Name EXT_nonuniform_qualifier Name Strings GL_EXT_nonuniform_qualifier Contact Jeff Bolz, NVIDIA Corporation (jbolz 'at' Contributors John Kessenich, Google Status Draft Version Last Modified Date: March 12, 2018 Revision: 1 Number TBD Dependencies This extension requires GL_KHR_vulkan_glsl Overview This extension adds a "nonuniform" type qualifier and constructor, which is required by the Vulkan API to be used when indexing descriptor bindings with an index that is not dynamically uniform. This extension also allows arrays of resources declared using unsized arrays to become run-time sized arrays. New Procedures and Functions None. New Tokens None. Modifications to GL_KHR_vulkan_glsl Add to the "Mapping to SPIR-V" section Mapping of nonuniformEXT type qualifier: nonuniformEXT -> NonUniformEXT decoration on variables Mapping of arrays: Explicitly- and implicitly-sized arrays use OpTypeArray. Run-time sized arrays use OpTypeRuntimeArray, and are only supported for the last member of a storage block, or for an array of resources. Resources include all variables with storage class code:Uniform, code:StorageBuffer, or code:UniformConstant (e.g. an array of samplers or images in uniform storage, or uniform/buffer blocks), or for the outermost dimension of an array of arrays of resources. Modifications to the OpenGL Shading Language Specification, Version 4.50 Including the following line in a shader can be used to control the language features described in this extension: #extension GL_EXT_nonuniform_qualifier : where is as specified in section 3.3 New preprocessor #defines are added to the OpenGL Shading Language: #define GL_EXT_nonuniform_qualifier 1 Add to section 3.6 Keywords: nonuniformEXT Modify section 4.1.9: Replace the first paragraph: Variables of the same type can be aggregated into arrays by declaring a name followed by brackets ( [] ) enclosing an optional size. When an array size is specified in a declaration, it must be an integral constant expression (see section 4.3.3 "Constant Expressions") greater than zero. An array whose size is specified in its declaration or determined by its initializer is _explicitly-sized_. An array whose size is not specified in a declaration is _unsized_. Unsized arrays can either be implicitly sized or run-time sized. A _run-time sized_ array has its size determined by a buffer or descriptor set bound via the API. An _implicitly sized_ array has its size determined by the largest (constant expression) index used to index the array. If the last member of a shader storage block is an unsized array, it is run-time sized. Unsized arrays of opaque uniforms, uniform blocks, and shader storage blocks are run-time sized if there is a static use of a non-constant expression to index that array. All other unsized arrays are implicitly sized. Implicitly sized arrays must only be indexed with integral constant expressions. Unsized arrays must not be passed as an argument to a function, and arrays declared as formal parameters in a function declaration must be explicitly sized. Violation of any of these rules result in compile-time errors. It is legal to declare an array without a size and then later redeclare the same name as an array of the same type and specify a size, and such an array is considered to be explicitly sized. However, unless noted otherwise, blocks cannot be redeclared; an unsized array in a user-declared block cannot be sized by a block redeclaration. It is a compile-time error to declare an array with a size, and then later (in the same shader) index the same array with an integral constant expression greater than or equal to the declared size. It is a compile-time error to redeclare an unsized array with a size equal to or smaller than any index used earlier in the shader to index the array. It is also a compile-time error to index an array with a negative constant expression. Undefined behavior results from indexing an array with a non-constant expression that's greater than or equal to the array's size or less than 0. Arrays only have a single dimension (a single entry within "[]"), however, arrays of arrays can be declared. All types (basic types, structures, arrays) can be formed into an array. Add a new section: "4.X Nonuniform qualifier" The nonuniformEXT qualifier can be used to assert that a variable or expression is not dynamically uniform. In a declaration, it is syntactically treated as a qualifier. It can be applied to: * variable declarations qualified as *in* * global variable declarations with no storage qualifier * local variable declarations with no storage qualifier * function parameter declarations and function return types. Any other use on a declaration results in a compile-time error. The nonuniformEXT qualifier can also be used with constructor syntax to assert that an expression is not dynamically uniform. For example: layout(location = 0) flat in int i; layout(set = 0, binding = 0) uniform sampler2D tex[2]; color = texture(tex[nonuniformEXT(i)], ...); This constructor syntax takes a single argument of any type and returns the value with the same type, qualified with nonuniformEXT. Only some operations discussed in Chapter 5 (Operators and Expressions) can be applied to nonuniform value(s) and still yield a result that is nonuniform. The operations that do so are listed below. When a nonuniform value is operated on with one of these operators (regardless of whether any and other operands are nonuniform), the result is implicitly nonuniform: * All Operators in Section 5.1 (Operators), except for assignment, arithmetic assignment, and sequence * Component selection in Section 5.5 * Matrix components in Section 5.6 * Structure and Array Operations in Section 5.7, except for the length method and assignment operator. Constructors and builtin functions, which all have return types that are not qualified by nonuniformEXT, will not generate nonuniform results. Shaders need to use the constructor syntax (or assignment to a nonuniformEXT-qualified variable) to re-add the nonuniformEXT qualifier to the result of builtin functions. Similarly, when a nonuniform value is passed as a function parameter, whether it is treated as nonuniform inside the function is based solely on the function parameter declaration, and not on whether the value passed in was nonuniform. Changes to the grammar: Add the token NONUNIFORM Add a new rule: nonuniform_qualifier: NONUNIFORM Under the rule for single_type_qualifier, add: | nonuniform_qualifier Under the rule for function_identifier, add: | nonuniform_qualifier Errors None. Issues (1) Can nonuniformEXT be used on structure or block members? RESOLVED: No, for simplicity it can only be applied to variables and not in structure or block type declarations. Revision History Revision 1 - Internal revisions.