Legend of the Five Rings (5E) ------------------- This game system for [Foundry Virtual Tabletop](https://foundryvtt.com/) provides a character sheet and basic systems to play [Fantasy Flight Game's](https://www.fantasyflightgames.com/en/index/) Legend of the Five Rings 5th edition. This is **not** an official game system, and only provides the basic elements to play the game, such as a character sheet and support for rolling dice. You'll still need to [buy the books from FFG](https://www.fantasyflightgames.com/en/legend-of-the-five-rings-roleplaying-game/) to have access to the game rules and content. ## Installation You can install this game system by pasting the following URL in the "Install System" dialog in Froundy, from the "Game Systems" tab. `https://raw.githubusercontent.com/L4D15/foundry-vtt-l5r/master/src/system.json` ## Contribute Feel free to fork this project and create a merge request with any fixes or additions you want, just keep in mind not to infringe FFG's copyright. ### Contributors - Carter#2703 (French localization)