MountManager = LibStub("AceAddon-3.0"):NewAddon("MountManager", "AceConsole-3.0", "AceEvent-3.0") local L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):GetLocale("MountManager") ------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Local Settings ------------------------------------------------------------------ local state = {} local options = { name = "MountManager", handler = MountManager, type = "group", args = { desc = { type = "description", name = L["Description"], order = 0, }, showInChat = { type = "toggle", name = L["Show in Chat"], desc = L["Toggles the display of the mount name in the chat window."], get = "GetShowInChat", set = "SetShowInChat", width = "full", }, alwaysDifferent = { type = "toggle", name = L["Always Different"], desc = L["Always select a different mount than the previous one."], get = "GetAlwaysDifferent", set = "SetAlwaysDifferent", width = "full", }, safeFlying = { type = "toggle", name = L["Safe Flying"], desc = L["Toggles the ability to dismount when flying"], get = "GetSafeFlying", set = "SetSafeFlying", width = "full", }, oneClick = { type = "toggle", name = L["One Click"], desc = L["One click will dismount you and summon the next available mount."], get = "GetOneClick", set = "SetOneClick", width = "full", }, autoNextMount = { type = "toggle", name = L["Automatic Next Mount"], desc = L["Automatically determine the next available random mount after summoning the currently selected one."], get = "GetAutoNextMount", set = "SetAutoNextMount", width = "full", }, }, } local defaults = { char = { level = level, race = race, class = class, faction = faction, prof = {}, mount_skill = 0, serpent = false, classmounts = true, mounts = { skill = {}, ground = {}, flying = {}, water = {}, aq = {}, vashj = {}, } }, profile = { showInChat = false, alwaysDifferent = true, safeFlying = true, oneClick = true, autoNextMount = true }, } -- This variable is used for determining the ability to fly in the old world local flightTest = 60025 -- Worgen racial local worgenRacial = 87840 -- Druid travel forms local druidForms = { travel = 783, aquatic = 1066, flight = 33943, swiftflight = 40120 } -- Shaman ghost wolf form local ghostWolf = 2645 -- Monk zen flight local zenFlight = 125883 -- A list of all the Vashj'ir zones for reference local vashj = { [613] = true, -- Vashj'ir [610] = true, -- Kelp'thar Forest [615] = true, -- Shimmering Expanse [614] = true -- Abyssal Depths } -- Chauffeured local chauffeured = { [678] = 179244, -- Chauffeured Mechano-Hog [679] = 179245, -- Chauffeured Mekgineer's Chopper } local SetMapToCurrentZone = SetMapToCurrentZone; ------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Property Accessors ------------------------------------------------------------------ function MountManager:GetShowInChat(info) return self.db.profile.showInChat end function MountManager:SetShowInChat(info, value) self.db.profile.showInChat = value end function MountManager:GetAlwaysDifferent(info) return self.db.profile.alwaysDifferent end function MountManager:SetAlwaysDifferent(info, value) self.db.profile.alwaysDifferent = value end function MountManager:GetSafeFlying(info) return self.db.profile.safeFlying end function MountManager:SetSafeFlying(info, value) self.db.profile.safeFlying = value end function MountManager:GetOneClick(info) return self.db.profile.oneClick end function MountManager:SetOneClick(info, value) self.db.profile.oneClick = value end function MountManager:GetAutoNextMount(info) return self.db.profile.autoNextMount end function MountManager:SetAutoNextMount(info, value) self.db.profile.autoNextMount = value end ------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Initialization ------------------------------------------------------------------ function MountManager:OnInitialize() -- Called when the addon is loaded self.db = LibStub("AceDB-3.0"):New("MountManagerDB", defaults, "Default") LibStub("AceConfig-3.0"):RegisterOptionsTable("MountManager", options) self.optionsFrame = LibStub("AceConfigDialog-3.0"):AddToBlizOptions("MountManager", "MountManager") self:RegisterChatCommand("mountmanager", "ChatCommand") self:RegisterChatCommand("mm", "ChatCommand") end function MountManager:OnEnable() -- Setup current character values self.db.char.level = UnitLevel("player") self.db.char.race = select(2, UnitRace("player")) self.db.char.class = UnitClass("player") self.db.char.class2 = select(2, UnitClass("player")) self.db.char.faction = UnitFactionGroup("player") local prof1, prof2 = GetProfessions() if prof1 ~= nil then local name1, _, rank1 = GetProfessionInfo(prof1) local name2, _, rank2 = GetProfessionInfo(prof2) = { [name1] = rank1, [name2] = rank2 } end self:LEARNED_SPELL_IN_TAB() -- Track the current combat state for summoning self:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_REGEN_DISABLED", "UpdateCombatState") self:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_REGEN_ENABLED", "UpdateCombatState") self:RegisterEvent("PET_BATTLE_OPENING_START", "UpdatePetBattleState") self:RegisterEvent("PET_BATTLE_OPENING_DONE", "UpdatePetBattleState") self:RegisterEvent("PET_BATTLE_CLOSE", "UpdatePetBattleState") -- Track the current zone and player state for summoning restrictions self:RegisterEvent("ZONE_CHANGED_NEW_AREA") -- new world zone self:RegisterEvent("ZONE_CHANGED", "UpdateZoneStatus") -- new sub-zone self:RegisterEvent("ZONE_CHANGED_INDOORS", "UpdateZoneStatus") -- new city sub-zone self:RegisterEvent("UPDATE_WORLD_STATES", "UpdateZoneStatus") -- world pvp objectives updated self:RegisterEvent("SPELL_UPDATE_USABLE", "UpdateZoneStatus") -- self-explanatory --[[-- Handle entering and exiting water local f = CreateFrame("Frame", "MyStateWatcher", UIParent, "SecureHandlerStateTemplate") f:SetScript("OnShow", function() self:UpdateZoneStatus() end) f:SetScript("OnHide", function() self:UpdateZoneStatus() end) RegisterStateDriver(f, "visibility", "[swimming] show; hide")]] -- Track riding skill to determine what mounts can be used if self.db.char.mount_skill ~= 5 or not self.db.char.serpent then self:RegisterEvent("LEARNED_SPELL_IN_TAB") end -- Learned a new mount self:RegisterEvent("COMPANION_LEARNED") -- Perform an initial scan self:ScanForNewMounts() self:ScanForRaceClass() self:ZONE_CHANGED_NEW_AREA() -- Track spell cast, to generate a new mount after the current has been cast self:RegisterEvent("UNIT_SPELLCAST_SUCCEEDED") self:RegisterEvent("ADDON_LOADED") end ------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Event Handling ------------------------------------------------------------------ function MountManager:ChatCommand(input) if input == "rescan" then self:Print(L["Beginning rescan..."]) self.db.char.mounts = { skill = {}, ground = {}, flying = {}, water = {}, aq = {}, vashj = {}, } self:ScanForNewMounts() self:ScanForRaceClass() self:Print(L["Rescan complete"]) else InterfaceOptionsFrame_OpenToCategory(self.optionsFrame) end end function MountManager:UpdateCombatState() state.inCombat = UnitAffectingCombat("player") == 1 end function MountManager:UpdatePetBattleState(event) state.inPetBattle = C_PetBattles.IsInBattle() == true end function MountManager:ZONE_CHANGED_NEW_AREA() if not InCombatLockdown() then SetMapToCurrentZone(); = GetCurrentMapAreaID() end self:UpdateZoneStatus() end function MountManager:UpdateZoneStatus(event) if InCombatLockdown() or state.inCombat or state.inPetBattle then return end local prevSwimming = state.isSwimming local prevFlyable = state.isFlyable state.isSwimming = IsSwimming() or IsSubmerged() local usable, _ = IsUsableSpell(flightTest) if IsFlyableArea() and self.db.char.mount_skill > 2 and usable == true then state.isFlyable = true else state.isFlyable = false end if (prevSwimming ~= state.isSwimming) or (prevFlyable ~= state.isFlyable) then self:GenerateMacro() end end function MountManager:LEARNED_SPELL_IN_TAB() if IsSpellKnown(90265) then -- Master (310 flight) self.db.char.mount_skill = 5 elseif IsSpellKnown(34091) then -- Artisan (280 flight) self.db.char.mount_skill = 4 elseif IsSpellKnown(34090) then -- Expert (150 flight) self.db.char.mount_skill = 3 elseif IsSpellKnown(33391) then -- Journeyman (100 ground) self.db.char.mount_skill = 2 elseif IsSpellKnown(33388) then -- Apprentice (60 ground) self.db.char.mount_skill = 1 end --if IsSpellKnown(130487) then -- Cloud Serpent Riding self.db.char.serpent = true --end --[[if self.db.char.class == "Monk" then self.db.char.mounts["flying"][zenFlight] = IsSpellKnown(zenFlight); end]] end function MountManager:COMPANION_LEARNED() self:ScanForNewMounts() end function MountManager:UNIT_SPELLCAST_SUCCEEDED(event, unit, spellName) if self.db.profile.autoNextMount and unit == "player" and spellName == GetSpellInfo(state.mount) then self:GenerateMacro() end end function MountManager:UPDATE_SHAPESHIFT_FORMS() if IsSpellKnown( then self.db.char.mounts["skill"][] = true end if IsSpellKnown(druidForms.aquatic) then self.db.char.mounts["water"][druidForms.aquatic] = true end if IsSpellKnown(druidForms.flight) then self.db.char.mounts["flying"][druidForms.flight] = true end if IsSpellKnown(druidForms.swiftflight) then self.db.char.mounts["flying"][druidForms.swiftflight] = true end end function MountManager:ADDON_LOADED(event, addon) if (addon == "Blizzard_PetJournal") then self:HijackMountFrame() end end ------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Mount Methods ------------------------------------------------------------------ function MountManager:ScanForNewMounts() local newMounts = 0 for _, id in pairs(C_MountJournal.GetMountIDs()) do local name, spellID, _, _, _, _, _, isFactionSpecific, faction, _, isCollected = C_MountJournal.GetMountInfoByID(id) --make sure its valid and not already found local correctFaction = not isFactionSpecific or (self.db.char.faction == "Horde" and faction == 0) or (self.db.char.faction == "Alliance" and faction == 1) if correctFaction == true and isCollected == true and not self:MountExists(spellID) then newMounts = newMounts + 1 local _, _, _, _, mountType = C_MountJournal.GetMountInfoExtraByID(id) -- 284 for 2 Chopper / Mechano-Hog -- 269 for 2 Water Striders (Azure and Crimson) -- 254 for 1 Subdued Seahorse (Vashj'ir and water) -- 248 for 163 "typical" flying mounts, including those that change based on level -- 247 for 1 Red Flying Cloud (flying mount) -- 242 for 1 Swift Spectral Gryphon (the one we fly while dead) -- 241 for 4 Qiraji Battle Tanks (AQ only) -- 232 for 1 Abyssal Seahorse (Vashj'ir only) -- 231 for 2 Turtles (Riding and Sea) -- 230 for 298 land mounts if mountType == 241 then self.db.char.mounts["aq"] = self.db.char.mounts["aq"] or {} self.db.char.mounts["aq"][spellID] = true end if mountType == 232 or mountType == 254 then self.db.char.mounts["vashj"] = self.db.char.mounts["vashj"] or {} self.db.char.mounts["vashj"][spellID] = true end if mountType == 247 or mountType == 248 then self.db.char.mounts["flying"] = self.db.char.mounts["flying"] or {} self.db.char.mounts["flying"][spellID] = true end if mountType == 231 or mountType == 254 or mountType == 269 then self.db.char.mounts["water"] = self.db.char.mounts["water"] or {} self.db.char.mounts["water"][spellID] = true end if mountType == 230 or mountType == 231 or mountType == 269 or mountType == 284 then self.db.char.mounts["ground"] = self.db.char.mounts["ground"] or {} self.db.char.mounts["ground"][spellID] = true end end end if newMounts > 0 then self:Print(string.format("|cff20ff20%s|r %s", newMounts, L["new mount(s) found!"])) self:UpdateMountChecks() end end function MountManager:ScanForRaceClass() if self.db.char.race == "Worgen" and self.db.char.mount_skill > 0 then self.db.char.mounts["ground"][worgenRacial] = true; end if self.db.char.class == "Druid" then self:UPDATE_SHAPESHIFT_FORMS() end if self.db.char.class == "Monk" then self.db.char.mounts["flying"][zenFlight] = IsSpellKnown(zenFlight); end if self.db.char.class == "Shaman" and self.db.char.level > 14 then self.db.char.mounts["skill"][ghostWolf] = true; end end function MountManager:MountExists(spellID) for mountType, typeTable in pairs(self.db.char.mounts) do if typeTable[spellID] ~= nil then return true end end return false end function MountManager:SummonMount(mount) for _, id in pairs(C_MountJournal.GetMountIDs()) do local _, spellID = C_MountJournal.GetMountInfoByID(id) if spellID == mount then C_MountJournal.SummonByID(id) return end end end ------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Mount Configuration ------------------------------------------------------------------ function MountManager:HijackMountFrame() self.companionButtons = {} local numMounts = C_MountJournal.GetNumMounts() local scrollFrame = MountJournal.ListScrollFrame local buttons = scrollFrame.buttons -- build out check buttons for idx = 1, #buttons do local parent = buttons[idx]; if idx <= numMounts then local button = CreateFrame("CheckButton", "MountCheckButton" .. idx, parent, "UICheckButtonTemplate") button:SetEnabled(false) button:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", 0, 0) button:HookScript("OnClick", function(self) MountManager:MountCheckButton_OnClick(self) end) self.companionButtons[idx] = button end end -- hook up events to update check state on scrolling scrollFrame:HookScript("OnMouseWheel", function(self) MountManager:UpdateMountChecks() end) scrollFrame:HookScript("OnVerticalScroll", function(self) MountManager:UpdateMountChecks() end) ---- hook up events to update check state on search or filter change hooksecurefunc("MountJournal_UpdateMountList", function(self) MountManager:UpdateMountChecks() end); -- force an initial update on the journal, as it's coded to only do it upon scroll or selection MountJournal_UpdateMountList() end function MountManager:UpdateMountChecks() if self.companionButtons then local offset = HybridScrollFrame_GetOffset(MountJournal.ListScrollFrame); for idx, button in ipairs(self.companionButtons) do local parent = button:GetParent() -- Get information about the currently selected mount local spellID = parent.spellID local id = self:FindSelectedID(spellID) local _, _, _, _, _, _, _, isFactionSpecific, faction, _, isCollected = C_MountJournal.GetMountInfoByID(id) local correctFaction = (not isFactionSpecific or (self.db.char.faction == "Horde" and faction == 0) or (self.db.char.faction == "Alliance" and faction == 1)) if correctFaction == true and isCollected == true and parent:IsEnabled() == true then -- Set the checked state based on the currently saved value local checked = false; for mountType, typeTable in pairs(self.db.char.mounts) do if typeTable[spellID] ~= nil then checked = typeTable[spellID] end end button:SetEnabled(true) button:SetChecked(checked) button:SetAlpha(1.0); else button:SetEnabled(false) button:SetChecked(false) button:SetAlpha(0.25); end end end end function MountManager:MountCheckButton_OnClick(button) local spellID = button:GetParent().spellID -- Toggle the saved value for the selected mount for mountType, typeTable in pairs(self.db.char.mounts) do if typeTable[spellID] ~= nil then if typeTable[spellID] == true then typeTable[spellID] = false else typeTable[spellID] = true end end end end function MountManager:FindSelectedID(selectedSpellID) for _, id in pairs(C_MountJournal.GetMountIDs()) do local _, spellID = MountJournal_GetMountInfoByID(id); if spellID == selectedSpellID then return id; end end return nil; end function MountManager:MountManagerButton_OnClick(button) if button == "LeftButton" then if IsIndoors() then return end if IsFlying() then if self.db.profile.safeFlying == false then Dismount() end else local speed = GetUnitSpeed("player") if IsMounted() then Dismount() if speed == 0 and self.db.profile.oneClick then self:SummonMount(state.mount) end else if speed == 0 then self:SummonMount(state.mount) end end end else self:GenerateMacro() end end ------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Macro Setup ------------------------------------------------------------------ function MountManager:GenerateMacro() if InCombatLockdown() or state.inCombat or state.inPetBattle then return end -- Create base macro for mount selection local index = GetMacroIndexByName("MountManager") if index == 0 then index = CreateMacro("MountManager", 1, "", 1, nil) end if self.db.char.level < 20 then local id = (self.db.char.faction == "Horde") and 678 or 679 state.mount = select(5, C_MountJournal.GetMountInfoByID(id)) and chauffeured[id] else state.mount = self:GetRandomMount() end if state.mount then local name, rank, icon = GetSpellInfo(state.mount) --icon = string.sub(icon, 17) if self.db.profile.showInChat then self:Print(string.format("%s |cff20ff20%s|r", L["The next selected mount is"], name)) end EditMacro(index, "MountManager", icon, string.format("/script MountManagerButton:Click(GetMouseButtonClicked());\n#showtooltip %s", name)) else self:Print(L["There is no mount available for the current character."]) end end function MountManager:GetRandomMount() if self.db.char.mount_skill == 0 then return nil end -- Determine state order for looking for a mount local typeList = {} local keyDown = IsModifierKeyDown() if vashj[] then -- in Vashj'ir if state.isSwimming == true and not keyDown then typeList = { "vashj", "water", "ground" } elseif state.isFlyable == true then typeList = { "flying", "vashj", "water", "ground" } else typeList = { "ground" } end elseif == 766 then -- in AQ if keyDown then typeList = { "ground" } elseif state.isSwimming == true then typeList = { "water", "aq", "ground" } else typeList = { "aq", "ground" } end elseif state.isSwimming == true then if state.isFlyable == true and not keyDown then typeList = { "flying", "water", "ground" } else typeList = { "water", "ground" } end elseif state.isFlyable == true and not keyDown then typeList = { "flying", "ground" } else typeList = { "ground" } end -- Cycle through the type list for i, type in pairs(typeList) do -- Make a sublist of any valid mounts of the selected type local mounts = {} for mount, active in pairs(self.db.char.mounts[type]) do if self.db.char.mounts[type][mount] == true and self:CheckProfession(mount) and self:CheckSerpent(mount) and self:CheckClass(mount) then mounts[#mounts + 1] = mount end end -- If there were any matching mounts of the current type, then proceed, otherwise move to the next type if #mounts > 0 then -- Grab a random mount from the narrowed list local rand = random(1, #mounts) local mount = mounts[rand] if state.mount == mount and self.db.profile.alwaysDifferent and #mounts > 1 then while state.mount == mount do rand = random(1, #mounts) mount = mounts[rand] end end return mount end end -- If this point has been reached, then no matching mount was found return nil end -- Profession restricted mounts local TAILORING_ID = 110426 local ENGINEERING_ID = 110403 local profMounts = { [61451] = { TAILORING_ID, 300 }, --Flying Carpet [61309] = { TAILORING_ID, 425 }, --Magnificent Flying Carpet [75596] = { TAILORING_ID, 425 }, --Frosty Flying Carpet [44153] = { ENGINEERING_ID, 300 }, --Flying Machine [44151] = { ENGINEERING_ID, 375 }, --Turbo-Charged Flying Machine } function MountManager:CheckProfession(spell) if profMounts[spell] then local skill = GetSpellInfo(profMounts[spell][1]) local req = profMounts[spell][2] if[skill] then return[skill] >= req else return false end end return true end -- Cloud Serpents local serpents = { [113199] = true, --Jade Cloud Serpent [123992] = true, --Azure Cloud Serpent [123993] = true, --Golden Cloud Serpent [127154] = true, --Onyx Cloud Serpent [127156] = true, --Crimson Cloud Serpent [127170] = true, --Astral Cloud Serpent [127158] = true, --Heavenly Onyx Cloud Serpent [127161] = true, --Heavenly Crimson Cloud Serpent [127164] = true, --Heavenly Golden Cloud Serpent [127165] = true, --Heavenly Jade Cloud Serpent [127169] = true, --Heavenly Azure Cloud Serpent [124408] = true, --Thundering Jade Cloud Serpent [129918] = true, --Thundering August Cloud Serpent [132036] = true, --Thundering Ruby Cloud Serpent } function MountManager:CheckSerpent(spell) if serpents[spell] then return self.db.char.serpent end return true end -- Class Mounts local classmounts = { [229387] = "DEATHKNIGHT", --Deathlord's Vilebrood Vanquisher [229417] = "DEMONHUNTER", --Slayer's Felbroken Shrieker [229386] = "HUNTER", --Huntmaster's Loyal Wolfhawk [229438] = "HUNTER", --Huntmaster's Fierce Wolfhawk [229439] = "HUNTER", --Huntmaster's Dire Wolfhawk [229376] = "MAGE", --Archmage's Prismatic Disc [229385] = "MONK", --Ban-Lu, Grandmaster's Companion [231435] = "PALADIN", --Highlord's Golden Charger [231589] = "PALADIN", --Highlord's Valorous Charge [231588] = "PALADIN", --Highlord's Vigilant Charger [231587] = "PALADIN", --Highlord's Vengeful Charger [229377] = "PRIEST", --High Priest's Lightsworn Seeker [231434] = "ROGUE", --Shadowblade's Murderous Omen [231523] = "ROGUE", --Shadowblade's Lethal Omen [231524] = "ROGUE", --Shadowblade's Baneful Omen [231525] = "ROGUE", --Shadowblade's Crimson Omen [231442] = "SHAMAN", --Farseer's Raging Tempest [238452] = "WARLOCK", --Netherlord's Brimstone Wrathsteed [238454] = "WARLOCK", --Netherlord's Accursed Wrathsteed [232412] = "WARLOCK", --Netherlord's Chaotic Wrathsteed [229388] = "WARRIOR", --Battlelord's Bloodthirsty War Wyrm } function MountManager:CheckClass(spell) if classmounts[spell] then if classmounts[spell] == self.db.char.class2 then return self.db.char.classmounts else return false end end return true end