
About :

Hunting is the practice of killing or trapping any animal,
or pursuing it with the intent of doing so.Hunting wildlife or
feral animals is most commonly done by humans for food, recreation,
or trade.In present-day use, lawful hunting is distinguished from poaching,
which is the illegal killing, trapping or capture of the hunted species.
The species that are hunted are referred to as game and are
usually mammals and birds. Hunting can also
be a means of pest control.

Galaxy Nexus

Causes of hunting

1.For food
2.For traditional reasons
3.For vanity clothes and makeup
4.For money and trade
5.For sport and fun
6.To control pests

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Executive Director's message,Recreational license, permit information and requirements,A hunting license is required of any person, regardless of age, who hunts any animal, bird, frog or turtle,Hunter safety requirement,general information, Season dates and bag limits by Zone,Hunting Zones Map.

Galaxy Nexus

Safety rules

Always keep - firearms pointed in safe position,your finger off the trigger until ready to shoot, keep your gun unloaded until you are at the firing line and is declared as "HOT". Immediately stop shooting when anyone calls "cease firing".All shooters are responsible for their rounds staying within the confines of HOT or COOL ranges.Respect the range,yourself and others.

Galaxy Nexus

A video on Hunting

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