patchedNodeCount = 1
	parentUrl = /Physics.cfg
		aeroFXStartThermalFX = 2.5
		aeroFXFullThermalFX = 3.75
		aeroFXVelocityExponent = 3.5
		aeroFXDensityScalar1 = 0.0091
		aeroFXDensityExponent1 = 0.5
		aeroFXDensityScalar2 = 0.09
		aeroFXDensityExponent2 = 2
		aeroFXMachFXFadeStart = 0.25
		aeroFXMachFXFadeEnd = 0.0875
		aeroFXDensityFadeStart = 0.0015
		blackBodyRadiationMin = 798
		blackBodyRadiationMax = 7000
		blackBodyRadiationAlphaMult = 0.75
		temperatureGaugeThreshold = 0.625
		temperatureGaugeHighlightThreshold = 0.75
		thermalIntegrationMinStep = 0.014
		thermalIntegrationMaxTimeOnePass = 0.07
		thermalIntegrationAlwaysRK2 = False
		occlusionMinStep = 0.039
		thermalIntegrationHighMaxPasses = 10
		thermalIntegrationHighMinPasses = 1
		thermalConvergenceFactor = 0.63
		standardSpecificHeatCapacity = 800
		internalHeatProductionFactor = 0.025
		spaceTemperature = 4
		solarLuminosityAtHome = 1360
		solarInsolationAtHome = 0.15
		radiationFactor = 1
		convectionFactorSplashed = 5000
		fullConvectionAreaMin = 0.2
		fullToCrossSectionLerpStart = 0.8
		fullToCrossSectionLerpEnd = 1.5
		newtonianTemperatureFactor = 1
		newtonianConvectionFactorBase = 8.14
		newtonianConvectionFactorTotal = 4
		newtonianDensityExponent = 0.5
		newtonianVelocityExponent = 1
		newtonianMachTempLerpStartMach = 2
		newtonianMachTempLerpEndMach = 5
		newtonianMachTempLerpExponent = 3
		machConvectionFactor = 7
		machConvectionDensityExponent = 0.5
		machConvectionVelocityExponent = 3
		machTemperatureScalar = 21
		machTemperatureVelocityExponent = 0.75
		turbulentConvectionStart = 100
		turbulentConvectionEnd = 200
		turbulentConvectionMult = 50
		conductionFactor = 120
		skinSkinConductionFactor = 0.003
		skinInternalConductionFactor = 0.005
		shieldedConductionFactor = 0.01
		thermalMaxIntegrationWarp = 100
		analyticLerpRateSkin = 0.003
		analyticLerpRateInternal = 0.001
		analyticConvectionSensitivityBase = 0.01
		analyticConvectionSensitivityFinal = 20
		buoyancyScalar = 1.2
		buoyancyUseCoBOffset = True
		buoyancyApplyForceOnDie = False
		buoyancyForceOffsetLerp = 0.5
		buoyancyWaterDragScalar = 4.5
		buoyancyWaterDragScalarEnd = 0.15
		buoyancyWaterDragScalarLerp = 0.25
		buoyancyWaterDragScalarLerpDotMultBase = 2
		buoyancyWaterDragScalarLerpDotMult = 1.25
		buoyancyWaterLiftScalarEnd = 0.025
		buoyancyWaterDragMinVel = 0.4
		buoyancyWaterDragMinVelMult = 4
		buoyancyWaterDragMinVelMultCOBOff = 0
		buoyancyWaterDragPartVelGreaterVesselMult = 1.5
		buoyancyWaterDragTimer = 3
		buoyancyWaterDragMultMinForMinDot = 0.05
		buoyancyWaterAngularDragScalar = 0.001
		buoyancyAngularDragMinControlSqrMag = 0.03125
		buoyancyWaterAngularDragSlow = 4
		buoyancyWaterDragSlow = 2
		buoyancyWaterDragExtraRBDragAboveDot = 0.5
		buoyancyScaleAboveDepth = 0.2
		buoyancyDefaultVolume = 1
		buoyancyMinCrashMult = 0.1
		buoyancyCrashToleranceMult = 1.2
		buoyancyRange = 1000
		buoyancyKerbals = 0.25
		buoyancyKerbalsRagdoll = 3
		cameraDepthToUnlock = 0
		jointBreakForceFactor = 50
		jointBreakTorqueFactor = 50
		rigidJointBreakForceFactor = 1
		rigidJointBreakTorqueFactor = 1
		maxAngularVelocity = 50
		buildingImpactDamageMaxVelocityMult = 4
		buildingImpactDamageUseMomentum = False
		buildingEasingInvulnerableTime = 2
		orbitDriftFramesToWait = 5
		orbitDriftSqrThreshold = 1E-10
		orbitDriftAltThreshold = 400000000
		autoStrutTechRequired = generalConstruction
		showRigidJointTweakable = Editor
		stagingCooldownTimer = 0.5625
		kerbalEVADragCubeString = Default, 0.75,0.92,0.4, 0.75,0.92,0.4, 0.6,0.7,0.4, 0.6,0.97,0.7, 0.85,0.95,0.4, 0.85,0.95,0.4, 0,0,0 0.8,1.1,0.8
		kerbalCrewMass = 0.045
		perSeatReduction = 0.045
		perCommandSeatReduction = 0.094
		kerbalGOffset = 900
		kerbalGPower = 4
		kerbalGDecayPower = 2
		kerbalGClamp = 20
		kerbalGBraveMult = 1.5
		kerbalGBadMult = 1.5
		kerbalGThresholdWarn = 30000
		kerbalGThresholdLOC = 60000
		kerbalGLOCBaseTime = 3
		kerbalGLOCTimeMult = 0.0001
		kerbalGLOCMaxTimeIncrement = 1.5
		kerbalGClampGExperienced = True
		kerbalEVADynamicFriction = 1.1
		kerbalEVAStaticFriction = 1.1
		kerbalEVABounciness = 0.05
		kerbalEVAFrictionCombine = Average
		kerbalEVABounceCombine = Average
		commNetQTimesVelForBlackoutMin = 500
		commNetQTimesVelForBlackoutMax = 2500
		commNetTempForBlackout = 1100
		commNetDensityForBlackout = 5.0000000000000002E-05
		commNetDotForBlackoutMin = -0.86599999999999999
		commNetDotForBlackoutMax = -0.5
		commNetBlackoutThreshold = 0.5
		dragMultiplier = 8
		dragCubeMultiplier = 0.1
		angularDragMultiplier = 2
		liftMultiplier = 0.036
		liftDragMultiplier = 0.015
		bodyLiftMultiplier = 18
		constructionWeightLimit = 588.399
		partRBMassMin = 0.002
			key = 0 1 0 0
			key = 0.85 1.19 0.6960422 0.6960422
			key = 1.1 2.83 0.730473 0.730473
			key = 5 4 0 0
			key = 0 0.02 0 0
			key = 0.85 0.02 0 0
			key = 0.9 0.0152439 -0.07942077 -0.07942077
			key = 1.1 0.0025 -0.005279571 -0.001936768
			key = 2 0.002083333 -2.314833E-05 -2.314833E-05
			key = 5 0.003333333 -0.000180556 -0.000180556
			key = 25 0.001428571 -7.14286E-05 0
			key = 0 1 0 0
			key = 0.85 1 0 0
			key = 1.1 0.25 -0.02215106 -0.02487721
			key = 1.4 0.22 -0.03391732 -0.03391732
			key = 5 0.15 -0.001198566 -0.001198566
			key = 25 0.14 0 0
			key = 0 0.5 0 0
			key = 0.85 0.5 0 0
			key = 1.1 1.3 0 -0.008100224
			key = 2 0.7 -0.1104858 -0.1104858
			key = 5 0.6 0 0
			key = 10 0.85 0.02198264 0.02198264
			key = 14 0.9 0.007694946 0.007694946
			key = 25 0.95 0 0
			key = 0.05 0.0025 0.15 0.15
			key = 0.4 0.15 0.3963967 0.3963967
			key = 0.7 0.35 0.9066986 0.9066986
			key = 0.75 0.45 3.213604 3.213604
			key = 0.8 0.66 3.49833 3.49833
			key = 0.85 0.8 2.212924 2.212924
			key = 0.9 0.89 1.1 1.1
			key = 1 1 1 1
			key = 0 1 0 0.00715953
			key = 0.85 1.25 0.7780356 0.7780356
			key = 1.1 2.5 0.2492796 0.2492796
			key = 5 3 0 0
			key = 0 4 0 -2975.412
			key = 0.0001 3 -251.1479 -251.1479
			key = 0.01 2 -19.63584 -19.63584
			key = 0.1 1.2 -0.7846036 -0.7846036
			key = 1 1 0 0
			key = 100 1 0 0
			key = 200 0.82 0 0
			key = 500 0.86 0.0001932119 0.0001932119
			key = 1000 0.9 1.54299E-05 1.54299E-05
			key = 10000 0.95 0 0
				name = Default
					key = 0 0 0 1.965926
					key = 0.258819 0.5114774 1.990092 1.905806
					key = 0.5 0.9026583 0.7074468 -0.7074468
					key = 0.7071068 0.5926583 -2.087948 -1.990095
					key = 1 0 -2.014386 -2.014386
					key = 0 1 0 0
					key = 0.3 0.5 -1.671345 -0.8273422
					key = 1 0.125 -0.0005291355 -0.02625772
					key = 5 0.0625 0 0
					key = 25 0.05 0 0
					key = 0 0.01 0 0
					key = 0.3420201 0.06 0.1750731 0.1750731
					key = 0.5 0.24 2.60928 2.60928
					key = 0.7071068 1.7 3.349777 3.349777
					key = 1 2.4 1.387938 0
					key = 0 0.35 0 -0.8463008
					key = 0.15 0.125 0 0
					key = 0.9 0.275 0.541598 0.541598
					key = 1.1 0.75 0 0
					key = 1.4 0.4 -0.3626955 -0.3626955
					key = 1.6 0.35 -0.1545923 -0.1545923
					key = 2 0.3 -0.09013031 -0.09013031
					key = 5 0.22 0 0
					key = 25 0.3 0.0006807274 0
				name = BodyLift
					key = 0 0 0 1.975376
					key = 0.309017 0.5877852 1.565065 1.565065
					key = 0.5877852 0.9510565 0.735902 0.735902
					key = 0.7071068 1 0 0
					key = 0.8910065 0.809017 -2.70827 -2.70827
					key = 1 0 -11.06124 0
					key = 0.3 0.167 0 0
					key = 0.8 0.167 0 -0.3904104
					key = 1 0.125 -0.0005291355 -0.02625772
					key = 5 0.0625 0 0
					key = 25 0.05 0 0
					key = 0 0 0 0
					key = 0 0 0 0
				name = CapsuleBottom
					key = 0 0 0 1.975376
					key = 0.309017 0.5877852 1.565065 1.565065
					key = 0.5877852 0.9510565 0.735902 0.735902
					key = 0.7071068 1 0 0
					key = 0.8910065 0.809017 -2.70827 -2.70827
					key = 1 0 -11.06124 0
					key = 0.3 0.0625 0 0
					key = 0 0 0 0
					key = 0 0 0 0
				name = SpeedBrake
					key = 0 0 0 0
					key = 0 0 0 0
					key = 0 0.01 0 0
					key = 0.3420201 0.06 0.1750731 0.1750731
					key = 0.5 0.24 2.60928 2.60928
					key = 0.7071068 1.7 3.349777 3.349777
					key = 1 2.4 1.387938 0
					key = 0 0.35 0 -0.8463008
					key = 0.15 0.125 0 0
					key = 0.9 0.275 0.541598 0.541598
					key = 1.1 0.75 0 0
					key = 1.4 0.4 -0.3626955 -0.3626955
					key = 1.6 0.35 -0.1545923 -0.1545923
					key = 2 0.3 -0.09013031 -0.09013031
					key = 5 0.22 0 0
					key = 25 0.3 0.0006807274 0
				load = 2250
				unload = 2500
				pack = 350
				unpack = 200
				load = 2250
				unload = 2500
				pack = 350
				unpack = 200
				load = 2250
				unload = 2500
				pack = 350
				unpack = 200
				load = 2250
				unload = 22500
				pack = 25000
				unpack = 2000
				load = 2250
				unload = 2500
				pack = 350
				unpack = 200
				load = 2250
				unload = 15000
				pack = 10000
				unpack = 200
				load = 2250
				unload = 2500
				pack = 350
				unpack = 200
	parentUrl = ModA/config.cfg
		name = ModA-Part
		title = This is the title of ModA. And ModC was here!
	parentUrl = Squad/Agencies/Agents.cfg
		name = C7 Aerospace Division
		title = C7 Aerospace Division
		description = Why go up when you can crash equally well going sideways – that’s the old moto of the C7 Aerospace Division. Emerging from humble beginnings to the powerhouse they are now, C7 were always looking straight ahead towards the horizon. Recently though they have been building parts that can give them a much better view of that spot where the sky meets the ground. This has been met with some grumblings from the old boys in the company but even they can’t deny that there is adventure to be found in whatever direction you choose.
		logoURL = Squad/Agencies/C7AerospaceDivision
		logoScaledURL = Squad/Agencies/C7AerospaceDivision_scaled
		mentality = Pioneer
		mentality = Commercial
	parentUrl = Squad/Agencies/Agents.cfg
		name = Dinkelstein Kerman's Construction Emporium
		title = Dinkelstein Kerman's Construction Emporium
		description = Dinkelstein Kerman has become somewhat of a legend in the spacecraft industry, not least impressively because he vehemently claims to have been constructing and flying spaceships long before the first actual recorded instance of any such vehicle being assembled. This has led to some controversy and a lot of awkwardness between him and the Kerbin World-Firsts Record-Keeping Society. Be that as it may, Dinklestein's Emporium is still generally well regarded as a traditional, old-fashioned company, and their products are actually a lot less rusty than the company's owner.
		logoURL = Squad/Agencies/DinkelsteinKermansConstructionEmporium
		logoScaledURL = Squad/Agencies/DinkelsteinKermansConstructionEmporium_scaled
		mentality = Commercial
		mentality = Economic 0.3
		mentality = EasyGoing 0.25
	parentUrl = Squad/Agencies/Agents.cfg
		name = Experimental Engineering Group
		title = Experimental Engineering Group
		description = The Experimental Engineering Group is a typical startup company: Low budgets and impossibly tight deadlines are part of a normal working day for them. Despite being such a young company however, Experimental Engineering has made a good start, quickly making a name for themselves in the industry, mainly thanks to their very educational and entertaining SC-9001 Science Jr. Experiment Kit. Despite valiant efforts from their representatives, however, they haven't quite been able to shake off the bad press that followed some leaked footage of an incident involving one of their units and a small critter that one of the scientists over at R&D used to keep as a pet. Some say the incident has made them extremely concerned with the safety of anything that approach their products. They've even rounded out the edges on their company logo.
		logoURL = Squad/Agencies/ExperimentalEngineering
		logoScaledURL = Squad/Agencies/ExperimentalEngineering_scaled
		mentality = Commercial
		mentality = Conglomerate 0.1
		mentality = Ecomental
		mentality = Kerbalminded
	parentUrl = Squad/Agencies/Agents.cfg
		name = FLOOYD Dynamics Research Labs
		title = FLOOYD Dynamics Research Labs
		description = FLOOYD Labs is a company focused on doing one thing, and doing it as well as is conceivably possible to do it: Displacing liquids from one place to another. Their flagship product, the FTX-2 Fuel Duct, is the final result of years of research and development and endless Kerbal-hours of effort to produce a device that will pump any amount of just about anything, no matter how cold, dense or volatile it is. The company enjoys a well-deserved reputation for such an important contribution to the industry, and most agree that these days, almost nobody remembers the embarrassment of their recall of the FTX-1 series, which had a small but highly problematic issue, that while it did pump fluids flawlessly, it pumped them in the wrong direction.
		logoURL = Squad/Agencies/FlooydResearchLab
		logoScaledURL = Squad/Agencies/FlooydResearchLab_scaled
		mentality = Commercial
		mentality = Ecomental
	parentUrl = Squad/Agencies/Agents.cfg
		name = Goliath National Products
		title = Goliath National Products
		description = Goliath National Products know what’s needed to keep them ahead of the competition – an eye for detail and a good nose for sniffing out what’s needed for our plucky engineers. Many of the great Vessels of our age carry one of Goliaths nose cones and they excel in moving air out of the way of the soft fleshy important bits of any Vessel i.e. our heroes heading off on another adventure.
		logoURL = Squad/Agencies/GoliathNationalProducts
		logoScaledURL = Squad/Agencies/GoliathNationalProducts_scaled
		mentality = Commercial
		mentality = Scientific
	parentUrl = Squad/Agencies/Agents.cfg
		name = Integrated Integrals
		title = Integrated Integrals
		description = What this small company lacks in experience and reputation, it makes up for in the sheer ambitiousness of their projects. Their first product was the very massive Mobile Processing Lab, which rumour has it was first developed as a mobile processing facility to secretly brew an experimental, possibly illegal fuel mixture, which was reportedly far more potent than the currently available propellants, and had a distinctive blue tint to it. Those rumours have never been proven however, and this mysterious blue propellant has yet to be seen by a reliable source. Despite their repeated attempts to be rid of these rumours, the company still suffers from a (probably undeserved) bad reputation. They try to offset this initial impression by offering much larger cash payoffs than other companies of similar size, which admittedly does very little to improve their current image.
		logoURL = Squad/Agencies/IntegratedIntegrals
		logoScaledURL = Squad/Agencies/IntegratedIntegrals_scaled
		mentality = Commercial
		mentality = Scientific
		mentality = Conglomerate 0.1
		mentality = Moral 0.2
		mentality = Perfectionist
	parentUrl = Squad/Agencies/Agents.cfg
		name = Ionic Symphonic Protonic Electronics
		title = Ionic Symphonic Protonic Electronics
		description = One of the leading names in spacecraft electronics, and not just because the name itself sounds so cool. Ionic Symphonic Protonic Electronics has a large catalogue of components, ranging from simple comms devices to seriously cutting edge gear. This has made their products quite popular among aerospace engineers, and also nurtured a profound enmity from the pragmatic folks at Probodobodyne.
		logoURL = Squad/Agencies/IonicSymphonicProtonicElectronics
		logoScaledURL = Squad/Agencies/IonicSymphonicProtonicElectronics_scaled
	parentUrl = Squad/Agencies/Agents.cfg
		name = Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spacecraft Parts Co
		title = Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spacecraft Parts Co
		description = It is universally agreed that Jeb's Junkyard is one the best examples of the triumph of unwavering motivation in the face of seemingly insurmountable odds. The unassuming junkyard where it is said some of Kerbalkind's first steps towards the depths of space have been taken, has now become a much larger junkyard, as it had to expand its facilities to accommodate the ever greater demand for spacecraft components. Jeb's Junkyard has become one of Kerbin's most iconic names, becoming far more than just a beloved brand. It now stands proudly as a symbol of the unstoppable Kerbal drive towards attempting the impossible while grossly underestimating the gravity of the situation.
		logoURL = Squad/Agencies/JebsJunkyard
		logoScaledURL = Squad/Agencies/JebsJunkyard_scaled
		mentality = Commercial
		mentality = EasyGoing 0.2
		mentality = Hasty 0.6
		mentality = Pioneer
		mentality = Moral 0.8
	parentUrl = Squad/Agencies/Agents.cfg
		name = Kerbal Motion LLC
		title = Kerbal Motion LLC
		description = Kerbal Motion LLC started in the wheel business with square wheels initially. They began adding sides until they settled on a more spherical configuration. Intensive testing confirmed their suspicions that round wheels really do make for a much smoother ride. Once they had overcome this hurdle the brains at Kerbal Motion LLC then began looking towards what else they could apply their considerable grey matter to. They settled on grabbers, primarily as this would mean they wouldn’t have to reach quite so far for their drinks.
		logoURL = Squad/Agencies/KerbalMotion
		logoScaledURL = Squad/Agencies/KerbalMotion_scaled
		mentality = Scientific
	parentUrl = Squad/Agencies/Agents.cfg
		name = Kerbin World-Firsts Record-Keeping Society
		title = Kerbin World-Firsts Record-Keeping Society
		description = An institution completely devoted to the tracking and curating all first instances of any event, the Kerbin World-Firsts Record-Keeping Society is a  non-profit organization, for the purpose of rewarding the doing of anything that's never been done before, especially concerning feats of space exploration. Their work is more challenging than it would seem however, as the prestige associated with the first-ever accomplishment of any deed is also a valuable target for commercial companies, who wouldn't waste the opportunity to be the official sponsor of such an event. Taking on the Society's contracts will definitely send the message that you're not in it for the money, which is always a good message to send. It's also just about the only reward, since the cash prizes are mostly symbolic.
		logoURL = Squad/Agencies/KerbinWorldFirstRecordKeepingSociety
		logoScaledURL = Squad/Agencies/KerbinWorldFirstRecordKeepingSociety_scaled
		mentality = NoRandomContractMentality
		mentality = Record
	parentUrl = Squad/Agencies/Agents.cfg
		name = Kerbodyne
		title = Kerbodyne
		description = Although Kerbodyne is a relatively new name in the aerospace industry, their K series engines and fuel tanks have earned them a quite a reputation in a short amount of time. So much so in fact, that Kerbodyne was nominated for the "Best Debut" Award, at last year's Spacecraft Developers Convention. Unfortunately, that prize went to another company, but Kerbodyne fans are known to demonstrate loudly and publicly, their appreciation for the company and its products.
		logoURL = Squad/Agencies/Kerbodyne
		logoScaledURL = Squad/Agencies/Kerbodyne_scaled
	parentUrl = Squad/Agencies/Agents.cfg
		name = Kerlington Model Rockets and Paper Products Inc
		title = Kerlington Model Rockets and Paper Products Inc
		description = Kerlington has a long history of introducing ground-breaking new technologies, many of which are now considered indispensable for rocketry and aerospace engineering. This has fostered a strong community of loyal Kerlington fans, as well as a similarly large group of disgruntled competitors.
		logoURL = Squad/Agencies/Kerlington
		logoScaledURL = Squad/Agencies/Kerlington_scaled
	parentUrl = Squad/Agencies/Agents.cfg
		name = Maxo Construction Toys
		title = Maxo Construction Toys
		description = The Maxo Construction Toys engineers always enjoyed building things – especially out of little plastic bricks. So when they put their heads together and got a bit of money in the bank they decided to do the same but with bits of lightweight metal. Maxo’s metallic constructions are renowned for their durability and build quality. In fact when sifting through the wreckage of yet another spectacular “landing”, their parts are almost always found intact.
		logoURL = Squad/Agencies/MaxoConstructionToys
		logoScaledURL = Squad/Agencies/MaxoConstructionToys_scaled
		mentality = Perfectionist
	parentUrl = Squad/Agencies/Agents.cfg
		name = Moving Parts Experts Group
		title = Moving Parts Experts Group
		description = The Moving Parts Experts Group started off as a mostly non-commercial initiative to bring some of the brightest minds together to create truly innovative and ground-breaking technologies for spacecraft construction. As is the case with many such enterprises, their initial investment funds very soon ran out and they were forced to start developing stuff that they could sell, quickly. As a result, the Group acquired a reputation for being always in a hurry, and always strapped for cash. They still try their best to stay true to their original motivations as much as possible though, and will always be willing to support any ventures that push the currently established boundaries.
		logoURL = Squad/Agencies/MovingPartsExpertsGroup
		logoScaledURL = Squad/Agencies/MovingPartsExpertsGroup_scaled
		mentality = Commercial
		mentality = Pioneer
		mentality = Conglomerate 0.1
		mentality = Hasty 0.3
		mentality = Economic 0.2
		mentality = EasyGoing 0.4
	parentUrl = Squad/Agencies/Agents.cfg
		name = O.M.B. Demolition Enterprises
		title = O.M.B. Demolition Enterprises
		description = For a company that made a reputation by creating as much destruction as possible, O.M.B. has found a remarkably suitable place for its highly volatile devices in the aerospace industry. Their precision Decouplers are second to none when the job calls for splitting spacecraft into multiple smaller ones. Some of their other demolition products however, despite being heavily advertised as far more powerful disassembly tools, weren't nearly as successful. O.M.B. is still unsure as to why those "clearly better" products weren't so well received.
		logoURL = Squad/Agencies/OMBDemolition
		logoScaledURL = Squad/Agencies/OMBDemolition_scaled
		standing = Rockomax Conglomerate, 0.6
		mentality = Commercial
	parentUrl = Squad/Agencies/Agents.cfg
		name = Periapsis Rocket Supplies Co
		title = Periapsis Rocket Supplies Co
		description = Periapsis Rocket Supplies are a notoriously private company – the small roster of components they do build does nothing but add to the mystique surrounding them. Many question why they don’t build more parts but Periapsis responds to this by stating “wait and see what we’ll do next!”. However, this has been the standard response for at least 3 generations so many have been waiting a little while for the answer.
		logoURL = Squad/Agencies/PeriapsisCo
		logoScaledURL = Squad/Agencies/PeriapsisCo_scaled
		mentality = Perfectionist
	parentUrl = Squad/Agencies/Agents.cfg
		name = Probodobodyne Inc
		title = Probodobodyne Inc
		description = Probodobodyne was at one point one of the leading (and few) names in the industry. Over the years though, the company has fallen behind the times somewhat, but they continue to maintain their philosophy that space exploration should be the privilege of the few who can overcome the challenges of conquering it, with minimal technological assistance. Their products reflect that pragmatic and arguably obsolete outlook, even in spite of the many newer companies that are coming up around them with alternatives that make space travel far more accessible than it was back in the "early days". Despite all this, the company has retained a small but loyal following of hardcore fans, who live by their vision of a very selective industry, populated only by the very best astronauts and engineers.
		logoURL = Squad/Agencies/Probodobodyne
		logoScaledURL = Squad/Agencies/Probodobodyne_scaled
		mentality = Pioneer
		mentality = Perfectionist
		mentality = Stern 0.8
	parentUrl = Squad/Agencies/Agents.cfg
		name = Research & Development Department
		title = Research & Development Department
		description = The Space Program's own Research & Development Department. Headed by celebrity rocket scientist Wernher von Kerman, these guys are the brains of the whole operation. Driven by an unquenchable thirst for knowledge, no piece of data is too small or too irrelevant, and increasing the accumulated knowledge of Kerbalkind is their main motivation. Our resident geniuses only ask to be given due academic credit for their contributions to science, and that all astronauts PLEASE refrain from entering the labs without cleaning their boots first.
		logoURL = Squad/Agencies/R&D
		logoScaledURL = Squad/Agencies/R&D_scaled
		mentality = Scientific
		mentality = Pioneer
		mentality = Kerbalminded 0.2
	parentUrl = Squad/Agencies/Agents.cfg
		name = Reaction Systems Ltd
		title = Reaction Systems Ltd
		description = Reaction Systems is a small company, which enjoyed a reasonable amount of success with their one successful product, the Place-Anywhere Linear RCS Port. These days, nobody knows for certain what they're working on. Even though Reaction Systems is most definitely not the largest company out there, they try to make up for it by supporting all pioneering endeavours. Also, their eagerness to offer science-gathering contracts lends credit to speculation that they may be up to something.
		logoURL = Squad/Agencies/ReactionSystemsLtd
		logoScaledURL = Squad/Agencies/ReactionSystemsLtd_scaled
		mentality = Commercial
		mentality = Scientific
		mentality = Pioneer
	parentUrl = Squad/Agencies/Agents.cfg
		name = Rockomax Conglomerate
		title = Rockomax Conglomerate
		description = Indisputably the largest supplier of rocketry components out there, Rockomax products are widely regarded as the most accessible way to get into space. This has earned them a somewhat negative reputation among the more posh or avant-garde engineers, some even outright refusing to admit to having used Rockomax-Brand products. Be that as it may, Rockomax's gigantic presence in the industry cannot be gainsaid, and their products are actually pretty good value, even if they do lack that 'trendy' feel of the more up-scale rocketry brands. They are a massively large corporation, so don't expect them to cut you very special deals. They are already giving all their customers a bulk discount, plus their 'super-value' deals when using products from their partner brands. All this provided, of course, that you have your membership card with you when you go shopping at their warehouses.
		logoURL = Squad/Agencies/Rockomax
		logoScaledURL = Squad/Agencies/Rockomax_scaled
		standing = C7 Aerospace Division, 1.6
		standing = O.M.B. Demolition Enterprises, 0.6
		mentality = Commercial
		mentality = Conglomerate
		mentality = Hasty 0.65
		mentality = Economic 0.3
		mentality = Moral 0.4
	parentUrl = Squad/Agencies/Agents.cfg
		name = Rokea Inc
		title = Rokea Inc
		description = Rokea is mainly known for their 'vertical mobility enhancer' products, which they go to great lengths to ensure are not mistaken by simplistic 'ladders'. Some say they are failing miserably in that effort, even though every Rokea representative will very eagerly educate all who come within earshot about the differences between ladders and a vertical mobility enhancement device. Perhaps this communications strategy is part of the reason nobody cares.
		logoURL = Squad/Agencies/Rokea
		logoScaledURL = Squad/Agencies/Rokea_scaled
		mentality = Commercial
		mentality = Conglomerate 0.4
		mentality = Hasty 0.6
		mentality = Economic 0.3
	parentUrl = Squad/Agencies/Agents.cfg
		name = Sean's Cannery
		title = Sean's Cannery
		description = Many question the reasoning behind Sean's Cannery's -known for their very excellent canned foods products- incursion into the aerospace engineering world. Despite the criticism, none can dispute that their flagship product, the Mk2 Lander Can, has proven itself many times over as a reliable and perhaps not surprisingly, one of the most air-tight crew carrying modules available today. Lander Can crews often praise the module for its ability to keep stowed snacks crisp and fresh, and complain of how on other pods they become mushy after just a few days into the mission.
		logoURL = Squad/Agencies/SeansCannery
		logoScaledURL = Squad/Agencies/SeansCannery_scaled
		mentality = Commercial
		mentality = Industrial
		mentality = Conglomerate 0.3
	parentUrl = Squad/Agencies/Agents.cfg
		name = STEADLER Engineering Corps
		title = STEADLER Engineering Corps
		description = STEADLER is not known for being a very kind or yielding company. Rather, militaristic, stern and uncompromising are much more fitting adjectives to describe them. Some say these are good qualities for a company responsible mainly for engineering control systems for rockets and hypersonic aircraft, while others suggest that the company is actually being run by a rogue Guidance Module that achieved sentience. All we really know is that their gate security is much too Temperamental to allow for any observation, and that their stun guns recharge very quickly.
		logoURL = Squad/Agencies/SteadlerEngineeringCorps
		logoScaledURL = Squad/Agencies/SteadlerEngineeringCorps_scaled
		mentality = Commercial
		mentality = Industrial
		mentality = Perfectionist
		mentality = Stern 1.0
		mentality = Moral 0.1
	parentUrl = Squad/Agencies/Agents.cfg
		name = StrutCo
		title = StrutCo
		description = One of the largest manufacturers of structural components for any purpose, StrutCo is by all measures a very well-established company. The only thing they have never been able to get over is the fact that the legendary EAS-4 Strut Connector itself was actually invented by Kerlington Model Rockets.
		logoURL = Squad/Agencies/StrutCo
		logoScaledURL = Squad/Agencies/StrutCo_scaled
		standing = Kerlington Model Rockets and Paper Products Inc. , -0.8
		mentality = Commercial
	parentUrl = Squad/Agencies/Agents.cfg
		name = Vac-Co Advanced Suction Systems
		title = Vac-Co Advanced Suction Systems
		description = Vac-Co is a relatively new name in the industry. With previous experience only as a manufacturer of housecleaning equipment and small appliances, their recent venture into aerospace engineering has been met with no small amount of skepticism. Nevertheless, they seem to know what they're doing, as their products have been quite innovative in the air intakes for spaceplanes sector.
		logoURL = Squad/Agencies/Vac-Co
		logoScaledURL = Squad/Agencies/Vac-Co_scaled
		mentality = Commercial
		mentality = Conglomerate 0.1
		mentality = Economic 0.3
	parentUrl = Squad/Agencies/Agents.cfg
		name = WinterOwl Aircraft Emporium
		title = WinterOwl Aircraft Emporium
		description = WinterOwl is by no means comparable to other large aircraft companies in terms of sheer number of products they offer. However, the company is one of the best-known names in the industry as it's one of the oldest companies in operation. This has earned them a reputation for being a friendly, reliable partner, which means they have good standings with many other companies. In the aerospace circles, it is considered very poor manners to be rude about WinterOwl or its products.
		logoURL = Squad/Agencies/WinterOwl
		logoScaledURL = Squad/Agencies/WinterOwl_scaled
		mentality = Commercial
		mentality = EasyGoing 0.3
		mentality = Hasty 0.25
		mentality = Moral 0.65
	parentUrl = Squad/Agencies/Agents.cfg
		name = Zaltonic Electronics
		title = Zaltonic Electronics
		description = Zaltonics isn't exactly known as a strong leader in the electronic components industry, rather more as a somewhat utilitarian company that lacks a certain amount of ambition. These traits however, have made Zaltonic indispensable in their own way, as they are willing to take on the manufacturing of the less exciting devices, and they've become quite good at doing that in a quick and cost-effective way. Their products might not be all the rage, but when your fancy remote guidance unit runs out of juice, chances are you'll be using a Zaltonics battery to keep it powered.
		logoURL = Squad/Agencies/ZaltonicElectronics
		logoScaledURL = Squad/Agencies/ZaltonicElectronics_scaled
		mentality = Commercial
		mentality = EasyGoing 0.5
		mentality = Economic 0.1
	parentUrl = Squad/Contracts/Contracts.cfg
		WeightDefault = 30
		WeightMinimum = 10
		WeightMaximum = 90
		WeightAcceptDelta = 12
		WeightDeclineDelta = -8
		WeightWithdrawReadDelta = -2
		WeightWithdrawSeenDelta = -1
		DisplayOfferedOrbits = True
		DisplayOfferedWaypoints = True
		SurveyNavigationGhosting = False
		AverageAvailableContracts = 10
		FacilityProgressionFactor = 0.2
		SolarOrbitHeatTolerance = 800
		SunStationaryName = keliostationary
		HomeStationaryName = keostationary
		OtherStationaryName = stationary
		SunSynchronousName = keliosynchronous
		HomeSynchronousName = keosynchronous
		OtherSynchronousName = synchronous
		MolniyaName = Kolniya
			MaximumExistent = 9999
			SignificantSolarEjectionChance = 10
			ExceptionalSolarEjectionChance = 20
			HomeLandingChance = 20
			AllowSolarEjections = True
			AllowHomeLandings = True
				MinimumExpireDays = 1
				MaximumExpireDays = 7
				DeadlineDays = 2982
				BaseAdvance = 46000
				BaseReward = 120000
				BaseFailure = 0
				SolarEjectionMultiplier = 1.25
				BaseReward = 16
				SolarEjectionMultiplier = 1
				BaseReward = 26
				BaseFailure = 13
				SolarEjectionMultiplier = 1.25
			MaximumExistent = 9999
			ContextualChance = 75
			ContextualAssets = 2
			TrivialMobileChance = 0
			SignificantMobileChance = 10
			ExceptionalMobileChance = 30
			AllowMobile = True
				MinimumExpireDays = 1
				MaximumExpireDays = 7
				DeadlineDays = 2982
				BaseAdvance = 36000
				BaseReward = 91000
				BaseFailure = 0
				MobileMultiplier = 1.5
				BaseReward = 0
				MobileMultiplier = 1.25
				BaseReward = 21
				BaseFailure = 14
				MobileMultiplier = 1.5
				Article = a
				PartDescription = Mobile Processing Lab MPL-LG-2
				VesselDescription = outpost
				Keyword = Scientific
				Part = Large_Crewed_Lab
				Module = ModuleScienceLab
				MinimumScience = 15
					Weight = 20
					FundsMultiplier = 1.15
					ScienceMultiplier = 1.5
					ReputationMultiplier = 1
					Weight = 30
					FundsMultiplier = 1.15
					ScienceMultiplier = 1.5
					ReputationMultiplier = 1
					Weight = 40
					FundsMultiplier = 1.15
					ScienceMultiplier = 1.5
					ReputationMultiplier = 1
				Article = a
				PartDescription = viewing cupola
				VesselDescription = outpost
				Keyword = Commercial
				Part = cupola
					Weight = 20
					FundsMultiplier = 1.25
					ScienceMultiplier = 1
					ReputationMultiplier = 1.25
					Weight = 30
					FundsMultiplier = 1.25
					ScienceMultiplier = 1
					ReputationMultiplier = 1.25
					Weight = 40
					FundsMultiplier = 1.25
					ScienceMultiplier = 1
					ReputationMultiplier = 1.25
				Article = an
				PartDescription = ISRU resource conversion unit
				VesselDescription = outpost
				Keyword = Commercial
				Part = ISRU
				Part = MiniISRU
					Weight = 5
					FundsMultiplier = 1.15
					ScienceMultiplier = 1.05
					ReputationMultiplier = 1.05
					Weight = 15
					FundsMultiplier = 1.15
					ScienceMultiplier = 1.05
					ReputationMultiplier = 1.05
					Weight = 25
					FundsMultiplier = 1.15
					ScienceMultiplier = 1.05
					ReputationMultiplier = 1.05
				Name = LiquidFuel
				Title = liquid fuel
				Keyword = Commercial
				Part = fuelTankSmallFlat
				ChanceMultiplier = 1
					Amount = 2000
					Weight = 5
					FundsMultiplier = 1.1
					ScienceMultiplier = 1.1
					ReputationMultiplier = 1.1
					Amount = 4000
					Weight = 10
					FundsMultiplier = 1.2
					ScienceMultiplier = 1.2
					ReputationMultiplier = 1.2
					Amount = 6000
					Weight = 15
					FundsMultiplier = 1.3
					ScienceMultiplier = 1.3
					ReputationMultiplier = 1.3
				Name = Ore
				Title = ore
				Keyword = Commercial
				Module = ModuleResourceHarvester
				ChanceMultiplier = 1
					Amount = 1000
					Weight = 5
					FundsMultiplier = 1.1
					ScienceMultiplier = 1.1
					ReputationMultiplier = 1.1
					Amount = 2000
					Weight = 10
					FundsMultiplier = 1.2
					ScienceMultiplier = 1.2
					ReputationMultiplier = 1.2
					Amount = 5000
					Weight = 15
					FundsMultiplier = 1.3
					ScienceMultiplier = 1.3
					ReputationMultiplier = 1.3
				Name = ElectricCharge
				Title = electric charge
				Keyword = Scientific
				Part = batteryPack
				ChanceMultiplier = 1
					Amount = 2500
					Weight = 2
					FundsMultiplier = 1.05
					ScienceMultiplier = 1.05
					ReputationMultiplier = 1.05
					Amount = 5000
					Weight = 4
					FundsMultiplier = 1.075
					ScienceMultiplier = 1.075
					ReputationMultiplier = 1.075
					Amount = 7500
					Weight = 6
					FundsMultiplier = 1.1
					ScienceMultiplier = 1.1
					ReputationMultiplier = 1.1
				Name = MonoPropellant
				Title = monopropellant
				Keyword = Commercial
				Part = rcsTankMini
				ChanceMultiplier = 1
					Amount = 500
					Weight = 2
					FundsMultiplier = 1.05
					ScienceMultiplier = 1.05
					ReputationMultiplier = 1.05
					Amount = 1000
					Weight = 4
					FundsMultiplier = 1.075
					ScienceMultiplier = 1.075
					ReputationMultiplier = 1.075
					Amount = 1500
					Weight = 6
					FundsMultiplier = 1.1
					ScienceMultiplier = 1.1
					ReputationMultiplier = 1.1
				Name = XenonGas
				Title = xenon gas
				Keyword = Commercial
				Part = xenonTank
				ChanceMultiplier = 1
					Amount = 500
					Weight = 2
					FundsMultiplier = 1.05
					ScienceMultiplier = 1.05
					ReputationMultiplier = 1.05
					Amount = 1000
					Weight = 4
					FundsMultiplier = 1.075
					ScienceMultiplier = 1.075
					ReputationMultiplier = 1.075
					Amount = 2000
					Weight = 6
					FundsMultiplier = 1.1
					ScienceMultiplier = 1.1
					ReputationMultiplier = 1.1
				Trait = Pilot
				Keyword = Pioneer
				Crew = 1
				Module = ModuleCommand
					Weight = 5
					FundsMultiplier = 1.05
					ScienceMultiplier = 1.05
					ReputationMultiplier = 1.05
					Weight = 10
					FundsMultiplier = 1.075
					ScienceMultiplier = 1.075
					ReputationMultiplier = 1.075
					Weight = 15
					FundsMultiplier = 1.1
					ScienceMultiplier = 1.1
					ReputationMultiplier = 1.1
				Trait = Engineer
				Keyword = Commercial
				Crew = 1
				Part = ISRU
				Part = MiniISRU
					Weight = 5
					FundsMultiplier = 1.05
					ScienceMultiplier = 1.05
					ReputationMultiplier = 1.05
					Weight = 10
					FundsMultiplier = 1.075
					ScienceMultiplier = 1.075
					ReputationMultiplier = 1.075
					Weight = 15
					FundsMultiplier = 1.1
					ScienceMultiplier = 1.1
					ReputationMultiplier = 1.1
				Trait = Scientist
				Keyword = Scientific
				Crew = 1
				Part = Large.Crewed.Lab
					Weight = 5
					FundsMultiplier = 1.05
					ScienceMultiplier = 1.05
					ReputationMultiplier = 1.05
					Weight = 10
					FundsMultiplier = 1.075
					ScienceMultiplier = 1.075
					ReputationMultiplier = 1.075
					Weight = 15
					FundsMultiplier = 1.1
					ScienceMultiplier = 1.1
					ReputationMultiplier = 1.1
				Trait = Tourist
				Keyword = Commercial
				Crew = 1
				Part = cupola
					Weight = 5
					FundsMultiplier = 1.05
					ScienceMultiplier = 1.05
					ReputationMultiplier = 1.05
					Weight = 10
					FundsMultiplier = 1.075
					ScienceMultiplier = 1.075
					ReputationMultiplier = 1.075
					Weight = 15
					FundsMultiplier = 1.1
					ScienceMultiplier = 1.1
					ReputationMultiplier = 1.1
			MaximumExistent = 9999
				MinimumExpireDays = 1
				MaximumExpireDays = 7
				DeadlineDays = 2130
				BaseAdvance = 23000
				BaseReward = 58000
				BaseFailure = 0
				BaseReward = 0
				BaseReward = 14
				BaseFailure = 7
			Rarity = 5
				MinimumExpireDays = 7
				MaximumExpireDays = 28
				DeadlineDays = 2982
				BaseAdvance = 10000
				BaseReward = 58000
				BaseFailure = 0
				BaseReward = 0
				BaseReward = 16
				BaseFailure = 8
			MaximumExistent = 9999
				MinimumExpireDays = 1
				MaximumExpireDays = 7
				DeadlineDays = 2982
				BaseAdvance = 31000
				BaseReward = 79000
				BaseFailure = 0
				BaseReward = 0
				BaseReward = 22
				BaseFailure = 11
				Name = Ore
				Title = ore
				Keyword = Commercial
				Module = ModuleResourceHarvester
				DeliveryMultiplier = 1.8
				Forbidden = Sun
				Forbidden = Jool
					Amount = 500
					DeliveryChance = 50
					FundsMultiplier = 1
					ScienceMultiplier = 1
					ReputationMultiplier = 1
					Amount = 1000
					DeliveryChance = 65
					FundsMultiplier = 1.1
					ScienceMultiplier = 1.1
					ReputationMultiplier = 1.1
					Amount = 2500
					DeliveryChance = 80
					FundsMultiplier = 1.3
					ScienceMultiplier = 1.3
					ReputationMultiplier = 1.3
			DisableTutorialContracts = False
			DisableProgressionContracts = False
			MaxDepthRecord = 750
			MaxDistanceRecord = 100000
			MaxSpeedRecord = 2500
			OutlierMilestoneMultiplier = 1.5
			PassiveBaseRatio = 0.2
			PassiveBodyRatio = 0.3
			RecordSplit = 5
				BaseReward = 80000
				BaseReward = 8
				BaseReward = 16
			MaximumAvailable = 9999
			MaximumActive = 9999
			AllowKerbalRescue = True
			AllowPartRecovery = True
			AllowCompoundRecovery = True
			AllowLandedVacuum = True
			AllowLandedAtmosphere = True
			HighOrbitDifficulty = 0.3
				MinimumExpireDays = 1
				MaximumExpireDays = 7
				DeadlineDays = 2130
				BaseAdvance = 26000
				BaseReward = 66000
				BaseFailure = 0
				BaseReward = 0
				BaseReward = 15
				BaseFailure = 15
			MaximumAvailable = 9999
			MaximumActive = 9999
			AnimationDuration = 8
			ContextualChance = 50
			ContextualAssets = 2
			ContextualHomeAssets = 4
			NetworkMinimum = 3
			NetworkMaximum = 4
			MinimumDeviationWindow = 750
			TrivialDeviation = 7
			SignificantDeviation = 5
			ExceptionalDeviation = 3
			TrivialAltitudeDifficulty = 0.2
			TrivialInclinationDifficulty = 0.2
			SignificantAltitudeDifficulty = 0.4
			SignificantInclinationDifficulty = 0.4
			ExceptionalAltitudeDifficulty = 0.8
			ExceptionalInclinationDifficulty = 0.8
			PreferHome = True
			AllowSolar = True
			AllowEquatorial = True
			AllowPolar = True
			AllowSynchronous = True
			AllowStationary = True
			AllowTundra = True
			AllowKolniya = True
				MinimumExpireDays = 1
				MaximumExpireDays = 7
				DeadlineDays = 2130
				BaseAdvance = 16000
				BaseReward = 41000
				BaseFailure = 0
				HomeMultiplier = 2
				PolarMultiplier = 1
				SynchronousMultiplier = 1.1
				StationaryMultiplier = 1.2
				TundraMultiplier = 1.2
				KolniyaMultiplier = 1.2
				BaseReward = 0
				HomeMultiplier = 0.5
				PolarMultiplier = 1
				SynchronousMultiplier = 1.1
				StationaryMultiplier = 1.2
				TundraMultiplier = 1.2
				KolniyaMultiplier = 1.2
				BaseReward = 10
				BaseFailure = 5
				HomeMultiplier = 1.25
				PolarMultiplier = 1
				SynchronousMultiplier = 1.1
				StationaryMultiplier = 1.2
				TundraMultiplier = 1.2
				KolniyaMultiplier = 1.2
				Article = a
				PartDescription = mystery goo unit
				VesselDescription = satellite
				Keyword = Scientific
				Part = GooExperiment
				MinimumScience = 7
					Weight = 5
					FundsMultiplier = 1.05
					ScienceMultiplier = 1.25
					ReputationMultiplier = 1.05
					Weight = 15
					FundsMultiplier = 1.05
					ScienceMultiplier = 1.25
					ReputationMultiplier = 1.05
					Weight = 25
					FundsMultiplier = 1.05
					ScienceMultiplier = 1.25
					ReputationMultiplier = 1.05
				Article = a
				PartDescription = thermometer
				VesselDescription = satellite
				Keyword = Scientific
				Part = sensorThermometer
				MinimumScience = 7
					Weight = 5
					FundsMultiplier = 1.05
					ScienceMultiplier = 1.25
					ReputationMultiplier = 1.05
					Weight = 15
					FundsMultiplier = 1.05
					ScienceMultiplier = 1.25
					ReputationMultiplier = 1.05
					Weight = 25
					FundsMultiplier = 1.05
					ScienceMultiplier = 1.25
					ReputationMultiplier = 1.05
				Article = a
				PartDescription = gravioli detector
				VesselDescription = satellite
				Keyword = Scientific
				Part = sensorGravimeter
				MinimumScience = 7
					Weight = 5
					FundsMultiplier = 1.05
					ScienceMultiplier = 1.25
					ReputationMultiplier = 1.05
					Weight = 15
					FundsMultiplier = 1.05
					ScienceMultiplier = 1.25
					ReputationMultiplier = 1.05
					Weight = 25
					FundsMultiplier = 1.05
					ScienceMultiplier = 1.25
					ReputationMultiplier = 1.05
				Article = a
				PartDescription = SC-9001 Science Jr.
				VesselDescription = satellite
				Keyword = Scientific
				Part = science_module
				MinimumScience = 7
					Weight = 5
					FundsMultiplier = 1.05
					ScienceMultiplier = 1.25
					ReputationMultiplier = 1.05
					Weight = 15
					FundsMultiplier = 1.05
					ScienceMultiplier = 1.25
					ReputationMultiplier = 1.05
					Weight = 25
					FundsMultiplier = 1.05
					ScienceMultiplier = 1.25
					ReputationMultiplier = 1.05
				Article = an
				PartDescription = accelerometer
				VesselDescription = satellite
				Keyword = Scientific
				Part = sensorAccelerometer
				MinimumScience = 7
					Weight = 5
					FundsMultiplier = 1.05
					ScienceMultiplier = 1.25
					ReputationMultiplier = 1.05
					Weight = 15
					FundsMultiplier = 1.05
					ScienceMultiplier = 1.25
					ReputationMultiplier = 1.05
					Weight = 25
					FundsMultiplier = 1.05
					ScienceMultiplier = 1.25
					ReputationMultiplier = 1.05
				Article = a
				PartDescription = resource survey scanner
				VesselDescription = satellite
				Keyword = Commercial
				Part = SurveyScanner
					Weight = 5
					FundsMultiplier = 1.15
					ScienceMultiplier = 1.05
					ReputationMultiplier = 1.05
					Weight = 15
					FundsMultiplier = 1.15
					ScienceMultiplier = 1.05
					ReputationMultiplier = 1.05
					Weight = 25
					FundsMultiplier = 1.15
					ScienceMultiplier = 1.05
					ReputationMultiplier = 1.05
				Article = a
				PartDescription = Magnetometer Boom
				VesselDescription = satellite
				Keyword = Scientific
				Part = Magnetometer
				MinimumScience = 7
					Weight = 5
					FundsMultiplier = 1.05
					ScienceMultiplier = 1.25
					ReputationMultiplier = 1.05
					Weight = 15
					FundsMultiplier = 1.05
					ScienceMultiplier = 1.25
					ReputationMultiplier = 1.05
					Weight = 25
					FundsMultiplier = 1.05
					ScienceMultiplier = 1.25
					ReputationMultiplier = 1.05
			MaximumExistent = 9999
				MinimumExpireDays = 1
				MaximumExpireDays = 7
				DeadlineDays = 2130
				BaseAdvance = 9000
				BaseReward = 22000
				BaseFailure = 0
				BaseReward = 3
				BaseReward = 6
				BaseFailure = 3
			MaximumActive = 1
			MaximumAvailable = 3
			ScanTypeBaseMultiplier = 0.25
			ScanTypeClassMultiplier = 0.3
			ScanTypeInclinationMultiplier = 0.35
			ScanTypeEccentricityMultiplier = 0.35
			TrivialDeviation = 7
			SignificantDeviation = 5
			ExceptionalDeviation = 3
				MinimumExpireDays = 1
				MaximumExpireDays = 7
				DeadlineDays = 2130
				BaseAdvance = 12000
				BaseReward = 18000
				BaseFailure = 0
				BaseReward = 3
				BaseReward = 6
				BaseFailure = 3
				FundsMultiplier = 1.7
				ScienceMultiplier = 1.05
				ReputationMultiplier = 1.05
				MinAsteroids = 5
				MaxAsteroids = 11
				FundsMultiplier = 1.50
				ScienceMultiplier = 1.05
				ReputationMultiplier = 1.05
				MinAsteroids = 10
				MaxAsteroids = 16
				FundsMultiplier = 0.85
				ScienceMultiplier = 1.05
				ReputationMultiplier = 1.05
				MinAsteroids = 15
				MaxAsteroids = 21
			MaximumAvailable = 1
			MaximumActive = 1
				MinimumExpireDays = 1
				MaximumExpireDays = 7
				DeadlineDays = 2130
				BaseAdvance = 18000
				BaseReward = 26000
				BaseFailure = 0
				BaseReward = 6
				BaseReward = 10
				BaseFailure = 5
				FundsMultiplier = 2f
				ScienceMultiplier = 1.5f
				ReputationMultiplier = 1.5f
				FundsMultiplier = 3f
				ScienceMultiplier = 2f
				ReputationMultiplier = 2f
			MaximumExistent = 9999
			ContextualChance = 75
			ContextualAssets = 2
			TrivialAsteroidChance = 0
			SignificantAsteroidChance = 10
			ExceptionalAsteroidChance = 20
			AllowAsteroid = True
			AllowSolar = True
				MinimumExpireDays = 1
				MaximumExpireDays = 7
				DeadlineDays = 2982
				BaseAdvance = 32000
				BaseReward = 83000
				BaseFailure = 0
				AsteroidMultiplier = 1.2
				BaseReward = 0
				AsteroidMultiplier = 1.3
				BaseReward = 18
				BaseFailure = 9
				AsteroidMultiplier = 1.3
				Article = a
				PartDescription = Mobile Processing Lab MPL-LG-2
				VesselDescription = station
				Keyword = Scientific
				Part = Large_Crewed_Lab
				Module = ModuleScienceLab
				MinimumScience = 13
					Weight = 20
					FundsMultiplier = 1.15
					ScienceMultiplier = 1.3
					ReputationMultiplier = 1
					Weight = 30
					FundsMultiplier = 1.15
					ScienceMultiplier = 1.3
					ReputationMultiplier = 1
					Weight = 40
					FundsMultiplier = 1.15
					ScienceMultiplier = 1.3
					ReputationMultiplier = 1
				Article = a
				PartDescription = viewing cupola
				VesselDescription = station
				Keyword = Commercial
				Part = cupola
					Weight = 20
					FundsMultiplier = 1.1
					ScienceMultiplier = 1
					ReputationMultiplier = 1.3
					Weight = 30
					FundsMultiplier = 1.1
					ScienceMultiplier = 1
					ReputationMultiplier = 1.3
					Weight = 40
					FundsMultiplier = 1.1
					ScienceMultiplier = 1
					ReputationMultiplier = 1.3
				Article = an
				PartDescription = ISRU resource conversion unit
				VesselDescription = station
				Keyword = Commercial
				Part = ISRU
				Part = MiniISRU
					Weight = 5
					FundsMultiplier = 1.15
					ScienceMultiplier = 1.05
					ReputationMultiplier = 1.05
					Weight = 15
					FundsMultiplier = 1.15
					ScienceMultiplier = 1.05
					ReputationMultiplier = 1.05
					Weight = 25
					FundsMultiplier = 1.15
					ScienceMultiplier = 1.05
					ReputationMultiplier = 1.05
				Name = LiquidFuel
				Title = liquid fuel
				Keyword = Commercial
				Part = fuelTankSmallFlat
				ChanceMultiplier = 1
					Amount = 2000
					Weight = 5
					FundsMultiplier = 1.1
					ScienceMultiplier = 1.1
					ReputationMultiplier = 1.1
					Amount = 4000
					Weight = 10
					FundsMultiplier = 1.2
					ScienceMultiplier = 1.2
					ReputationMultiplier = 1.2
					Amount = 6000
					Weight = 15
					FundsMultiplier = 1.3
					ScienceMultiplier = 1.3
					ReputationMultiplier = 1.3
				Name = Ore
				Title = ore
				Keyword = Commercial
				Module = ModuleResourceHarvester
				ChanceMultiplier = 1
					Amount = 1000
					Weight = 5
					FundsMultiplier = 1.1
					ScienceMultiplier = 1.1
					ReputationMultiplier = 1.1
					Amount = 2000
					Weight = 10
					FundsMultiplier = 1.2
					ScienceMultiplier = 1.2
					ReputationMultiplier = 1.2
					Amount = 5000
					Weight = 15
					FundsMultiplier = 1.3
					ScienceMultiplier = 1.3
					ReputationMultiplier = 1.3
				Name = ElectricCharge
				Title = electric charge
				Keyword = Scientific
				Part = batteryPack
				ChanceMultiplier = 1
					Amount = 2500
					Weight = 2
					FundsMultiplier = 1.05
					ScienceMultiplier = 1.05
					ReputationMultiplier = 1.05
					Amount = 5000
					Weight = 4
					FundsMultiplier = 1.075
					ScienceMultiplier = 1.075
					ReputationMultiplier = 1.075
					Amount = 7500
					Weight = 6
					FundsMultiplier = 1.1
					ScienceMultiplier = 1.1
					ReputationMultiplier = 1.1
				Name = MonoPropellant
				Title = monopropellant
				Keyword = Commercial
				Part = rcsTankMini
				ChanceMultiplier = 1
					Amount = 500
					Weight = 2
					FundsMultiplier = 1.05
					ScienceMultiplier = 1.05
					ReputationMultiplier = 1.05
					Amount = 1000
					Weight = 4
					FundsMultiplier = 1.075
					ScienceMultiplier = 1.075
					ReputationMultiplier = 1.075
					Amount = 1500
					Weight = 6
					FundsMultiplier = 1.1
					ScienceMultiplier = 1.1
					ReputationMultiplier = 1.1
				Name = XenonGas
				Title = xenon gas
				Keyword = Commercial
				Part = xenonTank
				ChanceMultiplier = 1
					Amount = 500
					Weight = 2
					FundsMultiplier = 1.05
					ScienceMultiplier = 1.05
					ReputationMultiplier = 1.05
					Amount = 1000
					Weight = 4
					FundsMultiplier = 1.075
					ScienceMultiplier = 1.075
					ReputationMultiplier = 1.075
					Amount = 2000
					Weight = 6
					FundsMultiplier = 1.1
					ScienceMultiplier = 1.1
					ReputationMultiplier = 1.1
				Trait = Pilot
				Keyword = Pioneer
				Crew = 1
				Module = ModuleCommand
					Weight = 5
					FundsMultiplier = 1.05
					ScienceMultiplier = 1.05
					ReputationMultiplier = 1.05
					Weight = 10
					FundsMultiplier = 1.075
					ScienceMultiplier = 1.075
					ReputationMultiplier = 1.075
					Weight = 15
					FundsMultiplier = 1.1
					ScienceMultiplier = 1.1
					ReputationMultiplier = 1.1
				Trait = Engineer
				Keyword = Commercial
				Crew = 1
				Part = ISRU
				Part = MiniISRU
					Weight = 5
					FundsMultiplier = 1.05
					ScienceMultiplier = 1.05
					ReputationMultiplier = 1.05
					Weight = 10
					FundsMultiplier = 1.075
					ScienceMultiplier = 1.075
					ReputationMultiplier = 1.075
					Weight = 15
					FundsMultiplier = 1.1
					ScienceMultiplier = 1.1
					ReputationMultiplier = 1.1
				Trait = Scientist
				Keyword = Scientific
				Crew = 1
				Part = Large.Crewed.Lab
					Weight = 5
					FundsMultiplier = 1.05
					ScienceMultiplier = 1.05
					ReputationMultiplier = 1.05
					Weight = 10
					FundsMultiplier = 1.075
					ScienceMultiplier = 1.075
					ReputationMultiplier = 1.075
					Weight = 15
					FundsMultiplier = 1.1
					ScienceMultiplier = 1.1
					ReputationMultiplier = 1.1
				Trait = Tourist
				Keyword = Commercial
				Crew = 1
				Part = cupola
					Weight = 5
					FundsMultiplier = 1.05
					ScienceMultiplier = 1.05
					ReputationMultiplier = 1.05
					Weight = 10
					FundsMultiplier = 1.075
					ScienceMultiplier = 1.075
					ReputationMultiplier = 1.075
					Weight = 15
					FundsMultiplier = 1.1
					ScienceMultiplier = 1.1
					ReputationMultiplier = 1.1
			MaximumAvailable = 9999
			MaximumActive = 9999
			ContextualChance = 50
			ContextualAssets = 2
			TrivialWaypoints = 1
			SignificantWaypoints = 2
			ExceptionalWaypoints = 3
			HomeNearbyProgressCap = 7
			TrivialRange = 2000
			SignificantRange = 4000
			ExceptionalRange = 6000
			MinimumTriggerRange = 500
			MaximumTriggerRange = 15000
			MinimumThreshold = 1400
			MaximumThreshold = 30000
			ThresholdDeviancy = 10
				MinimumExpireDays = 1
				MaximumExpireDays = 7
				DeadlineDays = 2130
				DefaultAdvance = 30000
				DefaultReward = 53000
				DefaultFailure = 0
				WaypointDefaultReward = 8000
				DefaultReward = 0
				WaypointDefaultReward = 3
				DefaultReward = 9
				DefaultFailure = 9
				WaypointDefaultReward = 3
				DataName = observational
				AnomalyName = inconsistencies
				ResultName = reports
				FundsReward = 53000
				FundsFailure = 0
				ScienceReward = 0
				ReputationReward = 9
				ReputationFailure = 9
					Experiment = evaReport
					Description = Take an EVA report
					Texture = eva
					AllowGround = True
					AllowLow = False
					AllowHigh = False
					AllowWater = False
					AllowVacuum = True
					EVARequired = True
					FundsMultiplier = 0.9
					ScienceMultiplier = 1
					ReputationMultiplier = 1.1
					Experiment = crewReport
					Description = Take a crew report
					Texture = report
					AllowGround = False
					AllowLow = True
					AllowHigh = True
					AllowWater = False
					AllowVacuum = True
					CrewRequired = True
					FundsMultiplier = 1.1
					ScienceMultiplier = 0.9
					ReputationMultiplier = 1
					Experiment = surfaceSample
					Description = Take a surface sample
					Texture = sample
					AllowGround = True
					AllowLow = False
					AllowHigh = False
					AllowWater = False
					AllowVacuum = True
					EVARequired = True
					FundsMultiplier = 1
					ScienceMultiplier = 1.1
					ReputationMultiplier = 0.9
				DataName = seismic
				AnomalyName = disturbances
				ResultName = readings
				FundsReward = 53000
				FundsFailure = 0
				ScienceReward = 0
				ReputationReward = 9
				ReputationFailure = 9
					Experiment = seismicScan
					Description = Take seismic readings
					Texture = seismic
					Tech = sensorAccelerometer
					AllowGround = True
					AllowLow = False
					AllowHigh = False
					AllowWater = False
					AllowVacuum = True
					FundsMultiplier = 1.1
					ScienceMultiplier = 1
					ReputationMultiplier = 0.9
				DataName = temperature
				AnomalyName = fluctuations
				ResultName = measurements
				FundsReward = 53000
				FundsFailure = 0
				ScienceReward = 0
				ReputationReward = 9
				ReputationFailure = 9
					Experiment = temperatureScan
					Description = Measure the temperature
					Texture = thermometer
					Tech = sensorThermometer
					AllowGround = True
					AllowLow = True
					AllowHigh = True
					AllowWater = False
					AllowVacuum = True
					FundsMultiplier = 1.1
					ScienceMultiplier = 1
					ReputationMultiplier = 0.9
				DataName = atmospheric
				AnomalyName = abnormalities
				ResultName = readings
				FundsReward = 53000
				FundsFailure = 0
				ScienceReward = 0
				ReputationReward = 9
				ReputationFailure = 9
					Experiment = barometerScan
					Description = Take pressure readings
					Texture = pressure
					Tech = sensorBarometer
					AllowGround = True
					AllowLow = True
					AllowHigh = True
					AllowWater = False
					AllowVacuum = False
					FundsMultiplier = 1.1
					ScienceMultiplier = 1
					ReputationMultiplier = 0.9
					Experiment = atmosphereAnalysis
					Description = Perform atmospheric analysis
					Texture = balloon
					Tech = sensorAtmosphere
					AllowGround = False
					AllowLow = True
					AllowHigh = True
					AllowWater = False
					AllowVacuum = False
					FundsMultiplier = 0.9
					ScienceMultiplier = 1
					ReputationMultiplier = 1.1
				DataName = gravimetric
				AnomalyName = anomalies
				ResultName = readings
				FundsReward = 53000
				FundsFailure = 0
				ScienceReward = 0
				ReputationReward = 9
				ReputationFailure = 9
					Experiment = gravityScan
					Description = Record gravitational forces
					Texture = gravity
					Tech = sensorGravimeter
					AllowGround = True
					AllowLow = False
					AllowHigh = True
					AllowWater = False
					AllowVacuum = True
					FundsMultiplier = 0.9
					ScienceMultiplier = 1
					ReputationMultiplier = 1.1
			MaximumExistent = 9999
			SubjectsToRepeat = 6
			AllowHauls = True
			TrivialHaulChance = 50
			SignificantHaulChance = 25
			ExceptionalHaulChance = 0
				MinimumExpireDays = 1
				MaximumExpireDays = 3
				DeadlineDays = 426
				BaseAdvance = 18000
				BaseReward = 45000
				BaseFailure = 18000
				BaseReward = 6
				BaseReward = 12
				BaseFailure = 9
			MaximumAvailable = 9999
			MaximumActive = 9999
			FailOnInactive = True
			GeeAdventureChance = 0.15
				MinimumExpireDays = 1
				MaximumExpireDays = 7
				DeadlineDays = 2130
				DefaultFare = 13000
				BaseReward = 0
				BaseReward = 20
				BaseFailure = 10
			MaximumAvailable = 1
			MaximumActive = 1
				MinimumExpireDays = 1
				MaximumExpireDays = 7
				DeadlineDays = 7200
				BaseAdvance = 75000
				BaseReward = 100000
				BaseFailure = 0
				BaseReward = 25
				BaseReward = 25
				BaseFailure = 10
				FundsMultiplier = 1
				ScienceMultiplier = 1
				ReputationMultiplier = 1
				FundsMultiplier = 1
				ScienceMultiplier = 1
				ReputationMultiplier = 1
				FundsMultiplier = 2
				ScienceMultiplier = 1.5
				ReputationMultiplier = 1.5
			MaximumAvailable = 1
			MaximumActive = 1
			TechNodeRequired = advExploration
			WayPointMinDistance = 900
			WayPointMaxDistance = 1100
			WayPointTriggerRange = 50
			MinimumGeeASL = 0.02
			MaximumGeeASL = 0.4
				MinimumExpireDays = 1
				MaximumExpireDays = 7
				DeadlineDays = 852
				BaseAdvance = 32000
				BaseReward = 100000
				BaseFailure = 0
				BaseReward = 0
				BaseReward = 2
				BaseFailure = 1
				FundsMultiplier = 1
				ScienceMultiplier = 1
				ReputationMultiplier = 1
				WayPointMultiplier = 1
				FundsMultiplier = 1.25
				ScienceMultiplier = 1
				ReputationMultiplier = 1
				WayPointMultiplier = 2
				FundsMultiplier = 2
				ScienceMultiplier = 1
				ReputationMultiplier = 2
				WayPointMultiplier = 3
			MaximumAvailable = 1
			MaximumActive = 1
				MinimumExpireDays = 1
				MaximumExpireDays = 7
				DeadlineDays = 852
				BaseAdvance = 22000
				BaseReward = 40000
				BaseFailure = 30000
				BaseReward = 0
				BaseReward = 2
				BaseFailure = 1
				FundsMultiplier = 1
				ScienceMultiplier = 1
				ReputationMultiplier = 1
				MaxOrbitEccentricityFactor = 0.05
				OrbitAltitudeFactor = 0.33
				OrbitInclinationFactor = 0.25
				FundsMultiplier = 1.25
				ScienceMultiplier = 1
				ReputationMultiplier = 1
				MaxOrbitEccentricityFactor = 0.05
				OrbitAltitudeFactor = 0.5
				OrbitInclinationFactor = 1.0
				FundsMultiplier = 2
				ScienceMultiplier = 1
				ReputationMultiplier = 2
				MaxOrbitEccentricityFactor = 0.05
				OrbitAltitudeFactor = 0.8
				OrbitInclinationFactor = 1.0
			MaximumAvailable = 1
			MaximumActive = 1
			TechNodeRequired = advConstruction
				MinimumExpireDays = 1
				MaximumExpireDays = 7
				DeadlineDays = 852
				BaseAdvance = 23000
				BaseReward = 42000
				BaseFailure = 25000
				BaseReward = 0
				BaseReward = 2
				BaseFailure = 1
				FundsMultiplier = 1
				ScienceMultiplier = 1
				ReputationMultiplier = 1
				MaxOrbitEccentricityFactor = 0.05
				OrbitAltitudeFactor = 0.33
				OrbitInclinationFactor = 0.25
				FundsMultiplier = 1.25
				ScienceMultiplier = 1
				ReputationMultiplier = 1
				MaxOrbitEccentricityFactor = 0.05
				OrbitAltitudeFactor = 0.5
				OrbitInclinationFactor = 1.0
				FundsMultiplier = 2
				ScienceMultiplier = 1
				ReputationMultiplier = 2
				MaxOrbitEccentricityFactor = 0.05
				OrbitAltitudeFactor = 0.8
				OrbitInclinationFactor = 1.0
	parentUrl = Squad/Contracts/constructionContractParts.cfg
			name = rcsTankMini
			contract = OrbitalConstruction
			name = radialRCSTank
			contract = OrbitalConstruction
			name = rcsTankRadialLong
			contract = OrbitalConstruction
			name = Mite
			contract = OrbitalConstruction
			name = sasModule
			contract = OrbitalConstruction
			name = radPanelSm
			contract = OrbitalConstruction
			name = radPanelEdge
			contract = OrbitalConstruction
			name = batteryPack
			contract = OrbitalConstruction
			name = batteryBankMini
			contract = OrbitalConstruction
			name = ksp_r_largeBatteryPack
			contract = OrbitalConstruction
			name = solarPanels4
			contract = OrbitalConstruction
			name = solarPanels3
			contract = OrbitalConstruction
			name = longAntenna
			contract = OrbitalConstruction
			name = mediumDishAntenna
			contract = OrbitalConstruction
			name = HighGainAntenna5_v2
			contract = OrbitalConstruction
			name = sensorGravimeter
			contract = OrbitalConstruction
			name = GooExperiment
			contract = OrbitalConstruction
	parentUrl = Squad/Contracts/PrebuiltCraft/prebuiltData.cfg
			Body = Mun
			CenterLatitude = 4.145
			CenterLongitude = 173.825
			SearchRadius = 1000
			Body = Mun
			CenterLatitude = -12.816
			CenterLongitude = 143.263
			SearchRadius = 1000
			Body = Mun
			CenterLatitude = -17.719
			CenterLongitude = 85.531
			SearchRadius = 1000
			Body = Mun
			CenterLatitude = 22.947
			CenterLongitude = 19.743
			SearchRadius = 1000
			Body = Mun
			CenterLatitude = -2.825
			CenterLongitude = -57.204
			SearchRadius = 1000
			Body = Mun
			CenterLatitude = 40.630
			CenterLongitude = 133.015
			SearchRadius = 1000
			Body = Mun
			CenterLatitude = -32.254
			CenterLongitude = 0.165
			SearchRadius = 1000
			Body = Mun
			CenterLatitude = 28.199
			CenterLongitude = -57.25
			SearchRadius = 1000
			Body = Mun
			CenterLatitude = 10.779
			CenterLongitude = -153.365
			SearchRadius = 1000
			Body = Mun
			CenterLatitude = -10.066
			CenterLongitude = -83.835
			SearchRadius = 1000
			Body = Mun
			CenterLatitude = 45.417
			CenterLongitude = 29.371
			SearchRadius = 1000
			Body = Mun
			CenterLatitude = 14.067
			CenterLongitude = -28.770
			SearchRadius = 1000
			Body = Minmus
			CenterLatitude = 8.061
			CenterLongitude = -179.014
			SearchRadius = 1000
			Body = Minmus
			CenterLatitude = -3.888
			CenterLongitude = 164.275
			SearchRadius = 1000
			Body = Minmus
			CenterLatitude = 12.477
			CenterLongitude = -46.932
			SearchRadius = 1000
			Body = Minmus
			CenterLatitude = -25.440
			CenterLongitude = 19.850
			SearchRadius = 1000
			Body = Minmus
			CenterLatitude = 11.595
			CenterLongitude = -97.803
			SearchRadius = 1000
			Body = Minmus
			CenterLatitude = 30.290
			CenterLongitude = 146.320
			SearchRadius = 1000
			Body = Minmus
			CenterLatitude = 58.229
			CenterLongitude = -32.742
			SearchRadius = 1000
			Body = Minmus
			CenterLatitude = -14.151
			CenterLongitude = -8.032
			SearchRadius = 1000
			Body = Minmus
			CenterLatitude = 19.303
			CenterLongitude = 7.744
			SearchRadius = 1000
			Body = Minmus
			CenterLatitude = -2.890
			CenterLongitude = -146.891
			SearchRadius = 1000
			Body = Minmus
			CenterLatitude = 15.858
			CenterLongitude = 59.595
			SearchRadius = 1000
			Body = Minmus
			CenterLatitude = 16.919
			CenterLongitude = -95.741
			SearchRadius = 1000
			Body = Moho
			CenterLatitude = 27.718
			CenterLongitude = -112.667
			SearchRadius = 1000
			Body = Moho
			CenterLatitude = -26.390
			CenterLongitude = -174.43
			SearchRadius = 1000
			Body = Moho
			CenterLatitude = 13.49
			CenterLongitude = -147.51
			SearchRadius = 1000
			Body = Moho
			CenterLatitude = 13.18
			CenterLongitude = -9.94
			SearchRadius = 1000
			Body = Moho
			CenterLatitude = 11.72
			CenterLongitude = 139.48
			SearchRadius = 1000
			Body = Moho
			CenterLatitude = 76.83
			CenterLongitude = -89.25
			SearchRadius = 1000
			Body = Duna
			CenterLatitude = 14.786
			CenterLongitude = -79.045
			SearchRadius = 1000
			Body = Duna
			CenterLatitude = -35.06
			CenterLongitude = -171.435
			SearchRadius = 1000
			Body = Duna
			CenterLatitude = 12.171
			CenterLongitude = -151.675
			SearchRadius = 1000
			Body = Duna
			CenterLatitude = 10.285
			CenterLongitude = -3.699
			SearchRadius = 1000
			Body = Duna
			CenterLatitude = 13.889
			CenterLongitude = 42.879
			SearchRadius = 1000
			Body = Duna
			CenterLatitude = -0.921
			CenterLongitude = 87.385
			SearchRadius = 1000
			Body = Ike
			CenterLatitude = 14.225
			CenterLongitude = -75.279
			SearchRadius = 1000
			Body = Ike
			CenterLatitude = 5.108
			CenterLongitude = -126.296
			SearchRadius = 1000
			Body = Ike
			CenterLatitude = 28.047
			CenterLongitude = 138.271
			SearchRadius = 1000
			Body = Ike
			CenterLatitude = -23.768
			CenterLongitude = 99.027
			SearchRadius = 1000
			Body = Ike
			CenterLatitude = 10.169
			CenterLongitude = 40.356
			SearchRadius = 1000
			Body = Ike
			CenterLatitude = 4.186
			CenterLongitude = 88.141
			SearchRadius = 1000
			Body = Dres
			CenterLatitude = 16.581
			CenterLongitude = -53.682
			SearchRadius = 1000
			Body = Dres
			CenterLatitude = 11.722
			CenterLongitude = 56.999
			SearchRadius = 1000
			Body = Dres
			CenterLatitude = -6.208
			CenterLongitude = -18.609
			SearchRadius = 1000
			Body = Dres
			CenterLatitude = -35.523
			CenterLongitude = 99.802
			SearchRadius = 1000
			Body = Dres
			CenterLatitude = 42.534
			CenterLongitude = 54.003
			SearchRadius = 1000
			Body = Dres
			CenterLatitude = 26.631
			CenterLongitude = 21.682
			SearchRadius = 1000
			Body = Vall
			CenterLatitude = 8.200
			CenterLongitude = -67.416
			SearchRadius = 1000
			Body = Vall
			CenterLatitude = 50.060
			CenterLongitude = 158.566
			SearchRadius = 1000
			Body = Vall
			CenterLatitude = -34.540
			CenterLongitude = 170.066
			SearchRadius = 1000
			Body = Vall
			CenterLatitude = -6.074
			CenterLongitude = -159.249
			SearchRadius = 1000
			Body = Vall
			CenterLatitude = -4.047
			CenterLongitude = 79.275
			SearchRadius = 1000
			Body = Vall
			CenterLatitude = 44.720
			CenterLongitude = -19.768
			SearchRadius = 1000
			Body = Bop
			CenterLatitude = 27.473
			CenterLongitude = -45.696
			SearchRadius = 1000
			Body = Bop
			CenterLatitude = -8.085
			CenterLongitude = 43.933
			SearchRadius = 1000
			Body = Bop
			CenterLatitude = 23.463
			CenterLongitude = -130.010
			SearchRadius = 1000
			Body = Bop
			CenterLatitude = -0.544
			CenterLongitude = 121.453
			SearchRadius = 1000
			Body = Bop
			CenterLatitude = 57.973
			CenterLongitude = -36.372
			SearchRadius = 1000
			Body = Bop
			CenterLatitude = 19.387
			CenterLongitude = 41.786
			SearchRadius = 1000
			Body = Pol
			CenterLatitude = -4.862
			CenterLongitude = -112.382
			SearchRadius = 1000
			Body = Pol
			CenterLatitude = 23.018
			CenterLongitude = 88.005
			SearchRadius = 1000
			Body = Pol
			CenterLatitude = 26.805
			CenterLongitude = -95.117
			SearchRadius = 1000
			Body = Pol
			CenterLatitude = 47.392
			CenterLongitude = 154.580
			SearchRadius = 1000
			Body = Pol
			CenterLatitude = -8.184
			CenterLongitude = -5.031
			SearchRadius = 1000
			Body = Pol
			CenterLatitude = -4.321
			CenterLongitude = 162.433
			SearchRadius = 1000
			Body = Eeloo
			CenterLatitude = -1.627
			CenterLongitude = -124.644
			SearchRadius = 1000
			Body = Eeloo
			CenterLatitude = 25.705
			CenterLongitude = 87.676
			SearchRadius = 1000
			Body = Eeloo
			CenterLatitude = 26.805
			CenterLongitude = -95.117
			SearchRadius = 1000
			Body = Eeloo
			CenterLatitude = 10.529
			CenterLongitude = 164.261
			SearchRadius = 1000
			Body = Eeloo
			CenterLatitude = 10.776
			CenterLongitude = -2.884
			SearchRadius = 1000
			Body = Eeloo
			CenterLatitude = 0.863
			CenterLongitude = -38.685
			SearchRadius = 1000
	parentUrl = Squad/Contracts/PrebuiltCraft/OrbitalConstructionContract/orbitalConstructionContractCraft.cfg
			url = GameData/Squad/Contracts/PreBuiltCraft/OrbitalConstructionContract/Unfinished Contract Sat 1.craft
			AllowGround = False
			AllowOrbit = True
			AllowWater = False
			UsePreBuiltPos = False
			ContractType = OrbitalConstruction
			url = GameData/Squad/Contracts/PreBuiltCraft/OrbitalConstructionContract/Unfinished Contract Sat 2.craft
			AllowGround = False
			AllowOrbit = True
			AllowWater = False
			UsePreBuiltPos = False
			ContractType = OrbitalConstruction
			url = GameData/Squad/Contracts/PreBuiltCraft/OrbitalConstructionContract/Unfinished Contract Sat 3.craft
			AllowGround = False
			AllowOrbit = True
			AllowWater = False
			UsePreBuiltPos = False
			ContractType = OrbitalConstruction
			url = GameData/Squad/Contracts/PreBuiltCraft/OrbitalConstructionContract/Unfinished Contract Sat 4.craft
			AllowGround = False
			AllowOrbit = True
			AllowWater = False
			UsePreBuiltPos = False
			ContractType = OrbitalConstruction
			url = GameData/Squad/Contracts/PreBuiltCraft/OrbitalConstructionContract/Unfinished Contract Sat 5.craft
			AllowGround = False
			AllowOrbit = True
			AllowWater = False
			UsePreBuiltPos = False
			ContractType = OrbitalConstruction
			url = GameData/Squad/Contracts/PreBuiltCraft/OrbitalConstructionContract/Unfinished Contract Sat 6.craft
			AllowGround = False
			AllowOrbit = True
			AllowWater = False
			UsePreBuiltPos = False
			ContractType = OrbitalConstruction
			url = GameData/Squad/Contracts/PreBuiltCraft/OrbitalConstructionContract/Unfinished Contract Sat 7.craft
			AllowGround = False
			AllowOrbit = True
			AllowWater = False
			UsePreBuiltPos = False
			ContractType = OrbitalConstruction
			url = GameData/Squad/Contracts/PreBuiltCraft/OrbitalConstructionContract/Unfinished Contract Sat 8.craft
			AllowGround = False
			AllowOrbit = True
			AllowWater = False
			UsePreBuiltPos = False
			ContractType = OrbitalConstruction
			url = GameData/Squad/Contracts/PreBuiltCraft/OrbitalConstructionContract/Unfinished Contract Sat 9.craft
			AllowGround = False
			AllowOrbit = True
			AllowWater = False
			UsePreBuiltPos = False
			ContractType = OrbitalConstruction
			url = GameData/Squad/Contracts/PreBuiltCraft/OrbitalConstructionContract/Unfinished Contract Sat 10.craft
			AllowGround = False
			AllowOrbit = True
			AllowWater = False
			UsePreBuiltPos = False
			ContractType = OrbitalConstruction
			url = GameData/Squad/Contracts/PreBuiltCraft/OrbitalConstructionContract/Unfinished Contract Sat 11.craft
			AllowGround = False
			AllowOrbit = True
			AllowWater = False
			UsePreBuiltPos = False
			ContractType = OrbitalConstruction
	parentUrl = Squad/Contracts/PrebuiltCraft/RepairContract/repairContractCraft.cfg
			url = GameData/Squad/Contracts/PreBuiltCraft/RepairContract/Repair Contract Sat 1.craft
			AllowGround = False
			AllowOrbit = True
			AllowWater = False
			UsePreBuiltPos = False
			brokenParts = true
			ContractType = VesselRepair
			url = GameData/Squad/Contracts/PreBuiltCraft/RepairContract/Repair Contract Sat 2.craft
			AllowGround = False
			AllowOrbit = True
			AllowWater = False
			UsePreBuiltPos = False
			brokenParts = true
			ContractType = VesselRepair
			url = GameData/Squad/Contracts/PreBuiltCraft/RepairContract/Repair Contract Sat 3.craft
			AllowGround = False
			AllowOrbit = True
			AllowWater = False
			UsePreBuiltPos = False
			brokenParts = true
			ContractType = VesselRepair
			url = GameData/Squad/Contracts/PreBuiltCraft/RepairContract/Repair Contract Sat 4.craft
			AllowGround = False
			AllowOrbit = True
			AllowWater = False
			UsePreBuiltPos = False
			brokenParts = true
			ContractType = VesselRepair
			url = GameData/Squad/Contracts/PreBuiltCraft/RepairContract/Repair Contract Sat 5.craft
			AllowGround = False
			AllowOrbit = True
			AllowWater = False
			UsePreBuiltPos = False
			brokenParts = true
			ContractType = VesselRepair
			url = GameData/Squad/Contracts/PreBuiltCraft/RepairContract/Repair Contract Sat 6.craft
			AllowGround = False
			AllowOrbit = True
			AllowWater = False
			UsePreBuiltPos = False
			brokenParts = true
			ContractType = VesselRepair
			url = GameData/Squad/Contracts/PreBuiltCraft/RepairContract/Repair Contract Sat 7.craft
			AllowGround = False
			AllowOrbit = True
			AllowWater = False
			UsePreBuiltPos = False
			brokenParts = true
			ContractType = VesselRepair
			url = GameData/Squad/Contracts/PreBuiltCraft/RepairContract/Repair Contract Sat 8.craft
			AllowGround = False
			AllowOrbit = True
			AllowWater = False
			UsePreBuiltPos = False
			brokenParts = true
			ContractType = VesselRepair
			url = GameData/Squad/Contracts/PreBuiltCraft/RepairContract/Repair Contract Sat 9.craft
			AllowGround = False
			AllowOrbit = True
			AllowWater = False
			UsePreBuiltPos = False
			brokenParts = true
			ContractType = VesselRepair
			url = GameData/Squad/Contracts/PreBuiltCraft/RepairContract/Repair Contract Sat 10.craft
			AllowGround = False
			AllowOrbit = True
			AllowWater = False
			UsePreBuiltPos = False
			brokenParts = true
			ContractType = VesselRepair
			url = GameData/Squad/Contracts/PreBuiltCraft/RepairContract/Repair Contract Sat 11.craft
			AllowGround = False
			AllowOrbit = True
			AllowWater = False
			UsePreBuiltPos = False
			brokenParts = true
			ContractType = VesselRepair
	parentUrl = Squad/Contracts/PrebuiltCraft/RoverContract/roverContractCraft.cfg
			url = GameData/Squad/Contracts/PreBuiltCraft/RoverContract/Contract Rover 1a.craft
			AllowGround = True
			AllowOrbit = False
			AllowWater = False
			UsePreBuiltPos = True
			ContractType = RoverConstruction
			url = GameData/Squad/Contracts/PreBuiltCraft/RoverContract/Contract Rover 1b.craft
			AllowGround = True
			AllowOrbit = False
			AllowWater = False
			UsePreBuiltPos = True
			ContractType = RoverConstruction
			url = GameData/Squad/Contracts/PreBuiltCraft/RoverContract/Contract Rover 1c.craft
			AllowGround = True
			AllowOrbit = False
			AllowWater = False
			UsePreBuiltPos = True
			ContractType = RoverConstruction
			url = GameData/Squad/Contracts/PreBuiltCraft/RoverContract/Contract Rover 2a.craft
			AllowGround = True
			AllowOrbit = False
			AllowWater = False
			UsePreBuiltPos = True
			ContractType = RoverConstruction
			url = GameData/Squad/Contracts/PreBuiltCraft/RoverContract/Contract Rover 2b.craft
			AllowGround = True
			AllowOrbit = False
			AllowWater = False
			UsePreBuiltPos = True
			ContractType = RoverConstruction
			url = GameData/Squad/Contracts/PreBuiltCraft/RoverContract/Contract Rover 2c.craft
			AllowGround = True
			AllowOrbit = False
			AllowWater = False
			UsePreBuiltPos = True
			ContractType = RoverConstruction
			url = GameData/Squad/Contracts/PreBuiltCraft/RoverContract/Contract Rover 3a.craft
			AllowGround = True
			AllowOrbit = False
			AllowWater = False
			UsePreBuiltPos = True
			ContractType = RoverConstruction
			url = GameData/Squad/Contracts/PreBuiltCraft/RoverContract/Contract Rover 3b.craft
			AllowGround = True
			AllowOrbit = False
			AllowWater = False
			UsePreBuiltPos = True
			ContractType = RoverConstruction
			url = GameData/Squad/Contracts/PreBuiltCraft/RoverContract/Contract Rover 3c.craft
			AllowGround = True
			AllowOrbit = False
			AllowWater = False
			UsePreBuiltPos = True
			ContractType = RoverConstruction
			url = GameData/Squad/Contracts/PreBuiltCraft/RoverContract/Contract Rover 4a.craft
			AllowGround = True
			AllowOrbit = False
			AllowWater = False
			UsePreBuiltPos = True
			ContractType = RoverConstruction
			url = GameData/Squad/Contracts/PreBuiltCraft/RoverContract/Contract Rover 4b.craft
			AllowGround = True
			AllowOrbit = False
			AllowWater = False
			UsePreBuiltPos = True
			ContractType = RoverConstruction
			url = GameData/Squad/Contracts/PreBuiltCraft/RoverContract/Contract Rover 4c.craft
			AllowGround = True
			AllowOrbit = False
			AllowWater = False
			UsePreBuiltPos = True
			ContractType = RoverConstruction
			url = GameData/Squad/Contracts/PreBuiltCraft/RoverContract/Contract Rover 5a.craft
			AllowGround = True
			AllowOrbit = False
			AllowWater = False
			UsePreBuiltPos = True
			ContractType = RoverConstruction
			url = GameData/Squad/Contracts/PreBuiltCraft/RoverContract/Contract Rover 5b.craft
			AllowGround = True
			AllowOrbit = False
			AllowWater = False
			UsePreBuiltPos = True
			ContractType = RoverConstruction
			url = GameData/Squad/Contracts/PreBuiltCraft/RoverContract/Contract Rover 5c.craft
			AllowGround = True
			AllowOrbit = False
			AllowWater = False
			UsePreBuiltPos = True
			ContractType = RoverConstruction
			url = GameData/Squad/Contracts/PreBuiltCraft/RoverContract/Contract Rover 6a.craft
			AllowGround = True
			AllowOrbit = False
			AllowWater = False
			UsePreBuiltPos = True
			ContractType = RoverConstruction
			url = GameData/Squad/Contracts/PreBuiltCraft/RoverContract/Contract Rover 6b.craft
			AllowGround = True
			AllowOrbit = False
			AllowWater = False
			UsePreBuiltPos = True
			ContractType = RoverConstruction
			url = GameData/Squad/Contracts/PreBuiltCraft/RoverContract/Contract Rover 7a.craft
			AllowGround = True
			AllowOrbit = False
			AllowWater = False
			UsePreBuiltPos = True
			ContractType = RoverConstruction
			url = GameData/Squad/Contracts/PreBuiltCraft/RoverContract/Contract Rover 7b.craft
			AllowGround = True
			AllowOrbit = False
			AllowWater = False
			UsePreBuiltPos = True
			ContractType = RoverConstruction
			url = GameData/Squad/Contracts/PreBuiltCraft/RoverContract/Contract Rover 8a.craft
			AllowGround = True
			AllowOrbit = False
			AllowWater = False
			UsePreBuiltPos = True
			ContractType = RoverConstruction
			url = GameData/Squad/Contracts/PreBuiltCraft/RoverContract/Contract Rover 8b.craft
			AllowGround = True
			AllowOrbit = False
			AllowWater = False
			UsePreBuiltPos = True
			ContractType = RoverConstruction
			url = GameData/Squad/Contracts/PreBuiltCraft/RoverContract/Contract Rover 8c.craft
			AllowGround = True
			AllowOrbit = False
			AllowWater = False
			UsePreBuiltPos = True
			ContractType = RoverConstruction
			url = GameData/Squad/Contracts/PreBuiltCraft/RoverContract/Contract Rover 9a.craft
			AllowGround = True
			AllowOrbit = False
			AllowWater = False
			UsePreBuiltPos = True
			ContractType = RoverConstruction
			url = GameData/Squad/Contracts/PreBuiltCraft/RoverContract/Contract Rover 9b.craft
			AllowGround = True
			AllowOrbit = False
			AllowWater = False
			UsePreBuiltPos = True
			ContractType = RoverConstruction
			url = GameData/Squad/Contracts/PreBuiltCraft/RoverContract/Contract Rover 10a.craft
			AllowGround = True
			AllowOrbit = False
			AllowWater = False
			UsePreBuiltPos = True
			ContractType = RoverConstruction
			url = GameData/Squad/Contracts/PreBuiltCraft/RoverContract/Contract Rover 10b.craft
			AllowGround = True
			AllowOrbit = False
			AllowWater = False
			UsePreBuiltPos = True
			ContractType = RoverConstruction
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Azerty.cfg
		name = French AZERTY Keyboard
		layout = AZERTY
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Azerty.cfg
		primary = Z
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = 5
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Azerty.cfg
		primary = S
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = 5
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Azerty.cfg
		primary = Q
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = 5
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Azerty.cfg
		primary = D
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = 5
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Azerty.cfg
		primary = A
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Azerty.cfg
		primary = E
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Azerty.cfg
		primary = LeftShift
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = 1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Azerty.cfg
		primary = LeftControl
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = 1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Azerty.cfg
		primary = F
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Azerty.cfg
		primary = T
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Azerty.cfg
		primary = Space
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = 1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Azerty.cfg
		primary = Space
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = 6
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Azerty.cfg
		primary = C
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Azerty.cfg
		primary = V
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Azerty.cfg
		primary = Escape
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Azerty.cfg
		primary = CapsLock
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
			primary = Return
			secondary = None
			group = 0
			modeMask = -1
			modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Azerty.cfg
		primary = KeypadPlus
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Azerty.cfg
		primary = KeypadMinus
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Azerty.cfg
		primary = PageUp
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Azerty.cfg
		primary = PageDown
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Azerty.cfg
		primary = Home
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Azerty.cfg
		primary = End
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Azerty.cfg
		primary = UpArrow
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Azerty.cfg
		primary = DownArrow
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Azerty.cfg
		primary = LeftArrow
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Azerty.cfg
		primary = RightArrow
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Azerty.cfg
		primary = Quote
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
			primary = At
			secondary = None
			group = 0
			modeMask = -1
			modeMaskSec = -1
			primary = ²
			secondary = None
			group = 0
			modeMask = -1
			modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Azerty.cfg
		primary = Backslash
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Azerty.cfg
		primary = Slash
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
			primary = :
			secondary = None
			group = 0
			modeMask = -1
			modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Azerty.cfg
		primary = Period
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
			primary = Semicolon
			secondary = None
			group = 0
			modeMask = -1
			modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Azerty.cfg
		primary = BackQuote
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
			primary = 163
			secondary = None
			group = 0
			modeMask = -1
			modeMaskSec = -1
			primary = !
			secondary = None
			group = 0
			modeMask = -1
			modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Azerty.cfg
		primary = M
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Azerty.cfg
		primary = KeypadPeriod
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Azerty.cfg
		primary = Insert
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Azerty.cfg
		primary = Delete
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Azerty.cfg
		primary = I
		secondary = Z
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = 2
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Azerty.cfg
		primary = K
		secondary = S
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = 2
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Azerty.cfg
		primary = J
		secondary = Q
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = 2
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Azerty.cfg
		primary = L
		secondary = D
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = 2
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Azerty.cfg
		primary = H
		secondary = LeftShift
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = 6
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Azerty.cfg
		primary = N
		secondary = LeftControl
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = 6
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Azerty.cfg
		primary = R
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Azerty.cfg
		primary = Semicolon
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
			primary = Dollar
			secondary = None
			group = 0
			modeMask = -1
			modeMaskSec = -1
			primary = $
			secondary = None
			group = 0
			modeMask = -1
			modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Azerty.cfg
		primary = RightBracket
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
			primary = Carret
			secondary = None
			group = 0
			modeMask = -1
			modeMaskSec = -1
			primary = ^
			secondary = None
			group = 0
			modeMask = -1
			modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Azerty.cfg
		primary = F2
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Azerty.cfg
		primary = F3
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Azerty.cfg
		primary = F1
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Azerty.cfg
		primary = F4
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Azerty.cfg
		primary = F10
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Azerty.cfg
		primary = F11
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Azerty.cfg
		primary = F12
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Azerty.cfg
		primary = F5
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Azerty.cfg
		primary = F9
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Azerty.cfg
		primary = X
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Azerty.cfg
		primary = W
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Azerty.cfg
		primary = G
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Azerty.cfg
		primary = U
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Azerty.cfg
		primary = B
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Azerty.cfg
		primary = ScrollLock
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Azerty.cfg
		primary = None
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Azerty.cfg
		primary = Q
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = 5
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Azerty.cfg
		primary = D
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = 5
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Azerty.cfg
		primary = S
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = 5
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Azerty.cfg
		primary = Z
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = 5
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Azerty.cfg
		primary = Z
		secondary = None
		group = 268435456
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Azerty.cfg
		primary = S
		secondary = None
		group = 268435456
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Azerty.cfg
		primary = Q
		secondary = None
		group = 268435456
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Azerty.cfg
		primary = D
		secondary = None
		group = 268435456
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Azerty.cfg
		primary = A
		secondary = None
		group = 268435456
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Azerty.cfg
		primary = E
		secondary = None
		group = 268435456
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Azerty.cfg
		primary = Z
		secondary = None
		group = 268435456
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Azerty.cfg
		primary = S
		secondary = None
		group = 268435456
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Azerty.cfg
		primary = Q
		secondary = None
		group = 268435456
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Azerty.cfg
		primary = D
		secondary = None
		group = 268435456
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Azerty.cfg
		primary = LeftShift
		secondary = None
		group = 268435456
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Azerty.cfg
		primary = LeftControl
		secondary = None
		group = 268435456
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Azerty.cfg
		primary = Space
		secondary = None
		group = 268435456
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Azerty.cfg
		primary = LeftShift
		secondary = None
		group = 268435456
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Azerty.cfg
		primary = LeftAlt
		secondary = None
		group = 268435456
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
			primary = RightShift
			secondary = None
			group = 268435456
			modeMask = -1
			modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Azerty.cfg
		primary = R
		secondary = None
		group = 268435456
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Azerty.cfg
		primary = F
		secondary = None
		group = 268435456
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Azerty.cfg
		primary = B
		secondary = None
		group = 268435456
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Azerty.cfg
		primary = Space
		secondary = None
		group = 268435456
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Azerty.cfg
		primary = U
		secondary = None
		group = 268435456
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Azerty.cfg
		primary = P
		secondary = None
		group = 268435456
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Azerty.cfg
		primary = S
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Azerty.cfg
		primary = Z
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Azerty.cfg
		primary = Q
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Azerty.cfg
		primary = D
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Azerty.cfg
		primary = A
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Azerty.cfg
		primary = E
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Azerty.cfg
		primary = Space
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Azerty.cfg
		primary = Alpha1
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
			primary = Ampersand
			secondary = None
			group = 0
			modeMask = -1
			modeMaskSec = -1
			primary = &
			secondary = None
			group = 0
			modeMask = -1
			modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Azerty.cfg
		primary = Alpha2
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
			primary = 160
			secondary = None
			group = 0
			modeMask = -1
			modeMaskSec = -1
			primary = É
			secondary = None
			group = 0
			modeMask = -1
			modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Azerty.cfg
		primary = Alpha3
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
			primary = DoubleQuote
			secondary = None
			group = 0
			modeMask = -1
			modeMaskSec = -1
			primary = "
			secondary = None
			group = 0
			modeMask = -1
			modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Azerty.cfg
		primary = Alpha4
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
			primary = Quote
			secondary = None
			group = 0
			modeMask = -1
			modeMaskSec = -1
			primary = '
			secondary = None
			group = 0
			modeMask = -1
			modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Azerty.cfg
		primary = F
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Azerty.cfg
		primary = R
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Azerty.cfg
		primary = X
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Azerty.cfg
		primary = C
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Azerty.cfg
		primary = LeftShift
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Azerty.cfg
		primary = Quote
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
			primary = At
			secondary = None
			group = 0
			modeMask = -1
			modeMaskSec = -1
			primary = ²
			secondary = None
			group = 0
			modeMask = -1
			modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Azerty.cfg
		primary = LeftShift
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
			primary = LeftCommand
			secondary = None
			group = 0
			modeMask = -1
			modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Azerty.cfg
		primary = LeftAlt
		secondary = RightAlt
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
			primary = RightShift
			secondary = None
			group = 0
			modeMask = -1
			modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Azerty.cfg
		primary = Backspace
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Azerty.cfg
		primary = Alpha1
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
			primary = Ampersand
			secondary = None
			group = 0
			modeMask = -1
			modeMaskSec = -1
			primary = &
			secondary = None
			group = 0
			modeMask = -1
			modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Azerty.cfg
		primary = Alpha2
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
			primary = 160
			secondary = None
			group = 0
			modeMask = -1
			modeMaskSec = -1
			primary = É
			secondary = None
			group = 0
			modeMask = -1
			modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Azerty.cfg
		primary = Alpha3
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
			primary = DoubleQuote
			secondary = None
			group = 0
			modeMask = -1
			modeMaskSec = -1
			primary = "
			secondary = None
			group = 0
			modeMask = -1
			modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Azerty.cfg
		primary = Alpha4
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
			primary = Quote
			secondary = None
			group = 0
			modeMask = -1
			modeMaskSec = -1
			primary = '
			secondary = None
			group = 0
			modeMask = -1
			modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Azerty.cfg
		primary = Alpha5
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
			primary = LeftParen
			secondary = None
			group = 0
			modeMask = -1
			modeMaskSec = -1
			primary = (
			secondary = None
			group = 0
			modeMask = -1
			modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Azerty.cfg
		primary = Alpha6
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
			primary = 161
			secondary = None
			group = 0
			modeMask = -1
			modeMaskSec = -1
			primary = -
			secondary = None
			group = 0
			modeMask = -1
			modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Azerty.cfg
		primary = Alpha7
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
			primary = 163
			secondary = None
			group = 0
			modeMask = -1
			modeMaskSec = -1
			primary = È
			secondary = None
			group = 0
			modeMask = -1
			modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Azerty.cfg
		primary = Alpha8
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
			primary = Exclaim
			secondary = None
			group = 0
			modeMask = -1
			modeMaskSec = -1
			primary = _
			secondary = None
			group = 0
			modeMask = -1
			modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Azerty.cfg
		primary = Alpha9
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
			primary = 162
			secondary = None
			group = 0
			modeMask = -1
			modeMaskSec = -1
			primary = Ç
			secondary = None
			group = 0
			modeMask = -1
			modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Azerty.cfg
		primary = Alpha0
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
			primary = 164
			secondary = None
			group = 0
			modeMask = -1
			modeMaskSec = -1
			primary = À
			secondary = None
			group = 0
			modeMask = -1
			modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Azerty.cfg
		Quote = ²
		LeftBracket = )
		Equals = =
		RightBracket = ^
		Semicolon = $
		BackQuote = Ù
		Backslash = *
		Comma = ,
		Minus = -
		Period = ;
		Slash = :
		Less = <
		Plus = +
			163 = Ù
			BackQuote = `
			Carret = ^
			Dollar = $
			At = ²
			Ampersand = Alpha1
			160 = Alpha2
			DoubleQuote = Alpha3
			Quote = Alpha4
			LeftParen = Alpha5
			161 = Alpha6
			163 = Alpha7
			Exclaim = Alpha8
			162 = Alpha9
			164 = Alpha0
			RightParen = )
			Quote = '
			Minus = -
			Semicolon = ;
			& = Alpha1
			É = Alpha2
			" = Alpha3
			' = Alpha4
			( = Alpha5
			- = Alpha6
			È = Alpha7
			_ = Alpha8
			Ç = Alpha9
			À = Alpha0
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Dvorak.cfg
		name = US Dvorak Keyboard
		layout = Dvorak
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Dvorak.cfg
		primary = Comma
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = 5
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Dvorak.cfg
		primary = O
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = 5
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Dvorak.cfg
		primary = A
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = 5
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Dvorak.cfg
		primary = E
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = 5
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Dvorak.cfg
		primary = Quote
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Dvorak.cfg
		primary = Period
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Dvorak.cfg
		primary = LeftShift
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = 1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Dvorak.cfg
		primary = LeftControl
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = 1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Dvorak.cfg
		primary = U
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Dvorak.cfg
		primary = Y
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Dvorak.cfg
		primary = Space
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = 1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Dvorak.cfg
		primary = Space
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = 6
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Dvorak.cfg
		primary = J
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Dvorak.cfg
		primary = K
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Dvorak.cfg
		primary = Escape
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Dvorak.cfg
		primary = CapsLock
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
			primary = Return
			secondary = None
			group = 0
			modeMask = -1
			modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Dvorak.cfg
		primary = KeypadPlus
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Dvorak.cfg
		primary = KeypadMinus
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Dvorak.cfg
		primary = PageUp
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Dvorak.cfg
		primary = PageDown
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Dvorak.cfg
		primary = Home
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Dvorak.cfg
		primary = End
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Dvorak.cfg
		primary = UpArrow
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Dvorak.cfg
		primary = DownArrow
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Dvorak.cfg
		primary = LeftArrow
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Dvorak.cfg
		primary = RightArrow
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Dvorak.cfg
		primary = BackQuote
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Dvorak.cfg
		primary = Backslash
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Dvorak.cfg
		primary = V
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Dvorak.cfg
		primary = W
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Dvorak.cfg
		primary = Z
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Dvorak.cfg
		primary = M
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Dvorak.cfg
		primary = KeypadPeriod
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Dvorak.cfg
		primary = Insert
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Dvorak.cfg
		primary = Delete
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Dvorak.cfg
		primary = C
		secondary = Comma
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = 2
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Dvorak.cfg
		primary = T
		secondary = O
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = 2
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Dvorak.cfg
		primary = H
		secondary = A
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = 2
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Dvorak.cfg
		primary = N
		secondary = E
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = 2
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Dvorak.cfg
		primary = D
		secondary = LeftShift
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = 6
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Dvorak.cfg
		primary = B
		secondary = LeftControl
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = 6
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Dvorak.cfg
		primary = P
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Dvorak.cfg
		primary = Equals
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Dvorak.cfg
		primary = Slash
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Dvorak.cfg
		primary = F2
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Dvorak.cfg
		primary = F3
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Dvorak.cfg
		primary = F1
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Dvorak.cfg
		primary = F4
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Dvorak.cfg
		primary = F10
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Dvorak.cfg
		primary = F11
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Dvorak.cfg
		primary = F12
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Dvorak.cfg
		primary = F5
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Dvorak.cfg
		primary = F9
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Dvorak.cfg
		primary = Q
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Dvorak.cfg
		primary = Semicolon
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Dvorak.cfg
		primary = I
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Dvorak.cfg
		primary = G
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Dvorak.cfg
		primary = X
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Dvorak.cfg
		primary = ScrollLock
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Dvorak.cfg
		primary = None
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Dvorak.cfg
		primary = A
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = 5
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Dvorak.cfg
		primary = E
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = 5
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Dvorak.cfg
		primary = O
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = 5
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Dvorak.cfg
		primary = Comma
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = 5
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Dvorak.cfg
		primary = Comma
		secondary = None
		group = 268435456
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Dvorak.cfg
		primary = O
		secondary = None
		group = 268435456
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Dvorak.cfg
		primary = A
		secondary = None
		group = 268435456
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Dvorak.cfg
		primary = E
		secondary = None
		group = 268435456
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Dvorak.cfg
		primary = Quote
		secondary = None
		group = 268435456
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Dvorak.cfg
		primary = Period
		secondary = None
		group = 268435456
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Dvorak.cfg
		primary = Comma
		secondary = None
		group = 268435456
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Dvorak.cfg
		primary = O
		secondary = None
		group = 268435456
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Dvorak.cfg
		primary = A
		secondary = None
		group = 268435456
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Dvorak.cfg
		primary = E
		secondary = None
		group = 268435456
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Dvorak.cfg
		primary = LeftShift
		secondary = None
		group = 268435456
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Dvorak.cfg
		primary = LeftControl
		secondary = None
		group = 268435456
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Dvorak.cfg
		primary = Space
		secondary = None
		group = 268435456
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Dvorak.cfg
		primary = LeftShift
		secondary = None
		group = 268435456
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Dvorak.cfg
		primary = LeftAlt
		secondary = None
		group = 268435456
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
			primary = RightShift
			secondary = None
			group = 268435456
			modeMask = -1
			modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Dvorak.cfg
		primary = P
		secondary = None
		group = 268435456
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Dvorak.cfg
		primary = U
		secondary = None
		group = 268435456
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Dvorak.cfg
		primary = X
		secondary = None
		group = 268435456
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Dvorak.cfg
		primary = Space
		secondary = None
		group = 268435456
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Dvorak.cfg
		primary = G
		secondary = None
		group = 268435456
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Dvorak.cfg
		primary = R
		secondary = None
		group = 268435456
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Dvorak.cfg
		primary = O
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Dvorak.cfg
		primary = Comma
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Dvorak.cfg
		primary = A
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Dvorak.cfg
		primary = E
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Dvorak.cfg
		primary = Quote
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Dvorak.cfg
		primary = Period
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Dvorak.cfg
		primary = Space
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Dvorak.cfg
		primary = Alpha1
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Dvorak.cfg
		primary = Alpha2
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Dvorak.cfg
		primary = Alpha3
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Dvorak.cfg
		primary = Alpha4
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Dvorak.cfg
		primary = U
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Dvorak.cfg
		primary = P
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Dvorak.cfg
		primary = Q
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Dvorak.cfg
		primary = J
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Dvorak.cfg
		primary = LeftShift
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Dvorak.cfg
		primary = BackQuote
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Dvorak.cfg
		primary = LeftShift
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
			primary = LeftCommand
			secondary = None
			group = 0
			modeMask = -1
			modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Dvorak.cfg
		primary = LeftAlt
		secondary = RightAlt
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
			primary = RightShift
			secondary = None
			group = 0
			modeMask = -1
			modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Dvorak.cfg
		primary = Backspace
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Dvorak.cfg
		primary = Alpha1
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Dvorak.cfg
		primary = Alpha2
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Dvorak.cfg
		primary = Alpha3
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Dvorak.cfg
		primary = Alpha4
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Dvorak.cfg
		primary = Alpha5
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Dvorak.cfg
		primary = Alpha6
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Dvorak.cfg
		primary = Alpha7
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Dvorak.cfg
		primary = Alpha8
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Dvorak.cfg
		primary = Alpha9
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Dvorak.cfg
		primary = Alpha0
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Dvorak.cfg
		Exclaim = !
		DoubleQuote = "
		Hash = #
		Dollar = $
		Ampersand = &
		Quote = '
		LeftParen = (
		RightParen = )
		Asterisk = *
		Plus = +
		Comma = ,
		Minus = -
		Period = .
		Slash = /
		Colon = :
		Semicolon = ;
		Less = <
		Equals = =
		Greater = >
		Question = ?
		At = @
		LeftBracket = [
		Backslash = \
		RightBracket = ]
		Caret = ^
		Underscore = _
		BackQuote = `
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwerty.cfg
		name = US Keyboard
		layout = QWERTY
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwerty.cfg
		primary = W
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = 5
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwerty.cfg
		primary = S
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = 5
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwerty.cfg
		primary = A
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = 5
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwerty.cfg
		primary = D
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = 5
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwerty.cfg
		primary = Q
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwerty.cfg
		primary = E
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwerty.cfg
		primary = LeftShift
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = 1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwerty.cfg
		primary = LeftControl
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = 1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwerty.cfg
		primary = F
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwerty.cfg
		primary = T
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwerty.cfg
		primary = Space
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = 1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwerty.cfg
		primary = Space
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = 6
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwerty.cfg
		primary = C
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwerty.cfg
		primary = V
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwerty.cfg
		primary = Escape
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwerty.cfg
		primary = CapsLock
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
			primary = Return
			secondary = None
			group = 0
			modeMask = -1
			modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwerty.cfg
		primary = KeypadPlus
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwerty.cfg
		primary = KeypadMinus
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwerty.cfg
		primary = PageUp
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwerty.cfg
		primary = PageDown
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwerty.cfg
		primary = Home
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwerty.cfg
		primary = End
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwerty.cfg
		primary = UpArrow
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwerty.cfg
		primary = DownArrow
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwerty.cfg
		primary = LeftArrow
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwerty.cfg
		primary = RightArrow
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwerty.cfg
		primary = BackQuote
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwerty.cfg
		primary = Backslash
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwerty.cfg
		primary = Period
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwerty.cfg
		primary = Comma
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwerty.cfg
		primary = Slash
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwerty.cfg
		primary = M
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwerty.cfg
		primary = KeypadPeriod
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwerty.cfg
		primary = Insert
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwerty.cfg
		primary = Delete
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwerty.cfg
		primary = I
		secondary = W
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = 2
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwerty.cfg
		primary = K
		secondary = S
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = 2
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwerty.cfg
		primary = J
		secondary = A
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = 2
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwerty.cfg
		primary = L
		secondary = D
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = 2
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwerty.cfg
		primary = H
		secondary = LeftShift
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = 6
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwerty.cfg
		primary = N
		secondary = LeftControl
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = 6
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwerty.cfg
		primary = R
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwerty.cfg
		primary = RightBracket
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwerty.cfg
		primary = LeftBracket
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwerty.cfg
		primary = F2
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwerty.cfg
		primary = F3
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwerty.cfg
		primary = F1
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwerty.cfg
		primary = F4
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwerty.cfg
		primary = F10
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwerty.cfg
		primary = F11
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwerty.cfg
		primary = F12
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwerty.cfg
		primary = F5
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwerty.cfg
		primary = F9
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwerty.cfg
		primary = X
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwerty.cfg
		primary = Z
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwerty.cfg
		primary = G
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwerty.cfg
		primary = U
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwerty.cfg
		primary = B
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwerty.cfg
		primary = ScrollLock
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwerty.cfg
		primary = None
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwerty.cfg
		primary = A
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = 5
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwerty.cfg
		primary = D
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = 5
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwerty.cfg
		primary = S
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = 5
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwerty.cfg
		primary = W
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = 5
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwerty.cfg
		primary = W
		secondary = None
		group = 268435456
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwerty.cfg
		primary = S
		secondary = None
		group = 268435456
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwerty.cfg
		primary = A
		secondary = None
		group = 268435456
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwerty.cfg
		primary = D
		secondary = None
		group = 268435456
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwerty.cfg
		primary = Q
		secondary = None
		group = 268435456
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwerty.cfg
		primary = E
		secondary = None
		group = 268435456
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwerty.cfg
		primary = W
		secondary = None
		group = 268435456
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwerty.cfg
		primary = S
		secondary = None
		group = 268435456
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwerty.cfg
		primary = A
		secondary = None
		group = 268435456
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwerty.cfg
		primary = D
		secondary = None
		group = 268435456
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwerty.cfg
		primary = LeftShift
		secondary = None
		group = 268435456
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwerty.cfg
		primary = LeftControl
		secondary = None
		group = 268435456
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwerty.cfg
		primary = Space
		secondary = None
		group = 268435456
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwerty.cfg
		primary = LeftShift
		secondary = None
		group = 268435456
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwerty.cfg
		primary = LeftAlt
		secondary = None
		group = 268435456
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
			primary = RightShift
			secondary = None
			group = 268435456
			modeMask = -1
			modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwerty.cfg
		primary = R
		secondary = None
		group = 268435456
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwerty.cfg
		primary = F
		secondary = None
		group = 268435456
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwerty.cfg
		primary = B
		secondary = None
		group = 268435456
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwerty.cfg
		primary = Space
		secondary = None
		group = 268435456
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwerty.cfg
		primary = U
		secondary = None
		group = 268435456
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwerty.cfg
		primary = P
		secondary = None
		group = 268435456
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwerty.cfg
		primary = S
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwerty.cfg
		primary = W
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwerty.cfg
		primary = A
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwerty.cfg
		primary = D
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwerty.cfg
		primary = Q
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwerty.cfg
		primary = E
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwerty.cfg
		primary = Space
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwerty.cfg
		primary = Alpha1
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwerty.cfg
		primary = Alpha2
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwerty.cfg
		primary = Alpha3
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwerty.cfg
		primary = Alpha4
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwerty.cfg
		primary = F
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwerty.cfg
		primary = R
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwerty.cfg
		primary = X
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwerty.cfg
		primary = C
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwerty.cfg
		primary = LeftShift
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwerty.cfg
		primary = BackQuote
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwerty.cfg
		primary = LeftShift
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
			primary = LeftCommand
			secondary = None
			group = 0
			modeMask = -1
			modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwerty.cfg
		primary = LeftAlt
		secondary = RightAlt
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
			primary = RightShift
			secondary = None
			group = 0
			modeMask = -1
			modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwerty.cfg
		primary = Backspace
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwerty.cfg
		primary = Alpha1
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwerty.cfg
		primary = Alpha2
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwerty.cfg
		primary = Alpha3
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwerty.cfg
		primary = Alpha4
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwerty.cfg
		primary = Alpha5
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwerty.cfg
		primary = Alpha6
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwerty.cfg
		primary = Alpha7
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwerty.cfg
		primary = Alpha8
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwerty.cfg
		primary = Alpha9
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwerty.cfg
		primary = Alpha0
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwerty.cfg
		Exclaim = !
		DoubleQuote = "
		Hash = #
		Dollar = $
		Ampersand = &
		Quote = '
		LeftParen = (
		RightParen = )
		Asterisk = *
		Plus = +
		Comma = ,
		Minus = -
		Period = .
		Slash = /
		Colon = :
		Semicolon = ;
		Less = <
		Equals = =
		Greater = >
		Question = ?
		At = @
		LeftBracket = [
		Backslash = \
		RightBracket = ]
		Caret = ^
		Underscore = _
		BackQuote = `
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwerty_en-GB.cfg
		name = UK Keyboard
		layout = QWERTY
		dependency = Qwerty.cfg
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwerty_en-GB.cfg
		Quote = #
		BackQuote = '
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwerty_es-LA.cfg
		name = Latin American Keyboard
		layout = QWERTY
		dependency = Qwerty.cfg
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwerty_es-LA.cfg
		primary = Slash
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
			primary = 164
			secondary = None
			group = 0
			modeMask = -1
			modeMaskSec = -1
			primary = Ç
			secondary = None
			group = 0
			modeMask = -1
			modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwerty_es-LA.cfg
		primary = Minus
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwerty_es-LA.cfg
		primary = Equals
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
			primary = +
			secondary = None
			group = 0
			modeMask = -1
			modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwerty_es-LA.cfg
		primary = Semicolon
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
			primary = BlackQuote
			secondary = None
			group = 0
			modeMask = -1
			modeMaskSec = -1
			primary = `
			secondary = None
			group = 0
			modeMask = -1
			modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwerty_es-LA.cfg
		primary = Backslash
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
			primary = 160
			secondary = None
			group = 0
			modeMask = -1
			modeMaskSec = -1
			primary = º
			secondary = None
			group = 0
			modeMask = -1
			modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwerty_es-LA.cfg
		primary = Backslash
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
			primary = 160
			secondary = None
			group = 0
			modeMask = -1
			modeMaskSec = -1
			primary = º
			secondary = None
			group = 0
			modeMask = -1
			modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwerty_es-LA.cfg
		Backslash = |
		LeftBracket = '
		RightBracket = ¿
		Semicolon = ´
		Equals = +
		Slash = ]
		Quote = [
		BackQuote = Ñ
			160 = |
			Quote = '
			161 = ¿
			BlackQuote = ´
			163 = Ñ
			162 = [
			164 = ]
			Quote = '
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwerty_it-IT.cfg
		name = Italian Keyboard 105
		layout = QWERTY
		dependency = Qwerty.cfg
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwerty_it-IT.cfg
		primary = Equals
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
			primary = +
			secondary = None
			group = 0
			modeMask = -1
			modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwerty_it-IT.cfg
		primary = Semicolon
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
			primary = BackQuote
			secondary = None
			group = 0
			modeMask = -1
			modeMaskSec = -1
			primary = È
			secondary = None
			group = 0
			modeMask = -1
			modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwerty_it-IT.cfg
		primary = Slash
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
			primary = 164
			secondary = None
			group = 0
			modeMask = -1
			modeMaskSec = -1
			primary = Ù
			secondary = None
			group = 0
			modeMask = -1
			modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwerty_it-IT.cfg
		primary = Minus
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwerty_it-IT.cfg
		primary = Backslash
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwerty_it-IT.cfg
		primary = Backslash
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwerty_it-IT.cfg
		LeftBracket = '
		RightBracket = Ì
		Semicolon = È
		Equals = +
		BackQuote = Ò
		Quote = À
		Slash = Ù
			160 = \
			Quote = '
			161 = Ì
			BackQuote = È
			163 = Ò
			162 = À
			164 = Ù
			Quote = '
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwerty_ja-JP.cfg
		name = Japanese 109 Keyboard
		layout = QWERTY
		dependency = Qwerty.cfg
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwerty_ja-JP.cfg
		primary = LeftBracket
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
			primary = BackQuote
			secondary = None
			group = 0
			modeMask = -1
			modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwerty_ja-JP.cfg
		primary = BackQuote
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
			primary = @
			secondary = None
			group = 0
			modeMask = -1
			modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwerty_ja-JP.cfg
		primary = RightControl
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwerty_ja-JP.cfg
		primary = RightBracket
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
			primary = Plus
			secondary = None
			group = 0
			modeMask = -1
			modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwerty_ja-JP.cfg
		primary = BackQuote
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
			primary = <
			secondary = None
			group = 0
			modeMask = -1
			modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwerty_ja-JP.cfg
		primary = BackQuote
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
			primary = <
			secondary = None
			group = 0
			modeMask = -1
			modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwerty_ja-JP.cfg
		Quote = ^
		BackQuote = @
		LeftBracket = [
		RightBracket = ]
		Semicolon = :
		Equals = ;
			160 = ยง
			Quote = -
			161 = =
			BackQuote = [
			Plus = ]
			163 = ;
			162 = '
			164 = \
			Minus = /
			Less = `
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwerty_pt-PT.cfg
		name = Italian Keyboard 105
		layout = QWERTY
		dependency = Qwerty.cfg
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwerty_pt-PT.cfg
		primary = Equals
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
			primary = +
			secondary = None
			group = 0
			modeMask = -1
			modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwerty_pt-PT.cfg
		primary = Semicolon
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
			primary = BackQuote
			secondary = None
			group = 0
			modeMask = -1
			modeMaskSec = -1
			primary = ´
			secondary = None
			group = 0
			modeMask = -1
			modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwerty_pt-PT.cfg
		primary = Slash
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
			primary = 164
			secondary = None
			group = 0
			modeMask = -1
			modeMaskSec = -1
			primary = ~
			secondary = None
			group = 0
			modeMask = -1
			modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwerty_pt-PT.cfg
		primary = Minus
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwerty_pt-PT.cfg
		primary = Backslash
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwerty_pt-PT.cfg
		primary = Backslash
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwerty_pt-PT.cfg
		BackQuote = Ç
		Quote = º
		Slash = ~
		LeftBracket = '
		RightBracket = «
		Semicolon = ´
		Equals = +
			160 = \
			161 = «
			163 = Ç
			162 = º
			164 = ~
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwertz.cfg
		name = German QWERTZ Keyboard
		layout = QWERTZ
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwertz.cfg
		primary = W
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = 5
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwertz.cfg
		primary = S
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = 5
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwertz.cfg
		primary = A
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = 5
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwertz.cfg
		primary = D
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = 5
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwertz.cfg
		primary = Q
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwertz.cfg
		primary = E
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwertz.cfg
		primary = LeftShift
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = 1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwertz.cfg
		primary = LeftControl
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = 1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwertz.cfg
		primary = F
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwertz.cfg
		primary = T
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwertz.cfg
		primary = Space
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = 1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwertz.cfg
		primary = Space
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = 6
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwertz.cfg
		primary = C
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwertz.cfg
		primary = V
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwertz.cfg
		primary = Escape
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwertz.cfg
		primary = CapsLock
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
			primary = Return
			secondary = None
			group = 0
			modeMask = -1
			modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwertz.cfg
		primary = KeypadPlus
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwertz.cfg
		primary = KeypadMinus
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwertz.cfg
		primary = PageUp
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwertz.cfg
		primary = PageDown
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwertz.cfg
		primary = Home
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwertz.cfg
		primary = End
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwertz.cfg
		primary = UpArrow
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwertz.cfg
		primary = DownArrow
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwertz.cfg
		primary = LeftArrow
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwertz.cfg
		primary = RightArrow
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwertz.cfg
		primary = Backslash
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
			primary = 160
			secondary = None
			group = 0
			modeMask = -1
			modeMaskSec = -1
			primary = ^
			secondary = None
			group = 0
			modeMask = -1
			modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwertz.cfg
		primary = Slash
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
			primary = 164
			secondary = None
			group = 0
			modeMask = -1
			modeMaskSec = -1
			primary = #
			secondary = None
			group = 0
			modeMask = -1
			modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwertz.cfg
		primary = Period
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwertz.cfg
		primary = Comma
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwertz.cfg
		primary = Minus
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwertz.cfg
		primary = M
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwertz.cfg
		primary = KeypadPeriod
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwertz.cfg
		primary = Insert
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwertz.cfg
		primary = Delete
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwertz.cfg
		primary = I
		secondary = W
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = 2
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwertz.cfg
		primary = K
		secondary = S
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = 2
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwertz.cfg
		primary = J
		secondary = A
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = 2
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwertz.cfg
		primary = L
		secondary = D
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = 2
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwertz.cfg
		primary = H
		secondary = LeftShift
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = 6
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwertz.cfg
		primary = N
		secondary = LeftControl
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = 6
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwertz.cfg
		primary = R
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwertz.cfg
		primary = Equals
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
			primary = +
			secondary = None
			group = 0
			modeMask = -1
			modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwertz.cfg
		primary = Semicolon
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
			primary = BackQuote
			secondary = None
			group = 0
			modeMask = -1
			modeMaskSec = -1
			primary = Ü
			secondary = None
			group = 0
			modeMask = -1
			modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwertz.cfg
		primary = F2
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwertz.cfg
		primary = F3
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwertz.cfg
		primary = F1
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwertz.cfg
		primary = F4
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwertz.cfg
		primary = F10
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwertz.cfg
		primary = F11
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwertz.cfg
		primary = F12
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwertz.cfg
		primary = F5
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwertz.cfg
		primary = F9
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwertz.cfg
		primary = X
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwertz.cfg
		primary = Y
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwertz.cfg
		primary = G
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwertz.cfg
		primary = U
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwertz.cfg
		primary = B
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwertz.cfg
		primary = ScrollLock
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwertz.cfg
		primary = None
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwertz.cfg
		primary = A
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = 5
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwertz.cfg
		primary = D
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = 5
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwertz.cfg
		primary = S
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = 5
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwertz.cfg
		primary = W
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = 5
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwertz.cfg
		primary = W
		secondary = None
		group = 268435456
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwertz.cfg
		primary = S
		secondary = None
		group = 268435456
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwertz.cfg
		primary = A
		secondary = None
		group = 268435456
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwertz.cfg
		primary = D
		secondary = None
		group = 268435456
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwertz.cfg
		primary = Q
		secondary = None
		group = 268435456
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwertz.cfg
		primary = E
		secondary = None
		group = 268435456
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwertz.cfg
		primary = W
		secondary = None
		group = 268435456
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwertz.cfg
		primary = S
		secondary = None
		group = 268435456
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwertz.cfg
		primary = A
		secondary = None
		group = 268435456
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwertz.cfg
		primary = D
		secondary = None
		group = 268435456
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwertz.cfg
		primary = LeftShift
		secondary = None
		group = 268435456
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwertz.cfg
		primary = LeftControl
		secondary = None
		group = 268435456
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwertz.cfg
		primary = Space
		secondary = None
		group = 268435456
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwertz.cfg
		primary = LeftShift
		secondary = None
		group = 268435456
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwertz.cfg
		primary = LeftAlt
		secondary = None
		group = 268435456
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
			primary = RightShift
			secondary = None
			group = 268435456
			modeMask = -1
			modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwertz.cfg
		primary = R
		secondary = None
		group = 268435456
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwertz.cfg
		primary = F
		secondary = None
		group = 268435456
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwertz.cfg
		primary = B
		secondary = None
		group = 268435456
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwertz.cfg
		primary = Space
		secondary = None
		group = 268435456
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwertz.cfg
		primary = U
		secondary = None
		group = 268435456
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwertz.cfg
		primary = S
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwertz.cfg
		primary = W
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwertz.cfg
		primary = A
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwertz.cfg
		primary = D
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwertz.cfg
		primary = Q
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwertz.cfg
		primary = E
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwertz.cfg
		primary = Space
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwertz.cfg
		primary = Alpha1
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwertz.cfg
		primary = Alpha2
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwertz.cfg
		primary = Alpha3
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwertz.cfg
		primary = Alpha4
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwertz.cfg
		primary = F
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwertz.cfg
		primary = R
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwertz.cfg
		primary = X
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwertz.cfg
		primary = C
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwertz.cfg
		primary = LeftShift
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwertz.cfg
		primary = Backslash
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
			primary = 160
			secondary = None
			group = 0
			modeMask = -1
			modeMaskSec = -1
			primary = ^
			secondary = None
			group = 0
			modeMask = -1
			modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwertz.cfg
		primary = LeftShift
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
			primary = LeftCommand
			secondary = None
			group = 0
			modeMask = -1
			modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwertz.cfg
		primary = LeftAlt
		secondary = RightAlt
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
			primary = RightShift
			secondary = None
			group = 0
			modeMask = -1
			modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwertz.cfg
		primary = Backspace
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwertz.cfg
		primary = Alpha1
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwertz.cfg
		primary = Alpha2
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwertz.cfg
		primary = Alpha3
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwertz.cfg
		primary = Alpha4
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwertz.cfg
		primary = Alpha5
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwertz.cfg
		primary = Alpha6
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwertz.cfg
		primary = Alpha7
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwertz.cfg
		primary = Alpha8
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwertz.cfg
		primary = Alpha9
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwertz.cfg
		primary = Alpha0
		secondary = None
		group = 0
		modeMask = -1
		modeMaskSec = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Controls/Qwertz.cfg
		Backslash = ^
		LeftBracket = ß
		RightBracket = ´
		Semicolon = Ü
		Equals = +
		Slash = #
		Quote = Ä
		BackQuote = Ö
		Comma = ,
		Minus = -
		Period = .
		Less = <
		Plus = +
			Quote = ß
			BackQuote = Ü
			164 = #
			162 = Ä
			163 = Ö
			160 = ^
			161 = '
	parentUrl = Squad/Experience/Traits.cfg
		name = Pilot
		title = Pilot
		desc = Pilots provide assistance in flying the vessel.
			name = AutopilotSkill
			name = FullVesselControlSkill
			name = GeeForceTolerance
			modifiers = 1.3, 1.45, 1.6, 1.85, 2.0
			name = EVAChuteSkill
			level = 0
	parentUrl = Squad/Experience/Traits.cfg
		name = Engineer
		title = Engineer
		desc = Engineers are capable of repairing broken parts, if at all possible.
			name = RepairSkill
			name = ConverterSkill
			name = DrillSkill
			name = FailureRepairSkill
			name = GeeForceTolerance
			modifiers = 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5
			name = EVAChuteSkill
			level = 1
	parentUrl = Squad/Experience/Traits.cfg
		name = Scientist
		title = Scientist
		desc = Scientists can boost the value of data from Science experiments.
			name = VesselScienceReturn
			modifiers = 1.05, 1.1, 1.15, 1.2, 1.25
			name = PartScienceReturn
			modifiers = 1.05, 1.1, 1.15, 1.2, 1.25
			name = ScienceSkill
			name = ScienceResetSkill
			name = SpecialExperimentSkill
			name = ExternalExperimentSkill
			name = GeeForceTolerance
			modifiers = 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5
			name = EVAChuteSkill
			level = 1
	parentUrl = Squad/Experience/Traits.cfg
		name = Tourist
		title = Tourist
		desc = Tourists pay funds to see new and exciting places.
			name = GeeForceTolerance
			modifiers = 0.75, 0.75, 0.75, 0.75, 0.75
	parentUrl = Squad/Localization/dictionary.cfg
			#autoLOC_18284 = Stability Assist
			#autoLOC_18285 = Prograde/Retrograde Hold
			#autoLOC_18286 = Radial, Normal Attitude Hold
			#autoLOC_18287 = Maneuver Hold\nTarget Tracking
			#autoLOC_18401 = Increase Resource Converter Efficiency
			#autoLOC_18426 = Increase Drill Efficiency
			#autoLOC_18451 = Engine power <<1>>%
			#autoLOC_18491 = Run Experiments from EVA
			#autoLOC_18516 = Fuel usage <<1>>%
			#autoLOC_18556 = Full Vessel Control Without CommNet Access
			#autoLOC_18586 = G-Force Tolerance Increase: <<1>>x
			#autoLOC_18624 = Heat production <<1>>%
			#autoLOC_18706 = Part Science Return: <<1>>%
			#autoLOC_18738 = Repack Parachutes
			#autoLOC_18739 = Repair Landing Legs
			#autoLOC_18740 = Repair Wheels
			#autoLOC_18766 = Provides repair skills:
			#autoLOC_18818 = Reset Experiments
			#autoLOC_18908 = Vessel Science Return: <<1>>%
			#autoLOC_20803 = Jebediah Kerman
			#autoLOC_20811 = Bill Kerman
			#autoLOC_20819 = Bob Kerman
			#autoLOC_20827 = Valentina Kerman
			#autoLOC_21131 = <color=<<1>>>[Auto Crew Assignment]: <<2>> just became an intrepid astronaut. (Recruiting Cost: <<3>>)</color>
			#autoLOC_21144 = <color=orange><b>Cannot hire any more Kerbals. Not Enough Funds!</b></color>
			#autoLOC_21150 = <color=orange><b>Cannot hire any more Kerbals. Astronaut Complex Capacity Reached!</b></color>
			#autoLOC_21195 = <color=orange><b><<1>>/<<2>> Kerbals assigned to <<3>>. All Kerbals are assigned.</b></color>
			#autoLOC_111558 = <color=orange>This part is full.</color>
			#autoLOC_111636 = <color=#b4d455><<1>> moved to <<2>></color>
			#autoLOC_111934 = Can't exit. Module has no hatch.
			#autoLOC_111971 = All hatches are obstructed, can't exit.
			#autoLOC_111978 = Hatch is obstructed, can't exit.
			#autoLOC_112387 = EVA Propellant
			#autoLOC_112486 = Unnamed Kerbal
			#autoLOC_114130 = [<<1>>]: Grab
			#autoLOC_114293 = [<<1>>]: Climb Out
			#autoLOC_114297 = [<<1>>]: Climb
			#autoLOC_114358 = [<<1>>]: Board
			#autoLOC_115662 = [<<1>>]: Let go
			#autoLOC_115694 = [<<1>>]: Let go
			#autoLOC_115948 = Cannot board a modules in this scenario.
			#autoLOC_115954 = Cannot board a full module.
			#autoLOC_116006 = Experiments you have collected cannot be stored on this <<1>>. Are you sure you want to continue?
			#autoLOC_116007 = Cannot store Experiments
			#autoLOC_116008 = Board Anyway\n(Dump Experiments)
			#autoLOC_116009 = Cancel
			#autoLOC_116092 = Cannot board a seat while not standing still
			#autoLOC_117012 = CommNet Options
			#autoLOC_117018 = Require Signal for Control
			#autoLOC_117021 = Plasma Blackout
			#autoLOC_117024 = Range Modifier
			#autoLOC_117025 = Multiplier applied to antenna strengths.
			#autoLOC_117028 = DSN Modifier
			#autoLOC_117029 = Multiplier applied to the strength of the DSN.
			#autoLOC_117032 = Occlusion Modifier, Vac
			#autoLOC_117033 = Multiplier applied to the effective size of objects that can occlude antennas. Used for atmosphereless objects.
			#autoLOC_117036 = Occlusion Modifier, Atm
			#autoLOC_117037 = Multiplier applied to the effective size of objects that can occlude antennas. Used for objects with atmospheres.
			#autoLOC_117040 = Enable Extra Groundstations
			#autoLOC_118264 = CommNet Visualization set to <<1>>
			#autoLOC_118530 = CommNet Visualization set to <<1>>
			#autoLOC_118554 = CommNet Visualization set to <<1>>
			#autoLOC_118898 = Min. Pilots on Vessel: <<1>>
			#autoLOC_118899 = \nMultihop Capable
			#autoLOC_118968 = Relay enabled for all antennas.\n<<1>>
			#autoLOC_121427 = No Signal
			#autoLOC_121428 = No Signal (in plasma)
			#autoLOC_121429 = No Signal (no control)
			#autoLOC_121438 = Signal Strength: <<1>>
			#autoLOC_121442 = \nSituational Modifier: <<1>>
			#autoLOC_121470 = Not Connected
			#autoLOC_123938 = Auto-Saved Ship
			#autoLOC_124050 = Cannot be the first part on a vessel
			#autoLOC_125058 = Select a set of two or more parts to Re-root
			#autoLOC_125079 = Select a part as the new root
			#autoLOC_125488 = Select an attached part to Offset
			#autoLOC_125583 = Select a part to Rotate
			#autoLOC_125724 = <color=orange>Cannot use the Root tool on a single part.</color>
			#autoLOC_125784 = <color=orange>No other valid parts to attach by in the current selection</color>
			#autoLOC_125798 = Select a part to Place
			#autoLOC_127810 = New Craft
			#autoLOC_127865 = <<1>> already exists. Do you want to overwrite it?
			#autoLOC_127866 = Confirm File Overwrite
			#autoLOC_127867 = <color=orange>Overwrite</color>
			#autoLOC_127918 = Leave <<1>>
			#autoLOC_127973 = Load Craft
			#autoLOC_127975 = Save and Continue
			#autoLOC_127984 = Cancel
			#autoLOC_127985 = <color=orange>Don't Save</color>
			#autoLOC_129949 = Do you wish to overwrite this subassembly?
			#autoLOC_129950 = Delete
			#autoLOC_129951 = Cancel
			#autoLOC_129960 = Confirm Delete
			#autoLOC_133305 = <b><color=orange>Data transfer blocked by other dialogs.</color></b>
			#autoLOC_133393 = Vessel is destroyed. Cannot Autosave at this point.
			#autoLOC_133397 = Autosaving...
			#autoLOC_133776 = Camera: <<1>>
			#autoLOC_135142 = Mission Aborted
			#autoLOC_135143 = Catastrophic Failure!
			#autoLOC_135144 = Success!!
			#autoLOC_135145 = Successful Failure
			#autoLOC_135218 = Flight Status: <<1>>
			#autoLOC_135285 = Total Mission Time: \n\t<<1>>.\n
			#autoLOC_135287 = Highest Altitude Achieved:\n\t<<1>>m\n
			#autoLOC_135288 = Highest Speed Achieved:\n\t<<1>>m/s\n
			#autoLOC_135289 = Highest Speed Over Land:\n\t<<1>>m/s\n
			#autoLOC_135291 = Ground Distance Covered:\n\t<<1>>m\n
			#autoLOC_135292 = Total Distance Traveled:\n\t<<1>>m\n
			#autoLOC_135294 = Most Gee Force Endured:\n\t<<1>>G\n
			#autoLOC_135304 = Structural failure on linkage between <<1>> and <<2>>.
			#autoLOC_135311 = <<1>> crashed into <<2>>.
			#autoLOC_135318 = <<1>> splashed down hard and was destroyed.
			#autoLOC_135325 = <<1>> collided into <<2>>.
			#autoLOC_135332 = <<1>> exploded due to overheating: <<2>>
			#autoLOC_135339 = <<1>> crushed due to overpressure: <<2>>
			#autoLOC_135346 = <<1>> broke apart due to g forces: <<2>>
			#autoLOC_135351 = Separation of stage <<1>> confirmed
			#autoLOC_135358 = <<1>> from <<2>> went on EVA.
			#autoLOC_135363 = <<1>> went on EVA from out of nowhere.
			#autoLOC_135371 = <<1>> was killed.
			#autoLOC_135376 = <<1>> boarded <<2>> on <<3>>.
			#autoLOC_135384 = Liftoff!!
			#autoLOC_135389 = <<1>> has undocked from <<2>>.
			#autoLOC_135394 = <<1>> was heated by engine exhaust from <<2>>.
			#autoLOC_135586 = Outcome: <<1>>
			#autoLOC_135635 = an unidentified object
			#autoLOC_135636 = an unidentified object
			#autoLOC_135685 = Temperature Gauges:
			#autoLOC_135690 = All Disabled
			#autoLOC_135693 = Gauges Enabled, Highlight Disabled
			#autoLOC_135696 = Gauges Disabled, Highlight Enabled
			#autoLOC_135699 = All Enabled
			#autoLOC_135706 = <color=<<1>>>Temperature Gauges Unavailable</color>
			#autoLOC_135736 = This part is of the right type but does not meet all requirements
			#autoLOC_135800 = <color=<<1>>>Select a part to transfer <<2>> to\n[Esc]: Cancel</color>
			#autoLOC_135812 = <color=orange><<1>> Transfer Interrupted</color>
			#autoLOC_135824 = <color=orange>Another transfer is already running. Aborted <<1>> Transfer.</color>
			#autoLOC_135891 = <color=orange>This is the source part.</color>
			#autoLOC_137008 = <color=orange><b><<1>> has no operational SAS Modules and no pilots aboard. Cannot engage SAS.</b></color>
			#autoLOC_137027 = <color=orange><b>SAS Disengaged.</b></color>
			#autoLOC_137031 = <color=orange><b>[<<1>>]: SAS Disengaged.</b></color>
			#autoLOC_137562 = Cannot Switch Vessels on this scenario
			#autoLOC_137597 = No nearby objects to focus. Use the Map View to select distant ones.
			#autoLOC_140938 = Advanced Options
			#autoLOC_140944 = Allow Negative Funds/Science
			#autoLOC_140947 = Part Pressure Limits
			#autoLOC_140950 = Part G-Force Limits
			#autoLOC_140953 = Kerbal G-Force Limits
			#autoLOC_140956 = Kerbal G-Force Tolerance
			#autoLOC_140957 = Multiplier to how much G-force Kerbals tolerate before going unconscious
			#autoLOC_140960 = Resource Transfer Obeys Crossfeed Rules
			#autoLOC_140963 = Always Allow ActionGroups
			#autoLOC_140966 = Building Impact Damage Multiplier
			#autoLOC_140967 = Multiplier to the amount of damage applied to buildings on collision.
			#autoLOC_140970 = Enable Kerbal Experience
			#autoLOC_140984 = Kerbals Level Up Immediately
			#autoLOC_140992 = All Part Upgrades Applied in Sandbox
			#autoLOC_140995 = Part Upgrades
			#autoLOC_143389 = <color=red><<1>>: lost consciousness!</color>
			#autoLOC_143403 = <color=orange><<1>>: reaching G limit!</color>
			#autoLOC_143415 = <<1>>: regained consciousness.
			#autoLOC_145488 = Vessel Loading Error
			#autoLOC_145489 = Vessel <<1>> was not loaded because\nit had the following parts missing:\n<<2>>
			#autoLOC_145785 = Standing by to launch
			#autoLOC_145786 = In flight
			#autoLOC_145788 = Orbiting <<1>>
			#autoLOC_145789 = Splashed down
			#autoLOC_145790 = On sub-orbital trajectory
			#autoLOC_145791 = On escape trajectory out of <<1>>
			#autoLOC_145792 = Docked to <something>
			#autoLOC_145793 = No situation report available
			#autoLOC_145800 = Standing by to launch
			#autoLOC_145801 = In flight
			#autoLOC_145803 = Orbiting
			#autoLOC_145804 = Splashed down
			#autoLOC_145805 = On sub-orbital trajectory
			#autoLOC_145806 = On escape trajectory
			#autoLOC_145807 = Docked to <something>
			#autoLOC_145808 = No situation report available
			#autoLOC_145929 = VOLUME
			#autoLOC_145935 = Spacecraft:
			#autoLOC_145952 = Ambience:
			#autoLOC_145969 = UI:
			#autoLOC_145986 = Music:
			#autoLOC_146003 = Voices:
			#autoLOC_146068 = SOUND NORMALIZER
			#autoLOC_146075 = Normalizer
			#autoLOC_146087 = Threshold
			#autoLOC_146114 = Responsiveness
			#autoLOC_146152 = Audio Volume
			#autoLOC_146154 = Master:
			#autoLOC_146161 = Spacecraft:
			#autoLOC_146168 = Ambience:
			#autoLOC_146175 = UI:
			#autoLOC_146182 = Music:
			#autoLOC_146189 = Voices:
			#autoLOC_146223 = Audio
			#autoLOC_146476 = Gameplay
			#autoLOC_146478 = Temperature Gauges:
			#autoLOC_146483 = Thermal Highlights:
			#autoLOC_146488 = Double Click Mouse Look:
			#autoLOC_146493 = Camera Wobble (External Views): <<1>>
			#autoLOC_146498 = Camera Wobble (Internal Views): <<1>>
			#autoLOC_146503 = Advanced Tweakables:
			#autoLOC_146507 = UI
			#autoLOC_146519 = UI Scale: <<1>>%
			#autoLOC_146522 = <color=#FDD901FF><b>Warning:</b> Restarting KSP is required to apply all the effects of the above UI Scale setting.</color>
			#autoLOC_146525 = Apps Scale: <<1>>%
			#autoLOC_146532 = FlightUI Elements
			#autoLOC_146534 = Time Controls Scale: <<1>>%
			#autoLOC_146538 = Altimeter Scale: <<1>>%
			#autoLOC_146542 = Map Filter Scale: <<1>>%
			#autoLOC_146548 = Staging Stack Scale: <<1>>%
			#autoLOC_146552 = Mode Control Scale: <<1>>%
			#autoLOC_146557 = Crew Portaits Scale: <<1>>%
			#autoLOC_146562 = NavBall Scale: <<1>>%
			#autoLOC_146566 = NavBall Pos (Left<->Right):
			#autoLOC_146573 = Reset FlightUI Scaling
			#autoLOC_146574 = Reset NavBall Position
			#autoLOC_147901 = Joystick Names:
			#autoLOC_147910 = Joystick <<1>>
			#autoLOC_147936 = CONTROL MAPPING
			#autoLOC_147939 = Flight
			#autoLOC_147945 = Vessel
			#autoLOC_147951 = Kerbals
			#autoLOC_147957 = Game
			#autoLOC_147963 = Other
			#autoLOC_148040 = Key/Button Bindings
			#autoLOC_148050 = Rotation
			#autoLOC_148051 = Pitch Down
			#autoLOC_148052 = Pitch Up
			#autoLOC_148053 = Yaw Left
			#autoLOC_148054 = Yaw Right
			#autoLOC_148055 = Roll Left
			#autoLOC_148056 = Roll Right
			#autoLOC_148058 = Translation
			#autoLOC_148059 = Translate Up
			#autoLOC_148060 = Translate Down
			#autoLOC_148061 = Translate Left
			#autoLOC_148062 = Translate Right
			#autoLOC_148063 = Translate Forward
			#autoLOC_148064 = Translate Backward
			#autoLOC_148066 = Throttle
			#autoLOC_148067 = Throttle Up
			#autoLOC_148068 = Throttle Down
			#autoLOC_148070 = Other
			#autoLOC_148071 = Launch/Staging
			#autoLOC_148072 = Switch Translation/Rotation
			#autoLOC_148077 = Systems
			#autoLOC_148079 = Landing Gear
			#autoLOC_148080 = Brakes
			#autoLOC_148081 = SAS Hold
			#autoLOC_148082 = SAS Toggle
			#autoLOC_148083 = RCS Toggle
			#autoLOC_148084 = Throttle Cut-off
			#autoLOC_148085 = Full Throttle
			#autoLOC_148086 = Precision Controls Toggle
			#autoLOC_148087 = Lights
			#autoLOC_148089 = Emergency abort
			#autoLOC_148090 = Custom action 1
			#autoLOC_148091 = Custom action 2
			#autoLOC_148092 = Custom action 3
			#autoLOC_148093 = Custom action 4
			#autoLOC_148094 = Custom action 5
			#autoLOC_148095 = Custom action 6
			#autoLOC_148096 = Custom action 7
			#autoLOC_148097 = Custom action 8
			#autoLOC_148098 = Custom action 9
			#autoLOC_148099 = Custom action 10
			#autoLOC_148102 = Wheels
			#autoLOC_148104 = Steer Left
			#autoLOC_148105 = Steer Right
			#autoLOC_148106 = Drive Forward
			#autoLOC_148107 = Drive Back
			#autoLOC_148111 = Character Controls
			#autoLOC_148113 = Move Forward
			#autoLOC_148114 = Move Back
			#autoLOC_148115 = Move Left
			#autoLOC_148116 = Move Right
			#autoLOC_148117 = Turn Left
			#autoLOC_148118 = Turn Right
			#autoLOC_148120 = EVAPack Forward
			#autoLOC_148121 = EVAPack Back
			#autoLOC_148122 = EVAPack Left
			#autoLOC_148123 = EVAPack Right
			#autoLOC_148124 = EVAPack Up
			#autoLOC_148125 = EVAPack Down
			#autoLOC_148127 = Jump
			#autoLOC_148128 = Run
			#autoLOC_148129 = Use/Grab
			#autoLOC_148130 = Board
			#autoLOC_148131 = Toggle EVAPack
			#autoLOC_148132 = Toggle Movement Mode
			#autoLOC_148133 = Orient to View
			#autoLOC_148134 = Toggle Lights
			#autoLOC_148139 = General
			#autoLOC_148141 = Orbital Map View
			#autoLOC_148142 = Increase Time Warp
			#autoLOC_148143 = Decrease Time Warp
			#autoLOC_148145 = Focus Next Vessel
			#autoLOC_148146 = Focus Prev Vessel
			#autoLOC_148147 = Take Screenshot
			#autoLOC_148149 = Pause
			#autoLOC_148150 = Quicksave
			#autoLOC_148151 = Quickload
			#autoLOC_148154 = Camera
			#autoLOC_148156 = Camera Mode
			#autoLOC_148157 = Camera Next
			#autoLOC_148158 = Camera Reset
			#autoLOC_148159 = Zoom In
			#autoLOC_148160 = Zoom Out
			#autoLOC_148161 = View Up
			#autoLOC_148162 = View Down
			#autoLOC_148163 = View Left
			#autoLOC_148164 = View Right
			#autoLOC_148167 = Editor
			#autoLOC_148169 = Scroll View Up
			#autoLOC_148170 = Scroll View Down
			#autoLOC_148172 = Pitch Part Down
			#autoLOC_148173 = Pitch Part Up
			#autoLOC_148174 = Yaw Part Left
			#autoLOC_148175 = Yaw Part Right
			#autoLOC_148176 = Roll Part Left
			#autoLOC_148177 = Roll Part Right
			#autoLOC_148179 = Reset Part Rotation
			#autoLOC_148181 = Place Mode
			#autoLOC_148182 = Offset Mode
			#autoLOC_148183 = Rotate Mode
			#autoLOC_148184 = Root Mode
			#autoLOC_148186 = Toggle Local/Absolute
			#autoLOC_148187 = Toggle Angle Snap
			#autoLOC_148188 = Toggle Symmetry Method
			#autoLOC_148189 = Cycle Symmetry Count
			#autoLOC_148190 = Search All Parts
			#autoLOC_148193 = UI
			#autoLOC_148195 = Show/Hide Flight UI
			#autoLOC_148196 = Scroll Icons Up
			#autoLOC_148197 = Scroll Icons Down
			#autoLOC_148198 = Show/Hide Vessel Labels
			#autoLOC_148199 = Show/Hide Flight Log
			#autoLOC_148201 = Show/Hide Flight Forces
			#autoLOC_148202 = Show/Hide Temp. Gauges
			#autoLOC_148203 = Show/Hide Temp. Overlay
			#autoLOC_148214 = Axis Bindings
			#autoLOC_148219 = Rotation
			#autoLOC_148220 = Pitch Axis
			#autoLOC_148221 = Roll Axis
			#autoLOC_148222 = Yaw Axis
			#autoLOC_148224 = Translation
			#autoLOC_148225 = Translate Left/Right
			#autoLOC_148226 = Translate Up/Down
			#autoLOC_148227 = Translate Forward/Back
			#autoLOC_148229 = Throttle
			#autoLOC_148230 = Throttle Axis
			#autoLOC_148231 = Throttle (Incremental)
			#autoLOC_148235 = Wheels
			#autoLOC_148236 = Steering Axis
			#autoLOC_148237 = Throttle Axis
			#autoLOC_148242 = Character
			#autoLOC_148243 = Translate Forward/Back
			#autoLOC_148244 = Translate Left/Right
			#autoLOC_148245 = Translate Up/Down
			#autoLOC_148246 = Pitch (Analogue)
			#autoLOC_148247 = Yaw   (Analogue)
			#autoLOC_148248 = Roll  (Analogue)
			#autoLOC_148252 = Camera
			#autoLOC_148254 = Camera Horizontal
			#autoLOC_148255 = Camera Vertical
			#autoLOC_148268 = Active in:
			#autoLOC_148269 = Flight External
			#autoLOC_148270 = Flight Internal
			#autoLOC_148271 = Flight EVA
			#autoLOC_148272 = Flight Map View
			#autoLOC_148273 = Space Center
			#autoLOC_148274 = Tracking Station
			#autoLOC_148275 = Editors
			#autoLOC_148285 = Other Control Settings and Device Options
			#autoLOC_148291 = Other Settings
			#autoLOC_148292 = EVAs Auto-Rotate to Camera
			#autoLOC_148295 = Mouse Wheel Sensitivity: <<1>>
			#autoLOC_148305 = Track IR
			#autoLOC_148325 = 6-DOF Device
			#autoLOC_148328 = A 6-DOF Input Device is a hardware controller that allows manipulating objects and views in 3D applications.\n\nCurrently, this is only supported on the Windows version of KSP.
			#autoLOC_148331 = Toggle Camera/Flight Control
			#autoLOC_148332 = Lock/Unlock Roll Axis
			#autoLOC_148334 = 6-DOF Camera Control
			#autoLOC_148336 = <b>Pitch, Yaw and Roll</b>
			#autoLOC_148338 = Sensitivity: <<1>>
			#autoLOC_148339 = Slow
			#autoLOC_148341 = Fast
			#autoLOC_148345 = Sharpness: <<1>>
			#autoLOC_148346 = Smooth
			#autoLOC_148348 = Precise
			#autoLOC_148353 = <b>XYZ Translation</b>
			#autoLOC_148355 = Sensitivity: <<1>>
			#autoLOC_148356 = Slow
			#autoLOC_148358 = Fast
			#autoLOC_148363 = Sharpness: <<1>>
			#autoLOC_148364 = Smooth
			#autoLOC_148366 = Precise
			#autoLOC_148372 = 6-DOF Flight Control
			#autoLOC_148374 = <b>Pitch, Yaw and Roll</b>
			#autoLOC_148376 = Sensitivity: <<1>>
			#autoLOC_148377 = Slow
			#autoLOC_148379 = Fast
			#autoLOC_148384 = <b>XYZ Translation</b>
			#autoLOC_148386 = Sensitivity: <<1>>
			#autoLOC_148387 = Slow
			#autoLOC_148389 = Fast
			#autoLOC_148408 = (Primary)
			#autoLOC_148412 = (Secondary)
			#autoLOC_148431 = Press the key or joystick button to use for <b><<1>></b>
			#autoLOC_148446 = Move the joystick axis to use for <b><<1>></b>
			#autoLOC_148462 = Staging
			#autoLOC_148465 = Docking (Translation)
			#autoLOC_148468 = Docking (Rotation)
			#autoLOC_148473 = Use in Modes:
			#autoLOC_148500 = Clear Assignment
			#autoLOC_148516 = Cancel
			#autoLOC_148524 = Accept
			#autoLOC_148570 = Primary:
			#autoLOC_148576 = Invert
			#autoLOC_148580 = Sensitivity
			#autoLOC_148589 = Dead Zone
			#autoLOC_148593 = Secondary:
			#autoLOC_148599 = Invert
			#autoLOC_148603 = Sensitivity
			#autoLOC_148612 = Dead Zone
			#autoLOC_148783 = Systems/UI
			#autoLOC_148786 = Throttle up:
			#autoLOC_148792 = Throttle down:
			#autoLOC_148798 = Throttle max:
			#autoLOC_148804 = Throttle cutoff:
			#autoLOC_148810 = Toggle IVA view:
			#autoLOC_148816 = Cycle camera view:
			#autoLOC_148823 = Pitch up:
			#autoLOC_148830 = Pitch down:
			#autoLOC_148837 = Roll left:
			#autoLOC_148844 = Roll right:
			#autoLOC_148851 = Yaw left:
			#autoLOC_148858 = Yaw right:
			#autoLOC_148865 = SAS Hold:
			#autoLOC_148872 = SAS Toggle:
			#autoLOC_148879 = Launch/Activate next stage:
			#autoLOC_148886 = Lock current stage:
			#autoLOC_148888 = <<1>> + L
			#autoLOC_148893 = Toggle RCS:
			#autoLOC_148900 = Translate forward:
			#autoLOC_148907 = Translate backward:
			#autoLOC_148914 = Translate down:
			#autoLOC_148921 = Translate left:
			#autoLOC_148928 = Translate up:
			#autoLOC_148935 = Translate right:
			#autoLOC_148942 = Show/Hide NavBall
			#autoLOC_148944 = KeypadPeriod
			#autoLOC_148949 = Screenshot:
			#autoLOC_148956 = Show/Hide UI:
			#autoLOC_148963 = Show/Hide flight log:
			#autoLOC_148970 = Show/Hide vessel labels:
			#autoLOC_148977 = Quicksave:
			#autoLOC_148984 = Load Quicksave:
			#autoLOC_148986 = Hold down <<1>>
			#autoLOC_148995 = Map View
			#autoLOC_148998 = Toggle map view:
			#autoLOC_149005 = Cycle focus in map view:
			#autoLOC_149007 = Tab
			#autoLOC_149012 = Cycle backwards in map view:
			#autoLOC_149014 = LeftShift + Tab
			#autoLOC_149019 = Reset focus in map view:
			#autoLOC_149026 = Increase Time Warp:
			#autoLOC_149033 = Decrease Time Warp:
			#autoLOC_149040 = Show/Hide NavBall:
			#autoLOC_149042 = KeypadPeriod
			#autoLOC_149047 = Screenshot:
			#autoLOC_149054 = Show/Hide UI:
			#autoLOC_149061 = Show/Hide flight log:
			#autoLOC_149068 = Show/Hide vessel labels:
			#autoLOC_149075 = Quicksave:
			#autoLOC_149082 = Load Quicksave:
			#autoLOC_149084 = Hold down <<1>>
			#autoLOC_149093 = EVA
			#autoLOC_149096 = Grab/use:
			#autoLOC_149103 = Translate forward:
			#autoLOC_149110 = Translate backward:
			#autoLOC_149117 = Translate left:
			#autoLOC_149124 = Translate right:
			#autoLOC_149131 = Sprint:
			#autoLOC_149138 = Jump/Jetpack boost:
			#autoLOC_149145 = Toggle Jetpack:
			#autoLOC_149152 = Jet rotate left:
			#autoLOC_149159 = Jet rotate right:
			#autoLOC_149166 = Jet up:
			#autoLOC_149173 = Jet down:
			#autoLOC_149180 = Toggle lamps:
			#autoLOC_149187 = Toggle movement:
			#autoLOC_149391 = Key Bindings
			#autoLOC_149410 = Close
			#autoLOC_149458 = Settings
			#autoLOC_149478 = Difficulty Options: <b><color=<<1>>><<2>></color></b>
			#autoLOC_149512 = Apply
			#autoLOC_149513 = Accept
			#autoLOC_149514 = Close
			#autoLOC_149722 = SCENERY
			#autoLOC_149726 = Terrain Detail:
			#autoLOC_149753 = Medium
			#autoLOC_149762 = SM3 Terrain Shaders:
			#autoLOC_149780 = Terrain Scatters:
			#autoLOC_149788 = Scatter Density:
			#autoLOC_149800 = Scenery settings may require a game restart to take effect.
			#autoLOC_149804 = RENDERING
			#autoLOC_149808 = Render Quality Level:
			#autoLOC_149820 = Texture Quality:
			#autoLOC_149847 = Aerodynamic FX Quality:
			#autoLOC_149862 = No Hardware Support
			#autoLOC_149870 = Surface FX:
			#autoLOC_149878 = Underwater FX:
			#autoLOC_149889 = VIDEO
			#autoLOC_149894 = Screen Resolution:
			#autoLOC_149901 = Full Screen:
			#autoLOC_149908 = Anti-Aliasing:
			#autoLOC_149915 = V Sync:
			#autoLOC_149922 = Frame Limit:
			#autoLOC_149929 = Pixel Light Count:
			#autoLOC_149936 = Shadow Cascades:
			#autoLOC_149958 = * Game requires restart for changes to take effect *
			#autoLOC_150065 = Video & Graphics
			#autoLOC_150068 = Anti-Aliasing:
			#autoLOC_150074 = Texture Quality:
			#autoLOC_150081 = Pixel Light Count:
			#autoLOC_150087 = Shadow Cascades:
			#autoLOC_150093 = Aerodynamic FX Quality:
			#autoLOC_150105 = No Hardware Support
			#autoLOC_150109 = Highlight FX:
			#autoLOC_150121 = Conic Patch Draw Mode:
			#autoLOC_150127 = Conic Patch Limit:
			#autoLOC_150133 = CommNet Line Brightness Factor :
			#autoLOC_150140 = Part Highlighter Brightness Factor :
			#autoLOC_150146 = Part Highlighter Enabled in Flight:
			#autoLOC_150176 = <<1>>x<<2>>
			#autoLOC_150245 = Graphics
			#autoLOC_158078 = Loading Resources
			#autoLOC_158082 = Loading Experience System
			#autoLOC_158089 = Loading Part Upgrades
			#autoLOC_158268 = \nEnvironment Info\n
			#autoLOC_158315 = \nFolders and files in GameData:\n
			#autoLOC_158628 = Loading Asset Bundle Definitions
			#autoLOC_158641 = Loading <<1>> Asset Bundle Objects
			#autoLOC_158700 = GameDatabase\n\n
			#autoLOC_165067 = Loading...
			#autoLOC_166269 = Amount: <<1>>
			#autoLOC_166270 = \nMass: <<1>>
			#autoLOC_166271 = \nCost: <<1>>
			#autoLOC_168872 = Unknown
			#autoLOC_168874 = Unknown Mystery Component
			#autoLOC_168875 = Found lying by the side of the road
			#autoLOC_168876 = Nothing is really known about this thing. Use it at your own risk.
			#autoLOC_174575 = Cannot quickload in this scenario.
			#autoLOC_174589 = Hold <<1>> to load last quicksave...
			#autoLOC_174610 = Cannot quickload in this scenario.
			#autoLOC_174631 = Cannot quicksave in this scenario.
			#autoLOC_174654 = Quicksave
			#autoLOC_174659 = Vessel is destroyed. Cannot Quicksave at this point.
			#autoLOC_174669 = Quicksaving...
			#autoLOC_174686 = <<1>> Does Not Exist
			#autoLOC_174772 = Quicksave As...
			#autoLOC_174778 = Save
			#autoLOC_174783 = Cancel
			#autoLOC_174798 = Yes (overwrite)
			#autoLOC_174804 = No (cancel)
			#autoLOC_174814 = Ok
			#autoLOC_175414 = Space Navigator Mode: Camera
			#autoLOC_175419 = Space Navigator Mode: Flight Control
			#autoLOC_176849 = No Input Locks in effect right now
			#autoLOC_176851 = Current Input Locks:\n
			#autoLOC_180095 = m/s
			#autoLOC_180098 = Mm/s
			#autoLOC_180103 = km/s
			#autoLOC_184746 = Very Weak
			#autoLOC_184750 = Weak
			#autoLOC_184754 = Average
			#autoLOC_184758 = Good
			#autoLOC_184762 = Strong
			#autoLOC_184772 = Class A Objects are the smallest objects we are able to spot. They usually measure no more than a few meters across.
			#autoLOC_184774 = Class B Objects are relatively small, usually ranging from 4m to 7m in radius, approximately.
			#autoLOC_184776 = Class C Objects are about average-sized. Around the 7-10 meter range in radius, these are certainly not the largest objects out there. They are fairly massive nonetheless.
			#autoLOC_184778 = Class D Objects are quite large. Expect them to be no smaller than 12m in radius, and up to 18m. These are very heavy objects to move around.
			#autoLOC_184780 = Class E Objects are proper behemoths. No less than 18m in radius, they don't just look heavy, they are in fact far more massive than it would seem.
			#autoLOC_184782 = This seems to be a non-standard size class. Who knows what it'll look like?
			#autoLOC_184791 = A (Tiny)
			#autoLOC_184793 = B (Small)
			#autoLOC_184795 = C (Medium)
			#autoLOC_184797 = D (Large)
			#autoLOC_184799 = E (Huge)
			#autoLOC_189637 = Crew respawn timer: <<1>> hours
			#autoLOC_189646 = Number of hours before crew marked as missing will respawn.
			#autoLOC_189651 = Auto-Hire Crewmembers before Flight
			#autoLOC_189658 = Auto-hires crew immediately before launch if no astronauts are available.
			#autoLOC_189661 = General Options
			#autoLOC_189662 = Allow Reverting Flights
			#autoLOC_189670 = Allow Quickloading
			#autoLOC_189677 = Missing Crews Respawn
			#autoLOC_189690 = No Entry Purchase Required on Research
			#autoLOC_189697 = Whether new parts need to be unlocked (with Funds) when tech nodes are unlocked.
			#autoLOC_189700 = Indestructible Facilities
			#autoLOC_189707 = Include Stock Vessels
			#autoLOC_189717 = Career Options
			#autoLOC_189725 = Starting Funds: <<1>>
			#autoLOC_189736 = Starting Science: <<1>>
			#autoLOC_189747 = Starting Reputation: <<1>>
			#autoLOC_189762 = Science Rewards: <<1>>%
			#autoLOC_189776 = Funds Rewards: <<1>>%
			#autoLOC_189786 = Reputation Rewards:<<1>>%
			#autoLOC_189796 = Funds Penalties: <<1>>%
			#autoLOC_189806 = Reputation Penalties: <<1>>%
			#autoLOC_189816 = Decline Penalty: <<1>>
			#autoLOC_189828 = Game Systems
			#autoLOC_189833 = Re-Entry Heating: <<1>>%
			#autoLOC_189847 = Resource Abundance: <<1>>%
			#autoLOC_189857 = Enable Comm Network
			#autoLOC_190231 = Basic
			#autoLOC_190323 = Cancel
			#autoLOC_190328 = Accept
			#autoLOC_190335 = Game Difficulty
			#autoLOC_190662 = Start New Game
			#autoLOC_190689 = Save Name:
			#autoLOC_190702 = Game Mode:
			#autoLOC_190706 = Sandbox
			#autoLOC_190714 = Science
			#autoLOC_190722 = Career
			#autoLOC_190734 = Flag:
			#autoLOC_190742 = In Sandbox Mode, all parts and features are available from the start.
			#autoLOC_190743 = You are free to play without any constraints, but R&D and Mission Control are unavailable.
			#autoLOC_190750 = In Science Mode, you must gather scientific data to research new technologies.
			#autoLOC_190751 = Funds and Reputation are disabled, and Contracts are not available (previously 'Classic' Career).
			#autoLOC_190758 = In Career Mode, you have to manage all aspects of your space program
			#autoLOC_190759 = Funds, Reputation and Science are all active, and Contracts are available at Mission Control.
			#autoLOC_190762 = Difficulty Options: <b><color=<<1>>><<2>></color></b>
			#autoLOC_190768 = Cancel
			#autoLOC_190772 = Start!
			#autoLOC_190801 = That name is unavailable. Please choose a name other than "scenarios" or "training".
			#autoLOC_190802 = Unavailable
			#autoLOC_190809 = Do you want to overwrite it?
			#autoLOC_190810 = A game with that name already exists
			#autoLOC_190811 = Overwrite
			#autoLOC_190812 = Cancel
			#autoLOC_190847 = No description available.
			#autoLOC_190901 = Could not delete directory <<1>>
			#autoLOC_190902 = An error occured trying to delete the save directory <<1>: <<2>>
			#autoLOC_190905 = Okay
			#autoLOC_191152 = Really Quit?
			#autoLOC_191154 = Cancel
			#autoLOC_191158 = Quit
			#autoLOC_192167 = the <<1>>
			#autoLOC_193182 = Orbiting <<1>>
			#autoLOC_193189 = Sun
			#autoLOC_193194 = Planet
			#autoLOC_193198 = Moon
			#autoLOC_193630 = <color=orange>Cannot Delete Maneuver Node (Control Locked)</color>
			#autoLOC_196698 = <<1>>'s Descending Node
			#autoLOC_196699 = <<1>>'s Ascending Node
			#autoLOC_196700 = <<1>>'s Apoapsis
			#autoLOC_196701 = <<1>>'s Periapsis
			#autoLOC_196762 = Cannot Switch Vessels on this scenario
			#autoLOC_196868 = Last Seen <<1>> ago.
			#autoLOC_196878 = Ready to Launch
			#autoLOC_196884 = Set on <<1>>
			#autoLOC_196888 = Landed
			#autoLOC_196893 = Splashed Down
			#autoLOC_196899 = Vel: <<1>>m/s
			#autoLOC_196900 = Alt: <<1>>m
			#autoLOC_196906 = Distance: <<1>>m
			#autoLOC_196914 = Vel: <<1>>m/s
			#autoLOC_196915 = Alt: <<1>>m
			#autoLOC_196919 = Vel: <<1>>m/s
			#autoLOC_196920 = Alt: <<1>>m
			#autoLOC_197832 = Target Position at Intersect <<1>>
			#autoLOC_197834 = Intersect <<1>>
			#autoLOC_197835 = Separation: <<1>>km
			#autoLOC_197860 = Vector Intersect <<1>> Node
			#autoLOC_197886 = Separation: <<1>>km
			#autoLOC_197927 = Vel: <<1>>m/s
			#autoLOC_197928 = Alt: <<1>>m
			#autoLOC_198614 = Maneuver
			#autoLOC_198615 = Delta V: <<1>>m/s
			#autoLOC_198616 = T <<1>>
			#autoLOC_200007 = <<1>> Encounter
			#autoLOC_200010 = <<1>> Escape
			#autoLOC_200013 = <<1>> Impact
			#autoLOC_200022 = <<1>> Apoapsis: <<2>>m
			#autoLOC_200028 = <<1>> Periapsis: <<2>>m
			#autoLOC_200035 = At <<1>>
			#autoLOC_201093 = Focus: <<1>>
			#autoLOC_204427 = the surface
			#autoLOC_204715 = Core Overheating - shutting down
			#autoLOC_205093 = Optimum Temp: <<1>>K\n
			#autoLOC_205094 = Shutdown Temp: <<1>>K\n
			#autoLOC_205095 = Insulation: <<1>>%\n
			#autoLOC_205100 = Req'd cooling: <<1>>kW\n
			#autoLOC_205103 = Max Cooling: <<1>>kW
			#autoLOC_207654 = Pressure: <<1>> kPa
			#autoLOC_211097 = No crew on part!
			#autoLOC_211269 = No Upgraded Stats
			#autoLOC_211272 = Current Stats
			#autoLOC_211274 = OK
			#autoLOC_211423 = Autostrut Locked: Heaviest Part
			#autoLOC_211426 = Autostrut Locked: Root Part
			#autoLOC_211429 = Autostrut Locked: Grandparent Part
			#autoLOC_213511 = Relative Wing Area: <<1>>
			#autoLOC_213512 = \nControl Surface Portion: <<1>>%
			#autoLOC_213513 = \nMax Deflection: <<1>> degrees
			#autoLOC_213514 = \nActuator Speed: <<1>> deg/sec
			#autoLOC_213516 = \nExtended skin max temp: <<1>>K\nRetracted skin max temp: <<2>>K
			#autoLOC_214578 = <color=orange>[<<1>>]: Cannot deploy while stowed!</color>
			#autoLOC_214609 = Crew member has insufficient Engineer skill level\nLevel <<1>> is required
			#autoLOC_214897 = <b>Semi-Depl. Effective Diam: </b><<1>>\n
			#autoLOC_214898 = <b>Fully-Depl. Effective Diam: </b><<1>>\n
			#autoLOC_214899 = <b>Max Safe Deploy Speed at Home: </b> Approx <<1>> m/s\n
			#autoLOC_214903 = <b>Stowed Drag: </b><<1>>\n
			#autoLOC_214904 = <b>Semi-Deployed Drag: </b><<1>>\n
			#autoLOC_214905 = <b>Fully-Deployed Drag: </b><<1>>\n
			#autoLOC_214907 = <b>Full Deployment Altitude: </b><<1>> m\n
			#autoLOC_214908 = <b>Semi Deploy Min Pressure: </b><<1>> atm
			#autoLOC_215326 = <color=orange>[<<1>>]: Chute destroyed by aero forces and heat.</color>
			#autoLOC_215327 = <<1>>: chute destroyed by aero forces and heat.
			#autoLOC_215362 = Locked
			#autoLOC_215506 = Moving...
			#autoLOC_215639 = Clamped
			#autoLOC_215705 = Moving...
			#autoLOC_215714 = Fixed
			#autoLOC_215719 = Locked
			#autoLOC_215760 = Clamped
			#autoLOC_215802 = <color=orange>[<<1>>]: Cannot deploy while stowed.</color>
			#autoLOC_215817 = Fixed
			#autoLOC_215823 = Locked
			#autoLOC_215832 = Locked
			#autoLOC_215840 = Moving
			#autoLOC_216749 = Max Length: <<1>>m\n
			#autoLOC_216750 = <b>Flow Direction: </b>Towards 2nd Point
			#autoLOC_216757 = Fuel Line
			#autoLOC_216999 = Strength: <<1>>\nShear Strength: <<2>>
			#autoLOC_217004 = Strut Connector
			#autoLOC_217146 = NA
			#autoLOC_217149 = NA
			#autoLOC_217152 = NA
			#autoLOC_217380 = Tourists Need Crew
			#autoLOC_217388 = Not Enough Crew
			#autoLOC_217408 = No Pilot
			#autoLOC_217417 = No Pilot
			#autoLOC_217429 = No Telemetry
			#autoLOC_217437 = Partial Control
			#autoLOC_217448 = Hibernating
			#autoLOC_217464 = Operational
			#autoLOC_217505 = Minimum Crew to Operate: <<1>>\n
			#autoLOC_217509 = Unmanned\n
			#autoLOC_217513 = Crew must include a pilot\n
			#autoLOC_217517 = Remote Pilot Assist available\n
			#autoLOC_217522 = Hibernation mode: Resource rates <<1>>x\n
			#autoLOC_217936 = <b>Thruster Power: </b><<1>>\n
			#autoLOC_217937 = <b>Thruster Isp: </b><<1>> (ASL) - <<2>> (Vac)\n
			#autoLOC_217939 = \n<color=#99ff00ff><b>Requires:</b></color>\n
			#autoLOC_217946 = - <b><<1>></b>: <<2>>/sec. Max.\n
			#autoLOC_217950 = <b><i>Disabled by default</b></i>\n
			#autoLOC_218287 = RCS: Enable Staging
			#autoLOC_218288 = RCS: Disable Staging
			#autoLOC_218513 = Active
			#autoLOC_218709 = <b>Pitch Torque: </b><<1>>\n
			#autoLOC_218710 = <b>Yaw Torque: </b><<1>>\n
			#autoLOC_218711 = <b>Roll Torque: </b><<1>>\n
			#autoLOC_218716 = <b><i>Disabled by default</b></i>\n
			#autoLOC_218888 = <b><i>Disabled by default</b></i>\n
			#autoLOC_219016 = Flame-Out!
			#autoLOC_219034 = Nominal
			#autoLOC_219085 = <<1>> deprived
			#autoLOC_219412 = Nominal
			#autoLOC_219636 = <color=orange>[<<1>>]: Cannot activate while stowed!</color>
			#autoLOC_220370 = Air combustion failed
			#autoLOC_220377 = Underwater!
			#autoLOC_220473 = Occluded
			#autoLOC_220477 = Off
			#autoLOC_220657 = Engine
			#autoLOC_220691 = <b>Max. Thrust: </b><<1>> kN @Mach <<2>>\n
			#autoLOC_220695 = <b>Stationary Thrust: </b><<1>> kN\n
			#autoLOC_220700 = <b>Max. Thrust: </b><<1>> kN (ASL)\n
			#autoLOC_220708 = Thrust
			#autoLOC_220713 = Max. Thrust
			#autoLOC_220728 = ASL
			#autoLOC_220729 = Vac.
			#autoLOC_220733 = <b>Min. Thrust: </b><<1>> kN\n
			#autoLOC_220745 = <b>Engine Isp: </b><<1>> (ASL) - <<2>> (Vac.)\n
			#autoLOC_220748 = \n<b><color=#99ff00ff>Propellants:</color></b>\n
			#autoLOC_220756 = - <b><<1>></b>: <<2>>/sec. Max.\n
			#autoLOC_220759 = <b>Engine stops under: </b><<1>>%\n
			#autoLOC_220761 = \n<b><color=orange>Engine cannot be shut down!</color></b>
			#autoLOC_220762 = \n<b><color=orange>If shutdown, engine cannot restart.</color></b>
			#autoLOC_221082 = Air combustion failed
			#autoLOC_221352 = Hide Actuation Toggles
			#autoLOC_221408 = <b>Vectoring Range: </b><<1>>°
			#autoLOC_221410 = <b>Vectoring Range: </b><<1>>° X, <<2>>° Y
			#autoLOC_221413 = <b>Vectoring Range: </b><<1>>° X, +<<2>>/-<<3>>°
			#autoLOC_221418 = <b>Vectoring Range: </b> +<<1>>/-<<2>>° X, <<3>>° Y
			#autoLOC_221420 = <b>Vectoring Range: </b> +<<1>>/-<<2>>° X, +<<3>>/-<<4>>°
			#autoLOC_221424 = <b><i>Disabled by default</b></i>\n
			#autoLOC_221982 = Supplies
			#autoLOC_221988 = Take Resources
			#autoLOC_221991 = Store Resources
			#autoLOC_221994 = Stop
			#autoLOC_222053 = <color=#ff9900ff>[<<1>>]: No <<2>> Container on <<3>>.</color>
			#autoLOC_222102 = <<1>> Taken from <<2>></color>
			#autoLOC_222214 = Seat is obstructed. Cannot board.
			#autoLOC_223620 = LMB
			#autoLOC_223621 = RMB
			#autoLOC_223622 = Cost
			#autoLOC_225016 = Custom-Built Fairing
			#autoLOC_226963 = Site Name:
			#autoLOC_226969 = Plaque Text:
			#autoLOC_226975 = OK
			#autoLOC_226976 = Cancel
			#autoLOC_227557 = Nominal
			#autoLOC_227562 = Off
			#autoLOC_227770 = Nominal
			#autoLOC_230121 = </i> already stored in this module.</color>
			#autoLOC_230133 = <<1>> can't be done right now.
			#autoLOC_230159 = Asteroid Name
			#autoLOC_230186 = OK
			#autoLOC_230196 = Cancel
			#autoLOC_230278 = On-board testing facilities (a piece of paper with a pencil) to certify astronauts for more advanced tasks. Can be used to increase Kerbal levels without returning to KSC.
			#autoLOC_230288 = No connection available to send reports back home!
			#autoLOC_230323 = Insufficient funds to level up all crew!
			#autoLOC_230331 = No astronauts on board are ready to gain experience.
			#autoLOC_230490 = KerbNet Access
			#autoLOC_230499 = <b>Minimum FoV: </b>
			#autoLOC_230500 = <b>Maximum FoV: </b>
			#autoLOC_230501 = <b>Anomaly Detection: </b>
			#autoLOC_230505 = \n<color=#99ff00ff><b>Scan Modes:</b></color>
			#autoLOC_230517 = \n<color=#99ff00ff><b>Required Crew:</b></color>
			#autoLOC_230521 = or
			#autoLOC_230533 = \n<color=#99ff00ff><b>Scans Enhanced While:</b></color>
			#autoLOC_230585 = Please verify that the crew aboard this part are properly trained to access KerbNet.
			#autoLOC_230588 = Please verify that this scanner is properly activated before accessing KerbNet.
			#autoLOC_230641 = Enhanced sensor ranges enabled for KerbNet on <<1>>.
			#autoLOC_230651 = Enhanced sensor ranges disabled for KerbNet on <<1>>.
			#autoLOC_231004 = To perform the test, activate the part through the staging sequence when all test conditions are met.
			#autoLOC_231008 = To perform the test, use the [Run Test] option in the part's context menu when all test conditions are met.
			#autoLOC_232021 = Not Deployed
			#autoLOC_232036 = Radiator Specs:
			#autoLOC_232038 = Core Heat xFer: <<1>>kW\n
			#autoLOC_232057 = Max Cooling: <<1>>kW\n
			#autoLOC_232060 = Transfer Rate: <<1>>%\n
			#autoLOC_232065 = Cools up to <<1>>x part temp.\n
			#autoLOC_232067 = Active cooling for all parts\n
			#autoLOC_232071 = <color=#ff9900ff>- Cools only nearby parts.</color>
			#autoLOC_232117 = Radiator
			#autoLOC_232338 = Enable Staging
			#autoLOC_232342 = Disable Staging
			#autoLOC_232729 = Upgrades available at
			#autoLOC_234049 = <b>Part:</b>\n<<1>>
			#autoLOC_234052 = \nCost change: <<1>>
			#autoLOC_234057 = Upgrades base part stats when upgrades available.
			#autoLOC_234123 = Alternator Output
			#autoLOC_234126 = EC/s
			#autoLOC_234166 = Output at Full Power:
			#autoLOC_234170 = <b><i>Disabled by default</b></i>\n
			#autoLOC_234195 = Parts
			#autoLOC_234196 = Antenna
			#autoLOC_234215 = <color=orange><b>[<<1>>]:</b> Deployment would destroy part.</color>
			#autoLOC_234369 = Panels
			#autoLOC_234370 = Solar Panel
			#autoLOC_234422 = <color=orange><b>[<<1>>]:</b> Cannot deploy while stowed.</color>
			#autoLOC_234569 = <b>Tracking Speed: </b><<1>>
			#autoLOC_234572 = \n<b>Rated for: </b><<1>> kPa dyn. pressure
			#autoLOC_234576 = \n<b><color=orange><<1>> cannot be retracted</color></b>
			#autoLOC_234828 = Extended
			#autoLOC_234841 = Extending..
			#autoLOC_234856 = Retracting..
			#autoLOC_234861 = Retracted
			#autoLOC_234868 = Broken!
			#autoLOC_234880 = <<1>> broken by aero forces.
			#autoLOC_234885 = <<1>> snapped from g-forces.
			#autoLOC_234951 = aero shielding
			#autoLOC_234989 = Aligned to <<1>>
			#autoLOC_234994 = Blocked by <<1>>
			#autoLOC_235328 = Panels
			#autoLOC_235329 = Solar Panel
			#autoLOC_235418 = Direct Sunlight
			#autoLOC_235468 = , Underwater
			#autoLOC_235499 = Efficiency
			#autoLOC_235502 = Activate Generator
			#autoLOC_235505 = Shutdown Generator
			#autoLOC_235508 = Toggle Generator
			#autoLOC_235532 = Generator
			#autoLOC_235616 = \nGenerator is always active.
			#autoLOC_235617 = \nGenerator must be started.
			#autoLOC_235622 = <b><i>Disabled by default</b></i>\n
			#autoLOC_235842 = <b>Intake Resource: </b><<1>>\n
			#autoLOC_235843 = <b>Intake Area: </b><<1>>sq m
			#autoLOC_235845 = \n<b>Effective Base Speed: </b><<1>>m/s
			#autoLOC_235851 = <b><i>Disabled by default</b></i>\n
			#autoLOC_235899 = Occluded
			#autoLOC_235936 = Nominal
			#autoLOC_235946 = No Resource Available
			#autoLOC_235952 = Closed
			#autoLOC_236028 = Enable Crossfeed
			#autoLOC_236030 = Disable Crossfeed
			#autoLOC_236032 = Toggle Crossfeed
			#autoLOC_236147 = Idle
			#autoLOC_236248 = (Combinable)
			#autoLOC_236367 = <b><color=orange>[<<1>>]: Unable to deploy!</color></b>
			#autoLOC_236374 = <b><color=orange>[<<1>>]: Unable to transmit!</color></b>
			#autoLOC_236387 = <b><color=orange>[<<1>>]: Antenna not in range!</color></b>
			#autoLOC_236415 = Experiment Modules will become inoperable if their data is removed.
			#autoLOC_236416 = Warning!
			#autoLOC_236417 = Transmit All
			#autoLOC_236418 = Transmit Re-usable Ones Only
			#autoLOC_236419 = Cancel
			#autoLOC_236426 = Transmit Anyway
			#autoLOC_236427 = Cancel
			#autoLOC_236475 = <b><color=orange>[<<1>>]: Unable to deploy!</color></b>
			#autoLOC_236534 = Uploading Data...
			#autoLOC_236540 = [<<1>>]: Uploading Data...
			#autoLOC_236559 = <b><color=orange>[<<1>>]: Warning! <<2>>!</color></b>
			#autoLOC_236562 = Charge: <<1>>/<<2>>
			#autoLOC_236564 = Returning Data...Aborting Transmission...
			#autoLOC_236592 = Done!
			#autoLOC_236594 = [<<1>>]: Done!
			#autoLOC_236732 = <b><color=orange>[<<1>>]: Warning! Transmission interruptions may compromise data integrity.</color></b>
			#autoLOC_236748 = Aborting Transmission...
			#autoLOC_236755 = Aborting Transmission...
			#autoLOC_236834 = vs L1 DSN:
			#autoLOC_236835 = \nvs L2 DSN:
			#autoLOC_236836 = \nvs L3 DSN:
			#autoLOC_236840 = \n<b>Packet size: </b><<1>> Mits\n
			#autoLOC_236841 = <b>Bandwidth: </b><<1>> Mits/sec\n
			#autoLOC_236842 = \n\nWhen Transmitting:
			#autoLOC_236846 = \n<i>Cannot transmit science</i>\n
			#autoLOC_236849 = <b><i>Disabled by default</b></i>\n
			#autoLOC_237023 = Display
			#autoLOC_237024 = Off
			#autoLOC_237120 = <<1>>m/s^2
			#autoLOC_237124 = TOO FAR FROM OBJECT!
			#autoLOC_237141 = MINIMAL
			#autoLOC_237143 = IN VACUUM!
			#autoLOC_237152 = Off
			#autoLOC_237153 = Off
			#autoLOC_237286 = <<1>> / <<2>> experiments
			#autoLOC_237288 = <<1>> experiments
			#autoLOC_237370 = <color=#99ff00ff>[<<1>>]: All Items Stored.</color>
			#autoLOC_237374 = <color=orange>[<<1>>]: Not all items could be stored.</color>
			#autoLOC_237379 = <color=#99ff00ff>[<<1>>]: Nothing to Store.</color>
			#autoLOC_237418 = <color=#99ff00ff>[<<1>>]: All Items Collected.</color>
			#autoLOC_237422 = <color=orange>[<<1>>]: Not all items could be collected.</color>
			#autoLOC_237427 = <color=#99ff00ff>[<<1>>]: Nothing to Collect.</color>
			#autoLOC_237432 = <color=#ff6600ff>[<<1>>]: <<2>> has no data container.</color>
			#autoLOC_237449 = <b><color=orange>A transfer is already in progress.</color></b>
			#autoLOC_237485 = <color=#99ff00ff>[<<1>>]: All Items Stored.</color>
			#autoLOC_237489 = <color=orange>[<<1>>]: Not all items could be stored.</color>
			#autoLOC_237494 = <color=#99ff00ff>[<<1>>]: Nothing to Store.</color>
			#autoLOC_237607 = <color=#99ff00ff>[<<1>>]: <i><<2>></i> Added (<<3>>/<<4>>).</color>
			#autoLOC_237611 = <color=#99ff00ff>[<<1>>]: <i><<2>></i> Added.</color>
			#autoLOC_237617 = <b><color=orange>[<<1>>]: Cannot Add <i><<2>></i>. Storage capacity exceeded. (<<3>>/<<4>>)</b></color>
			#autoLOC_237662 = <color=#ff9900ff>[<<1>>]: <<2>> Removed.</color>
			#autoLOC_237738 = No usable, in-range Comms Devices on this vessel. Cannot Transmit Data.
			#autoLOC_237740 = No usable Comms Devices on this vessel. Cannot Transmit Data.
			#autoLOC_237902 = <color=orange>[<<1>>]: Research stopped, no scientists present!</color>
			#autoLOC_237911 = No Power
			#autoLOC_237928 = Science Full
			#autoLOC_237931 = Researching
			#autoLOC_237998 = Transmitting this experiment will render this module inoperable.\n\n
			#autoLOC_238002 = Removing the experiment data will render this module inoperable.\n\n
			#autoLOC_238018 = Take Data
			#autoLOC_238176 = Ready
			#autoLOC_238290 = <b><color=orange>Cannot perform experiment when part is shielded.</color></b>
			#autoLOC_238298 = <b><color=orange>Cannot perform experiment, must wait <<1>></color></b>
			#autoLOC_238318 = <b><color=orange>Cannot perform experiment when part is shielded.</color></b>
			#autoLOC_238370 = Overwrite existing <<1>>?
			#autoLOC_238371 = Overwrite <<1>>
			#autoLOC_238373 = Cancel
			#autoLOC_238379 = <color=orange>[<<1>>]: Cannot run experiment while stowed.</color>
			#autoLOC_238419 = <color=#99ff00ff>[<<1>>]: <<2>> data collected on <i><<3>></i></color>
			#autoLOC_238424 = <<1>> can't be done right now.
			#autoLOC_238505 = No usable, in-range Comms Devices on this vessel. Cannot Transmit Data.
			#autoLOC_238507 = No usable Comms Devices on this vessel. Cannot Transmit Data.
			#autoLOC_238556 = <<1>> Warning!
			#autoLOC_238567 = <color=#99ff00ff>[<<1>>]: Nothing to transfer.</color>
			#autoLOC_238572 = <color=#ff6600ff>[<<1>>]: <<2>> has no data container.</color>
			#autoLOC_238582 = <color=#99ff00ff>[<<1>>]: All Items Stored.</color>
			#autoLOC_238589 = <color=orange>[<<1>>]: Not all items could be stored.</color>
			#autoLOC_238595 = <color=orange>[<<1>>]: Something pretty bad happened just now apparently.</color>
			#autoLOC_238643 = <b><color=orange>Cannot perform experiment when part is shielded.</color></b>
			#autoLOC_238754 = <color=orange>[<<1>>]: Experiment Media removed. Module inoperable.</color>
			#autoLOC_238770 = <b><color=#99ff00ff>[<<1>>]: Media Restored. Module is operational again.</color></b>
			#autoLOC_238776 = <b><color=orange>Only Scientists can restore inoperable modules</color></b>
			#autoLOC_238797 = Collectable data: <<1>>\n
			#autoLOC_238798 = Rerunnable: <<1>>\n
			#autoLOC_238799 = Resettable: <<1>>
			#autoLOC_238802 = \nCleanup requires: <<1>>\n
			#autoLOC_238803 = Cleanup cost: <<1>>
			#autoLOC_238816 = <b><color=orange>A transfer is already in progress.</color></b>
			#autoLOC_238885 = Experiment: Enable Staging
			#autoLOC_238886 = Experiment: Disable Staging
			#autoLOC_238985 = <color=#99FF00FF>[Research & Development]: Received science lab research data from <<1>>.<<2>></color>
			#autoLOC_239109 = Operational
			#autoLOC_239144 = <color=orange>[<<1>>]: not enough data storage to research <i><<2>></i>.</color>
			#autoLOC_239150 = <color=orange>[<<1>>]: experiment <i><<2>></i> has already been researched in this lab.</color>
			#autoLOC_239163 = Lab Analysis on <<1>> Complete (<<2>> data stored).
			#autoLOC_239242 = <b><color=#99ff00ff>[<<1>>]: Cleanout on <i><<2>></i> Complete.</color></b>
			#autoLOC_239317 = <b>Crews Required: </b><<1>>\n
			#autoLOC_239318 = <b>Data Storage: </b><<1>>\n
			#autoLOC_239324 = Cannot transmit data: <<1>>.
			#autoLOC_239331 = lab is already transmitting
			#autoLOC_239337 = not enough useful findings
			#autoLOC_239346 = Research results
			#autoLOC_239357 = no available, in-range antennae on this vessel
			#autoLOC_239359 = no available antennae on this vessel
			#autoLOC_239579 = No labs are currently available.
			#autoLOC_239581 = This vessel has no science labs.
			#autoLOC_239583 = All labs are currently busy.
			#autoLOC_239585 = No labs are currently manned.
			#autoLOC_239587 = All labs are full of data.
			#autoLOC_239589 = All labs already have this data.
			#autoLOC_239591 = There was an error.
			#autoLOC_239631 = Cannot analyze data as <<1>>
			#autoLOC_240283 = <b>Ejection Force: </b><<1>>\n
			#autoLOC_240290 = Decoupler
			#autoLOC_240300 = <b>Ejection Force: </b><<1>>
			#autoLOC_240328 = Decoupler: Enable Staging
			#autoLOC_240329 = Decoupler: Disable Staging
			#autoLOC_240611 = <b>Ejection Force: </b><<1>>\n
			#autoLOC_240619 = Separator
			#autoLOC_241797 = <<1>> Docking Port
			#autoLOC_241887 = <b>Capture Range: </b><<1>>\n
			#autoLOC_241888 = <b>Undock Ejection Force: </b><<1>>\n
			#autoLOC_241913 = Port: Enable Staging
			#autoLOC_241914 = Port: Disable Staging
			#autoLOC_242893 = <b>Capture Range : </b><<1>>\n
			#autoLOC_243358 = Shroud: Enable Staging
			#autoLOC_243359 = Shroud: Disable Staging
			#autoLOC_243615 = Resource: <<1>>
			#autoLOC_243619 = \nConverts to <<1>> <<2>> / sec. of <<3>>\n
			#autoLOC_243623 = <b><i>Disabled by default</b></i>\n
			#autoLOC_243968 = <<1>>'s Ocean
			#autoLOC_243978 = Sample collection failed! You need to be on the ground or in the water to collect a sample.
			#autoLOC_244005 = Available Containers:
			#autoLOC_244028 = FULL
			#autoLOC_244032 = Transfer
			#autoLOC_244197 = - <b><<1>>: </b><<2>>/sec.\n
			#autoLOC_244201 = - <b><<1>>: </b><<2>>/min.\n
			#autoLOC_244332 = Requires:
			#autoLOC_244333 = Outputs:
			#autoLOC_244335 = Requires:
			#autoLOC_244339 = Outputs:
			#autoLOC_244419 = Not enough <<1>>
			#autoLOC_245149 = <color=orange>Cannot drain from other parts.</color>\n
			#autoLOC_245153 = <color=<<1>>>Drains evenly across vessel.</color>\n
			#autoLOC_245157 = <color=<<1>>>Drains evenly across vessel, per priority.</color>\n
			#autoLOC_245162 = <color=<<1>>>Drains evenly respecting crossfeed, per priority.</color>\n
			#autoLOC_246599 = Brake Torque: <<1>> kNm
			#autoLOC_246817 = <color=orange>[<<1>>]: Overstressed.</color>
			#autoLOC_246818 = <<1>> overstressed and was destroyed.
			#autoLOC_246889 = Stress Tolerance: <<1>>
			#autoLOC_246904 = Crew member has insufficient Engineer skill level\nLevel <<1>> is required
			#autoLOC_247601 = Start Retracted
			#autoLOC_247603 = Inoperable
			#autoLOC_247645 = Retractable
			#autoLOC_247957 = Idle (<<1>> /s)
			#autoLOC_247963 = Running (<<1>>/s)
			#autoLOC_247970 = Not Enough Resources
			#autoLOC_247987 = Inoperative
			#autoLOC_247995 = Disabled
			#autoLOC_248010 = Motor Max Speed: <<1>>m/s\n<<2>>
			#autoLOC_248121 = Inoperative
			#autoLOC_248128 = Disabled
			#autoLOC_248141 = Differential Steering\n<<1>>
			#autoLOC_248404 = Steering Range: <<1>>°
			#autoLOC_248720 = Suspension Travel: <<1>>m
			#autoLOC_250625 = Not Enough Funds!
			#autoLOC_250630 = You can't afford to launch this vessel.
			#autoLOC_250640 = Unable to Launch
			#autoLOC_250677 = Craft is too heavy!
			#autoLOC_250682 = The <<1>> can't support vessels heavier than <<2>>t.\n<<3>>'s total mass is <<4>>t.
			#autoLOC_250692 = Unable to Launch
			#autoLOC_250727 = Craft has too many parts!
			#autoLOC_250732 = The <<1>> can't support vessels over <<2>> parts.
			#autoLOC_250742 = Unable to Launch
			#autoLOC_250789 = Craft size unknown!
			#autoLOC_250793 = Craft is too large for <<1>>!
			#autoLOC_250801 = No Size information is available for <<1>>.\n\nPlease open it in the <<2>> to have it revised by the engineering staff.
			#autoLOC_250811 = <<1>> Dimensions:\n
			#autoLOC_250812 = Length: <<1>>m\t\t\t\t\t[Max: <<2>>]\n
			#autoLOC_250813 = Span: <<1>>m\t\t\t\t\t\t[Max: <<2>>]\n
			#autoLOC_250814 = Height: <<1>>m\t\t\t\t\t[Max: <<2>>]\n
			#autoLOC_250820 = Height: <<1>>m\t\t\t\t\t\t[Max: <<2>>]\n
			#autoLOC_250821 = Diameter: <<1>>m\t\t\t\t\t[Max: <<2>>]\n
			#autoLOC_250834 = Unable to Launch
			#autoLOC_250906 = Missing air breathing engines
			#autoLOC_250911 = The vessel has air intakes but no engines to use them.
			#autoLOC_251018 = Cannot transmit science.
			#autoLOC_251023 = Missing antenna.
			#autoLOC_251025 = Short range antenna.
			#autoLOC_251028 = Antenna issues.
			#autoLOC_251036 = Your manned vessel does not have an antenna capable of transmitting science experiment data.
			#autoLOC_251041 = Your unmanned vessel does not have an antenna and will have limited control functionality.
			#autoLOC_251043 = Your unmanned vessel has a short range internal antenna and will have limited control functionality at longer ranges.
			#autoLOC_251046 = Your vessel has antenna issues.
			#autoLOC_251096 = CoM offset!
			#autoLOC_251101 = The Center of Mass for this vessel might be too far away from center of thrust.
			#autoLOC_251140 = Missing contract equipment!
			#autoLOC_251145 = You have accepted a contract which uses equipment. We can't find this equipment on your vessel.
			#autoLOC_251200 = Decoupler attached wrong.
			#autoLOC_251201 = Decouplers attached wrong.
			#autoLOC_251207 = Decoupler is attached the wrong way. In this position this decoupler casing will remain after decoupling.
			#autoLOC_251208 = Decouplers are attached the wrong way. In this position these decoupler's casings will remain after decoupling.
			#autoLOC_251251 = Decoupler activated before launch clamps.
			#autoLOC_251252 = Decouplers activated before launch clamps.
			#autoLOC_251258 = This decoupler will activate before the launch clamps.
			#autoLOC_251259 = These decouplers will activate before the launch clamps.
			#autoLOC_251475 = Docking port used as decoupler.
			#autoLOC_251476 = Docking ports used as decouplers.
			#autoLOC_251482 = Docking port is not undocking a controllable vessel. Place a command pod on the part you wish to undock to make it controllable.
			#autoLOC_251483 = Docking ports are not undocking controllable vessels. Place a command pod on the part you wish to undock to make it controllable.
			#autoLOC_251638 = Docking port attached wrong.
			#autoLOC_251639 = Docking ports attached wrong.
			#autoLOC_251645 = Docking port is not facing or attached the right way. In this position it is considered useless.
			#autoLOC_251646 = Docking ports are not facing or attached the right way. In this position they are considered useless.
			#autoLOC_251727 = RCS missing on docking port stage!
			#autoLOC_251732 = A stage with a docking port was detected. And no RCS was found on this stage.
			#autoLOC_251805 = ElectricCharge stored but not generated.
			#autoLOC_251806 = ElectricCharge stored but not generated.
			#autoLOC_251814 = This part stores electric charge but there is nothing on the vessel generating it. Except alternators (on engines) but these will only generate charge as long as the alternators are active.
			#autoLOC_251815 = These parts store electric charge but there is nothing on the vessel generating it. Except alternators (on engines) but these will only generate charge as long as the alternators are active.
			#autoLOC_251820 = This part stores electric charge but there is nothing on the vessel generating it.
			#autoLOC_251821 = These parts store electric charge but there is nothing on the vessel generating it.
			#autoLOC_251890 = ElectricCharge generated but storage lacking.
			#autoLOC_251891 = ElectricCharge generated but storage lacking.
			#autoLOC_251897 = This part generates electric charge but the vessel is lacking storage capacity. Command pods store some but it is probably not enough.
			#autoLOC_251898 = These parts generate electric charge but the vessel is lacking storage capacity. Command pods store some but it is probably not enough.
			#autoLOC_251969 = ElectricCharge generated but not used.
			#autoLOC_251970 = ElectricCharge generated but not used.
			#autoLOC_251976 = This part generates electric charge but the vessel is lacking parts that need it. Command pods need some but there will probably be overflow.
			#autoLOC_251977 = These parts generate electric charge but the vessel is lacking parts that need it. Command pods need some but there will probably be overflow.
			#autoLOC_252004 = ElectricCharge
			#autoLOC_252048 = ElectricCharge required but not generated.
			#autoLOC_252049 = ElectricCharge required but not generated.
			#autoLOC_252057 = This part consume electric charge but the vessel is lacking parts that generate it. Except alternators (on engines) but these will only generate charge as long as the alternators are active.
			#autoLOC_252058 = These parts consume electric charge but the vessel is lacking parts that generate it. Except alternators (on engines) but these will only generate charge as long as the alternators are active.
			#autoLOC_252063 = This part consume electric charge but the vessel is lacking parts that generate it.
			#autoLOC_252064 = These parts consume electric charge but the vessel is lacking parts that generate it.
			#autoLOC_252125 = Engine jettisoned before use.
			#autoLOC_252126 = Engines jettisoned before use.
			#autoLOC_252132 = This engine will be jettisoned before you are able to use it. If it is a missile, disregard this message.
			#autoLOC_252133 = These engines will be jettisoned before you are able to use them. If they are missiles, disregard this message.
			#autoLOC_252190 = Hatch Obstructed!
			#autoLOC_252195 = Hatch can't open because it is blocked. Your crew will not be able to enter or exit.
			#autoLOC_252231 = Lacking input authority.
			#autoLOC_252236 = Your vessel is lacking in input authority
			#autoLOC_252317 = Missing intakes
			#autoLOC_252322 = The vessel has air breathing engines but no intakes.
			#autoLOC_252377 = Missing ladder.
			#autoLOC_252382 = Your vessel contains landing legs and/or wheels but it does not have a ladder.
			#autoLOC_252437 = Landing gear issues!
			#autoLOC_252438 = Landing gear missing!
			#autoLOC_252444 = Assuming this is a plane the wheels you have equipped may not work as expected on takeoff and landing. Consider using landing gear instead.
			#autoLOC_252445 = Assuming this is a plane you might want to consider using landing gear.
			#autoLOC_252504 = Empty crew cabin.
			#autoLOC_252505 = Empty crew cabins.
			#autoLOC_252511 = This crew cabin has crew capacity but all seats are empty.
			#autoLOC_252512 = These crew cabins have crew capacity but all seats are empty.
			#autoLOC_252566 = Command module facing the wrong way.
			#autoLOC_252567 = Command modules facing the wrong way.
			#autoLOC_252573 = This command module is facing the wrong way. It must have the same rotation as the root part or it may result in a misaligned navball.
			#autoLOC_252574 = These command modules are facing the wrong way. They must have the same rotation as the root part or it may result in a misaligned navball.
			#autoLOC_252616 = Parachute on engine stage.
			#autoLOC_252617 = Parachutes on engine stage.
			#autoLOC_252623 = This parachute will activate at the same time as an engine.
			#autoLOC_252624 = These parachutes will activate at the same time as an engine.
			#autoLOC_252675 = Parachute on first stage.
			#autoLOC_252676 = Parachutes on first stage.
			#autoLOC_252682 = This parachute will activate in the first staging group.
			#autoLOC_252683 = These parachutes will activate in the first staging group.
			#autoLOC_252764 = Parachute issues!
			#autoLOC_252765 = Parachute missing!
			#autoLOC_252773 = This command pod has crew assigned but no parachute attached. We did find a parachute in the same separation stage, make sure it is attached correctly
			#autoLOC_252774 = These command pods have crew assigned but no parachute attached. We did find a parachute in the same separation stage, make sure it is attached correctly
			#autoLOC_252779 = This command pod has crew assigned but no parachute attached.
			#autoLOC_252780 = These command pods have crew assigned but no parachute attached.
			#autoLOC_252827 = Data transmitter required.
			#autoLOC_252828 = Data transmitter required.
			#autoLOC_252834 = This orbital surveyor module require a data transmitter to operate.
			#autoLOC_252835 = These orbital surveyor modules require a data transmitter to operate.
			#autoLOC_252942 = Consumer receiving limited <<1>>.
			#autoLOC_252943 = Consumers receiving limited <<1>>.
			#autoLOC_252948 = Consumer not receiving <<1>>.
			#autoLOC_252949 = Consumers not receiving <<1>>.
			#autoLOC_252958 = The vessel has a consumer (RCS etc.) that is receiving limited amounts of the <<1>> it needs. Some <<2>> is stored in command pods but it is probably not enough.
			#autoLOC_252959 = The vessel has <<1>> consumers (RCS etc.) that are receiving limited amounts of the <<2>> they need. Some <<3>> is stored in command pods but it is probably not enough.
			#autoLOC_252964 = The vessel has a consumer (engine etc.) that is not receiving the <<1>> it needs.
			#autoLOC_252965 = The vessel has <<1>> consumers (engines etc.) that are not receiving the <<2>> they need.
			#autoLOC_253062 = The vessel has 1 <<1>> container which is not used by or connecting to anything that requires <<2>>.
			#autoLOC_253063 = The vessel has <<1>> <<2>> containers which are not used by or connecting to anything that requires <<3>>.
			#autoLOC_253109 = Station hub issues.
			#autoLOC_253115 = This station hub has empty attachment points. They are not docking ports.
			#autoLOC_253116 = These station hubs have empty attachment points. They are not docking ports.
			#autoLOC_253217 = Unavailable Experimental Parts
			#autoLOC_253222 = This vessel contains experimental parts which are not available at the moment:\n\n
			#autoLOC_253243 = Unable to Launch
			#autoLOC_253284 = <<1>> Out of Service
			#autoLOC_253289 = The <<1>> is not in serviceable conditions. Cannot proceed.
			#autoLOC_253299 = Ok
			#autoLOC_253369 = <<1>> not clear
			#autoLOC_253374 = <<1>> is already on the <<2>>
			#autoLOC_253379 = Clear the <<1>> and proceed\n(Recover <<2>>)
			#autoLOC_253384 = Abort the launch
			#autoLOC_253474 = No Control!
			#autoLOC_253479 = This vessel has no remote-controlled or manned command modules. It won't be controllable.
			#autoLOC_253486 = Warning: No Control!
			#autoLOC_253491 = This vessel has no remote-controlled or manned command modules.\n\nIt won't be controllable.
			#autoLOC_253496 = Launch anyway
			#autoLOC_253501 = Cancel
			#autoLOC_253586 = No Crew!
			#autoLOC_253591 = None of the seats in this vessel are crewed. It won't be controllable.
			#autoLOC_253598 = Warning: No Crew!
			#autoLOC_253603 = None of the seats in this vessel are crewed.\n\nIt won't be controllable.
			#autoLOC_253608 = Launch anyway
			#autoLOC_253613 = Cancel
			#autoLOC_253618 = No Crewed Parts
			#autoLOC_253804 = Wrong Launch Site!
			#autoLOC_253809 = The selected vessel is not a <<1>>.\n\nIt was not meant to be launched from the <<2>>.
			#autoLOC_253814 = Proceed Anyway (No Guarantees)
			#autoLOC_253819 = Cancel Launch
			#autoLOC_257023 = Inactive
			#autoLOC_257112 = Inactive
			#autoLOC_257237 = Operational
			#autoLOC_257466 = Overheating - shutting down
			#autoLOC_257529 = <<1>>% load
			#autoLOC_258405 = No asteroid detected
			#autoLOC_258412 = Not directly attached to asteroid
			#autoLOC_258419 = No resource data
			#autoLOC_258428 = No surface impact
			#autoLOC_258436 = No info
			#autoLOC_258443 = Resources Depleted
			#autoLOC_258451 = Insufficient Power
			#autoLOC_258501 = No Storage Space
			#autoLOC_258587 = \n\n<color=#99FF00>Power Consumption:</color>
			#autoLOC_258793 = <color=orange>[Biome Analysis]: Unable to perform analysis as vessel is uncontrolled.</color>
			#autoLOC_258910 = Asteroid
			#autoLOC_258911 = none
			#autoLOC_258912 = n/a
			#autoLOC_258913 = n/a
			#autoLOC_258942 = N
			#autoLOC_258943 = S
			#autoLOC_259338 = Orbital Survey Data
			#autoLOC_259348 = No usable, in-range Comms Devices on this vessel. Cannot Transmit Data.
			#autoLOC_259361 = <color=#99FF00FF>[Research & Development]: Receieved orbital survey data for <<1>>.
			#autoLOC_259425 = Scanning mode: Orbital\n
			#autoLOC_259426 = Scanning resource: All resources\n
			#autoLOC_259427 = Scanning time: <<1>>s\n
			#autoLOC_259428 = <color=<<1>>>Discovery science bonus: <<2>></color>\n
			#autoLOC_259429 = Min. Altitude: <<1>>m\n
			#autoLOC_259430 = <color=<<1>>>[unless: body.radius / 10 is bigger]</color>\n
			#autoLOC_259431 = Max. Altitude: <<1>>m\n
			#autoLOC_259432 = <color=<<1>>>[unless: body.radius * 5 is smaller]</color>
			#autoLOC_259510 = n/a
			#autoLOC_259572 = \n\n<color=#99FF00>Inputs:</color>
			#autoLOC_259594 = \n<color=#99FF00>Outputs:</color>
			#autoLOC_259620 = \n<color=#99FF00>Requirements:</color>
			#autoLOC_259655 = n/a
			#autoLOC_259675 = <color=#BADA55>(<<1>> use - <<2>>% base efficiency)</color>
			#autoLOC_259676 = \n\n<color=#99FF00>Max inputs:</color>
			#autoLOC_259698 = \n<color=#99FF00>Max outputs:</color>
			#autoLOC_259724 = \n<color=#99FF00>Requirements:</color>
			#autoLOC_259762 = drill moving
			#autoLOC_259775 = must land first
			#autoLOC_259782 = must be splashed down
			#autoLOC_259789 = no ground contact
			#autoLOC_259808 = nothing to harvest
			#autoLOC_259819 = insufficient abundance
			#autoLOC_259826 = Inactive
			#autoLOC_259857 = <<1>>/ sec
			#autoLOC_259862 = n/a
			#autoLOC_259933 = Insufficient power - shutting down
			#autoLOC_260065 = Ocean
			#autoLOC_260116 = Too high
			#autoLOC_260121 = Unavailable
			#autoLOC_260125 = Unavailable
			#autoLOC_260145 = Unknown
			#autoLOC_260196 = Scanning mode: <<1>>\n
			#autoLOC_260197 = Scanning resource: <<1>>\n
			#autoLOC_260198 = Max. Altitude: <<1>>m
			#autoLOC_261263 = missing <<1>>
			#autoLOC_261274 = zero efficiency
			#autoLOC_261304 = missing <<1>>
			#autoLOC_261332 = output cap: <<1>>
			#autoLOC_261334 = <<1>> full
			#autoLOC_264161 = <b><color=#DB8310>Agent:</color> <<1>></b>\n\n\n
			#autoLOC_264163 = <b><color=#DB8310>Description:</color></b>\n\n
			#autoLOC_264172 = <b><color=#DB8310>Mentality:</color></b>\n\n
			#autoLOC_264842 = Lower Reputation rewards, but higher financial stakes.
			#autoLOC_264908 = Shorter deadlines and expiry, but larger cash rewards.
			#autoLOC_264975 = Smaller reputation gains for completion and failure.
			#autoLOC_265008 = Rewards eco-friendly behaviour.
			#autoLOC_265039 = Larger cash rewards but lower reputation gains.
			#autoLOC_265075 = Have this completed by yesterday! Shorter deadlines but higher reputation gains.
			#autoLOC_265110 = Awards industrial behaviour.
			#autoLOC_265141 = One for all and all for one.
			#autoLOC_265172 = Reduced funding but increased reputation.
			#autoLOC_265230 = Relaxed deadlines but lower reputation gains.
			#autoLOC_265266 = Perfection is more than a state of mind.
			#autoLOC_265297 = Pushing the limits of Kerbalkind.
			#autoLOC_265328 = Rewards contracts which break records for kerbalkind.
			#autoLOC_265367 = For science!
			#autoLOC_265398 = Shorter deadlines and expiry, and also smaller cash rewards.
			#autoLOC_265434 = Larger reputation gains for completion but also larger reputation penalties for failure.
			#autoLOC_266201 = Contract Cancelled
			#autoLOC_266312 = Our contract for <<1>> has been cancelled
			#autoLOC_266330 = Our contract for <<1>> has expired
			#autoLOC_266339 = We have failed our contract for <<1>>
			#autoLOC_266348 = We have completed a contract for <<1>>
			#autoLOC_266379 = Advanced
			#autoLOC_266421 = Completion Rewards
			#autoLOC_266459 = Penalties for Failure
			#autoLOC_266501 = Penalties for Cancellation <<1>> After Accepting
			#autoLOC_266514 = Briefing:
			#autoLOC_266518 = Prestige
			#autoLOC_266526 = Expires
			#autoLOC_266530 = Deadline
			#autoLOC_266534 = Duration
			#autoLOC_266539 = Accepted
			#autoLOC_266542 = Deadline
			#autoLOC_266553 = Objectives:
			#autoLOC_266566 = Rewards:
			#autoLOC_266649 = Advance
			#autoLOC_266651 = Completion
			#autoLOC_266653 = Failure
			#autoLOC_266656 = Decline
			#autoLOC_266732 = <b><color=#<<1>>><<2>>Completion:</color></b><<3>>\n
			#autoLOC_266766 = <b><color=#<<1>>><<2>>Failure: </color></b> <<3>>\n
			#autoLOC_267072 = Contract Complete
			#autoLOC_267084 = Contract Deadline Expired
			#autoLOC_267092 = Contract Failed
			#autoLOC_268165 = Contract Parameter Complete
			#autoLOC_268204 = Contract Parameter Failed
			#autoLOC_268399 = No description
			#autoLOC_268411 = '<<1>>' complete!
			#autoLOC_268417 = '<<1>>' failed!
			#autoLOC_268423 = '<<1>>' incomplete.
			#autoLOC_268606 = Alt: <<1>>m to <<2>>m
			#autoLOC_268854 = Launch Site
			#autoLOC_268855 = Landed
			#autoLOC_268856 = Flying
			#autoLOC_268857 = Orbit
			#autoLOC_268858 = Splashed down
			#autoLOC_268859 = Sub-orbital trajectory
			#autoLOC_268860 = Escape trajectory
			#autoLOC_268861 = No situation report available
			#autoLOC_268955 = Spd: <<1>>m/s to <<2>>m/s
			#autoLOC_269461 = Transmit or Recover scientific data from space around <<1>>
			#autoLOC_269463 = Transmit or Recover scientific data from the surface of <<1>>
			#autoLOC_269557 = Achieve orbit around <<1>>
			#autoLOC_269618 = Enter SOI of <<1>>
			#autoLOC_269684 = Kill no more than <<1>> kerbals
			#autoLOC_269686 = Kill no kerbals
			#autoLOC_269752 = Land on <<1>>
			#autoLOC_270135 = Plant flag on <<1>>
			#autoLOC_270222 = <b><<1>></b><<2>>\n
			#autoLOC_270224 = \nAlt: <<1>>m to <<2>>m
			#autoLOC_270225 = \nSpd: <<1>>m/s to <<2>>m/s
			#autoLOC_270234 = <<1>>, Launch Site
			#autoLOC_270235 = <<1>>, Flying
			#autoLOC_270236 = <<1>>, Landed
			#autoLOC_270237 = <<1>>, Orbit
			#autoLOC_270238 = <<1>>, Splashed down
			#autoLOC_270239 = <<1>>, Sub-orbital trajectory
			#autoLOC_270240 = <<1>>, Escape trajectory
			#autoLOC_270241 = No situation report available
			#autoLOC_270248 = <<1^n>>'s <<2>>, Launch Site
			#autoLOC_270249 = <<1^n>>'s <<2>>, Flying
			#autoLOC_270250 = <<1^n>>'s <<2>>, Landed
			#autoLOC_270251 = <<1^n>>'s <<2>>, Orbit
			#autoLOC_270252 = <<1^n>>'s <<2>>, Splashed down
			#autoLOC_270253 = <<1^n>>'s <<2>>, Sub-orbital trajectory
			#autoLOC_270254 = <<1^n>>'s <<2>>, Escape trajectory
			#autoLOC_270255 = No situation report available
			#autoLOC_270961 = Vessel must have the mission flag of <<1>>
			#autoLOC_271045 = Vessel must contain no parts made by <<1>>
			#autoLOC_271049 = Vessel must contain at least one part made by <<1>>
			#autoLOC_271214 = Vessel must have been launched after the contract was accepted
			#autoLOC_272424 = Any Science Data
			#autoLOC_272432 = We want you to send us science data from space around <<1>>.
			#autoLOC_272436 = We want you to to send us science data from the surface of <<1>>.
			#autoLOC_272443 = Science data from space around <<1>>.
			#autoLOC_272445 = Science data from surface of <<1>>.
			#autoLOC_272451 = We've just received experimental data from space around <<1>>! Good work.
			#autoLOC_272453 = We've just received experimental data from the surface of <<1>>! Excellent.
			#autoLOC_272636 = We need you to
			#autoLOC_272642 = \u0020and finish
			#autoLOC_272647 = \u0020in the atmosphere of\u0020
			#autoLOC_272650 = \u0020on the surface of\u0020
			#autoLOC_272653 = \u0020in orbit of\u0020
			#autoLOC_272656 = \u0020in the oceans of\u0020
			#autoLOC_272659 = \u0020in sub-orbit of\u0020
			#autoLOC_272666 = \u0020using a single vessel.
			#autoLOC_272675 = Complete the\u0020
			#autoLOC_272682 = Grand\u0020
			#autoLOC_272685 = Supreme\u0020
			#autoLOC_272688 = Ultimate\u0020
			#autoLOC_272705 = Course
			#autoLOC_272708 = Rally
			#autoLOC_272711 = Voyage
			#autoLOC_272720 = Trek
			#autoLOC_272723 = Journey
			#autoLOC_272726 = Expedition
			#autoLOC_272732 = Challenge
			#autoLOC_272741 = You have successfully visited <<n:1>> celestial bodies with a single vessel!
			#autoLOC_272752 = Warning! This contract ends in a hazardous location - plan accordingly.
			#autoLOC_272850 = Commercial
			#autoLOC_272859 = Record
			#autoLOC_273203 = Haul Complete! This will help us a great deal. Thanks!
			#autoLOC_273220 = No situation report available
			#autoLOC_273234 = No situation report available
			#autoLOC_273996 = We want you to plant a flag on the surface of <<1>>.
			#autoLOC_274001 = Plant flag on <<1>>.
			#autoLOC_274006 = Our trackers confirm the flag has been planted at <<1>>. Nicely Done!
			#autoLOC_274219 = Save <<1>>
			#autoLOC_274226 = Obtain <<1>>
			#autoLOC_274236 = Recover <<1>> on <<2>>
			#autoLOC_274385 = <<1>> Stats:\nMass: <<2>>t\nHeight: <<3>>m\nWidth: <<4>>m\nLength: <<5>>m
			#autoLOC_274398 = Well done! <<1>> has been recovered in one piece and is now enjoying a thorough debriefing from the comfort of <<2>> quarantine cell.
			#autoLOC_274399 = <<1>> is now part of your crew roster, and may be assigned to future missions.
			#autoLOC_274401 = Good job! <<1>> has been recovered in one piece and is being analyzed as we speak.
			#autoLOC_274403 = Great Work! <<1>> and <<2>> <<3>> have been recovered! <<4>> will be debriefed while we analyze what's left of <<5>> vessel.
			#autoLOC_274404 = <<1>> is now part of your crew roster, and may be assigned to future missions.
			#autoLOC_274430 = <<1>> was lost AND <<2>> was destroyed! This contract is over.
			#autoLOC_274433 = <<1>> was lost! We are pulling the plug on this one.
			#autoLOC_274436 = <<1>> was destroyed! We are pulling the plug on this one.
			#autoLOC_274438 = We are pulling the plug on this one.
			#autoLOC_274446 = The contract to rescue <<1>> has been cancelled.
			#autoLOC_274448 = The contract to recover <<1>> has been cancelled.
			#autoLOC_274459 = The deadline on the contract to rescue <<1>> has expired.
			#autoLOC_274461 = The deadline on the contract to recover <<1>> has expired.
			#autoLOC_277907 = <<1>>Apoapsis: <<2>>m<<3>>
			#autoLOC_277910 = <<1>>Agency: <<2>><<3>>
			#autoLOC_277915 = <<1>>Periapsis: <<2>>m<<3>>
			#autoLOC_277918 = <<1>>Agency: <<2>><<3>>
			#autoLOC_277932 = <<1>>Ascending Node: <<2>>°<<3>>
			#autoLOC_277935 = <<1>>Agency: <<2>><<3>>
			#autoLOC_277943 = <<1>>Descending Node: <<2>>°<<3>>
			#autoLOC_277946 = <<1>>Agency: <<2>><<3>>
			#autoLOC_278134 = Bring a newly discovered Class <<1>> asteroid to <<2>> and land it.
			#autoLOC_278136 = Bring a newly discovered Class <<1>> asteroid into an orbit around <<2>>.
			#autoLOC_278139 = Eject a Class <<1>> asteroid out of the solar system.
			#autoLOC_278155 = Capture a new Class <<1>> asteroid, then bring it to <<2>> and land it...gently.
			#autoLOC_278162 = Capture a new Class <<1>> asteroid, then bring it into a stable orbit around <<2>> to test our capabilities.
			#autoLOC_278164 = Capture a new Class <<1>> asteroid, then bring it into a stable orbit around <<2>>. Why? FOR SCIENCE!
			#autoLOC_278166 = Mission control says low <<1>> orbit is getting a bit crowded. Capture a new Class <<2>> asteroid and take it into orbit around <<3>> instead.
			#autoLOC_278175 = Capture a new Class <<1>> asteroid, then put it on an extrasolar trajectory. The less of these things orbiting the sun, the better.
			#autoLOC_278177 = The last Class <<1>> asteroid that passed <<2>> nearly wiped out our species, capture one and get rid of it.
			#autoLOC_278179 = How do you feel about throwing a Class <<1>> rock out of the solar system?
			#autoLOC_278189 = You successfully captured an asteroid and brought it to <<1>>.
			#autoLOC_278195 = You successfuly flung a rock out of the solar system.
			#autoLOC_278197 = That asteroid is OUTTA HERE!
			#autoLOC_278199 = Looks like the asteroid is on a solar escape trajectory. Mission complete.
			#autoLOC_278330 = Pioneer
			#autoLOC_278346 = outpost
			#autoLOC_278368 = outpost
			#autoLOC_278436 = We need to build up our infrastructure on <<1>> to support future missions. We can do this by expanding the outpost "<<2>>".
			#autoLOC_278438 = Build a new outpost for this agency that can support <<n:1>> kerbals on the surface of <<2>>.
			#autoLOC_278444 = You have finished constructing the necessary additions on the surface outpost "<<1>>".
			#autoLOC_278446 = You have finished construction of a new surface outpost on <<1>>.
			#autoLOC_278465 = Orbit
			#autoLOC_278607 = Record
			#autoLOC_278637 = Launch our first vessel!
			#autoLOC_278639 = Escape the atmosphere!
			#autoLOC_278641 = Orbit <<1>>!
			#autoLOC_278643 = Gather scientific data from <<1>>.
			#autoLOC_278647 = Explore <<1>>.
			#autoLOC_278678 = In the grand scheme of things, we know very little about  <<1>>. Let's see if we can explore it a bit further.
			#autoLOC_278680 = We have explored nearly every nook and cranny of  <<1>>, but there are a few potentially profitable loose ends left to investigate.
			#autoLOC_278682 = Our exploration of <<1>> is going according to plan. We must continue to unravel its mysteries!
			#autoLOC_278694 = A very nominal launch! We couldn't have asked for more! Well, we could've, and we will at some point.
			#autoLOC_278696 = What is it like up there? We hope it's fun because you're coming back very soon!
			#autoLOC_278698 = We didn't tell the recovery team that you'd be staying in space, so they're still looking! Great job!
			#autoLOC_278700 = When we got to page nine of your report we thought you might be stalling! We are starting the launch countdown now.
			#autoLOC_278705 = We have taken our first steps towards exploring <<1>>. Let's keep going and see where it takes us!
			#autoLOC_278707 = Even now, <<1>> continues to surprise and amaze us! Good work.
			#autoLOC_278709 = Our exploration of <<1>> was successful, but who knows what other secrets it holds!
			#autoLOC_279475 = Extract <<1>> from <<2>> and deliver it to <<3>>.
			#autoLOC_279477 = Extract <<1>> units of  <<2>> from <<3>>.
			#autoLOC_279488 = We've detected some <<1>> on <<2>>. Extract <<3>> units of it and deliver it to <<4>>.
			#autoLOC_279490 = We've detected some <<1>> on <<2>>. Extract <<3>> units of it.
			#autoLOC_279496 = You have extracted <<1>> units of <<2>> and delivered it to <<3>> for <<4>>.
			#autoLOC_279498 = You have extracted <<1>> units of <<2>> for <<3>>.
			#autoLOC_279915 = Position <<1>> in an adjusted orbit of <<2>>.
			#autoLOC_279920 = Position satellite in an equatorial orbit of <<1>>.
			#autoLOC_279922 = Position satellite in a polar orbit of <<1>>.
			#autoLOC_279925 = Position satellite into a <<1>> network around <<2>>.
			#autoLOC_279928 = Position <<1>> into a <<2>> network around <<3>>.
			#autoLOC_279930 = Position satellite in a <<1>> orbit around <<2>>.
			#autoLOC_279933 = Position satellite into a tundra network around <<1>>.
			#autoLOC_279936 = Position <<1>> into a tundra network around <<2>>.
			#autoLOC_279938 = Position satellite in a tundra orbit around <<1>>.
			#autoLOC_279948 = Position satellite into a <<1>> network around <<2>>.
			#autoLOC_279951 = Position <<1>> into a <<2>> network around <<3>>.
			#autoLOC_279953 = Position satellite in <<1>> orbit of <<2>>.
			#autoLOC_279963 = Position satellite into a <<1>> network around <<2>>.
			#autoLOC_279966 = Position <<1>> into a <<2>> network around <<3>>.
			#autoLOC_279968 = Position satellite in <<1>> orbit of <<2>>.
			#autoLOC_279970 = Position satellite in a specific orbit of <<1>>.
			#autoLOC_280010 = We have new plans for <<1>> on <<2>>. We need you to move it into a nearby orbit.
			#autoLOC_280015 = We need you to build a satellite to our specifications and deploy it into an equatorial orbit around <<1>>.
			#autoLOC_280017 = We need you to build a satellite to our specifications and deploy it into a polar orbit around <<1>>.
			#autoLOC_280020 = We see an opportunity on <<1>> to utilize existing assets to start building a <<2>> satellite network.
			#autoLOC_280023 = We noticed that <<1>> is in a prime position to integrate into our <<2>> satellite network around <<3>>.
			#autoLOC_280025 = We need you to build a satellite to our specifications and deploy it into a highly eccentric <<1>> "lightning" orbit around <<2>>.
			#autoLOC_280028 = We see an opportunity on <<1>> to utilize existing assets to start building a tundra satellite network.
			#autoLOC_280031 = We noticed that <<1>> is in a prime position to integrate into our tundra satellite network around <<2>>.
			#autoLOC_280033 = We need you to build a satellite to our specifications and deploy it into a highly eccentric tundra orbit around <<1>>.
			#autoLOC_280043 = We see an opportunity on <<1>> to utilize existing assets to start building a <<2>> satellite network.
			#autoLOC_280046 = We noticed that <<1>> is in a prime position to integrate into our <<2>> satellite network around <<3>>.
			#autoLOC_280048 = We need you to build a satellite to our specifications and place it in <<1>> orbit around <<2>>.
			#autoLOC_280058 = We see an opportunity on <<1>> to utilize existing assets to start building a <<2>> satellite network.
			#autoLOC_280061 = We noticed that <<1>> is in a prime position to integrate into our <<2>> satellite network around <<3>>.
			#autoLOC_280063 = We need you to build a satellite to our specifications and place it in <<1>> orbit around <<2>>.
			#autoLOC_280065 = We need you to build a satellite to our specifications and deploy it into a very specific orbit around <<1>>.
			#autoLOC_280072 = You have successfully moved <<1>> into its intended orbit of <<2>>.
			#autoLOC_280077 = You have successfully deployed our satellite into equatorial orbit around <<1>>.
			#autoLOC_280079 = You have successfully deployed our satellite into polar orbit around <<1>>.
			#autoLOC_280082 = You have successfully increased the coverage of our <<1>> satellite network above <<2>>.
			#autoLOC_280085 = You have successfully integrated<<1>> into our <<2>> satellite network above <<3>>.
			#autoLOC_280087 = You have successfully deployed our satellite in a <<1>> orbit around <<2>>.
			#autoLOC_280090 = You have successfully increased the coverage of our tundra satellite network above <<1>>.
			#autoLOC_280093 = You have successfully integrated <<1>> into our tundra satellite network above <<2>>.
			#autoLOC_280095 = You have successfully deployed our satellite in a tundra orbit around <<1>>.
			#autoLOC_280105 = You have successfully increased the coverage of our <<1>> satellite network above <<2>>.
			#autoLOC_280108 = You have successfully integrated <<1>> into our <<2>> satellite network above <<3>>.
			#autoLOC_280110 = You have successfully placed our satellite in <<1>> orbit of <<2>>.
			#autoLOC_280120 = You have successfully increased the coverage of our <<1>> satellite network above <<1>>.
			#autoLOC_280123 = You have successfully integrated <<1>> into our <<2>> satellite network above <<3>>.
			#autoLOC_280125 = You have successfully placed our satellite in <<1>> orbit of <<2>>.
			#autoLOC_280127 = You have successfully deployed our satellite in orbit of <<1>>.
			#autoLOC_280652 = We need to build up our infrastructure around <<1>> to support future missions. We can do this by expanding the station "<<2>>".
			#autoLOC_280660 = You have finished constructing the necessary additions on the station "<<1>>".
			#autoLOC_281212 = <<1>> near <<2>>
			#autoLOC_281214 = <<1>> near <<2>>
			#autoLOC_281262 = Conduct a focused <<1>> survey of <<2>>.
			#autoLOC_281264 = Conduct <<1>> surveys of <<2>>.
			#autoLOC_281275 = We need to test our newly acquired capabilities with a focused survey of <<1>>. Go to the designated test site and gather some <<2>>  <<3>>.
			#autoLOC_281278 = <<1>> on <<2>> has detected some <<3>> <<4>> to the <<5>>. Head in that direction and follow up with a series of <<6>>.
			#autoLOC_281280 = We want to confirm some theories about some <<1>> <<2>> on <<3>>. Head there and take a few <<4>>.
			#autoLOC_281285 = Your assistance in gathering these<<1>> <<2>> has been indispensable. Thank you!
			#autoLOC_281293 = Warning! This is a survey of a gas giant - plan accordingly.
			#autoLOC_281970 = \n\nAny passengers that are rendered unconscious due to gee forces will fail to pay for their itineraries.
			#autoLOC_282101 = of the solar system
			#autoLOC_282620 = Navigation waypoint deactivated.
			#autoLOC_282737 = Build the facility into a previously undisturbed Class <<1>> asteroid
			#autoLOC_282739 = Have a previously undisturbed Class <<1>> asteroid in tow
			#autoLOC_282744 = Please note that <<1>> is looking for a new Class <<2>> asteroid that has not been grabbed, clawed, or otherwise disturbed by another agency prior to accepting this contract.
			#autoLOC_282809 = This asteroid has not been disturbed, and fits <<1^n>>'s requirements.
			#autoLOC_282812 = This asteroid is not of the classification that <<1>> has requested.
			#autoLOC_282825 = <<1>> notes that this asteroid has been previously disturbed by another agency.
			#autoLOC_282827 = This asteroid has not been disturbed, and fits <<1^n>>'s requirements.
			#autoLOC_282944 = Have a facility supporting at least <<n:1>> kerbals
			#autoLOC_282958 = <<1>> does not currently support any kerbals.
			#autoLOC_282960 = <<1>> currently supports <<n:2>> kerbals.
			#autoLOC_283108 = Have <<n:1>> <<2>>s on the <<3>>
			#autoLOC_283122 = <<1>> does not currently have any <<2>>s.
			#autoLOC_283124 = <<1>> currently has <<n:2>> <<3>>s.
			#autoLOC_283270 = Land on <<1>>
			#autoLOC_283272 = Suborbital spaceflight on <<1>>
			#autoLOC_283274 = Atmospheric flight on <<1>>
			#autoLOC_283276 = Fly by <<1>>
			#autoLOC_283278 = Orbit around <<1>>
			#autoLOC_283280 = Things in space
			#autoLOC_283371 = Have <<1>> pass out from gee forces
			#autoLOC_283467 = <<1^n>>'s Travel Itinerary
			#autoLOC_283554 = <<1>>' failed: <<2>> passed out!
			#autoLOC_283645 = Do something on the surface of <<1>>
			#autoLOC_284198 = Achieve goal
			#autoLOC_284203 = Start building an outpost on <<1>>
			#autoLOC_284205 = Transfer any crew between vessels near <<1>>
			#autoLOC_284207 = Dock two vessels on or around <<1>>
			#autoLOC_284209 = Escape the influence of <<1>>
			#autoLOC_284211 = Launch our first vessel
			#autoLOC_284213 = Plant a flag on <<1>>
			#autoLOC_284215 = Enter the atmosphere of <<1>>
			#autoLOC_284217 = Fly by <<1>>
			#autoLOC_284219 = Return to <<1>> from a fly by of <<2>>
			#autoLOC_284223 = Return to <<1>> from the surface of <<2>>
			#autoLOC_284225 = Orbit <<1>>
			#autoLOC_284229 = Escape the atmosphere
			#autoLOC_284231 = Rendezvous two vessels in orbit of <<1>>
			#autoLOC_284233 = Gather scientific data from <<1>>
			#autoLOC_284235 = Go on an orbital spacewalk near <<1>>
			#autoLOC_284237 = Splash down into the oceans of <<1>>
			#autoLOC_284239 = Start building a station in orbit of <<1>>
			#autoLOC_284241 = Walk on the surface of <<1>>
			#autoLOC_284243 = Do things in space
			#autoLOC_284264 = '<<1>>' complete!
			#autoLOC_284269 = Finally! Now we can sit down and enjoy a snack on <<1>> without chasing it across the room!
			#autoLOC_284271 = A few snack breaks, some counseling, and these crew members will be good as new!
			#autoLOC_284273 = It's like a vessel handshake, with minimal shaking and no hands. Congratulations!
			#autoLOC_284275 = Well, there goes half our operational budget. Good job!
			#autoLOC_284277 = A very nominal launch! We couldn't have asked for more! Well, we could've, and we will at some point.
			#autoLOC_284279 = Fantastic! Now one of you shake the flag so it looks like it is waving majestically!
			#autoLOC_284281 = Talk about coming in hot! We are receiving atmospheric telemetry now.
			#autoLOC_284283 = Talk about close encounters! Any closer and there'd be paperwork.
			#autoLOC_284285 = A return trip from <<1>>?! Is this mission log right? Incredible!
			#autoLOC_284287 = Touchdown confirmed on <<1>>! Any crash you can walk away from counts as a landing.
			#autoLOC_284289 = Welcome back from <<1>>! Report to decontamination for a full and thorough debriefing.
			#autoLOC_284292 = We didn't tell the recovery team that you'd be staying in space, so they're still looking! Great job!
			#autoLOC_284294 = A stable orbit has been achieved! Mission control is still debating the best way to get you back home. You packed a toothbrush, right?
			#autoLOC_284297 = Congratulations on a safe return from orbit! You can stop kissing the ground now.
			#autoLOC_284299 = Our engineers are already repurposing parts of the vessel from <<1>> for other missions! Good work!
			#autoLOC_284301 = What is it like up there? We hope it's fun because you're coming back very soon!
			#autoLOC_284303 = Beautiful! Synchronized free-falling isn't nearly as daunting as it sounds!
			#autoLOC_284306 = When we got to page nine of your report we thought you might be stalling! We are starting the launch countdown now.
			#autoLOC_284308 = Yes! There's enough data on <<1>> here to keep all of us employed for a good long while.
			#autoLOC_284310 = Exceptional work! Now get back into the vessel before this turns into a rescue mission.
			#autoLOC_284312 = It wasn't until after splashdown that the engineers reminded us that your seat cushions can also be used as flotation devices!
			#autoLOC_284314 = Great work! A few more modules on this station and snack shortages near <<1>> will be a thing of the past.
			#autoLOC_284316 = That's one small step for <<1>>, one giant leap for our budget!
			#autoLOC_284318 = Do things in space.
			#autoLOC_284365 = Begin construction of an outpost on the surface of <<1>> by attaching two different vessels with a docking port or a claw to achieve this goal.
			#autoLOC_284367 = Transfer any crew into any vessel from another mission in orbit of <<1>> to achieve this goal.
			#autoLOC_284369 = Attach two different vessels together near <<1>> with a docking port or a claw to achieve this goal.
			#autoLOC_284371 = Fly a vessel out of the gravitational influence of <<1>> to achieve this goal.
			#autoLOC_284373 = Launch your first vessel off of the launchpad or the runway to achieve this goal.
			#autoLOC_284375 = Have a kerbal plant a flag on the surface of <<1>> to achieve this goal.
			#autoLOC_284377 = Enter the atmosphere of <<1>> to achieve this goal.
			#autoLOC_284379 = Fly a vessel anywhere nearby <<1>> to achieve this goal.
			#autoLOC_284381 = Bring a vessel that flew by <<1>> back to the surface of <<2>> to achieve this goal.
			#autoLOC_284385 = Bring a vessel that landed on <<1>> back to the surface of <<2>> to achieve this goal.
			#autoLOC_284388 = Fly a vessel up and out of the atmosphere and accelerate parallel with the surface until you are in a stable orbit to achieve this goal.
			#autoLOC_284390 = Put your vessel into a stable orbit around <<1>> to achieve this goal.
			#autoLOC_284393 = Slow down a vessel in orbit and return it to the surface to achieve this goal.
			#autoLOC_284395 = Bring a vessel that was in a stable orbit of <<1>> back to the surface of <<2>> to achieve this goal.
			#autoLOC_284397 = Breach the atmosphere by flying a vessel to an altitude of <<1>> meters to achieve this goal.
			#autoLOC_284399 = Have two different vessels in orbit of <<1>> within visual range of each other and kill their relative velocity to achieve this goal.
			#autoLOC_284401 = Recover or transmit any science experiment data from <<1>> to achieve this goal.
			#autoLOC_284403 = Have a kerbal go on EVA in orbit of <<1>> to achieve this goal.
			#autoLOC_284405 = Splash a vessel down into an ocean of <<1>> to achieve this goal.
			#autoLOC_284407 = Begin construction of a station in orbit of <<1>> by attaching two different vessels with a docking port or a claw to achieve this goal.
			#autoLOC_284409 = Have a kerbal walk on the surface of <<1>> to achieve this goal.
			#autoLOC_284411 = Do things in space.
			#autoLOC_284423 = An outpost on the surface of <<1>> would give us a place to stuff all the scientists complaining that there is not an outpost on the surface of <<1>>. Get started on one.
			#autoLOC_284425 = Crew that have been cooped up for too long start muttering about "space krakens" and other such nonsense. We want to make sure that doesn't happen around <<1>>.
			#autoLOC_284427 = Docking on or around <<1>> is a stepping stone to building greater things. Plus, it's one of the few times when ramming things together is encouraged!
			#autoLOC_284429 = Public opinion suggests that <<1>> is holding back our progress. The solution is obvious: fly as far from the public as possible.
			#autoLOC_284431 = We'd like to officially start off the space program with a bang! A very controlled bang, preferably.
			#autoLOC_284433 = We would like to leave a mark on <<1>> that isn't a smoldering crater. Head there and plant a flag!
			#autoLOC_284435 = Flying on <<1>> should not be anything like flying on <<2>>, so you might have better luck there.
			#autoLOC_284437 = Today is your lucky day! Simply head to <<1>> and pass by it. Easy as pie. No risk at all! Now sign this waiver.
			#autoLOC_284439 = It would be somewhat disconcerting if all of our missions to <<1>> were one-way trips. Bring one back to <<2>>.
			#autoLOC_284441 = We have enough data on <<1>> to attempt a landing, or we could stage one. It's up to you.
			#autoLOC_284443 = We'd like to bring a vessel back to <<1>> from the surface of <<2>>. At least one scientist assures us that we won't bring back any harmful contaminants.
			#autoLOC_284446 = We need to achieve a stable orbit around <<1>>. All you should need to do is throw yourself at the ground and miss.
			#autoLOC_284448 = We'd like you to go to <<1>> and stay there in a nice stable orbit. It isn't personal. It's science!
			#autoLOC_284451 = You left enough fuel in the tanks to return from orbit, right? We want the deposit on those parts back!
			#autoLOC_284453 = We can't just leave vessels in orbit of <<1>> forever. Those things are expensive! Return one to <<2>>.
			#autoLOC_284455 = Administration says that legally we cannot call ourselves a space program without actually going to space.
			#autoLOC_284457 = We need to test out our rendezvous capabilities. Park two vessels next to each other around <<1>>. What could possibly go wrong?
			#autoLOC_284460 = Give us a quick crew report before launching. It's fine if any of the lights on the control panel are flashing, just give it a swift kick.
			#autoLOC_284462 = Sometimes science throws a curveball and we need to ask the hard questions, and by we, we mean you. Head to <<1>>.
			#autoLOC_284466 = We don't want vessels near <<1>> to start running hot. Splash one into the ocean. We are pretty sure it isn't flammable.
			#autoLOC_284468 = A station in orbit of <<1>> would give us a place to study the long-term effects of microgravity on board game playability. You may begin construction immediately.
			#autoLOC_284470 = Walking on the surface of <<1>> is the next logical step in space exploration. Tripping, falling, rolling, tumbling, or skidding also qualify.
			#autoLOC_284472 = Do things in space.
			#autoLOC_284531 = Acquire <<1>> units of fresh <<2>> from <<3>>
			#autoLOC_284574 = You have extracted <<1>> % of <<2>> <<3>>.
			#autoLOC_284677 = Have <<1>> units of <<2>> in your <<3>>
			#autoLOC_284691 = <<1>>does not currently have any <<2>>.
			#autoLOC_284693 = <<1>> currently has <<2>> units of <<3>>.
			#autoLOC_284812 = within reasonable deviation
			#autoLOC_284817 = reasonable
			#autoLOC_284820 = marginal
			#autoLOC_284823 = minimal
			#autoLOC_284834 = Reach the designated <<1>> orbit around <<2>> within <<3>> deviation
			#autoLOC_284839 = Reach <<1>> orbit around <<2>> within <<3>> deviation
			#autoLOC_284841 = Reach <<1>> orbit around <<2>> within <<3>> deviation
			#autoLOC_284843 = Reach <<1>> orbit around <<2>> within <<3>> deviation
			#autoLOC_284846 = Reach the designated <<1>> orbit around <<2>> within <<3>> deviation
			#autoLOC_284848 = Reach the designated <<1>> orbit around <<2>> within <<3>> deviation
			#autoLOC_284850 = Reach the designated <<1>> orbit around <<2>> within <<3>> deviation
			#autoLOC_284852 = Reach the designated orbit around <<1>> within <<2>> deviation
			#autoLOC_285073 = Be in command of <<1>>
			#autoLOC_285078 = You are in command of <<1>>
			#autoLOC_285089 = <<1>> is currently standing by to launch on <<2>>
			#autoLOC_285091 = <<1>> is currently in atmospheric flight above <<2>>
			#autoLOC_285093 = <<1>> is currently landed on <<2>>
			#autoLOC_285095 = <<1>> is currently in orbit of <<2>>
			#autoLOC_285097 = <<1>> is currently splashed down on <<2>>
			#autoLOC_285099 = <<1>> is currently in sub-orbital spaceflight above <<2>>
			#autoLOC_285101 = <<1>> is currently on an escape trajectory away from <<2>>
			#autoLOC_285103 = <<1>> is currently docked near <<2>>
			#autoLOC_285105 = <<1>> is currently in an unknowable situation on <<2>>
			#autoLOC_285413 = Maintain stability for <<n:1>> seconds
			#autoLOC_285514 = Hold stationary orbit directly above <<1>>
			#autoLOC_285519 = You in stationary orbit directly above <<1>>.
			#autoLOC_285665 = data anomalies
			#autoLOC_285739 = <<1>> Site
			#autoLOC_285746 = \u0020to find <<1>>
			#autoLOC_285754 = You gathered survey data from <<1>> <<2>> on <<3>>.
			#autoLOC_285757 = You gathered survey data from <<1>> <<2>> on <<3>>.
			#autoLOC_285759 = You gathered survey data from <<1>> on <<2>>.
			#autoLOC_285861 = You are leaving <<1>>.
			#autoLOC_285872 = You are entering <<1>>.
			#autoLOC_285927 = Collecting survey data for <<1>>.
			#autoLOC_285932 = You have located the source of the <<1>>.
			#autoLOC_285955 = <<1>> is not the source of the <<2>>. Continue to the next location.
			#autoLOC_286029 = Altitude:
			#autoLOC_286034 = On the Surface
			#autoLOC_286222 = Navigation set to <<1>>.
			#autoLOC_286262 = Land on <<1>>
			#autoLOC_286264 = Suborbital spaceflight on <<1>>
			#autoLOC_286266 = Atmospheric flight on <<1>>
			#autoLOC_286268 = Fly by <<1>>
			#autoLOC_286270 = Orbit around <<1>>
			#autoLOC_286272 = Things in space
			#autoLOC_286380 = manned
			#autoLOC_286382 = unmanned
			#autoLOC_286401 = Ensure that the <<1>> <<2>> is newly launched
			#autoLOC_286404 = Ensure that the <<1>> is <<2>>
			#autoLOC_286407 = Ensure that the <<1>> exists
			#autoLOC_289806 = Kerman
			#autoLOC_289916 = units
			#autoLOC_289926 = km
			#autoLOC_289929 = m
			#autoLOC_289933 = m/s
			#autoLOC_289969 = it
			#autoLOC_290048 = northeast
			#autoLOC_290050 = east
			#autoLOC_290052 = southeast
			#autoLOC_290054 = south
			#autoLOC_290056 = southwest
			#autoLOC_290058 = west
			#autoLOC_290060 = northwest
			#autoLOC_290062 = north
			#autoLOC_290713 = Celestial body index is out of range
			#autoLOC_294604 = Tourists may not disembark from the vessel.
			#autoLOC_294609 = Crew member incapable of activity at the moment.
			#autoLOC_294616 = Crewmembers must be alive to perform EVAs.
			#autoLOC_294622 = Automatic EVA disabled. Activate a hatch.
			#autoLOC_294628 = Cannot EVA in this scenario.
			#autoLOC_294633 = Cannot disembark while off of Kerbin's surface.\nAstronaut Complex upgrade required.
			#autoLOC_294639 = Cannot EVA.
			#autoLOC_294644 = EVA currently unavailable.
			#autoLOC_294648 = EVA unavailable
			#autoLOC_294977 = Welcome to the Space Center
			#autoLOC_294987 = Nice to meet you!\n\n
			#autoLOC_294988 = I'm Gene Kerman, Flight Director and your guide for this quick introduction.
			#autoLOC_294989 = This is the Space Center. From here you can manage all aspects of the Space Program.\n\n
			#autoLOC_294990 = Feel free to have a look around (Hold the <color=<<1>>>Right Mouse Button</color> to move the camera, or use the <color=<<2>>>[Arrow Keys]</color>).\n\n
			#autoLOC_294991 = <color=<<1>>>Right-Click</color> over the Space Center Facilities to view more about them, and <color=<<2>>>Left-Click</color> when you're ready to head inside.\n\n
			#autoLOC_294992 = If you need more information, check out the Training Section on the Main Menu.
			#autoLOC_294994 = Thanks, I've got it
			#autoLOC_295026 = Welcome to the <<1>>!
			#autoLOC_295046 = Hello!
			#autoLOC_295047 = I'm Wernher von Kerman, Chief Rocketry Engineer.\n\n
			#autoLOC_295048 = This is the Vehicle Assembly Building where we build spacecraft and later roll them out to the Launchpad for flight. Pretty impressive isn't it?\n\n
			#autoLOC_295049 = On your left you'll find components to construct your own spacecraft. Select a starting part, then attach others to it to build a ship.\n\n
			#autoLOC_295050 = You can then have a look around with <color=<<1>>>Right Mouse Button</color> or the <color=<<2>>>[Arrow Keys]</color>. That's it really, it's not as if it were rocket sc... Oh. \n\n
			#autoLOC_295051 = Anyhow, if you need a more in-depth explanation on how to build, have a look at the Training Section at the Main Menu.
			#autoLOC_295053 = Got it!
			#autoLOC_295063 = Hello!
			#autoLOC_295064 = I'm Wernher von Kerman, Chief Rocketry Engineer.\n\n
			#autoLOC_295065 = This is the Spaceplane Hangar. Here is where we build spacecraft that later will take off from the Runway.\n\n
			#autoLOC_295066 = On your left you'll find components to construct your own spaceplane. Select a starting part, then attach others to it to build.\n\n
			#autoLOC_295067 = You can then have a look around with <color=<<1>>>Right Mouse Button</color> or the <color=<<2>>>[Arrow Keys]</color>. We just got this place cleaned up, so try to not mess it up too much.\n\n
			#autoLOC_295068 = If you need more guidance on how to build spacecraft, have a look at the Training Section at the Main Menu.
			#autoLOC_295070 = Got it!
			#autoLOC_295080 = Hello!
			#autoLOC_295081 = I'm Wernher von Kerman, Chief Rocketry Engi--\n\n
			#autoLOC_295082 = Wait, what is this place? It doesn't seem to be part of the Space Center... Have you been messing with the game files?
			#autoLOC_295084 = Sorry...
			#autoLOC_295116 = Welcome to the Tracking Station!
			#autoLOC_295126 = Hi Again!\n\n
			#autoLOC_295127 = This is the Tracking Station Facility. In here you can view all of the Solar System, as well as the current positions and trajectories of all ongoing missions.\n\n
			#autoLOC_295128 = When you have missions in progress, you'll see them listed on the panel at your left, and you'll be able to take command of them from this screen.\n\n
			#autoLOC_295129 = Sometimes contracts may require specific destinations in orbit or on the surface. Those will also be visible here.\n\n
			#autoLOC_295130 = Lastly, if you want to see this same Map View during flight, just hit the <color=<<1>>>[ <<2>> ]</color> Key.
			#autoLOC_295133 = Got it!
			#autoLOC_295188 = We have started constructing the first outpost on <<1>>.
			#autoLOC_295242 = We have escaped the gravitational influence of <<1>>.
			#autoLOC_295360 = We have initiated the first fly by of <<1>>.
			#autoLOC_295665 = We have returned home from a fly by of <<1>>.
			#autoLOC_295693 = We have returned home from the surface of <<1>>.
			#autoLOC_296191 = We have performed a crew transfer near <<1>>.
			#autoLOC_296238 = We have recovered our first crew from a mission.
			#autoLOC_296294 = We have performed a docking maneuver on <<1>>.
			#autoLOC_296348 = We have launched our first vessel.
			#autoLOC_296488 = We have discovered <<1>> on <<2>>.
			#autoLOC_296494 = We have discovered <<1>> on <<2>>.
			#autoLOC_296522 = it angry?
			#autoLOC_296524 = It is beaming data to the space center.
			#autoLOC_296526 = It seems to be pulsating in some sort of pattern...
			#autoLOC_296528 = Our scientists have noted strange readings emitting from it.
			#autoLOC_296530 = Our labs are abuzz with scientists analyzing every aspect of it.
			#autoLOC_296532 = Where could it have come from?
			#autoLOC_296534 = Why is it here?
			#autoLOC_296536 = Who left this here?
			#autoLOC_296538 = What possible purpose could it serve?
			#autoLOC_296540 = When could this have been created?
			#autoLOC_296780 = World First Milestones
			#autoLOC_296834 = <color=<<1>>><<2>>  <<3>> </color>
			#autoLOC_297133 = an abandoned space center
			#autoLOC_297134 = an abandoned island airfield
			#autoLOC_297135 = a vessel of unknown origin
			#autoLOC_297136 = some desert pyramids
			#autoLOC_297137 = a strange monolith
			#autoLOC_297138 = a strange monolith
			#autoLOC_297139 = a strange monolith
			#autoLOC_297140 = the memorial of a legendary kerbonaut
			#autoLOC_297141 = a vessel of unknown origin
			#autoLOC_297142 = a rock arch
			#autoLOC_297143 = a rock arch
			#autoLOC_297144 = a rock arch
			#autoLOC_297145 = a strange monolith
			#autoLOC_297146 = a strange monolith
			#autoLOC_297147 = a strange monolith
			#autoLOC_297148 = a pyramid emitting an anomalous signal
			#autoLOC_297149 = a vehicle of unknown origin
			#autoLOC_297150 = a very familiar looking rock formation
			#autoLOC_297151 = a strange monolith
			#autoLOC_297152 = a cavernous rock formation
			#autoLOC_297153 = some suspiciously geometric ice formations
			#autoLOC_297154 = the corpse of an unknown lifeform
			#autoLOC_297156 = a VERY strange monolith
			#autoLOC_297157 = a VERY strange monolith
			#autoLOC_297158 = a VERY strange monolith
			#autoLOC_297159 = a VERY strange monolith
			#autoLOC_297160 = a VERY strange monolith
			#autoLOC_297161 = a VERY strange monolith
			#autoLOC_297162 = a VERY strange monolith
			#autoLOC_297163 = a VERY strange monolith
			#autoLOC_297164 = a VERY strange monolith
			#autoLOC_297165 = a VERY strange monolith
			#autoLOC_297166 = a VERY strange monolith
			#autoLOC_297167 = a VERY strange monolith
			#autoLOC_297168 = a VERY strange monolith
			#autoLOC_297169 = a VERY strange monolith
			#autoLOC_297170 = a VERY strange monolith
			#autoLOC_297725 = We have reached space.
			#autoLOC_297833 = We have broken an altitude record of <<1>>.
			#autoLOC_297943 = We have broken an ocean depth record of <<1>>.
			#autoLOC_298052 = We have broken a land distance record of <<1>>.
			#autoLOC_298174 = We have broken a speed record of <<1>>.
			#autoLOC_298266 = We have performed a rendezvous maneuver around <<1>>.
			#autoLOC_298311 = We have performed a spacewalk in orbit of <<1>>.
			#autoLOC_298375 = We have started constructing the first station around <<1>>.
			#autoLOC_298640 = You have buzzed the tower at the space center!
			#autoLOC_299393 = <color=orange>Not enough <<1>> to research this node.</color>
			#autoLOC_299404 = Cannot research technologies over <<1>> Science at this level.
			#autoLOC_300432 = Recovery of a vessel returned from <<1>> orbit.
			#autoLOC_300435 = Recovery of a vessel after a sub-orbital flight.
			#autoLOC_300438 = Recovery of a vessel that survived a flight.
			#autoLOC_300831 = <color=orange>No response from R&D... No Science Added.</color>
			#autoLOC_300854 = [Research & Development]: <<1>> data received on <<2>>.<<3>>
			#autoLOC_300898 = LaunchPad
			#autoLOC_300899 = Runway
			#autoLOC_300900 = KSC
			#autoLOC_300989 = Cannot check parts if the game isn't loaded
			#autoLOC_301005 = Part <<1>> isn't assigned to any tech node.\n
			#autoLOC_301012 = All parts are assigned to a tech node!
			#autoLOC_301030 = Cannot check parts if the game isn't loaded
			#autoLOC_301043 = Unassigned
			#autoLOC_301069 = Tech Tree Summary:\n
			#autoLOC_301070 = <<1>> Techs defined\n
			#autoLOC_301071 = Nodes:\n<<1>>
			#autoLOC_301288 = [R&D]: Added up all the science of the universe:\n
			#autoLOC_301289 = There is <<1>> potential science to be done in total.\n
			#autoLOC_301290 = <<1>> Science from Experiments,\n
			#autoLOC_301291 = <<1>> Science from Recovering vessels.\n
			#autoLOC_301292 = Experiments: <<1>>
			#autoLOC_301293 = Subjects: <<1>>
			#autoLOC_301294 = Subjects On Biomes: <<1>>
			#autoLOC_301295 = Total Biomes: <<1>>
			#autoLOC_301303 = <<1>> added.
			#autoLOC_301689 = <<1>> from <<2>>
			#autoLOC_301693 = <<1>> from <<2>>'s <<3>>
			#autoLOC_301698 = <<1>> from <<2>>'s surface
			#autoLOC_301707 = <<1>> from <<2>>'s <<3>>
			#autoLOC_301711 = <<1>> from <<2>>'s oceans
			#autoLOC_301719 = <<1>> while flying over <<2>>'s <<3>>
			#autoLOC_301723 = <<1>> while flying at <<2>>
			#autoLOC_301731 = <<1>> from the upper atmosphere over <<2>>'s <<3>>
			#autoLOC_301735 = <<1>> from <<2>>'s upper atmosphere
			#autoLOC_301744 = <<1>> from space just above <<2>>'s <<3>>
			#autoLOC_301748 = <<1>> while in space near <<2>>
			#autoLOC_301758 = <<1>> while in space high over <<2>>'s <<3>>
			#autoLOC_301762 = <<1>> while in space high over <<2>>
			#autoLOC_301771 = <<1>> from somewhere around <<2>>'s <<3>>
			#autoLOC_301775 = <<1>> from somewhere around <<2>>
			#autoLOC_301802 = <<1>> from <<2>> at <<3>>
			#autoLOC_301806 = <<1>> from <<2>> at <<3>>'s <<4>>
			#autoLOC_301811 = <<1>> from <<2>> at <<3>>'s surface
			#autoLOC_301818 = <<1>> from <<2>> at <<3>>'s <<4>>
			#autoLOC_301822 = <<1>> from <<2>> at <<3>>'s oceans
			#autoLOC_301829 = <<1>> from <<2>> while flying over <<3>>'s <<4>>
			#autoLOC_301833 = <<1>> from <<2>> while flying at <<3>>
			#autoLOC_301840 = <<1>> from <<2>> in the upper atmosphere over <<3>>'s <<4>>
			#autoLOC_301844 = <<1>> from <<2>> in <<3>>'s upper atmosphere
			#autoLOC_301852 = <<1>> from <<2>> in space just above <<3>>'s <<4>>
			#autoLOC_301856 = <<1>> from <<2>> while in space near <<3>>
			#autoLOC_301865 = <<1>> from <<2>> while in space high over <<3>>'s <<4>>
			#autoLOC_301869 = <<1>> from <<2>> while in space high over <<3>>
			#autoLOC_301877 = <<1>> from <<2>>, somewhere around <<3>>'s <<4>>
			#autoLOC_301881 = <<1>> from <<2>>, somewhere around <<3>>
			#autoLOC_302066 = <<1>> requires a powered vessel to operate
			#autoLOC_302075 = <<1>> requires Crew aboard the vessel.
			#autoLOC_302084 = <<1>> requires the <<2>> to be manned.
			#autoLOC_302095 = <<1>> requires a Scientist aboard the <<2>> to run.
			#autoLOC_302103 = <<1>> requires a Scientist aboard the vessel to run.
			#autoLOC_302109 = <<1>> requires a Scientist, but doesn't specify where. This module doesn't seem to be working properly.
			#autoLOC_302151 = <<1>> can only be externally controlled by a Scientist on EVA.
			#autoLOC_302155 = <<1>> can only be externally controlled by an EVA.
			#autoLOC_302164 = <<1>> requires a powered vessel to be operated from outside.
			#autoLOC_302177 = <<1>> requires a minimally trained Crewmember to be operated externally.
			#autoLOC_302187 = <<1>> can only be externally controlled by a Scientist.
			#autoLOC_302196 = <<1>> requires a minimally trained Crewmember to be operated externally.
			#autoLOC_303271 = At <<1>>
			#autoLOC_303276 = <<1>>Km from KSC
			#autoLOC_303660 = Takes <<1>>% <<2>> <<3>>
			#autoLOC_303661 = * Yields 1 <<1>> for each <<2>> <<3>>.
			#autoLOC_303665 = Takes <<1>>% <<2>> <<3>>
			#autoLOC_303666 = * Yields <<1>> <<2>> for each 1 unit of <<3>>.
			#autoLOC_303729 = Cannot activate as the total share of <<1>> would exceed 100%
			#autoLOC_303823 = Effective Immediately.\n\nAs it has a one-time effect this strategy does not remain active, but can be accepted as many times as desired.
			#autoLOC_303952 = Sets <<1>> to <<2>> <<3>>.
			#autoLOC_303954 = No Effect <<1>>.
			#autoLOC_304551 = Strategy has been deactivated as it's max duration has elapsed.
			#autoLOC_304558 = Description:
			#autoLOC_304559 = <color=#CCCCCC><<1>></color>\n\n
			#autoLOC_304560 = Effects:
			#autoLOC_304612 = Setup Cost
			#autoLOC_304637 = Can Cancel
			#autoLOC_304641 = Can Cancel In
			#autoLOC_304646 = Auto Expire In
			#autoLOC_304654 = Minimum Duration
			#autoLOC_304658 = Maximum Duration
			#autoLOC_304674 = Setup Cost
			#autoLOC_304820 = The Administration Facility cannot support more than <<1>> active strategies at this level
			#autoLOC_304827 = Cannot activate as other conflicting strategies are already active
			#autoLOC_304834 = The Administration Facility cannot handle more than <<1>>% Commitment on any strategy at this level.
			#autoLOC_304841 = Cannot afford Setup Cost: Not enough Funds
			#autoLOC_304848 = Cannot afford Setup Cost: Not enough Reputation
			#autoLOC_304855 = Cannot afford Setup Cost: Not enough Science
			#autoLOC_304862 = Reputation must be at <<1>> or higher to activate at this level. (Current Reputation: <<2>>)
			#autoLOC_304887 = Strategy can be Deactivated
			#autoLOC_304890 = Strategy: Cannot be dectivated as it's minimum time has not yet elapsed
			#autoLOC_304909 = Strategy Deactivated
			#autoLOC_307856 = Welcome
			#autoLOC_307865 = Today we will tackle an absolutely essential skill for any Space Program: Getting to Orbit. Without this skill we might as well be teaching you Kerbal Flight Simulator.\n\nI trust you've already checked the other Flight tutorials, as well as the Advanced Construction one to be familiar with the "Kerbal 1" vessel we will be launching today.\n\nIf not, I highly recommend you do so before going through this one.\n\nIf you want to go back and try the others, then press <color=<<1>>>[<<2>>]</color> and choose <color=<<3>>>End Scenario</color>. Otherwise press <color=<<4>>>Next</color> and we'll proceed.
			#autoLOC_307866 = Next
			#autoLOC_307880 = Flight Plan
			#autoLOC_307889 = Alrighty then, let's do it. As I said before, the plan here is to get our vessel (and pilot) safely into orbit.\n\nAs with the suborbital flight we did previously, we will follow a curved path to get to the point where we can "circularize" our orbit. Today's "gravity turn", however, will be much shallower than the path we followed previously so that we build speed towards orbit.\n\nThis is different from how the Kerbal pilots of old did it, they would head straight up and then hang a right as if the air was soup or something. We'll be turning early and smoothly, but don't turn too far or you might be mistaken for one of those low-flying turkeys...\n\nAs with the previous flight, I will place a target marker on the navball to show you the optimal velocity vector. But do note that this indicator won't be around normally, and is not usually used the way this tutorial uses it. I'll also display some technical information about your path as you go, to help you learn the right way to get there.\n\nFor now to set your throttle to the max (Press <color=<<1>>>[<<2>>]</color>) and prepare to launch!
			#autoLOC_307890 = Next
			#autoLOC_307907 = Ready to Launch
			#autoLOC_307924 = You should now see the marker on the navball, so you'll have something to follow, and this ship has been designed so that you don't need to worry about throttle control during the ascent.\n\nHit <color=<<1>>>[<<2>>]</color> when you are ready to "Go for Orbit".\n\nIf you want Valentina (the Kerbal pilot) to fly the curve for you, then you can enable S.A.S. and set the mode to <color=<<3>>>Target</color> after liftoff.
			#autoLOC_307936 = On Your Way
			#autoLOC_307943 = Don't worry about your throttle. You just need to pay attention to the target marker, and the proper times to stage. I'll prompt you along the way.\n\nGet ready to start pitching down once you reach 60m/s!
			#autoLOC_307959 = Start Pitching
			#autoLOC_307968 = Time to start pitching down! Follow that target marker.\n\nDon't worry about your throttle. You just need to pay attention to the target marker and the proper times to stage. I'll prompt you along the way.
			#autoLOC_307984 = Get Ready to Stage
			#autoLOC_307991 = We are almost out of fuel in the SRBs, so get ready to eject them by staging.\n\nYou will need to press <color=<<1>>>[<<2>>]</color> when it's time.
			#autoLOC_308007 = Stage Away Boosters
			#autoLOC_308014 = Stage now to discard those empty SRBs.\n\nHit <color=<<1>>>[<<2>>]</color> now!
			#autoLOC_308030 = SRBs Away
			#autoLOC_308041 = You're doing great. Keep following the target indicator, and get ready to stage again to discard the lower stage.
			#autoLOC_308057 = Staging Again
			#autoLOC_308064 = Stage now to get rid of the exhausted lower parts.\n\nHit <color=<<1>>>[<<2>>]</color>!
			#autoLOC_308080 = Lower Stage Away
			#autoLOC_308091 = Stage again to ignite the Upper stage engine.
			#autoLOC_308107 = Upper Stage Lit - Go To Map
			#autoLOC_308114 = Excellent. You've survived through the first phase of the launch and now we have a longer, more gentle burn to accelerate towards apoapsis.\n\nIf you switch to map mode (press <color=<<1>>>[<<2>>]</color>) we can have a look at the trajectory of the rocket and watch the apoapsis rise as we gain speed.
			#autoLOC_308130 = Map View
			#autoLOC_308139 = While you are here, we do need to keep the vessel following the target indicator or we may not reach orbit. Don't forget that failure IS always an option.\n\nPress <color=<<1>>>[<<2>>]</color> to bring up the navball and we can discuss your trajectory\n\nI'll keep altitude and apoapsis displays open so you can track your progress.
			#autoLOC_308142 = Altitude: <<1>>m\nApoapsis: <<2>>m
			#autoLOC_308162 = NavBall
			#autoLOC_308169 = Great. Now you can keep an eye on that trajectory while we track our future path.\n\nIf you hover over the apoapsis (Ap) node on the map, you will be able to see the estimated highest altitude on our future path. You can <color=<<1>>>right-click</color> on that marker to pin it  so that it remains visible even when you move your mouse away.\n\nWe need to keep burning along that path until we will clear the atmosphere by a handy margin. We'll aim for 80km.\n\nCut the engine (press <color=<<2>>>[<<3>>]</color>) once the apoapsis hits 80km; I'll cut it for you once it passes 81km. Meanwhile I'll keep an altitude display open so you can track your progress ascending, and an apoapsis display to track your progress reaching an 80km Ap.
			#autoLOC_308172 = Altitude: <<1>>m\nApoapsis: <<2>>m
			#autoLOC_308193 = Coasting Along
			#autoLOC_308212 = And that's going to get us there. I've made sure the engine is shut off now and we'll coast till we clear the atmosphere at 70km altitude.\n\nYou may notice your speed dropping a little as we coast. That's nothing to be concerned about; it's just gravity trying to bring us down and air trying to prevent our success. We'll beat it though! You're looking good.\n\nMeanwhile I'll keep an altitude display open so you can track your progress ascending to your apoapsis.\n\nAltitude: <<1>>m\nApoapsis: <<2>>m
			#autoLOC_308226 = Warping Ahead
			#autoLOC_308241 = Now that we are clear of the atmosphere, we can warp ahead through time to get to the apoapsis more quickly. Important rocket scientists like us do not have time to waste!\n\nPress <color=<<1>>>Next</color> when you're ready and we'll warp till it's time to make our next burn.
			#autoLOC_308242 = Next
			#autoLOC_308271 = Orient Your Vessel
			#autoLOC_308288 = We're almost there. Now all we need to do is accelerate some more so that we fall past Kerbin. That's basically what an orbit is: falling and missing. Gravity will be pulling us towards the center of Kerbin, but we'll be travelling so fast that we constantly miss.\n\nRotate your craft to align it with the prograde marker (We'll learn more about that later), or use S.A.S.'s <color=<<1>>>Manuever</color> mode. When it's time to throttle up, I'll tell you.
			#autoLOC_308302 = Circularize
			#autoLOC_308311 = Now throttle up!\n\nI'll cut your engines once you've completed the burn I've calculated for you, or you can yourself once you're in a stable orbit.
			#autoLOC_308312 = Next
			#autoLOC_308340 = In Orbit
			#autoLOC_308362 = Congratulations! You are now officially in orbit. That is quite the achievement!\n\nHopefully you can see the difference between the suborbital hop and this reaching orbit ascent, and just how far (and early) we turned.\n\nAlso, notice how we designed our rocket to accelerate reasonably through the ascent, and didn't go straight to "Ludicrous" speed. Over-powering the ship is a common rookie mistake.
			#autoLOC_308363 = Next
			#autoLOC_308378 = Summary
			#autoLOC_308387 = That's as far as I will be taking you today. We can catch up again in the Orbit 101 tutorial where I will show you about orbits and adjusting them.\n\nIf you want to fly solo for a bit you can also try bringing Valentina home from this tutorial flight. You will need to turn around 180 degrees and burn retrograde until your periapsis is less than 20km, at which height the atmosphere will do most of the braking for you. Stage away the upper stage when you hit the atmosphere's edge, orient retrograde, and re-enter like I taught you in the flight basics tutorial.\n\nOr simply choose <color=<<1>>>End Scenario</color> from the <color=<<2>>>Pause</color> menu and I'll see you later.
			#autoLOC_308388 = Finish
			#autoLOC_308406 = Internal View
			#autoLOC_308418 = Aha!, You're a curious one arent' you? The IVA button over each crewmember's portrait will let you see the ship from his own perspective.\n\nNote that in this mode, your flight UI has less instruments, since most of them can be found in the cockpit itself.\n\nIn Internal View, right-clicking will toggle between mouse-look and interact modes, so you can look aroud without having to hold down the right mouse button. Try looking around and clicking on things, the Engineering department says there are many devices in here that actually work. They seemed to be quite proud of that, in fact.\n\nWhen there are multiple crew you can cycle through the POV of them using the [<<1>>] key.\n\nReturn to External View by pressing [<<2>>].
			#autoLOC_308438 = Failure
			#autoLOC_308451 = Aw, shucks, something went terribly wrong here, you might want to try to stay alive when on an actual mission. \nDon't feel bad, I'll send someone to clean that up and you can try again another time.
			#autoLOC_308452 = Finish
			#autoLOC_308470 = Docking Control Mode
			#autoLOC_308481 = I see you've found the Docking Controls. In this mode, controls behave somewhat differently, to make maneuvering around in orbit easier. However, that is a topic for a whole other tutorial, so let's just go back to the subject at hand for now.\n\nPress the Staging button on the bottom-left corner to return to the Staging Control Mode.
			#autoLOC_308501 = Off Course
			#autoLOC_308512 = Aw, shucks, something went wrong here\u2014you're way off course. You need to be quick about following the instructions. If you're having trouble controlling your vessel set it to S.A.S. follow target mode as I explained and let S.A.S. fly it for you; you'll just have to worry about staging. Once you've seen how it should be flown, then you can try flying on manual. Don't feel bad, it takes lots of practice!\n\nIf you still have propellant left, you can try reaching orbit on your own. Or you can try aborting and landing safely\u2014always a good skill to practice. Otherwise please restart the tutorial.
			#autoLOC_308513 = Finish
			#autoLOC_308648 = Asteroid Redirect Mission, Part 1
			#autoLOC_308656 = Asteroids. Awesome to look at and great to have around; not so much when one lands on your house. Today we're going to learn how to keep that from happening.\n\nAs anyone who has played Galaxy Intruders for more than ten minutes can tell you, it's not about firing at where they are, but about aiming at where they're going to be.
			#autoLOC_308657 = Next
			#autoLOC_308667 = Rendezvous
			#autoLOC_308674 = For that, we're going to walk through a process called "rendezvous." It's really, REALLY helpful for making spaceships meet out there in space, and eventually dock, so pay attention.\n\nThe idea is to know how fast something is going and where it's headed so you can be at the same place at the same time in order to meet it.\n\nNow open your map view to take a look at some things.
			#autoLOC_308682 = Asteroids
			#autoLOC_308689 = Through luck, divine intervention or some well conceived tutorial writing, this particular asteroid here has been captured in an eccentric but stable Kerbin orbit.\n\nThis is about as lucky as one can get with these bodies, because in reality most of them will just zoom past Kerbin or take a single trip around it before leaving, never to return.\n\nWhen choosing your own target asteroid, I recommend you see what there is to choose from through the tracking station and designate one of your liking to be permanently tracked. (If you don't track it, catching it will be just about impossible.)
			#autoLOC_308690 = Next
			#autoLOC_308701 = Rendezvous - Theory
			#autoLOC_308708 = First things first\u2014Basic orbital mechanics. If you match your orbit to an object's precisely, you'll be moving at the same speed as it is.\n\nBecause of the way orbits work, if you're closer to the body you're orbiting than the object you are trying to meet, you will be going faster than it is\u2014and you'll be going slower than it is if you're orbiting higher.
			#autoLOC_308709 = Next
			#autoLOC_308719 = Rendezvous - Practice
			#autoLOC_308728 = Knowing this, let's get started. You know the usual drill from previous tutorials: tweak that maneuver node on your orbit to plot an intercept that gets as close as possible to the asteroid. I've already targeted it for you, but if you deselect it, target it again.\n\nActually, I'm sure if you fine-tune it thoroughly\u2014moving it and tweaking the burn amounts\u2014you can get very close.\n\nI recommend using your mousewheel when the mouse pointer is over the node modifiers to make fine adjustments, instead of click-dragging on their handles as we did before, but use whichever method gives you finer control.\n\nYou can check how close your encounter will be if you mouse over the color-matched pairs of closest-approach indicators.
			#autoLOC_308731 = This is what the intersect icons look like.
			#autoLOC_308733 = Next
			#autoLOC_308743 = Rendezvous - Precision
			#autoLOC_308751 = When you're happy with your plotted maneuver, execute the burn.\n\nOne final word of warning though: when executing this kind of precision maneuver, try to leave as little deltaV remaining as possible or the end result could vary greatly from what you had planned.\n\nWe will not proceed until the intercept is within tolerances needed for this tutorial\u2014if you don't get it after one maneuver, plot and execute another one a bit further ahead and so on until your final intercept separation is less than 100 kilometers.
			#autoLOC_308769 = Rendezvous - Fine Tune
			#autoLOC_308776 = Good job. You're now on an orbit similar to but lower than the asteroid's. Keep it targeted and experiment with your maneuver nodes until you have a closest-approach distance of less than 10 kilometers, then execute the burn and wait for that encounter.\n\nThis step is actually optional. Just keep in mind that the closer your orbit takes you, the less fuel you'll have to use.\n\nAnyway, when you're done click <color=<<1>>>Next</color>.
			#autoLOC_308777 = Next
			#autoLOC_308787 = Rendezvous - Approach
			#autoLOC_308794 = And this is where speed and efficiency are key. Wait until you're about 5 minutes away from your encounter.\n\n<color=<<1>>>Click</color> the velocity meter in your navball until it is in target mode and so displays your relative velocity to your target. You're moving at roughly the same speed, but even a small difference will cause you to drift apart.\n\nTurn the ship target-retrograde and use your boosters or RCS thrusters to lower that velocity to 0.0 m/s. That means that relative to the asteroid, you are no longer moving. Note that after such a long wait, your batteries could be depleted and your ship unresponsive. Not a problem. Just get out of map view and deploy your solar panels to start charging the batteries and supplying power to the ship.\n\nAnd if you do leave the map screen, you can probably get a visual sighting of the target asteroid by this time in the approach.
			#autoLOC_308795 = Next
			#autoLOC_308811 = Rendezvous - Almost There!
			#autoLOC_308819 = Ok, so now you are "not moving" and you're so close to the asteroid you can almost touch it. \n\nWhat you have to do now is aim yourself towards the asteroid by pointing at the pink round icon in your navball, since it points toward the target's location. Burn a little to get closer and turn yourself retrograde to kill your speed again. \n\nFor small adjustments you can also use RCS translation burns (<color=<<1>>>[<<2>>]</color>, <color=<<3>>>[<<4>>]</color>, <color=<<5>>>[<<6>>]</color>, <color=<<7>>>[<<8>>]</color>, <color=<<9>>>[<<10>>]</color> and <color=<<11>>>[<<12>>]</color> keys) to tweak your approach.\n\nRepeat these steps as needed.
			#autoLOC_308820 = Next
			#autoLOC_308840 = Rendezvous - Complete
			#autoLOC_308848 = And here we are at the target. Now all that's left is to grab that rock, but we'll leave that for next time, since your head is probably about to explode with new information already.\n\nSo for now, just suffice it to say that you achieved quite a feat. Goodbye for now.
			#autoLOC_308849 = Finish
			#autoLOC_308860 = Failure
			#autoLOC_308868 = Aw, shucks, something went terribly wrong here. You might want to try to stay alive when on an actual mission, you know...\nDon't feel bad, you can always try again.
			#autoLOC_308869 = Finish
			#autoLOC_308884 = Died
			#autoLOC_308926 = Asteroid Redirect Mission, Part 2
			#autoLOC_308937 = Well pilot, you caught up to the target asteroid, but don't pat yourself on the back yet. You're not even close to done. How about we catch this rock?\n\n<color=<<1>>>Right-click</color> on the <color=<<2>>>"The Klaw"</color>, the grasping device (a white dome) at the top of your ship, and arm it from the part's action menu.
			#autoLOC_308938 = Next
			#autoLOC_308944 = Disabled
			#autoLOC_308955 = The Grappling Device
			#autoLOC_308962 = This modern marvel of technology will grab onto anything that it touches. The boys at the lab had an intern hanging from there for a whole day. Thing didn't even budge.\n\nThe equipment has limits, though, so don't expect to catch any asteroids by ramming it into them at full speed. It would be like stepping on a soda can, but one that's worth a lot of taxpayer money.
			#autoLOC_308963 = Next
			#autoLOC_308974 = The Grappling Device
			#autoLOC_308981 = And that's why we're going to handle the claw with care. Now, with your grapple armed, target the asteroid (If you haven't already) and slowly and carefully use your RCS thrusters to move towards the asteroid.\n\nOnce you're close enough, and if the angle of the surface is not overly steep, the mechanism will activate on its own and grab this load of valuable and amazing minerals for us. \n\nBe patient; this will take some time, but if you rush it and miss you will make matters worse.\n\nIf you fail to activate the grapple on the first try, you do have enough RCS propellant to back away and try again.
			#autoLOC_308995 = Efficiency
			#autoLOC_309002 = There you go. Now we've grabbed onto the asteroid.\n\nYou can pretty much call it yours now, but to make things more official, you should rename it. <color=<<1>>>Right-click</color> it and choose <color=<<2>>>Rename Asteroid</color> to do so. \n\nThere's something important when it comes to moving asteroids; efficiency. If you think the way you're grabbing the asteroid doesn't matter, I'd ask you to get up, grab a bag of groceries and carry it around with your arm fully outstretched at a 90 degree angle from your body. Then do the same carrying the bag close as you normally would and tell me if that took the same effort.\n\n<color=<<3>>>Right-click</color> the asteroid again and choose <color=<<4>>>Target Center of Mass</color> to help you align things in the next step.
			#autoLOC_309003 = Next
			#autoLOC_309013 = Pivot and Alignment
			#autoLOC_309024 = Your grapple and the thrust of the ship must obey the same principles. That's why we have a pivot to modify your connection angle and to make aligning to your centre of mass a complete breeze.\n\n<color=<<1>>>Right-click</color> on the grapple and choose <color=<<2>>>Free Pivot</color>. The grapple itself will remain connected to the asteroid, but you will be able to independently move your ship and realign it.\n\nWhat you're trying to set up here is aiming the nose of the ship so that it points at the asteroid's center of mass. If you can do that, the asteroid will not wobble around or try to drag your ship to the side while the engine is firing. Obviously, that will make it easier for the ship to push the asteroid where you want it to go. \n\nGo ahead and adjust yourself until you have a better alignment, then lock the pivot again.
			#autoLOC_309025 = Next
			#autoLOC_309035 = Redirect Start
			#autoLOC_309042 = Now you're all set to start redirecting your asteroid. Whether you want to use it to study materials, make it a mass destruction weapon by dropping on a world, or create a rocky space station like some pesky mutant, you're going to have to move your pet rock.
			#autoLOC_309043 = Next
			#autoLOC_309053 = Rendezvous - Approach
			#autoLOC_309060 = While you could start setting up maneuver nodes and burning in order to move that heavy load of yours right now, it would come at a great fuel cost, so it's better to plan a more efficient approach.\n\nOpen your map, set Kerbin as your target, and find the point where Kerbin's orbit is closest to yours, then set up a maneuver node OPPOSITE to that, on the far side of your orbital path. This is when you will be at your lowest velocity, making it that much easier to adjust your orbit.
			#autoLOC_309061 = Next
			#autoLOC_309076 = Rendezvous - Almost there!
			#autoLOC_309084 = Now try creating a maneuver which will get you back under Kerbin's SOI. Sounds simple enough, but watch out for two things.\n\nFirst of all, you're carrying a LOT of mass, so before calling it done, see if the maneuver is achievable. Rule of thumb is, if you're getting more than a 10 minutes estimated burn time, you will probably run out of fuel before completing it.\n\nSecondly, if it seems like it's impossible getting a return course, right click the maneuver node. Along with a delete button, two more buttons will appear. These alter the calculation of the burn's results to see what would happen if it was made not on this orbit, but the one after that, or the one after that. So if you don't get it in this lap, maybe you will in the next one, or in 100 years (we might be late for tea.)
			#autoLOC_309085 = Next
			#autoLOC_309137 = Rendezvous - Practice
			#autoLOC_309146 = That flight plan looks okay, but it seems like you will have to wait for a loooooong time, so I'll leave you to it.\n\nMy last advice about this is to use all of your piloting skills when actually executing the burn, sometimes it's hard to keep your ship steady when it weights tens of tons. And also, patience, I know this is a long mission, but you must endure, or use time warp, whatever suits you best.\n\nThat's all for my part, see you on Kerbin.
			#autoLOC_309147 = Finish
			#autoLOC_309158 = Failure
			#autoLOC_309166 = Aw, shucks, something went terribly wrong here. You might want to try to stay alive when on an actual mission, you know...\nDon't feel bad, you can always try again.
			#autoLOC_309167 = Finish
			#autoLOC_309362 = Docking
			#autoLOC_309369 = Hello, today we'll be going over a very exciting process: making two separate ships attach so they can share resources, crew, or simply become a bigger ship. \n\nIf you're interested in orbiter-lander missions or creating space stations, this will be a must, so pay attention.\n\nLet's begin.
			#autoLOC_309370 = Next
			#autoLOC_309381 = Coplanar Orbits
			#autoLOC_309388 = In order to dock to another ship, the first thing you have to do is catch up to it. "Rendezvous" with it, to use the technical lingo. To accomplish that, the first thing you have to do is put your ship in a coplanar orbit, meaning an orbit with the exact same inclination.\n\nOpen your map (<color=<<1>>>[<<2>>]</color> key) to see the scenario at hand.
			#autoLOC_309397 = Coplanar Orbits
			#autoLOC_309404 = Look at those poor guys! They're doomed to orbit Kerbin forever, unless you go to their rescue, which you should, because our space program's reputation will go down if we leave people marooned out in space. If you play around with the camera, you will notice that your orbit and theirs don't have the same inclination. That means that if the ships ever did pass close to each other, they would do so at dangerously high speed and just zip on past each other on different paths. In this situation, the first thing we need to do is align our orbit with that of the other ship.\n\n<color=<<1>>>Click</color> on the ship named "Stranded" and set it as your target.
			#autoLOC_309412 = Ascending and Descending Nodes
			#autoLOC_309419 = Good. Now you will notice a few new things have appeared on your orbit. Green ascending and descending node indicators now show the points where the plane of your orbit crosses the plane of the target orbit, and white dotted lines connect these points to your own orbit line.
			#autoLOC_309422 = This is what these nodes look like.
			#autoLOC_309424 = Next
			#autoLOC_309435 = Ascending and Descending Nodes
			#autoLOC_309444 = We want to have your orbit coincide with that of the target, so let's start that job at one of the points where the paths already cross. Go ahead and add a maneuver node at the nearest of the two nodes (probably the ascending node) and manipulate the normal direction handles so that your inclination with respect to the target orbit is zero. \n\nYou can mouse over the AN/DN line as it moves around the orbit to know the estimated inclination after the burn. If you can't seem to get exactly zero,  try moving the maneuver node itself a bit.\n\nExecute the burn when you're ready.
			#autoLOC_309445 = Next
			#autoLOC_309463 = Transfer Orbit
			#autoLOC_309470 = Outstanding! Now your orbit and the stranded ship's are coplanar.\n\nThe next step is to generate a transfer orbit, much like you do when you're targeting another celestial body, which will transfer your ship from one orbit to the other. Create a maneuver node on your orbit (it doesn't really matter where since we're going to move it around anyway), and then extend the prograde vector until you get an intersecting orbit. Some of the other new indicators in target mode are the orange pair and pink pair of closest approach markers. Play with the prograde and the node position until you get the matching colored pair of these intersection nodes close to each other: ideally within a 5km range.
			#autoLOC_309473 = This is what the intersect icons look like.
			#autoLOC_309475 = Next
			#autoLOC_309493 = Transfer Orbit
			#autoLOC_309500 = That looks nice. Now, execute that planned maneuver as precisely as possible. You will most likely not get it exactly as the maneuver node predicts. For better precision, I recommend you burn at full throttle until the delta-V counter on the node is down to about 10m/s, and then cut your engine. Then make a few short, low-throttle burns to fine-tune the intercept.
			#autoLOC_309501 = Next
			#autoLOC_309521 = Enroute to Rendezvous
			#autoLOC_309528 = Good! Now you're in a trajectory that will get you very close to your target. If you think you can get even closer, I suggest fine-tuning the encounter using your RCS thrusters instead of the main engine. However, no matter how close you get, you'll still be going too fast to actually do anything about it unless we do one more thing. And that is to step on the brakes at the right time.\n\nThat is of course just a figure of speech because there's no such thing as a brake pedal in spacecraft. For now, let's wait until we're about 15km away from the target. Once there, make sure that the navball is in "Target" mode so that the proper indicators will be displayed during the critical final maneuvers. If it isn't, click the velocimeter a few times until it is. While in target mode, turn toward the retrograde marker and burn at full throttle until your relative velocity drops below 50m/s.
			#autoLOC_309529 = Next
			#autoLOC_309545 = Rendezvous - Full Stop
			#autoLOC_309553 = Okay, you are now pretty close to the target ship and you're moving slowly with respect to it, but we have to come to a full stop or we'll drift away.\n\nFirst of all, leave map view now because you are close enough for the main display to be not just useful, but advantageous. Watch until you're about 5 km away from the target. Point your ship towards retrograde again, then press <color=<<1>>>[<<2>>]</color> to turn on your RCS thrusters, and finally press and hold <color=<<3>>>[<<4>>]</color> until your speed drops to zero.\n\nIf RCS is taking too long, you can throttle up slightly, but just briefly or you'll over-burn!\n\nOh, and one more thing: always remember to turn off your RCS thrusters when you're not using them, so their attempts to help you hold attitude do not accidentally push you off course.
			#autoLOC_309554 = Next
			#autoLOC_309570 = Rendezvous - Almost There!
			#autoLOC_309578 = Now we're not moving with respect to the target. Good. All that's left to do is to approach carefully.\n\nThis time point your ship towards the target and thrust forward using your RCS. In this step, don't let your speed go beyond 10 m/s to make sure that you will be able to stop in time to prevent a collision. If you start drifting away, brake to a stop again and start the approach once more. Once you're closer than 100 meters we'll proceed.
			#autoLOC_309582 = This is what the Target icon looks like.
			#autoLOC_309596 = Rendezvous - Almost There!
			#autoLOC_309605 = BRAKE! NOW!\n\n Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you. Now is a good time to deploy your docking port. <color=<<2>>>Right click</color> it and press the <color=<<3>>>Open Shield</color> button. Also, now that you're this close it's time to make a little adjustment. Right now you're targeting the whole ship, but we can get more precise than that. <color=<<1>>>Right-click</color> the target ship's docking port and set it as target. Note how the distance changed: the target port is used as the position for your indicators now. Also, <color=<<2>>>right-click</color> your own port and click the <color=<<3>>>Control from Here</color> button. Now the indicators are measuring themselves from one docking port to the other which will make this much easier.\n\nOnce that's all done, approach the target ship again, very slowly: the idea is to get both docking ports to line up and just barely touch.
			#autoLOC_309606 = Next
			#autoLOC_309617 = Alignment
			#autoLOC_309626 = In order to get the docking ports to touch each other, you need to align your docking port to the other ship's. This basically means that you want your prograde vector and the target vector to overlap on the navball. There are a few measures which can help with that.\n\n- You can change the camera mode with <color=<<1>>>[<<2>>]</color> to find one of your liking, I recommend the chase mode for this task.\n\n- Apart from staging mode, your HUD also has a docking mode, so press the docking mode button under the staging display on the lower left of the screen. What this does is change to an alternate control scheme, from rotation to translation, so that your <color=<<3>>>[<<4>>]</color>, <color=<<5>>>[<<6>>]</color>, <color=<<7>>>[<<8>>]</color>, <color=<<9>>>[<<10>>]</color> keys will control translation and <color=<<11>>>[<<12>>]</color> and <color=<<13>>>[<<14>>]</color> are up and down. It's a bit like controlling a Kerbal in EVA flight.\n\n- Using docking mode isn't strictly necessary, since you can use the <color=<<15>>>[<<16>>]</color>, <color=<<17>>>[<<18>>]</color>, <color=<<19>>>[<<20>>]</color>, <color=<<21>>>[<<22>>]</color>, <color=<<23>>>[<<24>>]</color> and <color=<<25>>>[<<26>>]</color> keys to translate in the normal staging mode as well. Use whichever mode works best for you. If you get confused, you can <color=<<27>>>View Key Bindings</color> at any time in the Pause menu.
			#autoLOC_309627 = Next
			#autoLOC_309638 = Docking - Conclusion
			#autoLOC_309647 = However you decide to do it, the point is you have to get both docking ports aligned as closely as possible. Once they're about a Kerbal's height apart, you will see their built-in magnetic assist kick in, and they will attract each other to an actual dock.\n\nTo get a better view, you might want to press <color=<<1>>>[<<2>>]</color> multiple times to get Locked mode so your controls align with your view, or even go to internal view with <color=<<3>>>[<<4>>]</color>.\n\nI'll leave you to do that. If an attempt doesn't go well, back away about a ship's length (to reset the magnetic assist) and try again. Outside of these tutorials, you can also use the quicksave and quickload feature <color=<<5>>>[<<6>>]</color> and <color=<<7>>>[<<8>>]</color> keys to back up time for additional attempts. Keep in mind that this feature is not available in all difficulty settings, though.
			#autoLOC_309671 = Docking - End
			#autoLOC_309679 = Well done! Let me tell you, you just did one of the hardest things there is to do with spacecraft. Congrats!\n\nNow, to conclude your rescue mission successfully you have two options. you can transfer fuel to the stranded ship, undock and leave them to their fate, I don't recommend it, but if you want to do that press <color=<<1>>>[<<2>>]</color> + right click on the fuel tanks you'll be transferring to and from.\n\nThe other option is to transfer the crew to your ship, undock (right click the docking port to get this menu option), and take a road trip back to Kerbin. To move personnel, click on the stranded ship's capsule door and select the Kerbal(s) to transfer, one at a time, then select your own ship's pod. The cabin below the decoupler won't be surviving the return trip, it's below the decoupler!\n\nEach option has benefits and drawbacks. Let me know which one you chose when you're back on solid ground.
			#autoLOC_309680 = Finish
			#autoLOC_309691 = Failure
			#autoLOC_309699 = Aw, shucks, something went terribly wrong here. You might want to try to stay alive when on an actual mission, you know...\nDon't feel bad, you can always try again.
			#autoLOC_309700 = Finish
			#autoLOC_310122 = Basic Construction
			#autoLOC_310129 = Welcome to today's lecture on vessel construction. I'm Wernher von Kerman.\n\nWhether you want to put a satellite into orbit, make a transcontinental flight, or step onto the very surface of the Mun, you're going to need to build yourself a ship.\n\nIt should be pretty easy even if you're not a famous rocket scientist like myself.
			#autoLOC_310130 = Next
			#autoLOC_310141 = Overview
			#autoLOC_310149 = In this tutorial, I will first show you around the Kerbal Space Center, then take you to the Vehicle Assembly Building, where you'll learn how to construct a simple ship.\n\nWe'll cover adding and removing parts, what the parts do, how to change the performance settings of the parts which have that option, and how to control staging.\n\nAt the end of the tutorial you will have a craft fit for a quick hop from the launchpad.\n\nAt each step I will lock out all controls other than the ones you need for that step. If you still manage to mess up (it took even me some time to become as skilled as I am now!), you can press the <color=<<1>>>Back</color> button to go back and fix things. (It won't light up unless you do mess up.)
			#autoLOC_310150 = Next
			#autoLOC_310160 = Kerbal Space Center
			#autoLOC_310168 = We are now at the Kerbal Space Center. I'll give you a quick rundown on how to get around.\n\nThe KSC, for short, is home to the pinnacle of Kerbal endeavour and achievements for space exploration. Using the facilities you can see here, you will be able to manage your space program, create rockets and planes, track your Kerbal explorers as they roam the solar system, find exciting new uses for explosive substances, and in case of emergency, hire more Kerbals.\n\nTo find out about each of the facilities, you can hover your mouse over them or the facilities buttons (they show up when the cursor is outside this window). If you need to repair a structure (or upgrade them in career), you can do this by right-clicking them.\n\nTake some time to hover the mouse over the buildings and see what they each are, and when you're ready enter the Vehicle Assembly Building (VAB).
			#autoLOC_310181 = Inside the VAB
			#autoLOC_310206 = Very good! What you see in the middle of this screen is the construction area. This is where parts are placed and your craft is constructed.\n\nOn the left side of the screen is the Parts Toolbox. It will show all the parts you have available in each of the different categories, once there are any to pick, that is!
			#autoLOC_310207 = Next
			#autoLOC_310218 = Select a Command Module
			#autoLOC_310243 = If you want your craft to be controllable you need a command module, and it's best to make it the first part you place.\n\nThis part will either contain some plucky Kerbal crew or an automated pilot mechanism.\n\nAs we're just starting there's only one choice. Go ahead and pick that command module from the <color=<<1>>>Pods</color> tab.
			#autoLOC_310254 = Looking Around
			#autoLOC_310279 = After at least one part is placed, you can look around with the following controls.\n\tOrbit the camera:\n\t\t<color=<<1>>>[Arrow Keys]</color> or\n\t\t<color=<<2>>>Right Mouse Drag</color>\n\tMove the camera up/down:\n\t\t<color=<<3>>>[<<4>>]</color> / <color=<<5>>>[<<6>>]</color> or\n\t\t<color=<<7>>><<8>></color>\n\tZoom the camera:\n\t\t<color=<<9>>>[<<10>>]</color> / <color=<<11>>>[<<12>>]</color> or\n\t\t<color=<<13>>>[Shift]</color> + <color=<<14>>><<15>></color>
			#autoLOC_310280 = Back
			#autoLOC_310289 = Next
			#autoLOC_310307 = Adding a Parachute
			#autoLOC_310327 = If you'd like your pilot to be able to make more than one flight, he or she will have to return safely to the ground (or water) on Kerbin. Parachutes are a simple way to make sure that happens. They can be found on the <color=<<1>>>Utility</color> tab (change tabs by clicking their icons on the left of the part list window).\n\nWhen you're choosing parts you can view the details of available parts by hovering over them in the toolbox. When the info is visible, most parts have an additional information window which can be opened with a right-click. Note that the parachute states the effective diameter in each state and what the maximum safe speed for deployment is.\n\nGo ahead and select the <color=<<2>>>Mk16 Parachute</color> by <color=<<3>>>left-clicking</color> on it. Then move it to the top of the command pod so that the green sphere at the bottom of the parachute lines up with the green sphere at the top of the pod. <color=<<4>>>Click</color> again to attach.
			#autoLOC_310328 = Back
			#autoLOC_310337 = Next
			#autoLOC_310356 = Adjusting Part Options
			#autoLOC_310376 = Some parts, like our parachute here, have configurable options. To see these we need to <color=<<1>>>right-click</color> on the parachute we just attached to the pod. Do that now and you will see the available parameters.\n\nOn the parachute you will see that we can adjust our altitude and the atmospheric pressure at which to open; that setting can be quite useful on distant worlds.\n\nFor now let's check that the opening height on the chute is at least 1000m, because safety is the Kerbal way, after all. For the min pressure slider, move it a bit to the right, to 0.2. This setting prevents the chute from activating until the atmosepheric pressure is above the configured value - on Kerbin 0.2 is about 9 kilometers in altitude, so even if you stage early and arm the parachute, it will wait until then to activate.\n\nYou can hide these options by right-clicking on the background scene or picking up another part (when there's one available). When you're happy with that we can proceed.
			#autoLOC_310377 = Back
			#autoLOC_310392 = Next
			#autoLOC_310414 = Add a Solid Motor
			#autoLOC_310434 = Next up, we are going to need something to make us go.\n\n<color=<<1>>>Click</color> on the <color=<<2>>>Engines</color> tab on the left to show the available engines and solid rocket motors.\n\nGrab one and connect it to the bottom of the pod. You may need to zoom or move the camera to be able to do so.
			#autoLOC_310435 = Back
			#autoLOC_310446 = Next
			#autoLOC_310465 = Oops!
			#autoLOC_310482 = Oops! I forgot you're just starting out. You're not a famous rocket scientist, and to make that craft survivable as it stands now you'd have to be better at rocket science than me. Hah, impossible!\n\nThe problem with that craft is that this solid rocket is too powerful for the payload (a single small pod and chute). It will either burn up on ascent from going too fast, or burn up coming back down. Even if you survive that, the craft's mass will cause it to fall too fast for the parachute to operate properly, and you'd hit the surface before it could stop you!\n\nOk, I promise to teach you how to change that to make it work in a later tutorial, but for now let's continue.\n\nWell, at least this way I get to tell you about removing parts. Pick up the <color=<<1>>>BACC "Thumper"</color>, and either drop it back over the Parts Toolbox or press <color=<<2>>>[Delete]</color>.
			#autoLOC_310483 = Back
			#autoLOC_310494 = Next
			#autoLOC_310513 = The Right Solid Motor
			#autoLOC_310530 = Instead, let's add the solid motor that's a better match for a ship of this size.\n\nAt the start of your career you will have what I consider rubbish parts. Literally: the motor here looks like, and may well be, a converted trash can.\n\nThat said, it does have enough oomph to get this little craft moving skyward, and quickly. As you progress you will be able to unlock more engines and other parts.\n\nFor now though, let's pick up the <color=<<1>>>RT-5 "Flea"</color> and connect it to the bottom of the pod.
			#autoLOC_310531 = Back
			#autoLOC_310542 = Next
			#autoLOC_310561 = The Staging Stack
			#autoLOC_310582 = Nice one. You've built the simplest survivable craft possible. We could go launch this right now, but it might be safer to explain one other thing first.
			#autoLOC_310585 = In the bottom right you will see the staging stack - it's the box with the number 0 and icons for the parachute and engine in it. This stack shows us which parts will be activated as we "stage" our rocket.
			#autoLOC_310587 = What this shows is that when we activate the next stage both the engine and the parachute will be triggered. While it could be considered funny to open the chute and fire the motor at the same time, it's not going to give you much of a flight.\n\nTo fix this we need to separate the engine and chute into two stages. If you mouse over the "0" stage you will see a little + and - appear to the left of the box. <color=<<1>>>Click</color> the <color=<<2>>>plus</color> button to add a new stage. If you add too many, click the minus button on the extra ones to remove them. Make sure you have precisely two stages.
			#autoLOC_310588 = Back
			#autoLOC_310603 = Next
			#autoLOC_310617 = Adjusting the Staging Stack
			#autoLOC_310625 = Excellent. It's important to note that the stages activate from the highest number and then count down. So our first stage will be stage 1 (the engine) and our second one will be stage 0 (the chute). \n\nNow <color=<<1>>>drag</color> the engine icon from stage 0 down to stage 1 to give our pilot some comfort.
			#autoLOC_310626 = Back
			#autoLOC_310640 = Next
			#autoLOC_310672 = Saving it for Later
			#autoLOC_310686 = That's it. We now have a safe - well, relatively safe craft that's ready to go. Let's make sure that if we need this design again we don't have to build it all from scratch.\n\nAt the top of the screen you will see the name for our craft. Hmm. "untitled space craft" doesn't seem so majestic. Why don't you change that to be something more your style, and you can add a description if you'd like to?\n\nWhen you use the load screens later, these names and descriptions help you to grab the right vessel.\n\nWhen you're happy with the name, <color=<<1>>>Click</color> on the <color=<<2>>>Save</color> icon in the upper right.
			#autoLOC_310687 = Next
			#autoLOC_310701 = Summing Up
			#autoLOC_310726 = Excellent work. Feel free to play around with the parts and techniques I've shown you, and when you're ready to continue, press the red button in the upper right to exit.\n\nBack at the Training menu, try the Flight Basics tutorial to learn how to fly this little craft, and then the Intermediate Construction tutorial can teach you more about the editor.\n\n<color=<<1>>>NOTE:Any vessels you create here will be lost when you exit, this is just for playing around.</color>
			#autoLOC_310727 = Done
			#autoLOC_312688 = Advanced Construction
			#autoLOC_312696 = Welcome to the third and final tutorial about construction \u2014 the Advanced Construction tutorial!\n\nI've had to delay some important work today to fit this in, so pay close attention as I show you how a real rocket scientist makes orbital craft.\n\nGo on! Go inside the VAB.
			#autoLOC_312709 = Overview
			#autoLOC_312730 = In our last tutorial we built a vessel that could escape the atmosphere, but it didn't have enough oomph to escape for long.\n\nThis time around, we'll cover more advanced rocket design concepts like multiple stages and boosters, as well as the extra parts like RCS and solar panels. You'll want these if you spend more than a few minutes in orbit.\n\nWhen we're done you'll have a craft capable of ascent to orbit, orbital operations, and a safe return to Kerbin \u2014 and you can test it out in the Go For Orbit tutorial, which will teach you how to make use of it all.
			#autoLOC_312731 = Next
			#autoLOC_312744 = Getting Started
			#autoLOC_312752 = You'll notice that there are lots more parts available this time. That's because an orbit-capable craft is much more complex than that little puddle jumper I showed you how to make last time.\n\nHowever, the main principles are the same, so I hope you remember what I taught you.\n\nIf you mess up and, say, somehow manage to delete your whole craft, you can hit <color=<<1>>><<2>></color> + <color=<<3>>>[Z]</color> to undo your last change.
			#autoLOC_312753 = Next
			#autoLOC_312766 = Select the Pod
			#autoLOC_312777 = Again, you only have one pod available, so go ahead and select it.\n\nIf you select the wrong part, click on it in the main view to pick it up, and either drop it back over the Parts Toolbox or press <color=<<1>>>[Delete]</color>, then try again.
			#autoLOC_312778 = Next
			#autoLOC_312794 = Add the Chute
			#autoLOC_312803 = Just like last time, select a parachute and place it.
			#autoLOC_312804 = Next
			#autoLOC_312820 = Adjust Parameters
			#autoLOC_312828 = And again like last time, adjust the parachute parameters by right-clicking on the part you just placed.\n\nWhen the chutes Min Pressure is 0.75 and you're satisfied, click <color=<<1>>>Next</color>.
			#autoLOC_312829 = Next
			#autoLOC_312845 = The Upper Stage
			#autoLOC_312855 = We're now going to construct an upper stage.\n\nThis upper stage will finish placing the pod in orbit and, once there, provide RCS steering thrusters and electricity for the pod. It will also provide all manuevering capability in orbit, including the reentry burn.\n\nIt's going to consist of a decoupler (we don't want to carry it home), an RCS fuel tank, a Liquid Fuel tank, 4 RCS thrusters, 4 solar panels, 4 batteries, and an efficient upper-stage engine.\n\nThat's quite the shopping list, isn't it? So let me know when you're ready to proceed.
			#autoLOC_312856 = Next
			#autoLOC_312869 = Add a Stack Decoupler
			#autoLOC_312879 = Firstly, we will add a stack decoupler below the pod to let us discard the parts we don't want to bring back with us.\n\nGrab a decoupler from the Toolbox and attach it to the bottom of the pod, paying close attention so that its little red arrows, as we discussed before, point up, to make sure that the decoupler is oriented the right way. \n\nIf the arrows are pointing down, that's not good. Detach it from the pod, then use <color=<<1>>>[<<2>>]</color>, <color=<<3>>>[<<4>>]</color>, <color=<<5>>>[<<6>>]</color> and <color=<<7>>>[<<8>>]</color> to rotate it to be the right way up, and then reattach it.
			#autoLOC_312880 = Next
			#autoLOC_312896 = Add an RCS Tank
			#autoLOC_312904 = Next we'll add an RCS tank. RCS stands for Reaction Control System, and this fuel will help us with fine maneuvers.\n\nGo to the <color=<<1>>>Tanks</color> category and add an <color=<<2>>>FL-R120 RCS Fuel Tank</color> under the decoupler.
			#autoLOC_312905 = Next
			#autoLOC_312921 = Tweak RCS Loading
			#autoLOC_312929 = Your craft is not going to need all the MonoPropellant in the tank, so to save some weight, <color=<<1>>>right-click</color> it to get to the part's options and move the slider down to 96 units.\n\nMonopropellant is called that because, while large rocket engines use two propellants (fuel and oxidizer), RCS uses a single propellant.\n\nRCS is generally less efficient, but is good for small velocity changes in any direction (rather than just forwards like the main engines do), and can be used to rotate the craft as well as move it.
			#autoLOC_312930 = Next
			#autoLOC_312946 = Add Propellant Tanks
			#autoLOC_312954 = We'll be adding multiple Liquid Fuel tanks in this stage to get the right amount for the upper stage engine, and we need an extra tank to offset the weight of the RCS.\n\nSo add a tiny rocket propellant tank (it's the one named <color=<<1>>>FL-T100 Fuel Tank</color>), and then add a medium one (<color=<<2>>>FL-T400 Fuel Tank</color>) below it.
			#autoLOC_312955 = Next
			#autoLOC_312971 = Add a Terrier Engine
			#autoLOC_312979 = Lastly for the main parts of this upper stage, we'll add an engine. The "Terrier" engine produces almost no thrust at sea level air pressure, but is highly efficient in space (and above 20km, where the atmosphere is thin enough to not interfere with the exhaust). This makes it a good choice for an upper stage, since the engine will not be activated until the rocket has reached the conditions where this kind of engine works well. \n\nIf you select the wrong engine, you can always throw it away and try again.\n\nAdd an <color=<<1>>>LV-909 "Terrier"</color> to the bottom of the tank.
			#autoLOC_312980 = Next
			#autoLOC_312996 = Show Center of Mass
			#autoLOC_313006 = Nicely done! That's a pretty well assembled upper stage, if I do say so myself. It'll get you to orbit if you put enough rocket under it. While we have this reasonably simple vessel here, let's explore one of the other useful tools we have available.\n\nTo make sure that your ship flies controllably, some parts need to be placed carefully around a point inside the ship called "the center of mass." This CoM is a spot where the mass on one side is balanced by the mass on the other side. Thrust applied through the CoM will cause the ship to move without unwanted rotation, while thrust (properly) applied around the CoM will cause the ship to rotate without moving.\n\nThis makes the CoM such a useful and important thing that we added a tool so the assembly building can show it to you with a marker. Let's have a look at how that indicator works here.\n\n<color=<<1>>>Click</color> on the CoM indicator toggle and we'll have a play. Here's a picture of it, with the indicator highlighted.
			#autoLOC_313010 = Next
			#autoLOC_313026 = Watch the CoM
			#autoLOC_313036 = OK, lets adjust the fuel levels in some of the tanks and see how that affects the center of mass.\n\n<color=<<1>>>Right-click</color> on each of the fuel tanks and drag the fuel and oxidizer propellant levels down to 0 (DON'T touch the MonoPropellant levels, as they wont be burnt by the "Terrier" engine).\n\nAs you are doing this, you will see the CoM move. During flight the vessel's CoM will move in the same way as it burns it's fuel, until the tanks are empty.
			#autoLOC_313037 = Next
			#autoLOC_313053 = Refill the Tank
			#autoLOC_313061 = Ok, now go ahead and refill the tanks and we can proceed to add some of the "accessories" to our upper stage.\n\nThey'll transform it from merely something that gets us into orbit into something that helps us once we're there.
			#autoLOC_313062 = Next
			#autoLOC_313078 = Where to Place RCS Thrusters
			#autoLOC_313088 = Now that you know where the CoM is when the stage is full and when it is empty, you have the information you need to place RCS thrusters. RCS thrusters are found in the Command and Control category.\n\nMoving the spaceship without rotating it is called "translation." This is a useful kind of maneuver for several reasons, including docking to another craft. In order for translation with RCS to avoid unwanted rotation, you need to balance the thrusters around the CoM, so the net sum of forces is balanced right on this natural pivot point. For two equal sets of thrusters, each set should be equidistant from the CoM, and for a single set (what we're doing here) they should be right around the CoM itself.\n\nWhat makes this complicated is that the CoM changes during flight, as you just saw. So, you need to place the thrusters at a compromise point between the 'wet' CoM and the 'dry' CoM.\n\nNote that in career-mode games, RCS thrusters don't become available until fairly late. In the meantime, the reaction wheel capability built into your command pod will probably be enough for turning in space, though reaction wheels will not allow you to translate.
			#autoLOC_313089 = Next
			#autoLOC_313105 = Placing the RCS Thrusters
			#autoLOC_313115 = Let's turn on Angle Snap to make aligning the thruster parts easier. Do that by clicking on the Toggle Snap icon in the lower left or pressing the <color=<<1>>>[<<2>>]</color> key, ensure we have <color=<<3>>>4x</color> symmetry turned on, and then place a set of <color=<<4>>>4 RV-105 RCS Thruster Blocks</color> on your upper stage.\n\nThe tiny rocket propellant tank is about the right place to attach these. (Just in case you need a hint.) \n\nIf you don't get the placement quite right, you can also use the Offset gizmo to fine-tune their position. Make sure you turn angle snap off before using the offset! You will want fine adjustments for that, and with snap turned on, the adjustments are anything but fine. Click the Offset Mode icon in the upper left of the main editor window (just to the right of the part list), then click an RCS part. Drag one of the axis indicators to move it. If you want to reset this adjustment, hit <color=<<5>>>[<<6>>]</color>. When done, go back to Place mode.\n\nWhen you're all done, turn the CoM indicator off.
			#autoLOC_313116 = Next
			#autoLOC_313132 = Electric Charge
			#autoLOC_313143 = Lots of things on a craft use Electric Charge (EC). (That's what us cool scientists call rocket electricity.)\n\nIn order to keep your batteries topped up, you will need a way of generating power. Now, some engines generate electricity while they're running, but you don't want to keep your engine running in orbit. Your orbit would get all kinds of messed up, and you'll run out of propellant!\n\nOur command pod has some batteries built into it, but to be safe you can add more batteries, and you can add solar panels or other electricity-generating items. We're going to do both.
			#autoLOC_313144 = Next
			#autoLOC_313157 = Adding Batteries and Solar Panels
			#autoLOC_313166 = Switch to the <color=<<1>>>Electrical</color> category now and ensure we have Angle Snap turned on and are still in <color=<<2>>>4x</color> Symmetry mode.\n\nWe'll use our part rotation skills to adjust the panels before placing them. Thats the <color=<<3>>>[<<4>>]</color>, <color=<<5>>>[<<6>>]</color>, <color=<<7>>>[<<8>>]</color>, <color=<<9>>>[<<10>>]</color>, <color=<<11>>>[<<12>>]</color> and <color=<<13>>>[<<14>>]</color> keys we used earlier.\n\nGrab the <color=<<15>>>OX-STAT</color> solar panel, hold it over the lower end of the fuel tanks, and press <color=<<16>>>[<<17>>]</color> to rotate it 90 degrees. Then <color=<<18>>>click</color> to place a set of them.\n\nNow go ahead and place a set of 4 <color=<<19>>>Z-100</color> batteries between the solar panels.
			#autoLOC_313167 = Next
			#autoLOC_313183 = Upper Stage Complete
			#autoLOC_313194 = Excellent work. You've built a nice starter upper stage which will do well for some orbital exploration.\n\nNow we need to work on getting it up to orbit, and for that we'll build up our lower stage. In comparison to the upper stage, it's quite simple \u2014 just a couple of tanks and an engine. That won't be enough alone however, so we'll add some boosters too.
			#autoLOC_313195 = Next
			#autoLOC_313208 = Stage Decoupler
			#autoLOC_313218 = Add another <color=<<1>>>TD-12 Stack Decoupler</color> on the bottom of the "Terrier".\n\nWe'll need this during our ascent to discard the empty parts of the vessel below.\n\nOh, and notice how when you add the decoupler, a fairing is placed around the engine? This will get jettisoned automatically when we stage the decoupler.
			#autoLOC_313219 = Next
			#autoLOC_313235 = Add Tanks
			#autoLOC_313243 = Now we need to add the fuel tanks for our lower stage.\n\nAdd two of the medium (rocket) propellant tanks (<color=<<1>>>FL-T400 Fuel Tank</color>) to the bottom of the stack.
			#autoLOC_313244 = Next
			#autoLOC_313260 = Add a Swivel Engine
			#autoLOC_313268 = For our lower stage we need an engine that is a sustainer. That's an engine that burns from liftoff until well after the boosters separate.\n\nLet's get "Scientifical" for a second. Rocket engine performance is measured by Specific Impulse (or Isp), and the Isp of an engine changes as the amount of atmospheric pressure around it changes. Just as the upper stage needed an engine that is good at the low air pressures of high altitudes, the lower stage will need boosters which are powerful at the higher air pressure of the low altitude of the launch pad. And to help carry the rocket through the transition from launch to upper stage, it will need a "sustainer" engine which usually sits between boosters and upper stage engines from a performance perspective, having a wide range in between the two.\n\nSo add the big engine you see there, the <color=<<1>>>LV-T45 "Swivel"</color>, to the bottom of the tanks as our sustainer.
			#autoLOC_313269 = Next
			#autoLOC_313285 = Tweak the Swivel
			#autoLOC_313293 = At its default thrust level, the "Swivel" is too powerful for the rocket we're creating (and for the ascent profile we're going to teach you in the "Go For Orbit" tutorial). So you'll need to lower its thrust level. This isn't as good a solution as picking a smaller, lighter engine with the thrust level we want, but, well, there are only so many options. \n\n<color=<<1>>>Right-click</color> the "Swivel" and lower its thrust limiter to 65. It will then only produce 65% of its full thrust potential, but it will also run longer because it's only burning 65% as much fuel.
			#autoLOC_313294 = Next
			#autoLOC_313310 = Add Radial Decouplers
			#autoLOC_313318 = Nice. You now have the core of your rocket completed, but as I said before, we'll also be adding boosters to help the sustainer engine get the rocket up and running.\n\nWe'll add two boosters symmetrically so that we keep our craft balanced, and to make sure we don't lug the useless dry mass of the boosters around after they burn out, we'll attach them using decouplers.\n\nThis time, however, we'll use radial decouplers so the boosters can sit beside our lower stage core instead of under it. That way, the sustainter and boosters can fire at the same time. \n\nSelect the <color=<<1>>>TT-38K Radial Decoupler</color> and add it in <color=<<2>>>2x</color> symmetry near the bottom of the lowest tank on the lower stage.
			#autoLOC_313319 = Next
			#autoLOC_313335 = Add SRBs
			#autoLOC_313343 = "Moar Boosters" is something you often hear around the KSC, and now it's time to add some!\n\nAdd a pair of <color=<<1>>>RT-10 "Hammer"</color> SRBs to the decouplers, so we have that extra kick early on.
			#autoLOC_313344 = Next
			#autoLOC_313359 = Tweak SRB Thrust
			#autoLOC_313367 = Unlike LF (Liquid Fuel) engines, where you can adjust the throttle during flight, once you light an SRB, it burns at constant thrust till it's out of fuel. We can, however, use the throttle limiter as we did on the "Swivel" to set that constant thrust before we roll out to the launchpad.\n\n<color=<<1>>>Right-Click</color> on one of the SRBs and change its thrust limiter to 50. Do note that changing a tweakable value on one part that's been placed using symmetry will have that same change applied to its symmetry counterparts.\n\n(Remember when I said I'd teach you how to make that pod-and-Thumper craft from Construction Basics survivable? Well, this thrust adjusting is how that could be done. Although you'd also have to put a decoupler on it.)
			#autoLOC_313368 = Next
			#autoLOC_313384 = Add Nose Cones
			#autoLOC_313392 = Right now the SRBs have flat, pancake tops, which is simply not a good look. Oh, and bad aerodynamically.\n\nLet's fix that by adding a pair of nose cones. <color=<<1>>>Nose cones</color> can be found in the <color=<<2>>>Aerodynamics</color> category, and you can add a pair of them using <color=<<3>>>2x</color> symmetry.
			#autoLOC_313393 = Next
			#autoLOC_313409 = Add Fins
			#autoLOC_313417 = While we're on that tab in the toolbox, let's add some fins too. Fins come in various sizes and styles, and as we learned earlier, will help stabilize your craft.\n\nSince these fins are control surfaces, they also add some extra control authority when low in the atmosphere, where the air is thick enough for them to have a helpful effect.\n\nAdd the <color=<<1>>>AV-R8 Winglets</color> in <color=<<2>>>4x</color> symmetry near the bottom of the lowest fuel tank in the lowest stage, and make sure they don't intersect the decouplers and SRBs. If they do overlap those parts, any flight will be interesting, but exceptionally short.
			#autoLOC_313418 = Next
			#autoLOC_313434 = Fix Staging
			#autoLOC_313442 = Excellent! We've now got all the components on our basic orbital rocket, but let's run through a few extra things before we call it a day.\n\nFirstly, we should review the Staging Stack to check the order of actions and parts displayed there. It's lucky I've highlighted this for you, because the SRBs are set to fire before the sustainer, and that just won't do. You won't have enough thrust to get off the pad that way!\n\nMove the Swivel's staging icon down into the same stage as the SRBs.\n\nNote that the automatically created staging sequence would work if we did not want the long-burning sustainer to ignite at the same time as the high-thrust boosters, but since we do, we had to adjust it manually.
			#autoLOC_313443 = Next
			#autoLOC_313459 = Align for Launch
			#autoLOC_313467 = Finally, pick up the pod and rotate it 90 degrees around the vertical axis (Press <color=<<1>>>[<<2>>]</color> or <color=<<3>>>[<<4>>]</color>).\n\nThis will rotate the ship not just in the VAB, but also set its orientation when we go to the launchpad, so that our desired flight heading of east (compass 90) will be a matter of steering in the pitch (up-and-down) axis rather than yaw (right-and-left).\n\nBy default, parts in the VAB are oriented so that they are aligned north.
			#autoLOC_313468 = Next
			#autoLOC_313484 = Action Groups
			#autoLOC_313493 = We always make every effort to ensure our brave crew survive, and hopefully you will take the same stance in your space program. It doesn't always work out that way, of course, but it's the thought that counts. (At least to those of us not in the rocket at the time.) \n\nWith that in mind, let's set up an abort action group for your craft, for use in case of emergency. Note that in career mode, you'll have to upgrade the VAB or SPH in order to access action groups.\n\n<color=<<1>>>Click</color> on the turquoise action groups button on the left of the toolbar; it's part of a cluster of three buttons.
			#autoLOC_313494 = Next
			#autoLOC_313510 = Action Groups
			#autoLOC_313518 = Action groups let you assign the functions of one or more parts to a single, specific key. There are some default action groups (landing gear automatically go in the gear group, brakes on wheels go in the brake group, etc.) and some custom ones activated by the keyboard (not keypad) numbers. Because of the order of these keys on standard boards, the action groups are numbered 1 through 9 and then 0.\n\nTo set up an action group, click on the desired action key from the menu, then click on the part you want to activate. The actions already assigned to that group appear in the Group Actions column, and the actions that can be assigned from the selected part appear in the Selection Column.\n\nTo add and remove items, you simply click on them to move them left or right between columns. To clear all action group selections from a part, click Reset in the Selection column.\n\nWe're going to set up the Abort action group. It's triggered by pressing <color=<<1>>>[<<2>>]</color> or by clicking the big red abort button in flight (it slides out from the left of the altitude panel at the top of the screen when you mouse over that area). First, <color=<<3>>>click</color> on the <color=<<4>>>Abort</color> button in the Action Groups column.
			#autoLOC_313519 = Next
			#autoLOC_313535 = Abort Group
			#autoLOC_313543 = Great! Now <color=<<1>>>click</color> on the decoupler right below the pod, and add its <color=<<2>>>Decouple</color> action to the group.\n\nThen <color=<<3>>>click</color> on each liquid engine in turn and assign their <color=<<4>>>Shutdown</color> functions to the group. Finally, <color=<<5>>>click</color> on one of the radial decouplers and assign <color=<<6>>>Decouple</color> to the group. (Since these were placed with symmetry, applying the action to one radial decoupler will apply it to them all.) \n\nNow when you trigger the abort action in flight, the engines will shut down (or, if they can't shut down, be decoupled), the capsule will separate from the rest of the ship, and it should be safe to land by itself. Remember to deploy your parachute once it's safe, however! (This may require staging a number of times, since the stage counter won't advance by itself when parts decouple before they are staged.
			#autoLOC_313544 = Next
			#autoLOC_313560 = Summary
			#autoLOC_313568 = And there we are! Your orbital rocket is ready to fly.\n\nIt's been a long lesson (and thanks for hanging in there) in which we've covered lots of different advanced techniques for rocket construction.\n\nGive the new ship a name and save it \u2014 that's always a good practice. Then I recommend you try flying it in the "Go For Orbit" tutorial.\n\n<color=<<1>>>NOTE:Any vessels you create here will be lost when you exit, this is just for playing around.</color>
			#autoLOC_313569 = Done
			#autoLOC_314034 = Intermediate Construction
			#autoLOC_314043 = Hello again. Glad you could come back.\n\nTo get started, go ahead and enter the VAB and I'll give you the overview of what we're building today.
			#autoLOC_314055 = Overview
			#autoLOC_314077 = Ah, here we are again. Now, to business.\n\nIf you remember, in our last construction tutorial we covered how to build a simple hopper and some of the basics of the construction area.\n\nIn this tutorial we'll expand your knowledge of some of the more useful features in the VAB, and we'll build a more complex craft that will be able to get us out of the atmosphere.
			#autoLOC_314078 = Next
			#autoLOC_314093 = Loading Saved Designs
			#autoLOC_314106 = To build our new design let's start with the craft we built in the Basic Construction Tutorial, though this one is just called "Hopper". This will save us a little bit of time, and the accounting department is always happy when we save on time.\n\n<color=<<1>>>Click</color> on the <color=<<2>>>Open</color> button in the top right corner and load the "Hopper", then remove its <color=<<3>>>RT-5 "Flea"</color> motor.\n\nIf you mess up, you can recreate the craft from the part list by placing a pod first, then a parachute on top of it. Note that throughout this tutorial I will leave all parts you need available to be placed.\n\nIf you delete the craft file somehow, close the load dialog and open it again and the craft will be back.
			#autoLOC_314107 = Next
			#autoLOC_314126 = Tweaking the Chute
			#autoLOC_314140 = Unlike last time, we won't be bringing the whole vessel back, so we can change our parachute's stats from what we used before. Right-click on the parachute and verify that its deployment altitude is set to 1000m as last time, but also set the minimum pressure slider all the way to the right, 0.75 atmospheres. That corresponds to an altitude on Kerbin of about 2 kilometers and means a much shorter time 'hanging around' during descent.
			#autoLOC_314141 = Next
			#autoLOC_314156 = Renaming the Vessel
			#autoLOC_314166 = First off let's change the name of our craft, and the description if you want, so that we still have our trash can special for later on.\n\nSimply change the name to something other than "Hopper" and we can proceed.
			#autoLOC_314167 = Next
			#autoLOC_314181 = Adding Some Extra Functionality
			#autoLOC_314189 = Great. For this craft, we are going to give the ship some additional purpose by attaching a science experiment. We can run these experiments during our travels and get valuable science data for Kerbalkind.\n\nThere are a number of science experiments to be performed, but at the moment we only have the Mystery Goo Containment Unit available.\n\nSwitch to the <color=<<1>>>Science</color> tab to look at it. This is one of the most basic scientific experiments Kerbal scientists have devised and one of the first things they want to try and understand better; I mean, they don't even know what color the goo is!
			#autoLOC_314190 = Next
			#autoLOC_314205 = Using Symmetry
			#autoLOC_314213 = When you pick up the part you will see that it's designed to attach to the sides of other parts, i.e.  "radially". If we attach only one of these, then during flight our craft will be unbalanced.\n\nOne way to solve this is to add an extra Goo Container on the opposite side of the rocket so they balance. Luckily we have a symmetry tool to help here.
			#autoLOC_314216 = These buttons control symmetry (highlighted) and angle snap, and can be found in the lower left of the screen. Press the <color=<<1>>>symmetry</color> button (or press the <color=<<2>>>[<<3>>]</color> key) to cycle through the available symmetry modes.
			#autoLOC_314218 = Set this to <color=<<1>>>2x</color> and then pick up and place a <color=<<2>>>Mystery Goo Containment Unit</color> on the side of the pod, near the top. You will notice that a second one has been placed opposite the first by the symmetry tool. If you had already placed a lone canister, pick it up, make sure symmetry is set correctly, and place it again, so that it has a duplicate on the other side.\n\nRemember to place the canisters near the nose of the pod!
			#autoLOC_314219 = Next
			#autoLOC_314233 = Decoupling Parts
			#autoLOC_314242 = If we add too many more parts here, the craft we are making will be too heavy to survive reentry safely (and too heavy to be slowed by our parachute, leading to Sudden Impact Syndrome). So we will need to add a decoupler below the pod.\n\nDecouplers can be found in the Coupling tab, and will let us split the craft when we no longer need the lower parts. We won't be able to recover the discarded parts, but at least our craft (and our Kerbal!) will survive reentry and landing.\n\nDecouplers can be used in many ways, but for now let's just add one of these to the bottom of the pod. Go to the <color=<<1>>>Coupling</color> tab, grab a <color=<<2>>>TD-12</color>, and place it.\n\nNote that stack decouplers have arrows. The arrows show which side is the side that decouples. Make sure your decoupler's arrow is pointing up, towards the pod. (It will be, by default.)
			#autoLOC_314243 = Next
			#autoLOC_314257 = Revisiting the Staging Stack
			#autoLOC_314266 = Well done. You'll recall, I hope, that in the previous tutorial we had to adjust the staging stack when we added the engine to our earlier rocket. \n\nWhen you add a decoupler, the extra stage is automatically added to the stack so that any new parts below the decoupler won't be staged at the same time as those above it.\n\nYou can of course still move these all around, but hopefully this will save you some time as you go.\n\nIf you ever want to return to this default staging setup, click the <color=<<1>>>Reset</color> button at the bottom of the Staging Stack.
			#autoLOC_314267 = Next
			#autoLOC_314281 = Adding Some Fuel Tanks
			#autoLOC_314289 = This time we are going to use a Liquid Propellant Rocket Engine. Unlike Solid Rocket Motors, these engines don't carry their own propellants with them, so we need to add some fuel tanks.\n\nGo to the Fuel Tanks tab. We are still using these early parts so there are only FLT-100s available. This is another area, like engines, where advancement brings bigger and better parts.\n\nWe are going to need 5 of these tanks to get us to space. Before you grab 5 tanks from the part toolbox, though, let me give you another tip, because efficiency is my middle name (it goes right after "Von").\n\nOnce you place the first tank on the rocket, you can duplicate that by holding the <color=<<1>>>[<<2>>]</color> Key and clicking on the tank. You can do this on the bottom tank a few times and quickly get 5 of these attached without having to go back to the toolbox.\n\nAdd 5 <color=<<3>>>FLT-100 Fuel Tanks</color> to the vessel and we can proceed.
			#autoLOC_314290 = Next
			#autoLOC_314304 = Adding a Rocket Engine
			#autoLOC_314312 = Good! Switch over to the <color=<<1>>>Engines</color> tab now.\n\nThe "Swivel" engine you see here is obviously different from the "Flea" we used before. This is a liquid engine and it needs (and burns) both Liquid Fuel and Oxidizer; funnily enough, that's what we just added to the rocket.\n\nAttach the <color=<<2>>>LV-T45 "Swivel"</color> to the bottom of the rocket stack now, and keep an eye on the staging stack to see how it changes.
			#autoLOC_314313 = Next
			#autoLOC_314327 = Adding Fins for Balance
			#autoLOC_314335 = We are almost there and you're doing fine, maybe not as speedily as someone of my caliber though.\n\nThe last thing we are going to need to do is to give this rocket a little better stability, so it keeps going the way we want it to go. We will achieve this by adding some fins near the bottom of the rocket. Fins can be found in the <color=<<1>>>Aerodynamics</color> tab.\n\nSet the symmetry mode to <color=<<2>>>4x</color> so we will place them on both axes. Also, turn on angle snap.
			#autoLOC_314338 = You can turn on angle snap by clicking the button next to the symmetry icon (highlighted blue in this example), or by pressing <color=<<1>>>[<<2>>]</color>. That will help you to align the fins neatly.
			#autoLOC_314340 = Drop a <color=<<1>>>Basic Fin</color> on the last rocket tank. You'll see the other three symmetry counterparts will be placed as well.
			#autoLOC_314341 = Next
			#autoLOC_314355 = Ready to Rock!
			#autoLOC_314364 = Excellent, we've now got a rocket that will let us reach for the stars. Admittedly, I did say "reach for", as this is a basic rocket which can't achieve orbit. But on the bright side, that means reentry will also be basic!\n\nYou've done a great job in building a basic hopper and a suborbit-capable rocket. Hopefully, you've learned a few things about how to build a craft and how to use some of the shortcuts that are in here.\n\nFeel free to hang around a bit and try your hand at other things too, or perhaps you could look at the next lesson on suborbital flight, where we will see just how well this rocket performs. Or, head over to the science tutorial to learn how to advance your career and unlock more parts.\n\nIf you could show yourself out of the construction facility with the red button on the top right when you're done experimenting that would be great. Auf wiedersehen!\n\n<color=<<1>>>NOTE:Any vessels you create here will be lost when you exit, this is just for playing around.</color>
			#autoLOC_314365 = Done
			#autoLOC_314461 = Welcome
			#autoLOC_314470 = Welcome to the Kerbal Space Center Launch Facility! I'm <<1>> and I will teach you the basics of piloting a spacecraft.\n\nI trust you've already checked the Basic Construction Tutorial, if not I recommend you do so before going through this one.\n\nToday we will do a run through of all the important controls for your spacecraft. Our little "Hopper" from your Basic Construction lesson with Wernher may not have all of them, but we'll do a full run through once, and see how it flys.\n\nIf you're ready to go, press <color=<<2>>>Next</color>.
			#autoLOC_314471 = Next
			#autoLOC_314482 = Basic Flight Controls
			#autoLOC_314489 = Flying a spacecraft is all about being in control of a generally very chaotic situation. As a Pilot, your main flight controls will affect the pitch, yaw and roll of the ship.\n\nLet's look at those first. (All the other controls will be locked until they're needed or this tutorial is closed.)
			#autoLOC_314490 = Next
			#autoLOC_314502 = Basic Flight Controls : Pitch, Yaw and Roll
			#autoLOC_314509 = Pitch, Yaw and Roll are the three directions you will rotate your craft.\n\nTo help you visualize these, we've taken a holiday snap of the "Hopper" below.
			#autoLOC_314511 = Next up, we'll see how we rotate in these directions.
			#autoLOC_314512 = Next
			#autoLOC_314523 = Pitch, Yaw and Roll
			#autoLOC_314532 = You control your ship's rotation using the these controls:\n\t\t<color=<<1>>>[<<2>>]</color> / <color=<<3>>>[<<4>>]</color>  : Pitch Up / Down\n\t\t<color=<<5>>>[<<6>>]</color> / <color=<<7>>>[<<8>>]</color>  : Yaw Left / Right\n\t\t<color=<<9>>>[<<10>>]</color> / <color=<<11>>>[<<12>>]</color>  : Roll Left / Right\n\nBy controlling Pitch, Yaw and Roll together, you can keep the ship in a controlled flight.\n\nTry it now, and notice the indicator on the lower-left side move as you provide control input.
			#autoLOC_314533 = Next
			#autoLOC_314544 = Basic Flight Controls
			#autoLOC_314551 = Throttle, plus Pitch, Yaw and Roll are the main controls you'll need to master for a successful, crash-free flight.\n\nWe'll skip over the Throttle control for now as this vessel has no need for it. Don't worry, I'll explain it another time when it's of use.\n\nRemember that all of these controls have a limited amount of effectiveness, so bigger, heavier ships will probably respond much more sluggishly to the controls than a little small one.\n\nIt's also good to keep in mind that as stages are separated from the ship, it will become lighter and this will usually mean easier to control.\n\nNext, let's look at the rest of the Flight Controls.
			#autoLOC_314552 = Next
			#autoLOC_314563 = Staging
			#autoLOC_314570 = In flight, all the planning you put into the staging sequence of your ship comes into play.\n\nFrom launch to the final deployment of the descent parachute(s), you can control the activation of several of the ship's parts by activating stages:\n\t\t<color=<<1>>>[<<2>>]</color> : Launch/Activate Next Stage\n\nNotice the Stage Indicator in the lower-left corner, it shows the currently active stage. Since we haven't launched yet, it's showing the first stage as active. I have your staging controls locked for now, so the stage indicator is glowing purple. \n\nOne more thing on staging, if the staging setup is causing strife, or you change your mind about something, you can edit the stage sequence on the fly...pun need to go back to the assembly facility.
			#autoLOC_314571 = Next
			#autoLOC_314582 = The NavBall
			#autoLOC_314589 = An important part of flying is knowing how your ship is oriented and where it is going. That's why a good pilot is always aware of the ship's Attitude (where it is pointing) and its Velocity Vector (where it is going). These aren't always the same direction, and as your skills improve you should pick up on these.\n\nThe big round instrument on the lower center of the screen is called the NavBall. This device sums up most of the critical information needed for proper, death-free flight.\n\nHere, you see the ship's nose in relation to the horizon (when you're not pointing straight up it's easily visible as a line between blue sky and the brown ground), as well as its heading (compass bearing) and speed.\n\nYou also get several icons that indicate things like your current velocity vector, but we'll have a look at those later.
			#autoLOC_314590 = Next
			#autoLOC_314601 = Flight Instruments
			#autoLOC_314608 = In the top-center part of the screen you have your Altimeter, Vertical Speed Indicator, and Atmosphere gauges.\n\nThe Altimeter will show the distance to the planet's surface at Sea Level. This means the actual surface may be much closer, so watch out for the ground when landing.\n\nYour Vertical Speed Indicator shows how quickly your altitude is changing. When launching, it's considered best to keep this gauge pointing up.\n\nThe Atmosphere gauge indicates how deep the ship is in the planet's atmosphere. This helps you know if the ship is high enough for orbiting without losing speed to air resistance, or judge how effective wings and controls surfaces will be.
			#autoLOC_314609 = Next
			#autoLOC_314620 = Parachute Indicators
			#autoLOC_314627 = One last thing before we give this rocket the green light.\n\nIn the Staging stack you can see the indicator for your parachute. This indicator shows when the chute will be activated by staging\u2014you already know that\u2014but the background will also change color to indicate when it is safe to stage the parachute, and the foreground (the parachute bit of the icon itself) will change color depending on the parachute's state. <b>Note, however, that by default parachutes will not deploy when unsafe, even if you stage them.</b>
			#autoLOC_314629 = The left three show safety: Safe, Risky, and Unsafe to deploy. The chute is unstaged (white) in the left three. The right three show state after staging: Armed, Deployed, and Cut/shredded. When you are familiar with chute icon colors we can move on.
			#autoLOC_314630 = Next
			#autoLOC_314642 = Ready to Launch
			#autoLOC_314660 = Ok, enough talk! I'll unlock the flight controls and you'll be clear for launch.\n\nAt any time you may press <color=<<1>>>[<<2>>]</color> to pause the game. In the Pause Menu you can restart the flight, or end this Tutorial (choose <color=<<3>>>End Scenario</color>) and return to the Main Menu.\n\nFor now get, yourself prepared and hit <color=<<4>>>[<<5>>]</color> when ready to launch!\n\nDon't forget our "Hopper" has only a solid rocket motor so there is no throttle control\u2014that's why we didn't review the throttle here. <b>Make sure to fly in a nice high arc and enjoy the flight!</b>
			#autoLOC_314671 = Liftoff!
			#autoLOC_314692 = And up you go! You can try practicing some of the controls we just discussed like pitch, yaw and roll.\n\nAlso keep an eye on the parachute icon in the staging list, that shows you how safe the current environment is for chutes. Once it goes red it won't deploy until it's clear again even if you stage it.\n\nI realize this could be too much to learn in one go, so if you forget you can always press <color=<<1>>>[<<2>>]</color> and click <color=<<3>>>View Key Bindings</color> for a reminder.\n\nYou can also see whether your crew are enjoying the trip in the lower right corner.\n\nAnyways, I'll hang around and watch, and I'll let you know when it's safe to stage your chute.
			#autoLOC_314708 = Deploy the Parachute
			#autoLOC_314715 = Your solid motor has burned out, you're passing apoapsis (the highest point on your flight), and your speed is low enough that it's safe to stage again to deploy the parachute.\n\nDo so now, before you speed up again and hit the surface!
			#autoLOC_314727 = Descending...
			#autoLOC_314734 = You've armed the parachute, now time to wait to get low enough and slow down enough for it to deploy safely (don't worry, it will do so automatically now).\n\nWell, maybe worry slightly: If you didn't fly high enough, you may not have enough air under you to slow down before you crash!
			#autoLOC_314746 = Enjoy the Descent
			#autoLOC_314754 = And now we sit back and enjoy the descent.
			#autoLOC_314766 = Landed
			#autoLOC_314775 = Well done, you've survived your first quick flight!\n\nWhen you're landed or splashed on Kerbin (and NOT in training) you can point the mouse just above the altimeter and click the recover button (on the panel that slides down) to ask to be picked up.\n\nI've also unlocked the crew hatch, so if you feel like going out for a walk or swim you can click the EVA (Extra Vehicular Activity) button that will pop up when you mouse over the portrait of the Kerbal you want to take for a walk. You can do it just for fun, or to collect a surface sample.\n\nThis concludes today's lesson, to exit training you press <color=<<1>>>[<<2>>]</color> to access the pause menu and choose <color=<<3>>>(End Scenario</color>) to return to the Main Menu.\n\nI hope to see you again to learn more about Suborbital flight perhaps. Bye.
			#autoLOC_314776 = Done
			#autoLOC_314788 = Internal View
			#autoLOC_314800 = Aha!, You're a curious one aren't you? The IVA button over each crewmember's portrait will let you see the ship from his own perspective.\n\nNote that in this mode, your flight UI has less instruments, since most of them can be found in the cockpit itself.\n\nIn Internal View, right-clicking will toggle between mouse-look and interact modes, so you can look aroud without having to hold down the right mouse button. Try looking around and clicking on things, the Engineering department says there are many devices in here that actually work. They seemed to be quite proud of that, in fact.\n\nWhen there are multiple crew you can cycle through the POV of them using the <color=<<1>>>[<<2>>]</color> key.\n\nReturn to External View by pressing <color=<<3>>>[<<4>>]</color>.
			#autoLOC_314820 = Failure
			#autoLOC_314830 = Aw, shucks, something went terribly wrong here. You might want to try to stay alive when on an actual mission, you know...\nDon't feel bad, I'll send someone to clean that up and you can try again. <b>Make sure you fly high enough to be going slow enough for parachute deployment, and make sure you remember to stage it to arm it!</b>
			#autoLOC_314831 = Finish
			#autoLOC_314847 = Oh No! Your Chute is Gone!
			#autoLOC_314857 = You staged your chute while still going too fast and it ripped up. Afraid there really isn't much that can be done now, it's shredded to ribbons!
			#autoLOC_314876 = Docking Control Mode
			#autoLOC_314887 = I see you've found the Docking Controls. In this mode, controls behave somewhat differently, to make maneuvering around in orbit easier. However, that is a topic for a whole other tutorial, so let's just go back to the subject at hand for now.\n\nPress the Staging button on the bottom-left corner to return to the Staging Control Mode.
			#autoLOC_315017 = Welcome
			#autoLOC_315026 = Hello again. Glad you could make it back.\n\nToday we will take an exciting step: getting our first Kerbal into Space! (Yep, with a capital S!)\n\nHopefully, you remember the controls we discussed in the basic flight tutorial, but don't forget that you can always press <color=<<1>>>[<<2>>]</color> and click the view key bindings button for a reminder.\n\nIf you're ready, let's get started.
			#autoLOC_315027 = Next
			#autoLOC_315041 = Flight Plan
			#autoLOC_315054 = Your mission today is to make a short suborbital (less than orbital) flight out over the water to the east. It's a nice arcing path that ensures a gentle, survivable reentry; straight up then straight down is...not so good for survival.\n\nI've set up the pink target indicator on the navball as aim point but do note that this is not the case for normal missions (the target marker is normally used for other things, and does not help with ascents). Starting with the nose pointing straight up on the launch pad, or 90 degrees elevation from the eastern horizon:\n\n\t * Tilt east to 80 degrees elevation on the navball by 150 m/s (start at 50 m/s);\n\t * Tilt east to 70 degrees on the navball by 400 m/s (start at 250 m/s);\n\t * After burnout, coast up into space, and have a look around;\n\t * Prepare for reentry;\n\t * Lastly, reenter and land safely!\n\nOnce we reach burnout ( out of propellant) we'll have a bit more time to discuss some other things.
			#autoLOC_315055 = Next
			#autoLOC_315069 = Throttle Control
			#autoLOC_315079 = Unlike the "Hopper" in our first lesson, this new craft has Liquid Fuel engines. This means we can use the throttle to set the output power of the ship's engines.\n\nThrottle is controlled by the following keys:\n\t\t<color=<<1>>>[<<2>>]</color> : Throttle Up\n\t\t<color=<<3>>>[<<4>>]</color> : Throttle Down\n\t\t<color=<<5>>>[<<6>>]</color> : Throttle Max\n\t\t<color=<<7>>>[<<8>>]</color> : Throttle Cutoff\n\nTry these out now! You'll see the indicator needle slide up and down along the graph on the lower left side of the navball.
			#autoLOC_315080 = Next
			#autoLOC_315094 = S.A.S.
			#autoLOC_315103 = S.A.S stands for Stability Augmentation System, although Kerbal astronauts usually refer to it as Sickness Avoidance Scheme.\n\nWhatever it stands for, what it does is try to stop the ship from spinning around, using the computer-controlled "Auto-Torque Drive Compensator" technology to counteract the rotation of the ship. In its simplest mode it will keep the ship aligned with the orientation it has when you turn S.A.S. on, or, if you pitch/yaw/roll while S.A.S. is on, the orientation when you release the controls.\n\nSAS can be activated (or deactivated if on) momentarily by holding down the <color=<<1>>>[<<2>>]</color> key, and it can be toggled by pressing the <color=<<3>>>[<<4>>]</color> key.\n\nIf you have problems following the maneuvers, once you enable SAS and lift off you can click the small red button to the left of the navball that has a miniature target indicator (it's the lower left of all the buttons). That will cause the S.A.S. to follow the target indicator and fly for you. Note: this autopiloting function will not be available until you are flying.
			#autoLOC_315104 = Next
			#autoLOC_315118 = Launch Preparations
			#autoLOC_315125 = This craft has a bit too much engine, so we're going to throttle down for launch. Set your throttle to <color=<<1>>>2/3</color> (the upper of the two middle notches on the slider).\n\nAlso, turn on S.A.S. to help control things (press <color=<<2>>>[<<3>>]</color>). It will keep you pointed where you want to be pointed.
			#autoLOC_315126 = Next
			#autoLOC_315144 = Detailed Information Ahead
			#autoLOC_315153 = During this lesson some of the information is quite detailed and could take a while to read. As this is a short suborbital hop, and I don't want you to miss anything important, I will place a warning at the top of pages where you might want to pause the game to read.\n\nThe warning will look like this:\n\n<color=<<1>>>WARNING</color>: Detailed info! Press <color=<<2>>>[<<3>>]</color> to pause if necessary.
			#autoLOC_315154 = Next
			#autoLOC_315168 = Ready to Launch
			#autoLOC_315190 = Ok, enough talk! I'll unlock the rest of the flight controls and you'll be clear to launch.\n\nAt any time you may press <color=<<1>>>[<<2>>]</color> to pause the game. In the Pause Menu you can restart the flight, or end this Tutorial and return to the Main Menu.\n\nI've enabled the Target marker on the NavBall. Give it a look to make sure you see it, and then let's get ready to light this candle.\n\nDouble-check your throttle is set to <color=<<3>>>2/3</color> (the upper of the two middle notches on the slider) and S.A.S. is enabled, then hit <color=<<4>>>[<<5>>]</color> when you're ready to launch. Remember to start turning at 50m/s!
			#autoLOC_315202 = Hold Tight...
			#autoLOC_315210 = Wait for a bit more speed before we start to turn.
			#autoLOC_315227 = Start the Turn
			#autoLOC_315235 = Now's the time to start turning.\n\nFollow the target marker to 80 degrees by the time you reach 150m/s.
			#autoLOC_315260 = Hold Steady Again
			#autoLOC_315268 = Good work!\n\nGet ready to turn further once you reach 250m/s.
			#autoLOC_315286 = Steady on 70
			#autoLOC_315294 = Looking good! Now let's turn a little more.\n\nWe are aiming to get to the 70 degree pitch line.\n\nYou can follow the marker as it moves there.
			#autoLOC_315313 = Hold Steady - Throttle Up
			#autoLOC_315321 = Excellent work. We've got the rocket just where it needs to be in order to reach space.\n\nYou should be able to let S.A.S. keep the craft steady for a while as we accelerate further.\n\nNow go ahead and throttle up to full power.
			#autoLOC_315358 = Hold Steady
			#autoLOC_315366 = We're really cooking along now! As we get up to these higher speeds you might start to see some heat effects, but we will clear the atmosphere before it gets too hot .\n\nHold the course and we'll reach stage burnout safely.
			#autoLOC_315403 = Out of Gas
			#autoLOC_315422 = <color=<<1>>>WARNING</color>: Detailed info! Press <color=<<2>>>[<<3>>]</color> to pause if necessary.\n\nGreat work! You've succeeded in getting your ship on a trajectory bound for space. I've now set your target indicator to align with your velocity vector; that will minimize drag by turning the smallest side of the vehicle into the air flow. Somewhere around here, you will see the navball speed indicator auto-switch from "Surface" to "Orbit," accompanied by the speed number jumping. Go ahead and switch it back to "Surface" mode by clicking on it until it says "Surface" again.\n\nYou might have noticed some flickering flames near the end of our burn there, which is due to the high speed of your craft in the atmosphere. Normally our ascent would be a little slower, but I'm sure my friend Wernher has helped you build a ship that can withstand this heat, and besides this high and this slow you'll be fine.\n\nIf you want to have a look at your trajectory, you can switch to the map (<color=<<4>>>[<<5>>] </color> key) to have a look at your projected path. Just remember to come back to flight mode again!
			#autoLOC_315424 = Oops. Looks like you're not going to clear the atmosphere<<1>>. Press <color=<<2>>>[<<3>>]</color> and choose <color=<<4>>>Revert Flight</color> to try again.
			#autoLOC_315426 = Next
			#autoLOC_315452 = Coasting to Space
			#autoLOC_315460 = Now that we are coasting our way to apoapsis (that's the highest point on our current projected path), we've got a little time to chat. Once you clear the atmosphere we'll go over what you can do in space.
			#autoLOC_315477 = What to Do in Space
			#autoLOC_315485 = While we float up here beyond the atmosphere, I'll quickly tell you about a couple of things you can do.\n\nWith an advanced enough astronaut complex in the KSC, we can train our Kerbals to be able to space walk (or EVA), although we won't be doing that on this flight.\n\nAlso, when we are carrying science devices like our goo containers, we can perform experiments.\n\nFeel free to play with the goo canisters now by right-clicking on them. I'll let you know when it's time for the next phase of this suborbital flight.
			#autoLOC_315502 = Reorient
			#autoLOC_315512 = <color=<<1>>>WARNING</color>: Detailed info! Press <color=<<2>>>[<<3>>]</color> to pause if necessary.\n\nAs we near the edge of the atmosphere again, it's time to reorient the pod to get ready for re-entry. We're only going to reenter with the pod and chute and goo canisters, but we're not going to decouple yet; in real missions it's best to keep your upper stage around until the last moment, you never know when you might need it...\n\nAnyway, it's best to re-enter bottom-first, and since we ascended at about 70 degrees pitch, we'll naturally re-enter at about -70 degrees pitch.\n\nThat means you want to aim the top of the capsule at the 70 degrees pitch line, but the opposite heading. This is at a heading of 270 on the navball and 70 degrees pitch, and I've placed the target marker there to help you see where this lies.\n\nTurn S.A.S. off, change your attitude, and then turn it back on again.
			#autoLOC_315531 = Stablize
			#autoLOC_315539 = Nice! Now hold steady on your new attitude (let SAS do its job), and get ready to decouple the stage and start reentry!
			#autoLOC_315558 = Booster Away!
			#autoLOC_315568 = Now it's time to get rid of that booster, since it's just weighing us down.\n\nStage to discard the unneeded parts and mass.
			#autoLOC_315581 = Aerodynamic Stabilization
			#autoLOC_315591 = During re-entry, with your pod oriented this way (drag-producing items near the top), aerodynamic forces alone will hold it properly stabilized.\n\nSo it's time to turn S.A.S. off and let the air do the work for you. Once it's off and you've hit the atmosphere, we'll move to the next bit.
			#autoLOC_315613 = Reentry!
			#autoLOC_315621 = <color=<<1>>>WARNING</color>: Detailed info! Press <color=<<2>>>[<<3>>]</color> to pause if necessary.\n\nYou are now reentering Kerbin's atmosphere. Make sure to keep all hands and feet inside the pod at all times. We don't want you getting burnt or anything! Don't mind the flames. Wernher IS a "World Famous Rocket Scientist" after all, and he's built this ship to withstand them.\n\nLast time we watched the parachute icon to wait for the right time to open the chute. This time we are going to do something a little different. Remember in the construction tutorial where you designed this vessel, you set the chute to not semi-deploy until 0.75 atmospheres of pressure? That means the chute won't perform the first of its two deployment steps until then, even if you activate it by staging now. On Kerbin, 0.75atm means about 2000m altitude above sea level, and the craft should be travelling slowly enough by then that the chute will survive deployment.\n\nSo let's take the bold step of arming the chute now and let the smarts in there pop it at the right altitude.\n\nYou know you can trust me! Stage the chute now by pressing <color=<<4>>>[<<5>>]</color>.
			#autoLOC_315636 = Ready the Chute
			#autoLOC_315644 = <color=<<1>>>WARNING</color>: Detailed info! Press <color=<<2>>>[<<3>>]</color> to pause if necessary.\n\nAwesome! So while we set your chute to not actually semi-deploy until around 2km (we do look out for you at Mission Control!), we do need to ensure that the opening height (its second, full-deployment step) is correct.\n\nYou can even adjust these parameters during flight, so right-click on the parachute now and check their sliders.\n\nDon't touch the pressure slider (or bad things WILL happen), and make sure the full deploy altitude is no less than 1000m or you will not have enough time to slow down!\n\nOnce you're satisfied, just hang on until about 2km and watch the parachute trigger itself according to the settings we've chosen.\n\nWhile we're waiting I want you to look at the bottom of the capsule. Note that you do not have a heat shield: you don't need one because this is such a gentle flight. Actually, a heat shield would make things more dangerous on this craft because the additional mass would be pushing the limits of this model of parachute.
			#autoLOC_315659 = Chute Away!
			#autoLOC_315668 = Yes! The chute is away.\n\nNow enjoy a leisurely float down to the surface.
			#autoLOC_315681 = Welcome back!
			#autoLOC_315689 = Welcome back, and congratulations on completing \u2014 and even surviving! \u2014 your first real mission.\n\nYou've managed to launch, control your vessel into space, orient yourself correctly, and land safely. That's quite an achievement.\n\nIf you want to practice this again, choose revert to launch from the pause menu. Otherwise, end the scenario.\n\nAnd be sure to check out the other tutorials. My next one is about "Going for Orbit" and is really exciting. There's always lots more to learn at the KSC!
			#autoLOC_315690 = Done
			#autoLOC_315708 = Internal View
			#autoLOC_315720 = Aha!, You're a curious one arent' you? The IVA button over each crewmember's portrait will let you see the ship from his own perspective.\n\nNote that in this mode, your flight UI has less instruments, since most of them can be found in the cockpit itself.\n\nIn Internal View, right-clicking will toggle between mouse-look and interact modes, so you can look aroud without having to hold down the right mouse button. Try looking around and clicking on things, the Engineering department says there are many devices in here that actually work. They seemed to be quite proud of that, in fact.\n\nWhen there are multiple crew you can cycle through the POV of them using the <color=<<1>>>[<<2>>]</color> key.\n\nReturn to External View by pressing <color=<<3>>>[<<4>>]</color>.
			#autoLOC_315740 = Failure
			#autoLOC_315749 = Aw, shucks, something went terribly wrong here. You might want to try to stay alive when on an actual mission, you know...\n\nDon't feel bad, I'll send someone to clean that up and you can try again.
			#autoLOC_315750 = Finish
			#autoLOC_315766 = Oh no! Your chute is gone!
			#autoLOC_315776 = You staged your chute while still going too fast and it ripped up.\n\nAfraid there really isn't much that can be done now, it's shredded to ribbons!
			#autoLOC_315795 = Docking Control Mode
			#autoLOC_315806 = I see you've found the Docking Controls.\n\nIn this mode, controls behave somewhat differently, to make maneuvering around in orbit easier. However, that is a topic for a whole other tutorial, so let's just go back to the subject at hand for now.\n\nPress the Staging button on the bottom-left corner to return to the Staging Control Mode.
			#autoLOC_315826 = Whoah, Wipeout!
			#autoLOC_315836 = Uh oh! You've "flipped out" - you pointed your vessel too far away from the direction it was traveling, and the drag from the top of your vessel overpowered the lift and drag from your fins.\n\nThis means aerodynamic forces acted to keep pushing you further away from your velocity vector rather than acting to keep you aligned.\n\nTo fix this you'll have to align with your velocity vector again if you can, and then burn straight up.\n\nYou probably won't make it high enough, however, so you could just restart the lesson.\n\nPress <color=<<1>>>[<<2>>]</color> and choose Revert to try again.
			#autoLOC_315980 = Welcome
			#autoLOC_315989 = Welcome to From the Mun!\n \nIn our last lesson, we landed this craft on the Mun. Hopefully, your pilot had a chance to stretch her legs and look around; if not we'll start there. After that, we'll be heading home to Kerbin!\n \nIn this lesson I'll teach you how to take off from the Mun and reach a stable orbit, and then how to return from the Mun (or any moon) to its parent planet. Indeed, the same skill can be used to depart Kerbin towards other planets in the inner solar system. Lastly, I'll cover re-entering Kerbin at high velocity. (Heat shield: required!)\n \nWhen you're ready we can review the flight plan.
			#autoLOC_315990 = Next
			#autoLOC_316004 = Gone Walkabout
			#autoLOC_316014 = To send Valentina on Extra Vehicular Activities (EVA), click the EVA button on her portrait. Have her Jump off the craft and play with the experience of walking in munar gravity. When she's finished frolicking, turn her jetpack on and fly her up to the pod again. She can get back inside by grabbing the handles near the door and then hitting the keystroke to go back inside. Once you're back in the pod, or if you want to skip the EVA, click <color=<<1>>>Next</color>.\n\nEVA Controls:\n\t\t<color=<<2>>>[<<3>>]</color>, <color=<<4>>>[<<5>>]</color>, <color=<<6>>>[<<7>>]</color>, <color=<<8>>>[<<9>>]</color>  : Surface Movement\n\t\t<color=<<10>>>[<<11>>]</color>  : Toggle Jetpack\n\t\t<color=<<12>>>[<<13>>]</color>  : Jetpack Up\n\t\t<color=<<14>>>[<<15>>]</color>  : Jetpack Down\n\t\t<color=<<16>>>[<<17>>]</color>, <color=<<18>>>[<<19>>]</color>, <color=<<20>>>[<<21>>]</color>, <color=<<22>>>[<<23>>]</color>  : Jetpack Movement
			#autoLOC_316015 = Next
			#autoLOC_316033 = Flight Plan
			#autoLOC_316043 = Ok, moving on. This return flight will have three distinct phases: ascent from the Mun's surface, trans-Kerbin injection, and transmunar re-entry. Once you've finished the first phase, establishing your low munar orbit, we'll cover the details for the next.\n \nFor now, here's what you're going to do (as always in these lessons, I'll add a target marker to assist your steering):\n\t* Throttle up, then immediately pitch over, down the 90 degree heading line (which is east), following the marker.\n\t* Cut the throttle when your apoapsis gets above 50km.\n\t* Circularize at apoapsis.\n \nThis will be much simpler than when you did your Kerbin ascent in the Go For Orbit tutorial. The Mun has a much shallower gravity well than Kerbin, so you only need a single stage\u2014 and not even all of that. Remember, this is the same stage you used to land on the Mun, and we're also going to use it to return home. Mun's gravity is so much weaker than Kerbin's, plus we're not being held back by an atmosphere, that this one stage will have the fuel capacity for this entire landing-and-return leg of the mission.
			#autoLOC_316044 = Next
			#autoLOC_316058 = Ready to Launch
			#autoLOC_316074 = I've placed the marker on your navball. When you're ready, throttle up to max (hit <color=<<1>>>[<<2>>]</color>) and immediately start turning. Given your orientation when this tutorial begins, that will be by yawing.\n \nYour thrust-to-weight ratio (TWR) is very high in the Mun's weak gravity, and again there's no atmosphere to worry about, so you can turn very, very sharply without risking disaster the way this flight path would on Kerbin. We'll be at only 6 degrees pitch by 40m/s. As always, you can use the SAS follow-target mode to follow the marker if you're having trouble.\n \nSo go ahead, throttle up, and start turning!
			#autoLOC_316086 = On Your Way
			#autoLOC_316093 = Up you go! Or rather, sideways you go!\n\nI'll track your apoapsis here so you don't have to swap to map view; cut your engine once it's <<1>>m or more. I'll cut throttle for you if you get very distracted and the apoapsis goes beyond 100km.\n\nNote: If your vertical velocity relative to the terrain goes negative, I'll have you pitch up to counteract that.\n
			#autoLOC_316096 = Current Apoapsis: <<1>>m
			#autoLOC_316100 = Current Terrain Alt: <<1>>m
			#autoLOC_316104 = Relative vertical speed: <<1>> m/s
			#autoLOC_316106 = Next
			#autoLOC_316132 = Coasting to Apoapsis
			#autoLOC_316157 = Ok! Your throttle is cut, so let's coast on up.\n \nI've created the circularization node for you, but in "real life" you'll be doing that planning yourself. Hey, I can't manage every little thing around here!\n \nGo ahead and click the <color=<<1>>>Next</color> button when you're ready and we'll warp to the maneuver.
			#autoLOC_316158 = Next
			#autoLOC_316183 = Circularize
			#autoLOC_316191 = We're almost there. Rotate your craft to align it with the blue manuever marker by yourself. or use the S.A.S. <color=<<1>>>Maneuver</color> mode (this aligns your ship with the node's burn vector) to do it for you.\n \nBurn to execute the node once your time-to-maneuver is about half the estimated burn time. (As we discussed in a prior tutorial, this makes the burn more efficient and precise.) \n \nIf all else fails, burn prograde to make sure your periapsis is no more than 5km lower than your apoapsis\u2014 close enough to a circular orbit for our current purposes.
			#autoLOC_316192 = Next
			#autoLOC_316211 = How To Return
			#autoLOC_316218 = To return from a moon to the body it orbits (or to eject from a planet into solar orbit), you must reach escape velocity, and it matters quite a lot when in your orbit you do so. You want to make sure the effort you expend to reach escape velocity creates the correct resultant orbit.\n \nSwitch to map view (<color=<<1>>>[<<2>>]</color> key) if you're not there already. Zoom far enough out and rotate the camera to show all three objects\u2014your ship, the Mun, and Kerbin\u2014from above. Note your direction of travel in your orbit: if you're looking from the top, you're orbiting counter-clockwise. Next, check the direction of travel of the Mun in its orbit around Kerbin. Mun is orbiting in the same direction as you are: aligned with the rotation of the parent, a "prograde" orbit. \n\nWe're going to eject opposite to the Mun's direction of travel, but we will be accelerating forward with respect to our own orbit around Mun in order to do that. Let's see how it's done.
			#autoLOC_316219 = Next
			#autoLOC_316237 = Create the Return Node
			#autoLOC_316245 = Remove any existing nodes, then create a new node on your current Mun orbit. It doesn't matter where; we will be moving it to visualize the results of your burn homewards.\n\nDrag the prograde handle until you have an escape trajectory (which means that your projected path leaves Mun's SOI). Now drag the node itself and watch as your Kerbin periapsis changes. You'll find that you have the lowest Pe when your ejection vector is parallel to Mun's orbital track but heading the opposite direction. (If the Kerbin Pe disappears under Kerbin's surface, drag on the retrograde handle to reduce the burn until you can see the Pe again. This will keep your reentry survivable.)\n\nYou've now created an ejection maneuver which, despite being prograde in munar orbit, gives you a retrograde kick in terms of your eventual Kerbin orbit! You can use the same principle to travel to other planets from Kerbin, although there you'll need to be mindful of "transfer windows" (a term for the most efficient times to travel between planets).\n\nOnce you've set your Kerbin periapsis to be between 5km and 32km, click next to proceed. (You may need to fine-tune by adding radial-in or -out delta-V to the maneuver, or moving the node itself slightly).
			#autoLOC_316246 = Next
			#autoLOC_316312 = Eject!
			#autoLOC_316319 = Warp to and execute the maneuver node you've created. Once that's done, remove the node so we have a clear view of the ship's path. We rocket scientists like tidiness, and it's always good to clean up after yourself!\n \nIf the resulting orbit deviated from the plotted burn so much that Kerbin periapsis is below 5km or above 32km, you'll need to fine-tune your path with another burn to avoid a possibly disastrous re-entry. A maneuver node could help you to do that.\n \nOnce your periapsis is within those limits and you have cleared any remaining maneuver nodes, we'll continue.
			#autoLOC_316320 = Next
			#autoLOC_316354 = The Long Road Home
			#autoLOC_316362 = Congratulations! You're on your way home.\n \nLet's warp ahead until you're near Kerbin. <color=<<1>>>Click</color> on your orbit near, but at least a Kerbin's-radius away from periapsis, and choose <color=<<2>>>Warp Here</color>. You could alternatively use the timewarp controls by pressing the <color=<<3>>>[<<4>>]</color> key, but do remember to decrease warp as you approach; Kerbin's gravity speeds you up a lot as you get close!\n \nWe'll advance once your altitude drops below 120km. If you used auto-warp, you may want to manually increase timewarp to 5x or 10x once the automatic warp finishes in order to cover the last distance (assuming your auto-warp ended well before 120km altitude).
			#autoLOC_316376 = Prepare for Reentry
			#autoLOC_316388 = Just like I've taught you before, orient retrograde and stabilize, then turn SAS off, then decouple your last stage, and you'll be ready for re-entry.\n \nDo that quickly, because you're descending fast!
			#autoLOC_316401 = Reentry!
			#autoLOC_316420 = Note that this time you do have a heat shield on the capsule: while it's just barely possible to survive a transmunar reentry without one, it's very dangerous indeed. Try coming back directly from anywhere farther than the Mun, and you'll be a crispy critter without a shield! \n\nAn alternative method to avoid excessive re-entry heat would be to maneuver into a parking orbit and/or make a braking burn, and then make a gentler, slower re-entry. That, however, would require a great deal of additional fuel\u2014 and to be honest, is way less fun.\n\nBecause of the added mass of the heat shield (but no extra drag to compensate because it mounts flush with the pod), this ship won't be able to slow down as well as the pod would by itself. For that reason, your craft has a drogue parachute mounted to the side in addition to the main chute up top. Once the drogue chute icon shows 'safe' (no red or orange background), you can stage to deploy it.\n\nDrogue parachutes are weaker braking devices, but work at higher speeds and altitudes than regular parachutes can, in order to slow the ship to the point where it's safe to use the more powerful normal parachutes. So once the drogue is doing its part of the job, we'll continue.
			#autoLOC_316432 = Drogue Away!
			#autoLOC_316452 = Ok, your drogue parachute is staged. Once the main parachute also shows safe, stage again to arm or deploy it as well, and then we'll continue.\n\nIf for some reason your drogue fails(and goes to the cut state\u2014 red chute icon on any color background) you still have a chance: you might slow down to a safe enough speed to deploy your main parachute even without the drogue. Fingers crossed!
			#autoLOC_316464 = And Now We Wait
			#autoLOC_316472 = With everything staged and activated, there's nothing more to do but wait.
			#autoLOC_316485 = Hurrah! Home Safe!
			#autoLOC_316493 = Congratulations! You've successfully returned from the Mun! A ticker-tape parade would be held in your honor... if this weren't a training simulation. Instead you'll just have to go and do a real Mun mission in your own career or sandbox save!\n\nWhen you're ready, open the pause menu to either end or restart this scenario. And once again: well done!
			#autoLOC_316494 = Done
			#autoLOC_316509 = Summary
			#autoLOC_316518 = Thats as far as I will be taking you today. We can catch up again in the Orbit 101 tutorial where I will show you about orbits and adjusting them.\n\nIf you want to fly solo for a bit you can also try bringing Valentina home. You will need to turn around 180 degrees and burn retrograde until your periapsis is less than 20km. Stage away the upper stage when you hit the atmosphere's edge, orient retrograde and reenter like I taught you in the Flight Basics tutorial.\n\nOr simply choose End Scenario from the Pause menu and I'll see you later.\n\n
			#autoLOC_316519 = Finish
			#autoLOC_316537 = Failure
			#autoLOC_316548 = Aw, shucks, something went terribly wrong here, you might want to try to stay alive when on an actual mission. \nDon't feel bad, you can try again another time.
			#autoLOC_316549 = Finish
			#autoLOC_316653 = Landing on the Mun
			#autoLOC_316662 = Welcome to To The Mun Part 2! In this tutorial you're going to land this vessel on the Mun.\n\nIn To The Mun Part 1, you brought this vessel, along with its transfer stage, to low lunar orbit. Between the tutorials, that transfer stage was decoupled, so now you're down to just the land-and-return stage.\n\nWhen you're ready to begin, we'll review the flight plan.
			#autoLOC_316663 = Next
			#autoLOC_316678 = Flight Plan
			#autoLOC_316686 = Your flight plan to get to the surface safely will be as follows:\n\t* Execute a maneuver at low throttle.\n\t* Warp to the new periapsis.\n\t* Burn retrograde at medium throttle, reducing speed and altitude, until you are only 1.5km above the surface.\n\t* Descend at a measured pace (1m/s of speed per 10m of altitude remaining).\n\t* Land softly on the Mun's surface!\n\nYou'll notice that I've set up a maneuver node for you. This will be your descent orbit insertion burn; it's a burn that will insert you into a descent orbit that almost, but not quite, touches the Mun's surface.
			#autoLOC_316687 = Next
			#autoLOC_316702 = DOI Burn
			#autoLOC_316712 = Go to the map view (press <color=<<1>>>[<<2>>]</color>) and warp to the maneuver node as I've taught you. When its "Time to" hits 0, then execute the burn. When done, remove the node.\n\nDo this at low throttle so you have better control, since the burn would only take a single second at full throttle!
			#autoLOC_316713 = Next
			#autoLOC_316731 = Fine - Tune Periapsis
			#autoLOC_316738 = Make sure your periapsis is now set 6km. (You might need to go back to map view for this.)\n\nIf it's not, adjust it as I've taught you by making very fine burns, being careful to throttle up only very slightly so as not to over-do things. If you can't make fine enough corrections burning prograde and retrograde, try burning radial in/out, or even normal/antinormal.
			#autoLOC_316739 = Next
			#autoLOC_316760 = Warp to Periapsis
			#autoLOC_316768 = Now we're going to warp to this new, low periapsis.\n\nClick <color=<<1>>>Next</color> when ready!
			#autoLOC_316769 = Next
			#autoLOC_316787 = Warping...
			#autoLOC_316795 = Hang tight and get ready to deploy your landing gear and start your braking burn!\n\nYou'll be burning at 1/3 throttle (see the marker on the throttle gauge). This is because you want to come in gently and not kill your velocity too soon. If you kill all your speed now, you'll just start falling and pick up more speed again, which you'll have to burn more fuel to re-cancel out. \n\nBy the way, this path is a 'reverse gravity turn', similar to the one we flew on ascent in the Go For Orbit tutorial. Except, you know, reversed. \n\nAnyway, I'm going to enable the target indicator to assist (like we did in the Go For Orbit tutorial). Follow it during the braking burn. If your descent speed gets too high, we'll move to the next step early.
			#autoLOC_316809 = Braking Burn
			#autoLOC_316824 = Ok, we are getting close now. Hit <color=<<1>>>[<<2>>]</color> to deploy your landing gear, then throttle up to 1/3 (if you're not there already) and start burning at the target marker! Remember, you can use S.A.S. <color=<<3>>>Target</color> mode to point yourself at the target if you need help.\n\nDon't let your vertical speed pass -100m/s, but also don't let it ever go positive, or you'll be wasting fuel by climbing instead of descending.\n\nOnce you reach only 1.5km up (or earlier if you're descending too quickly) we'll move on. Note: Don't forget that the altimeter up top shows altitude above sea level, not the terrain under you.
			#autoLOC_316828 = Altitude above terrain: <<1>> m\nVertical Speed: <<2>> m/s\nSpeed: <<3>> m/s\n <<4>>
			#autoLOC_316831 = <color=green>THROTTLE DOWN</color>
			#autoLOC_316832 = <color=red>THROTTLE UP</color>
			#autoLOC_316863 = Final Descent Part 1
			#autoLOC_316871 = Almost there! Now you're going to carefully lower your velocity down to zero as you descend. Keep the descent rate equal to your height divided by 10, and keep a look out for a nice place to land!
			#autoLOC_316876 = Altitude above terrain: <<1>> m\nVertical Speed: <<2>> m/s\nSpeed: <<3>> m/s\n <<4>>
			#autoLOC_316880 = <color=green>THROTTLE DOWN</color>
			#autoLOC_316881 = <color=red>THROTTLE UP</color>
			#autoLOC_316899 = Final Descent Part 2
			#autoLOC_316907 = You're very close to the surface now! Slow down to only 5m/s (even slower when you can see your shadow) and land softly on the surface of another world!\n\nTo make fine throttle adjustments easier, right-click on your engine and lower the thrust limiter down to 50 or so. That will make 100% on your throttle gauge only 50% throttle for the engine.
			#autoLOC_316912 = Altitude above terrain: <<1>> m\nVertical Speed: <<2>> m/s\nSpeed: <<3>> m/s\n <<4>>
			#autoLOC_316916 = <color=green>THROTTLE DOWN</color>
			#autoLOC_316917 = <color=red>THROTTLE UP</color>
			#autoLOC_316939 = Landed!
			#autoLOC_316949 = Congratulations! You've landed on the suface of the Mun!\n\nThat's one small step for Val, one giant leap for Kerbalkind.
			#autoLOC_316950 = Next
			#autoLOC_316966 = Failure
			#autoLOC_316977 = Aw, shucks, something went terribly wrong here, you might want to try to stay alive when on an actual mission. \nDon't feel bad, you can try again another time.
			#autoLOC_316978 = Finish
			#autoLOC_317041 = To The Mun: Part 1
			#autoLOC_317049 = Welcome to the first in a series of lessons designed to prepare you for flight in and around Kerbin's local system.\n\nI've been inspired by that famous work of Jules Kerman, "From Kerbin to the Mun." We'll take a leaf out of his book, and go one better by returning as well!\n\nIn our first lesson we will be starting from LKO (Low Kerbin Orbit) and travelling to the Mun, ending in Low Munar Orbit. I'm going to assume you've completed the flight tutorials preceding this as well as Orbiting 101, but if not, you really should go do them first.\n\nWhen you're ready to go, hit <color=<<1>>>Next</color>.
			#autoLOC_317050 = Next
			#autoLOC_317061 = Transfer Orbits
			#autoLOC_317070 = An important part of flights between celestial objects is a transfer orbit, which basically means an orbit used to change between two orbits. In our case, the periapsis of our orbit will be very near to Kerbin, and the apoapsis will extend to just beyond the Mun's orbit. Interplanetary trajectories are much the same, but on a much larger scale.\n\nNow, press the <color=<<1>>>[<<2>>]</color> key to go into the map view, so we can get an overview of Kerbin's local system.
			#autoLOC_317079 = Transfer Orbits
			#autoLOC_317087 = To perform a successful transfer, you'll need to arrange for your ship and the target to arrive at the same place at the same time. \n\nIf you really know what you're doing you can calculate your own transfer orbit on the fly, or you could try eyeballing it. However, it's much easier to use maneuver nodes, so let's do that now.\n\n<color=<<1>>>Click</color> anywhere on your orbit, then click <color=<<2>>>Add Maneuver</color>.\n\nDo note that when playing a career-mode game, maneuver nodes will not be immediately available; you will have some facility upgrading to do before you have access to them.
			#autoLOC_317098 = Maneuver Nodes
			#autoLOC_317109 = Maneuver nodes let you plan orbital maneuvers ahead of time, and most importantly, you can do so without wasting precious propellant.\n\nAs you can see, maneuver nodes have six handles: the green ones are prograde and retrograde, the purple ones normal and antinormal, and the blue ones are radial in and radial out.\n\nI'm not going to go into detail about these right now because these are the same vectors on the navball you saw in the Orbiting 101 tutorial. For now, just remember that prograde and retrograde help you grow or shrink your orbit, and normal and antinormal help you tilt it.
			#autoLOC_317110 = Next
			#autoLOC_317121 = Maneuver Nodes
			#autoLOC_317132 = You can click and drag the different handles to see how a burn made in that direction, for that duration, would affect the resultant orbit.\n\nIn our particular case, we want to bring the apoapsis up just enough to intercept the Mun's orbit at a point around 45 degrees ahead of Mun's current position.\n\nIf your trajectory is correct, the orbit line will shift colors when it gets close to Mun. This indicates the point where your ship will transition from the influence of Kerbin's gravity to that of the Mun. The region in which the pull from that body's gravity is strongest is its "Sphere of Influence", or SOI. (In real life the gravitational influence of all planets and moons matters too.)
			#autoLOC_317133 = Next
			#autoLOC_317144 = Maneuver Nodes
			#autoLOC_317154 = Let's get to it then! With the handles showing (you might need to click on the node to make them appear), pull the prograde handle until your post-maneuver orbit reaches as high as that of the Mun. But going that high is not enough to achieve an actual encounter. As I said before, timing also matters. So you may also need to move the node itself until you get an intercept (SOI change) with the Mun. You can do this by clicking on the inner circle of the node and dragging it forward or back along the line of your current orbital path.\n\nDon't forget that you can zoom the camera back to see a wider region of space, and if you want to start the burn planning over, you can delete the maneuver node and create a new one from scratch.\n\nTo delete a node, right-click the manuever node while it's open and then click on the red delete icon. You can also click on the next-orbit or previous-orbit buttons, if you want to move the node forward or back in time by a whole orbit. Very useful if it gets behind you by mistake!
			#autoLOC_317160 = Next
			#autoLOC_317203 = Warp to Maneuver
			#autoLOC_317210 = There we go! You've planned a trans-munar injection maneuver; your post-maneuver orbit will enter the Mun's sphere of influence.\n\nThere are a few things to notice now, so bring up your NavBall. You will find a few indicators and displays that weren't there before you added the maneuver node. (We saw these during the Go For Orbit tutorial, too, if you remember, but allow me to refresh your memory).\n\nThe bar on the right is a graphical depiction of the velocity change (delta-V for short) required to perform the burn you've plotted. Below that you will also see the approximate time necessary to make the maneuver and deplete that graphical display of the burn. A new timer also counts down to the moment your ship will reach the maneuver node. \n\nWe can speed up time to get to the burn position faster by clicking any point on the orbit beyond the maneuver node and then clicking warp to next maneuver. Do that now.\n\nIf for some reason your maneuver node gets messed up, or you delete it, just re-plot a new one. Since it's only a plan/simulation of a burn, you haven't lost anything.
			#autoLOC_317246 = Maneuver Execution
			#autoLOC_317257 = We're getting close to maneuver time! There is one final step to take before performing the burn: you need to point your vessel down the planned vector, represented by the blue cross (or an arrow pointing to it).\n\nOnce oriented you can worry about the burn. Here's an expert tip: look at the burn time estimate, halve it, and start your burn when the T-minus timer reads that number. If your burn time is 20 seconds, say, start burning at T-10s. This is because the maneuver node assumes an intantaneous burn, so if you average the burn around it it produces a more accurate orbit than if you only start burning at the time of the node so the average point is later.\n\n(Sometimes your estimated time will display N/A. An instant of full-thrust burn towards the manuever icon will reset this number without changing your current orbit enough to be a problem.)\n\nIn our example, applying this tip means you should start your burn about when the countdown timer reads T-40 seconds.
			#autoLOC_317276 = Trans-Munar Injection Complete!
			#autoLOC_317284 = Good work! But you may have noticed your actual orbit is not exactly the one you had planned. This is because real burns are never instantaneous. However, close enough is good enough, as long as the trajectory markers are showing that we got a Mun encounter pretty close to the one we wanted.\n\nIf you're not quite satisfied with your Munar intercept, you can still fine-tune it a bit by making small burns in various directions, but be careful not to overdo it. A counter-burn can undo a goof, but you still don't want to be wasting fuel.\n\nNow we'll wait for you to be sucked up by the Mun's gravity. But since that can take around six hours, you'll probably want to use the "warp here" trick like we used before, or plain old time warp, to shorten the wait. Try warping to just inside the Mun's SOI.
			#autoLOC_317299 = Munar Orbit Insertion
			#autoLOC_317313 = You are now in the Mun's sphere of influence, and Mun's is the only gravity affecting the motion of your ship. But you're on an escape trajectory relative to the Mun, which means that you are moving too quickly to orbit the Mun. If we didn't do anything, you'd whiz on past it and "escape." You will need to slow below escape velocity (burn retrograde) at periapsis in order to be "captured" and insert into Munar orbit. Remember the Orbit 101 tutorial: it's best to change your apoapsis at periapsis, and capturing is effectively changing your apoapsis from something far beyond Mun's SOI to a height that never leaves Mun's SOI, so we will perform that maneuver at periapsis.\n\nIf your periapsis is hiding under the Mun's surface, that means you will crash unless you do something. You can fix this by creating a maneuver about half-way to the Mun (or even earlier), and then adjust either of the blue handles (radial in or radial out) to shift the periapsis to the altitude that you want it to be (say 50km). Execute that maneuver if necessary and we'll continue.
			#autoLOC_317316 = Next
			#autoLOC_317332 = Munar Orbit Insertion
			#autoLOC_317347 = We'll be using a maneuver node again to perform the capture burn and insert into munar orbit: add a node at periapsis. Once you've started to execute your capture burn and your velocity is a bit lower than escape (you have a reasonable munar apoapsis, and therefore are in orbit and unlikely to escape by an errant thruster fire), we'll proceed.
			#autoLOC_317351 = Current Eccentricity: <<1>> (Target: 0.8)
			#autoLOC_317355 = After Planned Manuever: None Found
			#autoLOC_317357 = After Planned Manuever: <<1>>
			#autoLOC_317372 = Munar Orbit Insertion
			#autoLOC_317381 = Now that you're not on an escape trajectory, try to get yourself into a reasonably circular orbit below at least <<1>>m.\n\nRemember, you can use yet another maneuver node. If your periapsis is also higher than <<2>>m, you'll need to lower your apoapsis first to make it your new periapsis, then burn at periapsis to lower the other end, too
			#autoLOC_317383 = Periapsis Altitude: <<1>>m
			#autoLOC_317385 = Apoapsis Altitude: <<1>>m
			#autoLOC_317387 = Eccentricity: <<1>>
			#autoLOC_317400 = Tutorial Complete!
			#autoLOC_317408 = Good work! You're now in a stable, circular orbit around the Mun with a ship fully capable of landing. Capable of landing, anyway, after you decouple the transfer stage so that it's not in the way. (See To The Mun Part 2 for a tutorial on landing).\n\nToday you've learnt how to use maneuver nodes to plan future orbits, set out to travel to another world, and parked in orbit around it. In our next lesson we'll cover the landing procedure, which I'm really looking forward to showing you.\n\nLanding on another body is a both exciting and terrifying experience, but for now I'm running late for lunch, so I will see you later.
			#autoLOC_317409 = Finish
			#autoLOC_317452 = Orbiting 101
			#autoLOC_317460 = Welcome to the Orbiting 101 training program! I'm <<1>>, and I'm going to teach you the basics of orbiting.\n\nI assume you've already done the basic flight tutorials, and are now ready to learn how to get around in space. If you haven't done them, well, I hope you know what you're doing.\n\nLet's get started.
			#autoLOC_317461 = Next
			#autoLOC_317472 = Orbiting 101 - Basics
			#autoLOC_317479 = Orbiting is really nothing more than free-falling. The only thing is that as you fall, you're moving so fast forward that you actually miss the ground. Because up here there is no atmosphere to slow you down at this height, you will continue to free-fall endlessly around the planet, without having to use your engines.\n\nWe are currently on a low, almost circular orbit around Kerbin. To get a better view of your situation, press the <color=<<1>>>[<<2>>]</color> key to go into the Map View.
			#autoLOC_317487 = Orbiting 101 - The Map View
			#autoLOC_317494 = This is the map view. Here, you can see your ship's position and its current trajectory around the planet.\n\nHold right-click and move the mouse to look around and see your orbit from various angles.\n\nAlso, hovering over the icons on the map will display more information about them (and by right-clicking the node you will pin the info).\n\nClose the map when you're ready (press the <color=<<1>>>[<<2>>]</color> key again), so we can proceed.
			#autoLOC_317502 = Orbiting 101 - Attitude and SAS
			#autoLOC_317510 = Good. Let's get practical now. I trust you already know your basic spacecraft controls...\n\nUp here, they're very much the same, except that the lack of an atmosphere makes the ship behave quite a bit differently. Because there is no drag slowing you down, for every input you apply, you'll have to apply an opposite one to come to a stop again.\n\nI'm going to remotely nudge your attitude controls a little. Try to get the ship back under control afterwards.\n\nIf you find yourself totally out of control, hit <color=<<1>>>[<<2>>]</color> to toggle the S.A.S. on, and it will automatically cancel any remaining rotations.\n\nAre you ready?
			#autoLOC_317511 = Ready
			#autoLOC_317522 = Orbiting 101 - Attitude and SAS
			#autoLOC_317538 = Ok, here we go...
			#autoLOC_317542 = There! You are piloting now. Stop rotation using the pitch, yaw and roll controls.\n\nI suggest you use the navball to orient yourself instead of looking at the ship. The navball isn't affected by the camera rotation, so it should be easier to get your bearings through this instrument than by looking at the outside.\n
			#autoLOC_317563 = Orbiting 101 - Attitude and SAS
			#autoLOC_317570 = Nicely Done!\n\nAttitude control is an essential skill for a spacecraft pilot. Master it, and you'll be well on your way to becoming an expert pilot.\n\nYou can try this again if you want, or press Next if you're ready to move on.
			#autoLOC_317571 = Try that again!
			#autoLOC_317576 = Next
			#autoLOC_317587 = Orbiting 101 - The NavBall
			#autoLOC_317594 = Let's have a look at the NavBall now. You've probably seen the symbols on it when you were spinning around.\n\n Here's what they mean:
			#autoLOC_317598 = Prograde and Retrograde Vectors: They point towards and away from your velocity vector respectively. That is, it points to and away from where you're going.
			#autoLOC_317603 = Radial in and out Vectors: They point towards and away from the currently orbited body.
			#autoLOC_317608 = Normal and Antinormal Vectors: They are perpendicular to the Orbital Plane, they point "upwards" and "downwards" with respect to the orbital plane respectively.
			#autoLOC_317611 = Next
			#autoLOC_317622 = Orbiting 101
			#autoLOC_317629 = Ok!\n\nNow, let's try something a little more involved. Open your map again.
			#autoLOC_317638 = Orbiting 101 - Essential Maneuvers
			#autoLOC_317645 = What we want to do now is go through some of the basic maneuvers you'll need to know. Let's try raising your Apoapsis first.\n\nThe Apoapsis is the highest point in an orbit, and it's indicated by the node marked [Ap].\n\nThe best place to raise your apoapsis is at the Periapsis [Pe] node, which is the lowest point of your orbit. If you hover the mouse over Periapsis node, you'll see that we are going to reach it in a few minutes. Once there, we will face prograde and burn.\n\nPress <color=<<1>>>[<<2>>]</color> to speed up time a little, so we can get there faster.
			#autoLOC_317653 = Orbiting 101 - Time Warp
			#autoLOC_317660 = Ok, time is now passing <<1>> times faster than normal, so we should be there in a few moments.\n\nYou can control time warp with the <color=<<2>>>[<<3>>]</color> and <color=<<4>>>[<<5>>]</color> keys, or click the arrows on the panel at the top left of the screen.\n\nThis time, I'll put us back to normal time about a minute before we reach periapsis, and start lowering the rate even earlier.\n\nOutside of training, though, you'll have to warp time down to 1x yourself, so don't go too fast or you might miss your mark. \n\nYou can also click on any given point on your orbit and click the Warp Here option. The ship's systems will automatically warp time as fast as possible to get you there.
			#autoLOC_317679 = Orbiting 101 - Essential Maneuvers
			#autoLOC_317686 = Ok, we are a few seconds away from periapsis now. Time to turn prograde and do our burn.\n\nHowever, instead of closing the map, let's just bring up the navball here, so we can see what's happening to our orbit as we accelerate.\n\nTo bring up the navball on the map, click the little tab on the bottom-center of the screen, or press the <color=<<1>>>[<<2>>]</color> key.\n\nOh, and if you activate your S.A.S. with <color=<<3>>>[<<4>>]</color> you will see shortcuts to the different autopiloting vectors next to the navball. If you don't feel like maneuvering yourself right now, just click the <color=<<5>>>Orbit Prograde</color> icon.
			#autoLOC_317694 = Orbiting 101 - Essential Maneuvers
			#autoLOC_317701 = Good. Time to do our burn. Turn the ship to face the Prograde Vector now.\n\nRemember that you can just activate the Stability Assist (<color=<<1>>>[<<2>>]</color> key) and click the Orbit Prograde button next to the NavBall and the ships Pilot (or Probe Core) will do it for you.
			#autoLOC_317703 = Remember, the prograde vector looks like this:
			#autoLOC_317706 = Make sure the ship is pointing towards it before accelerating.
			#autoLOC_317715 = Orbiting 101 - Essential Maneuvers
			#autoLOC_317725 = Ok, we are now turned prograde. Check SAS is engaged for you to keep her steady. Press the <color=<<1>>>[<<2>>]</color> key to accelerate at full throttle.
			#autoLOC_317733 = Orbiting 101 - Essential Maneuvers
			#autoLOC_317740 = Notice how the opposite side of your orbit starts to rise as you accelerate?\n\nKeep thrusting prograde until your apoapsis altitude reaches about 800,000m.
			#autoLOC_317743 = Apoapsis Altitude: <<1>>m
			#autoLOC_317753 = Orbiting 101 - Essential Maneuvers
			#autoLOC_317767 = Ok, cut the throttle now!\n\nHold <color=<<1>>>[<<2>>]</color> or hit <color=<<3>>>[<<4>>]</color> to cut throttle immediately.
			#autoLOC_317775 = Orbiting 101 - Essential Maneuvers
			#autoLOC_317782 = Well Done!\n\nThis is how you raise your Apoapsis node.\n\nWith orbital maneuvers, pretty much everything you do will affect the opposite side of your orbit. So to raise the highest point (Apoapsis), you thrust forward (or prograde) at the lowest point (Periapsis). Similarly, to raise your Periapsis, you thrust prograde at Apoapsis. We're on our way to the Apoapsis now, so let's do just that.\n\nPress <color=<<1>>>Next</color> when ready, and I'll warp time to get us there quickly
			#autoLOC_317783 = Next
			#autoLOC_317795 = Orbiting 101 - Essential Maneuvers
			#autoLOC_317803 = Ok, we're on our way to the apoapsis node now. Notice how your ship loses speed as we rise. That's because we're climbing away from the planet, so we lose speed as we go higher, just like a ball does when thrown into the air back on Kerbin. \n\nThe higher you are, the slower your orbit will be. Notice how the Mun's orbital speed is around 540m/s (you can see this by hovering over the Mun's marker), while yours is far higher? That's because our orbit is so much lower than that of the Mun. \n\nWhen we reach apoapsis, we will burn prograde again, to raise the periapsis node and circularize our orbit.
			#autoLOC_317822 = Orbiting 101 - Raise Periapsis
			#autoLOC_317829 = Ok, here we are. Same as before: turn your ship to face prograde.\n\nMind that we are probably facing the other way right now, so the prograde marker might not be visible at first. But you can find it easily because it's on the opposite side from the retrograde marker. \n\nOnce you're facing the right direction, fire up that engine and watch the periapsis rise.
			#autoLOC_317837 = Orbiting 101 - Raise Periapsis
			#autoLOC_317844 = Keep burning prograde until the orbit is nearly circular. Eccentricity will be 0 when it's perfectly circular, so keep an eye on that (Eccentricity measures how elliptical your orbit is; 0 means the orbit is circular).
			#autoLOC_317847 = Periapsis Altitude: <<1>>
			#autoLOC_317856 = Orbiting 101 - Raise Periapsis
			#autoLOC_317870 = Nicely done!\n\nThis is how you change the size of your orbit. This maneuver should come in handy in many situations.\n\nNext, we'll look into changing your orbital inclination.\n\nPress <color=<<1>>>Next</color> when ready to proceed.
			#autoLOC_317871 = Next
			#autoLOC_317882 = Orbiting 101 - Inclination
			#autoLOC_317889 = Your orbital inclination is the angle between your orbit and Kerbin's equator. If you've managed to maintain a reasonable amount of control so far, we should still be in a nearly 0° inclination orbit. That is, even though we've changed the altitude of our orbit, it still has the same inclination as before.\n\nChanging inclination is done by thrusting at a 90 degree angle to your prograde vector, but without changing your pitch relative to the surface.\n\nOn our present, nearly equatorial orbit, prograde is due east. That means to increase our inclination, so that our orbit takes us into higher latitudes, we have to burn towards the normal direction.
			#autoLOC_317890 = Next
			#autoLOC_317901 = Orbiting 101 - Normal Vectors
			#autoLOC_317908 = If all that I just said made your head spin, the navball once again comes to your rescue. In this case, you will need to use the normal vector to change your orbital inclination. \n\nLet's try that now; turn the ship to the normal vector's direction and open the throttle.
			#autoLOC_317910 = Normal Vector:
			#autoLOC_317921 = Orbiting 101 - Inclination
			#autoLOC_317928 = Notice how as you burn north, your orbit starts to tilt up on one side, but the periapsis and apoapsis nodes remain mostly the same? \n\nThat is because we are accelerating on a completely new direction, so this maneuver doesn't add or take away any energy from the orbit, as long as we are careful to continue facing normal during the burn.\n\nKeep accelerating towards the normal until your inclination is about 10°.
			#autoLOC_317931 = Orbit Inclination:<<1>>°
			#autoLOC_317940 = Orbiting 101 - Inclination
			#autoLOC_317954 = Good! This is how you change your orbital inclination.\n\nFor these maneuvers, it's always better to do it in the slowest parts of the orbit so you don't have to spend as much delta-V to turn your orbit around. That also means inclination changes on larger orbits, such as we are on now, take less fuel than the same inclination change on a lower orbit.\n\nAlso, keep in mind that changing inclination doesn't necessarily mean accelerating to the north or south. It means accelerating at right angles to your prograde vector, which on our nearly equatorial orbit, also happened to be towards the north.\n\nNext, let's look into the last essential maneuver you'll need to learn: lowering our orbit.
			#autoLOC_317955 = Next
			#autoLOC_317966 = Orbiting 101 - Lower Periapsis
			#autoLOC_317973 = As you can imagine, lowering your orbit's altitude is very much like raising it, only in reverse.\n\nBecause there's no air up here, we can use our main engines to decelerate as well as accelerate, because the ship's orientation will not cause problems with airflow and flying backwards is easy as flying forwards.\n\nAlso, since our orbit is nearly circular, we can just turn retrograde and do our burn at any time now, so let's get to it.\n\nTurn toward the retrograde vector and start that engine up again.
			#autoLOC_317975 = Retrograde Vector:
			#autoLOC_317985 = Orbiting 101 - Lower Periapsis
			#autoLOC_317992 = Keep burning retrograde until the periapsis altitude is around 20,000m.\n\nTry getting it as close as possible this time. If you overshoot and make it too low, turn prograde and accelerate a little to bring it back up. For precision, remember that you can fine tune your throttle using the <color=<<1>>>[<<2>>]</color> and <color=<<3>>>[<<4>>]</color> keys.
			#autoLOC_317995 = Periapsis Altitude: <<1>>m
			#autoLOC_318004 = Orbiting 101 - Lower Periapsis
			#autoLOC_318011 = That's it! You're now on your way back.\n\n20,000m is low enough to hit the atmosphere, so you are now on a re-entry course to Kerbin. Once we're below 60,000m, the atmosphere will start slowing the ship down to the point that it won't have enough velocity to rise back up again.
			#autoLOC_318012 = Next
			#autoLOC_318023 = Orbiting 101 - Complete!
			#autoLOC_318031 = This is all we need to do for this lesson. You could keep playing and either perform more maneuvers or ride this path down to a landing, or you could skip to the next lesson. \n\nIf you do try for a landing, don't forget to decouple the capsule and deploy the parachutes.\n\nSee you on the ground!
			#autoLOC_318032 = Finish
			#autoLOC_318504 = Science
			#autoLOC_318512 = Hello and welcome to today's lecture on the Kerbal scientific method. I am <<1>>, scientist extraordinaire. This tutorial doesn't really require any previous knowledge, but in order to gather science points you will have to acquaint yourself with almost every aspect of the game, so you should do them all at some point.\n\nWe are now at the Kerbal Space Center. For a tour, see the Basic Construction tutorial. For now we'll focus on the Research and Development Complex.
			#autoLOC_318513 = Next
			#autoLOC_318525 = Research and Development Complex
			#autoLOC_318533 = The large complex nearest to you is the Research and Development Complex. This is where you will make use of the science points your missions award you to unlock more parts.\n\nGo ahead and click on it to see it in action.
			#autoLOC_318545 = Inside the RnD Complex
			#autoLOC_318553 = Very good! What you see in the middle of the graph paper background is the Tech Tree. It shows how far your research has taken Kerbal technology.\n\nYou don't have much to show right now, because you're not a world-class scientist like myself. At least not yet. But I trust you have the potential to achieve great things.
			#autoLOC_318554 = Next
			#autoLOC_318566 = Unlock a Node
			#autoLOC_318575 = In a typical career game, you will start with a few parts and have to earn the rest.\n\nFor education's sake, I've gone ahead and given some data units to your space program, so you should have enough science to unlock the next node. The total of your current available science points is shown on the top right.\n\nLet's get cracking. Select any of the available grayed out nodes and <color=<<1>>>click</color> the blue <color=<<2>>>Research</color> button on the right pane. Some of your science points will be spent to buy that invention.
			#autoLOC_318587 = Node Unlocked
			#autoLOC_318595 = Hooray! That's how research is done. You may have noticed that additional nodes were linked to the one you just researched, and are now available to be researched as well.\n\nDon't know what to pick next? Don't worry; you can select a node at any time and useful information will be displayed in the right pane. This includes the new parts that it contains, and how much science is needed to research it.
			#autoLOC_318596 = Next
			#autoLOC_318608 = Where Does it Come From?
			#autoLOC_318615 = Now, you're probably thinking to yourself, "This is all nice and jolly, but how do I get more science?"\n\nYou can get more by doing many things, such as gathering crew reports from regions your Kerbals visit, fulfilling some kinds of contracts, collecting samples from various locations, equipping your ships with parts for experiments (such as the Mystery Goo Containment Unit) and using them, etc. There are many possibilities, really.\n\nMost of these actions are performed through "context menus" which are displayed when you right-click on various parts, and sometimes on Kerbals. Just keep in mind that your mission needs to transmit the results or survive a physical return to Kerbin in order for the raw data points to be converted into useful science.
			#autoLOC_318616 = Next
			#autoLOC_318628 = Progress
			#autoLOC_318636 = All of the activities I mentioned, and the many others you can discover, are tracked in a record for future reference. You can access these Science Archives by clicking the yellow button on the upper left. \n\nWell, what are you waiting for? <color=<<1>>>Click</color> it!
			#autoLOC_318654 = Science Archives
			#autoLOC_318678 = That's it! The first and most important thing to notice is the rugged good looks of this fellow in charge. You can also see which science activities you have already performed, when, with whom and how much science they earned for you.\n\nThis is important, because you see, if you repeat the same experiment multiple times, its scientific value diminishes, because you already knew part of the answer.\n\nMind you, as a result you will receive less science each time you repeat an action, until you get practically nothing for it all anymore.
			#autoLOC_318679 = Next
			#autoLOC_318711 = Science Archives
			#autoLOC_318719 = Another outstanding feature of the archives is that you can check which celestial bodies you have already visited and conducted experiments on or around.\n\nYou can do so by clicking the icon corresponding to the body that you're interested in.\n\nFor now, you will only see the records of the research I gave you, but once you start doing your own science, you will be able to check it here.
			#autoLOC_318720 = Next
			#autoLOC_318732 = Conclusion
			#autoLOC_318740 = That covers the basics of science.\n\nThis is a theoretical class, and I'm sure it will all make a lot more sense when you go out and try it yourself.\n\nRemember that science requires curiosity, so go out and experiment. And don't be discouraged if a mission doesn't go quite as planned; if you learn something new, it's not a complete failure.\n\nIf you're still feeling lost, feel free to try the other tutorials. I'm looking forward to your accomplishments.\n\nI must continue my own research now. When you're done, show yourself out by using the red <color=<<1>>>Leave</color> button on the upper right.
			#autoLOC_318741 = Done
			#autoLOC_339130 = Target: <<1>>
			#autoLOC_339134 = Target: <<1>>
			#autoLOC_339139 = No Target
			#autoLOC_339144 = Target Switching Locked
			#autoLOC_348557 = Standing by to Launch
			#autoLOC_348558 = In Atmospheric Flight
			#autoLOC_348559 = Landed on Ground
			#autoLOC_348560 = In Orbit
			#autoLOC_348561 = Splashed Down
			#autoLOC_348562 = In Suborbital Spaceflight
			#autoLOC_348563 = On Escape Trajectory
			#autoLOC_348564 = Docked to Something
			#autoLOC_348565 = Doing Unknown Things
			#autoLOC_350811 = Go to <<1>> on <<2>>
			#autoLOC_350955 = Please go to the <<1>> and create a vessel.
			#autoLOC_350956 = No saved vessels found
			#autoLOC_357338 = Pitch: <<1>>°   (<<2>>°/s R, <<3>>°/s A)
			#autoLOC_357342 = Heading: <<1>>°   (<<2>>°/s R, <<3>>°/s A)
			#autoLOC_357346 = Roll: <<1>>°   (<<2>>°/s R, <<3>>°/s A)
			#autoLOC_357350 = Mach: <<1>>
			#autoLOC_357354 = EAS: <<1>> m/s
			#autoLOC_357358 = Terminal Vel (est): <<1>> m/s
			#autoLOC_357369 = Dynamic Pressure: <<1>> Pa
			#autoLOC_357374 = Static Pressure: <<1>> Pa
			#autoLOC_357379 = Density: <<1>> kg/m^3
			#autoLOC_357389 = Static Amb. Temp: <<1>> K
			#autoLOC_357393 = External Temp: <<1>> K
			#autoLOC_357397 = Speed of sound: <<1>> m/s
			#autoLOC_357404 = AoA: <<1>> deg
			#autoLOC_357408 = Sideslip: <<1>> deg
			#autoLOC_357412 = Climb rate: <<1>> m/s
			#autoLOC_357416 = Radar Alt: <<1>> m
			#autoLOC_357420 = Total Lift: <<1>> kN
			#autoLOC_357424 = Total Drag: <<1>> kN
			#autoLOC_357428 = Lift / Drag Ratio: <<1>>
			#autoLOC_357432 = Cd * S: <<1>> m^2
			#autoLOC_357436 = Cl * S: <<1>> m^2
			#autoLOC_357440 = Ballistic Coeff: <<1>> kg/m^2
			#autoLOC_357444 = Thrust: <<1>> kN
			#autoLOC_357448 = Grav Force (weight): <<1>> kN
			#autoLOC_357452 = Upwards Force: <<1>> kN
			#autoLOC_357456 = L-I-D: <<1>> kN
			#autoLOC_357487 = Solar Flux: <<1>> kW
			#autoLOC_357491 = Air Mass Mult: <<1>>
			#autoLOC_357495 = Sol. Flux Mult: <<1>>
			#autoLOC_357499 = Sun Incidence: <<1>>
			#autoLOC_357503 = Latitude: <<1>>
			#autoLOC_357507 = Lat. Temp Mod: <<1>> K
			#autoLOC_357511 = Seasonal Temp Mod: <<1>> K
			#autoLOC_357515 = Diurnal Temp Range: <<1>> K
			#autoLOC_357519 = Alt Temp Offset Mult: <<1>>
			#autoLOC_357523 = Final Temp Mod: <<1>> K
			#autoLOC_357531 = Static Amb. Temp: <<1>> K
			#autoLOC_357535 = External Temp: <<1>> K
			#autoLOC_357539 = Background Radiation Temp: <<1>> K
			#autoLOC_357543 = Body Temp under craft: <<1>> K
			#autoLOC_357547 = Effective Body Face Temp: <<1>> K
			#autoLOC_357551 = Body Radiation Flux: <<1>> kW
			#autoLOC_357555 = Body Albedo Flux: <<1>> kW
			#autoLOC_357559 = Convective Heat Load: <<1>> kJ
			#autoLOC_360479 = Game Paused
			#autoLOC_360539 = Resume Flight
			#autoLOC_360545 = Revert Flight
			#autoLOC_360548 = Reverting Flight
			#autoLOC_360553 = Load Save...
			#autoLOC_360569 = Save Game...
			#autoLOC_360586 = Space Center
			#autoLOC_360593 = Leaving to Space Center
			#autoLOC_360600 = Tracking Station
			#autoLOC_360607 = Leaving to Tracking Station
			#autoLOC_360614 = View Key Bindings
			#autoLOC_360624 = Settings
			#autoLOC_360632 = End Scenario
			#autoLOC_360644 = Quit to Main Menu
			#autoLOC_360683 = Reverting will set the game back to an earlier state. Are you sure you want to continue?
			#autoLOC_360687 = Revert to Launch (<<1>> ago)
			#autoLOC_360700 = Revert to Vehicle Assembly (<<1>> ago)
			#autoLOC_360710 = Revert to Spaceplane Hangar (<<1>> ago)
			#autoLOC_360725 = Cancel
			#autoLOC_360742 = Warning: You are in flight.
			#autoLOC_360747 = Warning: You are under acceleration.
			#autoLOC_360752 = Warning: You are on a collision course.
			#autoLOC_360757 = Warning: You are moving over the surface.
			#autoLOC_360762 = Warning: You are on a ladder.
			#autoLOC_360767 = Warning: You are throttled up.
			#autoLOC_360774 = The game cannot be saved at this point. Leaving now will set you back to the last saved state. The last save was <<1>> ago. Are you sure you wish to proceed?
			#autoLOC_360776 = ago. Are you sure you wish to proceed?
			#autoLOC_360779 = Leave Anyway
			#autoLOC_360788 = <color=orange>The game cannot be saved at this point. Leaving Flight now will abandon this mission and it will be lost. Are you sure you wish to continue?</color>
			#autoLOC_360791 = Abandon Mission
			#autoLOC_360800 = Cancel
			#autoLOC_360812 = Are you sure you want to end this scenario?
			#autoLOC_360815 = End Scenario
			#autoLOC_360821 = Cancel
			#autoLOC_360836 = Are you sure you want to Exit to the Main Menu?\n\nYour game will be saved.
			#autoLOC_360837 = Exit to Main Menu
			#autoLOC_360842 = Don't show again
			#autoLOC_360849 = Cancel
			#autoLOC_360850 = Exit to Main Menu
			#autoLOC_364495 = Choose a Flag
			#autoLOC_416922 = Unlimited
			#autoLOC_416935 = Unlimited
			#autoLOC_416965 = Orbits visible in Map
			#autoLOC_416967 = Patched Conics visible in Map
			#autoLOC_416970 = Max DSN Power: <<1>>
			#autoLOC_416977 = Kerbals can perform EVAs
			#autoLOC_416979 = Kerbals on EVA can place Flags
			#autoLOC_416994 = Astronaut Complex Upgrade required for offworld EVA Surface Samples
			#autoLOC_417002 = Unowned Object Tracking
			#autoLOC_417008 = Resource Transfer Available
			#autoLOC_417011 = Custom Action Groups Available
			#autoLOC_417015 = Custom Action Groups Available
			#autoLOC_417133 = Resume
			#autoLOC_417139 = Save Game...
			#autoLOC_417146 = Load Save...
			#autoLOC_417154 = Settings
			#autoLOC_417162 = Quit to Main Menu
			#autoLOC_417172 = <color=orange>Exiting to the main menu is not allowed now.</color>
			#autoLOC_417216 = <color=orange>Creating saves is not allowed in this scenario.</color>
			#autoLOC_417232 = Filename:
			#autoLOC_417238 = Save
			#autoLOC_417243 = Cancel
			#autoLOC_417256 = A savegame with the name "<<1>>" already exists. Do you want to overwrite it?
			#autoLOC_417257 = Yes (overwrite)
			#autoLOC_417264 = No (cancel)
			#autoLOC_417273 = Invalid savegame name.
			#autoLOC_417274 = Ok
			#autoLOC_417323 = Quicksaving...
			#autoLOC_417375 = <color=orange>Loading saves is not allowed in this game.</color>
			#autoLOC_417557 = There aren't any records to see here.
			#autoLOC_417563 = We know almost nothing about these subjects. Any data on them would be very valuable.
			#autoLOC_417568 = We've got some data on these topics, but there's still a lot to learn here.
			#autoLOC_417573 = We've got a lot of research done on these subjects! Excellent!
			#autoLOC_417579 = Some of these topics are much further researched than others. There are definitely some opportunities here.
			#autoLOC_418635 = Flight Events:\n\n<<1>>
			#autoLOC_418636 = Flight Achievements:\n\n<<1>>
			#autoLOC_418666 = Revert to Launch (<<1>> ago)
			#autoLOC_418682 = Revert to Vehicle Assembly (<<1>> ago)
			#autoLOC_418687 = Revert to Spaceplane Hangar (<<1>> ago)
			#autoLOC_418706 = Return to Vehicle Assembly
			#autoLOC_418710 = Return to Spaceplane Hangar
			#autoLOC_418723 = Tracking Station
			#autoLOC_418731 = Space Center
			#autoLOC_418739 = Quit to Menu
			#autoLOC_418748 = Close
			#autoLOC_418766 = Vehicle Assembly Building
			#autoLOC_418770 = SpacePlane Hangar
			#autoLOC_418777 = Tracking Station
			#autoLOC_419077 = Mission Summary for <i><<1>></i>
			#autoLOC_419334 = Next
			#autoLOC_419338 = Done
			#autoLOC_419416 = <color=orange>R&D out of service. No Science Earned.</color>
			#autoLOC_419420 = Science: <<1>>
			#autoLOC_419438 = <<1>> Funds from recovered Parts
			#autoLOC_419441 = Funds: <<1>>
			#autoLOC_419455 = <<1>> Reputation
			#autoLOC_419458 = Total Reputation: <<1>>
			#autoLOC_419739 = Data Size: <<1>> Mits
			#autoLOC_419744 = <color=orange>Inoperable after Transmitting.</color>
			#autoLOC_419751 = Recovery: +<<1>> Science
			#autoLOC_419755 = Transmit: +<<1>> Science
			#autoLOC_419765 = Transmit Data\n(<<1>> Science Value)
			#autoLOC_419768 = Transmit Data\n(<<1>> Science Value)
			#autoLOC_434305 = Thermal Mass: <<1>> kJ/K
			#autoLOC_434306 = Skin T.Mass: <<1>> kJ/K
			#autoLOC_434308 = Internal Temp: <<1>> K
			#autoLOC_434310 = Exposed Skin: <<1>> K
			#autoLOC_434312 = All Skin: <<1>> K
			#autoLOC_434314 = Cond Flux: <<1>> kW
			#autoLOC_434315 = Conv Flux: <<1>> kW
			#autoLOC_434316 = Rad Flux: <<1>> kW
			#autoLOC_434317 = Int Flux: <<1>> kW
			#autoLOC_434318 = SkinToInt Flux: <<1>> kW
			#autoLOC_437761 = Field of View: <<1>>°
			#autoLOC_437851 = Placed waypoint "<<1>>" on <<2>> at targeted location.
			#autoLOC_438022 = KerbNet will automatically refresh every <<1>> seconds.
			#autoLOC_438026 = KerbNet will no longer automatically refresh.
			#autoLOC_438370 = Please ensure that you are accessing KerbNet with a compatible scanning mode.
			#autoLOC_438382 = Please ensure that you are accessing KerbNet from a compatible device.
			#autoLOC_438390 = Please verify the integrity of your scanning device before accessing KerbNet.
			#autoLOC_438413 = Please ensure that you have a reliable communications link with Kerbal Space Center before attempting to access KerbNet.
			#autoLOC_438415 = Please ensure that you are in full control of your vessel before attempting to access KerbNet.
			#autoLOC_438467 = <color=#FFFFFF>Drag Targeting Reticle</color>
			#autoLOC_438839 = Terrain
			#autoLOC_438841 = Altitude
			#autoLOC_438890 = Biome
			#autoLOC_438936 = Surface of <<1>>
			#autoLOC_438998 = Color
			#autoLOC_439000 = Cycle Resource Colors
			#autoLOC_439019 = There is no orbital survey data available. Conduct an orbital survey using a survey scanner to enable high-definition detail.\n\nEnhance data accuracy for a biome by landing and operating a surface scanner.
			#autoLOC_439164 = Tgt: <<1>>% - Avg: <<2>>%
			#autoLOC_439627 = Active Strategies: <<1>> [Max: <<2>>]
			#autoLOC_439827 = \n\nSetup Cost:\n
			#autoLOC_439829 = <<1>> Funds
			#autoLOC_439831 = <<1>> Science
			#autoLOC_439833 = <<1>> Reputation
			#autoLOC_439834 = \n\nNo Refunds.
			#autoLOC_439838 = Are you sure you want to ACTIVATE this strategy?\n\nIt can't be modified once activated.<<1>>
			#autoLOC_439839 = Yes
			#autoLOC_439840 = No
			#autoLOC_439851 = \n\nNo Refunds.
			#autoLOC_439854 = Are you sure you want to CANCEL this strategy?<<1>>
			#autoLOC_439855 = Yes
			#autoLOC_439856 = No
			#autoLOC_442409 = Contracts
			#autoLOC_442811 = Engineer's Report
			#autoLOC_442833 = <color=#e6752a>Design checklist</color>
			#autoLOC_443059 = Nothing to report, nothing to see either.
			#autoLOC_443064 = There is nothing concerning about this vessel.
			#autoLOC_443343 = Craft Stats
			#autoLOC_443352 = Parts:
			#autoLOC_443357 = Mass:
			#autoLOC_443389 = <color=<<1>>>Parts:</color>
			#autoLOC_443401 = <color=<<1>>>Mass:</color>
			#autoLOC_443405 = <color=<<1>>><<2>>t / <<3>>t</color>
			#autoLOC_443409 = <color=<<1>>><<2>>t</color>
			#autoLOC_443417 = Size
			#autoLOC_443418 = Height:
			#autoLOC_443419 = Width:
			#autoLOC_443420 = Length:
			#autoLOC_444225 = none
			#autoLOC_444646 = Resources
			#autoLOC_445419 = On EVA
			#autoLOC_445437 = Passenger seat
			#autoLOC_445441 = Vessel: <<1>>\nSeat: <<2>>, Part: <<3>>
			#autoLOC_445466 = For Hire
			#autoLOC_445493 = Ready for next mission
			#autoLOC_445500 = Available for next mission
			#autoLOC_445505 = Available for sightseeing
			#autoLOC_445546 = K.I.A.
			#autoLOC_445551 = Missing in Action
			#autoLOC_445572 = <b><color=orange>Not enough <<1>> to hire another recruit.</color></b>
			#autoLOC_445625 = Available for next mission
			#autoLOC_445648 = Active Kerbals: <<1>> \t[Max: <<2>>]
			#autoLOC_445652 = Active Kerbals: <<1>>
			#autoLOC_445658 = <color=<<1>>>Active Kerbals: <<2>>\t<b>[Max: <<3>>]</b></color>
			#autoLOC_445662 = Available [<<1>>]
			#autoLOC_445663 = Assigned [<<1>>]
			#autoLOC_445665 = Lost [<<1>><<2[ Missing/]>>]
			#autoLOC_445678 = <color=<<1>>>Next Hire: <<2>></color>
			#autoLOC_445682 = Next Hire: <<1>>
			#autoLOC_445733 = <color=#CCCCCC><b>Effects</b></color>\n
			#autoLOC_445747 = <color=#CCCCCC><b>Log</b></color>\n
			#autoLOC_445750 = \nExtra Experience: <<1>>
			#autoLOC_445760 = \n\nG-Forces: Endurance <<1>>x\nMax Sustainable G: <<2>> G
			#autoLOC_445772 = \n\nInactive until: <<1>>
			#autoLOC_452442 = <<1>><<n:1[ part/ part/ parts]>> in <<2>><<n:2[ stage./ stage./ stages.]>>
			#autoLOC_453138 = This category has one or more subcategories with parts assigned to it. Deleting this category will delete all subcategories. Are you sure you want to delete?
			#autoLOC_453141 = Deleting this category will delete all subcategories. Are you sure you want to delete?
			#autoLOC_453153 = This subcategory has parts assigned to it. Are you sure you want to delete?
			#autoLOC_453158 = This subcategory has subassemblies assigned to it. Are you sure you want to delete?
			#autoLOC_453547 = Filter by Function
			#autoLOC_453549 = Pods
			#autoLOC_453552 = Fuel Tanks
			#autoLOC_453555 = Engines
			#autoLOC_453558 = Command and Control
			#autoLOC_453561 = Structural
			#autoLOC_453564 = Coupling
			#autoLOC_453567 = Payload
			#autoLOC_453570 = Aerodynamics
			#autoLOC_453573 = Ground
			#autoLOC_453576 = Thermal
			#autoLOC_453579 = Electrical
			#autoLOC_453582 = Communication
			#autoLOC_453585 = Science
			#autoLOC_453588 = Utility
			#autoLOC_453605 = Subassemblies
			#autoLOC_453607 = All Subassemblies
			#autoLOC_453626 = Filter by Cross-Section Profile
			#autoLOC_453705 = Filter by Module
			#autoLOC_453877 = Filter by Resource
			#autoLOC_453968 = Filter by Manufacturer
			#autoLOC_454017 = Filter by Tech Level
			#autoLOC_455453 = Warning:
			#autoLOC_455454 = No
			#autoLOC_455455 = Yes (Delete)
			#autoLOC_455805 = Drag and drop a part here to save it as a subassembly.
			#autoLOC_455807 = NO PART SELECTED!
			#autoLOC_455855 = Unnamed
			#autoLOC_455856 = No Description.
			#autoLOC_455866 = Save subassembly
			#autoLOC_455877 = Save
			#autoLOC_455882 = Cancel
			#autoLOC_455895 = A subassembly named <<1>> already exists! Do you wish to overwrite it?
			#autoLOC_456128 = <b>Cost: </b><<1>>  <b><<2>></b>
			#autoLOC_456241 = 1m
			#autoLOC_456340 = <b>Mass: </b><<1>> t\n<b>Tolerance: </b><<2>>m/s Impact\n<b>Tolerance: </b><<3>> Gees, <<4>> kPA Pressure\n<b>Max. Temp. Int/Skin: </b><<5>>/<<6>> K
			#autoLOC_456346 = Crew capacity:
			#autoLOC_456368 = \n<color=orange>No Fuel Crossfeed</color>
			#autoLOC_456374 = \n<color=orange>Crossfeed toggles in <<1[Editor and Flight/Editor/Flight]>>.
			#autoLOC_456381 = Requires <<1>>.
			#autoLOC_456384 = Default <<1[On/Off]>>.</color>
			#autoLOC_456391 = \n\n** EXPERIMENTAL **
			#autoLOC_456638 = [RMB] More info
			#autoLOC_456642 = [RMB] Pin, Less
			#autoLOC_456651 = No More Info
			#autoLOC_457681 = You have a growing suspicion you're not actually learning anything.
			#autoLOC_457682 = It doesn't feel like this is contributing to Science in any meaningful way.
			#autoLOC_457683 = With the R&D Facility closed, it's hard to tell what any of this means.
			#autoLOC_457684 = You feel there would be a lot more to learn if the R&D Facility were open.
			#autoLOC_457685 = Something tells you these are not the results you were looking for.
			#autoLOC_457686 = It doesn't seem like there is any scientific value on doing this.
			#autoLOC_457848 = The plaque on <<1>> reads:
			#autoLOC_459462 = G Loss-of-Consciousness Meter: <<1>>
			#autoLOC_459483 = Internal View
			#autoLOC_459494 = Go EVA
			#autoLOC_460807 = <<1>>m/s
			#autoLOC_460808 = Burn Time: <<1>>
			#autoLOC_460809 = Node in T <<1>>
			#autoLOC_460852 = <color=orange>Cannot Delete Maneuver Node (Control Locked)</color>
			#autoLOC_461342 = No Control Sources
			#autoLOC_461346 = No Crew Control
			#autoLOC_461350 = Limited Crew Control
			#autoLOC_461354 = Full Crew Control
			#autoLOC_461358 = No Probe Control
			#autoLOC_461362 = Limited Probe Control
			#autoLOC_461366 = Full Probe Control
			#autoLOC_461381 = No Data
			#autoLOC_461382 = No Signal
			#autoLOC_461402 = Data TX\n<color="green">Can transmit Science</color>
			#autoLOC_461407 = Data RX\n<color="orange">Cannot transmit Science</color>
			#autoLOC_461418 = Bounced Signal Through Relay
			#autoLOC_461422 = Remote Control From Vessel
			#autoLOC_461426 = Direct Connection to Space Center
			#autoLOC_461436 = Bounced Signal Through Relay
			#autoLOC_461442 = Remote Signal From Vessel
			#autoLOC_461446 = Direct Signal From Space Center
			#autoLOC_462403 = <color=#2ae678>Physical Characteristics:</color>
			#autoLOC_462406 = <color=#2ae678>Atmospheric Characteristics:</color>
			#autoLOC_462417 = Eq. Radius
			#autoLOC_462420 = Area
			#autoLOC_462423 = Mass
			#autoLOC_462426 = GM
			#autoLOC_462429 = ASL Gravity
			#autoLOC_462432 = Escape Velocity
			#autoLOC_462435 = Rotation Period
			#autoLOC_462438 = SOI
			#autoLOC_462439 = Infinity
			#autoLOC_462448 = Atmosphere Present
			#autoLOC_462453 = Atmos. Height
			#autoLOC_462456 = Atmos. Pressure
			#autoLOC_462459 = ASL Temperature
			#autoLOC_462688 = No resource data available\nYou will need to perform an orbital survey first.
			#autoLOC_462695 = No resource of this type exists here.
			#autoLOC_463080 = <color=#e6752a>Tracking Info</color>
			#autoLOC_463099 = <color=#e6752a>Class Description</color>
			#autoLOC_463116 = Discovered:
			#autoLOC_463117 = <color=#c8d782><<1>> ago.</color>
			#autoLOC_463378 = <color=#e6752a>Vessel classification: Flag</color>
			#autoLOC_463422 = Planted by
			#autoLOC_463431 = <color=#e6752a>Vessel classification</color>
			#autoLOC_463444 = Sphere of influence
			#autoLOC_463448 = Situation
			#autoLOC_463452 = Flight time
			#autoLOC_463464 = <color=#e6752a>Surface Location</color>
			#autoLOC_463470 = Celestial body
			#autoLOC_463474 = Latitude
			#autoLOC_463478 = Longitude
			#autoLOC_463486 = <color=#e6752a>Orbital Characteristics</color>
			#autoLOC_463489 = Velocity
			#autoLOC_463493 = Altitude
			#autoLOC_463525 = First Hop
			#autoLOC_463529 = First Hop Distance
			#autoLOC_463533 = First Hop Signal
			#autoLOC_463537 = Overall Signal
			#autoLOC_463541 = <color=#e6752a>CommNet</color>
			#autoLOC_463597 = <color=#c8d782><<1>> t</color>
			#autoLOC_463614 = <color=#c8d782><<1>> m/s</color>
			#autoLOC_463615 = <color=#c8d782><<1>> m</color>
			#autoLOC_463622 = <color=#c8d782><<1>> m/s²</color>
			#autoLOC_464124 = Game ID: <<1>>
			#autoLOC_464125 = Game Version: <<1>>
			#autoLOC_464126 = Platform: <<1>>
			#autoLOC_464127 = IP Address
			#autoLOC_464264 = Couldn't delete <<1>>
			#autoLOC_464287 = Are you sure you want to delete this game?\nYou will lose all progress and ships in it.
			#autoLOC_464288 = Confirmation Needed
			#autoLOC_464290 = Delete Game
			#autoLOC_464291 = Cancel
			#autoLOC_464552 = There are incompatible/invalid saves in your saves folder.\n\nWould you like to delete them now?\n
			#autoLOC_464553 = Confirmation Needed
			#autoLOC_464559 = Delete
			#autoLOC_464566 = Not Now
			#autoLOC_464646 = No
			#autoLOC_464659 = Funds: <<1>>
			#autoLOC_464660 = Science: <<1>>
			#autoLOC_464661 = Reputation: <<1>>%
			#autoLOC_464665 = Flights: <<1>> Contracts: <<2>>
			#autoLOC_464674 = Science: <<1>>
			#autoLOC_464686 = Just started
			#autoLOC_464691 = Incompatible with this version of KSP.
			#autoLOC_464696 = No persistent.sfs file in save folder.
			#autoLOC_464934 = Select a file to load
			#autoLOC_464935 = No description available.
			#autoLOC_465124 = <color=orange><size=10>Incompatible with this version</size></color>
			#autoLOC_465132 = <color=orange>No save file exists.</color>
			#autoLOC_465205 = Are you sure you want to restart this scenario?\nYou will lose all progress in it.
			#autoLOC_465206 = Confirmation Needed
			#autoLOC_465208 = Restart Scenario
			#autoLOC_465209 = Cancel
			#autoLOC_465260 = Continue
			#autoLOC_465267 = Select a file to load
			#autoLOC_465268 = No description available.
			#autoLOC_465466 = Add Maneuver
			#autoLOC_465476 = <color=orange>Cannot Add Maneuver Node (Control Locked)</color>
			#autoLOC_465493 = Warp Here
			#autoLOC_465519 = Warp Here
			#autoLOC_465524 = Warp to Next Maneuver
			#autoLOC_465531 = Cannot Auto-Warp so far
			#autoLOC_465554 = Delete Waypoint
			#autoLOC_465567 = Waypoint "<<1>>" was deleted.
			#autoLOC_465577 = Delete Waypoint
			#autoLOC_465625 = Focus
			#autoLOC_465647 = Cannot Switch Vessels on this scenario
			#autoLOC_465671 = Switch To
			#autoLOC_465675 = View in Tracking Station
			#autoLOC_465679 = Focus View
			#autoLOC_465785 = Set Target
			#autoLOC_465801 = Set as Target
			#autoLOC_465805 = Unset Target
			#autoLOC_465847 = Activate Navigation
			#autoLOC_465864 = Navigation waypoint deactivated.
			#autoLOC_465870 = Navigation set to <<1>>.
			#autoLOC_465882 = Navigation Error
			#autoLOC_465887 = Activate Navigation
			#autoLOC_467299 = Mission accepted. I'm looking forward to reading your reports.
			#autoLOC_467300 = Excellent! Hopefully this one will turn out alright.
			#autoLOC_467301 = Here we go!
			#autoLOC_467302 = Challenge Accepted!
			#autoLOC_467303 = Contract Accepted! Best of luck with it.
			#autoLOC_467304 = Accepted! All Controllers standing by to watch the firewor-- erhm, the launch.
			#autoLOC_467310 = Yeah, we probably didn't need to do that mission anyway.
			#autoLOC_467311 = That mission was probably going to be boring anyways.
			#autoLOC_467312 = Mission Declined. Understood.
			#autoLOC_467313 = That one definitely didn't seem very interesting, did it?
			#autoLOC_467314 = Was it just me, or did that explanation make no sense at all?
			#autoLOC_467320 = The contractor may not like it very much, but this contract is effectively terminated.
			#autoLOC_467321 = Contract Cancelled. It's not as if we care about penalties and fines, do we?
			#autoLOC_467322 = Cancelled. Worry no more about this contract.
			#autoLOC_467323 = Boring conversation anyways.
			#autoLOC_467324 = Mission Cancelled. We're done following their orders for now.
			#autoLOC_467329 = Looks like an interesting proposition. It should be fun.
			#autoLOC_467330 = Sounds pretty reasonable, although I must admit we didn't really read the details, or any of it...
			#autoLOC_467331 = Seems to be a fair offer. There's no reason not to take on this contract.
			#autoLOC_467332 = Doesn't seem to be anything we can't handle.
			#autoLOC_467333 = Looks ok, as far as we can tell from here.
			#autoLOC_467340 = Who says there's no glory in doing small jobs?
			#autoLOC_467341 = It may not be exactly glamorous, but the rewards seem reasonable, and the risks are comparatively low.
			#autoLOC_467342 = Not every mission has to be a groundbreaking achievement, does it?
			#autoLOC_467343 = This probably won't make the front page on the news, but it is a proper job and it needs doing.
			#autoLOC_467344 = Not exactly a noteworthy endeavour, but should be a relatively safe thing to attempt.
			#autoLOC_467345 = It may be a bit low-profile, but maybe it's just the sort of job we need right now.
			#autoLOC_467346 = We may be overqualified for this mission, but maybe we overestimate our qualifications.
			#autoLOC_467351 = This one sounds like a properly tall order, I can't wait to see it attempted!
			#autoLOC_467352 = They have to be mad to propose such a thing, and we must be equally mad to be considering it!
			#autoLOC_467353 = Given enough rocket science, anything can be done, right?
			#autoLOC_467354 = How hard could this be, anyway? It's not as if it were rocket sci-- oh.
			#autoLOC_467355 = I think we have achieved things as impressive as this before, but I can't quite remember any examples.
			#autoLOC_467356 = You know something is worth doing, when there are others questioning whether it can be done at all.
			#autoLOC_467357 = This sounds risky. Very Risky. It also sounds like a lot of fun!
			#autoLOC_467358 = The very mention of this proposal had the Astronaut Complex common room buzzing with excitement!
			#autoLOC_467359 = Whoever gets assigned to this will either be screaming in delight or in terror all the way there!
			#autoLOC_467368 = Mission selected
			#autoLOC_467996 = <b><color=#DB8310>Contract:</color></b>\n
			#autoLOC_468001 = \n\n<b><color=#DB8310>Agent:</color></b>\n
			#autoLOC_468018 = <b><color=#DB8310>Expires:</color></b>\nNever
			#autoLOC_468022 = Expires:
			#autoLOC_468036 = Expires:
			#autoLOC_468038 = Offer Expires:
			#autoLOC_468042 = <b><color=#DB8310><<1>></color></b>\nNever
			#autoLOC_468078 = <b><color=#DB8310>Contract:</color></b>\n
			#autoLOC_468120 = <b><color=#DB8310>Gene Kerman:</color></b>\n<<1>>
			#autoLOC_468173 = <b><color=#DB8310>Active Contracts: </color></b> <<1>>\t[Max: <<2>>]
			#autoLOC_468177 = <b><color=#DB8310>Active Contracts: </color></b> <<1>>
			#autoLOC_468183 = <color=<<1>>><b>Active Contracts: <<2>>\t[Max: <<3>>]</b></color>
			#autoLOC_468222 = [Completed]
			#autoLOC_468227 = [Failed]
			#autoLOC_468229 = [Expired]
			#autoLOC_468233 = [Cancelled]
			#autoLOC_468312 = Experiments
			#autoLOC_468313 = Situations
			#autoLOC_468314 = Biomes
			#autoLOC_468660 = <<1>> of <<2>> science reports displayed. Out of a total of <<3>>.
			#autoLOC_468662 = <<1>> <<1[science reports/science report/science reports]>> found. Out of a total of <<2>>.
			#autoLOC_468826 = <b><color=#DB8310>Wernher von Kerman:</color></b>\n<<1>>
			#autoLOC_469075 = Requires Any:
			#autoLOC_469079 = Requires All:
			#autoLOC_469084 = Requires:
			#autoLOC_469091 = Requires Nothing:
			#autoLOC_469120 = Research [<<1>>]
			#autoLOC_469953 = Researched
			#autoLOC_469963 = \n\nCannot afford technology cost.</color>
			#autoLOC_469970 = Cannot research technologies over <<1>> Science at this level.
			#autoLOC_469975 = \n\nTechnology has unresearched requirements.</color>
			#autoLOC_470834 = <color=#90ff00>owned</color>
			#autoLOC_470883 = <color=#90ff00>owned</color>
			#autoLOC_471396 = Science report
			#autoLOC_471397 = Close report
			#autoLOC_471414 = Science: <<1>>
			#autoLOC_471419 = Current Data Value: <<1>>
			#autoLOC_472265 = Primary
			#autoLOC_472284 = Staging
			#autoLOC_472290 = Docking (Translation)
			#autoLOC_472296 = Docking (Rotation)
			#autoLOC_472324 = Current Assignment: <b><<C:1[none/$s/$s]>></b>
			#autoLOC_472329 = Current Assignment: <b><<C:1[none/$s/$s]>></b>
			#autoLOC_472332 = Press the key or joystick button to use for <b><<1>></b>
			#autoLOC_472341 = Current Assignment: <b><<C:1[none/$s/$s]>></b>
			#autoLOC_472347 = Current Assignment: <b><<C:1[none/$s/$s]>></b>
			#autoLOC_472391 = Current Assignment: <b><<C:1[none/$s/$s]>></b>
			#autoLOC_472396 = Current Assignment: <b><<C:1[none/$s/$s]>></b>
			#autoLOC_472671 = Custom
			#autoLOC_475323 = Facility Level <<1>>
			#autoLOC_475331 = Upgrade\n<<1>>
			#autoLOC_475336 = Fully Upgraded
			#autoLOC_475347 = Status:
			#autoLOC_475351 = Status: <b><color=#B4D455>Fully Operational</color></b>
			#autoLOC_475380 = Status: <b><color=<<1>>>Out of Service</color></b>
			#autoLOC_475425 = <color=#B4D455>No Repairs Needed\n</color>
			#autoLOC_475433 = Repair for <color=<<1>>><<2>></b></color>\n
			#autoLOC_475646 = \n<i>(<<1>> More)</i>
			#autoLOC_475652 = <<1>> parts, <<2>> stages
			#autoLOC_476080 = Tourist
			#autoLOC_476118 = <<1>> XP gained!
			#autoLOC_476122 = Advanced to level <<1>>!
			#autoLOC_476131 = No XP gain
			#autoLOC_476143 = Ready for next assignment
			#autoLOC_476250 = Qty: <<1>>
			#autoLOC_476251 = Part Value: <<1>>
			#autoLOC_476314 = Qty: <<1>>
			#autoLOC_476315 = Unit Value: <<1>>
			#autoLOC_476374 = <<1>> Data Gathered
			#autoLOC_476375 = Data Value: <<1>>
			#autoLOC_480791 = Staging Reset to Default:\nAll stageicons moved to their default stage groups.
			#autoLOC_480795 = Nothing to reset.
			#autoLOC_481056 = Cannot warp time in this scenario.
			#autoLOC_481507 = Terminate
			#autoLOC_481560 = Cannot switch to <<1>> we do not own.
			#autoLOC_481619 = If you stop tracking this object, you may not be able to find it again. Are you sure you want to continue?
			#autoLOC_481620 = Stop Tracking
			#autoLOC_481621 = Cancel
			#autoLOC_481625 = This will destroy the vessel, killing all crew in it. Are you sure you want to continue?
			#autoLOC_481626 = Terminate
			#autoLOC_481627 = Cancel
			#autoLOC_481635 = Are you sure you want to recover this vessel?
			#autoLOC_481636 = Recover
			#autoLOC_481637 = Cancel
			#autoLOC_482129 = MET:\u0020
			#autoLOC_482391 = <color=green>[Tracking Station]: Now tracking <i><<1>></i>.</color>
			#autoLOC_482486 = <<1>>m
			#autoLOC_482576 = Mass: <<1>>t
			#autoLOC_482578 = Size: <<1>>m
			#autoLOC_482705 = \u0020(Stock)
			#autoLOC_482977 = <color=<<1>>><<2>><<2[ parts/ part/ parts]>> in <<3>> <<3[ stages./ stage./ stages.]>></color>
			#autoLOC_482982 = <color=#8dffec>* Experimental Parts!</color>
			#autoLOC_482988 = <color=#db6227>*Locked or Invalid Parts!</color>
			#autoLOC_482996 = <color=<<1>>>Mass: <<2>>t</color>
			#autoLOC_483005 = <color=<<1>>>Size: N/A [Edit to Fix]</color>
			#autoLOC_483009 = <color=<<1>>>Size: <<2>>m, <<3>>m, <<4>>m</color>
			#autoLOC_483228 = Are you sure you want to delete this craft?
			#autoLOC_483229 = Delete
			#autoLOC_483230 = Cancel
			#autoLOC_485739 = <color=orange>Unable to load the save:<<1>>
			#autoLOC_485770 = <color=orange>Unable to load the save:<<1>>
			#autoLOC_485809 = <color=orange>Unable to delete save:\n<<1>>\n\nDetails in Log</color>
			#autoLOC_485819 = <color=#FF4300>Error Accesing this save.</color>
			#autoLOC_500000 = Why go up when you can crash equally well going sideways – that’s the old moto of the C7 Aerospace Division. Emerging from humble beginnings to the powerhouse they are now, C7 were always looking straight ahead towards the horizon. Recently though they have been building parts that can give them a much better view of that spot where the sky meets the ground. This has been met with some grumblings from the old boys in the company but even they can’t deny that there is adventure to be found in whatever direction you choose.
			#autoLOC_500001 = Dinkelstein Kerman has become somewhat of a legend in the spacecraft industry, not least impressively because he vehemently claims to have been constructing and flying spaceships long before the first actual recorded instance of any such vehicle being assembled. This has led to some controversy and a lot of awkwardness between him and the Kerbin World-Firsts Record-Keeping Society. Be that as it may, Dinklestein's Emporium is still generally well regarded as a traditional, old-fashioned company, and their products are actually a lot less rusty than the company's owner.
			#autoLOC_500002 = The Experimental Engineering Group is a typical startup company: Low budgets and impossibly tight deadlines are part of a normal working day for them. Despite being such a young company however, Experimental Engineering has made a good start, quickly making a name for themselves in the industry, mainly thanks to their very educational and entertaining SC-9001 Science Jr. Experiment Kit. Despite valiant efforts from their representatives, however, they haven't quite been able to shake off the bad press that followed some leaked footage of an incident involving one of their units and a small critter that one of the scientists over at R&D used to keep as a pet. Some say the incident has made them extremely concerned with the safety of anything that approach their products. They've even rounded out the edges on their company logo.
			#autoLOC_500003 = FLOOYD Labs is a company focused on doing one thing, and doing it as well as is conceivably possible to do it: Displacing liquids from one place to another. Their flagship product, the FTX-2 Fuel Duct, is the final result of years of research and development and endless Kerbal-hours of effort to produce a device that will pump any amount of just about anything, no matter how cold, dense or volatile it is. The company enjoys a well-deserved reputation for such an important contribution to the industry, and most agree that these days, almost nobody remembers the embarrassment of their recall of the FTX-1 series, which had a small but highly problematic issue, that while it did pump fluids flawlessly, it pumped them in the wrong direction.
			#autoLOC_500004 = Goliath National Products know what’s needed to keep them ahead of the competition – an eye for detail and a good nose for sniffing out what’s needed for our plucky engineers. Many of the great Vessels of our age carry one of Goliaths nose cones and they excel in moving air out of the way of the soft fleshy important bits of any Vessel i.e. our heroes heading off on another adventure.
			#autoLOC_500005 = What this small company lacks in experience and reputation, it makes up for in the sheer ambitiousness of their projects. Their first product was the very massive Mobile Processing Lab, which rumour has it was first developed as a mobile processing facility to secretly brew an experimental, possibly illegal fuel mixture, which was reportedly far more potent than the currently available propellants, and had a distinctive blue tint to it. Those rumours have never been proven however, and this mysterious blue propellant has yet to be seen by a reliable source. Despite their repeated attempts to be rid of these rumours, the company still suffers from a (probably undeserved) bad reputation. They try to offset this initial impression by offering much larger cash payoffs than other companies of similar size, which admittedly does very little to improve their current image.
			#autoLOC_500006 = One of the leading names in spacecraft electronics, and not just because the name itself sounds so cool. Ionic Symphonic Protonic Electronics has a large catalogue of components, ranging from simple comms devices to seriously cutting edge gear. This has made their products quite popular among aerospace engineers, and also nurtured a profound enmity from the pragmatic folks at Probodobodyne.
			#autoLOC_500007 = It is universally agreed that Jeb's Junkyard is one the best examples of the triumph of unwavering motivation in the face of seemingly insurmountable odds. The unassuming junkyard where it is said some of Kerbalkind's first steps towards the depths of space have been taken, has now become a much larger junkyard, as it had to expand its facilities to accommodate the ever greater demand for spacecraft components. Jeb's Junkyard has become one of Kerbin's most iconic names, becoming far more than just a beloved brand. It now stands proudly as a symbol of the unstoppable Kerbal drive towards attempting the impossible while grossly underestimating the gravity of the situation.
			#autoLOC_500008 = Kerbal Motion LLC started in the wheel business with square wheels initially. They began adding sides until they settled on a more spherical configuration. Intensive testing confirmed their suspicions that round wheels really do make for a much smoother ride. Once they had overcome this hurdle the brains at Kerbal Motion LLC then began looking towards what else they could apply their considerable grey matter to. They settled on grabbers, primarily as this would mean they wouldn’t have to reach quite so far for their drinks.
			#autoLOC_500009 = An institution completely devoted to the tracking and curating all first instances of any event, the Kerbin World-Firsts Record-Keeping Society is a  non-profit organization, for the purpose of rewarding the doing of anything that's never been done before, especially concerning feats of space exploration. Their work is more challenging than it would seem however, as the prestige associated with the first-ever accomplishment of any deed is also a valuable target for commercial companies, who wouldn't waste the opportunity to be the official sponsor of such an event. Taking on the Society's contracts will definitely send the message that you're not in it for the money, which is always a good message to send. It's also just about the only reward, since the cash prizes are mostly symbolic.
			#autoLOC_500010 = Although Kerbodyne is a relatively new name in the aerospace industry, their K series engines and fuel tanks have earned them a quite a reputation in a short amount of time. So much so in fact, that Kerbodyne was nominated for the "Best Debut" Award, at last year's Spacecraft Developers Convention. Unfortunately, that prize went to another company, but Kerbodyne fans are known to demonstrate loudly and publicly, their appreciation for the company and its products.
			#autoLOC_500011 = Kerlington has a long history of introducing ground-breaking new technologies, many of which are now considered indispensable for rocketry and aerospace engineering. This has fostered a strong community of loyal Kerlington fans, as well as a similarly large group of disgruntled competitors.
			#autoLOC_500012 = The Maxo Construction Toys engineers always enjoyed building things – especially out of little plastic bricks. So when they put their heads together and got a bit of money in the bank they decided to do the same but with bits of lightweight metal. Maxo’s metallic constructions are renowned for their durability and build quality. In fact when sifting through the wreckage of yet another spectacular “landing”, their parts are almost always found intact.
			#autoLOC_500013 = The Moving Parts Experts Group started off as a mostly non-commercial initiative to bring some of the brightest minds together to create truly innovative and ground-breaking technologies for spacecraft construction. As is the case with many such enterprises, their initial investment funds very soon ran out and they were forced to start developing stuff that they could sell, quickly. As a result, the Group acquired a reputation for being always in a hurry, and always strapped for cash. They still try their best to stay true to their original motivations as much as possible though, and will always be willing to support any ventures that push the currently established boundaries.
			#autoLOC_500014 = For a company that made a reputation by creating as much destruction as possible, O.M.B. has found a remarkably suitable place for its highly volatile devices in the aerospace industry. Their precision Decouplers are second to none when the job calls for splitting spacecraft into multiple smaller ones. Some of their other demolition products however, despite being heavily advertised as far more powerful disassembly tools, weren't nearly as successful. O.M.B. is still unsure as to why those "clearly better" products weren't so well received.
			#autoLOC_500015 = Periapsis Rocket Supplies are a notoriously private company – the small roster of components they do build does nothing but add to the mystique surrounding them. Many question why they don’t build more parts but Periapsis responds to this by stating “wait and see what we’ll do next!”. However, this has been the standard response for at least 3 generations so many have been waiting a little while for the answer.
			#autoLOC_500016 = Probodobodyne was at one point one of the leading (and few) names in the industry. Over the years though, the company has fallen behind the times somewhat, but they continue to maintain their philosophy that space exploration should be the privilege of the few who can overcome the challenges of conquering it, with minimal technological assistance. Their products reflect that pragmatic and arguably obsolete outlook, even in spite of the many newer companies that are coming up around them with alternatives that make space travel far more accessible than it was back in the "early days". Despite all this, the company has retained a small but loyal following of hardcore fans, who live by their vision of a very selective industry, populated only by the very best astronauts and engineers.
			#autoLOC_500017 = The Space Program's own Research & Development Department. Headed by celebrity rocket scientist Wernher von Kerman, these guys are the brains of the whole operation. Driven by an unquenchable thirst for knowledge, no piece of data is too small or too irrelevant, and increasing the accumulated knowledge of Kerbalkind is their main motivation. Our resident geniuses only ask to be given due academic credit for their contributions to science, and that all astronauts PLEASE refrain from entering the labs without cleaning their boots first.
			#autoLOC_500018 = Reaction Systems is a small company, which enjoyed a reasonable amount of success with their one successful product, the Place-Anywhere Linear RCS Port. These days, nobody knows for certain what they're working on. Even though Reaction Systems is most definitely not the largest company out there, they try to make up for it by supporting all pioneering endeavours. Also, their eagerness to offer science-gathering contracts lends credit to speculation that they may be up to something.
			#autoLOC_500019 = Indisputably the largest supplier of rocketry components out there, Rockomax products are widely regarded as the most accessible way to get into space. This has earned them a somewhat negative reputation among the more posh or avant-garde engineers, some even outright refusing to admit to having used Rockomax-Brand products. Be that as it may, Rockomax's gigantic presence in the industry cannot be gainsaid, and their products are actually pretty good value, even if they do lack that 'trendy' feel of the more up-scale rocketry brands. They are a massively large corporation, so don't expect them to cut you very special deals. They are already giving all their customers a bulk discount, plus their 'super-value' deals when using products from their partner brands. All this provided, of course, that you have your membership card with you when you go shopping at their warehouses.
			#autoLOC_500020 = Rokea is mainly known for their 'vertical mobility enhancer' products, which they go to great lengths to ensure are not mistaken by simplistic 'ladders'. Some say they are failing miserably in that effort, even though every Rokea representative will very eagerly educate all who come within earshot about the differences between ladders and a vertical mobility enhancement device. Perhaps this communications strategy is part of the reason nobody cares.
			#autoLOC_500021 = Many question the reasoning behind Sean's Cannery's -known for their very excellent canned foods products- incursion into the aerospace engineering world. Despite the criticism, none can dispute that their flagship product, the Mk2 Lander Can, has proven itself many times over as a reliable and perhaps not surprisingly, one of the most air-tight crew carrying modules available today. Lander Can crews often praise the module for its ability to keep stowed snacks crisp and fresh, and complain of how on other pods they become mushy after just a few days into the mission.
			#autoLOC_500022 = STEADLER is not known for being a very kind or yielding company. Rather, militaristic, stern and uncompromising are much more fitting adjectives to describe them. Some say these are good qualities for a company responsible mainly for engineering control systems for rockets and hypersonic aircraft, while others suggest that the company is actually being run by a rogue Guidance Module that achieved sentience. All we really know is that their gate security is much too Temperamental to allow for any observation, and that their stun guns recharge very quickly.
			#autoLOC_500023 = One of the largest manufacturers of structural components for any purpose, StrutCo is by all measures a very well-established company. The only thing they have never been able to get over is the fact that the legendary EAS-4 Strut Connector itself was actually invented by Kerlington Model Rockets.
			#autoLOC_500024 = Vac-Co is a relatively new name in the industry. With previous experience only as a manufacturer of housecleaning equipment and small appliances, their recent venture into aerospace engineering has been met with no small amount of skepticism. Nevertheless, they seem to know what they're doing, as their products have been quite innovative in the air intakes for spaceplanes sector.
			#autoLOC_500025 = WinterOwl is by no means comparable to other large aircraft companies in terms of sheer number of products they offer. However, the company is one of the best-known names in the industry as it's one of the oldest companies in operation. This has earned them a reputation for being a friendly, reliable partner, which means they have good standings with many other companies. In the aerospace circles, it is considered very poor manners to be rude about WinterOwl or its products.
			#autoLOC_500026 = Zaltonics isn't exactly known as a strong leader in the electronic components industry, rather more as a somewhat utilitarian company that lacks a certain amount of ambition. These traits however, have made Zaltonic indispensable in their own way, as they are willing to take on the manufacturing of the less exciting devices, and they've become quite good at doing that in a quick and cost-effective way. Their products might not be all the rage, but when your fancy remote guidance unit runs out of juice, chances are you'll be using a Zaltonics battery to keep it powered.
			#autoLOC_500027 = research lab
			#autoLOC_500028 = outpost
			#autoLOC_500029 = Scientific
			#autoLOC_500030 = viewing cupola
			#autoLOC_500031 = outpost
			#autoLOC_500032 = Commercial
			#autoLOC_500033 = ISRU resource conversion unit
			#autoLOC_500034 = outpost
			#autoLOC_500035 = Commercial
			#autoLOC_500036 = liquid fuel
			#autoLOC_500037 = Commercial
			#autoLOC_500038 = ore
			#autoLOC_500039 = Commercial
			#autoLOC_500040 = electric charge
			#autoLOC_500041 = Scientific
			#autoLOC_500042 = monopropellant
			#autoLOC_500043 = Commercial
			#autoLOC_500044 = xenon gas
			#autoLOC_500045 = Commercial
			#autoLOC_500046 = Pioneer
			#autoLOC_500047 = Commercial
			#autoLOC_500048 = Scientific
			#autoLOC_500049 = Commercial
			#autoLOC_500050 = ore
			#autoLOC_500051 = Commercial
			#autoLOC_500052 = mystery goo unit
			#autoLOC_500053 = satellite
			#autoLOC_500054 = Scientific
			#autoLOC_500055 = thermometer
			#autoLOC_500056 = satellite
			#autoLOC_500057 = Scientific
			#autoLOC_500058 = gravioli detector
			#autoLOC_500059 = satellite
			#autoLOC_500060 = Scientific
			#autoLOC_500061 = materials bay
			#autoLOC_500062 = satellite
			#autoLOC_500063 = Scientific
			#autoLOC_500064 = accelerometer
			#autoLOC_500065 = satellite
			#autoLOC_500066 = Scientific
			#autoLOC_500067 = resource survey scanner
			#autoLOC_500068 = satellite
			#autoLOC_500069 = Commercial
			#autoLOC_500070 = research lab
			#autoLOC_500071 = station
			#autoLOC_500072 = Scientific
			#autoLOC_500073 = viewing cupola
			#autoLOC_500074 = station
			#autoLOC_500075 = Commercial
			#autoLOC_500076 = ISRU resource conversion unit
			#autoLOC_500077 = station
			#autoLOC_500078 = Commercial
			#autoLOC_500079 = liquid fuel
			#autoLOC_500080 = Commercial
			#autoLOC_500081 = ore
			#autoLOC_500082 = Commercial
			#autoLOC_500083 = electric charge
			#autoLOC_500084 = Scientific
			#autoLOC_500085 = monopropellant
			#autoLOC_500086 = Commercial
			#autoLOC_500087 = xenon gas
			#autoLOC_500088 = Commercial
			#autoLOC_500089 = Pioneer
			#autoLOC_500090 = Commercial
			#autoLOC_500091 = Scientific
			#autoLOC_500092 = Commercial
			#autoLOC_500093 = Take an EVA report
			#autoLOC_500094 = Take a crew report
			#autoLOC_500095 = Take a surface sample
			#autoLOC_500096 = Take seismic readings
			#autoLOC_500097 = Measure the temperature
			#autoLOC_500098 = Take pressure readings
			#autoLOC_500099 = Perform atmospheric analysis
			#autoLOC_500100 = Record gravitational forces
			#autoLOC_500101 = Pilot
			#autoLOC_500102 = Pilots provide assistance in flying the vessel.
			#autoLOC_500103 = Engineer
			#autoLOC_500104 = Engineers are capable of repairing broken parts, if at all possible.
			#autoLOC_500105 = Scientist
			#autoLOC_500106 = Scientists can boost the value of data from Science experiments.
			#autoLOC_500107 = Tourist
			#autoLOC_500108 = Tourists pay funds to see new and exciting places.
			#autoLOC_500109 = Aerodynamic Nose Cone
			#autoLOC_500110 = Aerodynamic, lightweight and mostly non-explosive. As a reminder to all personnel operating nearby, this part is really sharp and it'd probably hurt if you fell on it.
			#autoLOC_500111 = aero aircraft booster )cap drag fligh plane rocket speed stab stream
			#autoLOC_500112 = A.I.R.B.R.A.K.E.S
			#autoLOC_500113 = Research into feasible ways to slow down a plane in mid-air showed that loose hull panels are pretty great as drag-inducing deceleration devices. The discovery led to the invention of the Aerodynamically Integrated Retrograde Braking Robustly Armed Kinetic Extending System (A.I.R.B.R.A.K.E.S.), which is now popular mostly as a cheap alternative to longer runways. C7 Engineers are still trying to come up with a shorter name for such a long acronym.
			#autoLOC_500114 = (air airbrake aircraft brake dive drag fligh landing plane slow speed spoil
			#autoLOC_500115 = XM-G50 Radial Air Intake
			#autoLOC_500116 = An intake duct version that can be mounted at the sides of a fuselage. Warranty does not cover engine flame-outs or any objects, inanimate or otherwise, sucked in by the intake. Optimized for subsonic flight.
			#autoLOC_500117 = aero aircraft breathe fligh inlet jet oxygen plane subsonic suck
			#autoLOC_500118 = FAT-455 Aeroplane Control Surface
			#autoLOC_500119 = Large conventional control surface.
			#autoLOC_500120 = aileron aircraft (elev flap fligh liner plane )rudder spoil stab
			#autoLOC_500121 = FAT-455 Aeroplane Main Wing
			#autoLOC_500122 = One of the largest lifting surfaces in production. The internal volume of these is big enough to carry generously sized fuel tanks.
			#autoLOC_500123 = aero aircraft airlin fligh foil fuel ?lf lift liquid swept wet
			#autoLOC_500124 = FAT-455 Aeroplane Tail Fin
			#autoLOC_500125 = Large conventional wing with built-in control surface.
			#autoLOC_500126 = aileron aircraft control (elev fligh foil lift liner )rudder stab swept wing
			#autoLOC_500127 = Advanced Canard
			#autoLOC_500128 = Our engineers thought this design looked "high tech" and therefore must be clear improvement on earlier models.
			#autoLOC_500129 = aero (air control (elev fighter fligh (fore lift plane )rudder stab swept tail
			#autoLOC_500130 = Standard Canard
			#autoLOC_500131 = Our engineers had a stroke of inspiration after "visiting" the Kerlington production facilities. Introducing our new controllable canards. Warning, hard maneuvering may cause unintended stage separation.
			#autoLOC_500132 = aero (air control (elev fligh (fore lift plane )rudder stab swept tail
			#autoLOC_500133 = Swept Wings
			#autoLOC_500134 = A prototype swept back wing, part of our "Let's Fly", line. Made of light weight composite materials. Guaranteed to generate lift, not guaranteed to ensure crew safety.
			#autoLOC_500135 = aero (air fligh lift plane
			#autoLOC_500136 = Tail Fin
			#autoLOC_500137 = This tailfin has passed extensive modeling in our patented P.A.S system.(Paper Airplane Simulation). This fin has been blunted to prevent accidental dismemberment of installing technicians.
			#autoLOC_500138 = aero (air canard control (elev fligh (fore lift plane )rudder stab swept
			#autoLOC_500139 = Basic Fin
			#autoLOC_500140 = This simple bolt-on aluminum fin may not be the cutting edge of aerospace engineering but it's dirt cheap and will make your rocket slightly less unstable.
			#autoLOC_500141 = aero (air lift rocket stab swept
			#autoLOC_500142 = Circular Intake
			#autoLOC_500143 = A proper turbofan intake, not only provides oxygen to air breathing engines, it pulls in twice as much air than those puny air scoops from Vac-Co. Optimized for subsonic flight.
			#autoLOC_500144 = aero (air breathe fligh inlet jet oxygen plane subsonic suck
			#autoLOC_500145 = Shock Cone Intake
			#autoLOC_500146 = A shocking new intake from the C7 Aerospace Division that brought you much adored parts such as the Delta Wing and the Standard Nosecone! Offers exceptional performance at all speeds and has some heat shielding of its own.
			#autoLOC_500147 = aero (air breathe fligh inlet jet oxygen plane suck supersonic
			#autoLOC_500148 = CH-J3 Fly-By-Wire Avionics Hub
			#autoLOC_500149 = Have you ever wanted to impress your peers by showing off your elite flying skills, but lacked the skills to become a trained pilot? C7 Aerospace's Fly-By-Wire Avionics Hub is the solution! This module allows even the most minimally trained crew to fly like an Ace! WARNING: This module cannot operate autonomously. Warranty void if attempting to do so. WARNING: Module contains no internal gyroscopes or control systems (control actuators sold separately). WARNING: Warranty void without proper use of C7 Aerospace Brand Sickness Bags (sold separately, currently out of stock).
			#autoLOC_500150 = advanced aero aircraft )cap cone control drag fighter fligh jet kerbnet missile nose plane sas stab stream
			#autoLOC_500151 = Advanced Nose Cone - Type A
			#autoLOC_500152 = Less drag due to pointy shape.
			#autoLOC_500153 = aero aircraft booster )cap drag fligh plane rocket stab stream tail
			#autoLOC_500154 = Advanced Nose Cone - Type B
			#autoLOC_500155 = Useful for boosters - the slanted shape is good for leading pressure away from the core stages.
			#autoLOC_500156 = aero aircraft booster )cap drag fligh plane rocket stab stream tail
			#autoLOC_500157 = NCS Adapter
			#autoLOC_500158 = The base of C7 Aerospace's Nose Cone system (NCS)
			#autoLOC_500159 = aero aircraft booster )cap cone drag fligh nose plane rocket stab stream tail
			#autoLOC_500160 = Small Nose Cone
			#autoLOC_500161 = An aerodynamic nose cap.
			#autoLOC_500162 = aero aircraft )cap drag fligh missile plane speed stab stream
			#autoLOC_500163 = Tail Connector A
			#autoLOC_500164 = A simple aerodynamic tail for aircraft. Designed to fit onto all standard 1.25m attachments, this part is the embodiment of our "Let's Fly", line of parts.
			#autoLOC_500165 = aero aircraft drag fligh plane stab stream
			#autoLOC_500166 = Tail Connector B
			#autoLOC_500167 = This raised variant of our popular airplane tail provides a lot of ground clearance during take-off.
			#autoLOC_500168 = aero aircraft drag fligh plane stab stream
			#autoLOC_500169 = AE-FF1 Airstream Protective Shell (1.25m)
			#autoLOC_500170 = While the Kerbals at Mission Control were still figuring out how to get their rockets back down to Kerbin safely, the research engineers at FLOOYD were quickly realising that protecting parts on ascent was just as important. Heavy research into two-dimensional-input driven procedural construction was then funded with the hopes of making protective shells for important payloads and interstage areas of the crafts. The protective shells also have the benefit of making the craft more aerodynamic, hopefully saving on precious rocket fuel!
			#autoLOC_500171 = aero )cap drag rocket cone nose cargo contain fairing hollow inter payload protect shroud stage (stor transport 3.75 enormous massive gigantic giant 5.0
			#autoLOC_500172 = AE-FF2 Airstream Protective Shell (2.5m)
			#autoLOC_500173 = While the Kerbals at Mission Control were still figuring out how to get their rockets back down to Kerbin safely, the research engineers at FLOOYD were quickly realising that protecting parts on ascent was just as important. Heavy research into two-dimensional-input driven procedural construction was then funded with the hopes of making protective shells for important payloads and interstage areas of the crafts. The protective shells also have the benefit of making the craft more aerodynamic, hopefully saving on precious rocket fuel!
			#autoLOC_500174 = aero )cap cargo cone contain drag fairing hollow inter nose payload protect rocket shroud stage (stor transport
			#autoLOC_500175 = AE-FF3 Airstream Protective Shell (3.75m)
			#autoLOC_500176 = While the Kerbals at Mission Control were still figuring out how to get their rockets back down to Kerbin safely, the research engineers at FLOOYD were quickly realising that protecting parts on ascent was just as important. Heavy research into two-dimensional-input driven procedural construction was then funded with the hopes of making protective shells for important payloads and interstage areas of the crafts. The protective shells also have the benefit of making the craft more aerodynamic, hopefully saving on precious rocket fuel!
			#autoLOC_500177 = aero )cap drag rocket cone nose cargo contain fairing hollow inter payload protect shroud stage (stor transport regular standard average medium 1.875
			#autoLOC_500178 = Heat Shield (0.625m)
			#autoLOC_500179 = A tiny structural heat shield
			#autoLOC_500180 = ablat drag entry insulate protect re- rocket therm
			#autoLOC_500181 = Heat Shield (1.25m)
			#autoLOC_500182 = A small structural heat shield with an integrated fairing
			#autoLOC_500183 = ablat drag entry insulate protect re- rocket therm
			#autoLOC_500184 = Heat Shield (2.5m)
			#autoLOC_500185 = A medium structural heat shield with an integrated fairing
			#autoLOC_500186 = ablat drag entry insulate protect re- rocket therm
			#autoLOC_500187 = Heat Shield (3.75m)
			#autoLOC_500188 = A large structural heat shield with an integrated fairing
			#autoLOC_500189 = ablat drag entry insulate protect re- rocket therm
			#autoLOC_500190 = Heat Shield (10m)
			#autoLOC_500191 = Based on the design of a child's toy, this heat shield uses a set of inflatable rings covered with a thermal blanket to provide a generous 10 meter heat shield for reentry and deceleration, and the aerodynamic qualities of an untethered bouncy castle.
			#autoLOC_500192 = balloon drag entry expand inflat insulate protect re- rocket therm
			#autoLOC_500193 = Adjustable Ramp Intake (Radial)
			#autoLOC_500194 = This intake addresses those sometimes absurd contraptions that SSTO engineers designed in an attempt to pump more and more air into their engines. Optimized for supersonic flight.
			#autoLOC_500195 = aero (air aircraft breathe cone fligh inlet jet oxygen plane suck supersonic
			#autoLOC_500196 = Small Circular Intake
			#autoLOC_500197 = A must-have for air breathing engines, this intake duct will pull in outside air to run turbine engines on, as long as there is any outside air to begin with, of course. Optimized for subsonic flight.
			#autoLOC_500198 = aero (air aircraft breathe fligh inlet jet oxygen plane subsonic suck
			#autoLOC_500199 = Protective Rocket Nose Cone Mk7
			#autoLOC_500200 = A large nose cone for covering up exposed areas of big rockets.
			#autoLOC_500201 = aero booster )cap drag fligh speed stab stream
			#autoLOC_500202 = Adjustable Ramp Intake
			#autoLOC_500203 = At supersonic speeds, -PATENT PENDING, CLASSIFIED INFO- inside the intake duct deflect the incoming air stream, causing -PATENT PENDING, CLASSIFIED INFO-, which creates a -PATENT PENDING, CLASSIFIED INFO-, thereby greatly increasing the efficiency of this unit at supersonic speeds. Patents Pending.
			#autoLOC_500204 = aero (air aircraft breathe cone fligh inlet jet oxygen plane suck supersonic
			#autoLOC_500205 = Big-S Delta Wing
			#autoLOC_500206 = The Big-S line of wings are C7's largest lifting surfaces to date. Not only are they Sturdy and heat resistant enough to survive reentry, but also have enough internal volume to carry optional fuel tanks.
			#autoLOC_500207 = aero aircraft foil fuel ?lf lift liquid plane shuttle swept wet
			#autoLOC_500208 = Big-S Elevon 1
			#autoLOC_500209 = The Big-S line of wings are C7's largest lifting surfaces to date. Not only are they Sturdy and heat resistant enough to survive reentry, but also have enough internal volume to carry optional fuel tanks.
			#autoLOC_500210 = aero aileron aircraft control (elev flap plane )rudder shuttle spoil stab
			#autoLOC_500211 = Big-S Elevon 2
			#autoLOC_500212 = The Big-S line of wings are C7's largest lifting surfaces to date. Not only are they Sturdy and heat resistant enough to survive reentry, but also have enough internal volume to carry optional fuel tanks.
			#autoLOC_500213 = aero aileron aircraft control (elev flap plane )rudder shuttle spoil stab
			#autoLOC_500214 = Big-S Spaceplane Tail Fin
			#autoLOC_500215 = Large heat resistant spaceplane fin.
			#autoLOC_500216 = aero aircraft control (elev plane )rudder shuttle stab
			#autoLOC_500217 = Big-S Wing Strake
			#autoLOC_500218 = The Big-S line of wings are C7's largest lifting surfaces to date. Not only are they Sturdy and heat resistant enough to survive reentry, but also have enough internal volume to carry optional fuel tanks.
			#autoLOC_500219 = aero aircraft foil fuel ?lf lift liquid plane shuttle swept wet
			#autoLOC_500220 = AV-R8 Winglet
			#autoLOC_500221 = The R8 Active Control Winglet series marked the debut of Kerlington Model Rockets in the Spacecraft engineering world. These winglets are equipped with movable pivots, which allow them to swivel and act as control surfaces. This feature was considered a huge advancement in control technology and most agree that it made Kerlington staff and R8 fans simply unbearable to be around.
			#autoLOC_500222 = aero aircraft canard control (elev fin (fore lift plane rocket )rudder stab swept tail
			#autoLOC_500223 = AV-T1 Winglet
			#autoLOC_500224 = Nothing is really known about this thing. Use it at your own risk.
			#autoLOC_500225 = aero aircraft fin lift plane rocket stab swept
			#autoLOC_500226 = Delta-Deluxe Winglet
			#autoLOC_500227 = The Delta-Deluxe Winglet is a large aerodynamic surface with a small built-in aileron. It is very lightweight and offers more lift than the AV-R8 but the small control surface area means it is not as quick to turn.
			#autoLOC_500228 = aero aircraft canard control (elev fin (fore lift plane rocket )rudder stab swept tail
			#autoLOC_500229 = Wing Connector Type A
			#autoLOC_500230 = A vaguely wing shaped board. Use at your own risk.
			#autoLOC_500231 = aero aircraft fligh foil lift plane
			#autoLOC_500232 = Wing Connector Type B
			#autoLOC_500233 = A vaguely wing shaped board. Use at your own risk.
			#autoLOC_500234 = aero aircraft fligh foil lift plane
			#autoLOC_500235 = Wing Connector Type C
			#autoLOC_500236 = A vaguely wing shaped board.
			#autoLOC_500237 = aero aircraft fligh foil lift plane
			#autoLOC_500238 = Wing Connector Type D
			#autoLOC_500239 = Found in a trash bin next to a wing factory.
			#autoLOC_500240 = aero aircraft fligh foil lift plane
			#autoLOC_500241 = Wing Connector Type E
			#autoLOC_500242 = Found in a trash bin next to a wing factory.
			#autoLOC_500243 = aero aircraft fligh foil lift plane
			#autoLOC_500244 = Delta Wing
			#autoLOC_500245 = Standard Delta configuration wings. These wings provide high lift and a stable center of gravity for your everyday lifting needs.
			#autoLOC_500246 = aero aircraft fligh foil lift plane swept
			#autoLOC_500247 = Small Delta Wing
			#autoLOC_500248 = This small delta wing has breezed through extensive stress tests and design revisions, mostly because it wasn't involved in any of those. In any case, it should work as a comparatively reliable lifting surface.
			#autoLOC_500249 = aero aircraft fligh foil lift plane swept
			#autoLOC_500250 = Elevon 1
			#autoLOC_500251 = Made from the finest materials at hand, these flight surfaces are guaranteed to operate while attached to the craft. However studies have shown that a lack of atmosphere *may* slightly impede function. No refunds.
			#autoLOC_500252 = aero aileron aircraft control (elev plane )rudder
			#autoLOC_500253 = Elevon 2
			#autoLOC_500254 = Made from the finest materials at hand, these flight surfaces are guaranteed to operate while attached to the craft. However studies have shown that a lack of atmosphere *may* slightly impede function. No refunds.
			#autoLOC_500255 = aero aileron aircraft control (elev plane )rudder
			#autoLOC_500256 = Elevon 3
			#autoLOC_500257 = Made from the finest materials at hand, these flight surfaces are guaranteed to operate while attached to the craft. However studies have shown that a lack of atmosphere *may* slightly impede function. No refunds.
			#autoLOC_500258 = aero aileron aircraft control (elev plane )rudder
			#autoLOC_500259 = Elevon 4
			#autoLOC_500260 = Feel the need to attach an elevator, rudder or aileron to just about any surface you can get your mitts on? Well this small elevon is for you. Made of mostly new factory parts, it will fit just about anywhere. Just don't expect a huge performance out of such a small part.
			#autoLOC_500261 = aero aileron aircraft control (elev plane )rudder
			#autoLOC_500262 = Elevon 5
			#autoLOC_500263 = Just another one of these elevon things... wait, this one is swept! Wow!
			#autoLOC_500264 = aero aileron aircraft control (elev plane )rudder
			#autoLOC_500265 = Wing Strake
			#autoLOC_500266 = Strakes are like sideburns for your plane. The girls will fall for you!
			#autoLOC_500267 = aero aircraft fligh foil lift plane swept
			#autoLOC_500268 = Structural Wing Type A
			#autoLOC_500269 = This wing has been constructed out of surplus wing components. Comes complete with "like new" finish. Intended uses include very large canards, and leading edges of larger delta wings.
			#autoLOC_500270 = aero aircraft fligh foil lift plane swept
			#autoLOC_500271 = Structural Wing Type B
			#autoLOC_500272 = This wing has been constructed out of surplus wing components. Comes complete with "like new" finish.
			#autoLOC_500273 = aero aircraft fligh foil lift plane swept
			#autoLOC_500274 = Structural Wing Type C
			#autoLOC_500275 = This wing has been constructed out of surplus wing components. Comes complete with "like new" finish.
			#autoLOC_500276 = aero aircraft fligh foil lift plane swept
			#autoLOC_500277 = Structural Wing Type D
			#autoLOC_500278 = This wing has been constructed out of surplus wing components. Comes complete with "like new" finish.
			#autoLOC_500279 = aero aircraft fligh foil lift plane swept
			#autoLOC_500280 = Swept Wing Type A
			#autoLOC_500281 = This wing has been constructed out of surplus wing components. Comes complete with "like new" finish.
			#autoLOC_500282 = aero aircraft fligh foil lift plane
			#autoLOC_500283 = Swept Wing Type B
			#autoLOC_500284 = This wing has been constructed from surplus wing components. Comes complete with "like new" finish.
			#autoLOC_500285 = aero aircraft fligh foil lift plane
			#autoLOC_500286 = Advanced Reaction Wheel Module, Large
			#autoLOC_500287 = After many years of research, STEADLER Corps rocket engineers discovered that large flywheels were necessary to keep large ships under control. The "Advanced Reaction Wheel Module, Large" addresses that issue by its use of patented Large Flywheels™ to provide "More Torque" (patent pending). STEADLER promptly dismissed all criticism concerning the necessity of so much research work, stating that 'it only sounds so simple now that we've figured it out'. Critics remain skeptical, but none can disagree that this module does indeed pack a lot more punch than previous models. It also needs a lot more power, but STEADLER is currently carrying out intense research work on why that is.
			#autoLOC_500288 = cmg command control fly gyro moment react stab steer torque
			#autoLOC_500289 = PPD-12 Cupola Module
			#autoLOC_500290 = The PPD-12 was developed to provide a high visibility control room for orbital stations, and a place for thoughtful Kerbals to contemplate the beauty of the cosmos.
			#autoLOC_500291 = base capsule cmg command control ?eva fly gyro ?iva moment outpost pilot pod react rocket space stab statio steer torque view
			#autoLOC_500292 = EAS-1 External Command Seat
			#autoLOC_500293 = The EAS-1 External Command Seat provides all the controls needed to fully operate a spacecraft, just like a command pod, but without such needless frivolities as "pressurized interiors", or "seat belts". It's bare-bones, pedal-to-the-metal efficiency at its finest.
			#autoLOC_500294 = chair control kerbal rover
			#autoLOC_500295 = PPD-10 Hitchhiker Storage Container
			#autoLOC_500296 = The HSC was an invention of necessity - how do we store 4 Kerbals on-orbit without any real provisions for return? Who needed this remains a mystery, as do his motivations.
			#autoLOC_500297 = base cabin (can outpost passenger statio tour tuna
			#autoLOC_500298 = Advanced Inline Stabilizer
			#autoLOC_500299 = The Advanced Inline Stabilizer module containing a larger, heavier array of reaction wheels. These spin very quickly to create torque without wasting propellant. These larger wheels are driven by proportionally larger electric motors, so keep an eye on your Electricity levels.
			#autoLOC_500300 = cmg command control fly gyro moment react stab steer torque
			#autoLOC_500301 = Small Inline Reaction Wheel
			#autoLOC_500302 = The inline reaction wheel system uses a series of spinning discs that are going "Very Fast", to generate the torque necessary to control a spacecraft without wasting any propellant. Please do not attempt to service this device while it is running.
			#autoLOC_500303 = cmg command control fly gyro moment react stab steer torque
			#autoLOC_500304 = Mk1-2 Command Pod
			#autoLOC_500305 = This modern cockpit is designed to be fully re-useable. Its spacious cabin can hold a maximum of 3 crew.
			#autoLOC_500306 = capsule cmg control ?eva fly gyro ?iva moment pilot react rocket space stab steer torque
			#autoLOC_500307 = Mk1 Cockpit
			#autoLOC_500308 = C7 Aerospace is proud to present our second generation cockpit. This unit is equipped to ensure survival in some of the worst conditions possible. The extra re-enforcement has slightly increased the weight.
			#autoLOC_500309 = aero aircraft cmg command control ?eva fly gyro ?iva moment pilot plane react space stab steer torque
			#autoLOC_500310 = Mk1 Crew Cabin
			#autoLOC_500311 = A cozy passenger cabin derived from a business jet and upgraded for use in spacecraft.
			#autoLOC_500312 = base contain outpost passenger statio (stor tour
			#autoLOC_500313 = Mk1 Inline Cockpit
			#autoLOC_500314 = A next generation inline cockpit. Designed for sleek high speed aircraft.
			#autoLOC_500315 = aero aircraft cmg command control ?eva fly gyro ?iva moment pilot plane react space stab steer torque
			#autoLOC_500316 = Mk1 Lander Can
			#autoLOC_500317 = This capsule was designed for lightweight non-atmospheric landers, and seats a single occupant. Features a novel full-body crumple-zone technology.
			#autoLOC_500318 = capsule cmg command control ?eva fly gyro ?iva moment pilot pod react rocket space stab steer torque
			#autoLOC_500319 = Mk1 Command Pod
			#autoLOC_500320 = Originally built as a placeholder for a demonstration mock-up of a rocket, the Mk1 Command Pod was heralded as a far safer and more reliable option than its predecessors by rocket scientists throughout the world. It is now commonly seen in active service.
			#autoLOC_500321 = capsule cmg control ?eva fly gyro ?iva moment pilot react rocket space stab steer torque
			#autoLOC_500322 = Mk2 Inline Cockpit
			#autoLOC_500323 = After 'accidentally' snapping the nose off of the Mk2 Cockpit, the engineers over at the C7 Aerospace Division realised that such a design looked quite functional. They quickly hammered out the following part and spruced it up for all your inline spaceplane cockpit needs!
			#autoLOC_500324 = aero aircraft cmg command control ?eva fly gyro ?iva moment pilot plane react space stab steer torque
			#autoLOC_500325 = Mk2 Cockpit
			#autoLOC_500326 = Fits not one, but two Kerbals! This spearhead-shaped new Mk2 design from the lovable folks over at the C7 Aerospace Division should help you pierce the great blue yonder known as the Sky.
			#autoLOC_500327 = aero aircraft cmg command control ?eva fly gyro ?iva moment pilot plane react space stab steer torque
			#autoLOC_500328 = MK2 Drone Core
			#autoLOC_500329 = After extensive research and testing to improve the safety factor of next-generation modules for their Mk2 series, engineers at C7 Aerospace got fed up with having to constantly find new recruits willing to test their prototypes, and decided to develop an autonomous AI capable of doing the same job, only with a lot less screaming over the comms link. This was met with divided opinions, some criticizing C7 as taking the "booooring" route, others praising them for the innovation, while yet others reacted by shutting themselves in bunkers in anticipation of the time when these units will gain sentience and turn on their creators. C7 has vehemently denied any involvement in all sentient-AI-related catastrophes so far.
			#autoLOC_500330 = aero aircraft cmg command control fly gyro kerbnet moment plane probe react sas satellite space stab steer torque
			#autoLOC_500331 = Mk2 Lander Can
			#autoLOC_500332 = This cozy capsule seats two, and is very lightweight. However, don't expect it to survive atmospheric entry or even a sneeze.
			#autoLOC_500333 = capsule cmg command control ?eva fly gyro ?iva moment pilot pod react rocket space stab steer torque
			#autoLOC_500334 = Mk3 Cockpit
			#autoLOC_500335 = A cockpit for those die hard explorers. Especially useful when transporting extra crew to a remote rock to save the day.
			#autoLOC_500336 = aero aircraft armageddon bruce cmg command control ?eva fly gyro ?iva moment pilot plane react shuttle space stab steer torque willis
			#autoLOC_500337 = Probodobodyne QBE
			#autoLOC_500338 = QBE is Probodobodyne's latest development in probe miniaturization. Despite its diminutive size, the QBE is a fully-functional and incredibly lightweight command unit. All this goodness comes at a price however: The QBE's tiny enclosure means there is no room for internal reaction wheels, and battery capacity is pitiful at best. Despite all this, or perhaps because of it, many engineers have found it to be ideally suited for those 'optional return' missions.
			#autoLOC_500339 = command control (core cube kerbnet probe sas satellite space steer
			#autoLOC_500340 = Probodobodyne HECS
			#autoLOC_500341 = The HECS core capabilities go far beyond its sleek, 6-sided futuristic casing. This probe core provides advanced guidance assistance technology, and comes fitted with internal reaction wheels and decently-sized batteries. Despite concerns that one day, autonomous spacecraft cores could become self-aware and turn against their creators, or even become very stubborn against opening pod bay doors, Probodobodyne insists that these unmanned AI-driven devices are the way of the future.
			#autoLOC_500342 = cmg command control (core fly gyro hex kerbnet moment probe react sas satellite space stab steer torque
			#autoLOC_500343 = Probodobodyne OKTO
			#autoLOC_500344 = The OKTO is the next step in unmanned control technology. This small unit can not only receive and relay control, it also provides automatic stabilization assistance, just as a live pilot would. Also, its 8-sided stylistic design features lots of flat surfaces for attaching equipment.
			#autoLOC_500345 = cmg command control (core fly gyro kerbnet moment octo probe react sas satellite space stab steer torque
			#autoLOC_500346 = Probodobodyne OKTO2
			#autoLOC_500347 = The OKTO2 is far more than a flatter variant of the original OKTO. This new iteration of the ubiquitous 8-sided probe core features a much more advanced guidance system. This new model however, does not feature built-in reaction wheels and does requires more power to run, even on standby. Its internal battery supply is also very limited, being intended mainly to keep the Standby LEDs lit.
			#autoLOC_500348 = command control (core kerbnet octo probe sas satellite space steer
			#autoLOC_500349 = Probodobodyne RoveMate
			#autoLOC_500350 = A sturdy housing for a robust probe and battery system - no assembly required! Though intended as the body for surface rovers, we've been told by our most day-dreaming of engineers that the possibilities are endless! While it has a Stability Assistance System, the RoveMate lacks reaction wheels so bring some along if you want to hold that attitude.
			#autoLOC_500351 = command control (core kerbnet probe rover sas space steer
			#autoLOC_500352 = RC-L01 Remote Guidance Unit
			#autoLOC_500353 = A larger version of the popular RGU system, developed in partnership with the Rockomax conglomerate.
			#autoLOC_500354 = cmg command control (core fly gyro kerbnet moment probe react sas satellite space stab steer torque
			#autoLOC_500355 = RC-001S Remote Guidance Unit
			#autoLOC_500356 = The STEADLER RGU core is one of the most complete command units available to date, featuring all the latest guidance systems, plus its own internal set of Reaction Wheels. STEADLER claims this is the closest one can get to a fully self-contained spacecraft. (Some assembly required. Spacecraft sold separately)
			#autoLOC_500357 = cmg command control (core fly gyro kerbnet moment probe react sas satellite space stab steer torque
			#autoLOC_500358 = Probodobodyne Stayputnik
			#autoLOC_500359 = The Stayputnik offers the ultimate solution in crew safety. A lightweight sphere equipped with remote receivers and relay control input from the ground to the craft, it carries no crew at all, thus keeping them perfectly safe from all harm. This device does require electricity to operate however, and will cease to function if the power runs out. The built-in batteries should keep it going for about 10 minutes.
			#autoLOC_500360 = command control (core kerbnet probe satellite space steer
			#autoLOC_500361 = FTX-2 External Fuel Duct
			#autoLOC_500362 = New breakthroughs at FLOOYD Dynamics have made the FTX Fuel Duct a reality. Altough criticized by some as being no more than 'a sewage pipe painted yellow', most agree that the yellow is a relatively nice color, and that fuel lines are indeed able to pump fuel from side-mounted fuel tanks. After the recall of the FTX-1 series, All FTX-2 lines have arrows painted on to indicate the fuel flow direction, so engineers can tell which way around they are supposed to go.
			#autoLOC_500363 = asparagus channel hose (lf line ox oxidizer pipe propellant pump tube
			#autoLOC_500364 = EAS-4 Strut Connector
			#autoLOC_500365 = The Strut Connector is highly regarded by many spacecraft engineers as they help in constructing more stable spacecraft. Once both sides are connected, a structural beam is created to link both ends, allowing for sturdier (and heavier) construction.
			#autoLOC_500366 = bind connect join line moar (more pin rigid shake strength strong stru support tie wobble
			#autoLOC_500367 = SP-L 1x6 Photovoltaic Panels
			#autoLOC_500368 = The alternate configuration of the SP Model Photovoltaic Panels.  Includes passive radiators on the reverse side for better heat dissipation.
			#autoLOC_500369 = array charge deploy e/c elect energ extend fold generat (light photo power retract solar sun track unfold volt watt
			#autoLOC_500370 = OX-4L 1x6 Photovoltaic Panels
			#autoLOC_500371 = The OX-4 is similar in design to the SP series solar panels, but without the heavy casing.  Includes passive radiators on the reverse side for better heat dissipation. WARNING: Not retractable once deployed!
			#autoLOC_500372 = array charge deploy e/c elect energ extend generat (light photo power solar sun track unfold volt watt
			#autoLOC_500373 = SP-W 3x2 Photovoltaic Panels
			#autoLOC_500374 = Probodobodyne branded Photovoltaic Panels are the world standard for power generation, from your own home to the stars. The SP model comes with a protective shroud, allowing recovery when it's no longer needed.  Includes passive radiators on the reverse side for better heat dissipation.
			#autoLOC_500375 = array charge deploy e/c elect energ extend fold generat (light photo power retract solar sun track unfold volt watt
			#autoLOC_500376 = OX-4W 3x2 Photovoltaic Panels
			#autoLOC_500377 = The OX-4 is similar in design to the SP series solar panels, but without the heavy casing. WARNING: Not retractable once deployed!
			#autoLOC_500378 = array charge deploy e/c elect energ extend generat (light photo power solar sun track unfold volt watt
			#autoLOC_500379 = Gigantor XL Solar Array
			#autoLOC_500380 = The single largest solar array available for purchase, the Gigantor XL offers tremendous generation potential from a compact initial package.  Includes passive radiators on the reverse side for better heat dissipation.
			#autoLOC_500381 = charge deploy e/c elect energ extend fold generat (light panel photo power retract sun track unfold volt watt
			#autoLOC_500382 = OX-STAT Photovoltaic Panels
			#autoLOC_500383 = The OX-STAT solar panel is a simple panel with no sun-tracking or deployment mechanics. As a result, it is very light and cheap.
			#autoLOC_500384 = array charge e/c elect energ fixed flat generat (light photo power solar static sun volt watt
			#autoLOC_500385 = PB-NUK Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator
			#autoLOC_500386 = Through exploitation of the natural decay of Blutonium-238, this elegantly simple power generator can provide consistent, stable power for decades. Not to be used for providing heating during emergency rover excursions.
			#autoLOC_500387 = active atom charge e/c elect energ generat isotope nuclear nuke power radio rtg thermo volt watt
			#autoLOC_500388 = Z-100 Rechargeable Battery Pack
			#autoLOC_500389 = The Z-100 battery pack is the standard model for electrical applications. Holds two (2) AAAA batteries and holds a maximum 100 units of charge.
			#autoLOC_500390 = bank capacitor cell charge e/c elect pack power volt watt
			#autoLOC_500391 = Z-1k Rechargeable Battery Bank
			#autoLOC_500392 = The Z-1k is a stackable battery bank, with ten times the power capacity of the Z-100.
			#autoLOC_500393 = capacitor cell charge e/c elect pack power volt watt
			#autoLOC_500394 = Z-200 Rechargeable Battery Bank
			#autoLOC_500395 = The Z-200 is a stackable variant of the Z-100 battery pack, with increased capacity. In emergency situations, please refrain from "reversing the polarity".
			#autoLOC_500396 = bank capacitor cell charge e/c elect pack power volt watt
			#autoLOC_500397 = Z-400 Rechargeable Battery
			#autoLOC_500398 = The Z-400 battery pack is a versatile, compact electrical charge storage solution designed for heavier loads than AAAA batteries can handle. Holds one E-size battery with a maximum of 400 units of charge.
			#autoLOC_500399 = bank capacitor cell charge e/c elect pack power volt watt
			#autoLOC_500400 = Z-4K Rechargeable Battery Bank
			#autoLOC_500401 = New advances in surge control technology made The Z-4K, the largest battery pack ever put into production a reality. While Zaltonic admits intense electrical discharges can be really cool, shorting the Z-4K's contacts should probably be avoided.
			#autoLOC_500402 = capacitor cell charge e/c elect pack power volt watt
			#autoLOC_500403 = IX-6315 "Dawn" Electric Propulsion System
			#autoLOC_500404 = By emitting ionized xenon gas through a small thruster port, Dawn can produce incredibly efficient propulsion, but with a downside of very low thrust and high energy usage. According to ISP Electronics sales reps, the rumours of this engine being powered by "dark magic" are largely exaggerated.
			#autoLOC_500405 = (dawn deep drive efficient engine (ion probe thruster vacuum xenon
			#autoLOC_500406 = J-404 "Panther" Afterburning Turbofan
			#autoLOC_500407 = A high performance jet engine with a variable geometry thrust vectoring nozzle and an afterburner for extra thrust.
			#autoLOC_500408 = after aircraft burner engine fighter jet (panther plane propuls
			#autoLOC_500409 = J-33 "Wheesley" Turbofan Engine
			#autoLOC_500410 = A high bypass turbofan engine. This engine works best at low cruising speeds and altitudes.
			#autoLOC_500411 = aircraft jet plane propuls reverse (wheesley
			#autoLOC_500412 = J-90 "Goliath" Turbofan Engine
			#autoLOC_500413 = The largest and highest thrust jet engine ever built. This engine works best at low cruising speeds and altitudes.
			#autoLOC_500414 = aircraft (goliath jet plane propuls reverse
			#autoLOC_500415 = J-X4 "Whiplash" Turbo Ramjet Engine
			#autoLOC_500416 = A highly advanced turbine engine using space-grade materials for very high performance. This new model features the latest in thrust vectoring and compression technology and is designed to operate best at higher altitudes and speeds. The advanced turbo ramjet design bleeds air around the compressor at high speed allowing a far maximum speed than regular jet engines, so engineers from C7 Aerospace assured us all those leaks are intentional.
			#autoLOC_500417 = aircraft jet plane propuls (whiplash
			#autoLOC_500418 = 24-77 "Twitch" Liquid Fuel Engine
			#autoLOC_500419 = Tiny engine! But very useful, good for craft where larger radial engines won't fit, or when you want more control in combination with large lifter engines.
			#autoLOC_500420 = orange propuls rocket thruster (twitch vernier
			#autoLOC_500421 = 48-7S "Spark" Liquid Fuel Engine
			#autoLOC_500422 = The 48-7S may be small, but it packs quite a punch for its size. This little engine is a testament to how larger does not always mean more advanced, at least according to Rockomax's marketing department. The box it comes in is pretty cool, in any case.
			#autoLOC_500423 = lander propuls rocket (spark
			#autoLOC_500424 = T-1 Toroidal Aerospike "Dart" Liquid Fuel Engine
			#autoLOC_500425 = The Toroidal Aerospike is a huge breakthrough from C7 Aerospace. While heavier than previous models, with its heavy-duty exhaust nozzle, the Aerospike makes up for it with an efficient burning of fuel at all altitudes.
			#autoLOC_500426 = (dart orbit propuls rocket sustain
			#autoLOC_500427 = LV-1 "Ant" Liquid Fuel Engine
			#autoLOC_500428 = What is this, an engine for ants?
			#autoLOC_500429 = (ant probe propuls rocket vacuum
			#autoLOC_500430 = LV-1R "Spider" Liquid Fuel Engine
			#autoLOC_500431 = Adapted to appease engineers who were outraged at the lack of control rocket engines usually provide, the radial mounted LV-1R offers an appealing solution: "Just add more".  Point away from face.
			#autoLOC_500432 = probe propuls rocket (spider thruster vernier
			#autoLOC_500433 = LV-909 "Terrier" Liquid Fuel Engine
			#autoLOC_500434 = The 909 model was initially received with some skepticism by spacecraft engineers, as it defied the long-standing convention that "More Power!" is always better. Despite this, the 909 series has found its place in the spacecraft construction world, being particularly useful as a final stage and landing engine.
			#autoLOC_500435 = lander orbit propuls rocket (terrier vacuum
			#autoLOC_500436 = LV-N "Nerv" Atomic Rocket Motor
			#autoLOC_500437 = Despite the big scary trefoil painted onto the side of this engine, its radioactive exhaust, and tendency to overheat, the LV-N Atomic Rocket Motor is harmless. Mostly. Note that the LV-N is the only LV series engine to run solely on Liquid Fuel - the future is glowing bright!
			#autoLOC_500438 = active atom efficient engine inter liquid (nerv nuclear nuke orbit propuls radio reactor vacuum
			#autoLOC_500439 = LV-T30 "Reliant" Liquid Fuel Engine
			#autoLOC_500440 = Although criticized by some due to their not insignificant use of so-called "pieces found lying about", the LV-T series engines have proven themselves as comparatively reliable. The T30 model boasts a failure and rattly bits ratio below the 50% mark, this has been considered a major improvement over previous models by engineers and LV-T enthusiasts.
			#autoLOC_500441 = ascent main propuls (reliant rocket
			#autoLOC_500442 = LV-T45 "Swivel" Liquid Fuel Engine
			#autoLOC_500443 = The LV-T45 engine was considered a breakthrough in the LV-T series due to its Thrust Vectoring feature. The LV-T45 can deflect its thrust to aid in craft control. All these added mechanics however, make for a slightly smaller and heavier engine in comparison with other LV-T models.
			#autoLOC_500444 = launch propuls rocket sustain (swivel
			#autoLOC_500445 = RE-M3 "Mainsail" Liquid Fuel Engine
			#autoLOC_500446 = A monster of an engine for heavy lifting purposes, the Mainsail's power rivals that of entire small nations.
			#autoLOC_500447 = ascent launch main (mainsail propuls rocket (sail
			#autoLOC_500448 = Mk-55 "Thud" Liquid Fuel Engine
			#autoLOC_500449 = After an intensive search for an engineer crazy enough to plan and build a revolutionary new engine type, researchers turned to renowned engineer Eumon Kerman, one of the top minds in the industry. He failed miserably at the job, and this is what we ended up with. Hey, at least it works well with other large (Rockomax) engines when you want more control. Sorry, no combo deals.
			#autoLOC_500450 = maneuver manoeuvre orbital propuls rocket (thud thruster vernier
			#autoLOC_500451 = RE-L10 "Poodle" Liquid Fuel Engine
			#autoLOC_500452 = A more reasonable engine for rough economic times, the Poodle engine doubles as a BBQ when at low power.
			#autoLOC_500453 = lander orbit (poodle propuls rocket
			#autoLOC_500454 = RE-I5 "Skipper" Liquid Fuel Engine
			#autoLOC_500455 = The smaller sibling of the Mainsail, the Skipper's power rivals that of... large cities. Combining high thrust with reasonable efficiency, this engine excels when used as a mid-stage booster.
			#autoLOC_500456 = propuls rocket (skipper sustain
			#autoLOC_500457 = S3 KS-25 "Vector" Liquid Fuel Engine
			#autoLOC_500458 = Kerbodyne's flagship engine, the KS-25 excels as a first stage engine through its high thrust-to-weight ratio and exceptional sea level efficiency. Kerbodyne engineers achieved this by running the engine in a staged combustion cycle and at extremely high chamber pressures. Special new alloys had to be invented to suppress the engine's tendency to become a bomb. The single version is designed with very durable components and high reusability, as well as higher gimbal range, but because of that is also heavier than its expendable counterpart used in first stage clusters.
			#autoLOC_500459 = ascent main propuls rocket shuttle ssme (vector
			#autoLOC_500460 = S1 SRB-KD25k "Kickback" Solid Fuel Booster
			#autoLOC_500461 = This super heavy booster is designed to be recovered after jettisoning. Once recovered, it is refurbished and refueled for another launch.
			#autoLOC_500462 = (back (kick (kickback moar (more motor rocket srb
			#autoLOC_500463 = J-20 "Juno" Basic Jet Engine
			#autoLOC_500464 = A small turbojet. Not very efficient, anemic thrust, but hey--it's cheap! And it's so cute...look at the little thing!
			#autoLOC_500465 = aircraft (juno plane propuls turb
			#autoLOC_500466 = O-10 "Puff" MonoPropellant Fuel Engine
			#autoLOC_500467 = When The O-10 Engine was first unveiled, it was regarded as one of those ideas that someone should have thought of a long time ago. This made most employees at Reaction Systems Ltd feel quite awkward, as they were particularly proud of having delivered this project on schedule for once. This Engine responds to main throttle controls, but it consumes MonoPropellant instead of a Fuel+Oxidizer mix.
			#autoLOC_500468 = maneuver manoeuvre orbital probe propuls (puff thruster
			#autoLOC_500469 = CR-7 R.A.P.I.E.R. Engine
			#autoLOC_500470 = The R.A.P.I.E.R. (Reactive Alternate-Propellant Intelligent Engine for Rockets) is a joint venture between C7 Aerospace and the Rockomax Conglomerate. Designed to fill a gap in the design requirements for sustainable single stage to orbit aircraft, this engine combines the best of rocket and air-breathing thrust technology.
			#autoLOC_500471 = aircraft ascent closed cycle dual fuel hybrid jet liquid main mode plane propuls rapier rocket ssto
			#autoLOC_500472 = LFB KR-1x2 "Twin-Boar" Liquid Fuel Engine
			#autoLOC_500473 = This liquid fuel booster system is a very purposeful piece of engineering. Instead of relying on single engines or solid rocket boosters, the KR-1x2 employs two modified KR-1 engine, fed by a built-in fuel system, as the source of its immense lifting power. All that self-contained goodness comes at the cost of not having a mounting point for its underside, and not being quite as efficient as dedicated engines. It also comes at quite a literal cost as well.
			#autoLOC_500474 = ascent (boar booster main propuls rocket (twin
			#autoLOC_500475 = Kerbodyne KR-2L+ "Rhino" Liquid Fuel Engine
			#autoLOC_500476 = This engine is Kerbodyne's first attempt at a highly advanced engine. The engineers couldn't get it to produce full efficiency at sea level without the engine exploding, so it was repurposed as an upper stage engine. The experience gained here with high efficiency has been repurposed for later models, which feature multiple combustion chambers at higher pressure (that don't go boom). This engine is optimized for lighting mid-flight, although it still provides respectable power at sea level.
			#autoLOC_500477 = ascent main propuls (rhino rocket sustain vacuum
			#autoLOC_500478 = S3 KS-25x4 "Mammoth" Liquid Fuel Engine
			#autoLOC_500479 = Kerbodyne engineers got fed up with having to contend with overly complicated staging arrays for lifting heavy payloads, and decided instead to just build a truly enormous engine of the highest efficiency. Strapping together four of Kerbodyne's KS-25 rocket motors in a single assembly, they created the largest rocket engine in production anywhere, and each KS-25 has the highest chamber pressure--the reason for four small nozzles and combustion chambers, not one big one (those kept going boom). It's certainly got the power to match its size, and although it excels in its main role as a first-stage engine, the lack of structural hardpoints on its underside makes it quite less suitable for other purposes. Its price tag also seems to match its size, in fact.
			#autoLOC_500480 = ascent launch main (mammoth propuls rocket
			#autoLOC_500481 = BACC "Thumper" Solid Fuel Booster
			#autoLOC_500482 = Filled with a new, even more volatile fuel, the BACC offers semi-reliable performance at a good price.
			#autoLOC_500483 = moar (more motor rocket srb (thumper
			#autoLOC_500484 = RT-10 "Hammer" Solid Fuel Booster
			#autoLOC_500485 = Packing a powerful punch for its size, The RT-10 is widely used in many space programs, whenever the need to save cash is greater than the need to keep astronauts alive.
			#autoLOC_500486 = (hammer moar (more motor rocket srb
			#autoLOC_500487 = RT-5 "Flea" Solid Fuel Booster
			#autoLOC_500488 = While considered by some to be little more than "a trash bin full o' boom", The RT-5 can be seen in use at many space programs, perhaps possibly because it is the only option for many space programs, but nevertheless, this small booster provides a nice kick to lift small payloads to considerable heights. Use with caution, though. Once lit, solid fuel motors cannot be put out until the fuel runs out.
			#autoLOC_500489 = (flea moar (more motor rocket srb
			#autoLOC_500490 = Sepratron I
			#autoLOC_500491 = A small canister filled with what appears to be solid rocket fuel. Although not much of a step forward in terms of raw power, Kerbal Scientists have slowly warmed up to the Sepratron I's many uses, such as pushing things away. For best results, angle before use.
			#autoLOC_500492 = abort booster emergency explo malfunc moar (more motor rocket ?rud safe separat solid srb surviv thruster ullage
			#autoLOC_500493 = Vernor Engine
			#autoLOC_500494 = The VR-N1ER Veer-Governor, or "Vernor" Engine is an attitude control thruster. These motors are linked to RCS controls, but are powered by a Fuel+Oxidizer mix, making them significantly more powerful than MonoPropellant-powered RCS thrusters. They are fairly more bulky in comparison though, and feature only one nozzle facing outwards, although most agree that is an acceptable trade-off for the additional punch they pack.
			#autoLOC_500495 = dock liquid manoeuvre maneuver propuls rocket control react rendezvous rotate stab steer thruster translate rcs vernier
			#autoLOC_500496 = Mk3 to Mk2 Adapter
			#autoLOC_500497 = Our engineers insisted on a way to reuse Mk2 parts on the new Fuselage system. Manufacturing a streamlined adapter despite the considerable difference of the two cross sections required quite a radical design. It is often used as a slide on Take Your Kids to Work Day.
			#autoLOC_500498 = fuel fueltank ?lfo liquid oxidizer propellant rocket tank
			#autoLOC_500499 = Mk3 Engine Mount
			#autoLOC_500500 = A structural mounting plate for rocket engines.
			#autoLOC_500501 = plate shuttle structur tail
			#autoLOC_500502 = Mk3 to 2.5m Adapter
			#autoLOC_500503 = Perfectly pointy, carefully curved and devastatingly destructive, this Mk3 to 2.5m adapter can satisfy your wildest of dreams. Or it'll let you bridge the gaps between parts on your craft while giving you a bit of fuel... Your choice.
			#autoLOC_500504 = fuel fueltank ?lfo liquid oxidizer propellant rocket tank
			#autoLOC_500505 = Mk3 to 2.5m Adapter Slanted
			#autoLOC_500506 = Makes your craft hang in the air like bricks don't!
			#autoLOC_500507 = fuel fueltank ?lfo liquid oxidizer propellant rocket tank
			#autoLOC_500508 = 2.5m to Mk2 Adapter
			#autoLOC_500509 = When you can't decide between a rocket and a spaceplane, why not both?
			#autoLOC_500510 = fuel fueltank ?lfo liquid oxidizer propellant rocket tank
			#autoLOC_500511 = C7 Brand Adapter - 2.5m to 1.25m
			#autoLOC_500512 = While the popular Rockomax Adapter has served its purpose fairly well over the years, C7 engineers thought they could do better. Improvements of this in-house product include an integrated fuel tank and a longer structural frame.
			#autoLOC_500513 = fuel fueltank ?lfo liquid oxidizer propellant rocket tank
			#autoLOC_500514 = C7 Brand Adapter Slanted - 2.5m to 1.25m
			#autoLOC_500515 = While the popular Rockomax Adapter has served its purpose fairly well over the years, C7 engineers thought they could do better. Improvements of this in-house product include an integrated fuel tank and a longer structural frame.
			#autoLOC_500516 = fuel fueltank ?lfo liquid oxidizer propellant rocket tank
			#autoLOC_500517 = Mk3 to 3.75m Adapter
			#autoLOC_500518 = An adapter for when your craft turns from a massive rocket into a gargantuan plane!
			#autoLOC_500519 = fuel fueltank ?lfo liquid oxidizer propellant rocket tank
			#autoLOC_500520 = Rockomax Jumbo-64 Fuel Tank
			#autoLOC_500521 = The largest tank available from Rockomax, the Jumbo-64 holds a vast amount of fuel in a friendly orange insulated container. Contrary to popular belief, the Jumbo-64 is NOT orange flavored and should NOT be tasted.
			#autoLOC_500522 = fueltank ?lfo liquid orange oxidizer propellant rocket
			#autoLOC_500523 = Oscar-B Fuel Tank
			#autoLOC_500524 = The Oscar-B Fuel Tank from Probodobodyne is a compact fuel container for small space probes, or a backup tank for other small spacecraft. Do not wash in cold water, or feed after midnight.
			#autoLOC_500525 = fueltank ?lfo liquid oxidizer propellant rocket
			#autoLOC_500526 = FL-T100 Fuel Tank
			#autoLOC_500527 = The T100 is a miniature fuel tank made to be even more adorable than its bigger brother, the T200. Handle stoically and with care.
			#autoLOC_500528 = fueltank ?lfo liquid oxidizer propellant rocket
			#autoLOC_500529 = FL-T200 Fuel Tank
			#autoLOC_500530 = The T200 tank had some difficulty being accepted in the spacecraft engineering world, because most rocket builders had trouble overcoming their urges to squee at the "cute little fuel tank". This initial reaction was only put aside when the amount of fiery explosions in assembly areas became so high, strict guidelines were put in place to prohibit "teasing the fuel containers". The T200 Tank now is widely used in several space programs and does a remarkably good job, if assembled politely.
			#autoLOC_500531 = fueltank ?lfo liquid oxidizer propellant rocket
			#autoLOC_500532 = FL-T400 Fuel Tank
			#autoLOC_500533 = The FL series was received as a substantial upgrade over previous fuel containers used in the Space Program, generally due to its ability to keep the fuel unexploded more often than not. Fuel tanks are useless if there isn't a Liquid Engine attached under it. They can also be stacked with other fuel tanks to increase the amount of fuel for the engine below.
			#autoLOC_500534 = fueltank ?lfo liquid oxidizer propellant rocket
			#autoLOC_500535 = FL-T800 Fuel Tank
			#autoLOC_500536 = A stretched variant of the FL-T400, the FL-T800 holds twice the fuel in a slightly stronger container. The black stripes along the side make the rocket go faster, our engineers tell us.
			#autoLOC_500537 = fueltank ?lfo liquid oxidizer propellant rocket
			#autoLOC_500538 = ROUND-8 Toroidal Fuel Tank
			#autoLOC_500539 = An unconventionally shaped (but undoubtedly handy) fuel tank.
			#autoLOC_500540 = donut doughnut fueltank gold ?lfo lifebuoy liquid oxidizer propellant (ring rocket yellow
			#autoLOC_500541 = Rockomax X200-16 Fuel Tank
			#autoLOC_500542 = After many, many studies, Rockomax engineers found that the space program does indeed have a use for a tank half the size of the X200-32. No refunds.
			#autoLOC_500543 = fueltank ?lfo liquid oxidizer propellant rocket
			#autoLOC_500544 = Rockomax X200-32 Fuel Tank
			#autoLOC_500545 = Developed after one J. Kerman complained that the fuel tanks available were 'way too small', the X200-32 holds a generous amount of fuel, for all your... fueling needs or something like that. Shut up, Rockomax hires rocket scientists, not writers.
			#autoLOC_500546 = fueltank ?lfo liquid oxidizer propellant rocket
			#autoLOC_500547 = Rockomax X200-8 Fuel Tank
			#autoLOC_500548 = A compact fuel tank, designed for small upper stages and landers. Rockomax takes no responsibility for the Dawton Kerman Aboveground Pool Company stickers on the inside because it totally is not a swimming pool frame we stole from their back lot.
			#autoLOC_500549 = fueltank ?lfo liquid oxidizer propellant rocket
			#autoLOC_500550 = Mk0 Liquid Fuel Fuselage
			#autoLOC_500551 = A small container for jet fuel.
			#autoLOC_500552 = fueltank jet ?lf only propellant tank
			#autoLOC_500553 = Mk2 Bicoupler
			#autoLOC_500554 = One engine is not enough? We got you covered!
			#autoLOC_500555 = dual fuel fueltank ?lfo liquid multi oxidizer pair propellant rocket split tank twin
			#autoLOC_500556 = Mk2 to 1.25m Adapter Long
			#autoLOC_500557 = A generic Mk1 to Mk2 adapter that was left to dry a bit too long and stretched out.
			#autoLOC_500558 = fuel fueltank ?lfo liquid oxidizer propellant rocket tank
			#autoLOC_500559 = Mk2 to 1.25m Adapter
			#autoLOC_500560 = Generic Mk2 to Mk1 adapter.
			#autoLOC_500561 = fuel fueltank ?lfo liquid oxidizer propellant rocket tank
			#autoLOC_500562 = Mk2 Rocket Fuel Fuselage
			#autoLOC_500563 = This airframe fuselage features the latest in lifting technology. Not only does it stay together during flight, its sleek design makes your plane just that much speedier! Now comes with at least 100% more Oxidiser.
			#autoLOC_500564 = fueltank ?lfo liquid oxidizer propellant tank
			#autoLOC_500565 = Mk2 Liquid Fuel Fuselage
			#autoLOC_500566 = This airframe fuselage features the latest in lifting technology. Not only does it stay together during flight, its sleek design makes your plane just that much speedier! Only carries Liquid Fuel.
			#autoLOC_500567 = aircraft airplane fueltank jet ?lf only plane propellant tank
			#autoLOC_500568 = Mk2 Rocket Fuel Fuselage Short
			#autoLOC_500569 = This airframe fuselage features the latest in lifting technology. Not only does it stay together during flight, its sleek design makes your plane just that much speedier! Now comes with at least 100% more Oxidiser.
			#autoLOC_500570 = fueltank ?lfo liquid oxidizer propellant tank
			#autoLOC_500571 = Mk2 Liquid Fuel Fuselage Short
			#autoLOC_500572 = This airframe fuselage features the latest in lifting technology. Not only does it stay together during flight, its sleek design makes your plane just that much speedier! Only carries Liquid Fuel.
			#autoLOC_500573 = aircraft airplane fueltank jet ?lf only plane propellant tank
			#autoLOC_500574 = Mk2 Monopropellant Tank
			#autoLOC_500575 = This airframe fuselage features the latest in lifting technology. Not only does it stay together during flight, its sleek design makes your plane just that much speedier! Bursting to the brim with Monopropellant for all your attitude control needs!
			#autoLOC_500576 = fuel fueltank mono propellant rcs
			#autoLOC_500577 = Mk3 Passenger Module
			#autoLOC_500578 = At a capacity of 16 Kerbals, the Mk3 Passenger module is known in the Astronaut Complex breakrooms as the "Super Economy" class for spacetravel and allows only carry-on baggage. Any checked or emotional baggage may require one of the Mk3 Cargo Bays.
			#autoLOC_500579 = aircraft airliner cabin contain plane (stor tour
			#autoLOC_500580 = Mk3 Rocket Fuel Fuselage Long
			#autoLOC_500581 = Filled to the brim with Rocket Fuel, C7 Aerospace's supplier Ekson-Kobil have assured us that this tank is absolutely airtight.
			#autoLOC_500582 = fueltank ?lfo liquid oxidizer propellant tank
			#autoLOC_500583 = Mk3 Rocket Fuel Fuselage Short
			#autoLOC_500584 = A compact fuel tank for when the rest of your craft is taken up by cargo bays!
			#autoLOC_500585 = fueltank ?lfo liquid oxidizer propellant tank
			#autoLOC_500586 = Mk3 Rocket Fuel Fuselage
			#autoLOC_500587 = For that rare moment when your fuel needs are less than ludicrous.
			#autoLOC_500588 = fueltank ?lfo liquid oxidizer propellant tank
			#autoLOC_500589 = Mk3 Liquid Fuel Fuselage Long
			#autoLOC_500590 = C7 Aerospace Division had issues piping the fuel from the refinery, so they brought the refinery tanks to us! It sounded like they muttered "Good luck.." as they dropped off these parts.
			#autoLOC_500591 = aircraft airlin airplane fueltank jet ?lf only plane propellant tank
			#autoLOC_500592 = Mk3 Liquid Fuel Fuselage Short
			#autoLOC_500593 = For the economically minded aerospace designer, who is building a massive plane...
			#autoLOC_500594 = aircraft airlin airplane fueltank jet ?lf only plane propellant tank
			#autoLOC_500595 = Mk3 Liquid Fuel Fuselage
			#autoLOC_500596 = For when your fuel needs are only 1/4 as enormous.
			#autoLOC_500597 = aircraft airlin airplane fueltank jet ?lf only plane propellant tank
			#autoLOC_500598 = Mk3 Monopropellant Tank
			#autoLOC_500599 = The reaction to when the reaction control system doesn't have enough control in the system; more monopropellant!
			#autoLOC_500600 = fuel fueltank mono propellant rcs
			#autoLOC_500601 = FL-R750 RCS Fuel Tank
			#autoLOC_500602 = A larger-scale version of the standard RCS fuel tank.
			#autoLOC_500603 = fuel propellant fueltank tank mono regular standard average medium cross feed 1.875
			#autoLOC_500604 = FL-R20 RCS Fuel Tank
			#autoLOC_500605 = The FL-R20 is a miniature RCS tank for small probes and low volume monopropellant storage.
			#autoLOC_500606 = fueltank mono monopropellant propellant
			#autoLOC_500607 = FL-R120 RCS Fuel Tank
			#autoLOC_500608 = These fuel tanks store monopropellant for RCS thrusters. New advances in plumbing technology made it possible to route RCS lines to any point in the ship. So unlike liquid fuel tanks, RCS Fuel tanks can be placed anywhere.
			#autoLOC_500609 = fueltank mono monopropellant propellant
			#autoLOC_500610 = Stratus-V Roundified Monopropellant Tank
			#autoLOC_500611 = Despite its fanciful name, the Stratus-V is quite simple - a small, radially attachable RCS tank.
			#autoLOC_500612 = fuel fueltank mono propellant rcs
			#autoLOC_500613 = Stratus-V Cylindrified Monopropellant Tank
			#autoLOC_500614 = After years of research and development, the Stratus corporation has developed a revolutionary upgrade to their Stratus-V fuel tank line. Cylinders. This tank holds a moderate supply of monopropellant for RCS thrusters.
			#autoLOC_500615 = fuel fueltank rcs
			#autoLOC_500616 = Kerbodyne S3-14400 Tank
			#autoLOC_500617 = When nobody believed in (or even asked for) an even larger fuel tank than the already enormous S3-7200, Kerbodyne stepped up with the sanity-defying S3-14400 model. Carrying fully twice as much fuel as before, this fuel tank may just pack enough propellant to justify its proportionately enormous cost.
			#autoLOC_500618 = fuel fueltank ?lfo propellant rocket
			#autoLOC_500619 = Kerbodyne S3-7200 Tank
			#autoLOC_500620 = Kerbodyne's signature heavy fuel tank. Designed to be used with their advanced rocket engines.
			#autoLOC_500621 = fuel fueltank ?lfo propellant rocket
			#autoLOC_500622 = Kerbodyne S3-3600 Tank
			#autoLOC_500623 = A half-capacity version of Kerbodyne's iconic fuel tank, for not quite exactly half the cost.
			#autoLOC_500624 = fuel fueltank ?lfo propellant rocket
			#autoLOC_500625 = PB-X150 Xenon Container
			#autoLOC_500626 = Although most of the Probodobodyne staff couldn't pronounce "Xenon", when told how to say it correctly, they all agreed it sounded super-cool - and everything possible should be done so it could be used as a fuel, no matter the cost.
			#autoLOC_500627 = fueltank (ion propellant tank
			#autoLOC_500628 = PB-X750 Xenon Container
			#autoLOC_500629 = Although most of the Probodobodyne staff couldn't pronounce "Xenon", when told how to say it correctly, they all agreed it sounded super-cool - and everything possible should be done so it could be used as a fuel, no matter the cost.
			#autoLOC_500630 = fueltank (ion propellant tank
			#autoLOC_500631 = PB-X50R Xenon Container
			#autoLOC_500632 = The X50R is a small-volume Xenon container, heralded by engineers for being ideally suited for small ion-driven spacecraft, and also for having thoroughly disproved management in their notion that a smaller fuel tank would make the fuel cheaper.
			#autoLOC_500633 = fueltank (ion propellant tank
			#autoLOC_500634 = Probodobodyne HECS2
			#autoLOC_500635 = A larger probe core based on the popular HECS design. With integrated battery banks, specialized flight controls, and a built-in reaction wheel, the HECS2 is a suitable probe core for more advanced satellites.
			#autoLOC_500636 = asteroid cmg command control (core day fly gold gyro hex kerbnet moment probe react sas satellite space stab steer torque yellow
			#autoLOC_500637 = Communotron HG-55
			#autoLOC_500638 = The Communotron HG-55 high gain antenna allows for blazingly fast directional data transmission, and was originally designed for deep space probes. Please note that Ionic Symphonic Protonic Electronics is not liable for any damages that might result from prolonged exposure to RF radiation.
			#autoLOC_500639 = aerial antenna asteroid day dish radio signal transmi
			#autoLOC_500640 = OX-STAT-XL Photovoltaic Panels
			#autoLOC_500641 = A larger version of the OX-STAT, the XL version features a larger surface area than its smaller cousin while retaining the cost and weight benefits of a static solar panel.
			#autoLOC_500642 = array asteroid charge day e/c elect energ fixed flat generat (light photo power solar static sun volt watt
			#autoLOC_500643 = A potato like rock
			#autoLOC_500644 = Big ole, rock like thing.
			#autoLOC_500645 = asteroid roid spud
			#autoLOC_500646 = Fuel Cell
			#autoLOC_500647 = A small fuel cell that allows fuel and oxidizer to be converted into energy.  Handy for those places where a solar panel will not do.  Also handy for re-heating snacks.
			#autoLOC_500648 = array bank charge convert e/c elect energ pack power volt watt
			#autoLOC_500649 = Fuel Cell Array
			#autoLOC_500650 = Why have just one fuel cell when you can have six?  The fuel cell array is ideal for situations where you need a large source of reliable power.  Like the smaller fuel cells, this array operates by converting fuel and oxidizer into energy.
			#autoLOC_500651 = array bank charge convert e/c elect energ pack power volt watt
			#autoLOC_500652 = Convert-O-Tron 250
			#autoLOC_500653 = This mobile processing plant can take raw materials containing even trace amounts of oxygen and hydrogen, and crack them into useful fuel products.  When operated by a skilled engineer, you will be able to operate with better efficiency.  These modules operate best at their ideal operating temperatures, and feature auto-shutdown in the event of excessive overheating.  Radiators can be used to help manage excessive heat.
			#autoLOC_500654 = conver isru mine )mining (ore process resource
			#autoLOC_500655 = Large Holding Tank
			#autoLOC_500656 = A large tank that can be used for storing raw materials.  Not to be used as a bouncy castle.
			#autoLOC_500657 = black isru mine )mining (ore resource store
			#autoLOC_500658 = 'Drill-O-Matic Junior' Mining Excavator
			#autoLOC_500659 = A smaller version of the popular Drill-O-Matic, this drill is designed to help extract valuable resources from the crust of planets and asteroids.  Unlike its larger cousin, this smaller model is only suitable for ore concentrations in excess of 2.5%.  When operated by a skilled engineer, you will be able to operate with better efficiency.  These modules operate best at their ideal operating temperatures, and feature auto-shutdown in the event of excessive overheating.  Radiators can be used to help manage excessive heat.
			#autoLOC_500660 = drill extractor harvest isru mine )mining (ore resource
			#autoLOC_500661 = Convert-O-Tron 125
			#autoLOC_500662 = A smaller version of Kerbodyne's mobile processing plant, this module can take raw materials containing even trace amounts of oxygen and hydrogen, and crack them into useful fuel products.  When operated by a skilled engineer, you will be able to operate with better efficiency.  While this smaller model is lighter than its bigger cousin, it is less efficient, and not designed for long-term operations.  These modules operate best at their ideal operating temperatures, and feature auto-shutdown in the event of excessive overheating.  Radiators can be used to help manage excessive heat.
			#autoLOC_500663 = conver isru mine )mining (ore process resource
			#autoLOC_500664 = M4435 Narrow-Band Scanner
			#autoLOC_500665 = Ideal for surveying potential landing sites, this scanner provides detailed information about the planet or moon that it orbits, though this data is limited to the spot directly below the scanner.
			#autoLOC_500666 = isru mine )mining (ore prospect resource sensor
			#autoLOC_500667 = 'Drill-O-Matic' Mining Excavator
			#autoLOC_500668 = Designed to help extract valuable resources from the crust of planets and asteroids, the Drill-O-Matic uses a rotary drill combined with an internal transfer auger to pull crushed regolith into holding tanks for later processing.  When operated by a skilled engineer, you will be able to operate with better efficiency.  These modules operate best at their ideal operating temperatures, and feature auto-shutdown in the event of excessive overheating.  Radiators can be used to help manage excessive heat.
			#autoLOC_500669 = drill extractor harvest isru mine )mining (ore resource
			#autoLOC_500670 = Radial Holding Tank
			#autoLOC_500671 = A small radial tank for storing raw materials, or possibly spare snacks.
			#autoLOC_500672 = black isru mine )mining (ore resource store
			#autoLOC_500673 = Small Holding Tank
			#autoLOC_500674 = A small tank for storing raw materials, or possibly spare snacks.
			#autoLOC_500675 = black isru mine )mining (ore resource store
			#autoLOC_500676 = Surface Scanning Module
			#autoLOC_500677 = A small module that includes soil, atmospheric, and oceanic sampling tools.  When used while landed on a planet or moon, the sample data gathered can be used to increase the accuracy of orbital survey scanners.
			#autoLOC_500678 = isru mine )mining (ore prospect resource scanner sensor
			#autoLOC_500679 = M700 Survey Scanner
			#autoLOC_500680 = This orbital survey scanner uses a combination of advanced sensor technology and witchcraft to provide information on a planet or moons natural resources.  These images can be viewed either in flight, or in relative safety and comfort back at the KSC.  Be sure to bring an antenna capable of transmitting the information back, and sufficient power.
			#autoLOC_500681 = experiment isru mine )mining (ore overlay prospect research resource science sensor
			#autoLOC_500682 = Atmospheric Fluid Spectro-Variometer
			#autoLOC_500683 = A device for performing accurate fluid spectro-variometry scans of the surrounding atmosphere. Despite some criticism claiming that fluid spectro-variometry isn't a real science, Kerbal scientists seem to all agree that the data it provides is definitely interesting. Warranty void if exposed to air.
			#autoLOC_500684 = atmospher experiment research rerun re-run reus re-us redo re-do reset re-set science sensor
			#autoLOC_500685 = Mystery Goo™ Containment Unit\u0020
			#autoLOC_500686 = This unit was something one of our engineers came upon while dumpster divin-- Erm, while researching alternative applications for existing technologies. It's a sealed container which appears to be filled with a strange-looking substance. We couldn't reach in or break the canister open, but watching how the Goo behaves when subjected to different situations could be very educational.
			#autoLOC_500687 = experiment research science
			#autoLOC_500688 = Mobile Processing Lab MPL-LG-2
			#autoLOC_500689 = No longer are you limited to research facilities only on Kerbin!  With the Mobile Processing Lab, you can conduct long-term experiments and ongoing research with the data you collect in the field.  Be sure to check back on your scientists from time to time, and transmit the results of their research home! This model is guaranteed to spontaneously combust less than previous models, and also has the equipment necessary to clean out and restore functionality to inoperable experiments.
			#autoLOC_500690 = experiment laboratory research science
			#autoLOC_500691 = SC-9001 Science Jr.
			#autoLOC_500692 = The SC-9001 is a cutting edge, self contained laboratory. Have you ever wondered what happens to something in zero G? Or, have you ever pondered the truly meaningful questions? Such as what would happen if I exposed this to the rigors of stellar radiation and unforgiving vacuum? Comes with complimentary notepad. Recommended for ages 4-8. Small parts inside make it not suitable for small children.
			#autoLOC_500693 = bay experiment lab material research
			#autoLOC_500694 = Experiment Storage Unit
			#autoLOC_500695 = After discovering that old snack boxes were also really effective at storing mystery goo and data tapes, Kerbal scientists created the Experiment Storage Unit to help Kerbalnauts bring their valuable science back to Kerbin, while avoiding the hazards of reentry, rough landings, and Jeb's piloting skills.
			#autoLOC_500696 = science
			#autoLOC_500697 = Double-C Seismic Accelerometer
			#autoLOC_500698 = This device contains an extremely sensitive acceleration sensor, which when properly settled on a firm surface, will detect and record accurate seismic activity data. The accelerometer will still function while flying, so the Double-C can also be used to measure accelerations during flight. Warranty void if shaken or exposed to vacuum.
			#autoLOC_500699 = acceler experiment research rerun re-run reus re-us redo re-do reset re-set science sensor
			#autoLOC_500700 = PresMat Barometer
			#autoLOC_500701 = A device for measuring the local atmospheric pressure. Warranty void if exposed to air.
			#autoLOC_500702 = atmospher experiment pressure research rerun re-run reus re-us redo re-do reset re-set science sensor
			#autoLOC_500703 = GRAVMAX Negative Gravioli Detector
			#autoLOC_500704 = A device for capturing and measuring the elusive Negative Gravioli Particle, used for determining the precise strength of gravitational fields. Warranty void if used to detect Positive Gravioli Particles.
			#autoLOC_500705 = experiment gravity research rerun re-run reus re-us redo re-do reset re-set science sensor
			#autoLOC_500706 = 2HOT Thermometer
			#autoLOC_500707 = This thermometer is definetely not a store-bought model with some wires stuck to it. Warranty void if an engineer admits it's actually a store-bought model with some wires stuck to it.
			#autoLOC_500708 = experiment heat research rerun re-run reus re-us redo re-do reset re-set science sensor temperature
			#autoLOC_500709 = TVR-200L Stack Bi-Adapter
			#autoLOC_500710 = After realizing 'larger circles' wasn't a very patentable concept, O.M.B. Enterprises rolled out a new line of ingenious multi-connector adapters to fit Rockomax sized parts. Lawsuit still pending. Converts a single 2.5m stack into two 1.25m stacks.
			#autoLOC_500711 = ?2 adapter (bi dual multi rockomax twin two
			#autoLOC_500712 = TVR-400L Stack Quad-Adapter
			#autoLOC_500713 = After realizing 'larger circles' wasn't a very patentable concept, O.M.B. Enterprises rolled out a new line of ingenious multi-connector adapters to fit Rockomax sized parts. Lawsuit still pending. Converts a single 2.5m stack into four 1.25m stacks.
			#autoLOC_500714 = ?4 adapter four multi (quad rockomax
			#autoLOC_500715 = TVR-300L Stack Tri-Adapter
			#autoLOC_500716 = After realizing 'larger circles' wasn't a very patentable concept, O.M.B. Enterprises rolled out a new line of ingenious multi-connector adapters to fit Rockomax sized parts. Lawsuit still pending. Converts a single 2.5m stack into three 1.25m stacks.
			#autoLOC_500717 = ?3 adapter multi rockomax three (tri triple
			#autoLOC_500718 = FL-A5 Adapter
			#autoLOC_500719 = A small parts adapter for FL-T based fuselages.
			#autoLOC_500720 = )cap nose plate
			#autoLOC_500721 = FL-A10 Adapter
			#autoLOC_500722 = A small parts adapter for FL-T based fuselages.
			#autoLOC_500723 = )cap cone nose
			#autoLOC_500724 = Engine Pre-cooler
			#autoLOC_500725 = Advanced materials allow this cooler to wick away the heat from attached engines. In addition, it features additional intake area optimized for supersonic flight and powerful static suction.
			#autoLOC_500726 = aero (air aircraft breathe cone fligh fuel inlet intake jet oxygen plane suck supersonic tank
			#autoLOC_500727 = Engine Nacelle
			#autoLOC_500728 = The Engine Nacelle is a self-contained solution for powering air-breathing engines. It includes some reserve fuel, making it a very practical option. C7 Engineers assure us that these units are quite safe, and that the dents and burn marks will give yours a more unique look. Optimized for subsonic flight; includes very powerful static suction.
			#autoLOC_500729 = aero (air aircraft breathe cone fligh fuel inlet intake jet oxygen plane sonic sub subsonic suck tank
			#autoLOC_500730 = Mk1 Liquid Fuel Fuselage
			#autoLOC_500731 = A standard fuselage that carries fuel for spaceplanes. This one is chock-full of jet fuel. Not as resistant as its counterparts, but jet fuel is more efficient than the other fuels, without mentioning lighter.
			#autoLOC_500732 = aircraft airplane fueltank jet plane propellant tank
			#autoLOC_500733 = Mk1 Diverterless Supersonic Intake
			#autoLOC_500734 = This version of the Mk1 Fuselage module carries only a bit of fuel, but is fitted with a streamlined air intake. It consists of a "bump" and a forward-swept inlet cowl. This eliminates the need for a Splitter plate, while compressing the air to slow it down from supersonic to subsonic speeds. DSIs can be used to replace the intake ramp and inlet cone, which are more complex, heavy and expensive.
			#autoLOC_500735 = aero (air aircraft airplane breathe fligh fueltank inlet jet oxygen plane propellant suck tank
			#autoLOC_500736 = Structural Fuselage
			#autoLOC_500737 = A standard fuselage. Carries no fuel; is there merely as a structural element. As such, it's lighter and more solid due to reinforcements.
			#autoLOC_500738 = aircraft airplane hollow jet mk1 pipe plane tube
			#autoLOC_500739 = TR-38-D
			#autoLOC_500740 = Originally designed to separate buildings that were stuck together, O.M.B has repurposed these explosive bolts for use in separating stacks of massive rockets.
			#autoLOC_500741 = break decouple explo kerbodyne separat split
			#autoLOC_500742 = Kerbodyne ADTP-2-3
			#autoLOC_500743 = This adapter is used to bridge between Kerbodyne and Rockomax rocket bodies.
			#autoLOC_500744 = cone rockomax
			#autoLOC_500745 = Rockomax HubMax Multi-Point Connector
			#autoLOC_500746 = When it was unveiled at the 3rd annual Rockets & Explosions festival, the HubMax Multi-Point Connector caused several patrons to die of shock on the spot. 'All my life I thought rocket parts could be placed one way - up! But Rockomax today has shattered that notion' said one survivor, who asked to remain anonymous. Needless to say, this part may very well herald a revolution in construction technologies. Docking ports sold separately.
			#autoLOC_500747 = base build center central connect construct (core hub nexus outpost statio
			#autoLOC_500748 = M-Beam 200 I-Beam
			#autoLOC_500749 = Handcrafted by Dinkelstein himself, the M-Beam 200 works great for making rockets and skyscrapers alike.
			#autoLOC_500750 = beam build connect construct extend fabricate girder structur support
			#autoLOC_500751 = M-Beam 200 I-Beam Pocket Edition
			#autoLOC_500752 = Handcrafted by Dinkelstein himself, the M-Beam 200 works great for making rockets and skyscrapers alike. This one's half as long as the normal version, for building smaller skyscrapers and/or rockets.
			#autoLOC_500753 = beam build connect construct extend fabricate girder structur support
			#autoLOC_500754 = M-Beam 650 I-Beam
			#autoLOC_500755 = A wide, upscaled version of the M-Beam 200 I-Beam. Dinkelstein loves variety, man.
			#autoLOC_500756 = beam build connect construct extend fabricate girder structur support
			#autoLOC_500757 = The Not-Rockomax Micronode
			#autoLOC_500758 = Dinkelstein Kerman's Construction Emporium vehemently denies any and all accusations of industrial espionage arising from similarities between this product and a product-which-will-not-be-named from Rockomax Brand.
			#autoLOC_500759 = build center central connect construct (core extend fabricate hub nexus node structur support
			#autoLOC_500760 = M-1x1 Structural Panel
			#autoLOC_500761 = A sturdy metal plate, perfect for constructing all sorts of things.
			#autoLOC_500762 = body build construct cover extend fabricate plat structur support
			#autoLOC_500763 = M-2x2 Structural Panel
			#autoLOC_500764 = Four M-1x1 have been arranged in a 2x2 layout for this part, then stuck together with super glue.
			#autoLOC_500765 = body build construct cover extend fabricate plat structur support
			#autoLOC_500766 = Small Hardpoint
			#autoLOC_500767 = A structural Pylon for engine Support. Designed to fit against fuselages, and hull bodies. This is the small variant, mostly for use with the smaller engines. Comes Equipped with emergency bolts to separate jet engines in the event of fire or catastrophic failure. (Not covered by warranty)
			#autoLOC_500768 = connect decouple hard point pylon separat stag structur
			#autoLOC_500769 = Structural Pylon
			#autoLOC_500770 = A structural Pylon for engine Support. Designed to fit against fuselages, and hull bodies. Comes Equipped with emergency bolts to separate jet engines in the event of fire or catastrophic failure. (Not covered by warranty)
			#autoLOC_500771 = connect decouple hard point separat stag structur
			#autoLOC_500772 = Cubic Octagonal Strut
			#autoLOC_500773 = Now, with advances in technology, StrutCo brings you the Cubic Octagonal Strut - it's like a regular Octagonal Strut, but in the shape of a cube!
			#autoLOC_500774 = connect cube frame girder scaffold structur truss
			#autoLOC_500775 = Octagonal Strut
			#autoLOC_500776 = StrutCo presents: Octagonal struts! Use them to mount stop signs or octopi.
			#autoLOC_500777 = connect frame girder scaffold structur truss
			#autoLOC_500778 = Modular Girder Adapter
			#autoLOC_500779 = This piece allows you to attach Modular Girder parts to standard 1.25m attachment points.
			#autoLOC_500780 = connect frame scaffold structur strut truss
			#autoLOC_500781 = Modular Girder Segment
			#autoLOC_500782 = New! Build the structure of your dreams with the Maxo Construction Toys Modular Girder Segment!
			#autoLOC_500783 = connect frame scaffold structur strut truss
			#autoLOC_500784 = Modular Girder Segment XL
			#autoLOC_500785 = Now even bigger! Build larger structures of larger dreams!
			#autoLOC_500786 = connect frame scaffold structur strut truss
			#autoLOC_500787 = Thermal Control System (large)
			#autoLOC_500788 = A deployable thermal control system consisting of multiple liquid cooled radiator panels.
			#autoLOC_500789 = cool deploy extend fold heat moderat panel radiat retract temperat therm unfold
			#autoLOC_500790 = Thermal Control System (medium)
			#autoLOC_500791 = A deployable thermal control system consisting of multiple liquid cooled radiator panels.
			#autoLOC_500792 = cool deploy extend fold heat moderat panel radiat retract temperat therm unfold
			#autoLOC_500793 = Thermal Control System (small)
			#autoLOC_500794 = A deployable thermal control system consisting of multiple liquid cooled radiator panels.
			#autoLOC_500795 = cool deploy extend fold heat moderat panel radiat retract temperat therm unfold
			#autoLOC_500796 = Radiator Panel (edge)
			#autoLOC_500797 = A radially attachable radiator panel to help dissipate heat into space.
			#autoLOC_500798 = cool fixed heat moderat radiat static temperat therm
			#autoLOC_500799 = Radiator Panel (large)
			#autoLOC_500800 = A radially attachable radiator panel to help dissipate heat into space.
			#autoLOC_500801 = cool fixed heat moderat radiat static temperat therm
			#autoLOC_500802 = Radiator Panel (small)
			#autoLOC_500803 = A radially attachable radiator panel to help dissipate heat into space.
			#autoLOC_500804 = cool fixed heat moderat radiat static temperat therm
			#autoLOC_500805 = Communotron 88-88
			#autoLOC_500806 = The Communotron 88-88 directional antenna allows for far more reliable communication at longer ranges than previous models. This is thanks in part to its patented parabolic folding design, which our research team maintains was not inspired by an umbrella.
			#autoLOC_500807 = aerial antenna deploy direct dish extend fold radio signal transmi
			#autoLOC_500808 = Communotron DTS-M1
			#autoLOC_500809 = The Communotron DTS-M1 is a fully deployable communications and data transmission system. It has been designed to have a minimal form factor when stowed. Occasional antenna tweaking and swift kicks to the main assembly may be required for optimal performance.
			#autoLOC_500810 = aerial antenna deploy direct extend fold radio signal transmi
			#autoLOC_500811 = Communotron 16
			#autoLOC_500812 = The Communotron 16 is a versatile and lightweight antenna, suitable for moderate-range communication, long-range backup communication, and eavesdropping on secret government operations.
			#autoLOC_500813 = aerial antenna radio signal transmi
			#autoLOC_500814 = Hydraulic Detachment Manifold
			#autoLOC_500815 = After discovering the word "Manifold", O.M.B. Engineers decided it would be best to use it in the name of at least ONE product.
			#autoLOC_500816 = break decouple separat split stag
			#autoLOC_500817 = TT-38K Radial Decoupler
			#autoLOC_500818 = The TT-38K Radial Decoupler, like most other decouplers, is equipped with a (hopefully) small explosive charge, that will sever the structural linkage between itself and whatever it's connected to.
			#autoLOC_500819 = break decouple separat split stag
			#autoLOC_500820 = TT-70 Radial Decoupler
			#autoLOC_500821 = The TT-70 Radial Decoupler is an extension of the TT-38K decoupler, with a large truss structure for greater space between mounting points.
			#autoLOC_500822 = break decouple separat split stag
			#autoLOC_500823 = TR-18D Stack Separator
			#autoLOC_500824 = Unlike Decouplers, Separators jettison everything attached to them. This new technology was very well received by rocket engineers everywhere. Not bad for something that started out as a failure for a controlled explosive bolt prototype.
			#autoLOC_500825 = break decouple separat split stag
			#autoLOC_500826 = TR-2C Stack Separator
			#autoLOC_500827 = Similarly to the TR-18D, the TR-2C is a utility for slicing a rocket into two halves, but now in a more compact size. The manual says the explosive content is just enough to eject anything attached to the unit in a safe, controlled manner. The delivery guy did have a full bomb suit on though, so try not to drop it.
			#autoLOC_500828 = break decouple separat split stag
			#autoLOC_500829 = TR-XL Stack Separator
			#autoLOC_500830 = The TR-XL Stack Separator is the largest available from O.M.B, designed for slicing the largest of rockets in twain. Unlike Decouplers, Separators will eject anything connected to themselves. This is good, as it removes the need to worry about which side needs to be pointed away from face. Try to not look at it too much though.
			#autoLOC_500831 = break decouple separat split stag
			#autoLOC_500832 = Rockomax Brand Decoupler
			#autoLOC_500833 = Rockomax is pleased to bring you the latest in decoupling technologies - twice the size of the next leading brand, Rockomax Brand Decouplers offer plenty of bang for plenty of buck! As with its smaller, woefully inferior competitor, the Rockomax Decoupler has handy arrows to indicate which side it will detach from.
			#autoLOC_500834 = break decouple separat split stack stag
			#autoLOC_500835 = TR-18A Stack Decoupler
			#autoLOC_500836 = The TR-18A Stack Decoupler is equipped with a (hopefully) small explosive charge, that will sever the structural linkage between itself and whatever it's connected to. Painted on its sides are handy arrows indicating which side will detach.
			#autoLOC_500837 = break decouple separat split stag
			#autoLOC_500838 = TR-2V Stack Decoupler
			#autoLOC_500839 = The TR-2V Stack Decoupler is a miniature detachment utility for small rockets and space probes.
			#autoLOC_500840 = break decouple separat split stag
			#autoLOC_500841 = Communotron 16-S
			#autoLOC_500842 = A Surface mount version of the Communotron-16
			#autoLOC_500843 = aerial antenna radio signal transmi
			#autoLOC_500844 = HG-5 High Gain Antenna
			#autoLOC_500845 = A short range dual purpose communications antenna that can handle either direct communications or short range relays
			#autoLOC_500846 = Clamp-O-Tron Docking Port
			#autoLOC_500847 = Invented after a peaceful protest against the lack of spacecraft attachment systems turned violent, the Clamp-O-Tron Docking Port allows for the firm attachment of two separate vessels. After docking, vessels can be just as easily undocked.
			#autoLOC_500848 = berth capture connect couple dock fasten join moor socket
			#autoLOC_500849 = Inline Clamp-O-Tron
			#autoLOC_500850 = The Inline Clamp-O-Tron was an accidental invention, created after an engineer (who really should have been wearing his glasses) incorrectly interpreted the Shielded Clamp-O-Tron's blueprints. Still, the rest of the team very much liked the idea of a sideways-pointing docking port with its own aerodynamic shell, so he patented the design. He still refuses to admit it wasn't intentional.
			#autoLOC_500851 = berth capture connect couple dock fasten join moor port socket
			#autoLOC_500852 = Clamp-O-Tron Docking Port Jr.
			#autoLOC_500853 = Originally marketed as a child-size version of the normal Clamp-O-Tron, the Clamp-O-Tron Jr. soon found use among hobbyists and professional space agencies alike for its compact profile, lightweight structure, and all-round cuteness. As a result of its small size, kerbals need to hold their breath and wiggle to slip through.
			#autoLOC_500854 = berth capture connect couple dock fasten join moor socket
			#autoLOC_500855 = Clamp-O-Tron Shielded Docking Port
			#autoLOC_500856 = Invented after a peaceful protest against the lack of spacecraft attachment systems turned violent, the Clamp-O-Tron Docking Port allows for the firm attachment of two separate vessels. After docking, vessels can be just as easily undocked. The Shielded version has deployable fins to protect the port during ascent.
			#autoLOC_500857 = berth capture connect couple dock fasten join moor shield socket
			#autoLOC_500858 = Clamp-O-Tron Docking Port Sr.
			#autoLOC_500859 = The Clamp-O-Tron Sr. is the result of intense and costly development to answer the problem of how to make docking connections more sturdy. Thanks to the brilliant suggestion of the staff janitor "why don't you make 'em bigger?", the public now can enjoy the sheer thrill of docking enormous objects in space.
			#autoLOC_500860 = berth capture connect couple dock fasten join moor rockomax socket
			#autoLOC_500861 = Advanced Grabbing Unit
			#autoLOC_500862 = Kerbal Motion engineers have long struggled with the problem of how to extract dropped tools from complicated machinery. After observing an intern cleaning out his shoes by turning them upside and shaking them inside the lab, our team was hit with a stroke of inspiration! Why not turn the rocket parts upside down and shake them? The grabbing arm perfectly filled this niche, and is quite capable of lifting heavy machinery. It has since found other uses, besides delicate tool extraction operations. AKA "The Klaw!"
			#autoLOC_500863 = a.r.m arm asteroid capture clam claw connect dock fasten grab join klaw nasa
			#autoLOC_500864 = Pegasus I Mobility Enhancer
			#autoLOC_500865 = The Pegasus I Mobility Enhancer, known in some circles as a "ladder", is a state-of-the-art vertical mobility device, allowing your intrepid crew to scamper around the exterior of your ship like highly caffeinated rodents.
			#autoLOC_500866 = ascend climb descend ladder rung safe step
			#autoLOC_500867 = Kelus Mobility Enhancer
			#autoLOC_500868 = The Kelus Mobility Enhancer comes equipped with advanced telescopic extension technology. Recommended load 0.5 kerbals. After discovering that their name was already in use, Kelus picked their current name with the flip of a coin.
			#autoLOC_500869 = ascend climb descend ladder rung safe step
			#autoLOC_500870 = Kelus-LV Bay Mobility Enhancer
			#autoLOC_500871 = The Kelus-LV Mobility Enhancer Bay comes equipped with advanced telescopic extension technology. Recommended load 1.5 kerbals. After discovering that their name was already in use, Kelus picked their current name with the flip of a coin.
			#autoLOC_500872 = ascend climb descend ladder rung safe step
			#autoLOC_500873 = LT-1 Landing Struts
			#autoLOC_500874 = It may have been originally designed as a heavy-duty metal detector, but this landing leg certainly emphasises an important fact in surface landings: you don't need to put a crater in the ground to stop yourself!
			#autoLOC_500875 = ground land leg support
			#autoLOC_500876 = LT-2 Landing Strut
			#autoLOC_500877 = The LT-2 Landing Strut offers a heavy-duty method for planting yourself firmly on the ground, without the severe consequences that usually accompany planting yourself firmly on the ground.
			#autoLOC_500878 = ground land leg support
			#autoLOC_500879 = LT-05 Micro Landing Strut
			#autoLOC_500880 = A small landing leg designed for space probes or lightweight landers. Basically made of toothpicks... erm, Space-grade toothpicks mind you, but be careful with them anyway.
			#autoLOC_500881 = ground land leg support
			#autoLOC_500882 = Rockomax Brand Adapter
			#autoLOC_500883 = Governmental pressure and several lawsuits led Rockomax to finally consider creating an adapter to connect its own parts to that of its competitors. As much as the CEOs hated it, however, it was a resounding success.
			#autoLOC_500884 = cone
			#autoLOC_500885 = Rockomax Brand Adapter 02
			#autoLOC_500886 = A shorter adapter from Rockomax, formed under similar circumstances to its big brother. Coated with spaceproof paint for maximum integrity.
			#autoLOC_500887 = cone truncat
			#autoLOC_500888 = TT18-A Launch Stability Enhancer
			#autoLOC_500889 = The TT18-A Stability Enhancer uses ground-breaking fastening technology to significantly increase the stability of spacecraft during the pre-launch phase. While OMB Demolition has been criticized in the past for using "big fancy words for a rocket holder" in their description of their device, none can say the TT18 series doesn't deliver rock-solid clamping action, as advertised. The owner's manual strongly suggests these devices be placed on the bottommost section of the spacecraft, and activated as soon as the engines are lit, for optimal de-clamping performance.
			#autoLOC_500890 = clam hold )pad rocket stabil tower
			#autoLOC_500891 = Launch Escape System
			#autoLOC_500892 = This solid rocket tower is designed to wrench the command pod up and away from a malfunctioning rocket.
			#autoLOC_500893 = abort booster emergency explo ?les l.e.s malfunc ?rud safe solid surviv
			#autoLOC_500894 = Place-Anywhere 7 Linear RCS Port
			#autoLOC_500895 = For every space that really needs an RCS thruster, Reaction Systems Ltd has you covered with its new Place-Anywhere 7 Linear RCS Port!
			#autoLOC_500896 = control dock maneuver manoeuvre react rendezvous rotate stab steer thruster translate
			#autoLOC_500897 = Mk2 Cargo Bay CRG-08
			#autoLOC_500898 = The longer version of the shorter cargo bay. Some ask us just how long is it? It's exactly double the length of the other one.
			#autoLOC_500899 = contain convey equipment freight hold hollow payload (stor transport utility
			#autoLOC_500900 = Mk2 Cargo Bay CRG-04
			#autoLOC_500901 = Ever wanted to deploy small items into space such as Cubesats, ion-powered Probes or Kerbals? This is just the part for you! (Disclaimer: C7 Aerospace does not condone the deployment of Kerbals into space via Cargo Bays.)
			#autoLOC_500902 = contain convey equipment freight hold hollow payload (stor transport utility
			#autoLOC_500903 = MK2 Crew Cabin
			#autoLOC_500904 = A Mk2 Profile Compliant, compact and eco-friendly crew transportation module, made from up to 80% recycled aircraft components. C7 Engineers insist that all recycled components were meticulously scrubbed clean before assembly, and take no responsibility for any odd smells that may be detected inside and/or around the unit.
			#autoLOC_500905 = base contain outpost passenger statio (stor tour
			#autoLOC_500906 = Mk2 Clamp-O-Tron
			#autoLOC_500907 = The new Clamp-O-Tron brand docking port comes complete with integrated monopropellant tanks for all your docking needs.
			#autoLOC_500908 = berth capture connect couple dock fasten join moor port socket utility
			#autoLOC_500909 = Mk3 Cargo Bay CRG-100
			#autoLOC_500910 = Originally we threw away the container the Rockomax Jumbo-64 tank came in, then one day a bright and upcoming engineer suggested we reuse them. He was promptly reallocated to another department and his boss came up with the brilliant idea of reusing these containers as cargo bays!
			#autoLOC_500911 = contain convey equipment freight hold hollow payload (stor transport utility
			#autoLOC_500912 = Mk3 Cargo Bay CRG-50
			#autoLOC_500913 = Originally we threw away the container the Rockomax X200-32 tank came in, then one day a bright and upcoming engineer suggested we reuse them. He was promptly reallocated to another department and his boss came up with the brilliant idea of reusing these containers as cargo bays!
			#autoLOC_500914 = contain convey equipment freight hold hollow payload (stor transport utility
			#autoLOC_500915 = Mk3 Cargo Ramp
			#autoLOC_500916 = A sophisticated deployment system for cargo delivery on the ground, or on the sea, or in mid-air, or in a vacuum. Wherever you want, really.
			#autoLOC_500917 = bay contain convey equipment freight hold hollow load payload (stor transport unload utility
			#autoLOC_500918 = Mk3 Cargo Bay CRG-25
			#autoLOC_500919 = Originally we threw away the container the Rockomax X200-16 tank came in, then one day a bright and upcoming engineer suggested we reuse them. He was promptly reallocated to another department and his boss came up with the brilliant idea of reusing these containers as cargo bays!
			#autoLOC_500920 = contain convey equipment freight hold hollow payload (stor transport utility
			#autoLOC_500921 = Mk16 Parachute
			#autoLOC_500922 = The Mk16 Parachute might be considered by some to be little more than a random stitching together of the surplus parts it is, in fact, made from. But the fact remains that the Mk16 has been widely accepted as a generally better alternative to being in freefall.
			#autoLOC_500923 = arrest canopy chute decel descen drag entry fall landing re- return safe slow white
			#autoLOC_500924 = Mk12-R Radial-Mount Drogue Chute
			#autoLOC_500925 = The Mk12-R is a half sized radial mount version of the Mk25. This "Drogue" parachute is small, deploys high up, and certainly not enough to stop you smashing into the ground on its own, but useful for slowing craft down before the deployment of your main chutes.
			#autoLOC_500926 = arrest canopy chute decel descen drag entry fall landing orange re- return safe slow stab
			#autoLOC_500927 = Mk16-XL Parachute
			#autoLOC_500928 = The Mk16-XL Parachute is a double-sized variant of the Mk16, now with only 50% of the structural integrity!
			#autoLOC_500929 = arrest blue canopy chute decel descen drag entry fall landing re- return safe slow
			#autoLOC_500930 = Mk2-R Radial-Mount Parachute
			#autoLOC_500931 = A parachute comparable to the Mk16 chute, but which is placed radially instead of attached on top of something.
			#autoLOC_500932 = arrest blue canopy chute decel descen drag entry fall landing re- return safe slow
			#autoLOC_500933 = Mk25 Parachute
			#autoLOC_500934 = The Mk25 is what's known as a "Drogue" parachute - small, deploys high up, and certainly not enough to stop you smashing into the ground on its own, but useful for slowing heavy craft down before the deployment of your main chutes.
			#autoLOC_500935 = arrest canopy chute decel descen drag drogue entry fall landing orange re- return safe slow stab
			#autoLOC_500936 = BZ-52 Radial Attachment Point
			#autoLOC_500937 = Originally a defective Clamp-O-Tron docking port, engineers soon discovered it had great potential as a structural element.
			#autoLOC_500938 = affix anchor mount secure
			#autoLOC_500939 = RV-105 RCS Thruster Block
			#autoLOC_500940 = The recent discovery of a third law of physics made it possible for STEADLER Corps engineers to produce these small monopropellant thrusters, to help with attitude control and linear motion. Even though many Kerbal physicists still dispute the validity of this new law, studies show that the thrusters seem to work as advertised.
			#autoLOC_500941 = cluster control dock maneuver manoeuvre react rendezvous rotate stab steer translate
			#autoLOC_500942 = RA-100 Relay Antenna
			#autoLOC_500943 = A relay antenna with automatic store and forward capabilities as well as advanced pathfinding algorithms.
			#autoLOC_500944 = RA-2 Relay Antenna
			#autoLOC_500945 = A relay antenna with automatic store and forward capabilities as well as advanced pathfinding algorithms.
			#autoLOC_500946 = RA-15 Relay Antenna
			#autoLOC_500947 = A relay antenna with automatic store and forward capabilities as well as advanced pathfinding algorithms.
			#autoLOC_500948 = Service Bay (1.25m)
			#autoLOC_500949 = A heat resistant service bay, ideal for protecting delicate instruments or stowing small service components such as RCS tanks, batteries, etc.
			#autoLOC_500950 = bus contain heat hollow protect (stor therm
			#autoLOC_500951 = Service Bay (2.5m)
			#autoLOC_500952 = A heat resistant service bay, ideal for protecting delicate instruments or stowing small service components such as RCS tanks, batteries, etc.
			#autoLOC_500953 = bus contain heat hollow protect (stor therm
			#autoLOC_500954 = Illuminator Mk1
			#autoLOC_500955 = The Illuminator Mk1 from RKEA projects a strong beam of photons in its prograde direction, increasing the brightness of surfaces exposed to the beam (it's a big flashlight).
			#autoLOC_500956 = moar (more bulb candle dark flash (lamp (light shine spot torch
			#autoLOC_500957 = Illuminator Mk2
			#autoLOC_500958 = The Illuminator Mk2 is an extra-wide beam, low-power Illuminator, for lighting up large swaths of whatever you wish. However, its beam does not shine very far.
			#autoLOC_500959 = moar (more bulb candle dark flash flood (lamp (light shine torch
			#autoLOC_500960 = TVR-200 Stack Bi-Coupler
			#autoLOC_500961 = The TVR-200 Stack Bi-Coupler is a simple method for splitting one rocket into two - WITHOUT the disastrous consequences of doing it the normal (explosive) way.
			#autoLOC_500962 = dual mount multi pair split twin two
			#autoLOC_500963 = TVR-2160C Mk2 Stack Quad-Coupler
			#autoLOC_500964 = What could be more awesome than a Tricoupler? Why, a quadcoupler, of course. Just remember that this is not a decoupler, and will not separate stages.
			#autoLOC_500965 = ?4 four mount multi (quad split
			#autoLOC_500966 = TVR-1180C Mk1 Stack Tri-Coupler
			#autoLOC_500967 = The Stack Tricoupler! If your stack is lacking in awesomeness, this is the tool for you! Just remember that this is not a decoupler, and won't separate stages.
			#autoLOC_500968 = ?3 mount multi split three triple
			#autoLOC_500969 = LY-99 Extra Large Landing Gear
			#autoLOC_500970 = Heavy-duty retractable landing gear. With its six large tires and sturdy assembly it's the gear of choice for heavy cargo planes and airliners.
			#autoLOC_500971 = aero (air aircraft ground plane retract roll takeoff taxi wheel
			#autoLOC_500972 = LY-01 Fixed Landing Gear
			#autoLOC_500973 = Simple wheel-on-a-stick Landing Gear to bring your birds down safely. (That means your airplanes, LightYear Co. does not encourage attempting to attach landing gear to actual birds)
			#autoLOC_500974 = aero (air aircraft ground plane roll takeoff taxi wheel
			#autoLOC_500975 = LY-05 Steerable Landing Gear
			#autoLOC_500976 = Simple wheel with steering actuation. It has become evident that aerodynamic control surfaces don't offer much control while slowly taxiing on the ground. Hopefully these wheels will reduce the number of low altitude low speed collisions with buildings. And Kerbals.
			#autoLOC_500977 = aero (air aircraft free ground plane roll takeoff taxi wheel
			#autoLOC_500978 = LY-60 Large Landing Gear
			#autoLOC_500979 = Heavy-duty retractable landing gear. With its four large tires and sturdy assembly it's the gear of choice for heavy cargo planes and airliners.
			#autoLOC_500980 = aero (air aircraft ground plane retract roll takeoff taxi wheel
			#autoLOC_500981 = LY-35 Medium Landing Gear
			#autoLOC_500982 = High performance retractable landing gear. This bigger version features two large tires to support big and heavy planes. The longer assembly allows for improved ground clearance.
			#autoLOC_500983 = aero (air aircraft ground plane retract roll takeoff taxi wheel
			#autoLOC_500984 = LY-10 Small Landing Gear
			#autoLOC_500985 = High performance retractable landing gear. Comes with shock absorber, steering and a built-in spotlights. If we didn't tell you, you'd never know that most of those components were salvaged from scrapped machinery... oh.
			#autoLOC_500986 = aero (air aircraft ground plane retract roll takeoff taxi wheel
			#autoLOC_500987 = RoveMax Model M1
			#autoLOC_500988 = After years of outcry against the lack of proper powered wheels, a small startup company named Kerbal Motion was founded and delivered just what the public wanted - the RoveMax Model 1 powered rover wheel.
			#autoLOC_500989 = )car drive ground roll rover wheel
			#autoLOC_500990 = RoveMax Model S2
			#autoLOC_500991 = Seeing an untapped market for a smaller design of rover wheel, Kerbal Motion quickly pounced upon this opportunity with the Model 2 - designed for robotic vehicles or smaller crewed vehicles.
			#autoLOC_500992 = drive ground roll rover wheel
			#autoLOC_500993 = TR-2L Ruggedized Vehicular Wheel
			#autoLOC_500994 = The TR-2L is an extremely tough wheel made for mobilizing medium sized vehicles across a large variety of terrain. The extremely high traction tread ensures firm grip on any surface, providing reliability and reducing the chances of being used for high-speed tomfoolery.
			#autoLOC_500995 = )car drive ground roll rover sports
			#autoLOC_500996 = RoveMax Model XL3
			#autoLOC_500997 = The RoveMax Model 3 was developed in total secrecy by Kerbal Motion's R&D team over the course of a year and a half. When it was finally revealed to the company's chairman, he stared in shock, screamed 'WHY', and subsequently dropped dead on the spot.
			#autoLOC_500998 = crawler drive ground roll rover truck wheel
			#autoLOC_500999 = Liquid Fuel
			#autoLOC_501000 = Oxidizer
			#autoLOC_501001 = Solid Fuel
			#autoLOC_501002 = Monopropellant
			#autoLOC_501003 = Xenon Gas
			#autoLOC_501004 = Electric Charge
			#autoLOC_501005 = Intake Air
			#autoLOC_501006 = EVA Propellant
			#autoLOC_501007 = Ore
			#autoLOC_501008 = Ablator
			#autoLOC_501009 = Crew Report
			#autoLOC_501010 = EVA Report
			#autoLOC_501011 = Mystery Goo™ Observation
			#autoLOC_501012 = Surface Sample
			#autoLOC_501013 = Materials Study
			#autoLOC_501014 = Temperature Scan
			#autoLOC_501015 = Atmospheric Pressure Scan
			#autoLOC_501016 = Seismic Scan
			#autoLOC_501017 = Gravity Scan
			#autoLOC_501018 = Atmosphere Analysis
			#autoLOC_501019 = Asteroid Sample
			#autoLOC_501020 = Start
			#autoLOC_501021 = The technology we started out with.
			#autoLOC_501022 = Basic Rocketry
			#autoLOC_501023 = How hard can Rocket Science be anyway?
			#autoLOC_501024 = Engineering 101
			#autoLOC_501025 = How hard can Aerospace Engineering be anyway?
			#autoLOC_501026 = Survivability
			#autoLOC_501027 = The art and science of landing and walking away from it.
			#autoLOC_501028 = Stability
			#autoLOC_501029 = Reaching for the stars starts with keeping our spacecraft pointed generally in the right direction.
			#autoLOC_501030 = General Rocketry
			#autoLOC_501031 = More engines, more fuel, more ambitious ideas.
			#autoLOC_501032 = Aviation
			#autoLOC_501033 = The art and science of keeping heavier-than-air objects aloft for extended periods of time.
			#autoLOC_501034 = Basic Science
			#autoLOC_501035 = We are going to ask all the big questions of the Universe... eventually. For now, we're starting with these.
			#autoLOC_501036 = Flight Control
			#autoLOC_501037 = Tumbling out of control may be fun, but our engineers insist there's more to rocket science than that.
			#autoLOC_501038 = Advanced Rocketry
			#autoLOC_501039 = A new step ahead in rocket technology.
			#autoLOC_501040 = General Construction
			#autoLOC_501041 = New equipment to help out in keeping things stable, especially useful when the size of the spacecraft defies the current bounds of sanity.
			#autoLOC_501042 = Propulsion Systems
			#autoLOC_501043 = A positively different approach to existing trends in rocketry. These small, lightweight propulsion systems may not seem as exciting, but they might prove just as useful.
			#autoLOC_501044 = Space Exploration
			#autoLOC_501045 = To boldly go where no green man has gone before.
			#autoLOC_501046 = Advanced Flight Control
			#autoLOC_501047 = The latest advancements in keeping the correct end of the ship pointing towards where you want it to go.
			#autoLOC_501048 = Landing
			#autoLOC_501049 = Our Engineers are nothing if not optimistic.
			#autoLOC_501050 = Aerodynamics
			#autoLOC_501051 = New breakthroughs from C7 Aerospace allow for new types of craft to be built. We're looking into hiring some of their engineers as well.
			#autoLOC_501052 = Electrics
			#autoLOC_501053 = We did know about electricity before inventing space flight. The big breakthrough here was combining the two.
			#autoLOC_501054 = Heavy Rocketry
			#autoLOC_501055 = The next logical step for rocketry technology is to just go bigger.
			#autoLOC_501056 = Fuel Systems
			#autoLOC_501057 = Advancements towards a better understanding of how fuel flows through a rocket.
			#autoLOC_501058 = Advanced Construction
			#autoLOC_501059 = New advances in construction make it possible to build larger than ever before.
			#autoLOC_501060 = Miniaturization
			#autoLOC_501061 = These aren't your standard hobby miniature models. We've been assured they look good enough to actually fly.
			#autoLOC_501062 = Actuators
			#autoLOC_501063 = Perfecting the art of making things mobile, without the explicit use of explosives. Our engineers assure us, this is actually a good thing.
			#autoLOC_501064 = Command Modules
			#autoLOC_501065 = Flight control technology has evolved far enough that we feel we can honestly say pilots are in command now.
			#autoLOC_501066 = Heavier Rocketry
			#autoLOC_501067 = There may be an upper limit to how large a rocket can be built, but we're not there yet.
			#autoLOC_501068 = Precision Engineering
			#autoLOC_501069 = Precise engineering techniques allow for construction of ever smaller parts.
			#autoLOC_501070 = Advanced Exploration
			#autoLOC_501071 = They are Self-Deploying Astronaut Mobility Enhancement Devices, I don't know what you mean by "ladders".
			#autoLOC_501072 = Specialized Control
			#autoLOC_501073 = A new state-of-the-art in control technology.
			#autoLOC_501074 = Advanced Landing
			#autoLOC_501075 = Further advances in landing devices, allowing for more controlled descents and a much higher number of parts still attached to the ship after touchdown.
			#autoLOC_501076 = Supersonic Flight
			#autoLOC_501077 = A new line of aircraft parts that allow for unprecedented maneuverability and speed.
			#autoLOC_501078 = Adv. Fuel Systems
			#autoLOC_501079 = Advanced Advancements towards a better understanding of how fuel flows through a rocket.
			#autoLOC_501080 = Advanced Electrics
			#autoLOC_501081 = We're fairly certain no one will ever need more than 64kw of power for anything.
			#autoLOC_501082 = Specialized Construction
			#autoLOC_501083 = Specialized construction techniques provide new ways of attaching things together, and detaching things on purpose.
			#autoLOC_501084 = Precision Propulsion
			#autoLOC_501085 = Any level of precision achieved in controlling the sustained explosion inside a rocket engine is nothing short of remarkable. It might be quite expensive, too.
			#autoLOC_501086 = Advanced Aerodynamics
			#autoLOC_501087 = Advances in fluid dynamics research technology have allowed development of a new set of streamlined aircraft components, And also these parts here.
			#autoLOC_501088 = Heavy Landing
			#autoLOC_501089 = A good landing is one where you walk away from it. A great landing is one where you get to use the aircraft again.
			#autoLOC_501090 = Scanning Tech
			#autoLOC_501091 = Why wonder about what's over the next hill when you can wonder about what's under it?
			#autoLOC_501092 = Unmanned Tech
			#autoLOC_501093 = Warning: May contain traces of sentience.
			#autoLOC_501094 = Nuclear Propulsion
			#autoLOC_501095 = Nuclear engines don't burn fuel, they totally annihilate it. We just hope it doesn't begin any conflicts.
			#autoLOC_501096 = Advanced MetalWorks
			#autoLOC_501097 = These new construction techniques allow for craft designs that were considered insane not too long ago... and still are. But they're now possible!
			#autoLOC_501098 = Field Science
			#autoLOC_501099 = Freedom to roam as far as curiosity will take you, or as long as batteries last.
			#autoLOC_501100 = High Altitude Flight
			#autoLOC_501101 = New breakthroughs in engine and intake development to enable flying through the upper reaches of the atmosphere.
			#autoLOC_501102 = Large Volume Containment
			#autoLOC_501103 = Maximize the payload capacity of your spacecraft by maximizing the size of your spacecraft.
			#autoLOC_501104 = Composites
			#autoLOC_501105 = Lightweight and strong! and don't worry, we're sure the glue will dry off in no time.
			#autoLOC_501106 = Electronics
			#autoLOC_501107 = Hopefully these won't become obsolete in the next couple of months.
			#autoLOC_501108 = High-Power Electrics
			#autoLOC_501109 = Maximize your energy production and storage potential by maximizing the size of the electrical components on your vessels.
			#autoLOC_501110 = Heavy Aerodynamics
			#autoLOC_501111 = Advances in construction technology enabled new breakthroughs in aerospace materials.
			#autoLOC_501112 = Ion Propulsion
			#autoLOC_501113 = Turns out, it's not science fiction.
			#autoLOC_501114 = Hypersonic Flight
			#autoLOC_501115 = Push your aircraft to the upper limits of airspeed and sanity.
			#autoLOC_501116 = Nanolathing
			#autoLOC_501117 = Despite the threatening appearance of the green metablobs shot out of the Nanolathing Injectors, none can argue the fact that Kerbals have indeed developed technologies at least just as dangerous as this one.
			#autoLOC_501118 = Advanced Unmanned Tech
			#autoLOC_501119 = Improvements in remote control technology for a new generation of probe designs.
			#autoLOC_501120 = Meta-Materials
			#autoLOC_501121 = An advancement in spacecraft construction so revolutionary, you won't even mind that its naming was wildly inaccurate.
			#autoLOC_501122 = Very Heavy Rocketry
			#autoLOC_501123 = While ever-larger rockets may not be the answer every time, for all other times, we've developed these.
			#autoLOC_501124 = Advanced Science Tech
			#autoLOC_501125 = Scientific advancements allow new advanced technologies for advancing Science.
			#autoLOC_501126 = Advanced Motors
			#autoLOC_501127 = Wheel technology is just rolling along now. You could even say our engineers are on a roll with it.
			#autoLOC_501128 = Specialized Electrics
			#autoLOC_501129 = Experience the warm glow of the latest in electrical technology. Figuratively, of course, and maybe also quite literally as well. Actually, try to avoid direct exposure.
			#autoLOC_501130 = High-Performance Fuel Systems
			#autoLOC_501131 = Massive engines require massive fuel storage solutions.
			#autoLOC_501132 = Experimental Aerodynamics
			#autoLOC_501133 = Winged flight technology is soaring to unprecedented heights. It could even be said that it's properly taking off now.
			#autoLOC_501134 = Automation
			#autoLOC_501135 = We can't think of anything that could go wrong with letting an experimental AI handle every aspect of a mission.
			#autoLOC_501136 = Aerospace Tech
			#autoLOC_501137 = The absolute cutting-edge in aerospace technology. Quite literally, some of those edges are very sharp. Handle with care.
			#autoLOC_501138 = Large Probes
			#autoLOC_501139 = The rumours of probe-led world domination are greatly exaggerated.
			#autoLOC_501140 = Experimental Science
			#autoLOC_501141 = Explore novel fields of science that we didn't even know were there.
			#autoLOC_501142 = Experimental Motors
			#autoLOC_501143 = The latest breakthroughs that are driving motor technology forwards, and in reverse, and steering too.
			#autoLOC_501144 = Experimental Electrics
			#autoLOC_501145 = The very latest in electrical systems technology. Our engineers are buzzing with excitement over it. They also seem to glow in the dark now. Fascinating!
			#autoLOC_501146 = He's an accountant, called Mortimer. He doesn't have many friends, but he likes things to be under control and arranged in right angles. This job is pretty stressful for him.
			#autoLOC_501147 = Linus is Wernher Von Kerman's Intern. Because Wernher himself is too important to be bothered with these boring strategy meetings. He sends his intern in his stead.
			#autoLOC_501148 = Walt Kerman is the spokesperson for the Space Program. He wears a hazmat suit. Which isn't strictly required for his job, but it seems appropriate for someone working in such a toxic environment.
			#autoLOC_501149 = Gus Kerman is head of Space Program Operations and all-around repairs guy whenever something around here breaks down, and he's the reason why all our pods have windows.
			#autoLOC_501150 = Appreciation Campaign
			#autoLOC_501151 = We could definitely improve our image by putting some effort into reminding Kerbals everywhere of just how great the Space Program is. Advertisement space isn't free, however.
			#autoLOC_501152 = Fundraising Campaign
			#autoLOC_501153 = We can likely raise some money by exploiting the attention that we get out of new successful ventures to remind the well-to-do Kerbals out there that we could use their support, and the contents of their wallets. This is probably going to be seen as a bit cheeky of us, so be prepared to face some backlash from the public.
			#autoLOC_501154 = Open-Source Tech Program
			#autoLOC_501155 = Even though we went through great lengths to get our scientific data, making it available for free to all of Kerbalkind can only be seen as a good thing. R&D will probably not be at its peak efficiency however, with all the noise these outside opinions tend to generate.
			#autoLOC_501156 = Unpaid Research Program
			#autoLOC_501157 = A program where undergrad researchers are given the opportunity to work in our great Space Program, to boost the science earned out of each mit of data. The Interns don't get paid, but the prestige of working with such a grand organization as ours surely is its own reward, isn't it?
			#autoLOC_501158 = Outsourced R&D
			#autoLOC_501159 = Why do all the data-crunching ourselves when we can contract external research labs to help us process the data we receive. These services aren't exactly cheap, but their R&D facilities are very impressive.
			#autoLOC_501160 = Patents Licensing
			#autoLOC_501161 = Our science data can be worth a lot of money by selling licenses for other organizations to use our patents. The added book-keeping required will probably add some extra work for the R&D team, but the financial benefits could be worth their reduced output.
			#autoLOC_501162 = Aggressive Negotiations
			#autoLOC_501163 = We can get better deals with our suppliers by taking up a more... assertive stance on our negotiations with them. They probably won't see this as a friendly move, but we can definitely have it our way if we press them. It's not as if we care what others think, do we?
			#autoLOC_501164 = Recovery Transponder Fitting
			#autoLOC_501165 = Recovering parts landed far away from the Space Center can be very costly, but I reckon we can reduce those costs by installing better transponders on the parts we launch. These units are not cheap, but they should make it much easier to find parts, improving the recovery value even if they're half-way around Kerbin. What do you say?
			#autoLOC_501166 = Bail-Out Grant
			#autoLOC_501167 = We must be in dire straits to be considering such an option. Accepting a public grant could save us from bankruptcy, but it would also put a very serious dent in the Space Program's reputation. However, the Space Program is too big to fail, so if it's either this option or closing shop, I would advise you to accept the money.
			#autoLOC_501168 = Research Rights Sell-Out
			#autoLOC_501169 = We could make a quick buck from the Science the R&D team has collected by selling exclusive research rights to the highest bidder. Yes, that means we wouldn't be able to make use of that Science ourselves, but for exclusive rights, I'm sure we could fetch a pretty penny from some large agency or conglomerate.
			#autoLOC_501170 = Leadership Initiative
			#autoLOC_501171 = If we focus our efforts on consistently pushing our own space program forward, we can drum up more public interest. We will need to put a few contracts on the backburner, so we may have to start selling research rights to the academic community to stay solvent.
			#autoLOC_501172 = Hopper
			#autoLOC_501173 = A starting craft. Can be built from the start of a career game, and is good enough to let you advance. Cheap, too!
			#autoLOC_501174 = Aeris 3A
			#autoLOC_501175 = The Aeris 3A is a small and nimble one-seater plane, mostly used as a training craft for fixed-wing flight, and to annoy ground staff by 'buzzing' the space center facilities. \n\n
			#autoLOC_501176 = Aeris 4A
			#autoLOC_501177 = The Aeris 4A is a spaceplane capable of reaching orbit, if flown correctly.\n\n
			#autoLOC_501178 = Albatross 3
			#autoLOC_501179 = The Albatross 3 is a low-speed, long-range aircraft, capable of stable sustained flight for hours on end. \n\nIts very long wings will flex quite a bit, but the flight operations handbook says that's "most likely normal".\n\nIt also recommends always using rudder and ailerons combined to turn it.\n
			#autoLOC_501180 = Bug-E Buggy
			#autoLOC_501181 = Bug-E is built to boldly go where no Kerman has gone before...\nEZ Attach Decoupler Included for quick integration to transport Vehicle.\nWarranty Void if used at nighttime.
			#autoLOC_501182 = Crater Crawler
			#autoLOC_501183 = While the Crater Crawler can be used on Kerbin if you're gentle, it really shines on a low G moon such as the Mun, where the built in thrusters allow an unparalleled level of manoeuvrability.
			#autoLOC_501184 = Dove
			#autoLOC_501185 = A Prototype Spaceplane capable of reaching Orbit. It has not yet been outfitted with any mission equipment.
			#autoLOC_501186 = Gull
			#autoLOC_501187 = A small and light seaplane, the Gull makes an excellent basic trainer for kerbals who aren't exactly sure when or where they will be landing (or "landing"). It can take off and land at shockingly low speeds (slower than some hotrodded rovers seen being driven around KSC by certain unnamed test pilots) thanks to its inner-wing flaps.
			#autoLOC_501188 = Mallard
			#autoLOC_501189 = The Mallard is a large seaplane with twin high-efficiency turbofans mounted high on the fuselage to clear the spray. It is somewhat slow but very steady in flight. A full suite of flaps on the trailing edges of the main wings give it exceptional low-speed lift, and small hydroplane steps mounted on each side of the fuselage bottom help lift it out of the water (lowering water drag) during takeoff runs. Its entire fuselage, absent the cockpit forward, is one long cargobay, with a ramp at the tail end. This allows rovers (and boats) to come aboard or leave while the Mallard is landed. It's a bit low on fuel, so you might consider adding some to the cargo bay for long flights, or make them at high altitude.
			#autoLOC_501190 = Osprey
			#autoLOC_501191 = A high-performance (and high-risk) seaplane, the Osprey is designed for those daredevils who don't want to sacrifice performance but still want to be able to land anywhere wet or dry on Kerbin. The afterburning Panther turbofan provides high efficiency in dry mode and high thrust in wet mode, perfect for strolls and sprints both.\n\nThe outriggers have a hydroplane stretching between them, allowing the Osprey to "step up" during its takeoff run in the water, massively lowering drag. Once you step up, it's safe to take off. The outriggers are jettisonable, but they have the landing gear too. So don't stage away the outriggers unless you're planning one final water landing, however (or one very final indeed land "landing").
			#autoLOC_501192 = Prospector Rover
			#autoLOC_501193 = General Purpose Open Vacuum Rover for all your prospecting needs!\nFuel Cell Power system for KM's of Range. \nProspecting Science Package standard, and plenty of room for expansion on the Flatbed.\nManufacturer recommends keeping brown parts facing ground.
			#autoLOC_501194 = Ravenspear Mk1
			#autoLOC_501195 = The first model of the Ravenspear series of fast, high-altitude aircraft, the Mk1 is fitted with three engines: One central one that is most efficient at low speeds, and two afterburning turbofans that are almost as efficient in dry thrust but provide quite a kick (at quite a cost) in wet mode.\n\nIts canard design has been called "very flyable, actually" by a few famous test pilots, although they also warn of the tendency to strike the tail on takeoff if pulling up too eagerly. Although they remark "it's good that there are more engines, if you break that middle one".
			#autoLOC_501196 = Ravenspear Mk3
			#autoLOC_501197 = The Ravenspear Mk3 is a longer-range high-altitude spaceplane, with a novel wing geometry that provides large amounts of lift at high altitudes. \n\nIt is capable of sub-orbital flights, which makes it a decent test platform for high-altitude experimental engines and other such sciency things.
			#autoLOC_501198 = Ravenspear Mk4
			#autoLOC_501199 = The Mk4 marks a bit of a change in direction from previous Ravenspear models. \n\nInstead of focusing on high-altitude flight, the Mk4 is primarily geared towards making the most out of its four afterburning turbofans. In dry mode, however, it is capable of considerable range.\n\nBeing capable of very high-speed flight at low altitudes, it's a favorite among the bravest test pilots, and quite the opposite for the not-so-brave ones.\n
			#autoLOC_501200 = Rocket-power VTOL
			#autoLOC_501201 = This craft is an experimental test platform for rocket-powered flight. \n\nUsed primarily in training pilots to land on places where parachute descents aren't an option, it's also found a use in telling the ace pilots apart from the 'ok' ones, by the simple expedient of putting them in one of these, and calling "Ace" any that make it out afterwards.
			#autoLOC_501202 = Satellite Launcher
			#autoLOC_501203 = A conventional jet equipped with a small rocket to demonstrate feasibility of rocket launches from high altitude.
			#autoLOC_501204 = Skywinder AE1
			#autoLOC_501205 = The Skywinder AE1 is a sleek and agile plane that was originally used in air races and stunt shows sponsored by Green Kraken energy snacks. The front canards, thrust reversers, and built in safety parachute allowed daredevils to perform all sorts of creative maneuvers that sensible pilots would never even consider! \n\nFollowing a series of unfortunate events, it has since been donated to the space center for recreational use.
			#autoLOC_501206 = Stearwing A300
			#autoLOC_501207 = The Stearwing A300 is a large aircraft, built to carry heavy payloads and a large number of passengers. Don't expect it to reach very impressive altitudes or speeds though. Wings may shear off under excessive stress. Warranty does not cover damage from attempted aerobatics.
			#autoLOC_501208 = Stratolauncher
			#autoLOC_501209 = A Large drone plane designed to carry a rocket to an altitude of 10km and launch it from there. The drone can then theoretically return to the runway to be reused, provided avionics work.
			#autoLOC_501210 = Thunderbird
			#autoLOC_501211 = The Thunderbird is a muscle-car of an aircraft. Broadly similar in performance to the Osprey, it lacks the Osprey's graceful lines (and abilities as a seaplane) in exchange for a higher top speed. Indeed the Thunderbird is basically an engine with a cockpit and some wings bolted on...and therefore a huge success with the test pilots. Make sure you drop the droptanks when they empty to achieve best speed!
			#autoLOC_501212 = Velociteze
			#autoLOC_501213 = A small personnel transport using two small basic jets. Nowhere as efficient as turbofans, they nonetheless provide sterling service in this role (and are far less thirsty than an afterburner or turboramjet). The Velociteze is a well-tempered aircraft, fit for trainees versed on the Gull and Aeris 3A who want to step up to a multi-engine aircraft (and do some useful service ferrying passengers besides).
			#autoLOC_501214 = AeroEquus
			#autoLOC_501215 = The flying four legged neighing landcreature.\n\nLegend has it that the Equus can be ridden by brave Kerbals, all we know is that it takes a brave Kerbal to ride this four booster beast past the Mun, or if really foolhardy, past Minmus.
			#autoLOC_501216 = ComSat Lx
			#autoLOC_501217 = Tiny satellite with antenna and solar power?\nLauncher to bring it to space?\n\nDone and Done!
			#autoLOC_501218 = Dynawing
			#autoLOC_501219 = The Dynawing is a partially-reusable shuttle based around the Dynawing orbiter (with two KS25 engines) and an external tank to feed them, boosted by two Kickbacks. Hailed as the "next generation" of cheap access to space, with a payload of up to 16 tons (reference payload included), it is somewhat tricky to fly, as expensive as conventional rockets, and Kraken help you if something explodes on ascent. But it looks great, very futuristic. Flight crews are, of course, queuing up.\n\nThe main engines fire roughly through the center of mass. Fly an inverted ascent with the shuttle on the 'down' side of the stack, and lead the prograde vector a bit. It's designed to use up all External Tank propellant on the first burn, horizontal by 45 km and keep burning to end up in a 75 x 0 km "orbit" or so. Then stage away  the tank, press 6 to disable the main engines, stage again to ignite the OMS engines, and use them to circularize and later deorbit. Fly a high-AoA reentry with RCS control.
			#autoLOC_501220 = GDLV3
			#autoLOC_501221 = The Generally Designed Launch Vehicle 3 is an adaptable design that the customer can tailor to their needs, in fact the GDLV3 is in such wide use no one can say they actually own it.
			#autoLOC_501222 = Ion-Powered Space Probe
			#autoLOC_501223 = This small probe may look cute and unimpressive, but once it deploys its long-range antenna, it looks pretty much the same.\n\nIts Ion engine is very efficient for a spacecraft this small, so it can go very far indeed, as long as something helps it get into orbit first, of course.
			#autoLOC_501224 = Jumping Flea
			#autoLOC_501225 = The Jumping Flea was originally named after the carnival ride that we salvaged most of its parts from. It might not get us all the way to space, but it will definitely get us started there with a bang!
			#autoLOC_501226 = Kerbal 1-5
			#autoLOC_501227 = A nice little Sunday runabout, the Kerbal 1-5 is just right for day trips to low Kerbin orbit.\n\nThis model includes the optional docking port and RCS upgrade package, perfect for joining with your friends in space.
			#autoLOC_501228 = Kerbal 1
			#autoLOC_501229 = An exercise in rocket construction, just right for teaching the basics.\n\nIt flies, what more do you need?
			#autoLOC_501230 = Kerbal 2
			#autoLOC_501231 = The Kerbal 2 was built as a 'trainer' rocket. It's not meant to reach very far, but it does feature most of the important systems found in the larger vessels.\n\nIt also comes with a parachute. Most astronauts agree that that's one of its best features.
			#autoLOC_501232 = Kerbal X
			#autoLOC_501233 = The Kerbal X is one of the most successful rockets that can be ordered from a catalog. Despite the original design having been meant for a plastic model, it's proved itself quite dependable as a full-sized craft.\n\nThe X is capable of achieving orbit around Kerbin, and even features a very optimistic set of landing legs on its upper stage.
			#autoLOC_501234 = Learstar A1
			#autoLOC_501235 = SSTO is overrated, payload capability and comfortable seats are all the rage these days.
			#autoLOC_501236 = Orbiter 1A
			#autoLOC_501237 = The Orbiter 1A is a training craft for orbital maneuvering. Despite not being able to reach orbit on its own, it's a very maneuverable and fun to fly ship once it gets there.
			#autoLOC_501238 = Orbiter One
			#autoLOC_501239 = We're not sure if the engineers named this craft for its series, or for the number of boosters, and our pilots call it "The Unfinished".\nWhatever the reason for the name, it's an interesting craft to fly.
			#autoLOC_501240 = PT Series Munsplorer
			#autoLOC_501241 = PT Munsplorer: No frills super economy class launcher/lander for Mun/Minmus.\n\nBatteries, fins and science sold separately.
			#autoLOC_501242 = Rover + Skycrane
			#autoLOC_501243 = This craft is one of the most ambitious designs found in the Kerlington catalog, especially if one takes the prospect of using it on another planet seriously. \n\nIt requires a launch vehicle to get it into space (and beyond), but its four rockets do have enough thrust for short test runs at the pad.\n\nThe operations manual says "approach ground slowly, try not to break the rover when you drop it".
			#autoLOC_501244 = Science Jr
			#autoLOC_501245 = A beginner's experimentation kit, complete with goggles, spatula and launch vehicle.\n\nFor ages 3+.
			#autoLOC_501246 = Slim Shuttle
			#autoLOC_501247 = A partially reusable launch system for orbital tourism.
			#autoLOC_501248 = Space Station Core
			#autoLOC_501249 = This Space Station Core shows just how ambitious the Kerlington model rocket catalog can be sometimes. \n\nIf you can manage to build a rocket capable of getting this into orbit, it is air-tight enough to let a few Kerbals live in it for long periods of time. \n\nIt also features a hub with five docking ports, so you can expand your station.
			#autoLOC_501250 = Super-Heavy Lander
			#autoLOC_501251 = This lander may be heavy, but it packs a lot of RCS fuel and has a very funky boarding ladder.\n\nLaunch vehicle sold separately.
			#autoLOC_501252 = Two-Stage Lander
			#autoLOC_501253 = Be the first to put a flag up on your favorite moon with this very sensible and mostly-survivable Lander Module.\n\nThe first stage is meant to get it down to the surface, and can be jettisoned off for the ascent.\n\nLaunch/return vehicle sold separately. Works best at low gravity and with no atmosphere around it.
			#autoLOC_501254 = Viewmatic Survey Satellite
			#autoLOC_501255 = The Viewmatic Survey Satellite was mysteriously found in low orbit around Kerbin. Its original purpose is unknown, but the space center has found it very useful for making sure that their staff are not using company phones for personal use.
			#autoLOC_501256 = Z-MAP Satellite Launch Kit
			#autoLOC_501257 = The Z-Map Satellite kit is a complete spacecraft capable of actually putting its payload into orbit! \n\nSet includes: Payload satellite with booster stage,\nLiquid-fueled fin-stabilized launcher and two detachable boosters.\n\nReturn from orbit not guaranteed. Orbit also not guaranteed. Survival also not guaranteed. Keep out of reach of children and irresponsible adults.
			#autoLOC_501258 = You record the crew's assessment of the situation.
			#autoLOC_501259 = We don't seem to be moving very fast right now.
			#autoLOC_501260 = Reporting in at the Runway. Good thing there's not a lot of air traffic, because I don't think we ever got clearance from the tower to be here.
			#autoLOC_501261 = This is our Space Center. We're home.
			#autoLOC_501262 = Hey, I can see my house from here, I think.
			#autoLOC_501263 = It's very comforting to see that much green below you.
			#autoLOC_501264 = You get a great view of the highlands.
			#autoLOC_501265 = The mountains rise up from the ground of Kerbin. They seem so much smaller from way up here.
			#autoLOC_501266 = The heat rising from the sand causes the desert to move and shimmer.
			#autoLOC_501267 = This looks like a bad place to land.
			#autoLOC_501268 = You see patches of frozen grass. It looks like it's pretty cold out there.
			#autoLOC_501269 = You look down and see a sheet of shining white ice. If you stare at it too long your eyes start to water.
			#autoLOC_501270 = The shores look inviting and you watch the waves roll in to the coast.
			#autoLOC_501271 = From this perspective you can see the underwater topography.
			#autoLOC_501272 = It seems we are very much in space right now. The sky seems to be mostly below us.
			#autoLOC_501273 = Maybe if you get out and push...
			#autoLOC_501274 = It's very... round.
			#autoLOC_501275 = Crew reporting in, from space!
			#autoLOC_501276 = You look down at the cold gray surface. It looks really beat up with craters.
			#autoLOC_501277 = You look at the surface of the Mun and try to find a good landing space. The inside of the craters might be the best option.
			#autoLOC_501278 = The lake beds seem relatively flat, perhaps we could land there.
			#autoLOC_501279 = Looking at the surface of Minmus reminds you of a favorite childhood dessert. You are tempted to taste the surface...
			#autoLOC_501280 = It looks like a particularly lumpy rock. Bet you could jetpack down there.
			#autoLOC_501281 = The planet doesn't appear to have an atmosphere, and you notice darker spots across the surface.
			#autoLOC_501282 = You can't help but notice how incredibly purple the planet is. The shiny oceans are mesmerizing.
			#autoLOC_501283 = The planet is very red, and appears to have deep brown furrows across the surface. There does appear to be some kind of ice at both poles, though.
			#autoLOC_501284 = You can't help but like Ike.
			#autoLOC_501285 = There appear to be some steep, rocky slopes. The higher areas are lighter in color, and the lowlands appear to be very dark gray.
			#autoLOC_501286 = Looking down, you see a massive canyon on the surface. It could be several kilometers deep.
			#autoLOC_501287 = The surface has a patchwork of white and brown areas, with a few craters.
			#autoLOC_501288 = You watch the flowing green storms below, they seem to go on forever, endlessly swirling into each other.
			#autoLOC_501289 = This planet is a wholesome green color. You note down that more planets should be this color.
			#autoLOC_501290 = Laythe looks a lot like Kerbin. You wonder what would happen if you took your helmet off down there.
			#autoLOC_501291 = The surface is mostly covered in oceans. You mark down the landmasses in your report.
			#autoLOC_501292 = The surface has many impressive and jagged mountain ranges. You do not think you'd like to try and land on them.
			#autoLOC_501293 = The moon is mostly white and lighter blue shades. It looks very cold and possibly frozen.
			#autoLOC_501294 = It looks like it would be very hard to land here. It also appears one side is more heavily cratered than the other.
			#autoLOC_501295 = The surface is covered with various shades of white and gray. For a second you thought you saw a face down there...
			#autoLOC_501296 = It appears to be a large brown rock. Perhaps an old asteroid?
			#autoLOC_501297 = As you stare at the planet, something flits by the window. Is there something moving down there?
			#autoLOC_501298 = It looks like a really large grain of pollen. You note down -Pol- in your report.
			#autoLOC_501299 = The terrain below looks very hazardous. You make note of the jagged rocks, inclines and other dangerous areas.
			#autoLOC_501300 = The surface appears to be mostly frozen. You see some interesting brown areas peeking out of the ice and note them in your report.
			#autoLOC_501301 = You search the sky for other nearby planets.  You think Eeloo must be lonely out here by itself. Maybe we should pay it a visit and cheer it up a bit.
			#autoLOC_501302 = You've recorded your observations about the situation.
			#autoLOC_501303 = It's getting very hot in here...
			#autoLOC_501304 = Everything is tinted purple. You feel like you're changing color.
			#autoLOC_501305 = Did you eat too much before you left? You feel so sluggish and heavy...
			#autoLOC_501306 = You can barely move without flying away from the surface. You wish you had brought an anchor.
			#autoLOC_501307 = I don't think a spacesuit was entirely necessary to get here, was it?
			#autoLOC_501308 = You feel kind of small right now... You hope you know where you're going.
			#autoLOC_501309 = This is a most precarious situation.
			#autoLOC_501310 = You're starting to feel you should really get back into the ship.
			#autoLOC_501311 = The dust is getting everywhere!
			#autoLOC_501312 = You look up and search the sky for Kerbin. Suddenly, you feel very small.
			#autoLOC_501313 = You start to say something dramatic and poignant about the plight of Kerbal-kind in this grand universe, only to be cut off by random radio chatter that the situation is nominal.
			#autoLOC_501314 = You're having a bit too much fun with the low gravity.
			#autoLOC_501315 = Is this really a good idea? Staring at the cratered surface below, you're beginning to wonder...
			#autoLOC_501316 = You feel a bit like a superhero when you jump in the low gravity.
			#autoLOC_501317 = After much testing, you determine that red sand castles are plausible.
			#autoLOC_501318 = Everywhere you look, you see red.
			#autoLOC_501319 = You look up at the sky and see something zip past...
			#autoLOC_501320 = There's a bunch of large rocks scattered around the surface. The surface appears to react oddly to light.
			#autoLOC_501321 = When you look closely at the ground, you can see there are many different types of deposits mixed together.
			#autoLOC_501322 = You're not sure how you even landed on the surface of a gas giant. But it's probably best not to think about it for too long.
			#autoLOC_501323 = This place seems nice and comfortable. So comfortable you feel like taking your helmet off. You check the box on your report for -Looks breathable-.
			#autoLOC_501324 = After a few long seconds of gasping and haphazardly flailing about you manage to get used to the strange smell. You write a note on your report: 'breathable atmosphere - mouth only'.
			#autoLOC_501325 = The surface occasionally rumbles beneath you. You think you should probably get back to the ship.
			#autoLOC_501326 = The gravity here is pretty comfortable and reminds you of home. However, the lack of atmosphere is a stark contrast to Kerbin.
			#autoLOC_501327 = The surface is very brown and lumpy. You poke at it with your glove and notice how hard it is.
			#autoLOC_501328 = Everywhere you look it appears the planet is sharp. You don't think you want to sit down or fall on anything.
			#autoLOC_501329 = You lay down and give the planet a hug, just so it knows it's not alone out here.
			#autoLOC_501330 = You Observe the Goo.
			#autoLOC_501331 = The Goo doesn't seem to be doing much right now.
			#autoLOC_501332 = The Goo seems to behave very much the same as it always does around here.
			#autoLOC_501333 = The Goo seems to hate it here.
			#autoLOC_501334 = The Goo escapes into the water!
			#autoLOC_501335 = The Goo wobbles around in its container and starts to seep out of the holes.
			#autoLOC_501336 = The Goo accumulates near the water-facing side of the container.
			#autoLOC_501337 = The Goo seems bored.
			#autoLOC_501338 = The Goo jiggles and wobbles as the craft flies.
			#autoLOC_501339 = The Goo seems to be getting very cold now.
			#autoLOC_501340 = The Goo seems to have clumped into a sphere. It also appears to have become brittle.
			#autoLOC_501341 = The Goo seems to be almost boiling. It writhes around the canister.
			#autoLOC_501342 = The Goo has become rubbery and bounces around the container.
			#autoLOC_501343 = The Goo takes on a purple coloration. Is it just the lighting, or did it change color?
			#autoLOC_501344 = The Goo takes on a red sheen. It looks very much like the planet below.
			#autoLOC_501345 = The Goo seems to be less dense here.
			#autoLOC_501346 = The Goo feels right at home here.
			#autoLOC_501347 = The canister begins to resonate, causing an odd harmonic effect inside the vessel. It's very unsettling.
			#autoLOC_501348 = Gooey tentacles reach out of the canister, freeze, and break off. Fascinating!
			#autoLOC_501349 = While observing the canister, you feel as though something is looking back at you from the shadows of the container.
			#autoLOC_501350 = For a moment the instruments suddenly read off the charts! The container flexes outwards and then settles.
			#autoLOC_501351 = You've collected a sample of the surface.
			#autoLOC_501352 = You dig around in the surface a bit, find something interesting, and throw it into a sample container.
			#autoLOC_501353 = You poke at the ground looking for some really cool rocks to take home.
			#autoLOC_501354 = Yep. Looks like dirt.
			#autoLOC_501355 = This is dirt and grass, and some small rocks. You suspect this isn't going to be much of a groundbreaking discovery.
			#autoLOC_501356 = Here the surface is mostly barren... snow, dirt and rocks. You're very confident that if you looked under the snow, you'd find more dirt and rocks.
			#autoLOC_501357 = Lots of sand and rocks here. You're thankful that you've been in a climate-controlled environment, because it sure looks hot out there. The sand is dry and loose and it looks like it's going to take some effort to clean your gear afterwards.
			#autoLOC_501358 = The ground here seems to be completely frozen. It was very hard to scoop up this sample.
			#autoLOC_501359 = This isn't really solid ground, is it? You got a sample but feared to dig any deeper because of the startling cracking sounds the ice made. You try to not think back on how you landed here.
			#autoLOC_501360 = You took a sample of the soil. It's very muddy and sandy. There might be a body of water nearby.
			#autoLOC_501361 = The grass here is definitely not as green as other places, but the knowledge that you've been at a place called the Badlands makes you feel cool.
			#autoLOC_501362 = You scooped up a sample of the surface. It's a very humid sample.  You hope the equipment has been properly waterproofed.
			#autoLOC_501363 = You've taken a sample of the water. It appears to dramatically increase the surface humidity of anything it touches.
			#autoLOC_501364 = You've taken a sample of the water here. There are bits of vegetation in it, suggesting a strong likelihood that there is land nearby.
			#autoLOC_501365 = The surface is charred and coated with burnt rocket propellant. There are also trace amounts of a conspicuous green substance.
			#autoLOC_501366 = The surface appears to be very hard, like concrete. It might actually be concrete. This could be a very good surface to land at.
			#autoLOC_501367 = This substance is what makes the scientists yell at us when we go into the labs without cleaning our boots first.
			#autoLOC_501368 = The surface appears to be a fine dust with a grey-ish tone. Seems too flaky to make snowballs with.
			#autoLOC_501369 = The darker midlands surface appears to be made up of basaltic rocks.
			#autoLOC_501370 = The sample contains odd glass spherules of various colors. They're quite pretty!
			#autoLOC_501371 = The sample contains evidence of a weak, localized, magnetic field.
			#autoLOC_501372 = The surface here consists of multiple types of rock. Some appear almost crystalline.
			#autoLOC_501373 = The sample contains a combination of breccia and melted materials.
			#autoLOC_501374 = There are higher concentrations of metals in this crater than from other locations.
			#autoLOC_501375 = The ground materials appear to be a combination of basaltic rocks and breccia.
			#autoLOC_501376 = Deeper samples seem to contain more fragmented and shattered formations of rock.
			#autoLOC_501377 = The sample appears to be radioactive.
			#autoLOC_501378 = There appear to be layers of completely different materials here.  It's possible this site has had multiple impacts.
			#autoLOC_501379 = There are large concentrations of melted byproducts here. Some appear to be formed by intense pressures and heat.
			#autoLOC_501380 = Samples from this location appear to be similar in makeup to the powdery surface of the Mun.
			#autoLOC_501381 = Samples in this location are striated. It's possible that the surface has fractured in this location.
			#autoLOC_501382 = Samples from this location seem to show intense shock patterns.
			#autoLOC_501383 = It appears that some of the samples are magnetic and show a faint alignment.
			#autoLOC_501384 = The samples here show lower concentrations of ejecta. There appear to be some liquids in the soil that remain permanently frozen.
			#autoLOC_501385 = Samples seems to contain frozen liquids... We'll need to send them back to Kerbin for further analysis.
			#autoLOC_501386 = The sample appears to be comprised of a large number of materials layered over time.
			#autoLOC_501387 = The sample contains lesser amounts of basaltic rocks. This might account for the changes in coloration we've seen.
			#autoLOC_501388 = The crater seems to contain materials from lower layers of the surface!
			#autoLOC_501389 = These samples appear to be quite old compared to others we've taken.
			#autoLOC_501390 = You sample the dark surface of the crater. This should help determine what type of object hit here.
			#autoLOC_501391 = This crater seems to be filled with useful materials in high concentration. What luck!
			#autoLOC_501392 = The patterning of this surface sample is particularly interesting.
			#autoLOC_501393 = As you sample the crater you can't help but feel bad for the Mun. It's been beaten up pretty bad by these impacts.
			#autoLOC_501394 = You dig around in the surface of the crater, looking for any rocks that look neat.
			#autoLOC_501395 = You find a really cool looking rock and decide to keep it. Remembering that you're supposed to take a surface sample, you throw any old rocks you find into the container. Job done!
			#autoLOC_501396 = Yep, it's a crater all right. You've noted this down on your checklist with a smiley face. Science is fun!
			#autoLOC_501397 = This crater seems to have been a really nasty impact, and the samples are heavier than normal.
			#autoLOC_501398 = You're glad that the Mun's gravity is so low. Digging is backbreaking work!
			#autoLOC_501399 = This area has a particularly high concentration of rare elements. Nice!
			#autoLOC_501400 = Continual samples of this area confirm it is rich in useful materials.
			#autoLOC_501401 = You dig around for a nice sample of the crater, carefully selecting a little bit of everything.
			#autoLOC_501402 = The surface seems to consist of tiny crystal-like grains. Very pretty, but probably not edible.
			#autoLOC_501403 = You sneak a taste of the surface sample... Nope, it definitely is not made of delicious dessert products.
			#autoLOC_501404 = The surface appears to have a very strong purple tint to it... or is it grey and it just looks purple because everything else on Eve is? You start to wonder if you're not taking on a purple tint yourself.
			#autoLOC_501405 = This surface consists of a grainy, very fine, sand-like dust, and it appears to be getting everywhere.
			#autoLOC_501406 = There appear to be traces of water in the soil!
			#autoLOC_501407 = Unable to satisfy your curiousity, you attempt to drill into the rock with your tool. You're thinking it would be a lot easier if you had some kind of pulsating drill-thing on a robotic arm.
			#autoLOC_501408 = The ground is made up of old lava flows, suggesting periods of intense volcanic activity.
			#autoLOC_501409 = The surface gives away easily and you have a hard time keeping the sample in the container due to the low gravity.
			#autoLOC_501410 = The composition of elements is very similar to that of an asteroid.
			#autoLOC_501411 = The Dark black soil has an almost crystalline structure. It's fun to play with.
			#autoLOC_501412 = The white soil has a powdery texture and clumps together.
			#autoLOC_501413 = You find traces of a large number of elements, likely deposited here by impacts over time.
			#autoLOC_501414 = After digging around for a bit, you find some nice bits of glass and throw them in your sample container.
			#autoLOC_501415 = The soil sample contains traces of salt. You wonder if it has blown here, or if this area was once under water.
			#autoLOC_501416 = You chip away the frozen surface and deposit some of the blue surface material into a container.
			#autoLOC_501417 = You dig around in the surface and find some beautiful green and blue crystal structures. They remind you a bit of home, but you're unable to pick out Kerbin from the mass of twinkling lights.
			#autoLOC_501418 = The ground gives way easily, but the surface underneath is much harder.
			#autoLOC_501419 = You hum a little tune while you work to make the time pass faster. Tylo has some really interesting rocks!
			#autoLOC_501420 = The brown dust stains all the parts of your suit that it comes in contact with. This is apparently quite amusing to flight control.
			#autoLOC_501421 = You dig through the surface and find a little sphere. It looks a bit like an egg.
			#autoLOC_501422 = As you shovel the contents into a container, you can't help but feel you'll be allergic to whatever it is.
			#autoLOC_501423 = The sample is the same odd mottle of colors as the planet from orbit. You check off a little box on your list.
			#autoLOC_501424 = After conducting samples of the surface, you determine with a high certainty that Pol is not, in fact, made of Pollen. This will cause quite the stir back home!
			#autoLOC_501425 = Chipping away at the icy surface, you find some brown soil underneath.
			#autoLOC_501426 = You find a beautiful crystal and place it in the sample container.
			#autoLOC_501427 = The rocks contain thin wisps of color. They remind you of lovely ION exhaust trails...
			#autoLOC_501428 = You exposed the material samples to the environment, taking notes of how it behaves.
			#autoLOC_501429 = Everything is melting, including the electronicsssss.........
			#autoLOC_501430 = The materials bay bakes in the heat of Moho's surface. It appears that trace elements are reacting to the samples contained within.
			#autoLOC_501431 = You expose the samples to the high temperatures of Moho. A lot of them melt in really interesting ways.
			#autoLOC_501432 = The materials show little signs of change, though one of the samples appears to be judging you silently.
			#autoLOC_501433 = The desert dust appears to have contaminated all the samples. We did learn that deserts aren't a good place to bring expensive science equipment, though!
			#autoLOC_501434 = The water sample has frozen solid and the goopy samples appear to be extra goopy.
			#autoLOC_501435 = The water spray has rusted one of the samples and some of the electronics ar&/F***13e5rse4t8st######
			#autoLOC_501436 = Everything has gotten really wet. One of the samples caught fire! Whoa!
			#autoLOC_501437 = Exposing the power source of the lab to water has proved to be rather... enlightening.
			#autoLOC_501438 = You expose the samples to the badlands of Kerbin, but worry that it may have a bad influence on them.
			#autoLOC_501439 = The less resilient samples appear to have splattered around the interior, forming new and interesting color combinations.
			#autoLOC_501440 = The rarified air has caused interesting changes to the gel samples. It seems like something is happening with the interior structure.
			#autoLOC_501441 = The micro gravity has greatly affected the growth of crystalline structures. Loose objects are also flying around the bay in a very messy but fascinating way.
			#autoLOC_501442 = The fine dust of the Mun has intermixed with some of the samples. You have a sneaking suspicion that they'll never be able to get the lab clean again.
			#autoLOC_501443 = You leave the sample bay doors open on the Mun, and go do something else for a while.
			#autoLOC_501444 = While the material samples were processed, you began to turn your thoughts to how much Minmus looks like a mint dessert, and have discovered that you are now hungry.
			#autoLOC_501445 = The high radiation environment caused a few of the samples to glow. It looks like it would be fun to paint the rocket with this.
			#autoLOC_501446 = The crushing pressure of the atmosphere is causing some of the materials to crystallize rapidly.
			#autoLOC_501447 = You're not sure if most of the samples changed color, or if it's just the lighting...
			#autoLOC_501448 = The extremely dense atmosphere strips the contents of the materials bay.
			#autoLOC_501449 = The atmosphere appears to either polish or strip the material, depending on its composition.
			#autoLOC_501450 = The samples appear to behave like they're in low orbit of Kerbin.
			#autoLOC_501451 = Some of the surface material has mixed with the contents of the bay. You write down the results for good measure.
			#autoLOC_501452 = Opening the sample container you find that everything has turned red. Initial tests show that it'll never wash out of white space suits. You consider sending missions in pink EVA suits to reduce cleaning costs.
			#autoLOC_501453 = The sample computer processes the results. It's massive red eye seems to be at home here as it slowly, ominously, blinks.
			#autoLOC_501454 = One of the samples has reacted very strangely to the surface of Ike.
			#autoLOC_501455 = One of the crystal samples explodes and throws green shards out of the materials bay!
			#autoLOC_501456 = As the samples process, the computer asks if it can sing you a song while it works. Apparently the song is about a flower of some kind.
			#autoLOC_501457 = One of the samples evaporates when exposed the environment.
			#autoLOC_501458 = The computer gave an odd report no matter how many times we sent the request. Open the sample bay doors... "I'm sorry, I'm afraid I can't let you do that," was the only reply. The doors did open very promptly, however, when we opened the fusebox panel. Very curious.
			#autoLOC_501459 = The intense, crushing pressure has drastically changed the composition of the materials. Super heating and ablation effects have been observed. The science bay is looking very disgruntled.
			#autoLOC_501460 = The samples burn, boil, or crumple under the extreme pressures and heat. The visual camera shows a wonderful rainbow of colors before it cuts out.
			#autoLOC_501461 = You're not sure where the container stops and the samples start anymore...
			#autoLOC_501462 = One of the samples burns on contact with the atmosphere. Interestingly, the color indicates the presence of oxygen.
			#autoLOC_501463 = The sample smolders and pops as it burns up.
			#autoLOC_501464 = The fine, particulate sand of Laythe blows into the sample bay.
			#autoLOC_501465 = The sample bay power supply begins to short out! Electricity arcs and etches into the samples of the bay. It's quite the display!
			#autoLOC_501466 = Many of the samples either freeze or evaporate from the sample container.
			#autoLOC_501467 = The container sample door freezes up, before finally continuing to open. A thin coating forms on the surface of the samples.
			#autoLOC_501468 = One of the samples shatters into a fine mist when exposed to the surface of Tylo.
			#autoLOC_501469 = The samples appear to be having a chemical reaction with the surface of Bop.
			#autoLOC_501470 = All of the liquid samples instantly evaporate.
			#autoLOC_501471 = Some of the samples pit and melt when they come in contact with the surface of Pol!
			#autoLOC_501472 = Some of the fine crystals lining Eeloo enter the materials bay. It also appears that some of the samples have become more conductive in the extreme cold.
			#autoLOC_501473 = Collected and recorded temperature data from the environment.
			#autoLOC_501474 = Temperature readings are quite literally, nominal.
			#autoLOC_501475 = Large plumes of heat are rising from the surface of the desert.
			#autoLOC_501476 = It's cold enough to freeze water solid.
			#autoLOC_501477 = Just the right temperature to go for a swim.
			#autoLOC_501478 = The water appears to get colder as the depth increases.
			#autoLOC_501479 = It's cold enough to keep things permanently frozen here.
			#autoLOC_501480 = The temperature here is quite pleasant, and would be a nice place to live.
			#autoLOC_501481 = the temperature appears to fluctuate here a good bit, depending on the time of day.
			#autoLOC_501482 = The temperature is very high and appears to fluctuate to extremes in the sunlight.
			#autoLOC_501483 = Temperatures range between very cold and hot enough to boil water.
			#autoLOC_501484 = Measuring the temperature of space appears to be quite impossible, as there is no matter around to be either hot or cold... except the spacecraft, and the thermometer itself. This is probably going to give the R&D guys something to think about for a while.
			#autoLOC_501485 = Collected and recorded atmospheric pressure data from the surroundings.
			#autoLOC_501486 = The barometer reading is too low to measure. This planet has no atmosphere.
			#autoLOC_501487 = The barometer is still reading nothing.
			#autoLOC_501488 = The atmospheric pressure is very high, even at this altitude.
			#autoLOC_501489 = The atmosphere is very dense at the surface. It crushes down on the instrumentation.
			#autoLOC_501490 = Either the instruments are broken, or there is no atmosphere on this rock.
			#autoLOC_501491 = You think that you have a reading for a second, but nope; it was just a smudge on the gauge.
			#autoLOC_501492 = Just for kicks you measure the pressure here. Yep, no atmosphere.
			#autoLOC_501493 = The pressure gauge is sitting there motionless. Perhaps you should tap it a few times to be sure?
			#autoLOC_501494 = They say insanity is doing the same thing multiple times and expecting a different result. You check the atmospheric pressure again anyways.
			#autoLOC_501495 = The atmosphere is very thin here, but it is enough to register on the instrumentation.
			#autoLOC_501496 = The atmosphere is pretty thin even at the surface. You don't think parachutes or wings would work very well here.
			#autoLOC_501497 = There appears to be no atmosphere here.
			#autoLOC_501498 = The gauge reads nothing, even on the surface.
			#autoLOC_501499 = The pressures here are immense. The instrument is beginning to fail.
			#autoLOC_501500 = The pressures are very high. It seems dangerous to probe any deeper.
			#autoLOC_501501 = Either the pressure is really high, or the instrument just melted. It's hard to tell what happened first.
			#autoLOC_501502 = There is definitely an atmosphere. Pressures are fairly nominal.
			#autoLOC_501503 = The pressures here seem to be a bit below that of Kerbin, but definitely at a manageable level.
			#autoLOC_501504 = There does not appear to be any atmosphere to sample.
			#autoLOC_501505 = Gasses rising for the planet appear to occasionally register slight pressures. Either that, or the instrument is on the fritz.
			#autoLOC_501506 = Just to be sure, you check the pressure a few times. You think you saw the gauge move a bit.
			#autoLOC_501507 = Surprisingly, you discover no traces of atmosphere.
			#autoLOC_501508 = There is no detectable atmospheric pressure here. Fascinating!
			#autoLOC_501509 = It's a giant space rock. What did you expect to find?
			#autoLOC_501510 = Still nothing. Definitely just a space rock.
			#autoLOC_501511 = Nothing to report here.
			#autoLOC_501512 = No atmospheric pressure is detectable on Pol.
			#autoLOC_501513 = Beep, beep, beep... boop. The instrument has frozen up.
			#autoLOC_501514 = The instrument can't register any pressure here.
			#autoLOC_501515 = Atmospheric pressure reads zero! This most assuredly indicates we must be in space now!
			#autoLOC_501516 = There seems to be no atmosphere at all this far away from home. You find this strangely meaningful.
			#autoLOC_501517 = The instrument reads zero. It's as if it were in a vacuum!
			#autoLOC_501518 = Gathered precise acceleration data while subjecting the vessel to this situation.
			#autoLOC_501519 = The sensor detects vibrations deep inside the planet. It appears that the interior is very volcanically active.
			#autoLOC_501520 = Odd reflections are detected in the recorded vibrations. This might tell us more about the interior structure.
			#autoLOC_501521 = The sensor has detected possible seismic activity below the surface.
			#autoLOC_501522 = The vibrations, though slight, might be enough to map the interior structure of the planet.
			#autoLOC_501523 = This area appears to be seismically dead.
			#autoLOC_501524 = The only vibrations we detect are coming from the landing craft. The vibrations do not travel well through the surface.
			#autoLOC_501525 = The sensor has detected a minor quake on the surface!
			#autoLOC_501526 = The sensor picks up distant impacts on the surface, reflecting along the interior of the Mun.
			#autoLOC_501527 = Faint seismic waves are detected.
			#autoLOC_501528 = Sounds of shifting and vibration are detected under the surface. It is possible that the interior is not completely frozen.
			#autoLOC_501529 = The sensor gives insight into the seismic activity of Duna.
			#autoLOC_501530 = There does not appear to be significant seismic activity on the planet. It is possible that it is no longer geologically active.
			#autoLOC_501531 = This planet appears to be seismically inactive.
			#autoLOC_501532 = periodic bombardments appear to be causing slight vibrations and surface quakes.
			#autoLOC_501533 = Changes in the speed of vibrations hint to differing materials under the surface.
			#autoLOC_501534 = The sensor doesn't even know what to do with itself here.
			#autoLOC_501535 = The sensor has informed you that the warranty has just been voided. No refunds.
			#autoLOC_501536 = Tidal forces appear to be churning the interior of the moon.
			#autoLOC_501537 = Vibrations under the surface indicate current geological activity.
			#autoLOC_501538 = Sensors detect signs of cryovolcanism along the surface.
			#autoLOC_501539 = The sensor picks up vibrations reflecting around the interior of the moon.
			#autoLOC_501540 = The moon appears to be largely inactive.
			#autoLOC_501541 = The sensor records even the slightest surface vibration.
			#autoLOC_501542 = There does not appear to be any major seismic activity on Bop.
			#autoLOC_501543 = A seismic event is detected in the distance, as if a large object had just impacted the surface.
			#autoLOC_501544 = The loose soil transmits vibration differently than on other bodies.
			#autoLOC_501545 = Vibrations reflect off the jagged structures inside the moon.
			#autoLOC_501546 = Cryovolcanic activity is detected in the interior of the planet.
			#autoLOC_501547 = The sensor picks up low frequency sounds.
			#autoLOC_501548 = Recorded accurate measurements of gravitational forces in these conditions.
			#autoLOC_501549 = The sensor passes over the terrain of Moho surveying for variances in the gravitational field.
			#autoLOC_501550 = Landing here has provided a very accurate and stable measure of gravitational forces.
			#autoLOC_501551 = The sensor records slight variances in gravity as you pass over a massive crater site.
			#autoLOC_501552 = The gravitational field is very strong here. The sensor records detailed data about the local field.
			#autoLOC_501553 = The sensor picks up the fluctuations in the gravity of this lumpy body.
			#autoLOC_501554 = The team back at KSC will enjoy these detailed readings.
			#autoLOC_501555 = The sensor finds subtle changes in the gravity field of Kerbin. The science team will want to see these readings!
			#autoLOC_501556 = The sensor seems to think it's being calibrated.
			#autoLOC_501557 = After reading the manual a few times, the command team is able to take an accurate reading of the local gravity.
			#autoLOC_501558 = The instrument surveys the gravity over the grasslands. It appears the field is very stable here.
			#autoLOC_501559 = The instrument surveys the highlands of Kerbin. The rolling hills seem to affect local gravity slightly.
			#autoLOC_501560 = The field appears to be strongest along these mountain ranges.
			#autoLOC_501561 = The dunes appear to have a very stable gravitation, though some spikes would indicate the underground terrain varies in composition.
			#autoLOC_501562 = The sensor reads the gravity over the badlands of Kerbin.
			#autoLOC_501563 = The sensor detects variances under the surface of the ice. Is there a landmass under that ice?
			#autoLOC_501564 = The sensor passes over the shores of Kerbin. The readings appear to be nominal.
			#autoLOC_501565 = The sensor shows a surprising variance as it passes over the oceans, hinting at the varied topography deep below the waters.
			#autoLOC_501566 = The sensor has detected changes in the local gravity that seem to be related to the passing of the Mun.
			#autoLOC_501567 = The instrument surveys for changes in the gravity field of the Mun. This data will help to accurately calculate the mass of the body.
			#autoLOC_501568 = The sensor conducts a detailed survey of the local gravity.
			#autoLOC_501569 = After calibration, the sensor is able to detect the interplay of gravity between Kerbin and the Mun.
			#autoLOC_501570 = Passing over the surface, the sensor sweeps across the gravitational field of Minmus.
			#autoLOC_501571 = The sensor takes detailed readings of the local gravity on Minmus.
			#autoLOC_501572 = The scan picks up the subtle changes in field caused by the orbit of the Mun. This data will provide valuable insight into the local planetary system.
			#autoLOC_501573 = The sensor passes over the mottled surface of Duna. Gravity appears lowest in the massive canyon that stretches across the surface.
			#autoLOC_501574 = The sensor performs a detailed and calibrated sweep of the local gravity on Duna.
			#autoLOC_501575 = The sensor is able to record the affects of Ike as it orbits Duna.
			#autoLOC_501576 = The sensor sweeps the surface and finds the average gravitational pull to be quite low for a planet.
			#autoLOC_501577 = The sensor measures the local gravity in fine detail and records all variations.
			#autoLOC_501578 = The sensor recalibrates to measure the massive gravitational forces of Jool.
			#autoLOC_501579 = The sensor picks up a wealth of information about the local planetary system.
			#autoLOC_501580 = The instrument has been crushed by the massive gravitational forces. Science!
			#autoLOC_501581 = The sensor scans the gravity of Laythe. It hints at diverse terrain under the water.
			#autoLOC_501582 = The sensor scans the local gravity of Laythe, recording the influence of Jool.
			#autoLOC_501583 = The sensor provides detailed gravity information in relation to the tides.
			#autoLOC_501584 = Scanning from orbit provides a clearer picture of the internal makeup of Vall.
			#autoLOC_501585 = Scanning the surface details gravitational fluctuations in the shifting interior of the planet.
			#autoLOC_501586 = The planet has lower gravity than anticipated. This will give our scientists information about the interior makeup of Tylo.
			#autoLOC_501587 = Detailed scans hint at hollow spaces in the interior of the planet.
			#autoLOC_501588 = Orbiting Bop allows for scans of the varied surface. Interesting stuff!
			#autoLOC_501589 = The sensor is giving odd readings here...
			#autoLOC_501590 = The sensor picks up multiple layers under the surface of the planet.
			#autoLOC_501591 = Landing on the planet has allowed for highly detailed scans of the interior gravity on Pol.
			#autoLOC_501592 = Though the surface appears to be smooth, there are fluctuations under the surface of the planet.
			#autoLOC_501593 = Gravity scans are very clear here. There appears to be little influence from other bodies.
			#autoLOC_501594 = You run an atmospheric analysis, recording various measurements like temperature, pressure and atmospheric composition.
			#autoLOC_501595 = There appears to be no atmosphere here, though there are trace elements being detected close to the surface.
			#autoLOC_501596 = This might be an atmosphere, but it's definitely not something you want to breathe.
			#autoLOC_501597 = There is no detectable atmosphere.
			#autoLOC_501598 = It seems there is very little atmosphere at these altitudes. Make sure you're properly suited up if you plan on going outside.
			#autoLOC_501599 = Temperature and Pressure readings suggest today is as good a time for flying as any.
			#autoLOC_501600 = It's very hot and dry out in the Deserts. The sensors were getting clogged up with dust.
			#autoLOC_501601 = The polar atmosphere was found to be very, very cold indeed. Some sensors froze shut, but we're reasonably sure this is still air.
			#autoLOC_501602 = Instruments detect a faint particulate aura around the surface. Not an atmosphere, but it may explain the reported lights on the horizon.
			#autoLOC_501603 = There are detectable releases of gasses, but nothing that could be considered an atmosphere.
			#autoLOC_501604 = The atmosphere on Duna is very, very thin. It might be possible to fly in it with large enough wings, or a fast enough aircraft.
			#autoLOC_501605 = There appears to be a larger concentration of heavy isotopes in the atmosphere than on Kerbin.
			#autoLOC_501606 = You run an analysis on the non-existent atmosphere.
			#autoLOC_501607 = There does not appear to be an atmosphere here.
			#autoLOC_501608 = The atmospheric pressures are very high here, and you detect a large number of gasses.
			#autoLOC_501609 = The instrument is having trouble sampling at these densities. The gasses are beginning to liquify under pressure.
			#autoLOC_501610 = The instrument has mostly compressed into an unrecognizable mass of metal.
			#autoLOC_501611 = The atmosphere on Laythe appears to be very similar to that of Kerbin. I wouldn't volunteer to go out first without a helmet on, however.
			#autoLOC_501612 = Taking your helmet off here probably won't kill you... very quickly.
			#autoLOC_501613 = There are traces of cryovolcanic compounds. But not a full atmosphere.
			#autoLOC_501614 = There appear to be only faint traces of the heaviest isotopes on the surface.
			#autoLOC_501615 = The sensors detected organic compounds for a second. Possibly a mistake.
			#autoLOC_501616 = The sensors detect nothing out of the ordinary. Surely nothing could live here.
			#autoLOC_501617 = There is no atmosphere to speak of, but you sample the temperature anyways.
			#autoLOC_501618 = There appears to be a tenuous atmospheric coating around the planet. But it is too thin to affect any spacecraft landing here.
			#autoLOC_501619 = You collect a sample of the asteroid.
			#autoLOC_501620 = You collect a sample while the asteroid is high over Kerbin.
			#autoLOC_501621 = You collect a sample as the asteroid orbits close to Kerbin.
			#autoLOC_501622 = You collect a sample of the asteroid inside Kerbin's atmosphere.
			#autoLOC_501623 = Goliath National Products
			#autoLOC_501624 = C7 Aerospace Division
			#autoLOC_501625 = Vac-Co Advanced Suction Systems
			#autoLOC_501626 = WinterOwl Aircraft Emporium
			#autoLOC_501627 = Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spacecraft Parts Co
			#autoLOC_501628 = FLOOYD Dynamics Research Labs
			#autoLOC_501629 = O.M.B. Demolition Enterprises
			#autoLOC_501630 = Kerlington Model Rockets and Paper Products Inc
			#autoLOC_501631 = STEADLER Engineering Corps
			#autoLOC_501632 = Sean's Cannery
			#autoLOC_501633 = Probodobodyne Inc
			#autoLOC_501634 = FLOOYD Dynamics Research Labs
			#autoLOC_501635 = Ionic Symphonic Protonic Electronics
			#autoLOC_501636 = Zaltonic Electronics
			#autoLOC_501637 = Rockomax Conglomerate
			#autoLOC_501638 = Kerbodyne
			#autoLOC_501639 = Reaction Systems Ltd
			#autoLOC_501640 = C7 Aerospace Division and Rockomax Conglomerate
			#autoLOC_501641 = Periapsis Rocket Supplies Co
			#autoLOC_501642 = Probodobodyne Inc
			#autoLOC_501643 = The Solar system
			#autoLOC_501644 = Experimental Engineering Group
			#autoLOC_501645 = Integrated Integrals
			#autoLOC_501646 = Dinkelstein Kerman's Construction Emporium
			#autoLOC_501647 = StrutCo
			#autoLOC_501648 = Maxo Construction Toys
			#autoLOC_501649 = Kerbal Motion LLC
			#autoLOC_501650 = Rokea Inc
			#autoLOC_501651 = Moving Parts Experts Group
			#autoLOC_501652 = Found behind the Clamp-O-Tron factory
			#autoLOC_501653 = LightYear Tire Company
			#autoLOC_501654 = Finances
			#autoLOC_501655 = Science
			#autoLOC_501656 = Public Relations
			#autoLOC_501657 = Operations
			#autoLOC_501658 = Mortimer Kerman
			#autoLOC_501659 = Linus Kerman
			#autoLOC_501660 = Walt Kerman
			#autoLOC_501661 = Gus Kerman
			#autoLOC_501662 = C7 Aerospace Division
			#autoLOC_501663 = Dinkelstein Kerman's Construction Emporium
			#autoLOC_501664 = Experimental Engineering Group
			#autoLOC_501665 = FLOOYD Dynamics Research Labs
			#autoLOC_501666 = Goliath National Products
			#autoLOC_501667 = Integrated Integrals
			#autoLOC_501668 = Ionic Symphonic Protonic Electronics
			#autoLOC_501669 = Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spacecraft Parts Co
			#autoLOC_501670 = Kerbal Motion LLC
			#autoLOC_501671 = Kerbin World-Firsts Record-Keeping Society
			#autoLOC_501672 = Kerbodyne
			#autoLOC_501673 = Kerlington Model Rockets and Paper Products Inc
			#autoLOC_501674 = Maxo Construction Toys
			#autoLOC_501675 = Moving Parts Experts Group
			#autoLOC_501676 = O.M.B. Demolition Enterprises
			#autoLOC_501677 = Periapsis Rocket Supplies Co
			#autoLOC_501678 = Probodobodyne Inc
			#autoLOC_501679 = Research & Development Department
			#autoLOC_501680 = Reaction Systems Ltd
			#autoLOC_501681 = Rockomax Conglomerate
			#autoLOC_501682 = Rokea Inc
			#autoLOC_501683 = Sean's Cannery
			#autoLOC_501684 = STEADLER Engineering Corps
			#autoLOC_501685 = StrutCo
			#autoLOC_501686 = Vac-Co Advanced Suction Systems
			#autoLOC_501687 = WinterOwl Aircraft Emporium
			#autoLOC_501688 = Zaltonic Electronics
			#autoLOC_501689 = As a consequence of a somewhat worse than average accident at [Agency], we've been forced to look for some outside help.
			#autoLOC_501690 = While working late nights, the scientists at [Agency] have made a startling discovery.
			#autoLOC_501691 = While cleaning up after an unintended ignition, one of the overworked teams at [Agency] raised an interesting question.
			#autoLOC_501692 = The board of directors at [Agency] have raised some troubling issues.
			#autoLOC_501693 = The CEO (and chief bottle washer) at [Agency] has stumbled on a problem.
			#autoLOC_501694 = The number of times we've achieved sudden combustion at [Agency] has lead us to consider something.
			#autoLOC_501695 = At [Agency], we're not afraid to try new things. As a result, we sometimes find ourselves in the situation of needing outside help to solve a problem.
			#autoLOC_501696 = We've got some pretty impressive rock collections at [Agency].
			#autoLOC_501697 = [Agency] can think of nothing more prestigious than taking a Kerbal, and leaving them behind on another world.
			#autoLOC_501698 = We have the finest scientific minds working at [Agency], and we've been thinking about giving them something to do.
			#autoLOC_501699 = The research department at [Agency] is very close to figuring out a unified theory of gravioli.
			#autoLOC_501700 = At [Agency], we need brave Kerbals with the right stuff to help achieve our dreams.
			#autoLOC_501701 = One of the founding principles of [Agency] is to continue to advance the frontiers of science.
			#autoLOC_501702 = While hitting parts with a wrench, the engineers at [Agency] realized we had a problem.
			#autoLOC_501703 = We've been reviewing our product catalog at [Agency] and have found an oversight.
			#autoLOC_501704 = We're very proud of our flag at [Agency], and wanted to do something special with it.
			#autoLOC_501705 = As part of [Agency]'s commitment to strong corporate statements, we've been looking for ways to get our brand out there.
			#autoLOC_501706 = At [Agency], we're Kerbal enough to admit when mistakes are made. This is one of those times.
			#autoLOC_501707 = We're not usually in the habit of misplacing things at [Agency], but we may have lost something big.
			#autoLOC_501708 = We're constantly looking for how to make better use of satellites at [Agency].
			#autoLOC_501709 = As a result of some surplus parts at the [Agency] warehouses, we've got some more opportunities for orbital satellites.
			#autoLOC_501710 = To meet our quota of "useful things in space", we've been looking into station building projects at [Agency].
			#autoLOC_501711 = We've been poring over maps at the [Agency] offices looking for points of interest, and may have come up with something.
			#autoLOC_501712 = While using the [Agency] dart board as a waypoint planner, we've come up with something interesting.
			#autoLOC_501713 = We're always looking for new revenue streams at [Agency]. Our accountants have told us that space tourism is a growth industry and we'd like to get in on it.
			#autoLOC_501714 = We may have underestimated just how volatile solid rocket fuel really is, and have now found ourselves with a problem we can't solve on our own.
			#autoLOC_501715 = To test out some of our more advanced theories, we need more debris in low orbit.
			#autoLOC_501716 = We're not sure if there really is such a thing as too many struts, but we'd like to find out.
			#autoLOC_501717 = We're trying to figure out if all matter in the universe is as dense as on Kerbin, but haven't come up with a conclusive test for it.
			#autoLOC_501718 = We want to know what shades of green we'll see if we expose a Kerbal to high gee forces.
			#autoLOC_501719 = There are fewer asteroids in orbit of [Topic] than the standard model would predict.
			#autoLOC_501720 = We believe that an asteroid in orbit of [Topic] is worth two in space, and would like to prove it.
			#autoLOC_501721 = We'd like to run some experiments on the feasibility of long-term Kerbal habitation outside of Kerbin as part of the [Topic] project.
			#autoLOC_501722 = We need someone to apply the scientific method... in space!
			#autoLOC_501723 = We're looking for some scientific data. We'd really prefer some new data, but we'd be really happy with any data at all, really.
			#autoLOC_501724 = We have some forms to fill out, and we're pretty sure it would be way more interesting if we filled it out using science data from space.
			#autoLOC_501725 = Our science containers are all empty, and nobody wants to run out to another biome to fill one.
			#autoLOC_501726 = We still have unchecked items on our list of records to break and would like to change that.
			#autoLOC_501727 = Nobody has set any space records yet! It would probably be best to just start by getting something off the launchpad. Then we can start worrying about things like "survivability".
			#autoLOC_501728 = The problem is that we don't actually have any idea how difficult it is to get a Kerbal to orbit, and we need to find out quickly.
			#autoLOC_501729 = We want to know how many planets we can send a Kerbal to before they start ignoring us and fly the ship back.
			#autoLOC_501730 = We're trying to assemble an interplanetary color wheel, and need someone to verify it against a few different celestial bodies.
			#autoLOC_501731 = We're not saying that there are aliens on another planet in our solar system, but... aliens.
			#autoLOC_501732 = We'd like to know if getting [Topic] from somewhere other than Kerbin is as easy as taking snacks from a juvenile Kerbal.
			#autoLOC_501733 = We think that we can prove that there's an abundance of [Topic] throughout the solar system.
			#autoLOC_501734 = There is very little knowledge about how the [Topic] performs under conditions not found in a standard laboratory.
			#autoLOC_501735 = The manual clearly states that the [Topic] is the best in its class. To avoid legal complications, we're going to need proof to justify our claims.
			#autoLOC_501736 = We have way too many parts like the [Topic], and nobody's sure how they work.
			#autoLOC_501737 = We don't actually know how to attach a [Topic] to other parts. From the bottom? The top? Is there even a way to tell which side is up?
			#autoLOC_501738 = If we could have our flag proudly standing on the surface of [Topic], we would surely prove ourselves better than the competition.
			#autoLOC_501739 = We want to verify that a flag planted by an astronaut is the best way to test the rigidity of the surface of [Topic].
			#autoLOC_501740 = We think that the aesthetic of [Topic] would be greatly improved with just one more flag, but we're not able to get one there ourselves.
			#autoLOC_501741 = Apparently, using crewed craft is not a good way to test theories on the dangers of space junk. If you could bring [Topic] back home, we promise not to leave anyone else up there.
			#autoLOC_501742 = We've lost a Kerbal! Could you find [Topic] for us? Their snack supplies may be starting to run a little low.
			#autoLOC_501743 = We've been performing a lot of experiments with leaving Kerbals in space for extended periods of time. Things were going great, until [Topic] woke up one morning and decided to walk out of their capsule.
			#autoLOC_501744 = So apparently, [Topic] is having a lot of trouble with their EVA jetpack. So much so that the rest of the crew may have forgotten to wait for them to get back to the capsule, resulting in them being left in orbit.
			#autoLOC_501745 = We've been experimenting with methods of calculating delta-v without a Kerbal on board (a "Mechanical Bill Kerman" of sorts) and have run into some trouble. The problem being that we can't seem to get [Topic] back to Kerbin.
			#autoLOC_501746 = We've been experimenting with methods of calculating orbital information without a Kerbal on board (a "Jebediah's Engineer" of sorts) and have run into some trouble. The problem being that we can't seem to get [Topic] back to Kerbin.
			#autoLOC_501747 = We've got a competition to see which agency can get the most satellites in particular orbits, and would like some assistance.
			#autoLOC_501748 = We want to be a part of building some really big space stations, and the [Topic] project is a great opportunity.
			#autoLOC_501749 = We don't know too many interesting things about [Topic], and would like to take a look around.
			#autoLOC_501750 = Some Kerbals say that every place on [Topic] looks exactly the same. We disagree, but need someome else to prove them wrong.
			#autoLOC_501751 = We want to know if there are Kerbals that will really pay for the extra seats that you surely already have on your craft.
			#autoLOC_501752 = To get to orbit, we think all we need is for a Kerbal with terrible aim to shoot for the ground and miss.
			#autoLOC_501753 = We want to know if it's as fun as it seems to be in zero-G.
			#autoLOC_501754 = We aren't sure if a day on Kerbin is 6 or 24 hours long.
			#autoLOC_501755 = We'd like to check if Kerbin is in fact perfectly round, and not an oblate spheroid as some lunatics suggest.
			#autoLOC_501756 = We want to know if going to the Mun is a good idea or not.
			#autoLOC_501757 = We need to know if Mun Pies would really sell (what a time to be alive!).
			#autoLOC_501758 = There's no way for us to know if the surface of the Mun is as pretty as everyone thinks.
			#autoLOC_501759 = We want to know if Minmus is really a myth or not.
			#autoLOC_501760 = We're not sure how pretty Minmus is up close.
			#autoLOC_501761 = We need to know if Minmus Mint Chip ice cream would really sell.
			#autoLOC_501762 = We believe that it would be a lot of fun to jump around on Minmus.
			#autoLOC_501763 = If the surface of Minmus isn't edible, will Kerbals still try to eat it?
			#autoLOC_501764 = How far does something that goes up have to go before it doesn't come down again?
			#autoLOC_501765 = We suspect that there's interesting places to see beyond Kerbin and all its moons, although we suspect there's a lot of empty space in between.
			#autoLOC_501766 = Now we need your help.
			#autoLOC_501767 = This is why we're here.
			#autoLOC_501768 = So this is where you come in.
			#autoLOC_501769 = We believe that you are much better positioned to deal with this than us.
			#autoLOC_501770 = So please get us an asteroid, but watch out with that claw.
			#autoLOC_501771 = We need you to science the... Kerbal out of this.
			#autoLOC_501772 = So if you could point some of those satellites our way, we'd be rather pleased.
			#autoLOC_501773 = But really, there's no sense in us still talking while there's science to be done. Shall we get to it?
			#autoLOC_501774 = It's time for you to take another step in advancing the frontier.
			#autoLOC_501775 = So, when can we expect the first shipment?
			#autoLOC_501776 = So we need a few simple tests run for us.
			#autoLOC_501777 = It would really help us out if you're able to run a test.
			#autoLOC_501778 = So, up for planting a flag?
			#autoLOC_501779 = We'd be quite grateful if you could perform this recovery operation for us.
			#autoLOC_501780 = So, can you take a few extra Kerbals with you on your next flight?
			#autoLOC_501781 = TD-06 Decoupler
			#autoLOC_501782 = The TD-06 Stack Decoupler is a miniature detachment device for small rockets
			#autoLOC_501783 = decouple
			#autoLOC_501784 = TD-12 Decoupler
			#autoLOC_501785 = The TD-12 Stack Decoupler is equipped with a (hopefully) small explosive charge, that will sever the structural linkage between itself and whatever it's connected to. Painted on its sides are handy arrows indicating which side will detach
			#autoLOC_501786 = decouple
			#autoLOC_501787 = TD-25 Decoupler
			#autoLOC_501788 = O.M.B. is pleased to bring you the latest in decoupling technologies - twice the size of the next best selling product, it offers plenty of bang for plenty of buck! As with its smaller, woefully inferior competitors, this decoupler has handy arrows to indicate which side it will detach from.
			#autoLOC_501789 = decouple
			#autoLOC_501790 = TD-37 Decoupler
			#autoLOC_501791 = Originally designed for separating buildings that were stuck together, O.M.B. has repurposed these explosive bolts for use in separating stacks of massive rockets.
			#autoLOC_501792 = decouple
			#autoLOC_501793 = TS-06 Stack Separator
			#autoLOC_501794 = The TS-06 is a utility for slicing a rocket into two halves, but in a more compact size. The manual says the explosive content is just enough to eject anything attached to the unit in a safe, controlled manner. The delivery guy did have a full bomb suit on though, so try not to drop it.
			#autoLOC_501795 = decouple
			#autoLOC_501796 = TS-12 Stack Separator
			#autoLOC_501797 = Unlike Decouplers, Separators jettison everything attached to them. This new technology was very well received by rocket engineers everywhere. Not bad for something that started out as a failure for a controlled explosive bolt prototype
			#autoLOC_501798 = decouple
			#autoLOC_501799 = TS-25 Stack Separator
			#autoLOC_501800 = The TS-25 is designed for slicing the largest of rockets in twain. Unlike Decouplers, Separators will eject anything connected to themselves. This is good, as it removes the need to worry about which side needs to be pointed away from face. Try to not look at it too much though.
			#autoLOC_501801 = decouple
			#autoLOC_501802 = TS-37 Stack Separator
			#autoLOC_501803 = This separator is dangerous whichever way you look at it. Be cautious when armed.
			#autoLOC_501804 = decouple
			#autoLOC_501805 = Mk1-3 Command Pod
			#autoLOC_501806 = This modern cockpit includes space for three crew members, and integrated RCS thrusters.
			#autoLOC_501807 = capsule cmg control ?eva fly gyro ?iva moment pilot react rocket space stab steer torque
			#autoLOC_501808 = R-11 'Baguette' External Tank
			#autoLOC_501809 = As convenient as it is fashionable. This part actually won a modern-art design prize.
			#autoLOC_501810 = fueltank ?lfo liquid oxidizer propellant rocket
			#autoLOC_501811 = R-4 'Dumpling' External Tank
			#autoLOC_501812 = Often, and mistakenly used for playing ball games.
			#autoLOC_501813 = fueltank ?lfo liquid oxidizer propellant rocket
			#autoLOC_501814 = R-12 'Doughnut' External Tank
			#autoLOC_501815 = An unconventionally shaped (but undoubtedly handy) fuel tank.
			#autoLOC_501816 = fueltank mono monopropellant propellant
			#autoLOC_502000 = Fairing Not Staged
			#autoLOC_502001 = Fairing Staged
			#autoLOC_502002 = Truss Structure
			#autoLOC_502003 = Interstage Nodes
			#autoLOC_502004 = Jettison Heat Shield
			#autoLOC_502005 = HS Jettison Not Staged
			#autoLOC_502006 = HS Jettison Staged
			#autoLOC_502007 = Inflate Heat Shield
			#autoLOC_502008 = Deflate Heat Shield
			#autoLOC_502009 = Crew Report
			#autoLOC_502010 = Discard Crew Report
			#autoLOC_502011 = Toggle Lights
			#autoLOC_502012 = Lights On
			#autoLOC_502013 = Lights Off
			#autoLOC_502014 = Toggle RW
			#autoLOC_502015 = Reverse Thrust
			#autoLOC_502016 = Forward Thrust
			#autoLOC_502017 = Toggle Thrust Reverser
			#autoLOC_502018 = Take Surface Sample
			#autoLOC_502019 = Discard Sample
			#autoLOC_502020 = EVA Report
			#autoLOC_502021 = Discard Report
			#autoLOC_502022 = Fuel Cell
			#autoLOC_502023 = Start Fuel Cell
			#autoLOC_502024 = Stop Fuel Cell
			#autoLOC_502025 = Toggle Fuel Cell
			#autoLOC_502026 = Lf+Ox
			#autoLOC_502027 = Start ISRU [Lf+Ox]
			#autoLOC_502028 = Stop ISRU [Lf+Ox]
			#autoLOC_502029 = Monoprop
			#autoLOC_502030 = Start ISRU [Monoprop]
			#autoLOC_502031 = Stop ISRU [Monoprop]
			#autoLOC_502032 = LiquidFuel
			#autoLOC_502033 = Start ISRU [LqdFuel]
			#autoLOC_502034 = Stop ISRU [LqdFuel]
			#autoLOC_502035 = Oxidizer
			#autoLOC_502036 = Start ISRU [Ox]
			#autoLOC_502037 = Stop ISRU [Ox]
			#autoLOC_502038 = Surface Harvester
			#autoLOC_502039 = Start Surface Harvester
			#autoLOC_502040 = Stop Surface Harvester
			#autoLOC_502041 = Toggle Surface Harvester
			#autoLOC_502042 = Start Asteroid Harvester
			#autoLOC_502043 = Stop Asteroid Harvester
			#autoLOC_502044 = Toggle Asteroid Harvester
			#autoLOC_502045 = MonoPropellant
			#autoLOC_502046 = Start ISRU [MonoProp]
			#autoLOC_502047 = Stop ISRU [MonoProp]
			#autoLOC_502048 = Run Atmosphere Analysis
			#autoLOC_502049 = Discard Data
			#autoLOC_502050 = Deploy
			#autoLOC_502051 = Close
			#autoLOC_502052 = Toggle Cover
			#autoLOC_502053 = Observe Mystery Goo
			#autoLOC_502054 = Reset Goo Canister
			#autoLOC_502055 = Research
			#autoLOC_502056 = Start Research
			#autoLOC_502057 = Stop Research
			#autoLOC_502058 = Open Doors
			#autoLOC_502059 = Close Doors
			#autoLOC_502060 = Toggle Doors
			#autoLOC_502061 = Conduct Materials Study
			#autoLOC_502062 = Reset Materials Study
			#autoLOC_502063 = Log Seismic Data
			#autoLOC_502064 = Delete Data
			#autoLOC_502065 = Log Pressure Data
			#autoLOC_502066 = Log Gravity Data
			#autoLOC_502067 = Log Temperature
			#autoLOC_502068 = Toggle
			#autoLOC_502069 = Open
			#autoLOC_502070 = Toggle Shield
			#autoLOC_502071 = Open Shield
			#autoLOC_502072 = Close Shield
			#autoLOC_502073 = Arm
			#autoLOC_502074 = Disarm
			#autoLOC_502075 = Toggle Arming
			#autoLOC_502076 = Landing Leg
			#autoLOC_502077 = Toggle Bay Doors
			#autoLOC_502078 = Toggle Ramp
			#autoLOC_502079 = Retractable Landing Gear
			#autoLOC_502080 = Landing Gear
			#autoLOC_502081 = Rover Wheel
			#autoLOC_502100 = Income
			#autoLOC_502101 = gains
			#autoLOC_502102 = Gains from contracts
			#autoLOC_502103 = gains from field work
			#autoLOC_502104 = Off on Launch Costs and R&D Purchases
			#autoLOC_502105 = Off on Facility Repair and Construction
			#autoLOC_502106 = on each discount
			#autoLOC_502107 = to Minimum Vessel Recovery
			#autoLOC_502108 = from Maximum Vessel Recovery
			#autoLOC_502109 = to milestone gains
			#autoLOC_502110 = to field work gains
			#autoLOC_502111 = from contract gains
			#autoLOC_502200 = Review Report
			#autoLOC_502201 = Review Stored Data
			#autoLOC_502202 = Store Experiments
			#autoLOC_502203 = Review Sample
			#autoLOC_502204 = Review Data
			#autoLOC_600040 = <b>WE CAN BUILD IT!</b>
			#autoLOC_900000 = Wernher Von Kerman
			#autoLOC_900001 = Gene Kerman
			#autoLOC_900002 = Gus Kerman
			#autoLOC_900004 = Mortimer Kerman
			#autoLOC_900005 = PR Kerman
			#autoLOC_900006 = Linus Kerman
			#autoLOC_900024 = EVA Propellant
			#autoLOC_900025 = EVA Report
			#autoLOC_900026 = Discard Report
			#autoLOC_900027 = Review Report
			#autoLOC_900029 = Bill Kerman
			#autoLOC_900030 = Bob Kerman
			#autoLOC_900031 = Jebediah Kerman
			#autoLOC_900075 = Loading...
			#autoLOC_900077 = This moon was especially hard to spot, as it looks just like a pollen grain, particularly when observed through telescopes based near dusty fields.\n\nPol was finally discovered when someone decided to write down the location of the pollen, after having given up on yet another failed attempt to be rid of the smudge.
			#autoLOC_900080 = Tylo was the first moon of Jool to be discovered by the Kerbal Astronomical Society. After many failed attempts to take a flawless picture of Jool to hang on the office walls, it was finally discovered that the wandering white smear was indeed a moon.\n\nScientists speculate that the view from the surface with Laythe, Vall and Jool overhead must be “quite something”.
			#autoLOC_900082 = Vall was one of the last Moons of Jool to be discovered. Frustrated scientists kept attempting to wipe it off the lenses of their telescopes. Eventually after a rash of returned telescopes, Advanced Optics Co. finally decided to just tell them it was an actual object in the sky.
			#autoLOC_900084 = When Laythe was first discovered, it was not entered in the records because the scientist in charge thought he was looking at Kerbin.\n\nLuckily this error was corrected when a plucky intern informed him that “telescopes don’t work that way”.\n\nThe intern was shortly afterwards “promoted” and moved to the experimental rocket testing program.
			#autoLOC_900086 = Ike is a relatively large, grey object occasionally seen orbiting Duna. Scientists have postulated that Ike is seemingly perfectly positioned to sneakily interfere with any object that presumes to come orbiting near its parent.
			#autoLOC_900088 = Minmus is the smallest moon orbiting Kerbin. From the surface of Kerbin, it can be seen on clear days as a tiny blue speck in the sky. \n\nIt is often mistaken as dirt on telescope lenses or dead pixels, but the top minds at the Kerbal Astronomical Society assure us it is a real moon nevertheless.
			#autoLOC_900090 = The Mun, is a large satellite orbiting Kerbin. It is mostly gray in appearance, with craters of various sizes dotting its otherwise smooth surface.\n\nThe Mun’s discovery is widely regarded as one of the more important breakthroughs of Kerbal evolution. Granted, it didn’t happen all that long ago, but it’s still fair to say Kerbals are wiser and more evolved now than they were back then.
			#autoLOC_900092 = Gilly is a lumpy rock wandering around the orbit of Eve. It’s by far the smallest natural satellite that the Kerbal Astronomical Society has discovered.\n\nDue to the large amount of squinting and eye strain associated with its discovery, wearing glasses has now become synonymous with being an accomplished Astronomer.
			#autoLOC_900094 = There’s been a considerable amount of controversy around the status of Eeloo as being a proper planet or a just “lump of ice going around the Sun”. The debate is still ongoing, since most academic summits held to address the issue have devolved into, on good days, petty name calling, and on worse ones, all-out brawls.
			#autoLOC_900096 = Jool is particularly known for being a rather large, predominantly green planet. Kerbalkind has longed to visit it since it was first spotted in the sky. Philosophers reason that the swirling green planet must be a really nice place to visit, on account of its wholesome coloration.\n\nIf you look at Jool through a telescope, it is fuzzy.
			#autoLOC_900098 = Dres is a very small planet. It was the first planet considered to be a dwarf. It’s orbit is highly irregular and together with it’s size it took a long time to discover since half the time it was not where scientists expected to find a planet.\n\nDue to its nature of frequenting the bad parts of space. This dwarf planet was officially labeled as “Not to be trusted” by the scientific community.
			#autoLOC_900100 = Also known as the red dot that you can see if you squint at it really hard, Duna has long been a wonder to Kerbalkind. The planet has been held in much awe, due to its striking red color and stark contrast to the color green.
			#autoLOC_900101 = A unique world, Kerbin has flat plains, soaring mountains and wide, blue oceans. Home to the Kerbals, it has just the right conditions to support a vast, seemingly undepletable population of the eager green creatures.\n\nReaching a stable orbit around Kerbin is one of the first things budding space programs strive for. It is said that those who can get their ship into orbit are halfway to anywhere.
			#autoLOC_900103 = Eve is certainly the purplest object in the solar system. It’s one of the larger, most visible objects, mainly because of its very, very purple tint.\n\nIt is considered by some to be almost a sister planet to Kerbin. Well, despite the purple, and the toxic atmosphere, and the extreme pressures and temperatures. Actually, it’s not very similar at all is it? Who are those people?
			#autoLOC_900105 = Moho figures in Kerbal mythology as a fiery place with oceans of flowing lava. In reality however, it’s much less interesting. \n\nScientists speculate about possible ways to make it “awesome like in the stories”. Some of those ideas have led to new breakthroughs in aerospace technology.
			#autoLOC_900108 = At the Runway, spacecraft built in the Spaceplane Hangar have a long flat surface to reach take-off speed. Conceivably, such aircraft could even land back on it.
			#autoLOC_900109 = Space Plane
			#autoLOC_900112 = At the Mission Control Facility, all available Contracts can be managed. It also offers a very nice view of the launch sites, for any who are brave enough to be so close to a launching craft.
			#autoLOC_900114 = The Spaceplane Hangar allows construction of spacecraft designed to be launched from the Runway.
			#autoLOC_900116 = The Launchpad is where vessels built at the VAB are launched. We are reasonably confident it's at a safe enough distance from everything else.
			#autoLOC_900117 = Rocket
			#autoLOC_900119 = Flag Pole
			#autoLOC_900120 = This is the official flag of the Space Program... Or we could change it.
			#autoLOC_900121 = Tracking Station
			#autoLOC_900122 = At the Tracking Station, all ongoing missions can be viewed and focused. Landed craft can be recovered from here as well.
			#autoLOC_900124 = The Astronaut Complex contains the living and recreation spaces for all our crewmembers. New applicants also apply here to be recruited.
			#autoLOC_900125 = The VAB is where spacecraft are designed and built, before being moved over to the Launchpad for flight.
			#autoLOC_900127 = At the R&D Facility, our team of scientists works hard to crunch the data received from mission experiments. Here, all researched technologies can be viewed, and new ones discovered.
			#autoLOC_900129 = The Administration Building may not seem like a very exciting place at first, but here is where all our strategic decisions are made.
			#autoLOC_900135 = Comm One
			#autoLOC_900136 = Capacity: [CrewCount] Active Kerbals [EVA] [EVAFlags]
			#autoLOC_900138 = Max Parts Supported: [CraftParts] [ActionGroups]
			#autoLOC_900139 = [MapMode] [DSNRange] [UnownedObjects]
			#autoLOC_900140 = Max Vessel Size: [CraftSize] Max Vessel Weight: [CraftMass]
			#autoLOC_900141 = Research Science Limit: [ScienceCost] [EVASrfSample] [FuelTransfer]
			#autoLOC_900142 = Max Active Contracts: [ContractCount] [FlightPlanning]
			#autoLOC_900143 = Max Vessel Size: [CraftSizeHgtDiam] Max Vessel Weight: [CraftMass]
			#autoLOC_900144 = Max Active Strategies: [StrategyCount] Max Commitment: [StrategyRange]
			#autoLOC_900162 = Flight Results
			#autoLOC_900165 = Space Center
			#autoLOC_900172 = Science
			#autoLOC_900173 = Next
			#autoLOC_900174 = Crew
			#autoLOC_900188 = Reset Experiment
			#autoLOC_900194 = Keep Experiment
			#autoLOC_900199 = KSPedia
			#autoLOC_900203 = Forward
			#autoLOC_900205 = Unpause Game
			#autoLOC_900206 = Pause Game
			#autoLOC_900207 = Close KSPedia
			#autoLOC_900211 = Back
			#autoLOC_900228 = Flow Priority
			#autoLOC_900232 = In
			#autoLOC_900233 = Out
			#autoLOC_900234 = Stop
			#autoLOC_900235 = Transfer
			#autoLOC_900237 = Cycle Display Visibility
			#autoLOC_900239 = KerbNet Access
			#autoLOC_900240 = Center:
			#autoLOC_900243 = Close KerbNet
			#autoLOC_900244 = Refresh
			#autoLOC_900246 = Cycle Display Mode
			#autoLOC_900248 = Manually Refresh Display
			#autoLOC_900249 = KerbNet is Offline
			#autoLOC_900251 = Place Waypoint at Target
			#autoLOC_900252 = Waypoint
			#autoLOC_900253 = Biome:
			#autoLOC_900254 = Target:
			#autoLOC_900255 = Cycle Automatic Refresh
			#autoLOC_900258 = Leave Facility
			#autoLOC_900259 = Accept Strategy
			#autoLOC_900260 = Cancel Strategy
			#autoLOC_900261 = Commitment:
			#autoLOC_900265 = Nothing selected
			#autoLOC_900268 = Active Strategies
			#autoLOC_900280 = Show severity:
			#autoLOC_900286 = Stage View
			#autoLOC_900290 = Applicants
			#autoLOC_900294 = Dismiss Kerbal
			#autoLOC_900295 = Enlist Kerbal
			#autoLOC_900297 = Courage
			#autoLOC_900298 = Stupidity
			#autoLOC_900301 = Empty all seats
			#autoLOC_900302 = Fill all seats automatically
			#autoLOC_900303 = Open Astronaut Complex
			#autoLOC_900304 = Reset crew assignment to default
			#autoLOC_900305 = Reset
			#autoLOC_900306 = Available crew
			#autoLOC_900307 = Parts with crew capacity
			#autoLOC_900308 = Clear
			#autoLOC_900309 = Fill
			#autoLOC_900310 = Go to Astronaut Complex
			#autoLOC_900312 = Remove Kerbal from Vessel
			#autoLOC_900313 = Assign Kerbal to Vessel
			#autoLOC_900314 = Empty seat
			#autoLOC_900315 = Debug Toolbar
			#autoLOC_900317 = Console
			#autoLOC_900318 = Database
			#autoLOC_900319 = Assemblies
			#autoLOC_900320 = Props
			#autoLOC_900321 = Resources
			#autoLOC_900322 = Models
			#autoLOC_900323 = Textures
			#autoLOC_900324 = Audio
			#autoLOC_900325 = Debugging
			#autoLOC_900326 = Cheats
			#autoLOC_900327 = Physics
			#autoLOC_900328 = Aero
			#autoLOC_900329 = Drag
			#autoLOC_900330 = Thermal
			#autoLOC_900331 = Set Orbit
			#autoLOC_900332 = Difficulty
			#autoLOC_900333 = Input Locks
			#autoLOC_900334 = Performance
			#autoLOC_900335 = Contracts
			#autoLOC_900336 = Active
			#autoLOC_900337 = Offered
			#autoLOC_900338 = Archive
			#autoLOC_900339 = Tools
			#autoLOC_900340 = Kerbals
			#autoLOC_900341 = Create
			#autoLOC_900342 = Object Thrower
			#autoLOC_900345 = Experience
			#autoLOC_900346 = Pause on Vessel Unpack
			#autoLOC_900347 = Part Clipping in Editors
			#autoLOC_900348 = Maximum
			#autoLOC_900349 = Infinite Propellant
			#autoLOC_900350 = Technology
			#autoLOC_900351 = Hack Gravity
			#autoLOC_900353 = Facility
			#autoLOC_900354 = Funding
			#autoLOC_900355 = No Crash Damage
			#autoLOC_900356 = Reputation
			#autoLOC_900357 = Ignore Max Temperature
			#autoLOC_900358 = Biomes Visible
			#autoLOC_900359 = Progression
			#autoLOC_900360 = Non-Strict Part Attachment Checks
			#autoLOC_900361 = Infinite Electricity
			#autoLOC_900362 = Unbreakable Joints
			#autoLOC_900364 = Inclination
			#autoLOC_900367 = MNA
			#autoLOC_900368 = Semi-Major Axis
			#autoLOC_900369 = Rendezvous
			#autoLOC_900370 = OBT
			#autoLOC_900371 = LAN
			#autoLOC_900372 = LPE
			#autoLOC_900374 = Eccentricity
			#autoLOC_900375 = Armed
			#autoLOC_900376 = Object
			#autoLOC_900377 = Size
			#autoLOC_900378 = Unarmed
			#autoLOC_900380 = Mass
			#autoLOC_900381 = Speed
			#autoLOC_900384 = Accept
			#autoLOC_900387 = Trivial
			#autoLOC_900388 = Significant
			#autoLOC_900389 = Contract Assembly
			#autoLOC_900390 = Exceptional
			#autoLOC_900391 = Clear Current Contracts
			#autoLOC_900392 = Regenerate Current Contracts
			#autoLOC_900393 = Reset Contract Weights
			#autoLOC_900394 = Clear Finished Contracts
			#autoLOC_900396 = Reload Database
			#autoLOC_900401 = Configuration Files
			#autoLOC_900404 = Database Totals
			#autoLOC_900409 = Show All Log Errors on the Screen
			#autoLOC_900410 = Immediately Flush Log File to Disk
			#autoLOC_900411 = Show All Log Exceptions on the Screen
			#autoLOC_900412 = Enter command...
			#autoLOC_900413 = Submit
			#autoLOC_900414 = Clear Input Locks
			#autoLOC_900424 = Ignore agency mindset
			#autoLOC_900425 = Allow quick saving
			#autoLOC_900426 = Allow revert to launch
			#autoLOC_900427 = Allow stock vessels in career mode
			#autoLOC_900428 = Lost crews respawn
			#autoLOC_900429 = Allow quick loading
			#autoLOC_900430 = Allow revert to editor
			#autoLOC_900431 = Role
			#autoLOC_900432 = Random
			#autoLOC_900433 = Pilot
			#autoLOC_900434 = Male
			#autoLOC_900435 = Personality
			#autoLOC_900436 = Courage
			#autoLOC_900437 = Veteran
			#autoLOC_900438 = Stupidity
			#autoLOC_900439 = Engineer
			#autoLOC_900440 = Badass
			#autoLOC_900441 = Create Kerbal
			#autoLOC_900442 = Scientist
			#autoLOC_900443 = Attributes
			#autoLOC_900444 = Female
			#autoLOC_900446 = Tourist
			#autoLOC_900447 = Gender
			#autoLOC_900452 = Body Lift Multiplier
			#autoLOC_900455 = Display Aero Data in Action Menus
			#autoLOC_900456 = Force Display Scale
			#autoLOC_900457 = Global Lift Multiplier
			#autoLOC_900458 = Lift/Drag Multiplier
			#autoLOC_900459 = Display Aero Forces in Flight
			#autoLOC_900460 = Display Aero Data GUI
			#autoLOC_900461 = Apply Non-Physical Part Drag At Parent CoM
			#autoLOC_900462 = Replace Drag Cubes With Spherical Model
			#autoLOC_900463 = Apply Drag
			#autoLOC_900464 = Drag Cube Multiplier
			#autoLOC_900465 = Angular Drag Multiplier
			#autoLOC_900466 = Apply Drag As Acceleration Instead of Force
			#autoLOC_900467 = Apply Drag To Non-Physical Parts
			#autoLOC_900468 = Global Drag Multiplier
			#autoLOC_900469 = Physics File
			#autoLOC_900470 = Legacy Orbit Targeting
			#autoLOC_900471 = Visualize Autostruts
			#autoLOC_900472 = Load Database
			#autoLOC_900473 = Enter filename...
			#autoLOC_900474 = Save Database
			#autoLOC_900475 = Convection Factor
			#autoLOC_900476 = Newtonian Temperature Factor
			#autoLOC_900477 = Generation Factor
			#autoLOC_900481 = Solar Luminosity At Home
			#autoLOC_900482 = Conduction Enabled
			#autoLOC_900483 = Display Thermal Data in Action Menus
			#autoLOC_900484 = Solar Insolation At Home
			#autoLOC_900485 = Display Thermal Data GUI
			#autoLOC_900486 = Convection Enabled
			#autoLOC_900487 = Thermal Debug Colors
			#autoLOC_900488 = Radiation Enabled
			#autoLOC_900489 = Conduction Factor
			#autoLOC_900490 = Radiation Factor
			#autoLOC_900491 = Enable Heat Generation for Resource Parts
			#autoLOC_900492 = Show Debug Info on Resource Parts
			#autoLOC_900493 = Tool: Move
			#autoLOC_900494 = Actions
			#autoLOC_900495 = Toggle Snap
			#autoLOC_900496 = Tool:
			#autoLOC_900497 = Sort by Cost
			#autoLOC_900498 = Save
			#autoLOC_900501 = Tool: Rotate
			#autoLOC_900502 = Sort by Mass
			#autoLOC_900503 = Subassembly:
			#autoLOC_900504 = Center of Mass Overlay
			#autoLOC_900508 = Enable simple mode
			#autoLOC_900509 = Tool: Place
			#autoLOC_900510 = New
			#autoLOC_900511 = Mission Flag
			#autoLOC_900512 = Sort by Size
			#autoLOC_900513 = Custom category:
			#autoLOC_900514 = Aerodynamic Overlay
			#autoLOC_900515 = Leave
			#autoLOC_900516 = Cycle Symmetry Count
			#autoLOC_900517 = Build
			#autoLOC_900518 = Sort by Name
			#autoLOC_900519 = Enable advanced mode
			#autoLOC_900520 = Tool: Re-Root
			#autoLOC_900521 = Editor
			#autoLOC_900522 = Open
			#autoLOC_900523 = Launch
			#autoLOC_900524 = Center of Thrust Overlay
			#autoLOC_900525 = Action Groups
			#autoLOC_900526 = Selection
			#autoLOC_900527 = Enter ship description...
			#autoLOC_900528 = Cost
			#autoLOC_900529 = Mass
			#autoLOC_900530 = Untitled Space Craft
			#autoLOC_900531 = Enter search...
			#autoLOC_900532 = Group Actions
			#autoLOC_900533 = Size
			#autoLOC_900535 = Cancel
			#autoLOC_900536 = Delete
			#autoLOC_900537 = Select a Craft to Load
			#autoLOC_900538 = Merge
			#autoLOC_900539 = Load
			#autoLOC_900544 = Delete this category
			#autoLOC_900545 = Icon
			#autoLOC_900546 = Close this dialog
			#autoLOC_900547 = Save category
			#autoLOC_900550 = Add part to selected category
			#autoLOC_900551 = Add part to category
			#autoLOC_900555 = Manufacturer:
			#autoLOC_900575 = EVA
			#autoLOC_900581 = Radial Out
			#autoLOC_900582 = Toggle SAS
			#autoLOC_900583 = Toggle Gear Action Group
			#autoLOC_900584 = Toggle Brakes Action Group
			#autoLOC_900585 = Staging Mode
			#autoLOC_900586 = Flight
			#autoLOC_900587 = Maneuver
			#autoLOC_900588 = Toggle Time Mode
			#autoLOC_900589 = Anti Target
			#autoLOC_900590 = Toggle Map
			#autoLOC_900591 = Target
			#autoLOC_900596 = Abort Action Group
			#autoLOC_900597 = Prograde
			#autoLOC_900598 = Radial In
			#autoLOC_900602 = Normal
			#autoLOC_900603 = Stability Assist
			#autoLOC_900604 = Toggle Light Action Group
			#autoLOC_900605 = Toggle RCS
			#autoLOC_900606 = Docking Mode
			#autoLOC_900607 = Retrograde
			#autoLOC_900608 = Toggle Navball Frame
			#autoLOC_900612 = Add Slot
			#autoLOC_900615 = MET
			#autoLOC_900616 = Interior Overlay
			#autoLOC_900621 = Surface
			#autoLOC_900627 = View
			#autoLOC_900629 = Info
			#autoLOC_900631 = Parameters
			#autoLOC_900639 = Cutoff
			#autoLOC_900641 = Color
			#autoLOC_900642 = Style
			#autoLOC_900643 = Resource
			#autoLOC_900644 = Fraction
			#autoLOC_900645 = Ocean
			#autoLOC_900646 = Atmos.
			#autoLOC_900650 = Signal strength
			#autoLOC_900651 = Last seen:
			#autoLOC_900652 = Size class:
			#autoLOC_900654 = Total mass:
			#autoLOC_900655 = Partcount:
			#autoLOC_900658 = KSP Stats Tracking
			#autoLOC_900659 = Don't send my IP address
			#autoLOC_900660 = Continue
			#autoLOC_900661 = Send anonymous game progress data
			#autoLOC_900662 = KSP would like to send some data gathered from your system to the KSP Servers, to be used for statistical purposes. The game will send the following data:
			#autoLOC_900667 = Continue Saved Game
			#autoLOC_900672 = Restart
			#autoLOC_900675 = Start
			#autoLOC_900676 = Debris
			#autoLOC_900677 = Vessel Type:
			#autoLOC_900678 = Rename Vessel
			#autoLOC_900679 = Station
			#autoLOC_900681 = Probe
			#autoLOC_900682 = Vessel Name:
			#autoLOC_900683 = Rover
			#autoLOC_900684 = Ship
			#autoLOC_900685 = Plane
			#autoLOC_900686 = Lander
			#autoLOC_900687 = Relay
			#autoLOC_900692 = All Contracts
			#autoLOC_900693 = Accept Contract
			#autoLOC_900694 = Available Contracts
			#autoLOC_900695 = Archived Contracts
			#autoLOC_900696 = Completed Contracts
			#autoLOC_900697 = Active Contracts
			#autoLOC_900698 = Failed Contracts
			#autoLOC_900699 = Cancelled Contracts
			#autoLOC_900700 = Decline Contract
			#autoLOC_900702 = Agent Info
			#autoLOC_900703 = Archives
			#autoLOC_900708 = Failed
			#autoLOC_900710 = Completed
			#autoLOC_900711 = Cancelled
			#autoLOC_900712 = All
			#autoLOC_900713 = Generated
			#autoLOC_900714 = Offer Expired
			#autoLOC_900715 = Deadline Expired
			#autoLOC_900716 = Declined
			#autoLOC_900717 = Available Parts
			#autoLOC_900718 = Data
			#autoLOC_900719 = Sort by Science
			#autoLOC_900720 = Sort by Value
			#autoLOC_900722 = Sort by Data
			#autoLOC_900727 = Review science report
			#autoLOC_900729 = Value
			#autoLOC_900734 = Settings
			#autoLOC_900735 = Revert
			#autoLOC_900736 = Reset Game Settings
			#autoLOC_900737 = Do you want to reset the game settings and return to the Main Menu?
			#autoLOC_900738 = Reset Settings
			#autoLOC_900739 = Apply
			#autoLOC_900740 = General
			#autoLOC_900741 = Graphics
			#autoLOC_900742 = Input
			#autoLOC_900743 = Vessel
			#autoLOC_900744 = Game
			#autoLOC_900745 = Controllers
			#autoLOC_900746 = Mouse
			#autoLOC_900748 = Invert
			#autoLOC_900749 = Dead Zone
			#autoLOC_900750 = Sensitivity
			#autoLOC_900751 = Secondary
			#autoLOC_900752 = Primary
			#autoLOC_900754 = Pri
			#autoLOC_900755 = Sec
			#autoLOC_900756 = Rotation
			#autoLOC_900757 = Pitch Down
			#autoLOC_900758 = Pitch Up
			#autoLOC_900759 = Yaw Left
			#autoLOC_900760 = Yaw Right
			#autoLOC_900761 = Roll Left
			#autoLOC_900762 = Roll Right
			#autoLOC_900763 = Translation
			#autoLOC_900764 = Translate Up
			#autoLOC_900765 = Translate Down
			#autoLOC_900766 = Translate Left
			#autoLOC_900767 = Translate Right
			#autoLOC_900768 = Translate Forward
			#autoLOC_900769 = Translate Backward
			#autoLOC_900770 = Throttle
			#autoLOC_900771 = Throttle Up
			#autoLOC_900772 = Throttle Down
			#autoLOC_900773 = Other
			#autoLOC_900774 = Switch Translation/Rotation
			#autoLOC_900775 = Pitch Axis
			#autoLOC_900776 = Roll Axis
			#autoLOC_900777 = Yaw Axis
			#autoLOC_900778 = Translate Left/Right
			#autoLOC_900779 = Translate Up/Down
			#autoLOC_900780 = Translate Forward/Back
			#autoLOC_900781 = Throttle Axis
			#autoLOC_900782 = Throttle (Incremental)
			#autoLOC_900783 = Systems
			#autoLOC_900784 = Landing Gear
			#autoLOC_900785 = Brakes
			#autoLOC_900786 = BRAKES
			#autoLOC_900787 = SAS Hold
			#autoLOC_900788 = SAS Toggle
			#autoLOC_900789 = RCS Toggle
			#autoLOC_900790 = Throttle Cut-off
			#autoLOC_900791 = Full Throttle
			#autoLOC_900792 = Precision Controls Toggle
			#autoLOC_900793 = Lights
			#autoLOC_900794 = Emergency Abort
			#autoLOC_900795 = Custom Action 1
			#autoLOC_900796 = Custom Action 2
			#autoLOC_900797 = Custom Action 3
			#autoLOC_900798 = Custom Action 4
			#autoLOC_900799 = Custom Action 5
			#autoLOC_900800 = Custom Action 6
			#autoLOC_900801 = Custom Action 7
			#autoLOC_900802 = Custom Action 8
			#autoLOC_900803 = Custom Action 9
			#autoLOC_900804 = Custom Action 10
			#autoLOC_900805 = Wheels
			#autoLOC_900806 = Steer Left
			#autoLOC_900807 = Steer Right
			#autoLOC_900808 = Drive Forward
			#autoLOC_900809 = Drive Back
			#autoLOC_900810 = Steering Axis
			#autoLOC_900811 = Character Controls
			#autoLOC_900812 = Move Forward
			#autoLOC_900813 = Move Back
			#autoLOC_900814 = Move Left
			#autoLOC_900815 = Move Right
			#autoLOC_900816 = Turn Left
			#autoLOC_900817 = Turn Right
			#autoLOC_900818 = Jump
			#autoLOC_900819 = Run
			#autoLOC_900820 = Board
			#autoLOC_900821 = Toggle Movement Mode
			#autoLOC_900822 = Orient to View
			#autoLOC_900823 = Toggle Lights
			#autoLOC_900824 = Toggle EVA Pack
			#autoLOC_900825 = Move Up
			#autoLOC_900826 = Move Down
			#autoLOC_900827 = Character
			#autoLOC_900828 = Pitch
			#autoLOC_900829 = Yaw
			#autoLOC_900830 = Roll
			#autoLOC_900831 = Orbital Map View
			#autoLOC_900832 = Increase Time Warp
			#autoLOC_900833 = Decrease Time Warp
			#autoLOC_900834 = Stop Time Warp
			#autoLOC_900835 = Focus Next Vessel
			#autoLOC_900836 = Focus Prev Vessel
			#autoLOC_900837 = Take Screenshot
			#autoLOC_900838 = Pause
			#autoLOC_900839 = PAUSE
			#autoLOC_900840 = Quicksave
			#autoLOC_900841 = QUICKSAVE
			#autoLOC_900842 = Quickload
			#autoLOC_900843 = QUICKLOAD
			#autoLOC_900844 = Camera
			#autoLOC_900845 = Camera Mode
			#autoLOC_900846 = Camera Next
			#autoLOC_900847 = Camera Reset
			#autoLOC_900848 = Zoom In
			#autoLOC_900849 = Zoom Out
			#autoLOC_900850 = View Up
			#autoLOC_900851 = View Down
			#autoLOC_900852 = View Left
			#autoLOC_900853 = View Right
			#autoLOC_900854 = Toggle Mouselook
			#autoLOC_900855 = Scroll View Up
			#autoLOC_900856 = Scroll View Down
			#autoLOC_900857 = Part Pitch Down
			#autoLOC_900858 = Part Pitch Up
			#autoLOC_900859 = Yaw Part Left
			#autoLOC_900860 = Yaw Part Right
			#autoLOC_900861 = Roll Part Left
			#autoLOC_900862 = Roll Part Right
			#autoLOC_900863 = Reset Part Rotation
			#autoLOC_900864 = Place Mode
			#autoLOC_900865 = Offset Mode
			#autoLOC_900866 = Rotate Mode
			#autoLOC_900867 = Root Mode
			#autoLOC_900868 = Toggle Local/Absolute
			#autoLOC_900869 = Toggle Angle Snap
			#autoLOC_900870 = Toggle Symmetry
			#autoLOC_900871 = Cycle Symmetry Mode
			#autoLOC_900872 = Search All Parts
			#autoLOC_900873 = Scroll Modifier for Zoom
			#autoLOC_900874 = UI
			#autoLOC_900875 = Scroll Icons Up
			#autoLOC_900876 = Scroll Icons Down
			#autoLOC_900877 = Camera Horizontal
			#autoLOC_900878 = Camera Vertical
			#autoLOC_900881 = Volume
			#autoLOC_900882 = Master
			#autoLOC_900883 = Spacecraft
			#autoLOC_900884 = Ambience
			#autoLOC_900885 = Music
			#autoLOC_900886 = Voices
			#autoLOC_900887 = Sound Normalizer
			#autoLOC_900889 = Enabled
			#autoLOC_900890 = Disabled
			#autoLOC_900891 = Threshold
			#autoLOC_900892 = Responsiveness
			#autoLOC_900893 = Gameplay
			#autoLOC_900894 = Show Vessel Labels
			#autoLOC_900895 = Show Space Center Crew
			#autoLOC_900896 = Display Kerbin Time
			#autoLOC_900897 = Contract Deadlines as Dates
			#autoLOC_900898 = Temperature Gauges
			#autoLOC_900899 = Thermal Highlights
			#autoLOC_900900 = Double Click Mouse Look
			#autoLOC_900901 = EVAs Auto-Rotate to Camera
			#autoLOC_900902 = Retain Control Point on Enter IVA
			#autoLOC_900903 = UI Scale
			#autoLOC_900904 = Camera Wobble External
			#autoLOC_900905 = Camera Wobble Internal
			#autoLOC_900906 = Advanced Tweakables
			#autoLOC_900907 = Default Throttle in Prelaunch
			#autoLOC_900908 = Autohide Navball in Map View
			#autoLOC_900909 = System
			#autoLOC_900910 = Show Stats Tracking Dialog on Startup
			#autoLOC_900911 = Show Exit to Main Menu Confirmation
			#autoLOC_900912 = Show Wrong Vessel Type on Launch Confirmation
			#autoLOC_900913 = Simulate In Background
			#autoLOC_900914 = Don't Show Game Launcher
			#autoLOC_900915 = Show Version Watermark in Game
			#autoLOC_900916 = Max Persistent Debris
			#autoLOC_900917 = Tidy up debris cluttering KSC
			#autoLOC_900918 = Max Physics Delta-Time per Frame
			#autoLOC_900919 = Orbital Drift Compensation
			#autoLOC_900920 = Ease in Gravity
			#autoLOC_900921 = Verbose Logging
			#autoLOC_900922 = Scenery
			#autoLOC_900923 = Terrain Detail
			#autoLOC_900925 = Terrain Scatters
			#autoLOC_900926 = Scatter Density
			#autoLOC_900927 = Video
			#autoLOC_900928 = Screen Resolution
			#autoLOC_900929 = Full Screen
			#autoLOC_900930 = FULLSCREEN
			#autoLOC_900932 = V-Sync
			#autoLOC_900933 = Don't Sync,Every V-Blank,Every Second V-Blank
			#autoLOC_900934 = Frame Limit
			#autoLOC_900935 = Pixel Light Count
			#autoLOC_900936 = Shadow Cascades
			#autoLOC_900937 = Rendering
			#autoLOC_900938 = Render Quality
			#autoLOC_900939 = Texture Quality
			#autoLOC_900940 = Eighth Res,Quarter Res,Half Res,Full Res
			#autoLOC_900941 = Aerodynamic FX Quality
			#autoLOC_900942 = Surface FX
			#autoLOC_900943 = Underwater FX
			#autoLOC_900944 = Highlight FX
			#autoLOC_900945 = Conic Patch Draw Mode
			#autoLOC_900946 = Local to Body,Local at SOI Entry,Local at SOI Exit,Relative,Dynamic
			#autoLOC_900947 = Conic Patch Limit
			#autoLOC_900948 = Orbit Line Fade Strength
			#autoLOC_900949 = Orbit Line Fade Reversed
			#autoLOC_900950 = Always Show Closest Approach for Target
			#autoLOC_900951 = Part Highlighter Brightness Factor
			#autoLOC_900952 = Part Highlighter Enabled in Flight
			#autoLOC_900953 = Toggle Camera/Flight Control
			#autoLOC_900954 = Pitch, Yaw and Roll
			#autoLOC_900955 = Sharpness
			#autoLOC_900956 = XYZ Translation
			#autoLOC_900957 = Mouse Wheel Sensitivity
			#autoLOC_900958 = Track IR
			#autoLOC_900959 = Track IR Enabled
			#autoLOC_900960 = Flight External
			#autoLOC_900961 = Flight Internal
			#autoLOC_900962 = Flight EVA
			#autoLOC_900963 = Flight Map View
			#autoLOC_900964 = Editors
			#autoLOC_900968 = Enter
			#autoLOC_900978 = Fly
			#autoLOC_900979 = Crew:
			#autoLOC_900981 = Recover
			#autoLOC_900983 = Pause Menu
			#autoLOC_900984 = Warp to Next Morning
			#autoLOC_901004 = Toggle Ships
			#autoLOC_901005 = Toggle Unknown
			#autoLOC_901006 = Toggle Stations
			#autoLOC_901007 = Toggle Rovers
			#autoLOC_901008 = Toggle EVAs
			#autoLOC_901009 = Toggle Landers
			#autoLOC_901010 = Timewarp to Next Morning
			#autoLOC_901011 = Toggle Relays
			#autoLOC_901012 = Toggle Space Objects
			#autoLOC_901013 = Toggle Debris
			#autoLOC_901014 = Toggle Flags
			#autoLOC_901015 = Toggle Probes
			#autoLOC_901016 = Toggle Bases
			#autoLOC_901017 = Fly
			#autoLOC_901018 = Terminate
			#autoLOC_901019 = Track
			#autoLOC_901020 = Tracked Objects:
			#autoLOC_901021 = Toggle Planes
			#autoLOC_901034 = Delete vessel
			#autoLOC_901035 = Launch vessel
			#autoLOC_901036 = Select mission flag
			#autoLOC_901037 = Edit vessel
			#autoLOC_901038 = Mission Flag
			#autoLOC_901039 = Launch New Mission
			#autoLOC_901040 = Write missing localization keys to log as they are accessed
			#autoLOC_901041 = Show localization keys on screen (instead of translated text)
			#autoLOC_901042 = Used Heap Size
			#autoLOC_901043 = Allocated
			#autoLOC_901044 = Reserved
			#autoLOC_901045 = Unused Reserve
			#autoLOC_901046 = Mono Heap
			#autoLOC_901047 = Mono Heap Used
			#autoLOC_901048 = Scale
			#autoLOC_901049 = Multiplier
			#autoLOC_901050 = Memory
			#autoLOC_901051 = Factor
			#autoLOC_901052 = Luminosity
			#autoLOC_901053 = Insolation
			#autoLOC_901054 = Name
			#autoLOC_901055 = Enter name...
			#autoLOC_901056 = Parts
			#autoLOC_901057 = Internals
			#autoLOC_901058 = Localized Strings
			#autoLOC_901059 = Partial Key to Search
			#autoLOC_901060 = Partial Value to Search
			#autoLOC_901061 = Search
			#autoLOC_901062 = Show Exact Matches Only
			#autoLOC_901063 = Strings
			#autoLOC_901064 = Kerbal Created
			#autoLOC_901065 = <color=red><b>Roster full</b></color>
			#autoLOC_901066 = <color=red><b>Name in use</b></color>
			#autoLOC_901067 = <color=green><b>Kerbal Created</b></color>
			#autoLOC_901068 = Crew
			#autoLOC_901069 = Applicant
			#autoLOC_901070 = Unowned
			#autoLOC_901071 = Tourist
			#autoLOC_901072 = Available
			#autoLOC_901073 = Assigned
			#autoLOC_901074 = Dead
			#autoLOC_901075 = Missing
			#autoLOC_901076 = -------------------- EXACT MATCHES --------------------
			#autoLOC_901077 = No strings found matching Key
			#autoLOC_901078 = No strings found matching Key
			#autoLOC_901079 = -------------------- CONTAINS MATCHES --------------------
			#autoLOC_901080 = Like search limited to 50 results
			#autoLOC_901081 = Found 50 matches. stopping
			#autoLOC_901082 = Key
			#autoLOC_901083 = Value
			#autoLOC_901084 = Sphere
			#autoLOC_901085 = Cube
			#autoLOC_901086 = Remove
			#autoLOC_901087 = <color=red>Uncancellable</color>
			#autoLOC_901088 = <color=red>Undeclinable</color>
			#autoLOC_901089 = Advanced Message Application
			#autoLOC_901090 = Flight Info
			#autoLOC_901091 = Radar Altitude
			#autoLOC_901092 = Frame of Reference
			#autoLOC_901093 = Physics Time
			#autoLOC_901094 = Physics Frame Delay
			#autoLOC_901095 = Reference Body
			#autoLOC_901096 = Physics Time Ratio
			#autoLOC_901097 = Time
			#autoLOC_901098 = Location
			#autoLOC_901099 = No Active Vessel
			#autoLOC_901100 = Rotating
			#autoLOC_901101 = Inertial
			#autoLOC_901102 = Version Info
			#autoLOC_901103 = Click for Version Info...
			#autoLOC_910001 = Bop is a small moon in the vicinity of Jool. In Kerbal mythology, Bop is believed to be the home of the Kraken, a mischievous creature said to play with the ships of hapless explorers, by spinning them out of control until torn asunder, then casting them into oblivion.
			#autoLOC_910002 = The Sun is the most well known object in the daytime sky. Scientists have noted a particular burning sensation and potential loss of vision if it is stared at for long periods of time. This is especially important to keep in mind considering the effect shiny objects have on the average Kerbal.
			#autoLOC_910021 = Pol^N
			#autoLOC_910023 = Bop^N
			#autoLOC_910025 = Tylo^N
			#autoLOC_910027 = Vall^N
			#autoLOC_910029 = Laythe^N
			#autoLOC_910031 = Ike^N
			#autoLOC_910033 = Minmus^N
			#autoLOC_910035 = The Mun^N
			#autoLOC_910037 = Gilly^N
			#autoLOC_910039 = Eeloo^N
			#autoLOC_910041 = Jool^N
			#autoLOC_910043 = Dres^N
			#autoLOC_910045 = Duna^N
			#autoLOC_910048 = Kerbin^N
			#autoLOC_910049 = Eve^N
			#autoLOC_910051 = Moho^N
			#autoLOC_910053 = The Sun^N
			#autoLOC_1100000 = Getting Started and Basic Construction
			#autoLOC_1100001 = This tutorial, presented by famous rocket scientist Wernher von Kerman himself, covers the basics of rocket construction in the Vehicle Assembly Building. He's waiting for you down there and is always in high demand. Don't dally!
			#autoLOC_1100002 = Jebediah Kerman
			#autoLOC_1100003 = Bill Kerman
			#autoLOC_1100004 = Bob Kerman
			#autoLOC_1100005 = Valentina Kerman
			#autoLOC_1100006 = Basic Flight
			#autoLOC_1100007 = Learn the basics of flying a spacecraft in KSP. In this tutorial, flight instructor Gene Kerman will take you through the essential flight controls and instruments required to launch a simple hopper (that you built in Construction Basics).
			#autoLOC_1100008 = Jebediah Kerman
			#autoLOC_1100009 = Bill Kerman
			#autoLOC_1100010 = Bob Kerman
			#autoLOC_1100011 = Valentina Kerman
			#autoLOC_1100012 = Intermediate Construction
			#autoLOC_1100013 = This tutorial, presented by famous rocket scientist Wernher von Kerman himself, covers how to design a craft that can escape Kerbin's atmosphere and return safely.
			#autoLOC_1100014 = Jebediah Kerman
			#autoLOC_1100015 = Bill Kerman
			#autoLOC_1100016 = Bob Kerman
			#autoLOC_1100017 = Valentina Kerman
			#autoLOC_1100018 = Suborbital Flight
			#autoLOC_1100019 = Learn how to escape Kerbin's atmosphere and return safely. In this tutorial, flight instructor Gene Kerman will take you through the essential flight controls and instruments required to launch a simple rocket to an almost respectable altitude\u2014and how to get back in one piece!
			#autoLOC_1100020 = Jebediah Kerman
			#autoLOC_1100021 = Bill Kerman
			#autoLOC_1100022 = Bob Kerman
			#autoLOC_1100023 = Valentina Kerman
			#autoLOC_1100024 = Advanced   Construction
			#autoLOC_1100025 = This tutorial, presented by famous rocket scientist Wernher von Kerman himself, covers how to design a craft that can orbit Kerbin and return safely.
			#autoLOC_1100026 = Jebediah Kerman
			#autoLOC_1100027 = Bill Kerman
			#autoLOC_1100028 = Bob Kerman
			#autoLOC_1100029 = Valentina Kerman
			#autoLOC_1100030 = Go For Orbit
			#autoLOC_1100031 = Building off the prior flight tutorials, Gene Kerman teaches you how to achieve orbit with the vessel you built in the Advanced Construction tutorial. It's a big step!
			#autoLOC_1100032 = Jebediah Kerman
			#autoLOC_1100033 = Bill Kerman
			#autoLOC_1100034 = Bob Kerman
			#autoLOC_1100035 = Valentina Kerman
			#autoLOC_1100036 = Orbiting 101
			#autoLOC_1100037 = This training scenario covers the basics of flying a spacecraft in orbit: Essential maneuvers like raising and lowering apoapsis and periapsis nodes, and also important concepts, such as what the terms "apoapsis" and "periapsis" mean. You'll start off in a low circular orbit around Kerbin, with the Orbiter 1 training craft ready to go.
			#autoLOC_1100038 = Jebediah Kerman
			#autoLOC_1100039 = Bill Kerman
			#autoLOC_1100040 = Bob Kerman
			#autoLOC_1100041 = Valentina Kerman
			#autoLOC_1100042 = Science Basics
			#autoLOC_1100043 = In this tutorial Wernher von Kerman will walk you through the Kerbal Scientific Method, you will learn how experimentation works and why it's so cool!
			#autoLOC_1100044 = Jebediah Kerman
			#autoLOC_1100045 = Bill Kerman
			#autoLOC_1100046 = Bob Kerman
			#autoLOC_1100047 = To The Mun, Part 1
			#autoLOC_1100048 = This tutorial will introduce you to flights outside of Kerbin's sphere of influence, at the most basic level - flying to the Mun.
			#autoLOC_1100049 = Jebediah Kerman
			#autoLOC_1100050 = Bill Kerman
			#autoLOC_1100051 = Bob Kerman
			#autoLOC_1100052 = Valentina Kerman
			#autoLOC_1100053 = To The Mun, Part 2
			#autoLOC_1100054 = Here you will learn how to land safely on the Mun (and, by extension, other airless bodies). It picks up where Part 1 left off.
			#autoLOC_1100055 = Jebediah Kerman
			#autoLOC_1100056 = Bill Kerman
			#autoLOC_1100057 = Bob Kerman
			#autoLOC_1100058 = Valentina Kerman
			#autoLOC_1100059 = From the Mun
			#autoLOC_1100060 = Here we will review how to bring our brave Kerbal crew back home, once they managed to safely land on the Mun.
			#autoLOC_1100061 = Jebediah Kerman
			#autoLOC_1100062 = Bill Kerman
			#autoLOC_1100063 = Bob Kerman
			#autoLOC_1100064 = Valentina Kerman
			#autoLOC_1100065 = Docking
			#autoLOC_1100066 = We'll review the process of attaching two ships with one another in space.
			#autoLOC_1100067 = Jedrigh Kerman
			#autoLOC_1100068 = Seangel Kerman
			#autoLOC_1100069 = Desbur Kerman
			#autoLOC_1100070 = Obmin Kerman
			#autoLOC_1100071 = Jebrod Kerman
			#autoLOC_1100072 = Jonfrod Kerman
			#autoLOC_1100073 = Calmy Kerman
			#autoLOC_1100074 = Matmy Kerman
			#autoLOC_1100075 = Neilburry Kerman
			#autoLOC_1100076 = Podfrod Kerman
			#autoLOC_1100077 = Jebediah Kerman
			#autoLOC_1100078 = Bill Kerman
			#autoLOC_1100079 = Bob Kerman
			#autoLOC_1100080 = Valentina Kerman
			#autoLOC_1100081 = Asteroid Redirect Mission, Part 1
			#autoLOC_1100082 = This is the beginning of a guided mission that will walk you through the process of catching an asteroid, in this part we will rendezvous with an orbiting asteroid.
			#autoLOC_1100083 = Jebediah Kerman
			#autoLOC_1100084 = Bill Kerman
			#autoLOC_1100085 = Bob Kerman
			#autoLOC_1100086 = Asteroid Redirect Mission, Part 2
			#autoLOC_1100087 = In this part we will look at how to actually catch an asteroid and decide what to do with it.
			#autoLOC_1100088 = Jebediah Kerman
			#autoLOC_1200000 = Asteroid Redirect Mission: Orbital Rendezvous
			#autoLOC_1200001 = The Asteroid Redirect Mission, created with the collaboration of NASA, features asteroids orbiting close to Kerbin, as well as new tools that allow you to actually capture one, redirect its orbit, and perform new science research on it. In this scenario, the Retriever A1 spacecraft is on a course to rendezvous with an orbiting asteroid. You're tasked with performing the rendezvous burn, then catch up to the asteroid as you approach the intersection of both orbits.
			#autoLOC_1200002 = Jebediah Kerman
			#autoLOC_1200003 = Bill Kerman
			#autoLOC_1200004 = Bob Kerman
			#autoLOC_1200005 = Asteroid Redirect Mission: Ready to Capture
			#autoLOC_1200006 = The Asteroid Redirect Mission, created with the collaboration of NASA, features asteroids orbiting close to Kerbin, as well as new tools that allow you to actually capture one, redirect its orbit, and perform new science research on it. In this scenario, the Retriever A2 spacecraft is only a few meters away from the asteroid, ready to deploy its grappling device and attach itself. Can you maneuver it into a closed orbit around Kerbin's Mun?
			#autoLOC_1200007 = Jebediah Kerman
			#autoLOC_1200008 = Bill Kerman
			#autoLOC_1200009 = Bob Kerman
			#autoLOC_1200010 = Dynawing Final Approach
			#autoLOC_1200011 = The Dynawing is on final approach to the KSC runway. All you have to do is land her.\n\nPreferably in one piece!
			#autoLOC_1200012 = Jebediah Kerman
			#autoLOC_1200013 = Bill Kerman
			#autoLOC_1200014 = Bob Kerman
			#autoLOC_1200015 = Valentina Kerman
			#autoLOC_1200016 = Edler Kerman
			#autoLOC_1200017 = Erianna Kerman
			#autoLOC_1200018 = Irtrid Kerman
			#autoLOC_1200019 = Mitdos Kerman
			#autoLOC_1200020 = Kata Kerman
			#autoLOC_1200021 = Suene Kerman
			#autoLOC_1200022 = Jergun Kerman
			#autoLOC_1200023 = Neldun Kerman
			#autoLOC_1200024 = Daet Kerman
			#autoLOC_1200025 = Gilbles Kerman
			#autoLOC_1200026 = Maxuna Kerman
			#autoLOC_1200027 = Dynawing Re-entry
			#autoLOC_1200028 = It's over 1000 Km to the KSC, we've got a half tank of monoprop, it's dawn, and we're wearing space suits.\n\nHit it.
			#autoLOC_1200029 = Jebediah Kerman
			#autoLOC_1200030 = Bill Kerman
			#autoLOC_1200031 = Bob Kerman
			#autoLOC_1200032 = Valentina Kerman
			#autoLOC_1200033 = Edler Kerman
			#autoLOC_1200034 = Erianna Kerman
			#autoLOC_1200035 = Irtrid Kerman
			#autoLOC_1200036 = Mitdos Kerman
			#autoLOC_1200037 = Kata Kerman
			#autoLOC_1200038 = Suene Kerman
			#autoLOC_1200039 = Jergun Kerman
			#autoLOC_1200040 = Neldun Kerman
			#autoLOC_1200041 = Daet Kerman
			#autoLOC_1200042 = Gilbles Kerman
			#autoLOC_1200043 = Maxuna Kerman
			#autoLOC_1200044 = EVA in Kerbin Orbit
			#autoLOC_1200045 = Jebediah Kerman on EVA about 40 meters away from his ship.
			#autoLOC_1200046 = Jebediah Kerman
			#autoLOC_1200047 = Bill Kerman
			#autoLOC_1200048 = Bob Kerman
			#autoLOC_1200049 = EVA on Duna
			#autoLOC_1200050 = Susa Kerman is exploring the red planet. Can you bring her home?\n\nHer ship is rather basic, so be careful...
			#autoLOC_1200051 = Jebediah Kerman
			#autoLOC_1200052 = Bill Kerman
			#autoLOC_1200053 = Bob Kerman
			#autoLOC_1200054 = Valentina Kerman
			#autoLOC_1200055 = Munfurt Kerman
			#autoLOC_1200056 = Pholenna Kerman
			#autoLOC_1200057 = Patul Kerman
			#autoLOC_1200058 = Susa Kerman
			#autoLOC_1200059 = Tradolin Kerman
			#autoLOC_1200060 = Patvis Kerman
			#autoLOC_1200061 = Podmund Kerman
			#autoLOC_1200062 = Genewin Kerman
			#autoLOC_1200063 = Edming Kerman
			#autoLOC_1200064 = Tiby Kerman
			#autoLOC_1200065 = Jerdard Kerman
			#autoLOC_1200066 = Desely Kerman
			#autoLOC_1200067 = Fabien Kerman
			#autoLOC_1200068 = Shelsel Kerman
			#autoLOC_1200069 = Exploring Gilly
			#autoLOC_1200070 = Where's the best place to try out the new MoonScoot 3000?\n\nGilly of course!
			#autoLOC_1200071 = Jebediah Kerman
			#autoLOC_1200072 = Bill Kerman
			#autoLOC_1200073 = Bob Kerman
			#autoLOC_1200074 = Valentina Kerman
			#autoLOC_1200075 = Ferhat Kerman
			#autoLOC_1200076 = Shelke Kerman
			#autoLOC_1200077 = Nedsted Kerman
			#autoLOC_1200078 = Verthy Kerman
			#autoLOC_1200079 = Lenrim Kerman
			#autoLOC_1200080 = Kirk Kerman
			#autoLOC_1200081 = Wilxie Kerman
			#autoLOC_1200082 = Lagersei Kerman
			#autoLOC_1200083 = Calcal Kerman
			#autoLOC_1200084 = Ludos Kerman
			#autoLOC_1200085 = Gwendrien Kerman
			#autoLOC_1200086 = Bealinne Kerman
			#autoLOC_1200087 = Impending Impact
			#autoLOC_1200088 = The Mun 7 flyby spacecraft is heading straight for an impact with the Mun! See if you can avoid a catastrophe and get Jebediah back home!
			#autoLOC_1200089 = Jebediah Kerman
			#autoLOC_1200090 = Bill Kerman
			#autoLOC_1200091 = Bob Kerman
			#autoLOC_1200092 = Valentina Kerman
			#autoLOC_1200093 = Jool Aerobrake
			#autoLOC_1200094 = Join the crew of the Inspiration of the Windward Spirit as they aerobrake in the Jool system!\n\nJust don't forget to retract the solar panels...
			#autoLOC_1200095 = Jebediah Kerman
			#autoLOC_1200096 = Bill Kerman
			#autoLOC_1200097 = Bob Kerman
			#autoLOC_1200098 = Valentina Kerman
			#autoLOC_1200099 = Aralla Kerman
			#autoLOC_1200100 = Isadi Kerman
			#autoLOC_1200101 = Leachel Kerman
			#autoLOC_1200102 = Philrey Kerman
			#autoLOC_1200103 = Rodfurt Kerman
			#autoLOC_1200104 = Luisa Kerman
			#autoLOC_1200105 = Bobgun Kerman
			#autoLOC_1200106 = Eliemma Kerman
			#autoLOC_1200107 = Stelalla Kerman
			#autoLOC_1200108 = Natallian Kerman
			#autoLOC_1200109 = Billy-Bobmon Kerman
			#autoLOC_1200110 = Barina Kerman
			#autoLOC_1200111 = Mun Orbit
			#autoLOC_1200112 = The Kerbal 11 Mission in low Mun Orbit. This mission is comprised of two docked vehicles, the Landing Module and the Command Module. The lander is undocked from the Command module, flies down to land, then returns to orbit where the Command Module will rendezvous and dock with it. After that, the lander is discarded and the crew leaves Mun orbit to return home.\n\nThe crew forgot a heat shield, however, so if they want to live they'll need to use their ample propellant reserves to slow down when they get there...
			#autoLOC_1200113 = Jebediah Kerman
			#autoLOC_1200114 = Bill Kerman
			#autoLOC_1200115 = Bob Kerman
			#autoLOC_1200116 = Mun Rover
			#autoLOC_1200117 = Explore the landscape of Kerbin's nearest neighbour in this RCS-assisted rover.
			#autoLOC_1200118 = Jebediah Kerman
			#autoLOC_1200119 = Bill Kerman
			#autoLOC_1200120 = Bob Kerman
			#autoLOC_1200121 = Valentina Kerman
			#autoLOC_1200122 = Sonzer Kerman
			#autoLOC_1200123 = Stalenna Kerman
			#autoLOC_1200124 = Mellin Kerman
			#autoLOC_1200125 = Brooke Kerman
			#autoLOC_1200126 = Arllian Kerman
			#autoLOC_1200127 = Martris Kerman
			#autoLOC_1200128 = Bartlo Kerman
			#autoLOC_1200129 = Arlina Kerman
			#autoLOC_1200130 = Jebvis Kerman
			#autoLOC_1200131 = Dadra Kerman
			#autoLOC_1200132 = Tomlin Kerman
			#autoLOC_1200133 = Lodbal Kerman
			#autoLOC_1200134 = Powered Landing
			#autoLOC_1200135 = Bring the Homeseeker flyback booster to a gentle landing at the KSC so it can be refuelled and used again. What do you mean it's hard? It's not like we're asking you to land on something small.\n\nLike a boat!
			#autoLOC_1200136 = Jebediah Kerman
			#autoLOC_1200137 = Bill Kerman
			#autoLOC_1200138 = Bob Kerman
			#autoLOC_1200139 = Valentina Kerman
			#autoLOC_1200140 = Prospecting Eeloo
			#autoLOC_1200141 = Prospect for ore on lonely Eeloo with this orbiting survey platform, complete with lander and ground-truthing rovers.
			#autoLOC_1200142 = Jebediah Kerman
			#autoLOC_1200143 = Bill Kerman
			#autoLOC_1200144 = Bob Kerman
			#autoLOC_1200145 = Valentina Kerman
			#autoLOC_1200146 = Refuel at Minmus
			#autoLOC_1200147 = Criske Kerman was a little over enthusiastic with the Aeris 4B, now she's stuck in orbit.\n\nLuckily there's a refuelling ship nearby.
			#autoLOC_1200148 = Jebediah Kerman
			#autoLOC_1200149 = Bill Kerman
			#autoLOC_1200150 = Bob Kerman
			#autoLOC_1200151 = Valentina Kerman
			#autoLOC_1200152 = Derlong Kerman
			#autoLOC_1200153 = Descas Kerman
			#autoLOC_1200154 = Cermy Kerman
			#autoLOC_1200155 = Seeby Kerman
			#autoLOC_1200156 = Franelle Kerman
			#autoLOC_1200157 = Steve Kerman
			#autoLOC_1200158 = Henvan Kerman
			#autoLOC_1200159 = Hanrim Kerman
			#autoLOC_1200160 = Criske Kerman
			#autoLOC_1200161 = Catlian Kerman
			#autoLOC_1200162 = Duing Kerman
			#autoLOC_1200163 = Station One
			#autoLOC_1200164 = Space Station 1 is a small refueling outpost at low Kerbin orbit where ships can stop to fill up before leaving on interplanetary missions.
			#autoLOC_1200165 = Jebediah Kerman
			#autoLOC_1200166 = Bill Kerman
			#autoLOC_1200167 = Bob Kerman
			#autoLOC_1200168 = Valentina Kerman
			#autoLOC_1200169 = Sigbro Kerman
			#autoLOC_1200170 = Richsby Kerman
			#autoLOC_1200171 = Jerney Kerman
			#autoLOC_1200172 = Bartbus Kerman
			#autoLOC_1200173 = Ribly Kerman
			#autoLOC_1200174 = Ensel Kerman
			#autoLOC_1200175 = Haygee Kerman
			#autoLOC_1200176 = Kenemy Kerman
			#autoLOC_1200177 = Malgel Kerman
			#autoLOC_1200178 = Thomzon Kerman
			#autoLOC_1200179 = Shannon Kerman
			#autoLOC_1200180 = Anbin Kerman
			#autoLOC_1200181 = Jendas Kerman
			#autoLOC_1200182 = Neilbert Kerman
			#autoLOC_1200183 = Benjamin Kerman
			#autoLOC_1200184 = Transmissions
			#autoLOC_1200185 = Probes allow Kerbals to explore from the comfort and safety of Mission Control, but they need a path for their transmissions to and from Kerbin.\n\nThis scenario shows just one possible deep space network (DSN) that allows contact with the Kerbals bravest explorers.
			#autoLOC_1200186 = Jebediah Kerman
			#autoLOC_1200187 = Bill Kerman
			#autoLOC_1200188 = Bob Kerman
			#autoLOC_1200189 = Valentina Kerman
			#autoLOC_1800013 = Too many save files
			#autoLOC_1900113 = Rob Nelson (a.k.a N3X15) - Game and Web Development
			#autoLOC_1900117 = Hugo Gutierrez - Content Design
			#autoLOC_1900118 = Mario Maqueo - Programming
			#autoLOC_1900119 = Claira Lyrae Safi - Content Design
			#autoLOC_1900123 = KerbalSpaceProgram
			#autoLOC_1900124 = Tech Support
			#autoLOC_1900129 = Arranged by Victor Machado
			#autoLOC_1900130 = Special Thanks to
			#autoLOC_1900138 = Chad Jenkins (a.k.a. C7) - Technical Artist
			#autoLOC_1900139 = Colum Cantwell - QA
			#autoLOC_1900140 = Artyom Zuev (a.k.a. Bac9) - Content Design
			#autoLOC_1900142 = Ondraus Jenkins and people at Bungie Aerospace
			#autoLOC_1900143 = Alejandro Mora - Game & Server Development
			#autoLOC_1900144 = Other Tracks
			#autoLOC_1900145 = Clay Campbell - QA
			#autoLOC_1900146 = The Awesome QA Team
			#autoLOC_1900149 = Community Management
			#autoLOC_1900152 = Our Friends at Valve
			#autoLOC_1900154 = All the space agencies that play our game
			#autoLOC_1900155 = Written & Arranged by\nFelipe Falanghe
			#autoLOC_1900157 = Jose Luis Palacios Vives - Producer
			#autoLOC_1900159 = Programming
			#autoLOC_1900160 = Ted Everett - Producer
			#autoLOC_1900161 = Eduardo Reyes - project Manager
			#autoLOC_1900164 = NASA
			#autoLOC_1900165 = Original Music
			#autoLOC_1900166 = Jacobo Rosas - Content Design
			#autoLOC_1900170 = Lead Artist
			#autoLOC_1900173 = Rogelio Dominguez - 3D Artist
			#autoLOC_1900174 = Sound Designer
			#autoLOC_1900175 = Miguel Piña (aka MaxMaps) - Producer
			#autoLOC_1900176 = James Kupperian (a.k.a. Skunky) - Community Manager
			#autoLOC_1900177 = Kurtjmac and all our loyal youtubers and streamers!
			#autoLOC_1900178 = Robert Holtzman - Public Relations
			#autoLOC_1900181 = Chaz Chiarello - Media Director
			#autoLOC_1900183 = Assistant Producer
			#autoLOC_1900184 = Riess, of Our Intrepid Crew
			#autoLOC_1900186 = Executive Producers
			#autoLOC_1900188 = Jeff C. (a.k.a. NovaSilisko) - Content Design
			#autoLOC_1900196 = The KSP Community Moderation Team
			#autoLOC_1900198 = Loïck Bel (a.k.a. 707-Engineering) - QA
			#autoLOC_1900199 = QA Manager
			#autoLOC_1900201 = KSP Main Theme
			#autoLOC_1900203 = Anthony Guzzardo - Community Manager
			#autoLOC_1900205 = Content Design
			#autoLOC_1900206 = Business Development
			#autoLOC_1900207 = QA Leads
			#autoLOC_1900208 = The Orbiter Community - Hail Probe!
			#autoLOC_1900214 = The Awesome KSP Community
			#autoLOC_1900216 = Arthur Villain - QA
			#autoLOC_1900217 = Lead Producer
			#autoLOC_1900220 = Anthony Keeton - Community Manager
			#autoLOC_1900221 = Iván Vázquez - Additional Art
			#autoLOC_1900222 = Written by Kevin MacLeod
			#autoLOC_1900223 = Legacy
			#autoLOC_1900226 = Loading Screen Artwork by
			#autoLOC_1900229 = Created By
			#autoLOC_1900232 = UI Developer
			#autoLOC_1900233 = Juan Carlos Demeneghi - Additional Art
			#autoLOC_1900236 = Lead Game Developer
			#autoLOC_1900237 = Written by Felipe Falanghe
			#autoLOC_1900238 = Kasper Nahuis - Community Lead
			#autoLOC_1900239 = Tanuki Chau - Community Contributor
			#autoLOC_1900240 = Start New
			#autoLOC_1900241 = Resume Saved
			#autoLOC_1900242 = Addons & Mods
			#autoLOC_1900243 = Run Unit Tests
			#autoLOC_1900244 = KSP Community
			#autoLOC_1900245 = Continue
			#autoLOC_1900246 = Warning! You are about to play the <<1>> Prerelease.\n\nIt is not the final release of <<1>>. It may not accurately represent the quality or content of the <<1>> update.\n\nEnsure you have backup up your saves and crafts. Disable all mods initially, re-enabling them as they are updated.\n\nTo report bugs or issues, please go to <<2>>
			#autoLOC_1900247 = Start Game
			#autoLOC_1900249 = Credits
			#autoLOC_1900250 = KSP Prerelease
			#autoLOC_1900251 = Settings
			#autoLOC_1900252 = Quit
			#autoLOC_1900254 = Scenarios
			#autoLOC_1900255 = Back
			#autoLOC_1900256 = Training
			#autoLOC_1900759 = Settings
			#autoLOC_1900760 = Revert
			#autoLOC_1900761 = Reset Game_Settings
			#autoLOC_1900762 = Do you want to reset the Game_Settings and return to the Main Menu?
			#autoLOC_1900763 = Reset Settings
			#autoLOC_1900764 = Apply
			#autoLOC_1900765 = General
			#autoLOC_1900766 = Graphics
			#autoLOC_1900767 = Input
			#autoLOC_1900768 = Vessel
			#autoLOC_1900769 = Game
			#autoLOC_1900770 = Controllers
			#autoLOC_1900771 = Mouse
			#autoLOC_1900773 = Invert
			#autoLOC_1900774 = Dead Zone
			#autoLOC_1900775 = Sensitivity
			#autoLOC_1900776 = Secondary
			#autoLOC_1900777 = Primary
			#autoLOC_1900781 = Rotation
			#autoLOC_1900782 = Pitch Down
			#autoLOC_1900783 = Pitch Up
			#autoLOC_1900784 = Yaw Left
			#autoLOC_1900785 = Yaw Right
			#autoLOC_1900786 = Roll Left
			#autoLOC_1900787 = Roll Right
			#autoLOC_1900788 = Translation
			#autoLOC_1900789 = Translate Up
			#autoLOC_1900790 = Translate Down
			#autoLOC_1900791 = Translate Left
			#autoLOC_1900792 = Translate Right
			#autoLOC_1900793 = Translate Forward
			#autoLOC_1900794 = Translate Backward
			#autoLOC_1900795 = Throttle
			#autoLOC_1900796 = Throttle Up
			#autoLOC_1900797 = Throttle Down
			#autoLOC_1900798 = Other
			#autoLOC_1900799 = Switch Translation/Rotation
			#autoLOC_1900800 = Pitch Axis
			#autoLOC_1900801 = Roll Axis
			#autoLOC_1900802 = Yaw Axis
			#autoLOC_1900803 = Translate Left/Right
			#autoLOC_1900804 = Translate Up/Down
			#autoLOC_1900805 = Translate Forward/Back
			#autoLOC_1900806 = Throttle Axis
			#autoLOC_1900807 = Throttle (Incremental)
			#autoLOC_1900808 = Systems
			#autoLOC_1900809 = Landing Gear
			#autoLOC_1900810 = Brakes
			#autoLOC_1900812 = SAS Hold
			#autoLOC_1900813 = SAS Toggle
			#autoLOC_1900814 = RCS Toggle
			#autoLOC_1900815 = Throttle Cut-off
			#autoLOC_1900816 = Full Throttle
			#autoLOC_1900817 = Precision Controls Toggle
			#autoLOC_1900818 = Lights
			#autoLOC_1900819 = Emergency Abort
			#autoLOC_1900820 = Custom Action 1
			#autoLOC_1900821 = Custom Action 2
			#autoLOC_1900822 = Custom Action 3
			#autoLOC_1900823 = Custom Action 4
			#autoLOC_1900824 = Custom Action 5
			#autoLOC_1900825 = Custom Action 6
			#autoLOC_1900826 = Custom Action 7
			#autoLOC_1900827 = Custom Action 8
			#autoLOC_1900828 = Custom Action 9
			#autoLOC_1900829 = Custom Action 10
			#autoLOC_1900830 = Wheels
			#autoLOC_1900831 = Steer Left
			#autoLOC_1900832 = Steer Right
			#autoLOC_1900833 = Drive Forward
			#autoLOC_1900834 = Drive Back
			#autoLOC_1900835 = Steering Axis
			#autoLOC_1900836 = Character Controls
			#autoLOC_1900837 = Move Forward
			#autoLOC_1900838 = Move Back
			#autoLOC_1900839 = Move Left
			#autoLOC_1900840 = Move Right
			#autoLOC_1900841 = Turn Left
			#autoLOC_1900842 = Turn Right
			#autoLOC_1900843 = Jump
			#autoLOC_1900844 = Run
			#autoLOC_1900845 = Board
			#autoLOC_1900846 = Toggle Movement Mode
			#autoLOC_1900847 = Orient to View
			#autoLOC_1900848 = Toggle Lights
			#autoLOC_1900849 = Toggle EVA Pack
			#autoLOC_1900850 = Move Up
			#autoLOC_1900851 = Move Down
			#autoLOC_1900852 = Character
			#autoLOC_1900853 = Pitch
			#autoLOC_1900854 = Yaw
			#autoLOC_1900855 = Roll
			#autoLOC_1900856 = Orbital Map View
			#autoLOC_1900857 = Increase Time Warp
			#autoLOC_1900858 = Decrease Time Warp
			#autoLOC_1900859 = Stop Time Warp
			#autoLOC_1900860 = Focus Next Vessel
			#autoLOC_1900861 = Focus Prev Vessel
			#autoLOC_1900862 = Take Screenshot
			#autoLOC_1900863 = Pause
			#autoLOC_1900865 = Quicksave
			#autoLOC_1900867 = Quickload
			#autoLOC_1900869 = Camera
			#autoLOC_1900870 = Camera Mode
			#autoLOC_1900871 = Camera Next
			#autoLOC_1900872 = Camera Reset
			#autoLOC_1900873 = Zoom In
			#autoLOC_1900874 = Zoom Out
			#autoLOC_1900875 = View Up
			#autoLOC_1900876 = View Down
			#autoLOC_1900877 = View Left
			#autoLOC_1900878 = View Right
			#autoLOC_1900879 = Toggle Mouselook
			#autoLOC_1900880 = Scroll View Up
			#autoLOC_1900881 = Scroll View Down
			#autoLOC_1900882 = Part Pitch Down
			#autoLOC_1900883 = Part Pitch Up
			#autoLOC_1900884 = Yaw Part Left
			#autoLOC_1900885 = Yaw Part Right
			#autoLOC_1900886 = Roll Part Left
			#autoLOC_1900887 = Roll Part Right
			#autoLOC_1900888 = Reset Part Rotation
			#autoLOC_1900889 = Place Mode
			#autoLOC_1900890 = Offset Mode
			#autoLOC_1900891 = Rotate Mode
			#autoLOC_1900892 = Root Mode
			#autoLOC_1900893 = Toggle Local/Absolute
			#autoLOC_1900894 = Toggle Angle Snap
			#autoLOC_1900895 = Toggle Symmetry
			#autoLOC_1900896 = Cycle Symmetry Mode
			#autoLOC_1900897 = Search All Parts
			#autoLOC_1900898 = Scroll Modifier for Zoom
			#autoLOC_1900899 = UI
			#autoLOC_1900900 = Scroll Icons Up
			#autoLOC_1900901 = Scroll Icons Down
			#autoLOC_1900902 = Camera Horizontal
			#autoLOC_1900903 = Camera Vertical
			#autoLOC_1900906 = Volume
			#autoLOC_1900907 = Master
			#autoLOC_1900908 = Spacecraft
			#autoLOC_1900909 = Ambience
			#autoLOC_1900910 = Music
			#autoLOC_1900911 = Voices
			#autoLOC_1900912 = Sound Normalizer
			#autoLOC_1900914 = Enabled
			#autoLOC_1900915 = Disabled
			#autoLOC_1900916 = Threshold
			#autoLOC_1900917 = Responsiveness
			#autoLOC_1900918 = Gameplay
			#autoLOC_1900919 = Show Vessel Labels
			#autoLOC_1900920 = Show Space Center Crew
			#autoLOC_1900921 = Display Kerbin Time
			#autoLOC_1900922 = Contract Deadlines as Dates
			#autoLOC_1900923 = Temperature Gauges
			#autoLOC_1900924 = Thermal Highlights
			#autoLOC_1900925 = Double Click Mouse Look
			#autoLOC_1900926 = EVAs Auto-Rotate to Camera
			#autoLOC_1900927 = Retain Control Point on Enter IVA
			#autoLOC_1900928 = UI Scale
			#autoLOC_1900929 = Camera Wobble External
			#autoLOC_1900930 = Camera Wobble Internal
			#autoLOC_1900931 = Advanced Tweakables
			#autoLOC_1900932 = Default Throttle in Prelaunch
			#autoLOC_1900933 = Autohide Navball in Map View
			#autoLOC_1900934 = System
			#autoLOC_1900935 = Show Stats Tracking Dialog on Startup
			#autoLOC_1900936 = Show Exit to Main Menu Confirmation
			#autoLOC_1900937 = Show Wrong Vessel Type on Launch Confirmation
			#autoLOC_1900938 = Simulate In Background
			#autoLOC_1900939 = Don't Show Game Launcher
			#autoLOC_1900940 = Show Version Watermark in Game
			#autoLOC_1900941 = Max Persistent Debris
			#autoLOC_1900942 = Tidy up debris cluttering KSC
			#autoLOC_1900943 = Max Physics Delta-Time per Frame
			#autoLOC_1900944 = Orbital Drift Compensation
			#autoLOC_1900945 = Ease in Gravity
			#autoLOC_1900946 = Verbose Logging
			#autoLOC_1900947 = Scenery
			#autoLOC_1900948 = Terrain Detail
			#autoLOC_1900950 = Terrain Scatters
			#autoLOC_1900951 = Scatter Density
			#autoLOC_1900952 = Video
			#autoLOC_1900953 = Screen Resolution
			#autoLOC_1900954 = Full Screen
			#autoLOC_1900957 = V-Sync
			#autoLOC_1900958 = Don't Sync
			#autoLOC_1900959 = Frame Limit
			#autoLOC_1900960 = Pixel Light Count
			#autoLOC_1900961 = Shadow Cascades
			#autoLOC_1900962 = Rendering
			#autoLOC_1900963 = Render Quality
			#autoLOC_1900964 = Texture Quality
			#autoLOC_1900965 = Eighth Res
			#autoLOC_1900966 = Aerodynamic FX Quality
			#autoLOC_1900967 = Surface FX
			#autoLOC_1900968 = Underwater FX
			#autoLOC_1900969 = Highlight FX
			#autoLOC_1900970 = Conic Patch Draw Mode
			#autoLOC_1900971 = Local to Body
			#autoLOC_1900972 = Conic Patch Limit
			#autoLOC_1900973 = Orbit Line Fade Strength
			#autoLOC_1900974 = Orbit Line Fade Reversed
			#autoLOC_1900975 = Always Show Closest Approach for Target
			#autoLOC_1900976 = Part Highlighter Brightness Factor
			#autoLOC_1900977 = Part Highlighter Enabled in Flight
			#autoLOC_1900978 = Toggle Camera/Flight Control
			#autoLOC_1900979 = Pitch, Yaw and Roll
			#autoLOC_1900980 = Sharpness
			#autoLOC_1900981 = XYZ Translation
			#autoLOC_1900982 = Mouse Wheel Sensitivity
			#autoLOC_1900983 = Track IR
			#autoLOC_1900984 = Track IR Enabled
			#autoLOC_1900985 = Flight External
			#autoLOC_1900986 = Flight Internal
			#autoLOC_1900987 = Flight EVA
			#autoLOC_1900988 = Flight Map View
			#autoLOC_1900989 = Editors
			#autoLOC_5030003 = with enough margin.
			#autoLOC_5030004 = [CTRL]
			#autoLOC_5030006 = Unfortunately, rookie, you've passed through Mun's sphere of influence without achieving orbit. Try the tutorial again.
			#autoLOC_5030007 = Unfortunately, rookie, you've passed through Mun's sphere of influence without achieving orbit. Try the tutorial again.
			#autoLOC_5050023 = <<1>>t
			#autoLOC_5050025 = Quicksave As...
			#autoLOC_5050026 = Basic Action Groups Available
			#autoLOC_5050028 = <<1>> Parts
			#autoLOC_5050029 = <<1>> Warning!
			#autoLOC_5050030 = <<1>> Experiments Recovered
			#autoLOC_5050031 = Astronaut Complex Capacity Reached
			#autoLOC_5050032 = <<1>> km
			#autoLOC_5050033 = <<1>> g
			#autoLOC_5050034 = <<1>> m/s
			#autoLOC_5050035 = <<1>> m
			#autoLOC_5050036 = <<1>> atm<<2>>
			#autoLOC_5050037 = <<1>> K
			#autoLOC_5050038 = Last Seen:
			#autoLOC_5050039 = <<n:1[No flights/%d flight/%d flights]>> in progress
			#autoLOC_5050040 = Start
			#autoLOC_5050047 = Stop Tracking Object
			#autoLOC_5050048 = Terminate Mission
			#autoLOC_5050049 = Recover Vessel
			#autoLOC_5700000 = <<n:1[/Part/Parts]>> <<n:2[, /]>> <<n:3[/Resource/Resources]>> Recovered
			#autoLOC_5700001 = - <<1>>, <<2>> Value:
			#autoLOC_5700002 = <<1>> <<n:1[Experiment/Experiments]>> Recovered
			#autoLOC_5700003 = <<1>> <<n:1[Crewmember/Crewmembers]>> Recovered
			#autoLOC_5700004 = Fuel <<n:1[Request/Delivery/]>> Overlay
			#autoLOC_5700005 = <<n:1[flight/flights]>> in progress
			#autoLOC_5700006 = <<1>> Flights: <<2>> Contracts: <<3>>
			#autoLOC_6001000 = Max.
			#autoLOC_6001001 = Min.
			#autoLOC_6001002 = <b><<1>>Thrust (ASL): </b><<2>> kN\n
			#autoLOC_6001003 = <b><<1>>Thrust (Vac.): </b><<2>> kN\n
			#autoLOC_6001004 = <b><<1>>Thrust: </b><<2>> kN\n
			#autoLOC_6001005 = Close Fairing
			#autoLOC_6001006 = Place Cross-Section
			#autoLOC_6001007 = Edit Previous Section
			#autoLOC_6001008 = Cancel Placement
			#autoLOC_6001009 = <color=<<1>>><b>[LMB]:</b> <<2>></color>
			#autoLOC_6001010 = \n<b>[RMB]:</b> <<1>>
			#autoLOC_6001011 = \n<b>Cost:</b> <<1>> <b>Mass:</b> <<2>>t
			#autoLOC_6001012 = Max Radius: <<1>>m\n
			#autoLOC_6001013 = Panel Mass: <<1>>t. / m²\n
			#autoLOC_6001014 = Panel Cost: <<1>> / m²
			#autoLOC_6001015 = Recorded <<g:2,1>> <<3>>
			#autoLOC_6001016 = and upgraded <<P:1>> to a level <<2>> <<3>>
			#autoLOC_6001017 = Part
			#autoLOC_6001018 = <<1>> broken by aero forces.
			#autoLOC_6001019 = <<1>> snapped from g-forces.
			#autoLOC_6001022 = <color=orange>[<<1>>]: <i><<2>></i> already stored in this module.</color>
			#autoLOC_6001023 = <<1>> Data = <<2>> Science
			#autoLOC_6001024 = <<1>>\nTime w/<<2>> Data:\n<<3>>
			#autoLOC_6001025 = <<1>> sci/day
			#autoLOC_6001026 = Transmitting this experiment will render this module inoperable.\n\nRestoring functionality will require a Scientist.
			#autoLOC_6001027 = Removing the experiment data will render this module inoperable.\n\nRestoring functionality will require a Scientist.
			#autoLOC_6001028 = Not Enough Crew (<<1>>/<<2>>)
			#autoLOC_6001029 = [<<1>>]: Cleaning out <<2>>... <<3>>
			#autoLOC_6001030 = [<<1>>]: Not enough <<2>> to clean out <<3>> <<4>>
			#autoLOC_6001031 = All labs are currently busy.
			#autoLOC_6001032 = The lab is currently busy.
			#autoLOC_6001033 = No labs are currently manned.
			#autoLOC_6001034 = The lab is not currently manned.
			#autoLOC_6001035 = All labs are full of data.
			#autoLOC_6001036 = The lab is full of data.
			#autoLOC_6001037 = All labs already have this data.
			#autoLOC_6001038 = The lab already has this data.
			#autoLOC_6001039 = Separator
			#autoLOC_6001040 = Decoupler
			#autoLOC_6001041 = \nLoss at <<1>>K: <<2>> <<3>>
			#autoLOC_6001042 = / sec.\n(Flux <<1>>W)
			#autoLOC_6001043 = Not Enough <<1>>(<<2>>/<<3>>)
			#autoLOC_6001044 = Unused <<1>> <<2[resource/resources]>>.
			#autoLOC_6001045 = <color=#BADA55>(Asteroid use - <<1>>% base efficiency)</color>
			#autoLOC_6001046 = <<1>>/day
			#autoLOC_6001047 = <<1>>/hr
			#autoLOC_6001048 = <<1>>/sec
			#autoLOC_6001049 = <<1>>t <<2>>%
			#autoLOC_6001050 = Resource analysis performed for <<1>> <<2>>
			#autoLOC_6001051 = <<1>> <<2>> jettisoned
			#autoLOC_6001052 = <<1>> <<2[N/S]>> : [<<3>>N]
			#autoLOC_6001053 = <<1>> <<2[E/W]>> : [<<3>>E]
			#autoLOC_6001054 = Color: <<1>> [<<2>>%]
			#autoLOC_6001055 = Survey Scanner disabled - <<1>> has no surface to scan.
			#autoLOC_6001056 = You must be in a stable polar orbit between <<1>>km and <<2>>km to perform an orbital survey.
			#autoLOC_6001057 = <<1>>/day
			#autoLOC_6001058 = <<1>>/hr
			#autoLOC_6001059 = <<1>>/sec
			#autoLOC_6001060 = <<1>>/day
			#autoLOC_6001061 = <<1>>/hr
			#autoLOC_6001062 = <<1>>/sec
			#autoLOC_6001063 = <<1>>/day
			#autoLOC_6001064 = <<1>>/hr
			#autoLOC_6001065 = <<1>>/sec
			#autoLOC_6001066 = <<1>>/day
			#autoLOC_6001067 = <<1>>/hr
			#autoLOC_6001068 = <<1>>/sec
			#autoLOC_6001069 = Insufficient resource abundance - need at least <<1>>%
			#autoLOC_6001070 = No survey data available for <<1>>
			#autoLOC_6001071 = Disabled
			#autoLOC_6001072 = Enabled
			#autoLOC_6001073 = Off
			#autoLOC_6001074 = On
			#autoLOC_6001075 = Normal
			#autoLOC_6001076 = Reverse
			#autoLOC_6001077 = Inverted
			#autoLOC_6001078 = Inactive
			#autoLOC_6001079 = Active
			#autoLOC_6001080 = Extended
			#autoLOC_6001081 = Retracted
			#autoLOC_6001082 = <<1[Surf/Surface]>>
			#autoLOC_6001083 = <<1[Atmo/Atmosphere]>>
			#autoLOC_6001084 = <<1[Exo/Exospheric]>>
			#autoLOC_6001085 = <<1>> on the surface at <<2>>
			#autoLOC_6001086 = <<1>> in <<2[flight/spaceflight]>> below <<3>> meters near <<4>>
			#autoLOC_6001087 = <<1>> in <<2[flight/spaceflight]>> above <<3>> meters near <<4>>
			#autoLOC_6001088 = <<1>> around <<2>>
			#autoLOC_6001089 = <<1>> was added to the crew!
			#autoLOC_6001090 = <<1>> is now part of the space program crew.
			#autoLOC_6001091 = Well done! <<1>> has been recovered in one piece and is now enjoying a thorough debriefing from the comfort of <<o:1>> quarantine cell.\n\n
			#autoLOC_6001092 = Great Work! <<1>> and <<g:2,1>> have been recovered! <<p:1>> will be debriefed while we analyze what's left of <<o:1>> vessel.\n\n
			#autoLOC_6001093 = The contract to recover <<1>> and <<g:2,1>> has been cancelled.
			#autoLOC_6001094 = The deadline on the contract to recover <<1>> and <<g:2,1>> has expired.
			#autoLOC_6001095 = Have <<a:1>> on the <<2>>
			#autoLOC_6001096 = Recovery of a vessel returned from the surface of <<1>>
			#autoLOC_6001097 = Recovery of a vessel returned from a flight over <<1>>
			#autoLOC_6001098 = Recovery of a vessel returned from a sub-orbital flight on <<1>>
			#autoLOC_6001099 = Recovery of a vessel returned from orbit around <<1>>
			#autoLOC_6001100 = Recovery of a vessel returned from a fly-by of <<1>>
			#autoLOC_6001200 = Change Key Bindings
			#autoLOC_6001201 = Apply
			#autoLOC_6001202 = Override Keybard\nLayout
			#autoLOC_6001203 = Current OS Keyboard
			#autoLOC_6001204 = Layout change
			#autoLOC_6001205 = Accept
			#autoLOC_6001206 = Cancel
			#autoLOC_6001207 = Rebind keys
			#autoLOC_6001208 = No Presets Found
			#autoLOC_6001209 = Type: <color=#999999><<1>></color>\nLang: <color=#999999><<2>></color>
			#autoLOC_6001210 = Keyboard Layout
			#autoLOC_6001211 = Do you want to rebind your controls to the preset <color=#f18a24><<1>></color>?\nThis won't be saved until you apply your changes.
			#autoLOC_6001212 = You are about to change the keyboard layout.\nYou should only do this if the <color=#f18a24>Os Keyboard</color> doesn't match\nthe selected layout <color=#f18a24><<1>></color>.\nAre you sure you want to change the layout?
			#autoLOC_6001213 = Layout
			#autoLOC_6001214 = Tool: Coord Space
			#autoLOC_6001215 = Tool: Radial Symmetry Space
			#autoLOC_6001216 = Cycle Symmetry Count\nMiddle Click: Symmetry Mode
			#autoLOC_6001217 = Absolute
			#autoLOC_6001218 = Local
			#autoLOC_6001219 = Parent
			#autoLOC_6001220 = Vessel
			#autoLOC_6001221 = Offset: Absolute
			#autoLOC_6001222 = Offset: Local
			#autoLOC_6001223 = Rotation: Absolute
			#autoLOC_6001224 = Rotation: Local
			#autoLOC_6001225 = Radial Symmetry around Vessel
			#autoLOC_6001226 = Radial Symmetry around Parent Part
			#autoLOC_6001227 = US Keyboard
			#autoLOC_6001228 = UK Keyboard
			#autoLOC_6001229 = Latin American Keyboard
			#autoLOC_6001230 = Italian Keyboard 105
			#autoLOC_6001231 = Japanese 109 Keyboard
			#autoLOC_6001232 = German QWERTZ Keyboard
			#autoLOC_6001233 = French AZERTY Keyboard
			#autoLOC_6001234 = US Dvorak Keyboard
			#autoLOC_6001300 = Switch Mode
			#autoLOC_6001301 = Cycle Wheel Mode
			#autoLOC_6001302 = Activate Wheel
			#autoLOC_6001303 = Deactivate Wheel
			#autoLOC_6001304 = Toggle Wheel
			#autoLOC_6001305 = Toggle RW
			#autoLOC_6001306 = Reaction Wheels
			#autoLOC_6001307 = SAS only
			#autoLOC_6001308 = Pilot Only
			#autoLOC_6001309 = Wheel Authority
			#autoLOC_6001310 = Toggle Torque
			#autoLOC_6001311 = Collect All
			#autoLOC_6001312 = Container: Transfer Data
			#autoLOC_6001313 = Review Stored Data
			#autoLOC_6001314 = Store Data
			#autoLOC_6001315 = Aim Camera
			#autoLOC_6001316 = Reset Camera
			#autoLOC_6001317 = Transfer Crew
			#autoLOC_6001318 = Autostrut: Disabled
			#autoLOC_6001319 = Autostrut: Heaviest Part
			#autoLOC_6001320 = Autostrut: Root Part
			#autoLOC_6001321 = Autostrut: Grandparent Part
			#autoLOC_6001322 = Autostrut Locked: Heaviest Part
			#autoLOC_6001323 = Autostrut Locked: Root Part
			#autoLOC_6001324 = Autostrut Locked: Grandparent Part
			#autoLOC_6001325 = Rigid Attachment
			#autoLOC_6001326 = Rigid Attachment: Off
			#autoLOC_6001327 = Rigid Attachment: On
			#autoLOC_6001328 = (Off)
			#autoLOC_6001329 = Toggle
			#autoLOC_6001330 = Pitch
			#autoLOC_6001331 = Yaw
			#autoLOC_6001332 = Roll
			#autoLOC_6001333 = Deploy
			#autoLOC_6001334 = Deploy Direction
			#autoLOC_6001335 = Deploy Part
			#autoLOC_6001336 = Authority Limiter
			#autoLOC_6001337 = Toggle Deploy
			#autoLOC_6001338 = Extend
			#autoLOC_6001339 = Retract
			#autoLOC_6001340 = Min Pressure
			#autoLOC_6001341 = Spread Angle
			#autoLOC_6001342 = Safe to deploy?
			#autoLOC_6001343 = Deploy Mode
			#autoLOC_6001344 = When Safe
			#autoLOC_6001345 = When Risky
			#autoLOC_6001346 = Immediate
			#autoLOC_6001347 = Cut Chute
			#autoLOC_6001348 = Deploy Chute
			#autoLOC_6001349 = Cut Parachute
			#autoLOC_6001350 = Repack Chute
			#autoLOC_6001351 = Disarm
			#autoLOC_6001352 = Status
			#autoLOC_6001353 = Deploy Limit
			#autoLOC_6001354 = toggle
			#autoLOC_6001355 = Comm Signal
			#autoLOC_6001356 = Comm First Hop Dist
			#autoLOC_6001357 = Command State
			#autoLOC_6001358 = Hibernation
			#autoLOC_6001359 = Hibernate in Warp
			#autoLOC_6001360 = Control From Here
			#autoLOC_6001361 = Toggle Hibernation
			#autoLOC_6001362 = RCS
			#autoLOC_6001363 = Thrust Limiter
			#autoLOC_6001364 = Port/Stbd
			#autoLOC_6001365 = Dorsal/Ventral
			#autoLOC_6001366 = Fore/aft
			#autoLOC_6001367 = Fore by Throttle
			#autoLOC_6001368 = Always Full Action
			#autoLOC_6001369 = RCS Isp
			#autoLOC_6001370 = Toggle RCS Thrust
			#autoLOC_6001371 = SAS
			#autoLOC_6001372 = State
			#autoLOC_6001373 = Standby
			#autoLOC_6001374 = Unpowered
			#autoLOC_6001375 = Fuel Flow
			#autoLOC_6001376 = Prop. Requirement Met
			#autoLOC_6001377 = Thrust
			#autoLOC_6001378 = Specific Impulse
			#autoLOC_6001379 = Cause
			#autoLOC_6001380 = Toggle Engine
			#autoLOC_6001381 = Shutdown Engine
			#autoLOC_6001382 = Activate Engine
			#autoLOC_6001383 = Gimbal Limit
			#autoLOC_6001384 = Actuation Toggles
			#autoLOC_6001385 = Toggle Gimbal
			#autoLOC_6001386 = Lock Gimbal
			#autoLOC_6001387 = Free Gimbal
			#autoLOC_6001388 = Toggle Gimbal Pitch
			#autoLOC_6001389 = Toggle Gimbal Yaw
			#autoLOC_6001390 = Toggle Gimbal Roll
			#autoLOC_6001391 = Automatic Switching
			#autoLOC_6001392 = Manual Switching
			#autoLOC_6001393 = Toggle Mode
			#autoLOC_6001394 = Sides
			#autoLOC_6001395 = Ejection Force
			#autoLOC_6001396 = Clamshell Deploy
			#autoLOC_6001397 = Delete Fairing
			#autoLOC_6001398 = Edit Fairing
			#autoLOC_6001399 = Build Fairing
			#autoLOC_6001400 = Toggle Flag
			#autoLOC_6001401 = Light Status
			#autoLOC_6001402 = Light R
			#autoLOC_6001403 = Light G
			#autoLOC_6001404 = Light B
			#autoLOC_6001405 = Toggle Light
			#autoLOC_6001406 = Turn Light On
			#autoLOC_6001407 = Turn Light Off
			#autoLOC_6001408 = Lights Off
			#autoLOC_6001409 = Lights On
			#autoLOC_6001410 = Toggle Ladder
			#autoLOC_6001411 = Extend Ladder
			#autoLOC_6001412 = Retract Ladder
			#autoLOC_6001413 = Level Up Crew
			#autoLOC_6001414 = Cooling
			#autoLOC_6001415 = Idle
			#autoLOC_6001416 = Toggle Radiator
			#autoLOC_6001417 = Activate Radiator
			#autoLOC_6001418 = Shutdown Radiator
			#autoLOC_6001419 = Alternator Output
			#autoLOC_6001420 = Sun Exposure
			#autoLOC_6001421 = Energy Flow
			#autoLOC_6001422 = Efficiency
			#autoLOC_6001423 = Flow
			#autoLOC_6001424 = Effective Air Speed
			#autoLOC_6001425 = Toggle Intake
			#autoLOC_6001426 = Close Intake
			#autoLOC_6001427 = Open Intake
			#autoLOC_6001428 = Antenna State
			#autoLOC_6001429 = Antenna Rating
			#autoLOC_6001430 = Transmit Data
			#autoLOC_6001431 = Toggle Display
			#autoLOC_6001432 = Science
			#autoLOC_6001433 = Data
			#autoLOC_6001434 = Rate
			#autoLOC_6001435 = Research
			#autoLOC_6001436 = Reset
			#autoLOC_6001437 = Deploy Experiment
			#autoLOC_6001438 = Reset Experiment
			#autoLOC_6001439 = Review Data
			#autoLOC_6001440 = Lab Status
			#autoLOC_6001441 = Transmit Science
			#autoLOC_6001442 = Force Percent
			#autoLOC_6001443 = Decouple
			#autoLOC_6001444 = Undock Node
			#autoLOC_6001445 = Undock
			#autoLOC_6001446 = Decouple Node
			#autoLOC_6001447 = Control from Here
			#autoLOC_6001448 = Set as Target
			#autoLOC_6001449 = Unset Target
			#autoLOC_6001450 = Release Grapple
			#autoLOC_6001451 = Release
			#autoLOC_6001452 = Decouple Node
			#autoLOC_6001453 = Free Pivot
			#autoLOC_6001454 = Lock Pivot
			#autoLOC_6001455 = Shroud
			#autoLOC_6001456 = Jettison Shroud
			#autoLOC_6001457 = Friction Control
			#autoLOC_6001458 = Brake
			#autoLOC_6001459 = Wheel Stress
			#autoLOC_6001460 = Deploy Shielded
			#autoLOC_6001461 = Extend/Retract
			#autoLOC_6001462 = Motor: Direction
			#autoLOC_6001463 = Drive Limiter
			#autoLOC_6001464 = Traction Control
			#autoLOC_6001465 = Diff Steering
			#autoLOC_6001466 = Steering: Direction
			#autoLOC_6001467 = Steering
			#autoLOC_6001468 = Steering: Direction
			#autoLOC_6001469 = Spring Strength
			#autoLOC_6001470 = Damper Strength
			#autoLOC_6001471 = Start Converter
			#autoLOC_6001472 = Stop Converter
			#autoLOC_6001473 = Toggle Converter
			#autoLOC_6001474 = Run Analysis
			#autoLOC_6001475 = Jettison Tank Contents
			#autoLOC_6001476 = Body
			#autoLOC_6001477 = Lat
			#autoLOC_6001478 = Lon
			#autoLOC_6001479 = Resource
			#autoLOC_6001480 = Toggle Overlay
			#autoLOC_6001481 = Color: Monochrome
			#autoLOC_6001482 = Color: <<1>>
			#autoLOC_6001483 = Cutoff +
			#autoLOC_6001484 = Cutoff -
			#autoLOC_6001485 = Activate
			#autoLOC_6001486 = Perform orbital survey
			#autoLOC_6001487 = Thermal Efficiency
			#autoLOC_6001488 = Core Temp
			#autoLOC_6001489 = <<1>>\n\nAre you sure you want to continue?
			#autoLOC_6001490 = <<1>> Warning!
			#autoLOC_6001491 = <color=#99ff00ff>Re-Runnable.</color>
			#autoLOC_6001492 = <<n:1[Process in a Lab/Process in the Lab]>>\n<<2>>
			#autoLOC_6001493 = <<1>> Science earned
			#autoLOC_6001494 = <<1>> Science
			#autoLOC_6001495 = <<1>> Axis <<2>>
			#autoLoc_6001496 = Transfer Data
			#autoLoc_6001497 = RESET
			#autoLOC_6001498 = UT
			#autoLOC_6001499 = Run Test
			#autoLOC_6001500 = Display Kerbin Time (6h days, 426d years)
			#autoLOC_6001501 = Display Earth Time (24h days, 365d years)
			#autoLOC_6001502 = KerbNet Map Aligns with Orbit
			#autoLOC_6001503 = Anti-Aliasing
			#autoLOC_6001504 = CommNet Line Brightness Factor
			#autoLOC_6001505 = 6-DOF
			#autoLOC_6001506 = Low
			#autoLOC_6001507 = Default
			#autoLOC_6001508 = High
			#autoLOC_6001509 = Minimal,Very Low,Low,Normal
			#autoLOC_6001510 = Fastest,Fast,Simple,Good,Beautiful,Fantastic
			#autoLOC_6001603 = Manual
			#autoLOC_6001604 = Construction Interface
			#autoLOC_6001605 = The Parts Toolbox
			#autoLOC_6001606 = Part Details
			#autoLOC_6001607 = Action Groups
			#autoLOC_6001608 = Vessel Crewing
			#autoLOC_6001609 = Scene Actions and Vessel Details
			#autoLOC_6001610 = Staging Stack and App Launcher
			#autoLOC_6001611 = Engineers Report
			#autoLOC_6001612 = Centers and Costs
			#autoLOC_6001613 = Construction Gizmos
			#autoLOC_6001614 = Symmetry and Snapping
			#autoLOC_6001615 = Flight Interface
			#autoLOC_6001616 = The NavBall
			#autoLOC_6001617 = Mode Controls
			#autoLOC_6001618 = The Staging Stack
			#autoLOC_6001619 = The Altimeter
			#autoLOC_6001620 = Time Controls/Action Menus
			#autoLOC_6001621 = App Launcher
			#autoLOC_6001622 = Kerbal Portraits
			#autoLOC_6001623 = EVA Activities
			#autoLOC_6001624 = Map Interface
			#autoLOC_6001625 = Orbit Nodes
			#autoLOC_6001626 = Orbit Nodes (cont.)
			#autoLOC_6001627 = Maneuver Nodes
			#autoLOC_6001628 = Controls
			#autoLOC_6001629 = General Controls
			#autoLOC_6001630 = Map and Time
			#autoLOC_6001631 = Flight Directions
			#autoLOC_6001632 = General Flight
			#autoLOC_6001633 = Flight Activities
			#autoLOC_6001634 = RCS and Trim
			#autoLOC_6001635 = Docking Mode
			#autoLOC_6001636 = EVA
			#autoLOC_6001637 = Editor
			#autoLOC_6001638 = Editor Gizmos
			#autoLOC_6001639 = The Mouse in Flight
			#autoLOC_6001640 = The Mouse in Construction
			#autoLOC_6001641 = Management Screens
			#autoLOC_6001642 = Kerbal Space Center
			#autoLOC_6001643 = Astronaut Complex
			#autoLOC_6001644 = Administration Building
			#autoLOC_6001645 = Mission Control
			#autoLOC_6001646 = Research and Development
			#autoLOC_6001647 = R&D Science Archives
			#autoLOC_6001648 = Tracking Station
			#autoLOC_6001649 = Locations
			#autoLOC_6001650 = Celestial Bodies
			#autoLOC_6001659 = Facilities
			#autoLOC_6001660 = Vehicle Assembly Building
			#autoLOC_6001661 = Spaceplane Hangar
			#autoLOC_6001662 = Runway
			#autoLOC_6001663 = Launchpad
			#autoLOC_6001664 = Facilities Menus
			#autoLOC_6001665 = Easter Eggs
			#autoLOC_6001666 = Space Travel
			#autoLOC_6001667 = Orbital Definitions
			#autoLOC_6001668 = Direction and Inclination
			#autoLOC_6001669 = Apoapsis and Periapsis
			#autoLOC_6001670 = Eccentricity
			#autoLOC_6001671 = Vessel Directions
			#autoLOC_6001672 = Orbital Basics
			#autoLOC_6001673 = Orbits Defined
			#autoLOC_6001674 = Atmosphere
			#autoLOC_6001675 = Getting Up There
			#autoLOC_6001676 = Turning "with" Gravity
			#autoLOC_6001677 = Staying Up There
			#autoLOC_6001678 = Getting Back Down
			#autoLOC_6001679 = Orbital Maneuvers
			#autoLOC_6001680 = DeltaV
			#autoLOC_6001681 = Shaping Up
			#autoLOC_6001682 = Adjusting Inclination
			#autoLOC_6001683 = Radial and Anti-Radial
			#autoLOC_6001684 = Hohmann Transfer
			#autoLOC_6001685 = Hohmann Transfer (cont.)
			#autoLOC_6001686 = Maneuver Efficiency
			#autoLOC_6001687 = Orbit Types
			#autoLOC_6001688 = Rocketry
			#autoLOC_6001689 = Basics
			#autoLOC_6001690 = Forces
			#autoLOC_6001691 = Stability
			#autoLOC_6001692 = Centered
			#autoLOC_6001693 = Symmetry
			#autoLOC_6001694 = Aerodynamics
			#autoLOC_6001695 = Control
			#autoLOC_6001696 = Engines
			#autoLOC_6001697 = Supplies
			#autoLOC_6001698 = Service and Science
			#autoLOC_6001699 = Recharging Supplies
			#autoLOC_6001700 = Parachutes
			#autoLOC_6001701 = Hatches and Ladders
			#autoLOC_6001702 = Multiple Stages
			#autoLOC_6001703 = Stability Assist
			#autoLOC_6001704 = Advanced
			#autoLOC_6001705 = Girders, Plates and Struts
			#autoLOC_6001706 = Fairings
			#autoLOC_6001707 = Aircraft
			#autoLOC_6001708 = Lift
			#autoLOC_6001709 = Thrust
			#autoLOC_6001710 = Intakes Explained
			#autoLOC_6001711 = Drag
			#autoLOC_6001712 = Control Surfaces
			#autoLOC_6001713 = Center of Lift
			#autoLOC_6001714 = Achieving Flight
			#autoLOC_6001715 = Balancing Act
			#autoLOC_6001716 = Landing Gear
			#autoLOC_6001717 = Communications Network
			#autoLOC_6001718 = CommNet
			#autoLOC_6001719 = CommNet Interface
			#autoLOC_6001720 = Control Links
			#autoLOC_6001721 = Transmission
			#autoLOC_6001722 = Relays
			#autoLOC_6001723 = Range
			#autoLOC_6001724 = KerbNet
			#autoLOC_6001725 = KerbNet Interface
			#autoLOC_6001726 = Scanning Modes
			#autoLOC_6001727 = Waypoints and Anomalies
			#autoLOC_6001728 = Heat
			#autoLOC_6001729 = Parts and Heat
			#autoLOC_6001730 = Core Heat
			#autoLOC_6001731 = Radiator Panels
			#autoLOC_6001732 = Thermal Control Systems
			#autoLOC_6001733 = Feeling The Flow
			#autoLOC_6001734 = Heat Shields
			#autoLOC_6001735 = Career
			#autoLOC_6001736 = Currencies
			#autoLOC_6001737 = Kerbal Roles
			#autoLOC_6001738 = Kerbal Experience
			#autoLOC_6001739 = Contracts
			#autoLOC_6001740 = Technology
			#autoLOC_6001741 = Strategies
			#autoLOC_6001742 = Science
			#autoLOC_6001743 = Experiments
			#autoLOC_6001744 = Science from Data
			#autoLOC_6001745 = Lab
			#autoLOC_6001746 = Resources
			#autoLOC_6001747 = Scanning
			#autoLOC_6001748 = Scanning (Continued)
			#autoLOC_6001749 = Asteroid Mining
			#autoLOC_6001750 = Drilling
			#autoLOC_6001751 = Storage And Conversion
			#autoLOC_6001752 = Conversion Management
			#autoLOC_6001800 = Toggle Panels
			#autoLOC_6001801 = Extend Panel
			#autoLOC_6001802 = Retract Panel
			#autoLOC_6001803 = Extend Panels
			#autoLOC_6001804 = Retract Panels
			#autoLOC_6001805 = Extend <<1>>
			#autoLOC_6001806 = Retract <<1>>
			#autoLOC_6001807 = Toggle <<1>>
			#autoLOC_6001808 = Container: Collect All
			#autoLOC_6001809 = Tweak
			#autoLOC_6001810 = Leave Seat
			#autoLOC_6001811 = Toggle flight GUI
			#autoLOC_6001812 = Relay Status
			#autoLOC_6001813 = CoreEnergy
			#autoLOC_6001814 = PartEnergy
			#autoLOC_6001815 = GoalEnergy
			#autoLOC_6001816 = Diff
			#autoLOC_6001817 = Core->Part
			#autoLOC_6001818 = Part->Core
			#autoLOC_6001819 = RadSat
			#autoLOC_6001820 = RadCap
			#autoLOC_6001821 = RadUsage
			#autoLOC_6001822 = RadCoolAmt
			#autoLOC_6001823 = RadCool%
			#autoLOC_6001824 = RadCoolTot
			#autoLOC_6001825 = Rad%Tot
			#autoLOC_6001826 = RadXfer
			#autoLOC_6001827 = RadExcess
			#autoLOC_6001828 = Shielded
			#autoLOC_6001829 = Toggle Color
			#autoLOC_6001830 = % Rated Thrust
			#autoLOC_6001831 = Fuel Ratio
			#autoLOC_6001832 = Board <<1>>
			#autoLOC_6001833 = Take Down
			#autoLOC_6001834 = Pick Up
			#autoLOC_6001835 = Read Plaque
			#autoLOC_6001836 = Gear
			#autoLOC_6001837 = Force
			#autoLOC_6001838 = Motor Drive
			#autoLOC_6001839 = Motor Neutral
			#autoLOC_6001840 = Motor Park
			#autoLOC_6001841 = Reverse Drive
			#autoLOC_6001842 = Throttle -> Speed
			#autoLOC_6001843 = Torque Ratio
			#autoLOC_6001844 = Park Drive
			#autoLOC_6001845 = Set Neutral
			#autoLOC_6001846 = Invert Drive
			#autoLOC_6001847 = Standard Drive
			#autoLOC_6001848 = Reversed Drive
			#autoLOC_6001849 = Target Center of Mass
			#autoLOC_6001850 = Take Sample
			#autoLOC_6001851 = Rename Asteroid
			#autoLOC_6001852 = Mesh
			#autoLOC_6001853 = Nodes
			#autoLOC_6001854 = AR:CoolingParts
			#autoLOC_6001855 = AR:Radiators
			#autoLOC_6001856 = AR:HeadRoom
			#autoLOC_6001857 = AR:ExcessHeat
			#autoLOC_6001858 = AR:XferAmt
			#autoLOC_6001859 = AR:AdjXferAmt
			#autoLOC_6001860 = Toggle Transmit Incomplete
			#autoLOC_6001861 = Must wait
			#autoLOC_6001862 = Restore
			#autoLOC_6001863 = Clean Experiments [<<1>>]
			#autoLOC_6001864 = Clean Experiments
			#autoLOC_6001865 = Release Clamp
			#autoLOC_6001866 = Ablation:
			#autoLOC_6001867 = Pyrolysis Flux:
			#autoLOC_6001868 = Toggle Gear
			#autoLOC_6001869 = Retract gear
			#autoLOC_6001870 = Extend gear
			#autoLOC_6001871 = Fire
			#autoLOC_6001872 = Sample of
			#autoLOC_6001873 = Sample mass
			#autoLOC_6001874 = Discard
			#autoLOC_6001875 = Lon. Slip
			#autoLOC_6001876 = Lat. Slip
			#autoLOC_6001877 = Wheel Speed
			#autoLOC_6001878 = Landed (Self)
			#autoLOC_6001879 = Landed (Vessel)
			#autoLOC_6001880 = Landed At
			#autoLOC_6001881 = Landed At Last
			#autoLOC_6001882 = Repair Wheel
			#autoLOC_6001883 = EffBonus
			#autoLOC_6001884 = Delta
			#autoLOC_6001885 = TimeFac
			#autoLOC_6001886 = FinBon
			#autoLOC_6001887 = CrewBon
			#autoLOC_6001888 = Jettison <<1>>
			#autoLOC_6001889 = Abundance
			#autoLOC_6001890 = Collect
			#autoLOC_6001891 = Discard
			#autoLOC_6001892 = Alternator (Wet)
			#autoLOC_6001893 = Alternator (Dry)
			#autoLOC_6001894 = Mode
			#autoLOC_6001895 = Wet
			#autoLOC_6001896 = Dry
			#autoLOC_6001897 = AirBreathing
			#autoLOC_6001898 = ClosedCycle
			#autoLOC_6001899 = There is no active vessel.\n
			#autoLOC_6001900 = Eccentricity cannot be exactly 1, adding a tiny fraction for you\n
			#autoLOC_6001901 = SMA was below what is safe, setting it to minimum safe value for orbit.\n
			#autoLOC_6001902 = Eccentricity is below zero\n
			#autoLOC_6001903 = Inclination is greater than 180 degrees\n
			#autoLOC_6001904 = Inclination is less than -180 degrees\n
			#autoLOC_6001905 = SMA Cannot be Infinity\n
			#autoLOC_6001906 = There is no valid selected vessel.\n
			#autoLOC_6001907 = Selected vessel is the active vessel.\n
			#autoLOC_6001908 = Selected vessel is not in a stable orbit to rendezvous.\n
			#autoLOC_6001909 = Placed active vessel <<1>> meters from <<2>>.
			#autoLOC_6001910 = Reset Conv. Counter
			#autoLOC_6001911 = All technology in Research and Development has been researched.
			#autoLOC_6001912 = All facilities in the space center have been fully upgraded.
			#autoLOC_6001913 = All crew members are now fully experienced.
			#autoLOC_6001914 = Early game progression on <<1>> has been completed.
			#autoLOC_6001915 = All game progression has been fully completed.
			#autoLOC_6001916 = Drag: <<1>>
			#autoLOC_6001917 = Drag Vector: <<1>>
			#autoLOC_6001918 = <<1>> rate
			#autoLOC_6001919 = Discovered on <<1>>
			#autoLOC_6001920 = Last Observed on <<1>>
			#autoLOC_6001921 = MNV: <<1>>
			#autoLOC_6001922 = <<1>> <<1[reports/report/reports]>>
			#autoLOC_6001923 = Ast. <<1>>
			#autoLOC_6001924 = Achieve goal
			#autoLOC_6001925 = Cannot warp faster than <<1>>x while in atmosphere.
			#autoLOC_6001926 = Cannot warp faster than <<1>>x while the ship is under acceleration.
			#autoLOC_6001927 = Cannot warp faster than <<1>>x while moving over terrain.
			#autoLOC_6001928 = Cannot warp faster than <<1>>x while below <<2>>m.
			#autoLOC_6001929 = Cannot warp faster than <<1>>x while Kerbals are on a ladder.
			#autoLOC_6001930 = Cannot switch time rate modes while above <<1>>x Warp.
			#autoLOC_6001931 = <color=orange>Warp already in progress</color>
			#autoLOC_6001932 = Auto-TimeWarp Cancelled.
			#autoLOC_6001933 = TimeWarping... T<<1>>\nPress [<<2>>] to Cancel.
			#autoLOC_6001934 = TimeWarp Stopped.
			#autoLOC_6001935 = Warping... T<<1>>
			#autoLOC_6001936 = TimeWarp Complete
			#autoLOC_6001937 = We have launched into atmospheric flight.
			#autoLOC_6001938 = We have entered into atmospheric flight above <<1>>.
			#autoLOC_6001939 = We have entered orbit.
			#autoLOC_6001940 = We have entered orbit of <<1>>.
			#autoLOC_6001941 = We have launched into suborbital spaceflight.
			#autoLOC_6001942 = We have entered into suborbital spaceflight above <<1>>.
			#autoLOC_6001943 = We have returned to the surface.
			#autoLOC_6001944 = We have landed on the surface of <<1>>.
			#autoLOC_6001945 = We have splashed into the ocean.
			#autoLOC_6001946 = We have splashed down in the oceans of <<1>>.
			#autoLOC_6001947 = We have returned to the surface from orbit.
			#autoLOC_6001948 = We have returned home from orbit of <<1>>.
			#autoLOC_6001949 = We have performed the first one of our experiments at home.
			#autoLOC_6001950 = We have gathered the first scientific data from <<1>>.
			#autoLOC_6001951 = We have performed the first one of our experiments at home.
			#autoLOC_6001952 = We have gathered the first scientific data from <<1>>.
			#autoLOC_6001953 = We have planted the first one of our flags at home.
			#autoLOC_6001954 = We have planted a flag on <<1>>.
			#autoLOC_6001955 = We have performed an EVA test at home.
			#autoLOC_6001956 = We have walked on the surface of <<1>>.
			#autoLOC_6001957 = Deactivate
			#autoLOC_6001958 = Name Site
			#autoLOC_6001959 = KerbNet automatic refresh was interrupted.
			#autoLOC_6001960 = Have a vessel make ground contact with <<1>> to achieve this goal.
			#autoLOC_6001961 = Land a vessel on the surface of <<1>> to achieve this goal.
			#autoLOC_6001962 = We need to perform a space walk in orbit. This time try to keep your helmet free of bodily fluids.
			#autoLOC_6001963 = We need to perform a space walk in orbit of <<1>>. This time try to keep your helmet free of bodily fluids.
			#autoLOC_6001964 = Make ground contact on <<1>>
			#autoLOC_6001965 = Return to <<1>> from orbit.
			#autoLOC_6001966 = Return to <<1>> from orbit of <<2>>.
			#autoLOC_6001967 = SUBASSEMBLY\nDROP ZONE
			#autoLOC_6001968 = <color=#e6752a>EVA Suit</color>
			#autoLOC_6001969 = Max. Absorb. Garment
			#autoLOC_6001970 = Hibernation Mode
			#autoLOC_6002000 = Surface Landed
			#autoLOC_6002001 = Surface Splashed
			#autoLOC_6002002 = Flying Low
			#autoLOC_6002003 = Flying High
			#autoLOC_6002004 = In Space Low
			#autoLOC_6002005 = In Space High
			#autoLOC_6002006 = Akatsuki Lake
			#autoLOC_6002007 = Babbage Patch
			#autoLOC_6002008 = Badlands
			#autoLOC_6002009 = Canyon
			#autoLOC_6002010 = Canyons
			#autoLOC_6002011 = Central Lowlands
			#autoLOC_6002012 = Central Mountain Range
			#autoLOC_6002013 = Crater Bay
			#autoLOC_6002014 = Crater Island
			#autoLOC_6002015 = Crater Lake
			#autoLOC_6002016 = Craters
			#autoLOC_6002017 = Crescent Bay
			#autoLOC_6002018 = Degrasse Sea
			#autoLOC_6002019 = Deserts
			#autoLOC_6002020 = Dunes
			#autoLOC_6002021 = East Crater
			#autoLOC_6002022 = East Farside Crater
			#autoLOC_6002023 = Eastern Canyon
			#autoLOC_6002024 = Eastern Mountain Ridge
			#autoLOC_6002025 = Eastern Sea
			#autoLOC_6002026 = Explodium Sea
			#autoLOC_6002027 = Farside Basin
			#autoLOC_6002028 = Farside Crater
			#autoLOC_6002029 = Flats
			#autoLOC_6002030 = Foothills
			#autoLOC_6002031 = Fragipan
			#autoLOC_6002032 = Gagarin Crater
			#autoLOC_6002033 = Galileio Crater
			#autoLOC_6002034 = Grasslands
			#autoLOC_6002035 = Great Flats
			#autoLOC_6002036 = Grissom Crater
			#autoLOC_6002037 = Highland Craters
			#autoLOC_6002038 = Highlands
			#autoLOC_6002039 = Ice Canyons
			#autoLOC_6002040 = Ice Caps
			#autoLOC_6002041 = Impact Craters
			#autoLOC_6002042 = Impact Ejecta
			#autoLOC_6002043 = Lesser Flats
			#autoLOC_6002044 = Lowlands
			#autoLOC_6002045 = Mara
			#autoLOC_6002046 = Midland Canyon
			#autoLOC_6002047 = Midland Craters
			#autoLOC_6002048 = Midland Sea
			#autoLOC_6002049 = Midlands
			#autoLOC_6002050 = Greater Flats
			#autoLOC_6002051 = Minor Craters
			#autoLOC_6002052 = Mountains
			#autoLOC_6002053 = Mu Glacier
			#autoLOC_6002054 = North Pole
			#autoLOC_6002055 = Northeast Basin
			#autoLOC_6002058 = Northern Glaciers
			#autoLOC_6002059 = Northern Ice Shelf
			#autoLOC_6002060 = Northern Shelf
			#autoLOC_6002061 = Northern Sinkhole
			#autoLOC_6002062 = Northern Sinkhole Ridge
			#autoLOC_6002063 = Northwest Basin
			#autoLOC_6002064 = Northwest Crater
			#autoLOC_6002065 = Olympus
			#autoLOC_6002066 = Peaks
			#autoLOC_6002067 = Polar Crater
			#autoLOC_6002068 = Polar Craters
			#autoLOC_6002069 = Polar Highlands
			#autoLOC_6002070 = Polar Lowlands
			#autoLOC_6002071 = Poles
			#autoLOC_6002072 = Ridges
			#autoLOC_6002073 = Shallows
			#autoLOC_6002074 = Shores
			#autoLOC_6002075 = Slopes
			#autoLOC_6002076 = South Eastern Lowlands
			#autoLOC_6002077 = South Eastern Mountain Range
			#autoLOC_6002078 = South Pole
			#autoLOC_6002079 = South Western Lowlands
			#autoLOC_6002080 = Southern Basin
			#autoLOC_6002081 = Southern Glaciers
			#autoLOC_6002082 = Southern Ice Shelf
			#autoLOC_6002083 = Southern Valleys
			#autoLOC_6002084 = Southwest Crater
			#autoLOC_6002085 = The Sagen Sea
			#autoLOC_6002086 = Tundra
			#autoLOC_6002087 = Twin Craters
			#autoLOC_6002088 = Tycho Crater
			#autoLOC_6002089 = Valley
			#autoLOC_6002090 = Water
			#autoLOC_6002091 = Western Canyon
			#autoLOC_6002092 = Western Lowlands
			#autoLOC_6002093 = Western Mountain Ridge
			#autoLOC_6002094 = Western Sea
			#autoLOC_6002095 = LF
			#autoLOC_6002096 = Ox
			#autoLOC_6002097 = SF
			#autoLOC_6002098 = MP
			#autoLOC_6002099 = Xe
			#autoLOC_6002100 = EC
			#autoLOC_6002101 = Air
			#autoLOC_6002102 = EP
			#autoLOC_6002103 = Ore
			#autoLOC_6002104 = Ab
			#autoLOC_6002105 = VAB Round Tank
			#autoLOC_6002106 = VAB South Complex
			#autoLOC_6002107 = VAB Main Building
			#autoLOC_6002108 = VAB
			#autoLOC_6002109 = VAB Tanks
			#autoLOC_6002110 = VAB Round Tank
			#autoLOC_6002111 = VAB Pod Memorial
			#autoLOC_6002112 = LaunchPad
			#autoLOC_6002113 = R&D Main Building
			#autoLOC_6002114 = R&D
			#autoLOC_6002115 = Mission Control
			#autoLOC_6002116 = Pad Flag Pole
			#autoLOC_6002117 = Administration
			#autoLOC_6002118 = Pad
			#autoLOC_6002119 = SPH
			#autoLOC_6002120 = SPH Main Building
			#autoLOC_6002121 = SPH Round Tank
			#autoLOC_6002122 = SPH Tanks
			#autoLOC_6002123 = SPH Water Tower
			#autoLOC_6002124 = Crawlerway
			#autoLOC_6002125 = Astronaut Complex
			#autoLOC_6002126 = Tracking Station
			#autoLOC_6002127 = Tracking Station Dish South
			#autoLOC_6002128 = Tracking Station Dish North
			#autoLOC_6002129 = Tracking Station Dish East
			#autoLOC_6002130 = Tracking Station Hub
			#autoLOC_6002131 = Runway
			#autoLOC_6002132 = R&D Tanks
			#autoLOC_6002133 = R&D
			#autoLOC_6002134 = R&D Small Lab
			#autoLOC_6002135 = R&D Central Building
			#autoLOC_6002136 = R&D Corner Lab
			#autoLOC_6002137 = R&D Wind Tunnel
			#autoLOC_6002138 = R&D Observatory
			#autoLOC_6002139 = R&D Side Lab
			#autoLOC_6002140 = R&D Main Building
			#autoLOC_6002141 = Baikerbanur
			#autoLOC_6002142 = Baikerbanur LaunchPad
			#autoLOC_6002143 = Pad Water Tower
			#autoLOC_6002144 = Pad Round Tank
			#autoLOC_6002145 = Pad Tanks
			#autoLOC_6002146 = Launchpad Platform
			#autoLOC_6002147 = FlagPole
			#autoLOC_6002148 = Harvester Massif
			#autoLOC_6002149 = Kerbin: Harvester Massif
			#autoLOC_6002150 = Nye Island
			#autoLOC_6002151 = Kerbin: Nye Island
			#autoLOC_6002152 = Kerbin: Mesa South
			#autoLOC_6002153 = Mesa South
			#autoLOC_6002154 = Kerbin: Crater Rim
			#autoLOC_6002155 = Crater Rim
			#autoLOC_6002156 = Kerbin: North Station One
			#autoLOC_6002157 = North Station One
			#autoLOC_6002158 = Kerbin: Baikerbanur
			#autoLOC_6002159 = Kerbin: KSC
			#autoLoc_6002161 = LANDED
			#autoLoc_6002162 = SPLASHED
			#autoLoc_6002163 = PRELAUNCH
			#autoLoc_6002164 = FLYING
			#autoLoc_6002165 = SUB-ORBITAL
			#autoLoc_6002166 = ORBITING
			#autoLoc_6002167 = ESCAPING
			#autoLoc_6002168 = DOCKED
			#autoLoc_6002169 = LOST
			#autoLoc_6002170 = Advanced
			#autoLoc_6002171 = <color=<<1>>>Easy</color>
			#autoLoc_6002172 = <color=<<1>>>Normal</color>
			#autoLoc_6002173 = <color=<<1>>>Moderate</color>
			#autoLoc_6002174 = <color=<<1>>>Hard</color>
			#autoLoc_6002175 = <color=<<1>>>Custom</color>
			#autoLoc_6002176 = On Hyperbolic orbit around <<1>>
			#autoLoc_6002177 = Space Object
			#autoLoc_6002178 = Base
			#autoLoc_6002179 = Flag
			#autoLoc_6002180 = x50 Time
			#autoLoc_6002181 = x100 Time
			#autoLoc_6002182 = x1000 Time
			#autoLoc_6002183 = x10000 Time
			#autoLoc_6002184 = x100000 Time
			#autoLoc_6002185 = x2 Time
			#autoLoc_6002186 = x3 Time
			#autoLoc_6002187 = x4 Time
			#autoLoc_6002188 = x1 Time
			#autoLoc_6002189 = Crew
			#autoLoc_6002190 = Pilot Seat
			#autoLoc_6002191 = Center Seat
			#autoLoc_6002192 = Right Seat
			#autoLoc_6002193 = Left Seat
			#autoLoc_6002194 = Bottom Seat
			#autoLoc_6002195 = Right Seat <<1>>
			#autoLoc_6002196 = Left Seat <<1>>
			#autoLoc_6002197 = Seat <<1>>
			#autoLoc_6002200 = Probes require a signal for any control rather than going to partial control when lacking a signal.
			#autoLoc_6002201 = Enable comm links weakening and going down when the link goes through atmospheric plasma.
			#autoLoc_6002202 = Enable the full set of groundstations for the DSN, not just KSC.
			#autoLoc_6002203 = Whether negative values should be allowed for Funds and Science.
			#autoLoc_6002204 = Do parts fail when passing their pressure limits in dense atmospheres / deep underwater?
			#autoLoc_6002205 = Do parts fail when passing their G-force limits?
			#autoLoc_6002206 = Do Kerbals go unconscious after sustaining too much G-force?
			#autoLoc_6002207 = Prevents manually transferring resources across parts that cannot crossfeed with each other.
			#autoLoc_6002208 = Makes action groups always available in the VAB/SPH.
			#autoLoc_6002209 = With this setting off, all astronauts start with maximum experience.
			#autoLoc_6002210 = Apply experience points immediately instead of on recovery.
			#autoLoc_6002211 = If a part has tech upgrades, they will be applied in sandbox mode.
			#autoLoc_6002212 = Enable stats upgrades for some old parts when new technologies researched.
			#autoLoc_6002213 = x5 Time
			#autoLoc_6002214 = x10 Time
			#autoLoc_6002215 = KNOWLEDGE BASE
			#autoLoc_6002216 = Mohole
			#autoLOC_6002217 = Max Parts Supported:
			#autoLOC_6002218 = Funds
			#autoLOC_6002219 = Type
			#autoLOC_6002220 = Name
			#autoLOC_6002221 = Untracked
			#autoLOC_6002222 = Tracking
			#autoLOC_6002223 = Unknown
			#autoLOC_6002224 = Unknown Object
			#autoLOC_6002225 = No Situation Data
			#autoLOC_6002226 = Unknown Speed
			#autoLOC_6002227 = Unknown Altitude
			#autoLOC_6002228 = Unknown Object Type
			#autoLOC_6002229 = Unknown Mass
			#autoLOC_6002230 = Max Vessel Size:
			#autoLOC_6002231 = Max Active Strategies:
			#autoLOC_6002232 = Max Commitment:
			#autoLOC_6002233 = Max Vessel Weight:
			#autoLOC_6002234 = Max Active Contracts:
			#autoLOC_6002235 = Research Science Limit:
			#autoLOC_6002236 = Capacity:
			#autoLOC_6002237 = Active Kerbals
			#autoLOC_6002238 = Tracking Station Upgrade required for Flight Planning
			#autoLOC_6002239 = Flight Planning Available
			#autoLOC_6002240 = Kerbal EVAs can clamber onto objects
			#autoLOC_6002241 = Kerbal EVAs can collect surface samples
			#autoLOC_6002242 = Track Class
			#autoLOC_6002243 = objects or larger
			#autoLOC_6002244 = Action Groups Available
			#autoLOC_6002245 = Max Level
			#autoLOC_6002246 = Level
			#autoLOC_6002247 = Damage
			#autoLOC_6002248 = Stand By...
			#autoLOC_6002249 = Repair Facility
			#autoLOC_6002250 = Demolish
			#autoLOC_6002251 = Rebuild lvl
			#autoLOC_6002252 = These vessels are landed at the <<1>> :\n\n
			#autoLOC_6002253 = \n\nPlease remove them before continuing.
			#autoLOC_6002254 = Obstructed
			#autoLOC_6002255 = Are you sure you want to demolish this facility?
			#autoLOC_6002257 = CommNet
			#autoLOC_6002258 = Module Crew: <<1>>/<<2>>
			#autoLOC_6002259 = Crew Hatch
			#autoLOC_6002260 = Flight at <<1>>
			#autoLOC_6002261 = Sub-orbit of <<1>>
			#autoLOC_6002262 = Fly-by <<1>>
			#autoLOC_6002263 = Escape from <<1>>
			#autoLOC_6002264 = Orbit around <<1>>
			#autoLOC_6002265 = Train at <<1>>
			#autoLOC_6002266 = quicksave
			#autoLOC_6002267 = (<<1>> avg.)
			#autoLOC_6002268 = \u0020Data Acquired
			#autoLOC_6002269 = Deployed
			#autoLOC_6002270 = Deploying…
			#autoLOC_6002271 = Start Extended
			#autoLOC_6002272 = <b>Cost: </b><<1>> <b><<2>><<3>></b>
			#autoLOC_6002273 = \n\n** UPGRADES APPLIED **
			#autoLOC_6002274 = \n\nHas Potential Upgrades
			#autoLOC_6002275 = Part Stats Upgrade
			#autoLOC_6002276 = Unknown Upgrade
			#autoLOC_6002277 = Part Stats
			#autoLOC_6002278 = <b>Cost: </b><<1>> <b><<2>></b> +<<3>> <b><<4>></b>
			#autoLOC_6002279 = Show Upgraded Stats
			#autoLOC_6002280 = Test Subject
			#autoLOC_6002281 = Start Object Tracking
			#autoLOC_6002282 = Infrared Telescope
			#autoLOC_6002283 = Sentinel Module
			#autoLOC_6002284 = SENTINEL Infrared Telescope
			#autoLOC_6002285 = The <<1>> is now mapping asteroids and comets passing near <<2>> orbit.
			#autoLOC_6002286 = Stop Object Tracking
			#autoLOC_6002287 = The <<1>> is no longer mapping asteroids and comets passing near <<2>> orbit.
			#autoLOC_6002288 = Telescope
			#autoLOC_6002289 = Off
			#autoLOC_6002290 = Error
			#autoLOC_6002291 = Mapping <<1>>
			#autoLOC_6002292 = Misaligned with <<1>>
			#autoLOC_6002293 = The <<1>> cannot activate without a power generator to provide electric charge.
			#autoLOC_6002294 = The <<1>> cannot activate without an antenna present to transmit the data it gathers.
			#autoLOC_6002295 = The <<1>> needs to be activated on a solar orbit.
			#autoLOC_6002296 = Inactive
			#autoLOC_6002297 = Map <<n:1>> asteroids endangering <<2>> with a <<3>>.
			#autoLOC_6002298 = Map <<n:1>> asteroids passing near <<g:3,2>> with a <<4>>.
			#autoLOC_6002299 = asteroids
			#autoLOC_6002300 = It would be much easier to track asteroids in <<g:2,1>> from afar with a <<3>> deployed in solar orbit near <<4>>.
			#autoLOC_6002301 = The <<1>> has worked so well mapping <<g:3,2>>, that we would like you to use one to map asteroids around <<4>>.
			#autoLOC_6002302 = You have successfully mapped a portion of the asteroids that pass near <<g:2,1>>.
			#autoLOC_6002303 = threatening
			#autoLOC_6002304 = around
			#autoLOC_6002305 = Map <<n:1>> class <<2>> asteroids <<3>> <<4>>
			#autoLOC_6002306 = Map <<n:1>> asteroids <<2>> <<3>> with an eccentricity greater than <<4>>
			#autoLOC_6002307 = Map <<n:1>> asteroids <<2>> <<3>> with an inclination greater than <<4>>
			#autoLOC_6002308 = Map <<n:1>> asteroids <<2>> <<3>>
			#autoLOC_6002309 = The mapping process will happen passively over a length of time as long as any active sentinels are near the specified orbit. They do not need to be newly launched. You will receive progress notifications as suitable asteroids are mapped.
			#autoLOC_6002310 = A sentinel has now mapped <<1>>/<<2>> suitable asteroids near <<3>> for <<4>>.
			#autoLOC_6002311 = Sentinels have finished mapping suitable asteroids around <<1>> for <<2>>.
			#autoLOC_6002312 = You focus the telescope out into space, scanning for celestial bodies.
			#autoLOC_6002313 = You scan for celestial bodies while orbiting high over Kerbin.
			#autoLOC_6002314 = The Sentinel Space Telescope uses infrared light to detect celestial bodies, such as asteroids, that may pose a risk to Kerbin.
			#autoLOC_6002315 = Log Observation Data
			#autoLOC_6002316 = asteroid camera day detect ?ir (map satellite scan
			#autoLOC_6002317 = s
			#autoLOC_6002318 = m
			#autoLOC_6002319 = h
			#autoLOC_6002320 = d
			#autoLOC_6002321 = y
			#autoLOC_6002322 = Year
			#autoLOC_6002323 = Years
			#autoLOC_6002324 = Day
			#autoLOC_6002325 = Days
			#autoLOC_6002326 = Hour
			#autoLOC_6002327 = Hours
			#autoLOC_6002328 = Min
			#autoLOC_6002329 = Mins
			#autoLOC_6002330 = Sec
			#autoLOC_6002331 = Secs
			#autoLOC_6002332 = T-
			#autoLOC_6002333 = T+
			#autoLOC_6002334 = year
			#autoLOC_6002335 = years
			#autoLOC_6002336 = days
			#autoLOC_6002337 = day
			#autoLOC_6002338 = hour
			#autoLOC_6002339 = hours
			#autoLOC_6002340 = minutes
			#autoLOC_6002341 = minute
			#autoLOC_6002342 = seconds
			#autoLOC_6002343 = second
			#autoLOC_6002344 = Y
			#autoLOC_6002345 = D
			#autoLOC_6002346 = Cannot switch vessels while in atmosphere.
			#autoLOC_6002347 = Cannot switch vessels while under acceleration.
			#autoLOC_6002348 = Cannot switch vessels while moving over the surface.
			#autoLOC_6002349 = Cannot switch vessels while about to crash.
			#autoLOC_6002350 = Cannot switch vessels while on a ladder.
			#autoLOC_6002351 = Cannot switch vessels while the current one is throttled up.
			#autoLOC_6002352 = Cannot focus an object we do not own.
			#autoLOC_6002353 = Idle
			#autoLOC_6002354 = +<<1>> <<2>>\n-<<3>> <<4>>\n<<5>>
			#autoLOC_6002355 = <<1>><<2>> <<3>> <<4>>
			#autoLOC_6002356 = <<1>> <<2>> <<3>>.
			#autoLOC_6002357 = <<1>> <<2>>.
			#autoLOC_6002358 = HeatMap (blue)
			#autoLOC_6002359 = ORBITAL
			#autoLOC_6002360 = Objectives
			#autoLOC_6002361 = Adjust Time
			#autoLOC_6002362 = Switch Editor
			#autoLOC_6002370 = the data
			#autoLOC_6002371 = Data
			#autoLOC_6002372 = Crew
			#autoLOC_6002373 = ,\u0020
			#autoLOC_6002374 = \u0020and\u0020
			#autoLOC_6002375 = <<1>> <<2>>
			#autoLOC_6002376 = <<1>><<2>><<3>><<4>>.
			#autoLOC_6002377 = <<1>><<2>><<3>><<4>><<5>>
			#autoLOC_6002378 = Part model requires an Entry Purchase in R&D.
			#autoLOC_6002379 = Stale maneuver node became unsolvable - deleted.
			#autoLOC_6002380 = Deploy <<1>>
			#autoLOC_6002381 = Retract <<1>>
			#autoLOC_6002382 = Toggle <<1>>
			#autoLOC_6002383 = Module
			#autoLOC_6002384 = Deploy <<1>>
			#autoLOC_6002385 = Retract <<1>>
			#autoLOC_6002386 = Toggle <<1>>
			#autoLOC_6002387 = Deploy <<1>>
			#autoLOC_6002388 = Retract <<1>>
			#autoLOC_6002389 = Toggle <<1>>
			#autoLOC_6002390 = Deploy <<1>>
			#autoLOC_6002391 = Retract <<1>>
			#autoLOC_6002392 = Toggle <<1>>
			#autoLOC_6002393 = Deploy <<1>>
			#autoLOC_6002394 = Retract <<1>>
			#autoLOC_6002395 = Toggle <<1>>
			#autoLOC_6002396 = Deploy
			#autoLOC_6002397 = Deploy
			#autoLOC_6002398 = Extend <<1>>
			#autoLOC_6002399 = Retract <<1>>
			#autoLOC_6002400 = Toggle <<1>>
			#autoLOC_6002401 = Extend <<1>>
			#autoLOC_6002402 = Retract <<1>>
			#autoLOC_6002403 = Toggle <<1>>
			#autoLOC_6002404 = Empty
			#autoLOC_6002405 = Ascending Node: <<1>>°
			#autoLOC_6002406 = Descending Node: <<1>>°
			#autoLOC_6002407 = vessel
			#autoLOC_6002408 = Periapsis: <<1>><<2>>
			#autoLOC_6002409 = Apoapsis: <<1>><<2>>
			#autoLOC_6002410 = ???
			#autoLOC_6002411 = - <b><<1>>: </b> <<2>>/hour.\n
			#autoLOC_6002412 = - <b><<1>>: </b> <<2>> <<3>>\n
			#autoLOC_6002413 = Research & Development Department
			#autoLOC_6002414 = A new contract has been offered by<<1>>: <<2>>
			#autoLOC_6002415 = A contract offer has been withdrawn by<<1>>: <<2>>
			#autoLOC_6002416 = We have accepted a contract offer from <<1>>: <<2>>
			#autoLOC_6002417 = True
			#autoLOC_6002418 = Toggle Steering
			#autoLOC_6002419 = Toggle Motor
			#autoLOC_6002420 = <color=<<1>>>Warning: Approaching G Limits!</color>
			#autoLOC_6002421 = <color=<<1>>>Warning: Approaching Pressure Limits!</color>
			#autoLOC_6002422 = Error!
			#autoLOC_6002423 = The <<1>> SFS file is incompatible with this version of KSP.
			#autoLOC_6002424 = Craft Loading Error
			#autoLOC_6002425 = Craft <<1>> was not loaded because\nit had the following parts missing:\n<<2>>
			#autoLOC_6002426 = Loading Failed
			#autoLOC_6002427 = Part <<1>> is missing
			#autoLOC_6002428 = Cannot load the craft. File format is incompatible\nwith this version of KSP.
			#autoLOC_6002429 = Retriever A1
			#autoLOC_6002430 = Retriever A2
			#autoLOC_6002431 = Orbiter 1
			#autoLOC_6002432 = Starbeam
			#autoLOC_6002433 = Starbeam Debris
			#autoLOC_6002434 = Starbeam Lander
			#autoLOC_6002435 = The Vules Jerne Kerman
			#autoLOC_6002436 = The Vules Jerne Kerman Debris
			#autoLOC_6002437 = The Vules Jerne Kerman Rover
			#autoLOC_6002438 = Mun 7
			#autoLOC_6002439 = Inspiration of the Windward Spirit
			#autoLOC_6002440 = Inspiration of the Windward Spirit Debris
			#autoLOC_6002441 = Kerbal 11
			#autoLOC_6002442 = Ever Onward
			#autoLOC_6002443 = Ever Onward Lander
			#autoLOC_6002444 = Homeseeker Flyback Booster
			#autoLOC_6002445 = Homeseeker Flyback Booster Probe
			#autoLOC_6002446 = Homeseeker Flyback Booster Debris
			#autoLOC_6002447 = Quietlands
			#autoLOC_6002448 = Quietlands Debris
			#autoLOC_6002449 = Aeris 4B "Maybe the Sky"
			#autoLOC_6002450 = Bowser 1
			#autoLOC_6002451 = Bowser 1 Debris
			#autoLOC_6002452 = Space Station 1
			#autoLOC_6002453 = Farsight radio observatory one
			#autoLOC_6002454 = Farsight radio observatory two
			#autoLOC_6002455 = Farsight radio observatory three
			#autoLOC_6002456 = "Jumping" JAC-K DSR 1
			#autoLOC_6002457 = "Jumping" JAC-K DSR 2
			#autoLOC_6002458 = "Jumping" JAC-K DSR 3
			#autoLOC_6002459 = "Jumping" JAC-K DSR 4
			#autoLOC_6002460 = "Jumping" JAC-K DSR 5
			#autoLOC_6002461 = "Jumping" JAC-K DSR 6
			#autoLOC_6002462 = "Jumping" JAC-K DSR 5 Probe
			#autoLOC_6002463 = "Mirror" signal relay 1
			#autoLOC_6002464 = "Mirror" signal relay 2
			#autoLOC_6002465 = "Mirror" signal relay 3
			#autoLOC_6002466 = "Mirror" signal relay 4
			#autoLOC_6002467 = Kenera-9
			#autoLOC_6002468 = Philae
			#autoLOC_6002469 = Kerbal Rescuer
			#autoLOC_6002470 = Stranded
			#autoLOC_6002471 = Scitest
			#autoLOC_6002472 = Inspiration of the Windward Spirit Lander
			#autoLOC_6002473 = Inspiration of the Windward Spirit Probe
			#autoLOC_6002474 = Space Station Core
			#autoLOC_6002475 = Fuel Module and Tug
			#autoLOC_6002476 = Space Station Core Probe
			#autoLOC_6002477 = Kerbal XX
			#autoLOC_6002478 = Rover + Skycrane
			#autoLOC_6002480 = Warning
			#autoLOC_6002481 = No category selected.
			#autoLOC_6002482 = This category already has this part.
			#autoLOC_6002483 = Everything ok.
			#autoLOC_6002484 = Center of Mass
			#autoLOC_6002485 = Enable Motor
			#autoLOC_6002486 = Disable Motor
			#autoLOC_6002487 = m/s
			#autoLOC_6002488 = kN
			#autoLOC_6002489 = Play ESA Missions
			#autoLOC_6002490 = New ESA Missions!
			#autoLOC_6002491 = >> Part of : <<1>>
			#autoLOC_6002493 = Ultra
			#autoLOC_6002494 = Ultra shader quality only applies to certain celestial bodies.
			#autoLOC_6002495 = Magnetometer Boom
			#autoLOC_6002496 = Magnetic fields are all around us. Kerbal scientists know that learning about the magnetic field of a celestial body can yield all sorts of interesting insights into what's going on inside it - but spacecraft also emit magnetic fields, especially when operating their electronics and electromechanical actuators.\n\nFor some reason engineers just don't want to turn off the entire spacecraft, or build it out of plastic, so the Experimental Engineering group solved the issue by sticking this sensitive magnetometer on an extensible boom.\n\nWarning: Warranty on the boom voided if used any place besides the vacuum of space.
			#autoLOC_6002497 = experiment research magnet boom
			#autoLOC_6002498 = Extend Boom
			#autoLOC_6002499 = Retract Boom
			#autoLOC_6002500 = Run Magnetometer Report
			#autoLOC_6002501 = Magnetometer Report
			#autoLOC_6002502 = You've measured the interaction between the solar wind and the magnetic field of this body as it deflects charged particles.
			#autoLOC_6002503 = Trace magnetic fields are magnified by this sensitive instrument, and measured in real time as you orbit near this celestial body. It's almost like hearing the heart beat of a planet, knowing if it's dead inside or if something is churning.
			#autoLOC_6002504 = Kerbin's magnetic field is weaker out here, but still easily detectable, and this instrument maps the field fluctations as they radiate into deeper space.
			#autoLOC_6002505 = Kerbin has a strong magnetic field for a planet of its size, shielding us from the Sun's blasts of radiation, even in this low orbit.
			#autoLOC_6002506 = Advanced Grabbing Unit Jr.
			#autoLOC_6002507 = Usually, when you want to improve a part, the first thing any self-respecting Kerbal engineer thinks about is making it bigger and adding more power. Rarely, that's not the ideal solution. Thus was born the AGU jr. Instead of making a bigger claw, Kerbal Motion has designed a smaller one, when you need a small helping hand to latch onto something in those hard to reach places.
			#autoLOC_6002508 = Intermediate Period Comet Sample
			#autoLOC_6002509 = Long Period Comet Sample
			#autoLOC_6002510 = Interstellar Comet Sample
			#autoLOC_6002511 = At some point in the past this comet was swung into a much tighter orbit around the Sun. It's a good thing you got here now, it may not keep its status as a Comet for much longer with the way the Sun is boiling off its volatile material. You've got a good scoop of this melting ice cream ball to perserve and return for analysis.
			#autoLOC_6002512 = This solar soujourner has been guided by Jool's massive gravity well into a periodic orbit that makes it a regular visitor to the inner system. This sample can help give our scientists a better look at what the protoplanetary disk out past Jool's orbit was composed of. Be careful bringing it back - it's a little melty.
			#autoLOC_6002513 = The composition of this comet shows the unique fingerprint of the early Solar system as it has remained untouched on its long lonely journeys that only rarely bring it close to the warmth of the Sun. The smallest microscopic dust embedded into the sample you've carefully packed away contains a treasure of information for our astrogeologists.
			#autoLOC_6002514 = You've managed to take a sample of one of the rarest pieces of celestial material - a chunk of extra-solar matter. These inter-planetary voyagers travel the space between stars, only rarely diving down into a solar gravity well. Telescopes probe the galaxy far and wide, but actually getting a piece of something from this far away is a unique achievement.
			#autoLOC_6002515 = Cube: <<1>> Weight: <<2>>
			#autoLOC_6002516 = Procedural Drag Cube
			#autoLOC_6002517 = MPO Probe
			#autoLOC_6002518 = The Moho Planetary Observer combines the function of many parts in one, to help make sure the searing heat of its primary mission target is distributed and dissipated without harming its critical control functionality.
			#autoLOC_6002519 = esa probe control cmg command control fly gyro moment react stab steer torque
			#autoLOC_6002520 = MTM Stage
			#autoLOC_6002521 = The Moho Transfer Module houses a control core and a generously sized xenon tank. Perfect for transporting large scientific payloads anywhere where large amounts of deltaV are required.
			#autoLOC_6002522 = What’s new in Kerbal Space Program 1.10: Shared Horizons\n\nWelcome to the 1.10 update of Kerbal Space Program! This is a special one because we’ve worked with the European Space Agency to bring you some fantastic new content and a big addition to the KSP solar system.\n\nSo first off, our collaboration with ESA brings KSP versions of the real world BepiColombo and Rosetta missions. And you can play them without the Making History DLC!\n\nIf you know your space trivia, then you’ll know that with the addition of the Rosetta mission, we just had to add comets to the game! These will appear in all game modes, and career has a couple of new comet-based contracts. Comets have realistic, variable tails, and are significantly larger than standard asteroids. You might even see one that’s visiting us from interstellar space!\n\nWe’ve added several new parts to the game and updated others. First, an array of new flag parts so you can decorate your rocket with a variety of flags, for those multi-mission or multi-agency craft. Second, we’ve added a smaller version of the Claw, and a new science experiment, the magnetometer. There are also new variants of some tanks, SRBs, and decouplers, and fairings have not only new variants, but some updated functionality as well, go check them out!\n\nAs some of you figured out from our April Jool’s day post, Jool has received a revamp - but remained green. Even better, Jool’s clouds are now animated. They're astonishing to watch as you timewarp to an intercept. Laythe has also received a revamp, so you have somewhere beautiful to pull up a beach chair and admire Jool.\n\nNext, we’ve added a new EVA suit picker that lets you choose different suit types and colors, letting you individualize your Kerbal’s highly-protective suit - including a new ESA suit texture option!  Plus, it's much easier for modders to add their own suit textures to the game.\n\nFinally, there’re also a host of bug fixes, performance updates and QOL improvements for you to check out in our change log. We hope you enjoy Kerbal Space Program 1.10: Shared Horizons.
			#autoLOC_6002523 = Philae Lander
			#autoLOC_6002524 = Rosetta Spacecraft
			#autoLOC_6002525 = Vessel to test grapple on.
			#autoLOC_6002526 = The Grappling Vessel and Grappled Vessel can't be the same vessel.
			#autoLOC_6002527 = MPO Probe
			#autoLOC_6002528 = MMO Probe
			#autoLOC_6002529 = MSE Lander
			#autoLOC_6002530 = No comet detected
			#autoLOC_6002531 = Not directly attached to comet
			#autoLOC_6002532 = <color=#BADA55>(Comet use - <<1>>% base efficiency)</color>
			#autoLOC_6002533 = Comet Drill
			#autoLOC_6002534 = Start Comet Harvester
			#autoLOC_6002535 = Stop Comet Harvester
			#autoLOC_6002536 = Toggle Comet Harvester
			#autoLOC_6002537 = EVA Science Experiment
			#autoLOC_6002538 = EVA Experiments Kit
			#autoLOC_6002539 = Probodobodyne has meticulously curated and assembled this case full of various devices useful for science experiments.\n\nDespite observations to the contrary, we feel that the inability of our astronauts to find a good use for the collapsible top hat and magic wand is more to do with a lack of creativity... rather than a case of them being left over from prior use.
			#autoLOC_6002540 = EVA science test kit experiment easter egg outside golf cargo
			#autoLOC_6002541 = Perform EVA Science
			#autoLOC_6002542 = Discard EVA Science Report
			#autoLOC_6002543 = Review EVA Science Report
			#autoLOC_6002544 = Watching the astronaut look through the EVA science kit has given us conclusive evidence that the new situation has not improved their creativity.
			#autoLOC_6002545 = Initial testing of off-world sporting possibility is a go - not only do the ball flight characteristics allow for some spectacular shots, but realestate prices are currently still a bargain.
			#autoLOC_6002546 = Rigorous testing of the new low-temperature snack technology did not go as well as planned... and deserves further study.
			#autoLOC_6002547 = Cryogenic banana experiments have proved successful, but we're still lacking EVA suit micro-airlocks to truly take advantage of these tests.
			#autoLOC_6002548 = Spinning this flange in space has led to an interesting and unexpected effect - it flips orientation over and over, without any other forces acting on it.\n\nMore surprising is that our spacecraft seems to still be operating nominally while missing this part.
			#autoLOC_6002549 = Our scientists say that the way this object wobbles in space is due to it having three different moments of inertia in three different axes, and that this would be impossible in a four dimentional universe. The engineers reply is that it will if they can find enough four dimensional boosters.
			#autoLOC_6002550 = Finish construction of a Rover on the surface of <<1>>
			#autoLOC_6002551 = After you accept this contract, you can view the rover in the tracking station. Evaluate the missing parts and make a plan to move it to the target waypoint. You’ll likely need to send an engineer to attach parts to the rover.
			#autoLOC_6002552 = Congratulations! Thank you for finishing our rover.
			#autoLOC_6002553 = Recently, we launched a rover to help us here at [Agency] explore the solar system.
			#autoLOC_6002554 = Last year, [Agency] successfully landed a rover on a distant body.
			#autoLOC_6002555 = It’s embarrassing to admit this, but our shipping manifests got a little screwed up. The rover mission we recently sent turned out to be missing a few key parts in its construction.
			#autoLOC_6002556 = Due to some unforeseen lithobraking hazards, certain parts of the rover are unfortunately no longer attached.
			#autoLOC_6002557 = The rover was designed to cover a large swath of the body, but unfortunately it’s stuck in place due to engineering oversites.
			#autoLOC_6002558 = This is where you come in. We’d like you to repair the rover on site, replacing any missing parts, and drive it to the target coordinates to fulfill its original mission.
			#autoLOC_6002559 = We’d like you to send an engineer to repair the rover. Then test drive the rover to the given coordinates to make sure it’s in good working order.
			#autoLOC_6002560 = Move the rover
			#autoLOC_6002561 = Rover has reached its target destination.
			#autoLOC_6002562 = Move <<1>> to <<2>> on <<3>>.
			#autoLOC_6002563 = Starting Location
			#autoLOC_6002564 = Final Desitination
			#autoLOC_6002565 = Persist Kerbal Inventory Loadout
			#autoLOC_6002566 = As the ball arcs off into the distance you observe the ballet of physics between the applied impulse and the bodies gravity. Our scientists will rejoice at the results...\n\n...and hopefully agree that the 6 iron was great club selection.
			#autoLOC_6002567 = You smoked that one right down the middle... I mean conducted some very effective science on the effect of lever arm force to a small spherical object.\n\nIf only Alan Kerman could see you now!
			#autoLOC_6002568 = Repair a satellite in orbit of <<1>>
			#autoLOC_6002569 = Unfortunately, one of our satellites has encountered significant problems in orbit.
			#autoLOC_6002570 = Our comm sat has a small issue.  It’s hard to say who to blame.
			#autoLOC_6002571 = Unfortunately, despite our best efforts at [Agency], we’ve had a serious malfunction with an expensive piece of space hardware.
			#autoLOC_6002572 = The satellite is beyond our means to reach and repair it - which is where you come in.
			#autoLOC_6002573 = Advance our knowledge of cometary bodies by discovering some new ones orbiting the Sun.
			#autoLOC_6002574 = Repair the broken component so that our asset can resume operation.
			#autoLOC_6002575 = Affect repairs on the damaged part so that the satellite can return to nominal status.
			#autoLOC_6002576 = Send a kerbal engineer, and pack some repair kits - we need you to repair the <<1>> on the vessel.
			#autoLOC_6002577 = The craft has 1 repair kit on board.
			#autoLOC_6002578 = Repair <<2>> on the <<1>> spacecraft in orbit of <<3>>.
			#autoLOC_6002579 = Congratulations! Thank you for repairing our satellite.
			#autoLOC_6002580 = Vessel Repaired.
			#autoLOC_6002581 = Damaged <<1>> RSA Satellite <<2>>
			#autoLOC_6002582 = Damaged <<1>> STX Satellite <<2>>
			#autoLOC_6002583 = Damaged <<1>> CMM Satellite <<2>>
			#autoLOC_6002584 = Damaged <<1>> MLA Satellite <<2>>
			#autoLOC_6002585 = Damaged <<1>> CM-R Satellite <<2>>
			#autoLOC_6002586 = Damaged <<1>> SecS Satellite <<2>>
			#autoLOC_6002587 = Damaged <<1>> AS-P Satellite <<2>>
			#autoLOC_6002588 = Damaged <<1>> DSN-R Satellite <<2>>
			#autoLOC_6002589 = Damaged <<1>> CSS-X Satellite <<2>>
			#autoLOC_6002590 = Damaged <<1>> TST-Y Satellite <<2>>
			#autoLOC_6002591 = Damaged <<1>> Rec-N Satellite <<2>>
			#autoLOC_6002592 = Attach a new part to satellite in orbit of <<1>>
			#autoLOC_6002593 = [Agency] placed a satellite in orbit some time ago, for purposes that, well, you’re not cleared to know about.
			#autoLOC_6002594 = A while ago, [Agency] deployed a very expensive satellite.
			#autoLOC_6002595 = Our engineers have determined we can extend its utility if we add just one extra component.
			#autoLOC_6002596 = It is nearing the end of its useful life, but we’ve determined that a small addition will be enough to extend that long enough to be worth the mission.
			#autoLOC_6002597 = Attach the required part so that we don’t have to replace the one we have.
			#autoLOC_6002598 = Send up one of your brave engineers to make the required changed and we can keep using that satellite for years to come.
			#autoLOC_6002599 = Send a Kerbal engineer on a craft, and attach a <<1>> to the target satellite.
			#autoLOC_6002600 = Launch a new craft.
			#autoLOC_6002601 = The craft has an engineer onboard.
			#autoLOC_6002602 = Attach <<1>> on the <<2>> spacecraft.
			#autoLOC_6002603 = The satellite has been upgraded, thank you!
			#autoLOC_6002604 = Part Attached.
			#autoLOC_6002605 = Aging <<1>> RSA Satellite <<2>>
			#autoLOC_6002606 = Aging <<1>> STX Satellite <<2>>
			#autoLOC_6002607 = Aging <<1>> CMM Satellite <<2>>
			#autoLOC_6002608 = Aging <<1>> RDS Satellite <<2>>
			#autoLOC_6002609 = Aging <<1>> MLA Satellite <<2>>
			#autoLOC_6002610 = Aging <<1>> CM-R Satellite <<2>>
			#autoLOC_6002611 = Aging <<1>> SecS Satellite <<2>>
			#autoLOC_6002612 = Aging <<1>> AS-P Satellite <<2>>
			#autoLOC_6002613 = Aging <<1>> DSN-R Satellite <<2>>
			#autoLOC_6002614 = Aging <<1>> CSS-X Satellite <<2>>
			#autoLOC_6002615 = Aging <<1>> TST-Y Satellite <<2>>
			#autoLOC_6002616 = Aging <<1>> Rec-N Satellite <<2>>
			#autoLOC_6002628 = Unfinished <<1>> Surveyor <<2>>
			#autoLOC_6002629 = Unfinished <<1>> Explorer <<2>>
			#autoLOC_6002630 = Unfinished <<1>> Adventurer <<2>>
			#autoLOC_6002631 = Unfinished <<1>> Pioneer <<2>>
			#autoLOC_6002632 = Unfinished <<1>> Seeker <<2>>
			#autoLOC_6002633 = Unfinished <<1>> Traveler <<2>>
			#autoLOC_6002634 = Unfinished <<1>> Searcher <<2>>
			#autoLOC_6002635 = Unfinished <<1>> Buggy <<2>>
			#autoLOC_6002636 = Unfinished <<1>> Conveyer <<2>>
			#autoLOC_6002637 = Space Agencies
			#autoLOC_6002638 = Organizations
			#autoLOC_6002639 = General
			#autoLOC_6002640 = Light Emission
			#autoLOC_6002641 = This part cannot be placed in a Storage container but can be manipulated in EVA construction.
			#autoLOC_6002642 = Construction Only Part
			#autoLOC_6002643 = You need a <<1>> in your Inventory to perform this experiment.
			#autoLOC_6002645 = The <<1>> must be fully assembled when launched.
			#autoLOC_6002646 = Maneuver Tool
			#autoLOC_6002647 = Current Orbit
			#autoLOC_6002648 = Transfer Options
			#autoLOC_6002649 = Type:
			#autoLOC_6002650 = Position:
			#autoLOC_6002651 = Time:
			#autoLOC_6002652 = Create Maneuver
			#autoLOC_6002653 = Create
			#autoLOC_6002654 = Create Alarm
			#autoLOC_6002655 = T:
			#autoLOC_6002656 = Δv:
			#autoLOC_6002657 = Select what type of maneuver to create.
			#autoLOC_6002658 = Select which part of the craft’s trajectory to plot the new maneuver from.
			#autoLOC_6002659 = Select the target CB for your transfer.
			#autoLOC_6002660 = Estimated Δv requirement if you choose to circularize after the transfer at a low Pe. <color=#FFA500>Use a midcourse correction to adjust your exact Pe after the transfer.<\color>
			#autoLOC_6002661 = Estimated Δv requirement if you choose to circularize after the transfer.
			#autoLOC_6002663 = The active vessel needs to be in a reasonably circular parking orbit around a celestial body.
			#autoLOC_6002664 = Cannot calculate transfer when vessel is in a hyperbolic orbit.
			#autoLOC_6002665 = Target / Time:
			#autoLOC_6002666 = Circularization Δv Estimate
			#autoLOC_6002667 = <color=white>Cost: <<1>> </color><color=#B4D455>m/s</color><color=white> Δv at <<2>></color> <color=#B4D455>km</color><color=white> Pe</color>
			#autoLOC_6002669 = Flyby
			#autoLOC_6002670 = Circularize
			#autoLOC_6002671 = Landing Leg Stress
			#autoLOC_6002672 = Steering Angle Limiter
			#autoLOC_6002673 = Steering Response
			#autoLOC_6002674 = Steering Adjust: <<1[Auto/Override]>>
			#autoLOC_6002675 = Maneuver Tool Available
			#autoLOC_6002676 = Leave
			#autoLOC_6002677 = Your vessel has existing maneuvers before this one that would change its orbit and invalidate this new maneuver. They will need to be deleted to create this maneuver.\nDelete them, or cancel maneuver creation?
			#autoLOC_6002678 = Previous Maneuvers
			#autoLOC_6002679 = There are maneuvers plotted after the new one you're going to create, which may no longer make sense. How do you want to resolve this.\nDelete the maneuvers after this one.\nLeave them as they are.\nCancel maneuver creation.
			#autoLOC_6002680 = Maneuvers after Transfer
			#autoLOC_6002681 = Transfer Window Timing
			#autoLOC_6002682 = Start:
			#autoLOC_6002683 = End:
			#autoLOC_6002684 = Cannot calculate transfer when vessel's orbital inclination is too high.
			#autoLOC_6002685 = Cannot calculate transfer when vessel's orbital eccentricity is too high.
			#autoLOC_6002686 = Departure:
			#autoLOC_6002687 = Transfer:
			#autoLOC_6002688 = Arrival:
			#autoLOC_6002689 = Rendezvous:
			#autoLOC_6002690 = Duration:
			#autoLOC_6002691 = Start:
			#autoLOC_6002692 = End:
			#autoLOC_6002693 = Transfer Window Timing
			#autoLOC_6002694 = Visualization
			#autoLOC_6002695 = Calculating: <<1>>%
			#autoLOC_6002696 = These transfer windows are based on the optimal phase angle, and may not match up to the calculated transfer the tool will produce due to inclination differences.
			#autoLOC_6002697 = Calculation Failed. Please make another set of selections.
			#autoLOC_6002698 = Failed to get an intercept, but got very close. A mid course correction after the created maneuver should allow a successful transfer.
			#autoLOC_6002699 = Mission Control Upgrade required for Maneuver Tool
			#autoLOC_6002700 = Rotation Locked
			#autoLOC_6002701 = Toggle Rotation Lock
			#autoLOC_6002702 = Engage Rotation Lock
			#autoLOC_6002703 = Disengage Rotation Lock
			#autoLOC_6002704 = Cannot Lock Docking part, Docking Node is moving.
			#autoLOC_6003000 = None
			#autoLOC_6003001 = Stage
			#autoLOC_6003002 = Gear
			#autoLOC_6003003 = Light
			#autoLOC_6003004 = RCS
			#autoLOC_6003005 = SAS
			#autoLOC_6003006 = Brakes
			#autoLOC_6003007 = Abort
			#autoLOC_6003008 = Custom01
			#autoLOC_6003009 = Custom02
			#autoLOC_6003010 = Custom03
			#autoLOC_6003011 = Custom04
			#autoLOC_6003012 = Custom05
			#autoLOC_6003013 = Custom06
			#autoLOC_6003014 = Custom07
			#autoLOC_6003015 = Custom08
			#autoLOC_6003016 = Custom09
			#autoLOC_6003017 = Custom10
			#autoLoc_6003018 = Kerman
			#autoLOC_6003019 = Ambient Light Boost
			#autoLoc_6003020 = Base Converter
			#autoLoc_6003021 = Base Drill
			#autoLoc_6003022 = Flag Decal
			#autoLoc_6003023 = Ablator
			#autoLoc_6003024 = Active Radiator
			#autoLoc_6003025 = Aero Surface
			#autoLoc_6003026 = Alternator
			#autoLoc_6003028 = Animation Setter
			#autoLoc_6003029 = Asteroid Drill
			#autoLoc_6003030 = Color Changer
			#autoLoc_6003031 = Command
			#autoLoc_6003032 = Control Surface
			#autoLoc_6003033 = Core Heat
			#autoLoc_6003034 = Data Transmitter
			#autoLoc_6003035 = Deployable Antenna
			#autoLoc_6003036 = Deployable Part
			#autoLoc_6003037 = Deployable Radiator
			#autoLoc_6003038 = Deployable Solar Panel
			#autoLoc_6003039 = Docking Node
			#autoLoc_6003040 = Enviro Sensor
			#autoLoc_6003041 = Experience Management
			#autoLoc_6003042 = Generator
			#autoLoc_6003043 = Gimbal
			#autoLoc_6003044 = Grapple Node
			#autoLoc_6003045 = Lifting Surface
			#autoLoc_6003046 = Light
			#autoLoc_6003047 = Orbital Surveyor
			#autoLoc_6003048 = Parachute
			#autoLoc_6003049 = Probe Control Point
			#autoLoc_6003050 = RCS
			#autoLoc_6003051 = RCSFX
			#autoLoc_6003052 = Reaction Wheel
			#autoLoc_6003053 = Resource Converter
			#autoLoc_6003054 = Resource Harvester
			#autoLoc_6003055 = Resource Intake
			#autoLoc_6003056 = Resource Scanner
			#autoLoc_6003057 = SAS
			#autoLoc_6003058 = Science Container
			#autoLoc_6003059 = Science Experiment
			#autoLoc_6003060 = Science Lab
			#autoLoc_6003061 = Trip Logger
			#autoLOC_6003062 = Disabled
			#autoLOC_6003063 = Broken
			#autoLOC_6003064 = WARP
			#autoLOC_6003065 = A T M O S P H E R E
			#autoLOC_6003066 = STAGE
			#autoLOC_6003067 = VERT\nSPD
			#autoLOC_6003068 = PITCH
			#autoLOC_6003069 = YAW
			#autoLOC_6003070 = ROLL
			#autoLOC_6003071 = UP
			#autoLOC_6003072 = LEFT
			#autoLOC_6003073 = RIGHT
			#autoLOC_6003074 = DOWN
			#autoLOC_6003075 = FWD
			#autoLOC_6003076 = BACK
			#autoLOC_6003077 = CTRL\nMODE
			#autoLOC_6003078 = LIN
			#autoLOC_6003079 = ROT
			#autoLOC_6003080 = HDG
			#autoLOC_6003081 = RECOVER VESSEL
			#autoLOC_6003082 = SPACE CENTER
			#autoLOC_6003083 = None
			#autoLOC_6003084 = First Hop
			#autoLOC_6003085 = Path
			#autoLOC_6003086 = Vessel Links
			#autoLOC_6003087 = Network
			#autoLOC_6003088 = EVA
			#autoLOC_6003089 = Ambient Light Boost: Map
			#autoLOC_6003090 = Test Complete! We got some good data here. Thanks!
			#autoLOC_6003091 = Enter Text…
			#autoLOC_6003092 = Using Physics Warp can affect the structural stability of the vessel.\n\nBe careful using it with large ships.
			#autoLOC_6003093 = Cost: <<1>>K
			#autoLOC_6003094 = Contains experimental parts
			#autoLOC_6003095 = Plant Flag [1]
			#autoLOC_6003096 = Plant Flag [<<1>>]
			#autoLOC_6003097 = Contains locked or invalid parts
			#autoLOC_6003098 = Incompatible with this version of KSP
			#autoLOC_6003099 = <b>Cost:</b> <<1>>
			#autoLOC_6003100 = <color=#ffffff>Cost: <<1>></color>
			#autoLOC_6003101 = Physics easing in progress...
			#autoLOC_6003102 = AUTO
			#autoLOC_6003103 = FREE
			#autoLOC_6003104 = CHASE
			#autoLOC_6003105 = LOCKED
			#autoLOC_6003106 = Temperature Overlay
			#autoLOC_6003107 = Aerodynamic Forces Overlay
			#autoLOC_6003108 = Temperature Gauges Unavailable
			#autoLOC_6003109 = <<1>> has no operational SAS Modules and no pilots aboard. Cannot engage SAS.
			#autoLOC_6003110 = [<<1>>]: SAS Disengaged.
			#autoLOC_6003111 = Craft name cannot exceed <<1>> characters.\nTrimming the name to fit.
			#autoLOC_6003112 = Ambient Light Boost: Editor
			#autoLOC_6003113 = AN
			#autoLOC_6003114 = DN
			#autoLOC_6003115 = Ap
			#autoLOC_6003116 = Pe
			#autoLOC_6004000 = Stratus Corporation
			#autoLOC_6004001 = Size 0 [0.625m]
			#autoLOC_6004002 = Size 1 [1.25m]
			#autoLOC_6004003 = Size 2 [2.5m]
			#autoLOC_6004004 = Size 3 [3.75m]
			#autoLOC_6004005 = Mk 2
			#autoLOC_6004006 = Mk 3
			#autoLOC_6004007 = Surface Attach Only
			#autoLOC_6004008 = 1st Tier
			#autoLOC_6004009 = 2nd Tier
			#autoLOC_6004010 = 3rd Tier
			#autoLOC_6004011 = 4th Tier
			#autoLOC_6004012 = 5th Tier
			#autoLOC_6004013 = 6th Tier
			#autoLOC_6004014 = 7th Tier
			#autoLOC_6004015 = 8th Tier
			#autoLOC_6004016 = 9th Tier
			#autoLOC_6004017 = Animate Generic
			#autoLOC_6004018 = Add custom subcategory
			#autoLOC_6004019 = Add custom category
			#autoLOC_6004020 = New category name:
			#autoLOC_6004021 = Unknown
			#autoLOC_6004022 = A category with this name already exists.
			#autoLOC_6004023 = New subcategory name:
			#autoLOC_6004024 = Another subcategory with this name already exists for this category.
			#autoLOC_6004025 = Another category with this name already exists.
			#autoLOC_6004026 = Another subcategory with this name already exists.
			#autoLOC_6004027 = This category has one or more subcategories with parts assigned to it. Deleting this category will delete all subcategories. Are you sure you want to delete?
			#autoLOC_6004028 = Deleting this category will delete all subcategories. Are you sure you want to delete?
			#autoLOC_6004029 = This subcategory has parts assigned to it. Are you sure you want to delete?
			#autoLOC_6004030 = This subcategory has subassemblies assigned to it. Are you sure you want to delete?
			#autoLOC_6004031 = Edit category name:
			#autoLOC_6004032 = Edit subcategory name:
			#autoLOC_6004033 = new icon
			#autoLOC_6004034 = Ok
			#autoLOC_6004035 = Name
			#autoLOC_6004036 = [Save Disallowed]
			#autoLOC_6004037 = Do you want to save the current craft before continuing?
			#autoLOC_6004038 = Symmetry:
			#autoLOC_6004039 = Radial
			#autoLOC_6004040 = Mirror
			#autoLOC_6004041 = Confirm overwrite
			#autoLOC_6004042 = (<<1>> Max.)
			#autoLOC_6004043 = \nSingle Hop Only
			#autoLOC_6004044 = Hibernation mode: Resource rates <<1>>x (automatic in warp)\n
			#autoLOC_6004045 = Motorized
			#autoLOC_6004046 = Retractable
			#autoLOC_6004047 = Fixed, Unpowered
			#autoLOC_6004048 = Steerable, No Brakes
			#autoLOC_6004049 = internal
			#autoLOC_6004050 = direct
			#autoLOC_6004051 = relay
			#autoLOC_6004052 = Planetary
			#autoLOC_6004053 = Oceanic
			#autoLOC_6004054 = Atmospheric
			#autoLOC_6004055 = Exospheric
			#autoLOC_6004056 = Download Data
			#autoLOC_6004057 = Collect Data
			#autoLOC_6004058 = TOO FAR FROM OBJECT!
			#autoLOC_6004059 = MINIMAL
			#autoLOC_6004060 = IN VACUUM!
			#autoLOC_6004061 = Bop^n
			#autoLOC_6004062 = Dres^n
			#autoLOC_6004063 = Duna^n
			#autoLOC_6004064 = Eeloo^n
			#autoLOC_6004065 = Eve^n
			#autoLOC_6004066 = Gilly^n
			#autoLOC_6004067 = Ike^n
			#autoLOC_6004068 = Jool^n
			#autoLOC_6004069 = Kerbin^n
			#autoLOC_6004070 = Laythe^n
			#autoLOC_6004071 = Minmus^n
			#autoLOC_6004072 = Moho^n
			#autoLOC_6004073 = Mun^n
			#autoLOC_6004074 = Pol^n
			#autoLOC_6004075 = Sun^n
			#autoLOC_6004076 = Tylo^n
			#autoLOC_6004077 = Vall^n
			#autoLOC_6005000 = Canopy Max Rotation Rate
			#autoLOC_6005001 = Enable Cutaway
			#autoLOC_6005002 = Toggle Airlock
			#autoLOC_6005003 = Open Airlock
			#autoLOC_6005004 = Close Airlock
			#autoLOC_6005005 = Silver
			#autoLOC_6005006 = Hi Yo, Silver!
			#autoLOC_6005007 = Asteroids produce lift
			#autoLOC_6005008 = Welcome to KSP 1.5: Dressed for Success. In this release we've included a number of general improvements and fixes to the game as well as a few surprises.\n\nYou will find the ability to assign Kerbals to Command Seats, enhancements to the Burn Time Indicator that will allow you to better plan and perform your ship's maneuvers, and new suits to make your Kerbals look their very best as they face their (potentially) impending fiery doom.\n\nAlso included are fixes, tweaks, and revisions to a number of parts, and many smaller adjustments and bug fixes across the whole game. Along with all that are improved support for 4K displays, and fine tuning of the Asteroid physics. As always, the full list of changes and improvements can be found in the release notes!\n\nThanks for playing!
			#autoLOC_6005009 = Unable to read the change log from the readme.txt files, please verify your installation.
			#autoLOC_6005010 = Change Log
			#autoLOC_6005011 = Burn Time Indicator
			#autoLOC_6005012 = Expansion
			#autoLOC_6005013 = Includes <<1>>.<<2>>.x changes\n
			#autoLOC_6005014 = Don't show Wrong Vessel Type warning again
			#autoLOC_6005015 = <b> <<1>>.<<2>>.<<3>> changes </b> \n
			#autoLOC_6005015 = <b> <<1>>.<<2>>.<<3>> changes</b> \n
			#autoLOC_6005016 = Welcome to KSP 1.6: To Vee or not to Vee! We've got a lot of great new things for you. \n\nFirst, HUGE navigation improvements! First up: the addition of a Delta-v readout to the staging diagram! Now pilots besides Jeb can have absolute confidence in whether they have the fuel & thrust to reach orbit - of course, Jeb never has any doubts. The readout works per-stage as well, to help you find those flaws in your staging setup.\n\nSecond: We've also added navigation icons to help you steer toward KSC or one of your other landing sites.\n\nFinally, you can now change the navball orientation on many control parts to help you point in the right direction when flying or driving, allowing the same part to work in both a driving-oriented and lander configuration. Hint: Check out the variants for the Mk2 Lander Can!\n\nWe also have some fantastic visual improvements. For one thing, Kerbals will finally be able to take their helmets off. Better put them back on before trying to fly to space though - or better yet, get back in the capsule, you daredevils.\n\nWe also have some fun new idle animations for them on the ground and while spacewalking. We've added dynamic cube maps, so shiny parts can reflect their environment, and some shadow tweaks. And last but not least, many, many more beautiful part revamps!
			#autoLOC_6005017 = Allow other Launchsites
			#autoLOC_6005018 = Time to reach
			#autoLOC_6005019 = Longitude of Ascending Node
			#autoLOC_6005020 = Argument of Periapsis
			#autoLOC_6005021 = Intersect <<1>>
			#autoLOC_6005022 = Distance at Intersect <<1>>
			#autoLOC_6005023 = Time to reach Intersect <<1>>
			#autoLOC_6005024 = Delete Maneuver
			#autoLOC_6005025 = Previous Maneuver
			#autoLOC_6005026 = Next Maneuver
			#autoLOC_6005027 = Maneuver Mode
			#autoLOC_6005028 = Phase Angle
			#autoLOC_6005029 = Apoapsis
			#autoLOC_6005030 = Periapsis
			#autoLOC_6005031 = Arg Pe
			#autoLOC_6005032 = Period
			#autoLOC_6005033 = Ejection
			#autoLOC_6005034 = Approach <<1>>
			#autoLOC_6005035 = Distance at Approach <<1>>
			#autoLOC_6005036 = Time to reach Approach <<1>>
			#autoLOC_6005037 = Angle between <<1>> and <<2>>
			#autoLOC_6005038 = Orbital info
			#autoLOC_6005039 = Advanced orbital info
			#autoLOC_6005040 = Approach info for <<1>>
			#autoLOC_6005041 = No approach info, select approach target first
			#autoLOC_6005042 = Graphical maneuver editor
			#autoLOC_6005043 = Text maneuver editor
			#autoLOC_6005044 = Angle between the craft or the maneuver position\naround the orbited body and that body’s\ntrajectory around its parent
			#autoLOC_6005045 = Advanced orbital info - LOCKED
			#autoLOC_6005046 = Approach info - LOCKED
			#autoLOC_6005047 = UT displayed in seconds
			#autoLOC_6005048 = UT displayed in y:ddd:hh:mm:ss
			#autoLOC_6005049 = Orbit
			#autoLOC_6005050 = Scale
			#autoLOC_6005051 = Independent
			#autoLOC_6005052 = Toggle Independent Throttle
			#autoLOC_6005053 = Auto-Shift State
			#autoLOC_6005054 = <<1>>: Below Restart Limit
			#autoLOC_6005055 = Shutdown <<1>><<2>>
			#autoLOC_6005056 = Restart <<1>><<2>>
			#autoLOC_6005057 = Use Percentage
			#autoLOC_6005064 = Display Staging
			#autoLOC_6005065 = Comet
			#autoLOC_6005066 = S2-33 "Clydesdale" Solid Fuel Booster
			#autoLOC_6005067 = The Clydesdale is not surprising just for its size. It's also amazing just how much thrust comes out of this motor - nothing else in its size class comes close.
			#autoLOC_6005068 = S2-17 "Thoroughbred" Solid Fuel Booster
			#autoLOC_6005069 = When Jeb asked Kerbodyne how to lift his house into space, this is what they came up with. The Thoroughbred is a truly massive solid rocket fuel booster. It is also the first booster Kerbodyne has managed to add thrust vector control to, adding surprising agility to this powerful motor.
			#autoLOC_6005070 = F3S0 "Shrimp" Solid Fuel Booster
			#autoLOC_6005071 = Kerbodyne was asked to deliver a small, high efficiency solid fuel booster and that's just what they did. While it may just look like someone welded a rocket nozzle onto a scuba tank, some serious technology went into making this motor.
			#autoLOC_6005072 = FM1 "Mite" Solid Fuel Booster
			#autoLOC_6005073 = Solid fuel boosters come in a range of sizes and this one is distinctly on the low end of the scale. The Mite is still useful for many space programs that want a tiny kick motor to plant their probes firmly on the right trajectory, or just a bit more oomph to get their craft off the ground.
			#autoLOC_6005074 = (motor (rocket (srb (clyde
			#autoLOC_6005075 = (motor (rocket (srb (thorough
			#autoLOC_6005076 = (motor (rocket (srb (shri
			#autoLOC_6005077 = (motor (rocket (srb (mite
			#autoLOC_6005078 = Enable Same Vessel Interactions
			#autoLOC_6005079 = Disable Same Vessel Interactions
			#autoLOC_6005080 = Toggle Same Vessel Interactions
			#autoLOC_6005081 = Toggle Snap Angle/Height
			#autoLOC_6005082 = Open Ended
			#autoLOC_6005083 = ESA
			#autoLOC_6005084 = European Space Agency
			#autoLOC_6005085 = [<<1>>] + [LMB]: Terminate fairing construction
			#autoLOC_6005086 = I see you've found the Docking Controls.\n\nIn this mode, controls behave somewhat differently, to make maneuvering around in orbit easier. However, that is a topic for a whole other tutorial, so let's just go back to the subject at hand for now.\n\nPress the Docking button on the bottom-left corner again to return to the Staging Control Mode.
			#autoLOC_6005087 = This craft will be named '<<1>>' when launched.
			#autoLOC_6005088 = Toggle Map Filters
			#autoLOC_6005089 = Warp to Sunrise
			#autoLOC_6005090 = Cannot change variant, no slots available.
			#autoLOC_6005091 = Part has other parts attached, can't add to inventory
			#autoLOC_6005092 = Repair: <<1[no kit/1 kit/$d kits]>> required
			#autoLOC_6005093 = Repair from EVA.
			#autoLOC_6005094 = EVA Repair Kit
			#autoLOC_6005095 = This repair kit has tape, tools, widgets and other knickknacks to allow intrepid kerbals to effect repairs on broken parts that may have suffered unplanned disassembly.\n\nNote: Repair kits are used up when effecting repairs, and more than one repair kit may be required for especially large parts.
			#autoLOC_6005096 = fix (broke repair
			#autoLOC_6005097 = Passenger Mass
			#autoLOC_6005098 = <b>Mass: </b><<1>> t <<2>>\n<b>Tolerance: </b><<3>>m/s Impact\n<b>Tolerance: </b><<4>> Gees, <<5>> kPA Pressure\n<b>Max. Temp. Int/Skin: </b><<6>>/<<7>> K
			#autoLOC_6005099 = Launch Velocity
			#autoLOC_6005100 = Explosion Delay
			#autoLOC_6005101 = Start
			#autoLOC_6005102 = End
			#autoLOC_6005103 = Launch
			#autoLOC_6005104 = Firework Shots
			#autoLOC_6005105 = <<1>> Type
			#autoLOC_6005106 = Star Tip
			#autoLOC_6005107 = Burst
			#autoLOC_6005108 = Trail
			#autoLOC_6005109 = Outer Ring
			#autoLOC_6005110 = Star End
			#autoLOC_6005111 = Force
			#autoLOC_6005112 = Duration
			#autoLOC_6005113 = Star Size
			#autoLOC_6005114 = Classic
			#autoLOC_6005115 = Whirly
			#autoLOC_6005116 = Strobe
			#autoLOC_6005117 = Bare
			#autoLOC_6005118 = Blossom
			#autoLOC_6005119 = Palm
			#autoLOC_6005120 = Rings
			#autoLOC_6005121 = Crossette
			#autoLOC_6005122 = Willow
			#autoLOC_6005123 = Crackle
			#autoLOC_6005124 = Palm Crackle
			#autoLOC_6005125 = Kraken's Egg
			#autoLOC_6005126 = Burst Color <<1>> R
			#autoLOC_6005127 = Burst Color <<1>> G
			#autoLOC_6005128 = Burst Color <<1>> B
			#autoLOC_6005129 = Trail Color <<1>> R
			#autoLOC_6005130 = Trail Color <<1>> G
			#autoLOC_6005131 = Trail Color <<1>> B
			#autoLOC_6005132 = Inner Ring
			#autoLOC_6005133 = Crackle
			#autoLOC_6005134 = Star Trail
			#autoLOC_6005135 = Feathers
			#autoLOC_6005136 = Starshot-8
			#autoLOC_6005137 = Starshot-32
			#autoLOC_6005138 = Jebediah Kerman eats danger for breakfast, lunch, and dinner at his day job as the KSC resident daredevil pilot. But what does he do when he wants to relax on the weekends? He fills firework canisters at his state of the art junkyard facility.\n\nThe Starshot-8 has enough fireworks for a quickshow - or you can set up an array of them to really rival the big bangs on the launchpad. Guaranteed to go off when you want them to or the next one is half off.
			#autoLOC_6005139 = Jebediah Kerman eats danger for breakfast, lunch, and dinner at his day job as the KSC resident daredevil pilot. But what does he do when he wants to relax on the weekends? He fills firework canisters at his state of the art junkyard facility.\n\nThe Starshot-32 is a large firework launcher, if this one goes off at the wrong time you may be looking for more than just a refund.
			#autoLOC_6005140 = What’s new in Kerbal Space Program 1.12: On Final Approach\n\nWe are excited to bring you the 10th anniversary update of Kerbal Space Program. We’re adding more content than ever this time, and we’ll be celebrating KSP’s anniversary in style with all the new features and content packed in. So let’s get to it!\n\nFirst, we have two major new apps available. The new Maneuver Creator app lets you quickly generate transfers to other celestial bodies, see upcoming transfer windows and get a good understanding of where you’re going and how much deltaV it will take to get there. \n\nPaired with that, we’re including the Alarm Clock app. You can create an alarm for any maneuver, including the transfers, as well as manual time alarms and alarms for various orbital positions. Remember to pick a funny alarm sound to go with your alarms so you don’t miss out!\n\nNext, we’re adding a heap of content for our upcoming 10 year anniversary. This includes: \n- New easter eggs scattered around the solar system.\n- New launch sites on Kerbin that you can unlock by visiting them.\n- A new ‘Slim’ suit.\n- New firework launchers to help you celebrate!\n\nOn top of that, there are many new requested features & quality of life additions to improve the user experience of KSP. In that lineup, we’re adding:\n- A huge revamp to craft and game save loading, adding search, foldering, and cross-save access to your craft files. \n- Rotating docking port collars added to docking ports, so you can line up your attached craft perfectly.\n- Structural variants of our flag panels.\n- On-demand disconnecting struts.\n- Updating the part tools and incorporation of many modder requests.\n- A large amount of wheel and landing leg fixes and improvements.\n- And much more...\n\nWe also have new parts and revamps coming in 1.12. Pol and Eeloo have gotten their beautification treatment which finishes upgrading the whole solar system. All docking ports have been revamped. We’re also adding a 1.25 meter engine plate and a bunch of new solar panels.\n\nOf course, there are too many bug fixes and other improvements to list here, so check out our change log for every last detail.\n\nWe hope you agree that this is one of our best updates ever! Unfortunately, all good things come to an end. On Final Approach is the last major planned release for Kerbal Space Program. It has been an absolute honor and a pleasure working on this amazing game for all of you. This has been a labor of love for everyone here, and we feel privileged to have had such an amazing community with us every step of the way. Thank you for participating in this journey with us. \n\nSquad is not going away though. We’ll still have our social team running events, and we expect KSP and the community to live long into the future - while we get busy helping out on KSP2.\n\nPlease enjoy Kerbal Space Program 1.12: On Final Approach and we hope you’ll come join us for further adventures in 2022 with Kerbal Space Program 2!
			#autoLOC_6006000 = Screen Message
			#autoLOC_6006001 = Drain <<1>>
			#autoLOC_6006002 = Toggle Draining
			#autoLOC_6006003 = Drain
			#autoLOC_6006004 = Stop Draining
			#autoLOC_6006005 = FTE-1 Drain Valve
			#autoLOC_6006006 = While trying to solve the initial issue with the FTX-1 series fuel line, an engineer at FLOOYD Dynamics had an ingenious thought - what if you failed to attach a fuel pipe at all?  Solves the issue of making sure the fuel goes in the right direction, because it just goes out. He was demoted and assigned to book keeping duties, but later on, FLOOYD resurrected his idea in the form of the FTE-1 - a valve that will allow you to drain most resources from the part that it happens to be attached to. Great for emergencies, flotation adjustment, or just fun rocket pranks.
			#autoLOC_6006007 = lose remove lfo lf ore xenon (monoprop liquid tank
			#autoLOC_6006008 = Drain rate
			#autoLOC_6006009 = <<1>> (<<2>> u/s)
			#autoLOC_6006010 = Drain Resources
			#autoLOC_6006011 = ESA Mission Tutorial
			#autoLOC_6006012 = This is the Mission Screen! This is where you can try out a couple of missions that mimic two of the most interesting scientific missions launched by the European Space Agency.
			#autoLOC_6006013 = To get more missions, and to be able to edit missions or create your own, acquire the Making History DLC!
			#autoLOC_6006015 = Drain Mode
			#autoLOC_6006016 = Toggle Resource Drain mode
			#autoLOC_6006017 = Started
			#autoLOC_6006018 = Stopped
			#autoLOC_6006019 = Set Position
			#autoLOC_6006020 = Do not place under water
			#autoLOC_6006021 = Vessel would be below the surface.\n
			#autoLOC_6006022 = Heading (in degrees)
			#autoLOC_6006023 = Heading cannot be greater than 360 degrees.\n
			#autoLOC_6006024 = Heading cannot be less than 0 degrees.\n
			#autoLOC_6006025 = Ease to ground
			#autoLOC_6006026 = Ease in multiplier
			#autoLOC_6006027 = Active Vessel is Easing In
			#autoLOC_6006028 = Pitch cannot be greater than 180 degrees.\n
			#autoLOC_6006029 = Pitch canot be less than -180 degrees.\n
			#autoLOC_6006030 = Resources to drain
			#autoLOC_6006031 = None
			#autoLOC_6006032 = Warning: Altitude may be too close to the ground for vessel dimensions (<<1>> x <<2>> x <<3>>).\nSuggested minimum altitude: <<4>>
			#autoLOC_6006046 = Generate and place a comet out in the universe.\n\nWarning: Large rocks on collision courses can be hazardous to your health.
			#autoLOC_6006047 = <<1>> : \u0020 Class \u0020 <<2>>
			#autoLOC_6006048 = Display Comets
			#autoLOC_6006049 = Air is too thick
			#autoLOC_6006050 = Comets
			#autoLOC_6006051 = Comet Name
			#autoLOC_6006052 = Rename Comet
			#autoLOC_6006053 = Short Period Comet Sample
			#autoLOC_6006054 = Flag Part
			#autoLOC_6006055 = Transparent Background
			#autoLOC_6006057 = Size
			#autoLOC_6006058 = Set Flag
			#autoLOC_6006059 = Orientation
			#autoLOC_6006060 = Portrait
			#autoLOC_6006061 = Landscape
			#autoLOC_6006062 = Mirror Flag
			#autoLOC_6006063 = Small
			#autoLOC_6006064 = Medium
			#autoLOC_6006065 = Large
			#autoLOC_6006066 = Huge
			#autoLOC_6006067 = RFP-0 Flag (.625m)
			#autoLOC_6006068 = RFP-1 Flag (1.25m)
			#autoLOC_6006069 = RFP-1.5 Flag (1.875m)
			#autoLOC_6006070 = RFP-2 Flag (2.5m)
			#autoLOC_6006071 = RFP-3 Flag (3.75m)
			#autoLOC_6006072 = RFP-4 Flag (5m)
			#autoLOC_6006073 = RFP-F Flag Flat
			#autoLOC_6006074 = A small flag that can be applied to size 0 tanks and other parts with the same curvature to show pride in your mission. Or use a different mission flag, if you really want to go that way.
			#autoLOC_6006075 = A flag that can be applied to size 1 tanks and other parts with the same curvature to show pride in your mission. Or use a different mission flag, if you really want to go that way.
			#autoLOC_6006076 = A flag that can be applied to size 1.5 tanks and other parts with the same curvature to show pride in your mission. Or use a different mission flag, if you really want to go that way.
			#autoLOC_6006077 = A large flag that can be applied to size 2 tanks and other parts with the same curvature to show pride in your mission. Or use a different mission flag, if you really want to go that way.
			#autoLOC_6006078 = A large flag that can be applied to size 3 tanks and other parts with the same curvature to show pride in your mission. Or use a different mission flag, if you really want to go that way.
			#autoLOC_6006079 = A huge flag that can be applied to size 4 tanks and other parts with the same curvature to show pride in your mission. Or use a different mission flag, if you really want to go that way.
			#autoLOC_6006080 = A flat flag part, that can be used to show pride in your mission. Or use a different mission flag, if you really want to go that way.
			#autoLOC_6006081 = Fairing Expansion
			#autoLOC_6006082 = Mouse Over
			#autoLOC_6006083 = Off
			#autoLOC_6006084 = decal (deco
			#autoLOC_6006085 = Ignore probe capabilities and make all SAS modes available in the missions game mode.
			#autoLOC_6006086 = On
			#autoLOC_6006087 = Off
			#autoLOC_6006088 = On
			#autoLOC_6006089 = Off
			#autoLOC_6006090 = <color=yellow><b>To edit fairing, remove the flags attached to the shell</b></color>
			#autoLOC_6006091 = Adjust input response speed\n\nHow quickly should the input change the axis value.
			#autoLOC_6006092 = <<1>>%/s
			#autoLOC_6006093 = Suit Highlight
			#autoLOC_6006094 = Dropped Part
			#autoLOC_6006095 = Operation in progress, cannot dettach.
			#autoLOC_6006096 = Cannot detach <<1>> due to part attachments
			#autoLOC_6006097 = This part needs <<1>> x <<2>> to repair it.
			#autoLOC_6006098 = Only kerbals with the Repair skill can repair damaged parts.
			#autoLOC_6006099 = SP-10C Photovoltaic Panels
			#autoLOC_6006100 = The -10C versions of probodobodyne's award winning line of photovoltaic cells have a unique feature - they're round! This special method of deployment offers yet another option for a spacecraft's power needs.
			#autoLOC_6006101 = array charge deploy e/c elect energ extend fold generat (light photo power retract solar sun track unfold volt watt
			#autoLOC_6006102 = OX-10C Photovoltaic Panels
			#autoLOC_6006103 = The -10C versions of probodobodyne's award winning line of photovoltaic cells have a unique feature - they're round! This special method of deployment offers yet another option for a spacecraft's power needs. Warning: Not retractable once deployed.
			#autoLOC_6006104 = array charge deploy e/c elect energ extend generat (light photo power solar sun track unfold volt watt
			#autoLOC_6006105 = OX-10L 1x5 Photovoltaic Panels
			#autoLOC_6006106 = A larger version of the OX-4 series of solar panels. Includes advanced heat radiators, and a deploying bracket to keep the panels clear of other sensitive instruments on the craft. Warning: Not retractable once deployed.
			#autoLOC_6006107 = array charge deploy e/c elect energ extend generat (light photo power solar sun track unfold volt watt
			#autoLOC_6006108 = SP-10L 1x5 Photovoltaic Panels
			#autoLOC_6006109 = This enhanced version of the SP series photovoltaic panels provides improved power generation by increasing solar array area by a full five fold. The SP model as always includes a case to allow the panel to be retracted when its not needed or when keeping it deployed could mean damage to the sensitive panels.
			#autoLOC_6006110 = array charge deploy e/c elect energ extend fold generat (light photo power retract solar sun track unfold volt watt
			#autoLOC_6006111 = Cannot pick up part while other parts are attached.
			#autoLOC_6006112 = Disconnect
			#autoLOC_6006113 = Stamp-O-Tron Ground Anchor
			#autoLOC_6006114 = Occasionally, even the most seasoned of rocket jockey wants to be safely back on the ground, and what better way to securely show your affection for gravity than by clamping yourself to it?\n\nThe Stamp-O-Tron ground anchor provides a secure point to which you can attach other parts with EVA construction, including docking ports if you'd like to park a larger vessel safely.\n\nExpect stocks in C7 Aerospace Division to jump if negative gravity is ever a real thing.
			#autoLOC_6006115 = cargo attach ground dirt drill dig base
			#autoLOC_6006116 = Picking up deployed part would exceed Kerbal carry capacity.
			#autoLOC_6006117 = Crater Launch Site
			#autoLOC_6006118 = Mahi Mahi Launch Site
			#autoLOC_6006119 = Cove Launch Site
			#autoLOC_6006120 = Glacier Lake Launch site
			#autoLOC_6006121 = You've found the <<1>>. You can now deploy craft from here, go to the <<2>> and check the drop down from the launch button.
			#autoLOC_6006122 = New launch site found.
			#autoLOC_6006123 = Maneuver Tool
			#autoLOC_6006124 = Maneuver Tool – Additional Info
			#autoLOC_6006125 = Alarm Clock – Alarm Creation
			#autoLOC_6006126 = Alarm Clock – Main Window
			#autoLOC_6009000 = Deployed Ground Part
			#autoLOC_6009001 = Small Panel
			#autoLOC_6009002 = Medium Panel
			#autoLOC_6009003 = Large Panel
			#autoLOC_6009004 = Huge Panel
			#autoLOC_6009005 = White Panel
			#autoLOC_6009006 = Dark Panel
			#autoLOC_6009007 = Orange Panel
			#autoLOC_6009008 = Folders
			#autoLOC_6009009 = New Folder
			#autoLOC_6009010 = Delete Folder
			#autoLOC_6009011 = Confirm Deletion
			#autoLOC_6009012 = Delete
			#autoLOC_6009013 = Cancel
			#autoLOC_6009014 = Craft
			#autoLOC_6009015 = Saves
			#autoLOC_6009016 = Folder Name:
			#autoLOC_6009017 = Create
			#autoLOC_6009018 = This folder contains <<1>> <<2>>
			#autoLOC_6009019 = This folder and its subfolders contain <<1>> <<2>>
			#autoLOC_6009020 = Save
			#autoLOC_6009021 = Different Game...
			#autoLOC_6009022 = Default
			#autoLOC_6009023 = Current Game
			#autoLOC_6009024 = Failed to set the default save-location.
			#autoLOC_6009025 = Stock
			#autoLOC_6009026 = Subfolders
			#autoLOC_6009027 = All Games
			#autoLOC_6010000 = Advanced Message App:
			#autoLOC_6010001 = All SAS Modes on all probes
			#autoLOC_6010002 = Ignore probe capabilities and make all SAS modes available in the sandbox game mode.
			#autoLOC_6010003 = Remove Helmet
			#autoLOC_6010004 = Equip Helmet
			#autoLOC_6010005 = Remove Neck Ring
			#autoLOC_6010006 = Equip Neck Ring
			#autoLOC_6010007 = Must complete action before activating: <<1>>
			#autoLOC_6010008 = There is no atmosphere
			#autoLOC_6010009 = Not enough oxygen, the air is too thin
			#autoLOC_6010010 = Too cold
			#autoLOC_6010011 = Too hot
			#autoLOC_6010012 = EVA Kerbal: Helmet On by Default
			#autoLOC_6010013 = <<1>> died without a helmet: <<2>>
			#autoLOC_6010014 = EVA Kerbal: Neck Ring On by Default
			#autoLOC_6010015 = Too deep
			#autoLOC_6010016 = Helmet Equipped
			#autoLOC_6010017 = Turn this off to remove the kerbals helmet (If the situation is safe)
			#autoLOC_6010018 = Neck Ring Equipped
			#autoLOC_6010019 = Turn this off to remove the kerbals neck ring (If the situation is safe)
			#autoLOC_6010020 = SWM-94 Communications Satellite
			#autoLOC_6010021 = The SWM-94 is one in a series of monitoring stations setup around Kerbin. In addition to acting as a communications relay, it [REDACTED] and [REDACTED] with phone [REDACTED]. From [REDACTED] to [REDACTED], the SWM-94 is expected to perform above [REDACTED] specifications.
			#autoLOC_6010022 = The Valskhod line of small, crewed spacecraft are designed for short missions to Low Kerbin Orbit, and conducting the simplest of science experiments. Ignore the parts attached with duct tape and chicken wire.
			#autoLOC_6010023 = Soy-Ooze 10
			#autoLOC_6010024 = The flying four legged neighing landcreature.Legend has it that the Equus can be ridden by brave Kerbals, all we know is that it takes a brave Kerbal to ride this four booster beast past the Mun, or if really foolhardy, past Minmus.
			#autoLOC_6011000 = Up
			#autoLOC_6011001 = Forward
			#autoLOC_6011002 = Control Point
			#autoLOC_6011003 = Default
			#autoLOC_6011004 = Reversed
			#autoLOC_6011005 = Δv Tools - VAB/SPH
			#autoLOC_6011006 = Δv Tools - Flight Mode
			#autoLOC_6011007 = Maneuver Mode - Orbital Information
			#autoLOC_6011008 = Maneuver Mode - Maneuver Editor
			#autoLOC_6011009 = Maneuver Editor Panel - Cont.
			#autoLOC_6011069 = Cargo System - Placeable parts
			#autoLOC_6011078 = Additional Sets
			#autoLOC_6011079 = Action Sets
			#autoLOC_6011080 = Axis Groups
			#autoLOC_6011122 = Edit Action Groups
			#autoLOC_6011123 = Welcome to Kerbal Space Program 1.8: Moar Boosters!\n\nWe're really excited to bring you our latest version update, which is crammed full of new parts, updates and improvements!\n\nFirst, we've upgraded Unity to 2019.2.2f1. This engine upgrade brings improvements to visuals, shaders and VFX. We are taking advantage of incremental garbage collection - a big boon, especially for the mod community, as frame rate stutters in modded installs were often due to the GC. To go with the Unity upgrade, we've also focused on many performance enhancements! For instance, frame rate when your rocket "accidentally" crashes into something has improved dramatically, so your agony is shorter and sweeter.\n\nVisual improvements aren't just limited to the engine update - we have new part and planetary revamps. The Mun, Minmus, Duna, Ike, Eve and Gilly all look dramatically better, especially close up, as do our 3.75m tanks!\n\nNext, we've added an in-flight action/axis group editor! Go to the action groups app and find the new button - now you can change your craft's controls after you launch, giving you more flexibility to use all the extra action group functionality we've added since 1.7.\n\nGiving this upgrade its name, we've added five new solid rocket boosters! Four for the stock game and one for Making History. No longer do our solid motors only come in one diameter, now you'll have .625m, 1.25m, 2.5m and - with the DLC - 1.875m boosters to choose from. Making history also got a 1.875 nosecone to cap off the booster. Breaking Ground is also getting new parts: Three new ducted fan blades, and the ducted fan shroud parts to go with them, for more fun making space-exploring drones.\n\nThe latest KSP version is so full of other improvements, we can't cover them all here, be sure to check the 1.8 changelog for more information.
			#autoLOC_6011124 = F (Huge)
			#autoLOC_6011125 = G (Massive)
			#autoLOC_6011126 = H (Gargantuan)
			#autoLOC_6011129 = I (Gargantuan)
			#autoLOC_6011130 = Class F Objects on elliptical orbits are likely not just a typical rock floating in space. These larger unidentified space objects are up to 100m in size.
			#autoLOC_6011131 = Class G Objects are an even rarer class of solar object. Definitely worth a visit. They are up to 200m in diameter. It would take stupendous measures to even budge the orbit of one of them.
			#autoLOC_6011132 = Class H Objects are up to 250m in diameter. If they were orbiting Kerbin, one of these would make for a tiny moon.
			#autoLOC_6011133 = Class I Objects are up to 250m in diameter, and have strange characteristics. Visit one before they are no longer available - you only have a limited time to do so!
			#autoLOC_6011134 = Comets are balls of volatile materials - various ices - and dusty rock.\n\nThis comet has been brought into a much lower orbit through encounters with other celestial bodies. It may not last much longer at the rate its ices are being depleted - at least on an astronomical timescale. Enjoy the light show while it lasts.
			#autoLOC_6011135 = Comets are balls of volatile materials - various ices - and dusty rock.\n\nA low percentage of comets get pulled into the inner system and have an apoapsis near Jool, due to the great green giant’s massive gravity well, but they seem more populous because of how often they approach the Sun. This is one of those, its period such that it can be seen passing by often if tracked.
			#autoLOC_6011136 = Comets are balls of volatile materials - various ices - and dusty rock.\n\nMany comets are thought to originate from a cloud of objects circling far outside the charted planetary bodies. The first step in being a comet is getting perturbed into a highly elliptical orbit that enters the inner system by some unknown object.
			#autoLOC_6011137 = Comets are balls of volatile materials - various ices - and dusty rock.\n\nThis comet’s orbit is hyperbolic with respect to the Sun. That makes it one of the rarest objects in the system - a true interstellar traveller, destined to only visit our system once in its lonely journey.
			#autoLOC_6011138 = <color=#e6752a>Comet Description</color>
			#autoLOC_6011139 = Comets have been a hot topic of research for centuries - and never let it be said that [Agency] doesn’t know how to follow a trend!
			#autoLOC_6011140 = Studying comets can lead to insight into the composition of the outer solar system. [Agency] scientists wish to gather more info about these solar snowballs.
			#autoLOC_6011141 = Different types of comets can yield unique insights into the origin of the Solar System as well as the behaviour of the solar wind. Plus good PR for discovering one. [Agency] wants all of those benefits.
			#autoLOC_6011142 = Comets are said to be dusty ice balls - but what if they’re actually *flavored* ice-balls? Doesn’t that sound delicious? Some scientists scoff at this idea, but we here at [Agency] are not so sure.
			#autoLOC_6011143 = Therefore, we would like you to discover some new comets orbiting the Sun.
			#autoLOC_6011144 = Advance our knowledge of cometary bodies by discovering some new ones orbiting the Sun.
			#autoLOC_6011145 = Use an orbital telescope to discover the unique signature of a new comet.
			#autoLOC_6011146 = Finding a comet is an astronomer’s dream since the early days of stargazing. Now you get to help. Discover <<1>> comets using the <<2>>.
			#autoLOC_6011147 = Detect <<1>> new comets
			#autoLOC_6011148 = Detect <<1>> comets with a <<2>>.
			#autoLOC_6011149 = There is already a ship with the name <color=orange><<1>></color> in the <<2>> folder.\n\nMissions do not allow craft with the same name that are launched or saved from both the VAB and SPH.\n\nYou will need to rename the vessel to continue using it.
			#autoLOC_6011149 = There is already a ship with the name <color=orange><<1>></color> in the <<2>> folder.\n\nMissions do not allow craft with the same name that are launched or saved from both the VAB and SPH.\n\nYou will need to rename the vessel to continue using it.
			#autoLOC_6011150 = Lightstrip Mk1
			#autoLOC_6011151 = A fully functional and utilitarian lighting accessory for professional purposes. This light strip is absolutely not designed to add underglow to your rovers.\n\nWe repeat, this light strip is not meant to bling out your rover.
			#autoLOC_6011152 = Navigation Light Mk1
			#autoLOC_6011153 = Craft use navigation lights to make it easier to identify them at night, and to tell an observer which side of the craft they are seeing.\n\nRed goes on the port/left side, and green goes on the starboard/right side.
			#autoLOC_6011154 = Domelight Mk1
			#autoLOC_6011155 = This dome light is great for illuminating a small area around your craft and can be spotted from far away.
			#autoLOC_6011156 = Spotlight Mk1
			#autoLOC_6011157 = This light has a range of varied uses: highlight the movements of a Kerbal on the surface, brighten up a surface you need a sample of, or even put on a musical number.\n\nJust make sure you don't shine it in Bill's eyes, his pupils are big enough already
			#autoLOC_6011158 = Work Lamp (Small)
			#autoLOC_6011159 = Deploying sensitive science equipment or effecting repairs during a long Munar night can lead to damage of sensitive and expensive equipment.\n\nUse this heavy duty part to shed some light on the problem!
			#autoLOC_6011160 = Work Lamp (Stand)
			#autoLOC_6011161 = When you're setting up your off-world base, make sure you've scouted it properly with this deployable light stand.
			#autoLOC_6011162 = moar (more bulb candle dark flash (lamp (light shine spot torch
			#autoLOC_6011163 = moar (more bulb candle dark flash LED (light shine spot torch
			#autoLOC_6011164 = moar (more bulb candle dark flash (lamp (light shine spot torch deployable
			#autoLOC_6011165 = Rotation Angle
			#autoLOC_6011166 = Pitch Angle
			#autoLOC_6011167 = Blink Period
			#autoLOC_6011168 = Blink Off
			#autoLOC_6011169 = Blink On
			#autoLOC_6011170 = Part Repairs
			#autoLOC_6011171 = Cargo System
			#autoLOC_6011172 = Cargo Mode
			#autoLOC_6011173 = Cargo App
			#autoLOC_6011174 = EVA Construction Mode
			#autoLOC_6011175 = Cannot detach <<1>>, part has crew in it.
			#autoLOC_6011176 = Slim suit
			#autoLOC_6011177 = Gray and Black
			#autoLOC_6011178 = Gray and Orange
			#autoLOC_6011179 = Gray and Blue
			#autoLOC_6012021 = SEQ-9 Container Module
			#autoLOC_6012022 = A large 1.25 container capable of storing a wide variety of equipment. Specifically designed for storing precision scientific instruments and protecting them from the rigours of launch, travel and landing on distant planets.\n\nWarning: Contents not pressurized. Risk of Snack Bag explosion >99%.
			#autoLOC_6012023 = contain storage cargo surface
			#autoLOC_6012024 = Altitude Mode: <<1>>
			#autoLOC_6012025 = AGL
			#autoLOC_6012026 = Protective Rocket Nose Cone Mk12A
			#autoLOC_6012027 = A huge nosecone to help make 3.75 rockets cut through the air.
			#autoLOC_6012028 = Protective Rocket Nose Cone Mk16A
			#autoLOC_6012029 = An immense nosecone for massive 5m rocket stacks.
			#autoLOC_6012030 = Welcome to KSP 1.7: Room to Maneuver! \n\nThis version update, as the name implies, is full of new features and improvements to help you guide your rockets through space. \n\nWe have two new navigation tool upgrades. Up at the top of your flight screen, you’ll see a mysterious new icon next to the altimeter. Click the altimeter and it’ll toggle from a sea-level readout to an above ground readout, so now Jeb will be able to land your ship instruments-only. And actually have them stay in one piece this time. \n\nOn the bottom left of your flight screen, there’s a new icon with all the other mode toggles. Click that to find out we’ve added ‘Maneuver Mode.’ It’ll open up with a single panel that gives you access - in both Map AND Flight mode, to orbital information like apoapsis, periapsis, eccentricity, etc. Better yet, put down a maneuver node, and you’ll get a second panel that lets you adjust that maneuver, to help you fine tune your interplanetary transfers. \n\nVisually, we’ve updated all of the small maneuvering motors - the Ant, Twitch, Puff, Place-Anywhere 7, RV-105 Thruster Block, and Vernor Engine all have an improved art treatment, and the Twitch, Ant and Spider have new variants. We’ve also got an upgraded galaxy map for you to enjoy while you’re cruising between the planets.\n\nTo round out the mix, we’ve added scroll bars to the part action windows when they get too big - very useful if you’ve got mods filling those up - and new tuning values on some of those small maneuver engines. Plus a new 3.75 meter nose cone and a 5m one for those of you with Making History! \n\nWe hope you enjoy version 1.7 Room to Maneuver!
			#autoLOC_6012031 = Celestial bodies cast self-shadows
			#autoLOC_6012033 = Deployable Ground Part
			#autoLOC_6012042 = Science
			#autoLOC_6012043 = Reset to Build Angle
			#autoLOC_6012044 = Reset to Build RPM
			#autoLOC_6012045 = Reset to Build Extension
			#autoLOC_6013000 = Default
			#autoLOC_6013001 = Set <<1>>
			#autoLOC_6013002 = Override Default
			#autoLOC_6013003 = Activate Action Sets
			#autoLOC_6013004 = Pitch
			#autoLOC_6013005 = Yaw
			#autoLOC_6013006 = Roll
			#autoLOC_6013007 = Translate L/R
			#autoLOC_6013008 = Translate U/D
			#autoLOC_6013009 = Translate F/B
			#autoLOC_6013010 = Main Throttle
			#autoLOC_6013011 = Wheel Steer
			#autoLOC_6013012 = Wheel Throttle
			#autoLOC_6013013 = Custom01
			#autoLOC_6013014 = Custom02
			#autoLOC_6013015 = Custom03
			#autoLOC_6013016 = Custom04
			#autoLOC_6013017 = Override Control
			#autoLOC_6013018 = Tick this box to have this set override the control setup in the default group.
			#autoLOC_6013019 = Tick this box to have this set override the normal game controls.
			#autoLOC_6013020 = <<1>>\nClick to reverse the controls.
			#autoLOC_6013021 = Normal Control
			#autoLOC_6013022 = Inverted Control
			#autoLOC_6013023 = <<1>>\n\nClick to switch to <<2>>
			#autoLOC_6013024 = <<1>> : Controller input is directly mapped\nto the setting of this field. Keyboard control will move\nthe field from minimum to maximum instantly.
			#autoLOC_6013025 = <<1>> : Controller input incrementally increases\nor decreases the value of this field, keyboard keys increase\nor decrease depending on time pressed.
			#autoLOC_6013026 = Absolute Control
			#autoLOC_6013027 = Incremental Control
			#autoLOC_6013041 = Deploy Angle
			#autoLOC_6100000 = Have <<1>>
			#autoLOC_6100001 = Test <<1>>
			#autoLOC_6100002 = We want you to haul the <<1>> <<2>>.
			#autoLOC_6100003 = We want you to test the <<1>> <<2>>.
			#autoLOC_6100004 = Haul <<1>> <<2>>.
			#autoLOC_6100005 = Test <<1>> <<2>>.
			#autoLOC_6100006 = to the Launch Site
			#autoLOC_6100007 = at the Launch Site
			#autoLOC_6100008 = into flight above <<1>>
			#autoLOC_6100009 = in flight over <<1>>
			#autoLOC_6100010 = to solid ground on <<1>>
			#autoLOC_6100011 = to the surface of <<1>>
			#autoLOC_6100012 = landed at <<1>>
			#autoLOC_6100013 = into orbit of <<1>>
			#autoLOC_6100014 = orbiting <<1>>
			#autoLOC_6100015 = to the oceans of <<1>>
			#autoLOC_6100016 = splashed down at <<1>>
			#autoLOC_6100017 = into a sub-orbital trajectory over <<1>>
			#autoLOC_6100018 = on a sub-orbital trajectory over <<1>>
			#autoLOC_6100019 = into an escape trajectory out of <<1>>
			#autoLOC_6100020 = on an escape trajectory out of <<1>>
			#autoLOC_6100021 = to the Launch Site
			#autoLOC_6100022 = at the Launch Site
			#autoLOC_6100023 = into flight above <<1>>'s <<2>>
			#autoLOC_6100024 = in flight over <<g:2,1>>
			#autoLOC_6100025 = to solid ground in <<g:2,1>>
			#autoLOC_6100026 = to the surface in <<g:2,1>>
			#autoLOC_6100027 = landed <<g:2,1>>
			#autoLOC_6100028 = into orbit over <<g:2,1>>
			#autoLOC_6100029 = orbiting over <<g:2,1>>
			#autoLOC_6100030 = into the ocean in <<g:2,1>>
			#autoLOC_6100031 = splashed down on <<g:2,1>>
			#autoLOC_6100032 = into a sub-orbital trajectory over <<g:2,1>>
			#autoLOC_6100033 = on a sub-orbital trajectory over <<g:2,1>>
			#autoLOC_6100034 = into an escape trajectory over <<g:2,1>>
			#autoLOC_6100035 = on an escape trajectory over <<g:2,1>>
			#autoLOC_6100036 = Shipwreck
			#autoLOC_6100037 = Wreckage
			#autoLOC_6100038 = Pod
			#autoLOC_6100039 = Capsule
			#autoLOC_6100040 = Derelict
			#autoLOC_6100041 = Heap
			#autoLOC_6100042 = Hulk
			#autoLOC_6100043 = Craft
			#autoLOC_6100044 = Debris
			#autoLOC_6100045 = Scrap
			#autoLOC_6100046 = Prototype
			#autoLOC_6100047 = Device
			#autoLOC_6100048 = Part
			#autoLOC_6100049 = Module
			#autoLOC_6100050 = Unit
			#autoLOC_6100051 = Component
			#autoLOC_6100052 = <<g:2,1>>
			#autoLOC_6100053 = <<1>> <<2>>
			#autoLOC_6100054 = Rescue <<1>> from the surface of <<2>>.
			#autoLOC_6100055 = Rescue <<1>> from orbit of <<2>>.
			#autoLOC_6100056 = Recover <<1>> from the surface of <<2>>.
			#autoLOC_6100057 = Recover <<1>> from orbit of <<2>>.
			#autoLOC_6100058 = Recover <<1>> and <<g:2,1>> from the surface of <<3>>.
			#autoLOC_6100059 = Recover <<1>> and <<g:2,1>> from orbit of <<3>>.
			#autoLOC_6100060 = Rescue <<1>>, who is stranded in low <<2>> orbit. Return <<P:1>> safely to <<3>>.
			#autoLOC_6100061 = Rescue <<1>>, who is stranded on the surface of <<2>>. Return <<P:1>> safely to <<3>>.
			#autoLOC_6100062 = Rescue <<1>>, who is stranded in orbit around <<2>>. Return <<P:1>> safely to <<3>>.
			#autoLOC_6100063 = <<1>> left <<2>> in low <<3>> orbit. Recover it on <<4>> without damaging it too much.
			#autoLOC_6100064 = <<1>> left <<2>> on the surface of <<3>>. Recover it on <<4>> without damaging it too much.
			#autoLOC_6100065 = <<1>> left <<2>> in orbit around <<3>>. Recover it on <<4>> without damaging it too much.
			#autoLOC_6100066 = Rescue <<1>>, who is stranded in low <<2>> orbit with valuable data. Return <<P:1>> and what is left of <<o:1>> vessel to <<3>>.
			#autoLOC_6100067 = Rescue <<1>>, who is stranded on the surface of <<2>> with valuable data. Return <<P:1>> and what is left of <<o:1>> vessel to <<3>>.
			#autoLOC_6100068 = Rescue <<1>>, who is stranded in orbit around <<2>> with valuable data. Return <<P:1>> and what is left of <<o:1>> vessel to <<3>>.
			#autoLOC_6200000 = We need you to land on <<1>>
			#autoLOC_6200001 = We need you to do a fly-by of <<1>>
			#autoLOC_7000000 = <<1>> <<n:2[has/has/have]>> chartered a tour on a high performance craft. Keep <<P:3>> alive, and show <<P:3>> the limits of Kerbal endurance.
			#autoLOC_7000001 = <<1>> <<n:2[has/has/have]>> chartered a tour to see the sights <<3>>. Keep <<P:4>> alive, and show <<P:4>> a good time.
			#autoLOC_7000002 = Bring <<n:1[/%d]>> <<n:1[a VIP/tourists]>> on a high-gee adventure.
			#autoLOC_7000003 = Ferry <<n:1[/%d]>> <<n:1[a VIP/tourists]>> safely to <<o:2>> <<n:3[destination/destinations/destinations]>><<n:4[./ and back./ and back.]>>
			#autoLOC_7000004 = Complete <<n:1[the VIP's/the VIP's/each tourist's]>> travel itinerary, then return <<P:2>> safely to <<3>> on schedule to collect <<o:2>> <<n:1[fare/fare/fares]>>!
			#autoLOC_7000005 = The tour was a success! <<1>> had nothing but great things to say about the trip (or at least the portions <<p:2>> remember.
			#autoLOC_7000006 = The tour was a success! <<1>> had nothing but great things to say about the trip, and brought back plenty of photos.
			#autoLOC_7000007 = <<n:1[The VIP/The VIP/A tourist]>> has been lost! We're pulling the plug on this tour.
			#autoLOC_7000008 = The tour that <<1>> chartered has expired. Get <<P:2>> home. <<p:2>> will not be paying for this trip.
			#autoLOC_7000009 = Please note that this must be a new <<1>> <<2>> built for <<3>> after the contract is accepted.
			#autoLOC_7000010 = <<n:1[Lastly, dock your /Dock your /Dock your ]>> <<2>> near <<3>>
			#autoLOC_7000011 = <<n:1[Lastly, get your/Get your/Get your]>> <<2>> into an escape trajectory out of <<3>>
			#autoLOC_7000012 = <<n:1[Lastly, fly your /Fly your /Fly your ]>> <<2>> on <<3>>
			#autoLOC_7000013 = <<n:1[Lastly, land your /Land your /Land your ]>> <<2>> on <<3>>
			#autoLOC_7000014 = <<n:1[Lastly, put your /Put your /Put your ]>> <<2>> in orbit of <<3>>
			#autoLOC_7000015 = <<n:1[Lastly, be ready to launch your /Be ready to launch your /Be ready to launch your ]>> <<2>> from <<3>>
			#autoLOC_7000016 = <<n:1[Lastly, splash your /Splash your /Splash your ]>> <<2>> down on <<3>>
			#autoLOC_7000017 = <<n:1[Lastly, set your/Set your/Set your]>> <<2>> on a crash course for <<3>>
			#autoLOC_7000018 = <<n:1[Lastly, have your /Have your /Have your ]>> <<2>> near <<3>>
			#autoLOC_7000019 = Tourists
			#autoLOC_7000020 = Kerbal
			#autoLOC_7000021 = Locked
			#autoLOC_7000022 = Free
			#autoLOC_7000023 = Show Actuation Toggles
			#autoLOC_7000024 = Name:
			#autoLOC_7000025 = Confirm Delete
			#autoLOC_7000026 = Probe Control Point
			#autoLOC_7000027 = Overheat!
			#autoLOC_7000028 = RCSFX
			#autoLOC_7000029 = Active Radiator
			#autoLOC_7000030 = Deployable Radiator
			#autoLOC_7000031 = <<1[around /right here on /]>> <<2>>
			#autoLOC_7000032 = Empty Seat
			#autoLOC_7000033 = Leaving Flight
			#autoLOC_7000034 = Leaving Scenario
			#autoLOC_7000035 = Locked
			#autoLOC_7000036 = Free
			#autoLOC_7000038 = <<n:1[right here on /around /around ]>> <<2>>
			#autoLOC_7000039 = Easy
			#autoLOC_7000040 = Normal
			#autoLOC_7000041 = Moderate
			#autoLOC_7000042 = Hard
			#autoLOC_7000043 = Custom
			#autoLOC_7000044 = Off
			#autoLOC_7000045 = Eighth Res
			#autoLOC_7000046 = Quarter Res
			#autoLOC_7000047 = Half Res
			#autoLOC_7000048 = Full Res
			#autoLOC_7000049 = Minimal
			#autoLOC_7000050 = Very Low
			#autoLOC_7000051 = Low
			#autoLOC_7000052 = Normal
			#autoLOC_7000053 = Local to Body
			#autoLOC_7000054 = Local at SOI Entry
			#autoLOC_7000055 = Local at SOI Exit
			#autoLOC_7000056 = Relative
			#autoLOC_7000057 = Dynamic
			#autoLOC_7000058 = Don't Sync
			#autoLOC_7000059 = Every VBlank
			#autoLOC_7000060 = Every Second VBlank
			#autoLOC_7000061 = Default
			#autoLOC_7000062 = 60 FPS
			#autoLOC_7000063 = 80 FPS
			#autoLOC_7000064 = 100 FPS
			#autoLOC_7000065 = 120 FPS
			#autoLOC_7000066 = 140 FPS
			#autoLOC_7000067 = 180 FPS
			#autoLOC_7000068 = Not Enough Crew (<<1>>/<<2>>)
			#autoLOC_7000069 = Tourists Need Crew ((<<1>>/<<2>>)
			#autoLOC_7000070 = Motor
			#autoLOC_7000071 = Reset All
			#autoLOC_7001000 = Auto
			#autoLOC_7001001 = Manual
			#autoLOC_7001002 = Override
			#autoLOC_7001003 = Friction Control: <<1[Auto/Override]>>
			#autoLOC_7001004 = Traction Control: <<1[Auto/Override]>>
			#autoLOC_7001005 = <b>Antenna Type: </b> <<1>>\n
			#autoLOC_7001006 = <b>Antenna Rating: </b> <<1>>\n
			#autoLOC_7001007 = The recent accomplishments of our space program have attracted contributions from numerous organizations!\n\n<<1>>\n<<2>>\n
			#autoLOC_7001008 = <<1[Scenarios/Training]>>
			#autoLOC_7001009 = Cannot Hire
			#autoLOC_7001010 = Astronaut Complex Capacity Reached
			#autoLOC_7001012 = Maximum throttle <<1>>%
			#autoLOC_7001013 = <b><color=#DB8310>Gene Kerman:</color></b>\nWelcome to Mission Control. Please make a selection.
			#autoLOC_7001014 = Available
			#autoLOC_7001015 = Asteroid
			#autoLOC_7001016 = vessel
			#autoLOC_7001017 = station
			#autoLOC_7001018 = The outpost must be on motorized wheels
			#autoLOC_7001019 = Expand station "<<1>>"
			#autoLOC_7001020 = Build a new orbital station
			#autoLOC_7001021 = on a solar orbit.
			#autoLOC_7001022 = around <<1>>.
			#autoLOC_7001024 = Trivial
			#autoLOC_7001025 = Significant
			#autoLOC_7001026 = Exceptional
			#autoLOC_7001027 = Incomplete
			#autoLOC_7001028 = Complete
			#autoLOC_7001029 = Failed
			#autoLOC_7001030 = Learn More about NASA's real Asteroid Redirect Mission
			#autoLOC_7001031 = Funds
			#autoLOC_7001032 = Science
			#autoLOC_7001033 = Reputation
			#autoLOC_7001034 = Scenarios
			#autoLOC_7001035 = Training
			#autoLOC_7001036 = Commercial
			#autoLOC_7001037 = Competitive
			#autoLOC_7001038 = Conglomerate
			#autoLOC_7001039 = Cooperative
			#autoLOC_7001040 = EasyGoing
			#autoLOC_7001041 = Ecomental
			#autoLOC_7001042 = Economic
			#autoLOC_7001043 = Hasty
			#autoLOC_7001044 = Industrial
			#autoLOC_7001045 = Kerbalminded
			#autoLOC_7001046 = Moral
			#autoLOC_7001047 = No Random Contract Mentality
			#autoLOC_7001048 = Patient
			#autoLOC_7001049 = Perfectionist
			#autoLOC_7001050 = Pioneer
			#autoLOC_7001051 = Record
			#autoLOC_7001052 = Scientific
			#autoLOC_7001053 = Startup
			#autoLOC_7001054 = Stern
			#autoLOC_7001055 = probe
			#autoLOC_7001056 = observational
			#autoLOC_7001057 = seismic
			#autoLOC_7001058 = temperature
			#autoLOC_7001059 = atmospheric
			#autoLOC_7001060 = gravimetric
			#autoLOC_7001061 = inconsistencies
			#autoLOC_7001062 = disturbances
			#autoLOC_7001063 = fluctuations
			#autoLOC_7001064 = abnormalities
			#autoLOC_7001065 = anomalies
			#autoLOC_7001066 = reports
			#autoLOC_7001067 = readings
			#autoLOC_7001068 = measurements
			#autoLOC_7001069 = readings
			#autoLOC_7001070 = readings
			#autoLOC_7001071 = Build a new orbital station for this agency that can support <<1>> kerbals in a solar orbit.
			#autoLOC_7001072 = Build a new orbital station for this agency that can support <<1>> kerbals in orbit of <<2>>.
			#autoLOC_7001073 = You have finished construction of a new orbital station on its own orbit around the sun.
			#autoLOC_7001074 = You have finished construction of a new orbital station around <<1>>.
			#autoLOC_7001075 = has an antenna
			#autoLOC_7001076 = has a docking port
			#autoLOC_7001077 = can generate power
			#autoLOC_7001078 = outpost
			#autoLOC_7001079 = Expand surface outpost "<<1>>" on <<2>>.
			#autoLOC_7001080 = Build a new surface outpost on <<1>>.
			#autoLOC_7001081 = <<1>>
			#autoLOC_7001082 = <<1>> and <<2>>
			#autoLOC_7001083 = <<1>>, <<2>> and <<3>>
			#autoLOC_7001084 = <<1>>, <<2>>, <<3>> and <<4>>
			#autoLOC_7001085 = Build a new <<1>> <<2>> that <<3>>.
			#autoLOC_7001086 = Ensure that the <<1>> <<2>>
			#autoLOC_7001087 = Add an auxiliary <<1>> to the <<2>>
			#autoLOC_7001088 = Have a <<1>> on the <<2>>
			#autoLOC_7001089 = Reach the designated <<1>> orbit around <<2>> within <<3>> deviation
			#autoLOC_7001090 = Reach <<1>> orbit around <<2>> within <<3>> deviation
			#autoLOC_7001091 = Reach the designated orbit around <<1>> within <<2>> deviation
			#autoLOC_7001100 = Loading...
			#autoLOC_7001101 = Adding K to Every Word...
			#autoLOC_7001102 = Adding More Boosters...
			#autoLOC_7001103 = Adding More Struts...
			#autoLOC_7001104 = Aligning Planets...
			#autoLOC_7001105 = Amending Laws of Physics...
			#autoLOC_7001106 = Answering Ultimate Question...
			#autoLOC_7001107 = Applying Duct Tape...
			#autoLOC_7001108 = Biding Time...
			#autoLOC_7001109 = Bracing for Impact...
			#autoLOC_7001110 = Buzzing Towers...
			#autoLOC_7001111 = Calculating Collision Course...
			#autoLOC_7001112 = Calculating Trajectories...
			#autoLOC_7001113 = Calculating Ultimate Answer...
			#autoLOC_7001114 = Calling Orbital Mechanic...
			#autoLOC_7001115 = Charging Batteries...
			#autoLOC_7001116 = Checking Staging...
			#autoLOC_7001117 = Cleaning Transfer Windows...
			#autoLOC_7001118 = Clearing Launch Pad...
			#autoLOC_7001119 = Combobulating Discombobulator...
			#autoLOC_7001120 = Conquering Space...
			#autoLOC_7001121 = Counting Backwards...
			#autoLOC_7001122 = Counting Geigers...
			#autoLOC_7001123 = Coupling Decouplers...
			#autoLOC_7001124 = Cutting Funding...
			#autoLOC_7001125 = Delaying Launches...
			#autoLOC_7001126 = Doing Barrel Rolls...
			#autoLOC_7001127 = Doing Science...
			#autoLOC_7001128 = Effecting Oberth...
			#autoLOC_7001129 = Extinguishing Flames...
			#autoLOC_7001130 = Floating Origin...
			#autoLOC_7001131 = Flying Safe...
			#autoLOC_7001132 = Forgetting Parachutes...
			#autoLOC_7001133 = Generating Ablation Cascade...
			#autoLOC_7001134 = Herding Ground Crew...
			#autoLOC_7001135 = Igniting Sun...
			#autoLOC_7001136 = Inventing Witty Loading Hints...
			#autoLOC_7001137 = Landing on Jool...
			#autoLOC_7001138 = Locating Jebediah Kerman...
			#autoLOC_7001139 = Maneuvering Nodes...
			#autoLOC_7001140 = Motivating Kerbals...
			#autoLOC_7001141 = Negotiating Gravity...
			#autoLOC_7001142 = Overlaying Grid onto Bezier Curves...
			#autoLOC_7001143 = Packing Toothbrushes...
			#autoLOC_7001144 = Patching Conics...
			#autoLOC_7001145 = Planning Unplanned Disassembly...
			#autoLOC_7001146 = Pointing Correct End Towards Space...
			#autoLOC_7001147 = Polishing Helmets...
			#autoLOC_7001148 = Preparing Rescue Mission...
			#autoLOC_7001149 = Pressing Red Button...
			#autoLOC_7001150 = Proving Murphy's Law...
			#autoLOC_7001151 = Reaching a Safe Distance...
			#autoLOC_7001152 = Reading Manual...
			#autoLOC_7001153 = Rearranging Stars...
			#autoLOC_7001154 = Rebuilding VAB...
			#autoLOC_7001155 = Recruiting Kerbals...
			#autoLOC_7001156 = Reinventing Wheel...
			#autoLOC_7001157 = Remembering Ladders...
			#autoLOC_7001158 = Repaving Runway...
			#autoLOC_7001159 = Restocking Snacks...
			#autoLOC_7001160 = Reverting to Launch...
			#autoLOC_7001161 = Scattering Scatters...
			#autoLOC_7001162 = Settling Argument of Periapsis...
			#autoLOC_7001163 = Smashing Buttons...
			#autoLOC_7001164 = Snipping Red Wire...
			#autoLOC_7001165 = Swimming on Laythe...
			#autoLOC_7001166 = Tasting Minmus...
			#autoLOC_7001167 = Terminating Debris...
			#autoLOC_7001168 = Testing Springs...
			#autoLOC_7001169 = Transferring Hohmann...
			#autoLOC_7001170 = Treating Astronaut Complex...
			#autoLOC_7001171 = Treating Kessler Syndrome...
			#autoLOC_7001172 = Untangling Space Tape...
			#autoLOC_7001173 = Vectoring Thrust...
			#autoLOC_7001174 = Verifying Blast Awesomeness...
			#autoLOC_7001175 = Waking Kraken...
			#autoLOC_7001176 = Warping to Next Morning...
			#autoLOC_7001177 = Whacking Kerbals...
			#autoLOC_7001178 = Tanning on Moho...
			#autoLOC_7001179 = Escaping Eve...
			#autoLOC_7001180 = Falling off Gilly...
			#autoLOC_7001181 = Kesslerizing Kerbin...
			#autoLOC_7001182 = Staging Mun Landing...
			#autoLOC_7001183 = Dusting Duna...
			#autoLOC_7001184 = Liking Ike...
			#autoLOC_7001185 = Never Visiting Dres...
			#autoLOC_7001186 = Sending Val to Vall...
			#autoLOC_7001187 = Spelunking on Tylo...
			#autoLOC_7001188 = Bopping Bop...
			#autoLOC_7001189 = Planting Flag on Pol...
			#autoLOC_7001190 = Freezing on Eeloo...
			#autoLOC_7001191 = Specifying Impulse...
			#autoLOC_7001192 = Stirring Oxygen Tanks...
			#autoLOC_7001193 = Falling With Style...
			#autoLOC_7001194 = Conserving Momentum...
			#autoLOC_7001201 = equatorial
			#autoLOC_7001202 = polar
			#autoLOC_7001203 = Kolniya
			#autoLOC_7001204 = tundra
			#autoLOC_7001205 = keliostationary
			#autoLOC_7001206 = keostationary
			#autoLOC_7001207 = stationary
			#autoLOC_7001208 = keliosynchronous
			#autoLOC_7001209 = keosynchronous
			#autoLOC_7001210 = synchronous
			#autoLOC_7001217 = Orbit
			#autoLOC_7001218 = Surface
			#autoLOC_7001219 = Target
			#autoLOC_7001220 = <<1>>, <<2>>, <<3>>, <<4>> and <<5>>
			#autoLOC_7001221 = <<1>>, <<2>>, <<3>>, <<4>>, <<5>> and <<6>>
			#autoLOC_7001222 = Cancel Contract
			#autoLOC_7001223 = Running
			#autoLOC_7001224 = Allow Partial
			#autoLOC_7001225 = Require Complete
			#autoLOC_7001226 = Stop Transmitting
			#autoLOC_7001227 = Converter
			#autoLOC_7001228 = Drill
			#autoLOC_7001229 = Scanner
			#autoLOC_7001230 = Anti-Normal
			#autoLOC_7001231 = on the surface of <<1>>
			#autoLOC_7001232 = in low <<1>> orbit
			#autoLOC_7001233 = in orbit around <<1>>
			#autoLOC_7001234 = default
			#autoLOC_7001235 = THROTTLE
			#autoLOC_7001236 = G FORCE
			#autoLOC_7001300 = <<g:2,1>>
			#autoLOC_7001301 = <<1>>
			#autoLOC_7001302 = <<1>> Experiment Modules will become inoperable if their data is removed.
			#autoLOC_7001303 = Transmit All
			#autoLOC_7001304 = Transmit Re-usable Ones Only
			#autoLOC_7001305 = Transmit Anyway
			#autoLOC_7001310 = orbit
			#autoLOC_7001311 = blind spots
			#autoLOC_7001312 = Reload Texts Dictionary
			#autoLOC_7001350 = Relative Speed: <<1>>m/s
			#autoLOC_7001351 = Target Position at Closest Approach
			#autoLOC_7001352 = Closest Approach
			#autoLOC_7001353 = <<1>> Debris
			#autoLOC_7001400 = s
			#autoLOC_7001401 = S
			#autoLOC_7001402 = \u0020m²
			#autoLOC_7001403 = \u0020kg
			#autoLOC_7001404 = \u0020m³/s²
			#autoLOC_7001405 = \u0020km
			#autoLOC_7001406 = \u0020K
			#autoLOC_7001407 = t
			#autoLOC_7001408 = \u0020kN
			#autoLOC_7001409 = U
			#autoLOC_7001410 = \u0020kPa
			#autoLOC_7001411 = m
			#autoLOC_7001412 = \u0020grams
			#autoLOC_7001413 = \u0020g
			#autoLOC_7001414 = EC/s
			#autoLOC_7001415 = m/s
			#autoLOC_7001416 = \u0020kg/sec
			#autoLOC_7001417 = \u0020kW
			#autoLOC_7001418 = F2
			#autoLOC_7001419 = \u0020atm
			#autoLOC_7002001 = experience
			#autoLOC_7003000 = Recovery: +<<1>> Science
			#autoLOC_7003001 = Transmit: +<<1>> Science
			#autoLOC_7003002 = Time Warp: <<1>>x
			#autoLOC_7003003 = [+] Note:
			#autoLOC_7003004 = [-] Note: <<1>>
			#autoLOC_7003005 = Year <<1>>, Day <<2>>
			#autoLOC_7003007 = - <<1>>h, <<2>>m
			#autoLOC_7003009 = , <<1>>s
			#autoLOC_7003010 = Agency: <<1>>
			#autoLOC_7003011 = Location: <<1>>
			#autoLOC_7003012 = Above <<1>>
			#autoLOC_7003013 = Below <<1>>
			#autoLOC_7003200 = This Facility is closed.
			#autoLOC_7003201 = This Facility is locked.
			#autoLOC_7003210 = <color=orange><b>Not enough Funds to repair this facility.</b></color>
			#autoLOC_7003211 = <color=orange><b>Not enough Funds to upgrade this facility.</b></color>
			#autoLOC_7003212 = <color=orange><b>Not enough Funds to rebuild this facility.</b></color>
			#autoLOC_7003213 = Nothing to demolish.
			#autoLOC_7003214 = Nothing to repair.
			#autoLOC_7003215 = Facility is already fully upgraded.
			#autoLOC_7003216 = Facility is at lowest level.
			#autoLOC_7003217 = None
			#autoLOC_7003218 = Light
			#autoLOC_7003219 = Moderate
			#autoLOC_7003220 = Severe
			#autoLOC_7003221 = Critical
			#autoLOC_7003222 = Starting Transmission...
			#autoLOC_7003223 = Cannot transmit data: <<1>>.
			#autoLOC_7003224 = Retract
			#autoLOC_7003225 = Extend
			#autoLOC_7003226 = Inoperable
			#autoLOC_7003227 = Cannot deploy while stowed.
			#autoLOC_7003228 = Orbit Specifics
			#autoLOC_7003229 = Apoapsis:<<1>> meters
			#autoLOC_7003230 = Periapsis:<<1>> meters
			#autoLOC_7003231 = Inclination:<<1>> degrees
			#autoLOC_7003232 = Longitude of Ascending Node:<<1>> degrees
			#autoLOC_7003233 = Argument of Periapsis:<<1>> degrees
			#autoLOC_7003234 = UNK
			#autoLOC_7003235 = ORB
			#autoLOC_7003236 = SRF
			#autoLOC_7003237 = TGT
			#autoLOC_7003238 = Do you want to delete this craft?
			#autoLOC_7003239 = Delete File
			#autoLOC_7003240 = Hide Actuation Toggles
			#autoLOC_7003241 = Show Actuation Toggles
			#autoLOC_7003242 = T+
			#autoLOC_7003243 = y
			#autoLOC_7003244 = d
			#autoLOC_7003245 = Waypoint "<<1>>" was deleted.
			#autoLOC_7003246 = <color=orange>Not enough Funds to purchase this.</color>
			#autoLOC_7003247 = Navigation set to <<1>>.
			#autoLOC_7003248 = Cannot <<1>> while flying in atmosphere.
			#autoLOC_7003249 = Cannot <<1>> while under acceleration.
			#autoLOC_7003250 = Cannot <<1>> while about to crash.
			#autoLOC_7003251 = Cannot <<1>> while moving over the surface.
			#autoLOC_7003252 = Cannot <<1>> while Kerbals are on a ladder.
			#autoLOC_7003253 = Cannot <<1>> while the ship is throttled up.
			#autoLOC_7003254 = Clear to <<1>>.
			#autoLOC_7003255 = switch out of flight
			#autoLOC_7003256 = Cannot switch to <<1>> we do not own.
			#autoLOC_7003257 = a vessel
			#autoLOC_7003258 = an object
			#autoLOC_7003260 = <color=<<1>>>[Auto Crew Assignment]: <<2>> just became an intrepid astronaut.</color>
			#autoLOC_7003261 = Lin/Rot Switch Mode: <<1>>
			#autoLOC_7003262 = Hold
			#autoLOC_7003263 = Toggle
			#autoLOC_7003264 = Cannot use the map in this scenario.
			#autoLOC_7003265 = <b>Purchase</b> [Entry Cost: <<1>>]
			#autoLOC_7003266 = <<1>> cm
			#autoLOC_7003267 = Unlocked Cost
			#autoLOC_7003268 = Upgrade Cost
			#autoLOC_7003269 = Activate Navigation
			#autoLOC_7003270 = Deactivate Navigation
			#autoLOC_7003271 = Contract system is not available at this time!
			#autoLOC_7003272 = N
			#autoLOC_7003273 = S
			#autoLOC_7003274 = E
			#autoLOC_7003275 = W
			#autoLOC_7003276 = HeatMap (green)
			#autoLOC_7003277 = Inverse
			#autoLOC_7003278 = Monochrome
			#autoLOC_7003279 = There are no active contracts!
			#autoLOC_7003280 = There are no offered contracts!
			#autoLOC_7003281 = There are no archived contracts!
			#autoLOC_7003282 = There are no valid contracts!
			#autoLOC_7003283 = Purchase <<1>> <<n:1[/Part/Parts]>> [<<2>>]
			#autoLOC_7003284 = G Loss-of-Consciousness Meter: <<1>>
			#autoLOC_7003285 = N/A
			#autoLOC_7003302 = <b><color=#DB8310>Wernher von Kerman:</color></b>\n\nWelcome to the science archives. Please make a selection.
			#autoLOC_7003304 = Remove Slot
			#autoLOC_7003305 = Custom
			#autoLOC_7003306 = Enter name...
			#autoLOC_7003308 = Body:
			#autoLOC_7003309 = Please verify that you have a reliable communications link to Kerbal Space\nCenter before attempting to access KerbNet.
			#autoLOC_7003310 = Drag Waypoint
			#autoLOC_7003400 = The tour that <<1>> chartered has been cancelled. Get <<P:2>> home. <<p:2>> will not be paying for this trip.
			#autoLOC_7003401 = Scenarios
			#autoLOC_7003402 = Restart
			#autoLOC_7003403 = [CMD]
			#autoLOC_7003404 = Kerbals can disembark only on Kerbin
			#autoLOC_7003405 = <<1>> Resources Recovered
			#autoLOC_7003406 = Process in the Lab
			#autoLOC_7003407 = <<1>> Crewmembers Recovered
			#autoLOC_7003408 = hidden
			#autoLOC_7003409 = Safe
			#autoLOC_7003410 = Risky
			#autoLOC_7003411 = Unsafe
			#autoLOC_7003412 = Remove Data
			#autoLOC_7003413 = Max. Acceleration
			#autoLOC_7003414 = Burn Time to 0m/s
			#autoLOC_7003415 = Date
			#autoLOC_8000001 = Vessel
			#autoLOC_8000002 = Fail Part
			#autoLOC_8000004 = Select a part that will have a failure applied to it
			#autoLOC_8000005 = Failures to Apply
			#autoLOC_8000006 = No failures available for the selected part
			#autoLOC_8000007 = Resource Drain
			#autoLOC_8000008 = Time Period
			#autoLOC_8000009 = The number of seconds over which the resource drain will occur
			#autoLOC_8000010 = Amount to Drain
			#autoLOC_8000011 = The amount of resource that will be drained
			#autoLOC_8000012 = Part
			#autoLOC_8000013 = Select the part that will have its resource drained over time
			#autoLOC_8000014 = Resource
			#autoLOC_8000015 = Select the resource that will be drained
			#autoLOC_8000016 = Change Vessel Resource Levels
			#autoLOC_8000018 = The resource we want to adjust
			#autoLOC_8000019 = Amount to adjust
			#autoLOC_8000020 = The amount to adjust the selected resource by.\n\nA negative amount will remove resource
			#autoLOC_8000022 = Kerbal
			#autoLOC_8000023 = Select the kerbal to place when this node activates
			#autoLOC_8000024 = Stranded
			#autoLOC_8000026 = Sets the kerbal to be in a stranded state.\n They will be uncontrollable until they are rescued
			#autoLOC_8000027 = Location
			#autoLOC_8000028 = Spawn Vessel
			#autoLOC_8000031 = Display Message
			#autoLOC_8000032 = Duration
			#autoLOC_8000033 = How many seconds to display the screen message for
			#autoLOC_8000034 = Screen Position
			#autoLOC_8000035 = Location of the message on the screen
			#autoLOC_8000036 = Upper-Center
			#autoLOC_8000037 = Upper-Left
			#autoLOC_8000038 = Upper-Right
			#autoLOC_8000039 = Lower-Center
			#autoLOC_8000040 = Explode Vessel
			#autoLOC_8000041 = Part Delay(ms)
			#autoLOC_8000042 = Milliseconds between each part exploding in the vessel
			#autoLOC_8000043 = Activate Stage
			#autoLOC_8000045 = Spawn Asteroid
			#autoLOC_8000046 = Asteroid
			#autoLOC_8000049 = Test Score
			#autoLOC_8000050 = Mission Score
			#autoLOC_8000051 = Score to be compared with current mission score
			#autoLOC_8000052 = Operator
			#autoLOC_8000053 = Comparison to use for testing against the target value
			#autoLOC_8000054 = Less Than
			#autoLOC_8000055 = Less Than or Equal
			#autoLOC_8000056 = Equal
			#autoLOC_8000057 = Greater Than or Equal
			#autoLOC_8000058 = Greater Than
			#autoLOC_8000059 = Crew:\u0020
			#autoLOC_8000060 = Explode Part
			#autoLOC_8000062 = Select the part that will explode
			#autoLOC_8000063 = Repair Part
			#autoLOC_8000065 = Repair Type
			#autoLOC_8000066 = Spawn Launch Site
			#autoLOC_8000067 = Launch Site
			#autoLOC_8000068 = Vessel: Unknown\n
			#autoLOC_8000069 = Vessel: <<1>>\n
			#autoLOC_8000070 = Crew Assignment
			#autoLOC_8000072 = Select the part to be checked for the chosen kerbal
			#autoLOC_8000074 = Select the vessel to be checked for the chosen kerbal
			#autoLOC_8000076 = Any Kerbal
			#autoLOC_8000077 = Select the kerbal to check for
			#autoLOC_8000078 = Change Score
			#autoLOC_8000079 = Score Modules
			#autoLOC_8000080 = Time of Mission
			#autoLOC_8000081 = Time
			#autoLOC_8000082 = Time duration since the mission started
			#autoLOC_8000085 = Resource Amount
			#autoLOC_8000088 = Amount
			#autoLOC_8000089 = Amount to be compared with current resource amount
			#autoLOC_8000092 = Test Altitude
			#autoLOC_8000093 = Altitude
			#autoLOC_8000094 = Altitude (in meters) to test against
			#autoLOC_8000095 = Use Radar
			#autoLOC_8000096 = When checked will measure altitude relative to the ground using the radar
			#autoLOC_8000099 = Time Since Node
			#autoLOC_8000100 = Node
			#autoLOC_8000101 = The Node to do the time comparison from
			#autoLOC_8000102 = Time
			#autoLOC_8000103 = Time since the selected node to compare with
			#autoLOC_8000106 = Crew Count
			#autoLOC_8000107 = Crew Count
			#autoLOC_8000108 = Number of crew members to compare
			#autoLOC_8000111 = Kerbal Role
			#autoLOC_8000112 = Only count kerbals of this specific role
			#autoLOC_8000113 = Vessel Mass
			#autoLOC_8000114 = Mass
			#autoLOC_8000115 = Mass to compare with the vessels mass
			#autoLOC_8000118 = Vessel Situation Test
			#autoLOC_8000121 = Vessel State Test
			#autoLOC_8000122 = Vessel State
			#autoLOC_8000123 = Choose the vessel state
			#autoLOC_8000124 = Stages Count
			#autoLOC_8000125 = Number of Stages
			#autoLOC_8000126 = Number of stages in the vessel to compare against
			#autoLOC_8000129 = Stage Activated
			#autoLOC_8000130 = Target Stage
			#autoLOC_8000131 = The vessel stage that we are looking to be activated
			#autoLOC_8000132 = Science Experiment
			#autoLOC_8000133 = Fly Through
			#autoLOC_8000134 = Experiment
			#autoLOC_8000135 = Situation
			#autoLOC_8000136 = Biome
			#autoLOC_8000137 = Destination
			#autoLOC_8000138 = The location details of the asteroid
			#autoLOC_8000139 = <<1>> : <<2>> Class <<3>>
			#autoLOC_8000141 = Funds to Recover
			#autoLOC_8000142 = Amount of funds gained through vessel recovery on the home body
			#autoLOC_8000145 = Go to
			#autoLOC_8000146 = Volume
			#autoLOC_8000147 = Shape over body to be reached
			#autoLOC_8000148 = Kerbal Boarded
			#autoLOC_8000149 = Location
			#autoLOC_8000150 = Kerbal Recovery
			#autoLOC_8000152 = Any Crew
			#autoLOC_8000153 = Select a kerbal
			#autoLOC_8000154 = Kerbal Rescued
			#autoLOC_8000155 = Left SOI
			#autoLOC_8000158 = Orbit
			#autoLOC_8000159 = Orbit Accuracy
			#autoLOC_8000160 = Percentage accuracy of vessel orbit\ncompared to target values
			#autoLOC_8000161 = Test Type
			#autoLOC_8000162 = Which parameters of the orbit to include in the test
			#autoLOC_8000163 = Orbit
			#autoLOC_8000164 = SOI Reached
			#autoLOC_8000167 = Recover Resource
			#autoLOC_8000170 = Amount
			#autoLOC_8000171 = Amount of resource gained through vessel recovery on the home body
			#autoLOC_8000174 = Take Kerbal
			#autoLOC_8000176 = Test Distance
			#autoLOC_8000177 = Target Type
			#autoLOC_8000179 = Landed
			#autoLOC_8000180 = Flying Vessel
			#autoLOC_8000183 = Landed Vessel
			#autoLOC_8000185 = Kerbal EVA
			#autoLOC_8000186 = Test Situation
			#autoLOC_8000188 = Time
			#autoLOC_8000189 = Mission Elapsed Time (MET) of the vessel to compare against
			#autoLOC_8000192 = Plant Flag
			#autoLOC_8000199 = Success
			#autoLOC_8000200 = Fail
			#autoLOC_8000201 = Landed
			#autoLOC_8000202 = Orbit
			#autoLOC_8000204 = Select required parts for mission
			#autoLOC_8000211 = Reach Altitude
			#autoLOC_8000233 = Recover Funds
			#autoLOC_8000240 = Spawn Kerbal
			#autoLOC_8000242 = Vessel Destroyed
			#autoLOC_8000249 = Deployed
			#autoLOC_8000250 = Received
			#autoLOC_8000255 = Biome: On <<1>> <<2>>
			#autoLOC_8000256 = Experiment: <<1>>
			#autoLOC_8000257 = Situation: <<1>>
			#autoLOC_8000258 = Any Situation
			#autoLOC_8000259 = Continue
			#autoLOC_8000261 = This part was set as unavailable for this mission
			#autoLOC_8000262 = This part was set as unavailable for this vessel
			#autoLOC_8000263 = Celestial Body
			#autoLOC_8000264 = Area
			#autoLOC_8000265 = Location Type
			#autoLOC_8000266 = Select what type of target location to test for
			#autoLOC_8000267 = On: <<1>>
			#autoLOC_8000268 = On: <<1>> \nBiome: <<2>>
			#autoLOC_8000269 = any biome on <<1>>
			#autoLOC_8000272 = Any Location
			#autoLOC_8000273 = Any Body
			#autoLOC_8000274 = Radius: <<1>>m
			#autoLOC_8000275 = On <<1>> near <<2>>, <<3>>
			#autoLOC_8000276 = Full Orbit
			#autoLOC_8000277 = Ap and Pe
			#autoLOC_8000278 = AP, Pe and Inclination
			#autoLOC_8000279 = SMA and Eccentricity
			#autoLOC_8000280 = SMA, Ecc and Inclination
			#autoLOC_8000281 = Inclination Only
			#autoLOC_8000283 = Launch Site: <<1>> \n
			#autoLOC_8000284 = Landed On: <<1>> \n
			#autoLOC_8000285 = Longitude: <<1>>° \nLatitude: <<2>>°\n
			#autoLOC_8000286 = Orbit Around: <<1>> \n
			#autoLOC_8000287 = Ap: <<1>> Pe: <<2>>\n
			#autoLOC_8000288 = SMA: <<1>>
			#autoLOC_8000289 = Ecc: <<1>>
			#autoLOC_8000290 = Inc: <<1>>
			#autoLOC_8000291 = LAN: <<1>>
			#autoLOC_8000293 = No vessel has been selected for this Creator Built vessel
			#autoLOC_8000294 = Vessel has invalid Launch Site selected
			#autoLOC_8000295 = Creator Built Vessel has no assigned Crew and Auto Populate Crew is Off
			#autoLOC_8000296 = Vessel Mass Restriction conflicts with <<1>> Facility Craft Mass Limit of <<2>> t.
			#autoLOC_8000298 = Vessel Width Size Restriction conflicts with <<1>> Facility Craft Width Limit of <<2>> m.
			#autoLOC_8000299 = Vessel Height Size Restriction conflicts with <<1>> Facility Craft Height Limit of <<2>> m.
			#autoLOC_8000300 = Vessel Length Size Restriction conflicts with <<1>> Facility Craft Length Limit of <<2>> m.
			#autoLOC_8000301 = Vessel Parts Restriction conflicts with <<1>> Facility Parts Limit of <<2>> parts.
			#autoLOC_8000302 = You now must build vessel <<1>> to continue the mission.
			#autoLOC_8000303 = Spawn New Vessel
			#autoLOC_8000304 = Vessel Part Count
			#autoLOC_8000305 = Check the number of parts in a vessel
			#autoLOC_8000306 = Are we flying a complete vessel? With this node you can compare the part count of a vessel to make sure you haven't lost any!
			#autoLOC_8000307 = Number of parts to compare against
			#autoLOC_8000308 = <<1>>Node: <<2>><<3>>
			#autoLOC_8000308 = <<1>>Node: <<2>><<3>>
			#autoLOC_8001000 = Name
			#autoLOC_8001001 = Remove Applicant
			#autoLOC_8001002 = Accuracy Score
			#autoLOC_8001003 = Time score: awarded <<1>> points
			#autoLOC_8001004 = Any
			#autoLOC_8001005 = Player Built Vessel
			#autoLOC_8001006 = Modify Score
			#autoLOC_8001007 = Modify the player's total score.
			#autoLOC_8001008 = Test Accuracy
			#autoLOC_8001009 = Measure the accuracy of a test.
			#autoLOC_8001010 = Accuracy
			#autoLOC_8001011 = Use this node to measure the accuracy of the parent node. Useful for when you want to check how close to the objective a player is
			#autoLOC_8001012 = Accuracy: <<1>> <<2>>%
			#autoLOC_8001015 = Scoring enabled
			#autoLOC_8001016 = Enables/Disables the scoring system for the mission
			#autoLOC_8001017 = (Completed at <<1>> UT.)
			#autoLOC_8001018 = Trophies / Achievements:
			#autoLOC_8001019 = Total Score:
			#autoLOC_8001020 = Mission Status:
			#autoLOC_8001021 = Close
			#autoLOC_8001022 = Save and Quit
			#autoLOC_8001023 = Configure Scoring bonuses here that are applied to the overall mission when successful.
			#autoLOC_8001024 = Modify the overall mission score
			#autoLOC_8001025 = Add bonus score on completion
			#autoLOC_8001026 = Mission Mods:
			#autoLOC_8001027 = ---- autogenerated plugins list ---
			#autoLOC_8001028 = Accuracy Enabled
			#autoLOC_8001029 = You can dock an Accuracy Logic node into this node to get how accurate from 0% to 100% this test was completed.
			#autoLOC_8001030 = About Making History Expansion...
			#autoLOC_8001031 = Expand your Kerbal experience like never before with <color=#FF9600>Kerbal Space Program: Making History Expansion</color>.\n\nThe first expansion pack for the critically acclaimed space simulation game adds new content to Kerbal Space Program, including an immersive Mission Builder, a History Pack featuring missions inspired by historical events, and a wealth of new parts for players to use across their KSP experience.\n\nCreate, launch, and share like never before with <color=#FF9600>Kerbal Space Program: Making History Expansion</color>.
			#autoLOC_8001032 = More Info
			#autoLOC_8001033 = Close
			#autoLOC_8001034 = Max Score
			#autoLOC_8001037 = Stored
			#autoLOC_8001038 = Vessel Active Count
			#autoLOC_8001039 = Test how many vessels of the selected type exist in the game
			#autoLOC_8001040 = This node will give you a way to test how many player vessels are active in the current game. You can also use it to count some other types as well.
			#autoLOC_8001042 = Vessel Type
			#autoLOC_8001043 = Which type of vessels you want to count.
			#autoLOC_8001044 = Vessel Count
			#autoLOC_8001045 = The number of vessels to use in the comparison
			#autoLOC_8001046 = Vessel Recovery
			#autoLOC_8001047 = Check for a vessel recovered at home
			#autoLOC_8001048 = Use this node to detect when a vessel is recovered at the home body.\n\nIt can be really useful if you want to check for the main mission vessel being recovered.
			#autoLOC_8001049 = Player Controlled
			#autoLOC_8001050 = VAB Camera Controls in GAP (VAB/SPH Mode)
			#autoLOC_8001052 = Minimum Canvas Zoom
			#autoLOC_8002000 = Ground Location
			#autoLOC_8002001 = Do you want to save the current mission before going to the Tracking Station?
			#autoLOC_8002002 = Save Mission
			#autoLOC_8002003 = Launches from <<1>>
			#autoLOC_8002004 = Starts landed on <<1>>
			#autoLOC_8002005 = Starts in orbit around <<1>>
			#autoLOC_8002006 = View in Tracking Station
			#autoLOC_8002007 = Place on Water Surface
			#autoLOC_8002008 = First Part
			#autoLOC_8002009 = The first part for docking/undocking test.
			#autoLOC_8002010 = Second Part
			#autoLOC_8002011 = The second part for docking/undocking test.
			#autoLOC_8002012 = Docked / Undocked
			#autoLOC_8002013 = Part Docking / Undocking
			#autoLOC_8002014 = Docked
			#autoLOC_8002015 = Undocked
			#autoLOC_8002016 = Test whether two parts are docked in the same vessel or not.
			#autoLOC_8002017 = Vessel Description
			#autoLOC_8002018 = Specify a description for the vessel that is displayed in the missions app for player built vessels.
			#autoLOC_8002019 = Another Vessel (<<1>>) is also set to launch from the same launch site (<<2>>) as this one.
			#autoLOC_8002020 = Any Role
			#autoLOC_8002021 = Any Tourist
			#autoLOC_8002022 = Kerbal: <<1>>
			#autoLOC_8002023 = Kerbal Type
			#autoLOC_8002024 = Filter the type of Kerbals to choose from with this option
			#autoLOC_8002025 = Kerbal must board vessel
			#autoLOC_8002026 = Check this box if the kerbal must board a vessel to be rescued.\nIf unchecked the kerbal must simply come under your control\n(within loaded range of another vessel)
			#autoLOC_8002028 = Mission Briefing
			#autoLOC_8002029 = Show Mission Briefing
			#autoLOC_8002030 = Display the mission dialog at the start of the mission.
			#autoLOC_8002031 = Pause Mission
			#autoLOC_8002032 = If checked the mission will not progress until the dialog is closed by the player.
			#autoLOC_8002033 = The selected kerbal [<<1>>] on this node is not assigned to a vessel or spawn kerbal node in the mission.\nThis may be valid if you expect the player to use the kerbal in a player created vessel.
			#autoLOC_8002034 = Screen Area
			#autoLOC_8002035 = Set the screen area the dialog will appear in.
			#autoLOC_8002036 = Left
			#autoLOC_8002037 = Center
			#autoLOC_8002038 = Right
			#autoLOC_8002039 = Auto Close
			#autoLOC_8002040 = If turned on the dialog message box will close after the set time below.
			#autoLOC_8002041 = Timeout (Secs)
			#autoLOC_8002042 = The dialog will be automatically closed when this amount of seconds elapses.
			#autoLOC_8002043 = You have not selected a vessel for the first Vessel on this node.
			#autoLOC_8002044 = You have not selected a vessel for the second Vessel on this node.
			#autoLOC_8002047 = You have not selected a part for Vessel One.
			#autoLOC_8002048 = You have not selected a part for Vessel Two.
			#autoLOC_8002049 = You have selected the same Vessel and Part for vessel One and Two.
			#autoLOC_8002050 = Any Experiment
			#autoLOC_8002051 = Any Biome
			#autoLOC_8002052 = Situation: <<1>> is not available for Experiment: <<2>>
			#autoLOC_8002053 = <<1>> is not valid for Experiment <<2>> on <<3>>
			#autoLOC_8002054 = Experiment must be stored for completion.
			#autoLOC_8002055 = Experiment must be transmitted or returned to Home Planet for completion.
			#autoLOC_8002056 = Add Module
			#autoLOC_8002057 = This node is useful when you need to check if a part is docked or undocked to another part.
			#autoLOC_8002058 = Last Vessel Spawn
			#autoLOC_8002059 = Last Vessel Build (VAB/SPH)
			#autoLOC_8002060 = Revert Mission...
			#autoLOC_8002061 = Reverting Mission
			#autoLOC_8002062 = Restarting will restart your mission from the beginning. Are you sure you want to do this?
			#autoLOC_8002063 = This vessel contains blacklisted parts which are not available at the moment:
			#autoLOC_8002064 = Check Apoapsis
			#autoLOC_8002065 = Select this option to test the orbits Apoapsis.
			#autoLOC_8002066 = Check Periapsis
			#autoLOC_8002067 = Select this option to test the orbits Periapsis.
			#autoLOC_8002068 = Apoapsis Min
			#autoLOC_8002069 = Set the Minimum Apoapsis height to test.
			#autoLOC_8002070 = Apoapsis Max
			#autoLOC_8002071 = Set the Maximum Apoapsis height to test.
			#autoLOC_8002072 = Periapsis Min
			#autoLOC_8002073 = Set the Minimum Periapsis height to test.
			#autoLOC_8002074 = Periapsis Max
			#autoLOC_8002075 = Set the maximum Periapsis height to test.
			#autoLOC_8002076 = Check Inclination
			#autoLOC_8002077 = Select this option to test the Inclination of the Orbit.
			#autoLOC_8002078 = Set the Inclination of the Orbit to test.
			#autoLOC_8002079 = Inclination Accuracy
			#autoLOC_8002080 = How accurately the vessels orbit needs to match the inclination value.
			#autoLOC_8002081 = Check LAN
			#autoLOC_8002082 = Select this option to test the Orbit LAN.
			#autoLOC_8002083 = Set the Orbit LAN to test.
			#autoLOC_8002084 = LAN Accuracy
			#autoLOC_8002085 = How accurately the vessels orbit needs to match the LAN value.
			#autoLOC_8002086 = Test Apoapsis is between <<1>>m and <<2>>m.
			#autoLOC_8002087 = Test Periapsis is between <<1>>m and <<2>>m.
			#autoLOC_8002088 = Test Inclination is within <<1>>% of <<2>>° inclination.
			#autoLOC_8002089 = Test LAN is within <<1>>% of <<2>>°.
			#autoLOC_8002090 = The Apoapsis minimum value should be less than the Apoapsis maximum value.
			#autoLOC_8002091 = The Periapsis minimum value should be less than the Periapsis maximum value.
			#autoLOC_8002092 = You have not set one of Check Apoapsis, Check Periapsis, Check Inclindation or Check LAN on.\nThe test will do nothing.
			#autoLOC_8002096 = Your ship has launchclamps for a ship that is set to launch to orbit.\nYou will need to remove them from your ship.
			#autoLOC_8002097 = Ship set for Orbit contains Launch Clamps
			#autoLOC_8002098 = The Creator of this mission used this name for one of their ships:\n\t<<1>>\n\nYou will need to choose another name to save your ship.
			#autoLOC_8002099 = Ship Name clashes with Mission Ship
			#autoLOC_8002100 = There is already a ship with the name <color=orange><<1>></color> in the <<2>> folder.\nFor Missions there can only be one unique ship with the same name in either the VAB or SPH folder.\nYou will need to choose another name to save your ship.
			#autoLOC_8002101 = Active Node: <<1>>
			#autoLOC_8002102 = A Kerbal with the name of <<1>> already exists.\nName not changed.
			#autoLOC_8002103 = A Kerbal with the name of <<1>> already exists.\nKerbal Not Created.
			#autoLOC_8002104 = Larkes
			#autoLOC_8002105 = Prevent Recovery
			#autoLOC_8002106 = Enabling this setting will mean players are unable to recover vessels or kerbals.
			#autoLOC_8002107 = Recovery Disabled
			#autoLOC_8002108 = Recovery has been disabled by the mission creator.
			#autoLOC_8002109 = Vintage Suit
			#autoLOC_8002110 = Select this option to use vintage suits.
			#autoLOC_8002111 = Set this to true to place Launch Site on the surface of water.\nSet off to place Launch Site on the ground surface (even if under water).
			#autoLOC_8002112 = Dessert Launch Facility
			#autoLOC_8002113 = Dessert Launch Site
			#autoLOC_8002114 = Dessert Airfield
			#autoLOC_8002115 = The selected part on this node does not match the saved craft file. Please reselect the part for this node in the GAP.
			#autoLOC_8002116 = Generating Mission Flight State...
			#autoLOC_8002117 = Generating Mission Vessels...
			#autoLOC_8002118 = Building Mission...
			#autoLOC_8002119 = Generating Mission Launch Sites...
			#autoLOC_8002120 = Initial Version
			#autoLOC_8002121 = Export Mission to Steam
			#autoLOC_8002122 = Select settings below and enter your workshop changelog.\n\nWhen you are finished select Ok to begin the export to Steam Workshop.\n\nBy submitting this item, you agree to the steam workshop terms of service (link below).
			#autoLOC_8002123 = Set visibility on Steam Workshop to Public
			#autoLOC_8002124 = Unable to export item to steam workshop.\nSteam Error: <<1>>
			#autoLOC_8002125 = Steam Workshop Error
			#autoLOC_8002126 = Unable to create new item on steam workshop.\nSteam Error: <<1>>
			#autoLOC_8002127 = You have not accepted the Steam Workshop legal agreement.\n\nUntil you have done so your published item cannot be made public.\n\nOnce you have accepted the legal agreement you will need to set your item to public visibility in steam.\n\nPlease click the link for more information.
			#autoLOC_8002128 = Failed to update item on steam workshop.\nSteam Error: <<1>>
			#autoLOC_8002129 = Favs:<<1>> Subs:<<2>> Followers:<<3>> Up Votes:<<4>> Down Votes:<<5>>
			#autoLOC_8002130 = Subscribed
			#autoLOC_8002131 = Not Subscribed
			#autoLOC_8002132 = Steam Workshop Item Unsubscribe
			#autoLOC_8002133 = If you continue you will be unsubscribed from this Item.
			#autoLOC_8002134 = Subscribe
			#autoLOC_8002135 = Unsubscribe
			#autoLOC_8002136 = Unable to unsubscribe from steam workshop item.\n\nSteam Error Code: <<1>>
			#autoLOC_8002137 = Unable to subscribe to steam workshop item.\n\nSteam Error Code: <<1>>
			#autoLOC_8002138 = Select an Item to Subscribe/Unsubscribe
			#autoLOC_8002139 = Steam
			#autoLOC_8002140 = Votes
			#autoLOC_8002141 = Featured
			#autoLOC_8002142 = Newest
			#autoLOC_8002143 = Subscribers
			#autoLOC_8002144 = Retrieving Items from Steam...
			#autoLOC_8002145 = Steam Workshop
			#autoLOC_8002146 = File Size (MB):
			#autoLOC_8002147 = Up Votes:
			#autoLOC_8002148 = Down Votes:
			#autoLOC_8002149 = Number of Subscribers:
			#autoLOC_8002150 = Number of Followers:
			#autoLOC_8002151 = Steam Details
			#autoLOC_8002152 = Select to see more Items via the Steam Overlay.
			#autoLOC_8002153 = Open the Steam Overlay to this Item
			#autoLOC_8002154 = Export Craft to Steam
			#autoLOC_8002155 = No Steam Item Selected...
			#autoLOC_8002156 = Number of Favourites:
			#autoLOC_8002157 = Game Version:
			#autoLOC_8002158 = Please wait while KSP communicates with Steam...
			#autoLOC_8002159 = There is not enough Steam Cloud space to export this item.\nAmount of Space Required: <<1>> kb\nAmount of Space Available: <<2>> kb
			#autoLOC_8002160 = There is not enough Steam Cloud file limit to export this item.\nAmount of Files Required: <<1>>\nAmount of Files Available: <<2>>
			#autoLOC_8002161 = Steam Author:
			#autoLOC_8002162 = Item is not tracked on this PC.
			#autoLOC_8002163 = Item currently downloading from steam.
			#autoLOC_8002164 = Item needs update from steam.
			#autoLOC_8002165 = Item download from steam pending.
			#autoLOC_8002166 = Item is installed and ready.
			#autoLOC_8002167 = Item subscribed but not installed.
			#autoLOC_8002168 = Steam workshop error encountered.\nSteam Error: <<1>>
			#autoLOC_8002169 = Reverse
			#autoLOC_8002170 = Normal
			#autoLOC_8002171 = <<1>> (<<2>>)
			#autoLOC_8002172 = No Matches Found
			#autoLOC_8002173 = Toolbox
			#autoLOC_8002174 = Canvas
			#autoLOC_8002175 = Stage Groups:
			#autoLOC_8002176 = Total DeltaV:
			#autoLOC_8002177 = Total Burn Time:
			#autoLOC_8002178 = Show Parts
			#autoLOC_8002179 = Show all Stages
			#autoLOC_8002180 = Show Engine Info
			#autoLOC_8002181 = Show Vacuum
			#autoLOC_8002182 = Stage:
			#autoLOC_8002183 = Parts:
			#autoLOC_8002184 = Parts Decoupled:
			#autoLOC_8002185 = Start Mass:
			#autoLOC_8002186 = Dry Mass:
			#autoLOC_8002187 = Fuel Mass:
			#autoLOC_8002188 = End Mass:
			#autoLOC_8002189 = ISP:
			#autoLOC_8002190 = Thrust:
			#autoLOC_8002191 = TWR:
			#autoLOC_8002192 = DeltaV:
			#autoLOC_8002193 = Engine:
			#autoLOC_8002194 = Type:
			#autoLOC_8002195 = Max Thrust:
			#autoLOC_8002196 = Max Burn Time at full throttle:
			#autoLOC_8002197 = Propellant:
			#autoLOC_8002198 = Amount:
			#autoLOC_8002199 = Engine Burns:
			#autoLOC_8002200 = units p/s
			#autoLOC_8002201 = Parts in Stage:
			#autoLOC_8002202 = <<1>> Dry Mass: <<2>> Fuel Mass: <<3>>
			#autoLOC_8002203 = Jettisons <<1>> Mass.
			#autoLOC_8002204 = (Vacuum)
			#autoLOC_8002205 = (ASL)
			#autoLOC_8002206 = (Actual)
			#autoLOC_8002207 = <<1>>kN
			#autoLOC_8002208 = DeltaV Info
			#autoLOC_8002209 = <<1>>%
			#autoLOC_8002210 = Start Burn in: <<1>>
			#autoLOC_8002211 = Percentage of the burns DeltaV used\nto calculate the Start Burn value.
			#autoLOC_8002212 = Show Extended Burn Indicator
			#autoLOC_8002213 = Extended Burn Indicator:
			#autoLOC_8002214 = Spring/Damper: <<1[Auto/Override]>>
			#autoLOC_8002215 = Burn Time:
			#autoLOC_8002216 = Included in Dv Calcs: <<1[Yes/No]>>
			#autoLOC_8002217 = Payload Stage - Not included in DV
			#autoLOC_8002218 = Inventory Slots
			#autoLOC_8002219 = Inventory Part
			#autoLOC_8002220 = This is a Cargo Part that can be placed inside Inventories.
			#autoLOC_8002221 = Cargo Part
			#autoLOC_8002230 = Pick Up Part
			#autoLOC_8002271 = Cannot Board. Not enough available Cargo Slots on Vessel to hold Kerbal's Inventory.
			#autoLOC_8002325 = Module Deployed
			#autoLOC_8002335 = Hide Portrait
			#autoLOC_8002336 = Show Portrait
			#autoLOC_8002357 = [<<1>>]: to place the part
			#autoLOC_8002358 = [<<1>>]: to cancel
			#autoLOC_8002359 = [<<1>>,<<2>>]: to rotate
			#autoLOC_8002360 = [<<1>>,<<2>>,<<3>>,<<4>>,<<5>>,<<6>>]: to rotate
			#autoLOC_8002375 = Same Vessel Interaction
			#autoLOC_8002396 = Make Primary Docking Node
			#autoLOC_8002397 = Docking Acquire Force
			#autoLOC_8003000 = Toggle Sites
			#autoLOC_8003001 = Kerbal Space Center
			#autoLOC_8003010 = Last score: <<1>> , High Score: <<2>>
			#autoLOC_8003011 = Completed in: <<1>>
			#autoLOC_8003012 = Not played yet
			#autoLOC_8003013 = High Score: <<1>>
			#autoLOC_8003014 = Vessels: <<1>>
			#autoLOC_8003017 = Event Node
			#autoLOC_8003017 = Event node
			#autoLOC_8003018 = When checked this hides this node and others down the path \nuntil this node activates.\n\nUse this setting to hide surprises from the player.
			#autoLOC_8003019 = Stability Time
			#autoLOC_8003020 = Max Surface Velocity
			#autoLOC_8003021 = Variant Themes
			#autoLOC_8003040 = Bright and White!
			#autoLOC_8003041 = A mix between the dark and light sides
			#autoLOC_8003042 = For that muted palate
			#autoLOC_8003043 = Come to the dark side
			#autoLOC_8003044 = Just soo gray
			#autoLOC_8003045 = Doesn't taste like...
			#autoLOC_8003046 = All that glitters...
			#autoLOC_8003047 = Exposed machinery is beautiful
			#autoLOC_8003048 = Sleek and shrouded in mystery
			#autoLOC_8003050 = Ignore Surface Velocity
			#autoLOC_8003051 = Set this if you dont care about a max surface velocity.
			#autoLOC_8003052 = Splashed Vessel
			#autoLOC_8003053 = Return to Mission Builder
			#autoLOC_8003054 = Are you sure you want to end this test and return to the Mission Builder\n\nYou can resume your testing at any of the valid check points
			#autoLOC_8003055 = Whether the experiment results need to be stored or delivered back to the home body
			#autoLOC_8003056 = Show Roster
			#autoLOC_8003057 = Mission Roster
			#autoLOC_8003058 = Hard Mission:
			#autoLOC_8003059 = Check this to indicate to players that this mission \nshould be considered Hard.\n\nAlso changes the icon in the play and open dialogs.
			#autoLOC_8003060 = Generate new random name
			#autoLOC_8003061 = Time the vessel must stay withing the orbit to pass the test
			#autoLOC_8003062 = Allow Acceleration
			#autoLOC_8003063 = If checked acceleration changes will not reset the stability timer
			#autoLOC_8003064 = Validation Runs:
			#autoLOC_8003065 = A vessel situation is set to Creator Defined, but no craft file has been selected
			#autoLOC_8003066 = \n\tNode: <<1>>
			#autoLOC_8003067 = Issues:\n
			#autoLOC_8003068 = \nCheck the messages and validation report in builder
			#autoLOC_8003069 = Unable to Start Mission
			#autoLOC_8003070 = Activate Once Only
			#autoLOC_8003071 = Set this to ensure that the node\ncan only activate one time
			#autoLOC_8003072 = Fail
			#autoLOC_8003073 = Show Inflight Label
			#autoLOC_8003074 = When checked will show an inflight label when within 100km of target center
			#autoLOC_8003075 = Always False
			#autoLOC_8003076 = A logic node that is always <b>false</b>
			#autoLOC_8003077 = Always True
			#autoLOC_8003078 = A logic node that is always <b>true</b>
			#autoLOC_8003079 = Use this node for placeholders or information. A good use for this is when you want to make 'fake' objectives before an event happens.
			#autoLOC_8003080 = Use this node to redirect the mission path as it will always be true. A good use for this is in a loop situation.
			#autoLOC_8003081 = A vessel that the player will build \nwhen playing the mission
			#autoLOC_8003082 = A vessel that you build during mission creation \nand the player will use during the mission
			#autoLOC_8003083 = Delete Crew Member
			#autoLOC_8003084 = Do you want to delete this kerbal?
			#autoLOC_8003085 = Delete Checkpoint
			#autoLOC_8003086 = Do you want to delete this checkpoint?
			#autoLOC_8003100 = Success
			#autoLOC_8003101 = Failure
			#autoLOC_8003102 = Mission Briefing
			#autoLOC_8003103 = Cannot use the map. Currently locked by a Mission
			#autoLOC_8003104 = Cannot activate IVA camera. Currently locked by a Mission
			#autoLOC_8003105 = Cannot activate flight camera. Currently locked by a Mission
			#autoLOC_8003106 = Mission will switch to IVA camera when ready
			#autoLOC_8003107 = Select a Banner
			#autoLOC_8003108 = Are you sure you want to delete this banner from the mission folder?
			#autoLOC_8003109 = Delete Banner
			#autoLOC_8003112 = Gray and White
			#autoLOC_8003113 = A mix of drab and bright
			#autoLOC_8003114 = Yellow and White
			#autoLOC_8003115 = Added some bling to the white
			#autoLOC_8003122 = Modify the player's available Funds
			#autoLOC_8003123 = With this node you can adjust the amount of funds available to a player. Use it to give them extra funds for completing an objective, or punish them by reducing their funds when they make mistakes.
			#autoLOC_8003124 = Modify available funds by setting it, adding, substracting, multiplying or dividing
			#autoLOC_8003125 = Change Funds
			#autoLOC_8003126 = Add Funds
			#autoLOC_8003127 = Subtract Funds
			#autoLOC_8003128 = Set Funds
			#autoLOC_8003129 = Test Funds
			#autoLOC_8003130 = Compare the Available Funds
			#autoLOC_8003131 = <<1>> <<2>> Funds
			#autoLOC_8003132 = Funds
			#autoLOC_8003133 = Funds to be compared with current available funds
			#autoLOC_8003134 = The way to test how frugal your player is being. This is the way to make decisions based on the available funds a player has, and direct your mission accordingly.
			#autoLOC_8003135 = Kerbal
			#autoLOC_8003136 = Spawnable
			#autoLOC_8003137 = Resources and Science
			#autoLOC_8003138 = Currency and Score
			#autoLOC_8003139 = Utility
			#autoLOC_8003140 = Configure Vessel Naming
			#autoLOC_8003141 = Set Vessel Name via Part: <<1>>
			#autoLOC_8003142 = Name Priority:
			#autoLOC_8003143 = The setting with the highest priority within the vessel will be used to name the vessel and set the vessel type.
			#autoLOC_8003144 = Remove Naming
			#autoLOC_8003145 = This removes the naming configuration from this part
			#autoLOC_8003147 = Loading Expansions...
			#autoLOC_8003148 = Expansion Loading Complete!
			#autoLOC_8003149 = Loading Expansion File: <<1>>
			#autoLOC_8003150 = Verifying Expansion: <<1>>
			#autoLOC_8003151 = Loading Expansion Assets: <<1>> (<<2>>/<<3>>)
			#autoLOC_8003152 = Orbit Parameters
			#autoLOC_8003153 = Check selected parameters of a vessel orbit
			#autoLOC_8003154 = Allows you to compare the selected vessel orbit with selected parameters. Turn on the checkboxes for the parts you care about and check if the orbit is stable, the vessel under acceleration, or simply just around the right planet.
			#autoLOC_8003155 = Withdrawn
			#autoLOC_8003156 = Delete checkpoints and Launch new Test
			#autoLOC_8003157 = Do you want to delete all the current mission checkpoints and start a new test?
			#autoLOC_8003158 = Do you want to delete all dirty checkpoints for this mission?
			#autoLOC_8003159 = Delete dirty checkpoint
			#autoLOC_8003160 = Test Mission - Checkpoints
			#autoLOC_8003161 = Invalid Checkpoint
			#autoLOC_8003162 = The selected checkpoint is relates to a node that is no longer accessible.\n\nPlease choose another Checkpoint.
			#autoLOC_8003163 = Dirty Checkpoint
			#autoLOC_8003164 = The mission node related to this checkpoint has changed, making the checkpoint invalid.\n\nPlease load from an earlier
			#autoLOC_8003165 = Reset and Continue
			#autoLOC_8003166 = Mission Difficulty
			#autoLOC_8003167 = Beginner
			#autoLOC_8003168 = Intermediate
			#autoLOC_8003169 = Advanced
			#autoLOC_8003170 = Extreme
			#autoLOC_8003171 = <color=#2cfa1f>Beginner</color>
			#autoLOC_8003172 = <color=#b4d455>Intermediate</color>
			#autoLOC_8003173 = <color=#cdfd02>Advanced</color>
			#autoLOC_8003174 = <color=#feb200>Extreme</color>
			#autoLOC_8003175 = (optional) Enter the maximum score a player can achieve\nin the mission so they have a goal to aim for in replays
			#autoLOC_8003176 = Making History - The Race to Space
			#autoLOC_8003177 = Mission Madness
			#autoLOC_8003178 = Tutorials
			#autoLOC_8003179 = Trigger Action Group
			#autoLOC_8003180 = Trigger an Action Group in a vessel
			#autoLOC_8003181 = This action will trigger the selected action group on the selected vessel.\n\nIf the selected vessel is not the currently active one, then the node will not activate till the selected vessel becomes player controlled.
			#autoLOC_8003182 = This function is locked in this tutorial
			#autoLOC_8003183 = Instantly changes the amount of a selected resource in a vessel. Affects loaded vessels using the resource flow.
			#autoLOC_8003184 = an airfield in the 'dessert'
			#autoLOC_8003185 = a new launch site in the northern hemisphere
			#autoLOC_8003186 = Also delete in progress and test missions
			#autoLOC_8003187 = Unity Analytics
			#autoLOC_8003188 = A message from Unity about data privacy
			#autoLOC_8003189 = Kerbal Space Program uses Unity Analytics. Unity Analytics collects certain personal data, gameplay data and device data. Unity collects this information to help us improve Kerbal Space Program by providing us with aggregated analytics, diagnostics, and usage information.\n\nAdditional information on the data Unity Analytics collects and how to opt-out of Unity Analytics' collection and use of your personal data (IP address and device IDs) can be found by clicking the button below.
			#autoLOC_8003190 = Open Unity Data Privacy Page
			#autoLOC_8003191 = Show Unity Analytics Dialog on Next Startup Only
			#autoLOC_8003192 = 0.625 )mini small tiny little micro
			#autoLOC_8003193 = 1.25 FL-T regular standard average medium
			#autoLOC_8003194 = 1.875 FL-TX regular standard average medium
			#autoLOC_8003195 = 2.5 huge jumbo large big
			#autoLOC_8003196 = 3.75 enormous massive gigantic giant
			#autoLOC_8003197 = 5.0 enormous massive gigantic giant
			#autoLOC_8003198 = surface attach
			#autoLOC_8003199 = cross feed
			#autoLOC_8003200 = (crew (mann kerbal
			#autoLOC_8003201 = (uncrew (unmann
			#autoLOC_8003202 = radial
			#autoLOC_8003203 = EVA Jetpack
			#autoLOC_8003204 = No breathable atmosphere
			#autoLOC_8003205 = Unable to remove Helmet: <<1>>
			#autoLOC_8003206 = Δv
			#autoLOC_8003207 = ISP
			#autoLOC_8003208 = Thrust
			#autoLOC_8003209 = TWR
			#autoLOC_8003210 = Start Mass
			#autoLOC_8003211 = Start
			#autoLOC_8003212 = End Mass
			#autoLOC_8003213 = End
			#autoLOC_8003214 = Burn Time
			#autoLOC_8003215 = Burn
			#autoLOC_8003216 = Δv Tools
			#autoLOC_8003217 = Vessel Situation
			#autoLOC_8003218 = Detailed Stage Information
			#autoLOC_8003219 = Hide All
			#autoLOC_8003220 = Show All
			#autoLOC_8003221 = Display Values:
			#autoLOC_8003222 = Pressure:
			#autoLOC_8003223 = Atmosphere:
			#autoLOC_8003224 = Sea Level
			#autoLOC_8003225 = Altitude
			#autoLOC_8003226 = Vacuum
			#autoLOC_8003227 = Δv
			#autoLOC_8003228 = ISP
			#autoLOC_8003229 = Thrust
			#autoLOC_8003230 = TWR
			#autoLOC_8003231 = Toggle Helmet
			#autoLOC_8003232 = Show Control Point Visual
			#autoLOC_8003233 = Hide Control Point Visual
			#autoLOC_8003234 = Kerbal Space Program: Breaking Ground Expansion is the second addition to the PC version of the critically acclaimed space flight simulator, Kerbal Space Program.\n\nThis feature-rich expansion is focused on increasing your choices once celestial bodies have been reached by adding more interesting scientific possibilities and expanding the toolset.\n\n After landing on a celestial body, a variety of data collecting equipment can now be deployed to conduct scientific experiments. While gathering that data, newly added surface features have been scattered across the solar system, which players will need to go out in search of to either scan or bring back to Kerbin for further examination. \n\n Additionally, robotic parts are being added! A hinge, piston, rotor, and rotational servo in various sizes will be accessible to massively alter the possibilities of players' crafts. These all operate under realistic physics with real forces and torque, electricity consumption, and even motor mass.
			#autoLOC_8003261 = Axis Groups
			#autoLOC_8003300 = About Breaking Ground Expansion...
			#autoLOC_8003301 = Non-Symmetry - This part only
			#autoLOC_8003302 = Inverted
			#autoLOC_8003303 = Normal
			#autoLOC_8003304 = Invert Direction
			#autoLOC_8003305 = Remove from Symmetry
			#autoLOC_8003339 = Eject Kerbal
			#autoLOC_8003340 = Ejection Force
			#autoLOC_8003346 = Actions
			#autoLOC_8003347 = Axis Fields
			#autoLOC_8003363 = What's new in Kerbal Space Program 1.9: No place like home!\n\nOur latest version continues to improve the Kerbal Space Program experience, and we are delighted to bring it to you. Many of our additions are drawn directly from user feedback, and it also focuses on bug fixes and performance improvements. \n\nThe biggest change is a huge improvement to Kerbin itself, with improved textures and shaders. Kerbin has never looked so good! We have also revamped the Skipper, Mainsail, and Thumper.\n\nIn other new features, we’ve added a camera mode to make it easier to take screenshots from any angle while paused, a new drain valve part that can be used to drain resources from parts, and for Breaking Ground users, cyclic & collective deflection controls to the blade parts to make helicopters and other rotorcraft easier to build and control.\n\n1.9 also includes several quality of life improvements, drawn from user feedback. One of our favorites is adjusting the time warp system so that the restrictions on warping at certain altitudes above the planet are removed. Another is a new cheat to place your craft landed or in the atmosphere of any celestial body.\n\nWe’ve also added a pair of big performance improvements. DX11 render performance improves with a single camera system and memory usage reduced by dynamically loading KSPedia.\n\nPlease enjoy the latest version of Kerbal Space Program!\n
			#autoLOC_8003364 = Official KSP shirts are now available online!
			#autoLOC_8003365 = Click here to see all the options.
			#autoLOC_8003366 = Official KSP Merchandise
			#autoLOC_8003367 = No nearby controllable objects to switch focus to. Use the Map View to select distant ones
			#autoLOC_8003368 = Cannot warp faster than <<1>>x while below <<2>>m and Pe below <<3>>m
			#autoLOC_8003369 = Variant
			#autoLOC_8003370 = Orange
			#autoLOC_8003371 = Pale Blue
			#autoLOC_8003372 = White
			#autoLOC_8003373 = Orange
			#autoLOC_8003374 = Brown
			#autoLOC_8003375 = Blue
			#autoLOC_8003376 = White
			#autoLOC_8003377 = Blue and Grey
			#autoLOC_8003378 = Orange and Grey
			#autoLOC_8003379 = Latitude cannot be greater than 90 degrees.\n
			#autoLOC_8003380 = Latitude cannot be less than -90 degrees.\n
			#autoLOC_8003381 = Longitude cannot be greater than 180 degrees.\n
			#autoLOC_8003382 = Longitude cannot be less than -180 degrees.\n
			#autoLOC_8003387 = Short Period
			#autoLOC_8003388 = Intermediate Period
			#autoLOC_8003389 = Long Period
			#autoLOC_8003390 = Interstellar
			#autoLOC_8003391 = Vessel Naming
			#autoLOC_8003392 = Name
			#autoLOC_8003393 = Priority
			#autoLOC_8003394 = Show Map Node
			#autoLOC_8003395 = When checked, a pointer will appear in map view showing the target location for this test
			#autoLOC_8003396 = ESA Collaboration
			#autoLOC_8003397 = A sentinel has now mapped <<1>>/<<2>> suitable comets for <<3>>.
			#autoLOC_8003398 = Sentinels have finished mapping suitable comets for <<1>>.
			#autoLOC_8003399 = Are you sure you want to ACTIVATE this strategy?\n\nIt will apply immediately and reset.<<1>>
			#autoLOC_8003400 = ESA Mission to visit comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. Launched atop the Ariane 5.
			#autoLOC_8003401 = The BepiColombo spacecraft mounted atop the Ariane 5 booster. This spacecraft will go on a long journey to orbit and gather data about Moho.
			#autoLOC_8003405 = Approx Distance
			#autoLOC_8003406 = The mapping process will happen passively over a length of time as long as any active sentinels are operating. They do not need to be newly launched. You will receive progress notifications as suitable comets are mapped.
			#autoLOC_8003407 = <<X:1>> <<X:2>>
			#autoLOC_8003408 = Ghosted Navigation Markers
			#autoLOC_8003409 = Ghosted Navigation Markers on Navball
			#autoLOC_8003410 = Exit Construction Mode
			#autoLOC_8003411 = cargo
			#autoLOC_8003412 = <<1>>/<<2>> L
			#autoLOC_8003413 = <<1>>/<<2>> t
			#autoLOC_8003414 = Packed Volume
			#autoLOC_8003415 = Volume Limit
			#autoLOC_8003416 = Mass Limit
			#autoLOC_8003417 = Cargo
			#autoLOC_8003418 = Stacking Capacity
			#autoLOC_8003419 = Exit Cargo App
			#autoLOC_8003420 = EVA Jetpack
			#autoLOC_8003421 = The EVA jetpack has been a workhorse of kerbal astronauts for decades. It has been so useful that some kerbals have taken to wearing them inside the complex, back home, and even in their showers.\n\nIt gives unparalleled mobility in space and low gravity environments but can be tricky to master. Incidences of injury while using one have dropped to nearly 10% after sufficient training.
			#autoLOC_8003422 = pack thrust MMU RCS Kerbal control cargo EVA
			#autoLOC_8003423 = Personal Parachute
			#autoLOC_8003424 = This kerbal-sized ram-air parachute is perfect for saving intrepid pilots from a misconsidered aircraft design, or hi-jinks involving the top of the VAB and a hopeffuly functional autopilot.\n\nWhy should kerbals put their trust in something that was found lying by the side of the road? Well, because there wasn't a Kerbal-shaped crater next to it!
			#autoLOC_8003425 = arrest canopy chute decel descen drag entry fall landing return safe slow Kerbal cargo EVA
			#autoLOC_8003426 = EVA Fuel Cylinders
			#autoLOC_8003427 = When you just don't have enough delta-V to visit all your favorite spots on Minimus, or want to circumnavigate Dres freestyle, you'll want to pack these spare EVA fuel cylinders for extra-long duration EVA trips.\n\nHandily tranfers fuel to your EVA jetpack with a child-proof safety seal.
			#autoLOC_8003428 = EVA fuel cargo cylinder spare extra RCS jetpack MMU
			#autoLOC_8003429 = Place Anywhere 1 Linear RCS Port
			#autoLOC_8003430 = The smallest RCS thruster available.\n\nUseful when saving a few kilos is more important than snappier controls and is just the thing for those small probes.
			#autoLOC_8003431 = control dock maneuver manoeuvre react rendezvous rotate stab steer translate
			#autoLOC_8003432 = RV-1X Variable Thruster Block
			#autoLOC_8003433 = This small thruster block comes in a variety of variants that offer different RCS horn configurations to solve all your RCS needs.
			#autoLOC_8003434 = cluster control dock maneuver manoeuvre react rendezvous rotate stab steer translate
			#autoLOC_8003447 = What’s new in Kerbal Space Program 1.11: Some Reassembly Required\n\nWe are excited to bring you another version of Kerbal Space Program. This time, it’s all about adding new EVA activities!\n\nFirst, we’ve added EVA construction mode. Kerbal engineers can now get out and make modifications to a vessel with their new laser welder. They can move, remove and add parts to their craft, depending on the weight of each part - working in low gravity lets you build bigger and bigger! EVA construction mode comes with the full suite of place/move/rotate tools, and the always helpful Center indicators (CoM, CoL and CoT).\n\nTo support EVA construction, we’ve brought the Cargo System from the Breaking Ground expansion into the main game, and added several things to it as well. Many of your favorite parts can now be carried as cargo. These now have volume limits though so you may not be able to fit everything and the kitchen sink onboard. But we’ve got you covered there too, with a couple of new cargo containers, as well as adding storage to some existing parts.\n\nSpeaking of inventories, kerbal parachutes and jetpacks are now removable and are carried in the Kerbal’s own inventory, so you can swap them out for other useful items, or just remove them to save mass. A kerbals mass is now affected by what they are carrying and this does affect your craft. Crew compartments have been modified to compensate, but now launching partially crewed will make a difference.\n\nPart repairs are now part of the core game. Parts that were permanently damaged in the past, like solar panels or antenna, can now be fixed by an EVA kerbal using one or more repair kits. And for this and each new feature above, we’ve added new contracts.\n\nNext, as well as the cargo containers mentioned above, we’ve added a number of new parts to the game! There are several new lights, both attachable and deployable, and new light functionality, to help light up your vessel or outdoor work area. We have new smaller RCS and RCS block variant configurations. There’s a spare EVA fuel cylinder to extend your kerbals EVA endurance. Plus there’s a new EVA science kit for a Kerbal to try out some experiments when they are out and about.\n\nFinally, we’re in the home stretch of finishing the Solar System revamp - Tylo, Bop, and Val are all getting revamps this go around.\n\nAs always there are a host of details for you to check out in the change log. We hope you enjoy Kerbal Space Program 1.11: Some Reassembly Required.
			#autoLOC_8003448 = Lower Visor
			#autoLOC_8003449 = Raise Visor
			#autoLOC_8003450 = EVA Construction Mode
			#autoLOC_8003451 = Toggle EVA Construction Mode
			#autoLOC_8003452 = Engineer can:
			#autoLOC_8003453 = Repair Failures
			#autoLOC_8003454 = Light Color
			#autoLOC_8003455 = <<1>> is deployed. Retrieve it via the part menu.
			#autoLOC_8003500 = Alarm Clock
			#autoLOC_8003501 = Edit
			#autoLOC_8003502 = Switch To
			#autoLOC_8003503 = Warp Next
			#autoLOC_8003504 = Active Vessel Only
			#autoLOC_8003505 = Active Alarms Only
			#autoLOC_8003506 = Create Alarm
			#autoLOC_8003507 = Add Alarm
			#autoLOC_8003508 = Edit Alarm
			#autoLOC_8003509 = Type:
			#autoLOC_8003510 = Title:
			#autoLOC_8003511 = Notes:
			#autoLOC_8003512 = Warp Action
			#autoLOC_8003513 = Message
			#autoLOC_8003514 = Options
			#autoLOC_8003515 = Time Of:
			#autoLOC_8003516 = Time Until:
			#autoLOC_8003517 = Apply Changes
			#autoLOC_8003518 = Cancel
			#autoLOC_8003519 = Add Alarm
			#autoLOC_8003520 = Make no changes to the warp level in game.
			#autoLOC_8003521 = Halt the current time warp and return to 1x speed.
			#autoLOC_8003522 = Pause the game.
			#autoLOC_8003523 = Don't display a on-screen message.
			#autoLOC_8003524 = Display an on-screen message.
			#autoLOC_8003525 = Display an on-screen message if the alarm isn't for the active vessel.
			#autoLOC_8003526 = Play a sound when the alarm occurs.
			#autoLOC_8003527 = Delete the alarm after any messages are closed.
			#autoLOC_8003528 = Alarm Date:
			#autoLOC_8003529 = Close
			#autoLOC_8003531 = Jump to Vessel
			#autoLOC_8003533 = Time Paused
			#autoLOC_8003534 = Time Warp Halted
			#autoLOC_8003535 = No Alarms
			#autoLOC_8003536 = Manual Time Alarm
			#autoLOC_8003537 = Maneuver
			#autoLOC_8003538 = Apoapsis
			#autoLOC_8003539 = Periapsis
			#autoLOC_8003540 = Planetary Transfer Window
			#autoLOC_8003541 = an extremely early rocket design
			#autoLOC_8003542 = a vessel of historic importance
			#autoLOC_8003543 = a large impressionist artwork
			#autoLOC_8003544 = the remains of a previous scientific endeavour
			#autoLOC_8003545 = a boulder that looks eerily familiar
			#autoLOC_8003546 = an unusual vehicle that came to a sudden stop
			#autoLOC_8003547 = a strange find with a story behind it
			#autoLOC_8003548 = Show Delete Alarm Confirmation
			#autoLOC_8003549 = Delete and Close
			#autoLOC_8003550 = Alarm Specific Input:
			#autoLOC_8003551 = Unable to create an alarm at this time.
			#autoLOC_8003552 = Delete Alarm
			#autoLOC_8003553 = Remove this from the Alarm Clock\n\nTitle: <<1>>\nDate: <<2>>
			#autoLOC_8003554 = Event Margin
			#autoLOC_8003555 = Maneuver #
			#autoLOC_8003556 = Add Burn Time to Margin
			#autoLOC_8003557 = Time to Alarm
			#autoLOC_8003558 = Date of Alarm
			#autoLOC_8003559 = Link to Vessel
			#autoLOC_8003560 = Checking this will link this alarm to the current vessel
			#autoLOC_8003561 = SOI Change
			#autoLOC_8003562 = Starting Body
			#autoLOC_8003563 = Destination Body
			#autoLOC_8003564 = There is no transfer selected at this time
			#autoLOC_8003565 = <<1>> -> <<2>>
			#autoLOC_8003566 = Window Start: <<1>>\nWindow Duration: <<2>>\nWindow End: <<3>>
			#autoLOC_8003567 = Do Nothing
			#autoLOC_8003568 = Kill Warp
			#autoLOC_8003569 = Pause Game
			#autoLOC_8003570 = No Message
			#autoLOC_8003571 = Display Message
			#autoLOC_8003572 = Show Message if vessel not active
			#autoLOC_8003573 = Unable to create this type of alarm in this situation.
			#autoLOC_8003574 = Maneuver alarm for the following simple transfer
			#autoLOC_8003575 = Vessel: <<1>>
			#autoLOC_8003576 = Source: <<1>>
			#autoLOC_8003577 = Target: <<1>>
			#autoLOC_8003578 = Alarm Clock - per game
			#autoLOC_8003579 = Default Manual Alarm
			#autoLOC_8003580 = Maneuver/Map Margin
			#autoLOC_8003581 = Sound Name
			#autoLOC_8003582 = Sound Repeats
			#autoLOC_8003583 = Burst: Classic
			#autoLOC_8003584 = Burst: Blossom
			#autoLOC_8003585 = Burst: Palm
			#autoLOC_8003586 = Burst: Rings
			#autoLOC_8003587 = Burst: Crossette
			#autoLOC_8003588 = Burst: Willow
			#autoLOC_8003589 = Burst: Crackle
			#autoLOC_8003590 = Burst: Palm Crackle
			#autoLOC_8003591 = Burst: Kraken's Egg
			#autoLOC_8003592 = Trail: Classic
			#autoLOC_8003593 = Trail: Whirly
			#autoLOC_8003594 = Trail: Strobe
			#autoLOC_8003595 = Trail: Bare
			#autoLOC_8003596 = Select Burst
			#autoLOC_8003597 = Select Trail
			#autoLOC_8003598 = 1: Classic
			#autoLOC_8003599 = 2: Whirly
			#autoLOC_8003600 = 3: Strobe
			#autoLOC_8003601 = 4: Bare
			#autoLOC_8003602 = 2: Blossom
			#autoLOC_8003603 = 3: Palm
			#autoLOC_8003604 = 4: Rings
			#autoLOC_8003605 = 5: Crossette
			#autoLOC_8003606 = 6: Willow
			#autoLOC_8003607 = 7: Crackle
			#autoLOC_8003608 = 8: Palm Crackle
			#autoLOC_8003609 = 9: Kraken's Egg
			#autoLOC_8003610 = No vessel orbit found to use for this alarm type
			#autoLOC_8003611 = No <<1>> on selected flight plan patch
			#autoLOC_8003612 = Unable to create an alarm:\n\n<<1>>
			#autoLOC_8003613 = Maneuver #<<1>>
			#autoLOC_8003614 = No Available Vessel
			#autoLOC_8003615 = Alarm is not for this vessel
			#autoLOC_8003616 = Interesting Discovery
			#autoLOC_8003617 = Vessel
			#autoLOC_8003618 = No Future Maneuvers
			#autoLOC_8003619 = Loop Mode: None-Restart <i>(Will restart if played from end position)</i>
			#autoLOC_8003620 = None-Restart
			#autoLOC_8003621 = Set Loop Mode to Once-Restart
			#autoLOC_8003622 = Locked by attachments
			#autoLOC_8004000 = Change amount of resource in a vessel instantly
			#autoLOC_8004001 = Explode the vessel part-by-part
			#autoLOC_8004002 = Change the score of the mission
			#autoLOC_8004003 = Explode a specific part
			#autoLOC_8004004 = Change amount of resource in a part over time
			#autoLOC_8004005 = Activate the next stage in a vessel
			#autoLOC_8004006 = Check for a vessel being destroyed
			#autoLOC_8004007 = Spawn an Asteroid somewhere in the universe
			#autoLOC_8004008 = Spawn a Kerbal somewhere in the universe
			#autoLOC_8004009 = Spawn a Launch Site somewhere in the universe
			#autoLOC_8004010 = Spawn a Vessel somewhere in the universe
			#autoLOC_8004011 = Check for Kerbal assigned to a seat
			#autoLOC_8004012 = Display a message in a dialog box
			#autoLOC_8004013 = Check if a vessel is leaving a Sphere of Influence
			#autoLOC_8004014 = Check for a Kerbal going on EVA
			#autoLOC_8004015 = Check if a vessel is flying
			#autoLOC_8004016 = Check for Funds received by recovering vessels.
			#autoLOC_8004017 = Check for a Kerbal boarding a vessel
			#autoLOC_8004018 = Check for a Kerbal recovered at home
			#autoLOC_8004019 = Check for a Kerbal being rescued
			#autoLOC_8004020 = Check if a vessel is landed
			#autoLOC_8004021 = Display an on-screen message
			#autoLOC_8004022 = Compare the Mission Score
			#autoLOC_8004023 = Check a vessel orbit
			#autoLOC_8004024 = Trigger a part failure
			#autoLOC_8004025 = Repair a part failure
			#autoLOC_8004026 = Plant a flag
			#autoLOC_8004027 = Check if a vessel is entering a Sphere of Influence
			#autoLOC_8004028 = Check amount of resource in a vessel
			#autoLOC_8004029 = Check for Resources received by recovering vessels
			#autoLOC_8004030 = Check for performing a science experiment
			#autoLOC_8004031 = Check if a vessel is splashed down
			#autoLOC_8004032 = Check if a certain stage is activated
			#autoLOC_8004033 = Check if a Kerbal reaches a surface location
			#autoLOC_8004034 = Check if a vessel is flying over a surface location
			#autoLOC_8004035 = Check if a vessel reaches a surface location
			#autoLOC_8004036 = Check time since flight started
			#autoLOC_8004037 = Check time since this mission started
			#autoLOC_8004038 = Check time since a chosen node
			#autoLOC_8004039 = Check a vessel altitude
			#autoLOC_8004040 = Check a vessel altitude
			#autoLOC_8004041 = Check the number of Kerbals in a vessel
			#autoLOC_8004042 = Check the mass of a vessel
			#autoLOC_8004043 = Check the number of stages in a vessel
			#autoLOC_8004046 = Mission Elapsed Time (MET)
			#autoLOC_8004048 = This node will change the amount of the specified resource in a part instantly.\n\nYou could use this node to simulate a gauge malfunction ("Oh no the fuel gauge was stuck!").
			#autoLOC_8004049 = Use this node to trigger the part by part explosion of the chosen vessel.\n\nThe delay value will spread out the part explosions so you can tease the player or have it all go up in one big fireball.
			#autoLOC_8004050 = Adjusting the mission score is the purpose of this node. Use the various options to reward or punish the players of your mission.
			#autoLOC_8004051 = In the "what you see is what you get" category is this node. Select a part and it will explode.
			#autoLOC_8004052 = Adds a gradual change in a part's resource levels over time. You can use this one to create a resource leak, or resource generation over time.\n\nAdd a level of fear to those fuel levels or make a challenge where you slowly add fuel to a rocket ascent instead of starting all fueled up.
			#autoLOC_8004053 = This action will activate the next stage on the selected vessel. If the selected vessel is not the currently active one, then the node will not activate till the selected vessel becomes player controlled.
			#autoLOC_8004054 = Also known as the R.I.P. node, this one will detect a vessel's destruction for you.
			#autoLOC_8004055 = Generate and place an asteroid out in the universe.\n\nWarning: Large rocks on collision courses can be hazardous to your health.
			#autoLOC_8004056 = Will place the selected kerbal at your desired position. Can be used to place a kerbal to be rescued, to start a cross country trek or just to enjoy the view from a polar orbit of Duna.
			#autoLOC_8004057 = Want to start your intrepid explorers from somewhere other than home? This node lets you deploy a Launch Site that you can then use as a jump-off point for launches, or a target for crashes... I mean landings.
			#autoLOC_8004058 = Sets up a vessel to be created to your specifications and at the place of your choosing. Whether that be in orbit or on the floor of the ocean - just remember to pack your sunscreen if it's in Low Orbit around the Sun.
			#autoLOC_8004059 = Use this node to check if a kerbal has arrived where you want them to be.
			#autoLOC_8004060 = Have one of our expert instructors pass on knowledge or instructions to the player during your mission.\n\n* Comic relief not included.
			#autoLOC_8004061 = Want to make sure a vessel has flown away? Use this node to make sure they leave the Sphere of Influence of your choice.
			#autoLOC_8004062 = Check for when a kerbal goes Extra Vehicular. This triggers when the configured kerbal leaves the building... I mean vessel.
			#autoLOC_8004063 = This checks if a vessel is flying in the configured situation.
			#autoLOC_8004064 = This node can be used to track the accumulation of funds through the recovery of vessels, kerbals, resources and other second hand items.
			#autoLOC_8004065 = A way to tell when kerbals come back inside. Just make sure they shut the door.
			#autoLOC_8004066 = Through the use of this node we can detect when a kerbal is recovered.
			#autoLOC_8004067 = Get out there and reach that kerbal. This node will activate when the player reaches a stranded kerbal's position and they can be brought into the team.
			#autoLOC_8004068 = Check that a vessel is landed. You can also check that it's stopped as well.
			#autoLOC_8004069 = An onscreen message prompt to give quick status messages.
			#autoLOC_8004070 = Want to check how the player is doing in your mission? Perhaps to give them extra opportunities to gain points? This node is for you.
			#autoLOC_8004071 = Compares the selected vessel orbit with a target orbit. It compares the full orbit of the vessel against the target orbit. Is it stable? The right dimensions? Are they under acceleration? What's their favorite color*?\n\n* Color not included.
			#autoLOC_8004072 = Make things "interesting" with this node. You can configure various parts and failures to occur in the vessels in your mission.
			#autoLOC_8004073 = Use this node to reverse failures you may have applied previously to vessels.
			#autoLOC_8004074 = Direct your players to plant a flag in the spot of your choosing.
			#autoLOC_8004075 = The opposite of leaving. Has that vessel entered the configured Sphere of Influence?
			#autoLOC_8004076 = Does your vessel have a full tank? Use this to check how much of a specific resource is in the vessel.
			#autoLOC_8004077 = This node can be used to track the accumulation of resources through the recovery of vessels.
			#autoLOC_8004078 = Make your kerbals work for a living. Tests for performance of a science experiment and you can choose if they need to bring the results home or just transmit it home.
			#autoLOC_8004079 = Splash! This node is used to check if a vessel is splashed down in your selected location.
			#autoLOC_8004080 = Monitor for a specific stage being activated in your vessel.
			#autoLOC_8004081 = Take a kerbal to a specific location on a celestial body.
			#autoLOC_8004082 = This node is used to check for flying through a waypoint on a celestial body.
			#autoLOC_8004083 = Direct a vessel to a specific location on a celestial body.
			#autoLOC_8004084 = Tests how long it has been since the selected vessel was launched.
			#autoLOC_8004085 = Compare against the amount of time that's passed since this mission was started - measures in Universal Time.
			#autoLOC_8004086 = Use this node to make decisions based on how long it's been since the player reached a previous node. It's based on the Universal Time when the selected node was activated.
			#autoLOC_8004087 = Reach for the stars... or at least part way there. Compare a vessel's altitude with this node.
			#autoLOC_8004088 = Reach for the stars... or at least part way there. Compare a vessel's altitude with this node.
			#autoLOC_8004089 = How many scientists did you bring along? This will let you count the crew and type in a vessel.
			#autoLOC_8004090 = Is it heavy? With this node you can compare a vessel's mass to make decisions.
			#autoLOC_8004091 = Compare how many stages are in a vessel with your target value.
			#autoLOC_8004092 = Category: <<1>>\n\n
			#autoLOC_8004093 = Docks To: All nodes other than start node\n
			#autoLOC_8004094 = Docks To: All nodes which support this scoring node\n
			#autoLOC_8004095 = Docks To: Start node\n
			#autoLOC_8004096 = Parameters:\n
			#autoLOC_8004097 = Docks To: None
			#autoLOC_8004098 = Change Part Resource Levels
			#autoLOC_8004141 = Check the distance between a vessel and an object
			#autoLOC_8004142 = This node can be used as your yardstick to check just how far it is between two items.
			#autoLOC_8004144 = Action
			#autoLOC_8004145 = Location
			#autoLOC_8004146 = Logic
			#autoLOC_8004147 = Science
			#autoLOC_8004148 = Vessel
			#autoLOC_8004149 = Current score: <<1>>
			#autoLOC_8004150 = Flights: <<1>>
			#autoLOC_8004151 = Tags: <<1>>
			#autoLOC_8004152 = Nodes: <<1>>
			#autoLOC_8004153 = Mission Settings
			#autoLOC_8004154 = Mission Settings
			#autoLOC_8004155 = Score Range
			#autoLOC_8004156 = Award points based on time
			#autoLOC_8004157 = Award points based on resources in a vessel
			#autoLOC_8004158 = Modify current score by setting it, adding, substracting, multiplying or dividing
			#autoLOC_8004159 = Award points based on how close the player is to a specified value
			#autoLOC_8004160 = Add points to the mission score
			#autoLOC_8004161 = Catch All Node
			#autoLOC_8004162 = Catch All nodes are considered to be connected to all other nodes and will\n activate whenever the condition is met regardless of where the current active node is.\n\n For example, you could use it to detect when a vessel crashes and end\n the mission at that point.
			#autoLOC_8004163 = Deploy Parachute
			#autoLOC_8004164 = Test Velocity
			#autoLOC_8004165 = Check a vessel's velocity
			#autoLOC_8004166 = Just how fast are we going? Use this node to check on the velocity of a vessel.
			#autoLOC_8004167 = Surface Velocity
			#autoLOC_8004168 = Orbital Velocity
			#autoLOC_8004169 = Velocity
			#autoLOC_8004170 = The velocity to compare against in m/s
			#autoLOC_8004171 = Velocity Mode
			#autoLOC_8004172 = Choose the velocity mode to measure against
			#autoLOC_8004173 = A goal velocity for a vessel
			#autoLOC_8004174 = Spawn Flag
			#autoLOC_8004175 = Spawn a flag somewhere in the universe
			#autoLOC_8004177 = Place a flag out in the universe to be a marker for your players, leave messages behind, or provide a moguls course for a winter sporting event.
			#autoLOC_8004179 = Camera Mode
			#autoLOC_8004180 = Change and Lock the camera mode for the player
			#autoLOC_8004181 = Use this node to force the camera to change on the player. You can also lock the camera in that new mode to make things interesting as well.
			#autoLOC_8004182 = Camera Mode
			#autoLOC_8004183 = No Change
			#autoLOC_8004184 = Flight
			#autoLOC_8004185 = IVA
			#autoLOC_8004186 = Camera Lock
			#autoLOC_8004187 = Lock & Allow Map
			#autoLOC_8004188 = Unlock
			#autoLOC_8004189 = Lock & Disable Map
			#autoLOC_8004190 = <<1>>: <<2>>
			#autoLOC_8004191 = On: <<1>>\n Longitude: <<2>>° \nLatitude: <<3>>°
			#autoLOC_8004192 = Orbiting: <<1>>
			#autoLOC_8004193 = Site Name
			#autoLOC_8004194 = Plaque Text
			#autoLOC_8004195 = Camera mode is locked.
			#autoLOC_8004196 = Distance From
			#autoLOC_8004197 = Select the type of object to calculate the distance from.
			#autoLOC_8004198 = Vessel to calculate the distance from.
			#autoLOC_8004199 = Location Node
			#autoLOC_8004200 = Distance To
			#autoLOC_8004201 = Select the type of object to calculate the distance to.
			#autoLOC_8004202 = Asteroid to calculate the distance to.
			#autoLOC_8004203 = Flag to calculate the distance to.
			#autoLOC_8004204 = Launch site to calculate the distance to.
			#autoLOC_8004205 = Node which specifies a location to calculate the distance to.
			#autoLOC_8004206 = Distance in km to compare to...
			#autoLOC_8004207 = Straight Line
			#autoLOC_8004208 = Surface Distance
			#autoLOC_8004209 = Calculation
			#autoLOC_8004210 = The method used to measure distance. Straight Line should be obvious.\nSurface Distance will project the locations onto the surface of the celestial\nbody and calculate the distance along the surface.
			#autoLOC_8004211 = Vessel to calculate the distance to.
			#autoLOC_8004212 = Wheel Brakes
			#autoLOC_8004213 = Cargo Bay
			#autoLOC_8004214 = GPS
			#autoLOC_8004215 = Wheel Deployment
			#autoLOC_8004216 = Wheel Motor
			#autoLOC_8004217 = Active Vessel
			#autoLOC_8004218 = Active Kerbal
			#autoLOC_8004219 = The same kerbal has been selected for both parts of the distance calculation
			#autoLOC_8004220 = The same vessel has been selected for both parts of the distance calculation
			#autoLOC_8004221 = Select a tourist to calculate the distance from.
			#autoLOC_8004222 = Select a kerbal to calculate the distance to.
			#autoLOC_8004223 = Select a asteroid to calculate the distance to.
			#autoLOC_8004224 = Select a flag to calculate the distance to.
			#autoLOC_8004225 = Select a location node to calculate the distance to.
			#autoLOC_8004226 = Distance: <<1>> <<2>>m
			#autoLOC_8004227 = Cannot deploy parachute in jetpack mode.
			#autoLOC_8004228 = Cannot deploy parachute while speed is less than 1.0m/s
			#autoLOC_8004229 = The following expansions failed to load: <<1>>
			#autoLOC_8004230 = Expansion Loading Failed
			#autoLOC_8004231 = <<1>>: Unable to load the Expansions Master Bundle.
			#autoLOC_8004232 = <<1>>: Master Bundle packed incorrectly. Found <<2>> objects.
			#autoLOC_8004233 = <<1>>: Unable to retrieve the Expansion definition from the Master Bundle.
			#autoLOC_8004234 = <<1>>: Unable to verify Expansion Master Bundle.
			#autoLOC_8004235 = <<1>>: Expansion Version [<<2>>] isn't a valid version that can be loaded! Minimum [<<3>>] Maximum [<<4>>].
			#autoLOC_8004236 = <<1>>: Expansion isn't a recognised expansion that can be loaded!
			#autoLOC_8004237 = <<1>>: Minimum Version [<<2>>] is greater than current KSP Version [<<3>>].
			#autoLOC_8004238 = <<1>>: Not all Expansion Bundles could be verified.
			#autoLOC_8004239 = Vessel is incompatible with this version of KSP.\n\nAre you sure you want to continue?
			#autoLOC_8004240 = Save is incompatible with this version of KSP.\n\nAre you sure you want to continue?
			#autoLOC_8004241 = Mission is incompatible with this version of KSP.\n\nAre you sure you want to continue?
			#autoLOC_8004242 = Are you sure you want to continue?\n\nThe following vessels have problems:
			#autoLOC_8004243 = Vessel <<1>> is missing part <<2>>\n
			#autoLOC_8004244 = Vessel <<1>> is incompatible with this version of KSP.\n
			#autoLOC_8004245 = <color=#db6227><<1>> (Incompatible)</color>
			#autoLOC_8004246 = Craft incompatible
			#autoLOC_8004247 = Save incompatible
			#autoLOC_8004248 = Mission incompatible
			#autoLOC_8004249 = Unable to Save...
			#autoLOC_8004252 = Kerbal Seat assignment issue.
			#autoLOC_8004253 = The kerbal assigned will not fit in this seat with other parts in the way.
			#autoLOC_8004254 = No description available for this vessel. \n\nGo to the VAB or SPH to enter one.
			#autoLOC_8004255 = Vessel <<1>> is missing part module <<2>>\n
			#autoLOC_8004256 = Craft incompatible!
			#autoLOC_8004257 = Off
			#autoLOC_8004258 = Low
			#autoLOC_8004259 = Medium
			#autoLOC_8004260 = Every Frame
			#autoLOC_8004261 = Reflection Refresh Mode
			#autoLOC_8004262 = Reflection Refresh Mode:
			#autoLOC_8004263 = Reflection Texture Resolution
			#autoLOC_8004264 = Reflection Texture Resolution:
			#autoLOC_8004266 = <color=#db6227>Unknown Part Modules</color>
			#autoLOC_8004267 = Are you sure you want to continue?\n The vessel has the following problems:\n
			#autoLOC_8004275 = Terrain Shader Quality
			#autoLOC_8004276 = Objectives:
			#autoLOC_8004433 = SEQ-3 Cargo Storage Unit
			#autoLOC_8004434 = This sturdy unit keeps the expensive and delicate equipment our astronauts need to bring with them safely stored. Rigorous engineering studies have shown it to be 20% more effective than 'a picnic cooler and some duct tape' at making sure these items arrive intact at their destination.
			#autoLOC_8004438 = True
			#autoLOC_8004439 = False
			#autoLOC_8004444 = Action Sets
			#autoLOC_8004445 = Single
			#autoLOC_8004446 = Double
			#autoLOC_8004447 = Triple
			#autoLOC_8004448 = Quad
			#autoLOC_8004449 = Hex
			#autoLOC_8004450 = Octo
			#autoLOC_8004457 = <<1>> <<2>>
			#autoLOC_8005000 = Editing disabled due to localization\nThis value is read from a localization tag
			#autoLOC_8005001 = Override Mission Builder Localization Lock
			#autoLOC_8005002 = Current State
			#autoLOC_8005003 = On
			#autoLOC_8005004 = Off
			#autoLOC_8005005 = Kerbal
			#autoLOC_8005006 = Pilot
			#autoLOC_8005007 = Scientist
			#autoLOC_8005008 = Engineer
			#autoLOC_8005009 = Open
			#autoLOC_8005010 = All Part Upgrades Applied in Mission
			#autoLOC_8005011 = If a part has tech upgrades, they will be applied in sandbox mode
			#autoLOC_8005012 = Facility Options
			#autoLOC_8005013 = Mission
			#autoLOC_8005014 = The level of this facility
			#autoLOC_8005015 = Administration Level
			#autoLOC_8005016 = Astronaut Complex Level
			#autoLOC_8005017 = Launchpad Level
			#autoLOC_8005018 = Mission Control Level
			#autoLOC_8005019 = R&D Level
			#autoLOC_8005020 = Runway Level
			#autoLOC_8005021 = SPH Level
			#autoLOC_8005022 = Tracking Station Level
			#autoLOC_8005023 = VAB Level
			#autoLOC_8005024 = Extra Options
			#autoLOC_8005025 = Astronaut Complex Open
			#autoLOC_8005026 = Astronauts are Volunteers
			#autoLOC_8005027 = VAB/SPH Open
			#autoLOC_8005028 = Other Launchsites Open
			#autoLOC_8005029 = Cheats Enabled
			#autoLOC_8005030 = When the player can hire more kerbals in the AC.
			#autoLOC_8005031 = When the player does not pay to hire kerbals.
			#autoLOC_8005032 = When the player can create new vessels during the mission.
			#autoLOC_8005033 = When the player can launch new vessels they have created to non-KSC launchsites during the mission.
			#autoLOC_8005034 = When the player can use the cheats from the debug menu during the mission.
			#autoLOC_8005035 = Gameplay Options
			#autoLOC_8005036 = Enable Funding
			#autoLOC_8005037 = Disable this to remove funding from the Mission.
			#autoLOC_8005038 = Starting Funds
			#autoLOC_8005039 = Amount of funds the mission player will start with.
			#autoLOC_8005040 = Enable Kerbal Levels
			#autoLOC_8005041 = With this setting off, all astronauts start with maximum experience.
			#autoLOC_8005042 = Pilot Max Level
			#autoLOC_8005043 = Maximum level of pilot that can be played in the mission
			#autoLOC_8005044 = Scientist Max Level
			#autoLOC_8005045 = Maximum level of scientist that can be played in the mission
			#autoLOC_8005046 = Engineer Max Level
			#autoLOC_8005047 = Maximum level of engineer that can be played in the mission
			#autoLOC_8005048 = No Pack
			#autoLOC_8005049 = Displayed Resource
			#autoLOC_8005050 = Display Resources
			#autoLOC_8005051 = Remove Dirty
			#autoLOC_8005052 = Checkpoint
			#autoLOC_8005053 = Objective
			#autoLOC_8005054 = Validating...
			#autoLOC_8005055 = Invalid checkpoint file
			#autoLOC_8005056 = Performance Details
			#autoLOC_8005057 = Mission will be exported to Missions/_Exports as <<1>>.zip
			#autoLOC_8005061 = End Test
			#autoLOC_8005062 = Apply to Current Vessel
			#autoLOC_8005063 = Medium-Short
			#autoLOC_8005064 = Medium
			#autoLOC_8005065 = Medium-Long
			#autoLOC_8005066 = Long
			#autoLOC_8005067 = Short
			#autoLOC_8005068 = Assign crew to the seats on this vessel
			#autoLOC_8005069 = Creating Checkpoint...
			#autoLOC_8005070 = <b><color=#4DC44D>Selected:</color></b>: <<1>>\n <b><color=#FFA500>Highlighted:</color></b>: <<2>>
			#autoLOC_8005071 = Dawn of the Space Age
			#autoLOC_8005072 = Greetings! This mission tests your mettle at the dawn of the space age.\n\nYou'll build a basic rocket to reach a low altitude. Secondly, you'll build a high-altitude sounding rocket that will take a temperature reading from the upper atmosphere. Finally, you'll create Kerbin's first artificial satellite, Jebnik 1, and complete an orbit of Kerbin!
			#autoLOC_8005073 = Build a sounding rocket that can reach 25km, take a temperature reading, and return safely.
			#autoLOC_8005074 = Build the K-7
			#autoLOC_8005075 = Use the most basic parts to build a sounding rocket.
			#autoLOC_8005076 = K-7 Test Rocket
			#autoLOC_8005077 = A rocket that will reach 5000 meters and return to Kerbin, preferably landing near the old Island Airfield.\n\nWe have a limited launchpad mass capacity, so <b>reducing the engine fuel will be necessary</b>.
			#autoLOC_8005078 = K-7 Reach Altitude
			#autoLOC_8005079 = Reach 2500 meters.
			#autoLOC_8005080 = K-7 Reach 5k Altitude
			#autoLOC_8005081 = K-7b Landed
			#autoLOC_8005082 = K-7 Destroyed
			#autoLOC_8005083 = Jebnik 1 Destroyed in Upper Atmosphere
			#autoLOC_8005084 = You've let us down, Komrade. This is the simplest mission - it isn't rocket science after all. Err...
			#autoLOC_8005085 = K-7 Landed in Island
			#autoLOC_8005086 = Landed somewhere in the Island.
			#autoLOC_8005087 = K-7 Splashed
			#autoLOC_8005088 = Splashdown somewhere.
			#autoLOC_8005089 = Landing K-7
			#autoLOC_8005090 = Add score to the player's total.
			#autoLOC_8005091 = Splashing K-7
			#autoLOC_8005092 = Altitude Achieved!
			#autoLOC_8005093 = You made it! This is our first step toward space and we have you to thank. Hey, can you see my house from up there? \n\nWe decided getting the rocket wet might be a Very Bad Idea, so do you mind trying to <b><i>land ON the old runway</b></i> instead? The engineers say "park it in front of the second hangar" for ease of recovery.
			#autoLOC_8005094 = K-7 Landed
			#autoLOC_8005095 = Create K-7b
			#autoLOC_8005096 = K-7b High Altitude Sounding Rocket
			#autoLOC_8005097 = A rocket that flies to a minimum altitude of 48,000 meters, takes a temperature reading, and returns safely to Kerbin.
			#autoLOC_8005098 = K-7 Landing Zone
			#autoLOC_8005099 = Land at the old airfield if you can.
			#autoLOC_8005100 = Landing K-7 with Precision
			#autoLOC_8005101 = K-7b Destroyed
			#autoLOC_8005102 = You need to return the data safely to the surface. Try again!
			#autoLOC_8005103 = K-7b Reach Altitude
			#autoLOC_8005104 = Reach 48,000 meters.
			#autoLOC_8005105 = Display Dialog Action
			#autoLOC_8005106 = You are above 48,000 meters! We can finally answer the question: how cold is it that far up?\n\nQuick, <b><i>take a temperature reading</b></i>!
			#autoLOC_8005107 = Upper Atmosphere Sounding
			#autoLOC_8005108 = Take a temperature reading above 48,000 meters.
			#autoLOC_8005109 = Running Temperature Scan
			#autoLOC_8005110 = Jebnik 1 Lift off
			#autoLOC_8005111 = Brilliant Work!
			#autoLOC_8005112 = This data will help us better understand important things, like high altitude weather patterns and what kind of fuzzy sweaters we'll need to pack for future astronauts.\n\nNow <b><i>bring it down in the eastern ocean</b></i> if you can.
			#autoLOC_8005113 = K-7b Touchdown
			#autoLOC_8005114 = Land somewhere (not ideal).
			#autoLOC_8005115 = Vessel Landed
			#autoLOC_8005116 = Landing K-7b
			#autoLOC_8005117 = Not What We Hoped
			#autoLOC_8005118 = Next time, aim for the big blue wet thing.
			#autoLOC_8005119 = K-7b Splashdown
			#autoLOC_8005120 = Vessel Splashed
			#autoLOC_8005121 = Splashing Down K-7b
			#autoLOC_8005122 = Create Jebnik 1
			#autoLOC_8005123 = Jebnik 1
			#autoLOC_8005124 = Create a rocket -- and probe -- that can achieve Kerbin equatorial orbit launching from the Woomerang launch site.\n
			#autoLOC_8005125 = K-7b Precision Splashdown
			#autoLOC_8005126 = Splashdown in the ocean to the east of Kerbal Space Center.
			#autoLOC_8005127 = Splashing Down K-7b
			#autoLOC_8005128 = Excellent Work
			#autoLOC_8005129 = We believe our rocket technology is ready for its final test: a satellite that can orbit Kerbin. Do not let us down!
			#autoLOC_8005130 = Your Mission: Part Three
			#autoLOC_8005131 = Your Mission
			#autoLOC_8005132 = This is it. You're flying the first vessel to leave Kerbin's atmosphere and orbit the planet.\n\nNervous? Don't be. We're not...<i>OK, maybe we're a little nervous.</i>
			#autoLOC_8005133 = Reaching Space
			#autoLOC_8005134 = Well Done Indeed!
			#autoLOC_8005135 = All of Kerbin shall hear our radio signal! And just imagine what we've unlocked today. However, we cannot risk our rocket technology falling into the wrong hands.\n\n <b><i>destroy Jebnik 1 in the atmosphere if you can</b></i>!
			#autoLOC_8005136 = Equatorial Orbit on Kerbin
			#autoLOC_8005137 = Complete a full orbit of Kerbin.
			#autoLOC_8005138 = Orbit Test
			#autoLOC_8005139 = Jebnik 1 Landed
			#autoLOC_8005140 = Vessel has landed
			#autoLOC_8005141 = Oh no! We said destroy it! Now everyone will know our secrets!
			#autoLOC_8005142 = Jebnik 1 Splashed Down
			#autoLOC_8005143 = Vessel has splashed in water
			#autoLOC_8005144 = Jebnik 1 Destroyed
			#autoLOC_8005145 = Fly! Fly!
			#autoLOC_8005146 = It works! I mean, of course it works! Look at your rocket flying!\n\nKeep it up, head for 5000 meters!
			#autoLOC_8005147 = K-7 Reach Altitude
			#autoLOC_8005148 = A goal altitude for a vessel
			#autoLOC_8005149 = Altitude Test
			#autoLOC_8005150 = Eureka!
			#autoLOC_8005151 = It works, it really works! With what we've learned, we can start building bigger and better rockets, until we finally reach the stars.\n\nYour next assignment is to create a sounding rocket -- one that can reach a much higher altitude. Good luck!
			#autoLOC_8005152 = History Made
			#autoLOC_8005153 = You're already higher than any Kerbal in history.\n\nKeep breaking those records!
			#autoLOC_8005154 = Jebnik 1 Reach Altitude 1
			#autoLOC_8005155 = Gravity is Your Friend
			#autoLOC_8005156 = Remember, your goal is to reach orbit.\n\nBegin your gravity turn if you have not already done so!
			#autoLOC_8005157 = Jebnik 1 Reach Altitude 2
			#autoLOC_8005158 = Slip the Bonds of Kerbin
			#autoLOC_8005159 = Only 10,000 meters to go until you exit the atmosphere.\n\nKeep it steady.
			#autoLOC_8005160 = Jebnik 1 Reach Altitude 3
			#autoLOC_8005161 = Fly above the atmosphere.
			#autoLOC_8005162 = First Vessel In Space
			#autoLOC_8005163 = Your rocket is the first Kerbal vessel to reach space. This achievement cannot be overstated. Your name will be remembered for all time.\n\nNow, keep going and <b><i>establish an orbit</b></i>!
			#autoLOC_8005164 = Your Goal: Part One
			#autoLOC_8005165 = Your Mission
			#autoLOC_8005166 = Your goal is twofold: to <b><i>reach 5000 meters</b></i>, and to guide the K-7 rocket to <b><i>splashdown near the old airfield</b></i> east of Kerbal Space Center.
			#autoLOC_8005167 = Your Mission: Part Two
			#autoLOC_8005168 = Aim High
			#autoLOC_8005169 = For this leg of the mission you need to <b><i>fly above 48,000 meters and take a sounding (temperature reading)</b></i>, then splash down in the ocean a long way east. \n\nA skilled pilot can fly with precision. <b><i>We've marked a couple of nodes for you to attempt to hit</b></i> - feel up to the task?
			#autoLOC_8005170 = Waypoint 1
			#autoLOC_8005171 = Waypoint 2
			#autoLOC_8005172 = Waypoint 3
			#autoLOC_8005173 = Easy Fly Through
			#autoLOC_8005174 = Medium Fly Through
			#autoLOC_8005175 = Hard Fly Through
			#autoLOC_8005176 = Upper Atmosphere
			#autoLOC_8005177 = Jebnik 1 Destroyed in Atmosphere
			#autoLOC_8005178 = Jebnik 1 Destroyed
			#autoLOC_8005179 = Jebnik 1 Destroyed in Lower Atmosphere
			#autoLOC_8005180 = Lower Atmosphere
			#autoLOC_8005181 = Wait for Destroyed Jebnik
			#autoLOC_8005182 = K-7b Splashed
			#autoLOC_8005183 = Reaching Equatorial Orbit
			#autoLOC_8005184 = Jebnik 1 Landed
			#autoLOC_8005185 = We believe our rocket technology is ready for its final test: a satellite that can orbit Kerbin.\n\nDo not let us down!
			#autoLOC_8005186 = Excellent Work
			#autoLOC_8005187 = Your Mission: Part Three
			#autoLOC_8005188 = This is it. You're flying the first vessel to leave Kerbin's atmosphere and orbit the planet.\n\nNervous? Don't be. We're not...<i>OK, maybe we're a little nervous.</i>
			#autoLOC_8005189 = All of Kerbin shall hear our radio signal! And just imagine what we've unlocked today. However, we cannot risk our rocket technology falling into the wrong hands.\n\nYou need to destroy Jebnik 1!
			#autoLOC_8005190 = Msg Mission Failed
			#autoLOC_8005191 = You missed the objective
			#autoLOC_8005192 = You didn't reach the required altitude, this tech is not ready yet.
			#autoLOC_8005193 = Wait for Fail
			#autoLOC_8005194 = K-7 Landed Elsewhere
			#autoLOC_8005195 = Trouble in the Void
			#autoLOC_8005196 = This mission is all about how well you perform under pressure -- or lack thereof!\n\nYou've made it to orbit in the Valskhod 2 on one of our first crewed missions, but something's about to go terribly wrong...
			#autoLOC_8005197 = Valskhod 2
			#autoLOC_8005198 = Running a Crew Report
			#autoLOC_8005199 = Crew Report Timer
			#autoLOC_8005200 = Rebooting Main Computer
			#autoLOC_8005201 = Rebooting Now!
			#autoLOC_8005202 = You made it! Well done! We're sending the reboot message now and ... yes, it looks like your engines are back online and the cascade has quit. \n\nAre you ready for the next bit of bad news?\n\nThe electrical failure fried the Val's systems pretty well, so one of you will need to <b><i>land the SWM-94</b></i>. Good thing we equipped our satellites to deorbit, huh?\n\nAlso <b><i>land as much of the Valskhod as you can near KSC</b></i> so we can do a post-mortem on it.
			#autoLOC_8005203 = Run Vitals on the Crew
			#autoLOC_8005204 = Run a Crew Report to monitor the status of Kerbals on Valskhod 2.
			#autoLOC_8005205 = Mission Control: Part Three
			#autoLOC_8005206 = Don't Panic
			#autoLOC_8005207 = The good news is, your vitals are OK for now. The bad news is ... well, everything else. \n\nBut don't worry! Our engineers have a plan...sort of. \n\nThere's a communications satellite nearby, the new SWM-94. It's designed to stay in orbit for a long time, so it has its own maintenence terminal. If you <b><i>board the SWM-94</b></i>, we can completely reset the Val's computers, which should fix the problem.\n\nYou'll need to <b><i>EVA Tomford</b></i> over once you're close enough.\n\nReady? Get to that satellite before your ship starts failing!
			#autoLOC_8005208 = Land Valskhod 2 near KSC
			#autoLOC_8005209 = Vessel has landed
			#autoLOC_8005210 = Whew, that was testing... and exciting!\n\nWho said exploring Space would be a piece of cake? At least all kerbonauts are safe and sound back to Kerbin.\n\nLet's enjoy their survival for now... we'll risk their lives again soon enough!
			#autoLOC_8005211 = Splash Valskhod 2
			#autoLOC_8005212 = Landing in the Zone with Precision
			#autoLOC_8005213 = Congratulations, Valskhod 2. We are all ecstatic down here!\n\nFor the first time, a Kerbal space-walked in orbit!\n\nThis is opening a wide array of possibilities for Kerbalkind: new sports, new touristic activities and, of course, new forms of modern dancing.
			#autoLOC_8005214 = SWM-94
			#autoLOC_8005215 = Create satellite
			#autoLOC_8005216 = SWM-94 Comms Sat
			#autoLOC_8005217 = Land SWM-94
			#autoLOC_8005218 = Board Tomford into SWM-94
			#autoLOC_8005219 = Engine Back Online!
			#autoLOC_8005220 = Splash SWM-94
			#autoLOC_8005221 = Hurry Up!
			#autoLOC_8005222 = Perform That Crew Report!
			#autoLOC_8005223 = Valskhod 2, we promise this isn't one of Gus Kerman's jokes.\n\nYou need to give us that <b><i>Crew Report</b></i> stat!
			#autoLOC_8005224 = Reminder Timer
			#autoLOC_8005225 = Timer Node Test
			#autoLOC_8005226 = Timer 1
			#autoLOC_8005227 = Rebooting the System
			#autoLOC_8005228 = Mission Control: Part One
			#autoLOC_8005229 = Come In, Valskhod 2, Come In!
			#autoLOC_8005230 = Valskhod 2, can you hear us? Our computers report a massive, cascading electrical failure on your craft!\n\nStay calm, there's nothing to worry about, but on a completely unrelated note will you <b><i>run a Crew Report</b></i> so we can monitor your vitals?\n\nYou'll need to hurry, we may not have much time .... I mean, it should all be fine!
			#autoLOC_8005231 = Explosion Start
			#autoLOC_8005232 = Timer 3
			#autoLOC_8005233 = Timer 2
			#autoLOC_8005234 = Timer 4
			#autoLOC_8005235 = Timer 5
			#autoLOC_8005236 = Timer 6
			#autoLOC_8005237 = Timer 7
			#autoLOC_8005238 = Timer 8
			#autoLOC_8005239 = Part Explode 1
			#autoLOC_8005240 = Part Explode 2
			#autoLOC_8005241 = Part Explode 3
			#autoLOC_8005242 = Part Explode 4
			#autoLOC_8005243 = Part Explode 5
			#autoLOC_8005244 = Part Explode 6
			#autoLOC_8005245 = Part Explode 7
			#autoLOC_8005246 = Part Explode 8
			#autoLOC_8005247 = Landing in the Zone
			#autoLOC_8005248 = Splash Valskhod 2
			#autoLOC_8005249 = One Down
			#autoLOC_8005250 = Another happy landing!\n\nNow bring the rest of the crew down in the satellite.
			#autoLOC_8005251 = Another happy landing!\n\nNow bring the rest of the crew down in the Val.
			#autoLOC_8005252 = Oh no!
			#autoLOC_8005253 = The cascade is starting to affect your craft's electrical systems.\n\n<b>You need to hurry!</b>
			#autoLOC_8005254 = Valskhod 2 Destroyed
			#autoLOC_8005255 = Checks if Valskhod 2 is destroyed.
			#autoLOC_8005256 = You're supposed to return safely to Kerbin, not explode in a (admittedly cool) giant fireball!
			#autoLOC_8005257 = SWM-94 Destroyed
			#autoLOC_8005258 = Check to see if SWM-94 is destroyed.
			#autoLOC_8005259 = The satellite was your ride home.\n\nTry not to blow it up next time!
			#autoLOC_8005260 = Activate IVA Camera
			#autoLOC_8005261 = Change and Lock the camera mode for the player
			#autoLOC_8005262 = Electrical Failure: Engines Down
			#autoLOC_8005263 = Boarding SWM-94
			#autoLOC_8005264 = Prepare for Reboot
			#autoLOC_8005265 = Prepare for Reboot Msg
			#autoLOC_8005266 = Great! You've made it. <b><i>Transmitting a Crew Report</b></i> will initiate the Reboot.
			#autoLOC_8005267 = Land Valskhod 2
			#autoLOC_8005268 = We've Lost Valkshod 2
			#autoLOC_8005269 = You didn't make it in time.\n\nWe've lost Valskhod 2 and its crew.
			#autoLOC_8005270 = Mission Failed
			#autoLOC_8005271 = Explode Valkshod 2
			#autoLOC_8005272 = Wait for Explosion
			#autoLOC_8005273 = Jeb Boarding SWM-94
			#autoLOC_8005274 = Hi Jeb!
			#autoLOC_8005275 = Hi Jeb...hmm, I said board Tomford.\n\nHurry up, bring him over here!
			#autoLOC_8005276 = Acapello 15
			#autoLOC_8005277 = Hello Team! The time has finally come to explore our second natural satellite.\n\nThis mission will be focused on exploration and rock extraction, so we're going to need a powerful rover among other things.\n\nLet's <b><i>build a vessel capable of taking the rover to Minmus and bringing back the precious load to Kerbin.</b></i>
			#autoLOC_8005278 = Create Rover and delivery Vessel
			#autoLOC_8005279 = - Minmus Rover that can mine and hold a small amount of ore (<50).
			#autoLOC_8005280 = Land on Minmus
			#autoLOC_8005281 = Go to Digging Point
			#autoLOC_8005282 = Extract Ore
			#autoLOC_8005283 = DIALOG3
			#autoLOC_8005284 = Acapello 15
			#autoLOC_8005285 = Acapello 15, we have an unexpected task for you! \n\nAs unbelievable as it sounds, we're receiving a distress call coming from a stranded astronaut on Minmus. \n\nWe're really skeptical about this, since we've never sent anyone there before. Can you <b><i>go to the designated area </b></i>to investigate, just in case?
			#autoLOC_8005286 = Spawn Valentina
			#autoLOC_8005287 = Go to Valentina
			#autoLOC_8005288 = DIALOG4
			#autoLOC_8005289 = SAVING VALENTINA
			#autoLOC_8005290 = Acapello 15, this is Walt! \n\nSo the stranded kerbonaut was Valentina Kerman? I don't understand this, she was supposed to be on vacation for the next two weeks? \n\nNow that we think about it, there were some missing parts in the VAB lately. I can't believe this! \n\nWe can't wait for you to get her back to Kerbin. <b><i>Abort the mission and come back home.</b></i>
			#autoLOC_8005291 = DIALOG5
			#autoLOC_8005292 = ROCK HOME
			#autoLOC_8005293 = Nice work, Acapello 15! \n\nIt is time to <b><i>fly back home </b></i>with your intriguing load of rocks and rescued Kerbal. \n\nI can't wait to taste them in my next mushroom stew...\n\n ... the rocks, I mean, not the Kerbal! \n\nWell, just come back safely, OK? We've uploaded you a good target: <b><i>try to land in the designated area</b></i>!
			#autoLOC_8005294 = Land in Designated Area
			#autoLOC_8005295 = Congratulations for another mission well done! Valentina has been rescued and Minmus rocks are about to be praised all around Kerbin... they actually taste better in algae chowders than in stew, but who cares?
			#autoLOC_8005296 = DIALOG1
			#autoLOC_8005297 = TO MINMUS
			#autoLOC_8005298 = Hi everyone! This is Wernher von Kerman! \n\n The Acapello 15 looks incredible! I can't wait for the precious rocks to come back here. Our experts believe they will add a nice flavor to the mushroom stew. This delicacy could bring a big income to our Space Program. \n\n Let's <b><i>land on Minmus at the designated area.</b></i>\n\n Oh, and don't forget to bring an engineer aboard, the rover might need some repairs after landing...
			#autoLOC_8005299 = DIALOG2
			#autoLOC_8005300 = EXTRACTION ROCKS!
			#autoLOC_8005301 = Good job, Acapello 15! \n\n Our probes located three tasty rock deposits around the area. <b><i>Locate the deposits, go there with the rover and extract at least 1.5 units at each spot. But if you dare, don't forget you have a maximum capacity of 60! </b></i> \nLet's start the digging! For science... and gastronomy!
			#autoLOC_8005302 = Precision Landing on Minmus
			#autoLOC_8005303 = Rescue Valentina
			#autoLOC_8005304 = Landing In Designated Area
			#autoLOC_8005305 = Reaching Extraction Spot
			#autoLOC_8005306 = Acapello 15 Splashed
			#autoLOC_8005307 = Acapello 15 has splashed in water!
			#autoLOC_8005308 = Acapello 15 is destroyed!
			#autoLOC_8005309 = Time Up
			#autoLOC_8005310 = It was too long!
			#autoLOC_8005311 = Landing Time Bonus
			#autoLOC_8005312 = Slow Landing
			#autoLOC_8005313 = Time Bonus
			#autoLOC_8005314 = High Mining Bonus
			#autoLOC_8005315 = DIALOG_NEW1
			#autoLOC_8005316 = EXTRACTION ROCKS! (87,36)
			#autoLOC_8005317 = Good job Acapello 15! \n\nNow go to the second area at coordinates (87,36)!
			#autoLOC_8005318 = Mission Completed
			#autoLOC_8005319 = Go to Next Digging Zone
			#autoLOC_8005320 = Try to do it in less time.
			#autoLOC_8005321 = Landing in the Designated Area with Precision
			#autoLOC_8005322 = Vessel requires these parts:
			#autoLOC_8005323 = <color=red>Zip File Import Failed. Check the log.</color>
			#autoLOC_8005324 = The mission(s) found in file <<1>> already exist in the following folder(s):\n <<2>> \nContinue with mission import and overwrite the folders?
			#autoLOC_8005325 = Overwrite Mission on Import
			#autoLOC_8005326 = <color=orange>Overwrite Folder(s)</color>
			#autoLOC_8005327 = Cancel import
			#autoLOC_8005328 = Mission File Imported
			#autoLOC_8005329 = Imported Mission File Moved
			#autoLOC_8005330 = Imported Mission File Move Failed
			#autoLOC_8005331 = The mission(s) found in file <<1>> already exist in the Missions/_Imported folder \nOverwrite the file or automatically rename it?
			#autoLOC_8005332 = Imported Mission File Move
			#autoLOC_8005333 = <color=orange>Overwrite file</color>
			#autoLOC_8005334 = Rename file
			#autoLOC_8005335 = Ziggy Kerman and the Spiders from Duna
			#autoLOC_8005336 = Our next step is exploring our solar system beyond our moons. Our next goal is our nearest neighbor, Duna.\n\nThe PR team is dealing with rumors that Duna is inhabited with Giant Robotic Spiders. I have no idea where folks get this stuff, but at least they aren't claiming that Kerbin is flat anymore. \n\nYour goal is to <b><i>build an unmanned probe chock-full of scientific instruments to explore Duna</b></i>. And disprove this dumb Spider theory once and for all.
			#autoLOC_8005337 = Build Dunar 4
			#autoLOC_8005338 = Dunar 4
			#autoLOC_8005339 = Dunar 4 must: reach Duna's SOI, orbit, conduct and transmit several scientific experiments, change inclinations to fly over the poles.
			#autoLOC_8005340 = Orbit Duna 60k Apo Per
			#autoLOC_8005341 = Reach Duna SOI
			#autoLOC_8005342 = Orbit Kerbin 200k Apo Per
			#autoLOC_8005343 = Left Kerbin SOI
			#autoLOC_8005344 = Left SOI
			#autoLOC_8005345 = SOI Reached
			#autoLOC_8005346 = Fly Through North Pole (-52,90)
			#autoLOC_8005347 = Fly Through South Pole (41,-88)
			#autoLOC_8005348 = Fly Through Equator (0,0)
			#autoLOC_8005349 = Do and transmit any science experiment 1
			#autoLOC_8005350 = Do and transmit any science experiment 2
			#autoLOC_8005351 = Do and transmit any science experiment 3
			#autoLOC_8005352 = Dunar 4 Crashed
			#autoLOC_8005353 = M10_DIALOG1
			#autoLOC_8005354 = DEPARTURE FOR DOOM
			#autoLOC_8005355 = Walt here! \n\n I see that you built the probe even though I've warned you about the Duna threat. At least, no kerbonaut will risk its life on this nonsense of a mission. \n\n Let's hope you won't stumble on any Giant Robotic Spiders there, or they might find a way to track us back here.... \n\n But first, let's <b><i>reach Kerbin's parking orbit at 200 km apoapsis and periapsis.</b></i>
			#autoLOC_8005356 = M10_DIALOG2
			#autoLOC_8005357 = Plan Your Interplanetary Transfer
			#autoLOC_8005358 = Now that you're in orbit, we're aiming to <b><i>reach Duna's SOI</b></i>. Plan the maneuver carefully, you don't want to end up aerobraking on Jool!
			#autoLOC_8005359 = M10_DIALOG4
			#autoLOC_8005360 = Search for Spiders
			#autoLOC_8005361 = Well done! \n\n We'll start with a little <b><i>fly-by over the equatorial region</b></i> to see if we find anything of interest. \n\n We should also <b><i>conduct and transmit a science report</b></i> while passing by. You can do it with any of our scientific devices!
			#autoLOC_8005362 = M10_DIALOG3
			#autoLOC_8005363 = Wow, You Made It!
			#autoLOC_8005364 = I can't believe you actually made it! Well done!\n\nBefore running your experiments, <b><i>put Dunar 4 in a circular 60km orbit</b></i>. And enjoy the view!
			#autoLOC_8005365 = M10_DIALOG5
			#autoLOC_8005366 = North Pole Investigation
			#autoLOC_8005367 = Wait! Wait! Wait! Everybody knows that the Giant Robotic Spiders live at Duna's poles. Something about the ice and the magnetic field.\n\n<b><i>Change your inclination to fly over the North Pole region</b></i> right away!\n\nGo ahead and <b><i>conduct and transmit a science report</b></i> there too: we can't overlook any clues we could get with those scientific gizmos.
			#autoLOC_8005368 = M10_DIALOG6
			#autoLOC_8005369 = South Pole Next!
			#autoLOC_8005370 = No trace of the Giant Robotic Spiders yet! This could only mean one thing... \nThey're hiding at the South Pole!\n\nGo ahead and <b><i>fly-by the South Pole region</b></i> immediately! \n\nYou already know the drill, so <b><i>conduct and transmit a science report</b></i> again from there!
			#autoLOC_8005371 = M10_DIALOG7
			#autoLOC_8005372 = Stop This Nonsense
			#autoLOC_8005373 = All right, knock it off. There's no evidence of any Giant Robot Spiders and there never was. We can't let paranoid delusions dictate our scientific agenda, otherwise we'll never make any real progress. \n\nStill, you collected some great data from around Duna, and we have enough to spend months analyzing it. Spiders or no, this was invaluable.\n\nIt's time to let Dunar 4 take a well-deserved rest. <b><i>Crash it in name of science</b></i> and <b><i>for extra points</b></i> do it in the <b><i>designated area</b></i>. Godspeed little probe!
			#autoLOC_8005374 = Orbiting Kerbin
			#autoLOC_8005375 = Orbiting Duna
			#autoLOC_8005376 = Equatorial Fly Through
			#autoLOC_8005377 = North Polar Fly Through
			#autoLOC_8005378 = South Pole Fly Through
			#autoLOC_8005379 = Dunar 4 Splashed
			#autoLOC_8005380 = Dunar 4 Destroyed
			#autoLOC_8005381 = Kerbin Orbit Accuracy Bonus
			#autoLOC_8005382 = Leaving Kerbin SOI
			#autoLOC_8005383 = Reaching Duna's SOI
			#autoLOC_8005384 = Duna Orbit Accuracy Bonus
			#autoLOC_8005385 = Transmiting Science
			#autoLOC_8005386 = Fly Through Accuracy Bonus
			#autoLOC_8005387 = North Polar Fly Through Acurracy Bonus
			#autoLOC_8005388 = South Pole Fly Through Accuracy Bonus
			#autoLOC_8005389 = Dunar 4 Crashed in Zone
			#autoLOC_8005390 = Apply Score
			#autoLOC_8005391 = Crashing Duna 4
			#autoLOC_8005392 = Crashing Duna 4 Accuracy Bonus
			#autoLOC_8005393 = Wait for Crash
			#autoLOC_8005394 = M10_DIALOG9
			#autoLOC_8005395 = Splashed on Kerbin
			#autoLOC_8005396 = You're supposed to go to Duna, not splash down on Kerbin.
			#autoLOC_8005397 = M10_DIALOG8
			#autoLOC_8005398 = Dunar 4 Destroyed
			#autoLOC_8005399 = Dunar 4 is toast, and not in a good way.
			#autoLOC_8005400 = STRANDED ON MINMUS
			#autoLOC_8005401 = Objective not yet completed
			#autoLOC_8005402 = OR
			#autoLOC_8005403 = THEN
			#autoLOC_8005404 = \nScoring for
			#autoLOC_8005405 = Reach Kerbin's SOI
			#autoLOC_8005406 = Check if a vessel is entering a Sphere of Influence
			#autoLOC_8005407 = Crew Count 2
			#autoLOC_8005408 = Check the number of Kerbals in a vessel
			#autoLOC_8005409 = DIALOG6
			#autoLOC_8005410 = Display a message in a dialog box
			#autoLOC_8005411 = Incomplete Crew
			#autoLOC_8005412 = Looks like we have an empty seat. Did you forget someone?
			#autoLOC_8005413 = Crew Count 3
			#autoLOC_8005414 = Subtract
			#autoLOC_8005415 = Mission Tools
			#autoLOC_8005416 = Closed
			#autoLOC_8005417 = Titan II GLV
			#autoLOC_8005422 = Attach Nodes
			#autoLOC_8005444 = The location details of the comet
			#autoLOC_8005445 = Spawn Comet
			#autoLOC_8005446 = Spawn a Comet somewhere in the universe
			#autoLOC_8005447 = Comet to calculate the distance to.
			#autoLOC_8005448 = Select a valid comet to calculate the distance to.
			#autoLOC_8005449 = Velocity Reference Body
			#autoLOC_8005450 = Select the type of object with respect to which velocity is to be measured
			#autoLOC_8005451 = Vessel to calculate the velocity to.
			#autoLOC_8005452 = Asteroid to calculate the velocity to.
			#autoLOC_8005453 = Comet to calculate the velocity to.
			#autoLOC_8005454 = Kerbal to calculate the velocity to.
			#autoLOC_8005455 = Orbited CB
			#autoLOC_8005456 = Grappling Device
			#autoLOC_8005457 = The grappling part for grapple test.
			#autoLOC_8005458 = Space Object Type
			#autoLOC_8005459 = Select the type of space object to test grapple.
			#autoLOC_8005460 = Asteroid to test grapple on.
			#autoLOC_8005461 = Comet to test grapple on.
			#autoLOC_8005462 = Test whether a space object is grappled or not by a specific grappling device.
			#autoLOC_8005463 = Fastened/Unfastened
			#autoLOC_8005464 = This node is useful when you need to check if a space object is grappled to a specific grappling device.
			#autoLOC_8005465 = Test Grapple
			#autoLOC_8005466 = Fastened
			#autoLOC_8005467 = Unfastened
			#autoLOC_8005478 = A true workhorse of a rocket for any space exploration program, this craft currently has a probe attached which can go to the Mun or Minmus.
			#autoLOC_8005479 = Goliath II HLV
			#autoLOC_8005480 = Don't let the The Goliath's looks fool you - it is a great craft to send a pair of your astronauts rocketting to orbit, to see the sights or to dock with a station or another craft.
			#autoLOC_8005481 = Beta Centaurus
			#autoLOC_8005482 = This craft has a dummy payload with a docking port attached, perfect to learn the fine art of docking two craft together without putting two sets of astronauts at risk.
			#autoLOC_8005483 = Acapello
			#autoLOC_8005484 = This titanic rocket can propel its paired lander/command module combo to the Mun or Minmus with ease. Make sure to dock the lander and command module together after you decouple them.
			#autoLOC_8006000 = Heading
			#autoLOC_8006001 = Message
			#autoLOC_8006002 = Instructor Avatar
			#autoLOC_8006003 = Select an Avatar to show in the dialog
			#autoLOC_8006004 = Text Area Height
			#autoLOC_8006005 = Set the size of the text area (in pixels) of the message dialog
			#autoLOC_8006007 = Dialog Message
			#autoLOC_8006008 = Global Score
			#autoLOC_8006009 = Vessels removed from mission as craft files not found.
			#autoLOC_8006010 = Total score: <<1>>
			#autoLOC_8006013 = Restart Mission
			#autoLOC_8006014 = Are you sure you want to restart this mission?\n\nYou will lose all unsaved progress.
			#autoLOC_8006018 = Create new mission
			#autoLOC_8006019 = <color=orange>No save file exists.</color>
			#autoLOC_8006020 = Launch new Test
			#autoLOC_8006021 = To Test your Mission you will need to play through it first.\n\nEach time you hit an Objective it will create a Checkpoint for you to use in later play throughs.\n\nYou can also create Checkpoints manually via the Missions App when in-game.
			#autoLOC_8006022 = Multiple <<1>> selected: <<2>>
			#autoLOC_8006023 = connectors
			#autoLOC_8006024 = nodes
			#autoLOC_8006025 = High Score:
			#autoLOC_8006026 = Last Score:
			#autoLOC_8006027 = Description
			#autoLOC_8006028 = Launch Site: Unknown
			#autoLOC_8006029 = Select the Celestial Body from the list
			#autoLOC_8006030 = Edit
			#autoLOC_8006031 = Summary
			#autoLOC_8006032 = No Mission Objectives to Report
			#autoLOC_8006033 = Mods Information
			#autoLOC_8006034 = Enter any required mod details...
			#autoLOC_8006035 = Grab Mods List
			#autoLOC_8006038 = Mission Pack
			#autoLOC_8006039 = Validation Results
			#autoLOC_8006040 = No out connector and node is not an End node.
			#autoLOC_8006041 = Launch Site nodes must be docked to the Mission Start node
			#autoLOC_8006042 = Are you sure you want this to be called Unnamed Launch Site?
			#autoLOC_8006043 = Launch Sites must have unique names
			#autoLOC_8006044 = Launch Site nodes must have a valid location Set
			#autoLOC_8006045 = Part explodes every <<1>>ms
			#autoLOC_8006046 = <<1>> <<2>> points
			#autoLOC_8006047 = Pass
			#autoLOC_8006048 = Warn
			#autoLOC_8006049 = Node
			#autoLOC_8006050 = <<1>>: Set to <<2>> points
			#autoLOC_8006051 = Modify score: add <<1>> points
			#autoLOC_8006052 = Modify score: multiply by <<1>>
			#autoLOC_8006053 = Modify score: divided by <<1>>
			#autoLOC_8006054 = Modify score: substract <<1>> points
			#autoLOC_8006055 = Modify score: set to <<1>> points
			#autoLOC_8006056 = Accuracy score: <<1>>% awarded <<2>> points
			#autoLOC_8006057 = Bonus score: awarded <<1>> points
			#autoLOC_8006058 = Resource score: <<1>>units. Awarded <<2>> points
			#autoLOC_8006059 = First Part: <<1>>
			#autoLOC_8006060 = Second Part: <<1>>
			#autoLOC_8006061 = Part: <<1>>
			#autoLOC_8006062 = Go to <<1>>
			#autoLOC_8006063 = Pending...
			#autoLOC_8006064 = Right Click to build this vessel
			#autoLOC_8006065 = Messages
			#autoLOC_8006067 = Missions
			#autoLOC_8006068 = This will switch your current vessel to the <<1>>
			#autoLOC_8006069 = Switch Facility
			#autoLOC_8006070 = This will save your progress on <<1>> and load up <<2>> to continue building it.
			#autoLOC_8006071 = Click to switch to the VAB
			#autoLOC_8006072 = Click to switch to the SPH
			#autoLOC_8006073 = This is the currently selected vessel
			#autoLOC_8006074 = Click to change to this vessel
			#autoLOC_8006075 = Build the starting vessels to start the mission.\n\nRefer to the Missions App for details.
			#autoLOC_8006076 = Build the following vessels before we can continue the mission.\n\nRefer to the Missions App for details.
			#autoLOC_8006077 = Create Mission Vessel(s)
			#autoLOC_8006078 = All vessels created, start the mission?
			#autoLOC_8006079 = Stay in Editor
			#autoLOC_8006080 = All vessels created, continue the mission?
			#autoLOC_8006081 = Continue Mission
			#autoLOC_8006082 = Start mission
			#autoLOC_8006083 = Test Settings
			#autoLOC_8006084 = Allow Automatic Checkpoints
			#autoLOC_8006085 = Create checkpoint
			#autoLOC_8006086 = Do you want to reset the mission panels to the default layout?
			#autoLOC_8006087 = Reset Mission Panels
			#autoLOC_8006088 = Translate
			#autoLOC_8006089 = Rotate
			#autoLOC_8006090 = Changes Camera Focus
			#autoLOC_8006091 = Change Shape
			#autoLOC_8006092 = Focus Vessel
			#autoLOC_8006093 = Display Resources
			#autoLOC_8006094 = Display Vessels
			#autoLOC_8006095 = Display Launch Sites
			#autoLOC_8006096 = Display Objectives
			#autoLOC_8006097 = Display Orbits
			#autoLOC_8006098 = Previous Body
			#autoLOC_8006099 = Next Body
			#autoLOC_8006100 = Mission brief
			#autoLOC_8006101 = Reset the starting situation to defaults
			#autoLOC_8006102 = Island Airfield
			#autoLOC_8006103 = Woomerang Launch Site
			#autoLOC_8006104 = Select parts to use
			#autoLOC_8006105 = <b><color=#FFA500><<1>>:</color></b>\n<b><color=#4DC44D> Longitude:</color></b> <<2>>°\n<color=#4DC44D> Latitude:</color> <<3>>°
			#autoLOC_8006107 = <b><color=#FFA500>Volume:</color></b>\n<b><color=#4DC44D> Lon:</color></b> <<1>>°<color=#4DC44D> Lat:</color> <<2>>°\n<b><color=#4DC44D> Radius: </color></b> <<3>>m
			#autoLOC_8006109 = <b><color=#FFA500>Area:</color></b>\n<b><color=#4DC44D> Lon:</color></b> <<1>>°<color=#4DC44D> Lat:</color> <<2>>°\n<b><color=#4DC44D> Radius: </color></b> <<3>>m
			#autoLOC_8006110 = Check this to place vessel on the surface of water (when the location is in water).\nTurn it off to place vessel on the ground surface (even if thats under water).
			#autoLOC_8006111 = Anonymous
			#autoLOC_8006112 = Author
			#autoLOC_8006113 = Enter your name or nick...
			#autoLOC_8006114 = The Mission's Author name input
			#autoLOC_8006115 = Line color
			#autoLOC_8006116 = The active vessel
			#autoLOC_8006117 = (Player Created)
			#autoLOC_8006118 = Check this to place a kerbal on the surface of water (when the location is in water).\nTurn it off to place vessel on the ground surface (even if thats under water).
			#autoLOC_8006119 = Orbit User
			#autoLOC_8006120 = To the Mun Via Minmus
			#autoLOC_8006121 = This mission recreates the heady days of early Munar probes.\n\nYou start ready to launch to the stars, and your objective is ambitious, but the PR team assures us it's worth the risk: <b><i>reach Minmus' SOI</b></i>.\n\nWe also packed a little surprise for the Kerbal observers back on the ground: some Mystery Goo to release in orbit over Kerbin. Just remember to <b><i>run the experiment while in Kerbin's orbit just below 100km </b></i>to let it goo... err... let it go!\n\nReady for takeoff? We'll be back in touch during your flight!
			#autoLOC_8006122 = Launch Muna 1
			#autoLOC_8006123 = Wait for Muna 2 Destroy
			#autoLOC_8006124 = Orbit Minmus 10k
			#autoLOC_8006125 = Check selected parameters of a vessel orbit
			#autoLOC_8006126 = Releasing Mystery Goo
			#autoLOC_8006127 = Add score to the player's total.
			#autoLOC_8006128 = M3_DIALOG3
			#autoLOC_8006129 = A Question of Mint
			#autoLOC_8006130 = Gravity Scan
			#autoLOC_8006131 = Test for whether a science experiment has been performed.
			#autoLOC_8006132 = Launch Muna 2
			#autoLOC_8006133 = M3_DIALOG4
			#autoLOC_8006134 = Reach Altitude 50k
			#autoLOC_8006135 = M3_DIALOG5
			#autoLOC_8006136 = Orbit Mun 30k
			#autoLOC_8006137 = Prepare for Impact
			#autoLOC_8006138 = Mystery Goo Science Experiment
			#autoLOC_8006139 = Wait for Muna 2 Destroy
			#autoLOC_8006140 = M3_DIALOG6
			#autoLOC_8006141 = A Question of Mint
			#autoLOC_8006142 = You got the ship to Minmus. Give yourself a pat on the back! Now it's time to learn a little more about our mysterious smaller satellite. \n\nWe're going to settle once and for all whether Minmus is made of mint ice cream.\n\nFirst, we need you to<b><i> conduct and transmit a gravity scan with that small blue box on board</b></i>. Then, we need you to <b><i>crash Muna 1 into Minmus</b></i> to test its composition.\n\nWe know you can do it!
			#autoLOC_8006143 = Prepare for Impact
			#autoLOC_8006144 = All right, that does it. Every Kerbal who looks up at the Mun and dreams tonight will see our cloud of Goo, and know that they might someday stand on the Mun and see Kerbin. \n\nThe final part of your mission should be simple: <b><i>guide Muna 2 into the surface and crash it</b></i> in a giant fire ball, do it somewhere we can watch from here.\n\nOh, by the way, a message from the science team: turns out Minmus is just made out of regular old rock. It just happens to look like mint ice cream. Of course, that won't stop me from haivng a bite if I ever make it there myself...
			#autoLOC_8006145 = Crash Muna 2 into Mun
			#autoLOC_8006146 = Test if the selected vessel crashed
			#autoLOC_8006147 = Congratulations, team! Today's accomplishment is the proof that perseverance, and clean glasses too, can lead us far!\n\nLet's reflect on the Minmus/Mun misunderstanding with positive vibes: we reached both our natural satellites within one mission\n\nThis is definitely something to be partying about!
			#autoLOC_8006148 = M3_DIALOG2
			#autoLOC_8006149 = DOUBLE GOO RAINBOWS!
			#autoLOC_8006150 = Crew, this is Walt Kerman from the PR team! Great work!\n\nThe Mystery Goo has just spread over the sky in a majestic multi-colored cloud. No, it's more of a rainbow as seen through sunlight...wait... two rainbows now... woah!\n\nKerbals are celebrating this achievement, and we're starting to receive more applications to the astronaut complex. Nice job!\n\nYou should now think about <b><i>putting the probes to sleep after setting the course for Minmus</b></i>, and we'll be in touch again when you are <b><i>orbiting Minmus</b></i>.
			#autoLOC_8006151 = Take gravity scan in Minmus
			#autoLOC_8006152 = Release Mystery Goo
			#autoLOC_8006153 = Muna 1 Vessel Destroyed
			#autoLOC_8006154 = Why did you crash Muna 1?
			#autoLOC_8006155 = Muna 2 Vessel Destroyed
			#autoLOC_8006156 = Orbiting Minmus
			#autoLOC_8006157 = Releasing Mystery Goo
			#autoLOC_8006158 = Crash Muna 1 into Minmus
			#autoLOC_8006159 = Destroy Muna 1 by crashing it into Minmus.
			#autoLOC_8006160 = Muna 2 Crashing Zone
			#autoLOC_8006161 = Wait for Muna 1 Crash
			#autoLOC_8006162 = High Speed Crash Muna 2
			#autoLOC_8006163 = Crash Muna 2
			#autoLOC_8006164 = Mission Failed
			#autoLOC_8006165 = I said crash, but not now or here.
			#autoLOC_8006166 = Wait for Muna 1 Destroy
			#autoLOC_8006167 = Test Distance to Mun
			#autoLOC_8006168 = Orbiting Mun
			#autoLOC_8006169 = Orbit Kerbin 100k
			#autoLOC_8006170 = Wait for Crash
			#autoLOC_8006171 = Left Kerbin's SOI
			#autoLOC_8006172 = I think you are lost.
			#autoLOC_8006173 = Missed Minmus Orbit
			#autoLOC_8006174 = You missed your orbit!\n\nYou have to <i>stop</i> at Minmus.
			#autoLOC_8006175 = And now, to the Mun
			#autoLOC_8006176 = Nice work on the fabulous and educational destruction of Muna 1!\n\nIn fact, you did so well that we now want you to crash Muna 2 into the Mun. Isn't rocket science fun?\n\nWhile you're working on that, our scientists will be working overtime to determine if Minmus is as delicious as it appears in our telescopes.\n\nAll right! Let's <b><i>send Muna 2 to orbit the Mun.</b></i>
			#autoLOC_8006177 = Lookin' Goo(d)
			#autoLOC_8006178 = Heads up that we loaded Muna 2 with more Mystery Goo. The PR team asks that you <b><i>run the experiment and release it into a Goo cloud when in orbit around the Mun.</b></i> \n\nYou know, to impress the kids back home. \n\nKeep in mind that your electronics are getting slowly fried by the cosmic radiation ... you've got about 20 days.
			#autoLOC_8006179 = I said crash, but not now or here.
			#autoLOC_8006180 = High Speed Crash
			#autoLOC_8006181 = Meet Me in Zero G
			#autoLOC_8006182 = I hope you're ready for your next challenge! In this mission, you'll need to launch two spacecraft, then rendezvous and perform a docking operation. You'll be performing this maneuver high above Kerbin.\n\nFirst you'll <b><i>launch the Agena to a 300km circular orbit</b></i>. Once the Agena is in place, you'll <b><i>launch the Gemini and rendezvous with the Agena</b></i>.\n\nReady to make history?
			#autoLOC_8006183 = Atlas Agena
			#autoLOC_8006184 = Orbit 1, 300k Apo and Per
			#autoLOC_8006185 = M4_DIALOG2
			#autoLOC_8006186 = High Orbit Reached!
			#autoLOC_8006187 = Our ground team confirms the Agena has reached its planned orbit. Well done, Team Agena!\n\nWhy don't you relax, have some astronaut ice cream, and enjoy the view while team <b><i>Gemini prepares for launch!</b></i>
			#autoLOC_8006188 = Launch Gemini 8
			#autoLOC_8006189 = Orbit 2, 250k Apo and Per
			#autoLOC_8006190 = Dock Agena and Gemini 8
			#autoLOC_8006191 = M4_DIALOG1
			#autoLOC_8006192 = Low Fuel
			#autoLOC_8006193 = I've got some good news and some bad news. The good news is: your ship is lighter than we thought. The bad news is: that's because one of the technicians forgot to fill a fuel tank. <b><i>It seems one of your fuel tanks wasn't completely filled.</b></i>\n\nIt's too late to come back now, so you'll have to make do. You should still have enough fuel to make orbit... barely. Good luck!
			#autoLOC_8006194 = Return to Kerbin Dialog.
			#autoLOC_8006195 = Time to Undock!
			#autoLOC_8006196 = Gemini, this is Gus Kerman. I hate to be the bearer of bad news during your triumphant moment, but we're reviewing telemetry from the Gemini and noticed that somehow the ship's auto-destruct sequence has been initiated.\n\nSo.... that means you need to <b><i>undock right now</b></i> and <b><i>deorbit and return to Kerbin</b></i> immediately. Like, yesterday if possible.\n
			#autoLOC_8006197 = Undock NOW!
			#autoLOC_8006198 = RTKD Time Since Node
			#autoLOC_8006199 = Land on Kerbin
			#autoLOC_8006200 = Congratulations for making it back alive! Even though the experience was a little more stressful than anticipated, we managed to dock two spacecrafts together. Our dream of living in a spaceport is getting closer by the minutes...
			#autoLOC_8006201 = Docking
			#autoLOC_8006202 = Second Kerbin Orbit Resource Bonus
			#autoLOC_8006203 = Performing EVA
			#autoLOC_8006204 = M4_DIALOG3
			#autoLOC_8006205 = The Mighty Dock
			#autoLOC_8006206 = All systems are go, team Gemini!\n\nYou're about to do something no other Kerbal has done before: rendzevous and dock with another spacecraft. Your goal is to <b><i>launch to a 250km circular orbit, perform a Hohmann transfer, and rendezvous with the Agena</b></i>. Then you'll need to <b><i>perform an EVA to inspect the craft for damage</b></i>.\n\n Let's do it!
			#autoLOC_8006207 = Orbiting Kerbin Time Bonus
			#autoLOC_8006208 = Slow Kerbin Orbiting
			#autoLOC_8006209 = Slow Second Kerbin Orbit
			#autoLOC_8006210 = Second Kerbin Orbit Bonus
			#autoLOC_8006211 = Agena is destroyed!
			#autoLOC_8006212 = Agena has splashed in water!
			#autoLOC_8006213 = Gemini 8 has splashed in water!
			#autoLOC_8006214 = Gemini 8 is destroyed!
			#autoLOC_8006215 = It was too long!
			#autoLOC_8006216 = Docking Time Bonus
			#autoLOC_8006217 = Slow Docking
			#autoLOC_8006218 = Orbiting Kerbin
			#autoLOC_8006219 = Launch Window Missed
			#autoLOC_8006220 = Gemini took damage
			#autoLOC_8006221 = Gemini 8 Splashed
			#autoLOC_8006222 = Gemini 8 Destroyed
			#autoLOC_8006223 = Atlas Agena Splashed
			#autoLOC_8006224 = Atlas Agena Destroyed
			#autoLOC_8006225 = Pre-transfer
			#autoLOC_8006226 = Gemini in Orbit
			#autoLOC_8006227 = Great news from the ground: you're in an ideal orbit. Now you'll need to <b><i>plan and execute a Hohmann transfer</b></i> to reach the Agena's higher orbit, then rendezvous and dock with it. Remember to <b><i>EVA and inspect the crafts for damage</b></i> once you're docked!
			#autoLOC_8006228 = Msg Launch window missed
			#autoLOC_8006229 = Missed Launch Window
			#autoLOC_8006230 = You've missed the launch window.
			#autoLOC_8006231 = Perform EVA
			#autoLOC_8006232 = Kerbin Landing
			#autoLOC_8006233 = Good Landing
			#autoLOC_8006234 = Great Landing
			#autoLOC_8006235 = Wait for Landing
			#autoLOC_8006236 = Landed on Kerbin
			#autoLOC_8006237 = Explode Part 1
			#autoLOC_8006238 = Rendezvous with Agena
			#autoLOC_8006239 = Hurry Up to Orbit!
			#autoLOC_8006240 = I told you we didn't have time for that last snack. We are about to miss our launch window, you have <b><i>20 minutes to get into a 300k orbit</b></i>. Can you do it in less than <b><i>10 just for fun</b></i>?
			#autoLOC_8006241 = Explode Part 2
			#autoLOC_8006242 = Explode Part 3
			#autoLOC_8006243 = Explode Part 4
			#autoLOC_8006244 = Explode Part 5
			#autoLOC_8006245 = Explode Part 6
			#autoLOC_8006246 = Blue Mun
			#autoLOC_8006247 = Hello team! It's Gene Kerman! Your next mission is purely research, along with a little bit of skill.\n\nYou're <b><i>headed back to the Mun</b></i> with a cargo of <b><i>Mystery Goo</b></i>. This time, the science team asked us to <b><i>release the Goo over a specific biome</b></i>. Once you do that, you'll have a chance to <b><i>show off your piloting skills</b></i>.\n\nYour <b><i>budget and technology</b></i> have increased for this mission, so <b><i>build a spacecraft worthy of us Kerbals</b></i>!
			#autoLOC_8006248 = Build Muna 10
			#autoLOC_8006249 = M5_DIALOG2
			#autoLOC_8006250 = Parking Orbit
			#autoLOC_8006251 = Well done team. Muna 10 reached a stable parking orbit. We're getting good at this! \n\nThe next step is to <b><i>transfer to the Mun and establish an orbit at 13 km</b></i>. </b></i>
			#autoLOC_8006252 = Mun Orbit 13 deg inclination
			#autoLOC_8006253 = Experiment Transmitted
			#autoLOC_8006254 = M5_DIALOG4
			#autoLOC_8006255 = Mun River. Err, Lake.
			#autoLOC_8006256 = Team, we're nearly there. Just one last thing to do. The data we gather from this mission will help us send Kerbals next time, a monumental achivement. No pressure!\n\nYou simply need to <b><i>observe the Mystery Goo in Low Space over the East Crater</b></i>, then <b><i>transmit the data back to Kerbin</b></i>. I'm not sure exactly how this helps a Munar landing, but the science team assures us it's invaluable. \n\nGet to it!
			#autoLOC_8006257 = Reaching Kerbin Orbit high precision
			#autoLOC_8006258 = M5_DIALOG5
			#autoLOC_8006259 = Bad Mun Rising
			#autoLOC_8006260 = The data's coming in and... yes! We can confirm our hypothesis. Our calculations were correct: nothing special whatsoever happened to the mystery goo while flying over the East Crater. \n\nA complete absence of results, as expected. Thank you for your hard work!\n\nGene asked us to pass along one final instruction: <b><i>land Muna 10 in the Farside Crater</b></i>. The more accurate you are, and the more of the probe is intact, the more valuable the information we'll receive.
			#autoLOC_8006261 = Fuel Left
			#autoLOC_8006262 = M5_DIALOG1
			#autoLOC_8006263 = To the Mun, for Glory!
			#autoLOC_8006264 = Looks like you're ready to launch! Before transferring to Munar orbit, aim for a <b><i>100 km orbit around Kerbin</b></i>. You have a <b><i>45 minute launch window</b></i>, don't miss it! We'll be in touch once you're high above the planet.\n\nRemember, your main goal is to land on the Mun but how fuel efficient can you be?
			#autoLOC_8006265 = Great Fuel Efficiency
			#autoLOC_8006266 = Reaching Kerbin Orbit
			#autoLOC_8006267 = Launch Window
			#autoLOC_8006268 = Missed Launch Window
			#autoLOC_8006269 = Muna 10 Splashed
			#autoLOC_8006270 = Muna 10 Destroyed
			#autoLOC_8006271 = Muna 10 is destroyed!
			#autoLOC_8006272 = Muna 10 Crashed
			#autoLOC_8006273 = Muna 10 is destroyed!
			#autoLOC_8006274 = Fly above East Crater
			#autoLOC_8006275 = Check if the vessel is flying above the East Crater
			#autoLOC_8006276 = Good Fuel Efficiency
			#autoLOC_8006277 = Reaching Mun orbit good precision
			#autoLOC_8006278 = Reaching Mun orbit high precision
			#autoLOC_8006279 = Reaching Mun orbit
			#autoLOC_8006280 = Mystery Goo Experiment performed
			#autoLOC_8006281 = Landing Zone
			#autoLOC_8006282 = Landing on the Mun with Precision
			#autoLOC_8006283 = Landing on the Mun
			#autoLOC_8006284 = Dialog Impresive
			#autoLOC_8006285 = Impressive
			#autoLOC_8006286 = Most impressive.\n\nYou have the makings of a great pilot. Take a breather. You deserve it.
			#autoLOC_8006287 = Mission Failed Dialog
			#autoLOC_8006288 = You have missed the launch window.
			#autoLOC_8006289 = Mission Complete
			#autoLOC_8006290 = Kerbin 100km Orbit
			#autoLOC_8006291 = Munar 1
			#autoLOC_8006292 = All of our Munar research has led to this point, and you're about to make history - again! Your objective this time is simple: <b><i>build a spacecraft and land on the Mun</b></i>. Easy, right? No big deal.\n\nSo let's build Munar 1! Once you launch, you'll have <b><i>4 days</b></i> to complete your objectives and return home as we are short on snacks.
			#autoLOC_8006293 = Create Munar 1
			#autoLOC_8006294 = M6_DIALOG1
			#autoLOC_8006295 = Munar 1 Ready!
			#autoLOC_8006296 = That's certainly an interesting spacecraft! I'm sure it'll do just fine though, nothing to worry about.\nI hope you're ready to embark on an amazing adventure. \n\nWill your Kerbal crew be eaten by Munar monsters? Will your lander bounce off the surface? You DID build a lander, right? Will everything explode in a magnificent, money-wasting fireball?\n\nLet's find out!\n\nYour objective is to <b><i>launch Munar 1 into a circular orbit, transfer to the Mun, and circularize in a 33 km Munar orbit</b></i>.\n\nWhat are you waiting for? Let's make history!
			#autoLOC_8006297 = Orbit Kerbin 100k Apo and Per
			#autoLOC_8006298 = Orbit Mun 33k Apo and Per
			#autoLOC_8006299 = Land Vessel near (111,-40)
			#autoLOC_8006300 = One small step outside
			#autoLOC_8006301 = Plant a flag!
			#autoLOC_8006302 = One last orbit around the Mun
			#autoLOC_8006303 = M6_DIALOG4
			#autoLOC_8006304 = Claiming the Mun
			#autoLOC_8006305 = That's one small flag for a Kerbal, one giant flag for Kerbalkind.\n\nErrr... I mean, that's one small STEP for a Kerbal, one giant step for Kerbalkind?\n\nI kind of ruined the moment, didn't I? I'm just too excited!\nOnce you're done exploring, it's time to <b><i>launch, orbit the Mun, transfer back to Kerbin, and splash down at the supplied coordinates</b></i>. \n\nTurns out you might need a swimsuit after all!
			#autoLOC_8006306 = M6_DIALOG3
			#autoLOC_8006307 = Time to Munwalk
			#autoLOC_8006308 = Well done, Munar 1! You landed on the Mun, and you're still alive! That's great! I mean, we knew you could do it!\n\nYou are cleared to <b><i>perform an EVA and go for a walk. </b></i> Explore to your heart's content, but don't fall into a crevice. \n\nWalt also insisted that we <b><i>plant a flag </b></i> somewhere, to claim the Mun for Kerbalkind just in case Laythe turns out to be inhabited by a spacefaring species too!
			#autoLOC_8006309 = Mun Orbit Time bonus
			#autoLOC_8006310 = M6_DIALOG2
			#autoLOC_8006311 = Perpare for Landing
			#autoLOC_8006312 = Come in, Munar 1!\n\nEveryone at KSC is totally psyched right now. We're transmitting the landing coordinates most favorable for your first attempt at landing.\n\n<b><i>Land at the target area.</b></i>\n\nWe'll be in touch when you've set down!
			#autoLOC_8006313 = Bad time
			#autoLOC_8006314 = Average time
			#autoLOC_8006315 = Great Time
			#autoLOC_8006316 = Munar 1 Splashed
			#autoLOC_8006317 = You do know you were supposed to land on the Mun, right?
			#autoLOC_8006318 = Slow Mun Landing
			#autoLOC_8006319 = Mun Landing Time Bonus
			#autoLOC_8006320 = Wait for Splash
			#autoLOC_8006321 = Slow Mun Orbiting
			#autoLOC_8006322 = Munar 1 Crashed
			#autoLOC_8006323 = No no no! You're supposed to make history, not blow up!
			#autoLOC_8006324 = Accurate Mun Landing
			#autoLOC_8006325 = Landing in Kerbin with Precision
			#autoLOC_8006326 = Congratulations! For the first time, a Kerbal set foot on another celestial body. ...and brought that foot safely back to Kerbin for a well-deserved massage! Now, who knows what our next conquest will be?
			#autoLOC_8006327 = Planting a Flag
			#autoLOC_8006328 = Time's up
			#autoLOC_8006329 = Time's up! You should have returned by now!
			#autoLOC_8006330 = Missed splashdown
			#autoLOC_8006331 = Landing in Kerbin
			#autoLOC_8006332 = You are alive!
			#autoLOC_8006333 = Next time aim for the blue big thing.
			#autoLOC_8006334 = Land Munar 1 in the Zone
			#autoLOC_8006335 = Landing in Kerbin in The Zone
			#autoLOC_8006336 = Splash Test
			#autoLOC_8006337 = Splashing in Kerbin
			#autoLOC_8006338 = Msg Time's up
			#autoLOC_8006339 = Time is out
			#autoLOC_8006340 = Oh no! We are out of snacks. \n\nYou didn't make it in time!
			#autoLOC_8006341 = Munar 1 Landed
			#autoLOC_8006342 = You do know you were supposed to land on the Mun, right?
			#autoLOC_8006343 = You Missed the Landing Spot
			#autoLOC_8006344 = The mission required to Land on the Designated Area. The mission has failed.
			#autoLOC_8006345 = Munar 1 is destroyed!
			#autoLOC_8006346 = Sally-Hut 1
			#autoLOC_8006347 = The next major step in space exploration is sending Kerbals to live long-term in zero-g. On this mission, you'll <b><i>launch the Sally-Hut 1 into Kerbin orbit</b></i>, where it will become the first permanent space station! It will launch without a crew, like a new condo in space, ready for its new owners to visit. Let's do this!
			#autoLOC_8006348 = Reach 30km Altitude
			#autoLOC_8006349 = M9_DIALOG1
			#autoLOC_8006350 = Orbit Details
			#autoLOC_8006351 = Greetings crew!\nI realize post-launch is a bad time for additional instructions, but hey, you have to make do sometimes.\n\nSally-Hut must be in an extremely low orbit for our experiments to work, so please <b><i>launch it into an 80km circular orbit</b></i>.
			#autoLOC_8006352 = Orbit Kerbin 80km
			#autoLOC_8006353 = Launch Sally-Hut 1
			#autoLOC_8006354 = Fuel Efficiency
			#autoLOC_8006355 = M9_DIALOG2
			#autoLOC_8006356 = Soy-Ooze 10 Launch
			#autoLOC_8006357 = Great work, the Sally-Hut is in an ideal orbit. The next step is to send a crew up to live there!\n\nThe next part of the mission is simple: <b><i>launch, rendezvous with Sally-Hut 1, and dock</b></i>. Simple!\n\nSince we're testing the effects of long-term space habitation on Kerbals, there's no time limit on this leg of the mission. Still, you don't want to be at it forever, right?
			#autoLOC_8006358 = Reach 15km Altitude
			#autoLOC_8006359 = M9_DIALOG3
			#autoLOC_8006360 = Do We Have An Engineer Aboard?
			#autoLOC_8006361 = Bad news. We received an error message from Sally-Hut 1: the docking ports are malfunctioning, and you won't be able to dock with the station. \n\nAn engineer could fix this, but... we didn't include one on this mission. Oops.\n\nYou need to <b><i>abort the launch and land on Kerbin</b></i>. \n\nIf you can <b><i>land as close as possible to the Space Center</b></i> and avoid the water, we'll be able to re-use the command module right away.
			#autoLOC_8006362 = Landed on Kerbin -75.000 Long. -1.000 Lat.
			#autoLOC_8006363 = Launch Soy-Ooze 10
			#autoLOC_8006364 = The crewed Soy-Ooze vessel, ready to take the first crew to the space station.
			#autoLOC_8006365 = Launch Soy-Ooze 10 Part 2
			#autoLOC_8006366 = The, ahem, second attempt to launch Soy-Ooze 10.
			#autoLOC_8006367 = M9_DIALOG8
			#autoLOC_8006368 = Settle in!
			#autoLOC_8006369 = We will deploy the Solar Panels now and settle in. Now let's see how long you can live in space before suffering any major ill effects!\n\nIsn't science fun?
			#autoLOC_8006370 = Orbit Soy-Ooze 10
			#autoLOC_8006371 = Crew Sally-Hut 1 with pilot
			#autoLOC_8006372 = Oh well. We did tell you to enter the Sally-Hut with an engineer, didn't we? It seems the door system went terribly wrong and squashed this poor non-engineer to his doom.
			#autoLOC_8006373 = Soy-Ooze 10 Splashed
			#autoLOC_8006374 = M9_DIALOG4
			#autoLOC_8006375 = A New Hope
			#autoLOC_8006376 = Great news! You're ready to launch, repair the Sally-Hut 1, and take up permanent residence there! A little spin from our PR team and the public thinks it's all part of the plan.\n\nIsn't space exploration fun? Now, <b><i>launch, rendezvous with Sally-Hut 1, and repair the station</b></i> and make our spin a reality!
			#autoLOC_8006377 = M9_DIALOG6
			#autoLOC_8006378 = EVA and fix the docking ports
			#autoLOC_8006379 = You are close enough now. Your next step is to <b><i>EVA, enter the station with an engineer</b></i>, and repair the faulty docking ports.
			#autoLOC_8006380 = Soy-Ooze 10 Splashed
			#autoLOC_8006381 = Landing Soy-Ooze 10
			#autoLOC_8006382 = Boarded a Pilot
			#autoLOC_8006383 = Oh well. We did tell you to enter the Sally-Hut with an engineer, didn't we? It seems the door system went terribly wrong and squashed this poor non-engineer to his doom.
			#autoLOC_8006384 = M9_DIALOG9
			#autoLOC_8006385 = Engineer?
			#autoLOC_8006386 = Oh well. We did tell you to enter the Sally-Hut with an engineer, didn't we? It seems the door system went terribly wrong and squashed this poor non-engineer to his doom.
			#autoLOC_8006387 = M9_DIALOG7
			#autoLOC_8006388 = Well done!
			#autoLOC_8006389 = Well done! The engineer fixed the station, and you can now dock with it to board the rest of the crew to the PPD-10 Hitchhiker.
			#autoLOC_8006390 = Sally-Hut 1 Destroyed
			#autoLOC_8006391 = Sally-Hut 1 Splashed
			#autoLOC_8006392 = Sally-Hut 1 has splashed in water!
			#autoLOC_8006393 = Soy-Ooze 10 has splashed in water!
			#autoLOC_8006394 = Soy-Ooze 10 Destroyed
			#autoLOC_8006395 = Soy-Ooze 10 is destroyed!
			#autoLOC_8006396 = Soy-Ooze 10 Part 2 Destroyed
			#autoLOC_8006397 = Soy-Ooze 10 Part 2 Splashed
			#autoLOC_8006398 = Landed Soy-Ooze 10 in Target Zone
			#autoLOC_8006399 = Landing Bonus Great Efficiency
			#autoLOC_8006400 = Landing Bonus
			#autoLOC_8006401 = Orbiting Soy-Ooze 10 Part 2
			#autoLOC_8006402 = Orbiting Soy-Ooze 10 Part 2 Fuel Eficiency Bonus
			#autoLOC_8006403 = Orbiting Soy-Ooze 10 Part 2 Great Fuel Efficiency Bonus
			#autoLOC_8006404 = Rendezvous With Sally-Hut
			#autoLOC_8006405 = M9_DIALOG5
			#autoLOC_8006406 = Get to the Station
			#autoLOC_8006407 = You should be in a close orbit with Sally-Hut 1. Your next step is to <b><i>rendezvous with it</b></i>.\n\nWe are expecting this maneuver to take <b><i>less than 5 days</b></i>, you can do it right?
			#autoLOC_8006408 = Rendezvous Time Limit
			#autoLOC_8006409 = Are you having fun chasing the station? The time is up.
			#autoLOC_8006410 = Dock to Sally-Hut 1
			#autoLOC_8006411 = Wait for Solar Panel Deployment
			#autoLOC_8006412 = Board Sally-Hut 1
			#autoLOC_8006413 = Board PPD-10 Hitchhiker
			#autoLOC_8006414 = Boarding Sally-Hut 1
			#autoLOC_8006415 = Docking with Sally-Hut 1
			#autoLOC_8006416 = Orbiting Kerbin 80km
			#autoLOC_8006417 = Sally-Hut 1
			#autoLOC_8006418 = Sally-Hut 1, the first permanent space station.
			#autoLOC_8006419 = Soy-Ooze 10
			#autoLOC_8006420 = Soy-Ooze 10 Part 2
			#autoLOC_8006421 = Atlas Agena
			#autoLOC_8006422 = Gemini 8
			#autoLOC_8006423 = Gemini 8 carries a crew and needs to dock with Agena.
			#autoLOC_8006424 = Muna 10
			#autoLOC_8006425 = An unmanned vessel that needs to <b><i>reach a 100 km orbit around Kerbin, reach the Mun and orbit, change inclinations to pass over the East Crater, then observe the mystery goo over that biome</b></i>.\n\nBonus points will be awarded for piloting skill at the end of the mission if you can <b><i>successfully set the probe down in the crater</b></i>!
			#autoLOC_8006426 = Muna 1
			#autoLOC_8006427 = Muna 2
			#autoLOC_8006428 = An enhanced version of Muna 1
			#autoLOC_8006429 = Acapello 13
			#autoLOC_8006430 = Greetings crew! I hate to use the term "routine" when talking about spaceflight, but this should be a pretty straighforward and routine mission. Your goal is to <b><i>reach the Mun, land, plant a flag, pick up a surface sample, and return safely to Kerbin</b></i>. First though, reach a <b><i>100km circular orbit over Kerbin</b></i>.\n\nOh, and ignore the warnings about bad luck and the number 13. That's just superstitious nonsense, like the rumors of giant spiders on Duna.
			#autoLOC_8006431 = Launch Acapello 13
			#autoLOC_8006432 = Land on the Mun and return safely with a surface sample.
			#autoLOC_8006433 = Acapello
			#autoLOC_8006434 = Orbit Kerbin 100km ApPer
			#autoLOC_8006435 = Dialog 11: Landed on Mun
			#autoLOC_8006436 = Amazing!
			#autoLOC_8006437 = Great work team! I can't believe you managed to pull this mission off! Now <b><i>EVA, take a soil sample</b></i>, and celebrate pulling victory from the jaws of defeat!
			#autoLOC_8006438 = Acapello 13 Landed on Mun
			#autoLOC_8006439 = Dialog 1: Munward Bound
			#autoLOC_8006440 = Munward Bound
			#autoLOC_8006441 = OK team, point this ship at the Mun and prepare to land. It may be routine but hopefully not too boring, eh?
			#autoLOC_8006442 = Fuel Efficiency Bonus Orbiting Kerbin
			#autoLOC_8006443 = Acapello 13 Splashed
			#autoLOC_8006444 = Acapello 13 has splashed in water.
			#autoLOC_8006445 = Acapello 13 Destroyed
			#autoLOC_8006446 = Dialog 9: A Choice
			#autoLOC_8006447 = Your Call, Acapello 13
			#autoLOC_8006448 = OK, bad news, that explosion was actually one of your engines. We're assessing the situation now, but it seems that you should be able to complete your mission. \n\nYou can choose to <b><i>return to Kerbin</b></i>. If you do, no one will think any less of you for scrubbing the mission!\n\nBut if you're feeling particularly brave, you should have enough fuel to <b><i>continue to the Mun and attempt a landing</b></i>. <b><i> You will need to dock the pod to the lander</b></i>. We cannot guarantee your safety, so please be careful if you choose to face danger like a true Kerbal!
			#autoLOC_8006449 = Landed on Kerbin - Safe 01
			#autoLOC_8006450 = You made it back safe. Not very brave, but safety first, right? Nothing to be ashamed of.
			#autoLOC_8006451 = Mun Surface Sample
			#autoLOC_8006452 = Dialog 8: Um
			#autoLOC_8006453 = Um...
			#autoLOC_8006454 = Acapello 13, do you read? We detected a massive explosion on your vessel! What is your status? Repeat, what is your status?
			#autoLOC_8006455 = Jeb Returns to the Orbiter
			#autoLOC_8006456 = Dialog 12: Trouble
			#autoLOC_8006457 = You're in Trouble
			#autoLOC_8006458 = Come in, Acapello 13! We just detected a sudden, unplanned, totally random, definitely-NOT-scripted issue in your lander! In other words,<b><i> it's totally useless </b></i>and you need to act fast if you want to go back home! \n\nYou have <b><i>gained some altitude</b></i> and there's something crazy and dangerous you could try doing to get closer to the Acapello orbiter. OK, what about this: you'll need to <b><i>EVA and use your suit's RCS thrusters to reach full Munar orbit and then try to complete your rendezvous with the orbiter</b></i>!\n\nIf you want to make it home alive, you'll need to time this maneuver perfectly. Are you ready?\n\nGO! And good luck!
			#autoLOC_8006459 = Dialog 10: Mun SOI
			#autoLOC_8006460 = You Made It!
			#autoLOC_8006461 = You reached the Mun! Decision time - you can still <b><i>head back to Kerbin and land</b></i>, or <b><i>attempt to set down on the Mun</b></i>.\n\nTo minimize risk, <b><i>take only one Kerbal in the lander</b></i>. My vote goes for Jeb!
			#autoLOC_8006462 = Mun's SOI Reached
			#autoLOC_8006463 = Splashed on Kerbin - Safe 02
			#autoLOC_8006464 = You made it back safe. Not very brave, but safety first, right? Nothing to be ashamed of.
			#autoLOC_8006465 = Dialog 13: Made It
			#autoLOC_8006466 = Unbelievable!
			#autoLOC_8006467 = That's one for the history books! The hard part's done, Acapello 13, <b><i>come on home</b></i>!
			#autoLOC_8006468 = Dialog 15: Come on!
			#autoLOC_8006469 = What Now??
			#autoLOC_8006470 = The bad news keeps piling up, Acapello 13. Looks like your <b><i>parachutes' activation system failed and it burned both of your main parachutes</b></i>. You can try to use your drogue chutes to slow down but the impact will still be lethal, so...\n\nYou're going to have to jump!!! Use your personal parachutes and try to <b><i>land safely on Kerbin</b></i>. Anywhere will do!
			#autoLOC_8006471 = EVA first Kerbal
			#autoLOC_8006472 = EVA second Kerbal
			#autoLOC_8006473 = Kerbin's SOI Reached
			#autoLOC_8006474 = Dialog 14: Almost There
			#autoLOC_8006475 = You're are almost there!
			#autoLOC_8006476 = Nice job, Acapello!\n\nYou were able to reach Kerbin's SOI with the little fuel you had left and there should still be enough to prepare your vessel for re-entry and landing... Hopefully!!!!\n\n\nI am sure everything will be absolutely fine from now on. Land wherever you want, we don't want to add any unnecessary complexity to the mission at this point.\n
			#autoLOC_8006477 = EVA third Kerbal
			#autoLOC_8006478 = Kerbal Landed
			#autoLOC_8006479 = Dialog 7: Back Safe
			#autoLOC_8006480 = Landing in Mun
			#autoLOC_8006481 = Fuel Eficiency Landing in Mun
			#autoLOC_8006482 = Great Fuel Eficiency Landing in Mun
			#autoLOC_8006483 = Taking a Surface Sample
			#autoLOC_8006484 = Boarding Jeb into Orbiter
			#autoLOC_8006485 = Kerbal Landed Safely
			#autoLOC_8006486 = Time Since Node 1
			#autoLOC_8006487 = Time Since Node 2
			#autoLOC_8006488 = Boarding Jeb into Orbiter Bonus
			#autoLOC_8006489 = Time Since Node 3
			#autoLOC_8006490 = Explode Part 5
			#autoLOC_8006491 = You made it back safe. Not very brave, but safety first, right? Nothing to be ashamed of.
			#autoLOC_8006492 = We've lost the crew!
			#autoLOC_8006493 = I told you you shouldn't take the risk, this failure is on you.
			#autoLOC_8006494 = Resource Amount 1
			#autoLOC_8006495 = Resource Amount 3
			#autoLOC_8006496 = Resource Amount 2
			#autoLOC_8006497 = Great Fuel Efficiency Bonus Orbiting Kerbin
			#autoLOC_8006498 = Reaching Mun's SOI
			#autoLOC_8006499 = You are all safe!
			#autoLOC_8006502 = - Orbit Kerbin\n- Orbit Mun\n- Land on Mun\n- Orbit Mun \n- Splash on Kerbin
			#autoLOC_8007000 = Variants
			#autoLOC_8007001 = Variant:
			#autoLOC_8007002 = Variants available: <<1>>
			#autoLOC_8007003 = <color=#bc0f0f><b> <<1>> </b></color> (Locked by attachments)
			#autoLOC_8007004 = <color=yellow><b> <<1>> </b></color>
			#autoLOC_8007005 = Basic
			#autoLOC_8007100 = Orange
			#autoLOC_8007101 = Gray
			#autoLOC_8007102 = Cap 1.875
			#autoLOC_8007103 = Bare
			#autoLOC_8007104 = Shrouded
			#autoLOC_8007105 = Bare
			#autoLOC_8007106 = Full
			#autoLOC_8007107 = Mid
			#autoLOC_8007108 = Bare
			#autoLOC_8007109 = Bare
			#autoLOC_8007110 = Shroud Small
			#autoLOC_8007111 = Shroud Big
			#autoLOC_8007112 = Tank Butt
			#autoLOC_8007113 = Truss Mount
			#autoLOC_8007114 = Shroud
			#autoLOC_8007115 = Bare
			#autoLOC_8007116 = White
			#autoLOC_8007117 = Dark
			#autoLOC_8007118 = Gold
			#autoLOC_8007119 = White
			#autoLOC_8007120 = Black and White
			#autoLOC_8007121 = Gray and Orange
			#autoLOC_8007122 = Black and White
			#autoLOC_8007123 = Orange
			#autoLOC_8007201 = None
			#autoLOC_8007211 = Display Kerbals
			#autoLOC_8007212 = Display Vessels
			#autoLOC_8007213 = Display Asteroids
			#autoLOC_8007214 = Display Flags
			#autoLOC_8007215 = GAP Vessel Token
			#autoLOC_8007216 = Rocket
			#autoLOC_8007217 = AirCraft
			#autoLOC_8007218 = Asteroid
			#autoLOC_8007219 = Kerbal
			#autoLOC_8007221 = Flag
			#autoLOC_8007222 = Do you want to delete '<<1>>'?
			#autoLOC_8007223 = Delete Mission
			#autoLOC_8007224 = Repair <<1>> failure
			#autoLOC_8007300 = Please select a craft
			#autoLOC_8007301 = <b><color=#FFA500>Biome:</color></b>\n<b><color=#4DC44D>Selected: </color></b><<1>>\n<b><color=#4DC44D>Over: </color></b><<2>>
			#autoLOC_8007302 = <b><color=#FFA500>Volume Height:</color></b>\n<b><color=#4DC44D> Center: </color></b><<1>>m
			#autoLOC_8007303 = <b><color=#FFA500>Volume Height:</color></b>\n<b><color=#4DC44D> Minimum: </color></b><<1>>m\n<b><color=#4DC44D> Maximum: </color></b><<2>>m
			#autoLOC_8007304 = <b><color=#FFA500>Camera Zoom:</color></b>\n<b><color=#4DC44D> Distance: </color></b><<1>>m\n
			#autoLOC_8007305 = <b><color=#FFA500>Light Cycle:</color></b>\n<b><color=#4DC44D> Base UT: </color></b><<1>>\n<b><color=#4DC44D> Current UT: </color></b><<2>>
			#autoLOC_8007310 = <color=#FFBC00><b>Node Missing</b></color>
			#autoLOC_8007311 = The linked node does not exist anymore
			#autoLOC_8007312 = On: <<1>>\n Longitude: <<2>>° \nLatitude: <<3>>° \n Radius: <<4>>km
			#autoLOC_8007313 = On: <<1>>\n Longitude: <<2>>° \nLatitude: <<3>>° \n Radius: <<4>>km\n Height:<<5>>km
			#autoLOC_8007314 = On: <<1>>\n Longitude: <<2>>° \nLatitude: <<3>>° \n Radius: <<4>>km\n MinHeight: <<5>>km \nMaxHeight: <<6>>km
			#autoLOC_8007400 = Kerbal Killed
			#autoLOC_8007401 = Check if a kerbal has been killed
			#autoLOC_8007402 = We prefer not to talk about this one.
			#autoLOC_8007403 = Snap to Grid
			#autoLOC_8008000 = Size 1.5 [1.875m]
			#autoLOC_8008001 = Size 4 [5m]
			#autoLOC_8009000 = EP-12 Engine Plate
			#autoLOC_8009001 = Inspired by an upside down birthday cake, but with added shrouds for windy days. For clustering multiple small engines on small tanks.
			#autoLOC_8012000 = Angle of Attack
			#autoLOC_8012001 = Forward Lift
			#autoLOC_8012002 = Vertical Lift
			#autoLOC_8012003 = Air Speed
			#autoLOC_8012004 = Confirm Deletion
			#autoLOC_8012005 = Delete all <<1>> of your current messages?
			#autoLOC_8012006 = Delete All Messages
			#autoLOC_8012007 = Confirm Message Deletion:
			#autoLOC_8012008 = EVA Suit Selection
			#autoLOC_8012021 = Base suit
			#autoLOC_8012022 = Vintage suit
			#autoLOC_8012023 = Future suit
			#autoLOC_8012024 = L
			#autoLOC_8012025 = R
			#autoLOC_8012026 = Monoprop
			#autoLOC_8012027 = Ox
			#autoLOC_8012028 = Left
			#autoLOC_8012029 = Right
			#autoLOC_8012030 = Rear
			#autoLOC_8012031 = Forward
			#autoLOC_8012032 = LqdFuel
			#autoLOC_8012033 = LF+Ox
			#autoLOC_8012034 = Double Bell
			#autoLOC_8012035 = Single Bell
			#autoLOC_8012036 = Our scientists at [Agency] have been salivating over the idea of getting close-up data from a comet. Let’s make that happen.
			#autoLOC_8012037 = We here at [Agency] have always been interested in the mighty, tailed interlopers of our solar system: the Comet.
			#autoLOC_8012038 = While we’ve done many great things here at [Agency], a mission to meet up with a comet will likely go down in history as our finest achievement.
			#autoLOC_8012039 = Therefore, we need you to send a Kerbal to [Topic] to gather a bit of comet material. Make sure they’re extremely brave, and that they bring their helmet wipers with them if they visit the comet while it’s near the Sun.
			#autoLOC_8012040 = You’ll need a brave astronaut to visit [Topic] and pick up a chunk of what we think will be something like the gunk you find next to the side of the road after a snowplow comes through in the winter. Except much, much, more valuable from a scientific perspective.
			#autoLOC_8012041 = Conditions on the comet may be challenging. We hope you have a Kerbal in mind who’s st… courageous enough to visit [Topic] and scoop up a chunk of it for scientific analysis.
			#autoLOC_8012042 = Reach the comet and return or transmit a surface sample to gather valuable data about the comet.
			#autoLOC_8012043 = Return a sample from Comet <<1>>.
			#autoLOC_8012044 = Reach <<1>> and take a sample to transmit or return for analysis. Make sure to send a Scientist to take the sample. <<2>>
			#autoLOC_8012045 = Take a surface sample from <<1>>
			#autoLOC_8012046 = You’ve successfully transmitted data back from <<1>>! Job well done!
			#autoLOC_8012047 = The comet is in a relatively short period orbit, it won’t present too much of a challenge to reach it and gather some data for your fine astronauts.
			#autoLOC_8012048 = The comet is in an orbit that makes intercept somewhat difficult, you can catch it as it swings by the Sun.
			#autoLOC_8012049 = This comet’s orbit means you’ll have only one chance to catch it before it departs for the Oort cloud or even beyond. Make sure you’ve assessed the complexity of this mission before you accept this contract.
			#autoLOC_8012050 = ESA
			#autoLOC_8012051 = 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko
			#autoLOC_8012052 = Tourists are not trained to spacewalk.
			#autoLOC_8012053 = Kerbals stop at end of ladder
			#autoLOC_8012054 = SEQ-24 Cargo Storage Unit
			#autoLOC_8012055 = When you want to bring everything and the kitchen sink, this is the storage unit for you.\n\nCapable of transporting 24 different cargo items, or a small house worth of goods and furniture, you can colonize Duna in style!
			#autoLOC_8012056 = contain storage cargo parts
			#autoLOC_8012057 = SEQ-3C Conformal Storage Unit
			#autoLOC_8012058 = A small storage container, built with conformal aerodynamics in mind to allow its use on both aircraft and spacecraft. Perfect for small cargo needs, or a secret snack supply.
			#autoLOC_8012059 = contain storage cargo surface conformal parts
			#autoLOC_8012062 = <<1>> exceeds the weight that a kerbal can construct with in this gravity.
			#autoLOC_8012063 = Inventory
			#autoLOC_8012064 = Ignore Kerbal EVA Construction Mass Limit
			#autoLOC_8012065 = Ignore Kerbal Inventory Volume/Mass Limit
			#autoLOC_8012066 = Use Middle Mouse Click to set Position
			#autoLOC_8012067 = Fix repairable parts
			#autoLOC_8012068 = Override safety check
			#autoLOC_8014000 = BepiColombo
			#autoLOC_8014001 = Brought to you in partnership with ESA, this mission asks you to recreate parts of the currently ongoing real world Bepi Colombo mission, with an added Kerbal flair.\n\nYour goal is to deliver two orbital probes to Moho to investigate its magnetic field and planetary features, and finally to reach the surface with a small lander.\n\nFor added challenge you can attempt an Eve flyby as part of the interplenetary transfer.\n\nBest of luck!
			#autoLOC_8014002 = Moho Scientific Study
			#autoLOC_8014003 = Mission Briefing
			#autoLOC_8014004 = In collaboration with ESA we have created this mission that challenges you to put the BepiColombo spacecraft in orbit of Moho, simulating some aspects of the real mission.\n\nYou'll need to be at your best to match (or even surpass) what real flight and mission planners achieved, but we're sure you can handle it.
			#autoLOC_8014005 = Test MPO Equipment
			#autoLOC_8014006 = LKO Dialog Message
			#autoLOC_8014007 = You're in LKO
			#autoLOC_8014008 = It looks like you've chosen to do the Eve flyby manuever - this will be tricky, but with good flying you can do it! \n\n<color=green>Aim for a transfer that reaches Eve after around 200 days - that would be around Year 191, Day 65.\n\nAim to swing by in front of the planet so it lowers your orbit relative to the Sun, but not too close, Eve's atmosphere is very dense! A prograde maneuver of ~1090m/s will be enough, if you time it well.</color>
			#autoLOC_8014009 = Nearing Eve
			#autoLOC_8014011 = Eve SOI Dialog Message
			#autoLOC_8014012 = You're approaching Eve!
			#autoLOC_8014013 = We hope you've plotted your next maneuver well - this is a very high-risk, high reward plan you have going.
			#autoLOC_8014014 = Moho Dialog Message
			#autoLOC_8014015 = Congratulations on reaching Moho!
			#autoLOC_8014016 = Proceed to first designated orbit, where you'll drop off the MMO - the Moho Magnetospheric Orbiter.
			#autoLOC_8014017 = Reach MPO Deploy Orbit
			#autoLOC_8014018 = Test the Magnetometer
			#autoLOC_8014019 = Detach MMO Dialog
			#autoLOC_8014020 = Detach the MMO
			#autoLOC_8014021 = Release the Moho Magnetospheric Orbiter in your current orbit for it to continue gathering data about Moho.\n\nMoho's very long sidereal day means that the MMO will need to gather data for a long period to fully map the magnetic field.
			#autoLOC_8014022 = Land the MSE on Moho
			#autoLOC_8014023 = Land MSE Dialog
			#autoLOC_8014024 = Land on Moho
			#autoLOC_8014025 = On to the final step! Our scientific team has selected a landing target for you.\n\nSet the MSE - Moho Surface Element - down as close to the designated coordinates as you possibly can.
			#autoLOC_8014026 = Mission Accomplished Dialog
			#autoLOC_8014027 = Excellent work, mission complete!
			#autoLOC_8014028 = You've managed to complete every step of this extraodinary journey to the closest planet to the Sun. Amazing job!\n\nThe data recovered will be analyzed and doubtless give us new discoveries and papers to write about Moho for decades.
			#autoLOC_8014029 = Ship Crashed
			#autoLOC_8014030 = Wrong Planet
			#autoLOC_8014031 = Swinging by Eve does not include stopping for tea and cakes!\n\nYour velocity indicator should be >4000m/s not 0. Mission failed.
			#autoLOC_8014032 = Unexpected Splashdown
			#autoLOC_8014033 = What goes up...
			#autoLOC_8014034 = ...must come down, but not always on the same planet\n\nWe didn't spend this much money to find out more about Kerbin's magnetic field... especially not in just one spot.\n\nMission failed.
			#autoLOC_8014035 = Crash Landing
			#autoLOC_8014036 = Flyby Eve
			#autoLOC_8014037 = Reach Moho
			#autoLOC_8014038 = Test Magnetometer Dialogue
			#autoLOC_8014039 = Test the MMO's instruments
			#autoLOC_8014040 = Run a magnetometer test to confirm that we have good telemetry from the Moho Magnetosphere Observer before releasing it into orbit.\n\nDue to Moho's long day, it will need to stay in orbit for months to fully map its magnetosphere\n\n<color=green>You will have to release the sunshield fairing that protects the MMO to access the magnetometer.</color>
			#autoLOC_8014041 = Magnetometer Science Report
			#autoLOC_8014042 = Achieve First Moho Orbit
			#autoLOC_8014043 = Successful Moho Landing
			#autoLOC_8014044 = Successful Instrument Test
			#autoLOC_8014045 = Really Close Landing
			#autoLOC_8014046 = Perfect Landing
			#autoLOC_8014047 = Test Experiment
			#autoLOC_8014048 = Run an experiment
			#autoLOC_8014049 = The Moho Planetary Orbiter has quite a few experiments to monitor Moho from a closer distance. Test at least one.
			#autoLOC_8014050 = Achieve Second Moho Orbit
			#autoLOC_8014051 = Crater Landing
			#autoLOC_8014052 = Game Over
			#autoLOC_8014053 = Fly Down Mohole
			#autoLOC_8014054 = Crashed in Mohole
			#autoLOC_8014055 = Avoid Mohole Dialog
			#autoLOC_8014056 = Nothing to see here!
			#autoLOC_8014057 = We told you to stay out of the Mohole!!! What are you doing here? Please exit this space before unforeseen events compromise our security.
			#autoLOC_8014058 = How to get there
			#autoLOC_8014059 = Launch Instructions
			#autoLOC_8014060 = We've got two flight plans for you. \n\n1. Launch immediately for a direct transfer to Moho flight. It's simpler but the deltaV cost is higher, or\n\n2. Launch in about 13 days, at year 190, day 290, for a more difficult but efficient flight intercepting Eve, which you can use for a gravity assist to your final destination.
			#autoLOC_8014061 = Waited on Pad
			#autoLOC_8014062 = Since it looks like you're planning to do the Eve flyby manuever, we've adjusted the target orbit - it's more inclined. Remember to depart Kerbin on day 290 for an ideal transfer window.
			#autoLOC_8014063 = Vessel Destroyed!
			#autoLOC_8014064 = Rockets do tend to explode, but we are pretty sure this one is your fault. Perhaps it's a little more simulator time would be good?
			#autoLOC_8014065 = Gravity Assist
			#autoLOC_8014066 = Plotting just a single gravity assist maneuver can be difficult, be careful to plan it well ahead of time.\n\nThe real BepiColombo mission used a total of <b>9</b> gravity assists around the Earth, Venus and Mercury to reduce the missions deltaV requirement.
			#autoLOC_8014067 = Direct Transfer
			#autoLOC_8014068 = It looks like you've chosen to do the Eve flyby manuever - this will be tricky, but with good flying you can do it! \n\n<color=green>Aim for a transfer that reaches Eve after around 200 days - that would be around Year 191, Day 65.\n\nAim to swing by in front of the planet so it lowers your orbit relative to the Sun, but not too close, Eve's atmosphere is very dense! A prograde maneuver of ~1090m/s will be enough, if you time it well.</color>
			#autoLOC_8014069 = Achieve Orbit over Kerbin
			#autoLOC_8014070 = Rosetta
			#autoLOC_8014071 = This mission is brought to you in partnership with ESA.\n\nThe Rosetta mission was a ground breaking scientific voyage to intercept Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko and land a probe on it, you'll be asked to do the same.\n\nMake sure to conserve as much fuel as possible to be able to make further manuevers near the comet!
			#autoLOC_8014072 = Rosetta Study
			#autoLOC_8014073 = In collaboration with ESA, we have created this mission that challenges you to replicate the historic Rosetta mission. The first spacecraft to orbit a comet, and the first to deploy and soft land a probe on a comet surface.
			#autoLOC_8014074 = Reach inclined orbit over Kerbin
			#autoLOC_8014075 = You've reached orbit
			#autoLOC_8014076 = Congratulations on reaching a good Low Kerbin Orbit (LKO), now plot your manuever carefully to intercept the comet.\n\nYou can intercept the comet anywhere in its orbit, but it is definitely easier at certain points.\n\n<color=green>For the most efficient intercept, try to match the comet's apoapsis with your transfer. This gives the lowest relative intercept speed when you arrive and reduces the deltaV you need to expend on approach. </color>\n\nTry to save all the fuel you can to allow further maneuvers near the comet.
			#autoLOC_8014077 = Get within 50,000km of the comet
			#autoLOC_8014078 = Test Science Equipment
			#autoLOC_8014079 = Test a Science Experiment
			#autoLOC_8014080 = Scientists will be using the Rosetta Spacecraft to observe the comet for years.\n\nThere is no need to duplicate that work, but please test at least one science experiment to confirm the Rosetta transmission hardware is still functional.
			#autoLOC_8014081 = Mission Successful!
			#autoLOC_8014082 = You've gotten all parts of the craft into the right position! Mission operators and scientists can take over the data gathering now.\n\nThank you for a job well done!
			#autoLOC_8014083 = A comet is kind of like an asteroid with a tail... and they're on the small side.\n\nWe expected you to land on that, not on wherever THIS is. Mission Failed.
			#autoLOC_8014084 = Comet Intercept
			#autoLOC_8014085 = You're on your way, your next goal is to get within 50,000km of the target.\n\nIf it's near the sun, this will put you in, or close to, its Coma. It's going to be a long voyage, but we have faith in you!
			#autoLOC_8014086 = Get Closer
			#autoLOC_8014087 = Get closer!
			#autoLOC_8014088 = Now that you've gotten in range of the comet, and are being treated to the amazing display of its coma and tail - or not if you're too far from the sun - please close to within 5km to get a really good look at its nucleus.
			#autoLOC_8014089 = Comet Close Approach
			#autoLOC_8014090 = Approach the Comet
			#autoLOC_8014091 = Detach and land
			#autoLOC_8014092 = Detach the lander
			#autoLOC_8014093 = Now for the most ground breaking part of this whole mission!\n\nWe want you to detach the Philae lander, and use its grapple to attach onto the comet's surface. The instruments inside the probe will give us a unique look at the surface of a comet.
			#autoLOC_8014094 = Attach to the Comet
			#autoLOC_8014095 = First you'll need to get to orbit before planning out your transfer trajectory. In this case, you should reach an inclined orbit to make it more efficient to depart to intercept the comet. You will still need to do some inclination changes to align with the comet as course correction manuevers later.
			#autoLOC_8014096 = Rockets do explode occasionally, but we are pretty sure this one is your fault. Perhaps it's time to go back to the simulators for you?
			#autoLOC_8014097 = For this comet intercept, we're only asking you to do a direct transfer.\n\nThe real ESA Rosetta mission used 3 Earth flybys and a single Mars flyby to help save on fuel requirements, and also to gather additional data by passing several asteroids enroute to the intercept.
			#autoLOC_8014098 = Get within 5km of the comet
			#autoLOC_8014099 = Zero out velocity with comet
			#autoLOC_8014100 = Lower relative velocity
			#autoLOC_8014101 = Kill your relative velocity
			#autoLOC_8014102 = Now you need to lower your velocity relative to the comet.\n\nYou can use the target mode on the navball, and thrust retrograde to make sure you've gotten it as low as possible before the next step. Hope you've saved enough fuel!
			#autoLOC_8014103 = Gravity Assist Message
			#autoLOC_8014104 = Direct Transfer Message
			#autoLOC_8014105 = It looks like you are planning to do the direct transfer to Moho. Be warned that this will make your deltaV budget much narrower - but does make it a lot simpler to hit the target.\n\n<color=green>You will generally need a prograde manuever of around 1530m/s from LKO orbit to intercept Moho.\n\nNote: you will likely need additional mid-course corrections.</color>
			#autoLOC_8014106 = Nearing Moho
			#autoLOC_8014107 = Approaching Moho
			#autoLOC_8014108 = You'll need to put the spacecraft into a polar orbit, over the top of Moho. Keep that in mind as you make your approach.
			#autoLOC_8014109 = MPO Orbit
			#autoLOC_8014110 = Get to a lower orbit
			#autoLOC_8014111 = The Moho Planetary Observer (MPO) needs to be placed in a lower orbit so its instruments get the best view of Moho.
			#autoLOC_8014112 = Reach MMO Deploy Orbit
			#autoLOC_8014113 = Reach Eve Departure Orbit
			#autoLOC_8014114 = Detach the MMO
			#autoLOC_8014115 = Detach the MPO Dialogue
			#autoLOC_8014116 = Detach the MPO
			#autoLOC_8014117 = Release the Moho Planetary Orbiter in your current orbit to gather data about Moho. \n\nIt will also act as a relay for your other spacecraft back to Kerbin, make sure it's overhead when you try to land the MSE.
			#autoLOC_8014118 = MPO Deployed
			#autoLOC_8014119 = Ariane5 - BepiColombo
			#autoLOC_8014120 = Ariane5 - Rosetta
			#autoLOC_8014121 = Mission Briefing
			#autoLOC_8014122 = Mission Briefing
			#autoLOC_8014124 = Reach Moho Direct Orbit
			#autoLOC_8014125 = Ariane 5
			#autoLOC_8014126 = The Ariane 5 is ESA's premier heavy lift rocket, capable of putting large payloads into low or geostationary orbits. This version carries a boilerplate payload, feel free to substitute your own!
			#autoLOC_8014127 = MMO Deployed
			#autoLOC_8014128 = BepiColombo - Short
			#autoLOC_8014129 = Mission Briefing
			#autoLOC_8014130 = Brought to you in partnership with ESA, this mission asks you to recreate part of the currently ongoing real world BepiColombo mission, with an added Kerbal flair.\n\nThis version of the mission omits the orbital manuevers to reach Moho, and instead plants you on a nearby intercept course.\n\nYour goal is to deliver two orbital probes to Moho to investigate its magnetic field and planetary features, and finally to reach the surface with a small lander.\n\nBest of luck!
			#autoLOC_8014131 = In collaboration with ESA, we've created this version of the BepiColombo mission, which challenges you to place the different probes from the BepiColombo spacecraft around Moho, and touch down a lander.\n\nThis version of the mission is shortened to put you right on the doorstep of Moho.
			#autoLOC_8014132 = BepiColombo Spacecraft
			#autoLOC_8014133 = The BepiColombo spacecraft, built to gather scientific data about Moho after a long journey to the Sun's nearest neighbor.
			#autoLOC_8014134 = BepiColombo Insulation Dialog
			#autoLOC_8014135 = BepiColombo Thermal Insulation
			#autoLOC_8014136 = "The real-world BepiColombo spacecraft is wrapped in specially-designed high temperature multilayer insulation, including two layers of ceramic-based fabric separated by an insulating foam and multiple layers of titanium foils.\n\nTo customize this insulation to the spacecraft, cutting tools had to be replaced regularly and the stitching had to be done manually.\n\nWe had to bring in experts who performed the manual stitching at the launch site and had to reserve extra time for this work."\n\t<color=#e6752a>Ulli</color> (Project Manager)
			#autoLOC_8014137 = BepiColombo Solar Cells Dialog
			#autoLOC_8014138 = BepiColombo Solar Cells
			#autoLOC_8014139 = The real-world BepiColombo spacecraft solar arrays are exposed to high-frequency, high-intensity ultraviolet radiation combined with high temperatures, a combination which is known to induce an unexpectedly fast degradation in solar cell performance.\n\nThis was resolved by a complex method of continuous solar array steering control, in order to keep the temperature below an allowed maximum, and by a specific redesign of the solar cells.\n\n"Solar Array development was, in my view, the hardest and most dangerous technological challenge, and the one with the biggest impact on mass, schedule and cost. Especially the late discovery of dramatic solar cell degradation due to the combined, catalytic effect of high-intensity UV at high temperatures took a long time to solve and had a severe impact on the spacecraft redesign."\n\t<color=#e6752a>Daniele</color> (Systems Engineer)
			#autoLOC_8014140 = BepiColombo Propulsion Dialog
			#autoLOC_8014141 = BepiColombo Propulsion
			#autoLOC_8014142 = "I would like to draw your attention to the remarkable fact that the BepiColombo spacecraft is a living catalogue of all propulsion systems that you can find on board current spacecraft.\n\nIn fact, in the transport module you can find ion propulsion and a bi-propellant system. In one orbiter, you find a different bi-propellant system, the so-called dual-mode, and a set of mono-propellant thrusters. Finally, the other orbiter is equipped with a cold-gas system"\n\t<color=#e6752a>Daniele</color> (System Engineer)
			#autoLOC_8014143 = The BepiColombo Name Dialog
			#autoLOC_8014144 = The BepiColombo Name
			#autoLOC_8014145 = BepiColombo is named after Giuseppe "Bepi" Colombo (1920 - 1984), an Italian engineer and mathematician who explained Mercury's unique '3:2 resonance' - it spins three times on its axis every two revolutions around the Sun.\n\nHe also advised NASA on how to place Mariner 10 into an orbit that would enable the spacecraft to perform three flybys of Mercury between 1974-1975.
			#autoLOC_8014146 = BepiColombo MPO Search Dialog
			#autoLOC_8014147 = BepiColombo MPO Objectives
			#autoLOC_8014148 = One item that the real-world BepiColombo spacecraft will be looking for is whether any possibility exists that there are pockets of habitability on Mercury.\n\nMercury's axis of rotation is oriented nearly perpendicular to the planet's orbit, so that in the Polar Regions sunlight strikes the surface at a constant grazing angle. The interiors of large craters at the poles are permanently shadowed and remain perpetually cold, below 60K (-210°C).\n\nRadar images of the Polar Regions, first obtained in 1991, show that the large crater interiors are highly reflective at radar wavelengths. The most common material that could explain this behavior is... ice!\n\nThe tiny influx of ice from in-falling comets and meteorites could be cold-trapped in these Hermean polar caps over billions of years, or water vapor might originate from the planetary interior and be frozen out at the poles.
			#autoLOC_8014149 = Toggle Controller Enabled
			#autoLOC_8014150 = Enable Controller
			#autoLOC_8014151 = Disable Controller
			#autoLOC_8014152 = Current slope angle
			#autoLOC_8014153 = Orthogonal 2-horn
			#autoLOC_8014154 = Orthogonal 3-horn
			#autoLOC_8014155 = Orthogonal 4-horn
			#autoLOC_8014156 = Orthogonal 5-horn
			#autoLOC_8014157 = Angled 4-horn
			#autoLOC_8014158 = Orthogonal 2-horn
			#autoLOC_8014159 = Orthogonal 3-horn
			#autoLOC_8014160 = Orthogonal 4-horn
			#autoLOC_8014161 = Orthogonal 5-horn
			#autoLOC_8014162 = Angled 4-horn
			#autoLOC_8014163 = Kerbals Assisting:
			#autoLOC_8014164 = Engineers Assisting:
			#autoLOC_8014165 = Max Part Mass:
			#autoLOC_8014166 = No Limit
			#autoLOC_8014167 = Alignment Angle
			#autoLOC_8100000 = Node Title
			#autoLOC_8100001 = No briefing has yet been entered!\n\nPlease enter a mission name, briefing and any other setup information in the Briefing dialog.\n\nThe mission will be saved if you press OK.
			#autoLOC_8100002 = Opening Mission Briefing Dialog
			#autoLOC_8100003 = Mission named '<<1>>' already exists. Do you want to overwrite it?
			#autoLOC_8100008 = Do you want to save the current mission before exiting?
			#autoLOC_8100009 = Leave Mission Builder
			#autoLOC_8100013 = Do you want to save the current mission before continuing?
			#autoLOC_8100014 = New Mission
			#autoLOC_8100015 = NONE
			#autoLOC_8100016 = The title for this node that will be displayed\nin the canvas, Missions App and objectives list
			#autoLOC_8100017 = Distance
			#autoLOC_8100018 = New Mission
			#autoLOC_8100019 = Start Node
			#autoLOC_8100020 = Do you want to save the current mission before Testing?
			#autoLOC_8100021 = Save Mission and Test
			#autoLOC_8100022 = Number of bodies
			#autoLOC_8100023 = Number of vessels
			#autoLOC_8100026 = Delete and Continue
			#autoLOC_8100028 = Do you want to reset the builder panels to the default layout?
			#autoLOC_8100029 = Reset Builder Panels
			#autoLOC_8100030 = Reset
			#autoLOC_8100031 = Sphere
			#autoLOC_8100032 = Do you want to save the current mission before continuing?
			#autoLOC_8100033 = Load Mission
			#autoLOC_8100034 = Cone
			#autoLOC_8100035 = Altitude: <<1>> <<2>>m
			#autoLOC_8100036 = Above Ground
			#autoLOC_8100037 = Open
			#autoLOC_8100038 = Select a vessel
			#autoLOC_8100040 = Node Color
			#autoLOC_8100041 = The color associated with this node
			#autoLOC_8100042 = Show Screen Message
			#autoLOC_8100043 = When checked this nodes description will be posted as a screen message \nwhen the previous node is activated in game play. \n\nIt can be used as a simple way to add screen messages at each step
			#autoLOC_8100044 = Message Duration
			#autoLOC_8100045 = How many seconds the message will be displayed for
			#autoLOC_8100046 = Description
			#autoLOC_8100047 = Description of this node that will be displayed in App and elsewhere
			#autoLOC_8100048 = End Node
			#autoLOC_8100049 = When checked the mission will end when this node activates
			#autoLOC_8100050 = Objective Node
			#autoLOC_8100051 = When checked this node will be flagged as an objective \nfor the Missions App and other displays
			#autoLOC_8100052 = Mission End Options
			#autoLOC_8100053 = Mission End Text
			#autoLOC_8100054 = The text that will be displayed in the end mission dialog
			#autoLOC_8100055 = Node Connections Order
			#autoLOC_8100057 = No out connector and node is not an End node.
			#autoLOC_8100058 = Semi Major Axis
			#autoLOC_8100059 = Apoapsis
			#autoLOC_8100060 = Periapsis
			#autoLOC_8100061 = Eccentricity
			#autoLOC_8100062 = Inclination
			#autoLOC_8100063 = Lon. of Asc. Node
			#autoLOC_8100064 = Arg. Of Periapsis
			#autoLOC_8100065 = Target Mean Anomaly
			#autoLOC_8100066 = Unnamed Launch Site
			#autoLOC_8100067 = Facility
			#autoLOC_8100068 = Always Show Ramp
			#autoLOC_8100069 = Location
			#autoLOC_8100070 = Set the Ground Location of the Launch Site
			#autoLOC_8100071 = Auto Populate Crew
			#autoLOC_8100072 = Mission Start Time
			#autoLOC_8100073 = Difficulty Settings
			#autoLOC_8100074 = Part Filter
			#autoLOC_8100075 = Landed
			#autoLOC_8100076 = Launch Site
			#autoLOC_8100077 = In Orbit
			#autoLOC_8100078 = Situation
			#autoLOC_8100080 = Select the Facility the vessel will be constructed in
			#autoLOC_8100081 = Brakes On
			#autoLOC_8100082 = Set for brakes on at vessel launch
			#autoLOC_8100084 = Orbit
			#autoLOC_8100085 = Location
			#autoLOC_8100086 = Unnamed Vessel
			#autoLOC_8100088 = The location that the vessel will start
			#autoLOC_8100089 = Vessel Restrictions
			#autoLOC_8100090 = Restrictions that will be applied to the construction of this vessel
			#autoLOC_8100091 = Focus on Vessel
			#autoLOC_8100092 = Change the game focus to this vessel when it is spawned
			#autoLOC_8100094 = Required Parts
			#autoLOC_8100096 = Radiator stuck
			#autoLOC_8100097 = Stuck State
			#autoLOC_8100098 = Cargo bay stuck
			#autoLOC_8100100 = Deployable part stuck
			#autoLOC_8100102 = Light stuck
			#autoLOC_8100104 = Intake stuck
			#autoLOC_8100106 = Fuel crossfeed toggle stuck
			#autoLOC_8100108 = Wheel deployment stuck
			#autoLOC_8100110 = Regular
			#autoLOC_8100111 = Glimmeroid
			#autoLOC_8100112 = Name
			#autoLOC_8100113 = Type
			#autoLOC_8100114 = Class
			#autoLOC_8100115 = Entire Vessel
			#autoLOC_8100116 = Specific Part
			#autoLOC_8100117 = All Part Modules of Type
			#autoLOC_8100118 = Specific Failure
			#autoLOC_8100119 = Repair Type
			#autoLOC_8100120 = Part
			#autoLOC_8100121 = Part Module
			#autoLOC_8100122 = Specific Failure
			#autoLOC_8100123 = Modifier
			#autoLOC_8100124 = Value
			#autoLOC_8100125 = Modify Mission Score
			#autoLOC_8100126 = Add points
			#autoLOC_8100127 = Multiply by
			#autoLOC_8100128 = Divide by
			#autoLOC_8100129 = Subtract points
			#autoLOC_8100130 = Set to
			#autoLOC_8100133 = Resource Bonus
			#autoLOC_8100136 = Cost
			#autoLOC_8100137 = The vessel has to cost exactly <<1>> funds.\n Current cost: <<2>>
			#autoLOC_8100138 = The vessel can't exceed <<1>> funds.\n Current cost: <<2>>
			#autoLOC_8100139 = The vessel needs to cost at least <<1>> funds.\n Current cost: <<2>>
			#autoLOC_8100140 = Crew Type
			#autoLOC_8100141 = Amount
			#autoLOC_8100142 = Crew Count
			#autoLOC_8100143 = Crew
			#autoLOC_8100144 = The vessel requires exactly <<1>> <<m:2>> .\nCurrent <<m:2>> : <<3>>
			#autoLOC_8100145 = The vessel can't exceed <<1>> <<m:2>> .\nCurrent <<m:2>> : <<3>>
			#autoLOC_8100146 = The vessel needs at least <<1>> <<m:2>> .\nCurrent <<m:2>> : <<3>>
			#autoLOC_8100147 = Points
			#autoLOC_8100148 = Completion Bonus
			#autoLOC_8100149 = <<1>> : <<2>> p
			#autoLOC_8100150 = Alternator output
			#autoLOC_8100151 = Multiplier
			#autoLOC_8100152 = Alternator output is <<1>> x normal
			#autoLOC_8100153 = Alternator output set to <<1>>%
			#autoLOC_8100154 = <<1>>: <<2>> <<3>>
			#autoLOC_8100155 = <<1>>: <<2>> (<<3>>)
			#autoLOC_8100156 = \n<<1>>% - <<2>>% : equals <<3>> points
			#autoLOC_8100157 = <<1>>:
			#autoLOC_8100158 = \n<<1>> - <<2>> : equals <<3>> points
			#autoLOC_8100159 = Unknown
			#autoLOC_8100160 = \n<<0>> - <<1>> : equals <<2>> points
			#autoLOC_8100161 = Time Score
			#autoLOC_8100167 = Above Sea Level
			#autoLOC_8100168 = Mass Value
			#autoLOC_8100169 = Mass
			#autoLOC_8100170 = The vessel mass needs to be exactly <<1>>t.\nCurrent mass: <<2>>t
			#autoLOC_8100171 = The vessel can't exceed <<1>>t.\nCurrent mass: <<2>>t
			#autoLOC_8100172 = The vessel mass needs to be at least <<1>>t.\nCurrent mass: <<2>>t
			#autoLOC_8100173 = Check the engineers report for details.
			#autoLOC_8100174 = The Universe Time for the start of the mission.\n\nSet this to change starting positions of bodies.
			#autoLOC_8100175 = Mass: <<1>> <<2>>t
			#autoLOC_8100176 = Number of Parts
			#autoLOC_8100177 = Part Count
			#autoLOC_8100178 = The vessel has to be built with exactly <<1>> parts.\n Current part count: <<2>>
			#autoLOC_8100179 = The vessel can't exceed <<1>> parts.\n Current part count: <<2>>
			#autoLOC_8100180 = The vessel needs at least <<1>> parts.\n Current part count: <<2>>
			#autoLOC_8100182 = Resource Seed
			#autoLOC_8100185 = Amount
			#autoLOC_8100186 = Resource
			#autoLOC_8100187 = The vessel needs exactly <<1>> <<2>>.\nCurrent <<2>> : <<3>>
			#autoLOC_8100188 = The vessel can't exceed <<1>> <<2>>.\nCurrent <<2>> : <<3>>
			#autoLOC_8100189 = The vessel needs at least <<1>> <<2>>.\nCurrent <<2>> : <<3>>
			#autoLOC_8100190 = Vessel list is empty
			#autoLOC_8100191 = Height
			#autoLOC_8100192 = Width
			#autoLOC_8100193 = Length
			#autoLOC_8100194 = Vessel Dimensions
			#autoLOC_8100195 = The vessel has to match the exact dimensions:\n<<1>>.\n Current size:\n<<2>>
			#autoLOC_8100196 = The vessel can't exceed:\n <<1>>Current size:\n <<2>>
			#autoLOC_8100197 = The vessel needs to fit inside:\n <<1>> Current size:\n <<2>>
			#autoLOC_8100203 = Number of Stages
			#autoLOC_8100204 = Stages
			#autoLOC_8100205 = The vessel needs exactly <<1>> stages.\nCurrent stages: <<2>>
			#autoLOC_8100206 = The vessel can't exceed <<1>> stages.\nCurrent stages: <<2>>
			#autoLOC_8100207 = The vessel needs at least <<1>> stages.\nCurrent stages: <<2>>
			#autoLOC_8100208 = Mission requirements not met.
			#autoLOC_8100209 = The restrictions for this vessel are not met, check the mission app for details.
			#autoLOC_8100210 = Accept
			#autoLOC_8100211 = A vessel restriction
			#autoLOC_8100212 = Vessel Restriction Entry -> <<1>>
			#autoLOC_8100213 = Max Energy Transfer
			#autoLOC_8100214 = Radiator max energy transfer
			#autoLOC_8100215 = Max energy transfer is <<1>> x normal
			#autoLOC_8100216 = Radiator max energy transfer set to <<1>>%
			#autoLOC_8100217 = Actuator Speed
			#autoLOC_8100218 = Actuator Speed set to <<1>>%
			#autoLOC_8100219 = Power
			#autoLOC_8100220 = Transmitter power
			#autoLOC_8100221 = Transmitter power is <<1>> x normal
			#autoLOC_8100222 = Transmitter output set to <<1>>%
			#autoLOC_8100223 = Efficiency
			#autoLOC_8100224 = Solar Panel Efficiency
			#autoLOC_8100225 = Panel efficiency is <<1>> x normal
			#autoLOC_8100226 = Solar panel efficiency set to <<1>>%
			#autoLOC_8100227 = Throttle
			#autoLOC_8100228 = Engine throttle
			#autoLOC_8100229 = Engine throttle is <<1>> x normal
			#autoLOC_8100230 = Throttle set to <<1>>%
			#autoLOC_8100231 = Efficiency
			#autoLOC_8100232 = Generator output
			#autoLOC_8100233 = Generator output is <<1>> x normal
			#autoLOC_8100234 = Generator output set to <<1>>%
			#autoLOC_8100235 = Pitch Control
			#autoLOC_8100236 = Roll Control
			#autoLOC_8100237 = Yaw Control
			#autoLOC_8100238 = Gimbal limit control
			#autoLOC_8100239 = Gimbal control has changed!
			#autoLOC_8100240 = Pitch control set to <<1>>%
			#autoLOC_8100241 = Roll control set to <<1>>%
			#autoLOC_8100242 = Yaw control set to <<1>>%
			#autoLOC_8100243 = Lift Force
			#autoLOC_8100244 = Lifting surface lift force
			#autoLOC_8100245 = Lift force is <<1>> x normal
			#autoLOC_8100246 = Lift force set to <<1>>%
			#autoLOC_8100247 = Intensity
			#autoLOC_8100248 = Light intensity
			#autoLOC_8100249 = Light intensity is <<1>> x normal
			#autoLOC_8100250 = Light intensity set to <<1>>%
			#autoLOC_8100251 = Pitch Torque
			#autoLOC_8100252 = Roll Torque
			#autoLOC_8100253 = Yaw Torque
			#autoLOC_8100254 = Reaction wheel torque
			#autoLOC_8100255 = Reaction wheel torque has changed!
			#autoLOC_8100256 = Pitch torque set to <<1>>%
			#autoLOC_8100257 = Roll torque set to <<1>>%
			#autoLOC_8100258 = Yaw torque set to <<1>>%
			#autoLOC_8100259 = SAS Service Level
			#autoLOC_8100260 = SAS service level
			#autoLOC_8100261 = SAS Service Level is <<1>>
			#autoLOC_8100262 = SAS Service Level set to <<1>>%
			#autoLOC_8100263 = Torque
			#autoLOC_8100264 = Wheel Brakes torque
			#autoLOC_8100265 = Brake torque is <<1>> x normal
			#autoLOC_8100266 = Brake torque set to <<1>>%
			#autoLOC_8100267 = Wheel Motor torque
			#autoLOC_8100268 = Motor torque is <<1>> x normal
			#autoLOC_8100269 = Motor torque set to <<1>>%
			#autoLOC_8100270 = Flicker Time
			#autoLOC_8100271 = Light flickering
			#autoLOC_8100272 = Light is flickering.
			#autoLOC_8100273 = Maximum flicker time is <<1>>
			#autoLOC_8100275 = Adjuster Module
			#autoLOC_8100276 = Adjusted
			#autoLOC_8100277 = Can Be Repaired
			#autoLOC_8100278 = Crew member needs to be an Engineer.
			#autoLOC_8100279 = Selecting VAB or SPH will save all progress and take you to the Vehicle Assembly Building or Spaceplane Hanger to build a new Vessel.\n\nSelect Cancel to return to the Mission Builder.
			#autoLOC_8100280 = Warning!
			#autoLOC_8100281 = Take me to the VAB
			#autoLOC_8100282 = Take me to the SPH
			#autoLOC_8100283 = Part stuck!
			#autoLOC_8100284 = Edit Vessel
			#autoLOC_8100285 = Create New Vessel
			#autoLOC_8100286 = Choose a vessel before you can assign crew.
			#autoLOC_8100287 = A Launch Site named '<<1>> ' already exists. Please rename the Launch Site.
			#autoLOC_8100288 = Available Parts
			#autoLOC_8100289 = Unavailable Parts
			#autoLOC_8100290 = Base Parameters
			#autoLOC_8100292 = Mission Parts
			#autoLOC_8100293 = Vessel Parts
			#autoLOC_8100294 = This part was set as unavailable for this mission
			#autoLOC_8100295 = This part was set as required for this vessel
			#autoLOC_8100296 = This part was set as available in a vessel
			#autoLOC_8100297 = This part was set as unavailable in a vessel
			#autoLOC_8100298 = This part was set as required for a vessel
			#autoLOC_8100299 = Set Available Parts for Mission
			#autoLOC_8100300 = Set Unavailable Parts for Mission
			#autoLOC_8100301 = Additional Parameters
			#autoLOC_8100302 = Options
			#autoLOC_8100303 = Mission Message
			#autoLOC_8100304 = Mission End
			#autoLOC_8100305 = Connector Settings
			#autoLOC_8100306 = Node Settings
			#autoLOC_8100307 = Add
			#autoLOC_8100310 = None
			#autoLOC_8100312 = Light Stuck!
			#autoLOC_8100313 = Remove Vessel
			#autoLOC_8100314 = Vessel Starting State
			#autoLOC_8100315 = Parts Selected <<1>>
			#autoLOC_8100316 = <<1>> : Orbit around <<2>>
			#autoLOC_8100317 = Filter Parts by
			#autoLOC_8100318 = KerbNet access fail
			#autoLOC_8100319 = KerbNet Access Failed!
			#autoLOC_8100320 = Grapple node can't release
			#autoLOC_8100321 = Grapple node can't release!
			#autoLOC_8100322 = Anchored Decoupler can't decouple
			#autoLOC_8100323 = Decoupler failed!
			#autoLOC_8100324 = <<1>> stuck!
			#autoLOC_8100325 = Control surface disable controls
			#autoLOC_8100326 = Controls disabled!
			#autoLOC_8100327 = Data transmitter broken
			#autoLOC_8100328 = Data transmitter broken!
			#autoLOC_8100329 = Decoupler can't decouple
			#autoLOC_8100330 = Decoupler failed!
			#autoLOC_8100331 = Docking node can't undock
			#autoLOC_8100332 = Docking node can't undock!
			#autoLOC_8100333 = Dead Engine
			#autoLOC_8100334 = Engine Dead!
			#autoLOC_8100335 = Fuel line blocked
			#autoLOC_8100336 = Fuel line blocked!
			#autoLOC_8100337 = No GPS Display
			#autoLOC_8100338 = No GPS Display!
			#autoLOC_8100339 = Grapple node can't grapple
			#autoLOC_8100340 = Grapple node can't grapple!
			#autoLOC_8100341 = Decoupler failed!
			#autoLOC_8100342 = Probe Control Broken
			#autoLOC_8100343 = RCS fire randomly
			#autoLOC_8100344 = RCS has gone crazy!
			#autoLOC_8100345 = RCS stop working
			#autoLOC_8100346 = RCS is dead!
			#autoLOC_8100347 = Reaction wheel broken
			#autoLOC_8100348 = Reaction wheel is broken!
			#autoLOC_8100349 = Reaction wheel stuck on
			#autoLOC_8100350 = Reaction wheel is stuck!
			#autoLOC_8100351 = Crossfeed stuck!
			#autoLOC_8100352 = Wheel deployment stuck
			#autoLOC_8100353 = Wheels stuck!
			#autoLOC_8100354 = Intake stuck!
			#autoLOC_8100355 = Disable experiment
			#autoLOC_8100356 = Experiment disabled!
			#autoLOC_8200000 = Hide / Unhide
			#autoLOC_8200001 = Undo
			#autoLOC_8200002 = Redo
			#autoLOC_8200003 = Maximize / Restore
			#autoLOC_8200004 = Fit in view
			#autoLOC_8200005 = Arrange Nodes
			#autoLOC_8200007 = Zoom Out
			#autoLOC_8200008 = Zoom In
			#autoLOC_8200009 = Validation
			#autoLOC_8200010 = Run
			#autoLOC_8200011 = Mode
			#autoLOC_8200013 = New
			#autoLOC_8200014 = Open
			#autoLOC_8200016 = Export
			#autoLOC_8200017 = Test mission
			#autoLOC_8200019 = Lock
			#autoLOC_8200020 = Type keywords to search for nodes
			#autoLOC_8200021 = Randomize
			#autoLOC_8200022 = Seed:
			#autoLOC_8200023 = Vessel Ground Location;
			#autoLOC_8200024 = Celestial Body
			#autoLOC_8200025 = Position
			#autoLOC_8200026 = Longitude
			#autoLOC_8200027 = Latitude
			#autoLOC_8200028 = Altitude
			#autoLOC_8200029 = Rotation
			#autoLOC_8200030 = X-Axis Rotation
			#autoLOC_8200031 = Y-Axis Rotation
			#autoLOC_8200032 = Z-Axis Rotation
			#autoLOC_8200033 = Volume
			#autoLOC_8200034 = Shape
			#autoLOC_8200035 = Radius
			#autoLOC_8200036 = Min Height
			#autoLOC_8200037 = Max Height
			#autoLOC_8200038 = Height
			#autoLOC_8200039 = Celestial Body
			#autoLOC_8200040 = Area
			#autoLOC_8200048 = Enter Vessel Name...
			#autoLOC_8200049 = Player Built
			#autoLOC_8200050 = Creator Built
			#autoLOC_8200051 = Please select a vessel
			#autoLOC_8200052 = Assign Crew
			#autoLOC_8200053 = Reset Vessel
			#autoLOC_8200054 = Min
			#autoLOC_8200055 = Max
			#autoLOC_8200056 = Score
			#autoLOC_8200057 = Additional
			#autoLOC_8200058 = Remove
			#autoLOC_8200059 = Play Missions
			#autoLOC_8200060 = Mission Builder
			#autoLOC_8200061 = Enter text...
			#autoLOC_8200062 = Validation not run yet...
			#autoLOC_8200063 = Run Validation
			#autoLOC_8200064 = Enter the name for the exported mission file.
			#autoLOC_8200065 = Export Mission Filename
			#autoLOC_8200066 = A file named '<<1>>' already exists in Missions/_Exports folder.
			#autoLOC_8200067 = Export File Exists
			#autoLOC_8200069 = Cancel export
			#autoLOC_8200070 = Please go back and specify a Mission Name in the briefing dialog
			#autoLOC_8200071 = No Mission Name Provided
			#autoLOC_8200073 = Mission Briefing Information
			#autoLOC_8200074 = Mission Validation Report
			#autoLOC_8200075 = Mission Global Score
			#autoLOC_8200076 = Mission Awards
			#autoLOC_8200077 = An empty tag cannot be added!
			#autoLOC_8200078 = Enter a Valid Tag Value
			#autoLOC_8200079 = <<1>>': A tag by with this value already exists and cannot be added again.
			#autoLOC_8200080 = Duplicated Tag Found
			#autoLOC_8200081 = No Validation Items to report.
			#autoLOC_8200082 = Info
			#autoLOC_8200083 = Validation
			#autoLOC_8200084 = Awards
			#autoLOC_8200085 = Enter Mission Briefing Notes...
			#autoLOC_8200086 = No objectives in the current mission
			#autoLOC_8200087 = Play Banner
			#autoLOC_8200088 = Success Banner
			#autoLOC_8200089 = Fail Banner
			#autoLOC_8200093 = Gold Award
			#autoLOC_8200094 = When player gets
			#autoLOC_8200095 = Silver Award
			#autoLOC_8200096 = points
			#autoLOC_8200097 = Bronze Award
			#autoLOC_8200098 = Objectives
			#autoLOC_8200099 = New Mission Name
			#autoLOC_8200100 = Time Keeper
			#autoLOC_8200101 = Completed the Mission in less than the required time
			#autoLOC_8200102 = Frugal
			#autoLOC_8200103 = Used less than the required resource
			#autoLOC_8200104 = Saint
			#autoLOC_8200105 = All Kerbals survived
			#autoLOC_8200106 = Sinner
			#autoLOC_8200107 = All Kerbals died
			#autoLOC_8200108 = Homesick
			#autoLOC_8200109 = Travelled less than the required distance
			#autoLOC_8200110 = Boldly Going
			#autoLOC_8200111 = Travelled more than the required distance
			#autoLOC_8200112 = Carpool
			#autoLOC_8200113 = Used at least the required number of vessels
			#autoLOC_8200114 = That's the Spot
			#autoLOC_8200115 = Landed in less than the required distance from the KSC
			#autoLOC_8200116 = Where did I leave my keys?
			#autoLOC_8200117 = Landed at least in the required number of Planets
			#autoLOC_8200118 = Manually
			#autoLOC_8200119 = On Save
			#autoLOC_8200120 = Auto After Run
			#autoLOC_8200121 = Automatic
			#autoLOC_8200122 = Select a Mission to Open
			#autoLOC_8200123 = Community Created
			#autoLOC_8200124 = Stock Mission
			#autoLOC_8200126 = Biomes
			#autoLOC_8200127 = Grants
			#autoLOC_8200128 = points
			#autoLOC_8200129 = Completed the Mission with the required bronze score points
			#autoLOC_8200130 = Completed the Mission with the required silver score points
			#autoLOC_8200131 = Completed the Mission with the required gold score points
			#autoLOC_8300000 = Mission Tutorial
			#autoLOC_8300001 = This is the all new Missions Screen! This is where you can select to play Historical Missions from the early chapters of Kerbal Space Flight. You can also see and play your own Missions and those Community created Missions you have downloaded.
			#autoLOC_8300002 = For each Mission you can see the Mission Briefing. You can also save your Missions during play to return to them at a later time. For each Mission you complete you may see, where applicable, a score to impress your friends with.
			#autoLOC_8300003 = At the bottom of the Missions list there are 3 Tutorial Missions for you to try - each will teach you a different aspect of the Mission Builder!
			#autoLOC_8300010 = Beginner Tutorial
			#autoLOC_8300011 = Welcome to the Mission Builder.\n\nThis is where you plan out and export your Missions for others to play.
			#autoLOC_8300012 = Once a Node is placed you can tweak and fine tune its settings by altering its properties in the top section of the Action Pane, located on the right side of the screen.
			#autoLOC_8300013 = Before we begin we need to set up the Start Node.\n\nThis will dictate where the player starts, what the starting settings are for your mission as well as any other Mission Critical Information.
			#autoLOC_8300014 = To start with let's tell the player where they need to start and what their vessel conditions are.\n\nThere are many options here but let's keep it simple for now and start them at the KSC in their own vessel.
			#autoLOC_8300015 = All new Missions appear with two Nodes by default, the Start Node and a Spawn Vessel Node.\n\nNow click on the Spawn Vessel Node and notice there is a Name for our vessel called 'Unnamed Vessel'.\n\nClick this name now and type a new name for the vessel.
			#autoLOC_8300016 = You will notice there are two radio buttons settings in the Settings Action Pane. One sets this vessel as Player Built and the other set this vessel as Creator Defined.\n\nPlayer built vessels are built by the mission player, whereas creator built vessels you (as the mission creator) must build for the player to use during mission play.
			#autoLOC_8300017 = You will also note the other settings for the Vessel.\n\nThe Situation is used to set the starting situation for the vessel. This could be at a Launch Site, Landed or in Orbit. The default is Launch Site.\n\nLet's leave our vessel set to this for now.
			#autoLOC_8300018 = The next setting is the facility that will be used to build the vessel. This can be the VAB or SPH.\n\nThe default is the VAB. Let's leave our player created vessel set to this for now.
			#autoLOC_8300019 = The last setting we are going to cover here is the Launch Site selection.\n\nHere you can choose where the vessel will be Launched from when the situation is set to the Launch Site setting.\n\nFor now we will leave this set to the LaunchPad which is located at the KSC.
			#autoLOC_8300020 = Please ensure the Vessel is set to Launch from the LaunchPad and the facility is set to the VAB before we can continue.
			#autoLOC_8300021 = Great! Now the player will start their mission at the KSC LaunchPad in a vessel they will build themselves.\n\nYou can also choose to start players of your missions in Orbit, landed, or a number of other different scenarios.
			#autoLOC_8300022 = Now we need to give the Player something to do - let's get them to orbit the Mun!\n\nGo to the Sidebar on the left side of the screen and find the Node that says 'Orbit' and drag it out onto the Canvas near the Start Node - you can find it under the 'Location' category.
			#autoLOC_8300023 = Find the Orbit Node first, locate it and drag it out onto the Canvas.
			#autoLOC_8300024 = Fantastic job!\n\nNow we need to set the planet to be orbited and also a target orbit.
			#autoLOC_8300025 = Make sure the planet to Orbit is set to the Mun.
			#autoLOC_8300026 = Please select the Mun to continue.
			#autoLOC_8300027 = Great!\n\nWe'll leave the orbital settings at their default for now, but you can see that there are lots of options available to you for setting target orbits.\n\nYou can even change them visually in the Graphical Action Pane (GAP) underneath the Settings.
			#autoLOC_8300028 = The next thing we need to do is link the Start Node to the Orbit Node.\n\nClick the output connector on the Start Node (on the right side of the node). Once you have clicked a connector line will appear and follow the mouse pointer.\n\nClick on the input connector on the Orbit Node.
			#autoLOC_8300029 = Let's add one final goal to this mission. Let's direct the player to land on the Mun to wrap up the Mission.\n\nDrag out a Landed Vessel Node and place it near the Orbit Node.
			#autoLOC_8300030 = Find the Landed Vessel Node first, locate it and drag it out onto the Canvas.
			#autoLOC_8300031 = Now select the Mun from the celestial body dropdown list in the Node's Settings.
			#autoLOC_8300032 = Try selecting the Mun from the dropdown list in the settings of the Landed Vessel Node.
			#autoLOC_8300033 = By default all Landed Vessel Nodes will choose the whole celestial body as the target location.\n\nYou can be more specific though and choose Biomes or actual coordinates for the player to land on by changing the location type setting.
			#autoLOC_8300034 = Now link the Orbit Node to the Landed Vessel Node in the same way we linked the Start Node to the Orbit node to wrap up this section of the Mission.
			#autoLOC_8300035 = Lastly let's save our work, otherwise we can't play our mission, or share our creation with the rest of the community.\n\nOnce saved we can load them up to play or come back here to edit them further.
			#autoLOC_8300036 = Click on the Save button.
			#autoLOC_8300037 = Try saving your Mission - click on the highlighted button to continue.
			#autoLOC_8300038 = Ah yes of course, we need to provide a Mission Briefing first!
			#autoLOC_8300039 = Type a Name for your mission in the box at the very top of the dialog and then enter in a line or two in the Mission Briefing notes - this will tell players of your mission what to expect, then select OK when you're done.\n\nYou can also review your objectives, validate your mission and add scoring and awards to it.
			#autoLOC_8300040 = Great! Those are the basics on how to create a Mission.\n\nThere's still much more to show you so you can now either choose to continue the tutorial (and learn the Action Pane, Events, and more) or Exit back to the Missions Menu.
			#autoLOC_8300041 = Creating Missions is quite simple, all you need to do is drag Nodes out from the Sidebar (on the left) onto the Canvas in the middle of the screen.
			#autoLOC_8300042 = Continue
			#autoLOC_8310000 = Size 1.5 Decoupler
			#autoLOC_8310001 = TD-18 Decoupler
			#autoLOC_8310002 = Borrowed from a local farmer, this decoupler originally housed small animals. Now capable of housing small parts.
			#autoLOC_8310003 = Inflatable Airlock
			#autoLOC_8310004 = When trying to dock and that last small distance is just too far. This adaptor, with patented extend‘o’matic subsystems for extra portability, will fill the gap. Not to be used as an accordian.
			#autoLOC_8310005 = connect join dock berth capture couple fasten moor socket shield regular standard average medium (crew (mann kerbal 1.875
			#autoLOC_8310006 = Don't inspect decouplers with a naked flame. Point arrow up, light fuse and retire to a safe distance.
			#autoLOC_8310007 = decouple split break stag regular standard average medium cross feed 1.875
			#autoLOC_8310008 = liquid decouple fueltank ?lfo tank split break stag regular standard average medium cross feed 1.875
			#autoLOC_8310009 = TD-50 Decoupler
			#autoLOC_8310010 = This decoupler removes large unwanted items. Originally borrowed from O.M.B mining.
			#autoLOC_8310011 = decouple split break stag enormous massive gigantic giant cross feed 5.0
			#autoLOC_8310012 = Kerbodyne KE-1 "Mastodon" Liquid Fuel Engine
			#autoLOC_8310013 = Considered to be the behemoth of rocket technology, this propulsion system is the pinnacle of power.
			#autoLOC_8310014 = rocket liquid engine propuls ascent main launch motor ?lfo saturn F1 (mastodon cross feed
			#autoLOC_8310015 = LV-TX87 "Bobcat" Liquid Fuel Engine
			#autoLOC_8310016 = Meow! One of these engines gives more than enough thrust to jump as high as the sky, so we gave you two.
			#autoLOC_8310017 = rocket liquid engine propuls ascent main fueltank ?lfo (bobcat cross feed glv
			#autoLOC_8310020 = EP-18 Engine Plate
			#autoLOC_8310021 = Inspired by an upside down birthday cake. Now with added shrouds for windy days. For clustering multiple small engines on small tanks.
			#autoLOC_8310022 = decouple engine plate split break stag cluster regular standard average medium cross feed 1.875
			#autoLOC_8310023 = EP-25 Engine Plate
			#autoLOC_8310024 = Inspired by an upside down birthday cake. Now with added shrouds for windy days. This engine plate provides the best value for funds.
			#autoLOC_8310025 = decouple engine plate split break stag cluster 2.5 huge jumbo large big cross feed
			#autoLOC_8310026 = EP-37 Engine Plate
			#autoLOC_8310027 = Inspired by an upside down birthday cake. Now with added shrouds for windy days. Engine plates for grown ups.
			#autoLOC_8310028 = decouple engine plate split break stag cluster 3.75 enormous massive gigantic giant cross feed
			#autoLOC_8310029 = EP-50 Engine Plate
			#autoLOC_8310030 = Inspired by an upside down birthday cake. Now with added shrouds for windy days. For clustering the largest engines on the largest tanks.
			#autoLOC_8310031 = decouple engine plate split break stag cluster enormous massive gigantic giant cross feed
			#autoLOC_8310032 = LV-T91 "Cheetah" Liquid Fuel Engine
			#autoLOC_8310033 = This engine will get you moving fast. Eventually.… Great for those long distance trips in space despite its namesake. Marketing, you know?
			#autoLOC_8310034 = rocket liquid engine vacuum propuls fueltank ?lfo (cheetah cross feed glv
			#autoLOC_8310041 = TS-18 Stack Separator
			#autoLOC_8310042 = This separator is the response to Kerbals not reading the decoupler instructions properly. Separates both ways.
			#autoLOC_8310043 = decouple separat split break stag cross feed 1.875
			#autoLOC_8310050 = TS-50 Stack Separator
			#autoLOC_8310051 = Kaboom! But in a controlled, Kerbal way
			#autoLOC_8310052 = decouple separat split break stag enormous massive gigantic giant cross feed 5.0
			#autoLOC_8310053 = Kerbodyne KE-1 "Mastodon" Liquid Fuel Engine
			#autoLOC_8310054 = Considered to be the behemoth of rocket technology, this propulsion system is the pinnacle of power.
			#autoLOC_8310055 = saturn launch rocket motor engine propuls F1 (mastodon
			#autoLOC_8310056 = FL-R400 RCS Fuel Tank
			#autoLOC_8310057 = A larger-scaled version of the standard RCS tank.
			#autoLOC_8310058 = fueltank mono monopropellant propellant
			#autoLOC_8310059 = LV-TX87 "Bobcat" Liquid Fuel Engine
			#autoLOC_8310060 = Meow! One of these engines gives more than enough thrust to jump as high as the sky, so we gave you two.
			#autoLOC_8310061 = fueltank ?lfo liquid oxidizer propellant rocket (bobcat
			#autoLOC_8310062 = RE-I2 "Skiff" Liquid Fuel Engine
			#autoLOC_8310063 = The Skiff is well suited for local planet hopping. High vacuum efficiency for this powerful upper stage drive will get you further.
			#autoLOC_8310064 = rocket liquid engine propuls sustain ascent main fueltank ?lfo saturn (skiff cross feed
			#autoLOC_8310065 = RE-J10 "Wolfhound" Liquid Fuel Engine
			#autoLOC_8310066 = Woof! With the largest bell for its size, this upper stage engine will leave your ears ringing.
			#autoLOC_8310067 = rocket liquid engine vacuum propuls orbit orbital ?lfo (wolfhound cross feed
			#autoLOC_8310068 = RK-7 "Kodiak" Liquid Fueled Engine
			#autoLOC_8310069 = A bear of an engine. This quad-nozzled beast comes with multiple cowling options, and no gimbal. Don’t forget those verniers.
			#autoLOC_8310070 = rocket liquid engine propuls ascent main fueltank ?lfo (kodiak cross feed voskhod
			#autoLOC_8310071 = RV-1 "Cub" Vernier Engine
			#autoLOC_8310072 = Mew! These little vernier engines have a huge deflection, but can only gimbal in one dimension.
			#autoLOC_8310073 = rocket liquid engine thruster propuls vernier fueltank ?lfo (cub cross feed voskhod
			#autoLOC_8310074 = Stratus-V Minified Monopropellant Tank
			#autoLOC_8310075 = I’d say “Small is beautiful”
			#autoLOC_8310076 = fuel propellant rcs fueltank mono cross feed
			#autoLOC_8310084 = FL-A150 Fuel Tank Adapter
			#autoLOC_8310085 = These fuel-filled adapters come in a variety of sizes for connecting larger and smaller tanks.
			#autoLOC_8310086 = rocket fuel liquid oxidizer propellant fueltank ?lfo tank 0.625 )mini small tiny little micro regular standard average medium cross feed 1.875
			#autoLOC_8310087 = FL-A151L Fuel Tank Adapter
			#autoLOC_8310088 = These fuel-filled adapters come in a variety of sizes for connecting larger and smaller tanks.
			#autoLOC_8310089 = rocket fuel liquid oxidizer propellant fueltank ?lfo tank 1.25 FL-T regular standard average medium cross feed 1.875
			#autoLOC_8310090 = FL-A151S Fuel Tank Adapter
			#autoLOC_8310091 = These fuel-filled adapters come in a variety of sizes for connecting larger and smaller tanks.
			#autoLOC_8310092 = rocket fuel liquid oxidizer propellant fueltank ?lfo tank 1.25 FL-T regular standard average medium cross feed 1.875
			#autoLOC_8310093 = FL-A215 Fuel Tank Adapter
			#autoLOC_8310094 = These fuel-filled adapters come in a variety of sizes for connecting larger and smaller tanks.
			#autoLOC_8310095 = rocket fuel liquid oxidizer propellant fueltank ?lfo tank regular standard average medium 2.5 huge jumbo large big cross feed 1.875
			#autoLOC_8310096 = FL-TX220 Fuel Tank
			#autoLOC_8310097 = Designed as an intermediary tank between the smaller FL-T series and the larger Rockomax tanks, the FL-TX series helps you get just the right amount of boom.
			#autoLOC_8310098 = rocket fuel liquid oxidizer propellant fueltank ?lfo tank regular standard average medium cross feed 1.875
			#autoLOC_8310099 = FL-TX440 Fuel Tank
			#autoLOC_8310100 = Designed as an intermediary tank between the smaller FL-T series and the larger Rockomax tanks, the FL-TX series helps you get just the right amount of boom.
			#autoLOC_8310101 = rocket fuel liquid oxidizer propellant fueltank ?lfo tank regular standard average medium cross feed 1.875
			#autoLOC_8310102 = FL-TX900 Fuel Tank
			#autoLOC_8310103 = Designed as an intermediary tank between the smaller FL-T series and the larger Rockomax tanks, the FL-TX series helps you get just the right amount of boom.
			#autoLOC_8310104 = rocket fuel liquid oxidizer propellant fueltank ?lfo tank regular standard average medium cross feed 1.875
			#autoLOC_8310105 = FL-TX1800 Fuel Tank
			#autoLOC_8310106 = Designed as an intermediary tank between the smaller FL-T series and the larger Rockomax tanks, the FL-TX series helps you get just the right amount of boom.
			#autoLOC_8310107 = rocket fuel liquid oxidizer propellant fueltank ?lfo tank regular standard average medium cross feed 1.875
			#autoLOC_8310108 = FL-C1000 Fuel Tank
			#autoLOC_8310109 = Bored with plain cylinders, the engineers at Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spacecraft Parts Co came up with this snazzy new design. Includes built in separation boosters for good measure, because you can never have enough boosters.
			#autoLOC_8310110 = rocket fuel liquid oxidizer propellant moar (more thruster motor separat solid fueltank ?lfo tank regular standard average medium cross feed 1.875 voskhod
			#autoLOC_8310111 = Kerbodyne S3-S4 Adapter Tank
			#autoLOC_8310112 = These fuel-filled adapters come in a variety of sizes for connecting larger and smaller tanks.
			#autoLOC_8310113 = rocket fuel liquid oxidizer propellant fueltank ?lfo tank saturn 3.75 enormous massive gigantic giant cross feed 5.0
			#autoLOC_8310114 = Kerbodyne Engine Cluster Adapter Tank
			#autoLOC_8310115 = When Kerbodyne engineers realized that no single engine currently manufactured could justify the use of the S4 fuel tank line, they added attachment points for five of them on this handy adapter tank.
			#autoLOC_8310116 = rocket fuel liquid oxidizer propellant fueltank ?lfo tank saturn enormous massive gigantic giant cross feed 5.0
			#autoLOC_8310117 = Kerbodyne S4-64 Fuel Tank
			#autoLOC_8310118 = Originally the result of a unit of measure conversion bug, the S4 series of fuel tanks transcend the preposterous into the truly absurd. When 'More boosters' fails and is replaced with 'More engines!', the S4 series tanks will be there to loft your dreams, no matter how ridiculous and over-engineered, into the sky on massive trails of fire.
			#autoLOC_8310119 = rocket fuel liquid oxidizer propellant fueltank ?lfo tank enormous massive gigantic giant cross feed 5.0
			#autoLOC_8310120 = Kerbodyne S4-128 Fuel Tank
			#autoLOC_8310121 = Originally the result of a unit of measure conversion bug, the S4 series of fuel tanks transcend the preposterous into the truly absurd. When 'More boosters' fails and is replaced with 'More engines!', the S4 series tanks will be there to loft your dreams, no matter how ridiculous and over-engineered, into the sky on massive trails of fire.
			#autoLOC_8310122 = rocket fuel liquid oxidizer propellant fueltank ?lfo tank enormous massive gigantic giant cross feed 5.0
			#autoLOC_8310123 = Kerbodyne S4-256 Fuel Tank
			#autoLOC_8310124 = Originally the result of a unit of measure conversion bug, the S4 series of fuel tanks transcend the preposterous into the truly absurd. When 'More boosters' fails and is replaced with 'More engines!', the S4 series tanks will be there to loft your dreams, no matter how ridiculous and over-engineered, into the sky on massive trails of fire.
			#autoLOC_8310125 = rocket fuel liquid oxidizer propellant fueltank ?lfo tank enormous massive gigantic giant cross feed 5.0
			#autoLOC_8310126 = Kerbodyne S4-512 Fuel Tank
			#autoLOC_8310127 = Originally the result of a unit of measure conversion bug, the S4 series of fuel tanks transcend the preposterous into the truly absurd. When 'More boosters' fails and is replaced with 'More engines!', the S4 series tanks will be there to loft your dreams, no matter how ridiculous and over-engineered, into the sky on massive trails of fire.
			#autoLOC_8310128 = rocket fuel liquid oxidizer propellant fueltank ?lfo tank cross feed
			#autoLOC_8310129 = RoveMax M1-F Rover Wheel
			#autoLOC_8310130 = Designed for the first Munar landings and with the ability to be stowed during launch, the RoveMax M1-F is ideal for smaller rovers where space is a premium.
			#autoLOC_8310131 = rover drive ground roll wheel )car
			#autoLOC_8310132 = AE-FF1.5 Airstream Protective Shell (1.875m)
			#autoLOC_8310133 = While the Kerbals at Mission Control were still figuring out how to get their rockets back down to Kerbin safely, the research engineers at FLOOYD were quickly realising that protecting parts on ascent was just as important. Heavy research into two-dimensional-input driven procedural construction was then funded with the hopes of making protective shells for important payloads and interstage areas of the crafts. The protective shells also have the benefit of making the craft more aerodynamic, hopefully saving on precious rocket fuel!
			#autoLOC_8310134 = AE-FF5 Airstream Protective Shell (5m)
			#autoLOC_8310135 = While the Kerbals at Mission Control were still figuring out how to get their rockets back down to Kerbin safely, the research engineers at FLOOYD were quickly realising that protecting parts on ascent was just as important. Heavy research into two-dimensional-input driven procedural construction was then funded with the hopes of making protective shells for important payloads and interstage areas of the crafts. The protective shells also have the benefit of making the craft more aerodynamic, hopefully saving on precious rocket fuel!
			#autoLOC_8310136 = SM-6A Service Module
			#autoLOC_8310137 = A service bay, with explosive doors. Do not open by hand!
			#autoLOC_8310138 = cargo contain hollow payload protect (stor therm store heat service convey
			#autoLOC_8310139 = SM-18 Service Module
			#autoLOC_8310140 = A service bay, with explosive doors. Do not open by hand!
			#autoLOC_8310141 = cargo contain hollow payload protect (stor therm store heat service convey
			#autoLOC_8310142 = SM-25 Service Module
			#autoLOC_8310143 = A service bay, with explosive doors. Do not open by hand! This part comes with plenty of internal space for storing important items for the trip. Snacks must be securely stowed to avoid spillage and damage to the integral antenna.
			#autoLOC_8310144 = cargo contain hollow payload protect (stor therm store heat hold convey equipment freight service CSM
			#autoLOC_8310145 = KV-1 'Onion' Reentry Module
			#autoLOC_8310146 = The design bureau cried when the finance department cried “that’s your lot!”
			#autoLOC_8310147 = rocket control command fly capsule ?eva ?iva pilot pod space history historical convey (crew (mann kerbal voskhod
			#autoLOC_8310148 = KV-2 ‘Pea’ Reentry Module
			#autoLOC_8310149 = Two little green Kerbals like peas in a Pea Pod. The engineers managed to fit an extra Kerbal in the same space!
			#autoLOC_8310150 = rocket control command fly capsule ?eva ?iva pilot pod space history historical convey (crew (mann kerbal voskhod
			#autoLOC_8310151 = KV-3 'Pomegranate' Reentry Module
			#autoLOC_8310152 = Many little Kerbals inside this one. Couldn’t fit more.
			#autoLOC_8310153 = rocket control command fly capsule ?eva ?iva pilot pod space history historical convey (crew (mann kerbal voskhod
			#autoLOC_8310154 = Mk2 Command Pod
			#autoLOC_8310155 = Twin-seater for when a single Kerbal feels too lonely.
			#autoLOC_8310156 = rocket stab control cmg command fly gyro moment react steer torque capsule ?eva ?iva pilot space convey (crew (mann kerbal glv
			#autoLOC_8310157 = Munar Excursion Module (M.E.M.)
			#autoLOC_8310158 = After hearing pilots refer to their current line of landers as 'easily crushed tin cans', the marketing department decided that what customers really wanted was a lander that resembled an already crushed tin can.
			#autoLOC_8310159 = rocket control command fly moment capsule ?eva ?iva pilot space lander land lem mem mun convey (crew (mann kerbal
			#autoLOC_8310160 = SP-T06 Structural Panel
			#autoLOC_8310161 = A sturdy metal plate, perfect for constructing all sorts of things. Also available in bling.
			#autoLOC_8310162 = support extend structur build construct fabricate body cover plat triangle equ radial
			#autoLOC_8310163 = SP-T12 Structural Panel
			#autoLOC_8310164 = A sturdy metal plate, perfect for constructing all sorts of things. Also available in bling.
			#autoLOC_8310165 = support extend structur build construct fabricate body cover plat triangle equ radial
			#autoLOC_8310166 = SP-T18 Structural Panel
			#autoLOC_8310167 = A sturdy metal plate, perfect for constructing all sorts of things. Also available in bling.
			#autoLOC_8310168 = support extend structur build construct fabricate body cover plat triangle equ radial
			#autoLOC_8310169 = SP-T25 Structural Panel
			#autoLOC_8310170 = A sturdy metal plate, perfect for constructing all sorts of things. Also available in bling.
			#autoLOC_8310171 = support extend structur build construct fabricate body cover plat triangle equ radial
			#autoLOC_8310172 = SP-S06 Structural Panel
			#autoLOC_8310173 = A sturdy metal plate, perfect for constructing all sorts of things. Also available in bling.
			#autoLOC_8310174 = support extend structur build construct fabricate body cover plat radial
			#autoLOC_8310175 = SP-S12 Structural Panel
			#autoLOC_8310176 = A sturdy metal plate, perfect for constructing all sorts of things. Also available in bling.
			#autoLOC_8310177 = support extend structur build construct fabricate body cover plat radial
			#autoLOC_8310178 = SP-S18 Structural Panel
			#autoLOC_8310179 = A sturdy metal plate, perfect for constructing all sorts of things. Also available in bling.
			#autoLOC_8310180 = support extend structur build construct fabricate body cover plat radial 1.875
			#autoLOC_8310181 = SP-S25 Structural Panel
			#autoLOC_8310182 = A sturdy metal plate, perfect for constructing all sorts of things. Also available in bling.
			#autoLOC_8310183 = support extend structur build construct fabricate body cover plat radial
			#autoLOC_8310184 = SP-R06 Structural Panel
			#autoLOC_8310185 = A sturdy metal plate, perfect for constructing all sorts of things. Also available in bling.
			#autoLOC_8310186 = support extend structur build construct fabricate body cover plat triangle radial
			#autoLOC_8310187 = SP-R12 Structural Panel
			#autoLOC_8310188 = A sturdy metal plate, perfect for constructing all sorts of things. Also available in bling.
			#autoLOC_8310189 = support extend structur build construct fabricate body cover plat triangle radial
			#autoLOC_8310190 = SP-R18 Structural Panel
			#autoLOC_8310191 = A sturdy metal plate, perfect for constructing all sorts of things. Also available in bling.
			#autoLOC_8310192 = support extend structur build construct fabricate body cover plat triangle radial 1.875
			#autoLOC_8310193 = SP-R25 Structural Panel
			#autoLOC_8310194 = A sturdy metal plate, perfect for constructing all sorts of things. Also available in bling.
			#autoLOC_8310195 = support extend structur build construct fabricate body cover plat triangle radial
			#autoLOC_8310196 = T-12 Structural Tube
			#autoLOC_8310197 = Kerbals like to play hide and seek with these small tubes.
			#autoLOC_8310198 = hollow pipe tube support structur build construct struct
			#autoLOC_8310199 = T-18 Structural Tube
			#autoLOC_8310200 = The Kerbin transportation department is still looking for these tubes, originally intended for the underground system.
			#autoLOC_8310201 = hollow pipe tube support structur build construct struct regular standard average medium 1.875
			#autoLOC_8310202 = T-25 Structural Tube
			#autoLOC_8310203 = What is a fuel tank without the internal tank? Just a shell.
			#autoLOC_8310204 = hollow pipe tube support structur build construct struct 2.5 huge jumbo large big
			#autoLOC_8310205 = T-37 Structural Tube
			#autoLOC_8310206 = The cost of manufacturing these tubes is high, per loop. Use sparingly.
			#autoLOC_8310207 = hollow pipe tube support structur build construct struct 3.75 enormous massive gigantic giant
			#autoLOC_8310208 = T-50 Structural Tube
			#autoLOC_8310209 = Stacking enough of these could make a revolutionary snack delivery system.
			#autoLOC_8310210 = hollow pipe tube support structur build construct struct 3.75 enormous massive gigantic giant 5.0
			#autoLOC_8310211 = Heat Shield (1.875m)
			#autoLOC_8320000 = Inventory
			#autoLOC_8320001 = Cargo
			#autoLOC_8320010 = Debug
			#autoLOC_8320069 = Next Action Set
			#autoLOC_8320070 = Previous Action Set
			#autoLOC_8320071 = Axis Actions
			#autoLOC_8320072 = Axis 1
			#autoLOC_8320073 = Axis 2
			#autoLOC_8320074 = Axis 3
			#autoLOC_8320075 = Axis 4
			#autoLOC_8320076 = Custom Axis 1 Increment
			#autoLOC_8320077 = Custom Axis 1 Decrement
			#autoLOC_8320078 = Custom Axis 2 Increment
			#autoLOC_8320079 = Custom Axis 2 Decrement
			#autoLOC_8320080 = Custom Axis 3 Increment
			#autoLOC_8320081 = Custom Axis 3 Decrement
			#autoLOC_8320082 = Custom Axis 4 Increment
			#autoLOC_8320083 = Custom Axis 4 Decrement
			#autoLOC_8320084 = Gray with Stripes
			#autoLOC_8320085 = Ol' Zebra
			#autoLOC_8320086 = KERBAL-EVA
			#autoLOC_8320087 = Min:
			#autoLOC_8320088 = Max:
			#autoLOC_8320091 = THK "Pollux" Solid Fuel Booster
			#autoLOC_8320092 = The Pollux is an engineers best friend.  Is your rocket a little too low thrust to get off the pad efficiently?  Put one on.  Still not enough?  Put on a pair.  Try six of them if that's still not enough.  Or if you're feeling really crafty, you can launch your entire rocket with just these tried and true solid rocket motors.
			#autoLOC_8320093 = Protective Rocket Nosecone Mk5A
			#autoLOC_8320094 = A midsize nosecone that improves the aerodynamic profile for 1.875m rocket stacks.
			#autoLOC_8320095 = (motor (rocket (srb (pol
			#autoLOC_8320096 = aero aircraft booster )cap drag fligh plane rocket speed stab stream
			#autoLOC_8400000 = Builder
			#autoLOC_8400010 = Builder Toolbar
			#autoLOC_8400020 = Sidebar
			#autoLOC_8400030 = Canvas
			#autoLOC_8400042 = Nodes / Connectors
			#autoLOC_8400052 = Node Docking
			#autoLOC_8400062 = SAP
			#autoLOC_8400072 = GAP
			#autoLOC_8400081 = GAP Tools
			#autoLOC_8400092 = Mission Briefing
			#autoLOC_8400102 = Importing / Exporting / Validation
			#autoLOC_8400109 = Mission App
			#autoLOC_8400119 = Testing / Checkpoints
			#autoLOC_8400129 = Replay / Score / End
			#autoLOC_8400139 = Kerbal Parachute
			#autoLOC_8400159 = Variant Switcher
			#autoLOC_8400166 = Making History
			#autoLOC_8400509 = Advanced Tutorial
			#autoLOC_8400510 = Welcome back! We've already done so much, but a few more little touches and this Mission will be talked about for years to come.
			#autoLOC_8400511 = Let's put in some requirements for the Crew that will be taking us on to greatness.
			#autoLOC_8400512 = Click on the Spawn Vessel Node that is docked to the Start Node.
			#autoLOC_8400513 = Scroll down to the bottom of the list in the SAP and click the Add button. In the dropdown choose Crew.
			#autoLOC_8400514 = Select the Add button and then select Crew.
			#autoLOC_8400515 = Now we don't want anyone getting lonely up there so let's put a requirement for two Kerbals on the Vessel.\n\nClick the dropdown next to Operator and select Equal. Then either click on the box and type 2 or move the slider until the number says 2.
			#autoLOC_8400516 = Make sure the Operator is set to Equal and the Crew count is 2.
			#autoLOC_8400517 = There are a lot of options open to you as the Mission Creator, and also the Players, for assigning Crew and creating your own custom Crewmembers to be used in your missions.
			#autoLOC_8400518 = We are almost there, now we just need to add in a required part: the Mystery Goo Containment Unit. Players of the Mission won't realize they need it until the Event triggers, and it would be a bit unfair to let them get all that way and not help them with the equipment they will need!
			#autoLOC_8400519 = Go to the Spawn Vessel node and scroll down to the Required Parts parameter in the Settings. Click anywhere on the Required Parts line to open up the GAP.
			#autoLOC_8400520 = Make sure you are selecting Required Parts.
			#autoLOC_8400521 = Great! Now scroll down to the Science category and select it, then find the Mystery Goo Containment Unit and click that to select it. It will turn blue when you do.
			#autoLOC_8400522 = Select the Science category then select the Mystery Goo Containment Unit.
			#autoLOC_8400523 = It's always wise to put some success and failure messages in your Missions. These messages can add a lot of flavor.
			#autoLOC_8400524 = Let's start with the failure message. Drag out a Vessel Destroyed Node from the Vessel category and put it anywhere on the canvas.
			#autoLOC_8400525 = Drag out a Vessel Destroyed Node to continue.
			#autoLOC_8400526 = Let's point the Vessel Destroyed Node in the direction of the player's Vessel. With the Node selected, select the desired vessel from the dropdown list under the Vessel Destroyed subheading.
			#autoLOC_8400527 = Try selecting the Vessel name from the dropdown list.
			#autoLOC_8400528 = Ok, now let's assign a Message to it. Drag out a Dialog Message from the Utility Category.
			#autoLOC_8400529 = Place a Dialog Message Node near the Vessel Destroyed Node.
			#autoLOC_8400530 = Give a suitable message to be shown. This message will be shown if the player of your mission manages to destroy their Vessel.
			#autoLOC_8400531 = Give a suitable failure message by clicking in the message portion of the Dialog Message Node.
			#autoLOC_8400532 = Fantastic! You should now have a good level of understanding on how it all works. Try making your own Missions and seeing what you can create. Good luck and have fun!
			#autoLOC_8400533 = Now link the Vessel Destroyed Node to the Dialog Message Node.
			#autoLOC_8400534 = Link the Vessel Destroyed and Message Nodes together.
			#autoLOC_8400535 = Let's now set up the success criteria. Drag out two more Dialog Message Nodes and put one of them next to the Landed Vessel Kerbin Node. Put the other next to the Landed Vessel Mun Node.
			#autoLOC_8400536 = Put two Dialog Message Nodes on the canvas near the two Landed Vessel Nodes.
			#autoLOC_8400537 = Link one of Dialog nodes with Landed Vessel Kerbin and the other Dialog node with Landed Vessel Mun.
			#autoLOC_8400538 = Link the Message Nodes with the Landed Vessel Nodes.
			#autoLOC_8400539 = Give each Message Node a suitable message. Remember players will see this when they have won the Mission so remember to give them a good pat on the back!
			#autoLOC_8400540 = Remember to give an awesome well done message to your player!
			#autoLOC_8400541 = Try selecting the Vessel name from the dropdown list.
			#autoLOC_8400542 = Let's point the Vessel Destroyed Node in the direction of the player's Vessel. With the Node selected, select the Vessel name you created from the dropdown list under the Vessel Destroyed subheading.
			#autoLOC_8400543 = Give a suitable message to be shown. This message will play if the player of your mission manages to destroy their Vessel.
			#autoLOC_8400544 = Give a suitable failure message by clicking in the message portion of the Dialog Message Node.
			#autoLOC_8400545 = You may have seen that the nodes have a red glow around them and there is a red report button at the top of the Canvas. This is because the game is flagging a Validation Error.
			#autoLOC_8400546 = Where there are errors they will be flagged and called out. Missions with errors can't be exported, but can be saved.
			#autoLOC_8400547 = To see what the errors are, click on the red report icon at the top of the Canvas.
			#autoLOC_8400548 = Click on the red validation button at the top of the Canvas.
			#autoLOC_8400549 = This is the Validation dialog. Here you can see that we are being warned that there are no nodes marked as end nodes. We should mark the messages as End Nodes to fix this.
			#autoLOC_8400550 = Close the dialog and click each of the three Dialog Message Nodes and tick the "Set as End Node" box in each.
			#autoLOC_8400551 = Mark the Dialog Messages as End Nodes in the Settings.
			#autoLOC_8400552 = OK, the last thing we need to do is export the Mission. This will package everything up into a single file that can then be uploaded and shared with the entire world!
			#autoLOC_8400553 = Click the highlighted Mission Briefing button to open up the Briefing dialog for your Mission.
			#autoLOC_8400554 = Click the highlighted button to open the Briefing dialog for your Mission.
			#autoLOC_8400555 = Here you can review the Mission Briefing text, the Objectives, and any scoring or awards assigned to the Mission.
			#autoLOC_8400556 = You can also enter details of any Mods that the player must have installed to play the mission, assign your Mission to a Pack, and set its difficulty so players know exactly what they are getting into!
			#autoLOC_8400557 = Finally you can assign Banners to be shown when the player looks at your Mission Briefing or when they win or fail the Mission.
			#autoLOC_8400558 = Great readings - we can either carry on with the mission and land on the mun or you can come home, it's your choice!
			#autoLOC_8400559 = Missing description for Advanced Tutorial.
			#autoLOC_9990010 = Intermediate Tutorial
			#autoLOC_9990011 = Welcome back!\n\nWe'll use this tutorial to build on what we learnt in the last one and start introducing some more advanced techniques!
			#autoLOC_9990012 = Let's make a change and get the Player to land at a specific point on the Mun.\n\nSelect the Landed Vessel node and select Biome from Location Type dropdown list.
			#autoLOC_9990013 = Select Biome from the Location Type dropdown list
			#autoLOC_9990014 = We'll use the Graphical Action Pane at the bottom of the Action Pane to select a Biome.\n\nControls are identical to the Tracking Station. You can zoom in and out with the Mousewheel, select a different Planet with a click of the Left Mouse Button on the arrows on either side of the planet name.\n\nYou can also tumble around planets by holding down the left mouse button and moving the mouse.
			#autoLOC_9990015 = You will see that as you move your cursor around any applicable Biomes they will be highlighted.\n\nClick on any Biome to select it.
			#autoLOC_9990016 = Use the Action Pane to select a Biome on Mun.
			#autoLOC_9990017 = Ok, now we're going to add an Event to mix things up a bit.\n\nEvents are situations that change the course of a Mission. Events aren't exposed to the player in the Mission Briefing until they are activated.\n\nEvents can be used to surprise a player with an unforeseen and possibly catastrophic development!
			#autoLOC_9990018 = For our Mission we'll do something simple, but there are all sorts of catastrophic and helpful options open to you as a Mission Creator.
			#autoLOC_9990019 = Find the Science Experiment Node and put it between the Orbit Mun and the Landed Vessel nodes.
			#autoLOC_9990020 = Try dragging out the "Science Experiment" Node from the Resources and Science category
			#autoLOC_9990021 = Let's link the Science Experiment node between the Orbit Node and the Land Node.\n\nYou'll need to first delete the existing connecting line and then reconnect the nodes - click on the connecting line to select it then hit the delete key.
			#autoLOC_9990022 = Try linking the Science Experiment between the Orbit and Land Nodes.
			#autoLOC_9990023 = If you have an Event Node connected to something with other Nodes coming off of it the Event Node path will always take precedence.
			#autoLOC_9990024 = Go into the Settings for the Science Experiment Node and tick the Event Node box.
			#autoLOC_9990025 = Tick the Event Node box to continue
			#autoLOC_9990026 = Let's tell the player we've had some anomalous readings from a High Munar orbit and we need them to check it out before they come back home.
			#autoLOC_9990027 = Drag out a Dialog Message Node and connect it between the Orbit and Science Experiment Nodes in the same way we created the Science Experiment Node. This will play the message once we have completed the Orbit node.\n\nDon't forget to delete the existing connecting line.
			#autoLOC_9990028 = Try linking the Dialog message between the Orbit and Science Experiment Nodes.
			#autoLOC_9990029 = Click on the Dialog Message node and in the Settings type "We've had some odd readings from high above the Mun. Please increase your orbit and see what the Mystery Goo tells us!"
			#autoLOC_9990030 = Write a message to explain to players what is going on.
			#autoLOC_9990031 = Let's go ahead and set up the Settings for the Event Node.
			#autoLOC_9990032 = Under the Experiment heading in the Science Experiment Node select Mystery Goo™ Observation. In Situation choose Flying High and in Celestial Body select The Mun. Leave the other settings on their defaults.
			#autoLOC_9990033 = Select Mystery Goo Observation for the experiment. In Situation choose Flying High and in Celestial Body select The Mun
			#autoLOC_9990034 = Lets now give the player a choice of what to do next, branching paths are a great way to introduce an element of choice into the players game.
			#autoLOC_9990035 = Let's tell them that once they've observed the Mystery Goo they can either come home or Land on the Mun.
			#autoLOC_9990036 = Place another Dialog Message Node on the Canvas - put this one after the Science Experiment node and link it to the Landed Vessel Node.\n\nDon't forget to delete the existing connecting line.
			#autoLOC_9990037 = Try linking the Dialog message between the Science Experiement Node and the Landed Vessel Node.
			#autoLOC_9990038 = Nearly there - add in a Message that explains that they can either land on the Mun or choose to come home.\n\nWe'll add the missing Node to the Mission in a moment.
			#autoLOC_9990039 = Write a message to explain to players what is going on.
			#autoLOC_9990040 = Great! Now drag out another Landed Vessel Node from the Location category and link it to the Dialog Message Node you've just placed.
			#autoLOC_9990041 = Drag out a Landed Vessel Node and link it to the Dialog Message Node.
			#autoLOC_9990042 = Great! Now select Kerbin from the list of Celestial Bodies.
			#autoLOC_9990043 = Select Kerbin from the Settings for the node
			#autoLOC_9990044 = One other thing you can do with your Mission is to provide a score for it - this will allow players to gauge how good they are at your Mission compared to other players.
			#autoLOC_9990045 = Let's set a score which gives the player a bonus if they complete the Science Objective before a set time has passed!
			#autoLOC_9990046 = Drag out a Time Since Node from the Utility Category and position it under the Science Experiment Node
			#autoLOC_9990047 = Drag out a Time Since Node from the Utility Category
			#autoLOC_9990048 = Let's set the time that they need to do this to 1 day - that should be plenty of time to readjust their Orbit.
			#autoLOC_9990049 = Click the Time Since Node and select Science Experiment from the dropdown. Then select Less Than for the Operator and set the time to 1 Day by clicking in the Day box and entering 1.
			#autoLOC_9990050 = Set the Node dropdown to Science Experiment, the Operator to Less Than, and the time to 1 Day.
			#autoLOC_9990051 = Fantastic! Now find the Change Score node from the Currency and Score Category and place it near the Time Since Node.
			#autoLOC_9990052 = Drag out an Change Score node from the Currency and Score Category
			#autoLOC_9990053 = Now click on the Change Score node. Type in an amount to give the player in the box next to Bonus Score.\n\nThis will award the player those points if they manage to complete the Science node in under 1 Day in Game Time.
			#autoLOC_9990054 = Add in the box next to Bonus Score any amount of points to continue.
			#autoLOC_9990055 = The last thing we need to do to finish with the scoring is to link everything up.
			#autoLOC_9990056 = Drag out a link from the Science Node to the Time Since Node.\n\nThen drag one from the Time Since Node to the Change Score node.\n\nLastly drag a line from Change Score to the Dialog Message Node to complete the loop.
			#autoLOC_9990057 = Link the Science Node to the Time Since Node, then a link from that to the Change Score node, and finally from the Change Score to the Dialog Message Node.
			#autoLOC_9990058 = We've learnt a lot about how Events can change the course of a mission so let's leave it there for the moment.\n\nThere's one more Tutorial to go which should then give you everything you need to create your own Missions and make a piece of your own history. \n\nDon't forget to save your progress!
	parentUrl = Squad/Missions/MissionPacks.cfg
		name = squad_ESA
		displayName = ESA Collaboration
		order = 400
		color = #63AE55FF
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/VariantThemes.cfg
		name = White
		displayName = White
		description = Bright and White!
		primaryColor = #ffffff
		secondaryColor = #ffffff
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/VariantThemes.cfg
		name = BlackAndWhite
		displayName = Black and White
		description = A mix between the dark and light sides
		primaryColor = #000000
		secondaryColor = #ffffff
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/VariantThemes.cfg
		name = GrayAndOrange
		displayName = Gray and Orange
		description = For that muted palate
		primaryColor = #4c4f47
		secondaryColor = #f49841
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/VariantThemes.cfg
		name = Dark
		displayName = Dark
		description = Come to the dark side
		primaryColor = #000000
		secondaryColor = #000000
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/VariantThemes.cfg
		name = Gray
		displayName = Gray
		description = Just soo gray
		primaryColor = #999999
		secondaryColor = #999999
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/VariantThemes.cfg
		name = Orange
		displayName = Orange
		description = Doesn't taste like...
		primaryColor = #f49841
		secondaryColor = #f49841
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/VariantThemes.cfg
		name = Gold
		displayName = Gold
		description = All that glitters...
		primaryColor = #fccb0a
		secondaryColor = #fccb0a
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/VariantThemes.cfg
		name = Bare
		displayName = Bare
		description = Exposed machinery is beautiful
		primaryColor = #cc0e0e
		secondaryColor = #000000
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/VariantThemes.cfg
		name = Shroud
		displayName = Shroud
		description = Sleek and shrouded in mystery
		primaryColor = #ffffff
		secondaryColor = #999999
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/VariantThemes.cfg
		name = GrayAndWhite
		displayName = Gray and White
		description = A mix of drab and bright
		primaryColor = #ffffff
		secondaryColor = #999999
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/VariantThemes.cfg
		name = YellowAndWhite
		displayName = Yellow and White
		description = Added some bling to the white
		primaryColor = #ffffff
		secondaryColor = #999999
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/VariantThemes.cfg
		name = Silver
		displayName = Silver
		description = Hi Yo, Silver!
		primaryColor = #ffffff
		secondaryColor = #ffffff
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/VariantThemes.cfg
		name = Gray with Stripes
		displayName = Gray with Stripes
		description = Ol' Zebra
		primaryColor = #999999
		secondaryColor = #b08b39
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Aero/HeatShield/HeatShield0.cfg
		name = HeatShield0
		module = Part
		author = RoverDude
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.0095, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.052, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1
		sound_vent_medium = decouple
		CoPOffset = 0.0, 0.5, 0.0
		CoLOffset = 0.0, -0.075, 0.0
		TechRequired = survivability
		entryCost = 600
		cost = 150
		category = Thermal
		subcategory = 0
		title = Heat Shield (0.625m)
		manufacturer = O.M.B. Demolition Enterprises
		description = A tiny structural heat shield
		attachRules = 1,0,1,0,0
		mass = 0.025
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 2
		breakingForce = 100
		breakingTorque = 100
		crashTolerance = 9
		maxTemp = 3300
		fuelCrossFeed = False
		PhysicsSignificance = 0
		stageOffset = 1
		childStageOffset = 1
		bulkheadProfiles = size0
		thermalMassModifier = 1.0
		tags = ablat drag entry insulate protect re- rocket therm
			model = Squad/Parts/Aero/HeatShield/HeatShield0
			name = ModuleAblator
			ablativeResource = Ablator
			lossExp = -7500
			lossConst = 0.1
			pyrolysisLossFactor = 6000
			reentryConductivity = 0.01
			ablationTempThresh = 500
			useChar = True
			charModuleName = shieldChar
			name = ModuleColorChanger
			moduleID = shieldChar
			shaderProperty = _BurnColor
			useRate = False
			toggleInEditor = False
			toggleInFlight = False
				key = 0 0
				key = 1 1
				key = 0 0
				key = 1 1
				key = 0 0
				key = 1 1
				key = 0 0.8
			name = ModuleDecouple
			ejectionForce = 50
			isOmniDecoupler = true
			menuName = Jettison Heat Shield
			stagingEnabled = False
			stagingEnableText = HS Jettison Not Staged
			stagingDisableText = HS Jettison Staged
			name = ModuleTestSubject
			useStaging = False
			useEvent = True
			situationMask = 15
				type = ATMOSPHERE
				value = True
				type = SITUATION
				value = 11
				body = _NotHome
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = LT
				value = 350
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = GT
				value = 250
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = LT
				value = 500
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = GT
				value = 300
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = LT
				value = 600
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = GT
				value = 400
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = SPEED
				test = LT
				value = 1500
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEED
				test = GT
				value = 1000
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEED
				test = LT
				value = 2500
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEED
				test = GT
				value = 1500
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEED
				test = LT
				value = 6000
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = SPEED
				test = GT
				value = 2000
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = DENSITY
				test = LT
				value = 0.1
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 4000
				prestige = Trivial
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 6000
				prestige = Trivial
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 8000
				prestige = Significant
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 12000
				prestige = Significant
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 12000
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 16000
				prestige = Exceptional
				value = ALWAYS
				prestige = Trivial
				prestige = Significant
				value = ONCEPERPART
				prestige = Exceptional
			name = Ablator
			amount = 50
			maxAmount = 50
			name = ModuleLiftingSurface
			useInternalDragModel = False
			deflectionLiftCoeff = 0.0875
			liftingSurfaceCurve = CapsuleBottom
			disableBodyLift = False
			omnidirectional = False
			perpendicularOnly = True
			transformDir = Y
			transformSign = -1
			nodeEnabled = True
			attachNodeName = bottom
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 50
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Aero/HeatShield/HeatShield1.cfg
		name = HeatShield1
		module = Part
		author = RoverDude
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_direct = 0.0, -0.00, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.17, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.022, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1
		CoPOffset = 0.0, 1.0, 0.0
		CoLOffset = 0.0, -0.15, 0.0
		sound_vent_large = decouple
		TechRequired = survivability
		entryCost = 600
		cost = 300
		category = Thermal
		subcategory = 0
		title = Heat Shield (1.25m)
		manufacturer = O.M.B. Demolition Enterprises
		description = A small structural heat shield with an integrated fairing
		attachRules = 1,0,1,0,0
		mass = 0.1
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 2
		breakingForce = 200
		breakingTorque = 200
		crashTolerance = 9
		maxTemp = 3300
		fuelCrossFeed = False
		PhysicsSignificance = 0
		stageOffset = 1
		childStageOffset = 1
		bulkheadProfiles = size1
		thermalMassModifier = 1.0
		tags = ablat drag entry insulate protect re- rocket therm
			model = Squad/Parts/Aero/HeatShield/HeatShield1
			name = ModuleJettison
			jettisonName = fairing
			bottomNodeName = bottom
			isFairing = True
			jettisonedObjectMass = 0.5
			jettisonForce = 15
			jettisonDirection = 0 0 1
			stagingEnabled = False
			checkBottomNode = True
			name = ModuleAblator
			ablativeResource = Ablator
			lossExp = -7500
			lossConst = 0.1
			pyrolysisLossFactor = 6000
			reentryConductivity = 0.01
			ablationTempThresh = 500
			useChar = True
			charModuleName = shieldChar
			name = ModuleColorChanger
			moduleID = shieldChar
			shaderProperty = _BurnColor
			useRate = False
			toggleInEditor = False
			toggleInFlight = False
				key = 0 0
				key = 1 1
				key = 0 0
				key = 1 1
				key = 0 0
				key = 1 1
				key = 0 0.8
			name = ModuleDecouple
			ejectionForce = 100
			isOmniDecoupler = true
			menuName = Jettison Heat Shield
			stagingEnabled = False
			stagingEnableText = HS Jettison Not Staged
			stagingDisableText = HS Jettison Staged
			name = ModuleTestSubject
			useStaging = False
			useEvent = True
			situationMask = 15
				type = ATMOSPHERE
				value = True
				type = SITUATION
				value = 11
				body = _NotHome
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = LT
				value = 350
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = GT
				value = 250
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = LT
				value = 500
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = GT
				value = 300
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = LT
				value = 600
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = GT
				value = 400
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = SPEED
				test = LT
				value = 1500
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEED
				test = GT
				value = 1000
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEED
				test = LT
				value = 2500
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEED
				test = GT
				value = 1500
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEED
				test = LT
				value = 6000
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = SPEED
				test = GT
				value = 2000
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = DENSITY
				test = LT
				value = 0.1
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 4000
				prestige = Trivial
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 6000
				prestige = Trivial
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 8000
				prestige = Significant
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 12000
				prestige = Significant
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 12000
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 16000
				prestige = Exceptional
				value = ALWAYS
				prestige = Trivial
				prestige = Significant
				value = ONCEPERPART
				prestige = Exceptional
			name = Ablator
			amount = 200
			maxAmount = 200
			name = ModuleLiftingSurface
			useInternalDragModel = False
			deflectionLiftCoeff = 0.35
			liftingSurfaceCurve = CapsuleBottom
			disableBodyLift = False
			omnidirectional = False
			perpendicularOnly = True
			transformDir = Y
			transformSign = -1
			nodeEnabled = True
			attachNodeName = bottom
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 550
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Aero/HeatShield/HeatShield2.cfg
		name = HeatShield2
		module = Part
		author = RoverDude
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_direct = 0.0, -0.00, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.367, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.034, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2
		CoPOffset = 0.0, 1.1, 0.0
		CoLOffset = 0.0, -0.36, 0.0
		fx_gasBurst_white = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, decouple
		sound_vent_large = decouple
		TechRequired = landing
		entryCost = 1200
		cost = 600
		category = Thermal
		subcategory = 0
		title = Heat Shield (2.5m)
		manufacturer = O.M.B. Demolition Enterprises
		description = A medium structural heat shield with an integrated fairing
		attachRules = 1,0,1,0,0
		mass = 0.5
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 2
		breakingForce = 200
		breakingTorque = 200
		crashTolerance = 9
		maxTemp = 3300
		fuelCrossFeed = False
		PhysicsSignificance = 0
		stageOffset = 1
		childStageOffset = 1
		bulkheadProfiles = size2
		thermalMassModifier = 1.0
		tags = ablat drag entry insulate protect re- rocket therm
			model = Squad/Parts/Aero/HeatShield/HeatShield2
			name = ModuleJettison
			jettisonName = fairing
			bottomNodeName = bottom
			isFairing = True
			jettisonedObjectMass = 0.5
			jettisonForce = 15
			jettisonDirection = 0 0 1
			stagingEnabled = False
			checkBottomNode = True
			name = ModuleDecouple
			ejectionForce = 100
			isOmniDecoupler = true
			menuName = Jettison Heat Shield
			stagingEnabled = False
			stagingEnableText = HS Jettison Not Staged
			stagingDisableText = HS Jettison Staged
			name = ModuleAblator
			ablativeResource = Ablator
			lossExp = -7500
			lossConst = 0.1
			pyrolysisLossFactor = 6000
			reentryConductivity = 0.01
			ablationTempThresh = 500
			useChar = True
			charModuleName = shieldChar
			name = ModuleColorChanger
			moduleID = shieldChar
			shaderProperty = _BurnColor
			useRate = False
			toggleInEditor = False
			toggleInFlight = False
				key = 0 0
				key = 1 1
				key = 0 0
				key = 1 1
				key = 0 0
				key = 1 1
				key = 0 0.8
			name = ModuleTestSubject
			useStaging = False
			useEvent = True
			situationMask = 15
				type = ATMOSPHERE
				value = True
				type = SITUATION
				value = 11
				body = _NotHome
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = LT
				value = 350
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = GT
				value = 250
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = LT
				value = 500
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = GT
				value = 300
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = LT
				value = 600
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = GT
				value = 400
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = SPEED
				test = LT
				value = 1500
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEED
				test = GT
				value = 1000
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEED
				test = LT
				value = 2500
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEED
				test = GT
				value = 1500
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEED
				test = LT
				value = 6000
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = SPEED
				test = GT
				value = 2000
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = DENSITY
				test = LT
				value = 0.1
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 4000
				prestige = Trivial
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 6000
				prestige = Trivial
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 8000
				prestige = Significant
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 12000
				prestige = Significant
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 12000
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 16000
				prestige = Exceptional
				value = ALWAYS
				prestige = Trivial
				prestige = Significant
				value = ONCEPERPART
				prestige = Exceptional
			name = Ablator
			amount = 800
			maxAmount = 800
			name = ModuleLiftingSurface
			useInternalDragModel = False
			deflectionLiftCoeff = 1.5
			liftingSurfaceCurve = CapsuleBottom
			disableBodyLift = False
			omnidirectional = False
			perpendicularOnly = True
			transformDir = Y
			transformSign = -1
			nodeEnabled = True
			attachNodeName = bottom
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			stackableQuantity = 1
			packedVolume = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Aero/HeatShield/HeatShield3.cfg
		name = HeatShield3
		module = Part
		author = RoverDude
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_direct = 0.0, -0.00, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.59, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 3
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.25, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 3
		CoPOffset = 0.0, 1.4, 0.0
		CoLOffset = 0.0, -0.5, 0.0
		fx_gasBurst_white = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, decouple
		sound_vent_large = decouple
		TechRequired = advLanding
		entryCost = 1800
		cost = 1100
		category = Thermal
		subcategory = 0
		title = Heat Shield (3.75m)
		manufacturer = O.M.B. Demolition Enterprises
		description = A large structural heat shield with an integrated fairing
		attachRules = 1,0,1,0,0
		mass = 1.0
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 2
		breakingForce = 200
		breakingTorque = 200
		crashTolerance = 9
		maxTemp = 3300
		fuelCrossFeed = False
		PhysicsSignificance = 0
		stageOffset = 1
		childStageOffset = 1
		bulkheadProfiles = size3
		thermalMassModifier = 1.0
		tags = ablat drag entry insulate protect re- rocket therm
			model = Squad/Parts/Aero/HeatShield/HeatShield3
			name = ModuleJettison
			jettisonName = fairing
			bottomNodeName = bottom
			isFairing = True
			jettisonedObjectMass = 0.5
			jettisonForce = 15
			jettisonDirection = 0 0 1
			stagingEnabled = False
			checkBottomNode = True
			name = ModuleDecouple
			ejectionForce = 100
			isOmniDecoupler = true
			menuName = Jettison Heat Shield
			stagingEnabled = False
			stagingEnableText = HS Jettison Not Staged
			stagingDisableText = HS Jettison Staged
			name = ModuleAblator
			ablativeResource = Ablator
			lossExp = -7500
			lossConst = 0.1
			pyrolysisLossFactor = 6000
			reentryConductivity = 0.01
			ablationTempThresh = 500
			useChar = True
			charModuleName = shieldChar
			name = ModuleColorChanger
			moduleID = shieldChar
			shaderProperty = _BurnColor
			useRate = False
			toggleInEditor = False
			toggleInFlight = False
				key = 0 0
				key = 1 1
				key = 0 0
				key = 1 1
				key = 0 0
				key = 1 1
				key = 0 0.8
			name = ModuleTestSubject
			useStaging = False
			useEvent = True
			situationMask = 15
				type = ATMOSPHERE
				value = True
				type = SITUATION
				value = 11
				body = _NotHome
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = LT
				value = 350
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = GT
				value = 250
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = LT
				value = 500
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = GT
				value = 300
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = LT
				value = 600
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = GT
				value = 400
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = SPEED
				test = LT
				value = 1500
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEED
				test = GT
				value = 1000
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEED
				test = LT
				value = 2500
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEED
				test = GT
				value = 1500
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEED
				test = LT
				value = 6000
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = SPEED
				test = GT
				value = 2000
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = DENSITY
				test = LT
				value = 0.1
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 4000
				prestige = Trivial
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 6000
				prestige = Trivial
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 8000
				prestige = Significant
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 12000
				prestige = Significant
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 12000
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 16000
				prestige = Exceptional
				value = ALWAYS
				prestige = Trivial
				prestige = Significant
				value = ONCEPERPART
				prestige = Exceptional
			name = Ablator
			amount = 1800
			maxAmount = 1800
			name = ModuleLiftingSurface
			useInternalDragModel = False
			deflectionLiftCoeff = 3.375
			liftingSurfaceCurve = CapsuleBottom
			disableBodyLift = False
			omnidirectional = False
			perpendicularOnly = True
			transformDir = Y
			transformSign = -1
			nodeEnabled = True
			attachNodeName = bottom
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Aero/InflatableHeatShield/HeatShield.cfg
		name = InflatableHeatShield
		module = Part
		author = RoverDude
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_mid = 0.0, 0.34, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, 1.4, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2
		node_stack_top = 0.0, -0.9, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2
		TechRequired = heavyLanding
		entryCost = 6400
		cost = 2400
		category = Thermal
		subcategory = 0
		title = Heat Shield (10m)
		manufacturer = O.M.B. Demolition Enterprises
		description = Based on the design of a child's toy, this heat shield uses a set of inflatable rings covered with a thermal blanket to provide a generous 10 meter heat shield for reentry and deceleration, and the aerodynamic qualities of an untethered bouncy castle.
		attachRules = 1,0,1,0,1
		mass = 1.5
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.1
		minimum_drag = 0.1
		angularDrag = 0.5
		breakingForce = 2048
		breakingTorque = 2048
		crashTolerance = 9
		maxTemp = 3250
		skinMaxTemp = 3500
		emissiveConstant = 0.9
		fuelCrossFeed = False
		PhysicsSignificance = 0
		stageOffset = 1
		childStageOffset = 1
		bulkheadProfiles = size2
		heatConductivity = 0.01
		thermalMassModifier = 7.5
		CoPOffset = 0.0, 2.5, 0.0
		CoLOffset = 0.0, -1, 0.0
		CenterOfBuoyancy = 0.0, 2, 0.0
		CenterOfDisplacement = 0.0, 2.3, 0.0
		buoyancy = 0.2
		boundsMultiplier = 0.7
		fx_gasBurst_white = 0.0, 0.0650517, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, decouple
		sound_vent_large = decouple
		tags = balloon drag entry expand inflat insulate protect re- rocket therm
			model = Squad/Parts/Aero/InflatableHeatShield/HeatShield
			name = ModuleAnimateGeneric
			animationName = InflatableHS
			isOneShot = false
			startEventGUIName = Inflate Heat Shield
			endEventGUIName = Deflate Heat Shield
			actionGUIName = Inflate Heat Shield
			allowAnimationWhileShielded = False
			restrictedNode = top
			disableAfterPlaying = true
			name = ModuleDecouple
			ejectionForce = 100
			isOmniDecoupler = true
			menuName = Jettison Heat Shield
			stagingEnabled = False
			stagingEnableText = HS Jettison Not Staged
			stagingDisableText = HS Jettison Staged
			name = ModuleJettison
			jettisonName = Fairing
			bottomNodeName = top
			isFairing = True
			jettisonedObjectMass = 0.5
			jettisonForce = 15
			jettisonDirection = 0 0 1
			stagingEnabled = False
			allowShroudToggle = True
			hideJettisonMenu = True
			useMultipleDragCubes = False
			name = ModuleTestSubject
			useStaging = False
			useEvent = True
			situationMask = 15
				type = ATMOSPHERE
				value = True
				type = SITUATION
				value = 11
				body = _NotHome
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = LT
				value = 350
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = GT
				value = 250
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = LT
				value = 500
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = GT
				value = 300
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = LT
				value = 600
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = GT
				value = 400
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = SPEED
				test = LT
				value = 1500
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEED
				test = GT
				value = 1000
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEED
				test = LT
				value = 2500
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEED
				test = GT
				value = 1500
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEED
				test = LT
				value = 6000
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = SPEED
				test = GT
				value = 2000
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = DENSITY
				test = LT
				value = 0.1
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 4000
				prestige = Trivial
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 6000
				prestige = Trivial
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 8000
				prestige = Significant
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 12000
				prestige = Significant
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 12000
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 16000
				prestige = Exceptional
				value = ALWAYS
				prestige = Trivial
				prestige = Significant
				value = ONCEPERPART
				prestige = Exceptional
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Aero/aerodynamicNoseCone/aerodynamicNoseCone.cfg
		name = noseCone
		module = Part
		author = AlexanderM
		mesh =
		scale = 1.0
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_bottom01 = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0
		CenterOfDisplacement = 0.0, 0.2, 0.0
		TechRequired = stability
		entryCost = 2000
		cost = 240
		category = Aero
		subcategory = 0
		title = Aerodynamic Nose Cone
		manufacturer = Goliath National Products
		description = Aerodynamic, lightweight and mostly non-explosive. As a reminder to all personnel operating nearby, this part is really sharp and it'd probably hurt if you fell on it.
		attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0
		stackSymmetry = 2
		mass = 0.03
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.1
		minimum_drag = 0.1
		angularDrag = 0.5
		crashTolerance = 10
		maxTemp = 2400
		emissiveConstant = 0.7
		thermalMassModifier = 6.0
		fuelCrossFeed = False
		bulkheadProfiles = size1
		tags = aero aircraft booster )cap drag fligh plane rocket speed stab stream
			name = ModulePartVariants
			baseVariant = BlackAndWhite
			useMultipleDragCubes = false
				name = BlackAndWhite
				displayName = Black and White
				themeName = BlackAndWhite
				primaryColor = #ffffff
				secondaryColor = #000000
					mainTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Utility/rockomaxAdapters/Assets/Rockomax_Adapters_diffuse_O
					_BumpMap = Squad/Parts/Utility/rockomaxAdapters/Assets/Rockomax_Adapters_normal_O
				name = Dark
				displayName = Dark
				themeName = Dark
				primaryColor = #000000
					mainTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Utility/rockomaxAdapters/Assets/Rockomax_Adapters_diffuse
					_BumpMap = Squad/Parts/Utility/rockomaxAdapters/Assets/Rockomax_Adapters_normal
				name = White
				displayName = White
				themeName = White
				primaryColor = #ffffff
				secondaryColor = #ffffff
					mainTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Utility/rockomaxAdapters/Assets/Rockomax_Adapters_diffuse_W
					_BumpMap = Squad/Parts/Utility/rockomaxAdapters/Assets/Rockomax_Adapters_normal
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 1050
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Aero/airIntakeRadialXM-G50/airIntakeRadialXM-G50.cfg
		name = airScoop
		module = Part
		author = NovaSilisko, Porkjet
		mesh =
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_attach = 0.0, 0.3370661, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0
		buoyancy = 0.1
		TechRequired = aerodynamicSystems
		entryCost = 2500
		cost = 250
		category = Aero
		subcategory = 0
		title = XM-G50 Radial Air Intake
		manufacturer = Vac-Co Advanced Suction Systems
		description = An intake duct version that can be mounted at the sides of a fuselage. Warranty does not cover engine flame-outs or any objects, inanimate or otherwise, sucked in by the intake. Optimized for subsonic flight.
		attachRules = 0,1,0,0,0
		mass = 0.02
		thermalMassModifier = 6.0
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 1
		crashTolerance = 10
		breakingForce = 200
		breakingTorque = 200
		maxTemp = 2000
		bulkheadProfiles = srf
		tags = aero aircraft breathe fligh inlet jet oxygen plane subsonic suck
			name = ModuleResourceIntake
			resourceName = IntakeAir
			checkForOxygen = true
			area = 0.0031
			intakeSpeed = 15
			intakeTransformName = Intake
				key = 1 1 0 0
				key = 1.5 0.9 -0.4312553 -0.4312553
				key = 2.5 0.45 -0.5275364 -0.5275364
				key = 3.5 0.1 0 0
			name = IntakeAir
			amount = 2
			maxAmount = 2
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 2250
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Aero/airbrake/Airbrake.cfg
		name = airbrake1
		module = Part
		author = Porkjet
		mesh =
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, -0.025, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1
		TechRequired = advAerodynamics
		entryCost = 20000
		cost = 1000
		category = Aero
		subcategory = 0
		title = A.I.R.B.R.A.K.E.S
		manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division
		description = Research into feasible ways to slow down a plane in mid-air showed that loose hull panels are pretty great as drag-inducing deceleration devices. The discovery led to the invention of the Aerodynamically Integrated Retrograde Braking Robustly Armed Kinetic Extending System (A.I.R.B.R.A.K.E.S.), which is now popular mostly as a cheap alternative to longer runways. C7 Engineers are still trying to come up with a shorter name for such a long acronym.
		attachRules = 0,1,0,0,1
		mass = 0.05
		thermalMassModifier = 5.0
		emissiveConstant = 0.4
		dragModelType = none
		maximum_drag = 0.02
		minimum_drag = 0.02
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 8
		maxTemp = 2400
		explosionPotential = 0.1
		fuelCrossFeed = True
		bulkheadProfiles = srf
		tags = (air airbrake aircraft brake dive drag fligh landing plane slow speed spoil
			name = ModuleAeroSurface
			useInternalDragModel = True
			dragCoeff = 0.6
			deflectionLiftCoeff = 0.38
			ctrlSurfaceRange = 70
			ctrlRangeFactor = 0.2
			ctrlSurfaceArea = 1
			actuatorSpeed = 20
			transformName = Flap
			defaultActionGroup = Brakes
			liftingSurfaceCurve = SpeedBrake
			ignorePitch = true
			ignoreYaw = true
			uncasedTemp = 1200
			casedTemp = 2400
			name = FXModuleLookAtConstraint
				targetName = PistonArm
				rotatorsName = PistonBase
				targetName = PistonBase
				rotatorsName = PistonArm
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 750
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Aero/airlinerWings/ControlSurface.cfg
		name = airlinerCtrlSrf
		module = Part
		author = Porkjet
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0
		CoMOffset = 0, -0.3730053, 0
		CoLOffset = 0, -0.3730053, 0
		CoPOffset = 0, -0.3730053, 0
		TechRequired = heavyAerodynamics
		entryCost = 16400
		cost = 800
		category = Aero
		subcategory = 0
		title = FAT-455 Aeroplane Control Surface
		manufacturer = WinterOwl Aircraft Emporium
		description = Large conventional control surface.
		attachRules = 0,1,0,1,1
		mass = 0.17
		thermalMassModifier = 6
		heatConductivity = 0.12
		emissiveConstant = 0.4
		dragModelType = none
		maximum_drag = 0.02
		minimum_drag = 0.02
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 15
		maxTemp = 1200
		explosionPotential = 0.1
		fuelCrossFeed = True
		bulkheadProfiles = srf
		tags = aileron aircraft (elev flap fligh liner plane )rudder spoil stab
			model = Squad/Parts/Aero/airlinerWings/ControlSurface
			name = ModuleControlSurface
			useInternalDragModel = True
			dragCoeff = 0.5
			deflectionLiftCoeff = 0.86
			ctrlSurfaceRange = 15
			ctrlSurfaceArea = 1
			actuatorSpeed = 25
			transformName = ControlSurface
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			stackableQuantity = 1
			packedVolume = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Aero/airlinerWings/MainWing.cfg
		name = airlinerMainWing
		module = Part
		author = Porkjet
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1
		CoMOffset = -2.5, 0.25, 0
		CoLOffset = -2.5, 0.25, 0
		CoPOffset = -2.5, 0.25, 0
		TechRequired = heavyAerodynamics
		entryCost = 36400
		cost = 2800
		category = Aero
		subcategory = 0
		title = FAT-455 Aeroplane Main Wing
		manufacturer = WinterOwl Aircraft Emporium
		description = One of the largest lifting surfaces in production. The internal volume of these is big enough to carry generously sized fuel tanks.
		attachRules = 0,1,0,1,1
		mass = 0.78
		thermalMassModifier = 3
		heatConductivity = 0.12
		emissiveConstant = 0.4
		dragModelType = none
		maximum_drag = 0.02
		minimum_drag = 0.02
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 15
		maxTemp = 1200
		explosionPotential = 0.1
		fuelCrossFeed = True
		bulkheadProfiles = srf
		tags = aero aircraft airlin fligh foil fuel ?lf lift liquid swept wet
			model = Squad/Parts/Aero/airlinerWings/MainWing
			name = ModuleLiftingSurface
			useInternalDragModel = True
			deflectionLiftCoeff = 7.8
			dragAtMaxAoA = 0.6
			dragAtMinAoA = 0.0
			name = LiquidFuel
			amount = 0
			maxAmount = 600
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Aero/airlinerWings/TailFin.cfg
		name = airlinerTailFin
		module = Part
		author = Porkjet
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_attach = 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1
		CoLOffset = -2.0, 0.4, 0
		CoPOffset = -2.0, 0.4, 0
		CoMOffset = -2.0, 0.4, 0
		TechRequired = heavyAerodynamics
		entryCost = 4000
		cost = 1000
		category = Aero
		subcategory = 0
		title = FAT-455 Aeroplane Tail Fin
		manufacturer = WinterOwl Aircraft Emporium
		description = Large conventional wing with built-in control surface.
		attachRules = 0,1,0,1,1
		mass = 0.36
		thermalMassModifier = 3.0
		heatConductivity = 0.12
		emissiveConstant = 0.4
		dragModelType = none
		maximum_drag = 0.02
		minimum_drag = 0.02
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 15
		maxTemp = 1200
		explosionPotential = 0.1
		fuelCrossFeed = True
		bulkheadProfiles = srf
		tags = aileron aircraft control (elev fligh foil lift liner )rudder stab swept wing
			model = Squad/Parts/Aero/airlinerWings/TailFin
			name = ModuleControlSurface
			useInternalDragModel = True
			dragCoeff = 0.6
			deflectionLiftCoeff = 2.69
			ctrlSurfaceRange = 15
			ctrlSurfaceArea = 0.37
			actuatorSpeed = 25
			transformName = ctrlSrf
			name = FlagDecal
			textureQuadName = FLAG
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Aero/airplaneFins/advancedCanard.cfg
		name = AdvancedCanard
		module = Part
		author = C. Jenkins, Porkjet
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1
		CoMOffset = -0.4, -0.05, 0
		CoLOffset = -0.4, -0.05, 0
		CoPOffset = -0.4, -0.05, 0
		TechRequired = hypersonicFlight
		entryCost = 9200
		cost = 800
		category = Aero
		subcategory = 0
		title = Advanced Canard
		manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division
		description = Our engineers thought this design looked "high tech" and therefore must be clear improvement on earlier models.
		attachRules = 0,1,0,1,0
		mass = 0.08
		thermalMassModifier = 8.0
		emissiveConstant = 0.95
		dragModelType = none
		maximum_drag = 0.02
		minimum_drag = 0.02
		angularDrag = 3
		crashTolerance = 12
		maxTemp = 2400
		explosionPotential = 0.1
		fuelCrossFeed = True
		bulkheadProfiles = srf
		tags = aero (air control (elev fighter fligh (fore lift plane )rudder stab swept tail
			model = Squad/Parts/Aero/airplaneFins/AdvCanard
			name = ModuleControlSurface
			useInternalDragModel = True
			dragCoeff = 0.5
			deflectionLiftCoeff = 0.4
			ctrlSurfaceRange = 10
			ctrlSurfaceArea = 1
			actuatorSpeed = 35
			transformName = ctrlSrf
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 650
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Aero/airplaneFins/standardCanard.cfg
		name = CanardController
		module = Part
		author = C. Jenkins, Porkjet
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1
		CoMOffset = -0.55, -0.15, 0
		CoLOffset = -0.55, -0.15, 0
		CoPOffset = -0.55, -0.15, 0
		TechRequired = advAerodynamics
		entryCost = 11400
		cost = 720
		category = Aero
		subcategory = 0
		title = Standard Canard
		manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division
		description = Our engineers had a stroke of inspiration after "visiting" the Kerlington production facilities. Introducing our new controllable canards. Warning, hard maneuvering may cause unintended stage separation.
		attachRules = 0,1,0,1,0
		mass = 0.1
		thermalMassModifier = 8.0
		emissiveConstant = 0.95
		dragModelType = none
		maximum_drag = 0.02
		minimum_drag = 0.02
		angularDrag = 3
		crashTolerance = 12
		maxTemp = 2400
		explosionPotential = 0.1
		fuelCrossFeed = True
		bulkheadProfiles = srf
		tags = aero (air control (elev fligh (fore lift plane )rudder stab swept tail
			model = Squad/Parts/Aero/airplaneFins/Canard
			name = ModuleControlSurface
			useInternalDragModel = True
			dragCoeff = 0.5
			deflectionLiftCoeff = 0.52
			ctrlSurfaceRange = 15
			ctrlSurfaceArea = 1
			actuatorSpeed = 30
			transformName = ctrlSrf
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Aero/airplaneFins/sweptWing.cfg
		name = sweptWing
		module = Part
		author = C. Jenkins, Porkjet
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1
		CoMOffset = 1.75,-1.0, 0
		CoLOffset = 1.75,-1.0, 0
		CoPOffset = 1.75,-1.0, 0
		TechRequired = aviation
		entryCost = 3600
		cost = 620
		category = Aero
		subcategory = 0
		title = Swept Wings
		manufacturer = WinterOwl Aircraft Emporium
		description = A prototype swept back wing, part of our "Let's Fly", line. Made of light weight composite materials. Guaranteed to generate lift, not guaranteed to ensure crew safety.
		attachRules = 0,1,0,1,1
		mass = 0.275
		thermalMassModifier = 8.0
		emissiveConstant = 0.95
		dragModelType = none
		maximum_drag = 0.02
		minimum_drag = 0.02
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 15
		maxTemp = 2400
		explosionPotential = 0.1
		fuelCrossFeed = True
		bulkheadProfiles = srf
		tags = aero (air fligh lift plane
			model = Squad/Parts/Aero/airplaneFins/Swept
			name = ModuleLiftingSurface
			useInternalDragModel = True
			deflectionLiftCoeff = 1.37
			dragAtMaxAoA = 0.6
			dragAtMinAoA = 0.1
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			stackableQuantity = 1
			packedVolume = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Aero/airplaneFins/tailfin.cfg
		name = tailfin
		module = Part
		author = C. Jenkins, Porkjet
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1
		CoMOffset = 0.75, -0.5, 0
		CoLOffset = 0.75, -0.5, 0
		CoPOffset = 0.75, -0.5, 0
		TechRequired = aviation
		entryCost = 3800
		cost = 600
		category = Aero
		subcategory = 0
		title = Tail Fin
		manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division
		description = This tailfin has passed extensive modeling in our patented P.A.S system.(Paper Airplane Simulation). This fin has been blunted to prevent accidental dismemberment of installing technicians.
		attachRules = 0,1,0,1,0
		mass = 0.125
		thermalMassModifier = 8.0
		emissiveConstant = 0.95
		dragModelType = none
		maximum_drag = 0.02
		minimum_drag = 0.02
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 12
		maxTemp = 2400
		explosionPotential = 0.1
		fuelCrossFeed = True
		bulkheadProfiles = srf
		tags = aero (air canard control (elev fligh (fore lift plane )rudder stab swept
			model = Squad/Parts/Aero/airplaneFins/TailFin
			name = ModuleControlSurface
			useInternalDragModel = True
			dragCoeff = 0.6
			deflectionLiftCoeff = 0.61
			ctrlSurfaceRange = 25
			ctrlSurfaceArea = 1
			actuatorSpeed = 25
			transformName = ctrlSrf
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Aero/basicFin/basicFin.cfg
		name = basicFin
		module = Part
		author = Porkjet
		mesh =
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1
		CoMOffset = -0.1696656, -0.05, 0
		CoLOffset = -0.1696656, -0.05, 0
		CoPOffset = -0.1696656, -0.05, 0
		TechRequired = start
		entryCost = 0
		cost = 25
		category = Aero
		subcategory = 0
		title = Basic Fin
		manufacturer = Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spacecraft Parts Co
		description = This simple bolt-on aluminum fin may not be the cutting edge of aerospace engineering but it's dirt cheap and will make your rocket slightly less unstable.
		attachRules = 0,1,0,1,1
		mass = 0.01
		emissiveConstant = 0.95
		dragModelType = none
		maximum_drag = 0.02
		minimum_drag = 0.02
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 4
		maxTemp = 934
		explosionPotential = 0.1
		fuelCrossFeed = True
		bulkheadProfiles = srf
		tags = aero (air lift rocket stab swept
			name = ModuleLiftingSurface
			useInternalDragModel = True
			deflectionLiftCoeff = 0.12
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 90
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Aero/circularIntake/circularIntake.cfg
		name = CircularIntake
		module = Part
		author = C. Jenkins, Porkjet
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_bottom01 = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0
		buoyancy = 0.1
		TechRequired = aerodynamicSystems
		entryCost = 8800
		cost = 680
		category = Aero
		subcategory = 0
		title = Circular Intake
		manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division
		description = A proper turbofan intake, not only provides oxygen to air breathing engines, it pulls in twice as much air than those puny air scoops from Vac-Co. Optimized for subsonic flight.
		attachRules = 1,0,1,0,0
		stackSymmetry = 2
		mass = 0.04
		thermalMassModifier = 8.0
		emissiveConstant = 0.55
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.3
		minimum_drag = 0.3
		angularDrag = 1
		crashTolerance = 7
		maxTemp = 1900
		fuelCrossFeed = True
		bulkheadProfiles = size1
		tags = aero (air breathe fligh inlet jet oxygen plane subsonic suck
			model = Squad/Parts/Aero/circularIntake/CircularIntake
			cube = Default, 0.7536889,0.6974452,0.7221569, 0.7536889,0.6974494,0.7221569, 1.213026,0.45,0.7008534, 1.213026,0.9357337,0.1625167, 0.7536888,0.6983959,0.7221569, 0.7536888,0.6964872,0.7221569, 0,0.269185,3.208935E-08, 1.25,0.6633701,1.25
			name = ModuleResourceIntake
			resourceName = IntakeAir
			checkForOxygen = true
			area = 0.006
			intakeSpeed = 15
			intakeTransformName = Intake
				key = 1 1 0 0
				key = 1.5 0.9 -0.4312553 -0.4312553
				key = 2.5 0.45 -0.5275364 -0.5275364
				key = 3.5 0.1 0 0
			name = IntakeAir
			amount = 2
			maxAmount = 2
			name = ModuleAnimateHeat
			ThermalAnim = IntakeCircularHeat
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 1050
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Aero/circularIntake/intakeShockCone.cfg
		name = shockConeIntake
		module = Part
		author = Porkjet
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.625, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0
		buoyancy = 0.5
		TechRequired = hypersonicFlight
		entryCost = 21000
		cost = 3050
		category = Aero
		subcategory = 0
		title = Shock Cone Intake
		manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division
		description = A shocking new intake from the C7 Aerospace Division that brought you much adored parts such as the Delta Wing and the Standard Nosecone! Offers exceptional performance at all speeds and has some heat shielding of its own.
		attachRules = 1,0,1,0,0
		mass = 0.12
		thermalMassModifier = 8
		heatConvectiveConstant = 0.75
		emissiveConstant = 0.95
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.3
		minimum_drag = 0.3
		angularDrag = 1.2
		crashTolerance = 7
		maxTemp = 2400
		fuelCrossFeed = True
		bulkheadProfiles = size1
		tags = aero (air breathe fligh inlet jet oxygen plane suck supersonic
			model = Squad/Parts/Aero/circularIntake/ConeIntake
			cube = Default, 0.7486105,0.6887614,0.7221569, 0.7486105,0.6887677,0.7221569, 1.213026,0.3,1.183155, 1.213026,1,0.100694, 0.7486105,0.6903304,0.7221569, 0.7486105,0.6871722,0.7221569, 0,-0.08307549,0, 1.25,1.083849,1.25
			name = ModuleResourceIntake
			resourceName = IntakeAir
			checkForOxygen = true
			area = 0.0075
			intakeSpeed = 5
			intakeTransformName = Intake
			name = IntakeAir
			amount = 2
			maxAmount = 2
			name = ModuleAnimateHeat
			ThermalAnim = IntakeConeHeat
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 2200
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Aero/cones/ConeA.cfg
		name = pointyNoseConeA
		module = Part
		author = Porkjet
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_bottom01 = 0.0, -0.625, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
		node_attach = 0, 0, -0.313, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0
		CenterOfDisplacement = 0.0, -0.2, 0.0
		TechRequired = advConstruction
		entryCost = 6200
		cost = 320
		category = Aero
		subcategory = 0
		title = Advanced Nose Cone - Type A
		manufacturer = Goliath National Products
		description = Less drag due to pointy shape.
		attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0
		stackSymmetry = 2
		mass = 0.075
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.1
		minimum_drag = 0.1
		angularDrag = .25
		crashTolerance = 10
		maxTemp = 2000
		fuelCrossFeed = True
		bulkheadProfiles = size1
		thermalMassModifier = 6.0
		emissiveConstant = 0.95
		tags = aero aircraft booster )cap drag fligh plane rocket stab stream tail
			model = Squad/Parts/Aero/cones/Assets/ConeA
			name = ModuleAnimateHeat
			ThermalAnim = Cone_Heat
			name = ModulePartVariants
			useMultipleDragCubes = false
			baseVariant = White
				name = White
				displayName = White
				themeName = White
				primaryColor = #ffffff
				secondaryColor = #ffffff
					shader = KSP/Emissive Specular
					mainTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Aero/cones/Assets/ConesDiffuse_White
					_Emissive = Squad/Parts/Aero/cones/Assets/ConesHeat_White
				name = BlackAndWhite
				displayName = Black and White
				themeName = BlackAndWhite
				primaryColor = #ffffff
				secondaryColor = #000000
					shader = KSP/Emissive Specular
					mainTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Aero/cones/Assets/ConesDiffuse
					_Emissive = Squad/Parts/Aero/cones/Assets/ConesHeat
				name = Orange
				displayName = Orange
				themeName = Orange
				primaryColor = #f49841
				secondaryColor = #4c4f47
					shader = KSP/Emissive Specular
					mainTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Aero/cones/Assets/ConesDiffuse_Orange
					_Emissive = Squad/Parts/Aero/cones/Assets/ConesHeat_Orange
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Aero/cones/ConeB.cfg
		name = pointyNoseConeB
		module = Part
		author = Porkjet
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_bottom01 = 0.0, -0.625, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
		node_attach = 0, 0, -0.625, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0
		CoMOffset = 0.0, 0.0, -0.313
		CoPOffset = 0.0, 0.0, -0.313
		CoLOffset = 0.0, 0.0, -0.313
		CenterOfDisplacement = 0.0, -0.2, 0.0
		TechRequired = specializedConstruction
		entryCost = 6200
		cost = 320
		category = Aero
		subcategory = 0
		title = Advanced Nose Cone - Type B
		manufacturer = Goliath National Products
		description = Useful for boosters - the slanted shape is good for leading pressure away from the core stages.
		attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0
		mass = 0.075
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.1
		minimum_drag = 0.1
		angularDrag = .25
		crashTolerance = 10
		maxTemp = 2000
		fuelCrossFeed = True
		bulkheadProfiles = size1
		thermalMassModifier = 6.0
		emissiveConstant = 0.95
		tags = aero aircraft booster )cap drag fligh plane rocket stab stream tail
			model = Squad/Parts/Aero/cones/Assets/ConeB
			name = ModuleAnimateHeat
			ThermalAnim = Cone_Heat
			name = ModulePartVariants
			baseVariant = White
			useMultipleDragCubes = false
				name = White
				displayName = White
				themeName = White
				primaryColor = #ffffff
				secondaryColor = #ffffff
					shader = KSP/Emissive Specular
					mainTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Aero/cones/Assets/ConesDiffuse_White
					_Emissive = Squad/Parts/Aero/cones/Assets/ConesHeat_White
				name = BlackAndWhite
				displayName = Black and White
				themeName = BlackAndWhite
				primaryColor = #ffffff
				secondaryColor = #000000
					shader = KSP/Emissive Specular
					mainTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Aero/cones/Assets/ConesDiffuse
					_Emissive = Squad/Parts/Aero/cones/Assets/ConesHeat
				name = Orange
				displayName = Orange
				themeName = Orange
				primaryColor = #f49841
				secondaryColor = #4c4f47
					shader = KSP/Emissive Specular
					mainTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Aero/cones/Assets/ConesDiffuse_Orange
					_Emissive = Squad/Parts/Aero/cones/Assets/ConesHeat_Orange
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Aero/cones/avionicsNoseCone.cfg
		name = avionicsNoseCone
		module = Part
		author = C. Jenkins, Porkjet
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.25, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0
		TechRequired = specializedControl
		entryCost = 10500
		cost = 5200
		category = Control
		subcategory = 0
		title = CH-J3 Fly-By-Wire Avionics Hub
		manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division
		description = Have you ever wanted to impress your peers by showing off your elite flying skills, but lacked the skills to become a trained pilot? C7 Aerospace's Fly-By-Wire Avionics Hub is the solution! This module allows even the most minimally trained crew to fly like an Ace! WARNING: This module cannot operate autonomously. Warranty void if attempting to do so. WARNING: Module contains no internal gyroscopes or control systems (control actuators sold separately). WARNING: Warranty void without proper use of C7 Aerospace Brand Sickness Bags (sold separately, currently out of stock).
		attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0
		mass = 0.08
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 7
		maxTemp = 2400
		thermalMassModifier = 6.0
		emissiveConstant = 0.95
		bulkheadProfiles = size0
		tags = advanced aero aircraft )cap cone control drag fighter fligh jet kerbnet missile nose plane sas stab stream
			model = Squad/Parts/Aero/cones/Assets/AvioCone
			name = ModuleSAS
			SASServiceLevel = 3
			standalone = True
				name = ElectricCharge
				rate = 0.03
			name = ModuleKerbNetAccess
			EnhancedSituationMask = 24
			EnhancedMinimumFoV = 45
			EnhancedMaximumFoV = 135
			MinimumFoV = 10
			MaximumFoV = 20
			AnomalyDetection = 0.24
				Mode = Terrain,#autoLOC_438839
			name = ModuleAnimateHeat
			ThermalAnim = Cone_Heat
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 350
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Aero/cones/noseConeAdapter.cfg
		name = noseConeAdapter
		module = Part
		author = C. Jenkins, Porkjet
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 1.125, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0
		node_stack_bottom01 = 0.0, -0.75, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
		node_attach = 0, 0, -0.313, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0
		CenterOfDisplacement = 0.0, -0.2, 0.0
		TechRequired = aerodynamicSystems
		entryCost = 6500
		cost = 320
		category = Propulsion
		subcategory = 0
		title = NCS Adapter
		manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division
		description = The base of C7 Aerospace's Nose Cone system (NCS)
		attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0
		mass = 0.1
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.1
		minimum_drag = 0.1
		angularDrag = 1
		crashTolerance = 10
		maxTemp = 2400
		thermalMassModifier = 6.0
		emissiveConstant = 0.95
		tags = aero aircraft booster )cap cone drag fligh nose plane rocket stab stream tail
		fuelCrossFeed = True
		bulkheadProfiles = size0, size1
			model = Squad/Parts/Aero/cones/Assets/NCS
			name = LiquidFuel
			amount = 80
			maxAmount = 80
			name = ModuleAnimateHeat
			ThermalAnim = Cone_Heat
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Aero/cones/protectiveRocketNoseMk7_v2.cfg
		name = rocketNoseCone_v2
		module = Part
		author = AlexanderM/RoverDude
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2
		TechRequired = advConstruction
		TechHidden = true
		entryCost = 0
		cost = 450
		category = none
		subcategory = 0
		title = Protective Rocket Nose Cone Mk7
		manufacturer = Goliath National Products
		description = A large nose cone for covering up exposed areas of big rockets.
		attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0
		mass = 0.2
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.1
		minimum_drag = 0.1
		angularDrag = 0.5
		crashTolerance = 10
		maxTemp = 2400
		thermalMassModifier = 6.0
		emissiveConstant = 0.7
		fuelCrossFeed = False
		bulkheadProfiles = size2
		tags = aero booster )cap drag fligh speed stab stream
			model = Squad/Parts/Aero/cones/Assets/orangeNoseCone
			model = Squad/Parts/Aero/cones/Assets/rocketNoseCone_v2
			name = ModulePartVariants
			baseVariant = White
			useMultipleDragCubes = false
				name = White
				displayName = White
				themeName = White
				primaryColor = #ffffff
				secondaryColor = #ffffff
					mainTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Utility/rockomaxAdapters/Assets/Rockomax_Adapters_diffuse_W
					_BumpMap = Squad/Parts/Utility/rockomaxAdapters/Assets/Rockomax_Adapters_normal
					foamCone = false
					foamCol = false
					nose = true
					collider = true
				name = BlackAndWhite
				displayName = Black and White
				themeName = BlackAndWhite
				primaryColor = #ffffff
				secondaryColor = #000000
					mainTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Utility/rockomaxAdapters/Assets/Rockomax_Adapters_diffuse
					_BumpMap = Squad/Parts/Utility/rockomaxAdapters/Assets/Rockomax_Adapters_normal
					foamCone = false
					foamCol = false
					nose = true
					collider = true
				name = Orange
				displayName = Orange
				themeName = Orange
				primaryColor = #ffffff
				secondaryColor = #f49841
					mainTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Aero/cones/Assets/rocketNoseCones_O
					_BumpMap = Squad/Parts/Aero/cones/Assets/rocketNoseCones_O_Normal
					foamCone = true
					foamCol = true
					nose = false
					collider = false
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			stackableQuantity = 1
			packedVolume = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Aero/cones/protectiveRocketNoseMk7_v3.cfg
		name = rocketNoseCone_v3
		module = Part
		author = AlexanderM/RoverDude
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2
		TechRequired = advConstruction
		entryCost = 6500
		cost = 450
		category = Aero
		subcategory = 0
		title = Protective Rocket Nose Cone Mk7
		manufacturer = Goliath National Products
		description = A large nose cone for covering up exposed areas of big rockets.
		attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0
		mass = 0.2
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.1
		minimum_drag = 0.1
		angularDrag = 0.5
		crashTolerance = 10
		maxTemp = 2400
		thermalMassModifier = 6.0
		emissiveConstant = 0.7
		fuelCrossFeed = False
		bulkheadProfiles = size2
		tags = aero booster )cap drag fligh speed stab stream
			model = Squad/Parts/Aero/cones/Assets/orangeNoseCone
			model = Squad/Parts/Aero/cones/Assets/rocketNoseCone_v3
			name = ModulePartVariants
			baseVariant = White
			useMultipleDragCubes = false
				name = White
				displayName = White
				themeName = White
				primaryColor = #ffffff
				secondaryColor = #ffffff
					mainTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Utility/rockomaxAdapters/Assets/Rockomax_Adapters_diffuse_W
					_BumpMap = Squad/Parts/Utility/rockomaxAdapters/Assets/Rockomax_Adapters_normal
					foamCone = false
					foamCol = false
					nose = true
					collider = true
				name = BlackAndWhite
				displayName = Black and White
				themeName = BlackAndWhite
				primaryColor = #ffffff
				secondaryColor = #000000
					mainTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Utility/rockomaxAdapters/Assets/Rockomax_Adapters_diffuse
					_BumpMap = Squad/Parts/Utility/rockomaxAdapters/Assets/Rockomax_Adapters_normal
					foamCone = false
					foamCol = false
					nose = true
					collider = true
				name = Orange
				displayName = Orange
				themeName = Orange
				primaryColor = #ffffff
				secondaryColor = #f49841
					mainTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Aero/cones/Assets/rocketNoseCones_O
					_BumpMap = Squad/Parts/Aero/cones/Assets/rocketNoseCones_O_Normal
					foamCone = true
					foamCol = true
					nose = false
					collider = false
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			stackableQuantity = 1
			packedVolume = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Aero/cones/rocketNoseCone_size3.cfg
		name = rocketNoseConeSize3
		module = Part
		author = AlexanderM (Remix by Pablo)
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2
		TechRequired = composites
		entryCost = 3500
		cost = 850
		category = Aero
		subcategory = 0
		title = Protective Rocket Nose Cone Mk12A
		manufacturer = Goliath National Products
		description = A huge nosecone to help make 3.75 rockets cut through the air.
		attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0
		mass = 0.4
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.1
		minimum_drag = 0.1
		angularDrag = 0.5
		crashTolerance = 10
		maxTemp = 2400
		thermalMassModifier = 6.0
		emissiveConstant = 0.7
		fuelCrossFeed = False
		bulkheadProfiles = size3
		tags = aero aircraft booster )cap drag fligh plane rocket stab stream tail
			model = Squad/Parts/Aero/cones/Assets/orangeNoseCone
			scale = 1.5, 1.5 ,1.5
			model = Squad/Parts/Aero/cones/Assets/rocketNoseCone
			scale = 1.5, 1.5 ,1.5
			name = ModulePartVariants
			baseVariant = White
			useMultipleDragCubes = false
				name = White
				displayName = White
				themeName = White
				primaryColor = #ffffff
				secondaryColor = #ffffff
					foamCone = false
					foamCol = false
					nose = true
					collider = true
				name = Orange
				displayName = Orange
				themeName = Orange
				primaryColor = #ffffff
				secondaryColor = #f49841
					foamCone = true
					foamCol = true
					nose = false
					collider = false
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Aero/cones/smallNoseCone.cfg
		name = standardNoseCone
		module = Part
		author = C. Jenkins, Porkjet
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_bottom01 = 0.0, -0.25, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0
		node_attach = 0, 0, -0.156, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
		CenterOfDisplacement = 0.0, -0.1, 0.0
		TechRequired = aerodynamicSystems
		entryCost = 1800
		cost = 180
		category = Aero
		subcategory = 0
		title = Small Nose Cone
		manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division
		description = An aerodynamic nose cap.
		attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0
		mass = 0.01
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.1
		minimum_drag = 0.1
		angularDrag = .25
		crashTolerance = 10
		maxTemp = 2400
		fuelCrossFeed = True
		bulkheadProfiles = size0
		thermalMassModifier = 6.0
		emissiveConstant = 0.95
		tags = aero aircraft )cap drag fligh missile plane speed stab stream
			model = Squad/Parts/Aero/cones/Assets/TinyCone
			name = ModuleAnimateHeat
			ThermalAnim = Cone_Heat
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 270
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Aero/cones/tailConnectorA.cfg
		name = airplaneTail
		module = Part
		author = C. Jenkins, Porkjet
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0
		node_attach = 0, -1, -0.313, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0
		CoMOffset = 0.0, -1.5, 0.0
		CoPOffset = 0.0, -1.5, 0.0
		CoLOffset = 0.0, -1.5, 0.0
		CenterOfDisplacement = 0.0, -1.5, 0.0
		cost = 675
		category = Aero
		entryCost = 2800
		TechRequired = aviation
		title = Tail Connector A
		manufacturer = WinterOwl Aircraft Emporium
		description = A simple aerodynamic tail for aircraft. Designed to fit onto all standard 1.25m attachments, this part is the embodiment of our "Let's Fly", line of parts.
		attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0
		mass = 0.2
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 1
		crashTolerance = 8
		maxTemp = 2200
		thermalMassModifier = 6.0
		emissiveConstant = 0.95
		fuelCrossFeed = True
		bulkheadProfiles = size1
		tags = aero aircraft drag fligh plane stab stream
			model = Squad/Parts/Aero/cones/Assets/TailA
			name = ModuleAnimateHeat
			ThermalAnim = Cone_Heat
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			stackableQuantity = 1
			packedVolume = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Aero/cones/tailConnectorB.cfg
		name = airplaneTailB
		module = Part
		author = Porkjet
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0
		node_attach = 0, -1, -0.625, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0
		CoMOffset = 0.0, -1.5, -0.313
		CoPOffset = 0.0, -1.5, -0.313
		CoLOffset = 0.0, -1.5, -0.313
		CenterOfDisplacement = 0.0, -1.5, 0.0
		cost = 675
		category = Aero
		entryCost = 2800
		TechRequired = aerodynamicSystems
		title = Tail Connector B
		manufacturer = WinterOwl Aircraft Emporium
		description = This raised variant of our popular airplane tail provides a lot of ground clearance during take-off.
		attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0
		mass = 0.2
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 1
		crashTolerance = 8
		maxTemp = 2200
		thermalMassModifier = 6.0
		emissiveConstant = 0.95
		fuelCrossFeed = True
		bulkheadProfiles = size1
		tags = aero aircraft drag fligh plane stab stream
			model = Squad/Parts/Aero/cones/Assets/TailB
			name = ModuleAnimateHeat
			ThermalAnim = Cone_Heat
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			stackableQuantity = 1
			packedVolume = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/fairingSize1.cfg
		name = fairingSize1
		module = Part
		author = HarvesteR
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_interstage01a = 0.0, 0.70, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0
		node_stack_interstage01b = 0.0, 0.74, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0
		node_stack_interstage02a = 0.0, 1.20, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0
		node_stack_interstage02b = 0.0, 1.24, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0
		node_stack_interstage03a = 0.0, 1.70, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0
		node_stack_interstage03b = 0.0, 1.74, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0
		node_stack_interstage04a = 0.0, 2.20, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0
		node_stack_interstage04b = 0.0, 2.24, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0
		node_stack_interstage05a = 0.0, 2.70, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0
		node_stack_interstage05b = 0.0, 2.74, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0
		node_stack_interstage06a = 0.0, 3.20, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0
		node_stack_interstage06b = 0.0, 3.24, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.22, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.2, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
		fx_gasBurst_white = 0.0, 0.3, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, deploy
		sound_vent_large = deploy
		TechRequired = advConstruction
		entryCost = 3000
		cost = 300
		category = Payload
		subcategory = 0
		title = AE-FF1 Airstream Protective Shell (1.25m)
		manufacturer = FLOOYD Dynamics Research Labs
		description = While the Kerbals at Mission Control were still figuring out how to get their rockets back down to Kerbin safely, the research engineers at FLOOYD were quickly realising that protecting parts on ascent was just as important. Heavy research into two-dimensional-input driven procedural construction was then funded with the hopes of making protective shells for important payloads and interstage areas of the crafts. The protective shells also have the benefit of making the craft more aerodynamic, hopefully saving on precious rocket fuel!
		attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0
		mass = 0.075
		thermalMassModifier = 2.0
		skinMassPerArea = 4.0
		skinInternalConductionMult = 0.25
		emissiveConstant = 0.8
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 9
		maxTemp = 2600
		fuelCrossFeed = True
		stageOffset = 1
		childStageOffset = 1
		inverseStageCarryover = false
		bulkheadProfiles = size1
		tags = aero )cap drag rocket cone nose cargo contain fairing hollow inter payload protect shroud stage (stor transport 3.75 enormous massive gigantic giant 5.0
			model = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/fairingSize1
			rotation = 0.0,180,0.0
			TextureNormalURL = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/FairingBaseNormals
			model = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/AutoTruss
			scale = 1,1,1
			position = 0.0,0.22,0.0
			name = ModuleProceduralFairing
			nSides = 30
			nArcs = 2
			nCollidersPerXSection = 6
			TextureURL = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/fairings_diff
			CapTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/fairingsCap
			TextureNormalURL = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/fairings_normals
			DefaultBaseTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/FairingBase
			DefaultBaseNormalsURL = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/FairingBaseNormals
			BaseModelTransformName = Mesh
			panelGrouping = 3
			pivot = 0,0.17,0
			axis = 0,1,0
			baseRadius = 0.625
			maxRadius = 1.5
			capRadius = 0.2
			snapThreshold = 0.1
			xSectionHeightMin = 0.2
			xSectionHeightMax = 2
			edgeSlide = 0.15
			edgeWarp = 0
			noseTip = 0.7
			UnitAreaMass = 0.01
			UnitAreaCost = 6
			stagingToggleEnabledEditor = True
			stagingToggleEnabledFlight = False
			stagingEnableText = Fairing Not Staged
			stagingDisableText = Fairing Staged
			name = ModuleCargoBay
			DeployModuleIndex = 0
			closedPosition = 0
			lookupRadius = 0.75
			partTypeName = Fairing
			name = ModuleTestSubject
			useStaging = True
			useEvent = False
			situationMask = 127
				type = ATMOSPHERE
				value = True
				value = ALWAYS
				prestige = Trivial
				prestige = Significant
				value = ONCEPERPART
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = GT
				value = 0
				situationMask = 8
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 4000
				prestige = Trivial
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 8000
				prestige = Trivial
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 2000
				prestige = Significant
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 4000
				prestige = Significant
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 1000
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 2000
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = SPEED
				test = LT
				value = 2000
				situationMask = 8
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = LT
				value = 300000
				situationMask = 16
				body = _NotSun
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = LT
				value = 600000
				situationMask = 32
				body = _NotSun
			name = ModuleStructuralNode
			rootObject = Cap1
			attachNodeNames = interstage01a,interstage01b
			name = ModuleStructuralNode
			rootObject = Cap2
			attachNodeNames = interstage02a,interstage02b
			name = ModuleStructuralNode
			rootObject = Cap3
			attachNodeNames = interstage03a,interstage03b
			name = ModuleStructuralNode
			rootObject = Cap4
			attachNodeNames = interstage04a,interstage04b
			name = ModuleStructuralNode
			rootObject = Cap5
			attachNodeNames = interstage05a,interstage05b
			name = ModuleStructuralNode
			rootObject = Cap6
			attachNodeNames = interstage06a,interstage06b
			name = ModuleStructuralNode
			rootObject = Truss1
			attachNodeNames = interstage01a,interstage01b,interstage02a,interstage02b,interstage03a,interstage03b,interstage04a,interstage04b,interstage05a,interstage05b,interstage06a,interstage06b
			name = ModuleStructuralNode
			rootObject = Truss2
			attachNodeNames = interstage02a,interstage02b,interstage03a,interstage03b,interstage04a,interstage04b,interstage05a,interstage05b,interstage06a,interstage06b
			name = ModuleStructuralNode
			rootObject = Truss3
			attachNodeNames = interstage03a,interstage03b,interstage04a,interstage04b,interstage05a,interstage05b,interstage06a,interstage06b
			name = ModuleStructuralNode
			rootObject = Truss4
			attachNodeNames = interstage04a,interstage04b,interstage05a,interstage05b,interstage06a,interstage06b
			name = ModuleStructuralNode
			rootObject = Truss5
			attachNodeNames = interstage05a,interstage05b,interstage06a,interstage06b
			name = ModuleStructuralNode
			rootObject = Truss6
			attachNodeNames = interstage06a,interstage06b
			name = ModuleStructuralNodeToggle
			MeshMenuName = Truss Structure
			NodeMenuName = Interstage Nodes
			showNodes = false
			name = ModulePartVariants
			useMultipleDragCubes = false
			baseVariant = White
				name = White
				displayName = White
				themeName = White
				description = Bright and White!
				primaryColor = #ffffff
				secondaryColor = #ffffff
					materialName = FairingsMat
					mainTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/fairings_diff
					FairingsTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/fairings_diff
					FairingsNormalURL = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/fairings_normals
					BaseMaterialName = FairingBase
					BaseTextureName = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/FairingBase
					BaseNormalsName = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/FairingBaseNormals
				name = BlackAndWhite
				displayName = Black and White
				themeName = BlackAndWhite
				description = A mix between the dark and light sides
				primaryColor = #000000
				secondaryColor = #ffffff
					materialName = FairingsMat
					mainTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/fairings_diff_grey
					FairingsTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/fairings_diff_grey
					FairingsNormalURL = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/fairings_grey_normals
					BaseMaterialName = FairingBase
					BaseTextureName = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/FairingBase_bw
					BaseNormalsName = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/FairingBaseNormals_bw
				name = Orange
				displayName = Orange
				themeName = Orange
				description = Doesn't taste like...
				primaryColor = #f49841
				secondaryColor = #f49841
					materialName = FairingsMat
					mainTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/fairings_diff_orange
					FairingsTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/fairings_diff_orange
					FairingsNormalURL = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/fairings_orange_normals
					BaseMaterialName = FairingBase
					BaseTextureName = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/FairingBase_orange
					BaseNormalsName = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/FairingBaseNormals_orange
				name = Gold
				displayName = Gold
				themeName = Gold
				description = All that glitters...
				primaryColor = #fccb0a
					materialName = FairingsMat
					mainTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/fairings_diff
					FairingsTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/fairings_diff
					FairingsNormalURL = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/fairings_normals
					BaseMaterialName = FairingBase
					shaderName = KSP/Bumped Specular (Mapped)
					BaseTextureName = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/FairingBase_goldDiffuse
					BaseNormalsName = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/FairingBaseNormals_goldSilver
					_SpecMap = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/FairingBase_goldSpecular
					_Shininess = 0.82
					_Opacity = 1.0
					_RimFalloff = 2.0
					_AmbientMultiplier = 0.3
				name = Silver
				displayName = Silver
				themeName = Silver
				description = Hi Yo, Silver!
				primaryColor = #cecece
					materialName = FairingsMat
					mainTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/fairings_diff
					FairingsTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/fairings_silverDiffuse
					FairingsNormalURL = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/fairings_normals
					FairingsSpecularURL = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/fairings_silverSpecular
					BaseMaterialName = FairingBase
					shaderName = KSP/Bumped Specular (Mapped)
					BaseTextureName = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/FairingBase_silverDiffuse
					BaseNormalsName = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/FairingBaseNormals_goldSilver
					_SpecMap = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/FairingBase_silverSpecular
					_SpecMap = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/FairingsMat_silverSpecular
					_Shininess = 0.41
					_Opacity = 1.0
					_RimFalloff = 2.0
					_AmbientMultiplier = 0.3
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			stackableQuantity = 1
			packedVolume = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/fairingSize2.cfg
		name = fairingSize2
		module = Part
		author = HarvesteR
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_interstage01a = 0.0, 1.19, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
		node_stack_interstage01b = 0.0, 1.25, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1
		node_stack_interstage02a = 0.0, 2.19, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
		node_stack_interstage02b = 0.0, 2.25, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1
		node_stack_interstage03a = 0.0, 3.19, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
		node_stack_interstage03b = 0.0, 3.25, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1
		node_stack_interstage04a = 0.0, 4.19, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
		node_stack_interstage04b = 0.0, 4.25, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1
		node_stack_interstage05a = 0.0, 5.19, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
		node_stack_interstage05b = 0.0, 5.25, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1
		node_stack_interstage06a = 0.0, 6.19, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
		node_stack_interstage06b = 0.0, 6.25, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.22, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.2, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2
		fx_gasBurst_white = 0.0, 0.3, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, deploy
		sound_vent_large = deploy
		TechRequired = specializedConstruction
		entryCost = 6100
		cost = 600
		category = Payload
		subcategory = 0
		title = AE-FF2 Airstream Protective Shell (2.5m)
		manufacturer = FLOOYD Dynamics Research Labs
		description = While the Kerbals at Mission Control were still figuring out how to get their rockets back down to Kerbin safely, the research engineers at FLOOYD were quickly realising that protecting parts on ascent was just as important. Heavy research into two-dimensional-input driven procedural construction was then funded with the hopes of making protective shells for important payloads and interstage areas of the crafts. The protective shells also have the benefit of making the craft more aerodynamic, hopefully saving on precious rocket fuel!
		attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0
		mass = 0.175
		thermalMassModifier = 2.0
		skinMassPerArea = 4.0
		skinInternalConductionMult = 0.25
		emissiveConstant = 0.8
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 9
		maxTemp = 2600
		fuelCrossFeed = True
		stageOffset = 1
		childStageOffset = 1
		inverseStageCarryover = false
		bulkheadProfiles = size2
		tags = aero )cap cargo cone contain drag fairing hollow inter nose payload protect rocket shroud stage (stor transport
			model = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/fairingSize2
			rotation = 0.0,180,0.0
			TextureNormalURL = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/FairingBaseNormals
			model = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/AutoTruss
			scale = 2,2,2
			position = 0.0,0.22,0.0
			name = ModuleProceduralFairing
			nSides = 30
			nArcs = 3
			nCollidersPerXSection = 9
			TextureURL = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/fairings_diff
			CapTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/fairingsCap
			TextureNormalURL = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/fairings_normals
			DefaultBaseTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/FairingBase
			DefaultBaseNormalsURL = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/FairingBaseNormals
			BaseModelTransformName = Mesh
			panelGrouping = 3
			pivot = 0,0.17,0
			axis = 0,1,0
			baseRadius = 1.25
			maxRadius = 3
			capRadius = 0.375
			snapThreshold = 0.25
			snapThresholdFineAdjust = 0.015
			xSectionHeightMin = 0.3
			xSectionHeightMax = 3
			xSectionHeightMinFineAdjust = 0.06
			xSectionHeightMaxFineAdjust = 6
			aberrantNormalLimit = 21
			minHeightRadiusRatio = 0.1
			edgeSlide = 0.15
			edgeWarp = 0.02
			noseTip = 0.5
			UnitAreaMass = 0.012
			UnitAreaCost = 12
			stagingToggleEnabledEditor = True
			stagingToggleEnabledFlight = False
			stagingEnableText = Fairing Not Staged
			stagingDisableText = Fairing Staged
			name = ModuleCargoBay
			DeployModuleIndex = 0
			closedPosition = 0
			lookupRadius = 1.25
			partTypeName = Fairing
			name = ModuleTestSubject
			useStaging = True
			useEvent = False
			situationMask = 127
				type = ATMOSPHERE
				value = True
				value = ALWAYS
				prestige = Trivial
				prestige = Significant
				value = ONCEPERPART
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = GT
				value = 0
				situationMask = 8
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 4000
				prestige = Trivial
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 8000
				prestige = Trivial
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 2000
				prestige = Significant
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 4000
				prestige = Significant
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 1000
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 2000
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = SPEED
				test = LT
				value = 2000
				situationMask = 8
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = LT
				value = 300000
				situationMask = 16
				body = _NotSun
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = LT
				value = 600000
				situationMask = 32
				body = _NotSun
			name = ModuleStructuralNode
			rootObject = Cap1
			attachNodeNames = interstage01a,interstage01b
			name = ModuleStructuralNode
			rootObject = Cap2
			attachNodeNames = interstage02a,interstage02b
			name = ModuleStructuralNode
			rootObject = Cap3
			attachNodeNames = interstage03a,interstage03b
			name = ModuleStructuralNode
			rootObject = Cap4
			attachNodeNames = interstage04a,interstage04b
			name = ModuleStructuralNode
			rootObject = Cap5
			attachNodeNames = interstage05a,interstage05b
			name = ModuleStructuralNode
			rootObject = Cap6
			attachNodeNames = interstage06a,interstage06b
			name = ModuleStructuralNode
			rootObject = Truss1
			attachNodeNames = interstage01a,interstage01b,interstage02a,interstage02b,interstage03a,interstage03b,interstage04a,interstage04b,interstage05a,interstage05b,interstage06a,interstage06b
			name = ModuleStructuralNode
			rootObject = Truss2
			attachNodeNames = interstage02a,interstage02b,interstage03a,interstage03b,interstage04a,interstage04b,interstage05a,interstage05b,interstage06a,interstage06b
			name = ModuleStructuralNode
			rootObject = Truss3
			attachNodeNames = interstage03a,interstage03b,interstage04a,interstage04b,interstage05a,interstage05b,interstage06a,interstage06b
			name = ModuleStructuralNode
			rootObject = Truss4
			attachNodeNames = interstage04a,interstage04b,interstage05a,interstage05b,interstage06a,interstage06b
			name = ModuleStructuralNode
			rootObject = Truss5
			attachNodeNames = interstage05a,interstage05b,interstage06a,interstage06b
			name = ModuleStructuralNode
			rootObject = Truss6
			attachNodeNames = interstage06a,interstage06b
			name = ModuleStructuralNodeToggle
			MeshMenuName = Truss Structure
			NodeMenuName = Interstage Nodes
			showNodes = false
			name = ModulePartVariants
			useMultipleDragCubes = false
			baseVariant = White
				name = White
				displayName = White
				themeName = White
				description = Bright and White!
				primaryColor = #ffffff
				secondaryColor = #ffffff
					materialName = FairingsMat
					mainTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/fairings_diff
					FairingsTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/fairings_diff
					FairingsNormalURL = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/fairings_normals
					BaseMaterialName = FairingBase
					BaseTextureName = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/FairingBase
					BaseNormalsName = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/FairingBaseNormals
				name = BlackAndWhite
				displayName = Black and White
				themeName = BlackAndWhite
				description = A mix between the dark and light sides
				primaryColor = #000000
				secondaryColor = #ffffff
					materialName = FairingsMat
					mainTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/fairings_diff_grey
					FairingsTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/fairings_diff_grey
					FairingsNormalURL = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/fairings_grey_normals
					BaseMaterialName = FairingBase
					BaseTextureName = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/FairingBase_bw
					BaseNormalsName = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/FairingBaseNormals_bw
				name = Orange
				displayName = Orange
				themeName = Orange
				description = Doesn't taste like...
				primaryColor = #f49841
				secondaryColor = #f49841
					materialName = FairingsMat
					mainTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/fairings_diff_orange
					FairingsTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/fairings_diff_orange
					FairingsNormalURL = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/fairings_orange_normals
					BaseMaterialName = FairingBase
					BaseTextureName = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/FairingBase_orange
					BaseNormalsName = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/FairingBaseNormals_orange
				name = Gold
				displayName = Gold
				themeName = Gold
				description = All that glitters...
				primaryColor = #fccb0a
					materialName = FairingsMat
					mainTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/fairings_diff
					FairingsTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/fairings_diff
					FairingsNormalURL = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/fairings_normals
					BaseMaterialName = FairingBase
					shaderName = KSP/Bumped Specular (Mapped)
					BaseTextureName = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/FairingBase_goldDiffuse
					BaseNormalsName = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/FairingBaseNormals_goldSilver
					_SpecMap = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/FairingBase_goldSpecular
					_Shininess = 0.82
					_Opacity = 1.0
					_RimFalloff = 2.0
					_AmbientMultiplier = 0.3
				name = Silver
				displayName = Silver
				themeName = Silver
				description = Hi Yo, Silver!
				primaryColor = #cecece
					materialName = FairingsMat
					mainTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/fairings_diff
					FairingsTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/fairings_silverDiffuse
					FairingsNormalURL = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/fairings_normals
					FairingsSpecularURL = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/fairings_silverSpecular
					BaseMaterialName = FairingBase
					shaderName = KSP/Bumped Specular (Mapped)
					BaseTextureName = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/FairingBase_silverDiffuse
					BaseNormalsName = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/FairingBaseNormals_goldSilver
					_SpecMap = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/FairingBase_silverSpecular
					_SpecMap = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/FairingsMat_silverSpecular
					_Shininess = 0.41
					_Opacity = 1.0
					_RimFalloff = 2.0
					_AmbientMultiplier = 0.3
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			stackableQuantity = 1
			packedVolume = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/fairingSize3.cfg
		name = fairingSize3
		module = Part
		author = HarvesteR
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_interstage01a = 0.0, 1.68, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2
		node_stack_interstage01b = 0.0, 1.76, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2
		node_stack_interstage02a = 0.0, 3.18, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2
		node_stack_interstage02b = 0.0, 3.26, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2
		node_stack_interstage03a = 0.0, 4.68, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2
		node_stack_interstage03b = 0.0, 4.76, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2
		node_stack_interstage04a = 0.0, 6.18, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2
		node_stack_interstage04b = 0.0, 6.26, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2
		node_stack_interstage05a = 0.0, 7.68, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2
		node_stack_interstage05b = 0.0, 7.76, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2
		node_stack_interstage06a = 0.0, 9.18, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2
		node_stack_interstage06b = 0.0, 9.26, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.22, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.2, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 3
		fx_gasBurst_white = 0.0, 0.3, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, deploy
		sound_vent_large = deploy
		TechRequired = composites
		entryCost = 9200
		cost = 900
		category = Payload
		subcategory = 0
		title = AE-FF3 Airstream Protective Shell (3.75m)
		manufacturer = FLOOYD Dynamics Research Labs
		description = While the Kerbals at Mission Control were still figuring out how to get their rockets back down to Kerbin safely, the research engineers at FLOOYD were quickly realising that protecting parts on ascent was just as important. Heavy research into two-dimensional-input driven procedural construction was then funded with the hopes of making protective shells for important payloads and interstage areas of the crafts. The protective shells also have the benefit of making the craft more aerodynamic, hopefully saving on precious rocket fuel!
		attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0
		mass = 0.475
		thermalMassModifier = 2.0
		skinMassPerArea = 4.0
		skinInternalConductionMult = 0.25
		emissiveConstant = 0.8
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 9
		maxTemp = 2600
		fuelCrossFeed = True
		stageOffset = 1
		childStageOffset = 1
		inverseStageCarryover = false
		bulkheadProfiles = size3
		tags = aero )cap drag rocket cone nose cargo contain fairing hollow inter payload protect shroud stage (stor transport regular standard average medium 1.875
			model = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/fairingSize3
			rotation = 0.0,180,0.0
			TextureNormalURL = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/FairingBaseNormals
			model = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/AutoTruss
			scale = 3,3,3
			position = 0.0,0.22,0.0
			name = ModuleProceduralFairing
			nSides = 36
			nArcs = 6
			nCollidersPerXSection = 12
			TextureURL = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/fairings_diff
			CapTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/fairingsCap
			TextureNormalURL = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/fairings_normals
			DefaultBaseTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/FairingBase
			DefaultBaseNormalsURL = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/FairingBaseNormals
			BaseModelTransformName = Mesh
			panelGrouping = 3
			pivot = 0,0.17,0
			axis = 0,1,0
			baseRadius = 1.875
			maxRadius = 6
			capRadius = 0.375
			snapThreshold = 0.25
			snapThresholdFineAdjust = 0.02
			xSectionHeightMin = 0.3
			xSectionHeightMax = 4
			xSectionHeightMinFineAdjust = 0.09
			xSectionHeightMaxFineAdjust = 8
			aberrantNormalLimit = 12
			minHeightRadiusRatio = 0.11
			edgeSlide = 0.15
			edgeWarp = 0.02
			noseTip = 0.5
			UnitAreaMass = 0.016
			UnitAreaCost = 18
			stagingToggleEnabledEditor = True
			stagingToggleEnabledFlight = False
			stagingEnableText = Fairing Not Staged
			stagingDisableText = Fairing Staged
			name = ModuleCargoBay
			DeployModuleIndex = 0
			closedPosition = 0
			lookupRadius = 2.5
			partTypeName = Fairing
			name = ModuleTestSubject
			useStaging = True
			useEvent = False
			situationMask = 127
				type = ATMOSPHERE
				value = True
				value = ALWAYS
				prestige = Trivial
				prestige = Significant
				value = ONCEPERPART
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = GT
				value = 0
				situationMask = 8
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 4000
				prestige = Trivial
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 8000
				prestige = Trivial
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 2000
				prestige = Significant
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 4000
				prestige = Significant
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 1000
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 2000
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = SPEED
				test = LT
				value = 2000
				situationMask = 8
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = LT
				value = 300000
				situationMask = 16
				body = _NotSun
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = LT
				value = 600000
				situationMask = 32
				body = _NotSun
			name = ModuleStructuralNode
			rootObject = Cap1
			attachNodeNames = interstage01a,interstage01b
			name = ModuleStructuralNode
			rootObject = Cap2
			attachNodeNames = interstage02a,interstage02b
			name = ModuleStructuralNode
			rootObject = Cap3
			attachNodeNames = interstage03a,interstage03b
			name = ModuleStructuralNode
			rootObject = Cap4
			attachNodeNames = interstage04a,interstage04b
			name = ModuleStructuralNode
			rootObject = Cap5
			attachNodeNames = interstage05a,interstage05b
			name = ModuleStructuralNode
			rootObject = Cap6
			attachNodeNames = interstage06a,interstage06b
			name = ModuleStructuralNode
			rootObject = Truss1
			attachNodeNames = interstage01a,interstage01b,interstage02a,interstage02b,interstage03a,interstage03b,interstage04a,interstage04b,interstage05a,interstage05b,interstage06a,interstage06b
			name = ModuleStructuralNode
			rootObject = Truss2
			attachNodeNames = interstage02a,interstage02b,interstage03a,interstage03b,interstage04a,interstage04b,interstage05a,interstage05b,interstage06a,interstage06b
			name = ModuleStructuralNode
			rootObject = Truss3
			attachNodeNames = interstage03a,interstage03b,interstage04a,interstage04b,interstage05a,interstage05b,interstage06a,interstage06b
			name = ModuleStructuralNode
			rootObject = Truss4
			attachNodeNames = interstage04a,interstage04b,interstage05a,interstage05b,interstage06a,interstage06b
			name = ModuleStructuralNode
			rootObject = Truss5
			attachNodeNames = interstage05a,interstage05b,interstage06a,interstage06b
			name = ModuleStructuralNode
			rootObject = Truss6
			attachNodeNames = interstage06a,interstage06b
			name = ModuleStructuralNodeToggle
			MeshMenuName = Truss Structure
			NodeMenuName = Interstage Nodes
			showNodes = false
			name = ModulePartVariants
			useMultipleDragCubes = false
			baseVariant = White
				name = White
				displayName = White
				themeName = White
				description = Bright and White!
				primaryColor = #ffffff
				secondaryColor = #ffffff
					materialName = FairingsMat
					mainTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/fairings_diff
					FairingsTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/fairings_diff
					FairingsNormalURL = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/fairings_normals
					BaseMaterialName = FairingBase
					BaseTextureName = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/FairingBase
					BaseNormalsName = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/FairingBaseNormals
				name = BlackAndWhite
				displayName = Black and White
				themeName = BlackAndWhite
				description = A mix between the dark and light sides
				primaryColor = #000000
				secondaryColor = #ffffff
					materialName = FairingsMat
					mainTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/fairings_diff_grey
					FairingsTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/fairings_diff_grey
					FairingsNormalURL = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/fairings_grey_normals
					BaseMaterialName = FairingBase
					BaseTextureName = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/FairingBase_bw
					BaseNormalsName = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/FairingBaseNormals_bw
				name = Orange
				displayName = Orange
				themeName = Orange
				description = Doesn't taste like...
				primaryColor = #f49841
				secondaryColor = #f49841
					materialName = FairingsMat
					mainTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/fairings_diff_orange
					FairingsTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/fairings_diff_orange
					FairingsNormalURL = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/fairings_orange_normals
					BaseMaterialName = FairingBase
					BaseTextureName = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/FairingBase_orange
					BaseNormalsName = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/FairingBaseNormals_orange
				name = Gold
				displayName = Gold
				themeName = Gold
				description = All that glitters...
				primaryColor = #fccb0a
					materialName = FairingsMat
					mainTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/fairings_diff
					FairingsTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/fairings_diff
					FairingsNormalURL = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/fairings_normals
					BaseMaterialName = FairingBase
					shaderName = KSP/Bumped Specular (Mapped)
					BaseTextureName = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/FairingBase_goldDiffuse
					BaseNormalsName = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/FairingBaseNormals_goldSilver
					_SpecMap = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/FairingBase_goldSpecular
					_Shininess = 0.82
					_Opacity = 1.0
					_RimFalloff = 2.0
					_AmbientMultiplier = 0.3
				name = Silver
				displayName = Silver
				themeName = Silver
				description = Hi Yo, Silver!
				primaryColor = #cecece
					materialName = FairingsMat
					mainTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/fairings_diff
					FairingsTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/fairings_silverDiffuse
					FairingsNormalURL = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/fairings_normals
					FairingsSpecularURL = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/fairings_silverSpecular
					BaseMaterialName = FairingBase
					shaderName = KSP/Bumped Specular (Mapped)
					BaseTextureName = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/FairingBase_silverDiffuse
					BaseNormalsName = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/FairingBaseNormals_goldSilver
					_SpecMap = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/FairingBase_silverSpecular
					_SpecMap = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/FairingsMat_silverSpecular
					_Shininess = 0.41
					_Opacity = 1.0
					_RimFalloff = 2.0
					_AmbientMultiplier = 0.3
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Aero/intakeRadialLong/intakeRadialLong.cfg
		name = IntakeRadialLong
		module = Part
		author = Porkjet
		mesh =
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0
		buoyancy = 0.1
		TechRequired = highAltitudeFlight
		entryCost = 6800
		cost = 900
		category = Aero
		subcategory = 0
		title = Adjustable Ramp Intake (Radial)
		manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division
		description = This intake addresses those sometimes absurd contraptions that SSTO engineers designed in an attempt to pump more and more air into their engines. Optimized for supersonic flight.
		attachRules = 0,1,0,1,1
		mass = 0.01
		thermalMassModifier = 12.0
		emissiveConstant = 0.7
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 1
		crashTolerance = 7
		breakingForce = 200
		breakingTorque = 200
		maxTemp = 2400
		bulkheadProfiles = srf
		tags = aero (air aircraft breathe cone fligh inlet jet oxygen plane suck supersonic
			name = ModuleResourceIntake
			resourceName = IntakeAir
			checkForOxygen = true
			area = 0.001
			intakeSpeed = 10
			intakeTransformName = Intake
				key = 0 0.85 0 0
				key = 1 1 0 0
				key = 2 0.95 -0.08751557 -0.08751557
				key = 4 0.5 -0.4034287 -0.4034287
				key = 8 0.01 0 0
			name = IntakeAir
			amount = 0.5
			maxAmount = 0.5
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 600
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Aero/miniIntake/SmallIntake.cfg
		name = miniIntake
		module = Part
		author = Porkjet
		mesh =
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_bottom01 = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0
		buoyancy = 0.1
		TechRequired = aviation
		entryCost = 3000
		cost = 250
		category = Aero
		subcategory = 0
		title = Small Circular Intake
		manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division
		description = A must-have for air breathing engines, this intake duct will pull in outside air to run turbine engines on, as long as there is any outside air to begin with, of course. Optimized for subsonic flight.
		attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0
		mass = 0.007
		thermalMassModifier = 4.0
		emissiveConstant = 0.55
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.3
		minimum_drag = 0.3
		angularDrag = 1
		crashTolerance = 7
		maxTemp = 1200
		fuelCrossFeed = True
		bulkheadProfiles = size0
		tags = aero (air aircraft breathe fligh inlet jet oxygen plane subsonic suck
			cube = Default, 0.1813352,0.6919296,0.4108824, 0.1813352,0.6919321,0.4108824, 0.3032565,0.4,0.3950377, 0.3032565,0.942507,0.1303004, 0.1813352,0.6928801,0.4108824, 0.1813352,0.6909673,0.4108824, 0,0.1324531,-2.368446E-08, 0.625,0.3274064,0.6250001
			name = ModuleResourceIntake
			resourceName = IntakeAir
			checkForOxygen = true
			area = 0.001
			intakeSpeed = 15
			intakeTransformName = Intake
				key = 1 1 0 0
				key = 1.5 0.9 -0.4312553 -0.4312553
				key = 2.5 0.45 -0.5275364 -0.5275364
				key = 3.5 0.1 0 0
			name = IntakeAir
			amount = 0.5
			maxAmount = 0.5
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 125
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Aero/ramAirIntake/ramAirIntake.cfg
		name = ramAirIntake
		module = Part
		author = C. Jenkins, Porkjet
		mesh =
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_bottom01 = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0
		buoyancy = 0.1
		TechRequired = highAltitudeFlight
		entryCost = 14000
		cost = 2680
		category = Aero
		subcategory = 0
		title = Adjustable Ramp Intake
		manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division
		description = At supersonic speeds, -PATENT PENDING, CLASSIFIED INFO- inside the intake duct deflect the incoming air stream, causing -PATENT PENDING, CLASSIFIED INFO-, which creates a -PATENT PENDING, CLASSIFIED INFO-, thereby greatly increasing the efficiency of this unit at supersonic speeds. Patents Pending.
		attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0
		stackSymmetry = 2
		mass = 0.06
		thermalMassModifier = 12.0
		emissiveConstant = 0.7
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.3
		minimum_drag = 0.3
		angularDrag = 1
		crashTolerance = 7
		maxTemp = 2400
		fuelCrossFeed = True
		bulkheadProfiles = size1
		tags = aero (air aircraft breathe cone fligh inlet jet oxygen plane suck supersonic
			cube = Default, 1.455778,0.8035793,0.7221571, 1.455778,0.8028867,0.7221571, 1.218224,0.375,1.891716, 1.218224,0.9445066,1.006232, 1.975862,0.8134198,1.148628, 1.975862,0.8425881,0.7164711, -3.725912E-08,0.8638564,3.089391E-07, 1.25,1.852713,1.250001
			name = ModuleResourceIntake
			resourceName = IntakeAir
			checkForOxygen = true
			area = 0.0074
			intakeSpeed = 10
			intakeTransformName = Intake
				key = 0 0.85 0 0
				key = 1 1 0 0
				key = 2 0.95 -0.08751557 -0.08751557
				key = 4 0.5 -0.4034287 -0.4034287
				key = 8 0.01 0 0
			name = IntakeAir
			amount = 2
			maxAmount = 2
			name = ModuleAnimateHeat
			ThermalAnim = IntakeRampHeat
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			stackableQuantity = 1
			packedVolume = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Aero/shuttleWings/delta.cfg
		name = wingShuttleDelta
		module = Part
		author = Porkjet
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1
		CoMOffset = -1.6, -0.4, 0
		CoLOffset = -1.6, -0.4, 0
		CoPOffset = -1.6, -0.4, 0
		TechRequired = experimentalAerodynamics
		entryCost = 36400
		cost = 3000
		category = Aero
		subcategory = 0
		title = Big-S Delta Wing
		manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division
		description = The Big-S line of wings are C7's largest lifting surfaces to date. Not only are they Sturdy and heat resistant enough to survive reentry, but also have enough internal volume to carry optional fuel tanks.
		attachRules = 0,1,0,1,1
		mass = 0.5
		thermalMassModifier = 8.0
		heatConductivity = 0.06
		emissiveConstant = 0.95
		dragModelType = none
		maximum_drag = 0.02
		minimum_drag = 0.02
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 15
		maxTemp = 2400
		explosionPotential = 0.1
		fuelCrossFeed = True
		bulkheadProfiles = srf
		tags = aero aircraft foil fuel ?lf lift liquid plane shuttle swept wet
			model = Squad/Parts/Aero/shuttleWings/ShuttleDeltaWing
			name = ModuleLiftingSurface
			useInternalDragModel = True
			deflectionLiftCoeff = 5.0
			dragAtMaxAoA = 0.6
			dragAtMinAoA = 0.0
			name = LiquidFuel
			amount = 0
			maxAmount = 300
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Aero/shuttleWings/elevon1.cfg
		name = wingShuttleElevon1
		module = Part
		author = Porkjet
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0
		CoMOffset = -0.325, -0.588312, 0
		CoLOffset = -0.325, -0.588312, 0
		CoPOffset = -0.325, -0.588312, 0
		TechRequired = experimentalAerodynamics
		entryCost = 16400
		cost = 950
		category = Aero
		subcategory = 0
		title = Big-S Elevon 1
		manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division
		description = The Big-S line of wings are C7's largest lifting surfaces to date. Not only are they Sturdy and heat resistant enough to survive reentry, but also have enough internal volume to carry optional fuel tanks.
		attachRules = 0,1,0,1,1
		mass = 0.15
		thermalMassModifier = 8.0
		heatConductivity = 0.06
		emissiveConstant = 0.95
		dragModelType = none
		maximum_drag = 0.02
		minimum_drag = 0.02
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 15
		maxTemp = 2400
		explosionPotential = 0.1
		fuelCrossFeed = True
		bulkheadProfiles = srf
		tags = aero aileron aircraft control (elev flap plane )rudder shuttle spoil stab
			model = Squad/Parts/Aero/shuttleWings/ShuttleElevonA
			name = ModuleControlSurface
			useInternalDragModel = True
			dragCoeff = 0.5
			deflectionLiftCoeff = 0.77
			ctrlSurfaceRange = 25
			ctrlSurfaceArea = 1
			actuatorSpeed = 40
			transformName = Elevon
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 800
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Aero/shuttleWings/elevon2.cfg
		name = wingShuttleElevon2
		module = Part
		author = Porkjet
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0
		CoMOffset = 0, -0.329694, 0
		CoLOffset = 0, -0.329694, 0
		CoPOffset = 0, -0.329694, 0
		TechRequired = experimentalAerodynamics
		entryCost = 16400
		cost = 1300
		category = Aero
		subcategory = 0
		title = Big-S Elevon 2
		manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division
		description = The Big-S line of wings are C7's largest lifting surfaces to date. Not only are they Sturdy and heat resistant enough to survive reentry, but also have enough internal volume to carry optional fuel tanks.
		attachRules = 0,1,0,1,1
		mass = 0.23
		thermalMassModifier = 8.0
		heatConductivity = 0.06
		emissiveConstant = 0.95
		dragModelType = none
		maximum_drag = 0.02
		minimum_drag = 0.02
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 15
		maxTemp = 2400
		explosionPotential = 0.1
		fuelCrossFeed = True
		bulkheadProfiles = srf
		tags = aero aileron aircraft control (elev flap plane )rudder shuttle spoil stab
			model = Squad/Parts/Aero/shuttleWings/ShuttleElevonB
			name = ModuleControlSurface
			useInternalDragModel = True
			dragCoeff = 0.5
			deflectionLiftCoeff = 1.16
			ctrlSurfaceRange = 25
			ctrlSurfaceArea = 1
			actuatorSpeed = 40
			transformName = Elevon
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			stackableQuantity = 1
			packedVolume = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Aero/shuttleWings/rudder.cfg
		name = wingShuttleRudder
		module = Part
		author = Porkjet
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_attach = 0.0, 2.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1
		CoLOffset = -2.0, 0.5, 0
		CoPOffset = -2.0, 0.5, 0
		CoMOffset = -2.0, 0.5, 0
		TechRequired = experimentalAerodynamics
		entryCost = 8000
		cost = 2500
		category = Aero
		subcategory = 0
		title = Big-S Spaceplane Tail Fin
		manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division
		description = Large heat resistant spaceplane fin.
		attachRules = 0,1,0,1,1
		mass = 0.45
		thermalMassModifier = 8.0
		heatConductivity = 0.06
		emissiveConstant = 0.95
		dragModelType = none
		maximum_drag = 0.02
		minimum_drag = 0.02
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 15
		maxTemp = 2400
		explosionPotential = 0.1
		fuelCrossFeed = True
		bulkheadProfiles = srf
		tags = aero aircraft control (elev plane )rudder shuttle stab
			model = Squad/Parts/Aero/shuttleWings/ShuttleRudder
			name = ModuleControlSurface
			useInternalDragModel = True
			dragCoeff = 0.6
			deflectionLiftCoeff = 3.49
			ctrlSurfaceRange = 25
			ctrlSurfaceArea = 0.29
			actuatorSpeed = 35
			transformName = ControlSurface
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Aero/shuttleWings/strake.cfg
		name = wingShuttleStrake
		module = Part
		author = Porkjet
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1
		CoMOffset = -0.37, 0.2, 0
		CoLOffset = -0.37, 0.2, 0
		CoPOffset = -0.37, 0.2, 0
		TechRequired = experimentalAerodynamics
		entryCost = 22000
		cost = 1000
		category = Aero
		subcategory = 0
		title = Big-S Wing Strake
		manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division
		description = The Big-S line of wings are C7's largest lifting surfaces to date. Not only are they Sturdy and heat resistant enough to survive reentry, but also have enough internal volume to carry optional fuel tanks.
		attachRules = 0,1,0,1,1
		mass = 0.1
		thermalMassModifier = 8.0
		heatConductivity = 0.06
		emissiveConstant = 0.95
		dragModelType = none
		maximum_drag = 0.02
		minimum_drag = 0.02
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 15
		maxTemp = 2400
		explosionPotential = 0.1
		fuelCrossFeed = True
		bulkheadProfiles = srf
		tags = aero aircraft foil fuel ?lf lift liquid plane shuttle swept wet
			model = Squad/Parts/Aero/shuttleWings/ShuttleStrake
			name = ModuleLiftingSurface
			useInternalDragModel = True
			deflectionLiftCoeff = 1.0
			dragAtMaxAoA = 0.6
			dragAtMinAoA = 0.0
			name = LiquidFuel
			amount = 0
			maxAmount = 100
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Aero/wingletAV-R8/wingletAV-R8.cfg
		name = R8winglet
		module = Part
		author = NovaSilisko
		mesh =
		scale = 0.1
		TechRequired = flightControl
		entryCost = 1800
		cost = 640
		category = Aero
		subcategory = 0
		title = AV-R8 Winglet
		manufacturer = Kerlington Model Rockets and Paper Products Inc
		description = The R8 Active Control Winglet series marked the debut of Kerlington Model Rockets in the Spacecraft engineering world. These winglets are equipped with movable pivots, which allow them to swivel and act as control surfaces. This feature was considered a huge advancement in control technology and most agree that it made Kerlington staff and R8 fans simply unbearable to be around.
		attachRules = 0,1,0,0,1
		node_attach = 4.32401, 1.39785, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0
		CoMOffset = -0.0745, -0.2, 0
		CoLOffset = -0.0745, -0.2, 0
		CoPOffset = -0.0745, -0.2, 0
		mass = 0.1
		thermalMassModifier = 8.0
		emissiveConstant = 0.95
		dragModelType = none
		maximum_drag = 0.02
		minimum_drag = 0.02
		angularDrag = 5
		crashTolerance = 12
		maxTemp = 2400
		explosionPotential = 0.1
		bulkheadProfiles = srf
		tags = aero aircraft canard control (elev fin (fore lift plane rocket )rudder stab swept tail
			name = ModuleControlSurface
			useInternalDragModel = True
			dragCoeff = 0.5
			actuatorSpeed = 25
			deflectionLiftCoeff = 0.5
			ctrlSurfaceRange = 15
			ctrlSurfaceArea = 0.95
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 650
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Aero/wingletAV-T1/wingletAV-T1.cfg
		name = winglet
		module = Part
		author = HarvesteR
		mesh =
		scale = 0.1
		TechRequired = stability
		entryCost = 1500
		cost = 500
		category = Aero
		subcategory = 0
		title = AV-T1 Winglet
		description = Nothing is really known about this thing. Use it at your own risk.
		attachRules = 0,1,0,0,1
		node_attach = 5.10736, -0.589634, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0
		CoMOffset = 0.08, -0.2, 0.00664
		CoLOffset = 0.08, -0.2, 0.00664
		CoPOffset = 0.08, -0.2, 0.00664
		mass = 0.037
		thermalMassModifier = 8.0
		emissiveConstant = 0.95
		dragModelType = none
		maximum_drag = 0.02
		minimum_drag = 0.02
		angularDrag = 5
		crashTolerance = 12
		maxTemp = 2400
		explosionPotential = 0.1
		mirrorRefAxis = 0, 0, -1
		bulkheadProfiles = srf
		tags = aero aircraft fin lift plane rocket stab swept
			name = ModuleLiftingSurface
			useInternalDragModel = True
			deflectionLiftCoeff = 0.37
			dragAtMaxAoA = 0.3
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 400
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Aero/wingletDeltaDeluxe/wingletDeltaDeluxe.cfg
		name = winglet3
		module = Part
		author = NovaSilisko
		mesh =
		scale = 1
		rescaleFactor = 1
		TechRequired = flightControl
		entryCost = 4600
		cost = 600
		category = Aero
		subcategory = 0
		title = Delta-Deluxe Winglet
		manufacturer = Kerlington Model Rockets and Paper Products Inc
		description = The Delta-Deluxe Winglet is a large aerodynamic surface with a small built-in aileron. It is very lightweight and offers more lift than the AV-R8 but the small control surface area means it is not as quick to turn.
		attachRules = 0,1,0,0,1
		node_attach = 0.4780781, 0.1322544, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0
		CoMOffset = -0.08, -0.3, 0
		CoLOffset = -0.08, -0.3, 0
		CoPOffset = -0.08, -0.3, 0
		mass = 0.078
		thermalMassModifier = 8.0
		emissiveConstant = 0.95
		dragModelType = none
		maximum_drag = 0.02
		minimum_drag = 0.02
		angularDrag = 5
		crashTolerance = 12
		maxTemp = 2400
		explosionPotential = 0.1
		bulkheadProfiles = srf
		tags = aero aircraft canard control (elev fin (fore lift plane rocket )rudder stab swept tail
			name = ModuleControlSurface
			useInternalDragModel = True
			dragCoeff = 0.6
			deflectionLiftCoeff = 0.65
			ctrlSurfaceRange = 25
			ctrlSurfaceArea = 0.2
			actuatorSpeed = 25
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 800
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Aero/wings/connector1.cfg
		name = wingConnector
		module = Part
		author = Porkjet
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_attach = 0.008, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1
		CoMOffset = -0.9309626, 0.07127571, 0
		CoLOffset = -0.9309626, 0.07127571, 0
		CoPOffset = -0.9309626, 0.07127571, 0
		TechRequired = aerodynamicSystems
		entryCost = 6400
		cost = 500
		category = Aero
		subcategory = 0
		title = Wing Connector Type A
		manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division
		description = A vaguely wing shaped board. Use at your own risk.
		attachRules = 0,1,0,1,1
		mass = 0.2
		thermalMassModifier = 8.0
		emissiveConstant = 0.95
		dragModelType = none
		maximum_drag = 0.02
		minimum_drag = 0.02
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 15
		maxTemp = 2400
		explosionPotential = 0.1
		fuelCrossFeed = True
		bulkheadProfiles = srf
		tags = aero aircraft fligh foil lift plane
			model = Squad/Parts/Aero/wings/connector1
			name = ModuleLiftingSurface
			useInternalDragModel = True
			deflectionLiftCoeff = 2.0
			dragAtMaxAoA = 0.5
			dragAtMinAoA = 0.0
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			stackableQuantity = 1
			packedVolume = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Aero/wings/connector2.cfg
		name = wingConnector2
		module = Part
		author = Porkjet
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1
		CoMOffset = -1.875, 0.0, 0.0
		CoLOffset = -1.875, 0.0, 0.0
		CoPOffset = -1.875, 0.0, 0.0
		TechRequired = aviation
		entryCost = 6400
		cost = 500
		category = Aero
		subcategory = 0
		title = Wing Connector Type B
		manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division
		description = A vaguely wing shaped board. Use at your own risk.
		attachRules = 0,1,0,1,1
		mass = 0.2
		thermalMassModifier = 8.0
		emissiveConstant = 0.95
		dragModelType = none
		maximum_drag = 0.02
		minimum_drag = 0.02
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 15
		maxTemp = 2400
		explosionPotential = 0.1
		fuelCrossFeed = True
		bulkheadProfiles = srf
		tags = aero aircraft fligh foil lift plane
			model = Squad/Parts/Aero/wings/connector2
			name = ModuleLiftingSurface
			useInternalDragModel = True
			deflectionLiftCoeff = 2.0
			dragAtMaxAoA = 0.5
			dragAtMinAoA = 0.0
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			stackableQuantity = 1
			packedVolume = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Aero/wings/connector3.cfg
		name = wingConnector3
		module = Part
		author = Porkjet
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1
		CoMOffset = -0.938, 0, 0
		CoLOffset = -0.938, 0, 0
		CoPOffset = -0.938, 0, 0
		TechRequired = aerodynamicSystems
		entryCost = 4300
		cost = 250
		category = Aero
		subcategory = 0
		title = Wing Connector Type C
		manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division
		description = A vaguely wing shaped board.
		attachRules = 0,1,0,1,1
		mass = 0.1
		thermalMassModifier = 8.0
		emissiveConstant = 0.95
		dragModelType = none
		maximum_drag = 0.02
		minimum_drag = 0.02
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 15
		maxTemp = 2400
		explosionPotential = 0.1
		fuelCrossFeed = True
		bulkheadProfiles = srf
		tags = aero aircraft fligh foil lift plane
			model = Squad/Parts/Aero/wings/connector3
			name = ModuleLiftingSurface
			useInternalDragModel = True
			deflectionLiftCoeff = 1
			dragAtMaxAoA = 0.25
			dragAtMinAoA = 0.0
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Aero/wings/connector4.cfg
		name = wingConnector4
		module = Part
		author = Porkjet
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1
		CoMOffset = -0.469, 0, 0
		CoLOffset = -0.469, 0, 0
		CoPOffset = -0.469, 0, 0
		TechRequired = advAerodynamics
		entryCost = 2400
		cost = 100
		category = Aero
		subcategory = 0
		title = Wing Connector Type D
		manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division
		description = Found in a trash bin next to a wing factory.
		attachRules = 0,1,0,1,1
		mass = 0.05
		thermalMassModifier = 8.0
		emissiveConstant = 0.95
		dragModelType = none
		maximum_drag = 0.02
		minimum_drag = 0.02
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 15
		maxTemp = 2400
		explosionPotential = 0.1
		fuelCrossFeed = True
		bulkheadProfiles = srf
		tags = aero aircraft fligh foil lift plane
			model = Squad/Parts/Aero/wings/connector4
			name = ModuleLiftingSurface
			useInternalDragModel = True
			deflectionLiftCoeff = 0.5
			dragAtMaxAoA = 0.12
			dragAtMinAoA = 0.0
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 600
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Aero/wings/connector5.cfg
		name = wingConnector5
		module = Part
		author = Porkjet
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1
		CoMOffset = -0.938, 0, 0
		CoLOffset = -0.938, 0, 0
		CoPOffset = -0.938, 0, 0
		TechRequired = aviation
		entryCost = 2400
		cost = 100
		category = Aero
		subcategory = 0
		title = Wing Connector Type E
		manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division
		description = Found in a trash bin next to a wing factory.
		attachRules = 0,1,0,1,1
		mass = 0.05
		thermalMassModifier = 8.0
		emissiveConstant = 0.95
		dragModelType = none
		maximum_drag = 0.02
		minimum_drag = 0.02
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 15
		maxTemp = 2400
		explosionPotential = 0.1
		fuelCrossFeed = True
		bulkheadProfiles = srf
		tags = aero aircraft fligh foil lift plane
			model = Squad/Parts/Aero/wings/connector5
			name = ModuleLiftingSurface
			useInternalDragModel = True
			deflectionLiftCoeff = 0.5
			dragAtMaxAoA = 0.12
			dragAtMinAoA = 0.0
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 600
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Aero/wings/delta.cfg
		name = deltaWing
		module = Part
		author = Porkjet
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1
		CoMOffset = -1.2, 0.4, 0
		CoLOffset = -1.2, 0.4, 0
		CoPOffset = -1.2, 0.4, 0
		TechRequired = advAerodynamics
		entryCost = 6400
		cost = 600
		category = Aero
		subcategory = 0
		title = Delta Wing
		manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division
		description = Standard Delta configuration wings. These wings provide high lift and a stable center of gravity for your everyday lifting needs.
		attachRules = 0,1,0,1,1
		mass = 0.2
		thermalMassModifier = 8.0
		emissiveConstant = 0.95
		dragModelType = none
		maximum_drag = 0.02
		minimum_drag = 0.02
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 15
		maxTemp = 2400
		explosionPotential = 0.1
		fuelCrossFeed = True
		bulkheadProfiles = srf
		tags = aero aircraft fligh foil lift plane swept
			model = Squad/Parts/Aero/wings/delta
			name = ModuleLiftingSurface
			useInternalDragModel = True
			deflectionLiftCoeff = 2.0
			dragAtMaxAoA = 0.6
			dragAtMinAoA = 0.0
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			stackableQuantity = 1
			packedVolume = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Aero/wings/delta_small.cfg
		name = delta_small
		module = Part
		author = Porkjet
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1
		CoMOffset = -0.6, 0.15, 0
		CoLOffset = -0.6, 0.15, 0
		CoPOffset = -0.6, 0.15, 0
		TechRequired = advAerodynamics
		entryCost = 3200
		cost = 200
		category = Aero
		subcategory = 0
		title = Small Delta Wing
		manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division
		description = This small delta wing has breezed through extensive stress tests and design revisions, mostly because it wasn't involved in any of those. In any case, it should work as a comparatively reliable lifting surface.
		attachRules = 0,1,0,1,1
		mass = 0.05
		thermalMassModifier = 8.0
		emissiveConstant = 0.95
		dragModelType = none
		maximum_drag = 0.02
		minimum_drag = 0.02
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 15
		maxTemp = 2400
		explosionPotential = 0.1
		fuelCrossFeed = True
		bulkheadProfiles = srf
		tags = aero aircraft fligh foil lift plane swept
			model = Squad/Parts/Aero/wings/delta_small
			name = ModuleLiftingSurface
			useInternalDragModel = True
			deflectionLiftCoeff = 0.5
			dragAtMaxAoA = 0.1
			dragAtMinAoA = 0.0
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			stackableQuantity = 1
			packedVolume = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Aero/wings/elevon1.cfg
		name = StandardCtrlSrf
		module = Part
		author = Porkjet
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1
		CoMOffset = 0, -0.215625, 0
		CoLOffset = 0, -0.215625, 0
		CoPOffset = 0, -0.215625, 0
		TechRequired = aviation
		entryCost = 3200
		cost = 400
		category = Aero
		subcategory = 0
		title = Elevon 1
		manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division
		description = Made from the finest materials at hand, these flight surfaces are guaranteed to operate while attached to the craft. However studies have shown that a lack of atmosphere *may* slightly impede function. No refunds.
		attachRules = 0,1,0,0,0
		mass = 0.05
		thermalMassModifier = 8.0
		emissiveConstant = 0.95
		dragModelType = none
		maximum_drag = 0.02
		minimum_drag = 0.02
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 15
		maxTemp = 2400
		explosionPotential = 0.1
		bulkheadProfiles = srf
		tags = aero aileron aircraft control (elev plane )rudder
			model = Squad/Parts/Aero/wings/elevon1
			name = ModuleControlSurface
			useInternalDragModel = True
			dragCoeff = 0.25
			deflectionLiftCoeff = 0.25
			ctrlSurfaceRange = 20
			ctrlSurfaceArea = 1.0
			actuatorSpeed = 30
			transformName = Elevon1
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 270
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Aero/wings/elevon2.cfg
		name = elevon2
		module = Part
		author = Porkjet
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1
		CoMOffset = 0, -0.3296936, 0
		CoLOffset = 0, -0.3296936, 0
		CoPOffset = 0, -0.3296936, 0
		TechRequired = advAerodynamics
		entryCost = 3200
		cost = 550
		category = Aero
		subcategory = 0
		title = Elevon 2
		manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division
		description = Made from the finest materials at hand, these flight surfaces are guaranteed to operate while attached to the craft. However studies have shown that a lack of atmosphere *may* slightly impede function. No refunds.
		attachRules = 0,1,0,0,0
		mass = 0.06
		thermalMassModifier = 8.0
		emissiveConstant = 0.95
		dragModelType = none
		maximum_drag = 0.02
		minimum_drag = 0.02
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 15
		maxTemp = 2400
		explosionPotential = 0.1
		bulkheadProfiles = srf
		tags = aero aileron aircraft control (elev plane )rudder
			model = Squad/Parts/Aero/wings/elevon2
			name = ModuleControlSurface
			useInternalDragModel = True
			dragCoeff = 0.33
			deflectionLiftCoeff = 0.3
			ctrlSurfaceRange = 20
			ctrlSurfaceArea = 1.0
			actuatorSpeed = 30
			transformName = Elevon2
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 400
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Aero/wings/elevon3.cfg
		name = elevon3
		module = Part
		author = Porkjet
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1
		CoMOffset = 0, -0.446875, 0
		CoLOffset = 0, -0.446875, 0
		CoPOffset = 0, -0.446875, 0
		TechRequired = advAerodynamics
		entryCost = 3200
		cost = 650
		category = Aero
		subcategory = 0
		title = Elevon 3
		manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division
		description = Made from the finest materials at hand, these flight surfaces are guaranteed to operate while attached to the craft. However studies have shown that a lack of atmosphere *may* slightly impede function. No refunds.
		attachRules = 0,1,0,0,0
		mass = 0.08
		thermalMassModifier = 8.0
		emissiveConstant = 0.95
		dragModelType = none
		maximum_drag = 0.02
		minimum_drag = 0.02
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 15
		maxTemp = 2400
		explosionPotential = 0.1
		bulkheadProfiles = srf
		tags = aero aileron aircraft control (elev plane )rudder
			model = Squad/Parts/Aero/wings/elevon3
			name = ModuleControlSurface
			useInternalDragModel = True
			dragCoeff = 0.5
			deflectionLiftCoeff = 0.42
			ctrlSurfaceRange = 20
			ctrlSurfaceArea = 1.0
			actuatorSpeed = 30
			transformName = Elevon3
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 550
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Aero/wings/elevon4.cfg
		name = smallCtrlSrf
		module = Part
		author = Porkjet
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1
		CoMOffset = 0, -0.329694, 0
		CoLOffset = 0, -0.329694, 0
		CoPOffset = 0, -0.329694, 0
		TechRequired = advAerodynamics
		entryCost = 3200
		cost = 400
		category = Aero
		subcategory = 0
		title = Elevon 4
		manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division
		description = Feel the need to attach an elevator, rudder or aileron to just about any surface you can get your mitts on? Well this small elevon is for you. Made of mostly new factory parts, it will fit just about anywhere. Just don't expect a huge performance out of such a small part.
		attachRules = 0,1,0,0,0
		mass = 0.04
		thermalMassModifier = 8.0
		emissiveConstant = 0.95
		dragModelType = none
		maximum_drag = 0.02
		minimum_drag = 0.02
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 15
		maxTemp = 2400
		explosionPotential = 0.1
		bulkheadProfiles = srf
		tags = aero aileron aircraft control (elev plane )rudder
			model = Squad/Parts/Aero/wings/elevon4
			name = ModuleControlSurface
			useInternalDragModel = True
			dragCoeff = 0.25
			deflectionLiftCoeff = 0.18
			ctrlSurfaceRange = 20
			ctrlSurfaceArea = 1.0
			actuatorSpeed = 30
			transformName = Elevon4
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 135
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Aero/wings/elevon5.cfg
		name = elevon5
		module = Part
		author = Porkjet
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1
		CoMOffset = 0, -0.329694, 0
		CoLOffset = 0, -0.329694, 0
		CoPOffset = 0, -0.329694, 0
		TechRequired = advAerodynamics
		entryCost = 4800
		cost = 800
		category = Aero
		subcategory = 0
		title = Elevon 5
		manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division
		description = Just another one of these elevon things... wait, this one is swept! Wow!
		attachRules = 0,1,0,0,0
		mass = 0.08
		thermalMassModifier = 8.0
		emissiveConstant = 0.95
		dragModelType = none
		maximum_drag = 0.02
		minimum_drag = 0.02
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 15
		maxTemp = 2400
		explosionPotential = 0.1
		bulkheadProfiles = srf
		tags = aero aileron aircraft control (elev plane )rudder
			model = Squad/Parts/Aero/wings/elevon5
			name = ModuleControlSurface
			useInternalDragModel = True
			dragCoeff = 0.6
			deflectionLiftCoeff = 0.4
			ctrlSurfaceRange = 20
			ctrlSurfaceArea = 1.0
			actuatorSpeed = 30
			transformName = Elevon5
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 550
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Aero/wings/strake.cfg
		name = wingStrake
		module = Part
		author = Porkjet
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1
		CoMOffset = -0.35, -0.3, 0
		CoLOffset = -0.35, -0.3, 0
		CoPOffset = -0.35, -0.3, 0
		TechRequired = supersonicFlight
		entryCost = 6800
		cost = 400
		category = Aero
		subcategory = 0
		title = Wing Strake
		manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division
		description = Strakes are like sideburns for your plane. The girls will fall for you!
		attachRules = 0,1,0,1,1
		mass = 0.05
		thermalMassModifier = 8.0
		emissiveConstant = 0.95
		dragModelType = none
		maximum_drag = 0.02
		minimum_drag = 0.02
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 15
		maxTemp = 2400
		explosionPotential = 0.1
		fuelCrossFeed = True
		bulkheadProfiles = srf
		tags = aero aircraft fligh foil lift plane swept
			model = Squad/Parts/Aero/wings/strake
			name = ModuleLiftingSurface
			useInternalDragModel = True
			deflectionLiftCoeff = 0.5
			dragAtMaxAoA = 0.2
			dragAtMinAoA = 0.0
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Aero/wings/structural1.cfg
		name = structuralWing
		module = Part
		author = Porkjet
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_attach = 0.04, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1
		CoMOffset = -0.7, -0.6, 0
		CoLOffset = -0.7, -0.6, 0
		CoPOffset = -0.7, -0.6, 0
		TechRequired = supersonicFlight
		entryCost = 6400
		cost = 500
		category = Aero
		subcategory = 0
		title = Structural Wing Type A
		manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division
		description = This wing has been constructed out of surplus wing components. Comes complete with "like new" finish. Intended uses include very large canards, and leading edges of larger delta wings.
		attachRules = 0,1,0,1,1
		mass = 0.1
		thermalMassModifier = 8.0
		emissiveConstant = 0.95
		dragModelType = none
		maximum_drag = 0.02
		minimum_drag = 0.02
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 15
		maxTemp = 2400
		explosionPotential = 0.1
		fuelCrossFeed = True
		bulkheadProfiles = srf
		tags = aero aircraft fligh foil lift plane swept
			model = Squad/Parts/Aero/wings/structural1
			name = ModuleLiftingSurface
			useInternalDragModel = True
			deflectionLiftCoeff = 1
			dragAtMaxAoA = 0.3
			dragAtMinAoA = 0.0
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Aero/wings/structural2.cfg
		name = structuralWing2
		module = Part
		author = Porkjet
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1
		CoMOffset = -1.1, -0.1, 0
		CoLOffset = -1.1, -0.1, 0
		CoPOffset = -1.1, -0.1, 0
		TechRequired = aerodynamicSystems
		entryCost = 6400
		cost = 500
		category = Aero
		subcategory = 0
		title = Structural Wing Type B
		manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division
		description = This wing has been constructed out of surplus wing components. Comes complete with "like new" finish.
		attachRules = 0,1,0,1,1
		mass = 0.1
		thermalMassModifier = 8.0
		emissiveConstant = 0.95
		dragModelType = none
		maximum_drag = 0.02
		minimum_drag = 0.02
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 15
		maxTemp = 2400
		explosionPotential = 0.1
		fuelCrossFeed = True
		bulkheadProfiles = srf
		tags = aero aircraft fligh foil lift plane swept
			model = Squad/Parts/Aero/wings/structural2
			name = ModuleLiftingSurface
			useInternalDragModel = True
			deflectionLiftCoeff = 1
			dragAtMaxAoA = 0.3
			dragAtMinAoA = 0.0
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Aero/wings/structural3.cfg
		name = structuralWing3
		module = Part
		author = Porkjet
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1
		CoMOffset = -1.0, -0.05, 0
		CoLOffset = -1.0, -0.05, 0
		CoPOffset = -1.0, -0.05, 0
		TechRequired = aviation
		entryCost = 6400
		cost = 300
		category = Aero
		subcategory = 0
		title = Structural Wing Type C
		manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division
		description = This wing has been constructed out of surplus wing components. Comes complete with "like new" finish.
		attachRules = 0,1,0,1,1
		mass = 0.05
		thermalMassModifier = 8.0
		emissiveConstant = 0.95
		dragModelType = none
		maximum_drag = 0.02
		minimum_drag = 0.02
		angularDrag = 1
		crashTolerance = 15
		maxTemp = 2400
		explosionPotential = 0.1
		fuelCrossFeed = True
		bulkheadProfiles = srf
		tags = aero aircraft fligh foil lift plane swept
			model = Squad/Parts/Aero/wings/structural3
			name = ModuleLiftingSurface
			useInternalDragModel = True
			deflectionLiftCoeff = 0.5
			dragAtMaxAoA = 0.15
			dragAtMinAoA = 0.0
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			stackableQuantity = 1
			packedVolume = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Aero/wings/structural4.cfg
		name = structuralWing4
		module = Part
		author = Porkjet
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1
		CoMOffset = -0.236, -0.1, 0
		CoLOffset = -0.236, -0.1, 0
		CoPOffset = -0.236, -0.1, 0
		TechRequired = advAerodynamics
		entryCost = 6400
		cost = 150
		category = Aero
		subcategory = 0
		title = Structural Wing Type D
		manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division
		description = This wing has been constructed out of surplus wing components. Comes complete with "like new" finish.
		attachRules = 0,1,0,1,1
		mass = 0.025
		thermalMassModifier = 8.0
		emissiveConstant = 0.95
		dragModelType = none
		maximum_drag = 0.02
		minimum_drag = 0.02
		angularDrag = 1
		crashTolerance = 15
		maxTemp = 2400
		explosionPotential = 0.1
		fuelCrossFeed = True
		bulkheadProfiles = srf
		tags = aero aircraft fligh foil lift plane swept
			model = Squad/Parts/Aero/wings/structural4
			name = ModuleLiftingSurface
			useInternalDragModel = True
			deflectionLiftCoeff = 0.25
			dragAtMaxAoA = 0.08
			dragAtMinAoA = 0.0
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 450
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Aero/wings/swept1.cfg
		name = sweptWing1
		module = Part
		author = Porkjet
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1
		CoMOffset = -1.0, 0.05, 0
		CoLOffset = -1.0, 0.05, 0
		CoPOffset = -1.0, 0.05, 0
		TechRequired = advAerodynamics
		entryCost = 6400
		cost = 500
		category = Aero
		subcategory = 0
		title = Swept Wing Type A
		manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division
		description = This wing has been constructed out of surplus wing components. Comes complete with "like new" finish.
		attachRules = 0,1,0,1,1
		mass = 0.113
		thermalMassModifier = 8.0
		emissiveConstant = 0.95
		dragModelType = none
		maximum_drag = 0.02
		minimum_drag = 0.02
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 15
		maxTemp = 2400
		explosionPotential = 0.1
		fuelCrossFeed = True
		bulkheadProfiles = srf
		tags = aero aircraft fligh foil lift plane
			model = Squad/Parts/Aero/wings/swept1
			name = ModuleLiftingSurface
			useInternalDragModel = True
			deflectionLiftCoeff = 1.13
			dragAtMaxAoA = 0.3
			dragAtMinAoA = 0.0
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			stackableQuantity = 1
			packedVolume = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Aero/wings/swept2.cfg
		name = sweptWing2
		module = Part
		author = Porkjet
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1
		CoMOffset = -1.875, 0, 0
		CoLOffset = -1.875, 0, 0
		CoPOffset = -1.875, 0, 0
		TechRequired = aerodynamicSystems
		entryCost = 6400
		cost = 500
		category = Aero
		subcategory = 0
		title = Swept Wing Type B
		manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division
		description = This wing has been constructed from surplus wing components. Comes complete with "like new" finish.
		attachRules = 0,1,0,1,1
		mass = 0.226
		thermalMassModifier = 8.0
		emissiveConstant = 0.95
		dragModelType = none
		maximum_drag = 0.02
		minimum_drag = 0.02
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 15
		maxTemp = 2400
		explosionPotential = 0.1
		fuelCrossFeed = True
		bulkheadProfiles = srf
		tags = aero aircraft fligh foil lift plane
			model = Squad/Parts/Aero/wings/swept2
			name = ModuleLiftingSurface
			useInternalDragModel = True
			deflectionLiftCoeff = 2.26
			dragAtMaxAoA = 0.3
			dragAtMinAoA = 0.0
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			stackableQuantity = 1
			packedVolume = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Cargo/CargoContainers/cargoContainer.cfg
		name = cargoContainer
		module = Part
		author = Pablo
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.3, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.3, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
		TechRequired = advExploration
		entryCost = 2200
		cost = 600
		category = Cargo
		subcategory = 0
		title = SEQ-9 Container Module
		manufacturer = Experimental Engineering Group
		description = A large 1.25 container capable of storing a wide variety of equipment. Specifically designed for storing precision scientific instruments and protecting them from the rigours of launch, travel and landing on distant planets.\n\nWarning: Contents not pressurized. Risk of Snack Bag explosion >99%.
		attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0
		mass = 0.15
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.3
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 14
		bulkheadProfiles = size1
		maxTemp = 1200
		heatConductivity = 0.04
		thermalMassModifier = 5.0
		emissiveConstant = 0.95
		tags = contain storage cargo surface
			model = Squad/Parts/Cargo/CargoContainers/cargoContainer
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = -1
			name = ModuleInventoryPart
			InventorySlots = 9
			packedVolumeLimit = 650
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Cargo/CargoContainers/smallCargoContainer.cfg
		name = smallCargoContainer
		module = Part
		author = Pablo
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_attach = 0,0,0.25,0,0,-1,0
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.35, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.35, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
		TechRequired = spaceExploration
		entryCost = 750
		cost = 200
		category = Cargo
		subcategory = 0
		title = SEQ-3 Cargo Storage Unit
		manufacturer = Experimental Engineering Group
		description = This sturdy unit keeps the expensive and delicate equipment our astronauts need to bring with them safely stored. Rigorous engineering studies have shown it to be 20% more effective than 'a picnic cooler and some duct tape' at making sure these items arrive intact at their destination.
		attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0
		mass = 0.05
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.3
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 15
		bulkheadProfiles = srf
		maxTemp = 1200
		heatConductivity = 0.04
		thermalMassModifier = 5.0
		emissiveConstant = 0.95
		tags = contain storage cargo surface
			model = Squad/Parts/Cargo/CargoContainers/smallCargoContainer
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = -1
			name = ModuleInventoryPart
			InventorySlots = 3
			packedVolumeLimit = 180
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Cargo/Cylinder/Cylinder.cfg
		name = evaCylinder
		module = Part
		author = Squad
		rescaleFactor = 1
		CoMOffset = 0, 0.055, 0
		CoLOffset = 0, 0.55, 0
		CoPOffset = 0, 0.55, 0
		TechRequired = advExploration
		entryCost = 2400
		cost = 50
		category = Cargo
		subcategory = 0
		title = EVA Fuel Cylinders
		manufacturer = Reaction Systems Ltd
		description = When you just don't have enough delta-V to visit all your favorite spots on Minimus, or want to circumnavigate Dres freestyle, you'll want to pack these spare EVA fuel cylinders for extra-long duration EVA trips.\n\nHandily tranfers fuel to your EVA jetpack with a child-proof safety seal.
		attachRules = 0,0,0,0,0
		mass = 0.005
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.1
		minimum_drag = 0.1
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 10
		maxTemp = 2000
		resourcePriorityOffset = 1
		tags = When you just don't have enough delta-V to visit all your favorite spots on Minimus, or want to circumnavigate Dres freestyle, you'll want to pack these spare EVA fuel cylinders for extra-long duration EVA trips.\n\nHandily tranfers fuel to your EVA jetpack with a child-proof safety seal.
			model = Squad/Parts/Cargo/Cylinder/EVAcylinder
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 15
			reinitResourcesOnStoreInVessel = true
			name = EVA Propellant
			amount = 3
			maxAmount = 3
			isTweakable = False
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Cargo/GroundAnchor/groundAnchor.cfg
		name = groundAnchor
		module = Part
		author = Squad
		rescaleFactor = 1.0
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.12236, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1, 0, 0, 1
		node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1, 0, 0, 1
		fx_anchorGround_dustRocks = -0.36044, 0.08538, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, deploy
		fx_anchorGround_dustRocks = 0.36044, 0.08538, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, deploy
		fx_anchorGround_dustRocks = 0.0, 0.08538, 0.36044, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, deploy
		fx_anchorGround_dustRocks = 0.0, 0.08538, -0.36044, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, deploy
		TechRequired = specializedConstruction
		entryCost = 4000
		cost = 300
		category = Cargo
		subcategory = 0
		title = Stamp-O-Tron Ground Anchor
		manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division
		description = Occasionally, even the most seasoned of rocket jockey wants to be safely back on the ground, and what better way to securely show your affection for gravity than by clamping yourself to it?\n\nThe Stamp-O-Tron ground anchor provides a secure point to which you can attach other parts with EVA construction, including docking ports if you'd like to park a larger vessel safely.\n\nExpect stocks in C7 Aerospace Division to jump if negative gravity is ever a real thing.
		attachRules = 0,0,1,1,0
		mass = 0.05
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.3
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 12
		breakingForce = 50
		breakingTorque = 50
		maxTemp = 2000
		bulkheadProfiles = size1, srf
		tags = cargo attach ground dirt drill dig base
			model = Squad/Parts/Cargo/GroundAnchor/groundAnchor
			name = ModuleGroundPart
			fxGroupDeploy = deploy
			stackableQuantity = 1
			packedVolume = 40
			kinematicDelay = 0.0
			name = ModuleAnimationGroup
			deployAnimationName = Deploy
			suppressActionsEvents = true
			displayActions = false
			stopActiveAnimIfDisabled = true
			deployEffectName = Deploy
			retractEffectName = Retract
			realTimeAnimation = false
					channel = Ship
					clip = Squad/Sounds/ksp1_ground_anchor_v2_1.wav
					maxVolumeDistance = 150
					channel = Ship
					clip = Squad/Sounds/ksp1_ground_anchor_v2_1.wav
					maxVolumeDistance = 150
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Cargo/Jetpack/Jetpack.cfg
		name = evaJetpack
		module = Part
		author = Squad
		rescaleFactor = 1
		TechRequired = start
		entryCost = 0
		cost = 25
		category = Cargo
		subcategory = 0
		title = EVA Jetpack
		manufacturer = Reaction Systems Ltd
		description = The EVA jetpack has been a workhorse of kerbal astronauts for decades. It has been so useful that some kerbals have taken to wearing them inside the complex, back home, and even in their showers.\n\nIt gives unparalleled mobility in space and low gravity environments but can be tricky to master. Incidences of injury while using one have dropped to nearly 10% after sufficient training.
		attachRules = 0,0,0,0,0
		mass = 0.02
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.1
		minimum_drag = 0.1
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 12
		maxTemp = 2000
		resourcePriorityOffset = 2
		tags = pack thrust MMU RCS Kerbal control cargo EVA
			model = Squad/Parts/Cargo/Jetpack/Jetpack
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 17
			reinitResourcesOnStoreInVessel = true
			name = EVA Propellant
			amount = 5
			maxAmount = 5
			isTweakable = False
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Cargo/Parachute/Parachute.cfg
		name = evaChute
		module = Part
		author = Squad
		rescaleFactor = 1
		TechRequired = start
		entryCost = 0
		cost = 10
		category = Cargo
		subcategory = 0
		title = Personal Parachute
		manufacturer = Found lying by the side of the road
		description = This kerbal-sized ram-air parachute is perfect for saving intrepid pilots from a misconsidered aircraft design, or hi-jinks involving the top of the VAB and a hopeffuly functional autopilot.\n\nWhy should kerbals put their trust in something that was found lying by the side of the road? Well, because there wasn't a Kerbal-shaped crater next to it!
		attachRules = 0,0,0,0,0
		mass = 0.004
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.1
		minimum_drag = 0.1
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 12
		maxTemp = 2000
		tags = arrest canopy chute decel descen drag entry fall landing return safe slow Kerbal cargo EVA
			model = Squad/Parts/Cargo/Parachute/Parachute
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 10
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Cargo/RepairKit/RepairKit.cfg
		name = evaRepairKit
		module = Part
		author = Squad
		rescaleFactor = 1
		CoMOffset = 0, 0.085, 0
		CoLOffset = 0, 0.085, 0
		CoPOffset = 0, 0.085, 0
		TechRequired = spaceExploration
		entryCost = 1500
		cost = 75
		category = Cargo
		subcategory = 0
		title = EVA Repair Kit
		manufacturer = Kerbal Motion LLC
		description = This repair kit has tape, tools, widgets and other knickknacks to allow intrepid kerbals to effect repairs on broken parts that may have suffered unplanned disassembly.\n\nNote: Repair kits are used up when effecting repairs, and more than one repair kit may be required for especially large parts.
		attachRules = 0,0,0,0,0
		mass = 0.005
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.1
		minimum_drag = 0.1
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 12
		maxTemp = 1200
		tags = fix (broke repair
			model = Squad/Parts/Cargo/RepairKit/RepairKit
					channel = Ship
					clip = Squad/Sounds/repairKit_repair1.wav
					maxVolumeDistance = 150
					channel = Ship
					clip = Squad/Sounds/repairKit_repair2.wav
					maxVolumeDistance = 150
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			stackableQuantity = 4
			packedVolume = 5
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Cargo/ScienceKit/evaScienceKit.cfg
		name = evaScienceKit
		module = Part
		author = Squad
		rescaleFactor = 1
		CoMOffset = 0, 0.11, 0
		CoLOffset = 0, 0.11, 0
		CoPOffset = 0, 0.11, 0
		TechRequired = miniaturization
		entryCost = 1500
		cost = 150
		category = Cargo
		subcategory = 0
		title = EVA Experiments Kit
		manufacturer = Probodobodyne Inc
		description = Probodobodyne has meticulously curated and assembled this case full of various devices useful for science experiments.\n\nDespite observations to the contrary, we feel that the inability of our astronauts to find a good use for the collapsible top hat and magic wand is more to do with a lack of creativity... rather than a case of them being left over from prior use.
		attachRules = 0,0,0,0,0
		mass = 0.015
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.1
		minimum_drag = 0.1
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 14
		maxTemp = 1200
		tags = EVA science test kit experiment easter egg outside golf cargo
			model = Squad/Parts/Cargo/ScienceKit/ExperimentKit
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			stackableQuantity = 4
			packedVolume = 5
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Cargo/StorageUnits/CargoStorageUnit.cfg
		name = CargoStorageUnit
		module = Part
		author = Alexander
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.3125, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.3125, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2
		TechRequired = advExploration
		entryCost = 3500
		cost = 1500
		category = Cargo
		subcategory = 0
		title = SEQ-24 Cargo Storage Unit
		manufacturer = Experimental Engineering Group
		description = When you want to bring everything and the kitchen sink, this is the storage unit for you.\n\nCapable of transporting 24 different cargo items, or a small house worth of goods and furniture, you can colonize Duna in style!
		attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0
		mass = 0.4
		dragModelType = default
		crashTolerance = 14
		bulkheadProfiles = size2
		maxTemp = 1200
		tags = contain storage cargo parts
			model = Squad/Parts/Cargo/StorageUnits/Assets/CargoStorageUnit
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = -1
			name = ModuleInventoryPart
			InventorySlots = 24
			packedVolumeLimit = 2500
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Cargo/StorageUnits/ConformalStorageUnit.cfg
		name = ConformalStorageUnit
		module = Part
		author = Alexander
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0
		TechRequired = spaceExploration
		entryCost = 600
		cost = 100
		category = Cargo
		subcategory = 0
		title = SEQ-3C Conformal Storage Unit
		manufacturer = Experimental Engineering Group
		description = A small storage container, built with conformal aerodynamics in mind to allow its use on both aircraft and spacecraft. Perfect for small cargo needs, or a secret snack supply.
		attachRules = 0,1,0,0,0
		mass = 0.02
		dragModelType = default
		crashTolerance = 15
		bulkheadProfiles = srf
		maxTemp = 1200
		skinMaxTemp = 2000
		tags = contain storage cargo surface conformal parts
			model = Squad/Parts/Cargo/StorageUnits/Assets/ConformalStorageUnit
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = -1
			name = ModuleInventoryPart
			InventorySlots = 3
			packedVolumeLimit = 60
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Command/Mk1-3Pod/mk1-3.cfg
		name = mk1-3pod
		module = Part
		author = RoverDude
		scale = 1
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.47924, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 1.19319, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1
		CoPOffset = 0.0, 0.6, 0.0
		CenterOfBuoyancy = 0.0, 0.8, 0.0
		CenterOfDisplacement = 0.0, -0.3, 0.0
		buoyancyUseSine = False
		buoyancy = 1.1
		CoLOffset = 0.0, -0.45, 0.0
		TechRequired = commandModules
		entryCost = 7600
		cost = 3800
		category = Pods
		subcategory = 0
		title = Mk1-3 Command Pod
		manufacturer = Kerlington Model Rockets and Paper Products Inc
		description = This modern cockpit includes space for three crew members, and integrated RCS thrusters.
		attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0
		mass = 2.6
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.20
		minimum_drag = 0.15
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 20
		bodyLiftOnlyUnattachedLift = True
		bodyLiftOnlyAttachName = bottom
		maxTemp = 1400
		skinMaxTemp = 2400
		vesselType = Ship
		CrewCapacity = 3
		bulkheadProfiles = size2, size1
		tags = capsule cmg control ?eva fly gyro ?iva moment pilot react rocket space stab steer torque
			model = Squad/Parts/Command/Mk1-3Pod/Mk1-3
			name = Mk1-3
			name = ModuleCommand
			minimumCrew = 1
			defaultControlPointDisplayName = Default
				name = reverse
				displayName = Reversed
				orientation = 0,0,180
			name = ElectricCharge
			amount = 150
			maxAmount = 150
			name = ModuleReactionWheel
			PitchTorque = 15
			YawTorque = 15
			RollTorque = 15
				name = ElectricCharge
				rate = 0.45
			name = ModuleColorChanger
			shaderProperty = _EmissiveColor
			animRate = 0.8
			animState = false
			useRate = true
			toggleInEditor = true
			toggleInFlight = true
			toggleInFlight = true
			unfocusedRange = 5
			toggleName = Toggle Lights
			eventOnName = Lights On
			eventOffName = Lights Off
			toggleAction = True
			defaultActionGroup = Light
				key = 0 0 0 3
				key = 1 1 0 0
				key = 0 0 0 1
				key = 1 1 1 0
				key = 0 0 0 0
				key = 1 0.7 1.5 0
				key = 0 1
			name = ModuleScienceExperiment
			experimentID = crewReport
			experimentActionName = Crew Report
			resetActionName = Discard Crew Report
			reviewActionName = Review Report
			useStaging = False
			useActionGroups = True
			hideUIwhenUnavailable = True
			rerunnable = True
			xmitDataScalar = 1.0
			usageReqMaskInternal = 5
			usageReqMaskExternal = -1
			name = ModuleScienceContainer
			reviewActionName = Review Stored Data
			storeActionName = Store Experiments
			evaOnlyStorage = True
			storageRange = 2.0
			name = MonoPropellant
			amount = 30
			maxAmount = 30
			name = FlagDecal
			textureQuadName = Flag
			name = ModuleConductionMultiplier
			modifiedConductionFactor = 0.003
			convectionFluxThreshold = 3000
			name = ModuleDataTransmitter
			antennaType = INTERNAL
			packetInterval = 1.0
			packetSize = 2
			packetResourceCost = 12.0
			requiredResource = ElectricCharge
			antennaPower = 5000
			optimumRange = 2500
			packetFloor = .1
			packetCeiling = 5
			name = ModuleProbeControlPoint
			minimumCrew = 2
			multiHop = False
			name = ModuleLiftingSurface
			useInternalDragModel = False
			deflectionLiftCoeff = 1.4
			liftingSurfaceCurve = CapsuleBottom
			disableBodyLift = False
			omnidirectional = False
			perpendicularOnly = True
			transformDir = Y
			transformSign = -1
			nodeEnabled = True
			attachNodeName = bottom
					channel = Ship
					transformName = thrustTransform
					clip = sound_rocket_mini
					volume = 0.0 0.0
					volume = 0.02 0.1
					volume = 0.5 0.1
					volume = 1.0 0.1
					pitch = 0.0 0.75
					pitch = 1.0 1.5
					loop = true
					modelName = Squad/FX/Monoprop_small
					transformName = thrustTransform
					emission = 0.0 0.0
					emission = 0.1 0.0
					emission = 1.0 1.0
					speed = 0.0 0.8
					speed = 1.0 1.0
					localRotation = -90, 0, 0
			name = ModuleRCSFX
			stagingEnabled = False
			thrusterTransformName = thrustTransform
			thrusterPower = 1
			resourceName = MonoPropellant
			resourceFlowMode = STAGE_PRIORITY_FLOW
			runningEffectName = running
				key = 0 240
				key = 1 100
				key = 4 0.001
			name = ModuleInventoryPart
			InventorySlots = 3
			packedVolumeLimit = 200
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Command/MpoProbe/MpoProbe.cfg
		name = MpoProbe
		module = Part
		author = Squad
		mesh =
		rescaleFactor = 1.0
		CrewCapacity = 0
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.5, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.5, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1
		TechRequired = largeUnmanned
		entryCost = 34700
		cost = 9900
		category = Pods
		subcategory = 0
		title = MPO Probe
		manufacturer = STEADLER Engineering Corps
		description = The Moho Planetary Observer combines the function of many parts in one, to help make sure the searing heat of its primary mission target is distributed and dissipated without harming its critical control functionality.
		attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0
		mass = 0.395
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.15
		angularDrag = 1.5
		crashTolerance = 9
		maxTemp = 2200
		explosionPotential = 0
		vesselType = Probe
		bulkheadProfiles = size2
		tags = esa probe control cmg command control fly gyro moment react stab steer torque
			name = ModuleCommand
			minimumCrew = 0
			hasHibernation = True
			hibernationMultiplier = 0.002
			defaultControlPointDisplayName = Default
				name = ElectricCharge
				rate = 0.05
				name = forward
				displayName = Forward
				orientation = 90,0,0
				name = reverse
				displayName = Reversed
				orientation = 0,0,180
			name = ModuleReactionWheel
			PitchTorque = 6
			YawTorque = 6
			RollTorque = 6
				name = ElectricCharge
				rate = .3
			name = ModuleSAS
			SASServiceLevel = 3
			name = ModuleKerbNetAccess
			MinimumFoV = 3
			MaximumFoV = 84
			AnomalyDetection = 0.35
				Mode = Biome,#autoLOC_438890
				Mode = Terrain,#autoLOC_438839
			name = ModuleDataTransmitter
			antennaType = RELAY
			packetInterval = 0.35
			packetSize = 1
			packetResourceCost = 24.0
			requiredResource = ElectricCharge
			antennaPower = 2000000000
			antennaCombinable = True
			name = ModuleScienceContainer
			reviewActionName = Review Stored Data
			storeActionName = Store Experiments
			evaOnlyStorage = True
			storageRange = 1.8
			canBeTransferredToInVessel = True
			canTransferInVessel = True
			name = LiquidFuel
			amount = 45
			maxAmount = 45
			name = Oxidizer
			amount = 55
			maxAmount = 55
			name = ElectricCharge
			amount = 1000
			maxAmount = 1000
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			stackableQuantity = 1
			packedVolume = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Command/MtmStage/MTM_Stage.cfg
		name = MtmStage
		module = Part
		author = Squad
		mesh =
		rescaleFactor = 1.0
		CrewCapacity = 0
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1
		node_stack_top = 0.0, -0.95, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
		node_stack_engine1 = 0.0, -0.6, -0.37, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0
		node_stack_engine2 = 0.0, -0.6, 0.37, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0
		node_stack_engine3 = 0.28, -0.6, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0
		node_stack_engine4 = -0.28, -0.6, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0
		stackSymmetry = 3
		TechRequired = largeUnmanned
		entryCost = 15000
		cost = 21500
		category = Pods
		subcategory = 0
		title = MTM Stage
		manufacturer = STEADLER Engineering Corps
		description = The Moho Transfer Module houses a control core and a generously sized xenon tank. Perfect for transporting large scientific payloads anywhere where large amounts of deltaV are required.
		attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0
		mass = 0.415
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.15
		angularDrag = 1.5
		crashTolerance = 12
		maxTemp = 2200
		explosionPotential = 0
		vesselType = Probe
		bulkheadProfiles = size2
		tags = esa probe control cmg command control fly gyro moment react stab steer torque
			name = ModuleCommand
			minimumCrew = 0
			hasHibernation = True
			defaultControlPointDisplayName = Default
				name = ElectricCharge
				rate = 0.03
				name = forward
				displayName = Forward
				orientation = 90,0,0
				name = reverse
				displayName = Reversed
				orientation = 0,0,180
			name = ModuleReactionWheel
			PitchTorque = 12
			YawTorque = 12
			RollTorque = 12
				name = ElectricCharge
				rate = .6
			name = ModuleSAS
			SASServiceLevel = 2
			name = ModuleKerbNetAccess
			MinimumFoV = 20
			MaximumFoV = 55
			AnomalyDetection = 0.05
				Mode = Biome,#autoLOC_438890
				Mode = Terrain,#autoLOC_438839
			name = ModuleDataTransmitter
			antennaType = INTERNAL
			packetInterval = 1.0
			packetSize = 2
			packetResourceCost = 12.0
			requiredResource = ElectricCharge
			antennaPower = 5000
			optimumRange = 2500
			packetFloor = .1
			packetCeiling = 5
			name = ElectricCharge
			amount = 4000
			maxAmount = 4000
			name = XenonGas
			amount = 3800
			maxAmount = 3800
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			stackableQuantity = 1
			packedVolume = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Command/advancedSasModuleLarge/advSasModuleLarge.cfg
		name = asasmodule1-2
		module = Part
		author = NovaSilisko
		mesh =
		rescaleFactor = 1
		iconCenter = 0, 3, 0
		node_stack_top = 0, 0.25, 0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2
		node_stack_bottom = 0, -0.25, 0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2
		buoyancy = 0.1
		buoyancyUseSine = False
		TechRequired = specializedControl
		entryCost = 11600
		cost = 2100
		category = Control
		subcategory = 0
		title = Advanced Reaction Wheel Module, Large
		manufacturer = STEADLER Engineering Corps
		description = After many years of research, STEADLER Corps rocket engineers discovered that large flywheels were necessary to keep large ships under control. The "Advanced Reaction Wheel Module, Large" addresses that issue by its use of patented Large Flywheels™ to provide "More Torque" (patent pending). STEADLER promptly dismissed all criticism concerning the necessity of so much research work, stating that 'it only sounds so simple now that we've figured it out'. Critics remain skeptical, but none can disagree that this module does indeed pack a lot more punch than previous models. It also needs a lot more power, but STEADLER is currently carrying out intense research work on why that is.
		attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0
		mass = 0.2
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 9
		maxTemp = 2000
		bulkheadProfiles = size2
		tags = cmg command control fly gyro moment react stab steer torque
			name = ModuleReactionWheel
			PitchTorque = 30
			YawTorque = 30
			RollTorque = 30
			torqueResponseSpeed = 30
				name = ElectricCharge
				rate = 0.6
			cube = Default, 1.245117,0.7806778,1.344706, 1.245117,0.7806778,1.344706, 4.643318,0.9183766,0.5737258, 4.643318,0.9590334,0.5462748, 1.245117,0.774645,1.344706, 1.245117,0.774645,1.344706, 0,0,0, 2.5,0.5000004,2.5
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Command/cupola/cupola.cfg
		name = cupola
		module = Part
		author = Squad
		mesh =
		rescaleFactor = 1.0
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.4, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.83, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1
		TechRequired = commandModules
		entryCost = 10200
		cost = 1600
		category = Pods
		subcategory = 0
		title = PPD-12 Cupola Module
		manufacturer = Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spacecraft Parts Co
		description = The PPD-12 was developed to provide a high visibility control room for orbital stations, and a place for thoughtful Kerbals to contemplate the beauty of the cosmos.
		attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0
		mass = 0.94
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.20
		minimum_drag = 0.20
		angularDrag = 4
		crashTolerance = 8
		maxTemp = 1000
		skinMaxTemp = 2000
		vesselType = Lander
		CrewCapacity = 1
		bulkheadProfiles = size2, size1
		tags = base capsule cmg command control ?eva fly gyro ?iva moment outpost pilot pod react rocket space stab statio steer torque view
			name = cupolaInternal
			name = ModuleCommand
			minimumCrew = 1
			defaultControlPointDisplayName = Up
				name = forward
				displayName = Forward
				orientation = 90,0,0
				name = reverse
				displayName = Reversed
				orientation = 0,0,180
			name = ElectricCharge
			amount = 200
			maxAmount = 200
			name = ModuleReactionWheel
			PitchTorque = 9
			YawTorque = 9
			RollTorque = 9
				name = ElectricCharge
				rate = 0.9
			name = ModuleScienceExperiment
			experimentID = crewReport
			experimentActionName = Crew Report
			resetActionName = Discard Crew Report
			reviewActionName = Review Report
			useStaging = False
			useActionGroups = True
			hideUIwhenUnavailable = True
			rerunnable = True
			xmitDataScalar = 1.0
			usageReqMaskInternal = 5
			usageReqMaskExternal = -1
			interactionRange = 2
			name = ModuleScienceContainer
			reviewActionName = Review Stored Data
			storeActionName = Store Experiments
			evaOnlyStorage = True
			storageRange = 2
			name = MonoPropellant
			amount = 10
			maxAmount = 10
			name = FlagDecal
			textureQuadName = flagTransform
			name = ModuleColorChanger
			shaderProperty = _EmissiveColor
			animRate = 0.8
			animState = false
			useRate = true
			toggleInEditor = true
			toggleInFlight = true
			toggleInFlight = true
			unfocusedRange = 5
			toggleName = Toggle Lights
			eventOnName = Lights On
			eventOffName = Lights Off
			toggleAction = True
			defaultActionGroup = Light
				key = 0 0 0 3
				key = 1 1 0 0
				key = 0 0 0 1
				key = 1 1 1 0
				key = 0 0 0 0
				key = 1 0.7 1.5 0
				key = 0 1
			name = ModuleDataTransmitter
			antennaType = INTERNAL
			packetInterval = 1.0
			packetSize = 2
			packetResourceCost = 12.0
			requiredResource = ElectricCharge
			antennaPower = 5000
			optimumRange = 2500
			packetFloor = .1
			packetCeiling = 5
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			stackableQuantity = 1
			packedVolume = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Command/externalCommandSeat/externalCommandSeat.cfg
		name = seatExternalCmd
		module = Part
		author = NovaSilisko
		mesh =
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 0.2, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0
		TechRequired = fieldScience
		entryCost = 8100
		cost = 200
		category = Pods
		subcategory = 0
		title = EAS-1 External Command Seat
		manufacturer = Kerlington Model Rockets and Paper Products Inc
		description = The EAS-1 External Command Seat provides all the controls needed to fully operate a spacecraft, just like a command pod, but without such needless frivolities as "pressurized interiors", or "seat belts". It's bare-bones, pedal-to-the-metal efficiency at its finest.
		attachRules = 0,1,0,1,0
		mass = 0.05
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.05
		minimum_drag = 0.05
		angularDrag = 1
		crashTolerance = 6
		breakingForce = 20
		breakingTorque = 20
		maxTemp = 1200
		vesselType = Rover
		CrewCapacity = 1
		applyKerbalMassModification = false
		bulkheadProfiles = srf
		tags = chair control kerbal rover
			name = KerbalSeat
			seatPivotName = seatPivot
			ejectDirection = 0.0, 0.1, 0.1
			ejectionForceMax = 100.0
			ejectionForcePercentage = 0.0
			ejectionForceDirection = 0.0, 1.0, 0.0
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 70
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Command/hitchhikerStorageContainer/hitchikerStorageContainer.cfg
		name = crewCabin
		module = Part
		author = NovaSilisko
		mesh =
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.986899, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.986899, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2
		CrewCapacity = 4
		TechRequired = spaceExploration
		entryCost = 12400
		cost = 4000
		category = Utility
		subcategory = 0
		title = PPD-10 Hitchhiker Storage Container
		manufacturer = Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spacecraft Parts Co
		description = The HSC was an invention of necessity - how do we store 4 Kerbals on-orbit without any real provisions for return? Who needed this remains a mystery, as do his motivations.
		attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0
		mass = 2.25
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.3
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 6
		breakingForce = 200
		breakingTorque = 200
		maxTemp = 1000
		skinMaxTemp = 2000
		vesselType = Ship
		bulkheadProfiles = size2
		tags = base cabin (can outpost passenger statio tour tuna
			name = crewCabinInternals
			name = ModuleColorChanger
			shaderProperty = _EmissiveColor
			animRate = 0.8
			animState = false
			useRate = true
			toggleInEditor = true
			toggleInFlight = true
			toggleInFlight = true
			unfocusedRange = 5
			toggleName = Toggle Lights
			eventOnName = Lights On
			eventOffName = Lights Off
			toggleAction = True
			defaultActionGroup = Light
				key = 0 0 0 3
				key = 1 1 0 0
				key = 0 0 0 1
				key = 1 1 1 0
				key = 0 0 0 0
				key = 1 0.7 1.5 0
				key = 0 1
			name = ModuleScienceExperiment
			experimentID = crewReport
			experimentActionName = Crew Report
			resetActionName = Discard Crew Report
			reviewActionName = Review Report
			useStaging = False
			useActionGroups = True
			hideUIwhenUnavailable = True
			rerunnable = True
			xmitDataScalar = 1.0
			usageReqMaskInternal = 5
			usageReqMaskExternal = -1
			name = ModuleScienceContainer
			reviewActionName = Review Stored Data
			storeActionName = Store Experiments
			evaOnlyStorage = True
			storageRange = 2.0
			name = FlagDecal
			textureQuadName = flagTransform
			name = ModuleInventoryPart
			InventorySlots = 18
			packedVolumeLimit = 1500
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Command/inlineAdvancedStabilizer/inlineAdvancedStabilizer.cfg
		name = advSasModule
		module = Part
		author = NovaSilisko
		mesh =
		scale = 1
		rescaleFactor = 1
		iconCenter = 0, 3, 0
		node_stack_top = 0, 0.1990267, 0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0
		node_stack_bottom = 0, -0.1990267, 0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0
		TechRequired = advFlightControl
		entryCost = 7200
		cost = 1200
		category = Control
		subcategory = 0
		title = Advanced Inline Stabilizer
		manufacturer = STEADLER Engineering Corps
		description = The Advanced Inline Stabilizer module containing a larger, heavier array of reaction wheels. These spin very quickly to create torque without wasting propellant. These larger wheels are driven by proportionally larger electric motors, so keep an eye on your Electricity levels.
		attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0
		mass = 0.1
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 9
		maxTemp = 2000
		bulkheadProfiles = size1
		tags = cmg command control fly gyro moment react stab steer torque
			name = ModuleReactionWheel
			PitchTorque = 15
			YawTorque = 15
			RollTorque = 15
			torqueResponseSpeed = 15
				name = ElectricCharge
				rate = 0.45
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 650
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Command/inlineReactionWheel/inlineReactionWheel.cfg
		name = sasModule
		module = Part
		author = NovaSilisko
		mesh =
		scale = 1
		rescaleFactor = 0.5
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.1822218, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.1822218, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0
		TechRequired = flightControl
		entryCost = 3200
		cost = 600
		category = Control
		subcategory = 0
		title = Small Inline Reaction Wheel
		description = The inline reaction wheel system uses a series of spinning discs that are going "Very Fast", to generate the torque necessary to control a spacecraft without wasting any propellant. Please do not attempt to service this device while it is running.
		attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0
		mass = 0.05
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 9
		maxTemp = 2000
		bulkheadProfiles = size0
		tags = cmg command control fly gyro moment react stab steer torque
			name = ModuleReactionWheel
			PitchTorque = 5
			YawTorque = 5
			RollTorque = 5
				name = ElectricCharge
				rate = 0.25
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 70
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Command/mk1Cockpits/mk1Cockpit.cfg
		name = Mark1Cockpit
		module = Part
		author = Porkjet
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.175, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
		CoMOffset = 0.0, 0.8, 0.0
		CoPOffset = 0.0, 1.2, 0.0
		CoLOffset = 0.0, 0.4, 0.0
		TechRequired = aviation
		entryCost = 2600
		cost = 1250
		category = Pods
		subcategory = 0
		title = Mk1 Cockpit
		manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division
		description = C7 Aerospace is proud to present our second generation cockpit. This unit is equipped to ensure survival in some of the worst conditions possible. The extra re-enforcement has slightly increased the weight.
		attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0
		mass = 1.25
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.1
		minimum_drag = 0.1
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 40
		maxTemp = 1100
		skinMaxTemp = 2000
		vesselType = Plane
		CrewCapacity = 1
		bulkheadProfiles = size1
		tags = aero aircraft cmg command control ?eva fly gyro ?iva moment pilot plane react space stab steer torque
			model = Squad/Parts/Command/mk1Cockpits/CockpitStandard
			name = mk1CockpitInternal
			name = ModuleCommand
			minimumCrew = 1
			name = ElectricCharge
			amount = 50
			maxAmount = 50
			name = ModuleReactionWheel
			PitchTorque = 10
			YawTorque = 10
			RollTorque = 10
				name = ElectricCharge
				rate = 0.375
			name = ModuleScienceExperiment
			experimentID = crewReport
			experimentActionName = Crew Report
			resetActionName = Discard Crew Report
			reviewActionName = Review Report
			useStaging = False
			useActionGroups = True
			hideUIwhenUnavailable = True
			rerunnable = True
			xmitDataScalar = 1.0
			usageReqMaskInternal = 5
			usageReqMaskExternal = -1
			name = ModuleScienceContainer
			reviewActionName = Review Stored Data
			storeActionName = Store Experiments
			evaOnlyStorage = True
			storageRange = 1.3
			name = MonoPropellant
			amount = 7.5
			maxAmount = 7.5
			name = FlagDecal
			textureQuadName = FLAG
			name = ModuleDataTransmitter
			antennaType = INTERNAL
			packetInterval = 1.0
			packetSize = 2
			packetResourceCost = 12.0
			requiredResource = ElectricCharge
			antennaPower = 5000
			optimumRange = 2500
			packetFloor = .1
			packetCeiling = 5
			name = ModuleColorChanger
			shaderProperty = _EmissiveColor
			animRate = 0.8
			animState = false
			useRate = true
			toggleInEditor = true
			toggleInFlight = true
			toggleInFlight = true
			unfocusedRange = 5
			toggleName = Toggle Lights
			eventOnName = Lights On
			eventOffName = Lights Off
			toggleAction = True
			defaultActionGroup = Light
				key = 0 0 0 3
				key = 1 1 0 0
				key = 0 0 0 1
				key = 1 1 1 0
				key = 0 0 0 0
				key = 1 0.7 1.5 0
				key = 0 1
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			stackableQuantity = 1
			packedVolume = -1
			name = ModuleInventoryPart
			InventorySlots = 1
			packedVolumeLimit = 75
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Command/mk1Cockpits/mk1CrewCabin.cfg
		name = MK1CrewCabin
		module = Part
		author = Porkjet
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.9375, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.9375, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0
		TechRequired = generalConstruction
		entryCost = 2600
		cost = 550
		category = Utility
		subcategory = 0
		title = Mk1 Crew Cabin
		manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division
		description = A cozy passenger cabin derived from a business jet and upgraded for use in spacecraft.
		attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0
		mass = 1
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.1
		minimum_drag = 0.1
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 40
		maxTemp = 1000
		skinMaxTemp = 2000
		vesselType = Ship
		CrewCapacity = 2
		bulkheadProfiles = size1
		noAutoEVAMulti = True
		tags = base contain outpost passenger statio (stor tour
			model = Squad/Parts/Command/mk1Cockpits/Cabin
			name = mk1CabinInternal
			name = ModuleScienceExperiment
			experimentID = crewReport
			experimentActionName = Crew Report
			resetActionName = Discard Crew Report
			reviewActionName = Review Report
			useStaging = False
			useActionGroups = True
			hideUIwhenUnavailable = True
			rerunnable = True
			xmitDataScalar = 1.0
			usageReqMaskInternal = 5
			usageReqMaskExternal = -1
			name = ModuleScienceContainer
			reviewActionName = Review Stored Data
			storeActionName = Store Experiments
			evaOnlyStorage = True
			storageRange = 1.5
			name = ModuleDataTransmitter
			antennaType = INTERNAL
			packetInterval = 1.0
			packetSize = 2
			packetResourceCost = 12.0
			requiredResource = ElectricCharge
			antennaPower = 5000
			optimumRange = 2500
			packetFloor = .1
			packetCeiling = 5
			name = ModuleColorChanger
			shaderProperty = _EmissiveColor
			animRate = 0.8
			animState = false
			useRate = true
			toggleInEditor = true
			toggleInFlight = true
			toggleInFlight = true
			unfocusedRange = 5
			toggleName = Toggle Lights
			eventOnName = Lights On
			eventOffName = Lights Off
			toggleAction = True
			defaultActionGroup = Light
				key = 0 0 0 3
				key = 1 1 0 0
				key = 0 0 0 1
				key = 1 1 1 0
				key = 0 0 0 0
				key = 1 0.7 1.5 0
				key = 0 1
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			stackableQuantity = 1
			packedVolume = -1
			name = ModuleInventoryPart
			InventorySlots = 2
			packedVolumeLimit = 100
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Command/mk1Cockpits/mk1InlineCockpit.cfg
		name = Mark2Cockpit
		module = Part
		author = Porkjet
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.9375, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.9375, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0
		TechRequired = aerodynamicSystems
		entryCost = 5800
		cost = 1600
		category = Pods
		subcategory = 0
		title = Mk1 Inline Cockpit
		manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division
		description = A next generation inline cockpit. Designed for sleek high speed aircraft.
		attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0
		mass = 1
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.08
		minimum_drag = 0.08
		angularDrag = 1
		crashTolerance = 40
		maxTemp = 1100
		skinMaxTemp = 2000
		vesselType = Plane
		CrewCapacity = 1
		bulkheadProfiles = size1
		tags = aero aircraft cmg command control ?eva fly gyro ?iva moment pilot plane react space stab steer torque
			model = Squad/Parts/Command/mk1Cockpits/CockpitInline
			name = mk1InlineInternal
			name = ModuleCommand
			minimumCrew = 1
			name = ElectricCharge
			amount = 50
			maxAmount = 50
			name = ModuleReactionWheel
			PitchTorque = 10
			YawTorque = 10
			RollTorque = 10
				name = ElectricCharge
				rate = 0.3
			name = ModuleScienceExperiment
			experimentID = crewReport
			experimentActionName = Crew Report
			resetActionName = Discard Crew Report
			reviewActionName = Review Report
			useStaging = False
			useActionGroups = True
			hideUIwhenUnavailable = True
			rerunnable = True
			xmitDataScalar = 1.0
			usageReqMaskInternal = 5
			usageReqMaskExternal = -1
			name = ModuleScienceContainer
			reviewActionName = Review Stored Data
			storeActionName = Store Experiments
			evaOnlyStorage = True
			storageRange = 1.3
			name = MonoPropellant
			amount = 7.5
			maxAmount = 7.5
			name = FlagDecal
			textureQuadName = FLAG
			name = ModuleDataTransmitter
			antennaType = INTERNAL
			packetInterval = 1.0
			packetSize = 2
			packetResourceCost = 12.0
			requiredResource = ElectricCharge
			antennaPower = 5000
			optimumRange = 2500
			packetFloor = .1
			packetCeiling = 5
			name = ModuleColorChanger
			shaderProperty = _EmissiveColor
			animRate = 0.8
			animState = false
			useRate = true
			toggleInEditor = true
			toggleInFlight = true
			toggleInFlight = true
			unfocusedRange = 5
			toggleName = Toggle Lights
			eventOnName = Lights On
			eventOffName = Lights Off
			toggleAction = True
			defaultActionGroup = Light
				key = 0 0 0 3
				key = 1 1 0 0
				key = 0 0 0 1
				key = 1 1 1 0
				key = 0 0 0 0
				key = 1 0.7 1.5 0
				key = 0 1
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			stackableQuantity = 1
			packedVolume = -1
			name = ModuleInventoryPart
			InventorySlots = 1
			packedVolumeLimit = 75
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Command/mk1LanderCan/mk1LanderCan.cfg
		name = landerCabinSmall
		module = Part
		author = Squad
		mesh =
		rescaleFactor = 1.0
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.625, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.625, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1
		TechRequired = advFlightControl
		entryCost = 6800
		cost = 1500
		category = Pods
		subcategory = 0
		title = Mk1 Lander Can
		manufacturer = Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spacecraft Parts Co
		description = This capsule was designed for lightweight non-atmospheric landers, and seats a single occupant. Features a novel full-body crumple-zone technology.
		attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0
		mass = 0.6
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.20
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 12
		maxTemp = 1000
		skinMaxTemp = 2000
		vesselType = Lander
		CrewCapacity = 1
		bulkheadProfiles = size1
		tags = capsule cmg command control ?eva fly gyro ?iva moment pilot pod react rocket space stab steer torque
			name = landerCabinSmallInternal
			name = ModuleCommand
			minimumCrew = 1
			defaultControlPointDisplayName = Up
				name = forward
				displayName = Forward
				orientation = 90,0,0
				name = reverse
				displayName = Reversed
				orientation = 0,0,180
			name = ElectricCharge
			amount = 50
			maxAmount = 50
			name = ModuleReactionWheel
			PitchTorque = 3
			YawTorque = 3
			RollTorque = 3
				name = ElectricCharge
				rate = 0.3
			name = ModuleColorChanger
			shaderProperty = _EmissiveColor
			animRate = 0.8
			animState = false
			useRate = true
			toggleInEditor = true
			toggleInFlight = true
			toggleInFlight = true
			unfocusedRange = 5
			toggleName = Toggle Lights
			eventOnName = Lights On
			eventOffName = Lights Off
			toggleAction = True
			defaultActionGroup = Light
				key = 0 0 0 3
				key = 1 1 0 0
				key = 0 0 0 1
				key = 1 1 1 0
				key = 0 0 0 0
				key = 1 0.7 1.5 0
				key = 0 1
			name = ModuleScienceExperiment
			experimentID = crewReport
			experimentActionName = Crew Report
			resetActionName = Discard Crew Report
			reviewActionName = Review Report
			useStaging = False
			useActionGroups = True
			hideUIwhenUnavailable = True
			rerunnable = True
			xmitDataScalar = 1.0
			usageReqMaskInternal = 5
			usageReqMaskExternal = -1
			name = ModuleScienceContainer
			reviewActionName = Review Stored Data
			storeActionName = Store Experiments
			evaOnlyStorage = True
			storageRange = 1.3
			name = MonoPropellant
			amount = 15
			maxAmount = 15
			name = FlagDecal
			textureQuadName = flagTransform
			name = ModuleDataTransmitter
			antennaType = INTERNAL
			packetInterval = 1.0
			packetSize = 2
			packetResourceCost = 12.0
			requiredResource = ElectricCharge
			antennaPower = 5000
			optimumRange = 2500
			packetFloor = .1
			packetCeiling = 5
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			stackableQuantity = 1
			packedVolume = -1
			name = ModuleInventoryPart
			InventorySlots = 1
			packedVolumeLimit = 40
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Command/mk1pod_v2/mk1Pod_v2.cfg
		name = mk1pod_v2
		module = Part
		author = RoverDude
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.4050379, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.6423756, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0
		bulkheadProfiles = size1, size0
		CoPOffset = 0.0, 0.5, 0.0
		CoLOffset = 0.0, -0.35, 0.0
		CenterOfBuoyancy = 0.0, 0.5, 0.0
		CenterOfDisplacement = 0.0, -0.3, 0.0
		buoyancy = 1.5
		buoyancyUseSine = False
		TechRequired = start
		entryCost = 0
		cost = 600
		category = Pods
		subcategory = 0
		title = Mk1 Command Pod
		manufacturer = Kerlington Model Rockets and Paper Products Inc
		description = Originally built as a placeholder for a demonstration mock-up of a rocket, the Mk1 Command Pod was heralded as a far safer and more reliable option than its predecessors by rocket scientists throughout the world. It is now commonly seen in active service.
		attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0
		bodyLiftOnlyUnattachedLift = True
		bodyLiftOnlyAttachName = bottom
		mass = 0.8
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.15
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 14
		maxTemp = 1200
		skinMaxTemp = 2200
		skinInternalConductionMult = 0.625
		heatConductivity = 0.1
		vesselType = Ship
		CrewCapacity = 1
		tags = capsule cmg control ?eva fly gyro ?iva moment pilot react rocket space stab steer torque
			model = Squad/Parts/Command/mk1pod_v2/Mk1Pod_v2
			name = mk1pod_IVA
			name = ModuleCommand
			minimumCrew = 1
			defaultControlPointDisplayName = Default
				name = reverse
				displayName = Reversed
				orientation = 0,0,180
			name = ElectricCharge
			amount = 50
			maxAmount = 50
			name = ModuleReactionWheel
			PitchTorque = 5
			YawTorque = 5
			RollTorque = 5
				name = ElectricCharge
				rate = 0.24
			name = ModuleColorChanger
			shaderProperty = _EmissiveColor
			animRate = 0.8
			animState = false
			useRate = true
			toggleInEditor = true
			toggleInFlight = true
			toggleInFlight = true
			unfocusedRange = 5
			toggleName = Toggle Lights
			eventOnName = Lights On
			eventOffName = Lights Off
			toggleAction = True
			defaultActionGroup = Light
				key = 0 0 0 3
				key = 1 1 0 0
				key = 0 0 0 1
				key = 1 1 1 0
				key = 0 0 0 0
				key = 1 0.7 1.5 0
				key = 0 1
			name = ModuleScienceExperiment
			experimentID = crewReport
			experimentActionName = Crew Report
			resetActionName = Discard Crew Report
			reviewActionName = Review Report
			useStaging = False
			useActionGroups = True
			hideUIwhenUnavailable = True
			rerunnable = True
			xmitDataScalar = 1.0
			usageReqMaskInternal = 5
			usageReqMaskExternal = -1
			name = ModuleScienceContainer
			reviewActionName = Review Stored Data
			storeActionName = Store Experiments
			evaOnlyStorage = True
			storageRange = 1.3
			name = MonoPropellant
			amount = 10
			maxAmount = 10
			name = ModuleConductionMultiplier
			modifiedConductionFactor = 0.003
			convectionFluxThreshold = 3000
			name = ModuleDataTransmitter
			antennaType = INTERNAL
			packetInterval = 1.0
			packetSize = 2
			packetResourceCost = 12.0
			requiredResource = ElectricCharge
			antennaPower = 5000
			optimumRange = 2500
			packetFloor = .1
			packetCeiling = 5
			name = ModuleLiftingSurface
			useInternalDragModel = False
			deflectionLiftCoeff = 0.35
			liftingSurfaceCurve = CapsuleBottom
			disableBodyLift = False
			omnidirectional = False
			perpendicularOnly = True
			transformDir = Y
			transformSign = -1
			nodeEnabled = True
			attachNodeName = bottom
			name = FlagDecal
			textureQuadName = Flag
			name = ModulePartVariants
			primaryColor = #000000
			secondaryColor = #000000
			baseDisplayName = Dark
			baseThemeName = Dark
			useMultipleDragCubes = false
				name = White
				displayName = White
				themeName = White
				primaryColor = #ffffff
				secondaryColor = #ffffff
					mainTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Command/mk1pod_v2/Mk1_v2_W
					_BumpMap = Squad/Parts/Command/mk1pod_v2/Mk1_v2_W_N
				name = GrayAndWhite
				displayName = Gray and White
				themeName = GrayAndWhite
				primaryColor = #ffffff
				secondaryColor = #999999
					mainTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Command/mk1pod_v2/Mk1_v2_GW
					_BumpMap = Squad/Parts/Command/mk1pod_v2/Mk1_v2_W_N
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			stackableQuantity = 1
			packedVolume = -1
			name = ModuleInventoryPart
			InventorySlots = 1
			packedVolumeLimit = 50
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Command/mk2CockpitInline/mk2CockpitInline.cfg
		name = mk2Cockpit_Inline
		module = Part
		author = Porkjet
		mesh =
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 1.25, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -1.25, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
		TechRequired = highAltitudeFlight
		entryCost = 20000
		cost = 3500
		category = Pods
		subcategory = 0
		title = Mk2 Inline Cockpit
		manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division
		description = After 'accidentally' snapping the nose off of the Mk2 Cockpit, the engineers over at the C7 Aerospace Division realised that such a design looked quite functional. They quickly hammered out the following part and spruced it up for all your inline spaceplane cockpit needs!
		attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0
		mass = 2.0
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.1
		minimum_drag = 0.1
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 45
		maxTemp = 1400
		skinMaxTemp = 2500
		emissiveConstant = 0.8
		vesselType = Plane
		CrewCapacity = 2
		bulkheadProfiles = mk2
		breakingForce = 50
		breakingTorque = 50
		tags = aero aircraft cmg command control ?eva fly gyro ?iva moment pilot plane react space stab steer torque
			name = mk2InlineInternal
			name = ModuleCommand
			minimumCrew = 1
			name = ElectricCharge
			amount = 150
			maxAmount = 150
			name = ModuleReactionWheel
			actionGUIName = Toggle RW
			PitchTorque = 15
			YawTorque = 15
			RollTorque = 15
				name = ElectricCharge
				rate = 0.5
			name = ModuleScienceExperiment
			experimentID = crewReport
			experimentActionName = Crew Report
			resetActionName = Discard Crew Report
			reviewActionName = Review Report
			useStaging = False
			useActionGroups = True
			hideUIwhenUnavailable = True
			rerunnable = True
			xmitDataScalar = 1.0
			usageReqMaskInternal = 5
			usageReqMaskExternal = -1
			name = ModuleScienceContainer
			reviewActionName = Review Stored Data
			storeActionName = Store Experiments
			evaOnlyStorage = True
			storageRange = 3.0
			name = MonoPropellant
			amount = 25
			maxAmount = 25
			name = FlagDecal
			textureQuadName = FLAG
			name = ModuleLiftingSurface
			useInternalDragModel = False
			deflectionLiftCoeff = 0.47
			dragAtMaxAoA = 0.4
			dragAtMinAoA = 0.1
			name = ModuleDataTransmitter
			antennaType = INTERNAL
			packetInterval = 1.0
			packetSize = 2
			packetResourceCost = 12.0
			requiredResource = ElectricCharge
			antennaPower = 5000
			optimumRange = 2500
			packetFloor = .1
			packetCeiling = 5
			name = ModuleColorChanger
			shaderProperty = _EmissiveColor
			animRate = 0.8
			animState = false
			useRate = true
			toggleInEditor = true
			toggleInFlight = true
			toggleInFlight = true
			unfocusedRange = 5
			toggleName = Toggle Lights
			eventOnName = Lights On
			eventOffName = Lights Off
			toggleAction = True
			defaultActionGroup = Light
				key = 0 0 0 3
				key = 1 1 0 0
				key = 0 0 0 1
				key = 1 1 1 0
				key = 0 0 0 0
				key = 1 0.7 1.5 0
				key = 0 1
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			stackableQuantity = 1
			packedVolume = -1
			name = ModuleInventoryPart
			InventorySlots = 2
			packedVolumeLimit = 150
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Command/mk2CockpitStandard/mk2CockpitStandard.cfg
		name = mk2Cockpit_Standard
		module = Part
		author = Porkjet
		mesh =
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -1.25, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
		TechRequired = supersonicFlight
		entryCost = 20000
		cost = 3500
		category = Pods
		subcategory = 0
		title = Mk2 Cockpit
		manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division
		description = Fits not one, but two Kerbals! This spearhead-shaped new Mk2 design from the lovable folks over at the C7 Aerospace Division should help you pierce the great blue yonder known as the Sky.
		attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0
		mass = 2.0
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.1
		minimum_drag = 0.1
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 45
		maxTemp = 1400
		skinMaxTemp = 2500
		emissiveConstant = 0.8
		vesselType = Plane
		CrewCapacity = 2
		bulkheadProfiles = mk2
		breakingForce = 50
		breakingTorque = 50
		tags = aero aircraft cmg command control ?eva fly gyro ?iva moment pilot plane react space stab steer torque
			name = mk2CockpitStandardInternals
			name = ModuleCommand
			minimumCrew = 1
			name = ElectricCharge
			amount = 150
			maxAmount = 150
			name = ModuleReactionWheel
			actionGUIName = Toggle RW
			PitchTorque = 15
			YawTorque = 15
			RollTorque = 15
				name = ElectricCharge
				rate = 0.5
			name = ModuleScienceExperiment
			experimentID = crewReport
			experimentActionName = Crew Report
			resetActionName = Discard Crew Report
			reviewActionName = Review Report
			useStaging = False
			useActionGroups = True
			hideUIwhenUnavailable = True
			rerunnable = True
			xmitDataScalar = 1.0
			usageReqMaskInternal = 5
			usageReqMaskExternal = -1
			name = ModuleScienceContainer
			reviewActionName = Review Stored Data
			storeActionName = Store Experiments
			evaOnlyStorage = True
			storageRange = 3.0
			name = MonoPropellant
			amount = 15
			maxAmount = 15
			name = FlagDecal
			textureQuadName = FLAG
			name = ModuleLiftingSurface
			useInternalDragModel = False
			deflectionLiftCoeff = 0.6
			dragAtMaxAoA = 0.1
			dragAtMinAoA = 0.03
			name = ModuleDataTransmitter
			antennaType = INTERNAL
			packetInterval = 1.0
			packetSize = 2
			packetResourceCost = 12.0
			requiredResource = ElectricCharge
			antennaPower = 5000
			optimumRange = 2500
			packetFloor = .1
			packetCeiling = 5
			name = ModuleColorChanger
			shaderProperty = _EmissiveColor
			animRate = 0.8
			animState = false
			useRate = true
			toggleInEditor = true
			toggleInFlight = true
			toggleInFlight = true
			unfocusedRange = 5
			toggleName = Toggle Lights
			eventOnName = Lights On
			eventOffName = Lights Off
			toggleAction = True
			defaultActionGroup = Light
				key = 0 0 0 3
				key = 1 1 0 0
				key = 0 0 0 1
				key = 1 1 1 0
				key = 0 0 0 0
				key = 1 0.7 1.5 0
				key = 0 1
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			stackableQuantity = 1
			packedVolume = -1
			name = ModuleInventoryPart
			InventorySlots = 2
			packedVolumeLimit = 150
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Command/mk2DroneCore/mk2Dronecore.cfg
		name = mk2DroneCore
		module = Part
		author = Porkjet
		mesh =
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.125, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.125, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0
		TechRequired = automation
		entryCost = 22000
		cost = 2700
		category = Pods
		subcategory = 0
		title = MK2 Drone Core
		manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division
		description = After extensive research and testing to improve the safety factor of next-generation modules for their Mk2 series, engineers at C7 Aerospace got fed up with having to constantly find new recruits willing to test their prototypes, and decided to develop an autonomous AI capable of doing the same job, only with a lot less screaming over the comms link. This was met with divided opinions, some criticizing C7 as taking the "booooring" route, others praising them for the innovation, while yet others reacted by shutting themselves in bunkers in anticipation of the time when these units will gain sentience and turn on their creators. C7 has vehemently denied any involvement in all sentient-AI-related catastrophes so far.
		attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0
		mass = 0.20
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.3
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 20
		breakingForce = 200
		breakingTorque = 200
		maxTemp = 2500
		vesselType = Probe
		bulkheadProfiles = mk2
		tags = aero aircraft cmg command control fly gyro kerbnet moment plane probe react sas satellite space stab steer torque
			name = ModuleCommand
			minimumCrew = 0
			hasHibernation = True
			hibernationMultiplier = 0.2
			defaultControlPointDisplayName = Default
				name = ElectricCharge
				rate = 0.05
				name = reverse
				displayName = Reversed
				orientation = 0,0,180
			name = ElectricCharge
			amount = 250
			maxAmount = 250
			name = ModuleReactionWheel
			PitchTorque = 15
			YawTorque = 3
			RollTorque = 3
				name = ElectricCharge
				rate = 0.5
			name = ModuleSAS
			SASServiceLevel = 3
			name = ModuleKerbNetAccess
			EnhancedSituationMask = 24
			EnhancedMinimumFoV = 45
			EnhancedMaximumFoV = 135
			MinimumFoV = 10
			MaximumFoV = 20
			AnomalyDetection = 0.48
				Mode = Biome,#autoLOC_438890
				Mode = Terrain,#autoLOC_438839
			name = ModuleDataTransmitter
			antennaType = INTERNAL
			packetInterval = 1.0
			packetSize = 2
			packetResourceCost = 12.0
			requiredResource = ElectricCharge
			antennaPower = 5000
			optimumRange = 2500
			packetFloor = .1
			packetCeiling = 5
			cube = Default, 0.3691,0.5661,1.324, 0.3691,0.5661,1.324, 2.494,0.972,0.1627, 2.494,0.972,0.1627, 0.6348,0.9013,0.7, 0.6348,0.9013,0.7, 0,-6.258E-07,7.461E-14, 2.5,0.25,1.5
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 900
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Command/mk2LanderCan/mk2LanderCan.cfg
		name = mk2LanderCabin
		module = Part
		author = NovaSilisko
		mesh =
		scale = 1
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.4035744, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.7519293, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2
		entryCost = 0
		TechHidden = True
		TechRequired = commandModules
		category = none
		cost = 3250
		subcategory = 0
		title = Mk2 Lander Can
		manufacturer = Sean's Cannery
		description = This cozy capsule seats two, and is very lightweight. However, don't expect it to survive atmospheric entry or even a sneeze.
		attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0
		mass = 2.5
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.20
		minimum_drag = 0.15
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 8
		maxTemp = 1200
		skinMaxTemp = 2000
		vesselType = Lander
		CrewCapacity = 2
		bulkheadProfiles = size2
		tags = capsule cmg command control ?eva fly gyro ?iva moment pilot pod react rocket space stab steer torque
			name = landerCabinInternals
			name = ModuleCommand
			minimumCrew = 1
			name = ElectricCharge
			amount = 100
			maxAmount = 100
			name = ModuleReactionWheel
			PitchTorque = 15
			YawTorque = 15
			RollTorque = 15
				name = ElectricCharge
				rate = 0.75
			name = ModuleColorChanger
			shaderProperty = _EmissiveColor
			animRate = 0.8
			animState = false
			useRate = true
			toggleInEditor = true
			toggleInFlight = true
			toggleInFlight = true
			unfocusedRange = 5
			toggleName = Toggle Lights
			eventOnName = Lights On
			eventOffName = Lights Off
			toggleAction = True
			defaultActionGroup = Light
				key = 0 0 0 3
				key = 1 1 0 0
				key = 0 0 0 1
				key = 1 1 1 0
				key = 0 0 0 0
				key = 1 0.7 1.5 0
				key = 0 1
			name = ModuleScienceExperiment
			experimentID = crewReport
			experimentActionName = Crew Report
			resetActionName = Discard Crew Report
			reviewActionName = Review Report
			useStaging = False
			useActionGroups = True
			hideUIwhenUnavailable = True
			rerunnable = True
			xmitDataScalar = 1.0
			usageReqMaskInternal = 5
			usageReqMaskExternal = -1
			name = ModuleScienceContainer
			reviewActionName = Review Stored Data
			storeActionName = Store Experiments
			evaOnlyStorage = True
			storageRange = 2.0
			name = MonoPropellant
			amount = 40
			maxAmount = 40
			name = FlagDecal
			textureQuadName = flagTransform
			name = ModuleDataTransmitter
			antennaType = INTERNAL
			packetInterval = 1.0
			packetSize = 2
			packetResourceCost = 12.0
			requiredResource = ElectricCharge
			antennaPower = 5000
			optimumRange = 2500
			packetFloor = .1
			packetCeiling = 5
			name = ModuleProbeControlPoint
			minimumCrew = 2
			multiHop = False
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			stackableQuantity = 1
			packedVolume = -1
			name = ModuleInventoryPart
			InventorySlots = 2
			packedVolumeLimit = 100
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Command/mk2LanderCan_v2/mk2LanderCan_v2.cfg
		name = mk2LanderCabin_v2
		module = Part
		author = RoverDude
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_hatch = 0.0,0.174178,-1.32667,0.0,0.0,-1,1
		node_stack_nose = 0.0,0.174178,1.36707,0.0,0.0,1,1
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.403574, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.751929, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2
		TechRequired = commandModules
		entryCost = 8200
		cost = 3250
		category = Pods
		subcategory = 0
		title = Mk2 Lander Can
		manufacturer = Sean's Cannery
		description = This cozy capsule seats two, and is very lightweight. However, don't expect it to survive atmospheric entry or even a sneeze.
		attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0
		mass = 1.355
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.20
		minimum_drag = 0.15
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 20
		maxTemp = 1200
		skinMaxTemp = 2000
		vesselType = Lander
		CrewCapacity = 2
		bulkheadProfiles = size2
		tags = capsule cmg command control ?eva fly gyro ?iva moment pilot pod react rocket space stab steer torque
			model = Squad/Parts/Command/mk2LanderCan_v2/mk2LanderCan
			name = mk2LanderCanInternal
			name = ModuleCommand
			minimumCrew = 1
			defaultControlPointDisplayName = Up
				name = forward
				displayName = Forward
				orientation = 90,0,0
				name = reverse
				displayName = Reversed
				orientation = 0,0,180
			name = ElectricCharge
			amount = 100
			maxAmount = 100
			name = ModuleReactionWheel
			PitchTorque = 15
			YawTorque = 15
			RollTorque = 15
				name = ElectricCharge
				rate = 0.75
			name = ModuleColorChanger
			shaderProperty = _EmissiveColor
			animRate = 0.8
			animState = false
			useRate = true
			toggleInEditor = true
			toggleInFlight = true
			toggleInFlight = true
			unfocusedRange = 5
			toggleName = Toggle Lights
			eventOnName = Lights On
			eventOffName = Lights Off
			toggleAction = True
			defaultActionGroup = Light
				key = 0 0 0 3
				key = 1 1 0 0
				key = 0 0 0 1
				key = 1 1 1 0
				key = 0 0 0 0
				key = 1 0.7 1.5 0
				key = 0 1
			name = ModuleScienceExperiment
			experimentID = crewReport
			experimentActionName = Crew Report
			resetActionName = Discard Crew Report
			reviewActionName = Review Report
			useStaging = False
			useActionGroups = True
			hideUIwhenUnavailable = True
			rerunnable = True
			xmitDataScalar = 1.0
			usageReqMaskInternal = 5
			usageReqMaskExternal = -1
			name = ModuleScienceContainer
			reviewActionName = Review Stored Data
			storeActionName = Store Experiments
			evaOnlyStorage = True
			storageRange = 2.0
			name = MonoPropellant
			amount = 40
			maxAmount = 40
			name = FlagDecal
			textureQuadName = Flag
			name = ModuleDataTransmitter
			antennaType = INTERNAL
			packetInterval = 1.0
			packetSize = 2
			packetResourceCost = 12.0
			requiredResource = ElectricCharge
			antennaPower = 5000
			optimumRange = 2500
			packetFloor = .1
			packetCeiling = 5
			name = ModuleProbeControlPoint
			minimumCrew = 2
			multiHop = False
			name = ModulePartVariants
			baseVariant = Lander
			useMultipleDragCubes = false
				name = Rover
				displayName = Rover
				primaryColor = #aaaaaa
				secondaryColor = #ffffff
				sizeGroup = Can
				disabledAnimations = Mk2Doors
					ColBot = false
					COLPod = true
					COLShell1 = false
					COLShell2 = false
					ColTop = false
					DoorLF = false
					DoorLR = false
					DoorRF = false
					DoorRR = false
					Flag = true
					InnerPod = true
					OuterPod = false
				name = Lander
				displayName = Lander
				primaryColor = #ffffff
				secondaryColor = #ffffff
				sizeGroup = Lander
				disabledEvents = FlagDecal.ToggleFlag
					ColBot = true
					COLPod = true
					COLShell1 = true
					COLShell2 = true
					ColTop = true
					DoorLF = true
					DoorLR = true
					DoorRF = true
					DoorRR = true
					Flag = true
					InnerPod = true
					OuterPod = true
			name = ModuleAnimateGeneric
			animationName = Mk2Doors
			startEventGUIName = Open Doors
			endEventGUIName = Close Doors
			actionGUIName = Toggle Doors
			evaDistance = 1.85
			useMultipleDragCubes = false
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			stackableQuantity = 1
			packedVolume = -1
			name = ModuleInventoryPart
			InventorySlots = 2
			packedVolumeLimit = 100
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Command/mk3CockpitShuttle/mk3CockpitShuttle.cfg
		name = mk3Cockpit_Shuttle
		module = Part
		author = Porkjet
		mesh =
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -1.25, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 3
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 3.1875, 0.625, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1
		TechRequired = heavyAerodynamics
		entryCost = 50000
		cost = 10000
		category = Pods
		subcategory = 0
		title = Mk3 Cockpit
		manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division
		description = A cockpit for those die hard explorers. Especially useful when transporting extra crew to a remote rock to save the day.
		attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0
		mass = 3.5
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.1
		minimum_drag = 0.1
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 50
		maxTemp = 1500
		skinMaxTemp = 2700
		emissiveConstant = 0.9
		fuelCrossFeed = True
		vesselType = Plane
		CrewCapacity = 4
		bulkheadProfiles = size1, mk3
		breakingForce = 300
		breakingTorque = 300
		tags = aero aircraft armageddon bruce cmg command control ?eva fly gyro ?iva moment pilot plane react shuttle space stab steer torque willis
			name = MK3_Cockpit_Int
			name = ModuleCommand
			minimumCrew = 1
			name = ElectricCharge
			amount = 500
			maxAmount = 500
			name = ModuleReactionWheel
			actionGUIName = Toggle RW
			PitchTorque = 40
			YawTorque = 40
			RollTorque = 20
				name = ElectricCharge
				rate = 1.0
			name = ModuleScienceExperiment
			experimentID = crewReport
			experimentActionName = Crew Report
			resetActionName = Discard Crew Report
			reviewActionName = Review Report
			useStaging = False
			useActionGroups = True
			hideUIwhenUnavailable = True
			rerunnable = True
			xmitDataScalar = 1.0
			usageReqMaskInternal = 5
			usageReqMaskExternal = -1
			name = ModuleScienceContainer
			reviewActionName = Review Stored Data
			storeActionName = Store Experiments
			evaOnlyStorage = True
			storageRange = 4.0
			name = MonoPropellant
			amount = 100
			maxAmount = 100
			name = FlagDecal
			textureQuadName = FLAG
			name = ModuleColorChanger
			shaderProperty = _EmissiveColor
			animRate = 0.8
			animState = false
			useRate = true
			toggleInEditor = true
			toggleInFlight = true
			toggleInFlight = true
			unfocusedRange = 5
			toggleName = Toggle Lights
			eventOnName = Lights On
			eventOffName = Lights Off
			toggleAction = True
			defaultActionGroup = Light
				key = 0 0 0 3
				key = 1 1 0 0
				key = 0 0 0 1
				key = 1 1 1 0
				key = 0 0 0 0
				key = 1 0.7 1.5 0
				key = 0 1
			name = ModuleDataTransmitter
			antennaType = INTERNAL
			packetInterval = 1.0
			packetSize = 2
			packetResourceCost = 12.0
			requiredResource = ElectricCharge
			antennaPower = 5000
			optimumRange = 2500
			packetFloor = .1
			packetCeiling = 5
			name = ModuleInventoryPart
			InventorySlots = 4
			packedVolumeLimit = 800
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Command/probeCoreCube/probeCoreCube.cfg
		name = probeCoreCube
		module = Part
		author = AlexanderM
		mesh =
		rescaleFactor = 1
		CrewCapacity = 0
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.2845967, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.2845967, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0
		TechRequired = unmannedTech
		entryCost = 3800
		cost = 360
		category = Pods
		subcategory = 0
		title = Probodobodyne QBE
		manufacturer = Probodobodyne Inc
		description = QBE is Probodobodyne's latest development in probe miniaturization. Despite its diminutive size, the QBE is a fully-functional and incredibly lightweight command unit. All this goodness comes at a price however: The QBE's tiny enclosure means there is no room for internal reaction wheels, and battery capacity is pitiful at best. Despite all this, or perhaps because of it, many engineers have found it to be ideally suited for those 'optional return' missions.
		attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0
		mass = 0.07
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.15
		angularDrag = 1.5
		crashTolerance = 15
		maxTemp = 1200
		explosionPotential = 0
		vesselType = Probe
		bulkheadProfiles = size0
		tags = command control (core cube kerbnet probe sas satellite space steer
			name = ModuleCommand
			minimumCrew = 0
			hasHibernation = True
			defaultControlPointDisplayName = Default
				name = ElectricCharge
				rate = 0.025
				name = forward
				displayName = Forward
				orientation = 90,0,0
				name = reverse
				displayName = Reversed
				orientation = 0,0,180
			name = ElectricCharge
			amount = 5.0
			maxAmount = 5.0
			name = ModuleSAS
			name = ModuleKerbNetAccess
			MinimumFoV = 13
			MaximumFoV = 72
			AnomalyDetection = 0.18
				Mode = Terrain,#autoLOC_438839
			name = ModuleDataTransmitter
			antennaType = INTERNAL
			packetInterval = 1.0
			packetSize = 2
			packetResourceCost = 12.0
			requiredResource = ElectricCharge
			antennaPower = 5000
			optimumRange = 2500
			packetFloor = .1
			packetCeiling = 5
			cube = Default, 0.2859,0.9363,0.135, 0.2859,0.9365,0.135, 0.2378,0.936,0.1355, 0.2378,0.9361,0.1355, 0.2859,0.9415,0.135, 0.2859,0.9415,0.135, 0,-1.49E-08,1.776E-15, 0.4885,0.5855,0.4885
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 140
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Command/probeCoreHex/probeCoreHex.cfg
		name = probeCoreHex
		module = Part
		author = Squad
		mesh =
		rescaleFactor = 1.0
		CrewCapacity = 0
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.1875, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.1875, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0
		TechRequired = precisionEngineering
		TechHidden = true
		entryCost = 0
		cost = 650
		category = none
		subcategory = 0
		title = Probodobodyne HECS
		manufacturer = Probodobodyne Inc
		description = The HECS core capabilities go far beyond its sleek, 6-sided futuristic casing. This probe core provides advanced guidance assistance technology, and comes fitted with internal reaction wheels and decently-sized batteries. Despite concerns that one day, autonomous spacecraft cores could become self-aware and turn against their creators, or even become very stubborn against opening pod bay doors, Probodobodyne insists that these unmanned AI-driven devices are the way of the future.
		attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0
		mass = 0.1
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.15
		angularDrag = 1.5
		crashTolerance = 12
		maxTemp = 1200
		explosionPotential = 0
		vesselType = Probe
		bulkheadProfiles = size0
		tags = cmg command control (core fly gyro hex kerbnet moment probe react sas satellite space stab steer torque
			name = ModuleCommand
			minimumCrew = 0
			hasHibernation = True
				name = ElectricCharge
				rate = 0.025
			name = ElectricCharge
			amount = 10
			maxAmount = 10
			name = ModuleReactionWheel
			PitchTorque = 0.5
			YawTorque = 0.5
			RollTorque = 0.5
				name = ElectricCharge
				rate = 0.05
			name = ModuleSAS
			SASServiceLevel = 1
			name = ModuleKerbNetAccess
			MinimumFoV = 17
			MaximumFoV = 63
			AnomalyDetection = 0.12
				Mode = Terrain,#autoLOC_438839
			name = ModuleDataTransmitter
			antennaType = INTERNAL
			packetInterval = 1.0
			packetSize = 2
			packetResourceCost = 12.0
			requiredResource = ElectricCharge
			antennaPower = 5000
			optimumRange = 2500
			packetFloor = .1
			packetCeiling = 5
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 200
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Command/probeCoreHex_v2/probeCoreHex_v2.cfg
		name = probeCoreHex_v2
		module = Part
		author = Squad
		mesh =
		rescaleFactor = 1.0
		CrewCapacity = 0
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.1875, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.1875, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0
		TechRequired = precisionEngineering
		entryCost = 4900
		cost = 650
		category = Pods
		subcategory = 0
		title = Probodobodyne HECS
		manufacturer = Probodobodyne Inc
		description = The HECS core capabilities go far beyond its sleek, 6-sided futuristic casing. This probe core provides advanced guidance assistance technology, and comes fitted with internal reaction wheels and decently-sized batteries. Despite concerns that one day, autonomous spacecraft cores could become self-aware and turn against their creators, or even become very stubborn against opening pod bay doors, Probodobodyne insists that these unmanned AI-driven devices are the way of the future.
		attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0
		mass = 0.1
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.15
		angularDrag = 1.5
		crashTolerance = 12
		maxTemp = 1200
		explosionPotential = 0
		vesselType = Probe
		bulkheadProfiles = size0
		tags = cmg command control (core fly gyro hex kerbnet moment probe react sas satellite space stab steer torque
			name = ModuleCommand
			minimumCrew = 0
			hasHibernation = True
			defaultControlPointDisplayName = Default
				name = ElectricCharge
				rate = 0.025
				name = forward
				displayName = Forward
				orientation = 90,0,0
				name = reverse
				displayName = Reversed
				orientation = 0,0,180
			name = ElectricCharge
			amount = 10
			maxAmount = 10
			name = ModuleReactionWheel
			PitchTorque = 0.5
			YawTorque = 0.5
			RollTorque = 0.5
				name = ElectricCharge
				rate = 0.05
			name = ModuleSAS
			SASServiceLevel = 1
			name = ModuleKerbNetAccess
			MinimumFoV = 17
			MaximumFoV = 63
			AnomalyDetection = 0.12
				Mode = Terrain,#autoLOC_438839
			name = ModuleDataTransmitter
			antennaType = INTERNAL
			packetInterval = 1.0
			packetSize = 2
			packetResourceCost = 12.0
			requiredResource = ElectricCharge
			antennaPower = 5000
			optimumRange = 2500
			packetFloor = .1
			packetCeiling = 5
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 200
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Command/probeCoreOcto2_v2/probeCoreOcto2_v2.cfg
		name = probeCoreOcto2_v2
		module = Part
		author = Pablo
		rescaleFactor = 1
		CrewCapacity = 0
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.0610621, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.0610621, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0
		TechRequired = unmannedTech
		entryCost = 7500
		cost = 1480
		category = Pods
		subcategory = 0
		title = Probodobodyne OKTO2
		manufacturer = Probodobodyne Inc
		description = The OKTO2 is far more than a flatter variant of the original OKTO. This new iteration of the ubiquitous 8-sided probe core features a much more advanced guidance system. This new model however, does not feature built-in reaction wheels and does requires more power to run, even on standby. Its internal battery supply is also very limited, being intended mainly to keep the Standby LEDs lit.
		attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0
		mass = 0.04
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.15
		angularDrag = 1.5
		crashTolerance = 12
		maxTemp = 1200
		explosionPotential = 0
		vesselType = Probe
		bulkheadProfiles = size0
		tags = command control (core kerbnet octo probe sas satellite space steer
			model = Squad/Parts/Command/probeCoreOcto2_v2/probeCoreOcto2_v2
			texture = octoDiffuse, Squad/Parts/Command/probeCoreOcto_v2/octoDiffuse
			texture = octoNormal, Squad/Parts/Command/probeCoreOcto_v2/octoNormal
			texture = octoSpecular, Squad/Parts/Command/probeCoreOcto_v2/octoSpecular
			name = ModuleCommand
			minimumCrew = 0
			hasHibernation = True
			defaultControlPointDisplayName = Default
				name = ElectricCharge
				rate = 0.03
				name = forward
				displayName = Forward
				orientation = 90,0,0
				name = reverse
				displayName = Reversed
				orientation = 0,0,180
			name = ElectricCharge
			amount = 5.0
			maxAmount = 5.0
			name = ModuleSAS
			SASServiceLevel = 2
			name = ModuleKerbNetAccess
			MinimumFoV = 13
			MaximumFoV = 72
			AnomalyDetection = 0.18
				Mode = Biome,#autoLOC_438890
				Mode = Terrain,#autoLOC_438839
			name = ModuleDataTransmitter
			antennaType = INTERNAL
			packetInterval = 1.0
			packetSize = 2
			packetResourceCost = 12.0
			requiredResource = ElectricCharge
			antennaPower = 5000
			optimumRange = 2500
			packetFloor = .1
			packetCeiling = 5
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 50
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Command/probeCoreOcto_v2/probeCoreOcto_v2.cfg
		name = probeCoreOcto_v2
		module = Part
		author = Pablo
		mesh = probeCoreOcto_v2
		rescaleFactor = 1
		CrewCapacity = 0
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.1870818, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.1870818, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0
		TechRequired = electrics
		entryCost = 2800
		cost = 450
		category = Pods
		subcategory = 0
		title = Probodobodyne OKTO
		manufacturer = Probodobodyne Inc
		description = The OKTO is the next step in unmanned control technology. This small unit can not only receive and relay control, it also provides automatic stabilization assistance, just as a live pilot would. Also, its 8-sided stylistic design features lots of flat surfaces for attaching equipment.
		attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0
		mass = 0.1
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.15
		angularDrag = 1.5
		crashTolerance = 12
		maxTemp = 1200
		explosionPotential = 0
		vesselType = Probe
		bulkheadProfiles = size0
		tags = cmg command control (core fly gyro kerbnet moment octo probe react sas satellite space stab steer torque
			name = ModuleCommand
			minimumCrew = 0
			hasHibernation = True
			defaultControlPointDisplayName = Default
				name = ElectricCharge
				rate = 0.020
				name = forward
				displayName = Forward
				orientation = 90,0,0
				name = reverse
				displayName = Reversed
				orientation = 0,0,180
			name = ElectricCharge
			amount = 10
			maxAmount = 10
			name = ModuleReactionWheel
			PitchTorque = 0.3
			YawTorque = 0.3
			RollTorque = 0.3
				name = ElectricCharge
				rate = 0.03
			name = ModuleSAS
			name = ModuleKerbNetAccess
			MinimumFoV = 21
			MaximumFoV = 54
			AnomalyDetection = 0.06
				Mode = Terrain,#autoLOC_438839
			name = ModuleDataTransmitter
			antennaType = INTERNAL
			packetInterval = 1.0
			packetSize = 2
			packetResourceCost = 12.0
			requiredResource = ElectricCharge
			antennaPower = 5000
			optimumRange = 2500
			packetFloor = .1
			packetCeiling = 5
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 180
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Command/probeRoverBody/probeRoverBody.cfg
		name = roverBody
		module = Part
		author = NovaSilisko
		mesh =
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.2241425, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.2241425, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1
		TechRequired = fieldScience
		TechHidden = True
		entryCost = 0
		cost = 800
		category = none
		subcategory = 0
		title = Probodobodyne RoveMate
		manufacturer = Probodobodyne Inc
		description = A sturdy housing for a robust probe and battery system - no assembly required! Though intended as the body for surface rovers, we've been told by our most day-dreaming of engineers that the possibilities are endless! While it has a Stability Assistance System, the RoveMate lacks reaction wheels so bring some along if you want to hold that attitude.
		attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0
		mass = 0.15
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.15
		angularDrag = 1.5
		crashTolerance = 12
		maxTemp = 1200
		explosionPotential = 0
		vesselType = Probe
		bulkheadProfiles = size1
		tags = command control (core kerbnet probe rover sas space steer
			name = ModuleCommand
			minimumCrew = 0
			hasHibernation = True
			hibernationMultiplier = 0.25
				name = ElectricCharge
				rate = 0.04
			name = ElectricCharge
			amount = 120
			maxAmount = 120
			name = ModuleSAS
			name = ModuleKerbNetAccess
			EnhancedSituationMask = 7
			EnhancedMinimumFoV = 160
			EnhancedMaximumFoV = 179.5
			MinimumFoV = 5
			MaximumFoV = 10
			AnomalyDetection = 1
				Mode = Biome,#autoLOC_438890
				Mode = Terrain,#autoLOC_438839
			name = ModuleDataTransmitter
			antennaType = INTERNAL
			packetInterval = 1.0
			packetSize = 2
			packetResourceCost = 12.0
			requiredResource = ElectricCharge
			antennaPower = 5000
			optimumRange = 2500
			packetFloor = .1
			packetCeiling = 5
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 750
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Command/probeRoverBody_v2/probeRoverBody_v2.cfg
		name = roverBody_v2
		module = Part
		author = AlexanderM
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_right = 0.510226, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0
		node_stack_left = -0.510226, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0
		node_stack_back = 0, 0, 0.22407, 0, 0, 1, 1
		node_stack_front = 0, 0, -0.22407, 0, 0, -1, 1
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.746285, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.746285, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0
		TechRequired = fieldScience
		entryCost = 6200
		cost = 800
		category = Pods
		subcategory = 0
		title = Probodobodyne RoveMate
		manufacturer = Probodobodyne Inc
		description = A sturdy housing for a robust probe and battery system - no assembly required! Though intended as the body for surface rovers, we've been told by our most day-dreaming of engineers that the possibilities are endless! While it has a Stability Assistance System, the RoveMate lacks reaction wheels so bring some along if you want to hold that attitude.
		attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0
		mass = 0.15
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.15
		angularDrag = 1.5
		crashTolerance = 12
		maxTemp = 1200
		explosionPotential = 0
		vesselType = Probe
		bulkheadProfiles = size1
		tags = command control (core kerbnet probe rover sas space steer
			model = Squad/Parts/Command/probeRoverBody_v2/probeRoverBody_v2
			texture = QBE_New_diffuse, Squad/Parts/Command/probeCoreCube/QBE_New_diffuse
			texture = QBE_New_NRM, Squad/Parts/Command/probeCoreCube/QBE_New_NRM
			name = ModuleCommand
			minimumCrew = 0
			hasHibernation = True
			hibernationMultiplier = 0.25
			defaultControlPointDisplayName = Forward
				name = ElectricCharge
				rate = 0.04
				name = up
				displayName = Up
				orientation = -90,0,0
				name = reverse
				displayName = Reversed
				orientation = 0,0,180
			name = ElectricCharge
			amount = 120
			maxAmount = 120
			name = ModuleSAS
			name = ModuleKerbNetAccess
			EnhancedSituationMask = 7
			EnhancedMinimumFoV = 160
			EnhancedMaximumFoV = 179.5
			MinimumFoV = 5
			MaximumFoV = 10
			AnomalyDetection = 1
				Mode = Biome,#autoLOC_438890
				Mode = Terrain,#autoLOC_438839
			name = ModuleDataTransmitter
			antennaType = INTERNAL
			packetInterval = 1.0
			packetSize = 2
			packetResourceCost = 12.0
			requiredResource = ElectricCharge
			antennaPower = 5000
			optimumRange = 2500
			packetFloor = .1
			packetCeiling = 5
			name = FlagDecal
			textureQuadName = Flag
			name = ModulePartVariants
			baseVariant = White
				name = White
				displayName = White
				themeName = White
				primaryColor = #ffffff
					bodyWhite = true
					bodyFoil = false
				name = Silver
				displayName = Silver
				themeName = Silver
				primaryColor = #cecece
					shader = KSP/Bumped Specular (Mapped)
					mainTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Command/probeRoverBody_v2/probeRoverBody_v2_silver_diffuse
					color = #ffffff
					_BumpMap = Squad/Parts/Command/probeRoverBody_v2/probeRoverBody_v2_silver_NRM
					_SpecMap = Squad/Parts/Command/probeRoverBody_v2/probeRoverBody_v2_silver_specular
					_Shininess = 0.82
					_Opacity = 1.0
					_RimFalloff = 2.0
					_AmbientMultiplier = 0.3
					bodyWhite = false
					bodyFoil = true
				name = Gold
				displayName = Gold
				themeName = Gold
				primaryColor = #fccb0a
					shader = KSP/Bumped Specular (Mapped)
					mainTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Command/probeRoverBody_v2/probeRoverBody_v2_gold_diffuse
					color = #efe38b
					_BumpMap = Squad/Parts/Command/probeRoverBody_v2/probeRoverBody_v2_gold_NRM
					_SpecMap = Squad/Parts/Command/probeRoverBody_v2/probeRoverBody_v2_gold_specular
					_Shininess = 0.82
					_Opacity = 1.0
					_RimFalloff = 2.0
					_AmbientMultiplier = 0.8
					bodyWhite = false
					bodyFoil = true
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 750
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Command/probeStackLarge/probeStackLarge.cfg
		name = probeStackLarge
		module = Part
		author = Squad
		mesh =
		rescaleFactor = 1.0
		CrewCapacity = 0
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.19, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.19, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2
		TechRequired = largeUnmanned
		entryCost = 24800
		cost = 3400
		category = Pods
		subcategory = 0
		title = RC-L01 Remote Guidance Unit
		manufacturer = STEADLER Engineering Corps
		description = A larger version of the popular RGU system, developed in partnership with the Rockomax conglomerate.
		attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0
		mass = 0.5
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 9
		maxTemp = 2000
		explosionPotential = 0
		vesselType = Probe
		bulkheadProfiles = size2
		tags = cmg command control (core fly gyro kerbnet moment probe react sas satellite space stab steer torque
			name = ModuleProbeControlPoint
			minimumCrew = 1
			multiHop = True
			name = ModuleCommand
			minimumCrew = 0
			hasHibernation = True
			hibernationMultiplier = 0.00125
			defaultControlPointDisplayName = Default
				name = ElectricCharge
				rate = 0.08
				name = reverse
				displayName = Reversed
				orientation = 0,0,180
			name = ElectricCharge
			amount = 30
			maxAmount = 30
			name = ModuleReactionWheel
			PitchTorque = 1.5
			YawTorque = 1.5
			RollTorque = 1.5
				name = ElectricCharge
				rate = 0.15
			name = ModuleSAS
			SASServiceLevel = 3
			name = ModuleKerbNetAccess
			MinimumFoV = 5
			MaximumFoV = 90
			AnomalyDetection = 0.3
				Mode = Biome,#autoLOC_438890
				Mode = Terrain,#autoLOC_438839
			name = ModuleDataTransmitter
			antennaType = INTERNAL
			packetInterval = 1.0
			packetSize = 2
			packetResourceCost = 12.0
			requiredResource = ElectricCharge
			antennaPower = 5000
			optimumRange = 2500
			packetFloor = .1
			packetCeiling = 5
			name = ModuleScienceContainer
			reviewActionName = Review Stored Data
			storeActionName = Store Experiments
			evaOnlyStorage = True
			storageRange = 2.3
			canBeTransferredToInVessel = True
			canTransferInVessel = True
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Command/probeStackSmall/probeStackSmall.cfg
		name = probeStackSmall
		module = Part
		author = Squad
		mesh =
		rescaleFactor = 1.0
		CrewCapacity = 0
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.1, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.1, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1
		TechRequired = advUnmanned
		entryCost = 17800
		cost = 2250
		category = Pods
		subcategory = 0
		title = RC-001S Remote Guidance Unit
		manufacturer = STEADLER Engineering Corps
		description = The STEADLER RGU core is one of the most complete command units available to date, featuring all the latest guidance systems, plus its own internal set of Reaction Wheels. STEADLER claims this is the closest one can get to a fully self-contained spacecraft. (Some assembly required. Spacecraft sold separately)
		attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0
		mass = 0.1
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 9
		maxTemp = 2000
		explosionPotential = 0
		vesselType = Probe
		bulkheadProfiles = size1
		tags = cmg command control (core fly gyro kerbnet moment probe react sas satellite space stab steer torque
			name = ModuleProbeControlPoint
			minimumCrew = 1
			multiHop = False
			name = ModuleCommand
			minimumCrew = 0
			hasHibernation = True
			hibernationMultiplier = 0.004
			defaultControlPointDisplayName = Default
				name = ElectricCharge
				rate = 0.05
				name = reverse
				displayName = Reversed
				orientation = 0,0,180
			name = ElectricCharge
			amount = 15
			maxAmount = 15
			name = ModuleReactionWheel
			PitchTorque = 0.5
			YawTorque = 0.5
			RollTorque = 0.5
				name = ElectricCharge
				rate = 0.03
			name = ModuleSAS
			SASServiceLevel = 3
			name = ModuleKerbNetAccess
			MinimumFoV = 9
			MaximumFoV = 81
			AnomalyDetection = 0.24
				Mode = Biome,#autoLOC_438890
				Mode = Terrain,#autoLOC_438839
			name = ModuleDataTransmitter
			antennaType = INTERNAL
			packetInterval = 1.0
			packetSize = 2
			packetResourceCost = 12.0
			requiredResource = ElectricCharge
			antennaPower = 5000
			optimumRange = 2500
			packetFloor = .1
			packetCeiling = 5
			name = ModuleScienceContainer
			reviewActionName = Review Stored Data
			storeActionName = Store Experiments
			evaOnlyStorage = True
			storageRange = 1.8
			canBeTransferredToInVessel = True
			canTransferInVessel = True
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 400
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Command/probeStackSphere_v2/probeStackSphere_v2.cfg
		name = probeCoreSphere_v2
		module = Part
		author = NovaSilisko
		mesh =
		rescaleFactor = 1
		CrewCapacity = 0
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.27448, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0
		TechRequired = basicScience
		entryCost = 1400
		cost = 300
		category = Pods
		subcategory = 0
		title = Probodobodyne Stayputnik
		manufacturer = Probodobodyne Inc
		description = The Stayputnik offers the ultimate solution in crew safety. A lightweight sphere equipped with remote receivers and relay control input from the ground to the craft, it carries no crew at all, thus keeping them perfectly safe from all harm. This device does require electricity to operate however, and will cease to function if the power runs out. The built-in batteries should keep it going for about 10 minutes.
		attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0
		mass = 0.05
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.15
		angularDrag = 1.5
		crashTolerance = 12
		maxTemp = 1800
		explosionPotential = 0
		vesselType = Probe
		bulkheadProfiles = size0
		tags = command control (core kerbnet probe satellite space steer
			name = ModuleCommand
			minimumCrew = 0
			hasHibernation = True
			hibernationMultiplier = 0.001
			defaultControlPointDisplayName = Default
				name = ElectricCharge
				rate = 0.02777778
				name = reverse
				displayName = Reversed
				orientation = 0,0,180
			name = ElectricCharge
			amount = 10
			maxAmount = 10
			name = ModuleKerbNetAccess
			MinimumFoV = 25
			MaximumFoV = 45
			AnomalyDetection = 0
				Mode = Terrain,#autoLOC_438839
			name = ModuleDataTransmitter
			antennaType = INTERNAL
			packetInterval = 1.0
			packetSize = 2
			packetResourceCost = 12.0
			requiredResource = ElectricCharge
			antennaPower = 5000
			optimumRange = 2500
			packetFloor = .1
			packetCeiling = 5
			cube = Default, 0.7138,0.7224,0.555, 0.7138,0.7223,0.555, 0.6414,0.4475,0.5448, 0.6414,0.5677,0.6443, 0.7138,0.7218,0.555, 0.7138,0.722,0.555, 0,0.1422,0, 0.9058,1.008,0.9058
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 750
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/CompoundParts/FuelLine/fuelLine.cfg
		name = fuelLine
		module = CompoundPart
		author = HarvesteR
		mesh = fuelLine.DAE
		scale = 0.1
		specPower = 0.1
		rimFalloff = 3
		alphaCutoff = 0.0
		iconCenter = -4.69147, 2.64656, 0.0
		TechRequired = fuelSystems
		entryCost = 6200
		cost = 150
		category = FuelTank
		subcategory = 0
		title = FTX-2 External Fuel Duct
		manufacturer = FLOOYD Dynamics Research Labs
		description = New breakthroughs at FLOOYD Dynamics have made the FTX Fuel Duct a reality. Altough criticized by some as being no more than 'a sewage pipe painted yellow', most agree that the yellow is a relatively nice color, and that fuel lines are indeed able to pump fuel from side-mounted fuel tanks. After the recall of the FTX-1 series, All FTX-2 lines have arrows painted on to indicate the fuel flow direction, so engineers can tell which way around they are supposed to go.
		attachRules = 0,1,0,0,1
		node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0
		mass = 0.05
		dragModelType = none
		maximum_drag = 0.02
		minimum_drag = 0.02
		angularDrag = 1
		crashTolerance = 12
		maxTemp = 2000
		heatConductivity = 20
		skinMassPerArea = 20
		explosionPotential = 0
		PhysicsSignificance = 1
		maxLength = 10
		bulkheadProfiles = srf
		disconnectAction = true
		tags = asparagus channel hose (lf line ox oxidizer pipe propellant pump tube
			name = CModuleLinkedMesh
			lineObjName = obj_line
			mainAnchorName = obj_mainAnchor
			targetAnchorName = obj_targetAnchor
			anchorCapName = obj_anchorCap
			targetCapName = obj_targetCap
			targetColliderName = obj_targetCollider
			name = CModuleFuelLine
			none = True
			name = ModulePartVariants
			baseVariant = YellowAndWhite
			useMultipleDragCubes = false
				name = YellowAndWhite
				displayName = Yellow and White
				description = Added some bling to the white
				primaryColor = #ffffff
				secondaryColor = #999999
				name = White
				displayName = White
				description = Bright and White!
				primaryColor = #ffffff
				secondaryColor = #ffffff
					mainTextureURL = Squad/Parts/CompoundParts/FuelLine/FTX-2 External Fuel Duct_ESA
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			stackableQuantity = 4
			packedVolume = 10
					channel = Ship
					clip = Squad/Sounds/ksp1_strunts_disconnect_v3_pitched2.wav
					maxVolumeDistance = 150
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/CompoundParts/strutConnector/strutConnector.cfg
		name = strutConnector
		module = CompoundPart
		author = HarvesteR
		mesh = strutConnector.DAE
		scale = 0.1
		specPower = 0.1
		rimFalloff = 3
		alphaCutoff = 0.0
		iconCenter = -4.69147, 2.64656, 0.0
		TechRequired = generalConstruction
		entryCost = 2800
		cost = 42
		category = Structural
		subcategory = 0
		title = EAS-4 Strut Connector
		manufacturer = Kerlington Model Rockets and Paper Products Inc
		description = The Strut Connector is highly regarded by many spacecraft engineers as they help in constructing more stable spacecraft. Once both sides are connected, a structural beam is created to link both ends, allowing for sturdier (and heavier) construction.
		attachRules = 0,1,0,0,1
		node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0
		mass = 0.05
		dragModelType = none
		maximum_drag = 0.02
		minimum_drag = 0.02
		angularDrag = 1
		crashTolerance = 12
		maxTemp = 2000
		heatConductivity = 20
		skinMassPerArea = 20
		explosionPotential = 0
		fuelCrossFeed = False
		PhysicsSignificance = 1
		maxLength = 10
		bulkheadProfiles = srf
		disconnectAction = true
		tags = bind connect join line moar (more pin rigid shake strength strong stru support tie wobble
			name = CModuleLinkedMesh
			lineObjName = obj_strut
			mainAnchorName = obj_mainAnchor
			targetAnchorName = obj_targetAnchor
			anchorCapName = obj_anchorCap
			targetCapName = obj_targetCap
			targetColliderName = obj_targetCollider
			name = CModuleStrut
			linearStrength = 150
			angularStrength = 150
			none = True
			name = ModulePartVariants
			baseVariant = Gray
			useMultipleDragCubes = false
				name = Gray
				displayName = Gray
				description = Just soo gray
				primaryColor = #999999
				secondaryColor = #999999
					shader = KSP/Specular
					mainTextureURL = Squad/Parts/CompoundParts/strutConnector/EAS-4 Strut Connector
				name = White
				displayName = White
				description = Bright and White!
				primaryColor = #ffffff
				secondaryColor = #ffffff
					shader = KSP/Specular
					mainTextureURL = Squad/Parts/CompoundParts/strutConnector/EAS-4 Strut Connector_white
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			stackableQuantity = 4
			packedVolume = 10
					channel = Ship
					clip = Squad/Sounds/ksp1_strunts_disconnect_v3_pitched2.wav
					maxVolumeDistance = 150
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Coupling/Decoupler_0.cfg
		name = Decoupler_0
		module = Part
		author = RoverDude
		rescaleFactor = 1.0
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.0325, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.0325, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0
		TechRequired = precisionEngineering
		entryCost = 1200
		cost = 150
		category = Coupling
		subcategory = 0
		title = TD-06 Decoupler
		manufacturer = O.M.B. Demolition Enterprises
		description = The TD-06 Stack Decoupler is a miniature detachment device for small rockets
		attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0
		mass = 0.01
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.3
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 6
		breakingForce = 150
		breakingTorque = 150
		maxTemp = 2000
		fuelCrossFeed = True
		stageOffset = 1
		childStageOffset = 1
		bulkheadProfiles = size0
		tags = decouple
		fx_gasBurst_white = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, decouple
		sound_decoupler_fire = decouple
			model = Squad/Parts/Coupling/Assets/Decoupler_0
			name = ModuleDecouple
			ejectionForce = 50
			isOmniDecoupler = false
			explosiveNodeID = top
			name = ModuleToggleCrossfeed
			crossfeedStatus = false
			toggleEditor = true
			toggleFlight = true
			name = ModuleTestSubject
			useStaging = True
			useEvent = False
			situationMask = 127
				value = ALWAYS
				prestige = Trivial
				prestige = Significant
				value = ONCEPERPART
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = GT
				value = 0
				situationMask = 8
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 4000
				prestige = Trivial
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 8000
				prestige = Trivial
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 2000
				prestige = Significant
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 4000
				prestige = Significant
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 1000
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 2000
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = SPEED
				test = LT
				value = 2000
				situationMask = 8
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = LT
				value = 300000
				situationMask = 16
				body = _NotSun
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = LT
				value = 600000
				situationMask = 32
				body = _NotSun
			cube = Default, 0.06191,0.7669,0.6956, 0.06191,0.7669,0.6956, 0.38,0.9776,0.1201, 0.38,0.9776,0.1201, 0.06191,0.7664,0.6956, 0.06191,0.7664,0.6956, 0,0,0, 0.625,0.1032,0.625
			name = ModulePartVariants
			primaryColor = #ffffff
			secondaryColor = #ffffff
			baseDisplayName = White
			baseThemeName = White
			useMultipleDragCubes = false
				name = YellowAndWhite
				displayName = Yellow and White
				description = Added some bling to the white
				primaryColor = #ffffff
				secondaryColor = #999999
					shader = KSP/Bumped Specular
					mainTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Coupling/Assets/Decouplers_whiteYellow
					_BumpMap = Squad/Parts/Coupling/Assets/Decouplers_whiteYellow_N
					_Color = #ffffff
					_SpecColor = #c4c4c4
					_Shininess = 0.44
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 40
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Coupling/Decoupler_1.cfg
		name = Decoupler_1
		module = Part
		author = RoverDude
		rescaleFactor = 1.0
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.05, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.05, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
		TechRequired = engineering101
		entryCost = 1600
		cost = 200
		category = Coupling
		subcategory = 0
		title = TD-12 Decoupler
		manufacturer = O.M.B. Demolition Enterprises
		description = The TD-12 Stack Decoupler is equipped with a (hopefully) small explosive charge, that will sever the structural linkage between itself and whatever it's connected to. Painted on its sides are handy arrows indicating which side will detach
		attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0
		mass = 0.04
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 6
		breakingForce = 150
		breakingTorque = 150
		maxTemp = 2000
		fuelCrossFeed = True
		stageOffset = 1
		childStageOffset = 1
		bulkheadProfiles = size1
		tags = decouple
		fx_gasBurst_white = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, decouple
		sound_decoupler_fire = decouple
			model = Squad/Parts/Coupling/Assets/Decoupler_1
			name = ModuleDecouple
			ejectionForce = 100
			isOmniDecoupler = false
			explosiveNodeID = top
			name = ModuleToggleCrossfeed
			crossfeedStatus = false
			toggleEditor = true
			toggleFlight = true
			name = ModuleTestSubject
			useStaging = True
			useEvent = False
			situationMask = 127
				value = ALWAYS
				prestige = Trivial
				prestige = Significant
				value = ONCEPERPART
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = GT
				value = 0
				situationMask = 8
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 4000
				prestige = Trivial
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 8000
				prestige = Trivial
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 2000
				prestige = Significant
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 4000
				prestige = Significant
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 1000
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 2000
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = SPEED
				test = LT
				value = 2000
				situationMask = 8
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = LT
				value = 300000
				situationMask = 16
				body = _NotSun
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = LT
				value = 600000
				situationMask = 32
				body = _NotSun
			cube = Default, 0.1988,0.7448,0.8757, 0.1988,0.7448,0.8757, 1.217,0.9952,0.1299, 1.217,0.9952,0.1299, 0.1988,0.7442,0.8871, 0.1988,0.7442,0.8871, 0,0,0, 1.25,0.16,1.25
			name = ModulePartVariants
			primaryColor = #ffffff
			secondaryColor = #ffffff
			baseDisplayName = White
			baseThemeName = White
			useMultipleDragCubes = false
				name = YellowAndWhite
				displayName = Yellow and White
				description = Added some bling to the white
				primaryColor = #ffffff
				secondaryColor = #999999
					shader = KSP/Bumped Specular
					mainTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Coupling/Assets/Decouplers_whiteYellow
					_BumpMap = Squad/Parts/Coupling/Assets/Decouplers_whiteYellow_N
					_Color = #ffffff
					_SpecColor = #c4c4c4
					_Shininess = 0.44
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 260
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Coupling/Decoupler_2.cfg
		name = Decoupler_2
		module = Part
		author = RoverDude
		rescaleFactor = 1.0
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.1, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.1, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2
		TechRequired = generalConstruction
		entryCost = 2200
		cost = 300
		category = Coupling
		subcategory = 0
		title = TD-25 Decoupler
		manufacturer = O.M.B. Demolition Enterprises
		description = O.M.B. is pleased to bring you the latest in decoupling technologies - twice the size of the next best selling product, it offers plenty of bang for plenty of buck! As with its smaller, woefully inferior competitors, this decoupler has handy arrows to indicate which side it will detach from.
		attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0
		mass = 0.16
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.3
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 6
		breakingForce = 150
		breakingTorque = 150
		maxTemp = 2000
		fuelCrossFeed = True
		stageOffset = 1
		childStageOffset = 1
		bulkheadProfiles = size2
		tags = decouple
		fx_gasBurst_white = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, decouple
		sound_decoupler_fire = decouple
			model = Squad/Parts/Coupling/Assets/Decoupler_2
			name = ModuleDecouple
			ejectionForce = 150
			isOmniDecoupler = false
			explosiveNodeID = top
			name = ModuleToggleCrossfeed
			crossfeedStatus = false
			toggleEditor = true
			toggleFlight = true
			name = ModuleTestSubject
			useStaging = True
			useEvent = False
			situationMask = 127
				value = ALWAYS
				prestige = Trivial
				prestige = Significant
				value = ONCEPERPART
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = GT
				value = 0
				situationMask = 8
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 4000
				prestige = Trivial
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 8000
				prestige = Trivial
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 2000
				prestige = Significant
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 4000
				prestige = Significant
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 1000
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 2000
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = SPEED
				test = LT
				value = 2000
				situationMask = 8
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = LT
				value = 300000
				situationMask = 16
				body = _NotSun
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = LT
				value = 600000
				situationMask = 32
				body = _NotSun
			cube = Default, 0.7952,0.745,1.652, 0.7952,0.745,1.652, 4.87,0.9796,0.1611, 4.87,0.9796,0.1611, 0.7952,0.7447,1.673, 0.7952,0.7447,1.673, 0,0,0, 2.5,0.32,2.5
			name = ModulePartVariants
			primaryColor = #ffffff
			secondaryColor = #ffffff
			baseDisplayName = White
			baseThemeName = White
			useMultipleDragCubes = false
				name = YellowAndWhite
				displayName = Yellow and White
				description = Added some bling to the white
				primaryColor = #ffffff
				secondaryColor = #999999
					shader = KSP/Bumped Specular
					mainTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Coupling/Assets/Decouplers_whiteYellow
					_BumpMap = Squad/Parts/Coupling/Assets/Decouplers_whiteYellow_N
					_Color = #ffffff
					_SpecColor = #c4c4c4
					_Shininess = 0.44
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Coupling/Decoupler_3.cfg
		name = Decoupler_3
		module = Part
		author = RoverDude
		rescaleFactor = 1.0
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.15, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 3
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.15, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 3
		TechRequired = largeVolumeContainment
		entryCost = 2400
		cost = 375
		category = Coupling
		subcategory = 0
		title = TD-37 Decoupler
		manufacturer = O.M.B. Demolition Enterprises
		description = Originally designed for separating buildings that were stuck together, O.M.B. has repurposed these explosive bolts for use in separating stacks of massive rockets.
		attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0
		mass = 0.36
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.3
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 6
		breakingForce = 150
		breakingTorque = 150
		maxTemp = 2000
		fuelCrossFeed = True
		stageOffset = 1
		childStageOffset = 1
		bulkheadProfiles = size3
		tags = decouple
		fx_gasBurst_white = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, decouple
		sound_decoupler_fire = decouple
			model = Squad/Parts/Coupling/Assets/Decoupler_3
			name = ModuleDecouple
			ejectionForce = 200
			isOmniDecoupler = false
			explosiveNodeID = top
			name = ModuleToggleCrossfeed
			crossfeedStatus = false
			toggleEditor = true
			toggleFlight = true
			name = ModuleTestSubject
			useStaging = True
			useEvent = False
			situationMask = 127
				value = ALWAYS
				prestige = Trivial
				prestige = Significant
				value = ONCEPERPART
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = GT
				value = 0
				situationMask = 8
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 4000
				prestige = Trivial
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 8000
				prestige = Trivial
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 2000
				prestige = Significant
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 4000
				prestige = Significant
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 1000
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 2000
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = SPEED
				test = LT
				value = 2000
				situationMask = 8
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = LT
				value = 300000
				situationMask = 16
				body = _NotSun
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = LT
				value = 600000
				situationMask = 32
				body = _NotSun
			cube = Default, 1.742,0.7491,1.936, 1.742,0.7491,1.936, 11.0,0.9796,0.192, 11.0,0.9796,0.192, 1.742,0.7486,1.936, 1.742,0.7486,1.936, 0,-5.066E-07,0, 3.75,0.48,3.75
			name = ModulePartVariants
			primaryColor = #ffffff
			secondaryColor = #ffffff
			baseDisplayName = White
			baseThemeName = White
			useMultipleDragCubes = false
				name = YellowAndWhite
				displayName = Yellow and White
				description = Added some bling to the white
				primaryColor = #ffffff
				secondaryColor = #999999
					shader = KSP/Bumped Specular
					mainTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Coupling/Assets/Decouplers_whiteYellow
					_BumpMap = Squad/Parts/Coupling/Assets/Decouplers_whiteYellow_N
					_Color = #ffffff
					_SpecColor = #c4c4c4
					_Shininess = 0.44
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Coupling/Separator_0.cfg
		name = Separator_0
		module = Part
		author = RoverDude
		rescaleFactor = 1.0
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.0325, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.0325, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0
		TechRequired = miniaturization
		entryCost = 1800
		cost = 215
		category = Coupling
		subcategory = 0
		title = TS-06 Stack Separator
		manufacturer = O.M.B. Demolition Enterprises
		description = The TS-06 is a utility for slicing a rocket into two halves, but in a more compact size. The manual says the explosive content is just enough to eject anything attached to the unit in a safe, controlled manner. The delivery guy did have a full bomb suit on though, so try not to drop it.
		attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0
		mass = 0.01
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.3
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 6
		breakingForce = 150
		breakingTorque = 150
		maxTemp = 2000
		fuelCrossFeed = True
		stageOffset = 1
		childStageOffset = 1
		bulkheadProfiles = size0
		tags = decouple
		fx_gasBurst_white = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, decouple
		sound_decoupler_fire = decouple
			model = Squad/Parts/Coupling/Assets/Separator_0
			name = ModuleDecouple
			ejectionForce = 50
			isOmniDecoupler = true
			name = ModuleToggleCrossfeed
			crossfeedStatus = false
			toggleEditor = true
			toggleFlight = true
			name = ModuleTestSubject
			useStaging = True
			useEvent = False
			situationMask = 127
				value = ALWAYS
				prestige = Trivial
				prestige = Significant
				value = ONCEPERPART
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = GT
				value = 0
				situationMask = 8
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 4000
				prestige = Trivial
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 8000
				prestige = Trivial
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 2000
				prestige = Significant
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 4000
				prestige = Significant
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 1000
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 2000
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = SPEED
				test = LT
				value = 2000
				situationMask = 8
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = LT
				value = 300000
				situationMask = 16
				body = _NotSun
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = LT
				value = 600000
				situationMask = 32
				body = _NotSun
			cube = Default, 0.06191,0.7669,0.6956, 0.06191,0.7669,0.6956, 0.38,0.9776,0.1201, 0.38,0.9776,0.1201, 0.06191,0.7664,0.6956, 0.06191,0.7664,0.6956, 0,0,0, 0.625,0.1032,0.625
			name = ModulePartVariants
			primaryColor = #ffffff
			secondaryColor = #ffffff
			baseDisplayName = White
			baseThemeName = White
			useMultipleDragCubes = false
				name = YellowAndWhite
				displayName = Yellow and White
				description = Added some bling to the white
				primaryColor = #ffffff
				secondaryColor = #999999
					shader = KSP/Bumped Specular
					mainTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Coupling/Assets/Decouplers_whiteYellow
					_BumpMap = Squad/Parts/Coupling/Assets/Decouplers_whiteYellow_N
					_Color = #ffffff
					_SpecColor = #c4c4c4
					_Shininess = 0.44
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 40
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Coupling/Separator_1.cfg
		name = Separator_1
		module = Part
		author = RoverDude
		rescaleFactor = 1.0
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.05, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.05, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
		TechRequired = advConstruction
		entryCost = 2400
		cost = 275
		category = Coupling
		subcategory = 0
		title = TS-12 Stack Separator
		manufacturer = O.M.B. Demolition Enterprises
		description = Unlike Decouplers, Separators jettison everything attached to them. This new technology was very well received by rocket engineers everywhere. Not bad for something that started out as a failure for a controlled explosive bolt prototype
		attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0
		mass = 0.05
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.3
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 6
		breakingForce = 150
		breakingTorque = 150
		maxTemp = 2000
		fuelCrossFeed = True
		stageOffset = 1
		childStageOffset = 1
		bulkheadProfiles = size1
		tags = decouple
		fx_gasBurst_white = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, decouple
		sound_decoupler_fire = decouple
			model = Squad/Parts/Coupling/Assets/Separator_1
			name = ModuleDecouple
			ejectionForce = 100
			isOmniDecoupler = true
			name = ModuleToggleCrossfeed
			crossfeedStatus = false
			toggleEditor = true
			toggleFlight = true
			name = ModuleTestSubject
			useStaging = True
			useEvent = False
			situationMask = 127
				value = ALWAYS
				prestige = Trivial
				prestige = Significant
				value = ONCEPERPART
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = GT
				value = 0
				situationMask = 8
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 4000
				prestige = Trivial
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 8000
				prestige = Trivial
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 2000
				prestige = Significant
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 4000
				prestige = Significant
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 1000
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 2000
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = SPEED
				test = LT
				value = 2000
				situationMask = 8
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = LT
				value = 300000
				situationMask = 16
				body = _NotSun
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = LT
				value = 600000
				situationMask = 32
				body = _NotSun
			cube = Default, 0.1988,0.7448,0.8757, 0.1988,0.7448,0.8757, 1.217,0.9952,0.1299, 1.217,0.9952,0.1299, 0.1988,0.7442,0.8871, 0.1988,0.7442,0.8871, 0,0,0, 1.25,0.16,1.25
			name = ModulePartVariants
			primaryColor = #ffffff
			secondaryColor = #ffffff
			baseDisplayName = White
			baseThemeName = White
			useMultipleDragCubes = false
				name = YellowAndWhite
				displayName = Yellow and White
				description = Added some bling to the white
				primaryColor = #ffffff
				secondaryColor = #999999
					shader = KSP/Bumped Specular
					mainTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Coupling/Assets/Decouplers_whiteYellow
					_BumpMap = Squad/Parts/Coupling/Assets/Decouplers_whiteYellow_N
					_Color = #ffffff
					_SpecColor = #c4c4c4
					_Shininess = 0.44
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 260
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Coupling/Separator_2.cfg
		name = Separator_2
		module = Part
		author = RoverDude
		rescaleFactor = 1.0
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.1, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.1, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2
		TechRequired = specializedConstruction
		entryCost = 3100
		cost = 400
		category = Coupling
		subcategory = 0
		title = TS-25 Stack Separator
		manufacturer = O.M.B. Demolition Enterprises
		description = The TS-25 is designed for slicing the largest of rockets in twain. Unlike Decouplers, Separators will eject anything connected to themselves. This is good, as it removes the need to worry about which side needs to be pointed away from face. Try to not look at it too much though.
		attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0
		mass = 0.21
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.3
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 6
		breakingForce = 150
		breakingTorque = 150
		maxTemp = 2000
		fuelCrossFeed = True
		stageOffset = 1
		childStageOffset = 1
		bulkheadProfiles = size2
		tags = decouple
		fx_gasBurst_white = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, decouple
		sound_decoupler_fire = decouple
			model = Squad/Parts/Coupling/Assets/Separator_2
			name = ModuleDecouple
			ejectionForce = 150
			isOmniDecoupler = true
			name = ModuleToggleCrossfeed
			crossfeedStatus = false
			toggleEditor = true
			toggleFlight = true
			name = ModuleTestSubject
			useStaging = True
			useEvent = False
			situationMask = 127
				value = ALWAYS
				prestige = Trivial
				prestige = Significant
				value = ONCEPERPART
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = GT
				value = 0
				situationMask = 8
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 4000
				prestige = Trivial
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 8000
				prestige = Trivial
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 2000
				prestige = Significant
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 4000
				prestige = Significant
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 1000
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 2000
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = SPEED
				test = LT
				value = 2000
				situationMask = 8
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = LT
				value = 300000
				situationMask = 16
				body = _NotSun
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = LT
				value = 600000
				situationMask = 32
				body = _NotSun
			cube = Default, 0.7952,0.745,1.652, 0.7952,0.745,1.652, 4.87,0.9796,0.1611, 4.87,0.9796,0.1611, 0.7952,0.7447,1.673, 0.7952,0.7447,1.673, 0,0,0, 2.5,0.32,2.5
			name = ModulePartVariants
			primaryColor = #ffffff
			secondaryColor = #ffffff
			baseDisplayName = White
			baseThemeName = White
			useMultipleDragCubes = false
				name = YellowAndWhite
				displayName = Yellow and White
				description = Added some bling to the white
				primaryColor = #ffffff
				secondaryColor = #999999
					shader = KSP/Bumped Specular
					mainTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Coupling/Assets/Decouplers_whiteYellow
					_BumpMap = Squad/Parts/Coupling/Assets/Decouplers_whiteYellow_N
					_Color = #ffffff
					_SpecColor = #c4c4c4
					_Shininess = 0.44
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Coupling/Separator_3.cfg
		name = Separator_3
		module = Part
		author = RoverDude
		rescaleFactor = 1.0
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.15, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 3
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.15, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 3
		TechRequired = composites
		entryCost = 3600
		cost = 500
		category = Coupling
		subcategory = 0
		title = TS-37 Stack Separator
		manufacturer = O.M.B. Demolition Enterprises
		description = This separator is dangerous whichever way you look at it. Be cautious when armed.
		attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0
		mass = 0.48
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.3
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 6
		breakingForce = 150
		breakingTorque = 150
		maxTemp = 2000
		fuelCrossFeed = True
		stageOffset = 1
		childStageOffset = 1
		bulkheadProfiles = size3
		tags = decouple
		fx_gasBurst_white = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, decouple
		sound_decoupler_fire = decouple
			model = Squad/Parts/Coupling/Assets/Separator_3
			name = ModuleDecouple
			ejectionForce = 200
			isOmniDecoupler = true
			name = ModuleToggleCrossfeed
			crossfeedStatus = false
			toggleEditor = true
			toggleFlight = true
			name = ModuleTestSubject
			useStaging = True
			useEvent = False
			situationMask = 127
				value = ALWAYS
				prestige = Trivial
				prestige = Significant
				value = ONCEPERPART
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = GT
				value = 0
				situationMask = 8
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 4000
				prestige = Trivial
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 8000
				prestige = Trivial
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 2000
				prestige = Significant
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 4000
				prestige = Significant
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 1000
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 2000
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = SPEED
				test = LT
				value = 2000
				situationMask = 8
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = LT
				value = 300000
				situationMask = 16
				body = _NotSun
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = LT
				value = 600000
				situationMask = 32
				body = _NotSun
			cube = Default, 1.742,0.7491,1.936, 1.742,0.7491,1.936, 11.0,0.9796,0.192, 11.0,0.9796,0.192, 1.742,0.7486,1.936, 1.742,0.7486,1.936, 0,-5.066E-07,0, 3.75,0.48,3.75
			name = ModulePartVariants
			primaryColor = #ffffff
			secondaryColor = #ffffff
			baseDisplayName = White
			baseThemeName = White
			useMultipleDragCubes = false
				name = YellowAndWhite
				displayName = Yellow and White
				description = Added some bling to the white
				primaryColor = #ffffff
				secondaryColor = #999999
					shader = KSP/Bumped Specular
					mainTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Coupling/Assets/Decouplers_whiteYellow
					_BumpMap = Squad/Parts/Coupling/Assets/Decouplers_whiteYellow_N
					_Color = #ffffff
					_SpecColor = #c4c4c4
					_Shininess = 0.44
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Electrical/10CSolarPanels/OX-10C.cfg
		name = solarPanelOX10C
		module = Part
		author = Squad
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0
		TechRequired = largeElectrics
		entryCost = 7000
		cost = 1200
		category = Electrical
		subcategory = 0
		title = OX-10C Photovoltaic Panels
		manufacturer = Probodobodyne Inc
		description = The -10C versions of probodobodyne's award winning line of photovoltaic cells have a unique feature - they're round! This special method of deployment offers yet another option for a spacecraft's power needs. Warning: Not retractable once deployed.
		attachRules = 0,1,0,0,1
		mass = 0.09
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 1
		crashTolerance = 8
		maxTemp = 1200
		bulkheadProfiles = srf
		tags = array charge deploy e/c elect energ extend generat (light photo power solar sun track unfold volt watt
			model = Squad/Parts/Electrical/10CSolarPanels/assets/OX-10C
			name = ModuleDeployableSolarPanel
			resourceName = ElectricCharge
			chargeRate = 8.25
			retractable = false
			impactResistance = 2
			impactResistanceRetracted = 6
			animationName = Solar_02
			secondaryTransformName = Panel_G
			extendActionName = Extend <<1>>
			retractActionName = Retract <<1>>
			extendpanelsActionName = Toggle <<1>>
			breakName = rootHinge
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			stackableQuantity = 1
			packedVolume = 320
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Electrical/10CSolarPanels/SP-10C.cfg
		name = solarPanelSP10C
		module = Part
		author = Squad
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0
		TechRequired = largeElectrics
		entryCost = 7000
		cost = 1400
		category = Electrical
		subcategory = 0
		title = SP-10C Photovoltaic Panels
		manufacturer = Probodobodyne Inc
		description = The -10C versions of probodobodyne's award winning line of photovoltaic cells have a unique feature - they're round! This special method of deployment offers yet another option for a spacecraft's power needs.
		attachRules = 0,1,0,0,1
		mass = 0.13
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 1
		crashTolerance = 8
		maxTemp = 2000
		bulkheadProfiles = srf
		tags = array charge deploy e/c elect energ extend fold generat (light photo power retract solar sun track unfold volt watt
			model = Squad/Parts/Electrical/10CSolarPanels/assets/SP-10C
			name = ModuleDeployableSolarPanel
			resourceName = ElectricCharge
			chargeRate = 8.25
			impactResistance = 2
			impactResistanceRetracted = 6
			animationName = Solar_02
			secondaryTransformName = Panel_G
			extendActionName = Extend <<1>>
			retractActionName = Retract <<1>>
			extendpanelsActionName = Toggle <<1>>
			breakName = sunParent
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			stackableQuantity = 1
			packedVolume = 460
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Electrical/10LSolarPanels/OX-10L.cfg
		name = solarPanelOX10L
		module = Part
		author = Squad
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0
		TechRequired = largeElectrics
		entryCost = 6000
		cost = 1200
		category = Electrical
		subcategory = 0
		title = OX-10L 1x5 Photovoltaic Panels
		manufacturer = Probodobodyne Inc
		description = A larger version of the OX-4 series of solar panels. Includes advanced heat radiators, and a deploying bracket to keep the panels clear of other sensitive instruments on the craft. Warning: Not retractable once deployed.
		attachRules = 0,1,0,0,1
		mass = 0.09
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 1
		crashTolerance = 8
		maxTemp = 1200
		bulkheadProfiles = srf
		tags = array charge deploy e/c elect energ extend generat (light photo power solar sun track unfold volt watt
			model = Squad/Parts/Electrical/10LSolarPanels/assets/OX-10L
			name = ModuleDeployableSolarPanel
			resourceName = ElectricCharge
			chargeRate = 8.25
			retractable = false
			impactResistance = 2
			impactResistanceRetracted = 6
			animationName = Solar_01
			secondaryTransformName = Panel_B
			extendActionName = Extend <<1>>
			retractActionName = Retract <<1>>
			extendpanelsActionName = Toggle <<1>>
			breakName = sunPivot
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			stackableQuantity = 1
			packedVolume = 320
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Electrical/10LSolarPanels/SP-10L.cfg
		name = solarPanelSP10L
		module = Part
		author = Squad
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0
		TechRequired = largeElectrics
		entryCost = 6000
		cost = 1400
		category = Electrical
		subcategory = 0
		title = SP-10L 1x5 Photovoltaic Panels
		manufacturer = Probodobodyne Inc
		description = This enhanced version of the SP series photovoltaic panels provides improved power generation by increasing solar array area by a full five fold. The SP model as always includes a case to allow the panel to be retracted when its not needed or when keeping it deployed could mean damage to the sensitive panels.
		attachRules = 0,1,0,0,1
		mass = 0.13
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 1
		crashTolerance = 8
		maxTemp = 2000
		bulkheadProfiles = srf
		tags = array charge deploy e/c elect energ extend fold generat (light photo power retract solar sun track unfold volt watt
			model = Squad/Parts/Electrical/10LSolarPanels/assets/SP-10L
			name = ModuleDeployableSolarPanel
			resourceName = ElectricCharge
			chargeRate = 8.25
			impactResistance = 2
			impactResistanceRetracted = 6
			animationName = Solar_01_S
			secondaryTransformName = Panel_B
			extendActionName = Extend <<1>>
			retractActionName = Retract <<1>>
			extendpanelsActionName = Toggle <<1>>
			breakName = base
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			stackableQuantity = 1
			packedVolume = 675
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Electrical/1x6ShroudSolarPanels/1x6ShroudSolarPanels.cfg
		name = solarPanels2
		module = Part
		author = NovaSilisko
		mesh =
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0
		TechRequired = advElectrics
		entryCost = 4400
		cost = 440
		category = Electrical
		subcategory = 0
		title = SP-L 1x6 Photovoltaic Panels
		manufacturer = Probodobodyne Inc
		description = The alternate configuration of the SP Model Photovoltaic Panels.  Includes passive radiators on the reverse side for better heat dissipation.
		attachRules = 0,1,0,0,1
		mass = 0.025
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 1
		crashTolerance = 8
		maxTemp = 2000
		bulkheadProfiles = srf
		thermalMassModifier = 2.0
		emissiveConstant = 0.95
		heatConductivity = 0.04
		tags = array charge deploy e/c elect energ extend fold generat (light photo power retract solar sun track unfold volt watt
			name = ModuleDeployableSolarPanel
			resourceName = ElectricCharge
			chargeRate = 1.64
			impactResistance = 2
			impactResistanceRetracted = 6
			animationName = solarpanels2
			secondaryTransformName = panel06
			extendActionName = Extend <<1>>
			retractActionName = Retract <<1>>
			extendpanelsActionName = Toggle <<1>>
			breakName = sunParent
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 70
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Electrical/1x6SolarPanels/1x6SolarPanels.cfg
		name = solarPanels4
		module = Part
		author = NovaSilisko
		mesh =
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0
		TechRequired = advElectrics
		entryCost = 3800
		cost = 380
		category = Electrical
		subcategory = 0
		title = OX-4L 1x6 Photovoltaic Panels
		manufacturer = Probodobodyne Inc
		description = The OX-4 is similar in design to the SP series solar panels, but without the heavy casing.  Includes passive radiators on the reverse side for better heat dissipation. WARNING: Not retractable once deployed!
		attachRules = 0,1,0,0,1
		mass = 0.0175
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 1
		crashTolerance = 8
		maxTemp = 1200
		bulkheadProfiles = srf
		thermalMassModifier = 2.0
		emissiveConstant = 0.95
		heatConductivity = 0.04
		tags = array charge deploy e/c elect energ extend generat (light photo power solar sun track unfold volt watt
			name = ModuleDeployableSolarPanel
			resourceName = ElectricCharge
			chargeRate = 1.64
			impactResistance = 2
			impactResistanceRetracted = 4
			retractable = false
			animationName = solarpanels4
			secondaryTransformName = panel3
			extendActionName = Extend <<1>>
			retractActionName = Retract <<1>>
			extendpanelsActionName = Toggle <<1>>
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 50
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Electrical/3x2ShroudSolarPanels/3x2ShroudSolarPanels.cfg
		name = solarPanels1
		module = Part
		author = NovaSilisko
		mesh =
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0
		TechRequired = advElectrics
		entryCost = 4400
		cost = 440
		category = Electrical
		subcategory = 0
		title = SP-W 3x2 Photovoltaic Panels
		manufacturer = Probodobodyne Inc
		description = Probodobodyne branded Photovoltaic Panels are the world standard for power generation, from your own home to the stars. The SP model comes with a protective shroud, allowing recovery when it's no longer needed.  Includes passive radiators on the reverse side for better heat dissipation.
		attachRules = 0,1,0,0,1
		mass = 0.025
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 1
		crashTolerance = 8
		maxTemp = 2000
		bulkheadProfiles = srf
		thermalMassModifier = 2.0
		emissiveConstant = 0.95
		heatConductivity = 0.04
		tags = array charge deploy e/c elect energ extend fold generat (light photo power retract solar sun track unfold volt watt
			name = ModuleDeployableSolarPanel
			resourceName = ElectricCharge
			chargeRate = 1.64
			impactResistance = 2
			impactResistanceRetracted = 6
			animationName = solarpanels
			secondaryTransformName = panel1
			extendActionName = Extend <<1>>
			retractActionName = Retract <<1>>
			extendpanelsActionName = Toggle <<1>>
			breakName = sunParent
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 70
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Electrical/3x2SolarPanels/3x2SolarPanels.cfg
		name = solarPanels3
		module = Part
		author = NovaSilisko
		mesh =
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0
		TechRequired = advElectrics
		entryCost = 3800
		cost = 380
		category = Electrical
		subcategory = 0
		title = OX-4W 3x2 Photovoltaic Panels
		manufacturer = Probodobodyne Inc
		description = The OX-4 is similar in design to the SP series solar panels, but without the heavy casing. WARNING: Not retractable once deployed!
		attachRules = 0,1,0,0,1
		mass = 0.0175
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 1
		crashTolerance = 8
		maxTemp = 1200
		bulkheadProfiles = srf
		thermalMassModifier = 2.0
		emissiveConstant = 0.95
		heatConductivity = 0.04
		tags = array charge deploy e/c elect energ extend generat (light photo power solar sun track unfold volt watt
			name = ModuleDeployableSolarPanel
			resourceName = ElectricCharge
			chargeRate = 1.64
			retractable = false
			impactResistance = 2
			impactResistanceRetracted = 4
			animationName = altsolarpanelbase
			secondaryTransformName = panel1
			extendActionName = Extend <<1>>
			retractActionName = Retract <<1>>
			extendpanelsActionName = Toggle <<1>>
			breakName = sunParent
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 50
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Electrical/RTG/RTG.cfg
		name = rtg
		module = Part
		author = NovaSilisko
		mesh =
		scale = 1
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.3268025, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.3268025, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0
		node_attach = 0.0, -0.3268025, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0
		TechRequired = experimentalElectrics
		entryCost = 58000
		cost = 23300
		category = Electrical
		subcategory = 0
		title = PB-NUK Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator
		manufacturer = Ionic Symphonic Protonic Electronics
		description = Through exploitation of the natural decay of Blutonium-238, this elegantly simple power generator can provide consistent, stable power for decades. Not to be used for providing heating during emergency rover excursions.
		attachRules = 1,1,1,0,0
		mass = 0.08
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 7
		maxTemp = 1200
		bulkheadProfiles = size0, srf
		radiatorMax = 1.5
		tags = active atom charge e/c elect energ generat isotope nuclear nuke power radio rtg thermo volt watt
			name = ModuleGenerator
			isAlwaysActive = true
				name = ElectricCharge
				rate = 0.75
			name = ModuleCoreHeat
			CoreTempGoal = 350
			CoreToPartRatio = 0.1
			CoreTempGoalAdjustment = 0
			CoreEnergyMultiplier = 0.01
			HeatRadiantMultiplier = 0.01
			CoolingRadiantMultiplier = 0
			HeatTransferMultiplier = 0
			CoolantTransferMultiplier = 0
			radiatorCoolingFactor = 0
			radiatorHeatingFactor = 0
			MaxCalculationWarp = 1000
			CoreShutdownTemp = 10000
			MaxCoolant = 0
				key = 0 \t25000
				key = 200 \t10000
				key = 250 \t50
				key = 300\t25
				key = 350\t0
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 90
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Electrical/gigantorXlSolarArray/gigantorXlSolarArray.cfg
		name = largeSolarPanel
		module = Part
		author = NovaSilisko
		mesh =
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0
		TechRequired = largeElectrics
		entryCost = 14500
		cost = 3000
		category = Electrical
		subcategory = 0
		title = Gigantor XL Solar Array
		manufacturer = Probodobodyne Inc
		description = The single largest solar array available for purchase, the Gigantor XL offers tremendous generation potential from a compact initial package.  Includes passive radiators on the reverse side for better heat dissipation.
		attachRules = 0,1,0,0,1
		mass = 0.3
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 1
		crashTolerance = 8
		maxTemp = 1200
		bulkheadProfiles = srf
		thermalMassModifier = 2.0
		emissiveConstant = 0.95
		heatConductivity = 0.04
		tags = charge deploy e/c elect energ extend fold generat (light panel photo power retract sun track unfold volt watt
			name = ModuleDeployableSolarPanel
			secondaryTransformName = suncatcher
			resourceName = ElectricCharge
			chargeRate = 24.4
			impactResistance = 2
			impactResistanceRetracted = 6
			animationName = bigsolarpanel
			extendActionName = Extend <<1>>
			retractActionName = Retract <<1>>
			extendpanelsActionName = Toggle <<1>>
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Electrical/radialFlatSolarPanel/radialFlatSolarPanel.cfg
		name = solarPanels5
		module = Part
		author = NovaSilisko
		mesh =
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0
		TechRequired = electrics
		entryCost = 1200
		cost = 75
		category = Electrical
		subcategory = 0
		title = OX-STAT Photovoltaic Panels
		manufacturer = Probodobodyne Inc
		description = The OX-STAT solar panel is a simple panel with no sun-tracking or deployment mechanics. As a result, it is very light and cheap.
		attachRules = 0,1,0,0,1
		mass = 0.005
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 1
		crashTolerance = 8
		maxTemp = 1200
		PhysicsSignificance = 1
		bulkheadProfiles = srf
		tags = array charge e/c elect energ fixed flat generat (light photo power solar static sun volt watt
			name = ModuleDeployableSolarPanel
			isTracking = false
			secondaryTransformName = suncatcher
			pivotName = suncatcher
			isBreakable = false
			resourceName = ElectricCharge
			chargeRate = 0.35
			extendActionName = Extend <<1>>
			retractActionName = Retract <<1>>
			extendpanelsActionName = Toggle <<1>>
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			stackableQuantity = 4
			packedVolume = 12
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Electrical/z-100Battery/z-100Battery.cfg
		name = batteryPack
		module = Part
		author = NovaSilisko
		mesh =
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0
		TechRequired = basicScience
		entryCost = 800
		cost = 80
		category = Electrical
		subcategory = 0
		title = Z-100 Rechargeable Battery Pack
		manufacturer = Zaltonic Electronics
		description = The Z-100 battery pack is the standard model for electrical applications. Holds two (2) AAAA batteries and holds a maximum 100 units of charge.
		attachRules = 0,1,0,0,0
		mass = 0.005
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 1
		crashTolerance = 8
		maxTemp = 1200
		PhysicsSignificance = 1
		bulkheadProfiles = srf
		tags = bank capacitor cell charge e/c elect pack power volt watt
			name = ElectricCharge
			amount = 100
			maxAmount = 100
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 35
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Electrical/z-1kBattery/z-1kBattery.cfg
		name = batteryBank
		module = Part
		author = NovaSilisko
		mesh =
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.1108553, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.1108553, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0
		TechRequired = largeElectrics
		entryCost = 8200
		cost = 880
		category = Electrical
		subcategory = 0
		title = Z-1k Rechargeable Battery Bank
		manufacturer = Zaltonic Electronics
		description = The Z-1k is a stackable battery bank, with ten times the power capacity of the Z-100.
		attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0
		mass = 0.05
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 1
		crashTolerance = 8
		maxTemp = 2000
		bulkheadProfiles = size1
		tags = capacitor cell charge e/c elect pack power volt watt
			name = ElectricCharge
			amount = 1000
			maxAmount = 1000
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 360
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Electrical/z-200Battery/z-200Battery.cfg
		name = batteryBankMini
		module = Part
		author = Squad
		mesh =
		rescaleFactor = 1.0
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.1, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.1, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0
		node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 0.3125, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0
		TechRequired = electrics
		entryCost = 3200
		cost = 360
		category = Electrical
		subcategory = 0
		title = Z-200 Rechargeable Battery Bank
		manufacturer = Zaltonic Electronics
		description = The Z-200 is a stackable variant of the Z-100 battery pack, with increased capacity. In emergency situations, please refrain from "reversing the polarity".
		attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0
		mass = 0.01
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 1
		crashTolerance = 8
		maxTemp = 2000
		bulkheadProfiles = size0
		tags = bank capacitor cell charge e/c elect pack power volt watt
			name = ElectricCharge
			amount = 200
			maxAmount = 200
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 80
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Electrical/z-400Battery/z-400Battery.cfg
		name = ksp_r_largeBatteryPack
		module = Part
		author = Squad
		mesh =
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0
		TechRequired = advElectrics
		entryCost = 3200
		cost = 550
		category = Electrical
		subcategory = 0
		title = Z-400 Rechargeable Battery
		manufacturer = Zaltonic Electronics
		description = The Z-400 battery pack is a versatile, compact electrical charge storage solution designed for heavier loads than AAAA batteries can handle. Holds one E-size battery with a maximum of 400 units of charge.
		attachRules = 0,1,0,0,0
		mass = 0.02
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 1
		crashTolerance = 8
		maxTemp = 1200
		PhysicsSignificance = 1
		bulkheadProfiles = srf
		tags = bank capacitor cell charge e/c elect pack power volt watt
			name = ElectricCharge
			amount = 400
			maxAmount = 400
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 125
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Electrical/z-4kBattery/z-4kBattery.cfg
		name = batteryBankLarge
		module = Part
		author = Squad
		mesh =
		rescaleFactor = 1.0
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.11, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.142, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2
		TechRequired = specializedElectrics
		entryCost = 12200
		cost = 4500
		category = Electrical
		subcategory = 0
		title = Z-4K Rechargeable Battery Bank
		manufacturer = Zaltonic Electronics
		description = New advances in surge control technology made The Z-4K, the largest battery pack ever put into production a reality. While Zaltonic admits intense electrical discharges can be really cool, shorting the Z-4K's contacts should probably be avoided.
		attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0
		mass = 0.2
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 1
		crashTolerance = 8
		maxTemp = 2000
		bulkheadProfiles = size2
		tags = capacitor cell charge e/c elect pack power volt watt
			name = ElectricCharge
			amount = 4000
			maxAmount = 4000
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			stackableQuantity = 1
			packedVolume = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Engine/MassiveSRB/part.cfg
		name = MassiveBooster
		module = Part
		author = Squad
		mesh =
		rescaleFactor = 1.0
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 7.429159, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -7.435616, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
		node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, -0.635, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0
		TechRequired = heavyRocketry
		entryCost = 8000
		cost = 2700
		category = Engine
		subcategory = 0
		title = S1 SRB-KD25k "Kickback" Solid Fuel Booster
		manufacturer = Kerbodyne
		description = This super heavy booster is designed to be recovered after jettisoning. Once recovered, it is refurbished and refueled for another launch.
		attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0
		mass = 4.5
		heatConductivity = 0.06
		skinInternalConductionMult = 4.0
		emissiveConstant = 0.5
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.3
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 2
		breakingForce = 200
		breakingTorque = 200
		crashTolerance = 7
		maxTemp = 2200
		stagingIcon = SOLID_BOOSTER
		bulkheadProfiles = size1, srf
		tags = (back (kick (kickback moar (more motor rocket srb
					channel = Ship
					clip = sound_rocket_hard
					volume = 0.0 0.0
					volume = 1.0 1.0
					pitch = 0.0 0.2
					pitch = 1.0 1.0
					loop = true
					prefabName = fx_smokeTrail_veryLarge
					transformName = smokePoint
					emission = 0.0 0.0
					emission = 0.05 0.0
					emission = 0.075 0.25
					emission = 1.0 1.25
					speed = 0.0 0.25
					speed = 1.0 1.0
					localOffset = 0, 0, 1
					modelName = Squad/FX/SRB_Large
					transformName = fxPoint
					emission = 0.0 0.0
					emission = 0.05 0.0
					emission = 0.075 0.25
					emission = 1.0 1.25
					speed = 0.0 0.5
					speed = 1.0 1.2
					modelName = Squad/FX/SRB_LargeSparks
					transformName = fxPoint
					emission = 0.0 0.0
					emission = 0.05 0.0
					emission = 0.075 0.25
					emission = 1.0 1.25
					speed = 0.0 0.5
					speed = 1.0 1.2
					channel = Ship
					clip = sound_vent_medium
					volume = 1.0
					pitch = 2.0
					loop = false
					prefabName = fx_exhaustSparks_flameout_2
					transformName = fxPoint
					oneShot = true
					channel = Ship
					clip = sound_explosion_low
					volume = 1.0
					pitch = 2.0
					loop = false
			name = ModuleEnginesFX
			thrustVectorTransformName = thrustTransform
			engineID = S1SRB
			powerEffectName = running_closed
			throttleLocked = True
			exhaustDamage = True
			ignitionThreshold = 0.1
			minThrust = 0
			maxThrust = 670
			heatProduction = 415
			useEngineResponseTime = True
			engineAccelerationSpeed = 8.0
			allowShutdown = False
			fxOffset = 0, 0, 0.35
			EngineType = SolidBooster
			exhaustDamageDistanceOffset = 0.8
				name = SolidFuel
				ratio = 1.0
				DrawGauge = True
				key = 0 220
				key = 1 195
				key = 7 0.001
			name = FXModuleAnimateThrottle
			animationName = HeatAnimationSRB
			responseSpeed = 0.002
			dependOnEngineState = True
			dependOnThrottle = True
			name = SolidFuel
			amount = 2600
			maxAmount = 2600
			name = ModuleTestSubject
			useStaging = True
			useEvent = True
			situationMask = 60
				type = SITUATION
				value = 0
				body = _NotHome
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SITUATION
				value = 0
				body = _NotHome
				prestige = Significant
				value = ALWAYS
				prestige = Trivial
				prestige = Significant
				value = ONCEPERPART
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 4000
				prestige = Trivial
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 8000
				prestige = Trivial
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 2000
				prestige = Significant
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 4000
				prestige = Significant
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 1000
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 2000
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = GT
				value = 0
				situationMask = 8
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = LT
				value = 300000
				situationMask = 16
				body = _NotSun
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = LT
				value = 600000
				situationMask = 32
				body = _NotSun
				type = SPEED
				test = GT
				value = 0
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEED
				test = LT
				value = 600
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEED
				test = GT
				value = 0
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEED
				test = LT
				value = 900
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEED
				test = GT
				value = 300
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = SPEED
				test = LT
				value = 1200
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = LT
				value = 200
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = GT
				value = 100
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = LT
				value = 100
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = GT
				value = 50
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = LT
				value = 50
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = GT
				value = 20
				prestige = Exceptional
			name = ModuleSurfaceFX
			thrustProviderModuleIndex = 0
			fxMax = 1
			maxDistance = 80
			falloff = 2
			thrustTransformName = thrustTransform
			name = ModulePartVariants
			baseVariant = White
			useMultipleDragCubes = false
				name = White
				displayName = White
				description = Bright and White!
				primaryColor = #ffffff
				secondaryColor = #ffffff
				name = ESA
				displayName = ESA
				description = European Space Agency
				primaryColor = #ffffff
				secondaryColor = #124d7f
					mainTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Engine/MassiveSRB/solid_booster_cm_esa
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Engine/OMSEngine/omsEngine.cfg
		name = omsEngine
		module = Part
		author = AlexanderM
		rescaleFactor = 1.0
		node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 0.00, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0
		attachRules = 0,1,0,1,1
		TechRequired = precisionPropulsion
		entryCost = 2500
		cost = 150
		category = Engine
		subcategory = 0
		title = O-10 "Puff" MonoPropellant Fuel Engine
		manufacturer = Reaction Systems Ltd
		description = When The O-10 Engine was first unveiled, it was regarded as one of those ideas that someone should have thought of a long time ago. This made most employees at Reaction Systems Ltd feel quite awkward, as they were particularly proud of having delivered this project on schedule for once. This Engine responds to main throttle controls, but it consumes MonoPropellant instead of a Fuel+Oxidizer mix.
		mass = 0.09
		heatConductivity = 0.06
		skinInternalConductionMult = 4.0
		emissiveConstant = 0.8
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 7
		maxTemp = 2000
		PhysicsSignificance = 1
		bulkheadProfiles = srf
		tags = maneuver manoeuvre orbital probe propuls (puff thruster
			model = Squad/Parts/Engine/OMSEngine/Puff_v2
			scale = 2.4, 2.4, 2.4
					channel = Ship
					clip = sound_rocket_mini
					volume = 0.0 0.0
					volume = 1.0 0.5
					pitch = 0.0 0.5
					pitch = 1.0 1.0
					loop = true
					modelName = Squad/FX/Monoprop_big
					transformName = FXTransform
					emission = 0.0 0.0
					emission = 0.4 0.8
					emission = 1.0 1.0
					speed = 0.0 0.8
					speed = 1.0 1.0
					localPosition = 0, 0, 0.12
					channel = Ship
					clip = sound_vent_soft
					volume = 1.0
					pitch = 2.0
					loop = false
					prefabName = fx_exhaustSparks_flameout_2
					transformName = FXTransform
					oneShot = true
					channel = Ship
					clip = sound_explosion_low
					volume = 1.0
					pitch = 2.0
					loop = false
			name = ModuleEnginesFX
			thrustVectorTransformName = thrustTransform
			exhaustDamage = False
			ignitionThreshold = 0.1
			minThrust = 0
			maxThrust = 20
			heatProduction = 30
			fxOffset = 0, 0, 1.02
			EngineType = MonoProp
			exhaustDamageDistanceOffset = 0.25
			runningEffectName = running
				name = MonoPropellant
				ratio = 0.9
				DrawGauge = True
				key = 0 250
				key = 1 120
				key = 4 0.001
			name = ModuleGimbal
			gimbalTransformName = Gimbal
			gimbalRange = 6
			gimbalResponseSpeed = 12
			useGimbalResponseSpeed = true
			name = FXModuleAnimateThrottle
			animationName = PuffNozzleGlow
			responseSpeed = 0.001
			dependOnEngineState = True
			dependOnThrottle = True
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 260
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Engine/Size1_SRBs/solidBoosterRT-10_v2.cfg
		name = solidBooster_v2
		module = Part
		author = Roverdude
		rescaleFactor = 1
		scale = 1
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -1.56208, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 1.2818375, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1
		node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, -0.625, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1
		fx_exhaustFlame_yellow = 0.0, -1.4084125, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, running
		fx_exhaustSparks_yellow = 0.0, -1.4084125, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, running
		fx_smokeTrail_medium = 0.0, -1.4084125, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, running
		sound_vent_medium = engage
		sound_rocket_hard = running
		sound_vent_soft = disengage
		sound_explosion_low = flameout
		TechRequired = basicRocketry
		entryCost = 1200
		cost = 400
		category = Engine
		subcategory = 0
		title = RT-10 "Hammer" Solid Fuel Booster
		description = Packing a powerful punch for its size, The RT-10 is widely used in many space programs, whenever the need to save cash is greater than the need to keep astronauts alive.
		attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0
		mass = 0.75
		heatConductivity = 0.06
		skinInternalConductionMult = 4.0
		emissiveConstant = 0.5
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.3
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 7
		maxTemp = 2000
		stagingIcon = SOLID_BOOSTER
		bulkheadProfiles = size1, srf
		tags = (hammer moar (more motor rocket srb
			model = Squad/Parts/Engine/Size1_SRBs/SRB10
			texture = SRB_O, Squad/Parts/Engine/Size1_SRBs/SRB_W
			name = ModuleEngines
			thrustVectorTransformName = thrustTransform
			throttleLocked = True
			exhaustDamage = True
			ignitionThreshold = 0.1
			minThrust = 0
			maxThrust = 227
			heatProduction = 550
			useEngineResponseTime = True
			engineAccelerationSpeed = 10.0
			allowShutdown = False
			fxOffset = 0, 0, 0.45
			EngineType = SolidBooster
			exhaustDamageDistanceOffset = 0.6
				name = SolidFuel
				ratio = 1.0
				DrawGauge = True
				key = 0 195
				key = 1 170
				key = 7 0.001
			name = FXModuleAnimateThrottle
			animationName = heatAnimation
			responseSpeed = 0.002
			dependOnEngineState = True
			dependOnThrottle = True
			name = SolidFuel
			amount = 375
			maxAmount = 375
			name = ModuleTestSubject
			useStaging = True
			useEvent = True
			situationMask = 60
				type = SITUATION
				value = 0
				body = _NotHome
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SITUATION
				value = 0
				body = _NotHome
				prestige = Significant
				value = ALWAYS
				prestige = Trivial
				prestige = Significant
				value = ONCEPERPART
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 4000
				prestige = Trivial
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 8000
				prestige = Trivial
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 2000
				prestige = Significant
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 4000
				prestige = Significant
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 1000
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 2000
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = GT
				value = 0
				situationMask = 8
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = LT
				value = 300000
				situationMask = 16
				body = _NotSun
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = LT
				value = 600000
				situationMask = 32
				body = _NotSun
				type = SPEED
				test = GT
				value = 0
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEED
				test = LT
				value = 600
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEED
				test = GT
				value = 0
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEED
				test = LT
				value = 900
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEED
				test = GT
				value = 300
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = SPEED
				test = LT
				value = 1200
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = LT
				value = 200
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = GT
				value = 100
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = LT
				value = 100
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = GT
				value = 50
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = LT
				value = 50
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = GT
				value = 20
				prestige = Exceptional
			name = ModuleSurfaceFX
			thrustProviderModuleIndex = 0
			fxMax = 0.75
			maxDistance = 50
			falloff = 1.8
			thrustTransformName = thrustTransform
			name = ModulePartVariants
			primaryColor = #ffffff
			secondaryColor = #ffffff
			baseDisplayName = White
			baseThemeName = White
			useMultipleDragCubes = false
				name = Orange
				displayName = Orange
				themeName = Orange
				primaryColor = #f49841
				secondaryColor = #f49841
					mainTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Engine/Size1_SRBs/SRB_O
				name = YellowAndWhite
				displayName = Yellow and White
				themeName = YellowAndWhite
				primaryColor = #E8DB27
				secondaryColor = #ffffff
					mainTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Engine/Size1_SRBs/SRB_Y
			name = ModuleJettison
			jettisonName = shroud
			bottomNodeName = bottom
			isFairing = True
			jettisonedObjectMass = 0.1
			jettisonForce = 5
			jettisonDirection = 0 0 1
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Engine/Size1_SRBs/solidBoosterRT-5_v2.cfg
		name = solidBooster_sm_v2
		module = Part
		author = Roverdude
		rescaleFactor = 1
		scale = 1
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.9975, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.7575, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1
		node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, -0.625, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1
		fx_exhaustFlame_yellow = 0.0, -0.6756, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, running
		fx_exhaustSparks_yellow = 0.0, -0.6756, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, running
		fx_smokeTrail_medium = 0.0, -0.6756, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, running
		sound_vent_medium = engage
		sound_rocket_hard = running
		sound_vent_soft = disengage
		sound_explosion_low = flameout
		TechRequired = start
		entryCost = 0
		cost = 200
		category = Engine
		subcategory = 0
		title = RT-5 "Flea" Solid Fuel Booster
		description = While considered by some to be little more than "a trash bin full o' boom", The RT-5 can be seen in use at many space programs, perhaps possibly because it is the only option for many space programs, but nevertheless, this small booster provides a nice kick to lift small payloads to considerable heights. Use with caution, though. Once lit, solid fuel motors cannot be put out until the fuel runs out.
		attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0
		mass = 0.45
		heatConductivity = 0.06
		skinInternalConductionMult = 4.0
		emissiveConstant = 0.5
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.3
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 7
		maxTemp = 2000
		stagingIcon = SOLID_BOOSTER
		bulkheadProfiles = size1, srf
		tags = (flea moar (more motor rocket srb
			model = Squad/Parts/Engine/Size1_SRBs/SRB5
			texture = SRB_O, Squad/Parts/Engine/Size1_SRBs/SRB_W
			name = ModuleEngines
			thrustVectorTransformName = thrustTransform
			throttleLocked = True
			exhaustDamage = True
			ignitionThreshold = 0.1
			minThrust = 0
			maxThrust = 192
			heatProduction = 545
			useEngineResponseTime = True
			engineAccelerationSpeed = 10.0
			allowShutdown = False
			fxOffset = 0, 0, 0.38
			EngineType = SolidBooster
			exhaustDamageDistanceOffset = 0.6
				name = SolidFuel
				ratio = 1.0
				DrawGauge = True
				key = 0 165
				key = 1 140
				key = 6 0.001
			name = SolidFuel
			amount = 140
			maxAmount = 140
			name = ModuleTestSubject
			useStaging = True
			useEvent = True
			situationMask = 60
				type = SITUATION
				value = 0
				body = _NotHome
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SITUATION
				value = 0
				body = _NotHome
				prestige = Significant
				value = ALWAYS
				prestige = Trivial
				prestige = Significant
				value = ONCEPERPART
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 4000
				prestige = Trivial
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 8000
				prestige = Trivial
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 2000
				prestige = Significant
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 4000
				prestige = Significant
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 1000
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 2000
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = GT
				value = 0
				situationMask = 8
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = LT
				value = 300000
				situationMask = 16
				body = _NotSun
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = LT
				value = 600000
				situationMask = 32
				body = _NotSun
				type = SPEED
				test = GT
				value = 0
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEED
				test = LT
				value = 600
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEED
				test = GT
				value = 0
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEED
				test = LT
				value = 900
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEED
				test = GT
				value = 300
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = SPEED
				test = LT
				value = 1200
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = LT
				value = 200
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = GT
				value = 100
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = LT
				value = 100
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = GT
				value = 50
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = LT
				value = 50
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = GT
				value = 20
				prestige = Exceptional
			name = ModuleSurfaceFX
			thrustProviderModuleIndex = 0
			fxMax = 0.7
			maxDistance = 50
			falloff = 2
			thrustTransformName = thrustTransform
			name = ModulePartVariants
			primaryColor = #ffffff
			secondaryColor = #ffffff
			baseDisplayName = White
			baseThemeName = White
			useMultipleDragCubes = false
				name = Orange
				displayName = Orange
				themeName = Orange
				primaryColor = #f49841
				secondaryColor = #f49841
					mainTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Engine/Size1_SRBs/SRB_O
				name = YellowAndWhite
				displayName = Yellow and White
				themeName = YellowAndWhite
				primaryColor = #E8DB27
				secondaryColor = #ffffff
					mainTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Engine/Size1_SRBs/SRB_Y
			name = ModuleJettison
			jettisonName = shroud
			bottomNodeName = bottom
			isFairing = True
			jettisonedObjectMass = 0.1
			jettisonForce = 5
			jettisonDirection = 0 0 1
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			stackableQuantity = 1
			packedVolume = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Engine/Size2LFB/part.cfg
		name = Size2LFB
		module = Part
		author = Squad
		mesh =
		scale = 1.0
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_top = 0.0,4.356,0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2
		node_attach = 1.304782,0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0
		mass = 10.5
		heatConductivity = 0.06
		skinInternalConductionMult = 4.0
		emissiveConstant = 0.8
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 2
		breakingForce = 200
		breakingTorque = 200
		crashTolerance = 20
		maxTemp = 2000
		TechRequired = heavierRocketry
		TechHidden = true
		entryCost = 0
		cost = 17000
		category = none
		subcategory = 0
		title = LFB KR-1x2 "Twin-Boar" Liquid Fuel Engine
		manufacturer = Kerbodyne
		description = This liquid fuel booster system is a very purposeful piece of engineering. Instead of relying on single engines or solid rocket boosters, the KR-1x2 employs two modified KR-1 engine, fed by a built-in fuel system, as the source of its immense lifting power. All that self-contained goodness comes at the cost of not having a mounting point for its underside, and not being quite as efficient as dedicated engines. It also comes at quite a literal cost as well.
		attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0
		bulkheadProfiles = size2, srf
		tags = ascent (boar booster main propuls rocket (twin
		resourcePriorityUseParentInverseStage = True
			name = LiquidFuel
			amount = 2880
			maxAmount = 2880
			name = Oxidizer
			amount = 3520
			maxAmount = 3520
					channel = Ship
					clip = sound_rocket_spurts
					volume = 0.0 0.0
					volume = 1.0 1.0
					pitch = 0.0 0.2
					pitch = 1.0 1.0
					loop = true
					prefabName = fx_smokeTrail_veryLarge
					transformName = smokePoint
					emission = 0.0 0.0
					emission = 0.05 0.0
					emission = 0.075 0.25
					emission = 1.0 1.25
					speed = 0.0 0.25
					speed = 1.0 1.0
					localOffset = 0, 0, 1
					modelName = Squad/FX/ks1_Exhaust
					transformName = thrustTransform
					emission = 0.0 0.0
					emission = 0.05 0.0
					emission = 0.075 0.25
					emission = 1.0 1.25
					speed = 0.0 0.5
					speed = 1.0 1.2
					localPosition = 0, 0, -0.08
					channel = Ship
					clip = sound_vent_soft
					volume = 1.0
					pitch = 2.0
					loop = false
					prefabName = fx_exhaustSparks_flameout_2
					transformName = smokePoint
					oneShot = true
					channel = Ship
					clip = sound_explosion_low
					volume = 1.0
					pitch = 2.0
					loop = false
			name = ModuleEnginesFX
			engineID = KSLFB
			runningEffectName = running_closed
			thrustVectorTransformName = thrustTransform
			exhaustDamage = True
			ignitionThreshold = 0.1
			minThrust = 0
			maxThrust = 2000
			heatProduction = 375
			fxOffset = 0, 0, 0.25
			EngineType = LiquidFuel
			exhaustDamageDistanceOffset = 1.5
				name = LiquidFuel
				ratio = 0.9
				DrawGauge = True
				name = Oxidizer
				ratio = 1.1
				key = 0 300
				key = 1 280
				key = 9 0.001
			name = ModuleGimbal
			gimbalTransformName = obj_gimbal
			gimbalRange = 1.5
			name = FXModuleAnimateThrottle
			animationName = HeatAnimationLFB
			responseSpeed = 0.001
			dependOnEngineState = True
			dependOnThrottle = True
			name = FlagDecal
			textureQuadName = FlagTransform
			name = ModuleTestSubject
			useStaging = True
			useEvent = True
			situationMask = 127
				value = ALWAYS
				prestige = Trivial
				prestige = Significant
				value = ONCEPERPART
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 4000
				prestige = Trivial
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 8000
				prestige = Trivial
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 2000
				prestige = Significant
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 4000
				prestige = Significant
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 1000
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 2000
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = GT
				value = 0
				situationMask = 8
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = LT
				value = 300000
				situationMask = 16
				body = _NotSun
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = LT
				value = 600000
				situationMask = 32
				body = _NotSun
				type = SPEED
				test = GT
				value = 0
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEED
				test = LT
				value = 600
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEED
				test = GT
				value = 300
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEED
				test = LT
				value = 1200
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEED
				test = GT
				value = 600
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = SPEED
				test = LT
				value = 2500
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = LT
				value = 200
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = GT
				value = 100
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = LT
				value = 100
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = GT
				value = 50
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = LT
				value = 50
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = GT
				value = 20
				prestige = Exceptional
			name = ModuleSurfaceFX
			thrustProviderModuleIndex = 0
			fxMax = 0.8
			maxDistance = 50
			falloff = 1.8
			thrustTransformName = thrustPoint
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Engine/Size2LFB_v2/part.cfg
		name = Size2LFB_v2
		module = Part
		author = Squad
		mesh =
		scale = 1.0
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_top = 0.0,4.356,0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2
		node_attach = 1.304782,0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0
		mass = 10.5
		heatConductivity = 0.06
		skinInternalConductionMult = 4.0
		emissiveConstant = 0.8
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 2
		breakingForce = 200
		breakingTorque = 200
		crashTolerance = 20
		maxTemp = 2000
		TechRequired = heavierRocketry
		entryCost = 65000
		cost = 17000
		category = Engine
		subcategory = 0
		title = LFB KR-1x2 "Twin-Boar" Liquid Fuel Engine
		manufacturer = Kerbodyne
		description = This liquid fuel booster system is a very purposeful piece of engineering. Instead of relying on single engines or solid rocket boosters, the KR-1x2 employs two modified KR-1 engine, fed by a built-in fuel system, as the source of its immense lifting power. All that self-contained goodness comes at the cost of not having a mounting point for its underside, and not being quite as efficient as dedicated engines. It also comes at quite a literal cost as well.
		attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0
		bulkheadProfiles = size2, srf
		tags = ascent (boar booster main propuls rocket (twin
		resourcePriorityUseParentInverseStage = True
			name = LiquidFuel
			amount = 2880
			maxAmount = 2880
			name = Oxidizer
			amount = 3520
			maxAmount = 3520
					channel = Ship
					clip = sound_rocket_spurts
					volume = 0.0 0.0
					volume = 1.0 1.0
					pitch = 0.0 0.2
					pitch = 1.0 1.0
					loop = true
					prefabName = fx_smokeTrail_veryLarge
					transformName = smokePoint
					emission = 0.0 0.0
					emission = 0.05 0.0
					emission = 0.075 0.25
					emission = 1.0 1.25
					speed = 0.0 0.25
					speed = 1.0 1.0
					localOffset = 0, 0, 1
					modelName = Squad/FX/ks1_Exhaust
					transformName = thrustTransform
					emission = 0.0 0.0
					emission = 0.05 0.0
					emission = 0.075 0.25
					emission = 1.0 1.25
					speed = 0.0 0.5
					speed = 1.0 1.2
					localPosition = 0, 0, -0.08
					channel = Ship
					clip = sound_vent_soft
					volume = 1.0
					pitch = 2.0
					loop = false
					prefabName = fx_exhaustSparks_flameout_2
					transformName = smokePoint
					oneShot = true
					channel = Ship
					clip = sound_explosion_low
					volume = 1.0
					pitch = 2.0
					loop = false
			name = ModuleEnginesFX
			engineID = KSLFB
			runningEffectName = running_closed
			thrustVectorTransformName = thrustTransform
			exhaustDamage = True
			ignitionThreshold = 0.1
			minThrust = 0
			maxThrust = 2000
			heatProduction = 375
			fxOffset = 0, 0, 0.25
			EngineType = LiquidFuel
			exhaustDamageDistanceOffset = 1.5
				name = LiquidFuel
				ratio = 0.9
				DrawGauge = True
				name = Oxidizer
				ratio = 1.1
				key = 0 300
				key = 1 280
				key = 9 0.001
			name = ModuleGimbal
			gimbalTransformName = obj_gimbal
			gimbalRange = 1.5
			name = FXModuleAnimateThrottle
			animationName = HeatAnimationLFB
			responseSpeed = 0.001
			dependOnEngineState = True
			dependOnThrottle = True
			name = FlagDecal
			textureQuadName = FlagTransform
			name = ModuleTestSubject
			useStaging = True
			useEvent = True
			situationMask = 127
				value = ALWAYS
				prestige = Trivial
				prestige = Significant
				value = ONCEPERPART
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 4000
				prestige = Trivial
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 8000
				prestige = Trivial
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 2000
				prestige = Significant
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 4000
				prestige = Significant
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 1000
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 2000
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = GT
				value = 0
				situationMask = 8
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = LT
				value = 300000
				situationMask = 16
				body = _NotSun
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = LT
				value = 600000
				situationMask = 32
				body = _NotSun
				type = SPEED
				test = GT
				value = 0
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEED
				test = LT
				value = 600
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEED
				test = GT
				value = 300
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEED
				test = LT
				value = 1200
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEED
				test = GT
				value = 600
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = SPEED
				test = LT
				value = 2500
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = LT
				value = 200
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = GT
				value = 100
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = LT
				value = 100
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = GT
				value = 50
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = LT
				value = 50
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = GT
				value = 20
				prestige = Exceptional
			name = ModuleSurfaceFX
			thrustProviderModuleIndex = 0
			fxMax = 0.8
			maxDistance = 50
			falloff = 1.8
			thrustTransformName = thrustPoint
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Engine/Size3AdvancedEngine/part.cfg
		name = Size3AdvancedEngine
		module = Part
		author = Squad
		mesh =
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 1.487975, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 3
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -2.536873, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 3
		TechRequired = veryHeavyRocketry
		entryCost = 68000
		cost = 25000
		category = Engine
		subcategory = 0
		title = Kerbodyne KR-2L+ "Rhino" Liquid Fuel Engine
		manufacturer = Kerbodyne
		description = This engine is Kerbodyne's first attempt at a highly advanced engine. The engineers couldn't get it to produce full efficiency at sea level without the engine exploding, so it was repurposed as an upper stage engine. The experience gained here with high efficiency has been repurposed for later models, which feature multiple combustion chambers at higher pressure (that don't go boom). This engine is optimized for lighting mid-flight, although it still provides respectable power at sea level.
		attachRules = 1,0,1,0,0
		mass = 9.0
		heatConductivity = 0.06
		skinInternalConductionMult = 4.0
		emissiveConstant = 0.8
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 7
		breakingForce = 200
		breakingTorque = 200
		maxTemp = 2000
		bulkheadProfiles = size3
		tags = ascent main propuls (rhino rocket sustain vacuum
					channel = Ship
					clip = sound_rocket_hard
					volume = 0.0 0.0
					volume = 1.0 1.0
					pitch = 0.0 0.2
					pitch = 1.0 1.0
					loop = true
					prefabName = fx_smokeTrail_veryLarge
					transformName = smokePoint
					emission = 0.0 0.0
					emission = 0.05 0.0
					emission = 0.075 0.25
					emission = 1.0 1.25
					speed = 0.0 0.25
					speed = 1.0 1.0
					localOffset = 0, 0, 1
					modelName = Squad/FX/ksX_Exhaust
					transformName = fxPoint
					emission = 0.0 0.0
					emission = 0.05 0.0
					emission = 0.075 0.25
					emission = 1.0 1.25
					speed = 0.0 0.5
					speed = 1.0 1.2
					channel = Ship
					clip = sound_vent_soft
					volume = 1.0
					pitch = 2.0
					loop = false
					prefabName = fx_exhaustSparks_flameout_2
					transformName = fxPoint
					oneShot = true
					channel = Ship
					clip = sound_explosion_low
					volume = 1.0
					pitch = 2.0
					loop = false
			name = ModuleEnginesFX
			thrustVectorTransformName = thrustTransform
			engineID = KSX
			runningEffectName = running_closed
			exhaustDamage = True
			ignitionThreshold = 0.1
			minThrust = 0
			maxThrust = 2000
			heatProduction = 140
			fxOffset = 0, 0, 1.5
			EngineType = LiquidFuel
			exhaustDamageDistanceOffset = 0.98
				name = LiquidFuel
				ratio = 0.9
				DrawGauge = True
				name = Oxidizer
				ratio = 1.1
				key = 0 340
				key = 1 205
				key = 5 0.001
			name = ModuleGimbal
			gimbalTransformName = Nozzle
			gimbalRange = 4
			name = FXModuleAnimateThrottle
			animationName = HeatAnimationAdvancedEngine
			responseSpeed = 0.001
			dependOnEngineState = True
			dependOnThrottle = True
			name = ModuleAlternator
				name = ElectricCharge
				rate = 12.0
			name = FlagDecal
			textureQuadName = FlagTransform
			name = ModuleJettison
			jettisonName = obj_fairing
			bottomNodeName = bottom
			isFairing = True
			jettisonedObjectMass = 0.5
			jettisonForce = 15
			jettisonDirection = 0 0 1
			name = ModuleTestSubject
			useStaging = True
			useEvent = True
			situationMask = 127
				value = ALWAYS
				prestige = Trivial
				prestige = Significant
				value = ONCEPERPART
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 4000
				prestige = Trivial
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 8000
				prestige = Trivial
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 2000
				prestige = Significant
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 4000
				prestige = Significant
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 1000
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 2000
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = GT
				value = 0
				situationMask = 8
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = LT
				value = 300000
				situationMask = 16
				body = _NotSun
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = LT
				value = 600000
				situationMask = 32
				body = _NotSun
				type = SPEED
				test = GT
				value = 0
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEED
				test = LT
				value = 600
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEED
				test = GT
				value = 300
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEED
				test = LT
				value = 1200
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEED
				test = GT
				value = 600
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = SPEED
				test = LT
				value = 2500
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = LT
				value = 200
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = GT
				value = 100
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = LT
				value = 100
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = GT
				value = 50
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = LT
				value = 50
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = GT
				value = 20
				prestige = Exceptional
			name = ModuleSurfaceFX
			thrustProviderModuleIndex = 0
			fxMax = 1
			maxDistance = 100
			falloff = 2
			thrustTransformName = thrustTransform
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Engine/Size3EngineCluster/part.cfg
		name = Size3EngineCluster
		module = Part
		author = Squad
		mesh =
		scale = 1.0
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_top = 0.0,1.527248,0.0 , 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 3
		mass = 15
		heatConductivity = 0.06
		skinInternalConductionMult = 4.0
		emissiveConstant = 0.8
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 2
		breakingForce = 400
		breakingTorque = 400
		crashTolerance = 20
		maxTemp = 2000
		TechRequired = veryHeavyRocketry
		entryCost = 115000
		cost = 39000
		category = Engine
		subcategory = 0
		title = S3 KS-25x4 "Mammoth" Liquid Fuel Engine
		manufacturer = Kerbodyne
		description = Kerbodyne engineers got fed up with having to contend with overly complicated staging arrays for lifting heavy payloads, and decided instead to just build a truly enormous engine of the highest efficiency. Strapping together four of Kerbodyne's KS-25 rocket motors in a single assembly, they created the largest rocket engine in production anywhere, and each KS-25 has the highest chamber pressure--the reason for four small nozzles and combustion chambers, not one big one (those kept going boom). It's certainly got the power to match its size, and although it excels in its main role as a first-stage engine, the lack of structural hardpoints on its underside makes it quite less suitable for other purposes. Its price tag also seems to match its size, in fact.
		attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0
		bulkheadProfiles = size3
		tags = ascent launch main (mammoth propuls rocket
					channel = Ship
					clip = sound_rocket_spurts
					volume = 0.0 0.0
					volume = 1.0 1.0
					pitch = 0.0 0.2
					pitch = 1.0 1.0
					loop = true
					prefabName = fx_smokeTrail_veryLarge
					transformName = smokePoint
					emission = 0.0 0.0
					emission = 0.05 0.0
					emission = 0.075 0.25
					emission = 1.0 1.25
					speed = 0.0 0.25
					speed = 1.0 1.0
					localOffset = 0, 0, 1
					modelName = Squad/FX/ks25_Exhaust
					transformName = thrustTransform
					emission = 0.0 0.0
					emission = 0.05 0.0
					emission = 0.075 0.25
					emission = 1.0 1.25
					speed = 0.0 0.5
					speed = 1.0 1.2
					localPosition = 0, 0, -0.08
					channel = Ship
					clip = sound_vent_soft
					volume = 1.0
					pitch = 2.0
					loop = false
					prefabName = fx_exhaustSparks_flameout_2
					transformName = smokePoint
					oneShot = true
					channel = Ship
					clip = sound_explosion_low
					volume = 1.0
					pitch = 2.0
					loop = false
			name = ModuleEnginesFX
			engineID = KS25
			runningEffectName = running_closed
			thrustVectorTransformName = obj_gimbal
			exhaustDamage = True
			ignitionThreshold = 0.1
			minThrust = 0
			maxThrust = 4000
			heatProduction = 192
			fxOffset = 0, 0, 0.25
			EngineType = LiquidFuel
			exhaustDamageDistanceOffset = 1.9
				name = LiquidFuel
				ratio = 0.9
				DrawGauge = True
				name = Oxidizer
				ratio = 1.1
				key = 0 315
				key = 1 295
				key = 12 0.001
			name = ModuleAlternator
				name = ElectricCharge
				rate = 12.0
			name = ModuleGimbal
			gimbalTransformName = obj_gimbal
			gimbalRange = 2
			name = FXModuleAnimateThrottle
			animationName = HeatAnimationClusterEngine
			responseSpeed = 0.001
			dependOnEngineState = True
			dependOnThrottle = True
			name = ModuleTestSubject
			useStaging = True
			useEvent = True
			situationMask = 127
				value = ALWAYS
				prestige = Trivial
				prestige = Significant
				value = ONCEPERPART
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 4000
				prestige = Trivial
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 8000
				prestige = Trivial
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 2000
				prestige = Significant
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 4000
				prestige = Significant
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 1000
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 2000
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = GT
				value = 0
				situationMask = 8
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = LT
				value = 300000
				situationMask = 16
				body = _NotSun
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = LT
				value = 600000
				situationMask = 32
				body = _NotSun
				type = SPEED
				test = GT
				value = 0
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEED
				test = LT
				value = 600
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEED
				test = GT
				value = 300
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEED
				test = LT
				value = 1200
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEED
				test = GT
				value = 600
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = SPEED
				test = LT
				value = 2500
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = LT
				value = 200
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = GT
				value = 100
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = LT
				value = 100
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = GT
				value = 50
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = LT
				value = 50
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = GT
				value = 20
				prestige = Exceptional
			name = ModuleSurfaceFX
			thrustProviderModuleIndex = 0
			fxMax = 1
			maxDistance = 100
			falloff = 1.5
			thrustTransformName = obj_gimbal
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Engine/SolidBoostersF/SolidBoosterF3S0.cfg
		name = Shrimp
		module = Part
		author = AlexanderM
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -1.98568, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 1.98582, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1
		node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, -0.3125, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1
		fx_exhaustFlame_yellow_thin = 0.0, -1.4084125, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, running
		fx_exhaustSparks_yellow = 0.0, -1.4084125, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, running
		fx_smokeTrail_medium_thin = 0.0, -1.4084125, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, running
		sound_vent_medium = engage
		sound_rocket_hard = running
		sound_vent_soft = disengage
		sound_explosion_low = flameout
		TechRequired = precisionPropulsion
		entryCost = 1600
		cost = 150
		category = Engine
		subcategory = 0
		title = F3S0 "Shrimp" Solid Fuel Booster
		manufacturer = Kerbodyne
		description = Kerbodyne was asked to deliver a small, high efficiency solid fuel booster and that's just what they did. While it may just look like someone welded a rocket nozzle onto a scuba tank, some serious technology went into making this motor.
		attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0
		mass = 0.15
		heatConductivity = 0.06
		skinInternalConductionMult = 4.0
		emissiveConstant = 0.5
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.3
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 7
		maxTemp = 2200
		stagingIcon = SOLID_BOOSTER
		bulkheadProfiles = size0, srf
		tags = (motor (rocket (srb (shri
			model = Squad/Parts/Engine/SolidBoostersF/Assets/SolidBoosterF3S0
			name = ModuleEngines
			thrustVectorTransformName = thrustTransform
			throttleLocked = True
			exhaustDamage = True
			ignitionThreshold = 0.1
			minThrust = 0
			maxThrust = 30
			heatProduction = 550
			useEngineResponseTime = True
			engineAccelerationSpeed = 10.0
			allowShutdown = False
			fxOffset = 0, 0, 0.45
			EngineType = SolidBooster
			exhaustDamageDistanceOffset = 0.6
				name = SolidFuel
				ratio = 1.0
				DrawGauge = True
				key = 0 215
				key = 1 190
				key = 7 0.001
			name = SolidFuel
			amount = 90
			maxAmount = 90
			name = ModuleSurfaceFX
			thrustProviderModuleIndex = 0
			fxMax = 0.75
			maxDistance = 50
			falloff = 1.8
			thrustTransformName = thrustTransform
			name = ModuleJettison
			jettisonName = Shroud
			bottomNodeName = bottom
			isFairing = True
			jettisonedObjectMass = 0.1
			jettisonForce = 5
			jettisonDirection = 0 0 1
			useMultipleDragCubes = false
			name = FXModuleAnimateThrottle
			animationName = F3S0Emissive
			responseSpeed = 0.001
			dependOnEngineState = True
			dependOnThrottle = True
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 1700
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Engine/SolidBoostersF/SolidBoosterFM1.cfg
		name = Mite
		module = Part
		author = AlexanderM
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.874462, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.874462, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1
		node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, -0.3125, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1
		fx_exhaustFlame_yellow_thin = 0.0, -1.4084125, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, running
		fx_exhaustSparks_yellow = 0.0, -1.4084125, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, running
		fx_smokeTrail_medium_thin = 0.0, -1.4084125, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, running
		sound_vent_medium = engage
		sound_rocket_hard = running
		sound_vent_soft = disengage
		sound_explosion_low = flameout
		TechRequired = propulsionSystems
		entryCost = 1200
		cost = 75
		category = Engine
		subcategory = 0
		title = FM1 "Mite" Solid Fuel Booster
		manufacturer = Kerbodyne
		description = Solid fuel boosters come in a range of sizes and this one is distinctly on the low end of the scale. The Mite is still useful for many space programs that want a tiny kick motor to plant their probes firmly on the right trajectory, or just a bit more oomph to get their craft off the ground.
		attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0
		mass = 0.075
		heatConductivity = 0.06
		skinInternalConductionMult = 4.0
		emissiveConstant = 0.5
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.3
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 7
		maxTemp = 2200
		stagingIcon = SOLID_BOOSTER
		bulkheadProfiles = size0, srf
		tags = (motor (rocket (srb (mite
			model = Squad/Parts/Engine/SolidBoostersF/Assets/SolidBoosterFM1
			name = ModuleEngines
			thrustVectorTransformName = thrustTransform
			throttleLocked = True
			exhaustDamage = True
			ignitionThreshold = 0.1
			minThrust = 0
			maxThrust = 12.5
			heatProduction = 550
			useEngineResponseTime = True
			engineAccelerationSpeed = 10.0
			allowShutdown = False
			fxOffset = 0, 0, 0.45
			EngineType = SolidBooster
			exhaustDamageDistanceOffset = 0.6
				name = SolidFuel
				ratio = 1.0
				DrawGauge = True
				key = 0 210
				key = 1 185
				key = 7 0.001
			name = SolidFuel
			amount = 40
			maxAmount = 40
			name = ModuleSurfaceFX
			thrustProviderModuleIndex = 0
			fxMax = 0.75
			maxDistance = 50
			falloff = 1.8
			thrustTransformName = thrustTransform
			name = ModuleJettison
			jettisonName = Shroud
			bottomNodeName = bottom
			isFairing = True
			jettisonedObjectMass = 0.1
			jettisonForce = 5
			jettisonDirection = 0 0 1
			useMultipleDragCubes = false
			name = FXModuleAnimateThrottle
			animationName = FM1Emissive
			responseSpeed = 0.001
			dependOnEngineState = True
			dependOnThrottle = True
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 700
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Engine/ionEngine/ionEngine.cfg
		name = ionEngine
		module = Part
		author = NovaSilisko
		mesh =
		scale = 1
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.2135562, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.1872844, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0
		TechRequired = ionPropulsion
		entryCost = 16800
		cost = 8000
		category = Engine
		subcategory = 0
		title = IX-6315 "Dawn" Electric Propulsion System
		manufacturer = Ionic Symphonic Protonic Electronics
		description = By emitting ionized xenon gas through a small thruster port, Dawn can produce incredibly efficient propulsion, but with a downside of very low thrust and high energy usage. According to ISP Electronics sales reps, the rumours of this engine being powered by "dark magic" are largely exaggerated.
		attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0
		mass = 0.25
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 7
		maxTemp = 2000
		bulkheadProfiles = size0
		tags = (dawn deep drive efficient engine (ion probe thruster vacuum xenon
			name = ModuleEnginesFX
			engineID = Ion
			thrustVectorTransformName = thrustTransform
			exhaustDamage = False
			ignitionThreshold = 0.1
			minThrust = 0
			maxThrust = 2
			heatProduction = 0
			powerEffectName = IonPlume
			EngineType = Electric
				name = ElectricCharge
				ratio = 1.8
				DrawGauge = True
				minResToLeave = 1.0
				name = XenonGas
				ratio = 0.1
				DrawGauge = True
				key = 0 4200
				key = 1 100
				key = 1.2 0.001
			name = FXModuleAnimateThrottle
			animationName = colorAnimation
			dependOnEngineState = True
			responseSpeed = 0.5
			engineName = Ion
			dependOnThrottle = True
					channel = Ship
					clip = sound_IonEngine
					volume = 0.0 0.0
					volume = 0.05 0.20
					volume = 1.0 0.25
					pitch = 0.0 0.2
					pitch = 1.0 0.8
					loop = true
					modelName = Squad/FX/IonPlume
					transformName = thrustTransform
					emission = 0.0 0.0
					emission = 0.25 0.5
					emission = 1.0 1.0
					localPosition = 0, 0, 0.12
			name = ModuleTestSubject
			useStaging = True
			useEvent = True
			situationMask = 112
				value = ALWAYS
				prestige = Trivial
				prestige = Significant
				value = ONCEPERPART
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 4000
				prestige = Trivial
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 8000
				prestige = Trivial
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 2000
				prestige = Significant
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 4000
				prestige = Significant
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 1000
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 2000
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = LT
				value = 300000
				situationMask = 16
				body = _NotSun
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = LT
				value = 600000
				situationMask = 32
				body = _NotSun
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 160
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Engine/jetEngines/jetEngineAfterburning.cfg
		name = turboJet
		module = Part
		author = Porkjet
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0
		CoMOffset = 0.0, 1.5, 0.0
		TechRequired = supersonicFlight
		entryCost = 9000
		cost = 2000
		category = Engine
		subcategory = 0
		title = J-404 "Panther" Afterburning Turbofan
		manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division
		description = A high performance jet engine with a variable geometry thrust vectoring nozzle and an afterburner for extra thrust.
		attachRules = 1,0,1,0,0
		mass = 1.2
		skinInternalConductionMult = 4.0
		emissiveConstant = 0.8
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 7
		maxTemp = 2000
		bulkheadProfiles = size1
		tags = after aircraft burner engine fighter jet (panther plane propuls
			model = Squad/Parts/Engine/jetEngines/turboJet
			name = MultiModeEngine
			primaryEngineID = Dry
			secondaryEngineID = Wet
			carryOverThrottle = True
			autoSwitchAvailable = False
			primaryEngineModeDisplayName = Dry
			secondaryEngineModeDisplayName = Wet
			name = ModuleEnginesFX
			engineID = Dry
			thrustVectorTransformName = thrustTransform
			exhaustDamage = True
			ignitionThreshold = 0.1
			minThrust = 0
			maxThrust = 85
			heatProduction = 15
			useEngineResponseTime = True
			engineAccelerationSpeed = 0.5
			engineDecelerationSpeed = 0.5
			useVelocityCurve = False
			flameoutEffectName = flameout
			powerEffectName = power_dry
			engageEffectName = engage
			disengageEffectName = disengage
			spoolEffectName = running_dry
			engineSpoolIdle = 0.05
			engineSpoolTime = 2.0
			EngineType = Turbine
			exhaustDamageMultiplier = 5
			clampPropReceived = True
			atmChangeFlow = True
			useVelCurve = True
			useAtmCurve = True
			flowMultCap = 1.1
			machLimit = 1.75
			machHeatMult = 20.0
				name = IntakeAir
				ignoreForIsp = True
				ratio = 40
				name = LiquidFuel
				resourceFlowMode = STAGE_STACK_FLOW_BALANCE
				ratio = 1
				DrawGauge = True
				key = 0 9000 0 0
				key = 0 1 0 0
				key = 0.35 0.932 0 0
				key = 1 1.13 0.4510796 0.4510796
				key = 1.75 1.5 0 0
				key = 2 1.38 -1.126258 -1.126258
				key = 2.5 0 0 0
				key = 0 0 1.069445 0.7244952
				key = 0.072 0.08 1.472049 1.472049
				key = 0.17 0.21 1.227685 1.227685
				key = 0.34 0.39 1.01426 1.01426
				key = 1 1 0.969697 0.969697
			name = ModuleEnginesFX
			engineID = Wet
			thrustVectorTransformName = thrustTransform
			exhaustDamage = True
			ignitionThreshold = 0.1
			minThrust = 0
			maxThrust = 130
			heatProduction = 75
			useEngineResponseTime = True
			engineAccelerationSpeed = 0.8
			engineDecelerationSpeed = 0.8
			useVelocityCurve = False
			flameoutEffectName = flameout
			runningEffectName = power_wet
			engageEffectName = engage
			disengageEffectName = disengage
			spoolEffectName = running_wet
			engineSpoolIdle = 0.05
			engineSpoolTime = 2.0
			EngineType = Turbine
			exhaustDamageMultiplier = 20
			clampPropReceived = True
			atmChangeFlow = True
			useVelCurve = True
			useAtmCurve = True
			flowMultCap = 1.1
			machLimit = 1.75
			machHeatMult = 20.0
				name = IntakeAir
				ignoreForIsp = True
				ratio = 12
				name = LiquidFuel
				resourceFlowMode = STAGE_STACK_FLOW_BALANCE
				ratio = 1
				DrawGauge = True
				key = 0 4000 0 0
				key = 0 1 0 0
				key = 0.18 0.97 0 0
				key = 0.43 1 0.202683 0.202683
				key = 1 1.42 1.280302 1.280302
				key = 2.5 3.63 0 0
				key = 3 0.58 -2.708558 -2.708558
				key = 3.35 0 -0.6150925 0
				key = 0 0 1.666667 1.666667
				key = 0.07066164 0.1397133 1.961396 1.961396
				key = 0.34 0.56 1.084002 1.084002
				key = 1 1 0.5302638 0.5302638
			name = FXModuleAnimateThrottle
			animationName = TurboJetNozzleDry
			responseSpeed = 0.05
			layer = 1
			dependOnEngineState = True
			dependOnThrottle = True
			engineName = Dry
			weightOnOperational = True
			name = FXModuleAnimateThrottle
			animationName = TurboJetNozzleWet
			responseSpeed = 0.08
			layer = 2
			dependOnEngineState = True
			dependOnThrottle = True
			engineName = Wet
			weightOnOperational = True
			name = FXModuleAnimateThrottle
			animationName = TurboJetHeat
			responseSpeed = 0.0005
			layer = 3
			dependOnEngineState = True
			engineName = Wet
			name = ModuleGimbal
			gimbalTransformName = Gimbal
			gimbalRange = 10
			gimbalResponseSpeed = 8
			useGimbalResponseSpeed = true
			name = FXModuleConstrainPosition
			matchRotation = false
			matchPosition = true
				targetName = NozzlePoint
				moversName = Nozzle
			name = ModuleAlternator
			engineName = Wet
			outputName = Alternator (Wet)
				name = ElectricCharge
				rate = 5.0
			name = ModuleAlternator
			engineName = Dry
			outputName = Alternator (Dry)
				name = ElectricCharge
				rate = 3.0
			name = ModuleSurfaceFX
			thrustProviderModuleIndex = 1
			fxMax = 0.6
			maxDistance = 25
			falloff = 2
			thrustTransformName = thrustTransform
			name = ModuleSurfaceFX
			thrustProviderModuleIndex = 2
			fxMax = 0.6
			maxDistance = 25
			falloff = 2
			thrustTransformName = thrustTransform
					prefabName = fx_smokeTrail_light
					transformName = smokePoint
					emission = 0.0 0.0
					emission = 0.05 0.0
					emission = 0.075 0.25
					emission = 1.0 1.25
					speed = 0.0 0.25
					speed = 1.0 1.0
					localOffset = 0, 0, 1
					localRotation = 1, 0, 0, -90
					channel = Ship
					clip = sound_jet_low
					volume = 0.0 0.0
					volume = 0.05 0.2
					volume = 1.0 0.4
					pitch = 0.0 0.2
					pitch = 0.05 0.4
					pitch = 1.0 0.5
					loop = true
					channel = Ship
					clip = sound_jet_deep
					volume = 0.0 0.0
					volume = 0.05 0.6
					volume = 1.0 1.3
					pitch = 0.0 0.3
					pitch = 1.0 0.6
					loop = true
					prefabName = fx_smokeTrail_light
					transformName = smokePoint
					emission = 0.0 0.0
					emission = 0.05 0.0
					emission = 0.075 0.5
					emission = 1.0 1.25
					speed = 0.0 0.25
					speed = 1.0 1.0
					localOffset = 0, 0, 1
					localRotation = 1, 0, 0, -90
					channel = Ship
					clip = sound_jet_low
					volume = 0.0 0.0
					volume = 0.05 0.2
					volume = 1.0 0.35
					pitch = 0.0 0.2
					pitch = 0.05 0.4
					pitch = 1.0 0.6
					loop = true
					channel = Ship
					clip = sound_rocket_spurts
					volume = 0.0 0.0
					volume = 0.1 0.4
					volume = 1.0 1.0
					pitch = 0.0 0.5
					pitch = 0.33 0.8
					pitch = 1.0 1.5
					loop = true
					modelName = Squad/FX/afterburner_shock
					transformName = smokePoint
					emission = 0.0 0.0
					emission = 0.05 0.05
					emission = 0.33 0.1
					emission = 1.0 1.0
					speed = 0.0 0.0
					speed = 0.05 0.05
					speed = 0.33 0.16
					speed = 1.0 1.0
					energy = 0.0 1.5
					energy = 0.33 1.0
					energy = 1.0 1.0
					channel = Ship
					clip = sound_vent_medium
					volume = 1.0
					pitch = 2.0
					loop = false
					channel = Ship
					clip = sound_vent_soft
					volume = 1.0
					pitch = 2.0
					loop = false
					prefabName = fx_exhaustSparks_flameout_2
					transformName = smokePoint
					oneShot = true
					channel = Ship
					clip = sound_explosion_low
					volume = 1.0
					pitch = 2.0
					loop = false
			name = ModuleTestSubject
			useStaging = True
			useEvent = True
			situationMask = 15
				type = OXYGEN
				value = True
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = LT
				value = 200
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = GT
				value = 100
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = LT
				value = 100
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = GT
				value = 50
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = LT
				value = 50
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = GT
				value = 20
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = SPEED
				test = LT
				value = 450
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEED
				test = GT
				value = 150
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEED
				test = LT
				value = 650
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEED
				test = GT
				value = 250
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEED
				test = LT
				value = 900
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = SPEED
				test = GT
				value = 350
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = DENSITY
				test = GT
				value = 0.2
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Trivial
				type = DENSITY
				test = GT
				value = 0.1
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Significant
				type = DENSITY
				test = GT
				value = 0.05
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 4000
				prestige = Trivial
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 8000
				prestige = Trivial
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 1000
				prestige = Significant
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 2000
				prestige = Significant
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 500
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 1000
				prestige = Exceptional
				value = ALWAYS
				prestige = Trivial
				prestige = Significant
				value = ONCEPERPART
				prestige = Exceptional
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			stackableQuantity = 1
			packedVolume = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Engine/jetEngines/jetEngineBasic.cfg
		name = JetEngine
		module = Part
		author = Porkjet
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.972875, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0
		CoMOffset = 0.0, 2.3, 0.0
		TechRequired = aerodynamicSystems
		entryCost = 4000
		cost = 1400
		category = Engine
		subcategory = 0
		title = J-33 "Wheesley" Turbofan Engine
		manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division
		description = A high bypass turbofan engine. This engine works best at low cruising speeds and altitudes.
		attachRules = 1,0,1,0,0
		mass = 1.5
		heatConductivity = 0.06
		skinInternalConductionMult = 4.0
		emissiveConstant = 0.8
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 7
		maxTemp = 2000
		bulkheadProfiles = size1
		tags = aircraft jet plane propuls reverse (wheesley
			model = Squad/Parts/Engine/jetEngines/turboFanSize1
			name = ModuleEnginesFX
			engineID = Cruise
			thrustVectorTransformName = thrustTransform
			exhaustDamage = True
			ignitionThreshold = 0.1
			minThrust = 0
			maxThrust = 120
			heatProduction = 40
			useEngineResponseTime = True
			engineAccelerationSpeed = 0.12
			engineDecelerationSpeed = 0.5
			fxOffset = 0, 0, 0.74
			flameoutEffectName = flameout
			powerEffectName = running_thrust
			engageEffectName = engage
			disengageEffectName = disengage
			spoolEffectName = running_turbine
			engineSpoolIdle = 0.05
			engineSpoolTime = 2.0
			EngineType = Turbine
			exhaustDamageMultiplier = 5
			clampPropReceived = True
			atmChangeFlow = True
			useVelCurve = True
			useAtmCurve = True
			flameoutBar = 0.02
			flowCapMult = 1.0
			machLimit = 0.85
			machHeatMult = 25
				name = IntakeAir
				ignoreForIsp = True
				ratio = 127
				name = LiquidFuel
				resourceFlowMode = STAGE_STACK_FLOW_BALANCE
				ratio = 1
				DrawGauge = True
				key = 0 10500 0 0
				key = 0 1 0 0
				key = 0.53 0.834 0 0
				key = 1.3 0.96 0 0
				key = 1.674 0.843 -0.876726 -0.876726
				key = 2.5 0 0 0
				key = 0 0 0 1.186726
				key = 0.072 0.092 1.339822 1.339822
				key = 0.337 0.4 0.8976688 0.8976688
				key = 1 1 0.9127604 0
			name = ModuleAnimateHeat
			ThermalAnim = TF1Heat
			name = ModuleAnimateGeneric
			animationName = TF1ThrustReverser
			startEventGUIName = Reverse Thrust
			endEventGUIName = Forward Thrust
			actionGUIName = Toggle Thrust Reverser
			name = ModuleAlternator
				name = ElectricCharge
				rate = 4
			name = ModuleTestSubject
			useStaging = True
			useEvent = True
			situationMask = 15
				type = OXYGEN
				value = True
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = LT
				value = 200
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = GT
				value = 100
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = LT
				value = 100
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = GT
				value = 50
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = LT
				value = 50
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = GT
				value = 20
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = SPEED
				test = LT
				value = 300
				situationMask = 8
				type = SPEED
				test = GT
				value = 50
				situationMask = 8
				type = DENSITY
				test = GT
				value = 0.3
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Trivial
				type = DENSITY
				test = GT
				value = 0.1
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Significant
				type = DENSITY
				test = GT
				value = 0.05
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 4000
				prestige = Trivial
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 8000
				prestige = Trivial
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 1000
				prestige = Significant
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 2000
				prestige = Significant
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 500
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 1000
				prestige = Exceptional
				value = ALWAYS
				prestige = Trivial
				prestige = Significant
				value = ONCEPERPART
				prestige = Exceptional
			name = ModuleSurfaceFX
			thrustProviderModuleIndex = 0
			fxMax = 0.5
			maxDistance = 20
			falloff = 2
			thrustTransformName = thrustTransform
					channel = Ship
					clip = sound_jet_deep
					volume = 0.0 0.0
					volume = 0.05 0.4
					volume = 1.0 1.5
					pitch = 0.0 0.3
					pitch = 1.0 0.5
					loop = true
					prefabName = fx_smokeTrail_light
					transformName = thrustTransformFX
					emission = 0.0 0.0
					emission = 0.05 0.0
					emission = 0.075 0.25
					emission = 1.0 1.25
					speed = 0.0 0.25
					speed = 1.0 1.0
					localOffset = 0, 0, 1
					localRotation = 1, 0, 0, -90
					channel = Ship
					clip = sound_jet_low
					volume = 0.0 0.0
					volume = 0.05 0.2
					volume = 1.0 0.45
					pitch = 0.0 0.3
					pitch = 0.05 0.5
					pitch = 1.0 0.65
					loop = true
					channel = Ship
					clip = sound_vent_medium
					volume = 1.0
					pitch = 2.0
					loop = false
					channel = Ship
					clip = sound_vent_soft
					volume = 1.0
					pitch = 2.0
					loop = false
					prefabName = fx_exhaustSparks_flameout_2
					transformName = thrustTransformFX
					oneShot = true
					channel = Ship
					clip = sound_explosion_low
					volume = 1.0
					pitch = 2.0
					loop = false
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			stackableQuantity = 1
			packedVolume = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Engine/jetEngines/jetEngineBig.cfg
		name = turboFanSize2
		module = Part
		author = Porkjet
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 2.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2
		node_attach = 0.0, -2.5, -1.2, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1
		CoMOffset = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
		TechRequired = heavyAerodynamics
		entryCost = 15000
		cost = 2600
		category = Engine
		subcategory = 0
		title = J-90 "Goliath" Turbofan Engine
		manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division
		description = The largest and highest thrust jet engine ever built. This engine works best at low cruising speeds and altitudes.
		attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0
		mass = 4.5
		skinInternalConductionMult = 4.0
		emissiveConstant = 0.8
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 7
		maxTemp = 2000
		bulkheadProfiles = srf
		tags = aircraft (goliath jet plane propuls reverse
			model = Squad/Parts/Engine/jetEngines/turboFanSize2
			name = ModuleResourceIntake
			resourceName = IntakeAir
			checkForOxygen = true
			area = 0.03
			intakeSpeed = 30
			intakeTransformName = Intake
			occludeNode = top
				key = 1 1 0 0
				key = 1.5 0.9 -0.4312553 -0.4312553
				key = 2.5 0.45 -0.5275364 -0.5275364
				key = 3.5 0.1 0 0
			name = ModuleEnginesFX
			engineID = Cruise
			thrustVectorTransformName = thrustTransform
			exhaustDamage = True
			ignitionThreshold = 0.1
			minThrust = 0
			maxThrust = 360
			heatProduction = 100
			useEngineResponseTime = True
			engineAccelerationSpeed = 0.06
			engineDecelerationSpeed = 0.25
			flameoutEffectName = flameout
			powerEffectName = running_thrust
			engageEffectName = engage
			disengageEffectName = disengage
			spoolEffectName = running_turbine
			engineSpoolIdle = 0.05
			engineSpoolTime = 2.0
			EngineType = Turbine
			exhaustDamageMultiplier = 5
			clampPropReceived = True
			atmChangeFlow = True
			useVelCurve = True
			useAtmCurve = True
			flameoutBar = 0.02
			machLimit = 0.75
			machHeatMult = 40
				name = IntakeAir
				ignoreForIsp = True
				ratio = 227
				name = LiquidFuel
				resourceFlowMode = STAGE_STACK_FLOW_BALANCE
				ratio = 1
				DrawGauge = True
				key = 0 12600 0 0
				key = 0 1 -0.1543096 -0.1543096
				key = 0.61 0.79 0 0
				key = 1.5 0.964 0 0
				key = 2 0.31 -3.278422 -3.278422
				key = 2.1 0 -0.9205825 -0.9205825
				key = 0 0 0 0
				key = 0.072 0.085 1.172947 1.172947
				key = 0.337 0.37 0.98425 0.98425
				key = 1 1 1.179067 1.179067
			name = IntakeAir
			amount = 3.4
			maxAmount = 3.4
			name = ModuleAnimateHeat
			ThermalAnim = TF2Heat
			name = ModuleAnimateGeneric
			animationName = TF2ThrustReverser
			startEventGUIName = Reverse Thrust
			endEventGUIName = Forward Thrust
			actionGUIName = Toggle Thrust Reverser
			layer = 1
			name = FXModuleAnimateThrottle
			animationName = TF2FanSpin
			responseSpeed = 0.05
			layer = 2
			dependOnEngineState = True
			dependOnThrottle = True
			weightOnOperational = True
			affectTime = false
			baseAnimSpeed = 0.01
			baseAnimSpeedMult = 100
			playInEditor = False
			animWrapMode = 2
			name = ModuleJettison
			jettisonName = Fairing
			bottomNodeName = top
			checkBottomNode = true
			isFairing = False
			jettisonedObjectMass = 0.1
			jettisonForce = 5
			jettisonDirection = 0 0 -1
			useMultipleDragCubes = false
			name = FlagDecal
			textureQuadName = FLAG
			name = ModuleAlternator
				name = ElectricCharge
				rate = 16
			name = ModuleTestSubject
			useStaging = True
			useEvent = True
			situationMask = 15
				type = OXYGEN
				value = True
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = LT
				value = 200
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = GT
				value = 100
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = LT
				value = 100
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = GT
				value = 50
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = LT
				value = 50
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = GT
				value = 20
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = SPEED
				test = LT
				value = 300
				situationMask = 8
				type = SPEED
				test = GT
				value = 50
				situationMask = 8
				type = DENSITY
				test = GT
				value = 0.3
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Trivial
				type = DENSITY
				test = GT
				value = 0.1
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Significant
				type = DENSITY
				test = GT
				value = 0.05
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 4000
				prestige = Trivial
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 8000
				prestige = Trivial
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 1000
				prestige = Significant
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 2000
				prestige = Significant
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 500
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 1000
				prestige = Exceptional
				value = ALWAYS
				prestige = Trivial
				prestige = Significant
				value = ONCEPERPART
				prestige = Exceptional
			name = ModuleSurfaceFX
			thrustProviderModuleIndex = 1
			fxMax = 0.5
			maxDistance = 20
			falloff = 2
			thrustTransformName = smokePoint
					channel = Ship
					clip = sound_jet_deep
					volume = 0.0 0.0
					volume = 0.05 0.4
					volume = 1.0 1.0
					pitch = 0.0 0.6
					pitch = 1.0 1.0
					loop = true
					prefabName = fx_smokeTrail_light
					transformName = smokePoint
					emission = 0.0 0.0
					emission = 0.05 0.0
					emission = 0.075 0.25
					emission = 1.0 1.25
					speed = 0.0 0.25
					speed = 1.0 1.0
					localOffset = 0, 0, 1
					localRotation = 1, 0, 0, -90
					channel = Ship
					clip = sound_jet_low
					volume = 0.0 0.0
					volume = 0.05 0.7
					volume = 1.0 1.0
					pitch = 0.0 0.4
					pitch = 0.05 0.5
					pitch = 1.0 1.0
					loop = true
					channel = Ship
					clip = sound_vent_medium
					volume = 1.0
					pitch = 2.0
					loop = false
					channel = Ship
					clip = sound_vent_soft
					volume = 1.0
					pitch = 2.0
					loop = false
					prefabName = fx_exhaustSparks_flameout_2
					transformName = smokePoint
					oneShot = true
					channel = Ship
					clip = sound_explosion_low
					volume = 1.0
					pitch = 2.0
					loop = false
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Engine/jetEngines/jetEngineTurbo.cfg
		name = turboFanEngine
		module = Part
		author = Porkjet
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 1.4, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0
		CoMOffset = 0.0, 2.7, 0.0
		TechRequired = hypersonicFlight
		entryCost = 18000
		cost = 2250
		category = Engine
		subcategory = 0
		title = J-X4 "Whiplash" Turbo Ramjet Engine
		manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division
		description = A highly advanced turbine engine using space-grade materials for very high performance. This new model features the latest in thrust vectoring and compression technology and is designed to operate best at higher altitudes and speeds. The advanced turbo ramjet design bleeds air around the compressor at high speed allowing a far maximum speed than regular jet engines, so engineers from C7 Aerospace assured us all those leaks are intentional.
		attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0
		mass = 1.8
		heatConductivity = 0.06
		skinInternalConductionMult = 4.0
		emissiveConstant = 0.8
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 7
		maxTemp = 2000
		bulkheadProfiles = size1
		tags = aircraft jet plane propuls (whiplash
			model = Squad/Parts/Engine/jetEngines/turboRamJet
			name = ModuleEnginesFX
			thrustVectorTransformName = thrustTransform
			exhaustDamage = True
			ignitionThreshold = 0.1
			minThrust = 0
			maxThrust = 130
			heatProduction = 75
			useEngineResponseTime = True
			engineAccelerationSpeed = 0.2
			engineDecelerationSpeed = 0.4
			useVelocityCurve = False
			flameoutEffectName = flameout
			powerEffectName = running_thrust
			runningEffectName = shockDiamond
			engageEffectName = engage
			disengageEffectName = disengage
			spoolEffectName = running_turbine
			engineSpoolIdle = 0.05
			engineSpoolTime = 2.0
			EngineType = Turbine
			exhaustDamageMultiplier = 40
			clampPropReceived = True
			atmChangeFlow = True
			useVelCurve = True
			useAtmCurve = True
			flowMultCap = 2.0
			machLimit = 2.5
			machHeatMult = 6.0
				name = IntakeAir
				ignoreForIsp = True
				ratio = 8
				name = LiquidFuel
				resourceFlowMode = STAGE_STACK_FLOW_BALANCE
				ratio = 1
				DrawGauge = True
				key = 0 4000 0 0
				key = 0 1 0 0
				key = 0.2 0.98 0 0
				key = 0.72 1.716 2.433527 2.433527
				key = 1.36 3.2 1.986082 1.986082
				key = 2.15 4.9 1.452677 1.452677
				key = 3 5.8 0.0005786046 0.0005786046
				key = 4.5 3 -4.279616 -4.279616
				key = 5.5 0 -0.02420209 0
				key = 0 0 0 0
				key = 0.045 0.166 4.304647 4.304647
				key = 0.16 0.5 0.5779132 0.5779132
				key = 0.5 0.6 0.4809403 0.4809403
				key = 1 1 1.013946 0
			name = FXModuleAnimateThrottle
			animationName = TurboRamJetNozzle
			dependOnEngineState = True
			dependOnThrottle = True
			responseSpeed = 1
			layer = 1
			name = FXModuleAnimateThrottle
			animationName = TRJ_Heat
			dependOnEngineState = True
			responseSpeed = 0.0005
			layer = 2
			name = ModuleGimbal
			gimbalTransformName = Gimbal
			gimbalRange = 1
			name = ModuleAlternator
				name = ElectricCharge
				rate = 5.0
			name = ModuleTestSubject
			useStaging = True
			useEvent = True
			situationMask = 31
				type = OXYGEN
				value = True
				type = SITUATION
				value = 11
				body = _NotHome
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = LT
				value = 120000
				situationMask = 16
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = LT
				value = 200
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = GT
				value = 100
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = LT
				value = 100
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = GT
				value = 50
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = LT
				value = 50
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = GT
				value = 20
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = SPEED
				test = LT
				value = 650
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEED
				test = GT
				value = 350
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEED
				test = LT
				value = 950
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEED
				test = GT
				value = 450
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEED
				test = LT
				value = 1200
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = SPEED
				test = GT
				value = 900
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = DENSITY
				test = GT
				value = 0.15
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Trivial
				type = DENSITY
				test = GT
				value = 0.06
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Significant
				type = DENSITY
				test = GT
				value = 0.005
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 4000
				prestige = Trivial
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 8000
				prestige = Trivial
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 1000
				prestige = Significant
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 2000
				prestige = Significant
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 500
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 1000
				prestige = Exceptional
				value = ALWAYS
				prestige = Trivial
				prestige = Significant
				value = ONCEPERPART
				prestige = Exceptional
			name = ModuleSurfaceFX
			thrustProviderModuleIndex = 0
			fxMax = 0.6
			maxDistance = 25
			falloff = 2
			thrustTransformName = thrustTransform
					channel = Ship
					clip = sound_rocket_spurts
					volume = 0.0 0.0
					volume = 0.5 1.0
					volume = 1.0 1.5
					pitch = 0.0 0.5
					pitch = 1.0 1.0
					loop = true
					prefabName = fx_smokeTrail_light
					transformName = smokePoint
					emission = 0.0 0.0
					emission = 0.05 0.0
					emission = 0.075 0.25
					emission = 1.0 1.25
					speed = 0.0 0.25
					speed = 1.0 1.0
					localOffset = 0, 0, 1
					localRotation = 1, 0, 0, -90
					modelName = Squad/FX/afterburner_shock
					transformName = smokePoint
					emission = 0.0 0.0
					emission = 0.45 0.0
					emission = 0.6 0.8
					emission = 1 1.15
					speed = 0.4 0.3
					speed = 0.6 0.8
					speed = 1.0 1.15
					channel = Ship
					clip = sound_jet_low
					volume = 0.0 0.0
					volume = 0.02 0.0
					volume = 0.1 0.6
					volume = 0.2 0.8
					volume = 0.5 0.8
					pitch = 0.0 0.5
					pitch = 0.2 0.8
					pitch = 1.0 1.0
					loop = true
					modelName = Squad/FX/afterburner_flame
					transformName = smokePoint
					emission = 0.0 0.0
					emission = 0.16 0.0
					emission = 0.3 0.5
					emission = 0.5 1.0
					emission = 1.0 1.0
					speed = 0.1 0.05
					speed = 0.3 1.0
					speed = 0.5 1.15
					speed = 1.0 1.15
					localPosition = 0, 0, 0.08
					channel = Ship
					clip = sound_vent_medium
					volume = 1.0
					pitch = 2.0
					loop = false
					channel = Ship
					clip = sound_vent_soft
					volume = 1.0
					pitch = 2.0
					loop = false
					prefabName = fx_exhaustSparks_flameout_2
					transformName = smokePoint
					oneShot = true
					channel = Ship
					clip = sound_explosion_low
					volume = 1.0
					pitch = 2.0
					loop = false
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Engine/liquidEngine24-77/liquidEngine24-77.cfg
		name = smallRadialEngine
		module = Part
		author = NovaSilisko
		mesh =
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, -0.1690665, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0
		TechRequired = precisionPropulsion
		entryCost = 0
		TechHidden = True
		category = none
		cost = 400
		subcategory = 0
		title = 24-77 "Twitch" Liquid Fuel Engine
		manufacturer = Rockomax Conglomerate
		description = Tiny engine! But very useful, good for craft where larger radial engines won't fit, or when you want more control in combination with large lifter engines.
		attachRules = 0,1,0,1,0
		mass = 0.09
		heatConductivity = 0.06
		skinInternalConductionMult = 4.0
		emissiveConstant = 0.8
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 7
		breakingForce = 200
		breakingTorque = 200
		maxTemp = 2000
		bulkheadProfiles = srf
		tags = orange propuls rocket thruster (twitch vernier
					channel = Ship
					clip = sound_rocket_mini
					volume = 0.0 0.0
					volume = 1.0 1.0
					pitch = 0.0 0.8
					pitch = 1.0 1.0
					loop = true
					prefabName = fx_exhaustFlame_yellow_tiny_Z
					transformName = FXTransform
					emission = 0.0 0.0
					emission = 1.0 1.0
					speed = 0.0 0.8
					speed = 1.0 1.0
					channel = Ship
					clip = sound_vent_medium
					loop = false
					channel = Ship
					clip = sound_vent_soft
					loop = false
			name = ModuleEnginesFX
			thrustVectorTransformName = thrustTransform
			exhaustDamage = True
			ignitionThreshold = 0.1
			minThrust = 0
			maxThrust = 16
			heatProduction = 150
			fxOffset = 0, 0, 0.01
			localPosition = 0, 0, 0.12
			EngineType = LiquidFuel
			exhaustDamageDistanceOffset = 0.12
				name = LiquidFuel
				ratio = 0.9
				DrawGauge = True
				name = Oxidizer
				ratio = 1.1
				key = 0 290
				key = 1 250
				key = 7 0.001
			name = ModuleGimbal
			gimbalTransformName = thrustTransform
			gimbalRange = 8
			name = ModuleTestSubject
			useStaging = True
			useEvent = True
			situationMask = 127
				value = ALWAYS
				prestige = Trivial
				prestige = Significant
				value = ONCEPERPART
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 4000
				prestige = Trivial
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 8000
				prestige = Trivial
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 2000
				prestige = Significant
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 4000
				prestige = Significant
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 1000
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 2000
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = GT
				value = 0
				situationMask = 8
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = LT
				value = 300000
				situationMask = 16
				body = _NotSun
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = LT
				value = 600000
				situationMask = 32
				body = _NotSun
				type = SPEED
				test = GT
				value = 0
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEED
				test = LT
				value = 600
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEED
				test = GT
				value = 300
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEED
				test = LT
				value = 1200
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEED
				test = GT
				value = 600
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = SPEED
				test = LT
				value = 2500
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = LT
				value = 200
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = GT
				value = 100
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = LT
				value = 100
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = GT
				value = 50
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = LT
				value = 50
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = GT
				value = 20
				prestige = Exceptional
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 65
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Engine/liquidEngine24-77_v2/liquidEngine24-77_v2.cfg
		name = smallRadialEngine_v2
		module = Part
		author = RoverDude
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0
		CoMOffset = 0.0, -0.1, -0.2
		TechRequired = precisionPropulsion
		entryCost = 920
		cost = 230
		category = Engine
		subcategory = 0
		title = 24-77 "Twitch" Liquid Fuel Engine
		manufacturer = Rockomax Conglomerate
		description = Tiny engine! But very useful, good for craft where larger radial engines won't fit, or when you want more control in combination with large lifter engines.
		attachRules = 0,1,0,1,0
		mass = 0.08
		heatConductivity = 0.06
		skinInternalConductionMult = 4.0
		emissiveConstant = 0.8
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 7
		breakingForce = 200
		breakingTorque = 200
		maxTemp = 2000
		bulkheadProfiles = srf
		tags = orange propuls rocket thruster (twitch vernier
			model = Squad/Parts/Engine/liquidEngine24-77_v2/Twitch_v2
					channel = Ship
					clip = sound_rocket_mini
					volume = 0.0 0.0
					volume = 1.0 1.0
					pitch = 0.0 0.8
					pitch = 1.0 1.0
					loop = true
					prefabName = fx_exhaustFlame_yellow_tiny_Z
					transformName = thrustTransform
					emission = 0.0 0.0
					emission = 1.0 1.0
					speed = 0.0 0.8
					speed = 1.0 1.0
					channel = Ship
					clip = sound_vent_medium
					loop = false
					channel = Ship
					clip = sound_vent_soft
					loop = false
			name = ModuleEnginesFX
			thrustVectorTransformName = thrustTransform
			exhaustDamage = True
			ignitionThreshold = 0.1
			minThrust = 0
			maxThrust = 16
			heatProduction = 150
			fxOffset = 0, 0, 0.01
			localPosition = 0, 0, 0.12
			EngineType = LiquidFuel
			exhaustDamageDistanceOffset = 0.12
				name = LiquidFuel
				ratio = 0.9
				DrawGauge = True
				name = Oxidizer
				ratio = 1.1
				key = 0 290
				key = 1 275
				key = 7 0.001
			name = ModuleGimbal
			gimbalTransformName = Gimbal
			gimbalRange = 8
			gimbalResponseSpeed = 30
			useGimbalResponseSpeed = true
			name = FXModuleLookAtConstraint
				targetName = HiCyl1
				rotatorsName = LoCyl1
				targetName = HiCyl2
				rotatorsName = LoCyl2
				targetName = LoCyl1
				rotatorsName = HiCyl1
				targetName = LoCyl2
				rotatorsName = HiCyl2
			name = FXModuleAnimateThrottle
			animationName = TwitchThrottle
			responseSpeed = 0.001
			dependOnEngineState = True
			dependOnThrottle = True
			name = ModuleTestSubject
			useStaging = True
			useEvent = True
			situationMask = 127
				value = ALWAYS
				prestige = Trivial
				prestige = Significant
				value = ONCEPERPART
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 4000
				prestige = Trivial
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 8000
				prestige = Trivial
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 2000
				prestige = Significant
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 4000
				prestige = Significant
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 1000
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 2000
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = GT
				value = 0
				situationMask = 8
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = LT
				value = 300000
				situationMask = 16
				body = _NotSun
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = LT
				value = 600000
				situationMask = 32
				body = _NotSun
				type = SPEED
				test = GT
				value = 0
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEED
				test = LT
				value = 600
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEED
				test = GT
				value = 300
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEED
				test = LT
				value = 1200
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEED
				test = GT
				value = 600
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = SPEED
				test = LT
				value = 2500
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = LT
				value = 200
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = GT
				value = 100
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = LT
				value = 100
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = GT
				value = 50
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = LT
				value = 50
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = GT
				value = 20
				prestige = Exceptional
			name = ModulePartVariants
			baseVariant = Orange
			useMultipleDragCubes = false
				name = Orange
				displayName = Orange
				themeName = Orange
				primaryColor = #f49841
				secondaryColor = #f49841
					mainTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Engine/liquidEngine24-77_v2/Twitch
				name = GrayAndOrange
				displayName = Gray and Orange
				themeName = GrayAndOrange
				primaryColor = #4c4f47
				secondaryColor = #f49841
					mainTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Engine/liquidEngine24-77_v2/Twitch_G
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 65
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Engine/liquidEngine48-7S_v2/liquidEngine48-7S_v2.cfg
		name = liquidEngineMini_v2
		module = Part
		author = RoverDude
		rescaleFactor = 1.0
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.4, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0
		TechRequired = propulsionSystems
		entryCost = 2800
		cost = 240
		category = Engine
		subcategory = 0
		title = 48-7S "Spark" Liquid Fuel Engine
		manufacturer = Rockomax Conglomerate
		description = The 48-7S may be small, but it packs quite a punch for its size. This little engine is a testament to how larger does not always mean more advanced, at least according to Rockomax's marketing department. The box it comes in is pretty cool, in any case.
		attachRules = 1,0,1,0,0
		mass = 0.13
		heatConductivity = 0.06
		skinInternalConductionMult = 4.0
		emissiveConstant = 0.8
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 7
		breakingForce = 200
		breakingTorque = 200
		maxTemp = 2000
		bulkheadProfiles = size0
		tags = lander propuls rocket (spark
			model = Squad/Parts/Engine/liquidEngine48-7S_v2/SparkV2
					channel = Ship
					clip = sound_rocket_mini
					volume = 0.0 0.0
					volume = 1.0 1.0
					pitch = 0.0 0.75
					pitch = 1.0 0.95
					loop = true
					prefabName = fx_exhaustFlame_yellow_tiny_Z
					transformName = thrustTransform
					emission = 0.0 0.0
					emission = 1.0 1.0
					speed = 0.0 0.8
					speed = 1.0 1.0
					localPosition = 0, 0, 0.2
					channel = Ship
					clip = sound_vent_medium
					loop = false
					channel = Ship
					clip = sound_vent_soft
					loop = false
			name = ModuleEnginesFX
			thrustVectorTransformName = thrustTransform
			exhaustDamage = True
			ignitionThreshold = 0.1
			minThrust = 0
			maxThrust = 20
			heatProduction = 150
			fxOffset = 0, 0, 0.125
			EngineType = LiquidFuel
			exhaustDamageDistanceOffset = 0.15
				name = LiquidFuel
				ratio = 0.9
				DrawGauge = True
				name = Oxidizer
				ratio = 1.1
				key = 0 320
				key = 1 265
				key = 7 0.001
			name = ModuleJettison
			jettisonName = Shroud
			bottomNodeName = bottom
			isFairing = True
			jettisonedObjectMass = 0.1
			jettisonForce = 2
			jettisonDirection = 0 0 1
			name = ModuleGimbal
			gimbalTransformName = gimbal
			gimbalRange = 3
			gimbalResponseSpeed = 10
			name = ModuleTestSubject
			useStaging = True
			useEvent = True
			situationMask = 127
				value = ALWAYS
				prestige = Trivial
				prestige = Significant
				value = ONCEPERPART
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 4000
				prestige = Trivial
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 8000
				prestige = Trivial
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 2000
				prestige = Significant
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 4000
				prestige = Significant
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 1000
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 2000
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = GT
				value = 0
				situationMask = 8
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = LT
				value = 300000
				situationMask = 16
				body = _NotSun
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = LT
				value = 600000
				situationMask = 32
				body = _NotSun
				type = SPEED
				test = GT
				value = 0
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEED
				test = LT
				value = 600
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEED
				test = GT
				value = 300
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEED
				test = LT
				value = 1200
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEED
				test = GT
				value = 600
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = SPEED
				test = LT
				value = 2500
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = LT
				value = 200
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = GT
				value = 100
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = LT
				value = 100
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = GT
				value = 50
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = LT
				value = 50
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = GT
				value = 20
				prestige = Exceptional
			name = ModulePartVariants
			baseVariant = Shroud
				name = Shroud
				displayName = Shroud
				primaryColor = #ffffff
				secondaryColor = #999999
				sizeGroup = GroupB
					LgMount = true
					BoatTail = true
				name = TrussMount
				displayName = Truss Mount
				primaryColor = #cccccc
				secondaryColor = #d96200
				sizeGroup = GroupA
					LgMount = true
					BoatTail = false
				name = Bare
				displayName = Bare
				primaryColor = #d96200
				secondaryColor = #999999
				sizeGroup = GroupA
					LgMount = false
					BoatTail = false
			name = FXModuleAnimateThrottle
			animationName = SparkEmissive
			responseSpeed = 0.001
			dependOnEngineState = True
			dependOnThrottle = True
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 140
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Engine/liquidEngineAerospike/liquidEngineAerospike.cfg
		name = toroidalAerospike
		module = Part
		author = Porkjet
		mesh =
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.9, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0
		node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 0.00, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0
		fx_exhaustFlame_blue = 0.0, -0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, running
		fx_exhaustLight_blue = 0.0, -0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, running
		fx_smokeTrail_light = 0.0, -0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, running
		fx_exhaustSparks_flameout = 0.0, -0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, flameout
		sound_vent_medium = engage
		sound_rocket_hard = running
		sound_vent_soft = disengage
		sound_explosion_low = flameout
		mass = 1.0
		skinInternalConductionMult = 4.0
		emissiveConstant = 0.8
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 20
		maxTemp = 2000
		TechRequired = hypersonicFlight
		entryCost = 24500
		cost = 3850
		category = Engine
		subcategory = 0
		title = T-1 Toroidal Aerospike "Dart" Liquid Fuel Engine
		manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division
		description = The Toroidal Aerospike is a huge breakthrough from C7 Aerospace. While heavier than previous models, with its heavy-duty exhaust nozzle, the Aerospike makes up for it with an efficient burning of fuel at all altitudes.
		attachRules = 1,1,1,0,0
		bulkheadProfiles = srf, size1
		tags = (dart orbit propuls rocket sustain
			name = ModuleEngines
			thrustVectorTransformName = thrustTransform
			exhaustDamage = True
			ignitionThreshold = 0.1
			minThrust = 0
			maxThrust = 180
			heatProduction = 110
			fxOffset = 0, 0, 0
			EngineType = LiquidFuel
			exhaustDamageDistanceOffset = 0.25
				name = LiquidFuel
				ratio = 0.9
				DrawGauge = True
				name = Oxidizer
				ratio = 1.1
				key = 0 340 -50 -73.71224
				key = 1 290 -21.23404 -21.23404
				key = 5 230 -10.54119 -10.54119
				key = 10 170 -13.59091 -13.59091
				key = 20 0.001
			name = FXModuleAnimateThrottle
			animationName = Aerospike_Heat
			responseSpeed = 0.001
			dependOnEngineState = True
			dependOnThrottle = True
			name = ModuleAlternator
				name = ElectricCharge
				rate = 5.0
			name = ModuleJettison
			jettisonName = Fairing
			bottomNodeName = bottom
			isFairing = True
			jettisonedObjectMass = 0.1
			jettisonForce = 5
			jettisonDirection = 0 0 1
			name = ModuleTestSubject
			useStaging = True
			useEvent = True
			situationMask = 127
				value = ALWAYS
				prestige = Trivial
				prestige = Significant
				value = ONCEPERPART
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 4000
				prestige = Trivial
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 8000
				prestige = Trivial
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 2000
				prestige = Significant
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 4000
				prestige = Significant
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 1000
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 2000
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = GT
				value = 0
				situationMask = 8
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = LT
				value = 300000
				situationMask = 16
				body = _NotSun
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = LT
				value = 600000
				situationMask = 32
				body = _NotSun
				type = SPEED
				test = GT
				value = 0
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEED
				test = LT
				value = 600
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEED
				test = GT
				value = 300
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEED
				test = LT
				value = 1200
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEED
				test = GT
				value = 600
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = SPEED
				test = LT
				value = 2500
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = LT
				value = 200
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = GT
				value = 100
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = LT
				value = 100
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = GT
				value = 50
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = LT
				value = 50
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = GT
				value = 20
				prestige = Exceptional
			name = ModuleSurfaceFX
			thrustProviderModuleIndex = 0
			fxMax = 0.6
			maxDistance = 40
			falloff = 1.7
			thrustTransformName = thrustTransform
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 1600
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Engine/liquidEngineLV-1_v2/liquidEngineLV-1R _v2.cfg
		name = radialEngineMini_v2
		module = Part
		author = AlexanderM
		rescaleFactor = 1.0
		node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 0.00, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0
		TechRequired = precisionPropulsion
		entryCost = 1750
		cost = 120
		category = Engine
		subcategory = 0
		title = LV-1R "Spider" Liquid Fuel Engine
		manufacturer = Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spacecraft Parts Co
		description = Adapted to appease engineers who were outraged at the lack of control rocket engines usually provide, the radial mounted LV-1R offers an appealing solution: "Just add more".  Point away from face.
		attachRules = 0,1,0,1,0
		mass = 0.02
		heatConductivity = 0.06
		skinInternalConductionMult = 4.0
		emissiveConstant = 0.8
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 7
		maxTemp = 2000
		stagingIcon = LIQUID_ENGINE
		bulkheadProfiles = srf
		tags = probe propuls rocket (spider thruster vernier
			model = Squad/Parts/Engine/liquidEngineLV-1_v2/Assets/Spider
					channel = Ship
					clip = sound_rocket_mini
					volume = 0.0 0.0
					volume = 1.0 0.3
					pitch = 0.0 0.75
					pitch = 1.0 1.5
					loop = true
					modelName = Squad/FX/Monoprop_small
					transformName = FXTransform
					emission = 0.0 0.0
					emission = 0.4 0.8
					emission = 1.0 1.0
					speed = 0.0 0.8
					speed = 1.0 1.0
					localPosition = 0, 0, 0.08
					channel = Ship
					clip = sound_vent_soft
					volume = 1.0
					pitch = 2.0
					loop = false
					prefabName = fx_exhaustSparks_flameout_2
					transformName = thrustTransform
					oneShot = true
					channel = Ship
					clip = sound_explosion_low
					volume = 1.0
					pitch = 2.0
					loop = false
			name = ModuleEnginesFX
			thrustVectorTransformName = thrustTransform
			exhaustDamage = False
			ignitionThreshold = 0.1
			minThrust = 0
			maxThrust = 2
			heatProduction = 30
			fxOffset = 0, 0, 0.05
			EngineType = LiquidFuel
			exhaustDamageDistanceOffset = 0.05
			runningEffectName = running
				name = LiquidFuel
				ratio = 0.9
				DrawGauge = True
				name = Oxidizer
				ratio = 1.1
				key = 0 290
				key = 1 260
				key = 8 0.001
			name = ModuleTestSubject
			useStaging = True
			useEvent = True
			situationMask = 127
				value = ALWAYS
				prestige = Trivial
				prestige = Significant
				value = ONCEPERPART
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 4000
				prestige = Trivial
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 8000
				prestige = Trivial
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 2000
				prestige = Significant
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 4000
				prestige = Significant
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 1000
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 2000
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = GT
				value = 0
				situationMask = 8
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = LT
				value = 300000
				situationMask = 16
				body = _NotSun
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = LT
				value = 600000
				situationMask = 32
				body = _NotSun
				type = SPEED
				test = GT
				value = 0
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEED
				test = LT
				value = 600
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEED
				test = GT
				value = 300
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEED
				test = LT
				value = 1200
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEED
				test = GT
				value = 600
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = SPEED
				test = LT
				value = 2500
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = LT
				value = 200
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = GT
				value = 100
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = LT
				value = 100
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = GT
				value = 50
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = LT
				value = 50
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = GT
				value = 20
				prestige = Exceptional
			name = ModuleGimbal
			gimbalTransformName = Gimbal
			gimbalRange = 10
			gimbalResponseSpeed = 30
			useGimbalResponseSpeed = true
			name = FXModuleLookAtConstraint
				targetName = HiCyl1
				rotatorsName = LowCyl1
				targetName = HiCyl2
				rotatorsName = LowCyl2
				targetName = LowCyl1
				rotatorsName = HiCyl1
				targetName = LowCyl2
				rotatorsName = HiCyl2
				targetName = LowHose1
				rotatorsName = HiHose1
				targetName = HiHose1
				rotatorsName = LowHose1
				targetName = LowHose2
				rotatorsName = HiHose2
				targetName = HiHose2
				rotatorsName = LowHose2
			name = FXModuleAnimateThrottle
			animationName = AntNoozleGlow
			responseSpeed = 0.001
			dependOnEngineState = True
			dependOnThrottle = True
			name = ModulePartVariants
			baseVariant = Shroud
				name = Shroud
				displayName = Shroud
				primaryColor = #ffffff
				secondaryColor = #999999
					Shroud = true
					Case = false
					Mount = false
				name = Bare
				displayName = Bare
				primaryColor = #d96200
				secondaryColor = #999999
					Shroud = false
					Case = true
					Mount = true
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			stackableQuantity = 2
			packedVolume = 20
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Engine/liquidEngineLV-1_v2/liquidEngineLV-1_v2.cfg
		name = microEngine_v2
		module = Part
		author = AlexanderM
		scale = 1
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.2816985, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0
		node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 0.00, 0.0, 90.0, 0.0, 0
		TechRequired = propulsionSystems
		entryCost = 1500
		cost = 110
		category = Engine
		subcategory = 0
		title = LV-1 "Ant" Liquid Fuel Engine
		manufacturer = Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spacecraft Parts Co
		description = What is this, an engine for ants?
		attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0
		mass = 0.02
		heatConductivity = 0.06
		skinInternalConductionMult = 4.0
		emissiveConstant = 0.8
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 7
		maxTemp = 2000
		bulkheadProfiles = size0, srf
		tags = (ant probe propuls rocket vacuum
			model = Squad/Parts/Engine/liquidEngineLV-1_v2/Assets/Ant
					channel = Ship
					clip = sound_rocket_mini
					volume = 0.0 0.0
					volume = 1.0 0.3
					pitch = 0.0 0.75
					pitch = 1.0 1.5
					loop = true
					modelName = Squad/FX/Monoprop_small
					transformName = FXTransform
					emission = 0.0 0.0
					emission = 0.4 0.8
					emission = 1.0 1.0
					speed = 0.0 0.8
					speed = 1.0 1.0
					localPosition = 0, 0, 0.08
					channel = Ship
					clip = sound_vent_soft
					volume = 1.0
					pitch = 2.0
					loop = false
					prefabName = fx_exhaustSparks_flameout_2
					transformName = thrustTransform
					oneShot = true
					channel = Ship
					clip = sound_explosion_low
					volume = 1.0
					pitch = 2.0
					loop = false
			name = ModuleEnginesFX
			thrustVectorTransformName = thrustTransform
			exhaustDamage = False
			ignitionThreshold = 0.1
			minThrust = 0
			maxThrust = 2
			heatProduction = 25
			fxOffset = 0, 0, 0.99
			EngineType = LiquidFuel
			exhaustDamageDistanceOffset = 0.05
			runningEffectName = running
				name = LiquidFuel
				ratio = 0.9
				DrawGauge = True
				name = Oxidizer
				ratio = 1.1
				key = 0 315
				key = 1 80
				key = 3 0.001
			name = ModuleTestSubject
			useStaging = True
			useEvent = True
			situationMask = 127
				value = ALWAYS
				prestige = Trivial
				prestige = Significant
				value = ONCEPERPART
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 4000
				prestige = Trivial
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 8000
				prestige = Trivial
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 2000
				prestige = Significant
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 4000
				prestige = Significant
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 1000
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 2000
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = GT
				value = 0
				situationMask = 8
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = LT
				value = 300000
				situationMask = 16
				body = _NotSun
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = LT
				value = 600000
				situationMask = 32
				body = _NotSun
				type = SPEED
				test = GT
				value = 0
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEED
				test = LT
				value = 600
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEED
				test = GT
				value = 300
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEED
				test = LT
				value = 1200
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEED
				test = GT
				value = 600
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = SPEED
				test = LT
				value = 2500
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = LT
				value = 200
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = GT
				value = 100
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = LT
				value = 100
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = GT
				value = 50
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = LT
				value = 50
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = GT
				value = 20
				prestige = Exceptional
			name = FXModuleAnimateThrottle
			animationName = AntNoozleGlow
			responseSpeed = 0.001
			dependOnEngineState = True
			dependOnThrottle = True
			name = ModulePartVariants
			baseVariant = Shroud
				name = Shroud
				displayName = Shroud
				primaryColor = #ffffff
				secondaryColor = #999999
				useMultipleDragCubes = false
					Shroud = true
					Case = false
				name = Bare
				displayName = Bare
				primaryColor = #d96200
				secondaryColor = #999999
				useMultipleDragCubes = false
					Shroud = false
					Case = true
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			stackableQuantity = 2
			packedVolume = 20
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Engine/liquidEngineLV-909_v2/liquidEngineLV-909_v2.cfg
		name = liquidEngine3_v2
		module = Part
		author = RoverDude
		rescaleFactor = 1.0
		rescaleFactor = 1.0
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.83, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
		fx_exhaustFlame_blue_small = 0.0, -21.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, running
		fx_exhaustLight_blue = 0.0, -21.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, running
		fx_smokeTrail_light = 0.0, -21.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, running
		sound_vent_medium = engage
		sound_rocket_hard = running
		sound_vent_soft = disengage
		sound_explosion_low = flameout
		TechRequired = advRocketry
		entryCost = 1600
		cost = 390
		category = Engine
		subcategory = 0
		title = LV-909 "Terrier" Liquid Fuel Engine
		manufacturer = Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spacecraft Parts Co
		description = The 909 model was initially received with some skepticism by spacecraft engineers, as it defied the long-standing convention that "More Power!" is always better. Despite this, the 909 series has found its place in the spacecraft construction world, being particularly useful as a final stage and landing engine.
		attachRules = 1,0,1,0,0
		mass = 0.5
		heatConductivity = 0.06
		skinInternalConductionMult = 4.0
		emissiveConstant = 0.8
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 7
		maxTemp = 2000
		bulkheadProfiles = size1
		tags = lander orbit propuls rocket (terrier vacuum
			model = Squad/Parts/Engine/liquidEngineLV-909_v2/TerrierV2
			name = ModuleEngines
			thrustVectorTransformName = thrustTransform
			exhaustDamage = True
			ignitionThreshold = 0.1
			minThrust = 0
			maxThrust = 60
			heatProduction = 80
			fxOffset = 0, 0, 0.1
			EngineType = LiquidFuel
			exhaustDamageDistanceOffset = 0.34
				name = LiquidFuel
				ratio = 0.9
				DrawGauge = True
				name = Oxidizer
				ratio = 1.1
				key = 0 345
				key = 1 85
				key = 3 0.001
			name = ModuleGimbal
			gimbalTransformName = gimbal
			gimbalRange = 4
			gimbalResponseSpeed = 30
			useGimbalResponseSpeed = true
			name = ModuleJettison
			jettisonName = ShortShroud,TallShroud
			bottomNodeName = bottom
			isFairing = True
			jettisonedObjectMass = 0.1
			jettisonForce = 5
			jettisonDirection = 0 0 1
			name = ModuleTestSubject
			useStaging = True
			useEvent = True
			situationMask = 127
				value = ALWAYS
				prestige = Trivial
				prestige = Significant
				value = ONCEPERPART
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 4000
				prestige = Trivial
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 8000
				prestige = Trivial
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 2000
				prestige = Significant
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 4000
				prestige = Significant
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 1000
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 2000
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = GT
				value = 0
				situationMask = 8
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = LT
				value = 300000
				situationMask = 16
				body = _NotSun
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = LT
				value = 600000
				situationMask = 32
				body = _NotSun
				type = SPEED
				test = GT
				value = 0
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEED
				test = LT
				value = 600
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEED
				test = GT
				value = 300
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEED
				test = LT
				value = 1200
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEED
				test = GT
				value = 600
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = SPEED
				test = LT
				value = 2500
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = LT
				value = 200
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = GT
				value = 100
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = LT
				value = 100
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = GT
				value = 50
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = LT
				value = 50
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = GT
				value = 20
				prestige = Exceptional
			name = ModuleSurfaceFX
			thrustProviderModuleIndex = 0
			fxMax = 0.3
			maxDistance = 30
			falloff = 1.7
			thrustTransformName = thrustTransform
			name = ModulePartVariants
			baseVariant = Shroud
				name = Shroud
				displayName = Shroud
				primaryColor = #ffffff
				secondaryColor = #999999
				sizeGroup = GroupB
					TallShroud = false
					ShortShroud = true
					Toroid = true
					LgTruss = false
					SmTruss = true
					node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.81781, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
				name = TrussMount
				displayName = Truss Mount
				primaryColor = #999999
				secondaryColor = #000000
				sizeGroup = GroupA
					TallShroud = true
					ShortShroud = false
					Toroid = false
					LgTruss = true
					SmTruss = false
					node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.8, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
				name = Bare
				displayName = Bare
				primaryColor = #d96200
				secondaryColor = #999999
				sizeGroup = GroupA
					TallShroud = true
					ShortShroud = false
					Toroid = false
					LgTruss = false
					SmTruss = true
					node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.8, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
			name = FXModuleAnimateThrottle
			animationName = TerrierGlow
			responseSpeed = 0.001
			dependOnEngineState = True
			dependOnThrottle = True
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 1300
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Engine/liquidEngineLV-N/liquidEngineLV-N.cfg
		name = nuclearEngine
		module = Part
		author = NovaSilisko
		mesh =
		scale = 1
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 1.40383, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -1.778, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0
		fx_exhaustFlame_blue = 0.0, -1, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, running
		fx_exhaustLight_blue = 0.0, -1, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, running
		fx_smokeTrail_light = 0.0, -1, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, running
		sound_vent_medium = engage
		sound_rocket_hard = running
		sound_vent_soft = disengage
		sound_explosion_low = flameout
		TechRequired = nuclearPropulsion
		entryCost = 45000
		cost = 10000
		category = Engine
		subcategory = 0
		title = LV-N "Nerv" Atomic Rocket Motor
		manufacturer = Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spacecraft Parts Co
		description = Despite the big scary trefoil painted onto the side of this engine, its radioactive exhaust, and tendency to overheat, the LV-N Atomic Rocket Motor is harmless. Mostly. Note that the LV-N is the only LV series engine to run solely on Liquid Fuel - the future is glowing bright!
		attachRules = 1,0,1,0,0
		mass = 3
		heatConductivity = 0.06
		skinInternalConductionMult = 4.0
		emissiveConstant = 0.85
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 12
		maxTemp = 2500
		bulkheadProfiles = size1
		radiatorMax = 0.35
		tags = active atom efficient engine inter liquid (nerv nuclear nuke orbit propuls radio reactor vacuum
			name = ModuleEngines
			thrustVectorTransformName = thrustTransform
			exhaustDamage = True
			ignitionThreshold = 0.1
			minThrust = 0
			maxThrust = 60
			heatProduction = 250
			fxOffset = 0, 0, 1
			EngineType = Nuclear
			exhaustDamageDistanceOffset = 1.86
				name = LiquidFuel
				ratio = 0.9
				DrawGauge = True
				key = 0 800
				key = 1 185
				key = 2 0.001
			name = ModuleJettison
			jettisonName = fairingL
			bottomNodeName = bottom
			isFairing = False
			jettisonedObjectMass = 0.1
			jettisonForce = 1
			jettisonDirection = 1 0 0
			actionSuffix = L
			useProceduralDragCubes = true
			name = ModuleJettison
			jettisonName = fairingR
			bottomNodeName = bottom
			isFairing = False
			jettisonedObjectMass = 0.1
			jettisonForce = 1
			jettisonDirection = -1 0 0
			actionSuffix = R
			useProceduralDragCubes = true
			name = ModuleAnimateHeat
			ThermalAnim = overheat
			name = ModuleAlternator
				name = ElectricCharge
				rate = 5.0
			name = ModuleTestSubject
			useStaging = True
			useEvent = True
			situationMask = 121
				value = ALWAYS
				prestige = Trivial
				prestige = Significant
				value = ONCEPERPART
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 4000
				prestige = Trivial
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 8000
				prestige = Trivial
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 2000
				prestige = Significant
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 4000
				prestige = Significant
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 1000
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 2000
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = LT
				value = 300000
				situationMask = 16
				body = _NotSun
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = LT
				value = 600000
				situationMask = 32
				body = _NotSun
				type = SPEED
				test = GT
				value = 0
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEED
				test = LT
				value = 600
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEED
				test = GT
				value = 300
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEED
				test = LT
				value = 1200
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEED
				test = GT
				value = 600
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = SPEED
				test = LT
				value = 2500
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = LT
				value = 200
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = GT
				value = 100
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = LT
				value = 100
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = GT
				value = 50
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = LT
				value = 50
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = GT
				value = 20
				prestige = Exceptional
			name = ModuleSurfaceFX
			thrustProviderModuleIndex = 0
			fxMax = 0.7
			maxDistance = 50
			falloff = 2.5
			thrustTransformName = thrustTransform
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Engine/liquidEngineLV-T30/liquidEngineLV-T30.cfg
		name = liquidEngine
		module = Part
		author = NovaSilisko
		mesh =
		scale = 0.1
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 7.21461, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -6.9685, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0
		fx_exhaustFlame_blue = 0.0, -10.3, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, running
		fx_exhaustLight_blue = 0.0, -10.3, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, running
		fx_smokeTrail_light = 0.0, -10.3, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, running
		fx_exhaustSparks_flameout = 0.0, -10.3, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, flameout
		sound_vent_medium = engage
		sound_rocket_hard = running
		sound_vent_soft = disengage
		sound_explosion_low = flameout
		TechRequired = generalRocketry
		TechHidden = true
		entryCost = 0
		cost = 1100
		category = none
		subcategory = 0
		title = LV-T30 "Reliant" Liquid Fuel Engine
		manufacturer = Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spacecraft Parts Co
		description = Although criticized by some due to their not insignificant use of so-called "pieces found lying about", the LV-T series engines have proven themselves as comparatively reliable. The T30 model boasts a failure and rattly bits ratio below the 50% mark, this has been considered a major improvement over previous models by engineers and LV-T enthusiasts.
		attachRules = 1,0,1,0,0
		mass = 1.25
		heatConductivity = 0.06
		skinInternalConductionMult = 4.0
		emissiveConstant = 0.8
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 7
		maxTemp = 2000
		stagingIcon = LIQUID_ENGINE
		bulkheadProfiles = size1
		tags = ascent main propuls (reliant rocket
			name = ModuleEngines
			thrustVectorTransformName = thrustTransform
			exhaustDamage = True
			ignitionThreshold = 0.1
			minThrust = 0
			maxThrust = 240
			heatProduction = 192
			fxOffset = 0, 0, 0.8
			EngineType = LiquidFuel
			exhaustDamageDistanceOffset = 1.05
				name = LiquidFuel
				ratio = 0.9
				DrawGauge = True
				name = Oxidizer
				ratio = 1.1
				key = 0 310
				key = 1 265
				key = 7 0.001
			name = ModuleJettison
			jettisonName = fairing
			bottomNodeName = bottom
			isFairing = True
			jettisonedObjectMass = 0.1
			jettisonForce = 5
			jettisonDirection = 0 0 1
			name = FXModuleAnimateThrottle
			animationName = HeatAnimationEmissive
			responseSpeed = 0.001
			dependOnEngineState = True
			dependOnThrottle = True
			name = ModuleAlternator
				name = ElectricCharge
				rate = 7
			name = ModuleSurfaceFX
			thrustProviderModuleIndex = 0
			fxMax = 0.5
			maxDistance = 30
			falloff = 1.5
			thrustTransformName = thrustTransform
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			stackableQuantity = 1
			packedVolume = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Engine/liquidEngineLV-T30_v2/liquidEngineLV-T30_v2.cfg
		name = liquidEngine_v2
		module = Part
		author = Alex
		mesh =
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -1.63, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0
		fx_exhaustFlame_blue = 0.0, -10.3, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, running
		fx_exhaustLight_blue = 0.0, -10.3, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, running
		fx_smokeTrail_light = 0.0, -10.3, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, running
		fx_exhaustSparks_flameout = 0.0, -10.3, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, flameout
		sound_vent_medium = engage
		sound_rocket_hard = running
		sound_vent_soft = disengage
		sound_explosion_low = flameout
		TechRequired = generalRocketry
		entryCost = 3200
		cost = 1100
		category = Engine
		subcategory = 0
		title = LV-T30 "Reliant" Liquid Fuel Engine
		manufacturer = Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spacecraft Parts Co
		description = Although criticized by some due to their not insignificant use of so-called "pieces found lying about", the LV-T series engines have proven themselves as comparatively reliable. The T30 model boasts a failure and rattly bits ratio below the 50% mark, this has been considered a major improvement over previous models by engineers and LV-T enthusiasts.
		attachRules = 1,0,1,0,0
		mass = 1.25
		heatConductivity = 0.06
		skinInternalConductionMult = 4.0
		emissiveConstant = 0.8
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 7
		maxTemp = 2000
		stagingIcon = LIQUID_ENGINE
		bulkheadProfiles = size1
		tags = ascent main propuls (reliant rocket
			name = ModulePartVariants
			useMultipleDragCubes = false
			baseVariant = Shroud
				name = Shroud
				displayName = Shroud
				primaryColor = #ffffff
				secondaryColor = #999999
					Shroud = true
					Truss = false
				name = TrussMount
				displayName = Truss Mount
				primaryColor = #cccccc
				secondaryColor = #d96200
					Shroud = false
					Truss = true
				name = Bare
				displayName = Bare
				primaryColor = #d96200
				secondaryColor = #999999
					Shroud = false
					Truss = false
			name = ModuleEngines
			thrustVectorTransformName = thrustTransform
			exhaustDamage = True
			ignitionThreshold = 0.1
			minThrust = 0
			maxThrust = 240
			heatProduction = 192
			fxOffset = 0, 0, 0.8
			EngineType = LiquidFuel
			exhaustDamageDistanceOffset = 1.05
				name = LiquidFuel
				ratio = 0.9
				DrawGauge = True
				name = Oxidizer
				ratio = 1.1
				key = 0 310
				key = 1 265
				key = 7 0.001
			name = ModuleJettison
			jettisonName = fairing
			bottomNodeName = bottom
			isFairing = True
			jettisonedObjectMass = 0.1
			jettisonForce = 5
			jettisonDirection = 0 0 1
			name = FXModuleAnimateThrottle
			animationName = HeatAnimationEmissive
			responseSpeed = 0.001
			dependOnEngineState = True
			dependOnThrottle = True
			name = ModuleAlternator
				name = ElectricCharge
				rate = 7
			name = ModuleSurfaceFX
			thrustProviderModuleIndex = 1
			fxMax = 0.5
			maxDistance = 30
			falloff = 1.5
			thrustTransformName = thrustTransform
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			stackableQuantity = 1
			packedVolume = -1
			cube = Fairing, 2.227,0.7794,0.7139, 2.227,0.7794,0.7139, 1.225,0.9364,0.2242, 1.225,0.8365,1.639, 2.227,0.7794,0.7139, 2.227,0.7794,0.7139, 0,0.01447,1.192E-07, 1.256,1.771,1.256
			cube = Clean, 1.145,0.7209,1.024, 1.145,0.7232,0.7278, 1.213,0.9359,0.1997, 1.213,0.8052,1.735, 1.355,0.7387,0.7222, 1.355,0.7387,0.7278, 3.569E-15,0.02092,1.095E-08, 1.25,1.758,1.25
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Engine/liquidEngineLV-T45/liquidEngineLV-T45.cfg
		name = liquidEngine2
		module = Part
		author = NovaSilisko
		mesh =
		scale = 0.1
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 7.21461, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -5.74338, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0
		fx_exhaustFlame_blue = 0.0, -5.74338, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, running
		fx_exhaustLight_blue = 0.0, -5.74338, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, running
		fx_smokeTrail_light = 0.0, -5.74338, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, running
		fx_exhaustSparks_flameout = 0.0, -5.74338, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, flameout
		sound_vent_medium = engage
		sound_rocket_hard = running
		sound_vent_soft = disengage
		sound_explosion_low = flameout
		TechRequired = basicRocketry
		TechHidden = true
		entryCost = 0
		cost = 1200
		category = none
		subcategory = 0
		title = LV-T45 "Swivel" Liquid Fuel Engine
		manufacturer = Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spacecraft Parts Co
		description = The LV-T45 engine was considered a breakthrough in the LV-T series due to its Thrust Vectoring feature. The LV-T45 can deflect its thrust to aid in craft control. All these added mechanics however, make for a slightly smaller and heavier engine in comparison with other LV-T models.
		attachRules = 1,0,1,0,0
		mass = 1.5
		heatConductivity = 0.06
		skinInternalConductionMult = 4.0
		emissiveConstant = 0.8
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 7
		maxTemp = 2000
		bulkheadProfiles = size1
		tags = launch propuls rocket sustain (swivel
			name = ModuleEngines
			thrustVectorTransformName = thrustTransform
			exhaustDamage = True
			ignitionThreshold = 0.1
			minThrust = 0
			maxThrust = 215
			heatProduction = 200
			fxOffset = 0, 0, 0.574338
			EngineType = LiquidFuel
			exhaustDamageDistanceOffset = 0.79
				name = LiquidFuel
				ratio = 0.9
				DrawGauge = True
				name = Oxidizer
				ratio = 1.1
				key = 0 320
				key = 1 250
				key = 6 0.001
			name = ModuleJettison
			jettisonName = fairing
			bottomNodeName = bottom
			isFairing = True
			jettisonedObjectMass = 0.1
			jettisonForce = 5
			jettisonDirection = 0 0 1
			name = ModuleGimbal
			gimbalTransformName = thrustTransform
			gimbalRange = 3
			name = FXModuleAnimateThrottle
			animationName = HeatEmissiveAnimation
			responseSpeed = 0.001
			dependOnEngineState = True
			dependOnThrottle = True
			name = ModuleAlternator
				name = ElectricCharge
				rate = 6.0
			name = ModuleSurfaceFX
			thrustProviderModuleIndex = 0
			fxMax = 0.5
			maxDistance = 30
			falloff = 1.7
			thrustTransformName = thrustTransform
			name = ModuleTestSubject
			useStaging = True
			useEvent = True
			situationMask = 127
				value = ALWAYS
				prestige = Trivial
				prestige = Significant
				value = ONCEPERPART
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 4000
				prestige = Trivial
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 8000
				prestige = Trivial
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 2000
				prestige = Significant
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 4000
				prestige = Significant
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 1000
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 2000
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = GT
				value = 0
				situationMask = 8
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = LT
				value = 300000
				situationMask = 16
				body = _NotSun
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = LT
				value = 600000
				situationMask = 32
				body = _NotSun
				type = SPEED
				test = GT
				value = 0
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEED
				test = LT
				value = 600
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEED
				test = GT
				value = 300
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEED
				test = LT
				value = 1200
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEED
				test = GT
				value = 600
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = SPEED
				test = LT
				value = 2500
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = LT
				value = 200
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = GT
				value = 100
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = LT
				value = 100
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = GT
				value = 50
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = LT
				value = 50
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = GT
				value = 20
				prestige = Exceptional
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			stackableQuantity = 1
			packedVolume = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Engine/liquidEngineLV-T45_v2/liquidEngineLV-T45_v2.cfg
		name = liquidEngine2_v2
		module = Part
		author = Alex
		mesh =
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -1.63, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0
		fx_exhaustFlame_blue = 0.0, -0.574338, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, running
		fx_exhaustLight_blue = 0.0, -0.574338, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, running
		fx_smokeTrail_light = 0.0, -0.574338, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, running
		fx_exhaustSparks_flameout = 0.0, -0.574338, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, flameout
		sound_vent_medium = engage
		sound_rocket_hard = running
		sound_vent_soft = disengage
		sound_explosion_low = flameout
		TechRequired = basicRocketry
		entryCost = 3500
		cost = 1200
		category = Engine
		subcategory = 0
		title = LV-T45 "Swivel" Liquid Fuel Engine
		manufacturer = Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spacecraft Parts Co
		description = The LV-T45 engine was considered a breakthrough in the LV-T series due to its Thrust Vectoring feature. The LV-T45 can deflect its thrust to aid in craft control. All these added mechanics however, make for a slightly smaller and heavier engine in comparison with other LV-T models.
		attachRules = 1,0,1,0,0
		mass = 1.5
		heatConductivity = 0.06
		skinInternalConductionMult = 4.0
		emissiveConstant = 0.8
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 7
		maxTemp = 2000
		bulkheadProfiles = size1
		tags = launch propuls rocket sustain (swivel
			name = FXModuleLookAtConstraint
				targetName = HiCyl1
				rotatorsName = LoCyl1
				targetName = HiCyl2
				rotatorsName = LoCyl2
				targetName = LoCyl1
				rotatorsName = HiCyl1
				targetName = LoCyl2
				rotatorsName = HiCyl2
			name = ModulePartVariants
			useMultipleDragCubes = false
			baseVariant = Shroud
				name = Shroud
				displayName = Shroud
				primaryColor = #ffffff
				secondaryColor = #999999
					Shroud = true
					Truss = false
				name = TrussMount
				displayName = Truss Mount
				primaryColor = #cccccc
				secondaryColor = #d96200
					Shroud = false
					Truss = true
				name = Bare
				displayName = Bare
				primaryColor = #d96200
				secondaryColor = #999999
					Shroud = false
					Truss = false
			name = ModuleEngines
			thrustVectorTransformName = thrustTransform
			exhaustDamage = True
			ignitionThreshold = 0.1
			minThrust = 0
			maxThrust = 215
			heatProduction = 200
			fxOffset = 0, 0, 0.574338
			EngineType = LiquidFuel
			exhaustDamageDistanceOffset = 0.79
				name = LiquidFuel
				ratio = 0.9
				DrawGauge = True
				name = Oxidizer
				ratio = 1.1
				key = 0 320
				key = 1 250
				key = 6 0.001
			name = ModuleJettison
			jettisonName = fairing
			bottomNodeName = bottom
			isFairing = True
			jettisonedObjectMass = 0.1
			jettisonForce = 5
			jettisonDirection = 0 0 1
			name = ModuleGimbal
			gimbalTransformName = Gimbal
			gimbalRange = 3
			name = FXModuleAnimateThrottle
			animationName = HeatAnimationEmissive
			responseSpeed = 0.001
			dependOnEngineState = True
			dependOnThrottle = True
			name = ModuleAlternator
				name = ElectricCharge
				rate = 6.0
			name = ModuleSurfaceFX
			thrustProviderModuleIndex = 2
			fxMax = 0.5
			maxDistance = 30
			falloff = 1.7
			thrustTransformName = thrustTransform
			name = ModuleTestSubject
			useStaging = True
			useEvent = True
			situationMask = 127
				value = ALWAYS
				prestige = Trivial
				prestige = Significant
				value = ONCEPERPART
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 4000
				prestige = Trivial
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 8000
				prestige = Trivial
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 2000
				prestige = Significant
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 4000
				prestige = Significant
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 1000
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 2000
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = GT
				value = 0
				situationMask = 8
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = LT
				value = 300000
				situationMask = 16
				body = _NotSun
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = LT
				value = 600000
				situationMask = 32
				body = _NotSun
				type = SPEED
				test = GT
				value = 0
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEED
				test = LT
				value = 600
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEED
				test = GT
				value = 300
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEED
				test = LT
				value = 1200
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEED
				test = GT
				value = 600
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = SPEED
				test = LT
				value = 2500
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = LT
				value = 200
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = GT
				value = 100
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = LT
				value = 100
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = GT
				value = 50
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = LT
				value = 50
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = GT
				value = 20
				prestige = Exceptional
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			stackableQuantity = 1
			packedVolume = -1
			cube = Fairing, 2.111,0.7825,0.7082, 2.111,0.783,0.7082, 1.225,0.9363,0.2294, 1.225,0.8691,1.554, 2.111,0.7789,0.7082, 2.111,0.7791,0.7082, 0,0.05659,1.192E-07, 1.256,1.687,1.256
			cube = Clean, 0.9307,0.7168,1.029, 0.9307,0.7145,0.7278, 1.213,0.9359,0.1939, 1.213,0.8416,1.609, 1.142,0.7373,0.7222, 1.142,0.7378,0.7278, 0,0.08432,5.96E-08, 1.25,1.631,1.25
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Engine/liquidEngineMainsail_v2/liquidEngineMainsail_v2.cfg
		name = liquidEngineMainsail_v2
		module = Part
		author = Squad
		mesh = liquidEngineMainsail_v2
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 1.01359, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -1.95705, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2
		fx_exhaustFlame_yellow_medium = 20, -20, 20, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, running
		fx_exhaustLight_blue = 0.0, -2, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, running
		fx_smokeTrail_light = 0.0, -2, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, running
		fx_exhaustSparks_flameout = 0.0, -2, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, flameout
		fx_exhaustFlame_yellow_mini = 0.041, -1.01, 1.85, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, running, true
		fx_exhaustLight_blue = 0.041, -1.01, 2.292, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, running, true
		fx_exhaustFlame_yellow_mini = -0.041, 1.01, 1.85, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, running, true
		fx_exhaustLight_blue = -0.041, 1.01, 2.292, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, running, true
		sound_vent_medium = engage
		sound_rocket_hard = running
		sound_vent_soft = disengage
		sound_explosion_low = flameout
		TechRequired = heavierRocketry
		entryCost = 38000
		cost = 13000
		category = Engine
		subcategory = 0
		title = RE-M3 "Mainsail" Liquid Fuel Engine
		manufacturer = Rockomax Conglomerate
		description = A monster of an engine for heavy lifting purposes, the Mainsail's power rivals that of entire small nations.
		attachRules = 1,0,1,0,0
		mass = 6
		heatConductivity = 0.06
		skinInternalConductionMult = 4.0
		emissiveConstant = 0.8
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 7
		breakingForce = 200
		breakingTorque = 200
		maxTemp = 2000
		bulkheadProfiles = size2
		tags = ascent launch main (mainsail propuls rocket (sail
			name = ModulePartVariants
			baseVariant = Full
				name = Full
				displayName = Full
				primaryColor = #cecece
				secondaryColor = #999999
				sizeGroup = GroupA
					UpperCowl = true
					UpperCowlFoil = true
					LowerCowl = true
					LowerCowlFoil = true
					Truss = false
					Engine = false
					fairing = true
					fairingSmall = false
				name = Mid
				displayName = Mid
				primaryColor = #3a562a
				secondaryColor = #999999
				sizeGroup = GroupB
					UpperCowl = true
					UpperCowlFoil = true
					LowerCowl = false
					LowerCowlFoil = false
					Truss = true
					Engine = true
					fairing = true
					fairingSmall = false
				name = Bare
				displayName = Bare
				themeName = Bare
				primaryColor = #999999
				secondaryColor = #cecece
				sizeGroup = GroupC
					UpperCowl = false
					UpperCowlFoil = false
					LowerCowl = false
					LowerCowlFoil = false
					Truss = true
					Engine = true
					fairing = false
					fairingSmall = true
					node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.533, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2
					node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -1.945, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2
			name = ModuleEngines
			thrustVectorTransformName = thrustTransform
			exhaustDamage = True
			ignitionThreshold = 0.1
			minThrust = 0
			maxThrust = 1500
			heatProduction = 196
			fxOffset = 0, 0, 2.18
			EngineType = LiquidFuel
			exhaustDamageDistanceOffset = 0.56
				name = LiquidFuel
				ratio = 0.9
				DrawGauge = True
				name = Oxidizer
				ratio = 1.1
				key = 0 310
				key = 1 285
				key = 9 0.001
			name = ModuleJettison
			jettisonName = fairing,fairingSmall
			bottomNodeName = bottom
			isFairing = True
			jettisonedObjectMass = 0.5
			jettisonForce = 15
			jettisonDirection = 0 0 1
			name = ModuleGimbal
			gimbalTransformName = gimbal
			gimbalRange = 2
			name = FXModuleAnimateThrottle
			animationName = mainsailEmissive
			responseSpeed = 0.001
			dependOnEngineState = True
			dependOnThrottle = True
			name = ModuleAlternator
				name = ElectricCharge
				rate = 12.0
			name = ModuleSurfaceFX
			thrustProviderModuleIndex = 1
			fxMax = 0.8
			maxDistance = 50
			falloff = 1.8
			thrustTransformName = thrustTransform
					clip = Squad/Sounds/sound_rocket_mini
					volume = 0.0 0.0
					volume = 1.0 1.0
					pitch = 0.0 0.8
					pitch = 1.0 1.0
					loop = true
			name = ModuleTestSubject
			useStaging = True
			useEvent = True
			situationMask = 127
				value = ALWAYS
				prestige = Trivial
				prestige = Significant
				value = ONCEPERPART
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 4000
				prestige = Trivial
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 8000
				prestige = Trivial
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 2000
				prestige = Significant
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 4000
				prestige = Significant
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 1000
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 2000
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = GT
				value = 0
				situationMask = 8
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = LT
				value = 300000
				situationMask = 16
				body = _NotSun
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = LT
				value = 600000
				situationMask = 32
				body = _NotSun
				type = SPEED
				test = GT
				value = 0
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEED
				test = LT
				value = 600
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEED
				test = GT
				value = 300
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEED
				test = LT
				value = 1200
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEED
				test = GT
				value = 600
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = SPEED
				test = LT
				value = 2500
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = LT
				value = 200
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = GT
				value = 100
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = LT
				value = 100
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = GT
				value = 50
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = LT
				value = 50
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = GT
				value = 20
				prestige = Exceptional
			name = FXModuleLookAtConstraint
				targetName = UpperPiston_1
				rotatorsName = LowerPiston_1
				targetName = LowerPiston_1
				rotatorsName = UpperPiston_1
				targetName = UpperPiston_2
				rotatorsName = LowerPiston_2
				targetName = LowerPiston_2
				rotatorsName = UpperPiston_2
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Engine/liquidEngineMk55/liquidEngineMk55.cfg
		name = radialLiquidEngine1-2
		module = Part
		author = NovaSilisko, Porkjet
		mesh =
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0
		fx_exhaustFlame_blue_small = 0.0, -0.5337813, 0.1355984, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, running
		fx_exhaustLight_blue = 0.0, -0.5337813, 0.1355984, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, running
		sound_vent_medium = engage
		sound_rocket_hard = running
		sound_vent_soft = disengage
		sound_explosion_low = flameout
		TechRequired = advRocketry
		entryCost = 3500
		cost = 820
		category = Engine
		subcategory = 0
		title = Mk-55 "Thud" Liquid Fuel Engine
		manufacturer = Rockomax Conglomerate
		description = After an intensive search for an engineer crazy enough to plan and build a revolutionary new engine type, researchers turned to renowned engineer Eumon Kerman, one of the top minds in the industry. He failed miserably at the job, and this is what we ended up with. Hey, at least it works well with other large (Rockomax) engines when you want more control. Sorry, no combo deals.
		attachRules = 0,1,0,1,0
		mass = 0.9
		heatConductivity = 0.06
		skinInternalConductionMult = 4.0
		emissiveConstant = 0.8
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 7
		breakingForce = 200
		breakingTorque = 200
		maxTemp = 2000
		bulkheadProfiles = srf
		tags = maneuver manoeuvre orbital propuls rocket (thud thruster vernier
			name = ModuleEngines
			thrustVectorTransformName = thrustTransform
			exhaustDamage = True
			ignitionThreshold = 0.1
			minThrust = 0
			maxThrust = 120
			heatProduction = 175
			fxOffset = 0, 0, 0.1
			EngineType = LiquidFuel
			exhaustDamageDistanceOffset = 0.35
				name = LiquidFuel
				ratio = 0.9
				DrawGauge = True
				name = Oxidizer
				ratio = 1.1
				key = 0 305
				key = 1 275
				key = 9 0.001
			name = ModuleGimbal
			gimbalTransformName = Gimbal
			gimbalRange = 8
			name = FXModuleAnimateThrottle
			animationName = Thud_Heat
			responseSpeed = 0.002
			dependOnEngineState = True
			dependOnThrottle = True
			name = ModuleTestSubject
			useStaging = True
			useEvent = True
			situationMask = 127
				value = ALWAYS
				prestige = Trivial
				prestige = Significant
				value = ONCEPERPART
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 4000
				prestige = Trivial
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 8000
				prestige = Trivial
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 2000
				prestige = Significant
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 4000
				prestige = Significant
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 1000
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 2000
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = GT
				value = 0
				situationMask = 8
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = LT
				value = 300000
				situationMask = 16
				body = _NotSun
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = LT
				value = 600000
				situationMask = 32
				body = _NotSun
				type = SPEED
				test = GT
				value = 0
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEED
				test = LT
				value = 600
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEED
				test = GT
				value = 300
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEED
				test = LT
				value = 1200
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEED
				test = GT
				value = 600
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = SPEED
				test = LT
				value = 2500
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = LT
				value = 200
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = GT
				value = 100
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = LT
				value = 100
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = GT
				value = 50
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = LT
				value = 50
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = GT
				value = 20
				prestige = Exceptional
			name = ModuleSurfaceFX
			thrustProviderModuleIndex = 0
			fxMax = 0.5
			maxDistance = 30
			falloff = 1.7
			thrustTransformName = thrustTransform
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Engine/liquidEnginePoodle_v2/liquidEnginePoodle_v2.cfg
		name = liquidEngine2-2_v2
		module = Part
		author = RoverDude
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -1.5, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2
		fx_exhaustFlame_blue_small = 0.0, -0.8, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, running
		fx_exhaustLight_blue = 0.0, -0.8, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, running
		fx_smokeTrail_light = 0.0, -1.3, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, running
		sound_vent_medium = engage
		sound_rocket_hard = running
		sound_vent_soft = disengage
		sound_explosion_low = flameout
		TechRequired = heavyRocketry
		entryCost = 4200
		cost = 1300
		category = Engine
		subcategory = 0
		title = RE-L10 "Poodle" Liquid Fuel Engine
		manufacturer = Rockomax Conglomerate
		description = A more reasonable engine for rough economic times, the Poodle engine doubles as a BBQ when at low power.
		attachRules = 1,0,1,0,0
		mass = 1.75
		heatConductivity = 0.06
		skinInternalConductionMult = 4.0
		emissiveConstant = 0.8
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 7
		breakingForce = 200
		breakingTorque = 200
		maxTemp = 2000
		bulkheadProfiles = size2
		tags = lander orbit (poodle propuls rocket
			model = Squad/Parts/Engine/liquidEnginePoodle_v2/LqdEnginePoodle_v2
			name = ModuleEngines
			thrustVectorTransformName = thrustTransform
			exhaustDamage = True
			ignitionThreshold = 0.1
			minThrust = 0
			maxThrust = 250
			heatProduction = 83
			fxOffset = 0, 0, 0.4
			EngineType = LiquidFuel
			exhaustDamageDistanceOffset = 1.75
				name = LiquidFuel
				ratio = 0.9
				DrawGauge = True
				name = Oxidizer
				ratio = 1.1
				key = 0 350
				key = 1 90
				key = 3 0.001
			name = ModuleJettison
			jettisonName = Shroud1,Shroud2
			bottomNodeName = bottom
			isFairing = True
			jettisonedObjectMass = 0.5
			jettisonForce = 15
			jettisonDirection = 0 0 1
			name = ModuleGimbal
			gimbalTransformName = Gimbal
			gimbalRange = 5
			gimbalResponseSpeed = 30
			useGimbalResponseSpeed = true
			name = FXModuleLookAtConstraint
				targetName = HiCyl1
				rotatorsName = LowCyl1
				targetName = HiCyl2
				rotatorsName = LowCyl2
				targetName = HiCyl3
				rotatorsName = LowCyl3
				targetName = HiCyl4
				rotatorsName = LowCyl4
				targetName = HiCyl5
				rotatorsName = LowCyl5
				targetName = HiCyl6
				rotatorsName = LowCyl6
				targetName = LowCyl1
				rotatorsName = HiCyl1
				targetName = LowCyl2
				rotatorsName = HiCyl2
				targetName = LowCyl3
				rotatorsName = HiCyl3
				targetName = LowCyl4
				rotatorsName = HiCyl4
				targetName = LowCyl5
				rotatorsName = HiCyl5
				targetName = LowCyl6
				rotatorsName = HiCyl6
			name = FXModuleAnimateThrottle
			animationName = poodleEmissive1
			responseSpeed = 0.001
			dependOnEngineState = True
			dependOnThrottle = True
			name = FXModuleAnimateThrottle
			animationName = poodleEmissive2
			responseSpeed = 0.001
			dependOnEngineState = True
			dependOnThrottle = True
			name = ModuleAlternator
				name = ElectricCharge
				rate = 8.0
			name = ModuleTestSubject
			useStaging = True
			useEvent = True
			situationMask = 127
				value = ALWAYS
				prestige = Trivial
				prestige = Significant
				value = ONCEPERPART
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 4000
				prestige = Trivial
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 8000
				prestige = Trivial
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 2000
				prestige = Significant
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 4000
				prestige = Significant
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 1000
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 2000
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = GT
				value = 0
				situationMask = 8
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = LT
				value = 300000
				situationMask = 16
				body = _NotSun
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = LT
				value = 600000
				situationMask = 32
				body = _NotSun
				type = SPEED
				test = GT
				value = 0
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEED
				test = LT
				value = 600
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEED
				test = GT
				value = 300
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEED
				test = LT
				value = 1200
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEED
				test = GT
				value = 600
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = SPEED
				test = LT
				value = 2500
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = LT
				value = 200
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = GT
				value = 100
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = LT
				value = 100
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = GT
				value = 50
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = LT
				value = 50
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = GT
				value = 20
				prestige = Exceptional
			name = ModuleSurfaceFX
			thrustProviderModuleIndex = 0
			fxMax = 0.6
			maxDistance = 30
			falloff = 1.5
			thrustTransformName = thrustTransform
			name = ModulePartVariants
			baseVariant = TwoBell
				name = DoubleBell
				displayName = Double Bell
				primaryColor = #814228
				secondaryColor = #ffffff
				sizeGroup = GroupA
					EngineFixed = true
					Shroud = false
					Shroud1 = true
					Shroud2 = false
					node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -1.5, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2
				name = SingleBell
				displayName = Single Bell
				primaryColor = #696969
				secondaryColor = #ffffff
				sizeGroup = GroupB
					EngineFixed = false
					Shroud = true
					Shroud1 = false
					Shroud2 = true
					node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -2.67668, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2
			cube = Fairing, 3.783,0.7801,1.357, 3.783,0.7801,1.357, 4.853,0.992,0.1127, 4.853,0.7858,1.553, 3.783,0.7801,1.357, 3.783,0.7801,1.357, 0,-0.75,0, 2.525,1.5,2.525
			cube = Clean, 1.453,0.7459,1.345, 1.453,0.7459,1.345, 2.872,0.7317,1.503, 2.872,0.8048,1.548, 2.233,0.7365,1.345, 2.233,0.7354,1.345, 0,-0.7294,0, 2.5,1.459,2.5
			cube = 0, 1.453,0.7459,1.345, 1.453,0.7459,1.345, 2.872,0.7317,1.503, 2.872,0.8048,1.548, 2.233,0.7365,1.345, 2.233,0.7354,1.345, 0,-0.7294,0, 2.5,1.459,2.5
			cube = 1, 2.713,0.6273,1.535, 2.713,0.6279,1.504, 4.853,0.992,0.1127, 4.853,0.7917,2.672, 2.944,0.6353,1.673, 2.944,0.623,1.514, 0,-1.339,0, 2.5,2.675,2.5
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			stackableQuantity = 1
			packedVolume = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Engine/liquidEngineSSME/SSME.cfg
		name = SSME
		module = Part
		author = Porkjet
		mesh =
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_top = 0.0,0.0,0.0 , 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0,-1.6,0.0 , 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
		mass = 4.0
		emissiveConstant = 0.8
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 2
		breakingForce = 400
		breakingTorque = 400
		crashTolerance = 22
		maxTemp = 2000
		TechRequired = veryHeavyRocketry
		entryCost = 115000
		cost = 18000
		category = Engine
		subcategory = 0
		title = S3 KS-25 "Vector" Liquid Fuel Engine
		manufacturer = Kerbodyne
		description = Kerbodyne's flagship engine, the KS-25 excels as a first stage engine through its high thrust-to-weight ratio and exceptional sea level efficiency. Kerbodyne engineers achieved this by running the engine in a staged combustion cycle and at extremely high chamber pressures. Special new alloys had to be invented to suppress the engine's tendency to become a bomb. The single version is designed with very durable components and high reusability, as well as higher gimbal range, but because of that is also heavier than its expendable counterpart used in first stage clusters.
		attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0
		bulkheadProfiles = srf, size1
		tags = ascent main propuls rocket shuttle ssme (vector
					channel = Ship
					clip = sound_rocket_hard
					volume = 0.0 0.0
					volume = 0.05 0.6
					volume = 1.0 1.5
					pitch = 0.0 1.2
					pitch = 1.0 2.0
					loop = true
					prefabName = fx_smokeTrail_light
					transformName = smokePoint
					emission = 0.0 0.0
					emission = 0.05 0.0
					emission = 0.075 0.25
					emission = 1.0 1.25
					speed = 0.0 0.25
					speed = 1.0 1.0
					localOffset = 0, 0, 0
					modelName = Squad/FX/hydroLOXFlame
					transformName = thrustPoint
					emission = 0.0 0.0
					emission = 0.1 0.5
					emission = 1.0 1.0
					speed = 0.0 0.8
					speed = 1.0 1.0
					localPosition = 0, 0, 0.08
					prefabName = fx_exhaustFlame_blue_small
					transformName = thrustTransformYup
					emission = 0.0 0.0
					emission = 0.05 1.0
					emission = 0.5 3.5
					emission = 1.0 5.0
					speed = 0.0 0.5
					speed = 1.0 0.8
					localOffset = 0, 0, 0
					channel = Ship
					clip = sound_vent_soft
					volume = 1.0
					pitch = 2.0
					loop = false
					prefabName = fx_exhaustSparks_flameout_2
					transformName = thrustTransform
					oneShot = true
					channel = Ship
					clip = sound_explosion_low
					volume = 1.0
					pitch = 2.0
					loop = false
			name = ModuleEnginesFX
			engineID = KS25
			runningEffectName = running_closed
			thrustVectorTransformName = thrustTransform
			powerEffectName = shockDiamond
			exhaustDamage = True
			ignitionThreshold = 0.1
			minThrust = 0
			maxThrust = 1000
			heatProduction = 192
			fxOffset = 0, 0, 0
			EngineType = LiquidFuel
			exhaustDamageDistanceOffset = 1.5
				name = LiquidFuel
				ratio = 0.9
				DrawGauge = True
				name = Oxidizer
				ratio = 1.1
				key = 0 315
				key = 1 295
				key = 12 0.001
			name = ModuleAlternator
				name = ElectricCharge
				rate = 3.0
			name = ModuleJettison
			jettisonName = Fairing
			bottomNodeName = bottom
			isFairing = True
			jettisonedObjectMass = 0.1
			jettisonForce = 5
			jettisonDirection = 0 0 1
			name = ModuleGimbal
			gimbalTransformName = Nozzle
			gimbalRange = 10.5
			gimbalResponseSpeed = 8
			useGimbalResponseSpeed = true
			name = FXModuleAnimateThrottle
			animationName = SSME_Heat
			responseSpeed = 0.00025
			dependOnEngineState = True
			dependOnThrottle = True
			name = ModuleTestSubject
			useStaging = True
			useEvent = True
			situationMask = 127
				value = ALWAYS
				prestige = Trivial
				prestige = Significant
				value = ONCEPERPART
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 4000
				prestige = Trivial
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 8000
				prestige = Trivial
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 2000
				prestige = Significant
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 4000
				prestige = Significant
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 1000
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 2000
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = GT
				value = 0
				situationMask = 8
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = LT
				value = 300000
				situationMask = 16
				body = _NotSun
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = LT
				value = 600000
				situationMask = 32
				body = _NotSun
				type = SPEED
				test = GT
				value = 0
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEED
				test = LT
				value = 600
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEED
				test = GT
				value = 300
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEED
				test = LT
				value = 1200
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEED
				test = GT
				value = 600
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = SPEED
				test = LT
				value = 2500
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = LT
				value = 200
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = GT
				value = 100
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = LT
				value = 100
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = GT
				value = 50
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = LT
				value = 50
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = GT
				value = 20
				prestige = Exceptional
			name = ModuleSurfaceFX
			thrustProviderModuleIndex = 0
			fxMax = 0.9
			maxDistance = 75
			falloff = 1.75
			thrustTransformName = thrustTransform
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Engine/liquidEngineSkipper_v2/skipperLiquidEngine_v2.cfg
		name = engineLargeSkipper_v2
		module = Part
		author = Squad
		mesh = skipper_v2
		rescaleFactor = 1.0
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 1.013, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -1.362, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2
		fx_exhaustFlame_blue = 0.0, -2.2, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, running
		fx_exhaustLight_blue = 0.0, -2.2, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, running
		fx_smokeTrail_light = 0.0, -2.2, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, running
		fx_exhaustSparks_flameout = 0.0, -2.2, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, flameout
		sound_vent_medium = engage
		sound_rocket_hard = running
		sound_vent_soft = disengage
		sound_explosion_low = flameout
		TechRequired = heavyRocketry
		entryCost = 14000
		cost = 5300
		category = Engine
		subcategory = 0
		title = RE-I5 "Skipper" Liquid Fuel Engine
		manufacturer = Rockomax Conglomerate
		description = The smaller sibling of the Mainsail, the Skipper's power rivals that of... large cities. Combining high thrust with reasonable efficiency, this engine excels when used as a mid-stage booster.
		attachRules = 1,0,1,0,0
		mass = 3
		heatConductivity = 0.06
		skinInternalConductionMult = 4.0
		emissiveConstant = 0.8
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 8
		breakingForce = 200
		breakingTorque = 200
		maxTemp = 2000
		bulkheadProfiles = size2
		tags = propuls rocket (skipper sustain
			name = ModuleEngines
			thrustVectorTransformName = thrustTransform
			exhaustDamage = True
			ignitionThreshold = 0.1
			minThrust = 0
			maxThrust = 650
			heatProduction = 350
			fxOffset = 0, 0, 1.2
			EngineType = LiquidFuel
			exhaustDamageDistanceOffset = 1.25
				name = LiquidFuel
				ratio = 0.9
				DrawGauge = True
				name = Oxidizer
				ratio = 1.1
				key = 0 320
				key = 1 280
				key = 6 0.001
			name = ModuleJettison
			jettisonName = fairing1,fairing2
			bottomNodeName = bottom
			isFairing = True
			jettisonedObjectMass = 0.5
			jettisonForce = 15
			jettisonDirection = 0 0 1
			name = ModuleGimbal
			gimbalTransformName = thrustTransform
			gimbalRange = 2
			name = FXModuleAnimateThrottle
			animationName = overheat
			responseSpeed = 0.001
			dependOnEngineState = True
			dependOnThrottle = True
			name = ModuleAlternator
				name = ElectricCharge
				rate = 10.0
			name = ModuleTestSubject
			useStaging = True
			useEvent = True
			situationMask = 127
				value = ALWAYS
				prestige = Trivial
				prestige = Significant
				value = ONCEPERPART
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 4000
				prestige = Trivial
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 8000
				prestige = Trivial
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 2000
				prestige = Significant
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 4000
				prestige = Significant
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 1000
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 2000
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = GT
				value = 0
				situationMask = 8
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = LT
				value = 300000
				situationMask = 16
				body = _NotSun
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = LT
				value = 600000
				situationMask = 32
				body = _NotSun
				type = SPEED
				test = GT
				value = 0
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEED
				test = LT
				value = 600
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEED
				test = GT
				value = 300
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEED
				test = LT
				value = 1200
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEED
				test = GT
				value = 600
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = SPEED
				test = LT
				value = 2500
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = LT
				value = 200
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = GT
				value = 100
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = LT
				value = 100
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = GT
				value = 50
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = LT
				value = 50
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = GT
				value = 20
				prestige = Exceptional
			name = ModuleSurfaceFX
			thrustProviderModuleIndex = 0
			fxMax = 0.8
			maxDistance = 50
			falloff = 2
			thrustTransformName = thrustTransform
			name = ModulePartVariants
			baseVariant = Full
				name = Shroud
				displayName = Shroud
				primaryColor = #d96200
				secondaryColor = #cccccc
				sizeGroup = GroupA
					COL1 = true
					Mount1 = true
					Mount2 = false
					fairing1 = true
					fairing2 = false
				name = TrussMount
				displayName = Truss Mount
				primaryColor = #cccccc
				secondaryColor = #808080
				sizeGroup = GroupB
					COL1 = true
					Mount1 = false
					Mount2 = true
					fairing1 = true
					fairing2 = false
				name = Bare
				displayName = Bare
				primaryColor = #808080
				secondaryColor = #808080
				sizeGroup = GroupC
					COL1 = false
					Mount1 = false
					Mount2 = false
					fairing1 = false
					fairing2 = true
					node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.583, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2
					node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -1.362, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Engine/miniJet/SmallJetEngine.cfg
		name = miniJetEngine
		module = Part
		author = Porkjet
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0
		CoMOffset = 0.0, 0.3, 0.0
		TechRequired = aviation
		entryCost = 2000
		cost = 450
		category = Engine
		subcategory = 0
		title = J-20 "Juno" Basic Jet Engine
		manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division
		description = A small turbojet. Not very efficient, anemic thrust, but hey--it's cheap! And it's so cute...look at the little thing!
		attachRules = 1,0,1,0,0
		mass = 0.25
		emissiveConstant = 0.8
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 7
		maxTemp = 2000
		bulkheadProfiles = size0
		tags = aircraft (juno plane propuls turb
			model = Squad/Parts/Engine/miniJet/SmallJet
			name = ModuleEnginesFX
			engineID = Cruise
			thrustVectorTransformName = thrustTransform
			exhaustDamage = True
			ignitionThreshold = 0.1
			minThrust = 0
			maxThrust = 20
			heatProduction = 15
			useEngineResponseTime = True
			engineAccelerationSpeed = 0.12
			engineDecelerationSpeed = 0.5
			fxOffset = 0, 0, 0.74
			flameoutEffectName = flameout
			powerEffectName = running_thrust
			engageEffectName = engage
			disengageEffectName = disengage
			spoolEffectName = running_turbine
			engineSpoolIdle = 0.05
			engineSpoolTime = 2.0
			EngineType = Turbine
			exhaustDamageMultiplier = 4
			clampPropReceived = True
			atmChangeFlow = True
			useVelCurve = True
			useAtmCurve = True
			machLimit = 0.75
			machHeatMult = 3.5
				name = IntakeAir
				ignoreForIsp = True
				ratio = 22
				name = LiquidFuel
				resourceFlowMode = STAGE_STACK_FLOW_BALANCE
				ratio = 1
				DrawGauge = True
				key = 0 6400 0 0
				key = 0 1 0 0
				key = 0.44 0.897 0 0
				key = 1 1 0.1988732 0.1988732
				key = 1.3 1.03 0 0
				key = 2 0.68 -1.065708 -1.065708
				key = 2.4 0 0 0
				key = 0 0 0 0.7448742
				key = 0.072 0.13 2.075459 2.075459
				key = 0.16 0.28 1.464173 1.464173
				key = 0.42 0.578 0.93687 0.93687
				key = 1 1 0.5529748 0
			name = ModuleAlternator
				name = ElectricCharge
				rate = 1
			name = ModuleTestSubject
			useStaging = True
			useEvent = True
			situationMask = 15
				type = OXYGEN
				value = True
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = LT
				value = 200
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = GT
				value = 100
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = LT
				value = 100
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = GT
				value = 50
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = LT
				value = 50
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = GT
				value = 20
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = SPEED
				test = LT
				value = 300
				situationMask = 8
				type = SPEED
				test = GT
				value = 50
				situationMask = 8
				type = DENSITY
				test = GT
				value = 0.3
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Trivial
				type = DENSITY
				test = GT
				value = 0.1
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Significant
				type = DENSITY
				test = GT
				value = 0.05
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 4000
				prestige = Trivial
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 8000
				prestige = Trivial
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 1000
				prestige = Significant
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 2000
				prestige = Significant
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 500
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 1000
				prestige = Exceptional
				value = ALWAYS
				prestige = Trivial
				prestige = Significant
				value = ONCEPERPART
				prestige = Exceptional
			name = ModuleSurfaceFX
			thrustProviderModuleIndex = 0
			fxMax = 0.5
			maxDistance = 10
			falloff = 2
			thrustTransformName = thrustTransform
					channel = Ship
					clip = sound_jet_deep
					volume = 0.0 0.0
					volume = 0.05 0.2
					volume = 1.0 0.5
					pitch = 0.0 1.2
					pitch = 1.0 2.0
					loop = true
					prefabName = fx_smokeTrail_light
					transformName = thrustTransform
					emission = 0.0 0.0
					emission = 0.05 0.0
					emission = 0.075 0.25
					emission = 1.0 1.25
					speed = 0.0 0.25
					speed = 1.0 1.0
					localOffset = 0, 0, 1
					localRotation = 1, 0, 0, -90
					channel = Ship
					clip = sound_jet_low
					volume = 0.0 0.0
					volume = 0.05 0.35
					volume = 1.0 0.5
					pitch = 0.0 0.6
					pitch = 0.05 0.8
					pitch = 1.0 1.5
					loop = true
					channel = Ship
					clip = sound_vent_medium
					volume = 0.8
					pitch = 2.5
					loop = false
					channel = Ship
					clip = sound_vent_soft
					volume = 0.8
					pitch = 2.5
					loop = false
					prefabName = fx_exhaustSparks_flameout_2
					transformName = thrustTransform
					oneShot = true
					channel = Ship
					clip = sound_explosion_low
					volume = 1.0
					pitch = 2.0
					loop = false
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 220
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Engine/rapierEngine/rapierEngine.cfg
		name = RAPIER
		module = Part
		author = C. Jenkins
		mesh =
		scale = 1.0
		node_stack_top = 0.0,0.741545,0.0 , 0.0, 1.0, 0.0
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0,-0.2048244, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0
		CoMOffset = 0.0, 2.6, 0.0
		mass = 2.0
		heatConductivity = 0.06
		skinInternalConductionMult = 4.0
		emissiveConstant = 0.8
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 20
		maxTemp = 2000
		TechRequired = aerospaceTech
		entryCost = 35000
		cost = 6000
		category = Engine
		subcategory = 0
		title = CR-7 R.A.P.I.E.R. Engine
		manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division and Rockomax Conglomerate
		description = The R.A.P.I.E.R. (Reactive Alternate-Propellant Intelligent Engine for Rockets) is a joint venture between C7 Aerospace and the Rockomax Conglomerate. Designed to fill a gap in the design requirements for sustainable single stage to orbit aircraft, this engine combines the best of rocket and air-breathing thrust technology.
		attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0
		bulkheadProfiles = size1
		tags = aircraft ascent closed cycle dual fuel hybrid jet liquid main mode plane propuls rapier rocket ssto
			model = Squad/Parts/Engine/rapierEngine/rapier
					channel = Ship
					clip = sound_rocket_spurts
					volume = 0.0 0.0
					volume = 1.0 1.0
					pitch = 0.0 0.2
					pitch = 1.0 1.0
					loop = true
					prefabName = fx_smokeTrail_aeroSpike
					transformName = smokePoint
					emission = 0.0 0.0
					emission = 0.05 0.0
					emission = 0.075 0.25
					emission = 1.0 1.25
					speed = 0.0 0.25
					speed = 1.0 1.0
					localOffset = 0, 0, 1
					modelName = Squad/FX/shockExhaust_blue_small
					transformName = thrustTransform
					emission = 0.0 0.0
					emission = 0.05 0.0
					emission = 0.075 0.25
					emission = 1.0 1.25
					speed = 0.0 0.5
					speed = 1.0 1.2
					channel = Ship
					clip = sound_rocket_spurts
					volume = 0.0 0.0
					volume = 0.05 0.0
					volume = 1.0 1.0
					pitch = 0.0 0.2
					pitch = 1.0 1.0
					loop = true
					modelName = Squad/FX/shockExhaust_red_small
					transformName = thrustTransform
					emission = 0.0 0.0
					emission = 0.05 0.0
					emission = 0.075 0.25
					emission = 1.0 1.25
					speed = 0.0 0.5
					speed = 1.0 1.2
					channel = Ship
					clip = sound_jet_deep
					volume = 0.0 0.0
					volume = 0.05 0.6
					volume = 1.0 1.0
					pitch = 0.0 0.7
					pitch = 1.0 1.4
					loop = true
					prefabName = fx_smokeTrail_aeroSpike
					transformName = smokePoint
					emission = 0.0 0.0
					emission = 0.05 0.0
					emission = 0.075 0.25
					emission = 1.0 1.25
					speed = 0.0 0.25
					speed = 1.0 1.0
					localOffset = 0, 0, 1
					channel = Ship
					clip = sound_vent_soft
					volume = 1.0
					pitch = 2.0
					loop = false
					prefabName = fx_exhaustSparks_flameout_2
					transformName = smokePoint
					oneShot = true
					channel = Ship
					clip = sound_explosion_low
					volume = 1.0
					pitch = 2.0
					loop = false
			name = MultiModeEngine
			primaryEngineID = AirBreathing
			primaryEngineModeDisplayName = AirBreathing
			secondaryEngineID = ClosedCycle
			secondaryEngineModeDisplayName = ClosedCycle
			name = ModuleEnginesFX
			engineID = AirBreathing
			powerEffectName = power_open
			thrustVectorTransformName = thrustTransform
			exhaustDamage = True
			ignitionThreshold = 0.33
			minThrust = 0
			maxThrust = 105
			heatProduction = 60
			useEngineResponseTime = True
			engineAccelerationSpeed = 0.2
			engineDecelerationSpeed = 0.35
			useVelocityCurve = False
			spoolEffectName = running_open
			engineSpoolIdle = 0.05
			engineSpoolTime = 2.0
			EngineType = Turbine
			exhaustDamageMultiplier = 50
			exhaustDamageDistanceOffset = 0.19
			clampPropReceived = True
			atmChangeFlow = True
			useVelCurve = True
			useAtmCurve = True
			flowMultCap = 3.0
				name = IntakeAir
				ignoreForIsp = True
				ratio = 6
				name = LiquidFuel
				resourceFlowMode = STAGE_STACK_FLOW_BALANCE
				ratio = 1
				DrawGauge = True
				key = 0 3200 0 0
				key = 0 1 0 0.08333334
				key = 0.2 0.98 0.42074 0.42074
				key = 0.7 1.8 2.290406 2.290406
				key = 1.4 4.00 3.887193 3.887193
				key = 3.75 8.5 0 0
				key = 4.5 7.3 -2.831749 -2.831749
				key = 5.5 3 -5.260566 -5.260566
				key = 6 0 -0.02420209 0
				key = 0 0 0 0
				key = 0.018 0.09 7.914787 7.914787
				key = 0.08 0.3 1.051923 1.051923
				key = 0.35 0.5 0.3927226 0.3927226
				key = 1 1 1.055097 0
			name = ModuleEnginesFX
			engineID = ClosedCycle
			runningEffectName = running_closed
			thrustVectorTransformName = thrustTransform
			exhaustDamage = True
			ignitionThreshold = 0.1
			minThrust = 0
			maxThrust = 180
			heatProduction = 133
			fxOffset = 0, 0, 0.25
			EngineType = LiquidFuel
			exhaustDamageDistanceOffset = 0.19
				name = LiquidFuel
				resourceFlowMode = STAGE_STACK_FLOW_BALANCE
				ratio = 0.9
				DrawGauge = True
				name = Oxidizer
				resourceFlowMode = STAGE_STACK_FLOW_BALANCE
				ratio = 1.1
				key = 0 305
				key = 1 275
				key = 9 0.001
			name = FXModuleAnimateThrottle
			animationName = HeatAnimationEmissiveRapier
			responseSpeed = 0.001
			dependOnEngineState = True
			dependOnThrottle = True
			preferMultiMode = True
			name = ModuleGimbal
			gimbalTransformName = obj_gimbal
			gimbalRange = 3
			name = ModuleTestSubject
			useStaging = True
			useEvent = True
			situationMask = 127
				value = ALWAYS
				prestige = Trivial
				prestige = Significant
				value = ONCEPERPART
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 4000
				prestige = Trivial
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 8000
				prestige = Trivial
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 2000
				prestige = Significant
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 4000
				prestige = Significant
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 1000
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 2000
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = GT
				value = 0
				situationMask = 8
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = LT
				value = 300000
				situationMask = 16
				body = _NotSun
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = LT
				value = 600000
				situationMask = 32
				body = _NotSun
				type = SPEED
				test = GT
				value = 0
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEED
				test = LT
				value = 600
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEED
				test = GT
				value = 300
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEED
				test = LT
				value = 1200
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEED
				test = GT
				value = 600
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = SPEED
				test = LT
				value = 2500
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = LT
				value = 200
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = GT
				value = 100
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = LT
				value = 100
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = GT
				value = 50
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = LT
				value = 50
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = GT
				value = 20
				prestige = Exceptional
			name = ModuleSurfaceFX
			thrustProviderModuleIndex = 1
			fxMax = 0.5
			maxDistance = 20
			falloff = 2
			thrustTransformName = thrustTransform
			name = ModuleSurfaceFX
			thrustProviderModuleIndex = 2
			fxMax = 0.6
			maxDistance = 30
			falloff = 1.6
			thrustTransformName = thrustTransform
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Engine/solidBoosterBACC/solidBoosterBACC.cfg
		name = solidBooster1-1
		module = Part
		author = NovaSilisko
		mesh =
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -3.914617, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 3.920, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1
		node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, -0.635, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0
		fx_exhaustFlame_yellow = 0.0, -3.5, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, running
		fx_exhaustSparks_yellow = 0.0, -3.5, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, running
		fx_smokeTrail_medium = 0.0, -4, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, running
		sound_vent_medium = engage
		sound_rocket_hard = running
		sound_vent_soft = disengage
		sound_explosion_low = flameout
		TechRequired = generalRocketry
		entryCost = 2800
		cost = 850
		category = Engine
		subcategory = 0
		title = BACC "Thumper" Solid Fuel Booster
		manufacturer = Rockomax Conglomerate
		description = Filled with a new, even more volatile fuel, the BACC offers semi-reliable performance at a good price.
		attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0
		mass = 1.5
		heatConductivity = 0.06
		skinInternalConductionMult = 4.0
		emissiveConstant = 0.5
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.3
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 7
		maxTemp = 2200
		stagingIcon = SOLID_BOOSTER
		bulkheadProfiles = size1, srf
		tags = moar (more motor rocket srb (thumper
			name = ModuleEngines
			thrustVectorTransformName = thrustTransform
			throttleLocked = True
			exhaustDamage = True
			ignitionThreshold = 0.1
			minThrust = 0
			maxThrust = 300
			heatProduction = 390
			useEngineResponseTime = True
			engineAccelerationSpeed = 8.0
			allowShutdown = False
			fxOffset = 0, 0, 0.35
			EngineType = SolidBooster
			exhaustDamageDistanceOffset = 0.7
				name = SolidFuel
				ratio = 1.0
				DrawGauge = True
				key = 0 210
				key = 1 175
				key = 6 0.001
			name = FXModuleAnimateThrottle
			animationName = thumperEmissive
			responseSpeed = 0.001
			dependOnEngineState = True
			dependOnThrottle = True
			name = SolidFuel
			amount = 820
			maxAmount = 820
			name = ModuleTestSubject
			useStaging = True
			useEvent = True
			situationMask = 60
				type = SITUATION
				value = 0
				body = _NotHome
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SITUATION
				value = 0
				body = _NotHome
				prestige = Significant
				value = ALWAYS
				prestige = Trivial
				prestige = Significant
				value = ONCEPERPART
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 4000
				prestige = Trivial
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 8000
				prestige = Trivial
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 2000
				prestige = Significant
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 4000
				prestige = Significant
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 1000
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 2000
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = GT
				value = 0
				situationMask = 8
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = LT
				value = 300000
				situationMask = 16
				body = _NotSun
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = LT
				value = 600000
				situationMask = 32
				body = _NotSun
				type = SPEED
				test = GT
				value = 0
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEED
				test = LT
				value = 600
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEED
				test = GT
				value = 0
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEED
				test = LT
				value = 900
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEED
				test = GT
				value = 300
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = SPEED
				test = LT
				value = 1200
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = LT
				value = 200
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = GT
				value = 100
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = LT
				value = 100
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = GT
				value = 50
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = LT
				value = 50
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = GT
				value = 20
				prestige = Exceptional
			name = ModuleSurfaceFX
			thrustProviderModuleIndex = 0
			fxMax = 0.8
			maxDistance = 50
			falloff = 2
			thrustTransformName = thrustTransform
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Engine/solidBoosterS2-17/solidBoosterS2-17.cfg
		name = Thoroughbred
		module = Part
		author = AlexanderM
		mesh =
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -6.09244, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 6.14614, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2
		node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, -1.25, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 2
		fx_exhaustFlame_white = 0.0, -1.4084125, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, running
		fx_exhaustSparks_yellow = 0.0, -1.4084125, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, running
		fx_smokeTrail_large = 0.0, -1.4084125, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, running
		sound_vent_medium = engage
		sound_rocket_hard = running
		sound_vent_soft = disengage
		sound_explosion_low = flameout
		TechRequired = heavierRocketry
		entryCost = 27000
		cost = 9000
		category = Engine
		subcategory = 0
		title = S2-17 "Thoroughbred" Solid Fuel Booster
		manufacturer = Kerbodyne
		description = When Jeb asked Kerbodyne how to lift his house into space, this is what they came up with. The Thoroughbred is a truly massive solid rocket fuel booster. It is also the first booster Kerbodyne has managed to add thrust vector control to, adding surprising agility to this powerful motor.
		attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0
		mass = 10
		heatConductivity = 0.06
		skinInternalConductionMult = 4.0
		emissiveConstant = 0.5
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.3
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 10
		maxTemp = 2200
		stagingIcon = SOLID_BOOSTER
		bulkheadProfiles = size2, srf
		tags = (motor (rocket (srb (thorough
			name = ModuleEngines
			thrustVectorTransformName = thrustTransform
			throttleLocked = True
			exhaustDamage = True
			ignitionThreshold = 0.1
			minThrust = 0
			maxThrust = 1700
			heatProduction = 550
			useEngineResponseTime = True
			engineAccelerationSpeed = 10.0
			allowShutdown = False
			fxOffset = 0, 0, 0.45
			EngineType = SolidBooster
			exhaustDamageDistanceOffset = 0.6
				name = SolidFuel
				ratio = 1.0
				DrawGauge = True
				key = 0 230
				key = 1 205
				key = 7 0.001
			name = SolidFuel
			amount = 8000
			maxAmount = 8000
			name = ModuleSurfaceFX
			thrustProviderModuleIndex = 0
			fxMax = 0.75
			maxDistance = 50
			falloff = 1.8
			thrustTransformName = thrustTransform
			name = ModuleGimbal
			gimbalTransformName = gimbal
			gimbalRange = 2
			name = FXModuleLookAtConstraint
				targetName = HiCyl1
				rotatorsName = LowCyl1
				targetName = HiCyl2
				rotatorsName = LowCyl2
				targetName = LowCyl1
				rotatorsName = HiCyl1
				targetName = LowCyl2
				rotatorsName = HiCyl2
			name = FXModuleAnimateThrottle
			animationName = S2-17Emissive
			responseSpeed = 0.001
			dependOnEngineState = True
			dependOnThrottle = True
			name = FXModuleAnimateThrottle
			animationName = S2-17Emissive_ESA
			responseSpeed = 0.001
			dependOnEngineState = True
			dependOnThrottle = True
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Engine/solidBoosterS2-33/solidBoosterS2-33.cfg
		name = Clydesdale
		module = Part
		author = AlexanderM
		mesh =
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -11.4825, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 10.80, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2
		node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, -1.25, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 2
		fx_exhaustFlame_white = 0.0, -1.4084125, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, running
		fx_exhaustSparks_yellow = 0.0, -1.4084125, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, running
		fx_smokeTrail_large = 0.0, -1.4084125, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, running
		sound_vent_medium = engage
		sound_rocket_hard = running
		sound_vent_soft = disengage
		sound_explosion_low = flameout
		TechRequired = veryHeavyRocketry
		entryCost = 54000
		cost = 18500
		category = Engine
		subcategory = 0
		title = S2-33 "Clydesdale" Solid Fuel Booster
		manufacturer = Kerbodyne
		description = The Clydesdale is not surprising just for its size. It's also amazing just how much thrust comes out of this motor - nothing else in its size class comes close.
		attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0
		mass = 21
		heatConductivity = 0.06
		skinInternalConductionMult = 4.0
		emissiveConstant = 0.5
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.3
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 10
		maxTemp = 2200
		stagingIcon = SOLID_BOOSTER
		bulkheadProfiles = size2, srf
		tags = (motor (rocket (srb (clyde
			name = ModuleEngines
			thrustVectorTransformName = thrustTransform
			runningEffectName = powersmoke
			directThrottleEffectName = powerflame
			throttleLocked = True
			exhaustDamage = True
			ignitionThreshold = 0.1
			minThrust = 0
			maxThrust = 3300
			heatProduction = 550
			useEngineResponseTime = True
			engineAccelerationSpeed = 10.0
			allowShutdown = False
			fxOffset = 0, 0, 0.45
			EngineType = SolidBooster
			exhaustDamageDistanceOffset = 0.6
				name = SolidFuel
				ratio = 1.0
				DrawGauge = True
				key = 0 235
				key = 1 210
				key = 7 0.001
			name = SolidFuel
			amount = 16400
			maxAmount = 16400
			name = ModuleGimbal
			gimbalTransformName = gimbal
			gimbalRange = 1
			name = FXModuleAnimateThrottle
			animationName = S2-33Emissive
			responseSpeed = 0.001
			dependOnEngineState = True
			dependOnThrottle = True
			name = ModuleSurfaceFX
			thrustProviderModuleIndex = 0
			fxMax = 0.5
			maxDistance = 30
			falloff = 1.7
			thrustTransformName = thrustTransform
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Engine/solidBoosterSep/solidBoosterSep.cfg
		name = sepMotor1
		module = Part
		author = NovaSilisko
		mesh =
		scale = 1
		node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1
		fx_exhaustFlame_yellow_tiny = 0.0, -0.17, 0.163, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, running
		sound_vent_medium = engage
		sound_rocket_mini = running
		sound_vent_soft = disengage
		TechRequired = precisionPropulsion
		entryCost = 1100
		cost = 75
		category = Engine
		subcategory = 0
		title = Sepratron I
		manufacturer = Periapsis Rocket Supplies Co
		description = A small canister filled with what appears to be solid rocket fuel. Although not much of a step forward in terms of raw power, Kerbal Scientists have slowly warmed up to the Sepratron I's many uses, such as pushing things away. For best results, angle before use.
		attachRules = 0,1,0,0,0
		mass = 0.0125
		heatConductivity = 0.04
		skinInternalConductionMult = 4.0
		emissiveConstant = 0.5
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.3
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 7
		maxTemp = 2000
		ActivatesEvenIfDisconnected = true
		stagingIcon = SOLID_BOOSTER
		bulkheadProfiles = srf
		tags = abort booster emergency explo malfunc moar (more motor rocket ?rud safe separat solid srb surviv thruster ullage
			name = ModuleEngines
			thrustVectorTransformName = thrustTransform
			throttleLocked = True
			exhaustDamage = True
			allowShutdown = False
			ignitionThreshold = 0.1
			minThrust = 0
			maxThrust = 18
			heatProduction = 550
			fxOffset = 0, 0, 0.02
			EngineType = SolidBooster
			nonThrustMotor = true
			exhaustDamageMultiplier = 50
				name = SolidFuel
				ratio = 1.0
				DrawGauge = True
				key = 0 154
				key = 1 118
				key = 6 0.001
			name = SolidFuel
			amount = 8
			maxAmount = 8
			name = ModuleTestSubject
			useStaging = True
			useEvent = True
			situationMask = 60
				type = SITUATION
				value = 0
				body = _NotHome
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SITUATION
				value = 0
				body = _NotHome
				prestige = Significant
				value = ALWAYS
				prestige = Trivial
				prestige = Significant
				value = ONCEPERPART
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 4000
				prestige = Trivial
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 8000
				prestige = Trivial
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 2000
				prestige = Significant
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 4000
				prestige = Significant
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 1000
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 2000
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = GT
				value = 0
				situationMask = 8
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = LT
				value = 300000
				situationMask = 16
				body = _NotSun
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = LT
				value = 600000
				situationMask = 32
				body = _NotSun
				type = SPEED
				test = GT
				value = 0
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEED
				test = LT
				value = 600
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEED
				test = GT
				value = 0
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEED
				test = LT
				value = 900
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEED
				test = GT
				value = 300
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = SPEED
				test = LT
				value = 1200
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = LT
				value = 200
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = GT
				value = 100
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = LT
				value = 100
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = GT
				value = 50
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = LT
				value = 50
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = GT
				value = 20
				prestige = Exceptional
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			stackableQuantity = 2
			packedVolume = 25
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/FoilTanks/RadialTank_Capsule.cfg
		name = externalTankCapsule
		module = Part
		author = RoverDude
		rescaleFactor = 1.0
		node_attach = 0.3, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0
		TechRequired = propulsionSystems
		entryCost = 1500
		cost = 50
		category = Propulsion
		subcategory = 0
		title = R-11 'Baguette' External Tank
		manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division
		description = As convenient as it is fashionable. This part actually won a modern-art design prize.
		attachRules = 0,1,0,1,0
		mass = 0.03375
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.3
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 5
		breakingForce = 50
		breakingTorque = 50
		maxTemp = 2000
		fuelCrossFeed = True
		bulkheadProfiles = srf
		tags = fueltank ?lfo liquid oxidizer propellant rocket
			model = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/FoilTanks/RadialTank_Capsule
			name = LiquidFuel
			amount = 24.3
			maxAmount = 24.3
			name = Oxidizer
			amount = 29.7
			maxAmount = 29.7
			name = ModulePartVariants
			primaryColor = #fccb0a
			baseDisplayName = Gold
			baseThemeName = Gold
			useMultipleDragCubes = false
				name = Silver
				displayName = Silver
				themeName = Silver
				primaryColor = #cecece
					mainTextureURL = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/FoilTanks/RadialTanks_silver
					_SpecMap = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/FoilTanks/RadialTanksSilver_specular
					_SpecTint = 0.05
					_Shininess = 0.5
					_AmbientMultiplier = 0.6
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 500
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/FoilTanks/RadialTank_Round.cfg
		name = externalTankRound
		module = Part
		author = RoverDude
		rescaleFactor = 1.0
		node_attach = 0.3, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0
		TechRequired = precisionPropulsion
		entryCost = 1200
		cost = 50
		category = Propulsion
		subcategory = 0
		title = R-4 'Dumpling' External Tank
		manufacturer = Probodobodyne Inc
		description = Often, and mistakenly used for playing ball games.
		attachRules = 0,1,0,1,0
		mass = 0.01375
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.3
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 5
		breakingForce = 50
		breakingTorque = 50
		maxTemp = 2000
		fuelCrossFeed = True
		bulkheadProfiles = srf
		tags = fueltank ?lfo liquid oxidizer propellant rocket
			model = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/FoilTanks/RadialTank_Round
			name = LiquidFuel
			amount = 9.9
			maxAmount = 9.9
			name = Oxidizer
			amount = 12.1
			maxAmount = 12.1
			name = ModulePartVariants
			primaryColor = #fccb0a
			baseDisplayName = Gold
			baseThemeName = Gold
			useMultipleDragCubes = false
				name = Silver
				displayName = Silver
				themeName = Silver
				primaryColor = #cecece
					mainTextureURL = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/FoilTanks/RadialTanks_silver
					_SpecMap = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/FoilTanks/RadialTanksSilver_specular
					_SpecTint = 0.05
					_Shininess = 0.5
					_AmbientMultiplier = 0.6
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 270
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/FoilTanks/ToroidTank.cfg
		name = externalTankToroid
		module = Part
		author = RoverDude
		rescaleFactor = 1.0
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.125, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.125, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0
		TechRequired = precisionPropulsion
		entryCost = 4000
		cost = 147
		category = FuelTank
		subcategory = 0
		title = R-12 'Doughnut' External Tank
		manufacturer = Probodobodyne Inc
		description = An unconventionally shaped (but undoubtedly handy) fuel tank.
		attachRules = 1,0,1,1,1
		mass = 0.0375
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.3
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 6
		breakingForce = 50
		breakingTorque = 50
		maxTemp = 2000
		fuelCrossFeed = True
		bulkheadProfiles = size1, srf
		tags = fueltank mono monopropellant propellant
			model = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/FoilTanks/ToroidTank
			name = LiquidFuel
			amount = 27
			maxAmount = 27
			name = Oxidizer
			amount = 33
			maxAmount = 33
			name = ModulePartVariants
			primaryColor = #fccb0a
			baseDisplayName = Gold
			baseThemeName = Gold
			useMultipleDragCubes = false
				name = Silver
				displayName = Silver
				themeName = Silver
				primaryColor = #cecece
					mainTextureURL = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/FoilTanks/RadialTanks_silver
					_SpecMap = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/FoilTanks/RadialTanksSilver_specular
					_SpecTint = 0.05
					_Shininess = 0.5
					_AmbientMultiplier = 0.6
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 500
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/RCSFuelTankR1/RCSFuelTankR1.cfg
		name = RCSTank1-2
		module = Part
		author = NovaSilisko
		mesh =
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.5, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.5, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2
		TechRequired = advFuelSystems
		entryCost = 7600
		cost = 1800
		category = FuelTank
		subcategory = 0
		title = FL-R750 RCS Fuel Tank
		manufacturer = Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spacecraft Parts Co
		description = A larger-scale version of the standard RCS fuel tank.
		attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0
		mass = 0.4
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 12
		maxTemp = 2000
		bulkheadProfiles = size2
		tags = fuel propellant fueltank tank mono regular standard average medium cross feed 1.875
			name = MonoPropellant
			amount = 750
			maxAmount = 750
			name = ModulePartVariants
			baseVariant = YellowAndWhite
			useMultipleDragCubes = false
				name = GrayAndWhite
				displayName = Gray and White
				themeName = GrayAndWhite
				primaryColor = #ffffff
				secondaryColor = #adadad
					mainTextureURL = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/RCSFuelTankR1/RCSFuelTankR1_01
					_BumpMap = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/RCSFuelTankR1/RCSFuelTankR1_N
				name = YellowAndWhite
				displayName = Yellow and White
				themeName = YellowAndWhite
				primaryColor = #ffdd00
				secondaryColor = #ffffff
					mainTextureURL = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/RCSFuelTankR1/RCSFuelTankR1_02
					_BumpMap = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/RCSFuelTankR1/RCSFuelTankR1_N
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/RCSFuelTankR10/RCSFuelTankR10.cfg
		name = rcsTankMini
		module = Part
		author = Squad
		mesh =
		rescaleFactor = 1.0
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.1875, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.1875, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0
		node_attach = 0.25, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1
		TechRequired = advFuelSystems
		entryCost = 4500
		cost = 200
		category = FuelTank
		subcategory = 0
		title = FL-R20 RCS Fuel Tank
		manufacturer = Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spacecraft Parts Co
		description = The FL-R20 is a miniature RCS tank for small probes and low volume monopropellant storage.
		attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0
		mass = 0.02
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 12
		maxTemp = 2000
		breakingForce = 50
		breakingTorque = 50
		fuelCrossFeed = True
		bulkheadProfiles = size0, srf
		tags = fueltank mono monopropellant propellant
			name = MonoPropellant
			amount = 20
			maxAmount = 20
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 160
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/RCSFuelTankR25/RCSFuelTankR25.cfg
		name = RCSFuelTank
		module = Part
		author = NovaSilisko
		mesh =
		scale = 1
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.2853027, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.2853027, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0
		TechRequired = advFuelSystems
		entryCost = 4600
		cost = 330
		category = FuelTank
		subcategory = 0
		title = FL-R120 RCS Fuel Tank
		manufacturer = Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spacecraft Parts Co
		description = These fuel tanks store monopropellant for RCS thrusters. New advances in plumbing technology made it possible to route RCS lines to any point in the ship. So unlike liquid fuel tanks, RCS Fuel tanks can be placed anywhere.
		attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0
		mass = 0.08
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 12
		maxTemp = 2000
		bulkheadProfiles = size1
		tags = fueltank mono monopropellant propellant
			name = MonoPropellant
			amount = 120
			maxAmount = 120
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 920
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/RCSTankRadial/radialRCSTank.cfg
		name = radialRCSTank
		module = Part
		author = NovaSilisko
		mesh =
		scale = 1
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 0.22, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0
		TechRequired = advFlightControl
		entryCost = 6200
		cost = 200
		category = FuelTank
		subcategory = 0
		title = Stratus-V Roundified Monopropellant Tank
		description = Despite its fanciful name, the Stratus-V is quite simple - a small, radially attachable RCS tank.
		manufacturer = Stratus Corporation
		attachRules = 0,1,0,1,1
		mass = 0.02
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 12
		maxTemp = 2000
		bulkheadProfiles = srf
		tags = fuel fueltank mono propellant rcs
			name = MonoPropellant
			amount = 20
			maxAmount = 20
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 250
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/RCStankRadialLong/RCSTankRadialLong.cfg
		name = rcsTankRadialLong
		module = Part
		author = Squad
		mesh =
		rescaleFactor = 1.0
		node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, -0.3125, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0
		TechRequired = specializedControl
		entryCost = 5400
		cost = 250
		category = FuelTank
		subcategory = 0
		title = Stratus-V Cylindrified Monopropellant Tank
		description = After years of research and development, the Stratus corporation has developed a revolutionary upgrade to their Stratus-V fuel tank line. Cylinders. This tank holds a moderate supply of monopropellant for RCS thrusters.
		manufacturer = Stratus Corporation
		attachRules = 0,1,0,1,1
		mass = 0.03
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 12
		maxTemp = 2000
		bulkheadProfiles = srf
		tags = fuel fueltank rcs
			name = MonoPropellant
			amount = 50
			maxAmount = 50
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			stackableQuantity = 1
			packedVolume = 600
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/RockomaxTanks/Rockomax16.cfg
		name = Rockomax16_BW
		module = Part
		author = yes
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.92, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.92, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2
		node_attach = 1.25, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1
		TechRequired = fuelSystems
		entryCost = 8200
		cost = 1550
		category = FuelTank
		subcategory = 0
		title = Rockomax X200-16 Fuel Tank
		manufacturer = Rockomax Conglomerate
		description = After many, many studies, Rockomax engineers found that the space program does indeed have a use for a tank half the size of the X200-32. No refunds.
		attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0
		mass = 1
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.3
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 6
		breakingForce = 200
		breakingTorque = 200
		maxTemp = 2000
		bulkheadProfiles = size2, srf
		tags = fueltank ?lfo liquid oxidizer propellant rocket
			model = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/RockomaxTanks/Assets/Rockomax16
			name = LiquidFuel
			amount = 720
			maxAmount = 720
			name = Oxidizer
			amount = 880
			maxAmount = 880
			name = ModulePartVariants
			primaryColor = #ffffff
			secondaryColor = #000000
			baseDisplayName = Black and White
			baseThemeName = BlackAndWhite
			useMultipleDragCubes = False
				name = Orange
				displayName = Orange
				themeName = Orange
				primaryColor = #f49841
				secondaryColor = #4c4f47
					mainTextureURL = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/RockomaxTanks/Assets/rockomax_16 [AlbedoM] O
					_BumpMap = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/RockomaxTanks/Assets/rockomax_16 [Normal]O
				name = ESA
				displayName = ESA
				description = European Space Agency
				primaryColor = #ffffff
				secondaryColor = #124d7f
					mainTextureURL = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/RockomaxTanks/Assets/rockomax_16 [AlbedoM] ESA
					_BumpMap = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/RockomaxTanks/Assets/rockomax_16 [Normal]ESA
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/RockomaxTanks/Rockomax32.cfg
		name = Rockomax32_BW
		module = Part
		author = yes
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 1.86, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -1.86, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2
		node_attach = 1.25, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1
		TechRequired = fuelSystems
		entryCost = 14400
		cost = 3000
		category = FuelTank
		subcategory = 0
		title = Rockomax X200-32 Fuel Tank
		manufacturer = Rockomax Conglomerate
		description = Developed after one J. Kerman complained that the fuel tanks available were 'way too small', the X200-32 holds a generous amount of fuel, for all your... fueling needs or something like that. Shut up, Rockomax hires rocket scientists, not writers.
		attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0
		mass = 2
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.3
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 6
		breakingForce = 200
		breakingTorque = 200
		maxTemp = 2000
		bulkheadProfiles = size2, srf
		tags = fueltank ?lfo liquid oxidizer propellant rocket
			model = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/RockomaxTanks/Assets/Rockomax32
			name = LiquidFuel
			amount = 1440
			maxAmount = 1440
			name = Oxidizer
			amount = 1760
			maxAmount = 1760
			name = ModulePartVariants
			baseVariant = BlackAndWhite
				name = BlackAndWhite
				displayName = Black and White
				themeName = White
				primaryColor = #ffffff
				secondaryColor = #000000
					Rockomax_32_White = true
					Rockomax_32_Orange = false
					Rockomax_32_ESA = false
				name = Orange
				displayName = Orange
				themeName = Orange
				primaryColor = #f49841
				secondaryColor = #4c4f47
					Rockomax_32_White = false
					Rockomax_32_Orange = true
					Rockomax_32_ESA = false
					mainTextureURL = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/RockomaxTanks/Assets/rockomax_16 [AlbedoM] O
					_BumpMap = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/RockomaxTanks/Assets/rockomax_16 [Normal]O
				name = ESA
				displayName = ESA
				description = European Space Agency
				primaryColor = #ffffff
				secondaryColor = #124d7f
					Rockomax_32_White = false
					Rockomax_32_Orange = false
					Rockomax_32_ESA = true
					mainTextureURL = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/RockomaxTanks/Assets/rockomax_32 [AlbedoM] ESA
					_BumpMap = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/RockomaxTanks/Assets/rockomax_32 [Normal]ESA
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/RockomaxTanks/Rockomax64.cfg
		name = Rockomax64_BW
		module = Part
		author = yes
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 3.73, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -3.73, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2
		node_attach = 1.25, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1
		TechRequired = advFuelSystems
		entryCost = 24200
		cost = 5750
		category = FuelTank
		subcategory = 0
		title = Rockomax Jumbo-64 Fuel Tank
		manufacturer = Rockomax Conglomerate
		description = The largest tank available from Rockomax, the Jumbo-64 holds a vast amount of fuel in a friendly orange insulated container. Contrary to popular belief, the Jumbo-64 is NOT orange flavored and should NOT be tasted.
		attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0
		mass = 4
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.3
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 6
		breakingForce = 200
		breakingTorque = 200
		maxTemp = 2000
		bulkheadProfiles = size2, srf
		tags = fueltank ?lfo liquid orange oxidizer propellant rocket
			model = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/RockomaxTanks/Assets/Rockomax64
			name = LiquidFuel
			amount = 2880
			maxAmount = 2880
			name = Oxidizer
			amount = 3520
			maxAmount = 3520
			name = ModulePartVariants
			baseVariant = BlackAndWhite
				name = BlackAndWhite
				displayName = Black and White
				themeName = White
				primaryColor = #ffffff
				secondaryColor = #000000
					Rockomax_64_White = true
					Rockomax_64_Orange = false
				name = Orange
				displayName = Orange
				themeName = Orange
				primaryColor = #f49841
				secondaryColor = #4c4f47
					Rockomax_64_White = false
					Rockomax_64_Orange = true
					mainTextureURL = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/RockomaxTanks/Assets/rockomax_16 [AlbedoM] O
					_BumpMap = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/RockomaxTanks/Assets/rockomax_16 [Normal]O
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/RockomaxTanks/Rockomax8.cfg
		name = Rockomax8BW
		module = Part
		author = yes
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.455, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.455, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2
		node_attach = 1.25, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1
		TechRequired = fuelSystems
		entryCost = 5200
		cost = 800
		category = FuelTank
		subcategory = 0
		title = Rockomax X200-8 Fuel Tank
		manufacturer = Rockomax Conglomerate
		description = A compact fuel tank, designed for small upper stages and landers. Rockomax takes no responsibility for the Dawton Kerman Aboveground Pool Company stickers on the inside because it totally is not a swimming pool frame we stole from their back lot.
		attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0
		mass = 0.5
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.3
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 6
		breakingForce = 200
		breakingTorque = 200
		maxTemp = 2000
		bulkheadProfiles = size2, srf
		tags = fueltank ?lfo liquid oxidizer propellant rocket
			model = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/RockomaxTanks/Assets/Rockomax8
			name = LiquidFuel
			amount = 360
			maxAmount = 360
			name = Oxidizer
			amount = 440
			maxAmount = 440
			name = ModulePartVariants
			baseVariant = BlackAndWhite
				name = BlackAndWhite
				displayName = Black and White
				themeName = White
				primaryColor = #ffffff
				secondaryColor = #000000
					Rockomax_8_White = true
					Rockomax_8_Orange = false
				name = Orange
				displayName = Orange
				themeName = Orange
				primaryColor = #f49841
				secondaryColor = #4c4f47
					Rockomax_8_White = false
					Rockomax_8_Orange = true
					mainTextureURL = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/RockomaxTanks/Assets/rockomax_16 [AlbedoM] O
					_BumpMap = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/RockomaxTanks/Assets/rockomax_16 [Normal]O
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/Size1_Tanks/fuelTankT100.cfg
		name = fuelTankSmallFlat
		module = Part
		author = RoverDude
		rescaleFactor = 1.0
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.3125, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.3125, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
		node_attach = 0.625, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0
		TechRequired = basicRocketry
		entryCost = 1200
		cost = 150
		category = FuelTank
		subcategory = 0
		title = FL-T100 Fuel Tank
		manufacturer = Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spacecraft Parts Co
		description = The T100 is a miniature fuel tank made to be even more adorable than its bigger brother, the T200. Handle stoically and with care.
		attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0
		mass = 0.0625
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 6
		maxTemp = 2000
		breakingForce = 50
		breakingTorque = 50
		bulkheadProfiles = size1, srf
		tags = fueltank ?lfo liquid oxidizer propellant rocket
			model = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/Size1_Tanks/Size1Tank_01
			name = LiquidFuel
			amount = 45
			maxAmount = 45
			name = Oxidizer
			amount = 55
			maxAmount = 55
			name = ModulePartVariants
			primaryColor = #000000
			secondaryColor = #000000
			baseDisplayName = Dark
			baseThemeName = Dark
			useMultipleDragCubes = false
				name = BlackAndWhite
				displayName = Black and White
				themeName = BlackAndWhite
				primaryColor = #ffffff
				secondaryColor = #000000
					mainTextureURL = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/Size1_Tanks/125Tanks_BW
					_BumpMap = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/Size1_Tanks/125Tanks_N
					shader = KSP/Bumped Specular
				name = White
				displayName = White
				themeName = White
				primaryColor = #ffffff
				secondaryColor = #ffffff
					mainTextureURL = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/Size1_Tanks/125Tanks_W
					shader = KSP/Specular
				name = GrayAndOrange
				displayName = Gray and Orange
				themeName = GrayAndOrange
				primaryColor = #4c4f47
				secondaryColor = #f49841
					mainTextureURL = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/Size1_Tanks/125Tanks_O
					shader = KSP/Specular
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 1100
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/Size1_Tanks/fuelTankT200.cfg
		name = fuelTankSmall
		module = Part
		author = RoverDude
		rescaleFactor = 1.0
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.55525, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.55525, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0
		node_attach = 0.625, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1
		TechRequired = generalRocketry
		entryCost = 2500
		cost = 275
		category = FuelTank
		subcategory = 0
		title = FL-T200 Fuel Tank
		manufacturer = Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spacecraft Parts Co
		description = The T200 tank had some difficulty being accepted in the spacecraft engineering world, because most rocket builders had trouble overcoming their urges to squee at the "cute little fuel tank". This initial reaction was only put aside when the amount of fiery explosions in assembly areas became so high, strict guidelines were put in place to prohibit "teasing the fuel containers". The T200 Tank now is widely used in several space programs and does a remarkably good job, if assembled politely.
		attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0
		mass = 0.125
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.3
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 6
		maxTemp = 2000
		breakingForce = 50
		breakingTorque = 50
		bulkheadProfiles = size1, srf
		tags = fueltank ?lfo liquid oxidizer propellant rocket
			model = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/Size1_Tanks/Size1Tank_02
			name = LiquidFuel
			amount = 90
			maxAmount = 90
			name = Oxidizer
			amount = 110
			maxAmount = 110
			name = ModulePartVariants
			primaryColor = #000000
			secondaryColor = #000000
			baseDisplayName = Dark
			baseThemeName = Dark
			useMultipleDragCubes = false
				name = BlackAndWhite
				displayName = Black and White
				themeName = BlackAndWhite
				primaryColor = #ffffff
				secondaryColor = #000000
					mainTextureURL = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/Size1_Tanks/125Tanks_BW
					_BumpMap = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/Size1_Tanks/125Tanks_N
					shader = KSP/Bumped Specular
				name = White
				displayName = White
				themeName = White
				primaryColor = #ffffff
				secondaryColor = #ffffff
					mainTextureURL = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/Size1_Tanks/125Tanks_W
					shader = KSP/Specular
				name = GrayAndOrange
				displayName = Gray and Orange
				themeName = GrayAndOrange
				primaryColor = #4c4f47
				secondaryColor = #f49841
					mainTextureURL = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/Size1_Tanks/125Tanks_O
					shader = KSP/Specular
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 2000
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/Size1_Tanks/fuelTankT400.cfg
		name = fuelTank
		module = Part
		author = RoverDude
		rescaleFactor = 1.0
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.981725, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.9125, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0
		node_attach = 0.625, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1
		TechRequired = advRocketry
		entryCost = 1600
		cost = 500
		category = FuelTank
		subcategory = 0
		title = FL-T400 Fuel Tank
		manufacturer = Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spacecraft Parts Co
		description = The FL series was received as a substantial upgrade over previous fuel containers used in the Space Program, generally due to its ability to keep the fuel unexploded more often than not. Fuel tanks are useless if there isn't a Liquid Engine attached under it. They can also be stacked with other fuel tanks to increase the amount of fuel for the engine below.
		attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0
		mass = 0.25
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.3
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 6
		breakingForce = 50
		breakingTorque = 50
		maxTemp = 2000
		bulkheadProfiles = size1, srf
		tags = fueltank ?lfo liquid oxidizer propellant rocket
			model = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/Size1_Tanks/Size1Tank_03
			name = LiquidFuel
			amount = 180
			maxAmount = 180
			name = Oxidizer
			amount = 220
			maxAmount = 220
			name = ModulePartVariants
			primaryColor = #000000
			secondaryColor = #000000
			baseDisplayName = Dark
			baseThemeName = Dark
			useMultipleDragCubes = false
				name = BlackAndWhite
				displayName = Black and White
				themeName = BlackAndWhite
				primaryColor = #ffffff
				secondaryColor = #000000
					mainTextureURL = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/Size1_Tanks/125Tanks_BW
					_BumpMap = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/Size1_Tanks/125Tanks_N
					shader = KSP/Bumped Specular
				name = White
				displayName = White
				themeName = White
				primaryColor = #ffffff
				secondaryColor = #ffffff
					mainTextureURL = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/Size1_Tanks/125Tanks_W
					shader = KSP/Specular
				name = GrayAndOrange
				displayName = Gray and Orange
				themeName = GrayAndOrange
				primaryColor = #4c4f47
				secondaryColor = #f49841
					mainTextureURL = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/Size1_Tanks/125Tanks_O
					shader = KSP/Specular
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			stackableQuantity = 1
			packedVolume = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/Size1_Tanks/fuelTankT800.cfg
		name = fuelTank_long
		module = Part
		author = RoverDude
		rescaleFactor = 1.0
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 1.875,  0.0, 0.0,  1.0, 0.0,1
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -1.8875, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0,1
		node_attach = 0.625, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1
		TechRequired = fuelSystems
		entryCost = 4800
		cost = 800
		category = FuelTank
		subcategory = 0
		title = FL-T800 Fuel Tank
		manufacturer = Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spacecraft Parts Co
		description = A stretched variant of the FL-T400, the FL-T800 holds twice the fuel in a slightly stronger container. The black stripes along the side make the rocket go faster, our engineers tell us.
		attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0
		mass = 0.5
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.3
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 6
		breakingForce = 50
		breakingTorque = 50
		maxTemp = 2000
		bulkheadProfiles = size1, srf
		tags = fueltank ?lfo liquid oxidizer propellant rocket
			model = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/Size1_Tanks/Size1Tank_04
			name = LiquidFuel
			amount = 360
			maxAmount = 360
			name = Oxidizer
			amount = 440
			maxAmount = 440
			name = ModulePartVariants
			primaryColor = #000000
			secondaryColor = #000000
			baseDisplayName = Dark
			baseThemeName = Dark
			useMultipleDragCubes = false
				name = BlackAndWhite
				displayName = Black and White
				themeName = BlackAndWhite
				primaryColor = #ffffff
				secondaryColor = #000000
					mainTextureURL = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/Size1_Tanks/125Tanks_BW
					_BumpMap = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/Size1_Tanks/125Tanks_N
					shader = KSP/Bumped Specular
				name = White
				displayName = White
				themeName = White
				primaryColor = #ffffff
				secondaryColor = #ffffff
					mainTextureURL = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/Size1_Tanks/125Tanks_W
					shader = KSP/Specular
				name = GrayAndOrange
				displayName = Gray and Orange
				themeName = GrayAndOrange
				primaryColor = #4c4f47
				secondaryColor = #f49841
					mainTextureURL = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/Size1_Tanks/125Tanks_O
					shader = KSP/Specular
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/Size3Tanks/large.cfg
		name = Size3LargeTank
		module = Part
		author = Squad
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 3.74, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 3
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -3.74, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 3
		node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, -1.89, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0
		TechRequired = highPerformanceFuelSystems
		entryCost = 46600
		cost = 13000
		category = Propulsion
		subcategory = 0
		title = Kerbodyne S3-14400 Tank
		manufacturer = Kerbodyne
		description = When nobody believed in (or even asked for) an even larger fuel tank than the already enormous S3-7200, Kerbodyne stepped up with the sanity-defying S3-14400 model. Carrying fully twice as much fuel as before, this fuel tank may just pack enough propellant to justify its proportionately enormous cost.
		attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0
		mass = 9
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.3
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 6
		breakingForce = 400
		breakingTorque = 400
		maxTemp = 2000
		bulkheadProfiles = size3, srf
		tags = fuel fueltank ?lfo propellant rocket
			model = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/Size3Tanks/Size3LargeTank
			name = LiquidFuel
			amount = 6480
			maxAmount = 6480
			name = Oxidizer
			amount = 7920
			maxAmount = 7920
			name = ModulePartVariants
			baseVariant = BlackAndWhite
			useMultipleDragCubes = false
				name = BlackAndWhite
				displayName = Black and White
				themeName = White
				primaryColor = #ffffff
				secondaryColor = #000000
					mainTextureURL = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/Size3Tanks/Size3Tanks
					_BumpMap = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/Size3Tanks/Size3Tanks_Norm
				name = Orange
				displayName = Orange
				themeName = Orange
				primaryColor = #f49841
				secondaryColor = #4c4f47
					mainTextureURL = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/Size3Tanks/Size3Tanks_Orange
					_BumpMap = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/Size3Tanks/Size3Tanks_Orange_Norm
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/Size3Tanks/medium.cfg
		name = Size3MediumTank
		module = Part
		author = Squad
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 1.931, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 3
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -1.937, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 3
		node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, -1.89, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0
		TechRequired = largeVolumeContainment
		entryCost = 32600
		cost = 6500
		category = Propulsion
		subcategory = 0
		title = Kerbodyne S3-7200 Tank
		manufacturer = Kerbodyne
		description = Kerbodyne's signature heavy fuel tank. Designed to be used with their advanced rocket engines.
		attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0
		mass = 4.5
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.3
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 6
		breakingForce = 300
		breakingTorque = 300
		maxTemp = 2000
		bulkheadProfiles = size3, srf
		tags = fuel fueltank ?lfo propellant rocket
			model = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/Size3Tanks/Size3MediumTank
			name = LiquidFuel
			amount = 3240
			maxAmount = 3240
			name = Oxidizer
			amount = 3960
			maxAmount = 3960
			name = ModulePartVariants
			baseVariant = BlackAndWhite
			useMultipleDragCubes = false
				name = BlackAndWhite
				displayName = Black and White
				themeName = White
				primaryColor = #ffffff
				secondaryColor = #000000
					mainTextureURL = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/Size3Tanks/Size3Tanks
					_BumpMap = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/Size3Tanks/Size3Tanks_Norm
				name = Orange
				displayName = Orange
				themeName = Orange
				primaryColor = #f49841
				secondaryColor = #4c4f47
					mainTextureURL = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/Size3Tanks/Size3Tanks_Orange
					_BumpMap = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/Size3Tanks/Size3Tanks_Orange_Norm
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/Size3Tanks/small.cfg
		name = Size3SmallTank
		module = Part
		author = Squad
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.96, 0.0, 0.0, 1, 0.0, 3
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.967, 0.0, 0.0, -1, 0.0, 3
		node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, -1.89, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0
		TechRequired = largeVolumeContainment
		entryCost = 18800
		cost = 3250
		category = Propulsion
		subcategory = 0
		title = Kerbodyne S3-3600 Tank
		manufacturer = Kerbodyne
		description = A half-capacity version of Kerbodyne's iconic fuel tank, for not quite exactly half the cost.
		attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0
		mass = 2.25
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.3
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 6
		breakingForce = 200
		breakingTorque = 200
		maxTemp = 2000
		bulkheadProfiles = size3, srf
		tags = fuel fueltank ?lfo propellant rocket
			model = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/Size3Tanks/Size3SmallTank
			name = LiquidFuel
			amount = 1620
			maxAmount = 1620
			name = Oxidizer
			amount = 1980
			maxAmount = 1980
			name = ModulePartVariants
			baseVariant = BlackAndWhite
			useMultipleDragCubes = false
				name = BlackAndWhite
				displayName = Black and White
				themeName = White
				primaryColor = #ffffff
				secondaryColor = #000000
					mainTextureURL = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/Size3Tanks/Size3Tanks
					_BumpMap = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/Size3Tanks/Size3Tanks_Norm
				name = Orange
				displayName = Orange
				themeName = Orange
				primaryColor = #f49841
				secondaryColor = #4c4f47
					mainTextureURL = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/Size3Tanks/Size3Tanks_Orange
					_BumpMap = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/Size3Tanks/Size3Tanks_Orange_Norm
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/adapterTanks/Mk3-Mk2.cfg
		name = adapterMk3-Mk2
		module = Part
		author = Porkjet
		rescaleFactor = 1.0
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 2.5, 0.625, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -2.5, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 3
		node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 1.88, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 1
		TechRequired = experimentalAerodynamics
		entryCost = 42000
		cost = 2200
		category = FuelTank
		subcategory = 0
		title = Mk3 to Mk2 Adapter
		manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division
		description = Our engineers insisted on a way to reuse Mk2 parts on the new Fuselage system. Manufacturing a streamlined adapter despite the considerable difference of the two cross sections required quite a radical design. It is often used as a slide on Take Your Kids to Work Day.
		attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0
		mass = 1.43
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.3
		angularDrag = 1
		crashTolerance = 50
		maxTemp = 2600
		emissiveConstant = 0.87
		fuelCrossFeed = True
		bulkheadProfiles = mk2, mk3, srf
		breakingForce = 300
		breakingTorque = 300
		tags = fuel fueltank ?lfo liquid oxidizer propellant rocket tank
			model = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/adapterTanks/Mk3-Mk2
			name = LiquidFuel
			amount = 900
			maxAmount = 900
			name = Oxidizer
			amount = 1100
			maxAmount = 1100
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/adapterTanks/Mk3-ShuttleAdapter.cfg
		name = adapterEngines
		module = Part
		author = Porkjet
		rescaleFactor = 1.0
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.46875, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 3
		node_stack_bottom01 = 0.0, -0.46875, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2
		node_stack_bottom02 = 0.0, -0.46875, -0.75, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
		node_stack_bottom03 = 0.649525, -0.46875, 0.375, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
		node_stack_bottom04 = -0.649525, -0.46875, 0.375, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
		node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 1.88, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 1
		TechRequired = experimentalAerodynamics
		entryCost = 42000
		cost = 2500
		category = Structural
		subcategory = 0
		title = Mk3 Engine Mount
		manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division
		description = A structural mounting plate for rocket engines.
		attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0
		stackSymmetry = 2
		mass = 0.7
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.3
		angularDrag = 1
		crashTolerance = 50
		maxTemp = 2600
		emissiveConstant = 0.87
		fuelCrossFeed = True
		bulkheadProfiles = mk3, srf
		breakingForce = 300
		breakingTorque = 300
		tags = plate shuttle structur tail
			model = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/adapterTanks/ShuttleAdapter
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/adapterTanks/Mk3-Size2.cfg
		name = adapterMk3-Size2
		module = Part
		author = Porkjet
		rescaleFactor = 1.0
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 1.875, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -1.875, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 3
		node_attach = 1.63, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1
		TechRequired = heavyAerodynamics
		entryCost = 42000
		cost = 2500
		category = FuelTank
		subcategory = 0
		title = Mk3 to 2.5m Adapter
		manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division
		description = Perfectly pointy, carefully curved and devastatingly destructive, this Mk3 to 2.5m adapter can satisfy your wildest of dreams. Or it'll let you bridge the gaps between parts on your craft while giving you a bit of fuel... Your choice.
		attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0
		mass = 1.79
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.3
		angularDrag = 1
		crashTolerance = 50
		maxTemp = 2600
		emissiveConstant = 0.87
		fuelCrossFeed = True
		bulkheadProfiles = size2, srf, mk3
		breakingForce = 300
		breakingTorque = 300
		tags = fuel fueltank ?lfo liquid oxidizer propellant rocket tank
			model = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/adapterTanks/Mk3-Size2
			name = LiquidFuel
			amount = 1125
			maxAmount = 1125
			name = Oxidizer
			amount = 1375
			maxAmount = 1375
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/adapterTanks/Mk3-Size2Slant.cfg
		name = adapterMk3-Size2Slant
		module = Part
		author = Porkjet
		rescaleFactor = 1.0
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 1.875, -0.625, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -1.875, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 3
		node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, -1.88, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1
		TechRequired = heavyAerodynamics
		entryCost = 42000
		cost = 2500
		category = FuelTank
		subcategory = 0
		title = Mk3 to 2.5m Adapter Slanted
		manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division
		description = Makes your craft hang in the air like bricks don't!
		attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0
		mass = 1.79
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.3
		angularDrag = 1
		crashTolerance = 50
		maxTemp = 2600
		emissiveConstant = 0.87
		fuelCrossFeed = True
		bulkheadProfiles = size2, srf, mk3
		breakingForce = 300
		breakingTorque = 300
		tags = fuel fueltank ?lfo liquid oxidizer propellant rocket tank
			model = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/adapterTanks/Mk3-Size2Slant
			name = LiquidFuel
			amount = 1125
			maxAmount = 1125
			name = Oxidizer
			amount = 1375
			maxAmount = 1375
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/adapterTanks/Size2-Mk2.cfg
		name = adapterSize2-Mk2
		module = Part
		author = Porkjet
		rescaleFactor = 1.0
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 1.875, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -1.875, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2
		node_attach = 1.25, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1
		TechRequired = highAltitudeFlight
		entryCost = 18000
		cost = 800
		category = FuelTank
		subcategory = 0
		title = 2.5m to Mk2 Adapter
		manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division
		description = When you can't decide between a rocket and a spaceplane, why not both?
		attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0
		mass = 0.57
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.3
		angularDrag = 1
		crashTolerance = 50
		maxTemp = 2500
		emissiveConstant = 0.8
		fuelCrossFeed = True
		bulkheadProfiles = size2, srf, mk2
		tags = fuel fueltank ?lfo liquid oxidizer propellant rocket tank
			model = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/adapterTanks/Size2-Mk2
			name = LiquidFuel
			amount = 360
			maxAmount = 360
			name = Oxidizer
			amount = 440
			maxAmount = 440
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/adapterTanks/Size2-Size1.cfg
		name = adapterSize2-Size1
		module = Part
		author = Porkjet
		rescaleFactor = 1.0
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 1.25, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -1.25, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2
		node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 1.25, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 1
		TechRequired = advFuelSystems
		entryCost = 18000
		cost = 800
		category = FuelTank
		subcategory = 0
		title = C7 Brand Adapter - 2.5m to 1.25m
		manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division
		description = While the popular Rockomax Adapter has served its purpose fairly well over the years, C7 engineers thought they could do better. Improvements of this in-house product include an integrated fuel tank and a longer structural frame.
		attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0
		mass = 0.57
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.3
		angularDrag = 1
		crashTolerance = 20
		maxTemp = 2300
		emissiveConstant = 0.8
		fuelCrossFeed = True
		bulkheadProfiles = size1, size2, srf
		tags = fuel fueltank ?lfo liquid oxidizer propellant rocket tank
			model = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/adapterTanks/Size2-Size1
			name = LiquidFuel
			amount = 360
			maxAmount = 360
			name = Oxidizer
			amount = 440
			maxAmount = 440
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/adapterTanks/Size2-Size1Slant.cfg
		name = adapterSize2-Size1Slant
		module = Part
		author = Porkjet
		rescaleFactor = 1.0
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 1.25, -0.625, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -1.25, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2
		node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, -1.25, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1
		TechRequired = advFuelSystems
		entryCost = 18000
		cost = 800
		category = FuelTank
		subcategory = 0
		title = C7 Brand Adapter Slanted - 2.5m to 1.25m
		manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division
		description = While the popular Rockomax Adapter has served its purpose fairly well over the years, C7 engineers thought they could do better. Improvements of this in-house product include an integrated fuel tank and a longer structural frame.
		attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0
		mass = 0.57
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.3
		angularDrag = 1
		crashTolerance = 20
		maxTemp = 2300
		emissiveConstant = 0.8
		fuelCrossFeed = True
		bulkheadProfiles = size1, size2, srf
		tags = fuel fueltank ?lfo liquid oxidizer propellant rocket tank
			model = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/adapterTanks/Size2-Size1Slant
			name = LiquidFuel
			amount = 360
			maxAmount = 360
			name = Oxidizer
			amount = 440
			maxAmount = 440
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/adapterTanks/Size3-Mk3.cfg
		name = adapterSize3-Mk3
		module = Part
		author = Porkjet
		rescaleFactor = 1.0
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.9375, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 3
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.9375, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 3
		node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 1.88, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 1
		TechRequired = experimentalAerodynamics
		entryCost = 42000
		cost = 2500
		category = FuelTank
		subcategory = 0
		title = Mk3 to 3.75m Adapter
		manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division
		description = An adapter for when your craft turns from a massive rocket into a gargantuan plane!
		attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0
		mass = 1.79
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.3
		angularDrag = 1
		crashTolerance = 50
		maxTemp = 2600
		emissiveConstant = 0.87
		fuelCrossFeed = True
		bulkheadProfiles = size3, srf, mk3
		breakingForce = 300
		breakingTorque = 300
		tags = fuel fueltank ?lfo liquid oxidizer propellant rocket tank
			model = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/adapterTanks/Size3-Mk3
			name = LiquidFuel
			amount = 1125
			maxAmount = 1125
			name = Oxidizer
			amount = 1375
			maxAmount = 1375
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/drainTankFTE-1/ReleaseValve.cfg
		name = ReleaseValve
		module = Part
		author = Squad
		mesh =
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0
		fx_drainValve = 0, 0, -0.05, 0, 0.0, 0.0, gasDraining
		fx_drainValve_solid = 0, 0, -0.05, 0, 0.0, 0.0, particlesDraining
		TechRequired = fuelSystems
		entryCost = 2500
		cost = 50
		category = FuelTank
		subcategory = 0
		title = FTE-1 Drain Valve
		manufacturer = FLOOYD Dynamics Research Labs
		description = While trying to solve the initial issue with the FTX-1 series fuel line, an engineer at FLOOYD Dynamics had an ingenious thought - what if you failed to attach a fuel pipe at all?  Solves the issue of making sure the fuel goes in the right direction, because it just goes out. He was demoted and assigned to book keeping duties, but later on, FLOOYD resurrected his idea in the form of the FTE-1 - a valve that will allow you to drain most resources from the part that it happens to be attached to. Great for emergencies, flotation adjustment, or just fun rocket pranks.
		attachRules = 0,1,0,0,0
		mass = 0.01
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 1
		crashTolerance = 12
		maxTemp = 2000
		PhysicsSignificance = 1
		bulkheadProfiles = srf
		tags = lose remove lfo lf ore xenon (monoprop liquid tank
			name = ModuleResourceDrain
			fullResourceDrainTime = 10
			drainUnloaded = true
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			stackableQuantity = 4
			packedVolume = 2
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/fuelTankOscarB/fuelTankOscarB.cfg
		name = miniFuelTank
		module = Part
		author = NovaSilisko
		mesh =
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.1742737, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.1742737, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0
		node_attach = 0.3175, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0
		TechRequired = propulsionSystems
		entryCost = 4200
		cost = 70
		category = FuelTank
		subcategory = 0
		title = Oscar-B Fuel Tank
		manufacturer = Probodobodyne Inc
		description = The Oscar-B Fuel Tank from Probodobodyne is a compact fuel container for small space probes, or a backup tank for other small spacecraft. Do not wash in cold water, or feed after midnight.
		attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0
		mass = 0.025
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.15
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 6
		maxTemp = 2000
		breakingForce = 50
		breakingTorque = 50
		bulkheadProfiles = size0, srf
		tags = fueltank ?lfo liquid oxidizer propellant rocket
			name = LiquidFuel
			amount = 18
			maxAmount = 18
			name = Oxidizer
			amount = 22
			maxAmount = 22
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 160
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/miniFuselage/miniFuselage.cfg
		name = miniFuselage
		module = Part
		author = Porkjet
		mesh =
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.46875, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.46875, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0
		node_attach = 0.313, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0
		TechRequired = aviation
		entryCost = 3000
		cost = 200
		category = Propulsion
		subcategory = 0
		title = Mk0 Liquid Fuel Fuselage
		manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division
		description = A small container for jet fuel.
		attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0
		mass = 0.025
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.3
		angularDrag = 1
		crashTolerance = 10
		breakingForce = 50
		breakingTorque = 50
		maxTemp = 2000
		emissiveConstant = 0.8
		fuelCrossFeed = True
		bulkheadProfiles = size0
		tags = fueltank jet ?lf only propellant tank
			name = LiquidFuel
			amount = 50
			maxAmount = 50
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 400
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/mk2Adapters/bicoupler.cfg
		name = mk2_1m_Bicoupler
		module = Part
		author = Porkjet
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.9375, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0
		node_stack_bottom01 = 0.625, -0.9375, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0
		node_stack_bottom02 = -0.625, -0.9375, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0
		node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 0.7, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 1
		TechRequired = supersonicFlight
		entryCost = 19800
		cost = 860
		category = Propulsion
		subcategory = 0
		title = Mk2 Bicoupler
		manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division
		description = One engine is not enough? We got you covered!
		attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0
		stackSymmetry = 1
		mass = 0.29
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.3
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 50
		breakingForce = 50
		breakingTorque = 50
		maxTemp = 2500
		emissiveConstant = 0.8
		fuelCrossFeed = True
		bulkheadProfiles = size1, srf, mk2
		tags = dual fuel fueltank ?lfo liquid multi oxidizer pair propellant rocket split tank twin
			model = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/mk2Adapters/bicoupler
			name = ModuleLiftingSurface
			useInternalDragModel = False
			deflectionLiftCoeff = 0.3
			dragAtMaxAoA = 0.2
			dragAtMinAoA = 0.1
			name = LiquidFuel
			amount = 180
			maxAmount = 180
			name = Oxidizer
			amount = 220
			maxAmount = 220
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			stackableQuantity = 1
			packedVolume = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/mk2Adapters/long.cfg
		name = mk2_1m_AdapterLong
		module = Part
		author = Porkjet
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 1.875, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -1.875, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0
		node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 0.7, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 1
		TechRequired = highAltitudeFlight
		entryCost = 17500
		cost = 1050
		category = Propulsion
		subcategory = 0
		title = Mk2 to 1.25m Adapter Long
		manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division
		description = A generic Mk1 to Mk2 adapter that was left to dry a bit too long and stretched out.
		attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0
		mass = 0.57
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.3
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 50
		breakingForce = 50
		breakingTorque = 50
		maxTemp = 2500
		emissiveConstant = 0.8
		fuelCrossFeed = True
		bulkheadProfiles = size1, srf, mk2
		tags = fuel fueltank ?lfo liquid oxidizer propellant rocket tank
			model = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/mk2Adapters/long
			name = ModuleLiftingSurface
			useInternalDragModel = False
			deflectionLiftCoeff = 0.6
			dragAtMaxAoA = 0.3
			dragAtMinAoA = 0.1
			name = LiquidFuel
			amount = 360
			maxAmount = 360
			name = Oxidizer
			amount = 440
			maxAmount = 440
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/mk2Adapters/standard.cfg
		name = mk2SpacePlaneAdapter
		module = Part
		author = Porkjet
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.9375, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.9375, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0
		node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 0.7, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 1
		TechRequired = supersonicFlight
		entryCost = 14600
		cost = 550
		category = Propulsion
		subcategory = 0
		title = Mk2 to 1.25m Adapter
		manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division
		description = Generic Mk2 to Mk1 adapter.
		attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0
		mass = 0.29
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.1
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 50
		breakingForce = 50
		breakingTorque = 50
		maxTemp = 2500
		emissiveConstant = 0.8
		fuelCrossFeed = True
		bulkheadProfiles = size1, srf, mk2
		tags = fuel fueltank ?lfo liquid oxidizer propellant rocket tank
			model = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/mk2Adapters/standard
			name = ModuleLiftingSurface
			useInternalDragModel = False
			deflectionLiftCoeff = 0.28
			dragAtMaxAoA = 0.2
			dragAtMinAoA = 0.1
			name = LiquidFuel
			amount = 180
			maxAmount = 180
			name = Oxidizer
			amount = 220
			maxAmount = 220
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			stackableQuantity = 1
			packedVolume = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/mk2FuselageLong/LFO_long.cfg
		name = mk2FuselageLongLFO
		module = Part
		author = Porkjet
		rescaleFactor = 1.0
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 1.875, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -1.875, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0
		node_attach = 1.25, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1
		mirrorRefAxis = 0, 0, -1
		TechRequired = highAltitudeFlight
		entryCost = 18500
		cost = 1450
		category = Propulsion
		subcategory = 0
		title = Mk2 Rocket Fuel Fuselage
		manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division
		description = This airframe fuselage features the latest in lifting technology. Not only does it stay together during flight, its sleek design makes your plane just that much speedier! Now comes with at least 100% more Oxidiser.
		attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0
		mass = 0.57
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.3
		angularDrag = 1
		crashTolerance = 50
		breakingForce = 50
		breakingTorque = 50
		maxTemp = 2500
		emissiveConstant = 0.8
		fuelCrossFeed = True
		bulkheadProfiles = mk2, srf
		tags = fueltank ?lfo liquid oxidizer propellant tank
			model = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/mk2FuselageLong/FuselageLongLFO
			name = ModuleLiftingSurface
			useInternalDragModel = False
			deflectionLiftCoeff = 0.7
			dragAtMaxAoA = 0.3
			dragAtMinAoA = 0.1
			name = LiquidFuel
			amount = 360
			maxAmount = 360
			name = Oxidizer
			amount = 440
			maxAmount = 440
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/mk2FuselageLong/L_long.cfg
		name = mk2Fuselage
		module = Part
		author = Porkjet
		rescaleFactor = 1.0
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 1.875, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -1.875, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0
		node_attach = 1.25, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1
		mirrorRefAxis = 0, 0, -1
		TechRequired = highAltitudeFlight
		entryCost = 18500
		cost = 1450
		category = Propulsion
		subcategory = 0
		title = Mk2 Liquid Fuel Fuselage
		manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division
		description = This airframe fuselage features the latest in lifting technology. Not only does it stay together during flight, its sleek design makes your plane just that much speedier! Only carries Liquid Fuel.
		attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0
		mass = 0.57
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.3
		angularDrag = 1
		crashTolerance = 50
		breakingForce = 50
		breakingTorque = 50
		maxTemp = 2500
		emissiveConstant = 0.8
		fuelCrossFeed = True
		bulkheadProfiles = mk2, srf
		tags = aircraft airplane fueltank jet ?lf only plane propellant tank
			model = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/mk2FuselageLong/FuselageLongLiquid
			name = ModuleLiftingSurface
			useInternalDragModel = False
			deflectionLiftCoeff = 0.7
			dragAtMaxAoA = 0.3
			dragAtMinAoA = 0.1
			name = LiquidFuel
			amount = 800
			maxAmount = 800
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/mk2FuselageShort/LFO_short.cfg
		name = mk2FuselageShortLFO
		module = Part
		author = Porkjet
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.9375, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.9375, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0
		node_attach = 1.25, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1
		mirrorRefAxis = 0, 0, -1
		TechRequired = supersonicFlight
		entryCost = 18500
		cost = 750
		category = Propulsion
		subcategory = 0
		title = Mk2 Rocket Fuel Fuselage Short
		manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division
		description = This airframe fuselage features the latest in lifting technology. Not only does it stay together during flight, its sleek design makes your plane just that much speedier! Now comes with at least 100% more Oxidiser.
		attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0
		mass = 0.29
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.3
		angularDrag = 1
		crashTolerance = 50
		breakingForce = 50
		breakingTorque = 50
		maxTemp = 2500
		emissiveConstant = 0.8
		fuelCrossFeed = True
		bulkheadProfiles = mk2, srf
		tags = fueltank ?lfo liquid oxidizer propellant tank
			model = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/mk2FuselageShort/FuselageShortLFO
			name = ModuleLiftingSurface
			useInternalDragModel = False
			deflectionLiftCoeff = 0.35
			dragAtMaxAoA = 0.15
			dragAtMinAoA = 0.1
			name = LiquidFuel
			amount = 180
			maxAmount = 180
			name = Oxidizer
			amount = 220
			maxAmount = 220
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			stackableQuantity = 1
			packedVolume = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/mk2FuselageShort/L_short.cfg
		name = mk2FuselageShortLiquid
		module = Part
		author = Porkjet
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.9375, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.9375, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0
		node_attach = 1.25, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1
		mirrorRefAxis = 0, 0, -1
		TechRequired = supersonicFlight
		entryCost = 18500
		cost = 750
		category = Propulsion
		subcategory = 0
		title = Mk2 Liquid Fuel Fuselage Short
		manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division
		description = This airframe fuselage features the latest in lifting technology. Not only does it stay together during flight, its sleek design makes your plane just that much speedier! Only carries Liquid Fuel.
		attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0
		mass = 0.29
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.3
		angularDrag = 1
		crashTolerance = 50
		breakingForce = 50
		breakingTorque = 50
		maxTemp = 2500
		emissiveConstant = 0.8
		fuelCrossFeed = True
		bulkheadProfiles = mk2, srf
		tags = aircraft airplane fueltank jet ?lf only plane propellant tank
			model = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/mk2FuselageShort/FuselageShortLiquid
			name = ModuleLiftingSurface
			useInternalDragModel = False
			deflectionLiftCoeff = 0.35
			dragAtMaxAoA = 0.15
			dragAtMinAoA = 0.1
			name = LiquidFuel
			amount = 400
			maxAmount = 400
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			stackableQuantity = 1
			packedVolume = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/mk2FuselageShort/Mono_short.cfg
		name = mk2FuselageShortMono
		module = Part
		author = Porkjet
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.9375, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.9375, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0
		node_attach = 1.25, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1
		mirrorRefAxis = 0, 0, -1
		TechRequired = highAltitudeFlight
		entryCost = 18500
		cost = 750
		category = Propulsion
		subcategory = 0
		title = Mk2 Monopropellant Tank
		manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division
		description = This airframe fuselage features the latest in lifting technology. Not only does it stay together during flight, its sleek design makes your plane just that much speedier! Bursting to the brim with Monopropellant for all your attitude control needs!
		attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0
		mass = 0.29
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.3
		angularDrag = 1
		crashTolerance = 50
		breakingForce = 50
		breakingTorque = 50
		maxTemp = 2500
		emissiveConstant = 0.8
		fuelCrossFeed = True
		bulkheadProfiles = mk2
		tags = fuel fueltank mono propellant rcs
			model = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/mk2FuselageShort/FuselageShortMono
			name = ModuleLiftingSurface
			useInternalDragModel = False
			deflectionLiftCoeff = 0.35
			dragAtMaxAoA = 0.15
			dragAtMinAoA = 0.1
			name = MonoPropellant
			amount = 400
			maxAmount = 400
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			stackableQuantity = 1
			packedVolume = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/mk3Fuselage/CREW.cfg
		name = mk3CrewCabin
		module = Part
		author = Porkjet
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 1.875, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 ,3
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -1.875, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 3
		CrewCapacity = 16
		TechRequired = heavyAerodynamics
		entryCost = 120000
		cost = 30000
		category = Utility
		subcategory = 0
		title = Mk3 Passenger Module
		manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division
		description = At a capacity of 16 Kerbals, the Mk3 Passenger module is known in the Astronaut Complex breakrooms as the "Super Economy" class for spacetravel and allows only carry-on baggage. Any checked or emotional baggage may require one of the Mk3 Cargo Bays.
		attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0
		mass = 7.9
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.3
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 50
		maxTemp = 1500
		skinMaxTemp = 2700
		emissiveConstant = 0.87
		fuelCrossFeed = True
		vesselType = Ship
		bulkheadProfiles = mk3
		breakingForce = 300
		breakingTorque = 300
		tags = aircraft airliner cabin contain plane (stor tour
			model = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/mk3Fuselage/CREW
			name = MK3_CrewCab_Int
			name = ModuleScienceExperiment
			experimentID = crewReport
			experimentActionName = Crew Report
			resetActionName = Discard Crew Report
			reviewActionName = Review Report
			useStaging = False
			useActionGroups = True
			hideUIwhenUnavailable = True
			rerunnable = True
			xmitDataScalar = 1.0
			usageReqMaskInternal = 5
			usageReqMaskExternal = -1
			name = ModuleScienceContainer
			reviewActionName = Review Stored Data
			storeActionName = Store Experiments
			evaOnlyStorage = True
			storageRange = 4.0
			name = ModuleColorChanger
			shaderProperty = _EmissiveColor
			animRate = 0.8
			animState = false
			useRate = true
			toggleInEditor = true
			toggleInFlight = true
			toggleInFlight = true
			unfocusedRange = 5
			toggleName = Toggle Lights
			eventOnName = Lights On
			eventOffName = Lights Off
			toggleAction = True
			defaultActionGroup = Light
				key = 0 0 0 3
				key = 1 1 0 0
				key = 0 0 0 1
				key = 1 1 1 0
				key = 0 0 0 0
				key = 1 0.7 1.5 0
				key = 0 1
			name = ModuleInventoryPart
			InventorySlots = 16
			packedVolumeLimit = 400
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/mk3Fuselage/LFO_100.cfg
		name = mk3FuselageLFO_100
		module = Part
		author = Porkjet
		rescaleFactor = 1.0
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 5.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 3
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -5.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 3
		node_attach = 1.63, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1
		TechRequired = experimentalAerodynamics
		entryCost = 84000
		cost = 10000
		category = FuelTank
		subcategory = 0
		title = Mk3 Rocket Fuel Fuselage Long
		manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division
		description = Filled to the brim with Rocket Fuel, C7 Aerospace's supplier Ekson-Kobil have assured us that this tank is absolutely airtight.
		attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0
		mass = 7.14
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.3
		angularDrag = 1
		crashTolerance = 50
		maxTemp = 2700
		emissiveConstant = 0.87
		fuelCrossFeed = True
		bulkheadProfiles = mk3, srf
		breakingForce = 300
		breakingTorque = 300
		tags = fueltank ?lfo liquid oxidizer propellant tank
			model = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/mk3Fuselage/LFO_100
			name = LiquidFuel
			amount = 4500
			maxAmount = 4500
			name = Oxidizer
			amount = 5500
			maxAmount = 5500
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/mk3Fuselage/LFO_25.cfg
		name = mk3FuselageLFO_25
		module = Part
		author = Porkjet
		rescaleFactor = 1.0
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 1.25, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 3
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -1.25, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 3
		node_attach = 1.63, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1
		TechRequired = experimentalAerodynamics
		entryCost = 21000
		cost = 2500
		category = FuelTank
		subcategory = 0
		title = Mk3 Rocket Fuel Fuselage Short
		manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division
		description = A compact fuel tank for when the rest of your craft is taken up by cargo bays!
		attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0
		mass = 1.79
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.3
		angularDrag = 1
		crashTolerance = 50
		maxTemp = 2700
		emissiveConstant = 0.87
		fuelCrossFeed = True
		bulkheadProfiles = mk3, srf
		breakingForce = 300
		breakingTorque = 300
		tags = fueltank ?lfo liquid oxidizer propellant tank
			model = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/mk3Fuselage/LFO_25
			name = LiquidFuel
			amount = 1125
			maxAmount = 1125
			name = Oxidizer
			amount = 1375
			maxAmount = 1375
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/mk3Fuselage/LFO_50.cfg
		name = mk3FuselageLFO_50
		module = Part
		author = Porkjet
		rescaleFactor = 1.0
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 2.5, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 3
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -2.5, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 3
		node_attach = 1.63, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1
		TechRequired = experimentalAerodynamics
		entryCost = 42000
		cost = 5000
		category = FuelTank
		subcategory = 0
		title = Mk3 Rocket Fuel Fuselage
		manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division
		description = For that rare moment when your fuel needs are less than ludicrous.
		attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0
		mass = 3.57
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.3
		angularDrag = 1
		crashTolerance = 50
		maxTemp = 2700
		emissiveConstant = 0.87
		fuelCrossFeed = True
		bulkheadProfiles = mk3, srf
		breakingForce = 300
		breakingTorque = 300
		tags = fueltank ?lfo liquid oxidizer propellant tank
			model = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/mk3Fuselage/LFO_50
			name = LiquidFuel
			amount = 2250
			maxAmount = 2250
			name = Oxidizer
			amount = 2750
			maxAmount = 2750
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/mk3Fuselage/LF_100.cfg
		name = mk3FuselageLF_100
		module = Part
		author = Porkjet
		rescaleFactor = 1.0
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 5.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 3
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -5.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 3
		node_attach = 1.63, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1
		TechRequired = experimentalAerodynamics
		entryCost = 84000
		cost = 17200
		category = FuelTank
		subcategory = 0
		title = Mk3 Liquid Fuel Fuselage Long
		manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division
		description = C7 Aerospace Division had issues piping the fuel from the refinery, so they brought the refinery tanks to us! It sounded like they muttered "Good luck.." as they dropped off these parts.
		attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0
		mass = 7.14
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.3
		angularDrag = 1
		crashTolerance = 50
		maxTemp = 2700
		emissiveConstant = 0.87
		fuelCrossFeed = True
		bulkheadProfiles = mk3, srf
		breakingForce = 300
		breakingTorque = 300
		tags = aircraft airlin airplane fueltank jet ?lf only plane propellant tank
			model = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/mk3Fuselage/LF_100
			name = LiquidFuel
			amount = 10000
			maxAmount = 10000
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/mk3Fuselage/LF_25.cfg
		name = mk3FuselageLF_25
		module = Part
		author = Porkjet
		rescaleFactor = 1.0
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 1.25, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 3
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -1.25, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 3
		node_attach = 1.63, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1
		TechRequired = heavyAerodynamics
		entryCost = 21000
		cost = 4300
		category = FuelTank
		subcategory = 0
		title = Mk3 Liquid Fuel Fuselage Short
		manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division
		description = For the economically minded aerospace designer, who is building a massive plane...
		attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0
		mass = 1.79
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.3
		angularDrag = 1
		crashTolerance = 50
		maxTemp = 2700
		emissiveConstant = 0.87
		fuelCrossFeed = True
		bulkheadProfiles = mk3, srf
		breakingForce = 300
		breakingTorque = 300
		tags = aircraft airlin airplane fueltank jet ?lf only plane propellant tank
			model = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/mk3Fuselage/LF_25
			name = LiquidFuel
			amount = 2500
			maxAmount = 2500
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/mk3Fuselage/LF_50.cfg
		name = mk3FuselageLF_50
		module = Part
		author = Porkjet
		rescaleFactor = 1.0
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 2.5, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 3
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -2.5, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 3
		node_attach = 1.63, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1
		TechRequired = heavyAerodynamics
		entryCost = 42000
		cost = 8600
		category = FuelTank
		subcategory = 0
		title = Mk3 Liquid Fuel Fuselage
		manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division
		description = For when your fuel needs are only 1/4 as enormous.
		attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0
		mass = 3.57
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.3
		angularDrag = 1
		crashTolerance = 50
		maxTemp = 2700
		emissiveConstant = 0.87
		fuelCrossFeed = True
		bulkheadProfiles = mk3, srf
		breakingForce = 300
		breakingTorque = 300
		tags = aircraft airlin airplane fueltank jet ?lf only plane propellant tank
			model = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/mk3Fuselage/LF_50
			name = LiquidFuel
			amount = 5000
			maxAmount = 5000
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/mk3Fuselage/MONO.cfg
		name = mk3FuselageMONO
		module = Part
		author = Porkjet
		rescaleFactor = 1.0
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.625, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 3
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.625, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 3
		node_attach = 1.63, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1
		TechRequired = experimentalAerodynamics
		entryCost = 14000
		cost = 5040
		category = FuelTank
		subcategory = 0
		title = Mk3 Monopropellant Tank
		manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division
		description = The reaction to when the reaction control system doesn't have enough control in the system; more monopropellant!
		attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0
		mass = 1.4
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.3
		angularDrag = 1
		crashTolerance = 50
		maxTemp = 2700
		emissiveConstant = 0.87
		fuelCrossFeed = True
		bulkheadProfiles = mk3
		breakingForce = 300
		breakingTorque = 300
		tags = fuel fueltank mono propellant rcs
			model = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/mk3Fuselage/MONO
			name = MonoPropellant
			amount = 2100
			maxAmount = 2100
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/xenonTank/xenonTank.cfg
		name = xenonTank
		module = Part
		author = NovaSilisko
		mesh =
		scale = 1
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.1404661, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.1404661, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0
		TechRequired = ionPropulsion
		entryCost = 8800
		cost = 3680
		category = FuelTank
		subcategory = 0
		title = PB-X150 Xenon Container
		manufacturer = Probodobodyne Inc
		description = Although most of the Probodobodyne staff couldn't pronounce "Xenon", when told how to say it correctly, they all agreed it sounded super-cool - and everything possible should be done so it could be used as a fuel, no matter the cost.
		attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0
		mass = 0.024
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.3
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 6
		maxTemp = 2000
		breakingForce = 50
		breakingTorque = 50
		bulkheadProfiles = size0
		tags = fueltank (ion propellant tank
			name = XenonGas
			amount = 720
			maxAmount = 720
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 125
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/xenonTankLarge/xenonTankLarge.cfg
		name = xenonTankLarge
		module = Part
		author = RoverDude
		mesh =
		scale = 1
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.295, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.295, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0
		TechRequired = ionPropulsion
		entryCost = 9800
		cost = 24300
		category = FuelTank
		subcategory = 0
		title = PB-X750 Xenon Container
		manufacturer = Probodobodyne Inc
		description = Although most of the Probodobodyne staff couldn't pronounce "Xenon", when told how to say it correctly, they all agreed it sounded super-cool - and everything possible should be done so it could be used as a fuel, no matter the cost.
		attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0
		mass = 0.19
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.3
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 6
		maxTemp = 2000
		breakingForce = 50
		breakingTorque = 50
		bulkheadProfiles = size1
		tags = fueltank (ion propellant tank
			name = XenonGas
			amount = 5700
			maxAmount = 5700
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 1100
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/xenonTankRadial/xenonTankRadial.cfg
		name = xenonTankRadial
		module = Part
		author = Squad
		mesh =
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, -0.1875, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0
		TechRequired = ionPropulsion
		entryCost = 7800
		cost = 2220
		category = FuelTank
		subcategory = 0
		title = PB-X50R Xenon Container
		description = The X50R is a small-volume Xenon container, heralded by engineers for being ideally suited for small ion-driven spacecraft, and also for having thoroughly disproved management in their notion that a smaller fuel tank would make the fuel cheaper.
		attachRules = 0,1,0,1,1
		mass = 0.0135
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 12
		maxTemp = 2000
		bulkheadProfiles = srf
		tags = fueltank (ion propellant tank
			name = XenonGas
			amount = 405
			maxAmount = 405
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 100
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Misc/AsteroidDay/CamSat.cfg
		name = InfraredTelescope
		module = Part
		author = RoverDude
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_bottom = 0,-.14,0,0,-1,0,0
		TechRequired = scienceTech
		entryCost = 9000
		cost = 4500
		category = Science
		subcategory = 0
		title = SENTINEL Infrared Telescope
		manufacturer = Experimental Engineering Group
		description = The Sentinel Space Telescope uses infrared light to detect celestial bodies, such as asteroids, that may pose a risk to Kerbin.
		attachRules = 1,0,0,1,0
		mass = 0.1
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 1
		crashTolerance = 7
		maxTemp = 2000
		bulkheadProfiles = size1
		tags = asteroid camera day detect ?ir (map satellite scan
			model = Squad/Parts/Misc/AsteroidDay/CamSat
			name = ModuleScienceExperiment
			experimentID = infraredTelescope
			experimentActionName = Log Observation Data
			resetActionName = Delete Data
			useStaging = False
			useActionGroups = True
			hideUIwhenUnavailable = False
			xmitDataScalar = 0.4
			dataIsCollectable = True
			collectActionName = Take Data
			interactionRange = 1.2
			rerunnable = True
			resettable = False
			usageReqMaskInternal = 1
			usageReqMaskExternal = 8
			name = FlagDecal
			textureQuadName = Flag
			name = SentinelModule
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			stackableQuantity = 1
			packedVolume = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Misc/AsteroidDay/HECS2.cfg
		name = HECS2_ProbeCore
		module = Part
		author = RoverDude
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_top = 0,.5,0,0,1,0,1
		node_stack_bottom = 0,-.5,0,0,-1,0,1
		TechRequired = advUnmanned
		entryCost = 52500
		cost = 7500
		category = Pods
		subcategory = 0
		title = Probodobodyne HECS2
		manufacturer = Probodobodyne Inc
		description = A larger probe core based on the popular HECS design. With integrated battery banks, specialized flight controls, and a built-in reaction wheel, the HECS2 is a suitable probe core for more advanced satellites.
		attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0
		mass = 0.2
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 1
		crashTolerance = 8
		vesselType = Probe
		bulkheadProfiles = size1
		tags = asteroid cmg command control (core day fly gold gyro hex kerbnet moment probe react sas satellite space stab steer torque yellow
			model = Squad/Parts/Misc/AsteroidDay/HECS2
			texture = hecsDiffuse, Squad/Parts/Command/probeCoreHex_v2/hecsDiffuse
			texture = hecsNormal, Squad/Parts/Command/probeCoreHex_v2/hecsNormal
			name = ModuleDataTransmitter
			antennaType = INTERNAL
			packetInterval = 1.0
			packetSize = 2
			packetResourceCost = 12.0
			requiredResource = ElectricCharge
			antennaPower = 5000
			optimumRange = 2500
			packetFloor = .1
			packetCeiling = 5
			name = ModuleCommand
			minimumCrew = 0
			hasHibernation = True
			hibernationMultiplier = 0.002
			defaultControlPointDisplayName = Default
				name = ElectricCharge
				rate = 0.05
				name = forward
				displayName = Forward
				orientation = 90,0,0
				name = reverse
				displayName = Reversed
				orientation = 0,0,180
			name = ElectricCharge
			amount = 1000
			maxAmount = 1000
			name = ModuleReactionWheel
			PitchTorque = 10
			YawTorque = 10
			RollTorque = 10
				name = ElectricCharge
				rate = 0.5
			name = ModuleSAS
			SASServiceLevel = 3
			name = ModuleKerbNetAccess
			MinimumFoV = 9
			MaximumFoV = 81
			AnomalyDetection = 0.24
				Mode = Biome,#autoLOC_438890
				Mode = Terrain,#autoLOC_438839
			name = ModuleScienceContainer
			reviewActionName = Review Stored Data
			storeActionName = Store Experiments
			evaOnlyStorage = True
			storageRange = 1.8
			canBeTransferredToInVessel = True
			canTransferInVessel = True
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 2400
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Misc/AsteroidDay/HighGainAntenna.cfg
		name = HighGainAntenna
		module = Part
		author = RoverDude
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_attach = 0,0,0,0,-1,0,0
		category = Communication
		TechRequired = electronics
		entryCost = 7500
		cost = 1200
		subcategory = 0
		title = Communotron HG-55
		manufacturer = Ionic Symphonic Protonic Electronics
		description = The Communotron HG-55 high gain antenna allows for blazingly fast directional data transmission, and was originally designed for deep space probes. Please note that Ionic Symphonic Protonic Electronics is not liable for any damages that might result from prolonged exposure to RF radiation.
		attachRules = 0,1,0,0,0
		mass = 0.075
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 1
		crashTolerance = 7
		maxTemp = 2000
		bulkheadProfiles = srf
		tags = aerial antenna asteroid day dish radio signal transmi
			model = Squad/Parts/Misc/AsteroidDay/HighGainAntenna
			name = ModuleDeployableAntenna
			showStatus = false
			isTracking = false
			pivotName = MainPin
			secondaryTransformName = TopHinge
			animationName = Deploy
			extendActionName = Extend <<1>>
			retractActionName = Retract <<1>>
			extendpanelsActionName = Toggle <<1>>
			name = ModuleDataTransmitter
			antennaType = DIRECT
			packetInterval = 0.15
			packetSize = 3
			packetResourceCost = 20.0
			requiredResource = ElectricCharge
			DeployFxModules = 0
			antennaPower = 15000000000
			antennaCombinable = True
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 1000
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Misc/AsteroidDay/LgRadialSolar.cfg
		name = LgRadialSolarPanel
		module = Part
		author = RoverDude
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_attach = 0,0,0,0,0,1,0
		TechRequired = advElectrics
		entryCost = 6000
		cost = 600
		category = Electrical
		subcategory = 0
		title = OX-STAT-XL Photovoltaic Panels
		manufacturer = Probodobodyne Inc
		description = A larger version of the OX-STAT, the XL version features a larger surface area than its smaller cousin while retaining the cost and weight benefits of a static solar panel.
		attachRules = 0,1,0,0,0
		mass = 0.04
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 1
		crashTolerance = 8
		maxTemp = 1200
		bulkheadProfiles = srf
		tags = array asteroid charge day e/c elect energ fixed flat generat (light photo power solar static sun volt watt
			model = Squad/Parts/Misc/AsteroidDay/LgRadialSolar
			name = ModuleDeployableSolarPanel
			isTracking = false
			secondaryTransformName = suncatcher
			pivotName = suncatcher
			isBreakable = false
			resourceName = ElectricCharge
			chargeRate = 2.8
			extendActionName = Extend <<1>>
			retractActionName = Retract <<1>>
			extendpanelsActionName = Toggle <<1>>
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 250
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Misc/PotatoComet/part.cfg
		name = PotatoComet
		module = Part
		author = Squad
		mesh =
		rescaleFactor = 1
		TechRequired = Unresearcheable
		entryCost = 0
		cost = 0
		category = none
		subcategory = 0
		title = A potato like comet
		manufacturer = The Solar system
		description = Big ole, rock like thing.
		attachRules = 1,1,1,1,1
		mass = 150
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 1
		crashTolerance = 160
		breakingForce = 200
		breakingTorque = 200
		maxTemp = 2500
		explosionPotential = 1.0
		skipColliderIgnores = True
		vesselType = SpaceObject
		skinInternalConductionMult = 100
		skinMassPerArea = 100
		tags = comet
			name = ModuleComet
			density = 0.03
			secondaryRate = 0.05
			cube = TypeA,0.7536889,0.81894,1.4443138,0.7536889,0.81894,1.4443138,0.7536889,0.81894,1.4443138,0.7536889,0.81894,1.4443138,0.7536889,0.81894,1.4443138,0.7536889,0.81894,1.4443138,0,0,0,2.5,2.5,2.5
			cube = TypeB,1.5073778,0.85224,1.834278526,1.5073778,0.85224,1.834278526,1.5073778,0.85224,1.834278526,1.5073778,0.85224,1.834278526,1.5073778,0.85224,1.834278526,1.5073778,0.85224,1.834278526,0,0,0,6,6,6
			cube = TypeC,2.2610667,0.9909,2.123141286,2.2610667,0.9909,2.123141286,2.2610667,0.9909,2.123141286,2.2610667,0.9909,2.123141286,2.2610667,0.9909,2.123141286,2.2610667,0.9909,2.123141286,0,0,0,13,13,13
			cube = TypeD,4.5221334,1.344,3.89964726,4.5221334,1.344,3.89964726,4.5221334,1.344,3.89964726,4.5221334,1.344,3.89964726,4.5221334,1.344,3.89964726,4.5221334,1.344,3.89964726,0,0,0,20.5,20.5,20.5
			cube = TypeE,7.529352111,2.238,4.3329414,7.529352111,2.238,4.3329414,7.529352111,2.238,4.3329414,7.529352111,2.238,4.3329414,7.529352111,2.238,4.3329414,7.529352111,2.238,4.3329414,0,0,0,35,35,35
			cube = TypeF,12.558959321148,3.732984,7.2273462552,12.558959321148,3.732984,7.2273462552,12.558959321148,3.732984,7.2273462552,12.558959321148,3.732984,7.2273462552,12.558959321148,3.732984,7.2273462552,12.558959321148,3.732984,7.2273462552,0,0,0,58.38,58.38,58.38
			cube = TypeG,20.93159886858,6.22164,12.045577092,20.93159886858,6.22164,12.045577092,20.93159886858,6.22164,12.045577092,20.93159886858,6.22164,12.045577092,20.93159886858,6.22164,12.045577092,20.93159886858,6.22164,12.045577092,0,0,0,97.3,97.3,97.3
			cube = TypeH,34.875958978152,10.366416,20.0701845648,34.875958978152,10.366416,20.0701845648,34.875958978152,10.366416,20.0701845648,34.875958978152,10.366416,20.0701845648,34.875958978152,10.366416,20.0701845648,34.875958978152,10.366416,20.0701845648,0,0,0,162.12,162.12,162.12
			cube = TypeI,58.12659829692,17.27736,33.450307608,58.12659829692,17.27736,33.450307608,58.12659829692,17.27736,33.450307608,58.12659829692,17.27736,33.450307608,58.12659829692,17.27736,33.450307608,58.12659829692,17.27736,33.450307608,0,0,0,270.2,270.2,270.2
			name = ModuleCometInfo
			name = ModuleCometResource
			highRange = 95
			lowRange = 80
			presenceChance = 100
			resourceName = Ore
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Misc/PotatoRoid/part.cfg
		name = PotatoRoid
		module = Part
		author = Squad
		mesh =
		rescaleFactor = 1
		TechRequired = Unresearcheable
		entryCost = 0
		cost = 0
		category = none
		subcategory = 0
		title = A potato like rock
		manufacturer = The Solar system
		description = Big ole, rock like thing.
		attachRules = 1,1,1,1,1
		mass = 150
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 1
		crashTolerance = 160
		breakingForce = 200
		breakingTorque = 200
		maxTemp = 2500
		explosionPotential = 1.0
		skipColliderIgnores = True
		vesselType = SpaceObject
		skinInternalConductionMult = 100
		skinMassPerArea = 100
		tags = asteroid roid spud
			name = ModuleAsteroid
			density = 0.03
			secondaryRate = 0.05
			cube = TypeA,0.7536889,0.81894,1.4443138,0.7536889,0.81894,1.4443138,0.7536889,0.81894,1.4443138,0.7536889,0.81894,1.4443138,0.7536889,0.81894,1.4443138,0.7536889,0.81894,1.4443138,0,0,0,2.5,2.5,2.5
			cube = TypeB,1.5073778,0.85224,1.834278526,1.5073778,0.85224,1.834278526,1.5073778,0.85224,1.834278526,1.5073778,0.85224,1.834278526,1.5073778,0.85224,1.834278526,1.5073778,0.85224,1.834278526,0,0,0,6,6,6
			cube = TypeC,2.2610667,0.9909,2.123141286,2.2610667,0.9909,2.123141286,2.2610667,0.9909,2.123141286,2.2610667,0.9909,2.123141286,2.2610667,0.9909,2.123141286,2.2610667,0.9909,2.123141286,0,0,0,13,13,13
			cube = TypeD,4.5221334,1.344,3.89964726,4.5221334,1.344,3.89964726,4.5221334,1.344,3.89964726,4.5221334,1.344,3.89964726,4.5221334,1.344,3.89964726,4.5221334,1.344,3.89964726,0,0,0,20.5,20.5,20.5
			cube = TypeE,7.529352111,2.238,4.3329414,7.529352111,2.238,4.3329414,7.529352111,2.238,4.3329414,7.529352111,2.238,4.3329414,7.529352111,2.238,4.3329414,7.529352111,2.238,4.3329414,0,0,0,35,35,35
			cube = TypeF,12.558959321148,3.732984,7.2273462552,12.558959321148,3.732984,7.2273462552,12.558959321148,3.732984,7.2273462552,12.558959321148,3.732984,7.2273462552,12.558959321148,3.732984,7.2273462552,12.558959321148,3.732984,7.2273462552,0,0,0,58.38,58.38,58.38
			cube = TypeG,20.93159886858,6.22164,12.045577092,20.93159886858,6.22164,12.045577092,20.93159886858,6.22164,12.045577092,20.93159886858,6.22164,12.045577092,20.93159886858,6.22164,12.045577092,20.93159886858,6.22164,12.045577092,0,0,0,97.3,97.3,97.3
			cube = TypeH,34.875958978152,10.366416,20.0701845648,34.875958978152,10.366416,20.0701845648,34.875958978152,10.366416,20.0701845648,34.875958978152,10.366416,20.0701845648,34.875958978152,10.366416,20.0701845648,34.875958978152,10.366416,20.0701845648,0,0,0,162.12,162.12,162.12
			cube = TypeI,58.12659829692,17.27736,33.450307608,58.12659829692,17.27736,33.450307608,58.12659829692,17.27736,33.450307608,58.12659829692,17.27736,33.450307608,58.12659829692,17.27736,33.450307608,58.12659829692,17.27736,33.450307608,0,0,0,270.2,270.2,270.2
			name = ModuleAsteroidInfo
			name = ModuleAsteroidResource
			highRange = 95
			lowRange = 80
			presenceChance = 100
			resourceName = Ore
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Prebuilt/flag.cfg
		name = flag
			__OVERLOAD = True
			name = FlagSite
			deployVisibilityDelay = 1
			deployFailRevertThreshold = 3
			unbreakablePeriodLength = 3
			name = FlagDecal
			textureQuadName = mesh_flag
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Prebuilt/kerbalEVA.cfg
		name = kerbalEVA
		crashTolerance = 50
		maxTemp = 800
		skinMaxTemp = 800
		boundsCentroidOffset = 0.0, 0.25, 0.2
		CenterOfDisplacement = 0.0, 0.1, 0.0
		CenterOfBuoyancy = 0.0, 0.1, 0.0
		dragModelType = default
		rescaleFactor = 1
		sound_click_tick = placementNotAllowed
		sound_welding_attachment = weldingLaser
		partRendererBoundsIgnore = kbEVA_flagDecals,canopy,base,flag,collider,helmet,visor,flare1,flare2,EVAStorage_flagDecals,EVAStorageSlim_flagDecals,chute_standalone_flag,chute_container_flag
					channel = Ship
					clip = Squad/Sounds/ksp1_golf_swing_normal
					maxVolumeDistance = 150
					channel = Ship
					clip = Squad/Sounds/ksp1_banana_V2_01
					maxVolumeDistance = 150
					channel = Ship
					clip = Squad/Sounds/ksp1_banana_V2_04
					maxVolumeDistance = 150
					channel = Ship
					clip = Squad/Sounds/ksp1_banana_V2_05
					maxVolumeDistance = 150
			name = KerbalEVA
			__OVERLOAD = True
			isCfg = True
			walkSpeed = 0.8
			strafeSpeed = 0.5
			runSpeed = 2.2
			turnRate = 4
			maxJumpForce = 10
			boundForce = 1.67
			boundSpeed = 0.8
			boundThreshold = 0.02
			swimSpeed = 0.8
			waterAngularDragMultiplier = 0.01
			ladderClimbSpeed = 0.60
			ladderPushoffForce = 3
			minWalkingGee = 0.17
			minRunningGee = 0.6
			initialMass = 1.5
			massMultiplier = 0.03
			onFallHeightFromTerrain = 0.35
			clamberMaxAlt = 100
			splatEnabled = True
			splatSpeed = 50
			propellantResourceName = EVA Propellant
			boundFrequency = 0.5
			boundSharpness = 0.2
			boundAttack = 0.4
			boundRelease = 2
			boundFallThreshold = 2
			_flags = 1
			flagReach = 0.3
			Kp = 0.7
			Ki = 0.25
			Kd = 0.300000012
			iC = 0.005
			rotPower = 1
			linPower = 8.63
			PropellantConsumption = 0.025
			stumbleThreshold = 3.5
			hopThreshold = 2
			recoverThreshold = 0.6
			recoverTime = 3
			splatThreshold = 150
			clamberReach = 0.9
			clamberStandoff = 0.45
			helmetOffMinSafePressureAtm = 0.177
			helmetOffMinSafeTempK = 223.0
			helmetOffMaxSafeTempK = 333.0
			helmetOffMaxOceanPressureAtm = 5.8
			helmetOffMinSafePressureAtmMargin = 0.038
			helmetOffMinSafeTempKMargin = 10.0
			helmetOffMaxSafeTempKMargin = 10.0
			helmetOffMaxOceanPressureAtmMargin = 1.0
			evaExitTemperature = 303.0
			name = ModuleScienceExperiment
			experimentID = surfaceSample
			experimentActionName = Take Surface Sample
			resetActionName = Discard Sample
			reviewActionName = Review Sample
			hideUIwhenUnavailable = True
			rerunnable = True
			resettable = True
			resettableOnEVA = False
			hideFxModuleUI = True
			resourceToReset = Supplies
			resourceResetCost = 5
			xmitDataScalar = 0.25
			dataIsCollectable = True
			deployableSeated = False
			name = ModuleScienceExperiment
			experimentID = evaReport
			experimentActionName = EVA Report
			resetActionName = Discard Report
			reviewActionName = Review Report
			hideUIwhenUnavailable = True
			rerunnable = True
			resettable = True
			resettableOnEVA = False
			hideFxModuleUI = True
			resourceToReset = Supplies
			resourceResetCost = 5
			xmitDataScalar = 1
			dataIsCollectable = True
			name = ModuleScienceExperiment
			experimentID = evaScience
			experimentActionName = Perform EVA Science
			resetActionName = Discard EVA Science Report
			reviewActionName = Review EVA Science Report
			hideUIwhenUnavailable = True
			rerunnable = True
			resettable = True
			resettableOnEVA = False
			hideFxModuleUI = True
			resourceToReset = Supplies
			resourceResetCost = 5
			xmitDataScalar = 1
			dataIsCollectable = True
			requiresInventoryPart = True
			requiresEVASituation = True
			deployableSeated = False
			availableShielded = False
				priority = 2
				situationMask = 1
				minTemp = 170
				kerbalAction = PlayGolf
				resultString = Initial testing of off-world sporting possibility is a go - not only do the ball flight characteristics allow for some spectacular shots, but realestate prices are currently still a bargain.
				resultString = As the ball arcs off into the distance you observe the ballet of physics between the applied impulse and the bodies gravity. Our scientists will rejoice at the results...\n\n...and hopefully agree that the 6 iron was great club selection.
				resultString = You smoked that one right down the middle... I mean conducted some very effective science on the effect of lever arm force to a small spherical object.\n\nIf only Alan Kerman could see you now!
				situationMask = 1
				requiresNoAtmosphere = True
				maxTemp = 170
				kerbalAction = Banana
				resultString = Rigorous testing of the new low-temperature snack technology did not go as well as planned... and deserves further study.
				resultString = Cryogenic banana experiments have proved successful, but we're still lacking EVA suit micro-airlocks to truly take advantage of these tests.
				situationMask = 48
				requiresNoAtmosphere = True
				kerbalAction = Dzhanibekov
				dialogDelay = 4.5
				resultString = Spinning this flange in space has led to an interesting and unexpected effect - it flips orientation over and over, without any other forces acting on it.\n\nMore surprising is that our spacecraft seems to still be operating nominally while missing this part.
				resultString = Our scientists say that the way this object wobbles in space is due to it having three different moments of inertia in three different axes, and that this would be impossible in a four dimentional universe. The engineers reply is that it will if they can find enough four dimensional boosters.
			name = ModuleScienceContainer
			allowRepeatedSubjects = True
			name = FlagDecal
			textureQuadName = kbEVA_flagDecals
			name = FlagDecal
			textureQuadName = EVAStorage_flagDecals
			name = FlagDecal
			textureQuadName = EVAStorageSlim_flagDecals
			name = ModuleTripLogger
			name = ModuleEvaChute
			semiDeployedAnimation = semiDeploySmall
			fullyDeployedAnimation = fullyDeploySmall
			invertCanopy = true
			autoCutSpeed = 0.5
			canopyName = canopy
			stowedDrag = 0.22
			semiDeployedDrag = 1
			fullyDeployedDrag = 500
			minAirPressureToOpen = 0.04
			clampMinAirPressure = 0.04
			deployAltitude = 1000
			deploymentSpeed = 1.0
			semiDeploymentSpeed = 1.0
			chuteMaxTemp = 650
			evaChuteName = EVAparachute
			rotationSpeedDPS = 180.0
			chutePitchRate = 1.0
			chuteRollRate = 1.0
			chuteYawRateAtMinSpeed = 1.0
			chuteMinSpeedForYawRate = 1.0
			chuteYawRateAtMaxSpeed = 1.0
			chuteMaxSpeedForYawRate = 50.0
			chuteDefaultForwardPitch = 9.0
			semiDeployedChuteForwardPitch = 25.0
			chutePitchRateDivisorWhenTurning = 1.0
			chuteRollRateDivisorWhenPitching = 1.0
			chuteYawRateDivisorWhenPitching = 1.0
			baseName = base
			flagName = FlagDecal
			stagingEnabled = false
			name = ModuleLiftingSurface
			useInternalDragModel = False
			deflectionLiftCoeff = 2.5
			transformDir = Y
			transformSign = -1
			omnidirectional = False
			name = ModuleLiftingSurface
			useInternalDragModel = False
			deflectionLiftCoeff = 1.0
			transformDir = X
			name = FlagDecal
			textureQuadName = flag
			name = FlagDecal
			textureQuadName = chute_standalone_flag
			name = FlagDecal
			textureQuadName = chute_container_flag
			name = ModuleInventoryPart
			InventorySlots = 2
			packedVolumeLimit = 40
			massLimit = 0.065
				name = evaChute
				name = evaJetpack
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Prebuilt/kerbalEVASlimSuit.cfg
		name = kerbalEVASlimSuit
		crashTolerance = 50
		maxTemp = 800
		skinMaxTemp = 800
		boundsCentroidOffset = 0.0, 0.25, 0.2
		CenterOfDisplacement = 0.0, 0.1, 0.0
		CenterOfBuoyancy = 0.0, 0.1, 0.0
		dragModelType = default
		rescaleFactor = 1
		sound_click_tick = placementNotAllowed
		sound_welding_attachment = weldingLaser
		partRendererBoundsIgnore = kbEVA_flagDecals,canopy,base,flag,collider,helmet,visor,flare1,flare2,EVAStorage_flagDecals,EVAStorageSlim_flagDecals,chute_standalone_flag,chute_container_flag
					channel = Ship
					clip = Squad/Sounds/ksp1_golf_swing_normal
					maxVolumeDistance = 150
					channel = Ship
					clip = Squad/Sounds/ksp1_banana_V2_01
					maxVolumeDistance = 150
					channel = Ship
					clip = Squad/Sounds/ksp1_banana_V2_04
					maxVolumeDistance = 150
					channel = Ship
					clip = Squad/Sounds/ksp1_banana_V2_05
					maxVolumeDistance = 150
			name = KerbalEVA
			__OVERLOAD = True
			isCfg = True
			walkSpeed = 0.8
			strafeSpeed = 0.5
			runSpeed = 2.2
			turnRate = 4
			maxJumpForce = 10
			boundForce = 1.67
			boundSpeed = 0.8
			boundThreshold = 0.02
			swimSpeed = 0.8
			waterAngularDragMultiplier = 0.01
			ladderClimbSpeed = 0.60
			ladderPushoffForce = 3
			minWalkingGee = 0.17
			minRunningGee = 0.6
			initialMass = 1.5
			massMultiplier = 0.03
			onFallHeightFromTerrain = 0.35
			clamberMaxAlt = 100
			splatEnabled = True
			splatSpeed = 50
			propellantResourceName = EVA Propellant
			boundFrequency = 0.5
			boundSharpness = 0.2
			boundAttack = 0.4
			boundRelease = 2
			boundFallThreshold = 2
			_flags = 1
			flagReach = 0.3
			Kp = 0.7
			Ki = 0.25
			Kd = 0.300000012
			iC = 0.005
			rotPower = 1
			linPower = 8.63
			PropellantConsumption = 0.025
			stumbleThreshold = 3.5
			hopThreshold = 2
			recoverThreshold = 0.6
			recoverTime = 3
			splatThreshold = 150
			clamberReach = 0.9
			clamberStandoff = 0.45
			helmetOffMinSafePressureAtm = 0.177
			helmetOffMinSafeTempK = 223.0
			helmetOffMaxSafeTempK = 333.0
			helmetOffMaxOceanPressureAtm = 5.8
			helmetOffMinSafePressureAtmMargin = 0.038
			helmetOffMinSafeTempKMargin = 10.0
			helmetOffMaxSafeTempKMargin = 10.0
			helmetOffMaxOceanPressureAtmMargin = 1.0
			evaExitTemperature = 303.0
			name = ModuleScienceExperiment
			experimentID = surfaceSample
			experimentActionName = Take Surface Sample
			resetActionName = Discard Sample
			reviewActionName = Review Sample
			hideUIwhenUnavailable = True
			rerunnable = True
			resettable = True
			resettableOnEVA = False
			hideFxModuleUI = True
			resourceToReset = Supplies
			resourceResetCost = 5
			xmitDataScalar = 0.25
			dataIsCollectable = True
			deployableSeated = False
			name = ModuleScienceExperiment
			experimentID = evaReport
			experimentActionName = EVA Report
			resetActionName = Discard Report
			reviewActionName = Review Report
			hideUIwhenUnavailable = True
			rerunnable = True
			resettable = True
			resettableOnEVA = False
			hideFxModuleUI = True
			resourceToReset = Supplies
			resourceResetCost = 5
			xmitDataScalar = 1
			dataIsCollectable = True
			name = ModuleScienceExperiment
			experimentID = evaScience
			experimentActionName = Perform EVA Science
			resetActionName = Discard EVA Science Report
			reviewActionName = Review EVA Science Report
			hideUIwhenUnavailable = True
			rerunnable = True
			resettable = True
			resettableOnEVA = False
			hideFxModuleUI = True
			resourceToReset = Supplies
			resourceResetCost = 5
			xmitDataScalar = 1
			dataIsCollectable = True
			requiresInventoryPart = True
			requiresEVASituation = True
			deployableSeated = False
			availableShielded = False
				priority = 2
				situationMask = 1
				minTemp = 170
				kerbalAction = PlayGolf
				resultString = Initial testing of off-world sporting possibility is a go - not only do the ball flight characteristics allow for some spectacular shots, but realestate prices are currently still a bargain.
				resultString = As the ball arcs off into the distance you observe the ballet of physics between the applied impulse and the bodies gravity. Our scientists will rejoice at the results...\n\n...and hopefully agree that the 6 iron was great club selection.
				resultString = You smoked that one right down the middle... I mean conducted some very effective science on the effect of lever arm force to a small spherical object.\n\nIf only Alan Kerman could see you now!
				situationMask = 1
				requiresNoAtmosphere = True
				maxTemp = 170
				kerbalAction = Banana
				resultString = Rigorous testing of the new low-temperature snack technology did not go as well as planned... and deserves further study.
				resultString = Cryogenic banana experiments have proved successful, but we're still lacking EVA suit micro-airlocks to truly take advantage of these tests.
				situationMask = 48
				requiresNoAtmosphere = True
				kerbalAction = Dzhanibekov
				dialogDelay = 4.5
				resultString = Spinning this flange in space has led to an interesting and unexpected effect - it flips orientation over and over, without any other forces acting on it.\n\nMore surprising is that our spacecraft seems to still be operating nominally while missing this part.
				resultString = Our scientists say that the way this object wobbles in space is due to it having three different moments of inertia in three different axes, and that this would be impossible in a four dimentional universe. The engineers reply is that it will if they can find enough four dimensional boosters.
			name = ModuleScienceContainer
			allowRepeatedSubjects = True
			name = FlagDecal
			textureQuadName = kbEVA_flagDecals
			name = FlagDecal
			textureQuadName = EVAStorage_flagDecals
			name = FlagDecal
			textureQuadName = EVAStorageSlim_flagDecals
			name = ModuleTripLogger
			name = ModuleEvaChute
			semiDeployedAnimation = semiDeploySmall
			fullyDeployedAnimation = fullyDeploySmall
			invertCanopy = true
			autoCutSpeed = 0.5
			canopyName = canopy
			stowedDrag = 0.22
			semiDeployedDrag = 1
			fullyDeployedDrag = 500
			minAirPressureToOpen = 0.04
			clampMinAirPressure = 0.04
			deployAltitude = 1000
			deploymentSpeed = 1.0
			semiDeploymentSpeed = 1.0
			chuteMaxTemp = 650
			evaChuteName = EVAparachute
			rotationSpeedDPS = 180.0
			chutePitchRate = 1.0
			chuteRollRate = 1.0
			chuteYawRateAtMinSpeed = 1.0
			chuteMinSpeedForYawRate = 1.0
			chuteYawRateAtMaxSpeed = 1.0
			chuteMaxSpeedForYawRate = 50.0
			chuteDefaultForwardPitch = 9.0
			semiDeployedChuteForwardPitch = 25.0
			chutePitchRateDivisorWhenTurning = 1.0
			chuteRollRateDivisorWhenPitching = 1.0
			chuteYawRateDivisorWhenPitching = 1.0
			baseName = base
			flagName = FlagDecal
			stagingEnabled = false
			name = ModuleLiftingSurface
			useInternalDragModel = False
			deflectionLiftCoeff = 2.5
			transformDir = Y
			transformSign = -1
			omnidirectional = False
			name = ModuleLiftingSurface
			useInternalDragModel = False
			deflectionLiftCoeff = 1.0
			transformDir = X
			name = FlagDecal
			textureQuadName = flag
			name = FlagDecal
			textureQuadName = chute_standalone_flag
			name = FlagDecal
			textureQuadName = chute_container_flag
			name = ModuleInventoryPart
			InventorySlots = 2
			packedVolumeLimit = 40
			massLimit = 0.065
				name = evaChute
				name = evaJetpack
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Prebuilt/kerbalEVASlimSuitFemale.cfg
		name = kerbalEVASlimSuitFemale
		crashTolerance = 50
		maxTemp = 800
		skinMaxTemp = 800
		boundsCentroidOffset = 0.0, 0.25, 0.2
		CenterOfDisplacement = 0.0, 0.1, 0.0
		CenterOfBuoyancy = 0.0, 0.1, 0.0
		dragModelType = default
		rescaleFactor = 1
		sound_click_tick = placementNotAllowed
		sound_welding_attachment = weldingLaser
		partRendererBoundsIgnore = kbEVA_flagDecals,canopy,base,flag,collider,helmet,visor,flare1,flare2,EVAStorage_flagDecals,EVAStorageSlim_flagDecals,chute_standalone_flag,chute_container_flag
					channel = Ship
					clip = Squad/Sounds/ksp1_golf_swing_normal
					maxVolumeDistance = 150
					channel = Ship
					clip = Squad/Sounds/ksp1_banana_V2_01
					maxVolumeDistance = 150
					channel = Ship
					clip = Squad/Sounds/ksp1_banana_V2_04
					maxVolumeDistance = 150
					channel = Ship
					clip = Squad/Sounds/ksp1_banana_V2_05
					maxVolumeDistance = 150
			name = KerbalEVA
			__OVERLOAD = True
			isCfg = True
			walkSpeed = 0.8
			strafeSpeed = 0.5
			runSpeed = 2.2
			turnRate = 4
			maxJumpForce = 10
			boundForce = 1.67
			boundSpeed = 0.8
			boundThreshold = 0.02
			swimSpeed = 0.8
			waterAngularDragMultiplier = 0.01
			ladderClimbSpeed = 0.60
			ladderPushoffForce = 3
			minWalkingGee = 0.17
			minRunningGee = 0.6
			initialMass = 1.5
			massMultiplier = 0.03
			onFallHeightFromTerrain = 0.35
			clamberMaxAlt = 100
			splatEnabled = True
			splatSpeed = 50
			propellantResourceName = EVA Propellant
			boundFrequency = 0.5
			boundSharpness = 0.2
			boundAttack = 0.4
			boundRelease = 2
			boundFallThreshold = 2
			_flags = 1
			flagReach = 0.3
			Kp = 0.7
			Ki = 0.25
			Kd = 0.300000012
			iC = 0.005
			rotPower = 1
			linPower = 8.63
			PropellantConsumption = 0.025
			stumbleThreshold = 3.5
			hopThreshold = 2
			recoverThreshold = 0.6
			recoverTime = 3
			splatThreshold = 150
			clamberReach = 0.9
			clamberStandoff = 0.45
			helmetOffMinSafePressureAtm = 0.177
			helmetOffMinSafeTempK = 223.0
			helmetOffMaxSafeTempK = 333.0
			helmetOffMaxOceanPressureAtm = 5.8
			helmetOffMinSafePressureAtmMargin = 0.038
			helmetOffMinSafeTempKMargin = 10.0
			helmetOffMaxSafeTempKMargin = 10.0
			helmetOffMaxOceanPressureAtmMargin = 1.0
			evaExitTemperature = 303.0
			name = ModuleScienceExperiment
			experimentID = surfaceSample
			experimentActionName = Take Surface Sample
			resetActionName = Discard Sample
			reviewActionName = Review Sample
			hideUIwhenUnavailable = True
			rerunnable = True
			resettable = True
			resettableOnEVA = False
			hideFxModuleUI = True
			resourceToReset = Supplies
			resourceResetCost = 5
			xmitDataScalar = 0.25
			dataIsCollectable = True
			deployableSeated = False
			name = ModuleScienceExperiment
			experimentID = evaReport
			experimentActionName = EVA Report
			resetActionName = Discard Report
			reviewActionName = Review Report
			hideUIwhenUnavailable = True
			rerunnable = True
			resettable = True
			resettableOnEVA = False
			hideFxModuleUI = True
			resourceToReset = Supplies
			resourceResetCost = 5
			xmitDataScalar = 1
			dataIsCollectable = True
			name = ModuleScienceExperiment
			experimentID = evaScience
			experimentActionName = Perform EVA Science
			resetActionName = Discard EVA Science Report
			reviewActionName = Review EVA Science Report
			hideUIwhenUnavailable = True
			rerunnable = True
			resettable = True
			resettableOnEVA = False
			hideFxModuleUI = True
			resourceToReset = Supplies
			resourceResetCost = 5
			xmitDataScalar = 1
			dataIsCollectable = True
			requiresInventoryPart = True
			requiresEVASituation = True
			deployableSeated = False
			availableShielded = False
				priority = 2
				situationMask = 1
				minTemp = 170
				kerbalAction = PlayGolf
				resultString = Initial testing of off-world sporting possibility is a go - not only do the ball flight characteristics allow for some spectacular shots, but realestate prices are currently still a bargain.
				resultString = As the ball arcs off into the distance you observe the ballet of physics between the applied impulse and the bodies gravity. Our scientists will rejoice at the results...\n\n...and hopefully agree that the 6 iron was great club selection.
				resultString = You smoked that one right down the middle... I mean conducted some very effective science on the effect of lever arm force to a small spherical object.\n\nIf only Alan Kerman could see you now!
				situationMask = 1
				requiresNoAtmosphere = True
				maxTemp = 170
				kerbalAction = Banana
				resultString = Rigorous testing of the new low-temperature snack technology did not go as well as planned... and deserves further study.
				resultString = Cryogenic banana experiments have proved successful, but we're still lacking EVA suit micro-airlocks to truly take advantage of these tests.
				situationMask = 48
				requiresNoAtmosphere = True
				kerbalAction = Dzhanibekov
				dialogDelay = 4.5
				resultString = Spinning this flange in space has led to an interesting and unexpected effect - it flips orientation over and over, without any other forces acting on it.\n\nMore surprising is that our spacecraft seems to still be operating nominally while missing this part.
				resultString = Our scientists say that the way this object wobbles in space is due to it having three different moments of inertia in three different axes, and that this would be impossible in a four dimentional universe. The engineers reply is that it will if they can find enough four dimensional boosters.
			name = ModuleScienceContainer
			allowRepeatedSubjects = True
			name = FlagDecal
			textureQuadName = kbEVA_flagDecals
			name = FlagDecal
			textureQuadName = EVAStorage_flagDecals
			name = FlagDecal
			textureQuadName = EVAStorageSlim_flagDecals
			name = ModuleTripLogger
			name = ModuleEvaChute
			semiDeployedAnimation = semiDeploySmall
			fullyDeployedAnimation = fullyDeploySmall
			invertCanopy = true
			autoCutSpeed = 0.5
			canopyName = canopy
			stowedDrag = 0.22
			semiDeployedDrag = 1
			fullyDeployedDrag = 500
			minAirPressureToOpen = 0.04
			clampMinAirPressure = 0.04
			deployAltitude = 1000
			deploymentSpeed = 1.0
			semiDeploymentSpeed = 1.0
			chuteMaxTemp = 650
			evaChuteName = EVAparachute
			rotationSpeedDPS = 180.0
			chutePitchRate = 1.0
			chuteRollRate = 1.0
			chuteYawRateAtMinSpeed = 1.0
			chuteMinSpeedForYawRate = 1.0
			chuteYawRateAtMaxSpeed = 1.0
			chuteMaxSpeedForYawRate = 50.0
			chuteDefaultForwardPitch = 9.0
			semiDeployedChuteForwardPitch = 25.0
			chutePitchRateDivisorWhenTurning = 1.0
			chuteRollRateDivisorWhenPitching = 1.0
			chuteYawRateDivisorWhenPitching = 1.0
			baseName = base
			flagName = FlagDecal
			stagingEnabled = false
			name = ModuleLiftingSurface
			useInternalDragModel = False
			deflectionLiftCoeff = 2.5
			transformDir = Y
			transformSign = -1
			omnidirectional = False
			name = ModuleLiftingSurface
			useInternalDragModel = False
			deflectionLiftCoeff = 1.0
			transformDir = X
			name = FlagDecal
			textureQuadName = flag
			name = FlagDecal
			textureQuadName = chute_standalone_flag
			name = FlagDecal
			textureQuadName = chute_container_flag
			name = ModuleInventoryPart
			InventorySlots = 2
			packedVolumeLimit = 40
			massLimit = 0.065
				name = evaChute
				name = evaJetpack
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Prebuilt/kerbalEVAfemale.cfg
		name = kerbalEVAfemale
		crashTolerance = 50
		maxTemp = 800
		skinMaxTemp = 800
		boundsCentroidOffset = 0.0, 0.25, 0.2
		CenterOfDisplacement = 0.0, 0.1, 0.0
		CenterOfBuoyancy = 0.0, 0.1, 0.0
		dragModelType = default
		rescaleFactor = 1
		sound_click_tick = placementNotAllowed
		sound_welding_attachment = weldingLaser
		partRendererBoundsIgnore = kbEVA_flagDecals,canopy,base,flag,collider,helmet,visor,flare1,flare2,EVAStorage_flagDecals,EVAStorageSlim_flagDecals,chute_standalone_flag,chute_container_flag
					channel = Ship
					clip = Squad/Sounds/ksp1_golf_swing_normal
					maxVolumeDistance = 150
					channel = Ship
					clip = Squad/Sounds/ksp1_banana_V2_01
					maxVolumeDistance = 150
					channel = Ship
					clip = Squad/Sounds/ksp1_banana_V2_04
					maxVolumeDistance = 150
					channel = Ship
					clip = Squad/Sounds/ksp1_banana_V2_05
					maxVolumeDistance = 150
			name = KerbalEVA
			__OVERLOAD = True
			isCfg = True
			walkSpeed = 0.8
			strafeSpeed = 0.5
			runSpeed = 2.2
			turnRate = 4
			maxJumpForce = 10
			boundForce = 1.67
			boundSpeed = 0.8
			boundThreshold = 0.02
			swimSpeed = 0.8
			waterAngularDragMultiplier = 0.01
			ladderClimbSpeed = 0.60
			ladderPushoffForce = 3
			minWalkingGee = 0.17
			minRunningGee = 0.6
			initialMass = 1.5
			massMultiplier = 0.03
			onFallHeightFromTerrain = 0.35
			clamberMaxAlt = 100
			splatEnabled = True
			splatSpeed = 50
			propellantResourceName = EVA Propellant
			boundFrequency = 0.5
			boundSharpness = 0.2
			boundAttack = 0.4
			boundRelease = 2
			boundFallThreshold = 2
			_flags = 1
			flagReach = 0.3
			Kp = 0.7
			Ki = 0.25
			Kd = 0.300000012
			iC = 0.005
			rotPower = 1
			linPower = 8.63
			PropellantConsumption = 0.025
			stumbleThreshold = 3.5
			hopThreshold = 2
			recoverThreshold = 0.6
			recoverTime = 3
			splatThreshold = 150
			clamberReach = 0.9
			clamberStandoff = 0.45
			helmetOffMinSafePressureAtm = 0.177
			helmetOffMinSafeTempK = 223.0
			helmetOffMaxSafeTempK = 333.0
			helmetOffMaxOceanPressureAtm = 5.8
			helmetOffMinSafePressureAtmMargin = 0.038
			helmetOffMinSafeTempKMargin = 10.0
			helmetOffMaxSafeTempKMargin = 10.0
			helmetOffMaxOceanPressureAtmMargin = 1.0
			evaExitTemperature = 303.0
			name = ModuleScienceExperiment
			experimentID = surfaceSample
			experimentActionName = Take Surface Sample
			resetActionName = Discard Sample
			reviewActionName = Review Sample
			hideUIwhenUnavailable = True
			rerunnable = True
			resettable = True
			resettableOnEVA = False
			hideFxModuleUI = True
			resourceToReset = Supplies
			resourceResetCost = 5
			xmitDataScalar = 0.25
			dataIsCollectable = True
			deployableSeated = False
			name = ModuleScienceExperiment
			experimentID = evaReport
			experimentActionName = EVA Report
			resetActionName = Discard Report
			reviewActionName = Review Report
			hideUIwhenUnavailable = True
			rerunnable = True
			resettable = True
			resettableOnEVA = False
			hideFxModuleUI = True
			resourceToReset = Supplies
			resourceResetCost = 5
			xmitDataScalar = 1
			dataIsCollectable = True
			name = ModuleScienceExperiment
			experimentID = evaScience
			experimentActionName = Perform EVA Science
			resetActionName = Discard EVA Science Report
			reviewActionName = Review EVA Science Report
			hideUIwhenUnavailable = True
			rerunnable = True
			resettable = True
			resettableOnEVA = False
			hideFxModuleUI = True
			resourceToReset = Supplies
			resourceResetCost = 5
			xmitDataScalar = 1
			dataIsCollectable = True
			requiresInventoryPart = True
			requiresEVASituation = True
			deployableSeated = False
			availableShielded = False
				priority = 2
				situationMask = 1
				minTemp = 170
				kerbalAction = PlayGolf
				resultString = Initial testing of off-world sporting possibility is a go - not only do the ball flight characteristics allow for some spectacular shots, but realestate prices are currently still a bargain.
				resultString = As the ball arcs off into the distance you observe the ballet of physics between the applied impulse and the bodies gravity. Our scientists will rejoice at the results...\n\n...and hopefully agree that the 6 iron was great club selection.
				resultString = You smoked that one right down the middle... I mean conducted some very effective science on the effect of lever arm force to a small spherical object.\n\nIf only Alan Kerman could see you now!
				situationMask = 1
				requiresNoAtmosphere = True
				maxTemp = 170
				kerbalAction = Banana
				resultString = Rigorous testing of the new low-temperature snack technology did not go as well as planned... and deserves further study.
				resultString = Cryogenic banana experiments have proved successful, but we're still lacking EVA suit micro-airlocks to truly take advantage of these tests.
				situationMask = 48
				requiresNoAtmosphere = True
				kerbalAction = Dzhanibekov
				dialogDelay = 4.5
				resultString = Spinning this flange in space has led to an interesting and unexpected effect - it flips orientation over and over, without any other forces acting on it.\n\nMore surprising is that our spacecraft seems to still be operating nominally while missing this part.
				resultString = Our scientists say that the way this object wobbles in space is due to it having three different moments of inertia in three different axes, and that this would be impossible in a four dimentional universe. The engineers reply is that it will if they can find enough four dimensional boosters.
			name = ModuleScienceContainer
			allowRepeatedSubjects = True
			name = FlagDecal
			textureQuadName = kbEVA_flagDecals
			name = FlagDecal
			textureQuadName = EVAStorage_flagDecals
			name = FlagDecal
			textureQuadName = EVAStorageSlim_flagDecals
			name = ModuleTripLogger
			name = ModuleEvaChute
			semiDeployedAnimation = semiDeploySmall
			fullyDeployedAnimation = fullyDeploySmall
			invertCanopy = true
			autoCutSpeed = 0.5
			canopyName = canopy
			stowedDrag = 0.22
			semiDeployedDrag = 1
			fullyDeployedDrag = 500
			minAirPressureToOpen = 0.04
			clampMinAirPressure = 0.04
			deployAltitude = 1000
			deploymentSpeed = 1.0
			semiDeploymentSpeed = 1.0
			chuteMaxTemp = 650
			evaChuteName = EVAparachute
			rotationSpeedDPS = 180.0
			chutePitchRate = 1.0
			chuteRollRate = 1.0
			chuteYawRateAtMinSpeed = 1.0
			chuteMinSpeedForYawRate = 1.0
			chuteYawRateAtMaxSpeed = 1.0
			chuteMaxSpeedForYawRate = 50.0
			chuteDefaultForwardPitch = 9.0
			semiDeployedChuteForwardPitch = 25.0
			chutePitchRateDivisorWhenTurning = 1.0
			chuteRollRateDivisorWhenPitching = 1.0
			chuteYawRateDivisorWhenPitching = 1.0
			baseName = base
			flagName = FlagDecal
			stagingEnabled = false
			name = ModuleLiftingSurface
			useInternalDragModel = False
			deflectionLiftCoeff = 2.5
			transformDir = Y
			transformSign = -1
			omnidirectional = False
			name = ModuleLiftingSurface
			useInternalDragModel = False
			deflectionLiftCoeff = 1.0
			transformDir = X
			name = FlagDecal
			textureQuadName = flag
			name = FlagDecal
			textureQuadName = chute_standalone_flag
			name = FlagDecal
			textureQuadName = chute_container_flag
			name = ModuleInventoryPart
			InventorySlots = 2
			packedVolumeLimit = 40
			massLimit = 0.065
				name = evaChute
				name = evaJetpack
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Resources/FuelCell/FuelCell.cfg
		name = FuelCell
		module = Part
		author = RoverDude
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_attach = 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0
		TechRequired = largeElectrics
		entryCost = 2250
		cost = 750
		category = Electrical
		subcategory = 0
		title = Fuel Cell
		manufacturer = Zaltonic Electronics
		description = A small fuel cell that allows fuel and oxidizer to be converted into energy.  Handy for those places where a solar panel will not do.  Also handy for re-heating snacks.
		attachRules = 0,1,0,0,0
		mass = 0.05
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 7
		maxTemp = 2000
		bulkheadProfiles = srf
		tags = array bank charge convert e/c elect energ pack power volt watt
			model = Squad/Parts/Resources/FuelCell/FuelCell
			name = ModuleResourceConverter
			ConverterName = Fuel Cell
			StartActionName = Start Fuel Cell
			StopActionName = Stop Fuel Cell
			ToggleActionName = Toggle Fuel Cell
			FillAmount = 0.95
			AutoShutdown = false
			GeneratesHeat = false
			UseSpecialistBonus = false
				ResourceName = LiquidFuel
				Ratio = 0.0016875
				ResourceName = Oxidizer
				Ratio = 0.0020625
				ResourceName = ElectricCharge
				Ratio = 1.5
				DumpExcess = false
			name = ElectricCharge
			amount = 50
			maxAmount = 50
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 50
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Resources/FuelCell/FuelCellArray.cfg
		name = FuelCellArray
		module = Part
		author = RoverDude
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_attach = .05, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0
		TechRequired = specializedElectrics
		entryCost = 13500
		cost = 4500
		category = Electrical
		subcategory = 0
		title = Fuel Cell Array
		manufacturer = Zaltonic Electronics
		description = Why have just one fuel cell when you can have six?  The fuel cell array is ideal for situations where you need a large source of reliable power.  Like the smaller fuel cells, this array operates by converting fuel and oxidizer into energy.
		attachRules = 0,1,0,0,0
		mass = 0.24
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 7
		maxTemp = 2000
		bulkheadProfiles = srf
		tags = array bank charge convert e/c elect energ pack power volt watt
			model = Squad/Parts/Resources/FuelCell/FuelCellArray
			name = ModuleResourceConverter
			ConverterName = Fuel Cell
			StartActionName = Start Fuel Cell
			StopActionName = Stop Fuel Cell
			ToggleActionName = Toggle Fuel Cell
			FillAmount = 0.95
			AutoShutdown = false
			GeneratesHeat = false
			UseSpecialistBonus = false
				ResourceName = LiquidFuel
				Ratio = 0.02025
				ResourceName = Oxidizer
				Ratio = 0.02475
				ResourceName = ElectricCharge
				Ratio = 18
				DumpExcess = false
			name = ElectricCharge
			amount = 300
			maxAmount = 300
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 650
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Resources/ISRU/ISRU.cfg
		name = ISRU
		module = Part
		author = RoverDude
		mesh =
		scale = 1
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 1.5, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -1.5, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2
		TechRequired = advScienceTech
		entryCost = 24000
		cost = 8000
		category = Utility
		subcategory = 0
		title = Convert-O-Tron 250
		manufacturer = Kerbodyne
		description = This mobile processing plant can take raw materials containing even trace amounts of oxygen and hydrogen, and crack them into useful fuel products.  When operated by a skilled engineer, you will be able to operate with better efficiency.  These modules operate best at their ideal operating temperatures, and feature auto-shutdown in the event of excessive overheating.  Radiators can be used to help manage excessive heat.
		attachRules = 1,1,1,0,0
		mass = 4.25
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 7
		maxTemp = 2000
		bulkheadProfiles = size2, srf
		tags = conver isru mine )mining (ore process resource
			name = ModuleOverheatDisplay
			name = ModuleResourceConverter
			ConverterName = Lf+Ox
			StartActionName = Start ISRU [Lf+Ox]
			StopActionName = Stop ISRU [Lf+Ox]
			AutoShutdown = true
			GeneratesHeat = true
			DefaultShutoffTemp = .8
			UseSpecialistBonus = true
			SpecialistEfficiencyFactor = 0.2
			SpecialistBonusBase = 0.05
			UseSpecialistHeatBonus = true
			SpecialistHeatFactor = 0.1
			ExperienceEffect = ConverterSkill
			EfficiencyBonus = 1
			resourceOutputName = LF+Ox
				key = 0 100000
				key = 750 50000
				key = 1000 10000
				key = 1250 500
				key = 2000 50
				key = 4000 0
				key = 0 0 0 0
				key = 500 0.1 0 0
				key = 1000 1.0 0 0
				key = 1250 0.1 0 0
				key = 3000 0 0 0
				ResourceName = Ore
				Ratio = 0.5
				ResourceName = ElectricCharge
				Ratio = 30
				ResourceName = LiquidFuel
				Ratio = 0.45
				DumpExcess = false
				ResourceName = Oxidizer
				Ratio = 0.55
				DumpExcess = false
			name = ModuleResourceConverter
			ConverterName = Monoprop
			StartActionName = Start ISRU [Monoprop]
			StopActionName = Stop ISRU [Monoprop]
			AutoShutdown = true
			GeneratesHeat = true
			DefaultShutoffTemp = .8
			UseSpecialistBonus = true
			SpecialistEfficiencyFactor = 0.2
			SpecialistBonusBase = 0.05
			UseSpecialistHeatBonus = true
			SpecialistHeatFactor = 0.1
			ExperienceEffect = ConverterSkill
			EfficiencyBonus = 1
			resourceOutputName = Monoprop
				key = 0 100000
				key = 750 50000
				key = 1000 10000
				key = 1250 500
				key = 2000 50
				key = 4000 0
				key = 0 0 0 0
				key = 500 0.1 0 0
				key = 1000 1.0 0 0
				key = 1250 0.1 0 0
				key = 3000 0 0 0
				ResourceName = Ore
				Ratio = 0.5
				ResourceName = ElectricCharge
				Ratio = 30
				ResourceName = MonoPropellant
				Ratio = 1
				DumpExcess = false
			name = ModuleResourceConverter
			ConverterName = LiquidFuel
			StartActionName = Start ISRU [LqdFuel]
			StopActionName = Stop ISRU [LqdFuel]
			AutoShutdown = true
			GeneratesHeat = true
			DefaultShutoffTemp = .8
			UseSpecialistBonus = true
			SpecialistEfficiencyFactor = 0.2
			SpecialistBonusBase = 0.05
			UseSpecialistHeatBonus = true
			SpecialistHeatFactor = 0.1
			ExperienceEffect = ConverterSkill
			EfficiencyBonus = 1
			resourceOutputName = LqdFuel
				key = 0 100000
				key = 750 50000
				key = 1000 10000
				key = 1250 500
				key = 2000 50
				key = 4000 0
				key = 0 0 0 0
				key = 500 0.1 0 0
				key = 1000 1.0 0 0
				key = 1250 0.1 0 0
				key = 3000 0 0 0
				ResourceName = Ore
				Ratio = 0.45
				ResourceName = ElectricCharge
				Ratio = 30
				ResourceName = LiquidFuel
				Ratio = 0.9
				DumpExcess = false
			name = ModuleResourceConverter
			ConverterName = Oxidizer
			StartActionName = Start ISRU [Ox]
			StopActionName = Stop ISRU [Ox]
			AutoShutdown = true
			GeneratesHeat = true
			DefaultShutoffTemp = .8
			UseSpecialistBonus = true
			SpecialistEfficiencyFactor = 0.2
			SpecialistBonusBase = 0.05
			UseSpecialistHeatBonus = true
			SpecialistHeatFactor = 0.1
			ExperienceEffect = ConverterSkill
			resourceOutputName = Ox
			EfficiencyBonus = 1
				key = 0 100000 0 0
				key = 750 50000 0 0
				key = 1000 10000 0 0
				key = 1250 500 0 0
				key = 2000 50 0 0
				key = 4000 0 0 0
				key = 0 0 0 0
				key = 500 0.1 0 0
				key = 1000 1.0 0 0
				key = 1250 0.1 0 0
				key = 3000 0 0 0
				ResourceName = Ore
				Ratio = 0.55
				ResourceName = ElectricCharge
				Ratio = 30
				ResourceName = Oxidizer
				Ratio = 1.1
				DumpExcess = false
			name = ModuleAnimationGroup
			deployAnimationName = 
			activeAnimationName = ProcessorLarge_running
			deployActionName = Deploy <<1>>
			retractActionName = Retract <<1>>
			toggleActionName = Toggle <<1>>
			moduleType = Converter
			autoDeploy = true
			name = ModuleCoreHeat
			CoreTempGoal = 1000
			CoreToPartRatio = 0.1
			CoreTempGoalAdjustment = 0
			CoreEnergyMultiplier = 0.1
			HeatRadiantMultiplier = 0.05
			CoolingRadiantMultiplier = 0
			HeatTransferMultiplier = 0
			CoolantTransferMultiplier = 0.01
			radiatorCoolingFactor = 1
			radiatorHeatingFactor = 0.05
			MaxCalculationWarp = 1000
			CoreShutdownTemp = 4000
			MaxCoolant = 200
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Resources/LargeTank/LargeTank.cfg
		name = LargeTank
		module = Part
		author = RoverDude
		mesh =
		scale = 1
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_attach = 0,0,1.2,0,0,-1,2
		node_stack_top = 0.0, .9, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -.9, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2
		TechRequired = experimentalScience
		entryCost = 9000
		cost = 3000
		category = FuelTank
		subcategory = 0
		title = Large Holding Tank
		manufacturer = Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spacecraft Parts Co
		description = A large tank that can be used for storing raw materials.  Not to be used as a bouncy castle.
		attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0
		mass = 2.0
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 7
		maxTemp = 2000
		bulkheadProfiles = size2, srf
		tags = black isru mine )mining (ore resource store
			name = Ore
			amount = 0
			maxAmount = 1500
			name = ModuleFuelJettison
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Resources/MiniDrill/MiniDrill.cfg
		name = MiniDrill
		module = Part
		author = RoverDude
		mesh =
		scale = 1
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_attach = .2, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1
		TechRequired = advScienceTech
		entryCost = 3000
		cost = 1000
		category = Utility
		subcategory = 0
		title = 'Drill-O-Matic Junior' Mining Excavator
		manufacturer = Kerbodyne
		description = A smaller version of the popular Drill-O-Matic, this drill is designed to help extract valuable resources from the crust of planets and asteroids.  Unlike its larger cousin, this smaller model is only suitable for ore concentrations in excess of 2.5%.  When operated by a skilled engineer, you will be able to operate with better efficiency.  These modules operate best at their ideal operating temperatures, and feature auto-shutdown in the event of excessive overheating.  Radiators can be used to help manage excessive heat.
		attachRules = 0,1,0,0,0
		mass = 0.25
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 7
		maxTemp = 2000
		bulkheadProfiles = srf
		tags = drill extractor harvest isru mine )mining (ore resource
			name = ModuleOverheatDisplay
			name = ModuleResourceHarvester
			HarvesterType = 0
			Efficiency = 0.3
			ResourceName = Ore
			ConverterName = Surface Harvester
			StartActionName = Start Surface Harvester
			StopActionName = Stop Surface Harvester
			ToggleActionName = Toggle Surface Harvester
			ImpactTransform = ImpactTransform
			ImpactRange = 1.08
			AutoShutdown = true
			EfficiencyBonus = 1
			GeneratesHeat = true
			UseSpecialistBonus = true
			SpecialistEfficiencyFactor = 0.2
			SpecialistBonusBase = 0.05
			UseSpecialistHeatBonus = true
			SpecialistHeatFactor = 0.1
			ExperienceEffect = DrillSkill
			EfficiencyBonus = 1
			HarvestThreshold = 0.025
				ResourceName = ElectricCharge
				Ratio = 3
				key = 0 10000 0 0
				key = 250 5000 0 0
				key = 500 2500 0 0
				key = 750 250 0 0
				key = 1000 0 0 0
				key = 0 0.1
				key = 250 .1
				key = 500 1
				key = 750 .1
				key = 1000 0
			name = ModuleAsteroidDrill
			DirectAttach = false
			StartActionName = Start Asteroid Harvester
			StopActionName = Stop Asteroid Harvester
			ToggleActionName = Toggle Asteroid Harvester
			PowerConsumption = 0.3
			Efficiency = 1
			ImpactRange = 1.5
			ImpactTransform = ImpactTransform
			AutoShutdown = true
			GeneratesHeat = true
			UseSpecialistBonus = true
			UseSpecialistHeatBonus = true
			SpecialistHeatFactor = 0.1
			SpecialistEfficiencyFactor = 0.2
			SpecialistBonusBase = 0.05
			ExperienceEffect = DrillSkill
			EfficiencyBonus = 1
				key = 0 10000
				key = 250 5000
				key = 500 2500
				key = 750 250
				key = 1000 0
				key = 0 0.1
				key = 250 .1
				key = 500 1
				key = 750 .1
				key = 1000 0
			name = ModuleCometDrill
			DirectAttach = false
			StartActionName = Start Comet Harvester
			StopActionName = Stop Comet Harvester
			ToggleActionName = Toggle Comet Harvester
			PowerConsumption = 0.3
			Efficiency = 1
			ImpactRange = 1.5
			ImpactTransform = ImpactTransform
			AutoShutdown = true
			GeneratesHeat = true
			UseSpecialistBonus = true
			UseSpecialistHeatBonus = true
			SpecialistHeatFactor = 0.1
			SpecialistEfficiencyFactor = 0.2
			SpecialistBonusBase = 0.05
			ExperienceEffect = DrillSkill
			EfficiencyBonus = 1
				key = 0 10000
				key = 250 5000
				key = 500 2500
				key = 750 250
				key = 1000 0
				key = 0 0.1
				key = 250 .1
				key = 500 1
				key = 750 .1
				key = 1000 0
			name = ModuleAnimationGroup
			deployAnimationName = Deploy
			activeAnimationName = Drill
			deployActionName = Deploy <<1>>
			retractActionName = Retract <<1>>
			toggleActionName = Toggle <<1>>
			moduleType = Drill
			name = ModuleCoreHeat
			CoreTempGoal = 500
			CoreToPartRatio = 0.1
			CoreTempGoalAdjustment = 0
			CoreEnergyMultiplier = 0.1
			HeatRadiantMultiplier = 0.25
			CoolingRadiantMultiplier = 0
			HeatTransferMultiplier = 0
			CoolantTransferMultiplier = 0.01
			radiatorCoolingFactor = 1
			radiatorHeatingFactor = 0.05
			MaxCalculationWarp = 1000
			CoreShutdownTemp = 1000
			MaxCoolant = 50
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 400
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Resources/MiniISRU/MiniISRU.cfg
		name = MiniISRU
		module = Part
		author = RoverDude
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_top = 0.0, .9, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -.9, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
		TechRequired = advScienceTech
		entryCost = 4000
		cost = 1000
		category = Utility
		subcategory = 0
		title = Convert-O-Tron 125
		manufacturer = Kerbodyne
		description = A smaller version of Kerbodyne's mobile processing plant, this module can take raw materials containing even trace amounts of oxygen and hydrogen, and crack them into useful fuel products.  When operated by a skilled engineer, you will be able to operate with better efficiency.  While this smaller model is lighter than its bigger cousin, it is less efficient, and not designed for long-term operations.  These modules operate best at their ideal operating temperatures, and feature auto-shutdown in the event of excessive overheating.  Radiators can be used to help manage excessive heat.
		attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0
		mass = 1.25
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 7
		maxTemp = 2000
		bulkheadProfiles = size1
		tags = conver isru mine )mining (ore process resource
			model = Squad/Parts/Resources/MiniISRU/MiniISRU
			scale = 1.25,1.25,1.25
			name = ModuleOverheatDisplay
			name = ModuleResourceConverter
			ConverterName = Lf+Ox
			StartActionName = Start ISRU [Lf+Ox]
			StopActionName = Stop ISRU [Lf+Ox]
			AutoShutdown = true
			GeneratesHeat = true
			DefaultShutoffTemp = .8
			UseSpecialistBonus = true
			SpecialistEfficiencyFactor = 0.2
			SpecialistBonusBase = 0.05
			UseSpecialistHeatBonus = true
			SpecialistHeatFactor = 0.1
			ExperienceEffect = ConverterSkill
			EfficiencyBonus = 1
			resourceOutputName = LF+Ox
				key = 0 50000 0 0
				key = 750 25000 0 0
				key = 1000 5000 0 0
				key = 1250 2500 0 0
				key = 2000 2500 0 0
				key = 4000 0 0 0
				key = 0 0 0 0
				key = 500 0.9 0 0
				key = 1000 1.0 0 0
				key = 1250 0.9 0 0
				key = 1500 0.5 0 0
				key = 3000 0.0 0 0
				ResourceName = Ore
				Ratio = 2.5
				ResourceName = ElectricCharge
				Ratio = 30
				ResourceName = LiquidFuel
				Ratio = 0.225
				DumpExcess = false
				ResourceName = Oxidizer
				Ratio = 0.275
				DumpExcess = false
			name = ModuleResourceConverter
			ConverterName = LiquidFuel
			StartActionName = Start ISRU [LqdFuel]
			StopActionName = Stop ISRU [LqdFuel]
			AutoShutdown = true
			GeneratesHeat = true
			DefaultShutoffTemp = .8
			UseSpecialistBonus = true
			SpecialistEfficiencyFactor = 0.2
			SpecialistBonusBase = 0.05
			UseSpecialistHeatBonus = true
			SpecialistHeatFactor = 0.1
			ExperienceEffect = ConverterSkill
			EfficiencyBonus = 1
			resourceOutputName = LqdFuel
				key = 0 50000
				key = 750 25000
				key = 1000 5000
				key = 1250 2500
				key = 2000 2500
				key = 4000 0
				key = 0 0 0 0
				key = 500 0.9 0 0
				key = 1000 1.0 0 0
				key = 1250 0.9 0 0
				key = 1500 0.5 0 0
				key = 3000 0.0 0 0
				ResourceName = Ore
				Ratio = 2.25
				ResourceName = ElectricCharge
				Ratio = 30
				ResourceName = LiquidFuel
				Ratio = 0.45
				DumpExcess = false
			name = ModuleResourceConverter
			ConverterName = Oxidizer
			StartActionName = Start ISRU [Ox]
			StopActionName = Stop ISRU [Ox]
			AutoShutdown = true
			GeneratesHeat = true
			DefaultShutoffTemp = .8
			UseSpecialistBonus = true
			SpecialistEfficiencyFactor = 0.2
			SpecialistBonusBase = 0.05
			UseSpecialistHeatBonus = true
			SpecialistHeatFactor = 0.1
			ExperienceEffect = ConverterSkill
			EfficiencyBonus = 1
			resourceOutputName = Ox
				key = 0 50000
				key = 750 25000
				key = 1000 5000
				key = 1250 2500
				key = 2000 2500
				key = 4000 0
				key = 0 0 0 0
				key = 500 0.9 0 0
				key = 1000 1.0 0 0
				key = 1250 0.9 0 0
				key = 1500 0.5 0 0
				key = 3000 0.0 0 0
				ResourceName = Ore
				Ratio = 2.75
				ResourceName = ElectricCharge
				Ratio = 30
				ResourceName = Oxidizer
				Ratio = 0.55
				DumpExcess = false
			name = ModuleResourceConverter
			ConverterName = MonoPropellant
			StartActionName = Start ISRU [MonoProp]
			StopActionName = Stop ISRU [MonoProp]
			AutoShutdown = true
			GeneratesHeat = true
			DefaultShutoffTemp = .8
			UseSpecialistBonus = true
			SpecialistEfficiencyFactor = 0.2
			SpecialistBonusBase = 0.05
			UseSpecialistHeatBonus = true
			SpecialistHeatFactor = 0.1
			ExperienceEffect = ConverterSkill
			EfficiencyBonus = 1
			resourceOutputName = Monoprop
				key = 0 50000
				key = 750 25000
				key = 1000 5000
				key = 1250 2500
				key = 2000 2500
				key = 4000 0
				key = 0 0 0 0
				key = 500 0.9 0 0
				key = 1000 1.0 0 0
				key = 1250 0.9 0 0
				key = 1500 0.5 0 0
				key = 3000 0.0 0 0
				ResourceName = Ore
				Ratio = 2.5
				ResourceName = ElectricCharge
				Ratio = 30
				ResourceName = MonoPropellant
				Ratio = 0.5
				DumpExcess = false
			name = ModuleCoreHeat
			CoreTempGoal = 1000
			CoreToPartRatio = 0.1
			CoreTempGoalAdjustment = 0
			CoreEnergyMultiplier = 0.1
			HeatRadiantMultiplier = 0.25
			CoolingRadiantMultiplier = 0
			HeatTransferMultiplier = 0
			CoolantTransferMultiplier = 0.01
			radiatorCoolingFactor = 1
			radiatorHeatingFactor = 0.05
			MaxCalculationWarp = 1000
			CoreShutdownTemp = 1500
			MaxCoolant = 75
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Resources/OrbitalScanner/OrbitalScanner.cfg
		name = OrbitalScanner
		module = Part
		author = RoverDude
		mesh =
		scale = 1
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, 0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
		node_attach = 0.0, 0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
		TechRequired = experimentalScience
		entryCost = 3000
		cost = 1000
		category = Science
		subcategory = 0
		title = M4435 Narrow-Band Scanner
		manufacturer = Experimental Engineering Group
		description = Ideal for surveying potential landing sites, this scanner provides detailed information about the planet or moon that it orbits, though this data is limited to the spot directly below the scanner.
		attachRules = 1,1,0,0,0
		mass = 0.1
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 7
		maxTemp = 2000
		bulkheadProfiles = size0, srf
		tags = isru mine )mining (ore prospect resource sensor
			name = ModuleGPS
			name = ModuleResourceScanner
			MaxAbundanceAltitude = 500000
			RequiresUnlock = true
			ScannerType = 0
			ResourceName = Ore
			name = ModuleKerbNetAccess
			EnhancedSituationMask = 7
			EnhancedMinimumFoV = 160
			EnhancedMaximumFoV = 179.5
			MinimumFoV = 5
			MaximumFoV = 90
			AnomalyDetection = 0
			RequiresAnimation = True
				Mode = Resources,#autoLOC_900321
			name = ModuleAnimationGroup
			deployAnimationName = 
			activeAnimationName = miniscanner
			deployActionName = Activate
			retractActionName = Deactivate
			deployActionName = Deploy <<1>>
			retractActionName = Retract <<1>>
			toggleActionName = Toggle <<1>>
			moduleType = Scanner
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 600
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Resources/RadialDrill/RadialDrill.cfg
		name = RadialDrill
		module = Part
		author = RoverDude
		mesh =
		scale = 1
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_attach = .1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1
		TechRequired = advScienceTech
		entryCost = 18000
		cost = 6000
		category = Utility
		subcategory = 0
		title = 'Drill-O-Matic' Mining Excavator
		manufacturer = Kerbodyne
		description = Designed to help extract valuable resources from the crust of planets and asteroids, the Drill-O-Matic uses a rotary drill combined with an internal transfer auger to pull crushed regolith into holding tanks for later processing.  When operated by a skilled engineer, you will be able to operate with better efficiency.  These modules operate best at their ideal operating temperatures, and feature auto-shutdown in the event of excessive overheating.  Radiators can be used to help manage excessive heat.
		attachRules = 0,1,0,0,0
		mass = 1.25
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 7
		maxTemp = 2000
		bulkheadProfiles = srf
		tags = drill extractor harvest isru mine )mining (ore resource
			name = ModuleOverheatDisplay
			name = ModuleResourceHarvester
			HarvesterType = 0
			Efficiency = 1.5
			ResourceName = Ore
			ConverterName = Surface Harvester
			StartActionName = Start Surface Harvester
			StopActionName = Stop Surface Harvester
			ToggleActionName = Toggle Surface Harvester
			ImpactTransform = ImpactTransform
			ImpactRange = 5.42
			AutoShutdown = true
			GeneratesHeat = true
			UseSpecialistBonus = true
			SpecialistEfficiencyFactor = 0.2
			SpecialistBonusBase = 0.05
			UseSpecialistHeatBonus = true
			SpecialistHeatFactor = 0.1
			ExperienceEffect = DrillSkill
			EfficiencyBonus = 1
				ResourceName = ElectricCharge
				Ratio = 15
				key = 0 10000 0 0
				key = 250 7500 0 0
				key = 500 5000 0 0
				key = 750 500 0 0
				key = 1000 0 0 0
				key = 0 0.1
				key = 250 .1
				key = 500 1
				key = 750 .1
				key = 1000 0
			name = ModuleAsteroidDrill
			DirectAttach = false
			StartActionName = Start Asteroid Harvester
			StopActionName = Stop Asteroid Harvester
			ToggleActionName = Toggle Asteroid Harvester
			PowerConsumption = 1.5
			Efficiency = 5
			ImpactRange = 5
			ImpactTransform = ImpactTransform
			AutoShutdown = true
			GeneratesHeat = true
			UseSpecialistBonus = true
			SpecialistEfficiencyFactor = 0.2
			SpecialistBonusBase = 0.05
			UseSpecialistHeatBonus = true
			SpecialistHeatFactor = 0.1
			ExperienceEffect = DrillSkill
			EfficiencyBonus = 1
				key = 0 10000
				key = 250 7500
				key = 500 5000
				key = 750 500
				key = 1000 0
				key = 0 0.1
				key = 250 .1
				key = 500 1
				key = 750 .1
				key = 1000 0
			name = ModuleCometDrill
			DirectAttach = false
			StartActionName = Start Comet Harvester
			StopActionName = Stop Comet Harvester
			ToggleActionName = Toggle Comet Harvester
			PowerConsumption = 1.5
			Efficiency = 5
			ImpactRange = 5
			ImpactTransform = ImpactTransform
			AutoShutdown = true
			GeneratesHeat = true
			UseSpecialistBonus = true
			UseSpecialistHeatBonus = true
			SpecialistHeatFactor = 0.1
			SpecialistEfficiencyFactor = 0.2
			SpecialistBonusBase = 0.05
			ExperienceEffect = DrillSkill
			EfficiencyBonus = 1
				key = 0 10000
				key = 250 7500
				key = 500 5000
				key = 750 500
				key = 1000 0
				key = 0 0.1
				key = 250 .1
				key = 500 1
				key = 750 .1
				key = 1000 0
			name = ModuleAnimationGroup
			deployAnimationName = Drill_Deploy
			activeAnimationName = Drill_Running
			deployActionName = Deploy <<1>>
			retractActionName = Retract <<1>>
			toggleActionName = Toggle <<1>>
			moduleType = Drill
			name = ModuleCoreHeat
			CoreTempGoal = 500
			CoreToPartRatio = 0.1
			CoreTempGoalAdjustment = 0
			CoreEnergyMultiplier = 0.1
			HeatRadiantMultiplier = 0.25
			CoolingRadiantMultiplier = 0
			HeatTransferMultiplier = 0
			CoolantTransferMultiplier = 0.01
			radiatorCoolingFactor = 1
			radiatorHeatingFactor = 0.05
			MaxCalculationWarp = 1000
			CoreShutdownTemp = 1000
			MaxCoolant = 100
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			stackableQuantity = 1
			packedVolume = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Resources/RadialTank/RadialTank.cfg
		name = RadialOreTank
		module = Part
		author = RoverDude
		mesh =
		scale = 1
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_attach = 0,0,0.0,0,0,1,1
		TechRequired = advScienceTech
		entryCost = 1000
		cost = 300
		category = FuelTank
		subcategory = 0
		title = Radial Holding Tank
		manufacturer = Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spacecraft Parts Co
		description = A small radial tank for storing raw materials, or possibly spare snacks.
		attachRules = 0,1,0,1,0
		mass = 0.125
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 7
		maxTemp = 2000
		bulkheadProfiles = srf
		tags = black isru mine )mining (ore resource store
			name = Ore
			amount = 0
			maxAmount = 75
			name = ModuleFuelJettison
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 340
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Resources/SmallTank/SmallTank.cfg
		name = SmallTank
		module = Part
		author = RoverDude
		mesh =
		scale = 1
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_attach = 0,0,0.6,0,0,-1,1
		node_stack_top = 0.0, .9, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -.9, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
		TechRequired = advScienceTech
		entryCost = 3000
		cost = 1000
		category = FuelTank
		subcategory = 0
		title = Small Holding Tank
		manufacturer = Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spacecraft Parts Co
		description = A small tank for storing raw materials, or possibly spare snacks.
		attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0
		mass = 0.50
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 7
		maxTemp = 2000
		bulkheadProfiles = size1, srf
		tags = black isru mine )mining (ore resource store
			name = Ore
			amount = 0
			maxAmount = 300
			name = ModuleFuelJettison
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Resources/SurfaceScanner/SurfaceScanner.cfg
		name = SurfaceScanner
		module = Part
		author = RoverDude
		mesh =
		scale = 1
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 0.1, 0.0, 0.0, -1, 0
		TechRequired = scienceTech
		entryCost = 2400
		cost = 800
		category = Science
		subcategory = 0
		title = Surface Scanning Module
		manufacturer = Experimental Engineering Group
		description = A small module that includes soil, atmospheric, and oceanic sampling tools.  When used while landed on a planet or moon, the sample data gathered can be used to increase the accuracy of orbital survey scanners.
		attachRules = 0,1,0,0,0
		mass = 0.005
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 7
		maxTemp = 2000
		bulkheadProfiles = srf
		tags = isru mine )mining (ore prospect resource scanner sensor
			name = ModuleGPS
			name = ModuleResourceScanner
			ScannerType = 0
			ResourceName = Ore
			MaxAbundanceAltitude = 1000
			RequiresUnlock = false
			name = ModuleBiomeScanner
			name = ModuleAsteroidAnalysis
			name = ModuleCometAnalysis
			name = ModuleAnalysisResource
			resourceName = Ore
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 65
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Resources/SurveyScanner/SurveyScanner.cfg
		name = SurveyScanner
		module = Part
		author = RoverDude
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, 0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
		node_attach = 0.0, 0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
		TechRequired = scienceTech
		entryCost = 4500
		cost = 1500
		category = Science
		subcategory = 0
		title = M700 Survey Scanner
		manufacturer = Experimental Engineering Group
		description = This orbital survey scanner uses a combination of advanced sensor technology and witchcraft to provide information on a planet or moons natural resources.  These images can be viewed either in flight, or in relative safety and comfort back at the KSC.  Be sure to bring an antenna capable of transmitting the information back, and sufficient power.
		attachRules = 1,1,0,0,0
		mass = 0.2
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 7
		maxTemp = 2000
		bulkheadProfiles = size1, srf
		tags = experiment isru mine )mining (ore overlay prospect research resource science sensor
			model = Squad/Parts/Resources/SurveyScanner/SurveyScanner
			scale = 0.95,0.95,0.95
			name = ModuleOrbitalSurveyor
			ScanTime = 5
			SciBonus = 10
			name = ModuleOrbitalScanner
			CheckForLock = true
			name = ModuleAnimationGroup
			deployAnimationName = deploy
			activeAnimationName = 
			deployActionName = Deploy <<1>>
			retractActionName = Retract <<1>>
			toggleActionName = Toggle <<1>>
			moduleType = Scanner
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			stackableQuantity = 1
			packedVolume = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Science/AtmosphereSensor/sensorAtmosphere.cfg
		name = sensorAtmosphere
		module = Part
		author = NovaSilisko
		mesh =
		rescaleFactor = 0.8
		node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0
		TechRequired = scienceTech
		entryCost = 12200
		cost = 6500
		category = Science
		subcategory = 0
		title = Atmospheric Fluid Spectro-Variometer
		manufacturer = Probodobodyne Inc
		description = A device for performing accurate fluid spectro-variometry scans of the surrounding atmosphere. Despite some criticism claiming that fluid spectro-variometry isn't a real science, Kerbal scientists seem to all agree that the data it provides is definitely interesting. Warranty void if exposed to air.
		attachRules = 0,1,0,0,1
		mass = 0.005
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 1
		crashTolerance = 8
		maxTemp = 1200
		PhysicsSignificance = 1
		bulkheadProfiles = srf
		tags = atmospher experiment research rerun re-run reus re-us redo re-do reset re-set science sensor
			name = ModuleScienceExperiment
			experimentID = atmosphereAnalysis
			experimentActionName = Run Atmosphere Analysis
			resetActionName = Discard Data
			reviewActionName = Review Data
			useStaging = False
			useActionGroups = True
			hideUIwhenUnavailable = False
			xmitDataScalar = 0.6
			dataIsCollectable = True
			collectActionName = Download Data
			interactionRange = 1.5
			rerunnable = True
			usageReqMaskInternal = 1
			usageReqMaskExternal = 8
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 130
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Science/GooExperiment/gooExperiment.cfg
		name = GooExperiment
		module = Part
		author = Squad
		mesh =
		rescaleFactor = 0.6
		node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, -0.15, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0
		TechRequired = start
		entryCost = 0
		cost = 800
		category = Science
		subcategory = 0
		title = Mystery Goo™ Containment Unit 
		manufacturer = FLOOYD Dynamics Research Labs
		description = This unit was something one of our engineers came upon while dumpster divin-- Erm, while researching alternative applications for existing technologies. It's a sealed container which appears to be filled with a strange-looking substance. We couldn't reach in or break the canister open, but watching how the Goo behaves when subjected to different situations could be very educational.
		attachRules = 0,1,0,0,1
		mass = 0.05
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.1
		minimum_drag = 0.1
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 12
		maxTemp = 1200
		bulkheadProfiles = srf
		tags = experiment research science
			name = ModuleAnimateGeneric
			animationName = Deploy
			startEventGUIName = Deploy
			endEventGUIName = Close
			actionGUIName = Toggle Cover
			evaDistance = 1.5
			name = ModuleScienceExperiment
			experimentID = mysteryGoo
			experimentActionName = Observe Mystery Goo
			resetActionName = Reset Goo Canister
			useStaging = False
			useActionGroups = True
			hideUIwhenUnavailable = True
			xmitDataScalar = 0.3
			FxModules = 0
			dataIsCollectable = True
			collectActionName = Collect Data
			interactionRange = 1.5
			usageReqMaskInternal = 1
			usageReqMaskExternal = 8
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 75
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Science/LargeCrewedLab/largeCrewedLab.cfg
		name = Large_Crewed_Lab
		module = Part
		author = Squad
		mesh =
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 1.825, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -1.831, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2
		CrewCapacity = 2
		TechRequired = advExploration
		entryCost = 10400
		cost = 4000
		category = Science
		subcategory = 0
		title = Mobile Processing Lab MPL-LG-2
		manufacturer = Integrated Integrals
		description = No longer are you limited to research facilities only on Kerbin!  With the Mobile Processing Lab, you can conduct long-term experiments and ongoing research with the data you collect in the field.  Be sure to check back on your scientists from time to time, and transmit the results of their research home! This model is guaranteed to spontaneously combust less than previous models, and also has the equipment necessary to clean out and restore functionality to inoperable experiments.
		attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0
		mass = 3.5
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.3
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 6
		breakingForce = 200
		breakingTorque = 200
		maxTemp = 1000
		skinMaxTemp = 2200
		vesselType = Ship
		bulkheadProfiles = size2
		tags = experiment laboratory research science
			name = Mobile_Processing_Lab_Int
			name = ModuleScienceContainer
			reviewActionName = Review Data
			storeActionName = Store Experiments
			collectActionName = Take Data
			evaOnlyStorage = True
			storageRange = 2
			allowRepeatedSubjects = True
			name = ModuleScienceLab
			containerModuleIndex = 0
			dataStorage = 750
			crewsRequired = 1
			canResetConnectedModules = True
			canResetNearbyModules = True
			interactionRange = 5
			SurfaceBonus = 0.1
			ContextBonus = 0.25
			homeworldMultiplier = 0.1
				name = ElectricCharge
				amount = 10
			name = ModuleScienceConverter
			dataProcessingMultiplier = 0.5
			scientistBonus = 0.25
			researchTime = 7
			scienceMultiplier = 5
			scienceCap = 500
			powerRequirement = 5
			ConverterName = Research
			StartActionName = Start Research
			StopActionName = Stop Research
			name = ModuleKerbNetAccess
			MinimumFoV = 17
			MaximumFoV = 63
			AnomalyDetection = 0
				Mode = Terrain,#autoLOC_438839
				Mode = Biome,#autoLOC_438890
				Effect = ScienceSkill
			name = ModuleExperienceManagement
			costPerKerbal = 0
			name = FlagDecal
			textureQuadName = flagTransform
			name = ModuleColorChanger
			shaderProperty = _EmissiveColor
			animRate = 0.8
			animState = false
			useRate = true
			toggleInEditor = true
			toggleInFlight = true
			toggleInFlight = true
			unfocusedRange = 5
			toggleName = Toggle Lights
			eventOnName = Lights On
			eventOffName = Lights Off
			toggleAction = True
			defaultActionGroup = Light
				key = 0 0 0 3
				key = 1 1 0 0
				key = 0 0 0 1
				key = 1 1 1 0
				key = 0 0 0 0
				key = 1 0.7 1.5 0
				key = 0 1
			name = ModuleInventoryPart
			InventorySlots = 2
			packedVolumeLimit = 200
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Science/Magnetometer/Magnetometer.cfg
		name = Magnetometer
		module = Part
		author = Squad
		mesh =
		rescaleFactor = 1.0
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
		node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0
		TechRequired = electronics
		entryCost = 7500
		cost = 2200
		category = Science
		subcategory = 0
		title = Magnetometer Boom
		manufacturer = Experimental Engineering Group
		description = Magnetic fields are all around us. Kerbal scientists know that learning about the magnetic field of a celestial body can yield all sorts of interesting insights into what's going on inside it - but spacecraft also emit magnetic fields, especially when operating their electronics and electromechanical actuators.\n\nFor some reason engineers just don't want to turn off the entire spacecraft, or build it out of plastic, so the Experimental Engineering group solved the issue by sticking this sensitive magnetometer on an extensible boom.\n\nWarning: Warranty on the boom voided if used any place besides the vacuum of space.
		attachRules = 1,1,0,0,1
		mass = 0.05
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 1
		crashTolerance = 8
		maxTemp = 1200
		bulkheadProfiles = size0
		tags = experiment research magnet boom
			name = ModuleDeployablePart
			extendActionName = Extend Boom
			retractActionName = Retract Boom
			extendpanelsActionName = Toggle <<1>>
			partType = 
			animationName = Deploy
			allowAnimationWhileShielded = false
			isTracking = false
			trackingMode = NONE
			alignType = X
			breakName = COL
			name = ModuleScienceExperiment
			experimentID = magnetometer
			experimentActionName = Run Magnetometer Report
			resetActionName = Discard Data
			reviewActionName = Review Data
			useStaging = False
			useActionGroups = True
			hideUIwhenUnavailable = True
			hideFxModuleUI = False
			FxModules = 0
			xmitDataScalar = 0.6
			dataIsCollectable = True
			collectActionName = Download Data
			interactionRange = 1.5
			rerunnable = True
			usageReqMaskInternal = 1
			usageReqMaskExternal = 8
			availableShielded = false
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 30
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Science/MaterialBay/materialBay.cfg
		name = science_module
		module = Part
		author = Squad
		mesh =
		scale = 0.1
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 4.9, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -4.10, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0
		node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 5.01, 1.0, 0.0, -90.0, 1
		TechRequired = basicScience
		entryCost = 5500
		cost = 1800
		category = Science
		subcategory = 0
		title = SC-9001 Science Jr.
		manufacturer = Experimental Engineering Group
		description = The SC-9001 is a cutting edge, self contained laboratory. Have you ever wondered what happens to something in zero G? Or, have you ever pondered the truly meaningful questions? Such as what would happen if I exposed this to the rigors of stellar radiation and unforgiving vacuum? Comes with complimentary notepad. Recommended for ages 4-8. Small parts inside make it not suitable for small children.
		attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0
		mass = 0.2
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.3
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 6
		maxTemp = 1200
		breakingForce = 50
		breakingTorque = 50
		childStageOffset = 1
		bulkheadProfiles = size1, srf
		tags = bay experiment lab material research
			name = ModuleAnimateGeneric
			animationName = Deploy
			startEventGUIName = Open Doors
			endEventGUIName = Close Doors
			actionGUIName = Toggle Doors
			evaDistance = 1.85
			name = ModuleScienceExperiment
			experimentID = mobileMaterialsLab
			experimentActionName = Conduct Materials Study
			resetActionName = Reset Materials Study
			useStaging = False
			useActionGroups = True
			hideUIwhenUnavailable = True
			hideFxModuleUI = False
			xmitDataScalar = 0.35
			FxModules = 0
			dataIsCollectable = True
			collectActionName = Collect Data
			interactionRange = 1.85
			usageReqMaskInternal = 1
			usageReqMaskExternal = 8
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 2000
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Science/ScienceBox/ScienceBox.cfg
		name = ScienceBox
		module = Part
		author = RoverDude
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_attach = 0,0,0.25,0,0,-1,0
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.4, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0,0
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.4, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0,0
		TechRequired = basicScience
		entryCost = 2200
		cost = 1000
		category = Science
		subcategory = 0
		title = Experiment Storage Unit
		manufacturer = Experimental Engineering Group
		description = After discovering that old snack boxes were also really effective at storing mystery goo and data tapes, Kerbal scientists created the Experiment Storage Unit to help Kerbalnauts bring their valuable science back to Kerbin, while avoiding the hazards of reentry, rough landings, and Jeb's piloting skills.
		attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0
		mass = 0.05
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.3
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 15
		breakingForce = 250
		breakingTorque = 250
		bulkheadProfiles = size0
		maxTemp = 2900
		heatConductivity = 0.04
		thermalMassModifier = 5.0
		emissiveConstant = 0.95
		tags = science
			model = Squad/Parts/Science/ScienceBox/ScienceBox
			name = ModuleConductionMultiplier
			modifiedConductionFactor = 0.001
			convectionFluxThreshold = 500
			name = ModuleScienceContainer
			reviewActionName = Review Stored Data
			storeActionName = Store Experiments
			evaOnlyStorage = True
			storageRange = 1.3
			canBeTransferredToInVessel = True
			canTransferInVessel = True
			showStatus = True
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 280
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Science/sensorAccelerometer/sensorAccelerometer.cfg
		name = sensorAccelerometer
		module = Part
		author = NovaSilisko
		mesh =
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0
		TechRequired = electronics
		entryCost = 8200
		cost = 6000
		category = Science
		subcategory = 0
		title = Double-C Seismic Accelerometer
		manufacturer = Probodobodyne Inc
		description = This device contains an extremely sensitive acceleration sensor, which when properly settled on a firm surface, will detect and record accurate seismic activity data. The accelerometer will still function while flying, so the Double-C can also be used to measure accelerations during flight. Warranty void if shaken or exposed to vacuum.
		attachRules = 0,1,0,0,1
		mass = 0.005
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 1
		crashTolerance = 8
		maxTemp = 1200
		PhysicsSignificance = 1
		bulkheadProfiles = srf
		tags = acceler experiment research rerun re-run reus re-us redo re-do reset re-set science sensor
			name = ModuleEnviroSensor
			sensorType = ACC
			name = ModuleScienceExperiment
			experimentID = seismicScan
			experimentActionName = Log Seismic Data
			resetActionName = Delete Data
			useStaging = False
			useActionGroups = True
			hideUIwhenUnavailable = False
			xmitDataScalar = 0.45
			dataIsCollectable = True
			collectActionName = Take Data
			interactionRange = 1.5
			rerunnable = True
			usageReqMaskInternal = 1
			usageReqMaskExternal = 8
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 5
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Science/sensorBarometer/sensorBarometer.cfg
		name = sensorBarometer
		module = Part
		author = NovaSilisko
		mesh =
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0
		TechRequired = survivability
		entryCost = 2200
		cost = 880
		category = Science
		subcategory = 0
		title = PresMat Barometer
		manufacturer = Probodobodyne Inc
		description = A device for measuring the local atmospheric pressure. Warranty void if exposed to air.
		attachRules = 0,1,0,0,1
		mass = 0.005
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 1
		crashTolerance = 8
		maxTemp = 1200
		PhysicsSignificance = 1
		bulkheadProfiles = srf
		tags = atmospher experiment pressure research rerun re-run reus re-us redo re-do reset re-set science sensor
			name = ModuleEnviroSensor
			sensorType = PRES
			name = ModuleScienceExperiment
			experimentID = barometerScan
			experimentActionName = Log Pressure Data
			resetActionName = Delete Data
			useStaging = False
			useActionGroups = True
			hideUIwhenUnavailable = False
			xmitDataScalar = 0.5
			dataIsCollectable = True
			collectActionName = Take Data
			interactionRange = 1.5
			rerunnable = True
			usageReqMaskInternal = 1
			usageReqMaskExternal = 8
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 4
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Science/sensorGravimeter/sensorGravimeter.cfg
		name = sensorGravimeter
		module = Part
		author = NovaSilisko
		mesh =
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0
		TechRequired = advScienceTech
		entryCost = 12200
		cost = 8800
		category = Science
		subcategory = 0
		title = GRAVMAX Negative Gravioli Detector
		manufacturer = Probodobodyne Inc
		description = A device for capturing and measuring the elusive Negative Gravioli Particle, used for determining the precise strength of gravitational fields. Warranty void if used to detect Positive Gravioli Particles.
		attachRules = 0,1,0,0,1
		mass = 0.005
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 1
		crashTolerance = 8
		maxTemp = 1200
		PhysicsSignificance = 1
		bulkheadProfiles = srf
		tags = experiment gravity research rerun re-run reus re-us redo re-do reset re-set science sensor
			name = ModuleEnviroSensor
			sensorType = GRAV
			name = ModuleScienceExperiment
			experimentID = gravityScan
			experimentActionName = Log Gravity Data
			resetActionName = Delete Data
			useStaging = False
			useActionGroups = True
			hideUIwhenUnavailable = False
			xmitDataScalar = 0.4
			dataIsCollectable = True
			collectActionName = Take Data
			interactionRange = 1.5
			rerunnable = True
			usageReqMaskInternal = 1
			usageReqMaskExternal = 8
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 5
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Science/sensorThermometer/sensorThermometer.cfg
		name = sensorThermometer
		module = Part
		author = NovaSilisko
		mesh =
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0
		TechRequired = engineering101
		entryCost = 2500
		cost = 900
		category = Science
		subcategory = 0
		title = 2HOT Thermometer
		manufacturer = Probodobodyne Inc
		description = This thermometer is definetely not a store-bought model with some wires stuck to it. Warranty void if an engineer admits it's actually a store-bought model with some wires stuck to it.
		attachRules = 0,1,0,0,1
		mass = 0.005
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 1
		crashTolerance = 8
		maxTemp = 1200
		PhysicsSignificance = 1
		bulkheadProfiles = srf
		tags = experiment heat research rerun re-run reus re-us redo re-do reset re-set science sensor temperature
			name = ModuleEnviroSensor
			sensorType = TEMP
			name = ModuleScienceExperiment
			experimentID = temperatureScan
			experimentActionName = Log Temperature
			resetActionName = Delete Data
			useStaging = False
			useActionGroups = True
			hideUIwhenUnavailable = False
			xmitDataScalar = 0.5
			dataIsCollectable = True
			collectActionName = Take Data
			interactionRange = 1.5
			rerunnable = True
			usageReqMaskInternal = 1
			usageReqMaskExternal = 8
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			stackableQuantity = 3
			packedVolume = 1
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Structural/FLAdapters/adapterSmallMiniShort.cfg
		name = adapterSmallMiniShort
		module = Part
		author = AlexanderM
		rescaleFactor = 1.0
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.1875, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
		TechRequired = miniaturization
		entryCost = 4800
		cost = 100
		category = Structural
		subcategory = 0
		title = FL-A5 Adapter
		manufacturer = Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spacecraft Parts Co
		description = A small parts adapter for FL-T based fuselages.
		attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0
		mass = 0.04
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 6
		maxTemp = 2000
		breakingForce = 50
		breakingTorque = 50
		fuelCrossFeed = True
		PhysicsSignificance = 1
		bulkheadProfiles = size0, size1
		tags = )cap nose plate
			model = Squad/Parts/Structural/FLAdapters/Assets/adapterSmallMiniShort_v2
			name = ModulePartVariants
			baseVariant = White
			useMultipleDragCubes = false
				name = White
				displayName = White
				themeName = White
				primaryColor = #ffffff
				name = Orange
				displayName = Orange
				themeName = Orange
				primaryColor = #f49841
				secondaryColor = #4c4f47
					mainTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Structural/FLAdapters/Assets/FLA-Adapters_diffuse_O
					_BumpMap = Squad/Parts/Structural/FLAdapters/Assets/FLA-Adapters_normal_O
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 325
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Structural/FLAdapters/adapterSmallMiniTall.cfg
		name = adapterSmallMiniTall
		module = Part
		author = AlexanderM
		rescaleFactor = 1.0
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.3125, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.375, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
		TechRequired = miniaturization
		entryCost = 4400
		cost = 150
		category = Structural
		subcategory = 0
		title = FL-A10 Adapter
		manufacturer = Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spacecraft Parts Co
		description = A small parts adapter for FL-T based fuselages.
		attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0
		mass = 0.05
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 6
		maxTemp = 2000
		breakingForce = 50
		breakingTorque = 50
		fuelCrossFeed = True
		bulkheadProfiles = size0, size1
		tags = )cap cone nose
			model = Squad/Parts/Structural/FLAdapters/Assets/adapterSmallMiniTall_v2
			name = ModulePartVariants
			baseVariant = White
			useMultipleDragCubes = false
				name = White
				displayName = White
				themeName = White
				primaryColor = #ffffff
				name = Orange
				displayName = Orange
				themeName = Orange
				primaryColor = #f49841
				secondaryColor = #4c4f47
					mainTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Structural/FLAdapters/Assets/FLA-Adapters_diffuse_O
					_BumpMap = Squad/Parts/Structural/FLAdapters/Assets/FLA-Adapters_normal_O
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 1100
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Structural/Size3To2Adapter_v2/Size2to3_v2.cfg
		name = Size3To2Adapter_v2
		module = Part
		author = Squad
		mesh =
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 1.15017, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -1.1, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 3
		buoyancy = 0.375
		TechRequired = largeVolumeContainment
		entryCost = 12000
		cost = 1623
		category = FuelTank
		subcategory = 0
		title = Kerbodyne ADTP-2-3
		manufacturer = Kerbodyne
		description = This adapter is used to bridge between Kerbodyne and Rockomax rocket bodies.
		attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0
		mass = 1.875
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.3
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 6
		breakingForce = 200
		breakingTorque = 200
		maxTemp = 2000
		bulkheadProfiles = size2, size3
		tags = cone rockomax
			name = LiquidFuel
			amount = 1350
			maxAmount = 1350
			name = Oxidizer
			amount = 1650
			maxAmount = 1650
			cube = Default, 7.344658,0.7515181,1.980434, 7.344658,0.7516301,1.980434, 11.00077,0.4258759,2.35452, 11.00077,0.7470945,0.1906485, 7.3984,0.7432775,1.971122, 7.3984,0.7581861,1.971122, -1.907349E-06,0,0, 3.776463,2.301678,3.757764
			name = ModulePartVariants
			baseVariant = BlackAndWhite
			baseDisplayName = Black and White
			useMultipleDragCubes = false
				name = BlackAndWhite
				displayName = Black and White
				themeName = BlackAndWhite
				primaryColor = #ffffff
				secondaryColor = #000000
					mainTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Structural/Size3To2Adapter_v2/Size2to3_BW_Diffuse
					_BumpMap = Squad/Parts/Structural/Size3To2Adapter_v2/Size2to3_DUMMY_NRM
				name = White
				displayName = White
				themeName = White
				primaryColor = #ffffff
					mainTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Structural/Size3To2Adapter_v2/Size2to3_W_Diffuse
					_BumpMap = Squad/Parts/Structural/Size3To2Adapter_v2/Size2to3_DUMMY_NRM
				name = Orange
				displayName = Orange
				themeName = Orange
				primaryColor = #f49841
				secondaryColor = #4c4f47
					mainTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Structural/Size3To2Adapter_v2/Size2to3_O_Diffuse
					_BumpMap = Squad/Parts/Structural/Size3To2Adapter_v2/Size2to3_DUMMY_NRM
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Structural/mk1Parts/engineBodyRadial.cfg
		name = radialEngineBody
		module = Part
		author = C. Jenkins, Porkjet
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.9375, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.9375, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0
		node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 0.625, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 1
		TechRequired = hypersonicFlight
		entryCost = 6200
		cost = 1650
		category = Aero
		subcategory = 0
		title = Engine Pre-cooler
		manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division
		description = Advanced materials allow this cooler to wick away the heat from attached engines. In addition, it features additional intake area optimized for supersonic flight and powerful static suction.
		attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0
		mass = 0.15
		dragModelType = default
		thermalMassModifier = 1.5
		skinMassPerArea = 2
		emissiveConstant = 0.95
		heatConductivity = 0.24
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.3
		angularDrag = 1
		crashTolerance = 10
		maxTemp = 2000
		fuelCrossFeed = True
		bulkheadProfiles = size1, srf
		tags = aero (air aircraft breathe cone fligh fuel inlet intake jet oxygen plane suck supersonic tank
			model = Squad/Parts/Structural/mk1Parts/Nacelle2
			name = ModuleResourceIntake
			resourceName = IntakeAir
			checkForOxygen = true
			area = 0.005
			intakeSpeed = 30
			intakeTransformName = Intake
				key = 0 0.85 0 0
				key = 1 1 0 0
				key = 2 0.95 -0.08751557 -0.08751557
				key = 4 0.5 -0.4034287 -0.4034287
				key = 8 0.01 0 0
			name = IntakeAir
			amount = 5
			maxAmount = 5
			name = LiquidFuel
			amount = 40
			maxAmount = 40
			name = ModuleAnimateHeat
			ThermalAnim = Nacelle2Heat
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Structural/mk1Parts/engineNacelle.cfg
		name = nacelleBody
		module = Part
		author = C. Jenkins, Porkjet
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.9375, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.9375, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0
		node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, -0.625, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1
		TechRequired = aerodynamicSystems
		entryCost = 6500
		cost = 600
		category = Aero
		subcategory = 0
		title = Engine Nacelle
		manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division
		description = The Engine Nacelle is a self-contained solution for powering air-breathing engines. It includes some reserve fuel, making it a very practical option. C7 Engineers assure us that these units are quite safe, and that the dents and burn marks will give yours a more unique look. Optimized for subsonic flight; includes very powerful static suction.
		attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0
		mass = 0.15
		dragModelType = default
		thermalMassModifier = 1
		emissiveConstant = 0.6
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.3
		angularDrag = 1
		crashTolerance = 10
		maxTemp = 2000
		fuelCrossFeed = True
		bulkheadProfiles = size1, srf
		tags = aero (air aircraft breathe cone fligh fuel inlet intake jet oxygen plane sonic sub subsonic suck tank
			model = Squad/Parts/Structural/mk1Parts/Nacelle1
			name = ModuleResourceIntake
			resourceName = IntakeAir
			checkForOxygen = true
			area = 0.005
			intakeSpeed = 40
			intakeTransformName = Intake
				key = 1 1 0 0
				key = 1.5 0.9 -0.4312553 -0.4312553
				key = 2.5 0.45 -0.5275364 -0.5275364
				key = 3.5 0.1 0 0
			name = IntakeAir
			amount = 5
			maxAmount = 5
			name = LiquidFuel
			amount = 150
			maxAmount = 150
			name = ModuleAnimateHeat
			ThermalAnim = Nacelle1Heat
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			stackableQuantity = 1
			packedVolume = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Structural/mk1Parts/mk1Fuselage.cfg
		name = MK1Fuselage
		module = Part
		author = Porkjet
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.9375, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.9375, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0
		node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, -0.625, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1
		TechRequired = aviation
		entryCost = 2600
		cost = 550
		category = FuelTank
		subcategory = 0
		title = Mk1 Liquid Fuel Fuselage
		manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division
		description = A standard fuselage that carries fuel for spaceplanes. This one is chock-full of jet fuel. Not as resistant as its counterparts, but jet fuel is more efficient than the other fuels, without mentioning lighter.
		attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0
		mass = 0.25
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.3
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 10
		breakingForce = 50
		breakingTorque = 50
		maxTemp = 2000
		thermalMassModifier = 2.0
		fuelCrossFeed = True
		bulkheadProfiles = size1, srf
		tags = aircraft airplane fueltank jet plane propellant tank
			model = Squad/Parts/Structural/mk1Parts/Fuselage
			name = LiquidFuel
			amount = 400
			maxAmount = 400
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			stackableQuantity = 1
			packedVolume = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Structural/mk1Parts/mk1FuselageIntake.cfg
		name = MK1IntakeFuselage
		module = Part
		author = Porkjet
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.9375, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.9375, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0
		node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, -0.625, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1
		TechRequired = highAltitudeFlight
		entryCost = 4200
		cost = 720
		category = Aero
		subcategory = 0
		title = Mk1 Diverterless Supersonic Intake
		manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division
		description = This version of the Mk1 Fuselage module carries only a bit of fuel, but is fitted with a streamlined air intake. It consists of a "bump" and a forward-swept inlet cowl. This eliminates the need for a Splitter plate, while compressing the air to slow it down from supersonic to subsonic speeds. DSIs can be used to replace the intake ramp and inlet cone, which are more complex, heavy and expensive.
		attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0
		mass = 0.17
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.3
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 10
		breakingForce = 50
		breakingTorque = 50
		maxTemp = 2000
		thermalMassModifier = 2.0
		fuelCrossFeed = True
		bulkheadProfiles = size1, srf
		tags = aero (air aircraft airplane breathe fligh fueltank inlet jet oxygen plane propellant suck tank
			model = Squad/Parts/Structural/mk1Parts/IntakeFuselage
			name = ModuleResourceIntake
			resourceName = IntakeAir
			checkForOxygen = true
			area = 0.0061
			intakeSpeed = 12
			intakeTransformName = Intake
				key = 0 0.9 0 0
				key = 1 1 0 0
				key = 1.5 0.95 -0.1608955 -0.1608955
				key = 3 0.6 -0.4034287 -0.4034287
				key = 5 0.01 0 0
			name = IntakeAir
			amount = 2
			maxAmount = 2
			name = LiquidFuel
			amount = 200
			maxAmount = 200
			name = ModuleAnimateHeat
			ThermalAnim = IntakeFuselageHeat
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			stackableQuantity = 1
			packedVolume = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Structural/mk1Parts/mk1Structural.cfg
		name = Mk1FuselageStructural
		module = Part
		author = Porkjet
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.9375, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.9375, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0
		node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, -0.625, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1
		TechRequired = generalConstruction
		entryCost = 2500
		cost = 380
		category = Structural
		subcategory = 0
		title = Structural Fuselage
		manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division
		description = A standard fuselage. Carries no fuel; is there merely as a structural element. As such, it's lighter and more solid due to reinforcements.
		attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0
		mass = 0.1
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.3
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 10
		breakingForce = 50
		breakingTorque = 50
		maxTemp = 2000
		fuelCrossFeed = True
		bulkheadProfiles = size1, srf
		tags = aircraft airplane hollow jet mk1 pipe plane tube
			cube = Default, 2.418281,0.7749683,0.6994118, 2.418281,0.7749683,0.6994118, 1.213026,0.9717144,0.1341177, 1.213026,0.9717144,0.1341177, 2.418281,0.7723047,0.6994124, 2.418281,0.7723256,0.6994124, 0,0,0, 1.25,1.937501,1.250001
			model = Squad/Parts/Structural/mk1Parts/StructuralHollow
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Structural/stackAdapters/adapterLargeSmallBi.cfg
		name = adapterLargeSmallBi
		module = Part
		author = Squad
		rescaleFactor = 1.0
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2
		node_stack_bottom01 = 0.0, -0.75, 0.625, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
		node_stack_bottom02 = 0.0, -0.75, -0.625, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
		TechRequired = metaMaterials
		entryCost = 7800
		cost = 400
		category = Structural
		subcategory = 0
		title = TVR-200L Stack Bi-Adapter
		manufacturer = O.M.B. Demolition Enterprises
		description = After realizing 'larger circles' wasn't a very patentable concept, O.M.B. Enterprises rolled out a new line of ingenious multi-connector adapters to fit Rockomax sized parts. Lawsuit still pending. Converts a single 2.5m stack into two 1.25m stacks.
		attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0
		stackSymmetry = 1
		mass = 0.1
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 12
		maxTemp = 2000
		fuelCrossFeed = True
		bulkheadProfiles = size2, size1
		tags = ?2 adapter (bi dual multi rockomax twin two
			model = Squad/Parts/Structural/stackAdapters/Assets/adapterLargeSmallBi
			texture = stackAdapters_diffuse, Squad/Parts/Structural/stackAdapters/Assets/stackAdapters_diffuse
			texture = stackAdapters_normal, Squad/Parts/Structural/stackAdapters/Assets/stackAdapters_normal
			name = ModulePartVariants
			baseVariant = Dark
			useMultipleDragCubes = false
				name = Dark
				displayName = Dark
				themeName = Dark
				primaryColor = #000000
					shader = KSP/Bumped
					mainTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Structural/stackAdapters/Assets/stackAdapters_diffuse_Dark
					_BumpMap = Squad/Parts/Structural/stackAdapters/Assets/stackAdapters_normal
				name = White
				displayName = White
				themeName = White
				primaryColor = #ffffff
					shader = KSP/Bumped
					mainTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Structural/stackAdapters/Assets/stackAdapters_diffuse
					_BumpMap = Squad/Parts/Structural/stackAdapters/Assets/stackAdapters_normal
				name = Orange
				displayName = Orange
				themeName = Orange
				primaryColor = #f49841
				secondaryColor = #4c4f47
					shader = KSP/Bumped
					mainTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Structural/stackAdapters/Assets/stackAdapters_diffuse_Orange
					_BumpMap = Squad/Parts/Structural/stackAdapters/Assets/stackAdapters_normal_Orange
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Structural/stackAdapters/adapterLargeSmallQuad.cfg
		name = adapterLargeSmallQuad
		module = Part
		author = Squad
		rescaleFactor = 1.0
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2
		node_stack_bottom01 = 0.625, -0.75, 0.625, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
		node_stack_bottom02 = 0.625, -0.75, -0.625, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
		node_stack_bottom03 = -0.625, -0.75, 0.625, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
		node_stack_bottom04 = -0.625, -0.75, -0.625, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
		TechRequired = metaMaterials
		entryCost = 7000
		cost = 800
		category = Structural
		subcategory = 0
		title = TVR-400L Stack Quad-Adapter
		manufacturer = O.M.B. Demolition Enterprises
		description = After realizing 'larger circles' wasn't a very patentable concept, O.M.B. Enterprises rolled out a new line of ingenious multi-connector adapters to fit Rockomax sized parts. Lawsuit still pending. Converts a single 2.5m stack into four 1.25m stacks.
		attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0
		stackSymmetry = 3
		mass = 0.2
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.3
		minimum_drag = 0.3
		angularDrag = 3
		crashTolerance = 12
		maxTemp = 2000
		fuelCrossFeed = True
		bulkheadProfiles = size2, size1
		tags = ?4 adapter four multi (quad rockomax
			model = Squad/Parts/Structural/stackAdapters/Assets/adapterLargeSmallQuad
			texture = stackAdapters_diffuse, Squad/Parts/Structural/stackAdapters/Assets/stackAdapters_diffuse
			texture = stackAdapters_normal, Squad/Parts/Structural/stackAdapters/Assets/stackAdapters_normal
			name = ModulePartVariants
			baseVariant = Dark
			useMultipleDragCubes = false
				name = Dark
				displayName = Dark
				themeName = Dark
				primaryColor = #000000
					shader = KSP/Bumped
					mainTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Structural/stackAdapters/Assets/stackAdapters_diffuse_Dark
					_BumpMap = Squad/Parts/Structural/stackAdapters/Assets/stackAdapters_normal
				name = White
				displayName = White
				themeName = White
				primaryColor = #ffffff
					shader = KSP/Bumped
					mainTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Structural/stackAdapters/Assets/stackAdapters_diffuse
					_BumpMap = Squad/Parts/Structural/stackAdapters/Assets/stackAdapters_normal
				name = Orange
				displayName = Orange
				themeName = Orange
				primaryColor = #f49841
				secondaryColor = #4c4f47
					shader = KSP/Bumped
					mainTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Structural/stackAdapters/Assets/stackAdapters_diffuse_Orange
					_BumpMap = Squad/Parts/Structural/stackAdapters/Assets/stackAdapters_normal_Orange
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Structural/stackAdapters/adapterLargeSmallTri.cfg
		name = adapterLargeSmallTri
		module = Part
		author = Squad
		rescaleFactor = 1.0
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2
		node_stack_bottom01 = 0.0, -0.75, 0.725, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
		node_stack_bottom02 = 0.625, -0.75, -0.3625, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
		node_stack_bottom03 = -0.625, -0.75, -0.3625, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
		TechRequired = metaMaterials
		entryCost = 6400
		cost = 600
		category = Structural
		subcategory = 0
		title = TVR-300L Stack Tri-Adapter
		manufacturer = O.M.B. Demolition Enterprises
		description = After realizing 'larger circles' wasn't a very patentable concept, O.M.B. Enterprises rolled out a new line of ingenious multi-connector adapters to fit Rockomax sized parts. Lawsuit still pending. Converts a single 2.5m stack into three 1.25m stacks.
		attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0
		stackSymmetry = 2
		mass = 0.15
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.25
		minimum_drag = 0.25
		angularDrag = 2.5
		crashTolerance = 12
		maxTemp = 2000
		fuelCrossFeed = True
		bulkheadProfiles = size2, size1
		tags = ?3 adapter multi rockomax three (tri triple
			model = Squad/Parts/Structural/stackAdapters/Assets/adapterLargeSmallTri
			texture = stackAdapters_diffuse, Squad/Parts/Structural/stackAdapters/Assets/stackAdapters_diffuse
			texture = stackAdapters_normal, Squad/Parts/Structural/stackAdapters/Assets/stackAdapters_normal
			name = ModulePartVariants
			baseVariant = Dark
			useMultipleDragCubes = false
				name = Dark
				displayName = Dark
				themeName = Dark
				primaryColor = #000000
					shader = KSP/Bumped
					mainTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Structural/stackAdapters/Assets/stackAdapters_diffuse_Dark
					_BumpMap = Squad/Parts/Structural/stackAdapters/Assets/stackAdapters_normal
				name = White
				displayName = White
				themeName = White
				primaryColor = #ffffff
					shader = KSP/Bumped
					mainTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Structural/stackAdapters/Assets/stackAdapters_diffuse
					_BumpMap = Squad/Parts/Structural/stackAdapters/Assets/stackAdapters_normal
				name = Orange
				displayName = Orange
				themeName = Orange
				primaryColor = #f49841
				secondaryColor = #4c4f47
					shader = KSP/Bumped
					mainTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Structural/stackAdapters/Assets/stackAdapters_diffuse_Orange
					_BumpMap = Squad/Parts/Structural/stackAdapters/Assets/stackAdapters_normal_Orange
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Structural/stationHub/stationHub.cfg
		name = stationHub
		module = Part
		author = NovaSilisko
		mesh =
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_right = 0.9121535, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1
		node_stack_left = -0.9121535, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 1
		node_stack_back = 0, 0, 0.9121535, 0, 0, 1, 1
		node_stack_front = 0, 0,-0.9121535, 0, 0, -1, 1
		node_stack_top = 0, 0.9121535, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1
		node_stack_bottom = 0,-0.9121535, 0, 0, -1, 0, 1
		TechRequired = metaMaterials
		entryCost = 10800
		cost = 900
		category = Structural
		subcategory = 0
		title = Rockomax HubMax Multi-Point Connector
		manufacturer = Rockomax Conglomerate
		description = When it was unveiled at the 3rd annual Rockets & Explosions festival, the HubMax Multi-Point Connector caused several patrons to die of shock on the spot. 'All my life I thought rocket parts could be placed one way - up! But Rockomax today has shattered that notion' said one survivor, who asked to remain anonymous. Needless to say, this part may very well herald a revolution in construction technologies. Docking ports sold separately.
		attachRules = 1,0,1,0,0
		mass = 1.5
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 1
		crashTolerance = 15
		maxTemp = 2000
		bulkheadProfiles = size1
		tags = base build center central connect construct (core hub nexus outpost statio
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			stackableQuantity = 1
			packedVolume = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Structural/structuralIBeam200/structuralIBeam200.cfg
		name = structuralIBeam2
		module = Part
		author = NovaSilisko
		mesh =
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_top = 0, 1.598274, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0
		node_stack_bottom = 0,-1.598274, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0
		node_attach = 0, -1.598274, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0
		TechRequired = composites
		entryCost = 6800
		cost = 25
		category = Structural
		subcategory = 0
		title = M-Beam 200 I-Beam
		manufacturer = Dinkelstein Kerman's Construction Emporium
		description = Handcrafted by Dinkelstein himself, the M-Beam 200 works great for making rockets and skyscrapers alike.
		attachRules = 1,1,1,1,1
		mass = 0.375
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 1
		crashTolerance = 80
		breakingForce = 200
		breakingTorque = 200
		maxTemp = 2000
		fuelCrossFeed = False
		bulkheadProfiles = size0, srf
		tags = beam build connect construct extend fabricate girder structur support
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Structural/structuralIBeam200Pocket/structuralIBeam200Pocket.cfg
		name = structuralIBeam3
		module = Part
		author = NovaSilisko
		mesh =
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_top = 0, 0.8024656, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0
		node_stack_bottom = 0,-0.8024656, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0
		node_attach = 0, -0.8024656, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0
		TechRequired = composites
		entryCost = 6200
		cost = 14
		category = Structural
		subcategory = 0
		title = M-Beam 200 I-Beam Pocket Edition
		manufacturer = Dinkelstein Kerman's Construction Emporium
		description = Handcrafted by Dinkelstein himself, the M-Beam 200 works great for making rockets and skyscrapers alike. This one's half as long as the normal version, for building smaller skyscrapers and/or rockets.
		attachRules = 1,1,1,1,1
		mass = 0.1875
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 1
		crashTolerance = 80
		breakingForce = 200
		breakingTorque = 200
		maxTemp = 2000
		fuelCrossFeed = False
		bulkheadProfiles = size0, srf
		tags = beam build connect construct extend fabricate girder structur support
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 110
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Structural/structuralIBeam650/structuralIBeam650.cfg
		name = structuralIBeam1
		module = Part
		author = NovaSilisko
		mesh =
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_top = 0, 0.5286794, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0
		node_stack_bottom = 0,-0.5286794, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0
		node_attach = 0.2711147, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0
		TechRequired = composites
		entryCost = 7800
		cost = 50
		category = Structural
		subcategory = 0
		title = M-Beam 650 I-Beam
		manufacturer = Dinkelstein Kerman's Construction Emporium
		description = A wide, upscaled version of the M-Beam 200 I-Beam. Dinkelstein loves variety, man.
		attachRules = 1,1,1,1,1
		mass = 0.08
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 1
		crashTolerance = 80
		breakingForce = 200
		breakingTorque = 200
		maxTemp = 2000
		fuelCrossFeed = False
		bulkheadProfiles = size0, srf
		tags = beam build connect construct extend fabricate girder structur support
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 140
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Structural/structuralMicronode/structuralMicronode.cfg
		name = structuralMiniNode
		module = Part
		author = NovaSilisko
		mesh =
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_right = 0.1823258, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0
		node_stack_left = -0.1823258, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0
		node_stack_back = 0, 0, 0.1823258, 0, 0, 1, 0
		node_stack_front = 0, 0,-0.1823258, 0, 0, -1, 0
		node_stack_top = 0, 0.1823258, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0
		node_stack_bottom = 0,-0.1823258, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0
		TechRequired = precisionEngineering
		entryCost = 9800
		cost = 25
		category = Structural
		subcategory = 0
		title = The Not-Rockomax Micronode
		manufacturer = Dinkelstein Kerman's Construction Emporium
		description = Dinkelstein Kerman's Construction Emporium vehemently denies any and all accusations of industrial espionage arising from similarities between this product and a product-which-will-not-be-named from Rockomax Brand.
		attachRules = 1,0,1,0,0
		mass = 0.15
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 1
		crashTolerance = 15
		maxTemp = 2000
		bulkheadProfiles = size0
		tags = build center central connect construct (core extend fabricate hub nexus node structur support
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 55
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Structural/structuralPanel1x1/structuralPanel1x1.cfg
		name = structuralPanel1
		module = Part
		author = NovaSilisko
		mesh =
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_top = 0, 0.0275, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0
		node_stack_bottom = 0,-0.0275, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0
		node_attach = -0.5, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0
		TechRequired = composites
		entryCost = 7200
		cost = 30
		category = Structural
		subcategory = 0
		title = M-1x1 Structural Panel
		manufacturer = Dinkelstein Kerman's Construction Emporium
		description = A sturdy metal plate, perfect for constructing all sorts of things.
		attachRules = 1,1,1,1,1
		mass = 0.075
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 1
		crashTolerance = 80
		breakingForce = 200
		breakingTorque = 200
		maxTemp = 2000
		fuelCrossFeed = False
		bulkheadProfiles = size0, srf
		tags = body build construct cover extend fabricate plat structur support
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 80
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Structural/structuralPanel2x2/structuralPanel2x2.cfg
		name = structuralPanel2
		module = Part
		author = NovaSilisko
		mesh =
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_top = 0, 0.0275, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0
		node_stack_bottom = 0,-0.0275, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0
		node_attach = -1, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0
		TechRequired = composites
		entryCost = 9800
		cost = 90
		category = Structural
		subcategory = 0
		title = M-2x2 Structural Panel
		manufacturer = Dinkelstein Kerman's Construction Emporium
		description = Four M-1x1 have been arranged in a 2x2 layout for this part, then stuck together with super glue.
		attachRules = 1,1,1,1,1
		mass = 0.3
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 1
		crashTolerance = 80
		breakingForce = 200
		breakingTorque = 200
		maxTemp = 2000
		fuelCrossFeed = False
		bulkheadProfiles = size0, srf
		tags = body build construct cover extend fabricate plat structur support
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 240
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Structural/structuralPylons/smallHardpoint.cfg
		name = smallHardpoint
		module = Part
		author = Porkjet
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0
		fx_gasBurst_white = -0.0, 0.0, -0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0.0, decouple
		sound_vent_large = decouple
		TechRequired = advAerodynamics
		entryCost = 6800
		cost = 60
		category = Structural
		subcategory = 0
		title = Small Hardpoint
		manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division
		description = A structural Pylon for engine Support. Designed to fit against fuselages, and hull bodies. This is the small variant, mostly for use with the smaller engines. Comes Equipped with emergency bolts to separate jet engines in the event of fire or catastrophic failure. (Not covered by warranty)
		attachRules = 0,1,0,1,0
		mass = 0.05
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 1
		crashTolerance = 20
		maxTemp = 2000
		fuelCrossFeed = False
		stagingIcon = DECOUPLER_HOR
		stageOffset = 1
		childStageOffset = 1
		bulkheadProfiles = srf
		tags = connect decouple hard point pylon separat stag structur
			model = Squad/Parts/Structural/structuralPylons/PylonSmall
			name = ModuleDecouple
			ejectionForce = 60
			explosiveNodeID = srf
			name = ModuleToggleCrossfeed
			crossfeedStatus = false
			toggleEditor = true
			toggleFlight = true
			name = ModuleTestSubject
			useStaging = True
			useEvent = False
			situationMask = 127
				value = ALWAYS
				prestige = Trivial
				prestige = Significant
				value = ONCEPERPART
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = GT
				value = 0
				situationMask = 8
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 4000
				prestige = Trivial
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 8000
				prestige = Trivial
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 2000
				prestige = Significant
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 4000
				prestige = Significant
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 1000
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 2000
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = SPEED
				test = LT
				value = 2000
				situationMask = 8
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = LT
				value = 300000
				situationMask = 16
				body = _NotSun
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = LT
				value = 600000
				situationMask = 32
				body = _NotSun
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			stackableQuantity = 1
			packedVolume = 400
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Structural/structuralPylons/structuralPylon.cfg
		name = structuralPylon
		module = Part
		author = Porkjet
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0
		fx_gasBurst_white = -0.0, 0.0, -0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0.0, decouple
		sound_vent_large = decouple
		TechRequired = highAltitudeFlight
		entryCost = 6800
		cost = 125
		category = Structural
		subcategory = 0
		title = Structural Pylon
		manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division
		description = A structural Pylon for engine Support. Designed to fit against fuselages, and hull bodies. Comes Equipped with emergency bolts to separate jet engines in the event of fire or catastrophic failure. (Not covered by warranty)
		attachRules = 0,1,0,1,0
		mass = 0.2
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 1
		crashTolerance = 70
		maxTemp = 2000
		fuelCrossFeed = False
		stagingIcon = DECOUPLER_HOR
		stageOffset = 1
		childStageOffset = 1
		bulkheadProfiles = srf
		tags = connect decouple hard point separat stag structur
			model = Squad/Parts/Structural/structuralPylons/PylonBig
			name = ModuleDecouple
			ejectionForce = 250
			explosiveNodeID = srf
			name = ModuleToggleCrossfeed
			crossfeedStatus = false
			toggleEditor = true
			toggleFlight = true
			name = ModuleTestSubject
			useStaging = True
			useEvent = False
			situationMask = 127
				value = ALWAYS
				prestige = Trivial
				prestige = Significant
				value = ONCEPERPART
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = GT
				value = 0
				situationMask = 8
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 4000
				prestige = Trivial
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 8000
				prestige = Trivial
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 2000
				prestige = Significant
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 4000
				prestige = Significant
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 1000
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 2000
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = SPEED
				test = LT
				value = 2000
				situationMask = 8
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = LT
				value = 300000
				situationMask = 16
				body = _NotSun
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = LT
				value = 600000
				situationMask = 32
				body = _NotSun
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Structural/strutCubicOcto/strutCubicOcto.cfg
		name = strutCube
		module = Part
		author = NovaSilisko
		mesh =
		scale = 1
		rescaleFactor = 1
		PhysicsSignificance = 1
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.1287344, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.1287344, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0
		node_attach = 0.0, -0.1287344, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0
		TechRequired = precisionEngineering
		entryCost = 5800
		cost = 16
		category = Structural
		subcategory = 0
		title = Cubic Octagonal Strut
		manufacturer = StrutCo
		description = Now, with advances in technology, StrutCo brings you the Cubic Octagonal Strut - it's like a regular Octagonal Strut, but in the shape of a cube!
		attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0
		mass = 0.001
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 7
		maxTemp = 2000
		bulkheadProfiles = size0, srf
		tags = connect cube frame girder scaffold structur truss
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			stackableQuantity = 3
			packedVolume = 14
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Structural/strutOcto/strutOcto.cfg
		name = strutOcto
		module = Part
		author = NovaSilisko
		mesh =
		scale = 1
		rescaleFactor = 1
		PhysicsSignificance = 1
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.1287344, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.1287344, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0
		node_attach = 0.28, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0
		TechRequired = precisionEngineering
		entryCost = 6400
		cost = 20
		category = Structural
		subcategory = 0
		title = Octagonal Strut
		manufacturer = StrutCo
		description = StrutCo presents: Octagonal struts! Use them to mount stop signs or octopi.
		attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0
		mass = 0.001
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 7
		maxTemp = 2000
		bulkheadProfiles = size0
		tags = connect frame girder scaffold structur truss
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 90
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Structural/trussGirderAdapter/trussGirderAdapter.cfg
		name = trussAdapter
		module = Part
		author = NovaSilisko
		mesh =
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.4108305, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.6493708, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1
		TechRequired = specializedConstruction
		entryCost = 4800
		cost = 50
		category = Structural
		subcategory = 0
		title = Modular Girder Adapter
		manufacturer = Maxo Construction Toys
		description = This piece allows you to attach Modular Girder parts to standard 1.25m attachment points.
		attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0
		mass = 0.25
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 1
		crashTolerance = 80
		breakingForce = 200
		breakingTorque = 200
		maxTemp = 2000
		bulkheadProfiles = size1
		tags = connect frame scaffold structur strut truss
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 1700
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Structural/trussGirderL/trussGirderL.cfg
		name = trussPiece1x
		module = Part
		author = NovaSilisko
		mesh =
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.5592728, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.5592728, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1
		node_attach = 0.0, -0.5592728, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0
		TechRequired = start
		entryCost = 0
		cost = 25
		category = Structural
		subcategory = 0
		title = Modular Girder Segment
		manufacturer = Maxo Construction Toys
		description = New! Build the structure of your dreams with the Maxo Construction Toys Modular Girder Segment!
		attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0
		mass = 0.125
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 1
		crashTolerance = 80
		breakingForce = 200
		breakingTorque = 200
		maxTemp = 2000
		bulkheadProfiles = size0, srf
		tags = connect frame scaffold structur strut truss
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 475
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Structural/trussGirderXL/trussGirderXL.cfg
		name = trussPiece3x
		module = Part
		author = NovaSilisko
		mesh =
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -1.475238, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 1.475238, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1
		node_attach = 0.0, -1.475238, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0
		TechRequired = advMetalworks
		entryCost = 7800
		cost = 75
		category = Structural
		subcategory = 0
		title = Modular Girder Segment XL
		manufacturer = Maxo Construction Toys
		description = Now even bigger! Build larger structures of larger dreams!
		attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0
		mass = 0.375
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 1
		crashTolerance = 80
		breakingForce = 200
		breakingTorque = 200
		maxTemp = 2000
		bulkheadProfiles = size0, srf
		tags = connect frame scaffold structur strut truss
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Thermal/FoldingRadiators/foldingRadLarge.cfg
		name = foldingRadLarge
		module = Part
		author = RoverDude
		rescaleFactor = 1.0
		node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 0.1, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0
		TechRequired = largeElectrics
		manufacturer = Probodobodyne Inc
		entryCost = 45000
		cost = 9000
		category = Thermal
		subcategory = 0
		title = Thermal Control System (large)
		description = A deployable thermal control system consisting of multiple liquid cooled radiator panels.
		attachRules = 0,1,0,1,1
		mass = 1.0
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 12
		maxTemp = 2500
		bulkheadProfiles = srf
		tags = cool deploy extend fold heat moderat panel radiat retract temperat therm unfold
		emissiveConstant = 0.90
		heatConductivity = 0.001
		skinInternalConductionMult = 2000
		radiatorHeadroom = 0.75
		thermalMassModifier = 2.5
			model = Squad/Parts/Thermal/FoldingRadiators/foldingRadLarge
			cube = RETRACTED, 2.072776,0.7791121,1.370614, 2.072776,0.8123366,0.7502928, 0.5253184,0.8453538,3.523628, 0.5253184,0.844497,3.523628, 9.016189,0.9778358,0.5536241, 9.016189,0.9845236,0.1705935, 0.001803756,0.1465573,-0.09002608, 1.306493,6.875002,0.6207799
			cube = EXTENDED_A, 0.9376047,0.9053465,3.495883, 0.9759613,0.900077,3.495883, 64.24188,0.9790018,0.6917648, 64.04037,0.978825,0.7105883, 2.343232,0.5998105,4.789254, 2.343232,0.419042,9.578507, 0.1465569,0,-4.604071, 6.875001,1,9.648869
			cube = EXTENDED_B, 64.24188,0.9790018,0.6917648, 64.04037,0.978825,0.7105883, 0.9376047,0.9053465,3.495883, 0.9759613,0.900077,3.495883, 2.343232,0.5998105,4.789254, 2.343232,0.419042,9.578507, 0,0.1465569,-4.604071, 1,6.875001,9.648869
			name = ModuleDeployableRadiator
			animationName = Deploy
			showStatus = false
			retractable = true
			pivotName = Pivot
			raycastTransformName = Panel_006
			windResistance = 2.5
			trackingSpeed = 0.1
			sunAlignmentOffset = 0
			extendActionName = Extend <<1>>
			retractActionName = Retract <<1>>
			extendpanelsActionName = Toggle <<1>>
			name = ModuleActiveRadiator
			maxEnergyTransfer = 50000
			overcoolFactor = 0.25
			isCoreRadiator = true
				name = ElectricCharge
				rate = 0.5
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Thermal/FoldingRadiators/foldingRadMed.cfg
		name = foldingRadMed
		module = Part
		author = RoverDude
		rescaleFactor = 1.0
		node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 0.1, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0
		TechRequired = advElectrics
		manufacturer = Probodobodyne Inc
		entryCost = 11000
		cost = 2250
		category = Thermal
		subcategory = 0
		title = Thermal Control System (medium)
		description = A deployable thermal control system consisting of multiple liquid cooled radiator panels.
		attachRules = 0,1,0,1,1
		mass = 0.25
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 12
		maxTemp = 2500
		bulkheadProfiles = srf
		tags = cool deploy extend fold heat moderat panel radiat retract temperat therm unfold
		emissiveConstant = 0.90
		heatConductivity = 0.001
		skinInternalConductionMult = 2000
		radiatorHeadroom = 0.75
		thermalMassModifier = 2.5
			model = Squad/Parts/Thermal/FoldingRadiators/foldingRadMed
			cube = RETRACTED, 0.5192981,0.7096822,1.118234, 0.5192981,0.7819771,0.620156, 0.3396488,0.8477063,1.045883, 0.3396488,0.8469207,1.045883, 1.982523,0.9739013,0.5053937, 1.982523,0.9804612,0.1584477, 0.001443088,0.1465575,-0.07202077, 1.045195,1.900001,0.4966237
			cube = EXTENDED_A, 0.6018811,0.9094176,1.029413, 0.6264298,0.9040553,1.029413, 14.1942,0.9767424,0.572549, 14.16694,0.976527,0.5882353, 0.6583067,0.7167498,6.832162, 0.6583067,0.4925733,7.670654, 0.1465572,0,-3.683257, 1.9,0.8,7.719097
			cube = EXTENDED_B, 14.1942,0.9767424,0.572549, 14.16694,0.976527,0.5882353, 0.6018811,0.9094176,1.029413, 0.6264298,0.9040553,1.029413, 0.6583067,0.7167498,6.832162, 0.6583067,0.4925733,7.670654, 0,0.1465572,-3.683257, 0.8,1.900002,7.719097
			name = ModuleDeployableRadiator
			animationName = Deploy
			showStatus = false
			retractable = true
			pivotName = Pivot
			raycastTransformName = Panel_006
			windResistance = 2.5
			trackingSpeed = 0.1
			sunAlignmentOffset = 0
			extendActionName = Extend <<1>>
			retractActionName = Retract <<1>>
			extendpanelsActionName = Toggle <<1>>
			name = ModuleActiveRadiator
			maxEnergyTransfer = 12500
			overcoolFactor = 0.25
			isCoreRadiator = true
				name = ElectricCharge
				rate = 0.125
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 1000
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Thermal/FoldingRadiators/foldingRadSmall.cfg
		name = foldingRadSmall
		module = Part
		author = RoverDude
		rescaleFactor = 1.0
		node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 0.05, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0
		TechRequired = electrics
		manufacturer = Probodobodyne Inc
		entryCost = 2200
		cost = 450
		category = Thermal
		subcategory = 0
		title = Thermal Control System (small)
		description = A deployable thermal control system consisting of multiple liquid cooled radiator panels.
		attachRules = 0,1,0,1,1
		mass = 0.05
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 12
		maxTemp = 2500
		bulkheadProfiles = srf
		tags = cool deploy extend fold heat moderat panel radiat retract temperat therm unfold
		emissiveConstant = 0.90
		heatConductivity = 0.001
		skinInternalConductionMult = 2000
		radiatorHeadroom = 0.75
		thermalMassModifier = 2.5
			model = Squad/Parts/Thermal/FoldingRadiators/foldingRadSmall
			cube = RETRACTED, 0.09925009,0.7148322,0.606414, 0.09925009,0.7667848,0.3598812, 0.0849122,0.8477063,0.3976844, 0.0849122,0.8469207,0.3976844, 0.3111984,0.9749166,0.3129396, 0.3111984,0.9773397,0.1564698, 0.0007213354,0.07239904,-0.03601015, 0.5225962,0.5985002,0.2483123
			cube = EXTENDED_A, 0.1504708,0.9094176,0.3882905, 0.156608,0.9040553,0.3882905, 2.212539,0.9733801,0.3364706, 2.210721,0.9729113,0.3435294, 0.1230391,0.8568926,3.470517, 0.1230391,0.5536655,3.884432, 0.07239889,0,-1.841629, 0.5985006,0.4,3.85955
			cube = EXTENDED_B, 2.212539,0.9733801,0.3364706, 2.210721,0.9729113,0.3435294, 0.1504708,0.9094176,0.3882905, 0.156608,0.9040553,0.3882905, 0.1230391,0.8568926,3.470517, 0.1230391,0.5536655,3.884432, 0,0.07239889,-1.841629, 0.4,0.5985006,3.85955
			name = ModuleDeployableRadiator
			animationName = Deploy
			showStatus = false
			retractable = true
			pivotName = Pivot
			raycastTransformName = Panel_006
			windResistance = 2.5
			trackingSpeed = 0.1
			sunAlignmentOffset = 0
			extendActionName = Extend <<1>>
			retractActionName = Retract <<1>>
			extendpanelsActionName = Toggle <<1>>
			name = ModuleActiveRadiator
			maxEnergyTransfer = 2500
			overcoolFactor = 0.25
			isCoreRadiator = true
				name = ElectricCharge
				rate = 0.025
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 75
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Thermal/RadiatorPanels/radPanelEdge.cfg
		name = radPanelEdge
		module = Part
		author = RoverDude
		rescaleFactor = 1.0
		node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, -0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0
		TechRequired = basicScience
		entryCost = 2200
		cost = 450
		category = Thermal
		manufacturer = Probodobodyne Inc
		subcategory = 0
		title = Radiator Panel (edge)
		description = A radially attachable radiator panel to help dissipate heat into space.
		attachRules = 0,1,0,1,1
		mass = 0.03
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 12
		maxTemp = 2500
		bulkheadProfiles = srf
		tags = cool fixed heat moderat radiat static temperat therm
		emissiveConstant = 0.90
		heatConductivity = 0.001
		thermalMassModifier = 5
		radiatorHeadroom = 0.75
		skinInternalConductionMult = 2000
			model = Squad/Parts/Thermal/RadiatorPanels/radPanelEdge
			name = ModuleActiveRadiator
			maxEnergyTransfer = 7500
			overcoolFactor = 0.25
			isCoreRadiator = true
			parentCoolingOnly = true
				name = ElectricCharge
				rate = 0.025
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 75
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Thermal/RadiatorPanels/radPanelLg.cfg
		name = radPanelLg
		module = Part
		author = RoverDude
		rescaleFactor = 1.0
		node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, -0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0
		TechRequired = basicScience
		entryCost = 2200
		cost = 450
		category = Thermal
		manufacturer = Probodobodyne Inc
		subcategory = 0
		title = Radiator Panel (large)
		description = A radially attachable radiator panel to help dissipate heat into space.
		attachRules = 0,1,0,1,1
		mass = 0.05
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 12
		maxTemp = 2500
		bulkheadProfiles = srf
		tags = cool fixed heat moderat radiat static temperat therm
		emissiveConstant = 0.90
		heatConductivity = 0.001
		thermalMassModifier = 5
		radiatorHeadroom = 0.75
		skinInternalConductionMult = 2000
			model = Squad/Parts/Thermal/RadiatorPanels/radPanelLg
			name = ModuleActiveRadiator
			maxEnergyTransfer = 10000
			overcoolFactor = 0.25
			isCoreRadiator = true
			parentCoolingOnly = true
				name = ElectricCharge
				rate = 0.025
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 250
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Thermal/RadiatorPanels/radPanelSm.cfg
		name = radPanelSm
		module = Part
		author = RoverDude
		rescaleFactor = 1.0
		node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, -0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0
		TechRequired = survivability
		manufacturer = Probodobodyne Inc
		entryCost = 1500
		cost = 150
		category = Thermal
		subcategory = 0
		title = Radiator Panel (small)
		description = A radially attachable radiator panel to help dissipate heat into space.
		attachRules = 0,1,0,1,1
		mass = 0.01
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 12
		maxTemp = 2500
		bulkheadProfiles = srf
		tags = cool fixed heat moderat radiat static temperat therm
		emissiveConstant = 0.90
		heatConductivity = 0.001
		thermalMassModifier = 5
		radiatorHeadroom = 0.75
		skinInternalConductionMult = 2000
			model = Squad/Parts/Thermal/RadiatorPanels/radPanelSm
			name = ModuleActiveRadiator
			maxEnergyTransfer = 2500
			overcoolFactor = 0.25
			isCoreRadiator = true
			parentCoolingOnly = true
				name = ElectricCharge
				rate = 0.025
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 180
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Utility/DirectAntennas/C16S.cfg
		name = SurfAntenna
		module = Part
		author = Squad
		rescaleFactor = 1.0
		node_attach = 0.0, -.05, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0
		TechRequired = engineering101
		entryCost = 750
		cost = 300
		category = Communication
		subcategory = 0
		title = Communotron 16-S
		manufacturer = Ionic Symphonic Protonic Electronics
		description = A Surface mount version of the Communotron-16
		attachRules = 0,1,0,0,0
		mass = 0.015
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 7
		maxTemp = 2000
		PhysicsSignificance = 1
		bulkheadProfiles = srf
		tags = aerial antenna radio signal transmi
			model = Squad/Parts/Utility/DirectAntennas/SurfAntenna
			name = ModuleDataTransmitter
			antennaType = DIRECT
			packetInterval = 0.6
			packetSize = 2
			packetResourceCost = 12.0
			requiredResource = ElectricCharge
			antennaPower = 500000
			antennaCombinable = False
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			stackableQuantity = 4
			packedVolume = 5
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Utility/DirectAntennas/HG-5.cfg
		name = HighGainAntenna5
		module = Part
		author = Squad
		rescaleFactor = 1.0
		node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0
		TechRequired = basicScience
		TechHidden = true
		entryCost = 0
		cost = 600
		category = none
		subcategory = 0
		title = HG-5 High Gain Antenna
		manufacturer = Ionic Symphonic Protonic Electronics
		description = A short range dual purpose communications antenna that can handle either direct communications or short range relays
		attachRules = 1,1,0,0,0
		mass = 0.07
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 1
		crashTolerance = 8
		maxTemp = 2000
		vesselType = Relay
		bulkheadProfiles = srf
			model = Squad/Parts/Utility/DirectAntennas/HGAntenna
			name = ModuleDeployableAntenna
			showStatus = false
			isTracking = false
			pivotName = Rod
			windResistance = 1
			animationName = Extend
			extendActionName = Extend <<1>>
			retractActionName = Retract <<1>>
			extendpanelsActionName = Toggle <<1>>
			name = ModuleDataTransmitter
			antennaType = RELAY
			packetInterval = 0.35
			packetSize = 2
			packetResourceCost = 18.0
			requiredResource = ElectricCharge
			DeployFxModules = 0
			antennaPower = 5000000
			antennaCombinable = True
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 60
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Utility/DirectAntennas/HG-5_v2.cfg
		name = HighGainAntenna5_v2
		module = Part
		author = Squad
		rescaleFactor = 1.0
		node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0
		TechRequired = basicScience
		entryCost = 1500
		cost = 600
		category = Communication
		subcategory = 0
		title = HG-5 High Gain Antenna
		manufacturer = Ionic Symphonic Protonic Electronics
		description = A short range dual purpose communications antenna that can handle either direct communications or short range relays
		attachRules = 1,1,0,0,0
		mass = 0.07
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 1
		crashTolerance = 8
		maxTemp = 2000
		vesselType = Relay
		bulkheadProfiles = srf
			model = Squad/Parts/Utility/DirectAntennas/HGAntenna_v2
			name = ModuleDeployableAntenna
			showStatus = false
			isTracking = false
			pivotName = Rod
			windResistance = 1
			animationName = Extend
			extendActionName = Extend <<1>>
			retractActionName = Retract <<1>>
			extendpanelsActionName = Toggle <<1>>
			name = ModuleDataTransmitter
			antennaType = RELAY
			packetInterval = 0.35
			packetSize = 2
			packetResourceCost = 18.0
			requiredResource = ElectricCharge
			DeployFxModules = 0
			antennaPower = 5000000
			antennaCombinable = True
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 60
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Utility/Fireworks/fireworksLauncherBig.cfg
		name = fireworksLauncherBig
		module = Part
		author = Squad
		node_attach = 0.0, -0.208533, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.175, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
		rescaleFactor = 1.0
		TechRequired = advRocketry
		entryCost = 50
		cost = 200
		category = Utility
		subcategory = 0
		title = Starshot-32
		manufacturer = Reaction Systems Ltd
		description = Jebediah Kerman eats danger for breakfast, lunch, and dinner at his day job as the KSC resident daredevil pilot. But what does he do when he wants to relax on the weekends? He fills firework canisters at his state of the art junkyard facility.\n\nThe Starshot-32 is a large firework launcher, if this one goes off at the wrong time you may be looking for more than just a refund.
		attachRules = 1,1,0,1,0
		mass = 0.03
		dragModelType = default
		crashTolerance = 6
		maxTemp = 1200
		PhysicsSignificance = 1
		bulkheadProfiles = srf
		tags = firework fire
			model = Squad/Parts/Utility/Fireworks/Assets/fireworksLauncherBig
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 400
			stackableQuantity = 4
			name = ModulePartFirework
			shellMass = 6
			maxShots = 32
					channel = Ship
					clip = Squad/Sounds/fireworks_whistle.wav
					maxVolumeDistance = 150
					channel = Ship
					clip = Squad/Sounds/fireworks_launch_boom.wav
					maxVolumeDistance = 150
					channel = Ship
					clip = Squad/Sounds/fireworks_explosion_2.wav
					maxVolumeDistance = 150
					channel = Ship
					clip = Squad/Sounds/fireworks_explosion_3.wav
					maxVolumeDistance = 150
					channel = Ship
					clip = Squad/Sounds/fireworks_explosion_4.wav
					maxVolumeDistance = 150
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Utility/Fireworks/fireworksLauncherSmall.cfg
		name = fireworksLauncherSmall
		module = Part
		author = Squad
		node_attach = 0.0, -0.177368, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.175, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0
		rescaleFactor = 1.0
		TechRequired = advRocketry
		entryCost = 400
		cost = 15
		category = Utility
		subcategory = 0
		title = Starshot-8
		manufacturer = Reaction Systems Ltd
		description = Jebediah Kerman eats danger for breakfast, lunch, and dinner at his day job as the KSC resident daredevil pilot. But what does he do when he wants to relax on the weekends? He fills firework canisters at his state of the art junkyard facility.\n\nThe Starshot-8 has enough fireworks for a quickshow - or you can set up an array of them to really rival the big bangs on the launchpad. Guaranteed to go off when you want them to or the next one is half off.
		attachRules = 1,1,0,1,0
		mass = 0.00125
		dragModelType = default
		crashTolerance = 12
		maxTemp = 1500
		PhysicsSignificance = 1
		bulkheadProfiles = srf
		tags = firework fire
			model = Squad/Parts/Utility/Fireworks/Assets/fireworksLauncherSmall
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 100
			stackableQuantity = 4
			name = ModulePartFirework
			shellMass = 6
			maxShots = 8
					channel = Ship
					clip = Squad/Sounds/fireworks_whistle.wav
					maxVolumeDistance = 150
					channel = Ship
					clip = Squad/Sounds/fireworks_launch_boom.wav
					maxVolumeDistance = 150
					channel = Ship
					clip = Squad/Sounds/fireworks_explosion_2.wav
					maxVolumeDistance = 150
					channel = Ship
					clip = Squad/Sounds/fireworks_explosion_3.wav
					maxVolumeDistance = 150
					channel = Ship
					clip = Squad/Sounds/fireworks_explosion_4.wav
					maxVolumeDistance = 150
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Utility/GrapplingDevice/part.cfg
		name = GrapplingDevice
		module = Part
		author = Squad
		mesh =
		scale = 1
		node_stack_top = 0.0, -0.1126614, 0.00, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
		node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 0.00, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
		TechRequired = actuators
		entryCost = 5200
		cost = 450
		category = Coupling
		subcategory = 0
		title = Advanced Grabbing Unit
		manufacturer = Kerbal Motion LLC
		description = Kerbal Motion engineers have long struggled with the problem of how to extract dropped tools from complicated machinery. After observing an intern cleaning out his shoes by turning them upside and shaking them inside the lab, our team was hit with a stroke of inspiration! Why not turn the rocket parts upside down and shake them? The grabbing arm perfectly filled this niche, and is quite capable of lifting heavy machinery. It has since found other uses, besides delicate tool extraction operations. AKA "The Klaw!"
		attachRules = 1,1,0,0,0
		mass = 0.075
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.3
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 1
		maxTemp = 2000
		fuelCrossFeed = False
		crashTolerance = 50
		breakingForce = 50
		breakingTorque = 50
		bulkheadProfiles = size1, srf
		tags = a.r.m arm asteroid capture clam claw connect dock fasten grab join klaw nasa
			name = ModuleGrappleNode
			nodeTransformName = ArticulatedCap
			deployAnimationController = 1
			nodeType = size1
			captureRange = 0.1
			captureMinFwdDot = 0.733
			captureMaxRvel = 1
			name = ModuleAnimateGeneric
			animationName = Deploy
			startEventGUIName = Arm
			endEventGUIName = Disarm
			actionGUIName = Toggle Arming
			name = FXModuleLookAtConstraint
				rotatorsName = Piston1
				targetName = Sleeve1
				rotatorsName = Sleeve1
				targetName = Mounting1
				rotatorsName = Piston2
				targetName = Sleeve2
				rotatorsName = Sleeve2
				targetName = Mounting2
				rotatorsName = Piston3
				targetName = Sleeve3
				rotatorsName = Sleeve3
				targetName = Mounting3
				rotatorsName = Piston4
				targetName = Sleeve4
				rotatorsName = Sleeve4
				targetName = Mounting4
				rotatorsName = BaseSleeve1
				targetName = MainSleeveLookTarget
			name = FlagDecal
			textureQuadName = flagTransform
			name = ModulePartVariants
			primaryColor = #000000
			secondaryColor = #ffffff
			baseDisplayName = Black and White
			baseThemeName = BlackAndWhite
			useMultipleDragCubes = false
				name = Dark
				displayName = Dark
				themeName = Dark
				primaryColor = #000000
					mainTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Utility/GrapplingDevice/grabberDiffuse_dark
					_BumpMap = Squad/Parts/Utility/GrapplingDevice/grabberNRM
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			stackableQuantity = 1
			packedVolume = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Utility/Lights/domeLight1.cfg
		name = domeLight1
		module = Part
		author = Squad
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0
		TechRequired = electrics
		entryCost = 700
		cost = 50
		category = Utility
		subcategory = 0
		title = Domelight Mk1
		manufacturer = Rokea Inc
		description = This dome light is great for illuminating a small area around your craft and can be spotted from far away.
		attachRules = 0,1,0,0,0
		mass = 0.002
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 1
		crashTolerance = 8
		maxTemp = 2000
		PhysicsSignificance = 1
		bulkheadProfiles = srf
		tags = moar (more bulb candle dark flash (lamp (light shine spot torch
			model = Squad/Parts/Utility/Lights/Assets/light_04
			name = ModuleLight
			lightName = spotlight
			lightMeshRendererName = light_04
			useAnimationDim = true
			lightBrightenSpeed = 2.5
			lightDimSpeed = 2.5
			resourceAmount = 0.005
			animationName = LightAnimation
			useResources = true
			canBlink = true
			blinkhMin = 0.2
			blinkMax = 2
			disableColorPicker = false
			name = ModulePartVariants
			primaryColor = #000000
			secondaryColor = #000000
			baseDisplayName = Dark
			baseThemeName = Dark
			useMultipleDragCubes = false
				name = White
				displayName = White
				themeName = White
				primaryColor = #ffffff
				secondaryColor = #ffffff
					mainTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Utility/Lights/Assets/Lights_Attacheable_Lights_Diffuse_white
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			stackableQuantity = 4
			packedVolume = 2
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Utility/Lights/groundLight1.cfg
		name = groundLight1
		module = Part
		author = Squad
		rescaleFactor = 1
		CoMOffset = 0, 0.16, -0.01
		CoLOffset = 0, 0.16, -0.01
		CoPOffset = 0, 0.16, -0.01
		TechRequired = spaceExploration
		entryCost = 500
		cost = 25
		category = Cargo
		subcategory = 0
		title = Work Lamp (Small)
		manufacturer = Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spacecraft Parts Co
		description = Deploying sensitive science equipment or effecting repairs during a long Munar night can lead to damage of sensitive and expensive equipment.\n\nUse this heavy duty part to shed some light on the problem!
		attachRules = 0,0,0,0,0
		mass = 0.002
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 1
		crashTolerance = 12
		maxTemp = 1200
		PhysicsSignificance = 1
		tags = moar (more bulb candle dark flash (lamp (light shine spot torch deployable
			model = Squad/Parts/Utility/Lights/Assets/light_12
			name = ModuleLight
			lightName = spotlight
			lightMeshRendererName = Lamp
			useAnimationDim = true
			lightBrightenSpeed = 2.5
			lightDimSpeed = 2.5
			animationName = LightAnimation
			movementRotateTransformName = light_12.002
			canRotate = true
			rotateAxisName = Y
			movementPitchTransformName = Lamp
			canPitch = true
			pitchAxisName = X
			rotateMin = 0
			rotateMax = 360
			pitchMin = -20
			pitchMax = 30
			canBlink = true
			blinkMin = 0.2
			blinkMax = 2
			disableColorPicker = false
			name = ModuleGroundPart
			packedVolume = 20
			stackableQuantity = 2
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Utility/Lights/groundLight2.cfg
		name = groundLight2
		module = Part
		author = Squad
		rescaleFactor = 1
		CoMOffset = 0, 0.7, -0.04
		CoLOffset = 0, 0.7, -0.04
		CoPOffset = 0, 0.7, -0.04
		TechRequired = spaceExploration
		entryCost = 700
		cost = 35
		category = Cargo
		subcategory = 0
		title = Work Lamp (Stand)
		manufacturer = Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spacecraft Parts Co
		description = When you're setting up your off-world base, make sure you've scouted it properly with this deployable light stand.
		attachRules = 0,0,0,0,0
		mass = 0.003
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 1
		crashTolerance = 12
		maxTemp = 1200
		PhysicsSignificance = 1
		tags = moar (more bulb candle dark flash (lamp (light shine spot torch deployable
			model = Squad/Parts/Utility/Lights/Assets/light_07
			name = ModuleLight
			lightName = spotlight
			lightMeshRendererName = Lamp
			useAnimationDim = true
			lightBrightenSpeed = 2.5
			lightDimSpeed = 2.5
			animationName = LightAnimation
			movementTransformName = Lamp
			canRotate = true
			rotateAxisName = Y
			canPitch = true
			pitchAxisName = X
			rotateMin = 0
			rotateMax = 360
			pitchMin = -45
			pitchMax = 45
			canBlink = true
			blinkMin = 0.2
			blinkMax = 2
			disableColorPicker = false
			name = ModuleGroundPart
			packedVolume = 40
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Utility/Lights/navLight1.cfg
		name = navLight1
		module = Part
		author = Squad
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0
		TechRequired = aviation
		entryCost = 750
		cost = 40
		category = Utility
		subcategory = 0
		title = Navigation Light Mk1
		manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division
		description = Craft use navigation lights to make it easier to identify them at night, and to tell an observer which side of the craft they are seeing.\n\nRed goes on the port/left side, and green goes on the starboard/right side.
		attachRules = 0,1,0,0,0
		mass = 0.001
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 1
		crashTolerance = 8
		maxTemp = 2000
		PhysicsSignificance = 1
		bulkheadProfiles = srf
		tags = moar (more bulb candle dark flash LED (light shine spot torch
			model = Squad/Parts/Utility/Lights/Assets/light_03
			name = ModuleLight
			lightName = spotlight
			lightMeshRendererName = light_03
			useAnimationDim = true
			lightBrightenSpeed = 2.5
			lightDimSpeed = 2.5
			resourceAmount = 0.01
			animationName = LightAnimation
			useResources = true
			canBlink = true
			blinkhMin = 0.2
			blinkMax = 2
			disableColorPicker = false
			name = ModulePartVariants
			primaryColor = #000000
			secondaryColor = #000000
			baseDisplayName = Dark
			baseThemeName = Dark
			useMultipleDragCubes = false
				name = White
				displayName = White
				themeName = White
				primaryColor = #ffffff
				secondaryColor = #ffffff
					mainTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Utility/Lights/Assets/Lights_Attacheable_Lights_Diffuse_white
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			stackableQuantity = 4
			packedVolume = 4
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Utility/Lights/spotLight1.cfg
		name = spotLight3
		module = Part
		author = Squad
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0
		TechRequired = electrics
		entryCost = 800
		cost = 75
		category = Utility
		subcategory = 0
		title = Spotlight Mk1
		manufacturer = Rokea Inc
		description = This light has a range of varied uses: highlight the movements of a Kerbal on the surface, brighten up a surface you need a sample of, or even put on a musical number.\n\nJust make sure you don't shine it in Bill's eyes, his pupils are big enough already
		attachRules = 0,1,0,0,0
		mass = 0.005
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 1
		crashTolerance = 8
		maxTemp = 2000
		PhysicsSignificance = 1
		bulkheadProfiles = srf
		tags = moar (more bulb candle dark flash (lamp (light shine spot torch
			model = Squad/Parts/Utility/Lights/Assets/light_08
			name = ModuleLight
			lightName = spotlight
			lightMeshRendererName = Lamp
			useAnimationDim = true
			lightBrightenSpeed = 2.5
			lightDimSpeed = 2.5
			resourceAmount = 0.02
			animationName = LightAnimation
			useResources = true
			movementTransformName = Lamp
			canRotate = true
			rotateAxisName = Z
			canPitch = true
			pitchAxisName = X-
			rotateMin = 0
			rotateMax = 360
			pitchMin = -35
			pitchMax = 35
			canBlink = true
			blinkhMin = 0.2
			blinkMax = 2
			disableColorPicker = false
			name = ModulePartVariants
			primaryColor = #000000
			secondaryColor = #000000
			baseDisplayName = Dark
			baseThemeName = Dark
			useMultipleDragCubes = false
				name = White
				displayName = White
				themeName = White
				primaryColor = #ffffff
				secondaryColor = #ffffff
					mainTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Utility/Lights/Assets/Spotlight_Attacheable_Lights_Diffuse_white
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			stackableQuantity = 4
			packedVolume = 4
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Utility/Lights/stripLight1.cfg
		name = stripLight1
		module = Part
		author = Squad
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0
		TechRequired = advElectrics
		entryCost = 1000
		cost = 40
		category = Utility
		subcategory = 0
		title = Lightstrip Mk1
		manufacturer = Rokea Inc
		description = A fully functional and utilitarian lighting accessory for professional purposes. This light strip is absolutely not designed to add underglow to your rovers.\n\nWe repeat, this light strip is not meant to bling out your rover.
		attachRules = 0,1,0,0,0
		mass = 0.001
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 1
		crashTolerance = 8
		maxTemp = 2000
		PhysicsSignificance = 1
		bulkheadProfiles = srf
		tags = moar (more bulb candle dark flash LED (light shine spot torch
			model = Squad/Parts/Utility/Lights/Assets/light_02
			name = ModuleLight
			lightName = spotlight
			lightMeshRendererName = light_02
			useAnimationDim = true
			lightBrightenSpeed = 2.5
			lightDimSpeed = 2.5
			resourceAmount = 0.005
			animationName = LightAnimation
			useResources = true
			canBlink = true
			blinkhMin = 0.2
			blinkMax = 2
			disableColorPicker = false
			name = ModulePartVariants
			primaryColor = #000000
			secondaryColor = #000000
			baseDisplayName = Dark
			baseThemeName = Dark
			useMultipleDragCubes = false
				name = White
				displayName = White
				themeName = White
				primaryColor = #ffffff
				secondaryColor = #ffffff
					mainTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Utility/Lights/Assets/Lights_Rectangle_Light_Diffuse_white
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			stackableQuantity = 4
			packedVolume = 3
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Utility/RelayAntennas/RA-100.cfg
		name = RelayAntenna100
		module = Part
		author = Squad
		rescaleFactor = 1.0
		node_attach = 0.0, -0.12, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.18, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0
		TechRequired = automation
		entryCost = 24000
		cost = 3000
		category = Communication
		subcategory = 0
		title = RA-100 Relay Antenna
		manufacturer = Ionic Symphonic Protonic Electronics
		description = A relay antenna with automatic store and forward capabilities as well as advanced pathfinding algorithms.
		attachRules = 1,1,0,0,0
		mass = 0.65
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 1
		crashTolerance = 8
		maxTemp = 2000
		vesselType = Relay
		bulkheadProfiles = size0
			model = Squad/Parts/Utility/RelayAntennas/RA-100
			name = ModuleDataTransmitter
			antennaType = RELAY
			packetInterval = 0.35
			packetSize = 4
			packetResourceCost = 24.0
			requiredResource = ElectricCharge
			antennaPower = 100000000000
			antennaCombinable = True
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			stackableQuantity = 1
			packedVolume = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Utility/RelayAntennas/RA-5.cfg
		name = RelayAntenna5
		module = Part
		author = Squad
		rescaleFactor = 1.0
		node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0
		TechRequired = precisionEngineering
		entryCost = 5000
		cost = 1800
		category = Communication
		subcategory = 0
		title = RA-2 Relay Antenna
		manufacturer = Ionic Symphonic Protonic Electronics
		description = A relay antenna with automatic store and forward capabilities as well as advanced pathfinding algorithms.
		attachRules = 1,1,0,0,0
		mass = 0.15
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 1
		crashTolerance = 8
		maxTemp = 2000
		vesselType = Relay
		bulkheadProfiles = size0
			model = Squad/Parts/Utility/RelayAntennas/RA-5
			name = ModuleDataTransmitter
			antennaType = RELAY
			packetInterval = 0.35
			packetSize = 1
			packetResourceCost = 24.0
			requiredResource = ElectricCharge
			antennaPower = 2000000000
			antennaCombinable = True
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 600
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Utility/RelayAntennas/RA-50.cfg
		name = RelayAntenna50
		module = Part
		author = Squad
		rescaleFactor = 1.0
		node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0
		TechRequired = electronics
		entryCost = 45000
		cost = 2400
		category = Communication
		subcategory = 0
		title = RA-15 Relay Antenna
		manufacturer = Ionic Symphonic Protonic Electronics
		description = A relay antenna with automatic store and forward capabilities as well as advanced pathfinding algorithms.
		attachRules = 1,1,0,0,0
		mass = 0.3
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 1
		crashTolerance = 8
		maxTemp = 2000
		vesselType = Relay
		bulkheadProfiles = size0
			model = Squad/Parts/Utility/RelayAntennas/RA-50
			name = ModuleDataTransmitter
			antennaType = RELAY
			packetInterval = 0.35
			packetSize = 2
			packetResourceCost = 24.0
			requiredResource = ElectricCharge
			antennaPower = 15000000000
			antennaCombinable = True
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			stackableQuantity = 1
			packedVolume = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Utility/ServiceBay_v2/ServiceBay_125_v2.cfg
		name = ServiceBay_125_v2
		module = Part
		author = RoverDude
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_top2 = 0.0, 0.25, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
		node_stack_bottom2 = 0.0, -0.25, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.3, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.3, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
		TechRequired = survivability
		entryCost = 1000
		cost = 500
		category = Payload
		subcategory = 0
		title = Service Bay (1.25m)
		description = A heat resistant service bay, ideal for protecting delicate instruments or stowing small service components such as RCS tanks, batteries, etc.
		attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0
		mass = 0.1
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.3
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 14
		bulkheadProfiles = size1
		maxTemp = 2900
		heatConductivity = 0.04
		thermalMassModifier = 5.0
		emissiveConstant = 0.95
		tags = bus contain heat hollow protect (stor therm
			model = Squad/Parts/Utility/ServiceBay_v2/Assets/ServiceBay_125_v2
			name = ModuleAnimateGeneric
			animationName = ServiceBayDoors
			actionGUIName = Toggle
			startEventGUIName = Open
			endEventGUIName = Close
			allowAnimationWhileShielded = False
			name = ModuleCargoBay
			DeployModuleIndex = 0
			closedPosition = 0
			lookupRadius = 0.9
			partTypeName = Service bay
			name = ModuleConductionMultiplier
			modifiedConductionFactor = 0.001
			convectionFluxThreshold = 500
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 1100
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Utility/ServiceBay_v2/ServiceBay_250_v2.cfg
		name = ServiceBay_250_v2
		module = Part
		author = RoverDude
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_top2 = 0.0, 0.55, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
		node_stack_bottom2 = 0.0, -0.55, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.65, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.65, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2
		TechRequired = commandModules
		entryCost = 1000
		cost = 500
		category = Payload
		subcategory = 0
		title = Service Bay (2.5m)
		description = A heat resistant service bay, ideal for protecting delicate instruments or stowing small service components such as RCS tanks, batteries, etc.
		attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0
		mass = 0.3
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.3
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 14
		bulkheadProfiles = size2
		maxTemp = 2900
		heatConductivity = 0.04
		thermalMassModifier = 5.0
		emissiveConstant = 0.95
		tags = bus contain heat hollow protect (stor therm
			model = Squad/Parts/Utility/ServiceBay_v2/Assets/ServiceBay_250_v2
			name = ModuleAnimateGeneric
			animationName = ServiceBayDoors
			actionGUIName = Toggle
			startEventGUIName = Open
			endEventGUIName = Close
			allowAnimationWhileShielded = False
			name = ModuleCargoBay
			DeployModuleIndex = 0
			closedPosition = 0
			lookupRadius = 1.8
			partTypeName = Service bay
			name = ModuleConductionMultiplier
			modifiedConductionFactor = 0.001
			convectionFluxThreshold = 500
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			stackableQuantity = 1
			packedVolume = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Utility/commDish88-88/commDish88-88.cfg
		name = commDish
		module = Part
		author = NovaSilisko
		mesh =
		scale = 1
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.13, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0
		node_attach = 0.0, -0.13, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0
		TechRequired = automation
		entryCost = 20000
		cost = 1500
		category = Communication
		subcategory = 0
		title = Communotron 88-88
		manufacturer = Ionic Symphonic Protonic Electronics
		description = The Communotron 88-88 directional antenna allows for far more reliable communication at longer ranges than previous models. This is thanks in part to its patented parabolic folding design, which our research team maintains was not inspired by an umbrella.
		attachRules = 1,1,0,0,0
		mass = 0.1
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 7
		maxTemp = 2000
		PhysicsSignificance = 1
		bulkheadProfiles = size0, srf
		tags = aerial antenna deploy direct dish extend fold radio signal transmi
			name = ModuleDeployableAntenna
			showStatus = false
			isTracking = false
			pivotName = Rescalar
			windResistance = 1
			animationName = dish
			extendActionName = Extend <<1>>
			retractActionName = Retract <<1>>
			extendpanelsActionName = Toggle <<1>>
			destroyOnBreakObject = Sphere001
			name = ModuleDataTransmitter
			antennaType = DIRECT
			packetInterval = 0.10
			packetSize = 2
			packetResourceCost = 20.0
			requiredResource = ElectricCharge
			DeployFxModules = 0
			antennaPower = 100000000000
			antennaCombinable = True
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 60
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Utility/commsAntennaDTS-M1/commsAntennaDTS-M1.cfg
		name = mediumDishAntenna
		module = Part
		author = Squad
		mesh =
		rescaleFactor = 1.0
		node_attach = 0.0, -0.025, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0
		TechRequired = precisionEngineering
		entryCost = 4900
		cost = 900
		category = Communication
		subcategory = 0
		title = Communotron DTS-M1
		manufacturer = Ionic Symphonic Protonic Electronics
		description = The Communotron DTS-M1 is a fully deployable communications and data transmission system. It has been designed to have a minimal form factor when stowed. Occasional antenna tweaking and swift kicks to the main assembly may be required for optimal performance.
		attachRules = 0,1,0,0,0
		mass = 0.05
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 1
		crashTolerance = 8
		maxTemp = 2000
		bulkheadProfiles = srf
		tags = aerial antenna deploy direct extend fold radio signal transmi
			name = ModuleDeployableAntenna
			showStatus = false
			isTracking = false
			pivotName = AntennaHolster
			raycastTransformName = AntennaHolster
			animationName = Deploy
			extendActionName = Extend <<1>>
			retractActionName = Retract <<1>>
			extendpanelsActionName = Toggle <<1>>
			name = ModuleDataTransmitter
			antennaType = DIRECT
			packetInterval = 0.35
			packetSize = 2
			packetResourceCost = 12.0
			requiredResource = ElectricCharge
			DeployFxModules = 0
			antennaPower = 2000000000
			antennaCombinable = True
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			stackableQuantity = 4
			packedVolume = 12
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Utility/commsDish16/commsAntenna16.cfg
		name = longAntenna
		module = Part
		author = NovaSilisko
		mesh =
		scale = 1
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0
		node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0
		TechRequired = engineering101
		entryCost = 750
		cost = 300
		category = Communication
		subcategory = 0
		title = Communotron 16
		manufacturer = Ionic Symphonic Protonic Electronics
		description = The Communotron 16 is a versatile and lightweight antenna, suitable for moderate-range communication, long-range backup communication, and eavesdropping on secret government operations.
		attachRules = 1,1,0,0,1
		mass = 0.005
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 7
		maxTemp = 2000
		PhysicsSignificance = 1
		bulkheadProfiles = size0, srf
		tags = aerial antenna radio signal transmi
			name = ModuleDeployableAntenna
			showStatus = false
			isTracking = false
			pivotName = seg2
			windResistance = 1
			animationName = antenna
			extendActionName = Extend <<1>>
			retractActionName = Retract <<1>>
			extendpanelsActionName = Toggle <<1>>
			name = ModuleDataTransmitter
			antennaType = DIRECT
			packetInterval = 0.6
			packetSize = 2
			packetResourceCost = 12.0
			requiredResource = ElectricCharge
			DeployFxModules = 0
			antennaPower = 500000
			antennaCombinable = True
			antennaCombinableExponent = 1
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			stackableQuantity = 4
			packedVolume = 1
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Utility/decouplerRadialHDM/decouplerRadialHDM.cfg
		name = radialDecoupler1-2
		module = Part
		author = NovaSilisko
		mesh =
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0
		fx_gasBurst_white = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, decouple
		sound_decoupler_fire = decouple
		TechRequired = advConstruction
		entryCost = 4200
		cost = 770
		category = Coupling
		subcategory = 0
		title = Hydraulic Detachment Manifold
		manufacturer = O.M.B. Demolition Enterprises
		description = After discovering the word "Manifold", O.M.B. Engineers decided it would be best to use it in the name of at least ONE product.
		attachRules = 0,1,0,1,0
		mass = 0.4
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 1
		crashTolerance = 8
		maxTemp = 2000
		stagingIcon = DECOUPLER_HOR
		stageOffset = 1
		childStageOffset = 1
		bulkheadProfiles = srf
		tags = break decouple separat split stag
		fuelCrossFeed = False
			name = ModuleAnchoredDecoupler
			anchorName = anchor
			ejectionForce = 450
			explosiveNodeID = srf
			name = ModuleToggleCrossfeed
			crossfeedStatus = false
			toggleEditor = true
			toggleFlight = true
			techRequired = fuelSystems
			name = ModuleTestSubject
			useStaging = True
			useEvent = False
			situationMask = 127
				value = ALWAYS
				prestige = Trivial
				prestige = Significant
				value = ONCEPERPART
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = GT
				value = 0
				situationMask = 8
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 4000
				prestige = Trivial
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 8000
				prestige = Trivial
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 2000
				prestige = Significant
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 4000
				prestige = Significant
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 1000
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 2000
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = SPEED
				test = LT
				value = 2000
				situationMask = 8
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = LT
				value = 300000
				situationMask = 16
				body = _NotSun
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = LT
				value = 600000
				situationMask = 32
				body = _NotSun
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 230
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Utility/decouplerRadialTT-38K/decouplerRadialTT-38K.cfg
		name = radialDecoupler
		module = Part
		author = NovaSilisko
		mesh =
		scale = 1
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_attach = 0.01, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0
		fx_gasBurst_white = 0.0, 0.0, -0.0826454, -1.0, 0.0, 0.0, decouple
		sound_vent_large = decouple
		TechRequired = stability
		entryCost = 1200
		cost = 600
		category = Coupling
		subcategory = 0
		title = TT-38K Radial Decoupler
		manufacturer = O.M.B. Demolition Enterprises
		description = The TT-38K Radial Decoupler, like most other decouplers, is equipped with a (hopefully) small explosive charge, that will sever the structural linkage between itself and whatever it's connected to.
		attachRules = 0,1,0,1,0
		mass = 0.025
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 1
		crashTolerance = 8
		maxTemp = 2000
		stagingIcon = DECOUPLER_HOR
		stageOffset = 1
		childStageOffset = 1
		bulkheadProfiles = srf
		tags = break decouple separat split stag
		fuelCrossFeed = False
			name = ModuleAnchoredDecoupler
			anchorName = anchor
			ejectionForce = 250
			explosiveNodeID = srf
			name = ModuleToggleCrossfeed
			crossfeedStatus = false
			toggleEditor = true
			toggleFlight = true
			techRequired = fuelSystems
			name = ModuleTestSubject
			useStaging = True
			useEvent = False
			situationMask = 127
				value = ALWAYS
				prestige = Trivial
				prestige = Significant
				value = ONCEPERPART
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = GT
				value = 0
				situationMask = 8
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 4000
				prestige = Trivial
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 8000
				prestige = Trivial
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 2000
				prestige = Significant
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 4000
				prestige = Significant
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 1000
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 2000
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = SPEED
				test = LT
				value = 2000
				situationMask = 8
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = LT
				value = 300000
				situationMask = 16
				body = _NotSun
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = LT
				value = 600000
				situationMask = 32
				body = _NotSun
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 120
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Utility/decouplerRadialTT-70/decouplerRadialTT-70.cfg
		name = radialDecoupler2
		module = Part
		author = NovaSilisko
		mesh =
		scale = 1
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_attach = -0.03, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0
		fx_gasBurst_white = 0.0, 0.0, -0.0826454, -1.0, 0.0, 0.0, decouple
		sound_vent_large = decouple
		TechRequired = advConstruction
		entryCost = 2300
		cost = 700
		category = Coupling
		subcategory = 0
		title = TT-70 Radial Decoupler
		manufacturer = O.M.B. Demolition Enterprises
		description = The TT-70 Radial Decoupler is an extension of the TT-38K decoupler, with a large truss structure for greater space between mounting points.
		attachRules = 0,1,0,1,0
		mass = 0.05
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 1
		crashTolerance = 8
		maxTemp = 2000
		stagingIcon = DECOUPLER_HOR
		stageOffset = 1
		childStageOffset = 1
		bulkheadProfiles = srf
		tags = break decouple separat split stag
		fuelCrossFeed = False
			name = ModuleAnchoredDecoupler
			anchorName = anchor
			ejectionForce = 260
			explosiveNodeID = srf
			name = ModuleToggleCrossfeed
			crossfeedStatus = false
			toggleEditor = true
			toggleFlight = true
			techRequired = fuelSystems
			name = ModuleTestSubject
			useStaging = True
			useEvent = False
			situationMask = 127
				value = ALWAYS
				prestige = Trivial
				prestige = Significant
				value = ONCEPERPART
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = GT
				value = 0
				situationMask = 8
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 4000
				prestige = Trivial
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 8000
				prestige = Trivial
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 2000
				prestige = Significant
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 4000
				prestige = Significant
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 1000
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 2000
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = SPEED
				test = LT
				value = 2000
				situationMask = 8
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = LT
				value = 300000
				situationMask = 16
				body = _NotSun
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = LT
				value = 600000
				situationMask = 32
				body = _NotSun
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 750
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Utility/dockingPort/dockingPort.cfg
		name = dockingPort2
		module = Part
		author = AlexanderM
		mesh =
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.2828832, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
		node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0
		TechRequired = specializedConstruction
		entryCost = 6400
		cost = 280
		category = Coupling
		subcategory = 0
		title = Clamp-O-Tron Docking Port
		description = Invented after a peaceful protest against the lack of spacecraft attachment systems turned violent, the Clamp-O-Tron Docking Port allows for the firm attachment of two separate vessels. After docking, vessels can be just as easily undocked.
		attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0
		mass = 0.05
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.25
		minimum_drag = 0.25
		angularDrag = 0.5
		crashTolerance = 10
		maxTemp = 2000
		bulkheadProfiles = size1, srf
		tags = berth capture connect couple dock fasten join moor socket
		stagingIcon = DECOUPLER_VERT
			name = ModuleDockingNode
			referenceAttachNode = top
			nodeType = size1
			stagingEnabled = False
			canRotate = True
			rotationTransformName = port
			maxMotorOutput = 200
			rotationAxis = Y
				name = ElectricCharge
				rate = 1
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 800
			name = ModuleColorChanger
			shaderProperty = _EmissiveColor
			animRate = 0.8
			animState = false
			useRate = true
			toggleInEditor = true
			toggleInFlight = true
			toggleInFlight = true
			unfocusedRange = 5
			toggleName = Toggle Lights
			eventOnName = Lights On
			eventOffName = Lights Off
			toggleAction = True
			defaultActionGroup = Light
				key = 0 0 0 3
				key = 1 1 0 0
				key = 0 0 0 1
				key = 1 1 1 0
				key = 0 0 0 0
				key = 1 0.7 1.5 0
				key = 0 1
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Utility/dockingPortInline/dockingPortInline.cfg
		name = dockingPortLateral
		module = Part
		author = AlexanderM
		mesh =
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.5753132, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.5753132, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
		TechRequired = composites
		entryCost = 9800
		cost = 700
		category = Coupling
		subcategory = 0
		title = Inline Clamp-O-Tron
		description = The Inline Clamp-O-Tron was an accidental invention, created after an engineer (who really should have been wearing his glasses) incorrectly interpreted the Shielded Clamp-O-Tron's blueprints. Still, the rest of the team very much liked the idea of a sideways-pointing docking port with its own aerodynamic shell, so he patented the design. He still refuses to admit it wasn't intentional.
		attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0
		mass = 0.3
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.08
		minimum_drag = 0.08
		angularDrag = 0.2
		crashTolerance = 10
		maxTemp = 2000
		bulkheadProfiles = size1
		tags = berth capture connect couple dock fasten join moor port socket
		stagingIcon = DECOUPLER_HOR
			name = ModuleDockingNode
			deployAnimationController = 1
			nodeType = size1
			controlTransformName = controlNode
			staged = False
			stagingEnabled = False
			canRotate = True
			rotationTransformName = port
			maxMotorOutput = 200
			rotationAxis = -Z
				name = ElectricCharge
				rate = 1
			name = ModuleAnimateGeneric
			animationName = dockingporthull
			actionGUIName = Toggle
			startEventGUIName = Open
			endEventGUIName = Close
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			stackableQuantity = 1
			packedVolume = -1
			name = ModuleColorChanger
			shaderProperty = _EmissiveColor
			animRate = 0.8
			animState = false
			useRate = true
			toggleInEditor = true
			toggleInFlight = true
			toggleInFlight = true
			unfocusedRange = 5
			toggleName = Toggle Lights
			eventOnName = Lights On
			eventOffName = Lights Off
			toggleAction = True
			defaultActionGroup = Light
				key = 0 0 0 3
				key = 1 1 0 0
				key = 0 0 0 1
				key = 1 1 1 0
				key = 0 0 0 0
				key = 1 0.7 1.5 0
				key = 0 1
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Utility/dockingPortJr/dockingPortJr.cfg
		name = dockingPort3
		module = Part
		author = AlexanderM
		mesh =
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.1474114, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
		node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0
		TechRequired = miniaturization
		entryCost = 7800
		cost = 800
		category = Coupling
		subcategory = 0
		title = Clamp-O-Tron Docking Port Jr.
		description = Originally marketed as a child-size version of the normal Clamp-O-Tron, the Clamp-O-Tron Jr. soon found use among hobbyists and professional space agencies alike for its compact profile, lightweight structure, and all-round cuteness. As a result of its small size, kerbals need to hold their breath and wiggle to slip through.
		attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0
		mass = 0.02
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.25
		minimum_drag = 0.25
		angularDrag = 0.5
		crashTolerance = 10
		maxTemp = 2000
		bulkheadProfiles = size0, srf
		tags = berth capture connect couple dock fasten join moor socket
		stagingIcon = DECOUPLER_VERT
			name = ModuleDockingNode
			referenceAttachNode = top
			nodeType = size0
			stagingEnabled = False
			canRotate = True
			rotationTransformName = port
			maxMotorOutput = 50
			rotationAxis = Y
				name = ElectricCharge
				rate = 1
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 140
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Utility/dockingPortShielded/dockingPortShielded.cfg
		name = dockingPort1
		module = Part
		author = AlexanderM
		mesh =
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.005308203, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
		node_attach = 0.0, -0.005308203, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
		TechRequired = advMetalworks
		entryCost = 8400
		cost = 400
		category = Coupling
		subcategory = 0
		title = Clamp-O-Tron Shielded Docking Port
		description = Invented after a peaceful protest against the lack of spacecraft attachment systems turned violent, the Clamp-O-Tron Docking Port allows for the firm attachment of two separate vessels. After docking, vessels can be just as easily undocked. The Shielded version has deployable fins to protect the port during ascent.
		attachRules = 1,1,0,0,0
		mass = 0.1
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.25
		minimum_drag = 0.25
		angularDrag = 0.5
		crashTolerance = 10
		maxTemp = 2600
		thermalMassModifier = 6.0
		emissiveConstant = 0.8
		bulkheadProfiles = size1
		tags = berth capture connect couple dock fasten join moor shield socket
		stagingIcon = DECOUPLER_VERT
			name = ModuleDockingNode
			deployAnimationController = 1
			nodeType = size1
			staged = False
			stagingEnabled = False
			canRotate = True
			rotationTransformName = Clampotron.003
			maxMotorOutput = 200
			rotationAxis = Y
				name = ElectricCharge
				rate = 1
			name = ModuleAnimateGeneric
			animationName = dockingring
			actionGUIName = Toggle Shield
			startEventGUIName = Open Shield
			endEventGUIName = Close Shield
			allowAnimationWhileShielded = False
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 850
			name = ModuleColorChanger
			shaderProperty = _EmissiveColor
			animRate = 0.8
			animState = false
			useRate = true
			toggleInEditor = true
			toggleInFlight = true
			toggleInFlight = true
			unfocusedRange = 5
			toggleName = Toggle Lights
			eventOnName = Lights On
			eventOffName = Lights Off
			toggleAction = True
			defaultActionGroup = Light
				key = 0 0 0 3
				key = 1 1 0 0
				key = 0 0 0 1
				key = 1 1 1 0
				key = 0 0 0 0
				key = 1 0.7 1.5 0
				key = 0 1
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Utility/dockingPortSr/dockingPortSr.cfg
		name = dockingPortLarge
		module = Part
		author = AlexanderM
		mesh =
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.29, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2
		TechRequired = metaMaterials
		entryCost = 12200
		cost = 980
		category = Coupling
		subcategory = 0
		title = Clamp-O-Tron Docking Port Sr.
		description = The Clamp-O-Tron Sr. is the result of intense and costly development to answer the problem of how to make docking connections more sturdy. Thanks to the brilliant suggestion of the staff janitor "why don't you make 'em bigger?", the public now can enjoy the sheer thrill of docking enormous objects in space.
		attachRules = 1,0,1,0,0
		mass = 0.2
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.25
		minimum_drag = 0.25
		angularDrag = 0.5
		crashTolerance = 20
		maxTemp = 2000
		breakingForce = 66
		breakingTorque = 66
		bulkheadProfiles = size2
		tags = berth capture connect couple dock fasten join moor rockomax socket
		stagingIcon = DECOUPLER_VERT
			name = ModuleDockingNode
			referenceAttachNode = top
			nodeType = size2
			stagingEnabled = False
			canRotate = True
			rotationTransformName = port
			maxMotorOutput = 800
			rotationAxis = Y
				name = ElectricCharge
				rate = 1
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = -1
			name = ModuleColorChanger
			shaderProperty = _EmissiveColor
			animRate = 0.8
			animState = false
			useRate = true
			toggleInEditor = true
			toggleInFlight = true
			toggleInFlight = true
			unfocusedRange = 5
			toggleName = Toggle Lights
			eventOnName = Lights On
			eventOffName = Lights Off
			toggleAction = True
			defaultActionGroup = Light
				key = 0 0 0 3
				key = 1 1 0 0
				key = 0 0 0 1
				key = 1 1 1 0
				key = 0 0 0 0
				key = 1 0.7 1.5 0
				key = 0 1
			name = ModulePartVariants
			primaryColor = #999999
			secondaryColor = #b08b39
			baseDisplayName = Gray with Stripes
			baseThemeName = Gray with Stripes
			useMultipleDragCubes = false
				name = Gray
				displayName = Gray
				themeName = Gray
				primaryColor = #999999
				secondaryColor = #999999
					mainTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Utility/dockingPortSr/ClampotronSr_ClampotronSr_Diffuse_gray
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Utility/flags/flagFlat/flagFlat.cfg
		name = flagPartFlat
		module = Part
		author = Squad
		rescaleFactor = 1
		TechRequired = composites
		entryCost = 2000
		cost = 7.5
		category = Utility
		subcategory = 0
		title = RFP-F Flag Flat
		manufacturer = Rokea Inc
		description = A flat flag part, that can be used to show pride in your mission. Or use a different mission flag, if you really want to go that way.
		attachRules = 0,1,0,0,1
		node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 0.025, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0
		mass = 0.00015
		PhysicsSignificance = 1
		dragModelType = none
		maximum_drag = 0.0
		minimum_drag = 0.0
		angularDrag = 0
		bodyLiftMultiplier = 0
		crashTolerance = 12
		maxTemp = 2000
		bulkheadProfiles = srf
		tags = decal (deco
			model = Squad/Parts/Utility/flags/flagFlat/flagFlatMeshes
			name = FlagDecalBackground
				name = small
				displayName = Small
				meshName = FlatSmall
				orientation = LANDSCAPE
				indexOffset = 0
				variantNames = White,Dark,Orange,TransparentBackground
				mass = 0
				cost = 0
				name = small
				displayName = Small Panel
				meshName = FlatSmallPanel
				orientation = LANDSCAPE
				indexOffset = 1000
				variantNames = WhitePanel,DarkPanel,OrangePanel
				mass = 0.00135
				cost = 7.5
				name = medium
				displayName = Medium
				meshName = FlatMedium
				orientation = LANDSCAPE
				indexOffset = 0
				variantNames = White,Dark,Orange,TransparentBackground
				mass = 0.00045
				cost = 7.5
				name = medium
				displayName = Medium Panel
				meshName = FlatMediumPanel
				orientation = LANDSCAPE
				indexOffset = 1000
				variantNames = WhitePanel,DarkPanel,OrangePanel
				mass = 0.00585
				cost = 22.5
				name = large
				displayName = Large
				meshName = FlatLarge
				orientation = LANDSCAPE
				indexOffset = 0
				variantNames = White,Dark,Orange,TransparentBackground
				mass = 0.00225
				cost = 22.5
				name = large
				displayName = Large Panel
				meshName = FlatLargePanel
				orientation = LANDSCAPE
				indexOffset = 1000
				variantNames = WhitePanel,DarkPanel,OrangePanel
				mass = 0.02385
				cost = 52.5
				name = huge
				displayName = Huge
				meshName = FlatHuge
				orientation = LANDSCAPE
				indexOffset = 0
				variantNames = White,Dark,Orange,TransparentBackground
				mass = 0.00945
				cost = 52.5
				name = huge
				displayName = Huge Panel
				meshName = FlatHugePanel
				orientation = LANDSCAPE
				indexOffset = 1000
				variantNames = WhitePanel,DarkPanel,OrangePanel
				mass = 0.09585
				cost = 112.5
			name = ModulePartVariants
			primaryColor = #ffffff
			secondaryColor = #ffffff
			baseVariant = White
			baseThemeName = White
			useMultipleDragCubes = false
				name = White
				displayName = White
				primaryColor = #ffffff
				secondaryColor = #ffffff
				sizeGroup = nonStructural
					backTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Utility/flags/backgroundTextures/white_background
					backColor = #ffffffff
				name = Dark
				displayName = Dark
				description = Come to the dark side
				primaryColor = #000000
				secondaryColor = #000000
				sizeGroup = nonStructural
					backTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Utility/flags/backgroundTextures/dark_background
					backColor = #ffffffff
				name = Orange
				displayName = Orange
				description = Doesn't taste like...
				primaryColor = #f49841
				secondaryColor = #f49841
				sizeGroup = nonStructural
					backTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Utility/flags/backgroundTextures/orange_background
					backColor = #ffffffff
				name = TransparentBackground
				displayName = Transparent Background
				primaryColor = #ffffff
				secondaryColor = #ffffff
				sizeGroup = nonStructural
					backColor = #ffffff00
				name = WhitePanel
				displayName = White Panel
				primaryColor = #ffffff
				secondaryColor = #ffffff
				attachRules = 0,1,0,1,1
				sizeGroup = structural
					backTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Utility/flags/backgroundTextures/white_background
					backColor = #ffffffff
				name = DarkPanel
				displayName = Dark Panel
				primaryColor = #000000
				secondaryColor = #000000
				attachRules = 0,1,0,1,1
				sizeGroup = structural
					backTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Utility/flags/backgroundTextures/dark_background
					backColor = #ffffffff
				name = OrangePanel
				displayName = Orange Panel
				primaryColor = #f49841
				secondaryColor = #f49841
				sizeGroup = structural
				attachRules = 0,1,0,1,1
					backTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Utility/flags/backgroundTextures/orange_background
					backColor = #ffffffff
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			stackableQuantity = 3
			packedVolume = 15
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Utility/flags/flagSize0/flagSize0.cfg
		name = flagPartSize0
		module = Part
		author = Squad
		rescaleFactor = 1
		TechRequired = advConstruction
		entryCost = 750
		cost = 2.5
		category = Utility
		subcategory = 0
		title = RFP-0 Flag (.625m)
		manufacturer = Rokea Inc
		description = A small flag that can be applied to size 0 tanks and other parts with the same curvature to show pride in your mission. Or use a different mission flag, if you really want to go that way.
		attachRules = 0,1,0,0,1
		node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 0.025, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0
		mass = 0.000025
		PhysicsSignificance = 1
		dragModelType = none
		maximum_drag = 0.0
		minimum_drag = 0.0
		angularDrag = 0
		bodyLiftMultiplier = 0
		crashTolerance = 12
		maxTemp = 2000
		bulkheadProfiles = srf,size0
		tags = decal (deco
			model = Squad/Parts/Utility/flags/flagSize0/flagSize0Meshes
			name = FlagDecalBackground
				name = small
				displayName = Small
				meshName = 0.625SmallPortrait
				orientation = PORTRAIT
				indexOffset = 0
				variantNames = White,Dark,Orange,TransparentBackground
				mass = 0.00004
				cost = 1.25
				name = small
				displayName = Small
				meshName = 0.625SmallLandscape
				orientation = LANDSCAPE
				indexOffset = 0
				variantNames = White,Dark,Orange,TransparentBackground
				mass = 0
				cost = 0
				name = small
				displayName = Small Panel
				meshName = 0.625SmallPortraitPanel
				orientation = PORTRAIT
				indexOffset = 1000
				variantNames = WhitePanel,DarkPanel,OrangePanel
				mass = 0.000625
				cost = 5
				name = small
				displayName = Small Panel
				meshName = 0.625SmallLandscapePanel
				orientation = LANDSCAPE
				indexOffset = 1000
				variantNames = WhitePanel,DarkPanel,OrangePanel
				mass = 0.000225
				cost = 2.5
				name = medium
				displayName = Medium
				meshName = 0.625MediumPortrait
				orientation = PORTRAIT
				indexOffset = 0
				variantNames = White,Dark,Orange,TransparentBackground
				mass = 0.000235
				cost = 5
				name = medium
				displayName = Medium
				meshName = 0.625MediumLandscape
				orientation = LANDSCAPE
				indexOffset = 0
				variantNames = White,Dark,Orange,TransparentBackground
				mass = 0.000075
				cost = 2.5
				name = medium
				displayName = Medium Panel
				meshName = 0.625MediumPortraitPanel
				orientation = PORTRAIT
				indexOffset = 1000
				variantNames = WhitePanel,DarkPanel,OrangePanel
				mass = 0.002575
				cost = 12.5
				name = medium
				displayName = Medium Panel
				meshName = 0.625MediumLandscapePanel
				orientation = LANDSCAPE
				indexOffset = 1000
				variantNames = WhitePanel,DarkPanel,OrangePanel
				mass = 0.00975
				cost = 7.5
				name = large
				displayName = Large
				meshName = 0.625LargePortrait
				orientation = PORTRAIT
				indexOffset = 0
				variantNames = White,Dark,Orange,TransparentBackground
				mass = 0.001015
				cost = 12.5
				name = large
				displayName = Large
				meshName = 0.625LargeLandscape
				orientation = LANDSCAPE
				indexOffset = 0
				variantNames = White,Dark,Orange,TransparentBackground
				mass = 0.000375
				cost = 7.5
				name = large
				displayName = Large Panel
				meshName = 0.625LargePortraitPanel
				orientation = PORTRAIT
				indexOffset = 1000
				variantNames = WhitePanel,DarkPanel,OrangePanel
				mass = 0.010375
				cost = 27.5
				name = large
				displayName = Large Panel
				meshName = 0.625LargeLandscapePanel
				orientation = LANDSCAPE
				indexOffset = 1000
				variantNames = WhitePanel,DarkPanel,OrangePanel
				mass = 0.003975
				cost = 17.5
			name = ModulePartVariants
			primaryColor = #ffffff
			secondaryColor = #ffffff
			baseVariant = White
			baseThemeName = White
			useMultipleDragCubes = false
				name = White
				displayName = White
				primaryColor = #ffffff
				secondaryColor = #ffffff
				sizeGroup = nonStructural
					backTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Utility/flags/backgroundTextures/white_background
					backColor = #ffffffff
				name = Dark
				displayName = Dark
				description = Come to the dark side
				primaryColor = #000000
				secondaryColor = #000000
				sizeGroup = nonStructural
					backTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Utility/flags/backgroundTextures/dark_background
					backColor = #ffffffff
				name = Orange
				displayName = Orange
				description = Doesn't taste like...
				primaryColor = #f49841
				secondaryColor = #f49841
				sizeGroup = nonStructural
					backTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Utility/flags/backgroundTextures/orange_background
					backColor = #ffffffff
				name = TransparentBackground
				displayName = Transparent Background
				primaryColor = #ffffff
				secondaryColor = #ffffff
				sizeGroup = nonStructural
					backColor = #ffffff00
				name = WhitePanel
				displayName = White Panel
				primaryColor = #ffffff
				secondaryColor = #ffffff
				attachRules = 0,1,0,1,1
				sizeGroup = structural
					backTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Utility/flags/backgroundTextures/white_background
					backColor = #ffffffff
				name = DarkPanel
				displayName = Dark Panel
				primaryColor = #000000
				secondaryColor = #000000
				attachRules = 0,1,0,1,1
				sizeGroup = structural
					backTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Utility/flags/backgroundTextures/dark_background
					backColor = #ffffffff
				name = OrangePanel
				displayName = Orange Panel
				primaryColor = #f49841
				secondaryColor = #f49841
				attachRules = 0,1,0,1,1
				sizeGroup = structural
					backTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Utility/flags/backgroundTextures/orange_background
					backColor = #ffffffff
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			stackableQuantity = 4
			packedVolume = 1
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Utility/flags/flagSize1/flagSize1.cfg
		name = flagPartSize1
		module = Part
		author = Squad
		rescaleFactor = 1.01
		TechRequired = generalConstruction
		entryCost = 500
		cost = 5
		category = Utility
		subcategory = 0
		title = RFP-1 Flag (1.25m)
		manufacturer = Rokea Inc
		description = A flag that can be applied to size 1 tanks and other parts with the same curvature to show pride in your mission. Or use a different mission flag, if you really want to go that way.
		attachRules = 0,1,0,0,1
		node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 0.025, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0
		mass = 0.00005
		PhysicsSignificance = 1
		dragModelType = none
		maximum_drag = 0.0
		minimum_drag = 0.0
		angularDrag = 0
		bodyLiftMultiplier = 0
		crashTolerance = 12
		maxTemp = 2000
		bulkheadProfiles = srf,size1
		tags = decal (deco
			model = Squad/Parts/Utility/flags/flagSize1/flagSize1Meshes
			name = FlagDecalBackground
				name = small
				displayName = Small
				meshName = 1.25SmallPortrait
				orientation = PORTRAIT
				indexOffset = 0
				variantNames = White,Dark,Orange,TransparentBackground
				mass = 0.00008
				cost = 2.5
				name = small
				displayName = Small
				meshName = 1.25SmallLandscape
				orientation = LANDSCAPE
				indexOffset = 0
				variantNames = White,Dark,Orange,TransparentBackground
				mass = 0
				cost = 0
				name = small
				displayName = Small Panel
				meshName = 1.25SmallPortraitPanel
				orientation = PORTRAIT
				indexOffset = 1000
				variantNames = WhitePanel,DarkPanel,OrangePanel
				mass = 0.00125
				cost = 10
				name = small
				displayName = Small Panel
				meshName = 1.25SmallLandscapePanel
				orientation = LANDSCAPE
				indexOffset = 1000
				variantNames = WhitePanel,DarkPanel,OrangePanel
				mass = 0.00045
				cost = 5
				name = medium
				displayName = Medium
				meshName = 1.25MediumPortrait
				orientation = PORTRAIT
				indexOffset = 0
				variantNames = White,Dark,Orange,TransparentBackground
				mass = 0.00047
				cost = 10
				name = medium
				displayName = Medium
				meshName = 1.25MediumLandscape
				orientation = LANDSCAPE
				indexOffset = 0
				variantNames = White,Dark,Orange,TransparentBackground
				mass = 0.00015
				cost = 5
				name = medium
				displayName = Medium Panel
				meshName = 1.25MediumPortraitPanel
				orientation = PORTRAIT
				indexOffset = 1000
				variantNames = WhitePanel,DarkPanel,OrangePanel
				mass = 0.00515
				cost = 25
				name = medium
				displayName = Medium Panel
				meshName = 1.25MediumLandscapePanel
				orientation = LANDSCAPE
				indexOffset = 1000
				variantNames = WhitePanel,DarkPanel,OrangePanel
				mass = 0.00195
				cost = 15
				name = large
				displayName = Large
				meshName = 1.25LargePortrait
				orientation = PORTRAIT
				indexOffset = 0
				variantNames = White,Dark,Orange,TransparentBackground
				mass = 0.00203
				cost = 25
				name = large
				displayName = Large
				meshName = 1.25LargeLandscape
				orientation = LANDSCAPE
				indexOffset = 0
				variantNames = White,Dark,Orange,TransparentBackground
				mass = 0.00075
				cost = 15
				name = large
				displayName = Large Panel
				meshName = 1.25LargePortraitPanel
				orientation = PORTRAIT
				indexOffset = 1000
				variantNames = WhitePanel,DarkPanel,OrangePanel
				mass = 0.02075
				cost = 55
				name = large
				displayName = Large Panel
				meshName = 1.25LargeLandscapePanel
				orientation = LANDSCAPE
				indexOffset = 1000
				variantNames = WhitePanel,DarkPanel,OrangePanel
				mass = 0.00795
				cost = 35
			name = ModulePartVariants
			primaryColor = #ffffff
			secondaryColor = #ffffff
			baseVariant = White
			baseThemeName = White
			useMultipleDragCubes = false
				name = White
				displayName = White
				primaryColor = #ffffff
				secondaryColor = #ffffff
				sizeGroup = nonStructural
					backTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Utility/flags/backgroundTextures/white_background
					backColor = #ffffffff
				name = Dark
				displayName = Dark
				description = Come to the dark side
				primaryColor = #000000
				secondaryColor = #000000
				sizeGroup = nonStructural
					backTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Utility/flags/backgroundTextures/dark_background
					backColor = #ffffffff
				name = Orange
				displayName = Orange
				description = Doesn't taste like...
				primaryColor = #f49841
				secondaryColor = #f49841
				sizeGroup = nonStructural
					backTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Utility/flags/backgroundTextures/orange_background
					backColor = #ffffffff
				name = TransparentBackground
				displayName = Transparent Background
				primaryColor = #ffffff
				secondaryColor = #ffffff
				sizeGroup = nonStructural
					backColor = #ffffff00
				name = WhitePanel
				displayName = White Panel
				primaryColor = #ffffff
				secondaryColor = #ffffff
				attachRules = 0,1,0,1,1
				sizeGroup = structural
					backTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Utility/flags/backgroundTextures/white_background
					backColor = #ffffffff
				name = DarkPanel
				displayName = Dark Panel
				primaryColor = #000000
				secondaryColor = #000000
				attachRules = 0,1,0,1,1
				sizeGroup = structural
					backTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Utility/flags/backgroundTextures/dark_background
					backColor = #ffffffff
				name = OrangePanel
				displayName = Orange Panel
				primaryColor = #f49841
				secondaryColor = #f49841
				attachRules = 0,1,0,1,1
				sizeGroup = structural
					backTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Utility/flags/backgroundTextures/orange_background
					backColor = #ffffffff
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			stackableQuantity = 4
			packedVolume = 2
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Utility/flags/flagSize2/flagSize2.cfg
		name = flagPartSize2
		module = Part
		author = Squad
		rescaleFactor = 1
		TechRequired = specializedConstruction
		entryCost = 1300
		cost = 12.5
		category = Utility
		subcategory = 0
		title = RFP-2 Flag (2.5m)
		manufacturer = Rokea Inc
		description = A large flag that can be applied to size 2 tanks and other parts with the same curvature to show pride in your mission. Or use a different mission flag, if you really want to go that way.
		attachRules = 0,1,0,0,1
		node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 0.055, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0
		mass = 0.000225
		PhysicsSignificance = 1
		dragModelType = none
		maximum_drag = 0.0
		minimum_drag = 0.0
		angularDrag = 0
		bodyLiftMultiplier = 0
		crashTolerance = 12
		maxTemp = 2000
		bulkheadProfiles = srf,size2
		tags = decal (deco
			model = Squad/Parts/Utility/flags/flagSize2/flagSize2Meshes
			name = FlagDecalBackground
				name = small
				displayName = Small
				meshName = 2.5SmallPortrait
				orientation = PORTRAIT
				indexOffset = 0
				variantNames = White,Dark,Orange,TransparentBackground
				mass = 0.00036
				cost = 6.25
				name = small
				displayName = Small
				meshName = 2.5SmallLandscape
				orientation = LANDSCAPE
				indexOffset = 0
				variantNames = White,Dark,Orange,TransparentBackground
				mass = 0
				cost = 0
				name = small
				displayName = Small Panel
				meshName = 2.5SmallPortraitPanel
				orientation = PORTRAIT
				indexOffset = 1000
				variantNames = WhitePanel,DarkPanel,OrangePanel
				mass = 0.005625
				cost = 25
				name = small
				displayName = Small Panel
				meshName = 2.5SmallLandscapePanel
				orientation = LANDSCAPE
				indexOffset = 1000
				variantNames = WhitePanel,DarkPanel,OrangePanel
				mass = 0.002025
				cost = 12.5
				name = medium
				displayName = Medium
				meshName = 2.5MediumPortrait
				orientation = PORTRAIT
				indexOffset = 0
				variantNames = White,Dark,Orange,TransparentBackground
				mass = 0.002115
				cost = 25
				name = medium
				displayName = Medium
				meshName = 2.5MediumLandscape
				orientation = LANDSCAPE
				indexOffset = 0
				variantNames = White,Dark,Orange,TransparentBackground
				mass = 0.000675
				cost = 12.5
				name = medium
				displayName = Medium Panel
				meshName = 2.5MediumPortraitPanel
				orientation = PORTRAIT
				indexOffset = 1000
				variantNames = WhitePanel,DarkPanel,OrangePanel
				mass = 0.023175
				cost = 62.5
				name = medium
				displayName = Medium Panel
				meshName = 2.5MediumLandscapePanel
				orientation = LANDSCAPE
				indexOffset = 1000
				variantNames = WhitePanel,DarkPanel,OrangePanel
				mass = 0.008775
				cost = 37.5
				name = large
				displayName = Large
				meshName = 2.5LargePortrait
				orientation = PORTRAIT
				indexOffset = 0
				variantNames = White,Dark,Orange,TransparentBackground
				mass = 0.009135
				cost = 62.5
				name = large
				displayName = Large
				meshName = 2.5LargeLandscape
				orientation = LANDSCAPE
				indexOffset = 0
				variantNames = White,Dark,Orange,TransparentBackground
				mass = 0.003375
				cost = 37.5
				name = large
				displayName = Large Panel
				meshName = 2.5LargePortraitPanel
				orientation = PORTRAIT
				indexOffset = 1000
				variantNames = WhitePanel,DarkPanel,OrangePanel
				mass = 0.093375
				cost = 137.5
				name = large
				displayName = Large Panel
				meshName = 2.5LargeLandscapePanel
				orientation = LANDSCAPE
				indexOffset = 1000
				variantNames = WhitePanel,DarkPanel,OrangePanel
				mass = 0.035775
				cost = 87.5
			name = ModulePartVariants
			primaryColor = #ffffff
			secondaryColor = #ffffff
			baseVariant = White
			baseThemeName = White
			useMultipleDragCubes = false
				name = White
				displayName = White
				primaryColor = #ffffff
				secondaryColor = #ffffff
				sizeGroup = nonStructural
					backTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Utility/flags/backgroundTextures/white_background
					backColor = #ffffffff
				name = Dark
				displayName = Dark
				description = Come to the dark side
				primaryColor = #000000
				secondaryColor = #000000
				sizeGroup = nonStructural
					backTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Utility/flags/backgroundTextures/dark_background
					backColor = #ffffffff
				name = Orange
				displayName = Orange
				description = Doesn't taste like...
				primaryColor = #f49841
				secondaryColor = #f49841
				sizeGroup = nonStructural
					backTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Utility/flags/backgroundTextures/orange_background
					backColor = #ffffffff
				name = TransparentBackground
				displayName = Transparent Background
				primaryColor = #ffffff
				secondaryColor = #ffffff
				sizeGroup = nonStructural
					backColor = #ffffff00
				name = WhitePanel
				displayName = White Panel
				primaryColor = #ffffff
				secondaryColor = #ffffff
				attachRules = 0,1,0,1,1
				sizeGroup = structural
					backTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Utility/flags/backgroundTextures/white_background
					backColor = #ffffffff
				name = DarkPanel
				displayName = Dark Panel
				primaryColor = #000000
				secondaryColor = #000000
				attachRules = 0,1,0,1,1
				sizeGroup = structural
					backTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Utility/flags/backgroundTextures/dark_background
					backColor = #ffffffff
				name = OrangePanel
				displayName = Orange Panel
				primaryColor = #f49841
				secondaryColor = #f49841
				attachRules = 0,1,0,1,1
				sizeGroup = structural
					backTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Utility/flags/backgroundTextures/orange_background
					backColor = #ffffffff
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			stackableQuantity = 4
			packedVolume = 8
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Utility/flags/flagSize3/flagSize3.cfg
		name = flagPartSize3
		module = Part
		author = Squad
		rescaleFactor = 1
		TechRequired = composites
		entryCost = 1800
		cost = 17.5
		category = Utility
		subcategory = 0
		title = RFP-3 Flag (3.75m)
		manufacturer = Rokea Inc
		description = A large flag that can be applied to size 3 tanks and other parts with the same curvature to show pride in your mission. Or use a different mission flag, if you really want to go that way.
		attachRules = 0,1,0,0,1
		node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 0.066, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0
		mass = 0.0005
		PhysicsSignificance = 1
		dragModelType = none
		maximum_drag = 0.0
		minimum_drag = 0.0
		angularDrag = 0
		bodyLiftMultiplier = 0
		crashTolerance = 12
		maxTemp = 2000
		bulkheadProfiles = srf,size3
		tags = decal (deco
			model = Squad/Parts/Utility/flags/flagSize3/flagSize3Meshes
			name = FlagDecalBackground
				name = small
				displayName = Small
				meshName = 3.75SmallPortrait
				orientation = PORTRAIT
				indexOffset = 0
				variantNames = White,Dark,Orange,TransparentBackground
				mass = 0.0008
				cost = 8.75
				name = small
				displayName = Small
				meshName = 3.75SmallLandscape
				orientation = LANDSCAPE
				indexOffset = 0
				variantNames = White,Dark,Orange,TransparentBackground
				mass = 0
				cost = 0
				name = small
				displayName = Small Panel
				meshName = 3.75SmallPortraitPanel
				orientation = PORTRAIT
				indexOffset = 1000
				variantNames = WhitePanel,DarkPanel,OrangePanel
				mass = 0.0125
				cost = 35
				name = small
				displayName = Small Panel
				meshName = 3.75SmallLandscapePanel
				orientation = LANDSCAPE
				indexOffset = 1000
				variantNames = WhitePanel,DarkPanel,OrangePanel
				mass = 0.0045
				cost = 17.5
				name = medium
				displayName = Medium
				meshName = 3.75MediumPortrait
				orientation = PORTRAIT
				indexOffset = 0
				variantNames = White,Dark,Orange,TransparentBackground
				mass = 0.0047
				cost = 35
				name = medium
				displayName = Medium
				meshName = 3.75MediumLandscape
				orientation = LANDSCAPE
				indexOffset = 0
				variantNames = White,Dark,Orange,TransparentBackground
				mass = 0.0015
				cost = 17.5
				name = medium
				displayName = Medium Panel
				meshName = 3.75MediumPortraitPanel
				orientation = PORTRAIT
				indexOffset = 1000
				variantNames = WhitePanel,DarkPanel,OrangePanel
				mass = 0.0515
				cost = 87.5
				name = medium
				displayName = Medium Panel
				meshName = 3.75MediumLandscapePanel
				orientation = LANDSCAPE
				indexOffset = 1000
				variantNames = WhitePanel,DarkPanel,OrangePanel
				mass = 0.0195
				cost = 52.5
				name = large
				displayName = Large
				meshName = 3.75LargePortrait
				orientation = PORTRAIT
				indexOffset = 0
				variantNames = White,Dark,Orange,TransparentBackground
				mass = 0.0203
				cost = 87.5
				name = large
				displayName = Large
				meshName = 3.75LargeLandscape
				orientation = LANDSCAPE
				indexOffset = 0
				variantNames = White,Dark,Orange,TransparentBackground
				mass = 0.0075
				cost = 52.5
				name = large
				displayName = Large Panel
				meshName = 3.75LargePortraitPanel
				orientation = PORTRAIT
				indexOffset = 1000
				variantNames = WhitePanel,DarkPanel,OrangePanel
				mass = 0.2075
				cost = 192.5
				name = large
				displayName = Large Panel
				meshName = 3.75LargeLandscapePanel
				orientation = LANDSCAPE
				indexOffset = 1000
				variantNames = WhitePanel,DarkPanel,OrangePanel
				mass = 0.0795
				cost = 122.5
			name = ModulePartVariants
			primaryColor = #ffffff
			secondaryColor = #ffffff
			baseVariant = White
			baseThemeName = White
			useMultipleDragCubes = false
				name = White
				displayName = White
				primaryColor = #ffffff
				secondaryColor = #ffffff
				sizeGroup = nonStructural
					backTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Utility/flags/backgroundTextures/white_background
					backColor = #ffffffff
				name = Dark
				displayName = Dark
				description = Come to the dark side
				primaryColor = #000000
				secondaryColor = #000000
				sizeGroup = nonStructural
					backTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Utility/flags/backgroundTextures/dark_background
					backColor = #ffffffff
				name = Orange
				displayName = Orange
				description = Doesn't taste like...
				primaryColor = #f49841
				secondaryColor = #f49841
				sizeGroup = nonStructural
					backTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Utility/flags/backgroundTextures/orange_background
					backColor = #ffffffff
				name = TransparentBackground
				displayName = Transparent Background
				primaryColor = #ffffff
				secondaryColor = #ffffff
				sizeGroup = nonStructural
					backColor = #ffffff00
				name = WhitePanel
				displayName = White Panel
				primaryColor = #ffffff
				secondaryColor = #ffffff
				attachRules = 0,1,0,1,1
				sizeGroup = structural
					backTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Utility/flags/backgroundTextures/white_background
					backColor = #ffffffff
				name = DarkPanel
				displayName = Dark Panel
				primaryColor = #000000
				secondaryColor = #000000
				attachRules = 0,1,0,1,1
				sizeGroup = structural
					backTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Utility/flags/backgroundTextures/dark_background
					backColor = #ffffffff
				name = OrangePanel
				displayName = Orange Panel
				primaryColor = #f49841
				secondaryColor = #f49841
				attachRules = 0,1,0,1,1
				sizeGroup = structural
					backTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Utility/flags/backgroundTextures/orange_background
					backColor = #ffffffff
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			stackableQuantity = 3
			packedVolume = 15
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Utility/ladderRadial/ladderRadial.cfg
		name = ladder1
		module = Part
		author = NovaSilisko
		mesh =
		PhysicsSignificance = 1
		node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0
		TechRequired = spaceExploration
		entryCost = 500
		cost = 100
		category = Utility
		subcategory = 0
		title = Pegasus I Mobility Enhancer
		manufacturer = Rokea Inc
		description = The Pegasus I Mobility Enhancer, known in some circles as a "ladder", is a state-of-the-art vertical mobility device, allowing your intrepid crew to scamper around the exterior of your ship like highly caffeinated rodents.
		attachRules = 0,1,0,0,1
		mass = 0.005
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 1
		crashTolerance = 8
		maxTemp = 2000
		emissiveConstant = 0.8
		thermalMassModifier = 3
		PhysicsSignificance = 1
		bulkheadProfiles = srf
		tags = ascend climb descend ladder rung safe step
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			stackableQuantity = 4
			packedVolume = 10
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Utility/ladderTelescopic/ladderTelescopic.cfg
		name = telescopicLadder
		module = Part
		author = C. Jenkins
		mesh =
		rescaleFactor = 1.0
		PhysicsSignificance = 1
		node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0
		TechRequired = advExploration
		entryCost = 3100
		cost = 350
		category = Utility
		subcategory = 0
		title = Kelus Mobility Enhancer
		manufacturer = Rokea Inc
		description = The Kelus Mobility Enhancer comes equipped with advanced telescopic extension technology. Recommended load 0.5 kerbals. After discovering that their name was already in use, Kelus picked their current name with the flip of a coin.
		attachRules = 0,1,0,0,1
		mass = 0.005
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 1
		crashTolerance = 8
		maxTemp = 2000
		emissiveConstant = 0.8
		thermalMassModifier = 3.0
		PhysicsSignificance = 1
		bulkheadProfiles = srf
		tags = ascend climb descend ladder rung safe step
			name = RetractableLadder
			ladderAnimationRootName = TelusBay
			ladderColliderName = ladderCollider
			ladderRetractAnimationName = Retract
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 50
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Utility/ladderTelescopicBay/ladderTelescopicBay.cfg
		name = telescopicLadderBay
		module = Part
		author = C. Jenkins
		mesh =
		rescaleFactor = 1.0
		PhysicsSignificance = 1
		node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0
		TechRequired = advExploration
		entryCost = 4000
		cost = 440
		category = Utility
		subcategory = 0
		title = Kelus-LV Bay Mobility Enhancer
		manufacturer = Rokea Inc
		description = The Kelus-LV Mobility Enhancer Bay comes equipped with advanced telescopic extension technology. Recommended load 1.5 kerbals. After discovering that their name was already in use, Kelus picked their current name with the flip of a coin.
		attachRules = 0,1,0,0,1
		mass = 0.005
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 1
		crashTolerance = 8
		maxTemp = 2000
		emissiveConstant = 0.8
		thermalMassModifier = 3.0
		PhysicsSignificance = 1
		bulkheadProfiles = srf
		tags = ascend climb descend ladder rung safe step
			name = RetractableLadder
			ladderAnimationRootName = Telescopic ladder
			ladderColliderName = ladderCollider
			ladderRetractAnimationName = Retract
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 100
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Utility/landingLegLT-1/landingLegLT-1.cfg
		name = landingLeg1
		module = Part
		author = Squad
		mesh =
		scale = 1
		rescaleFactor = 1.25
		node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.3756781, 0.9267502
		TechRequired = landing
		entryCost = 2900
		cost = 440
		category = Ground
		subcategory = 0
		title = LT-1 Landing Struts
		manufacturer = Moving Parts Experts Group
		description = It may have been originally designed as a heavy-duty metal detector, but this landing leg certainly emphasises an important fact in surface landings: you don't need to put a crater in the ground to stop yourself!
		attachRules = 0,1,0,0,0
		mass = 0.05
		thermalMassModifier = 3.0
		emissiveConstant = 0.8
		initRotation = 92.098920000, -0.1879652,-0.9640219,-0.1879652
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 12
		maxTemp = 2000
		bulkheadProfiles = srf
		tags = ground land leg support
					channel = Ship
					clip = Squad/Sounds/elev_start
					volume = 0 0
					volume = 1 0.5
					pitch = 0.75
					channel = Ship
					clip = Squad/Sounds/elev_loop
					volume = 0 0
					volume = 1 0.5
					pitch = 0.75
					channel = Ship
					clip = Squad/Sounds/elev_stop
					volume = 0 0
					volume = 1 0.5
					pitch = 0.75
					channel = Ship
					clip = Squad/Sounds/elev_start
					volume = 0 0
					volume = 1 0.5
					pitch = 0.75
					channel = Ship
					clip = Squad/Sounds/elev_loop
					volume = 0 0
					volume = 1 0.5
					pitch = 0.75
					channel = Ship
					clip = Squad/Sounds/elev_stop
					volume = 0 0
					volume = 1 0.5
					pitch = 1.0
			name = ModuleWheelBase
			wheelColliderTransformName = wheelCollider
			useNewFrictionModel = true
			wheelType = LEG
			adherentStart = 0.01
			frictionAdherent = 0.1
			peakStart = 2
			frictionPeak = 1.0
			limitStart = 7.0
			frictionLimit = 1.0
			FitWheelColliderToMesh = False
			radius = 0.104
			center = 0,-0.095,0
			mass = 0.040
			autoFrictionAvailable = False
			clipObject = piston_collider
			TooltipTitle = Landing Leg
			TooltipPrimaryField = 
			groundHeightOffset = 1
			name = ModuleWheelSuspension
			baseModuleIndex = 0
			suspensionTransformName = Piston
			suspensionColliderName = piston_collider
			suspensionDistance = 0.75
			suspensionOffset = -0.75
			maximumLoad = 20.0
			targetPosition = 1
			springRatio = 30
			damperRatio = 2.2
			boostRatio = 0.75
			useDistributedMass = true
			name = ModuleWheelDeployment
			baseModuleIndex = 0
			animationTrfName = landingLegSmall
			animationStateName = Deploy
			deployedPosition = 1
			deployTargetTransformName = deployTgt
			retractTransformName = Piston
			TsubSys = 1.0
			extendDurationFactor = 0.5
			retractDuractionFactor = 0.3
			fxDeploy = deploy
			fxRetract = retract
			fxDeployed = deployed
			fxRetracted = retracted
			name = ModuleWheelLock
			maxTorque = 100
			name = ModuleWheelBogey
			baseModuleIndex = 0
			bogeyTransformName = foot
			deployModuleIndex = 2
			maxPitch = 160
			minPitch = -160
			restPitch = 0
			pitchResponse = 100
			bogeyAxis = 1, 0, 0
			bogeyUpAxis = 0.0, -1.0, 0.0
			name = ModuleWheelDamage
			baseModuleIndex = 0
			stressTolerance = 99999999
			impactTolerance = 150
			deflectionMagnitude = 1
			deflectionSharpness = 2.0
			slipMagnitude = 0
			slipSharpness = 2.0
			explodeMultiplier = 1.0
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 160
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Utility/landingLegLT-2/landingLegLT-2.cfg
		name = landingLeg1-2
		module = Part
		author = Squad
		mesh =
		rescaleFactor = 1.25
		PhysicsSignificance = 0
		node_attach = 0.0, 0.4271562, 0.0632596, 0.0, 0.5735765, 0.819152
		TechRequired = advLanding
		entryCost = 4100
		cost = 340
		category = Ground
		subcategory = 0
		title = LT-2 Landing Strut
		manufacturer = Moving Parts Experts Group
		description = The LT-2 Landing Strut offers a heavy-duty method for planting yourself firmly on the ground, without the severe consequences that usually accompany planting yourself firmly on the ground.
		attachRules = 0,1,0,0,0
		mass = 0.1
		thermalMassModifier = 3.0
		emissiveConstant = 0.8
		initRotation = 95.187980000, -0.2879681,-0.9133175,-0.287968
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 12
		maxTemp = 2000
		CoMOffset = 0, 0, 0.1
		breakingForce = 80
		breakingTorque = 80
		bulkheadProfiles = srf
		tags = ground land leg support
					channel = Ship
					clip = Squad/Sounds/elev_start
					volume = 0 0
					volume = 1 0.5
					pitch = 0.5
					channel = Ship
					clip = Squad/Sounds/elev_loop
					volume = 0 0
					volume = 1 0.5
					pitch = 0.5
					channel = Ship
					clip = Squad/Sounds/elev_stop
					volume = 0 0
					volume = 1 0.5
					pitch = 0.5
					channel = Ship
					clip = Squad/Sounds/elev_start
					volume = 0 0
					volume = 1 0.5
					pitch = 0.5
					channel = Ship
					clip = Squad/Sounds/elev_loop
					volume = 0 0
					volume = 1 0.5
					pitch = 0.6
					channel = Ship
					clip = Squad/Sounds/elev_stop
					volume = 0 0
					volume = 1 0.5
					pitch = 0.75
			name = ModuleWheelBase
			wheelColliderTransformName = wheelCollider
			useNewFrictionModel = true
			wheelType = LEG
			adherentStart = 0.01
			frictionAdherent = 0.1
			peakStart = 2
			frictionPeak = 1.0
			limitStart = 7.0
			frictionLimit = 1.0
			FitWheelColliderToMesh = False
			radius = 0.12
			center = 0,0,0
			mass = 0.040
			autoFrictionAvailable = False
			clipObject = piston_collider
			TooltipTitle = Landing Leg
			TooltipPrimaryField = 
			groundHeightOffset = 1.37
			name = ModuleWheelSuspension
			baseModuleIndex = 0
			suspensionTransformName = piston
			suspensionColliderName = piston_collider
			suspensionDistance = 0.95
			suspensionOffset = -0.95
			maximumLoad = 40.0
			targetPosition = 1.0
			springRatio = 33
			damperRatio = 2.2
			boostRatio = 0.7
			useDistributedMass = true
			name = ModuleWheelDeployment
			baseModuleIndex = 0
			animationTrfName = leg
			animationStateName = newlandingleg
			deployedPosition = 1
			deployTargetTransformName = deployTgt
			retractTransformName = piston
			TsubSys = 0.83
			extendDurationFactor = 0.5
			retractDuractionFactor = 0.3
			fxDeploy = deploy
			fxRetract = retract
			fxDeployed = deployed
			fxRetracted = retracted
			name = ModuleWheelLock
			maxTorque = 500
			name = ModuleWheelBogey
			baseModuleIndex = 0
			bogeyTransformName = foot
			deployModuleIndex = 2
			maxPitch = 160
			minPitch = -160
			restPitch = 0
			pitchResponse = 100
			bogeyAxis = 1, 0, 0
			bogeyUpAxis = 0, 0, -1
			name = ModuleWheelDamage
			baseModuleIndex = 0
			stressTolerance = 99999999
			impactTolerance = 600
			deflectionMagnitude = 1
			deflectionSharpness = 2.0
			slipMagnitude = 0
			slipSharpness = 2.0
			explodeMultiplier = 1.0
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 300
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Utility/landingLegLT-5/landingLegLT-5.cfg
		name = miniLandingLeg
		module = Part
		author = NovaSilisko
		mesh =
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_attach = 0.0256775, 0.05144107, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0
		TechRequired = survivability
		entryCost = 820
		cost = 200
		category = Ground
		subcategory = 0
		title = LT-05 Micro Landing Strut
		manufacturer = Moving Parts Experts Group
		description = A small landing leg designed for space probes or lightweight landers. Basically made of toothpicks... erm, Space-grade toothpicks mind you, but be careful with them anyway.
		attachRules = 0,1,0,0,0
		mass = 0.015
		emissiveConstant = 0.8
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 10
		maxTemp = 1200
		explosionPotential = 0
		bulkheadProfiles = srf
		tags = ground land leg support
					channel = Ship
					clip = Squad/Sounds/elev_start
					volume = 0 0
					volume = 1 0.5
					pitch = 0.95
					channel = Ship
					clip = Squad/Sounds/elev_loop
					volume = 0 0
					volume = 1 0.5
					pitch = 0.95
					channel = Ship
					clip = Squad/Sounds/elev_stop
					volume = 0 0
					volume = 1 0.5
					pitch = 0.95
					channel = Ship
					clip = Squad/Sounds/elev_start
					volume = 0 0
					volume = 1 0.5
					pitch = 0.95
					channel = Ship
					clip = Squad/Sounds/elev_loop
					volume = 0 0
					volume = 1 0.5
					pitch = 0.95
					channel = Ship
					clip = Squad/Sounds/elev_stop
					volume = 0 0
					volume = 1 0.5
					pitch = 1.35
			name = ModuleWheelBase
			wheelColliderTransformName = wheelCollider
			useNewFrictionModel = true
			wheelType = LEG
			adherentStart = 0.01
			frictionAdherent = 0.1
			peakStart = 2
			frictionPeak = 1.0
			limitStart = 7.0
			frictionLimit = 1.0
			FitWheelColliderToMesh = False
			radius = 0.1
			center = 0,0,0
			mass = 0.040
			autoFrictionAvailable = False
			clipObject = leg_collider
			tireForceSharpness = 1
			TooltipTitle = Landing Leg
			TooltipPrimaryField = 
			groundHeightOffset = 1
			name = ModuleWheelSuspension
			baseModuleIndex = 0
			suspensionTransformName = leg
			suspensionDistance = 0.8
			suspensionOffset = -0.8
			targetPosition = 1.0
			springRatio = 40
			damperRatio = 2.2
			boostRatio = 0.75
			maximumLoad = 3.0
			extendDurationFactor = 1.0
			retractDuractionFactor = 1.0
			useDistributedMass = true
			name = ModuleWheelDeployment
			baseModuleIndex = 0
			animationTrfName = miniLeg
			animationStateName = probeleg
			deployedPosition = 1
			deployTargetTransformName = deployTgt
			retractTransformName = leg
			TsubSys = 0.8
			fxDeploy = deploy
			fxRetract = retract
			fxDeployed = deployed
			fxRetracted = retracted
			name = ModuleWheelLock
			maxTorque = 50
			name = ModuleWheelDamage
			baseModuleIndex = 0
			stressTolerance = 99999999
			impactTolerance = 40
			deflectionMagnitude = 1
			deflectionSharpness = 2.0
			slipMagnitude = 0
			slipSharpness = 2.0
			explodeMultiplier = 1.0
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 80
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Utility/launchClamp1/launchClamp1.cfg
		name = launchClamp1
		module = Part
		author = NovaSilisko
		mesh =
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_attach = 0.0, 1.354437, 0.8069194, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0
		fx_gasBurst_white = 0.0, 1.354437, 0.8369194, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, activate
		sound_decoupler_fire = activate
		TechRequired = generalConstruction
		entryCost = 1800
		cost = 200
		category = Structural
		subcategory = 0
		title = TT18-A Launch Stability Enhancer
		manufacturer = O.M.B. Demolition Enterprises
		description = The TT18-A Stability Enhancer uses ground-breaking fastening technology to significantly increase the stability of spacecraft during the pre-launch phase. While OMB Demolition has been criticized in the past for using "big fancy words for a rocket holder" in their description of their device, none can say the TT18 series doesn't deliver rock-solid clamping action, as advertised. The owner's manual strongly suggests these devices be placed on the bottommost section of the spacecraft, and activated as soon as the engines are lit, for optimal de-clamping performance.
		attachRules = 0,1,0,1,0
		mass = 0.1
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 100
		maxTemp = 2000
		fuelCrossFeed = False
		explosionPotential = 0.1
		breakingForce = 150
		breakingTorque = 150
		stageOffset = 0
		childStageOffset = 0
		preferredStage = LAST
		bulkheadProfiles = srf
		tags = clam hold )pad rocket stabil tower
			name = LaunchClamp
			trf_towerPivot_name = obj_girdercap
			trf_towerStretch_name = obj_girder
			trf_anchor_name = obj_ground
			trf_animationRoot_name = launchclamp
			anim_decouple_name = launchclamp
			name = ModuleGenerator
			isAlwaysActive = true
			isGroundFixture = true
				name = ElectricCharge
				rate = 1
			name = ModuleTestSubject
			useStaging = True
			useEvent = False
			situationMask = 4
			useProgressForBodies = False
			usePrestigeForSit = False
				type = SITUATION
				value = 4
				body = _Home
				type = SITUATION
				value = 0
				body = _NotHome
				value = ONCEPERPART
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Utility/launchEscapeSystem/part.cfg
		name = LaunchEscapeSystem
		module = Part
		author = Squad
		mesh =
		rescaleFactor = 1.0
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -1.372544, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
		sound_vent_medium = engage
		sound_rocket_hard = running
		sound_vent_soft = disengage
		sound_explosion_low = flameout
		TechRequired = landing
		entryCost = 4500
		cost = 1000
		category = Utility
		subcategory = 0
		title = Launch Escape System
		manufacturer = Kerbodyne
		description = This solid rocket tower is designed to wrench the command pod up and away from a malfunctioning rocket.
		attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0
		mass = 0.9
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.3
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 15
		breakingTorque = 30
		breakingForce = 30
		maxTemp = 2700
		emissiveConstant = 0.95
		stagingIcon = SOLID_BOOSTER
		bulkheadProfiles = size1
		tags = abort booster emergency explo ?les l.e.s malfunc ?rud safe solid surviv
					channel = Ship
					clip = sound_rocket_spurts
					volume = 0.0 0.0
					volume = 1.0 1.0
					pitch = 0.0 0.2
					pitch = 1.0 1.0
					loop = true
					modelName = Squad/FX/LES_Thruster
					transformName = thrustTransform
					emission = 0.0 0.0
					emission = 0.05 0.0
					emission = 0.075 0.25
					emission = 1.0 1.25
					speed = 0.0 0.5
					speed = 1.0 1.2
					channel = Ship
					clip = sound_vent_soft
					volume = 1.0
					pitch = 2.0
					loop = false
					channel = Ship
					clip = sound_explosion_low
					volume = 1.0
					pitch = 2.0
					loop = false
			name = ModuleEnginesFX
			engineID = LES
			powerEffectName = running_closed
			thrustVectorTransformName = thrustTransform
			exhaustDamage = False
			throttleLocked = True
			ignitionThreshold = 0.1
			minThrust = 0
			maxThrust = 750
			heatProduction = 400
			fxOffset = 0, 0, 0.25
			EngineType = SolidBooster
				name = SolidFuel
				ratio = 1.0
				DrawGauge = True
				key = 0 180
				key = 1 160
				key = 8 0.001
			name = SolidFuel
			amount = 30
			maxAmount = 30
			name = ModuleTestSubject
			useStaging = True
			useEvent = False
			useProgressForBodies = False
			usePrestigeForSit = False
				type = SITUATION
				value = 28
				body = _Home
				type = SITUATION
				value = 0
				body = _NotHome
				value = ALWAYS
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = LT
				value = 300000
				situationMask = 16
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = GT
				value = 10000
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Trivial
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = LT
				value = 40000
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Trivial
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = GT
				value = 5000
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Significant
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = LT
				value = 100000
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Significant
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = GT
				value = 0
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = SPEED
				test = GT
				value = 300
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEED
				test = LT
				value = 1200
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEED
				test = GT
				value = 600
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEED
				test = LT
				value = 1500
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEED
				test = GT
				value = 900
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = SPEED
				test = LT
				value = 2500
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 2000
				prestige = Trivial
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 4000
				prestige = Trivial
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 1000
				prestige = Significant
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 2000
				prestige = Significant
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 500
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 1000
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = LT
				value = 200
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = GT
				value = 100
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = LT
				value = 100
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = GT
				value = 50
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = LT
				value = 50
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = GT
				value = 20
				prestige = Exceptional
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			stackableQuantity = 1
			packedVolume = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Utility/linearVernorRCS/linearRCS.cfg
		name = linearRcs
		module = Part
		author = Pablo
		scale = 1
		node_attach = 0.0, 0.0 , 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0
		TechRequired = advFlightControl
		entryCost = 800
		cost = 25
		category = Control
		subcategory = 0
		title = Place-Anywhere 7 Linear RCS Port
		manufacturer = Reaction Systems Ltd
		description = For every space that really needs an RCS thruster, Reaction Systems Ltd has you covered with its new Place-Anywhere 7 Linear RCS Port!
		attachRules = 0,1,0,1,1
		mass = 0.02
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.01
		minimum_drag = 0.01
		angularDrag = 0.1
		crashTolerance = 15
		breakingForce = 50
		breakingTorque = 50
		maxTemp = 2600
		fuelCrossFeed = True
		PhysicsSignificance = 1
		bulkheadProfiles = srf
		tags = control dock maneuver manoeuvre react rendezvous rotate stab steer thruster translate
			model = Squad/Parts/Utility/linearVernorRCS/Assets/linearRCS
					channel = Ship
					clip = sound_rocket_mini
					volume = 0.0 0.0
					volume = 0.02 0.2
					volume = 0.5 0.2
					volume = 1.0 0.2
					pitch = 0.0 0.75
					pitch = 1.0 1.5
					loop = true
					modelName = Squad/FX/Monoprop_small
					transformName = RCSthruster
					emission = 0.0 0.0
					emission = 0.1 0.0
					emission = 1.0 1.0
					speed = 0.0 0.8
					speed = 1.0 1.0
					localRotation = -90, 0, 0
			name = ModuleRCSFX
			stagingEnabled = False
			thrusterTransformName = RCSthruster
			thrusterPower = 2.0
			resourceName = MonoPropellant
			resourceFlowMode = STAGE_PRIORITY_FLOW
			runningEffectName = running
				key = 0 240
				key = 1 100
				key = 4 0.001
			name = FXModuleAnimateRCS
			animationName = linearRCSGlow
			responseSpeed = 0.01
			thrustForceMult = 2
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 15
			stackableQuantity = 2
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Utility/linearVernorRCS/vernorEngine.cfg
		name = vernierEngine
		module = Part
		author = Pablo
		scale = 1
		rescaleFactor = 2
		node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1, 0, 0.0, 1
		TechRequired = specializedControl
		entryCost = 1800
		cost = 150
		category = Control
		subcategory = 0
		title = Vernor Engine
		manufacturer = Reaction Systems Ltd
		description = The VR-N1ER Veer-Governor, or "Vernor" Engine is an attitude control thruster. These motors are linked to RCS controls, but are powered by a Fuel+Oxidizer mix, making them significantly more powerful than MonoPropellant-powered RCS thrusters. They are fairly more bulky in comparison though, and feature only one nozzle facing outwards, although most agree that is an acceptable trade-off for the additional punch they pack.
		attachRules = 0,1,0,1,1
		mass = 0.08
		heatConductivity = 0.06
		skinInternalConductionMult = 4.0
		emissiveConstant = 0.8
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.01
		minimum_drag = 0.01
		angularDrag = 0.1
		crashTolerance = 15
		breakingForce = 50
		breakingTorque = 50
		maxTemp = 2000
		fuelCrossFeed = True
		PhysicsSignificance = 1
		bulkheadProfiles = srf
		tags = dock liquid manoeuvre maneuver propuls rocket control react rendezvous rotate stab steer thruster translate rcs vernier
			model = Squad/Parts/Utility/linearVernorRCS/Assets/vernorEngine
					channel = Ship
					clip = sound_rocket_mini
					volume = 0.0 0.0
					volume = 0.1 0.0
					volume = 0.5 0.05
					volume = 1.0 0.5
					pitch = 0.0 0.5
					pitch = 1.0 1.0
					loop = true
					modelName = Squad/FX/Monoprop_medium
					transformName = RCSthruster
					emission = 0.0 0.0
					emission = 0.1 0.0
					emission = 1.0 1.0
					speed = 0.0 0.8
					speed = 1.0 1.0
					localRotation = -90, 0, 0
			name = ModuleRCSFX
			stagingEnabled = False
			thrusterTransformName = RCSthruster
			thrusterPower = 12
			resourceName = LiquidFuel
			resourceFlowMode = STAGE_PRIORITY_FLOW
			runningEffectName = running
				name = LiquidFuel
				ratio = 0.9
				DrawGauge = True
				resourceFlowMode = STAGE_PRIORITY_FLOW
				name = Oxidizer
				ratio = 1.1
				resourceFlowMode = STAGE_PRIORITY_FLOW
				key = 0 260
				key = 1 140
				key = 5 0.001
			name = FXModuleAnimateRCS
			animationName = linearRCSGlow
			responseSpeed = 0.01
			thrustForceMult = 2
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 30
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Utility/mk2CargoBay/BayL.cfg
		name = mk2CargoBayL
		module = Part
		author = Porkjet
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_top2 = 0.0, 1.855, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
		node_stack_bottom2 = 0.0, -1.855, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 1.875, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -1.875, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
		TechRequired = highAltitudeFlight
		entryCost = 17200
		cost = 500
		category = Payload
		subcategory = 0
		title = Mk2 Cargo Bay CRG-08
		manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division
		description = The longer version of the shorter cargo bay. Some ask us just how long is it? It's exactly double the length of the other one.
		attachRules = 1,0,1,1,1
		mass = 0.5
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.3
		angularDrag = 1
		crashTolerance = 50
		breakingForce = 50
		breakingTorque = 50
		maxTemp = 2500
		emissiveConstant = 0.8
		fuelCrossFeed = True
		bulkheadProfiles = mk2
		tags = contain convey equipment freight hold hollow payload (stor transport utility
			cube = A, 5.658236,0.420993,1.323529, 5.658236,0.4213952,1.323529, 2.494907,0.962501,0.154902, 2.494907,0.9625011,0.154902, 9.393588,0.9362289,0.7000003, 9.393588,0.9330578,0.7000003, 0,0.0002499819,0, 2.5,3.7505,1.500001
			cube = B, 7.086244,0.5649103,2.071565, 7.086244,0.5715333,2.071565, 2.494907,0.962501,0.154902, 2.494907,0.9625011,0.154902, 14.94524,0.8164638,1.929913, 14.94524,0.8081035,2.098116, 8.34465E-07,0.0002498627,-0.2787333, 3.992453,3.750501,2.057467
			model = Squad/Parts/Utility/mk2CargoBay/BayLarge
			name = ModuleLiftingSurface
			useInternalDragModel = False
			deflectionLiftCoeff = 0.7
			dragAtMaxAoA = 0.4
			dragAtMinAoA = 0.1
			name = ModuleAnimateGeneric
			animationName = Mk2BayL
			startEventGUIName = Close
			endEventGUIName = Open
			actionGUIName = Toggle Bay Doors
			allowDeployLimit = true
			revClampDirection = false
			revClampSpeed = true
			revClampPercent = true
			name = ModuleCargoBay
			DeployModuleIndex = 1
			closedPosition = 1
			lookupRadius = 2.05
			partTypeName = Cargo bay
			nodeOuterForeID = top
			nodeOuterAftID = bottom
			nodeInnerForeID = top2
			nodeInnerAftID = bottom2
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			stackableQuantity = 1
			packedVolume = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Utility/mk2CargoBay/BayS.cfg
		name = mk2CargoBayS
		module = Part
		author = Porkjet
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_top2 = 0.0, 0.9175, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0
		node_stack_bottom2 = 0.0, -0.9175, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.9375, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.9375, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
		TechRequired = supersonicFlight
		entryCost = 11500
		cost = 320
		category = Payload
		subcategory = 0
		title = Mk2 Cargo Bay CRG-04
		manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division
		description = Ever wanted to deploy small items into space such as Cubesats, ion-powered Probes or Kerbals? This is just the part for you! (Disclaimer: C7 Aerospace does not condone the deployment of Kerbals into space via Cargo Bays.)
		attachRules = 1,0,1,1,1
		mass = 0.25
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.3
		angularDrag = 1
		crashTolerance = 50
		breakingForce = 50
		breakingTorque = 50
		maxTemp = 2500
		emissiveConstant = 0.8
		fuelCrossFeed = True
		bulkheadProfiles = mk2
		tags = contain convey equipment freight hold hollow payload (stor transport utility
			cube = A, 2.811507,0.4203178,1.323529, 2.811507,0.4207772,1.323529, 2.494907,0.962501,0.154902, 2.494907,0.9625011,0.154902, 4.694843,0.9348387,1.386667, 4.694939,0.9358073,1.54, 0,0.0001237392,0, 2.5,1.875248,1.5
			cube = B, 3.507514,0.5657873,2.022242, 3.522568,0.5698409,2.088006, 2.494907,0.962501,0.154902, 2.494907,0.9625011,0.154902, 7.503718,0.8164085,1.929913, 7.503718,0.8079262,2.098116, 8.34465E-07,0.0001237392,-0.2787331, 3.992453,1.875248,2.057467
			model = Squad/Parts/Utility/mk2CargoBay/BaySmall
			name = ModuleLiftingSurface
			useInternalDragModel = False
			deflectionLiftCoeff = 0.35
			dragAtMaxAoA = 0.2
			dragAtMinAoA = 0.1
			name = ModuleAnimateGeneric
			animationName = Mk2BayS
			startEventGUIName = Close
			endEventGUIName = Open
			actionGUIName = Toggle Bay Doors
			allowDeployLimit = true
			revClampDirection = false
			revClampSpeed = true
			revClampPercent = true
			name = ModuleCargoBay
			DeployModuleIndex = 1
			closedPosition = 1
			lookupRadius = 1.15
			partTypeName = Cargo bay
			nodeOuterForeID = top
			nodeOuterAftID = bottom
			nodeInnerForeID = top2
			nodeInnerAftID = bottom2
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			stackableQuantity = 1
			packedVolume = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Utility/mk2CrewCabin/mk2CrewCabin.cfg
		name = mk2CrewCabin
		module = Part
		author = Porkjet
		mesh =
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.9375, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.9375, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0
		node_attach = 1.25, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1
		CrewCapacity = 4
		TechRequired = highAltitudeFlight
		entryCost = 12000
		cost = 4200
		category = Utility
		subcategory = 0
		title = MK2 Crew Cabin
		manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division
		description = A Mk2 Profile Compliant, compact and eco-friendly crew transportation module, made from up to 80% recycled aircraft components. C7 Engineers insist that all recycled components were meticulously scrubbed clean before assembly, and take no responsibility for any odd smells that may be detected inside and/or around the unit.
		attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0
		mass = 2.03
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.3
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 45
		breakingForce = 200
		breakingTorque = 200
		maxTemp = 1400
		skinMaxTemp = 2500
		emissiveConstant = 0.8
		vesselType = Ship
		bulkheadProfiles = mk2
		tags = base contain outpost passenger statio (stor tour
			name = MK2_CrewCab_Int
			name = ModuleScienceExperiment
			experimentID = crewReport
			experimentActionName = Crew Report
			resetActionName = Discard Crew Report
			reviewActionName = Review Report
			useStaging = False
			useActionGroups = True
			hideUIwhenUnavailable = True
			rerunnable = True
			xmitDataScalar = 1.0
			usageReqMaskInternal = 5
			usageReqMaskExternal = -1
			name = ModuleScienceContainer
			reviewActionName = Review Stored Data
			storeActionName = Store Experiments
			evaOnlyStorage = True
			storageRange = 2.0
			name = ModuleLiftingSurface
			useInternalDragModel = False
			deflectionLiftCoeff = 0.35
			dragAtMaxAoA = 0.15
			dragAtMinAoA = 0.1
			name = ModuleColorChanger
			shaderProperty = _EmissiveColor
			animRate = 0.8
			animState = false
			useRate = true
			toggleInEditor = true
			toggleInFlight = true
			toggleInFlight = true
			unfocusedRange = 5
			toggleName = Toggle Lights
			eventOnName = Lights On
			eventOffName = Lights Off
			toggleAction = True
			defaultActionGroup = Light
				key = 0 0 0 3
				key = 1 1 0 0
				key = 0 0 0 1
				key = 1 1 1 0
				key = 0 0 0 0
				key = 1 0.7 1.5 0
				key = 0 1
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			stackableQuantity = 1
			packedVolume = -1
			name = ModuleInventoryPart
			InventorySlots = 4
			packedVolumeLimit = 200
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Utility/mk2DockingPort/mk2DockingPort.cfg
		name = mk2DockingPort
		module = Part
		author = AlexanderM
		mesh =
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.625, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.625, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
		TechRequired = highAltitudeFlight
		entryCost = 11000
		cost = 850
		category = Coupling
		subcategory = 0
		title = Mk2 Clamp-O-Tron
		manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division
		description = The new Clamp-O-Tron brand docking port comes complete with integrated monopropellant tanks for all your docking needs.
		attachRules = 1,0,1,1,1
		mass = 0.30
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.3
		angularDrag = 1
		crashTolerance = 50
		breakingForce = 50
		breakingTorque = 50
		maxTemp = 2500
		emissiveConstant = 0.8
		fuelCrossFeed = True
		bulkheadProfiles = size1, mk2
		tags = berth capture connect couple dock fasten join moor port socket utility
			cube = A, 1.918621,0.4513012,2.017967, 1.927046,0.4519399,1.858654, 2.494907,0.962501,0.154902, 2.494907,0.9625011,0.154902, 3.986614,0.9374123,1.526986, 3.986614,0.8837488,1.579901, -1.192093E-07,0.0002481341,-0.1138154, 3.185405,1.250499,1.727631
			cube = B, 1.87207,0.423032,1.344706, 1.87207,0.4207015,1.344706, 2.494907,0.962501,0.154902, 2.494907,0.9625011,0.154902, 3.132725,0.9338691,1.4, 3.132725,0.9295117,0.7000001, 0,0.0002481341,-5.960464E-08, 2.5,1.250499,1.5
			name = MonoPropellant
			amount = 75
			maxAmount = 75
			name = ModuleDockingNode
			deployAnimationController = 1
			nodeType = size1
			nodeTransformName = dockingNode
			controlTransformName = controlNode
			rotationAxis = Y
			staged = False
			stagingEnabled = False
			canRotate = True
			rotationTransformName = Port.001
			maxMotorOutput = 200
			rotationAxis = Z
				name = ElectricCharge
				rate = 1
			name = ModuleAnimateGeneric
			animationName = dockingPortDeploy
			actionGUIName = Toggle
			startEventGUIName = Open
			endEventGUIName = Close
			name = ModuleLiftingSurface
			useInternalDragModel = False
			deflectionLiftCoeff = 0.24
			dragAtMaxAoA = 0.3
			dragAtMinAoA = 0.1
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			stackableQuantity = 1
			packedVolume = -1
			name = ModuleColorChanger
			shaderProperty = _EmissiveColor
			animRate = 0.8
			animState = false
			useRate = true
			toggleInEditor = true
			toggleInFlight = true
			toggleInFlight = true
			unfocusedRange = 5
			toggleName = Toggle Lights
			eventOnName = Lights On
			eventOffName = Lights Off
			toggleAction = True
			defaultActionGroup = Light
				key = 0 0 0 3
				key = 1 1 0 0
				key = 0 0 0 1
				key = 1 1 1 0
				key = 0 0 0 0
				key = 1 0.7 1.5 0
				key = 0 1
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Utility/mk3CargoBay/long.cfg
		name = mk3CargoBayL
		module = Part
		author = Porkjet
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_top2 = 0.0, 4.98, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2
		node_stack_bottom2 = 0.0, -4.98, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 5, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 3
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -5, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 3
		TechRequired = experimentalAerodynamics
		entryCost = 32000
		cost = 3000
		category = Payload
		subcategory = 0
		title = Mk3 Cargo Bay CRG-100
		manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division
		description = Originally we threw away the container the Rockomax Jumbo-64 tank came in, then one day a bright and upcoming engineer suggested we reuse them. He was promptly reallocated to another department and his boss came up with the brilliant idea of reusing these containers as cargo bays!
		attachRules = 1,0,1,1,1
		mass = 6
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.3
		angularDrag = 1
		crashTolerance = 50
		maxTemp = 2700
		emissiveConstant = 0.87
		fuelCrossFeed = True
		bulkheadProfiles = mk3
		breakingForce = 300
		breakingTorque = 300
		tags = contain convey equipment freight hold hollow payload (stor transport utility
			cube = A, 37.5,0.822315,1.748168, 37.5,0.8119329,1.748168, 10.30376,1,0.08000001, 10.30376,1,0.08000001, 32.54395,0.8378618,2.555883, 32.54395,0.8354246,1.347648, 0,0,0, 3.3101,10,3.750001
			cube = B, 26.5625,0.7576667,3.69054, 26.5625,0.7604232,3.69054, 10.30376,1,0.08000001, 10.30376,1,0.08000001, 73.82813,0.8808309,2.632985, 73.82813,0.898478,3.339037, 0,0,0.09955025, 7.451119,10,3.550901
			model = Squad/Parts/Utility/mk3CargoBay/long
			name = ModuleAnimateGeneric
			animationName = MK3CargoBay
			startEventGUIName = Close
			endEventGUIName = Open
			actionGUIName = Toggle Bay Doors
			allowDeployLimit = true
			revClampDirection = false
			revClampSpeed = true
			revClampPercent = true
			name = ModuleCargoBay
			DeployModuleIndex = 0
			closedPosition = 1
			lookupRadius = 5.25
			partTypeName = Cargo bay
			nodeOuterForeID = top
			nodeOuterAftID = bottom
			nodeInnerForeID = top2
			nodeInnerAftID = bottom2
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Utility/mk3CargoBay/medium.cfg
		name = mk3CargoBayM
		module = Part
		author = Porkjet
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_top2 = 0.0, 2.48, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2
		node_stack_bottom2 = 0.0, -2.48, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 2.5, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 3
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -2.5, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 3
		TechRequired = heavyAerodynamics
		entryCost = 32000
		cost = 1500
		category = Payload
		subcategory = 0
		title = Mk3 Cargo Bay CRG-50
		manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division
		description = Originally we threw away the container the Rockomax X200-32 tank came in, then one day a bright and upcoming engineer suggested we reuse them. He was promptly reallocated to another department and his boss came up with the brilliant idea of reusing these containers as cargo bays!
		attachRules = 1,0,1,1,1
		mass = 3
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.3
		angularDrag = 1
		crashTolerance = 50
		maxTemp = 2700
		emissiveConstant = 0.87
		fuelCrossFeed = True
		bulkheadProfiles = mk3
		breakingForce = 300
		breakingTorque = 300
		tags = contain convey equipment freight hold hollow payload (stor transport utility
			cube = A, 18.75,0.8183038,1.748168, 18.75,0.8131053,1.748168, 10.30376,1,0.08000001, 10.30376,1,0.08000001, 16.33606,0.8349712,2.555883, 16.33606,0.832463,1.347647, 0,0,0, 3.3101,5.000001,3.750001
			cube = B, 13.18359,0.7628529,3.690535, 13.18359,0.7658651,3.690535, 10.30376,1,0.08000001, 10.30376,1,0.08000001, 36.64127,0.8811509,2.632985, 36.64127,0.8984743,3.339037, -4.768372E-06,0,0.09955025, 7.451109,5.000001,3.5509
			model = Squad/Parts/Utility/mk3CargoBay/medium
			name = ModuleAnimateGeneric
			animationName = MK3CargoBay
			startEventGUIName = Close
			endEventGUIName = Open
			actionGUIName = Toggle Bay Doors
			allowDeployLimit = true
			revClampDirection = false
			revClampSpeed = true
			revClampPercent = true
			name = ModuleCargoBay
			DeployModuleIndex = 0
			closedPosition = 1
			lookupRadius = 2.85
			partTypeName = Cargo bay
			nodeOuterForeID = top
			nodeOuterAftID = bottom
			nodeInnerForeID = top2
			nodeInnerAftID = bottom2
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Utility/mk3CargoBay/ramp.cfg
		name = mk3CargoRamp
		module = Part
		author = Porkjet
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_top2 = 0.0, 3, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 3, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 3
		CoPOffset = 0.0, 1.0, 0.0
		CoLOffset = 0.0, 1.0, 0.0
		TechRequired = heavyAerodynamics
		entryCost = 32000
		cost = 3000
		category = Payload
		subcategory = 0
		title = Mk3 Cargo Ramp
		manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division
		description = A sophisticated deployment system for cargo delivery on the ground, or on the sea, or in mid-air, or in a vacuum. Wherever you want, really.
		attachRules = 1,0,1,1,1
		mass = 4
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.3
		angularDrag = 1
		crashTolerance = 50
		maxTemp = 2700
		emissiveConstant = 0.87
		fuelCrossFeed = True
		bulkheadProfiles = mk3
		breakingForce = 300
		breakingTorque = 300
		tags = bay contain convey equipment freight hold hollow load payload (stor transport unload utility
			cube = A, 17.57434,0.7443155,1.703521, 17.57434,0.7434778,1.703521, 10.31539,1,8.208119, 10.31539,0.3900836,8.208119, 23.91173,0.8307629,3.691755, 23.91173,0.8663591,1.116834, 0,-1.1199,0.002724528, 3.247601,8.2398,3.755452
			cube = B, 18.29207,0.739895,1.717041, 18.29207,0.7390726,1.717041, 20.06482,0.7,8.241217, 20.06482,0.7,7.314494, 24.25351,0.8534118,6.11441, 24.25351,0.8655999,6.264765, 0,-1.1199,1.220029, 3.247601,8.2398,6.19006
			model = Squad/Parts/Utility/mk3CargoBay/ramp
			name = ModuleAnimateGeneric
			animationName = Mk3CargoRamp
			startEventGUIName = Close
			endEventGUIName = Open
			actionGUIName = Toggle Ramp
			allowDeployLimit = true
			revClampDirection = false
			revClampSpeed = true
			revClampPercent = true
			name = ModuleCargoBay
			DeployModuleIndex = 0
			closedPosition = 1
			lookupRadius = 5.0
			partTypeName = Ramp
			nodeOuterForeID = top
			nodeInnerForeID = top2
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Utility/mk3CargoBay/short.cfg
		name = mk3CargoBayS
		module = Part
		author = Porkjet
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_top2 = 0.0, 1.23, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2
		node_stack_bottom2 = 0.0, -1.23, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 1.25, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 3
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -1.25, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 3
		TechRequired = heavyAerodynamics
		entryCost = 32000
		cost = 750
		category = Payload
		subcategory = 0
		title = Mk3 Cargo Bay CRG-25
		manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division
		description = Originally we threw away the container the Rockomax X200-16 tank came in, then one day a bright and upcoming engineer suggested we reuse them. He was promptly reallocated to another department and his boss came up with the brilliant idea of reusing these containers as cargo bays!
		attachRules = 1,0,1,1,1
		mass = 1.5
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.3
		angularDrag = 1
		crashTolerance = 50
		maxTemp = 2700
		emissiveConstant = 0.87
		fuelCrossFeed = True
		bulkheadProfiles = mk3
		breakingForce = 300
		breakingTorque = 300
		tags = contain convey equipment freight hold hollow payload (stor transport utility
			cube = A, 9.393312,0.8165634,1.748168, 9.393312,0.8126662,1.748168, 10.30376,1,0.08000001, 10.30376,1,0.08000001, 8.126952,0.8369598,2.571373, 8.126952,0.8345596,1.378628, 0,0,0, 3.3101,2.500001,3.75
			cube = B, 6.63311,0.761628,7.471074, 6.667892,0.7605543,7.471074, 10.30376,1,0.08000001, 10.30376,1,0.08000001, 18.21523,0.8810784,2.63298, 18.21523,0.898275,3.33903, 0,1.192093E-07,0.09955382, 7.4511,2.5,3.550893
			model = Squad/Parts/Utility/mk3CargoBay/short
			name = ModuleAnimateGeneric
			animationName = MK3CargoBay
			startEventGUIName = Close
			endEventGUIName = Open
			actionGUIName = Toggle Bay Doors
			allowDeployLimit = true
			revClampDirection = false
			revClampSpeed = true
			revClampPercent = true
			name = ModuleCargoBay
			DeployModuleIndex = 0
			closedPosition = 1
			lookupRadius = 2
			partTypeName = Cargo bay
			nodeOuterForeID = top
			nodeOuterAftID = bottom
			nodeInnerForeID = top2
			nodeInnerAftID = bottom2
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Utility/parachuteMk1/parachuteMk1.cfg
		name = parachuteSingle
		module = Part
		author = HarvesteR
		mesh =
		scale = 0.1
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.120649, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0
		node_attach = 0.0, -0.120649, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0
		buoyancyUseCubeNamed = PACKED
		sound_parachute_open = activate
		sound_parachute_single = deploy
		TechRequired = start
		entryCost = 0
		cost = 422
		category = Utility
		subcategory = 0
		title = Mk16 Parachute
		description = The Mk16 Parachute might be considered by some to be little more than a random stitching together of the surplus parts it is, in fact, made from. But the fact remains that the Mk16 has been widely accepted as a generally better alternative to being in freefall.
		attachRules = 1,0,0,1,0
		mass = 0.1
		dragModelType = default
		angularDrag = 3
		crashTolerance = 12
		maxTemp = 2500
		emissiveConstant = 0.7
		stageOffset = -1
		preferredStage = PARACHUTESTAGE
		bulkheadProfiles = size0, srf
		bodyLiftMultiplier = 0
		tags = arrest canopy chute decel descen drag entry fall landing re- return safe slow white
			name = ModuleParachute
			semiDeployedAnimation = semiDeploySmall
			fullyDeployedAnimation = fullyDeploySmall
			invertCanopy = true
			autoCutSpeed = 0.5
			capName = cap
			canopyName = canopy
			stowedDrag = 0.22
			semiDeployedDrag = 1
			fullyDeployedDrag = 500
			minAirPressureToOpen = 0.04
			clampMinAirPressure = 0.04
			deployAltitude = 1000
			deploymentSpeed = 0.12
			semiDeploymentSpeed = 0.5
			chuteMaxTemp = 650
			name = ModuleTestSubject
			useStaging = True
			useEvent = False
			situationMask = 8
				type = ATMOSPHERE
				value = True
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = LT
				value = 200
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = GT
				value = 100
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = LT
				value = 100
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = GT
				value = 50
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = LT
				value = 50
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = GT
				value = 20
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = DENSITY
				test = GT
				value = 0.2
				prestige = Trivial
				type = DENSITY
				test = GT
				value = 0.1
				prestige = Significant
				type = DENSITY
				test = GT
				value = 0.02
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = GT
				value = 1000
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 4000
				prestige = Trivial
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 8000
				prestige = Trivial
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 2000
				prestige = Significant
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 4000
				prestige = Significant
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 1000
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 2000
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = SPEED
				test = LT
				value = 300
				body = _Home
				type = SPEED
				test = LT
				value = 1000
				body = _NotHome
				value = ALWAYS
				prestige = Trivial
				prestige = Significant
				value = ONCEPERPART
				prestige = Exceptional
			name = ModuleDragModifier
			dragCubeName = SEMIDEPLOYED
			dragModifier = 1.25
			name = ModuleDragModifier
			dragCubeName = DEPLOYED
			dragModifier = 12
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 140
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Utility/parachuteMk12-R/parachuteMk12-R.cfg
		name = radialDrogue
		module = Part
		author = NovaSilisko
		mesh =
		scale = 1
		rescaleFactor = 0.5
		node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0
		buoyancyUseCubeNamed = PACKED
		sound_parachute_open = activate
		sound_parachute_single = deploy
		TechRequired = survivability
		entryCost = 600
		cost = 150
		category = Utility
		subcategory = 0
		title = Mk12-R Radial-Mount Drogue Chute
		description = The Mk12-R is a half sized radial mount version of the Mk25. This "Drogue" parachute is small, deploys high up, and certainly not enough to stop you smashing into the ground on its own, but useful for slowing craft down before the deployment of your main chutes.
		attachRules = 0,1,0,0,0
		mass = 0.075
		dragModelType = default
		angularDrag = 3
		crashTolerance = 12
		maxTemp = 2500
		emissiveConstant = 0.7
		breakingForce = 100
		breakingTorque = 50
		bodyLiftMultiplier = 0
		stageOffset = -1
		preferredStage = PARACHUTESTAGE
		bulkheadProfiles = srf
		tags = arrest canopy chute decel descen drag entry fall landing orange re- return safe slow stab
			name = ModuleParachute
			invertCanopy = true
			autoCutSpeed = 0.5
			capName = cap
			canopyName = canopy
			semiDeployedAnimation = semiDeployLarge
			fullyDeployedAnimation = fullyDeployLarge
			stowedDrag = 0.22
			semiDeployedDrag = 2
			fullyDeployedDrag = 100
			minAirPressureToOpen = 0.02
			clampMinAirPressure = 0.02
			deployAltitude = 2500
			deploymentSpeed = 0.16667
			semiDeploymentSpeed = 0.5
			chuteMaxTemp = 1100
			machHeatMultBase = 0.5
			chuteThermalMassPerArea = 0.08
			name = ModuleTestSubject
			useStaging = True
			useEvent = False
			situationMask = 8
				type = ATMOSPHERE
				value = True
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = LT
				value = 200
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = GT
				value = 100
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = LT
				value = 100
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = GT
				value = 50
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = LT
				value = 50
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = GT
				value = 20
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = DENSITY
				test = GT
				value = 0.2
				prestige = Trivial
				type = DENSITY
				test = GT
				value = 0.1
				prestige = Significant
				type = DENSITY
				test = GT
				value = 0.02
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = GT
				value = 1000
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 4000
				prestige = Trivial
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 8000
				prestige = Trivial
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 2000
				prestige = Significant
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 4000
				prestige = Significant
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 1000
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 2000
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = SPEED
				test = LT
				value = 500
				body = _Home
				type = SPEED
				test = LT
				value = 1200
				body = _NotHome
				value = ALWAYS
				prestige = Trivial
				prestige = Significant
				value = ONCEPERPART
				prestige = Exceptional
			name = ModuleDragModifier
			dragCubeName = SEMIDEPLOYED
			dragModifier = 2.5
			name = ModuleDragModifier
			dragCubeName = DEPLOYED
			dragModifier = 8
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			stackableQuantity = 4
			packedVolume = 12
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Utility/parachuteMk16-XL/parachuteMk16-XL.cfg
		name = parachuteLarge
		module = Part
		author = HarvesteR
		mesh =
		scale = 0.1
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.020649, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
		node_attach = 0.0, -0.020649, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0
		buoyancyUseCubeNamed = PACKED
		sound_parachute_open = activate
		sound_parachute_single = deploy
		TechRequired = landing
		entryCost = 4600
		cost = 850
		category = Utility
		subcategory = 0
		title = Mk16-XL Parachute
		description = The Mk16-XL Parachute is a double-sized variant of the Mk16, now with only 50% of the structural integrity!
		attachRules = 1,0,0,1,0
		mass = 0.3
		dragModelType = default
		angularDrag = 3
		crashTolerance = 12
		maxTemp = 2500
		emissiveConstant = 0.7
		breakingForce = 100
		breakingTorque = 50
		bodyLiftMultiplier = 0
		stageOffset = -1
		preferredStage = PARACHUTESTAGE
		bulkheadProfiles = size1, srf
		tags = arrest blue canopy chute decel descen drag entry fall landing re- return safe slow
			name = ModuleParachute
			invertCanopy = true
			autoCutSpeed = 0.5
			capName = cap
			canopyName = canopy
			semiDeployedAnimation = semiDeployLarge
			fullyDeployedAnimation = fullyDeployLarge
			stowedDrag = 0.22
			semiDeployedDrag = 1
			fullyDeployedDrag = 500
			minAirPressureToOpen = 0.04
			clampMinAirPressure = 0.04
			deployAltitude = 1000
			deploymentSpeed = 0.12
			semiDeploymentSpeed = 0.5
			chuteMaxTemp = 650
			name = ModuleTestSubject
			useStaging = True
			useEvent = False
			situationMask = 8
				type = ATMOSPHERE
				value = True
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = LT
				value = 200
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = GT
				value = 100
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = LT
				value = 100
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = GT
				value = 50
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = LT
				value = 50
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = GT
				value = 20
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = DENSITY
				test = GT
				value = 0.2
				prestige = Trivial
				type = DENSITY
				test = GT
				value = 0.1
				prestige = Significant
				type = DENSITY
				test = GT
				value = 0.02
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = GT
				value = 1000
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 4000
				prestige = Trivial
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 8000
				prestige = Trivial
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 2000
				prestige = Significant
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 4000
				prestige = Significant
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 1000
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 2000
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = SPEED
				test = LT
				value = 300
				body = _Home
				type = SPEED
				test = LT
				value = 1000
				body = _NotHome
				value = ALWAYS
				prestige = Trivial
				prestige = Significant
				value = ONCEPERPART
				prestige = Exceptional
			name = ModuleDragModifier
			dragCubeName = SEMIDEPLOYED
			dragModifier = 0.67
			name = ModuleDragModifier
			dragCubeName = DEPLOYED
			dragModifier = 25
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 1100
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Utility/parachuteMk2-R/parachuteMk2-R.cfg
		name = parachuteRadial
		module = Part
		author = NovaSilisko
		mesh =
		scale = 1
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0
		buoyancyUseCubeNamed = PACKED
		sound_parachute_open = activate
		sound_parachute_single = deploy
		TechRequired = survivability
		entryCost = 2800
		cost = 400
		category = Utility
		subcategory = 0
		title = Mk2-R Radial-Mount Parachute
		description = A parachute comparable to the Mk16 chute, but which is placed radially instead of attached on top of something.
		attachRules = 0,1,0,0,0
		mass = 0.1
		dragModelType = default
		angularDrag = 3
		crashTolerance = 12
		maxTemp = 2500
		emissiveConstant = 0.7
		breakingForce = 100
		breakingTorque = 50
		bodyLiftMultiplier = 0
		stageOffset = -1
		preferredStage = PARACHUTESTAGE
		bulkheadProfiles = srf
		tags = arrest blue canopy chute decel descen drag entry fall landing re- return safe slow
			name = ModuleParachute
			invertCanopy = true
			autoCutSpeed = 0.5
			capName = cap
			canopyName = canopy
			semiDeployedAnimation = semiDeployLarge
			fullyDeployedAnimation = fullyDeployLarge
			stowedDrag = 0.22
			semiDeployedDrag = 1
			fullyDeployedDrag = 500
			minAirPressureToOpen = 0.04
			clampMinAirPressure = 0.04
			deployAltitude = 1000
			deploymentSpeed = 0.12
			semiDeploymentSpeed = 0.5
			chuteMaxTemp = 650
			name = ModuleTestSubject
			useStaging = True
			useEvent = False
			situationMask = 8
				type = ATMOSPHERE
				value = True
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = LT
				value = 200
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = GT
				value = 100
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = LT
				value = 100
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = GT
				value = 50
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = LT
				value = 50
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = GT
				value = 20
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = DENSITY
				test = GT
				value = 0.2
				prestige = Trivial
				type = DENSITY
				test = GT
				value = 0.1
				prestige = Significant
				type = DENSITY
				test = GT
				value = 0.02
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = GT
				value = 1000
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 4000
				prestige = Trivial
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 8000
				prestige = Trivial
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 2000
				prestige = Significant
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 4000
				prestige = Significant
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 1000
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 2000
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = SPEED
				test = LT
				value = 300
				body = _Home
				type = SPEED
				test = LT
				value = 1000
				body = _NotHome
				value = ALWAYS
				prestige = Trivial
				prestige = Significant
				value = ONCEPERPART
				prestige = Exceptional
			name = ModuleDragModifier
			dragCubeName = SEMIDEPLOYED
			dragModifier = 1
			name = ModuleDragModifier
			dragCubeName = DEPLOYED
			dragModifier = 58
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 100
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Utility/parachuteMk25/parachuteMk25.cfg
		name = parachuteDrogue
		module = Part
		author = NovaSilisko
		mesh =
		scale = 0.1
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.020649, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
		node_attach = 0.0, -0.020649, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0
		buoyancyUseCubeNamed = PACKED
		sound_parachute_open = activate
		sound_parachute_single = deploy
		TechRequired = advLanding
		entryCost = 3500
		cost = 400
		category = Utility
		subcategory = 0
		title = Mk25 Parachute
		description = The Mk25 is what's known as a "Drogue" parachute - small, deploys high up, and certainly not enough to stop you smashing into the ground on its own, but useful for slowing heavy craft down before the deployment of your main chutes.
		attachRules = 1,0,0,1,0
		mass = 0.2
		dragModelType = default
		angularDrag = 3
		crashTolerance = 12
		maxTemp = 2500
		emissiveConstant = 0.7
		breakingForce = 100
		breakingTorque = 50
		bodyLiftMultiplier = 0
		stageOffset = -1
		preferredStage = PARACHUTESTAGE
		bulkheadProfiles = size1, srf
		tags = arrest canopy chute decel descen drag drogue entry fall landing orange re- return safe slow stab
			name = ModuleParachute
			invertCanopy = true
			autoCutSpeed = 0.5
			capName = cap
			canopyName = canopy
			semiDeployedAnimation = semiDeployLarge
			fullyDeployedAnimation = fullyDeployLarge
			stowedDrag = 0.22
			semiDeployedDrag = 4
			fullyDeployedDrag = 170
			minAirPressureToOpen = 0.02
			clampMinAirPressure = 0.02
			deployAltitude = 2500
			deploymentSpeed = 0.16667
			semiDeploymentSpeed = 0.5
			chuteMaxTemp = 1600
			machHeatMultBase = 0.25
			chuteThermalMassPerArea = 0.09
			name = ModuleTestSubject
			useStaging = True
			useEvent = False
			situationMask = 8
				type = ATMOSPHERE
				value = True
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = LT
				value = 200
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = GT
				value = 100
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = LT
				value = 100
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = GT
				value = 50
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = LT
				value = 50
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = GT
				value = 20
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = DENSITY
				test = GT
				value = 0.2
				prestige = Trivial
				type = DENSITY
				test = GT
				value = 0.1
				prestige = Significant
				type = DENSITY
				test = GT
				value = 0.02
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = GT
				value = 1000
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 4000
				prestige = Trivial
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 8000
				prestige = Trivial
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 2000
				prestige = Significant
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 4000
				prestige = Significant
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 1000
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 2000
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = SPEED
				test = LT
				value = 500
				body = _Home
				type = SPEED
				test = LT
				value = 1200
				body = _NotHome
				value = ALWAYS
				prestige = Trivial
				prestige = Significant
				value = ONCEPERPART
				prestige = Exceptional
			name = ModuleDragModifier
			dragCubeName = SEMIDEPLOYED
			dragModifier = 0.67
			name = ModuleDragModifier
			dragCubeName = DEPLOYED
			dragModifier = 3.5
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 900
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Utility/radialAttachmentPoint/radialAttachmentPoint.cfg
		name = stackPoint1
		module = Part
		author = NovaSilisko
		mesh =
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.04688377, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1
		node_attach = 0.0, -0.08, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0
		TechRequired = specializedConstruction
		entryCost = 1200
		cost = 250
		category = Structural
		subcategory = 0
		title = BZ-52 Radial Attachment Point
		manufacturer = Found behind the Clamp-O-Tron factory
		description = Originally a defective Clamp-O-Tron docking port, engineers soon discovered it had great potential as a structural element.
		attachRules = 1,1,1,1,1
		mass = 0.04
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.25
		minimum_drag = 0.25
		angularDrag = 0.5
		crashTolerance = 10
		maxTemp = 2000
		PhysicsSignificance = 1
		bulkheadProfiles = size1, srf
		tags = affix anchor mount secure
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 800
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Utility/rcsBlockRV-105_v2/RCSblock_01_small.cfg
		name = RCSblock_01_small
		module = Part
		author = Squad
		mesh =
		rescaleFactor = 0.625
		node_attach = 0, 0, 0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0
		TechRequired = advFlightControl
		entryCost = 600
		cost = 30
		category = Control
		subcategory = 0
		title = RV-1X Variable Thruster Block
		manufacturer = Reaction Systems Ltd
		description = This small thruster block comes in a variety of variants that offer different RCS horn configurations to solve all your RCS needs.
		attachRules = 0,1,0,0,0
		mass = 0.005
		dragModelType = default
		crashTolerance = 12
		maxTemp = 1500
		PhysicsSignificance = 1
		bulkheadProfiles = srf
		tags = cluster control dock maneuver manoeuvre react rendezvous rotate stab steer translate
			name = ModulePartVariants
			baseVariant = Angled
				name = Angled
				displayName = Angled 4-horn
				themeName = White
				primaryColor = #ffffff
				mass = 0
				cost = 0
					Angled = true
					Orthogonal = false
				name = 5Horn
				displayName = Orthogonal 5-horn
				themeName = White
				primaryColor = #ffffff
				mass = 0.00125
				cost = 5
					Angled = false
					Orthogonal = true
					thruster1 = true
					thruster2 = true
					thruster3 = true
					thruster4 = true
					thruster5 = true
				name = 4Horn
				displayName = Orthogonal 4-horn
				themeName = White
				primaryColor = #ffffff
				mass = 0
				cost = 0
					Angled = false
					Orthogonal = true
					thruster1 = true
					thruster2 = true
					thruster3 = true
					thruster4 = true
					thruster5 = false
				name = 3Horn
				displayName = Orthogonal 3-horn
				themeName = White
				primaryColor = #ffffff
				mass = -0.00125
				cost = -5
					Angled = false
					Orthogonal = true
					thruster1 = false
					thruster2 = false
					thruster3 = true
					thruster4 = true
					thruster5 = true
				name = 2Horn
				displayName = Orthogonal 2-horn
				themeName = White
				primaryColor = #ffffff
				mass = -0.0025
				cost = -10
					Angled = false
					Orthogonal = true
					thruster1 = false
					thruster2 = false
					thruster3 = true
					thruster4 = true
					thruster5 = false
					channel = Ship
					transformName = RCSjet
					clip = sound_rocket_mini
					volume = 0.0 0.0
					volume = 0.02 0.1
					volume = 0.5 0.1
					volume = 1.0 0.1
					pitch = 0.0 0.75
					pitch = 1.0 1.5
					loop = true
					modelName = Squad/FX/Monoprop_small
					transformName = RCSjet
					emission = 0.0 0.0
					emission = 0.1 0.0
					emission = 1.0 1.0
					speed = 0.0 0.8
					speed = 1.0 1.0
					localRotation = -90, 0, 0
			name = ModuleRCSFX
			stagingEnabled = False
			thrusterTransformName = RCSthruster
			thrusterPower = 0.1
			resourceName = MonoPropellant
			resourceFlowMode = STAGE_PRIORITY_FLOW
			runningEffectName = running
				key = 0 240
				key = 1 100
				key = 4 0.001
			name = FXModuleAnimateRCS
			animationName = RCSGlow
			responseSpeed = 0.01
			thrustForceMult = 2
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 5
			stackableQuantity = 4
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Utility/rcsBlockRV-105_v2/rcsBlockRV-105.cfg
		name = RCSBlock_v2
		module = Part
		author = Squad
		mesh =
		scale = 0.1
		node_attach = -0.07, 0, 0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0
		TechRequired = advFlightControl
		entryCost = 1200
		cost = 45
		category = Control
		subcategory = 0
		title = RV-105 RCS Thruster Block
		manufacturer = STEADLER Engineering Corps
		description = The recent discovery of a third law of physics made it possible for STEADLER Corps engineers to produce these small monopropellant thrusters, to help with attitude control and linear motion. Even though many Kerbal physicists still dispute the validity of this new law, studies show that the thrusters seem to work as advertised.
		attachRules = 0,1,0,0,0
		mass = 0.04
		dragModelType = default
		crashTolerance = 15
		maxTemp = 1500
		PhysicsSignificance = 1
		bulkheadProfiles = srf
		tags = cluster control dock maneuver manoeuvre react rendezvous rotate stab steer translate
			name = ModulePartVariants
			baseVariant = Angled
				name = Angled
				displayName = Angled 4-horn
				themeName = White
				primaryColor = #ffffff
				mass = 0
				cost = 0
					Angled = true
					Orthogonal = false
				name = 5Horn
				displayName = Orthogonal 5-horn
				themeName = White
				primaryColor = #ffffff
				mass = 0.01
				cost = 7
					Angled = false
					Orthogonal = true
					thruster1 = true
					thruster2 = true
					thruster3 = true
					thruster4 = true
					thruster5 = true
				name = 4Horn
				displayName = Orthogonal 4-horn
				themeName = White
				primaryColor = #ffffff
				mass = 0
				cost = 0
					Angled = false
					Orthogonal = true
					thruster1 = true
					thruster2 = true
					thruster3 = true
					thruster4 = true
					thruster5 = false
				name = 3Horn
				displayName = Orthogonal 3-horn
				themeName = White
				primaryColor = #ffffff
				mass = -0.01
				cost = -8
					Angled = false
					Orthogonal = true
					thruster1 = false
					thruster2 = false
					thruster3 = true
					thruster4 = true
					thruster5 = true
				name = 2Horn
				displayName = Orthogonal 2-horn
				themeName = White
				primaryColor = #ffffff
				mass = -0.02
				cost = -15
					Angled = false
					Orthogonal = true
					thruster1 = false
					thruster2 = false
					thruster3 = true
					thruster4 = true
					thruster5 = false
					channel = Ship
					transformName = RCSjet
					clip = sound_rocket_mini
					volume = 0.0 0.0
					volume = 0.02 0.1
					volume = 0.5 0.1
					volume = 1.0 0.1
					pitch = 0.0 0.75
					pitch = 1.0 1.5
					loop = true
					modelName = Squad/FX/Monoprop_small
					transformName = RCSjet
					emission = 0.0 0.0
					emission = 0.1 0.0
					emission = 1.0 1.0
					speed = 0.0 0.8
					speed = 1.0 1.0
					localRotation = -90, 0, 0
			name = ModuleRCSFX
			stagingEnabled = False
			thrusterTransformName = RCSthruster
			thrusterPower = 1
			resourceName = MonoPropellant
			resourceFlowMode = STAGE_PRIORITY_FLOW
			runningEffectName = running
				key = 0 240
				key = 1 100
				key = 4 0.001
			name = FXModuleAnimateRCS
			animationName = RCSGlow
			responseSpeed = 0.01
			thrustForceMult = 2
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 40
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Utility/rcsSmallLinear/RCSLinearSmall.cfg
		name = RCSLinearSmall
		module = Part
		author = Squad
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0
		TechRequired = advFlightControl
		entryCost = 400
		cost = 15
		category = Control
		subcategory = 0
		title = Place Anywhere 1 Linear RCS Port
		manufacturer = Reaction Systems Ltd
		description = The smallest RCS thruster available.\n\nUseful when saving a few kilos is more important than snappier controls and is just the thing for those small probes.
		attachRules = 0,1,0,0,0
		mass = 0.00125
		dragModelType = default
		crashTolerance = 12
		maxTemp = 1500
		PhysicsSignificance = 1
		bulkheadProfiles = srf
		tags = control dock maneuver manoeuvre react rendezvous rotate stab steer translate
			model = Squad/Parts/Utility/rcsSmallLinear/Assets/RCSLinearSmall
					channel = Ship
					clip = sound_rocket_mini
					volume = 0.0 0.0
					volume = 0.02 0.2
					volume = 0.5 0.2
					volume = 1.0 0.2
					pitch = 0.0 0.75
					pitch = 1.0 1.5
					loop = true
					modelName = Squad/FX/Monoprop_small
					transformName = RCSjet
					emission = 0.0 0.0
					emission = 0.1 0.0
					emission = 1.0 1.0
					speed = 0.0 0.8
					speed = 1.0 1.0
					localRotation = -90, 0, 0
			name = ModuleRCSFX
			stagingEnabled = False
			thrusterTransformName = RCSjet
			thrusterPower = 0.2
			resourceName = MonoPropellant
			resourceFlowMode = STAGE_PRIORITY_FLOW
			runningEffectName = running
				key = 0 240
				key = 1 100
				key = 4 0.001
			name = FXModuleAnimateRCS
			animationName = linearRCSGlow
			responseSpeed = 0.01
			thrustForceMult = 2
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 4
			stackableQuantity = 4
			name = ModulePartVariants
			baseVariant = Bare
			useMultipleDragCubes = true
				name = Bare
				displayName = Bare
				primaryColor = #d96200
				secondaryColor = #999999
					Block = true
					Tank = false
				name = Shroud
				displayName = Shroud
				primaryColor = #ffffff
				secondaryColor = #999999
					Block = false
					Tank = true
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Utility/rockomaxAdapters/largeAdapter.cfg
		name = largeAdapter
		module = Part
		author = AlexanderM
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.75, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.755, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2
		TechRequired = generalConstruction
		entryCost = 3300
		cost = 500
		category = Structural
		subcategory = 0
		title = Rockomax Brand Adapter
		manufacturer = Rockomax Conglomerate
		description = Governmental pressure and several lawsuits led Rockomax to finally consider creating an adapter to connect its own parts to that of its competitors. As much as the CEOs hated it, however, it was a resounding success.
		attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0
		mass = 0.1
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.3
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 6
		breakingForce = 200
		breakingTorque = 200
		maxTemp = 2000
		fuelCrossFeed = True
		bulkheadProfiles = size1, size2
		tags = cone
			model = Squad/Parts/Utility/rockomaxAdapters/Assets/brandAdapter
			name = ModulePartVariants
			baseVariant = BlackAndWhite
			useMultipleDragCubes = false
				name = BlackAndWhite
				displayName = Black and White
				themeName = White
				primaryColor = #ffffff
				secondaryColor = #000000
				name = Orange
				displayName = Orange
				themeName = Orange
				primaryColor = #ffffff
				secondaryColor = #f49841
					mainTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Utility/rockomaxAdapters/Assets/Rockomax_Adapters_diffuse_O
					_BumpMap = Squad/Parts/Utility/rockomaxAdapters/Assets/Rockomax_Adapters_normal_O
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Utility/rockomaxAdapters/largeAdapterShort.cfg
		name = largeAdapter2
		module = Part
		author = AlexanderM
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.1892163, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.1892163, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
		TechRequired = advConstruction
		entryCost = 3000
		cost = 450
		category = Structural
		subcategory = 0
		title = Rockomax Brand Adapter 02
		manufacturer = Rockomax Conglomerate
		description = A shorter adapter from Rockomax, formed under similar circumstances to its big brother. Coated with spaceproof paint for maximum integrity.
		attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0
		mass = 0.08
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.3
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 6
		breakingForce = 200
		breakingTorque = 200
		maxTemp = 2000
		fuelCrossFeed = True
		bulkheadProfiles = size2, size1
		tags = cone truncat
			model = Squad/Parts/Utility/rockomaxAdapters/Assets/brandAdapter02
			name = ModulePartVariants
			baseVariant = BlackAndWhite
			useMultipleDragCubes = false
				name = BlackAndWhite
				displayName = Black and White
				themeName = White
				primaryColor = #ffffff
				secondaryColor = #000000
				name = Orange
				displayName = Orange
				themeName = Orange
				primaryColor = #ffffff
				secondaryColor = #f49841
					mainTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Utility/rockomaxAdapters/Assets/Rockomax_Adapters_diffuse_O
					_BumpMap = Squad/Parts/Utility/rockomaxAdapters/Assets/Rockomax_Adapters_normal_O
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Utility/smallClaw/smallClaw.cfg
		name = smallClaw
		module = Part
		author = Squad
		mesh =
		scale = 1
		node_stack_top = 0.0, -0.1126614, 0.00, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
		node_attach = 0.0, -0.06, 0.00, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
		TechRequired = actuators
		entryCost = 4100
		cost = 315
		category = Coupling
		subcategory = 0
		title = Advanced Grabbing Unit Jr.
		manufacturer = Kerbal Motion LLC
		description = Usually, when you want to improve a part, the first thing any self-respecting Kerbal engineer thinks about is making it bigger and adding more power. Rarely, that's not the ideal solution. Thus was born the AGU jr. Instead of making a bigger claw, Kerbal Motion has designed a smaller one, when you need a small helping hand to latch onto something in those hard to reach places.
		attachRules = 1,1,0,0,0
		mass = 0.03
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.3
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 1
		maxTemp = 2000
		fuelCrossFeed = False
		crashTolerance = 50
		breakingForce = 50
		breakingTorque = 50
		bulkheadProfiles = size0, srf
		tags = a.r.m arm asteroid capture clam claw connect dock fasten grab join klaw nasa
			name = ModuleGrappleNode
			nodeTransformName = ArticulatedCap
			deployAnimationController = 1
			nodeType = size1
			captureRange = 0.1
			captureMinFwdDot = 0.733
			captureMaxRvel = 1
			name = ModuleAnimateGeneric
			animationName = Deploy
			startEventGUIName = Arm
			endEventGUIName = Disarm
			actionGUIName = Toggle Arming
			name = FXModuleLookAtConstraint
				rotatorsName = Piston1
				targetName = Sleeve1
				rotatorsName = Sleeve1
				targetName = Mounting1
				rotatorsName = Piston2
				targetName = Sleeve2
				rotatorsName = Sleeve2
				targetName = Mounting2
				rotatorsName = Piston3
				targetName = Sleeve3
				rotatorsName = Sleeve3
				targetName = Mounting3
				rotatorsName = Piston4
				targetName = Sleeve4
				rotatorsName = Sleeve4
				targetName = Mounting4
				rotatorsName = BaseSleeve1
				targetName = MainSleeveLookTarget
			name = FlagDecal
			textureQuadName = flagTransform
			name = ModulePartVariants
			primaryColor = #ffffff
			secondaryColor = #ffffff
			baseDisplayName = White
			baseThemeName = White
			useMultipleDragCubes = false
				name = Dark
				displayName = Dark
				themeName = Dark
				primaryColor = #000000
					mainTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Utility/smallClaw/grabberSmallDiffuseDark
					_BumpMap = Squad/Parts/Utility/smallClaw/grabberSmallNRM
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 300
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Utility/spotLightMk1/spotLightMk1.cfg
		name = spotLight1
		module = Part
		author = NovaSilisko
		mesh =
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_attach = 0.0, 0.012301, 0.2139421, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0
		TechRequired = electrics
		entryCost = 0
		cost = 100
		category = none
		TechHidden = True
		subcategory = 0
		title = Illuminator Mk1
		manufacturer = Rokea Inc
		description = The Illuminator Mk1 from RKEA projects a strong beam of photons in its prograde direction, increasing the brightness of surfaces exposed to the beam (it's a big flashlight).
		attachRules = 0,1,0,0,1
		mass = 0.015
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 1
		crashTolerance = 8
		maxTemp = 2000
		PhysicsSignificance = 1
		bulkheadProfiles = srf
		tags = moar (more bulb candle dark flash (lamp (light shine spot torch
			name = ModuleLight
			lightName = spotlight
			useAnimationDim = true
			lightBrightenSpeed = 2.5
			lightDimSpeed = 2.5
			resourceAmount = 0.04
			animationName = LightAnimation
			useResources = true
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Utility/spotLightMk1_v2/spotLightMk1_v2.cfg
		name = spotLight1_v2
		module = Part
		author = Alexander
		mesh =
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_attach = 0.0, 0.012301, 0.2139421, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0
		TechRequired = electrics
		entryCost = 800
		cost = 100
		category = Utility
		subcategory = 0
		title = Illuminator Mk1
		manufacturer = Rokea Inc
		description = The Illuminator Mk1 from RKEA projects a strong beam of photons in its prograde direction, increasing the brightness of surfaces exposed to the beam (it's a big flashlight).
		attachRules = 0,1,0,0,1
		mass = 0.015
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 1
		crashTolerance = 8
		maxTemp = 2000
		PhysicsSignificance = 1
		bulkheadProfiles = srf
		tags = moar (more bulb candle dark flash (lamp (light shine spot torch
			name = ModuleLight
			lightName = spotlight
			lightMeshRendererName = lightMesh
			useAnimationDim = true
			lightBrightenSpeed = 2.5
			lightDimSpeed = 2.5
			resourceAmount = 0.04
			animationName = LightAnimation
			useResources = true
			canBlink = true
			disableColorPicker = false
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 50
			name = ModulePartVariants
			primaryColor = #000000
			secondaryColor = #000000
			baseDisplayName = Dark
			baseThemeName = Dark
			useMultipleDragCubes = false
				name = White
				displayName = White
				themeName = White
				primaryColor = #ffffff
				secondaryColor = #ffffff
					mainTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Utility/spotLightMk1_v2/spotLightMk1_Diffuse_white
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Utility/spotLightMk2/spotLightMk2.cfg
		name = spotLight2
		module = Part
		author = NovaSilisko
		mesh =
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_attach = 0.0, -0.03070444, 0.2692509, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0
		TechRequired = electrics
		entryCost = 0
		cost = 100
		category = none
		TechHidden = True
		subcategory = 0
		title = Illuminator Mk2
		manufacturer = Rokea Inc
		description = The Illuminator Mk2 is an extra-wide beam, low-power Illuminator, for lighting up large swaths of whatever you wish. However, its beam does not shine very far.
		attachRules = 0,1,0,0,1
		mass = 0.015
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 1
		crashTolerance = 8
		maxTemp = 2000
		PhysicsSignificance = 1
		bulkheadProfiles = srf
		tags = moar (more bulb candle dark flash flood (lamp (light shine torch
			name = ModuleLight
			lightName = spotlight
			useAnimationDim = true
			lightBrightenSpeed = 2.5
			lightDimSpeed = 2.5
			animationName = LightAnimation
			resourceAmount = 0.02
			useResources = true
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Utility/spotLightMk2_v2/spotLightMk2_v2.cfg
		name = spotLight2_v2
		module = Part
		author = Alexander
		mesh =
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_attach = 0.0, -0.03070444, 0.2692509, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0
		TechRequired = electrics
		entryCost = 800
		cost = 100
		category = Utility
		subcategory = 0
		title = Illuminator Mk2
		manufacturer = Rokea Inc
		description = The Illuminator Mk2 is an extra-wide beam, low-power Illuminator, for lighting up large swaths of whatever you wish. However, its beam does not shine very far.
		attachRules = 0,1,0,0,1
		mass = 0.015
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 1
		crashTolerance = 8
		maxTemp = 2000
		PhysicsSignificance = 1
		bulkheadProfiles = srf
		tags = moar (more bulb candle dark flash flood (lamp (light shine torch
			name = ModuleLight
			lightName = spotlight
			lightMeshRendererName = lightMesh
			useAnimationDim = true
			lightBrightenSpeed = 2.5
			lightDimSpeed = 2.5
			animationName = LightAnimation
			resourceAmount = 0.02
			useResources = true
			canBlink = true
			disableColorPicker = false
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 50
			name = ModulePartVariants
			primaryColor = #000000
			secondaryColor = #000000
			baseDisplayName = Dark
			baseThemeName = Dark
			useMultipleDragCubes = false
				name = White
				displayName = White
				themeName = White
				primaryColor = #ffffff
				secondaryColor = #ffffff
					mainTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Utility/spotLightMk2_v2/spotLightMk2_Diffuse_white
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Utility/stackCouplers/stackBiCoupler_v2.cfg
		name = stackBiCoupler_v2
		module = Part
		author = Pablo
		scale = 1
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_top = 0, 0.33838, 0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0
		node_stack_bottom1 = 0.625, -0.33838, 0.00125, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0
		node_stack_bottom2 = -0.625, -0.33838, 0.00125, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0
		TechRequired = specializedConstruction
		entryCost = 3200
		cost = 400
		category = Structural
		subcategory = 0
		title = TVR-200 Stack Bi-Coupler
		manufacturer = O.M.B. Demolition Enterprises
		description = The TVR-200 Stack Bi-Coupler is a simple method for splitting one rocket into two - WITHOUT the disastrous consequences of doing it the normal (explosive) way.
		attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0
		stackSymmetry = 1
		mass = 0.1
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 9
		maxTemp = 2000
		fuelCrossFeed = True
		bulkheadProfiles = size1
		tags = dual mount multi pair split twin two
			model = Squad/Parts/Utility/stackCouplers/Assets/stackBiCoupler_v2
			name = ModulePartVariants
			baseVariant = Dark
			useMultipleDragCubes = false
				name = Dark
				displayName = Dark
				themeName = Dark
				primaryColor = #000000
					shader = KSP/Bumped
					mainTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Utility/stackCouplers/Assets/stackCouplersDiffuse_Dark
					_BumpMap = Squad/Parts/Utility/stackCouplers/Assets/stackCouplers_NRM
				name = White
				displayName = White
				themeName = White
				primaryColor = #ffffff
					shader = KSP/Bumped
					mainTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Utility/stackCouplers/Assets/stackCouplersDiffuse
					_BumpMap = Squad/Parts/Utility/stackCouplers/Assets/stackCouplers_NRM
				name = Orange
				displayName = Orange
				themeName = Orange
				primaryColor = #f49841
				secondaryColor = #4c4f47
					shader = KSP/Bumped
					mainTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Utility/stackCouplers/Assets/stackCouplersDiffuse_Orange
					_BumpMap = Squad/Parts/Utility/stackCouplers/Assets/stackCouplers_Orange_NRM
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Utility/stackCouplers/stackQuadCoupler.cfg
		name = stackQuadCoupler
		module = Part
		author = Pablo
		rescaleFactor = 1.0
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.5, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1
		node_stack_bottom01 = 0.625, -0.4875, 0.625, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
		node_stack_bottom02 = 0.625, -0.4875, -0.625, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
		node_stack_bottom03 = -0.625, -0.4875, 0.625, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
		node_stack_bottom04 = -0.625, -0.4875, -0.625, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
		TechRequired = advMetalworks
		entryCost = 4200
		cost = 2000
		category = Structural
		subcategory = 0
		title = TVR-2160C Mk2 Stack Quad-Coupler
		manufacturer = O.M.B. Demolition Enterprises
		description = What could be more awesome than a Tricoupler? Why, a quadcoupler, of course. Just remember that this is not a decoupler, and will not separate stages.
		attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0
		stackSymmetry = 3
		mass = 0.175
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.3
		minimum_drag = 0.3
		angularDrag = 3
		crashTolerance = 12
		maxTemp = 2000
		fuelCrossFeed = True
		bulkheadProfiles = size1
		tags = ?4 four mount multi (quad split
			model = Squad/Parts/Utility/stackCouplers/Assets/stackQuadCoupler
			name = ModulePartVariants
			baseVariant = Dark
			useMultipleDragCubes = false
				name = Dark
				displayName = Dark
				themeName = Dark
				primaryColor = #000000
					shader = KSP/Bumped
					mainTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Utility/stackCouplers/Assets/stackCouplersDiffuse_Dark
					_BumpMap = Squad/Parts/Utility/stackCouplers/Assets/stackCouplers_NRM
				name = White
				displayName = White
				themeName = White
				primaryColor = #ffffff
					shader = KSP/Bumped
					mainTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Utility/stackCouplers/Assets/stackCouplersDiffuse
					_BumpMap = Squad/Parts/Utility/stackCouplers/Assets/stackCouplers_NRM
				name = Orange
				displayName = Orange
				themeName = Orange
				primaryColor = #f49841
				secondaryColor = #4c4f47
					mainTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Utility/stackCouplers/Assets/stackCouplersDiffuse_Orange
					_BumpMap = Squad/Parts/Utility/stackCouplers/Assets/stackCouplers_Orange_NRM
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Utility/stackCouplers/stackTriCoupler_v2.cfg
		name = stackTriCoupler_v2
		module = Part
		author = Pablo
		scale = 1
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.5349199, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0
		node_stack_bottom01 = 0, -0.43421, -0.72431, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0
		node_stack_bottom02 = -0.62722, -0.43421,  0.36023, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0
		node_stack_bottom03 = 0.62722, -0.43421, 0.36023, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0
		TechRequired = advConstruction
		entryCost = 2100
		cost = 680
		category = Structural
		subcategory = 0
		title = TVR-1180C Mk1 Stack Tri-Coupler
		manufacturer = O.M.B. Demolition Enterprises
		description = The Stack Tricoupler! If your stack is lacking in awesomeness, this is the tool for you! Just remember that this is not a decoupler, and won't separate stages.
		attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0
		stackSymmetry = 2
		mass = 0.15
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.3
		minimum_drag = 0.3
		angularDrag = 3
		crashTolerance = 12
		maxTemp = 2000
		fuelCrossFeed = True
		bulkheadProfiles = size1
		tags = ?3 mount multi split three triple
			model = Squad/Parts/Utility/stackCouplers/Assets/stackTriCoupler_v2
			name = ModulePartVariants
			baseVariant = Dark
			useMultipleDragCubes = false
				name = Dark
				displayName = Dark
				themeName = Dark
				primaryColor = #000000
					shader = KSP/Bumped
					mainTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Utility/stackCouplers/Assets/stackCouplersDiffuse_Dark
					_BumpMap = Squad/Parts/Utility/stackCouplers/Assets/stackCouplers_NRM
				name = White
				displayName = White
				themeName = White
				primaryColor = #ffffff
					shader = KSP/Bumped
					mainTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Utility/stackCouplers/Assets/stackCouplersDiffuse
					_BumpMap = Squad/Parts/Utility/stackCouplers/Assets/stackCouplers_NRM
				name = Orange
				displayName = Orange
				themeName = Orange
				primaryColor = #f49841
				secondaryColor = #4c4f47
					mainTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Utility/stackCouplers/Assets/stackCouplersDiffuse_Orange
					_BumpMap = Squad/Parts/Utility/stackCouplers/Assets/stackCouplers_Orange_NRM
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Wheel/LandingGear/GearExtraLarge.cfg
		name = GearLarge
		module = Part
		author = Porkjet
		scale = 1.0
		rescaleFactor = 1.0
		node_attach = 0.00, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1
		TechRequired = heavyLanding
		entryCost = 8000
		cost = 1700
		category = Ground
		subcategory = 0
		title = LY-99 Extra Large Landing Gear
		manufacturer = LightYear Tire Company
		description = Heavy-duty retractable landing gear. With its six large tires and sturdy assembly it's the gear of choice for heavy cargo planes and airliners.
		attachRules = 1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0
		mass = 0.6
		thermalMassModifier = 4.0
		emissiveConstant = 0.95
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.3
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 1
		maxTemp = 2700
		crashTolerance = 70
		breakingForce = 50
		breakingTorque = 50
		bulkheadProfiles = srf
		tags = aero (air aircraft ground plane retract roll takeoff taxi wheel
					channel = Ship
					clip = Squad/Sounds/elev_start
					volume = 0 0
					volume = 1 0.7
					pitch = 0.75
					channel = Ship
					clip = Squad/Sounds/elev_loop
					volume = 0 0
					volume = 1 0.7
					pitch = 0.55
					channel = Ship
					clip = Squad/Sounds/elev_stop
					volume = 0 0
					volume = 1 0.7
					pitch = 0.50
					channel = Ship
					clip = Squad/Sounds/elev_stop
					volume = 0 0
					volume = 1 0.7
					pitch = 0.60
					channel = Ship
					clip = Squad/Sounds/elev_loop
					volume = 0 0
					volume = 1 0.7
					pitch = 0.50
					channel = Ship
					clip = Squad/Sounds/elev_start
					volume = 0 0
					volume = 1 0.7
					pitch = 0.75
			model = Squad/Parts/Wheel/LandingGear/GearExtraLarge
			name = ModuleWheelBase
			wheelColliderTransformName = WheelCollider
			wheelTransformName = wheels1
			useNewFrictionModel = true
			wheelType = FREE
			FitWheelColliderToMesh = False
			radius = 0.375
			center = 0,0,0
			mass = 0.160
			groundHeightOffset = 3.25
			TooltipTitle = Retractable Landing Gear
			TooltipPrimaryField = Retractable
			name = ModuleWheelSuspension
			baseModuleIndex = 0
			suspensionTransformName = SuspensionPivot
			suspensionColliderName = DamperCollider
			maximumLoad = 90.0
			suspensionDistance = 0.5
			targetPosition = 0.8
			springRatio = 45
			damperRatio = 7.0
			useDistributedMass = true
			name = ModuleWheelBrakes
			baseModuleIndex = 0
			maxBrakeTorque = 32
			brakeResponse = 1
			statusLightModuleIndex = 6
			name = ModuleWheelDeployment
			baseModuleIndex = 0
			animationTrfName = extraLarge
			animationStateName = LandingGearExtraLargeDeploy2
			deployedPosition = 1
			deployTargetTransformName = deployTgt
			TsubSys = 1.0
			useStandInCollider = True
			slaveModules = 8
			fxDeploy = deploy
			fxRetract = retract
			fxDeployed = deployed
			fxRetracted = retracted
			name = ModuleWheelBogey
			baseModuleIndex = 0
			wheelTransformRefName = wheels1
			wheelTransformBaseName = wheels2
			bogeyTransformName = WheelBogey
			bogeyRefTransformName = deployTgt
			deployModuleIndex = 3
			maxPitch = 25
			minPitch = -25
			restPitch = -25
			pitchResponse = 100
			bogeyAxis = 1, 0, 0
			name = FXModuleLookAtConstraint
				targetName = anchor2
				rotatorsName = link1
				targetName = anchor1
				rotatorsName = link2
			name = ModuleStatusLight
			lightMeshRendererName = BrakeIndicator
			lightMatPropertyName = _EmissiveColor
			colorOn = #ff4433
			colorOff = #000000
			name = ModuleTestSubject
			environments = 15
			useStaging = False
			useEvent = True
			name = ModuleLight
			lightName = Spotlight
			lightMeshRendererName = Lamp
			useAnimationDim = True
			lightBrightenSpeed = 2.5
			lightDimSpeed = 2.5
			resourceAmount = 0.03
			animationName = LandingGearExtraLargeSpotlight
			useResources = True
			name = ModuleWheelDamage
			baseModuleIndex = 0
			stressTolerance = 55000
			impactTolerance = 13000
			deflectionMagnitude = 10
			deflectionSharpness = 2.0
			slipMagnitude = 15
			slipSharpness = 2.0
			explodeMultiplier = 1.0
			name = ModuleDragModifier
			dragCubeName = Deployed
			dragModifier = 2
			name = ModuleDragModifier
			dragCubeName = Retracted
			dragModifier = 0.5
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Wheel/LandingGear/GearFixed.cfg
		name = GearFixed
		module = Part
		author = Porkjet
		mesh =
		scale = 1.0
		rescaleFactor = 1.0
		mirrorRefAxis = 0, 0, 1
		node_attach = 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 1.0, 90.0, 0.0, 1
		TechRequired = aviation
		entryCost = 500
		cost = 100
		category = Ground
		subcategory = 0
		title = LY-01 Fixed Landing Gear
		manufacturer = LightYear Tire Company
		description = Simple wheel-on-a-stick Landing Gear to bring your birds down safely. (That means your airplanes, LightYear Co. does not encourage attempting to attach landing gear to actual birds)
		attachRules = 1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0
		mass = 0.022
		thermalMassModifier = 4.0
		emissiveConstant = 0.95
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.3
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 1
		maxTemp = 1000
		crashTolerance = 125
		breakingForce = 50
		breakingTorque = 50
		PhysicsSignificance = 0
		bulkheadProfiles = srf
		tags = aero (air aircraft ground plane roll takeoff taxi wheel
		CoMOffset = 0, -0.675, 0
			model = Squad/Parts/Wheel/LandingGear/GearFixed
			scale = 1, 1, 1
			name = ModuleWheelBase
			wheelColliderTransformName = WheelCollider
			wheelTransformName = WheelPivot
			useNewFrictionModel = true
			wheelType = FREE
			FitWheelColliderToMesh = False
			radius = 0.2
			center = 0,0,0
			mass = 0.018
			groundHeightOffset = 1.11
			TooltipTitle = Landing Gear
			TooltipPrimaryField = Fixed, Unpowered
			frictionSharpness = 50.0
			name = ModuleWheelSuspension
			baseModuleIndex = 0
			suspensionDistance = 0.2
			suspensionOffset = 0.0
			targetPosition = 0.6
			springRatio = 112
			damperRatio = 0.3
			boostRatio = 0.45
			useAutoBoost = False
			maximumLoad = 8.0
			suppressModuleInfo = True
			useDistributedMass = true
			name = ModuleWheelBrakes
			baseModuleIndex = 0
			maxBrakeTorque = 2
			brakeResponse = 1
			name = ModuleWheelDamage
			baseModuleIndex = 0
			stressTolerance = 2000
			impactTolerance = 1000
			deflectionMagnitude = 0.5
			deflectionSharpness = 2.0
			slipMagnitude = 1.5
			slipSharpness = 2.0
			explodeMultiplier = 1.0
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 150
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Wheel/LandingGear/GearFree.cfg
		name = GearFree
		module = Part
		author = Porkjet
		mesh =
		scale = 1.0
		rescaleFactor = 1.0
		node_attach = 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1
		TechRequired = aviation
		entryCost = 1500
		cost = 150
		category = Ground
		subcategory = 0
		title = LY-05 Steerable Landing Gear
		manufacturer = LightYear Tire Company
		description = Simple wheel with steering actuation. It has become evident that aerodynamic control surfaces don't offer much control while slowly taxiing on the ground. Hopefully these wheels will reduce the number of low altitude low speed collisions with buildings. And Kerbals.
		attachRules = 1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0
		mass = 0.015
		thermalMassModifier = 4.0
		emissiveConstant = 0.95
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.3
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 1
		maxTemp = 1000
		crashTolerance = 325
		breakingForce = 50
		breakingTorque = 50
		PhysicsSignificance = 0
		bulkheadProfiles = srf
		tags = aero (air aircraft free ground plane roll takeoff taxi wheel
			model = Squad/Parts/Wheel/LandingGear/GearFree
			scale = 1, 1, 1
			name = ModuleWheelBase
			wheelColliderTransformName = WheelCollider
			wheelTransformName = wheel
			useNewFrictionModel = true
			wheelType = FREE
			FitWheelColliderToMesh = False
			radius = 0.2
			center = 0,0,0
			mass = 0.012
			groundHeightOffset = 0
			TooltipTitle = Landing Gear
			TooltipPrimaryField = Steerable, No Brakes
			frictionSharpness = 10.0
			name = ModuleWheelSuspension
			baseModuleIndex = 0
			suspensionTransformName = suspension
			suspensionOffset = -0.08
			suspensionDistance = 0.1
			targetPosition = 0.9
			springRatio = 144
			damperRatio = 1.0
			boostRatio = 0.45
			useAutoBoost = False
			maximumLoad = 8.0
			suppressModuleInfo = True
			useDistributedMass = true
			name = ModuleWheelSteering
			baseModuleIndex = 0
			caliperTransformName = SteeringPivot
			steeringResponse = 2
				key = 0 30
				key = 25 20
				key = 100 15
				key = 0 1 0 0
				key = 3 1 0.0001624425 0.0001624425
				key = 7.5 0.33 -0.05674612 -0.05674612
				key = 20 0.12 -0.003959382 -0.003959382
				key = 30 0.1 -0.001822412 -0.001822412
				key = 100 0.01 -0.0007683467 -0.0007683467
			name = ModuleWheelDamage
			baseModuleIndex = 0
			stressTolerance = 2000
			impactTolerance = 1000
			deflectionMagnitude = 0.5
			deflectionSharpness = 2.0
			slipMagnitude = 1.5
			slipSharpness = 2.0
			explodeMultiplier = 1.0
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 120
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Wheel/LandingGear/GearLarge.cfg
		name = GearMedium
		module = Part
		author = Porkjet
		scale = 1.0
		rescaleFactor = 1.0
		node_attach = 0.00, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1
		TechRequired = heavyLanding
		entryCost = 6400
		cost = 1200
		category = Ground
		subcategory = 0
		title = LY-60 Large Landing Gear
		manufacturer = LightYear Tire Company
		description = Heavy-duty retractable landing gear. With its four large tires and sturdy assembly it's the gear of choice for heavy cargo planes and airliners.
		attachRules = 1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0
		mass = 0.4
		thermalMassModifier = 4.0
		emissiveConstant = 0.95
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.3
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 1
		maxTemp = 2700
		crashTolerance = 70
		breakingForce = 50
		breakingTorque = 50
		bulkheadProfiles = srf
		tags = aero (air aircraft ground plane retract roll takeoff taxi wheel
					channel = Ship
					clip = Squad/Sounds/elev_start
					volume = 0 0
					volume = 1 0.6
					pitch = 0.75
					channel = Ship
					clip = Squad/Sounds/elev_loop
					volume = 0 0
					volume = 1 0.6
					pitch = 0.60
					channel = Ship
					clip = Squad/Sounds/elev_stop
					volume = 0 0
					volume = 1 0.6
					pitch = 0.55
					channel = Ship
					clip = Squad/Sounds/elev_stop
					volume = 0 0
					volume = 1 0.6
					pitch = 0.75
					channel = Ship
					clip = Squad/Sounds/elev_loop
					volume = 0 0
					volume = 1 0.6
					pitch = 0.55
					channel = Ship
					clip = Squad/Sounds/elev_start
					volume = 0 0
					volume = 1 0.6
					pitch = 0.75
			model = Squad/Parts/Wheel/LandingGear/GearLarge
			name = ModuleWheelBase
			wheelColliderTransformName = WheelCollider
			wheelTransformName = wheels1
			useNewFrictionModel = true
			wheelType = FREE
			FitWheelColliderToMesh = False
			radius = 0.3
			center = 0,0,0
			mass = 0.160
			groundHeightOffset = 2.38
			TooltipTitle = Retractable Landing Gear
			TooltipPrimaryField = Retractable
			name = ModuleWheelSuspension
			baseModuleIndex = 0
			suspensionTransformName = SuspensionPivot
			maximumLoad = 60.0
			suspensionDistance = 0.5
			targetPosition = 1
			springRatio = 45
			damperRatio = 7.0
			useDistributedMass = true
			name = ModuleWheelBrakes
			baseModuleIndex = 0
			maxBrakeTorque = 16
			brakeResponse = 1
			statusLightModuleIndex = 6
			name = ModuleWheelDeployment
			baseModuleIndex = 0
			animationTrfName = Large
			animationStateName = LandingGearLargeDeploy
			deployedPosition = 1
			deployTargetTransformName = deployTgt
			TsubSys = 1.0
			useStandInCollider = True
			slaveModules = 8
			fxDeploy = deploy
			fxRetract = retract
			fxDeployed = deployed
			fxRetracted = retracted
			name = ModuleWheelBogey
			baseModuleIndex = 0
			wheelTransformRefName = wheels1
			wheelTransformBaseName = wheels2
			bogeyTransformName = WheelBogey
			bogeyRefTransformName = deployTgt
			deployModuleIndex = 3
			maxPitch = 25
			minPitch = -25
			restPitch = -25
			pitchResponse = 100
			bogeyAxis = 1, 0, 0
			name = FXModuleLookAtConstraint
				targetName = anchor2
				rotatorsName = link1
				targetName = anchor1
				rotatorsName = link2
			name = ModuleStatusLight
			lightMeshRendererName = BrakeIndicator
			lightMatPropertyName = _EmissiveColor
			colorOn = #ff4433
			colorOff = #000000
			name = ModuleTestSubject
			environments = 15
			useStaging = False
			useEvent = True
			name = ModuleLight
			lightName = Spotlight
			lightMeshRendererName = Lamp
			useAnimationDim = True
			lightBrightenSpeed = 2.5
			lightDimSpeed = 2.5
			resourceAmount = 0.03
			animationName = LandingGearLargeSpotlight
			useResources = True
			name = ModuleWheelDamage
			baseModuleIndex = 0
			stressTolerance = 18000
			impactTolerance = 4800
			deflectionMagnitude = 10
			deflectionSharpness = 2.0
			slipMagnitude = 15
			slipSharpness = 2.0
			explodeMultiplier = 1.0
			name = ModuleDragModifier
			dragCubeName = Deployed
			dragModifier = 2
			name = ModuleDragModifier
			dragCubeName = Retracted
			dragModifier = 0.5
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			stackableQuantity = 1
			packedVolume = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Wheel/LandingGear/GearMedium.cfg
		name = GearSmall
		module = Part
		author = Porkjet
		scale = 1.0
		rescaleFactor = 1.0
		node_attach = 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1
		TechRequired = advLanding
		entryCost = 4800
		cost = 700
		category = Ground
		subcategory = 0
		title = LY-35 Medium Landing Gear
		manufacturer = LightYear Tire Company
		description = High performance retractable landing gear. This bigger version features two large tires to support big and heavy planes. The longer assembly allows for improved ground clearance.
		attachRules = 1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0
		mass = 0.25
		thermalMassModifier = 4.0
		emissiveConstant = 0.95
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.3
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 1
		maxTemp = 2600
		crashTolerance = 50
		breakingForce = 50
		breakingTorque = 50
		bulkheadProfiles = srf
		tags = aero (air aircraft ground plane retract roll takeoff taxi wheel
					channel = Ship
					clip = Squad/Sounds/elev_start
					volume = 0 0
					volume = 1 0.5
					pitch = 0.9
					channel = Ship
					clip = Squad/Sounds/elev_loop
					volume = 0 0
					volume = 1 0.5
					pitch = 0.65
					channel = Ship
					clip = Squad/Sounds/elev_stop
					volume = 0 0
					volume = 1 0.5
					pitch = 0.8
					channel = Ship
					clip = Squad/Sounds/elev_stop
					volume = 0 0
					volume = 1 0.5
					pitch = 0.9
					channel = Ship
					clip = Squad/Sounds/elev_loop
					volume = 0 0
					volume = 1 0.5
					pitch = 0.65
					channel = Ship
					clip = Squad/Sounds/elev_start
					volume = 0 0
					volume = 1 0.5
					pitch = 0.9
			model = Squad/Parts/Wheel/LandingGear/GearMedium
			name = ModuleWheelBase
			wheelColliderTransformName = WheelCollider
			wheelTransformName = WheelPivot
			useNewFrictionModel = true
			wheelType = FREE
			FitWheelColliderToMesh = False
			radius = 0.25
			center = 0,0.0,0
			mass = 0.080
			groundHeightOffset = 1.72
			TooltipTitle = Retractable Landing Gear
			TooltipPrimaryField = Retractable
			name = ModuleWheelSuspension
			baseModuleIndex = 0
			suspensionTransformName = SuspensionPivot
			maximumLoad = 30.0
			suspensionDistance = 0.2
			suspensionOffset = 0.0
			targetPosition = 0.0
			springRatio = 70
			damperRatio = 7.0
			useDistributedMass = true
			name = ModuleWheelSteering
			baseModuleIndex = 0
			caliperTransformName = SteeringPivot
			steeringResponse = 2
				key = 0 30
				key = 25 20
				key = 100 15
				key = 0 1 0 0
				key = 3 1 0.0001624425 0.0001624425
				key = 7.5 0.33 -0.05674612 -0.05674612
				key = 20 0.12 -0.003959382 -0.003959382
				key = 30 0.1 -0.001822412 -0.001822412
				key = 100 0.01 -0.0007683467 -0.0007683467
			name = ModuleWheelBrakes
			baseModuleIndex = 0
			maxBrakeTorque = 8
			brakeResponse = 1
			statusLightModuleIndex = 7
			name = ModuleWheelDeployment
			baseModuleIndex = 0
			animationTrfName = Medium
			animationStateName = LandingGearMediumDeploy
			deployedPosition = 1
			deployTargetTransformName = deployTgt
			TsubSys = 1.0
			useStandInCollider = True
			slaveModules = 8
			fxDeploy = deploy
			fxRetract = retract
			fxDeployed = deployed
			fxRetracted = retracted
			name = FXModuleConstrainPosition
			matchRotation = true
			matchPosition = false
				targetName = SteeringPivot
				moversName = SteeringActuator
			name = FXModuleLookAtConstraint
				targetName = anchor2
				rotatorsName = link1
				targetName = anchor1
				rotatorsName = link2
			name = ModuleStatusLight
			lightMeshRendererName = BrakeIndicator
			lightMatPropertyName = _EmissiveColor
			colorOn = #ff4433
			colorOff = #000000
			name = ModuleTestSubject
			environments = 15
			useStaging = False
			useEvent = True
			name = ModuleLight
			lightName = Spotlight
			lightMeshRendererName = Lamp
			useAnimationDim = True
			lightBrightenSpeed = 2.5
			lightDimSpeed = 2.5
			resourceAmount = 0.02
			animationName = LandingGearMediumSpotlight
			useResources = True
			name = ModuleWheelDamage
			baseModuleIndex = 0
			stressTolerance = 9000
			impactTolerance = 3000
			deflectionMagnitude = 10
			deflectionSharpness = 2.0
			slipMagnitude = 15
			slipSharpness = 2.0
			explodeMultiplier = 1.0
			name = ModuleDragModifier
			dragCubeName = Deployed
			dragModifier = 2
			name = ModuleDragModifier
			dragCubeName = Retracted
			dragModifier = 0.5
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 600
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Wheel/LandingGear/GearSmall.cfg
		name = SmallGearBay
		module = Part
		author = Porkjet
		scale = 1.0
		rescaleFactor = 1.0
		node_attach = 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1
		TechRequired = landing
		entryCost = 3800
		cost = 600
		category = Ground
		subcategory = 0
		title = LY-10 Small Landing Gear
		manufacturer = LightYear Tire Company
		description = High performance retractable landing gear. Comes with shock absorber, steering and a built-in spotlights. If we didn't tell you, you'd never know that most of those components were salvaged from scrapped machinery... oh.
		attachRules = 1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0
		mass = 0.045
		thermalMassModifier = 4.0
		emissiveConstant = 0.95
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.3
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 1
		maxTemp = 2600
		crashTolerance = 50
		breakingForce = 50
		breakingTorque = 50
		bulkheadProfiles = srf
		tags = aero (air aircraft ground plane retract roll takeoff taxi wheel
					channel = Ship
					clip = Squad/Sounds/elev_start
					volume = 0 0
					volume = 1 0.5
					pitch = 0.95
					channel = Ship
					clip = Squad/Sounds/elev_loop
					volume = 0 0
					volume = 1 0.5
					pitch = 0.75
					channel = Ship
					clip = Squad/Sounds/elev_stop
					volume = 0 0
					volume = 1 0.5
					pitch = 0.75
					channel = Ship
					clip = Squad/Sounds/elev_stop
					volume = 0 0
					volume = 1 0.5
					pitch = 1.0
					channel = Ship
					clip = Squad/Sounds/elev_loop
					volume = 0 0
					volume = 1 0.5
					pitch = 0.75
					channel = Ship
					clip = Squad/Sounds/elev_start
					volume = 0 0
					volume = 1 0.5
					pitch = 0.95
			model = Squad/Parts/Wheel/LandingGear/GearSmall
			name = ModuleWheelBase
			wheelColliderTransformName = WheelCollider
			wheelTransformName = WheelPivot
			useNewFrictionModel = true
			wheelType = FREE
			FitWheelColliderToMesh = False
			radius = 0.18
			center = 0,0,0
			mass = 0.040
			groundHeightOffset = 1.15
			TooltipTitle = Retractable Landing Gear
			TooltipPrimaryField = Retractable
			name = ModuleWheelSuspension
			baseModuleIndex = 0
			suspensionTransformName = SuspensionPivot
			maximumLoad = 10.0
			suspensionDistance = 0.12
			suspensionOffset = 0.0
			targetPosition = 0.0
			springRatio = 60
			damperRatio = 2.0
			useDistributedMass = true
			name = ModuleWheelSteering
			baseModuleIndex = 0
			caliperTransformName = SteeringPivot
			steeringResponse = 2
				key = 0 30
				key = 25 20
				key = 100 15
				key = 0 1 0 0
				key = 3 1 0.0001624425 0.0001624425
				key = 7.5 0.33 -0.05674612 -0.05674612
				key = 20 0.12 -0.003959382 -0.003959382
				key = 30 0.1 -0.001822412 -0.001822412
				key = 100 0.01 -0.0007683467 -0.0007683467
			name = ModuleWheelBrakes
			baseModuleIndex = 0
			maxBrakeTorque = 4
			brakeResponse = 1
			statusLightModuleIndex = 4
			name = ModuleStatusLight
			lightMeshRendererName = BrakeIndicator
			lightMatPropertyName = _EmissiveColor
			colorOn = #ff4433
			colorOff = #000000
			name = ModuleWheelDeployment
			baseModuleIndex = 0
			animationTrfName = Small
			animationStateName = LandingGearSmallDeploy
			deployedPosition = 1
			deployTargetTransformName = deployTgt
			TsubSys = 1.0
			useStandInCollider = True
			slaveModules = 8
			fxDeploy = deploy
			fxRetract = retract
			fxDeployed = deployed
			fxRetracted = retracted
			name = FXModuleConstrainPosition
			matchRotation = true
			matchPosition = false
				targetName = SteeringPivot
				moversName = SteeringActuator
			name = FXModuleLookAtConstraint
				targetName = anchor2
				rotatorsName = link1
				targetName = anchor1
				rotatorsName = link2
			name = ModuleTestSubject
			environments = 15
			useStaging = False
			useEvent = True
			name = ModuleLight
			lightName = Spotlight
			lightMeshRendererName = Lamp
			useAnimationDim = True
			lightBrightenSpeed = 2.5
			lightDimSpeed = 2.5
			resourceAmount = 0.01
			animationName = LandingGearSmallSpotlight
			useResources = True
			name = ModuleWheelDamage
			baseModuleIndex = 0
			stressTolerance = 5600
			impactTolerance = 2000
			deflectionMagnitude = 10
			deflectionSharpness = 2.0
			slipMagnitude = 15
			slipSharpness = 2.0
			explodeMultiplier = 1.0
			name = ModuleDragModifier
			dragCubeName = Deployed
			dragModifier = 2
			name = ModuleDragModifier
			dragCubeName = Retracted
			dragModifier = 0.5
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 140
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Wheel/roverWheelM1/roverWheelM1.cfg
		name = roverWheel1
		module = Part
		author = Squad
		mesh =
		scale = 1
		node_attach = 0.3093255, 0.322, 0.00, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1
		TechRequired = fieldScience
		entryCost = 5200
		cost = 450
		category = Ground
		subcategory = 0
		title = RoveMax Model M1
		manufacturer = Kerbal Motion LLC
		description = After years of outcry against the lack of proper powered wheels, a small startup company named Kerbal Motion was founded and delivered just what the public wanted - the RoveMax Model 1 powered rover wheel.
		attachRules = 0,1,0,1,0
		mass = 0.075
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.3
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 1
		maxTemp = 1200
		crashTolerance = 50
		breakingForce = 50
		breakingTorque = 50
		bulkheadProfiles = srf
		tags = )car drive ground roll rover wheel
			name = ModuleWheelBase
			wheelColliderTransformName = WheelCollider
			wheelTransformName = WheelPivot
			useNewFrictionModel = true
			wheelType = MOTORIZED
			adherentStart = 0.5
			frictionAdherent = .3
			peakStart = 3
			frictionPeak = 1.5
			limitStart = 6
			frictionLimit = 1.3
			FitWheelColliderToMesh = False
			radius = 0.378
			center = 0,0,0
			mass = 0.040
			groundHeightOffset = 0
			TooltipTitle = Rover Wheel
			TooltipPrimaryField = Motorized
			name = ModuleWheelSuspension
			baseModuleIndex = 0
			suspensionTransformName = suspensionPivot
			maximumLoad = 10.0
			suspensionDistance = 0.2
			targetPosition = 0.5
			springRatio = 28
			damperRatio = 2.0
			useDistributedMass = true
			name = ModuleWheelSteering
			baseModuleIndex = 0
			caliperTransformName = SteeringPivot
			autoSteeringAdjust = true
			steeringResponse = 2
			steeringRange = 25
				key = 0 20
				key = 20 20
				key = 0 1 0 0
				key = 3 1 0.0001624425 0.0001624425
				key = 7.5 0.33 -0.05674612 -0.05674612
				key = 20 0.12 -0.003158088 -0.003158088
				key = 30 0.1 -0.002872917 -0.002872917
			name = ModuleWheelMotor
			baseModuleIndex = 0
			wheelSpeedMax = 42
			driveResponse = 2
			idleDrain = 0.0
				key = 0 1.0 0 0
				key = 10  0.66 0
				key = 30 0.14 0 0
				key = 34 0 0 0
				name = ElectricCharge
				rate = 2.5
			name = ModuleWheelBrakes
			baseModuleIndex = 0
			maxBrakeTorque = 2
			brakeResponse = 1
			name = ModuleWheelDamage
			baseModuleIndex = 0
			damagedTransformName = wheelDamaged
			undamagedTransformName = wheel
			stressTolerance = 560
			impactTolerance = 200
			deflectionMagnitude = 1.0
			deflectionSharpness = 2.0
			slipMagnitude = 15
			slipSharpness = 2.0
			impactDamageColliderName = collisionEnhancer
			impactDamageVelocity = 21
			name = FXModuleLookAtConstraint
				targetName = susp2-1
				rotatorsName = susp2-2
				targetName = susp2-2
				rotatorsName = susp2-1
				targetName = susp1-2
				rotatorsName = susp1-1
				targetName = susp1-1
				rotatorsName = susp1-2
				targetName = susp3-1
				rotatorsName = susp3-2
				targetName = susp3-2
				rotatorsName = susp3-1
			name = ModuleTestSubject
			environments = 15
			useStaging = False
			useEvent = True
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 600
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Wheel/roverWheelS2/roverWheelS2.cfg
		name = roverWheel2
		module = Part
		author = Squad
		mesh =
		scale = 1
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_attach = 0.2233052, 0.5248517, 0.00, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1
		TechRequired = spaceExploration
		entryCost = 3100
		cost = 300
		category = Ground
		subcategory = 0
		title = RoveMax Model S2
		manufacturer = Kerbal Motion LLC
		description = Seeing an untapped market for a smaller design of rover wheel, Kerbal Motion quickly pounced upon this opportunity with the Model 2 - designed for robotic vehicles or smaller crewed vehicles.
		attachRules = 0,1,0,1,0
		mass = 0.05
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.3
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 1
		maxTemp = 1200
		crashTolerance = 20
		breakingForce = 20
		breakingTorque = 20
		bulkheadProfiles = srf
		tags = drive ground roll rover wheel
			name = ModuleWheelBase
			wheelColliderTransformName = WheelCollider
			wheelTransformName = WheelPivot
			useNewFrictionModel = true
			wheelType = MOTORIZED
			adherentStart = 0.5
			frictionAdherent = .3
			peakStart = 3
			frictionPeak = 1.5
			limitStart = 6
			frictionLimit = 1.3
			FitWheelColliderToMesh = False
			radius = 0.157
			center = 0,0,0
			mass = 0.040
			groundHeightOffset = 0
			TooltipTitle = Rover Wheel
			TooltipPrimaryField = Motorized
			name = ModuleWheelSuspension
			baseModuleIndex = 0
			suspensionTransformName = SuspensionPivot
			maximumLoad = 8.0
			suspensionDistance = 0.195
			suspensionOffset = -0.05
			targetPosition = 0.2
			springRatio = 24
			damperRatio = 1.0
			useAutoBoost = true
			useDistributedMass = true
			name = ModuleWheelSteering
			baseModuleIndex = 0
			caliperTransformName = SteeringPivot
			autoSteeringAdjust = true
			steeringResponse = 1.5
			steeringRange = 40
				key = 0 40
				key = 20 40
				key = 0 1 0 0
				key = 1.25 1 -0.007298814 -0.007298814
				key = 5 0.35 -0.0659221 -0.0659221
				key = 15 0.166 -0.006501267 -0.006501267
			name = ModuleWheelMotor
			baseModuleIndex = 0
			wheelSpeedMax = 11
			driveResponse = 2
			idleDrain = 0.0
				key = 0 0.17 0 0
				key = 2.5 0.1 0 0
				key = 12 0 0 0
				name = ElectricCharge
				rate = 1
			name = ModuleWheelBrakes
			baseModuleIndex = 0
			maxBrakeTorque = 0.34
			brakeResponse = 1
			name = ModuleWheelDamage
			baseModuleIndex = 0
			damagedTransformName = bustedwheel
			undamagedTransformName = wheel
			stressTolerance = 315
			impactTolerance = 65
			deflectionMagnitude = 1.0
			deflectionSharpness = 2.0
			slipMagnitude = 15
			slipSharpness = 2.0
			impactDamageColliderName = collisionEnhancer
			impactDamageVelocity = 13
			name = FXModuleLookAtConstraint
				targetName = susp1
				rotatorsName = susp2
				targetName = susp2
				rotatorsName = susp1
			name = ModuleTestSubject
			environments = 15
			useStaging = False
			useEvent = True
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 125
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Wheel/roverWheelTR-2L/roverWheelTR-2L.cfg
		name = wheelMed
		module = Part
		author = Squad
		mesh =
		scale = 1
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0
		TechRequired = advancedMotors
		entryCost = 7000
		cost = 760
		category = Ground
		subcategory = 0
		title = TR-2L Ruggedized Vehicular Wheel
		manufacturer = Kerbal Motion LLC
		description = The TR-2L is an extremely tough wheel made for mobilizing medium sized vehicles across a large variety of terrain. The extremely high traction tread ensures firm grip on any surface, providing reliability and reducing the chances of being used for high-speed tomfoolery.
		attachRules = 0,1,0,1,0
		mass = 0.105
		CoMOffset = -0.306, -0.403, 0
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.3
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 1
		maxTemp = 1200
		crashTolerance = 100
		breakingForce = 80
		breakingTorque = 80
		bulkheadProfiles = srf
		tags = )car drive ground roll rover sports
			name = ModuleWheelBase
			wheelColliderTransformName = WheelCollider
			wheelTransformName = WheelPivot
			useNewFrictionModel = true
			wheelType = MOTORIZED
			adherentStart = 0.5
			frictionAdherent = .3
			peakStart = 3
			frictionPeak = 1.5
			limitStart = 6
			frictionLimit = 1.3
			FitWheelColliderToMesh = False
			radius = 0.58
			center = 0,0,0
			mass = 0.040
			groundHeightOffset = 0
			TooltipTitle = Rover Wheel
			TooltipPrimaryField = Motorized
			name = ModuleWheelSuspension
			baseModuleIndex = 0
			suspensionTransformName = SuspensionPivot
			maximumLoad = 30.0
			suspensionDistance = 0.125
			targetPosition = 0.5
			springRatio = 40
			damperRatio = 1.0
			useDistributedMass = true
			name = ModuleWheelSteering
			baseModuleIndex = 0
			caliperTransformName = SteeringPivot
			autoSteeringAdjust = true
			steeringResponse = 1.5
			steeringRange = 25
				key = 0 20
				key = 20 20
				key = 0 1 0 0
				key = 3 1 0.0001624425 0.0001624425
				key = 7.5 0.33 -0.05674612 -0.05674612
				key = 20 0.12 -0.003158088 -0.003158088
				key = 30 0.1 -0.002872917 -0.002872917
			name = ModuleWheelMotor
			baseModuleIndex = 0
			wheelSpeedMax = 59
			driveResponse = 2
			idleDrain = 0.0
				key = 0 2.0 0 0
				key = 10 1.4 0 0
				key = 52 0.5 0 0
				key = 58 0 0 0
				name = ElectricCharge
				rate = 3.5
			name = ModuleWheelBrakes
			baseModuleIndex = 0
			maxBrakeTorque = 3
			brakeResponse = 1
			name = ModuleWheelDamage
			baseModuleIndex = 0
			damagedTransformName = bustedwheel
			undamagedTransformName = wheel
			stressTolerance = 900
			impactTolerance = 300
			deflectionMagnitude = 1.0
			deflectionSharpness = 2.0
			slipMagnitude = 15
			slipSharpness = 2.0
			impactDamageColliderName = collisionEnhancer
			impactDamageVelocity = 25
			name = ModuleTestSubject
			environments = 15
			useStaging = False
			useEvent = True
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = -1
	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Wheel/roverWheelXL3/roverWheelXL3.cfg
		name = roverWheel3
		module = Part
		author = Squad
		mesh =
		scale = 1
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_attach = 1.893913725, 1.5934552, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0
		TechRequired = advancedMotors
		entryCost = 11200
		cost = 1200
		category = Ground
		subcategory = 0
		title = RoveMax Model XL3
		manufacturer = Kerbal Motion LLC
		description = The RoveMax Model 3 was developed in total secrecy by Kerbal Motion's R&D team over the course of a year and a half. When it was finally revealed to the company's chairman, he stared in shock, screamed 'WHY', and subsequently dropped dead on the spot.
		attachRules = 0,1,0,0,0
		mass = 1.25
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.15
		angularDrag = 1.5
		crashTolerance = 150
		breakingForce = 200
		breakingTorque = 200
		maxTemp = 1200
		explosionPotential = 0
		bulkheadProfiles = srf
		tags = crawler drive ground roll rover truck wheel
			name = ModuleWheelBase
			wheelColliderTransformName = WheelCollider
			wheelTransformName = WheelPivot
			useNewFrictionModel = true
			wheelType = MOTORIZED
			adherentStart = 0.5
			frictionAdherent = .3
			peakStart = 3
			frictionPeak = 1.5
			limitStart = 6
			frictionLimit = 1.3
			FitWheelColliderToMesh = False
			radius = 1
			center = 0,0,0
			mass = 0.8
			groundHeightOffset = 0
			TooltipTitle = Rover Wheel
			TooltipPrimaryField = Motorized
			name = ModuleWheelSuspension
			baseModuleIndex = 0
			suspensionTransformName = SuspensionPivot
			maximumLoad = 60.0
			suspensionDistance = 0.25
			targetPosition = 0.5
			springRatio = 44
			damperRatio = 1.0
			useDistributedMass = true
			name = ModuleWheelMotorSteering
			baseModuleIndex = 0
			wheelSpeedMax = 14
			driveResponse = 1
			idleDrain = 0.0
			steeringTorque = 25
			motorEnabled = True
				key = 0 25.0 0 0
				key = 1.5 15.0 0 0
				key = 3 5.0 0 0
				key = 6 3 0 0
				key = 15 0.5 0 0
				key = 15.5 0 0 0
				name = ElectricCharge
				rate = 5.0
			name = ModuleWheelBrakes
			baseModuleIndex = 0
			maxBrakeTorque = 30
			brakeResponse = 1
			name = ModuleWheelDamage
			baseModuleIndex = 0
			damagedTransformName = bustedwheel
			undamagedTransformName = wheel
			stressTolerance = 3070
			impactTolerance = 800
			deflectionMagnitude = 1.0
			deflectionSharpness = 2.0
			slipMagnitude = 15
			slipSharpness = 2.0
			impactDamageColliderName = collisionEnhancer
			impactDamageVelocity = 30
			name = FXModuleLookAtConstraint
				targetName = susp2-1
				rotatorsName = susp2-2
				targetName = susp2-2
				rotatorsName = susp2-1
				targetName = susp1-2
				rotatorsName = susp1-1
				targetName = susp1-1
				rotatorsName = susp1-2
	parentUrl = Squad/Props/AltimeterThreeHands/prop.cfg
		name = AltimeterThreeHands
			name = InternalAltimeterThreeHands
			hand100Name = LongArm
			hand1000Name = MediumArm
			hand10000Name = ShortArm
	parentUrl = Squad/Props/AtmosphereDepth/prop.cfg
		name = AtmosphereDepth
			name = InternalAtmosphereDepth
			indicatorName = Arrow Indicator
			min = 0.0084, 0.0075, 0.033
			max = 0.0084, 0.0075, -0.033
	parentUrl = Squad/Props/AxisIndicator/pitchConfig.cfg
		name = AxisIndicatorPitch
			name = InternalAxisIndicatorPitch
			indicatorName = BarIndicator
			min = 0, 0.007, -0.033
			max = 0, 0.007, 0.033
	parentUrl = Squad/Props/AxisIndicator/rollConfig.cfg
		name = AxisIndicatorRoll
			name = InternalAxisIndicatorRoll
			indicatorName = BarIndicator
			min = 0, 0.007, -0.033
			max = 0, 0.007, 0.033
	parentUrl = Squad/Props/AxisIndicator/yawConfig.cfg
		name = AxisIndicatorYaw
			name = InternalAxisIndicatorYaw
			indicatorName = BarIndicator
			min = 0, 0.007, -0.033
			max = 0, 0.007, 0.033
	parentUrl = Squad/Props/ButtonSquare/prop.cfg
		name = ButtonSquare
			name = InternalButtonLight
			buttonName = button
			defaultValue = false
			lightName = internalLight
			lightColor = 1,1,1
			lightIntensityOn = 0.75
			lightIntensityOff = 0
			useButtonColor = true
			buttonColorOn = 0,1,0
			buttonColorOff = 0,0,0
	parentUrl = Squad/Props/Compass/prop.cfg
		name = Compass
			name = InternalCompass
			indicatorName = Tumbler
	parentUrl = Squad/Props/IVANavBall/prop.cfg
		name = NavBall
			name = InternalNavBall
			navBallName = NavSphere
			iconUp = 0, 1, 0
			progradeVectorName = progradeVector
			retrogradeVectorName = retrogradeVector
			progradeWaypointName = progradeWaypoint
			retrogradeWaypointName = retrogradeWaypoint
			normalVectorName = NormalVector
			antiNormalVectorName = antiNormalVector
			radialInVectorName = RadialInVector
			radialOutVectorName = RadialOutVector
			maneuverArrowName = ManeuverArrow
			anchorName = Anchor
			navWaypointVectorName = NavWaypointVector
	parentUrl = Squad/Props/IVANavBallNoBase/prop.cfg
		name = NavBallNoBase
			name = InternalNavBall
			navBallName = NavSphere
			iconUp = 0, 1, 0
			progradeVectorName = progradeVector
			retrogradeVectorName = retrogradeVector
			progradeWaypointName = progradeWaypoint
			retrogradeWaypointName = retrogradeWaypoint
			normalVectorName = NormalVector
			antiNormalVectorName = antiNormalVector
			radialInVectorName = RadialInVector
			radialOutVectorName = RadialOutVector
			maneuverArrowName = ManeuverArrow
			anchorName = Anchor
			navWaypointVectorName = NavWaypointVector
	parentUrl = Squad/Props/IndicatorPanel/prop.cfg
		name = IndicatorPanel
			name = InternalIndicatorPanel
					name = indicator01
					colorOn = 0, 1, 0.23
					colorOff = 0, 0, 0
					value = RCS
					name = indicator02
					colorOn = 0, 1, 0.23
					colorOff = 0, 0, 0
					value = SAS
					name = indicator03
					colorOn = 0, 1, 0.23
					colorOff = 0, 0, 0
					value = Gear
					name = indicator04
					colorOn = 1, 0.43, 0
					colorOff = 0, 0, 0
					value = Oxygen
					name = indicator05
					colorOn = 0, 1, 0.23
					colorOff = 0, 0, 0
					value = KillRot
					name = indicator06
					colorOn = 1, 0, 0.06
					colorOff = 0, 0, 0
					value = MECO
					name = indicator07
					colorOn = 0, 1, 0.23
					colorOff = 0, 0, 0
					value = Stage
					name = indicator08
					colorOn = 0, 1, 0.23
					colorOff = 0, 0, 0
					value = Airlock
					name = indicator09
					colorOn = 0, 1, 0.23
					colorOff = 0, 0, 0
					value = Warn
					name = indicator10
					colorOn = 0, 1, 0.06
					colorOff = 0, 0, 0
					value = Heat
					name = indicator11
					colorOn = 0, 1, 0.06
					colorOff = 0, 0, 0
					value = Fuel
					name = indicator12
					colorOn = 0, 1, 0.06
					colorOff = 0, 0, 0
					value = HighG
	parentUrl = Squad/Props/Monitor/DockingMode.cfg
		name = MonitorDockingMode
			model = Squad/Props/Monitor/MonitorDockingMode
			name = internalGeneric
	parentUrl = Squad/Props/NavBall/prop.cfg
		name = NavBall
			name = InternalNavBall
			navBallName = NavSphere
			iconUp = 0, 1, 0
			progradeVectorName = progradeVector
			retrogradeVectorName = retrogradeVector
			progradeWaypointName = progradeWaypoint
			retrogradeWaypointName = retrogradeWaypoint
	parentUrl = Squad/Props/PropsGeneric/Button_DockingMode.cfg
		name = Button_DockingMode
			model = Squad/Props/PropsGeneric/Button_DockingMode
			name = internalGeneric
	parentUrl = Squad/Props/PropsGeneric/CargoBagA.cfg
		name = CargoBagA
			model = Squad/Props/PropsGeneric/CargoBagA
			name = internalGeneric
	parentUrl = Squad/Props/PropsGeneric/CargoBagB.cfg
		name = CargoBagB
			model = Squad/Props/PropsGeneric/CargoBagB
			name = internalGeneric
	parentUrl = Squad/Props/PropsGeneric/CargoBagC.cfg
		name = CargoBagC
			model = Squad/Props/PropsGeneric/CargoBagC
			name = internalGeneric
	parentUrl = Squad/Props/PropsGeneric/Hatch_Plane.cfg
		name = Hatch_Plane
			model = Squad/Props/PropsGeneric/Hatch_Plane
			name = internalGeneric
	parentUrl = Squad/Props/PropsGeneric/Hatch_Plane_Curve90.cfg
		name = Hatch_Plane_Curve90
			model = Squad/Props/PropsGeneric/Hatch_Plane_Curve90
			name = internalGeneric
	parentUrl = Squad/Props/PropsGeneric/Hatch_Plane_Frame.cfg
		name = Hatch_Plane_Frame
			model = Squad/Props/PropsGeneric/Hatch_Plane_Frame
			name = internalGeneric
	parentUrl = Squad/Props/PropsGeneric/Seat_Passenger.cfg
		name = Seat_Passenger
			model = Squad/Props/PropsGeneric/Seat_Passenger
			name = internalGeneric
	parentUrl = Squad/Props/PropsGeneric/Seat_Pilot.cfg
		name = Seat_Pilot
			model = Squad/Props/PropsGeneric/Seat_Pilot
			name = internalGeneric
	parentUrl = Squad/Props/PropsGeneric/Seat_Pilot_Helmet.cfg
		name = Seat_Pilot_Helmet
			model = Squad/Props/PropsGeneric/Seat_Pilot_Helmet
			name = internalGeneric
	parentUrl = Squad/Props/PropsGeneric/SideStick.cfg
		name = SideStick
			model = Squad/Props/PropsGeneric/SideStick
			name = internalGeneric
	parentUrl = Squad/Props/VSI/prop.cfg
		name = VSI
			name = InternalVSI
			indicatorName = indicator
				inc = 0, 0
				inc = 35, 5
				inc = 70, 10
				inc = 115, 100
				inc = 167, 1000
	parentUrl = Squad/Props/buttonsGeneric/circularButton.cfg
		name = genericCircularButton
			model = Squad/Props/buttonsGeneric/circularButton
			name = internalGeneric
	parentUrl = Squad/Props/buttonsGeneric/clusterButtons.cfg
		name = genericClusterButtons
			model = Squad/Props/buttonsGeneric/clusterButtons
			name = internalGeneric
	parentUrl = Squad/Props/buttonsGeneric/clusterButtons2.cfg
		name = genericClusterButtons2
			model = Squad/Props/buttonsGeneric/clusterButtons2
			name = internalGeneric
	parentUrl = Squad/Props/buttonsGeneric/clusterKnob.cfg
		name = genericClusterKnobs
			model = Squad/Props/buttonsGeneric/clusterKnob
			name = internalGeneric
	parentUrl = Squad/Props/buttonsGeneric/clusterKnob2.cfg
		name = genericClusterKnobs2
			model = Squad/Props/buttonsGeneric/clusterKnob2
			name = internalGeneric
	parentUrl = Squad/Props/buttonsGeneric/clusterMixed.cfg
		name = genericClusterMixed
			model = Squad/Props/buttonsGeneric/clusterMixed
			name = internalGeneric
	parentUrl = Squad/Props/buttonsGeneric/clusterSwitches01.cfg
		name = genericClusterSwitches01
			model = Squad/Props/buttonsGeneric/clusterSwitches01
			name = internalGeneric
	parentUrl = Squad/Props/buttonsGeneric/clusterSwitches02.cfg
		name = genericClusterSwitches02
			model = Squad/Props/buttonsGeneric/clusterSwitches02
			name = internalGeneric
	parentUrl = Squad/Props/buttonsGeneric/clusterSwitches03.cfg
		name = genericClusterSwitches03
			model = Squad/Props/buttonsGeneric/clusterSwitches03
			name = internalGeneric
	parentUrl = Squad/Props/buttonsGeneric/clusterSwitches04.cfg
		name = genericClusterSwitches04
			model = Squad/Props/buttonsGeneric/clusterSwitches04
			name = internalGeneric
	parentUrl = Squad/Props/buttonsGeneric/clusterSwitches05.cfg
		name = genericClusterSwitches05
			model = Squad/Props/buttonsGeneric/clusterSwitches05
			name = internalGeneric
	parentUrl = Squad/Props/buttonsGeneric/clusterSwitches06.cfg
		name = genericClusterSwitches06
			model = Squad/Props/buttonsGeneric/clusterSwitches06
			name = internalGeneric
	parentUrl = Squad/Props/buttonsGeneric/clusterSwitches07.cfg
		name = genericClusterSwitches07
			model = Squad/Props/buttonsGeneric/clusterSwitches07
			name = internalGeneric
	parentUrl = Squad/Props/buttonsGeneric/directionalKnob.cfg
		name = genericDirectionalKnob
			model = Squad/Props/buttonsGeneric/directionalKnob
			name = internalGeneric
	parentUrl = Squad/Props/buttonsGeneric/directionalKnob2.cfg
		name = genericDirectionalKnob2
			model = Squad/Props/buttonsGeneric/directionalKnob2
			name = internalGeneric
	parentUrl = Squad/Props/buttonsGeneric/pullSwitch.cfg
		name = genericPullSwitch
			model = Squad/Props/buttonsGeneric/pullSwitch
			name = internalGeneric
	parentUrl = Squad/Props/buttonsGeneric/squareButton.cfg
		name = genericSquareButton
			model = Squad/Props/buttonsGeneric/squareButton
			name = internalGeneric
	parentUrl = Squad/Props/buttonsGeneric/standingSwitch.cfg
		name = genericStandingSwitch
			model = Squad/Props/buttonsGeneric/standingSwitch
			name = internalGeneric
	parentUrl = Squad/Props/buttonsGeneric/switch.cfg
		name = genericSwitch
			model = Squad/Props/buttonsGeneric/switch
			name = internalGeneric
	parentUrl = Squad/Props/buttonsGeneric/switchWithGuards.cfg
		name = genericSwitchWithGuards
			model = Squad/Props/buttonsGeneric/switchWithGuards
			name = internalGeneric
	parentUrl = Squad/Props/circularButton/prop.cfg
		name = circularButton
			name = internalGeneric
	parentUrl = Squad/Props/directionalKnob/prop.cfg
		name = directionalKnob
			name = internalGeneric
	parentUrl = Squad/Props/directionalKnob2/prop.cfg
		name = directionalKnob2
			name = internalGeneric
	parentUrl = Squad/Props/ledPanelSpeed/prop.cfg
		name = ledPanelSpeed
			name = InternalSpeed
	parentUrl = Squad/Props/pullSwitch/prop.cfg
		name = pullSwitch
			name = internalGeneric
	parentUrl = Squad/Props/radarAltitude/prop.cfg
		name = RadarAltimeter
			name = InternalRadarAltitude
			indicatorName = indicator
				inc = 0, 0
				inc = 34, 100
				inc = 70, 200
				inc = 110, 300
				inc = 145, 400
				inc = 180, 500
				inc = 215, 1000
				inc = 232, 2000
				inc = 250, 3000
	parentUrl = Squad/Props/squareButton/prop.cfg
		name = squareButton
			name = InternalButtonLight
			buttonName = button
			defaultValue = false
			lightName = internalLight
			lightColor = 1,1,1
			lightIntensityOn = 0.75
			lightIntensityOff = 0
			useButtonColor = true
			buttonColorOn = 0,1,0
			buttonColorOff = 0,0,0
	parentUrl = Squad/Props/standingSwitch/prop.cfg
		name = standingSwitch
			name = internalGeneric
	parentUrl = Squad/Props/switch/prop.cfg
		name = switch
			name = internalGeneric
	parentUrl = Squad/Props/switchGuard/prop.cfg
		name = switchGuard
			name = internalGeneric
	parentUrl = Squad/Props/switchWithGuards/prop.cfg
		name = switchWithGuards
			name = internalGeneric
	parentUrl = Squad/Props/throttle/prop.cfg
		name = throttle
			name = InternalLeverThrottle
	parentUrl = Squad/Resources/CometDefs.cfg
		homeBodySpawnGroupMinLimit = 3
		homeBodySpawnGroupMaxLimit = 10
		perSentinelSpawnGroupMaxLimit = 10
	parentUrl = Squad/Resources/CometDefs.cfg
		maxSpawnDistance = 2.5
		minSpawnDistance = 1.5
		maxVFXStartDistance = 2.25
		minVFXStartDistance = 1.9
		maxComaSizeRatio = 1200000
		minComaSizeRatio = 300000
		maxTailWidthRatio = 1
		maxIonTailWidthRatio = 0.3
		maxTailLengthRatio = 105
		minTailLengthRatio = 45
		minGeyserRadiusRatio = 0.1
		maxGeyserRadiusRatio = 5
		geyserVisibleDistance = 150000
		geyserSizeRadiusMultiplier = 0.025
		nearDustVisibleRadiusMultiplier = 10
		minNearDustEmitterRadiusRatio = 0.14
		maxNearDustEmitterRadiusRatio = 2
		atmospherePressureForVFXFade = 0.05
		gravityAdditionForVFXFadeStart = 300
		gravityMultiplierForVFXFadeEnd = 100
		gravitySubtractionForVFXFadeEnd = 20
		vesselRangeOrbitLoadOverride = 150000
		vesselRangeOrbitUnloadOverride = 151000
		vesselRangeOrbitPackOverride = 1100
		vesselRangeOrbitUnpackOverride = 1000
		fragmentdynamicPressurekPa = 10
		minFragments = 3
		maxFragments = 5
		minFragmentClassStep = 1
		maxFragmentClassStep = 2
		fragmentInstanceOffset = 2.0
		fragmentAngleVariation = 22.5
		fragmentIgnoreCollisions = 20
		fragmentMinPressureModifier = 1.0
		fragmentMaxPressureModifier = 6.0
		fragmentMinSafeTime = 3.0
		fragmentMaxSafeTime = 20.0
		ionTailColorP67 = 0.04313725, 0.2906635, 0.8666667, 0.4509804
			key = 10 1 0.03333334 0.03333334
			key = 40 2 0.02916667 0.02916667
			key = 80 3 0.02083333 0.02083333
			key = 140 4 0.01287879 0.01287879
			key = 250 5 0.002583628 0
			key = 0 0.1 0 0
			key = 0.1 0.1 0 -0.08738667
			key = 0.5 0.065 -0.1086933 -0.1086933
			key = 1 0 -0.13 -1.3
			key = 0 0 0 0
			key = 1 1 0 0
			key = 0 0
			key = 0.25 0.1
			key = 0.5 .5
			key = 0.75 0.9
			key = 1 1
			key = 0 1
			key = 1 1
			key = 0 0
			key = 0.25 0.1
			key = 0.5 .5
			key = 0.75 0.9
			key = 1 1
			key = 0 1 0 0
			key = 0.08504562 1.000809 0.009512004 0.003335021
			key = 0.1 0.948 -4.58 -4.58
			key = 0.15 0.516 -6.13 -6.13
			key = 0.2 0.335 -2.575 -2.575
			key = 0.3 0.182 -1.085 -1.085
			key = 0.4 0.118 -0.486 -0.486
			key = 0.5 0.0848 -0.26725 -0.26725
			key = 0.6 0.06455 -0.169 -0.169
			key = 0.7 0.051 -0.16775 -0.16775
			key = 0.8 0.031 -0.18 -0.18
			key = 0.9 0.015 -0.155 -0.155
			key = 1 0 -0.15 -0.15
			key = 0 1 0 0
			key = 0.08504562 1.000809 0.009512004 0.009512004
			key = 0.1195695 0.9527226 -2.286928 -2.286928
			key = 0.1637024 0.7968841 -6.13 -6.13
			key = 0.2078278 0.486061 -2.575 -2.575
			key = 0.3 0.2952991 -1.259817 -1.259817
			key = 0.3980431 0.2029638 -0.6951531 -0.6951531
			key = 0.4902267 0.1438122 -0.4804623 -0.4804623
			key = 0.5882736 0.09759173 -0.3686515 -0.3686515
			key = 0.6941369 0.06280091 -0.3356795 -0.3356795
			key = 0.7960938 0.03100336 -0.1535307 -0.1535307
			key = 0.892176 0.01264073 -0.2346054 -0.2346054
			key = 1 0 -0.15 -0.15
			key = 0 1 0 0
			key = 0.08504562 1.000809 0.009512004 0.009512004
			key = 0.1195695 0.9527226 -2.286928 -2.286928
			key = 0.1637024 0.7968841 -6.13 -6.13
			key = 0.2078278 0.497863 -2.575 -2.575
			key = 0.3 0.3165427 -1.259817 -1.259817
			key = 0.3980431 0.2407302 -0.6951531 -0.6951531
			key = 0.4902267 0.1815786 -0.4804623 -0.4804623
			key = 0.5882736 0.1353581 -0.3686515 -0.3686515
			key = 0.6921799 0.09112568 -0.3356795 -0.3356795
			key = 0.7960938 0.05224695 -0.3581125 -0.3581125
			key = 0.892176 0.02444272 -0.2346054 -0.2346054
			key = 1 0 -0.15 -0.15
			key = 0 0 0 0
			key = 1 1 0 0
			key = 0 0
			key = 0.5  0.1
			key = 0.7 0.25
			key = 0.80 0.5
			key = 0.95 0.75
			key = 0.99 0.9
			key = 1 1
				emitterColor = 0.04313725, 0.2906635, 0.8666667, 0.4509804
				chanceWeight = 25
				emitterColor = 0.04503382, 0.1821821, 0.8679245, 0.4509804
				chanceWeight = 15
				emitterColor = 0.1067996, 0.139397, 0.9056604, 0.4509804
				chanceWeight = 15
				emitterColor = 0, 0.5013706, 0.9098039, 0.4509804
				chanceWeight = 10
				emitterColor = 0, 0.5923958, 0.9098039, 0.4509804
				chanceWeight = 5
				emitterColor = 0, 0.7342432, 0.909, 0.4509804
				chanceWeight = 5
				emitterColor = 0.990566, 0.9433554, 0.7429245, 0.03137255
				chanceWeight = 5
	parentUrl = Squad/Resources/CometDefs.cfg
		name = short
		displayName = Short Period
		description = Comets are balls of volatile materials - various ices - and dusty rock.\n\nThis comet has been brought into a much lower orbit through encounters with other celestial bodies. It may not last much longer at the rate its ices are being depleted - at least on an astronomical timescale. Enjoy the light show while it lasts.
		inclination1Min = -15
		inclination1Max = 15
		inclination2Min = 165
		inclination2MAx = 180
		inclination1Chance = 0.8
		peMin = 0.1
		peMax = 0.31
		apMin = 0.83
		apMax = 1.25
		minCometClass = E
		maxCometClass = F
		chanceWeight = 50
	parentUrl = Squad/Resources/CometDefs.cfg
		name = intermediate
		displayName = Intermediate Period
		description = Comets are balls of volatile materials - various ices - and dusty rock.\n\nA low percentage of comets get pulled into the inner system and have an apoapsis near Jool, due to the great green giant’s massive gravity well, but they seem more populous because of how often they approach the Sun. This is one of those, its period such that it can be seen passing by often if tracked.
		inclination1Min = -40
		inclination1Max = 40
		inclination2Min = 40
		inclination2MAx = 180
		inclination1Chance = 0.8
		peMin = 0.068
		peMax = 0.31
		apMin = 1.25
		apMax = 3.12
		minCometClass = F
		maxCometClass = H
		chanceWeight = 40
	parentUrl = Squad/Resources/CometDefs.cfg
		name = long
		displayName = Long Period
		description = Comets are balls of volatile materials - various ices - and dusty rock.\n\nMany comets are thought to originate from a cloud of objects circling far outside the charted planetary bodies. The first step in being a comet is getting perturbed into a highly elliptical orbit that enters the inner system by some unknown object.
		inclination1Min = -40
		inclination1Max = 40
		inclination2Min = 40
		inclination2MAx = 180
		inclination1Chance = 0.8
		peMin = 0.1
		peMax = 0.31
		apMin = 4.16
		apMax = 21
		minCometClass = G
		maxCometClass = H
		chanceWeight = 9
	parentUrl = Squad/Resources/CometDefs.cfg
		name = interstellar
		displayName = Interstellar
		description = Comets are balls of volatile materials - various ices - and dusty rock.\n\nThis comet’s orbit is hyperbolic with respect to the Sun. That makes it one of the rarest objects in the system - a true interstellar traveller, destined to only visit our system once in its lonely journey.
		inclination1Min = -180
		inclination1Max = 180
		inclination1Chance = 1
		peMin = 0.2
		peMax = 0.31
		useEccentricity = true
		eccentricityMin = 1.01
		eccentricityMax = 1.4
		minCometClass = G
		maxCometClass = I
		chanceWeight = 1
	parentUrl = Squad/Resources/FireworkFXDefinitions.cfg
		name = classicTrail
		fwType = TRAIL
		prefabName = Rocket_01_Classic
		displayName = Classic
		minTrailLifetime = 1
		maxTrailLifetime = 7
	parentUrl = Squad/Resources/FireworkFXDefinitions.cfg
		name = whirlyTrail
		fwType = TRAIL
		prefabName = Rocket_02_Whirly
		displayName = Whirly
		minTrailLifetime = 1
		maxTrailLifetime = 4
	parentUrl = Squad/Resources/FireworkFXDefinitions.cfg
		name = strobeTrail
		fwType = TRAIL
		prefabName = Rocket_03_Strobe
		displayName = Strobe
		minTrailLifetime = 1
		maxTrailLifetime = 4
	parentUrl = Squad/Resources/FireworkFXDefinitions.cfg
		name = bareTrail
		fwType = TRAIL
		prefabName = Rocket_04_Bare
		displayName = Bare
	parentUrl = Squad/Resources/FireworkFXDefinitions.cfg
		name = classicBurst
		fwType = BURST
		prefabName = Firework_01_Classic
		displayName = Classic
		color1Name = Star Tip
		color2Name = Star End
	parentUrl = Squad/Resources/FireworkFXDefinitions.cfg
		name = chrysBurst
		fwType = BURST
		prefabName = Firework_04_Chrysanthemum
		displayName = Blossom
		color1Name = Star Tip
		color2Name = Star End
	parentUrl = Squad/Resources/FireworkFXDefinitions.cfg
		name = palmBurst
		fwType = BURST
		prefabName = Firework_03_Palm
		displayName = Palm
		color1Name = Star Tip
		color2Name = Star End
	parentUrl = Squad/Resources/FireworkFXDefinitions.cfg
		name = ringBurst
		fwType = BURST
		prefabName = Firework_02_Ring
		displayName = Rings
		color1Name = Outer Ring
		color2Name = Star Trail
		color3Name = Inner Ring
		randomizeBurstOrientation = true
	parentUrl = Squad/Resources/FireworkFXDefinitions.cfg
		name = crosetteBurst
		fwType = BURST
		prefabName = Firework_09_Crossette
		displayName = Crossette
		color1Name = Star Tip
		color2Name = Star End
		color3Name = Feathers
	parentUrl = Squad/Resources/FireworkFXDefinitions.cfg
		name = willowBurst
		fwType = BURST
		prefabName = Firework_05_Willow
		displayName = Willow
		color1Name = Star Tip
		color2Name = Star End
	parentUrl = Squad/Resources/FireworkFXDefinitions.cfg
		name = crackeBurst
		fwType = BURST
		prefabName = Firework_07_Crackle
		displayName = Crackle
		color1Name = Star Tip
		color2Name = Star End
		color3Name = Crackle
		crackleSFX = Squad/Sounds/fireworks_only_crackle_crackle_1
	parentUrl = Squad/Resources/FireworkFXDefinitions.cfg
		name = palmCrackleBurst
		fwType = BURST
		prefabName = Firework_06_Palm_Crackle
		displayName = Palm Crackle
		color1Name = Star Tip
		color2Name = Star End
		color3Name = Crackle
		crackleSFX = Squad/Sounds/fireworks_only_crackle_palm_1
	parentUrl = Squad/Resources/FireworkFXDefinitions.cfg
		name = dragonBurst
		fwType = BURST
		prefabName = Firework_08_Dragon_Egg
		displayName = Kraken's Egg
		color1Name = Star Tip
		color2Name = Star End
		color3Name = Crackle
		crackleSFX = Squad/Sounds/fireworks_only_crackle_dragon_1
	parentUrl = Squad/Resources/Ore.cfg
		ResourceName = Ore
		ResourceType = 0
			PresenceChance = 100
			MinAbundance = 1
			MaxAbundance = 15
			Variance = 50
			Dispersal = 3
	parentUrl = Squad/Resources/Ore.cfg
		ResourceName = Ore
		ResourceType = 0
		PlanetName = Sun
			PresenceChance = 0
			MinAbundance = 0
			MaxAbundance = 0
			Variance = 0
			Dispersal = 0
	parentUrl = Squad/Resources/Ore.cfg
		ResourceName = Ore
		ResourceType = 0
		PlanetName = Jool
			PresenceChance = 0
			MinAbundance = 0
			MaxAbundance = 0
			Variance = 0
			Dispersal = 0
	parentUrl = Squad/Resources/Overlay.cfg
		MapResolution = 256
		InterpolationLevel = 4
		LoOpacity = 0.25
		HiOpacity = 0.50
		GridWeight = 0.5
		LoColor = 0.01
		HiColor = 1.50
		CapPixels = 32
		FilterMode = 2
	parentUrl = Squad/Resources/Overlay.cfg
		MapResolution = 256
		InterpolationLevel = 4
		LoOpacity = 0.50
		HiOpacity = 0.75
		GridWeight = 0.5
		LoColor = 0.01
		HiColor = 1.50
		CapPixels = 32
		FilterMode = 2
	parentUrl = Squad/Resources/Overlay.cfg
		MapResolution = 256
		InterpolationLevel = 4
		LoOpacity = 0.75
		HiOpacity = 1.00
		GridWeight = 0.0
		LoColor = 0.01
		HiColor = 1.50
		CapPixels = 32
		FilterMode = 1
	parentUrl = Squad/Resources/ResourceDefaults.cfg
		HeatEnabled = True
		ECMinScale = 100
		OverlayStyle = 1
	parentUrl = Squad/Resources/ResourcesGeneric.cfg
		name = LiquidFuel
		displayName = Liquid Fuel
		abbreviation = LF
		density = 0.005
		unitCost = 0.8
		hsp = 2010
		transfer = PUMP
		isTweakable = true
		volume = 5
			isDrainable = true
			showDrainFX = true
			drainFXPriority = 7
			drainForceISP = 5
			drainFXDefinition = gasDraining
	parentUrl = Squad/Resources/ResourcesGeneric.cfg
		name = Oxidizer
		displayName = Oxidizer
		abbreviation = Ox
		density = 0.005
		unitCost = 0.18
		hsp = 1551
		transfer = PUMP
		isTweakable = true
		volume = 5
			isDrainable = true
			showDrainFX = true
			drainFXPriority = 7
			drainForceISP = 5
			drainFXDefinition = gasDraining
	parentUrl = Squad/Resources/ResourcesGeneric.cfg
		name = SolidFuel
		displayName = Solid Fuel
		abbreviation = SF
		density = 0.0075
		unitCost = 0.6
		hsp = 920
		flowMode = NO_FLOW
		transfer = NONE
		isTweakable = true
		volume = 5
			isDrainable = false
			showDrainFX = false
	parentUrl = Squad/Resources/ResourcesGeneric.cfg
		name = MonoPropellant
		displayName = Monopropellant
		abbreviation = MP
		density = 0.004
		unitCost = 1.2
		hsp = 3000
		transfer = PUMP
		isTweakable = true
		volume = 5
			isDrainable = true
			showDrainFX = true
			drainFXPriority = 5
			drainForceISP = 5
			drainFXDefinition = gasDraining
	parentUrl = Squad/Resources/ResourcesGeneric.cfg
		name = XenonGas
		displayName = Xenon Gas
		abbreviation = Xe
		density = 0.0001
		unitCost = 4
		hsp = 120
		transfer = PUMP
		isTweakable = true
		volume = 0.1
			isDrainable = true
			showDrainFX = true
			drainFXPriority = 5
			drainForceISP = 5
			drainFXDefinition = gasDraining
	parentUrl = Squad/Resources/ResourcesGeneric.cfg
		name = ElectricCharge
		displayName = Electric Charge
		abbreviation = EC
		density = 0
		unitCost = 0
		hsp = 0
		transfer = PUMP
		isTweakable = true
			isDrainable = false
			showDrainFX = false
	parentUrl = Squad/Resources/ResourcesGeneric.cfg
		name = IntakeAir
		displayName = Intake Air
		abbreviation = Air
		density = 0.005
		unitCost = 0
		hsp = 10
		flowMode = ALL_VESSEL
		transfer = PUMP
		isTweakable = false
		isVisible = false
			isDrainable = false
			showDrainFX = false
	parentUrl = Squad/Resources/ResourcesGeneric.cfg
		name = EVA Propellant
		displayName = EVA Propellant
		abbreviation = EP
		density = 0.005
		unitCost = 0
		hsp = 3000
		flowMode = NO_FLOW
		transfer = PUMP
		isTweakable = false
			isDrainable = false
			showDrainFX = false
	parentUrl = Squad/Resources/ResourcesGeneric.cfg
		name = Ore
		displayName = Ore
		abbreviation = Ore
		density = 0.010
		unitCost = 0.02
		flowMode = ALL_VESSEL
		transfer = PUMP
		hsp = 1000
		isTweakable = true
		color = 1,0,1
		volume = 5
			isDrainable = true
			showDrainFX = true
			drainFXPriority = 9
			drainForceISP = 5
			drainFXDefinition = particlesDraining
	parentUrl = Squad/Resources/ResourcesGeneric.cfg
		name = Ablator
		displayName = Ablator
		abbreviation = Ab
		density = 0.001
		hsp = 400
		flowMode = NO_FLOW
		transfer = NONE
		isTweakable = True
		unitCost = 0.5
		volume = 1
			isDrainable = false
			showDrainFX = false
	parentUrl = Squad/Resources/ScienceDefs.cfg
		id = crewReport
		title = Crew Report
		baseValue = 5
		scienceCap = 5
		dataScale = 1
		requireAtmosphere = False
		situationMask = 63
		biomeMask = 7
			default = You record the crew's assessment of the situation.
			KerbinSrfLandedLaunchpad = We don't seem to be moving very fast right now.
			KerbinSrfLandedRunway = Reporting in at the Runway. Good thing there's not a lot of air traffic, because I don't think we ever got clearance from the tower to be here.
			KerbinSrfLandedKSC = This is our Space Center. We're home.
			KerbinFlyingLowGrasslands = Hey, I can see my house from here, I think.
			KerbinFlyingLowGrasslands = It's very comforting to see that much green below you.
			KerbinFlyingLowHighlands = You get a great view of the highlands.
			KerbinFlyingLowMountains = The mountains rise up from the ground of Kerbin. They seem so much smaller from way up here.
			KerbinFlyingLowDeserts = The heat rising from the sand causes the desert to move and shimmer.
			KerbinFlyingLowBadlands = This looks like a bad place to land.
			KerbinFlyingLowTundra = You see patches of frozen grass. It looks like it's pretty cold out there.
			KerbinFlyingLowIceCaps = You look down and see a sheet of shining white ice. If you stare at it too long your eyes start to water.
			KerbinFlyingLowShores = The shores look inviting and you watch the waves roll in to the coast.
			KerbinFlyingLowWater = From this perspective you can see the underwater topography.
			KerbinInSpaceLow = It seems we are very much in space right now. The sky seems to be mostly below us.
			KerbinInSpaceLow = Maybe if you get out and push...
			KerbinInSpace = It's very... round.
			KerbinInSpace = Crew reporting in, from space!
			MunInSpace = You look down at the cold gray surface. It looks really beat up with craters.
			MunInSpace = You look at the surface of the Mun and try to find a good landing space. The inside of the craters might be the best option.
			MinmusInSpace = The lake beds seem relatively flat, perhaps we could land there.
			MinmusInSpace = Looking at the surface of Minmus reminds you of a favorite childhood dessert. You are tempted to taste the surface...
			GillyInSpace = It looks like a particularly lumpy rock. Bet you could jetpack down there.
			MohoInSpace = The planet doesn't appear to have an atmosphere, and you notice darker spots across the surface.
			EveInSpace = You can't help but notice how incredibly purple the planet is. The shiny oceans are mesmerizing.
			DunaInSpace = The planet is very red, and appears to have deep brown furrows across the surface. There does appear to be some kind of ice at both poles, though.
			IkeInSpace = You can't help but like Ike.
			IkeInSpace = There appear to be some steep, rocky slopes. The higher areas are lighter in color, and the lowlands appear to be very dark gray.
			DresInSpace = Looking down, you see a massive canyon on the surface. It could be several kilometers deep.
			DresInSpace = The surface has a patchwork of white and brown areas, with a few craters.
			JoolInSpace = You watch the flowing green storms below, they seem to go on forever, endlessly swirling into each other.
			JoolInSpace = This planet is a wholesome green color. You note down that more planets should be this color.
			LaytheInSpace = Laythe looks a lot like Kerbin. You wonder what would happen if you took your helmet off down there.
			LaytheInSpace = The surface is mostly covered in oceans. You mark down the landmasses in your report.
			VallInSpace = The surface has many impressive and jagged mountain ranges. You do not think you'd like to try and land on them.
			VallInSpace = The moon is mostly white and lighter blue shades. It looks very cold and possibly frozen.
			TyloInSpace = It looks like it would be very hard to land here. It also appears one side is more heavily cratered than the other.
			TyloInSpace = The surface is covered with various shades of white and gray. For a second you thought you saw a face down there...
			BopInSpace = It appears to be a large brown rock. Perhaps an old asteroid?
			BopInSpace = As you stare at the planet, something flits by the window. Is there something moving down there?
			PolInSpace = It looks like a really large grain of pollen. You note down -Pol- in your report.
			PolInSpace = The terrain below looks very hazardous. You make note of the jagged rocks, inclines and other dangerous areas.
			EelooInSpace = The surface appears to be mostly frozen. You see some interesting brown areas peeking out of the ice and note them in your report.
			EelooInSpace = You search the sky for other nearby planets.  You think Eeloo must be lonely out here by itself. Maybe we should pay it a visit and cheer it up a bit.
	parentUrl = Squad/Resources/ScienceDefs.cfg
		id = evaReport
		title = EVA Report
		baseValue = 8
		scienceCap = 8
		dataScale = 1
		requireAtmosphere = False
		situationMask = 63
		biomeMask = 23
			default = You've recorded your observations about the situation.
			MohoSrfLanded = It's getting very hot in here...
			EveSrfLanded = Everything is tinted purple. You feel like you're changing color.
			EveSrfLanded = Did you eat too much before you left? You feel so sluggish and heavy...
			GillySrfLanded = You can barely move without flying away from the surface. You wish you had brought an anchor.
			KerbinSrf = I don't think a spacesuit was entirely necessary to get here, was it?
			SunInSpaceHigh = You feel kind of small right now... You hope you know where you're going.
			KerbinFlyingLow = This is a most precarious situation.
			KerbinFlyingHigh = You're starting to feel you should really get back into the ship.
			MunSrfLanded = The dust is getting everywhere!
			MunSrfLanded = You look up and search the sky for Kerbin. Suddenly, you feel very small.
			MunSrfLanded = You start to say something dramatic and poignant about the plight of Kerbal-kind in this grand universe, only to be cut off by random radio chatter that the situation is nominal.
			MunFlyingLow = You're having a bit too much fun with the low gravity.
			MunFlyingHigh = Is this really a good idea? Staring at the cratered surface below, you're beginning to wonder...
			MinmusSrfLanded = You feel a bit like a superhero when you jump in the low gravity.
			DunaSrfLanded = After much testing, you determine that red sand castles are plausible.
			DunaSrfLanded = Everywhere you look, you see red.
			IkeSrfLanded = You look up at the sky and see something zip past...
			IkeSrfLanded = There's a bunch of large rocks scattered around the surface. The surface appears to react oddly to light.
			DresSrfLanded = When you look closely at the ground, you can see there are many different types of deposits mixed together.
			JoolSrfLanded = You're not sure how you even landed on the surface of a gas giant. But it's probably best not to think about it for too long.
			LaytheSrfLanded = This place seems nice and comfortable. So comfortable you feel like taking your helmet off. You check the box on your report for -Looks breathable-.
			LaytheSrfLanded = After a few long seconds of gasping and haphazardly flailing about you manage to get used to the strange smell. You write a note on your report: 'breathable atmosphere - mouth only'.
			VallSrfLanded = The surface occasionally rumbles beneath you. You think you should probably get back to the ship.
			TyloSrfLanded = The gravity here is pretty comfortable and reminds you of home. However, the lack of atmosphere is a stark contrast to Kerbin.
			BopSrfLanded = The surface is very brown and lumpy. You poke at it with your glove and notice how hard it is.
			PolSrfLanded = Everywhere you look it appears the planet is sharp. You don't think you want to sit down or fall on anything.
			EelooSrfLanded = You lay down and give the planet a hug, just so it knows it's not alone out here.
	parentUrl = Squad/Resources/ScienceDefs.cfg
		id = mysteryGoo
		title = Mystery Goo™ Observation
		baseValue = 10
		scienceCap = 13
		dataScale = 1
		requireAtmosphere = False
		situationMask = 63
		biomeMask = 3
			default = You Observe the Goo.
			KerbinSrfLandedLaunchPad = The Goo doesn't seem to be doing much right now.
			KerbinSrfLandedRunway = The Goo seems to behave very much the same as it always does around here.
			KerbinSrfLandedDeserts = The Goo seems to hate it here.
			KerbinSrfSplashedWater = The Goo escapes into the water!
			KerbinSrfSplashedShores = The Goo wobbles around in its container and starts to seep out of the holes.
			KerbinSrfLandedShores = The Goo accumulates near the water-facing side of the container.
			KerbinSrfLandedKSC = The Goo seems bored.
			KerbinFlyingLow = The Goo jiggles and wobbles as the craft flies.
			KerbinFlyingHigh = The Goo seems to be getting very cold now.
			KerbinInSpaceLow = The Goo seems to have clumped into a sphere. It also appears to have become brittle.
			MohoInSpace = The Goo seems to be almost boiling. It writhes around the canister.
			EveInSpace = The Goo has become rubbery and bounces around the container.
			EveInSpace = The Goo takes on a purple coloration. Is it just the lighting, or did it change color?
			DunaInSpace = The Goo takes on a red sheen. It looks very much like the planet below.
			Mun = The Goo seems to be less dense here.
			InSpace = The Goo feels right at home here.
			BopInSpace = The canister begins to resonate, causing an odd harmonic effect inside the vessel. It's very unsettling.
			PolInSpace = Gooey tentacles reach out of the canister, freeze, and break off. Fascinating!
			EeLooInSpace = While observing the canister, you feel as though something is looking back at you from the shadows of the container.
			EeLooInSpace = For a moment the instruments suddenly read off the charts! The container flexes outwards and then settles.
	parentUrl = Squad/Resources/ScienceDefs.cfg
		id = surfaceSample
		title = Surface Sample
		baseValue = 30
		scienceCap = 40
		dataScale = 1
		requireAtmosphere = False
		situationMask = 3
		biomeMask = 3
		requiredExperimentLevel = 0.5
			default = You've collected a sample of the surface.
			default = You dig around in the surface a bit, find something interesting, and throw it into a sample container.
			default = You poke at the ground looking for some really cool rocks to take home.
			KerbinSrfLandedGrasslands = Yep. Looks like dirt.
			KerbinSrfLandedHighlands = This is dirt and grass, and some small rocks. You suspect this isn't going to be much of a groundbreaking discovery.
			KerbinSrfLandedMountains = Here the surface is mostly barren... snow, dirt and rocks. You're very confident that if you looked under the snow, you'd find more dirt and rocks.
			KerbinSrfLandedDeserts = Lots of sand and rocks here. You're thankful that you've been in a climate-controlled environment, because it sure looks hot out there. The sand is dry and loose and it looks like it's going to take some effort to clean your gear afterwards.
			KerbinSrfLandedTundra = The ground here seems to be completely frozen. It was very hard to scoop up this sample.
			KerbinSrfLandedIceCaps = This isn't really solid ground, is it? You got a sample but feared to dig any deeper because of the startling cracking sounds the ice made. You try to not think back on how you landed here.
			KerbinSrfLandedShores = You took a sample of the soil. It's very muddy and sandy. There might be a body of water nearby.
			KerbinSrfLandedBadlands = The grass here is definitely not as green as other places, but the knowledge that you've been at a place called the Badlands makes you feel cool.
			KerbinSrfLandedWater = You scooped up a sample of the surface. It's a very humid sample.  You hope the equipment has been properly waterproofed.
			KerbinSrfSplashedWater = You've taken a sample of the water. It appears to dramatically increase the surface humidity of anything it touches.
			KerbinSrfSplashedShores = You've taken a sample of the water here. There are bits of vegetation in it, suggesting a strong likelihood that there is land nearby.
			KerbinSrfLandedLaunchPad = The surface is charred and coated with burnt rocket propellant. There are also trace amounts of a conspicuous green substance.
			KerbinSrfLandedRunway = The surface appears to be very hard, like concrete. It might actually be concrete. This could be a very good surface to land at.
			KerbinSrfLandedKSC = This substance is what makes the scientists yell at us when we go into the labs without cleaning our boots first.
			MunSrfLanded = The surface appears to be a fine dust with a grey-ish tone. Seems too flaky to make snowballs with.
			MunSrfLandedMidlands = The darker midlands surface appears to be made up of basaltic rocks.
			MunSrfLandedMidlands = The sample contains odd glass spherules of various colors. They're quite pretty!
			MunSrfLandedNorthernBasin = The sample contains evidence of a weak, localized, magnetic field.
			MunSrfLandedNorthernBasin = The surface here consists of multiple types of rock. Some appear almost crystalline.
			MunSrfLandedEastCrater = The sample contains a combination of breccia and melted materials.
			MunSrfLandedEastCrater = There are higher concentrations of metals in this crater than from other locations.
			MunSrfLandedNorthwestCrater = The ground materials appear to be a combination of basaltic rocks and breccia.
			MunSrfLandedNorthWestCrater = Deeper samples seem to contain more fragmented and shattered formations of rock.
			MunSrfLandedSouthwestCrater = The sample appears to be radioactive.
			MunSrfLandedSouthWestCrater = There appear to be layers of completely different materials here.  It's possible this site has had multiple impacts.
			MunSrfLandedFarsideCrater = There are large concentrations of melted byproducts here. Some appear to be formed by intense pressures and heat.
			MunSrfLandedFarsideCrater = Samples from this location appear to be similar in makeup to the powdery surface of the Mun.
			MunSrfLandedCanyons = Samples in this location are striated. It's possible that the surface has fractured in this location.
			MunSrfLandedPolarCrater = Samples from this location seem to show intense shock patterns.
			MunSrfLandedPolarCrater = It appears that some of the samples are magnetic and show a faint alignment.
			MunSrfLandedPoles = The samples here show lower concentrations of ejecta. There appear to be some liquids in the soil that remain permanently frozen.
			MunSrfLandedPolarLowlands = Samples seems to contain frozen liquids... We'll need to send them back to Kerbin for further analysis.
			MunSrfLandedHighlands = The sample appears to be comprised of a large number of materials layered over time.
			MunSrfLandedHighlands = The sample contains lesser amounts of basaltic rocks. This might account for the changes in coloration we've seen.
			MunSrfLandedHighlandCraters = The crater seems to contain materials from lower layers of the surface!
			MunSrfLandedHighlandCraters = These samples appear to be quite old compared to others we've taken.
			MunSrfLandedHighlandCraters = You sample the dark surface of the crater. This should help determine what type of object hit here.
			MunSrfLandedHighlandCraters = This crater seems to be filled with useful materials in high concentration. What luck!
			MunSrfLandedMidlandCraters = The patterning of this surface sample is particularly interesting.
			MunSrfLandedMidlandCraters = As you sample the crater you can't help but feel bad for the Mun. It's been beaten up pretty bad by these impacts.
			MunSrfLandedMidlandCraters = You dig around in the surface of the crater, looking for any rocks that look neat.
			MunSrfLandedMidlandCraters = You find a really cool looking rock and decide to keep it. Remembering that you're supposed to take a surface sample, you throw any old rocks you find into the container. Job done!
			MunSrfLandedMidlandCraters = Yep, it's a crater all right. You've noted this down on your checklist with a smiley face. Science is fun!
			MunSrfLandedEastFarsideCrater = This crater seems to have been a really nasty impact, and the samples are heavier than normal.
			MunSrfLandedEastFarsideCrater = You're glad that the Mun's gravity is so low. Digging is backbreaking work!
			MunSrfLandedTwinCraters = This area has a particularly high concentration of rare elements. Nice!
			MunSrfLandedTwinCraters = Continual samples of this area confirm it is rich in useful materials.
			MunSrfLandedTwinCraters = You dig around for a nice sample of the crater, carefully selecting a little bit of everything.
			MinmusSrfLanded = The surface seems to consist of tiny crystal-like grains. Very pretty, but probably not edible.
			MinmusSrfLanded = You sneak a taste of the surface sample... Nope, it definitely is not made of delicious dessert products.
			EveSrfLanded = The surface appears to have a very strong purple tint to it... or is it grey and it just looks purple because everything else on Eve is? You start to wonder if you're not taking on a purple tint yourself.
			DunaSrfLanded = This surface consists of a grainy, very fine, sand-like dust, and it appears to be getting everywhere.
			DunaSrfLanded = There appear to be traces of water in the soil!
			DunaSrfLanded = Unable to satisfy your curiousity, you attempt to drill into the rock with your tool. You're thinking it would be a lot easier if you had some kind of pulsating drill-thing on a robotic arm.
			MohoSrfLanded = The ground is made up of old lava flows, suggesting periods of intense volcanic activity.
			GillySrfLanded = The surface gives away easily and you have a hard time keeping the sample in the container due to the low gravity.
			GillySrfLanded = The composition of elements is very similar to that of an asteroid.
			IkeSrfLanded = The Dark black soil has an almost crystalline structure. It's fun to play with.
			IkeSrfLanded = The white soil has a powdery texture and clumps together.
			DresSrfLanded = You find traces of a large number of elements, likely deposited here by impacts over time.
			DresSrfLanded = After digging around for a bit, you find some nice bits of glass and throw them in your sample container.
			LaytheSrfLanded = The soil sample contains traces of salt. You wonder if it has blown here, or if this area was once under water.
			VallSrfLanded = You chip away the frozen surface and deposit some of the blue surface material into a container.
			VallSrfLanded = You dig around in the surface and find some beautiful green and blue crystal structures. They remind you a bit of home, but you're unable to pick out Kerbin from the mass of twinkling lights.
			TyloSrfLanded = The ground gives way easily, but the surface underneath is much harder.
			TyloSrfLanded = You hum a little tune while you work to make the time pass faster. Tylo has some really interesting rocks!
			BopSrfLanded = The brown dust stains all the parts of your suit that it comes in contact with. This is apparently quite amusing to flight control.
			BopSrfLanded = You dig through the surface and find a little sphere. It looks a bit like an egg.
			PolSrfLanded = As you shovel the contents into a container, you can't help but feel you'll be allergic to whatever it is.
			PolSrfLanded = The sample is the same odd mottle of colors as the planet from orbit. You check off a little box on your list.
			PolSrfLanded = After conducting samples of the surface, you determine with a high certainty that Pol is not, in fact, made of Pollen. This will cause quite the stir back home!
			EelooSrfLanded = Chipping away at the icy surface, you find some brown soil underneath.
			EelooSrfLanded = You find a beautiful crystal and place it in the sample container.
			EelooSrfLanded = The rocks contain thin wisps of color. They remind you of lovely ION exhaust trails...
	parentUrl = Squad/Resources/ScienceDefs.cfg
		id = mobileMaterialsLab
		title = Materials Study
		baseValue = 25
		scienceCap = 32
		dataScale = 1
		requireAtmosphere = False
		situationMask = 63
		biomeMask = 3
			default = You exposed the material samples to the environment, taking notes of how it behaves.
			SunFlyingLow = Everything is melting, including the electronicsssss.........
			MohoSrfLanded = The materials bay bakes in the heat of Moho's surface. It appears that trace elements are reacting to the samples contained within.
			MohoSrfLanded = You expose the samples to the high temperatures of Moho. A lot of them melt in really interesting ways.
			KerbinSrfLanded = The materials show little signs of change, though one of the samples appears to be judging you silently.
			KerbinSrfLandedDeserts = The desert dust appears to have contaminated all the samples. We did learn that deserts aren't a good place to bring expensive science equipment, though!
			KerbinSrfLandedIceCaps = The water sample has frozen solid and the goopy samples appear to be extra goopy.
			KerbinSrfLandedShores = The water spray has rusted one of the samples and some of the electronics ar&/F***13e5rse4t8st######
			KerbinSrfLandedWater = Everything has gotten really wet. One of the samples caught fire! Whoa!
			KerbinSrfLandedWater = Exposing the power source of the lab to water has proved to be rather... enlightening.
			KerbinSrfLandedBadlands = You expose the samples to the badlands of Kerbin, but worry that it may have a bad influence on them.
			KerbinFlyingLow = The less resilient samples appear to have splattered around the interior, forming new and interesting color combinations.
			KerbinFlyingHigh = The rarified air has caused interesting changes to the gel samples. It seems like something is happening with the interior structure.
			KerbinInSpaceLow = The micro gravity has greatly affected the growth of crystalline structures. Loose objects are also flying around the bay in a very messy but fascinating way.
			MunSrfLanded = The fine dust of the Mun has intermixed with some of the samples. You have a sneaking suspicion that they'll never be able to get the lab clean again.
			MunSrfLanded = You leave the sample bay doors open on the Mun, and go do something else for a while.
			MinmusSrfLanded = While the material samples were processed, you began to turn your thoughts to how much Minmus looks like a mint dessert, and have discovered that you are now hungry.
			InSpace = The high radiation environment caused a few of the samples to glow. It looks like it would be fun to paint the rocket with this.
			EveSrfLanded = The crushing pressure of the atmosphere is causing some of the materials to crystallize rapidly.
			EveSrfLanded = You're not sure if most of the samples changed color, or if it's just the lighting...
			EveFlyingHigh = The extremely dense atmosphere strips the contents of the materials bay.
			EveFlyingLow = The atmosphere appears to either polish or strip the material, depending on its composition.
			GillySrfLanded = The samples appear to behave like they're in low orbit of Kerbin.
			GillySrfLanded = Some of the surface material has mixed with the contents of the bay. You write down the results for good measure.
			DunaSrfLanded = Opening the sample container you find that everything has turned red. Initial tests show that it'll never wash out of white space suits. You consider sending missions in pink EVA suits to reduce cleaning costs.
			DunaSrfLanded = The sample computer processes the results. It's massive red eye seems to be at home here as it slowly, ominously, blinks.
			IkeSrfLanded = One of the samples has reacted very strangely to the surface of Ike.
			IkeSrfLanded = One of the crystal samples explodes and throws green shards out of the materials bay!
			DresSrfLanded = As the samples process, the computer asks if it can sing you a song while it works. Apparently the song is about a flower of some kind.
			DresSrfLanded = One of the samples evaporates when exposed the environment.
			JoolInSpace = The computer gave an odd report no matter how many times we sent the request. Open the sample bay doors... "I'm sorry, I'm afraid I can't let you do that," was the only reply. The doors did open very promptly, however, when we opened the fusebox panel. Very curious.
			JoolFlyingHigh = The intense, crushing pressure has drastically changed the composition of the materials. Super heating and ablation effects have been observed. The science bay is looking very disgruntled.
			JoolFlyingLow = The samples burn, boil, or crumple under the extreme pressures and heat. The visual camera shows a wonderful rainbow of colors before it cuts out.
			JoolSrfLanded = You're not sure where the container stops and the samples start anymore...
			LaytheFlyingHigh = One of the samples burns on contact with the atmosphere. Interestingly, the color indicates the presence of oxygen.
			LaytheFlyingLow = The sample smolders and pops as it burns up.
			LaytheSrfLanded = The fine, particulate sand of Laythe blows into the sample bay.
			LaytheSrfSplashed = The sample bay power supply begins to short out! Electricity arcs and etches into the samples of the bay. It's quite the display!
			VallSrfLanded = Many of the samples either freeze or evaporate from the sample container.
			VallSrfLanded = The container sample door freezes up, before finally continuing to open. A thin coating forms on the surface of the samples.
			TyloSrfLanded = One of the samples shatters into a fine mist when exposed to the surface of Tylo.
			BopSrfLanded = The samples appear to be having a chemical reaction with the surface of Bop.
			BopSrfLanded = All of the liquid samples instantly evaporate.
			PolSrfLanded = Some of the samples pit and melt when they come in contact with the surface of Pol!
			EelooSrfLanded = Some of the fine crystals lining Eeloo enter the materials bay. It also appears that some of the samples have become more conductive in the extreme cold.
	parentUrl = Squad/Resources/ScienceDefs.cfg
		id = temperatureScan
		title = Temperature Scan
		baseValue = 8
		scienceCap = 8
		dataScale = 1
		requireAtmosphere = False
		situationMask = 63
		biomeMask = 7
			default = Collected and recorded temperature data from the environment.
			KerbinSrfLanded = Temperature readings are quite literally, nominal.
			KerbinSrfLandedDeserts = Large plumes of heat are rising from the surface of the desert.
			KerbinSrfLandedIceCaps = It's cold enough to freeze water solid.
			KerbinSrfLandedShores = Just the right temperature to go for a swim.
			KerbinSrfLandedWater = The water appears to get colder as the depth increases.
			KerbinSrfLandedTundra = It's cold enough to keep things permanently frozen here.
			KerbinSrfLandedGrasslands = The temperature here is quite pleasant, and would be a nice place to live.
			KerbinSrfBadlands = the temperature appears to fluctuate here a good bit, depending on the time of day.
			MohoSrfLanded = The temperature is very high and appears to fluctuate to extremes in the sunlight.
			EveSrfLanded = Temperatures range between very cold and hot enough to boil water.
			SpaceHigh = Measuring the temperature of space appears to be quite impossible, as there is no matter around to be either hot or cold... except the spacecraft, and the thermometer itself. This is probably going to give the R&D guys something to think about for a while.
	parentUrl = Squad/Resources/ScienceDefs.cfg
		id = barometerScan
		title = Atmospheric Pressure Scan
		baseValue = 12
		scienceCap = 12
		dataScale = 1
		requireAtmosphere = False
		situationMask = 63
		biomeMask = 3
			default = Collected and recorded atmospheric pressure data from the surroundings.
			MohoFlyingLow = The barometer reading is too low to measure. This planet has no atmosphere.
			MohoSrfLanded = The barometer is still reading nothing.
			EveFlyingLow = The atmospheric pressure is very high, even at this altitude.
			EveSrfLanded = The atmosphere is very dense at the surface. It crushes down on the instrumentation.
			GillyFlyingLow = Either the instruments are broken, or there is no atmosphere on this rock.
			GillySrfLanded = You think that you have a reading for a second, but nope; it was just a smudge on the gauge.
			MunFlyingLow = Just for kicks you measure the pressure here. Yep, no atmosphere.
			MunSrfLanded = The pressure gauge is sitting there motionless. Perhaps you should tap it a few times to be sure?
			MunSrfLanded = They say insanity is doing the same thing multiple times and expecting a different result. You check the atmospheric pressure again anyways.
			DunaFlyingLow = The atmosphere is very thin here, but it is enough to register on the instrumentation.
			DunaSrfLanded = The atmosphere is pretty thin even at the surface. You don't think parachutes or wings would work very well here.
			IkeFlyingLow = There appears to be no atmosphere here.
			IkeSrfLanded = The gauge reads nothing, even on the surface.
			JoolFlyingLow = The pressures here are immense. The instrument is beginning to fail.
			JoolFlyingHigh = The pressures are very high. It seems dangerous to probe any deeper.
			JoolSrfLanded = Either the pressure is really high, or the instrument just melted. It's hard to tell what happened first.
			LaytheFlyingLow = There is definitely an atmosphere. Pressures are fairly nominal.
			LaytheSrfLanded = The pressures here seem to be a bit below that of Kerbin, but definitely at a manageable level.
			VallFlyingLow = There does not appear to be any atmosphere to sample.
			VallSrfLanded = Gasses rising for the planet appear to occasionally register slight pressures. Either that, or the instrument is on the fritz.
			VallSrfLanded = Just to be sure, you check the pressure a few times. You think you saw the gauge move a bit.
			TyloFlyingLow = Surprisingly, you discover no traces of atmosphere.
			TyloSrfLanded = There is no detectable atmospheric pressure here. Fascinating!
			BopFlyingLow = It's a giant space rock. What did you expect to find?
			BopSrfLanded = Still nothing. Definitely just a space rock.
			PolFlyingLow = Nothing to report here.
			PolSrfLanded = No atmospheric pressure is detectable on Pol.
			EelooSrfLanded = Beep, beep, beep... boop. The instrument has frozen up.
			EelooFlyingLow = The instrument can't register any pressure here.
			KerbinSpaceLow = Atmospheric pressure reads zero! This most assuredly indicates we must be in space now!
			KerbinSpaceHigh = There seems to be no atmosphere at all this far away from home. You find this strangely meaningful.
			Space = The instrument reads zero. It's as if it were in a vacuum!
	parentUrl = Squad/Resources/ScienceDefs.cfg
		id = seismicScan
		title = Seismic Scan
		baseValue = 20
		scienceCap = 22
		dataScale = 2.5
		requireAtmosphere = False
		situationMask = 1
		biomeMask = 1
			default = Gathered precise acceleration data while subjecting the vessel to this situation.
			MohoSrfLanded = The sensor detects vibrations deep inside the planet. It appears that the interior is very volcanically active.
			MohoSrfLanded = Odd reflections are detected in the recorded vibrations. This might tell us more about the interior structure.
			EveSrfLanded = The sensor has detected possible seismic activity below the surface.
			EveSrfLanded = The vibrations, though slight, might be enough to map the interior structure of the planet.
			GillySrfLanded = This area appears to be seismically dead.
			GillySrfLanded = The only vibrations we detect are coming from the landing craft. The vibrations do not travel well through the surface.
			MunSrfLanded = The sensor has detected a minor quake on the surface!
			MunSrfLanded = The sensor picks up distant impacts on the surface, reflecting along the interior of the Mun.
			MinmusSrfLanded = Faint seismic waves are detected.
			MinmusSrfLanded = Sounds of shifting and vibration are detected under the surface. It is possible that the interior is not completely frozen.
			DunaSrfLanded = The sensor gives insight into the seismic activity of Duna.
			DunaSrfLanded = There does not appear to be significant seismic activity on the planet. It is possible that it is no longer geologically active.
			DresSrfLanded = This planet appears to be seismically inactive.
			DresSrfLanded = periodic bombardments appear to be causing slight vibrations and surface quakes.
			DresSrfLanded = Changes in the speed of vibrations hint to differing materials under the surface.
			JoolSrfLanded = The sensor doesn't even know what to do with itself here.
			JoolSrfLanded = The sensor has informed you that the warranty has just been voided. No refunds.
			LaytheSrfLanded = Tidal forces appear to be churning the interior of the moon.
			LaytheSrfLanded = Vibrations under the surface indicate current geological activity.
			VallSrfLanded = Sensors detect signs of cryovolcanism along the surface.
			VallSrfLanded = The sensor picks up vibrations reflecting around the interior of the moon.
			TyloSrfLanded = The moon appears to be largely inactive.
			TyloSrfLanded = The sensor records even the slightest surface vibration.
			BopSrfLanded = There does not appear to be any major seismic activity on Bop.
			BopSrfLanded = A seismic event is detected in the distance, as if a large object had just impacted the surface.
			PolSrfLanded = The loose soil transmits vibration differently than on other bodies.
			PolSrfLanded = Vibrations reflect off the jagged structures inside the moon.
			EelooSrfLanded = Cryovolcanic activity is detected in the interior of the planet.
			EelooSrfLanded = The sensor picks up low frequency sounds.
	parentUrl = Squad/Resources/ScienceDefs.cfg
		id = gravityScan
		title = Gravity Scan
		baseValue = 20
		scienceCap = 22
		dataScale = 3
		requireAtmosphere = False
		situationMask = 51
		biomeMask = 51
			default = Recorded accurate measurements of gravitational forces in these conditions.
			MohoInSpace = The sensor passes over the terrain of Moho surveying for variances in the gravitational field.
			MohoSrfLanded = Landing here has provided a very accurate and stable measure of gravitational forces.
			EveInSpace = The sensor records slight variances in gravity as you pass over a massive crater site.
			EveSrfLanded = The gravitational field is very strong here. The sensor records detailed data about the local field.
			GillyInSpace = The sensor picks up the fluctuations in the gravity of this lumpy body.
			GillySrfLanded = The team back at KSC will enjoy these detailed readings.
			KerbinInSpace = The sensor finds subtle changes in the gravity field of Kerbin. The science team will want to see these readings!
			KerbinSrfLanded = The sensor seems to think it's being calibrated.
			KerbinSrfLanded = After reading the manual a few times, the command team is able to take an accurate reading of the local gravity.
			KerbinInSpaceGrassLands = The instrument surveys the gravity over the grasslands. It appears the field is very stable here.
			KerbinInSpaceHighlands = The instrument surveys the highlands of Kerbin. The rolling hills seem to affect local gravity slightly.
			KerbinInSpaceMountains = The field appears to be strongest along these mountain ranges.
			KerbinInSpaceDeserts = The dunes appear to have a very stable gravitation, though some spikes would indicate the underground terrain varies in composition.
			KerbinInSpaceBadlands = The sensor reads the gravity over the badlands of Kerbin.
			KerbinInSpaceIceCaps = The sensor detects variances under the surface of the ice. Is there a landmass under that ice?
			KerbinInSpaceShores = The sensor passes over the shores of Kerbin. The readings appear to be nominal.
			KerbinInSpaceWater = The sensor shows a surprising variance as it passes over the oceans, hinting at the varied topography deep below the waters.
			KerbinSrfSplashedWater = The sensor has detected changes in the local gravity that seem to be related to the passing of the Mun.
			MunInSpace = The instrument surveys for changes in the gravity field of the Mun. This data will help to accurately calculate the mass of the body.
			MunSrfLanded = The sensor conducts a detailed survey of the local gravity.
			MunSrfLanded = After calibration, the sensor is able to detect the interplay of gravity between Kerbin and the Mun.
			MinmusInSpace = Passing over the surface, the sensor sweeps across the gravitational field of Minmus.
			MinmusSrfLanded = The sensor takes detailed readings of the local gravity on Minmus.
			MinmusSrfLanded = The scan picks up the subtle changes in field caused by the orbit of the Mun. This data will provide valuable insight into the local planetary system.
			DunaInSpace = The sensor passes over the mottled surface of Duna. Gravity appears lowest in the massive canyon that stretches across the surface.
			DunaSrfLanded = The sensor performs a detailed and calibrated sweep of the local gravity on Duna.
			DunaSrfLanded = The sensor is able to record the affects of Ike as it orbits Duna.
			DresInSpace = The sensor sweeps the surface and finds the average gravitational pull to be quite low for a planet.
			DresSrfLanded = The sensor measures the local gravity in fine detail and records all variations.
			JoolInSpace = The sensor recalibrates to measure the massive gravitational forces of Jool.
			JoolInSpace = The sensor picks up a wealth of information about the local planetary system.
			JoolSrfLanded = The instrument has been crushed by the massive gravitational forces. Science!
			LaytheInSpace = The sensor scans the gravity of Laythe. It hints at diverse terrain under the water.
			LaytheSrfLanded = The sensor scans the local gravity of Laythe, recording the influence of Jool.
			LaytheSrfSplashed = The sensor provides detailed gravity information in relation to the tides.
			VallInSpace = Scanning from orbit provides a clearer picture of the internal makeup of Vall.
			VallSrfLanded = Scanning the surface details gravitational fluctuations in the shifting interior of the planet.
			TyloInSpace = The planet has lower gravity than anticipated. This will give our scientists information about the interior makeup of Tylo.
			TyloSrfLanded = Detailed scans hint at hollow spaces in the interior of the planet.
			BopInSpace = Orbiting Bop allows for scans of the varied surface. Interesting stuff!
			BopSrfLanded = The sensor is giving odd readings here...
			PolInSpace = The sensor picks up multiple layers under the surface of the planet.
			PolSrfLanded = Landing on the planet has allowed for highly detailed scans of the interior gravity on Pol.
			EelooInSpace = Though the surface appears to be smooth, there are fluctuations under the surface of the planet.
			EelooSrfLanded = Gravity scans are very clear here. There appears to be little influence from other bodies.
	parentUrl = Squad/Resources/ScienceDefs.cfg
		id = atmosphereAnalysis
		title = Atmosphere Analysis
		baseValue = 20
		scienceCap = 24
		dataScale = 10
		requireAtmosphere = True
		situationMask = 13
		biomeMask = 13
			default = You run an atmospheric analysis, recording various measurements like temperature, pressure and atmospheric composition.
			MohoSrf = There appears to be no atmosphere here, though there are trace elements being detected close to the surface.
			EveSrf = This might be an atmosphere, but it's definitely not something you want to breathe.
			GillySrf = There is no detectable atmosphere.
			KerbinFlyingHigh = It seems there is very little atmosphere at these altitudes. Make sure you're properly suited up if you plan on going outside.
			KerbinSrfLanded = Temperature and Pressure readings suggest today is as good a time for flying as any.
			KerbinSrfLandedDeserts = It's very hot and dry out in the Deserts. The sensors were getting clogged up with dust.
			KerbinSrfLandedIceCaps = The polar atmosphere was found to be very, very cold indeed. Some sensors froze shut, but we're reasonably sure this is still air.
			MunSrf = Instruments detect a faint particulate aura around the surface. Not an atmosphere, but it may explain the reported lights on the horizon.
			MinmusSrf = There are detectable releases of gasses, but nothing that could be considered an atmosphere.
			DunaSrf = The atmosphere on Duna is very, very thin. It might be possible to fly in it with large enough wings, or a fast enough aircraft.
			DunaSrf = There appears to be a larger concentration of heavy isotopes in the atmosphere than on Kerbin.
			IkeSrf = You run an analysis on the non-existent atmosphere.
			DresSrf = There does not appear to be an atmosphere here.
			JoolFlyingHigh = The atmospheric pressures are very high here, and you detect a large number of gasses.
			JoolFlyingLow = The instrument is having trouble sampling at these densities. The gasses are beginning to liquify under pressure.
			JoolSrfLanded = The instrument has mostly compressed into an unrecognizable mass of metal.
			LaytheSrfLanded = The atmosphere on Laythe appears to be very similar to that of Kerbin. I wouldn't volunteer to go out first without a helmet on, however.
			LaytheSrfLanded = Taking your helmet off here probably won't kill you... very quickly.
			VallSrfLanded = There are traces of cryovolcanic compounds. But not a full atmosphere.
			TyloSrfLanded = There appear to be only faint traces of the heaviest isotopes on the surface.
			BopSrfLanded = The sensors detected organic compounds for a second. Possibly a mistake.
			BopSrfLanded = The sensors detect nothing out of the ordinary. Surely nothing could live here.
			PolSrfLanded = There is no atmosphere to speak of, but you sample the temperature anyways.
			EelooSrfLanded = There appears to be a tenuous atmospheric coating around the planet. But it is too thin to affect any spacecraft landing here.
	parentUrl = Squad/Resources/ScienceDefs.cfg
		id = asteroidSample
		title = Asteroid Sample
		baseValue = 60
		scienceCap = 70
		dataScale = 1
		requireAtmosphere = False
		situationMask = 63
		biomeMask = 7
			default = You collect a sample of the asteroid.
			KerbinInSpaceHigh = You collect a sample while the asteroid is high over Kerbin.
			KerbinInSpaceLow = You collect a sample as the asteroid orbits close to Kerbin.
			KerbinFlying = You collect a sample of the asteroid inside Kerbin's atmosphere.
	parentUrl = Squad/Resources/ScienceDefs.cfg
		id = cometSample_short
		title = Short Period Comet Sample
		baseValue = 90
		scienceCap = 100
		dataScale = 1
		requireAtmosphere = False
		requireNoAtmosphere = False
		situationMask = 63
		biomeMask = 7
			default = At some point in the past this comet was swung into a much tighter orbit around the Sun. It's a good thing you got here now, it may not keep its status as a Comet for much longer with the way the Sun is boiling off its volatile material. You've got a good scoop of this melting ice cream ball to perserve and return for analysis.
	parentUrl = Squad/Resources/ScienceDefs.cfg
		id = cometSample_intermediate
		title = Intermediate Period Comet Sample
		baseValue = 135
		scienceCap = 150
		dataScale = 1
		requireAtmosphere = False
		requireNoAtmosphere = False
		situationMask = 63
		biomeMask = 7
			default = This solar soujourner has been guided by Jool's massive gravity well into a periodic orbit that makes it a regular visitor to the inner system. This sample can help give our scientists a better look at what the protoplanetary disk out past Jool's orbit was composed of. Be careful bringing it back - it's a little melty.
	parentUrl = Squad/Resources/ScienceDefs.cfg
		id = cometSample_long
		title = Long Period Comet Sample
		baseValue = 270
		scienceCap = 300
		dataScale = 1
		requireAtmosphere = False
		requireNoAtmosphere = False
		situationMask = 63
		biomeMask = 7
			default = The composition of this comet shows the unique fingerprint of the early Solar system as it has remained untouched on its long lonely journeys that only rarely bring it close to the warmth of the Sun. The smallest microscopic dust embedded into the sample you've carefully packed away contains a treasure of information for our astrogeologists.
	parentUrl = Squad/Resources/ScienceDefs.cfg
		id = cometSample_interstellar
		title = Interstellar Comet Sample
		baseValue = 900
		scienceCap = 1000
		dataScale = 1
		requireAtmosphere = False
		requireNoAtmosphere = False
		situationMask = 63
		biomeMask = 7
			default = You've managed to take a sample of one of the rarest pieces of celestial material - a chunk of extra-solar matter. These inter-planetary voyagers travel the space between stars, only rarely diving down into a solar gravity well. Telescopes probe the galaxy far and wide, but actually getting a piece of something from this far away is a unique achievement.
	parentUrl = Squad/Resources/ScienceDefs.cfg
		id = infraredTelescope
		title = Infrared Telescope
		baseValue = 15
		scienceCap = 22
		dataScale = 2
		requireAtmosphere = False
		situationMask = 32
		biomeMask = 0
			default = You focus the telescope out into space, scanning for celestial bodies.
			KerbinInSpaceHigh = You scan for celestial bodies while orbiting high over Kerbin.
	parentUrl = Squad/Resources/ScienceDefs.cfg
		id = magnetometer
		title = Magnetometer Report
		baseValue = 45
		scienceCap = 45
		dataScale = 1
		requireAtmosphere = False
		requireNoAtmosphere = False
		situationMask = 48
		biomeMask = 0
			default = You've measured the interaction between the solar wind and the magnetic field of this body as it deflects charged particles.
			KerbinInSpaceHigh = Kerbin's magnetic field is weaker out here, but still easily detectable, and this instrument maps the field fluctations as they radiate into deeper space.
			KerbinInSpaceLow = Kerbin has a strong magnetic field for a planet of its size, shielding us from the Sun's blasts of radiation, even in this low orbit.
			MohoInSpaceHigh = You've measured the interaction between the solar wind and the magnetic field of this body as it deflects charged particles.
			MohoInSpaceLow = Trace magnetic fields are magnified by this sensitive instrument, and measured in real time as you orbit near this celestial body. It's almost like hearing the heart beat of a planet, knowing if it's dead inside or if something is churning.
			EveInSpaceHigh = You've measured the interaction between the solar wind and the magnetic field of this body as it deflects charged particles.
			EveInSpaceLow = Trace magnetic fields are magnified by this sensitive instrument, and measured in real time as you orbit near this celestial body. It's almost like hearing the heart beat of a planet, knowing if it's dead inside or if something is churning.
			GillyInSpaceHigh = You've measured the interaction between the solar wind and the magnetic field of this body as it deflects charged particles.
			GillyInSpaceLow = Trace magnetic fields are magnified by this sensitive instrument, and measured in real time as you orbit near this celestial body. It's almost like hearing the heart beat of a planet, knowing if it's dead inside or if something is churning.
			MunInSpaceHigh = You've measured the interaction between the solar wind and the magnetic field of this body as it deflects charged particles.
			MunInSpaceLow = Trace magnetic fields are magnified by this sensitive instrument, and measured in real time as you orbit near this celestial body. It's almost like hearing the heart beat of a planet, knowing if it's dead inside or if something is churning.
			MinmusInSpaceHigh = You've measured the interaction between the solar wind and the magnetic field of this body as it deflects charged particles.
			MinmusInSpaceLow = Trace magnetic fields are magnified by this sensitive instrument, and measured in real time as you orbit near this celestial body. It's almost like hearing the heart beat of a planet, knowing if it's dead inside or if something is churning.
			DunaInSpaceHigh = You've measured the interaction between the solar wind and the magnetic field of this body as it deflects charged particles.
			DunaInSpaceLow = Trace magnetic fields are magnified by this sensitive instrument, and measured in real time as you orbit near this celestial body. It's almost like hearing the heart beat of a planet, knowing if it's dead inside or if something is churning.
			IkeInSpaceHigh = You've measured the interaction between the solar wind and the magnetic field of this body as it deflects charged particles.
			IkeInSpaceLow = Trace magnetic fields are magnified by this sensitive instrument, and measured in real time as you orbit near this celestial body. It's almost like hearing the heart beat of a planet, knowing if it's dead inside or if something is churning.
			DresInSpaceHigh = You've measured the interaction between the solar wind and the magnetic field of this body as it deflects charged particles.
			DresInSpaceLow = Trace magnetic fields are magnified by this sensitive instrument, and measured in real time as you orbit near this celestial body. It's almost like hearing the heart beat of a planet, knowing if it's dead inside or if something is churning.
			JoolInSpaceHigh = You've measured the interaction between the solar wind and the magnetic field of this body as it deflects charged particles.
			JoolInSpaceLow = Trace magnetic fields are magnified by this sensitive instrument, and measured in real time as you orbit near this celestial body. It's almost like hearing the heart beat of a planet, knowing if it's dead inside or if something is churning.
			LaytheInSpaceHigh = You've measured the interaction between the solar wind and the magnetic field of this body as it deflects charged particles.
			LaytheInSpaceLow = Trace magnetic fields are magnified by this sensitive instrument, and measured in real time as you orbit near this celestial body. It's almost like hearing the heart beat of a planet, knowing if it's dead inside or if something is churning.
			VallInSpaceHigh = You've measured the interaction between the solar wind and the magnetic field of this body as it deflects charged particles.
			VallInSpaceLow = Trace magnetic fields are magnified by this sensitive instrument, and measured in real time as you orbit near this celestial body. It's almost like hearing the heart beat of a planet, knowing if it's dead inside or if something is churning.
			TyloInSpaceHigh = You've measured the interaction between the solar wind and the magnetic field of this body as it deflects charged particles.
			TyloInSpaceLow = Trace magnetic fields are magnified by this sensitive instrument, and measured in real time as you orbit near this celestial body. It's almost like hearing the heart beat of a planet, knowing if it's dead inside or if something is churning.
			BopInSpaceHigh = You've measured the interaction between the solar wind and the magnetic field of this body as it deflects charged particles.
			BopInSpaceLow = Trace magnetic fields are magnified by this sensitive instrument, and measured in real time as you orbit near this celestial body. It's almost like hearing the heart beat of a planet, knowing if it's dead inside or if something is churning.
			PolInSpaceHigh = You've measured the interaction between the solar wind and the magnetic field of this body as it deflects charged particles.
			PolInSpaceLow = Trace magnetic fields are magnified by this sensitive instrument, and measured in real time as you orbit near this celestial body. It's almost like hearing the heart beat of a planet, knowing if it's dead inside or if something is churning.
			EelooInSpaceHigh = You've measured the interaction between the solar wind and the magnetic field of this body as it deflects charged particles.
			EelooInSpaceLow = Trace magnetic fields are magnified by this sensitive instrument, and measured in real time as you orbit near this celestial body. It's almost like hearing the heart beat of a planet, knowing if it's dead inside or if something is churning.
	parentUrl = Squad/Resources/ScienceDefs.cfg
		id = evaScience
		title = EVA Science Experiment
		baseValue = 25
		scienceCap = 25
		dataScale = 1
		requireAtmosphere = False
		requireNoAtmosphere = False
		situationMask = 63
		biomeMask = 0
			default = Watching the astronaut look through the EVA science kit has given us conclusive evidence that the new situation has not improved their creativity.
	parentUrl = Squad/Resources/StoryDefs.cfg
			Generic = As a consequence of a somewhat worse than average accident at [Agency], we've been forced to look for some outside help.
			Generic = While working late nights, the scientists at [Agency] have made a startling discovery.
			Generic = While cleaning up after an unintended ignition, one of the overworked teams at [Agency] raised an interesting question.
			Generic = The board of directors at [Agency] have raised some troubling issues.
			Generic = The CEO (and chief bottle washer) at [Agency] has stumbled on a problem.
			Generic = The number of times we've achieved sudden combustion at [Agency] has lead us to consider something.
			Generic = At [Agency], we're not afraid to try new things. As a result, we sometimes find ourselves in the situation of needing outside help to solve a problem.
			ARM = We've got some pretty impressive rock collections at [Agency].
			Base = [Agency] can think of nothing more prestigious than taking a Kerbal, and leaving them behind on another world.
			CollectScience = We have the finest scientific minds working at [Agency], and we've been thinking about giving them something to do.
			CollectScience = The research department at [Agency] is very close to figuring out a unified theory of gravioli.
			Exploration = At [Agency], we need brave Kerbals with the right stuff to help achieve our dreams.
			Exploration = One of the founding principles of [Agency] is to continue to advance the frontiers of science.
			CometSample = Our scientists at [Agency] have been salivating over the idea of getting close-up data from a comet. Let’s make that happen.
			CometSample = We here at [Agency] have always been interested in the mighty, tailed interlopers of our solar system: the Comet.
			CometSample = While we’ve done many great things here at [Agency], a mission to meet up with a comet will likely go down in history as our finest achievement.
			PartTest = While hitting parts with a wrench, the engineers at [Agency] realized we had a problem.
			PartTest = We've been reviewing our product catalog at [Agency] and have found an oversight.
			PlantFlag = We're very proud of our flag at [Agency], and wanted to do something special with it.
			PlantFlag = As part of [Agency]'s commitment to strong corporate statements, we've been looking for ways to get our brand out there.
			RecoverAsset = At [Agency], we're Kerbal enough to admit when mistakes are made. This is one of those times.
			RecoverAsset = We're not usually in the habit of misplacing things at [Agency], but we may have lost something big.
			Satellite = We're constantly looking for how to make better use of satellites at [Agency].
			Satellite = As a result of some surplus parts at the [Agency] warehouses, we've got some more opportunities for orbital satellites.
			Station = To meet our quota of "useful things in space", we've been looking into station building projects at [Agency].
			Survey = We've been poring over maps at the [Agency] offices looking for points of interest, and may have come up with something.
			Survey = While using the [Agency] dart board as a waypoint planner, we've come up with something interesting.
			Tourism = We're always looking for new revenue streams at [Agency]. Our accountants have told us that space tourism is a growth industry and we'd like to get in on it.
			CometDetection = Comets have been a hot topic of research for centuries - and never let it be said that [Agency] doesn’t know how to follow a trend!
			CometDetection = Studying comets can lead to insight into the composition of the outer solar system. [Agency] scientists wish to gather more info about these solar snowballs.
			CometDetection = Different types of comets can yield unique insights into the origin of the Solar System as well as the behaviour of the solar wind. Plus good PR for discovering one. [Agency] wants all of those benefits.
			CometDetection = Comets are said to be dusty ice balls - but what if they’re actually *flavored* ice-balls? Doesn’t that sound delicious? Some scientists scoff at this idea, but we here at [Agency] are not so sure.
			RoverConstruction = Recently, we launched a rover to help us here at [Agency] explore the solar system.
			RoverConstruction = Last year, [Agency] successfully landed a rover on a distant body.
			VesselRepair = Unfortunately, one of our satellites has encountered significant problems in orbit.
			VesselRepair = Our comm sat has a small issue.  It’s hard to say who to blame.
			VesselRepair = Unfortunately, despite our best efforts at [Agency], we’ve had a serious malfunction with an expensive piece of space hardware.
			OrbitConstruction = [Agency] placed a satellite in orbit some time ago, for purposes that, well, you’re not cleared to know about.
			OrbitConstruction = A while ago, [Agency] deployed a very expensive satellite.
			Generic = We may have underestimated just how volatile solid rocket fuel really is, and have now found ourselves with a problem we can't solve on our own.
			Generic = To test out some of our more advanced theories, we need more debris in low orbit.
			Generic = We're not sure if there really is such a thing as too many struts, but we'd like to find out.
			Generic = We're trying to figure out if all matter in the universe is as dense as on Kerbin, but haven't come up with a conclusive test for it.
			Generic = We want to know what shades of green we'll see if we expose a Kerbal to high gee forces.
			ARM = There are fewer asteroids in orbit of [Topic] than the standard model would predict.
			ARM = We believe that an asteroid in orbit of [Topic] is worth two in space, and would like to prove it.
			Base = We'd like to run some experiments on the feasibility of long-term Kerbal habitation outside of Kerbin as part of the [Topic] project.
			CollectScience = We need someone to apply the scientific method... in space!
			CollectScience = We're looking for some scientific data. We'd really prefer some new data, but we'd be really happy with any data at all, really.
			CollectScience = We have some forms to fill out, and we're pretty sure it would be way more interesting if we filled it out using science data from space.
			CollectScience = Our science containers are all empty, and nobody wants to run out to another biome to fill one.
			Exploration = We still have unchecked items on our list of records to break and would like to change that.
			CometSample = Therefore, we need you to send a Kerbal to [Topic] to gather a bit of comet material. Make sure they’re extremely brave, and that they bring their helmet wipers with them if they visit the comet while it’s near the Sun.
			CometSample = You’ll need a brave astronaut to visit [Topic] and pick up a chunk of what we think will be something like the gunk you find next to the side of the road after a snowplow comes through in the winter. Except much, much, more valuable from a scientific perspective.
			CometSample = Conditions on the comet may be challenging. We hope you have a Kerbal in mind who’s st… courageous enough to visit [Topic] and scoop up a chunk of it for scientific analysis.
			Launch = Nobody has set any space records yet! It would probably be best to just start by getting something off the launchpad. Then we can start worrying about things like "survivability".
			Orbit = The problem is that we don't actually have any idea how difficult it is to get a Kerbal to orbit, and we need to find out quickly.
			GrandTour = We want to know how many planets we can send a Kerbal to before they start ignoring us and fly the ship back.
			GrandTour = We're trying to assemble an interplanetary color wheel, and need someone to verify it against a few different celestial bodies.
			GrandTour = We're not saying that there are aliens on another planet in our solar system, but... aliens.
			ISRU = We'd like to know if getting [Topic] from somewhere other than Kerbin is as easy as taking snacks from a juvenile Kerbal.
			ISRU = We think that we can prove that there's an abundance of [Topic] throughout the solar system.
			PartTest = There is very little knowledge about how the [Topic] performs under conditions not found in a standard laboratory.
			PartTest = The manual clearly states that the [Topic] is the best in its class. To avoid legal complications, we're going to need proof to justify our claims.
			PartTest = We have way too many parts like the [Topic], and nobody's sure how they work.
			PartTest = We don't actually know how to attach a [Topic] to other parts. From the bottom? The top? Is there even a way to tell which side is up?
			PlantFlag = If we could have our flag proudly standing on the surface of [Topic], we would surely prove ourselves better than the competition.
			PlantFlag = We want to verify that a flag planted by an astronaut is the best way to test the rigidity of the surface of [Topic].
			PlantFlag = We think that the aesthetic of [Topic] would be greatly improved with just one more flag, but we're not able to get one there ourselves.
			RecoverAsset = Apparently, using crewed craft is not a good way to test theories on the dangers of space junk. If you could bring [Topic] back home, we promise not to leave anyone else up there.
			RecoverKerbal = We've lost a Kerbal! Could you find [Topic] for us? Their snack supplies may be starting to run a little low.
			RecoverKerbal = We've been performing a lot of experiments with leaving Kerbals in space for extended periods of time. Things were going great, until [Topic] woke up one morning and decided to walk out of their capsule.
			RecoverKerbal = So apparently, [Topic] is having a lot of trouble with their EVA jetpack. So much so that the rest of the crew may have forgotten to wait for them to get back to the capsule, resulting in them being left in orbit.
			RecoverPart = We've been experimenting with methods of calculating delta-v without a Kerbal on board (a "Mechanical Bill Kerman" of sorts) and have run into some trouble. The problem being that we can't seem to get [Topic] back to Kerbin.
			RecoverPart = We've been experimenting with methods of calculating orbital information without a Kerbal on board (a "Jebediah's Engineer" of sorts) and have run into some trouble. The problem being that we can't seem to get [Topic] back to Kerbin.
			Satellite = We've got a competition to see which agency can get the most satellites in particular orbits, and would like some assistance.
			Station = We want to be a part of building some really big space stations, and the [Topic] project is a great opportunity.
			Survey = We don't know too many interesting things about [Topic], and would like to take a look around.
			Survey = Some Kerbals say that every place on [Topic] looks exactly the same. We disagree, but need someome else to prove them wrong.
			Tourism = We want to know if there are Kerbals that will really pay for the extra seats that you surely already have on your craft.
			Orbit = To get to orbit, we think all we need is for a Kerbal with terrible aim to shoot for the ground and miss.
			Orbit = We want to know if it's as fun as it seems to be in zero-G.
			Kerbin = We aren't sure if a day on Kerbin is 6 or 24 hours long.
			Kerbin = We'd like to check if Kerbin is in fact perfectly round, and not an oblate spheroid as some lunatics suggest.
			Mun = We want to know if going to the Mun is a good idea or not.
			Mun = We need to know if Mun Pies would really sell (what a time to be alive!).
			MunSrf = There's no way for us to know if the surface of the Mun is as pretty as everyone thinks.
			Minmus = We want to know if Minmus is really a myth or not.
			Minmus = We're not sure how pretty Minmus is up close.
			Minmus = We need to know if Minmus Mint Chip ice cream would really sell.
			MinmusSrf = We believe that it would be a lot of fun to jump around on Minmus.
			MinmusSrf = If the surface of Minmus isn't edible, will Kerbals still try to eat it?
			Sun = How far does something that goes up have to go before it doesn't come down again?
			Sun = We suspect that there's interesting places to see beyond Kerbin and all its moons, although we suspect there's a lot of empty space in between.
			CometDetection = Therefore, we would like you to discover some new comets orbiting the Sun.
			CometDetection = Advance our knowledge of cometary bodies by discovering some new ones orbiting the Sun.
			RoverConstruction = It’s embarrassing to admit this, but our shipping manifests got a little screwed up. The rover mission we recently sent turned out to be missing a few key parts in its construction.
			RoverConstruction = Due to some unforeseen lithobraking hazards, certain parts of the rover are unfortunately no longer attached.
			RoverConstruction = The rover was designed to cover a large swath of the body, but unfortunately it’s stuck in place due to engineering oversites.
			VesselRepair = The satellite is beyond our means to reach and repair it - which is where you come in.
			VesselRepair = Advance our knowledge of cometary bodies by discovering some new ones orbiting the Sun.
			OrbitConstruction = Our engineers have determined we can extend its utility if we add just one extra component.
			OrbitConstruction = It is nearing the end of its useful life, but we’ve determined that a small addition will be enough to extend that long enough to be worth the mission.
			Generic = Now we need your help.
			Generic = This is why we're here.
			Generic = So this is where you come in.
			Generic = We believe that you are much better positioned to deal with this than us.
			ARM = So please get us an asteroid, but watch out with that claw.
			CollectScience = We need you to science the... Kerbal out of this.
			CollectScience = So if you could point some of those satellites our way, we'd be rather pleased.
			Exploration = But really, there's no sense in us still talking while there's science to be done. Shall we get to it?
			Exploration = It's time for you to take another step in advancing the frontier.
			CometSample = Reach the comet and return or transmit a surface sample to gather valuable data about the comet.
			ISRU = So, when can we expect the first shipment?
			PartTest = So we need a few simple tests run for us.
			PartTest = It would really help us out if you're able to run a test.
			PlantFlag = So, up for planting a flag?
			RecoverAsset = We'd be quite grateful if you could perform this recovery operation for us.
			Tourism = So, can you take a few extra Kerbals with you on your next flight?
			CometDetection = Use an orbital telescope to discover the unique signature of a new comet.
			RoverConstruction = This is where you come in. We’d like you to repair the rover on site, replacing any missing parts, and drive it to the target coordinates to fulfill its original mission.
			RoverConstruction = We’d like you to send an engineer to repair the rover. Then test drive the rover to the given coordinates to make sure it’s in good working order.
			VesselRepair = Repair the broken component so that our asset can resume operation.
			VesselRepair = Affect repairs on the damaged part so that the satellite can return to nominal status.
			OrbitConstruction = Attach the required part so that we don’t have to replace the one we have.
			OrbitConstruction = Send up one of your brave engineers to make the required changed and we can keep using that satellite for years to come.
	parentUrl = Squad/Resources/TechTree.cfg
			id = start
			title = Start
			description = The technology we started out with.
			cost = 0
			hideEmpty = False
			nodeName = node0_start
			anyToUnlock = False
			icon = RDicon_start
			pos = -2568,1199,0
			scale = 0.6
			id = basicRocketry
			title = Basic Rocketry
			description = How hard can Rocket Science be anyway?
			cost = 5
			hideEmpty = False
			nodeName = node1_basicRocketry
			anyToUnlock = False
			icon = RDicon_rocketry-basic
			pos = -2385,1257,0
			scale = 0.6
				parentID = start
				lineFrom = RIGHT
				lineTo = LEFT
			id = engineering101
			title = Engineering 101
			description = How hard can Aerospace Engineering be anyway?
			cost = 5
			hideEmpty = False
			nodeName = node1_engineering101
			anyToUnlock = False
			icon = RDicon_emgineering101
			pos = -2385,1142.3,0
			scale = 0.6
				parentID = start
				lineFrom = RIGHT
				lineTo = LEFT
			id = survivability
			title = Survivability
			description = The art and science of landing and walking away from it.
			cost = 15
			hideEmpty = False
			nodeName = node2_survivability
			anyToUnlock = False
			icon = RDicon_survivability
			pos = -2209,975,0
			scale = 0.6
				parentID = engineering101
				lineFrom = RIGHT
				lineTo = LEFT
			id = stability
			title = Stability
			description = Reaching for the stars starts with keeping our spacecraft pointed generally in the right direction.
			cost = 18
			hideEmpty = False
			nodeName = node2_stability
			anyToUnlock = True
			icon = RDicon_stability
			pos = -2170,1201,0
			scale = 0.6
				parentID = engineering101
				lineFrom = RIGHT
				lineTo = LEFT
				parentID = basicRocketry
				lineFrom = RIGHT
				lineTo = LEFT
			id = generalRocketry
			title = General Rocketry
			description = More engines, more fuel, more ambitious ideas.
			cost = 20
			hideEmpty = False
			nodeName = node2_generalRocketry
			anyToUnlock = False
			icon = RDicon_rocketry-general
			pos = -2128,1438,0
			scale = 0.6
				parentID = basicRocketry
				lineFrom = RIGHT
				lineTo = LEFT
			id = aviation
			title = Aviation
			description = The art and science of keeping heavier-than-air objects aloft for extended periods of time.
			cost = 45
			hideEmpty = False
			nodeName = node3_aviation
			anyToUnlock = True
			icon = RDicon_aerospaceTech
			pos = -1946,1201,0
			scale = 0.6
				parentID = stability
				lineFrom = RIGHT
				lineTo = LEFT
			id = basicScience
			title = Basic Science
			description = We are going to ask all the big questions of the Universe... eventually. For now, we're starting with these.
			cost = 45
			hideEmpty = False
			nodeName = node3_basicScience
			anyToUnlock = False
			icon = RDicon_scienceTech
			pos = -1946,846.9,0
			scale = 0.6
				parentID = survivability
				lineFrom = RIGHT
				lineTo = LEFT
			id = flightControl
			title = Flight Control
			description = Tumbling out of control may be fun, but our engineers insist there's more to rocket science than that.
			cost = 45
			hideEmpty = False
			nodeName = node3_flightControl
			anyToUnlock = True
			icon = RDicon_control-flight-advanced
			pos = -1946,1051.4,0
			scale = 0.6
				parentID = survivability
				lineFrom = RIGHT
				lineTo = LEFT
				parentID = stability
				lineFrom = RIGHT
				lineTo = LEFT
			id = advRocketry
			title = Advanced Rocketry
			description = A new step ahead in rocket technology.
			cost = 45
			hideEmpty = False
			nodeName = node3_advRocketry
			anyToUnlock = False
			icon = RDicon_rocketry-advanced
			pos = -1946,1551,0
			scale = 0.6
				parentID = generalRocketry
				lineFrom = RIGHT
				lineTo = LEFT
			id = generalConstruction
			title = General Construction
			description = New equipment to help out in keeping things stable, especially useful when the size of the spacecraft defies the current bounds of sanity.
			cost = 45
			hideEmpty = False
			nodeName = node3_generalConstruction
			anyToUnlock = True
			icon = RDicon_construction-general
			pos = -1946,1355,0
			scale = 0.6
				parentID = stability
				lineFrom = RIGHT
				lineTo = LEFT
				parentID = generalRocketry
				lineFrom = RIGHT
				lineTo = LEFT
			id = propulsionSystems
			title = Propulsion Systems
			description = A positively different approach to existing trends in rocketry. These small, lightweight propulsion systems may not seem as exciting, but they might prove just as useful.
			cost = 90
			hideEmpty = False
			nodeName = node4_propulsionSystems
			anyToUnlock = False
			icon = RDicon_propulsionSystems
			pos = -1723,1551,0
			scale = 0.6
				parentID = advRocketry
				lineFrom = RIGHT
				lineTo = LEFT
			id = spaceExploration
			title = Space Exploration
			description = To boldly go where no green man has gone before.
			cost = 90
			hideEmpty = False
			nodeName = node4_spaceExploration
			anyToUnlock = False
			icon = RDicon_evaTech
			pos = -1723,963.9,0
			scale = 0.6
				parentID = basicScience
				lineFrom = RIGHT
				lineTo = LEFT
			id = advFlightControl
			title = Advanced Flight Control
			description = The latest advancements in keeping the correct end of the ship pointing towards where you want it to go.
			cost = 90
			hideEmpty = False
			nodeName = node4_advFlightControl
			anyToUnlock = False
			icon = RDicon_control-flight
			pos = -1723,1051.4,0
			scale = 0.6
				parentID = flightControl
				lineFrom = RIGHT
				lineTo = LEFT
			id = landing
			title = Landing
			description = Our Engineers are nothing if not optimistic.
			cost = 90
			hideEmpty = False
			nodeName = node4_landing
			anyToUnlock = True
			icon = RDicon_landing
			pos = -1723,1142.4,0
			scale = 0.6
				parentID = flightControl
				lineFrom = RIGHT
				lineTo = LEFT
				parentID = aviation
				lineFrom = RIGHT
				lineTo = LEFT
			id = aerodynamicSystems
			title = Aerodynamics
			description = New breakthroughs from C7 Aerospace allow for new types of craft to be built. We're looking into hiring some of their engineers as well.
			cost = 90
			hideEmpty = False
			nodeName = node4_aerodynamicSystems
			anyToUnlock = True
			icon = RDicon_aerodynamicSystems
			pos = -1723,1243,0
			scale = 0.6
				parentID = aviation
				lineFrom = RIGHT
				lineTo = LEFT
				parentID = generalConstruction
				lineFrom = RIGHT
				lineTo = LEFT
			id = electrics
			title = Electrics
			description = We did know about electricity before inventing space flight. The big breakthrough here was combining the two.
			cost = 90
			hideEmpty = False
			nodeName = node4_electrics
			anyToUnlock = True
			icon = RDicon_electrics
			pos = -1723,711.1,0
			scale = 0.6
				parentID = basicScience
				lineFrom = RIGHT
				lineTo = LEFT
			id = heavyRocketry
			title = Heavy Rocketry
			description = The next logical step for rocketry technology is to just go bigger.
			cost = 90
			hideEmpty = False
			nodeName = node4_heavyRocketry
			anyToUnlock = False
			icon = RDicon_rocketry-heavy
			pos = -1723,1635,0
			scale = 0.6
				parentID = advRocketry
				lineFrom = RIGHT
				lineTo = LEFT
			id = fuelSystems
			title = Fuel Systems
			description = Advancements towards a better understanding of how fuel flows through a rocket.
			cost = 90
			hideEmpty = False
			nodeName = node4_fuelSystems
			anyToUnlock = True
			icon = RDicon_fuelSystems
			pos = -1723,1470.2,0
			scale = 0.6
				parentID = advRocketry
				lineFrom = RIGHT
				lineTo = LEFT
				parentID = generalConstruction
				lineFrom = RIGHT
				lineTo = LEFT
			id = advConstruction
			title = Advanced Construction
			description = New advances in construction make it possible to build larger than ever before.
			cost = 90
			hideEmpty = False
			nodeName = node4_advConstruction
			anyToUnlock = False
			icon = RDicon_construction-advanced
			pos = -1723,1355,0
			scale = 0.6
				parentID = generalConstruction
				lineFrom = RIGHT
				lineTo = LEFT
			id = miniaturization
			title = Miniaturization
			description = These aren't your standard hobby miniature models. We've been assured they look good enough to actually fly.
			cost = 90
			hideEmpty = False
			nodeName = node4_miniaturization
			anyToUnlock = True
			icon = RDicon_miniaturization
			pos = -1723,846.9,0
			scale = 0.6
				parentID = basicScience
				lineFrom = RIGHT
				lineTo = LEFT
			id = actuators
			title = Actuators
			description = Perfecting the art of making things mobile, without the explicit use of explosives. Our engineers assure us, this is actually a good thing.
			cost = 160
			hideEmpty = False
			nodeName = node5_actuators
			anyToUnlock = True
			icon = RDicon_construction-specialized
			pos = -1519,1355,0
			scale = 0.6
				parentID = advConstruction
				lineFrom = RIGHT
				lineTo = LEFT
			id = commandModules
			title = Command Modules
			description = Flight control technology has evolved far enough that we feel we can honestly say pilots are in command now.
			cost = 160
			hideEmpty = False
			nodeName = node5_commandModules
			anyToUnlock = True
			icon = RDicon_commandmodules
			pos = -1520,1020.4,0
			scale = 0.6
				parentID = spaceExploration
				lineFrom = RIGHT
				lineTo = LEFT
				parentID = advFlightControl
				lineFrom = RIGHT
				lineTo = LEFT
			id = heavierRocketry
			title = Heavier Rocketry
			description = There may be an upper limit to how large a rocket can be built, but we're not there yet.
			cost = 160
			hideEmpty = False
			nodeName = node5_heavierRocketry
			anyToUnlock = True
			icon = RDicon_rocketry-heavier
			pos = -1519,1635,0
			scale = 0.6
				parentID = heavyRocketry
				lineFrom = RIGHT
				lineTo = LEFT
			id = precisionEngineering
			title = Precision Engineering
			description = Precise engineering techniques allow for construction of ever smaller parts.
			cost = 160
			hideEmpty = False
			nodeName = node5_precisionEngineering
			anyToUnlock = True
			icon = RDicon_engineering-precision
			pos = -1519,846.9,0
			scale = 0.6
				parentID = miniaturization
				lineFrom = RIGHT
				lineTo = LEFT
				parentID = electrics
				lineFrom = RIGHT
				lineTo = LEFT
			id = advExploration
			title = Advanced Exploration
			description = They are Self-Deploying Astronaut Mobility Enhancement Devices, I don't know what you mean by "ladders".
			cost = 160
			hideEmpty = False
			nodeName = node5_advExploration
			anyToUnlock = True
			icon = RDicon_exploration-advanced
			pos = -1519,963.9,0
			scale = 0.6
				parentID = spaceExploration
				lineFrom = RIGHT
				lineTo = LEFT
			id = specializedControl
			title = Specialized Control
			description = A new state-of-the-art in control technology.
			cost = 160
			hideEmpty = False
			nodeName = node5_specializedControl
			anyToUnlock = True
			icon = RDicon_control-large
			pos = -1521,1082.2,0
			scale = 0.6
				parentID = advFlightControl
				lineFrom = RIGHT
				lineTo = LEFT
			id = advLanding
			title = Advanced Landing
			description = Further advances in landing devices, allowing for more controlled descents and a much higher number of parts still attached to the ship after touchdown.
			cost = 160
			hideEmpty = False
			nodeName = node5_advLanding
			anyToUnlock = False
			icon = RDicon_landing-advanced
			pos = -1519,1142.4,0
			scale = 0.6
				parentID = landing
				lineFrom = RIGHT
				lineTo = LEFT
			id = supersonicFlight
			title = Supersonic Flight
			description = A new line of aircraft parts that allow for unprecedented maneuverability and speed.
			cost = 160
			hideEmpty = False
			nodeName = node5_supersonicFlight
			anyToUnlock = True
			icon = RDicon_flight-supersonic
			pos = -1521,1278,0
			scale = 0.6
				parentID = aerodynamicSystems
				lineFrom = RIGHT
				lineTo = LEFT
			id = advFuelSystems
			title = Adv. Fuel Systems
			description = Advanced Advancements towards a better understanding of how fuel flows through a rocket.
			cost = 160
			hideEmpty = False
			nodeName = node5_advFuelSystems
			anyToUnlock = True
			icon = RDicon_fuelSystems-advanced
			pos = -1519,1470.2,0
			scale = 0.6
				parentID = propulsionSystems
				lineFrom = RIGHT
				lineTo = LEFT
				parentID = fuelSystems
				lineFrom = RIGHT
				lineTo = LEFT
			id = advElectrics
			title = Advanced Electrics
			description = We're fairly certain no one will ever need more than 64kw of power for anything.
			cost = 160
			hideEmpty = False
			nodeName = node5_advElectrics
			anyToUnlock = False
			icon = RDicon_electrics-advanced
			pos = -1519,711.1,0
			scale = 0.6
				parentID = electrics
				lineFrom = RIGHT
				lineTo = LEFT
			id = specializedConstruction
			title = Specialized Construction
			description = Specialized construction techniques provide new ways of attaching things together, and detaching things on purpose.
			cost = 160
			hideEmpty = False
			nodeName = node5_specializedConstruction
			anyToUnlock = True
			icon = RDicon_automation
			pos = -1519,1412,0
			scale = 0.6
				parentID = advConstruction
				lineFrom = RIGHT
				lineTo = LEFT
			id = precisionPropulsion
			title = Precision Propulsion
			description = Any level of precision achieved in controlling the sustained explosion inside a rocket engine is nothing short of remarkable. It might be quite expensive, too.
			cost = 160
			hideEmpty = False
			nodeName = node5_precisionPropulsion
			anyToUnlock = False
			icon = RDicon_propulsion-precision
			pos = -1520.1,1551,0
			scale = 0.6
				parentID = propulsionSystems
				lineFrom = RIGHT
				lineTo = LEFT
			id = advAerodynamics
			title = Advanced Aerodynamics
			description = Advances in fluid dynamics research technology have allowed development of a new set of streamlined aircraft components, And also these parts here.
			cost = 160
			hideEmpty = False
			nodeName = node5_advAerodynamics
			anyToUnlock = True
			icon = RDicon_aerodynamics-advanced
			pos = -1519,1207,0
			scale = 0.6
				parentID = aerodynamicSystems
				lineFrom = RIGHT
				lineTo = LEFT
			id = heavyLanding
			title = Heavy Landing
			description = A good landing is one where you walk away from it. A great landing is one where you get to use the aircraft again.
			cost = 300
			hideEmpty = False
			nodeName = node6_heavyLanding
			anyToUnlock = False
			icon = RDicon_motors-experimental
			pos = -1309,1142.4,0
			scale = 0.6
				parentID = advLanding
				lineFrom = RIGHT
				lineTo = LEFT
			id = scienceTech
			title = Scanning Tech
			description = Why wonder about what's over the next hill when you can wonder about what's under it?
			cost = 300
			hideEmpty = False
			nodeName = node6_advScience
			anyToUnlock = True
			icon = RDicon_telescope
			pos = -1309,963.9,0
			scale = 0.6
				parentID = advExploration
				lineFrom = RIGHT
				lineTo = LEFT
				parentID = precisionEngineering
				lineFrom = RIGHT
				lineTo = LEFT
			id = unmannedTech
			title = Unmanned Tech
			description = Warning: May contain traces of sentience.
			cost = 300
			hideEmpty = False
			nodeName = node6_unmannedTech
			anyToUnlock = True
			icon = RDicon_unmanned-advanced
			pos = -1309,846.9,0
			scale = 0.6
				parentID = precisionEngineering
				lineFrom = RIGHT
				lineTo = LEFT
			id = nuclearPropulsion
			title = Nuclear Propulsion
			description = Nuclear engines don't burn fuel, they totally annihilate it. We just hope it doesn't begin any conflicts.
			cost = 300
			hideEmpty = False
			nodeName = node6_nuclearPropulsion
			anyToUnlock = False
			icon = RDicon_propulsion-nuclear
			pos = -1309,1551,0
			scale = 0.6
				parentID = advFuelSystems
				lineFrom = RIGHT
				lineTo = LEFT
				parentID = heavierRocketry
				lineFrom = RIGHT
				lineTo = LEFT
			id = advMetalworks
			title = Advanced MetalWorks
			description = These new construction techniques allow for craft designs that were considered insane not too long ago... and still are. But they're now possible!
			cost = 300
			hideEmpty = False
			nodeName = node6_advMetalWorks
			anyToUnlock = True
			icon = RDicon_metalworks-advanced
			pos = -1309,1412,0
			scale = 0.6
				parentID = specializedConstruction
				lineFrom = RIGHT
				lineTo = LEFT
			id = fieldScience
			title = Field Science
			description = Freedom to roam as far as curiosity will take you, or as long as batteries last.
			cost = 300
			hideEmpty = False
			nodeName = node6_fieldScience
			anyToUnlock = True
			icon = RDicon_science-field
			pos = -1309,1067,0
			scale = 0.6
				parentID = advLanding
				lineFrom = RIGHT
				lineTo = LEFT
				parentID = advExploration
				lineFrom = RIGHT
				lineTo = LEFT
			id = highAltitudeFlight
			title = High Altitude Flight
			description = New breakthroughs in engine and intake development to enable flying through the upper reaches of the atmosphere.
			cost = 300
			hideEmpty = False
			nodeName = node6_highAltitudeFlight
			anyToUnlock = True
			icon = RDicon_flight-highAltitude
			pos = -1310,1278,0
			scale = 0.6
				parentID = supersonicFlight
				lineFrom = RIGHT
				lineTo = LEFT
			id = largeVolumeContainment
			title = Large Volume Containment
			description = Maximize the payload capacity of your spacecraft by maximizing the size of your spacecraft.
			cost = 300
			hideEmpty = False
			nodeName = node6_largeVolumeContainment
			anyToUnlock = True
			icon = RDicon_largeVolumeContainment
			pos = -1309,1470.2,0
			scale = 0.6
				parentID = advFuelSystems
				lineFrom = RIGHT
				lineTo = LEFT
				parentID = specializedConstruction
				lineFrom = RIGHT
				lineTo = LEFT
			id = composites
			title = Composites
			description = Lightweight and strong! and don't worry, we're sure the glue will dry off in no time.
			cost = 300
			hideEmpty = False
			nodeName = node6_composites
			anyToUnlock = False
			icon = RDicon_composites
			pos = -1309,1355,0
			scale = 0.6
				parentID = specializedConstruction
				lineFrom = RIGHT
				lineTo = LEFT
			id = electronics
			title = Electronics
			description = Hopefully these won't become obsolete in the next couple of months.
			cost = 300
			hideEmpty = False
			nodeName = node6_electronics
			anyToUnlock = True
			icon = RDicon_electronics
			pos = -1309,777.6,0
			scale = 0.6
				parentID = precisionEngineering
				lineFrom = RIGHT
				lineTo = LEFT
				parentID = advElectrics
				lineFrom = RIGHT
				lineTo = LEFT
			id = largeElectrics
			title = High-Power Electrics
			description = Maximize your energy production and storage potential by maximizing the size of the electrical components on your vessels.
			cost = 300
			hideEmpty = False
			nodeName = node6_largeElectrics
			anyToUnlock = False
			icon = RDicon_electrics-large
			pos = -1309,711.1,0
			scale = 0.6
				parentID = advElectrics
				lineFrom = RIGHT
				lineTo = LEFT
			id = heavyAerodynamics
			title = Heavy Aerodynamics
			description = Advances in construction technology enabled new breakthroughs in aerospace materials.
			cost = 300
			hideEmpty = False
			nodeName = node6_heavyAerodynamics
			anyToUnlock = True
			icon = RDicon_aerospaceTech2
			pos = -1310,1207,0
			scale = 0.6
				parentID = advAerodynamics
				lineFrom = RIGHT
				lineTo = LEFT
			id = ionPropulsion
			title = Ion Propulsion
			description = Turns out, it's not science fiction.
			cost = 550
			hideEmpty = False
			nodeName = node7_ionPropulsion
			anyToUnlock = False
			icon = RDicon_propulsion-ion
			pos = -1118,905.2,0
			scale = 0.6
				parentID = scienceTech
				lineFrom = RIGHT
				lineTo = LEFT
				parentID = unmannedTech
				lineFrom = RIGHT
				lineTo = LEFT
			id = hypersonicFlight
			title = Hypersonic Flight
			description = Push your aircraft to the upper limits of airspeed and sanity.
			cost = 550
			hideEmpty = False
			nodeName = node7_hypersonicFlight
			anyToUnlock = True
			icon = RDicon_flight-hypersonic
			pos = -1118,1278,0
			scale = 0.6
				parentID = highAltitudeFlight
				lineFrom = RIGHT
				lineTo = LEFT
			id = nanolathing
			title = Nanolathing
			description = Despite the threatening appearance of the green metablobs shot out of the Nanolathing Injectors, none can argue the fact that Kerbals have indeed developed technologies at least just as dangerous as this one.
			cost = 550
			hideEmpty = True
			nodeName = node7_nanolathing
			anyToUnlock = True
			icon = RDicon_generic
			pos = -1118,1406,0
			scale = 0.6
				parentID = advMetalworks
				lineFrom = RIGHT
				lineTo = LEFT
			id = advUnmanned
			title = Advanced Unmanned Tech
			description = Improvements in remote control technology for a new generation of probe designs.
			cost = 550
			hideEmpty = False
			nodeName = node7_advUnmanned
			anyToUnlock = True
			icon = RDicon_unmannedTech
			pos = -1118,846.9,0
			scale = 0.6
				parentID = unmannedTech
				lineFrom = RIGHT
				lineTo = LEFT
			id = metaMaterials
			title = Meta-Materials
			description = An advancement in spacecraft construction so revolutionary, you won't even mind that its naming was wildly inaccurate.
			cost = 550
			hideEmpty = False
			nodeName = node7_metaMaterials
			anyToUnlock = True
			icon = RDicon_metamaterials
			pos = -1118,1355,0
			scale = 0.6
				parentID = composites
				lineFrom = RIGHT
				lineTo = LEFT
			id = veryHeavyRocketry
			title = Very Heavy Rocketry
			description = While ever-larger rockets may not be the answer every time, for all other times, we've developed these.
			cost = 550
			hideEmpty = False
			nodeName = node7_veryHeavyRocketry
			anyToUnlock = True
			icon = RDicon_rocketry-veryHeavy
			pos = -1118,1635,0
			scale = 0.6
				parentID = largeVolumeContainment
				lineFrom = RIGHT
				lineTo = LEFT
				parentID = heavierRocketry
				lineFrom = RIGHT
				lineTo = LEFT
			id = advScienceTech
			title = Advanced Science Tech
			description = Scientific advancements allow new advanced technologies for advancing Science.
			cost = 550
			hideEmpty = False
			nodeName = node7_advScienceTech
			anyToUnlock = True
			icon = RDicon_scienceTech-advanced
			pos = -1118,963.9,0
			scale = 0.6
				parentID = scienceTech
				lineFrom = RIGHT
				lineTo = LEFT
				parentID = fieldScience
				lineFrom = RIGHT
				lineTo = LEFT
			id = advancedMotors
			title = Advanced Motors
			description = Wheel technology is just rolling along now. You could even say our engineers are on a roll with it.
			cost = 550
			hideEmpty = False
			nodeName = node7_advancedMotors
			anyToUnlock = False
			icon = RDicon_motors-advanced
			pos = -1118,1067,0
			scale = 0.6
				parentID = fieldScience
				lineFrom = RIGHT
				lineTo = LEFT
			id = specializedElectrics
			title = Specialized Electrics
			description = Experience the warm glow of the latest in electrical technology. Figuratively, of course, and maybe also quite literally as well. Actually, try to avoid direct exposure.
			cost = 550
			hideEmpty = False
			nodeName = node7_specializedElectrics
			anyToUnlock = True
			icon = RDicon_electrics-specialized
			pos = -1118,711.1,0
			scale = 0.6
				parentID = largeElectrics
				lineFrom = RIGHT
				lineTo = LEFT
			id = highPerformanceFuelSystems
			title = High-Performance Fuel Systems
			description = Massive engines require massive fuel storage solutions.
			cost = 550
			hideEmpty = False
			nodeName = node7_highPerformanceFuelSystems
			anyToUnlock = True
			icon = RDicon_fuelSystems-highPerformance
			pos = -1118,1470.2,0
			scale = 0.6
				parentID = largeVolumeContainment
				lineFrom = RIGHT
				lineTo = LEFT
			id = experimentalAerodynamics
			title = Experimental Aerodynamics
			description = Winged flight technology is soaring to unprecedented heights. It could even be said that it's properly taking off now.
			cost = 550
			hideEmpty = False
			nodeName = node7_experimentalAerodynamics
			anyToUnlock = True
			icon = RDicon_aerodynamics-heavy
			pos = -1120,1207,0
			scale = 0.6
				parentID = heavyAerodynamics
				lineFrom = RIGHT
				lineTo = LEFT
			id = automation
			title = Automation
			description = We can't think of anything that could go wrong with letting an experimental AI handle every aspect of a mission.
			cost = 550
			hideEmpty = False
			nodeName = node7_automation
			anyToUnlock = True
			icon = RDicon_robotics
			pos = -1118,777.6,0
			scale = 0.6
				parentID = unmannedTech
				lineFrom = RIGHT
				lineTo = LEFT
				parentID = electronics
				lineFrom = RIGHT
				lineTo = LEFT
			id = aerospaceTech
			title = Aerospace Tech
			description = The absolute cutting-edge in aerospace technology. Quite literally, some of those edges are very sharp. Handle with care.
			cost = 1000
			hideEmpty = False
			nodeName = node8_aerospaceTech
			anyToUnlock = True
			icon = RDicon_aerodynamics-experimental
			pos = -956,1278,0
			scale = 0.6
				parentID = hypersonicFlight
				lineFrom = RIGHT
				lineTo = LEFT
			id = largeUnmanned
			title = Large Probes
			description = The rumours of probe-led world domination are greatly exaggerated.
			cost = 1000
			hideEmpty = False
			nodeName = node8_largeUnmanned
			anyToUnlock = True
			icon = RDicon_probes-large
			pos = -952,846.9,0
			scale = 0.6
				parentID = advUnmanned
				lineFrom = RIGHT
				lineTo = LEFT
				parentID = automation
				lineFrom = RIGHT
				lineTo = LEFT
			id = experimentalScience
			title = Experimental Science
			description = Explore novel fields of science that we didn't even know were there.
			cost = 1000
			hideEmpty = False
			nodeName = node8_experimentalScience
			anyToUnlock = False
			icon = RDicon_science-experimental
			pos = -952,963.9,0
			scale = 0.6
				parentID = advScienceTech
				lineFrom = RIGHT
				lineTo = LEFT
			id = experimentalMotors
			title = Experimental Motors
			description = The latest breakthroughs that are driving motor technology forwards, and in reverse, and steering too.
			cost = 1000
			hideEmpty = True
			nodeName = node8_experimentalMotors
			anyToUnlock = False
			icon = RDicon_generic
			pos = -952,1067,0
			scale = 0.6
				parentID = advancedMotors
				lineFrom = RIGHT
				lineTo = LEFT
			id = experimentalElectrics
			title = Experimental Electrics
			description = The very latest in electrical systems technology. Our engineers are buzzing with excitement over it. They also seem to glow in the dark now. Fascinating!
			cost = 1000
			hideEmpty = False
			nodeName = node8_experimentalElectrics
			anyToUnlock = False
			icon = RDicon_electrics-experimental
			pos = -952,711.1,0
			scale = 0.6
				parentID = specializedElectrics
				lineFrom = RIGHT
				lineTo = LEFT
	parentUrl = Squad/Spaces/GenericSpace1/internal.cfg
		name = GenericSpace1
			name = InternalSeat
			seatTransformName = CenterSeat
			allowCrewHelmet = false
			displayseatName = Center Seat
	parentUrl = Squad/Spaces/GenericSpace3/internal.cfg
		name = GenericSpace3
			name = InternalSeat
			seatTransformName = CenterSeat
			allowCrewHelmet = false
			displayseatName = Center Seat
			name = InternalSeat
			seatTransformName = RightSeat
			allowCrewHelmet = false
			displayseatName = Right Seat
			name = InternalSeat
			seatTransformName = LeftSeat
			allowCrewHelmet = false
			displayseatName = Left Seat
	parentUrl = Squad/Spaces/LargeCrewedLabInternals/internal.cfg
		name = Mobile_Processing_Lab_Int
			model = Squad/Spaces/LargeCrewedLabInternals/Large_Crewed_lab_Int
			model = Squad/Spaces/OverlayMasks/LargeLabMask
			rotation = -90, 0, 0
			model = Squad/Spaces/OverlayMasks/LargeLabBorder
			rotation = -90, 0, 0
			name = InternalSeat
			seatTransformName = Seat_Left
			portraitCameraName = Camera_Left
			allowCrewHelmet = false
			displayseatName = Left Seat
			name = InternalSeat
			seatTransformName = Seat_Right
			portraitCameraName = Camera_Right
			allowCrewHelmet = false
			displayseatName = Right Seat
			name = squareButton
			position = 0.4932,-0.7769,-0.0516
			rotation = 0,0,0.3209866,0.9470838
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = squareButton
			position = 0.5165,-0.7591,-0.0516
			rotation = 0,0,0.3209869,0.9470837
			scale = 1,0.9999999,1
			name = squareButton
			position = 0.779,0.48,0.256
			rotation = 0,0,0.8966617,0.4427165
			scale = 1,0.9999999,1
			name = squareButton
			position = 0.7563,0.5097,0.256
			rotation = 0,0,0.8966616,0.4427168
			scale = 1,1,1
	parentUrl = Squad/Spaces/MK3CockpitInternal/internal_MK3.cfg
		name = MK3_Cockpit_Int
			model = Squad/Spaces/MK3CockpitInternal/MK3_Cockpit_Int
			model = Squad/Spaces/OverlayMasks/Mk3ShuttleMask
			rotation = 0, 180, 0
			model = Squad/Spaces/OverlayMasks/Mk3ShuttleBorder
			rotation = 0, 180, 0
			name = InternalCameraSwitch
			colliderTransformName = focus_W1
			cameraTransformName = Camera_Focus_W1
			name = InternalCameraSwitch
			colliderTransformName = focus_W2
			cameraTransformName = Camera_Focus_W2
			name = InternalCameraSwitch
			colliderTransformName = focus_W3
			cameraTransformName = Camera_Focus_W3
			name = InternalCameraSwitch
			colliderTransformName = focus_W4
			cameraTransformName = Camera_Focus_W4
			name = InternalCameraSwitch
			colliderTransformName = focus_W5
			cameraTransformName = Camera_Focus_W5
			name = InternalCameraSwitch
			colliderTransformName = Cam1
			cameraTransformName = Cam1
			name = InternalCameraSwitch
			colliderTransformName = Cam2
			cameraTransformName = Cam2
			name = InternalCameraSwitch
			colliderTransformName = Cam3
			cameraTransformName = Cam3
			name = InternalCameraSwitch
			colliderTransformName = Cam4
			cameraTransformName = Cam4
			name = InternalSeat
			seatTransformName = Seat_Left
			portraitCameraName = Camera_Left
			allowCrewHelmet = false
			kerbalEyeOffset = 0, 0.02, 0
			displayseatName = Left Seat
			name = InternalSeat
			seatTransformName = Seat_Right
			portraitCameraName = Camera_Right
			allowCrewHelmet = false
			kerbalEyeOffset = 0, 0.02, 0
			displayseatName = Right Seat
			name = InternalSeat
			seatTransformName = Seat_BackRight
			portraitCameraName = Camera_BackRight
			allowCrewHelmet = false
			kerbalEyeOffset = 0, 0.02, 0
			displayseatName = Right Seat <<1>>
			displayseatIndex = 2
			name = InternalSeat
			seatTransformName = Seat_BackLeft
			portraitCameraName = Camera_BackLeft
			allowCrewHelmet = false
			kerbalEyeOffset = 0, 0.02, 0
			displayseatName = Left Seat <<1>>
			displayseatIndex = 2
			name = CargoBagB
			position = -1.538285,0.651,0.6960002
			rotation = 0.5000004,0.4999998,-0.4999998,0.5000001
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = CargoBagB
			position = 1.551,0.634,0.696
			rotation = -0.5338696,0.4636624,-0.5338699,-0.463663
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = CargoBagB
			position = 0.624,0.989,1.185
			rotation = -0.7071067,0,-2.103701E-07,0.7071068
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = CargoBagA
			position = 1.159,1.032,1.185
			rotation = 1.152023E-07,0.7071068,-0.7071067,-1.152023E-07
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = CargoBagB
			position = 1.19,0.635,1.185
			rotation = 0.01173871,0.7070094,-0.7070093,0.01173848
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = CargoBagB
			position = 0.662,0.166,1.185
			rotation = 1.152023E-07,0.7071068,-0.7071067,-1.152023E-07
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = CargoBagA
			position = 0.636,0.591,1.185
			rotation = 1.152023E-07,0.7071068,-0.7071067,-1.152023E-07
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = CargoBagA
			position = -0.5780003,1.049,1.183394
			rotation = -0.7071067,0,2.103701E-07,0.7071068
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = CargoBagB
			position = -1.087,1.054,1.185
			rotation = 1.152023E-07,0.7071068,-0.7071067,-1.152023E-07
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = CargoBagA
			position = -0.637,0.626,1.185
			rotation = 0.01223229,0.707001,-0.707001,0.01223206
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = CargoBagA
			position = -1.193,0.626,1.185
			rotation = 1.152023E-07,0.7071068,-0.7071067,-1.152023E-07
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = NavBall
			position = 0.3997,0.76,-0.7299
			rotation = -0.5687209,0.0009631529,0.009035727,-0.8224804
			scale = 1,0.9999998,1.000001
			name = AltimeterThreeHands
			position = 0.2518,0.5889,-0.6574
			rotation = 0.5372998,0,0,0.8433914
			scale = 1,0.9999996,1
			name = AtmosphereDepth
			position = 0.0585,0.686,-0.7053
			rotation = 5.153835E-07,-0.8433914,-0.5372998,8.469538E-07
			scale = 1,0.9999996,0.9999996
			name = Compass
			position = -0.0001,0.7657,-0.7526
			rotation = 0.3799288,-0.5963671,-0.379928,0.5963684
			scale = 0.9017153,0.5793399,0.9017157
			name = ledPanelSpeed
			position = 0.2907,0.7748,-0.7508
			rotation = 0.5372998,-1.692175E-07,-1.329631E-07,0.8433914
			scale = 1.589112,1.589109,1.589113
			name = IndicatorPanel
			position = -0.0002,0.688,-0.701
			rotation = 0.5372998,6.248004E-07,3.731015E-07,0.8433913
			scale = 1,0.9999997,0.9999999
			name = AtmosphereDepth
			position = -0.0583,0.686,-0.7053
			rotation = 1E-06,-0.8433912,-0.5373001,1E-06
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = RadarAltimeter
			position = 0.4052,0.6905,-0.6999
			rotation = 0.5400604,-0.0525706,0.08087499,0.8360804
			scale = 1.000001,0.9999997,1
			name = VSI
			position = 0.0364,0.5927,-0.6595
			rotation = 0.5372998,0,0,0.8433914
			scale = 1,0.9999996,1
			name = VSI
			position = -0.0332,0.5927,-0.6595
			rotation = 0.5373001,0,0,0.8433912
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = RadarAltimeter
			position = -0.2495,0.588,-0.66
			rotation = 0.5373001,0,0,0.8433912
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = AltimeterThreeHands
			position = -0.4037,0.7053,-0.6979
			rotation = 0.5339154,0.06021382,-0.09451662,0.8380784
			scale = 0.8958579,0.8958589,0.8958579
			name = NavBall
			position = -0.4027,0.7677,-0.734
			rotation = 0.57033,-0.01299836,-0.003634111,0.8213048
			scale = 1,0.9999999,0.9999999
			name = VSI
			position = 0.3335,0.5873,-0.6628
			rotation = 0.5375453,0.00581272,-0.01198997,0.8431296
			scale = 1.120001,1.119999,1.12
			name = ledPanelSpeed
			position = -0.2902,0.776,-0.748
			rotation = 0.5373001,0,0,0.8433912
			scale = 1.589112,1.58911,1.589111
			name = throttle
			position = -0.0545,0.5574,-0.4913
			rotation = 0,0,0,1
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = throttle
			position = 0.0533,0.5574,-0.4919
			rotation = 0,0,0,1
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = directionalKnob2
			position = -0.0207,0.4673,-0.5013
			rotation = 0.05486918,0.9444036,0.247499,0.2093692
			scale = 1,0.9999996,1
			name = directionalKnob
			position = -0.0496,0.4673,-0.5014
			rotation = 0.1712676,0.7131929,0.1869058,0.6535209
			scale = 0.9999998,0.9999999,1
			name = directionalKnob2
			position = 0.0192,0.4673,-0.5013
			rotation = 0.09701345,0.8936989,0.2342109,0.3701837
			scale = 0.9999999,0.9999989,1
			name = directionalKnob
			position = 0.0528,0.4673,-0.5014
			rotation = -0.08670534,0.9089957,0.2382195,-0.3308483
			scale = 1,0.9999989,1
			name = IndicatorPanel
			position = -0.856,0.6969,-0.6069
			rotation = 0.5928121,0.06830079,-0.08713759,0.7976941
			scale = 1,1,0.9999993
			name = IndicatorPanel
			position = 0.859,0.6963,-0.6054
			rotation = 0.5999324,-0.08366153,0.05845546,0.7935143
			scale = 1,0.9999993,1
			name = AtmosphereDepth
			position = 0.5492,0.7838,-0.7043
			rotation = 0.3741736,0.5027713,0.4559304,0.6319357
			scale = 1.000001,1,0.9999986
			name = AxisIndicatorPitch
			position = 0.5672,0.7076,-0.6756
			rotation = 0.04503915,-0.8017575,-0.5903197,-0.08172642
			scale = 0.9999996,0.9999998,1
			name = AxisIndicatorRoll
			position = 0.5471,0.7584,-0.6965
			rotation = 0.4559304,-0.6319358,-0.3741736,0.5027713
			scale = 0.9999997,0.9999988,0.9999985
			name = AxisIndicatorYaw
			position = 0.5386,0.6556,-0.6647
			rotation = 0.4559304,-0.6319357,-0.3741736,0.5027713
			scale = 0.9999998,0.9999989,0.9999985
			name = VSI
			position = -0.3324,0.588,-0.66
			rotation = 0.5373001,0,0,0.8433912
			scale = 1,0.9999999,0.9999999
			name = circularButton
			position = 0.4593,0.7695,-0.73
			rotation = 0.534512,-0.057322,0.087055,0.8387089
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = circularButton
			position = -0.4625,0.7754,-0.7331
			rotation = 0.5333732,0.06484102,-0.10178,0.8372273
			scale = 1,0.999999,1
			name = ledPanelSpeed
			position = 0.0539,1.1273,-0.6249
			rotation = 0.8433917,0,0,0.5372992
			scale = 1.14993,1.149927,1.149929
			name = AltimeterThreeHands
			position = 0,1.0783,-0.6405
			rotation = 0.8433917,0,0,0.5372992
			scale = 0.9227336,0.9227321,0.9227355
			name = IndicatorPanel
			position = -0.0703,0.9873,-0.6842
			rotation = 0.8433917,0,0,0.5372992
			scale = 0.7152786,0.7152775,0.7152803
			name = VSI
			position = 0.0671,1.0807,-0.6454
			rotation = 0.8433917,0,0,0.5372992
			scale = 1,0.9999996,1
			name = RadarAltimeter
			position = -0.0656,1.0809,-0.6462
			rotation = 0.8433917,0,0,0.5372992
			scale = 1,0.9999977,1.000002
			name = Compass
			position = 0.0307,0.9618,-0.7031
			rotation = 0.5963675,-0.3799282,-0.5963686,0.3799276
			scale = 0.7617157,0.4624014,0.7617156
			name = NavBall
			position = 0,1.0171,-0.6781
			rotation = 0.8433915,0,5.869127E-08,0.5372996
			scale = 0.95,0.949999,0.9499992
			name = AtmosphereDepth
			position = -0.0556,1.129,-0.6279
			rotation = 0.5963684,0.3799277,0.5963677,0.3799281
			scale = 1.165589,1.072297,1.072297
			name = AxisIndicatorPitch
			position = 0.0372,1.0052,-0.6813
			rotation = -3.278255E-07,-0.5372991,-0.8433918,-6.679073E-08
			scale = 0.5434316,0.368031,0.6610957
			name = AxisIndicatorRoll
			position = 0.0706,1.0152,-0.675
			rotation = 0.5963672,-0.3799284,-0.5963688,0.3799274
			scale = 0.4664842,0.3305481,0.6293848
			name = AxisIndicatorYaw
			position = 0.0706,0.9954,-0.6902
			rotation = 0.5963673,-0.3799284,-0.5963688,0.3799274
			scale = 0.4905793,0.8018237,0.6404941
			name = CargoBagA
			position = -0.653,-0.236,1.185
			rotation = 1.152023E-07,0.7071068,-0.7071067,-1.152023E-07
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = CargoBagC
			position = 0.681,-0.255,1.185
			rotation = 1.152023E-07,0.7071068,-0.7071067,-1.152023E-07
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = CargoBagB
			position = -0.643,0.203,1.185
			rotation = 1.152023E-07,0.7071068,-0.7071067,-1.152023E-07
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = Seat_Pilot
			position = 0.425,0.542,-0.25
			rotation = 7.54979E-08,1,-2.185569E-08,-1.588827E-15
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = Seat_Pilot
			position = 0.21,0.601,0.2
			rotation = 7.54979E-08,1,-2.185569E-08,-1.588827E-15
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = Seat_Pilot
			position = -0.21,0.6,0.2
			rotation = 7.54979E-08,1,-2.185569E-08,-1.588827E-15
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = Seat_Pilot
			position = -0.425,0.541,-0.2500002
			rotation = 7.54979E-08,1,-2.185569E-08,-1.588827E-15
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericClusterKnobs
			position = 0.5915,1.3285,-0.3147
			rotation = 0.785509,-0.1314704,0.531204,0.2889871
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericClusterKnobs
			position = 0.7862,1.3773,0.1273
			rotation = 0.785509,-0.1314704,0.531204,0.2889871
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericClusterKnobs
			position = -0.7935,1.3744,0.1305
			rotation = -0.7846254,-0.1291452,0.536148,-0.2832487
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericClusterKnobs
			position = -0.5956,1.3276,-0.3201
			rotation = -0.7846254,-0.1291452,0.536148,-0.2832487
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericClusterSwitches06
			position = -0.6876,1.474,0.218
			rotation = -0.7848824,-0.129281,0.5357718,-0.2831867
			scale = 1.594196,1.594196,1.594196
			name = genericClusterSwitches06
			position = -0.4568,1.4189,-0.3091
			rotation = -0.7848824,-0.129281,0.5357717,-0.2831866
			scale = 1.594196,1.594197,1.594197
			name = genericClusterSwitches06
			position = 0.6835,1.4748,0.2144
			rotation = 0.7846491,-0.1291575,0.5361134,0.283243
			scale = 1.594196,1.594196,1.594196
			name = genericClusterSwitches06
			position = 0.4553,1.4189,-0.3105
			rotation = 0.7833782,-0.1284869,0.5379688,0.2835478
			scale = 1.594196,1.594196,1.594196
			name = genericClusterSwitches01
			position = 0.479,1.4628,-0.0129
			rotation = 0.8323111,0.04072395,0.5521889,0.026216
			scale = 0.9761293,0.9761291,0.9761289
			name = genericClusterSwitches01
			position = -0.4799,1.4626,-0.0143
			rotation = 0.5450876,0.02656164,0.836979,0.04049932
			scale = 0.9761294,0.9761291,0.9761291
			name = genericClusterSwitches07
			position = -0.5763,1.4415,-0.0519
			rotation = -0.7915264,-0.1328158,0.5259066,-0.281546
			scale = 1.14885,1.14885,1.14885
			name = genericClusterSwitches07
			position = 0.572,1.443,-0.054
			rotation = 0.7786477,-0.1260046,0.5447931,0.2846597
			scale = 1.14885,1.14885,1.14885
			name = genericClusterSwitches07
			position = -0.6907,1.3538,-0.0938
			rotation = -0.7915264,-0.1328158,0.5259066,-0.281546
			scale = 1.14885,1.14885,1.14885
			name = genericClusterSwitches07
			position = 0.6915,1.3537,-0.0916
			rotation = 0.7786477,-0.1260046,0.5447931,0.2846597
			scale = 1.14885,1.14885,1.14885
			name = genericClusterSwitches07
			position = 0.572,1.443,-0.054
			rotation = 0.7786477,-0.1260046,0.5447931,0.2846597
			scale = 1.14885,1.14885,1.14885
			name = genericClusterSwitches06
			position = -0.2629,1.2997,-0.5426
			rotation = 0.9407366,0,-1.949279E-07,0.3391383
			scale = 1.318929,1.318929,1.318929
			name = genericClusterSwitches07
			position = -0.358,1.4037,-0.4265
			rotation = -5.662442E-07,-0.3382875,-0.9410428,-8.551044E-08
			scale = 1.14885,1.14885,1.14885
			name = genericClusterSwitches07
			position = -0.234,1.4037,-0.4265
			rotation = 0.9410428,0,-4.401728E-07,0.3382875
			scale = 1.14885,1.14885,1.14885
			name = genericClusterSwitches07
			position = 0.3513,1.4037,-0.4265
			rotation = 0.9410428,0,-4.401728E-07,0.3382875
			scale = 1.14885,1.14885,1.14885
			name = genericClusterSwitches07
			position = 0.2301001,1.40373,-0.426525
			rotation = 4.470348E-07,0.3382875,0.9410428,1.331109E-07
			scale = 1.14885,1.14885,1.14885
			name = genericClusterSwitches07
			position = 0,1.3005,-0.5515
			rotation = 0.9410428,0,-4.401728E-07,0.3382875
			scale = 1.2765,1.2765,1.2765
			name = genericClusterSwitches07
			position = 0,1.3982,-0.4332
			rotation = 0.9410428,0,-4.401728E-07,0.3382875
			scale = 1.2765,1.2765,1.2765
			name = genericClusterSwitches01
			position = 0,1.424744,-0.3298
			rotation = 1,0,0,0
			scale = 0.9761293,0.9761291,0.9761291
			name = genericClusterKnobs2
			position = 0.7558,0.6706,-0.6251
			rotation = 0.3986352,0.5096735,0.4507976,0.614902
			scale = 1.058,1.058,1.058
			name = genericClusterKnobs2
			position = 0.5353,0.5974,-0.6436
			rotation = 0.4097039,-0.6396918,-0.3727362,0.5329211
			scale = 0.9200001,0.9200001,0.92
			name = genericClusterKnobs
			position = 0.4571,0.7197,-0.7042
			rotation = 0.4606049,-0.6085072,-0.3517394,0.5420716
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericClusterButtons2
			position = 0.4221,0.6037,-0.6621
			rotation = 0.5525443,-0.0569071,0.03852613,0.8306456
			scale = 1.339061,1.339061,1.339061
			name = genericClusterSwitches03
			position = -0.5382105,0.7386168,-0.6902162
			rotation = 0.5983202,0.09434306,-0.08391839,0.7912459
			scale = 0.8217157,0.8217158,0.8217158
			name = genericClusterButtons2
			position = -0.4238999,0.6109,-0.6649
			rotation = 0.5514585,0.03692149,-0.05179823,0.8317736
			scale = 1.339061,1.339061,1.339061
			name = genericClusterKnobs2
			position = -0.5337,0.6124,-0.6503
			rotation = 0.3680502,-0.5401654,-0.4139186,0.6335865
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericClusterKnobs
			position = -0.4560999,0.7233,-0.7059
			rotation = 0.3575191,-0.5323147,-0.4634831,0.6115592
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericClusterSwitches07
			position = 0.5270001,0.7075,-0.6840999
			rotation = 0.3696533,0.4850314,0.4778972,0.6322303
			scale = 1.11,1.11,1.11
			name = genericClusterSwitches01
			position = 0,0.5616899,-0.2487
			rotation = 0,0,0,1
			scale = 1.344493,1.344493,1.344493
			name = genericClusterSwitches06
			position = 0.2575002,1.2997,-0.5425999
			rotation = 0.9407365,2.980232E-08,-1.937151E-07,0.3391383
			scale = 1.318929,1.31893,1.31893
			name = genericClusterKnobs2
			position = -0.7565,0.6846,-0.6293
			rotation = 0.3980838,-0.5085188,-0.4498714,0.6168904
			scale = 1.186503,1.186503,1.186503
	parentUrl = Squad/Spaces/MK3_CrewCab_Int/internal_MK3_CrewCab.cfg
		name = MK3_CrewCab_Int
			model = Squad/Spaces/MK3_CrewCab_Int/MK3_CrewCab_Int
			model = Squad/Spaces/OverlayMasks/Mk3CabinMask
			model = Squad/Spaces/OverlayMasks/Mk3CabinBorder
			name = InternalSeat
			seatTransformName = Seat_Left001
			portraitCameraName = Camera_Left001
			allowCrewHelmet = false
			displayseatName = Left Seat <<1>>
			displayseatIndex = 1
			name = InternalSeat
			seatTransformName = Seat_Left002
			portraitCameraName = Camera_Left002
			allowCrewHelmet = false
			displayseatName = Left Seat <<1>>
			displayseatIndex = 2
			name = InternalSeat
			seatTransformName = Seat_Left003
			portraitCameraName = Camera_Left003
			allowCrewHelmet = false
			displayseatName = Left Seat <<1>>
			displayseatIndex = 3
			name = InternalSeat
			seatTransformName = Seat_Left004
			portraitCameraName = Camera_Left004
			allowCrewHelmet = false
			displayseatName = Left Seat <<1>>
			displayseatIndex = 4
			name = InternalSeat
			seatTransformName = Seat_Left005
			portraitCameraName = Camera_Left005
			allowCrewHelmet = false
			displayseatName = Left Seat <<1>>
			displayseatIndex = 5
			name = InternalSeat
			seatTransformName = Seat_Left006
			portraitCameraName = Camera_Left006
			allowCrewHelmet = false
			displayseatName = Left Seat <<1>>
			displayseatIndex = 6
			name = InternalSeat
			seatTransformName = Seat_Left007
			portraitCameraName = Camera_Left007
			allowCrewHelmet = false
			displayseatName = Left Seat <<1>>
			displayseatIndex = 7
			name = InternalSeat
			seatTransformName = Seat_Left008
			portraitCameraName = Camera_Left008
			allowCrewHelmet = false
			displayseatName = Left Seat <<1>>
			displayseatIndex = 8
			name = InternalSeat
			seatTransformName = Seat_Right001
			portraitCameraName = Camera_Right001
			allowCrewHelmet = false
			displayseatName = Right Seat <<1>>
			displayseatIndex = 1
			name = InternalSeat
			seatTransformName = Seat_Right002
			portraitCameraName = Camera_Right002
			allowCrewHelmet = false
			displayseatName = Right Seat <<1>>
			displayseatIndex = 2
			name = InternalSeat
			seatTransformName = Seat_Right003
			portraitCameraName = Camera_Right003
			allowCrewHelmet = false
			displayseatName = Right Seat <<1>>
			displayseatIndex = 3
			name = InternalSeat
			seatTransformName = Seat_Right004
			portraitCameraName = Camera_Right004
			allowCrewHelmet = false
			displayseatName = Right Seat <<1>>
			displayseatIndex = 4
			name = InternalSeat
			seatTransformName = Seat_Right005
			portraitCameraName = Camera_Right005
			allowCrewHelmet = false
			displayseatName = Right Seat <<1>>
			displayseatIndex = 5
			name = InternalSeat
			seatTransformName = Seat_Right006
			portraitCameraName = Camera_Right006
			allowCrewHelmet = false
			displayseatName = Right Seat <<1>>
			displayseatIndex = 6
			name = InternalSeat
			seatTransformName = Seat_Right007
			portraitCameraName = Camera_Right007
			allowCrewHelmet = false
			displayseatName = Right Seat <<1>>
			displayseatIndex = 7
			name = InternalSeat
			seatTransformName = Seat_Right008
			portraitCameraName = Camera_Right008
			allowCrewHelmet = false
			displayseatName = Right Seat <<1>>
			displayseatIndex = 8
	parentUrl = Squad/Spaces/Mk1-3/internal.cfg
		name = Mk1-3
		allowCrewHelmet = false
			model = Squad/Spaces/Mk1-3/model
			name = InternalSeat
			seatTransformName = pilotSeat_01
			portraitCameraName = pilotCamera_01
			allowCrewHelmet = false
			name = InternalSeat
			seatTransformName = pilotSeat_02
			portraitCameraName = pilotCamera_02
			allowCrewHelmet = false
			name = InternalSeat
			seatTransformName = pilotSeat_03
			portraitCameraName = pilotCamera_03
			allowCrewHelmet = false
			name = InternalCameraSwitch
			colliderTransformName = WindowFocusPoint
			cameraTransformName = WindowEyeTransform
			name = InternalCameraSwitch
			colliderTransformName = WindowFocusPoint02
			cameraTransformName = WindowEyeTransform02
			name = InternalCameraSwitch
			colliderTransformName = WindowFocusPoint03
			cameraTransformName = WindowEyeTransform03
			name = InternalCameraSwitch
			colliderTransformName = WindowFocusPoint04
			cameraTransformName = WindowEyeTransform04
			name = InternalCameraSwitch
			colliderTransformName = WindowFocusPoint05
			cameraTransformName = WindowEyeTransform05
			name = NavBallNoBase
			position = 0.0708,0.2566,-0.7051
			rotation = 0.7071068,0,0,0.7071068
			scale = 1.75,1.750002,1.750002
			name = AxisIndicatorRoll
			position = 0.2416,0.2764,-0.6628
			rotation = 0.5,-0.5,-0.5,0.5
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = AxisIndicatorYaw
			position = 0.2416,0.2364,-0.6628
			rotation = 0.5,-0.5,-0.5,0.5
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = AxisIndicatorPitch
			position = 0.1758,0.2563,-0.6628
			rotation = 0,0.7071068,0.7071068,0
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = AltimeterThreeHands
			position = -0.1091284,0.2614,-0.6527
			rotation = 0.7071068,0,0,0.7071068
			scale = 0.9,0.9000009,0.9000009
			name = RadarAltimeter
			position = -0.0378,0.2614,-0.6527
			rotation = 0.7071068,0,0,0.7071068
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = VSI
			position = -0.1799,0.2614,-0.6594
			rotation = 0.7071068,0,0,0.7071068
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = AtmosphereDepth
			position = 0,0.35,-0.6527
			rotation = 0.5000001,0.5,0.5,0.5
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = Compass
			position = 0,0.3908,-0.6674
			rotation = 0.5,-0.5,-0.5,0.5
			scale = 0.8,0.8,0.8
			name = IndicatorPanel
			position = -0.2587,0.2386,-0.6527
			rotation = 0.7071068,0,0,0.7071068
			scale = 0.9000019,0.9000009,0.9000009
			name = ledPanelSpeed
			position = 0.0708,0.1766,-0.6619
			rotation = 0.7071068,0,0,0.7071068
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = throttle
			position = -0.2587,0.1166,-0.6655
			rotation = 0.7071068,0,0,0.7071068
			scale = 0.5,0.5000005,0.5000005
			name = directionalKnob
			position = -0.509,-0.0012,-0.6622
			rotation = 0.2619438,-0.6460012,-0.6519611,0.2983533
			scale = 1.5,1.5,1.5
			name = directionalKnob
			position = -0.3957,0.1269,-0.6622
			rotation = -0.5604286,-0.4565326,-0.4504158,-0.5240453
			scale = 1.5,1.500001,1.500001
			name = directionalKnob
			position = -0.3957,0.3269,-0.6603
			rotation = -0.5604286,-0.4565326,-0.4504158,-0.5240453
			scale = 1.500001,1.500002,1.500002
			name = directionalKnob2
			position = -0.126,0.3908,-0.6622
			rotation = -0.5544282,-0.4453863,-0.4560941,-0.534994
			scale = 1.500001,1.500002,1.500003
			name = directionalKnob2
			position = 0.126,0.3908,-0.6622
			rotation = -0.2587954,-0.6624084,-0.6620091,-0.2366096
			scale = 1.500005,1.500005,1.500005
			name = directionalKnob
			position = 0.3873,0.3266,-0.6622
			rotation = -0.5604286,-0.4565326,-0.4504158,-0.5240453
			scale = 1.500001,1.500002,1.500002
			name = genericPullSwitch
			position = 0.09,0.1484,-0.6619
			rotation = 0.7071068,0,0,0.7071068
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericPullSwitch
			position = 0.0514,0.1484,-0.6619
			rotation = 0.7071068,0,0,0.7071068
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericClusterSwitches01
			position = 0.4414,0.083,-0.6637
			rotation = 0.005609008,0.7070845,0.7070845,-0.005609008
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericClusterSwitches02
			position = -0.1091284,0.1766,-0.6612
			rotation = -0.7071068,0,0,-0.7071068
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericClusterSwitches02
			position = 0.2498,0.1766,-0.663
			rotation = 0.005609008,0.7070845,0.7070845,-0.005609008
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericClusterSwitches03
			position = -0.4048,0.2269,-0.6615
			rotation = 0.005609008,0.7070845,0.7070845,-0.005609008
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericClusterSwitches04
			position = 0.0824,0.1229,-0.662
			rotation = 0.005609008,0.7070845,0.7070845,-0.005609008
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericClusterSwitches04
			position = -0.0846,0.1229,-0.6615
			rotation = 0.005609008,0.7070845,0.7070845,-0.005609008
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericClusterSwitches04
			position = -0.4421,0.0441,-0.6627
			rotation = -0.7071068,0,0,-0.7071068
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = directionalKnob
			position = -0.4690531,0.1268242,-0.6622
			rotation = -0.6419666,0.3322361,0.3012995,-0.6218655
			scale = 1.5,1.500001,1.500001
			name = genericClusterSwitches04
			position = -0.4421,0.0841,-0.6627
			rotation = -0.7071068,0,0,-0.7071068
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericClusterKnobs
			position = 0.4414,-0.012,-0.6596
			rotation = 0.005609008,0.7070845,0.7070845,-0.005609008
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericSwitchWithGuards
			position = 0.2313,0.1083,-0.6642
			rotation = 0.7071068,0,0,0.7071068
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericSwitchWithGuards
			position = 0.269,0.1083,-0.6642
			rotation = 0.7071068,0,0,0.7071068
			scale = 1,1.000001,1.000001
			name = genericSwitchWithGuards
			position = 0.3067,0.1083,-0.6642
			rotation = 0.7071068,0,0,0.7071068
			scale = 1,1.000001,1.000001
			name = genericSwitchWithGuards
			position = 0.3067,0.0746,-0.6642
			rotation = 0.7071068,0,0,0.7071068
			scale = 1,1.000002,1.000002
			name = genericSwitchWithGuards
			position = 0.269,0.0746,-0.6642
			rotation = 0.7071068,0,0,0.7071068
			scale = 1,1.000001,1.000001
			name = genericSwitchWithGuards
			position = 0.3067,0.041,-0.6642
			rotation = 0.7071068,0,0,0.7071068
			scale = 1,1.000003,1.000003
			name = genericSwitchWithGuards
			position = 0.4612,0.2147,-0.6612
			rotation = -0.007781088,0.707064,0.707064,0.007781088
			scale = 1,1.000001,1.000001
			name = genericSwitchWithGuards
			position = 0.4234,0.2147,-0.6623
			rotation = -0.007781088,0.707064,0.707064,0.007781088
			scale = 1,1.000001,1.000001
			name = genericSwitchWithGuards
			position = 0.3856,0.2147,-0.6633
			rotation = -0.007781088,0.707064,0.707064,0.007781088
			scale = 1,1.000002,1.000002
			name = genericSwitchWithGuards
			position = 0.3856,0.2438,-0.6633
			rotation = -0.007781088,0.707064,0.707064,0.007781088
			scale = 1.000001,1.000002,1.000002
			name = genericSwitchWithGuards
			position = 0.4234,0.2438,-0.6623
			rotation = -0.007781088,0.707064,0.707064,0.007781088
			scale = 1.000001,1.000001,1.000001
			name = genericSwitchWithGuards
			position = 0.3856,0.2751,-0.6633
			rotation = -0.007781088,0.707064,0.707064,0.007781088
			scale = 1.000001,1.000002,1.000002
			name = genericClusterSwitches04
			position = 0.4414,0.1855,-0.6612
			rotation = 0.005609008,0.7070845,0.7070845,-0.005609008
			scale = 0.9999996,0.9999996,1
			name = genericClusterSwitches04
			position = 0.126,0.35,-0.6625
			rotation = 0.005609008,0.7070845,0.7070845,-0.005609008
			scale = 0.9999996,0.9999996,1
			name = genericClusterSwitches04
			position = -0.126,0.35,-0.6625
			rotation = 0.005609008,0.7070845,0.7070845,-0.005609008
			scale = 0.9999993,0.9999993,1
			name = genericSwitchWithGuards
			position = -0.3859,-0.0012,-0.6642
			rotation = 0.7071068,0,0,0.7071068
			scale = 1,1.000002,1.000002
			name = genericSwitchWithGuards
			position = -0.4236,-0.0012,-0.6642
			rotation = 0.7071068,0,0,0.7071068
			scale = 1,1.000001,1.000001
			name = genericSwitchWithGuards
			position = -0.4612,-0.0012,-0.6642
			rotation = 0.7071068,0,0,0.7071068
			scale = 1,1.000001,1.000001
			name = genericSwitchWithGuards
			position = -0.4626,0.1705,-0.6615
			rotation = 0.7071068,0,0,0.7071068
			scale = 1,1.000001,1.000001
			name = genericSwitchWithGuards
			position = -0.4626,0.208,-0.6615
			rotation = 0.7071068,0,0,0.7071068
			scale = 1,1.000002,1.000002
			name = genericSwitchWithGuards
			position = -0.4626,0.2457,-0.6615
			rotation = 0.7071068,0,0,0.7071068
			scale = 1,1.000003,1.000003
	parentUrl = Squad/Spaces/Mk2CrewCabinInternal/internal_MK2_CrewCab.cfg
		name = MK2_CrewCab_Int
			model = Squad/Spaces/Mk2CrewCabinInternal/MK2_CrewCab_Int
			model = Squad/Spaces/OverlayMasks/Mk2CabinMask
			model = Squad/Spaces/OverlayMasks/Mk2CabinBorder
			name = InternalCameraSwitch
			colliderTransformName = focus_W1
			cameraTransformName = Camera_Focus_W1
			name = InternalCameraSwitch
			colliderTransformName = focus_W2
			cameraTransformName = Camera_Focus_W2
			name = InternalCameraSwitch
			colliderTransformName = focus_W3
			cameraTransformName = Camera_Focus_W3
			name = InternalCameraSwitch
			colliderTransformName = focus_W4
			cameraTransformName = Camera_Focus_W4
			name = InternalCameraSwitch
			colliderTransformName = focus_W5
			cameraTransformName = Camera_Focus_W5
			name = InternalSeat
			seatTransformName = Seat_Left
			portraitCameraName = Camera_Left
			allowCrewHelmet = false
			displayseatName = Left Seat <<1>>
			displayseatIndex = 1
			name = InternalSeat
			seatTransformName = Seat_Right
			portraitCameraName = Camera_Right
			allowCrewHelmet = false
			displayseatName = Right Seat <<1>>
			displayseatIndex = 1
			name = InternalSeat
			seatTransformName = Seat_BackRight
			portraitCameraName = Camera_BackRight
			allowCrewHelmet = false
			displayseatName = Right Seat <<1>>
			displayseatIndex = 2
			name = InternalSeat
			seatTransformName = Seat_BackLeft
			portraitCameraName = Camera_BackLeft
			allowCrewHelmet = false
			displayseatName = Left Seat <<1>>
			displayseatIndex = 2
	parentUrl = Squad/Spaces/Placeholder/internal.cfg
		name = Placeholder
			name = InternalSeat
			seatTransformName = Seat1
			allowCrewHelmet = false
			portraitCameraName = Cam1
			displayseatName = Seat <<1>>
			displayseatIndex = 1
			name = InternalSeat
			seatTransformName = Seat2
			allowCrewHelmet = false
			portraitCameraName = Cam2
			displayseatName = Seat <<1>>
			displayseatIndex = 2
			name = InternalSeat
			seatTransformName = Seat3
			allowCrewHelmet = false
			portraitCameraName = Cam3
			displayseatName = Seat <<1>>
			displayseatIndex = 3
			name = InternalSeat
			seatTransformName = Seat4
			allowCrewHelmet = false
			portraitCameraName = Cam4
			displayseatName = Seat <<1>>
			displayseatIndex = 4
			name = InternalSeat
			seatTransformName = Seat5
			allowCrewHelmet = false
			portraitCameraName = Cam5
			displayseatName = Seat <<1>>
			displayseatIndex = 5
			name = InternalSeat
			seatTransformName = Seat6
			allowCrewHelmet = false
			portraitCameraName = Cam6
			displayseatName = Seat <<1>>
			displayseatIndex = 6
			name = InternalSeat
			seatTransformName = Seat7
			allowCrewHelmet = false
			portraitCameraName = Cam7
			displayseatName = Seat <<1>>
			displayseatIndex = 7
			name = InternalSeat
			seatTransformName = Seat8
			allowCrewHelmet = false
			portraitCameraName = Cam8
			displayseatName = Seat <<1>>
			displayseatIndex = 8
			name = InternalSeat
			seatTransformName = Seat9
			allowCrewHelmet = false
			portraitCameraName = Cam9
			displayseatName = Seat <<1>>
			displayseatIndex = 9
			name = InternalSeat
			seatTransformName = Seat10
			allowCrewHelmet = false
			portraitCameraName = Cam10
			displayseatName = Seat <<1>>
			displayseatIndex = 10
			name = InternalSeat
			seatTransformName = Seat11
			allowCrewHelmet = false
			portraitCameraName = Cam11
			displayseatName = Seat <<1>>
			displayseatIndex = 11
			name = InternalSeat
			seatTransformName = Seat12
			allowCrewHelmet = false
			portraitCameraName = Cam12
			displayseatName = Seat <<1>>
			displayseatIndex = 12
			name = InternalSeat
			seatTransformName = Seat13
			allowCrewHelmet = false
			portraitCameraName = Cam13
			displayseatName = Seat <<1>>
			displayseatIndex = 13
			name = InternalSeat
			seatTransformName = Seat14
			allowCrewHelmet = false
			portraitCameraName = Cam14
			displayseatName = Seat <<1>>
			displayseatIndex = 14
			name = InternalSeat
			seatTransformName = Seat15
			allowCrewHelmet = false
			portraitCameraName = Cam15
			displayseatName = Seat <<1>>
			displayseatIndex = 15
			name = InternalSeat
			seatTransformName = Seat16
			allowCrewHelmet = false
			portraitCameraName = Cam16
			displayseatName = Seat <<1>>
			displayseatIndex = 16
	parentUrl = Squad/Spaces/PodCockpit/internal.cfg
		name = PodCockpit
			model = Squad/Spaces/PodCockpit/model
			model = Squad/Spaces/OverlayMasks/Size2PodMask
			rotation = 90, 180, 0
			model = Squad/Spaces/OverlayMasks/Size2PodBorder
			rotation = 90, 180, 0
			name = InternalSeat
			seatTransformName = LeftSeat
			allowCrewHelmet = false
			displayseatName = Left Seat
			name = InternalSeat
			seatTransformName = RightSeat
			allowCrewHelmet = false
			displayseatName = Right Seat
			name = InternalSeat
			seatTransformName = BottomSeat
			allowCrewHelmet = false
			displayseatName = Bottom Seat
			name = InternalCameraSwitch
			colliderTransformName = focusLeftWindow
			cameraTransformName = LeftEyeTransform
			name = InternalCameraSwitch
			colliderTransformName = focusRightWindow
			cameraTransformName = RightEyeTransform
			name = InternalCameraSwitch
			colliderTransformName = focusLeftSideWindow
			cameraTransformName = LeftSideEyeTransform
			name = InternalCameraSwitch
			colliderTransformName = focusRightSideWindow
			cameraTransformName = RightSideEyeTransform
			name = AltimeterThreeHands
			position = 0.32,0.252,-0.645
			rotation = 0.5416434,0.03236297,-0.05577519,0.8381313
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = AtmosphereDepth
			position = 0.3167916,0.4012913,-0.7163901
			rotation = 0.4535677,0.6201537,0.3547511,0.532764
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = AxisIndicatorPitch
			position = 0.2664351,0.3781132,-0.6979097
			rotation = 0.5710237,0.05511793,-0.07342447,0.8157836
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = AxisIndicatorRoll
			position = 0.3166312,0.3746848,-0.7066509
			rotation = 0.3524164,-0.5359427,-0.4553842,0.6174086
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = AxisIndicatorYaw
			position = 0.3173429,0.3486255,-0.6972856
			rotation = 0.3508911,-0.5380051,-0.4565605,0.6156123
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = Compass
			position = 0.4057,0.24,-0.664
			rotation = -0.3648364,0.5903288,0.3887388,-0.6060433
			scale = 0.415,0.415,0.415
			name = IndicatorPanel
			position = 0.518,0.2955,-0.669
			rotation = -0.5303835,0.0359595,-0.02298465,-0.8466829
			scale = 1.141,1.141,1.141
			name = IndicatorPanel
			position = -0.153,-0.618,-0.33
			rotation = 0.4281873,-5.258624E-05,-0.01086118,0.9036247
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = ledPanelSpeed
			position = -0.0269,-0.5504,-0.402
			rotation = 0.4971214,-0.003838993,-0.003243528,0.8676665
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = ledPanelSpeed
			position = 0.4056,0.352,-0.713
			rotation = -0.5625392,-0.03245893,0.03663293,-0.8253206
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = ledPanelSpeed
			position = -0.3756353,0.370743,-0.7096229
			rotation = 0.5457253,-0.01199894,0.00504086,0.8378631
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = NavBall
			position = 0.3999813,0.3017742,-0.6832672
			rotation = -0.5308632,0.004728253,-0.005231029,-0.8474282
			scale = 1.418,1.418,1.418
			name = RadarAltimeter
			position = 0.393,0.391,-0.717
			rotation = -0.5859929,-0.0388121,0.04578209,-0.8080904
			scale = 0.814,0.814,0.814
			name = RadarAltimeter
			position = -0.367,0.411,-0.721
			rotation = -0.5839309,0.05067115,-0.05632992,-0.8082599
			scale = 0.932,0.932,0.932
			name = RadarAltimeter
			position = 0.052,-0.6570207,-0.3209582
			rotation = 0.4281877,2.586919E-06,-0.0108873,0.9036242
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = VSI
			position = 0.319,0.311,-0.6733
			rotation = 0.5533006,0.02319262,-0.03592947,0.8318833
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = throttle
			position = 0.61,0.281,-0.682
			rotation = 0.6108826,-0.01242803,-0.009612965,0.7915653
			scale = 0.734,0.734,0.734
			name = AltimeterThreeHands
			position = 0.05,-0.59,-0.35
			rotation = 0.4281873,-5.258624E-05,-0.01086118,0.9036247
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = AltimeterThreeHands
			position = -0.2908,0.2773,-0.6519
			rotation = 0.5690828,-0.04183435,0.02688326,0.8207752
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = AtmosphereDepth
			position = -0.1558822,-0.5166169,-0.4331783
			rotation = 0.310603,0.6385247,0.2949068,0.6394076
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = AtmosphereDepth
			position = -0.2853693,0.4464861,-0.7249122
			rotation = -0.3571964,-0.5412959,-0.445623,-0.617114
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = AxisIndicatorPitch
			position = -0.209,-0.534,-0.42
			rotation = -0.01337008,-0.9035877,-0.4281611,-0.005351045
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = AxisIndicatorPitch
			position = -0.2295212,0.4180083,-0.7069302
			rotation = -0.07072796,0.8145782,0.5695488,0.08410811
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = AxisIndicatorRoll
			position = -0.156,-0.536,-0.412
			rotation = -0.279288,0.6426917,0.2917638,-0.6510142
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = AxisIndicatorRoll
			position = -0.2871362,0.4172896,-0.7142309
			rotation = 0.445069,-0.6179518,-0.3578864,0.5403393
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = AxisIndicatorYaw
			position = -0.157,-0.556,-0.395
			rotation = -0.2951375,0.6388916,0.3104817,-0.6389934
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = AxisIndicatorYaw
			position = -0.2871046,0.3912223,-0.7044097
			rotation = 0.4448331,-0.6183078,-0.3581797,0.5399318
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = Compass
			position = -0.03,-0.64,-0.32
			rotation = -0.2958596,0.637395,0.3097606,-0.6405023
			scale = 0.5,0.5,0.5
			name = Compass
			position = -0.38,0.261,-0.654
			rotation = -0.3678612,0.6089225,0.3667482,-0.5994892
			scale = 0.415,0.415,0.415
			name = IndicatorPanel
			position = -0.508,0.3175,-0.6601
			rotation = 0.5452454,-0.006917936,-0.007088284,0.838218
			scale = 1.141,1.141,1.141
			name = NavBall
			position = -0.0285337,-0.5998321,-0.3599214
			rotation = 0.4281873,-5.258624E-05,-0.01086118,0.9036247
			scale = 1.415,1.415,1.415
			name = NavBall
			position = -0.376,0.319,-0.676
			rotation = 0.5552447,-1.246676E-05,-0.007153196,0.8316563
			scale = 1.415,1.415,1.415
			name = throttle
			position = -0.59,0.306,-0.679
			rotation = 0.6108826,-0.01242803,-0.009612965,0.7915653
			scale = 0.734,0.7340001,0.734
			name = throttle
			position = 0.13,-0.61,-0.35
			rotation = 0.4281854,0.0001053321,-0.01093601,0.9036247
			scale = 0.786,0.786,0.786
			name = VSI
			position = 0.05,-0.54,-0.4
			rotation = 0.4282109,-5.213627E-05,-0.01086083,0.9036135
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = VSI
			position = -0.2857,0.3387,-0.6811
			rotation = 0.5659456,-0.04768967,0.02471835,0.8226908
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericClusterSwitches05
			position = -0.0917,0.6649,-0.6629
			rotation = 0.8573753,4.958016E-08,4.620425E-08,0.5146918
			scale = 1.12,1.12,1.12
			name = genericClusterSwitches05
			position = 0.1296,0.6625,-0.6583
			rotation = 0.8573753,4.958016E-08,4.620425E-08,0.5146918
			scale = 1.12,1.12,1.12
			name = genericClusterSwitches06
			position = 0.2399,-0.5677,-0.3708
			rotation = 0.1643008,0.553841,0.4245921,0.6971276
			scale = 1.198284,1.198285,1.198285
			name = genericClusterMixed
			position = -0.2157,-0.6215,-0.3413
			rotation = 0.31128,0.6371978,0.2942244,0.6407151
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericClusterButtons2
			position = -0.3046,-0.5034,-0.4036
			rotation = 0.4177198,0.08159497,-0.2146429,0.8790796
			scale = 1,1,1
	parentUrl = Squad/Spaces/crewCabinInternals/internal.cfg
		name = crewCabinInternals
			model = Squad/Spaces/crewCabinInternals/model
			model = Squad/Spaces/OverlayMasks/HitchhikerMask
			rotation = 0, 180, 0
			model = Squad/Spaces/OverlayMasks/HitchhikerBorder
			rotation = 0, 180, 0
			name = InternalSeat
			seatTransformName = Seat1
			allowCrewHelmet = false
			displayseatName = Seat <<1>>
			displayseatIndex = 1
			name = InternalSeat
			seatTransformName = Seat2
			allowCrewHelmet = false
			displayseatName = Seat <<1>>
			displayseatIndex = 2
			name = InternalSeat
			seatTransformName = Seat3
			allowCrewHelmet = false
			displayseatName = Seat <<1>>
			displayseatIndex = 3
			name = InternalSeat
			seatTransformName = Seat4
			allowCrewHelmet = false
			displayseatName = Seat <<1>>
			displayseatIndex = 4
			name = InternalCameraSwitch
			colliderTransformName = Window1FocusPoint
			cameraTransformName = Window1EyeTransform
			name = InternalCameraSwitch
			colliderTransformName = Window2FocusPoint
			cameraTransformName = Window2EyeTransform
	parentUrl = Squad/Spaces/cupolaInternal/internal.cfg
		name = cupolaInternal
			model = Squad/Spaces/cupolaInternal/model
			model = Squad/Spaces/OverlayMasks/CupolaMask
			rotation = 90, 180, 0
			name = InternalSeat
			seatTransformName = pilot_seat
			allowCrewHelmet = false
			portraitCameraName = pilot_camera
			displayseatName = Pilot Seat
			name = InternalCameraSwitch
			colliderTransformName = collider_window_center
			cameraTransformName = transform_window_center
			name = InternalCameraSwitch
			colliderTransformName = collider_window_n
			cameraTransformName = transform_window_n
			name = InternalCameraSwitch
			colliderTransformName = collider_window_ne
			cameraTransformName = transform_window_ne
			name = InternalCameraSwitch
			colliderTransformName = collider_window_nw
			cameraTransformName = transform_window_nw
			name = InternalCameraSwitch
			colliderTransformName = collider_window_se
			cameraTransformName = transform_window_se
			name = InternalCameraSwitch
			colliderTransformName = collider_window_sw
			cameraTransformName = transform_window_sw
			name = AxisIndicatorPitch
			position = 0.181,-0.1881,-0.4803
			rotation = 5.960464E-08,0.7071067,0.7071068,5.619103E-09
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericStandingSwitch
			position = 0.1515,-0.2924,-0.48
			rotation = 0.7071068,0,-6.181725E-08,0.7071068
			scale = 1.3377,1.3377,1.3377
			name = genericStandingSwitch
			position = 0.1241,-0.2924,-0.48
			rotation = 0.7071068,0,-6.181725E-08,0.7071068
			scale = 1.3377,1.3377,1.3377
			name = AltimeterThreeHands
			position = -0.2137297,-0.2671341,-0.471
			rotation = -0.7071068,-3.090862E-08,3.090862E-08,-0.7071068
			scale = 1.200001,1.2,1.2
			name = AtmosphereDepth
			position = 0.1238,-0.2636,-0.48
			rotation = -0.5000002,-0.5,-0.4999999,-0.4999999
			scale = 0.8084999,0.8084999,0.924
			name = AxisIndicatorPitch
			position = -0.001454057,-0.3999284,-0.5500053
			rotation = 3.090862E-08,0.7071068,0.7071068,-3.090862E-08
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = AxisIndicatorRoll
			position = -0.1237296,-0.1516656,-0.48
			rotation = 0.5,-0.5,-0.5,0.5
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = AxisIndicatorYaw
			position = 0.1227971,-0.151626,-0.4800001
			rotation = 0.5,-0.5,-0.5,0.5
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = Compass
			position = 0,-0.3637413,-0.48
			rotation = -0.5,0.5,0.5,-0.5
			scale = 0.7,0.7,0.7000002
			name = genericDirectionalKnob
			position = 0.2167977,-0.2088381,-0.48
			rotation = 3.090862E-08,0.7071068,0.7071068,-3.090862E-08
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = IndicatorPanel
			position = -0.1237296,-0.2425345,-0.4704
			rotation = -0.7071068,-3.090862E-08,3.090862E-08,-0.7071068
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = ledPanelSpeed
			position = 0,-0.10327,-0.4368551
			rotation = -0.7071068,-3.090862E-08,3.090862E-08,-0.7071068
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = NavBall
			position = 0,-0.1758259,-0.4504113
			rotation = -0.7071068,-3.090862E-08,3.090862E-08,-0.7071068
			scale = 1.700001,1.7,1.7
			name = RadarAltimeter
			position = 0.1227971,-0.205689,-0.48
			rotation = -0.7071068,-3.090862E-08,3.090862E-08,-0.7071068
			scale = 1.200001,1.2,1.2
			name = throttle
			position = -0.3052907,-0.4100003,-0.1650002
			rotation = -1.887379E-15,-4.371139E-08,-4.371139E-08,-1
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = VSI
			position = 0.2127971,-0.2671341,-0.4799999
			rotation = -0.7071068,-3.090862E-08,3.090862E-08,-0.7071068
			scale = 1.200001,1.2,1.2
			name = genericClusterSwitches04
			position = -0.1619,-0.3637998,-0.48
			rotation = 0.7071066,0,0,0.7071069
			scale = 1.15,1.15,1.15
			name = genericClusterSwitches04
			position = 0.1619,-0.3637998,-0.48
			rotation = 0.7071066,0,0,0.7071069
			scale = 1.15,1.15,1.15
			name = genericDirectionalKnob
			position = -0.1837,-0.2088381,-0.48
			rotation = -0.235846,0.6666158,0.6666158,-0.235846
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericDirectionalKnob
			position = -0.2135,-0.2088381,-0.48
			rotation = 0.2973269,0.6415581,0.6415581,0.2973268
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericStandingSwitch
			position = 0.0966,-0.2924,-0.48
			rotation = 0.7071068,0,-6.181725E-08,0.7071068
			scale = 1.3377,1.3377,1.3377
			name = genericClusterMixed
			position = 0.3288,-0.3832751,-0.1657
			rotation = 0,-0.7071058,0,0.7071078
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericClusterButtons
			position = 0.2927,-0.3832751,-0.1657
			rotation = 0,-0.7071058,0,0.7071078
			scale = 1,1,1
	parentUrl = Squad/Spaces/landerCabinInternals/internal.cfg
		name = landerCabinInternals
			model = Squad/Spaces/landerCabinInternals/model
			position = 0.0, 0.0, 0.182
			model = Squad/Spaces/OverlayMasks/Size2LanderMask
			rotation = -90, 0, 0
			position = 0.0, 0.0, 0.182
			model = Squad/Spaces/OverlayMasks/Size2LanderBorder
			rotation = -90, 0, 0
			position = 0.0, 0.0, 0.182
			name = InternalSeat
			seatTransformName = CenterSeat
			allowCrewHelmet = false
			kerbalEyeOffset = 0, 0.03, 0.02
			displayseatName = Center Seat
			name = InternalSeat
			seatTransformName = LeftSeat
			allowCrewHelmet = false
			displayseatName = Left Seat
			name = NavBall
			position = -0.0028,-1.2879,-0.12
			rotation = -0.2338958,0,0,0.9722617
			scale = 1.2,1.2,1.2
			name = RadarAltimeter
			position = 0.0687,-1.2818,-0.1219
			rotation = -0.1938161,-0.007163423,0.05168353,0.9796494
			scale = 1.1,1.1,1.1
			name = VSI
			position = 0.1433,-1.2755,-0.1221
			rotation = -0.1938161,-0.007163423,0.05168353,0.9796494
			scale = 1.1,1.1,1.1
			name = AltimeterThreeHands
			position = 0.0656,-1.2401,-0.4106
			rotation = 0.2910111,0,3.795028E-08,0.9567197
			scale = 1.5,1.5,1.5
			name = AxisIndicatorPitch
			position = 0.0997,-1.1926,-0.4898
			rotation = 8.940697E-08,-0.9567197,-0.2910112,-4.40018E-08
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = AxisIndicatorRoll
			position = 0.0448,-1.1844,-0.5021
			rotation = 0.205776,-0.6765028,-0.2057759,0.6765031
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = AxisIndicatorYaw
			position = 0.0448,-1.2029,-0.4745
			rotation = 0.205776,-0.6765028,-0.2057759,0.6765031
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = IndicatorPanel
			position = -0.062,-1.2151,-0.444
			rotation = 0.2910111,0,3.795028E-08,0.9567197
			scale = 1.5,1.5,1.5
			name = ledPanelSpeed
			position = -0.109,-1.2854,-0.1098
			rotation = -0.3015964,0.01844281,-0.05528555,0.9516528
			scale = 1.825722,1.825721,1.825721
			name = CargoBagA
			position = -0.7512,-0.074,0.153
			rotation = 7.706237E-08,1.672183E-07,-0.707107,0.7071066
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = CargoBagB
			position = 0.661,-0.591,-0.318
			rotation = -0.4221812,0.5672421,0.5672418,0.4221805
			scale = 1,1,1
	parentUrl = Squad/Spaces/landerCabinSmallInternal/internal.cfg
		name = landerCabinSmallInternal
			model = Squad/Spaces/landerCabinSmallInternal/model
			model = Squad/Spaces/OverlayMasks/Size1LanderMask
			rotation = -90, 0, 0
			model = Squad/Spaces/OverlayMasks/Size1LanderBorder
			rotation = -90, 0, 0
			name = InternalSeat
			seatTransformName = pilot
			allowCrewHelmet = false
			portraitCameraName = camera_pilot
			displayseatName = Pilot Seat
			name = InternalCameraSwitch
			colliderTransformName = collider_window_upper
			cameraTransformName = transform_window_upper
			name = InternalCameraSwitch
			colliderTransformName = collider_window_lower
			cameraTransformName = transform_window_lower
			name = genericDirectionalKnob2
			position = -0.2417,-0.6209,0.055
			rotation = -0.1257019,-0.6285095,-0.1505343,0.7526715
			scale = 1.154142,1.154142,1.154142
			name = genericDirectionalKnob2
			position = -0.279,-0.6054,0.055
			rotation = 0.1826832,0.9134157,-0.07133314,0.3566654
			scale = 1.154142,1.154142,1.154142
			name = AltimeterThreeHands
			position = -0.2780569,-0.6006569,-0.02849852
			rotation = 0,0,-0.190809,0.9816272
			scale = 1.5,1.2,1.5
			name = AtmosphereDepth
			position = -0.1266,-0.6056,-0.1044
			rotation = 1.490116E-08,-0.9238796,-0.3826835,1.227583E-07
			scale = 1.348387,1.520656,1.655704
			name = AxisIndicatorPitch
			position = 0.1248,-0.6115,-0.1004
			rotation = -1.490116E-08,-0.9238795,-0.3826834,-9.806973E-08
			scale = 1.5,1.5,1.5
			name = AxisIndicatorRoll
			position = 0.2823,-0.604,0.1044
			rotation = 0.1386751,-0.6933752,0.1386751,0.6933753
			scale = 1.2,1,1.2
			name = AxisIndicatorYaw
			position = 0.2826,-0.6033,0.05720528
			rotation = 0.1349224,-0.6941153,0.1349224,0.6941153
			scale = 1.2,1,1.2
			name = IndicatorPanel
			position = -0.275569,-0.5963919,0.1638915
			rotation = 0,0,-0.190809,0.9816272
			scale = 1.2,1.2,1.2
			name = ledPanelSpeed
			position = 0.007619729,-0.5575718,-0.1464558
			rotation = 0.3826834,0,0,0.9238796
			scale = 1.2,1.2,1.2
			name = NavBall
			position = 8.996066E-09,-0.616695,-0.09291898
			rotation = 0.258819,1.286208E-07,-3.446385E-08,0.9659259
			scale = 2,2,2
			name = RadarAltimeter
			position = 0.2783177,-0.6006864,0.189725
			rotation = 0,0,0.190809,0.9816272
			scale = 1.5,1.2,1.5
			name = throttle
			position = -0.32,-0.4268568,0.3584234
			rotation = -0.5735762,0,0,0.8191522
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = VSI
			position = 0.2781939,-0.6007282,-0.02830147
			rotation = 0,0,0.190809,0.9816272
			scale = 1.5,1.2,1.5
			name = genericClusterSwitches05
			position = 0.0796,-0.6028,-0.1072
			rotation = 0.3826835,0,-3.345526E-08,0.9238795
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericClusterSwitches05
			position = -0.0805,-0.6028,-0.1072
			rotation = 0.3826835,0,-3.345526E-08,0.9238795
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericClusterSwitches01
			position = 0.3205,-0.4688,0.3325
			rotation = -0.5606288,0,4.901174E-08,0.8280672
			scale = 0.7052405,0.7052405,0.7052405
			name = genericClusterKnobs
			position = 0.32,-0.3519,0.3793
			rotation = -0.5606288,0,4.901174E-08,0.8280672
			scale = 0.8434972,0.8434972,0.8434972
			name = genericClusterButtons
			position = 0.3211,-0.3905,0.3638
			rotation = -0.5606288,0,4.901174E-08,0.8280672
			scale = 0.85,0.85,0.85
			name = genericDirectionalKnob2
			position = -0.3158,-0.5901,0.055
			rotation = -1.714502E-08,0,-0.1961162,0.9805807
			scale = 1.154142,1.154142,1.154142
	parentUrl = Squad/Spaces/mk1CabinInternal/internal.cfg
		name = mk1CabinInternal
			model = Squad/Spaces/mk1CabinInternal/mk1cabin
			texture = CockpitGeneric, Squad/Spaces/sharedAssets/CockpitGeneric
			texture = CockpitGeneric_NRM, Squad/Spaces/sharedAssets/CockpitGeneric_NRM
			model = Squad/Spaces/OverlayMasks/Mk1CabinMask
			model = Squad/Spaces/OverlayMasks/Mk1CabinBorder
			name = InternalSeat
			seatTransformName = Seat1
			allowCrewHelmet = false
			displayseatName = Seat <<1>>
			displayseatIndex = 1
			name = InternalSeat
			seatTransformName = Seat2
			allowCrewHelmet = false
			displayseatName = Seat <<1>>
			displayseatIndex = 2
			name = InternalCameraSwitch
			colliderTransformName = Cam1
			cameraTransformName = Cam1
			name = InternalCameraSwitch
			colliderTransformName = Cam2
			cameraTransformName = Cam2
			name = InternalCameraSwitch
			colliderTransformName = Cam3
			cameraTransformName = Cam3
			name = InternalCameraSwitch
			colliderTransformName = Cam4
			cameraTransformName = Cam4
			name = InternalCameraSwitch
			colliderTransformName = Cam5
			cameraTransformName = Cam5
			name = InternalCameraSwitch
			colliderTransformName = Cam6
			cameraTransformName = Cam6
			name = InternalCameraSwitch
			colliderTransformName = Cam7
			cameraTransformName = Cam7
			name = Hatch_Plane
			position = 0,0,0.907
			rotation = 0.7071068,-1.377734E-07,-1.292402E-07,-0.7071068
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = Hatch_Plane
			position = 0,0,-0.907
			rotation = -1.192093E-07,-0.7071068,-0.7071068,-1.053671E-08
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = Seat_Passenger
			position = 0.1875,-0.4125,-0.3750001
			rotation = 8.146034E-08,0,0,1
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = Seat_Passenger
			position = 0.1875,-0.4125,0.3750001
			rotation = -2.16942E-14,1,-1.331581E-07,-1.629207E-07
			scale = 1,1,1
	parentUrl = Squad/Spaces/mk1CockpitInternal/internal.cfg
		name = mk1CockpitInternal
			model = Squad/Spaces/mk1CockpitInternal/Mk1StandardIVA
			texture = CockpitGeneric, Squad/Spaces/sharedAssets/CockpitGeneric
			texture = CockpitGeneric_NRM, Squad/Spaces/sharedAssets/CockpitGeneric_NRM
			model = Squad/Spaces/OverlayMasks/Mk1StandardMask2
			position = 0.0, 0.0, 0.175
			model = Squad/Spaces/OverlayMasks/Mk1StandardBorder2
			position = 0.0, 0.0, 0.175
			name = InternalSeat
			seatTransformName = Seat1
			portraitCameraName = CockpitCam
			allowCrewHelmet = false
			kerbalEyeOffset = 0, 0.02, 0
			displayseatName = Pilot Seat
			name = InternalCameraSwitch
			colliderTransformName = DockingTrigger
			cameraTransformName = DockingCam
			name = InternalCameraSwitch
			colliderTransformName = DockingTrigger2
			cameraTransformName = DockingCam
			name = InternalCameraSwitch
			colliderTransformName = Cam1Trigger
			cameraTransformName = Cam1
			name = InternalCameraSwitch
			colliderTransformName = Cam2
			cameraTransformName = Cam2
			name = InternalCameraSwitch
			colliderTransformName = Cam3
			cameraTransformName = Cam3
			name = InternalCameraSwitch
			colliderTransformName = Cam4Trigger
			cameraTransformName = Cam4
			name = InternalCameraSwitch
			colliderTransformName = Cam5Trigger
			cameraTransformName = Cam5
			name = InternalCameraSwitch
			colliderTransformName = SelfieTrigger1
			cameraTransformName = SelfieCam1
			name = InternalCameraSwitch
			colliderTransformName = SelfieTrigger2
			cameraTransformName = SelfieCam2
			name = AltimeterThreeHands
			position = -0.07959667,0.2446839,-0.931874
			rotation = 0.6087611,-1.356866E-07,1.851719E-07,0.7933536
			scale = 1,0.9999999,1
			name = AtmosphereDepth
			position = 0,0.1602,-0.917
			rotation = -0.4304592,-0.5609856,-0.4304591,-0.5609857
			scale = 1.15,1.15,1.15
			name = AxisIndicatorPitch
			position = -0.0656,0.5035,0.1466002
			rotation = -5.831868E-08,0.7071068,-0.7071068,-9.323037E-08
			scale = 0.8,0.8,0.8000001
			name = AxisIndicatorPitch
			position = 0.2219027,0.1654247,-0.8898957
			rotation = 0.3543853,-0.631123,-0.5630794,-0.3987939
			scale = 0.9999996,1,1
			name = AxisIndicatorRoll
			position = -0.1102,0.5062,0.1466002
			rotation = -0.5,0.5000002,-0.4999999,0.5
			scale = 0.8000003,0.8000001,0.8000003
			name = AxisIndicatorRoll
			position = 0.2485575,0.1904428,-0.8407836
			rotation = 0.6487455,-0.7282612,-0.1475693,0.1642813
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = AxisIndicatorYaw
			position = -0.1102,0.4833,0.1466002
			rotation = -0.5,0.5000002,-0.4999999,0.5
			scale = 0.8000003,0.8000001,0.8000003
			name = AxisIndicatorYaw
			position = 0.2452455,0.1588912,-0.8392651
			rotation = 0.6487455,-0.7282612,-0.1475693,0.1642813
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = CargoBagA
			position = -0.5317086,0.1736501,-0.07300001
			rotation = 0.5671858,0.4222561,-0.5671858,0.4222562
			scale = 0.8,0.8,0.8
			name = CargoBagB
			position = -0.5232033,-0.1941839,-0.08700001
			rotation = 0.4304595,0.5609855,-0.4304594,0.5609855
			scale = 0.8,0.8,0.8
			name = Compass
			position = 0.1578244,0.1993773,-0.9291308
			rotation = 0.4304593,-0.5609857,-0.4304589,0.5609858
			scale = 0.4999996,0.5,0.5
			name = Hatch_Plane
			position = 0,0,0.14375
			rotation = -0.7071068,0,0,0.7071068
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = Hatch_Plane_Curve90
			position = 0.5327566,-0.1737644,-0.1524241
			rotation = -0.415627,0.5720614,0.4156268,0.5720614
			scale = 1,1,1.000001
			name = IndicatorPanel
			position = -0.1099,0.1273,-0.8966
			rotation = 0.6087611,-1.356866E-07,1.851719E-07,0.7933536
			scale = 1.2,1.2,1.200001
			name = IndicatorPanel
			position = 0.07883465,0.5037204,0.1340235
			rotation = 9.162171E-08,0.7071068,-0.7071068,-5.530614E-08
			scale = 0.66,0.66,0.66
			name = IndicatorPanel
			position = -0.3303,0.1226,-0.6192
			rotation = 0.5630789,0.3987943,-0.3543846,0.6311235
			scale = 1.25,1.249999,1.25
			name = IndicatorPanel
			position = 0.3246,0.1227,-0.6313
			rotation = 0.5630792,-0.3987941,0.3543853,0.631123
			scale = 1.25,1.25,1.25
			name = MonitorDockingMode
			position = -4.616842E-08,0.09078927,-0.8965402
			rotation = 0.6087615,0,1.360013E-07,0.7933533
			scale = 0.85,0.85,0.85
			name = ledPanelSpeed
			position = 0,0.1912,-0.923
			rotation = 0.6087611,-1.356866E-07,1.851719E-07,0.7933536
			scale = 1.15,1.15,1.15
			name = ledPanelSpeed
			position = -8.972282E-09,0.4360673,0.1486939
			rotation = 9.162171E-08,0.7071068,-0.7071068,-5.530614E-08
			scale = 1.5,1.5,1.500001
			name = NavBall
			position = 0,0.251,-0.9551
			rotation = 0.6087611,-1.356866E-07,1.851719E-07,0.7933536
			scale = 1.5,1.5,1.500002
			name = NavBall
			position = -2.661874E-09,0.5213212,0.1554403
			rotation = 7.418543E-08,-0.4999992,0.8660259,-7.713513E-08
			scale = 1.5,1.5,1.5
			name = RadarAltimeter
			position = 0.07835375,0.2378509,-0.9355242
			rotation = 0.6087611,-1.356866E-07,1.851719E-07,0.7933536
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = Seat_Pilot
			position = 0,-0.2179852,-0.5121522
			rotation = -4.37114E-08,1,0,0
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = SideStick
			position = 0.125,0.417595,0.1490468
			rotation = -0.7071068,0,0,0.7071068
			scale = 1,0.9999998,0.9999998
			name = SideStick
			position = -0.125,0.417595,0.149047
			rotation = -0.7071068,0,0,0.7071068
			scale = -1,1,1
			name = throttle
			position = 0.1285,0.0878,-0.899
			rotation = 0.6087611,-1.356866E-07,1.851719E-07,0.7933536
			scale = 0.5,0.5,0.5
			name = VSI
			position = 0.07835375,0.1765,-0.9191
			rotation = 0.6087611,-1.356866E-07,1.851719E-07,0.7933536
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericClusterSwitches05
			position = -0.1788,0.126,-0.906
			rotation = 0.6087614,0,-1.048224E-07,0.7933534
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericClusterKnobs
			position = -0.2669,0.1279,-0.7758
			rotation = 0.5593085,0.3928547,-0.3605711,0.6346871
			scale = 1.422426,1.422427,1.422427
			name = genericClusterSwitches04
			position = -0.2616,0.0786,-0.7736
			rotation = 0.5588389,0.3920285,-0.3612985,0.6351978
			scale = 1.238854,1.238854,1.238853
			name = genericClusterButtons
			position = -0.272,0.1808,-0.779
			rotation = 0.5630077,0.3993974,-0.3547675,0.6305903
			scale = 1.373894,1.373894,1.373894
			name = genericClusterButtons
			position = 0.3021,0.1187,-0.6996
			rotation = 0.1470941,0.1644207,0.6489026,0.7281859
			scale = 1.233137,1.233137,1.233137
			name = genericClusterSwitches02
			position = 0.2513,0.0811,-0.796
			rotation = 0.563069,-0.3990234,0.354492,0.6309271
			scale = 1.087113,1.087113,1.087113
			name = genericDirectionalKnob2
			position = 0.2799,0.1635,-0.7582
			rotation = 0.2864029,0,0.6005703,0.7465178
			scale = 2.164317,1.198568,2.164317
			name = genericClusterKnobs
			position = 0.1758,0.1088,-0.9014
			rotation = 0.4316859,0.5593823,0.4292291,0.5625843
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericClusterSwitches03
			position = 0.08049999,0.0944,-0.8975
			rotation = 0.6087614,0,2.119143E-07,0.7933534
			scale = 0.6993551,0.6993551,0.6993551
			name = genericClusterSwitches02
			position = 0,0.3795,0.1437504
			rotation = -0.7071068,0,0,0.7071068
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericClusterSwitches03
			position = -0.3899,0.1286,-0.517
			rotation = 0.562256,0.3976885,-0.356437,0.631399
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericClusterSwitches03
			position = 0.3845,0.1297,-0.5298
			rotation = 0.5611121,-0.3955497,0.3575814,0.6331108
			scale = 1,1,1
	parentUrl = Squad/Spaces/mk1InlineInternal/internal.cfg
		name = mk1InlineInternal
			model = Squad/Spaces/mk1InlineInternal/Mk1InlineIVA
			texture = CockpitGeneric, Squad/Spaces/sharedAssets/CockpitGeneric
			texture = CockpitGeneric_NRM, Squad/Spaces/sharedAssets/CockpitGeneric_NRM
			model = Squad/Spaces/OverlayMasks/Mk1InlineMask2
			name = InternalSeat
			seatTransformName = Seat
			portraitCameraName = PilotCam
			allowCrewHelmet = False
			kerbalEyeOffset = 0, 0.055, 0
			displayseatName = Pilot Seat
			name = InternalCameraSwitch
			colliderTransformName = Cam1
			cameraTransformName = Cam1
			name = InternalCameraSwitch
			colliderTransformName = Cam2
			cameraTransformName = Cam2
			name = InternalCameraSwitch
			colliderTransformName = Cam3
			cameraTransformName = Cam3
			name = InternalCameraSwitch
			colliderTransformName = Cam4
			cameraTransformName = Cam4
			name = InternalCameraSwitch
			colliderTransformName = Cam5
			cameraTransformName = Cam5
			name = InternalCameraSwitch
			colliderTransformName = Cam6
			cameraTransformName = Cam6
			name = genericSquareButton
			position = -0.0619,0.6486,-0.561
			rotation = 0.4449967,0.5495251,0.4449968,0.549525
			scale = 1.483437,1.483437,1.483437
			name = genericSquareButton
			position = -0.0619,0.6907,-0.57
			rotation = 0.4449967,0.5495251,0.4449968,0.549525
			scale = 1.483437,1.483437,1.483437
			name = genericSquareButton
			position = 0.0619,0.6907,-0.57
			rotation = 0.4449967,0.5495251,0.4449968,0.549525
			scale = 1.483437,1.483437,1.483437
			name = genericClusterSwitches05
			position = -0.0594,0.4392,-0.4875
			rotation = 3.091991E-07,-0.9002057,-0.4354649,6.963531E-07
			scale = 0.91,0.91,0.9100001
			name = Hatch_Plane
			position = 0,0,-0.9375
			rotation = -1.192093E-07,-0.7071068,-0.7071068,-1.053671E-08
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = Hatch_Plane
			position = 0,0,0.9375
			rotation = 0.7071068,-1.377734E-07,-1.292402E-07,-0.7071068
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = Seat_Pilot
			position = 0,0.15045,-0.144425
			rotation = 0,1,0,-1.629207E-07
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = IndicatorPanel
			position = -0.0015,0.4445,-0.4803
			rotation = 0.4353056,0,0,0.9002827
			scale = 0.95,0.95,0.95
			name = NavBall
			position = 0,0.6766,-0.5699
			rotation = 0.6293204,0,0,0.777146
			scale = 1.5,1.5,1.5
			name = AltimeterThreeHands
			position = -0.1499,0.6162,-0.5435
			rotation = 0.6293204,0,0,0.777146
			scale = 1.5,1.5,1.5
			name = AtmosphereDepth
			position = 0.15,0.63,-0.5629
			rotation = 0.4449968,0.5495251,0.4449967,0.5495253
			scale = 1.4,1.4,1.4
			name = AxisIndicatorPitch
			position = 0.1149,0.5416,-0.5391
			rotation = -2.384186E-07,-0.777146,-0.6293204,1.667622E-07
			scale = 1.25,0.9,0.9
			name = AxisIndicatorRoll
			position = 0.1681,0.5238,-0.5355
			rotation = 0.4449968,-0.5495253,-0.4449969,0.549525
			scale = 1.25,0.9,0.9
			name = AxisIndicatorYaw
			position = 0.1678,0.5595,-0.5429
			rotation = 0.4449968,-0.549525,-0.4449968,0.5495253
			scale = 1.25,0.9,0.9
			name = ledPanelSpeed
			position = 0,0.6007,-0.5532
			rotation = 0.6293204,0,0,0.777146
			scale = 2,2,2
			name = throttle
			position = -0.2943,0.4761,-0.3981
			rotation = 0.01645024,-0.04859821,-0.2077469,0.9768362
			scale = 0.6600001,0.66,0.66
			name = VSI
			position = 0.038,0.5425,-0.5317
			rotation = 0.6293204,0,0,0.777146
			scale = 1.2,1.2,1.2
			name = Compass
			position = 0.1508,0.5949,-0.5575
			rotation = 0.4449967,-0.5495253,-0.4449968,0.549525
			scale = 0.6999999,0.7,0.7
			name = RadarAltimeter
			position = -0.038,0.5425,-0.5317
			rotation = 0.6293204,0,0,0.777146
			scale = 1.2,1.2,1.2
			name = genericClusterSwitches05
			position = 0.0594,0.4392,-0.4875
			rotation = 0.4354649,0,0,0.9002057
			scale = 0.91,0.91,0.91
			name = genericClusterKnobs2
			position = -0.1494,0.5322,-0.5362
			rotation = 0.6293204,0,-3.040299E-07,0.777146
			scale = 0.9241717,0.9241716,0.9241717
			name = genericSquareButton
			position = 0.0619,0.6486,-0.561
			rotation = 0.4449967,0.5495251,0.4449968,0.549525
			scale = 1.483437,1.483437,1.483437
			name = genericCircularButton
			position = 0.1177,0.6718,-0.566
			rotation = 0.6293205,0,9.996432E-08,0.7771459
			scale = 1.256826,1.256826,1.256826
	parentUrl = Squad/Spaces/mk1PodCockpit/internal.cfg
		name = mk1PodCockpit
			name = InternalSeat
			seatTransformName = pilotSeat
			allowCrewHelmet = false
			displayseatName = Pilot Seat
			name = InternalCameraSwitch
			colliderTransformName = WindowFocusPoint
			cameraTransformName = WindowEyeTransform
			name = AltimeterThreeHands
			position = -0.0826,0.116,-0.1937
			rotation = 0.5224234,-0.02259917,0.01240638,0.8522964
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = AtmosphereDepth
			position = 0.09715462,0.1835504,-0.2329795
			rotation = -0.3883636,-0.5775291,-0.4094696,-0.5898886
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = AxisIndicatorPitch
			position = 0.04695153,0.1676569,-0.226972
			rotation = -0.01451988,0.8539876,0.5199119,0.01363798
			scale = 0.7576665,0.7576665,0.7576665
			name = AxisIndicatorRoll
			position = 0.09650087,0.1583266,-0.2199712
			rotation = 0.3788908,-0.6118522,-0.3563156,0.5959178
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = AxisIndicatorYaw
			position = 0.09583187,0.1325848,-0.20669
			rotation = 0.3762259,-0.6162743,-0.3591281,0.5913435
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = Compass
			position = 0.0107,0.0188,-0.1515
			rotation = 0.3760241,-0.6166065,-0.3593395,0.590997
			scale = 0.4613118,0.4613118,0.4613118
			name = IndicatorPanel
			position = 0.09509754,0.06577349,-0.1620018
			rotation = 0.5199545,-0.016311,0.01289243,0.8539409
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = ledPanelSpeed
			position = 0.0022,0.1286,-0.2086
			rotation = 0.5349815,-0.009351483,0.006512722,0.8447869
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = NavBall
			position = 0,0.0752089,-0.1812306
			rotation = 0.5199609,-0.01674504,0.01262825,0.8539325
			scale = 1.45,1.45,1.45
			name = RadarAltimeter
			position = -0.0835,0.0523,-0.173
			rotation = 0.5199723,-0.01752372,0.01215399,0.8539169
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = throttle
			position = -0.2021,0.1472,-0.2065
			rotation = 0.5115482,0.1018259,-0.172454,0.8355893
			scale = 0.5974331,0.5974331,0.5974331
			name = VSI
			position = 0.0029,0.1702,-0.2302
			rotation = 0.5199462,-0.01576281,0.0132262,0.8539512
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericClusterSwitches02
			position = -0.088,0.1708,-0.2345
			rotation = 0.5199952,-0.01919327,0.01113728,0.8538809
			scale = 0.7640235,0.7640235,0.7640235
			name = genericClusterKnobs
			position = -0.0904,0.014,-0.1536
			rotation = 0.5200233,-0.0214961,0.009734809,0.853826
			scale = 0.85,0.8499999,0.85
			name = genericClusterSwitches01
			position = 0.2169,0.1657,-0.1819
			rotation = 0.5027134,-0.1254322,0.2026132,0.8309597
			scale = 0.8064,0.8064,0.8064
			name = genericClusterSwitches03
			position = -0.2513,0.1702,-0.1896
			rotation = 0.5114127,0.1011704,-0.1728552,0.8356689
			scale = 0.7152129,0.7152129,0.7152129
			name = genericClusterButtons
			position = -0.1318,0.0842,-0.1916
			rotation = 0.3601284,0.5897009,0.3752687,0.6178462
			scale = 0.9099997,0.91,0.91
			name = genericClusterKnobs2
			position = 0.1933,0.0863,-0.1541
			rotation = 0.4995919,-0.112852,0.2101921,0.8327614
			scale = 0.6831988,0.6831989,0.6831989
	parentUrl = Squad/Spaces/mk1pod_IVA/mk1pod_Internal.cfg
		name = mk1pod_IVA
			model = Squad/Spaces/mk1pod_IVA/mk1pod_IVA
			name = InternalSeat
			seatTransformName = pilotSeat_01
			portraitCameraName = pilotCamera_01
			allowCrewHelmet = false
			name = InternalCameraSwitch
			colliderTransformName = WindowFocusPoint
			cameraTransformName = WindowEyeTransform
			name = NavBall
			position = -0.0128,0.2204,-0.1631
			rotation = 0.6175281,0,0,0.7865489
			scale = 1.2,1.199999,1.199999
			name = VSI
			position = -0.0995,0.3579998,-0.1415
			rotation = 0.8183819,0,0,0.5746747
			scale = 0.8175737,0.8175735,0.8175735
			name = throttle
			position = 0.151,0.0636,-0.1367
			rotation = 0.6173004,0,0,0.7867276
			scale = 0.4443541,0.4443548,0.4443548
			name = RadarAltimeter
			position = 0.0789,0.358,-0.1415
			rotation = 0.8183819,0,0,0.5746747
			scale = 0.8175737,0.8175735,0.8175735
			name = ledPanelSpeed
			position = 0.0849,0.178,-0.1516
			rotation = 0.6390272,0,0,0.7691841
			scale = 0.9,0.9000006,0.9000006
			name = IndicatorPanel
			position = -0.2038,0.0768,-0.1254
			rotation = 0.6479288,0,0,0.7617009
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = Compass
			position = -0.0098,0.3058,-0.168
			rotation = 0.5743688,-0.3988398,-0.5834452,0.4130606
			scale = 0.5662715,0.5662714,0.5662714
			name = AltimeterThreeHands
			position = -0.0097,0.3571,-0.1372
			rotation = 0.8183819,0,0,0.5746747
			scale = 0.8175737,0.8175735,0.8175735
			name = AtmosphereDepth
			position = 0.0847,0.2193,-0.1596
			rotation = -0.4545195,-0.5416753,-0.4545195,-0.5416753
			scale = 0.9000008,0.9000006,0.9
			name = AxisIndicatorRoll
			position = -0.111,0.2199,-0.1612
			rotation = -0.4545195,0.5416753,0.4545195,-0.5416753
			scale = 0.9000008,0.9000006,0.9
			name = AxisIndicatorYaw
			position = -0.111,0.1807,-0.1542
			rotation = 0.4545195,-0.5416753,-0.4545195,0.5416753
			scale = 0.9000008,0.9000006,0.9
			name = AxisIndicatorPitch
			position = -0.1755,0.1977,-0.1566
			rotation = 0,0.7660445,0.6427876,0
			scale = 0.8999994,0.9000012,0.9000019
			name = genericSwitch
			position = 0.4011,-0.0403,0.0239
			rotation = -0.3527337,0.6413224,0.5252773,0.4340142
			scale = 1.200001,1.200001,1.200002
			name = genericSwitch
			position = 0.4093,-0.0405,0.0431
			rotation = -0.3527337,0.6413224,0.5252773,0.4340142
			scale = 1.200001,1.200001,1.200002
			name = genericSwitch
			position = 0.4088,-0.0029,0.0211
			rotation = -0.3612338,0.6308268,0.5378367,0.4269655
			scale = 1.200001,1.200001,1.200001
			name = genericSwitch
			position = 0.4158,-0.0028,0.0407
			rotation = -0.3612338,0.6308268,0.5378367,0.4269655
			scale = 1.200001,1.200001,1.200001
			name = genericSwitch
			position = 0.42388,-0.00294,0.06064
			rotation = -0.3612338,0.6308268,0.5378367,0.4269655
			scale = 1.200001,1.200001,1.200001
			name = genericSwitch
			position = 0.4234,0.0365,0.0377
			rotation = -0.3590528,0.6335599,0.5346144,0.4288011
			scale = 1.200002,1.200001,1.200001
			name = genericSwitch
			position = 0.4148,0.0367,0.0189
			rotation = -0.3590528,0.6335599,0.5346144,0.4288011
			scale = 1.200002,1.200001,1.200001
			name = genericSwitch
			position = 0.43008,0.03662,0.0581
			rotation = -0.3590528,0.6335599,0.5346144,0.4288011
			scale = 1.200002,1.200001,1.200001
			name = genericSwitch
			position = 0.4374,0.0366,0.0773
			rotation = -0.3590528,0.6335599,0.5346144,0.4288011
			scale = 1.200002,1.200001,1.200001
			name = genericSwitch
			position = 0.4378,0.1352,0.0345
			rotation = -0.3647121,0.6304787,0.5336314,0.4297898
			scale = 1.2,1.2,1.200001
			name = genericSwitch
			position = 0.45292,0.13519,0.07262
			rotation = -0.3647121,0.6304787,0.5336314,0.4297898
			scale = 1.2,1.2,1.200001
			name = genericSwitch
			position = 0.44524,0.13506,0.05351
			rotation = -0.3647121,0.6304787,0.5336314,0.4297898
			scale = 1.2,1.2,1.200001
			name = genericSwitch
			position = 0.43112,0.13509,0.01572
			rotation = -0.3647121,0.6304787,0.5336314,0.4297898
			scale = 1.2,1.2,1.200001
			name = genericSwitch
			position = 0.45948,0.13533,0.09208
			rotation = -0.3647121,0.6304787,0.5336314,0.4297898
			scale = 1.2,1.2,1.200001
			name = genericClusterSwitches07
			position = 0.4339,0.0879,0.0499
			rotation = 0.5309854,-0.4359938,0.3661557,0.6276098
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericDirectionalKnob
			position = 0.27107,0.24291,-0.1208
			rotation = 0.636202,-0.1613664,0.2012792,0.7271139
			scale = 1.100001,1.1,1.1
			name = genericDirectionalKnob
			position = 0.27078,0.20337,-0.1149
			rotation = 0.636202,-0.1613664,0.2012792,0.7271139
			scale = 1.100001,1.1,1.1
			name = genericDirectionalKnob
			position = 0.2709,0.1652,-0.1097
			rotation = 0.6384977,-0.1520289,0.1906056,0.7299846
			scale = 1.100001,1.1,1.1
			name = pullSwitch
			position = 0.2691,0.1284,-0.1029
			rotation = 0.6311551,-0.1314523,0.1566871,0.7482064
			scale = 1.1,1.1,1.1
			name = pullSwitch
			position = 0.27083,0.09089,-0.09906
			rotation = 0.6389853,-0.1499663,0.1882474,0.7305962
			scale = 1.1,1.1,1.1
			name = pullSwitch
			position = 0.27045,0.0524,-0.09365
			rotation = 0.6422562,-0.135274,0.1714442,0.7347209
			scale = 1.1,1.1,1.100001
			name = pullSwitch
			position = 0.27,0.0149,-0.0869
			rotation = 0.6422433,-0.1353353,0.1715144,0.7347046
			scale = 1.100001,1.100001,1.100001
			name = genericDirectionalKnob
			position = 0.2714,-0.0306,-0.0801
			rotation = 0.6169466,-0.1665809,0.1969853,0.7435217
			scale = 1.100001,1.100001,1.100001
			name = directionalKnob2
			position = 0.3874,0.0606,-0.0158
			rotation = 0.6328545,-0.2931448,0.202225,0.6875075
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = directionalKnob2
			position = 0.3207,0.1271,-0.0766
			rotation = 0.6141673,-0.08056768,0.2438067,0.7462344
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericStandingSwitch
			position = 0.41008,0.13522,-0.01062
			rotation = 0.6179116,-0.2662256,0.2256806,0.7045406
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericStandingSwitch
			position = 0.38826,0.13429,-0.02909
			rotation = 0.6179116,-0.2662256,0.2256806,0.7045406
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericStandingSwitch
			position = 0.36586,0.13319,-0.04779
			rotation = 0.6179116,-0.2662256,0.2256806,0.7045406
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericStandingSwitch
			position = 0.3795,0.1016,-0.0302
			rotation = 0.6179116,-0.2662256,0.2256806,0.7045406
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericStandingSwitch
			position = 0.40068,0.10374,-0.0128
			rotation = 0.6179116,-0.2662256,0.2256806,0.7045406
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericStandingSwitch
			position = 0.23482,0.28602,-0.14543
			rotation = 0.6367226,-0.2174289,0.1702779,0.7199407
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericSwitch
			position = 0.2302,0.2414,-0.1439
			rotation = 0.297835,0.3880709,0.5820861,0.649516
			scale = 1.100001,1.1,1.1
			name = genericSwitch
			position = 0.2294,0.2044,-0.1384
			rotation = 0.297835,0.3880709,0.5820861,0.649516
			scale = 1.100001,1.1,1.1
			name = genericSwitch
			position = 0.2299,0.1653,-0.1332
			rotation = 0.297835,0.3880709,0.5820861,0.649516
			scale = 1.100001,1.1,1.1
			name = genericSwitch
			position = 0.2305,0.1282,-0.1279
			rotation = 0.297835,0.3880709,0.5820861,0.649516
			scale = 1.100001,1.1,1.1
			name = genericSwitch
			position = 0.2302,0.091,-0.1216
			rotation = 0.297835,0.3880709,0.5820861,0.649516
			scale = 1.100001,1.1,1.1
			name = genericSwitch
			position = 0.2307,0.0525,-0.116
			rotation = 0.297835,0.3880709,0.5820861,0.649516
			scale = 1.100001,1.1,1.1
			name = genericSwitch
			position = 0.2312,0.0146,-0.1102
			rotation = 0.297835,0.3880709,0.5820861,0.649516
			scale = 1.100001,1.1,1.1
			name = genericSwitch
			position = 0.2309,-0.0305,-0.1031
			rotation = 0.297835,0.3880709,0.5820861,0.649516
			scale = 1.100001,1.1,1.1
			name = standingSwitch
			position = 0.31954,0.09258,-0.07208
			rotation = 0.6309793,-0.1596038,0.138577,0.7464504
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = standingSwitch
			position = 0.3181,0.0592,-0.0682
			rotation = 0.6247428,-0.1824957,0.1656916,0.7409036
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = standingSwitch
			position = 0.3158,0.025,-0.0631
			rotation = 0.6245651,-0.1831031,0.1664119,0.7407421
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = standingSwitch
			position = 0.3141,-0.0074,-0.0588
			rotation = 0.6242326,-0.1842333,0.1677524,0.7404397
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = standingSwitch
			position = 0.3324,0.00798,-0.05059
			rotation = 0.6243178,-0.1839447,0.1674102,0.7405171
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = standingSwitch
			position = 0.3344,0.04152,-0.05558
			rotation = 0.6273614,-0.1732801,0.1547679,0.7432622
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = standingSwitch
			position = 0.33057,-0.02536,-0.04595
			rotation = 0.6247342,-0.1825248,0.1657261,0.7408959
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericStandingSwitch
			position = 0.0611,0.2519,-0.1647
			rotation = 0.6418244,0,0,0.7668517
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericStandingSwitch
			position = -0.3263,0.19756,-0.15406
			rotation = 0.6420051,0,0,0.7667004
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericStandingSwitch
			position = -0.2941,0.2231,-0.1593
			rotation = 0.6420051,0,0,0.7667004
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericStandingSwitch
			position = -0.3263,0.16856,-0.14951
			rotation = 0.6420051,0,0,0.7667004
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericStandingSwitch
			position = -0.3263,0.13786,-0.1441
			rotation = 0.6420051,0,0,0.7667004
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericStandingSwitch
			position = -0.3263,0.1071,-0.1389
			rotation = 0.6420051,0,0,0.7667004
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericStandingSwitch
			position = -0.3263,0.07481001,-0.13331
			rotation = 0.6420051,0,0,0.7667004
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericSwitch
			position = -0.2941,0.1974,-0.1554
			rotation = 0.453952,0.5421509,0.453952,0.5421509
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericSwitch
			position = -0.2941,0.169,-0.1499
			rotation = 0.453952,0.5421509,0.453952,0.5421509
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericSwitch
			position = -0.2941,0.1391,-0.1451
			rotation = 0.453952,0.5421509,0.453952,0.5421509
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericSwitch
			position = -0.2941,0.109,-0.1399
			rotation = 0.453952,0.5421509,0.453952,0.5421509
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericSwitch
			position = -0.2941,0.07708,-0.134
			rotation = 0.453952,0.5421509,0.453952,0.5421509
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = pullSwitch
			position = -0.312,0.0008,-0.121
			rotation = 0.638092,0,0,0.7699601
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = pullSwitch
			position = -0.312,0.04055,-0.12814
			rotation = 0.638092,0,0,0.7699601
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericStandingSwitch
			position = -0.3582,0.1228,-0.142
			rotation = 0.6420051,0,0,0.7667004
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericStandingSwitch
			position = -0.3582,0.0919,-0.1365
			rotation = 0.6420051,0,0,0.7667004
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericStandingSwitch
			position = -0.3582,0.0591,-0.1306
			rotation = 0.6420051,0,0,0.7667004
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericStandingSwitch
			position = -0.3582,0.0251,-0.1245
			rotation = 0.6420051,0,0,0.7667004
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = pullSwitch
			position = -0.2038,-0.0119,-0.11732
			rotation = 0.6298386,0,0,0.776726
			scale = 0.8175737,0.8175735,0.8175735
			name = CargoBagA
			position = -0.236,-0.3465,0.2414
			rotation = -0.4216239,0.4432693,0.4996158,0.6132941
			scale = 0.5099596,0.5099598,0.5099596
			name = genericClusterSwitches07
			position = -0.2338,0.1998,-0.1544
			rotation = 0.4576277,-0.5396566,-0.4518596,0.543296
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = directionalKnob2
			position = 0.1677,0.1939,-0.1542
			rotation = 0.4576277,-0.5396566,-0.4518596,0.543296
			scale = 0.8,0.8,0.8
			name = directionalKnob2
			position = 0.16769,0.24832,-0.16299
			rotation = 0.2741362,-0.6936834,-0.5817642,0.3243503
			scale = 0.8000002,0.8,0.8000001
			name = directionalKnob2
			position = 0.1677,0.1694,-0.1506
			rotation = 0.3687398,-0.6287007,-0.5269073,0.4371901
			scale = 0.8000002,0.8,0.8000001
			name = standingSwitch
			position = -0.2212,0.31762,-0.15922
			rotation = 0.8171346,0,0,0.576447
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = standingSwitch
			position = -0.2212,0.29283,-0.16825
			rotation = 0.8145505,0,0,0.5800927
			scale = 1,0.9999999,0.9999999
			name = genericClusterSwitches06
			position = 0.1079,0.2928,-0.1666
			rotation = 0.0007046674,-0.5970681,-0.8021881,-0.001866212
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericClusterSwitches06
			position = 0.1079,0.3166,-0.1578
			rotation = -0.8181863,0.000233721,7.874187E-05,-0.5749532
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericClusterSwitches06
			position = -0.12854,0.31679,-0.15737
			rotation = -0.8181655,0.005835725,-0.00385788,-0.5749403
			scale = 0.9999999,1,1
			name = genericClusterSwitches06
			position = -0.1285,0.2925,-0.1665
			rotation = 0.0007046674,-0.5970681,-0.8021881,-0.001866212
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = pullSwitch
			position = -0.172,-0.01189991,-0.11732
			rotation = 0.6298386,0,0,0.776726
			scale = 0.81757,0.8175699,0.8175699
			name = pullSwitch
			position = -0.2353,-0.01189991,-0.11732
			rotation = 0.6298386,0,0,0.776726
			scale = 0.81757,0.8175699,0.8175699
			name = genericStandingSwitch
			position = 0.0876,0.2519002,-0.1647
			rotation = 0.6418244,0,0,0.7668517
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericStandingSwitch
			position = -0.0825,0.2519002,-0.1647
			rotation = 0.6418244,0,0,0.7668517
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericStandingSwitch
			position = -0.1073,0.2519002,-0.1647
			rotation = 0.6418244,0,0,0.7668517
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericClusterSwitches05
			position = -0.2011,0.2575,-0.1651
			rotation = 0.458698,0.5442255,0.4525121,0.5372593
			scale = 0.8000004,0.8000001,0.8000003
			name = directionalKnob2
			position = 0.1677,0.2204,-0.1586
			rotation = 0.2741362,-0.6936834,-0.5817642,0.3243503
			scale = 0.8000006,0.8000003,0.8000003
			name = standingSwitch
			position = 0.14348,0.2482,-0.16409
			rotation = 0.6464705,8.143183E-05,-9.608537E-05,0.762939
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = standingSwitch
			position = 0.1436,0.22063,-0.15959
			rotation = 0.646458,-0.004022046,0.004746649,0.7629243
			scale = 1,0.9999998,0.9999999
			name = standingSwitch
			position = 0.14365,0.19378,-0.1545
			rotation = 0.646464,0.002858984,-0.003374063,0.7629316
			scale = 1,0.9999998,0.9999999
			name = standingSwitch
			position = 0.1437,0.1698,-0.1493
			rotation = 0.646395,-0.009874103,0.01165302,0.7628501
			scale = 1,0.9999998,0.9999999
			name = standingSwitch
			position = 0.33658,0.07557,-0.0606
			rotation = 0.6247428,-0.1824957,0.1656916,0.7409036
			scale = 1,1,1
	parentUrl = Squad/Spaces/mk2CockpitStandardInternal/internal.cfg
		name = mk2CockpitStandardInternals
			model = Squad/Spaces/mk2CockpitStandardInternal/model
			model = Squad/Spaces/OverlayMasks/Mk2StandardMask
			rotation = 0, 180, 0
			model = Squad/Spaces/OverlayMasks/Mk2StandardBorder
			rotation = 0, 180, 0
			name = InternalSeat
			seatTransformName = Seat1
			portraitCameraName = PilotCam1
			allowCrewHelmet = false
			kerbalEyeOffset = 0, 0.02, 0
			displayseatName = Seat <<1>>
			displayseatIndex = 1
			name = InternalSeat
			seatTransformName = Seat2
			portraitCameraName = PilotCam2
			allowCrewHelmet = false
			kerbalEyeOffset = 0, 0.02, 0
			displayseatName = Seat <<1>>
			displayseatIndex = 2
			name = InternalCameraSwitch
			colliderTransformName = Cam1
			cameraTransformName = Cam1
			name = InternalCameraSwitch
			colliderTransformName = Cam2
			cameraTransformName = Cam2View
			name = InternalCameraSwitch
			colliderTransformName = Cam3
			cameraTransformName = Cam3View
			name = InternalCameraSwitch
			colliderTransformName = Cam4
			cameraTransformName = Cam4
			name = InternalCameraSwitch
			colliderTransformName = Cam5
			cameraTransformName = Cam5
			name = InternalCameraSwitch
			colliderTransformName = Cam6
			cameraTransformName = Cam6
			name = InternalCameraSwitch
			colliderTransformName = Cam7
			cameraTransformName = Cam7
			name = AltimeterThreeHands
			position = -0.2549814,0.3305327,-0.5084531
			rotation = 0.531473,0,0,0.8470753
			scale = 0.7180957,0.6999999,0.7
			name = AltimeterThreeHands
			position = 0.2549811,0.3305329,-0.5084535
			rotation = 0.5314725,0,0,0.8470756
			scale = 0.7180957,0.7000002,0.6999997
			name = AtmosphereDepth
			position = 0,0.3258228,-0.5182357
			rotation = 0.3758078,0.5989729,0.3758078,0.5989729
			scale = 1.3,1.3,1.333606
			name = AxisIndicatorPitch
			position = -0.4418156,0.1922871,-0.4538008
			rotation = -1.490116E-07,-0.8516812,-0.5240602,8.089862E-08
			scale = 1.025851,1,0.9999999
			name = AxisIndicatorPitch
			position = 0.4418157,0.1922875,-0.4538009
			rotation = 5.960465E-08,-0.8516812,-0.5240604,-3.03145E-08
			scale = 1.025851,1,1
			name = AxisIndicatorRoll
			position = -0.5012031,0.1920855,-0.453699
			rotation = 0.3705661,-0.6022298,-0.3705661,0.6022298
			scale = 0.7999999,0.8,0.8206807
			name = AxisIndicatorRoll
			position = 0.5012026,0.1920857,-0.4536991
			rotation = 0.3705665,-0.6022297,-0.3705666,0.6022295
			scale = 0.8,0.8,0.8206807
			name = AxisIndicatorYaw
			position = 0.5012026,0.2122608,-0.4638858
			rotation = 0.3705665,-0.6022296,-0.3705665,0.6022297
			scale = 0.8,0.8,0.8206807
			name = AxisIndicatorYaw
			position = -0.5012031,0.2122609,-0.4638861
			rotation = 0.3705661,-0.6022298,-0.3705661,0.6022298
			scale = 0.7999999,0.8,0.8206807
			name = Compass
			position = 0,0.1726,-0.4442
			rotation = 0.3758084,-0.5989721,-0.3758078,0.5989733
			scale = 0.6000001,0.6000001,0.6155108
			name = IndicatorPanel
			position = 0.05229679,0.1186,-0.3461
			rotation = 0.2262341,0,0,0.974073
			scale = 0.7468196,0.728,0.728
			name = IndicatorPanel
			position = -0.05229686,0.1183,-0.3456
			rotation = 0.2262341,0,0,0.974073
			scale = 0.7468196,0.7280004,0.728
			name = ledPanelSpeed
			position = 0.3294906,0.1829484,-0.4491984
			rotation = 0.5314725,0,0,0.8470756
			scale = 1.128436,1.1,1.1
			name = ledPanelSpeed
			position = -0.3142742,0.1829486,-0.4491986
			rotation = 0.531473,0,0,0.8470753
			scale = 1.128436,1.1,1.1
			name = NavBall
			position = 0.2436396,0.1732987,-0.4403038
			rotation = 0.5314725,0,0,0.8470756
			scale = 0.9232659,0.9000003,0.8999999
			name = NavBall
			position = -0.2436396,0.1732984,-0.4403037
			rotation = 0.531473,0,0,0.8470753
			scale = 0.9232659,0.8999999,0.9
			name = RadarAltimeter
			position = 0.2020771,0.3274406,-0.5148531
			rotation = 0.5314725,0,0,0.8470756
			scale = 0.8206808,0.8000004,0.7999997
			name = RadarAltimeter
			position = -0.2020773,0.3274402,-0.5148531
			rotation = 0.531473,0,0,0.8470753
			scale = 0.8206808,0.8,0.8
			name = throttle
			position = 0,0.1057,-0.3493
			rotation = 0.2262341,0,0,0.974073
			scale = 0.4103404,0.55,0.55
			name = VSI
			position = 0.3997079,0.1768058,-0.4401631
			rotation = 0.5314725,0,0,0.8470756
			scale = 0.8206808,0.8000004,0.7999997
			name = VSI
			position = -0.3997075,0.1768056,-0.440163
			rotation = 0.531473,0,0,0.8470753
			scale = 0.8206808,0.8,0.8
			name = genericClusterButtons
			position = 9.55399E-10,0.1402,-0.4097
			rotation = 0.2238235,0,2.796084E-17,0.9746297
			scale = 1.165576,1.165577,1.165577
			name = genericClusterMixed
			position = 0.5046167,0.1494546,-0.215765
			rotation = -0.09219361,0.705004,0.1327525,0.6905407
			scale = 0.9449886,0.9449889,0.9449889
			name = genericClusterSwitches02
			position = 0.5489172,0.1642484,-0.2181033
			rotation = 0.1326246,-0.6895627,0.0923775,0.7059606
			scale = 0.93,0.9300001,0.9299999
			name = genericClusterKnobs2
			position = 0.5112014,0.1609966,-0.3628003
			rotation = -0.09320302,0.7049432,0.136359,0.6897641
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericClusterSwitches02
			position = 0.6006,0.2659,-0.2385
			rotation = 0.5365485,-0.3979187,0.4585939,0.5860615
			scale = 1.074552,1.074552,1.074552
			name = genericClusterButtons2
			position = 0.5646,0.2512,-0.3684
			rotation = 0.06935524,0.1220445,0.7057297,0.6944355
			scale = 1.224105,1.224105,1.224105
			name = genericClusterKnobs2
			position = 0.4964,0.2622,-0.4878
			rotation = 0.3590261,-0.5996767,-0.3753859,0.6087475
			scale = 0.7776393,0.7776393,0.7776393
			name = genericClusterKnobs2
			position = -0.4962,0.2608,-0.4872
			rotation = 0.3781628,-0.604072,-0.3561001,0.6043863
			scale = 0.7776393,0.7776393,0.7776394
			name = genericClusterKnobs
			position = 0.6043,0.2081,0.2272
			rotation = 0.3386487,-0.548366,0.2890231,0.7078683
			scale = 1.592997,1.592997,1.592997
			name = genericClusterSwitches02
			position = -0.5996,0.2655,-0.2418
			rotation = -0.4497553,-0.5794737,-0.5439786,0.4074526
			scale = 1.074552,1.074552,1.074552
			name = genericClusterButtons2
			position = -0.5645,0.2515,-0.3687
			rotation = 0.0588353,-0.132375,-0.7066845,0.6925405
			scale = 1.224105,1.224105,1.224105
			name = genericClusterSwitches06
			position = 0.3458,0.3142,-0.5103
			rotation = 0.5192669,0.003613321,-0.01327005,0.8545014
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericClusterSwitches05
			position = 0.440296,0.2700302,-0.4902348
			rotation = 0.5192062,0,-0.01546567,0.8545091
			scale = 0.6589522,0.6589523,0.6589522
			name = genericClusterButtons2
			position = 0.1945,0.1755,-0.4412
			rotation = -0.3734273,0.6004599,0.3734274,-0.6004598
			scale = 0.67871,0.6787102,0.6787102
			name = genericClusterSwitches04
			position = 0.3212,0.1644,-0.4359
			rotation = 0.5285084,0,-3.42171E-17,0.8489281
			scale = 0.6730909,0.6730907,0.6730907
			name = genericClusterSwitches04
			position = -0.3225,0.1644,-0.4359
			rotation = 0.5285084,0,-3.42171E-17,0.8489281
			scale = 0.6730909,0.6730907,0.6730907
			name = genericClusterMixed
			position = -0.5048,0.1489,-0.2158
			rotation = 0.1357397,0.6850873,-0.09410271,0.7094892
			scale = 0.9449886,0.9449889,0.9449888
			name = genericClusterKnobs2
			position = -0.5112013,0.1609966,-0.3628003
			rotation = -0.09539165,-0.7215728,-0.1304735,0.6732086
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericClusterSwitches02
			position = -0.5488999,0.1643,-0.2181
			rotation = 0.131561,0.6814553,-0.09388608,0.7137898
			scale = 0.9300001,0.93,0.93
			name = genericClusterKnobs
			position = -0.6047999,0.2074,0.2318
			rotation = 0.3383318,0.5475898,-0.2893941,0.7084687
			scale = 1.592997,1.592997,1.592997
			name = genericClusterSwitches04
			position = 0,0.3031,-0.5041
			rotation = 0.5285084,0,-3.42171E-17,0.8489281
			scale = 0.7085168,0.7085165,0.7085165
			name = genericClusterButtons2
			position = -0.1927,0.1755,-0.4412
			rotation = 0.3734274,0.6004598,0.3734274,0.6004599
			scale = 0.6787099,0.6787101,0.67871
			name = genericClusterSwitches05
			position = -0.4413,0.2701,-0.4901
			rotation = 0.528106,-1.647899E-25,-3.411595E-17,0.8491785
			scale = 0.6589523,0.6589524,0.6589522
			name = genericClusterSwitches06
			position = -0.3453,0.3131,-0.5098
			rotation = 0.5192303,-0.0013676,0.01463469,0.854508
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericClusterSwitches04
			position = 0,0.1965,-0.4517
			rotation = 0.5285084,0,-3.42171E-17,0.8489281
			scale = 0.7085168,0.7085165,0.7085165
	parentUrl = Squad/Spaces/mk2InlineInternal/internal.cfg
		name = mk2InlineInternal
			model = Squad/Spaces/mk2InlineInternal/mk2InlineIVA
			model = Squad/Spaces/OverlayMasks/Mk2InlineMask
			rotation = 0, 180, 0
			model = Squad/Spaces/OverlayMasks/Mk2InlineBorder
			rotation = 0, 180, 0
			name = InternalSeat
			seatTransformName = Seat1
			portraitCameraName = PilotCam1
			allowCrewHelmet = false
			kerbalEyeOffset = 0, 0.06, 0.005
			displayseatName = Seat <<1>>
			displayseatIndex = 1
			name = InternalSeat
			seatTransformName = Seat2
			portraitCameraName = PilotCam2
			allowCrewHelmet = false
			kerbalEyeOffset = 0, 0.05, 0
			displayseatName = Seat <<1>>
			displayseatIndex = 1
			name = InternalCameraSwitch
			colliderTransformName = Cam1
			cameraTransformName = Cam1
			name = InternalCameraSwitch
			colliderTransformName = Cam2
			cameraTransformName = Cam2
			name = InternalCameraSwitch
			colliderTransformName = Cam3
			cameraTransformName = Cam3
			name = InternalCameraSwitch
			colliderTransformName = Cam4
			cameraTransformName = Cam4
			name = InternalCameraSwitch
			colliderTransformName = Cam5
			cameraTransformName = Cam5
			name = InternalCameraSwitch
			colliderTransformName = Cam6
			cameraTransformName = Cam6
			name = InternalCameraSwitch
			colliderTransformName = Cam7
			cameraTransformName = Cam7
			name = InternalCameraSwitch
			colliderTransformName = Cam8
			cameraTransformName = Cam8
			name = InternalCameraSwitch
			colliderTransformName = Cam9
			cameraTransformName = Cam9
			name = InternalCameraSwitch
			colliderTransformName = Cam10
			cameraTransformName = Cam10
			name = InternalCameraSwitch
			colliderTransformName = Cam11
			cameraTransformName = Cam11
			name = InternalCameraSwitch
			colliderTransformName = Cam12
			cameraTransformName = Cam12
			name = InternalCameraSwitch
			colliderTransformName = TriggerCeil
			cameraTransformName = CamCeil
			name = InternalCameraSwitch
			colliderTransformName = TriggerDocking1
			cameraTransformName = CamDocking
			name = InternalCameraSwitch
			colliderTransformName = TriggerDocking2
			cameraTransformName = CamDocking
			name = MonitorDockingMode
			position = 0,0.5942,-0.0062
			rotation = 0.5000001,1.466925E-07,-1.063045E-07,0.8660254
			scale = 0.96,0.9599998,0.9599999
			name = AltimeterThreeHands
			position = 0.0379,0.779,-0.0371
			rotation = 0.7071066,0,0,0.7071069
			scale = 1.155,1.155,1.155
			name = AtmosphereDepth
			position = -0.0361,0.8074,-0.0437
			rotation = -0.5000023,-0.4999999,-0.4999976,-0.5000002
			scale = 0.9360686,0.9360686,0.9360686
			name = IndicatorPanel
			position = -0.0361,0.7359,-0.0353
			rotation = 0.7071067,0,-3.287454E-06,0.7071068
			scale = 0.87,0.87,0.87
			name = ledPanelSpeed
			position = 0.0431,0.7234,-0.0458
			rotation = 0.7071067,0,-3.287454E-06,0.7071068
			scale = 0.7939859,0.793986,0.793986
			name = Compass
			position = 0.037,0.6969,-0.0437
			rotation = 0.4999977,-0.5,-0.5000022,0.5000001
			scale = 0.4272954,0.4272954,0.4272954
			name = NavBall
			position = 0.0438,0.7184,-0.7282
			rotation = 0.5735765,0,-2.66665E-06,0.819152
			scale = 1.4,1.4,1.4
			name = AltimeterThreeHands
			position = -0.1601,0.6797,-0.7102
			rotation = 0.5735765,0,-2.66665E-06,0.819152
			scale = 1.3,1.3,1.3
			name = AtmosphereDepth
			position = -0.0416,0.6857,-0.7189
			rotation = 0.4055815,0.5792282,0.4055781,0.5792277
			scale = 1.15,1.15,1.15
			name = AxisIndicatorPitch
			position = 0.1184,0.6581,-0.7089
			rotation = 0.5735765,0,-2.66665E-06,0.819152
			scale = 1.25,1.25,1.25
			name = AxisIndicatorRoll
			position = 0.1853,0.6283,-0.6979
			rotation = 0.405578,-0.5792278,-0.4055817,0.5792281
			scale = 1.25,1.25,1.25
			name = AxisIndicatorYaw
			position = 0.1852,0.6617,-0.7101
			rotation = 0.405578,-0.5792278,-0.4055817,0.5792281
			scale = 1.25,1.25,1.25
			name = IndicatorPanel
			position = 0.1553,0.5302,-0.6537
			rotation = 0.5735765,0,-2.66665E-06,0.819152
			scale = 1.25,1.25,1.25
			name = ledPanelSpeed
			position = -0.0458,0.7186,-0.7307
			rotation = 0.5735765,0,-2.66665E-06,0.819152
			scale = 1.3,1.3,1.3
			name = RadarAltimeter
			position = 0.0419,0.6282,-0.698
			rotation = 0.5735765,0,-2.66665E-06,0.819152
			scale = 1.35,1.35,1.35
			name = VSI
			position = -0.0426,0.6287,-0.6982
			rotation = 0.5735765,0,-2.66665E-06,0.819152
			scale = 1.35,1.35,1.35
			name = throttle
			position = -0.1601,0.5613,-0.6807
			rotation = 0.5735765,0,-2.66665E-06,0.819152
			scale = 0.7075736,0.7075736,0.7075736
			name = Compass
			position = 0,0.5615,-0.6825
			rotation = 0.4055776,-0.5792283,-0.405582,0.5792276
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = NavBall
			position = 0,0.6869,1.0338
			rotation = 3.352761E-06,-0.7660443,0.6427878,-5.499271E-07
			scale = 1.5,1.5,1.5
			name = SideStick
			position = 0.1442,0.5082,0.9953
			rotation = -0.3628848,0,1.687111E-06,0.931834
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = SideStick
			position = -0.1442,0.5082,0.9953
			rotation = -0.3628848,0,1.687111E-06,0.931834
			scale = -1,1,1
			name = ledPanelSpeed
			position = 0,0.6181,1.0217
			rotation = 3.322958E-06,-0.7660443,0.6427878,-5.02772E-07
			scale = 1.4454,1.445399,1.445399
			name = IndicatorPanel
			position = 0,0.5208,0.96
			rotation = 1.408393E-06,-0.9063078,0.4226183,1.203E-06
			scale = 0.9153014,0.9153014,0.9153014
	parentUrl = Squad/Spaces/mk2LanderCanInternal/internal.cfg
		name = mk2LanderCanInternal
		allowCrewHelmet = false
			model = Squad/Spaces/mk2LanderCanInternal/mk2LanderCanInternal
			name = InternalSeat
			seatTransformName = pilotSeat_01
			portraitCameraName = pilotCamera_01
			allowCrewHelmet = false
			name = InternalSeat
			seatTransformName = pilotSeat_02
			portraitCameraName = pilotCamera_02
			allowCrewHelmet = false
			name = InternalCameraSwitch
			colliderTransformName = WindowFocusPoint_01
			cameraTransformName = WindowEyeTransform_01
			name = InternalCameraSwitch
			colliderTransformName = WindowFocusPoint_02
			cameraTransformName = WindowEyeTransform_02
			name = InternalCameraSwitch
			colliderTransformName = WindowFocusPoint_03
			cameraTransformName = WindowEyeTransform_03
			name = InternalCameraSwitch
			colliderTransformName = WindowFocusPoint_04
			cameraTransformName = WindowEyeTransform_04
			name = InternalCameraSwitch
			colliderTransformName = WindowFocusPoint_05
			cameraTransformName = WindowEyeTransform_05
			name = InternalCameraSwitch
			colliderTransformName = WindowFocusPoint_06
			cameraTransformName = WindowEyeTransform_06
			name = InternalCameraSwitch
			colliderTransformName = WindowFocusPoint_07
			cameraTransformName = WindowEyeTransform_07
			name = NavBall
			position = -0.2597,-1.228,-0.1189
			rotation = -0.1437482,0.008497196,-0.09722029,0.9847906
			scale = 1.230711,1.230711,1.230711
			name = ledPanelSpeed
			position = -0.2514,-1.1901,-0.0488
			rotation = -0.2157756,0.009320142,-0.1011813,0.9711418
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = throttle
			position = 0.3796,-1.192,-0.0944
			rotation = -0.2073,-0.01644691,0.1110696,0.9718126
			scale = 0.646912,0.646912,0.6469121
			name = VSI
			position = 0,-1.1991,-0.0587
			rotation = -0.2159279,-0.001695188,0.001848515,0.9764061
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = IndicatorPanel
			position = 0.0964,-1.211,-0.0992
			rotation = -0.2182728,0,0,0.9758878
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = Compass
			position = 0,-1.2461,-0.1435
			rotation = -0.1491359,-0.6890212,0.1577514,0.6914643
			scale = 0.6170254,0.6170251,0.6170253
			name = AxisIndicatorRoll
			position = -0.3379,-1.2008,-0.1151
			rotation = 0.2336757,0.6790338,-0.07966846,-0.6913478
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = AxisIndicatorYaw
			position = -0.3354,-1.1882,-0.086
			rotation = 0.2332528,0.6826669,-0.08089856,-0.6877605
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = AxisIndicatorPitch
			position = -0.392,-1.1805,-0.1035
			rotation = -0.2099811,0.01984522,-0.09362951,0.9730096
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = AtmosphereDepth
			position = 0,-1.2264,-0.1056
			rotation = -0.15201,0.6905744,-0.15201,0.6905743
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = AltimeterThreeHands
			position = 0.2507,-1.2163,-0.1327
			rotation = -0.2129238,-0.0046865,0.1010358,0.9718196
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericCircularButton
			position = 0.2781,0.3931,-0.2473
			rotation = -0.03256293,-0.04839892,0.7061946,0.7056108
			scale = 0.9999999,0.9999999,1
			name = genericCircularButton
			position = 0.2901,0.3934,-0.3275
			rotation = -0.03256293,-0.04839892,0.7061946,0.7056108
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericClusterKnobs
			position = 0.2691,0.0965,-0.0149
			rotation = -0.1978714,-0.2116768,0.6829896,0.6704962
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericClusterKnobs
			position = 0.273,0.6918,-0.0157
			rotation = -0.1978714,-0.2116768,0.6829896,0.6704962
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericClusterKnobs2
			position = 0.286,-1.1842,-0.0611
			rotation = -0.2020373,-0.01226871,0.1002974,0.9741514
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericClusterSwitches04
			position = -0.4454,0.5104,-0.0734
			rotation = 0.0422259,-0.005661844,-0.3439806,0.9380097
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericClusterSwitches04
			position = -0.4175,0.6318,-0.0727
			rotation = -0.005467697,0.003926399,-0.8831807,0.4689846
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericPullSwitch
			position = -0.3182,-1.1725,-0.0525
			rotation = -0.2290389,0.02751751,-0.1036137,0.9674959
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericPullSwitch
			position = -0.3504,-1.1661,-0.0533
			rotation = -0.2290389,0.02751751,-0.1036137,0.9674959
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericSquareButton
			position = 0.2845,0.3934,-0.2876
			rotation = -0.04132796,-0.05526735,0.7115619,0.6992263
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericClusterSwitches07
			position = -0.0969,-1.2011,-0.0578
			rotation = -0.2226381,0,0,0.9749012
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericClusterSwitches07
			position = -0.1104,-1.2282,-0.1173
			rotation = -0.1509267,0.6908119,-0.1509267,0.6908119
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericPullSwitch
			position = -0.07280999,-1.22153,-0.10253
			rotation = -0.2247196,0.05212636,0.001627277,0.9730269
			scale = 0.9999999,1,1
			name = genericPullSwitch
			position = -0.0722,-1.2331,-0.1271
			rotation = -0.2254418,0.04890831,-0.01228387,0.9729508
			scale = 0.9999999,0.9999998,1
			name = RadarAltimeter
			position = 0.3172,-1.2113,-0.1348
			rotation = -0.2037998,-0.01464195,0.09801988,0.9739832
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = squareButton
			position = -0.3459,-1.2167,-0.1536
			rotation = -0.2165635,0,-0.102346,0.970889
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = squareButton
			position = -0.3709,-1.2115,-0.1546
			rotation = -0.2165635,0,-0.102346,0.970889
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = squareButton
			position = -0.3961,-1.2064,-0.1556
			rotation = -0.2165635,0,-0.102346,0.970889
			scale = 1,1,1
	parentUrl = Squad/Strategies/Departments.cfg
		name = Finances
		title = Finances
		desc = He's an accountant, called Mortimer. He doesn't have many friends, but he likes things to be under control and arranged in right angles. This job is pretty stressful for him.
		color = 254 250 135
		avatar = Strategy_Mortimer
		headName = Mortimer Kerman
	parentUrl = Squad/Strategies/Departments.cfg
		name = Science
		title = Science
		desc = Linus is Wernher Von Kerman's Intern. Because Wernher himself is too important to be bothered with these boring strategy meetings. He sends his intern in his stead.
		color = 135 253 254
		avatar = Strategy_ScienceGuy
		headName = Linus Kerman
		headImage = SCIGUY_KERMAN
	parentUrl = Squad/Strategies/Departments.cfg
		name = Public Relations
		title = Public Relations
		desc = Walt Kerman is the spokesperson for the Space Program. He wears a hazmat suit. Which isn't strictly required for his job, but it seems appropriate for someone working in such a toxic environment.
		color = 149 254 135
		avatar = Strategy_PRGuy
		headName = Walt Kerman
		headImage = PRGUY_KERMAN
	parentUrl = Squad/Strategies/Departments.cfg
		name = Operations
		title = Operations
		desc = Gus Kerman is head of Space Program Operations and all-around repairs guy whenever something around here breaks down, and he's the reason why all our pods have windows.
		color = 254 178 0
		avatar = Strategy_MechanicGuy
		headName = Gus Kerman
		headImage = PRGUY_KERMAN
	parentUrl = Squad/Strategies/Strategies.cfg
		name = AppreciationCampaignCfg
		title = Appreciation Campaign
		desc = We could definitely improve our image by putting some effort into reminding Kerbals everywhere of just how great the Space Program is. Advertisement space isn't free, however.
		department = Public Relations
		icon = Squad/Strategies/Icons/AppreciationCampaign
		groupTag = Basic,A
		minLeastDuration = 60
		maxLeastDuration = 100
		minLongestDuration = 1200
		maxLongestDuration = 1600
		requiredReputationMin = -500
		requiredReputationMax = 750
		initialCostFundsMin = 35000.0
		initialCostFundsMax = 750000.0
		initialCostReputation = 0.0
		initialCostScience = 0.0
		hasFactorSlider = True
		factorSliderDefault = 0.05
		factorSliderSteps = 20
			name = CurrencyConverter
			input = Funds
			output = Reputation
			minShare = 0.0
			maxShare = 1.0
			minRate = 0.00015959268119807379
			maxRate = 0.00019949085149759224
			AffectReasons = ContractReward, ContractAdvance, Progression
			effectDescription = Income
	parentUrl = Squad/Strategies/Strategies.cfg
		name = FundraisingCampaignCfg
		title = Fundraising Campaign
		desc = We can likely raise some money by exploiting the attention that we get out of new successful ventures to remind the well-to-do Kerbals out there that we could use their support, and the contents of their wallets. This is probably going to be seen as a bit cheeky of us, so be prepared to face some backlash from the public.
		department = Finances
		icon = Squad/Strategies/Icons/FundraisingCampaign
		groupTag = Basic,A
		minLeastDuration = 60
		maxLeastDuration = 100
		minLongestDuration = 1200
		maxLongestDuration = 1600
		requiredReputationMin = -500
		requiredReputationMax = 750
		initialCostFunds = 0.0
		initialCostReputationMin = 4.0
		initialCostReputationMax = 70.0
		initialCostScience = 0.0
		hasFactorSlider = True
		factorSliderDefault = 0.05
		factorSliderSteps = 20
			name = CurrencyConverter
			input = Reputation
			output = Funds
			minShare = 0.0
			maxShare = 1.0
			minRate = 1002.55223985754507416784
			maxRate = 1253.19029982193134270980
			AffectReasons = ContractReward, ScienceTransmission, Progression
			effectDescription = gains
	parentUrl = Squad/Strategies/Strategies.cfg
		name = OpenSourceTechProgramCfg
		title = Open-Source Tech Program
		desc = Even though we went through great lengths to get our scientific data, making it available for free to all of Kerbalkind can only be seen as a good thing. R&D will probably not be at its peak efficiency however, with all the noise these outside opinions tend to generate.
		department = Public Relations
		icon = Squad/Strategies/Icons/OpenSourceTechProgram
		groupTag = Basic,B
		minLeastDuration = 60
		maxLeastDuration = 100
		minLongestDuration = 1200
		maxLongestDuration = 1600
		requiredReputationMin = -500
		requiredReputationMax = 750
		initialCostFunds = 0.0
		initialCostReputation = 0.0
		initialCostScienceMin = 100.0
		initialCostScienceMax = 2000.0
		hasFactorSlider = True
		factorSliderDefault = 0.05
		factorSliderSteps = 20
			name = CurrencyConverter
			input = Science
			output = Reputation
			minShare = 0.0
			maxShare = 1.0
			minRate = 1.65630257976754453626
			maxRate = 2.07037822470943067033
			AffectReasons = ContractReward
			effectDescription = Gains from contracts
			name = CurrencyConverter
			input = Science
			output = Reputation
			minShare = 0.0
			maxShare = 1.0
			minRate = 0.01656302579767544536
			maxRate = 0.02070378224709430670
			AffectReasons = ScienceTransmission, VesselRecovery, Progression
			effectDescription = gains from field work
	parentUrl = Squad/Strategies/Strategies.cfg
		name = UnpaidResearchProgramCfg
		title = Unpaid Research Program
		desc = A program where undergrad researchers are given the opportunity to work in our great Space Program, to boost the science earned out of each mit of data. The Interns don't get paid, but the prestige of working with such a grand organization as ours surely is its own reward, isn't it?
		department = Science
		icon = Squad/Strategies/Icons/UnpaidResearchProgram
		groupTag = Basic,B
		minLeastDuration = 60
		maxLeastDuration = 100
		minLongestDuration = 1200
		maxLongestDuration = 1600
		requiredReputationMin = -500
		requiredReputationMax = 750
		initialCostFunds = 0.0
		initialCostScience = 0.0
		initialCostReputationMin = 30.0
		initialCostReputationMax = 130.0
		hasFactorSlider = True
		factorSliderDefault = 0.05
		factorSliderSteps = 20
			name = CurrencyConverter
			input = Reputation
			output = Science
			minShare = 0.0
			maxShare = 1.0
			minRate = 0.38640282748929935764
			maxRate = 0.48300353436162419705
			AffectReasons = ContractReward, ScienceTransmission, Progression
			effectDescription = gains
	parentUrl = Squad/Strategies/Strategies.cfg
		name = OutsourcedResearchCfg
		title = Outsourced R&D
		desc = Why do all the data-crunching ourselves when we can contract external research labs to help us process the data we receive. These services aren't exactly cheap, but their R&D facilities are very impressive.
		department = Science
		icon = Squad/Strategies/Icons/OutsourcedResearch
		groupTag = Basic,C
		minLeastDuration = 60
		maxLeastDuration = 100
		minLongestDuration = 1200
		maxLongestDuration = 1600
		requiredReputationMin = -500
		requiredReputationMax = 750
		initialCostFundsMin = 38000.0
		initialCostFundsMax = 800000.0
		initialCostReputation = 0.0
		initialCostScience = 0.0
		hasFactorSlider = True
		factorSliderDefault = 0.05
		factorSliderSteps = 20
			name = CurrencyConverter
			input = Funds
			output = Science
			minShare = 0.0
			maxShare = 1.0
			minRate = 0.00007708382907691757
			maxRate = 0.00009635478634614696
			AffectReasons = ContractReward, ContractAdvance, Progression
			effectDescription = Income
	parentUrl = Squad/Strategies/Strategies.cfg
		name = PatentsLicensingCfg
		title = Patents Licensing
		desc = Our science data can be worth a lot of money by selling licenses for other organizations to use our patents. The added book-keeping required will probably add some extra work for the R&D team, but the financial benefits could be worth their reduced output.
		department = Finances
		icon = Squad/Strategies/Icons/PatentsLicensing
		groupTag = Basic,C
		minLeastDuration = 60
		maxLeastDuration = 100
		minLongestDuration = 1200
		maxLongestDuration = 1600
		requiredReputationMin = -500
		requiredReputationMax = 750
		initialCostFunds = 0.0
		initialCostReputation = 0.0
		initialCostScienceMin = 135.0
		initialCostScienceMax = 2700.0
		hasFactorSlider = True
		factorSliderDefault = 0.05
		factorSliderSteps = 20
			name = CurrencyConverter
			input = Science
			output = Funds
			minShare = 0.0
			maxShare = 1.0
			minRate = 2075.66232653472749122244
			maxRate = 2594.57790816840936402805
			AffectReasons = ContractReward
			effectDescription = Gains from contracts
			name = CurrencyConverter
			input = Science
			output = Funds
			minShare = 0.0
			maxShare = 1.0
			minRate = 83.026493061389099648900
			maxRate = 103.78311632673637456112
			AffectReasons = ScienceTransmission, VesselRecovery, Progression
			effectDescription = gains from field work
	parentUrl = Squad/Strategies/Strategies.cfg
		name = AgressiveNegotiations
		title = Aggressive Negotiations
		desc = We can get better deals with our suppliers by taking up a more... assertive stance on our negotiations with them. They probably won't see this as a friendly move, but we can definitely have it our way if we press them. It's not as if we care what others think, do we?
		department = Operations
		icon = Squad/Strategies/Icons/AggressiveNegotiations
		groupTag = Misc,D
		minLeastDuration = 60
		maxLeastDuration = 100
		minLongestDuration = 1200
		maxLongestDuration = 1600
		requiredReputationMin = -10
		requiredReputationMax = 950
		initialCostFunds = 0.0
		initialCostReputationMin = 10.0
		initialCostReputationMax = 100.0
		initialCostScienceMax = 0.0
		hasFactorSlider = True
		factorSliderDefault = 0.05
		factorSliderSteps = 20
			name = CurrencyOperation
			currency = Funds
			operation = Multiply
			effectDescription = Off on Launch Costs and R&D Purchases
			minValue = 1.00
			maxValue = 0.70
			AffectReasons = VesselRollout, RnDPartPurchase
			name = CurrencyOperation
			currency = Funds
			operation = Multiply
			effectDescription = Off on Facility Repair and Construction
			minValue = 1.00
			maxValue = 0.99
			AffectReasons = StructureRepair, StructureConstruction
			name = CurrencyOperation
			currency = Reputation
			operation = Add
			effectDescription = on each discount
			minValue = -1
			maxValue = -6
			AffectReasons = VesselRollout, RnDPartPurchase, StructureRepair, StructureConstruction
	parentUrl = Squad/Strategies/Strategies.cfg
		name = RecoveryTransponders
		title = Recovery Transponder Fitting
		desc = Recovering parts landed far away from the Space Center can be very costly, but I reckon we can reduce those costs by installing better transponders on the parts we launch. These units are not cheap, but they should make it much easier to find parts, improving the recovery value even if they're half-way around Kerbin. What do you say?
		department = Operations
		icon = Squad/Strategies/Icons/RecoveryTransponderFitting
		groupTag = Misc,Recovery
		minLeastDuration = 60
		maxLeastDuration = 100
		minLongestDuration = 1200
		maxLongestDuration = 1600
		requiredReputationMin = -1000
		requiredReputationMax = -1000
		initialCostFundsMin = 70000.0
		initialCostFundsMax = 550000.0
		initialCostReputation = 0.0
		initialCostScienceMax = 0.0
		hasFactorSlider = True
		factorSliderDefault = 0.05
		factorSliderSteps = 20
			name = ValueModifier
			valueId = RecoveryMinimumDelta
			effectDescription = to Minimum Vessel Recovery
			minValue = 1.05
			maxValue = 1.15
			name = ValueModifier
			valueId = RecoveryMaximumDelta
			effectDescription = from Maximum Vessel Recovery
			minValue = 0.94
			maxValue = 0.90
	parentUrl = Squad/Strategies/Strategies.cfg
		name = BailoutGrant
		title = Bail-Out Grant
		desc = We must be in dire straits to be considering such an option. Accepting a public grant could save us from bankruptcy, but it would also put a very serious dent in the Space Program's reputation. However, the Space Program is too big to fail, so if it's either this option or closing shop, I would advise you to accept the money.
		department = Public Relations
		icon = Squad/Strategies/Icons/BailOutGrant
		groupTag = Emergency,A
		minLeastDuration = 0
		maxLeastDuration = 0
		minLongestDuration = 0
		maxLongestDuration = 0
		requiredReputationMin = -1000
		requiredReputationMax = 0
		initialCostFundsMin = 0.0
		initialCostReputation = 0.0
		initialCostScience = 0.0
		hasFactorSlider = True
		factorSliderDefault = 0.05
		factorSliderSteps = 20
			name = CurrencyExchanger
			input = Reputation
			output = Funds
			minShare = 0.1
			maxShare = 1.0
			minRate = 83.026493061389099648900
			maxRate = 103.78311632673637456112
	parentUrl = Squad/Strategies/Strategies.cfg
		name = researchIPsellout
		title = Research Rights Sell-Out
		desc = We could make a quick buck from the Science the R&D team has collected by selling exclusive research rights to the highest bidder. Yes, that means we wouldn't be able to make use of that Science ourselves, but for exclusive rights, I'm sure we could fetch a pretty penny from some large agency or conglomerate.
		department = Science
		icon = Squad/Strategies/Icons/ResearchRightsSellOut
		groupTag = Emergency,A
		minLeastDuration = 0
		maxLeastDuration = 0
		minLongestDuration = 0
		maxLongestDuration = 0
		requiredReputationMin = -1000
		requiredReputationMax = 0
		initialCostFundsMin = 0.0
		initialCostReputation = 0.0
		initialCostScience = 0.0
		hasFactorSlider = True
		factorSliderDefault = 0.05
		factorSliderSteps = 20
			name = CurrencyExchanger
			input = Science
			output = Funds
			minShare = 0.1
			maxShare = 1.0
			minRate = 41.51324653069454982445
			maxRate = 51.89155816336818728056
	parentUrl = Squad/Strategies/Strategies.cfg
		name = LeadershipInitiative
		title = Leadership Initiative
		desc = If we focus our efforts on consistently pushing our own space program forward, we can drum up more public interest. We will need to put a few contracts on the backburner, so we may have to start selling research rights to the academic community to stay solvent.
		department = Operations
		icon = Squad/Strategies/Icons/LeadershipInitiative
		groupTag = Misc,D
		minLeastDuration = 60
		maxLeastDuration = 100
		minLongestDuration = 1200
		maxLongestDuration = 1600
		requiredReputationMin = -500
		requiredReputationMax = 750
		initialCostFundsMin = 25000.0
		initialCostFundsMax = 250000.0
		initialCostScienceMin = 50.0
		initialCostScienceMax = 500.0
		initialCostReputationMin = 10.0
		initialCostReputationMax = 100.0
		hasFactorSlider = True
		factorSliderDefault = 0.05
		factorSliderSteps = 20
			name = CurrencyOperation
			currency = Funds
			operation = Multiply
			effectDescription = to milestone gains
			minValue = 1.00
			maxValue = 2.50
			AffectReasons = Progression
			name = CurrencyOperation
			currency = Reputation
			operation = Multiply
			effectDescription = to milestone gains
			minValue = 1.00
			maxValue = 2.50
			AffectReasons = Progression
			name = CurrencyOperation
			currency = Science
			operation = Multiply
			effectDescription = to field work gains
			minValue = 1.00
			maxValue = 1.50
			AffectReasons = ScienceTransmission, VesselRecovery, Progression
			name = CurrencyOperation
			currency = Funds
			operation = Multiply
			effectDescription = from contract gains
			minValue = 1.00
			maxValue = 0.25
			AffectReasons = ContractAdvance, ContractPenalty, ContractReward
			name = CurrencyOperation
			currency = Science
			operation = Multiply
			effectDescription = from contract gains
			minValue = 1.00
			maxValue = 0.25
			AffectReasons = ContractAdvance, ContractPenalty, ContractReward
			name = CurrencyOperation
			currency = Reputation
			operation = Multiply
			effectDescription = from contract gains
			minValue = 1.00
			maxValue = 0.25
			AffectReasons = ContractAdvance, ContractPenalty, ContractReward
	parentUrl = Squad/Tutorials/FlightSuborbital.cfg
		name = FlightSuborbital
			key = 0 90 0 0
			key = 45 90 0 0
			key = 130 80 0 0
			key = 250 80 0 0
			key = 400 70 0 0
	parentUrl = Squad/Tutorials/FromMun.cfg
		name = FromMun
			key = 0.5 90 0 -0.8204113
			key = 15 60 -3.264801 -3.264801
			key = 30 20 -1.893749 -1.893749
			key = 40 6 -0.1178844 -0.1178844
			key = 150 2 -0.004449593 0
	parentUrl = Squad/Tutorials/GoForOrbit.cfg
		name = GoForOrbit
			key = 0 90 0 0
			key = 60 90 0 0
			key = 120 80 -0.1217949 -0.1217949
			key = 250 70
			key = 360 60
			key = 500 48
			key = 530 45
			key = 650 37
			key = 700 34.2
			key = 815 29
			key = 850 26.8
			key = 900 24
			key = 1000 20
			key = 1200 14
			key = 1400 10.3
			key = 1500 9.1
			key = 1700 7.5
			key = 1800 6.9
			key = 1960 6.4
			key = 2032 6.3
			key = 0 0
			key = 60 340
			key = 120 1000
			key = 250 3450
			key = 360 6400
			key = 500 14500
			key = 530 16200
			key = 650 21300
			key = 700 23300
			key = 810 27400
			key = 850 29400
			key = 900 31900
			key = 1000 35700
			key = 1200 41600
			key = 1400 45800
			key = 1500 47500
			key = 1700 50500
			key = 1800 51900
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Missions/MissionPacks.cfg
		name = squad_MakingHistory
		displayName = Making History - The Race to Space
		order = 500
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Missions/MissionPacks.cfg
		name = squad_MakingHistory_Other
		displayName = Mission Madness
		order = 501
		color = #888888
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Missions/MissionPacks.cfg
		name = squad_MakingHistory_Tutorial
		displayName = Tutorials
		order = 10001
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Nodes/AccuracyLogic.cfg
		name = TestAccuracyLogic
		displayName = Test Accuracy
		description = Measure the accuracy of a test.
		tooltipDescription = Measure the accuracy of a test.
		isLogicNode = true
		isObjective = false
		category = Utility
		categoryDisplayName = Utility
		iconURL = test-accuracy
		tests = TestAccuracy
				module = TestAccuracy
				parameter = accuracy
				module = TestAccuracy
				parameter = accuracy
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Nodes/ActionChancePartResourceLevels.cfg
		name = ActionPartResourceAmount
		displayName = Change Vessel Resource Levels
		description = Change amount of resource in a vessel instantly
		tooltipDescription = Instantly changes the amount of a selected resource in a vessel. Affects loaded vessels using the resource flow.
		isObjective = false
		category = Vessel
		categoryDisplayName = Vessel
		iconURL = change-part-resource-levels
		actions = ActionPartResourceAmount
				module = ActionPartResourceAmount
				parameter = resourceName
				module = ActionPartResourceAmount
				parameter = adjustAmount
				module = ActionPartResourceAmount
				parameter = vesselID
				module = ActionPartResourceAmount
				parameter = resourceName
				module = ActionPartResourceAmount
				parameter = adjustAmount
				module = ActionPartResourceAmount
				parameter = vesselID
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Nodes/ActionExplode.cfg
		name = ActionVesselExplode
		displayName = Explode Vessel
		description = Explode the vessel part-by-part
		tooltipDescription = Use this node to trigger the part by part explosion of the chosen vessel.\n\nThe delay value will spread out the part explosions so you can tease the player or have it all go up in one big fireball.
		isObjective = false
		category = Vessel
		categoryDisplayName = Vessel
		iconURL = vessel-explode
		actions = ActionVesselExplode
				module = ActionVesselExplode
				parameter = vesselID
				module = ActionVesselExplode
				parameter = partsExplodeTime
				module = ActionVesselExplode
				parameter = vesselID
				module = ActionVesselExplode
				parameter = partsExplodeTime
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Nodes/ActionMissionScore.cfg
		name = MissionScore
		displayName = Change Score
		description = Change the score of the mission
		tooltipDescription = Adjusting the mission score is the purpose of this node. Use the various options to reward or punish the players of your mission.
		isObjective = false
		category = CurrencyAndScore
		categoryDisplayName = Currency and Score
		iconURL = Change-Score
		actions = ActionMissionScore
				module = ActionMissionScore
				parameter = score
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Nodes/ActionModifierFunds.cfg
		name = ModifyFunds
		displayName = Change Funds
		description = Modify the player's available Funds
		tooltipDescription = With this node you can adjust the amount of funds available to a player. Use it to give them extra funds for completing an objective, or punish them by reducing their funds when they make mistakes.
		isObjective = false
		category = CurrencyAndScore
		categoryDisplayName = Currency and Score
		iconURL = funds
		actions = ActionModifierFunds
				module = ActionModifierFunds
				parameter = modifierType
				module = ActionModifierFunds
				parameter = modifierFunds
				module = ActionModifierFunds
				parameter = modifierType
				module = ActionModifierFunds
				parameter = modifierFunds
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Nodes/ActionModifierScore.cfg
		name = MissionScore
		displayName = Modify Score
		description = Change the score of the mission
		tooltipDescription = Modify the player's total score.
		isObjective = false
		category = CurrencyAndScore
		categoryDisplayName = Currency and Score
		iconURL = score
		actions = ActionModifierScore
				module = ActionModifierScore
				parameter = score
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Nodes/ActionPartExplode.cfg
		name = ActionPartExplode
		displayName = Explode Part
		description = Explode a specific part
		tooltipDescription = In the "what you see is what you get" category is this node. Select a part and it will explode.
		isObjective = false
		category = Vessel
		categoryDisplayName = Vessel
		iconURL = part-explode
		actions = ActionPartExplode
				module = ActionPartExplode
				parameter = vesselPartIDs
				module = ActionPartExplode
				parameter = vesselPartIDs
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Nodes/ActionPartResourceDrain.cfg
		name = ActionPartResourceDrain
		displayName = Resource Drain
		description = Change amount of resource in a part over time
		tooltipDescription = Adds a gradual change in a part's resource levels over time. You can use this one to create a resource leak, or resource generation over time.\n\nAdd a level of fear to those fuel levels or make a challenge where you slowly add fuel to a rocket ascent instead of starting all fueled up.
		isObjective = false
		category = Vessel
		categoryDisplayName = Vessel
		iconURL = action-part-resource-drain
		actions = ActionPartResourceDrain
				module = ActionPartResourceDrain
				parameter = timePeriod
				module = ActionPartResourceDrain
				parameter = amountToDrain
				module = ActionPartResourceDrain
				parameter = vesselPartIDs
				module = ActionPartResourceDrain
				parameter = resourceName
				module = ActionPartResourceDrain
				parameter = timePeriod
				module = ActionPartResourceDrain
				parameter = amountToDrain
				module = ActionPartResourceDrain
				parameter = vesselPartIDs
				module = ActionPartResourceDrain
				parameter = resourceName
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Nodes/ActionVesselActionGroup.cfg
		name = ActionVesselActionGroup
		displayName = Trigger Action Group
		description = Trigger an Action Group in a vessel
		tooltipDescription = This action will trigger the selected action group on the selected vessel.\n\nIf the selected vessel is not the currently active one, then the node will not activate till the selected vessel becomes player controlled.
		isObjective = false
		category = Vessel
		categoryDisplayName = Vessel
		iconURL = vessel-actiongroup-trigger
		actions = ActionVesselActionGroup
		tests = TestVesselActive
				module = TestVesselActive
				parameter = vesselID
				module = ActionVesselActionGroup
				parameter = actionGroup
				module = TestVesselActive
				parameter = vesselID
				module = ActionVesselActionGroup
				parameter = actionGroup
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Nodes/ActionVesselStage.cfg
		name = ActionVesselStage
		displayName = Activate Stage
		description = Activate the next stage in a vessel
		tooltipDescription = This action will activate the next stage on the selected vessel. If the selected vessel is not the currently active one, then the node will not activate till the selected vessel becomes player controlled.
		isObjective = false
		category = Vessel
		categoryDisplayName = Vessel
		iconURL = vessel-stage-activated
		actions = ActionVesselStage
		tests = TestVesselActive
				module = TestVesselActive
				parameter = vesselID
				module = TestVesselActive
				parameter = vesselID
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Nodes/CreateAsteroid.cfg
		name = CreateAsteroid
		displayName = Spawn Asteroid
		description = Spawn an Asteroid somewhere in the universe
		tooltipDescription = Generate and place an asteroid out in the universe.\n\nWarning: Large rocks on collision courses can be hazardous to your health.
		isObjective = false
		category = Spawnable
		categoryDisplayName = Spawnable
		iconURL = create-asteroid
		actions = ActionCreateAsteroid
				module = ActionCreateAsteroid
				parameter = asteroid
				module = ActionCreateAsteroid
				parameter = splashed
				module = ActionCreateAsteroid
				parameter = location
				module = ActionCreateAsteroid
				parameter = asteroid
				module = ActionCreateAsteroid
				parameter = splashed
				module = ActionCreateAsteroid
				parameter = location
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Nodes/CreateComet.cfg
		name = CreateComet
		displayName = Spawn Comet
		description = Spawn a Comet somewhere in the universe
		tooltipDescription = Generate and place a comet out in the universe.\n\nWarning: Large rocks on collision courses can be hazardous to your health.
		isObjective = false
		category = Spawnable
		categoryDisplayName = Spawnable
		iconURL = create-comet
		actions = ActionCreateComet
				module = ActionCreateComet
				parameter = comet
				module = ActionCreateComet
				parameter = splashed
				module = ActionCreateComet
				parameter = location
				module = ActionCreateComet
				parameter = comet
				module = ActionCreateComet
				parameter = splashed
				module = ActionCreateComet
				parameter = location
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Nodes/CreateFlag.cfg
		name = CreateFlag
		displayName = Spawn Flag
		description = Spawn a flag somewhere in the universe
		tooltipDescription = Place a flag out in the universe to be a marker for your players, leave messages behind, or provide a moguls course for a winter sporting event.
		isObjective = false
		category = Spawnable
		categoryDisplayName = Spawnable
		iconURL = create-flag
		actions = ActionCreateFlag
				module = ActionCreateFlag
				parameter = siteName
				module = ActionCreateFlag
				parameter = plaqueText
				module = ActionCreateFlag
				parameter = location
				module = ActionCreateFlag
				parameter = siteName
				module = ActionCreateFlag
				parameter = location
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Nodes/CreateLaunchSite.cfg
		name = CreateLaunchSite
		displayName = Spawn Launch Site
		description = Spawn a Launch Site somewhere in the universe
		tooltipDescription = Want to start your intrepid explorers from somewhere other than home? This node lets you deploy a Launch Site that you can then use as a jump-off point for launches, or a target for crashes... I mean landings.
		isObjective = false
		category = Spawnable
		categoryDisplayName = Spawnable
		iconURL = launch-site
		actions = ActionCreateLaunchSite
				module = ActionCreateLaunchSite
				parameter = launchSiteSituation
				module = ActionCreateLaunchSite
				parameter = launchSiteSituation
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Nodes/CreateVessel.cfg
		name = CreateVessel
		displayName = Spawn Vessel
		description = Spawn a Vessel somewhere in the universe
		tooltipDescription = Sets up a vessel to be created to your specifications and at the place of your choosing. Whether that be in orbit or on the floor of the ocean - just remember to pack your sunscreen if it's in Low Orbit around the Sun.
		isObjective = false
		category = Spawnable
		categoryDisplayName = Spawnable
		iconURL = create-vessel
		actions = ActionCreateVessel
				module = ActionCreateVessel
				parameter = vesselSituation
				module = ActionCreateVessel
				parameter = partFilter
				module = ActionCreateVessel
				parameter = vesselSituation
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Nodes/CrewAssignment.cfg
		name = TestCrewAssignment
		displayName = Crew Assignment
		description = Check for Kerbal assigned to a seat
		tooltipDescription = Use this node to check if a kerbal has arrived where you want them to be.
		isObjective = True
		category = Kerbal
		categoryDisplayName = Kerbal
		iconURL = crew-assignment
		tests = TestCrewAssignment
				module = TestCrewAssignment
				parameter = missionKerbal
				module = TestCrewAssignment
				parameter = vesselPartIDs
				module = TestCrewAssignment
				parameter = missionKerbal
				module = TestCrewAssignment
				parameter = vesselPartIDs
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Nodes/Destroyed.cfg
		name = Crashed
		displayName = Vessel Destroyed
		description = Check for a vessel being destroyed
		tooltipDescription = Also known as the R.I.P. node, this one will detect a vessel's destruction for you.
		isObjective = false
		category = Vessel
		categoryDisplayName = Vessel
		iconURL = vessel-crashed
		tests = TestVesselStateCrashed
				module = TestVesselStateCrashed
				parameter = vesselID
				module = TestVesselStateCrashed
				parameter = locationSituation
				module = TestVesselStateCrashed
				parameter = vesselID
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Nodes/DialogMessage.cfg
		name = DialogMessage
		displayName = Dialog Message
		description = Display a message in a dialog box
		tooltipDescription = Have one of our expert instructors pass on knowledge or instructions to the player during your mission.\n\n* Comic relief not included.
		isObjective = false
		category = Utility
		categoryDisplayName = Utility
		iconURL = dialog-message
		actions = ActionDialogMessage
				module = ActionDialogMessage
				parameter = messageHeading
				module = ActionDialogMessage
				parameter = message
				module = ActionDialogMessage
				parameter = missionInstructor
				module = ActionDialogMessage
				parameter = missionInstructor
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Nodes/Distance.cfg
		name = Distance
		displayName = Test Distance
		description = Check the distance between a vessel and an object
		tooltipDescription = This node can be used as your yardstick to check just how far it is between two items.
		isObjective = false
		category = Location
		categoryDisplayName = Location
		iconURL = test-vessel-distance-to-another-vessel
		tests = TestDistance
				module = TestDistance
				parameter = distanceFromTarget
				module = TestDistance
				parameter = distanceToTarget
				module = TestDistance
				parameter = distance
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Nodes/EVA.cfg
		name = EVA
		displayName = Kerbal EVA
		description = Check for a Kerbal going on EVA
		tooltipDescription = Check for when a kerbal goes Extra Vehicular. This triggers when the configured kerbal leaves the building... I mean vessel.
		isObjective = True
		category = Kerbal
		categoryDisplayName = Kerbal
		iconURL = test-eva
		tests = TestKerbalEVA
				module = TestKerbalEVA
				parameter = missionKerbal
				module = TestKerbalEVA
				parameter = missionKerbal
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Nodes/EmptyFalse.cfg
		name = EmptyFalse
		displayName = Always False
		description = A logic node that is always <b>false</b>
		tooltipDescription = Use this node for placeholders or information. A good use for this is when you want to make 'fake' objectives before an event happens.
		isLogicNode = true
		isObjective = false
		category = Utility
		categoryDisplayName = Utility
		iconURL = EmptyFalse
		tests = TestEmptyFalse
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Nodes/EmptyTrue.cfg
		name = EmptyTrue
		displayName = Always True
		description = A logic node that is always <b>true</b>
		tooltipDescription = Use this node to redirect the mission path as it will always be true. A good use for this is in a loop situation.
		isLogicNode = true
		isObjective = false
		category = Utility
		categoryDisplayName = Utility
		iconURL = EmptyTrue
		tests = TestEmptyTrue
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Nodes/EscapeSOI.cfg
		name = SOILeft
		displayName = Left SOI
		description = Check if a vessel is leaving a Sphere of Influence
		tooltipDescription = Want to make sure a vessel has flown away? Use this node to make sure they leave the Sphere of Influence of your choice.
		isObjective = True
		category = Location
		categoryDisplayName = Location
		iconURL = leave-soi
		tests = TestSOILeft
				module = TestSOILeft
				parameter = vesselID
				module = TestSOILeft
				parameter = missionBody
				module = TestSOILeft
				parameter = vesselID
				module = TestSOILeft
				parameter = missionBody
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Nodes/Flying.cfg
		name = Flying
		displayName = Flying Vessel
		description = Check if a vessel is flying
		tooltipDescription = This checks if a vessel is flying in the configured situation.
		isObjective = True
		category = Vessel
		categoryDisplayName = Vessel
		iconURL = vessel-flying
		tests = TestVesselSituationFlying
				module = TestVesselSituationFlying
				parameter = locationSituation
				module = TestVesselSituationFlying
				parameter = vesselID
				module = TestVesselSituationFlying
				parameter = locationSituation
				module = TestVesselSituationFlying
				parameter = vesselID
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Nodes/FundsRecovery.cfg
		name = FundsRecovery
		displayName = Recover Funds
		description = Check for Funds received by recovering vessels.
		tooltipDescription = This node can be used to track the accumulation of funds through the recovery of vessels, kerbals, resources and other second hand items.
		isObjective = True
		category = CurrencyAndScore
		categoryDisplayName = Currency and Score
		iconURL = funds-recovery
		tests = TestFundsRecovery
				module = TestFundsRecovery
				parameter = fundsToRecover
				module = TestFundsRecovery
				parameter = comparisonOperator
				module = TestFundsRecovery
				parameter = fundsToRecover
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Nodes/KerbalBoarded.cfg
		name = TestKerbalBoarded
		displayName = Kerbal Boarded
		description = Check for a Kerbal boarding a vessel
		tooltipDescription = A way to tell when kerbals come back inside. Just make sure they shut the door.
		isObjective = True
		category = Kerbal
		categoryDisplayName = Kerbal
		tests = TestKerbalBoarded
		iconURL = kerbal-boarded
				module = TestKerbalBoarded
				parameter = missionKerbal
				module = TestKerbalBoarded
				parameter = missionKerbal
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Nodes/KerbalKilled.cfg
		name = EVA
		displayName = Kerbal Killed
		description = Check if a kerbal has been killed
		tooltipDescription = We prefer not to talk about this one.
		isObjective = True
		category = Kerbal
		categoryDisplayName = Kerbal
		iconURL = test-killed
		tests = TestKerbalKilled
				module = TestKerbalKilled
				parameter = missionKerbal
				module = TestKerbalKilled
				parameter = missionKerbal
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Nodes/KerbalRecovery.cfg
		name = KerbalRecovery
		displayName = Kerbal Recovery
		description = Check for a Kerbal recovered at home
		tooltipDescription = Through the use of this node we can detect when a kerbal is recovered.
		isObjective = True
		category = Kerbal
		categoryDisplayName = Kerbal
		iconURL = kerbal-recovery
		tests = TestKerbalRecovery
				module = TestKerbalRecovery
				parameter = missionKerbal
				module = TestKerbalRecovery
				parameter = missionKerbal
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Nodes/KerbalRescue.cfg
		name = KerbalRescue
		displayName = Kerbal Rescued
		description = Check for a Kerbal being rescued
		tooltipDescription = Get out there and reach that kerbal. This node will activate when the player reaches a stranded kerbal's position and they can be brought into the team.
		isObjective = True
		category = Kerbal
		categoryDisplayName = Kerbal
		iconURL = kerbal-rescue
		tests = TestKerbalRescue
				module = TestKerbalRescue
				parameter = missionKerbal
				module = TestKerbalRescue
				parameter = missionKerbal
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Nodes/Landed.cfg
		name = Landed
		displayName = Landed Vessel
		description = Check if a vessel is landed
		tooltipDescription = Check that a vessel is landed. You can also check that it's stopped as well.
		isObjective = True
		category = Location
		categoryDisplayName = Location
		iconURL = vessel-landed
		tests = TestVesselSituationLanded
				module = TestVesselSituationLanded
				parameter = locationSituation
				module = TestVesselSituationLanded
				parameter = vesselID
				module = TestVesselSituationLanded
				parameter = locationSituation
				module = TestVesselSituationLanded
				parameter = vesselID
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Nodes/Message.cfg
		name = Message
		displayName = Display Message
		description = Display an on-screen message
		tooltipDescription = An onscreen message prompt to give quick status messages.
		isObjective = false
		category = Utility
		categoryDisplayName = Utility
		iconURL = display-message
		actions = ActionMessage
				module = ActionMessage
				parameter = message
				module = ActionMessage
				parameter = duration
				module = ActionMessage
				parameter = style
				module = ActionMessage
				parameter = message
				module = ActionMessage
				parameter = duration
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Nodes/MissionFunds.cfg
		name = MissionFunds
		displayName = Test Funds
		description = Compare the Available Funds
		tooltipDescription = The way to test how frugal your player is being. This is the way to make decisions based on the available funds a player has, and direct your mission accordingly.
		isLogicNode = true
		isObjective = true
		category = CurrencyAndScore
		categoryDisplayName = Currency and Score
		iconURL = testFunds
		tests = TestMissionFunds
				module = TestMissionFunds
				parameter = funds
				module = TestMissionFunds
				parameter = comparisonOperator
				module = TestMissionFunds
				parameter = funds
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Nodes/MissionScore.cfg
		name = MissionScore
		displayName = Test Score
		description = Compare the Mission Score
		tooltipDescription = Want to check how the player is doing in your mission? Perhaps to give them extra opportunities to gain points? This node is for you.
		isLogicNode = true
		isObjective = false
		category = CurrencyAndScore
		categoryDisplayName = Currency and Score
		iconURL = Test-Score
		tests = TestMissionScore
				module = TestMissionScore
				parameter = score
				module = TestMissionScore
				parameter = comparisonOperator
				module = TestMissionScore
				parameter = score
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Nodes/Orbit.cfg
		name = Orbit
		displayName = Orbit
		description = Check a vessel orbit
		tooltipDescription = Compares the selected vessel orbit with a target orbit. It compares the full orbit of the vessel against the target orbit. Is it stable? The right dimensions? Are they under acceleration? What's their favorite color*?\n\n* Color not included.
		isObjective = True
		category = Location
		categoryDisplayName = Location
		iconURL = orbit
		tests = TestOrbit
				module = TestOrbit
				parameter = orbitAccuracy
				module = TestOrbit
				parameter = underThrust
				module = TestOrbit
				parameter = missionOrbit
				module = TestOrbit
				parameter = missionOrbit
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Nodes/OrbitParams.cfg
		name = OrbitParams
		displayName = Orbit Parameters
		description = Check selected parameters of a vessel orbit
		tooltipDescription = Allows you to compare the selected vessel orbit with selected parameters. Turn on the checkboxes for the parts you care about and check if the orbit is stable, the vessel under acceleration, or simply just around the right planet.
		isObjective = true
		category = Location
		categoryDisplayName = Location
		iconURL = orbitParameters
		tests = TestOrbitParams
				module = TestOrbitParams
				parameter = checkApoapsis
				module = TestOrbitParams
				parameter = apMinValue
				module = TestOrbitParams
				parameter = apMaxValue
				module = TestOrbitParams
				parameter = checkPeriapsis
				module = TestOrbitParams
				parameter = peMinValue
				module = TestOrbitParams
				parameter = peMaxValue
				module = TestOrbitParams
				parameter = checkInclination
				module = TestOrbitParams
				parameter = inclination
				module = TestOrbitParams
				parameter = checkLAN
				module = TestOrbitParams
				parameter = LAN
				module = TestOrbitParams
				parameter = body
				module = TestOrbitParams
				parameter = stabilizationTime
				module = TestOrbitParams
				parameter = underThrust
				module = TestOrbitParams
				parameter = orbitAccuracy
				module = TestOrbitParams
				parameter = body
				module = TestOrbitParams
				parameter = checkApoapsis
				module = TestOrbitParams
				parameter = checkPeriapsis
				module = TestOrbitParams
				parameter = checkInclination
				module = TestOrbitParams
				parameter = checkLAN
				module = TestOrbitParams
				parameter = stabilizationTime
				module = TestOrbitParams
				parameter = underThrust
				module = TestOrbitParams
				parameter = orbitAccuracy
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Nodes/PartDocking.cfg
		name = TestPartDocking
		displayName = Part Docking / Undocking
		description = Test whether two parts are docked in the same vessel or not.
		tooltipDescription = This node is useful when you need to check if a part is docked or undocked to another part.
		isObjective = True
		category = Vessel
		categoryDisplayName = Vessel
		iconURL = PartDocking-Undocking
		tests = TestPartDocking
				module = TestPartDocking
				parameter = partOnevesselPartIDs
				module = TestPartDocking
				parameter = partTwovesselPartIDs
				module = TestPartDocking
				parameter = dockedUndocked
				module = TestPartDocking
				parameter = partOnevesselPartIDs
				module = TestPartDocking
				parameter = partTwovesselPartIDs
				module = TestPartDocking
				parameter = dockedUndocked
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Nodes/PartFailure.cfg
		name = PartFailure
		displayName = Fail Part
		description = Trigger a part failure
		tooltipDescription = Make things "interesting" with this node. You can configure various parts and failures to occur in the vessels in your mission.
		isObjective = false
		category = Vessel
		categoryDisplayName = Vessel
		iconURL = fail-part
		actions = ActionPartFailure
				module = ActionPartFailure
				parameter = vesselPartIDs
				module = ActionPartFailure
				parameter = Modules
				module = ActionPartFailure
				parameter = vesselPartIDs
				module = ActionPartFailure
				parameter = Modules
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Nodes/PartGrapple.cfg
		name = TestGrapple
		displayName = Test Grapple
		description = Test whether a space object is grappled or not by a specific grappling device.
		tooltipDescription = This node is useful when you need to check if a space object is grappled to a specific grappling device.
		isObjective = True
		category = Vessel
		categoryDisplayName = Vessel
		iconURL = test-grapple
		tests = TestGrapple
				module = TestGrapple
				parameter = partOnevesselPartIDs
				module = TestGrapple
				parameter = dockedUndocked
				module = TestGrapple
				parameter = partOnevesselPartIDs
				module = TestGrapple
				parameter = dockedUndocked
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Nodes/PartRepair.cfg
		name = PartRepair
		displayName = Repair Part
		description = Repair a part failure
		tooltipDescription = Use this node to reverse failures you may have applied previously to vessels.
		isObjective = false
		category = Vessel
		categoryDisplayName = Vessel
		iconURL = repair-part
		actions = ActionPartRepair
				module = ActionPartRepair
				parameter = vesselID
				module = ActionPartRepair
				parameter = repairType
				module = ActionPartRepair
				parameter = vesselID
				module = ActionPartRepair
				parameter = repairType
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Nodes/PlaceKerbal.cfg
		name = CreateKerbal
		displayName = Spawn Kerbal
		description = Spawn a Kerbal somewhere in the universe
		tooltipDescription = Will place the selected kerbal at your desired position. Can be used to place a kerbal to be rescued, to start a cross country trek or just to enjoy the view from a polar orbit of Duna.
		isObjective = false
		category = Spawnable
		categoryDisplayName = Spawnable
		iconURL = create-kerbal
		actions = ActionCreateKerbal
				module = ActionCreateKerbal
				parameter = missionKerbal
				module = ActionCreateKerbal
				parameter = isStranded
				module = ActionCreateKerbal
				parameter = splashed
				module = ActionCreateKerbal
				parameter = location
				module = ActionCreateKerbal
				parameter = missionKerbal
				module = ActionCreateKerbal
				parameter = isStranded
				module = ActionCreateKerbal
				parameter = splashed
				module = ActionCreateKerbal
				parameter = location
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Nodes/PlantFlag.cfg
		name = PlantFlag
		displayName = Plant Flag
		description = Plant a flag
		tooltipDescription = Direct your players to plant a flag in the spot of your choosing.
		isObjective = True
		category = Location
		categoryDisplayName = Location
		iconURL = plant-flag
		tests = TestPlantFlag
				module = TestPlantFlag
				parameter = situation
				module = TestPlantFlag
				parameter = situation
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Nodes/ReachSOI.cfg
		name = ReachSOI
		displayName = SOI Reached
		description = Check if a vessel is entering a Sphere of Influence
		tooltipDescription = The opposite of leaving. Has that vessel entered the configured Sphere of Influence?
		isObjective = True
		category = Location
		categoryDisplayName = Location
		iconURL = reach-soi
		tests = TestSOIReached
				module = TestSOIReached
				parameter = vesselID
				module = TestSOIReached
				parameter = body
				module = TestSOIReached
				parameter = vesselID
				module = TestSOIReached
				parameter = body
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Nodes/Resource.cfg
		name = ResourceAmount
		displayName = Resource Amount
		description = Check amount of resource in a vessel
		tooltipDescription = Does your vessel have a full tank? Use this to check how much of a specific resource is in the vessel.
		isLogicNode = true
		isObjective = false
		category = ResourcesAndScience
		categoryDisplayName = Resources and Science
		iconURL = resource-amount
		tests = TestVesselResource
				module = TestVesselResource
				parameter = resourceName
				module = TestVesselResource
				parameter = resourceAmount
				module = TestVesselResource
				parameter = comparisonOperator
				module = TestVesselResource
				parameter = vesselID
				module = TestVesselResource
				parameter = resourceName
				module = TestVesselResource
				parameter = resourceAmount
				module = TestVesselResource
				parameter = vesselID
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Nodes/ResourceRecovery.cfg
		name = TestResourcesRecovery
		displayName = Recover Resource
		description = Check for Resources received by recovering vessels
		tooltipDescription = This node can be used to track the accumulation of resources through the recovery of vessels.
		isObjective = True
		category = ResourcesAndScience
		categoryDisplayName = Resources and Science
		iconURL = resource-recovery
		tests = TestResourcesRecovery
				module = TestResourcesRecovery
				parameter = resourceName
				module = TestResourcesRecovery
				parameter = comparisonOperator
				module = TestResourcesRecovery
				parameter = resourcesToRecover
				module = TestResourcesRecovery
				parameter = resourceName
				module = TestResourcesRecovery
				parameter = resourcesToRecover
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Nodes/ScienceExperiment.cfg
		name = ScienceExperiment
		displayName = Science Experiment
		description = Check for performing a science experiment
		tooltipDescription = Make your kerbals work for a living. Tests for performance of a science experiment and you can choose if they need to bring the results home or just transmit it home.
		isObjective = True
		category = ResourcesAndScience
		categoryDisplayName = Resources and Science
		iconURL = science-experiment
		tests = TestScienceExperiment
				module = TestScienceExperiment
				parameter = experimentID
				module = TestScienceExperiment
				parameter = experimentSituation
				module = TestScienceExperiment
				parameter = DeployorReceived
				module = TestScienceExperiment
				parameter = experimentID
				module = TestScienceExperiment
				parameter = experimentSituation
				module = TestScienceExperiment
				parameter = DeployorReceived
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Nodes/SetCamera.cfg
		name = SetCamera
		displayName = Camera Mode
		description = Change and Lock the camera mode for the player
		tooltipDescription = Use this node to force the camera to change on the player. You can also lock the camera in that new mode to make things interesting as well.
		isObjective = false
		category = Utility
		categoryDisplayName = Utility
		iconURL = camera-mode-action-node
		actions = ActionSetCamera
				module = ActionSetCamera
				parameter = cameraLockMode
				module = ActionSetCamera
				parameter = cameraLockOptions
				module = ActionSetCamera
				parameter = cameraLockMode
				module = ActionSetCamera
				parameter = cameraLockOptions
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Nodes/SplashDown.cfg
		name = SplashDown
		displayName = Splashed Vessel
		description = Check if a vessel is splashed down
		tooltipDescription = Splash! This node is used to check if a vessel is splashed down in your selected location.
		isObjective = True
		category = Location
		categoryDisplayName = Location
		iconURL = vessel-splashed
		tests = TestVesselSituationSplashed
				module = TestVesselSituationSplashed
				parameter = locationSituation
				module = TestVesselSituationSplashed
				parameter = vesselID
				module = TestVesselSituationSplashed
				parameter = locationSituation
				module = TestVesselSituationSplashed
				parameter = vesselID
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Nodes/StageActivated.cfg
		name = TestVesselStageActivated
		displayName = Stage Activated
		description = Check if a certain stage is activated
		tooltipDescription = Monitor for a specific stage being activated in your vessel.
		isObjective = false
		category = Vessel
		categoryDisplayName = Vessel
		iconURL = vessel-stage
		tests = TestVesselStageActivated
				module = TestVesselStageActivated
				parameter = activation
				module = TestVesselStageActivated
				parameter = activation
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Nodes/TakeKerbal.cfg
		name = TestTakeKerbal
		displayName = Take Kerbal
		description = Check if a Kerbal reaches a surface location
		tooltipDescription = Take a kerbal to a specific location on a celestial body.
		isObjective = True
		category = Kerbal
		categoryDisplayName = Kerbal
		iconURL = take-tourist
		tests = TestTakeKerbal
				module = TestTakeKerbal
				parameter = missionKerbal
				module = TestTakeKerbal
				parameter = locationSituation
				module = TestTakeKerbal
				parameter = missionKerbal
				module = TestTakeKerbal
				parameter = locationSituation
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Nodes/TestFlyThrough.cfg
		name = TestFlyThrough
		displayName = Fly Through
		description = Check if a vessel is flying over a surface location
		tooltipDescription = This node is used to check for flying through a waypoint on a celestial body.
		isObjective = True
		category = Location
		categoryDisplayName = Location
		iconURL = fly-through
		tests = TestFlyThrough
				module = TestFlyThrough
				parameter = volumeData
				module = TestFlyThrough
				parameter = vesselID
				module = TestFlyThrough
				parameter = volumeData
				module = TestFlyThrough
				parameter = vesselID
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Nodes/TestGoTo.cfg
		name = TestGoTo
		displayName = Go to
		description = Check if a vessel reaches a surface location
		tooltipDescription = Direct a vessel to a specific location on a celestial body.
		isObjective = True
		category = Location
		categoryDisplayName = Location
		iconURL = go-to
		tests = TestGoTo
				module = TestGoTo
				parameter = areaData
				module = TestGoTo
				parameter = vesselID
				module = TestGoTo
				parameter = areaData
				module = TestGoTo
				parameter = vesselID
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Nodes/TimeMET.cfg
		name = TimeMET
		displayName = Mission Elapsed Time (MET)
		description = Check time since flight started
		tooltipDescription = Tests how long it has been since the selected vessel was launched.
		isObjective = false
		isLogicNode = true
		category = Utility
		categoryDisplayName = Utility
		iconURL = time-of-flight
		tests = TestMETTime
				module = TestMETTime
				parameter = time
				module = TestMETTime
				parameter = vesselID
				module = TestMETTime
				parameter = time
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Nodes/TimeOfMission.cfg
		name = TimeOfMission
		displayName = Time of Mission
		description = Check time since this mission started
		tooltipDescription = Compare against the amount of time that's passed since this mission was started - measures in Universal Time.
		isLogicNode = true
		isObjective = false
		category = Utility
		categoryDisplayName = Utility
		iconURL = time-of-mission
		tests = TestMissionTime
				module = TestMissionTime
				parameter = time
				module = TestMissionTime
				parameter = time
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Nodes/TimeSinceNode.cfg
		name = TestTimeSinceNode
		displayName = Time Since Node
		description = Check time since a chosen node
		tooltipDescription = Use this node to make decisions based on how long it's been since the player reached a previous node. It's based on the Universal Time when the selected node was activated.
		isLogicNode = true
		isObjective = false
		category = Utility
		categoryDisplayName = Utility
		iconURL = time-since-node
		tests = TestTimeSinceNode
				module = TestTimeSinceNode
				parameter = time
				module = TestTimeSinceNode
				parameter = nodeID
				module = TestTimeSinceNode
				parameter = time
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Nodes/VesselActiveCount.cfg
		name = TestVesselActiveCount
		displayName = Vessel Active Count
		description = Test how many vessels of the selected type exist in the game
		tooltipDescription = This node will give you a way to test how many player vessels are active in the current game. You can also use it to count some other types as well.
		isObjective = false
		category = Vessel
		categoryDisplayName = Vessel
		iconURL = vessel-activecount
		tests = TestVesselActiveCount
				module = TestVesselActiveCount
				parameter = vesselType
				module = TestVesselActiveCount
				parameter = comparisonOperator
				module = TestVesselActiveCount
				parameter = vesselCount
				module = TestVesselActiveCount
				parameter = vesselType
				module = TestVesselActiveCount
				parameter = vesselCount
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Nodes/VesselAltitudeGoal.cfg
		name = VesselAltitudeGoal
		displayName = Reach Altitude
		description = Check a vessel altitude
		tooltipDescription = Reach for the stars... or at least part way there. Compare a vessel's altitude with this node.
		isObjective = True
		isLogicNode = true
		category = Location
		categoryDisplayName = Location
		iconURL = test-altitude
		tests = TestVesselAltitude
				module = TestVesselAltitude
				parameter = altitude
				module = TestVesselAltitude
				parameter = useRadarAltimiter
				module = TestVesselAltitude
				parameter = vesselID
				module = TestVesselAltitude
				parameter = altitude
				module = TestVesselAltitude
				parameter = useRadarAltimiter
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Nodes/VesselCrewCount.cfg
		name = VeselCrewCount
		displayName = Crew Count
		description = Check the number of Kerbals in a vessel
		tooltipDescription = How many scientists did you bring along? This will let you count the crew and type in a vessel.
		isLogicNode = true
		isObjective = false
		category = Kerbal
		categoryDisplayName = Kerbal
		iconURL = vessel-crew-count
		tests = TestVesselCrewCount
				module = TestVesselCrewCount
				parameter = crewAmount
				module = TestVesselCrewCount
				parameter = crewType
				module = TestVesselCrewCount
				parameter = comparisonOperator
				module = TestVesselCrewCount
				parameter = vesselID
				module = TestVesselCrewCount
				parameter = crewAmount
				module = TestVesselCrewCount
				parameter = crewType
				module = TestVesselCrewCount
				parameter = vesselID
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Nodes/VesselMassLogic.cfg
		name = VesselMass
		displayName = Vessel Mass
		description = Check the mass of a vessel
		tooltipDescription = Is it heavy? With this node you can compare a vessel's mass to make decisions.
		isLogicNode = true
		isObjective = false
		category = Vessel
		categoryDisplayName = Vessel
		iconURL = vessel-mass
		tests = TestVesselMass
				module = TestVesselMass
				parameter = mass
				module = TestVesselMass
				parameter = comparisonOperator
				module = TestVesselMass
				parameter = vesselID
				module = TestVesselMass
				parameter = mass
				module = TestVesselMass
				parameter = vesselID
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Nodes/VesselPartCount.cfg
		name = PartCount
		displayName = Vessel Part Count
		description = Check the number of parts in a vessel
		tooltipDescription = Are we flying a complete vessel? With this node you can compare the part count of a vessel to make sure you haven't lost any!
		isLogicNode = true
		isObjective = false
		category = Vessel
		categoryDisplayName = Vessel
		iconURL = part-count
		tests = TestVesselPartCount
				module = TestVesselPartCount
				parameter = parts
				module = TestVesselPartCount
				parameter = comparisonOperator
				module = TestVesselPartCount
				parameter = vesselID
				module = TestVesselPartCount
				parameter = parts
				module = TestVesselPartCount
				parameter = vesselID
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Nodes/VesselRecovery.cfg
		name = TestVesselRecovery
		displayName = Vessel Recovery
		description = Check for a vessel recovered at home
		tooltipDescription = Use this node to detect when a vessel is recovered at the home body.\n\nIt can be really useful if you want to check for the main mission vessel being recovered.
		isObjective = false
		category = Vessel
		categoryDisplayName = Vessel
		iconURL = vessel-recovery
		tests = TestVesselRecovery
				module = TestVesselRecovery
				parameter = vesselID
				module = TestVesselRecovery
				parameter = vesselID
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Nodes/VesselStage.cfg
		name = TestVesselStage
		displayName = Stages Count
		description = Check the number of stages in a vessel
		tooltipDescription = Compare how many stages are in a vessel with your target value.
		isLogicNode = true
		isObjective = false
		category = Vessel
		categoryDisplayName = Vessel
		iconURL = Vessel-Stage-Count
		tests = TestVesselStage
				module = TestVesselStage
				parameter = vesselID
				module = TestVesselStage
				parameter = stage
				module = TestVesselStage
				parameter = comparisonOperator
				module = TestVesselStage
				parameter = vesselID
				module = TestVesselStage
				parameter = stage
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Nodes/VesselVelocity.cfg
		name = VesselVelocity
		displayName = Test Velocity
		description = Check a vessel's velocity
		tooltipDescription = Just how fast are we going? Use this node to check on the velocity of a vessel.
		isLogicNode = true
		isObjective = false
		category = Vessel
		categoryDisplayName = Vessel
		iconURL = test-vessel-velocity
		tests = TestVesselVelocity
				module = TestVesselVelocity
				parameter = velocity
				module = TestVesselVelocity
				parameter = comparisonOperator
				module = TestVesselVelocity
				parameter = speedType
				module = TestVesselVelocity
				parameter = velocity
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Aero/protectiveRocketNoseMk16/rocketNoseCone_size4.cfg
		name = rocketNoseConeSize4
		module = Part
		author = AlexanderM (Remix by Pablo)
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2
		TechRequired = metaMaterials
		entryCost = 6500
		cost = 1700
		category = Aero
		subcategory = 0
		title = Protective Rocket Nose Cone Mk16A
		manufacturer = Goliath National Products
		description = An immense nosecone for massive 5m rocket stacks.
		attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0
		mass = 0.8
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.1
		minimum_drag = 0.1
		angularDrag = 0.5
		crashTolerance = 10
		maxTemp = 2400
		thermalMassModifier = 6.0
		emissiveConstant = 0.7
		fuelCrossFeed = False
		bulkheadProfiles = size4
		tags = tags = #autoLOC_500153
			model = Squad/Parts/Aero/cones/Assets/rocketNoseCone
			scale = 2.0, 2.0 ,2.0
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Aero/protectiveRocketNoseMk5A/Size_1_5_Cone.cfg
		name = Size_1_5_Cone
		module = Part
		author = RoverDude
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.5, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2
		TechRequired = advConstruction
		entryCost = 2500
		cost = 160
		category = Aero
		subcategory = 0
		title = Protective Rocket Nosecone Mk5A
		manufacturer = Goliath National Products
		description = A midsize nosecone that improves the aerodynamic profile for 1.875m rocket stacks.
		attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0
		mass = 0.12
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.1
		minimum_drag = 0.1
		angularDrag = 0.5
		crashTolerance = 12
		maxTemp = 2000
		thermalMassModifier = 6.0
		emissiveConstant = 0.7
		fuelCrossFeed = False
		bulkheadProfiles = size1p5
		tags = aero aircraft booster )cap drag fligh plane rocket speed stab stream
			model = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Aero/protectiveRocketNoseMk5A/Size_1_5_Cone
			name = ModulePartVariants
			baseVariant = BlackAndWhite
			useMultipleDragCubes = false
				name = BlackAndWhite
				displayName = Black and White
				themeName = BlackAndWhite
				primaryColor = #ffffff
				secondaryColor = #000000
					shader = KSP/Specular
					mainTextureURL = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Aero/protectiveRocketNoseMk5A/s1p5_cone
				name = GrayAndOrange
				displayName = Gray and Orange
				themeName = GrayAndOrange
				primaryColor = #4c4f47
				secondaryColor = #f49841
					shader = KSP/Specular
					mainTextureURL = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Aero/protectiveRocketNoseMk5A/s1p5_cone_Orange
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			stackableQuantity = 1
			packedVolume = -1
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Coupling/Decoupler_1p5.cfg
		name = Decoupler_1p5
		module = Part
		author = RoverDude
		rescaleFactor = 1.0
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.075, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.075, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2
		TechRequired = generalConstruction
		entryCost = 1900
		cost = 250
		category = Coupling
		subcategory = 0
		title = TD-18 Decoupler
		manufacturer = O.M.B. Demolition Enterprises
		description = Don't inspect decouplers with a naked flame. Point arrow up, light fuse and retire to a safe distance.
		attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0
		mass = 0.09
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.3
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 6
		breakingForce = 150
		breakingTorque = 150
		maxTemp = 2000
		fuelCrossFeed = True
		stageOffset = 1
		childStageOffset = 1
		bulkheadProfiles = size1p5
		tags = decouple split break stag regular standard average medium cross feed 1.875
		fx_gasBurst_white = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, decouple
		sound_decoupler_fire = decouple
			model = Squad/Parts/Coupling/Assets/Decoupler_1p5
			name = ModuleDecouple
			ejectionForce = 125
			isOmniDecoupler = false
			explosiveNodeID = top
			name = ModuleToggleCrossfeed
			crossfeedStatus = false
			toggleEditor = true
			toggleFlight = true
			name = ModuleTestSubject
			useStaging = True
			useEvent = False
			situationMask = 127
				value = ALWAYS
				prestige = Trivial
				prestige = Significant
				value = ONCEPERPART
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = GT
				value = 0
				situationMask = 8
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 4000
				prestige = Trivial
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 8000
				prestige = Trivial
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 2000
				prestige = Significant
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 4000
				prestige = Significant
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 1000
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 2000
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = SPEED
				test = LT
				value = 2000
				situationMask = 8
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = LT
				value = 300000
				situationMask = 16
				body = _NotSun
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = LT
				value = 600000
				situationMask = 32
				body = _NotSun
			cube = Default, 0.4355,0.7497,1.017, 0.4355,0.7497,1.017, 2.363,0.9796,0.1449, 2.363,0.9796,0.1449, 0.4355,0.7491,1.017, 0.4355,0.7491,1.017, 0,0,0, 1.875,0.24,1.875
			name = ModulePartVariants
			primaryColor = #ffffff
			secondaryColor = #ffffff
			baseDisplayName = White
			baseThemeName = White
			useMultipleDragCubes = false
				name = YellowAndWhite
				displayName = Yellow and White
				description = Added some bling to the white
				primaryColor = #ffffff
				secondaryColor = #999999
					shader = KSP/Bumped Specular
					mainTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Coupling/Assets/Decouplers_whiteYellow
					_BumpMap = Squad/Parts/Coupling/Assets/Decouplers_whiteYellow_N
					_Color = #ffffff
					_SpecColor = #c4c4c4
					_Shininess = 0.44
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 900
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Coupling/Decoupler_4.cfg
		name = Decoupler_4
		module = Part
		author = RoverDude
		rescaleFactor = 1.0
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.2, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 4
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.2, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 4
		TechRequired = highPerformanceFuelSystems
		entryCost = 2600
		cost = 450
		category = Coupling
		subcategory = 0
		title = TD-50 Decoupler
		manufacturer = O.M.B. Demolition Enterprises
		description = This decoupler removes large unwanted items. Originally borrowed from O.M.B mining.
		attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0
		mass = 0.64
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.3
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 6
		breakingForce = 150
		breakingTorque = 150
		maxTemp = 2000
		fuelCrossFeed = True
		stageOffset = 1
		childStageOffset = 1
		bulkheadProfiles = size4
		tags = decouple split break stag enormous massive gigantic giant cross feed 5.0
		fx_gasBurst_white = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, decouple
		sound_decoupler_fire = decouple
			model = Squad/Parts/Coupling/Assets/Decoupler_4
			name = ModuleDecouple
			ejectionForce = 250
			isOmniDecoupler = false
			explosiveNodeID = top
			name = ModuleToggleCrossfeed
			crossfeedStatus = false
			toggleEditor = true
			toggleFlight = true
			name = ModuleTestSubject
			useStaging = True
			useEvent = False
			situationMask = 127
				value = ALWAYS
				prestige = Trivial
				prestige = Significant
				value = ONCEPERPART
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = GT
				value = 0
				situationMask = 8
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 4000
				prestige = Trivial
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 8000
				prestige = Trivial
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 2000
				prestige = Significant
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 4000
				prestige = Significant
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 1000
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 2000
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = SPEED
				test = LT
				value = 2000
				situationMask = 8
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = LT
				value = 300000
				situationMask = 16
				body = _NotSun
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = LT
				value = 600000
				situationMask = 32
				body = _NotSun
			cube = Default, 3.181,0.7457,3.242, 3.181,0.7457,3.242, 19.48,0.9796,0.2207, 19.48,0.9796,0.2207, 3.181,0.7453,3.202, 3.181,0.7453,3.202, 0,-5.066E-07,0, 5,0.64,5
			name = ModulePartVariants
			primaryColor = #ffffff
			secondaryColor = #ffffff
			baseDisplayName = White
			baseThemeName = White
				name = YellowAndWhite
				displayName = Yellow and White
				description = Added some bling to the white
				primaryColor = #ffffff
				secondaryColor = #999999
					shader = KSP/Bumped Specular
					mainTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Coupling/Assets/Decouplers_whiteYellow
					_BumpMap = Squad/Parts/Coupling/Assets/Decouplers_whiteYellow_N
					_Color = #ffffff
					_SpecColor = #c4c4c4
					_Shininess = 0.44
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Coupling/EnginePlate_1p5.cfg
		name = EnginePlate1p5
		module = Part
		author = RoverDude
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_top = 0,0.15,0,0,1,0,2
		node_stack_bottom = 0,0,0,0,-1,0,2,0,0,1,0
		breakingForce = 2500
		breakingTorque = 2500
		fx_gasBurst_white = 0.0, 0.0650517, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, decouple
		sound_vent_large = decouple
		TechRequired = advConstruction
		entryCost = 2400
		cost = 250
		category = Coupling
		subcategory = 0
		title = EP-18 Engine Plate
		manufacturer = Rokea Inc
		description = Inspired by an upside down birthday cake. Now with added shrouds for windy days. For clustering multiple small engines on small tanks.
		attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0
		mass = 0.14
		thermalMassModifier = 2.0
		skinMassPerArea = 4.0
		skinInternalConductionMult = 0.25
		emissiveConstant = 0.8
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 9
		maxTemp = 2600
		tags = decouple engine plate split break stag cluster regular standard average medium cross feed 1.875
		stageOffset = 1
		childStageOffset = 1
		inverseStageCarryover = false
		bulkheadProfiles = size1p5
			model = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Coupling/Assets/EnginePlate
			scale = 0.75,0.75,0.75
			model = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/SharedAssets/Shroud1p5x0
			model = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/SharedAssets/Shroud1p5x1
			model = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/SharedAssets/Shroud1p5x2
			model = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/SharedAssets/Shroud1p5x3
			model = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/SharedAssets/Shroud1p5x4
			name = N1_1
			transform = N1_1
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = N2_1
			transform = N2_1
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = N2_2
			transform = N2_2
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = N3_1
			transform = N3_1
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = N3_2
			transform = N3_2
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = N3_3
			transform = N3_3
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = N4_1
			transform = N4_1
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = N4_2
			transform = N4_2
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = N4_3
			transform = N4_3
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = N4_4
			transform = N4_4
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = N5_1
			transform = N5_1
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = N5_2
			transform = N5_2
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = N5_3
			transform = N5_3
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = N5_4
			transform = N5_4
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = N5_5
			transform = N5_5
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = N7_1
			transform = N7_1
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = N7_2
			transform = N7_2
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = N7_3
			transform = N7_3
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = N7_4
			transform = N7_4
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = N7_5
			transform = N7_5
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = N7_6
			transform = N7_6
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = N7_7
			transform = N7_7
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = N9_1
			transform = N9_1
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = N9_2
			transform = N9_2
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = N9_3
			transform = N9_3
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = N9_4
			transform = N9_4
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = N9_5
			transform = N9_5
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = N9_6
			transform = N9_6
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = N9_7
			transform = N9_7
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = N9_8
			transform = N9_8
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = N9_9
			transform = N9_9
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = ModuleDynamicNodes
			autostrut = true
				DisplayText = Single
				MeshTransform = N1
				NodePrefix = N1_
				SetCount = 1
				Symmetry = 0
				DisplayText = Double
				MeshTransform = N2
				NodePrefix = N2_
				SetCount = 2
				Symmetry = 1
				DisplayText = Triple
				MeshTransform = N3
				NodePrefix = N3_
				SetCount = 3
				Symmetry = 2
				DisplayText = Quad
				MeshTransform = N4
				NodePrefix = N4_
				SetCount = 4
				Symmetry = 3
				DisplayText = 4x1
				MeshTransform = N5
				NodePrefix = N5_
				SetCount = 5
				Symmetry = 3
				DisplayText = 6x1
				MeshTransform = N7
				NodePrefix = N7_
				SetCount = 7
				Symmetry = 5
				DisplayText = 8x1
				MeshTransform = N9
				NodePrefix = N9_
				SetCount = 9
				Symmetry = 7
			name = ModuleDecouple
			ejectionForce = 250
			explosiveNodeID = bottom
			partDecoupled = false
			isEnginePlate = true
			name = ModulePartVariants
			baseVariant = Long
			baseMass = 0
			baseCost = 0
			useProceduralDragCubes = true
				name = Short
				mass = -0.02
				cost = 0
				displayName = Short
				primaryColor = #3a562a
				secondaryColor = #999999
				sizeGroup = GroupB
					Shroud1p5x0 = true
					Shroud1p5x1 = false
					Shroud1p5x2 = false
					Shroud1p5x3 = false
					Shroud1p5x4 = false
					node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.625, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2
				name = Medium-Short
				mass = -0.015
				cost = 0
				displayName = Medium-Short
				primaryColor = #3a562a
				secondaryColor = #999999
				sizeGroup = GroupB
					Shroud1p5x0 = false
					Shroud1p5x1 = true
					Shroud1p5x2 = false
					Shroud1p5x3 = false
					Shroud1p5x4 = false
					node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -1.25, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2
				name = Medium
				mass = -0.01
				cost = 0
				displayName = Medium
				primaryColor = #3a562a
				secondaryColor = #999999
				sizeGroup = GroupB
					Shroud1p5x0 = false
					Shroud1p5x1 = false
					Shroud1p5x2 = true
					Shroud1p5x3 = false
					Shroud1p5x4 = false
					node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -1.875, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2
				name = Medium-Long
				mass = -0.005
				cost = 0
				displayName = Medium-Long
				primaryColor = #3a562a
				secondaryColor = #999999
				sizeGroup = GroupB
					Shroud1p5x0 = false
					Shroud1p5x1 = false
					Shroud1p5x2 = false
					Shroud1p5x3 = true
					Shroud1p5x4 = false
					node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -2.5, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2
				name = Long
				mass = 0
				cost = 0
				displayName = Long
				primaryColor = #3a562a
				secondaryColor = #999999
				sizeGroup = GroupB
					Shroud1p5x0 = false
					Shroud1p5x1 = false
					Shroud1p5x2 = false
					Shroud1p5x3 = false
					Shroud1p5x4 = true
					node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -3.75, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2
			name = ModuleJettison
			jettisonName = Shroud1p5x0,Shroud1p5x1,Shroud1p5x2,Shroud1p5x3,Shroud1p5x4
			bottomNodeName = bottom
			isFairing = True
			jettisonedObjectMass = 0.1
			jettisonForce = 5
			jettisonDirection = 0 0 1
			stagingEnabled = false
			useMultipleDragCubes = false
			useProceduralDragCubes = true
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Coupling/EnginePlate_2.cfg
		name = EnginePlate2
		module = Part
		author = RoverDude
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_top = 0,0.2,0,0,1,0,2
		node_stack_bottom = 0,0,0,0,-1,0,2,0,0,1,0
		breakingForce = 2500
		breakingTorque = 2500
		fx_gasBurst_white = 0.0, 0.0650517, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, decouple
		sound_vent_large = decouple
		TechRequired = specializedConstruction
		entryCost = 3100
		cost = 300
		category = Coupling
		subcategory = 0
		title = EP-25 Engine Plate
		manufacturer = Rokea Inc
		description = Inspired by an upside down birthday cake. Now with added shrouds for windy days. This engine plate provides the best value for funds.
		attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0
		mass = 0.25
		thermalMassModifier = 2.0
		skinMassPerArea = 4.0
		skinInternalConductionMult = 0.25
		emissiveConstant = 0.8
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 9
		maxTemp = 2600
		tags = decouple engine plate split break stag cluster 2.5 huge jumbo large big cross feed
		stageOffset = 1
		childStageOffset = 1
		inverseStageCarryover = false
		bulkheadProfiles = size2
			model = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Coupling/Assets/EnginePlate
			scale = 1,1,1
			model = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/SharedAssets/Shroud2x0
			model = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/SharedAssets/Shroud2x1
			model = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/SharedAssets/Shroud2x2
			model = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/SharedAssets/Shroud2x3
			model = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/SharedAssets/Shroud2x4
			name = N1_1
			transform = N1_1
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = N2_1
			transform = N2_1
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = N2_2
			transform = N2_2
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = N3_1
			transform = N3_1
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = N3_2
			transform = N3_2
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = N3_3
			transform = N3_3
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = N5_1
			transform = N5_1
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = N5_2
			transform = N5_2
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = N5_3
			transform = N5_3
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = N5_4
			transform = N5_4
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = N5_5
			transform = N5_5
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = N4_1
			transform = N4_1
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = N4_2
			transform = N4_2
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = N4_3
			transform = N4_3
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = N4_4
			transform = N4_4
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = N7_1
			transform = N7_1
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = N7_2
			transform = N7_2
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = N7_3
			transform = N7_3
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = N7_4
			transform = N7_4
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = N7_5
			transform = N7_5
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = N7_6
			transform = N7_6
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = N7_7
			transform = N7_7
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = N9_1
			transform = N9_1
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = N9_2
			transform = N9_2
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = N9_3
			transform = N9_3
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = N9_4
			transform = N9_4
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = N9_5
			transform = N9_5
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = N9_6
			transform = N9_6
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = N9_7
			transform = N9_7
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = N9_8
			transform = N9_8
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = N9_9
			transform = N9_9
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = ModuleDynamicNodes
			autostrut = true
				DisplayText = Single
				MeshTransform = N1
				NodePrefix = N1_
				SetCount = 1
				Symmetry = 0
				DisplayText = Double
				MeshTransform = N2
				NodePrefix = N2_
				SetCount = 2
				Symmetry = 1
				DisplayText = Triple
				MeshTransform = N3
				NodePrefix = N3_
				SetCount = 3
				Symmetry = 2
				DisplayText = Quad
				MeshTransform = N4
				NodePrefix = N4_
				SetCount = 4
				Symmetry = 3
				DisplayText = 4x1
				MeshTransform = N5
				NodePrefix = N5_
				SetCount = 5
				Symmetry = 3
				DisplayText = 6x1
				MeshTransform = N7
				NodePrefix = N7_
				SetCount = 7
				Symmetry = 5
				DisplayText = 8x1
				MeshTransform = N9
				NodePrefix = N9_
				SetCount = 9
				Symmetry = 7
			name = ModuleDecouple
			ejectionForce = 250
			explosiveNodeID = bottom
			partDecoupled = false
			isEnginePlate = true
			name = ModulePartVariants
			baseVariant = Long
			baseMass = 0
			baseCost = 0
			useProceduralDragCubes = true
				name = Short
				mass = -0.04
				cost = 0
				displayName = Short
				primaryColor = #3a562a
				secondaryColor = #999999
				sizeGroup = GroupB
					Shroud2x0 = true
					Shroud2x1 = false
					Shroud2x2 = false
					Shroud2x3 = false
					Shroud2x4 = false
					node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.625, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2
				name = Medium-Short
				mass = -0.03
				cost = 0
				displayName = Medium-Short
				primaryColor = #3a562a
				secondaryColor = #999999
				sizeGroup = GroupB
					Shroud2x0 = false
					Shroud2x1 = true
					Shroud2x2 = false
					Shroud2x3 = false
					Shroud2x4 = false
					node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -1.25, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2
				name = Medium
				mass = -0.02
				cost = 0
				displayName = Medium
				primaryColor = #3a562a
				secondaryColor = #999999
				sizeGroup = GroupB
					Shroud2x0 = false
					Shroud2x1 = false
					Shroud2x2 = true
					Shroud2x3 = false
					Shroud2x4 = false
					node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -1.875, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2
				name = Medium-Long
				mass = -0.01
				cost = 0
				displayName = Medium-Long
				primaryColor = #3a562a
				secondaryColor = #999999
				sizeGroup = GroupB
					Shroud2x0 = false
					Shroud2x1 = false
					Shroud2x2 = false
					Shroud2x3 = true
					Shroud2x4 = false
					node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -2.5, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2
				name = Long
				mass = 0
				cost = 0
				displayName = Long
				primaryColor = #3a562a
				secondaryColor = #999999
				sizeGroup = GroupB
					Shroud2x0 = false
					Shroud2x1 = false
					Shroud2x2 = false
					Shroud2x3 = false
					Shroud2x4 = true
					node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -3.75, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2
			name = ModuleJettison
			jettisonName = Shroud2x0,Shroud2x1,Shroud2x2,Shroud2x3,Shroud2x4
			bottomNodeName = bottom
			isFairing = True
			jettisonedObjectMass = 0.1
			jettisonForce = 5
			jettisonDirection = 0 0 1
			stagingEnabled = false
			useMultipleDragCubes = false
			useProceduralDragCubes = true
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Coupling/EnginePlate_3.cfg
		name = EnginePlate3
		module = Part
		author = RoverDude
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_top = 0,0.3,0,0,1,0,3
		node_stack_bottom = 0,0,0,0,-1,0,3,0,0,1,0
		fx_gasBurst_white = 0.0, 0.0650517, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, decouple
		sound_vent_large = decouple
		TechRequired = composites
		entryCost = 4200
		cost = 500
		category = Coupling
		subcategory = 0
		title = EP-37 Engine Plate
		manufacturer = Rokea Inc
		description = Inspired by an upside down birthday cake. Now with added shrouds for windy days. Engine plates for grown ups.
		attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0
		mass = 0.58
		thermalMassModifier = 2.0
		skinMassPerArea = 4.0
		skinInternalConductionMult = 0.25
		emissiveConstant = 0.8
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 9
		maxTemp = 2600
		breakingForce = 2500
		breakingTorque = 2500
		tags = decouple engine plate split break stag cluster 3.75 enormous massive gigantic giant cross feed
		stageOffset = 1
		childStageOffset = 1
		inverseStageCarryover = false
		bulkheadProfiles = size3
			model = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Coupling/Assets/EnginePlate
			scale = 1.5,1.5,1.5
			model = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/SharedAssets/Shroud3x0
			model = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/SharedAssets/Shroud3x1
			model = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/SharedAssets/Shroud3x2
			model = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/SharedAssets/Shroud3x3
			model = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/SharedAssets/Shroud3x4
			name = N1_1
			transform = N1_1
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = N2_1
			transform = N2_1
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = N2_2
			transform = N2_2
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = N3_1
			transform = N3_1
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = N3_2
			transform = N3_2
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = N3_3
			transform = N3_3
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = N4_1
			transform = N4_1
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = N4_2
			transform = N4_2
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = N4_3
			transform = N4_3
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = N4_4
			transform = N4_4
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = N5_1
			transform = N5_1
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = N5_2
			transform = N5_2
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = N5_3
			transform = N5_3
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = N5_4
			transform = N5_4
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = N5_5
			transform = N5_5
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = N7_1
			transform = N7_1
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = N7_2
			transform = N7_2
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = N7_3
			transform = N7_3
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = N7_4
			transform = N7_4
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = N7_5
			transform = N7_5
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = N7_6
			transform = N7_6
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = N7_7
			transform = N7_7
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = N9_1
			transform = N9_1
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = N9_2
			transform = N9_2
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = N9_3
			transform = N9_3
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = N9_4
			transform = N9_4
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = N9_5
			transform = N9_5
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = N9_6
			transform = N9_6
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = N9_7
			transform = N9_7
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = N9_8
			transform = N9_8
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = N9_9
			transform = N9_9
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = ModuleDynamicNodes
			autostrut = true
				DisplayText = Single
				MeshTransform = N1
				NodePrefix = N1_
				SetCount = 1
				Symmetry = 0
				DisplayText = Double
				MeshTransform = N2
				NodePrefix = N2_
				SetCount = 2
				Symmetry = 1
				DisplayText = Triple
				MeshTransform = N3
				NodePrefix = N3_
				SetCount = 3
				Symmetry = 2
				DisplayText = 4x1
				MeshTransform = N5
				NodePrefix = N5_
				SetCount = 5
				Symmetry = 3
				DisplayText = Quad
				MeshTransform = N4
				NodePrefix = N4_
				SetCount = 4
				Symmetry = 3
				DisplayText = 6x1
				MeshTransform = N7
				NodePrefix = N7_
				SetCount = 7
				Symmetry = 5
				DisplayText = 8x1
				MeshTransform = N9
				NodePrefix = N9_
				SetCount = 9
				Symmetry = 7
			name = ModuleDecouple
			ejectionForce = 250
			explosiveNodeID = bottom
			partDecoupled = false
			isEnginePlate = true
			name = ModulePartVariants
			baseVariant = Long
			baseMass = 0
			baseCost = 0
			useProceduralDragCubes = true
				name = Short
				mass = -0.1
				cost = 0
				displayName = Short
				primaryColor = #3a562a
				secondaryColor = #999999
				sizeGroup = GroupB
					Shroud3x0 = true
					Shroud3x1 = false
					Shroud3x2 = false
					Shroud3x3 = false
					Shroud3x4 = false
					node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -1.25, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 3
				name = Medium-Short
				mass = -0.075
				cost = 0
				displayName = Medium-Short
				primaryColor = #3a562a
				secondaryColor = #999999
				sizeGroup = GroupB
					Shroud3x0 = false
					Shroud3x1 = true
					Shroud3x2 = false
					Shroud3x3 = false
					Shroud3x4 = false
					node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -1.875, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 3
				name = Medium
				mass = -0.05
				cost = 0
				displayName = Medium
				primaryColor = #3a562a
				secondaryColor = #999999
				sizeGroup = GroupB
					Shroud3x0 = false
					Shroud3x1 = false
					Shroud3x2 = true
					Shroud3x3 = false
					Shroud3x4 = false
					node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -2.5, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 3
				name = Medium-Long
				mass = -0.025
				cost = 0
				displayName = Medium-Long
				primaryColor = #3a562a
				secondaryColor = #999999
				sizeGroup = GroupB
					Shroud3x0 = false
					Shroud3x1 = false
					Shroud3x2 = false
					Shroud3x3 = true
					Shroud3x4 = false
					node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -3.75, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 3
				name = Long
				mass = 0
				cost = 0
				displayName = Long
				primaryColor = #3a562a
				secondaryColor = #999999
				sizeGroup = GroupB
					Shroud3x0 = false
					Shroud3x1 = false
					Shroud3x2 = false
					Shroud3x3 = false
					Shroud3x4 = true
					node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -5.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 3
			name = ModuleJettison
			jettisonName = Shroud3x0,Shroud3x1,Shroud3x2,Shroud3x3,Shroud3x4
			bottomNodeName = bottom
			isFairing = True
			jettisonedObjectMass = 0.1
			jettisonForce = 5
			jettisonDirection = 0 0 1
			stagingEnabled = false
			useMultipleDragCubes = false
			useProceduralDragCubes = true
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Coupling/EnginePlate_4.cfg
		name = EnginePlate4
		module = Part
		author = RoverDude
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_top = 0,0.4,0,0,1,0,4
		node_stack_bottom = 0,0,0,0,-1,0,4,0,0,1,0
		breakingForce = 2500
		breakingTorque = 2500
		fx_gasBurst_white = 0.0, 0.0650517, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, decouple
		sound_vent_large = decouple
		TechRequired = metaMaterials
		entryCost = 5000
		cost = 700
		category = Coupling
		subcategory = 0
		title = EP-50 Engine Plate
		manufacturer = FLOOYD Dynamics Research Labs
		description = Inspired by an upside down birthday cake. Now with added shrouds for windy days. For clustering the largest engines on the largest tanks.
		attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0
		mass = 1.0
		thermalMassModifier = 2.0
		skinMassPerArea = 4.0
		skinInternalConductionMult = 0.25
		emissiveConstant = 0.8
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 9
		maxTemp = 2600
		tags = decouple engine plate split break stag cluster enormous massive gigantic giant cross feed
		stageOffset = 1
		childStageOffset = 1
		inverseStageCarryover = false
		bulkheadProfiles = size4
			model = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Coupling/Assets/EnginePlate
			scale = 2,2,2
			model = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/SharedAssets/Shroud4x0
			model = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/SharedAssets/Shroud4x1
			model = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/SharedAssets/Shroud4x2
			model = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/SharedAssets/Shroud4x3
			model = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/SharedAssets/Shroud4x4
			name = N1_1
			transform = N1_1
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = N2_1
			transform = N2_1
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = N2_2
			transform = N2_2
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = N3_1
			transform = N3_1
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = N3_2
			transform = N3_2
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = N3_3
			transform = N3_3
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = N4_1
			transform = N4_1
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = N4_2
			transform = N4_2
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = N4_3
			transform = N4_3
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = N4_4
			transform = N4_4
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = N5_1
			transform = N5_1
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = N5_2
			transform = N5_2
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = N5_3
			transform = N5_3
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = N5_4
			transform = N5_4
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = N5_5
			transform = N5_5
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = N7_1
			transform = N7_1
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = N7_2
			transform = N7_2
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = N7_3
			transform = N7_3
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = N7_4
			transform = N7_4
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = N7_5
			transform = N7_5
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = N7_6
			transform = N7_6
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = N7_7
			transform = N7_7
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = N9_1
			transform = N9_1
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = N9_2
			transform = N9_2
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = N9_3
			transform = N9_3
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = N9_4
			transform = N9_4
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = N9_5
			transform = N9_5
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = N9_6
			transform = N9_6
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = N9_7
			transform = N9_7
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = N9_8
			transform = N9_8
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = N9_9
			transform = N9_9
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = ModuleDynamicNodes
			autostrut = true
				DisplayText = Single
				MeshTransform = N1
				NodePrefix = N1_
				SetCount = 1
				Symmetry = 0
				DisplayText = Double
				MeshTransform = N2
				NodePrefix = N2_
				SetCount = 2
				Symmetry = 1
				DisplayText = Triple
				MeshTransform = N3
				NodePrefix = N3_
				SetCount = 3
				Symmetry = 2
				DisplayText = 4x1
				MeshTransform = N5
				NodePrefix = N5_
				SetCount = 5
				Symmetry = 3
				DisplayText = Quad
				MeshTransform = N4
				NodePrefix = N4_
				SetCount = 4
				Symmetry = 3
				DisplayText = 6x1
				MeshTransform = N7
				NodePrefix = N7_
				SetCount = 7
				Symmetry = 5
				DisplayText = 8x1
				MeshTransform = N9
				NodePrefix = N9_
				SetCount = 9
				Symmetry = 7
			name = ModuleDecouple
			ejectionForce = 250
			explosiveNodeID = bottom
			partDecoupled = false
			isEnginePlate = true
			name = ModulePartVariants
			baseVariant = Long
			baseMass = 0
			baseCost = 0
			useProceduralDragCubes = true
				name = Short
				mass = -0.15
				cost = 0
				displayName = Short
				primaryColor = #3a562a
				secondaryColor = #999999
				sizeGroup = GroupB
					Shroud4x0 = true
					Shroud4x1 = false
					Shroud4x2 = false
					Shroud4x3 = false
					Shroud4x4 = false
					node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -1.25, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 4
				name = Medium-Short
				mass = -0.1125
				cost = 0
				displayName = Medium-Short
				primaryColor = #3a562a
				secondaryColor = #999999
				sizeGroup = GroupB
					Shroud4x0 = false
					Shroud4x1 = true
					Shroud4x2 = false
					Shroud4x3 = false
					Shroud4x4 = false
					node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -1.875, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 4
				name = Medium
				mass = -0.075
				cost = 0
				displayName = Medium
				primaryColor = #3a562a
				secondaryColor = #999999
				sizeGroup = GroupB
					Shroud4x0 = false
					Shroud4x1 = false
					Shroud4x2 = true
					Shroud4x3 = false
					Shroud4x4 = false
					node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -2.5, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 4
				name = Medium-Long
				mass = -0.0375
				cost = 0
				displayName = Medium-Long
				primaryColor = #3a562a
				secondaryColor = #999999
				sizeGroup = GroupB
					Shroud4x0 = false
					Shroud4x1 = false
					Shroud4x2 = false
					Shroud4x3 = true
					Shroud4x4 = false
					node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -3.75, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 4
				name = Long
				mass = 0
				cost = 0
				displayName = Long
				primaryColor = #3a562a
				secondaryColor = #999999
				sizeGroup = GroupB
					Shroud4x0 = false
					Shroud4x1 = false
					Shroud4x2 = false
					Shroud4x3 = false
					Shroud4x4 = true
					node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -5.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 4
			name = ModuleJettison
			jettisonName = Shroud4x0,Shroud4x1,Shroud4x2,Shroud4x3,Shroud4x4
			bottomNodeName = bottom
			isFairing = True
			jettisonedObjectMass = 0.1
			jettisonForce = 5
			jettisonDirection = 0 0 1
			stagingEnabled = false
			useMultipleDragCubes = false
			useProceduralDragCubes = true
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Coupling/EnginePlate_5.cfg
		name = EnginePlate5
		module = Part
		author = RoverDude
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_top = 0,0.1,0,0,1,0,1
		node_stack_bottom = 0,0,0,0,-1,0,1,0,0,1,0
		breakingForce = 2500
		breakingTorque = 2500
		fx_gasBurst_white = 0.0, 0.0650517, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, decouple
		sound_vent_large = decouple
		TechRequired = generalConstruction
		entryCost = 1500
		cost = 150
		category = Coupling
		subcategory = 0
		title = EP-12 Engine Plate
		manufacturer = Rokea Inc
		description = Inspired by an upside down birthday cake, but with added shrouds for windy days. For clustering multiple small engines on small tanks.
		attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0
		mass = 0.062
		thermalMassModifier = 2.0
		skinMassPerArea = 4.0
		skinInternalConductionMult = 0.25
		emissiveConstant = 0.8
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 9
		maxTemp = 2600
		tags = decouple engine plate split break stag cluster 2.5 huge jumbo large big cross feed
		stageOffset = 1
		childStageOffset = 1
		inverseStageCarryover = false
		bulkheadProfiles = size1
			model = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Coupling/Assets/EnginePlate
			scale = 0.5,0.5,0.5
			model = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/SharedAssets/Shroud1x0
			model = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/SharedAssets/Shroud1x1
			model = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/SharedAssets/Shroud1x2
			model = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/SharedAssets/Shroud1x3
			model = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/SharedAssets/Shroud1x4
			name = N1_1
			transform = N1_1
			size = 0
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = N2_1
			transform = N2_1
			size = 0
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = N2_2
			transform = N2_2
			size = 0
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = N3_1
			transform = N3_1
			size = 0
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = N3_2
			transform = N3_2
			size = 0
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = N3_3
			transform = N3_3
			size = 0
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = N5_1
			transform = N5_1
			size = 0
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = N5_2
			transform = N5_2
			size = 0
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = N5_3
			transform = N5_3
			size = 0
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = N5_4
			transform = N5_4
			size = 0
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = N5_5
			transform = N5_5
			size = 0
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = N4_1
			transform = N4_1
			size = 0
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = N4_2
			transform = N4_2
			size = 0
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = N4_3
			transform = N4_3
			size = 0
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = N4_4
			transform = N4_4
			size = 0
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = N7_1
			transform = N7_1
			size = 0
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = N7_2
			transform = N7_2
			size = 0
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = N7_3
			transform = N7_3
			size = 0
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = N7_4
			transform = N7_4
			size = 0
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = N7_5
			transform = N7_5
			size = 0
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = N7_6
			transform = N7_6
			size = 0
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = N7_7
			transform = N7_7
			size = 0
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = N9_1
			transform = N9_1
			size = 0
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = N9_2
			transform = N9_2
			size = 0
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = N9_3
			transform = N9_3
			size = 0
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = N9_4
			transform = N9_4
			size = 0
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = N9_5
			transform = N9_5
			size = 0
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = N9_6
			transform = N9_6
			size = 0
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = N9_7
			transform = N9_7
			size = 0
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = N9_8
			transform = N9_8
			size = 0
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = N9_9
			transform = N9_9
			size = 0
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = ModuleDynamicNodes
			autostrut = true
				DisplayText = Single
				MeshTransform = N1
				NodePrefix = N1_
				SetCount = 1
				Symmetry = 0
				DisplayText = Double
				MeshTransform = N2
				NodePrefix = N2_
				SetCount = 2
				Symmetry = 1
				DisplayText = Triple
				MeshTransform = N3
				NodePrefix = N3_
				SetCount = 3
				Symmetry = 2
				DisplayText = Quad
				MeshTransform = N4
				NodePrefix = N4_
				SetCount = 4
				Symmetry = 3
				DisplayText = 4x1
				MeshTransform = N5
				NodePrefix = N5_
				SetCount = 5
				Symmetry = 3
				DisplayText = 6x1
				MeshTransform = N7
				NodePrefix = N7_
				SetCount = 7
				Symmetry = 5
				DisplayText = 8x1
				MeshTransform = N9
				NodePrefix = N9_
				SetCount = 9
				Symmetry = 7
			name = ModuleDecouple
			ejectionForce = 250
			explosiveNodeID = bottom
			partDecoupled = false
			isEnginePlate = true
			name = ModulePartVariants
			baseVariant = Long
			baseMass = 0
			baseCost = 0
			useProceduralDragCubes = true
				name = Short
				mass = -0.01
				cost = 0
				displayName = Short
				primaryColor = #3a562a
				secondaryColor = #999999
				sizeGroup = GroupB
					Shroud1x0 = true
					Shroud1x1 = false
					Shroud1x2 = false
					Shroud1x3 = false
					Shroud1x4 = false
					node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.625, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
				name = Medium-Short
				mass = -0.0075
				cost = 0
				displayName = Medium-Short
				primaryColor = #3a562a
				secondaryColor = #999999
				sizeGroup = GroupB
					Shroud1x0 = false
					Shroud1x1 = true
					Shroud1x2 = false
					Shroud1x3 = false
					Shroud1x4 = false
					node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -1.25, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
				name = Medium
				mass = -0.005
				cost = 0
				displayName = Medium
				primaryColor = #3a562a
				secondaryColor = #999999
				sizeGroup = GroupB
					Shroud1x0 = false
					Shroud1x1 = false
					Shroud1x2 = true
					Shroud1x3 = false
					Shroud1x4 = false
					node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -1.875, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
				name = Medium-Long
				mass = -0.0025
				cost = 0
				displayName = Medium-Long
				primaryColor = #3a562a
				secondaryColor = #999999
				sizeGroup = GroupB
					Shroud1x0 = false
					Shroud1x1 = false
					Shroud1x2 = false
					Shroud1x3 = true
					Shroud1x4 = false
					node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -2.5, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
				name = Long
				mass = 0
				cost = 0
				displayName = Long
				primaryColor = #3a562a
				secondaryColor = #999999
				sizeGroup = GroupB
					Shroud1x0 = false
					Shroud1x1 = false
					Shroud1x2 = false
					Shroud1x3 = false
					Shroud1x4 = true
					node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -3.75, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
			name = ModuleJettison
			jettisonName = Shroud1x0,Shroud1x1,Shroud1x2,Shroud1x3,Shroud1x4
			bottomNodeName = bottom
			isFairing = True
			jettisonedObjectMass = 0.1
			jettisonForce = 5
			jettisonDirection = 0 0 1
			stagingEnabled = false
			useMultipleDragCubes = false
			useProceduralDragCubes = true
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Coupling/InflatableAirlock.cfg
		name = InflatableAirlock
		module = Part
		author = RoverDude
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
		node_attach = 0.0, 0.08, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
		TechRequired = advMetalworks
		entryCost = 8400
		cost = 400
		category = Coupling
		subcategory = 0
		manufacturer = Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spacecraft Parts Co
		title = Inflatable Airlock
		description = When trying to dock and that last small distance is just too far. This adaptor, with patented extend‘o’matic subsystems for extra portability, will fill the gap. Not to be used as an accordian.
		attachRules = 1,1,0,0,0
		mass = 0.1
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.25
		minimum_drag = 0.25
		angularDrag = 0.5
		crashTolerance = 10
		maxTemp = 2600
		thermalMassModifier = 6.0
		emissiveConstant = 0.8
		bulkheadProfiles = size0
		CrewCapacity = 0
		tags = connect join dock berth capture couple fasten moor socket shield regular standard average medium (crew (mann kerbal 1.875
		stagingIcon = DECOUPLER_VERT
			model = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Coupling/Assets/InflatableAirlock
			name = ModuleDockingNode
			deployAnimationController = 1
			nodeType = size0
			staged = False
			stagingEnabled = False
			name = Airlock_IVA
			name = ModuleAnimateGeneric
			CrewCapacity = 1
			animationName = AirlockDeploy
			actionGUIName = Toggle Airlock
			startEventGUIName = Open Airlock
			endEventGUIName = Close Airlock
			allowAnimationWhileShielded = False
			name = ModuleScienceContainer
			reviewActionName = Review Stored Data
			storeActionName = Store Experiments
			evaOnlyStorage = True
			storageRange = 1.5
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 520
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Coupling/Separator_1p5.cfg
		name = Separator_1p5
		module = Part
		author = RoverDude
		rescaleFactor = 1.0
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.075, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.075, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2
		TechRequired = advConstruction
		entryCost = 2860
		cost = 325
		category = Coupling
		subcategory = 0
		title = TS-18 Stack Separator
		manufacturer = O.M.B. Demolition Enterprises
		description = This separator is the response to Kerbals not reading the decoupler instructions properly. Separates both ways.
		attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0
		mass = 0.12
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.3
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 6
		breakingForce = 150
		breakingTorque = 150
		maxTemp = 2000
		fuelCrossFeed = True
		stageOffset = 1
		childStageOffset = 1
		bulkheadProfiles = size1p5
		tags = decouple separat split break stag cross feed 1.875
		fx_gasBurst_white = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, decouple
		sound_decoupler_fire = decouple
			model = Squad/Parts/Coupling/Assets/Separator_1p5
			name = ModuleDecouple
			ejectionForce = 125
			isOmniDecoupler = true
			name = ModuleToggleCrossfeed
			crossfeedStatus = false
			toggleEditor = true
			toggleFlight = true
			name = ModuleTestSubject
			useStaging = True
			useEvent = False
			situationMask = 127
				value = ALWAYS
				prestige = Trivial
				prestige = Significant
				value = ONCEPERPART
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = GT
				value = 0
				situationMask = 8
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 4000
				prestige = Trivial
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 8000
				prestige = Trivial
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 2000
				prestige = Significant
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 4000
				prestige = Significant
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 1000
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 2000
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = SPEED
				test = LT
				value = 2000
				situationMask = 8
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = LT
				value = 300000
				situationMask = 16
				body = _NotSun
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = LT
				value = 600000
				situationMask = 32
				body = _NotSun
			cube = Default, 0.4355,0.7497,1.017, 0.4355,0.7497,1.017, 2.363,0.9796,0.1449, 2.363,0.9796,0.1449, 0.4355,0.7491,1.017, 0.4355,0.7491,1.017, 0,0,0, 1.875,0.24,1.875
			name = ModulePartVariants
			primaryColor = #ffffff
			secondaryColor = #ffffff
			baseDisplayName = White
			baseThemeName = White
			useMultipleDragCubes = false
				name = YellowAndWhite
				displayName = Yellow and White
				description = Added some bling to the white
				primaryColor = #ffffff
				secondaryColor = #999999
					shader = KSP/Bumped Specular
					mainTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Coupling/Assets/Decouplers_whiteYellow
					_BumpMap = Squad/Parts/Coupling/Assets/Decouplers_whiteYellow_N
					_Color = #ffffff
					_SpecColor = #c4c4c4
					_Shininess = 0.44
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 900
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Coupling/Separator_4.cfg
		name = Separator_4
		module = Part
		author = RoverDude
		rescaleFactor = 1.0
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.2, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 4
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.2, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 4
		TechRequired = highPerformanceFuelSystems
		entryCost = 3900
		cost = 650
		category = Coupling
		subcategory = 0
		title = TS-50 Stack Separator
		manufacturer = O.M.B. Demolition Enterprises
		description = Kaboom! But in a controlled, Kerbal way
		attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0
		mass = 0.85
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.3
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 6
		breakingForce = 150
		breakingTorque = 150
		maxTemp = 2000
		fuelCrossFeed = True
		stageOffset = 1
		childStageOffset = 1
		bulkheadProfiles = size4
		tags = decouple separat split break stag enormous massive gigantic giant cross feed 5.0
		fx_gasBurst_white = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, decouple
		sound_decoupler_fire = decouple
			model = Squad/Parts/Coupling/Assets/Separator_4
			name = ModuleDecouple
			ejectionForce = 250
			isOmniDecoupler = true
			name = ModuleToggleCrossfeed
			crossfeedStatus = false
			toggleEditor = true
			toggleFlight = true
			name = ModuleTestSubject
			useStaging = True
			useEvent = False
			situationMask = 127
				value = ALWAYS
				prestige = Trivial
				prestige = Significant
				value = ONCEPERPART
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = GT
				value = 0
				situationMask = 8
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 4000
				prestige = Trivial
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 8000
				prestige = Trivial
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 2000
				prestige = Significant
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 4000
				prestige = Significant
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 1000
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 2000
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = SPEED
				test = LT
				value = 2000
				situationMask = 8
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = LT
				value = 300000
				situationMask = 16
				body = _NotSun
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = LT
				value = 600000
				situationMask = 32
				body = _NotSun
			cube = Default, 3.181,0.7457,3.242, 3.181,0.7457,3.242, 19.48,0.9796,0.2207, 19.48,0.9796,0.2207, 3.181,0.7453,3.202, 3.181,0.7453,3.202, 0,-5.066E-07,0, 5,0.64,5
			name = ModulePartVariants
			primaryColor = #ffffff
			secondaryColor = #ffffff
			baseDisplayName = White
			baseThemeName = White
			useMultipleDragCubes = false
				name = YellowAndWhite
				displayName = Yellow and White
				description = Added some bling to the white
				primaryColor = #ffffff
				secondaryColor = #999999
					shader = KSP/Bumped Specular
					mainTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Coupling/Assets/Decouplers_whiteYellow
					_BumpMap = Squad/Parts/Coupling/Assets/Decouplers_whiteYellow_N
					_Color = #ffffff
					_SpecColor = #C4C4C4
					_Shininess = 0.44
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Coupling/Size1p5_Strut_Decoupler.cfg
		name = Size1p5_Strut_Decoupler
		module = Part
		author = RoverDude
		rescaleFactor = 1.0
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.25, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.25, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2
		TechRequired = advConstruction
		entryCost = 1900
		cost = 475
		category = Coupling
		subcategory = 0
		title = Size 1.5 Decoupler
		manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division
		description = Borrowed from a local farmer, this decoupler originally housed small animals. Now capable of housing small parts.
		attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0
		mass = 0.09
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.3
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 6
		breakingForce = 150
		breakingTorque = 150
		maxTemp = 2000
		fuelCrossFeed = True
		stageOffset = 1
		childStageOffset = 1
		bulkheadProfiles = size1p5, srf
		tags = liquid decouple fueltank ?lfo tank split break stag regular standard average medium cross feed 1.875
		fx_gasBurst_white = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, decouple
		sound_decoupler_fire = decouple
			model = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Coupling/Assets/Size1_5_Decoupler
			name = ModuleDecouple
			ejectionForce = 125
			explosiveNodeID = top
			name = ModuleToggleCrossfeed
			crossfeedStatus = false
			toggleEditor = true
			toggleFlight = true
			name = ModulePartVariants
			primaryColor = #212121
			secondaryColor = #212121
			baseDisplayName = Gray
			baseThemeName = Gray
				name = Orange
				primaryColor = #dc5a28
				secondaryColor = #dc5a28
				displayName = Orange
				themeName = Orange
					mainTextureURL = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Coupling/Assets/Size1_5_Decoupler_orange
			name = ModuleTestSubject
			useStaging = True
			useEvent = False
			situationMask = 127
				value = ALWAYS
				prestige = Trivial
				prestige = Significant
				value = ONCEPERPART
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = GT
				value = 0
				situationMask = 8
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 4000
				prestige = Trivial
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 8000
				prestige = Trivial
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 2000
				prestige = Significant
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 4000
				prestige = Significant
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 1000
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 2000
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = SPEED
				test = LT
				value = 2000
				situationMask = 8
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = LT
				value = 300000
				situationMask = 16
				body = _NotSun
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = LT
				value = 600000
				situationMask = 32
				body = _NotSun
			cube = 0, 0.5479,0.6578,1.063, 0.5479,0.6627,1.063, 2.363,0.7644,0.7397, 2.363,0.7599,0.5773, 0.5479,0.7109,1.063, 0.5479,0.7101,1.063, 0,0.00108,0, 1.917,0.5397,1.917
			cube = 1, 0.5479,0.6578,1.063, 0.5479,0.6627,1.063, 2.363,0.7644,0.7397, 2.363,0.7599,0.5773, 0.5479,0.7109,1.063, 0.5479,0.7101,1.063, 0,0.00108,0, 1.917,0.5397,1.917
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 2000
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Engine/LiquidEngineKE-1.cfg
		name = LiquidEngineKE-1
		module = Part
		author = RoverDude
		rescaleFactor = 1.0
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.8, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -2.7, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2
		node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2
		fx_exhaustFlame_blue = 0.0, -2, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, running
		fx_exhaustLight_blue = 0.0, -2, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, running
		fx_smokeTrail_light = 0.0, -2, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, running
		fx_exhaustSparks_flameout = 0.0, -2, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, flameout
		sound_vent_medium = engage
		sound_rocket_hard = running
		sound_vent_soft = disengage
		sound_explosion_low = flameout
		TechRequired = veryHeavyRocketry
		entryCost = 32000
		cost = 8000
		category = Engine
		subcategory = 0
		title = Kerbodyne KE-1 "Mastodon" Liquid Fuel Engine
		manufacturer = Kerbodyne
		description = Considered to be the behemoth of rocket technology, this propulsion system is the pinnacle of power.
		attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0
		mass = 5.0
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.3
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 15
		breakingForce = 150
		breakingTorque = 150
		maxTemp = 2000
		fuelCrossFeed = True
		bulkheadProfiles = size1, size1p5, size2, srf
		tags = rocket liquid engine propuls ascent main launch motor ?lfo saturn F1 (mastodon cross feed
			model = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Engine/Assets/KE-1
			model = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/SharedAssets/Shroud2x2
			position = 0,0.0,0
			scale = 1,1.333,1
			iconHidden = true
			model = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/SharedAssets/Shroud2x3
			position = 0,0.2,0
			scale = 1,1.08,1
			iconHidden = true
			model = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/SharedAssets/Shroud2x4
			scale = 1.01,1,1.01
			position = 0,0.799,0
			iconHidden = true
			name = ModuleEngines
			thrustVectorTransformName = thrustTransform
			exhaustDamage = True
			ignitionThreshold = 0.1
			minThrust = 0
			maxThrust = 1350
			heatProduction = 175
			fxOffset = 0, 0, 0.1
			EngineType = LiquidFuel
			exhaustDamageDistanceOffset = 0.35
				name = LiquidFuel
				ratio = 0.9
				DrawGauge = True
				name = Oxidizer
				ratio = 1.1
				key = 0 305
				key = 1 290
				key = 9 0.001
			name = ModuleAlternator
				name = ElectricCharge
				rate = 8.0
			name = ModuleGimbal
			gimbalTransformName = Gimbal
			gimbalRange = 5
			gimbalResponseSpeed = 20
			useGimbalResponseSpeed = true
			name = FXModuleLookAtConstraint
				targetName = TgtPA
				rotatorsName = PistonA
				targetName = TgtPB
				rotatorsName = PistonB
				targetName = TgtSA
				rotatorsName = StabA
				targetName = TgtSB
				rotatorsName = StabB
				targetName = TgtLFTop
				rotatorsName = LFTop
				targetName = TgtOxTop
				rotatorsName = OxTop
				targetName = TgtLFBot
				rotatorsName = LFBot
				targetName = TgtOxBot
				rotatorsName = OxBot
			name = ModulePartVariants
			baseVariant = Full
				name = Full
				displayName = Full
				primaryColor = #3a562a
				secondaryColor = #9e7100
				sizeGroup = GroupA
					Mount1 = true
					Mount2 = true
					Shroud2x2 = false
					Shroud2x3 = false
					Shroud2x4 = true
					node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -2.95, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2
				name = Mid
				displayName = Mid
				primaryColor = #3a562a
				secondaryColor = #999999
				sizeGroup = GroupB
					Mount1 = true
					Mount2 = false
					Shroud2x2 = false
					Shroud2x3 = true
					Shroud2x4 = false
					node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.2, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2
					node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -2.5, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2
				name = Bare
				displayName = Bare
				themeName = Bare
				primaryColor = #999999
				secondaryColor = #cecece
				sizeGroup = GroupC
					Mount1 = false
					Mount2 = false
					Shroud2x2 = true
					Shroud2x3 = false
					Shroud2x4 = false
					node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2
					node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -2.5, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2
			name = ModuleJettison
			jettisonName = Shroud2x2,Shroud2x3,Shroud2x4
			bottomNodeName = bottom
			isFairing = True
			jettisonedObjectMass = 0.1
			jettisonForce = 5
			jettisonDirection = 0 0 1
			name = ModuleSurfaceFX
			thrustProviderModuleIndex = 0
			fxMax = 1
			maxDistance = 80
			falloff = 2
			thrustTransformName = thrustTransform
			name = ModuleTestSubject
			useStaging = True
			useEvent = True
			situationMask = 127
				value = ALWAYS
				prestige = Trivial
				prestige = Significant
				value = ONCEPERPART
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 4000
				prestige = Trivial
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 8000
				prestige = Trivial
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 2000
				prestige = Significant
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 4000
				prestige = Significant
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 1000
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 2000
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = GT
				value = 0
				situationMask = 8
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = LT
				value = 300000
				situationMask = 16
				body = _NotSun
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = LT
				value = 600000
				situationMask = 32
				body = _NotSun
				type = SPEED
				test = GT
				value = 0
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEED
				test = LT
				value = 600
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEED
				test = GT
				value = 300
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEED
				test = LT
				value = 1200
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEED
				test = GT
				value = 600
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = SPEED
				test = LT
				value = 2500
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = LT
				value = 200
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = GT
				value = 100
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = LT
				value = 100
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = GT
				value = 50
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = LT
				value = 50
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = GT
				value = 20
				prestige = Exceptional
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Engine/LiquidEngineLV-T91.cfg
		name = LiquidEngineLV-T91
		module = Part
		author = RoverDude
		rescaleFactor = 1.0
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.84028, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -1.2, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2
		node_attach = 0.0, 0.84028, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2
		fx_exhaustFlame_blue = 0.0, -2, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, running
		fx_exhaustLight_blue = 0.0, -2, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, running
		fx_smokeTrail_light = 0.0, -2, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, running
		fx_exhaustSparks_flameout = 0.0, -2, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, flameout
		sound_vent_medium = engage
		sound_rocket_hard = running
		sound_vent_soft = disengage
		sound_explosion_low = flameout
		TechRequired = heavierRocketry
		entryCost = 3400
		cost = 850
		category = Engine
		subcategory = 0
		title = LV-T91 "Cheetah" Liquid Fuel Engine
		manufacturer = Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spacecraft Parts Co
		description = This engine will get you moving fast. Eventually.… Great for those long distance trips in space despite its namesake. Marketing, you know?
		attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0
		mass = 1.0
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.3
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 7
		breakingForce = 150
		breakingTorque = 150
		maxTemp = 2000
		fuelCrossFeed = True
		bulkheadProfiles = size1p5, srf
		tags = rocket liquid engine vacuum propuls fueltank ?lfo (cheetah cross feed glv
			model = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Engine/Assets/LV-T91
			model = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/SharedAssets/Shroud1p5x2
			position = 0,0.24,0
			iconHidden = true
			model = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/SharedAssets/Shroud1x3
			position = 0,0.84,0
			iconHidden = true
			name = ModuleEngines
			thrustVectorTransformName = thrustTransform
			exhaustDamage = True
			ignitionThreshold = 0.1
			minThrust = 0
			maxThrust = 125
			heatProduction = 175
			fxOffset = 0, 0, 0.1
			EngineType = LiquidFuel
			exhaustDamageDistanceOffset = 0.35
				name = LiquidFuel
				ratio = 0.9
				DrawGauge = True
				name = Oxidizer
				ratio = 1.1
				key = 0 355
				key = 1 150
				key = 9 0.001
			name = ModuleAlternator
				name = ElectricCharge
				rate = 5.0
			name = ModuleGimbal
			gimbalTransformName = gimbal
			gimbalRange = 4
			gimbalResponseSpeed = 20
			useGimbalResponseSpeed = true
			name = ModulePartVariants
			baseVariant = Cap
				name = Cap
				displayName = Cap 1.875
				primaryColor = #000000
				secondaryColor = #ffffff
				sizeGroup = GroupA
					Cap_1875 = true
					Cap_Bare = false
					Shroud1p5x2 = true
					Shroud1x3 = false
					node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -1.635, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2
				name = Bare
				displayName = Bare
				themeName = Bare
				primaryColor = #7c4000
				secondaryColor = #ffffff
				sizeGroup = GroupB
					Cap_1875 = false
					Cap_Bare = true
					Shroud1p5x2 = false
					Shroud1x3 = true
					node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -1.66, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2
			name = ModuleJettison
			jettisonName = Shroud1p5x2,Shroud1x3
			bottomNodeName = bottom
			isFairing = True
			jettisonedObjectMass = 0.1
			jettisonForce = 5
			jettisonDirection = 0 0 1
			name = ModuleSurfaceFX
			thrustProviderModuleIndex = 0
			fxMax = 1
			maxDistance = 80
			falloff = 2
			thrustTransformName = thrustTransform
			name = ModuleTestSubject
			useStaging = True
			useEvent = True
			situationMask = 127
				value = ALWAYS
				prestige = Trivial
				prestige = Significant
				value = ONCEPERPART
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 4000
				prestige = Trivial
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 8000
				prestige = Trivial
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 2000
				prestige = Significant
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 4000
				prestige = Significant
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 1000
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 2000
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = GT
				value = 0
				situationMask = 8
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = LT
				value = 300000
				situationMask = 16
				body = _NotSun
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = LT
				value = 600000
				situationMask = 32
				body = _NotSun
				type = SPEED
				test = GT
				value = 0
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEED
				test = LT
				value = 600
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEED
				test = GT
				value = 300
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEED
				test = LT
				value = 1200
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEED
				test = GT
				value = 600
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = SPEED
				test = LT
				value = 2500
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = LT
				value = 200
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = GT
				value = 100
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = LT
				value = 100
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = GT
				value = 50
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = LT
				value = 50
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = GT
				value = 20
				prestige = Exceptional
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			stackableQuantity = 1
			packedVolume = -1
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Engine/LiquidEngineLV-TX87.cfg
		name = LiquidEngineLV-TX87
		module = Part
		author = RoverDude
		rescaleFactor = 1.0
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.76784, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -1.25, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2
		node_attach = 0.0, 0.76784, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2
		fx_exhaustFlame_blue_medium = 0.0, -0.5337813, 0.1355984, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, running
		fx_exhaustLight_blue = 0.0, -0.5337813, 0.1355984, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, running
		fx_smokeTrail_light = 0.0, -5.74338, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, running
		fx_exhaustSparks_flameout = 0.0, -5.74338, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, flameout
		sound_vent_medium = engage
		sound_rocket_hard = running
		sound_vent_soft = disengage
		sound_explosion_low = flameout
		TechRequired = heavyRocketry
		entryCost = 8000
		cost = 2000
		category = Engine
		subcategory = 0
		title = LV-TX87 "Bobcat" Liquid Fuel Engine
		manufacturer = Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spacecraft Parts Co
		description = Meow! One of these engines gives more than enough thrust to jump as high as the sky, so we gave you two.
		attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0
		mass = 2
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.3
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 12
		breakingForce = 150
		breakingTorque = 150
		maxTemp = 2000
		fuelCrossFeed = True
		bulkheadProfiles = size1p5, srf
		tags = rocket liquid engine propuls ascent main fueltank ?lfo (bobcat cross feed glv
			model = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Engine/Assets/LV-T87
			model = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/SharedAssets/Shroud1p5x2
			position = 0,0.568,0
			iconHidden = true
			model = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/SharedAssets/Shroud1p5x3
			position = 0,0.768,0
			iconHidden = true
			name = ModuleEngines
			thrustVectorTransformName = thrustTransform
			exhaustDamage = True
			ignitionThreshold = 0.1
			minThrust = 0
			maxThrust = 400
			heatProduction = 175
			fxOffset = 0, 0, 0.1
			EngineType = LiquidFuel
			exhaustDamageDistanceOffset = 0.35
				name = LiquidFuel
				ratio = 0.9
				DrawGauge = True
				name = Oxidizer
				ratio = 1.1
				key = 0 310
				key = 1 290
				key = 9 0.001
			name = ModuleAlternator
				name = ElectricCharge
				rate = 8.0
			name = ModuleGimbal
			gimbalTransformName = gimbal_1
			gimbalRange = 5
			gimbalResponseSpeed = 15
			useGimbalResponseSpeed = true
			actionSuffix = L
			name = ModuleGimbal
			gimbalTransformName = gimbal_2
			gimbalRange = 5
			gimbalResponseSpeed = 15
			useGimbalResponseSpeed = true
			actionSuffix = R
			name = ModulePartVariants
			baseVariant = TankButt
				name = TankButt
				displayName = Tank Butt
				primaryColor = #ffffff
				secondaryColor = #000000
				sizeGroup = GroupA
					TankButt = true
					TrussMount = false
					Shroud1p5x2 = true
					Shroud1p5x3 = false
					node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -1.307, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2
				name = TrussMount
				displayName = Truss Mount
				primaryColor = #999999
				secondaryColor = #000000
				sizeGroup = GroupB
					TankButt = false
					TrussMount = true
					Shroud1p5x2 = false
					Shroud1p5x3 = true
					node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -1.732, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2
			name = ModuleJettison
			jettisonName = Shroud1p5x3,Shroud1p5x2
			bottomNodeName = bottom
			isFairing = True
			jettisonedObjectMass = 0.1
			jettisonForce = 5
			jettisonDirection = 0 0 1
			name = ModuleTestSubject
			useStaging = True
			useEvent = True
			situationMask = 127
				value = ALWAYS
				prestige = Trivial
				prestige = Significant
				value = ONCEPERPART
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 4000
				prestige = Trivial
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 8000
				prestige = Trivial
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 2000
				prestige = Significant
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 4000
				prestige = Significant
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 1000
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 2000
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = GT
				value = 0
				situationMask = 8
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = LT
				value = 300000
				situationMask = 16
				body = _NotSun
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = LT
				value = 600000
				situationMask = 32
				body = _NotSun
				type = SPEED
				test = GT
				value = 0
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEED
				test = LT
				value = 600
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEED
				test = GT
				value = 300
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEED
				test = LT
				value = 1200
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEED
				test = GT
				value = 600
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = SPEED
				test = LT
				value = 2500
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = LT
				value = 200
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = GT
				value = 100
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = LT
				value = 100
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = GT
				value = 50
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = LT
				value = 50
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = GT
				value = 20
				prestige = Exceptional
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Engine/LiquidEngineRE-I2.cfg
		name = LiquidEngineRE-I2
		module = Part
		author = RoverDude
		rescaleFactor = 1.0
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 1.80521, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -1.1, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2
		node_attach = 0.0, 1.08738, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2
		fx_exhaustFlame_blue = 0.0, -2.2, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, running
		fx_exhaustLight_blue = 0.0, -2.2, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, running
		fx_smokeTrail_light = 0.0, -2.2, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, running
		fx_exhaustSparks_flameout = 0.0, -2.2, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, flameout
		sound_vent_medium = engage
		sound_rocket_hard = running
		sound_vent_soft = disengage
		sound_explosion_low = flameout
		TechRequired = heavierRocketry
		entryCost = 9200
		cost = 2300
		category = Engine
		subcategory = 0
		title = RE-I2 "Skiff" Liquid Fuel Engine
		manufacturer = Rockomax Conglomerate
		description = The Skiff is well suited for local planet hopping. High vacuum efficiency for this powerful upper stage drive will get you further.
		attachRules = 1,1,1,0,0
		mass = 1.6
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.3
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 7
		breakingForce = 150
		breakingTorque = 150
		maxTemp = 2000
		fuelCrossFeed = True
		bulkheadProfiles = size2, srf
		tags = rocket liquid engine propuls sustain ascent main fueltank ?lfo saturn (skiff cross feed
			model = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Engine/Assets/RE-I2
			model = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/SharedAssets/Shroud1p5x3
			position = 0,1.087,0
			iconHidden = true
			model = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/SharedAssets/Shroud2x3
			position = 0,1.665,0
			iconHidden = true
			scale = 1,1.25,1
			name = ModuleEngines
			thrustVectorTransformName = thrustTransform
			exhaustDamage = True
			ignitionThreshold = 0.1
			minThrust = 0
			maxThrust = 300
			heatProduction = 175
			fxOffset = 0, 0, 0.1
			EngineType = LiquidFuel
			exhaustDamageDistanceOffset = 0.35
				name = LiquidFuel
				ratio = 0.9
				DrawGauge = True
				name = Oxidizer
				ratio = 1.1
				key = 0 330
				key = 1 265
				key = 9 0.001
			name = ModuleAlternator
				name = ElectricCharge
				rate = 3.0
			name = ModuleGimbal
			gimbalTransformName = gimbal
			gimbalRange = 2
			gimbalResponseSpeed = 20
			useGimbalResponseSpeed = true
			name = FXModuleLookAtConstraint
				targetName = Tgt01
				rotatorsName = Tube01
				targetName = Tgt02
				rotatorsName = Tube02
			name = ModulePartVariants
			baseVariant = Shroud
				name = Shroud
				displayName = Shrouded
				themeName = Shroud
				primaryColor = #999999
				secondaryColor = #cecece
				sizeGroup = GroupA
					125 = false
					250 = true
					Shroud1p5x3 = false
					Shroud2x3 = true
					node_stack_top = 0.0, 1.80521, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2
					node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -1.46, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2
				name = Bare
				displayName = Bare
				themeName = Bare
				primaryColor = #999999
				secondaryColor = #999999
				sizeGroup = GroupB
					125 = true
					250 = false
					Shroud1p5x3 = true
					Shroud2x3 = false
					node_stack_top = 0.0, 1.08738, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2
					node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -1.413, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2
			name = ModuleJettison
			jettisonName = Shroud1p5x3,Shroud2x3
			bottomNodeName = bottom
			isFairing = True
			jettisonedObjectMass = 0.1
			jettisonForce = 5
			jettisonDirection = 0 0 1
			name = ModuleSurfaceFX
			thrustProviderModuleIndex = 0
			fxMax = 0.8
			maxDistance = 50
			falloff = 2
			thrustTransformName = thrustTransform
			name = ModuleTestSubject
			useStaging = True
			useEvent = True
			situationMask = 127
				value = ALWAYS
				prestige = Trivial
				prestige = Significant
				value = ONCEPERPART
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 4000
				prestige = Trivial
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 8000
				prestige = Trivial
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 2000
				prestige = Significant
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 4000
				prestige = Significant
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 1000
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 2000
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = GT
				value = 0
				situationMask = 8
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = LT
				value = 300000
				situationMask = 16
				body = _NotSun
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = LT
				value = 600000
				situationMask = 32
				body = _NotSun
				type = SPEED
				test = GT
				value = 0
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEED
				test = LT
				value = 600
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEED
				test = GT
				value = 300
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEED
				test = LT
				value = 1200
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEED
				test = GT
				value = 600
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = SPEED
				test = LT
				value = 2500
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = LT
				value = 200
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = GT
				value = 100
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = LT
				value = 100
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = GT
				value = 50
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = LT
				value = 50
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = GT
				value = 20
				prestige = Exceptional
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			stackableQuantity = 1
			packedVolume = -1
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Engine/LiquidEngineRE-J10.cfg
		name = LiquidEngineRE-J10
		module = Part
		author = RoverDude
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.361067, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -1.8, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2
		fx_exhaustFlame_blue = 0.0, -2.2, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, running
		fx_exhaustLight_blue = 0.0, -2.2, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, running
		fx_smokeTrail_light = 0.0, -2.2, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, running
		fx_exhaustSparks_flameout = 0.0, -2.2, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, flameout
		sound_vent_medium = engage
		sound_rocket_hard = running
		sound_vent_soft = disengage
		sound_explosion_low = flameout
		TechRequired = veryHeavyRocketry
		entryCost = 12000
		cost = 3000
		category = Engine
		subcategory = 0
		title = RE-J10 "Wolfhound" Liquid Fuel Engine
		manufacturer = Rockomax Conglomerate
		description = Woof! With the largest bell for its size, this upper stage engine will leave your ears ringing.
		attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0
		mass = 3.3
		heatConductivity = 0.06
		skinInternalConductionMult = 4.0
		emissiveConstant = 0.8
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 6
		breakingForce = 200
		breakingTorque = 200
		maxTemp = 2000
		bulkheadProfiles = size2
		tags = rocket liquid engine vacuum propuls orbit orbital ?lfo (wolfhound cross feed
			model = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Engine/Assets/RE-J10
			model = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/SharedAssets/Shroud1p5x3
			position = 0,0.36,0
			iconHidden = true
			model = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/SharedAssets/Shroud2x2
			position = 0,0.16,0
			iconHidden = true
			name = ModuleEngines
			thrustVectorTransformName = thrustTransform
			exhaustDamage = True
			ignitionThreshold = 0.1
			minThrust = 0
			maxThrust = 375
			heatProduction = 83
			fxOffset = 0, 0, 0.23
			EngineType = LiquidFuel
			exhaustDamageDistanceOffset = 1.75
				name = LiquidFuel
				ratio = 0.9
				DrawGauge = True
				name = Oxidizer
				ratio = 1.1
				key = 0 380
				key = 1 70
				key = 3 0.001
			name = ModuleGimbal
			gimbalTransformName = gimbal
			gimbalRange = 3.0
			name = ModuleAlternator
				name = ElectricCharge
				rate = 8.0
			name = ModuleSurfaceFX
			thrustProviderModuleIndex = 0
			fxMax = 0.6
			maxDistance = 30
			falloff = 1.5
			thrustTransformName = thrustTransform
			name = ModulePartVariants
			baseVariant = Shroud
				name = Shroud
				displayName = Shroud
				themeName = Shroud
				primaryColor = #999999
				secondaryColor = #3d3d3d
				sizeGroup = GroupA
					Shroud = true
					Shroud2x2 = true
					Shroud1p5x3 = false
					node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -1.715, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2
				name = Bare
				displayName = Bare
				themeName = Bare
				themeName = Bare
				primaryColor = #999999
				secondaryColor = #3d3d3d
				sizeGroup = GroupB
					Shroud = false
					Shroud2x2 = false
					Shroud1p5x3 = true
					node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -2.14, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2
			name = ModuleJettison
			jettisonName = Shroud2x2,Shroud1p5x3
			bottomNodeName = bottom
			isFairing = True
			jettisonedObjectMass = 0.1
			jettisonForce = 5
			jettisonDirection = 0 0 1
			name = ModuleSurfaceFX
			thrustProviderModuleIndex = 0
			fxMax = 0.8
			maxDistance = 50
			falloff = 2
			thrustTransformName = thrustTransform
			name = ModuleTestSubject
			useStaging = True
			useEvent = True
			situationMask = 127
				value = ALWAYS
				prestige = Trivial
				prestige = Significant
				value = ONCEPERPART
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 4000
				prestige = Trivial
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 8000
				prestige = Trivial
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 2000
				prestige = Significant
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 4000
				prestige = Significant
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 1000
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 2000
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = GT
				value = 0
				situationMask = 8
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = LT
				value = 300000
				situationMask = 16
				body = _NotSun
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = LT
				value = 600000
				situationMask = 32
				body = _NotSun
				type = SPEED
				test = GT
				value = 0
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEED
				test = LT
				value = 600
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEED
				test = GT
				value = 300
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEED
				test = LT
				value = 1200
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEED
				test = GT
				value = 600
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = SPEED
				test = LT
				value = 2500
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = LT
				value = 200
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = GT
				value = 100
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = LT
				value = 100
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = GT
				value = 50
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = LT
				value = 50
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = GT
				value = 20
				prestige = Exceptional
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Engine/LiquidEngineRK-7.cfg
		name = LiquidEngineRK-7
		module = Part
		author = RoverDude
		rescaleFactor = 1.0
		node_attach = 0.0, 0.75, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.75, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -1, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
		fx_exhaustFlame_yellow_tiny = 0.0, -1, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, running
		fx_smokeTrail_light = 0.0, -1, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, running
		fx_exhaustSparks_flameout = 0.0, -1, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, flameout
		sound_vent_medium = engage
		sound_rocket_hard = running
		sound_vent_soft = disengage
		sound_explosion_low = flameout
		TechRequired = heavierRocketry
		entryCost = 4400
		cost = 1100
		category = Engine
		subcategory = 0
		title = RK-7 "Kodiak" Liquid Fueled Engine
		manufacturer = Reaction Systems Ltd
		description = A bear of an engine. This quad-nozzled beast comes with multiple cowling options, and no gimbal. Don’t forget those verniers.
		attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0
		mass = 1.25
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.3
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 9
		breakingForce = 150
		breakingTorque = 150
		maxTemp = 2000
		fuelCrossFeed = True
		bulkheadProfiles = size1p5, srf
		tags = rocket liquid engine propuls ascent main fueltank ?lfo (kodiak cross feed voskhod
			model = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Engine/Assets/RK-7
			model = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/SharedAssets/Shroud1p5x2
			position = 0,0.75,0
			iconHidden = true
			model = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/SharedAssets/Shroud1x0
			position = 0,-0.667,0
			iconHidden = true
			model = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/SharedAssets/Shroud1p5x0
			position = 0,-0.675,0
			iconHidden = true
			name = ModuleEngines
			thrustVectorTransformName = thrustTransform
			exhaustDamage = True
			ignitionThreshold = 0.1
			minThrust = 0
			maxThrust = 260
			heatProduction = 175
			fxOffset = 0, 0, 0
			EngineType = LiquidFuel
			exhaustDamageDistanceOffset = 0.35
				name = LiquidFuel
				ratio = 0.9
				DrawGauge = True
				name = Oxidizer
				ratio = 1.1
				key = 0 300
				key = 1 285
				key = 9 0.001
			name = ModuleAlternator
				name = ElectricCharge
				rate = 5.0
			name = ModulePartVariants
			baseVariant = Bare
				name = Bare
				displayName = Bare
				themeName = Bare
				primaryColor = #cc0e0e
				secondaryColor = #000000
				sizeGroup = GroupA
					BT_1p5 = false
					BT_1 = false
					MountRing = true
					Shroud1p5x2 = true
					Shroud1x0 = false
					Shroud1p5x0 = false
					node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -1.125, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
				name = ShroudSmall
				displayName = Shroud Small
				themeName = Shroud
				primaryColor = #ffffff
				secondaryColor = #999999
				sizeGroup = GroupA
					BT_1p5 = false
					BT_1 = true
					MountRing = false
					Shroud1p5x2 = false
					Shroud1x0 = true
					Shroud1p5x0 = false
					node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -1.292, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
				name = ShroudBig
				displayName = Shroud Big
				primaryColor = #ffffff
				secondaryColor = #999999
				sizeGroup = GroupB
					BT_1p5 = true
					BT_1 = false
					MountRing = false
					Shroud1p5x2 = false
					Shroud1x0 = false
					Shroud1p5x0 = true
					node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -1.3, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2
			name = ModuleJettison
			jettisonName = Shroud1p5x2,Shroud1p5x0,Shroud1x0
			bottomNodeName = bottom
			isFairing = True
			jettisonedObjectMass = 0.1
			jettisonForce = 5
			jettisonDirection = 0 0 1
			name = ModuleSurfaceFX
			thrustProviderModuleIndex = 0
			fxMax = 0.5
			maxDistance = 30
			falloff = 1.7
			thrustTransformName = thrustTransform
			name = ModuleTestSubject
			useStaging = True
			useEvent = True
			situationMask = 127
				value = ALWAYS
				prestige = Trivial
				prestige = Significant
				value = ONCEPERPART
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 4000
				prestige = Trivial
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 8000
				prestige = Trivial
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 2000
				prestige = Significant
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 4000
				prestige = Significant
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 1000
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 2000
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = GT
				value = 0
				situationMask = 8
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = LT
				value = 300000
				situationMask = 16
				body = _NotSun
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = LT
				value = 600000
				situationMask = 32
				body = _NotSun
				type = SPEED
				test = GT
				value = 0
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEED
				test = LT
				value = 600
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEED
				test = GT
				value = 300
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEED
				test = LT
				value = 1200
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEED
				test = GT
				value = 600
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = SPEED
				test = LT
				value = 2500
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = LT
				value = 200
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = GT
				value = 100
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = LT
				value = 100
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = GT
				value = 50
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = LT
				value = 50
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = GT
				value = 20
				prestige = Exceptional
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			stackableQuantity = 1
			packedVolume = -1
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Engine/LiquidEngineRV-1.cfg
		name = LiquidEngineRV-1
		module = Part
		author = RoverDude
		rescaleFactor = 1.0
		node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, -0.16, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1
		TechRequired = precisionPropulsion
		entryCost = 3200
		cost = 800
		category = Engine
		subcategory = 0
		title = RV-1 "Cub" Vernier Engine
		manufacturer = Reaction Systems Ltd
		description = Mew! These little vernier engines have a huge deflection, but can only gimbal in one dimension.
		attachRules = 0,1,0,1,0
		mass = 0.18
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.3
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 7
		breakingForce = 150
		breakingTorque = 150
		maxTemp = 2000
		fuelCrossFeed = True
		bulkheadProfiles = size0, srf
		tags = rocket liquid engine thruster propuls vernier fueltank ?lfo (cub cross feed voskhod
			model = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Engine/Assets/RV-1
					channel = Ship
					clip = sound_rocket_mini
					volume = 0.0 0.0
					volume = 1.0 1.0
					pitch = 0.0 0.75
					pitch = 1.0 0.95
					loop = true
					prefabName = fx_exhaustFlame_yellow_tiny_Z
					transformName = thrustTransform
					emission = 0.0 0.0
					emission = 1.0 1.0
					speed = 0.0 0.8
					speed = 1.0 1.0
					channel = Ship
					clip = sound_vent_medium
					loop = false
					channel = Ship
					clip = sound_vent_soft
					loop = false
			name = ModuleEnginesFX
			thrustVectorTransformName = thrustTransform
			exhaustDamage = True
			ignitionThreshold = 0.1
			minThrust = 0
			maxThrust = 32
			heatProduction = 150
			fxOffset = 0, 0, 0.125
			EngineType = LiquidFuel
			exhaustDamageDistanceOffset = 0.15
				name = LiquidFuel
				ratio = 0.9
				DrawGauge = True
				name = Oxidizer
				ratio = 1.1
				key = 0 310
				key = 1 280
				key = 7 0.001
			name = ModuleGimbal
			gimbalTransformName = Gimbal
			gimbalRange = 22.5
			yMult = 0
			useGimbalResponseSpeed = true
			name = ModuleTestSubject
			useStaging = True
			useEvent = True
			situationMask = 127
				value = ALWAYS
				prestige = Trivial
				prestige = Significant
				value = ONCEPERPART
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 4000
				prestige = Trivial
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 8000
				prestige = Trivial
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 2000
				prestige = Significant
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 4000
				prestige = Significant
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 1000
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 2000
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = GT
				value = 0
				situationMask = 8
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = LT
				value = 300000
				situationMask = 16
				body = _NotSun
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = LT
				value = 600000
				situationMask = 32
				body = _NotSun
				type = SPEED
				test = GT
				value = 0
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEED
				test = LT
				value = 600
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEED
				test = GT
				value = 300
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEED
				test = LT
				value = 1200
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEED
				test = GT
				value = 600
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = SPEED
				test = LT
				value = 2500
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = LT
				value = 200
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = GT
				value = 100
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = LT
				value = 100
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = GT
				value = 50
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = LT
				value = 50
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = GT
				value = 20
				prestige = Exceptional
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 170
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Engine/solidBoosterTHK/solidBoosterTHK.cfg
		name = Pollux
		module = Part
		author = AlexanderM
		mesh =
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -7.84138, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 7.83746, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1
		node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, -0.9375, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1
		fx_exhaustFlame_white = 0.0, -1.4084125, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, running
		fx_exhaustSparks_yellow = 0.0, -1.4084125, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, running
		fx_smokeTrail_large = 0.0, -1.4084125, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, running
		sound_vent_medium = engage
		sound_rocket_hard = running
		sound_vent_soft = disengage
		sound_explosion_low = flameout
		TechRequired = heavyRocketry
		entryCost = 15000
		cost = 6000
		category = Engine
		subcategory = 0
		title = THK "Pollux" Solid Fuel Booster
		manufacturer = Kerbodyne
		description = The Pollux is an engineers best friend.  Is your rocket a little too low thrust to get off the pad efficiently?  Put one on.  Still not enough?  Put on a pair.  Try six of them if that's still not enough.  Or if you're feeling really crafty, you can launch your entire rocket with just these tried and true solid rocket motors.
		attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0
		mass = 8
		heatConductivity = 0.06
		skinInternalConductionMult = 4.0
		emissiveConstant = 0.5
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.3
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 9
		maxTemp = 2200
		stagingIcon = SOLID_BOOSTER
		bulkheadProfiles = size1p5, srf
		tags = (motor (rocket (srb (pol
			name = ModuleEngines
			thrustVectorTransformName = thrustTransform
			throttleLocked = True
			exhaustDamage = True
			ignitionThreshold = 0.1
			minThrust = 0
			maxThrust = 1300
			heatProduction = 550
			useEngineResponseTime = True
			engineAccelerationSpeed = 10.0
			allowShutdown = False
			fxOffset = 0, 0, 0.45
			EngineType = SolidBooster
			exhaustDamageDistanceOffset = 0.6
				name = SolidFuel
				ratio = 1.0
				DrawGauge = True
				key = 0 225
				key = 1 200
				key = 7 0.001
			name = SolidFuel
			amount = 5800
			maxAmount = 5800
			name = ModuleSurfaceFX
			thrustProviderModuleIndex = 0
			fxMax = 0.75
			maxDistance = 50
			falloff = 1.8
			thrustTransformName = thrustTransform
			name = FXModuleAnimateThrottle
			animationName = THKEmissive
			responseSpeed = 0.001
			dependOnEngineState = True
			dependOnThrottle = True
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/FuelTank/MonoPropMini.cfg
		name = monopropMiniSphere
		module = Part
		author = RoverDude
		rescaleFactor = 1.0
		node_attach = 0.18, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0
		TechRequired = propulsionSystems
		entryCost = 3600
		cost = 30
		category = Propulsion
		subcategory = 0
		title = Stratus-V Minified Monopropellant Tank
		manufacturer = Stratus Corporation
		description = I’d say “Small is beautiful”
		attachRules = 0,1,0,1,0
		mass = 0.01
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.3
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 5
		breakingForce = 50
		breakingTorque = 50
		maxTemp = 2000
		fuelCrossFeed = True
		bulkheadProfiles = srf
		tags = fuel propellant rcs fueltank mono cross feed
			model = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/FuelTank/Assets/MiniMonoTank
			name = MonoPropellant
			amount = 7.5
			maxAmount = 7.5
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 70
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/FuelTank/Size1p5_Monoprop.cfg
		name = Size1p5_Monoprop
		module = Part
		author = RoverDude
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.425, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.425, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2
		TechRequired = advFuelSystems
		entryCost = 5900
		cost = 960
		category = FuelTank
		subcategory = 0
		title = FL-R400 RCS Fuel Tank
		manufacturer = Stratus Corporation
		description = A larger-scaled version of the standard RCS tank.
		attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0
		mass = 0.25
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 12
		maxTemp = 2000
		bulkheadProfiles = size1p5
		tags = fuel propellant fueltank tank mono regular standard average medium cross feed 1.875
			model = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/FuelTank/Assets/Size_1p5_Monoprop
			name = MonoPropellant
			amount = 400
			maxAmount = 400
			name = ModulePartVariants
			primaryColor = #ffffff
			secondaryColor = #ffdd00
			baseDisplayName = Yellow and White
			baseThemeName = YellowAndWhite
			useMultipleDragCubes = false
				name = White
				displayName = White
				themeName = White
				primaryColor = #ffffff
				secondaryColor = #ffffff
					mainTextureURL = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/FuelTank/Assets/Size1p5_mono_2
					_BumpMap = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/FuelTank/Assets/Size1p5_mono_N
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = -1
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/FuelTank/Size1p5_Size0_Adapter_01.cfg
		name = Size1p5_Size0_Adapter_01
		module = Part
		author = PJ
		rescaleFactor = 1.0
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.375, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.375, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2
		TechRequired = fuelSystems
		entryCost = 1550
		cost = 160
		category = FuelTank
		subcategory = 0
		title = FL-A150 Fuel Tank Adapter
		manufacturer = Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spacecraft Parts Co
		description = These fuel-filled adapters come in a variety of sizes for connecting larger and smaller tanks.
		attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0
		mass = 0.1
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.3
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 10
		breakingForce = 150
		breakingTorque = 150
		maxTemp = 2000
		fuelCrossFeed = True
		bulkheadProfiles = size0, size1p5, srf
		tags = rocket fuel liquid oxidizer propellant fueltank ?lfo tank 0.625 )mini small tiny little micro regular standard average medium cross feed 1.875
			model = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/FuelTank/Assets/Size1_5_Size0_Adapter_01
			name = LiquidFuel
			amount = 72
			maxAmount = 72
			name = Oxidizer
			amount = 88
			maxAmount = 88
			name = ModulePartVariants
			primaryColor = #ffffff
			secondaryColor = #000000
			baseDisplayName = White
			baseThemeName = White
			useMultipleDragCubes = false
				name = Grey
				displayName = Black and White
				themeName = BlackAndWhite
				primaryColor = #000000
				secondaryColor = #ffffff
					shader = KSP/Specular
					mainTextureURL = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/FuelTank/Assets/Size1_5_TankAdapters_ALT01
					_Color = #CCCCCC
				name = Dark Grey
				displayName = Gray and Orange
				themeName = GrayAndOrange
				primaryColor = #4c4f47
				secondaryColor = #f49841
					mainTextureURL = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/FuelTank/Assets/Size1_5_TankAdapters_ALT02
					_BumpMap = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/FuelTank/Assets/Size1_5_TankAdapters_ALT02nm
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/FuelTank/Size1p5_Size1_Adapter_01.cfg
		name = Size1p5_Size1_Adapter_01
		module = Part
		author = Pablo
		rescaleFactor = 1.0
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.9375, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.9375, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2
		TechRequired = fuelSystems
		entryCost = 3100
		cost = 600
		category = FuelTank
		subcategory = 0
		title = FL-A151L Fuel Tank Adapter
		manufacturer = Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spacecraft Parts Co
		description = These fuel-filled adapters come in a variety of sizes for connecting larger and smaller tanks.
		attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0
		mass = 0.375
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.3
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 10
		breakingForce = 150
		breakingTorque = 150
		maxTemp = 2000
		fuelCrossFeed = True
		bulkheadProfiles = size1p5, size1, srf
		tags = rocket fuel liquid oxidizer propellant fueltank ?lfo tank 1.25 FL-T regular standard average medium cross feed 1.875
			model = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/FuelTank/Assets/Size1_5_Size1_Adapter_01
			name = LiquidFuel
			amount = 270
			maxAmount = 270
			name = Oxidizer
			amount = 330
			maxAmount = 330
			name = ModulePartVariants
			primaryColor = #ffffff
			secondaryColor = #000000
			baseDisplayName = White
			baseThemeName = White
			useMultipleDragCubes = false
				name = Grey
				displayName = Black and White
				themeName = BlackAndWhite
				primaryColor = #000000
				secondaryColor = #ffffff
					shader = KSP/Specular
					mainTextureURL = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/FuelTank/Assets/Size1_5_TankAdapters_ALT01
					_Color = #CCCCCC
				name = Dark Grey
				displayName = Gray and Orange
				themeName = GrayAndOrange
				primaryColor = #4c4f47
				secondaryColor = #f49841
					mainTextureURL = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/FuelTank/Assets/Size1_5_TankAdapters_ALT02
					_BumpMap = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/FuelTank/Assets/Size1_5_TankAdapters_ALT02nm
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/FuelTank/Size1p5_Size1_Adapter_02.cfg
		name = Size1p5_Size1_Adapter_02
		module = Part
		author = PJ
		rescaleFactor = 1.0
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.234375, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.234375, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2
		TechRequired = advRocketry
		entryCost = 1550
		cost = 160
		category = FuelTank
		subcategory = 0
		title = FL-A151S Fuel Tank Adapter
		manufacturer = Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spacecraft Parts Co
		description = These fuel-filled adapters come in a variety of sizes for connecting larger and smaller tanks.
		attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0
		mass = 0.1
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.3
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 10
		breakingForce = 150
		breakingTorque = 150
		maxTemp = 2000
		fuelCrossFeed = True
		bulkheadProfiles = size1, size1p5, srf
		tags = rocket fuel liquid oxidizer propellant fueltank ?lfo tank 1.25 FL-T regular standard average medium cross feed 1.875
			model = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/FuelTank/Assets/Size1_5_Size1_Adapter_02
			name = LiquidFuel
			amount = 72
			maxAmount = 72
			name = Oxidizer
			amount = 88
			maxAmount = 88
			name = ModulePartVariants
			primaryColor = #ffffff
			secondaryColor = #000000
			baseDisplayName = White
			baseThemeName = White
			useMultipleDragCubes = false
				name = Grey
				displayName = Black and White
				themeName = BlackAndWhite
				primaryColor = #000000
				secondaryColor = #ffffff
					shader = KSP/Specular
					mainTextureURL = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/FuelTank/Assets/Size1_5_TankAdapters_ALT01
					_Color = #CCCCCC
				name = Dark Grey
				displayName = Gray and Orange
				themeName = GrayAndOrange
				primaryColor = #4c4f47
				secondaryColor = #f49841
					mainTextureURL = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/FuelTank/Assets/Size1_5_TankAdapters_ALT02
					_BumpMap = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/FuelTank/Assets/Size1_5_TankAdapters_ALT02nm
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/FuelTank/Size1p5_Size2_Adapter_01.cfg
		name = Size1p5_Size2_Adapter_01
		module = Part
		author = Pablo
		rescaleFactor = 1.0
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.9375, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.9375, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2
		TechRequired = fuelSystems
		entryCost = 5100
		cost = 1200
		category = FuelTank
		subcategory = 0
		title = FL-A215 Fuel Tank Adapter
		manufacturer = Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spacecraft Parts Co
		description = These fuel-filled adapters come in a variety of sizes for connecting larger and smaller tanks.
		attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0
		mass = 0.75
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.3
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 10
		breakingForce = 150
		breakingTorque = 150
		maxTemp = 2000
		fuelCrossFeed = True
		bulkheadProfiles = size1p5, size2, srf
		tags = rocket fuel liquid oxidizer propellant fueltank ?lfo tank regular standard average medium 2.5 huge jumbo large big cross feed 1.875
			model = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/FuelTank/Assets/Size1_5_Size2_Adapter_01
			name = LiquidFuel
			amount = 540
			maxAmount = 540
			name = Oxidizer
			amount = 660
			maxAmount = 660
			name = ModulePartVariants
			primaryColor = #ffffff
			secondaryColor = #000000
			baseDisplayName = White
			baseThemeName = White
			useMultipleDragCubes = false
				name = Grey
				displayName = Black and White
				themeName = BlackAndWhite
				primaryColor = #000000
				secondaryColor = #ffffff
					shader = KSP/Specular
					mainTextureURL = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/FuelTank/Assets/Size1_5_TankAdapters_ALT01
					_Color = #CCCCCC
				name = Dark Grey
				displayName = Gray and Orange
				themeName = GrayAndOrange
				primaryColor = #4c4f47
				secondaryColor = #f49841
					mainTextureURL = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/FuelTank/Assets/Size1_5_TankAdapters_ALT02
					_BumpMap = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/FuelTank/Assets/Size1_5_TankAdapters_ALT02nm
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/FuelTank/Size1p5_Tank_01.cfg
		name = Size1p5_Tank_01
		module = Part
		author = RoverDude
		rescaleFactor = 1.0
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.234375, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.234375, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2
		node_attach = 0.9375, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 2
		TechRequired = advRocketry
		entryCost = 1750
		cost = 220
		category = FuelTank
		subcategory = 0
		title = FL-TX220 Fuel Tank
		manufacturer = Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spacecraft Parts Co
		description = Designed as an intermediary tank between the smaller FL-T series and the larger Rockomax tanks, the FL-TX series helps you get just the right amount of boom.
		attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0
		mass = 0.1375
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.3
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 6
		breakingForce = 150
		breakingTorque = 150
		maxTemp = 2000
		fuelCrossFeed = True
		bulkheadProfiles = size1p5, srf
		tags = rocket fuel liquid oxidizer propellant fueltank ?lfo tank regular standard average medium cross feed 1.875
			model = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/FuelTank/Assets/Size1_5_Tank_01
			name = LiquidFuel
			amount = 99
			maxAmount = 99
			name = Oxidizer
			amount = 121
			maxAmount = 121
			name = ModulePartVariants
			primaryColor = #ffffff
			secondaryColor = #000000
			baseDisplayName = White
			baseThemeName = White
			useMultipleDragCubes = false
				name = Grey
				displayName = Black and White
				themeName = BlackAndWhite
				primaryColor = #000000
				secondaryColor = #ffffff
					mainTextureURL = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/FuelTank/Assets/Size1_5_Tanks_grey
				name = Dark Grey
				displayName = Gray and Orange
				themeName = GrayAndOrange
				primaryColor = #4c4f47
				secondaryColor = #f49841
					shader = KSP/Bumped Specular
					mainTextureURL = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/FuelTank/Assets/Size1_5_Tanks_ALT02
					_BumpMap = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/FuelTank/Assets/Size1_5_Tanks_ALT02_nm
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = -1
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/FuelTank/Size1p5_Tank_02.cfg
		name = Size1p5_Tank_02
		module = Part
		author = RoverDude
		rescaleFactor = 1.0
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.46875, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.46875, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2
		node_attach = 0.9375, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 2
		TechRequired = fuelSystems
		entryCost = 2500
		cost = 440
		category = FuelTank
		subcategory = 0
		title = FL-TX440 Fuel Tank
		manufacturer = Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spacecraft Parts Co
		description = Designed as an intermediary tank between the smaller FL-T series and the larger Rockomax tanks, the FL-TX series helps you get just the right amount of boom.
		attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0
		mass = 0.275
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.3
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 6
		breakingForce = 150
		breakingTorque = 150
		maxTemp = 2000
		fuelCrossFeed = True
		bulkheadProfiles = size1p5, srf
		tags = rocket fuel liquid oxidizer propellant fueltank ?lfo tank regular standard average medium cross feed 1.875
			model = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/FuelTank/Assets/Size1_5_Tank_02
			name = LiquidFuel
			amount = 198
			maxAmount = 198
			name = Oxidizer
			amount = 242
			maxAmount = 242
			name = ModulePartVariants
			primaryColor = #ffffff
			secondaryColor = #000000
			baseDisplayName = White
			baseThemeName = White
			useMultipleDragCubes = false
				name = Grey
				displayName = Black and White
				themeName = BlackAndWhite
				primaryColor = #000000
				secondaryColor = #ffffff
					mainTextureURL = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/FuelTank/Assets/Size1_5_Tanks_grey
				name = Dark Grey
				displayName = Gray and Orange
				themeName = GrayAndOrange
				primaryColor = #4c4f47
				secondaryColor = #f49841
					shader = KSP/Bumped Specular
					mainTextureURL = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/FuelTank/Assets/Size1_5_Tanks_ALT02
					_BumpMap = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/FuelTank/Assets/Size1_5_Tanks_ALT02_nm
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			stackableQuantity = 1
			packedVolume = -1
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/FuelTank/Size1p5_Tank_03.cfg
		name = Size1p5_Tank_03
		module = Part
		author = RoverDude
		rescaleFactor = 1.0
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.9375, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.9375, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2
		node_attach = 0.9375, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 2
		TechRequired = fuelSystems
		entryCost = 4100
		cost = 900
		category = FuelTank
		subcategory = 0
		title = FL-TX900 Fuel Tank
		manufacturer = Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spacecraft Parts Co
		description = Designed as an intermediary tank between the smaller FL-T series and the larger Rockomax tanks, the FL-TX series helps you get just the right amount of boom.
		attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0
		mass = 0.5625
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.3
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 6
		breakingForce = 150
		breakingTorque = 150
		maxTemp = 2000
		fuelCrossFeed = True
		bulkheadProfiles = size1p5, srf
		tags = rocket fuel liquid oxidizer propellant fueltank ?lfo tank regular standard average medium cross feed 1.875
			model = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/FuelTank/Assets/Size1_5_Tank_03
			name = LiquidFuel
			amount = 405
			maxAmount = 405
			name = Oxidizer
			amount = 495
			maxAmount = 495
			name = ModulePartVariants
			primaryColor = #ffffff
			secondaryColor = #000000
			baseDisplayName = White
			baseThemeName = White
			useMultipleDragCubes = false
				name = Grey
				displayName = Black and White
				themeName = BlackAndWhite
				primaryColor = #000000
				secondaryColor = #ffffff
					mainTextureURL = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/FuelTank/Assets/Size1_5_Tanks_grey
				name = Dark Grey
				displayName = Gray and Orange
				themeName = GrayAndOrange
				primaryColor = #4c4f47
				secondaryColor = #f49841
					shader = KSP/Bumped Specular
					mainTextureURL = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/FuelTank/Assets/Size1_5_Tanks_ALT02
					_BumpMap = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/FuelTank/Assets/Size1_5_Tanks_ALT02_nm
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/FuelTank/Size1p5_Tank_04.cfg
		name = Size1p5_Tank_04
		module = Part
		author = RoverDude
		rescaleFactor = 1.0
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 1.875, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -1.875, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2
		node_attach = 0.9375, -1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 2
		TechRequired = advFuelSystems
		entryCost = 7200
		cost = 1800
		category = FuelTank
		subcategory = 0
		title = FL-TX1800 Fuel Tank
		manufacturer = Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spacecraft Parts Co
		description = Designed as an intermediary tank between the smaller FL-T series and the larger Rockomax tanks, the FL-TX series helps you get just the right amount of boom.
		attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0
		mass = 1.125
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.3
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 6
		breakingForce = 150
		breakingTorque = 150
		maxTemp = 2000
		fuelCrossFeed = True
		bulkheadProfiles = size1p5, srf
		tags = rocket fuel liquid oxidizer propellant fueltank ?lfo tank regular standard average medium cross feed 1.875
			model = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/FuelTank/Assets/Size1_5_Tank_04
			name = LiquidFuel
			amount = 810
			maxAmount = 810
			name = Oxidizer
			amount = 990
			maxAmount = 990
			name = ModulePartVariants
			primaryColor = #ffffff
			secondaryColor = #000000
			baseDisplayName = White
			baseThemeName = White
			useMultipleDragCubes = false
				name = Grey
				displayName = Black and White
				themeName = BlackAndWhite
				primaryColor = #000000
				secondaryColor = #ffffff
					mainTextureURL = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/FuelTank/Assets/Size1_5_Tanks_grey
				name = Dark Grey
				displayName = Gray and Orange
				themeName = GrayAndOrange
				primaryColor = #4c4f47
				secondaryColor = #f49841
					shader = KSP/Bumped Specular
					mainTextureURL = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/FuelTank/Assets/Size1_5_Tanks_ALT02
					_BumpMap = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/FuelTank/Assets/Size1_5_Tanks_ALT02_nm
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/FuelTank/Size1p5_Tank_05.cfg
		name = Size1p5_Tank_05
		module = Part
		author = RoverDude
		rescaleFactor = 1.0
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -3.75, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2
		node_attach = 0.0, -2, 0.9375, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 2
		CoMOffset = 0.0, -1.0, 0.2
		CoPOffset = 0.0, 0.5, 0.25
		TechRequired = fuelSystems
		entryCost = 6000
		cost = 1400
		category = FuelTank
		subcategory = 0
		title = FL-C1000 Fuel Tank
		manufacturer = Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spacecraft Parts Co
		description = Bored with plain cylinders, the engineers at Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spacecraft Parts Co came up with this snazzy new design. Includes built in separation boosters for good measure, because you can never have enough boosters.
		attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0
		mass = 0.75
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.3
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 6
		breakingForce = 150
		breakingTorque = 150
		maxTemp = 2000
		fuelCrossFeed = True
		bulkheadProfiles = size1p5, srf
		tags = rocket fuel liquid oxidizer propellant moar (more thruster motor separat solid fueltank ?lfo tank regular standard average medium cross feed 1.875 voskhod
		stagingIcon = SOLID_BOOSTER
		fx_exhaustFlame_white_tiny = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, running
		sound_vent_medium = engage
		sound_rocket_mini = running
		sound_vent_soft = disengage
			model = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/FuelTank/Assets/Size1_5_Tank_05
			name = LiquidFuel
			amount = 540
			maxAmount = 540
			name = Oxidizer
			amount = 660
			maxAmount = 660
			name = ModuleEngines
			thrustVectorTransformName = thrustTransform
			throttleLocked = True
			exhaustDamage = True
			allowShutdown = False
			ignitionThreshold = 0.1
			minThrust = 0
			maxThrust = 32
			heatProduction = 550
			fxOffset = 0, 0, 0
			EngineType = SolidBooster
			nonThrustMotor = true
			exhaustDamageMultiplier = 50
				name = SolidFuel
				ratio = 1.0
				DrawGauge = True
				key = 0 154
				key = 1 118
				key = 6 0.001
			name = SolidFuel
			amount = 4
			maxAmount = 4
			name = ModulePartVariants
			primaryColor = #ffffff
			secondaryColor = #000000
			baseDisplayName = White
			baseThemeName = White
			useMultipleDragCubes = false
				name = Grey
				displayName = Black and White
				themeName = BlackAndWhite
				primaryColor = #000000
				secondaryColor = #ffffff
					mainTextureURL = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/FuelTank/Assets/Size1p5_02_ALT01
				name = Dark Grey
				displayName = Gray and Orange
				themeName = GrayAndOrange
				primaryColor = #4c4f47
				secondaryColor = #f49841
					shader = KSP/Bumped Specular
					mainTextureURL = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/FuelTank/Assets/Size1p5_02_ALT02
					_BumpMap = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/FuelTank/Assets/Size1p5_02_ALT02_normal
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/FuelTank/Size3_Size4_Adapter_01.cfg
		name = Size3_Size4_Adapter_01
		module = Part
		author = Pablo
		rescaleFactor = 1.0
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 1.25, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 3
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -1.25, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 4
		node_attach = 2.5, -1.25, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1
		TechRequired = highPerformanceFuelSystems
		entryCost = 25600
		cost = 6400
		category = FuelTank
		subcategory = 0
		title = Kerbodyne S3-S4 Adapter Tank
		manufacturer = Kerbodyne
		description = These fuel-filled adapters come in a variety of sizes for connecting larger and smaller tanks.
		attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0
		mass = 4
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.3
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 10
		breakingForce = 400
		breakingTorque = 400
		maxTemp = 2000
		fuelCrossFeed = True
		bulkheadProfiles = size3, size4, srf
		tags = rocket fuel liquid oxidizer propellant fueltank ?lfo tank saturn 3.75 enormous massive gigantic giant cross feed 5.0
			model = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/FuelTank/Assets/Size3_Size4_Adapter_01
			name = LiquidFuel
			amount = 2880
			maxAmount = 2880
			name = Oxidizer
			amount = 3520
			maxAmount = 3520
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/FuelTank/Size4_EngineAdapter_01.cfg
		name = Size4_EngineAdapter_01
		module = Part
		author = PJ
		rescaleFactor = 1.0
		node_stack_A = -1.76777, -1.3, 1.76777, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2
		node_stack_B = -1.76777, -1.3, -1.76777, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2
		node_stack_C = 1.76777, -1.3, 1.76777, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2
		node_stack_D = 1.767770, -1.3, -1.76777, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 1.25, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 4
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -1.3, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2
		stackSymmetry = 3
		TechRequired = highPerformanceFuelSystems
		entryCost = 36000
		cost = 9000
		category = FuelTank
		subcategory = 0
		title = Kerbodyne Engine Cluster Adapter Tank
		manufacturer = Kerbodyne
		description = When Kerbodyne engineers realized that no single engine currently manufactured could justify the use of the S4 fuel tank line, they added attachment points for five of them on this handy adapter tank.
		attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0
		mass = 5.625
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.3
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 10
		breakingForce = 150
		breakingTorque = 150
		maxTemp = 2000
		fuelCrossFeed = True
		bulkheadProfiles = size4, size1, srf
		tags = rocket fuel liquid oxidizer propellant fueltank ?lfo tank saturn enormous massive gigantic giant cross feed 5.0
			model = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/FuelTank/Assets/Size4_EngineAdapter_01
			name = LiquidFuel
			amount = 4050
			maxAmount = 4050
			name = Oxidizer
			amount = 4950
			maxAmount = 4950
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/FuelTank/Size4_Tank_01.cfg
		name = Size4_Tank_01
		module = Part
		author = Pablo
		rescaleFactor = 1.0
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.9375, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 4
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.9375, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 4
		node_attach = 2.5, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1
		TechRequired = highPerformanceFuelSystems
		entryCost = 25600
		cost = 6400
		category = FuelTank
		subcategory = 0
		title = Kerbodyne S4-64 Fuel Tank
		manufacturer = Kerbodyne
		description = Originally the result of a unit of measure conversion bug, the S4 series of fuel tanks transcend the preposterous into the truly absurd. When 'More boosters' fails and is replaced with 'More engines!', the S4 series tanks will be there to loft your dreams, no matter how ridiculous and over-engineered, into the sky on massive trails of fire.
		attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0
		mass = 4
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.3
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 10
		breakingForce = 400
		breakingTorque = 400
		maxTemp = 2000
		fuelCrossFeed = True
		bulkheadProfiles = size4, srf
		tags = rocket fuel liquid oxidizer propellant fueltank ?lfo tank enormous massive gigantic giant cross feed 5.0
			model = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/FuelTank/Assets/Size4_Tank_01
			name = LiquidFuel
			amount = 2880
			maxAmount = 2880
			name = Oxidizer
			amount = 3520
			maxAmount = 3520
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/FuelTank/Size4_Tank_02.cfg
		name = Size4_Tank_02
		module = Part
		author = Pablo
		rescaleFactor = 1.0
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 1.875, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 4
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -1.875, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 4
		node_attach = 2.5, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1
		TechRequired = highPerformanceFuelSystems
		entryCost = 51200
		cost = 12800
		category = FuelTank
		subcategory = 0
		title = Kerbodyne S4-128 Fuel Tank
		manufacturer = Kerbodyne
		description = Originally the result of a unit of measure conversion bug, the S4 series of fuel tanks transcend the preposterous into the truly absurd. When 'More boosters' fails and is replaced with 'More engines!', the S4 series tanks will be there to loft your dreams, no matter how ridiculous and over-engineered, into the sky on massive trails of fire.
		attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0
		mass = 8
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.3
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 10
		breakingForce = 400
		breakingTorque = 400
		maxTemp = 2000
		fuelCrossFeed = True
		bulkheadProfiles = size4, srf
		tags = rocket fuel liquid oxidizer propellant fueltank ?lfo tank enormous massive gigantic giant cross feed 5.0
			model = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/FuelTank/Assets/Size4_Tank_02
			name = LiquidFuel
			amount = 5760
			maxAmount = 5760
			name = Oxidizer
			amount = 7040
			maxAmount = 7040
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/FuelTank/Size4_Tank_03.cfg
		name = Size4_Tank_03
		module = Part
		author = Pablo
		rescaleFactor = 1.0
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 3.75, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 4
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -3.75, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 4
		node_attach = 2.5, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1
		TechRequired = highPerformanceFuelSystems
		entryCost = 102400
		cost = 25600
		category = FuelTank
		subcategory = 0
		title = Kerbodyne S4-256 Fuel Tank
		manufacturer = Kerbodyne
		description = Originally the result of a unit of measure conversion bug, the S4 series of fuel tanks transcend the preposterous into the truly absurd. When 'More boosters' fails and is replaced with 'More engines!', the S4 series tanks will be there to loft your dreams, no matter how ridiculous and over-engineered, into the sky on massive trails of fire.
		attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0
		mass = 16
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.3
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 10
		breakingForce = 400
		breakingTorque = 400
		maxTemp = 2000
		fuelCrossFeed = True
		bulkheadProfiles = size4, srf
		tags = rocket fuel liquid oxidizer propellant fueltank ?lfo tank enormous massive gigantic giant cross feed 5.0
			model = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/FuelTank/Assets/Size4_Tank_03
			name = LiquidFuel
			amount = 11520
			maxAmount = 11520
			name = Oxidizer
			amount = 14080
			maxAmount = 14080
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/FuelTank/Size4_Tank_04.cfg
		name = Size4_Tank_04
		module = Part
		author = Pablo
		rescaleFactor = 1.0
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 7.5, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 4
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -7.5, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 4
		node_attach = 2.5, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1
		TechRequired = highPerformanceFuelSystems
		entryCost = 204800
		cost = 51200
		category = FuelTank
		subcategory = 0
		title = Kerbodyne S4-512 Fuel Tank
		manufacturer = Kerbodyne
		description = Originally the result of a unit of measure conversion bug, the S4 series of fuel tanks transcend the preposterous into the truly absurd. When 'More boosters' fails and is replaced with 'More engines!', the S4 series tanks will be there to loft your dreams, no matter how ridiculous and over-engineered, into the sky on massive trails of fire.
		attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0
		mass = 32
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.3
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 10
		breakingForce = 400
		breakingTorque = 400
		maxTemp = 2000
		fuelCrossFeed = True
		bulkheadProfiles = size4, srf
		tags = rocket fuel liquid oxidizer propellant fueltank ?lfo tank cross feed
			model = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/FuelTank/Assets/Size4_Tank_04
			name = LiquidFuel
			amount = 23040
			maxAmount = 23040
			name = Oxidizer
			amount = 28160
			maxAmount = 28160
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Ground/RoverWheel.cfg
		name = roverWheelM1-F
		module = Part
		author = Squad
		scale = 1
		node_attach = 0.35, 0.14, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1
		TechRequired = fieldScience
		entryCost = 7000
		cost = 500
		category = Ground
		subcategory = 0
		title = RoveMax M1-F Rover Wheel
		manufacturer = Kerbal Motion LLC
		description = Designed for the first Munar landings and with the ability to be stowed during launch, the RoveMax M1-F is ideal for smaller rovers where space is a premium.
		attachRules = 0,1,0,0,0
		mass = 0.025
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.3
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 1
		maxTemp = 1200
		crashTolerance = 30
		breakingForce = 50
		breakingTorque = 50
		bulkheadProfiles = srf
		tags = rover drive ground roll wheel )car
			model = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Ground/Assets/RoverWheel
			name = ModuleWheelBase
			wheelColliderTransformName = WheelCollider
			wheelTransformName = WheelPivot
			useNewFrictionModel = true
			wheelType = MOTORIZED
			adherentStart = 0.5
			frictionAdherent = .3
			peakStart = 3
			frictionPeak = 1.5
			limitStart = 6
			frictionLimit = 1.3
			FitWheelColliderToMesh = False
			radius = 0.28
			center = 0,0,0
			mass = 0.040
			groundHeightOffset = 0
			TooltipTitle = Rover Wheel
			TooltipPrimaryField = Motorized
			name = ModuleWheelSuspension
			baseModuleIndex = 0
			suspensionTransformName = suspensionPivot
			suspensionDistance = 0.1
			targetPosition = 0.0
			springRatio = 16
			damperRatio = 1.0
			maximumLoad = 5.0
			useDistributedMass = true
			name = ModuleWheelSteering
			baseModuleIndex = 0
			caliperTransformName = SteeringPivot
			autoSteeringAdjust = true
			steeringResponse = 2
			steeringRange = 25
				key = 0 20
				key = 20 20
				key = 0 1 0 0
				key = 3 1 0.0001624425 0.0001624425
				key = 7.5 0.33 -0.05674612 -0.05674612
				key = 20 0.12 -0.003158088 -0.003158088
				key = 30 0.1 -0.002872917 -0.002872917
			name = ModuleWheelMotor
			baseModuleIndex = 0
			wheelSpeedMax = 42
			driveResponse = 2
			idleDrain = 0.0
				key = 0 0.5 0 0
				key = 2  0.3 0
				key = 10 0.1 0 0
				key = 25 0 0 0
				name = ElectricCharge
				rate = 1.0
			name = ModuleWheelBrakes
			baseModuleIndex = 0
			maxBrakeTorque = 0.5
			brakeResponse = 1
			name = ModuleWheelDamage
			baseModuleIndex = 0
			damagedTransformName = WheelBroken
			undamagedTransformName = Wheel
			stressTolerance = 250
			impactTolerance = 100
			deflectionMagnitude = 1.0
			deflectionSharpness = 2.0
			slipMagnitude = 15
			slipSharpness = 2.0
			impactDamageColliderName = CollisionEnhancer
			impactDamageVelocity = 16
			name = FXModuleLookAtConstraint
				targetName = LowerPin1
				rotatorsName = UpperShock1
				targetName = LowerPin2
				rotatorsName = UpperShock2
				targetName = UpperPin1
				rotatorsName = LowerShock1
				targetName = UpperPin2
				rotatorsName = LowerShock2
			name = ModuleWheelDeployment
			baseModuleIndex = 0
			animationTrfName = WheelBase
			animationStateName = RoverWheel_Stow
			deployedPosition = 0
			deployTargetTransformName = deployTgt
			TsubSys = 1.0
			useStandInCollider = False
			slaveModules = 8
			fxDeploy = deploy
			fxRetract = retract
			fxDeployed = deployed
			fxRetracted = retracted
			name = ModulePartVariants
			primaryColor = #dc5a28
			secondaryColor = #767777
			baseDisplayName = Orange
			baseThemeName = Orange
			useMultipleDragCubes = false
				name = Grey
				displayName = Gray
				themeName = Gray
				primaryColor = #b4b4b4
				secondaryColor = #767777
					mainTextureURL = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Ground/Assets/RoverWheelG
			name = ModuleTestSubject
			environments = 15
			useStaging = False
			useEvent = True
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 250
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Payload/SM18.cfg
		name = ServiceModule18
		module = Part
		author = Pablo
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.75, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.75, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
		fx_gasBurst_white = 0.0, 0.3, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, deploy
		sound_vent_large = deploy
		TechRequired = advConstruction
		entryCost = 3000
		cost = 300
		category = Payload
		subcategory = 0
		title = SM-18 Service Module
		manufacturer = FLOOYD Dynamics Research Labs
		description = A service bay, with explosive doors. Do not open by hand!
		attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0
		mass = 0.15
		thermalMassModifier = 2.0
		skinMassPerArea = 4.0
		skinInternalConductionMult = 0.25
		emissiveConstant = 0.8
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 9
		maxTemp = 2600
		stageOffset = 1
		childStageOffset = 1
		fuelCrossFeed = True
		bulkheadProfiles = size1p5
			model = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Payload/Assets/ServiceModule18
			name = ModuleServiceModule
			ExteriorColliderName = COLShell
			partDecoupled = false
			name = ModuleCargoBay
			DeployModuleIndex = 0
			closedPosition = 0
			lookupRadius = 0.75
			useBayContainer = true
			bayContainerName = COLShell
			name = ModuleJettison
			jettisonName = Shell1
			isFairing = False
			jettisonedObjectMass = 0.2
			jettisonForce = 2
			jettisonDirection = 1 0 0
			hideJettisonMenu = true
			allowShroudToggle = false
			ignoreNodes = true
			actionSuffix = Left
			useProceduralDragCubes = true
			name = ModuleJettison
			jettisonName = Shell2
			isFairing = False
			jettisonedObjectMass = 0.2
			jettisonForce = 30
			jettisonDirection = -1 0 0
			hideJettisonMenu = true
			allowShroudToggle = false
			ignoreNodes = true
			actionSuffix = Forward
			useProceduralDragCubes = true
			name = ModuleJettison
			jettisonName = Shell3
			isFairing = False
			jettisonedObjectMass = 0.2
			jettisonForce = 2
			jettisonDirection = 1 0 0
			hideJettisonMenu = true
			allowShroudToggle = false
			ignoreNodes = true
			actionSuffix = Right
			useProceduralDragCubes = true
			name = ModuleJettison
			jettisonName = Shell4
			isFairing = False
			jettisonedObjectMass = 0.2
			jettisonForce = 2
			jettisonDirection = -1 0 0
			hideJettisonMenu = true
			allowShroudToggle = false
			ignoreNodes = true
			actionSuffix = Rear
			useProceduralDragCubes = true
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			stackableQuantity = 1
			packedVolume = -1
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Payload/SM25.cfg
		name = ServiceModule25
		module = Part
		author = Pablo
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_core_A1 = 0.0, 1.4, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
		node_stack_core_A2 = 0.625, 1.4, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
		node_stack_core_A3 = -0.625, 1.4, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
		node_stack_core_B1 = 0.0, -1.4, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1
		node_stack_core_B2 = 0.625, -1.4, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1
		node_stack_core_B3 = -0.625, -1.4, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 1.55, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -1.55, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2
		fx_gasBurst_white = 0.0, 0.3, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, deploy
		sound_vent_large = deploy
		TechRequired = highAltitudeFlight
		entryCost = 17200
		cost = 500
		category = Payload
		subcategory = 0
		title = SM-25 Service Module
		manufacturer = FLOOYD Dynamics Research Labs
		description = A service bay, with explosive doors. Do not open by hand! This part comes with plenty of internal space for storing important items for the trip. Snacks must be securely stowed to avoid spillage and damage to the integral antenna.
		attachRules = 1,0,1,1,1
		mass = 0.5
		thermalMassModifier = 2.0
		skinMassPerArea = 4.0
		skinInternalConductionMult = 0.25
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 1
		crashTolerance = 50
		breakingForce = 50
		breakingTorque = 50
		maxTemp = 2500
		emissiveConstant = 0.8
		fuelCrossFeed = True
		bulkheadProfiles = size2
		tags = cargo contain hollow payload protect (stor therm store heat hold convey equipment freight service CSM
		stageOffset = 1
		childStageOffset = 1
			model = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Payload/Assets/ServiceModule25
			name = ModuleServiceModule
			ExteriorColliderName = ColShell
			ShellMeshName = Shell
			UseJettisonZones = true
			JettisonZoneNames = DoorCol1,DoorCol2
			partDecoupled = false
			name = ModuleCargoBay
			DeployModuleIndex = 0
			closedPosition = 0
			lookupRadius = 2.0
			useBayContainer = true
			bayContainerName = ColShell
			name = ModuleJettison
			jettisonName = Door1
			isFairing = False
			jettisonedObjectMass = 1
			jettisonForce = 20
			jettisonDirection = 0 0 -1
			hideJettisonMenu = true
			allowShroudToggle = false
			ignoreNodes = true
			actionSuffix = L
			useProceduralDragCubes = true
			name = ModuleJettison
			jettisonName = Door2
			isFairing = False
			jettisonedObjectMass = 1
			jettisonForce = 20
			jettisonDirection = 0 0 1
			hideJettisonMenu = true
			allowShroudToggle = false
			ignoreNodes = true
			actionSuffix = R
			useProceduralDragCubes = true
			name = ModuleDataTransmitter
			antennaType = INTERNAL
			packetInterval = 1.0
			packetSize = 2
			packetResourceCost = 12.0
			requiredResource = ElectricCharge
			antennaPower = 5000
			optimumRange = 2500
			packetFloor = .1
			packetCeiling = 5
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			stackableQuantity = 1
			packedVolume = -1
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Payload/Size1to0ServiceModule.cfg
		name = Size1to0ServiceModule
		module = Part
		author = RoverDude
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.3125, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.31966, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
		fx_gasBurst_white = 0.0, 0.3, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, deploy
		sound_vent_large = deploy
		TechRequired = advConstruction
		entryCost = 3000
		cost = 300
		category = Payload
		subcategory = 0
		title = SM-6A Service Module
		manufacturer = FLOOYD Dynamics Research Labs
		description = A service bay, with explosive doors. Do not open by hand!
		attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0
		mass = 0.075
		thermalMassModifier = 2.0
		skinMassPerArea = 4.0
		skinInternalConductionMult = 0.25
		emissiveConstant = 0.8
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 9
		maxTemp = 2600
		stageOffset = 1
		childStageOffset = 1
		fuelCrossFeed = True
		bulkheadProfiles = size1
		tags = No Tag defined yet
			model = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Payload/Assets/Size1to0ServiceModule
			name = ModuleServiceModule
			ExteriorColliderName = COLShell
			partDecoupled = false
			name = ModuleCargoBay
			DeployModuleIndex = 0
			closedPosition = 0
			lookupRadius = 0.75
			useBayContainer = true
			bayContainerName = COLShell
			name = ModuleJettison
			jettisonName = Shell1
			isFairing = False
			jettisonedObjectMass = 0.1
			jettisonForce = 1
			jettisonDirection = 1 0 0
			hideJettisonMenu = true
			allowShroudToggle = false
			ignoreNodes = true
			actionSuffix = L
			useProceduralDragCubes = true
			name = ModuleJettison
			jettisonName = Shell2
			isFairing = False
			jettisonedObjectMass = 0.1
			jettisonForce = 1
			jettisonDirection = -1 0 0
			hideJettisonMenu = true
			allowShroudToggle = false
			ignoreNodes = true
			actionSuffix = R
			useProceduralDragCubes = true
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 1000
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Payload/fairingSize1p5.cfg
		name = fairingSize1p5
		module = Part
		author = HarvesteR
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_interstage01a = 0.0, 0.94, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
		node_stack_interstage01b = 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1
		node_stack_interstage02a = 0.0, 1.69, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
		node_stack_interstage02b = 0.0, 1.75, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1
		node_stack_interstage03a = 0.0, 2.44, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
		node_stack_interstage03b = 0.0, 2.50, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1
		node_stack_interstage04a = 0.0, 3.19, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
		node_stack_interstage04b = 0.0, 3.25, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1
		node_stack_interstage05a = 0.0, 3.94, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
		node_stack_interstage05b = 0.0, 4.00, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1
		node_stack_interstage06a = 0.0, 4.69, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
		node_stack_interstage06b = 0.0, 4.75, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.22, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.2, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2
		fx_gasBurst_white = 0.0, 0.3, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, deploy
		sound_vent_large = deploy
		TechRequired = advConstruction
		entryCost = 4500
		cost = 450
		category = Payload
		subcategory = 0
		title = AE-FF1.5 Airstream Protective Shell (1.875m)
		manufacturer = FLOOYD Dynamics Research Labs
		description = While the Kerbals at Mission Control were still figuring out how to get their rockets back down to Kerbin safely, the research engineers at FLOOYD were quickly realising that protecting parts on ascent was just as important. Heavy research into two-dimensional-input driven procedural construction was then funded with the hopes of making protective shells for important payloads and interstage areas of the crafts. The protective shells also have the benefit of making the craft more aerodynamic, hopefully saving on precious rocket fuel!
		attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0
		mass = 0.15
		thermalMassModifier = 2.0
		skinMassPerArea = 4.0
		skinInternalConductionMult = 0.25
		emissiveConstant = 0.8
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 9
		maxTemp = 2600
		fuelCrossFeed = True
		stageOffset = 1
		childStageOffset = 1
		inverseStageCarryover = false
		bulkheadProfiles = size1p5
		tags = aero )cap drag rocket cone nose cargo contain fairing hollow inter payload protect shroud stage (stor transport 3.75 enormous massive gigantic giant 5.0
			model = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/fairingSize1
			scale = 1.5, 1.0, 1.5
			rotation = 0.0,180,0.0
			TextureNormalURL = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/FairingBaseNormals
			model = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/AutoTruss
			scale = 1.5,1.5,1.5
			position = 0.0,0.22,0.0
			name = ModuleProceduralFairing
			nSides = 30
			nArcs = 2
			nCollidersPerXSection = 6
			TextureURL = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/fairings_diff
			CapTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/fairingsCap
			TextureNormalURL = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/fairings_normals
			DefaultBaseTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/FairingBase
			DefaultBaseNormalsURL = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/FairingBaseNormals
			BaseModelTransformName = Mesh
			panelGrouping = 3
			pivot = 0,0.17,0
			axis = 0,1,0
			baseRadius = 0.9375
			maxRadius = 2.25
			capRadius = 0.2
			snapThreshold = 0.1
			xSectionHeightMin = 0.2
			xSectionHeightMax = 2
			xSectionHeightMinFineAdjust = 0.045
			aberrantNormalLimit = 46
			edgeSlide = 0.15
			edgeWarp = 0
			noseTip = 0.7
			UnitAreaMass = 0.015
			UnitAreaCost = 6
			stagingToggleEnabledEditor = True
			stagingToggleEnabledFlight = False
			stagingEnableText = Fairing Not Staged
			stagingDisableText = Fairing Staged
			name = ModuleCargoBay
			DeployModuleIndex = 0
			closedPosition = 0
			lookupRadius = 0.75
			name = ModuleTestSubject
			useStaging = True
			useEvent = False
			situationMask = 127
				type = ATMOSPHERE
				value = True
				value = ALWAYS
				prestige = Trivial
				prestige = Significant
				value = ONCEPERPART
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = GT
				value = 0
				situationMask = 8
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 4000
				prestige = Trivial
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 8000
				prestige = Trivial
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 2000
				prestige = Significant
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 4000
				prestige = Significant
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 1000
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 2000
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = SPEED
				test = LT
				value = 2000
				situationMask = 8
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = LT
				value = 300000
				situationMask = 16
				body = _NotSun
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = LT
				value = 600000
				situationMask = 32
				body = _NotSun
			name = ModuleStructuralNode
			rootObject = Cap1
			attachNodeNames = interstage01a,interstage01b
			name = ModuleStructuralNode
			rootObject = Cap2
			attachNodeNames = interstage02a,interstage02b
			name = ModuleStructuralNode
			rootObject = Cap3
			attachNodeNames = interstage03a,interstage03b
			name = ModuleStructuralNode
			rootObject = Cap4
			attachNodeNames = interstage04a,interstage04b
			name = ModuleStructuralNode
			rootObject = Cap5
			attachNodeNames = interstage05a,interstage05b
			name = ModuleStructuralNode
			rootObject = Cap6
			attachNodeNames = interstage06a,interstage06b
			name = ModuleStructuralNode
			rootObject = Truss1
			attachNodeNames = interstage01a,interstage01b,interstage02a,interstage02b,interstage03a,interstage03b,interstage04a,interstage04b,interstage05a,interstage05b,interstage06a,interstage06b
			name = ModuleStructuralNode
			rootObject = Truss2
			attachNodeNames = interstage02a,interstage02b,interstage03a,interstage03b,interstage04a,interstage04b,interstage05a,interstage05b,interstage06a,interstage06b
			name = ModuleStructuralNode
			rootObject = Truss3
			attachNodeNames = interstage03a,interstage03b,interstage04a,interstage04b,interstage05a,interstage05b,interstage06a,interstage06b
			name = ModuleStructuralNode
			rootObject = Truss4
			attachNodeNames = interstage04a,interstage04b,interstage05a,interstage05b,interstage06a,interstage06b
			name = ModuleStructuralNode
			rootObject = Truss5
			attachNodeNames = interstage05a,interstage05b,interstage06a,interstage06b
			name = ModuleStructuralNode
			rootObject = Truss6
			attachNodeNames = interstage06a,interstage06b
			name = ModuleStructuralNodeToggle
			MeshMenuName = Truss Structure
			NodeMenuName = Interstage Nodes
			showNodes = false
			name = ModulePartVariants
			useMultipleDragCubes = false
			baseVariant = White
				name = White
				displayName = White
				themeName = White
				description = Bright and White!
				primaryColor = #ffffff
				secondaryColor = #ffffff
					materialName = FairingsMat
					mainTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/fairings_diff
					FairingsTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/fairings_diff
					FairingsNormalURL = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/fairings_normals
					BaseMaterialName = FairingBase
					BaseTextureName = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/FairingBase
					BaseNormalsName = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/FairingBaseNormals
				name = BlackAndWhite
				displayName = Black and White
				themeName = BlackAndWhite
				description = A mix between the dark and light sides
				primaryColor = #000000
				secondaryColor = #ffffff
					materialName = FairingsMat
					mainTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/fairings_diff_grey
					FairingsTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/fairings_diff_grey
					FairingsNormalURL = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/fairings_grey_normals
					BaseMaterialName = FairingBase
					BaseTextureName = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/FairingBase_bw
					BaseNormalsName = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/FairingBaseNormals_bw
				name = Orange
				displayName = Orange
				themeName = Orange
				description = Doesn't taste like...
				primaryColor = #f49841
				secondaryColor = #f49841
					materialName = FairingsMat
					mainTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/fairings_diff_orange
					FairingsTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/fairings_diff_orange
					FairingsNormalURL = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/fairings_orange_normals
					BaseMaterialName = FairingBase
					BaseTextureName = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/FairingBase_orange
					BaseNormalsName = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/FairingBaseNormals_orange
				name = Gold
				displayName = Gold
				themeName = Gold
				description = All that glitters...
				primaryColor = #fccb0a
					materialName = FairingsMat
					mainTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/fairings_diff
					FairingsTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/fairings_diff
					FairingsNormalURL = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/fairings_normals
					BaseMaterialName = FairingBase
					shaderName = KSP/Bumped Specular (Mapped)
					BaseTextureName = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/FairingBase_goldDiffuse
					BaseNormalsName = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/FairingBaseNormals_goldSilver
					_SpecMap = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/FairingBase_goldSpecular
					_Shininess = 0.82
					_Opacity = 1.0
					_RimFalloff = 2.0
					_AmbientMultiplier = 0.3
				name = Silver
				displayName = Silver
				themeName = Silver
				description = Hi Yo, Silver!
				primaryColor = #cecece
					materialName = FairingsMat
					mainTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/fairings_diff
					FairingsTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/fairings_silverDiffuse
					FairingsNormalURL = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/fairings_normals
					FairingsSpecularURL = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/fairings_silverSpecular
					BaseMaterialName = FairingBase
					shaderName = KSP/Bumped Specular (Mapped)
					BaseTextureName = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/FairingBase_silverDiffuse
					BaseNormalsName = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/FairingBaseNormals_goldSilver
					_SpecMap = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/FairingBase_silverSpecular
					_SpecMap = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/FairingsMat_silverSpecular
					_Shininess = 0.41
					_Opacity = 1.0
					_RimFalloff = 2.0
					_AmbientMultiplier = 0.3
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			stackableQuantity = 1
			packedVolume = -1
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Payload/fairingSize4.cfg
		name = fairingSize4
		module = Part
		author = HarvesteR
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_interstage01a = 0.0, 2.17, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2
		node_stack_interstage01b = 0.0, 2.27, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2
		node_stack_interstage02a = 0.0, 4.17, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2
		node_stack_interstage02b = 0.0, 4.27, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2
		node_stack_interstage03a = 0.0, 6.17, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2
		node_stack_interstage03b = 0.0, 6.27, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2
		node_stack_interstage04a = 0.0, 8.17, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2
		node_stack_interstage04b = 0.0, 8.27, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2
		node_stack_interstage05a = 0.0, 10.17, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2
		node_stack_interstage05b = 0.0, 10.27, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2
		node_stack_interstage06a = 0.0, 12.17, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2
		node_stack_interstage06b = 0.0, 12.27, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.22, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.2, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 3
		fx_gasBurst_white = 0.0, 0.3, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, deploy
		sound_vent_large = deploy
		TechRequired = metaMaterials
		entryCost = 12500
		cost = 1200
		category = Payload
		subcategory = 0
		title = AE-FF5 Airstream Protective Shell (5m)
		manufacturer = FLOOYD Dynamics Research Labs
		description = While the Kerbals at Mission Control were still figuring out how to get their rockets back down to Kerbin safely, the research engineers at FLOOYD were quickly realising that protecting parts on ascent was just as important. Heavy research into two-dimensional-input driven procedural construction was then funded with the hopes of making protective shells for important payloads and interstage areas of the crafts. The protective shells also have the benefit of making the craft more aerodynamic, hopefully saving on precious rocket fuel!
		attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0
		mass = 0.8
		thermalMassModifier = 2.0
		skinMassPerArea = 4.0
		skinInternalConductionMult = 0.25
		emissiveConstant = 0.8
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 9
		maxTemp = 2600
		fuelCrossFeed = True
		stageOffset = 1
		childStageOffset = 1
		inverseStageCarryover = false
		bulkheadProfiles = size4
		tags = aero )cap drag rocket cone nose cargo contain fairing hollow inter payload protect shroud stage (stor transport regular standard average medium 1.875
			model = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/fairingSize3
			scale = 1.333, 1.0, 1.333
			rotation = 0.0,180,0.0
			TextureNormalURL = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/FairingBaseNormals
			model = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/AutoTruss
			scale = 4,4,4
			position = 0.0,0.22,0.0
			name = ModuleProceduralFairing
			nSides = 30
			nArcs = 6
			nCollidersPerXSection = 12
			TextureURL = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/fairings_diff
			CapTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/fairingsCap
			TextureNormalURL = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/fairings_normals
			DefaultBaseTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/FairingBase
			DefaultBaseNormalsURL = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/FairingBaseNormals
			panelGrouping = 3
			pivot = 0,0.17,0
			axis = 0,1,0
			baseRadius = 2.5
			maxRadius = 9
			capRadius = 0.375
			snapThreshold = 0.25
			snapThresholdFineAdjust = 0.025
			xSectionHeightMin = 0.3
			xSectionHeightMax = 4
			xSectionHeightMinFineAdjust = 0.12
			xSectionHeightMaxFineAdjust = 10
			aberrantNormalLimit = 12
			edgeSlide = 0.15
			edgeWarp = 0.02
			noseTip = 0.5
			UnitAreaMass = 0.03
			UnitAreaCost = 18
			stagingToggleEnabledEditor = True
			stagingToggleEnabledFlight = False
			stagingEnableText = Fairing Not Staged
			stagingDisableText = Fairing Staged
			BaseModelTransformName = Mesh
			name = ModuleCargoBay
			DeployModuleIndex = 0
			closedPosition = 0
			lookupRadius = 2.5
			name = ModuleTestSubject
			useStaging = True
			useEvent = False
			situationMask = 127
				type = ATMOSPHERE
				value = True
				value = ALWAYS
				prestige = Trivial
				prestige = Significant
				value = ONCEPERPART
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = GT
				value = 0
				situationMask = 8
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 4000
				prestige = Trivial
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 8000
				prestige = Trivial
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 2000
				prestige = Significant
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 4000
				prestige = Significant
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 1000
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 2000
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = SPEED
				test = LT
				value = 2000
				situationMask = 8
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = LT
				value = 300000
				situationMask = 16
				body = _NotSun
				type = ALTITUDE
				test = LT
				value = 600000
				situationMask = 32
				body = _NotSun
			name = ModuleStructuralNode
			rootObject = Cap1
			attachNodeNames = interstage01a,interstage01b
			name = ModuleStructuralNode
			rootObject = Cap2
			attachNodeNames = interstage02a,interstage02b
			name = ModuleStructuralNode
			rootObject = Cap3
			attachNodeNames = interstage03a,interstage03b
			name = ModuleStructuralNode
			rootObject = Cap4
			attachNodeNames = interstage04a,interstage04b
			name = ModuleStructuralNode
			rootObject = Cap5
			attachNodeNames = interstage05a,interstage05b
			name = ModuleStructuralNode
			rootObject = Cap6
			attachNodeNames = interstage06a,interstage06b
			name = ModuleStructuralNode
			rootObject = Truss1
			attachNodeNames = interstage01a,interstage01b,interstage02a,interstage02b,interstage03a,interstage03b,interstage04a,interstage04b,interstage05a,interstage05b,interstage06a,interstage06b
			name = ModuleStructuralNode
			rootObject = Truss2
			attachNodeNames = interstage02a,interstage02b,interstage03a,interstage03b,interstage04a,interstage04b,interstage05a,interstage05b,interstage06a,interstage06b
			name = ModuleStructuralNode
			rootObject = Truss3
			attachNodeNames = interstage03a,interstage03b,interstage04a,interstage04b,interstage05a,interstage05b,interstage06a,interstage06b
			name = ModuleStructuralNode
			rootObject = Truss4
			attachNodeNames = interstage04a,interstage04b,interstage05a,interstage05b,interstage06a,interstage06b
			name = ModuleStructuralNode
			rootObject = Truss5
			attachNodeNames = interstage05a,interstage05b,interstage06a,interstage06b
			name = ModuleStructuralNode
			rootObject = Truss6
			attachNodeNames = interstage06a,interstage06b
			name = ModuleStructuralNodeToggle
			MeshMenuName = Truss Structure
			NodeMenuName = Interstage Nodes
			showNodes = false
			name = ModulePartVariants
			useMultipleDragCubes = false
			baseVariant = White
				name = White
				displayName = White
				themeName = White
				description = Bright and White!
				primaryColor = #ffffff
				secondaryColor = #ffffff
					materialName = FairingsMat
					mainTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/fairings_diff
					FairingsTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/fairings_diff
					FairingsNormalURL = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/fairings_normals
					BaseMaterialName = FairingBase
					BaseTextureName = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/FairingBase
					BaseNormalsName = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/FairingBaseNormals
				name = BlackAndWhite
				displayName = Black and White
				themeName = BlackAndWhite
				description = A mix between the dark and light sides
				primaryColor = #000000
				secondaryColor = #ffffff
					materialName = FairingsMat
					mainTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/fairings_diff_grey
					FairingsTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/fairings_diff_grey
					FairingsNormalURL = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/fairings_grey_normals
					BaseMaterialName = FairingBase
					BaseTextureName = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/FairingBase_bw
					BaseNormalsName = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/FairingBaseNormals_bw
				name = Orange
				displayName = Orange
				themeName = Orange
				description = Doesn't taste like...
				primaryColor = #f49841
				secondaryColor = #f49841
					materialName = FairingsMat
					mainTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/fairings_diff_orange
					FairingsTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/fairings_diff_orange
					FairingsNormalURL = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/fairings_orange_normals
					BaseMaterialName = FairingBase
					BaseTextureName = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/FairingBase_orange
					BaseNormalsName = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/FairingBaseNormals_orange
				name = Gold
				displayName = Gold
				themeName = Gold
				description = All that glitters...
				primaryColor = #fccb0a
					materialName = FairingsMat
					mainTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/fairings_diff
					FairingsTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/fairings_diff
					FairingsNormalURL = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/fairings_normals
					BaseMaterialName = FairingBase
					shaderName = KSP/Bumped Specular (Mapped)
					BaseTextureName = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/FairingBase_goldDiffuse
					BaseNormalsName = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/FairingBaseNormals_goldSilver
					_SpecMap = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/FairingBase_goldSpecular
					_Shininess = 0.82
					_Opacity = 1.0
					_RimFalloff = 2.0
					_AmbientMultiplier = 0.3
				name = Silver
				displayName = Silver
				themeName = Silver
				description = Hi Yo, Silver!
				primaryColor = #cecece
					materialName = FairingsMat
					mainTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/fairings_diff
					FairingsTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/fairings_silverDiffuse
					FairingsNormalURL = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/fairings_normals
					FairingsSpecularURL = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/fairings_silverSpecular
					BaseMaterialName = FairingBase
					shaderName = KSP/Bumped Specular (Mapped)
					BaseTextureName = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/FairingBase_silverDiffuse
					BaseNormalsName = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/FairingBaseNormals_goldSilver
					_SpecMap = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/FairingBase_silverSpecular
					_SpecMap = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/FairingsMat_silverSpecular
					_Shininess = 0.41
					_Opacity = 1.0
					_RimFalloff = 2.0
					_AmbientMultiplier = 0.3
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Pods/KV1Pod.cfg
		name = kv1Pod
		module = Part
		author = RoverDude
		rescaleFactor = 1.0
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 1.025, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.675, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
		CoMOffset = 0.0, -0.2, 0.0
		CoPOffset = 0.0, 0.2, 0.0
		TechRequired = start
		entryCost = 0
		cost = 600
		category = Pods
		subcategory = 0
		title = KV-1 'Onion' Reentry Module
		manufacturer = Probodobodyne Inc
		description = The design bureau cried when the finance department cried “that’s your lot!”
		attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0
		mass = 0.75
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.20
		minimum_drag = 0.15
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 12
		breakingForce = 150
		breakingTorque = 150
		maxTemp = 1400
		skinMaxTemp = 2400
		thermalMassModifier = 2.5
		vesselType = Ship
		CrewCapacity = 1
		stageOffset = 1
		childStageOffset = 1
		stagingIcon = DECOUPLER_VERT
		bulkheadProfiles = size1
		tags = rocket control command fly capsule ?eva ?iva pilot pod space history historical convey (crew (mann kerbal voskhod
		fx_gasBurst_white = 0.0, 0.0650517, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, decouple
		sound_vent_large = decouple
			model = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Pods/Assets/RoundPod
			position = 0.0, 0.2, 0.0
			name = KV1_IVA
			name = ModuleCommand
			minimumCrew = 1
			defaultControlPointDisplayName = Default
				name = reverse
				displayName = Reversed
				orientation = 0,0,180
			name = ModuleAnchoredDecoupler
			anchorName = Jettison
			ejectionForce = 10
			explosiveNodeID = bottom
			partDecoupled = false
			name = ElectricCharge
			amount = 50
			maxAmount = 50
			name = ModuleScienceExperiment
			experimentID = crewReport
			experimentActionName = Crew Report
			resetActionName = Discard Crew Report
			reviewActionName = Review Report
			useStaging = False
			useActionGroups = True
			hideUIwhenUnavailable = True
			rerunnable = True
			xmitDataScalar = 1.0
			usageReqMaskInternal = 5
			usageReqMaskExternal = -1
			name = ModuleScienceContainer
			reviewActionName = Review Stored Data
			storeActionName = Store Experiments
			evaOnlyStorage = True
			storageRange = 1.8
			name = ModuleDataTransmitter
			antennaType = INTERNAL
			packetInterval = 1.0
			packetSize = 2
			packetResourceCost = 12.0
			requiredResource = ElectricCharge
			antennaPower = 5000
			optimumRange = 2500
			packetFloor = .1
			packetCeiling = 5
			name = ModuleAblator
			ablativeResource = Ablator
			lossExp = -7500
			lossConst = 0.1
			pyrolysisLossFactor = 6000
			reentryConductivity = 0.01
			ablationTempThresh = 500
			useChar = True
			charModuleName = shieldChar
			name = ModuleColorChanger
			moduleID = shieldChar
			shaderProperty = _EmissiveColor
			useRate = False
			toggleInEditor = False
			toggleInFlight = False
				key = 0 0
				key = 1 1
				key = 0 0
				key = 1 1
				key = 0 0
				key = 1 1
				key = 0 0.8
			name = Ablator
			amount = 20
			maxAmount = 20
			name = ModuleColorChanger
			shaderProperty = _EmissiveColor
			animRate = 0.8
			animState = false
			useRate = true
			toggleInEditor = true
			toggleInFlight = true
			toggleInFlight = true
			unfocusedRange = 5
			toggleName = Toggle Light
			eventOnName = Lights On
			eventOffName = Lights Off
			toggleAction = True
			defaultActionGroup = Light
				key = 0 0 0 3
				key = 1 1 0 0
				key = 0 0 0 1
				key = 1 1 1 0
				key = 0 0 0 0
				key = 1 0.7 1.5 0
				key = 0 1
			name = ModuleConductionMultiplier
			modifiedConductionFactor = 0.003
			convectionFluxThreshold = 3000
			cube = Default,2.543,1.0245,1.065,2.543,1.03905,0.977,2.449,0.9777,1.093,2.449,1.0857,1.246,2.634,1.04415,1.051,2.631,1.0437,0.9639, 0.04938,0.25,0.03567, 1.842,1.85,1.815
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			stackableQuantity = 1
			packedVolume = -1
			name = ModuleInventoryPart
			InventorySlots = 1
			packedVolumeLimit = 35
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Pods/KV2Pod.cfg
		name = kv2Pod
		module = Part
		author = RoverDude
		rescaleFactor = 1.0
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 1.025, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.675, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
		CoMOffset = 0.0, -0.2, 0.0
		CoPOffset = 0.0, 0.2, 0.0
		TechRequired = flightControl
		entryCost = 3000
		cost = 2000
		category = Pods
		subcategory = 0
		title = KV-2 ‘Pea’ Reentry Module
		manufacturer = Probodobodyne Inc
		description = Two little green Kerbals like peas in a Pea Pod. The engineers managed to fit an extra Kerbal in the same space!
		attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0
		mass = 1.5
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.20
		minimum_drag = 0.15
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 12
		breakingForce = 150
		breakingTorque = 150
		maxTemp = 1400
		skinMaxTemp = 2400
		thermalMassModifier = 2.5
		vesselType = Ship
		CrewCapacity = 2
		stageOffset = 1
		childStageOffset = 1
		stagingIcon = DECOUPLER_VERT
		bulkheadProfiles = size1
		tags = rocket control command fly capsule ?eva ?iva pilot pod space history historical convey (crew (mann kerbal voskhod
		fx_gasBurst_white = 0.0, 0.0650517, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, decouple
		sound_vent_large = decouple
			model = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Pods/Assets/RoundPod
			position = 0.0, 0.2, 0.0
			texture = KV1,SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Pods/Assets/KV2
			name = KV2_IVA
			name = ModuleCommand
			minimumCrew = 1
			defaultControlPointDisplayName = Default
				name = reverse
				displayName = Reversed
				orientation = 0,0,180
				name = forward
				displayName = Forward
				orientation = 0,90,0
			name = ModuleAnchoredDecoupler
			anchorName = Jettison
			ejectionForce = 10
			explosiveNodeID = bottom
			partDecoupled = false
			name = ElectricCharge
			amount = 50
			maxAmount = 50
			name = ModuleScienceExperiment
			experimentID = crewReport
			experimentActionName = Crew Report
			resetActionName = Discard Crew Report
			reviewActionName = Review Report
			useStaging = False
			useActionGroups = True
			hideUIwhenUnavailable = True
			rerunnable = True
			xmitDataScalar = 1.0
			usageReqMaskInternal = 5
			usageReqMaskExternal = -1
			name = ModuleScienceContainer
			reviewActionName = Review Stored Data
			storeActionName = Store Experiments
			evaOnlyStorage = True
			storageRange = 1.8
			name = ModuleDataTransmitter
			antennaType = INTERNAL
			packetInterval = 1.0
			packetSize = 2
			packetResourceCost = 12.0
			requiredResource = ElectricCharge
			antennaPower = 5000
			optimumRange = 2500
			packetFloor = .1
			packetCeiling = 5
			name = ModuleAblator
			ablativeResource = Ablator
			lossExp = -7500
			lossConst = 0.1
			pyrolysisLossFactor = 6000
			reentryConductivity = 0.01
			ablationTempThresh = 500
			useChar = True
			charModuleName = shieldChar
			name = ModuleColorChanger
			shaderProperty = _EmissiveColor
			animRate = 0.8
			animState = false
			useRate = true
			toggleInEditor = true
			toggleInFlight = true
			toggleInFlight = true
			unfocusedRange = 5
			toggleName = Toggle Light
			eventOnName = Lights On
			eventOffName = Lights Off
			toggleAction = True
			defaultActionGroup = Light
				key = 0 0 0 3
				key = 1 1 0 0
				key = 0 0 0 1
				key = 1 1 1 0
				key = 0 0 0 0
				key = 1 0.7 1.5 0
				key = 0 1
			name = ModuleColorChanger
			moduleID = shieldChar
			shaderProperty = _EmissiveColor
			useRate = False
			toggleInEditor = False
			toggleInFlight = False
				key = 0 0
				key = 1 1
				key = 0 0
				key = 1 1
				key = 0 0
				key = 1 1
				key = 0 0.8
			name = Ablator
			amount = 20
			maxAmount = 20
			name = ModuleConductionMultiplier
			modifiedConductionFactor = 0.003
			convectionFluxThreshold = 3000
			cube = Default,2.543,1.0245,1.065,2.543,1.03905,0.977,2.449,0.9777,1.093,2.449,1.0857,1.246,2.634,1.04415,1.051,2.631,1.0437,0.9639, 0.04938,0.25,0.03567, 1.842,1.85,1.815
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			stackableQuantity = 1
			packedVolume = -1
			name = ModuleInventoryPart
			InventorySlots = 1
			packedVolumeLimit = 20
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Pods/KV3Pod.cfg
		name = kv3Pod
		module = Part
		author = RoverDude
		rescaleFactor = 1.0
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 1.025, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.675, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
		CoMOffset = 0.0, -0.2, 0.0
		CoPOffset = 0.0, 0.2, 0.0
		TechRequired = advFlightControl
		entryCost = 4000
		cost = 3000
		category = Pods
		subcategory = 0
		title = KV-3 'Pomegranate' Reentry Module
		manufacturer = Probodobodyne Inc
		description = Many little Kerbals inside this one. Couldn’t fit more.
		attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0
		mass = 2.25
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.20
		minimum_drag = 0.15
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 12
		breakingForce = 150
		breakingTorque = 150
		maxTemp = 1400
		skinMaxTemp = 2400
		thermalMassModifier = 2.5
		vesselType = Ship
		CrewCapacity = 3
		stageOffset = 1
		childStageOffset = 1
		stagingIcon = DECOUPLER_VERT
		bulkheadProfiles = size1
		tags = rocket control command fly capsule ?eva ?iva pilot pod space history historical convey (crew (mann kerbal voskhod
		fx_gasBurst_white = 0.0, 0.0650517, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, decouple
		sound_vent_large = decouple
			model = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Pods/Assets/RoundPod
			position = 0.0, 0.2, 0.0
			texture = KV1,SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Pods/Assets/KV3
			name = KV3_IVA
			name = ModuleCommand
			minimumCrew = 1
			defaultControlPointDisplayName = Default
				name = reverse
				displayName = Reversed
				orientation = 0,0,180
				name = forward
				displayName = Forward
				orientation = 0,90,0
			name = ModuleAnchoredDecoupler
			anchorName = Jettison
			ejectionForce = 10
			explosiveNodeID = bottom
			partDecoupled = false
			name = ElectricCharge
			amount = 50
			maxAmount = 50
			name = ModuleScienceExperiment
			experimentID = crewReport
			experimentActionName = Crew Report
			resetActionName = Discard Crew Report
			reviewActionName = Review Report
			useStaging = False
			useActionGroups = True
			hideUIwhenUnavailable = True
			rerunnable = True
			xmitDataScalar = 1.0
			usageReqMaskInternal = 5
			usageReqMaskExternal = -1
			name = ModuleScienceContainer
			reviewActionName = Review Stored Data
			storeActionName = Store Experiments
			evaOnlyStorage = True
			storageRange = 1.8
			name = ModuleDataTransmitter
			antennaType = INTERNAL
			packetInterval = 1.0
			packetSize = 2
			packetResourceCost = 12.0
			requiredResource = ElectricCharge
			antennaPower = 5000
			optimumRange = 2500
			packetFloor = .1
			packetCeiling = 5
			name = ModuleAblator
			ablativeResource = Ablator
			lossExp = -7500
			lossConst = 0.1
			pyrolysisLossFactor = 6000
			reentryConductivity = 0.01
			ablationTempThresh = 500
			useChar = True
			charModuleName = shieldChar
			name = ModuleColorChanger
			moduleID = shieldChar
			shaderProperty = _EmissiveColor
			useRate = False
			toggleInEditor = False
			toggleInFlight = False
				key = 0 0
				key = 1 1
				key = 0 0
				key = 1 1
				key = 0 0
				key = 1 1
				key = 0 0.8
			name = Ablator
			amount = 20
			maxAmount = 20
			name = ModuleColorChanger
			shaderProperty = _EmissiveColor
			animRate = 0.8
			animState = false
			useRate = true
			toggleInEditor = true
			toggleInFlight = true
			toggleInFlight = true
			unfocusedRange = 5
			toggleName = Toggle Light
			eventOnName = Lights On
			eventOffName = Lights Off
			toggleAction = True
			defaultActionGroup = Light
				key = 0 0 0 3
				key = 1 1 0 0
				key = 0 0 0 1
				key = 1 1 1 0
				key = 0 0 0 0
				key = 1 0.7 1.5 0
				key = 0 1
			name = ModuleConductionMultiplier
			modifiedConductionFactor = 0.003
			convectionFluxThreshold = 3000
			cube = Default,2.543,1.0245,1.065,2.543,1.03905,0.977,2.449,0.9777,1.093,2.449,1.0857,1.246,2.634,1.04415,1.051,2.631,1.0437,0.9639, 0.04938,0.25,0.03567, 1.842,1.85,1.815
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			stackableQuantity = 1
			packedVolume = -1
			name = ModuleInventoryPart
			InventorySlots = 1
			packedVolumeLimit = 10
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Pods/Mk2Pod.cfg
		name = Mk2Pod
		module = Part
		author = Roverdude
		rescaleFactor = 1.0
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.5, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2
		CoMOffset = 0.0, -0.25, 0.0
		CoPOffset = 0.0, 0.25, 0.0
		TechRequired = advFlightControl
		entryCost = 4000
		cost = 2800
		category = Pods
		subcategory = 0
		title = Mk2 Command Pod
		manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division
		description = Twin-seater for when a single Kerbal feels too lonely.
		attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0
		mass = 1.56
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.3
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 14
		breakingForce = 150
		breakingTorque = 150
		maxTemp = 2200
		vesselType = Ship
		CrewCapacity = 2
		bulkheadProfiles = size1p5
		tags = rocket stab control cmg command fly gyro moment react steer torque capsule ?eva ?iva pilot space convey (crew (mann kerbal glv
			model = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Pods/Assets/Mk2Pod
			position = 0.0, 0.25, 0.0
			name = MK2POD_IVA
			name = ModuleCommand
			minimumCrew = 1
			defaultControlPointDisplayName = Default
				name = reverse
				displayName = Reversed
				orientation = 0,0,180
			name = ElectricCharge
			amount = 200
			maxAmount = 200
			name = ModuleReactionWheel
			PitchTorque = 5
			YawTorque = 5
			RollTorque = 5
				name = ElectricCharge
				rate = 0.25
			name = ModuleScienceExperiment
			experimentID = crewReport
			experimentActionName = Crew Report
			resetActionName = Discard Crew Report
			reviewActionName = Review Report
			useStaging = False
			useActionGroups = True
			hideUIwhenUnavailable = True
			rerunnable = True
			xmitDataScalar = 1.0
			usageReqMaskInternal = 5
			usageReqMaskExternal = -1
			name = ModuleScienceContainer
			reviewActionName = Review Stored Data
			storeActionName = Store Experiments
			evaOnlyStorage = True
			storageRange = 1.8
			name = ModuleDataTransmitter
			antennaType = INTERNAL
			packetInterval = 1.0
			packetSize = 2
			packetResourceCost = 12.0
			requiredResource = ElectricCharge
			antennaPower = 5000
			optimumRange = 2500
			packetFloor = .1
			packetCeiling = 5
			name = ModuleColorChanger
			shaderProperty = _EmissiveColor
			animRate = 0.8
			animState = false
			useRate = true
			toggleInEditor = true
			toggleInFlight = true
			toggleInFlight = true
			unfocusedRange = 5
			toggleName = Toggle Light
			eventOnName = Lights On
			eventOffName = Lights Off
			toggleAction = True
			defaultActionGroup = Light
				key = 0 0 0 3
				key = 1 1 0 0
				key = 0 0 0 1
				key = 1 1 1 0
				key = 0 0 0 0
				key = 1 0.7 1.5 0
				key = 0 1
			name = FlagDecal
			textureQuadName = FLAG
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			stackableQuantity = 1
			packedVolume = -1
			name = ModuleInventoryPart
			InventorySlots = 2
			packedVolumeLimit = 100
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Pods/Size1_5_Lander.cfg
		name = MEMLander
		module = Part
		author = RoverDude
		scale = 1
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_bottom2 = 0.0, -0.25, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 1.338, 0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0
		buoyancyUseSine = False
		buoyancy = 1.1
		TechRequired = commandModules
		entryCost = 8200
		cost = 3500
		category = Pods
		subcategory = 0
		title = Munar Excursion Module (M.E.M.)
		manufacturer = Sean's Cannery
		description = After hearing pilots refer to their current line of landers as 'easily crushed tin cans', the marketing department decided that what customers really wanted was a lander that resembled an already crushed tin can.
		attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0
		mass = 1.355
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.20
		minimum_drag = 0.15
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 8
		bodyLiftOnlyUnattachedLift = True
		bodyLiftOnlyAttachName = bottom
		maxTemp = 1000
		skinMaxTemp = 1800
		vesselType = Lander
		CrewCapacity = 2
		bulkheadProfiles = size0, size1, size1p5
		tags = rocket control command fly moment capsule ?eva ?iva pilot space lander land lem mem mun convey (crew (mann kerbal
			model = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Pods/Assets/Size1_5_Lander
			name = MEM_IVA
			name = ModuleCommand
			minimumCrew = 1
			defaultControlPointDisplayName = Default
				name = forward
				displayName = Forward
				orientation = 90,180,0
				name = reverse
				displayName = Reversed
				orientation = 0,0,180
				name = up
				displayName = Up
				orientation = 0,180,0
			name = ElectricCharge
			amount = 150
			maxAmount = 150
			name = ModuleColorChanger
			shaderProperty = _EmissiveColor
			animRate = 0.8
			animState = false
			useRate = true
			toggleInEditor = true
			toggleInFlight = true
			toggleInFlight = true
			unfocusedRange = 5
			toggleName = Toggle Light
			eventOnName = Lights On
			eventOffName = Lights Off
			toggleAction = True
			defaultActionGroup = Light
				key = 0 0 0 3
				key = 1 1 0 0
				key = 0 0 0 1
				key = 1 1 1 0
				key = 0 0 0 0
				key = 1 0.7 1.5 0
				key = 0 1
			name = ModuleScienceExperiment
			experimentID = crewReport
			experimentActionName = Crew Report
			resetActionName = Discard Crew Report
			reviewActionName = Review Report
			useStaging = False
			useActionGroups = True
			hideUIwhenUnavailable = True
			rerunnable = True
			xmitDataScalar = 1.0
			usageReqMaskInternal = 5
			usageReqMaskExternal = -1
			name = ModuleScienceContainer
			reviewActionName = Review Stored Data
			storeActionName = Store Experiments
			evaOnlyStorage = True
			storageRange = 2.0
			name = MonoPropellant
			amount = 30
			maxAmount = 30
			name = LiquidFuel
			amount = 54
			maxAmount = 54
			name = Oxidizer
			amount = 66
			maxAmount = 66
			name = FlagDecal
			textureQuadName = FLAG01
			name = FlagDecal
			textureQuadName = FLAG02
			name = ModuleConductionMultiplier
			modifiedConductionFactor = 0.003
			convectionFluxThreshold = 3000
			name = ModuleDataTransmitter
			antennaType = INTERNAL
			packetInterval = 1.0
			packetSize = 2
			packetResourceCost = 12.0
			requiredResource = ElectricCharge
			antennaPower = 5000
			optimumRange = 2500
			packetFloor = .1
			packetCeiling = 5
			name = ModuleProbeControlPoint
			minimumCrew = 2
			multiHop = False
					channel = Ship
					transformName = thrustTransform
					clip = sound_rocket_mini
					volume = 0.0 0.0
					volume = 0.02 0.1
					volume = 0.5 0.1
					volume = 1.0 0.1
					pitch = 0.0 0.75
					pitch = 1.0 1.5
					loop = true
					modelName = Squad/FX/Monoprop_small
					transformName = thrustTransform
					emission = 0.0 0.0
					emission = 0.1 0.0
					emission = 1.0 1.0
					speed = 0.0 0.8
					speed = 1.0 1.0
					localRotation = -90, 0, 0
			name = ModuleRCSFX
			stagingEnabled = False
			thrusterTransformName = thrustTransform
			thrusterPower = 1
			resourceName = MonoPropellant
			resourceFlowMode = STAGE_PRIORITY_FLOW
			runningEffectName = running
				key = 0 240
				key = 1 100
				key = 4 0.001
			name = ModuleStructuralNode
			rootObject = Adapter
			attachNodeNames = bottom2
			name = ModuleInventoryPart
			InventorySlots = 2
			packedVolumeLimit = 100
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			stackableQuantity = 1
			packedVolume = -1
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Prebuilt/kerbalEVAVintage.cfg
		name = kerbalEVAVintage
		crashTolerance = 50
		maxTemp = 800
		skinMaxTemp = 800
		boundsCentroidOffset = 0.0, 0.25, 0.2
		CenterOfDisplacement = 0.0, 0.1, 0.0
		CenterOfBuoyancy = 0.0, 0.1, 0.0
		dragModelType = default
		rescaleFactor = 1
		sound_click_tick = placementNotAllowed
		partRendererBoundsIgnore = kbEVA_flagDecals,canopy,base,flag,collider,helmet,visor,flare1,flare2,EVAStorage_flagDecals,EVAStorageSlim_flagDecals,chute_standalone_flag,chute_container_flag
		sound_welding_attachment = weldingLaser
					channel = Ship
					clip = Squad/Sounds/ksp1_golf_swing_normal
					maxVolumeDistance = 150
					channel = Ship
					clip = Squad/Sounds/ksp1_banana_V2_01
					maxVolumeDistance = 150
					channel = Ship
					clip = Squad/Sounds/ksp1_banana_V2_04
					maxVolumeDistance = 150
					channel = Ship
					clip = Squad/Sounds/ksp1_banana_V2_05
					maxVolumeDistance = 150
			name = KerbalEVA
			__OVERLOAD = True
			isCfg = True
			walkSpeed = 0.8
			strafeSpeed = 0.5
			runSpeed = 2.2
			turnRate = 4
			maxJumpForce = 10
			boundForce = 1.67
			boundSpeed = 0.8
			boundThreshold = 0.02
			swimSpeed = 0.8
			waterAngularDragMultiplier = 0.01
			ladderClimbSpeed = 0.60
			ladderPushoffForce = 3
			minWalkingGee = 0.17
			minRunningGee = 0.6
			initialMass = 1.5
			massMultiplier = 0.03
			onFallHeightFromTerrain = 0.35
			clamberMaxAlt = 100
			splatEnabled = True
			splatSpeed = 50
			propellantResourceName = EVA Propellant
			boundFrequency = 0.5
			boundSharpness = 0.2
			boundAttack = 0.4
			boundRelease = 2
			boundFallThreshold = 2
			_flags = 1
			flagReach = 0.3
			Kp = 0.7
			Ki = 0.25
			Kd = 0.300000012
			iC = 0.005
			rotPower = 1
			linPower = 8.63
			PropellantConsumption = 0.025
			stumbleThreshold = 3.5
			hopThreshold = 2
			recoverThreshold = 0.6
			recoverTime = 3
			splatThreshold = 150
			clamberReach = 0.9
			clamberStandoff = 0.45
			helmetOffMinSafePressureAtm = 0.177
			helmetOffMinSafeTempK = 223.0
			helmetOffMaxSafeTempK = 333.0
			helmetOffMaxOceanPressureAtm = 5.8
			helmetOffMinSafePressureAtmMargin = 0.038
			helmetOffMinSafeTempKMargin = 10.0
			helmetOffMaxSafeTempKMargin = 10.0
			helmetOffMaxOceanPressureAtmMargin = 1.0
			evaExitTemperature = 303.0
			name = ModuleScienceExperiment
			experimentID = surfaceSample
			experimentActionName = Take Surface Sample
			resetActionName = Discard Sample
			reviewActionName = Review Sample
			hideUIwhenUnavailable = True
			rerunnable = True
			resettable = True
			resettableOnEVA = False
			hideFxModuleUI = True
			resourceToReset = Supplies
			resourceResetCost = 5
			xmitDataScalar = 0.25
			dataIsCollectable = True
			deployableSeated = False
			name = ModuleScienceExperiment
			experimentID = evaReport
			experimentActionName = EVA Report
			resetActionName = Discard Report
			reviewActionName = Review Report
			hideUIwhenUnavailable = True
			rerunnable = True
			resettable = True
			resettableOnEVA = False
			hideFxModuleUI = True
			resourceToReset = Supplies
			resourceResetCost = 5
			xmitDataScalar = 1
			dataIsCollectable = True
			name = ModuleScienceExperiment
			experimentID = evaScience
			experimentActionName = Perform EVA Science
			resetActionName = Discard EVA Science Report
			reviewActionName = Review EVA Science Report
			hideUIwhenUnavailable = True
			rerunnable = True
			resettable = True
			resettableOnEVA = False
			hideFxModuleUI = True
			resourceToReset = Supplies
			resourceResetCost = 5
			xmitDataScalar = 1
			dataIsCollectable = True
			requiresInventoryPart = True
			requiresEVASituation = True
			deployableSeated = False
			availableShielded = False
				priority = 2
				situationMask = 1
				minTemp = 170
				kerbalAction = PlayGolf
				resultString = Initial testing of off-world sporting possibility is a go - not only do the ball flight characteristics allow for some spectacular shots, but realestate prices are currently still a bargain.
				resultString = As the ball arcs off into the distance you observe the ballet of physics between the applied impulse and the bodies gravity. Our scientists will rejoice at the results...\n\n...and hopefully agree that the 6 iron was great club selection.
				resultString = You smoked that one right down the middle... I mean conducted some very effective science on the effect of lever arm force to a small spherical object.\n\nIf only Alan Kerman could see you now!
				situationMask = 1
				requiresNoAtmosphere = True
				maxTemp = 170
				kerbalAction = Banana
				resultString = Rigorous testing of the new low-temperature snack technology did not go as well as planned... and deserves further study.
				resultString = Cryogenic banana experiments have proved successful, but we're still lacking EVA suit micro-airlocks to truly take advantage of these tests.
				situationMask = 48
				requiresNoAtmosphere = True
				kerbalAction = Dzhanibekov
				dialogDelay = 4.5
				resultString = Spinning this flange in space has led to an interesting and unexpected effect - it flips orientation over and over, without any other forces acting on it.\n\nMore surprising is that our spacecraft seems to still be operating nominally while missing this part.
				resultString = Our scientists say that the way this object wobbles in space is due to it having three different moments of inertia in three different axes, and that this would be impossible in a four dimentional universe. The engineers reply is that it will if they can find enough four dimensional boosters.
			name = ModuleScienceContainer
			allowRepeatedSubjects = True
			name = FlagDecal
			textureQuadName = kbEVA_flagDecals
			name = FlagDecal
			textureQuadName = EVAStorage_flagDecals
			name = FlagDecal
			textureQuadName = EVAStorageSlim_flagDecals
			name = ModuleTripLogger
			name = ModuleEvaChute
			semiDeployedAnimation = semiDeploySmall
			fullyDeployedAnimation = fullyDeploySmall
			invertCanopy = true
			autoCutSpeed = 0.5
			canopyName = canopy
			stowedDrag = 0.22
			semiDeployedDrag = 1
			fullyDeployedDrag = 500
			minAirPressureToOpen = 0.04
			clampMinAirPressure = 0.04
			deployAltitude = 1000
			deploymentSpeed = 1.0
			semiDeploymentSpeed = 1.0
			chuteMaxTemp = 650
			evaChuteName = EVAparachute
			rotationSpeedDPS = 180.0
			chutePitchRate = 1.0
			chuteRollRate = 1.0
			chuteYawRateAtMinSpeed = 1.0
			chuteMinSpeedForYawRate = 1.0
			chuteYawRateAtMaxSpeed = 1.0
			chuteMaxSpeedForYawRate = 50.0
			chuteDefaultForwardPitch = 9.0
			semiDeployedChuteForwardPitch = 25.0
			chutePitchRateDivisorWhenTurning = 1.0
			chuteRollRateDivisorWhenPitching = 1.0
			chuteYawRateDivisorWhenPitching = 1.0
			baseName = base
			flagName = FlagDecal
			stagingEnabled = false
			name = ModuleLiftingSurface
			useInternalDragModel = False
			deflectionLiftCoeff = 2.5
			transformDir = Y
			transformSign = -1
			omnidirectional = False
			name = ModuleLiftingSurface
			useInternalDragModel = False
			deflectionLiftCoeff = 1.0
			transformDir = X
			name = FlagDecal
			textureQuadName = flag
			name = FlagDecal
			textureQuadName = chute_standalone_flag
			name = FlagDecal
			textureQuadName = chute_container_flag
			name = ModuleInventoryPart
			InventorySlots = 2
			packedVolumeLimit = 40
			massLimit = 0.065
				name = evaChute
				name = evaJetpack
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Prebuilt/kerbalEVAfemaleVintage.cfg
		name = kerbalEVAfemaleVintage
		crashTolerance = 50
		maxTemp = 800
		skinMaxTemp = 800
		boundsCentroidOffset = 0.0, 0.25, 0.2
		CenterOfDisplacement = 0.0, 0.1, 0.0
		CenterOfBuoyancy = 0.0, 0.1, 0.0
		dragModelType = default
		rescaleFactor = 1
		sound_click_tick = placementNotAllowed
		partRendererBoundsIgnore = kbEVA_flagDecals,canopy,base,flag,collider,helmet,visor,flare1,flare2,EVAStorage_flagDecals,EVAStorageSlim_flagDecals,chute_standalone_flag,chute_container_flag
		sound_welding_attachment = weldingLaser
					channel = Ship
					clip = Squad/Sounds/ksp1_golf_swing_normal
					maxVolumeDistance = 150
					channel = Ship
					clip = Squad/Sounds/ksp1_banana_V2_01
					maxVolumeDistance = 150
					channel = Ship
					clip = Squad/Sounds/ksp1_banana_V2_04
					maxVolumeDistance = 150
					channel = Ship
					clip = Squad/Sounds/ksp1_banana_V2_05
					maxVolumeDistance = 150
			name = KerbalEVA
			__OVERLOAD = True
			isCfg = True
			walkSpeed = 0.8
			strafeSpeed = 0.5
			runSpeed = 2.2
			turnRate = 4
			maxJumpForce = 10
			boundForce = 1.67
			boundSpeed = 0.8
			boundThreshold = 0.02
			swimSpeed = 0.8
			waterAngularDragMultiplier = 0.01
			ladderClimbSpeed = 0.60
			ladderPushoffForce = 3
			minWalkingGee = 0.17
			minRunningGee = 0.6
			initialMass = 1.5
			massMultiplier = 0.03
			onFallHeightFromTerrain = 0.35
			clamberMaxAlt = 100
			splatEnabled = True
			splatSpeed = 50
			propellantResourceName = EVA Propellant
			boundFrequency = 0.5
			boundSharpness = 0.2
			boundAttack = 0.4
			boundRelease = 2
			boundFallThreshold = 2
			_flags = 1
			flagReach = 0.3
			Kp = 0.7
			Ki = 0.25
			Kd = 0.300000012
			iC = 0.005
			rotPower = 1
			linPower = 8.63
			PropellantConsumption = 0.025
			stumbleThreshold = 3.5
			hopThreshold = 2
			recoverThreshold = 0.6
			recoverTime = 3
			splatThreshold = 150
			clamberReach = 0.9
			clamberStandoff = 0.45
			helmetOffMinSafePressureAtm = 0.177
			helmetOffMinSafeTempK = 223.0
			helmetOffMaxSafeTempK = 333.0
			helmetOffMaxOceanPressureAtm = 5.8
			helmetOffMinSafePressureAtmMargin = 0.038
			helmetOffMinSafeTempKMargin = 10.0
			helmetOffMaxSafeTempKMargin = 10.0
			helmetOffMaxOceanPressureAtmMargin = 1.0
			evaExitTemperature = 303.0
			name = ModuleScienceExperiment
			experimentID = surfaceSample
			experimentActionName = Take Surface Sample
			resetActionName = Discard Sample
			reviewActionName = Review Sample
			hideUIwhenUnavailable = True
			rerunnable = True
			resettable = True
			resettableOnEVA = False
			hideFxModuleUI = True
			resourceToReset = Supplies
			resourceResetCost = 5
			xmitDataScalar = 0.25
			dataIsCollectable = True
			deployableSeated = False
			name = ModuleScienceExperiment
			experimentID = evaReport
			experimentActionName = EVA Report
			resetActionName = Discard Report
			reviewActionName = Review Report
			hideUIwhenUnavailable = True
			rerunnable = True
			resettable = True
			resettableOnEVA = False
			hideFxModuleUI = True
			resourceToReset = Supplies
			resourceResetCost = 5
			xmitDataScalar = 1
			dataIsCollectable = True
			name = ModuleScienceExperiment
			experimentID = evaScience
			experimentActionName = Perform EVA Science
			resetActionName = Discard EVA Science Report
			reviewActionName = Review EVA Science Report
			hideUIwhenUnavailable = True
			rerunnable = True
			resettable = True
			resettableOnEVA = False
			hideFxModuleUI = True
			resourceToReset = Supplies
			resourceResetCost = 5
			xmitDataScalar = 1
			dataIsCollectable = True
			requiresInventoryPart = True
			requiresEVASituation = True
			deployableSeated = False
			availableShielded = False
				priority = 2
				situationMask = 1
				minTemp = 170
				kerbalAction = PlayGolf
				resultString = Initial testing of off-world sporting possibility is a go - not only do the ball flight characteristics allow for some spectacular shots, but realestate prices are currently still a bargain.
				resultString = As the ball arcs off into the distance you observe the ballet of physics between the applied impulse and the bodies gravity. Our scientists will rejoice at the results...\n\n...and hopefully agree that the 6 iron was great club selection.
				resultString = You smoked that one right down the middle... I mean conducted some very effective science on the effect of lever arm force to a small spherical object.\n\nIf only Alan Kerman could see you now!
				situationMask = 1
				requiresNoAtmosphere = True
				maxTemp = 170
				kerbalAction = Banana
				resultString = Rigorous testing of the new low-temperature snack technology did not go as well as planned... and deserves further study.
				resultString = Cryogenic banana experiments have proved successful, but we're still lacking EVA suit micro-airlocks to truly take advantage of these tests.
				situationMask = 48
				requiresNoAtmosphere = True
				kerbalAction = Dzhanibekov
				dialogDelay = 4.5
				resultString = Spinning this flange in space has led to an interesting and unexpected effect - it flips orientation over and over, without any other forces acting on it.\n\nMore surprising is that our spacecraft seems to still be operating nominally while missing this part.
				resultString = Our scientists say that the way this object wobbles in space is due to it having three different moments of inertia in three different axes, and that this would be impossible in a four dimentional universe. The engineers reply is that it will if they can find enough four dimensional boosters.
			name = ModuleScienceContainer
			allowRepeatedSubjects = True
			name = FlagDecal
			textureQuadName = kbEVA_flagDecals
			name = FlagDecal
			textureQuadName = EVAStorage_flagDecals
			name = FlagDecal
			textureQuadName = EVAStorageSlim_flagDecals
			name = ModuleTripLogger
			name = ModuleEvaChute
			semiDeployedAnimation = semiDeploySmall
			fullyDeployedAnimation = fullyDeploySmall
			invertCanopy = true
			autoCutSpeed = 0.5
			canopyName = canopy
			stowedDrag = 0.22
			semiDeployedDrag = 1
			fullyDeployedDrag = 500
			minAirPressureToOpen = 0.04
			clampMinAirPressure = 0.04
			deployAltitude = 1000
			deploymentSpeed = 1.0
			semiDeploymentSpeed = 1.0
			chuteMaxTemp = 650
			evaChuteName = EVAparachute
			rotationSpeedDPS = 180.0
			chutePitchRate = 1.0
			chuteRollRate = 1.0
			chuteYawRateAtMinSpeed = 1.0
			chuteMinSpeedForYawRate = 1.0
			chuteYawRateAtMaxSpeed = 1.0
			chuteMaxSpeedForYawRate = 50.0
			chuteDefaultForwardPitch = 9.0
			semiDeployedChuteForwardPitch = 25.0
			chutePitchRateDivisorWhenTurning = 1.0
			chuteRollRateDivisorWhenPitching = 1.0
			chuteYawRateDivisorWhenPitching = 1.0
			baseName = base
			flagName = FlagDecal
			stagingEnabled = false
			name = ModuleLiftingSurface
			useInternalDragModel = False
			deflectionLiftCoeff = 2.5
			transformDir = Y
			transformSign = -1
			omnidirectional = False
			name = ModuleLiftingSurface
			useInternalDragModel = False
			deflectionLiftCoeff = 1.0
			transformDir = X
			name = FlagDecal
			textureQuadName = flag
			name = FlagDecal
			textureQuadName = chute_standalone_flag
			name = FlagDecal
			textureQuadName = chute_container_flag
			name = ModuleInventoryPart
			InventorySlots = 2
			packedVolumeLimit = 40
			massLimit = 0.065
				name = evaChute
				name = evaJetpack
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Structural/EquiTriangle0.cfg
		name = EquiTriangle0
		module = Part
		author = RoverDude
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_back = 0, 0.03335,0, 0, 1, 0, 0
		node_stack_front = 0,-0.03335, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0
		node_attach = 0, 0, 0.1575, 0, 0, -1, 0
		TechRequired = composites
		entryCost = 5000
		cost = 10
		category = Structural
		subcategory = 0
		title = SP-T06 Structural Panel
		manufacturer = Dinkelstein Kerman's Construction Emporium
		description = A sturdy metal plate, perfect for constructing all sorts of things. Also available in bling.
		attachRules = 1,1,1,1,1
		mass = 0.01
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 1
		crashTolerance = 80
		breakingForce = 200
		breakingTorque = 200
		maxTemp = 2000
		fuelCrossFeed = False
		bulkheadProfiles = size0, srf
		tags = support extend structur build construct fabricate body cover plat triangle equ radial
			model = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Structural/Assets/EquiTriangle0
			name = node01
			transform = n1
			size = 0
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = node02
			transform = n2
			size = 0
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = node03
			transform = n3
			size = 0
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = ModulePartVariants
			primaryColor = #ffffff
			baseDisplayName = White
			baseThemeName = White
			useMultipleDragCubes = false
				name = Dark
				displayName = Dark
				themeName = Dark
				primaryColor = #000000
					shader = KSP/Bumped
					mainTextureURL = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Structural/Assets/Panels_Dark_D
					color = #cecece
					_BumpMap = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Structural/Assets/NormalMap
					_Opacity = 1.0
					_RimFalloff = 0.1
				name = Gold
				displayName = Gold
				themeName = Gold
				primaryColor = #fccb0a
					shader = KSP/Bumped Specular (Mapped)
					mainTextureURL = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Structural/Assets/Panels_Gold_D
					color = #efe38b
					_BumpMap = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Structural/Assets/Panels_Gold_NRM
					_SpecMap = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Structural/Assets/Panels_Gold_S
					_Shininess = 0.55
					_Opacity = 1.0
					_RimFalloff = 2.0
					_AmbientMultiplier = 0.6
				name = Silver
				displayName = Silver
				themeName = Silver
				primaryColor = #cecece
					shader = KSP/Bumped Specular (Mapped)
					mainTextureURL = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Structural/Assets/Panels_Silver_D
					color = #ffffff
					_BumpMap = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Structural/Assets/Panels_Gold_NRM
					_SpecMap = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Structural/Assets/Panels_Silver_S
					_Shininess = 0.35
					_Opacity = 1.0
					_RimFalloff = 2.0
					_AmbientMultiplier = 0.2
			name = ModuleMirrorPlacement
			applyMirrorRotationXAxis = false
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			stackableQuantity = 4
			packedVolume = 12
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Structural/EquiTriangle1.cfg
		name = EquiTriangle1
		module = Part
		author = RoverDude
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_back = 0, 0.03335,0, 0, 1, 0, 0
		node_stack_front = 0,-0.03335, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0
		node_attach = 0, 0, 0.315, 0, 0, -1, 0
		TechRequired = composites
		entryCost = 6800
		cost = 20
		category = Structural
		subcategory = 0
		title = SP-T12 Structural Panel
		manufacturer = Dinkelstein Kerman's Construction Emporium
		description = A sturdy metal plate, perfect for constructing all sorts of things. Also available in bling.
		attachRules = 1,1,1,1,1
		mass = 0.04
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 1
		crashTolerance = 80
		breakingForce = 200
		breakingTorque = 200
		maxTemp = 2000
		fuelCrossFeed = False
		bulkheadProfiles = size1, srf
		tags = support extend structur build construct fabricate body cover plat triangle equ radial
			model = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Structural/Assets/EquiTriangle1
			name = node01
			transform = n1
			size = 0
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = node02
			transform = n2
			size = 0
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = node03
			transform = n3
			size = 0
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = ModulePartVariants
			primaryColor = #ffffff
			baseDisplayName = White
			baseThemeName = White
			useMultipleDragCubes = false
				name = Dark
				displayName = Dark
				themeName = Dark
				primaryColor = #000000
					shader = KSP/Bumped
					mainTextureURL = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Structural/Assets/Panels_Dark_D
					color = #cecece
					_BumpMap = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Structural/Assets/NormalMap
					_Opacity = 1.0
					_RimFalloff = 0.1
				name = Gold
				displayName = Gold
				themeName = Gold
				primaryColor = #fccb0a
					shader = KSP/Bumped Specular (Mapped)
					mainTextureURL = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Structural/Assets/Panels_Gold_D
					color = #efe38b
					_BumpMap = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Structural/Assets/Panels_Gold_NRM
					_SpecMap = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Structural/Assets/Panels_Gold_S
					_Shininess = 0.55
					_Opacity = 1.0
					_RimFalloff = 2.0
					_AmbientMultiplier = 0.6
				name = Silver
				displayName = Silver
				themeName = Silver
				primaryColor = #cecece
					shader = KSP/Bumped Specular (Mapped)
					mainTextureURL = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Structural/Assets/Panels_Silver_D
					color = #ffffff
					_BumpMap = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Structural/Assets/Panels_Gold_NRM
					_SpecMap = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Structural/Assets/Panels_Silver_S
					_Shininess = 0.35
					_Opacity = 1.0
					_RimFalloff = 2.0
					_AmbientMultiplier = 0.2
			name = ModuleMirrorPlacement
			applyMirrorRotationXAxis = false
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 50
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Structural/EquiTriangle1p5.cfg
		name = EquiTriangle1p5
		module = Part
		author = RoverDude
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_back = 0, 0.03335,0, 0, 1, 0, 0
		node_stack_front = 0,-0.03335, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0
		node_attach = 0, 0, 0.4725, 0, 0, -1, 0
		TechRequired = composites
		entryCost = 8000
		cost = 45
		category = Structural
		subcategory = 0
		title = SP-T18 Structural Panel
		manufacturer = Dinkelstein Kerman's Construction Emporium
		description = A sturdy metal plate, perfect for constructing all sorts of things. Also available in bling.
		attachRules = 1,1,1,1,1
		mass = 0.085
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 1
		crashTolerance = 80
		breakingForce = 200
		breakingTorque = 200
		maxTemp = 2000
		fuelCrossFeed = False
		bulkheadProfiles = size1p5, srf
		tags = support extend structur build construct fabricate body cover plat triangle equ radial
			model = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Structural/Assets/EquiTriangle1p5
			name = node01
			transform = n1
			size = 0
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = node02
			transform = n2
			size = 0
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = node03
			transform = n3
			size = 0
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = ModulePartVariants
			primaryColor = #ffffff
			baseDisplayName = White
			baseThemeName = White
			useMultipleDragCubes = false
				name = Dark
				displayName = Dark
				themeName = Dark
				primaryColor = #000000
					shader = KSP/Bumped
					mainTextureURL = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Structural/Assets/Panels_Dark_D
					color = #cecece
					_BumpMap = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Structural/Assets/NormalMap
					_Opacity = 1.0
					_RimFalloff = 0.1
				name = Gold
				displayName = Gold
				themeName = Gold
				primaryColor = #fccb0a
					shader = KSP/Bumped Specular (Mapped)
					mainTextureURL = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Structural/Assets/Panels_Gold_D
					color = #efe38b
					_BumpMap = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Structural/Assets/Panels_Gold_NRM
					_SpecMap = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Structural/Assets/Panels_Gold_S
					_Shininess = 0.55
					_Opacity = 1.0
					_RimFalloff = 2.0
					_AmbientMultiplier = 0.6
				name = Silver
				displayName = Silver
				themeName = Silver
				primaryColor = #cecece
					shader = KSP/Bumped Specular (Mapped)
					mainTextureURL = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Structural/Assets/Panels_Silver_D
					color = #ffffff
					_BumpMap = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Structural/Assets/Panels_Gold_NRM
					_SpecMap = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Structural/Assets/Panels_Silver_S
					_Shininess = 0.35
					_Opacity = 1.0
					_RimFalloff = 2.0
					_AmbientMultiplier = 0.2
			name = ModuleMirrorPlacement
			applyMirrorRotationXAxis = false
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 120
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Structural/EquiTriangle2.cfg
		name = EquiTriangle2
		module = Part
		author = RoverDude
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_back = 0, 0.03335,0, 0, 1, 0, 0
		node_stack_front = 0,-0.03335, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0
		node_attach = 0, 0, 0.63, 0, 0, -1, 1
		TechRequired = composites
		entryCost = 9000
		cost = 60
		category = Structural
		subcategory = 0
		title = SP-T25 Structural Panel
		manufacturer = Dinkelstein Kerman's Construction Emporium
		description = A sturdy metal plate, perfect for constructing all sorts of things. Also available in bling.
		attachRules = 1,1,1,1,1
		mass = 0.15
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 1
		crashTolerance = 80
		breakingForce = 200
		breakingTorque = 200
		maxTemp = 2000
		fuelCrossFeed = False
		bulkheadProfiles = size2, srf
		tags = support extend structur build construct fabricate body cover plat triangle equ radial
			model = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Structural/Assets/EquiTriangle2
			name = node01
			transform = n1
			size = 0
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = node02
			transform = n2
			size = 0
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = node03
			transform = n3
			size = 0
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = ModulePartVariants
			primaryColor = #ffffff
			baseDisplayName = White
			baseThemeName = White
			useMultipleDragCubes = false
				name = Dark
				displayName = Dark
				themeName = Dark
				primaryColor = #000000
					shader = KSP/Bumped
					mainTextureURL = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Structural/Assets/Panels_Dark_D
					color = #cecece
					_BumpMap = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Structural/Assets/NormalMap
					_Opacity = 1.0
					_RimFalloff = 0.1
				name = Gold
				displayName = Gold
				themeName = Gold
				primaryColor = #fccb0a
					shader = KSP/Bumped Specular (Mapped)
					mainTextureURL = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Structural/Assets/Panels_Gold_D
					color = #efe38b
					_BumpMap = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Structural/Assets/Panels_Gold_NRM
					_SpecMap = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Structural/Assets/Panels_Gold_S
					_Shininess = 0.55
					_Opacity = 1.0
					_RimFalloff = 2.0
					_AmbientMultiplier = 0.6
				name = Silver
				displayName = Silver
				themeName = Silver
				primaryColor = #cecece
					shader = KSP/Bumped Specular (Mapped)
					mainTextureURL = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Structural/Assets/Panels_Silver_D
					color = #ffffff
					_BumpMap = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Structural/Assets/Panels_Gold_NRM
					_SpecMap = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Structural/Assets/Panels_Silver_S
					_Shininess = 0.35
					_Opacity = 1.0
					_RimFalloff = 2.0
					_AmbientMultiplier = 0.2
			name = ModuleMirrorPlacement
			applyMirrorRotationXAxis = false
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = -1
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Structural/Panel0.cfg
		name = Panel0
		module = Part
		author = RoverDude
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_top = 0,0,0.3125,0,0,1,0
		node_stack_left = 0.3125,0,0,1,0,0,0
		node_stack_right = -0.3125,0,0,-1,0,0,0
		node_stack_bottom = 0,0,-0.3125,0,0,-1,0
		node_stack_topleft = 0.3125,0,0.3125,0,0,1,0
		node_stack_lefttop = 0.3125,0,0.3125,1,0,0,0
		node_stack_topright = -0.3125,0,0.3125,0,0,1,0
		node_stack_righttop = -0.3125,0,0.3125,-1,0,0,0
		node_stack_bottomleft = 0.3125,0,-0.3125,0,0,-1,0
		node_stack_leftbottom = 0.3125,0,-0.3125,1,0,0,0
		node_stack_bottomright = -0.3125,0,-0.3125,0,0,-1,0
		node_stack_rightbottom = -0.3125,0,-0.3125,-1,0,0,0
		node_stack_back = 0, 0.03335,0, 0, 1, 0, 0
		node_stack_front = 0,-0.03335, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0
		node_attach = 0,0,-0.3125,0,0,1,0
		TechRequired = composites
		entryCost = 5300
		cost = 15
		category = Structural
		subcategory = 0
		title = SP-S06 Structural Panel
		manufacturer = Dinkelstein Kerman's Construction Emporium
		description = A sturdy metal plate, perfect for constructing all sorts of things. Also available in bling.
		attachRules = 1,1,1,1,1
		mass = 0.02
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 1
		crashTolerance = 80
		breakingForce = 200
		breakingTorque = 200
		maxTemp = 2000
		fuelCrossFeed = False
		bulkheadProfiles = size0, srf
		tags = support extend structur build construct fabricate body cover plat radial
			model = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Structural/Assets/Panel0
			name = ModulePartVariants
			primaryColor = #ffffff
			baseDisplayName = White
			baseThemeName = White
			useMultipleDragCubes = false
				name = Dark
				displayName = Dark
				themeName = Dark
				primaryColor = #000000
					shader = KSP/Bumped
					mainTextureURL = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Structural/Assets/Panels_Dark_D
					color = #cecece
					_BumpMap = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Structural/Assets/NormalMap
					_Opacity = 1.0
					_RimFalloff = 0.1
				name = Gold
				displayName = Gold
				themeName = Gold
				primaryColor = #fccb0a
					shader = KSP/Bumped Specular (Mapped)
					mainTextureURL = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Structural/Assets/Panels_Gold_D
					color = #efe38b
					_BumpMap = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Structural/Assets/Panels_Gold_NRM
					_SpecMap = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Structural/Assets/Panels_Gold_S
					_Shininess = 0.55
					_Opacity = 1.0
					_RimFalloff = 2.0
					_AmbientMultiplier = 0.6
				name = Silver
				displayName = Silver
				themeName = Silver
				primaryColor = #cecece
					shader = KSP/Bumped Specular (Mapped)
					mainTextureURL = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Structural/Assets/Panels_Silver_D
					color = #ffffff
					_BumpMap = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Structural/Assets/Panels_Gold_NRM
					_SpecMap = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Structural/Assets/Panels_Silver_S
					_Shininess = 0.35
					_Opacity = 1.0
					_RimFalloff = 2.0
					_AmbientMultiplier = 0.2
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 40
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Structural/Panel1.cfg
		name = Panel1
		module = Part
		author = RoverDude
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_top = 0,0,0.625,0,0,1,0
		node_stack_left = 0.625,0,0,1,0,0,0
		node_stack_right = -0.625,0,0,-1,0,0,0
		node_stack_bottom = 0,0,-0.625,0,0,-1,0
		node_stack_topleft = 0.625,0,0.625,0,0,1,0
		node_stack_lefttop = 0.625,0,0.625,1,0,0,0
		node_stack_topright = -0.625,0,0.625,0,0,1,0
		node_stack_righttop = -0.625,0,0.625,-1,0,0,0
		node_stack_bottomleft = 0.625,0,-0.625,0,0,-1,0
		node_stack_leftbottom = 0.625,0,-0.625,1,0,0,0
		node_stack_bottomright = -0.625,0,-0.625,0,0,-1,0
		node_stack_rightbottom = -0.625,0,-0.625,-1,0,0,0
		node_stack_back = 0, 0.03335,0, 0, 1, 0, 0
		node_stack_front = 0,-0.03335, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0
		node_attach = 0,0,-0.625,0,0,1,0
		TechRequired = composites
		entryCost = 7200
		cost = 30
		category = Structural
		subcategory = 0
		title = SP-S12 Structural Panel
		manufacturer = Dinkelstein Kerman's Construction Emporium
		description = A sturdy metal plate, perfect for constructing all sorts of things. Also available in bling.
		attachRules = 1,1,1,1,1
		mass = 0.075
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 1
		crashTolerance = 80
		breakingForce = 200
		breakingTorque = 200
		maxTemp = 2000
		fuelCrossFeed = False
		bulkheadProfiles = size1, srf
		tags = support extend structur build construct fabricate body cover plat radial
			model = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Structural/Assets/Panel1
			name = ModulePartVariants
			primaryColor = #ffffff
			baseDisplayName = White
			baseThemeName = White
			useMultipleDragCubes = false
				name = Dark
				displayName = Dark
				themeName = Dark
				primaryColor = #000000
					shader = KSP/Bumped
					mainTextureURL = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Structural/Assets/Panels_Dark_D
					color = #cecece
					_BumpMap = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Structural/Assets/NormalMap
					_Opacity = 1.0
					_RimFalloff = 0.1
				name = Gold
				displayName = Gold
				themeName = Gold
				primaryColor = #fccb0a
					shader = KSP/Bumped Specular (Mapped)
					mainTextureURL = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Structural/Assets/Panels_Gold_D
					color = #efe38b
					_BumpMap = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Structural/Assets/Panels_Gold_NRM
					_SpecMap = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Structural/Assets/Panels_Gold_S
					_Shininess = 0.55
					_Opacity = 1.0
					_RimFalloff = 2.0
					_AmbientMultiplier = 0.6
				name = Silver
				displayName = Silver
				themeName = Silver
				primaryColor = #cecece
					shader = KSP/Bumped Specular (Mapped)
					mainTextureURL = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Structural/Assets/Panels_Silver_D
					color = #ffffff
					_BumpMap = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Structural/Assets/Panels_Gold_NRM
					_SpecMap = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Structural/Assets/Panels_Silver_S
					_Shininess = 0.35
					_Opacity = 1.0
					_RimFalloff = 2.0
					_AmbientMultiplier = 0.2
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 125
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Structural/Panel1p5.cfg
		name = Panel1p5
		module = Part
		author = RoverDude
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_top = 0,0,0.9375,0,0,1,0
		node_stack_left = 0.9375,0,0,1,0,0,0
		node_stack_right = -0.9375,0,0,-1,0,0,0
		node_stack_bottom = 0,0,-0.9375,0,0,-1,0
		node_stack_topleft = 0.9375,0,0.9375,0,0,1,0
		node_stack_lefttop = 0.9375,0,0.9375,1,0,0,0
		node_stack_topright = -0.9375,0,0.9375,0,0,1,0
		node_stack_righttop = -0.9375,0,0.9375,-1,0,0,0
		node_stack_bottomleft = 0.9375,0,-0.9375,0,0,-1,0
		node_stack_leftbottom = 0.9375,0,-0.9375,1,0,0,0
		node_stack_bottomright = -0.9375,0,-0.9375,0,0,-1,0
		node_stack_rightbottom = -0.9375,0,-0.9375,-1,0,0,0
		node_stack_back = 0, 0.03335,0, 0, 1, 0, 0
		node_stack_front = 0,-0.03335, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0
		node_attach = 0,0,-0.9375,0,0,1,0
		TechRequired = composites
		entryCost = 8400
		cost = 60
		category = Structural
		subcategory = 0
		title = SP-S18 Structural Panel
		manufacturer = Dinkelstein Kerman's Construction Emporium
		description = A sturdy metal plate, perfect for constructing all sorts of things. Also available in bling.
		attachRules = 1,1,1,1,1
		mass = 0.17
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 1
		crashTolerance = 80
		breakingForce = 200
		breakingTorque = 200
		maxTemp = 2000
		fuelCrossFeed = False
		bulkheadProfiles = size1p5, srf
		tags = support extend structur build construct fabricate body cover plat radial 1.875
			model = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Structural/Assets/Panel1p5
			name = ModulePartVariants
			primaryColor = #ffffff
			baseDisplayName = White
			baseThemeName = White
			useMultipleDragCubes = false
				name = Dark
				displayName = Dark
				themeName = Dark
				primaryColor = #000000
					shader = KSP/Bumped
					mainTextureURL = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Structural/Assets/Panels_Dark_D
					color = #cecece
					_BumpMap = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Structural/Assets/NormalMap
					_Opacity = 1.0
					_RimFalloff = 0.1
				name = Gold
				displayName = Gold
				themeName = Gold
				primaryColor = #fccb0a
					shader = KSP/Bumped Specular (Mapped)
					mainTextureURL = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Structural/Assets/Panels_Gold_D
					color = #efe38b
					_BumpMap = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Structural/Assets/Panels_Gold_NRM
					_SpecMap = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Structural/Assets/Panels_Gold_S
					_Shininess = 0.55
					_Opacity = 1.0
					_RimFalloff = 2.0
					_AmbientMultiplier = 0.6
				name = Silver
				displayName = Silver
				themeName = Silver
				primaryColor = #cecece
					shader = KSP/Bumped Specular (Mapped)
					mainTextureURL = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Structural/Assets/Panels_Silver_D
					color = #ffffff
					_BumpMap = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Structural/Assets/Panels_Gold_NRM
					_SpecMap = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Structural/Assets/Panels_Silver_S
					_Shininess = 0.35
					_Opacity = 1.0
					_RimFalloff = 2.0
					_AmbientMultiplier = 0.2
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 140
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Structural/Panel2.cfg
		name = Panel2
		module = Part
		author = RoverDude
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_top = 0,0,1.25,0,0,1,0
		node_stack_left = 1.25,0,0,1,0,0,0
		node_stack_right = -1.25,0,0,-1,0,0,0
		node_stack_bottom = 0,0,-1.25,0,0,-1,0
		node_stack_topleft = 1.25,0,1.25,0,0,1,0
		node_stack_lefttop = 1.25,0,1.25,1,0,0,0
		node_stack_topright = -1.25,0,1.25,0,0,1,0
		node_stack_righttop = -1.25,0,1.25,-1,0,0,0
		node_stack_bottomleft = 1.25,0,-1.25,0,0,-1,0
		node_stack_leftbottom = 1.25,0,-1.25,1,0,0,0
		node_stack_bottomright = -1.25,0,-1.25,0,0,-1,0
		node_stack_rightbottom = -1.25,0,-1.25,-1,0,0,0
		node_stack_back = 0, 0.03335,0, 0, 1, 0, 0
		node_stack_front = 0,-0.03335, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0
		node_attach = 0,0,-1.25,0,0,1,0
		TechRequired = composites
		entryCost = 9800
		cost = 90
		category = Structural
		subcategory = 0
		title = SP-S25 Structural Panel
		manufacturer = Dinkelstein Kerman's Construction Emporium
		description = A sturdy metal plate, perfect for constructing all sorts of things. Also available in bling.
		attachRules = 1,1,1,1,1
		mass = 0.3
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 1
		crashTolerance = 80
		breakingForce = 200
		breakingTorque = 200
		maxTemp = 2000
		fuelCrossFeed = False
		bulkheadProfiles = size2, srf
		tags = support extend structur build construct fabricate body cover plat radial
			model = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Structural/Assets/Panel2
			name = ModulePartVariants
			primaryColor = #ffffff
			baseDisplayName = White
			baseThemeName = White
			useMultipleDragCubes = false
				name = Dark
				displayName = Dark
				themeName = Dark
				primaryColor = #000000
					shader = KSP/Bumped
					mainTextureURL = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Structural/Assets/Panels_Dark_D
					color = #cecece
					_BumpMap = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Structural/Assets/NormalMap
					_Opacity = 1.0
					_RimFalloff = 0.1
				name = Gold
				displayName = Gold
				themeName = Gold
				primaryColor = #fccb0a
					shader = KSP/Bumped Specular (Mapped)
					mainTextureURL = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Structural/Assets/Panels_Gold_D
					color = #efe38b
					_BumpMap = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Structural/Assets/Panels_Gold_NRM
					_SpecMap = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Structural/Assets/Panels_Gold_S
					_Shininess = 0.55
					_Opacity = 1.0
					_RimFalloff = 2.0
					_AmbientMultiplier = 0.6
				name = Silver
				displayName = Silver
				themeName = Silver
				primaryColor = #cecece
					shader = KSP/Bumped Specular (Mapped)
					mainTextureURL = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Structural/Assets/Panels_Silver_D
					color = #ffffff
					_BumpMap = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Structural/Assets/Panels_Gold_NRM
					_SpecMap = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Structural/Assets/Panels_Silver_S
					_Shininess = 0.35
					_Opacity = 1.0
					_RimFalloff = 2.0
					_AmbientMultiplier = 0.2
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = -1
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Structural/Triangle0.cfg
		name = Triangle0
		module = Part
		author = RoverDude
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_top = 0,0,0.3125,0,0,1,0
		node_stack_left = 0.3125,0,0,1,0,0,0
		node_stack_topleft = 0.3125,0,0.3125,0,0,1,0
		node_stack_lefttop = 0.3125,0,0.3125,1,0,0,0
		node_stack_topright = -0.3125,0,0.3125,0,0,1,0
		node_stack_righttop = -0.3125,0,0.3125,-1,0,0,0
		node_stack_bottomleft = 0.3125,0,-0.3125,0,0,-1,0
		node_stack_leftbottom = 0.3125,0,-0.3125,1,0,0,0
		node_stack_edge = 0,0,0, -1,0,-1, 0
		node_attach = 0.3125,0,0,1,0,0,0
		TechRequired = composites
		entryCost = 5000
		cost = 10
		category = Structural
		subcategory = 0
		title = SP-R06 Structural Panel
		manufacturer = Dinkelstein Kerman's Construction Emporium
		description = A sturdy metal plate, perfect for constructing all sorts of things. Also available in bling.
		attachRules = 1,1,1,1,1
		mass = 0.01
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 1
		crashTolerance = 80
		breakingForce = 200
		breakingTorque = 200
		maxTemp = 2000
		fuelCrossFeed = False
		bulkheadProfiles = size0, srf
		tags = support extend structur build construct fabricate body cover plat triangle radial
			model = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Structural/Assets/Triangle0
			name = ModulePartVariants
			primaryColor = #ffffff
			baseDisplayName = White
			baseThemeName = White
			useMultipleDragCubes = false
				name = Dark
				displayName = Dark
				themeName = Dark
				primaryColor = #000000
					shader = KSP/Bumped
					mainTextureURL = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Structural/Assets/Panels_Dark_D
					color = #cecece
					_BumpMap = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Structural/Assets/NormalMap
					_Opacity = 1.0
					_RimFalloff = 0.1
				name = Gold
				displayName = Gold
				themeName = Gold
				primaryColor = #fccb0a
					shader = KSP/Bumped Specular (Mapped)
					mainTextureURL = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Structural/Assets/Panels_Gold_D
					color = #efe38b
					_BumpMap = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Structural/Assets/Panels_Gold_NRM
					_SpecMap = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Structural/Assets/Panels_Gold_S
					_Shininess = 0.55
					_Opacity = 1.0
					_RimFalloff = 2.0
					_AmbientMultiplier = 0.6
				name = Silver
				displayName = Silver
				themeName = Silver
				primaryColor = #cecece
					shader = KSP/Bumped Specular (Mapped)
					mainTextureURL = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Structural/Assets/Panels_Silver_D
					color = #ffffff
					_BumpMap = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Structural/Assets/Panels_Gold_NRM
					_SpecMap = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Structural/Assets/Panels_Silver_S
					_Shininess = 0.35
					_Opacity = 1.0
					_RimFalloff = 2.0
					_AmbientMultiplier = 0.2
			name = ModuleMirrorPlacement
			applyMirrorRotationXAxis = false
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			stackableQuantity = 3
			packedVolume = 15
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Structural/Triangle1.cfg
		name = Triangle1
		module = Part
		author = RoverDude
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_top = 0,0,0.625,0,0,1,0
		node_stack_left = 0.625,0,0,1,0,0,0
		node_stack_topleft = 0.625,0,0.625,0,0,1,0
		node_stack_lefttop = 0.625,0,0.625,1,0,0,0
		node_stack_topright = -0.625,0,0.625,0,0,1,0
		node_stack_righttop = -0.625,0,0.625,-1,0,0,0
		node_stack_bottomleft = 0.625,0,-0.625,0,0,-1,0
		node_stack_leftbottom = 0.625,0,-0.625,1,0,0,0
		node_stack_edge = 0,0,0, -1,0,-1, 0
		node_attach = 0.625,0,0,1,0,0,0
		TechRequired = composites
		entryCost = 6800
		cost = 20
		category = Structural
		subcategory = 0
		title = SP-R12 Structural Panel
		manufacturer = Dinkelstein Kerman's Construction Emporium
		description = A sturdy metal plate, perfect for constructing all sorts of things. Also available in bling.
		attachRules = 1,1,1,1,1
		mass = 0.04
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 1
		crashTolerance = 80
		breakingForce = 200
		breakingTorque = 200
		maxTemp = 2000
		fuelCrossFeed = False
		bulkheadProfiles = size1, srf
		tags = support extend structur build construct fabricate body cover plat triangle radial
			model = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Structural/Assets/Triangle1
			name = ModulePartVariants
			primaryColor = #ffffff
			baseDisplayName = White
			baseThemeName = White
			useMultipleDragCubes = false
				name = Dark
				displayName = Dark
				themeName = Dark
				primaryColor = #000000
					shader = KSP/Bumped
					mainTextureURL = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Structural/Assets/Panels_Dark_D
					color = #cecece
					_BumpMap = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Structural/Assets/NormalMap
					_Opacity = 1.0
					_RimFalloff = 0.1
				name = Gold
				displayName = Gold
				themeName = Gold
				primaryColor = #fccb0a
					shader = KSP/Bumped Specular (Mapped)
					mainTextureURL = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Structural/Assets/Panels_Gold_D
					color = #efe38b
					_BumpMap = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Structural/Assets/Panels_Gold_NRM
					_SpecMap = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Structural/Assets/Panels_Gold_S
					_Shininess = 0.55
					_Opacity = 1.0
					_RimFalloff = 2.0
					_AmbientMultiplier = 0.6
				name = Silver
				displayName = Silver
				themeName = Silver
				primaryColor = #cecece
					shader = KSP/Bumped Specular (Mapped)
					mainTextureURL = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Structural/Assets/Panels_Silver_D
					color = #ffffff
					_BumpMap = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Structural/Assets/Panels_Gold_NRM
					_SpecMap = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Structural/Assets/Panels_Silver_S
					_Shininess = 0.35
					_Opacity = 1.0
					_RimFalloff = 2.0
					_AmbientMultiplier = 0.2
			name = ModuleMirrorPlacement
			applyMirrorRotationXAxis = false
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 60
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Structural/Triangle1p5.cfg
		name = Triangle1p5
		module = Part
		author = RoverDude
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_top = 0,0,0.9375,0,0,1,0
		node_stack_left = 0.9375,0,0,1,0,0,0
		node_stack_topleft = 0.9375,0,0.9375,0,0,1,0
		node_stack_lefttop = 0.9375,0,0.9375,1,0,0,0
		node_stack_topright = -0.9375,0,0.9375,0,0,1,0
		node_stack_righttop = -0.9375,0,0.9375,-1,0,0,0
		node_stack_bottomleft = 0.9375,0,-0.9375,0,0,-1,0
		node_stack_leftbottom = 0.9375,0,-0.9375,1,0,0,0
		node_stack_edge = 0,0,0, -1,0,-1, 0
		node_attach = 0.9375,0,0,1,0,0,0
		TechRequired = composites
		entryCost = 8000
		cost = 45
		category = Structural
		subcategory = 0
		title = SP-R18 Structural Panel
		manufacturer = Dinkelstein Kerman's Construction Emporium
		description = A sturdy metal plate, perfect for constructing all sorts of things. Also available in bling.
		attachRules = 1,1,1,1,1
		mass = 0.085
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 1
		crashTolerance = 80
		breakingForce = 200
		breakingTorque = 200
		maxTemp = 2000
		fuelCrossFeed = False
		bulkheadProfiles = size1p5, srf
		tags = support extend structur build construct fabricate body cover plat triangle radial 1.875
			model = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Structural/Assets/Triangle1p5
			name = ModulePartVariants
			primaryColor = #ffffff
			baseDisplayName = White
			baseThemeName = White
			useMultipleDragCubes = false
				name = Dark
				displayName = Dark
				themeName = Dark
				primaryColor = #000000
					shader = KSP/Bumped
					mainTextureURL = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Structural/Assets/Panels_Dark_D
					color = #cecece
					_BumpMap = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Structural/Assets/NormalMap
					_Opacity = 1.0
					_RimFalloff = 0.1
				name = Gold
				displayName = Gold
				themeName = Gold
				primaryColor = #fccb0a
					shader = KSP/Bumped Specular (Mapped)
					mainTextureURL = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Structural/Assets/Panels_Gold_D
					color = #efe38b
					_BumpMap = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Structural/Assets/Panels_Gold_NRM
					_SpecMap = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Structural/Assets/Panels_Gold_S
					_Shininess = 0.55
					_Opacity = 1.0
					_RimFalloff = 2.0
					_AmbientMultiplier = 0.6
				name = Silver
				displayName = Silver
				themeName = Silver
				primaryColor = #cecece
					shader = KSP/Bumped Specular (Mapped)
					mainTextureURL = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Structural/Assets/Panels_Silver_D
					color = #ffffff
					_BumpMap = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Structural/Assets/Panels_Gold_NRM
					_SpecMap = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Structural/Assets/Panels_Silver_S
					_Shininess = 0.35
					_Opacity = 1.0
					_RimFalloff = 2.0
					_AmbientMultiplier = 0.2
			name = ModuleMirrorPlacement
			applyMirrorRotationXAxis = false
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 120
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Structural/Triangle2.cfg
		name = Triangle2
		module = Part
		author = RoverDude
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_top = 0,0,1.25,0,0,1,0
		node_stack_left = 1.25,0,0,1,0,0,0
		node_stack_topleft = 1.25,0,1.25,0,0,1,0
		node_stack_lefttop = 1.25,0,1.25,1,0,0,0
		node_stack_topright = -1.25,0,1.25,0,0,1,0
		node_stack_righttop = -1.25,0,1.25,-1,0,0,0
		node_stack_bottomleft = 1.25,0,-1.25,0,0,-1,0
		node_stack_leftbottom = 1.25,0,-1.25,1,0,0,0
		node_stack_edge = 0,0,0, -1,0,-1, 0
		node_attach = 1.25,0,0,1,0,0,0
		TechRequired = composites
		entryCost = 9000
		cost = 60
		category = Structural
		subcategory = 0
		title = SP-R25 Structural Panel
		manufacturer = Dinkelstein Kerman's Construction Emporium
		description = A sturdy metal plate, perfect for constructing all sorts of things. Also available in bling.
		attachRules = 1,1,1,1,1
		mass = 0.15
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 1
		crashTolerance = 80
		breakingForce = 200
		breakingTorque = 200
		maxTemp = 2000
		fuelCrossFeed = False
		bulkheadProfiles = size2, srf
		tags = support extend structur build construct fabricate body cover plat triangle radial
			model = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Structural/Assets/Triangle2
			name = ModulePartVariants
			primaryColor = #ffffff
			baseDisplayName = White
			baseThemeName = White
			useMultipleDragCubes = false
				name = Dark
				displayName = Dark
				themeName = Dark
				primaryColor = #000000
					shader = KSP/Bumped
					mainTextureURL = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Structural/Assets/Panels_Dark_D
					color = #cecece
					_BumpMap = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Structural/Assets/NormalMap
					_Opacity = 1.0
					_RimFalloff = 0.1
				name = Gold
				displayName = Gold
				themeName = Gold
				primaryColor = #fccb0a
					shader = KSP/Bumped Specular (Mapped)
					mainTextureURL = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Structural/Assets/Panels_Gold_D
					color = #efe38b
					_BumpMap = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Structural/Assets/Panels_Gold_NRM
					_SpecMap = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Structural/Assets/Panels_Gold_S
					_Shininess = 0.55
					_Opacity = 1.0
					_RimFalloff = 2.0
					_AmbientMultiplier = 0.6
				name = Silver
				displayName = Silver
				themeName = Silver
				primaryColor = #cecece
					shader = KSP/Bumped Specular (Mapped)
					mainTextureURL = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Structural/Assets/Panels_Silver_D
					color = #ffffff
					_BumpMap = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Structural/Assets/Panels_Gold_NRM
					_SpecMap = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Structural/Assets/Panels_Silver_S
					_Shininess = 0.35
					_Opacity = 1.0
					_RimFalloff = 2.0
					_AmbientMultiplier = 0.2
			name = ModuleMirrorPlacement
			applyMirrorRotationXAxis = false
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = -1
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Structural/Tube1.cfg
		name = Tube1
		module = Part
		author = RoverDude
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_top1 = 0,0,0,0,-1,0,1
		node_stack_bottom1 = 0,-0.2,0,0,1,0,1
		node_stack_top2 = 0,0,0,0,1,0,1
		node_stack_bottom2 = 0,-0.2,0,0,-1,0,1
		TechRequired = advConstruction
		entryCost = 3000
		cost = 300
		category = Structural
		subcategory = 0
		title = T-12 Structural Tube
		manufacturer = Rokea Inc
		description = Kerbals like to play hide and seek with these small tubes.
		attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0
		mass = 0.075
		thermalMassModifier = 2.0
		skinMassPerArea = 4.0
		skinInternalConductionMult = 0.25
		emissiveConstant = 0.8
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 9
		maxTemp = 2600
		tags = hollow pipe tube support structur build construct struct
		stageOffset = 1
		childStageOffset = 1
		inverseStageCarryover = false
		bulkheadProfiles = size1
			model = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/SharedAssets/Shroud1x0
			model = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/SharedAssets/Shroud1x1
			model = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/SharedAssets/Shroud1x2
			model = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/SharedAssets/Shroud1x3
			model = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/SharedAssets/Shroud1x4
			model = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/SharedAssets/ShroudCollider0
			scale = 1.25,1,1.25
			model = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/SharedAssets/ShroudCollider1
			scale = 1.25,1,1.25
			model = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/SharedAssets/ShroudCollider1p5
			scale = 1.25,1,1.25
			model = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/SharedAssets/ShroudCollider2
			scale = 1.25,1,1.25
			model = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/SharedAssets/ShroudCollider3
			scale = 1.25,1,1.25
			name = ModulePartVariants
			baseVariant = Short
			baseMass = -0.042
			baseCost = -151
				name = Short
				mass = -0.042
				cost = -151
				displayName = Short
				primaryColor = #3a562a
				secondaryColor = #999999
				sizeGroup = GroupB
					Shroud1x0 = true
					Shroud1x1 = false
					Shroud1x2 = false
					Shroud1x3 = false
					Shroud1x4 = false
					ShroudCollider0 = true
					ShroudCollider1 = false
					ShroudCollider1p5 = false
					ShroudCollider2 = false
					ShroudCollider3 = false
					ShroudCollider4 = false
					node_stack_bottom2 = 0.0, -0.625, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
					node_stack_bottom1 = 0.0, -0.625, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1
				name = Medium-Short
				mass = -0.008
				cost = -40
				displayName = Medium-Short
				primaryColor = #3a562a
				secondaryColor = #999999
				sizeGroup = GroupB
					Shroud1x0 = false
					Shroud1x1 = true
					Shroud1x2 = false
					Shroud1x3 = false
					Shroud1x4 = false
					ShroudCollider0 = false
					ShroudCollider1 = true
					ShroudCollider1p5 = false
					ShroudCollider2 = false
					ShroudCollider3 = false
					ShroudCollider4 = false
					node_stack_bottom2 = 0.0, -1.25, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
					node_stack_bottom1 = 0.0, -1.25, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1
				name = Medium
				mass = 0.025
				cost = 60
				displayName = Medium
				primaryColor = #3a562a
				secondaryColor = #999999
				sizeGroup = GroupB
					Shroud1x0 = false
					Shroud1x1 = false
					Shroud1x2 = true
					Shroud1x3 = false
					Shroud1x4 = false
					ShroudCollider0 = false
					ShroudCollider1 = false
					ShroudCollider1p5 = true
					ShroudCollider2 = false
					ShroudCollider3 = false
					ShroudCollider4 = false
					node_stack_bottom2 = 0.0, -1.875, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
					node_stack_bottom1 = 0.0, -1.875, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1
				name = Medium-Long
				mass = 0.058
				cost = 153
				displayName = Medium-Long
				primaryColor = #3a562a
				secondaryColor = #999999
				sizeGroup = GroupB
					Shroud1x0 = false
					Shroud1x1 = false
					Shroud1x2 = false
					Shroud1x3 = true
					Shroud1x4 = false
					ShroudCollider0 = false
					ShroudCollider1 = false
					ShroudCollider1p5 = false
					ShroudCollider2 = true
					ShroudCollider3 = false
					ShroudCollider4 = false
					node_stack_bottom2 = 0.0, -2.5, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
					node_stack_bottom1 = 0.0, -2.5, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1
				name = Long
				mass = 0.125
				cost = 327
				displayName = Long
				primaryColor = #3a562a
				secondaryColor = #999999
				sizeGroup = GroupB
					Shroud1x0 = false
					Shroud1x1 = false
					Shroud1x2 = false
					Shroud1x3 = false
					Shroud1x4 = true
					ShroudCollider0 = false
					ShroudCollider1 = false
					ShroudCollider1p5 = false
					ShroudCollider2 = false
					ShroudCollider3 = true
					ShroudCollider4 = false
					node_stack_bottom2 = 0.0, -3.75, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
					node_stack_bottom1 = 0.0, -3.75, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1
			cube = 0, 0.7813,0.7783,0.7051, 0.7813,0.7783,0.7051, 1.217,0.9952,0.1299, 1.217,0.9952,0.1299, 0.7813,0.7779,0.7051, 0.7813,0.7779,0.7051, 0,-0.3125,0, 1.25,0.625,1.25
			cube = 1, 1.563,0.778,0.7051, 1.563,0.778,0.7051, 1.217,0.9952,0.1299, 1.217,0.9952,0.1299, 1.563,0.7778,0.7051, 1.563,0.7778,0.7051, 0,-0.625,0, 1.25,1.25,1.25
			cube = 2, 2.335,0.7808,0.6767, 2.335,0.7808,0.6767, 1.217,0.9952,0.1299, 1.217,0.9952,0.1299, 2.335,0.7807,0.6767, 2.335,0.7807,0.6767, 0,-0.9375,0, 1.25,1.875,1.25
			cube = 3, 3.125,0.7774,0.688, 3.125,0.7774,0.688, 1.217,0.9952,0.1299, 1.217,0.9952,0.1299, 3.125,0.7775,0.688, 3.125,0.7775,0.688, 0,-1.25,0, 1.25,2.5,1.25
			cube = 4, 4.724,0.7718,0.7051, 4.724,0.7718,0.7051, 1.217,0.9952,0.1299, 1.217,0.9952,0.1299, 4.724,0.7722,0.7051, 4.724,0.7722,0.7051, 0,-1.875,0, 1.25,3.75,1.25
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 1200
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Structural/Tube1p5.cfg
		name = Tube1p5
		module = Part
		author = RoverDude
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_top1 = 0,0,0,0,-1,0,2
		node_stack_bottom1 = 0,-0.2,0,0,1,0,2
		node_stack_top2 = 0,0,0,0,1,0,2
		node_stack_bottom2 = 0,-0.2,0,0,-1,0,2
		TechRequired = advConstruction
		entryCost = 3000
		cost = 300
		category = Structural
		subcategory = 0
		title = T-18 Structural Tube
		manufacturer = Rokea Inc
		description = The Kerbin transportation department is still looking for these tubes, originally intended for the underground system.
		attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0
		mass = 0.075
		thermalMassModifier = 2.0
		skinMassPerArea = 4.0
		skinInternalConductionMult = 0.25
		emissiveConstant = 0.8
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 9
		maxTemp = 2600
		tags = hollow pipe tube support structur build construct struct regular standard average medium 1.875
		stageOffset = 1
		childStageOffset = 1
		inverseStageCarryover = false
		bulkheadProfiles = size1p5
			model = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/SharedAssets/Shroud1p5x0
			model = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/SharedAssets/Shroud1p5x1
			model = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/SharedAssets/Shroud1p5x2
			model = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/SharedAssets/Shroud1p5x3
			model = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/SharedAssets/Shroud1p5x4
			model = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/SharedAssets/ShroudCollider0
			scale = 1.875,1,1.875
			model = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/SharedAssets/ShroudCollider1
			scale = 1.875,1,1.875
			model = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/SharedAssets/ShroudCollider1p5
			scale = 1.875,1,1.875
			model = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/SharedAssets/ShroudCollider2
			scale = 1.875,1,1.875
			model = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/SharedAssets/ShroudCollider3
			scale = 1.875,1,1.875
			name = ModulePartVariants
			baseVariant = Short
			baseMass = 0
			baseCost = -14
				name = Short
				mass = 0.0
				cost = -14
				displayName = Short
				primaryColor = #3a562a
				secondaryColor = #999999
				sizeGroup = GroupB
					Shroud1p5x0 = true
					Shroud1p5x1 = false
					Shroud1p5x2 = false
					Shroud1p5x3 = false
					Shroud1p5x4 = false
					ShroudCollider0 = true
					ShroudCollider1 = false
					ShroudCollider1p5 = false
					ShroudCollider2 = false
					ShroudCollider3 = false
					ShroudCollider4 = false
					node_stack_bottom2 = 0.0, -0.625, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2
					node_stack_bottom1 = 0.0, -0.625, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2
				name = Medium-Short
				mass = 0.075
				cost = 198
				displayName = Medium-Short
				primaryColor = #3a562a
				secondaryColor = #999999
				sizeGroup = GroupB
					Shroud1p5x0 = false
					Shroud1p5x1 = true
					Shroud1p5x2 = false
					Shroud1p5x3 = false
					Shroud1p5x4 = false
					ShroudCollider0 = false
					ShroudCollider1 = true
					ShroudCollider1p5 = false
					ShroudCollider2 = false
					ShroudCollider3 = false
					ShroudCollider4 = false
					node_stack_bottom2 = 0.0, -1.25, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2
					node_stack_bottom1 = 0.0, -1.25, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2
				name = Medium
				mass = 0.150
				cost = 389
				displayName = Medium
				primaryColor = #3a562a
				secondaryColor = #999999
				sizeGroup = GroupB
					Shroud1p5x0 = false
					Shroud1p5x1 = false
					Shroud1p5x2 = true
					Shroud1p5x3 = false
					Shroud1p5x4 = false
					ShroudCollider0 = false
					ShroudCollider1 = false
					ShroudCollider1p5 = true
					ShroudCollider2 = false
					ShroudCollider3 = false
					ShroudCollider4 = false
					node_stack_bottom2 = 0.0, -1.875, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2
					node_stack_bottom1 = 0.0, -1.875, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2
				name = Medium-Long
				mass = 0.225
				cost = 567
				displayName = Medium-Long
				primaryColor = #3a562a
				secondaryColor = #999999
				sizeGroup = GroupB
					Shroud1p5x0 = false
					Shroud1p5x1 = false
					Shroud1p5x2 = false
					Shroud1p5x3 = true
					Shroud1p5x4 = false
					ShroudCollider0 = false
					ShroudCollider1 = false
					ShroudCollider1p5 = false
					ShroudCollider2 = true
					ShroudCollider3 = false
					ShroudCollider4 = false
					node_stack_bottom2 = 0.0, -2.5, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2
					node_stack_bottom1 = 0.0, -2.5, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2
				name = Long
				mass = 0.375
				cost = 899
				displayName = Long
				primaryColor = #3a562a
				secondaryColor = #999999
				sizeGroup = GroupB
					Shroud1p5x0 = false
					Shroud1p5x1 = false
					Shroud1p5x2 = false
					Shroud1p5x3 = false
					Shroud1p5x4 = true
					ShroudCollider0 = false
					ShroudCollider1 = false
					ShroudCollider1p5 = false
					ShroudCollider2 = false
					ShroudCollider3 = true
					ShroudCollider4 = false
					node_stack_bottom2 = 0.0, -3.75, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2
					node_stack_bottom1 = 0.0, -3.75, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2
			cube = 0, 1.181,0.7783,1.009, 1.181,0.7783,1.009, 2.363,0.9796,0.1449, 2.363,0.9796,0.1449, 1.181,0.7779,1.009, 1.181,0.7779,1.009, 0,-0.3125,0, 1.875,0.625,1.875
			cube = 1, 2.335,0.7779,1.009, 2.335,0.7779,1.009, 2.363,0.9796,0.1449, 2.363,0.9796,0.1449, 2.335,0.7778,1.009, 2.335,0.7778,1.009, 0,-0.625,0, 1.875,1.25,1.875
			cube = 2, 3.516,0.7779,1.009, 3.516,0.7779,1.009, 2.363,0.9796,0.1449, 2.363,0.9796,0.1449, 3.516,0.7779,1.009, 3.516,0.7779,1.009, 0,-0.9375,0, 1.875,1.875,1.875
			cube = 3, 4.688,0.7778,1.001, 4.688,0.7778,1.001, 2.363,0.9796,0.1449, 2.363,0.9796,0.1449, 4.688,0.7776,1.001, 4.688,0.7776,1.001, 0,-1.25,0, 1.875,2.5,1.875
			cube = 4, 7.031,0.7784,0.9846, 7.031,0.7784,0.9846, 2.363,0.9796,0.1449, 2.363,0.9796,0.1449, 7.031,0.7782,0.9846, 7.031,0.7782,0.9846, 1.013E-06,-1.875,0, 1.875,3.75,1.875
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			stackableQuantity = 1
			packedVolume = -1
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Structural/Tube2.cfg
		name = Tube2
		module = Part
		author = RoverDude
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_top1 = 0,0,0,0,-1,0,2
		node_stack_bottom1 = 0,-0.2,0,0,1,0,2
		node_stack_top2 = 0,0,0,0,1,0,2
		node_stack_bottom2 = 0,-0.2,0,0,-1,0,2
		TechRequired = specializedConstruction
		entryCost = 3000
		cost = 300
		category = Structural
		subcategory = 0
		title = T-25 Structural Tube
		manufacturer = Rokea Inc
		description = What is a fuel tank without the internal tank? Just a shell.
		attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0
		mass = 0.075
		thermalMassModifier = 2.0
		skinMassPerArea = 4.0
		skinInternalConductionMult = 0.25
		emissiveConstant = 0.8
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 9
		maxTemp = 2600
		tags = hollow pipe tube support structur build construct struct 2.5 huge jumbo large big
		stageOffset = 1
		childStageOffset = 1
		inverseStageCarryover = false
		bulkheadProfiles = size2
			model = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/SharedAssets/Shroud2x0
			model = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/SharedAssets/Shroud2x1
			model = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/SharedAssets/Shroud2x2
			model = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/SharedAssets/Shroud2x3
			model = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/SharedAssets/Shroud2x4
			model = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/SharedAssets/ShroudCollider0
			scale = 2.5,1,2.5
			model = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/SharedAssets/ShroudCollider1
			scale = 2.5,1,2.5
			model = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/SharedAssets/ShroudCollider1p5
			scale = 2.5,1,2.5
			model = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/SharedAssets/ShroudCollider2
			scale = 2.5,1,2.5
			model = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/SharedAssets/ShroudCollider3
			scale = 2.5,1,2.5
			name = ModulePartVariants
			baseVariant = Short
			baseMass = 0.058
			baseCost = 153
				name = Short
				mass = 0.058
				cost = 153
				displayName = Short
				primaryColor = #3a562a
				secondaryColor = #999999
				sizeGroup = GroupB
					Shroud2x0 = true
					Shroud2x1 = false
					Shroud2x2 = false
					Shroud2x3 = false
					Shroud2x4 = false
					ShroudCollider0 = true
					ShroudCollider1 = false
					ShroudCollider1p5 = false
					ShroudCollider2 = false
					ShroudCollider3 = false
					ShroudCollider4 = false
					node_stack_bottom2 = 0.0, -0.625, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2
					node_stack_bottom1 = 0.0, -0.625, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2
				name = Medium-Short
				mass = 0.192
				cost = 489
				displayName = Medium-Short
				primaryColor = #3a562a
				secondaryColor = #999999
				sizeGroup = GroupB
					Shroud2x0 = false
					Shroud2x1 = true
					Shroud2x2 = false
					Shroud2x3 = false
					Shroud2x4 = false
					ShroudCollider0 = false
					ShroudCollider1 = true
					ShroudCollider1p5 = false
					ShroudCollider2 = false
					ShroudCollider3 = false
					ShroudCollider4 = false
					node_stack_bottom2 = 0.0, -1.25, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2
					node_stack_bottom1 = 0.0, -1.25, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2
				name = Medium
				mass = 0.325
				cost = 791
				displayName = Medium
				primaryColor = #3a562a
				secondaryColor = #999999
				sizeGroup = GroupB
					Shroud2x0 = false
					Shroud2x1 = false
					Shroud2x2 = true
					Shroud2x3 = false
					Shroud2x4 = false
					ShroudCollider0 = false
					ShroudCollider1 = false
					ShroudCollider1p5 = true
					ShroudCollider2 = false
					ShroudCollider3 = false
					ShroudCollider4 = false
					node_stack_bottom2 = 0.0, -1.875, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2
					node_stack_bottom1 = 0.0, -1.875, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2
				name = Medium-Long
				mass = 0.458
				cost = 1074
				displayName = Medium-Long
				primaryColor = #3a562a
				secondaryColor = #999999
				sizeGroup = GroupB
					Shroud2x0 = false
					Shroud2x1 = false
					Shroud2x2 = false
					Shroud2x3 = true
					Shroud2x4 = false
					ShroudCollider0 = false
					ShroudCollider1 = false
					ShroudCollider1p5 = false
					ShroudCollider2 = true
					ShroudCollider3 = false
					ShroudCollider4 = false
					node_stack_bottom2 = 0.0, -2.5, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2
					node_stack_bottom1 = 0.0, -2.5, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2
				name = Long
				mass = 0.725
				cost = 1600
				displayName = Long
				primaryColor = #3a562a
				secondaryColor = #999999
				sizeGroup = GroupB
					Shroud2x0 = false
					Shroud2x1 = false
					Shroud2x2 = false
					Shroud2x3 = false
					Shroud2x4 = true
					ShroudCollider0 = false
					ShroudCollider1 = false
					ShroudCollider1p5 = false
					ShroudCollider2 = false
					ShroudCollider3 = true
					ShroudCollider4 = false
					node_stack_bottom2 = 0.0, -3.75, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2
					node_stack_bottom1 = 0.0, -3.75, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2
			cube = 0, 1.563,0.7781,1.313, 1.563,0.7781,1.313, 4.87,0.9796,0.1611, 4.87,0.9796,0.1611, 1.563,0.7776,1.313, 1.563,0.7776,1.313, 0,-0.3125,0, 2.5,0.625,2.5
			cube = 1, 3.125,0.7779,1.313, 3.125,0.7779,1.313, 4.87,0.9796,0.1611, 4.87,0.9796,0.1611, 3.125,0.7775,1.313, 3.125,0.7775,1.313, 0,-0.625,0, 2.5,1.25,2.5
			cube = 2, 4.688,0.7778,1.313, 4.688,0.7778,1.313, 4.87,0.9796,0.1611, 4.87,0.9796,0.1611, 4.688,0.7776,1.313, 4.688,0.7776,1.313, 0,-0.9375,0, 2.5,1.875,2.5
			cube = 3, 6.25,0.7778,1.313, 6.25,0.7778,1.313, 4.87,0.9796,0.1611, 4.87,0.9796,0.1611, 6.25,0.7776,1.313, 6.25,0.7776,1.313, 0,-1.25,0, 2.5,2.5,2.5
			cube = 4, 9.338,0.7814,1.26, 9.338,0.7814,1.26, 4.87,0.9796,0.1611, 4.87,0.9796,0.1611, 9.338,0.7812,1.26, 9.338,0.7812,1.26, -5.364E-07,-1.875,0, 2.5,3.75,2.5
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			stackableQuantity = 1
			packedVolume = -1
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Structural/Tube3.cfg
		name = Tube3
		module = Part
		author = RoverDude
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_top1 = 0,0,0,0,-1,0,3
		node_stack_bottom1 = 0,-0.2,0,0,1,0,3
		node_stack_top2 = 0,0,0,0,1,0,3
		node_stack_bottom2 = 0,-0.2,0,0,-1,0,3
		TechRequired = composites
		entryCost = 3000
		cost = 300
		category = Structural
		subcategory = 0
		title = T-37 Structural Tube
		manufacturer = Rokea Inc
		description = The cost of manufacturing these tubes is high, per loop. Use sparingly.
		attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0
		mass = 0.075
		thermalMassModifier = 2.0
		skinMassPerArea = 4.0
		skinInternalConductionMult = 0.25
		emissiveConstant = 0.8
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 9
		maxTemp = 2600
		tags = hollow pipe tube support structur build construct struct 3.75 enormous massive gigantic giant
		stageOffset = 1
		childStageOffset = 1
		inverseStageCarryover = false
		bulkheadProfiles = size3
			model = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/SharedAssets/Shroud3x0
			model = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/SharedAssets/Shroud3x1
			model = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/SharedAssets/Shroud3x2
			model = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/SharedAssets/Shroud3x3
			model = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/SharedAssets/Shroud3x4
			model = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/SharedAssets/ShroudCollider1
			scale = 3.75,1,3.75
			model = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/SharedAssets/ShroudCollider1p5
			scale = 3.75,1,3.75
			model = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/SharedAssets/ShroudCollider2
			scale = 3.75,1,3.75
			model = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/SharedAssets/ShroudCollider3
			scale = 3.75,1,3.75
			model = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/SharedAssets/ShroudCollider4
			scale = 3.75,1,3.75
			name = ModulePartVariants
			baseVariant = Short
			baseMass = 0.525
			baseCost = 1209
				name = Short
				mass = 0.525
				cost = 1209
				displayName = Short
				primaryColor = #3a562a
				secondaryColor = #999999
				sizeGroup = GroupB
					Shroud3x0 = true
					Shroud3x1 = false
					Shroud3x2 = false
					Shroud3x3 = false
					Shroud3x4 = false
					ShroudCollider0 = false
					ShroudCollider1 = true
					ShroudCollider1p5 = false
					ShroudCollider2 = false
					ShroudCollider3 = false
					ShroudCollider4 = false
					node_stack_bottom2 = 0.0, -1.25, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 3
					node_stack_bottom1 = 0.0, -1.25, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 3
				name = Medium-Short
				mass = 0.825
				cost = 1788
				displayName = Medium-Short
				primaryColor = #3a562a
				secondaryColor = #999999
				sizeGroup = GroupB
					Shroud3x0 = false
					Shroud3x1 = true
					Shroud3x2 = false
					Shroud3x3 = false
					Shroud3x4 = false
					ShroudCollider0 = false
					ShroudCollider1 = false
					ShroudCollider1p5 = true
					ShroudCollider2 = false
					ShroudCollider3 = false
					ShroudCollider4 = false
					node_stack_bottom2 = 0.0, -1.875, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 3
					node_stack_bottom1 = 0.0, -1.875, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 3
				name = Medium
				mass = 1.125
				cost = 2328
				displayName = Medium
				primaryColor = #3a562a
				secondaryColor = #999999
				sizeGroup = GroupB
					Shroud3x0 = false
					Shroud3x1 = false
					Shroud3x2 = true
					Shroud3x3 = false
					Shroud3x4 = false
					ShroudCollider0 = false
					ShroudCollider1 = false
					ShroudCollider1p5 = false
					ShroudCollider2 = true
					ShroudCollider3 = false
					ShroudCollider4 = false
					node_stack_bottom2 = 0.0, -2.5, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 3
					node_stack_bottom1 = 0.0, -2.5, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 3
				name = Medium-Long
				mass = 1.725
				cost = 3335
				displayName = Medium-Long
				primaryColor = #3a562a
				secondaryColor = #999999
				sizeGroup = GroupB
					Shroud3x0 = false
					Shroud3x1 = false
					Shroud3x2 = false
					Shroud3x3 = true
					Shroud3x4 = false
					ShroudCollider0 = false
					ShroudCollider1 = false
					ShroudCollider1p5 = false
					ShroudCollider2 = false
					ShroudCollider3 = true
					ShroudCollider4 = false
					node_stack_bottom2 = 0.0, -3.75, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 3
					node_stack_bottom1 = 0.0, -3.75, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 3
				name = Long
				mass = 2.325
				cost = 4276
				displayName = Long
				primaryColor = #3a562a
				secondaryColor = #999999
				sizeGroup = GroupB
					Shroud3x0 = false
					Shroud3x1 = false
					Shroud3x2 = false
					Shroud3x3 = false
					Shroud3x4 = true
					ShroudCollider0 = false
					ShroudCollider1 = false
					ShroudCollider1p5 = false
					ShroudCollider2 = false
					ShroudCollider3 = false
					ShroudCollider4 = true
					node_stack_bottom2 = 0.0, -5, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 3
					node_stack_bottom1 = 0.0, -5, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 3
			cube = 0, 4.724,0.778,1.921, 4.724,0.778,1.921, 11.0,0.9796,0.192, 11.0,0.9796,0.192, 4.724,0.7776,1.921, 4.724,0.7776,1.921, 0,-0.625,0, 3.75,1.25,3.75
			cube = 1, 7.031,0.7779,1.921, 7.031,0.7779,1.921, 11.0,0.9796,0.192, 11.0,0.9796,0.192, 7.031,0.7775,1.921, 7.031,0.7775,1.921, -4.768E-07,-0.9375,0, 3.75,1.875,3.75
			cube = 2, 9.338,0.7778,1.921, 9.338,0.7778,1.921, 11.0,0.9796,0.192, 11.0,0.9796,0.192, 9.338,0.7775,1.921, 9.338,0.7775,1.921, 0,-1.25,0, 3.75,2.5,3.75
			cube = 3, 14.06,0.7778,1.921, 14.06,0.7778,1.921, 11.0,0.9796,0.192, 11.0,0.9796,0.192, 14.06,0.7776,1.921, 14.06,0.7776,1.921, 0,-1.875,0, 3.75,3.75,3.75
			cube = 4, 18.75,0.7777,1.905, 18.75,0.7777,1.905, 11.0,0.9796,0.192, 11.0,0.9796,0.192, 18.75,0.7777,1.905, 18.75,0.7777,1.905, 0,-2.5,0, 3.75,5,3.75
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Structural/Tube4.cfg
		name = Tube4
		module = Part
		author = RoverDude
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_top1 = 0,0,0,0,-1,0,4
		node_stack_bottom1 = 0,-0.2,0,0,1,0,4
		node_stack_top2 = 0,0,0,0,1,0,4
		node_stack_bottom2 = 0,-0.2,0,0,-1,0,4
		TechRequired = metaMaterials
		entryCost = 3000
		cost = 300
		category = Structural
		subcategory = 0
		title = T-50 Structural Tube
		manufacturer = Rokea Inc
		description = Stacking enough of these could make a revolutionary snack delivery system.
		attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0
		mass = 0.075
		thermalMassModifier = 2.0
		skinMassPerArea = 4.0
		skinInternalConductionMult = 0.25
		emissiveConstant = 0.8
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 9
		maxTemp = 2600
		tags = hollow pipe tube support structur build construct struct 3.75 enormous massive gigantic giant 5.0
		stageOffset = 1
		childStageOffset = 1
		inverseStageCarryover = false
		bulkheadProfiles = size4
			model = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/SharedAssets/Shroud4x0
			model = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/SharedAssets/Shroud4x1
			model = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/SharedAssets/Shroud4x2
			model = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/SharedAssets/Shroud4x3
			model = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/SharedAssets/Shroud4x4
			model = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/SharedAssets/ShroudCollider1
			scale = 5,1,5
			model = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/SharedAssets/ShroudCollider1p5
			scale = 5,1,5
			model = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/SharedAssets/ShroudCollider2
			scale = 5,1,5
			model = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/SharedAssets/ShroudCollider3
			scale = 5,1,5
			model = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/SharedAssets/ShroudCollider4
			scale = 5,1,5
			name = ModulePartVariants
			baseVariant = Short
			baseMass = 0.992
			baseCost = 2092
				name = Short
				mass = 0.992
				cost = 2092
				displayName = Short
				primaryColor = #3a562a
				secondaryColor = #999999
				sizeGroup = GroupB
					Shroud4x0 = true
					Shroud4x1 = false
					Shroud4x2 = false
					Shroud4x3 = false
					Shroud4x4 = false
					ShroudCollider0 = false
					ShroudCollider1 = true
					ShroudCollider1p5 = false
					ShroudCollider2 = false
					ShroudCollider3 = false
					ShroudCollider4 = false
					node_stack_bottom2 = 0.0, -1.25, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 4
					node_stack_bottom1 = 0.0, -1.25, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 4
				name = Medium-Short
				mass = 1.525
				cost = 3008
				displayName = Medium-Short
				primaryColor = #3a562a
				secondaryColor = #999999
				sizeGroup = GroupB
					Shroud4x0 = false
					Shroud4x1 = true
					Shroud4x2 = false
					Shroud4x3 = false
					Shroud4x4 = false
					ShroudCollider0 = false
					ShroudCollider1 = false
					ShroudCollider1p5 = true
					ShroudCollider2 = false
					ShroudCollider3 = false
					ShroudCollider4 = false
					node_stack_bottom2 = 0.0, -1.875, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 4
					node_stack_bottom1 = 0.0, -1.875, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 4
				name = Medium
				mass = 2.058
				cost = 3864
				displayName = Medium
				primaryColor = #3a562a
				secondaryColor = #999999
				sizeGroup = GroupB
					Shroud4x0 = false
					Shroud4x1 = false
					Shroud4x2 = true
					Shroud4x3 = false
					Shroud4x4 = false
					ShroudCollider0 = false
					ShroudCollider1 = false
					ShroudCollider1p5 = false
					ShroudCollider2 = true
					ShroudCollider3 = false
					ShroudCollider4 = false
					node_stack_bottom2 = 0.0, -2.5, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 4
					node_stack_bottom1 = 0.0, -2.5, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 4
				name = Medium-Long
				mass = 3.125
				cost = 5460
				displayName = Medium-Long
				primaryColor = #3a562a
				secondaryColor = #999999
				sizeGroup = GroupB
					Shroud4x0 = false
					Shroud4x1 = false
					Shroud4x2 = false
					Shroud4x3 = true
					Shroud4x4 = false
					ShroudCollider0 = false
					ShroudCollider1 = false
					ShroudCollider1p5 = false
					ShroudCollider2 = false
					ShroudCollider3 = true
					ShroudCollider4 = false
					node_stack_bottom2 = 0.0, -3.75, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 4
					node_stack_bottom1 = 0.0, -3.75, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 4
				name = Long
				mass = 4.192
				cost = 6951
				displayName = Long
				primaryColor = #3a562a
				secondaryColor = #999999
				sizeGroup = GroupB
					Shroud4x0 = false
					Shroud4x1 = false
					Shroud4x2 = false
					Shroud4x3 = false
					Shroud4x4 = true
					ShroudCollider0 = false
					ShroudCollider1 = false
					ShroudCollider1p5 = false
					ShroudCollider2 = false
					ShroudCollider3 = false
					ShroudCollider4 = true
					node_stack_bottom2 = 0.0, -5, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 4
					node_stack_bottom1 = 0.0, -5, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 4
			cube = 0, 6.25,0.7781,2.529, 6.25,0.7781,2.529, 19.48,0.9796,0.2207, 19.48,0.9796,0.2207, 6.25,0.7776,2.529, 6.25,0.7776,2.529, 0,-0.625,0, 5,1.25,5
			cube = 1, 9.375,0.7779,2.529, 9.375,0.7779,2.529, 19.48,0.9796,0.2207, 19.48,0.9796,0.2207, 9.375,0.7776,2.529, 9.375,0.7776,2.529, 9.537E-07,-0.9375,0, 5,1.875,5
			cube = 2, 12.5,0.7779,2.529, 12.5,0.7779,2.529, 19.48,0.9796,0.2207, 19.48,0.9796,0.2207, 12.5,0.7775,2.529, 12.5,0.7775,2.529, 9.537E-07,-1.25,0, 5,2.5,5
			cube = 3, 18.75,0.7778,2.529, 18.75,0.7778,2.529, 19.48,0.9796,0.2207, 19.48,0.9796,0.2207, 18.75,0.7776,2.529, 18.75,0.7776,2.529, 0,-1.875,0, 5,3.75,5
			cube = 4, 25,0.7778,2.529, 25,0.7778,2.529, 19.48,0.9796,0.2207, 19.48,0.9796,0.2207, 25,0.7776,2.529, 25,0.7776,2.529, 4.768E-07,-2.5,0, 5,5,5
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Thermal/HeatShield1p5.cfg
		name = HeatShield1p5
		module = Part
		author = RoverDude
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_direct = 0.0, -0.00, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.295, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.125, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2
		CoPOffset = 0.0, 0.7, 0.0
		CoLOffset = 0.0, -0.25, 0.0
		fx_gasBurst_white = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, decouple
		sound_vent_large = decouple
		TechRequired = landing
		entryCost = 900
		cost = 500
		category = Thermal
		subcategory = 0
		title = Heat Shield (1.875m)
		manufacturer = O.M.B. Demolition Enterprises
		description = A medium structural heat shield with an integrated fairing
		attachRules = 1,0,1,0,0
		mass = 0.3
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 2
		breakingForce = 200
		breakingTorque = 200
		crashTolerance = 9
		maxTemp = 3300
		fuelCrossFeed = False
		PhysicsSignificance = 0
		stageOffset = 1
		childStageOffset = 1
		bulkheadProfiles = size1p5
		thermalMassModifier = 1.0
		tags = ablat drag entry insulate protect re- rocket therm
			model = Squad/Parts/Aero/HeatShield/HeatShield2
			scale = 0.75,0.75,0.75
			name = ModuleJettison
			jettisonName = fairing
			bottomNodeName = bottom
			isFairing = True
			jettisonedObjectMass = 0.5
			jettisonForce = 15
			jettisonDirection = 0 0 1
			stagingEnabled = False
			checkBottomNode = True
			name = ModuleDecouple
			ejectionForce = 100
			isOmniDecoupler = true
			menuName = Jettison Heat Shield
			stagingEnabled = False
			stagingEnableText = HS Jettison Not Staged
			stagingDisableText = HS Jettison Staged
			name = ModuleAblator
			ablativeResource = Ablator
			lossExp = -7500
			lossConst = 0.1
			pyrolysisLossFactor = 6000
			reentryConductivity = 0.01
			ablationTempThresh = 500
			useChar = True
			charModuleName = shieldChar
			name = ModuleColorChanger
			moduleID = shieldChar
			shaderProperty = _BurnColor
			useRate = False
			toggleInEditor = False
			toggleInFlight = False
				key = 0 0
				key = 1 1
				key = 0 0
				key = 1 1
				key = 0 0
				key = 1 1
				key = 0 0.8
			name = ModuleTestSubject
			useStaging = False
			useEvent = True
			situationMask = 15
				type = ATMOSPHERE
				value = True
				type = SITUATION
				value = 11
				body = _NotHome
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = LT
				value = 350
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = GT
				value = 250
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = LT
				value = 500
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = GT
				value = 300
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = LT
				value = 600
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = SPEEDENV
				test = GT
				value = 400
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = SPEED
				test = LT
				value = 1500
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEED
				test = GT
				value = 1000
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Trivial
				type = SPEED
				test = LT
				value = 2500
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEED
				test = GT
				value = 1500
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Significant
				type = SPEED
				test = LT
				value = 6000
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = SPEED
				test = GT
				value = 2000
				situationMask = 8
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = DENSITY
				test = LT
				value = 0.1
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 4000
				prestige = Trivial
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 6000
				prestige = Trivial
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 8000
				prestige = Significant
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 12000
				prestige = Significant
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = GT
				value = 12000
				prestige = Exceptional
				type = ALTITUDEENV
				test = LT
				value = 16000
				prestige = Exceptional
				value = ALWAYS
				prestige = Trivial
				prestige = Significant
				value = ONCEPERPART
				prestige = Exceptional
			name = Ablator
			amount = 500
			maxAmount = 500
			name = ModuleLiftingSurface
			useInternalDragModel = False
			deflectionLiftCoeff = 1.5
			liftingSurfaceCurve = CapsuleBottom
			disableBodyLift = False
			omnidirectional = False
			perpendicularOnly = True
			transformDir = Y
			transformSign = -1
			nodeEnabled = True
			attachNodeName = bottom
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 1000
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Utility/flags/flagSize1p5/flagSize1p5.cfg
		name = flagPartSize1p5
		module = Part
		author = Squad
		rescaleFactor = 1.033
		TechRequired = advConstruction
		entryCost = 850
		cost = 7.5
		category = Utility
		subcategory = 0
		title = RFP-1.5 Flag (1.875m)
		manufacturer = Rokea Inc
		description = A flag that can be applied to size 1.5 tanks and other parts with the same curvature to show pride in your mission. Or use a different mission flag, if you really want to go that way.
		attachRules = 0,1,0,0,1
		node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 0.04, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0
		mass = 0.000125
		PhysicsSignificance = 1
		dragModelType = none
		maximum_drag = 0.0
		minimum_drag = 0.0
		angularDrag = 0
		bodyLiftMultiplier = 0
		crashTolerance = 12
		maxTemp = 2000
		bulkheadProfiles = srf,size1p5
		tags = decal (deco
			model = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Utility/flags/flagSize1p5/flagSize1p5Meshes
			name = FlagDecalBackground
				name = small
				displayName = Small
				meshName = 1.875SmallPortrait
				orientation = PORTRAIT
				indexOffset = 0
				variantNames = White,Dark,Orange,TransparentBackground
				mass = 0.0002
				cost = 3.75
				name = small
				displayName = Small
				meshName = 1.875SmallLandscape
				orientation = LANDSCAPE
				indexOffset = 0
				variantNames = White,Dark,Orange,TransparentBackground
				mass = 0
				cost = 0
				name = small
				displayName = Small Panel
				meshName = 1.875SmallPortraitPanel
				orientation = PORTRAIT
				indexOffset = 1000
				variantNames = WhitePanel,DarkPanel,OrangePanel
				mass = 0.003125
				cost = 15
				name = small
				displayName = Small Panel
				meshName = 1.875SmallLandscapePanel
				orientation = LANDSCAPE
				indexOffset = 1000
				variantNames = WhitePanel,DarkPanel,OrangePanel
				mass = 0.001125
				cost = 7.5
				name = medium
				displayName = Medium
				meshName = 1.875MediumPortrait
				orientation = PORTRAIT
				indexOffset = 0
				variantNames = White,Dark,Orange,TransparentBackground
				mass = 0.001175
				cost = 15
				name = medium
				displayName = Medium
				meshName = 1.875MediumLandscape
				orientation = LANDSCAPE
				indexOffset = 0
				variantNames = White,Dark,Orange,TransparentBackground
				mass = 0.000375
				cost = 7.5
				name = medium
				displayName = Medium Panel
				meshName = 1.875MediumPortraitPanel
				orientation = PORTRAIT
				indexOffset = 1000
				variantNames = WhitePanel,DarkPanel,OrangePanel
				mass = 0.012875
				cost = 37.5
				name = medium
				displayName = Medium Panel
				meshName = 1.875MediumLandscapePanel
				orientation = LANDSCAPE
				indexOffset = 1000
				variantNames = WhitePanel,DarkPanel,OrangePanel
				mass = 0.004875
				cost = 22.5
				name = large
				displayName = Large
				meshName = 1.875LargePortrait
				orientation = PORTRAIT
				indexOffset = 0
				variantNames = White,Dark,Orange,TransparentBackground
				mass = 0.005075
				cost = 37.5
				name = large
				displayName = Large
				meshName = 1.875LargeLandscape
				orientation = LANDSCAPE
				indexOffset = 0
				variantNames = White,Dark,Orange,TransparentBackground
				mass = 0.001875
				cost = 22.5
				name = large
				displayName = Large Panel
				meshName = 1.875LargePortraitPanel
				orientation = PORTRAIT
				indexOffset = 1000
				variantNames = WhitePanel,DarkPanel,OrangePanel
				mass = 0.051875
				cost = 82.5
				name = large
				displayName = Large Panel
				meshName = 1.875LargeLandscapePanel
				orientation = LANDSCAPE
				indexOffset = 1000
				variantNames = WhitePanel,DarkPanel,OrangePanel
				mass = 0.019875
				cost = 52.5
			name = ModulePartVariants
			primaryColor = #ffffff
			secondaryColor = #ffffff
			baseVariant = White
			baseThemeName = White
			useMultipleDragCubes = false
				name = White
				displayName = White
				primaryColor = #ffffff
				secondaryColor = #ffffff
				sizeGroup = nonStructural
					backTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Utility/flags/backgroundTextures/white_background
					backColor = #ffffffff
				name = Dark
				displayName = Dark
				description = Come to the dark side
				primaryColor = #000000
				secondaryColor = #000000
				sizeGroup = nonStructural
					backTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Utility/flags/backgroundTextures/dark_background
					backColor = #ffffffff
				name = Orange
				displayName = Orange
				description = Doesn't taste like...
				primaryColor = #f49841
				secondaryColor = #f49841
				sizeGroup = nonStructural
					backTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Utility/flags/backgroundTextures/orange_background
					backColor = #ffffffff
				name = TransparentBackground
				displayName = Transparent Background
				primaryColor = #ffffff
				secondaryColor = #ffffff
				sizeGroup = nonStructural
					backColor = #ffffff00
				name = WhitePanel
				displayName = White Panel
				primaryColor = #ffffff
				secondaryColor = #ffffff
				attachRules = 0,1,0,1,1
				sizeGroup = structural
					backTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Utility/flags/backgroundTextures/white_background
					backColor = #ffffffff
				name = DarkPanel
				displayName = Dark Panel
				primaryColor = #000000
				secondaryColor = #000000
				attachRules = 0,1,0,1,1
				sizeGroup = structural
					backTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Utility/flags/backgroundTextures/dark_background
					backColor = #ffffffff
				name = OrangePanel
				displayName = Orange Panel
				primaryColor = #f49841
				secondaryColor = #f49841
				attachRules = 0,1,0,1,1
				sizeGroup = structural
					backTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Utility/flags/backgroundTextures/orange_background
					backColor = #ffffffff
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			stackableQuantity = 4
			packedVolume = 4
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Utility/flags/flagSize4/flagSize4.cfg
		name = flagPartSize4
		module = Part
		author = Squad
		rescaleFactor = 1.025
		TechRequired = metaMaterials
		entryCost = 2000
		cost = 25
		category = Utility
		subcategory = 0
		title = RFP-4 Flag (5m)
		manufacturer = Rokea Inc
		description = A huge flag that can be applied to size 4 tanks and other parts with the same curvature to show pride in your mission. Or use a different mission flag, if you really want to go that way.
		attachRules = 0,1,0,0,1
		node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 0.1, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0
		mass = 0.0009
		PhysicsSignificance = 1
		dragModelType = none
		maximum_drag = 0.0
		minimum_drag = 0.0
		angularDrag = 0
		bodyLiftMultiplier = 0
		crashTolerance = 12
		maxTemp = 2000
		bulkheadProfiles = srf,size4
		tags = decal (deco
			model = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Utility/flags/flagSize4/flagSize4Meshes
			name = FlagDecalBackground
				name = small
				displayName = Small
				meshName = 5.0SmallPortrait
				orientation = PORTRAIT
				indexOffset = 0
				variantNames = White,Dark,Orange,TransparentBackground
				mass = 0.00144
				cost = 12.5
				name = small
				displayName = Small
				meshName = 5.0SmallLandscape
				orientation = LANDSCAPE
				indexOffset = 0
				variantNames = White,Dark,Orange,TransparentBackground
				mass = 0
				cost = 0
				name = small
				displayName = Small Panel
				meshName = 5.0SmallPortraitPanel
				orientation = PORTRAIT
				indexOffset = 1000
				variantNames = WhitePanel,DarkPanel,OrangePanel
				mass = 0.0225
				cost = 50
				name = small
				displayName = Small Panel
				meshName = 5.0SmallLandscapePanel
				orientation = LANDSCAPE
				indexOffset = 1000
				variantNames = WhitePanel,DarkPanel,OrangePanel
				mass = 0.0081
				cost = 25
				name = medium
				displayName = Medium
				meshName = 5.0MediumPortrait
				orientation = PORTRAIT
				indexOffset = 0
				variantNames = White,Dark,Orange,TransparentBackground
				mass = 0.00846
				cost = 50
				name = medium
				displayName = Medium
				meshName = 5.0MediumLandscape
				orientation = LANDSCAPE
				indexOffset = 0
				variantNames = White,Dark,Orange,TransparentBackground
				mass = 0.0027
				cost = 25
				name = medium
				displayName = Medium Panel
				meshName = 5.0MediumPortraitPanel
				orientation = PORTRAIT
				indexOffset = 1000
				variantNames = WhitePanel,DarkPanel,OrangePanel
				mass = 0.0927
				cost = 125
				name = medium
				displayName = Medium Panel
				meshName = 5.0MediumLandscapePanel
				orientation = LANDSCAPE
				indexOffset = 1000
				variantNames = WhitePanel,DarkPanel,OrangePanel
				mass = 0.0351
				cost = 75
				name = large
				displayName = Large
				meshName = 5.0LargePortrait
				orientation = PORTRAIT
				indexOffset = 0
				variantNames = White,Dark,Orange,TransparentBackground
				mass = 0.03654
				cost = 125
				name = large
				displayName = Large
				meshName = 5.0LargeLandscape
				orientation = LANDSCAPE
				indexOffset = 0
				variantNames = White,Dark,Orange,TransparentBackground
				mass = 0.0135
				cost = 75
				name = large
				displayName = Large Panel
				meshName = 5.0LargePortraitPanel
				orientation = PORTRAIT
				indexOffset = 1000
				variantNames = WhitePanel,DarkPanel,OrangePanel
				mass = 0.3735
				cost = 275
				name = large
				displayName = Large Panel
				meshName = 5.0LargeLandscapePanel
				orientation = LANDSCAPE
				indexOffset = 1000
				variantNames = WhitePanel,DarkPanel,OrangePanel
				mass = 0.1431
				cost = 175
			name = ModulePartVariants
			primaryColor = #ffffff
			secondaryColor = #ffffff
			baseVariant = White
			baseThemeName = White
			useMultipleDragCubes = false
				name = White
				displayName = White
				primaryColor = #ffffff
				secondaryColor = #ffffff
				sizeGroup = nonStructural
					backTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Utility/flags/backgroundTextures/white_background
					backColor = #ffffffff
				name = Dark
				displayName = Dark
				description = Come to the dark side
				primaryColor = #000000
				secondaryColor = #000000
				sizeGroup = nonStructural
					backTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Utility/flags/backgroundTextures/dark_background
					backColor = #ffffffff
				name = Orange
				displayName = Orange
				description = Doesn't taste like...
				primaryColor = #f49841
				secondaryColor = #f49841
				sizeGroup = nonStructural
					backTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Utility/flags/backgroundTextures/orange_background
					backColor = #ffffffff
				name = TransparentBackground
				displayName = Transparent Background
				primaryColor = #ffffff
				secondaryColor = #ffffff
				sizeGroup = nonStructural
					backColor = #ffffff00
				name = WhitePanel
				displayName = White Panel
				primaryColor = #ffffff
				secondaryColor = #ffffff
				attachRules = 0,1,0,1,1
				sizeGroup = structural
					backTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Utility/flags/backgroundTextures/white_background
					backColor = #ffffffff
				name = DarkPanel
				displayName = Dark Panel
				primaryColor = #000000
				secondaryColor = #000000
				attachRules = 0,1,0,1,1
				sizeGroup = structural
					backTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Utility/flags/backgroundTextures/dark_background
					backColor = #ffffffff
				name = OrangePanel
				displayName = Orange Panel
				primaryColor = #f49841
				secondaryColor = #f49841
				attachRules = 0,1,0,1,1
				sizeGroup = structural
					backTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Utility/flags/backgroundTextures/orange_background
					backColor = #ffffffff
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 25
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Spaces/KVPods/Airlock_Internal.cfg
		name = Airlock_IVA
			model = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Spaces/KVPods/Airlock_IVA
			name = InternalSeat
			seatTransformName = Kerbal
			allowCrewHelmet = false
			portraitCameraName = pilotCamera
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Spaces/KVPods/KV1_Internal.cfg
		name = KV1_IVA
			model = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Spaces/KVPods/KV1_IVA
			name = InternalSeat
			seatTransformName = pilotSeat
			portraitCameraName = pilotCamera
			allowCrewHelmet = false
			name = InternalCameraSwitch
			colliderTransformName = WindowFocusPoint
			cameraTransformName = WindowEyeTransform
			name = InternalCameraSwitch
			colliderTransformName = WindowFocusPoint02
			cameraTransformName = WindowEyeTransform02
			name = throttle
			position = -0.4221,-0.2591,-0.3047
			rotation = -0.1894804,-0.01939299,0.04584752,0.9806218
			scale = 0.711005,0.711005,0.711005
			name = NavBall
			position = 0.1186931,-0.0336,-0.7163
			rotation = 0.7371424,0.00367268,-0.001350883,0.6757261
			scale = 2.337185,2.337185,2.337185
			name = IndicatorPanel
			position = -0.1433,-0.0041,-0.6933
			rotation = 0.527553,0,0,0.8495222
			scale = 0.9999999,1,1
			name = genericDirectionalKnob
			position = -0.0283,-0.0167,-0.6991
			rotation = 0.5092185,-0.3009585,-0.2018885,0.7806162
			scale = 1.5,1.5,1.5
			name = AtmosphereDepth
			position = -0.0283,-0.0534,-0.6841
			rotation = 0.3855887,0.5927237,0.3746938,0.5996704
			scale = 1.396604,1.396604,1.396604
			name = Compass
			position = -0.0283,0.024,-0.7219
			rotation = 0.3750048,-0.599476,-0.3750048,0.599476
			scale = 0.8,0.8,0.8
			name = VSI
			position = 0.1677,-0.2466,-0.5883
			rotation = 0.5342482,0,0,0.8453277
			scale = 1.3,1.3,1.3
			name = RadarAltimeter
			position = -0.1523,-0.2469,-0.5891
			rotation = 0.5342482,0,0,0.8453277
			scale = 1.3,1.3,1.3
			name = AxisIndicatorRoll
			position = -0.0973,-0.1102,-0.6587
			rotation = 0.3796262,-0.5965601,-0.3790013,0.5969573
			scale = 1.396604,1.396604,1.396604
			name = AxisIndicatorYaw
			position = -0.0973,-0.1722,-0.6307
			rotation = 0.3809892,-0.5956906,-0.3776354,0.5978223
			scale = 1.396604,1.396604,1.396604
			name = AxisIndicatorPitch
			position = -0.1753,-0.1422,-0.6447
			rotation = 0,-0.8453085,-0.5342786,0
			scale = 1.396604,1.396604,1.396605
			name = genericPullSwitch
			position = 0.1906931,-0.1312701,-0.644851
			rotation = 0.5382414,0.007947954,-0.000358734,0.8427532
			scale = 1.5,1.5,1.5
			name = genericPullSwitch
			position = 0.03169314,-0.1311922,-0.6448042
			rotation = 0.5382414,0.007947954,-0.000358734,0.8427532
			scale = 1.5,1.5,1.5
			name = ledPanelSpeed
			position = 0.1186931,-0.1312348,-0.6448298
			rotation = 0.5510643,-1.211313E-05,-0.0002854023,0.8344628
			scale = 1.2,1.2,1.2
			name = AltimeterThreeHands
			position = 0.0077,-0.2004,-0.6039
			rotation = 0.5299192,0,0,0.8480481
			scale = 1.1,1.1,1.1
			name = genericClusterSwitches06
			position = 0.3562,-0.1389,-0.545
			rotation = 0.5125703,-0.2866763,0.295456,0.7535212
			scale = 1.2,1.2,1.200001
			name = genericClusterKnobs
			position = 0.3547,-0.2219,-0.5004
			rotation = 0.498423,-0.2900018,0.2860834,0.7652646
			scale = 1.2,1.200001,1.2
			name = genericClusterSwitches06
			position = 0.3727,-0.1656,-0.507
			rotation = 0.5141583,-0.2907412,0.2926838,0.7519621
			scale = 1.2,1.2,1.200001
			name = genericPullSwitch
			position = 0.3639,0.0264,-0.6258
			rotation = 0.5011432,-0.2986447,0.2829352,0.7613242
			scale = 1.2,1.2,1.2
			name = genericDirectionalKnob
			position = 0.3089,-0.1796,-0.5788
			rotation = -0.1085977,0.628029,0.5577971,0.531647
			scale = 1.2,1.2,1.2
			name = genericDirectionalKnob2
			position = 0.4223,-0.124,-0.4703
			rotation = 0.5087414,-0.3107673,0.2608896,0.759304
			scale = 1.2,1.2,1.2
			name = genericDirectionalKnob
			position = 0.4259,0.0404,-0.5558
			rotation = 0.4522986,-0.8152511,-0.3610372,-0.02106975
			scale = 1.2,1.200001,1.2
			name = genericClusterSwitches07
			position = 0.4103,-0.0584,-0.5214
			rotation = 0.5040546,-0.2902599,0.2892787,0.7602605
			scale = 1.2,1.200001,1.2
			name = genericPullSwitch
			position = 0.36,-0.0489,-0.587
			rotation = 0.5050556,-0.292897,0.2875274,0.7592484
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericPullSwitch
			position = 0.3349,-0.0543,-0.6159
			rotation = 0.5050556,-0.292897,0.2875274,0.7592484
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericPullSwitch
			position = 0.3282,-0.0942,-0.6026
			rotation = 0.5050556,-0.292897,0.2875274,0.7592484
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericPullSwitch
			position = 0.3543,-0.0889,-0.5737
			rotation = 0.5050556,-0.292897,0.2875274,0.7592484
			scale = 1,1,1
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Spaces/KVPods/KV2_Internal.cfg
		name = KV2_IVA
		allowCrewHelmet = false
			model = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Spaces/KVPods/KV2_IVA
			name = InternalSeat
			seatTransformName = pilotSeat_01
			portraitCameraName = pilotCamera_02
			allowCrewHelmet = false
			name = InternalSeat
			seatTransformName = pilotSeat_02
			portraitCameraName = pilotCamera_01
			allowCrewHelmet = false
			name = InternalCameraSwitch
			colliderTransformName = WindowFocusPoint
			cameraTransformName = WindowEyeTransform
			name = InternalCameraSwitch
			colliderTransformName = WindowFocusPoint02
			cameraTransformName = WindowEyeTransform02
			name = InternalCameraSwitch
			colliderTransformName = WindowFocusPoint03
			cameraTransformName = WindowEyeTransform03
			name = throttle
			position = 0.0634,0.2861,-0.8444
			rotation = 0.5620276,-0.4206953,-0.5782985,0.4155855
			scale = 0.5,0.5,0.4999994
			name = genericClusterSwitches07
			position = 0.0449,0.1906,-0.8752
			rotation = 0.5512727,-0.4060523,-0.6014634,0.4116572
			scale = 1.200005,1.200008,1.200004
			name = genericClusterSwitches06
			position = -0.046,0.2533,-0.8481
			rotation = 0.5484931,-0.4030278,-0.6039386,0.4147072
			scale = 1.200002,1.200004,1.200002
			name = AtmosphereDepth
			position = -0.0719,0.0083,-0.8663
			rotation = 0.6592933,-0.0006170163,-0.003294008,0.7518784
			scale = 1.396607,1.396606,1.396608
			name = ledPanelSpeed
			position = -0.136,0.0083,-0.8619
			rotation = 0.4656343,-0.5335947,-0.4761623,0.5212781
			scale = 1.2,1.200001,1.2
			name = Compass
			position = -0.0007,0.0083,-0.8697
			rotation = -0.008867738,-0.7501551,-0.661174,0.006140923
			scale = 0.8000013,0.8000009,0.8000023
			name = NavBall
			position = 0.1057,0.0025,-0.8582
			rotation = 0.4762385,-0.5226824,-0.4762385,0.5226824
			scale = 2,2,2
			name = genericPullSwitch
			position = -0.1909,0.0394,-0.8623
			rotation = 0.4553564,-0.5258437,-0.4641368,0.5483758
			scale = 1.500001,1.5,1.500002
			name = genericPullSwitch
			position = -0.1905,-0.0151,-0.8545
			rotation = 0.4553564,-0.5258437,-0.4641368,0.5483758
			scale = 1.5,1.5,1.500002
			name = genericClusterSwitches07
			position = 0.0106,-0.1064,-0.848
			rotation = 0.4592248,-0.5310105,-0.4762116,0.5294932
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = AxisIndicatorPitch
			position = -0.179,-0.091,-0.852
			rotation = -0.4738465,-0.5359339,-0.4573271,-0.5282958
			scale = 1.200002,1.2,1.200001
			name = genericClusterKnobs
			position = -0.1612,0.2438,-0.8456
			rotation = 0.5483168,-0.4043335,-0.6008703,0.4181125
			scale = 1.200004,1.200007,1.200002
			name = genericClusterSwitches06
			position = -0.1001,0.2247,-0.8545
			rotation = 0.5383517,-0.3905188,-0.6086512,0.4326848
			scale = 1.200007,1.200009,1.200005
			name = genericPullSwitch
			position = 0.1431,0.304,-0.838
			rotation = 0.5291847,-0.4076017,-0.6141344,0.4203134
			scale = 1.200003,1.200005,1.200002
			name = AxisIndicatorRoll
			position = -0.171,-0.154,-0.844
			rotation = -0.009450606,-0.7526953,-0.6582886,0.004081832
			scale = 1.200005,1.200002,1.200001
			name = VSI
			position = -0.0309,-0.2076,-0.8347
			rotation = 0.4580984,-0.528531,-0.4752222,0.5338209
			scale = 1.2,1.2,1.2
			name = genericDirectionalKnob2
			position = -0.0508,0.1619,-0.879
			rotation = 0.4979741,-0.398948,-0.6371381,0.4323395
			scale = 1.200006,1.200007,1.200004
			name = RadarAltimeter
			position = -0.1895,-0.2507,-0.8252
			rotation = 0.4580984,-0.528531,-0.4752222,0.5338209
			scale = 1.300002,1.300002,1.300002
			name = AxisIndicatorYaw
			position = -0.207,-0.154,-0.844
			rotation = -0.008084187,-0.753324,-0.6575757,0.005649351
			scale = 1.200002,1.200002,1.2
			name = AltimeterThreeHands
			position = 0.132,-0.2541,-0.8256
			rotation = 0.4575861,-0.5302426,-0.4774655,0.5305512
			scale = 1.3,1.3,1.3
			name = IndicatorPanel
			position = 0.0997,-0.1064,-0.8388
			rotation = 0.4592248,-0.5310105,-0.4762116,0.5294932
			scale = 0.9000015,0.9000011,0.9000016
			name = genericDirectionalKnob
			position = -0.0952,0.3154,-0.8235
			rotation = 0.7476926,0.2394499,0.3170319,0.5320812
			scale = 1.200003,1.200007,1.200007
			name = genericClusterSwitches07
			position = 0.1029,0.1892,-0.8781
			rotation = 0.5538222,-0.4106535,-0.597873,0.4088919
			scale = 1.2,1.200003,1.200002
			name = genericDirectionalKnob
			position = 0.1412,0.266,-0.8517
			rotation = 0.6591983,-0.3236145,-0.4927271,0.4668526
			scale = 1.200002,1.200008,1.200006
			name = genericClusterSwitches06
			position = -0.3676,0.4103,-0.3076
			rotation = 0.6956164,-0.1120076,-0.6972311,0.1320644
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericClusterKnobs
			position = -0.2345,0.4557,-0.3672
			rotation = 0.6956164,-0.1120076,-0.6972311,0.1320644
			scale = 0.8,0.8,0.8
			name = genericPullSwitch
			position = -0.3672,0.3623,-0.4395
			rotation = 0.6956164,-0.1120076,-0.6972311,0.1320644
			scale = 0.8,0.8,0.8
			name = genericStandingSwitch
			position = -0.2342,0.4218,-0.4615
			rotation = 0.6956164,-0.1120076,-0.6972311,0.1320644
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericStandingSwitch
			position = -0.2347,0.48839,-0.2765
			rotation = 0.6956164,-0.1120076,-0.6972311,0.1320644
			scale = 1,1.000001,1
			name = genericPullSwitch
			position = -0.3674,0.3746,-0.4056
			rotation = 0.6956164,-0.1120076,-0.6972311,0.1320644
			scale = 0.8000004,0.8000008,0.8000002
			name = genericPullSwitch
			position = -0.29968,0.40253,-0.41532
			rotation = 0.6956164,-0.1120076,-0.6972311,0.1320644
			scale = 0.8,0.8,0.8
			name = genericPullSwitch
			position = -0.2998,0.4132,-0.3853
			rotation = 0.6956164,-0.1120076,-0.6972311,0.1320644
			scale = 0.8,0.8,0.8
			name = genericPullSwitch
			position = -0.2999,0.4241,-0.3557
			rotation = 0.6956164,-0.1120076,-0.6972311,0.1320644
			scale = 0.8,0.8,0.8
			name = genericPullSwitch
			position = -0.3,0.4352,-0.3251
			rotation = 0.6956164,-0.1120076,-0.6972311,0.1320644
			scale = 0.8,0.8,0.8
			name = genericPullSwitch
			position = -0.3001,0.4468,-0.2948
			rotation = 0.6956164,-0.1120076,-0.6972311,0.1320644
			scale = 0.8,0.8,0.8
			name = genericPullSwitch
			position = -0.3002,0.4586,-0.2621
			rotation = 0.6956164,-0.1120076,-0.6972311,0.1320644
			scale = 0.8,0.8,0.8
			name = genericSwitch
			position = -0.2999,0.3896,-0.4534
			rotation = 0.6956164,-0.1120076,-0.6972311,0.1320644
			scale = 1,1,1
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Spaces/KVPods/KV3_Internal.cfg
		name = KV3_IVA
			model = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Spaces/KVPods/KV3_IVA
			name = InternalSeat
			seatTransformName = pilotSeat_01
			portraitCameraName = pilotCamera_01
			allowCrewHelmet = false
			name = InternalSeat
			seatTransformName = pilotSeat_02
			portraitCameraName = pilotCamera_02
			allowCrewHelmet = false
			name = InternalSeat
			seatTransformName = pilotSeat_03
			portraitCameraName = pilotCamera_03
			allowCrewHelmet = false
			name = InternalCameraSwitch
			colliderTransformName = WindowFocusPoint
			cameraTransformName = WindowEyeTransform
			name = InternalCameraSwitch
			colliderTransformName = WindowFocusPoint02
			cameraTransformName = WindowEyeTransform02
			name = InternalCameraSwitch
			colliderTransformName = WindowFocusPoint03
			cameraTransformName = WindowEyeTransform03
			name = AxisIndicatorRoll
			position = -0.171,-0.154,-0.844
			rotation = -0.009450606,-0.7526953,-0.6582886,0.004081832
			scale = 1.200002,1.200001,1.200001
			name = AxisIndicatorPitch
			position = -0.179,-0.091,-0.852
			rotation = -0.4738464,-0.5359339,-0.457327,-0.5282958
			scale = 1.200001,1.2,1.200001
			name = AxisIndicatorYaw
			position = -0.207,-0.154,-0.844
			rotation = -0.008084187,-0.753324,-0.6575757,0.005649351
			scale = 1.200001,1.200001,1.2
			name = IndicatorPanel
			position = 0.1088,-0.1046,-0.8392
			rotation = 0.4592248,-0.5310105,-0.4762116,0.5294932
			scale = 0.9000006,0.9000005,0.9000007
			name = genericClusterSwitches07
			position = 0.0054,-0.1046,-0.8479
			rotation = 0.4592248,-0.5310105,-0.4762116,0.5294932
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = AtmosphereDepth
			position = -0.0719,0.0083,-0.8663
			rotation = 0.6592933,-0.0006170163,-0.003294008,0.7518784
			scale = 1.396607,1.396606,1.396608
			name = Compass
			position = -0.0007,0.0083,-0.8697
			rotation = -0.008867738,-0.7501551,-0.661174,0.006140923
			scale = 0.8000013,0.8000009,0.8000023
			name = NavBall
			position = 0.1057,0.0025,-0.8582
			rotation = 0.4762385,-0.5226824,-0.4762385,0.5226824
			scale = 2,2,2
			name = ledPanelSpeed
			position = -0.136,0.0083,-0.8619
			rotation = 0.4656343,-0.5335947,-0.4761623,0.5212781
			scale = 1.2,1.200001,1.2
			name = genericPullSwitch
			position = -0.1909,0.0394,-0.8623
			rotation = 0.4553564,-0.5258437,-0.4641368,0.5483758
			scale = 1.500001,1.5,1.500002
			name = genericPullSwitch
			position = -0.1905,-0.0151,-0.8545
			rotation = 0.4553564,-0.5258437,-0.4641368,0.5483758
			scale = 1.5,1.5,1.500002
			name = AltimeterThreeHands
			position = 0.1309,-0.2516,-0.8202
			rotation = 0.4575861,-0.5302426,-0.4774655,0.5305512
			scale = 1.2,1.2,1.2
			name = RadarAltimeter
			position = -0.1916,-0.2516,-0.8251
			rotation = 0.4580984,-0.528531,-0.4752222,0.5338209
			scale = 1.300001,1.300001,1.300001
			name = VSI
			position = -0.0305,-0.2077,-0.8321
			rotation = 0.4580984,-0.528531,-0.4752222,0.5338209
			scale = 1.2,1.2,1.2
			name = genericDirectionalKnob2
			position = -0.0508,0.1619,-0.879
			rotation = 0.4979741,-0.398948,-0.6371381,0.4323395
			scale = 1.200005,1.200005,1.200004
			name = genericClusterSwitches06
			position = -0.0426,0.2532,-0.8483
			rotation = 0.5484931,-0.4030278,-0.6039386,0.4147072
			scale = 1.200002,1.200004,1.200002
			name = genericDirectionalKnob
			position = -0.0952,0.3154,-0.8235
			rotation = 0.7476926,0.2394499,0.3170319,0.5320812
			scale = 1.200003,1.200006,1.200006
			name = genericClusterSwitches06
			position = -0.1001,0.2247,-0.8545
			rotation = 0.5383517,-0.3905188,-0.6086512,0.4326848
			scale = 1.200005,1.200006,1.200004
			name = genericClusterKnobs
			position = -0.1607,0.2437,-0.8458
			rotation = 0.5427039,-0.4082052,-0.6059446,0.4143334
			scale = 1.200003,1.200006,1.200002
			name = genericClusterSwitches07
			position = 0.0429,0.1903,-0.8743
			rotation = 0.5512727,-0.4060523,-0.6014634,0.4116572
			scale = 1.200005,1.200008,1.200004
			name = genericClusterSwitches07
			position = 0.1041,0.1888,-0.8774
			rotation = 0.5538222,-0.4106535,-0.597873,0.4088919
			scale = 1.2,1.200003,1.200002
			name = genericDirectionalKnob
			position = 0.1447,0.2665,-0.8527
			rotation = 0.6591983,-0.3236145,-0.4927271,0.4668526
			scale = 1.200002,1.200007,1.200005
			name = genericPullSwitch
			position = 0.1466,0.3045,-0.839
			rotation = 0.5291847,-0.4076017,-0.6141344,0.4203134
			scale = 1.200003,1.200005,1.200002
			name = throttle
			position = 0.0584,0.2906,-0.8444
			rotation = 0.5586629,-0.4251534,-0.5815866,0.4109713
			scale = 0.5,0.5,0.4999996
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Spaces/MEM/MEM_IVA.cfg
		name = MEM_IVA
			model = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Spaces/MEM/MEM_IVA
			name = InternalSeat
			seatTransformName = pilotSeat
			portraitCameraName = pilotCamera
			allowCrewHelmet = false
			name = InternalSeat
			seatTransformName = pilotSeat2
			portraitCameraName = pilotCamera2
			allowCrewHelmet = false
			name = InternalCameraSwitch
			colliderTransformName = WindowFocusPoint
			cameraTransformName = WindowEyeTransform
			name = InternalCameraSwitch
			colliderTransformName = WindowFocusPoint02
			cameraTransformName = WindowEyeTransform02
			name = IndicatorPanel
			position = -0.1753,0.6213,-0.672
			rotation = 0,0.3894638,-0.9210418,0
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = NavBall
			position = -0.0001,0.621,-0.6413
			rotation = 0,0.08715578,-0.9961947,0
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = AtmosphereDepth
			position = 0,0.6497,-0.6829
			rotation = -0.657796,-0.259431,0.657796,0.259431
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = RadarAltimeter
			position = 0.0916,0.6586,-0.6959
			rotation = 0,-0.3826834,0.9238796,0
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = VSI
			position = -0.0865,0.6586,-0.6959
			rotation = 0,-0.3826834,0.9238796,0
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = AxisIndicatorYaw
			position = 0.082,0.5937,-0.6268
			rotation = 0.6538703,-0.2691722,0.6538703,-0.2691722
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = AxisIndicatorPitch
			position = 0.1447,0.6101,-0.6434
			rotation = 0.9239973,-9.875317E-05,0,-0.3823989
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = AxisIndicatorRoll
			position = 0.082,0.6187,-0.652
			rotation = 0.6538703,-0.2691722,0.6538703,-0.2691722
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = ledPanelSpeed
			position = 0,0.6737,-0.7076
			rotation = 0,-0.3826834,0.9238796,0
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = AltimeterThreeHands
			position = -0.0865,0.599,-0.6477
			rotation = 0,-0.3826834,0.9238796,0
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = throttle
			position = 0.1991,0.63657,-0.65353
			rotation = 0.004454026,-0.4932553,0.8698695,-0.002525604
			scale = 0.6286603,0.6286601,0.6286598
			name = genericClusterSwitches02
			position = 0.4945,0.1917,-0.9552
			rotation = -0.1772737,-0.1761669,0.6854091,0.6839252
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericClusterSwitches04
			position = 0.501,0.0045,-0.9659
			rotation = -0.1772737,-0.1761669,0.6854091,0.6839252
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericSwitchWithGuards
			position = 0.4896,0.3802,-0.9472
			rotation = -0.1772737,-0.1761669,0.6854091,0.6839252
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericClusterSwitches06
			position = 0.485,0.0081,-0.937
			rotation = -0.1772737,-0.1761669,0.6854091,0.6839252
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericClusterSwitches07
			position = 0.4942,0.3116,-0.9548
			rotation = -0.1772737,-0.1761669,0.6854091,0.6839252
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericClusterSwitches07
			position = 0.5708,0.3292,-0.8175
			rotation = -0.3058748,-0.305075,0.6385528,0.6368833
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericSwitchWithGuards
			position = 0.5312,0.3277,-0.7853
			rotation = -0.3058748,-0.305075,0.6385528,0.6368833
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericClusterSwitches07
			position = 0.539,0.0418,-0.7905
			rotation = -0.3058748,-0.305075,0.6385528,0.6368833
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericStandingSwitch
			position = 0.5476,-0.0233,-0.7973
			rotation = -0.3058748,-0.305075,0.6385528,0.6368833
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericStandingSwitch
			position = 0.5295,-0.0233,-0.7827
			rotation = -0.3058748,-0.305075,0.6385528,0.6368833
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericPullSwitch
			position = -0.4797,-0.1784,-0.9402
			rotation = 0.2217585,-0.2193676,-0.671084,0.6725677
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericPullSwitch
			position = -0.4798,-0.135,-0.9401
			rotation = 0.2217585,-0.2193676,-0.671084,0.6725677
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericPullSwitch
			position = -0.48,-0.0866,-0.9399
			rotation = 0.2217585,-0.2193676,-0.671084,0.6725677
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericPullSwitch
			position = -0.4802,-0.0388,-0.9399
			rotation = 0.2217585,-0.2193676,-0.671084,0.6725677
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericPullSwitch
			position = -0.4803,0.0071,-0.9398
			rotation = 0.2217585,-0.2193676,-0.671084,0.6725677
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericPullSwitch
			position = -0.4805,0.051,-0.9397
			rotation = 0.2217585,-0.2193676,-0.671084,0.6725677
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericPullSwitch
			position = -0.4806,0.0933,-0.9396
			rotation = 0.2217585,-0.2193676,-0.671084,0.6725677
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericPullSwitch
			position = -0.4807,0.1388,-0.9395
			rotation = 0.2217585,-0.2193676,-0.671084,0.6725677
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericPullSwitch
			position = -0.4809,0.1803,-0.9394
			rotation = 0.2217585,-0.2193676,-0.671084,0.6725677
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericPullSwitch
			position = -0.481,0.2231,-0.9393
			rotation = 0.2217585,-0.2193676,-0.671084,0.6725677
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericPullSwitch
			position = -0.4812,0.2673,-0.9392
			rotation = 0.2217585,-0.2193676,-0.671084,0.6725677
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericPullSwitch
			position = -0.4813,0.3131,-0.9391
			rotation = 0.2217585,-0.2193676,-0.671084,0.6725677
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericPullSwitch
			position = -0.4814,0.3618,-0.939
			rotation = 0.2217585,-0.2193676,-0.671084,0.6725677
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericPullSwitch
			position = -0.4816,0.4093,-0.9389
			rotation = 0.2217585,-0.2193676,-0.671084,0.6725677
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericStandingSwitch
			position = -0.527,-0.185,-0.874
			rotation = 0.2419091,-0.2394746,-0.6641746,0.6655856
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericStandingSwitch
			position = -0.527,-0.146,-0.874
			rotation = 0.2419091,-0.2394746,-0.6641746,0.6655856
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericStandingSwitch
			position = -0.527,-0.105,-0.874
			rotation = 0.2419091,-0.2394746,-0.6641746,0.6655856
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericStandingSwitch
			position = -0.527,-0.061,-0.874
			rotation = 0.2419091,-0.2394746,-0.6641746,0.6655856
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericStandingSwitch
			position = -0.527,-0.014,-0.874
			rotation = 0.2419091,-0.2394746,-0.6641746,0.6655856
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericStandingSwitch
			position = -0.527,0.035,-0.873
			rotation = 0.2419091,-0.2394746,-0.6641746,0.6655856
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericStandingSwitch
			position = -0.527,0.079,-0.873
			rotation = 0.2419091,-0.2394746,-0.6641746,0.6655856
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericStandingSwitch
			position = -0.528,0.124,-0.873
			rotation = 0.2419091,-0.2394746,-0.6641746,0.6655856
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericStandingSwitch
			position = -0.528,0.17,-0.873
			rotation = 0.2419091,-0.2394746,-0.6641746,0.6655856
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericStandingSwitch
			position = -0.528,0.215,-0.873
			rotation = 0.2419091,-0.2394746,-0.6641746,0.6655856
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericStandingSwitch
			position = -0.528,0.26,-0.873
			rotation = 0.2419091,-0.2394746,-0.6641746,0.6655856
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericStandingSwitch
			position = -0.528,0.31,-0.873
			rotation = 0.2419091,-0.2394746,-0.6641746,0.6655856
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericStandingSwitch
			position = -0.528,0.359,-0.873
			rotation = 0.2419091,-0.2394746,-0.6641746,0.6655856
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericStandingSwitch
			position = -0.528,0.407,-0.873
			rotation = 0.2419091,-0.2394746,-0.6641746,0.6655856
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericPullSwitch
			position = 0.5332,0.2015,-0.7865
			rotation = -0.3058748,-0.305075,0.6385528,0.6368833
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericClusterSwitches04
			position = 0.4865,-0.1317,-0.9391
			rotation = -0.1772737,-0.1761669,0.6854091,0.6839252
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericClusterSwitches06
			position = 0.5785,0.176,-0.8228
			rotation = -0.3058748,-0.305075,0.6385528,0.6368833
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericClusterSwitches06
			position = 0.5565,0.176,-0.8051
			rotation = -0.3058748,-0.305075,0.6385528,0.6368833
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericClusterSwitches07
			position = -0.5642,0.1758,-0.8104
			rotation = -0.3101255,0.3101255,-0.63547,0.63547
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericSwitch
			position = -0.5651,0.2256,-0.8092
			rotation = -0.3101255,0.3101255,-0.63547,0.63547
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericSwitch
			position = -0.5651,0.1244,-0.8092
			rotation = -0.3101255,0.3101255,-0.63547,0.63547
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericClusterSwitches06
			position = 0.5329,-0.1361,-0.7851
			rotation = -0.3058748,-0.305075,0.6385528,0.6368833
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericClusterSwitches06
			position = 0.5718,-0.1361,-0.8164
			rotation = -0.3058748,-0.305075,0.6385528,0.6368833
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericCircularButton
			position = 0.5755,0.0172,-0.8197
			rotation = -0.3058748,-0.305075,0.6385528,0.6368833
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericCircularButton
			position = 0.5754,0.0536,-0.8198
			rotation = -0.3058748,-0.305075,0.6385528,0.6368833
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericCircularButton
			position = 0.5756,-0.0211,-0.8196
			rotation = -0.3058748,-0.305075,0.6385528,0.6368833
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericClusterKnobs2
			position = -0.5543,0.3299,-0.8028
			rotation = -0.3101255,0.3101255,-0.63547,0.63547
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericClusterSwitches06
			position = -0.5297,0.1757,-0.7837
			rotation = -0.3101255,0.3101255,-0.63547,0.63547
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericPullSwitch
			position = 0.5333,0.144,-0.7864
			rotation = -0.3058748,-0.305075,0.6385528,0.6368833
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericDirectionalKnob
			position = -0.06384575,0.699,-0.7771
			rotation = -0.2296494,0,0.9732735,0
			scale = 1.500001,1.5,1.5
			name = genericDirectionalKnob
			position = 0.0317,0.6989,-0.7785
			rotation = 0.09277261,-0.002190215,0.9956385,-0.009612911
			scale = 1.5,1.5,1.5
			name = genericDirectionalKnob
			position = 0.1778939,0.6989,-0.7564202
			rotation = -0.9973361,0.009655942,0.07227437,-0.001992037
			scale = 1.5,1.5,1.500001
			name = genericDirectionalKnob
			position = 0.1777585,0.6989,-0.8205681
			rotation = 0.7672192,-0.00832629,0.6413094,-0.005279946
			scale = 1.500001,1.500002,1.500001
			name = genericStandingSwitch
			position = -0.2117,0.699,-0.8119
			rotation = -0.2296494,0,0.9732735,0
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericStandingSwitch
			position = -0.1793,0.699,-0.8119
			rotation = -0.2296494,0,0.9732735,0
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericStandingSwitch
			position = -0.1542,0.699,-0.8119
			rotation = -0.2296494,0,0.9732735,0
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericStandingSwitch
			position = -0.2012,0.699,-0.7534
			rotation = -0.2296494,0,0.9732735,0
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericStandingSwitch
			position = -0.1779,0.699,-0.7534
			rotation = -0.2296494,0,0.9732735,0
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericStandingSwitch
			position = -0.1552,0.699,-0.7534
			rotation = -0.2296494,0,0.9732735,0
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericStandingSwitch
			position = -0.1242,0.699,-0.7807
			rotation = -0.2296494,0,0.9732735,0
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericStandingSwitch
			position = -0.0977,0.699,-0.7534
			rotation = -0.2296494,0,0.9732735,0
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericStandingSwitch
			position = -0.2539,0.699,-0.9136
			rotation = -0.2296494,0,0.9732735,0
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericStandingSwitch
			position = -0.2539,0.699,-0.8697
			rotation = -0.2296494,0,0.9732735,0
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericStandingSwitch
			position = 0.2554,0.699,-0.9136
			rotation = -0.2296494,0,0.9732735,0
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericStandingSwitch
			position = 0.2554,0.699,-0.8697
			rotation = -0.2296494,0,0.9732735,0
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericPullSwitch
			position = 0.1114,0.69449,-0.882
			rotation = -0.2296494,0,0.9732735,0
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericStandingSwitch
			position = 0.0224,0.699,-0.9218
			rotation = -0.2296494,0,0.9732735,0
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericPullSwitch
			position = 0.119,0.69449,-0.7918
			rotation = -0.2296494,0,0.9732735,0
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericPullSwitch
			position = 0.119,0.69449,-0.7593
			rotation = -0.2296494,0,0.9732735,0
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericClusterSwitches07
			position = -0.0896,0.69252,-0.9762
			rotation = 0,0,1,-1.872535E-07
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = AxisIndicatorRoll
			position = -0.1083,0.701,-0.917
			rotation = 0.7069958,0.01253157,0.7069958,0.01253157
			scale = 0.8,0.8,0.8
			name = AxisIndicatorPitch
			position = -0.0474,0.7045,-0.8978
			rotation = -1,0,0,0
			scale = 0.8,0.8,0.8
			name = AxisIndicatorYaw
			position = -0.1083,0.701,-0.8811
			rotation = 0.7069958,0.01253157,0.7069958,0.01253157
			scale = 0.800001,0.8,0.8
			name = ledPanelSpeed
			position = -0.2452,0.704,-0.9808
			rotation = 0,0,-1,2.808803E-07
			scale = 0.8,0.8,0.8
			name = AtmosphereDepth
			position = 0.2202,0.7003,-0.9783
			rotation = -0.7071068,0,0.7071068,0
			scale = 1,1.000001,1.000001
			name = genericStandingSwitch
			position = 0.0559,0.699,-0.9218
			rotation = -0.2296494,0,0.9732735,0
			scale = 1.000001,1,1
			name = genericStandingSwitch
			position = 0.0559,0.699,-0.882
			rotation = -0.2296494,0,0.9732735,0
			scale = 1.000001,1,1
			name = genericStandingSwitch
			position = 0.0224,0.699,-0.882
			rotation = -0.2296494,0,0.9732735,0
			scale = 1.000001,1,1
			name = genericStandingSwitch
			position = 0.0224,0.699,-0.8265
			rotation = -0.2296494,0,0.9732735,0
			scale = 1.000001,1,1
			name = genericStandingSwitch
			position = 0.0559,0.699,-0.8265
			rotation = -0.2296494,0,0.9732735,0
			scale = 1.000002,1,1
			name = genericStandingSwitch
			position = 0.1114,0.699,-0.8265
			rotation = -0.2296494,0,0.9732735,0
			scale = 1.000003,1,1
			name = genericStandingSwitch
			position = 0.1114,0.699,-0.9218
			rotation = -0.2296494,0,0.9732735,0
			scale = 1.000003,1,1
			name = genericStandingSwitch
			position = 0.0797,0.699,-0.78
			rotation = -0.2296494,0,0.9732735,0
			scale = 1.000003,1,1
			name = genericStandingSwitch
			position = 0.2131,0.699,-0.78
			rotation = -0.2296494,0,0.9732735,0
			scale = 1.000004,1,1
			name = genericClusterButtons2
			position = 0.0776,0.699,-0.9719
			rotation = 0,0,1,-1.872535E-07
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericPullSwitch
			position = -0.083,0.69449,-0.8331
			rotation = -0.2296494,0,0.9732735,0
			scale = 1.000001,1,1
			name = genericPullSwitch
			position = -0.0465,0.69449,-0.8331
			rotation = -0.2296494,0,0.9732735,0
			scale = 1.000001,1,1
			name = genericClusterSwitches07
			position = -0.5724,-0.0003,-0.8168
			rotation = -0.3101255,0.3101255,-0.63547,0.63547
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericClusterSwitches07
			position = -0.5365,-0.0003,-0.7888
			rotation = -0.3101255,0.3101255,-0.63547,0.63547
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericCircularButton
			position = -0.5365,0.0568,-0.7888
			rotation = -0.3101255,0.3101255,-0.63547,0.63547
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericCircularButton
			position = -0.5723,0.0568,-0.8168
			rotation = -0.3101255,0.3101255,-0.63547,0.63547
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericClusterKnobs2
			position = -0.546,-0.1361,-0.7963
			rotation = -0.3101255,0.3101255,-0.63547,0.63547
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericStandingSwitch
			position = -0.5803,-0.1844,-0.8231
			rotation = -0.3101255,0.3101255,-0.63547,0.63547
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericStandingSwitch
			position = -0.5803,-0.153,-0.8231
			rotation = -0.3101255,0.3101255,-0.63547,0.63547
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericStandingSwitch
			position = -0.5803,-0.1184,-0.8231
			rotation = -0.3101255,0.3101255,-0.63547,0.63547
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericStandingSwitch
			position = -0.5803,-0.0857,-0.8231
			rotation = -0.3101255,0.3101255,-0.63547,0.63547
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = NavBallNoBase
			position = 0.1808,0.7216,-0.8985
			rotation = 0,0,-1,2.808803E-07
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = NavBallNoBase
			position = -0.1808,0.7216,-0.8985
			rotation = 0,0,-1,2.808803E-07
			scale = 1,1,1
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Spaces/Mk2Pod/Mk2Pod_Internal.cfg
		name = MK2POD_IVA
			model = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Spaces/Mk2Pod/MK2POD_IVA
			name = InternalSeat
			seatTransformName = pilotSeat_01
			portraitCameraName = pilotCamera_01
			allowCrewHelmet = false
			name = InternalSeat
			seatTransformName = pilotSeat_02
			portraitCameraName = pilotCamera_02
			allowCrewHelmet = false
			name = NavBall
			position = -0.2737,0.279,-0.1259
			rotation = 0.6267824,0.07025942,0.02252338,0.7756933
			scale = 1.218718,1.218717,1.218717
			name = IndicatorPanel
			position = 0,0.24,-0.102
			rotation = 0.7167184,-0.005708168,0.005867006,0.6973147
			scale = 0.7903601,0.7903601,0.7903601
			name = NavBall
			position = 0.2683,0.2747,-0.1248
			rotation = 0.610361,-0.07287834,-0.0182495,0.7885526
			scale = 1.218718,1.218718,1.218718
			name = AxisIndicatorRoll
			position = -0.1656,0.2984,-0.1355
			rotation = 0.459135,-0.4932307,-0.4425712,0.5916496
			scale = 0.8,0.8,0.8
			name = AxisIndicatorYaw
			position = -0.1629,0.2741,-0.1301
			rotation = 0.4561417,-0.4982274,-0.4445643,0.5882745
			scale = 0.8,0.8,0.8
			name = AxisIndicatorPitch
			position = -0.2116,0.2874,-0.129
			rotation = -0.01203388,0.7678742,0.6368341,-0.06831302
			scale = 0.8,0.8,0.8
			name = AltimeterThreeHands
			position = -0.3455,0.2736,-0.1074
			rotation = 0.6249577,0.06644861,0.01145995,0.7777411
			scale = 0.7530967,0.7530969,0.7530969
			name = AtmosphereDepth
			position = 0.000299982,0.318,-0.107
			rotation = -0.5,-0.5,-0.5,-0.5
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = throttle
			position = 5.960464E-08,0.0405,0.1158
			rotation = 0,0,0,1
			scale = 0.6789386,0.6789385,0.6789385
			name = RadarAltimeter
			position = -0.3401,0.2226,-0.1015
			rotation = 0.6250027,0.06296541,0.008661432,0.7780308
			scale = 0.7530967,0.7530969,0.7530969
			name = VSI
			position = -0.1715,0.2052,-0.1088
			rotation = 0.625053,0.05653023,0.003493384,0.7785249
			scale = 0.7530967,0.7530969,0.7530969
			name = ledPanelSpeed
			position = -0.2569,0.2093,-0.1087
			rotation = 0.6307203,0.0648848,0.01387446,0.7731685
			scale = 0.7492892,0.7492894,0.7492893
			name = Compass
			position = 0.0002,0.3624,-0.108
			rotation = 0.512212,-0.4907465,-0.5046836,0.4920378
			scale = 0.7617162,0.7617161,0.7617161
			name = ledPanelSpeed
			position = 0.2613,0.2071,-0.1055
			rotation = 0.6239176,-0.06826392,-0.01443008,0.7783692
			scale = 0.74929,0.7492901,0.7492901
			name = AxisIndicatorRoll
			position = 0.1649,0.2909,-0.1317
			rotation = 0.4490762,-0.5815672,-0.4577948,0.5005339
			scale = 0.8,0.7999999,0.8
			name = AxisIndicatorYaw
			position = 0.1621,0.2671,-0.1269
			rotation = 0.4506533,-0.5798365,-0.4562424,0.5025377
			scale = 0.8,0.7999999,0.8
			name = AxisIndicatorPitch
			position = 0.2074,0.2832,-0.1283
			rotation = 0.01908338,0.7640797,0.6432421,0.04536207
			scale = 0.7999999,0.7999998,0.7999998
			name = AltimeterThreeHands
			position = 0.3353,0.2516,-0.1039
			rotation = 0.6356509,-0.06765381,-0.008559247,0.7689589
			scale = 0.6,0.6,0.6
			name = RadarAltimeter
			position = 0.3254,0.2048,-0.09869999
			rotation = 0.6299102,-0.06400591,-0.005764178,0.7740047
			scale = 0.7530997,0.7531,0.7530999
			name = genericDirectionalKnob
			position = 0.0668,0.4525,-0.1034
			rotation = 0.7071068,0,0,0.7071068
			scale = 1.2,1.200001,1.200001
			name = genericDirectionalKnob
			position = 0.0221,0.4525,-0.1034
			rotation = 0.7071068,0,0,0.7071068
			scale = 1.2,1.200001,1.200001
			name = genericDirectionalKnob
			position = -0.0221,0.4525,-0.1034
			rotation = 0.7071068,0,0,0.7071068
			scale = 1.2,1.200001,1.200001
			name = genericDirectionalKnob
			position = -0.0668,0.4525,-0.1034
			rotation = 0.7071068,0,0,0.7071068
			scale = 1.2,1.200001,1.200001
			name = genericDirectionalKnob
			position = 0.056,0.2744,-0.1034
			rotation = 0.7071068,0,0,0.7071068
			scale = 1.2,1.200001,1.200001
			name = genericDirectionalKnob
			position = -0.056,0.2744,-0.1034
			rotation = 0.7071068,0,0,0.7071068
			scale = 1.2,1.200001,1.200001
			name = genericSwitch
			position = 0.056,0.2438,-0.1057
			rotation = 0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5
			scale = 0.8,0.8,0.8
			name = genericSwitch
			position = 0.056,0.2254,-0.1057
			rotation = 0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5
			scale = 0.8,0.8,0.8
			name = genericSwitch
			position = 0.056,0.2073,-0.1057
			rotation = 0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5
			scale = 0.8,0.8,0.8
			name = genericSwitch
			position = -0.056,0.2438,-0.1057
			rotation = 0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5
			scale = 0.8,0.8,0.8
			name = genericSwitch
			position = -0.056,0.2073,-0.1057
			rotation = 0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5
			scale = 0.8,0.8,0.8
			name = genericSwitch
			position = -0.056,0.2254,-0.1057
			rotation = 0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5
			scale = 0.8,0.8,0.8
			name = genericDirectionalKnob2
			position = -0.0951,0.2744,-0.1034
			rotation = 0.7071068,0,0,0.7071068
			scale = 0.8,0.8000005,0.8000005
			name = genericDirectionalKnob2
			position = -0.0951,0.2254,-0.1034
			rotation = 0.7071068,0,0,0.7071068
			scale = 0.6,0.6000003,0.6000003
			name = genericDirectionalKnob2
			position = -0.0951,0.2073,-0.1034
			rotation = 0.7071068,0,0,0.7071068
			scale = 0.6,0.6000003,0.6000003
			name = genericDirectionalKnob2
			position = -0.0643,0.4193,-0.1034
			rotation = 0.3629455,0.7005013,0.5145745,0.3358298
			scale = 0.6,0.6,0.6
			name = genericDirectionalKnob2
			position = -0.085,0.4193,-0.1034
			rotation = 0.4750397,-0.5237722,-0.5237722,0.4750397
			scale = 0.6,0.6000002,0.6000002
			name = genericDirectionalKnob2
			position = 0.0119,0.4193,-0.1034
			rotation = 0.6025854,-0.3699876,-0.3699876,0.6025854
			scale = 0.6,0.6000002,0.6000002
			name = genericDirectionalKnob2
			position = 0.035,0.4193,-0.1034
			rotation = -0.100293,0.6998245,0.7000037,-0.1009048
			scale = 0.6,0.6000002,0.6000002
			name = genericDirectionalKnob2
			position = 0.0847,0.4193,-0.1034
			rotation = 0.6778414,0.2013232,0.2013233,0.6778415
			scale = 0.6,0.6000002,0.6000002
			name = genericStandingSwitch
			position = 0.0847,0.4009,-0.1034
			rotation = 0.7071068,0,0,0.7071068
			scale = 0.6,0.6000002,0.6000002
			name = genericStandingSwitch
			position = 0.035,0.4009,-0.1034
			rotation = 0.7071068,0,0,0.7071068
			scale = 0.6,0.6000002,0.6000002
			name = genericStandingSwitch
			position = -0.0293,0.4009,-0.1034
			rotation = 0.7071068,0,0,0.7071068
			scale = 0.6,0.6000002,0.6000002
			name = genericStandingSwitch
			position = -0.085,0.4009,-0.1034
			rotation = 0.7071068,0,0,0.7071068
			scale = 0.6,0.6000002,0.6000002
			name = genericSwitch
			position = 0.096,0.2099,-0.10744
			rotation = 0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5
			scale = 1.1,1.1,1.1
			name = genericSwitch
			position = 0.096,0.2331,-0.10744
			rotation = 0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5
			scale = 1.1,1.1,1.1
			name = genericSwitch
			position = 0.096,0.2546,-0.10744
			rotation = 0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5
			scale = 1.1,1.1,1.1
			name = genericSwitch
			position = 0.096,0.2759,-0.10744
			rotation = 0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5
			scale = 1.1,1.1,1.1
			name = genericSwitch
			position = 0.096,0.2962,-0.10744
			rotation = 0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5
			scale = 1.1,1.1,1.1
			name = genericSwitch
			position = 0.096,0.3169,-0.10744
			rotation = 0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5
			scale = 1.1,1.1,1.1
			name = genericSwitch
			position = 0.096,0.3367,-0.10744
			rotation = 0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5
			scale = 1.1,1.1,1.1
			name = genericDirectionalKnob2
			position = -0.0159,0.16864,-0.0977
			rotation = 0.2269879,-0.4640936,-0.1243536,0.8471304
			scale = 0.6,0.6000002,0.6000002
			name = genericClusterSwitches07
			position = -0.041,0.1505,-0.0686
			rotation = 0.270092,-0.001192752,-0.0008233393,0.9628334
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = pullSwitch
			position = -0.0186,0.1261366,-0.03233835
			rotation = 0.2586899,0,0,0.9659604
			scale = 0.8,0.8,0.8
			name = pullSwitch
			position = -0.0423,0.1261366,-0.03233835
			rotation = 0.2586899,0,0,0.9659604
			scale = 0.8,0.8,0.8
			name = pullSwitch
			position = -0.0656,0.1261366,-0.03233835
			rotation = 0.2586899,0,0,0.9659604
			scale = 0.8,0.8,0.8
			name = pullSwitch
			position = -0.0186,0.1109,-0.0063
			rotation = 0.2782674,0,0,0.9605036
			scale = 0.8,0.8,0.8
			name = genericStandingSwitch
			position = 0.0186,0.1275,-0.031
			rotation = 0.2588191,0,0,0.9659258
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericStandingSwitch
			position = -0.0555,0.1114,-0.0057
			rotation = 0.2588191,0,0,0.9659258
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericPullSwitch
			position = 0.0413,0.15248,-0.07322
			rotation = 0.2756373,0,0,0.9612617
			scale = 0.8,0.8,0.8
			name = genericPullSwitch
			position = 0.0413,0.1125,-0.007
			rotation = 0.2588191,0,0,0.9659258
			scale = 0.8,0.8,0.8
			name = genericPullSwitch
			position = 0.0413,0.127,-0.0321
			rotation = 0.2588191,0,0,0.9659258
			scale = 0.8,0.8,0.8
			name = genericStandingSwitch
			position = -0.0385,0.1114,-0.0057
			rotation = 0.2588191,0,0,0.9659258
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericDirectionalKnob2
			position = 0.0413,0.1665,-0.0958
			rotation = 0.1234907,-0.8488866,-0.2274585,0.4608734
			scale = 0.6,0.6000002,0.6000002
			name = genericDirectionalKnob2
			position = 0.0237,0.1665,-0.0958
			rotation = 0.1243941,0.8470473,0.2269657,0.4642451
			scale = 0.6,0.6,0.6
			name = genericDirectionalKnob2
			position = 0.0581,0.1665,-0.0958
			rotation = 0.1767764,-0.7055197,-0.1890435,0.6597382
			scale = 0.6,0.6,0.6
			name = genericDirectionalKnob2
			position = 0.0854,0.1662,-0.0952
			rotation = 0.2507537,0.2392565,0.06410861,0.9358253
			scale = 0.6,0.6,0.6
			name = genericDirectionalKnob
			position = 0.0819,0.15231,-0.07331
			rotation = 0.2756373,0,0,0.9612617
			scale = 0.7,0.7,0.7
			name = genericStandingSwitch
			position = 0.0626,0.1333,-0.041
			rotation = 0.2588191,0,0,0.9659258
			scale = 0.8,0.8,0.8
			name = genericClusterKnobs
			position = -0.2552,0.183,-0.1006
			rotation = 0.610386,0.07265034,0.01729435,0.7885757
			scale = 0.7,0.7,0.7
			name = genericClusterSwitches06
			position = -0.1855,0.3375,-0.1382
			rotation = 0.6110216,0.06709556,0.02446614,0.7883859
			scale = 0.8,0.8,0.8
			name = genericSwitch
			position = 0.0404,0.0928,0.0206
			rotation = 0.2756373,0,0,0.9612617
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericSwitch
			position = 0.0186,0.0928,0.0206
			rotation = 0.2756373,0,0,0.9612617
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericSwitch
			position = -0.0186,0.0928,0.0206
			rotation = 0.2756373,0,0,0.9612617
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericSwitch
			position = -0.0404,0.0928,0.0206
			rotation = 0.2756373,0,0,0.9612617
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericPullSwitch
			position = 0.0711,0.1399,-0.0544
			rotation = 0.2588191,0,0,0.9659258
			scale = 0.6,0.6,0.6
			name = genericDirectionalKnob
			position = -0.1383,0.3692,-0.1486
			rotation = 0.5776836,0.2927899,0.2005684,0.7350701
			scale = 0.8,0.8,0.8
			name = genericDirectionalKnob
			position = -0.1631456,0.3670306,-0.1468813
			rotation = 0.2972229,0.7272451,0.5024421,0.3610057
			scale = 0.8,0.8,0.7999998
			name = genericPullSwitch
			position = -0.3249,0.1904,-0.0935
			rotation = 0.6110216,0.06709556,0.02446614,0.7883859
			scale = 0.6,0.6,0.6
			name = genericPullSwitch
			position = -0.3475,0.1877,-0.0918
			rotation = 0.6110216,0.06709556,0.02446614,0.7883859
			scale = 0.6,0.6,0.6
			name = genericDirectionalKnob
			position = -0.1932,0.2423,-0.1166
			rotation = 0.6082075,-0.1669707,-0.1755753,0.7558954
			scale = 0.8000002,0.8000001,0.8000004
			name = genericStandingSwitch
			position = -0.1707,0.2442,-0.1184
			rotation = 0.6329029,0.06545585,0.01330597,0.7713446
			scale = 0.8000002,0.8000001,0.8000004
			name = genericStandingSwitch
			position = -0.1528,0.2455,-0.1198
			rotation = 0.6329029,0.06545585,0.01330597,0.7713446
			scale = 0.7999998,0.8000001,0.8000002
			name = genericPullSwitch
			position = 0.2935,0.1745,-0.0955
			rotation = 0.6299102,-0.06400591,-0.005764178,0.7740047
			scale = 0.7,0.7,0.7
			name = genericPullSwitch
			position = 0.3417,0.2792,-0.1147
			rotation = 0.6299102,-0.06400591,-0.005764178,0.7740047
			scale = 0.5,0.5,0.5
			name = genericPullSwitch
			position = 0.34337,0.29454,-0.11782
			rotation = 0.6299102,-0.06400591,-0.005764178,0.7740047
			scale = 0.5,0.5000001,0.5
			name = genericSwitch
			position = 0.3617,0.2849,-0.1147
			rotation = 0.6299102,-0.06400591,-0.005764178,0.7740047
			scale = 0.7530997,0.7531,0.7530999
			name = genericClusterSwitches06
			position = 0.3645,0.2219,-0.1004
			rotation = 0.444807,0.5086377,0.4414012,0.590423
			scale = 0.7,0.7,0.7
			name = VSI
			position = 0.1664,0.3313,-0.1369
			rotation = 0.6120741,-0.05395487,-0.01138338,0.7888755
			scale = 0.9,0.9,0.9
			name = genericStandingSwitch
			position = 0.1333,0.2292,-0.1182
			rotation = 0.6289377,-0.06988142,-0.009523548,0.7742502
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericStandingSwitch
			position = 0.1602,0.2272,-0.1158
			rotation = 0.6289377,-0.06988142,-0.009523548,0.7742502
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericStandingSwitch
			position = 0.1783,0.2252,-0.114
			rotation = 0.6289377,-0.06988142,-0.009523548,0.7742502
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericStandingSwitch
			position = 0.2049,0.222,-0.1114
			rotation = 0.6289377,-0.06988142,-0.009523548,0.7742502
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = genericPullSwitch
			position = 0.2027,0.1985,-0.1069
			rotation = 0.6299102,-0.06400591,-0.005764178,0.7740047
			scale = 0.7000001,0.7000002,0.7
			name = genericPullSwitch
			position = 0.16658,0.20185,-0.10995
			rotation = 0.6299102,-0.06400591,-0.005764178,0.7740047
			scale = 0.7000001,0.7000002,0.7
			name = genericPullSwitch
			position = 0.13066,0.20511,-0.11339
			rotation = 0.6299102,-0.06400591,-0.005764178,0.7740047
			scale = 0.7000001,0.7000002,0.7
			name = CargoBagA
			position = 0.198,-0.474,0.319
			rotation = 0.7004883,-0.1019138,0.6989256,-0.1021417
			scale = 1,1,1
			name = CargoBagB
			position = -0.221,-0.692,0.181
			rotation = 0.1462313,0.7023988,0.1074982,0.6882561
			scale = 1,1,1
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Contracts/contracts.cfg
			MaximumExistent = 3
			SimpleArmPercentage = 40
			ComplexArmPercentage = 70
				MinimumExpireDays = 1
				MaximumExpireDays = 7
				DeadlineDays = 2130
				SimpleArmAdvance = 8000
				SimpleArmReward = 17000
				SimpleArmFailure = 10000
				ComplexArmAdvance = 10000
				ComplexArmReward = 21000
				ComplexArmFailure = 12000
				AdvancedArmAdvance = 12000
				AdvancedArmReward = 25000
				AdvancedArmFailure = 17000
				SimpleArmReward = 0
				ComplexArmReward = 0
				AdvancedArmReward = 0
				SimpleArmReward = 2
				SimpleArmFailure = 2
				ComplexArmReward = 2
				ComplexArmFailure = 2
				AdvancedArmReward = 2
				AdvancedArmFailure = 2
			MaximumExistent = 2
				MinimumExpireDays = 1
				MaximumExpireDays = 7
				DeadlineDays = 2130
				Advance = 22000
				Reward = 35000
				Failure = 27000
				Reward = 0
				Reward = 2
				Failure = 2
			MaximumExistent = 5
			SciencePercentage = 50
				MinimumExpireDays = 1
				MaximumExpireDays = 7
				DeadlineDays = 2130
				BaseAdvance = 25000
				BaseReward = 65000
				BaseFailure = 25000
				BaseReward = 0
				BaseReward = 2
				BaseFailure = 2
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Experience/Traits.cfg
		name = Engineer
		title = Engineer
		desc = Engineers are capable of repairing broken parts, if at all possible.
			name = DeployedSciencePowerSkill
			modifiers = 0, 1, 1, 2, 2
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Experience/Traits.cfg
		name = Scientist
		title = Scientist
		desc = Scientists can boost the value of data from Science experiments.
			name = DeployedScienceExpSkill
			modifiers = 0.35, 0.45, 0.60, 0.80, 1
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Localization/dictionary.cfg
			#autoLOC_6002644 = <<1>> dropped. Reminder: This part will only perform its function when deployed by a kerbal.
			#autoLOC_6006033 = Unsuited Kerbal
			#autoLOC_6006034 = <<1>> lvl<<2>>
			#autoLOC_6006035 = Activate Pitch Controls
			#autoLOC_6006036 = Deactivate Pitch Control
			#autoLOC_6006037 = Toggle Pitch Control
			#autoLOC_6006038 = Activate Yaw Control
			#autoLOC_6006039 = Deactivate Yaw Control
			#autoLOC_6006040 = Toggle Yaw Control
			#autoLOC_6006041 = Activate Roll Control
			#autoLOC_6006042 = Deactivate Roll Control
			#autoLOC_6006043 = Toggle Roll Control
			#autoLOC_6006044 = Activate All Controls
			#autoLOC_6006045 = Deactivate All Controls
			#autoLOC_6011010 = <color=orange>Your scan has collected some, but not all the information available. Come back later with a better sensor.</color>
			#autoLOC_6011011 = <color=orange>Your scan has collected most, but not all the information available. Come back later with a better sensor.</color>
			#autoLOC_6011012 = Your scan has collected all the detail possible, congratulations!
			#autoLOC_6011013 = Return this to have it analyzed and gain all information about it.
			#autoLOC_6011014 = Pickup <<1>>
			#autoLOC_6011015 = If our experts are correct, this is one of the oldest trees on the planet… perhaps as old as Professor von Kerman himself.
			#autoLOC_6011016 = A ring sample of this ancient tree will provide centuries of valuable historical climate data. But can it be gathered without harming the elder Baobab?
			#autoLOC_6011017 = While there are other trees on Kerbin, these are by far the most interesting.They stand out so much its like you can barely see the others sometimes.
			#autoLOC_6011018 = Glistening like a mirror, this massive crystal formation provides valuable information, if Bob will stop looking at his reflection long enough to gather it.
			#autoLOC_6011019 = These quartz formations are still something of a mystery. Some of our scientists are pondering how such a massive structure could have formed here. Others are wondering if they picked the right career and shouldn't have been jewelers instead.
			#autoLOC_6011020 = These quartz formations only show up in the more difficult to reach areas of Kerbin. Are they shy? Or did something happen in the past to the more accessible ones?
			#autoLOC_6011021 = This strange formation seems almost weathered, which is uttery impossible on a low gravity body. Further study may provide vital clues.
			#autoLOC_6011022 = Scattered far and wide across the surface of Ike, these strange meteorites hint at an extermely violent early history of both Duna and Ike.
			#autoLOC_6011023 = Besides providing valuable data of Ike & Duna's pre-history, pet "Ike-Rocks" are now all the rage back home on Kerbin.
			#autoLOC_6011024 = It is curious how such a pile could accumulate on a low gravity moon. Further analysis could provide valuable insite on Bop's origin's, and whether it's a natural or captured moon.
			#autoLOC_6011025 = The huge rock spires of Pol already defy all logic. Perhaps if we can learn how these particular fragments broke apart, we can also discover how they were able to form at all?
			#autoLOC_6011026 = These small fragments appear to be made of the same material as Pol's huge rock spires. But what could have broken them off? Krakens?
			#autoLOC_6011027 = All evidence points towards Minmus once having several liquid oceans, physics indicates this is impossible! Study of these strange small stones will provide valuable insight into this mystery.
			#autoLOC_6011028 = It's going to be really hard to convince the folks back home that these aren't actually mint flavored sugar cookies.
			#autoLOC_6011029 = An olivine formation jutting out from a salt flat… on a low gravity moon with no atmosphere? More impossible evidence that Minmus may have once had… oceans???
			#autoLOC_6011030 = This huge formation will provide scores of valuable data. But more important to the guys at the lab, in this low gravity, can you reach the top in one leap?
			#autoLOC_6011031 = As strange as it sounds, these stones look more like smooth river-rocks than meteorite fragments. Further analysis will prove valuable.
			#autoLOC_6011032 = If Minmus is made of mint ice-cream, we could use these small brown stones as the chocolate sprinkles - if we were willing to take them there. Do we have the delta-v for a detour?
			#autoLOC_6011033 = Strangely enough, this cooled magma resembles layers of delicious hot fudge.
			#autoLOC_6011034 = Now cooled, this wonderful magma flow has an almost organic look to it.
			#autoLOC_6011035 = Incredably lightweight for its size, one wonders if this pumice like stone can actually float in Eve's weird pinkish oceans.
			#autoLOC_6011036 = Similar to volcanic glass found on Kerbin, analysis of this facinating sample should glean valuable information into Eve's volcanic past.
			#autoLOC_6011037 = Formations like this one are rare on Kerbin. Some of our scientists theorize that Eve's more violent past has something to do with their formation.
			#autoLOC_6011038 = Whichever scientist first looked at these large dome shaped formations and thought 'This reminds me of breakfast' likely won a prize of some sort.
			#autoLOC_6011039 = This Duna stone is much like every other stone we've seen on Duna. But now that you've found it, it's taken on special significance and will go down in the history of Kerbal spacefaring. Also may sell well in an auction house.
			#autoLOC_6011040 = Duna's thin atmosphere does little to stop these meteorites from crashing into it and scattering over its surface. While we did come to Duna to study the planet itself, why not stop to sample composition of another celestial body as well?
			#autoLOC_6011041 = Duna's thin winds carry this fine sand in huge storms, leaving these dunes behind in deposits all over the planet. Amazing for scientists - terrible to try to get out of your bathing suit though.
			#autoLOC_6011042 = How these formed is still a mystery to scientists back on Kerbin. Do they have any relationship to the pancake domes on Eve, or is that just a galactic and gastronomical mystery we have yet to solve. Who knows where we may find an elusive 'syrup' sample.
			#autoLOC_6011043 = Dres is in ideal solar position to get struck repeatedly by asteroids whose orbit is perturbed by Jool's influence. It's almost like Jool has a plan for its smaller neighbor
			#autoLOC_6011044 = When these smaller craters of Dres formed they didn't kick up nearly as much material as the larger ones, which makes studying them a different sort of scientific opportunity. Also, a great place to nap where Wernher can't see you.
			#autoLOC_6011045 = These greyish, plain stones may not look like much to the naked eye, but we've seen our scientists literally salivating at the thought of examing one.
			#autoLOC_6011046 = What secrets hide in these ordinary looking Mun stones? Careful anaylsis will help us understand the secret of Kerbin's orgins. Less rigorous analysis tells us that they hurt when you hit your toe with one.
			#autoLOC_6011047 = Kerbals have been staring at the craters of the Mun for untold generations, but never from such a close distance. Then again, this crater is much smaller than the ones we've been looking at, so it should all balance out.
			#autoLOC_6011048 = Is anyone up for a round of cosmic golf? Once the Mun is fully explored, these craters may make for amazing tourist destinations.
			#autoLOC_6011049 = These large Mun craters present a navigation challenge for rovers. Careful examination shows no ill intent, however.
			#autoLOC_6011050 = These large craters are barely visible with the best telescopes we have on Kerbin. Now that we've finally examined them up close, we've determined that yes, the Mun is as full of holes as we expected.
			#autoLOC_6011051 = Laythe stone is very similar to the types we see on Kerbin. Strangely, those similarities actually seem to excite our scientists about the possiblities. They really need to get out more.
			#autoLOC_6011052 = This rock is the first we've found away from Kerbin that might make a good napping spot.
			#autoLOC_6011053 = Timing the eruptions of Laythe's geysers has shown that their irregularity is regular.
			#autoLOC_6011054 = Vall's crust is made up of these volatile ice chunks. Unfortunately, project 'Vall Smoothies' has not been approved as a line of research for further testing.
			#autoLOC_6011055 = These stones cropping up in Vall's frozen crust remind us of sprinkles on a ball of ice cream.
			#autoLOC_6011056 = One of the most amazing sights in the entire solar system, cryovolcanos sound like an oxymoron. Actually they're an amazing feature only possible when elements we normally only encounter as a gas freeze on a planets surface.
			#autoLOC_6011057 = Careful examination helps us finally determine why this type of Tylo stone comes in only brighter shades.
			#autoLOC_6011058 = Now we can finally determine why this type of Tylo stone comes in only darker shades. Does Tylo itself have multiple personalities to generate such distinct rock colors?
			#autoLOC_6011059 = This formation is clearly a place where Tylo's different stone factions have come together in peace and unity to... have some sort of party. We think. There's definitely mingling going on.
			#autoLOC_6011060 = Eeloo's distance from the Sun means that nearly anything will freeze here. When our scientists see this chunk of ice we've found they may not be as impressed as we hope.
			#autoLOC_6011061 = This brown boulder may look ordinary, but reaching it is one of the most impressive feats of Kerbal engineering. Consider examining it a major achievement... even if only geologists can tell it apart from a brownish boulder back on Kerbin.
			#autoLOC_6011062 = These impressive bergs form due to tectonic activity on Eeloo... or is it oceanic? They are really impressive and I'm sure our scientists will have a vigorous discussion to sort out the nomenclature.
			#autoLOC_6011063 = Surface Features Mission Seed
			#autoLOC_6011064 = Breaking Ground
			#autoLOC_6011065 = Deployed Science
			#autoLOC_6011066 = Deployed Science - Overview
			#autoLOC_6011067 = Deployed Science - Types of Experiments
			#autoLOC_6011068 = Cargo System - VAB/SPH
			#autoLOC_6011070 = Surface Features
			#autoLOC_6011071 = Surface Features - Overview
			#autoLOC_6011072 = Surface Features - Rover Arm Details
			#autoLOC_6011073 = Robotics
			#autoLOC_6011074 = Robotic Parts
			#autoLOC_6011075 = Robotic Controller
			#autoLOC_6011076 = Laying Down Some Tracks
			#autoLOC_6011077 = Track Editor - Preview & Play
			#autoLOC_6011081 = Traction
			#autoLOC_6011082 = Medium Grip
			#autoLOC_6011083 = High Grip
			#autoLOC_6011084 = Extreme Grip
			#autoLOC_6011085 = Default
			#autoLOC_6011086 = Low Grip
			#autoLOC_6011087 = GP-156 Grip Pad
			#autoLOC_6011088 = A large size non-slip pad so that you don't slip off the back of your mech-bot as you stomp across KSC in search of science! Comes in two form factors and three grip levels.
			#autoLOC_6011089 = GP-036 Grip Pad
			#autoLOC_6011090 = A medium size non-slip pad so that the feet of your mecha-bot do not slip out from under it on the shifty sands of Duna. Comes in two form factors and three grip levels.
			#autoLOC_6011091 = GP-004 Grip Pad
			#autoLOC_6011092 = A very small non-slip pad to help make sure rocks do not slip out of the fingers of your mecha-bot. Comes in two form factors and three grip levels.
			#autoLOC_6011093 = GPS-156 Grip Strip
			#autoLOC_6011094 = A large non-slip strip, giving unparalleled traction for all your non-slip needs.
			#autoLOC_6011095 = GPS-025 Grip Strip
			#autoLOC_6011096 = A non slip strip. The manufacturer assures us the price is justified and 'going down to the local market and buying a nice doormat' would NOT be just as good.
			#autoLOC_6011097 = cover plat support grip rubber friction
			#autoLOC_6011098 = Square
			#autoLOC_6011099 = Round
			#autoLOC_6011100 = cover plat support grip rubber friction
			#autoLOC_6011101 = cover plat support grip rubber friction
			#autoLOC_6011102 = cover plat support grip rubber friction
			#autoLOC_6011103 = cover plat support grip rubber friction
			#autoLOC_6011104 = R-062 Ducted Fan Blade
			#autoLOC_6011105 = This small ducted fan propeller can push a lot of air through a small space.
			#autoLOC_6011106 = (prop lift (rotor fan plane
			#autoLOC_6011107 = R-12 Ducted Fan Blade
			#autoLOC_6011108 = This medium ducted fan propeller can push a lot of air through a small space.
			#autoLOC_6011109 = (prop lift (rotor fan plane
			#autoLOC_6011110 = R-25 Ducted Fan Blade
			#autoLOC_6011111 = This large ducted fan propeller can push a lot of air through a small space.
			#autoLOC_6011112 = (prop lift (rotor fan plane
			#autoLOC_6011113 = S-062 Fan Shroud
			#autoLOC_6011114 = This aesthetically pleasing shroud is for a small ducted fan engine.\n\nHelps reduce the incidence of air crew incidents with them by over 5%!
			#autoLOC_6011115 = duct fan aero shroud intake
			#autoLOC_6011116 = S-12 Fan Shroud
			#autoLOC_6011117 = This aesthetically pleasing shroud is for a medium ducted fan engine.\n\nHelps reduce the incidence of air crew incidents with them by over 5%!
			#autoLOC_6011118 = duct fan aero shroud intake
			#autoLOC_6011119 = S-25 Fan Shroud
			#autoLOC_6011120 = This aesthetically pleasing shroud fits a large ducted fan blade.\n\nHelps reduce the incidence of air crew incidents with them by over 5%!
			#autoLOC_6011121 = duct fan aero shroud intake
			#autoLOC_6011127 = Blade Cyclic/Collective - Behaviour
			#autoLOC_6011128 = Blade Cyclic/Collective - Controls
			#autoLOC_6012000 = The Probodobodyne Experiment Control Station coordinates and controls both power and data from nearby deployed parts, and coordinates sending it back to Kerbin.\n\nBe sure to use one, if you want to generate any useful data.\n\nCan be left to gather data over long periods of time, as the loneliness circuits were disabled during testing. <color=orange>Needs a deployed power unit to operate.</color>
			#autoLOC_6012001 = control core science cargo deploy
			#autoLOC_6012003 = Probodobodyne Experiment Control Station
			#autoLOC_6012004 = Go-ob ED Monitor
			#autoLOC_6012005 = "What would happen if you left some Mystery Goo sitting around in the weird radiation and/or atmosphere of some faraway planet?" is a thought that has occurred to nearly every Kerbal. And now, you can find out thanks to the intrepid engineers at FLOOYD.\n\nNote: Please allow trained Scientists to deploy for best results.\nAlso Note: Please do not return to Kerbin. Ever! <color=orange>Needs a deployed power unit & central station to operate.</color>
			#autoLOC_6012006 = experiment research science cargo deploy
			#autoLOC_6012007 = PD-3 Weather Analyzer
			#autoLOC_6012008 = This multi-function experiment gathers data on wind, pressure, temperature, and humidity to generate a picture of the planets climate model over time. \n\nNote: Please allow trained Scientists to deploy for best results. <color=orange>Needs a deployed power unit & central station to operate.</color>
			#autoLOC_6012009 = Mini-NUK-PD Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator
			#autoLOC_6012010 = While small, this small radioisotope thermoelectric generator can still provide plenty of power to run deployed science experiments.\n\nCareful calibration should be considered. <color=orange>Needs a deployed central station to operate. Bring a trained engineer or this part will only produce enough power for one other unit.</color>
			#autoLOC_6012011 = science cargo power deploy
			#autoLOC_6012012 = OX-Stat-PD Photovoltaic Panel
			#autoLOC_6012013 = The OX-Stat-PD Photovoltaic Panel can, when properly set up by trained engineers, power several ground-breaking science experiments at a time. Reduced power output caused by allowing Jebediah to just 'unfold the flippy bit' is not covered under the manufacturer's warranty. <color=orange>Needs a deployed central station to operate. Bring a trained engineer or this part will only produce enough power for one other unit.</color>
			#autoLOC_6012014 = This ground-deployed sensor contains very delicate, sophisticated accelerometers meant to detect and analyze the precisely calibrated seismic shock waves generated by smashing rocket parts at high speed into whatever planet or moon it happens to be sitting on.\n\nNote: Please allow trained Scientists to deploy for best results. <color=orange>Needs a deployed power unit & central station to operate.</color>
			#autoLOC_6012015 = experiment research science cargo planet deploy
			#autoLOC_6012016 = Ionographer PD-22
			#autoLOC_6012017 = Normally in the business of building things that emit tons of Ions, ISPE has instead turned their hands to this nifty little gadget that helps detect them. \n\nWas it because of their devotion to the expansion of our universe? Or does it have something to do with the special, free filters they built meant to help 'screen out erroneous signals from nearby ion-generating devices'.\n\nNote: Please allow trained Scientists to deploy for best results. <color=orange>Needs a deployed power unit & central station to operate.</color>
			#autoLOC_6012018 = Grand Slam Passive Seismometer
			#autoLOC_6012019 = Communotron Ground HG-48
			#autoLOC_6012020 = The Communotron Ground HG-48 is an adapted version of Ionic Symphonic Protonic Electronics most popular space-based antenna. Designed to boost the signal of any ground-based communication devices to interplanetary ranges.\n\nNot designed to pirate movie channels from nearby satellites. <color=orange>Needs a deployed central station to operate.</color>
			#autoLOC_6012032 = [<<1>>]: Interact
			#autoLOC_6012034 = experiment research science cargo planet aerial antenna deploy direct dish extend fold radio signal transmi
			#autoLOC_6012035 = Deployable Comms Part
			#autoLOC_6012036 = EM-16S Light Duty Rotor
			#autoLOC_6012037 = EM-32S Standard Rotor
			#autoLOC_6012038 = EM-64S Heavy Rotor
			#autoLOC_6012039 = A small low-torque, high RPM electric motor. The smaller attachment head allows for more power applied to a smaller space. No warranty applies if you attempt to duplicate a blender with it.
			#autoLOC_6012040 = A medium low-torque, high RPM eletric motor. The smaller attachment head allows for more power applied to a smaller space.
			#autoLOC_6012041 = A large low-torque, high RPM electric motor. The smaller head allows it to masquearade as a medium rotor - don't be fooled!
			#autoLOC_6013028 = Extension Limit
			#autoLOC_6013029 = Target Extension
			#autoLOC_6013030 = Damping
			#autoLOC_6013031 = Force Limit
			#autoLOC_6013032 = Current Force
			#autoLOC_6013033 = Current Extension
			#autoLOC_6013034 = Extend Piston
			#autoLOC_6013035 = Retract Piston
			#autoLOC_6013036 = Toggle Piston
			#autoLOC_6013037 = Toggle Rotor
			#autoLOC_6013038 = N
			#autoLOC_6013039 = Nm
			#autoLOC_6013040 = u/s
			#autoLOC_6013043 = Rotation Control State
			#autoLOC_8002222 = Deployed Science Power
			#autoLOC_8002223 = Deployable Science Part
			#autoLOC_8002224 = Requires an Atmosphere
			#autoLOC_8002225 = Deployed Science Experiment
			#autoLOC_8002226 = Requires No Atmosphere
			#autoLOC_8002227 = Deployed Science Control Unit
			#autoLOC_8002228 = Science Generation Rate: <<1>>%
			#autoLOC_8002229 = Deployed Power Generation Units: <<1>>
			#autoLOC_8002231 = Connection State
			#autoLOC_8002232 = Power State
			#autoLOC_8002233 = Low Voltage
			#autoLOC_8002234 = Disable parts or add Power production
			#autoLOC_8002235 = Power Units Produced
			#autoLOC_8002236 = Power Units Required
			#autoLOC_8002237 = Toggle Deployed Part Enabled/Disabled
			#autoLOC_8002238 = Disable Part
			#autoLOC_8002239 = Enable Part
			#autoLOC_8002240 = Connected
			#autoLOC_8002241 = Powered
			#autoLOC_8002242 = Unpowered
			#autoLOC_8002243 = Disabled
			#autoLOC_8002244 = Not Connected
			#autoLOC_8002245 = Science Rate
			#autoLOC_8002246 = Experiments Connected
			#autoLOC_8002247 = Total Power Available
			#autoLOC_8002248 = Science
			#autoLOC_8002249 = p/hour
			#autoLOC_8002250 = Science Completed
			#autoLOC_8002251 = Experiment Situation Invalid
			#autoLOC_8002252 = Module Enabled
			#autoLOC_8002253 = Controller Disabled
			#autoLOC_8002254 = <<1>> has generated and successfully transmitted <<2>> Science points back to <<3>>
			#autoLOC_8002255 = Unable to transmit Deployed Science Data from <<1>>, Deployed Science Cluster has no CommNet connection to home.
			#autoLOC_8002256 = Unable to transmit Deployed Science Data from <<1>>, Deployed Science Cluster has no power.
			#autoLOC_8002257 = Science Transmitted
			#autoLOC_8002258 = Gather <<1>> science from the surface of <<2>>
			#autoLOC_8002259 = We've just received <<1>>% of <<2>> data from the surface of <<3>>
			#autoLOC_8002260 = Collected <<1>>% of <<2>>% of the <<3>> science on <<4>>.
			#autoLOC_8002261 = Collect <<1>>% of the <<2>> science on <<3>>.
			#autoLOC_8002262 = Our Scientists at [Agency] have come up with a great idea. We just need a little of your help.
			#autoLOC_8002263 = Mystery Goo remains as mysterious as when Kerbals first started playing with it. And just as fun. Set up a extended duration Goo experiment on [Topic] and gather some data for us.
			#autoLOC_8002264 = We are wondering what kind of clothes to pack for a vacation on [Topic].  We don’t want to be caught unaware just because it was sunny the one day we checked.
			#autoLOC_8002265 = Ions are tricky little beasties. While some of them just bombard a spaceship, others only show up once in a long while. We need you to set up a long term ion detector on [Topic] and catch us some of these mysterious particles.
			#autoLOC_8002266 = Rather than waiting a long time for random quakes to reveal the secret insides of [Topic], our scientists want you to smash a huge rocket into it and see what happens!
			#autoLOC_8002267 = Therefore, we’d like you to set up a experiment on [Topic] for us.
			#autoLOC_8002268 = So, we’d like you to gather data on the subject on [Topic].
			#autoLOC_8002269 = Please place an experiment on [Topic] for us so we can figure this out.
			#autoLOC_8002270 = We need you to set up a [Topic] and then start dropping things.
			#autoLOC_8002272 = Surface Deployed Weather Observations
			#autoLOC_8002273 = Weather information gathered from the surface.
			#autoLOC_8002274 = Weather information gathered from the surface of Kerbin.
			#autoLOC_8002275 = Weather information gathered from the surface of Duna.
			#autoLOC_8002276 = Weather information gathered from the surface of Laythe.
			#autoLOC_8002277 = Surface Deployed Mystery Goo Observations
			#autoLOC_8002278 = Long term Mystery Goo observation data from the surface.
			#autoLOC_8002279 = Long term Mystery Goo observation data from the surface of Kerbin.
			#autoLOC_8002280 = Long term Mystery Goo observation data from the surface of The Mun.
			#autoLOC_8002281 = Long term Mystery Goo observation data from the surface of Minmus.
			#autoLOC_8002282 = Long term Mystery Goo observation data from the surface of Moho.
			#autoLOC_8002283 = Long term Mystery Goo observation data from the surface of Eve.
			#autoLOC_8002284 = Long term Mystery Goo observation data from the surface of Duna.
			#autoLOC_8002285 = Long term Mystery Goo observation data from the surface of Ike.
			#autoLOC_8002286 = Long term Mystery Goo observation data from the surface of Dres.
			#autoLOC_8002287 = Long term Mystery Goo observation data from the surface of Laythe.
			#autoLOC_8002288 = Long term Mystery Goo observation data from the surface of Val.
			#autoLOC_8002289 = Long term Mystery Goo observation data from the surface of Tylo.
			#autoLOC_8002290 = Long term Mystery Goo observation data from the surface of Bop.
			#autoLOC_8002291 = Long term Mystery Goo observation data from the surface of Pol.
			#autoLOC_8002292 = Long term Mystery Goo observation data from the surface of Eeloo.
			#autoLOC_8002293 = Surface Deployed Ion Collector
			#autoLOC_8002294 = Ion detector data gathered from the surface.
			#autoLOC_8002295 = Ion detector data gathered from the surface of Kerbin.
			#autoLOC_8002296 = Ion detector data gathered from the surface of The Mun.
			#autoLOC_8002297 = Ion detector data gathered from the surface of Minmus.
			#autoLOC_8002298 = Ion detector data gathered from the surface of Moho.
			#autoLOC_8002299 = Ion detector data gathered from the surface of Laythe.
			#autoLOC_8002300 = Ion detector data gathered from the surface of Duna.
			#autoLOC_8002301 = Ion detector data gathered from the surface of Ike.
			#autoLOC_8002302 = Ion detector data gathered from the surface of Dres.
			#autoLOC_8002303 = Ion detector data gathered from the surface of Gilly.
			#autoLOC_8002304 = Ion detector data gathered from the surface of Val.
			#autoLOC_8002305 = Ion detector data gathered from the surface of Tylo.
			#autoLOC_8002306 = Ion detector data gathered from the surface of Bop.
			#autoLOC_8002307 = Ion detector data gathered from the surface of Pol.
			#autoLOC_8002308 = Ion detector data gathered from the surface of Eeloo.
			#autoLOC_8002309 = Surface Deployed Seismic Sensor
			#autoLOC_8002310 = Seismic data gathered from impacts on the surface.
			#autoLOC_8002311 = Seismic data gathered from impacts on the surface of Kerbin.
			#autoLOC_8002312 = Seismic data gathered from impacts on the surface of The Mun.
			#autoLOC_8002313 = Seismic data gathered from impacts on the surface of Minmus.
			#autoLOC_8002314 = Seismic data gathered from impacts on the surface of Moho.
			#autoLOC_8002315 = Seismic data gathered from impacts on the surface of Eve.
			#autoLOC_8002316 = Seismic data gathered from impacts on the surface of Duna.
			#autoLOC_8002317 = Seismic data gathered from impacts on the surface of Ike.
			#autoLOC_8002318 = Seismic data gathered from impacts on the surface of Dres.
			#autoLOC_8002319 = Seismic data gathered from impacts on the surface of Laythe.
			#autoLOC_8002320 = Seismic data gathered from impacts on the surface of Val.
			#autoLOC_8002321 = Seismic data gathered from impacts on the surface of Tylo.
			#autoLOC_8002322 = Seismic data gathered from impacts on the surface of Bop.
			#autoLOC_8002323 = Seismic data gathered from impacts on the surface of Pol.
			#autoLOC_8002324 = Seismic data gathered from impacts on the surface of Eeloo.
			#autoLOC_8002326 = Cannot Deploy Part as it is not on the surface of a planet.
			#autoLOC_8002327 = Deployed Science Comms Unit
			#autoLOC_8002328 = Control Unit Range: <<1>>m
			#autoLOC_8002329 = [Agency] engineers are worried about their job security, and have come up with an idea for a long term study.
			#autoLOC_8002330 = Here at [Agency] we don’t just worry about short term shareholder value. We also worry about short-to-medium term shareholder value.
			#autoLOC_8002331 = As you know, Mystery Goo does odd things to your brain the longer you look at it, and we suspect the effects vary depending on the location you’ve put it. We’d like to find out what watching a recording of [Topic] goo’s will do at our next Christmas party.
			#autoLOC_8002332 = [Topic] seems to have some interesting weather patterns. Or maybe not - mostly we just see a dot when we stare at it through a telescope, and we’d like to know more before we develop a pictorial calendar for it.
			#autoLOC_8002333 = We think the ionic environment on [Topic] is especially interesting. Its a veritable zoo of funny particles - or at least, so we’ve been led to believe.
			#autoLOC_8002334 = Did you know that, at orbital velocities, a ton of vessel hitting a planet has more energy than a ton of TNT? Well, get out there and smash things into [Topic] and you’ll see for yourself.
			#autoLOC_8002337 = <<1>> generated <<2>> science.\nSensor Readings affected by Impact Energy: <<3>>%\nDistance Attenuation: <<4>>%\nSetup: <<5>>%\n<<6>> Science Points transmitted back to <<7>>
			#autoLOC_8002338 = <<1>> generated <<2>> science.\nSensor Readings affected by Impact Energy: <<3>>%\nDistance Attenuation: <<4>>%\nSetup: <<5>>%\n<<6>> Science Points stored. No connection for transmission.
			#autoLOC_8002339 = Current Torque
			#autoLOC_8002340 = Motor Size & Output(%)
			#autoLOC_8002341 = Torque Output
			#autoLOC_8002342 = <<1>>kN max: Extra mass <<2>>t
			#autoLOC_8002343 = Power consumption
			#autoLOC_8002344 = Angle Limit
			#autoLOC_8002345 = Target Angle
			#autoLOC_8002346 = Current Angle
			#autoLOC_8002347 = Damping
			#autoLOC_8002348 = Set Minimum Angle
			#autoLOC_8002349 = Set Maximum Angle
			#autoLOC_8002350 = Unavailable
			#autoLOC_8002351 = Motorized
			#autoLOC_8002352 = Unmotorized
			#autoLOC_8002353 = Power Unit Production Capacity
			#autoLOC_8002354 = Locked
			#autoLOC_8002355 = Toggle Locked
			#autoLOC_8002356 = Cannot Toggle Robotic part, part is Locked.
			#autoLOC_8002361 = <<1>> impact does not meet the scientific value threshold. No science generated.
			#autoLOC_8002362 = Power:\u0020
			#autoLOC_8002363 = Cost:\u0020
			#autoLOC_8002364 = Mass:\u0020
			#autoLOC_8002365 = Will consume <<1>><<2>>
			#autoLOC_8002366 = Changes based on Motor Limit and Size.
			#autoLOC_8002367 = <<1>> funds with no motor.\n<<2>> funds with maximum size motor.
			#autoLOC_8002368 = Changes if motor size is changed.
			#autoLOC_8002369 = <<1>>t with maximum size motor.
			#autoLOC_8002370 = Changes if motor is removed or resized.
			#autoLOC_8002371 = Deployed Science Cluster on <<1>> unable to process seismic event, Science Cluster is Not Powered.
			#autoLOC_8002372 = Deployed Science Cluster on <<1>> unable to process seismic event, Seismometer is Not Enabled.
			#autoLOC_8002373 = <<1>> generated <<2>> science.\nSensor Readings affected by Impact Energy: <<3>>%\nDistance Attenuation: <<4>>%\nSetup: <<5>>%\nSandbox Game, Science Discarded.
			#autoLOC_8002374 = Add Robotics Tag to Item (add Breaking Ground DLC dependancy).
			#autoLOC_8002376 = Propeller Blade Type A
			#autoLOC_8002377 = Propeller Blade Type B
			#autoLOC_8002378 = Propeller Blade Type S
			#autoLOC_8002379 = Helicopter Blade Type A
			#autoLOC_8002380 = Helicopter Blade Type B
			#autoLOC_8002381 = Helicopter Blade Type S
			#autoLOC_8002382 = This blade part can be used to convert lift into thrust if you spin it fast enough. The advanced user can even find this useful on other planets with an atmosphere.
			#autoLOC_8002383 = This blade part can be used to convert lift into thrust if you spin it fast enough. The advanced user can even find this useful on other planets with an atmosphere.
			#autoLOC_8002384 = This blade part can be used to convert lift into thrust if you spin it fast enough. The advanced user can even find this useful on other planets with an atmosphere.
			#autoLOC_8002385 = Rockets aren't the only way to go up. This small helicopter-style rotor can create lift whenever there's enough atmospheric pressure.
			#autoLOC_8002386 = Rockets aren't the only way to go up. This medium helicopter-style rotor can create lift whenever there's enough atmospheric pressure.
			#autoLOC_8002387 = Rockets aren't the only way to go up. This large helicopter-style rotor can create lift whenever there's enough atmospheric pressure.
			#autoLOC_8002392 = Clockwise
			#autoLOC_8002393 = Counterclockwise
			#autoLOC_8002394 = (prop lift (rotor plane
			#autoLOC_8002395 = Deployed Science
			#autoLOC_8002398 = Tiny Nosecone
			#autoLOC_8002399 = A tiny nosecap for important, but small applications.\n\nDo not let Jeb borrow it to use as a hat.
			#autoLOC_8002400 = Very Small Nosecone
			#autoLOC_8002401 = A small nosecap for aerodynamic streamlining. Its primary use is for rotors.
			#autoLOC_8002402 = R121 Turboshaft Engine
			#autoLOC_8002403 = This strong turbine engine consumes liquid fuel and outputs angular acceleration. Also emits a pleasently high pitched whine.
			#autoLOC_8002404 = R7000 Turboshaft Engine
			#autoLOC_8002405 = This massive turbine engine consumes liquid fuel and outputs angular acceleration. We'd say it's the most powerful thing you can buy - but it's still not a rocket.
			#autoLOC_8002406 = robot actuator motor LF
			#autoLOC_8002407 = robot actuator motor LF
			#autoLOC_8003235 = Set Minimum Angle
			#autoLOC_8003236 = Set Maximum Angle
			#autoLOC_8003237 = Power Limit(%)
			#autoLOC_8003238 = Torque Limit(%)
			#autoLOC_8003239 = Force Limit(%)
			#autoLOC_8003240 = Loop Mode: None <i>(Finishes play when it reaches an end)</i>
			#autoLOC_8003241 = Loop Mode: Repeat <i>(Continuous play, repeating from the start)</i>
			#autoLOC_8003242 = Loop Mode: PingPong <i>(Reverses play direction when it reaches an end)</i>
			#autoLOC_8003243 = Play Button: Click to play/pause.
			#autoLOC_8003244 = Play Direction: Click to change play direction.
			#autoLOC_8003245 = Previous Point: Click to move to previous point.
			#autoLOC_8003246 = Next Point: Click to move to next point.
			#autoLOC_8003247 = Sequence Name: Click to rename this sequence.
			#autoLOC_8003248 = Length of the Sequence: Click to edit.
			#autoLOC_8003249 = Track Editor
			#autoLOC_8003250 = Length
			#autoLOC_8003251 = (s)
			#autoLOC_8003252 = Index:
			#autoLOC_8003253 = Time:
			#autoLOC_8003254 = Value:
			#autoLOC_8003255 = Remove
			#autoLOC_8003256 = Field Remove: Click to remove this field from the sequence.
			#autoLOC_8003257 = <<1>> : Click to expand.
			#autoLOC_8003258 = <<1>> : Select point to edit. Double-click line to add point.
			#autoLOC_8003259 = Open Track Editor
			#autoLOC_8003260 = Change the nickname of this track
			#autoLOC_8003262 = Controllers
			#autoLOC_8003263 = Sequence
			#autoLOC_8003264 = Fields Assigned
			#autoLOC_8003265 = Play Position
			#autoLOC_8003266 = Play Length
			#autoLOC_8003267 = Play/Pause
			#autoLOC_8003268 = Play Direction
			#autoLOC_8003269 = Loop Mode
			#autoLOC_8003270 = Playing
			#autoLOC_8003271 = Paused
			#autoLOC_8003272 = Forward
			#autoLOC_8003273 = Reverse
			#autoLOC_8003274 = None
			#autoLOC_8003275 = Repeat
			#autoLOC_8003276 = Ping Pong
			#autoLOC_8003277 = Toggle Play
			#autoLOC_8003278 = Open Editor
			#autoLOC_8003279 = KAL-1000 Controller
			#autoLOC_8003280 = A first of its kind, this intelligent programmable controller can manage a number of parts across a vessel.\n\nIts not an entirely autonomous entity... yet...
			#autoLOC_8003281 = (contr (robo (seq (anim
			#autoLOC_8003282 = Toggle Hinge
			#autoLOC_8003283 = Toggle Loop Mode
			#autoLOC_8003284 = Toggle Direction
			#autoLOC_8003285 = Toggle Servo
			#autoLOC_8003287 = Controller Fields
			#autoLOC_8003289 = Display Robotic Joint Data in Action Menus
			#autoLOC_8003290 = Robotics
			#autoLOC_8003291 = Allow Full Rotation
			#autoLOC_8003292 = Axis Limit: Drag to Adjust the Maximum Limit of this Axis
			#autoLOC_8003293 = Add fields to control via
			#autoLOC_8003294 = Tangents: Smooth
			#autoLOC_8003295 = Tangents: Sharp
			#autoLOC_8003296 = Curve: Add Point
			#autoLOC_8003297 = Axis Limit: Drag to Adjust the Minimum Limit of this Axis
			#autoLOC_8003298 = Surface Features
			#autoLOC_8003299 = Breaking Ground
			#autoLOC_8003306 = Play Sequence
			#autoLOC_8003307 = Stop Sequence
			#autoLOC_8003308 = Set Play Direction to Forward
			#autoLOC_8003309 = Set Play Direction to Reverse
			#autoLOC_8003310 = Set Loop Mode to Once
			#autoLOC_8003311 = Set Loop Mode to Repeat
			#autoLOC_8003312 = Set Loop Mode to PingPong
			#autoLOC_8003313 = Move row up
			#autoLOC_8003314 = Move row down
			#autoLOC_8003315 = Copy row values
			#autoLOC_8003316 = Paste row values
			#autoLOC_8003317 = Flip the row horizontally, reversing times
			#autoLOC_8003318 = Flip the row vertically, inverting values
			#autoLOC_8003319 = Align the end point/tangents with the start point
			#autoLOC_8003320 = Clamp all values between min/max
			#autoLOC_8003321 = Select all points
			#autoLOC_8003322 = Delete selected point(s)
			#autoLOC_8003323 = Clamp selected point(s) value between min/max
			#autoLOC_8003324 = Speed(%) the sequence will play at
			#autoLOC_8003325 = Row:
			#autoLOC_8003326 = Point:
			#autoLOC_8003327 = Resize Mode: Scale <i>(Keep points positioned relative to the whole curve)
			#autoLOC_8003328 = Resize Mode: Maintain <i>(Keep points at keyframe time and extend/shrink the curve)
			#autoLOC_8003329 = Play Speed
			#autoLOC_8003330 = Multiple Points (<<1>>)...
			#autoLOC_8003331 = Set Play Speed to 0%
			#autoLOC_8003332 = Set Play Speed to 100%
			#autoLOC_8003333 = Engage Servo Lock
			#autoLOC_8003334 = Disengage Servo Lock
			#autoLOC_8003335 = Cannot Lock Robotic part, Servo is moving.
			#autoLOC_8003336 = Engage Motor Drive
			#autoLOC_8003337 = Disengage Motor Drive
			#autoLOC_8003341 = aero aircraft (prop lift (rotor plane
			#autoLOC_8003342 = aero aircraft (prop lift (rotor plane
			#autoLOC_8003343 = aero aircraft (prop lift (rotor plane (heli
			#autoLOC_8003344 = aero aircraft (prop lift (rotor plane (heli
			#autoLOC_8003345 = aero aircraft (prop lift (rotor plane (heli
			#autoLOC_8003348 = Actions Assigned
			#autoLOC_8003349 = Controller Priority
			#autoLOC_8003350 = Apply preset curve pattern
			#autoLOC_8003351 = Presets
			#autoLOC_8003352 = Cycles:
			#autoLOC_8003353 = Sine
			#autoLOC_8003354 = Square
			#autoLOC_8003355 = Triangle
			#autoLOC_8003356 = Sawtooth
			#autoLOC_8003357 = Reverse Sawtooth
			#autoLOC_8003358 = How many cycles to complete within the sequence length
			#autoLOC_8003359 = Phase:
			#autoLOC_8003360 = Where in the preset cycle to start the pattern
			#autoLOC_8003361 = Period:
			#autoLOC_8003362 = How long each cycle should take in the pattern
			#autoLOC_8003384 = Pitch Control State
			#autoLOC_8003385 = Yaw Control State
			#autoLOC_8003386 = Roll Control State
			#autoLOC_8003402 = cyclic
			#autoLOC_8003403 = collective
			#autoLOC_8003404 = none
			#autoLOC_8004268 = CRSY Light Scanning Arm
			#autoLOC_8004270 = The Experimental Engineering Group managed to successfully adapt technologies from several other manufacturers to produce this once-in-a-lifetime piece of technology.\n\nThe light scanning arm is capable of independent work on distant planets, analyzing the geology and composition of rocks and other surface features with two different instruments.\n\nA masterpiece of engineering and design.
			#autoLOC_8004271 = Scan <<1>>
			#autoLOC_8004272 = <color=orange><b>[<<1>>]:</b> Arm hit object. Aborting scan!</color>
			#autoLOC_8004273 = <color=orange><b>[<<1>>]:</b> Vessel moved. Aborting scan!</color>
			#autoLOC_8004274 = Scanning...
			#autoLOC_8004276 = Surface Feature Report
			#autoLOC_8004277 = <<1>> Scan
			#autoLOC_8004278 = SPRT Medium Scanning Arm
			#autoLOC_8004279 = The Experimental Engineering Group has triumphed in creating a larger version of their previous scanning arm, duplicating their heroic feat for a twice-in-a-lifetime scientific accomplishment.\n\nThe medium scanning arm incoporates a 3rd instrument for further data gathering, increasing the amount of data the arm can gather.
			#autoLOC_8004280 = OP-E Large Scanning Arm
			#autoLOC_8004281 = The Experimental Engineering Group's marketing department claims this is another once-in-a-lifetime achievement. We're starting to get suspicious!\n\nNonetheless, this even larger rover arm has four separate instruments, and we can't think of what else they might add, so this is probably the top of the line model from them.
			#autoLOC_8004282 = Baobab Tree Scan
			#autoLOC_8004283 = Giant Quartz Scan
			#autoLOC_8004284 = Gilly Ridgeline Scan
			#autoLOC_8004285 = Duna Ejecta Analysis
			#autoLOC_8004286 = Gravel Pile Scan
			#autoLOC_8004287 = Yellow Stones Analysis
			#autoLOC_8004288 = Green Sandstone Analysis
			#autoLOC_8004289 = Olivine Formation Scan
			#autoLOC_8004290 = Moho Stone Analysis
			#autoLOC_8004291 = Wrinkle Ridge Scan
			#autoLOC_8004292 = Volcanic Rock Analysis
			#autoLOC_8004293 = Basalt Formation Scan
			#autoLOC_8004294 = Pancake Dome Scan
			#autoLOC_8004295 = Duna Stone Analysis
			#autoLOC_8004296 = Duna Meteorite Scan
			#autoLOC_8004297 = Duna Dune Scan
			#autoLOC_8004298 = Blueberries Analysis
			#autoLOC_8004299 = Dres Meteorite Scan
			#autoLOC_8004300 = Dres Crater Scan
			#autoLOC_8004301 = Mun Stone Analysis
			#autoLOC_8004302 = Mun Crater Scan
			#autoLOC_8004303 = Mun Large Crater Scan
			#autoLOC_8004304 = Laythe Stone Analysis
			#autoLOC_8004305 = Laythe Boulder Scan
			#autoLOC_8004306 = Laythe Geyser Scan
			#autoLOC_8004307 = Vall Ice Chunk Analysis
			#autoLOC_8004308 = Vall Stone Scan
			#autoLOC_8004309 = Cryovolcano Scan
			#autoLOC_8004310 = Tylo Light Stone Analysis
			#autoLOC_8004311 = Tylo Dark Boulder Scan
			#autoLOC_8004312 = Tylo Checkerboard Scan
			#autoLOC_8004313 = Eeloo Ice Chunk Analysis
			#autoLOC_8004314 = Eeloo Brown Boulder Scan
			#autoLOC_8004315 = These ancient trees provide good practice for studying the secrets of the universe. Also, their seed pods are tough as meteorites and potentially just as tasty.
			#autoLOC_8004316 = A huge, majestic looking formation of quartz. Now how do we move it without breaking it?
			#autoLOC_8004317 = Gilly's relatively low density is of great interest to Kerbin Scientists. Is it due to low density rock or could Gilly possibly have a cream filling?
			#autoLOC_8004318 = These chunks of debris have rained on Ike for eons. Providing insight into the history of Duna through the impacts that threw this material off its surface.
			#autoLOC_8004319 = Bop's low gravity causes accretia to slowly accumulate - some of it from long before it was captured by Jool.
			#autoLOC_8004320 = Pol's distinctive color shows up particularly well in these chunks of stone left across its surface. Could they be more than just cold stone - perhaps some new type of cheese, aged over millions of years?
			#autoLOC_8004321 = Kerbin Scientists are curious about how Minmus managed to have salt flats despite its low gravity and lack of atmosphere. These old rocks provide numerous clues... also, they kind of look like sprinkles, right?
			#autoLOC_8004322 = Outcroppings of these mineral deposits can tell us much about Minmus' more energetic past. As a side note the chunks chipped off are very pretty.
			#autoLOC_8004323 = Stones on Moho show signs of heavy space weathering - certainly there was no water here to erode them. Careful study shows the history of the Sun's effect on Moho.
			#autoLOC_8004324 = A type of feature created on the surface of a celestial body when magma settles after cooling down. Kerbal astronomers call them moon frowns.
			#autoLOC_8004325 = A small chunk of volcanic rock. Good thing it's not hot anymore.
			#autoLOC_8004326 = A bunch of vertical rocks grouped one next to the other. They look like old spaghetti that somebody forgot and left there for centuries.
			#autoLOC_8004327 = A large, round, volcanic crater. Anything this food-shaped in space is worth studying.
			#autoLOC_8004328 = Geologists on Kerbin hope to determine much from just a chunk of rock. Including the most important question - was there life on Duna? And if so - how many shapes did it come in?
			#autoLOC_8004329 = The remains of a past meteorite that struck Duna's surface.
			#autoLOC_8004330 = The winds on Duna can pile up sand in odd places. They have piled up this residue, and the information it contains, from hundreds of kilometers away.
			#autoLOC_8004331 = Small rocks that might look like blueberries, but don't taste like them... we're almost certain.
			#autoLOC_8004332 = Despite being a relatively small planet, Dres has seen its share of violent impacts in the past.
			#autoLOC_8004333 = These small impact craters tell us as much about Dres and its history as studying the larger ones... and they are easier to get into and out of.
			#autoLOC_8004334 = Munar rocks seem like they'll make excellent paper weights. They also give us clues to the history of our planet and others. But - those papers aren't going to weight themselves.
			#autoLOC_8004335 = The Mun is full of holes - big and small. Kerbin scientists eagerly await the data on this one. Also, Kerbin golfers may start investing more heavily in our space program depending on the data.
			#autoLOC_8004336 = Not really a huge crater, but still a large crater, with potentially larger and more interesting features. Or just a good place to hide and take a nap.
			#autoLOC_8004337 = This stone is... really boring. Looks just like any old rock from back on Kerbin. You travelled so far, experienced so much, just to look at this rock. The scientists still love it though!
			#autoLOC_8004338 = This boulder shows evidence of extensive hydrological action, it's lovely and smooth.
			#autoLOC_8004339 = One of the rarest features in the Solar system, these geysers occasionally jet scalding water into Laythe's atmosphere... which might be the source of the terrible smell.
			#autoLOC_8004340 = A broken chunk of Vall's icy crust, showing layers of frozen material.
			#autoLOC_8004341 = Scientists aren't sure if these stones are meteorites that have been frozen into the crust or the result of glacial action.
			#autoLOC_8004342 = A spouting geyser of sublimated gasses from deep inside Vall. This research has been a prime opportunity to observe one of the Solar system's most fascinating phenomena. Also makes for a good selfie spot.
			#autoLOC_8004343 = A light colored stone, showing one of two common mineral colors that make up Tylo's crust. Hopefully a full analysis will determine its composition and usefulness as a paperweight.
			#autoLOC_8004344 = A dark colored stone, showing one of two common mineral colors that make up Tylo's crust. Many Kerbals wonder where the strawberry ones are.
			#autoLOC_8004345 = This outcropping with patterns of light and dark on it looks natural. Is it, or is it really some alien plaything? Which begs the question - are we all just playthings of some vast, incomprehensible alien minds?\n\nNo that can't be.
			#autoLOC_8004346 = The chilliest of chill ices. When you want a cold drink, Eeloo's the place to go. Our scientists claim they are strictly studying these ice chunks for research. Suspiciously scheduled parties not withstanding.
			#autoLOC_8004347 = A chunk of Eeloo's crust that managed to make its way here, it looks a little lonely.
			#autoLOC_8004348 = A huge chunk of ice. Careful examination shows the span of eons recorded in Eeloo's ice strata. Shame no one brought skis.
			#autoLOC_8004349 = Eeloo Berg Scan
			#autoLOC_8004350 = <color=orange><b>[<<1>>]:</b> Arm isn't retracted!</color>
			#autoLOC_8004351 = <color=orange><b>[<<1>>]:</b> No scannable objects in range!</color>
			#autoLOC_8004352 = <color=orange><b>[<<1>>]:</b> Vessel is moving too fast to perform a scan!</color>
			#autoLOC_8004353 = Scanner Arm
			#autoLOC_8004354 = arm scanner science rover rock test
			#autoLOC_8004355 = Scan Surface Feature
			#autoLOC_8004356 = Baobab Tree
			#autoLOC_8004357 = Giant Quartz
			#autoLOC_8004358 = Gilly Ridgeline
			#autoLOC_8004359 = Duna Ejecta
			#autoLOC_8004360 = Gravel Pile
			#autoLOC_8004361 = Yellow Stones
			#autoLOC_8004362 = Green Sandstone
			#autoLOC_8004363 = Olivine Formation
			#autoLOC_8004364 = Moho Stone
			#autoLOC_8004365 = Wrinkle Ridge
			#autoLOC_8004366 = Volcanic Rock
			#autoLOC_8004367 = Basalt Formation
			#autoLOC_8004368 = Pancake Dome
			#autoLOC_8004369 = Duna Stone
			#autoLOC_8004370 = Duna Meteorite
			#autoLOC_8004371 = Sand Dune
			#autoLOC_8004372 = Blueberries
			#autoLOC_8004373 = Dres Meteorite
			#autoLOC_8004374 = Dres Crater
			#autoLOC_8004375 = Mun Stone
			#autoLOC_8004376 = Mun Crater
			#autoLOC_8004377 = Mun Large Crater
			#autoLOC_8004378 = Laythe Stone
			#autoLOC_8004379 = Laythe Boulder
			#autoLOC_8004380 = Laythe Geyser
			#autoLOC_8004381 = Vall Ice Chunk
			#autoLOC_8004382 = Vall Stone
			#autoLOC_8004383 = Cryovolcano
			#autoLOC_8004384 = Tylo Light Stone
			#autoLOC_8004385 = Tylo Dark Boulder
			#autoLOC_8004386 = Tylo Checkerboard
			#autoLOC_8004387 = Eeloo Ice Chunk
			#autoLOC_8004388 = Eeloo Brown Boulder
			#autoLOC_8004389 = Eeloo Berg
			#autoLOC_8004390 = \nMax Science Fraction: <<1>>%
			#autoLOC_8004391 = Do a simple scan with a rover arm of <<1>>.
			#autoLOC_8004392 = Do a complex scan with a rover arm of <<1>>.
			#autoLOC_8004393 = Do an advanced scan with a rover arm of <<1>>.
			#autoLOC_8004394 = Transmit <<1>>% of the total available science for <<2>> on <<3>>
			#autoLOC_8004395 = Transmitted <<1>>% of <<2>>% of the total available science for <<3>> on <<4>>
			#autoLOC_8004396 = Bring <<1>> back with you.
			#autoLOC_8004397 = Bring a <<1>> on <<2>> back to Kerbin
			#autoLOC_8004398 = Brought a <<1>> back to Kerbin
			#autoLOC_8004399 = Didn't bring a <<1>> back to Kerbin
			#autoLOC_8004401 = We at [Agency] are intrigued by the possibilities of your budding unmanned exploration program. We’ve heard good things.
			#autoLOC_8004402 = [Agency]’s engineers are interested in your rover program - most of them wanted remote control cars when they were kids.
			#autoLOC_8004403 = Your unmanned program is showing great promise. [Agency] has a big interest in a certain subject, can you bring us some more sophisticated data about it?
			#autoLOC_8004404 = [Agency] has heard you’ve expanded the potential of your rover program. They’ve got toy models on their desks of some of your designs.
			#autoLOC_8004405 = Your space program has made such great progress! Here at [Agency] we’ve watched one triumph after another, which brings us to our request.
			#autoLOC_8004406 = The composition of [Topic] is of great interest to us. Could you do a simple scan of one of these? Not enough data exists for us to determine what use we could put one to.
			#autoLOC_8004407 = Visiting a planet shouldn’t just be about going out and grabbing the first handful of dirt you find. We want something more interesting - a scan of [Topic].
			#autoLOC_8004408 = [Topic] is of great interest to us. Not enough data exists for us to determine what use we could put one to. Do they make better desserts, or appetizers?
			#autoLOC_8004409 = We need more data about [Topic]. We’re not sure what sort of recipe they’d work best in, and our culinary department is very curious - somehow they have our largest budget as well.
			#autoLOC_8004410 = We’d like to know everything there is to know about [Topic]. Can you scan one and send us the data?
			#autoLOC_8004411 = Send a rover arm equipped craft out and perform a simple scan, get us some data.
			#autoLOC_8004412 = Send a rover arm equipped craft out and perform a thorough scan, get us some data.
			#autoLOC_8004413 = Send a rover arm equipped craft out and perform a complex scan, get us some data.
			#autoLOC_8004414 = Find a <<1>> and collect data with the <<2>>.
			#autoLOC_8004415 = [Agency] has be working long and hard on practical applications of various materials.
			#autoLOC_8004416 = Everyone here at [Agency] is looking for the next big thing, and we’ve got an idea of how to get it.
			#autoLOC_8004417 = We want a real sample of [Topic] to do various… tests on. We know this is a tall order, but bring one back for us.
			#autoLOC_8004418 = There’s a lot we could do with a sample of [Topic]. But we need to test it in our labs, remote data is no substitute for the real thing.
			#autoLOC_8004419 = We’ve got a big vat of Mystery Goo back here and we’re dying to see what happens when we dip a chunk of [Topic] into it. Can you help us make that happen?
			#autoLOC_8004420 = Bring us back one intact.
			#autoLOC_8004421 = Find a <<1>>, have a Kerbal pick it up and return it to Kerbin.
			#autoLOC_8004422 = We’ve heard reports of an interesting planetary feature: [Topic]. Do a scan to satisfy our curiosity.
			#autoLOC_8004423 = You’ll need to have someone pick one up and bring it here.
			#autoLOC_8004424 = <<1>> retrieved from <<2>>
			#autoLOC_8004425 = \nReach: <<1>>m
			#autoLOC_8004426 = Scan distance: <<1>>m. No target in range.
			#autoLOC_8004427 = Must be stationary to scan a surface feature
			#autoLOC_8004428 = <color=orange><b>[<<1>>]:</b> Scan Cancelled. <<2>> vanished.</color>
			#autoLOC_8004429 = <color=orange><b>[<<1>>]:</b> <<2>> is too far below the base plate, cannot reach.</color>
			#autoLOC_8004430 = Preview Scanning Range
			#autoLOC_8004431 = <color=orange><b>[<<1>>]:</b> Scan aborted! <<2>></color>
			#autoLOC_8004432 = Previewing...
			#autoLOC_8004435 = \u0020We suspect you can find one of these in the <<1>> biome.
			#autoLOC_8004436 = \u0020We suspect you can find one of these in the <<1>> or <<2>> biomes.
			#autoLOC_8004437 = \u0020We suspect you can find one of these in the <<1>>, <<2>> or <<3>> biomes.
			#autoLOC_8004440 = Robotic Servo Hinge
			#autoLOC_8004441 = Robotic Servo Rotor
			#autoLOC_8004442 = Robotic Servo Piston
			#autoLOC_8004443 = Robotic Rotation Servo
			#autoLOC_8004451 = Surface Feature Statistics
			#autoLOC_8004452 = Enable Surface Feature Stats Gathering (PQS Event Driven)
			#autoLOC_8004453 = Type, # Quads, Area, # Features, Per Km^2, cfg Freq
			#autoLOC_8004454 = Surface Feature Finder
			#autoLOC_8004455 = Surface Feature Scan Points
			#autoLOC_8004456 = <<1>>, <<2>> quads, <<3>> Km^2, <<4>> features, <<5>>, <<6>>\n
			#autoLOC_8005418 = Total Power Needed
			#autoLOC_8005419 = Traverse Rate
			#autoLOC_8005420 = Target Angle
			#autoLOC_8005421 = Angle Limit
			#autoLOC_8005423 = Motorized
			#autoLOC_8005424 = RPM Limit
			#autoLOC_8005425 = Rotation Direction
			#autoLOC_8005426 = Clockwise
			#autoLOC_8005427 = Counterclockwise
			#autoLOC_8005428 = Ratcheted
			#autoLOC_8005429 = Power
			#autoLOC_8005430 = Engaged
			#autoLOC_8005431 = Disengaged
			#autoLOC_8005432 = <<1>> max<<2>>
			#autoLOC_8005433 = Motor Power
			#autoLOC_8005434 = Toggle Motor Power
			#autoLOC_8005435 = Toggle Motor Direction
			#autoLOC_8005436 = Toggle Motor Engaged
			#autoLOC_8005437 = Current RPM
			#autoLOC_8005438 = On Power Loss
			#autoLOC_8005439 = Free
			#autoLOC_8005440 = Track Editor - Toolbar
			#autoLOC_8005441 = Grip Pads
			#autoLOC_8005442 = Propellers
			#autoLOC_8005443 = Propeller Aerodynamics
			#autoLOC_8005468 = Kerbodyne Rotodyne
			#autoLOC_8005469 = With both a dual top-rotor, and dual forward propellers, the Kerbodyne Rotodyne takes off like a helicopter, and flies like a plane.\nTo fly, custom 1 turns on the engines and fuel cells. Vertical lift is controlled with main throttle, and translate f/b will adjust the pitch of the forward propellers and control forward velocity.
			#autoLOC_8005470 = Jeb's Quadtaxi
			#autoLOC_8005471 = Jeb's sleek new ride is his fallback if he ever decides to quit being an astronaut and go into the ride sharing business.\nControls: Action group 1 to turn on engines and fuel cells. Main throttle controls vertical lift.
			#autoLOC_8005472 = Butterfly Rover
			#autoLOC_8005473 = The Butterfly rover is fast, nimble, and perfect for hunting baobab trees.\nTo drive, throttle up the fans with the main throttle, and control the velocity by using main throttle to increase/decrease the blade pitch.\nBe warned, this beauty can go extremely fast...
			#autoLOC_8005474 = Arrow-E
			#autoLOC_8005475 = This beautiful and simple electric plane is so fun to fly, pilots are glad they can do it all day. Just make sure to bring it in before the sun sets. Also don't fly it upside down too long.\nControls: Main throttle controls engine power.
			#autoLOC_8005476 = Seahawk
			#autoLOC_8005477 = The Seahawk is perfect for flying around the KSC to gather atmospheric data.\nTo fly, custom 1 turns on the engines, and main throttle adjusts blade pitch and motor torque.
			#autoLOC_8005485 = Val-Thopter
			#autoLOC_8005486 = Valentina's Triple Hover Copter' was dubbed too long of a name by the Space Center marketing department, but this amazing craft is no slouch despite its size or the length of its name. It's both agile and speedy, zipping around into places that no other can.\nCustom 1 to activate engines, Main throttle to control lift/blade pitch.
			#autoLOC_8014149 = Toggle Controller Enabled
			#autoLOC_8014150 = Enable Controller
			#autoLOC_8014151 = Disable Controller
			#autoLOC_8320002 = Controls other deployed experiments and power generators w/in <<1>> meters.
			#autoLOC_8320003 = Science experiment: studies Mystery Goo over long periods of time.
			#autoLOC_8320004 = Science experiment: monitors weather on planets with an atmosphere. Deploy with an experienced scientist for best results. Requires <<1>> unit of power
			#autoLOC_8320005 = Provides continuous power. Deploy with an experienced engineer for best results.
			#autoLOC_8320006 = Provides solar power. Deploy with an experienced engineer for best results.
			#autoLOC_8320007 = Science experiment: Crash things into the planet to get data. Deploy with an experienced scientist for best results. Requires <<1>> unit of power
			#autoLOC_8320008 = Science experiment: Catch ions on a body with no atmosphere Deploy with an experienced scientist for best results. Requires <<1>> unit of power
			#autoLOC_8320009 = Increases the comment range for the central station to transmit results back. Antenna rating: <<1>> Gm.
			#autoLOC_8320011 = Long term Mystery Goo observation data from the surface of Gilly.
			#autoLOC_8320012 = Seismic data gathered from impacts on the surface of Gilly.
			#autoLOC_8320013 = Weather information gathered the surface of Eve.
			#autoLOC_8320014 = G-01L Alligator Hinge
			#autoLOC_8320015 = A small actuator with a longer frame that can be used for a variety of purposes. Despite its appearence, clamping Wernher's loose notes together is not an ideal choice.
			#autoLOC_8320016 = G-00 Hinge
			#autoLOC_8320017 = G-11 Hinge
			#autoLOC_8320018 = A medium size actuator that has a variety of uses. Be creative!
			#autoLOC_8320019 = A small actuator that can be used for a variety of purposes. Over 20% of those have something to do with rockets.
			#autoLOC_8320020 = G-12L Alligator Hinge
			#autoLOC_8320021 = A medium actuator. Moving Parts Experts Group offers no warranty if you jury rig your own landing legs with them. Our engineers were curious what a warranty is for anyway.
			#autoLOC_8320022 = robot actuator hinge
			#autoLOC_8320023 = G-32W Hinge
			#autoLOC_8320024 = The largest hinge actuator available. Doubles as an EZ-fold picnic table.
			#autoLOC_8320026 = Rotation Servo M-06
			#autoLOC_8320027 = A small, high-torque servo that can rotate attached parts through almost 360 degrees. No Kerbals were harmed in the creation of this part. Yet.
			#autoLOC_8320028 = robot actuator rotate servo
			#autoLOC_8320029 = Rotation Servo M-12
			#autoLOC_8320030 = A medium, high-torque servo that can rotate attached parts through 360 degrees. Makes sure any evil robots you construct with it can see behind themselves.
			#autoLOC_8320031 = Rotation Servo F-12
			#autoLOC_8320032 = Rotation Servo M-25
			#autoLOC_8320033 = A large, high-torque servo that can rotate attached parts through 360 degrees. When you just don't have enough torque for whatever nefarious prupose you have in mind, this is what you use.
			#autoLOC_8320034 = The flush mounted rotation servo has reduced output but a much sleeker form factor, hiding all the motor bits inside the servo head itself, reducing the space it requires.
			#autoLOC_8320035 = EM-16 Light Duty Rotor
			#autoLOC_8320036 = A small low-torque, high RPM electric motor
			#autoLOC_8320037 = robot actuator motor
			#autoLOC_8320038 = EM-32 Standard Rotor
			#autoLOC_8320039 = A medium low-torque, high RPM electric motor
			#autoLOC_8320041 = EM-64 Heavy Rotor
			#autoLOC_8320042 = A large low-torque, high RPM eletric motor. Make sure you don't run out of EC, or it will only be useful as a large lazy susan.
			#autoLOC_8320050 = 1P2 Hydraulic Cylinder
			#autoLOC_8320051 = This small piston generates an impressive amount of force. Use with care.
			#autoLOC_8320052 = robot actuator piston
			#autoLOC_8320053 = 3P6 Hydraulic Cylinder
			#autoLOC_8320054 = Moving Parts Experts Group took one of its landing leg designs, stripped off a few bits, doubled the power, and sold us this piston.
			#autoLOC_8320056 = 1P4 Telescoping Hydraulic Cylinder
			#autoLOC_8320059 = 3PT Telescoping Hydraulic Cylinder
			#autoLOC_8320062 = KAL 1000 Controller
			#autoLOC_8320063 = A first of its kind, this intelligent programmable controller can manage a number of parts across a vessel.\n\nIts not an entirely autonomous entity... yet...
			#autoLOC_8320064 = (contr (robo (seq (anim
			#autoLOC_8320065 = A small telescoping piston. Eye protection is mandatory when working with this part.
			#autoLOC_8320066 = A large telescoping piston. Capable of enormous feats of stretchiness. Rocket engines are still recommended for attempting to reach orbit, however.
			#autoLOC_8320089 = At maximum motor size & output and traverse rate.
			#autoLOC_8320090 = At maximum motor size & output and RPM.
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Parts/Aero/FanShroud_01.cfg
		name = FanShroud_01
		module = Part
		author = Pablo
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.19354, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.19354, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
		node_stack_mount = 0.0, -0.1656, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1
		TechRequired = aerodynamicSystems
		entryCost = 1050
		cost = 85
		category = Aero
		subcategory = 0
		title = S-062 Fan Shroud
		manufacturer = WinterOwl Aircraft Emporium
		description = This aesthetically pleasing shroud is for a small ducted fan engine.\n\nHelps reduce the incidence of air crew incidents with them by over 5%!
		attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0
		mass = 0.04
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 1
		crashTolerance = 15
		bodyLiftMultiplier = 2.5
		maxTemp = 2000
		bulkheadProfiles = size0, srf
		tags = duct fan aero shroud intake
			model = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Parts/Aero/Assets/FanShroud_01
			name = ModulePartVariants
			primaryColor = #999999
			secondaryColor = #4b7c9a
			baseDisplayName = Gray with Stripes
			baseThemeName = Gray with Stripes
			useMultipleDragCubes = false
				name = Gray
				displayName = Gray
				themeName = Gray
				primaryColor = #999999
					mainTextureURL = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Parts/Aero/Assets/shroudsDiffuse_plain
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 180
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Parts/Aero/FanShroud_02.cfg
		name = FanShroud_02
		module = Part
		author = Pablo
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.244949, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.244949, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
		node_stack_mount = 0.0, -0.2097, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1
		TechRequired = advAerodynamics
		entryCost = 1750
		cost = 175
		category = Aero
		subcategory = 0
		title = S-12 Fan Shroud
		manufacturer = WinterOwl Aircraft Emporium
		description = This aesthetically pleasing shroud is for a medium ducted fan engine.\n\nHelps reduce the incidence of air crew incidents with them by over 5%!
		attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0
		mass = 0.13
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 1
		crashTolerance = 15
		bodyLiftMultiplier = 2.5
		maxTemp = 2000
		bulkheadProfiles = size1, srf
		tags = duct fan aero shroud intake
			model = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Parts/Aero/Assets/FanShroud_02
			name = ModulePartVariants
			primaryColor = #999999
			secondaryColor = #b08b39
			baseDisplayName = Gray with Stripes
			baseThemeName = Gray with Stripes
			useMultipleDragCubes = false
				name = Gray
				displayName = Gray
				themeName = Gray
				primaryColor = #999999
					mainTextureURL = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Parts/Aero/Assets/shroudsDiffuse_plain
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 900
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Parts/Aero/FanShroud_03.cfg
		name = FanShroud_03
		module = Part
		author = Pablo
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.544, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.544, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
		node_stack_mount = 0.0, -0.466, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1
		TechRequired = advAerodynamics
		entryCost = 2750
		cost = 325
		category = Aero
		subcategory = 0
		title = S-25 Fan Shroud
		manufacturer = WinterOwl Aircraft Emporium
		description = This aesthetically pleasing shroud fits a large ducted fan blade.\n\nHelps reduce the incidence of air crew incidents with them by over 5%!
		attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0
		mass = 0.42
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 1
		crashTolerance = 15
		bodyLiftMultiplier = 2.5
		maxTemp = 2000
		bulkheadProfiles = size2, srf
		tags = duct fan aero shroud intake
			model = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Parts/Aero/Assets/FanShroud_03
			name = ModulePartVariants
			primaryColor = #999999
			secondaryColor = #915934
			baseDisplayName = Gray with Stripes
			baseThemeName = Gray with Stripes
			useMultipleDragCubes = false
				name = Gray
				displayName = Gray
				themeName = Gray
				primaryColor = #999999
					mainTextureURL = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Parts/Aero/Assets/shroudsDiffuse_plain
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			stackableQuantity = 1
			packedVolume = -1
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Parts/Aero/noseconeTiny.cfg
		name = noseconeTiny
		module = Part
		author = RoverDude
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_bottom = 0, 0, 0, 0, -1.0, 0, 0
		node_attach = 0, 0, 0, 0, -1.0, 0, 0
		TechRequired = aerodynamicSystems
		entryCost = 1200
		cost = 40
		category = Aero
		subcategory = 0
		title = Tiny Nosecone
		manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division
		description = A tiny nosecap for important, but small applications.\n\nDo not let Jeb borrow it to use as a hat.
		attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0
		stackSymmetry = 2
		mass = 0.001
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.1
		minimum_drag = 0.1
		angularDrag = .25
		crashTolerance = 10
		maxTemp = 2000
		fuelCrossFeed = True
		bulkheadProfiles = size0
		thermalMassModifier = 6.0
		emissiveConstant = 0.95
		tags = aero aircraft booster )cap drag fligh plane rocket stab stream tail
			model = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Parts/Aero/Assets/noseconeTiny
			texture = copterBlades_diffuse, SquadExpansion/Serenity/Parts/Propellers/Assets/copterBlades_diffuse
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			stackableQuantity = 4
			packedVolume = 7
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Parts/Aero/noseconeVS.cfg
		name = noseconeVS
		module = Part
		author = RoverDude
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_bottom = 0, 0, 0, 0, -1.0, 0, 0
		node_attach = 0, 0, 0, 0, -1.0, 0, 0
		TechRequired = aerodynamicSystems
		entryCost = 1400
		cost = 80
		category = Aero
		subcategory = 0
		title = Very Small Nosecone
		manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division
		description = A small nosecap for aerodynamic streamlining. Its primary use is for rotors.
		attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0
		stackSymmetry = 2
		mass = 0.004
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.1
		minimum_drag = 0.1
		angularDrag = .25
		crashTolerance = 11
		maxTemp = 2000
		fuelCrossFeed = True
		bulkheadProfiles = size0
		thermalMassModifier = 6.0
		emissiveConstant = 0.95
		tags = aero aircraft booster )cap drag fligh plane rocket stab stream tail
			model = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Parts/Aero/Assets/noseconeVS
			texture = copterBlades_diffuse, SquadExpansion/Serenity/Parts/Propellers/Assets/copterBlades_diffuse
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 60
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Parts/DeployedScience/centralStation.cfg
		name = DeployedCentralStation
		module = Part
		author = Squad
		rescaleFactor = 1
		CoMOffset = 0, 0.14, 0
		CoLOffset = 0, 0.14, 0
		CoPOffset = 0, 0.14, 0
		TechRequired = spaceExploration
		entryCost = 3000
		cost = 800
		category = Cargo
		subcategory = 0
		title = Probodobodyne Experiment Control Station
		manufacturer = Probodobodyne Inc
		description = The Probodobodyne Experiment Control Station coordinates and controls both power and data from nearby deployed parts, and coordinates sending it back to Kerbin.\n\nBe sure to use one, if you want to generate any useful data.\n\nCan be left to gather data over long periods of time, as the loneliness circuits were disabled during testing. <color=orange>Needs a deployed power unit to operate.</color>
		attachRules = 0,0,0,0,0
		mass = 0.05
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.1
		minimum_drag = 0.1
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 10
		maxTemp = 1200
		tags = control core science cargo deploy
			model = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Parts/DeployedScience/Assets/CentralStation
					channel = Ship
					clip = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Sounds/sfx_deployable_central_station_start
					maxVolumeDistance = 150
					channel = Ship
					clip = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Sounds/sfx_deployable_central_station_loop
					loop = true
					volume = 0.0 0.0
					volume = 1.0 1.0
					maxVolumeDistance = 150
					channel = Ship
					clip = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Sounds/sfx_deployable_central_station_end
					maxVolumeDistance = 150
			name = ModuleGroundExpControl
			packedVolume = 35
			powerUnitsProduced = 0
			powerUnitsRequired = 1
			antennaType = DIRECT
			antennaPower = 500000
			antennaCombinable = True
			antennaCombinableExponent = 1
			placementAllowXRotation = false
			placementAllowZRotation = false
			name = ModuleAnimationGroup
			deployAnimationName = CSDeploy
			activeAnimationName = CSIdle
			suppressActionsEvents = true
			displayActions = false
			stopActiveAnimIfDisabled = true
			deployEffectName = Deploy
			activeEffectName = Active
			retractEffectName = Retract
			realTimeAnimation = true
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Parts/DeployedScience/gooObservation.cfg
		name = DeployedGoExOb
		module = Part
		author = Squad
		rescaleFactor = 1
		CoMOffset = 0, 0.16, 0
		CoLOffset = 0, 0.16, 0
		CoPOffset = 0, 0.16, 0
		TechRequired = miniaturization
		entryCost = 3500
		cost = 1000
		category = Cargo
		subcategory = 0
		title = Go-ob ED Monitor
		manufacturer = FLOOYD Dynamics Research Labs
		description = "What would happen if you left some Mystery Goo sitting around in the weird radiation and/or atmosphere of some faraway planet?" is a thought that has occurred to nearly every Kerbal. And now, you can find out thanks to the intrepid engineers at FLOOYD.\n\nNote: Please allow trained Scientists to deploy for best results.\nAlso Note: Please do not return to Kerbin. Ever! <color=orange>Needs a deployed power unit & central station to operate.</color>
		attachRules = 0,0,0,0,0
		mass = 0.04
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.1
		minimum_drag = 0.1
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 10
		maxTemp = 1200
		tags = experiment research science cargo deploy
			model = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Parts/DeployedScience/Assets/GoExOb
					channel = Ship
					clip = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Sounds/sfx_deployable_GoObEd_start
					maxVolumeDistance = 150
					channel = Ship
					clip = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Sounds/sfx_deployable_GoObEd_loop
					loop = true
					volume = 0.0 0.0
					volume = 1.0 1.0
					maxVolumeDistance = 150
					channel = Ship
					clip = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Sounds/sfx_deployable_GoObEd_end
					maxVolumeDistance = 150
			name = ModuleGroundExperiment
			packedVolume = 25
			powerUnitsProduced = 0
			powerUnitsRequired = 1
			experimentId = deployedGooObservation
			placementAllowXRotation = false
			placementAllowZRotation = false
			name = ModuleAnimationGroup
			deployAnimationName = GOEDeploy
			activeAnimationName = GOEIdle
			suppressActionsEvents = true
			displayActions = false
			stopActiveAnimIfDisabled = true
			deployEffectName = Deploy
			activeEffectName = Active
			retractEffectName = Retract
			realTimeAnimation = true
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Parts/DeployedScience/ionCollector.cfg
		name = DeployedIONExp
		module = Part
		author = Squad
		rescaleFactor = 1
		CoMOffset = 0.06, 0.2, 0
		CoLOffset = 0.06, 0.2, 0
		CoPOffset = 0.06, 0.2, 0
		TechRequired = advScienceTech
		entryCost = 20000
		cost = 7000
		category = Cargo
		subcategory = 0
		title = Ionographer PD-22
		manufacturer = Ionic Symphonic Protonic Electronics
		description = Normally in the business of building things that emit tons of Ions, ISPE has instead turned their hands to this nifty little gadget that helps detect them. \n\nWas it because of their devotion to the expansion of our universe? Or does it have something to do with the special, free filters they built meant to help 'screen out erroneous signals from nearby ion-generating devices'.\n\nNote: Please allow trained Scientists to deploy for best results. <color=orange>Needs a deployed power unit & central station to operate.</color>
		attachRules = 0,0,0,0,0
		mass = 0.025
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.1
		minimum_drag = 0.1
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 8
		maxTemp = 1200
		tags = experiment research science cargo planet deploy
			model = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Parts/DeployedScience/Assets/IonExperiment
					channel = Ship
					clip = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Sounds/sfx_deployable_detector_start
					maxVolumeDistance = 150
					channel = Ship
					clip = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Sounds/sfx_deployable_detector_end
					maxVolumeDistance = 150
			name = ModuleGroundExperiment
			packedVolume = 35
			powerUnitsProduced = 0
			powerUnitsRequired = 1
			experimentId = deployedIONCollector
			placementAllowXRotation = false
			placementAllowZRotation = false
			name = ModuleAnimationGroup
			deployAnimationName = IonDeploy
			suppressActionsEvents = true
			displayActions = false
			stopActiveAnimIfDisabled = true
			deployEffectName = Deploy
			retractEffectName = Retract
			realTimeAnimation = true
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Parts/DeployedScience/rtg.cfg
		name = DeployedRTG
		module = Part
		author = Squad
		rescaleFactor = 1
		CoMOffset = 0, 0.2, 0
		CoLOffset = 0, 0.2, 0
		CoPOffset = 0, 0.2, 0
		TechRequired = experimentalElectrics
		entryCost = 36000
		cost = 10000
		category = Cargo
		subcategory = 0
		title = Mini-NUK-PD Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator
		manufacturer = Ionic Symphonic Protonic Electronics
		description = While small, this small radioisotope thermoelectric generator can still provide plenty of power to run deployed science experiments.\n\nCareful calibration should be considered. <color=orange>Needs a deployed central station to operate. Bring a trained engineer or this part will only produce enough power for one other unit.</color>
		attachRules = 0,0,0,0,0
		mass = 0.04
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.1
		minimum_drag = 0.1
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 7
		maxTemp = 1200
		tags = science cargo power deploy
			model = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Parts/DeployedScience/Assets/RTGCask
					channel = Ship
					clip = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Sounds/sfx_deployable_rtg_start
					maxVolumeDistance = 150
					channel = Ship
					clip = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Sounds/sfx_deployable_rtg_end
					maxVolumeDistance = 150
			name = ModuleGroundSciencePart
			packedVolume = 25
			powerUnitsProduced = 1
			powerUnitsRequired = 0
			placementAllowXRotation = false
			placementAllowZRotation = false
			name = ModuleAnimationGroup
			deployAnimationName = RTGDeploy
			suppressActionsEvents = true
			displayActions = false
			stopActiveAnimIfDisabled = true
			deployEffectName = Deploy
			retractEffectName = Retract
			realTimeAnimation = true
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Parts/DeployedScience/satDish.cfg
		name = DeployedSatDish
		module = Part
		author = Squad
		rescaleFactor = 1
		CoMOffset = 0, 0.16, 0
		CoLOffset = 0, 0.16, 0
		CoPOffset = 0, 0.16, 0
		TechRequired = electronics
		entryCost = 3500
		cost = 1000
		category = Cargo
		subcategory = 0
		title = Communotron Ground HG-48
		manufacturer = Ionic Symphonic Protonic Electronics
		description = The Communotron Ground HG-48 is an adapted version of Ionic Symphonic Protonic Electronics most popular space-based antenna. Designed to boost the signal of any ground-based communication devices to interplanetary ranges.\n\nNot designed to pirate movie channels from nearby satellites. <color=orange>Needs a deployed central station to operate.</color>
		attachRules = 0,0,0,0,0
		mass = 0.035
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.1
		minimum_drag = 0.1
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 8
		maxTemp = 1200
		tags = experiment research science cargo planet aerial antenna deploy direct dish extend fold radio signal transmi
			model = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Parts/DeployedScience/Assets/satDish
					channel = Ship
					clip = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Sounds/sfx_deployable_booster_antena_start
					maxVolumeDistance = 150
					channel = Ship
					clip = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Sounds/sfx_deployable_booster_antena_end
					maxVolumeDistance = 150
			name = ModuleGroundCommsPart
			packedVolume = 25
			powerUnitsProduced = 0
			powerUnitsRequired = 1
			antennaType = DIRECT
			antennaPower = 10000000000
			antennaCombinable = True
			placementAllowXRotation = false
			placementAllowZRotation = false
			name = ModuleAnimationGroup
			deployAnimationName = SatDeploy
			suppressActionsEvents = true
			displayActions = false
			stopActiveAnimIfDisabled = true
			deployEffectName = Deploy
			retractEffectName = Retract
			realTimeAnimation = true
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Parts/DeployedScience/seismicSensor.cfg
		name = DeployedSeismicSensor
		module = Part
		author = Squad
		rescaleFactor = 1
		CoMOffset = 0, 0.16, 0
		CoLOffset = 0, 0.16, 0
		CoPOffset = 0, 0.16, 0
		TechRequired = electronics
		entryCost = 12000
		cost = 4000
		category = Cargo
		subcategory = 0
		title = Grand Slam Passive Seismometer
		manufacturer = Probodobodyne Inc
		description = This ground-deployed sensor contains very delicate, sophisticated accelerometers meant to detect and analyze the precisely calibrated seismic shock waves generated by smashing rocket parts at high speed into whatever planet or moon it happens to be sitting on.\n\nNote: Please allow trained Scientists to deploy for best results. <color=orange>Needs a deployed power unit & central station to operate.</color>
		attachRules = 0,0,0,0,0
		mass = 0.035
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.1
		minimum_drag = 0.1
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 5
		maxTemp = 1200
		tags = experiment research science cargo planet deploy
			model = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Parts/DeployedScience/Assets/seismicSensor
					channel = Ship
					clip = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Sounds/sfx_deployable_seismometer_start
					maxVolumeDistance = 150
					channel = Ship
					clip = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Sounds/sfx_deployable_seismometer_end
					maxVolumeDistance = 150
			name = ModuleGroundExperiment
			packedVolume = 25
			powerUnitsProduced = 0
			powerUnitsRequired = 1
			experimentId = deployedSeismicSensor
			placementAllowXRotation = false
			placementAllowZRotation = false
				key = 0 0 50 50
				key = 0.02 1 -0.04528769 -0.04528769
				key = 0.3 0.5 0.02469246 0.02469246
				key = 1 0.5 0 0
			name = ModuleAnimationGroup
			deployAnimationName = SSDeploy
			suppressActionsEvents = true
			displayActions = false
			stopActiveAnimIfDisabled = true
			deployEffectName = Deploy
			retractEffectName = Retract
			realTimeAnimation = true
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Parts/DeployedScience/solarPanel.cfg
		name = DeployedSolarPanel
		module = Part
		author = Squad
		rescaleFactor = 1
		CoMOffset = 0, 0.2, 0
		CoLOffset = 0, 0.2, 0
		CoPOffset = 0, 0.2, 0
		TechRequired = electrics
		entryCost = 1000
		cost = 300
		category = Cargo
		subcategory = 0
		title = OX-Stat-PD Photovoltaic Panel
		manufacturer = Probodobodyne Inc
		description = The OX-Stat-PD Photovoltaic Panel can, when properly set up by trained engineers, power several ground-breaking science experiments at a time. Reduced power output caused by allowing Jebediah to just 'unfold the flippy bit' is not covered under the manufacturer's warranty. <color=orange>Needs a deployed central station to operate. Bring a trained engineer or this part will only produce enough power for one other unit.</color>
		attachRules = 0,0,0,0,0
		mass = 0.015
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.1
		minimum_drag = 0.1
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 8
		maxTemp = 1200
		tags = science cargo power deploy
			model = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Parts/DeployedScience/Assets/solarPanel
					channel = Ship
					clip = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Sounds/sfx_deployable_solar_panel_start
					maxVolumeDistance = 150
					channel = Ship
					clip = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Sounds/sfx_deployable_solar_panel_end
					maxVolumeDistance = 150
			name = ModuleGroundSciencePart
			packedVolume = 25
			powerUnitsProduced = 1
			powerUnitsRequired = 0
			isSolarPanel = true
			placementAllowXRotation = false
			placementAllowZRotation = false
			TrackSun = true
			secondaryTransformName = PanelRoot
			targetRotationAngle = -90, 0, 0
			packingRotationMultiplier = 5
			name = ModuleAnimationGroup
			deployAnimationName = SPDeploy
			suppressActionsEvents = true
			displayActions = false
			stopActiveAnimIfDisabled = true
			deployEffectName = Deploy
			retractEffectName = Retract
			realTimeAnimation = true
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Parts/DeployedScience/weatherStation.cfg
		name = DeployedWeatherStn
		module = Part
		author = Squad
		rescaleFactor = 1
		CoMOffset = 0, 0.14, 0
		CoLOffset = 0, 0.14, 0
		CoPOffset = 0, 0.14, 0
		TechRequired = precisionEngineering
		entryCost = 4200
		cost = 1300
		category = Cargo
		subcategory = 0
		title = PD-3 Weather Analyzer
		manufacturer = FLOOYD Dynamics Research Labs
		description = This multi-function experiment gathers data on wind, pressure, temperature, and humidity to generate a picture of the planets climate model over time. \n\nNote: Please allow trained Scientists to deploy for best results. <color=orange>Needs a deployed power unit & central station to operate.</color>
		attachRules = 0,0,0,0,0
		mass = 0.06
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.1
		minimum_drag = 0.1
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 5
		maxTemp = 1200
		tags = experiment research science cargo deploy
			model = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Parts/DeployedScience/Assets/WeatherStation
					channel = Ship
					clip = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Sounds/sfx_deployable_weather_station_start
					maxVolumeDistance = 150
					channel = Ship
					clip = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Sounds/sfx_deployable_weather_station_loop
					loop = true
					volume = 0.0 0.0
					volume = 1.0 1.0
					maxVolumeDistance = 150
					channel = Ship
					clip = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Sounds/sfx_deployable_weather_station_end
					maxVolumeDistance = 150
			name = ModuleGroundExperiment
			packedVolume = 35
			powerUnitsProduced = 0
			powerUnitsRequired = 1
			experimentId = deployedWeatherReport
			placementAllowXRotation = false
			placementAllowZRotation = false
			name = ModuleAnimationGroup
			deployAnimationName = WSDeploy
			activeAnimationName = WSIdle
			suppressActionsEvents = true
			displayActions = false
			stopActiveAnimIfDisabled = true
			deployEffectName = Deploy
			activeEffectName = Active
			retractEffectName = Retract
			realTimeAnimation = true
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Parts/Prebuilt/kerbalEVA.cfg
		name = kerbalEVA
			name = ModuleScienceExperiment
			experimentID = ROCScience
			resetActionName = Discard Report
			reviewActionName = Review Report
			hideUIwhenUnavailable = True
			rerunnable = True
			resettable = True
			resettableOnEVA = False
			hideFxModuleUI = True
			xmitDataScalar = 0
			dataIsCollectable = True
			scienceValueRatio = 1.0
			extraResultString = Return this to have it analyzed and gain all information about it.
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Parts/Prebuilt/kerbalEVAFuture.cfg
		name = kerbalEVAFuture
		crashTolerance = 50
		maxTemp = 800
		skinMaxTemp = 800
		boundsCentroidOffset = 0.0, 0.25, 0.2
		CenterOfDisplacement = 0.0, 0.1, 0.0
		CenterOfBuoyancy = 0.0, 0.1, 0.0
		dragModelType = default
		rescaleFactor = 1
		sound_click_tick = placementNotAllowed
		partRendererBoundsIgnore = kbEVA_flagDecals,canopy,base,flag,collider,helmet,visor,flare1,flare2,EVAStorage_flagDecals,EVAStorageSlim_flagDecals,chute_standalone_flag,chute_container_flag
		sound_welding_attachment = weldingLaser
					channel = Ship
					clip = Squad/Sounds/ksp1_golf_swing_normal
					maxVolumeDistance = 150
					channel = Ship
					clip = Squad/Sounds/ksp1_banana_V2_01
					maxVolumeDistance = 150
					channel = Ship
					clip = Squad/Sounds/ksp1_banana_V2_04
					maxVolumeDistance = 150
					channel = Ship
					clip = Squad/Sounds/ksp1_banana_V2_05
					maxVolumeDistance = 150
			name = KerbalEVA
			__OVERLOAD = True
			isCfg = True
			walkSpeed = 0.8
			strafeSpeed = 0.5
			runSpeed = 2.2
			turnRate = 4
			maxJumpForce = 10
			boundForce = 1.67
			boundSpeed = 0.8
			boundThreshold = 0.02
			swimSpeed = 0.8
			waterAngularDragMultiplier = 0.01
			ladderClimbSpeed = 0.60
			ladderPushoffForce = 3
			minWalkingGee = 0.17
			minRunningGee = 0.6
			initialMass = 1.5
			massMultiplier = 0.03
			onFallHeightFromTerrain = 0.35
			clamberMaxAlt = 100
			splatEnabled = True
			splatSpeed = 50
			propellantResourceName = EVA Propellant
			boundFrequency = 0.5
			boundSharpness = 0.2
			boundAttack = 0.4
			boundRelease = 2
			boundFallThreshold = 2
			_flags = 1
			flagReach = 0.3
			Kp = 0.7
			Ki = 0.25
			Kd = 0.300000012
			iC = 0.005
			rotPower = 1
			linPower = 8.63
			PropellantConsumption = 0.025
			stumbleThreshold = 3.5
			hopThreshold = 2
			recoverThreshold = 0.6
			recoverTime = 3
			splatThreshold = 150
			clamberReach = 0.9
			clamberStandoff = 0.45
			helmetOffMinSafePressureAtm = 0.177
			helmetOffMinSafeTempK = 223.0
			helmetOffMaxSafeTempK = 333.0
			helmetOffMaxOceanPressureAtm = 5.8
			helmetOffMinSafePressureAtmMargin = 0.038
			helmetOffMinSafeTempKMargin = 10.0
			helmetOffMaxSafeTempKMargin = 10.0
			helmetOffMaxOceanPressureAtmMargin = 1.0
			evaExitTemperature = 303.0
			name = ModuleScienceExperiment
			experimentID = surfaceSample
			experimentActionName = Take Surface Sample
			resetActionName = Discard Sample
			reviewActionName = Review Sample
			hideUIwhenUnavailable = True
			rerunnable = True
			resettable = True
			resettableOnEVA = False
			hideFxModuleUI = True
			resourceToReset = Supplies
			resourceResetCost = 5
			xmitDataScalar = 0.25
			dataIsCollectable = True
			deployableSeated = False
			name = ModuleScienceExperiment
			experimentID = evaReport
			experimentActionName = EVA Report
			resetActionName = Discard Report
			reviewActionName = Review Report
			hideUIwhenUnavailable = True
			rerunnable = True
			resettable = True
			resettableOnEVA = False
			hideFxModuleUI = True
			resourceToReset = Supplies
			resourceResetCost = 5
			xmitDataScalar = 1
			dataIsCollectable = True
			name = ModuleScienceExperiment
			experimentID = ROCScience
			resetActionName = Discard Report
			reviewActionName = Review Report
			hideUIwhenUnavailable = True
			rerunnable = True
			resettable = True
			resettableOnEVA = False
			hideFxModuleUI = True
			xmitDataScalar = 0
			dataIsCollectable = True
			scienceValueRatio = 1.0
			extraResultString = Return this to have it analyzed and gain all information about it.
			name = ModuleScienceExperiment
			experimentID = evaScience
			experimentActionName = Perform EVA Science
			resetActionName = Discard EVA Science Report
			reviewActionName = Review EVA Science Report
			hideUIwhenUnavailable = True
			rerunnable = True
			resettable = True
			resettableOnEVA = False
			hideFxModuleUI = True
			resourceToReset = Supplies
			resourceResetCost = 5
			xmitDataScalar = 1
			dataIsCollectable = True
			requiresInventoryPart = True
			requiresEVASituation = True
			deployableSeated = False
			availableShielded = False
				priority = 2
				situationMask = 1
				minTemp = 170
				kerbalAction = PlayGolf
				resultString = Initial testing of off-world sporting possibility is a go - not only do the ball flight characteristics allow for some spectacular shots, but realestate prices are currently still a bargain.
				resultString = As the ball arcs off into the distance you observe the ballet of physics between the applied impulse and the bodies gravity. Our scientists will rejoice at the results...\n\n...and hopefully agree that the 6 iron was great club selection.
				resultString = You smoked that one right down the middle... I mean conducted some very effective science on the effect of lever arm force to a small spherical object.\n\nIf only Alan Kerman could see you now!
				situationMask = 1
				requiresNoAtmosphere = True
				maxTemp = 170
				kerbalAction = Banana
				resultString = Rigorous testing of the new low-temperature snack technology did not go as well as planned... and deserves further study.
				resultString = Cryogenic banana experiments have proved successful, but we're still lacking EVA suit micro-airlocks to truly take advantage of these tests.
				situationMask = 48
				requiresNoAtmosphere = True
				kerbalAction = Dzhanibekov
				dialogDelay = 4.5
				resultString = Spinning this flange in space has led to an interesting and unexpected effect - it flips orientation over and over, without any other forces acting on it.\n\nMore surprising is that our spacecraft seems to still be operating nominally while missing this part.
				resultString = Our scientists say that the way this object wobbles in space is due to it having three different moments of inertia in three different axes, and that this would be impossible in a four dimentional universe. The engineers reply is that it will if they can find enough four dimensional boosters.
			name = ModuleScienceContainer
			allowRepeatedSubjects = True
			name = FlagDecal
			textureQuadName = kbEVA_flagDecals
			name = FlagDecal
			textureQuadName = EVAStorage_flagDecals
			name = FlagDecal
			textureQuadName = EVAStorageSlim_flagDecals
			name = ModuleTripLogger
			name = ModuleEvaChute
			semiDeployedAnimation = semiDeploySmall
			fullyDeployedAnimation = fullyDeploySmall
			invertCanopy = true
			autoCutSpeed = 0.5
			canopyName = canopy
			stowedDrag = 0.22
			semiDeployedDrag = 1
			fullyDeployedDrag = 500
			minAirPressureToOpen = 0.04
			clampMinAirPressure = 0.04
			deployAltitude = 1000
			deploymentSpeed = 1.0
			semiDeploymentSpeed = 1.0
			chuteMaxTemp = 650
			evaChuteName = EVAparachute
			rotationSpeedDPS = 180.0
			chutePitchRate = 1.0
			chuteRollRate = 1.0
			chuteYawRateAtMinSpeed = 1.0
			chuteMinSpeedForYawRate = 1.0
			chuteYawRateAtMaxSpeed = 1.0
			chuteMaxSpeedForYawRate = 50.0
			chuteDefaultForwardPitch = 9.0
			semiDeployedChuteForwardPitch = 25.0
			chutePitchRateDivisorWhenTurning = 1.0
			chuteRollRateDivisorWhenPitching = 1.0
			chuteYawRateDivisorWhenPitching = 1.0
			baseName = base
			flagName = FlagDecal
			stagingEnabled = false
			name = ModuleLiftingSurface
			useInternalDragModel = False
			deflectionLiftCoeff = 2.5
			transformDir = Y
			transformSign = -1
			omnidirectional = False
			name = ModuleLiftingSurface
			useInternalDragModel = False
			deflectionLiftCoeff = 1.0
			transformDir = X
			name = FlagDecal
			textureQuadName = flag
			name = FlagDecal
			textureQuadName = chute_standalone_flag
			name = FlagDecal
			textureQuadName = chute_container_flag
			name = ModuleInventoryPart
			InventorySlots = 2
			packedVolumeLimit = 40
			massLimit = 0.065
				name = evaChute
				name = evaJetpack
			name = ModuleColorChanger
			shaderProperty = _EmissiveColor
			animRate = 0.8
			animState = false
			useRate = true
			toggleInEditor = false
			toggleInFlight = false
			unfocusedRange = 5
			toggleAction = true
			defaultActionGroup = Light
			useMaterialsList = true
			materialsNames = FutureEVABody,FutureHelmet
			alphaOnly = true
			redColor = 1.0
			greenColor = 0.5176
			blueColor = 0.0
				key = 0 0 0 1
				key = 1 1 0 0
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Parts/Prebuilt/kerbalEVASlimSuit.cfg
		name = kerbalEVASlimSuit
			name = ModuleScienceExperiment
			experimentID = ROCScience
			resetActionName = Discard Report
			reviewActionName = Review Report
			hideUIwhenUnavailable = True
			rerunnable = True
			resettable = True
			resettableOnEVA = False
			hideFxModuleUI = True
			xmitDataScalar = 0
			dataIsCollectable = True
			scienceValueRatio = 1.0
			extraResultString = Return this to have it analyzed and gain all information about it.
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Parts/Prebuilt/kerbalEVASlimSuitFemale.cfg
		name = kerbalEVASlimSuitFemale
			name = ModuleScienceExperiment
			experimentID = ROCScience
			resetActionName = Discard Report
			reviewActionName = Review Report
			hideUIwhenUnavailable = True
			rerunnable = True
			resettable = True
			resettableOnEVA = False
			hideFxModuleUI = True
			xmitDataScalar = 0
			dataIsCollectable = True
			scienceValueRatio = 1.0
			extraResultString = Return this to have it analyzed and gain all information about it.
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Parts/Prebuilt/kerbalEVAVintage.cfg
		name = kerbalEVAVintage
			name = ModuleScienceExperiment
			experimentID = ROCScience
			resetActionName = Discard Report
			reviewActionName = Review Report
			hideUIwhenUnavailable = True
			rerunnable = True
			resettable = True
			resettableOnEVA = False
			hideFxModuleUI = True
			xmitDataScalar = 0
			dataIsCollectable = True
			scienceValueRatio = 1.0
			extraResultString = Return this to have it analyzed and gain all information about it.
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Parts/Prebuilt/kerbalEVAfemale.cfg
		name = kerbalEVAfemale
			name = ModuleScienceExperiment
			experimentID = ROCScience
			resetActionName = Discard Report
			reviewActionName = Review Report
			hideUIwhenUnavailable = True
			rerunnable = True
			resettable = True
			resettableOnEVA = False
			hideFxModuleUI = True
			xmitDataScalar = 0
			dataIsCollectable = True
			scienceValueRatio = 1.0
			extraResultString = Return this to have it analyzed and gain all information about it.
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Parts/Prebuilt/kerbalEVAfemaleFuture.cfg
		name = kerbalEVAfemaleFuture
		crashTolerance = 50
		maxTemp = 800
		skinMaxTemp = 800
		boundsCentroidOffset = 0.0, 0.25, 0.2
		CenterOfDisplacement = 0.0, 0.1, 0.0
		CenterOfBuoyancy = 0.0, 0.1, 0.0
		dragModelType = default
		rescaleFactor = 1
		sound_click_tick = placementNotAllowed
		partRendererBoundsIgnore = kbEVA_flagDecals,canopy,base,flag,collider,helmet,visor,flare1,flare2,EVAStorage_flagDecals,EVAStorageSlim_flagDecals,chute_standalone_flag,chute_container_flag
		sound_welding_attachment = weldingLaser
					channel = Ship
					clip = Squad/Sounds/ksp1_golf_swing_normal
					maxVolumeDistance = 150
					channel = Ship
					clip = Squad/Sounds/ksp1_banana_V2_01
					maxVolumeDistance = 150
					channel = Ship
					clip = Squad/Sounds/ksp1_banana_V2_04
					maxVolumeDistance = 150
					channel = Ship
					clip = Squad/Sounds/ksp1_banana_V2_05
					maxVolumeDistance = 150
			name = KerbalEVA
			__OVERLOAD = True
			isCfg = True
			walkSpeed = 0.8
			strafeSpeed = 0.5
			runSpeed = 2.2
			turnRate = 4
			maxJumpForce = 10
			boundForce = 1.67
			boundSpeed = 0.8
			boundThreshold = 0.02
			swimSpeed = 0.8
			waterAngularDragMultiplier = 0.01
			ladderClimbSpeed = 0.60
			ladderPushoffForce = 3
			minWalkingGee = 0.17
			minRunningGee = 0.6
			initialMass = 1.5
			massMultiplier = 0.03
			onFallHeightFromTerrain = 0.35
			clamberMaxAlt = 100
			splatEnabled = True
			splatSpeed = 50
			propellantResourceName = EVA Propellant
			boundFrequency = 0.5
			boundSharpness = 0.2
			boundAttack = 0.4
			boundRelease = 2
			boundFallThreshold = 2
			_flags = 1
			flagReach = 0.3
			Kp = 0.7
			Ki = 0.25
			Kd = 0.300000012
			iC = 0.005
			rotPower = 1
			linPower = 8.63
			PropellantConsumption = 0.025
			stumbleThreshold = 3.5
			hopThreshold = 2
			recoverThreshold = 0.6
			recoverTime = 3
			splatThreshold = 150
			clamberReach = 0.9
			clamberStandoff = 0.45
			helmetOffMinSafePressureAtm = 0.177
			helmetOffMinSafeTempK = 223.0
			helmetOffMaxSafeTempK = 333.0
			helmetOffMaxOceanPressureAtm = 5.8
			helmetOffMinSafePressureAtmMargin = 0.038
			helmetOffMinSafeTempKMargin = 10.0
			helmetOffMaxSafeTempKMargin = 10.0
			helmetOffMaxOceanPressureAtmMargin = 1.0
			evaExitTemperature = 303.0
			name = ModuleScienceExperiment
			experimentID = surfaceSample
			experimentActionName = Take Surface Sample
			resetActionName = Discard Sample
			reviewActionName = Review Sample
			hideUIwhenUnavailable = True
			rerunnable = True
			resettable = True
			resettableOnEVA = False
			hideFxModuleUI = True
			resourceToReset = Supplies
			resourceResetCost = 5
			xmitDataScalar = 0.25
			dataIsCollectable = True
			deployableSeated = False
			name = ModuleScienceExperiment
			experimentID = evaReport
			experimentActionName = EVA Report
			resetActionName = Discard Report
			reviewActionName = Review Report
			hideUIwhenUnavailable = True
			rerunnable = True
			resettable = True
			resettableOnEVA = False
			hideFxModuleUI = True
			resourceToReset = Supplies
			resourceResetCost = 5
			xmitDataScalar = 1
			dataIsCollectable = True
			name = ModuleScienceExperiment
			experimentID = ROCScience
			resetActionName = Discard Report
			reviewActionName = Review Report
			hideUIwhenUnavailable = True
			rerunnable = True
			resettable = True
			resettableOnEVA = False
			hideFxModuleUI = True
			xmitDataScalar = 0
			dataIsCollectable = True
			scienceValueRatio = 1.0
			extraResultString = Return this to have it analyzed and gain all information about it.
			name = ModuleScienceExperiment
			experimentID = evaScience
			experimentActionName = Perform EVA Science
			resetActionName = Discard EVA Science Report
			reviewActionName = Review EVA Science Report
			hideUIwhenUnavailable = True
			rerunnable = True
			resettable = True
			resettableOnEVA = False
			hideFxModuleUI = True
			resourceToReset = Supplies
			resourceResetCost = 5
			xmitDataScalar = 1
			dataIsCollectable = True
			requiresInventoryPart = True
			requiresEVASituation = True
			deployableSeated = False
			availableShielded = False
				priority = 2
				situationMask = 1
				minTemp = 170
				kerbalAction = PlayGolf
				resultString = Initial testing of off-world sporting possibility is a go - not only do the ball flight characteristics allow for some spectacular shots, but realestate prices are currently still a bargain.
				resultString = As the ball arcs off into the distance you observe the ballet of physics between the applied impulse and the bodies gravity. Our scientists will rejoice at the results...\n\n...and hopefully agree that the 6 iron was great club selection.
				resultString = You smoked that one right down the middle... I mean conducted some very effective science on the effect of lever arm force to a small spherical object.\n\nIf only Alan Kerman could see you now!
				situationMask = 1
				requiresNoAtmosphere = True
				maxTemp = 170
				kerbalAction = Banana
				resultString = Rigorous testing of the new low-temperature snack technology did not go as well as planned... and deserves further study.
				resultString = Cryogenic banana experiments have proved successful, but we're still lacking EVA suit micro-airlocks to truly take advantage of these tests.
				situationMask = 48
				requiresNoAtmosphere = True
				kerbalAction = Dzhanibekov
				dialogDelay = 4.5
				resultString = Spinning this flange in space has led to an interesting and unexpected effect - it flips orientation over and over, without any other forces acting on it.\n\nMore surprising is that our spacecraft seems to still be operating nominally while missing this part.
				resultString = Our scientists say that the way this object wobbles in space is due to it having three different moments of inertia in three different axes, and that this would be impossible in a four dimentional universe. The engineers reply is that it will if they can find enough four dimensional boosters.
			name = ModuleScienceContainer
			allowRepeatedSubjects = True
			name = FlagDecal
			textureQuadName = kbEVA_flagDecals
			name = FlagDecal
			textureQuadName = EVAStorage_flagDecals
			name = FlagDecal
			textureQuadName = EVAStorageSlim_flagDecals
			name = ModuleTripLogger
			name = ModuleEvaChute
			semiDeployedAnimation = semiDeploySmall
			fullyDeployedAnimation = fullyDeploySmall
			invertCanopy = true
			autoCutSpeed = 0.5
			canopyName = canopy
			stowedDrag = 0.22
			semiDeployedDrag = 1
			fullyDeployedDrag = 500
			minAirPressureToOpen = 0.04
			clampMinAirPressure = 0.04
			deployAltitude = 1000
			deploymentSpeed = 1.0
			semiDeploymentSpeed = 1.0
			chuteMaxTemp = 650
			evaChuteName = EVAparachute
			rotationSpeedDPS = 180.0
			chutePitchRate = 1.0
			chuteRollRate = 1.0
			chuteYawRateAtMinSpeed = 1.0
			chuteMinSpeedForYawRate = 1.0
			chuteYawRateAtMaxSpeed = 1.0
			chuteMaxSpeedForYawRate = 50.0
			chuteDefaultForwardPitch = 9.0
			semiDeployedChuteForwardPitch = 25.0
			chutePitchRateDivisorWhenTurning = 1.0
			chuteRollRateDivisorWhenPitching = 1.0
			chuteYawRateDivisorWhenPitching = 1.0
			baseName = base
			flagName = FlagDecal
			stagingEnabled = false
			name = ModuleLiftingSurface
			useInternalDragModel = False
			deflectionLiftCoeff = 2.5
			transformDir = Y
			transformSign = -1
			omnidirectional = False
			name = ModuleLiftingSurface
			useInternalDragModel = False
			deflectionLiftCoeff = 1.0
			transformDir = X
			name = FlagDecal
			textureQuadName = flag
			name = FlagDecal
			textureQuadName = chute_standalone_flag
			name = FlagDecal
			textureQuadName = chute_container_flag
			name = ModuleInventoryPart
			InventorySlots = 2
			packedVolumeLimit = 40
			massLimit = 0.065
				name = evaChute
				name = evaJetpack
			name = ModuleColorChanger
			shaderProperty = _EmissiveColor
			animRate = 0.8
			animState = false
			useRate = true
			toggleInEditor = false
			toggleInFlight = false
			unfocusedRange = 5
			toggleAction = true
			defaultActionGroup = Light
			useMaterialsList = true
			materialsNames = FutureEVABody,FutureHelmet
			alphaOnly = true
			redColor = 1.0
			greenColor = 0.5176
			blueColor = 0.0
				key = 0 0 0 1
				key = 1 1 0 0
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Parts/Prebuilt/kerbalEVAfemaleVintage.cfg
		name = kerbalEVAfemaleVintage
			name = ModuleScienceExperiment
			experimentID = ROCScience
			resetActionName = Discard Report
			reviewActionName = Review Report
			hideUIwhenUnavailable = True
			rerunnable = True
			resettable = True
			resettableOnEVA = False
			hideFxModuleUI = True
			xmitDataScalar = 0
			dataIsCollectable = True
			scienceValueRatio = 1.0
			extraResultString = Return this to have it analyzed and gain all information about it.
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Parts/Propellers/largeFanBlade.cfg
		name = largeFanBlade
		module = Part
		author = RoverDude
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0
		node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1
		TechRequired = advAerodynamics
		entryCost = 5200
		cost = 550
		category = Aero
		subcategory = 0
		title = R-25 Ducted Fan Blade
		manufacturer = WinterOwl Aircraft Emporium
		description = This large ducted fan propeller can push a lot of air through a small space.
		attachRules = 1,1,0,1,0
		mass = 0.12
		thermalMassModifier = 8.0
		emissiveConstant = 0.95
		dragModelType = none
		maximum_drag = 0.02
		minimum_drag = 0.02
		angularDrag = 3
		crashTolerance = 12
		maxTemp = 2400
		explosionPotential = 0.1
		fuelCrossFeed = True
		bulkheadProfiles = srf
		tags = (prop lift (rotor fan plane
		CoLOffset = -0.4, 0.0, 0.0
		CoMOffset = 0.48, 0.0, 0.0
			model = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Parts/Propellers/Assets/largeFanBlade
			name = ModuleControlSurface
			useInternalDragModel = True
			deflectionLiftCoeff = 0.1
			authorityLimiter = 5
			ctrlSurfaceRange = 60
			ctrlSurfaceArea = 1
			actuatorSpeed = 35
			transformName = blades
			displaceVelocity = true
			velocityOffset = -5.8, 0.0, 0.0
			ignorePitch = true
			ignoreYaw = true
			ignoreRoll = true
			liftingSurfaceCurve = Custom
				key = 0 0 12 12
				key = 0.04 0.6 10 10
				key = 0.08 1 0.5315806 0.5315806
				key = 0.3 0.4961243 -1.057947 -1.057947
				key = 1 0 -0.8333333 -0.8333333
				key = 0 1 -2.433333 -2.433333
				key = 0.3 0.27 -1.304167 -1.304167
				key = 0.7 0.2 -0.1375 -0.1375
				key = 1.2 0.15 -0.4000004 -0.4000004
				key = 1.3 0.08 -0.6250004 -0.6250004
				key = 1.4 0.025 -0.2958333 -0.2958333
				key = 2 0 -0.04166666 -0.04166666
				key = 0 0.1 1.408251 1.408251
				key = 0.1420201 0.3 0.4262961 0.4262961
				key = 0.25 0.24 2.561458 2.561458
				key = 0.5071068 1.7 5.678575 5.678575
				key = 1 2.4 1.387938 0
				key = 0 0.35 0 -0.8463008
				key = 0.15 0.125 0 0
				key = 0.9 0.275 0.541598 0.541598
				key = 1.1 0.75 0 0
				key = 1.4 0.4 -0.3626955 -0.3626955
				key = 1.6 0.35 -0.1545923 -0.1545923
				key = 2 0.3 -0.09013031 -0.09013031
				key = 5 0.22 0 0
				key = 25 0.3 0.0006807274 0
			name = ModulePartVariants
			baseVariant = Clockwise
			useMultipleDragCubes = false
				name = Clockwise
				displayName = Clockwise
				primaryColor = #ffffff
				secondaryColor = #000000
					blade = true
					bladeFlipped = false
					reverseDeployDirection = true
				name = Counterclockwise
				displayName = Counterclockwise
				primaryColor = #000000
				secondaryColor = #ffffff
					blade = false
					bladeFlipped = true
					reverseDeployDirection = false
			name = ModuleMirrorPlacement
			ignoreMirrorIfSurfaceXOffset = false
			applyMirrorRotationZAxis = false
			applyMirrorRotationYAxis = true
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 120
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Parts/Propellers/largeHeliBlade.cfg
		name = largeHeliBlade
		module = Part
		author = RoverDude
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0
		node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1
		TechRequired = advAerodynamics
		entryCost = 4000
		cost = 500
		category = Aero
		subcategory = 0
		title = Helicopter Blade Type S
		manufacturer = WinterOwl Aircraft Emporium
		description = Rockets aren't the only way to go up. This large helicopter-style rotor can create lift whenever there's enough atmospheric pressure.
		attachRules = 1,1,0,1,0
		mass = 0.18
		thermalMassModifier = 8.0
		emissiveConstant = 0.95
		dragModelType = none
		maximum_drag = 0.02
		minimum_drag = 0.02
		angularDrag = 3
		crashTolerance = 12
		maxTemp = 2000
		explosionPotential = 0.1
		fuelCrossFeed = True
		bulkheadProfiles = srf
		tags = aero aircraft (prop lift (rotor plane (heli
		CoLOffset = -1.2, 0.0, 0.0
		CoMOffset = 0.48, 0.0, 0.0
			model = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Parts/Propellers/Assets/largeHeliBlade
			name = ModuleControlSurface
			useInternalDragModel = True
			deflectionLiftCoeff = 1.6
			authorityLimiter = 20
			ctrlSurfaceRange = 15
			ctrlSurfaceArea = 1
			actuatorSpeed = 35
			transformName = blades
			velocityOffset = -3.0, 0.0, 0.0
			displaceVelocity = True
			liftingSurfaceCurve = Custom
				key = 0 0 12 12
				key = 0.05 0.6 10 10
				key = 0.1 1 3.166667 3.166667
				key = 0.4 0.5 -1.585721 -1.585721
				key = 1 0 -0.8333333 -0.8333333
				key = 0 1 0 0
				key = 0.3 0.5 -1.671345 -0.8273422
				key = 1 0.025 -0.00023 -0.009
				key = 5 0 0 0
				key = 25 0.05 0 0
				key = 0 0.1 1.408251 1.408251
				key = 0.1420201 0.3 0.4262961 0.4262961
				key = 0.25 0.24 2.561458 2.561458
				key = 0.5071068 1.7 5.678575 5.678575
				key = 1 2.4 1.387938 0
				key = 0 0.35 0 -0.8463008
				key = 0.15 0.125 0 0
				key = 0.9 0.275 0.541598 0.541598
				key = 1.1 0.75 0 0
				key = 1.4 0.4 -0.3626955 -0.3626955
				key = 1.6 0.35 -0.1545923 -0.1545923
				key = 2 0.3 -0.09013031 -0.09013031
				key = 5 0.22 0 0
				key = 25 0.3 0.0006807274 0
			name = ModulePartVariants
			baseVariant = Clockwise
			useMultipleDragCubes = false
				name = Clockwise
				displayName = Clockwise
				primaryColor = #ffffff
				secondaryColor = #000000
					blade = true
					bladeFlipped = false
					reverseDeployDirection = true
				name = Counterclockwise
				displayName = Counterclockwise
				primaryColor = #000000
				secondaryColor = #ffffff
					blade = false
					bladeFlipped = true
					reverseDeployDirection = false
			name = ModuleMirrorPlacement
			ignoreMirrorIfSurfaceXOffset = false
			applyMirrorRotationZAxis = false
			applyMirrorRotationYAxis = true
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			stackableQuantity = 1
			packedVolume = -1
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Parts/Propellers/largePropeller.cfg
		name = largePropeller
		module = Part
		author = RoverDude
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0
		node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1
		TechRequired = advAerodynamics
		entryCost = 3500
		cost = 400
		category = Aero
		subcategory = 0
		title = Propeller Blade Type S
		manufacturer = WinterOwl Aircraft Emporium
		description = This blade part can be used to convert lift into thrust if you spin it fast enough. The advanced user can even find this useful on other planets with an atmosphere.
		attachRules = 1,1,0,1,0
		mass = 0.12
		thermalMassModifier = 8.0
		emissiveConstant = 0.95
		dragModelType = none
		maximum_drag = 0.02
		minimum_drag = 0.02
		angularDrag = 3
		crashTolerance = 12
		maxTemp = 2000
		explosionPotential = 0.1
		fuelCrossFeed = True
		bulkheadProfiles = srf
		tags = aero aircraft (prop lift (rotor plane
		CoLOffset = -0.8, 0.0, 0.0
		CoMOffset = 0.48, 0.0, 0.0
			model = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Parts/Propellers/Assets/largePropeller
			name = ModuleControlSurface
			useInternalDragModel = True
			deflectionLiftCoeff = 0.12
			authorityLimiter = 5
			ctrlSurfaceRange = 60
			ctrlSurfaceArea = 1
			actuatorSpeed = 35
			transformName = blades
			displaceVelocity = true
			velocityOffset = -4.8, 0.0, 0.0
			ignorePitch = true
			ignoreYaw = true
			ignoreRoll = true
			liftingSurfaceCurve = Custom
				key = 0 0 12 12
				key = 0.05 0.6 10 10
				key = 0.1 1 3.166667 3.166667
				key = 0.4 0.5 -1.997597 -1.997597
				key = 1 0 -0.8333333 -0.8333333
				key = 0 1 -2.433333 -2.433333
				key = 0.3 0.27 -0.2686215 -0.2686215
				key = 0.7 0.2 -0.2043576 -0.2043576
				key = 0.92 0.15 -0.408667 -0.408667
				key = 1 0.07863159 -0.4254455 -0.4254455
				key = 1.25 0.025 -0.1166667 -0.1166667
				key = 2 0 0.0003714963 0.0003714963
				key = 5 0 0 0
				key = 0 0.1 1.408251 1.408251
				key = 0.1420201 0.3 0.4262961 0.4262961
				key = 0.25 0.24 2.561458 2.561458
				key = 0.5071068 1.7 5.678575 5.678575
				key = 1 2.4 1.387938 0
				key = 0 0.35 0 -0.8463008
				key = 0.15 0.125 0 0
				key = 0.9 0.275 0.541598 0.541598
				key = 1.1 0.75 0 0
				key = 1.4 0.4 -0.3626955 -0.3626955
				key = 1.6 0.35 -0.1545923 -0.1545923
				key = 2 0.3 -0.09013031 -0.09013031
				key = 5 0.22 0 0
				key = 25 0.3 0.0006807274 0
			name = ModulePartVariants
			baseVariant = Clockwise
			useMultipleDragCubes = false
				name = Clockwise
				displayName = Clockwise
				primaryColor = #ffffff
				secondaryColor = #000000
					blade = true
					bladeFlipped = false
					reverseDeployDirection = true
				name = Counterclockwise
				displayName = Counterclockwise
				primaryColor = #000000
				secondaryColor = #ffffff
					blade = false
					bladeFlipped = true
					reverseDeployDirection = false
			name = ModuleMirrorPlacement
			ignoreMirrorIfSurfaceXOffset = false
			applyMirrorRotationZAxis = false
			applyMirrorRotationYAxis = true
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 280
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Parts/Propellers/mediumFanBlade.cfg
		name = mediumFanBlade
		module = Part
		author = RoverDude
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0
		node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1
		TechRequired = aerodynamicSystems
		entryCost = 3700
		cost = 275
		category = Aero
		subcategory = 0
		title = R-12 Ducted Fan Blade
		manufacturer = WinterOwl Aircraft Emporium
		description = This medium ducted fan propeller can push a lot of air through a small space.
		attachRules = 1,1,0,1,0
		mass = 0.035
		thermalMassModifier = 8.0
		emissiveConstant = 0.95
		dragModelType = none
		maximum_drag = 0.02
		minimum_drag = 0.02
		angularDrag = 3
		crashTolerance = 12
		maxTemp = 2400
		explosionPotential = 0.1
		fuelCrossFeed = True
		bulkheadProfiles = srf
		tags = (prop lift (rotor fan plane
		CoLOffset = -0.2, 0.0, 0.0
		CoMOffset = 0.27, 0.0, 0.0
			model = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Parts/Propellers/Assets/mediumFanBlade
			name = ModuleControlSurface
			useInternalDragModel = True
			deflectionLiftCoeff = 0.025
			authorityLimiter = 5
			ctrlSurfaceRange = 60
			ctrlSurfaceArea = 1
			actuatorSpeed = 35
			transformName = blades
			displaceVelocity = true
			velocityOffset = -5.8, 0.0, 0.0
			ignorePitch = true
			ignoreYaw = true
			ignoreRoll = true
			liftingSurfaceCurve = Custom
				key = 0 0 12 12
				key = 0.04 0.6 10 10
				key = 0.08 1 0.5315806 0.5315806
				key = 0.3 0.4961243 -1.057947 -1.057947
				key = 1 0 -0.8333333 -0.8333333
				key = 0 1 -2.433333 -2.433333
				key = 0.3 0.27 -1.304167 -1.304167
				key = 0.7 0.2 -0.1375 -0.1375
				key = 1.2 0.15 -0.4000004 -0.4000004
				key = 1.3 0.08 -0.6250004 -0.6250004
				key = 1.4 0.025 -0.2958333 -0.2958333
				key = 2 0 -0.04166666 -0.04166666
				key = 0 0.1 1.408251 1.408251
				key = 0.1420201 0.3 0.4262961 0.4262961
				key = 0.25 0.24 2.561458 2.561458
				key = 0.5071068 1.7 5.678575 5.678575
				key = 1 2.4 1.387938 0
				key = 0 0.35 0 -0.8463008
				key = 0.15 0.125 0 0
				key = 0.9 0.275 0.541598 0.541598
				key = 1.1 0.75 0 0
				key = 1.4 0.4 -0.3626955 -0.3626955
				key = 1.6 0.35 -0.1545923 -0.1545923
				key = 2 0.3 -0.09013031 -0.09013031
				key = 5 0.22 0 0
				key = 25 0.3 0.0006807274 0
			name = ModulePartVariants
			baseVariant = Clockwise
			useMultipleDragCubes = false
				name = Clockwise
				displayName = Clockwise
				primaryColor = #ffffff
				secondaryColor = #000000
					blade = true
					bladeFlipped = false
					reverseDeployDirection = true
				name = Counterclockwise
				displayName = Counterclockwise
				primaryColor = #000000
				secondaryColor = #ffffff
					blade = false
					bladeFlipped = true
					reverseDeployDirection = false
			name = ModuleMirrorPlacement
			ignoreMirrorIfSurfaceXOffset = false
			applyMirrorRotationZAxis = false
			applyMirrorRotationYAxis = true
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			stackableQuantity = 3
			packedVolume = 15
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Parts/Propellers/mediumHeliBlade.cfg
		name = mediumHeliBlade
		module = Part
		author = RoverDude
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0
		node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1
		TechRequired = aerodynamicSystems
		entryCost = 2500
		cost = 225
		category = Aero
		subcategory = 0
		title = Helicopter Blade Type B
		manufacturer = WinterOwl Aircraft Emporium
		description = Rockets aren't the only way to go up. This medium helicopter-style rotor can create lift whenever there's enough atmospheric pressure.
		attachRules = 1,1,0,1,0
		mass = 0.05
		thermalMassModifier = 8.0
		emissiveConstant = 0.95
		dragModelType = none
		maximum_drag = 0.02
		minimum_drag = 0.02
		angularDrag = 3
		crashTolerance = 12
		maxTemp = 2000
		explosionPotential = 0.1
		fuelCrossFeed = True
		bulkheadProfiles = srf
		tags = aero aircraft (prop lift (rotor plane (heli
		CoLOffset = -0.6, 0.0, 0.0
		CoMOffset = 0.27, 0.0, 0.0
			model = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Parts/Propellers/Assets/mediumHeliBlade
			name = ModuleControlSurface
			useInternalDragModel = True
			deflectionLiftCoeff = 0.4
			authorityLimiter = 20
			ctrlSurfaceRange = 15
			ctrlSurfaceArea = 1
			actuatorSpeed = 35
			transformName = blades
			velocityOffset = -2.5, 0.0, 0.0
			displaceVelocity = True
			liftingSurfaceCurve = Custom
				key = 0 0 12 12
				key = 0.05 0.6 10 10
				key = 0.1 1 3.166667 3.166667
				key = 0.4 0.5 -1.585721 -1.585721
				key = 1 0 -0.8333333 -0.8333333
				key = 0 1 0 0
				key = 0.3 0.5 -1.671345 -0.8273422
				key = 1 0.025 -0.00023 -0.009
				key = 5 0 0 0
				key = 25 0.05 0 0
				key = 0 0.1 1.408251 1.408251
				key = 0.1420201 0.3 0.4262961 0.4262961
				key = 0.25 0.24 2.561458 2.561458
				key = 0.5071068 1.7 5.678575 5.678575
				key = 1 2.4 1.387938 0
				key = 0 0.35 0 -0.8463008
				key = 0.15 0.125 0 0
				key = 0.9 0.275 0.541598 0.541598
				key = 1.1 0.75 0 0
				key = 1.4 0.4 -0.3626955 -0.3626955
				key = 1.6 0.35 -0.1545923 -0.1545923
				key = 2 0.3 -0.09013031 -0.09013031
				key = 5 0.22 0 0
				key = 25 0.3 0.0006807274 0
			name = ModulePartVariants
			baseVariant = Clockwise
			useMultipleDragCubes = false
				name = Clockwise
				displayName = Clockwise
				primaryColor = #ffffff
				secondaryColor = #000000
					blade = true
					bladeFlipped = false
					reverseDeployDirection = true
				name = Counterclockwise
				displayName = Counterclockwise
				primaryColor = #000000
				secondaryColor = #ffffff
					blade = false
					bladeFlipped = true
					reverseDeployDirection = false
			name = ModuleMirrorPlacement
			ignoreMirrorIfSurfaceXOffset = false
			applyMirrorRotationZAxis = false
			applyMirrorRotationYAxis = true
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			stackableQuantity = 1
			packedVolume = -1
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Parts/Propellers/mediumPropeller.cfg
		name = mediumPropeller
		module = Part
		author = RoverDude
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0
		node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1
		TechRequired = aerodynamicSystems
		entryCost = 2000
		cost = 175
		category = Aero
		subcategory = 0
		title = Propeller Blade Type B
		manufacturer = WinterOwl Aircraft Emporium
		description = This blade part can be used to convert lift into thrust if you spin it fast enough. The advanced user can even find this useful on other planets with an atmosphere.
		attachRules = 1,1,0,1,0
		mass = 0.035
		thermalMassModifier = 8.0
		emissiveConstant = 0.95
		dragModelType = none
		maximum_drag = 0.02
		minimum_drag = 0.02
		angularDrag = 3
		crashTolerance = 12
		maxTemp = 2000
		explosionPotential = 0.1
		fuelCrossFeed = True
		bulkheadProfiles = srf
		tags = aero aircraft (prop lift (rotor plane
		CoLOffset = -0.4, 0.0, 0.0
		CoMOffset = 0.27, 0.0, 0.0
			model = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Parts/Propellers/Assets/mediumPropeller
			name = ModuleControlSurface
			useInternalDragModel = True
			deflectionLiftCoeff = 0.03
			authorityLimiter = 5
			ctrlSurfaceRange = 60
			ctrlSurfaceArea = 1
			actuatorSpeed = 35
			transformName = blades
			displaceVelocity = true
			velocityOffset = -4.8, 0.0, 0.0
			ignorePitch = true
			ignoreYaw = true
			ignoreRoll = true
			liftingSurfaceCurve = Custom
				key = 0 0 12 12
				key = 0.05 0.6 10 10
				key = 0.1 1 3.166667 3.166667
				key = 0.4 0.5 -1.997597 -1.997597
				key = 1 0 -0.8333333 -0.8333333
				key = 0 1 -2.433333 -2.433333
				key = 0.3 0.27 -0.2686215 -0.2686215
				key = 0.7 0.2 -0.2043576 -0.2043576
				key = 0.92 0.15 -0.408667 -0.408667
				key = 1 0.07863159 -0.4254455 -0.4254455
				key = 1.25 0.025 -0.1166667 -0.1166667
				key = 2 0 0.0003714963 0.0003714963
				key = 5 0 0 0
				key = 0 0.1 1.408251 1.408251
				key = 0.1420201 0.3 0.4262961 0.4262961
				key = 0.25 0.24 2.561458 2.561458
				key = 0.5071068 1.7 5.678575 5.678575
				key = 1 2.4 1.387938 0
				key = 0 0.35 0 -0.8463008
				key = 0.15 0.125 0 0
				key = 0.9 0.275 0.541598 0.541598
				key = 1.1 0.75 0 0
				key = 1.4 0.4 -0.3626955 -0.3626955
				key = 1.6 0.35 -0.1545923 -0.1545923
				key = 2 0.3 -0.09013031 -0.09013031
				key = 5 0.22 0 0
				key = 25 0.3 0.0006807274 0
			name = ModulePartVariants
			baseVariant = Clockwise
			useMultipleDragCubes = false
				name = Clockwise
				displayName = Clockwise
				primaryColor = #ffffff
				secondaryColor = #000000
					blade = true
					bladeFlipped = false
					reverseDeployDirection = true
				name = Counterclockwise
				displayName = Counterclockwise
				primaryColor = #000000
				secondaryColor = #ffffff
					blade = false
					bladeFlipped = true
					reverseDeployDirection = false
			name = ModuleMirrorPlacement
			ignoreMirrorIfSurfaceXOffset = false
			applyMirrorRotationZAxis = false
			applyMirrorRotationYAxis = true
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 35
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Parts/Propellers/smallFanBlade.cfg
		name = smallFanBlade
		module = Part
		author = RoverDude
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0
		node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1
		TechRequired = advAerodynamics
		entryCost = 2100
		cost = 150
		category = Aero
		subcategory = 0
		title = R-062 Ducted Fan Blade
		manufacturer = WinterOwl Aircraft Emporium
		description = This small ducted fan propeller can push a lot of air through a small space.
		attachRules = 1,1,0,1,0
		mass = 0.01
		thermalMassModifier = 8.0
		emissiveConstant = 0.95
		dragModelType = none
		maximum_drag = 0.02
		minimum_drag = 0.02
		angularDrag = 3
		crashTolerance = 12
		maxTemp = 2400
		explosionPotential = 0.1
		fuelCrossFeed = True
		bulkheadProfiles = srf
		tags = (prop lift (rotor fan plane
		CoLOffset = -0.1, 0.0, 0.0
		CoMOffset = 0.16, 0.0, 0.0
			model = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Parts/Propellers/Assets/smallFanBlade
			name = ModuleControlSurface
			useInternalDragModel = True
			deflectionLiftCoeff = 0.00625
			authorityLimiter = 5
			ctrlSurfaceRange = 60
			ctrlSurfaceArea = 1
			actuatorSpeed = 35
			transformName = blades
			displaceVelocity = true
			velocityOffset = -5.8, 0.0, 0.0
			ignorePitch = true
			ignoreYaw = true
			ignoreRoll = true
			liftingSurfaceCurve = Custom
				key = 0 0 12 12
				key = 0.04 0.6 10 10
				key = 0.08 1 0.5315806 0.5315806
				key = 0.3 0.4961243 -1.057947 -1.057947
				key = 1 0 -0.8333333 -0.8333333
				key = 0 1 -2.433333 -2.433333
				key = 0.3 0.27 -1.304167 -1.304167
				key = 0.7 0.2 -0.1375 -0.1375
				key = 1.2 0.15 -0.4000004 -0.4000004
				key = 1.3 0.08 -0.6250004 -0.6250004
				key = 1.4 0.025 -0.2958333 -0.2958333
				key = 2 0 -0.04166666 -0.04166666
				key = 0 0.1 1.408251 1.408251
				key = 0.1420201 0.3 0.4262961 0.4262961
				key = 0.25 0.24 2.561458 2.561458
				key = 0.5071068 1.7 5.678575 5.678575
				key = 1 2.4 1.387938 0
				key = 0 0.35 0 -0.8463008
				key = 0.15 0.125 0 0
				key = 0.9 0.275 0.541598 0.541598
				key = 1.1 0.75 0 0
				key = 1.4 0.4 -0.3626955 -0.3626955
				key = 1.6 0.35 -0.1545923 -0.1545923
				key = 2 0.3 -0.09013031 -0.09013031
				key = 5 0.22 0 0
				key = 25 0.3 0.0006807274 0
			name = ModulePartVariants
			baseVariant = Clockwise
			useMultipleDragCubes = false
				name = Clockwise
				displayName = Clockwise
				primaryColor = #ffffff
				secondaryColor = #000000
					blade = true
					bladeFlipped = false
					reverseDeployDirection = true
				name = Counterclockwise
				displayName = Counterclockwise
				primaryColor = #000000
				secondaryColor = #ffffff
					blade = false
					bladeFlipped = true
					reverseDeployDirection = false
			name = ModuleMirrorPlacement
			ignoreMirrorIfSurfaceXOffset = false
			applyMirrorRotationZAxis = false
			applyMirrorRotationYAxis = true
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			stackableQuantity = 4
			packedVolume = 2
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Parts/Propellers/smallHeliBlade.cfg
		name = smallHeliBlade
		module = Part
		author = RoverDude
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0
		node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1
		TechRequired = advAerodynamics
		entryCost = 1500
		cost = 100
		category = Aero
		subcategory = 0
		title = Helicopter Blade Type A
		manufacturer = WinterOwl Aircraft Emporium
		description = Rockets aren't the only way to go up. This small helicopter-style rotor can create lift whenever there's enough atmospheric pressure.
		attachRules = 1,1,0,1,0
		mass = 0.015
		thermalMassModifier = 8.0
		emissiveConstant = 0.95
		dragModelType = none
		maximum_drag = 0.02
		minimum_drag = 0.02
		angularDrag = 3
		crashTolerance = 12
		maxTemp = 2000
		explosionPotential = 0.1
		fuelCrossFeed = True
		bulkheadProfiles = srf
		tags = aero aircraft (prop lift (rotor plane (heli
		CoLOffset = -0.3, 0.0, 0.0
		CoMOffset = 0.16, 0.0, 0.0
			model = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Parts/Propellers/Assets/smallHeliBlade
			name = ModuleControlSurface
			useInternalDragModel = True
			deflectionLiftCoeff = 0.1
			authorityLimiter = 20
			ctrlSurfaceRange = 15
			ctrlSurfaceArea = 1
			actuatorSpeed = 35
			transformName = blades
			velocityOffset = -2.0, 0.0, 0.0
			displaceVelocity = True
			liftingSurfaceCurve = Custom
				key = 0 0 12 12
				key = 0.05 0.6 10 10
				key = 0.1 1 3.166667 3.166667
				key = 0.4 0.5 -1.585721 -1.585721
				key = 1 0 -0.8333333 -0.8333333
				key = 0 1 0 0
				key = 0.3 0.5 -1.671345 -0.8273422
				key = 1 0.025 -0.00023 -0.009
				key = 5 0 0 0
				key = 25 0.05 0 0
				key = 0 0.1 1.408251 1.408251
				key = 0.1420201 0.3 0.4262961 0.4262961
				key = 0.25 0.24 2.561458 2.561458
				key = 0.5071068 1.7 5.678575 5.678575
				key = 1 2.4 1.387938 0
				key = 0 0.35 0 -0.8463008
				key = 0.15 0.125 0 0
				key = 0.9 0.275 0.541598 0.541598
				key = 1.1 0.75 0 0
				key = 1.4 0.4 -0.3626955 -0.3626955
				key = 1.6 0.35 -0.1545923 -0.1545923
				key = 2 0.3 -0.09013031 -0.09013031
				key = 5 0.22 0 0
				key = 25 0.3 0.0006807274 0
			name = ModulePartVariants
			baseVariant = Clockwise
			useMultipleDragCubes = false
				name = Clockwise
				displayName = Clockwise
				primaryColor = #ffffff
				secondaryColor = #000000
					blade = true
					bladeFlipped = false
					reverseDeployDirection = true
				name = Counterclockwise
				displayName = Counterclockwise
				primaryColor = #000000
				secondaryColor = #ffffff
					blade = false
					bladeFlipped = true
					reverseDeployDirection = false
			name = ModuleMirrorPlacement
			ignoreMirrorIfSurfaceXOffset = false
			applyMirrorRotationZAxis = false
			applyMirrorRotationYAxis = true
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 100
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Parts/Propellers/smallPropeller.cfg
		name = smallPropeller
		module = Part
		author = RoverDude
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0
		node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1
		TechRequired = advAerodynamics
		entryCost = 1200
		cost = 75
		category = Aero
		subcategory = 0
		title = Propeller Blade Type A
		manufacturer = WinterOwl Aircraft Emporium
		description = This blade part can be used to convert lift into thrust if you spin it fast enough. The advanced user can even find this useful on other planets with an atmosphere.
		attachRules = 1,1,0,1,0
		mass = 0.01
		thermalMassModifier = 8.0
		emissiveConstant = 0.95
		dragModelType = none
		maximum_drag = 0.02
		minimum_drag = 0.02
		angularDrag = 3
		crashTolerance = 12
		maxTemp = 2000
		explosionPotential = 0.1
		fuelCrossFeed = True
		bulkheadProfiles = srf
		tags = (prop lift (rotor plane
		CoLOffset = -0.2, 0.0, 0.0
		CoMOffset = 0.16, 0.0, 0.0
			model = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Parts/Propellers/Assets/smallPropeller
			name = ModuleControlSurface
			useInternalDragModel = True
			deflectionLiftCoeff = 0.0075
			authorityLimiter = 5
			ctrlSurfaceRange = 60
			ctrlSurfaceArea = 1
			actuatorSpeed = 35
			transformName = blades
			displaceVelocity = true
			velocityOffset = -4.8, 0.0, 0.0
			ignorePitch = true
			ignoreYaw = true
			ignoreRoll = true
			liftingSurfaceCurve = Custom
				key = 0 0 12 12
				key = 0.05 0.6 10 10
				key = 0.1 1 3.166667 3.166667
				key = 0.4 0.5 -1.997597 -1.997597
				key = 1 0 -0.8333333 -0.8333333
				key = 0 1 -2.433333 -2.433333
				key = 0.3 0.27 -0.2686215 -0.2686215
				key = 0.7 0.2 -0.2043576 -0.2043576
				key = 0.92 0.15 -0.408667 -0.408667
				key = 1 0.07863159 -0.4254455 -0.4254455
				key = 1.25 0.025 -0.1166667 -0.1166667
				key = 2 0 0.0003714963 0.0003714963
				key = 5 0 0 0
				key = 0 0.1 1.408251 1.408251
				key = 0.1420201 0.3 0.4262961 0.4262961
				key = 0.25 0.24 2.561458 2.561458
				key = 0.5071068 1.7 5.678575 5.678575
				key = 1 2.4 1.387938 0
				key = 0 0.35 0 -0.8463008
				key = 0.15 0.125 0 0
				key = 0.9 0.275 0.541598 0.541598
				key = 1.1 0.75 0 0
				key = 1.4 0.4 -0.3626955 -0.3626955
				key = 1.6 0.35 -0.1545923 -0.1545923
				key = 2 0.3 -0.09013031 -0.09013031
				key = 5 0.22 0 0
				key = 25 0.3 0.0006807274 0
			name = ModulePartVariants
			baseVariant = Clockwise
			useMultipleDragCubes = false
				name = Clockwise
				displayName = Clockwise
				primaryColor = #ffffff
				secondaryColor = #000000
					blade = true
					bladeFlipped = false
					reverseDeployDirection = true
				name = Counterclockwise
				displayName = Counterclockwise
				primaryColor = #000000
				secondaryColor = #ffffff
					blade = false
					bladeFlipped = true
					reverseDeployDirection = false
			name = ModuleMirrorPlacement
			ignoreMirrorIfSurfaceXOffset = false
			applyMirrorRotationZAxis = false
			applyMirrorRotationYAxis = true
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			stackableQuantity = 4
			packedVolume = 4
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Parts/Robotics/RotorEngine_02.cfg
		name = RotorEngine_02
		module = Part
		author = RoverDude
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.415, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0
		node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0
		TechRequired = aerodynamicSystems
		entryCost = 1200
		cost = 200
		category = Robotics
		subcategory = 0
		title = R121 Turboshaft Engine
		manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division
		description = This strong turbine engine consumes liquid fuel and outputs angular acceleration. Also emits a pleasently high pitched whine.
		attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0
		mass = 0.6
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 1
		crashTolerance = 12
		breakingForce = 200
		breakingTorque = 200
		maxTemp = 2000
		bulkheadProfiles = size0
		tags = robot actuator motor LF
			model = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Parts/Robotics/Assets/RotorEngine_02
			name = N2_1
			transform = N2_1
			size = 0
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N2_2
			transform = N2_2
			size = 0
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N3_1
			transform = N3_1
			size = 0
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N3_2
			transform = N3_2
			size = 0
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N3_3
			transform = N3_3
			size = 0
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N4_1
			transform = N4_1
			size = 0
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N4_2
			transform = N4_2
			size = 0
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N4_3
			transform = N4_3
			size = 0
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N4_4
			transform = N4_4
			size = 0
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N6_1
			transform = N6_1
			size = 0
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N6_2
			transform = N6_2
			size = 0
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N6_3
			transform = N6_3
			size = 0
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N6_4
			transform = N6_4
			size = 0
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N6_5
			transform = N6_5
			size = 0
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N6_6
			transform = N6_6
			size = 0
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N8_1
			transform = N8_1
			size = 0
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N8_2
			transform = N8_2
			size = 0
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N8_3
			transform = N8_3
			size = 0
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N8_4
			transform = N8_4
			size = 0
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N8_5
			transform = N8_5
			size = 0
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N8_6
			transform = N8_6
			size = 0
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N8_7
			transform = N8_7
			size = 0
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N8_8
			transform = N8_8
			size = 0
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N9_1
			transform = N9_1
			size = 0
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = ModuleDynamicNodes
			autostrut = true
				DisplayText = Double
				NodePrefix = N2_
				SetCount = 2
				Symmetry = 1
				DisplayText = Triple
				NodePrefix = N3_
				SetCount = 3
				Symmetry = 2
				DisplayText = Quad
				NodePrefix = N4_
				SetCount = 4
				Symmetry = 3
				DisplayText = Hex
				NodePrefix = N6_
				SetCount = 6
				Symmetry = 5
				DisplayText = Octo
				NodePrefix = N8_
				SetCount = 8
				Symmetry = 7
			name = ModuleRoboticServoRotor
			servoTransformName = TopJoint
			servoAttachNodes = top,N2_1,N2_2,N3_1,N3_2,N3_3,N4_1,N4_2,N4_3,N4_4,N6_1,N6_2,N6_3,N6_4,N6_5,N6_6,N8_1,N8_2,N8_3,N8_4,N8_5,N8_6,N8_7,N8_8,N9_1
			servoSrfMeshNames = COL1
			rotationMatch = 0.009
			maxMotorOutput = 150
			mainAxis = Y
			traverseVelocityLimits = 0, 460
			motorizedMassPerKN = 0.004
			motorizedCostPerDriveUnit = 2
			brakeTorque = 450
			rpmLimit = 460
			rotorSpoolTime = 150
			rotorTorqueCurve = 1
			efficiency = 0.4
			baseResourceConsumptionRate = 0.1
			referenceConsumptionVelocity = 460
			angularPositionSpring = 0.0000000001
			angularPositionDamper = 1000
				name = LiquidFuel
				rate = 0.01
				resourceFlowMode = STAGE_STACK_FLOW_BALANCE
				name = IntakeAir
				rate = 0.5
			name = ModuleResourceIntake
			resourceName = IntakeAir
			checkForOxygen = true
			area = 0.005
			intakeSpeed = 75
			intakeTransformName = Intake
				key = 0 0.85 0 0
				key = 1 1 0 0
				key = 2 0.95 -0.08751557 -0.08751557
				key = 4 0.5 -0.4034287 -0.4034287
				key = 8 0.01 0 0
			name = ModuleAlternator
			roboticRotorMode = true
				name = ElectricCharge
				rate = 0.4
			name = IntakeAir
			amount = 3
			maxAmount = 3
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			stackableQuantity = 1
			packedVolume = -1
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Parts/Robotics/RotorEngine_03.cfg
		name = RotorEngine_03
		module = Part
		author = RoverDude
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.415, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0
		node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0
		TechRequired = advAerodynamics
		entryCost = 5000
		cost = 550
		category = Robotics
		subcategory = 0
		title = R7000 Turboshaft Engine
		manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division
		description = This massive turbine engine consumes liquid fuel and outputs angular acceleration. We'd say it's the most powerful thing you can buy - but it's still not a rocket.
		attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0
		mass = 1.2
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 1
		crashTolerance = 12
		breakingForce = 200
		breakingTorque = 200
		maxTemp = 2000
		bulkheadProfiles = size0
		tags = robot actuator motor LF
			model = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Parts/Robotics/Assets/RotorEngine_03
			name = N2_1
			transform = N2_1
			size = 0
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N2_2
			transform = N2_2
			size = 0
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N3_1
			transform = N3_1
			size = 0
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N3_2
			transform = N3_2
			size = 0
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N3_3
			transform = N3_3
			size = 0
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N4_1
			transform = N4_1
			size = 0
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N4_2
			transform = N4_2
			size = 0
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N4_3
			transform = N4_3
			size = 0
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N4_4
			transform = N4_4
			size = 0
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N6_1
			transform = N6_1
			size = 0
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N6_2
			transform = N6_2
			size = 0
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N6_3
			transform = N6_3
			size = 0
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N6_4
			transform = N6_4
			size = 0
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N6_5
			transform = N6_5
			size = 0
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N6_6
			transform = N6_6
			size = 0
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N8_1
			transform = N8_1
			size = 0
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N8_2
			transform = N8_2
			size = 0
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N8_3
			transform = N8_3
			size = 0
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N8_4
			transform = N8_4
			size = 0
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N8_5
			transform = N8_5
			size = 0
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N8_6
			transform = N8_6
			size = 0
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N8_7
			transform = N8_7
			size = 0
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N8_8
			transform = N8_8
			size = 0
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N9_1
			transform = N9_1
			size = 0
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = ModuleDynamicNodes
			autostrut = true
				DisplayText = Double
				NodePrefix = N2_
				SetCount = 2
				Symmetry = 1
				DisplayText = Triple
				NodePrefix = N3_
				SetCount = 3
				Symmetry = 2
				DisplayText = Quad
				NodePrefix = N4_
				SetCount = 4
				Symmetry = 3
				DisplayText = Hex
				NodePrefix = N6_
				SetCount = 6
				Symmetry = 5
				DisplayText = Octo
				NodePrefix = N8_
				SetCount = 8
				Symmetry = 7
			name = ModuleRoboticServoRotor
			servoTransformName = TopJoint
			servoAttachNodes = top,N2_1,N2_2,N3_1,N3_2,N3_3,N4_1,N4_2,N4_3,N4_4,N6_1,N6_2,N6_3,N6_4,N6_5,N6_6,N8_1,N8_2,N8_3,N8_4,N8_5,N8_6,N8_7,N8_8
			servoSrfMeshNames = COL3
			rotationMatch = 0.009
			maxMotorOutput = 550
			mainAxis = Y
			traverseVelocityLimits = 0, 460
			motorizedMassPerKN = 0.004
			motorizedCostPerDriveUnit = 2
			brakeTorque = 1650
			rpmLimit = 460
			rotorSpoolTime = 150
			rotorTorqueCurve = 1
			efficiency = 0.4
			baseResourceConsumptionRate = 0.1
			referenceConsumptionVelocity = 460
			angularPositionSpring = 0.0000000001
			angularPositionDamper = 1000
				name = LiquidFuel
				rate = 0.012
				resourceFlowMode = STAGE_STACK_FLOW_BALANCE
				name = IntakeAir
				rate = 0.6
			name = ModuleResourceIntake
			resourceName = IntakeAir
			checkForOxygen = true
			area = 0.02
			intakeSpeed = 75
			intakeTransformName = Intake
				key = 0 0.85 0 0
				key = 1 1 0 0
				key = 2 0.95 -0.08751557 -0.08751557
				key = 4 0.5 -0.4034287 -0.4034287
				key = 8 0.01 0 0
			name = ModuleAlternator
			roboticRotorMode = true
				name = ElectricCharge
				rate = 0.48
			name = IntakeAir
			amount = 3
			maxAmount = 3
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Parts/Robotics/hinge_01.cfg
		name = hinge_01
		module = Part
		author = RoverDude
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.3125, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.3125, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1
		node_attach = 0.0, -0.3125, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
		TechRequired = actuators
		entryCost = 2500
		cost = 120
		category = Robotics
		subcategory = 0
		title = G-11 Hinge
		manufacturer = Moving Parts Experts Group
		description = A medium size actuator that has a variety of uses. Be creative!
		attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0
		mass = 0.08
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 1
		crashTolerance = 12
		breakingForce = 200
		breakingTorque = 200
		maxTemp = 2000
		bulkheadProfiles = size0
		tags = robot actuator hinge
			model = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Parts/Robotics/Assets/hinge_01
			name = ModuleRoboticServoHinge
			servoTransformName = TopJoint
			baseTransformName = BottomJoint
			servoAttachNodes = top
			servoSrfMeshNames = COL2
			traverseVelocityLimits = 1, 180
			hardMinMaxLimits = -90, 90
			softMinMaxAngles = -90, 90
			targetAngle = 0
			maxMotorOutput = 200
			driveSpringMutliplier = 100
			driveDampingMutliplier = 20
			motorizedMassPerKN = 0.0003
			motorizedCostPerDriveUnit = 0.75
			connectedMassScale = 1
			efficiency = 0.75
			baseResourceConsumptionRate = 0.02
			referenceConsumptionVelocity = 180
			mainAxis = X
				name = ElectricCharge
				rate = 1
			name = ModulePartVariants
			primaryColor = #999999
			secondaryColor = #b08b39
			baseDisplayName = Gray with Stripes
			baseThemeName = Gray with Stripes
			useMultipleDragCubes = false
				name = Gray
				displayName = Gray
				themeName = Gray
				primaryColor = #999999
					mainTextureURL = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Parts/Robotics/Assets/Hinge_diffuse_G-11_plain
			name = ModuleResourceAutoShiftState
			affectedResourceName = ElectricCharge
			affectedModuleName = ModuleRoboticServoHinge
			resourceShutOffHandler = true
			resourceStartUpHandler = true
			resourceShutOffStartUpUsePercent = true
			resourceShutOffAmount = 0
			resourceShutOffPercent = 0
			resourceStartUpAmount = 0
			resourceStartUpPercent = 5
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 250
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Parts/Robotics/hinge_01_s.cfg
		name = hinge_01_s
		module = Part
		author = RoverDude
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.10348, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.10348, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0
		node_attach = 0.0, -0.10348, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0
		TechRequired = advConstruction
		entryCost = 1000
		cost = 50
		category = Robotics
		subcategory = 0
		title = G-00 Hinge
		manufacturer = Moving Parts Experts Group
		description = A small actuator that can be used for a variety of purposes. Over 20% of those have something to do with rockets.
		attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0
		mass = 0.01
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 1
		crashTolerance = 12
		breakingForce = 200
		breakingTorque = 200
		maxTemp = 2000
		bulkheadProfiles = size0
		tags = robot actuator hinge
			model = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Parts/Robotics/Assets/hinge_01_s
			name = ModuleRoboticServoHinge
			servoTransformName = TopJoint
			baseTransformName = BottomJoint
			servoAttachNodes = top
			servoSrfMeshNames = COL2
			traverseVelocityLimits = 1, 180
			hardMinMaxLimits = -90, 90
			softMinMaxAngles = -90, 90
			targetAngle = 0
			maxMotorOutput = 50
			driveSpringMutliplier = 100
			driveDampingMutliplier = 20
			motorizedMassPerKN = 0.0002
			motorizedCostPerDriveUnit = 1
			connectedMassScale = 1
			efficiency = 0.75
			baseResourceConsumptionRate = 0.02
			referenceConsumptionVelocity = 180
			mainAxis = X
				name = ElectricCharge
				rate = 1
			name = ModulePartVariants
			primaryColor = #999999
			secondaryColor = #4b7c9a
			baseDisplayName = Gray with Stripes
			baseThemeName = Gray with Stripes
			useMultipleDragCubes = false
				name = Gray
				displayName = Gray
				themeName = Gray
				primaryColor = #999999
					mainTextureURL = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Parts/Robotics/Assets/Hinge_diffuse_G-11_plain
			name = ModuleResourceAutoShiftState
			affectedResourceName = ElectricCharge
			affectedModuleName = ModuleRoboticServoHinge
			resourceShutOffHandler = true
			resourceStartUpHandler = true
			resourceShutOffStartUpUsePercent = true
			resourceShutOffAmount = 0
			resourceShutOffPercent = 0
			resourceStartUpAmount = 0
			resourceStartUpPercent = 5
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			stackableQuantity = 3
			packedVolume = 15
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Parts/Robotics/hinge_03.cfg
		name = hinge_03
		module = Part
		author = RoverDude
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_bottom = 0.218749, 0.937497, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1
		node_stack_top = -0.937497, -0.218749, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
		node_attach = 0.218749, 0.937497, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1
		TechRequired = actuators
		entryCost = 3600
		cost = 360
		category = Robotics
		subcategory = 0
		title = G-12L Alligator Hinge
		manufacturer = Moving Parts Experts Group
		description = A medium actuator. Moving Parts Experts Group offers no warranty if you jury rig your own landing legs with them. Our engineers were curious what a warranty is for anyway.
		attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0
		mass = 0.1
		CoMOffset = 0.1, 0.937497, 0
		mass = 0.2
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 1
		crashTolerance = 12
		breakingForce = 200
		breakingTorque = 200
		maxTemp = 2000
		bulkheadProfiles = size2
		tags = robot actuator hinge
			model = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Parts/Robotics/Assets/hinge_03
			name = ModuleRoboticServoHinge
			servoCoMOffset = -0.937497, -0.1, 0
			servoTransformName = TopJoint
			baseTransformName = BottomJoint
			servoAttachNodes = top
			servoSrfMeshNames = TopCol
			traverseVelocityLimits = 1, 180
			hardMinMaxLimits = 0, 180
			softMinMaxAngles = 0, 180
			targetAngle = 90
			maxMotorOutput = 800
			driveSpringMutliplier = 100
			driveDampingMutliplier = 20
			modelInitialAngle = 90
			motorizedMassPerKN = 0.0004
			motorizedCostPerDriveUnit = 0.5
			connectedMassScale = 1
			efficiency = 0.75
			baseResourceConsumptionRate = 0.02
			referenceConsumptionVelocity = 180
			useMultipleDragCubes = true
				name = ElectricCharge
				rate = 1
			cube = 100, 1.285,0.9659,0.305, 1.285,0.9661,0.305, 0.2668,0.9646,1.969, 0.2668,0.769,0.4112, 0.5491,0.9698,0.2595, 0.5491,0.9698,0.2595, -5.215E-07,0.8594,0, 0.4375,2.031,0.6943
			cube = 50, 1.31,0.9679,0.4677, 1.31,0.9766,2.159, 1.31,0.9766,2.159, 1.31,0.9677,0.4677, 0.5619,0.9721,0.2595, 0.5599,0.9743,0.2595, -0.8281,0.8281,0, 2.094,2.094,0.6943
			cube = 0, 2.43,0.9759,0.2616, 2.43,0.9597,0.4397, 0.2183,0.8919,1.967, 0.2183,0.8919,1.967, 0.5618,0.9494,0.2595, 0.5618,0.9494,0.2595, 0.03125,-1.192E-07,0, 0.375,3.75,0.6943
			name = ModulePartVariants
			primaryColor = #999999
			secondaryColor = #b08b39
			baseDisplayName = Gray with Stripes
			baseThemeName = Gray with Stripes
			useMultipleDragCubes = false
				name = Gray
				displayName = Gray
				themeName = Gray
				primaryColor = #999999
					mainTextureURL = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Parts/Robotics/Assets/hinges-03_diffuse_plain
			name = ModuleResourceAutoShiftState
			affectedResourceName = ElectricCharge
			affectedModuleName = ModuleRoboticServoHinge
			resourceShutOffHandler = true
			resourceStartUpHandler = true
			resourceShutOffStartUpUsePercent = true
			resourceShutOffAmount = 0
			resourceShutOffPercent = 0
			resourceStartUpAmount = 0
			resourceStartUpPercent = 5
			name = ModuleMirrorPlacement
			ignoreMirrorIfSurfaceXOffset = false
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 500
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Parts/Robotics/hinge_03_s.cfg
		name = hinge_03_s
		module = Part
		author = RoverDude
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_bottom = 0.109375, 0.468749, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0
		node_stack_top = -0.468749, -0.109375, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0
		node_attach = 0.109375, 0.468749, 0.00, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0
		TechRequired = advConstruction
		entryCost = 2100
		cost = 120
		category = Robotics
		subcategory = 0
		title = G-01L Alligator Hinge
		manufacturer = Moving Parts Experts Group
		description = A small actuator with a longer frame that can be used for a variety of purposes. Despite its appearence, clamping Wernher's loose notes together is not an ideal choice.
		attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0
		CoMOffset = 0.05, 0.468749, 0
		mass = 0.08
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 1
		crashTolerance = 12
		breakingForce = 200
		breakingTorque = 200
		maxTemp = 2000
		bulkheadProfiles = size1
		tags = robot actuator hinge
			model = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Parts/Robotics/Assets/hinge_03_s
			name = ModuleRoboticServoHinge
			servoTransformName = TopJoint
			baseTransformName = BottomJoint
			servoAttachNodes = top
			servoSrfMeshNames = TopCol
			servoCoMOffset = -0.468749, -0.05, 0
			traverseVelocityLimits = 1, 180
			hardMinMaxLimits = 0, 180
			softMinMaxAngles = 0, 180
			targetAngle = 90
			maxMotorOutput = 200
			driveSpringMutliplier = 100
			driveDampingMutliplier = 20
			modelInitialAngle = 90
			motorizedMassPerKN = 0.0003
			motorizedCostPerDriveUnit = 0.75
			connectedMassScale = 1
			efficiency = 0.75
			baseResourceConsumptionRate = 0.02
			referenceConsumptionVelocity = 180
			useMultipleDragCubes = true
				name = ElectricCharge
				rate = 1
			cube = 100, 0.2093,0.9777,0.202, 0.2093,0.9762,0.202, 0.0444,0.9573,1.034, 0.0444,0.7589,0.2574, 0.1373,0.9698,0.1533, 0.1373,0.9698,0.1533, -7.451E-09,0.4297,1.49E-08, 0.2188,1.016,0.2547
			cube = 50, 0.2249,0.9482,0.2836, 0.2249,0.9561,1.13, 0.2249,0.9559,1.13, 0.2249,0.9461,0.2836, 0.1405,0.9721,0.1533, 0.14,0.9743,0.1533, -0.4141,0.4141,1.49E-08, 1.047,1.047,0.2547
			cube = 0, 0.3912,0.9925,0.1808, 0.3912,0.9768,0.269, 0.03583,0.8806,1.033, 0.03583,0.8822,1.033, 0.1404,0.9494,0.1533, 0.1404,0.9494,0.1533, 0.01563,-5.96E-08,1.49E-08, 0.1875,1.875,0.2547
			name = ModulePartVariants
			primaryColor = #999999
			secondaryColor = #4b7c9a
			baseDisplayName = Gray with Stripes
			baseThemeName = Gray with Stripes
			useMultipleDragCubes = false
				name = Gray
				displayName = Gray
				themeName = Gray
				primaryColor = #999999
					mainTextureURL = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Parts/Robotics/Assets/hinges-03_diffuse_plain
			name = ModuleResourceAutoShiftState
			affectedResourceName = ElectricCharge
			affectedModuleName = ModuleRoboticServoHinge
			resourceShutOffHandler = true
			resourceStartUpHandler = true
			resourceShutOffStartUpUsePercent = true
			resourceShutOffAmount = 0
			resourceShutOffPercent = 0
			resourceStartUpAmount = 0
			resourceStartUpPercent = 5
			name = ModuleMirrorPlacement
			ignoreMirrorIfSurfaceXOffset = false
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 60
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Parts/Robotics/hinge_04.cfg
		name = hinge_04
		module = Part
		author = RoverDude
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_bottom = 0.122755, 0.569934, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1
		node_stack_top = -0.526093, -0.122755, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
		node_attach = 0.122755, 0.569934, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1
		TechRequired = actuators
		entryCost = 4000
		cost = 480
		category = Robotics
		subcategory = 0
		title = G-32W Hinge
		manufacturer = Moving Parts Experts Group
		description = The largest hinge actuator available. Doubles as an EZ-fold picnic table.
		attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0
		CoMOffset = 0.05, 0.569934, 0
		mass = 0.4
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 1
		crashTolerance = 12
		breakingForce = 200
		breakingTorque = 200
		maxTemp = 2000
		bulkheadProfiles = size2
		tags = robot actuator hinge
			model = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Parts/Robotics/Assets/hinge_04
			name = ModuleRoboticServoHinge
			servoTransformName = TopJoint
			baseTransformName = BottomJoint
			servoAttachNodes = top
			servoSrfMeshNames = TopCol
			servoCoMOffset = -0.569934, -0.05, 0
			traverseVelocityLimits = 1, 180
			hardMinMaxLimits = 0, 180
			softMinMaxAngles = 0, 180
			targetAngle = 90
			maxMotorOutput = 1200
			driveSpringMutliplier = 100
			driveDampingMutliplier = 20
			modelInitialAngle = 90
			motorizedMassPerKN = 0.0004
			motorizedCostPerDriveUnit = 0.5
			connectedMassScale = 1
			efficiency = 0.75
			baseResourceConsumptionRate = 0.02
			referenceConsumptionVelocity = 180
			useMultipleDragCubes = true
				name = ElectricCharge
				rate = 1
			name = FXModuleLookAtConstraint
				targetName = Bar2
				rotatorsName = Bar1
			cube = 0, 2.745,0.974,0.3232, 2.745,0.9807,0.2131, 0.4879,0.9011,1.109, 0.4879,0.7184,0.2732, 0.1729,0.9698,0.2859, 0.1729,0.9698,0.2859, -1.49E-08,0.4823,0, 0.2455,1.14,2.5
			cube = 50, 2.737,0.9695,0.3019, 2.737,0.9873,1.251, 2.856,0.9821,1.251, 2.856,0.9846,0.3127, 0.177,0.9721,0.2859, 0.1764,0.9743,0.2859, -0.4647,0.4647,0, 1.175,1.175,2.5
			cube = 100, 5.154,0.9948,0.1915, 5.154,0.9836,0.2897, 0.3281,0.8948,1.139, 0.3281,0.8949,1.139, 0.1769,0.9494,0.2859, 0.1769,0.9494,0.2859, 0.01754,-1.192E-07,0, 0.2104,2.104,2.5
			name = ModulePartVariants
			primaryColor = #999999
			secondaryColor = #915934
			baseDisplayName = Gray with Stripes
			baseThemeName = Gray with Stripes
			useMultipleDragCubes = false
				name = Gray
				displayName = Gray
				themeName = Gray
				primaryColor = #999999
					mainTextureURL = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Parts/Robotics/Assets/hinges-03_diffuse_plain
			name = ModuleResourceAutoShiftState
			affectedResourceName = ElectricCharge
			affectedModuleName = ModuleRoboticServoHinge
			resourceShutOffHandler = true
			resourceStartUpHandler = true
			resourceShutOffStartUpUsePercent = true
			resourceShutOffAmount = 0
			resourceShutOffPercent = 0
			resourceStartUpAmount = 0
			resourceStartUpPercent = 5
			name = ModuleMirrorPlacement
			ignoreMirrorIfSurfaceXOffset = false
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			stackableQuantity = 1
			packedVolume = -1
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Parts/Robotics/piston_01.cfg
		name = piston_01
		module = Part
		author = RoverDude
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.85214, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 1.30408, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1
		node_attach = 0.0, -0.85214, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
		TechRequired = advConstruction
		entryCost = 2500
		cost = 300
		category = Robotics
		subcategory = 0
		title = 3P6 Hydraulic Cylinder
		manufacturer = Moving Parts Experts Group
		description = Moving Parts Experts Group took one of its landing leg designs, stripped off a few bits, doubled the power, and sold us this piston.
		attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0
		mass = 0.16
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 1
		crashTolerance = 12
		breakingForce = 200
		breakingTorque = 200
		maxTemp = 2000
		bulkheadProfiles = size0
		tags = robot actuator piston
			model = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Parts/Robotics/Assets/piston_01
			cube = 0, 0.9947,0.7773,0.3783, 0.9947,0.7773,0.3783, 0.3813,0.998,1.105, 0.3813,0.999,0.1005, 0.996,0.7817,0.4006, 0.9959,0.7818,0.4006, -0.0002191,0.2181,2.98E-08, 0.6176,2.129,0.6171
			cube = 50, 1.28735, 0.7789, 0.3815, 1.28735, 0.7789, 0.3815, 0.3813, 0.998, 1.508, 0.3813, 0.999, 0.096475, 1.317, 0.7747, 0.38615, 1.31695, 0.7748, 0.38615, -0.0002191, 0.61805, 2.98e-08, 0.6176, 2.929, 0.6171
			cube = 100, 1.58,0.7805,0.3847, 1.58,0.7805,0.3847, 0.3813,0.998,1.911, 0.3813,0.999,0.09245, 1.638,0.7677,0.3717, 1.638,0.7678,0.3717, -0.0002191,1.018,2.98E-08, 0.6176,3.729,0.6171
			name = ModuleRoboticServoPiston
			servoTransformName = TopJoint
			servoSrfMeshNames = capTransform
			baseTransformName = BottomJoint
			servoAttachNodes = top
			traverseVelocityLimits = 0.05, 5
			hardMinMaxLimits = 0,1.6
			softMinMaxExtension = 0,1.6
			mainAxis = Y
			servoMass = 0.25
			maxMotorOutput = 800
			positionSpringMutliplier = 100
			positionDampingMutliplier = 20
			motorizedMassPerKN = 0.0004
			motorizedCostPerDriveUnit = 0.5
			efficiency = 0.75
			baseResourceConsumptionRate = 0.05
			referenceConsumptionVelocity = 5
				name = ElectricCharge
				rate = 1
			name = ModulePartVariants
			baseVariant = Gray with Stripes
			baseThemeName = Gray with Stripes
			baseDisplayName = Gray with Stripes
			useMultipleDragCubes = false
				name = Gray with Stripes
				primaryColor = #999999
				secondaryColor = #b08b39
				displayName = Gray with Stripes
					PistonStripes = true
				name = Gray
				displayName = Gray
				themeName = Gray
				primaryColor = #999999
					mainTextureURL = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Parts/Robotics/Assets/Rotor_01_diffuse_plain
					PistonStripes = false
			name = ModuleResourceAutoShiftState
			affectedResourceName = ElectricCharge
			affectedModuleName = ModuleRoboticServoPiston
			resourceShutOffHandler = true
			resourceStartUpHandler = true
			resourceShutOffStartUpUsePercent = true
			resourceShutOffAmount = 0
			resourceShutOffPercent = 0
			resourceStartUpAmount = 0
			resourceStartUpPercent = 5
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 850
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Parts/Robotics/piston_02.cfg
		name = piston_02
		module = Part
		author = RoverDude
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.420726, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.643867, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1
		node_attach = 0.0, -0.420726, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
		TechRequired = advConstruction
		entryCost = 1000
		cost = 50
		category = Robotics
		subcategory = 0
		title = 1P2 Hydraulic Cylinder
		manufacturer = Moving Parts Experts Group
		description = This small piston generates an impressive amount of force. Use with care.
		attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0
		mass = 0.032
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 1
		crashTolerance = 12
		breakingForce = 200
		breakingTorque = 200
		maxTemp = 2000
		bulkheadProfiles = size0
		tags = robot actuator piston
			model = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Parts/Robotics/Assets/piston_02
			cube = 0, 0.1669,0.7906,0.1986, 0.1669,0.7906,0.1986, 0.04346,0.9961,0.6001, 0.04346,0.9971,0.09918, 0.167,0.7954,0.2002, 0.167,0.7956,0.2002, -7.395E-05,0.1116,4.47E-08, 0.2085,1.065,0.2083
			cube = 50, 0.21905, 0.78175, 0.1914, 0.21905, 0.78175, 0.1914, 0.04346, 0.9961, 0.80205, 0.04346, 0.9971, 0.09817, 0.2245, 0.7774, 0.19535, 0.2245, 0.77745, 0.19615, -7.395e-05, 0.3116, 4.47e-08, 0.2085, 1.465, 0.2083
			cube = 100, 0.2712,0.7729,0.1842, 0.2712,0.7729,0.1842, 0.04346,0.9961,1.004, 0.04346,0.9971,0.09716, 0.282,0.7594,0.1905, 0.282,0.7593,0.1921, -7.395E-05,0.5116,4.47E-08, 0.2085,1.865,0.2083
			name = ModuleRoboticServoPiston
			servoTransformName = TopJoint
			servoSrfMeshNames = capTransform
			baseTransformName = BottomJoint
			servoAttachNodes = top
			traverseVelocityLimits = 0.01, 1
			hardMinMaxLimits = 0,0.8
			softMinMaxExtension = 0,0.8
			mainAxis = Y
			servoMass = 0.25
			maxMotorOutput = 100
			positionSpringMutliplier = 100
			positionDampingMutliplier = 20
			motorizedMassPerKN = 0.0002
			motorizedCostPerDriveUnit = 1
			efficiency = 0.75
			baseResourceConsumptionRate = 0.01
			referenceConsumptionVelocity = 1
				name = ElectricCharge
				rate = 1
			name = ModulePartVariants
			baseVariant = Gray with Stripes
			baseThemeName = Gray with Stripes
			baseDisplayName = Gray with Stripes
			useMultipleDragCubes = false
				name = Gray with Stripes
				primaryColor = #999999
				secondaryColor = #4b7c9a
				displayName = Gray with Stripes
					PistonStripes = true
				name = Gray
				displayName = Gray
				themeName = Gray
				primaryColor = #999999
					mainTextureURL = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Parts/Robotics/Assets/Rotor_01_diffuse_plain
					PistonStripes = false
			name = ModuleResourceAutoShiftState
			affectedResourceName = ElectricCharge
			affectedModuleName = ModuleRoboticServoPiston
			resourceShutOffHandler = true
			resourceStartUpHandler = true
			resourceShutOffStartUpUsePercent = true
			resourceShutOffAmount = 0
			resourceShutOffPercent = 0
			resourceStartUpAmount = 0
			resourceStartUpPercent = 5
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 55
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Parts/Robotics/piston_03.cfg
		name = piston_03
		module = Part
		author = RoverDude
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.88812, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 1.32439, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1
		node_attach = 0.0, -0.88812, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
		TechRequired = actuators
		entryCost = 4500
		cost = 500
		category = Robotics
		subcategory = 0
		title = 3PT Telescoping Hydraulic Cylinder
		manufacturer = Moving Parts Experts Group
		description = A large telescoping piston. Capable of enormous feats of stretchiness. Rocket engines are still recommended for attempting to reach orbit, however.
		attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0
		mass = 0.3
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 1
		crashTolerance = 12
		breakingForce = 200
		breakingTorque = 200
		maxTemp = 2000
		bulkheadProfiles = size0
		tags = robot actuator piston
			model = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Parts/Robotics/Assets/piston_03
			cube = 0, 1.268,0.7747,0.4014, 1.268,0.7747,0.4014, 0.3911,0.9961,1.145, 0.3911,0.9971,0.1041, 1.269,0.7795,0.4044, 1.269,0.7796,0.4044, -0.000222,0.2181,5.066E-07, 0.6254,2.213,0.625
			cube = 50, 2.25, 0.7548, 0.3917, 2.25, 0.7548, 0.3917, 0.3911, 0.9961, 2.3405, 0.3911, 0.9971, 0.094475, 2.2505, 0.7679, 0.38985, 2.2505, 0.76785, 0.38985, -0.000222, 1.41805, 5.066e-07, 0.6254, 4.613, 0.625
			cube = 100, 3.232,0.7349,0.382, 3.232,0.7349,0.382, 0.3911,0.9961,3.536, 0.3911,0.9971,0.08485, 3.232,0.7563,0.3753, 3.232,0.7561,0.3753, -0.000222,2.618,5.066E-07, 0.6254,7.013,0.625
			name = ModuleRoboticServoPiston
			servoTransformName = TopJoint
			servoSrfMeshNames = capTransform
			baseTransformName = BottomJoint
			slaveTransformNames = Sleave0, Sleave1
			servoAttachNodes = top
			traverseVelocityLimits = 0.1, 10
			hardMinMaxLimits = 0, 4.8
			softMinMaxExtension = 0, 4.8
			mainAxis = Y
			servoMass = 0.25
			maxMotorOutput = 800
			positionSpringMutliplier = 100
			positionDampingMutliplier = 20
			motorizedMassPerKN = 0.00045
			motorizedCostPerDriveUnit = 0.5
			efficiency = 0.75
			baseResourceConsumptionRate = 0.1
			referenceConsumptionVelocity = 10
				name = ElectricCharge
				rate = 1
			name = ModulePartVariants
			baseVariant = Gray with Stripes
			baseThemeName = Gray with Stripes
			baseDisplayName = Gray with Stripes
			useMultipleDragCubes = false
				name = Gray with Stripes
				primaryColor = #999999
				secondaryColor = #b08b39
				displayName = Gray with Stripes
					PistonStripes = true
				name = Gray
				displayName = Gray
				themeName = Gray
				primaryColor = #999999
					mainTextureURL = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Parts/Robotics/Assets/Rotor_01_diffuse_plain
					PistonStripes = false
			name = ModuleResourceAutoShiftState
			affectedResourceName = ElectricCharge
			affectedModuleName = ModuleRoboticServoPiston
			resourceShutOffHandler = true
			resourceStartUpHandler = true
			resourceShutOffStartUpUsePercent = true
			resourceShutOffAmount = 0
			resourceShutOffPercent = 0
			resourceStartUpAmount = 0
			resourceStartUpPercent = 5
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 850
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Parts/Robotics/piston_04.cfg
		name = piston_04
		module = Part
		author = RoverDude
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.44406, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.662193, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1
		node_attach = 0.0, -0.44406, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
		TechRequired = actuators
		entryCost = 2200
		cost = 100
		category = Robotics
		subcategory = 0
		title = 1P4 Telescoping Hydraulic Cylinder
		manufacturer = Moving Parts Experts Group
		description = A small telescoping piston. Eye protection is mandatory when working with this part.
		attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0
		mass = 0.048
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 1
		crashTolerance = 12
		breakingForce = 200
		breakingTorque = 200
		maxTemp = 2000
		bulkheadProfiles = size0
		tags = robot actuator piston
			model = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Parts/Robotics/Assets/piston_04
			cube = 0, 0.214,0.771,0.1992, 0.214,0.771,0.1992, 0.04395,0.9961,0.6198, 0.04395,0.9971,0.09733, 0.2148,0.775,0.4095, 0.2147,0.775,0.4095, -7.4E-05,0.1091,0, 0.2096,1.106,0.2095
			cube = 50, 0.3761, 0.756, 0.18795, 0.3761, 0.756, 0.18795, 0.04395, 0.9961, 1.2184, 0.04395, 0.9971, 0.099515, 0.3765, 0.7728, 0.2971, 0.37645, 0.77275, 0.2971, -7.4e-05, 0.70905, 0.0, 0.2096, 2.306, 0.2095
			cube = 100, 0.5382,0.741,0.1767, 0.5382,0.741,0.1767, 0.04395,0.9961,1.817, 0.04395,0.9971,0.1017, 0.5382,0.7706,0.1847, 0.5382,0.7705,0.1847, -7.4E-05,1.309,0, 0.2096,3.506,0.2095
			name = ModuleRoboticServoPiston
			servoTransformName = TopJoint
			servoSrfMeshNames = capTransform
			baseTransformName = BottomJoint
			slaveTransformNames = Sleave0, Sleave1
			servoAttachNodes = top
			traverseVelocityLimits = 0.02, 2
			hardMinMaxLimits = 0, 2.4
			softMinMaxExtension = 0, 2.4
			mainAxis = Y
			servoMass = 0.25
			maxMotorOutput = 100
			positionSpringMutliplier = 100
			positionDampingMutliplier = 20
			motorizedMassPerKN = 0.00045
			motorizedCostPerDriveUnit = 0.5
			efficiency = 0.75
			baseResourceConsumptionRate = 0.02
			referenceConsumptionVelocity = 2
				name = ElectricCharge
				rate = 1
			name = ModulePartVariants
			baseVariant = Gray with Stripes
			baseThemeName = Gray with Stripes
			baseDisplayName = Gray with Stripes
			useMultipleDragCubes = false
				name = Gray with Stripes
				primaryColor = #999999
				secondaryColor = #4b7c9a
				displayName = Gray with Stripes
					PistonStripes = true
				name = Gray
				displayName = Gray
				themeName = Gray
				primaryColor = #999999
					mainTextureURL = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Parts/Robotics/Assets/Rotor_01_diffuse_plain
					PistonStripes = false
			name = ModuleResourceAutoShiftState
			affectedResourceName = ElectricCharge
			affectedModuleName = ModuleRoboticServoPiston
			resourceShutOffHandler = true
			resourceStartUpHandler = true
			resourceShutOffStartUpUsePercent = true
			resourceShutOffAmount = 0
			resourceShutOffPercent = 0
			resourceStartUpAmount = 0
			resourceStartUpPercent = 5
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 55
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Parts/Robotics/rotoServo_00.cfg
		name = rotoServo_00
		module = Part
		author = RoverDude
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.21796, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0
		node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0
		stackSymmetry = 3
		TechRequired = advConstruction
		entryCost = 1000
		cost = 60
		category = Robotics
		subcategory = 0
		title = Rotation Servo M-06
		manufacturer = Kerbal Motion LLC
		description = A small, high-torque servo that can rotate attached parts through almost 360 degrees. No Kerbals were harmed in the creation of this part. Yet.
		attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0
		mass = 0.016
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 1
		crashTolerance = 12
		breakingForce = 200
		breakingTorque = 200
		maxTemp = 2000
		bulkheadProfiles = size0
		tags = robot actuator rotate servo
			model = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Parts/Robotics/Assets/RotoServo_00
			name = N1
			transform = N1
			size = 0
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = N2
			transform = N2
			size = 0
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = N3
			transform = N3
			size = 0
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = N4
			transform = N4
			size = 0
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			symmetry = 
			name = ModuleRoboticRotationServo
			servoTransformName = TopJoint
			baseTransformName = BottomJoint
			servoAttachNodes = top,N1,N2,N3,N4
			servoSrfMeshNames = Rotor,COL1
			traverseVelocityLimits = 1, 180
			hardMinMaxLimits = -177, 177
			softMinMaxAngles = -177, 177
			targetAngle = 0
			mainAxis = Y
			maxMotorOutput = 50
			driveSpringMutliplier = 100
			driveDampingMutliplier = 20
			motorizedMassPerKN = 0.0002
			motorizedCostPerDriveUnit = 1
			connectedMassScale = 1
			efficiency = 0.75
			baseResourceConsumptionRate = 0.02
			referenceConsumptionVelocity = 180
				name = ElectricCharge
				rate = 1
			name = ModulePartVariants
			primaryColor = #999999
			secondaryColor = #4b7c9a
			baseDisplayName = Gray with Stripes
			baseThemeName = Gray with Stripes
			useMultipleDragCubes = false
				name = Gray
				displayName = Gray
				themeName = Gray
				primaryColor = #999999
					mainTextureURL = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Parts/Robotics/Assets/rotoServos_diffuse_plain
			name = ModuleResourceAutoShiftState
			affectedResourceName = ElectricCharge
			affectedModuleName = ModuleRoboticRotationServo
			resourceShutOffHandler = true
			resourceStartUpHandler = true
			resourceShutOffStartUpUsePercent = true
			resourceShutOffAmount = 0
			resourceShutOffPercent = 0
			resourceStartUpAmount = 0
			resourceStartUpPercent = 5
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			stackableQuantity = 3
			packedVolume = 15
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Parts/Robotics/rotoServo_02.cfg
		name = rotoServo_02
		module = Part
		author = RoverDude
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.21796, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0
		node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0
		stackSymmetry = 3
		TechRequired = actuators
		entryCost = 2500
		cost = 100
		category = Robotics
		subcategory = 0
		title = Rotation Servo F-12
		manufacturer = Kerbal Motion LLC
		description = The flush mounted rotation servo has reduced output but a much sleeker form factor, hiding all the motor bits inside the servo head itself, reducing the space it requires.
		attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0
		mass = 0.06
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 1
		crashTolerance = 12
		breakingForce = 200
		breakingTorque = 200
		maxTemp = 2000
		bulkheadProfiles = size0
		tags = robot actuator rotate servo
			model = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Parts/Robotics/Assets/RotoServo_02
			name = N1
			transform = N1
			size = 0
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = N2
			transform = N2
			size = 0
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = N3
			transform = N3
			size = 0
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = N4
			transform = N4
			size = 0
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = ModuleRoboticRotationServo
			servoTransformName = TopJoint
			baseTransformName = BottomJoint
			servoAttachNodes = top,N1,N2,N3,N4
			servoSrfMeshNames = Rotor,COL1
			traverseVelocityLimits = 1, 180
			hardMinMaxLimits = -177, 177
			softMinMaxAngles = -177, 177
			targetAngle = 0
			mainAxis = Y
			maxMotorOutput = 150
			driveSpringMutliplier = 100
			driveDampingMutliplier = 20
			motorizedMassPerKN = 0.0002
			motorizedCostPerDriveUnit = 1
			connectedMassScale = 1
			efficiency = 0.75
			baseResourceConsumptionRate = 0.02
			referenceConsumptionVelocity = 180
				name = ElectricCharge
				rate = 1
			name = ModulePartVariants
			primaryColor = #999999
			secondaryColor = #b08b39
			baseDisplayName = Gray with Stripes
			baseThemeName = Gray with Stripes
			useMultipleDragCubes = false
				name = Gray
				displayName = Gray
				themeName = Gray
				primaryColor = #999999
					mainTextureURL = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Parts/Robotics/Assets/rotoServos_diffuse_plain
			name = ModuleResourceAutoShiftState
			affectedResourceName = ElectricCharge
			affectedModuleName = ModuleRoboticRotationServo
			resourceShutOffHandler = true
			resourceStartUpHandler = true
			resourceShutOffStartUpUsePercent = true
			resourceShutOffAmount = 0
			resourceShutOffPercent = 0
			resourceStartUpAmount = 0
			resourceStartUpPercent = 5
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 80
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Parts/Robotics/rotoServo_03.cfg
		name = rotoServo_03
		module = Part
		author = RoverDude
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.62483, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1
		node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
		stackSymmetry = 3
		TechRequired = actuators
		entryCost = 3500
		cost = 120
		category = Robotics
		subcategory = 0
		title = Rotation Servo M-12
		manufacturer = Kerbal Motion LLC
		description = A medium, high-torque servo that can rotate attached parts through 360 degrees. Makes sure any evil robots you construct with it can see behind themselves.
		attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0
		mass = 0.08
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 1
		crashTolerance = 12
		breakingForce = 200
		breakingTorque = 200
		maxTemp = 2000
		bulkheadProfiles = size0
		tags = robot actuator rotate servo
			model = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Parts/Robotics/Assets/RotoServo_03
			name = N1
			transform = N1
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = N2
			transform = N2
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = N3
			transform = N3
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = N4
			transform = N4
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = ModuleRoboticRotationServo
			servoTransformName = TopJoint
			baseTransformName = BottomJoint
			servoAttachNodes = top,N1,N2,N3,N4
			servoSrfMeshNames = Rotor,COL1
			traverseVelocityLimits = 1, 180
			hardMinMaxLimits = -177, 177
			softMinMaxAngles = -177, 177
			targetAngle = 0
			mainAxis = Y
			maxMotorOutput = 200
			driveSpringMutliplier = 100
			driveDampingMutliplier = 20
			motorizedMassPerKN = 0.0003
			motorizedCostPerDriveUnit = 0.75
			connectedMassScale = 1
			efficiency = 0.75
			baseResourceConsumptionRate = 0.02
			referenceConsumptionVelocity = 180
				name = ElectricCharge
				rate = 1
			name = ModulePartVariants
			primaryColor = #999999
			secondaryColor = #b08b39
			baseDisplayName = Gray with Stripes
			baseThemeName = Gray with Stripes
			useMultipleDragCubes = false
				name = Gray
				displayName = Gray
				themeName = Gray
				primaryColor = #999999
					mainTextureURL = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Parts/Robotics/Assets/rotoServos_diffuse_plain
			name = ModuleResourceAutoShiftState
			affectedResourceName = ElectricCharge
			affectedModuleName = ModuleRoboticRotationServo
			resourceShutOffHandler = true
			resourceStartUpHandler = true
			resourceShutOffStartUpUsePercent = true
			resourceShutOffAmount = 0
			resourceShutOffPercent = 0
			resourceStartUpAmount = 0
			resourceStartUpPercent = 5
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 250
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Parts/Robotics/rotoServo_04.cfg
		name = rotoServo_04
		module = Part
		author = RoverDude
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.9375, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2
		node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2
		stackSymmetry = 3
		TechRequired = actuators
		entryCost = 6400
		cost = 500
		category = Robotics
		subcategory = 0
		title = Rotation Servo M-25
		manufacturer = Kerbal Motion LLC
		description = A large, high-torque servo that can rotate attached parts through 360 degrees. When you just don't have enough torque for whatever nefarious prupose you have in mind, this is what you use.
		attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0
		mass = 0.48
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 1
		crashTolerance = 12
		breakingForce = 200
		breakingTorque = 200
		maxTemp = 2000
		bulkheadProfiles = size1
		tags = robot actuator rotate servo
			model = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Parts/Robotics/Assets/RotoServo_04
			name = N1
			transform = N1
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = N2
			transform = N2
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = N3
			transform = N3
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = N4
			transform = N4
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			rigid = true
			name = ModuleRoboticRotationServo
			servoTransformName = TopJoint
			baseTransformName = BottomJoint
			servoAttachNodes = top,N1,N2,N3,N4
			servoSrfMeshNames = Rotor,COL1
			traverseVelocityLimits = 1, 180
			hardMinMaxLimits = -177, 177
			softMinMaxAngles = -177, 177
			targetAngle = 0
			mainAxis = Y
			maxMotorOutput = 1000
			driveSpringMutliplier = 100
			driveDampingMutliplier = 20
			motorizedMassPerKN = 0.0004
			motorizedCostPerDriveUnit = 0.5
			connectedMassScale = 1
			efficiency = 0.75
			baseResourceConsumptionRate = 0.02
			referenceConsumptionVelocity = 180
				name = ElectricCharge
				rate = 1
			name = ModulePartVariants
			primaryColor = #999999
			secondaryColor = #915934
			baseDisplayName = Gray with Stripes
			baseThemeName = Gray with Stripes
			useMultipleDragCubes = false
				name = Gray
				displayName = Gray
				themeName = Gray
				primaryColor = #999999
					mainTextureURL = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Parts/Robotics/Assets/rotoServos_diffuse_plain
			name = ModuleResourceAutoShiftState
			affectedResourceName = ElectricCharge
			affectedModuleName = ModuleRoboticRotationServo
			resourceShutOffHandler = true
			resourceStartUpHandler = true
			resourceShutOffStartUpUsePercent = true
			resourceShutOffAmount = 0
			resourceShutOffPercent = 0
			resourceStartUpAmount = 0
			resourceStartUpPercent = 5
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			stackableQuantity = 1
			packedVolume = -1
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Parts/Robotics/rotor_01.cfg
		name = rotor_01
		module = Part
		author = RoverDude
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.415, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0
		node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0
		TechRequired = advLanding
		entryCost = 1400
		cost = 60
		category = Robotics
		subcategory = 0
		title = EM-16 Light Duty Rotor
		manufacturer = Kerbal Motion LLC
		description = A small low-torque, high RPM electric motor
		attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0
		mass = 0.02
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 1
		crashTolerance = 12
		breakingForce = 200
		breakingTorque = 200
		maxTemp = 2000
		bulkheadProfiles = size0
		tags = robot actuator motor
			model = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Parts/Robotics/Assets/rotor_01
			name = N2_1
			transform = N2_1
			size = 0
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N2_2
			transform = N2_2
			size = 0
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N3_1
			transform = N3_1
			size = 0
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N3_2
			transform = N3_2
			size = 0
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N3_3
			transform = N3_3
			size = 0
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N4_1
			transform = N4_1
			size = 0
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N4_2
			transform = N4_2
			size = 0
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N4_3
			transform = N4_3
			size = 0
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N4_4
			transform = N4_4
			size = 0
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N6_1
			transform = N6_1
			size = 0
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N6_2
			transform = N6_2
			size = 0
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N6_3
			transform = N6_3
			size = 0
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N6_4
			transform = N6_4
			size = 0
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N6_5
			transform = N6_5
			size = 0
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N6_6
			transform = N6_6
			size = 0
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N8_1
			transform = N8_1
			size = 0
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N8_2
			transform = N8_2
			size = 0
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N8_3
			transform = N8_3
			size = 0
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N8_4
			transform = N8_4
			size = 0
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N8_5
			transform = N8_5
			size = 0
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N8_6
			transform = N8_6
			size = 0
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N8_7
			transform = N8_7
			size = 0
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N8_8
			transform = N8_8
			size = 0
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = ModuleDynamicNodes
			autostrut = true
				DisplayText = Double
				NodePrefix = N2_
				SetCount = 2
				Symmetry = 1
				DisplayText = Triple
				NodePrefix = N3_
				SetCount = 3
				Symmetry = 2
				DisplayText = Quad
				NodePrefix = N4_
				SetCount = 4
				Symmetry = 3
				DisplayText = Hex
				NodePrefix = N6_
				SetCount = 6
				Symmetry = 5
				DisplayText = Octo
				NodePrefix = N8_
				SetCount = 8
				Symmetry = 7
			name = ModuleRoboticServoRotor
			servoTransformName = TopJoint
			servoAttachNodes = top,N2_1,N2_2,N3_1,N3_2,N3_3,N4_1,N4_2,N4_3,N4_4,N6_1,N6_2,N6_3,N6_4,N6_5,N6_6,N8_1,N8_2,N8_3,N8_4,N8_5,N8_6,N8_7,N8_8
			servoSrfMeshNames = COL1
			rotationMatch = 0.009
			maxMotorOutput = 20
			mainAxis = Y
			traverseVelocityLimits = 0, 460
			rpmLimit = 460
			motorizedMassPerKN = 0.002
			motorizedCostPerDriveUnit = 6
			brakeTorque = 60
			rotorSpoolTime = 150
			efficiency = 0.75
			baseResourceConsumptionRate = 0.06
			referenceConsumptionVelocity = 460
			angularPositionSpring = 0.0000000001
			angularPositionDamper = 1000
				name = ElectricCharge
				rate = 1
			name = ModulePartVariants
			primaryColor = #999999
			secondaryColor = #4b7c9a
			baseDisplayName = Gray with Stripes
			baseThemeName = Gray with Stripes
			useMultipleDragCubes = false
				name = Gray
				displayName = Gray
				themeName = Gray
				primaryColor = #999999
					mainTextureURL = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Parts/Robotics/Assets/Rotor_01_diffuse_plain
			name = ModuleResourceAutoShiftState
			affectedResourceName = ElectricCharge
			affectedModuleName = ModuleRoboticServoRotor
			resourceShutOffHandler = true
			resourceStartUpHandler = true
			resourceShutOffStartUpUsePercent = true
			resourceShutOffAmount = 0
			resourceShutOffPercent = 0
			resourceStartUpAmount = 0
			resourceStartUpPercent = 5
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 75
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Parts/Robotics/rotor_01s.cfg
		name = rotor_01s
		module = Part
		author = RoverDude
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.343347, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0
		node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0
		TechRequired = advLanding
		entryCost = 1400
		cost = 60
		category = Robotics
		subcategory = 0
		title = EM-16S Light Duty Rotor
		manufacturer = Kerbal Motion LLC
		description = A small low-torque, high RPM electric motor. The smaller attachment head allows for more power applied to a smaller space. No warranty applies if you attempt to duplicate a blender with it.
		attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0
		mass = 0.018
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 1
		crashTolerance = 12
		breakingForce = 200
		breakingTorque = 200
		maxTemp = 2000
		bulkheadProfiles = size0
		tags = robot actuator motor
			model = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Parts/Robotics/Assets/rotor_01s
			name = N2_1
			transform = N2_1
			size = 0
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N2_2
			transform = N2_2
			size = 0
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N3_1
			transform = N3_1
			size = 0
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N3_2
			transform = N3_2
			size = 0
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N3_3
			transform = N3_3
			size = 0
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N4_1
			transform = N4_1
			size = 0
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N4_2
			transform = N4_2
			size = 0
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N4_3
			transform = N4_3
			size = 0
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N4_4
			transform = N4_4
			size = 0
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N6_1
			transform = N6_1
			size = 0
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N6_2
			transform = N6_2
			size = 0
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N6_3
			transform = N6_3
			size = 0
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N6_4
			transform = N6_4
			size = 0
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N6_5
			transform = N6_5
			size = 0
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N6_6
			transform = N6_6
			size = 0
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N8_1
			transform = N8_1
			size = 0
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N8_2
			transform = N8_2
			size = 0
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N8_3
			transform = N8_3
			size = 0
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N8_4
			transform = N8_4
			size = 0
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N8_5
			transform = N8_5
			size = 0
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N8_6
			transform = N8_6
			size = 0
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N8_7
			transform = N8_7
			size = 0
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N8_8
			transform = N8_8
			size = 0
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = ModuleDynamicNodes
			autostrut = true
				DisplayText = Double
				NodePrefix = N2_
				SetCount = 2
				Symmetry = 1
				DisplayText = Triple
				NodePrefix = N3_
				SetCount = 3
				Symmetry = 2
				DisplayText = Quad
				NodePrefix = N4_
				SetCount = 4
				Symmetry = 3
				DisplayText = Hex
				NodePrefix = N6_
				SetCount = 6
				Symmetry = 5
				DisplayText = Octo
				NodePrefix = N8_
				SetCount = 8
				Symmetry = 7
			name = ModuleRoboticServoRotor
			servoTransformName = TopJoint
			servoAttachNodes = top,N2_1,N2_2,N3_1,N3_2,N3_3,N4_1,N4_2,N4_3,N4_4,N6_1,N6_2,N6_3,N6_4,N6_5,N6_6,N8_1,N8_2,N8_3,N8_4,N8_5,N8_6,N8_7,N8_8
			servoSrfMeshNames = COL1
			rotationMatch = 0.009
			maxMotorOutput = 20
			mainAxis = Y
			traverseVelocityLimits = 0, 460
			motorizedMassPerKN = 0.002
			motorizedCostPerDriveUnit = 6
			brakeTorque = 60
			rpmLimit = 460
			rotorSpoolTime = 150
			rotorTorqueCurve = 1
			efficiency = 0.75
			baseResourceConsumptionRate = 0.06
			referenceConsumptionVelocity = 460
			angularPositionSpring = 0.0000000001
			angularPositionDamper = 1000
				name = ElectricCharge
				rate = 1
			name = ModulePartVariants
			primaryColor = #999999
			secondaryColor = #4b7c9a
			baseDisplayName = Gray with Stripes
			baseThemeName = Gray with Stripes
			useMultipleDragCubes = false
				name = Gray
				displayName = Gray
				themeName = Gray
				primaryColor = #999999
					mainTextureURL = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Parts/Robotics/Assets/Rotor_01_diffuse_plain
			name = ModuleResourceAutoShiftState
			affectedResourceName = ElectricCharge
			affectedModuleName = ModuleRoboticServoRotor
			resourceShutOffHandler = true
			resourceStartUpHandler = true
			resourceShutOffStartUpUsePercent = true
			resourceShutOffAmount = 0
			resourceShutOffPercent = 0
			resourceStartUpAmount = 0
			resourceStartUpPercent = 5
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 55
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Parts/Robotics/rotor_02.cfg
		name = rotor_02
		module = Part
		author = RoverDude
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.42, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1
		node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
		TechRequired = fieldScience
		entryCost = 4000
		cost = 150
		category = Robotics
		subcategory = 0
		title = EM-32 Standard Rotor
		manufacturer = Kerbal Motion LLC
		description = A medium low-torque, high RPM electric motor
		attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0
		mass = 0.1
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 1
		crashTolerance = 12
		breakingForce = 200
		breakingTorque = 200
		maxTemp = 2000
		bulkheadProfiles = size0
		tags = robot actuator motor
			model = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Parts/Robotics/Assets/rotor_02
			name = N2_1
			transform = N2_1
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N2_2
			transform = N2_2
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N3_1
			transform = N3_1
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N3_2
			transform = N3_2
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N3_3
			transform = N3_3
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N4_1
			transform = N4_1
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N4_2
			transform = N4_2
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N4_3
			transform = N4_3
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N4_4
			transform = N4_4
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N6_1
			transform = N6_1
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N6_2
			transform = N6_2
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N6_3
			transform = N6_3
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N6_4
			transform = N6_4
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N6_5
			transform = N6_5
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N6_6
			transform = N6_6
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N8_1
			transform = N8_1
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N8_2
			transform = N8_2
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N8_3
			transform = N8_3
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N8_4
			transform = N8_4
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N8_5
			transform = N8_5
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N8_6
			transform = N8_6
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N8_7
			transform = N8_7
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N8_8
			transform = N8_8
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = ModuleDynamicNodes
			autostrut = true
				DisplayText = Double
				NodePrefix = N2_
				SetCount = 2
				Symmetry = 1
				DisplayText = Triple
				NodePrefix = N3_
				SetCount = 3
				Symmetry = 2
				DisplayText = Quad
				NodePrefix = N4_
				SetCount = 4
				Symmetry = 3
				DisplayText = Hex
				NodePrefix = N6_
				SetCount = 6
				Symmetry = 5
				DisplayText = Octo
				NodePrefix = N8_
				SetCount = 8
				Symmetry = 7
			name = ModuleRoboticServoRotor
			servoTransformName = TopJoint
			servoAttachNodes = top,N2_1,N2_2,N3_1,N3_2,N3_3,N4_1,N4_2,N4_3,N4_4,N6_1,N6_2,N6_3,N6_4,N6_5,N6_6,N8_1,N8_2,N8_3,N8_4,N8_5,N8_6,N8_7,N8_8
			servoSrfMeshNames = COL1
			rotationMatch = 0.009
			maxMotorOutput = 70
			mainAxis = Y
			traverseVelocityLimits = 0, 460
			rpmLimit = 460
			motorizedMassPerKN = 0.003
			motorizedCostPerDriveUnit = 5
			brakeTorque = 210
			rotorSpoolTime = 150
			efficiency = 0.75
			baseResourceConsumptionRate = 0.06
			referenceConsumptionVelocity = 460
			angularPositionSpring = 0.0000000001
			angularPositionDamper = 1000
				name = ElectricCharge
				rate = 1
			name = ModulePartVariants
			primaryColor = #999999
			secondaryColor = #b08b39
			baseDisplayName = Gray with Stripes
			baseThemeName = Gray with Stripes
			useMultipleDragCubes = false
				name = Gray
				displayName = Gray
				themeName = Gray
				primaryColor = #999999
					mainTextureURL = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Parts/Robotics/Assets/Rotor_01_diffuse_plain
			name = ModuleResourceAutoShiftState
			affectedResourceName = ElectricCharge
			affectedModuleName = ModuleRoboticServoRotor
			resourceShutOffHandler = true
			resourceStartUpHandler = true
			resourceShutOffStartUpUsePercent = true
			resourceShutOffAmount = 0
			resourceShutOffPercent = 0
			resourceStartUpAmount = 0
			resourceStartUpPercent = 5
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 270
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Parts/Robotics/rotor_02s.cfg
		name = rotor_02s
		module = Part
		author = RoverDude
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.42, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0
		node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0
		TechRequired = fieldScience
		entryCost = 4000
		cost = 150
		category = Robotics
		subcategory = 0
		title = EM-32S Standard Rotor
		manufacturer = Kerbal Motion LLC
		description = A medium low-torque, high RPM eletric motor. The smaller attachment head allows for more power applied to a smaller space.
		attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0
		mass = 0.09
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 1
		crashTolerance = 12
		breakingForce = 200
		breakingTorque = 200
		maxTemp = 2000
		bulkheadProfiles = size0
		tags = robot actuator motor
			model = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Parts/Robotics/Assets/rotor_02s
			name = N2_1
			transform = N2_1
			size = 0
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N2_2
			transform = N2_2
			size = 0
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N3_1
			transform = N3_1
			size = 0
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N3_2
			transform = N3_2
			size = 0
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N3_3
			transform = N3_3
			size = 0
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N4_1
			transform = N4_1
			size = 0
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N4_2
			transform = N4_2
			size = 0
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N4_3
			transform = N4_3
			size = 0
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N4_4
			transform = N4_4
			size = 0
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N6_1
			transform = N6_1
			size = 0
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N6_2
			transform = N6_2
			size = 0
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N6_3
			transform = N6_3
			size = 0
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N6_4
			transform = N6_4
			size = 0
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N6_5
			transform = N6_5
			size = 0
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N6_6
			transform = N6_6
			size = 0
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N8_1
			transform = N8_1
			size = 0
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N8_2
			transform = N8_2
			size = 0
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N8_3
			transform = N8_3
			size = 0
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N8_4
			transform = N8_4
			size = 0
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N8_5
			transform = N8_5
			size = 0
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N8_6
			transform = N8_6
			size = 0
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N8_7
			transform = N8_7
			size = 0
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N8_8
			transform = N8_8
			size = 0
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = ModuleDynamicNodes
			autostrut = true
				DisplayText = Double
				NodePrefix = N2_
				SetCount = 2
				Symmetry = 1
				DisplayText = Triple
				NodePrefix = N3_
				SetCount = 3
				Symmetry = 2
				DisplayText = Quad
				NodePrefix = N4_
				SetCount = 4
				Symmetry = 3
				DisplayText = Hex
				NodePrefix = N6_
				SetCount = 6
				Symmetry = 5
				DisplayText = Octo
				NodePrefix = N8_
				SetCount = 8
				Symmetry = 7
			name = ModuleRoboticServoRotor
			servoTransformName = TopJoint
			servoAttachNodes = top,N2_1,N2_2,N3_1,N3_2,N3_3,N4_1,N4_2,N4_3,N4_4,N6_1,N6_2,N6_3,N6_4,N6_5,N6_6,N8_1,N8_2,N8_3,N8_4,N8_5,N8_6,N8_7,N8_8
			servoSrfMeshNames = COL1
			rotationMatch = 0.009
			maxMotorOutput = 70
			mainAxis = Y
			traverseVelocityLimits = 0, 460
			motorizedMassPerKN = 0.003
			motorizedCostPerDriveUnit = 5
			brakeTorque = 210
			rpmLimit = 460
			rotorSpoolTime = 150
			rotorTorqueCurve = 1
			efficiency = 0.75
			baseResourceConsumptionRate = 0.06
			referenceConsumptionVelocity = 460
			angularPositionSpring = 0.0000000001
			angularPositionDamper = 1000
				name = ElectricCharge
				rate = 1
			name = ModulePartVariants
			primaryColor = #999999
			secondaryColor = #b08b39
			baseDisplayName = Gray with Stripes
			baseThemeName = Gray with Stripes
			useMultipleDragCubes = false
				name = Gray
				displayName = Gray
				themeName = Gray
				primaryColor = #999999
					mainTextureURL = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Parts/Robotics/Assets/Rotor_01_diffuse_plain
			name = ModuleResourceAutoShiftState
			affectedResourceName = ElectricCharge
			affectedModuleName = ModuleRoboticServoRotor
			resourceShutOffHandler = true
			resourceStartUpHandler = true
			resourceShutOffStartUpUsePercent = true
			resourceShutOffAmount = 0
			resourceShutOffPercent = 0
			resourceStartUpAmount = 0
			resourceStartUpPercent = 5
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 170
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Parts/Robotics/rotor_03.cfg
		name = rotor_03
		module = Part
		author = RoverDude
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 1.25, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2
		node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2
		TechRequired = advancedMotors
		entryCost = 8200
		cost = 600
		category = Robotics
		subcategory = 0
		title = EM-64 Heavy Rotor
		manufacturer = Kerbal Motion LLC
		description = A large low-torque, high RPM eletric motor. Make sure you don't run out of EC, or it will only be useful as a large lazy susan.
		attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0
		mass = 0.6
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 1
		crashTolerance = 12
		breakingForce = 200
		breakingTorque = 200
		maxTemp = 2000
		bulkheadProfiles = size1
		tags = robot actuator motor
			model = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Parts/Robotics/Assets/rotor_03
			name = N2_1
			transform = N2_1
			size = 2
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N2_2
			transform = N2_2
			size = 2
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N3_1
			transform = N3_1
			size = 2
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N3_2
			transform = N3_2
			size = 2
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N3_3
			transform = N3_3
			size = 2
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N4_1
			transform = N4_1
			size = 2
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N4_2
			transform = N4_2
			size = 2
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N4_3
			transform = N4_3
			size = 2
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N4_4
			transform = N4_4
			size = 2
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N6_1
			transform = N6_1
			size = 2
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N6_2
			transform = N6_2
			size = 2
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N6_3
			transform = N6_3
			size = 2
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N6_4
			transform = N6_4
			size = 2
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N6_5
			transform = N6_5
			size = 2
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N6_6
			transform = N6_6
			size = 2
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N8_1
			transform = N8_1
			size = 2
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N8_2
			transform = N8_2
			size = 2
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N8_3
			transform = N8_3
			size = 2
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N8_4
			transform = N8_4
			size = 2
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N8_5
			transform = N8_5
			size = 2
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N8_6
			transform = N8_6
			size = 2
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N8_7
			transform = N8_7
			size = 2
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N8_8
			transform = N8_8
			size = 2
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = ModuleDynamicNodes
			autostrut = true
				DisplayText = Double
				NodePrefix = N2_
				SetCount = 2
				Symmetry = 1
				DisplayText = Triple
				NodePrefix = N3_
				SetCount = 3
				Symmetry = 2
				DisplayText = Quad
				NodePrefix = N4_
				SetCount = 4
				Symmetry = 3
				DisplayText = Hex
				NodePrefix = N6_
				SetCount = 6
				Symmetry = 5
				DisplayText = Octo
				NodePrefix = N8_
				SetCount = 8
				Symmetry = 7
			name = ModuleRoboticServoRotor
			servoTransformName = TopJoint
			servoAttachNodes = top,N2_1,N2_2,N3_1,N3_2,N3_3,N4_1,N4_2,N4_3,N4_4,N6_1,N6_2,N6_3,N6_4,N6_5,N6_6,N8_1,N8_2,N8_3,N8_4,N8_5,N8_6,N8_7,N8_8
			servoSrfMeshNames = COL1
			rotationMatch = 0.009
			maxMotorOutput = 400
			mainAxis = Y
			traverseVelocityLimits = 0, 460
			rpmLimit = 460
			motorizedMassPerKN = 0.004
			motorizedCostPerDriveUnit = 4
			brakeTorque = 1200
			rotorSpoolTime = 150
			efficiency = 0.75
			baseResourceConsumptionRate = 0.06
			referenceConsumptionVelocity = 460
			angularPositionSpring = 0.0000000001
			angularPositionDamper = 1000
				name = ElectricCharge
				rate = 1
			name = ModulePartVariants
			primaryColor = #999999
			secondaryColor = #915934
			baseDisplayName = Gray with Stripes
			baseThemeName = Gray with Stripes
			useMultipleDragCubes = false
				name = Gray
				displayName = Gray
				themeName = Gray
				primaryColor = #999999
					mainTextureURL = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Parts/Robotics/Assets/Rotor_03_diffuse_plain
			name = ModuleResourceAutoShiftState
			affectedResourceName = ElectricCharge
			affectedModuleName = ModuleRoboticServoRotor
			resourceShutOffHandler = true
			resourceStartUpHandler = true
			resourceShutOffStartUpUsePercent = true
			resourceShutOffAmount = 0
			resourceShutOffPercent = 0
			resourceStartUpAmount = 0
			resourceStartUpPercent = 5
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			stackableQuantity = 1
			packedVolume = -1
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Parts/Robotics/rotor_03s.cfg
		name = rotor_03s
		module = Part
		author = RoverDude
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2
		node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.955512, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1
		node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
		TechRequired = advancedMotors
		entryCost = 8200
		cost = 600
		category = Robotics
		subcategory = 0
		title = EM-64S Heavy Rotor
		manufacturer = Kerbal Motion LLC
		description = A large low-torque, high RPM electric motor. The smaller head allows it to masquearade as a medium rotor - don't be fooled!
		attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0
		mass = 0.55
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 1
		crashTolerance = 12
		breakingForce = 200
		breakingTorque = 200
		maxTemp = 2000
		bulkheadProfiles = size1
		tags = robot actuator motor
			model = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Parts/Robotics/Assets/rotor_03s
			name = N2_1
			transform = N2_1
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N2_2
			transform = N2_2
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N3_1
			transform = N3_1
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N3_2
			transform = N3_2
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N3_3
			transform = N3_3
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N4_1
			transform = N4_1
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N4_2
			transform = N4_2
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N4_3
			transform = N4_3
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N4_4
			transform = N4_4
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N6_1
			transform = N6_1
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N6_2
			transform = N6_2
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N6_3
			transform = N6_3
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N6_4
			transform = N6_4
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N6_5
			transform = N6_5
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N6_6
			transform = N6_6
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N8_1
			transform = N8_1
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N8_2
			transform = N8_2
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N8_3
			transform = N8_3
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N8_4
			transform = N8_4
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N8_5
			transform = N8_5
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N8_6
			transform = N8_6
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N8_7
			transform = N8_7
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = N8_8
			transform = N8_8
			size = 1
			method = FIXED_JOINT
			name = ModuleDynamicNodes
			autostrut = true
				DisplayText = Double
				NodePrefix = N2_
				SetCount = 2
				Symmetry = 1
				DisplayText = Triple
				NodePrefix = N3_
				SetCount = 3
				Symmetry = 2
				DisplayText = Quad
				NodePrefix = N4_
				SetCount = 4
				Symmetry = 3
				DisplayText = Hex
				NodePrefix = N6_
				SetCount = 6
				Symmetry = 5
				DisplayText = Octo
				NodePrefix = N8_
				SetCount = 8
				Symmetry = 7
			name = ModuleRoboticServoRotor
			servoTransformName = TopJoint
			servoAttachNodes = top,N2_1,N2_2,N3_1,N3_2,N3_3,N4_1,N4_2,N4_3,N4_4,N6_1,N6_2,N6_3,N6_4,N6_5,N6_6,N8_1,N8_2,N8_3,N8_4,N8_5,N8_6,N8_7,N8_8
			servoSrfMeshNames = COL1
			rotationMatch = 0.009
			maxMotorOutput = 400
			mainAxis = Y
			traverseVelocityLimits = 0, 460
			motorizedMassPerKN = 0.004
			motorizedCostPerDriveUnit = 4
			brakeTorque = 1200
			rpmLimit = 460
			rotorSpoolTime = 150
			rotorTorqueCurve = 1
			maxTorque = 500
			efficiency = 0.75
			baseResourceConsumptionRate = 0.06
			referenceConsumptionVelocity = 460
			angularPositionSpring = 0.0000000001
			angularPositionDamper = 1000
				name = ElectricCharge
				rate = 1
			name = ModulePartVariants
			primaryColor = #999999
			secondaryColor = #915934
			baseDisplayName = Gray with Stripes
			baseThemeName = Gray with Stripes
			useMultipleDragCubes = false
				name = Gray
				displayName = Gray
				themeName = Gray
				primaryColor = #999999
					mainTextureURL = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Parts/Robotics/Assets/Rotor_03_diffuse_plain
			name = ModuleResourceAutoShiftState
			affectedResourceName = ElectricCharge
			affectedModuleName = ModuleRoboticServoRotor
			resourceShutOffHandler = true
			resourceStartUpHandler = true
			resourceShutOffStartUpUsePercent = true
			resourceShutOffAmount = 0
			resourceShutOffPercent = 0
			resourceStartUpAmount = 0
			resourceStartUpPercent = 5
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			stackableQuantity = 1
			packedVolume = -1
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Parts/Robotics/Controllers/KAL1000.cfg
		name = controller1000
		module = Part
		author = Pablo
		mesh =
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0
		TechRequired = advElectrics
		entryCost = 8000
		cost = 1000
		category = Robotics
		subcategory = 0
		title = KAL-1000 Controller
		manufacturer = Moving Parts Experts Group
		description = A first of its kind, this intelligent programmable controller can manage a number of parts across a vessel.\n\nIts not an entirely autonomous entity... yet...
		attachRules = 0,1,0,0,0
		mass = 0.01
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 1
		crashTolerance = 8
		maxTemp = 2000
		PhysicsSignificance = 1
		bulkheadProfiles = srf
		tags = (contr (robo (seq (anim
		mapActionsToSymmetryParts = false
			name = ModuleRoboticController
				name = ElectricCharge
				rate = 0.1
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			stackableQuantity = 2
			packedVolume = 20
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Parts/Science/RobotArmScanner/RobotArmScanner_S1.cfg
		name = RobotArmScanner_S1
		module = Part
		author = RoverDude
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, 0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
		node_attach = 0.0, 0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
		TechRequired = advExploration
		entryCost = 4200
		cost = 400
		category = Science
		subcategory = 0
		title = CRSY Light Scanning Arm
		manufacturer = Experimental Engineering Group
		description = The Experimental Engineering Group managed to successfully adapt technologies from several other manufacturers to produce this once-in-a-lifetime piece of technology.\n\nThe light scanning arm is capable of independent work on distant planets, analyzing the geology and composition of rocks and other surface features with two different instruments.\n\nA masterpiece of engineering and design.
		attachRules = 1,1,0,0,0
		mass = 0.06
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 1
		crashTolerance = 12
		maxTemp = 2000
		bulkheadProfiles = srf
		tags = arm scanner science rover rock test
			model = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Parts/Science/RobotArmScanner/Assets/ROCArm_01
					channel = Ship
					clip = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Sounds/robo_arm_small_start
					maxVolumeDistance = 150
					channel = Ship
					clip = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Sounds/robo_arm_small_motor_00
					loop = true
					volume = 0.0 0.0
					volume = 1.0 1.0
					maxVolumeDistance = 150
					channel = Ship
					clip = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Sounds/robo_arm_small_scan
					volume = 0.0 0.0
					volume = 1.0 1.0
					maxVolumeDistance = 150
					channel = Ship
					clip = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Sounds/robo_arm_small_motor_00
					loop = true
					volume = 0.0 0.0
					volume = 1.0 1.0
					maxVolumeDistance = 150
					channel = Ship
					clip = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Sounds/robo_arm_small_end
					maxVolumeDistance = 150
			name = ModuleRobotArmScanner
			pivotName = BaseRotator
			extendActionName = Scan Surface Feature
			trackingSpeed = 30
			animationName = ROCScan1
			TrackingAlignmentOffset = 0
			unpackAnimationName = ROCDeploy
			editorReachAnimationName = ROCPreview
			firstJointAlignOffset = -90
			gimbalAlignOffset = 90
			instAlignOffset = 180
			distanceFromSurface = 0.6
			cancelScanDistance = 0.1
			firstJointRotStartAngleModifier = 0
			impactResistance = 2
			impactResistanceRetracted = 6
			retractable = False
			rangeTriggerRadius = 2
			rangeTriggerParentTransformName = ROCArm_01
			firstJointRotationLimit = 90
			safeRetractPeriods = 0 1
			safeRetractPeriods = 3.5 4.5
			safeRetractPeriods = 7 15
				name = ElectricCharge
				rate = 13.6
					className = RobotArmFXSpectrometer
					effectStartTime = 1.5
					effectStopTime = 3
					lightTransformName = LightTransform
			name = ModuleScienceExperiment
			experimentID = ROCScience
			experimentActionName = Scan Surface Feature
			resetActionName = Discard Report
			reviewActionName = Review Report
			hideUIwhenUnavailable = True
			rerunnable = True
			resettable = True
			resettableOnEVA = False
			hideFxModuleUI = True
			xmitDataScalar = 1
			dataIsCollectable = True
			scienceValueRatio = 0.333333333333333333
			showScienceValueRatio = true
			extraResultString = <color=orange>Your scan has collected some, but not all the information available. Come back later with a better sensor.</color>
			interactionRange = 2
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 150
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Parts/Science/RobotArmScanner/RobotArmScanner_S2.cfg
		name = RobotArmScanner_S2
		module = Part
		author = RoverDude
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, 0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
		node_attach = 0.0, 0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
		TechRequired = scienceTech
		entryCost = 6500
		cost = 600
		category = Science
		subcategory = 0
		title = SPRT Medium Scanning Arm
		manufacturer = Experimental Engineering Group
		description = The Experimental Engineering Group has triumphed in creating a larger version of their previous scanning arm, duplicating their heroic feat for a twice-in-a-lifetime scientific accomplishment.\n\nThe medium scanning arm incoporates a 3rd instrument for further data gathering, increasing the amount of data the arm can gather.
		attachRules = 1,1,0,0,0
		mass = 0.14
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 1
		crashTolerance = 12
		maxTemp = 2000
		bulkheadProfiles = srf
		tags = arm scanner science rover rock test
			model = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Parts/Science/RobotArmScanner/Assets/ROCArm_02
					channel = Ship
					clip = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Sounds/robo_arm_medium_start
					maxVolumeDistance = 150
					channel = Ship
					clip = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Sounds/robo_arm_medium_motor_00
					loop = true
					volume = 0.0 0.0
					volume = 1.0 1.0
					maxVolumeDistance = 150
					channel = Ship
					clip = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Sounds/robo_arm_medium_scan
					volume = 0.0 0.0
					volume = 1.0 1.0
					maxVolumeDistance = 150
					channel = Ship
					clip = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Sounds/robo_arm_medium_motor_00
					loop = true
					volume = 0.0 0.0
					volume = 1.0 1.0
					maxVolumeDistance = 150
					channel = Ship
					clip = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Sounds/robo_arm_medium_end
					maxVolumeDistance = 150
			name = ModuleRobotArmScanner
			pivotName = BaseRotator
			extendActionName = Scan Surface Feature
			trackingSpeed = 30
			animationName = ROCScan2
			TrackingAlignmentOffset = 0
			unpackAnimationName = ROCDeploy
			editorReachAnimationName = ROCPreview
			firstJointAlignOffset = -90
			gimbalAlignOffset = 90
			instAlignOffset = 180
			distanceFromSurface = 0.6
			cancelScanDistance = 0.1
			firstJointRotStartAngleModifier = 0
			impactResistance = 2
			impactResistanceRetracted = 6
			retractable = False
			rangeTriggerRadius = 3
			rangeTriggerParentTransformName = ROCArm_02
			firstJointRotationLimit = 90
			safeRetractPeriods = 0 1
			safeRetractPeriods = 3.5 4
			safeRetractPeriods = 8 10
			safeRetractPeriods = 12 15
				name = ElectricCharge
				rate = 19.7
					className = RobotArmFXSpectrometer
					effectStartTime = 1.5
					effectStopTime = 3
					lightTransformName = LightTransform
					className = RobotArmFXLaser
					effectStartTime = 5
					effectStopTime = 6.5
					laserEffectTransformName = LaserTransform
					configLaserEffectColor = #FF0000
					laserEffectWidth = 0.01
			name = ModuleScienceExperiment
			experimentID = ROCScience
			experimentActionName = Scan Surface Feature
			resetActionName = Discard Report
			reviewActionName = Review Report
			hideUIwhenUnavailable = True
			rerunnable = True
			resettable = True
			resettableOnEVA = False
			hideFxModuleUI = True
			xmitDataScalar = 1
			dataIsCollectable = True
			scienceValueRatio = 0.666666666666666666
			showScienceValueRatio = true
			extraResultString = <color=orange>Your scan has collected most, but not all the information available. Come back later with a better sensor.</color>
			interactionRange = 2.5
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 400
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Parts/Science/RobotArmScanner/RobotArmScanner_S3.cfg
		name = RobotArmScanner_S3
		module = Part
		author = RoverDude
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, 0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
		node_attach = 0.0, 0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
		TechRequired = advScienceTech
		entryCost = 8000
		cost = 800
		category = Science
		subcategory = 0
		title = OP-E Large Scanning Arm
		manufacturer = Experimental Engineering Group
		description = The Experimental Engineering Group's marketing department claims this is another once-in-a-lifetime achievement. We're starting to get suspicious!\n\nNonetheless, this even larger rover arm has four separate instruments, and we can't think of what else they might add, so this is probably the top of the line model from them.
		attachRules = 1,1,0,0,0
		mass = 0.3
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 1
		crashTolerance = 12
		maxTemp = 2000
		bulkheadProfiles = srf
		tags = arm scanner science rover rock test
			model = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Parts/Science/RobotArmScanner/Assets/ROCArm_03
					channel = Ship
					clip = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Sounds/robo_arm_large_start
					maxVolumeDistance = 150
					channel = Ship
					clip = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Sounds/robo_arm_large_motor_00
					loop = true
					volume = 0.0 0.0
					volume = 1.0 1.0
					maxVolumeDistance = 150
					channel = Ship
					clip = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Sounds/robo_arm_large_scan
					volume = 0.0 0.0
					volume = 1.0 1.0
					maxVolumeDistance = 150
					channel = Ship
					clip = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Sounds/robo_arm_large_motor_00
					loop = true
					volume = 0.0 0.0
					volume = 1.0 1.0
					maxVolumeDistance = 150
					channel = Ship
					clip = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Sounds/robo_arm_large_end
					maxVolumeDistance = 150
			name = ModuleRobotArmScanner
			pivotName = BaseRotator
			extendActionName = Scan Surface Feature
			trackingSpeed = 30
			animationName = ROCScan
			TrackingAlignmentOffset = 0
			unpackAnimationName = ROCDeploy
			editorReachAnimationName = ROCPreview
			firstJointAlignOffset = -90
			gimbalAlignOffset = 90
			instAlignOffset = 180
			distanceFromSurface = 0.6
			cancelScanDistance = 0.1
			firstJointRotStartAngleModifier = 0
			impactResistance = 2
			impactResistanceRetracted = 6
			retractable = False
			rangeTriggerRadius = 4
			rangeTriggerParentTransformName = ROCArm_03
			firstJointRotationLimit = 90
			safeRetractPeriods = 0 1
			safeRetractPeriods = 3.5 4
			safeRetractPeriods = 8 9
			safeRetractPeriods = 15.5 16
			safeRetractPeriods = 18 20
			destroyOnBreakObject = DrillParticles
			destroyOnBreakObject = DrillSmoke
			destroyOnBreakObject = DrillSpark
				name = ElectricCharge
				rate = 26.8
					className = RobotArmFXSpectrometer
					effectStartTime = 1.5
					effectStopTime = 3
					lightTransformName = LightTransform
					className = RobotArmFXLaser
					effectStartTime = 5
					effectStopTime = 6.5
					laserEffectTransformName = LaserTransform
					configLaserEffectColor = #FF0000
					laserEffectWidth = 0.01
					className = RobotArmFXDrill
					effectStartTime = 9.8
					effectStopTime = 15
					drillBaseTransformName = DrillBaseTransform
					drillTipTransformName = DrillHeadTransform
					drillEffectTransformName = DrillParticles
			name = ModuleScienceExperiment
			experimentID = ROCScience
			experimentActionName = Scan Surface Feature
			resetActionName = Discard Report
			reviewActionName = Review Report
			hideUIwhenUnavailable = True
			rerunnable = True
			resettable = True
			resettableOnEVA = False
			hideFxModuleUI = True
			xmitDataScalar = 1
			dataIsCollectable = True
			scienceValueRatio = 1.0
			showScienceValueRatio = true
			extraResultString = Your scan has collected all the detail possible, congratulations!
			interactionRange = 3
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 1000
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Parts/Structural/gripPads/lGripPad.cfg
		name = lGripPad
		module = Part
		author = Pablo
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
		node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
		TechRequired = specializedConstruction
		entryCost = 3400
		cost = 300
		category = Structural
		subcategory = 0
		title = GP-156 Grip Pad
		manufacturer = Dinkelstein Kerman's Construction Emporium
		description = A large size non-slip pad so that you don't slip off the back of your mech-bot as you stomp across KSC in search of science! Comes in two form factors and three grip levels.
		attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0
		mass = 0.078
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 1
		crashTolerance = 65
		maxTemp = 2000
		bulkheadProfiles = srf
		tags = cover plat support grip rubber friction
		mapActionsToSymmetryParts = false
			model = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Parts/Structural/gripPads/Assets/lGripPad
			name = ModulePartVariants
			baseVariant = Square
				name = Square
				displayName = Square
				description = Square
				primaryColor = #ffffff
				secondaryColor = #ffffff
					round = false
					square = true
				name = Round
				displayName = Round
				description = Round
				primaryColor = #000000
				secondaryColor = #000000
					round = true
					square = false
			name = ModulePhysicMaterial
			activePhysicMaterialName = MediumGrip
			PhysicMaterialName = MediumGrip
			PhysicMaterialName = HighGrip
			PhysicMaterialName = ExtremeGrip
					name = MediumGrip
					color = 1,1,1
					name = HighGrip
					color = 0.63,0.63,0.63
					name = ExtremeGrip
					color = 0.38,0.38,0.38
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 320
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Parts/Structural/gripPads/lGripStrip.cfg
		name = lGripStrip
		module = Part
		author = Pablo
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
		node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
		TechRequired = specializedConstruction
		entryCost = 3400
		cost = 300
		category = Structural
		subcategory = 0
		title = GPS-156 Grip Strip
		manufacturer = Dinkelstein Kerman's Construction Emporium
		description = A large non-slip strip, giving unparalleled traction for all your non-slip needs.
		attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0
		mass = 0.078
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 1
		crashTolerance = 65
		maxTemp = 2000
		bulkheadProfiles = srf
		tags = cover plat support grip rubber friction
		mapActionsToSymmetryParts = false
			model = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Parts/Structural/gripPads/Assets/lGripStrip
			name = ModulePhysicMaterial
			activePhysicMaterialName = MediumGrip
			PhysicMaterialName = MediumGrip
			PhysicMaterialName = HighGrip
			PhysicMaterialName = ExtremeGrip
					name = MediumGrip
					color = 1,1,1
					name = HighGrip
					color = 0.63,0.63,0.63
					name = ExtremeGrip
					color = 0.38,0.38,0.38
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 160
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Parts/Structural/gripPads/mGripPad.cfg
		name = mGripPad
		module = Part
		author = Pablo
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
		node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
		TechRequired = advancedMotors
		entryCost = 2600
		cost = 75
		category = Structural
		subcategory = 0
		title = GP-036 Grip Pad
		manufacturer = Dinkelstein Kerman's Construction Emporium
		description = A medium size non-slip pad so that the feet of your mecha-bot do not slip out from under it on the shifty sands of Duna. Comes in two form factors and three grip levels.
		attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0
		mass = 0.018
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 1
		crashTolerance = 65
		maxTemp = 2000
		bulkheadProfiles = srf
		tags = cover plat support grip rubber friction
		mapActionsToSymmetryParts = false
			model = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Parts/Structural/gripPads/Assets/mGripPad
			name = ModulePartVariants
			baseVariant = Square
				name = Square
				displayName = Square
				description = Square
				primaryColor = #ffffff
				secondaryColor = #ffffff
					round = false
					square = true
				name = Round
				displayName = Round
				description = Round
				primaryColor = #000000
				secondaryColor = #000000
					round = true
					square = false
			name = ModulePhysicMaterial
			activePhysicMaterialName = MediumGrip
			PhysicMaterialName = MediumGrip
			PhysicMaterialName = HighGrip
			PhysicMaterialName = ExtremeGrip
					name = MediumGrip
					color = 1,1,1
					name = HighGrip
					color = 0.63,0.63,0.63
					name = ExtremeGrip
					color = 0.38,0.38,0.38
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			packedVolume = 40
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Parts/Structural/gripPads/sGripPad.cfg
		name = sGripPad
		module = Part
		author = Pablo
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0
		node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0
		TechRequired = advancedMotors
		entryCost = 1100
		cost = 30
		category = Structural
		subcategory = 0
		title = GP-004 Grip Pad
		manufacturer = Dinkelstein Kerman's Construction Emporium
		description = A very small non-slip pad to help make sure rocks do not slip out of the fingers of your mecha-bot. Comes in two form factors and three grip levels.
		attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0
		mass = 0.002
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 1
		crashTolerance = 65
		maxTemp = 2000
		bulkheadProfiles = srf
		tags = cover plat support grip rubber friction
		mapActionsToSymmetryParts = false
			model = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Parts/Structural/gripPads/Assets/sGripPad
			name = ModulePartVariants
			baseVariant = Square
				name = Square
				displayName = Square
				description = Square
				primaryColor = #ffffff
				secondaryColor = #ffffff
					round = false
					square = true
				name = Round
				displayName = Round
				description = Round
				primaryColor = #000000
				secondaryColor = #000000
					round = true
					square = false
			name = ModulePhysicMaterial
			activePhysicMaterialName = MediumGrip
			PhysicMaterialName = MediumGrip
			PhysicMaterialName = HighGrip
			PhysicMaterialName = ExtremeGrip
					name = MediumGrip
					color = 1,1,1
					name = HighGrip
					color = 0.63,0.63,0.63
					name = ExtremeGrip
					color = 0.38,0.38,0.38
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			stackableQuantity = 4
			packedVolume = 2
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Parts/Structural/gripPads/sGripStrip.cfg
		name = sGripStrip
		module = Part
		author = Pablo
		rescaleFactor = 1
		node_stack_bottom = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0
		node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0
		rescaleFactor = 1
		TechRequired = advancedMotors
		entryCost = 1500
		cost = 50
		category = Structural
		subcategory = 0
		title = GPS-025 Grip Strip
		manufacturer = Dinkelstein Kerman's Construction Emporium
		description = A non slip strip. The manufacturer assures us the price is justified and 'going down to the local market and buying a nice doormat' would NOT be just as good.
		attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0
		mass = 0.012
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 1
		crashTolerance = 65
		maxTemp = 2000
		bulkheadProfiles = srf
		tags = cover plat support grip rubber friction
		mapActionsToSymmetryParts = false
			model = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Parts/Structural/gripPads/Assets/sGripStrip
			name = ModulePhysicMaterial
			activePhysicMaterialName = MediumGrip
			PhysicMaterialName = MediumGrip
			PhysicMaterialName = HighGrip
			PhysicMaterialName = ExtremeGrip
					name = MediumGrip
					color = 1,1,1
					name = HighGrip
					color = 0.63,0.63,0.63
					name = ExtremeGrip
					color = 0.38,0.38,0.38
			name = ModuleCargoPart
			stackableQuantity = 4
			packedVolume = 12
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Resources/DeployedScience.cfg
		ScienceTimeDelay = 60
		DataSendFailedTimeDelay = 600
				ExpCount = 1
				Rate = 1
				ExpCount = 2
				Rate = 0.2
				ExpCount = 3
				Rate = 0.35
				ExpCount = 4
				Rate = 0.45
				ExpCount = 5
				Rate = 0.5
			MinimumEnergyRequired = 3000
			SeismicScienceProcessingDelay = 3
				BodyName = Moho
				Energy = 2.02e9
				BodyName = Eve
				Energy = 9.78e10
				BodyName = Gilly
				Energy = 1e6
				BodyName = Kerbin
				Energy = 4.184e10
				BodyName = Mun
				Energy = 7.82e8
				BodyName = Minmus
				Energy = 2.12e7
				BodyName = Duna
				Energy = 3.62e9
				BodyName = Ike
				Energy = 2.23e8
				BodyName = Dres
				Energy = 2.58e8
				BodyName = Laythe
				Energy = 2.36e10
				BodyName = Vall
				Energy = 2.49e9
				BodyName = Tylo
				Energy = 3.39e10
				BodyName = Bop
				Energy = 2.99e7
				BodyName = Pol
				Energy = 8.66e6
				BodyName = Eeloo
				Energy = 8.94e8
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Resources/PhysicsMaterials.cfg
		name = MediumGrip
		displayName = Medium Grip
		dynamicFriction = 0.35
		staticFriction = 0.5
		bounciness = 0
		frictionCombine = Maximum
		bounceCombine = Average
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Resources/PhysicsMaterials.cfg
		name = HighGrip
		displayName = High Grip
		dynamicFriction = 0.6
		staticFriction = 0.75
		bounciness = 0
		frictionCombine = Maximum
		bounceCombine = Average
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Resources/PhysicsMaterials.cfg
		name = ExtremeGrip
		displayName = Extreme Grip
		dynamicFriction = 0.9
		staticFriction = 1.1
		bounciness = 0
		frictionCombine = Maximum
		bounceCombine = Average
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Resources/PhysicsMaterials.cfg
		name = LowGrip
		displayName = Low Grip
		dynamicFriction = 0.1
		staticFriction = 0.1
		bounciness = 0
		frictionCombine = Maximum
		bounceCombine = Average
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Resources/PhysicsMaterials.cfg
		name = Default
		displayName = Default
		dynamicFriction = 0.4
		staticFriction = 0.4
		bounciness = 0
		frictionCombine = Maximum
		bounceCombine = Average
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Resources/ScienceDefs.cfg
		id = deployedSeismicSensor
		title = Surface Deployed Seismic Sensor
		baseValue = 1
		scienceCap = 80
		dataScale = 1
		requireAtmosphere = False
		situationMask = 1
		biomeMask = 0
		applyScienceScale = false
			default = Seismic data gathered from impacts on the surface.
			KerbinSrfLanded = Seismic data gathered from impacts on the surface of Kerbin.
			MunSrfLanded = Seismic data gathered from impacts on the surface of The Mun.
			MinmusSrfLanded = Seismic data gathered from impacts on the surface of Minmus.
			MohoSrfLanded = Seismic data gathered from impacts on the surface of Moho.
			GillySrfLanded = Seismic data gathered from impacts on the surface of Gilly.
			EveSrfLanded = Seismic data gathered from impacts on the surface of Eve.
			DunaSrfLanded = Seismic data gathered from impacts on the surface of Duna.
			IkeSrfLanded = Seismic data gathered from impacts on the surface of Ike.
			DresSrfLanded = Seismic data gathered from impacts on the surface of Dres.
			LaytheSrfLanded = Seismic data gathered from impacts on the surface of Laythe.
			VallSrfLanded = Seismic data gathered from impacts on the surface of Val.
			TyloSrfLanded = Seismic data gathered from impacts on the surface of Tylo.
			BopSrfLanded = Seismic data gathered from impacts on the surface of Bop.
			PolSrfLanded = Seismic data gathered from impacts on the surface of Pol.
			EelooSrfLanded = Seismic data gathered from impacts on the surface of Eeloo.
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Resources/ScienceDefs.cfg
		id = deployedWeatherReport
		title = Surface Deployed Weather Observations
		baseValue = 0.3
		scienceCap = 60
		dataScale = 1
		requireAtmosphere = True
		situationMask = 1
		biomeMask = 0
		applyScienceScale = false
			default = Weather information gathered from the surface.
			KerbinSrfLanded = Weather information gathered from the surface of Kerbin.
			EveSrfLanded = Weather information gathered the surface of Eve.
			DunaSrfLanded = Weather information gathered from the surface of Duna.
			LaytheSrfLanded = Weather information gathered from the surface of Laythe.
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Resources/ScienceDefs.cfg
		id = deployedGooObservation
		title = Surface Deployed Mystery Goo Observations
		baseValue = 0.28125
		scienceCap = 45
		dataScale = 1
		requireAtmosphere = False
		situationMask = 1
		biomeMask = 0
		applyScienceScale = false
			default = Long term Mystery Goo observation data from the surface.
			KerbinSrfLanded = Long term Mystery Goo observation data from the surface of Kerbin.
			MunSrfLanded = Long term Mystery Goo observation data from the surface of The Mun.
			MinmusSrfLanded = Long term Mystery Goo observation data from the surface of Minmus.
			MohoSrfLanded = Long term Mystery Goo observation data from the surface of Moho.
			GillySrfLanded = Long term Mystery Goo observation data from the surface of Gilly.
			EveSrfLanded = Long term Mystery Goo observation data from the surface of Eve.
			DunaSrfLanded = Long term Mystery Goo observation data from the surface of Duna.
			IkeSrfLanded = Long term Mystery Goo observation data from the surface of Ike.
			DresSrfLanded = Long term Mystery Goo observation data from the surface of Dres.
			LaytheSrfLanded = Long term Mystery Goo observation data from the surface of Laythe.
			VallSrfLanded = Long term Mystery Goo observation data from the surface of Val.
			TyloSrfLanded = Long term Mystery Goo observation data from the surface of Tylo.
			BopSrfLanded = Long term Mystery Goo observation data from the surface of Bop.
			PolSrfLanded = Long term Mystery Goo observation data from the surface of Pol.
			EelooSrfLanded = Long term Mystery Goo observation data from the surface of Eeloo.
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Resources/ScienceDefs.cfg
		id = deployedIONCollector
		title = Surface Deployed Ion Collector
		baseValue = 0.3125
		scienceCap = 100
		dataScale = 1
		requireAtmosphere = False
		requireNoAtmosphere = True
		situationMask = 1
		biomeMask = 0
		applyScienceScale = false
			default = Ion detector data gathered from the surface.
			KerbinSrfLanded = Ion detector data gathered from the surface of Kerbin.
			MunSrfLanded = Ion detector data gathered from the surface of The Mun.
			MinmusSrfLanded = Ion detector data gathered from the surface of Minmus.
			GillySrfLanded = Ion detector data gathered from the surface of Gilly.
			MohoSrfLanded = Ion detector data gathered from the surface of Moho.
			DunaSrfLanded = Ion detector data gathered from the surface of Duna.
			IkeSrfLanded = Ion detector data gathered from the surface of Ike.
			DresSrfLanded = Ion detector data gathered from the surface of Dres.
			LaytheSrfLanded = Ion detector data gathered from the surface of Laythe.
			VallSrfLanded = Ion detector data gathered from the surface of Val.
			TyloSrfLanded = Ion detector data gathered from the surface of Tylo.
			BopSrfLanded = Ion detector data gathered from the surface of Bop.
			PolSrfLanded = Ion detector data gathered from the surface of Pol.
			EelooSrfLanded = Ion detector data gathered from the surface of Eeloo.
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Resources/ScienceDefs.cfg
		id = ROCScience_KerbinBaobabTree
		title = Baobab Tree Scan
		baseValue = 60
		scienceCap = 60
		dataScale = 1
		applyScienceScale = false
		requireAtmosphere = False
		situationMask = 1
		biomeMask = 0
			default = These ancient trees provide good practice for studying the secrets of the universe. Also, their seed pods are tough as meteorites and potentially just as tasty.
			KerbinSrf = These ancient trees provide good practice for studying the secrets of the universe. Also, their seed pods are tough as meteorites and potentially just as tasty.
			KerbinSrf = If our experts are correct, this is one of the oldest trees on the planet… perhaps as old as Professor von Kerman himself.
			KerbinSrf = A ring sample of this ancient tree will provide centuries of valuable historical climate data. But can it be gathered without harming the elder Baobab?
			KerbinSrf = While there are other trees on Kerbin, these are by far the most interesting.They stand out so much its like you can barely see the others sometimes.
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Resources/ScienceDefs.cfg
		id = ROCScience_KerbinGiantQuartz
		title = Giant Quartz Scan
		baseValue = 45
		scienceCap = 45
		dataScale = 1
		applyScienceScale = false
		requireAtmosphere = False
		situationMask = 1
		biomeMask = 0
			default = A huge, majestic looking formation of quartz. Now how do we move it without breaking it?
			KerbinSrf = A huge, majestic looking formation of quartz. Now how do we move it without breaking it?
			KerbinSrf = Glistening like a mirror, this massive crystal formation provides valuable information, if Bob will stop looking at his reflection long enough to gather it.
			KerbinSrf = These quartz formations are still something of a mystery. Some of our scientists are pondering how such a massive structure could have formed here. Others are wondering if they picked the right career and shouldn't have been jewelers instead.
			KerbinSrf = These quartz formations only show up in the more difficult to reach areas of Kerbin. Are they shy? Or did something happen in the past to the more accessible ones?
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Resources/ScienceDefs.cfg
		id = ROCScience_GillyRidgeline
		title = Gilly Ridgeline Scan
		baseValue = 45
		scienceCap = 45
		dataScale = 1
		applyScienceScale = false
		requireAtmosphere = False
		situationMask = 1
		biomeMask = 0
			default = Gilly's relatively low density is of great interest to Kerbin Scientists. Is it due to low density rock or could Gilly possibly have a cream filling?
			GillySrf = Gilly's relatively low density is of great interest to Kerbin Scientists. Is it due to low density rock or could Gilly possibly have a cream filling?
			GillySrf = This strange formation seems almost weathered, which is uttery impossible on a low gravity body. Further study may provide vital clues.
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Resources/ScienceDefs.cfg
		id = ROCScience_DunaEjectaOnIke
		title = Duna Ejecta Analysis
		baseValue = 30
		scienceCap = 30
		dataScale = 1
		applyScienceScale = false
		requireAtmosphere = False
		situationMask = 1
		biomeMask = 0
			default = These chunks of debris have rained on Ike for eons. Providing insight into the history of Duna through the impacts that threw this material off its surface.
			IkeSrf = These chunks of debris have rained on Ike for eons. Providing insight into the history of Duna through the impacts that threw this material off its surface.
			IkeSrf = Scattered far and wide across the surface of Ike, these strange meteorites hint at an extermely violent early history of both Duna and Ike.
			IkeSrf = Besides providing valuable data of Ike & Duna's pre-history, pet "Ike-Rocks" are now all the rage back home on Kerbin.
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Resources/ScienceDefs.cfg
		id = ROCScience_BopGravelPile
		title = Gravel Pile Scan
		baseValue = 45
		scienceCap = 45
		dataScale = 1
		applyScienceScale = false
		requireAtmosphere = False
		situationMask = 1
		biomeMask = 0
			default = Bop's low gravity causes accretia to slowly accumulate - some of it from long before it was captured by Jool.
			BopSrf = Bop's low gravity causes accretia to slowly accumulate - some of it from long before it was captured by Jool.
			BopSrf = It is curious how such a pile could accumulate on a low gravity moon. Further analysis could provide valuable insite on Bop's origin's, and whether it's a natural or captured moon.
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Resources/ScienceDefs.cfg
		id = ROCScience_PolYellowStones
		title = Yellow Stones Analysis
		baseValue = 30
		scienceCap = 30
		dataScale = 1
		applyScienceScale = false
		requireAtmosphere = False
		situationMask = 1
		biomeMask = 0
			default = Pol's distinctive color shows up particularly well in these chunks of stone left across its surface. Could they be more than just cold stone - perhaps some new type of cheese, aged over millions of years?
			PolSrf = Pol's distinctive color shows up particularly well in these chunks of stone left across its surface. Could they be more than just cold stone - perhaps some new type of cheese, aged over millions of years?
			PolSrf = The huge rock spires of Pol already defy all logic. Perhaps if we can learn how these particular fragments broke apart, we can also discover how they were able to form at all?
			PolSrf = These small fragments appear to be made of the same material as Pol's huge rock spires. But what could have broken them off? Krakens?
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Resources/ScienceDefs.cfg
		id = ROCScience_MinmusGreenSandstone
		title = Green Sandstone Analysis
		baseValue = 30
		scienceCap = 30
		dataScale = 1
		applyScienceScale = false
		requireAtmosphere = False
		situationMask = 1
		biomeMask = 0
			default = Kerbin Scientists are curious about how Minmus managed to have salt flats despite its low gravity and lack of atmosphere. These old rocks provide numerous clues... also, they kind of look like sprinkles, right?
			MinmusSrf = Kerbin Scientists are curious about how Minmus managed to have salt flats despite its low gravity and lack of atmosphere. These old rocks provide numerous clues... also, they kind of look like sprinkles, right?
			MinmusSrf = All evidence points towards Minmus once having several liquid oceans, physics indicates this is impossible! Study of these strange small stones will provide valuable insight into this mystery.
			MinmusSrf = It's going to be really hard to convince the folks back home that these aren't actually mint flavored sugar cookies.
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Resources/ScienceDefs.cfg
		id = ROCScience_MinmusOlivineFormation
		title = Olivine Formation Scan
		baseValue = 60
		scienceCap = 60
		dataScale = 1
		applyScienceScale = false
		requireAtmosphere = False
		situationMask = 1
		biomeMask = 0
			default = Outcroppings of these mineral deposits can tell us much about Minmus' more energetic past. As a side note the chunks chipped off are very pretty.
			MinmusSrf = Outcroppings of these mineral deposits can tell us much about Minmus' more energetic past. As a side note the chunks chipped off are very pretty.
			MinmusSrf = An olivine formation jutting out from a salt flat… on a low gravity moon with no atmosphere? More impossible evidence that Minmus may have once had… oceans???
			MinmusSrf = This huge formation will provide scores of valuable data. But more important to the guys at the lab, in this low gravity, can you reach the top in one leap?
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Resources/ScienceDefs.cfg
		id = ROCScience_MohoStone
		title = Moho Stone Analysis
		baseValue = 30
		scienceCap = 30
		dataScale = 1
		applyScienceScale = false
		requireAtmosphere = False
		situationMask = 1
		biomeMask = 0
			default = Stones on Moho show signs of heavy space weathering - certainly there was no water here to erode them. Careful study shows the history of the Sun's effect on Moho.
			MohoSrf = Stones on Moho show signs of heavy space weathering - certainly there was no water here to erode them. Careful study shows the history of the Sun's effect on Moho.
			MohoSrf = As strange as it sounds, these stones look more like smooth river-rocks than meteorite fragments. Further analysis will prove valuable.
			MohoSrf = If Minmus is made of mint ice-cream, we could use these small brown stones as the chocolate sprinkles - if we were willing to take them there. Do we have the delta-v for a detour?
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Resources/ScienceDefs.cfg
		id = ROCScience_MohoWrinkleRidge
		title = Wrinkle Ridge Scan
		baseValue = 60
		scienceCap = 60
		dataScale = 1
		applyScienceScale = false
		requireAtmosphere = False
		situationMask = 1
		biomeMask = 0
			default = A type of feature created on the surface of a celestial body when magma settles after cooling down. Kerbal astronomers call them moon frowns.
			MohoSrf = A type of feature created on the surface of a celestial body when magma settles after cooling down. Kerbal astronomers call them moon frowns.
			MohoSrf = Strangely enough, this cooled magma resembles layers of delicious hot fudge.
			MohoSrf = Now cooled, this wonderful magma flow has an almost organic look to it.
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Resources/ScienceDefs.cfg
		id = ROCScience_EveVolcanicRock
		title = Volcanic Rock Analysis
		baseValue = 30
		scienceCap = 30
		dataScale = 1
		applyScienceScale = false
		requireAtmosphere = False
		situationMask = 1
		biomeMask = 0
			default = A small chunk of volcanic rock. Good thing it's not hot anymore.
			EveSrf = A small chunk of volcanic rock. Good thing it's not hot anymore.
			EveSrf = Incredably lightweight for its size, one wonders if this pumice like stone can actually float in Eve's weird pinkish oceans.
			EveSrf = Similar to volcanic glass found on Kerbin, analysis of this facinating sample should glean valuable information into Eve's volcanic past.
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Resources/ScienceDefs.cfg
		id = ROCScience_EveBasaltFormation
		title = Basalt Formation Scan
		baseValue = 45
		scienceCap = 45
		dataScale = 1
		applyScienceScale = false
		requireAtmosphere = False
		situationMask = 1
		biomeMask = 0
			default = A bunch of vertical rocks grouped one next to the other. They look like old spaghetti that somebody forgot and left there for centuries.
			EveSrf = A bunch of vertical rocks grouped one next to the other. They look like old spaghetti that somebody forgot and left there for centuries.
			EveSrf = Formations like this one are rare on Kerbin. Some of our scientists theorize that Eve's more violent past has something to do with their formation.
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Resources/ScienceDefs.cfg
		id = ROCScience_EvePancakeDome
		title = Pancake Dome Scan
		baseValue = 60
		scienceCap = 60
		dataScale = 1
		applyScienceScale = false
		requireAtmosphere = False
		situationMask = 1
		biomeMask = 0
			default = A large, round, volcanic crater. Anything this food-shaped in space is worth studying.
			EveSrf = A large, round, volcanic crater. Anything this food-shaped in space is worth studying.
			EveSrf = Whichever scientist first looked at these large dome shaped formations and thought 'This reminds me of breakfast' likely won a prize of some sort.
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Resources/ScienceDefs.cfg
		id = ROCScience_DunaStone
		title = Duna Stone Analysis
		baseValue = 30
		scienceCap = 30
		dataScale = 1
		applyScienceScale = false
		requireAtmosphere = False
		situationMask = 1
		biomeMask = 0
			default = Geologists on Kerbin hope to determine much from just a chunk of rock. Including the most important question - was there life on Duna? And if so - how many shapes did it come in?
			DunaSrf = Geologists on Kerbin hope to determine much from just a chunk of rock. Including the most important question - was there life on Duna? And if so - how many shapes did it come in?
			DunaSrf = This Duna stone is much like every other stone we've seen on Duna. But now that you've found it, it's taken on special significance and will go down in the history of Kerbal spacefaring. Also may sell well in an auction house.
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Resources/ScienceDefs.cfg
		id = ROCScience_DunaMeteorite
		title = Duna Meteorite Scan
		baseValue = 45
		scienceCap = 45
		dataScale = 1
		applyScienceScale = false
		requireAtmosphere = False
		situationMask = 1
		biomeMask = 0
			default = The remains of a past meteorite that struck Duna's surface.
			DunaSrf = The remains of a past meteorite that struck Duna's surface.
			DunaSrf = Duna's thin atmosphere does little to stop these meteorites from crashing into it and scattering over its surface. While we did come to Duna to study the planet itself, why not stop to sample composition of another celestial body as well?
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Resources/ScienceDefs.cfg
		id = ROCScience_DunaDune
		title = Duna Dune Scan
		baseValue = 60
		scienceCap = 60
		dataScale = 1
		applyScienceScale = false
		requireAtmosphere = False
		situationMask = 1
		biomeMask = 0
			default = The winds on Duna can pile up sand in odd places. They have piled up this residue, and the information it contains, from hundreds of kilometers away.
			DunaSrf = The winds on Duna can pile up sand in odd places. They have piled up this residue, and the information it contains, from hundreds of kilometers away.
			DunaSrf = Duna's thin winds carry this fine sand in huge storms, leaving these dunes behind in deposits all over the planet. Amazing for scientists - terrible to try to get out of your bathing suit though.
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Resources/ScienceDefs.cfg
		id = ROCScience_DunaBlueberries
		title = Blueberries Analysis
		baseValue = 30
		scienceCap = 30
		dataScale = 1
		applyScienceScale = false
		requireAtmosphere = False
		situationMask = 1
		biomeMask = 0
			default = Small rocks that might look like blueberries, but don't taste like them... we're almost certain.
			DunaSrf = Small rocks that might look like blueberries, but don't taste like them... we're almost certain.
			DunaSrf = How these formed is still a mystery to scientists back on Kerbin. Do they have any relationship to the pancake domes on Eve, or is that just a galactic and gastronomical mystery we have yet to solve. Who knows where we may find an elusive 'syrup' sample.
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Resources/ScienceDefs.cfg
		id = ROCScience_DresMeteorite
		title = Dres Meteorite Scan
		baseValue = 45
		scienceCap = 45
		dataScale = 1
		applyScienceScale = false
		requireAtmosphere = False
		situationMask = 1
		biomeMask = 0
			default = Despite being a relatively small planet, Dres has seen its share of violent impacts in the past.
			DresSrf = Despite being a relatively small planet, Dres has seen its share of violent impacts in the past.
			DresSrf = Dres is in ideal solar position to get struck repeatedly by asteroids whose orbit is perturbed by Jool's influence. It's almost like Jool has a plan for its smaller neighbor
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Resources/ScienceDefs.cfg
		id = ROCScience_DresCrater
		title = Dres Crater Scan
		baseValue = 60
		scienceCap = 60
		dataScale = 1
		applyScienceScale = false
		requireAtmosphere = False
		situationMask = 1
		biomeMask = 0
			default = These small impact craters tell us as much about Dres and its history as studying the larger ones... and they are easier to get into and out of.
			DresSrf = These small impact craters tell us as much about Dres and its history as studying the larger ones... and they are easier to get into and out of.
			DresSrf = When these smaller craters of Dres formed they didn't kick up nearly as much material as the larger ones, which makes studying them a different sort of scientific opportunity. Also, a great place to nap where Wernher can't see you.
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Resources/ScienceDefs.cfg
		id = ROCScience_MunStone
		title = Mun Stone Analysis
		baseValue = 30
		scienceCap = 30
		dataScale = 1
		applyScienceScale = false
		requireAtmosphere = False
		situationMask = 1
		biomeMask = 0
			default = Munar rocks seem like they'll make excellent paper weights. They also give us clues to the history of our planet and others. But - those papers aren't going to weight themselves.
			MunSrf = Munar rocks seem like they'll make excellent paper weights. They also give us clues to the history of our planet and others. But - those papers aren't going to weight themselves.
			MunSrf = These greyish, plain stones may not look like much to the naked eye, but we've seen our scientists literally salivating at the thought of examing one.
			MunSrf = What secrets hide in these ordinary looking Mun stones? Careful anaylsis will help us understand the secret of Kerbin's orgins. Less rigorous analysis tells us that they hurt when you hit your toe with one.
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Resources/ScienceDefs.cfg
		id = ROCScience_MunCrater
		title = Mun Crater Scan
		baseValue = 45
		scienceCap = 45
		dataScale = 1
		applyScienceScale = false
		requireAtmosphere = False
		situationMask = 1
		biomeMask = 0
			default = The Mun is full of holes - big and small. Kerbin scientists eagerly await the data on this one. Also, Kerbin golfers may start investing more heavily in our space program depending on the data.
			MunSrf = The Mun is full of holes - big and small. Kerbin scientists eagerly await the data on this one. Also, Kerbin golfers may start investing more heavily in our space program depending on the data.
			MunSrf = Kerbals have been staring at the craters of the Mun for untold generations, but never from such a close distance. Then again, this crater is much smaller than the ones we've been looking at, so it should all balance out.
			MunSrf = Is anyone up for a round of cosmic golf? Once the Mun is fully explored, these craters may make for amazing tourist destinations.
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Resources/ScienceDefs.cfg
		id = ROCScience_MunLargeCrater
		title = Mun Large Crater Scan
		baseValue = 60
		scienceCap = 60
		dataScale = 1
		applyScienceScale = false
		requireAtmosphere = False
		situationMask = 1
		biomeMask = 0
			default = Not really a huge crater, but still a large crater, with potentially larger and more interesting features. Or just a good place to hide and take a nap.
			MunSrf = Not really a huge crater, but still a large crater, with potentially larger and more interesting features. Or just a good place to hide and take a nap.
			MunSrf = These large Mun craters present a navigation challenge for rovers. Careful examination shows no ill intent, however.
			MunSrf = These large craters are barely visible with the best telescopes we have on Kerbin. Now that we've finally examined them up close, we've determined that yes, the Mun is as full of holes as we expected.
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Resources/ScienceDefs.cfg
		id = ROCScience_LaytheStone
		title = Laythe Stone Analysis
		baseValue = 30
		scienceCap = 30
		dataScale = 1
		applyScienceScale = false
		requireAtmosphere = False
		situationMask = 1
		biomeMask = 0
			default = This stone is... really boring. Looks just like any old rock from back on Kerbin. You travelled so far, experienced so much, just to look at this rock. The scientists still love it though!
			LaytheSrf = This stone is... really boring. Looks just like any old rock from back on Kerbin. You travelled so far, experienced so much, just to look at this rock. The scientists still love it though!
			LaytheSrf = Laythe stone is very similar to the types we see on Kerbin. Strangely, those similarities actually seem to excite our scientists about the possiblities. They really need to get out more.
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Resources/ScienceDefs.cfg
		id = ROCScience_LaytheBoulder
		title = Laythe Boulder Scan
		baseValue = 45
		scienceCap = 45
		dataScale = 1
		applyScienceScale = false
		requireAtmosphere = False
		situationMask = 1
		biomeMask = 0
			default = This boulder shows evidence of extensive hydrological action, it's lovely and smooth.
			LaytheSrf = This boulder shows evidence of extensive hydrological action, it's lovely and smooth.
			LaytheSrf = This rock is the first we've found away from Kerbin that might make a good napping spot.
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Resources/ScienceDefs.cfg
		id = ROCScience_LaytheGeyser
		title = Laythe Geyser Scan
		baseValue = 60
		scienceCap = 60
		dataScale = 1
		applyScienceScale = false
		requireAtmosphere = False
		situationMask = 1
		biomeMask = 0
			default = One of the rarest features in the Solar system, these geysers occasionally jet scalding water into Laythe's atmosphere... which might be the source of the terrible smell.
			LaytheSrf = One of the rarest features in the Solar system, these geysers occasionally jet scalding water into Laythe's atmosphere... which might be the source of the terrible smell.
			LaytheSrf = Timing the eruptions of Laythe's geysers has shown that their irregularity is regular.
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Resources/ScienceDefs.cfg
		id = ROCScience_VallIceChunk
		title = Vall Ice Chunk Analysis
		baseValue = 30
		scienceCap = 30
		dataScale = 1
		applyScienceScale = false
		requireAtmosphere = False
		situationMask = 1
		biomeMask = 0
			default = A broken chunk of Vall's icy crust, showing layers of frozen material.
			VallSrf = A broken chunk of Vall's icy crust, showing layers of frozen material.
			VallSrf = Vall's crust is made up of these volatile ice chunks. Unfortunately, project 'Vall Smoothies' has not been approved as a line of research for further testing.
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Resources/ScienceDefs.cfg
		id = ROCScience_VallStone
		title = Vall Stone Scan
		baseValue = 45
		scienceCap = 45
		dataScale = 1
		applyScienceScale = false
		requireAtmosphere = False
		situationMask = 1
		biomeMask = 0
			default = Scientists aren't sure if these stones are meteorites that have been frozen into the crust or the result of glacial action.
			VallSrf = Scientists aren't sure if these stones are meteorites that have been frozen into the crust or the result of glacial action.
			VallSrf = These stones cropping up in Vall's frozen crust remind us of sprinkles on a ball of ice cream.
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Resources/ScienceDefs.cfg
		id = ROCScience_VallCryovolcano
		title = Cryovolcano Scan
		baseValue = 60
		scienceCap = 60
		dataScale = 1
		applyScienceScale = false
		requireAtmosphere = False
		situationMask = 1
		biomeMask = 0
			default = A spouting geyser of sublimated gasses from deep inside Vall. This research has been a prime opportunity to observe one of the Solar system's most fascinating phenomena. Also makes for a good selfie spot.
			VallSrf = A spouting geyser of sublimated gasses from deep inside Vall. This research has been a prime opportunity to observe one of the Solar system's most fascinating phenomena. Also makes for a good selfie spot.
			VallSrf = One of the most amazing sights in the entire solar system, cryovolcanos sound like an oxymoron. Actually they're an amazing feature only possible when elements we normally only encounter as a gas freeze on a planets surface.
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Resources/ScienceDefs.cfg
		id = ROCScience_TyloLightStone
		title = Tylo Light Stone Analysis
		baseValue = 30
		scienceCap = 30
		dataScale = 1
		applyScienceScale = false
		requireAtmosphere = False
		situationMask = 1
		biomeMask = 0
			default = A light colored stone, showing one of two common mineral colors that make up Tylo's crust. Hopefully a full analysis will determine its composition and usefulness as a paperweight.
			TyloSrf = A light colored stone, showing one of two common mineral colors that make up Tylo's crust. Hopefully a full analysis will determine its composition and usefulness as a paperweight.
			TyloSrf = Careful examination helps us finally determine why this type of Tylo stone comes in only brighter shades.
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Resources/ScienceDefs.cfg
		id = ROCScience_TyloDarkBoulder
		title = Tylo Dark Boulder Scan
		baseValue = 45
		scienceCap = 45
		dataScale = 1
		applyScienceScale = false
		requireAtmosphere = False
		situationMask = 1
		biomeMask = 0
			default = A dark colored stone, showing one of two common mineral colors that make up Tylo's crust. Many Kerbals wonder where the strawberry ones are.
			TyloSrf = A dark colored stone, showing one of two common mineral colors that make up Tylo's crust. Many Kerbals wonder where the strawberry ones are.
			TyloSrf = Now we can finally determine why this type of Tylo stone comes in only darker shades. Does Tylo itself have multiple personalities to generate such distinct rock colors?
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Resources/ScienceDefs.cfg
		id = ROCScience_TyloCheckerboard
		title = Tylo Checkerboard Scan
		baseValue = 60
		scienceCap = 60
		dataScale = 1
		applyScienceScale = false
		requireAtmosphere = False
		situationMask = 1
		biomeMask = 0
			default = This outcropping with patterns of light and dark on it looks natural. Is it, or is it really some alien plaything? Which begs the question - are we all just playthings of some vast, incomprehensible alien minds?\n\nNo that can't be.
			TyloSrf = This outcropping with patterns of light and dark on it looks natural. Is it, or is it really some alien plaything? Which begs the question - are we all just playthings of some vast, incomprehensible alien minds?\n\nNo that can't be.
			TyloSrf = This formation is clearly a place where Tylo's different stone factions have come together in peace and unity to... have some sort of party. We think. There's definitely mingling going on.
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Resources/ScienceDefs.cfg
		id = ROCScience_EelooIceChunk
		title = Eeloo Ice Chunk Analysis
		baseValue = 30
		scienceCap = 30
		dataScale = 1
		applyScienceScale = false
		requireAtmosphere = False
		situationMask = 1
		biomeMask = 0
			default = The chilliest of chill ices. When you want a cold drink, Eeloo's the place to go. Our scientists claim they are strictly studying these ice chunks for research. Suspiciously scheduled parties not withstanding.
			EelooSrf = The chilliest of chill ices. When you want a cold drink, Eeloo's the place to go. Our scientists claim they are strictly studying these ice chunks for research. Suspiciously scheduled parties not withstanding.
			EelooSrf = Eeloo's distance from the Sun means that nearly anything will freeze here. When our scientists see this chunk of ice we've found they may not be as impressed as we hope.
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Resources/ScienceDefs.cfg
		id = ROCScience_EelooBrownBoulder
		title = Eeloo Brown Boulder Scan
		baseValue = 45
		scienceCap = 45
		dataScale = 1
		applyScienceScale = false
		requireAtmosphere = False
		situationMask = 1
		biomeMask = 0
			default = A chunk of Eeloo's crust that managed to make its way here, it looks a little lonely.
			EelooSrf = A chunk of Eeloo's crust that managed to make its way here, it looks a little lonely.
			EelooSrf = This brown boulder may look ordinary, but reaching it is one of the most impressive feats of Kerbal engineering. Consider examining it a major achievement... even if only geologists can tell it apart from a brownish boulder back on Kerbin.
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Resources/ScienceDefs.cfg
		id = ROCScience_EelooBerg
		title = Eeloo Berg Scan
		baseValue = 60
		scienceCap = 60
		dataScale = 1
		applyScienceScale = false
		requireAtmosphere = False
		situationMask = 1
		biomeMask = 0
			default = A huge chunk of ice. Careful examination shows the span of eons recorded in Eeloo's ice strata. Shame no one brought skis.
			EelooSrf = A huge chunk of ice. Careful examination shows the span of eons recorded in Eeloo's ice strata. Shame no one brought skis.
			EelooSrf = These impressive bergs form due to tectonic activity on Eeloo... or is it oceanic? They are really impressive and I'm sure our scientists will have a vigorous discussion to sort out the nomenclature.
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Resources/StoryDefs.cfg
			DeployedSciencedeployedGooObservation = Our Scientists at [Agency] have come up with a great idea. We just need a little of your help.
			DeployedSciencedeployedWeatherReport = Our Scientists at [Agency] have come up with a great idea. We just need a little of your help.
			DeployedSciencedeployedIONCollector = Our Scientists at [Agency] have come up with a great idea. We just need a little of your help.
			DeployedSciencedeployedSeismicSensor = Our Scientists at [Agency] have come up with a great idea. We just need a little of your help.
			DeployedSciencedeployedGooObservation = [Agency] engineers are worried about their job security, and have come up with an idea for a long term study.
			DeployedSciencedeployedWeatherReport = [Agency] engineers are worried about their job security, and have come up with an idea for a long term study.
			DeployedSciencedeployedIONCollector = [Agency] engineers are worried about their job security, and have come up with an idea for a long term study.
			DeployedSciencedeployedSeismicSensor = [Agency] engineers are worried about their job security, and have come up with an idea for a long term study.
			DeployedSciencedeployedGooObservation = Here at [Agency] we don’t just worry about short term shareholder value. We also worry about short-to-medium term shareholder value.
			DeployedSciencedeployedWeatherReport = Here at [Agency] we don’t just worry about short term shareholder value. We also worry about short-to-medium term shareholder value.
			DeployedSciencedeployedIONCollector = Here at [Agency] we don’t just worry about short term shareholder value. We also worry about short-to-medium term shareholder value.
			DeployedSciencedeployedSeismicSensor = Here at [Agency] we don’t just worry about short term shareholder value. We also worry about short-to-medium term shareholder value.
			ROCSimpleArmScience = We at [Agency] are intrigued by the possibilities of your budding unmanned exploration program. We’ve heard good things.
			ROCSimpleArmScience = [Agency]’s engineers are interested in your rover program - most of them wanted remote control cars when they were kids.
			ROCSimpleArmScience = Your unmanned program is showing great promise. [Agency] has a big interest in a certain subject, can you bring us some more sophisticated data about it?
			ROCSimpleArmScience = [Agency] has heard you’ve expanded the potential of your rover program. They’ve got toy models on their desks of some of your designs.
			ROCSimpleArmScience = Your space program has made such great progress! Here at [Agency] we’ve watched one triumph after another, which brings us to our request.
			ROCComplexArmScience = We at [Agency] are intrigued by the possibilities of your budding unmanned exploration program. We’ve heard good things.
			ROCComplexArmScience = [Agency]’s engineers are interested in your rover program - most of them wanted remote control cars when they were kids.
			ROCComplexArmScience = Your unmanned program is showing great promise. [Agency] has a big interest in a certain subject, can you bring us some more sophisticated data about it?
			ROCComplexArmScience = [Agency] has heard you’ve expanded the potential of your rover program. They’ve got toy models on their desks of some of your designs.
			ROCComplexArmScience = Your space program has made such great progress! Here at [Agency] we’ve watched one triumph after another, which brings us to our request.
			ROCAdvancedArmScience = We at [Agency] are intrigued by the possibilities of your budding unmanned exploration program. We’ve heard good things.
			ROCAdvancedArmScience = [Agency]’s engineers are interested in your rover program - most of them wanted remote control cars when they were kids.
			ROCAdvancedArmScience = Your unmanned program is showing great promise. [Agency] has a big interest in a certain subject, can you bring us some more sophisticated data about it?
			ROCAdvancedArmScience = [Agency] has heard you’ve expanded the potential of your rover program. They’ve got toy models on their desks of some of your designs.
			ROCAdvancedArmScience = Your space program has made such great progress! Here at [Agency] we’ve watched one triumph after another, which brings us to our request.
			ROCScienceRetrieval = [Agency] has be working long and hard on practical applications of various materials.
			ROCScienceRetrieval = Everyone here at [Agency] is looking for the next big thing, and we’ve got an idea of how to get it.
			DeployedSciencedeployedGooObservation = Mystery Goo remains as mysterious as when Kerbals first started playing with it. And just as fun. Set up a extended duration Goo experiment on [Topic] and gather some data for us.
			DeployedSciencedeployedGooObservation = As you know, Mystery Goo does odd things to your brain the longer you look at it, and we suspect the effects vary depending on the location you’ve put it. We’d like to find out what watching a recording of [Topic] goo’s will do at our next Christmas party.
			DeployedSciencedeployedWeatherReport = We are wondering what kind of clothes to pack for a vacation on [Topic].  We don’t want to be caught unaware just because it was sunny the one day we checked.
			DeployedSciencedeployedWeatherReport = [Topic] seems to have some interesting weather patterns. Or maybe not - mostly we just see a dot when we stare at it through a telescope, and we’d like to know more before we develop a pictorial calendar for it.
			DeployedSciencedeployedIONCollector = Ions are tricky little beasties. While some of them just bombard a spaceship, others only show up once in a long while. We need you to set up a long term ion detector on [Topic] and catch us some of these mysterious particles.
			DeployedSciencedeployedIONCollector = We think the ionic environment on [Topic] is especially interesting. Its a veritable zoo of funny particles - or at least, so we’ve been led to believe.
			DeployedSciencedeployedSeismicSensor = Rather than waiting a long time for random quakes to reveal the secret insides of [Topic], our scientists want you to smash a huge rocket into it and see what happens!
			DeployedSciencedeployedSeismicSensor = Did you know that, at orbital velocities, a ton of vessel hitting a planet has more energy than a ton of TNT? Well, get out there and smash things into [Topic] and you’ll see for yourself.
			ROCSimpleArmScience = The composition of [Topic] is of great interest to us. Could you do a simple scan of one of these? Not enough data exists for us to determine what use we could put one to.
			ROCSimpleArmScience = Visiting a planet shouldn’t just be about going out and grabbing the first handful of dirt you find. We want something more interesting - a scan of [Topic].
			ROCSimpleArmScience = [Topic] is of great interest to us. Not enough data exists for us to determine what use we could put one to. Do they make better desserts, or appetizers?
			ROCSimpleArmScience = We need more data about [Topic]. We’re not sure what sort of recipe they’d work best in, and our culinary department is very curious - somehow they have our largest budget as well.
			ROCSimpleArmScience = We’d like to know everything there is to know about [Topic]. Can you scan one and send us the data?
			ROCSimpleArmScience = We’ve heard reports of an interesting planetary feature: [Topic]. Do a scan to satisfy our curiosity.
			ROCComplexArmScience = The composition of [Topic] is of great interest to us. Could you do a simple scan of one of these? Not enough data exists for us to determine what use we could put one to.
			ROCComplexArmScience = Visiting a planet shouldn’t just be about going out and grabbing the first handful of dirt you find. We want something more interesting - a scan of [Topic].
			ROCComplexArmScience = [Topic] is of great interest to us. Not enough data exists for us to determine what use we could put one to. Do they make better desserts, or appetizers?
			ROCComplexArmScience = We need more data about [Topic]. We’re not sure what sort of recipe they’d work best in, and our culinary department is very curious - somehow they have our largest budget as well.
			ROCComplexArmScience = We’d like to know everything there is to know about [Topic]. Can you scan one and send us the data?
			ROCComplexArmScience = We’ve heard reports of an interesting planetary feature: [Topic]. Do a scan to satisfy our curiosity.
			ROCAdvancedArmScience = The composition of [Topic] is of great interest to us. Could you do a simple scan of one of these? Not enough data exists for us to determine what use we could put one to.
			ROCAdvancedArmScience = Visiting a planet shouldn’t just be about going out and grabbing the first handful of dirt you find. We want something more interesting - a scan of [Topic].
			ROCAdvancedArmScience = [Topic] is of great interest to us. Not enough data exists for us to determine what use we could put one to. Do they make better desserts, or appetizers?
			ROCAdvancedArmScience = We need more data about [Topic]. We’re not sure what sort of recipe they’d work best in, and our culinary department is very curious - somehow they have our largest budget as well.
			ROCAdvancedArmScience = We’d like to know everything there is to know about [Topic]. Can you scan one and send us the data?
			ROCAdvancedArmScience = We’ve heard reports of an interesting planetary feature: [Topic]. Do a scan to satisfy our curiosity.
			ROCScienceRetrieval = We want a real sample of [Topic] to do various… tests on. We know this is a tall order, but bring one back for us.
			ROCScienceRetrieval = There’s a lot we could do with a sample of [Topic]. But we need to test it in our labs, remote data is no substitute for the real thing.
			ROCScienceRetrieval = We’ve got a big vat of Mystery Goo back here and we’re dying to see what happens when we dip a chunk of [Topic] into it. Can you help us make that happen?
			DeployedSciencedeployedGooObservation = Therefore, we’d like you to set up a experiment on [Topic] for us.
			DeployedSciencedeployedGooObservation = So, we’d like you to gather data on the subject on [Topic].
			DeployedSciencedeployedGooObservation = Please place an experiment on [Topic] for us so we can figure this out.
			DeployedSciencedeployedWeatherReport = Therefore, we’d like you to set up a experiment on [Topic] for us.
			DeployedSciencedeployedWeatherReport = So, we’d like you to gather data on the subject on [Topic].
			DeployedSciencedeployedWeatherReport = Please place an experiment on [Topic] for us so we can figure this out.
			DeployedSciencedeployedIONCollector = Therefore, we’d like you to set up a experiment on [Topic] for us.
			DeployedSciencedeployedIONCollector = So, we’d like you to gather data on the subject on [Topic].
			DeployedSciencedeployedIONCollector = Please place an experiment on [Topic] for us so we can figure this out.
			DeployedSciencedeployedSeismicSensor = Therefore, we’d like you to set up a experiment on [Topic] for us.
			DeployedSciencedeployedSeismicSensor = So, we’d like you to gather data on the subject on [Topic].
			DeployedSciencedeployedSeismicSensor = Please place an experiment on [Topic] for us so we can figure this out.
			DeployedSciencedeployedSeismicSensor = We need you to set up a [Topic] and then start dropping things.
			ROCSimpleArmScience = Send a rover arm equipped craft out and perform a simple scan, get us some data.
			ROCComplexArmScience = Send a rover arm equipped craft out and perform a thorough scan, get us some data.
			ROCAdvancedArmScience = Send a rover arm equipped craft out and perform a complex scan, get us some data.
			ROCScienceRetrieval = Bring us back one intact.
			ROCScienceRetrieval = You’ll need to have someone pick one up and bring it here.
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Resources/rocsdef.cfg
		Type = KerbinBaobabTree
		displayName = Baobab Tree
		prefabName = kerbinBaobabTree
		modelName = kerbinBaobabTree_LOD00
		OrientateUp = true
		Depth = 0.1
		CanBeTaken = false
		Frequency = 0.1
		CastShadows = true
		ReceiveShadows = true
		CollisionThreshold = 8
		SmallROC = false
		RandomDepth = false
		RandomOrientation = true
		RandomRotation = false
		localSpaceScanPoints = 0, 1.5, -1.5
		localSpaceScanPoints = 0, 1.5, 1.09
		localSpaceScanPoints = 0, 1.5, -0.2
		localSpaceScanPoints = 0, 3, -1.5
		localSpaceScanPoints = 0, 3, 1.0
		localSpaceScanPoints = 0, 3, -0.2
		localSpaceScanPoints = 0, 4.5, -0.9
		localSpaceScanPoints = 0.2, 4.5, 0
		localSpaceScanPoints = 0, 7, 0
		Scale = 1
			Name = Kerbin
			Biome = Grasslands
			Biome = Highlands
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Resources/rocsdef.cfg
		Type = KerbinGiantQuartz
		displayName = Giant Quartz
		prefabName = kerbinQuartz
		modelName = kerbinQuartz_LOD00
		OrientateUp = true
		Depth = 0.1
		CanBeTaken = false
		Frequency = 0.25
		CastShadows = true
		ReceiveShadows = true
		CollisionThreshold = 8
		SmallROC = false
		RandomDepth = false
		RandomOrientation = true
		RandomRotation = false
		localSpaceScanPoints = 0, 1.5, -1.0
		localSpaceScanPoints = -0.44, 1.5, 1.1
		localSpaceScanPoints = -1.9, 1.5, 0.2
		localSpaceScanPoints = 1.69, 1.5, -0.65
		localSpaceScanPoints = 1.2, 1, 0.8
		localSpaceScanPoints = -1.5, 1.5, -0.5
		Scale = 1
			Name = Kerbin
			Biome = Mountains
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Resources/rocsdef.cfg
		Type = GillyRidgeline
		displayName = Gilly Ridgeline
		prefabName = gillyRidgeline
		modelName = gillyRidgeline_LOD00
		OrientateUp = false
		Depth = 0.3
		CanBeTaken = false
		Frequency = 1
		CastShadows = true
		ReceiveShadows = true
		CollisionThreshold = 8
		SmallROC = false
		RandomDepth = true
		RandomOrientation = true
		RandomRotation = false
		localSpaceScanPoints = -1.1, 0.55, -0.1
		localSpaceScanPoints = 1, 0.55, -0.16
		localSpaceScanPoints = 1.8, 0.55, -0.16
		localSpaceScanPoints = -2.1, 0.55, 0.05
		localSpaceScanPoints = 0, 0.55, -0.22
		localSpaceScanPoints = 0, 0.55, 0.08
		Scale = 2
			Name = Gilly
			Biome = Midlands
			Biome = Lowlands
			Biome = Highlands
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Resources/rocsdef.cfg
		Type = DunaEjectaOnIke
		displayName = Duna Ejecta
		prefabName = dunaEjecta
		modelName = dunaEjecta_LOD00
		OrientateUp = true
		Depth = 0.5
		CanBeTaken = true
		Frequency = 5
		CastShadows = true
		ReceiveShadows = true
		CollisionThreshold = 50
		SmallROC = true
		RandomDepth = true
		RandomOrientation = false
		RandomRotation = true
		localSpaceScanPoints = 0, 0.4, 0
		Scale = 1
			Name = Ike
			Biome = Polar Lowlands
			Biome = Midlands
			Biome = Eastern Mountain Ridge
			Biome = Western Mountain Ridge
			Biome = Lowlands
			Biome = South Eastern Mountain Range
			Biome = South Pole
			Biome = Central Mountain Range
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Resources/rocsdef.cfg
		Type = BopGravelPile
		displayName = Gravel Pile
		prefabName = bopGravelPile
		modelName = bopGravelPile_LOD00
		OrientateUp = false
		Depth = 0.4
		CanBeTaken = false
		Frequency = 0.5
		CastShadows = true
		ReceiveShadows = true
		CollisionThreshold = 50
		SmallROC = false
		RandomDepth = true
		RandomOrientation = true
		RandomRotation = false
		localSpaceScanPoints = 0, 0.57, -0.3
		localSpaceScanPoints = 0.13, 0.58, 1.052
		localSpaceScanPoints = 1.31, 0.5, 0.004
		localSpaceScanPoints = -1.555, 0.57, 0.326
		localSpaceScanPoints = 1.063, 0.5, 0.92
		localSpaceScanPoints = -0.78, 0.5, 0.82
		localSpaceScanPoints = 2.14, 0.47, 0.827
		Scale = 2
			Name = Bop
			Biome = Poles
			Biome = Slopes
			Biome = Valley
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Resources/rocsdef.cfg
		Type = PolYellowStones
		displayName = Yellow Stones
		prefabName = pol_yellowStones
		modelName = pol_yellowStones_LOD00
		OrientateUp = true
		Depth = 0.5
		CanBeTaken = true
		Frequency = 10
		CastShadows = true
		ReceiveShadows = true
		CollisionThreshold = 50
		SmallROC = true
		RandomDepth = true
		RandomOrientation = false
		RandomRotation = true
		localSpaceScanPoints = 0, 0.2, 0
		Scale = 1.2
			Name = Pol
			Biome = Poles
			Biome = Lowlands
			Biome = Highlands
			Biome = Midlands
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Resources/rocsdef.cfg
		Type = MinmusGreenSandstone
		displayName = Green Sandstone
		prefabName = minmus_greenSandstone
		modelName = minmus_greenSandstone_LOD00
		OrientateUp = false
		Depth = 0.5
		CanBeTaken = true
		Frequency = 5
		CastShadows = true
		ReceiveShadows = true
		CollisionThreshold = 50
		SmallROC = true
		RandomDepth = true
		RandomOrientation = false
		RandomRotation = true
		localSpaceScanPoints = 0, 0.15, 0
		Scale = 1.8
			Name = Minmus
			Biome = Lowlands
			Biome = Flats
			Biome = Great Flats
			Biome = Greater Flats
			Biome = Lesser Flats
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Resources/rocsdef.cfg
		Type = MinmusOlivineFormation
		displayName = Olivine Formation
		prefabName = minmus_olivineFormation
		modelName = minmus_olivineFormation_LOD00
		OrientateUp = false
		Depth = 0.1
		CanBeTaken = false
		Frequency = 0.15
		CastShadows = true
		ReceiveShadows = true
		CollisionThreshold = 8
		SmallROC = false
		RandomDepth = false
		RandomOrientation = true
		localSpaceScanPoints = 0.2, 1, -0.4
		localSpaceScanPoints = 0.37, 2, 2.52
		localSpaceScanPoints = -2.5, 2, 1.51
		localSpaceScanPoints = -5.47, 2, -0.04
		localSpaceScanPoints = 3.39, 1, -0.5
		Scale = 1
			Name = Minmus
			Biome = Lowlands
			Biome = Highlands
			Biome = Midlands
			Biome = Poles
			Biome = Slopes
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Resources/rocsdef.cfg
		Type = MohoStone
		displayName = Moho Stone
		prefabName = mohoStone
		modelName = mohoStone_LOD00
		OrientateUp = false
		Depth = 0.5
		CanBeTaken = true
		Frequency = 5
		CastShadows = true
		ReceiveShadows = true
		CollisionThreshold = 50
		SmallROC = true
		RandomDepth = true
		RandomOrientation = false
		RandomRotation = true
		localSpaceScanPoints = 0, 0.2, 0
		Scale = 1
			Name = Moho
			Biome = North Pole
			Biome = Northern Sinkhole Ridge
			Biome = Northern Sinkhole
			Biome = Midlands
			Biome = Western Lowlands
			Biome = Central Lowlands
			Biome = Highlands
			Biome = Minor Craters
			Biome = South Western Lowlands
			Biome = South Eastern Lowlands
			Biome = Canyon
			Biome = South Pole
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Resources/rocsdef.cfg
		Type = MohoWrinkleRidge
		displayName = Wrinkle Ridge
		prefabName = mohoWrinkleridge
		modelName = mohoWrinkleridge_LOD00
		OrientateUp = false
		Depth = 0.2
		CanBeTaken = false
		Frequency = 0.25
		CastShadows = true
		ReceiveShadows = true
		CollisionThreshold = 8
		SmallROC = false
		RandomDepth = false
		RandomOrientation = true
		RandomRotation = false
		localSpaceScanPoints = -8, 0.7, 0.5
		localSpaceScanPoints = -7, 0.7, 0.75
		localSpaceScanPoints = -6, 0.7, 0.75
		localSpaceScanPoints = -5, 0.7, 0.75
		localSpaceScanPoints = -4, 0.7, 1
		localSpaceScanPoints = -3, 0.7, 1
		localSpaceScanPoints = -2, 0.7, 1
		localSpaceScanPoints = -1, 0.7, 1
		localSpaceScanPoints = 0, 0.7, 1
		localSpaceScanPoints = 1, 0.7, 0.6
		localSpaceScanPoints = 2, 0.7, 0.4
		localSpaceScanPoints = 3, 0.7, 0.4
		localSpaceScanPoints = 4, 0.7, 0.2
		localSpaceScanPoints = 5, 0.7, 0.1
		localSpaceScanPoints = 6, 0.7, -0.1
		localSpaceScanPoints = 7, 0.7, -0.6
		localSpaceScanPoints = 8, 0.7, -1
		localSpaceScanPoints = 9, 0.7, -1.5
		Scale = 1.5
			Name = Moho
			Biome = North Pole
			Biome = Northern Sinkhole Ridge
			Biome = Northern Sinkhole
			Biome = Midlands
			Biome = Western Lowlands
			Biome = Central Lowlands
			Biome = Highlands
			Biome = Minor Craters
			Biome = South Western Lowlands
			Biome = South Eastern Lowlands
			Biome = Canyon
			Biome = South Pole
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Resources/rocsdef.cfg
		Type = EveVolcanicRock
		displayName = Volcanic Rock
		prefabName = eveVolcanicRock
		modelName = eveVolcanicRock_LOD00
		OrientateUp = false
		Depth = 0.5
		CanBeTaken = true
		Frequency = 5
		CastShadows = true
		ReceiveShadows = true
		CollisionThreshold = 50
		SmallROC = true
		RandomDepth = true
		RandomOrientation = false
		RandomRotation = true
		localSpaceScanPoints = 0, 0.2, 0
		Scale = 2
			Name = Eve
			Biome = Poles
			Biome = Peaks
			Biome = Impact Ejecta
			Biome = Lowlands
			Biome = Midlands
			Biome = Highlands
			Biome = Olympus
			Biome = Craters
			Biome = Foothills
			Biome = Shallows
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Resources/rocsdef.cfg
		Type = EveBasaltFormation
		displayName = Basalt Formation
		prefabName = eveBasaltFormation
		modelName = eveBasaltFormation_LOD00
		OrientateUp = false
		Depth = 0.5
		CanBeTaken = false
		Frequency = 1
		CastShadows = true
		ReceiveShadows = true
		CollisionThreshold = 8
		SmallROC = false
		RandomDepth = true
		RandomOrientation = true
		RandomRotation = false
		localSpaceScanPoints = -0.32, 1, -0.21
		localSpaceScanPoints = 0.8, 1, 0
		localSpaceScanPoints = 0.32, 1, -0.11
		localSpaceScanPoints = -0.58 ,1, -0.26
		localSpaceScanPoints = 0.12, 2, -0.31
		localSpaceScanPoints = -1.06, 1.25, -0.17
		Scale = 1
			Name = Eve
			Biome = Peaks
			Biome = Impact Ejecta
			Biome = Highlands
			Biome = Olympus
			Biome = Craters
			Biome = Foothills
			Biome = Shallows
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Resources/rocsdef.cfg
		Type = EvePancakeDome
		displayName = Pancake Dome
		prefabName = evePancakeDome
		modelName = evePancakeDome_LOD00
		OrientateUp = false
		Depth = 0.3
		CanBeTaken = false
		Frequency = 0.2
		CastShadows = true
		ReceiveShadows = true
		CollisionThreshold = 8
		SmallROC = false
		RandomDepth = true
		RandomOrientation = true
		RandomRotation = false
		localSpaceScanPoints = -1.87, 1.2, -1.86
		localSpaceScanPoints = 1.74, 1.2, 1.72
		localSpaceScanPoints = -1.83, 1.2, 1.76
		localSpaceScanPoints = 1.82, 1.2, -1.75
		localSpaceScanPoints = 0, 3.62, 0
		localSpaceScanPoints = 3.08, 2.77, 0
		localSpaceScanPoints = -3.8, 2.59, 0
		localSpaceScanPoints = 0, 1, -1.96
		localSpaceScanPoints = 0, 1, 1.98
		Scale = 1.2
			Name = Eve
			Biome = Peaks
			Biome = Impact Ejecta
			Biome = Olympus
			Biome = Craters
			Biome = Foothills
			Biome = Shallows
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Resources/rocsdef.cfg
		Type = DunaStone
		displayName = Duna Stone
		prefabName = dunaStone
		modelName = dunaStone_LOD00
		OrientateUp = false
		Depth = 0.5
		CanBeTaken = true
		Frequency = 5
		CastShadows = true
		ReceiveShadows = true
		CollisionThreshold = 50
		SmallROC = true
		RandomDepth = false
		RandomOrientation = false
		RandomRotation = true
		localSpaceScanPoints = 0, 0.4, 0
		Scale = 0.8
			Name = Duna
			Biome = Lowlands
			Biome = Midlands
			Biome = Highlands
			Biome = Craters
			Biome = Midland Sea
			Biome = Northern Basin
			Biome = Southern Basin
			Biome = Northern Shelf
			Biome = Midland Canyon
			Biome = Eastern Canyon
			Biome = Western Canyon
			Biome = Polar Craters
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Resources/rocsdef.cfg
		Type = DunaMeteorite
		displayName = Duna Meteorite
		prefabName = dunaMeteorite
		modelName = dunaMeteorite_LOD00
		OrientateUp = false
		Depth = 0.5
		CanBeTaken = false
		Frequency = 0.5
		CastShadows = true
		ReceiveShadows = true
		CollisionThreshold = 8
		SmallROC = false
		RandomDepth = true
		RandomOrientation = false
		RandomRotation = true
		localSpaceScanPoints = 0, 1.5, 0
		Scale = 1
			Name = Duna
			Biome = Poles
			Biome = Lowlands
			Biome = Midlands
			Biome = Highlands
			Biome = Craters
			Biome = Midland Sea
			Biome = Northern Basin
			Biome = Southern Basin
			Biome = Northern Shelf
			Biome = Midland Canyon
			Biome = Eastern Canyon
			Biome = Western Canyon
			Biome = Polar Highlands
			Biome = Polar Craters
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Resources/rocsdef.cfg
		Type = DunaDune
		displayName = Sand Dune
		prefabName = dunaDune
		modelName = dunaDune_LOD00
		OrientateUp = false
		Depth = 0.4
		CanBeTaken = false
		Frequency = 0.25
		CastShadows = true
		ReceiveShadows = true
		CollisionThreshold = 8
		SmallROC = false
		RandomDepth = true
		RandomOrientation = true
		RandomRotation = false
		localSpaceScanPoints = 3.69, 0.50, 0.00
		localSpaceScanPoints = -4.07, 0.50, 0.00
		localSpaceScanPoints = 0.00, 0.50, 3.85
		localSpaceScanPoints = -0.35, 0.45, -2.73
		localSpaceScanPoints = -2.45, 0.61, -2.11
		localSpaceScanPoints = 2.52, 0.45, -2.46
		localSpaceScanPoints = 2.98, 0.58, 2.95
		localSpaceScanPoints = -3.17, 0.60, 2.51
		localSpaceScanPoints = -0.75, 1.99, -0.09
		localSpaceScanPoints = -2.24, 1.28, 2.25
		localSpaceScanPoints = 2.00, 1.90, 0.30
		localSpaceScanPoints = 0.05, 1.23, 2.02
		localSpaceScanPoints = -0.41, 1.20, -1.90
		Scale = 2
			Name = Duna
			Biome = Lowlands
			Biome = Midlands
			Biome = Craters
			Biome = Midland Sea
			Biome = Northern Basin
			Biome = Southern Basin
			Biome = Northern Shelf
			Biome = Midland Canyon
			Biome = Eastern Canyon
			Biome = Western Canyon
			Biome = Polar Craters
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Resources/rocsdef.cfg
		Type = DunaBlueberries
		displayName = Blueberries
		prefabName = dunaBlueberries
		modelName = dunaBlueberries_LOD00
		OrientateUp = false
		Depth = 0
		CanBeTaken = true
		Frequency = 10
		CastShadows = true
		ReceiveShadows = true
		CollisionThreshold = 50
		SmallROC = true
		RandomDepth = false
		RandomOrientation = true
		RandomRotation = false
		localSpaceScanPoints = 0, 0.07, 0
		Scale = 2.5
			Name = Duna
			Biome = Poles
			Biome = Lowlands
			Biome = Midlands
			Biome = Highlands
			Biome = Craters
			Biome = Midland Sea
			Biome = Northern Basin
			Biome = Southern Basin
			Biome = Northern Shelf
			Biome = Midland Canyon
			Biome = Eastern Canyon
			Biome = Western Canyon
			Biome = Polar Highlands
			Biome = Polar Craters
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Resources/rocsdef.cfg
		Type = DresMeteorite
		displayName = Dres Meteorite
		prefabName = dresMeteorite
		modelName = dresMeteorite_LOD00
		OrientateUp = false
		Depth = 0.5
		CanBeTaken = false
		Frequency = 1
		CastShadows = true
		ReceiveShadows = true
		CollisionThreshold = 8
		SmallROC = false
		RandomDepth = true
		RandomOrientation = false
		RandomRotation = true
		localSpaceScanPoints = 0, 1.5, 0
		localSpaceScanPoints = -1, 0.7, 0.2
		localSpaceScanPoints = 1.5, 1.5, 0
		localSpaceScanPoints = -1.3, 2, 0
		localSpaceScanPoints = -0.9, 1.6, 0
		localSpaceScanPoints = 1.8, 0.8, -0.3
		Scale = 1.5
			Name = Dres
			Biome = Poles
			Biome = Lowlands
			Biome = Midlands
			Biome = Highlands
			Biome = Ridges
			Biome = Impact Craters
			Biome = Impact Ejecta
			Biome = Canyons
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Resources/rocsdef.cfg
		Type = DresCrater
		displayName = Dres Crater
		prefabName = dresCrater
		modelName = dresCrater_LOD00
		OrientateUp = false
		Depth = 0.3
		CanBeTaken = false
		Frequency = 0.25
		CastShadows = true
		ReceiveShadows = true
		CollisionThreshold = 8
		SmallROC = false
		RandomDepth = true
		RandomOrientation = true
		RandomRotation = false
		localSpaceScanPoints = 0.00, 1.20, -4.40
		localSpaceScanPoints = 0.00, 1.20, 4.40
		localSpaceScanPoints = -4.40, 1.00, 0.00
		localSpaceScanPoints = 4.40, 1.00, 0.00
		localSpaceScanPoints = 2.70, 2.60, 0.00
		localSpaceScanPoints = -2.70, 2.60, 0.00
		localSpaceScanPoints = 0.00, 2.60, 2.70
		localSpaceScanPoints = 0.00, 2.60, -2.70
		localSpaceScanPoints = 3.06, 1.10, 3.07
		localSpaceScanPoints = -3.06, 1.10, 3.07
		localSpaceScanPoints = 3.11, 1.10, -3.10
		localSpaceScanPoints = -3.09, 1.10, -3.06
		localSpaceScanPoints = 2.24, 2.50, 2.17
		localSpaceScanPoints = 2.18, 2.50, -1.94
		localSpaceScanPoints = -1.85, 2.50, -1.80
		localSpaceScanPoints = -1.95, 2.50, 1.88
		Scale = 1.2
			Name = Dres
			Biome = Poles
			Biome = Lowlands
			Biome = Midlands
			Biome = Highlands
			Biome = Impact Craters
			Biome = Impact Ejecta
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Resources/rocsdef.cfg
		Type = MunStone
		displayName = Mun Stone
		prefabName = munStone
		modelName = munStone_LOD00
		OrientateUp = false
		Depth = 0.5
		CanBeTaken = true
		Frequency = 5
		CastShadows = true
		ReceiveShadows = true
		CollisionThreshold = 50
		SmallROC = true
		RandomDepth = true
		RandomOrientation = false
		RandomRotation = true
		localSpaceScanPoints = 0, 0.26, 0
		Scale = 1.3
			Name = Mun
			Biome = Poles
			Biome = Lowlands
			Biome = Midlands
			Biome = Highlands
			Biome = East Crater
			Biome = Northwest Crater
			Biome = Northern Basin
			Biome = Farside Crater
			Biome = Southwest Crater
			Biome = Canyons
			Biome = Polar Crater
			Biome = Polar Lowlands
			Biome = Highland Craters
			Biome = Midland Craters
			Biome = East Farside Crater
			Biome = Twin Craters
			Biome = Farside Basin
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Resources/rocsdef.cfg
		Type = MunCrater
		displayName = Mun Crater
		prefabName = munCrater
		modelName = munCrater_LOD00
		OrientateUp = false
		Depth = 0.3
		CanBeTaken = false
		Frequency = 1
		CastShadows = true
		ReceiveShadows = true
		CollisionThreshold = 8
		SmallROC = false
		RandomDepth = true
		RandomOrientation = true
		RandomRotation = false
		localSpaceScanPoints = 0.00, 0.50, -1.30
		localSpaceScanPoints = 0.00, 0.50, 1.65
		localSpaceScanPoints = 1.35, 0.50, 0.28
		localSpaceScanPoints = -1.58, 0.50, 0.28
		localSpaceScanPoints = -0.10, 0.80, -1.22
		localSpaceScanPoints = -0.10, 0.92, 1.46
		localSpaceScanPoints = 1.22, 0.60, 0.20
		localSpaceScanPoints = -1.46, 0.79, 0.20
		localSpaceScanPoints = 0.97, 0.44, 1.26
		localSpaceScanPoints = -1.00, 0.50, 1.19
		localSpaceScanPoints = 0.93, 0.50, -0.81
		localSpaceScanPoints = -1.09, 0.50, -0.87
		localSpaceScanPoints = 0.89, 0.75, 1.13
		localSpaceScanPoints = -0.88, 0.75, 1.10
		localSpaceScanPoints = -0.99, 0.75, -0.73
		localSpaceScanPoints = 0.83, 0.75, -0.64
		Scale = 1.2
			Name = Mun
			Biome = Poles
			Biome = Lowlands
			Biome = Midlands
			Biome = Highlands
			Biome = East Crater
			Biome = Northwest Crater
			Biome = Northern Basin
			Biome = Farside Crater
			Biome = Southwest Crater
			Biome = Canyons
			Biome = Polar Crater
			Biome = Polar Lowlands
			Biome = Highland Craters
			Biome = Midland Craters
			Biome = East Farside Crater
			Biome = Twin Craters
			Biome = Farside Basin
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Resources/rocsdef.cfg
		Type = MunLargeCrater
		displayName = Mun Large Crater
		prefabName = munLargeCrater
		modelName = munLargeCrater_LOD00
		OrientateUp = false
		Depth = 0.3
		CanBeTaken = false
		Frequency = 0.25
		CastShadows = true
		ReceiveShadows = true
		CollisionThreshold = 8
		SmallROC = false
		RandomDepth = true
		RandomOrientation = true
		RandomRotation = false
		localSpaceScanPoints = 0.00, 1.00, -4.44
		localSpaceScanPoints = 0.00, 1.00, 4.40
		localSpaceScanPoints = -2.55, 1.00, -3.55
		localSpaceScanPoints = -2.21, 1.00, 3.91
		localSpaceScanPoints = 2.44, 1.00, -3.78
		localSpaceScanPoints = 2.28, 1.00, 3.81
		localSpaceScanPoints = 3.48, 1.00, 2.24
		localSpaceScanPoints = -3.50, 1.00, 2.32
		localSpaceScanPoints = 3.98, 1.00, -0.25
		localSpaceScanPoints = -3.98, 1.00, -0.25
		localSpaceScanPoints = 3.87, 1.00, -2.22
		localSpaceScanPoints = -3.73, 1.00, -1.89
		localSpaceScanPoints = 0.00, 2.00, 4.20
		localSpaceScanPoints = 0.00, 2.00, -4.22
		localSpaceScanPoints = -4.54, 2.00, 0.00
		localSpaceScanPoints = 4.32, 1.58, 0.00
		localSpaceScanPoints = -3.77, 2.00, 2.42
		localSpaceScanPoints = -3.93, 2.00, -2.15
		localSpaceScanPoints = -2.25, 2.00, 3.77
		localSpaceScanPoints = 2.49, 2.00, -3.81
		localSpaceScanPoints = 2.29, 2.00, 3.91
		localSpaceScanPoints = -2.30, 2.00, -3.75
		localSpaceScanPoints = 3.82, 1.79, -1.91
		localSpaceScanPoints = 3.92, 1.76, 1.74
		Scale = 1.2
			Name = Mun
			Biome = Poles
			Biome = Lowlands
			Biome = Midlands
			Biome = Highlands
			Biome = East Crater
			Biome = Northwest Crater
			Biome = Northern Basin
			Biome = Farside Crater
			Biome = Southwest Crater
			Biome = Canyons
			Biome = Polar Crater
			Biome = Polar Lowlands
			Biome = Highland Craters
			Biome = Midland Craters
			Biome = East Farside Crater
			Biome = Twin Craters
			Biome = Farside Basin
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Resources/rocsdef.cfg
		Type = LaytheStone
		displayName = Laythe Stone
		prefabName = laytheStone
		modelName = laytheStone_LOD00
		OrientateUp = false
		Depth = 0.5
		CanBeTaken = true
		Frequency = 2
		CastShadows = true
		ReceiveShadows = true
		CollisionThreshold = 50
		SmallROC = true
		RandomDepth = true
		RandomOrientation = false
		RandomRotation = true
		localSpaceScanPoints = 0, 0.21, 0
		Scale = 2
			Name = Laythe
			Biome = Poles
			Biome = Shores
			Biome = Dunes
			Biome = Crater Island
			Biome = Peaks
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Resources/rocsdef.cfg
		Type = LaytheBoulder
		displayName = Laythe Boulder
		prefabName = laytheBoulder
		modelName = laytheBoulder_LOD00
		OrientateUp = false
		Depth = 0.5
		CanBeTaken = false
		Frequency = 0.5
		CastShadows = true
		ReceiveShadows = true
		CollisionThreshold = 8
		SmallROC = false
		RandomDepth = true
		RandomOrientation = true
		RandomRotation = false
		localSpaceScanPoints = 0, 1.5, 0
		Scale = 1
			Name = Laythe
			Biome = Poles
			Biome = Shores
			Biome = Dunes
			Biome = Crater Island
			Biome = Peaks
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Resources/rocsdef.cfg
		Type = LaytheGeyser
		displayName = Laythe Geyser
		prefabName = laytheGeyser
		modelName = laytheGeyser_LOD00
		OrientateUp = false
		Depth = 0.3
		CanBeTaken = false
		Frequency = 0.1
		CastShadows = true
		ReceiveShadows = true
		CollisionThreshold = 8
		SmallROC = false
		RandomDepth = false
		RandomOrientation = true
		RandomRotation = false
		localSpaceScanPoints = 0.35, 1.10, -3.47
		localSpaceScanPoints = 1.60, 1.83, 1.04
		localSpaceScanPoints = 2.23, 1.83, -0.63
		localSpaceScanPoints = -1.55, 1.50, -0.92
		localSpaceScanPoints = 0.48, 3.00, -0.75
		localSpaceScanPoints = -0.20, 1.50, 0.88
		localSpaceScanPoints = 1.77, 1.50, -2.53
		localSpaceScanPoints = -0.76, 1.50, -2.51
		burstEmitterMinWait = 60
		burstEmitterMaxWait = 120
		sfxVolume = 0.75
		idleClip = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Sounds/sfx_geyser_idle
		burstClip = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Sounds/sfx_geyser_burst
		Scale = 1
		applyForces = true
		vfxBaseForce = 1.2
		vfxForceRadius = 1.5, 7
		vfxRadiusCenter = 0.6, 6.5, -1.2
		forceDirection = 0, 1, 0
			Name = Laythe
			Biome = Shores
			Biome = Dunes
			Biome = Crater Island
			key = 0 0
			key = 0.3 0
			key = 0.322 0
			key = 0.344 0.15
			key = 0.366 0.15
			key = 0.592 0.15
			key = 0.614 0.15
			key = 0.636 0
			key = 0.658 0
			key = 4.32 0
			key = 4.342 0
			key = 4.364 0.2
			key = 4.386 0.2
			key = 10.762 0.2
			key = 10.784 0.2
			key = 10.806 0
			key = 10.828 0
			key = 11.25 0
			key = 11.272 0
			key = 11.294 1.5
			key = 11.316 1.5
			key = 22.622 1.5
			key = 22.644 1.5
			key = 22.666 0
			key = 22.688 0
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Resources/rocsdef.cfg
		Type = VallIceChunk
		displayName = Vall Ice Chunk
		prefabName = vallIceChunk
		modelName = vallIceChunk_LOD00
		OrientateUp = false
		Depth = 0.5
		CanBeTaken = true
		Frequency = 5
		CastShadows = true
		ReceiveShadows = true
		CollisionThreshold = 50
		SmallROC = true
		RandomDepth = true
		RandomOrientation = false
		RandomRotation = true
		localSpaceScanPoints = 0, 0.23, 0
		localSpaceScanPoints = -0.0313, 0.1162, 0.175
		localSpaceScanPoints = 0.0778, 0.077, -0.2042
		localSpaceScanPoints = 0.023, 0.47, 0.123
		Scale = 1.5
			Name = Vall
			Biome = Poles
			Biome = Midlands
			Biome = Highlands
			Biome = Lowlands
			Biome = Northeast Basin
			Biome = Northwest Basin
			Biome = Southern Basin
			Biome = Southern Valleys
			Biome = Mountains
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Resources/rocsdef.cfg
		Type = VallStone
		displayName = Vall Stone
		prefabName = vallStone
		modelName = vallStone_LOD00
		OrientateUp = false
		Depth = 0.5
		CanBeTaken = false
		Frequency = 1
		CastShadows = true
		ReceiveShadows = true
		CollisionThreshold = 8
		SmallROC = false
		RandomDepth = true
		RandomOrientation = false
		RandomRotation = true
		localSpaceScanPoints = 0, 0.78, -0.58
		localSpaceScanPoints = 0, 0.78, 0.9
		localSpaceScanPoints = 1.65, 0.78, 0
		localSpaceScanPoints = -1.7, 0.78, 0
		Scale = 1
			Name = Vall
			Biome = Poles
			Biome = Midlands
			Biome = Highlands
			Biome = Lowlands
			Biome = Northeast Basin
			Biome = Northwest Basin
			Biome = Southern Basin
			Biome = Southern Valleys
			Biome = Mountains
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Resources/rocsdef.cfg
		Type = VallCryovolcano
		displayName = Cryovolcano
		prefabName = vallCryovolcano
		modelName = vallCryovolcano_LOD00
		OrientateUp = false
		Depth = 0.3
		CanBeTaken = false
		Frequency = 0.1
		CastShadows = true
		ReceiveShadows = true
		CollisionThreshold = 8
		SmallROC = false
		RandomDepth = false
		RandomOrientation = true
		RandomRotation = false
		localSpaceScanPoints = 0.18, 1.00, -3.12
		localSpaceScanPoints = 0.00, 1.00, 3.06
		localSpaceScanPoints = -3.28, 0.65, -0.74
		localSpaceScanPoints = 3.50, 0.75, -1.22
		localSpaceScanPoints = 2.21, 1.00, -2.14
		localSpaceScanPoints = -2.17, 1.00, -2.12
		localSpaceScanPoints = -2.27, 1.00, 1.93
		localSpaceScanPoints = 2.23, 1.00, 2.36
		localSpaceScanPoints = -0.06, 2.43, 1.73
		localSpaceScanPoints = -0.06, 2.43, -1.73
		localSpaceScanPoints = -1.71, 2.43, -0.07
		localSpaceScanPoints = 1.71, 2.43, -0.07
		localSpaceScanPoints = 3.52, 0.75, 1.05
		localSpaceScanPoints = -3.10, 1.00, 0.76
		localSpaceScanPoints = -1.16, 2.43, -1.26
		localSpaceScanPoints = 1.26, 2.43, -1.29
		localSpaceScanPoints = 1.19, 2.43, 1.22
		localSpaceScanPoints = -1.14, 2.43, 1.24
		burstEmitterMinWait = 60
		burstEmitterMaxWait = 120
		sfxVolume = 0.75
		idleClip = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Sounds/sfx_cryoVolcano_idle
		burstClip = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Sounds/sfx_cryoVolcano_burst
		Scale = 1.6
		applyForces = true
		vfxBaseForce = 1.4
		vfxForceRadius = 1.5, 8
		vfxRadiusCenter = 0, 4.5, 0
		forceDirection = 0, 1, 0
			Name = Vall
			Biome = Midlands
			Biome = Highlands
			Biome = Lowlands
			Biome = Northeast Basin
			Biome = Northwest Basin
			Biome = Southern Basin
			Biome = Southern Valleys
			key = 0 0
			key = 6.022 0
			key = 6.002 0
			key = 6.044 0.5
			key = 6.066 0.5
			key = 6.988 0.5
			key = 7 0.5
			key = 7.022 0
			key = 7.044 0
			key = 9.84 0
			key = 9.862 0
			key = 9.884 0.52
			key = 9.906 0.52
			key = 10.884 0.52
			key = 10.906 0.52
			key = 10.928 0
			key = 10.95 0
			key = 16.94 0
			key = 16.962 0
			key = 16.984 0.25
			key = 17.006 0.25
			key = 17.984 0.25
			key = 18.006 0.25
			key = 18.028 0
			key = 18.05 0
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Resources/rocsdef.cfg
		Type = TyloLightStone
		displayName = Tylo Light Stone
		prefabName = tyloLightStone
		modelName = tyloLightStone_LOD00
		OrientateUp = false
		Depth = 0.5
		CanBeTaken = true
		Frequency = 2
		CastShadows = true
		ReceiveShadows = true
		CollisionThreshold = 50
		SmallROC = true
		RandomDepth = true
		RandomOrientation = false
		RandomRotation = true
		localSpaceScanPoints = 0, 0.3, 0
		Scale = 1.25
			Name = Tylo
			Biome = Mara
			Biome = Midlands
			Biome = Highlands
			Biome = Lowlands
			Biome = Minor Craters
			Biome = Tycho Crater
			Biome = Galileio Crater
			Biome = Grissom Crater
			Biome = Gagarin Crater
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Resources/rocsdef.cfg
		Type = TyloDarkBoulder
		displayName = Tylo Dark Boulder
		prefabName = tyloDarkBoulder
		modelName = tyloDarkBoulder_LOD00
		OrientateUp = false
		Depth = 0.5
		CanBeTaken = false
		Frequency = 0.5
		CastShadows = true
		ReceiveShadows = true
		CollisionThreshold = 8
		SmallROC = false
		RandomDepth = true
		RandomOrientation = true
		RandomRotation = false
		localSpaceScanPoints = 0, 0.95, 0
		Scale = 1
			Name = Tylo
			Biome = Mara
			Biome = Midlands
			Biome = Highlands
			Biome = Lowlands
			Biome = Minor Craters
			Biome = Tycho Crater
			Biome = Galileio Crater
			Biome = Grissom Crater
			Biome = Gagarin Crater
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Resources/rocsdef.cfg
		Type = TyloCheckerboard
		displayName = Tylo Checkerboard
		prefabName = tyloCheckerboard
		modelName = tyloCheckerboard_LOD00
		OrientateUp = false
		Depth = 0.6
		CanBeTaken = false
		Frequency = 0.1
		CastShadows = true
		ReceiveShadows = true
		CollisionThreshold = 8
		SmallROC = false
		RandomDepth = true
		RandomOrientation = true
		RandomRotation = false
		localSpaceScanPoints = 0.00, 2.35, -1.70
		localSpaceScanPoints = -0.34, 2.46, 0.84
		localSpaceScanPoints = -2.29, 2.37, -0.54
		localSpaceScanPoints = 3.69, 2.04, -0.12
		localSpaceScanPoints = 3.07, 2.50, -1.71
		localSpaceScanPoints = 3.17, 1.93, 1.34
		localSpaceScanPoints = 5.83, 4.64, 0.06
		localSpaceScanPoints = -4.97, 4.95, -0.30
		localSpaceScanPoints = 4.37, 5.39, -1.94
		localSpaceScanPoints = 3.76, 5.14, 1.95
		localSpaceScanPoints = -3.25, 8.59, 0.06
		localSpaceScanPoints = 2.70, 8.59, 0.06
		localSpaceScanPoints = -0.95, 9.36, -0.08
		localSpaceScanPoints = 0.00, 5.57, -1.55
		localSpaceScanPoints = 0.00, 5.31, 1.50
		Scale = 1
			Name = Tylo
			Biome = Mara
			Biome = Midlands
			Biome = Highlands
			Biome = Lowlands
			Biome = Minor Craters
			Biome = Tycho Crater
			Biome = Galileio Crater
			Biome = Grissom Crater
			Biome = Gagarin Crater
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Resources/rocsdef.cfg
		Type = EelooIceChunk
		displayName = Eeloo Ice Chunk
		prefabName = eelooIceChunk
		modelName = eelooIceChunk_LOD00
		OrientateUp = false
		Depth = 0.5
		CanBeTaken = true
		Frequency = 5
		CastShadows = true
		ReceiveShadows = true
		CollisionThreshold = 50
		SmallROC = true
		RandomDepth = true
		RandomOrientation = false
		RandomRotation = true
		localSpaceScanPoints = 0, 0.15, 0
		Scale = 2
			Name = Eeloo
			Biome = Poles
			Biome = Midlands
			Biome = Highlands
			Biome = Lowlands
			Biome = Craters
			Biome = Northern Glaciers
			Biome = Ice Canyons
			Biome = Fragipan
			Biome = Babbage Patch
			Biome = Southern Glaciers
			Biome = Mu Glacier
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Resources/rocsdef.cfg
		Type = EelooBrownBoulder
		displayName = Eeloo Brown Boulder
		prefabName = eelooBrownBoulder
		modelName = eelooBrownBoulder_LOD00
		OrientateUp = false
		Depth = 0.6
		CanBeTaken = false
		Frequency = 1
		CastShadows = true
		ReceiveShadows = true
		CollisionThreshold = 8
		SmallROC = false
		RandomDepth = true
		RandomOrientation = false
		RandomRotation = true
		localSpaceScanPoints = 0, 2.2, 0
		Scale = 1
			Name = Eeloo
			Biome = Poles
			Biome = Midlands
			Biome = Highlands
			Biome = Lowlands
			Biome = Craters
			Biome = Northern Glaciers
			Biome = Fragipan
			Biome = Southern Glaciers
			Biome = Mu Glacier
	parentUrl = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Resources/rocsdef.cfg
		Type = EelooBerg
		displayName = Eeloo Berg
		prefabName = eelooBerg
		modelName = eelooBerg_LOD00
		OrientateUp = false
		Depth = 0.4
		CanBeTaken = false
		Frequency = 0.1
		CastShadows = true
		ReceiveShadows = true
		CollisionThreshold = 8
		SmallROC = false
		RandomDepth = true
		RandomOrientation = true
		RandomRotation = false
		localSpaceScanPoints = 0.00, 1.00, 1.68
		localSpaceScanPoints = -0.20, 1.00, -1.73
		localSpaceScanPoints = 5.79, 1.00, 0.00
		localSpaceScanPoints = -5.57, 1.00, 1.35
		localSpaceScanPoints = -3.62, 1.00, -0.82
		localSpaceScanPoints = -2.81, 1.00, 2.27
		localSpaceScanPoints = 2.91, 1.00, -1.47
		localSpaceScanPoints = 2.95, 1.00, 1.61
		localSpaceScanPoints = -4.00, 5.00, 0.42
		localSpaceScanPoints = 4.39, 5.00, 0.04
		localSpaceScanPoints = 0.34, 8.00, -0.15
		Scale = 1
			Name = Eeloo
			Biome = Poles
			Biome = Midlands
			Biome = Highlands
			Biome = Lowlands
			Biome = Craters
			Biome = Northern Glaciers
			Biome = Fragipan
			Biome = Southern Glaciers
			Biome = Mu Glacier