from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory from pathlib import Path from shutil import copytree, rmtree from subprocess import run from json import dump from typing import List, Optional from argparse import ArgumentParser def clone(repo_url: str, location: Path): run( ["git", "clone", repo_url, location.as_posix()], check=True, capture_output=True ) def copy_site(repo: Path, site_subdir: str, site_path: Path): copytree(repo / site_subdir, site_path) def get_tags(repo: Path, contains: Optional[str]) -> List[str]: if contains: tag_result = run( ["git", "tag", "--contains", contains], cwd=repo.as_posix(), check=True, capture_output=True, text=True, ) tags = tag_result.stdout.splitlines() tags.reverse() return tags else: tag_result = run(["git", "tag"], check=True, capture_output=True, text=True) tags = tag_result.stdout.splitlines() tags.reverse() return tags def create_versions_manifest(tags: List[str], current_tag: int, manifest_path: Path): versions = [{"path": tag, "title": tag} for tag in tags] latest = tags[0] versions.insert(0, {"title": latest, "label": "Latest"}) manifest = {"current": current_tag, "versions": versions} with"w") as manifest_file: dump(manifest, manifest_file) def switch(repo: Path, tag: str): run(["git", "checkout", tag], cwd=repo.as_posix(), check=True) def copy_content(repo: Path, site_subdir: str, site_path: Path): rmtree(site_path / "content") copytree((repo / site_subdir) / "content", site_path / "content") def build(site_dir: Path, base_url: str, current_tag: str): run( [ "hugo", "--baseURL", f"{base_url}/{current_tag}", "--destination", f"public/{current_tag}", ], cwd=site_dir.as_posix(), check=True, ) def main(): parser = ArgumentParser( description="Build multi-version Satellite sites from Git tags." ) parser.add_argument("repository", help="Git repository to build from") parser.add_argument( "--subdir", default=".", help="Hugo site subdirectory in Git repo" ) parser.add_argument("--start", help="Git tag or commit to start at") parser.add_argument( "--base-url", required=True, help="Base URL to build the site for" ) parser.add_argument( "--output", type=Path, default=Path("build_output"), help="Output directory", ) args = parser.parse_args() repo_url = args.repository site_subdir = args.subdir includes = args.start base_url = args.base_url.removesuffix("/") output = args.output with TemporaryDirectory() as temp_dir: temp_path = Path(temp_dir) clone(repo_url, temp_path / "repo") copy_site(temp_path / "repo", site_subdir, temp_path / "site") tags = get_tags(temp_path / "repo", includes) (temp_path / "site/data").mkdir() create_versions_manifest(tags, 0, temp_path / "site/data/versions.json") build(temp_path / "site", base_url, "") for index, tag in enumerate(tags): create_versions_manifest( tags, index + 1, temp_path / "site/data/versions.json" ) switch(temp_path / "repo", tag) copy_content(temp_path / "repo", site_subdir, temp_path / "site") build(temp_path / "site", base_url, tag) copytree(temp_path / "site/public", output) if __name__ == "__main__": main()