/* ############################################################# ## Name : rcon ## Version : 1.1 ## Date : 2021-04-20 ## Author : [ASY]Zyrain ## Source : https://www.ryanschulze.net/archives/1052 ## Purpose : Linux command line utility to execute rcon commands ## Compatibility : Verified on Ubuntu Server 20.04 LTS ## Man Page : cp rcon.man /usr/local/share/man/man1/rcon.1 ## Requirements : Compile with "gcc -o rcon rcon.c" ## Run Frequency : As needed. ## Parameters : ## -? (show usage, 100% optional) ## -f "/path/to/file.ini" (File that holds the RCON password) ## -a (IP address of the RCON server) ## -p 27015 (Port number that RCON is listening on) ## -v (verbose mode, 100% optional) ## "command" (RCON command to be sent to the RCON server) ## Examples: ## rcon -f /etc/rcon.ini -a -p 27015 "Broadcast Hello" ## rcon -f /etc/rcon-island.ini "SaveWorld" ## Exit Codes : ## 0 = Success ## 1 = Unknown option ## 2 = Missing file parameter ## 3 = Missing command parameter ## 4 = Missing address parameter/config ## 5 = Missing port parameter/config ## 6 = Invalid file or format ## 7 = Connect failed ## 8 = Error sending password ## 9 = Could not authenticate ## 10 = Command send error ######################## CHANGE LOG ######################### ## DATE VER WHO WHAT WAS CHANGED ## ---------- --- --- --------------------------------------- ## 2011-12-27 1.0 ASY Created program. ## 2021-04-20 1.1 LTH Moved password from command-line to config file. ## Changed parameter processing to be more like others. ## Set unique exit codes. ## Created a man page for better documentation. ## Reduced global variable usage. ############################################################# */ #include // printf #include // atoi,abort #include // recv #include #include #include #include // perror #include // memcpy,strncpy,strlen #include // getopt #define APPNAME "rcon" #define APPVER 1.1 #define SERVERDATA_EXECCOMMAND 2 #define SERVERDATA_AUTH 3 #define SERVERDATA_RESPONSE_VALUE 0 #define SERVERDATA_AUTH_RESPONSE 2 // GLOBAL VARIABLES int verbose = 0; int GetIniKeyString(char *title,char *key,char *filename,char *buf) { /* Source: https://www.programmersought.com/article/4083888642/ Function name: GetIniKeyString * Entry parameters: title * Identification of a set of data in the configuration file key * The identifier of the value to be read in this set of data filename * File path to be read * Return value: Find the value you need, return the correct result 0 * Otherwise -1 */ FILE *fp; int flag = 0; char sTitle[64], *wTmp; char sLine[1024]; sprintf(sTitle, "[%s]", title); if(NULL == (fp = fopen(filename, "r"))) { perror("[ERROR] fopen"); return -1; } while (NULL != fgets(sLine, 1024, fp)) { if (0 == strncmp("//", sLine, 2)) continue; if ('#' == sLine[0]) continue; wTmp = strchr(sLine, '='); if ((NULL != wTmp) && (1 == flag)) { if (0 == strncmp(key, sLine, strlen(key))) { sLine[strlen(sLine) - 1] = '\0'; fclose(fp); while(*(wTmp + 1) == ' '){ wTmp++; } strcpy(buf,wTmp + 1); return 0; } } else { if (0 == strncmp(sTitle, sLine, strlen(sTitle))) { flag = 1; } } } fclose(fp); return -1; } int send_rcon(int sock, int id, int command, char *string1, char *string2) { int size, ret; size = 10+strlen(string1)+strlen(string2); // if(verbose) printf("send_rcon: size=%i\n",size); ret = send(sock,&size,sizeof(int),0); if(ret == -1) { perror("[ERROR] send() failed:"); return -1; } ret = send(sock,&id,sizeof(int),0); if(ret == -1) { perror("[ERROR] send() failed:"); return -1; } ret = send(sock,&command,sizeof(int),0); if(ret == -1) { perror("[ERROR] send() failed:"); return -1; } ret = send(sock,string1,strlen(string1)+1,0); if(ret == -1) { perror("[ERROR] send() failed:"); return -1; } ret = send(sock,string2,strlen(string2)+1,0); if(ret == -1) { perror("[ERROR] send() failed:"); return -1; } if(verbose) printf("[INFO] Sent %d bytes\n",size+4); return 0; } int recv_rcon(int sock, int timeout, int *id, int *command, char *string1, char *string2) { struct timeval tv; fd_set readfds; int size; char *ptr; int ret; char buf[8192]; size=0xDEADBEEF; *id=0xDEADBEEF; *command=0xDEADBEEF; string1[0]=0; string2[0]=0; tv.tv_sec = timeout; tv.tv_usec = 0; FD_ZERO(&readfds); FD_SET(sock, &readfds); /* don't care about writefds and exceptfds: */ select(sock+1, &readfds, NULL, NULL, &tv); if (!FD_ISSET(sock, &readfds)) { if(verbose) { printf("\n[INFO] recv timeout\n"); } return -1; // timeout } if(verbose) printf("[INFO] Got a response\n"); ret = recv(sock, &size, sizeof(int), 0); if(ret == -1) { perror("[ERROR] recv() failed:"); return -1; } if((size<10) || (size>8192)) { fprintf(stderr,"[ERROR] Illegal size %d\n",size); exit(-1); } ret = recv(sock, id, sizeof(int),0); if(ret == -1) { perror("[ERROR] recv() failed:"); return -1; } size-=ret; ret = recv(sock, command, sizeof(int),0); if(ret == -1) { perror("[ERROR] recv() failed:"); return -1; } size-=ret; ptr = buf; while(size) { ret = recv(sock, ptr, size, 0); if(ret == -1) { perror("[ERROR] recv() failed:"); return -1; } size -= ret; ptr += ret; } buf[8190] = 0; buf[8191] = 0; strncpy(string1, buf, 4095); string1[4095] = 0; strncpy(string2, buf+strlen(string1)+1, 4095); return 0; } int process_response(int sock, char *string1, char *string2, int *auth) { int ret; int id; int command; ret=recv_rcon(sock, 1, &id, &command, string1, string2); if(verbose) printf("[INFO] Received = %d : id=%d, command=%d, s1=%s, s2=%s\n", ret, id, command, string1, string2); if(ret==-1) { return -1; } switch(command) { case SERVERDATA_AUTH_RESPONSE: switch(id) { case 20: *auth = 1; break; case -1: printf("Password Refused\n"); return -1; default: printf("Bad Auth Response ID = %d\n",id); exit(-1); }; break; case SERVERDATA_RESPONSE_VALUE: printf("%s",string1); break; default: printf("Unexpected command: %d",command); break; }; } int main(int argc, char **argv) { // Declare and initialize variables with their defaults. char *argfile = NULL; char *argpass = NULL; char *argaddr = NULL; char *argport = NULL; char inifile[512]; char arrfile[512]; char arrpass[512]; char arraddr[100]; char arrport[10]; char arrcmd[4096]; char string1[4096]; char string2[4096]; unsigned long argfileul, argaddrul, argportul; int ret, i, c, argf, arga, argp, sock, arg, auth; struct sockaddr_in a; short port; // Initialize variables. argf = 0; arga = 0; argp = 0; auth = 0; /* This is set to 1 when authorized */ memset(inifile,'\0',sizeof(inifile)); memset(arrfile,'\0',sizeof(arrfile)); memset(arrpass,'\0',sizeof(arrpass)); memset(arraddr,'\0',sizeof(arraddr)); memset(arrport,'\0',sizeof(arrport)); memset(arrcmd,'\0',sizeof(arrcmd)); while ((c = getopt (argc, argv, "vf:a:p:?::")) != -1) switch (c) { case 'f': argf = 1; argfile = optarg; argfileul = strlen(optarg); break; case 'a': arga = 1; argaddr = optarg; argaddrul = strlen(optarg); break; case 'p': argp = 1; argport = optarg; argportul = strlen(optarg); break; case 'v': verbose=1; printf("%s Version: %.1f\n",APPNAME,APPVER); break; case '?': printf("Usage: rcon <-f \"/path/to/filename.ini\"> [-a IPNumber] [-p Port] \"command\"\n"); printf("Example: rcon -f \"/etc/rcon.ini\" -a -p 27051 \"Broadcast Hello\"\n\n"); exit(0); default: fprintf(stderr, "Unknown option -%c\n",argv[arg][1]); exit(1); } // Get the extra arguments not associated with switches. for (; optind < argc; optind++){ strcat(arrcmd,argv[optind]); } if (arrcmd[0] == '\0') { // No command was specified on the commandline. fprintf(stderr,"[ERROR] No RCON command was specified.\n"); exit(3); } memset(string1,'\0',sizeof(string1)); strncpy(string1,arrcmd,sizeof(arrcmd)); if (argf == 1) { strncpy(inifile,argfile,argfileul); } else { fprintf(stderr,"[ERROR] Filename parameter missing.\n"); exit(2); } // Read INI file for required value. ret = GetIniKeyString("rcon","password",inifile,arrpass); if (ret != 0) { // Cannot read from file. Terminate program. fprintf(stderr,"[ERROR] Invalid config file or format: %s\n",inifile); exit(6); } // Read INI file for optional values. ret = GetIniKeyString("rcon","ipaddress",inifile,arraddr); ret = GetIniKeyString("rcon","port",inifile,arrport); // Set command line arguments overrides if present. if (arga == 1) { memset(arraddr,'\0',sizeof(arraddr)); strncpy(arraddr,argaddr,argaddrul); } if (argp == 1) { memset(arrport,'\0',sizeof(arrport)); strncpy(arrport,argport,argportul); } if (arraddr[0] == '\0') { fprintf(stderr,"[ERROR] IP Address not set via argument nor config file.\n"); exit(4); } if (arrport[0] == '\0') { fprintf(stderr,"[ERROR] Port not set via argument nor config file.\n"); exit(5); } port = atoi(arrport); if(verbose) printf("[INFO] Arguments/Config:\nfilename=%s\naddress=%s\nport=%i\ncommand=%s\n",inifile,arraddr,port,arrcmd); a.sin_family = AF_INET; a.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(arraddr); a.sin_port = htons(port); sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM,0); // TCP socket ret = 0; ret = connect(sock,(struct sockaddr *)&a,sizeof(a)); if(ret == -1) { perror("[ERROR] connect() failed."); exit(7); } else { if(verbose) printf("[INFO] Connected to server\n"); } if(verbose) printf("[INFO] Sending RCON password\n"); ret=send_rcon(sock, 20, SERVERDATA_AUTH, arrpass, ""); if(ret == -1) { perror("[ERROR] Sending password"); exit(8); }; while(auth==0) { if(process_response(sock,string1,string2,&auth)==-1) { fprintf(stderr,"[ERROR] Could not authenticate\n"); exit(9); } } if(verbose) printf("[INFO] Password accepted\n"); if(verbose) printf("[INFO] Sending command: \"%s\"\n",arrcmd); // Now we are authorized, send the command. ret=send_rcon(sock, 20, SERVERDATA_EXECCOMMAND, arrcmd, ""); if(ret == -1) { perror("[ERROR] command send"); exit(10); } // process responses until a timeout while(process_response(sock,string1,string2,&auth) != -1); exit(0); }