if GetObjectName(GetMyHero()) ~= "Udyr" then return end require('Inspired') PrintChat("Udyr Plain and Simple by Merda") Udyr = MenuConfig("Plain and Simple", "Udyr") Udyr:Menu("Combo", "Combo") Udyr.Combo:Boolean("Q", "Use Q", true) Udyr.Combo:Boolean("W", "Use W", true) Udyr.Combo:Boolean("E", "Use E", true) Udyr.Combo:Boolean("R", "Use R", true) Udyr:Menu("Keys", "Keys") Udyr.Keys:Key("Combo", "Combo", 32) OnTick(function(myHero) local target = GetCurrentTarget() if IOW:Mode() == "Combo" then if CanUseSpell(myHero,_E) == READY and ValidTarget(target, 1550) and Udyr.Combo.E:Value() then CastSpell(_E) end if CanUseSpell(myHero,_Q) == READY and ValidTarget(target, 130) and Udyr.Combo.Q:Value() then CastSpell(_Q) end if CanUseSpell(myHero,_R) == READY and ValidTarget(target, 125) and Udyr.Combo.R:Value() then CastSpell(_R) end local WPred = GetPredictionForPlayer(myHeroPos(),target,GetMoveSpeed(target),1700,250,900,50,false,true) if CanUseSpell(myHero,_W) == READY and ValidTarget(target, 1555) and Udyr.Combo.W:Value() then CastSpell(_W) end end end)