/** * BitBar Output App * * Copyright 2018,2019,2020 Kurt Sanders * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed * on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. * */ // Major BitBar Version requires a change to the Python Version, Minor BitBar Version numbering will still be compatible with lower minor Python versions def appVersion() { if (isST) { return "4.02" } else { return "5.00" } } import groovy.json.JsonSlurper // import java.awt.Color; import java.util.ArrayList; import groovy.time.* definition( name: "BitBar Output App", namespace: "kurtsanders", author: "kurtsanders", description: "Display and control ${(isSt)?'SmartThings':'Hubitat'} device information in the top macOS Menu Bar application", category: "My Apps", iconUrl: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/KurtSanders/STBitBarApp-V2/master/Images/STBitBarApp-V2.png", iconX2Url: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/KurtSanders/STBitBarApp-V2/master/Images/STBitBarApp-V2.png", iconX3Url: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/KurtSanders/STBitBarApp-V2/master/Images/STBitBarApp-V2-120.png") preferences { page(name:"mainPage") page(name:"devicesManagementPage") page(name:"devicesPage") page(name:"devicesTopMenuBarPage") page(name:"optionsPage") page(name:"fontsPage") page(name:"iconsPage") page(name:"categoryPage") page(name:"eventsPage") page(name:"batteryPage") page(name:"disableAPIPage") page(name:"enableAPIPage") page(name:"APIPage") page(name:"APISendSMSPage") } mappings { path("/GetStatus/") { action: [ GET: "getStatus" ] } path("/ToggleSwitch/") { action: [ GET: "toggleSwitch" ] } path("/SetMusicPlayer/") { action: [ GET: "setMusicPlayer" ] } path("/SetLevel/") { action: [ GET: "setLevel" ] } path("/SetColor/") { action: [ GET: "setColor" ] } path("/SetThermo/") { action: [ GET: "setThermo" ] } path("/SetRoutine/") { action: [ GET: "setRoutine" ] } path("/SetMode/") { action: [ GET: "setMode" ] } path("/SetAlarm/") { action: [ GET: "setAlarm" ] } path("/ToggleLock/") { action: [ GET: "toggleLock" ] } path("/ToggleValve/") { action: [ GET: "toggleCloseOpen" ] } path("/Test/") { action: [ GET: "test" ] } } def test() { def msg = ["Test Success! BitBar Output App Version: ${appVersion()}"] log.debug msg return msg } def installed() { // log.debug "Installed with settings: ${settings}\n" initialize() } def uninstalled() { if (state.endpoint) { try { log.debug "Revoking API access token" revokeAccessToken() } catch (e) { log.warn "Unable to revoke API access token: $e" } } } def updated() { // Added additional logging from @kurtsanders log.debug "##########################################################################################" log.debug "secret=${state.accessToken}" log.debug "smartAppURL=${state.endpointURL}" log.debug "##########################################################################################" log.debug "The API has been setup. Please enter the next two strings exactly as shown into the HE_Python_Logic.cfg file which is in your BitBar plugins directory." log.debug "##########################################################################################" unsubscribe() initialize() } def initialize() { subscribe(location, "alarmSystemStatus", alarmHandler) if(thermos) thermos.each { subscribe(it, "thermostatOperatingState", thermostatOperatingStateHandler) } state.lastThermostatOperatingState = now() state.eventsDays = eventsDays state.eventsMax = eventsMax } def thermostatOperatingStateHandler(evt) { log.debug "thermostatOperatingStateHandler received event" state.lastThermostatOperatingState = now() } def alarmHandler(evt) { log.debug "Alarm Handler value: ${evt.value}" state.shm = location.currentState("alarmSystemStatus")?.value log.debug "alarm state: ${location.currentState("alarmSystemStatus")?.value}" } // Respond to action requests def setRoutine() { log.debug "Begin: setRoutine" def command = params.id log.debug "CurrentMode Before setRoutine : ${location.mode}" log.debug "setRoutine called with command: ${command}" location.helloHome?.execute(command) log.debug "CurrentMode After setRoutine : ${location.mode}" } def setAlarm() { def command = params.id log.debug "setAlarm called with id ${command}" log.debug "Current Alarm State: ${location.currentState("alarmSystemStatus")?.value}" sendLocationEvent(name: "alarmSystemStatus", value: command) log.debug "Changed Alarm State: ${location.currentState("alarmSystemStatus")?.value}" } def setMode() { def command = params.id log.debug "CurrentMode Before setMode : ${location.mode}" log.debug "setMode called with id ${command}" setLocationMode(command) log.debug "CurrentMode After setMode : ${location.mode}" } def toggleSwitch() { def command = params.id log.debug "toggleSwitch called with id ${command}" switches.each { if(it.id == command) { log.debug "Found switch ${it.displayName} with id ${it.id} with current value ${it.currentSwitch}" if(it.currentSwitch == "on") { log.debug "Turning ${it.displayName} OFF" it.off() } else { log.debug "Turning ${it.displayName} ON" it.on() } return } } } def toggleValve() { def command = params.id log.debug "toggleValve called with id ${command}" valves.each { if(it.id == command) { log.debug "Found Valve ${it.displayName} with id ${it.id} with current value ${it.currentValve}" if(it.currentValve == "close") it.open() else it.close() return } } } def setMusicPlayer() { def id = params.id def command = params.command def level = params.level def presetid = params.presetid log.debug "setMusicPlayer called with command ${command} for musicplayer id ${id} VolumeParm=${level} and presetid=${presetid}" musicplayersWebSocket.each { if(it.id == id) { log.debug "Found Music Player: ${it.displayName} with id: ${it.id} with current volume level: ${it.currentVolume}" switch (command) { case 'level': log.debug "Setting New Volume level from ${it.currentVolume} to ${level}" it.setVolume(level) return break case 'preset': log.debug "Setting Preset to id: ${presetid}" it.playPreset(presetid) return break default: if (supportedMusicPlayerDeviceCommands().contains(command)) { log.debug "The Music Playback device was sent command: '${command}'" it."$command"() } else { log.debug "The Music Playback device was sent and invalid playback/track control command: '${command}'" } break return } } } } def setLevel() { def command = params.id def level = params.level log.debug "setLevel called with id ${command} and level ${level}" switches.each { if(it.id == command) { log.debug "Found switch ${it.displayName} with id ${it.id} with current value ${it.currentSwitch}" def fLevel = Float.valueOf(level) log.debug "Setting level to ${fLevel}" it.setLevel(fLevel) return } } } def setColor() { def pid = params.id def colorName = params?.colorName def saturation = params?.saturation log.debug "=========================================================" log.debug "setColor() called with id ${pid}, colorName ${colorName} and saturation ${saturation}" switches.each { if(it.id == pid) { log.debug "Found switch ${it.displayName} with id ${it.id} with current color of ${it.currentColor} and is ${it.currentSwitch}" if (it.currentSwitch=="off"){it.on()} if (it.hasCommand('setColor') & colorName != null) { log.debug "Setting ${it.displayName}'s color to ${colorName}, Hue: ${getHueSatLevel(colorName)} and RGB values: ${colorUtil.hexToRgb(it.currentColor)}" it.setColor(getHueSatLevel(colorName)) } if (it.hasCommand('setSaturation') & saturation != null) { log.debug "Setting ${it.displayName}'s saturation to: ${saturation.toInteger()}" it.setSaturation(saturation.toInteger()) } log.debug "${it.displayName}'s color is now RGB value: ${it.currentColor} = ${colorUtil.hexToRgb(it.currentColor)}, saturation level ${it.currentSaturation}, dimmer level ${it.currentLevel}" return } } log.debug "=========================================================" } def setThermo() { def id = params.id def cmdType = params.type def val = params.val.toInteger() log.debug "setThermo called with id ${id} command ${cmdType} and value ${val}" if(thermos) { thermos.each { if(it.id == id) { log.debug "setThermo found id ${id}" if(cmdType == "mode") { if(val == "auto") { log.debug "Setting thermo to auto" it.auto() } if(val == "heat") { log.debug "Setting thermo to heat" it.heat() } if(val == "cool") { log.debug "Setting thermo to cool" it.cool() } if(val == "off") { log.debug "Setting thermo to off" it.off() } } if(cmdType == "heatingSetpoint") { log.debug "Setting Heat Setpoint to ${val}" it.setHeatingSetpoint(val) } if(cmdType == "coolingSetpoint") { log.debug "Setting Cool Setpoint to ${val}" it.setCoolingSetpoint(val) } } } } } def toggleLock() { def command = params.id log.debug "toggleLock called with id ${command}" def counter = 0 locks.each { if(it.id == command) { log.debug "Found your lock '${it.displayName}' with device id ${it.id} with current value '${it.currentLock}'" if(it.currentLock == "locked") { it.unlock() } else if(it.currentLock == "unlocked") { it.lock() } else { log.debug "Non-supported toggle state for lock ${it.displayName} state ${it.currentLock} let's not do anything" return } log.debug "Lock Refresh() Loop: ${counter} & LockStatus: ${it.currentLock}" return } } } def getBatteryInfo(dev) { // if (dev.capabilities.any { it.name.contains('Lock') } == true) log.debug "${dev} Attributes/Capabilities: ${dev.supportedAttributes}" // log.debug "batteryExcludedDevices = ${batteryExcludedDevices}" if (batteryExcludedDevices) { if (batteryExcludedDevices.contains(dev.id)) { log.debug "${dev} Battery Level: Excluded in BitBar Preference" return "N/A" } } if (dev.capabilities.any { it.name.contains('Battery') } == true) { def batteryMap try { // batteryMap = dev.currentBattery batteryMap = dev.currentValue("battery") // log.debug "${dev} Battery Level: ${batteryMap}%" } catch (all) { return "N/A" } if(batteryMap) { if(state.batteryWarningPct == null || state.batteryWarningPct.toInteger() < 0 || state.batteryWarningPct.toInteger() > 100 ) { state.batteryWarningPct = 50 } if(batteryMap.toInteger() <= state.batteryWarningPct.toInteger()){ return ["${batteryMap}%", batteryWarningPctEmoji == null?" :grimacing: ":" " + batteryWarningPctEmoji + " "] } return ["${batteryMap}%", ""] } } return "N/A" } def getAlarmData() { def resp = [] alarms.each { resp << [name: it.displayName, value: it.currentAlarm, battery: getBatteryInfo(it)]; // log.debug "Alarm: ${resp}" } resp << [ name: "shm", value: state.shm] return resp } def getTempData() { def resp = [] temps.each { resp << [name: it.displayName, value: it.currentTemperature, battery: getBatteryInfo(it), eventlog: getEventsOfDevice(it)]; } resp.sort { -it.value } return resp } def getContactData() { def resp = [] contacts.each { resp << [name: it.displayName, value: it.currentContact, battery: getBatteryInfo(it), eventlog: getEventsOfDevice(it)]; } return resp } def getRelativeHumidityMeasurementData() { def resp = [] relativeHumidityMeasurements.each { resp << [name: it.displayName, value: it.currentHumidity, battery: getBatteryInfo(it), eventlog: getEventsOfDevice(it)]; } return resp } def getPresenceData() { def resp = [] def eventlogData = [] def timeFormatString = timeFormatBool?'EEE MMM dd HH:mm z':'EEE MMM dd hh:mm a z' presences.each { it.events().each { } resp << [name: it.displayName, value: it.currentPresence, battery: getBatteryInfo(it), eventlog: getEventsOfDevice(it)]; } return resp } def getMotionData() { def resp = [] motions.each { resp << [name: it.displayName, value: it.currentMotion, battery: getBatteryInfo(it), eventlog: getEventsOfDevice(it)]; } return resp } def getSwitchData() { def resp = [] switches.each { def x, isRGBbool, hue, saturation, colorRGBName, r, g, b, RGBHex, colorRGBList = null isRGBbool = it.hasCommand('setColor') hue = it.currentHue saturation = it.currentSaturation if (isRGBbool) { if (it.hasCommand('refresh')) {it.refresh()} RGBHex = it.currentColor try { colorRGBList = colorUtil.hexToRgb(RGBHex) } catch (all) { log.debug "Trapped Error: colorRGBList = colorUtil.hexToRgb(RGBHex): RGBHex = ${RGBHex}" colorRGBList=[0,0,0] } r = colorRGBList[0] g = colorRGBList[1] b = colorRGBList[2] if (r>=g & g>=b) {colorRGBName = "Red–yellow"} else if (g>r & r>=b) {colorRGBName = "Yellow–green"} else if (g>=b & b>r ) {colorRGBName = "Green–cyan"} else if (b>g & g>r ) {colorRGBName = "Cyan–blue"} else if (b>r & r>=g) {colorRGBName = "Blue–magenta"} else if (r>=b & b>g ) {colorRGBName = "Magenta–red"} else {colorRGBName = ""} // log.debug "colorRGBName = ${colorRGBName.padRight(20,"-")}" x = [ name : it.displayName, value : it.currentSwitch, colorRGBList: colorRGBList, RGBHex : RGBHex, dimmerLevel : it.currentLevel, hue : hue ? hue.toFloat().round() : hue, saturation : saturation ? saturation.toFloat().round() : saturation ] // x.each {k, v -> log.debug "${k.padRight(20,"-")}: ${v}" } } resp << [ name : it.displayName, value : it.currentSwitch, id : it.id, isDimmer : it.hasCommand('setLevel'), colorRGBName: colorRGBName, dimmerLevel : it.currentLevel, isRGB : isRGBbool, hue : hue ? hue.toFloat().round() : hue, saturation : saturation ? saturation.toFloat().round() : saturation, eventlog : getEventsOfDevice(it) ] } return resp } def getLockData() { def resp = [] locks.each { resp << [name: it.displayName, value: it.currentLock, id : it.id, battery: getBatteryInfo(it), eventlog: getEventsOfDevice(it)]; } return resp } def getMusicPlayerData() { def resp = [] musicplayersWebSocket.each { resp << [ name : it.displayName, manufacturer : it?.getManufacturerName()?:it?.currentDeviceStyle?:null, groupRolePrimary : it?.currentGroupRole=='primary', groupRole : it?.currentGroupRole, id : it.id, level : it.currentVolume, mute : it.currentMute, presets : it.currentPresets?:null, status : it.currentPlaybackStatus, audioTrackData : it.currentAudioTrackData?:null, alexaPlaylists : it.currentAlexaPlaylists?:null, supportedCommands : supportedMusicPlayerDeviceCommands(), groupVolume : it.currentGroupVolume?:null ]; } return resp } def getThermoData() { def resp = [] if(thermos) { thermos.each { def timespan = now() - state.lastThermostatOperatingState resp << [displayName: it.displayName, id: it.id, thermostatOperatingState: it.currentThermostatOperatingState, thermostatMode: it.currentThermostatMode, coolingSetpoint: it.currentCoolingSetpoint, heatingSetpoint: it.currentHeatingSetpoint, lastOperationEvent: timespan ]; } } // log.debug "getThermoData: ${resp[2]}" return resp } def getWaterData() { def resp = [] waters.each { resp << [name: it.displayName, value: it.currentWater, id : it.id, battery: getBatteryInfo(it), eventlog: getEventsOfDevice(it)]; } return resp } def getValveData() { def resp = [] valves.each { resp << [name: it.displayName, value: it.currentValve, id : it.id, battery: getBatteryInfo(it), eventlog: getEventsOfDevice(it)]; } return resp } def getMainDisplayData() { def displaySensorCapabilitySize = displaySensorCapability?displaySensorCapability.size():0 def returnCapability def returnName def returnValue def returnEmoji def fieldName def fieldValue def resp = [] if (displaySensorShowName) { returnName = "shm" returnCapability = returnName returnValue = "${returnName}${location.currentState("alarmSystemStatus")?.value}" returnEmoji = returnValue if (returnValue) { resp << [name: returnName, label: 'Smart Home Monitor', value: returnValue, capability: returnCapability, emoji: returnEmoji]; } } if (displaySensorCapabilitySize == 0) { resp << [name: 'N/A', label: 'N/A', value: 'N/A', capability: 'N/A', emoji: 'unknown']; } else { for(int i = 0;i ${key} : ${fieldValue.displayName}" // log.debug "${i} --> ${key} : ${fieldValue.currentValue(displaySensorCapability[i].replaceAll(/Measurement$|Sensor$/,''))}" returnName = fieldValue.displayName returnCapability = displaySensorCapability[i] returnValue = fieldValue.currentValue(displaySensorCapability[i].replaceAll(/Measurement$|Sensor$/,'')) // log.debug "${i}-> returnValue = ${returnValue}" switch (returnValue) { case ~/[0-9]*\.?[0-9]+/: returnEmoji = 'number' break case 'on': case 'off': case 'open': case 'closed': case 'locked': case 'unlocked': returnEmoji = returnValue break default: returnEmoji = 'unknown' break } resp << [name: returnName, label: fieldValue.displayName, 'value' : returnValue, capability: returnCapability, emoji: returnEmoji]; } } } return resp } def getStatus() { def timeStamp = new Date().format("h:mm:ss a", location.timeZone); def lastUpdateTime = new Date().format("EEE, MMM d, h:mm a", location.timeZone) log.info "BitBar getStatus() started at ${timeStamp}" if (isHE) { def newLabel = "BitBar Output App

(Last Web Update @ ${lastUpdateTime.replace("AM", "am").replace("PM","pm")})

" app.updateLabel(newLabel) } state.bbpluginfilename = params.bbpluginfilename state.bbpluginversion = params.bbpluginversion state.pythonAppVersion = params.pythonAppVersion state.pythonAppPath = params.path getAppInfo(params) if (debugBool) { log.info "Mac BitBar Plugin Folder: ${params.path}" log.info "BitBar Output App Version: ${appVersion()}, XX_Python_Logic.py Version: ${params.pythonAppVersion}, ${params.bbpluginfilename} Version: ${params.bbpluginversion}" } def alarmData = getAlarmData() def tempData = getTempData() def contactData = getContactData() def presenceData = getPresenceData() def motionData = getMotionData() def switchData = getSwitchData() def lockData = getLockData() def thermoData = getThermoData() def mainDisplay = getMainDisplayData() def musicData = getMusicPlayerData() def relativeHumidityMeasurementData = getRelativeHumidityMeasurementData() def waterData = getWaterData() def valveData = getValveData() def optionsData = [ "useImages" : useImages, "useAlbumArtworkImages" : useAlbumArtworkImages, "sortSensorsName" : sortSensorsName, "sortSensorsActive" : sortSensorsActive, "mainMenuMaxItemsTemps" : mainMenuMaxItemsTemps, "mainMenuMaxItemsMusicPlayers": mainMenuMaxItemsMusicPlayers, "mainMenuMaxItemsContacts" : mainMenuMaxItemsContacts, "mainMenuMaxItemsSwitches" : mainMenuMaxItemsSwitches, "mainMenuMaxItemsMotion" : mainMenuMaxItemsMotion, "mainMenuMaxItemsLocks" : mainMenuMaxItemsLocks, "mainMenuMaxItemsWaters" : mainMenuMaxItemsWaters, "mainMenuMaxItemsValves" : mainMenuMaxItemsValves, "mainMenuMaxItemsRelativeHumidityMeasurements" : mainMenuMaxItemsRelativeHumidityMeasurements, "showSensorCount" : showSensorCount, "mainMenuMaxItemsPresences" : mainMenuMaxItemsPresences, "motionActiveEmoji" : motionActiveEmoji, "motionInactiveEmoji" : motionInactiveEmoji, "contactOpenEmoji" : contactOpenEmoji, "contactClosedEmoji" : contactClosedEmoji, "presenscePresentEmoji" : presenscePresentEmoji, "presensceNotPresentEmoji" : presensceNotPresentEmoji, "colorBulbEmoji" : colorBulbEmoji, "dimmerBulbEmoji" : dimmerBulbEmoji, "presenceDisplayMode" : presenceDisplayMode, "numberOfDecimals" : numberOfDecimals, "matchOutputNumberOfDecimals": matchOutputNumberOfDecimals, "dimmerValueOnMainMenu" : dimmerValueOnMainMenu, "mainFontName" : mainFontName, "mainFontSize" : mainFontSize, "subMenuFontName" : subMenuFontName, "subMenuFontSize" : subMenuFontSize, "subMenuFontColor" : subMenuFontColor, "subMenuMoreColor" : subMenuMoreColor, "subMenuCompact" : subMenuCompact, "fixedPitchFontName" : fixedPitchFontName, "fixedPitchFontSize" : fixedPitchFontSize, "fixedPitchFontColor" : fixedPitchFontColor, "hortSeparatorBarBool" : hortSeparatorBarBool, "batteryWarningPct" : batteryWarningPct, "batteryWarningPctEmoji" : batteryWarningPctEmoji, "shmDisplayBool" : shmDisplayBool, "eventsTimeFormat" : eventsTimeFormat, "favoriteDevices" : favoriteDevices, "eventsShow" : eventsShow, "colorChoices" : colorChoices ? colorChoices : [ "Soft White","White","Daylight","Warm White","Red","Green","Blue","Yellow","Orange","Purple","Pink","Cyan" ], "sortTemperatureAscending" : (sortTemperatureAscending == null) ? false : sortTemperatureAscending ] def resp = [ "Version" : appVersion(), "Alarm Sensors" : alarmData, "Temp Sensors" : tempData, "Contact Sensors" : contactData, "Presence Sensors" : presenceData, "Motion Sensors" : motionData, "Switches" : switchData, "Locks" : lockData, "Music Players" : musicData, "Thermostats" : thermoData, "Routines" : routinesDisplayBool?location.helloHome?.getPhrases()*.label:null, "Modes" : modesDisplayBool?location.modes:null, "CurrentMode" : modesDisplayBool?["name":location.mode]:null, "MainDisplay" : mainDisplay, "RelativeHumidityMeasurements" : relativeHumidityMeasurementData, "Waters" : waterData, "Valves" : valveData, "Options" : optionsData] if (debugDevices != null) { log.debug "debugDevices = ${resp."${debugDevices}"}" resp."${debugDevices}".each{ k -> k.each{ m, n -> if (m == "name") {return} log.debug "${k.name}-> ${m} : ${n}" } } } log.info "getStatus routine completed. Returning ${resp.size()} keys" return resp } private mainPage() { if (app.getInstallationState()=='INCOMPLETE'){getAppInfo()} def currentYear = new Date().format("yyyy", location.timeZone) dynamicPage(name: "mainPage", uninstall:true, install:true, submitOnChange: true) { def apiSetupState = (state.accessToken==null)?'Please complete API setup!':'API Setup is complete!' section( "API Access Setup" ) { if (isST) { href name: "APIPageLink", title: "${apiSetupState}", description: (state.endpoint == null)?"You must add these API strings to ST_Python_Logic.cfg":"", page: "APIPage" } else { app.updateSetting("testAPI", false) app.updateSetting("okSend", false) app.updateSetting("sendAPI", false) href name: "APIPageLink", title: "${apiSetupState}", description: (state.endpoint == null)?"You must add these API strings to HE_Python_Logic.cfg":"", page: "APIPage" } } section("Sensor/Device Management & Setup") { href name: "devicesManagementPageLink", title: "Select sensors/devices", description: "", page: "devicesManagementPage" } section("Mac Menu Bar & SubMenu Display Options") { href name: "optionsPageLink", title: "Select display options", description: "", page: "optionsPage" } section { if (isST) { paragraph image: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/KurtSanders/STBitBarApp-V2/master/Images/STBitBarApp-V2.png", title: "ST BitBar App Version Information", required: false, "${state.bbFolder?:''}\n\n${state.bbVersions?:''}" } else { section() { paragraph("${bitBarLogo}" + "Please consider donating to this application via PayPal™.
" + "Copyright \u00a9 2018-${currentYear} SandersSoft™ Inc - All rights reserved.
" + "==> ${state.bbVersions}
${state.bbFolder}") } } } section(hideable: true, hidden: true, "Debuging Options for IDE Live Logging") { input "debugBool", "bool", title: "Display general debug and informational messages in the ST IDE Live Logging View", default: false, required: false input "debugDevices", "enum", title: "Select a Sensor capability category to send debuging information to IDE Live Logging Window", options: ["Alarm Sensors", "Temp Sensors", "Contact Sensors", "Presence Sensors", "Motion Sensors", "Switches", "Locks", "Music Players", "Thermostats", "RelativeHumidityMeasurements"].sort(), required: false, default: false, multiple: false } } } def APIPage() { dynamicPage(name: "APIPage") { section("API Setup") { if (!state.accessToken) { paragraph "Required: The API has not been setup. Tap below to enable it." href name: "enableAPIPageLink", title: "Enable API", description: "", page: "enableAPIPage" } if (isST) { paragraph "API has been setup. Using a text editor, please enter the following two API strings in your 'ST_Python_Logic.cfg' file located in your Apple Mac BitBar Plugins directory." paragraph "smartAppURL=${state.endpointURL}" paragraph "secret=${state.accessToken}" } else { state.endpoint=getFullLocalApiServerUrl()+ "/?access_token=${state.accessToken}" def localUri = getFullLocalApiServerUrl()+ "/Test/" + "?access_token=${state.accessToken}" paragraph "API has been setup!

Using a text editor, please enter the following two strings in your 'HE_Python_Logic.cfg' file located in your Apple Mac BitBar Plugins directory." paragraph "

" input "testAPI", "bool", title: "Select to test the http API access to '${app.name}'?", submitOnChange: true, required: false if (testAPI) { app.updateSetting("testAPI", false) def hubHttpIp = "http://${location.hub.localIP}:8080" try { log.debug "Testing http GET app access: '${localUri}'" def params = [ uri : hubHttpIp, path : "/apps/api/${app.getId()}/Test/", query : ["access_token": "${state.accessToken}"] ] // log.debug "getHttp params Map = '${params}'" // "http://XXX.XXXX.XXX.XXX:8080/apps/api/NNN/Test/?access_token=xxxxxxxx" httpGet(params) { resp -> if (resp.success) { paragraph("${resp.data}") paragraph(doneImage) } else { paragraph("Failed: ${resp.data}") } } } catch (Exception e) { log.warn "Test Call to on failed: ${e.message}" paragraph("Test Call to on failed: ${e.message}") } } } // paragraph("Use the following URI to test the access of the '${app.name}' endpoint:
Local: Local Test URL") input "sendAPI", "bool", title: "Select to send these two secret strings as a notification message", submitOnChange: true, required: false if (sendAPI) { if (isST) { input "phone", "phone", title: "Enter the US mobile phone number", submitOnChange: true, required: true if (sendAPI && phone) { href name: "APISendSMSPageLink", title: "Send API Now to ${phone.replaceFirst('(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d+)', '($1) $2-$3')}", description: "", page: "APISendSMSPage" } } else { section("Enable Pushover™ and/or Twilio™ service(s). (Must install virtual device(s) and have an active service account):") { input ("pushoverEnabled", "bool", title: "Use Pushover™ and/or Twilio™ Service(s) for Alert Notifications", required: false, submitOnChange: true) if (pushoverEnabled) { input(name: "pushoverDevices", type: "capability.notification", title: "", required: false, multiple: true, description: "Select notification device(s)", submitOnChange: true) paragraph "" } if (pushoverDevices) { input ("okSend", "bool", title: "Select to send API strings NOW to ${pushoverDevices}?", defaultValue: false, required: false, submitOnChange: true) if (okSend) { app.updateSetting("okSend", false) def msgData = "Add the following two API strings to your ST_Python_Logic.cfg in the BitBar Plugins Mac Folder" msgData += "\nsmartAppURL=${state.endpointURL}" msgData += "\nsecret=${state.accessToken}" if (settings.pushoverDevices != null) { settings.pushoverDevices.each { // Use notification devices on Hubitat it.deviceNotification(msgData) } } } } } } } } section() { href "disableAPIPage", title: "Disable/Reset API (Only use this if you want to generate a new oauth secret)", description: "" } } } def APISendSMSPage() { dynamicPage(name: "APISendSMSPage") { section() { if (sendAPI && phone) { paragraph "BitBar Output API strings sent to ${phone.replaceFirst('(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d+)', '($1) $2-$3')}" sendPush("BitBar Output API strings sent to ${phone.replaceFirst('(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d+)', '($1) $2-$3')}") sendSms(phone, "Add the following two API strings to your ST_Python_Logic.cfg in the BitBar Plugins Mac Folder") sendSms(phone, "smartAppURL=${state.endpointURL}") sendSms(phone, "secret=${state.accessToken}") } } } } def enableAPIPage() { dynamicPage(name: "enableAPIPage") { section() { if (initializeAppEndpoint()) { paragraph "Woo hoo! The API is now enabled. Brace yourself, though. I hope you don't mind typing long strings of gobbledygook. Sorry I don't know of an easier way to transfer this to the PC. Anyways, tap Done to continue" } else { if (isST) { paragraph "It looks like OAuth is not enabled. Please login to your SmartThings IDE, click the My SmartApps menu item, click the 'Edit Properties' button for the BitBar Output App. Then click the OAuth section followed by the 'Enable OAuth in Smart App' button. Click the Update button and BAM you can finally tap Done here.", title: "Looks like we have to enable OAuth still", required: true, state: null } else { paragraph "It looks like OAuth is not enabled in the BitBar Output App. Please verify the OAuth setting in the Apps Code view.", title: "Looks like we have to enable OAuth.", required: true, state: null } } } } } def disableAPIPage() { dynamicPage(name: "disableAPIPage", title: "") { section() { if (state.endpoint) { try { revokeAccessToken() } catch (e) { log.debug "Unable to revoke access token: $e" } state.endpoint = null } paragraph "It has been done. Your token has been REVOKED. You're no longer allowed in API Town (I mean, you can always have a new token). Tap Done to continue." } } } def devicesManagementPage() { dynamicPage(name:"devicesManagementPage") { section("Sensors & Devices (Required)") { href name: "devicesPageLink", title: "Select the sensors to display/control", required: true, description: "", page: "devicesPage" } section('Main Menu Bar Icons (Required)') { href name: "devicesTopMenuBarPageLink", title: "Select icons for the Main Menu Bar", required: true, description: "", page: "devicesTopMenuBarPage" } section("Favorite Sensors (Mix & Match) to display in separate 1st category section on subMenu") { paragraph "The 'Favorite' sensors submenu is a section on the BitBar submenu to locate a few sensors that you wish to display/monitor quickly. You cannot control them from this menu, just display." input "favoriteDevices", "enum", title: "Favorite sensors (Optional)", options: getAllDevices(), required: false, multiple: true } } } def devicesTopMenuBarPage() { dynamicPage(name:"devicesTopMenuBarPage") { section("MacOS Main Menu BitBar: Select one device to display a status.") { paragraph "The MacOS Main Menu Bar runs along the top of the screen on your Mac" input name: "displaySensorCapability", type: "enum", title: "Mac Menu Bar: Select up to 4 Sensor Capabilities for the Menu Bar Icons", options: ['contactSensor':'Contact','lock':'Lock','switch':'Switch','temperatureMeasurement':'Temperature Measurement'], multiple: true, submitOnChange: true, required: false if (displaySensorCapability) { def displaySensorCapabilitySize = displaySensorCapability.size() if (displaySensorCapabilitySize>1) { paragraph "The ${displaySensorCapabilitySize} device status icons will cycle every few seconds in the MacOS Main Menu Bar" } for(int i = 0;i Low (decending) direction. Default: Low -> High", default: false, required: false } section("Optional: Dimmer Level Main Menu Display Option for Dimmer/Level Capable Switches/Lights") { input "dimmerValueOnMainMenu", "bool", title: "Display the dimmer level % value on the Main Menu after the name of the device? Note: The dimmer % value is always displayed on the sub-menu of the dimmer where the level can be changed.", default: false, required: false } section("Optional: Number of Devices per ST Sensor category to display") { href name: "categoryPageLink", title: "Number of Devices per ST Sensor Categories to Display Options", description: "", page: "categoryPage" } section("Optional: Battery Options") { href name: "batteryPageLink", title: "Battery Check/Display/Level", description: "", page: "batteryPage" } section("Optional: Event History Options for Devices") { href name: "eventsPageLink", title: "Event History", description: "", page: "eventsPage" } section("Optional: Font Names, Pitch Size and Colors") { href name: "fontsPageLink", title: "BitBar Output Menu Text Display Settings", description: "", page: "fontsPage" } section("Optional: Customize Sensor Status & Type Emoji Display Options") { href name: "iconsPageLink", title: "Customize Sensor Status & Type Display Settings", description: "", page: "iconsPage" } section("Optional: Limit Color Choices for 'Color Control' capable devices") { input "colorChoices", "enum", title: "Only show these checked color choices in list (Default: All]", options: [["Soft White":"Soft White - Default"], ["White":"White - Concentrate"], ["Daylight":"Daylight - Energize"], ["Warm White":"Warm White - Relax"], "Red","Green","Blue","Yellow","Orange","Purple","Pink","Cyan"], required: false, multiple: true } } } private initializeAppEndpoint() { if(!state.accessToken) { createAccessToken() } try { if (isST) { state.endpoint = apiServerUrl("/api/token/${state.accessToken}/smartapps/installations/${app.id}/") state.endpointURL = apiServerUrl("/api/smartapps/installations/${app.id}/") } else { state.endpoint=getFullLocalApiServerUrl()+ "/?access_token=${state.accessToken}" state.endpointURL=getFullLocalApiServerUrl() } } catch(e) { state.remove('endpoint') } } def getEventsOfDevice(device) { def deviceHistory if (eventsShow==null || eventsShow==false) {return} if (state.eventsDays==null) { state.eventsDays = 1 } if (state.eventsMax==null) { state.eventsMax = 10 } if (state.eventsDays > 7) {state.eventsDays = 1} if (state.eventsMax > 100) {state.eventsMax = 100} def today = new Date() def then = timeToday(today.format("HH:mm"), TimeZone.getTimeZone('UTC')) - state.eventsDays def timeFormatString = eventsTimeFormat=="12 Hour Clock Format with AM/PM"?'EEE MMM dd hh:mm a z':'EEE MMM dd HH:mm z' try { deviceHistory = device.eventsBetween(then, today, [max: state.eventsMax])?.findAll{"$it.source" == "DEVICE"}?.collect{[date: it.date.format(timeFormatString , location.timeZone), name: it.name, value: it.value]} } catch (all) { return deviceHistory } return deviceHistory } private getAllDevices(BatteryCapabilityOnly=false) { def devicePickMap = [:] def dev_list = ([] + switches + dimmers + motions + accelerations + contacts + illuminants + temps + relativeHumidityMeasurements + locks + alarms + batteries + thermos + medias + musicplayers + speeches + colors + valves + waters + presences + leaks)?.findAll()?.unique { it.id } dev_list.each { if (BatteryCapabilityOnly) { if (it.capabilities.any { it.name.contains('Battery') } == true) { devicePickMap << ["${it.id}": "${it.displayName}"] } } else { devicePickMap << ["${it.id}": "${it.displayName}"] } } // dev_list = dev_list.collect{ it.toString() } // return dev_list.sort() // log.debug "devicePickMap: ${devicePickMap}" // log.debug "devicePickMap.sort() {it.value} = ${devicePickMap.sort() {it.value}}" return devicePickMap.sort() {it.value} } def getHueSatLevel(color) { def hueColor = 0 def saturation = 100 switch(color) { case "White": hueColor = 52 saturation = 19 break; case "Daylight": hueColor = 53 saturation = 91 break; case "Soft White": hueColor = 23 saturation = 56 break; case "Warm White": hueColor = 20 saturation = 80 //83 break; case "Blue": hueColor = 69 saturation = 95 break; case "DarkBlue": hueColor = 70 break; case "Green": hueColor = 39 break; case "Yellow": hueColor = 25 break; case "Orange": hueColor = 10 break; case "Purple": hueColor = 75 break; case "Cyan": hueColor = 180 break; case "Pink": hueColor = 83 break; case "Red": hueColor = 100 break; } return [hue: hueColor, saturation: saturation, level:100] } def colorChoiceList() { return ["lightseagreen","floralwhite","lightgray","darkgoldenrod","paleturquoise","goldenrod","skyblue","indianred","darkgray","khaki","blue", "darkred","lightyellow","midnightblue","chartreuse","lightsteelblue","slateblue","firebrick","moccasin","salmon","sienna","slategray","teal","lightsalmon", "pink","burlywood","gold","springgreen","lightcoral","black","blueviolet","chocolate","aqua","darkviolet","indigo","darkcyan","orange","antiquewhite","peru", "silver","purple","saddlebrown","lawngreen","dodgerblue","lime","linen","lightblue","darkslategray","lightskyblue","mintcream","olive","hotpink","papayawhip", "mediumseagreen","mediumspringgreen","cornflowerblue","plum","seagreen","palevioletred","bisque","beige","darkorchid","royalblue","darkolivegreen","darkmagenta", "orange red","lavender","fuchsia","darkseagreen","lavenderblush","wheat","steelblue","lightgoldenrodyellow","lightcyan","mediumaquamarine","turquoise","dark blue", "darkorange","brown","dimgray","deeppink","powderblue","red","darkgreen","ghostwhite","white","navajowhite","navy","ivory","palegreen","whitesmoke","gainsboro", "mediumslateblue","olivedrab","mediumpurple","darkslateblue","blanchedalmond","darkkhaki","green","limegreen","snow","tomato","darkturquoise","orchid","yellow", "green yellow","azure","mistyrose","cadetblue","oldlace","gray","honeydew","peachpuff","tan","thistle","palegoldenrod","mediumorchid","rosybrown","mediumturquoise", "lemonchiffon","maroon","mediumvioletred","violet","yellow green","coral","lightgreen","cornsilk","mediumblue","aliceblue","forestgreen","aquamarine","deepskyblue", "lightslategray","darksalmon","crimson","sandybrown","lightpink","seashell"].sort() } def supportedMusicPlayerDeviceCommands() { return ['nextTrack','pause','play','previousTrack','stop'] } // SmartThings/Hubitat Portability Library (SHPL) // Copyright (c) 2019, Barry A. Burke (storageanarchy@gmail.com) String getPlatform() { (physicalgraph?.device?.HubAction ? 'SmartThings' : 'Hubitat') } // if (platform == 'SmartThings') ... boolean getIsST() { (physicalgraph?.device?.HubAction ? true : false) } // if (isST) ... boolean getIsHE() { (hubitat?.device?.HubAction ? true : false) } // if (isHE) ... String getHubPlatform() { def pf = getPlatform() state?.hubPlatform = pf // if (state.hubPlatform == 'Hubitat') ... // or if (state.hubPlatform == 'SmartThings')... state?.isST = pf.startsWith('S') // if (state.isST) ... state?.isHE = pf.startsWith('H') // if (state.isHE) ... return pf } boolean getIsSTHub() { return state.isST } // if (isSTHub) ... boolean getIsHEHub() { return state.isHE } // if (isHEHub) ... String getBitBarLogo(){ return "BitBar Logo
"} String getDoneImage(){ return "Done!
"} String getAppInfo(params=[]) { def na="Value not initialized, awiting first run of Mac BitBar app" if (isST) { state.bbFolder = "Mac BitBar Plugin Folder:\n${params.path?:na}" state.bbVersions = "Current Installed Versions:\nSmartApp: ${appVersion()}\nST_Python_Logic: ${params.pythonAppVersion?:na}\n${params.bbpluginfilename?:na}: ${params.bbpluginversion?:na}" } else { state.bbFolder = "Mac BitBar Plugin Folder: ${params.path?:na}" state.bbVersions = "Current Installed Versions:
" + "SmartApp: ${appVersion()}
" + "HE_Python_Logic: ${params.pythonAppVersion?:na}
" + "${params.bbpluginfilename?:''}: ${params.bbpluginversion?:''}" } }