classdef MarketSimulator < handle properties d {mustBeInteger,mustBePositive} T {mustBeInteger,mustBePositive} t {mustBeInteger,mustBeNonnegative} r_hist(:,1) {mustBeReal} R_hist(:,1) {mustBeReal} r_cur {mustBeReal,mustBeFinite} s0(:,1) {mustBeReal,mustBeFinite,mustBeNonnegative} s_hist(:,:) {mustBeReal} s_cur(:,1) {mustBeReal,mustBeFinite,mustBeNonnegative} w_hist(:,:) {mustBeReal} w_cur(:,1) {mustBeReal,mustBeFinite,mustBeNonnegative} eta {mustBeReal,mustBeFinite,mustBeNonnegative} end properties (Access = private) M(:,:) {mustBeReal,mustBeFinite} c(:,1) {mustBeReal,mustBeFinite} mu(:,1) {mustBeReal,mustBeFinite} end methods function obj = MarketSimulator(T,s0,paramStruct) % Initialize first three values obj.T = T; obj.s0 = squeeze(s0)'; obj.d = size(squeeze(s0),1); d = obj.d; % Validate Sizes of paramStruct items and assign mu =; c = paramStruct.c; M = paramStruct.M; if isvector(mu)&&(numel(mu)==d) = squeeze(mu)'; else error('mu is of incorrect size') end if isvector(c)&&(numel(mu)==d) obj.c = c; end if ismatrix(M)&&(size(M,1)==d)&&(size(M,2)==d) obj.M = M; end obj.eta = paramStruct.eta; % Run a first reset to allocate memory obj = obj.reset(); end function obj = reset(obj) obj.t=0; obj.s_hist = NaN(obj.d,obj.T + 1); obj.w_hist = NaN(obj.d,obj.T); obj.r_hist = NaN(1,obj.T); obj.R_hist = NaN(1,obj.T); obj.s_cur = obj.s0; obj.s_hist(:,1) = obj.s0; end function obj = step(obj,w) if obj.t>=obj.T error("trading period terminated (t=T), no more actions may be taken"); end if size(w,1)~=obj.d error('provided weights have incorrect size.'); end if ~obj.isInSimplex(w) % If weights not in simplex, project to simplex warning('provided weights lie outside of simplex.'); w = max(w,0); w = w./sum(w); end % Step Time Forward obj.t = obj.t+1; % Update weight-related state variables obj.w_cur = w; obj.w_hist(:,obj.t) = obj.w_cur; if obj.t==1 w_delta = 0; else w_delta = obj.w_cur - obj.w_hist(:,obj.t-1); end % Generate stock-price increments and calculate stock return xi_cur = normrnd(0,1,obj.d,1); s_last = obj.s_cur; obj.s_cur = obj.genPriceStep(obj.s_cur,w_delta,xi_cur); obj.s_hist(:,obj.t+1) = obj.s_cur; r_s_cur = (obj.s_cur-s_last)./s_last; % Calculate new portfolio return obj.r_cur = dot(obj.w_cur,r_s_cur) - obj.eta*norm(w_delta,1); obj.r_hist(obj.t,:) = obj.r_cur; obj.R_hist(obj.t,:) = obj.getTotalReturn(obj.r_hist); end function p = getState(obj) % Return state struct p = struct('t',obj.t, ... 's_cur',obj.s_cur, ... 'w_cur',obj.w_cur, ... 'r_cur',obj.r_cur, ..., 'cum_ret',obj.getTotalReturn(obj.r_hist)); end function ret = getTotalReturn(~,r_vec) % Compute total return retVec = r_vec(~isnan(r_vec))+1.0; retVec = max(retVec,0.0); ret = prod(retVec); end function r = isInSimplex(~,w) if all(w>=0)&&(sum(w)-1<1e7*eps) r = true; else r = false; end end end methods (Access = private) % log stock price dynamics under market impact function snew = genPriceStep(obj,s,dw,xi) S = log(s); dS = + obj.mktImpact(dw) + obj.M * xi; snew = exp(S + dS); end function imp = mktImpact(obj,dw) %kappa function imp = obj.c .* sign(dw) .* sqrt(abs(dw)); end end end