KloxoNG install instructions A. pre-install -- better for fresh install cd / # update centos to latest version yum update -y # install some packages like package-cleanup, etc yum install yum-utils yum-priorities vim-minimal curl zip unzip -y yum install telnet wget -y cd / B. Install kloxoNG - Install/reinstall/upgrade -- data not destroyed with this fork for existing Kloxo (6.1.x), run 'sh /script/update' first. (don't trust this - needs to be confirmed ) # move to /tmp cd /tmp # remove old rpm rm -f kloxong* # install rpm (read Warning) rpm -ivh https://github.com/KloxoNGCommunity/kloxong/raw/initial-rpm/kloxong-release.rpm # move to / cd / # update yum clean all yum update kloxong-* -y yum install kloxong -y sh /script/upcp