# OrangeC Compiler And Tool Chain Release Notes ## Version 6.0.73 * project: update sqlite3 to latest version * olink: fix bug with debug info for type information * occ: get rid of instrumentation * bug fixes for lscrtl.dll when used by multiple modules simultaneously ## Version 6.0.72 * project: move appveyor image to VS2022 version * project: choosing versioning to use the standard 3 integer versioning scheme instead of the windows 4 integer scheme (except in RC files) * occ: add various C23 functionality, including _BitInt * occ: fix backend bug where compiling multiple files on a single command line could result in bad behavior * occ: handle static const int properly when using it in a structure to export a const value * occ: handle extern const int properly when using it in a namespace to export a const value * occ: allow __declspec(__export__) to be placed before the 'struct' keyword * occ: fix various bugs in compiler related to buffers being too small to hold command lines * occ: fix command line help for fstack-protector flags * occ: when both creating dependencies and compiling files, don't elide the error display * occ: fix random bug when compiling assembly code in a C file * occ: handle escaping in make stubs properly * occ: rewrite optimizer for more efficient memory management * occ: trying to make a static library didn't work if the output file name had spaces in it * occ: fix a bug where casting a function name to a pointer then using it as an array crashed occ * occ: handle '.' character in directory names better * occ: handle the situation with computed gotos better * occ: support exporting functions in exe files * occ: fix pointer aliasing code to understand local static variables better * occ: fix bug where destructors could be called too soon in complex function trees * omake: handle escaping properly * omake: fix bug that inserted extra spaces on the SH command line * rtl: fix various bugs related to buffers being too small to hold command lines * rtl: fix getexecname() when using shared runtime library * rtl: fix some problems with stat and other time functions getting the 'dst' flag wrong on random occasions * rtl: replace rpmalloc with dlea allocator again * rtl: fix bug in exception handling: wrong data size calloced * rtl: fix lscrtl.dll import library to work properly again * rtl: update import records for kernel32 to the latest kernel * rtl: remove a printf from the C23 checked runtime library functions; improve linkage * rtl: fix bug that made 'atexit' not work reliably in shared runtime library * rtl: fix bugs in mkdir() * rtl: fix comparision used by memcmp to be unsigned ## Version 6.0.71 * add support for github actions with both linux and windows builds * remove support for travis-ci builds * remove support for broken BCC32 and RADSTUDIO builds * rewrite visual studio solution to be cleaner * improve gcc wrappers * add wrappers for common MSVC tools * toolchain: rewrites to improve clarity in startup code for all the tools * toolchain: rewrites to use c++ style c language headers * toolchain: add --out-implib and --output-def * toolchain: rewrite to not use custom iterator names when that is possible * toolchain: rewrite to use std::shared_ptr when that is more reasonable than std::unique_ptr * toolchain: rewrite for more standard usage of 'HAVE_UNISTD_H' * toolchain: rewrite to use StringHash more liberally as a string hashing function on maps * toolchain: rewrite to use scoped enumerations for the major enumerations * build: copy orc.cfg to \orangec\src * update various documentation * prefer ',' to '=' as a separator while parsing command line arguemnts * fix various problems required for building on linux * occ: don't allow WinMain to be mangled with C++ mangling * occ: fix some bugs with anonymous structure names changing from one compilation unit to the next * occ: 'auto' type can be used with multiple declarations * occ: for-range index variable shouldn't be visible to to for-range expression * occ: don't strip extension before adding '.l' for libraries * occ: fix some problems with bailing with an error about end of file * occ: using operator new[] with and index which is type long long generated bad code * occ: fix some bugs generating names for static const ints that have their address taken * occ: fix rare crash when generating debug symbols * occ: fix rare bug at end of file * occ: add __attribute__((constructor)) and __attribute((destructor)) * occ: add #pragma exit * occ: prefer a type to a variable when '::' is used * occ: cleanup various vagaries with response files and command line arguments * occ: add __CHAR_SIGNED__ and __CHAR__UNSIGNED__ preprocessor macros * occ: the constructor 'sizeof(int(*)()) crashed when compiling for C++ * occ: std::less()(...) didn't resolve when argument was a shared_ptr * occ: -D and -U switches can have a space between the switch and its argument * occ: -D switch was broken when the argument had a semicolon in it * occ: fix some problems with initializer lists * occ: fix problem where including stdio.h with quotes instead of <> didn't work * occ: fix various problems with using structured return types on lambda functions * occ: allow comparison between std::function<>() and nullptr * occ: generate errors more liberally when trying to cast struct to int and no conversions apply (also in C mode) * occ: make CallOfNonFunction error clearer for C++ code * occ: on rare occasions, conversion from a base type to derived type would be handled incorrectly * occ: add pseudo-constructor for trivial structures * occ: add gcc-style stack canaries * occ: add basic runtime/heap checks * occ: beginning work for C23 * occ: scoped enumerations can later be referenced without specifying it as scoped * occ: hook operator could never result in a return type which is a scoped enumeration * occ: fully specialized function declarations should be allowed to have a template<> header * occ: support for better linker detection of library files * occ: downgrade 'suspicious pointer conversion' message to be a trivial warning * occ: fix problem where RHS of a for-range declaration would be evalutated twice * occ: fix optimization for computed gotos to work properly * oimplib: generate a variety of import declarations to handle the various linkage use cases * omake: handle include paths properly * omake: handle 'private' and 'export' on target-specific variables * omake: add builtin rules and variables * omake: $(wildcard $(...)) didn't include directory names * omake: the results of a ($call...) should be macro-substituted * omake: fix some problems on msys2 * omake: various fixes to process complex makefiles properly * omake: -p option crashed * omake: fix clash between the temporary file marker && and shell usage of && * omake: fix $(shell ...) to work with shells other than cmd.exe * omake: putting a conditional on the same line as an else should be treated specially * omake: fix crash on windows 8 * olink: support delay load * olink: prepend lib when searching for library files, check for both '.l' and '.lib' as extensions * ocpp: fix configuration file with correct default include paths * dlpe: don't generate fixup for constants specified on the linker command line * dlpe: generate delay-load structures in PE image * dlpe: allow extensions other than '.l' when creating import libraries * preprocessor: use += instead of '=' while parsing source lines * preprocessor: allow warnings to be elided or turned into errors * preprocessor: clean up how make stubs are generated * tests: various cleanup * rtl: add gdiplus headers * rtl: adujust startup/rundown priorities to match unix * rtl: add posix clock functions * rtl: add alarm and SIGALRM * rtl: add readlink * rtl: add dlopen and friends * rtl: add nanosleep * rtl: fix mismatch on declarations for memchr * rtl: add sys/param.h * rtl: add support for shlwapi.dll * rtl: add strnlen and wcsnlen * rtl: add support for stack canaries * rtl: unmangle names correctly in exception dumpo * rtl: add support for basic runtime/heap checks * rtl: unclutter the user namespace in the malloc() code * rtl: add support for delay-load * rtl: fix static thread protection for local static C++ initializations to work properly * rtl: add 'floor()' to lscrtl.dll * rtl: fix putenv to not have a buffer overflow * rtl: wputenv should use the correct environment * rtl: fix spawnxxx, execxxx to not have buffer overruns * rtl: bug fix to how calloc() is done * rtl: fix padding problem when '%#04x' was used with a small number * rtl: handle padding for '%#04b' properly ## Version 6.0.70: * fix various problems with the builds * adjust VC projects to use narrow character support * fix bugs compiling with clang * clean up some compiler warnings, clang/gcc * fix to compile various problematic third-party packages * occ: internal rewrites to improve the quality of source code/debugging experience * occ: internal rewrites to not compile functions that aren't needed * occ: internal rewrites to the inliner, for better code quality and faster optimization and less space used * occ: speed up parser * occ: add __COUNTER__ predefined preprocessor variable * occ: fix problems with __VA_ARGS__ * occ: fix preprocessor problem : macro arguments should be scanned for replacements before replacing the token * occ: allow __alignof__ in C mode * occ: add the gcc extension for statements in expressions * occ: fix _Generic to work with typedefs * occ: fix problems with generating wide characters strings on odd byte boundaries * occ: optimize single element structures that can be stored in a register, to be returned in a register * occ: improve line data at the beginning of a function * occ: improve debug information within do-while blocks * occ: optimize the object files a little bit * occ: fix problems with -werror switch * occ: fix problems with C++14 switch * occ: clean up code generation for setne instructions * occ: add -static switch to generate static library directly from command line * occ: fix various problems compiling __invoke * occ: fix various problems that were highlighted due to all the rewrites * occ: inline destructors in debug mode * occ: fix code generation bugs * occ: clean up rtti accounting code generation * occ: 'empty' destructors don't need to be called during wind down of stack from during throw/catch * occ: fix some bugs with catch blocks being considered in an order other than the one presented in the source code * occ: interleave various things like member ptr and atexit code generation with the function generation a little better * occ: inline exception block creation/teardown, instead of calling library functions * occ: rework how accessibility checks are done * occ: standardize generation of vtabs: wherever the destructor is generated. * occ: fix bug with atomic long long stores * occ: fix optimizer bug where atomic-modify and store instructions could sometimes result in bad code * occ: beginnings of support for C23 * occil: speed up code generation * occil: fix problem with duplicate field definitions * occil: fix problem where using a long as a shift count causes problems on windows 11 * occpr: clean up extraneous errors * oasm: speed up assembler, and compiler back end * omake: don't create an error when .PHONY targets are used * omake: fix -j:0 not to crash omake * omake: fix default to be -j:1 * omake: fix for lockup when a tool generated an error for -j > 1 * rtl: add wchar_t to stdatomic.h * rtl: get rid of compiler warnings that occurred when #including inttypes.h * rtl: fix some problems with the windows headers * rtl: fix some problems with wide character functions * rtl: fix push/pop bug in dpmi.c * rtl: fix some bugs in the exception handling library * rtl: tag more functions for export * rtl: fix various problems that caused lscrtl.dll not to work ## version 6.0.62: * project: fix some problems found by static analysis * project: update to VS2022 community * project: clean up make files * project: fix some issues in the MD documentation * project: define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN throughout * project: add hooks to provide more information on crashes * project: add wrappers to emulate GCC and AR (translates switches) * occ: assigning to a structure returned by pointer should work * occ: fix problems initializing substructures with structured values * occ: add declspec(deprecated) * occ: two macros could match even if they have arguments * occ: get rid of C++ error about not being able to pass an array of structured values * occ: update #pragma pack to allow the push, pop syntax (for pelles C headers) * occ: allow compiler to be build with MINGW64 on MSYS2 * occ: fix crash when using a wildcard to specify files on the command line * occ: fix bug in optimizer: strength reduction with a value returned from a function crashes * occ: handle __forceinline a little better * occ: fix multicharacter character constants to work a little better * occ: fix declarator assignment of structure elements, to clear out the entire structure * occ: clean up 'void function returns value' error * occ: fix command line help text: /o option definition was confusing * occ: fix crash when multiple files on the command line use the make_integer_seq builtin template * occ: '$' is a valid character within symbols * occ: add -funsigned-char * occ: add computed-goto * orc: expand prototype and structure parsing to handle more use cases * omake: fix a bug where white space in a define should have resulted in an EOL being inserted when the define was used * omake: could take more than the allotted number of job slots * rtl: use PELLES C windows headers, this is a more complete and standard set of headers * rtl: add missing flags to unix-style file headers * rtl: fix problem with inttypes.h macros not being declared in some cases * rtl: fix problem parsing signalling nans * rtl: fix time_t value to be correct * rtl: fix fstat to work a little better * rtl: fix _stat to work with CRTDLL.DLL * rtl: fix so that it can compile against lscrtl.dll again * rtl: add missing string, shift, and heap functions * rtl: fix some prototypes to use size_t * rtl: add wide character versions of various ANSI C functions * rtl: add 64-bit time_t and support it * rtl: add the various windows-style stat functions * rtl: fix bugs with wide character file i/o * rtl: add a 'placeholder' version of intrin.h which does nothing * rtl: update climp.dll to have more imported functions from the OS * rtl: support Windows XP by performing an indirect usage of GetLargePageMinimum only when available * rtl: null terminate fmemopen buffer when flushed or closed. ## Version 6.0.61: * occ: various template handling fixes * occ: various constexpr fixes * occ: various noexcept fixes * occ: fix various problems with initializer lists * occ: fix various problems with the mangling/unmangling * occ: various other compiler fixes resulting from working with the libcxx test suite * occ: fix various crashes * occ: auto variables with the same name should be considered unique by the compiler * occ: handle some use cases where a structure could be used as a template argument of itself while compiling the template * occ: noreturn member functions were not considered as noreturn for error reporting * occ: select the primary class template when a specialization trys to use the primary as a friend * occ: recalculate structure offsets properly for recursive structures * occ: allow passing a volatile reference to a parameter of type const reference * occ: various compiler speedups. * occ: fix various bugs when compiling allocators with maps * occ: fix problems with value initialization of structures * occ: fix crash when using the structured return value of a function as an argument to another function * occ: fix is_constructible for various use cases * occ: fix various problems where constructors could not be found * occ: defer evaluation of constructors that are used in default arguments * occ: fix using statements to allow a broader range of function declarations * occ: fix some problems with partial function deductions * occ: fix unique_ptr/shared ptr iterators to work properly * occ: using constructor via open brace could be an rvalue candidate * occ: support __builtin_unreachable * occ: default for move constructors do not have a 'const' argument * occ: add unmangled names as comments in the assembler file output * occ: fix bug where line numbers were sometimes missing from the output files * occ: don't generate lambda functions with $$ at the beginning of the name * occ: fix some bugs when an array is placed inside a structure * occ: support DLLs in the command line * occ: some internal uses of alloca to reduce stack usage * occ: fix problem where debug file names were incorrect * occ: fix various problems with destructors in short-circuit expressions * occ: fix problems with destructors in arguments * occ: fix problems with destructors in conditional statements * occ: optimize to generate a TEST instruction in a certain use case * occ: fix bug where preprocessor expressions could interfere with template processing * occ: various internal refactoring * occ: by value arguments where not getting cleaned up at the end of the function * occ: fix problems with RTTI table generation * occ: fix various problems with atomic code gen * occ: change local static guards to be thread safe * occ: handle destruction of local statics in a more standard way * occ: return structures by value properly in C++ mode * occ: two functions don't have the same type if one returns by reference and the other doesn't * occ: do a better job of aligning structures on the stack * occ: dereference references returned by cast operators * occ: don't use a temporary when converting a structure to an arithmetic type in arguments * occ: fix corruption in catch blocks * occ: fix bug where floating point might not be evaluated correctly in the compiler * occ: don't consider overloaded function options for builtin operators that are fed scalars * occ: prefer 'bool' to 'nullptr' when passing constant zero or false as an argument * occ: fix problems with using structured values in a hook * occ: fix lcse bug: constants could be propagated too freely * occ: fix bugs with generating wrongly sized floating point constant values * occ: inline processing should not spill to memory as much * occ: don't inline functions that have try-catch blocks * occ: fix pointer aliasing problem with function arguments * occ: fix bug with the strength reduction (led to invalid GCSE in some cases) * occ: put temporary files in the current directory when TMP environment variable not set correctly * omake: rewrite the mechanism for handing out task slots * omake: use futures to improve the internal operations * omake: fix "-f -" to take input from stdin * omake: "-nolog" was exiting without displaying a reason for it * onm: read file in binary mode now... * oasm: simplify parser by using string processing instead of making an expression tree * ocpp: wasn't preprocessing C++ files * olink: if can't find a library, try prefixing the name with 'lib' (gcc compatibility) * olink: various improvements to map files * olink: create libraries on the fly when a DLL is specified on the command line * utilities: add support for switches that have optional arguments * utilities: bug fixes to command switch handling * utilities: rework make files for new omake behavior * rtl: fix rethrow_exception in case you want to throw outside a try block or from another thread * rtl: fix is_less() * rtl: fix fdim limits * rtl: fix erf limits * rtl: fix nexttoward and nextafter to work * rtl: remove stacked buffer from write() function as it interferes with DLL_PROCESS_DETACH * rtl: don't flush file buffers all the way to disk on program exit * rtl: noreturn should work on non-void functions * rtl: fixx std::terminate and std::unexpected to work properly * rtl: remove pstl * rtl: make_exception_ptr should work for both scalars and structures * rtl: protect runtime from exceptions that happen before it is fully initialized * rtl: lazy load the wctypes tables as a performance improvement; * rtl: fix bug where towlower actually did towupper * rtl: fix various header problems when running the libcxx tests * rtl: improve the stack trace on a crash * rtl: fix problem with dtoa not compiling properly * rtl: use mm_pause() instead of resorting to adding assembly language * rtl: fix bug where invalid input could crash strerror_s * rtl: tmpnam and friends, generate the file names randomly * rtl: fix fmemopen, left memory in an indeterminate state and didnt zero the buffer * documentation: document method for debugging without a debugger ## Version 6.0.51: * add proper support for evaluating constexpr functions * finish 'algorithm' part of libcxx tests * support free embarcadero compiler * do some fixes for the VS2022 analyzer * occ: perform function argument lookup for overloaded functions properly * occ: take out an ambiguous function reference when converting with a cast operator * occ: would crash when using an undefined symbol as a function return type * occ: fix some crashes * occ: handle difference between two return values better, when both values are template selectors * occ: when constructing a structured parameter, don't need to consider the const/volatile status of the original structure for purposes of parameter matching * occ: handle template argument matching when the function param is nullptr, a little better. * occ: allow conversions of integer types, while in nested template parsing * occ: clean up declval handling * occ: handle pointer/array matching in arguments a little better * occ: fix bug when using address of a templated function as an argument * occ: nonstatic member data can't be constexpr * occ: fix problem where a function was mis-marked as a specialization * occ: is_constructible and friends should return false, when the constructor is inaccessible * occ: fix various bugs when compiling std::min, std::max, and std::minmax * occ: fix various bugs with initializer_lists * occ: add gcc-style command line options for printing various compiler-related data * occ: add a custom hash function for use with backend function lookups * occ: change debug flag from /v to /g, /v gives version info * occ: use stdout for banner and version info * occ: void* and nullptr_t are different types for purposes of template substitution * occ: ignore -fPIC * occ: /w+ crashed the compiler * occ: add /Wall and /Wextra * occ: add some long-options compatibility with gnu make * occ: fix -M and add friends * occ: location of 'previous' definition is displayed with the duplicate definition error * occ: allow more customization in error list * occ: update to latest version of sqlite3, fix bugs when compiling it * occ: handle floating point match builtin guards for libcxx properly * occ: disambiguate pow() templates properly * occ: fix complex version of pow() template not to crash * occ: a = b() where b is a structure type should value-initialize a * occ: fix bug when generating rtti for structured return values * occ: fix crash when using a member function but forgetting the parenthesis * occ: fix bug where `__unwrap_ref_decay` would not work properly when used on multiple arguments of the same template function * occ: fix optimizer bug that caused excess code movement * orc: parse c-like types, enums, function prototypes * ocpp: add dependency generation * omake: allow ad-hoc specification of variables on the command line in addition to the current switches * rtl: fwrite, don't do divide on return if incoming size == 1 (speed optimization) * rtl: buffer stdout and stderr (speed optimization) * rtl: fix stdint.h include guards to work with C++ * rtl: add CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFOEX * rtl: add sndAlias macro and fix some problems with the related macros * rtl: add various include guards to be compatible with other compilers, e.g. to sys/types.h * rtl: include mmsystem.h in windows.h * rtl: add _lseeki64 and _commit * appveyor: bump compiler up to VS2019 * appveyor: fix appveyor build to fail more gracefully * appveyor: miscellaneous build cleanup * git rid of various dead code from the repository ## Version 6.0.50: * various projects: fix various GCC warnings * various projects: add a diagnostic when an output file cannot be opened or created * various projects: convert ieee format to binary * various projects: if the command line help is too long, it will prompt you after each page * various projects: use unordered_map where possible, to speed things up * visual studio solution: make backends dependent on the programs they spawn * visual studio solution: update projects to VS2019 * builds: remove duplicate rebuilds * builds: fix some problems with builds not erroring out properly on failure * occ: fix assembly language jmp [eax] to not truncate the register to word size * occ: fix bug in sign extension of negated unsigned short * occ: fix bug with not calling virtual destructors properly * occ: fix bug with not promoting default destructors to 'virtual' when needed * occ: fix bug with *(double*)aa = value sometimes not working properly, where 'aa' is a long long * occ: fix the code that enables the profiler * occ: enable 'inline' in the c++ headers (speedup applications) * occ: fix argument type lookup to work with enumeration constant in namespace * occ: add -LINK and -DLL command line switches (for autoconfig support) * occ: some internal optimizations in the source code * occ: fix fastcall calling convention to work with optimized code * occ: rewrite shared memory mapping handling to use less resources * occ: add __asm keyword (still supports 'asm') * occ: fix a case where there could be a crash if a structure is undefined * occ: destructor for union should not automatically delete objects defined in the union * occ: elide copy constructor references in certain initializations * occ: fix formatting on assembly language output files * occ: fix bug that prevented occ from working when compiled with CLANG version 10 or greater * occ: clean up errors (remove function reference) * occ: add 'referenced from' for references from higher templates * occ: clean up errors (fix mangling and unmangling) * occ: fix bug where packed arguments to a function wouldn't be fully expanded with qualifiers * occ: fix crashes when compiling in debug mode * occ: add #include_next * occ: sometimes the error for undefined variables would not appear * occ: rewrite the type alias functionality * occ: change padding in code segment to use nops * occ: fix some bugs in the name unmangling * occ: fix some problems with packed templates * occ: allow decltype to be used where a class selector could be used * occ: libcxx 10 support * occ: handle template instantion overloads where the only difference is the function return value * occ: clean up array access in for-range loops * occ: don't attempt to return a value when a template function's return type evaluates to void * occ: don't generate labels for inline function returns, unless absolutely needed (aids optimizations) * occ: the const qualifier should not be removed when evaluating a typedef * occ: fix bugs in auto deduction * occ: fix various problems with formatting, argument reference types * occ: don't generate const/ref member initializers error for a delegating constructor * occ: allow access to private constructors while generating default constructors * occ: handle conversion of rref to lref in function arguments properly * occ: don't generate an error when converting const lref to rref in function arguments * occ: require typename in a more standard way * occ: fix bugs with honoring member access specifiers * occ: fix some probelms with deleting default constructors * occ: arithmetic constants are rvalues for purposes of argument deduction * occ: refactor how memory allocation is done to clean up code base * occ: convert constants to boolean correctly * occ: add error if function body is redefined * occ: update the `__attribute__` parsing * occ: `unique_ptr` didn't compile when passing free() for the destruction function * occ: fix randomly occurring 'unknown suffix' errors * occ: fixes to typeinfo * occ: fix static assert to work within structures * occ: fix static_assert error to be more obvious, add C++17 version of static_assert * occ: don't reserve space for static const integral members of structures * occ: fix variable size arrays to convert to char* properly * occ: int and long are same (on x86) for purposes of argument deduction. Exact match is still prefered. * occ: bool was sometimes considered the same as char * occ: fix crash when initializing bool with a function address (should result in true) * occ: allow forward declaration of a non-member class, within a class * occ: allow _atomic in C++ mode, add new atomic intrinsics * occ: handle problems where the evaluation of template selectors didn't happen in a timely way * occ: clean up is_constructible and is_nothrow_constructible * occ: add some intrincs to help compiling tuples * occ: fix problems evaluating sfinae * occ: add display of timing information * occ: add some new command line switches * occ: clean up what happens when running occparse directly * occ: fix some problems with initializer lists * occ: fix some problems with poiinters to member functions * occ: fix rare bug where sometimes a function call would not be treated as a call * occ: fix problem an optimization of a pointer to an array would not allocate auto variables properly * occ: fix problems with finding an overload match for a nullptr_t argument * occ: fix bug where cast conversions combined with inlining could generate bad code * occ: rewrite the expression rebalancing operation to operate in real time * occ: fix bug with code generation for long long math * occ: fix some problems with extraneous extern statements in the assembly language output files * occ: changes to how inlining is done * occ: internal improvements for memory usage while compiling * occ: fix code completion compiler * occ: prefer conversion of wchar_t to char to a widening conversion, in function argument matching * occ: remove code generation of some unnecessary calls to empty constructors * occ: converting enum to long long generated bad code * occ: use native ints instead of long longs, for integers within the optimizer code * occ: support `__attribute__((aligned))` without specifying an alignment * occ: static operator new/delete can be members of a class * occ: fix bug surrounding `__VARARGS__` processing * occ: fix a bug where namespace usage could result in an infinite loop * occ: support for-range where the range specifier is an explicit initializer list * occ: add support for parsing `__attribute__((format))` but not its functionality * occ: trying to scope an unnamed enum resulted in a compiler error * occ: when a member using statement specifies a base class, the constructures were not pulled in. * occ: fix bug in implicit lambda capture of 'this' * occ: allow access to base classes of a member function's class, from within a lambda * occ: allow conversion to a base class, when returning a structure * occ: internal modification, change unwieldy macros to constexpr functions * occ: fix some problems with overloading methods that have enums as arguments * occ: add `__attribute__((internal_linkage))` * occ: add `__attribute__((exclude_from_explicit_instantiation))` * occ: 'far' keyword not handling properly during code generation * occ: fix bugs with initializing a lambda function at the global level * occ: constexpr constructors were being duplicated in the output files * occ: better resolution for overload matching of mismatched qualifiers * occ: allow `__stdcall` to work with templated functions * occ: fix bug where simple structure with member initializers wouldn't construct properly * occ: fix problem with overloading cast operators that only differ by qualifiers * occ: fix bugs in code generation for atomics * occ: add new atomic intrinsics, overhaul the atomic headers * occ: fix generation of debug info * occ: fix problem with simple structures having member initializers not getting initialized * occ: fix problem where a container with a structured initializer list wouldn't initialize * occ: fix bug in peephole optimization * occ: fix the gcse optimizer to work again, fix various bugs in aliasing * occ: add -std=xxx, -x, -nostdinc, -nostdinc++, -fsyntax-only to the command line * occ: fix `__STDC_VERSION__` for C89 * occ: allow dots in the file name specified on the command line (before the extension) * occ: handle volatiles better * occ: handle `__FILE__` preprocessor macro better in the presence of backslashes * occ: handle wchar_t better in the code generator * occ: allow conversions from pointer to bool * occ: fix various problems with specifying multiple input files on the command line * occil: various improvements to allow generated code to be decompiled * occil: add runtime support for function pointer via delegate * occil: fix bug in pinning * olib: add --noexports switch to remove exports while importing to library * ieeeconvert: new project for converting binary object files to more readable ascii format * utilites: some code cleanup * netlib: add support for generic classes and functions * netlib: add support for pinning * netlib: various small improvements * netlib: cache namespaces and classes while loading to speed up the load * netlib: add some improvements for GCC compiles, and MONO support * adl compiler: improvements and documentation * rtl: libcxx 10 support, atomic support, threads support * rtl: add flockfile and friends * rtl: add fmemopen and friends * rtl: add rpmalloc allocator and remove lea allocator * rtl: rename 'asm' keyword to '__asm' throughout * rtl: update makefiles for clang-format and format most of the runtime library * rtl: fix various issues with C11 threading and mutexes * rtl: putmkdir and friends in right header * rtl: add getopt implementation * rtl: rewrite C language headers to check for RC_INVOKED * rtl: fix crash in flushall * rtl: fix complex.h * rtl: newlocal() is inline now and other locale() updates for libcxx 10 * rtl: copy header files to main include directory during a build, remove explict include directories from build command line * rtl: rename _DS and friends to allow compiling of filesystem header * rtl: add fseeko and ftello * rtl: fix bug in sscanf, using %c multiple times didn't work. * rtl: use VirtualAlloc in the memory manager * rtl: add various unwind functions to the dll export definitions file * rtl: add standardize exception handling support * rtl: add constructors/destructors for objects in thread local storage * rtl: add strerror_s and _strerror_s and errno_t * rtl: add enough support for fibersapi to allow libcxx10 threading to compile * rtl: fix some alignment issues in the WIN32 headers * rtl: only need one tls index, not one per thread * rtl: send output of 'assert' to console for console mode programs * rtl: fix bug in math.h, could include C++ headers with the wrong structure alignment * tests: run what we can in parallel * tests: complete libcxx tests on atomics ## Version 6.0.45: 5/18/2020 * occ: functions ending in a function call for a function tagged as 'noreturn' will not generate a 'needs return value' warning. * occ: fix bug where destructs called after an if statement could be called at the wrong time. * occ: implement better error diagnostics (not used yet) * occ: fix bug where 'using namespace xxx;' was used inside a function might not work properly * occ: comment marker inside a preprocessor continuation for a string wasn't ignored * occ: change default extension for generated assembly language files to .S * occ: add /a switch for specifying extension of assembly language files * occ: fix bug where lambdas generated at global scope created invalid assembly language output (object files were fine) * occ: when assigning a string or other struct to itself with a hook, invalid code was generated. * occ: attribute names which are keywords are now compiled correctly * occ: i*i could be evaluated incorrectly due to a bug in the backend * occ: fix bug in global optimizer: under rare conditions it could generate bad code. * occ: fix comparison involving NANs to return false (!= returns true) * occ: fix definition of FLT_MAX, DBL_MAX, LDBL_MAX to be correct * occ: fix i%1 to return 0 instead of i, fix bugs and improve code generation for i%# where # is 1 or a power of 2 * occ: when calculating compile-time constants, -1.0/0.0 incorrectly resulted in +infinity (was good when calculated at runtime) * occ/ocpp: add #line statements to the preprocessed output * ogrep: add -q option to make it quiet... ## Version 4/26/2020 * project: fix bugs that would not allow compiling in VS2019 * project: add new appveyor builds for debugger and code analyzer; add 7z format to build artifacts * project: minor changes to make files * project: update tool help displays * windows installer: allow installing in a 'user' account * occ: fix rare problem where strength reduction could create an invalid multiply instruction * occ: 'char *xx[]' should be equivalent to 'char *(xx[])' (compiler treats them differently) * occ: fix error generated when declaring a scoped enum that had been forward declared. * occ: fix problem with shared expression node getting modified (could result in invalid ASM code) * occ: fix recursion problem in debug info, for function types that reference themselves in their argument list * occ: fix { somestruct a; a = { 0 }; } in C++ mode * occ: emit a more useful diagnostic for things like 'sizeof((int))' * occ: fix rare problem in peephole optimizer that could create bad code * occ: add /g as an alias for /v * occ: replace the preprocessor with a newer version * occ: replace under the hood utility code with the standard version used by the other tools * occ: local static variables with the same name used the same name were not differentiated in memory * occ: clean up clang warnings relating to the floating point structure * occ: add normal method to push/pop macros * occ: generate error if using floating point in a preprocessor expression * occ: fix rare problem where constant evaluation could crash optimizer * occ: fix some crashes on invalid input * occ: fix some problems zeroing structures in a function but not in a declaration. * occ: handle constant evaluation for complement operation correctly * occ: fix sizeof an array which is a function param to be sizeof(void *) * occ: add `__attribute__((__stdcall__))` and parse for attributes in a couple of new places * occ: allow argument which is an array surrounded by parenthesis * occ: fix some preprocessor replacement issues found by c-testsuite tests * occ: handle cast to structured constant which is in the global space * occ: fix call to address which is an integer constant to generate correct code * occ: fix a vagary wherein switch-case statements without brackets did not compile properly * occ: optimize constant expressions involving and, or, and exclusive or a little better * occ: handle `__VA_ARGS__` for empty argument lists properly * occ: fix problem with capturing variables declared in nested lambdas * occ: fix problem with not being able to declare variables in a 'default' clause * occ: fix problem where sometimes a type used in a template prototype would not be expanded properly * occ: 'main' is inaccessible to the runtime if it is prototyped * occ: auto type derived from array type is considered an LVALUE * occ: string in hook was demoted to RVALUE * occ: using variadic templates for a variable length argument list didn't promote arrays to pointers * occ: fix compiler crash when generating debug type info for a union * occ: fix problem where a complex constant in a CMP instruction could be optimized to zero by the peephole optimizer * occ: fix problem with template parameter lookup: sometimes returned the wrong value * occ: fix bug in peephole optimizations * occ: allow type casts in preprocessor expressions * occ: handle const errors a little better * occ: fix problems with constant evaluation * occ: handle a switch-case structure that doesn't have braces for a block * occ: fix code generation for call to an address which is a constant value * occ: fix cast to structured constant to work in C++ mode * occ: allow pointer qualifiers in the array specifiers of an unsized VLA * occ: fix an argument which is an array surrounded by parenthesis to parse correctly * occ: fix sizeof an arrary which is a function argument to be the size of a pointer. * occ: fix various problems with code generation for c11 thread local storage type * occ: make comparison between 'long' and 'unsigned' an unsigned comparison when sizeof(unsigned) == sizeof(long) * occ: fix EBP based stack frame to work again * occ: compile .CC files as C++ * occ: sizeof(un undefined structure) should generate an error * occ: error for undefined static functions is too strict. Make it a warning, hide it if the function is unused. * occ: don't generate a 'function must return value' warning for functions when they end with 'exit(xxx)' * occ: fix 'expression has no results' error when a hook is used where one of the prongs would not generate the error. * occ/olink/dlpe: add switches for generating .DEF files from DLLs * occ: fix problem where destructors used in the array-style destructor would not work if they were in a DLL. * occ: fix preprocessor bug when stringizing in the middle of a long string * occ: initializing a typdefed array of structures doesn't work... * occ: only simple constants could be initialized in the thread local storage initialization region * occ: add __declspec(align(xx)) * occ: calling things like (imported_func)(args) (note the parenthesis around the function call) crashed the built executable * occ: fix bug in peephole optimizer, statements like "(a == 4 != c == 4) could be generated incorrectly for complex memory accesses * occ: statements like : char array[256] = {} did not generate any code. * occ: don't use 'rand' and friends when generating compiler-generated names * occ: improve assembly-language output compatibility with NASM. * occil: fix problem with generating code that shifted by an int64 constant * occil: fix problem with a function call in the middle of a variable arguments sequence resulting in bad code * occil: fix problem with things like (void)((argc == 1) && myfunc()) getting optimized wrong * occil: fix crash on the following code sequence: char c = "hello"[0]; * occil: fix problems with compiling char c = "hello"[0]; * dlpe: don't generate fixups for the constants used in thread local storage lookups * dlpe: add support for SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH in the binary timestamps. * oasm: add 'gas' syntax * oasm: set default assembler word size to 32 bits * oasm: add gas mnemonics, operands, and directives * oasm: support 8 byte integers with DQ and friends (only supported floats before) * onm: was broken for a while, fixed it * ocide, tools: add support for UTF8 and UCS2LE BOMs * ocide: allow opening a CPJ file directly on the command line * ocide/orc: could not click on an error and open the related RC file * ocide: fix code completion analyzer, fix various crashes * occpr: (code completion analyzer) fix many crashes on invalid input * olink: fix library search order to be more like other windows compilers * general: started work on taking care of bugs found by static analysis * rtl: fix printf() and friends to work properly with long double variables * rtl: throwing standard C++ classes such as the std::runtime wouldn't work when compiled against lscrtl.dll * rtl: support more errno values * rtl, tools: update to latest version of SQLITE3 * rtl: fix nl_types.h to work standalone in C code * rtl: in command lines, the sequence '\\"' was contracted incorrectly * rtl: fix printf of long double type to work again * rtl: add alloca.h * rtl: localtime: adjust for DST properly * tests: add new tests for code analyzer and preprocessor ## Version 6.0.43: 9/8/2018 * occil: add this as a first class item in the project * occil: fix various pre-existing bugs * occ: fix problems with complex math code generation * occ: fix problems initializing an array of objects in a constructor * occ: qualifying a constructor with the class name (inside the class definition) resulted in bad code generation. * occ: static cast of an argument to vector::push_back resulted in the wrong value being pushed * occ: when stack frames are being used, presence of ONLY the thisptr isn't enough to generate the stack frame load/save * occ: return statement could use an RREF copy on something that is in another container, effectively wiping the value. * occ: when a 'throw' occurs from a nested routine, registers such as ESI,EDI,EBX could have been modified by the lower routines but they may not have been used in the catching routine, so the caller's values might not have been saved. * occ: declaring an enumeration in a class resulted in bad code gen, when the -> or . operators were used to access it from an object * occ: in function argument, an enum should prefer a match to its base type. Was prefering unsigned char. for example an enum wouldn't be translated to text characters when using streaming operators * occ: when a function is marked as nothrow, allow it to be inlined * occ: when a function does not have try/catch, allow it to be optimized even in the presence of an exception table * occ: noexcept functions that can't possibly throw anyway will have the exception table elided * occ: it was incorrectly adding EBP references in some cases where they weren't needed * occ: it was not allowing inlining of functions that return a structure by reference * occ: for subtractions with long longs, generate neg instructions if necessary to relieve register pressure. * occ: fix problems with local variables overriding global structures * occ: when generating line information for C++ files, line numbers were off by one. * occ: fix debug information for parameters: off by one * occ: when multiple input files were specified on the command line, the wrong output could occur for files after the first one * ocide: fix problem with new font handling in resource editor dialog properties window * ocide: fix problem with runaway stack, when a structure reference is used inside itself * ocide/brc: fix some problems generating and parsing browse information * ocide: fix disassembler to not crash for long C++ function names * omake: fix wildcard function to check for file existance * build: use 'wildcard' function instead of spawning to a dir or ls command * rtl: fix problems with complex math library: there was still code for long double complex using the old long double format * rtl: printf family (and by extension C++ libraries) couldn't deal with LLONG_MIN or unsigned long longs >= ULLONG_MAX/2 * rtl: the exception dump was off by one line, when the source code associated with the exception line is C++ * dotnetpelib: load assemblies more quickly * general: started work on taking care of bugs found by static analysis ## Version 6.0.42: 8/11/2019 * occ: fix problems with tuple and shared_ptr * occ: source code cleanup * occ: fix various other problems compiling C++ code * occ: fix problem with freeing temporaries created in building function-local static variables * occ: add more support for the gnu `__attribute__` keyword * ocide: allow modifying the face name for dialogs in the resource editor ## Version 6.0.41: 4/10/2019 * occ: show data at CS:EIP in exception dumps * occ: fix so that an empty statement at the end of a function didn't confuse the 'function needs return value' warning * occ: fix the /D and /U command line switches to work more in line with the standard usage * occ: fix problems with std::array, for-range doesn't compile * occ: fix problems with std::array, bracket initialization runs out of memory * occ: fix problems with bracket-initializing a non-trivial structure that doesn't have user constructors. * occ: fix problems with make_unique: two of the overloads were considered as matches for each other. * occ: fix problems with std::unique_ptr * occ: operator bool() not always considered when a structure is used in an && or || expression * occ: in rare instances, the move constructor might be confused with the copy constructor * occ: auto increment/decrement in args to inlined functions may not be handled properly if the target is a structure member * occ: packed reference variables got the size of the non-reference version of the variable. * occ: support forwarding references * occ: fix vagary where an argument which was the result of a function call used the wrong value for the result in rare circumstances * occ: allow declaring an enumeration with an empty list of elements * occ: fix _Pragma to work and allow it in C++ mode * occ: fix a couple of problems compiling templates * occ: if a copy/move constructor is not defaulted, don't call base class copy constructors (call the default constructor) * occ: allow wchar_t and unsigned short to be treated as identical for purposes of the suspicious pointer warning * occ: add builtin byteswap functions * occ: automatically detect DLL outputs and select "/Wd" command line switch, by parsing the contents of the '/oxxxx' switch * occ: add various GCC `__attribute__` * omake: don't rebuild things that have exactly the same time stamp as their dependencies * omake: improve diagnostics: extend /w switch to show more information * omake: fix multithreading problem/crash * ocide: when typing a '}', move cursor to BEFORE the newly typed character * ocide: fix bug, long lines cause buffer overrun * ocide: clean up relative paths in project files * ocide: allow the output exe file setting to be changed * olink: identify invalid libraries * olink: create an error if a public symbol was also imported * oasm: add .align assembler directive like gas version * rtl: revert a usage of std::forward in to use the original code (orangec supports it as written now) * rtl: allow nl_types.h to be included in c language files * rtl: stdint: handle `__STDC_LIMIT_MACROS` and `__STDC_CONSTANT_MACROS` correctly * rtl: return a pointer to nothing when realloc is specified with a size of zero * rtl: add wait() and waitpid() * rtl: reading from a tty will immediately clear any EOF flag associated with the TTY * rtl: add getexecname() function (solaris) * rtl: add realpath() and friends * rtl: fix _environ when building DLLs: a link error was thrown stopping the build. * clean up make files: completes build in local directory and overwrites EXE file if it already exists ## Version 6.0.40: 1/21/2019 * fix various problems with the MSDOS build and install * occ: fix stack frame in the presence of try/catch processing: don't optimize out the EBP references and don't cache variables in regs * occ: add __offsetof and use in library * occ: add __typeid and fix tgmath.h * occ: fix alignas and alignof, propagate section alignment through to linker * occ: when putting a qualifier in front of the friend keyword, the friend keyword got ignored * occ: fix problem with hook; when one side is a structure the other side might need a constructor call to coerce to the same type * occ: print return code of linker when calling --y * occ: faster evaluation when constexpr functions are used * occ: rewrite backend to use assembler core * occ: convert floating point calculations to use SSE2 instead of the FPU * occ: fix bug in assembly output when virtual function patches are applied to an overridden virtual table * occ: allow implicit use of captured this in lambda expressions * occ: fix problem with constructor initializers: direct initialization of a structure member resulted in bad code * occ: handle return of reference values properly, by generating an error if generating the return value requires a temporary * occ: c++: allow function name to be used in arithmetic expressions, warn when this is being done * occ: consider strings as const pointers for purposes of function argument matching * occ: when a member name matched a structure at global scope, various problems would occur * occ: assignment of constant data to a structure crashed the generated program (C++ mode only) * occ: when a structure is copy-constructed into a function argument, a throw in the function resulted in undefined behavior * occ: fix some problems with lambda functions being force fit into std::function * occ: fix unary operators - would apply the conversion AFTER any cast to the destination size instead of before * occ: fix various problems with complex and imaginary number handling * occ: in assembly file, represent floating point numbers as a byte sequence instead of as a decimal value * occ: in C++ code, allow conversion from a pointer to enum to a pointer to void in argument matching * occ: make operator << instantiation for ostream work with enums * occ: fix stdatomic.h header * occ: fix atomic code generation * occ: fix code generation for converting long long to bool * occ: fix static initialization of long double variables * occ: unsigned values promoted to int should be considered as 'signed' for purposes of division * occ: assignment combined with a math op did not convert the result back to bool if that is the variable type * occ: allow multiple use of 'const', 'volatile' keywords * oasm: speed up assembly of large files * oasm: negative floating point numbers were being represented as positive in the output * dlpe/oimplib: handle -y switch * orc: fix crash when compiled with package, when processing invalid input file * ocpp: (c++ version) allow # without a directive * ocpp: (c++ version) default to C99 * ocpp: (c++ version) add #warning * ocpp: (c++ version) add __has_include and #pragma once * ocpp: (c++ version) reorganize sources for better interoperability with other packages * ogrep: add gnu-style context and stop after command line switches * ocide: fix function prototype popup when compiled with package, does not go away * ocide: when stopping on step into function, don't stop until stack frame is set up * ocide: when parsing RC file can't redefine keywords with preprocessing... * ocide: when processing strings in RC files, limit '\x##' to two hex digits * ocide: add orangec\bin to the path when running/debugging executables * ocide: empty status bar after scanning for dependencies * ocide: fix bad DOCKS entry in user prefs file leads to hang * ocide: when starting the debugger with no windows open, the disassembly window would open instead of the source file window * ocide: make it work when compiled against LSCRTL.DLL * ocide: fix crash when loading files from the command line that don't have an extension * olink, olib: speed up dictionary caching * rtl: fix recently broken strncpy to work properly again * rtl: fix tgmath.h * rtl: fix chrono::system_clock::now(); * rtl: rewrite qsort to make it non-recursive * rtl: fix sprintf() and friends to print floating point numbers correctly * rtl: replace 80x87 math functions with cephes library * rtl: fix startup routines to pass correct version of hInstance to WinMain and DLLMain when compiled against LSCRTL.DLL * rtl: add bsd finite() functions ## Version 6.0.39: 11/15/2018 * rtl: add msvcrt.l and crtdll.l back into the project * rtl: improve stack trace for certain edge cases ## Version 6.0.38: 11/11/2018 * occ: speed up slow symbol table searches in classes with a lot of members * occ: fix problems compiling C++ regex header * occ: fix various problems where template specializations *should* have been instantantiated even though they weren't used in the current source file * occ: fix problems with linking template functions with static variables * occ: remove unreferenced external declarations from the object file * occ: extend range of things you can reference with a __declspec declaration * occ: call assembler even if -c was specified on the command line * occ: the -lxxx switch set xxx as the output file name * occ: fix problems when using namespace qualifiers on member initializer names for base classes * occ: fix problems with member initializers not being set up correctly * occ: use 'real' line number in debug info * occ: add common options to emit data. * occ, olink, olib: allow '.a' and '.lib' to be used as extensions for libraries * occ: fix /S switch so you can use -S as well. * occ: remove 'expression has no effect' warning when both paths of a ?: expression are void values * occ: fix a newly introduced problem where sometimes it could generate bad output files for static data * occ: fix a crash if an intermediate code block became dead while it was still being used... * occ: fix problem where constexpr static variable initializations failed for constexpr functions and constructors * occ: fix some crashes while errors were occurring * occ: implement CPATH and SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH environment variables * occ: pass specified /o switch to assembler or RC compiler, if /c is also specified * occ: fix problems with auto pointers * occ: fix problems with the preprocessor not being able to handle maxed out 64-bit unsigned numbers * occ: delete output files on error * occ: fix problem where things trailing a function prototype sometimes couldn't refernece the arguments from the prototype * occ: remove 'suspicious pointer' warning when assigning to a function pointer * occ: add command line and pragma support for warning control * occ: pass output file name to assembler, rc compiler when compiling a single file * occ: fix rare problem with register allocator failing * occ: implicit cast from long long to 'enum type' as a function arg could result in bad code generation * occ: local initialization of char aa[10] = ""; didn't work. Forms without the empty string worked * occ: a negative long long constant got downconverted to int during constant evaluation * occ: line numbers in c++ code were off by one. * occ: when a template defined in a template using statement was used as the specialization of another template, it wasn't evaluated properly. * occ: fix various problems with generating assembly code that oasm couldn't parse * occ: add fastcall and switch some of the STL support functions to being intrinsics * occ: fix vagaray in debug format, sometimes function types would not be emitted (could cause link problems) * occ: fix problem generating code for debug mode, sometimes the resulting code would not run * oasm: fix bug where too-full buffer could modify generated code stream * olink: fix a crash if occ failed to output line information properly * dlpe: fix the fixup of relative branch to import thunks, to allow the thunks to be relocated * dlpe: use --nologo when invokeing oimplib * dlpe: fix a rare problem where a write past the end of allocated memory could cause a crash * occpr (symbol table parser): fix two crashes * oimplib: 'replace' dll modules in library, instead of 'adding' them, so they don't go stale * olib: fix '/o' switch * olib: implement LIBRARY_PATH environment variable * omake: fix some problems interacting with autoconf-generated make systems * ocide: could not step into a dll function * ocide & docs: add step functions to the debug menu * ocide: fix crash when starting program with 'stop in dll' set * ocide: fix various problems with 'stop in dll' including problems with invalid breakpoints * ocide: detect end of file boundary properly when trying to find a breakpoint line * ocide: fix problems with single stepping and setting breakpoints in dll * ocide: fix problems with DLL breakpoints not being reset after program is restarted * ocide: fix perenial crash if closing windows while the colorization is updating * ocide: clean up menus related to file close options * ocide: fix problem with 'browseto' (F12) - it wouldn't browse to macro definitions * ocide: fix various crashes that could occur during database fetches, while editing or opening/closeing debugger * ocide: fix various display problems with 'build properties' window * ocide: fix so that build properties window can be refreshed with new data, if left open. * ocide: be explicit about errors when can't debug a program , especially the 'invalid workding directory' error. * ocide: find 'stdcall' functions in the code completion * ocide: fix various other problems with code completion * ocide: fix build: handle data imports correctly * ocide: fix problem with browse info and default workspace * oimplib, olib, olink: fix more problems when '/' was used as a path separator * olink: bail with an error if a library cannot be found * olink: make sure intermediate file always has a .rel extension * omake: fix compatibility issues with /bin/sh * omake: fix 'order' prerequisites to work correctly * obrc: tweak error message to not mention object files * rtl: sprintf could try to modify input strings, didn't work if string is in readonly memory * rtl: remove definition of __declspec in the _defs.h * rtl: fix C++ check in stdbool.h * rtl: fix strncat to work as per the standard * rtl: uncaught throw will now result in abnormal program termination * rtl: fix definition of 'bad_cast' to inherit from 'exception' * rtl: fix the definition of __sync_add_and_fetch provided for locale.cpp to add to the result * rtl: add a 'helper' dll which can output a stack trace if a program crashes * rtl: fix the definition of 'TryEnterCriticalSection' * rtl: access() set errno to EACCESS instead of ENOENT on failure. * rtl: open/sopen would set errno to ENOENT if they were successfully creating an output file * rtl: implement fcntl * rtl: fix strerror(), was adding a line feed to end of string * rtl: fix problems with LSCRTL: double load issue and issue where DLLs couldn't use it * rtl: precision on integers in sprintf did not have the desired effect * rtl: add _TRUE_MIN constants to float.h * all: add 'clang' to continuous integration builds * all: add compile-via-assembly to continuous integration builds * documentation: add minimal documentation for ancilliary projects ## Version 6.0.37: 5/20/2018 * documentation: various upgrades * all programs: add --## Version * all programs: default 'ORANGEC' environment variable to a sensible value if not defined * add tool to dump object files and libraries (onm.exe) * occ, ocide: allow '.s' file extension to mean an assembly language file * occ: when a temporary was created for a long long value, the temporary could overwrite other variables * occ: add new macros for OCC version number and update documentation * occ: fix bug with array length = 0 not allowed at end of structure; * occ: fix crash on certain types of error conditions and bad input * occ: fix 'missing type' warning so that it will display the associated identifier when it can * occ: following a defined macro name with a preprocessor directive (on the next line) resulted in an error * occ: Add various predefined macros with compiler version information * occ: improve several error messages * occ: add various parameters to set options for spawned processes * occ: C compilation: fix problem with 'external' functions later declared as 'inline' not appearing in the output file * occ: allow preprocessing from stdin * occ: add support for #pragma once * occ: fix problem where defining something on the command line could result in a 'redefinition' error later even if the definitions were the same. * occ/ocpp: fix problem where using #line directive to change a file name would change the relative path from which include files were located. * occ: speed up compiles of certain problematic files * occ: add `__declspec(noreturn)`, `__declspec(dllimport)`, `__declspec(dllexport)`, and parsing of `__declspec(...)` in general * olib: remove extraneous warning * ocpp: support /! and /V * ocpp: allow preprocessing from stdin * ocpp: add switch to specify output file; otherwise default to sending output to stdout. Work as before if ORANGEC_LEGACY_OPTIONS set in environment * ogrep: allow searching from stdin * omake: when compiled for 64-bit mode could sometimes randomly show the usage instead of doing its job * omake: fix crash when using help in conjunction with change to /f switch to allow space * omake: change text of "warning: '' is undefined" to say what is undefined * omake: fix "if ($(LEFT),$(RIGHT))" to evaluate properly * omake: fix 'commands returned error code' error to use the right line and file * omake: don't use .vpath to figure out path for $@ * omake: error if target specifiers do not match target suffix (e.g. x1.o x2.o: %.p : %.c) * omake: replace '\t' and '\n' with ' ' after macro replacement * omake: $shell: strip trailing line feeds * omake: macro substitue last argument of $(call ...) * omake: add --eval switch * omake: spawn directly when possible * omake: \\ at end of line doesn't match the line continuation character now * omake: tab before a conditional statement is honored as spaces now * omake: fix crash with bad input * omake: add multithreading support * ocide: change the brace matching to SHIFT-ALT-BRACE to allow for keyboards that use ALT-BRACE to mean the brace key * ocide: fix several crashes if there were a large number of link errors * ocide: fix problems with german keyboard * ocide: fix problem where 'DLL' projects were given an extension '.exe' * ocide: add option to view the commands being sent to the tools during a build * ocide: fix problems with building DLLs. * ocide: fix access violation when files with no extension were added to a project * ocide: add specific setting for module definition files, to avoid collisions with source code of projects * ocide: close files when creating a new work area * ocide: add documentation outside the chm (.md, .pdf) and fix command line switches * olink/dlpe: change the default subsystem versions back to 4.0 for compatibility with older versions of windows. * olink/dple: Allow setting the OS and SUBSYSTEM versions, allow overriding the SUBSYSTEM * olink: when toolset was compiled with itself, olink would crash when -v was used * olink: fix access violation when linking against a file with invalid format * oimplib: add /C switch to change the name mangling on imported functions to C style * coff2ieee: fix incompatibilities with latest microsoft libraries * coff2ieee: fix access violation * rtl: don't export iob_func from generated executables * rtl: make 'DLLMain' optional for DLLs * rtl: implement setenv, unsetenv * rtl: don't lock up if seek to end of file is followed by a read from file * rtl: fix fdopen to set binary mode if necessary * rtl: add popen/pclose * rtl: change 'access' to support errnos: ENOENT and ENOTDIR ## Version 6.0.36: 4/18/2018 * omake: support '/' better * omake: strip leading tabs when necessary * omake: for += and ?= don't strip leading spaces from the RHS * omake: handle comment preceded by only a tab * omake: $< variable could find a prerequisite unassociated with a command * occ: handle unix-style paths when deciding to strip a path for purposes of putting output in the current directory * occ: change the /I and /o switches to (optionally) allow a space between the switch and the value * occ: change command line behavior so that switch starting with - works the normal way, add environment variable OCC_LEGACY_OPTIONS to force old behavior * occ: add /y and /yy for verbosity * olink: add /y for verbosity * olink: change /L and and /o and /s switches to (optionally) allow a space between the switch and the value * orc: change the /i and /o switches to (optionally) allow a space between the switch and the value * oasm: change the /I and /o switches to (optionally) allow a space between the switch and the value * oimplib: change the /o switch to (optionally) allow a space between the switch and the value * olib: change the /o switch to (optionally) allow a space between the switch and the value * omake: change the /I and /f and /C and /W and /o switches to (optionally) allow a space between the switch and the value); * all: add /V switch to show logo and date/time of build * build: don't show compiler & linker logo ## Version 6.0.35: 04/15/2018 * ocide: search with replace to '\' actually replaced to ']' when in 'direct' replace mode * ocide: fix uninitialized variables in the replace function * omake: support both '\' and '/' in filenames * omake: support .IGNORE and .SILENT without any prerequisites * omake: fix bug where lines other than commands couldn't begin with the tab character * omake: when :: is used as a rule separator, mark the target as precious * omake: turn a suffix rule with prerequisites into a normal rule (used to generate an error) * omake: when a command in a recipe fails and '.POSIX' is not specified, keep going until the end of the recipe * omake: add '.LOW_RESOLUTION_TIME' special target * omake: add '.NOTPARALLEL' special target (displays a warning since omake won't run things in parallel) * omake: add '.ONESHELL' special target * omake: add '.POSIX' special target * omake: add '.RECURSIVE' special target * omake: add '.MFLAGS' and '.MAKEFLAGS' special targets * omake: add '.MAIN' special target * omake: add '.SILENT' target attribute * omake: add '.IGNORE' target attribute * omake: add '.DONTCARE' target attribute * omake: add '.MAKE' target attribute * omake: add '.PRECIOUS' target attribute * omake: add '.NOTMAIN' target attribute * omake: add warnings for other BSD target attributes we aren't supporting * omake: don't treat various GNU and BSD special targets we added as candidates for the first found target * omake: fix '.PHONY' special target; omake would crash when it was used * build: fix build with MINGW-32 to work again * build: fix 'omake fullbuild' to work cleanly again ## Version 6.0.34: 02/02/2018 * occ: fix problems with precision/width in printf string specifiers * occ: fix recently introduced problems with C++ object file generation * install: move examples and default project into the public documents folder ## Version 6.0.33: 12/10/2017 * occ: fix problem where cast operators might not be resolved if they are cast to const arithmetic type * occ: when a cast operator that returns a reference type is used in an expression, the return value is not dereferenced * occ: flag undefined static functions instead of letting calls to them silently compile ## Version 6.0.32: 11/24/2017 * occ: alignment of a structure with no data members but with virtual functions should be sizeof(void*) * occ: std::cref(...) worked if assigned to auto, but not to an variable explicitly declared with std::reference_wrapper * occ: a usage of std::mem_fn would not compile * occ: fix various small bugs related to handling member functions in templates * occ: fix expression evaluation of decltype(&struct::member) to return a pointer to member as the type instead of just a standard pointer * occ: fix compiling of is_member_function_pointer * occ: fix .* and ->* when used with an immediate function name * occ: generated copy constructors do not copy variables declared as member pointers * occ: fix problem with calling __invoke directly with normal functions ## Version 6.0.31: 11/09/2017 * occ: fix problem compiling if (0 > n) where n is a long long * occ: alignment of a structure with no data members was calculated as -1 * occ: std::cref did not work * occ: std::ratio_divide<> was not being handled correctly to to a fix to a bug for bind() - fixed both problems * occ: using a namespace which was using a namespace inside it, led to not being able to access the identifiers from the inner namespace when the identifiers were qualified with the outer namespace ## Version 6.0.30: 11/04/2017 * occ: fix various bugs that prevented initializing a std::function with a std::bind() expression ## Version 6.0.29: 11/02/2017 * occ: templatename now resolves the int() to a function declaration rather than an initialization * occ: function = func now works * occ: function = func now works when there is more than one parameter * occ: bind now works when there is more than one argument being bound * occ: sometimes when searching for a template, it would match a 'reference' version of an instantiation to a non-reference version of the template * occ: typeinfo::name() returns more accurate symbolic representations of basic types ## Version 6.0.28: 10/29/2017 * occ: fix bug with 'using namespace' inside a function * occ: fix problem with not being able to resolve the difference between an lref and an rref * occ: fix crash in 'dom' routines ## Version 6.0.27: 10/26/2017 * occ: enable debug line information from declarations in C++ headers, takes care of a linker crash * occ: functions returning type 'auto' would not return the correct value when returning a c-style string constant * occ: functions returning type 'auto' would create an extra instance of return values when the return type is structured, and destroy but not create them * occ: if an error occurred while processing a lambda function, occ would abort while printing the error * occ: if a template instantiation instantiates changes to base classes, recalculate the structure size ## Version 6.0.26: 10/23/2017 * occ: remove spurious errors with iostream access when is #included * occ: fix a crash under certain error conditions. ## Version 6.0.25: 10/22/2017 * occ: fix problem where functions defined outside class specializations wouldn't be instantiated * rtl: more fixes for nl_types.h ## Version 6.0.24: 10/21/2017 * ocide: fix problem with IDE crashing during a build, when there are errors or warnings out of the C compiler * ocide: fix random crash due to uninitialized buffer * occ: fix problem with templated return values sometimes having size calculated wrong (atc example would not run in DEBUG mode) * occ: fix '... = &(struct myStruct) { ... }' to compile properly (the ampersand had broken it) * occ: fix variable length arrays to compile properly * occ: when a VLA is passed to a function which is unprototyped, treat it as a pointer to its first element * occ: enable variable length arrays in C++ * occ: result of a hook involving nullptr was calculated incorrectly (for example unordered_set insert crashed at runtime) * rtl: define thrd_sleep properly and change 'xtime' declarations in threads.h to say 'timespec' to match standard * rtl: compile the TLS helper function properly so TLS accesses would work * rtl: math.h: define abs() properly for C++11 * rtl: math.h: define some C99 functions and macros such as isinf in C++ mode * rtl: clean up nl_types.h so it can be included alone * rtl: clean up nl_types.h so it doesn't collide with wctype.h ## Version 6.0.23: Oct 16, 2017 * occ: fix various internal definitions include `__func__` so they would be properly processed in type comparisons * occ: when a relative file name in an error was processed, an intermediate directory might have the last character chopped off ## Version 6.0.22: Oct 16, 2017 * occ: set `__STDC_VERSION__` properly in c1x mode * occ: handle the /9 flag properly * occ: enable _Alignas (C11) and fix so that alignas/_Alignas do something useful * occ: when a relative file name in an error was processed, there could be duplicates of intermediate directories * occ: problem was introduced when inlining a function with a return statement from an if block (generated bad code) * rtl: in strings.h, various macros collided with string.h definitions * rtl: stdnoreturn.h had include guards that collided with stdbool.h * rtl: struct tm: isdst should be 'false' after a call to gmtime * rtl: add definition of max_align_t to stddef.h (C11/ C++) * rtl: add definition of static_assert to assert.h (C11) ## Version 6.0.21: Sep 23, 2017 * occ: fix crash when generating debug information * occ: set C language default to C11 instead of C89; add switch /8 to get back to C89 ## Version 6.0.20: * occ: support C++ 2014 * occ: c++11 compatibility: handle reference-to-auto properly * occ: c++11 compatibility: 'final' and 'override' are not counted as reserved words any more (but still function) * occ: c++11 compatibility: allow scoped use of strongly typed enumerations * occ: c++11 compatibility: fix problems with assignments and initializations that use structured type cast operators with and without 'explicit' * occ: c++11 compatibility: implement 'using typename =' for both templates and non-templates * occ: c++11 compatibility: allow taking sizeof a nonstatic class member * occ: c++11 compatibility: aggregates can have explicitly defaulted or deleted constructors * occ: c++11 compatibility: optimize lambda code generator by getting rid of calls to RTL helper functions * occ: fix problem with generating object files from sources that had the addresses of structure members as initialization data * occ: fix problem where initialization of basic types from a structured type did not search the class for a suitable conversion function * occ: fix problem where implicit cast from a structured type to a basic type during an initialization generated bad code * occ: fix bug where printf("%d\n", zz().r); generates bad code. zz() is a function returning struct * occ: using decltype in an explict cast failed * occ: various bug fixes for access checks * occ: enumeration constants inside classes needed to have their access level set * stl: enable strong enums, relaxed constexpr, using= ## Version 6.0.13: April 1, 2017 * occ: assignment to a large string variable on the stack could result in compiler throwing an exception during compile * occ: the following snippet wouldn't compile because 'type' was found as an argument rather than in the context of std::vector: int myfunc(int type, std::vector&a); * ocide: default 'Stop First Chance' to 'no' to help dealing with windows components that send exceptions internally * ocide: don't endlessly grow the code completion database when arrays are used. ## Version 6.0.12: Mar 11, 2017 * ocide:allow exception unrolling after first chance exception * ocide:reenable breakpoints when continuing after an exception * occil:add strong name support * clibs:fix msxml6.h and runtime support to handle UUIDs more generically ## Version 6.0.11: Mar 5, 2017 * occ:halve compile time for C++ programs * occ:fix miscellaneous crashes when compiling invalid sources * occ:fix make stub generation when generating for multiple files * occ:returning an object which was passed in by reference resulted in the move constructor being called on the referenced object, instead of the copy constructor. * occ:improve errors when assigning to pointers * occ:operator new would not default construct non-structured types * occ:operator new/delete could attempt to work with structures that haven't been instantiated * ocide:fix code completion annoying popup that sometimes occurred when editing a source file with syntax errors. * ocide:bug in ocide caused crash when compiled with Embarcadero C++ * clibs: improve guard against multiple frees * clibs: declare a destructor for fstream() and call close() * build:builds with itself again * build:add Embarcadero C++ ## Version 6.0.10: Feb 28, 2017 * occ:fix problem where copy constructors sometimes caused a compile error * occ:fix problem where sometimes compiling a range based for could fail * occ:fix problem with for-range: 'for (auto a : tt)' compiled incorrectly * occ:add delegating constructors * occ:fix problems compiling std::bind * occ:fix problems compiling std::call_once * occ:fix problems compiling std::function * occ:fix problems with destructs and break statements * occ:lambda functions used inside namespaces other than the global one crashed the compiler * occ:allow decltype() to work on types in addition to expressions * occ:defining a function while specifying both a namespace and a class qualifier did not work the namespace wasn't used as a reference * occ:fix problem with templates sometimes not being instantiated * occ:fix many other small bugs in the C++ compiler * occ:fix nested anonymous unions in C++ mode * occ:fix so that microsoft object headers will compile in C++ mode * install: fix so that running the IDE as part of the install works properly * dlpe: generate DLLs that don't trigger problems from antivirus programs * clibs:reintegrate lscrtl.dll * clibs:align malloc'd memory on 8-byte boundaries * clibs:fix chdir() to handle drive letters * clibs:fix system() to do a chdir() instead of spawning cmd.exe for a 'cd' command * clibs:add msxml6.h and rtl support ## Version 6.0.9: Aug 25, 2016 * occ:assigning a string to an unsized character array left the array one byte too large * occ:export records weren't being placed in the object files * clibs:dll startup was broken. Dlls couldn't be used by .net assemblies. ## Version 6.0.8: Aug 22, 2016 * occ:change the behavior on 6.0.7 to keep the original output file if there were errors; otherwise delete it after the compile or replace it if there were no errors. ## Version 6.0.7: Aug 18, 2016 * occ:restore the operation where it deletes the output file if there are errors in the compile (instead of leaving a 0byte file on the file system). ## Version 6.0.5: Aug 17, 2016 * omake:don't concatenate multiple blank lines when a line ends with '\\' ## Version 6.0.4: Aug 15, 2016 * occ:fix problem with optimizing '%' operator - it could optimize away the instructions * omake:increase command line length from 500 to 8190 ## Version 6.0.3: * omake:fix bug where '\' in some file names was interpreted as an escape character rather than a directory delimiter. ## Version 6.0.2: Aug 8, 2016 * occ:if you specify an output file which is a directory (e.g. it has a trailing backslash) then occ will put output files in that directory) ## Version 6.0.1: Aug 1, 2016 * ocide:fix editor lockup ## Version 6.0.0: Jul 31, 2016 * ocide:Support C++ editing and debugging * ocide:rewrite of how docking windows work * ocide:add breakpoint window * ocide:add variable usages window * ocide:CTL-Y deletes the current line * ocide:CTL-T deletes the word to the right of the cursor * ocide:CTRL-SHIFT-1 through CTRL-SHIFT-9 mark up to nine postions in the text; CTRL-1 through CTRL-9 jump to them * occ:speed up compiles * examples: add ATC (air traffic controller) as a C++ example for win32 ## Version 5.73.1: Jun 28, 2016 * ocide:fix a problem with undo * ocide:fix problems with scrolling being reset while editing images * ocide:fix problem with controls not being displayed properly while moving them in a dialog * ocide:for dialogex and menuex, would not save the controls/menu items properly when adding new ones * occ:fix an obscure compiler crash when presented with functions without proper argument lists ## Version 5.72.1: Jun 23, 2016 * ocide:fix several crash conditions * ocide:fix redo to work properly * ocide:fix various bugs in find dialog & add new features * ocide:fix problem where bitmaps defaulted to 16 colors (not all colors could be used) * ocide:debugger fix display of enumerated values: was showing random numbers * ocide:fix CTL-[ CTL-] ALT-[ and ALT-] to work independently of the installed keyboard and not interfere with the keystrokes * ocide:in memory window, specifying an expression with '&' should be superfluous * ocide:in disassembly window, prefix all constants with 0x to show they are hexadecimal * ocide:properly evaluate a selection when adding to the watch window via right-click * olink:fix debug info: ocide call stack, threads windows showed invalid function names and global variables were off as well (this was introduced with the C++ debugging info) ## Version 5.71.1: Jun 9, 2016 * ocide:fix vagaries between DIALOG and DIALOGEX resources * ocide:fix vagaries between MENU and MENUEX resources * ocide:fix separators on menus to save properly in both modes * ocide:don't automatically attempt to convert MENU or DIALOG to their EX equivalent * ocide:add GRAYED and CHECKED options to menu item properties * ocide:change the radio button TYPE property to a SELECT MODE property * ocide:safely recover if the build options in a project file are corrupt * ocide:fix bug where opening multiple resource windows then trying to close them would hang the ide ## Version 5.70.1: Jun 6, 2016 * help, examples: clarify that creating new resources creates them in the style that requires MAKEINTRESOURCE * ocide:fix problem with not being able to resize images that had been zoomed in the icon editor * ocide:fix problem with select all in the icon editor not selecting the entire image * ocide:add window to show errors more clearly * ocide:fix problems where windows would flicker while being resized * ocide:fix crash when replacing in a large selection * ocide:the RC file parser could not parse 'MENUITEM SEPARATOR' * ocide:IDE would crash when loading new resources while a resource editor was opened * occ:sometimes static const integral template members could be instantiated as empty virtual functions; then they would be initialized but overwrite other memory. * occ:when member data was instantiated virtually it could contain an offset into the structure virtual member data is separate from the structure's internal placement, so this would crash the program * rtl:add 'bad_alloc' to the msvcrt dll library so that use of operator new would work. ## Version 5.69.1: 05/25/2016 * ocide:fix crash when reloading resources ## Version 5.68.1: 05/22/2016 * ocide:improve disassembly window * ocide:add 'locals' window * ocide:add toolbar for profile and build type * ocide:fix vagary with pressing shift while alt key was held down made ALT-{ and ALT-} not work reliably. Now you don't have to hold the shift key down while pressing those key sequences. * ocide:fix some display issues with paths having ..\somedir\file when they only needed to have 'file' * ocide:run without debug not available if there is no active project (crashed) * ocide:watch info for auto variables was not available on the last line of a block * ocide:improve display redraw when undocked windows are resized ## Version 5.67.1: 05/15/2016 * ocide:24-bit bitmaps not displayed properly in the resource workshop * ocide:always save dialogs as DIALOGEX to avoid problems with compiling the RC file * ocide:always save menus as MENUEX to avoid problems with compiling the RC file * ocide:add CTL-[ and CTL-] to open and close full-size edit window * ocide:augment win32 help to have three options depending on how you want to do it. * ocide:opening an image in the resource workshop crashed the IDE * ocide:when there are two projects, attempting to open resources from the two projects simultaneously could result \ in errors and crashes * ocide:#defines weren't being replaced in version and string tables * ocide:when saving version info, the FILEFLAGSMASK wasn't set properly * ocide:clicking on a 'separator' in the menu design view would crash the IDE * ocide:the 'tab' character separating a menu item description from its hotkey sequence wasn't honored. * ocide:load and save bitmaps with 32-bit colors (you can't edit the alpha) * ocide:if a menu item was dragged down onto the next lower item, the item would disappear and eventually the IDE would crash ## Version 5.66.1: 5/11/2016 * ocide:add ALT+{ and ALT+} for navigation between braces * ocide, ORC: fix problems with the system menu font not understanding code pages (convert to unicode in RC file) * ocide:fix problems with undo not working during a long edit session ## Version 5.64.1: 5/1/2016 * Add MSDN library help ## Version 5.63.1: 3/19/2016 * occ:fix problem with crash when a close brace was missing at the end of the file * occ:add support for expressions like a ? : b * occ:clean up the error handling when returning structured values the wrong way * occ:if you took the address of a static const var two or more times it would be replicated in the output file. * occ:if the address of a static const var is used in a global declaration, a bad output file would be generated * occ:the expression optimizer could take an extremely long time for very complex expressions * occ:fix a problem where a an x86 comparison opcode could sometimes be optimized to compare two immediates * occ:fix problems generating too-large constants in assembly language output causing assemble errors * occ:fix problems with csmith output: there is heavy inlining in these files and too many were running the compiler out of memory * occ:fix a problem where a bit operation was attempted to be generated with an inequality * setup:access ORANGEC environment variable off of HKEY_CURRENT_USER instead of HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE * setup:propagate registry changes before running the IDE from the setup program ## Version 5.62.1: 3/3/2016 * occ:add support for more C++ intrinsics (to increase compilation speed) * occ:auto did not work properly with arrays * occ:a newly introduce problem caused returning the return value of a function that returns a structured variable to fail to compile. * omake:it crashed when you put '$' right before a three-character command ## Version 5.61.1: 2/27/2016 * occ:fix code generation for taking windows API functions by address: it should generate a thunk to call through the import table when a call through the address is made. * occ:casting a pointer to a qualified func ptr (e.g. qualified with stdcall) ignored the qualifier whereas declaring the pointer with a stdcall type worked fine. * occ:couldn't compare a function address to a pointer for equality in C++ mode * occ:shouldn't have to cast a function pointer to void * to assign it to a variable declared as void * * occ:generate ASM file in lower case now * occ:fix problems generating invalid register sizes in the assembly language file * occ:clean up some cases where it should have done function overload resolution for function pointers and didn't. * occ:matching template specializations with function calls as parameters was broken * occ:matching a templated argument type didn't always work * occ:there were problems with matching functions to template specializations with functions * occ:const/volatile on a typedef within a class caused an error * occ:function<...> didn't match a structure with a matching operator () in argument matching * occ:in c++ mode, when an untagged structure is used to define a variable, don't expose the variable to the linker (make it local to the file). * occ:fix problem where incomplete return statements could crash the compiler * occ:improve handling of 'tuple' templates * occ:fix problem where sometimes a call through a pointer would be inline expanded (incorrectly) * occ:fix problem where returning a boolean by reference crashed the program * ocide:fix problem with crashing while typing in a return statement; * oasm: fix problems assembling some C++ code * ocide:clean up shutdown, fix problem where it hangs in memory after shutdown sometimes * ocide:fix build so build with self works on OCIDE * olink:update the name unmangling to match current compiler * omake:add option to keep response files * dlpe: when you specified a .def file, it wouldn't generate an output file * examples: add delegate.cpp * demos:properly compiles sqlite3 now ## Version 5.60.1: 2/6/16 * occ:package compiles itself now, and the results can be used to build other files * occ:speed up aliasing code; compiles itself faster now * olink:speed up processing of C++ files by an order of magnitude * occ:exception table pointers were not being placed in the vtab. (typeid failed) * occ:address of structures could get an extra dereference when accessed as a reference member * occ:cast operators would not be called as part of a return statement. * occ:could generate the exception handling structures for C++ on non-dword boundaries, and windows does not like this. (exception handling broken) * occ:didn't throw non-structured types properly * occ:smart exception table generation for functions that don't allow exceptions to be thrown * occ:add profiler functionality * occ:taking the address of a templated function could cause the function to be undefined in the object file if the address was taken as a function argument. * occ:fix problems with aliasing of structure assignments * occ:declarations like : int a[][]; where multiple braces are empty could crash the compiler * occ:do branch optimizations at the beginning of the optimizer pass; this will result in better optimizations. * occ:sometimes as with a return at the end of the first part of an if statement multiple gotos could be generated in the back end, and this would confuse the flow analyzer and result in invalid code being generated. * occ:treat nullptr_t as a first-class citizen in function arguments (argument matching was allowing nonnull pointers to match) * occ:fix problems the types of template selectors that are found in the shared_ptr constructors * occ:fix problems with internally generated qualifiers on class assigners causing a crash * occ:remove some test code that performed an infinite loop * occ:if a pointer to a structure was returned from a function, the copy by rvalue would be done instead of copy by lvalue * olink:virtual sections were not matched to externals in the same file, so they would be dragged out of a library if they existed in the library and this could cause collisions * oasm:: virtual sections were sent to the object file with the wrong attributes, so link failed * ocide:fix problem with 'flashing' gui * ocide:fix database problems: colorization and hints were broken * ocide:fix ctrl-f and ctrl-h to do the expected thing when the find/replace window has focus * ocide:after a replace in selection, restore the selection. * ocide:after a replace in selection, don't scroll the screen. * ocide:debugger: stepping over a windows function call didn't stop after the call. * ocide:call stack window function name list doesn;t work for static functions * ocide:call stack window can correlate last line of a function to first line of next function * ocide:when bringing up find/replace window, fetch word under cursor (or word in toolbar) * occpr:fix crash condition * clibs:couldn't throw a non-structured type without it crashing. * clibs:fix profiler to work with orange c; fix problems in profiler code; Use QueryPerformanceCounter * clibs:set_unexpected would set the unexpected handler but return the terminate handler * clibs:realloc(ptr, 0) did not free ptr and return NULL. * clibs:fix the definition of NEWTEXTMETRICEX ## Version 5.52.1: 1/22/16 * occ:expressions involving bit fields did not get evaluated properly unless the expression was an assignment or comparison * occ:fix bug with operator-> returning pointer to class: if this was used as a function argument bad code would be generated * occ:move constructors or assignment operators could sometimes be called when unintended when invoked in a return statement. (e.g. it would zero out strings during a construction or copy to another string) * occ:there were bugs comparing a member pointer variable against zero * occ:member pointer function variable could not be compare to a function * occ:for a reference type, it didn't call virtual functions properly * occ:sometimes an object would be considered by-ref when it wasn't really messed up function returns from constructors and other functions that return a pointer to structure * occ:during global destruction of objects, destructor call for an array could zero out the object before destroying it * occ:constructor calls qualified with class/namespace selectors could be treated as declarations * occ:references to member pointers as function parameters resulted in invalid code * occ:taking the address of a reference to a pointer and passing it to a function resulted in bad code * occ:in initializing a structure from another structure, a this pointer could be inserted when it shouldn't be * occ:temporary classes created during an expression would not get a destructor call * occ:! and some other unary operators generated code to perform the function even after calling an overloaded operator function. (so the function got applied twice) * occ:when objects that have to be constructed are default parameters, the space for the objects does not get allocated if they are used. * occ:fix bug when using function arguments as function arguments to an inline function. * libcxx: fix problem with not enough space being allocated for locale in ios structure * clibs:fix malloc/free to detect doubly freed pointers with more alacrity ## Version 5.51.1: 1/16/16 * occ:fix a compiler crash when compiling boolinq.h * occ:trailing return did not parse correctly if the function had a qualifier, e.g. if it was a const function (fix for cpplinq.hpp) * occ:lambda functions defined at global scope would crash the compiler * occ:initialized structures involving substructures could crash the compiler * occ:fix some problems with typedefs being used to denote base classes * occ:auto variables of class and template type were problematic when used inside lambda functions * occ:lambda functions without a trailing return would not get an inferred return type * occ:size of an unsized array was calculated as number of bytes not number of elements when used in a template parameter * occ:overloaded functions found in different namespaces would be ambiguous even without the same signatures * occ:if an overloaded symbol was found in the main namespace, 'using' namespaces wouldn't be searched. * occ:new of pointer type didn't work (e.g new char *[10]) * occ:specifying an exception specifier with an undefined type crashed the compiler * occ:uninitialized unsized arrays found in a structure definition could crash the compiler * occ:class objects at global scope could sometimes generate bad code for the constructor call (would not link) * occ:overloaded cast operators didn't work * occ:there were problems with member pointers in nested classes * occ:nonconst variables declared inside a const function were considered const variables * occ:if the first type in a map declaration was a string, the [] operator didn't work on literals * occ:::id() didn't work when id was both a global function and a class member variable * occ:cast operators might not be resolved when duplicates are found due to a virtual base class being included twice * occ:creating a cast function with an undefined type crashes the compiler * occ:initializing a member pointer with NULL could cause the compiler to crash. * occ:there were problems with instantiating a template that was previously declared 'external' (link errors) * occ:a template class that included template functions did not compile properly if the instantiation took place within an argument in a class member function * occ:'template' and 'friend' together sometimes resulted in unfindable functions * occ:fix some problems compiling manipulators * occ:compiling an argument style class initializer with the first argument being an explicit constructor caused the declaration to parse as a function instead of a class initialization. * occ:allow initialization of references to memberpointers * occ:returning a reference to a member pointer may not work * occ:inlined friend templates were treated as extern when no definition appears outside the class * occ:const and nonconst args were ambiguous when the argument matching involved a derived to base conversion * occ:missing template types e.g. as a result of a 'false' arg to enable if were not always counted as missing * occ:fix problem with sometimes not flagging virtual functions as virtual (caused invalid output file) * occ:fix some problems compiling variabidc template parameters properly * occ:fix problem with optimizer memory being accessed out of range (could rarely crash compiler) * omake:change references to 'override' to 'dooverride' to avoid keyword clash with C++2011 * clibs:put the initializer_list definitions into the libcxx inline namespace * clibs:move `__argc` and `__argv` and `_environ` to the global namespace * clibs:add IMAGE_SCN and IMAGE_SUBSYSTEM definitions to win32 headers ## Version 5.50.1: 12/27/15 * occ:many changes to templates et.al. made to fix bugs while compiling libcxx * occ:fix problem with control statements: an unbracketed statement right after the control statement could not be preceded by a label (change to compile TCC) * occ:generated copy constructors would not copy members that were member pointers * occ:initialization of an auto array did not result in unused chars being zeroed * occ:cast operators located in a base class did not get the correct THIS pointer when called on a derived object * occ:optimizing out the 'default' clause of a switch statement can result in a crash during inlining * occ:a template function that starts with a switch crashes compiler * occ:a non-virtual base class of a virtual base class that was inherited multiple times caused a compiler error * occ:fix problems with initialization by constructor argument being treated as a function * occ:assigning the return value of a function to a member pointer var resulted in a 'need lvalue' diagnostic * occ:when a map is created with a first template parameter of 'const std::string' the bracket operator does not work on arguments of type 'char *' * occ:virtual functions shouldn't be inlined * occ:in C mode don't do an exact match of function arguments for pointers to functions * occ:problems when a variadic template argument varied in both type and value * ocide:adjust sources to compile with OCC * occ:adjust sources to compile with OCC * orc:add switch to specify default language settings * clibs:add WIN32 support for TCC * clibs:if a memory block was freed twice, a subsequent malloc might enter an infinite loop ## Version 5.42.1: 10/09/15 * occ:many changes made to fix bugs while compiling libcxx * occ:fix problem with bogus code gen when doing an unsigned div of a constant * clibs:strcat() did not work if the destination was an empty string not on a 4 byte boundary * clibs:ctype macros needed to be turned off when compiling for MSVCRT.DLL or CRTDLL.DLL (isspace and friends did not work) * clibs:msdos stdio file handling was broken for the default handles, so for example printf and scanf wouldn't work ## Version 5.41.1: 09/04/15 * occ:fix member pointer handling in general - both parsing and code gen was broken * occ:add an error if trying to implicitly take the address of a member function * occ:allow matching of the arguments to pointers to function in template matching * occ:allow matching of pointers to class members and any arguments in template matching * occ:fix some problems where explicit use of explicit constructors still caused an error * occ:fix typeid with class types to use the XT table of the object instance when available * occ:instantiation of multiple functions in a class with packed template args could result in bad code * occ:&cls->memberdata returned the wrong value when memberdata was a reference type (not dereferenced) * occ:fix problem compiling declarations like int (*(xx))() where the pointer variable is surrounded by parenthesis * occ:anonymous structures and unions declared inside functions resulted in an error. * clibs:problem with fopen caused problems if you opened a TTY, and put all other files in linebuffered mode which resulted in a significant performance penalty * clibs:creat() without S_IWRITE made the file readonly * clibs:speed up printf() and friends with ints and doubles by using better algorithms * clibs:speed up atof() by fixing a bug that made it flush the mantissa to float too soon ## Version 5.40.1: 8/9/15 * occ:multiplies were not being converted to shifts for powers of two * occ:optimize a sequence of store to memory followed by load from same memory * occ:perform aggressive inlining as a speed optimization * occ:fix problems where backend constant folding did not always fold constants * occ:fix problems with taking the address of an inlined function the function was not instantiated * occ:fix problems with prototyping an inline function after it has a body the code generation would be incorrect * occ:fix problems with not adding extensions when the file name had extra '.' characters the compiler would use incorrect file names and become confused * occ:fix bug in divide signed value by power of two (could result in the wrong answer) * occ:fix bug where complicated critical sections that had been removed as dead code were later processed again * occ:returning 0 from a function returning long long was broken * occ:don't allow inlining of functions with variadic parameter lists * oasm:: fix problem with fixed up values not being displayed correctly in the listing file ## Version 5.39.1: 8/4/15 * system: recompile with various compilers * occ:fix name unmangling of references and pointers to template names * occ:fix __inline keyword to work properly * occ:C99 inlines didn't inline * occ:prototyping a function after it has an inline body resulted in inlining not working * occ:add reference qualified functions * occ:fix various C++11 parsing bugs * occ:add errors when trying to bind an lvalue to an rvalue reference * occ:int f(int &&); f(5); did not resolve the function call * occ:in some cases 'decltype' was being treated as an expression * occ:int nn (int (int)) didn't resolve the parameter of 'nn' to a function pointer. * occ:decltype((*x)()) wouldn't parse correctly * occ:enable decltype(some template expression) as a return value from a template function * occ:static_assert: allow string concatenation * occ:static_assert: don't emit an error while initially parsing a template * occ:disable various errors while initially parsing templates * occ:enable the 'enable_if' style template expansions when used as a default in template parameter list * occ:don't make an error if a using statement appears more than once * occ:various variadic template fixes * ocide:fix problems with the code completion compiler crashing * ocide:fix annoying problem where focus could be 'stolen' while code completion compiler is running * olib, oimplib, olink: rewrite dictionary handling * coff2ieee: rewrite dictionary handling ## Version 5.38.1: 05/14/2015 * occ:when a structure or union is inside another structure or union, the size of the inner structure or union could be miscalculated in C++ mode. * occ:an enumeration defined inside a structure got allocated twice * occ:ignore utf8 file marker instead of making an error * occ:allow non-type template parameters to go unnamed * occ:fix problem where instantiated templates used as base classes would cause a 'needs specialization' error * occ:fix crash when placing things into inline namespaces * occ:search inline namespaces properly * occ:allow `__VA_ARGS__` for C++ preprocessor * occ:add `char16_t` and `char32_t` as keywords for C++ * occ:`typename templatename::vv` was not properly interpreted as a type * rtl:fix cassert to not cause an error ## Version 5.37.1: 5/3/2015 * occ:global arrays of objects could get initialized more than once/ compiler could run out of memory when compiling them * occ:an stl container used for the first time inside a class could cause a hang when for-each was used to iterate through it. * occ:clean up variadic template support * occ:allow more than one level of nesting for initializer-lists. * occ:modulus of a negative integer by a power of two resulted in a number with the wrong sign * occ:use multiplicative inverse for modulus functions as well * occ:'for (const auto& v : c)' generated errors because of the const and the reference * occ:statements such as 'return a + myfunc(b,c)' would not work when a,b,c are all structures and myfunc returns a structure and the return returns a structure * occ:initializations of a typedef'd structure could get into an infinite loop, running the compiler out of memory * rtl:improvements to win32 structures and include stdlib.h in windows.h * rtl:copy size_t to root namespace when it is defined ## Version 5.36.1: 4/25/2015 * occ:replace divide by constant with multiplicative inverse * occ:fix problem with implicit casting: using an int constant as an argument wouldn't be cast to float or double properly * occ:fix problem with passing a structure as an argument to a function declared with ... * rtl:correct definition of fpos_t for standard usage * rtl:add itoa and friends to cstdlib.h ## Version 5.35.1: 4/22/2015 * occ:fix crash when using auto in a forrange statement and the selection type is undefined * occ:fix crash when compiling with debug information ## Version 5.34.1: 4/19/2015 * occ:lambda functions didn't work in conjunction with STL templates such as std::for_each * occ:fix lambda helper functions to use correct naming convention * occ:for (auto n : mycollection) didn't compile - complained n was not initialized * occ:for ( type n : mycollection) was buggy for various edge cases * occ:add initializer_list support * occ:in '&(a += b)' it would take the address of a, but not add b in first. * rtl:add initializer_list header and constructors to containers ## Version 5.33.1: 4/11/2015 * general: fix errors when compiling the package with various compilers * occ:C++ fixes * ocide: don't colorize #if #else #endif blocks if colorizing is turned off * ocide: if an edit window is resized that has line numbers, redraw the line numbers * ocide: fix problem where #if #else #endif block processing could result in random lines becoming grey * olink: speed up linker * olink: optimize C++ programs for size * rtl:C++ fixes * rtl:fix `scanf("%c", &c);` it would look ahead one character which required that something be typed at the console if processing the '\n' character at the end of a line. ## Version 5.32.1: 03/24/2015 * olink:add the system library path to the front of the include path list, instead of replacing it * ocide:fix potential crash condition when switching projects * ocide:fix several compiler properties that would show as blanks when the IDE was reopened * coff2ieee: handle unique COMDATS like normal sections, and define their symbols * rtl:add `__alloca_probe` and friends; add security stuff to msvcrt.l ## Version 5.31.1: 03/21/2015 * occ:if a multiply of two constants made it to the back end (e.g. when not optimizing), code generation would be incorrect * occ/occpr: could crash if a return statement was incomplete, e.g. for 'return( }' * occ:using __cdecl on a function in an extern "C" block turned it into a C++ function * olink:default case sensitivity to TRUE * coff2ieee: automatically rename _WinMain@16 to WinMain to handle the difference in name mangling * ocide:took care of an allocation error that could cause project settings to change randomly * ocide:disable code completion inside strings * ocide:add an option to allow automatic variables to be bolded or italicized * ocide:cause a project to be rebuilt if files have been removed from it * oimplib: allow '@' to be inside names in the def file. But not at the beginning... * rtl:global_unwind was in the data segment * rtl:add many C99 and C++ functions to msvcrt.l * rtl:added more imports from msvcrt.dll, kernel32.dll and user32.dll to allow linking with microsoft files ## Version 5.30.1: 3/12/2015 * rtl:sscanf was broken for floating point numbers ## Version 5.29.1: 03/12/2015 * create new program 'coff2ieee' to convert msvc object files to ieee format * occ/dlpe: minimize import thunking to support the import format in microsoft object files * olib/olink: debug information in a library was sometimes parsed incorrectly * olink:optimized library searches, much faster when parsing libraries now * ocide:add CTL-F1 to navigate to the help documentation for a windows function * ocide:add more colorization options ocide:fix problem with sometimes crashing when selecting text backwards in the editor and deleting it * rtl:add minimal support for vs2010 object files ## Version 5.28.1: 02/25/2015 * occ: fix memory allocation in register allocator to not grow without bounds * occ: increase macro buffer size to 128k - openjpeg.l used > 64K in an input sequence * occ: make anonymous type names random to support reuse of same declaration in same header file * occ: if specifying a file to compile that is in another directory, put the output files in the current directory * occ: debug info was broken ## Version 5.27.1: 2/21/2015 * occ: add wildcard processing to command line * occ: allow arithmetic on 'void *' (treat as char *) * occ: c99: if an index variable was defined in a for statement, it would not get optimized into a register * occ: variables referenced inside a sizeof() expression should not be marked as externs * occ: c language: allow structures without members (but they have size 0) * occ: allow empty initializers for structures and arrays * ocide:create the orange c projects directory if installing from ZIPPED executables file * install: fix so that OCIDE would work if installed from the ZIPPED executables file * install: add the appdata directory to the ZIPPED executables file ## Version 5.26.1: 2/16/2015 * occ: package now compiles 'lame' and 'x264' correctly * occ: allow linkage specifiers to be specified multiple times. * occ: autoincrement/decrement of floating point numbers did not work properly * occ: fixed minor bug in optimizer for floating point, introduced last version * occ: in c++ mode using a variable with an enumerated type as an array index didn't work * occ: fix problem with loop invariant code motion being too liberal * occ: fix problem with floating point comparisions that were not part of a control statement * occ: c99: allow variable length macro arguments list to be length zero * occ: replacing `__VA_ARGS__` would terminate a replacement sequence * occ: inline functions with parameters of type 'array' crashed the compiler * occ: fix c99 designator syntax to compile properly * occ: fix c99 cast to structure initialization not to crash * occ: macro invocations that spanned lines could fail with an error * occ: fix pointer aliasing code to deal with multiplies by zero making it through from the front end * occ: relax the requirement that an index variable declared in a for statement be immediately initialized * occ: promotion of integer initializations to constant values won't occur unless the declaration is static storage class * occ: initializing an auto variable of structured type didn't erase the uninitialized portions of the structure * occ: put a limit on the size of functions that may be inlined. * occ: fix problem in constant propagation: size of constant could change, disrupting function calls * occ: `c *= a * b` would convert the rhs to the type of c before doing the `*=` (sometimes resulting in truncation) * occ: when the compiler invoked the linker, files on the command line specified with .\ (e.g. .\test.c) wouldn't be passed to the linker properly * ocide: fix crash when trying to add an array element to the watch window (example: argv[0]) * clibs: add InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount * clibs: update printf of floating point numbers to make it faster * clibs: fix definition of S_ISREG & friends to make it more friendly ## Version 5.25.1: 2/10/2015 * occ: some floating point optimizations - moves without involving FPU, reordering * occ: reduced register pressure during calls embedded in expressions * occ: minor loop optimization - register was getting copied to another register * occ: allow floating point parsing to parse constants with very large mantissas * occ: allow taking the address of an assignment, preincrement, or predecrement expression * clibs: sanitize C language headers for use with C++ * clibs: speed up an very slow atof ## Version 5.24.1: 2/2/2015 * ocide: 'make' of a project wouldn't work unless a full make had been done first. * ocl: wouldn't run on DOS properly * dlpe: wouldn't find dpmist32.bin ## Version 5.23.1: 1/25/2015 * ocide: new feature: project auto dependencies and calculate build order * ocide: update documentation/pictures to latest gui and add project auto dependencies * ocide: when a file was edited, old dependencies weren't being removed. This could cause compilation where none was needed when the old dependency was modified * ocide: dependencies weren't being calculated properly, when they were on the include path rather than in the project. * ocide: when adding an existing file, immediately scan it for dependencies * ocide: when changing project properties (e.g. the include path) recalculate the project dependencies * ocide: remove 'exit process' dialog from debugger, show exit status in information window 'exit process' is still in the 'run without debug' view. * ocide: on the right-click from the edit window 'add to watch', pop up the add watch dialog if the word under the cursor isn't a known variable * ocide: gray out the 'remove from watch' item if you didn't click on an item that could be removed * ocide: change text of a button from 'build all' to 'make' in the toolbar. * ocide: resource files with non-standard control names couldn't be reloaded after save * ocide: some resource file comments disappearing * ocide: don't allow workarea to be reloaded while debugging * ocide: when 'remove all bookmarks' is pressed, prompt to see if that is the intended activity * ocide: fix crash when trying to rename a project in the workarea window * ocide: fix crash while loading resource file * ocide: fix crash when loading invalid work area from command line * ocide: opening the debug/memory window could crash the IDE * ocide: when using tabbed windows, don't switch back to nontabbed mode0 * ocide: generated makefile did not work with 'include' paths * ocide: generated makefile can be saved in more locations than before * occ: prototyping a function, then prototyping it again inside another function body would fail with an error * omake: quoting an existing file as a dependency results in the dependency not being resolved * clibs: add more to win32 headers ## Version 5.22.1: 01/19/15 * general: increase compatibility when building the tools with openwatcom * ocide: ungray 'make' and 'rebuild' and 'build active project' in menus * ocide: adjust right click version of 'make' and 'rebuild' to make the selected project instead of making/building everything * ocide: fix 'generate make file' to work with non-relative paths and paths with spaces in them * ocide: stepping over a function such as gets() that asks for console input would leave the 'stop debugging' icon available, and if you pressed it the IDE would lock up. * ocide: make '.l' files in projects a dependency of the project EXE to help the make process work better * ocide: editor: only need to click once on the tabs at the top of the screen, to change the file being viewed * ocide: editor: holding shift down and left-clicking will select lines from the old cursor position to the new one. * occ: alloca and _alloca changed to __alloca in the compiler keyword list, then defined again as a preprocessor define in 'malloc.h' to match GNU-C * occ: more work done on C++ STL compatibility (work in progress) * omake: exit if the dependency nesting is too deep, as it is likely due to recursive rules * omake: support quotes on rules and dependencies - the quotes are part of the name * olink: fix bug where a ".l" inside a file name (not at the end) would cause a crash * olib: fix bug where debug info of structures inside a library would cause the link stage to fail * olib: fix bug where +- with fully specified paths could fail * clibs: make adjustments for having changed 'alloca' to a #define * documentation: document predefined preprocessor definitions in various places ## Version 5.21.1: 01/14/15 * occ: invariant code motion optimization fixed and put back in the code * occ: the constant '0 || 0' would not be evaluated at compile time and in some contexts would cause an error about needing a constant value (compiles lpng now) * occ: allow #defines to be utilized properly inside the quotes on #includes * occ: make some improvements that speed up the comparison part of generated loops * olib: fix 'replace' mode to add a file if it doesn't already exist * ocide: fix problems with building static libraries * oasm:: update preprocessor * orc: update preprocessor * clibs: add InterlockedCompareExchange ## Version 5.20.1: 12/7/14 * general: use fflush() liberally throughout to speed disk access * general: fix sources to compile with OPENWATCOM & MINGW compilers * general: switch to #include instead of #include when possible (e.g. except when utilizing OPENWATCOM) * occ: defining the same typedef inside of multiple functions resulted in an error * occ: rewrite inlining code to make it work better * occ: basic support for C++ (no debugging, may have some bugs) * occ: fix problem where using debug information while specifying multiple files on the command line would crash the compiler * occ: fix problem where browse information would take exponential time due to excess list traversal * occ: "array[*index++] ++;" would increment 'index' twice. * occ: don't expand inline functions when generating debug code * occ: typing "int a int b;" at the beginning of a function body wouldn't result in an error in C99/C11/C++ mode * occ: conversion of integers to pointers and vice versa in a function argument was allowed with a warning. Now it is an error. * occ: add make dependency generation similar to gnu C * occ: fix all the bugs in the string merging algorithm * ocide: prettifying/ use default shell font throughout * ocide: default to Consolas font for edit windows on vista/7/8, use bitstream mono font on XP. * ocide: fix a crash that could occur if you debug a file that was built in release mode * ocide: fix a crash that could occur when closing windows * ocide: fix a crash due to multiple threads doing a find simultaneously * ocide: fix crash that could occur sometime after removing the 'startup' project * ocide: fix crash that could occur when clicking the arrow in the title bar on for example the build window * ocide: fix crash that could occur when debugger's "stop running" button was pressed * ocide: fix crash that could occur sometime after doing a multi-file replace of text * ocide: fix random crash in BCC32 compile due to use of the dlawrence memory allocator * ocide: fix random crashes due to multiple threads utilizing the open window list * ocide: fix various problems with string resources * ocide: fix various problems with accelerator resources * ocide: fix various problems with menu resources * ocide: fix various problems with dialog/control resources * ocide: fix various problems with image editor * ocide: allow editing font-related meta data * ocide: fix problem when specifying the \0 at the end of a version resource string * ocide: fix problem parsing generated versioninfo structures * ocide: fix problem when changing a resource id from the property window * dlpe/orc/* ocide: fix problems where version information wouldn't be displayed in OS file details window * occ/ocide: allow looking at variables declared in for statements (c99) * occ/ocide: allow looking at variables declared in 'static' functions * occ/ocide: improve debugging of control statements * olink/ocide: fix debug type information * ocide: set debugger's 'stop on exception' to default to 'yes' * ocide: debugger: adjust the search for lines matching an address to use the next lower line if the PC isn't parked exactly on a line's first address. * ocide: if a symbol is not found in the statics of the current file or the globals do an unqualified search of all statics to see if it can be found anywhere * ocide: allow debugger to stop cleanly when program is still running * ocide: enable code completion again (it was broken during code cleanup) * ocide: don't close code completion window so gratuitously, but close if a non-symbol character is typed * ocide: enable find-next immediately after opening ide * ocide: enable finds in files without an extension * ocide: editor: in typeover mode, typing at end of line will insert characters on line instead of typing over the end of line character * ocide: resolve disparaties between find and find in files * ocide: fix problems with context sensitive help not being right in some dialogs * ocide: fix problems with cancel buttons on the external tools dialogs not working * ocide: default new files to a format notepad can read properly * ocide: when selecting an error from the information window, the cursor might move to the wrong line if lines were inserted or deleted * ocide: fix backups of project and workspace files * ogrep: when the -d option was used with an explicit filename, ogrep would complain 'file not found' in any directory that didn't have the file * orc: allow specifying extended font parameters on the DIALOGEX FONT line * orc: allow path specifications in file names * oasm:: __db was considered same as 'db' and so forth... * omake: add support for common TREE builds * clibs: fix _beginthreadex to return the thread id properly * clibs: add a #define for the more or less standard variable 'environ' * clibs: add a bunch of C++ templates and support functions * clibs: no longer distributing lscrtl.dll * examples: fix xmlview example ## Version 5.0.10: 3/29/14 * misc: various code cleanup and improvements suggested by Kirill Joss * misc: include dlea allocator in most C++ apps (borland compile only) this helps speed it up * occ: inlining functions that took the address of parameters was broken * occ: fixed bug with optimizing of inlined functions generating incorrect code * occ: fix so that external references will show up in the output file when included with a C++ using directive * occ: fix bug where debug info of arrays was wrong * occ: fix basic types in debug information * occ: fix bug in register allocation that may speed up the compile * occ: fix problem with generating DOUBLE sized constants for negative FLOAT constants * occ: fix some error messages * ogrep: fix crash under some circumstances * olib: fix bug that caused libraries to be generated incorrectly, this will probably also speed up links * olink: fix bug where a debug info table that didn't exist was referenced * ocide: fix find dialog to not crash when invoked * ocide: after debugging, a build would not work (said file in relative format) * ocide: show types in watch window correctly * clibs: fix fputc and friends to match const correctness in headers * clibs: remove some shellapi stuff from the main windows headers * build: remove all references to PEPATCH ## Version 5.0.9: 12/1/2013 * ocide: fix problem where function prompt window would go away randomly * ocide: handle parenthesis when in function prompt window * ocide: save the text of find and replace more consistently * ocide: fix code completion for structures with bit fields (it was recently broken) * occ: fix problem with two labels in a row generating errors * occ: fix crash with forward declared labels in inline assembler ## Version 5.0.8: 10/3/2013 * occ: fix problem where using a global's address but never its value in a function could crash the optimizer * occ: fix C++ function-like operator to work * occ: further work on constructors and destructors * occ: fix bug where stack framing could be off on rare occasions * occ: allow taking the address of a thread local variable * occ: varname || 0 would be optimized to FALSE * clibs: add coinitialize and friends back into windows.h ## Version 5.0.7: 06/19/2013 * occ: make `__DATE__` work like asctime as per the spec * occ: more preprocessor fixes ported from cc386 * occ: allow unsigneds in preprocessor expressions * occ: fix #line directive, could overflow a buffer * occ: improve parsing of floating point numbers * occ: floating point improvements from Frank Uberto * occ: when a function returning floating point was called without using its return value, the value would remain on the floating point stack. * occ: fix inline functions with local vars that are of structured type * occ: add `__inline` keyword * occ: fix nested inlines, where the inlines have local variables * omake: fixed command line switches to work again ## Version 5.0.6: 06/05/2013 * occ: fixed type of `__func__` to use const correctly * occ: fixed aliasing, wasn't handling parameters right... * occ: improved preprocessor, now compiles many tests from mcpp * occ: predefine `_WIN32` again * occ: compiles itself properly again * occ: fix problems with pushing 16-bit values on stack * infopad: fix funky array and page keys behavior ## Version 5.0.5: 06/04/2013 * fixes as per Franck Uberto * occ: improve handling of trigraphs and digraphs * occ: improve #define processing * occ: improve search order for #includes * occ: improve floating point handling * occ: ! (not operator) would sometimes cast the argument down, losing high order bits * occ: allow declaration of externs with incomplete type * occ: sped up compile of sqlite3 * occ: sped up aliasing * occ: make -1.0 an intrinsic value * orc & tools in general: searching complex paths could lead to lockup or crash * ocpp: make it friendly to avast, fix it to parse the correct configuration file * clibs: improve various functions, add various functions, improve various headers * clibs: use floating point emulation for floating point functions that convert a number to ASCII ## Version 5.0.4: 5/25/2013 * occ: add support for #pragma pack syntax with keywords push and pop (i.e. #pragma pack(push,1), #pragma pack(pop) * occ: static initialization of anonymous unions was broken * clibs: fix problems with asctime and ctime not working ## Version 5.0.3: * ocide: workaround for i.e. flagging help files as dangerous content * ocide: fix bug with debugger sometimes crashing ## Version 5.0.2: * ocide: fix problems with help files, help/about ## Version 5.0.1: * ocide: with RC Editor, many many bug fixes and some new features ## Version 4.2.1: * occ:fix `--(char *)myvar;` to work again * occ:sequences of the form: ```c void *a(); return (long long)a(); ``` resulted in bad code * occ:casting an integer constant to `void *` within a function argument resulted in a warning * occ:`#pragma rundown aa` would crash the compiler if aa was undefined * olink: fix bug where section alignments could be off * rtl:add threads.h & its functionality * rtl:add stdatomic.h & its functionality * rtl:add uchar.h & its functionality * rtl:add aligned_alloc * rtl:add at_quick_exit and quick_exit * rtl:increase maximum number of atexit functions to 100 * rtl:add support for exclusive file access * rtl:fix problems with wsprintf and friends not producing legible output * rtl:updated wsprintf, wsscanf and friends to latest * rtl:changed byte order of fputwc (and thus all wide character output functions) to be little endian. * rtl:updated wcs versions of atoi and atof and friends to latest ## Version 4.1.25: * occ: miscellaneous internal improvements * occ: improved how casts are parsed * ocpp, orc, oasm: fix `#if defined(MYDIR)` when MYDIR is defined * orc: wasn't concatenating strings when they came one after the other * orc: fix NOT keyword to do a one's complement ## Version 4.1.24: * occ: in C99 mode, `__VA_ARGS__` not handled properly * occ: fix `int a = b + c; int j = sizeof(double[a]);` to work in C99 mode... * occ: allow (void)myStructVar to work * occ: improve the accepted sequencing of storage class specifiers, type qualifiers, and types in declaration * occ: allow declarations like "extern int aa[]" within a function body * occ: miscellaneous internal improvements... * olink: if the same symbol is used in multiple libraries, don't generate an error * rtl: fix problems with _splitpath and _makepath * rtl: fix more problems with truncating various unsigned types in sprintf.c and sscanf.c * rtl: lscrtl.dll wouldn't be linked to properly * rtl: when compiling for system RTL DLLs, use the old prototype for swprintf and friends ## Version 4.1.23: * occ: fix `sizeof(("my string"))` where the extra parenthesis caused a wrong value to be returned ## Version 4.1.22: * occ/olink: workaround for FREEDOS: write a version of SYSTEM() that does not use the freedos command processor to allow spawns to work * occ: things like the following generated errors due to a preprocessor bug ```c #include #define UL (unsigned long) int a = ULONG_MAX; ``` * occ: CONSTANT-VALUE optimizations were broken for long-long types * rtl: fix bug in _sscanf that made it max out at half the requested int size ## Version 4.1.21: * occ: 'signed int' is a valid type specification * occ: add '#pragma warning' * occ: allow prototypes such as the following: void MyFunc(struct aa []); * occ: fix problem with sizeof("string") returning the size of a pointer * occ: add unordered floating point comparisons * rtl: fix problems with snprintf not working to the standard, exception when buffer was exactly the right size * rtl: add code-page related windows functions (e.g. widechartomultibyte) * rtl: update WIN32 headers SHELLAPI and WINERROR, add headers SHLOBJ and friends * rtl: add imports for msimg32.dll ## Version 4.1.20: * occ: fix problems with crashing when boolean operations were combined with long longs * occ: promote unsigned constants to unsigned long long if necessary * occ: fix crash in register allocator * occ: 'const long long aa = 4;' for example, the optimization to constant resulted in truncation to int. * occ: fix crash when calculating offsets for const struct members * occ: improve speed of parsing floating point numbers, useful for big arrays of floating point values * rtl: change 'DLLEntryPoint' to 'DllMain' * rtl: make wide character versions of some win32 header structures * rtl: add win32 spooler defines and win32 common dialog errors * rtl: remove DLLCANUNLOADNOW and DLLGETCLASSNAME references from the import library * rtl: restore ftime.c * rtl: improve string handling on command line * rtl: allow NULL to be passed as first argument to sprintf and friends * rtl: week number in strftime was wrong first and last week of year * rtl: fix minor bug in threading support * rtl: fix %.0f and %.0g to work properly in printf format strings * rtl: add _wcsicmp, _wcsnicmp * rtl: add vsnwprintf _vsnwprintf snwprintf _snwprintf * rtl: fix return value of 'div' function ## Version 4.1.19: * occ: fix problem with nested anonymous unions: wasn't supported * occ: fix recursion problem int the optimizer that could lead to a crash for some source files * occ: modify preprocessor to handle recursion and tokenizing properly * occ: make 'i64' and 'ui64' suffixes on numbers case-insensitive * occ: fixed 'whereis' example * rtl: fix _splitpath to allow null for arguments * rtl: added delay(), sound(), nosound(), and int386() without underscores * rtl: fix stack allocation code for large stacks, could crash the program if the allocated amount of space was an even multiple of the page size. ## Version 4.1.18: * occ: preprocessing stringizer sometimes got confused by quotes * rtl: add mousewheel support to WIN32 headers * rtl: fix stdout & friends with CRTDLL.DLL * rtl: fix sprintf & family, there was a space between a negative sign and its number ## Version 4.1.17: * occ: fix the macro preprocessor to handle a wider variety of standard cases * occ/dlpe/rtl: revert the import behavior, needed to be allowed to link to C-style functions without fully prototyping everything... * orc: further improve internationalization * orc: fix broken string table and language resource handling (neither case should need a resource id) * rtl: change definition of ffs(); RTL/DOS: fix CTRL-C and CTRL-BREAK to not crash ## Version 4.1.16 * occ: macro arguments were getting substituted twice * occ: loop invariant calculations could move floating point expressions, which doesn't work well on the x86 because they aren't real registers * occ: local definitions of a structure that is cyclical would cause a crash * occ: bad structure declarations such as this would crash the compiler: ```c struct nn { struct nn *p, // note the comma int a; }; ``` * oasm: allow '%%' style labels * ocl: used ONASM in compile-via-assembly mode instead make it use OASM * orc: fix bug: if you get a non-ansi character into the RC file, ORC wouldn't handle it correctly * orc: treat BEGIN the same as '{' and END the same as '}' * orc: allow C-style escape sequence inside strings * rtl: fgets was going one character past the end of the supplied buffer... * rtl: fix custcntl.h to have A and W structure names * rtl: fix definition of wsprintf * rtl: fix wildargsw, needed hInstance. * rtl: fix dll startup routines, was crashing when dll created by the tools loaded * rtl: fix fputc, if it happened at the end of a buffer it wouldn't flush the buffer but would instead overrun memory... * rtl: exit routines not being called, e.g. automatic end-of-program behaviors such as files being flushed when not explicitly closed would not occur * rtl: rewrote printf & family to handle "%s" using arbitrarily large strings... * rtl: fixed MSDOS debugger ## Version 4.1.15 * occ: support signed zero * rtl: fix a bug where flushing a file in text read mode could result in a seek to the wrong file position * rtl: fix integer to ascii functions to use lower case letters for hex, only do negative signs in base 10, buffer overflow problems. * rtl: add ffs() and 'strings.h' and related functions * rtl: fix definition of size_t in sys\types.h * rtl: fix isctrl('\0') to return true * rtl: fix isspace('\t') to return false * rtl: treat buffered strings as binary... * rtl: miscelleneous updates to floating point display handling, including improved handling of nans and signed zero ## Version 4.1.14 * occ: fix problem where registers used for long long calculations could sometimes collide * occ: fix new problem where sometimes function calls would cause the compiler to crash * occ: fix new problem where local statics could collide, resulting in a redefinition error, when they were previously declared external * occ: reorder commutative expressions to generate better code, needed especially to reduce the number of floating point registers in use simultaneously ## Version 4.1.12 * rtl: fix WIN32 header bug that caused CCIDE to not work reliably ## Version 4.1.11 * occ: remove import record from ASM file, when DLL name not specified * occ: fix problems with statements such as: ```c typedef void AA(int b); AA ss,*tt; ss(4); tt(4); ``` the typedef wasn't processed right and it resulted in errors * occ: add `__int8`, `__int16`, `__int32` * occ, dlpe, rtl: adjust for optimized imports * rtl: work with RTL DLLs ## Version 4.1.10 * occ: problem with declaring things like `void (*printf)(...)` in a structure would cause a redefined identifier error * occ: problem with assigning to the first member of a structure, when the member was a pointer, would crash the compiler ## Version 4.1.9 * occ: there was a problem with sign extensions in statements such as p+=c where p is a pointer and c is a character value - the sign extension would be done after multiplying by the size of a pointer leading to overflow ## Version 4.1.8 * occ: 4.1.7 broke some programs with infinite loops * occ: fix problem where strength reduction could be incorrectly applied when induction variables of nested loops were multiplied together * occ: fix problem with division: sequences such as: ```c a = t %60 t = t / 60 b = t % 60 t = t / 60 ``` would incorrectly generate code for: ```c a = t % 60 t = t / 60 / 60 b = t % 60 t = t / 60 / 60 ``` because of bugs in dealing with the x86 IDIV instruction ## Version 4.17 * occ: comment out some test code that is no longer needed * occ: fix problems with functions returning a structured value ## Version 4.16 * occ: fix problem that broke the runtime library * occ: fix problems with statically initialized bit fields * occ: deal with zero-length anonymous bit fields properly * occ: more speedups * occ: deal with several crash conditions * occ: deal with some incorrect code generation problems * occ: fix some floating point problems ## Version 4.15 * oasm - fix problems with constants, structures, and improve code gen for move immediate to reg * occ - speed up compilations, fix bugs, add a branch optimization * omake - fix bugs * orc: allow integer values for resource types, e.g. for manifests ## Version 4.1.4 * oasm: some floating point instructions involving memory access were generated incorrectly * occ: floating point - use memory access more often * occ: floating point - change div by a constant into mul by a constant * occ: loops - generate code at the top of the loop to test the loop condition instead of branching to the bottom of the loop (while and for loops) and optimize such code away when possible. * occ: worked on constant propagation code, was not folding assignments * ocl: use OASM instead of ONASM * omake: fix problem where VPATH would not be considered if a file did not exist * omake: fix 'F' and 'D' suffixes on special macros, for example `$@F` and `$@D` ## Version 4.1.3 * occ: fix two crash conditions in code generator * occ: some algorithmic rewrites to get an order of magnitude speed improvement on large bulky functions. * occ: fix problem with register allocator, on very complex programs register usage could sometimes overlap when it shouldn't * occ: fix problem in static initialization when fixed point constants are stored as floating point constants: size of the storage did not match size when the value was loaded * occ: fix peephole optimization problem that caused code to disappear * occ: fix floating point global optimization to adjust properly for x86 FP unit * occ: fix register allocation/peephole optimization in the presence of infinite loops * occ: add the functionality to use two-character character constants * occ: fix packing of unions to work according to the windows standard... * occ: fix problems with cascaded shift operations * occ: fix problems with aliasing in the presence of assignments of structures * omake: dependencies were correctly qualified off VPATH, but when they showed up in a command the VPATH path was missing * omake: enable searching for implicit rules when explicit rules exist for dependencies but there are no commands * orc: add LOADONCALL parsing (doesn't do anything) * orc: scan for bitmap files etc... on the include path * rtl: utime.h is now in *both* include and include\sys for portability * rtl: add VOS__ constants to windows.h * rtl: toolchain and generated programs would crash if an environment variable was greater than 1024 bytes long * rtl: fix console mode of stdin to allow echoed line input on windows 7 * rtl: fix getch() and friends - were broken because of the compiler union packing issue * rtl: rename winversion.h to winver.h ## Version 4.1.2 * oasm: was generating an error when a large number was used as a byte operand to a math instruction but it was in-range for a signed value. * occ: feature addition - OCC will look in its home directory for olink.exe * occ: prototype warnings - only warn once, remove superfluous warnings * occ: /O switch would add a .o extension to an executable and use it as an object file which resulted in duplicate modules being passed to the linker and linker errors. fix the /O switch to only register the exe name. * occ: if a continuation character '\' was used in strings, and it was followed by a // style comment within the string, this generated parser errors. * occ: was filling out the entire BSS with zeros, which resulted in very large object files when there is a lot of static uninitialized data * occ: when compile fails, delete the output file * occ: correct code gen/register allocation/peephole optimization bugs * olink: documentation changed to use correct target names for windows targets * rtl: when the following was done in the source prior to including files: `#define size_t int` then there was a collision between string.h and memory.h