Name NV_fragment_shader_barycentric Name Strings GL_NV_fragment_shader_barycentric Contact Pat Brown, NVIDIA (pbrown 'at' Contributors Ashwin Lele, NVIDIA Jeff Bolz, NVIDIA Michael Chock, NVIDIA Status Shipping Version Last Modified: April 8, 2019 Revision: 3 Dependencies This extension can be applied to OpenGL GLSL versions 4.50 (#version 450) and higher. This extension can be applied to OpenGL ES ESSL versions 3.20 (#version 320) and higher. This extension is written against the OpenGL Shading Language Specification, version 4.60, dated July 23, 2017. Additional changes are written against the OpenGL ES Shading Language Specification, Version 3.20.5, dated December 12, 2018. Overview This extension provides two new OpenGL Shading Language (GLSL) fragment shader built-in inputs (gl_BaryCoordNV and gl_BaryCoordNoPerspNV) that are three-component vectors specifying the relative weights for each vertex in the original primitive. Fragments located in the corners of a triangle primitive will have weights of (1,0,0), (0,1,0), and (0,0,1), while a fragment in the exact middle of a triangle will have weights of (1/3, 1/3, 1/3). The weights in the vector gl_BaryCoordNV are perspective-corrected and reflect the location of the fragment as projected onto the original primitive. The weights in the vector gl_BaryCoordNoPerspNV are not perspective-corrected and reflect the location of the fragment relative to the on-screen projection of the original primitive. For both vectors, the values of the three components should add to approximately 1.0. This extension also allows fragment shaders to read the raw per-vertex values of shader outputs from the last shader executed before rasterization. This mechanism uses the same syntax used to read per-vertex inputs in for tessellation and geometry shaders. The qualifier "pervertexNV" can be applied to fragment shader input blocks and variables to specify that those inputs do not read interpolated per-fragment values, but instead read raw per-vertex values from the vertices of the original primitive. Like tessellation and geometry shader inputs, such variables or blocks must be declared as arrays and indexed with a vertex number (0, 1, or 2). For example, if a shader declares the following input block: pervertexNV in Inputs { float f; float g; } inputs[]; the expression "inputs[0].f" reads the value of for the first vertex of the original primitive, while "inputs[2].g" reads the value of for the third vertex. While barycentric weights can be used to interpolate values by reading the outputs of previous shaders (using "pervertexNV" attributes), it can also be used to interpolate values based in input values fetched directly from memory, with no shader outputs involved. For example, in code like the following: pervertexNV in int vertexIDs[]; buffer VertexData { struct VertexAttributes { vec3 normal; } attrs[]; }; shaders can fetch the values of for the three vertices of a primitive using: vec3 normal0 = attrs[vertexIDs[0]]; vec3 normal1 = attrs[vertexIDs[1]]; vec3 normal2 = attrs[vertexIDs[2]]; without reading or emitting any normal vectors in a vertex shader. Mapping to SPIR-V ----------------- For informational purposes (non-normative), the following is an expected way for an implementation to map GLSL constructs to SPIR-V constructs: pervertexNV interpolation qualifier -> PerVertexNV Decoration gl_BaryCoordNV -> BaryCoordNV decorated OpVariable gl_BaryCoordNoPerspNV -> BaryCoordNoPerspNV decorated OpVariable Input variables decorated with "PerVertexNV" are accessed with an extra array dimension identifying a vertex number. Modifications to the OpenGL Shading Language Specification, Version 4.60 Including the following line in a shader can be used to control the language features described in this extension: #extension GL_NV_fragment_shader_barycentric : where is as specified in section 3.3. New preprocessor #defines are added to the OpenGL Shading Language: #define GL_NV_fragment_shader_barycentric 1 Modify Section 3.6, Keywords (p. 15) (add to list of keywords, on the line with "centroid", "flat", "smooth", and "noperspective") pervertexNV Modify Section 4.3.4, Input Variables (p. 45) (modify third paragraph, p. 46, to document that fragment shader inputs declared with "pervertexNV" are treated similarly to tessellation and geometry shader inputs and document that "pervertexNV" has no effect in non-fragment shaders) Tessellation control input variables, tessellation evaluation input variables, geometry shader input variables, and fragment shader input variables qualified with "pervertexNV" get the per-vertex values written out by output variables of the same names in the previous active shader stage. For these inputs, centroid, pervertexNV and interpolation qualifiers are allowed, but have no effect. Since all of these inputs have separate values for each vertex in the input primitive, each such input variable (or input block, see interface blocks below) needs to be declared as an array. For example, in float foo[]; // geometry shader input for vertex "out float foo" (modify fourth paragraph, p. 46, to document how the array size for "arrayed" inputs is obtained for tessellation shaders and per-vertex fragment shader inputs) ... For geometry shaders, ... section 4.4.1 "Input Layout Qualifiers". For tessellation control and evaluation shaders, the array size will be set by (or if provided, must be consistent with) the maximum patch size gl_MaxPatchVertices. For fragment shader inputs qualified with "pervertexNV", the array size will be set to (or if provided, must be equal to) three. (modify fifth paragraph, p. 46, to treat "pervertexNV" inputs as "arrayed" interfaces) Some inputs and outputs are arrayed ... Geometry shader inputs, tessellation control shader inputs and outputs, tessellation evaluation inputs, and fragment shader inputs qualified with "pervertexNV" all have an additional level of arrayness relative to other shader inputs and outputs. Component limits... (modify second paragraph, p. 47, adding alternate language about the handling of fragment shader inputs using "pervertexNV") Fragment shader inputs not declared with "pervertexNV" get per-fragment values, typically interpolated from a previous stage's outputs. ... as well as the interpolation qualifiers flat, noperspective, and smooth. Fragment shader inputs declared with "pervertexNV" are not interpolated. Such inputs are arrayed and may be used to directly access the previous stage's outputs for one of the vertices of the primitives producing the fragment, using a vertex number of 0, 1, or 2 as an index. ... (modify third paragraph, p. 47, allowing integer and double-precision fragment shader inputs if qualified with "pervertexNV") Fragment shader inputs that are, or contain, signed or unsigned integers, integer vectors, or any double-precision floating-point type must be qualified with the qualifier "flat" or "pervertexNV". (modify the fourth paragraph, p. 48, adding an example) Fragment inputs are declared as in the following examples: ... pervertexNV in vec4 perVertexAttr[]; Modify Section 4.3.9, Interface Blocks, p. 51 (update the fake grammar, p. 52, to clarify that you can use the interpolation qualifier "pervertexNV" on input blocks) interface-qualifier: ... pervertexNV in ... Modify Section 4.5, Interpolation Qualifiers, p. 83 (add to the table in first paragraph of the section) Qualifier Meaning ---------------- -------------------------------------------- pervertexNV no interpolation, values accessed per vertex (add before the next-to-last paragraph, p. 83) A variable or interface block qualified with "pervertexNV" must be declared as an array, where each array element corresponds to one of the vertices of the primitive that produced the fragment. This array can have no more than three elements, and will have a size of three if declared as unsized. The order of the three vertices of the input primitive is defined in the OpenGL or Vulkan API Specifications. No interpolated per-fragment values are available for inputs qualified with "pervertexNV". For variables qualified with "pervertexNV", it is a compile-time error to also qualify the variable with either "centroid" or "sample". Modify Section 4.5.1, Redeclaring Built-In Interpolation Variables in the Compatibility Profile, p. 84 (modify the first paragraph of the section to prohibit the use of "pervertexNV" on built-ins) The following predeclared variables can be redeclared with an interpolation qualifier other than "pervertexNV" when using the compatibility profile: ... Modify Section 7.1, Built-In Language Variables, p. 122 (modify the list of fragment built-ins, p. 124) In the fragment, language, built-in variables are intrinsically declared as: ... in vec3 gl_BaryCoordNV; in vec3 gl_BaryCoordNoPerspNV; (add description of the new built-ins to the list of descriptions, before gl_PerVertex, p. 131) The built-in fragment shader input variables gl_BaryCoordNV and gl_BaryCoordNoPerspNV are three-component vectors providing barycentric coordinates for the fragment. The values for these built-ins are derived as described in the OpenGL or Vulkan API Specifications. Modifications to the OpenGL ES Shading Language Specification, Version 3.20.5 Incorporate all applicable modifications to the OpenGL Shading Language Specification, Version 4.60 above. Modify Section 4.3.4, Input Variables, P. 44 (modify the fragment shader input restrictions, p. 46) It is a compile-time error to declare a fragment shader input with, or that contains, any of the following types: * A boolean type * An opaque type * An array of arrays (unless the input has a "pervertexNV" qualifier) * An array of structures (unless the input has a "pervertexNV" qualifier) * A structure containing an array * A structure containing a structure A fragment shader input declared with a pervertexNV qualifier must be an array. The contained type of the array must not be any of the types listed above. Fragment shader inputs that are, or contain, integral types must be qualified with the interpolation qualifier "flat", or with the interpolation qualifier "pervertexNV". Modify Section 9.2.1, Linked Shaders, p. 160 (modify the "Interpolation" row in the table, p. 160) Qualifier Qualifier in/out Default uniform Block buffer Block Class Uniforms ------------- ----------- ------ -------- ------------- ------------ Interpolation smooth Yes N/A N/A N/A flat ----------- ------ -------- ------------- ------------ pervertexNV No N/A N/A N/A Modify Section 9.2.2, Separable Programs, p. 161 (modify the "Interpolation" row in the table, p. 161) Qualifier Class Qualifier in/out --------------- ----------- ------ Interpolation smooth Yes flat ----------- ------ pervertexNV No Issues (1) The AMD_shader_explicit_vertex_parameter extension provides similar functionality. Why write a new extension, and how is this extension different? RESOLVED: We chose to implement a separate extension for several reasons: - The NVIDIA hardware supporting this extension is capable of providing a three-component barycentric weight vector, while the AMD extension provides only two components. In some cases, it may be more efficient to explicitly interpolate an attribute via: float value = (gl_BaryCoordNV.x * v[0].attrib + gl_BaryCoordNV.y * v[1].attrib + gl_BaryCoordNV.z * v[2].attrib); instead of float value = (gl_BaryCoordNV.x * (v[0].attrib - v[2].attrib) + gl_BaryCoordNV.y * (v[1].attrib - v[2].attrib) + v[2].attrib); - The built-in gl_BaryCoordPullModelAMD does not appear to map to anything supported NVIDIA hardware, so we would likely be unable to support the AMD extension as written. This extension has several other functional differences from the AMD extension: - This extension does not provide extra "Centroid" and "Sample" variants of the gl_BaryCoord* built-in inputs. Equivalent values can be obtained using built-in interpolation functions like: vec3 bcCentroid = interpolateAtCentroid(gl_BaryCoordNV); vec3 bcNoPerspSample = interpolateAtSample(gl_BaryCoordNoPerspNV); - Attributes that can be explicitly fetched per-vertex instead of interpolated are identified with the qualifier "pervertexNV". The AMD extension uses "__explicitInterpAMD". In both extensions, attributes that can be fetched this way do not have interpolated per-fragment values. - Attributes that can be explicitly fetched per-vertex instead of interpolated are declared as "arrayed" inputs or interface blocks, and are accessed using the vertex number as the first index. This syntax is identical to that used to access per-vertex attributes in the multi-vertex input primitives used for tessellation control, tessellation evaluation, and geometry shaders. In the AMD extension, per-vertex attributes are fetched using the built-in interpolateAtVertexAMD(). - The vertex number used to fetch attributes is not required to be constant, but fetches using a constant vertex numbers are preferred when possible. (2) Should we support "pervertexNV" on compatibility profile built-in inputs like gl_FrontColor? RESOLVED: No, "pervertexNV" will be allowed only on user-defined inputs. (3) Will the three barycentric weights always sum to exactly 1.0? RESOLVED: No, there may be some small mathematical error in computing the weights. The mathematical error should have roughly the same relative magnitude as occurs when interpolating normal attributes. (4) Can barycentric weights ever be outside the range [0.0, 1.0]? RESOLVED: Yes, if the barycentric weights are sourced at a fragment location not contained within the original primitive, barycentric weights can be out of bounds. Additionally, minor rounding error from interpolating barycentric weights can lead to out-of-bounds values. (5) Will barycentric interpolation using gl_BaryCoordNV and per-vertex fragment shader inputs produce results identical to conventional fixed-function interpolation? RESOLVED: While the inputs used for conventional interpolation and barycentric interpolation in the fragment shader may be the same, the order of the operations performed may be different. This can lead to small differences due to rounding error. (6) What functionality does this extension enable besides fragment shader code that explicitly interpolates between values written as outputs in a vertex, tessellation, or geometry shader? RESOLVED: This programming model allows applications to explicitly interpolate per-vertex values stored in a SSBO (shader storage block) or other globally accessible memory without requiring that the values be fetched from a vertex array and passed through a vertex shader or other shader stage. In this model, the fragment shader interpolation logic only needs access to the vertex IDs for the vertices of the primitives being processed. Additionally, this model allows fragment shaders to reconstruct per-fragment attributes by processes other than linear interpolation. For example, a fragment shader could look at the barycentric weights to determine if a fragment is near the edge of a primitive and use a different interpolation algorithm depending on the fragment's location. (7) Could barycentric functionality be implemented in GLSL without this extension? RESOLVED: Yes, this functionality could be emulated with a geometry shader. However, this approach would have a significant cost in terms of both shader execution time (running a geometry shader that would otherwise not be needed) and attribute bandwidth. For example, an application could insert a geometry shader like this: layout(triangles) in; layout(triangle_strip, max_vertices=3) out; in Block { vec2 attr1; float attr2; float attr3; } v[]; out vec3 barycoord; noperspective out vec3 barynopersp; flat out vec2 outattr1[3]; // sourced per-vertex in FS flat out float outattr2[3]; // sourced per-vertex in FS out float attr3; // interpolated void main() { for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { // Pass through position and any other interpolated attributes. gl_Position = gl_in[i].gl_Position; attr3 = v[i].attr3; // Write out barycentric values that could be interpolated over // the primitive to emulate gl_BaryCoord*NV. barycoord = barynopersp = vec3((i == 0) ? 1.0 : 0.0, (i == 1) ? 1.0 : 0.0, (i == 2) ? 1.0 : 0.0); // For each attribute to be fetched using raw per-vertex values, // we need to pass through three separate per-vertex flat // attributes so the fragment shader can fetch from any of the // three vertices. This effectively triples the number of // per-vertex outputs for each attribute we want to source this // way. for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) { outattr1[j] = v[j].attr1; outattr2[j] = v[j].attr2; } // Finally, emit the vertex. emitVertex(); } } The fragment shader could then use and for barycentric weights, and could fetch per-vertex values from the arrays and . (8) How should we qualify fragment shader input variables to indicate that they can be read as per-vertex values? RESOLVED: We will add a new interpolation qualifier named "pervertexNV". The initial draft of this extension was written using the name "nointerpolateNV". This was intended to indicate that inputs would not be interpolated, but instead sourced per-vertex. This seemed like a good name for an interpolation qualifier, and was also consistent with the existing "noperspective" qualifier. However, HLSL for Direct3D already has a qualfier "nointerpolation" which is equivalent to the GLSL "flat" qualifier. To avoid possible confusion, we chose not to use a qualifier whose name is similar to the HLSL qualifier but whose meaning is completely different. We considered using a layout qualifier "layout(pervertexNV)" instead of a raw interpolation qualifier, but chose to use regular qualifiers to be consistent with other existing interpolation qualifiers. Unlike the AMD extension, the final version of this extension does not use a double underscore prefix on the qualifier keyword. The use of underscores was presumably to avoid the (unlikely) possibility of breaking existing shaders using identifiers like "pervertexNV". Because GLSL reserves identifiers beginning with underscores, it's not legal to have a (colliding) variable name starting with "__". However, this set of identifiers is "reserved for use by underlying software layers" (i.e., shader middleware) and not shading language extensions. Revision History Revision 3, 2019/04/08 (mchock) - Add modifications specific to ESSL. Revision 2, 2018/09/11 (pbrown) - Prepare the extension spec for publication. Revision 1 - Internal revisions.