Moved to # LSP-ltex-ls Latex/Markdown grammar check support for Sublime's LSP plugin provided through [valentjn/ltex-ls]( ## Installation 1. Install [LSP]( via Package Control. If you prefer to install [valentjn/ltex-ls]( without `java` bundled, make sure a x64-version is in path and `JAVA_HOME` is set. 2. Install this plugin. 3. Restart Sublime. Note: Currently LSP ignores non-workspace files. Add the folder to Sublime Text to enable the Server. ## Configuration Here are some ways to configure the package and the language server. - From `Preferences > Package Settings > LSP > Servers > LSP-ltex-ls` - Project-specific configuration. From the command palette run `Project: Edit Project` and add your settings in: ```js { "settings": { "LSP": { "ltex-ls": { "settings": { // Put your settings here } } } } } ``` ### Language Configuration - Set the language string in the server settings - Use magic comments in code, see ### Limitations This version lacks in comparison to [vscode-ltex]( the possibility to add exceptions (rules, words, …) on a per-project basis. (Maybe added in the future.)