#VRML V2.0 utf8 #kicad StepUp wrl exported # Copyright (C) 2018, kicad StepUp # # This work is licensed under the [Creative Commons CC-BY-SA 4.0 License](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/legalcode), # with the following exception: # To the extent that the creation of electronic designs that use 'Licensed Material' can be considered to be 'Adapted Material', # then the copyright holder waives article 3 of the license with respect to these designs and any generated files which use data provided # as part of the 'Licensed Material'. # You are free to use the library data in your own projects without the obligation to share your project files under this or any other license agreement. # However, if you wish to redistribute these libraries, or parts thereof (including in modified form) as a collection then the exception above does not apply. # Please refer to https://github.com/KiCad/kicad-packages3D/blob/master/LICENSE.md for further clarification of the exception. # Disclaimer of Warranties and Limitation of Liability. # These libraries are provided in the hope that they will be useful, but are provided without warranty of any kind, express or implied. # *USE 3D CAD DATA AT YOUR OWN RISK* # *DO NOT RELY UPON ANY INFORMATION FOUND HERE WITHOUT INDEPENDENT VERIFICATION.* # Shape { appearance Appearance {material DEF PIN-01 Material { ambientIntensity 0.271 diffuseColor 0.824 0.82 0.781 specularColor 0.328 0.258 0.172 emissiveColor 0.0 0.0 0.0 transparency 0.0 shininess 0.7 } } } Shape { appearance Appearance {material DEF PLASTIC-ORANGE-01 Material { ambientIntensity 0.284 diffuseColor 0.809 0.426 0.148 specularColor 0.039 0.102 0.145 emissiveColor 0.0 0.0 0.0 transparency 0.0 shininess 0.25 } } } Shape { appearance Appearance {material DEF PLASTIC-YELLOW-01 Material { ambientIntensity 0.522 diffuseColor 0.832 0.68 0.066 specularColor 0.16 0.203 0.32 emissiveColor 0.0 0.0 0.0 transparency 0.0 shininess 0.25 } } } Shape { geometry IndexedFaceSet { creaseAngle 0.50 coordIndex [0,1,2,-1,3,0,2,-1] coord Coordinate { point [0.874 -0.472 0.000,0.874 0.472 0.000,1.403 0.472 -0.000,1.403 -0.472 -0.000] }} appearance Appearance{material USE PIN-01 } } Shape { geometry IndexedFaceSet { creaseAngle 0.50 coordIndex [0,1,2,-1,0,2,3,-1,0,3,4,-1,0,4,5,-1,0,5,6,-1,0,6,7,-1,0,7,8,-1,9,0,8,-1,10,0,9,-1,11,1,0,-1,12,13,11,-1,14,15,12,-1,14,16,15,-1,14,17,16,-1,14,18,17,-1,14,12,11,-1,19,14,11,-1,20,9,8,-1,21,9,20,-1,0,19,11,-1] coord Coordinate { point [1.386 0.472 0.052,1.437 0.472 0.034,1.436 0.472 0.027,1.434 0.472 0.019,1.430 0.472 0.013,1.424 0.472 0.007,1.418 0.472 0.003,1.410 0.472 0.001,1.403 0.472 -0.000,1.355 0.472 0.051,1.355 0.472 0.052,1.437 0.472 0.457,1.434 0.472 0.472,1.436 0.472 0.465,1.403 0.472 0.491,1.430 0.472 0.478,1.424 0.472 0.484,1.418 0.472 0.488,1.410 0.472 0.490,1.386 0.472 0.491,0.874 0.472 0.000,0.874 0.472 0.051] }} appearance Appearance{material USE PIN-01 } } Shape { geometry IndexedFaceSet { creaseAngle 0.50 coordIndex [0,1,2,-1,1,3,2,-1,4,0,5,-1,0,2,5,-1,6,4,7,-1,4,5,7,-1,8,6,9,-1,6,7,9,-1,10,8,11,-1,8,9,11,-1,12,10,13,-1,10,11,13,-1,14,12,15,-1,12,13,15,-1] coord Coordinate { point [1.436 0.472 0.027,1.437 0.472 0.034,1.436 -0.472 0.027,1.437 -0.472 0.034,1.434 0.472 0.019,1.434 -0.472 0.019,1.430 0.472 0.013,1.430 -0.472 0.013,1.424 0.472 0.007,1.424 -0.472 0.007,1.418 0.472 0.003,1.418 -0.472 0.003,1.410 0.472 0.001,1.410 -0.472 0.001,1.403 0.472 -0.000,1.403 -0.472 -0.000] }} appearance Appearance{material USE PIN-01 } } Shape { geometry IndexedFaceSet { creaseAngle 0.50 coordIndex [0,1,2,-1,0,2,3,-1,4,5,6,-1,4,7,0,-1,4,3,8,-1,4,8,5,-1,4,0,3,-1,9,10,11,-1,12,13,9,-1,14,9,11,-1,14,12,9,-1,15,4,12,-1,16,12,14,-1,17,15,12,-1,18,17,12,-1,19,12,16,-1,20,18,12,-1,21,12,19,-1,21,20,12,-1,6,12,4,-1] coord Coordinate { point [1.434 -0.472 0.472,1.430 -0.472 0.478,1.424 -0.472 0.484,1.418 -0.472 0.488,1.437 -0.472 0.457,1.403 -0.472 0.491,1.386 -0.472 0.491,1.436 -0.472 0.465,1.410 -0.472 0.490,1.355 -0.472 0.051,0.874 -0.472 0.051,0.874 -0.472 0.000,1.386 -0.472 0.052,1.355 -0.472 0.052,1.403 -0.472 -0.000,1.437 -0.472 0.034,1.410 -0.472 0.001,1.436 -0.472 0.027,1.434 -0.472 0.019,1.418 -0.472 0.003,1.430 -0.472 0.013,1.424 -0.472 0.007] }} appearance Appearance{material USE PIN-01 } } Shape { geometry IndexedFaceSet { creaseAngle 0.50 coordIndex [0,1,2,-1,0,3,1,-1] coord Coordinate { point [0.874 0.472 0.000,0.874 -0.472 0.051,0.874 0.472 0.051,0.874 -0.472 0.000] }} appearance Appearance{material USE PIN-01 } } Shape { geometry IndexedFaceSet { creaseAngle 0.50 coordIndex [0,1,2,-1,0,2,3,-1] coord Coordinate { point [1.437 -0.472 0.034,1.437 0.472 0.034,1.437 0.472 0.457,1.437 -0.472 0.457] }} appearance Appearance{material USE PIN-01 } } Shape { geometry IndexedFaceSet { creaseAngle 0.50 coordIndex [0,1,2,-1,0,3,1,-1,4,2,5,-1,4,0,2,-1,6,5,7,-1,6,4,5,-1,8,7,9,-1,8,6,7,-1,10,9,11,-1,10,8,9,-1,12,11,13,-1,12,10,11,-1,14,13,15,-1,14,12,13,-1] coord Coordinate { point [1.436 -0.472 0.465,1.437 0.472 0.457,1.436 0.472 0.465,1.437 -0.472 0.457,1.434 -0.472 0.472,1.434 0.472 0.472,1.430 -0.472 0.478,1.430 0.472 0.478,1.424 -0.472 0.484,1.424 0.472 0.484,1.418 -0.472 0.488,1.418 0.472 0.488,1.410 -0.472 0.490,1.410 0.472 0.490,1.403 -0.472 0.491,1.403 0.472 0.491] }} appearance Appearance{material USE PIN-01 } } Shape { geometry IndexedFaceSet { creaseAngle 0.50 coordIndex [0,1,2,-1,1,3,2,-1] coord Coordinate { point [1.386 0.472 0.491,1.386 -0.472 0.491,1.403 0.472 0.491,1.403 -0.472 0.491] }} appearance Appearance{material USE PIN-01 } } Shape { geometry IndexedFaceSet { creaseAngle 0.50 coordIndex [0,1,2,-1,3,1,0,-1] coord Coordinate { point [1.386 0.472 0.491,1.386 -0.472 0.052,1.386 -0.472 0.491,1.386 0.472 0.052] }} appearance Appearance{material USE PIN-01 } } Shape { geometry IndexedFaceSet { creaseAngle 0.50 coordIndex [0,1,2,-1,2,1,3,-1] coord Coordinate { point [1.355 -0.472 0.052,1.386 -0.472 0.052,1.355 0.472 0.052,1.386 0.472 0.052] }} appearance Appearance{material USE PIN-01 } } Shape { geometry IndexedFaceSet { creaseAngle 0.50 coordIndex [0,1,2,-1,3,1,0,-1,4,5,6,-1,7,5,4,-1,8,7,3,-1,8,0,5,-1,8,3,0,-1,8,5,7,-1] coord Coordinate { point [1.355 -0.472 0.052,1.355 -0.815 0.051,1.355 -0.472 0.051,1.386 -0.846 0.496,1.355 0.815 0.051,1.355 0.472 0.052,1.355 0.472 0.051,1.386 0.846 0.496,1.370 -0.175 0.274] }} appearance Appearance{material USE PLASTIC-YELLOW-01 } } Shape { geometry IndexedFaceSet { creaseAngle 0.50 coordIndex [0,1,2,-1,3,0,2,-1,4,2,5,-1,4,3,2,-1,6,4,5,-1,7,6,5,-1,8,9,0,-1,8,0,3,-1,10,11,9,-1,10,9,8,-1,12,13,4,-1,12,4,6,-1,14,12,15,-1,14,8,13,-1,14,13,12,-1,14,10,8,-1] coord Coordinate { point [0.874 -0.472 0.051,1.355 -0.472 0.051,1.355 -0.815 0.051,0.551 -0.472 0.051,-0.551 -0.472 0.051,-1.355 -0.815 0.051,-0.874 -0.472 0.051,-1.355 -0.472 0.051,0.551 0.472 0.051,0.874 0.472 0.051,1.355 0.815 0.051,1.355 0.472 0.051,-0.874 0.472 0.051,-0.551 0.472 0.051,-1.355 0.815 0.051,-1.355 0.472 0.051] }} appearance Appearance{material USE PLASTIC-YELLOW-01 } } Shape { geometry IndexedFaceSet { creaseAngle 0.50 coordIndex [0,1,2,-1,0,3,1,-1] coord Coordinate { point [1.386 -0.846 0.496,-1.355 -0.815 0.051,1.355 -0.815 0.051,-1.386 -0.846 0.496] }} appearance Appearance{material USE PLASTIC-YELLOW-01 } } Shape { geometry IndexedFaceSet { creaseAngle 0.50 coordIndex [0,1,2,-1,0,2,3,-1,0,3,4,-1,0,4,1,-1] coord Coordinate { point [1.365 0.000 0.799,1.386 -0.846 0.496,1.386 0.846 0.496,1.343 0.804 1.102,1.343 -0.804 1.102] }} appearance Appearance{material USE PLASTIC-YELLOW-01 } } Shape { geometry IndexedFaceSet { creaseAngle 0.50 coordIndex [0,1,2,-1,0,3,1,-1] coord Coordinate { point [-1.386 0.846 0.496,1.355 0.815 0.051,-1.355 0.815 0.051,1.386 0.846 0.496] }} appearance Appearance{material USE PLASTIC-YELLOW-01 } } Shape { geometry IndexedFaceSet { creaseAngle 0.50 coordIndex [0,1,2,-1,3,1,0,-1,4,5,6,-1,7,5,4,-1,8,7,3,-1,8,0,5,-1,8,3,0,-1,8,5,7,-1] coord Coordinate { point [-1.355 0.472 0.052,-1.355 0.815 0.051,-1.355 0.472 0.051,-1.386 0.846 0.496,-1.355 -0.815 0.051,-1.355 -0.472 0.052,-1.355 -0.472 0.051,-1.386 -0.846 0.496,-1.370 0.175 0.274] }} appearance Appearance{material USE PLASTIC-YELLOW-01 } } Shape { geometry IndexedFaceSet { creaseAngle 0.50 coordIndex [0,1,2,-1,0,3,1,-1,4,5,6,-1,4,7,5,-1,4,2,7,-1,4,8,0,-1,4,0,2,-1,9,4,6,-1,10,4,9,-1,11,4,10,-1,12,4,11,-1,13,4,12,-1,14,15,13,-1,16,13,17,-1,16,17,18,-1,16,18,19,-1,16,20,21,-1,16,21,14,-1,16,14,13,-1,15,4,13,-1] coord Coordinate { point [-1.355 0.472 0.051,-0.874 0.472 0.000,-1.403 0.472 -0.000,-0.874 0.472 0.051,-1.386 0.472 0.052,-1.418 0.472 0.003,-1.424 0.472 0.007,-1.410 0.472 0.001,-1.355 0.472 0.052,-1.430 0.472 0.013,-1.434 0.472 0.019,-1.436 0.472 0.027,-1.437 0.472 0.034,-1.437 0.472 0.457,-1.403 0.472 0.491,-1.386 0.472 0.491,-1.424 0.472 0.484,-1.436 0.472 0.465,-1.434 0.472 0.472,-1.430 0.472 0.478,-1.418 0.472 0.488,-1.410 0.472 0.490] }} appearance Appearance{material USE PIN-01 } } Shape { geometry IndexedFaceSet { creaseAngle 0.50 coordIndex [0,1,2,-1,0,3,1,-1] coord Coordinate { point [-0.874 -0.472 0.000,-0.874 0.472 0.051,-0.874 -0.472 0.051,-0.874 0.472 0.000] }} appearance Appearance{material USE PIN-01 } } Shape { geometry IndexedFaceSet { creaseAngle 0.50 coordIndex [0,1,2,-1,3,4,5,-1,3,6,4,-1,3,7,6,-1,3,2,7,-1,3,0,2,-1,8,0,3,-1,9,3,10,-1,9,10,11,-1,9,11,12,-1,9,12,13,-1,14,9,13,-1,15,9,14,-1,16,9,15,-1,17,18,9,-1,19,9,16,-1,19,17,9,-1,20,21,17,-1,20,17,19,-1,9,8,3,-1] coord Coordinate { point [-1.403 -0.472 0.491,-1.410 -0.472 0.490,-1.418 -0.472 0.488,-1.437 -0.472 0.457,-1.434 -0.472 0.472,-1.436 -0.472 0.465,-1.430 -0.472 0.478,-1.424 -0.472 0.484,-1.386 -0.472 0.491,-1.386 -0.472 0.052,-1.437 -0.472 0.034,-1.436 -0.472 0.027,-1.434 -0.472 0.019,-1.430 -0.472 0.013,-1.424 -0.472 0.007,-1.418 -0.472 0.003,-1.410 -0.472 0.001,-1.355 -0.472 0.051,-1.355 -0.472 0.052,-1.403 -0.472 -0.000,-0.874 -0.472 0.000,-0.874 -0.472 0.051] }} appearance Appearance{material USE PIN-01 } } Shape { geometry IndexedFaceSet { creaseAngle 0.50 coordIndex [0,1,2,-1,0,3,1,-1] coord Coordinate { point [0.551 0.472 0.051,0.551 -0.472 0.000,0.551 0.472 0.000,0.551 -0.472 0.051] }} appearance Appearance{material USE PLASTIC-YELLOW-01 } } Shape { geometry IndexedFaceSet { creaseAngle 0.50 coordIndex [0,1,2,-1,0,3,1,-1] coord Coordinate { point [0.551 -0.472 0.051,-0.551 -0.472 0.000,0.551 -0.472 0.000,-0.551 -0.472 0.051] }} appearance Appearance{material USE PLASTIC-YELLOW-01 } } Shape { geometry IndexedFaceSet { creaseAngle 0.50 coordIndex [0,1,2,-1,0,3,1,-1] coord Coordinate { point [-0.551 0.472 0.051,0.551 0.472 0.000,-0.551 0.472 0.000,0.551 0.472 0.051] }} appearance Appearance{material USE PLASTIC-YELLOW-01 } } Shape { geometry IndexedFaceSet { creaseAngle 0.50 coordIndex [0,1,2,-1,0,3,1,-1] coord Coordinate { point [-0.551 -0.472 0.051,-0.551 0.472 0.000,-0.551 -0.472 0.000,-0.551 0.472 0.051] }} appearance Appearance{material USE PLASTIC-YELLOW-01 } } Shape { geometry IndexedFaceSet { creaseAngle 0.50 coordIndex [0,1,2,-1,0,2,3,-1,0,3,4,-1,0,4,1,-1] coord Coordinate { point [0.000 -0.825 0.799,-1.386 -0.846 0.496,1.386 -0.846 0.496,1.343 -0.804 1.102,-1.343 -0.804 1.102] }} appearance Appearance{material USE PLASTIC-YELLOW-01 } } Shape { geometry IndexedFaceSet { creaseAngle 0.50 coordIndex [0,1,2,-1,0,2,3,-1,0,3,4,-1,0,4,1,-1] coord Coordinate { point [-0.000 0.825 0.799,1.386 0.846 0.496,-1.386 0.846 0.496,-1.343 0.804 1.102,1.343 0.804 1.102] }} appearance Appearance{material USE PLASTIC-YELLOW-01 } } Shape { geometry IndexedFaceSet { creaseAngle 0.50 coordIndex [0,1,2,-1,3,4,5,-1,1,3,5,-1,2,6,7,-1,6,5,7,-1,0,2,7,-1,1,0,3,-1,5,4,7,-1] coord Coordinate { point [-1.343 -0.804 1.102,-1.064 -0.761 1.102,-1.301 -0.761 1.102,1.343 -0.804 1.102,1.343 0.804 1.102,-1.064 0.761 1.102,-1.301 0.761 1.102,-1.343 0.804 1.102] }} appearance Appearance{material USE PLASTIC-YELLOW-01 } } Shape { geometry IndexedFaceSet { creaseAngle 0.50 coordIndex [0,1,2,-1,0,2,3,-1,0,3,4,-1,0,4,1,-1] coord Coordinate { point [-1.365 -0.000 0.799,-1.386 0.846 0.496,-1.386 -0.846 0.496,-1.343 -0.804 1.102,-1.343 0.804 1.102] }} appearance Appearance{material USE PLASTIC-YELLOW-01 } } Shape { geometry IndexedFaceSet { creaseAngle 0.50 coordIndex [0,1,2,-1,1,3,2,-1] coord Coordinate { point [-1.355 -0.472 0.052,-1.355 0.472 0.052,-1.386 -0.472 0.052,-1.386 0.472 0.052] }} appearance Appearance{material USE PIN-01 } } Shape { geometry IndexedFaceSet { creaseAngle 0.50 coordIndex [0,1,2,-1,1,3,2,-1,4,0,5,-1,0,2,5,-1,6,4,7,-1,4,5,7,-1,8,6,9,-1,6,7,9,-1,10,8,11,-1,8,9,11,-1,12,10,13,-1,10,11,13,-1,14,12,15,-1,12,13,15,-1] coord Coordinate { point [-1.436 -0.472 0.027,-1.437 -0.472 0.034,-1.436 0.472 0.027,-1.437 0.472 0.034,-1.434 -0.472 0.019,-1.434 0.472 0.019,-1.430 -0.472 0.013,-1.430 0.472 0.013,-1.424 -0.472 0.007,-1.424 0.472 0.007,-1.418 -0.472 0.003,-1.418 0.472 0.003,-1.410 -0.472 0.001,-1.410 0.472 0.001,-1.403 -0.472 -0.000,-1.403 0.472 -0.000] }} appearance Appearance{material USE PIN-01 } } Shape { geometry IndexedFaceSet { creaseAngle 0.50 coordIndex [0,1,2,-1,0,2,3,-1] coord Coordinate { point [-0.874 -0.472 0.000,-1.403 -0.472 -0.000,-1.403 0.472 -0.000,-0.874 0.472 0.000] }} appearance Appearance{material USE PIN-01 } } Shape { geometry IndexedFaceSet { creaseAngle 0.50 coordIndex [0,1,2,-1,3,1,0,-1,4,5,6,-1,7,0,5,-1,7,5,4,-1,7,3,0,-1] coord Coordinate { point [-1.386 0.197 0.354,-1.386 0.472 0.491,-1.386 0.197 0.491,-1.386 0.472 0.052,-1.386 -0.472 0.491,-1.386 -0.197 0.354,-1.386 -0.197 0.491,-1.386 -0.472 0.052] }} appearance Appearance{material USE PIN-01 } } Shape { geometry IndexedFaceSet { creaseAngle 0.50 coordIndex [0,1,2,-1,1,3,2,-1] coord Coordinate { point [-1.386 0.197 0.491,-1.386 0.472 0.491,-1.403 0.197 0.491,-1.403 0.472 0.491] }} appearance Appearance{material USE PIN-01 } } Shape { geometry IndexedFaceSet { creaseAngle 0.50 coordIndex [0,1,2,-1,0,2,3,-1,4,3,5,-1,4,0,3,-1,6,5,7,-1,6,4,5,-1,8,7,9,-1,8,6,7,-1,10,9,11,-1,10,8,9,-1,12,11,13,-1,12,10,11,-1,14,13,15,-1,14,12,13,-1] coord Coordinate { point [-1.436 0.472 0.465,-1.437 0.472 0.457,-1.437 0.197 0.457,-1.436 0.197 0.465,-1.434 0.472 0.472,-1.434 0.197 0.472,-1.430 0.472 0.478,-1.430 0.197 0.478,-1.424 0.472 0.484,-1.424 0.197 0.484,-1.418 0.472 0.488,-1.418 0.197 0.488,-1.410 0.472 0.490,-1.410 0.197 0.490,-1.403 0.472 0.491,-1.403 0.197 0.491] }} appearance Appearance{material USE PIN-01 } } Shape { geometry IndexedFaceSet { creaseAngle 0.50 coordIndex [0,1,2,-1,3,1,0,-1,4,5,6,-1,7,0,5,-1,7,5,4,-1,7,3,0,-1] coord Coordinate { point [-1.437 -0.197 0.354,-1.437 -0.472 0.457,-1.437 -0.197 0.457,-1.437 -0.472 0.034,-1.437 0.472 0.457,-1.437 0.197 0.354,-1.437 0.197 0.457,-1.437 0.472 0.034] }} appearance Appearance{material USE PIN-01 } } Shape { geometry IndexedFaceSet { creaseAngle 0.50 coordIndex [0,1,2,-1,0,2,3,-1,4,3,5,-1,4,0,3,-1,6,5,7,-1,6,4,5,-1,8,7,9,-1,8,6,7,-1,10,9,11,-1,10,8,9,-1,12,11,13,-1,12,10,11,-1,14,13,15,-1,14,12,13,-1] coord Coordinate { point [-1.436 -0.197 0.465,-1.437 -0.197 0.457,-1.437 -0.472 0.457,-1.436 -0.472 0.465,-1.434 -0.197 0.472,-1.434 -0.472 0.472,-1.430 -0.197 0.478,-1.430 -0.472 0.478,-1.424 -0.197 0.484,-1.424 -0.472 0.484,-1.418 -0.197 0.488,-1.418 -0.472 0.488,-1.410 -0.197 0.490,-1.410 -0.472 0.490,-1.403 -0.197 0.491,-1.403 -0.472 0.491] }} appearance Appearance{material USE PIN-01 } } Shape { geometry IndexedFaceSet { creaseAngle 0.50 coordIndex [0,1,2,-1,1,3,2,-1] coord Coordinate { point [-1.386 -0.472 0.491,-1.386 -0.197 0.491,-1.403 -0.472 0.491,-1.403 -0.197 0.491] }} appearance Appearance{material USE PIN-01 } } Shape { geometry IndexedFaceSet { creaseAngle 0.50 coordIndex [0,1,2,-1,3,0,2,-1] coord Coordinate { point [0.551 0.472 0.000,0.551 -0.472 0.000,-0.551 -0.472 0.000,-0.551 0.472 0.000] }} appearance Appearance{material USE PLASTIC-YELLOW-01 } } Shape { geometry IndexedFaceSet { creaseAngle 0.50 coordIndex [0,1,2,-1,1,3,2,-1] coord Coordinate { point [-1.301 -0.761 1.102,-1.301 0.761 1.102,-1.301 -0.761 1.102,-1.301 0.761 1.102] }} appearance Appearance{material USE PLASTIC-ORANGE-01 } } Shape { geometry IndexedFaceSet { creaseAngle 0.50 coordIndex [0,1,2,-1,1,3,2,-1] coord Coordinate { point [-1.301 0.761 1.102,-1.064 0.761 1.102,-1.301 0.761 1.102,-1.064 0.761 1.102] }} appearance Appearance{material USE PLASTIC-ORANGE-01 } } Shape { geometry IndexedFaceSet { creaseAngle 0.50 coordIndex [0,1,2,-1,1,3,2,-1] coord Coordinate { point [-1.064 0.761 1.102,-1.064 -0.761 1.102,-1.064 0.761 1.102,-1.064 -0.761 1.102] }} appearance Appearance{material USE PLASTIC-ORANGE-01 } } Shape { geometry IndexedFaceSet { creaseAngle 0.50 coordIndex [0,1,2,-1,1,3,2,-1] coord Coordinate { point [-1.064 -0.761 1.102,-1.301 -0.761 1.102,-1.064 -0.761 1.102,-1.301 -0.761 1.102] }} appearance Appearance{material USE 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0.488,-1.410 0.197 0.490,-1.386 0.197 0.491,-1.437 0.197 0.354,-1.386 0.197 0.354] }} appearance Appearance{material USE PIN-01 } } Shape { geometry IndexedFaceSet { creaseAngle 0.50 coordIndex [0,1,2,-1,1,3,2,-1] coord Coordinate { point [-1.301 0.761 1.102,-1.301 -0.761 1.102,-1.064 0.761 1.102,-1.064 -0.761 1.102] }} appearance Appearance{material USE PLASTIC-ORANGE-01 } }