--- layout: post title: The Rabbit Hole thumbnail: /gallery/rabbit-hole/images/thumbnail.png tagline: A Wikipedia game for Ludum Dare 48 sort-key: 400 meta-title: The Rabbit Hole meta-description: A Wikipedia game for Ludum Dare 48 meta-image: /gallery/rabbit-hole/images/thumbnail.png --- This is my [entry](https://ldjam.com/events/ludum-dare/48/the-rabbit-hole) for [Ludum Dare 48](https://ldjam.com/events/ludum-dare/48) which had a theme of **deeper and deeper**. This "game" explores the idea of [Wikipedia rabbit holes](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wiki_rabbit_hole). Starting at one article, click through the links to get to the target article. ---
Click a link below to go down the rabbit hole.
(Click here to show the answer.)
Clicks: 0