/** * @Sub-Store-Page * CNAME 接口查询去重/重命名 2023-11-16 20:34:08 * - 入口查询[国内spapi 识别到国外为ip-api] 落地查询[ip-api] * - 根据接口返回的真实结果,重新对节点命名。 * - 添加入口城市、落地国家或地区、国内运营商信息,并对这些数据做持久化缓存(48小时有效期),减少API请求次数,提高运行效率。 * - 仅兼容 Surge, Loon 客户端。 * - Surge 需要固定带 ability 参数版本。 * 特别说明: * - 符号:🅳电信 🅻联通 🆈移动 🅶广电 🅲公司 🆉直连 🎮游戏 * - 首次运行或者在没有缓存的情况下会通知进度 * - 无参数时的节点命名格式: "美国 01" * - 1. 官方默认版(目前不带 ability 参数, 不保证以后不会改动): 》https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sub-store-org/Sub-Store/master/config/Surge.sgmodule * * - 2. 固定带 ability 参数版本,可能会爆内存, 如果需要使用指定节点功能 例如 [加国旗脚本或者cname脚本] 请使用此带 ability 参数版本: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sub-store-org/Sub-Store/master/config/Surge-ability.sgmodule * * - 3. 固定不带 ability 参数版本:https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sub-store-org/Sub-Store/master/config/Surge-Noability.sgmodule * * - 参数必须以"#"开头,多个参数使用"&"连接,例如 https://github.com/Keywos/rule/raw/main/cname.js#city&iisp&name=Name * - 以下是此脚本支持的参数,必须以"#"开头,多个参数使用"&"连接,需要传入参数的话用 "=" 例如 "name=一元" 参考上述地址为例使用参数。 * - 无参数时的节点命名格式: "美国 01",如果 [入口IP或国家]或 [落地IP或国家]一样则为 "直连 德国 01" * - 首次运行或者在没有缓存的情况下会通知进度 * * * 入口参数 * - [iisp] 增加入口运营商或者直连标识; * - [city] 增加入口城市文字标识; * - [sheng] 增加入口省份文字标识; * - [yuan] 为境外入口添加真实的入口属地标识,当未配置此此参数时,则将境外入口统一标记为 [境外],默认未配置此参数; * - [inflag] 增加入口国旗 * * 落地参数 * - [yisp] 显示落地详细运营商名称; * - [yw] 落地归属地使用英文缩写标识,不建议与其他入口参数配合使用,因为其他参数API没有返回英文; * - [xy] 此参数关闭落地查询,仅查询入口;开启 yisp || yw || flag 参数后 xy 参数无效 * * 图标参数 * - [game] 增加游戏节点标识; * - [flag] 增加国家或地区的旗帜标识,默认无此参数; * - [bl] 保留倍率标识; * - [snone] 清理某地区内只有一个节点的序号; * * 分隔符参数 * - [fgf=] 设置入口和落地之间的分隔符,默认为空格; * - [sn=] 设置国家与序号之间的分隔符,默认为空格; * - [name=] 为节点添加机场名称前缀; * * 通知参数 * - [offtz] 关闭脚本通知; * * 解析参数 * - [dnsjx] 将节点域名解析为IP,普通用户不建议使用; * * 逻辑参数 * - [bs=] 批处理节点数建议10个左右,如果经常读不到节点建议减小批处理个数; * * 缓存参数 * - [h=] 节点缓存有效期,单位小时,时间参数只能二选一,Loon用户不需填写要此参数,请进入Sub-Store插件的配置界面自定义缓存有效期; * - [min=] 节点缓存有效期,单位分钟,时间参数只能二选一,Loon用户不需填写要此参数,请进入Sub-Store插件的配置界面自定义缓存有效期; * * 超时参数 * - [timeout=] 当无任何节点缓存时测试节点HTTP延时允许的最大超时参数,超出允许范围则判定为无效节点,默认2000ms; * - [cd=] 当有缓存时,会先读取缓存,直接输出结果;默认 [cd=]的值等于0,微直接读取缓存; 当设为更高的值: 比如'460'则每次读缓存都会再次处理之前判定为超时的节点,超时为460ms * * 其他参数 * - [debug] 调试日志,普通用户不建议使用。 * - 异常:如遇问题,Loon可以进入[配置]→[持久化缓存]→[删除指定数据]→输入Key [sub-store-cached-script-resource]并删除缓存。累计输出节点为0个3次以上将清理所有缓存 * - Surge需要进入[脚本编辑器]→左下角[设置]→[$persistentStore] [sub-store-cached-script-resource]删除缓存数据。 */ const SUB_STORE_SCHEMA = { title: "CNAME", description: "根据接口返回的真实结果,重新对节点命名/去重。 如:入口/落地详细地区信息", scope: ["Surge", "Loon"], author: "@Key @奶茶姐 @小一 @可莉", updateTime: "2023-11-11 18:26:00", version: "1.2.2", params: { flag: { datatype: "boolean", description: "增加落地国家或地区的旗帜标识,默认无此参数", defaultValue: false, }, inflag:{ datatype: "boolean", description: "增加入口国家或地区的旗帜标识,默认无此参数", defaultValue: false, }, xy: { datatype: "boolean", description: "关闭落地查询,仅查询入口;开启 yisp || yw || flag 参数后 xy 参数无效", defaultValue: false, }, iisp: { datatype: "boolean", description: "增加入口运营商或者直连标识", defaultValue: false, }, city: { datatype: "boolean", description: "增加入口城市文字标识", defaultValue: false, }, sheng: { datatype: "boolean", description: "增加入口省份文字标识", defaultValue: false, }, yuan: { datatype: "boolean", description: "为境外入口添加真实的入口属地标识,当未配置此此参数时,则将境外入口统一标记为[境外],默认未配置此参数", defaultValue: false, }, yisp: { datatype: "boolean", description: "显示落地详细运营商名称", defaultValue: false, }, yw: { datatype: "boolean", description: "落地归属地使用英文缩写标识,不建议与其他入口参数配合使用,因为其他参数API没有返回英文", defaultValue: false, }, game: { datatype: "boolean", description: "增加游戏节点标识", defaultValue: false, }, bl: { datatype: "boolean", description: "保留倍率标识", defaultValue: false, }, snone: { datatype: "boolean", description: "清理某地区内只有一个节点的序号", defaultValue: false, }, offtz: { datatype: "boolean", description: "关闭脚本通知", defaultValue: false, }, dnsjx: { datatype: "boolean", description: "将节点域名解析为IP, 普通用户不建议使用", defaultValue: false, }, debug: { datatype: "boolean", description: "调试日志,普通用户不建议使用", defaultValue: false, }, fgf: { datatype: "string", description: "设置入口和落地之间的分隔符,默认为空格", defaultValue: " ", }, sn: { datatype: "string", description: "设置国家与序号之间的分隔符,默认为空格", defaultValue: " ", }, name: { datatype: "string", description: "为节点添加机场名称前缀", defaultValue: "", }, timeout: { datatype: "number", description: "当无任何节点缓存时测试节点HTTP延时允许的最大超时参数,超出允许范围则判定为无效节点,默认2000ms", defaultValue: 2000, }, cd: { datatype: "number", description: "当有缓存时,会先读取缓存,直接输出结果;默认[cd=]的值等于0,微直接读取缓存; 当设为更高的值: 比如'460'则每次读缓存都会再次处理之前判定为超时的节点,超时为460ms", defaultValue: 0, }, bs: { datatype: "number", description: "批处理节点数建议10个左右,如果经常读不到节点建议减小批处理个数", defaultValue: 10, }, h: { datatype: "number", description: "节点缓存有效期,单位小时,时间参数只能二选一,Loon用户不需填写要此参数,请进入Sub-Store插件的配置界面自定义缓存有效期", defaultValue: "", }, min: { datatype: "number", description: "节点缓存有效期,单位分钟,时间参数只能二选一,Loon用户不需填写要此参数,请进入Sub-Store插件的配置界面自定义缓存有效期", defaultValue: "", }, }, }; const $ = $substore; const iar = $arguments; let FGF = iar.fgf == undefined ? " " : decodeURI(iar.fgf),FGFS = FGF,debug = iar.debug; const { yw, bl, iisp, xy, yisp, yun, city, flag, inflag, game, yuan, sheng, offtz, snone: numone} = iar; const h = iar.h ? decodeURI(iar.h) : "",min = iar.min ? decodeURI(iar.min) : "",firstN = iar.name ? decodeURI(iar.name) : ""; const XHFGF = iar.sn == undefined ? " " : decodeURI(iar.sn),{ isLoon: isLoon, isSurge: isSurge } = $substore.env, dns = iar.dnsjx,target = isLoon ? "Loon" : isSurge ? "Surge" : undefined,keypr= "peedtest"; let cd = iar.cd ? iar.cd : 0, timeout = iar.timeout ? iar.timeout : 2000, writet = "", innum = 1728e5, loontrue = false, onen = false, Sue = false, rawtime = 1500; const keyp = "3.s",EXPIRATION_KEY = "#sub-store-csr-expiration-time"; if (min !== "") { Sue = true; innum = parseInt(min, 10) * 6e4; writet = $.write(JSON.stringify(innum), EXPIRATION_KEY); } else if (h !== "") { Sue = true; innum = parseInt(h, 10) * 36e5; writet = $.write(JSON.stringify(innum), EXPIRATION_KEY); } else { writet = $.write(JSON.stringify(innum), EXPIRATION_KEY); } let TIMEDKEY = $.read(EXPIRATION_KEY),inapi=0; async function operator(e = [], targetPlatform, env) { let tzname = "", subcoll = "", x = false, xys = false; if (env?.source?.[e?.[0]?.subName]) x = true; if (env?.source?._collection?.name) xys = true; if (x && xys) { tzname = env.source._collection.name + ": [" + env.source._collection.subscriptions + "]"; subcoll = "组合订阅内单条订阅加了脚本, 输出组合订阅"; } else if (x) { tzname = env.source[e[0].subName].name; subcoll = "单条订阅脚本"; } else { tzname = env.source._collection.name; subcoll = "组合订阅脚本"; } const startTime = new Date(); const support = isLoon || isSurge; if (!xy) { if (!support) { $.notify("No Loon or Surge") $.error(`No Loon or Surge`); return e; } } function klog(...arg) { console.log('[CNAME] ' +subcoll+ tzname +" : "+ arg); } if (e.length < 1) {$.notify(subcoll +tzname,"订阅无节点","");return e;} if (typeof scriptResourceCache === "undefined")return e; let bs = iar.bs ? iar.bs : 9; const ein = e.length; const eins = ein/2; klog(`开始处理节点: ${ein} 个`); klog(`批处理节点数: ${bs} 个`); klog(`设定api超时: ${zhTime(timeout)}`); klog(`有缓api超时: ${zhTime(cd)}`); // e = e.filter((item) => !nlc.test(item.name)); let o = 0,Pushtd = "",intimed = "",stops = false,rere=false,iflag="",cachen = 0; while (o < e.length && !stops) { const batchs = e.slice(o, o + 1); await Promise.all( batchs.map(async (pk) => { try { const inss = new Map(); const id = getid(pk); if (inss.has(id)) { return inss.get(id); } const cacheds = scriptResourceCache.get(id); if (cacheds) cachen++; if (cachen > eins) { if (!onen) { klog(`检查缓存数量: ${cachen}/${ein} 个`); rawtime = timeout; timeout = cd; onen = true; stops = true; } const readt = scriptResourceCache.gettime(id); let nt = new Date().getTime(); let timedPush = ""; if (isLoon) { let loontd = ""; const loonkkk={"1分钟":6e4,"5分钟":3e5,"10分钟":6e5,"30分钟":18e5,"1小时":36e5,"2小时":72e5,"3小时":108e5,"6小时":216e5,"12小时":432e5,"24小时":864e5,"48小时":1728e5,"72小时":2592e5,参数传入:"innums"}; intimed = $.read("#节点缓存有效期"); loontd = loonkkk[intimed] || 1728e5; if (loontd == "innums") { loontd = innum; } timedPush = zhTime( parseInt(readt, 10) - nt + parseInt(loontd, 10) ); } else if (target === "Surge" && Sue) { timedPush = zhTime( parseInt(readt, 10) - nt + parseInt(innum, 10) ); } else { timedPush = zhTime( parseInt(readt, 10) - nt + parseInt(TIMEDKEY, 10) ); } Pushtd = `, ${timedPush}后过期 \n`; } } catch (err) {delog(err.message)} }) ); o += 1; } if (!onen && !offtz) $.notify(subcoll+tzname, `开始处理节点: ${ein} 个 批处理数量: ${bs} 个`, "请等待处理完毕后再次点击预览"); let retryi = 0,breaki=false, isone = 0; do { let i = 0,newnode = [];isone++; while (i < e.length) { const batch = e.slice(i, i + bs); await Promise.all( batch.map(async (pk) => { try { let keyover = [], Yserver = pk.server,luodi = "",inQcip = "",nxx = "",adflag = "",OGame="",Oisp="",Oispflag="",Osh="", Oct="",zhi = "",yuanisp ="",isCN = false,v4 = false, v6 = false, isNoAli = false; let inServer = await AliD(Yserver); delog(inServer) switch (inServer) { case "keyn": isNoAli = true; inServer = Yserver; break; default: pk.keyrk = inServer; if (!isNoAli) { if (/^\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}$/.test(inServer)) { v4 = true; } else if (/^([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){7}[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}$/.test(inServer)) { v6 = true; } } break; } let btip = true,outu="",outips=""; if (!xy || yisp || yw || flag) { if (!support) { $.notify("No Loon or Surge") $.error(`No Loon or Surge, 开启 yisp || yw || flag 参数后 xy 参数无效`); return e; } const outip = await OUTIA(pk); let {country:outUsq, countryCode:outUs, city:outCity, query:outQuery, isp:outisp} = outip;//落地 if (yisp) { yuanisp = FGFS+outisp }; debug && (pk.keyoutld = outip); delog("落地信息 " + JSON.stringify(outip)) outu = outUs; outips = outQuery; luodi = (outUsq === "中国") ? outCity : (yw ? outUs : outUsq); btip = outQuery !== inServer }; if (btip || xy) { if (!isNoAli || v4) { const spkey = await SPEC(inServer); let {country:inSpCn,regionName:inSpSheng,city:inSpCity,isp:inSpIsp,ip:inSpIp,countryCode:inCode} = spkey; inflag && (iflag = getflag(inCode)); debug && (pk.keyinsp = spkey); isCN = inSpCn === "中国"; inQcip = inServer; const keycm = {电信:"🅳", 联通:"🅻", 移动: "🆈",广电:"🅶"}; if (isCN){ debug && (pk.keyinsp = spkey) delog("国内入口 " + JSON.stringify(spkey)); if(iisp && flag){ inSpIsp=inSpIsp.replace(/中国/g, "") flag && (Oispflag = keycm.hasOwnProperty(inSpIsp) ? keycm[inSpIsp] : "🅲"); } else if(iisp){ Oisp = /电信|联通|移动|广电/.test(inSpIsp) ? inSpIsp.replace(/中国/g, "") : "企业"; } (inSpSheng === inSpCity) && (inSpCity = ""); if (sheng && city){ Osh = inSpSheng;Oct = inSpCity } else if (sheng){ Osh = inSpSheng; } else if (city){ Oct = inSpCity ? inSpCity : inSpSheng; } } } if (isNoAli || v6 || !isCN) { const inip = await INIA(Yserver); let {country: inUsq, city: inCity, query: inQuery, regionName: inIpSh, countryCode:inaCode} = inip; inflag && (iflag = getflag(inaCode)); debug && (pk.keyinipapi = inip); delog("ipapi入口 " + JSON.stringify(inip)); inQcip = inQuery; //去重ip if (inUsq === "中国") { // inCity === inUs ? (incity=inCity) (/[a-zA-Z]/.test(inCity)) && (inCity = inIpSh); (inCity === inIpSh) && (inIpSh=""); if (sheng && city){ Osh = inIpSh;Oct = inCity; } else if (sheng){ Osh = inIpSh; } else if (city){ Oct = inCity ? inCity : inIpSh; } // 运营商 未知 flag && (Oispflag = "🅲"); } else { if(inQuery === outips){ flag && (Oispflag = "🆉"); (sheng || city || iisp) && (zhi = "直连"); } else if (yuan){ flag && (Oispflag = "🅲"); (sheng || city || iisp) && (zhi = inUsq); } else { flag && (Oispflag = "🆇"); (sheng || city || iisp) && (zhi = "境外"); } } } } else { flag && (Oispflag = "🆉"); (sheng || city || iisp) && (zhi = "直连"); } flag && (adflag = getflag(outu)); game && (OGame = /game|游戏/i.test(pk.name) ? (flag ? "🎮" : FGF+"Game") : OGame); if (bl){ const match = pk.name.match(/((倍率|X|x|×)\D?((\d\.)?\d+)\D?)|((\d\.)?\d+)(倍|X|x|×)/); if (match) { const matchVa = match[0].match(/(\d[\d.]*)/)[0]; if (matchVa !== "1") { nxx = XHFGF + matchVa + "X"; } } } (!iisp && !city && !sheng && !xy && !inflag) && (Oispflag = "",FGF =""); keyover = keyover.concat( firstN, Oispflag,Osh,Oct,Oisp,zhi,FGF,adflag,luodi,OGame,nxx,yuanisp ).filter(ki => ki !== ""); // delog(keyover) let overName = keyover.join(""); xy && (overName = iflag +overName +FGF+ pk.name); // delog(overName) newnode.push(outips); dns && (pk.server = inQcip); pk.name = overName; inflag && (pk.name = iflag + overName); pk.qc = inQcip + outips; } catch (err) { if (inapi >= 1) { retryi++; breaki = true; } delog(err.message) }; }) ); i += bs; klog(`处理进度${i}/${ein}`) if (!onen){ if(!offtz && (ein > (i*2))){ if (i >= (e.length / 3) && i < (e.length * 2 / 3) && ein>i) { $.notify(subcoll+tzname, `处理进度${i}/${ein}`, "耐心等待, 请勿重复点击预览..."); } } await sleep(GRa()); } } !xy && (e = removels(e)); var eout = e.length; if (eout > 3 && isSurge){ const allsame = newnode.every((value, index, arr) => value === arr[0]); if(allsame){ klog(`未使用带指定节点功能的 SubStore, 或所有节点落地IP相同`); $.notify('CNAME:点击以安装对应版本','未使用带指定节点功能的 SubStore,或所有节点落地IP相同','',{url: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sub-store-org/Sub-Store/master/config/Surge-ability.sgmodule",}) return e; } } if (inapi >= 1) { retryi++; timeout = rawtime; onen = false; spMap.clear();alMap.clear();iaMap.clear();oaMap.clear(); klog(`重试中...`); } else { retryi = 2; } } while(retryi < 2); !xy && (e = removeqc(e)); e = jxh(e); // if (firstN !== "") {e.forEach((pk) => {pk.name = firstN + " " + pk.name;});} numone && (e = onee(e)); const endTime = new Date(); const timeDiff = endTime.getTime() - startTime.getTime(); if (dns) { klog(`dns解析后共: ${eout} 个`); } apiRead > 0 ? klog(`读取api缓存: ${apiRead} 个`) : null; apiw > 0 ? klog(`写入api缓存: ${apiw} 个`) : null; klog(`处理完后剩余: ${eout} 个`); // const Nullv ='#SubStoreNullvalue'; // if (eout === 0 && ein !== 0){ // let Nullvi = parseInt($.read(Nullv), 10); // if (isNaN(Nullvi)) { // klog(`错误1次, 3次后将清理所有节点缓存`); // $.write("0", Nullv); // } else { // Nullvi += 1; // klog(`错误${Nullvi}次, 3次后将清理所有节点缓存`); // $.write(Nullvi.toString(), Nullv); // } // if (Nullvi > 3) { // $.write({}, "#sub-store-cached-script-resource"); // klog(`错误${Nullvi}次, 已清理所有节点缓存`); // Nullvi = 0; // $.write(Nullvi.toString(), Nullv); // } // } if (isLoon) { klog("缓存过期时间: " + intimed + ", 还剩" + Pushtd.replace(/,|\n/g, "")); } else { klog("缓存过期时间: " +zhTime(TIMEDKEY) +", 还剩" +Pushtd.replace(/,|\n/g, "")); } klog(`此方法总用时: ${zhTime(timeDiff)}\n----For New CNAME----\n\n\n\n\n`); const readklog = apiRead ? `读取缓存:${apiRead} ` : ""; const writeklog = apiw ? `写入缓存:${apiw}, ` : ""; const Push = (eout === ein && eout === 0) ? "" : (eout === ein ? "全部通过测试, " : "去除无效节点后有" + eout + "个, "); if (!offtz) {$.notify( `${subcoll}${tzname} 共${ein}个节点`, "", `${writeklog}${readklog}${Pushtd}${Push}用时:${zhTime(timeDiff)}` );} return e; } function getflag(e) { const t = e .toUpperCase() .split("") .map((e) => 127397 + e.charCodeAt()); return String.fromCodePoint(...t).replace(/🇹🇼/g, "🇨🇳"); } function sleep(e) { return new Promise((t) => setTimeout(t, e)); } let apiRead = 0, apiw = 0; const oaMap = new Map(); async function OUTIA(e) { const t = getid(e); if (oaMap.has(t)) return oaMap.get(t); const cached = scriptResourceCache.get(t);if (cached) { apiRead++; return cached; } else {inapi++;};const maxRE = 2; const url = `http://ip-api.com/json?lang=zh-CN&fields=status,message,country,countryCode,city,query,isp`; const getHttp = async (reTry) => { try { let r = ProxyUtils.produce([e], target); const response = await Promise.race([ $.http.get({ url: url, node: r, "policy-descriptor": r }), new Promise((_, reject) => setTimeout(() => reject(new Error("timeout-OUTIA")), timeout) ), ]); const data = JSON.parse(response.body); if (data.status === "success") { scriptResourceCache.set(t, data); return data; } else { throw new Error(resdata.message); } } catch (error) { if (reTry < maxRE) { await sleep(GRa()); delog(e.name + "-> [outipApi超时查询次数] " + reTry); return getHttp(reTry + 1); } else { throw error; } } }; const resGet = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { if (cd < 1 && onen) return resGet; getHttp(1) .then((data) => { apiw++; resolve(data); }) .catch(reject); }); oaMap.set(t, resGet); return resGet; }; const alMap = new Map(); async function AliD(e) { const ti = /^\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}$|^([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){7}[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}$/.test( e ); if (ti) return e; const t = getaliid(e); if (alMap.has(t)) return alMap.get(t); const cached = scriptResourceCache.get(t); if (cached) { apiRead++; return cached;} else {inapi++;};const maxRE = 2; let alip = Math.random() < 0.5 ? '' : '';const url = `https://${alip}/resolve?name=${e}&type=A&short=1`; const getHttp = async (reTry) => { try { const response = await Promise.race([ $.http.get({ url: url }), new Promise((_, reject) => setTimeout(() => reject(new Error("timeout-AliD")), timeout) ), ]); const resdata = JSON.parse(response.body); if (resdata.length > 0) { scriptResourceCache.set(t, resdata[0]); return resdata[0]; } else { return "keyn"; } } catch (error) { if (reTry < maxRE) { await sleep(GRa()); delog(e + " [->Ali超时查询次数] " + reTry); return getHttp(reTry + 1); } else { throw error; } } }; const resGet = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { if (cd < 1 && onen) { return resGet; } else { getHttp(1) .then((data) => { resolve(data); }) .catch(reject); } }); alMap.set(t, resGet); return resGet; };function getaliid(e){let t="al";return MD5(`${t}-${e}`)};function getspcn(e){let t="sc";return MD5(`${t}-${e}`)}; const spMap = new Map(); async function SPEC(e) { const n = getspcn(e); if (spMap.has(n)) return spMap.get(n);const cached = scriptResourceCache.get(n); if (cached) {apiRead++;return cached;} else {inapi++;}; const maxRE = 2; const url = `https://api-v${keyp}${keypr}.cn/ip?ip=${e}`; const getHttp = async (reTry) => { try { const response = await Promise.race([ $.http.get({ url: url }), new Promise((_, reject) => setTimeout(() => reject(new Error("timeout-SPEC")), timeout) ), ]); const resdata = JSON.parse(response.body); delog(resdata); if (resdata.data) { const { country: e, province: o, city: r, isp: i, ip: c, countryCode: k, } = resdata.data; const a = { country: e, regionName: o, city: r, isp: i, ip: c, countryCode: k, }; delog("写入"); scriptResourceCache.set(n, a); return a; } else { throw new Error(resdata.message); } } catch (error) { if (reTry < maxRE) { await sleep(GRa()); delog(e + "-> [SP超时查询次数] " + reTry); return getHttp(reTry + 1); } else { throw error; } } }; const resGet = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {if (cd < 1 && onen) return resGet; getHttp(1) .then((data) => { resolve(data); }) .catch(reject); }); spMap.set(n, resGet); return resGet; }; const iaMap = new Map(); async function INIA(e) { const t = getinid(e); if (iaMap.has(t)) return iaMap.get(t); const cached = scriptResourceCache.get(t); if (cached) {apiRead++;return cached;} else {inapi++;}; const maxRE = 2; const url = `http://ip-api.com/json/${e}?lang=zh-CN&fields=status,message,country,city,query,regionName,countryCode`; const getHttp = async (reTry) => { try { delog(url); const response = await Promise.race([ $.http.get({ url: url }), new Promise((_, reject) => setTimeout(() => reject(new Error("timeout-INIA")), timeout) ), ]); const data = JSON.parse(response.body); if (data.status === "success") { scriptResourceCache.set(t, data); return data; } else { throw new Error(resdata.message); } } catch (error) { if (reTry < maxRE) { await sleep(GRa()); delog(e + "-> [inipApi超时查询次数] " + reTry); return getHttp(reTry + 1); } else { throw error; } } }; const resGet = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { if (cd < 1 && onen) return resGet; getHttp(1) .then((data) => { resolve(data); }) .catch(reject); }); iaMap.set(t, resGet); return resGet; } function GRa() { return Math.floor(Math.random() * (500 - 50 + 1) + 50); }; function delog(...arg) { if (debug) { console.log("[CNAME] :" + arg); } } function removels(e) { const t = new Set(); const n = []; for (const s of e) { if (s.qc && !t.has(s.qc)) { t.add(s.qc); n.push(s); } } return n; } function removeqc(e) { const t = new Set(); const n = []; for (const s of e) { if (!t.has(s.qc)) { t.add(s.qc); const e = { ...s }; delete e.qc; n.push(e); } } return n; } function jxh(e) { const t = e.reduce((e, t) => { const n = e.find((e) => e.name === t.name); if (n) { n.count++; n.items.push({ ...t, name: `${t.name}${XHFGF}${n.count.toString().padStart(2, "0")}`, }); } else { e.push({ name: t.name, count: 1, items: [{ ...t, name: `${t.name}${XHFGF}01` }], }); } return e; }, []); const n = t.flatMap((e) => e.items); e.splice(0, e.length, ...n); return e; } function onee(e) { const t = e.reduce((e, t) => { const n = t.name.replace(/[^A-Za-z0-9\u00C0-\u017F\u4E00-\u9FFF]+\d+$/, ""); if (!e[n]) { e[n] = []; } e[n].push(t); return e; }, {}); for (const e in t) { if (t[e].length === 1 && t[e][0].name.endsWith("01")) { t[e][0].name= t[e][0].name.replace(/[^.]01/, "") } } return e; } function zhTime(e) { e = e.toString().replace(/-/g, ""); if (e < 1e3) { return `${Math.round(e)}毫秒`; } else if (e < 6e4) { return `${Math.round(e / 1e3)}秒`; } else if (e < 36e5) { return `${Math.round(e / 6e4)}分钟`; } else if (e >= 36e5) { return `${Math.round(e / 36e5)}小时`; } } var MD5=function(e){var t=M(V(Y(X(e),8*e.length)));return t.toLowerCase()};function M(e){for(var t,n="0123456789ABCDEF",s="",o=0;o>>4&15)+n.charAt(15&t);return s}function X(e){for(var t=Array(e.length>>2),n=0;n>5]|=(255&e.charCodeAt(n/8))<>5]>>>n%32&255);return t}function Y(e,t){e[t>>5]|=128<>>9<<4)]=t;for(var n=1732584193,s=-271733879,o=-1732584194,r=271733878,i=0;i>16)+(t>>16)+(n>>16)<<16|65535&n}function bit_rol(e,t){return e<>>32-t}function getid(e){let t="ld";return MD5(`${t}-${e.server}-${e.port}`)}function getinid(e){let t="ia";return MD5(`${t}-${e}`)};