--- title: Configuration description: Makes your website yours with the customizable configuration. date: 2024-12-21 tags: - tutorial - config - theme --- Already getting started your post? It's time to **learn more** to makes your website yours with the customizable configuration. Here's some customization to make your site more yours. Firstly, you can open the `_data/site.json` file, you will find some configuration here. ``` { "locale": "en_US", "lang": "en", "title": "11ty Beer Web", "shortTitle": "11ty Beer", "author": "LIGMATV", "url": "https://11ty-beer.vercel.app", "description": "Welcome to my blog, powered by 11ty & BeerCSS.", "ghRepo": "LIGMATV/11ty-beer", "keywords": ["eleventy", "material", "pwa"], "socialItems": [ { "title": "Feed", "url": "/feed.xml", "icon": "rss" }, { "title": "GitHub", "url": "https://github.com/LIGMATV/11ty-beer", "icon": "github" }, { "title": "DEV.to", "url": "https://dev.to/ligmatv", "icon": "devdotto" } ], "menuItems": [ { "title": "Home", "url": "/", "icon": "home" }, { "title": "Posts", "url": "javascript:ui('#dialog-posts');", "icon": "pages" }, { "title": "Tags", "url": "javascript:ui('#dialog-tags');", "icon": "sell" }, { "title": "Theme", "url": "javascript:ui('#dialog-themes');", "icon": "palette" } ] } ``` ## Locale & Language The locale and language of your website. Native locale is optional. ``` "locale": "en_US", "lang": "en", ``` ## Title & Short title The title or name for your website. Short title is used for your PWA's app name. ``` "title": "11ty GMX Web", "shortTitle": "11ty GMX", ``` ## Bio ### Author Who's the author? Ghost? You can change it by changes the `author` string. Example of the usage: `` ``` "author": "LIGMATV", ``` ### Url Url to your (this) website. Used in `sitemap.xml` and `robots.txt` for search engine optimization. ``` "url": "https://11ty-beer.vercel.app", ``` ### Description The default description if the `description` string in the frontmatter is not filled. Example of the usage: `` ``` "description": "Welcome to my blog, powered by 11ty & GMX.css.", ``` ## GitHub Repository The github repository which used for hosting the website code. Example of the usage: The "View source of this page" and "Edit this page" button in posts. ``` "ghRepo": "LIGMATV/11ty-beer", ``` ## Keywords The default keywords if the `tags` array in the frontmatter is not filled. Example of the usage: `` ``` "keywords": ["eleventy", "material", "pwa"], ``` ## Social items Used in the footer. There's a 3 strings for every arrays you need to fill. 1. `title`: The title/name of the social media. 2. `url`: The social media URL. 3. `icon`: The logo for the website. You can find the logo names in [Simple Icons](https://simpleicons.org/). ``` "socialItems": [ { "title": "Feed", "url": "/feed.xml", "icon": "rss" }, { "title": "GitHub", "url": "https://github.com/LIGMATV/11ty-beer", "icon": "github" }, { "title": "DEV.to", "url": "https://dev.to/ligmatv", "icon": "devdotto" } ], ``` ## Menu items Used as lists in sidebar menu. There are 3 strings for every arrays you need to fill. 1. `title`: The title of the page. 2. `url`: The link to the page. For triggering with [`data-ui`](https://github.com/beercss/beercss/blob/main/docs/JAVASCRIPT.md#the-trigger-of-elements), use `javascript:ui('...')`. 3. `icon`: The icon that is presenting the page. You can find the icon names in [Google Fonts](https://fonts.google.com/icons). ``` "menuItems": [ { "title": "Home", "url": "/", "icon": "home" }, { "title": "Posts", "url": "javascript:ui('#dialog-posts');", "icon": "pages" }, { "title": "Tags", "url": "javascript:ui('#dialog-tags');", "icon": "sell" }, { "title": "Theme", "url": "javascript:ui('#dialog-themes');", "icon": "palette" } ] ```