local K7Version = "1.1" function AutoUpdate(data) if tonumber(data) > tonumber(K7Version) then PrintChat("K7Nunu: New Version found " .. data) PrintChat("K7Nunu: Downloading update, please wait...") DownloadFileAsync("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Kyushmi/GoS/master/K7Nunu.lua", SCRIPT_PATH .. "K7Nunu.lua", function() PrintChat("K7Nunu: Downloaded Update. Please 2x F6!") return end) else PrintChat("K7Nunu: No updates found!") end end GetWebResultAsync("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Kyushmi/GoS/master/Version/K7Nunu.version", AutoUpdate) local localplayer = GetMyHero() if GetObjectName(localplayer) ~= "Nunu" then return end if FileExist(COMMON_PATH.."MixLib.lua") then require('MixLib') else PrintChat("MixLib not found. Please wait for download.") DownloadFileAsync("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/VTNEETS/NEET-Scripts/master/MixLib.lua", COMMON_PATH.."MixLib.lua", function() PrintChat("Downloaded MixLib. Please 2x F6!") return end) end Skins = { ["Nunu"] = {"Classic", "Sasquatch", "Workshop", "Grungy", "Nunu Bot", "Demolisher", "TPA", "Zombie"}, } local entitytarget = GetCurrentTarget() require("DamageLib") local K7M = Menu("K7Nunu", "K7Nunu") K7M:Menu("Combo", "Combo") K7M.Combo:Boolean("useW", "Use W", true) K7M.Combo:Boolean("useE", "Use E", true) K7M.Combo:Boolean("useR", "Use R") K7M.Combo:Slider("manaW", "Min Mana To Use W", 30, 0, 100) K7M.Combo:Slider("manaR", "Min Mana To Use R", 45, 0, 100) K7M.Combo:Slider("minenemiesR", "Min Enemies for R", 3, 1, 5) K7M:Menu("Harass", "Harass") K7M.Harass:Boolean("useE", "Use E", true) K7M.Harass:Slider("manaE", "Min Mana To Use E", 30, 0, 100) K7M:SubMenu('LastHit', 'Last Hit') K7M.LastHit:Boolean('useQ', 'Use Q', true) K7M.LastHit:Boolean('useE', 'Use E', true) K7M.LastHit:Slider("manaQ", "Min Mana To Use Q", 50, 0, 100) K7M.LastHit:Slider("manaE", "Min Mana To Use E", 70, 0, 100) K7M:SubMenu('LaneClear', 'Lane Clear') K7M.LaneClear:Boolean('useQ', 'Use Q', true) K7M.LaneClear:Boolean('useE', 'Use E', true) K7M.LaneClear:Slider("manaQ", "Min Mana To Use Q", 50, 0, 100) K7M.LaneClear:Slider("manaE", "Min Mana To Use E", 80, 0, 100) K7M:SubMenu('JungleClear', 'Jungle Clear') K7M.JungleClear:Boolean('useQ', 'Use Q', true) K7M.JungleClear:Boolean('useW', 'Use W') K7M.JungleClear:Boolean('useE', 'Use E', true) K7M.JungleClear:Slider("manaQ", "Min Mana To Use Q", 20, 0, 100) K7M.JungleClear:Slider("manaW", "Min Mana To Use W", 40, 0, 100) K7M.JungleClear:Slider("manaE", "Min Mana To Use E", 50, 0, 100) K7M:SubMenu('KS', 'Kill Steal') K7M.KS:Boolean('useE', 'Use E', true) K7M:SubMenu('LvL', 'Auto Level') K7M.LvL:Boolean('AutoLvL', 'Enable Auto LvL') K7M:SubMenu('SkinChanger', 'Skin Changer') K7M.SkinChanger:DropDown('skin', localplayer.charName.. " Skins", 1, Skins[localplayer.charName], function(model) HeroSkinChanger(localplayer, model - 1) end, true) K7M:SubMenu('Misc', 'Misc') K7M.Misc:Boolean('useautoQ', 'Use Auto Q', true) K7M.Misc:Slider("autohealthQ", "Auto Q at health percentage", 30, 0, 100) K7M:SubMenu('Draws', 'Drawnings') K7M.Draws:Boolean("drawQ", "Draw Q range", true) K7M.Draws:Boolean("drawW", "Draw W range", true) K7M.Draws:Boolean("drawE", "Draw E range", true) K7M.Draws:Boolean("drawR", "Draw R range", true) K7M.Draws:Boolean("drawReady", "Only draw when skills are ready") K7M:SubMenu('Gapcloser', 'Gapcloser') K7M.Gapcloser:Info("useE", "Use E on:") summonerName1 = localplayer:GetSpellData(SUMMONER_1).name summonerName2 = localplayer:GetSpellData(SUMMONER_2).name Smite = (summonerName1:lower():find("smite") and SUMMONER_1 or (summonerName2:lower():find("smite") and SUMMONER_2 or nil)) OnDraw(function() if K7M.Draws.drawReady:Value() then if Ready(_Q) and K7M.Draws.drawQ:Value() then DrawCircle(localplayer,GetCastRange(localplayer,_Q),1,25,GoS.Blue) end if Ready(_W) and K7M.Draws.drawW:Value() then DrawCircle(localplayer,GetCastRange(localplayer,_W),1,25,GoS.Pink) end if Ready(_E) and K7M.Draws.drawE:Value() then DrawCircle(localplayer,GetCastRange(localplayer,_E),1,25,GoS.Green) end if Ready(_R) and K7M.Draws.drawR:Value() then DrawCircle(localplayer,GetCastRange(localplayer,_R),1,25,GoS.Yellow) end else if K7M.Draws.drawQ:Value() then DrawCircle(localplayer,GetCastRange(localplayer,_Q),1,25,GoS.Blue) end if K7M.Draws.drawW:Value() then DrawCircle(localplayer,GetCastRange(localplayer,_W),1,25,GoS.Pink) end if K7M.Draws.drawE:Value() then DrawCircle(localplayer,GetCastRange(localplayer,_E),1,25,GoS.Green) end if K7M.Draws.drawR:Value() then DrawCircle(localplayer,GetCastRange(localplayer,_R),1,25,GoS.Yellow) end end end) function KillSteal() for _, enemy in pairs(GetEnemyHeroes()) do if K7M.KS.useE:Value() and Ready(_E) and ValidTarget(enemy, 550) and GetCurrentHP(enemy) < getdmg("E", enemy) then CastTargetSpell(enemy, _E) end end end function AutoLvl() LvLAP = {_E,_Q,_E,_W,_E,_R,_E,_Q,_E,_Q,_R,_Q,_Q,_W,_W,_R,_W,_W} LvLJungle = {_Q,_W,_E,_Q,_E,_R,_E,_E,_E,_W,_R,_W,_W,_W,_Q,_R,_Q,_Q} if K7M.LvL.AutoLvL:Value() and GetLevelPoints(localplayer) > 0 then if not Smite then LevelSpell(LvLAP[GetLevel(localplayer)-GetLevelPoints(localplayer)+1]) end if Smite then LevelSpell(LvLJungle[GetLevel(localplayer)-GetLevelPoints(localplayer)+1]) end end end function LaneClear() if Mix:Mode() == "LaneClear" then for _, minion in pairs(minionManager.objects) do if GetTeam(minion) == MINION_JUNGLE then if K7M.JungleClear.useQ:Value() and Ready(_Q) and ValidTarget(minion, 125) and K7M.JungleClear.manaQ:Value() < GetPercentMP(localplayer) then CastTargetSpell(minion, _Q) end if K7M.JungleClear.useW:Value() and Ready(_W) and ValidTarget(minion, 140) and K7M.JungleClear.manaW:Value() < GetPercentMP(localplayer) then CastSpell(_W) end if K7M.JungleClear.useE:Value() and Ready(_E) and ValidTarget(minion, 550) and K7M.JungleClear.manaE:Value() < GetPercentMP(localplayer) then CastTargetSpell(minion, _E) end end if GetTeam(minion) == MINION_ENEMY then if K7M.LaneClear.useQ:Value() and Ready(_Q) and ValidTarget(minion, 125) and K7M.LaneClear.manaQ:Value() < GetPercentMP(localplayer) then CastTargetSpell(minion, _Q) end if K7M.LaneClear.useE:Value() and Ready(_E) and ValidTarget(minion, 550) and K7M.LaneClear.manaE:Value() < GetPercentMP(localplayer) then CastTargetSpell(minion, _E) end end end end end function AutoQ() for _, minion in pairs(minionManager.objects) do if Ready(_Q) and K7M.Misc.useautoQ:Value() and IsObjectAlive(minion) and GetTeam(minion) ~= MINION_ALLY and GetDistance(minion) <= 125 and K7M.Misc.autohealthQ:Value() >= GetPercentHP(localplayer) then CastTargetSpell(minion, _Q) end end end function LastHit() if Mix:Mode() == "LastHit" then for _, minion in pairs(minionManager.objects) do if Ready(_Q) and K7M.LastHit.useQ:Value() and IsObjectAlive(minion) and GetTeam(minion) ~= MINION_ALLY and GetDistance(minion) <= 125 and K7M.LastHit.manaQ:Value() <= GetPercentMP(localplayer) and GetCurrentHP(minion) < getdmg("Q", minion) then CastTargetSpell(minion, _Q) end if Ready(_E) and K7M.LastHit.useE:Value() and IsObjectAlive(minion) and GetTeam(minion) ~= MINION_ALLY and GetDistance(minion) <= 550 and K7M.LastHit.manaQ:Value() <= GetPercentMP(localplayer) and GetCurrentHP(minion) < getdmg("E", minion) then CastTargetSpell(minion, _E) end end end end function Harass() if Mix:Mode() == "Harass" then if K7M.Harass.useE:Value() and Ready(_E) and ValidTarget(entitytarget, 550) and K7M.Harass.manaE:Value() < GetPercentMP(localplayer) then CastTargetSpell(entitytarget, _E) end end end function Combo() if Mix:Mode() == "Combo" then if K7M.Combo.useE:Value() and Ready(_E) and ValidTarget(entitytarget, 550) then CastTargetSpell(entitytarget, _E) end for _,ally in pairs(GetAllyHeroes()) do if K7M.Combo.useW:Value() and Ready(_W) and GetDistance(localplayer,ally) <= 700 and EnemiesAround(GetOrigin(localplayer), 1000) >= 1 and K7M.Combo.manaW:Value() <= GetPercentMP(localplayer) then CastTargetSpell(ally, _W) end if K7M.Combo.useR:Value() and Ready(_R) and ValidTarget(entitytarget, 630) and EnemiesAround(GetOrigin(localplayer), 630) >= K7M.Combo.minenemiesR:Value() and K7M.Combo.manaR:Value() <= GetPercentMP(localplayer) then CastSpell(_R) end end end end OnTick(function(localplayer) Combo() KillSteal() Harass() LastHit() LaneClear() AutoQ() AutoLvl() end) AddGapcloseEvent(_E, 680, true, K7M.Gapcloser) PrintChat("K7Nunu: Injected successfully!")