# RegexPortfolio **Save your useful regex pattern in a portfolio** [Sublime Text][subl]. If you want to save/keep some of your regex pattern, then Regex Portfolio could fit your needs. In this package, you will also find some pre defined regex pattern, compatible with [Sphinx][sphx] directives [subl]: http://www.sublimetext.com/ [sphx]: https://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/master/ ## Main features **7 useful regex** for catching all the : - changelog - keyword - synopsis (desc or description) - todo - warning - note - and all the above keys at the same time The regex will accept all the current most popular comment style I know (HTML and PHP Blade comment style are not supported). It is better to indent your comments (to be also compatible with Sphinx, just in case when you want to auto documentate later - mainly for python users) The find results will be output in a single file in which all the important information is gathered ^^ ![screenshot](https://i.imgur.com/uhknkuT.png) ## Documentation ### RegexPortfolio All commands are accessible via the Command Palette, `Ctrl + Shift + P` on Windows/Linux, `Command + Shift + P` on Mac. ![RegexPortfolio](https://i.imgur.com/8VR3CBx.png) 1. `Regex Portfolio: load changelog` to load the changelog regex pattern 2. `Regex Portfolio: load keywords` to load the keywords regex pattern 3. `Regex Portfolio: load synopsis` to load the synospis regex pattern 4. `Regex Portfolio: load todo` to load the todo regex pattern 5. `Regex Portfolio: load notes` to load the notes regex pattern 6. `Regex Portfolio: load warnings` to load the warnings regex pattern 7. `Regex Portfolio: load all flag (keywords, synopsis, changelog, todo, notes & warnings)` to load all the regex pattern at the same time ### User Portfolio (My Regex) **You can also add your custom regex in the RegexPortfolio plugin**. All your pattern are accessible via the context menu ![screenshot](https://i.imgur.com/Lb1u9iR.png) After loading the wanted regex pattern, select the folder you want to scan. ## Installation `Regex Portfolio` is also available via [Package Control][pkg-ctrl] and can be found as `RegexPortfolio`. [pkg-ctrl]: http://wbond.net/sublime_packages/package_control For manual installation, run the following script in the Sublime Text terminal (``ctrl+` ``) which utilizes `git clone` (**you must have git installed with correct env path defined**). ```python import os; path=sublime.packages_path(); (os.makedirs(path) if not os.path.exists(path) else None); window.run_command('exec', {'cmd': ['git', 'clone', 'https://github.com/KaminoU/RegexPortfolio.git', 'RegexPortfolio'], 'working_dir': path}) ``` Packages can be uninstalled via `Package Control: Remove Package`, located in the Command Palette. ## License Copyright (c) 2020 宀Кami宀 (Michel TRUONG) Licensed under the MIT license. o( ^ ^ )o Cheers!!! o( ^ ^ )o