// ==/UserScript== //====ADDOPERASTUFFHERE==== // ==UserScript== // @name ArthariaScriptNoUpdate // @namespace looky // @description Kleines Script für artharia.de; Dank an Wurststinker und die AVB Ally // @require http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.7.2/jquery.min.js // @include http://www.artharia.de/* // @version 1.1.0 // @copyright nobody // @grant GM_setClipboard // @grant GM_setValue // @grant GM_getValue // @grant GM_addStyle // ==/UserScript== //====ADDOPERASTUFFHERE==== "use strict"; console.log("Artha Script version 1.1.0 noUpdate"); $(document).ready(function () { helperfunc.farbgrad.init(); if (window.location.pathname.match(new RegExp(menue.page))) menue.init(); for (var moduleName in modul) { var module = modul[moduleName]; if (window.location.pathname.match(new RegExp(module.page))) { module.init(); } } }); var modul = modul || { }; var menue = { descri: 'scriptmenue', page: '.', version: '1', init: function () { for (var mod in this.submoduls) this[mod](); }, submoduls: { setupButton: '' }, setupButton: function () { var newb = $('
' + helperfunc.createNewButton({ "class": 'menuecat'}, { "width": '75%', "height": '40px' }, 'Menü') + '
'); if ($('.timercat').length) { newb.insertAfter('.timercat'); } else { newb.insertAfter('#playerCount'); } $('#menu').one('click', 'button.menuecat', this.createmenue); }, createmenue: function (zEvent) { var newSubmodulButtonYes = helperfunc.createNewButton({ "class": 'setsubmod' }, {"height": '36px', "width": '86px'}, 'Ja'); var newSubmodulButtonNo = helperfunc.createNewButton({ "class": 'setsubmod' }, {"height": '36px', "width": '86px', "background": helperfunc.farbgrad.std.grey}, 'Nein'); var buildhtml = '' ; var Jbuildhtml = $(buildhtml); Jbuildhtml.find('tr:gt(0)').each(function () { var node = $(this).find('td:eq(2)'); var submodul = node.html(); if (submodul != '') { if (GM_getValue('Artharia_Settings_Menue_' + submodul) === 'disabled') { node.html(''); $(newSubmodulButtonNo).appendTo(node); } else { node.html(''); $(newSubmodulButtonYes).appendTo(node); } $(this).on('click', 'button.setsubmod', submodul, function (zEvent) { if (GM_getValue('Artharia_Settings_Menue_' + zEvent.data) === 'disabled') { GM_setValue('Artharia_Settings_Menue_' + zEvent.data, 'enabled'); $(this).css('background', helperfunc.farbgrad.std['orange']).html('Ja'); } else { GM_setValue('Artharia_Settings_Menue_' + zEvent.data, 'disabled'); $(this).css('background', helperfunc.farbgrad.std['grey']).html('Nein'); } }); } }); Jbuildhtml.find('#ScriReload').one('click', function () { window.location.reload(); }); Jbuildhtml.prependTo('#content').show('blind'); $('#menu').on('click', '.menuecat', { state: 1 }, menue.togglemenue); }, togglemenue: function (zEvent) { if (zEvent.data.state) { $('#MyMenue').hide('blind'); zEvent.data.state = 0; } else { $('#MyMenue').show('blind'); zEvent.data.state = 1; } } }; var modul = modul || { }; modul.attribut = { descri: 'Attributsystem', page: 'attributes', version: '1', init: function () { for (var mod in this.submoduls) if (GM_getValue('Artharia_Settings_Menue_' + mod) != 'disabled') this[mod](); }, reworkattri: function () { var attri = $('#attributes').detach(); this.setfavs(attri); this.getImmu(attri); this.getArmor(attri); this.getTemps(attri); this.changAttri(attri); $('
').appendTo(attri); attri.appendTo('#cityOverview'); }, submoduls: { reworkattri: 'Verändert die Attributansicht.', insertperc: 'Entfernt Bars und setzt dafür Prozentzahlen ein.' , colortable: 'Kleine Style Änderungen' }, colortable: function () { $("#cityOverview div").addClass("datagrid"); $(".datagrid table").css({"border": "2px solid #CCC8C4", "background": "#EBE7E4"}); $(".datagrid table th").css({"background": helperfunc.farbgrad.std.brownGrad, "color": "#000000"}); $(".toggleFavsOn").css("background", helperfunc.farbgrad.std.orange); }, insertperc: function () { var process_attri = function () { $('.attr_process').each(function () { $(this).find('#_percentText').html('
' + this.tooltipText + '
'); $(this).find('#_percentImage').remove(); }); }; helperfunc.scriptinjection(process_attri); }, findchangedAttri: function (whatid, cols) { var myChangedAttri = this.myChangedAttri; var tablArray = new Array(cols ? 2 : 1); tablArray[0] = new Array(); if (cols) tablArray[1] = new Array(); var headi = $(whatid).find('tbody').eq(0); headi.find('tr').each(function (index) { var attnum = $(this).find('td').eq(1).find('span').eq(0).html(); var attris = $(this).find('td').eq(0).html(); if (myChangedAttri[attris]) { myChangedAttri[attris](attnum); } var tablentr = $(this).find('td').eq(2).html(); if (!tablArray[0] && tablentr != null) { tablArray[0].push(tablentr); if (cols) tablArray[1].push($(this).find('td').eq(3).html()); } for (var i = 0; i < tablArray[0].length; i++) { if (tablArray[0][i] == tablentr) break; } if (tablentr != null) { tablArray[0][i] = tablentr; if (cols) tablArray[1][i] = ($(this).find('td').eq(3).html()); } }); return tablArray; }, myChangedAttri: { attarr: [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ], 'Stärke': function (incr) { this.attarr[0] -= incr; }, 'Geschicklichkeit': function (incr) { this.attarr[1] -= incr; }, 'Wendigkeit': function (incr) { this.attarr[2] -= incr; }, 'Zähigkeit': function (incr) { this.attarr[3] -= incr; }, 'Intelligenz': function (incr) { this.attarr[4] -= incr; } }, setfavs: function (node) { // needs revision var togfavs = function (node) { node.find('tr:gt(0)').each(function () { if (GM_getValue('Artharia_Setting_Attribute_Favourite_' + $(this).find('td').eq(0).html().substring(0, 5)) == 'disabled') $(this).hide(); $(this).find('td:eq(1)').css('textAlign', 'center'); }); }; var toggleOpenClose = function (zEvent) { if (zEvent.data.state) { zEvent.data.node.find('tr:gt(0)').find('td:eq(3)').hide(); togfavs(zEvent.data.node); zEvent.data.state = 0; } else { zEvent.data.node.find('tr:gt(0)').find('td:eq(3)').show(); zEvent.data.node.find('tr').show(); zEvent.data.state = 1; } }; var createExtraTab = function (zEvent) { var appendixTcolumn = '' + helperfunc.createNewButton({"class": 'SetFavs'}, { height: '36px', width: '18px' }, '') + ''; var appendixFcolumn = '' + helperfunc.createNewButton({"class": 'SetFavs'}, { height: '36px', background: helperfunc.farbgrad.std.grey, width: '18px' }, '') + ''; zEvent.data.node.find('tr:gt(0)').each(function () { if (GM_getValue('Artharia_Setting_Attribute_Favourite_' + $(this).find('td').eq(0).html().substring(0, 5)) === 'disabled') { $(this).append($(appendixFcolumn)); } else { $(this).append($(appendixTcolumn)); } }).find('td:eq(1)').css('textAlign', 'center'); $('#content').on('click', '.toggleFavsOn', { node: zEvent.data.node, state: 1 }, toggleOpenClose); zEvent.data.node.find('tr').show(); var buttons = zEvent.data.node.find('tr:gt(0)'); buttons.each(function () { $(this).on('click', 'button.SetFavs', $(this).find('td:eq(0)').html().substring(0, 5), function (zEvent) { if (GM_getValue('Artharia_Setting_Attribute_Favourite_' + zEvent.data) == 'disabled') { GM_setValue('Artharia_Setting_Attribute_Favourite_' + zEvent.data, 'enabled'); $(this).css('background', helperfunc.farbgrad.std['orange']); } else { GM_setValue('Artharia_Setting_Attribute_Favourite_' + zEvent.data, 'disabled'); $(this).css('background', helperfunc.farbgrad.std['grey']); } }); }); }; node.find('table').eq(0).attr('style', 'float:left; display: block-inline;').end().eq(1).attr('style', 'float:left; display: block-inline; margin-left: 30px'); node.find('br').eq(1).remove().end().eq(0).remove(); var sammler = node.find('table').eq(1); node.find('table').eq(2).find('tr:gt(0)').appendTo(sammler).end().end().remove(); sammler.find('tr').attr('style', 'height: 37px;').eq(4).attr('style', 'height: 36px;').end().eq(0).attr('style', ''); var headerone = sammler.find('tr:eq(0) th:eq(0) '); headerone.addClass("toggleFavsOn").css("background", helperfunc.farbgrad.std.orange);; togfavs(sammler); $('#content').one('click', '.toggleFavsOn', { node: sammler }, createExtraTab); }, getImmu: function (node) { var immu = $('#immunisations').find('table').clone(); if (!immu.length) immu = $(helperfunc.creatnewtable({ headlines: [ 'Immunität', 'keine vorhanden' ], clas: 'attribute', width: '302px' })); immu.attr('style', 'width:302px; float:left; display: block-inline;'); immu.find('th').eq(0).html('Immunität'); immu.appendTo(node); }, getArmor: function (node) { $(helperfunc.creatnewtable({ headlines: [ 'Rüstung' ], tablentr: this.findchangedAttri('#armor', 0), clas: 'attribute', marginleft: '30px', width: '179px' })).appendTo(node); }, getTemps: function (node) { $(helperfunc.creatnewtable({ headlines: [ 'Buffs', 'Zeit' ], tablentr: this.findchangedAttri('#changes', 1), clas: 'attribute', marginleft: '30px', width: '300px' })).appendTo(node); }, changAttri: function (node) { var myChangedAttri = this.myChangedAttri; node.find('tbody:eq(0) tr:gt(0)').each(function (index) { var patch = $(this).find('td:eq(1)'); patch.html('
' + '(' + (parseInt(patch.find('b:eq(0)').html()) + myChangedAttri.attarr[index]) + ') ' + ' ' + patch.find('b:eq(0)').html() + '
'); }); node.find('tbody:eq(0) tr:eq(0) th:eq(1)').width('90px'); } }; var modul = modul || { }; modul.town = { descri: 'Stadtübersicht', page: 'overview', version: '1', init: function () { for (var mod in this.submoduls) if (GM_getValue('Artharia_Settings_Menue_' + mod) != 'disabled') this[mod](); }, submoduls: { reorderBuildings: 'Ordnet die Hüttenübersicht neu.' }, reorderBuildings: function () { if ($('#overview').length == 0) return; var overw = $('#overview').detach(); var overwTarget = overw.find('br:eq(1)'); var sortNodeArray; var nodeArray = overw.find('.ui-widget-content'); //move into else GM_setValue('Artharia_Overview_Town_Favourites', '#'); sortNodeArray = function (nodeA, nodeB) { //Inverse order! var prioA = modul.town.priority[$(nodeA).find('center:eq(0)').html()]; var prioB = modul.town.priority[$(nodeB).find('center:eq(0)').html()]; if (prioA < prioB) { return 1; } else if (prioA > prioB) { return -1; } else { var compA = $(nodeA).find('a:eq(1)').text().toUpperCase(); var compB = $(nodeB).find('a:eq(1)').text().toUpperCase(); return (compA < compB) ? 1 : -1; } }; nodeArray.sort(sortNodeArray); $.each(nodeArray, function (i, itm) { $(itm).insertAfter(overwTarget); }); overw.appendTo('#cityOverview'); }, priority: { 'Fav': 1, 'Bank': 3, 'Baumeister': 4, 'Laden': 2, 'Klinik': 5, 'Lehrmeister': 8, 'Tempel': 9, 'Casino': 7, 'Mechaniker': 6, 'Wohnhütte': 11, 'Gerber': 10, 'Waffenschmiede': 10, 'Rüstungsschmied': 10, 'Alchemiestube': 10, 'Verlies': 10, 'Plantage': 10, 'Werkzeugschmiede': 10, 'Mühle': 10 } }; var modul = modul || { }; modul.all = { descri: 'Global', page: '.', version: '1', init: function () { for (var mod in this.submoduls) if (GM_getValue('Artharia_Settings_Menue_' + mod) != 'disabled') this[mod](); }, submoduls: { // rmvstaticVote: 'Entfernt den Votehinweis.', // rmvstaticRef: 'Entfernt den Anwerberhinweis.', // rmvstaticDonate: 'Entfernt den Donatehinweis.', dontwaitforcharac: 'Kleine UI Änderungen.', insertMapButton: 'Inline Karte' }, dontwaitforcharac: function () { $('#menu_nav > li:nth-child(4)').css('minHeight', '177px'); $('#menu_nav > li:nth-child(3)').css('minHeight', '166px'); }, rmvstaticVote: function () { $('div[messageid="voted"]').remove(); }, rmvstaticRef: function () { $('div[messageid="refer"]').remove(); }, rmvstaticDonate: function () { $('div[messageid="donate"]').remove(); }, insertMap: function () { $('

Karte Artharias

' ).insertAfter('#contentAd'); }, insertMapButton: function () { var newb = $('
' + helperfunc.createNewButton({"class": 'arthamapopener'}, { width: '75%', height: '40px' }, 'Karte') + '
'); newb.insertBefore('#menu_bottom'); var togglemap = function (zEvent) { if (zEvent.data.state) { $('#inlineMap').hide('blind'); zEvent.data.state = 0; } else { $('#inlineMap').show('blind'); zEvent.data.state = 1; } }; $('#menu').one('click', 'button.arthamapopener', function (zEvent) { modul.all.insertMap(); $('#menu').on('click', 'button.arthamapopener', { state: 1 }, togglemap); }); } }; var modul = modul || { }; modul.invi = { descri: 'Inventarseite', page: 'inventar', version: '1', init: function () { for (var mod in this.submoduls) if (GM_getValue('Artharia_Settings_Menue_' + mod) != 'disabled') this[mod](); }, submoduls: { appendNewcopybutton: 'Button zum Kopieren des Inventarbestands in die Zwischenablage.' }, appendNewcopybutton: function () { this.getInventarAmount(); var copyButton = function (zEvent) { var $this = $(this); var category = $this.attr("category"); var ausgabe = ''; if (modul.invi.registeredCategories[category] !== undefined) { for (var inventItem in modul.invi.newinvent) { if (modul.invi.newinvent[inventItem].kategorie[category] && modul.invi.newinvent[inventItem].amount > 0) { if (ausgabe != '') ausgabe = ausgabe + ', '; ausgabe = ausgabe + modul.invi.newinvent[inventItem].amount + ' ' + modul.invi.newinvent[inventItem].name; } } GM_setClipboard('Es wurden ' + modul.invi.registeredCategories[category].amount + ' ' + category + ' gefunden: ' + ausgabe); } }; var prepareResources = $('

'); var preparePlants = $('

'); for (var buttontitle in modul.invi.registeredCategories) { if (this.registeredCategories[buttontitle].belonging == 1) { prepareResources.append(helperfunc.createNewButton({ "class": "myCopyButtons", "category": buttontitle }, {"width": '160px', "height": '40px', "background": helperfunc.farbgrad.std.orange}, buttontitle + ' (' + modul.invi.registeredCategories[buttontitle].amount + ')')); } else { preparePlants.append(helperfunc.createNewButton({ "class": "myCopyButtons", "category": buttontitle }, {"width": '130px', "height": '40px', "background": helperfunc.farbgrad.std.orange}, buttontitle + ' (' + modul.invi.registeredCategories[buttontitle].amount + ')')); } } prepareResources.on('click', '.myCopyButtons', copyButton); preparePlants.on('click', '.myCopyButtons', copyButton); $("#resources").append(prepareResources); $("#plants").append(preparePlants); }, getInventarAmount: function () { var weight = 0; var countTogether = function (idx, $this) { var objecttype = $(this).parent().attr("objecttype"); if (objecttype == 3) { // Resources and plants var objId = $($this).attr('objectid'); if (objId !== undefined && parseInt(objId) < 79) { var amount = parseInt($($this).find('small').html()); modul.invi.newinvent[objId].amount = amount; weight += amount * modul.invi.newinvent[objId].weight; for (var categories in modul.invi.newinvent[objId].kategorie) { modul.invi.registeredCategories[categories].amount = modul.invi.registeredCategories[categories].amount + amount; } } } else if (objecttype == 2) { // Tools var objId = $($this).attr('objectid'); if (objId !== undefined && parseInt(objId) < 29) { var amount = parseInt($($this).find('small').html()); modul.invi.tools[objId].amount = amount; weight += amount * modul.invi.tools[objId].weight; } } else if (objecttype == 5) { // Potions var stringExtract = $($this).find(".myInventarObject").attr("src").slice(88, -4); if (modul.invi.potions[stringExtract]) { modul.invi.potions[stringExtract].amount += 1; weight += modul.invi.potions[stringExtract].weight; } else { console.log(objecttype + ':' + stringExtract); } } else if (objecttype == 8) { // Armor var objectid = $($this).find("input:eq(1)").attr("value"); modul.invi.armor[objectid].amount += 1; weight += modul.invi.armor[objectid].weight; } else if (objecttype == 1) { // Weapons var stringExtract = $($this).find(".myInventarObject").attr("src").slice(90, -4); if (modul.invi.weapons[stringExtract]) { modul.invi.weapons[stringExtract].amount += 1; weight += modul.invi.weapons[stringExtract].weight; } else { console.log(objecttype + ':' + stringExtract); } } }; //$("#resources").find('.inventarObject').each(countTogether); //$("#plants").find('.inventarObject').each(countTogether); $("#inventarTabs").find('.inventarObject').each(countTogether); }, registeredCategories: { "Alles": {amount: 0, belonging: 1}, "Ressourcen": {amount: 0, belonging: 1}, "Erze": {amount: 0, belonging: 1}, "Baustoffe": {amount: 0, belonging: 1}, "Pflanzen": {amount: 0, belonging: 2}, "Spritzen": {amount: 0, belonging: 2}, "Trash": {amount: 0, belonging: 2}, "Tinte": {amount: 0, belonging: 2}, "Inselgüter": {amount: 0, belonging: 1} }, // 1 - Append to Resources; 2 - Append to Pflanzen newinvent: { '1': {name: 'Holz', weight: 1, kategorie: {"Alles": 1, "Ressourcen": 1, "Baustoffe": 1}, amount: 0}, '2': {name: 'Stein', weight: 1.5, kategorie: {"Alles": 1, "Ressourcen": 1, "Baustoffe": 1}, amount: 0}, '3': {name: 'Wasser', weight: 3, kategorie: {"Alles": 1, "Ressourcen": 1, "Baustoffe": 1}, amount: 0}, '4': {name: 'Lehm', weight: 5, kategorie: {"Alles": 1, "Ressourcen": 1, "Baustoffe": 1}, amount: 0}, '5': {name: 'Ton', weight: 5, kategorie: {"Alles": 1, "Ressourcen": 1, "Baustoffe": 1}, amount: 0}, '6': {name: 'Fell', weight: 6, kategorie: {"Alles": 1, "Ressourcen": 1, "Baustoffe": 1}, amount: 0}, '7': {name: 'Eisen', weight: 10, kategorie: {"Alles": 1, "Ressourcen": 1, "Erze": 1}, amount: 0}, '8': {name: 'Gold', weight: 10, kategorie: {"Alles": 1, "Ressourcen": 1, "Erze": 1}, amount: 0}, '9': {name: 'Silber', weight: 10, kategorie: {"Alles": 1, "Ressourcen": 1, "Erze": 1}, amount: 0}, '10': {name: 'Edelstein', weight: 10, kategorie: {"Alles": 1, "Ressourcen": 1}, amount: 0}, '11': {name: 'Kupfer', weight: 10, kategorie: {"Alles": 1, "Ressourcen": 1, "Baustoffe": 1, "Erze": 1}, amount: 0}, '12': {name: 'Zinn', weight: 10, kategorie: {"Alles": 1, "Ressourcen": 1, "Baustoffe": 1, "Erze": 1}, amount: 0}, '13': {name: 'Quarz', weight: 10, kategorie: {"Alles": 1, "Ressourcen": 1, "Erze": 1}, amount: 0}, '14': {name: 'Aloe Vera', weight: 1, kategorie: {"Alles": 1, "Pflanzen": 1, "Trash": 1}, amount: 0}, '15': {name: 'Engelwurz', weight: 1, kategorie: {"Alles": 1, "Pflanzen": 1}, amount: 0}, '16': {name: 'Rauschpfeffer', weight: 1, kategorie: {"Alles": 1, "Pflanzen": 1, "Spritzen": 1}, amount: 0}, '17': {name: 'Currax', weight: 1, kategorie: {"Alles": 1, "Pflanzen": 1, "Spritzen": 1}, amount: 0}, '18': {name: 'Callidus', weight: 1, kategorie: {"Alles": 1, "Pflanzen": 1, "Spritzen": 1}, amount: 0}, '19': {name: 'Brennnessel', weight: 1, kategorie: {"Alles": 1, "Pflanzen": 1, "Trash": 1}, amount: 0}, '20': {name: 'Holunder', weight: 1, kategorie: {"Alles": 1, "Pflanzen": 1, "Spritzen": 1}, amount: 0}, '21': {name: 'Wermut', weight: 1, kategorie: {"Alles": 1, "Pflanzen": 1, "Trash": 1}, amount: 0}, '22': {name: 'Boxhornklee', weight: 1, kategorie: {"Alles": 1, "Pflanzen": 1, "Spritzen": 1}, amount: 0}, '23': {name: 'Eukalyptus', weight: 1, kategorie: {"Alles": 1, "Pflanzen": 1, "Trash": 1}, amount: 0}, '24': {name: 'Juckbohne', weight: 1, kategorie: {"Alles": 1, "Pflanzen": 1}, amount: 0}, '25': {name: 'Ginseng', weight: 1, kategorie: {"Alles": 1, "Pflanzen": 1, "Spritzen": 1}, amount: 0}, '26': {name: 'Eola Arev', weight: 1, kategorie: {"Alles": 1, "Pflanzen": 1, "Trash": 1}, amount: 0}, '27': {name: 'Wurmfarne', weight: 1, kategorie: {"Alles": 1, "Pflanzen": 1, "Trash": 1}, amount: 0}, '28': {name: 'Oleander', weight: 1, kategorie: {"Alles": 1, "Pflanzen": 1, "Tinte": 1}, amount: 0}, '29': {name: 'Seidelbast', weight: 1, kategorie: {"Alles": 1, "Pflanzen": 1}, amount: 0}, '30': {name: 'Nachtschatten', weight: 1, kategorie: {"Alles": 1, "Pflanzen": 1, "Tinte": 1}, amount: 0}, '31': {name: 'Eisenhut', weight: 1, kategorie: {"Alles": 1, "Pflanzen": 1, "Tinte": 1}, amount: 0}, '32': {name: 'Opium', weight: 1, kategorie: {"Alles": 1, "Pflanzen": 1, "Trash": 1}, amount: 0}, '33': {name: 'Necopi Nuss', weight: 1, kategorie: {"Alles": 1, "Pflanzen": 1, "Trash": 1}, amount: 0}, '34': {name: 'Trügerknolle', weight: 1, kategorie: {"Alles": 1, "Pflanzen": 1, "Trash": 1}, amount: 0}, '35': {name: 'Ebrius', weight: 1, kategorie: {"Alles": 1, "Pflanzen": 1}, amount: 0}, '36': {name: 'Baumwolle', weight: 1, kategorie: {"Alles": 1, "Ressourcen": 1, "Baustoffe": 1, "Pflanzen": 1}, amount: 0}, '37': {name: 'Fleisch', weight: 5, kategorie: {"Alles": 1, "Ressourcen": 1, "Baustoffe": 1}, amount: 0}, '38': {name: 'Bronze', weight: 10, kategorie: {"Alles": 1, "Ressourcen": 1, "Baustoffe": 1}, amount: 0}, '39': {name: 'Karpfen', weight: 5, kategorie: {"Alles": 1, "Ressourcen": 1}, amount: 0}, '40': {name: 'Hecht', weight: 5, kategorie: {"Alles": 1, "Ressourcen": 1}, amount: 0}, '41': {name: 'Regenbogenfisch', weight: 5, kategorie: {"Alles": 1, "Ressourcen": 1}, amount: 0}, '42': {name: 'Riffhai', weight: 5, kategorie: {"Alles": 1, "Ressourcen": 1}, amount: 0}, '43': {name: 'Leder', weight: 5, kategorie: {"Alles": 1, "Ressourcen": 1, "Baustoffe": 1}, amount: 0}, '44': {name: 'Brot', weight: 5, kategorie: {"Alles": 1, "Ressourcen": 1}, amount: 0}, '45': {name: 'Weizen', weight: 5, kategorie: {"Alles": 1, "Ressourcen": 1}, amount: 0}, '46': {name: 'Heu', weight: 5, kategorie: {"Alles": 1, "Ressourcen": 1}, amount: 0}, '47': {name: 'Artefakt', weight: -1, kategorie: {}, amount: 0}, '48': {name: 'Artefakt', weight: -1, kategorie: {}, amount: 0}, '49': {name: 'Artefakt', weight: -1, kategorie: {}, amount: 0}, '50': {name: 'Artefakt', weight: -1, kategorie: {}, amount: 0}, '51': {name: 'Artefakt', weight: -1, kategorie: {}, amount: 0}, '52': {name: 'Artefakt', weight: -1, kategorie: {}, amount: 0}, '53': {name: 'Artefakt', weight: -1, kategorie: {}, amount: 0}, '54': {name: 'Artefakt', weight: -1, kategorie: {}, amount: 0}, '55': {name: 'Artefakt', weight: -1, kategorie: {}, amount: 0}, '56': {name: 'Artefakt', weight: -1, kategorie: {}, amount: 0}, '57': {name: 'Geschenk', weight: 0, kategorie: {}, amount: 0}, '58': {name: 'Papyrus', weight: 12, kategorie: {"Alles": 1, "Ressourcen": 1}, amount: 0}, '59': {name: 'signiertes Papyrus', weight: 10, kategorie: {"Alles": 1, "Ressourcen": 1}, amount: 0}, '60': {name: 'Feder', weight: 0.2, kategorie: {"Alles": 1, "Ressourcen": 1}, amount: 0}, '61': {name: 'Trakehner', weight: 0, kategorie: {"Alles": 1, "Ressourcen": 1}, amount: 0}, '62': {name: 'Tinte', weight: 3, kategorie: {"Alles": 1, "Ressourcen": 1}, amount: 0}, 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0.5, kategorie: {"Alles": 1, "Ressourcen": 1, "Inselgüter": 1}, amount: 0}, '74': {name: 'Panzerplatte', weight: 15, kategorie: {"Alles": 1, "Ressourcen": 1, "Inselgüter": 1}, amount: 0}, '75': {name: 'Feinfaser', weight: -1, kategorie: {"Alles": 1, "Ressourcen": 1, "Inselgüter": 1}, amount: 0}, '76': {name: 'Eintopf', weight: 0, kategorie: {"Alles": 1, "Ressourcen": 1, "Inselgüter": 1}, amount: 0}, '77': {name: 'Celeritastrank', weight: -1, kategorie: {"Alles": 1, "Ressourcen": 1, "Inselgüter": 1}, amount: 0}, '78': {name: 'Fischschuppen', weight: 3, kategorie: {"Alles": 1, "Ressourcen": 1}, amount: 0} }, // tools: { '1': {name: 'Smaragdpickel', weight: 70, kategorie: {}, amount: 0}, '2': {name: 'Silberkeil', weight: 45, kategorie: {}, amount: 0}, '3': {name: 'Keilhaue', weight: -1, kategorie: {}, amount: 0}, '4': {name: 'Spitzhacke', weight: 20, kategorie: {}, amount: 0}, '5': {name: 'Spaten', weight: 22, kategorie: {}, amount: 0}, '6': {name: 'Bronzepickel', weight: 13, kategorie: {}, amount: 0}, '7': {name: 'Steinhacke', weight: 30, kategorie: {}, amount: 0}, '8': {name: 'Mörser', weight: 30, kategorie: {}, amount: 0}, '9': {name: 'Reagenzglas', weight: 13, kategorie: {}, amount: 0}, '10': {name: 'Rundkolben', weight: -1, kategorie: {}, amount: 0}, '11': {name: 'Bürette', weight: 28, kategorie: {}, amount: 0}, '12': {name: 'Exsikkator', weight: 35, kategorie: {}, amount: 0}, '13': {name: 'Axt', weight: 20, kategorie: {}, amount: 0}, '14': {name: 'Handschaufel', weight: 20, kategorie: {}, amount: 0}, '15': {name: 'Zelt', weight: 25, kategorie: {}, amount: 0}, '16': {name: 'Angel', weight: 20, kategorie: {}, amount: 0}, '17': {name: 'Eimer', weight: 10, kategorie: {}, amount: 0}, '18': {name: 'Spritze (8 Ap)', weight: 2, kategorie: {}, amount: 0}, '19': {name: 'Spritze (5 Ap)', weight: 2, kategorie: {}, amount: 0}, '20': {name: 'Spritze (11 Ap)', weight: 2, kategorie: {}, amount: 0}, '21': {name: 'Wanderbeutel', weight: 5, kategorie: {}, amount: 0}, '22': {name: 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amount: 0}, '11': {name: 'Kettenarmschutz', weight: 110, kategorie: {}, amount: 0}, '12': {name: 'Stahlelle', weight: -1, kategorie: {}, amount: 0}, '13': {name: 'Lederschiene', weight: 40, kategorie: {}, amount: 0}, '14': {name: 'Plattenschiene', weight: 100, kategorie: {}, amount: 0}, '15': {name: 'Stahlschiene', weight: -1, kategorie: {}, amount: 0}, '16': {name: 'Lederschuhe', weight: 10, kategorie: {}, amount: 0}, '17': {name: 'Plattenschuhe', weight: 30, kategorie: {}, amount: 0}, '18': {name: 'Tigerschuhe', weight: -1, kategorie: {}, amount: 0}, '19': {name: 'Brustpanzer', weight: -1, kategorie: {}, amount: 0}, '20': {name: 'Kettenhemd', weight: 120, kategorie: {}, amount: 0}, '21': {name: 'Lamellenpanzer', weight: -1, kategorie: {}, amount: 0} }, potions: { '8': {name: 'Mörsertrank', weight: 20, kategorie: {}, amount: 0}, '9': {name: 'Reagenzglastrank', weight: 35, kategorie: {}, amount: 0}, '10': {name: 'Rundkolbentrank', weight: -1, kategorie: {}, amount: 0}, '11': {name: 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