// // ShowTime.swift // ShowTime // // Created by Kane Cheshire on 11/11/2016. // Copyright © 2016 Kane Cheshire. All rights reserved. // import UIKit /// ShowTime displays your taps and swipes when you're presenting or demoing. /// Change the options to customise ShowTime. public final class ShowTime: NSObject { /// Defines if and when ShowTime should be enabled. /// /// - always: ShowTime is always enabled. /// - never: ShowTime is never enabled. /// - debugOnly: ShowTime is enabled while the `DEBUG` flag is set and enabled. @objc public enum Enabled: Int { case always case never case debugOnly } /// Defines a style of animation. /// /// - standard: The standard type of animation will be used. /// - scaleDown: The animation has a scale down effect. /// - scaleUp: The animation has a scale up effect. public enum Animation { case standard case scaleDown case scaleUp case custom((UIView) -> Void) } /// Whether ShowTime is enabled. /// ShowTime automatically enables itself by default. ///(`.always` by default) @objc public static var enabled: ShowTime.Enabled = .always /// The fill (background) colour of the visual touches. (Twitter Blue with 50% alpha by default) @objc public static var fillColor = UIColor(red: 0.21, green: 0.61, blue: 0.92, alpha: 0.5) /// The colour of the stroke (outline) of the visual touches. (Twitter Blue by default) @objc public static var strokeColor = UIColor(red: 0.21, green: 0.61, blue: 0.92, alpha: 1) /// The width (thickness) of the stroke around the visual touches. (3pt by default) @objc public static var strokeWidth: CGFloat = 3 /// The size of the touch circles. (44pt x 44pt by default) @objc public static var size = CGSize(width: 44, height: 44) /// The style of animation to use when hiding a visual touch. (`.standard` by default) public static var disappearAnimation: ShowTime.Animation = .standard /// The delay, in seconds, before the visual touch disappears after a touch ends. (0.1s by default) @objc public static var disappearDelay: TimeInterval = 0.1 /// Whether the visual touches should indicate a multiple tap (i.e. show a number 2 for a double tap). (false by default) @objc public static var shouldShowMultipleTapCount = false /// The colour of the text to use when showing multiple tap counts. (black by default) @objc public static var multipleTapCountTextColor: UIColor = .black /// The font of the test to use when showing multiple tap counts. (System 17 bold by default) @objc public static var multipleTapCountTextFont: UIFont = .systemFont(ofSize: 17, weight: .bold) /// Whether the visual touch should visually show how much force is applied. (true by default) @objc public static var shouldShowForce = true /// Whether touch events from Apple Pencil are ignored. (true by default) @objc public static var shouldIgnoreApplePencilEvents = true static var shouldEnable: Bool { guard enabled != .never else { return false } guard enabled != .debugOnly else { #if DEBUG return true #else return false #endif } return true } } class TouchView: UILabel { /// Creates a new instance representing a touch to visually display. /// /// - Parameters: /// - touch: A `UITouch` instance the visual touch represents. /// - view: A view the touch is relative to, typically the window calling `sendEvent(_:)`. convenience init(touch: UITouch, relativeTo view: UIView) { let location = touch.location(in: view) self.init(frame: CGRect(x: location.x - ShowTime.size.width / 2, y: location.y - ShowTime.size.height / 2, width: ShowTime.size.width, height: ShowTime.size.height)) style(with: touch) } /// Updates the position and force level of a visual touch. /// /// - Parameters: /// - touch: A `UITouch` instance the visual touch represents. /// - view: A view the touch is relative to, typically the window calling `sendEvent(_:)`. func update(with touch: UITouch, relativeTo view: UIView) { let location = touch.location(in: view) frame = CGRect(x: location.x - ShowTime.size.width / 2, y: location.y - ShowTime.size.height / 2, width: ShowTime.size.width, height: ShowTime.size.height) if ShowTime.shouldShowForce { let scale = 1 + (0.5 * touch.normalizedForce) CATransaction.begin() CATransaction.setDisableActions(true) layer.transform = CATransform3DMakeScale(scale, scale, 0) CATransaction.setDisableActions(false) CATransaction.commit() } } /// Animates the visual touch out to disappear from view. /// Removes itself from the superview after the animation complete. func disappear() { UIView.animate(withDuration: 0.2, delay: ShowTime.disappearDelay, options: [.beginFromCurrentState], animations: { switch ShowTime.disappearAnimation { case .standard: self.standard() case .scaleDown: self.scaleDown() case .scaleUp: self.animateScaleUp() case .custom(let custom): custom(self) } }, completion: { [weak self] _ in self?.removeFromSuperview() }) } private func standard() { alpha = 0 transform = CGAffineTransform(scaleX: 0.85, y: 0.85) } private func scaleDown() { transform = CGAffineTransform(scaleX: 0.01, y: 0.01) } private func animateScaleUp() { alpha = 0 transform = CGAffineTransform(scaleX: 1.5, y: 1.5) } private func style(with touch: UITouch) { layer.cornerRadius = ShowTime.size.height / 2 layer.borderColor = ShowTime.strokeColor.cgColor layer.borderWidth = ShowTime.strokeWidth backgroundColor = ShowTime.fillColor text = ShowTime.shouldShowMultipleTapCount && touch.tapCount > 1 ? "\(touch.tapCount)" : nil textAlignment = .center textColor = ShowTime.multipleTapCountTextColor font = ShowTime.multipleTapCountTextFont clipsToBounds = true isUserInteractionEnabled = false } } internal var _touches = [UITouch : TouchView]() extension UIWindow { open override var layer: CALayer { UIWindow.swizzle() return super.layer } private class func swizzle() { // `initialize()` removed in Swift 4 struct Swizzled { static var once = false } // Workaround for missing dispatch_once in Swift 3 guard !Swizzled.once else { return } Swizzled.once = true guard let original = class_getInstanceMethod(self, #selector(UIWindow.sendEvent(_:))) else { return } guard let new = class_getInstanceMethod(self, #selector(UIWindow.swizzled_sendEvent(_:))) else { return } method_exchangeImplementations(original, new) } @objc private func swizzled_sendEvent(_ event: UIEvent) { self.swizzled_sendEvent(event) guard ShowTime.shouldEnable else { return removeAllTouchViews() } event.allTouches?.forEach { if ShowTime.shouldIgnoreApplePencilEvents && $0.isApplePencil { return } switch $0.phase { case .began: touchBegan($0) case .moved, .stationary: touchMoved($0) case .cancelled, .ended: touchEnded($0) } } } private func touchBegan(_ touch: UITouch) { let touchView = TouchView(touch: touch, relativeTo: self) self.addSubview(touchView) _touches[touch] = touchView } private func touchMoved(_ touch: UITouch) { guard let touchView = _touches[touch] else { return } touchView.update(with: touch, relativeTo: self) } private func touchEnded(_ touch: UITouch) { removeTouchView(associatedWith: touch) } private func removeAllTouchViews() { _touches.keys.forEach { removeTouchView(associatedWith: $0) } } private func removeTouchView(associatedWith touch: UITouch) { guard let touchView = _touches[touch] else { return } touchView.disappear() _touches[touch] = nil } } private extension UITouch { /// Normalizes the level of force betwenn 0 and 1 regardless of device. /// Will always be 0 for devices that don't support 3D Touch. var normalizedForce: CGFloat { guard #available(iOS 9.0, *), maximumPossibleForce > 0 else { return 0 } return force / maximumPossibleForce } /// Whether the touch event is from an Apple Pencil (i.e. type `.stylus`). var isApplePencil: Bool { guard #available(iOS 9.1, *) else { return false } return type == .stylus } }