refdir = ref # directory where reference files are located workdir = workdir # directory where contigs/reads files are located and output is stored reference = 2 # 0:pick a random reference; 1:use given reference; 2: use ANI based reference reffile = KJ660347.fasta # reference filename project = ecoli # main alignment file name cdsSNPS = 0 # 0:no cds SNPS; 1:cds SNPs buildSNPdb = 0 # 0: only align to reference 1: build SNP database of all complete genome SNPsfilter = 0.6 # threshold to call SNPs FirstTime = 1 # 1:yes; 2:update existing SNP alignment data = 0 # *See below 0:only complete(F); 1:only contig(C); 2:only reads(R); # 3:combination F+C; 4:combination F+R; 5:combination C+R; # 6:combination F+C+R; 7:realignment *See below reads = 2 # 1: single reads; 2: paired reads; 3: both types present; aligner = bowtie # support bowtie/bwa/minimap2 tree = 0 # 0:no tree; 1:use FastTree; 2:use RAxML; 3:IQ-TREE; 4: use all bootstrap = 0 # 0:no; 1:yes; # Run bootstrapping *See below N = 100 # Number of bootstraps to run *See below PosSelect = 0 # 0:No; 1:use PAML; 2:use HyPhy; 3:use both code = 1 # 0:Bacteria; 1:Virus; 2: Eukarya clean = 0 # 0:no clean; 1:clean threads = 2 # Number of threads to use cutoff = 0.1 # Linear alignment (LA) coverage against reference - ignores SNPs from organism that have lower cutoff. * When using data option 1,2,5 need a complete reference to align/map to. * Use data option 7 when need to extract SNPs using a sublist of already aligned genomes.