#!/bin/bash set -u GIT_REPO="LIMXTEC" GIT_PROJECT="BTDX-Masternode-Setup" DOCKER_REPO="limxtec" IMAGE_NAME="btdx-masternode" IMAGE_TAG="" #BTDX Version CONFIG="/home/bitcloud/.bitcloud/bitcloud.conf" CONTAINER_NAME="btdx-masternode" DEFAULT_PORT="8329" RPC_PORT="8330" TOR_PORT="9050" WEB="bit-cloud.info/files" # without "https://" and without the last "/" (only HTTPS accepted) BOOTSTRAP="bootstrap.tar.gz" IP=$(curl -s https://bit-cloud.info/showip.php) # # Color definitions # RED='\033[0;31m' GREEN='\033[0;32m' NO_COL='\033[0m' BTDX_COL='\033[0;36m' # # Check if bitcloud.conf already exist. Set masternode genkey # clear REUSE="No" printf "\nDOCKER SETUP FOR ${BTDX_COL}BITCLOUD (BTDX) V${IMAGE_TAG}${NO_COL} MASTERNODE SERVER\n" printf "\nSetup Config file" printf "\n-----------------\n" if [ -f "$CONFIG" ] then printf "\nFound $CONFIG on your system.\n" printf "\nDo you want to re-use this existing config file?\n" printf "Enter [Y]es or [N]o and Hit [ENTER]: " read REUSE fi if [[ $REUSE =~ "N" ]] || [[ $REUSE =~ "n" ]]; then read -e -p "Is this IP-address $IP your VPS IP-address? [Y/n]: " ipaddress if [[ ("$ipaddress" == "n" || "$ipaddress" == "N") ]]; then printf "\nEnter the IP-address of your ${BTDX_COL}BitCloud${NO_COL} Masternode VPS and Hit [ENTER]: " read BTDX_IP else BTDX_IP=$(echo $IP) fi printf "Enter your ${BTDX_COL}BitCloud${NO_COL} Masternode genkey respond and Hit [ENTER]: " read MN_KEY else source $CONFIG BTDX_IP=$(echo $externalip) MN_KEY=$(echo $masternodeprivkey) fi # # Docker Installation # if ! type "docker" > /dev/null; then curl -fsSL https://get.docker.com | sh fi # # Firewall Setup # printf "\nDownload needed Helper-Scripts" printf "\n------------------------------\n" wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/${GIT_REPO}/${GIT_PROJECT}/master/check_os.sh -O check_os.sh chmod +x ./check_os.sh source ./check_os.sh rm ./check_os.sh wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/${GIT_REPO}/${GIT_PROJECT}/master/firewall_config.sh -O firewall_config.sh chmod +x ./firewall_config.sh source ./firewall_config.sh ${DEFAULT_PORT} ${RPC_PORT} ${TOR_PORT} rm ./firewall_config.sh # # Pull docker images and run the docker container # printf "\nStart Docker container" printf "\n----------------------\n" sudo docker ps | grep ${CONTAINER_NAME} >/dev/null if [ $? -eq 0 ];then printf "${RED}Conflict! The container name \'${CONTAINER_NAME}\' is already in use.${NO_COL}\n" printf "\nDo you want to stop the running container to start the new one?\n" printf "Enter [Y]es or [N]o and Hit [ENTER]: " read STOP if [[ $STOP =~ "Y" ]] || [[ $STOP =~ "y" ]]; then docker stop ${CONTAINER_NAME} else printf "\nDocker Setup Result" printf "\n----------------------\n" printf "${RED}Canceled the Docker Setup without starting ${BTDX_COL}BitCloud${RED} Masternode Docker Container.${NO_COL}\n\n" exit 1 fi fi docker rm ${CONTAINER_NAME} >/dev/null docker pull ${DOCKER_REPO}/${IMAGE_NAME}:${IMAGE_TAG} docker run \ --rm \ -p ${DEFAULT_PORT}:${DEFAULT_PORT} \ -p ${RPC_PORT}:${RPC_PORT} \ -p ${TOR_PORT}:${TOR_PORT} \ --name ${CONTAINER_NAME} \ -e BTDX_IP="${BTDX_IP}" \ -e MN_KEY="${MN_KEY}" \ -e WEB="${WEB}" \ -e BOOTSTRAP="${BOOTSTRAP}" \ -v /home/bitcloud:/home/bitcloud:rw \ -d ${DOCKER_REPO}/${IMAGE_NAME}:${IMAGE_TAG} # # Show result and give user instructions # clear printf "\nDocker Setup Result" printf "\n----------------------\n" sudo docker ps | grep ${CONTAINER_NAME} >/dev/null if [ $? -ne 0 ];then printf "${RED}Sorry! Something went wrong. :(${NO_COL}\n" else printf "${GREEN}GREAT! Your ${BTDX_COL}BitCloud (v${IMAGE_TAG}) ${GREEN} Masternode Docker Container is running now! :)${NO_COL}\n" printf "\nShow your running docker container \'${CONTAINER_NAME}\' with 'docker ps'\n" sudo docker ps | grep ${CONTAINER_NAME} printf "\nJump inside the ${BTDX_COL}BitCloud (BTDX)${NO_COL} Masternode Docker Container with ${GREEN}'docker exec -it ${CONTAINER_NAME} bash'${NO_COL}\n" printf "\nCheck Log Output of ${BTDX_COL}BitCloud (BTDX)${NO_COL} Masternode with ${GREEN}'docker logs ${CONTAINER_NAME}'${NO_COL}\n" printf "${GREEN}HAVE FUN!${NO_COL}\n\n" fi