# Elasticsearch Client for ST3 Elasticsearch Client allows you to build an Rest API request in Sublime Text 3 and view the response in a panel. ![orverview](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/KunihikoKido/sublime-elasticsearch-client/master/screenshots/search.gif) ## Options - ``ab`` command: if use th ``Apache Bench`` command - [PrettyJson](https://github.com/dzhibas/SublimePrettyJson) sublime plugin ## Installation ### Package Control The easiest way to install this is with [Package Control](https://packagecontrol.io/packages/ElasticsearchClient). 1. To open the command palette, press ``ctrl+shift+p`` (Win, Linux) or ``cmd+shift+p`` (OS X). 2. Enter ``Package Control: Install Package`` 3. Search for ``ElasticsearchClient`` and hit Enter to install. ### Manual To install, clone to your "Packages" directory. 1. Click the ``Preferences > Browse Packages`` menu 2. Open up a terminal and execute the following: ```shell git clone https://github.com/kunihikokido/sublime-elasticsearch-client.git ElasticsearchClient ``` **Note** Elasticsearch Client expects to be installed to a directory called "ElasticsearchClient". Some features like the meny command to open settings will not work if installed somewhere else. ## Using you can send a body ```json { "query": { "match_all": {} } } ``` Once you have a request ready, use shortcut ``Ctrl + Alt + S`` or open the Command Palette (``Shift + Command + P``) and enter ``elasticsearch search request body``. ## Settings User Settings (accessible from the *Preferences/Package Settings/Elasticsearch Client/Settings - User* menu) *Example:* ```js { "base_url": "http://localhost:9200", "index": "blog", "doc_type": "posts", "servers": [ { "base_url": "http://localhost:9200", "index": "blog", "doc_type": "posts", }, { "base_url": "http://localhost:9200", "index": "twitter", "doc_type": "tweets", } ] } ``` You can switch the server, use ``Elasticsearch: Settings Switch Server`` command. ## Snippets Currently this should work in ``.json`` or ``.es`` ## Commands ### Command for Search & Document APIs * Elasticsearch: Bulk * Elasticsearch: Clear Scroll * Elasticsearch: Count * Elasticsearch: Count Percolate * Elasticsearch: Create Document * Elasticsearch: Delete By Query * Elasticsearch: Delete Document * Elasticsearch: Delete Script * Elasticsearch: Delete Search Template * Elasticsearch: Exists Document * Elasticsearch: Explain Document * Elasticsearch: Field Stats * Elasticsearch: Get Document * Elasticsearch: Get Document Source * Elasticsearch: Get Multiple Documents * Elasticsearch: Get Percolator Query * Elasticsearch: Get Script * Elasticsearch: Get Search Template * Elasticsearch: Index Document * Elasticsearch: Index Percolator Query * Elasticsearch: Info * Elasticsearch: Multiple Percolate * Elasticsearch: Multiple Search * Elasticsearch: Multiple Termvectors * Elasticsearch: Percolate * Elasticsearch: Ping * Elasticsearch: Put Script * Elasticsearch: Put Search Template * Elasticsearch: Scroll * Elasticsearch: Search Exists * Elasticsearch: Search Percolator Query * Elasticsearch: Search Request Body * Elasticsearch: Search Request Body Count * Elasticsearch: Search Request Body Scan * Elasticsearch: Search Shards * Elasticsearch: Search Simple Query * Elasticsearch: Search Template * Elasticsearch: Search Template Count * Elasticsearch: Search Template Scan * Elasticsearch: Suggest * Elasticsearch: Termvector * Elasticsearch: Update Document ### Command for Cat APIs * Elasticsearch: Cat Aliases * Elasticsearch: Cat Allocation * Elasticsearch: Cat Count * Elasticsearch: Cat Fielddata * Elasticsearch: Cat Health * Elasticsearch: Cat Indices * Elasticsearch: Cat Master * Elasticsearch: Cat Nodes * Elasticsearch: Cat Pending Tasks * Elasticsearch: Cat Plugins * Elasticsearch: Cat Recovery * Elasticsearch: Cat Segments * Elasticsearch: Cat Shards * Elasticsearch: Cat Thread Pool ### Command for Cluster APIs * Elasticsearch: Cluster Get Settings * Elasticsearch: Cluster Health * Elasticsearch: Cluster Pending Tasks * Elasticsearch: Cluster Put Settings * Elasticsearch: Cluster Reroute * Elasticsearch: Cluster State * Elasticsearch: Cluster Stats ### Command for Indices APIs * Elasticsearch: Indices Analyze * Elasticsearch: Indices Clear Cache * Elasticsearch: Indices Close * Elasticsearch: Indices Create * Elasticsearch: Indices Create Doc Type * Elasticsearch: Indices Delete * Elasticsearch: Indices Delete Alias * Elasticsearch: Indices Delete Mapping * Elasticsearch: Indices Delete Template * Elasticsearch: Indices Delete Warmer * Elasticsearch: Indices Exists * Elasticsearch: Indices Exists Alias * Elasticsearch: Indices Exists Doc Type * Elasticsearch: Indices Exists Template * Elasticsearch: Indices Flush * Elasticsearch: Indices Flush Synced * Elasticsearch: Indices Get * Elasticsearch: Indices Get Alias * Elasticsearch: Indices Get Field Mapping * Elasticsearch: Indices Get Mapping * Elasticsearch: Indices Get Settings * Elasticsearch: Indices Get Template * Elasticsearch: Indices Get Upgrade * Elasticsearch: Indices Get Warmer * Elasticsearch: Indices Open * Elasticsearch: Indices Optimize * Elasticsearch: Indices Put Alias * Elasticsearch: Indices Put Mapping * Elasticsearch: Indices Put Settings * Elasticsearch: Indices Put Template * Elasticsearch: Indices Put Warmer * Elasticsearch: Indices Recovery * Elasticsearch: Indices Refresh * Elasticsearch: Indices Segments * Elasticsearch: Indices Stats * Elasticsearch: Indices Status * Elasticsearch: Indices Update Aliases * Elasticsearch: Indices Upgrade * Elasticsearch: Indices Validate Query ### Command for Nodes APIs * Elasticsearch: Nodes Hot Threads * Elasticsearch: Nodes Info * Elasticsearch: Nodes Shutdown All * Elasticsearch: Nodes Shutdown Local * Elasticsearch: Nodes Shutdown Master ### Command for Snapshot APIs * Elasticsearch: Snapshot Create * Elasticsearch: Snapshot Create Repository * Elasticsearch: Snapshot Delete * Elasticsearch: Snapshot Delete Repository * Elasticsearch: Snapshot Get * Elasticsearch: Snapshot Get Repository * Elasticsearch: Snapshot Restore * Elasticsearch: Snapshot Status * Elasticsearch: Snapshot Verify Repository ### Helper Commands * Elasticsearch: Helper Benchmark For Search Request Body * Elasticsearch: Helper Benchmark For Search Request Body Count * Elasticsearch: Helper Benchmark For Search Template * Elasticsearch: Helper Benchmark For Search Template Count * Elasticsearch: Helper Change Number Of Replicas * Elasticsearch: Helper Close Open Index * Elasticsearch: Helper Convert Csv Bulk Index * Elasticsearch: Helper Dump Index Data * Elasticsearch: Helper Import Csv * Elasticsearch: Helper Load Index Data * Elasticsearch: Helper Reindex ### Command for User Settings * Elasticsearch: Settings Select Doc Type * Elasticsearch: Settings Select Index * Elasticsearch: Settings Show Active Server * Elasticsearch: Settings Switch Server ## Screenshots ### Search Request Body Command ![search](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/KunihikoKido/sublime-elasticsearch-client/master/screenshots/search.gif) ### Cat Api Command ![cat](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/KunihikoKido/sublime-elasticsearch-client/master/screenshots/cat.gif) ## Helper Reindex Command ![reindex](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/KunihikoKido/sublime-elasticsearch-client/master/screenshots/reindex.gif) ## Helper Benchmark ![reindex](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/KunihikoKido/sublime-elasticsearch-client/master/screenshots/benchmark.gif)