. */ function prostats_g() { global $mybb; $mybb->psga['prostats_version'] = '1.9.7'; $mybb->psga['update_popup_link'] = 'https://docs.google.com/uc?export=view&id=0B1io8D4cQytcemFVVFh3VXJzdWs'; $mybb->psga['surprise_link'] = 'https://docs.google.com/uc?export=view&id=0B1io8D4cQytcV0dPSTBYTTFNN00'; } if (!defined("IN_MYBB")) { die("Direct initialization of this file is not allowed."); } $plugins->add_hook('global_start', 'prostats_run_global'); $plugins->add_hook('pre_output_page', 'prostats_run_pre_output'); $plugins->add_hook('index_start', 'prostats_run_index'); $plugins->add_hook('portal_start', 'prostats_run_portal'); $plugins->add_hook('xmlhttp', 'prostats_run_ajax'); $plugins->add_hook('admin_config_plugins_activate_commit', 'prostats_install_redirect'); function prostats_info() { global $mybb, $db; $settings_link = ''; $query = $db->simple_select('settinggroups', '*', "name='prostats'"); if ($db->num_rows($query)) { $settings_link = '(Settings)'; } prostats_g(); //DO NOT EDIT/TRANSLATE THIS SECTION return array( 'name' => ' ProStats /proʊˈstæts/', 'description' => 'Professional stats for MyBB. ' . $settings_link, 'website' => 'http://prostats.wordpress.com', 'author' => 'SaeedGh and AliReza Tofighi', 'authorsite' => '', 'version' => $mybb->psga['prostats_version'], //*** ALSO IN THE SETTING "ps_version" *** 'guid' => '124b68d05dcdaf6b7971050baddf340f', 'compatibility' => '18*' ); } function prostats_is_installed() { global $db; $query = $db->simple_select('settinggroups', '*', "name='prostats'"); if ($db->num_rows($query)) { return true; } return false; } function prostats_install() { global $mybb, $db; $extra_cells = "select\n0=--\n1=Most replies\n2=Most reputations\n3=Most thanks\n4=Most viewed\n5=New members\n6=Top downloads\n7=Top posters\n9=Top Thread Posters\n8=Top referrers"; prostats_uninstall(); prostats_g(); $ps_group = array( 'name' => "prostats", 'title' => "ProStats", 'description' => "Professional stats for MyBB.", 'disporder' => 1, 'isdefault' => 1 ); $gid = $db->insert_query("settinggroups", $ps_group); $mybb->prostats_insert_gid = $gid; $ps[]= array( 'name' => "ps_enable", 'title' => "Enable", 'description' => "Do you want to enable the plugin?

User ID:
URI: =

No. DB Queries:

Memory Usage:

Instant Preview
", 'optionscode' => "yesno", 'value' => ps_SetSettingsValue('ps_enable', '1'), 'disporder' => 1, 'gid' => $gid ); $ps[]= array( 'name' => "ps_index", 'title' => "Show in index", 'description' => "Show the ProStats table in the index page.", 'optionscode' => "yesno", 'value' => ps_SetSettingsValue('ps_index', '1'), 'disporder' => 3, 'gid' => $gid ); $ps[]= array( 'name' => "ps_portal", 'title' => "Show in portal", 'description' => "Show the ProStats table in the portal page.", 'optionscode' => "yesno", 'value' => ps_SetSettingsValue('ps_portal', '0'), 'disporder' => 4, 'gid' => $gid ); $ps[]= array( 'name' => "ps_global_tag", 'title' => "Activate global tag", 'description' => "So you can edit themes and insert <ProStats> tag wherever you want to show the stats.", 'optionscode' => "yesno", 'value' => ps_SetSettingsValue('ps_global_tag', '0'), 'disporder' => 5, 'gid' => $gid ); $ps[]= array( 'name' => "ps_hidefrombots", 'title' => "Hide from search bots", 'description' => "Using this option you can hide stats from all search bots you\'ve defined them in Spiders/Bots page. This will save bandwidth and decrease server load.", 'optionscode' => "yesno", 'value' => ps_SetSettingsValue('ps_hidefrombots', '1'), 'disporder' => 6, 'gid' => $gid ); $ps[]= array( 'name' => "ps_ignoreforums", 'title' => "Ignore list", 'description' => "Forums not to be shown on ProStats. To select multiple items hold down the Ctrl key, and click each of the items. To deselect items hold down the Ctrl key and click on them.", 'optionscode' => "forumselect", 'value' => ps_SetSettingsValue('ps_ignoreforums', ''), 'disporder' => 7, 'gid' => $gid ); $ps[]= array( 'name' => "ps_position", 'title' => "Table position in index and portal", 'description' => "Position of stats in index and portal pages.", 'optionscode' => "select\n0=Top (Header)\n1=Bottom (Footer)", 'value' => ps_SetSettingsValue('ps_position', '1'), 'disporder' => 10, 'gid' => $gid ); $ps[]= array( 'name' => "ps_format_name", 'title' => "Style usernames", 'description' => "Style the username in true color, font, etc.", 'optionscode' => "yesno", 'value' => ps_SetSettingsValue('ps_format_name', '1'), 'disporder' => 20, 'gid' => $gid ); $ps[]= array( 'name' => "ps_highlight", 'title' => "Highlighting System", 'description' => "Highlight soft-deleted threads, unapproved threads, and threads which are posted in forums moderated by current user.
Color scheme: Deleted, Unapproved, In moderation zone, Unapproved & In moderation zone ", 'optionscode' => "yesno", 'value' => ps_SetSettingsValue('ps_highlight', '1'), 'disporder' => 25, 'gid' => $gid ); $ps[]= array( 'name' => "ps_subject_length", 'title' => "Subject length", 'description' => "Maximum length of topic/post subjects. (Input 0 to remove the limitation)", 'optionscode' => "text", 'value' => ps_SetSettingsValue('ps_subject_length', '25'), 'disporder' => 30, 'gid' => $gid ); $ps[]= array( 'name' => "ps_num_rows", 'title' => "Number of rows", 'description' => "How much items must be shown? Input an odd number greater than or equal to 3.", 'optionscode' => "text", 'value' => ps_SetSettingsValue('ps_num_rows', '11'), 'disporder' => 41, 'gid' => $gid ); $ps[]= array( 'name' => "ps_date_format", 'title' => "Date and Time format", 'description' => "The format of Date and Time which would be used in stats. [More Information]", 'optionscode' => "text", 'value' => ps_SetSettingsValue('ps_date_format', 'm-d, H:i'), 'disporder' => 42, 'gid' => $gid ); $ps[]= array( 'name' => "ps_date_format_ty", 'title' => "Date and Time variable part", 'description' => "A part of Date and Time format that must be replaced with \"Yesterday\" or \"Today\".", 'optionscode' => "text", 'value' => ps_SetSettingsValue('ps_date_format_ty', 'm-d'), 'disporder' => 43, 'gid' => $gid ); $ps[]= array( 'name' => "ps_trow_message", 'title' => "Message block", 'description' => "This is a block on top/bottom of the ProStats table that you can put your HTML contents in it. Leave it empty to hide it.", 'optionscode' => "textarea", 'value' => ps_SetSettingsValue('ps_trow_message', ''), 'disporder' => 45, 'gid' => $gid ); $ps[]= array( 'name' => "ps_trow_message_pos", 'title' => "Message block position", 'description' => "The position of message block in the ProStats table.", 'optionscode' => "select\n0=Top\n1=Down (Default)", 'value' => ps_SetSettingsValue('ps_trow_message_pos', '1'), 'disporder' => 46, 'gid' => $gid ); $ps[]= array( 'name' => "ps_latest_posts", 'title' => "Show latest posts", 'description' => "Show latest posts in the ProStats table.", 'optionscode' => "yesno", 'value' => ps_SetSettingsValue('ps_latest_posts', '1'), 'disporder' => 50, 'gid' => $gid ); $ps[]= array( 'name' => "ps_latest_posts_prefix", 'title' => "Show prefix for latest posts", 'description' => "Show prefixes in subject of latest posts (if there are any).", 'optionscode' => "yesno", 'value' => ps_SetSettingsValue('ps_latest_posts_prefix', '1'), 'disporder' => 52, 'gid' => $gid ); $ps[]= array( 'name' => "ps_latest_posts_cells", 'title' => "Stats of latest posts", 'description' => "What type of stats you want to be shown for latest posts?
Your choices are: Latest_posts, Date, Starter, Last_sender, Forum
Separate them by comma (\",\").", 'optionscode' => "text", 'value' => ps_SetSettingsValue('ps_latest_posts_cells', 'Latest_posts, Date, Starter, Last_sender, Forum'), 'disporder' => 55, 'gid' => $gid ); $ps[]= array( 'name' => "ps_latest_posts_pos", 'title' => "Latest posts position", 'description' => "The position of the Latest posts block.", 'optionscode' => "select\n0=Left\n1=Right", 'value' => ps_SetSettingsValue('ps_latest_posts_pos', '0'), 'disporder' => 60, 'gid' => $gid ); $ps[]= array( 'name' => "ps_cell_1", 'title' => "Extra cell 1 (Top-Left)", 'description' => "
", 'optionscode' => $extra_cells, 'value' => ps_SetSettingsValue('ps_cell_1', '4'), 'disporder' => 62, 'gid' => $gid ); $ps[]= array( 'name' => "ps_cell_2", 'title' => "Extra cell 2 (Bottom-Left)", 'description' => "
", 'optionscode' => $extra_cells, 'value' => ps_SetSettingsValue('ps_cell_2', '2'), 'disporder' => 64, 'gid' => $gid ); $ps[]= array( 'name' => "ps_cell_3", 'title' => "Extra cell 3 (Top-Middle)", 'description' => "
", 'optionscode' => $extra_cells, 'value' => ps_SetSettingsValue('ps_cell_3', '1'), 'disporder' => 66, 'gid' => $gid ); $ps[]= array( 'name' => "ps_cell_4", 'title' => "Extra cell 4 (Bottom-Middle)", 'description' => "
", 'optionscode' => $extra_cells, 'value' => ps_SetSettingsValue('ps_cell_4', '7'), 'disporder' => 68, 'gid' => $gid ); $ps[]= array( 'name' => "ps_cell_5", 'title' => "Extra cell 5 (Top-Right)", 'description' => "
", 'optionscode' => $extra_cells, 'value' => ps_SetSettingsValue('ps_cell_5', '3'), 'disporder' => 70, 'gid' => $gid ); $ps[]= array( 'name' => "ps_cell_6", 'title' => "Extra cell 6 (Bottom-Right)", 'description' => "
", 'optionscode' => $extra_cells, 'value' => ps_SetSettingsValue('ps_cell_6', '5'), 'disporder' => 72, 'gid' => $gid ); $ps[]= array( 'name' => "ps_xml_feed", 'title' => "Activate XML feed", 'description' => "Output the stats in XML format to show on other websites. [More Information]", 'optionscode' => "yesno", 'value' => ps_SetSettingsValue('ps_xml_feed', '0'), 'disporder' => 78, 'gid' => $gid ); $ps[]= array( 'name' => "ps_chkupdates", 'title' => "Check for updates", 'description' => "Turn this setting On and you\'ll be notified whenever a new version released. Notification will be shown above the ProStats\' table and would be visible only to Admins.", 'optionscode' => "yesno", 'value' => ps_SetSettingsValue('ps_chkupdates', '1'), 'disporder' => 80, 'gid' => $gid ); $ps[]= array( 'name' => "ps_surprise", 'title' => "Surprise!", 'description' => "This option may add a little fun to your forum sometimes! It would probably happen once or twice a year and only Admins can see the result.", 'optionscode' => "yesno", 'value' => ps_SetSettingsValue('ps_surprise', '1'), 'disporder' => 85, 'gid' => $gid ); $ps[]= array( 'name' => "ps_version", 'title' => "ProStats Version", 'description' => "DO NOT MODIFY THIS SETTING", 'optionscode' => "text", 'value' => $mybb->psga['prostats_version'], 'disporder' => 90, 'gid' => $gid ); foreach ($ps as $p) { $db->insert_query("settings", $p); } rebuild_settings(); } function ps_SetSettingsValue($setting_name, $default_value) { global $mybb; return $mybb->settings[$setting_name] ? $mybb->settings[$setting_name] : $default_value; } function prostats_activate() { global $db; prostats_deactivate(); require_once MYBB_ROOT.'inc/adminfunctions_templates.php'; find_replace_templatesets('index', '#{\$header}(\r?)\n#', "{\$header}\n{\$ps_header_index}\n"); find_replace_templatesets('index', '#{\$forums}(\r?)\n#', "{\$forums}\n{\$ps_footer_index}\n"); find_replace_templatesets('portal', '#{\$header}(\r?)\n#', "{\$header}\n{\$ps_header_portal}\n"); find_replace_templatesets('portal', '#{\$footer}(\r?)\n#', "{\$ps_footer_portal}\n{\$footer}\n"); $extra_cells = "select\n0=--\n1=Most replies\n2=Most reputations\n3=Most thanks\n4=Most viewed\n5=New members\n6=Top downloads\n7=Top posters\n9=Top Thread Posters\n8=Top referrers"; $templatearray = array( 'title' => "prostats", 'template' => $db->escape_string(<<
{\$remote_msg} {\$trow_message_top} {\$prostats_content} {\$trow_message_down}

EOT ), 'sid' => "-1" ); $db->insert_query("templates", $templatearray); $templatearray = array( 'title' => "prostats_readstate_icon", 'template' => "  ", 'sid' => "-1" ); $db->insert_query("templates", $templatearray); $templatearray = array( 'title' => "prostats_newestposts", 'template' => "
{\$newestposts_cols_name} {\$newestposts_row}
", 'sid' => "-1" ); $db->insert_query("templates", $templatearray); $templatearray = array( 'title' => "prostats_newestposts_row", 'template' => " {\$newestposts_cols} ", 'sid' => "-1" ); $db->insert_query("templates", $templatearray); $templatearray = array( 'title' => "prostats_newestposts_specialchar", 'template' => "", 'sid' => "-1" ); $db->insert_query("templates", $templatearray); //Most Replies $templatearray = array( 'title' => "prostats_mostreplies", 'template' => "
", 'sid' => "-1" ); $db->insert_query("templates", $templatearray); $templatearray = array( 'title' => "prostats_mostreplies_row", 'template' => " {\$readstate_icon}{\$subject} {\$replies} ", 'sid' => "-1" ); $db->insert_query("templates", $templatearray); //Most Reputation $templatearray = array( 'title' => "prostats_mostreputation", 'template' => "
", 'sid' => "-1" ); $db->insert_query("templates", $templatearray); $templatearray = array( 'title' => "prostats_mostreputation_row", 'template' => " {\$username} {\$repscount} ", 'sid' => "-1" ); $db->insert_query("templates", $templatearray); //Most Thanks $templatearray = array( 'title' => "prostats_mostthanks", 'template' => "
", 'sid' => "-1" ); $db->insert_query("templates", $templatearray); $templatearray = array( 'title' => "prostats_mostthanks_row", 'template' => " {\$username} {\$thxnum} ", 'sid' => "-1" ); $db->insert_query("templates", $templatearray); //Most Views $templatearray = array( 'title' => "prostats_mostviews", 'template' => "
", 'sid' => "-1" ); $db->insert_query("templates", $templatearray); $templatearray = array( 'title' => "prostats_mostviews_row", 'template' => " {\$readstate_icon}{\$subject} {\$views} ", 'sid' => "-1" ); $db->insert_query("templates", $templatearray); //Newest Members $templatearray = array( 'title' => "prostats_newmembers", 'template' => "
", 'sid' => "-1" ); $db->insert_query("templates", $templatearray); $templatearray = array( 'title' => "prostats_newmembers_row", 'template' => " {\$username} {\$regdate} ", 'sid' => "-1" ); $db->insert_query("templates", $templatearray); //Top Downloads $templatearray = array( 'title' => "prostats_topdownloads", 'template' => "
", 'sid' => "-1" ); $db->insert_query("templates", $templatearray); $templatearray = array( 'title' => "prostats_topdownloads_row", 'template' => " \"\" {\$subject} {\$downloadnum} ", 'sid' => "-1" ); $db->insert_query("templates", $templatearray); //Top Posters $templatearray = array( 'title' => "prostats_topposters", 'template' => "
", 'sid' => "-1" ); $db->insert_query("templates", $templatearray); $templatearray = array( 'title' => "prostats_topposters_row", 'template' => " {\$username} {\$postnum} ", 'sid' => "-1" ); $db->insert_query("templates", $templatearray); //Top Thread Posters $templatearray = array( 'title' => "prostats_topthreadposters", 'template' => "
", 'sid' => "-1" ); $db->insert_query("templates", $templatearray); $templatearray = array( 'title' => "prostats_topthreadposters_row", 'template' => " {\$username} {\$postnum} ", 'sid' => "-1" ); $db->insert_query("templates", $templatearray); //Top Referrers $templatearray = array( 'title' => "prostats_topreferrers", 'template' => "
", 'sid' => "-1" ); $db->insert_query("templates", $templatearray); $templatearray = array( 'title' => "prostats_topreferrers_row", 'template' => " {\$username} {\$refnum} ", 'sid' => "-1" ); $db->insert_query("templates", $templatearray); $templatearray = array( 'title' => "prostats_message", 'template' => "
", 'sid' => "-1" ); $db->insert_query("templates", $templatearray); $templatearray = array( 'title' => "prostats_onerowextra", 'template' => "{\$single_extra_content}
", 'sid' => "-1" ); $db->insert_query("templates", $templatearray); $templatearray = array( 'title' => "prostats_tworowextra", 'template' => "{\$extra_content_one}{\$extra_content_two}
", 'sid' => "-1" ); $db->insert_query("templates", $templatearray); $templatearray = array( 'title' => "prostats_newestposts_head_latest_posts", 'template' => $db->escape_string('{$lang->prostats_topic}'), 'sid' => "-1" ); $db->insert_query("templates", $templatearray); $templatearray = array( 'title' => "prostats_newestposts_head_date", 'template' => $db->escape_string('{$lang->prostats_datetime} '), 'sid' => "-1" ); $db->insert_query("templates", $templatearray); $templatearray = array( 'title' => "prostats_newestposts_head_starter", 'template' => $db->escape_string('{$lang->prostats_author}'), 'sid' => "-1" ); $db->insert_query("templates", $templatearray); $templatearray = array( 'title' => "prostats_newestposts_head_last_sender", 'template' => $db->escape_string('{$lang->prostats_last_sender}'), 'sid' => "-1" ); $db->insert_query("templates", $templatearray); $templatearray = array( 'title' => "prostats_newestposts_head_forum", 'template' => $db->escape_string('{$lang->prostats_forum}'), 'sid' => "-1" ); $db->insert_query("templates", $templatearray); $templatearray = array( 'title' => "prostats_newestposts_latest_posts", 'template' => $db->escape_string('{$readstate_icon}{$subject}'), 'sid' => "-1" ); $db->insert_query("templates", $templatearray); $templatearray = array( 'title' => "prostats_newestposts_date", 'template' => $db->escape_string('{$newestposts_specialchar}{$datetime}'), 'sid' => "-1" ); $db->insert_query("templates", $templatearray); $templatearray = array( 'title' => "prostats_newestposts_starter", 'template' => $db->escape_string('{$username}'), 'sid' => "-1" ); $db->insert_query("templates", $templatearray); $templatearray = array( 'title' => "prostats_newestposts_last_sender", 'template' => $db->escape_string('{$lastposter_uname}'), 'sid' => "-1" ); $db->insert_query("templates", $templatearray); $templatearray = array( 'title' => "prostats_newestposts_forum", 'template' => $db->escape_string('{$forumname}'), 'sid' => "-1" ); $db->insert_query("templates", $templatearray); } function prostats_uninstall() { global $mybb, $db; $db->delete_query("settings", "name IN ('ps_enable','ps_ignoreforums','ps_index','ps_portal','ps_position','ps_format_name','ps_highlight','ps_subject_length','ps_num_rows','ps_date_format','ps_date_format_ty','ps_trow_message','ps_trow_message_pos','ps_latest_posts','ps_latest_posts_prefix','ps_latest_posts_cells','ps_latest_posts_pos','ps_cell_1','ps_cell_2','ps_cell_3','ps_cell_4','ps_cell_5','ps_cell_6','ps_hidefrombots','ps_global_tag','ps_xml_feed','ps_chkupdates','ps_surprise','ps_version')"); $db->delete_query("settinggroups", "name='prostats'"); rebuild_settings(); } function prostats_install_redirect() { global $installed, $mybb; if($installed == false && $mybb->input['plugin'] == 'prostats') { global $message; flash_message($message, 'success'); admin_redirect("index.php?module=config-settings&action=change&gid=".$mybb->prostats_insert_gid); } } function prostats_deactivate() { global $db; require_once MYBB_ROOT."/inc/adminfunctions_templates.php"; find_replace_templatesets("index", '#{\$ps_header_index}(\r?)\n#', "", 0); find_replace_templatesets("index", '#{\$ps_footer_index}(\r?)\n#', "", 0); find_replace_templatesets("portal", '#{\$ps_header_portal}(\r?)\n#', "", 0); find_replace_templatesets("portal", '#{\$ps_footer_portal}(\r?)\n#', "", 0); $db->query("DELETE FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."templates WHERE title='prostats'"); $db->query("DELETE FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."templates WHERE title LIKE 'prostats_%'"); } function prostats_run_global() { global $mybb, $session; if (isset($GLOBALS['templatelist'])) { if ($mybb->settings['ps_enable'] && defined('THIS_SCRIPT')) { if (!$mybb->settings['ps_hidefrombots'] || empty($session->is_spider)) { if (($mybb->settings['ps_index'] && THIS_SCRIPT == 'index.php') || ($mybb->settings['ps_portal'] && THIS_SCRIPT == 'portal.php') || $mybb->settings['ps_global_tag']) { $GLOBALS['templatelist'] .= ",prostats,prostats_readstate_icon,prostats_newmembers,prostats_newmembers_row,prostats_topposters,prostats_topposters_row,prostats_topthreadposters,prostats_topthreadposters_row,prostats_topreferrers,prostats_topreferrers_row,prostats_mostthanks,prostats_mostthanks_row,prostats_newestposts,prostats_newestposts_row,prostats_newestposts_specialchar,prostats_mostreplies,prostats_mostreplies_row,prostats_mostviews,prostats_mostviews_row,prostats_topdownloads,prostats_topdownloads_row,prostats_mostreputation,prostats_mostreputation_row,prostats_message,prostats_onerowextra,prostats_tworowextra"; } } } } } function prostats_run_index($force = false) { global $mybb, $parser, $session, $unviewables, $prostats_tbl, $ps_header_index, $ps_footer_index, $ps_header_portal, $ps_footer_portal; if (!$mybb->settings['ps_enable']) {return false;} if ($mybb->settings['ps_hidefrombots'] && !empty($session->is_spider)) {return false;} if (!is_object($parser)) { require_once MYBB_ROOT.'inc/class_parser.php'; $parser = new postParser; } if (ceil($mybb->settings['ps_num_rows']) != $mybb->settings['ps_num_rows'] || ceil($mybb->settings['ps_subject_length']) != $mybb->settings['ps_subject_length']){return false;} if (intval($mybb->settings['ps_num_rows']) < 3) {return false;} if (strtolower($mybb->input['stats'])=='xml' && $mybb->settings['ps_xml_feed']) { prostats_run_feed(); exit; } if (!$mybb->settings['ps_index'] && !$force) {return false;} $numofrows = $mybb->settings['ps_num_rows']; $prostats_tbl = ""; $prostats_tbl = ps_MakeTable(); if ($mybb->settings['ps_position'] == 0) { $ps_header_index = $prostats_tbl; } else if ($mybb->settings['ps_position'] == 1) { $ps_footer_index = $prostats_tbl; } } function prostats_run_portal() { global $mybb, $parser, $session, $ps_header_index, $ps_footer_index, $ps_header_portal, $ps_footer_portal; if (!$mybb->settings['ps_enable']) {return false;} if ($mybb->settings['ps_hidefrombots'] && !empty($session->is_spider)) {return false;} if (!is_object($parser)) { require_once MYBB_ROOT.'inc/class_parser.php'; $parser = new postParser; } if (ceil($mybb->settings['ps_num_rows']) != $mybb->settings['ps_num_rows'] || ceil($mybb->settings['ps_subject_length']) != $mybb->settings['ps_subject_length']){return false;} if (!$mybb->settings['ps_portal']) {return false;} if (intval($mybb->settings['ps_num_rows']) < 3) {return false;} $numofrows = $mybb->settings['ps_num_rows']; $prostats_tbl = ""; $prostats_tbl = ps_MakeTable(); if ($mybb->settings['ps_position'] == 0) { $ps_header_portal = $prostats_tbl; } else if ($mybb->settings['ps_position'] == 1) { $ps_footer_portal = $prostats_tbl; } } function prostats_run_pre_output(&$contents) { global $mybb, $parser, $session, $prostats_tbl, $ps_header_index, $ps_footer_index, $ps_header_portal, $ps_footer_portal; if (!$mybb->settings['ps_enable']) {return false;} if ($mybb->settings['ps_hidefrombots'] && !empty($session->is_spider)) {return false;} if (!is_object($parser)) { require_once MYBB_ROOT.'inc/class_parser.php'; $parser = new postParser; } if (ceil($mybb->settings['ps_num_rows']) != $mybb->settings['ps_num_rows'] || ceil($mybb->settings['ps_subject_length']) != $mybb->settings['ps_subject_length']){return false;} if (intval($mybb->settings['ps_num_rows']) < 3) {return false;} if (!$mybb->settings['ps_global_tag']){ $contents = str_replace('', '', $contents); return false; } $numofrows = $mybb->settings['ps_num_rows']; $prostats_tbl = ""; $prostats_tbl = ps_MakeTable(); $contents = str_replace('', $prostats_tbl, $contents); } function ps_GetNewestPosts($NumOfRows, $feed=false) { global $mybb, $db, $templates, $theme, $lang, $unviewables, $under_mod_forums_arr, $vcheck, $parser, $lightbulb, $trow, $newestposts_cols_name, $newestposts_cols, $colspan, $feeditem; if (!is_object($parser)) { require_once MYBB_ROOT.'inc/class_parser.php'; $parser = new postParser; } $query = $db->query (" SELECT t.subject,t.username,t.uid,t.tid,t.fid,t.lastpost,t.lastposter,t.lastposteruid,t.replies,t.visible,tr.uid AS truid,tr.dateline,tp.displaystyle AS styledprefix,f.name FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."threads t LEFT JOIN ".TABLE_PREFIX."threadsread tr ON (tr.tid=t.tid AND tr.uid='".$mybb->user['uid']."') LEFT JOIN ".TABLE_PREFIX."threadprefixes tp ON (tp.pid = t.prefix) LEFT JOIN ".TABLE_PREFIX."forums f ON (f.fid = t.fid) WHERE (t.visible = '1' ".$vcheck.") ".$unviewables['string']." AND t.closed NOT LIKE 'moved|%' AND t.visible != '-2' AND f.active = '1' ORDER BY t.lastpost DESC LIMIT 0,".$NumOfRows); $newestposts_cols_name = ""; $newestposts_cols = ""; $colspan = 0; //To stop an Illegal String Offset we need declare an array //Because later we are affecting values as an array //Begin Changes -- 16/06/2017 -- Author: Médéric Burlet //$active_cells = ""; $active_cells = array("foo" => "bar","bar" => "foo"); //End Changes -- 16/06/2017 $latest_posts_cells_arr = escaped_explode(",", htmlspecialchars_uni($mybb->settings['ps_latest_posts_cells']),20); foreach($latest_posts_cells_arr as $latest_posts_cell) { ++$colspan; switch($latest_posts_cell) { case "Latest_posts" : //$active_cells = 1; (Change by Kyng - Oct 28 2018) $active_cells["Latest_posts"]=1; eval("\$newestposts_cols_name .= \"".$templates->get("prostats_newestposts_head_latest_posts")."\";"); $cell_order[$colspan]='Latest_posts'; break; case "Date" : $active_cells["Date"]=1; eval("\$newestposts_cols_name .= \"".$templates->get("prostats_newestposts_head_date")."\";"); $cell_order[$colspan]='Date'; break; case "Starter" : $active_cells["Starter"]=1; eval("\$newestposts_cols_name .= \"".$templates->get("prostats_newestposts_head_starter")."\";"); $cell_order[$colspan]='Starter'; break; case "Last_sender" : $active_cells["Last_sender"]=1; eval("\$newestposts_cols_name .= \"".$templates->get("prostats_newestposts_head_last_sender")."\";"); $cell_order[$colspan]='Last_sender'; break; case "Forum" : $active_cells["Forum"]=1; eval("\$newestposts_cols_name .= \"".$templates->get("prostats_newestposts_head_forum")."\";"); $cell_order[$colspan]='Forum'; break; default: --$colspan; } } $trow = "trow1"; $loop_counter = 0; while ($newest_threads = $db->fetch_array($query)) { $tid = $newest_threads['tid']; $fuid = $newest_threads['uid']; $fid = $newest_threads['fid']; $lightbulb['folder'] = "off"; $newestposts_cols = ""; $plainprefix = ""; $styledprefix = ""; $highlight = ps_GetHighlight($newest_threads); if ($newest_threads['styledprefix'] && $mybb->settings['ps_latest_posts_prefix']) { $plainprefix = strip_tags($newest_threads['styledprefix']) . ' '; $styledprefix = $newest_threads['styledprefix']; } if ($mybb->user['uid']) { if ($newest_threads['dateline'] && $newest_threads['truid'] == $mybb->user['uid']) { if ($newest_threads['lastpost'] > $newest_threads['dateline']) { $lightbulb['folder'] = "on"; } } else { if ($newest_threads['lastpost'] > $mybb->user['lastvisit']) { $lightbulb['folder'] = "on"; } } } $dateformat = $mybb->settings['ps_date_format']; if ($active_cells['Date']) { $isty = ps_GetTY($mybb->settings['ps_date_format_ty'], $newest_threads['lastpost'], $offset="", $ty=1); if ($isty) { // Relative Time: if(TIME_NOW - $newest_threads['lastpost'] < 43200) { $datetime = my_date('relative', $newest_threads['lastpost'], NULL, 1); } else { $dateformat = preg_replace('#'.$mybb->settings['ps_date_format_ty'].'#', "vvv", $dateformat); $datetime = my_date($dateformat, $newest_threads['lastpost'], NULL, 1); $datetime = preg_replace('#vvv#', $isty, $datetime); } } else { $datetime = my_date($dateformat, $newest_threads['lastpost'], NULL, 1); } } if ($active_cells['Latest_posts']) { $parsed_subject = $parser->parse_badwords($newest_threads['subject']); $subject = ps_SubjectLength($plainprefix . $parsed_subject); $subject = $styledprefix . htmlspecialchars_uni(my_substr($subject, my_strlen($plainprefix))); $subject_long = $plainprefix . htmlspecialchars_uni($parsed_subject); $threadlink = $mybb->settings['bburl'].'/'.get_thread_link($tid,NULL,"lastpost"); eval("\$readstate_icon = \"".$templates->get("prostats_readstate_icon")."\";"); eval("\$newestposts_specialchar = \"".$templates->get("prostats_newestposts_specialchar")."\";"); } if ($active_cells['Starter']) { $username = ps_FormatNameDb($fuid, htmlspecialchars_uni($newest_threads['username'])); $profilelink = $mybb->settings['bburl'].'/'.get_profile_link($fuid); } if ($active_cells['Last_sender']) { $lastposter_uname = ps_FormatNameDb($newest_threads['lastposteruid'], htmlspecialchars_uni($newest_threads['lastposter'])); $lastposter_profile = $mybb->settings['bburl'].'/'.get_profile_link($newest_threads['lastposteruid']); } if ($active_cells['Forum']) { $forumlink = get_forum_link($fid); $forumname_long = $parser->parse_badwords(strip_tags($newest_threads['name'])); $forumname = htmlspecialchars_uni(ps_SubjectLength($forumname_long, NULL, true)); } for($i=1;$i<=$colspan;++$i) { switch($cell_order[$i]) { case "Latest_posts" : eval("\$newestposts_cols .= \"".$templates->get("prostats_newestposts_latest_posts")."\";"); break; case "Date" : eval("\$newestposts_cols .= \"".$templates->get("prostats_newestposts_date")."\";"); break; case "Starter" : eval("\$newestposts_cols .= \"".$templates->get("prostats_newestposts_starter")."\";"); break; case "Last_sender" : eval("\$newestposts_cols .= \"".$templates->get("prostats_newestposts_last_sender")."\";"); break; case "Forum" : eval("\$newestposts_cols .= \"".$templates->get("prostats_newestposts_forum")."\";"); break; default: NULL; } } eval("\$newestposts_row .= \"".$templates->get("prostats_newestposts_row")."\";"); if ($feed) { $feeditem[$loop_counter]['tid'] = $tid; $feeditem[$loop_counter]['fuid'] = $fuid; $feeditem[$loop_counter]['fid'] = $fid; $feeditem[$loop_counter]['bulb'] = $lightbulb['folder']; $feeditem[$loop_counter]['lasttime'] = $newest_threads['lastpost']; $feeditem[$loop_counter]['datetime'] = $datetime; if ($active_cells['Latest_posts']) { $feeditem[$loop_counter]['subject'] = $subject; $feeditem[$loop_counter]['subject_long'] = $subject_long; } if ($active_cells['Starter']) { $feeditem[$loop_counter]['username'] = htmlspecialchars_uni($newest_threads['username']); $feeditem[$loop_counter]['username_formed'] = $username; } if ($active_cells['Last_sender']) { $feeditem[$loop_counter]['lastposter_uid'] = $newest_threads['lastposteruid']; $feeditem[$loop_counter]['lastposter_uname'] = htmlspecialchars_uni($newest_threads['lastposter']); $feeditem[$loop_counter]['lastposter_uname_formed'] = $lastposter_uname; } if ($active_cells['Forum']) { $feeditem[$loop_counter]['forumname'] = $forumname; $feeditem[$loop_counter]['forumname_long'] = $forumname_long; } } ++$loop_counter; } eval("\$newestposts = \"".$templates->get("prostats_newestposts")."\";"); return $newestposts; } function ps_GetMostReplies($NumOfRows) { global $mybb, $db, $templates, $theme, $lang, $unviewables, $under_mod_forums_arr, $vcheck, $parser, $ps_align; if (!is_object($parser)) { require_once MYBB_ROOT.'inc/class_parser.php'; $parser = new postParser; } $query = $db->query (" SELECT t.subject,t.tid,t.fid,t.replies,t.lastpost,t.visible,tr.uid AS truid,tr.dateline FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."threads t LEFT JOIN ".TABLE_PREFIX."threadsread tr ON (tr.tid=t.tid AND tr.uid='".$mybb->user['uid']."') LEFT JOIN ".TABLE_PREFIX."forums f ON (f.fid = t.fid) WHERE (t.visible = '1' ".$vcheck.") ".$unviewables['string']." AND t.closed NOT LIKE 'moved|%' AND t.visible != '-2' AND f.active = '1' ORDER BY t.replies DESC LIMIT 0,".$NumOfRows); while ($most_replies = $db->fetch_array($query)) { $subject_long = htmlspecialchars_uni($parser->parse_badwords($most_replies['subject'])); $tid = $most_replies['tid']; $subject = htmlspecialchars_uni(ps_SubjectLength($parser->parse_badwords($most_replies['subject']), NULL, true)); $replies = $most_replies['replies']; $lightbulb['folder'] = "off"; $highlight = ps_GetHighlight($most_replies); if ($mybb->user['uid']) { if ($most_replies['dateline'] && $most_replies['truid'] == $mybb->user['uid']) { if ($most_replies['lastpost'] > $most_replies['dateline']) { $lightbulb['folder'] = "on"; } } else { if ($most_replies['lastpost'] > $mybb->user['lastvisit']) { $lightbulb['folder'] = "on"; } } } $threadlink = $mybb->settings['bburl'].'/'.get_thread_link($tid); eval("\$readstate_icon = \"".$templates->get("prostats_readstate_icon")."\";"); eval("\$mostreplies_row .= \"".$templates->get("prostats_mostreplies_row")."\";"); } eval("\$column_mostreplies = \"".$templates->get("prostats_mostreplies")."\";"); return $column_mostreplies; } function ps_GetMostReputation($NumOfRows) { global $mybb, $db, $templates, $theme, $lang, $parser, $ps_align; $query = $db->query(" SELECT u.uid,u.reputation,u.username,u.usergroup,u.displaygroup FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."users u LEFT JOIN ".TABLE_PREFIX."usergroups ug ON (u.usergroup = ug.gid) WHERE ug.usereputationsystem='1' ORDER BY u.reputation DESC LIMIT 0,".$NumOfRows ); while ($most_reputations = $db->fetch_array($query)) { $uid = $most_reputations['uid']; $profilelink = $mybb->settings['bburl'].'/'.get_profile_link($uid); $repscount = intval($most_reputations['reputation']); $username = ps_FormatName(htmlspecialchars_uni($most_reputations['username']), $most_reputations['usergroup'], $most_reputations['displaygroup']); eval("\$mostreputation_row .= \"".$templates->get("prostats_mostreputation_row")."\";"); } eval("\$column_mostreputation = \"".$templates->get("prostats_mostreputation")."\";"); return $column_mostreputation; } function ps_GetMostThanks($NumOfRows) { global $mybb, $db, $templates, $theme, $lang, $ps_align; if (!$db->field_exists("thxcount","users")) { $mostthanks_row .= "".$lang->prostats_err_thxplugin.""; eval("\$column_mostthanks = \"".$templates->get("prostats_mostthanks")."\";"); return $column_mostthanks; } $query = $db->query("SELECT uid,username,usergroup,displaygroup,thxcount FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."users ORDER BY thxcount DESC LIMIT 0,".$NumOfRows); while ($most_thanks = $db->fetch_array($query)) { $uid = $most_thanks['uid']; $username = ps_FormatName(htmlspecialchars_uni($most_thanks['username']), $most_thanks['usergroup'], $most_thanks['displaygroup']); $thxnum = $most_thanks['thxcount']; $profilelink = $mybb->settings['bburl'].'/'.get_profile_link($uid); eval("\$mostthanks_row .= \"".$templates->get("prostats_mostthanks_row")."\";"); } eval("\$column_mostthanks = \"".$templates->get("prostats_mostthanks")."\";"); return $column_mostthanks; } function ps_GetMostViewed($NumOfRows) { global $mybb, $db, $templates, $theme, $lang, $unviewables, $under_mod_forums_arr, $vcheck, $parser, $ps_align; if (!is_object($parser)) { require_once MYBB_ROOT.'inc/class_parser.php'; $parser = new postParser; } $query = $db->query (" SELECT t.subject,t.tid,t.fid,t.lastpost,t.views,t.visible,tr.uid AS truid,tr.dateline FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."threads t LEFT JOIN ".TABLE_PREFIX."threadsread tr ON (tr.tid=t.tid AND tr.uid='".$mybb->user['uid']."') LEFT JOIN ".TABLE_PREFIX."forums f ON (f.fid = t.fid) WHERE (t.visible = '1' ".$vcheck.") ".$unviewables['string']." AND t.closed NOT LIKE 'moved|%' AND t.visible != '-2' AND f.active = '1' ORDER BY t.views DESC LIMIT 0,".$NumOfRows); while ($most_views = $db->fetch_array($query)) { $subject_long = htmlspecialchars_uni($parser->parse_badwords($most_views['subject'])); $tid = $most_views['tid']; $subject = htmlspecialchars_uni(ps_SubjectLength($parser->parse_badwords($most_views['subject']), NULL, true)); $views = $most_views['views']; $lightbulb['folder'] = "off"; $highlight = ps_GetHighlight($most_views); if ($mybb->user['uid']) { if ($most_views['dateline'] && $most_views['truid'] == $mybb->user['uid']) { if ($most_views['lastpost'] > $most_views['dateline']) { $lightbulb['folder'] = "on"; } } else { if ($most_views['lastpost'] > $mybb->user['lastvisit']) { $lightbulb['folder'] = "on"; } } } $threadlink = $mybb->settings['bburl'].'/'.get_thread_link($tid); eval("\$readstate_icon = \"".$templates->get("prostats_readstate_icon")."\";"); eval("\$mostviews_row .= \"".$templates->get("prostats_mostviews_row")."\";"); } eval("\$column_mostviews = \"".$templates->get("prostats_mostviews")."\";"); return $column_mostviews; } function ps_GetNewMembers($NumOfRows) { global $mybb, $db, $templates, $theme, $lang, $ps_align; $query = $db->query("SELECT uid,regdate,username,usergroup,displaygroup FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."users ORDER BY uid DESC LIMIT 0,".$NumOfRows); while ($newest_members = $db->fetch_array($query)) { $uid = $newest_members['uid']; $profilelink = $mybb->settings['bburl'].'/'.get_profile_link($uid); $username = ps_FormatName(htmlspecialchars_uni($newest_members['username']), $newest_members['usergroup'], $newest_members['displaygroup']); if ($newest_members['regdate']==0 || !$mybb->settings['ps_date_format_ty']) { $regdate = $lang->prostats_err_undefind; } else { $isty = ps_GetTY($mybb->settings['ps_date_format_ty'], $newest_members['regdate'], $offset="", $ty=1); if(TIME_NOW - $newest_members['regdate'] < 43200) { $regdate = my_date('relative', $newest_members['regdate'], NULL, 1); } if ($isty) { $regdate = $isty; } else { $regdate = my_date($mybb->settings['ps_date_format_ty'], $newest_members['regdate'], NULL, 1); } } eval("\$newmembers_row .= \"".$templates->get("prostats_newmembers_row")."\";"); } eval("\$column_newmembers = \"".$templates->get("prostats_newmembers")."\";"); return $column_newmembers; } function ps_GetTopDownloads($NumOfRows) { global $mybb, $db, $templates, $theme, $lang, $parser, $unviewables, $under_mod_forums_arr, $vcheck, $ps_align; if (!is_object($parser)) { require_once MYBB_ROOT.'inc/class_parser.php'; $parser = new postParser; } $query = $db->query(" SELECT p.subject,t.fid,t.visible,a.pid,a.downloads,a.filename FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."attachments a LEFT JOIN ".TABLE_PREFIX."posts p ON (p.pid = a.pid) LEFT JOIN ".TABLE_PREFIX."threads t ON (t.tid = p.tid) WHERE (t.visible = '1' ".$vcheck.") ".$unviewables['string']." AND t.closed NOT LIKE 'moved|%' AND t.visible != '-2' AND a.thumbnail = '' GROUP BY p.pid ORDER BY a.downloads DESC LIMIT 0,".$NumOfRows); $query_icon = $db->query("SELECT extension,icon FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."attachtypes"); while ($result_icon = $db->fetch_array($query_icon)) { $mimicon[$result_icon['extension']] = $result_icon['icon']; } while ($top_downloads = $db->fetch_array($query)) { $subject_long = htmlspecialchars_uni($parser->parse_badwords($top_downloads['subject'])); $pid = $top_downloads['pid']; $subject = htmlspecialchars_uni(ps_SubjectLength($parser->parse_badwords($top_downloads['subject']), NULL, true)); $downloadnum = $top_downloads['downloads']; $attach_icon = $mimicon[get_extension($top_downloads['filename'])]; $highlight = ps_GetHighlight($top_downloads); $postlink = get_post_link($pid)."#pid".$pid; eval("\$topdownloads_row .= \"".$templates->get("prostats_topdownloads_row")."\";"); } eval("\$column_topdownloads = \"".$templates->get("prostats_topdownloads")."\";"); return $column_topdownloads; } function ps_GetTopPosters($NumOfRows) { global $mybb, $db, $templates, $theme, $lang, $ps_align; $query = $db->query("SELECT username,postnum,uid,usergroup,displaygroup FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."users ORDER BY postnum DESC LIMIT 0,".$NumOfRows); while ($topposters = $db->fetch_array($query)) { $uid = $topposters['uid']; $username = ps_FormatName(htmlspecialchars_uni($topposters['username']), $topposters['usergroup'], $topposters['displaygroup']); $postnum = $topposters['postnum']; $profilelink = $mybb->settings['bburl'].'/'.get_profile_link($uid); eval("\$topposters_row .= \"".$templates->get("prostats_topposters_row")."\";"); } eval("\$column_topposters = \"".$templates->get("prostats_topposters")."\";"); return $column_topposters; } function ps_GetTopThreadPosters($NumOfRows) { global $mybb, $db, $templates, $theme, $lang, $ps_align; $query = $db->query("SELECT username,threadnum,uid,usergroup,displaygroup FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."users ORDER BY threadnum DESC LIMIT 0,".$NumOfRows); while ($topposters = $db->fetch_array($query)) { $uid = $topposters['uid']; $username = ps_FormatName(htmlspecialchars_uni($topposters['username']), $topposters['usergroup'], $topposters['displaygroup']); $postnum = $topposters['threadnum']; $profilelink = $mybb->settings['bburl'].'/'.get_profile_link($uid); eval("\$topthreadposters_row .= \"".$templates->get("prostats_topthreadposters_row")."\";"); } eval("\$column_topthreadposters = \"".$templates->get("prostats_topthreadposters")."\";"); return $column_topthreadposters; } function ps_GetTopReferrers($NumOfRows) { global $mybb, $db, $templates, $theme, $lang, $ps_align; $query = $db->query(" SELECT u.uid,u.username,u.usergroup,u.displaygroup,count(*) as refcount FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."users u LEFT JOIN ".TABLE_PREFIX."users r ON (r.referrer = u.uid) WHERE r.referrer = u.uid GROUP BY r.referrer DESC ORDER BY refcount DESC LIMIT 0 ,".$NumOfRows); while ($topreferrer = $db->fetch_array($query)) { $uid = $topreferrer['uid']; $username = ps_FormatName(htmlspecialchars_uni($topreferrer['username']), $topreferrer['usergroup'], $topreferrer['displaygroup']); $refnum = $topreferrer['refcount']; $profilelink = $mybb->settings['bburl'].'/'.get_profile_link($uid); eval("\$topreferrers_row .= \"".$templates->get("prostats_topreferrers_row")."\";"); } eval("\$column_topreferrers = \"".$templates->get("prostats_topreferrers")."\";"); return $column_topreferrers; } function ps_MakeTable() { global $mybb, $db, $theme, $lang, $templates, $parser, $unviewables, $vcheck, $under_mod_forums_arr, $lightbulb, $unread_forums, $ps_align; $lang->load("prostats"); $right_cols = $left_cols = $middle_cols = $extra_content = $extra_content_1_2 = $extra_content_3_4 = $extra_content_5_6 = $remote_msg = ""; $num_columns = 3; $ps_align = $lang->settings['rtl'] ? "right" : "left"; $ps_ralign = $lang->settings['rtl'] ? "left" : "right"; //Highlighting under moderation posts $_psGU = ps_GetUnviewable("t"); $unviewables = array( 'string' => $_psGU[0], 'array' => $_psGU[1], ); $user_perms = user_permissions($mybb->user['uid']); if ($mybb->settings['ps_highlight']) { $_groups = $mybb->user['usergroup']; if(!empty($mybb->user['additionalgroups'])) { $_groups .= ",'{$mybb->user['additionalgroups']}'"; } $_query1 = $db->simple_select("moderators", "*", "((id IN ({$_groups}) AND isgroup='1') OR (id='{$mybb->user['uid']}' AND isgroup='0'))"); while($results1 = $db->fetch_array($_query1)) { $parent_mod_forums[] = " parentlist LIKE '%" . $results1['fid'] . "%' "; } if (count($parent_mod_forums)) { $_query2 = $db->simple_select("forums", "fid", implode($parent_mod_forums, "OR")); while($results2 = $db->fetch_array($_query2)) { $under_mod_forums_arr[] = $results2['fid']; } if (count($under_mod_forums_arr)) { $moderated_forums = implode($under_mod_forums_arr, ','); $vcheck = " OR t.fid IN (".$moderated_forums.") "; } } } if ($user_perms['issupermod'] == 1) { $vcheck = " OR '1'='1' "; } if ($mybb->settings['ps_latest_posts'] == 1) { $middle_cols = ps_GetNewestPosts($mybb->settings['ps_num_rows']); $num_columns = 4; } for($i=1;$i<7;++$i) { $extra_cell[$i] = $mybb->settings['ps_cell_'.$i]; } $extra_row[1] = $extra_row[2] = $extra_row[3] = 2; $extra_cols = 3; if ($extra_cell[5] > 0) { $trow = "trow2"; $extra_cols = 3; if ($extra_cell[6] == 0) { $extra_row[3] = 1; $single_extra_content = ps_GetExtraData($extra_cell[5],true); eval("\$extra_content_5_6 = \"".$templates->get("prostats_onerowextra")."\";"); } else { $extra_content_one = ps_GetExtraData($extra_cell[5]); $extra_content_two = ps_GetExtraData($extra_cell[6]); eval("\$extra_content_5_6 = \"".$templates->get("prostats_tworowextra")."\";"); } } if ($extra_cell[3] > 0) { $trow = "trow1"; $extra_cols = 2; if ($extra_cell[4] == 0) { $extra_row[2] = 1; $single_extra_content = ps_GetExtraData($extra_cell[3],true); eval("\$extra_content_3_4 = \"".$templates->get("prostats_onerowextra")."\";"); } else { $extra_content_one = ps_GetExtraData($extra_cell[3]); $extra_content_two = ps_GetExtraData($extra_cell[4]); eval("\$extra_content_3_4 = \"".$templates->get("prostats_tworowextra")."\";"); } } if ($extra_cell[1] > 0) { $trow = "trow2"; $extra_cols = 1; if ($extra_cell[2] == 0) { $extra_row[1] = 1; $single_extra_content = ps_GetExtraData($extra_cell[1],true); eval("\$extra_content_1_2 = \"".$templates->get("prostats_onerowextra")."\";"); } else { $extra_content_one = ps_GetExtraData($extra_cell[1]); $extra_content_two = ps_GetExtraData($extra_cell[2]); eval("\$extra_content_1_2 = \"".$templates->get("prostats_tworowextra")."\";"); } } if ($lang->settings['rtl']) { $extra_content = $extra_content_5_6 . $extra_content_3_4 . $extra_content_1_2; $mybb->settings['ps_latest_posts_pos'] ? $right_cols = $extra_content : $left_cols = $extra_content; } else { $extra_content = $extra_content_1_2 . $extra_content_3_4 . $extra_content_5_6; $mybb->settings['ps_latest_posts_pos'] ? $left_cols = $extra_content : $right_cols = $extra_content; } $prostats_content = $left_cols . $middle_cols . $right_cols; if ($mybb->settings['ps_trow_message'] != "") { $prostats_message = unhtmlentities(htmlspecialchars_uni($mybb->settings['ps_trow_message'])); if ($mybb->settings['ps_trow_message_pos'] == 0) { eval("\$trow_message_top = \"".$templates->get("prostats_message")."\";"); } else { eval("\$trow_message_down = \"".$templates->get("prostats_message")."\";"); } } if ($mybb->settings['ps_surprise'] && $mybb->user['uid'] && $mybb->usergroup['cancp']) { prostats_g(); $remote_msg .= ''; } if ($mybb->settings['ps_chkupdates'] && $mybb->user['uid'] && $mybb->usergroup['cancp']) { prostats_g(); $remote_msg .= ''; } eval("\$prostats = \"".$templates->get("prostats")."\";"); return $prostats; } function ps_GetExtraData($cellnum,$fullrows=false) { global $mybb; if ($fullrows) { $rows = ($mybb->settings['ps_num_rows'] + 1); } else { $rows = $mybb->settings['ps_num_rows']; $rows = (ceil($rows/2)-1); if (!(($mybb->settings['ps_num_rows'])%2) && !($cellnum%2)){++$rows;} } switch($cellnum) { case 0: $res = ''; break; case 1: $res = ps_GetMostReplies($rows); break; case 2: $res = ps_GetMostReputation($rows); break; case 3: $res = ps_GetMostThanks($rows); break; case 4: $res = ps_GetMostViewed($rows); break; case 5: $res = ps_GetNewMembers($rows); break; case 6: $res = ps_GetTopDownloads($rows); break; case 7: $res = ps_GetTopPosters($rows); break; case 8: $res = ps_GetTopReferrers($rows); break; case 9: $res = ps_GetTopThreadPosters($rows); break; default: $res = ''; NULL; } return $res; } function ps_GetUnviewable($name="") { global $mybb, $forum_cache; $unviewwhere = $comma = ''; $name ? $name .= '.' : NULL; $unviewable = get_unviewable_forums(); if ($mybb->settings['ps_ignoreforums']) { !is_array($forum_cache) ? cache_forums() : NULL; if (in_array($mybb->settings['ps_ignoreforums'], array(-1, 'all'))) { foreach($forum_cache as $fid => $forum) { $ignoreforums[] = $forum['fid']; } } else { $ignoreforums = explode(',', $mybb->settings['ps_ignoreforums']); } if (count($ignoreforums)) { $unviewable ? $unviewable .= ',' : NULL; foreach($ignoreforums as $fid) { $unviewable .= $comma."'".intval($fid)."'"; $comma = ','; } } } if ($unviewable) { $unviewwhere = "AND ".$name."fid NOT IN (".$unviewable.")"; } return array($unviewwhere, explode(',', $unviewable)); } function ps_FormatName($username, $usergroup, $displaygroup) { global $mybb; if ($mybb->settings['ps_format_name'] == '1') { $username = format_name($username, $usergroup, $displaygroup); } return $username; } function ps_FormatNameDb($uid, $username="") { global $mybb, $db, $cache; if ($mybb->settings['ps_format_name'] == "1") { $query = $db->query("SELECT username,usergroup,displaygroup FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."users WHERE uid = '".$uid."'"); $query_array = $db->fetch_array($query); $username = format_name($query_array['username'], $query_array['usergroup'], $query_array['displaygroup']); } else if ($username=="") { $query = $db->query("SELECT username FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."users WHERE uid = '".$uid."'"); $query_array = $db->fetch_array($query); $username = $query_array['username']; } return $username; } function ps_SubjectLength($subject, $length="", $half=false) { global $mybb; $length = $length ? intval($length) : intval($mybb->settings['ps_subject_length']); $half ? $length = ceil($length/2) : NULL; if ($length != 0) { if (my_strlen($subject) > $length) { $subject = my_substr($subject, 0, $length) . '...'; } } return $subject; } function ps_GetTY($format='m-d', $stamp='', $offset='', $ty=1) { global $mybb, $lang, $mybbadmin, $plugins; if (!$offset && $offset != '0') { if ($mybb->user['uid'] != 0 && array_key_exists('timezone', $mybb->user)) { $offset = $mybb->user['timezone']; $dstcorrection = $mybb->user['dst']; } else { $offset = $mybb->settings['timezoneoffset']; $dstcorrection = $mybb->settings['dstcorrection']; } if ($dstcorrection == 1) { ++$offset; if (my_substr($offset, 0, 1) != '-') { $offset = '+'.$offset; } } } if ($offset == '-') { $offset = 0; } $date = gmdate($format, $stamp + ($offset * 3600)); if ($format && $ty) { $stamp = TIME_NOW; $todaysdate = gmdate($format, $stamp + ($offset * 3600)); $yesterdaysdate = gmdate($format, ($stamp - 86400) + ($offset * 3600)); if ($todaysdate == $date) { $date = $lang->today; return $date; } else if ($yesterdaysdate == $date) { $date = $lang->yesterday; return $date; } } return false; } function ps_GetHighlight($query_arr=array()) { global $mybb, $under_mod_forums_arr; if (!$mybb->settings['ps_highlight']) { return false; } if (!count($query_arr)) { return false; } $highlight_arr['style'] = array( 'unapproved' => ' ps_unapproved',//background-color:#FFDDE0; 'deleted' => ' ps_deleted',//background-color:#E8DEFF; 'undermod' => ' ps_undermod',//background-color:#FFFE92; 'both' => ' ps_both'//background-color:#FFDA91; ); if ($query_arr['visible'] != 1 && is_array($under_mod_forums_arr) && in_array($query_arr['fid'], $under_mod_forums_arr)) { $highlight = $highlight_arr['style']['both']; } else if ($query_arr['visible'] == -1) { $highlight = $highlight_arr['style']['deleted']; } else if ($query_arr['visible'] != 1) { $highlight = $highlight_arr['style']['unapproved']; } else if (is_array($under_mod_forums_arr) && in_array($query_arr['fid'], $under_mod_forums_arr)) { $highlight = $highlight_arr['style']['undermod']; } return $highlight; } function prostats_run_ajax() { global $mybb, $plugins, $lang, $parser, $session, $prostats_tbl; $lang->load('prostats'); if ($mybb->input['action'] != "prostats_reload" || $mybb->request_method != "post") { return false; } if (!$mybb->settings['ps_enable'] || $mybb->settings['ps_hidefrombots'] && !empty($session->is_spider)) { error($lang->prostats_disabled); } if (!is_object($parser)) { require_once MYBB_ROOT.'inc/class_parser.php'; $parser = new postParser; } if (!verify_post_check($mybb->input['my_post_key'], true)) { xmlhttp_error($lang->invalid_post_code); } prostats_run_index(true); $plugins->run_hooks('prostats_xml_pre_output_page'); header('Content-Type: text/json'); echo json_encode(array("html" => $prostats_tbl)); } function prostats_run_feed() { global $mybb, $db, $templates, $theme, $lang, $unviewables, $parser, $session, $lightbulb, $trow, $newestposts_cols_name, $newestposts_cols, $colspan, $feeditem; if (!$mybb->settings['ps_enable'] || !$mybb->settings['ps_xml_feed']) {return false;} if ($mybb->settings['ps_hidefrombots'] && !empty($session->is_spider)) {return false;} if (!is_object($parser)) { require_once MYBB_ROOT.'inc/class_parser.php'; $parser = new postParser; } $seo = 0; if ($mybb->settings['seourls'] == "yes" || ($mybb->settings['seourls'] == "auto" && $_SERVER['SEO_SUPPORT'] == 1)) { $seo = 1; } ps_GetNewestPosts($mybb->settings['ps_num_rows'], true); //echo '
';print_r($feeditem);echo '
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