# Contributing Guidelines One can contribute to the project by reporting issues or submitting changes via pull request. ## Reporting issues Please use [GitHub issues](https://github.com/Kotlin/binary-compatibility-validator/issues) for filing feature requests and bug reports. Questions about usage and general inquiries are better suited for StackOverflow or the [#library-development](https://kotlinlang.slack.com/archives/C8C4JTXR7) channel in KotlinLang Slack. ## Submitting changes Submit pull requests [here](https://github.com/Kotlin/binary-compatibility-validator/pulls). However, please keep in mind that maintainers will have to support the resulting code of the project, so do familiarize yourself with the following guidelines. * All development (both new features and bug fixes) is performed in the `develop` branch. * The `master` branch contains the sources of the most recently released version. * Base your PRs against the `develop` branch. * The `develop` branch is pushed to the `master` branch during release. * Documentation in markdown files can be updated directly in the `master` branch, unless the documentation is in the source code, and the patch changes line numbers. * If you make any code changes: * Follow the [Kotlin Coding Conventions](https://kotlinlang.org/docs/reference/coding-conventions.html). * Use 4 spaces for indentation. * Use imports with '*'. * [Build the project](#building) to make sure it all works and passes the tests. * If you fix a bug: * Write the test that reproduces the bug. * Fixes without tests are accepted only in exceptional circumstances if it can be shown that writing the corresponding test is too hard or otherwise impractical. * Comment on the existing issue if you want to work on it. Ensure that the issue not only describes a problem, but also describes a solution that has received positive feedback. Propose a solution if none has been suggested. ## Building In order to build and run tests in the project in IDE, two prerequisites are required: * Java 11 or above in order to use the latest ASM * All build actions in the IDE should be delegated to Gradle To run tests with Gradle, you can execute `./gradlew check`. That will run both unit and functional tests, and it also will check the public API changes. ### Updating the public API dump * Run following commands to update the public API: * Run `./gradlew apiDump` to update API index files. * Commit the updated API indexes together with other changes.