/** * Copyright 2018, 2019, 2022, 2023, 2024 SanderSoft * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed * on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. * * Ambient Weather Station Remote Sensor * * Author: Kurt Sanders, SanderSoft™ */ import groovy.time.* import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import groovy.transform.Field #include kurtsanders.AWS-Library @Field static String PARENT_DEVICE_NAME = "Ambient Weather Station Remote Sensor" @Field static final String VERSION = "6.2.0" metadata { definition (name: PARENT_DEVICE_NAME, namespace: NAMESPACE, author: AUTHOR_NAME, importUrl: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/KurtSanders/STAmbientWeather/master/hubitat/drivers/ambient-weather-station%20remote-sensor.driver" ) { capability "TemperatureMeasurement" capability "RelativeHumidityMeasurement" capability "Sensor" capability "Battery" capability "Refresh" attribute "date", "string" attribute "lastSTupdate", "string" attribute "version", "string" attribute "feelsLike_display", "string" attribute "feelsLike", "number" attribute "dewPoint_display", "string" attribute "dewPoint", "number" attribute "dewpoint", "number" command "refresh" command "clearAllDeviceCurrentStates" } } def deleteDeviceData() { logInfo "${device.name}: deleteDeviceData..." clearAllDeviceCurrentStates(false) } def clearAllDeviceCurrentStates(refresh=true) { logInfo "Clearing current states of this device..." device.currentStates.eachWithIndex {item, index -> device.deleteCurrentState(item.name) logInfo "Deleted ${index}. → ${item.name}" } if (refresh) parent.refresh() } def refresh() { Date now = new Date() def timeString = now.format("EEE MMM dd h:mm:ss a", location.timeZone) logInfo "User requested a 'Manual Refresh' from Ambient Weather Station device, sending refresh() request to parent smartApp" parent.refresh() } def initialize() { checkLogLevel() } def installed() { checkLogLevel() } def updated() { checkLogLevel() } // def uninstalled() {} /******************************************************************* *** SanderSoft - Preference Helpers *** /*******************************************************************/ /* String fmtTitle(String str) { return "${str}" } String fmtDesc(String str) { return "
" } String fmtHelpInfo(String str) { String info = "${PARENT_DEVICE_NAME} v${VERSION}" String prefLink = "${str}
" String topStyle = "style='font-size: 18px; padding: 1px 12px; border: 2px solid Crimson; border-radius: 6px;'" //SlateGray String topLink = "${str}
" return "
" + "
" } /******************************************************************** ***** SanderSoft - Logging Functions *** ********************A************************************************/ /* //Logging Level Options @Field static final Map LOG_LEVELS = [0:"Off", 1:"Error", 2:"Warn", 3:"Info", 4:"Debug", 5:"Trace"] @Field static final Map LOG_TIMES = [0:"Indefinitely", 1:"01 Minute", 5:"05 Minutes", 10:"10 Minutes", 15:"15 Minutes", 30:"30 Minutes", 60:"1 Hour", 120:"2 Hours", 180:"3 Hours", 360:"6 Hours", 720:"12 Hours", 1440:"24 Hours"] @Field static final String LOG_DEFAULT_LEVEL = 0 //Additional Preferences preferences { //Logging Options input name: "logLevel", type: "enum", title: fmtTitle("Logging Level"), description: fmtDesc("Logs selected level and above"), defaultValue: 0, options: LOG_LEVELS input name: "logLevelTime", type: "enum", title: fmtTitle("Logging Level Time"), description: fmtDesc("Time to enable Debug/Trace logging"),defaultValue: 0, options: LOG_TIMES //Help Link input name: "helpInfo", type: "hidden", title: fmtHelpInfo("Community Link") } //Call this function from within updated() and configure() with no parameters: checkLogLevel() void checkLogLevel(Map levelInfo = [level:null, time:null]) { unschedule(logsOff) //Set Defaults if (settings.logLevel == null) device.updateSetting("logLevel",[value:LOG_DEFAULT_LEVEL, type:"enum"]) logDebug "==> settings.logLevel= ${settings.logLevel}" if (settings.logLevelTime == null) device.updateSetting("logLevelTime",[value:"0", type:"enum"]) logDebug "==> settings.logLevelTime= ${settings.logLevelTime}" //Schedule turn off and log as needed if (levelInfo.level == null) levelInfo = getLogLevelInfo() String logMsg = "Logging Level is: ${LOG_LEVELS[levelInfo.level]} (${levelInfo.level})" if (levelInfo.level >= 1 && levelInfo.time > 0) { logMsg += " for ${LOG_TIMES[levelInfo.time]}" runIn(60*levelInfo.time, logsOff) } logInfo(logMsg) } //Function for optional command void setLogLevel(String levelName, String timeName=null) { Integer level = LOG_LEVELS.find{ levelName.equalsIgnoreCase(it.value) }.key Integer time = LOG_TIMES.find{ timeName.equalsIgnoreCase(it.value) }.key device.updateSetting("logLevel",[value:"${level}", type:"enum"]) device.updateSetting("logLevelTime",[value:"${time}", type:"enum"]) checkLogLevel(level: level, time: time) } Map getLogLevelInfo() { Integer level = settings.logLevel as Integer ?: 0 Integer time = settings.logLevelTime as Integer ?: 0 return [level: level, time: time] } def syncLogLevel(level, time) { device.updateSetting("logLevel" ,[value: "${level}", type:"enum"]) device.updateSetting("logLevelTime",[value: "${time}" , type:"enum"]) } //Current Support void logsOff() { logWarn "Debug and Trace logging disabled..." if (logLevelInfo.level >= 1) { device.updateSetting("logLevel",[value:"0", type:"enum"]) } } //Logging Functions void logErr(String msg) { if (logLevelInfo.level>=1) log.error "${device.name}: ${msg}" } void logWarn(String msg) { if (logLevelInfo.level>=2) log.warn "${device.name}: ${msg}" } void logInfo(String msg) { if (logLevelInfo.level>=3) log.info "${device.name}: ${msg}" } void logDebug(String msg) { if (logLevelInfo.level>=4) log.debug "${device.name}: ${msg}" } void logTrace(String msg) { if (logLevelInfo.level>=5) log.trace "${device.name}: ${msg}" } */