[ { "id": "a66f048d.9c1b08", "type": "time-range-switch", "z": "e6b075dd.148538", "name": "9p to 5a", "lat": "11.11111", "lon": "-11.11111", "startTime": "21:00", "endTime": "05:00", "startOffset": 0, "endOffset": 0, "x": 300, "y": 100, "wires": [ [ "5d74969c.295b78" ], [] ] }, { "id": "23c2b51a.35856a", "type": "comment", "z": "e6b075dd.148538", "name": "If Wyatt's door is opened between 9p and 5a, say \"Wyatt's awake!\" on Master Bedroom Google Home.", "info": "", "x": 370, "y": 20, "wires": [] }, { "id": "4593e0c8.d8b1c", "type": "server-state-changed", "z": "e6b075dd.148538", "name": "Wyatt's bedroom door", "server": "26956a45.92d866", "version": 1, "entityidfilter": "binary_sensor.interior_door_wyatts_bedroom", "entityidfiltertype": "exact", "outputinitially": false, "state_type": "str", "haltifstate": "on", "halt_if_type": "str", "halt_if_compare": "is", "outputs": 2, "output_only_on_state_change": false, "x": 120, "y": 60, "wires": [ [ "a66f048d.9c1b08" ], [] ] }, { "id": "3210faa6.c2ce46", "type": "api-call-service", "z": "e6b075dd.148538", "name": "Say \"Wyatt's Awake\"", "server": "26956a45.92d866", "version": 1, "debugenabled": false, "service_domain": "tts", "service": "google_cloud_say", "entityId": "media_player.master_bedroom_hub", "data": "{\"message\":\"Wyatt's awake.\"}", "dataType": "json", "mergecontext": "", "output_location": "", "output_location_type": "none", "mustacheAltTags": false, "x": 1260, "y": 20, "wires": [ [] ] }, { "id": "22a70c67.08dcf4", "type": "api-call-service", "z": "e6b075dd.148538", "name": "Set volume 70%", "server": "26956a45.92d866", "version": 1, "service_domain": "media_player", "service": "volume_set", "entityId": "media_player.master_bedroom_speaker, media_player.master_bedroom_hub", "data": "{\"volume_level\":0.7}", "dataType": "json", "mergecontext": "", "output_location": "", "output_location_type": "none", "mustacheAltTags": false, "x": 1060, "y": 40, "wires": [ [ "3210faa6.c2ce46" ] ] }, { "id": "5d74969c.295b78", "type": "api-current-state", "z": "e6b075dd.148538", "name": "TV lights off?", "server": "26956a45.92d866", "version": 1, "outputs": 2, "halt_if": "off", "halt_if_type": "str", "halt_if_compare": "is", "override_topic": false, "entity_id": "light.tv_strip", "state_type": "str", "state_location": "payload", "override_payload": "msg", "entity_location": "data", "override_data": "msg", "blockInputOverrides": false, "x": 450, "y": 60, "wires": [ [ "f535a3b9.65386" ], [] ] }, { "id": "f79c1d10.a7d4", "type": "api-current-state", "z": "e6b075dd.148538", "name": "Pendant lights off?", "server": "26956a45.92d866", "version": 1, "outputs": 2, "halt_if": "off", "halt_if_type": "str", "halt_if_compare": "is", "override_topic": false, "entity_id": "light.pendants", "state_type": "str", "state_location": "payload", "override_payload": "msg", "entity_location": "data", "override_data": "msg", "blockInputOverrides": false, "x": 650, "y": 120, "wires": [ [ "44c87ddc.fc7db4" ], [] ] }, { "id": "44c87ddc.fc7db4", "type": "api-current-state", "z": "e6b075dd.148538", "name": "Kitchen lights off?", "server": "26956a45.92d866", "version": 1, "outputs": 2, "halt_if": "off", "halt_if_type": "str", "halt_if_compare": "is", "override_topic": false, "entity_id": "group.kitchen_lights", "state_type": "str", "state_location": "payload", "override_payload": "msg", "entity_location": "data", "override_data": "msg", "blockInputOverrides": false, "x": 830, "y": 60, "wires": [ [ "22a70c67.08dcf4", "923f90b8.1525d" ], [] ] }, { "id": "f535a3b9.65386", "type": "api-current-state", "z": "e6b075dd.148538", "name": "TV off?", "server": "26956a45.92d866", "version": 1, "outputs": 2, "halt_if": "standby", "halt_if_type": "str", "halt_if_compare": "is", "override_topic": false, "entity_id": "media_player.living_room_tv", "state_type": "str", "state_location": "payload", "override_payload": "msg", "entity_location": "data", "override_data": "msg", "blockInputOverrides": false, "x": 620, "y": 60, "wires": [ [ "f79c1d10.a7d4" ], [] ] }, { "id": "26956a45.92d866", "type": "server", "z": "", "name": "Hass.io", "legacy": false, "hassio": true, "rejectUnauthorizedCerts": true, "ha_boolean": "y|yes|true|on|home|open", "connectionDelay": true } ]