Name EXT_shader_tile_image Name Strings GL_EXT_shader_tile_image Contact Jan-Harald Fredriksen (jan-harald.fredriksen 'at' Contributors Sandeep Kakarlapudi, ARM Status Draft Version Last Modified Date: 2023-03-13 Revision: 1 Dependencies This extension can be applied to OpenGL GLSL versions 4.60 (#version 460) and higher. This extension is written against the OpenGL Shading Language version 4.60.7, dated Jul 10, 2019. This extension interacts with revision 43 of the GL_KHR_vulkan_glsl extension, dated October 25, 2017. Overview This extension adds support for tile image functionality in GLSL. Modifications to the OpenGL Shading Language Specification, Version 4.60.7 Including the following line in a shader can be used to control the language features described in this extension: #extension GL_EXT_shader_tile_image : where is as specified in section 3.3. New preprocessor #defines are added: #define GL_EXT_shader_tile_image 1 Modify Section 3.6, Keywords (p. 17) (add to the end of the additional keywords list for Vulkan, p. 20) tileImageEXT attachmentEXT iattachmentEXT uattachmentEXT Modify Section 4.1, Basic Types (p. 23) (add to table of Floating-Point opaque types, p. 26) Type Meaning ------------- ---------------------------------------------- attachmentEXT a handle for accessing a floating-point color framebuffer attachment (add to table of Signed-Integer opaque types, p. 27) Type Meaning ------------- ---------------------------------------------- iattachmentEXT a handle for accessing an integer color framebuffer attachment (add to table of Unsigned-Integer opaque types, p. 27) Type Meaning ------------- ---------------------------------------------- uattachmentEXT a handle for accessing an unsigned integer color framebuffer attachment Modify the Definition subsection of 4.1.7, Opaque types from They can only be declared as function parameters or in uniform-qualified variables (see "Uniform Variables"). to With the exception of attachment types (see "Attachment Types"), they can only be declared as function parameters or in uniform-qualified variables (see "Uniform Variables"). Add sub section under Section 4.1.7, Opaque types 4.1.7.x Attachment Types Attachment types are only available when targeting Vulkan. Attachment types (e.g., attachmentEXT) are opaque types, declared and behaving as described above for opaque types. When aggregated into arrays within a shader, they can only be indexed with a dynamically uniform integral expression, otherwise results are undefined. Attachment types can only be declared as function parameters or tileImageEXT qualified variables. Attachment types are used to read framebuffer color attachment values from within fragment shaders using attachment read functions listed in section 8.x, Attachment read functions. Depth and stencil attachment values are read without explicit attachment variables. Attachment types are only available in fragment shaders. It is a compile-time error to use them in any other stage. It is a compile-time error to declare both attachment type and subpass-input type variables in a shader. Members of structures cannot be declared with attachment types. Modify Section 4.3, Storage Qualifiers (p. 46) (add to storage qualifier table, p. 47) Storage Qualifier Meaning ----------------- ------------------------------------------ tileImageEXT fragment shader only; attachment variables with tileImageEXT storage can be used to access the framebuffer value at a pixel location. Add a subsection to Section 4.3, Storage Qualifiers 4.3.x Tile Image Variables Tile image variables are only available when targeting Vulkan. The tileImageEXT qualifier is used to declare global variables of type attachmentEXT, iattachmentEXT, or uattachmentEXT in fragment shaders. It is a compile time error to use the qualifier with any other types or in any other shader stage. Modify Section 4.4, Layout Qualifiers (p. 63) (add to the layout qualifier table, pg. 63-65) Qualifier Individual Block Allowed Layout Qualifier Only Variable Block Member Interfaces ---------------------------------------- --------- ---------- ----- -------- ----------- non_coherent_color_attachment_readEXT X - - - fragment in non_coherent_depth_attachment_readEXT X - - - fragment in non_coherent_stencil_attachment_readEXT X - - - fragment in (modifications to existing entries in the layout qualifier table, pg. 63-65) Qualifier Individual Block Allowed Layout Qualifier Only Variable Block Member Interfaces ---------------------------------------- --------- ---------- ----- -------- ----------- location = X - - uniform / buffer / tileImageEXT and subroutine variables Modify the Fragment Shader Inputs subsection under 4.4.1 Input Layout Qualifiers (p. 75) Fragment shaders allow the following layout qualifier of in only (not with variable declarations): layout-qualifier-id: early_fragment_tests non_coherent_color_attachment_readEXT non_coherent_depth_attachment_readEXT non_coherent_stencil_attachment_readEXT The early_fragment_tests qualifier is used to request that fragment tests be performed before fragment shader execution, as described in section 15.2.4 "Early Fragment Tests" of the OpenGL Specification. (add to the end of the Fragment Shaders Input subsection). non_coherent_color_attachment_readEXT, non_coherent_depth_attachment_readEXT, and non_coherent_stencil_attachment_readEXT are used to request that attachment reads ignore rasterization order for color, depth, and stencil, respectively. Only one fragment shader (compilation unit) need declare these, though more than one can. If at least one declares a non-coherent attachment read qualifier, then the non-coherent attachment read is enabled. See the Vulkan API documentation for details on rasterization order. Add a subsection to 4.4, Layout Qualifiers 4.4.x Tile Image Layout Qualifiers The layout qualifiers supported for tile image variable declarations are: layout-qualifier-id: location = layout-qualifier-value Tile image variables must be declared with the location layout qualifier or a compile-time error results. For example: layout( location = 0 ) tileImageEXT highp attachmentEXT color0; The location qualifier selects which color attachment is read from. See the Vulkan API documentation for details on mapping from the tile image variables to the color attachments. If an array of size N is declared, it consumes N consecutive location values, starting with the one provided. It is a compile time error to have different tile image variables declared with the same location. This includes any overlap in the implicit location consumed by array declarations. It is a compile time error if the explicit or implicit location of a tile image variable is greater than or equal to gl_MaxDrawBuffers. It is a compile time error to have incompatible numerical types between a tile image variable and a fragment output variable at the same location. * A tile image variables of type attachmentEXT is numerically compatible with output variables of type float, vec2, vec3 and vec3. * A tile image variables of type iattachmentEXT is numerically compatible with output variables of type int, ivec2, ivec3 and ivec4. * A tile image variables of type uattachmentEXT is numerically compatible with output variables of type uint, uvec2, uvec3 and uvec4. Add a section to chapter 8, Built-in Functions 8.x Attachment read functions Attachment read functions are only available when targeting a Vulkan fragment stage. Attachment variables are read through the built-in functions below. The g is again a placeholder for either nothing, i, or u, indicating either a floating-point, signed integer or unsigned integer respectively, and these must match between argument type and return type. Syntax Description ---------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- gvec4 colorAttachmentReadEXT(gattachment attachment) Read from a color attachment at the implicit location of the gvec4 colorAttachmentReadEXT(gattachment attachment, current fragment invocation. Sample 0 is returned if a sample int sample) is not specified and the attachment is multisampled. highp float depthAttachmentReadEXT() Read from the depth attachment at the implicit location of the highp float depthAttachmentReadEXT(int sample) current fragment invocation. Sample 0 is returned if a sample is not specified and the attachment is multisampled. lowp uint stencilAttachmentReadEXT() Read from the stencil attachment at the implicit location of the lowp uint stencilAttachmentReadEXT(int sample) current fragment invocation. Sample 0 is returned if a sample is not specified and the attachment is multisampled. The sample numbering is identical to that used by gl_SampleID. Add subsection 12.2.x to Chapter 12, Non-Normative SPIR-V Mappings 12.2.x Mapping of tile image variables Fragment shaders can read framebuffer values at the fragment location through tile image attachment variables. Attachment variables are declared with the following opaque types only available to fragment shaders: attachmentEXT iattachmentEXT uattachmentEXT There are no specialized types for multisampled attachments. The above types can be used both with multisampled and non-multisampled attachments. Attachment variables are declared with tileImageEXT storage class and location layout qualifiers. layout(location = i) tileImageEXT attachmentEXT colorAttachment; Which maps to the following SPIR-V: ... %1 = OpExtInstImport "GLSL.std.450" ... OpName %9 "colorAttachment" OpDecorate %9 Location i %2 = OpTypeVoid %3 = OpTypeFunction %2 %6 = OpTypeFloat 32 %7 = OpTypeImage %6 TileImageDataEXT 0 0 0 2 Unknown %8 = OpTypePointer TileImageEXT %7 %9 = OpVariable %8 TileImageEXT ... Color attachment values are read using colorAttachmentReadEXT functions. Depth and stencil attachment values are read using depthAttachmentReadEXT and stencilAttachmentReadEXT functions. Mapping of the glsl functions to SPIR-V is as follows: colorAttachmentReadEXT -> OpColorAttachmentReadEXT depthAttachmentReadEXT -> OpDepthAttachmentReadEXT stencilAttachmentReadEXT -> OpStencilAttachmentReadEXT Issues None Revision History Rev. Date Author Changes ---- ----------- ------ ------------------------------------------- 1 2023-03-13 S.K. Initial revision