import sublime import operator import os import re # Helper module try: from .helper import H except: from helper import H # Settings variables try: from . import settings as S except: import settings as S # DBGp protocol constants try: from . import dbgp except: import dbgp # Config module from .config import get_value, get_window_value, set_window_value # Util module from .util import get_real_path, get_region_icon, save_watch_data DATA_BREAKPOINT = 'breakpoint' DATA_CONTEXT = 'context' DATA_STACK = 'stack' DATA_WATCH = 'watch' TITLE_WINDOW_BREAKPOINT = "Xdebug Breakpoint" TITLE_WINDOW_CONTEXT = "Xdebug Context" TITLE_WINDOW_STACK = "Xdebug Stack" TITLE_WINDOW_WATCH = "Xdebug Watch" def close_debug_windows(): """ Close all debugging related views in active window and ensure active view remains active """ window = sublime.active_window() active_view = window.active_view() for view in window.views(): if is_debug_view(view): window.focus_view(view) window.run_command('close') window.focus_view(active_view) window.run_command('hide_panel', {"panel": 'output.xdebug'}) def generate_breakpoint_output(): """ Generate output with all configured breakpoints. """ # Get breakpoints for files values = H.unicode_string('') if S.BREAKPOINT is None: return values for filename, breakpoint_data in sorted(S.BREAKPOINT.items()): breakpoint_entry = '' if breakpoint_data: breakpoint_entry += "=> %s\n" % filename # Sort breakpoint data by line number for lineno, bp in sorted(breakpoint_data.items(), key=lambda item: (int(item[0]) if isinstance(item[0], int) or H.is_digit(item[0]) else float('inf'), item[0])): # Do not show temporary breakpoint if S.BREAKPOINT_RUN is not None and S.BREAKPOINT_RUN['filename'] == filename and S.BREAKPOINT_RUN['lineno'] == lineno: continue # Whether breakpoint is enabled or disabled breakpoint_entry += '\t' if bp['enabled']: breakpoint_entry += '|+|' else: breakpoint_entry += '|-|' # Line number breakpoint_entry += ' %s' % lineno # Conditional expression if bp['expression'] is not None: breakpoint_entry += ' -- "%s"' % bp['expression'] breakpoint_entry += "\n" values += H.unicode_string(breakpoint_entry) return values def generate_context_output(context, indent=0): """ Generate readable context from dictionary with context data. Keyword arguments: context -- Dictionary with context data. indent -- Indent level. """ # Generate output text for values values = H.unicode_string('') if not isinstance(context, dict): return values for variable in context.values(): has_children = False property_text = '' # Set indentation for i in range(indent): property_text += '\t' # Property with value if variable['value'] is not None: if variable['name']: property_text += '{name} = ' property_text += '({type}) {value}\n' # Property with children elif isinstance(variable['children'], dict) and variable['numchildren'] is not None: has_children = True if variable['name']: property_text += '{name} = ' property_text += '{type}[{numchildren}]\n' # Unknown property else: if variable['name']: property_text += '{name} = ' property_text += '<{type}>\n' # Remove newlines in value to prevent incorrect indentation value = '' if variable['value'] and len(variable['value']) > 0: value = variable['value'].replace("\r\n", "\n").replace("\n", " ") # Format string and append to output values += H.unicode_string(property_text \ .format(value=value, type=variable['type'], name=variable['name'], numchildren=variable['numchildren'])) # Append property children to output if has_children: # Get children for property (no need to convert, already unicode) values += generate_context_output(variable['children'], indent+1) # Use ellipsis to indicate that results have been truncated limited = False if isinstance(variable['numchildren'], int) or H.is_digit(variable['numchildren']): if int(variable['numchildren']) != len(variable['children']): limited = True elif len(variable['children']) > 0 and not variable['numchildren']: limited = True if limited: for i in range(indent+1): values += H.unicode_string('\t') values += H.unicode_string('...\n') return values def generate_stack_output(response): values = H.unicode_string('') # Display exception name and message if S.BREAKPOINT_EXCEPTION: values += H.unicode_string('[{name}] {message}\n' \ .format(name=S.BREAKPOINT_EXCEPTION['name'], message=S.BREAKPOINT_EXCEPTION['message'])) # Walk through elements in response has_output = False try: for child in response: # Get stack attribute values if child.tag == dbgp.ELEMENT_STACK or child.tag == dbgp.ELEMENT_PATH_STACK: stack_level = child.get(dbgp.STACK_LEVEL, 0) stack_type = child.get(dbgp.STACK_TYPE) stack_file = H.url_decode(child.get(dbgp.STACK_FILENAME)) stack_line = child.get(dbgp.STACK_LINENO, 0) stack_where = child.get(dbgp.STACK_WHERE, '{unknown}') # Append values values += H.unicode_string('[{level}] {filename}.{where}:{lineno}\n' \ .format(level=stack_level, type=stack_type, where=stack_where, lineno=stack_line, filename=stack_file)) has_output = True except: pass # When no stack use values from exception if not has_output and S.BREAKPOINT_EXCEPTION: values += H.unicode_string('[{level}] {filename}.{where}:{lineno}\n' \ .format(level=0, where='{unknown}', lineno=S.BREAKPOINT_EXCEPTION['lineno'], filename=S.BREAKPOINT_EXCEPTION['filename'])) return values def generate_watch_output(): """ Generate output with all watch expressions. """ values = H.unicode_string('') if S.WATCH is None: return values for watch_data in S.WATCH: watch_entry = '' if watch_data and isinstance(watch_data, dict): # Whether watch expression is enabled or disabled if 'enabled' in watch_data.keys(): if watch_data['enabled']: watch_entry += '|+|' else: watch_entry += '|-|' # Watch expression if 'expression' in watch_data.keys(): watch_entry += ' "%s"' % watch_data['expression'] # Evaluated value if watch_data['value'] is not None: watch_entry += ' = ' + generate_context_output(watch_data['value']) else: watch_entry += "\n" values += H.unicode_string(watch_entry) return values def get_context_variable(context, variable_name): """ Find a variable in the context data. Keyword arguments: context -- Dictionary with context data to search. variable_name -- Name of variable to find. """ if isinstance(context, dict): if variable_name in context: return context[variable_name] for variable in context.values(): if isinstance(variable['children'], dict): children = get_context_variable(variable['children'], variable_name) if children: return children def get_debug_index(name=None): """ Retrieve configured group/index position of of debug view(s) within active window. Returns list with tuple entries for all debug views or single tuple when specified name of debug view. Structure of tuple entry for debug view is as followed: (group position in window, index position in group, name/title of debug view) Keyword arguments: name -- Name of debug view to get group/index position. """ # Set group and index for each debug view breakpoint_group = get_value(S.KEY_BREAKPOINT_GROUP, -1) breakpoint_index = get_value(S.KEY_BREAKPOINT_INDEX, 0) context_group = get_value(S.KEY_CONTEXT_GROUP, -1) context_index = get_value(S.KEY_CONTEXT_INDEX, 0) stack_group = get_value(S.KEY_STACK_GROUP, -1) stack_index = get_value(S.KEY_STACK_INDEX, 0) watch_group = get_value(S.KEY_WATCH_GROUP, -1) watch_index = get_value(S.KEY_WATCH_INDEX, 0) # Create list with all debug views and sort by group/index debug_list = [] debug_list.append((breakpoint_group, breakpoint_index, TITLE_WINDOW_BREAKPOINT)) debug_list.append((context_group, context_index, TITLE_WINDOW_CONTEXT)) debug_list.append((stack_group, stack_index, TITLE_WINDOW_STACK)) debug_list.append((watch_group, watch_index, TITLE_WINDOW_WATCH)) debug_list.sort(key=operator.itemgetter(0,1)) # Recalculate group/index position within boundaries of active window window = sublime.active_window() group_limit = window.num_groups()-1 sorted_list = [] last_group = None last_index = 0 for debug in debug_list: group, index, title = debug # Set group position if group > group_limit: group = group_limit # Set index position if group == last_group: last_index += 1 else: index_limit = len(window.views_in_group(group)) if index > index_limit: index = index_limit last_group = group last_index = index # Add debug view with new group/index sorted_list.append((group, last_index, title)) # Sort recalculated list by group/index sorted_list.sort(key=operator.itemgetter(0,1)) # Find specified view by name/title of debug view if name is not None: try: return [view[2] for view in sorted_list].index(name) except ValueError: return None # List with all debug views return sorted_list def get_response_properties(response, default_key=None): """ Return a dictionary with available properties from response. Keyword arguments: response -- Response from debugger engine. default_key -- Index key to use when property has no name. """ properties = H.new_dictionary() # Walk through elements in response for child in response: # Read property elements if child.tag == dbgp.ELEMENT_PROPERTY or child.tag == dbgp.ELEMENT_PATH_PROPERTY: # Get property attribute values property_name_short = child.get(dbgp.PROPERTY_NAME) property_name = child.get(dbgp.PROPERTY_FULLNAME, property_name_short) property_type = child.get(dbgp.PROPERTY_TYPE) property_children = child.get(dbgp.PROPERTY_CHILDREN) property_numchildren = child.get(dbgp.PROPERTY_NUMCHILDREN) property_classname = child.get(dbgp.PROPERTY_CLASSNAME) property_encoding = child.get(dbgp.PROPERTY_ENCODING) property_value = None # Set property value if child.text: property_value = child.text # Try to decode property value when encoded with base64 if property_encoding is not None and property_encoding == 'base64': try: property_value = H.base64_decode(child.text) except: pass if property_name is not None and len(property_name) > 0: property_key = property_name # Ignore following properties if property_name == "::": continue # Avoid nasty static functions/variables from turning in an infinitive loop if property_name.count("::") > 1: continue # Filter password values if get_value(S.KEY_HIDE_PASSWORD, True) and property_name.lower().find('password') != -1 and property_value is not None: property_value = '******' else: property_key = default_key # Store property if property_key: properties[property_key] = { 'name': property_name, 'type': property_type, 'value': property_value, 'numchildren': property_numchildren, 'children' : None } # Get values for children if property_children: properties[property_key]['children'] = get_response_properties(child, default_key) # Set classname, if available, as type for object if property_classname and property_type == 'object': properties[property_key]['type'] = property_classname # Handle error elements elif child.tag == dbgp.ELEMENT_ERROR or child.tag == dbgp.ELEMENT_PATH_ERROR: message = 'error' for step_child in child: if step_child.tag == dbgp.ELEMENT_MESSAGE or step_child.tag == dbgp.ELEMENT_PATH_MESSAGE and step_child.text: message = step_child.text break if default_key: properties[default_key] = { 'name': None, 'type': message, 'value': None, 'numchildren': None, 'children': None } return properties def has_debug_view(name=None): """ Determine if active window has any or specific debug view(s). Keyword arguments: name -- Name of debug view to search for in active window. """ for view in sublime.active_window().views(): if is_debug_view(view): if name is not None: if == name: return True else: return True return False def is_debug_view(view): """ Check if view name matches debug name/title. Keyword arguments: view -- View reference which to check if name matches debug name/title. """ return == TITLE_WINDOW_BREAKPOINT or == TITLE_WINDOW_CONTEXT or == TITLE_WINDOW_STACK or == TITLE_WINDOW_WATCH def set_layout(layout): """ Toggle between debug and default window layouts. """ # Get active window and set reference to active view window = sublime.active_window() previous_active = window.active_view() # Do not set layout when disabled if get_value(S.KEY_DISABLE_LAYOUT): S.RESTORE_LAYOUT = window.get_layout() set_window_value('restore_layout', S.RESTORE_LAYOUT) S.RESTORE_INDEX = H.new_dictionary() set_window_value('restore_index', S.RESTORE_INDEX) return # Show debug layout if layout == 'debug': debug_layout = get_value(S.KEY_DEBUG_LAYOUT, S.LAYOUT_DEBUG) if window.get_layout() != debug_layout: # Save current layout S.RESTORE_LAYOUT = window.get_layout() set_window_value('restore_layout', S.RESTORE_LAYOUT) # Remember view indexes S.RESTORE_INDEX = H.new_dictionary() for view in window.views(): view_id = "%d" % group, index = window.get_view_index(view) S.RESTORE_INDEX[view_id] = { "group": group, "index": index } set_window_value('restore_index', S.RESTORE_INDEX) # Set debug layout window.set_layout(S.LAYOUT_NORMAL) window.set_layout(debug_layout) # Show previous (single) layout else: # Get previous layout configuration if S.RESTORE_LAYOUT is None: S.RESTORE_LAYOUT = get_window_value('restore_layout', S.LAYOUT_NORMAL) if S.RESTORE_INDEX is None: S.RESTORE_INDEX = get_window_value('restore_index', {}) # Restore layout window.set_layout(S.LAYOUT_NORMAL) window.set_layout(S.RESTORE_LAYOUT) for view in window.views(): view_id = "%d" % # Set view indexes if view_id in H.dictionary_keys(S.RESTORE_INDEX): v = S.RESTORE_INDEX[view_id] window.set_view_index(view, v["group"], v["index"]) # Restore focus to previous active view if not previous_active is None: window.focus_view(previous_active) def show_content(data, content=None): """ Show content for specific data type in assigned window view. Note: When view does not exists, it will create one. """ # Hande data type if data == DATA_BREAKPOINT: title = TITLE_WINDOW_BREAKPOINT content = generate_breakpoint_output() elif data == DATA_CONTEXT: title = TITLE_WINDOW_CONTEXT elif data == DATA_STACK: title = TITLE_WINDOW_STACK elif data == DATA_WATCH: title = TITLE_WINDOW_WATCH content = generate_watch_output() else: return # Get list of group/index for all debug views debug_index = get_debug_index() # Find group/index of debug view for current data type try: key = [debug[2] for debug in debug_index].index(title) except ValueError: return # Set group and index position group, index, _ = debug_index[key] # Get active window and set reference to active view window = sublime.active_window() previous_active = window.active_view_in_group(window.active_group()) # Loop through views in active window found = False view = None previous_key = -1 active_debug = None for v in window.views(): # Search for view assigned to data type if == title: found = True view = v continue # Adjust group/index of debug view depending on other debug view(s) if is_debug_view(v): try: current_key = [debug[2] for debug in debug_index].index( except ValueError: continue # Get current position of view view_group, view_index = window.get_view_index(v) # Recalculate group/index for debug view current_group, current_index, _ = debug_index[current_key] if group == current_group: if key > previous_key and key < current_key: index = view_index if key > current_key: index = view_index + 1 # Remember debug view for setting focus if v == window.active_view_in_group(group): active_debug = v previous_key = current_key # Make sure index position is not out of boundary index_limit = len(window.views_in_group(group)) if index > index_limit: index = index_limit # Create new view if it does not exists if not found: view = window.new_file() view.set_scratch(True) view.set_read_only(True) view.set_name(title) window.set_view_index(view, group, index) # Set focus back to active debug view if active_debug is not None: window.focus_view(active_debug) # Strip .sublime-package of package name for syntax file package_extension = ".sublime-package" package = S.PACKAGE_FOLDER if package.endswith(package_extension): package = package[:-len(package_extension)] # Configure view settings view.settings().set('word_wrap', False) view.settings().set('syntax', 'Packages/' + package + '/Xdebug.tmLanguage') # Set content for view and fold all indendation blocks view.run_command('xdebug_view_update', {'data': content, 'readonly': True}) if data == DATA_CONTEXT or data == DATA_WATCH: view.run_command('fold_all') # Restore focus to previous active view/group if previous_active is not None: window.focus_view(previous_active) else: window.focus_group(0) def show_context_output(view): """ Show selected variable in an output panel when clicked in context window. Keyword arguments: view -- View reference which holds the context window. """ # Check if there is a debug session and context data if S.SESSION and S.SESSION.connected and S.CONTEXT_DATA: try: # Get selected point in view point = view.sel()[0] # Check if selected point uses variable scope if point.size() == 0 and sublime.score_selector(view.scope_name(point.a), 'variable'): # Find variable in line which contains the point line = view.substr(view.line(point)) pattern = re.compile('^\\s*(\\$.*?)\\s+\\=') match = pattern.match(line) if match: # Get variable details from context data variable_name = variable = get_context_variable(S.CONTEXT_DATA, variable_name) if variable: # Convert details to text output variables = H.new_dictionary() variables[variable_name] = variable data = generate_context_output(variables) # Show context variables and children in output panel window = sublime.active_window() panel = window.get_output_panel('xdebug') panel.run_command("xdebug_view_update", {'data' : data} ) panel.run_command('set_setting', {"setting": 'word_wrap', "value": True}) window.run_command('show_panel', {"panel": 'output.xdebug'}) except: pass def show_file(filename, row=None): """ Open or focus file in window, which is currently being debugged. Keyword arguments: filename -- Absolute path of file on local device. """ # Check if file exists if being referred to file system if os.path.exists(filename): # Get active window window = sublime.active_window() window.focus_group(0) # Check if file is already open found = False view = window.find_open_file(filename) if not view is None: found = True window.focus_view(view) # Set focus to row (line number) show_at_row(view, row) # Open file if not open if not found: view = window.open_file(filename) window.focus_view(view) # Set focus to row (line number) when file is loaded S.SHOW_ROW_ONLOAD[filename] = row def show_panel_content(content): # Show response data in output panel try: window = sublime.active_window() panel = window.get_output_panel('xdebug') panel.run_command('xdebug_view_update', {'data': content}) panel.run_command('set_setting', {"setting": 'word_wrap', "value": True}) window.run_command('show_panel', {'panel': 'output.xdebug'}) except: print(content) def show_at_row(view, row=None): """ Scroll the view to center on the given row (line number). Keyword arguments: - view -- Which view to scroll to center on row. - row -- Row where to center the view. """ if row is not None: try: # Convert row (line number) to region row_region = rows_to_region(row)[0].a # Scroll the view to row view.show_at_center(row_region) except: # When defining row_region index could be out of bounds pass def rows_to_region(rows): """ Convert rows (line numbers) to a region (selection/cursor position). Keyword arguments: - rows -- Row number(s) to convert to region(s). """ # Get current active view view = sublime.active_window().active_view() # Unable to convert rows to regions when no view available if view is None: return # List for containing regions to return region = [] # Create list if it is a singleton if not isinstance(rows, list): rows = [rows] for row in rows: # Check if row is a digit if isinstance(row, int) or H.is_digit(row): # Convert from 1 based to a 0 based row (line) number row_number = int(row) - 1 # Calculate offset point for row offset_point = view.text_point(row_number, 0) # Get region for row by offset point region_row = view.line(offset_point) # Add to list for result region.append(region_row) return region def region_to_rows(region=None, filter_empty=False): """ Convert a region (selection/cursor position) to rows (line numbers). Keyword arguments: - region -- sublime.Selection/sublime.RegionSet or sublime.Region to convert to row number(s). - filter_empty -- Filter empty rows (line numbers). """ # Get current active view view = sublime.active_window().active_view() # Unable to convert regions to rows when no view available if view is None: return # Use current selection/cursor position if no region defined if region is None: region = view.sel() # List for containing rows (line numbers) to return rows = [] # Create list if it is a singleton if isinstance(region, sublime.Region): region = [region] # Split the region up, so that each region returned exists on exactly one line region_split = [] for region_part in region: region_split.extend(view.split_by_newlines(region_part)) # Get row (line) number for each region area for region_area in region_split: # Retrieve line region for current region area row_line = view.line(region_area) # Check if line region is empty if filter_empty and row_line.empty(): continue # Get beginning coordination point of line region row_point = row_line.begin() # Retrieve row (line) number and column number of region row, col = view.rowcol(row_point) # Convert from 0 based to a 1 based row (line) number row_number = str(row + 1) # Add to list for result rows.append(row_number) return rows def render_regions(view=None): """ Set breakpoint/current line marker(s) for current active view. Note: View rendering conflict when using same icon for different scopes in add_regions(). """ # Get current active view if view is None: view = sublime.active_window().active_view() # Unable to set regions when no view available if view is None: return # Do no set regions if view is empty or still loading if view.size() == 0 or view.is_loading(): return # Remove all markers to avoid marker conflict view.erase_regions(S.REGION_KEY_BREAKPOINT) view.erase_regions(S.REGION_KEY_CURRENT) view.erase_regions(S.REGION_KEY_DISABLED) # Get filename of current view and check if is a valid filename filename = view.file_name() if not filename: return # Determine icon for regions icon_current = get_region_icon(S.KEY_CURRENT_LINE) icon_disabled = get_region_icon(S.KEY_BREAKPOINT_DISABLED) icon_enabled = get_region_icon(S.KEY_BREAKPOINT_ENABLED) # Get all (disabled) breakpoint rows (line numbers) for file breakpoint_rows = [] disabled_rows = [] if filename in S.BREAKPOINT and isinstance(S.BREAKPOINT[filename], dict): for lineno, bp in S.BREAKPOINT[filename].items(): # Do not show temporary breakpoint if S.BREAKPOINT_RUN is not None and S.BREAKPOINT_RUN['filename'] == filename and S.BREAKPOINT_RUN['lineno'] == lineno: continue # Determine if breakpoint is enabled or disabled if bp['enabled']: breakpoint_rows.append(lineno) else: disabled_rows.append(lineno) # Get current line from breakpoint hit if S.BREAKPOINT_ROW is not None: # Make sure current breakpoint is in this file if filename == S.BREAKPOINT_ROW['filename']: # Remove current line number from breakpoint rows to avoid marker conflict if S.BREAKPOINT_ROW['lineno'] in breakpoint_rows: breakpoint_rows.remove(S.BREAKPOINT_ROW['lineno']) # Set icon for current breakpoint icon_breakpoint_current = get_region_icon(S.KEY_BREAKPOINT_CURRENT) if icon_breakpoint_current: icon_current = icon_breakpoint_current if S.BREAKPOINT_ROW['lineno'] in disabled_rows: disabled_rows.remove(S.BREAKPOINT_ROW['lineno']) # Set current line marker if icon_current: view.add_regions(S.REGION_KEY_CURRENT, rows_to_region(S.BREAKPOINT_ROW['lineno']), S.REGION_SCOPE_CURRENT, icon_current, sublime.HIDDEN) # Set breakpoint marker(s) if breakpoint_rows and icon_enabled: view.add_regions(S.REGION_KEY_BREAKPOINT, rows_to_region(breakpoint_rows), S.REGION_SCOPE_BREAKPOINT, icon_enabled, sublime.HIDDEN) if disabled_rows and icon_disabled: view.add_regions(S.REGION_KEY_DISABLED, rows_to_region(disabled_rows), S.REGION_SCOPE_BREAKPOINT, icon_disabled, sublime.HIDDEN) def toggle_breakpoint(view): try: # Get selected point in view point = view.sel()[0] # Check if selected point uses breakpoint line scope if point.size() == 3 and sublime.score_selector(view.scope_name(point.a), 'xdebug.output.breakpoint.line'): # Find line number of breakpoint line = view.substr(view.line(point)) pattern = re.compile('^\\s*(?:(\\|\\+\\|)|(\\|-\\|))\\s*(?P\\d+)\\s*(?:(--)(.*)|.*)') match = pattern.match(line) # Check if it has found line number if match and'line_number'): # Get all breakpoint filenames breakpoint_file = view.find_by_selector('xdebug.output.breakpoint.file') # Locate line with filename related to selected breakpoint file_line = None for entry in breakpoint_file: # Stop searching if we have passed selected breakpoint if entry > point: break file_line = view.substr(view.line(entry)) # Do not continue without line containing filename if file_line is None: return # Remove unnecessary text from line to get filename file_pattern = re.compile('^\\s*(=>)\\s*(?P.*)') file_match = file_pattern.match(file_line) # Check if it is a valid filename if file_match and'filename'): filename ='filename') line_number ='line_number') enabled = None # Disable breakpoint if sublime.score_selector(view.scope_name(point.a), 'entity') and S.BREAKPOINT[filename][line_number]['enabled']: enabled = False # Enable breakpoint if sublime.score_selector(view.scope_name(point.a), 'keyword') and not S.BREAKPOINT[filename][line_number]['enabled']: enabled = True # Toggle breakpoint only if it has valid value if enabled is None: return sublime.active_window().run_command('xdebug_breakpoint', {"enabled": enabled, "rows": [line_number], "filename": filename}) # Check if selected point uses breakpoint file scope elif point.size() > 3 and sublime.score_selector(view.scope_name(point.a), 'xdebug.output.breakpoint.file'): # Get filename from selected line in view file_line = view.substr(view.line(point)) file_pattern = re.compile('^\\s*(=>)\\s*(?P.*)') file_match = file_pattern.match(file_line) # Show file when it's a valid filename if file_match and'filename'): filename ='filename') show_file(filename) except: pass def toggle_stack(view): try: # Get selected point in view point = view.sel()[0] # Check if selected point uses stack entry scope if point.size() > 3 and sublime.score_selector(view.scope_name(point.a), 'xdebug.output.stack.entry'): # Get fileuri and line number from selected line in view line = view.substr(view.line(point)) pattern = re.compile('^(\[\d+\])\s*(?P.*)(\..*)(\s*:.*?(?P\d+))\s*(\((.*?):.*\)|$)') match = pattern.match(line) # Show file when it's a valid fileuri if match and'fileuri'): filename = get_real_path('fileuri')) lineno = 0 if'lineno'): lineno ='lineno') show_file(filename, lineno) except: pass def toggle_watch(view): # Do not try to toggle when no watch expressions defined if not S.WATCH: return try: # Get selected point in view point = view.sel()[0] # Check if selected point uses watch entry scope if point.size() == 3 and sublime.score_selector(view.scope_name(point.a), ''): # Determine if watch entry is enabled or disabled line = view.substr(view.line(point)) pattern = re.compile('^(?:(?P\\|\\+\\|)|(?P\\|-\\|))\\.*') match = pattern.match(line) if match and ('enabled') or'disabled')): # Get all entries and determine index by line/point match watch = view.find_by_selector('') watch_index = 0 for entry in watch: # Stop searching if we have passed selected breakpoint if entry > point: break # Only increment watch index when it contains expression watch_line = view.substr(view.line(entry)) watch_match = pattern.match(watch_line) if watch_match and ('enabled') or'disabled')): watch_index += 1 # Disable watch expression if sublime.score_selector(view.scope_name(point.a), 'entity') and S.WATCH[watch_index]['enabled']: S.WATCH[watch_index]['enabled'] = False # Enable watch expression if sublime.score_selector(view.scope_name(point.a), 'keyword') and not S.WATCH[watch_index]['enabled']: S.WATCH[watch_index]['enabled'] = True # Update watch view and save watch data to file sublime.active_window().run_command('xdebug_watch', {"update": True}) except: pass