{ "data_format": 1, "data_url": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/LEASYSTEMS/taginfo-projects/refs/heads/lea-systems/lea-systems/bubatzkarte.json", "project": { "name": "Bubatzkarte", "description": "Use our app to discover all cannabis prohibition zones in Germany so that you are always on the safe side!", "project_url": "https://bubatzkarte.app", "icon_url": "https://bubatzkarte.app/assets/icons/favicon.webp", "contact_name": "LEA SYSTEMS GmbH & Co. KG", "contact_email": "kontakt@lea-systems.com" }, "tags": [ { "key": "leisure", "value": "playground", "object_types": [ "node", "way", "area" ], "description": "Playgrounds are forbidden areas." }, { "key": "amenity", "value": "school", "object_types": [ "node", "way", "area" ], "description": "Schools are defined as forbidden areas." }, { "key": "building", "value": "school", "object_types": [ "node", "way", "area" ], "description": "Buildings classified as schools are forbidden." }, { "key": "amenity", "value": "childcare", "object_types": [ "node", "way", "area" ], "description": "Childcare facilities are considered youth facilities and are forbidden." }, { "key": "leisure", "value": "pitch", "object_types": [ "node", "way", "area" ], "description": "Sports pitches are forbidden areas." }, { "key": "leisure", "value": "sports_centre", "object_types": [ "node", "way", "area" ], "description": "Sports centres are forbidden areas." }, { "key": "military", "object_types": [ "node", "way", "area" ], "description": "Military areas are forbidden." }, { "key": "highway", "value": "pedestrian", "object_types": [ "node", "way", "area" ], "description": "Pedestrian areas are forbidden." } ] }