# Contributing to AkDanmaku Welcome to the AkDanmaku project and report Issues or pull requests. ## Issues We use GitHub issues to track public bugs and feature requests. ### Search Known Issues First Please search the existing issues to see if any similar issue or feature request has already been filed. You should make sure your issue isn't redundant. ### Reporting New Issues If you open an issue, the more information the better. Such as detailed description, screenshot or video of your problem, logcat or code blocks for your crash. ### Pull Requests Welcome your pull request. ## Branch Management There is only one main branch: * `master` branch * It's the latest (pre-)release branch. We use `master` for tags. * Feature or bugfix branch pull out from `master` and merge after everything is ok. ## Pull Requests Please make sure the following is done when submitting a pull request: 1. Fork the repo and create your feature or bugfix branch from `master`. 2. Add the copyright notice to the top of any new files you've added. 3. Try your best to test your code. 4. Squash all of your commits into one meaningful commit. ## Code Style Guide We recommend to use Kotlin as the primary coding language for android project. And for Kotlin Code Style reference [AOSP Kotlin Code Style](https://developer.android.com/kotlin/style-guide) except 2 spaces for indentation. ## License By contributing to AkDanmaku, you agree that your contributions will be licensed under its [MIT LICENSE](./LICENSE).