data=$var; $this->xmlParse($xml_parser, $data, 1); } echo $this->closeTDRow()."\n"; } //!parses xml public function xmlParse($xml_parser, $data, $bFinal) { if (!xml_parse($xml_parser, $data, $bFinal)) { throw new \Exception(sprintf("dBug XML error: %s at line %d\n", xml_error_string(xml_get_error_code($xml_parser)), xml_get_current_line_number($xml_parser))); } } //!xml: inititiated when a start tag is encountered public function xmlStartElement($parser, $name, $attribs) { $this->xmlAttrib[$this->xmlCount]=$attribs; $this->xmlName[$this->xmlCount]=$name; $this->xmlSData[$this->xmlCount]='$this->makeTableHeader("xml","xml element",2);'; $this->xmlSData[$this->xmlCount].='$this->makeTDHeader("xml","xmlName");'; $this->xmlSData[$this->xmlCount].='echo "'.$this->xmlName[$this->xmlCount].'".$this->closeTDRow();'; $this->xmlSData[$this->xmlCount].='$this->makeTDHeader("xml","xmlAttributes");'; if(count($attribs)>0) $this->xmlSData[$this->xmlCount].='$this->varIsArray($this->xmlAttrib['.$this->xmlCount.']);'; else $this->xmlSData[$this->xmlCount].='echo " ";'; $this->xmlSData[$this->xmlCount].='echo $this->closeTDRow();'; $this->xmlCount++; } //!xml: initiated when an end tag is encountered public function xmlEndElement($parser, $name) { for ($i=0;$i<$this->xmlCount;$i++) { eval($this->xmlSData[$i]); $this->makeTDHeader("xml", "xmlText"); echo(!empty($this->xmlCData[$i])) ? $this->xmlCData[$i] : " "; echo $this->closeTDRow(); $this->makeTDHeader("xml", "xmlComment"); echo(!empty($this->xmlDData[$i])) ? $this->xmlDData[$i] : " "; echo $this->closeTDRow(); $this->makeTDHeader('xml', "xmlChildren"); unset($this->xmlCData[$i], $this->xmlDData[$i]); } echo $this->closeTDRow(); echo ''; $this->xmlCount=0; } //!xml: initiated when text between tags is encountered public function xmlCharacterData($parser, $data) { $count=$this->xmlCount-1; if(!empty($this->xmlCData[$count])) $this->xmlCData[$count].=$data; else $this->xmlCData[$count]=$data; } //!@} //!xml: initiated when a comment or other miscellaneous texts is encountered public function xmlDefaultHandler($parser, $data) { //strip '' off comments $data=str_replace(array("<!--","-->"), "", htmlspecialchars($data)); $count=$this->xmlCount-1; if(!empty($this->xmlDData[$count])) $this->xmlDData[$count].=$data; else $this->xmlDData[$count]=$data; } //! adds needed JS and CSS sources to page public static function initJSandCSS() { echo << /* code modified from ColdFusion's cfdump code */ function dBug_toggleRow(source) { var target = (document.all) ? source.parentElement.cells[1] : source.parentNode.lastChild; dBug_toggleTarget(target,dBug_toggleSource(source)); } function dBug_toggleSource(source) { if ('italic') {'normal'; source.title='click to collapse'; return 'open'; } else {'italic'; source.title='click to expand'; return 'closed'; } } function dBug_toggleTarget(target,switchToState) { = (switchToState=='open') ? '' : 'none'; } function dBug_toggleTable(source) { var switchToState=dBug_toggleSource(source); if (document.all) { var table=source.parentElement.parentElement; for (var i=1;i SCRIPTS; } }